#one day i'll be quiet but right now i'm TRYING to make my blog have like....... my interstes on it...
leoascendente · 3 months
PAC/ Your destined person 💘
Hi loves and welcome to this new PAC! I'll be taking a time from this blog to focus on another projects, it doesn't mean that this blog will be unactive, it is just that I won't post that much pacs or astrology, I'll be more focused in my Spanish blog for a while. Anyway, private readings will still be open and from time to time I'll post something over here because Tumblr is and always will be my safe place.
Take a deep breath before choosig your pile and pick the picture you feel called the most, because this is a general reading it doesn't have to fully resonate, keep what does and leave what doesn't for somebody else, you can always choose another pile :)
For private readings click here
My blog in Spanish here
Decks: Romantic tarot, dark wood tarot, tea leafs oracle, romance angels oracle, love oracle cards
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Pile 1:
Who is your destined person?:
(Cards: 6 of swords, 3 of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, moon, hermit, queen of wands, king of swords/ hermit rev, death, wheel of fortune, 5 of pentacles, sun)
This person probably comes from a very different backgroud than you, it will seem like you don't have much in common at first, they have probably moved from the place they were born and are getting used to the new place. They are a hard worker, right now they are putting a lot of effort in this area of their life, probably to help financially their beloved ones, I'm hearing to help their parents, they are so focused in making money that they are not nurturing other aspects of their life like socializing, the good thing is that they don't seem to care about it. They got the hermit with two different decks, once upright and another time on reversed, it gives me the feeling that they feel very comfortable in their solitude but at the same time they are craving significative connections and a reason to get out of their isolation, for some reason they feel very exhausted but they can't sleep at night, they are like an owl, by night they seem to be more active even though they should be super tired because their work is exhausting (I'm writting this at 13:31 on my clock, maybe it's a relevant number for you or this connection). This person has some emotional issues that keeps them up at night, it's like they need these few extra hours of the day that they are taking from their resting time to relax when the rest of the world is quiet, maybe it's because they are far from home or because they miss their family, because this is related to their emotional world but for what I see here they are thinking too much about others and not about themselves and their mental peace. Anyway, this person is really attractive, for what I see in the cards, they have some not-so-secret admirers that are chasing them or looking desperately for their attention, whatever they are trying is not working with your person, your person seems to be an introvert or at least, they need to feel emotionally connected to something or someone to invest their energy fully on it, I could even say that they are a little shy when it comes to interact with other people. this person has an strong masculine energy, also I keep hearing the word resilient so this may be the most noticable trait about them, the thing here with the admirers is that they are chasing your person, like taking the masculine role but only for their outside appearance, your person seems to need something more to connect with someone and they prefer to court that to be courted. Right now they are closing chapters, there's a massive divine intervention in their life even if they are not aware of this, this is happening for their highest good because they need to get out of this hermit mode and start experiencing good things. They seem to be a little apathic and their lack of rest could be affecting their health too, even if they want it or not, a change is coming to align them, there will be a shift in their luck very soon, especially to help them financially because they seem to be struggling in this aspect. your person is really calmed and peaceful, very goal oriented and commited to what's important to them, you'll love the kind of person they are and the peace they'll bring to your life.
Your connection:
(Cards: deception, new love, this could be the one, playfulness/ girl with a snake, heartbroken, the phoenix, heart with a key, wedding rings)
Okay, your person had a very tough relationship with a toxic person that played with their heart and left them in the dust, this might be one of the reasons why they are avoiding so much human contact, especially with romantic interests, their heart is still recovering from this heartbreak. When you appear in their life, everything will trasform, it will be so magical and unexpected that they won't know what to do, you'll catch them off guard, everything will feel different with you, it's like they've been in a grey and clouded place and you appear to make the sun shine again in their life. This past relationship marked them but knowing you will make them realize that not everyone is the same, you will make them gain hope in love again, it will happen naturally and your relationship will be blossoming peacefully but with certainty, from the first moments they'll know that you are meant for them and will work to make you know it. This is a soulmate connection so you'll feel very comfortable with eachother like you know the other from a very long time, I see a lot of funny dates together, like an exhibition of some kind (I'm translating directly from google but I mean those places wih a ferris wheel, bumper cars, cotton candy and those places where you get a teddy bear if you drop all the bottle from the shelf, something that sort, please comment me the correct name of this lol). An important thing I see here is that your person might be shy at first and will try to make things the right way, not forcing anything, but what I like the most is that even though they have their heart wounded, they won't pay this pain with you, in fact, you'll be a reason to stop thinking about the past pain and focusing on the precious future you could share together, you'll ignite them faith in life, they'll find motivation again, they might even realize that they weren't as comfortable in their solitude as they wanted to project. I see a fast commitment, I also see that they will leave you the key of their home so you can stay there even when they are working, they'll try to make you part of their day to day life and will be very honest with your from the start, you can ask them anything and they will respond with all the truth, even if the truth doesn't leave them in good place, they want you to know every detail about them, you can also trust in them to share whatever you want, they will be super understanding and compassionate.
(Tea leafs: sunrise, woman, feather, bull, desk, scissors, caterpillar)
By the moment you are about to meet your person, you'll be finding out the true intentions of a woman in your life, I don't know why but the energy of this woman gives me really bad vibe, like a two faced person, is someone that you should put distance with in order to protect your energy because in terms of love she could often have bad experiences and she will not be happy for you when you find your soulmate. There also this message of not sharing your ideas about the future, not just in love but about your goals or plans in work too, if you are thinking about initiate something by your own just keep it private for a while, or at least just share it with your closest ones because this woman or femenine energy around you don't what you to thrive. The good thing is that you got the card of the sunrise, so you'll be having a lot of new ideas that will lead you to find success, I'd suggest you to write down those ideas,take time to organize them and start implementing them in aries season, at the beggining of the spring, energies will be at your favor. For your person they'll be working really hard, there might be a chance for a rise or getting a higher position in their work field and they'll be focused into that, for others of you there might also be the chance that your person will be getting another job with a better salary, I'm getting especially this second option because your person seems to be very unhappy in their current job and they need better conditions, it also seems like there is some opposition from someone in their work and your person has to keep themselves in a defensive position to deal with it and they don't want this no more, they know they deserve a healthier work enviroment, maybe there's an abusive boss here. There's the possibility that you are really close to meet eachother because of the cards on tarot and this message so be aware of your surroundings because your person is closer than you imagine :)
Channeled messages: a puppy, sexy but don't know it, romantic dates, strong arms, meet them in a public place like a park, a market or a place with art or literature involved like museums or book stores, gift giving, a soft pink or white dress, night dates, overthinking, financial struggle, 999, 1333, virgo, scorpio, cancer and leo, might be seasons for you two meet or your person's sign.
Pile 2:
Who is your destined person?
(Cards: 9 of wands, 4 of swords, 7 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, justice, death, world/ devil, justice, queen of pentacles, judgement, king of wands)
Okay, lets start saying that you know this person but never had anything romantic with them besides a crush for some of you, they are someone that is familiar to you, maybe you have talked at some point or is simplier than that and you follow them on social media or something that sort, you know eachother but there's almost any interaction between you two. I usually say on private readings when I see that the consultant know their person that Universe has a wicked sense of humor and sometimes, this person can be so random as your crush on primary school, someone you talked once in a party, a friend of a friend and those kind of things, so don't be dissapointed when you see that you know your person because many times, even though you know them, they can be the most random person you could ever imagine. Right now your person is going through some legal issues, it can be a divorce for some of you but for others it might be more related to an spiritual awakening where they are taking resposibility over things they have done in the past, like paying some karma and realizing why they are paying it. The good thing is that your person is closing a chapter, this awakening can be hard, because of the devil card, but it also will bring them a big relief and a change in their reality for the best, there's also a change in their way to face life. For what I see in the cards, your person is wealthy or well positioned in life, probably has a high position in their work field, for some they can work in something related to laws but is an enviroment with a lot of competition and stabs in the back, you have to be a little ruthless to thrive in that area, there's also a chance that they already have a child or kids near them, if you have children, your person will get along very well with your kid too. Your person has an strong temper, the good part of it is that they are very protective of what they love and don't mind getting into trouble if that means keeping their beloved ones safe. The not so good part is that they can be too impulsive and irrational when angry, their passionate spirit can take the best from them sometimes, they will be your total opposite so if you have a natural calmed and peaceful temper this pile is for you. Your person is someone brave, a natural extrovert with a lot of charisma, they can draw all the attention of a room to them just with an smile, they are also very sexy, physically they are extremely attractive, they could also be a Libra or Sagittarius sun sign. Your person hasn't been an angel in their past, even though they are a nice person with a good heart, it seems like they did ot take the best decitions in their past and now they are regreting some mistakes. They are really handsome and charming, I see they haven't faced rejection in their past and that has led them to be too confident, they are the kind of person who always gets what they want, do you know Dexter from the show One Day? your person reminds me of him in the good and the bad traits. Anyway, they recently had an experience that made them realize the path they were taking and they want a diferent direction, they don't feel fulfilled and knows that can get something better for themselves, they are also facing the consequences of their actions si they might need some extra time to get into your life.
Your connection:
(Cards: this could be the one, trust, children, worth waiting for/ talking, golden mirror, sword and rose, self indulgence, love call)
You'll share a very special bond, I see trust issues from both of you but at the moment you start something together those issues will fade, it's like your souls will recognize that you both are meant for eachother, feelings will bloom naturally. I see different scenarios for your pile so take what resonates with you, for the people who already know who this person is, the cards invite you to keep hopeful but patient, just trust the Universe and focus on your bussiness meanwhile your person puts their life in order and solve the issues they are currently dealing with, you deserve to enjoy their best version. For others of you who can't figure out yet who your person is, the cards have a similar meaning, to stay optimistic visualizing your ideal relationship, you'll have to wait a little more than the other piles because your person is dealing with issues they need to resolve before meeting you, again, you deserve to enjoy their best version, your vibration is very high so having your person right now in your life with their current circumstances could affect negatively your energy, so this wait is a divine protection for you. Things will start by flirting between both of you, maybe some casual dates at first but for what see in the cards, there's a lot of communication here and it makes sense because through communication trust gets reinforced and that's what you both need. You both will be very different but will have so much in common, your experiences in life or even your tastes or hobbies, your favorite artist or the kind of music you like, it will start by something simple but then you'll realize how similar you truly are, you will mirror eachother in every aspect, for some with an spiritual development I see this person is your twin flame. A nice thing a like about your person is that they will allow you to stay in your femenine energy, the card of self indulgence gives me the feeling that they'll provide for the things you like, just as an example, if you are into a saga of books but you don't have enough money to afford everyone of them so you go buy it one by one, your person will buy you all the saga so you can enjoy your hobbies. For some of you I even see that your person pays for your beauty treatments like getting your lashes or nails done. I see that they'll like to take a protective role with you, if you are easilly stressed, especially in regards of legal matters or burocracy, your person will take care of it so you don't have to worry, if you have any dream or goal you want to achieve your person will also provide you a safe space so you can develop it, especially for those of you who are into arts or something that involves creativity
(Tea leafs: teapot, mule, wreath, shield, stork, wedge, heart)
Your signs to know when your person is about to enter your life will be a dissapointment with a friendship of your same sex, you might have an idea of who this person is because you have been seeing red flags from them in the past but you have turned a blind eye with them, especially in terms of stubborness and not wanting to change their habits. I'm getting that they are the kind to mourn and complain over things that they could easilly change, even you could have given them advices in the past but this person is unwilling to change for the better so you'll have to take them out of your life before your person comes. The tea leafs say that this won't be easy for you because you love and appreciate this person but by having them in your life you have to stay in a protective state, the shield warns you that you need to protect yourself from this person because they are consuming your energies. For your person, they'll be in a process of creating something new, I'm getting that it will be related to work, they'll be moving in silence because there's someone near them that don't want your person to be successful in this new project, anyway the project will thrive regardless of what other people try to mess with it. Your person will be just about to get their victory when they get in a deeper contact with you, they'll feel like things are getting better for them after everything they had to go through, you'll be like their ultimate victory. They'll know it's you because they'll feel safe by your side, having in mind that they are surrounded by snakes, getting in contact with you will feel for them like being in precence of angels.
Channeled messages: protect yourself from evil eye, black turmaline, long term relationship, karmic debts, late night conversations, a lot of sexual energy, love letters, release the old so the new can enter, the goddess Kali, law of attraction, subliminal audios, stay in your femenine energy, the bee and the flower, trust the process, 1111, 222, sagittarius, libra, scorpio
Pile 3:
Who is your destined person?
(Cards: queen of cups, king of pentacles, queen of pentacles, 3 of wands, fool, king of cups, 10 of pentacles/ ace of wands, 8 of pentacles rev, 5 of swords rev, judgement, emperor)
This person is your soulmate/twin flame, they are your divine counterpart so you will notice it from the very first moment you meet them. Getting into who your person is, they come from a wealthy background, their family seem to be very rich to say the least, they have been a pampered child all their life, in fact, if they work is because they want to not because they need to. Your person has been raised by parents that are soulmates so they know what true love is and knows that they want that type of connection for them too, they are a romantic and are not afraid to express it, they are also very well mannered so expect them to be chilvalrous with you, they are a true gentleman. They are so open to love that is overwhelming, they fantazise an daydream a lot about you, how you look, your way to walk and your smell, they have you so much in their head but they feel frustration not knowing who you are and when you will appear, they look for you everywhere they go and in every person they meet, yu cold even feel their energy calling you, if you have romantic dreams with someone but you can see their face clearly it is your person calling you in, you can intuitively feel them, I'm also getting that if you are able to see the face of someone familiar to you in dreams like a famous person just check that person you dream about because they might reselble the characteristics of your person. They have a melancholic soul, like a poet from another century, they are very deep and emotional, they have so much love inside they want to offer but they feel frustrated because they don't find the right person to share it with, they don't want only to share love they want someone to share all their life with, they feel like they already have it all to live a happy life but there's this missing peace of wanting to share all their abundance with someone else. There's this phrase of the movie 'into the wild' (my favourite movie ever <3) that says 'happiness is only real when it's shared', I feel that your person resonates a lot with this phrase, they have people they love around but they crave a romantic connection to create a family with, btw, they are really into marriage and family, they also like children and animals and they love your person too. Your person has a sensitive heart and the pain of their solitude has led them to get involved with people with superficial intentions or toxic behaviors, mostly because of your person's money, they had a relationship in the past that left them feeling empty and that's why now they are giving themselves time to be alone and with their family, I see they have siblings that are playing a major role into your person's emotional healing. Idk if you'll know about this book, it's called fallen hearts by V.C Andrews, it is part of the Casteel saga but the character that reminds me of your person appears on the second book, his name is Troy Tatterton, I suggest you to read it or let me know if you already know them :). I also see that your person has traveled a lot, for some of you, you could even live at distanced places where you'd had to travel to see eachother, it may be in one of your person's journeys where they finally meet you.
The connection:
(Cards: true love, getting to know eachother, playfulness, wedding/ casette, hammer, camera, separation, twin flames)
Oh goddess, this is so beautiful it makes me want to cry! If it was up to your person they would marry you as soon as they meet you, after all their painful journey, when you appear in their life they'll feel like the skies will open up only for them, they'll know it's you and will court you from the very first moment, they will be flirty but charming at the same time, I see you'll feel the same too. Even though that feelings will be intense at first, you both will make the effort to get to know eachother on deeper levels to check your chemistry and compatibility, everything will feel light and easy, you'll get along super well, they'll make you feel like you are in a safe place, if you are naturally introverted they'll make you feel protected and, in case you are an hyper independent person, you'll feel like you can finally relax and release some of the weight over your shoulders. At some point you'll have distance between you two but it won't separate you, I see you will make the best of every moment you spend together and, after a little time your person will offer you a seious commitment so you can start your life together as a couple, it might also be a soon engagement. I see that you'll be watching the pictures and videos you make together, especially if decide to travel, I see a fancy cabin near a forest where you are staying together to spend some alone time with nobody else there to bother you. The time you spend separated will play a major role for you two to decide that you want to be together forever, I see that your person will have a harder time being away from you, that's why they won't hesitate at the moment of offering you commitment, probably they give you a promise ring or tell you to get married, it will happen sooner than usual but both of you will feel certain about this relationship and what you want from it, you'll fit like puzle pieces and you'll both will understand why things didn't work with anybody else in the past.
(Tea leafs: gong, key, shark, caterpillar, dagger, camel, unicorn, carriage)
For you, you'll be receiving good news about something you have done, it will be something exciting for you, a successful outcome for something you put a lot of effort in, you could even celebrate it with your close ones because this will make you very happy. There's a little warning for you about being responsible with your money but also I see you could loose something important like a jewel or something with big material value like a phone or something that sort, so if you suddently loose soemthing important take it as a sign that your person is about to enter your life. For your person I'd confirm what I said before about the trip, the carriage means a journey either be a mental or physical but I feel that it's a trip for vacation. This journey is because they have been through a period of worries and stress, they just have solved a problem before making this trip, this solution will involve some changes in their life that will align them with their highest good so, overcoming this obstacle will finally lead them to you, their most desired wish. They'll be taking a time to release all the tension they've been holding, it is surely oon holidays so check the calendar just in case, they'll be with more people in this journey, probably their siblings, your meeting will be something spontaneous, neither of you will be expetiing it
Channeled messages: Water sign, earth moon sign, family money, colors red and green, divine counterparts, white doves and sunflowers, many options in love, send you romantic phrases or pictures that reminds them of you, settle down, a midset change, aries season, 777, 1818
Pile 4:
Who is your destined person?:
(Cards: knight of wands, 10 of cups, moon, queen of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, knight of swords/ 7 of cups rev, 9 of swords, queen of pentacles, fool, empress)
Your person got the queen of pentacles repeated with two different tarot decks, this gives me the feeling that they feel plenty with the current direction of their life, with the 10 of cups I'd confirm that they feel happy and fulfilled and everything is working out for your person. Besides that luck is on their side naturally, your person has fought to be in the place they are right now, they are following their passion and vocation and being loyal to their heart has lead them to success and recognition, they are also very optimistic and knows how to see the good side of things at every situation. Your person reminds me of Eli from Boy swallows universe (please watch the show, it's awesome and you'll love Eli), your person is brave, independent and resourceful, even daring sometimes, they are loyal to their truth and their heart, in fact I see they can be a little obsessed with finding out the truth of things so they could even be into conspiracy theories or things that sort. Your person is a wanderer, a curious soul but with a grounded spirit, they can be wild sometimes but they know their own limits and knows when to stop, they are really down to earth and mature on the important matters but very lighthearted and spontaneus when the ocassion requires it. They have been through seriouus things in the past, they may have some unresolved heavy trauma they didn't gave themselves the chance to solve it so they might act reckless sometimes, but the good thing is that they have an strong moral compass and value system they keep loyal at every moment, betray their values would feel like betraying themselves and that's something they don't want to go through. Your person can be an unintentional heartbreaker, they don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but it's easy for people to catch feelings for your person, is something about their aura or their energy, they are so warm and gentle that everybody feels drawn to them and can't help but develop feelings for them, they are easy to be loved. Your person is really smart, they could be air dominant in their chart because they also seem like having a talent with words or being a great communicator, they are also very funny so expect to laugh a lot with them, they might be younger than you or it's simply that they have a youthful energy, whatever it is they have this childlike energy that makes them lovely. Your person has this golden retirever energy that everyone likes, they are also very friendly and seems to have it easy to create friendships with other people, their sense of humor is a plus on this aspect too, they are a sweetheart with a loving heart but they are also very hard working and commited to what they think is right, you'll feel super comfortable by their side, even though they could be younger they will give off very mature and reliable energy.
The connection:
(Cards: Keep an open mind, retreat, flirt, love yourself first, chemistry/ the sword and rose, girl talk, cupid's arrow, sunglasses, engagement ring)
Okay, at first they might not be your usual type or the kind of person you would be interested in, for some, your person could be younger than you and that could be a turn off for you. Your connection will bloom progressively by creating a friendship first, besides the fact that your person will be very into you from the very first moment, they'll prefer to respect your times and show you they are worthy of your love, they will feel like they are out of your league for some reason. You might run from them at a certain moment because you get confused with your emotions, especially for those of you reading this that are a water moon, you'll need some time to reflect on your emotions and realize that there's an inmense chemistry between you two, maybe this distance you take serves you as a reassurance of how drawn you feel to this person, they'll have a bad time with this retreat but for you will be very healing and enlightning. I see that there's a female or dominant femenine energy in your life you trust so much, that person is very reliable and wise, don't doubt to ask them for advice because she will bring you clarity about the situation, I'm glad to say that you have an amazing support system, count on that female friend when you need mental clarity because she will be very honest, for some of you this person could be a sister. During this separation you might think that your person is focused into their bussiness but they'll be into stalker mode (positively, of course), checking up on you, they might even ask someone close to you how you are doing just to know about you, they'll also be checking your social media to know about you, they won't do it in a creepy way, they'll feel the same pull to you but they have a harder time trying to contain their emotions, the good thing is that you seem to be very intuitive so you'll know when their energy is trying to approach you. They'll be so in love with you, it feels like they fell first but you'll fall harder after a while, you both are soulmates so, even though you'll try to fight your feelings, you can't help but fall for this person, and after you see how much they are willing to offer and their true esence you'll fall for them (I'm writting this at 15:15 on my clock in case it's a relevant number for you). They'll wear their heart on their sleeve, they'll be very protective of you and won't allow any disrispect to you, they can be cutthroating if anybody tries to mess with you, tey'll feel so honnoured by you focusing on them that they will try to make you the happiest person ever everyday of your life, they can't believe their luck by finding a person like you and receiving love from you, this connection will be an equal give and take, you both will do everything for the other to make them happy.
(Tea leafs: dolphin, windchimes, fox, broken ring, bull, needle and thread, ant, table)
For you, you'll be in a very nice moment of your life when you are about to meet your person, you'll be receiving a big amount of money because of something you did in the past, like a material reward. This material abundance will give you a feeling of peace and relief, you have the chance to have some vacations or free time by yourself, I see you a little secretive about this, like you don't want anybody to ruin this good time, you may also be silent about the amount of money you receive. For your person, they'll be dettaching from someone or something, the broken ring is usually associated with romance but I feel it more related to bussiness so they might be changing their job for a healthiest enviroment (if you felt called to pile 1 I suggest you to check it), it seems like their current work field is forcing your person to sacrifice themselves and keeps them in a defensive position. They'll have to work hard but it will bring them stability and security.
Channeled messages: Acts of service, getting a pet together, a cat person, sleep problems, full moons affect their mood, white horses and moths, vivid dreams, sitcoms, a lot of laugh, mental fog, meditation, 1212, 444, taurus, gemini, aquarius
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dotster001 · 5 months
When You Escape Him; Ignihyde
Summary: Yandere Idia x gn!reader. He adopts a child that looks like the two of you. You run to give you both a chance at life. You never expected him to find you.
A/N: okay, here's the thing. I know technically Ortho is one of the first year crew now, and thus, he is technically as old as we are. However, in my head he has been ten years old for so long that it's hard for me to see him that way. I tried to think of a way this could work platonically, and I came up with nothing for this prompt. So no Ortho for this one. Sorry friends 🤷🏼‍♀️ also, I know this is not an 18+ blog, so some of you are minors, in which case, I am not judging you for liking Ortho, if that is the case. I'm just saying it's a no for me.
CW: tranquilizer darts, minor character death, yandere stuff
Other Parts: Heartslaybul Savannaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Diasomnia Non NRC Staff
Three years into your relationship, he had come home and placed a baby in your arms.
"They were left in a box, all alone. And, well, he looks like if the two of us had a child," he sheepishly stared at the ground. "I just, I just figured it must be a gift from the seven."
You knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to tie himself to you through this boy. He looked just like him, and you were disgusted and scared.
Until he opened his eyes for the first time, and you found yourself staring into your own.
And you knew. You had to give this child the opportunity for a better life. A life without him.
In the end, your son did the opposite of what he had intended. And the first moment you could, the two of you had escaped.
Tumblr media
You couldn't help but be…. suspicious. Idia had only grown smarter, and more creative over the years, which made you wonder…did Idia build your son? Flaming blue hair wasn't common.
But he aged normally. So he couldn't be an Idia creation. So maybe it really was a coincidence?
Not something you could worry about right now as the two of you hid from S.T.Y.X robots. 
The fact that you'd made it a year was pretty good, if you were being honest. You didn't have clearance to leave the Isle of Woe, but a scorned ex employee of Idia’s had let you stay hidden in his home. He didn't even make you pay rent because, in his words, keeping that pretentious bastard's favorite things away from him was payment enough. Aside from that little spiel, he was a sweet guy. Which is probably why he was fired. 
But someone must have ratted you both out. You'd heard a shot downstairs, followed by his pained groan. A groan that was only as loud as it was for the sole purpose of alerting someone hiding upstairs.
You were hiding under the bed, with your son. The man had lined the beds with materials the S.T.Y.X bots couldn't scan through. You didn't have much faith though. Not that you had a plan if you did manage to hide from the bots. Either way, this was probably game over for you.
But you'd rather game over didn't come from Idia.
You stayed quiet under the bed, as you heard the bots start wrecking rooms. One particularly loud crash woke the baby. You hurriedly rushed to calm him, but he started crying. You couldn't blame a kid for being a kid. 
Bots rushed to your room, and threw the bed you were hiding under across the room. They all pointed their tranquilizers at you, as one of the bots stomachs displayed Idia’s visage.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, please come home,” he cried. You didn't even know how to respond to that. You would have thought he'd be angry, but that would have been out of character for him.
“I know, I'm the absolute worst, but I'll be better for you! Please don't keep my son from me!”
Bargaining. Nice.
“I'll let you go outside for an hour a day. I'll buy you whatever you want. Please, please,please, please, please.”
“Oh my God! Idia! What I want is fucking freedom!” You snapped as you continued to try and calm the boy.
“I…I can't…”
“Yes you can!”
“I need you!”
“Well I don't want you!”
His eyes widened for a moment, completely taken aback. Then they narrowed, as he bit his lip in disdain. 
One of the bots hit you with a tranquilizer dart. You cried out, but were quickly distracted from the pain as a bot took your son from your quickly numbing arms.
“No,” you groaned, reaching out as quickly as your body would let you, which was not very fast.
Your eyesight was darkening as the bots began to leave the room, leaving you alone with the bot projecting Idia.
“If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Your vision faded as you were left alone in the room, a single tear rolling down your cheek.
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judesmoonbeauty · 2 months
Crown's S-Rank Mission Story Event: Jude Jazza's 95k Bonus Story
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This is a fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Re-blogs are appreciated, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. Translator Notes are marked with*** Dividers: @/natimiles
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Victor: Now....this mission is to infiltrate the mansion of a trader who is conducting illegal human trafficking.
Victor: I want you to go to his mansion and find hard evidence of his involvement in human trafficking.
Victor spreads a detailed document on his desk. On it was a picture of a man who appeared to be the target.
Ellis: Oh, this guy…….
Kate: Do you know him?
Ellis: He's the one who's been clashing with Jude lately saying, "I'm a better merchant".
Jude: ….Ah. That guy, I remember him.
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Ellis: If I recall correctly, last month he said, "The subordinates I have with me are stronger."
Kate: So, what happened?
Jude: Ellis sank his opponent in seconds.
(Ellis, as expected……)
Jude: It doesn't seem like much of a mission, but do we hafta take this one along too?
Jude points at me with his chin and asks Victor.
Victor: The mansion is large. Wouldn't it be easier to search if you had someone to help you?
Victor: Or is there a reason why you can't take Kate with you?
Jude: ….. I don't mind. Even if I tell ya not to come, you'll come, so at the very least, don't slow me down.
Kate: ….Understood.
It seems that the target merchant's mansion has a lot of servants coming and going.
I went undercover as a maid and Ellis as a gardener, and so we each searched for documents.
(Okay, I was able to sneak in as a maid safely……)
(Jude arranged to buy us some time by talking business with the target, so let's find the documents while we can.)
Housemaid: The new arrival, Kate..... was it? Can you go clean the master's room now that we're done here?
Kate: Yes! I’m coming!
I searched the room for a while, looking for anything suspicious, but could not find the documents.
(I don't think it's in this room...I think it's time to search another place.)
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Merchant: Hmm? You must be the new maid.
Just as I was about to leave the room, the merchant came in.
Kate: Ah, yes! I just finished cleaning!
(Why are you here?! Jude should be stalling you for time!)
Merchant: I see. Then, you can take a break here.
Merchant: I was just thinking of playing with a girl like you.
The man's hand reached out and forcefully grabbed my shoulder.
Kate: Oh, no, you can't be serious…….
Merchant: Did you refuse too? 
Seriously, most of the servants these days are so cowardly that they yell at you, and quit only after messing with them a little bit.
(That's the reason why there are so many servants coming and going……?!)
Merchant: If you had some money, you'd keep quiet too. Here, I'll give you this.
The man takes out a bill, shoves it into my apron pocket, and leans in close.
Kate: Stop….
(I'm scared! But if I make a fuss here, I'll ruin the mission…..!)
(Somehow, I have to get through this peacefully……)
Frustrated, I try to think of a way out, but nothing comes to mind.
At that moment, the door to the room suddenly opened.
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Jude: You're so lively for the middle of the day.
Merchant: Hey…….Jude Jazza! How did you get here?
Jude: I offered ya a business meeting, but ya didn't show up at the table, so I came to pick ya up. Cry with joy.
Jude: Time is money. If you're a merchant, ya understand, right? The price for makin' me wait is high.
Merchant: That was just a slight to humiliate you! Don't come into my room without permission! Get out!
Jude: I’ll leave once I’ve collected the things I’ve forgotten. Let’s go, ya dullard princess. 
Jude brushed off the merchant's hand on my shoulder, and pulled my hand forcefully.
Kate: Jude, the documents……
Jude: Ellis found them in the barn.
Kate: Good…..!
Merchant: Wait, what do you mean "documents"?
Jude: Black documents provin' that ya were involved in human traffickin'. My condolences.
Merchant: You guys were in on it!? It's cowardly to use a honey trap to attract my attention in order to get that.
(……I don't remember doing that.)
Merchant: Shit, if that happens, you'll be along for the ride too! Jude Jazza!! 
The merchant went to the window and pulled the cord that was hanging down.
Immediately, the sound of a loud bell rang out in the mansion.
Kate: What did you do…..?!
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Jude: Shit, that burnin' smell...
Merchant: Ha-ha-ha! This is a fire generator.…..The entire mansion is on fire!
Merchant: I was prepared to erase evidence left in the mansion in case of an emergency.
Merchant: I'd rather die here with you than get caught anyway!
Kate: Oh my god…..!
Merchant: Come to think of it, I didn't like you from the first time I met you. Jude!
Merchant: The business partner I had my eye on for money already had you— ugh!
The merchant man was about to say something, but was knocked out by Jude's uppercut…..
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Jude: I don't give a shit what he thinks or how he got into crime. Run away.
Kate: It's no good here either. We can't get through with the flames.
Jude: Then, we'll hafta go out the window.
Jude opens the hallway window and looks out.
Kate: Window……we’re on the 4th floor!
Jude: If we follow the rain pipe, we can get down. If we fall, the trees below will cushion the impact.
Kate: ……
The pipe that’s visible through the window is deteriorated, and doesn’t appear durable enough to support two people.
Kate: Jude, please go out here. I’ll look for another exit.
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Jude: Another exit? Ya know somethin'?
Kate: I can't…… be sure! So, Jude, please go out here!
Kate: You won’t break the rain drain by yourself Jude.
Even as we were conversing, the flames seemed to be growing stronger, and a loud explosion could be heard somewhere.
Jude: Spit it out quickly before we burn to a crisp…….
The flames were so intense that I knew there was no time for arguments.
Kate: ….. When I was researching this mansion in advance.
Kate: I noticed that there was an unnatural protruding space underground.
Kate: I thought there might be something in the direction of the protrusion, so I followed it…..
Kate: I noticed that there was a detached outbuilding a little further away from the mansion.
Jude: Detached….Oh, that.
Jude looks at the building outside the window.
Kate: Yes. The couple who used to own the mansion had a child.
Kate: But the child was born with fair skin and was sensitive to the sun, and apparently lived in an outbuilding with few windows!
Kate: Maybe there is a hidden underground passage between the outbuilding and the mansion!
Jude: Really.
Jude turns on his heel and heads toward the stairs.
Kate: What, are you going to look for it?! But there's no proof, right?
Jude: In that case, ya should just run down the rain pipe. I'm goin'.
Then Jude and I ran through the burning mansion and managed to reach the basement.
Kate: The unnatural space was in this room.
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Jude: ……..
Jude starts banging on the wall with a serious look on his face.
Jude: The walls are thin here. There's a space over there.
Kate: I knew it ......! I'll look for a hammer or something!
Jude: No need.
When Jude throws a roundhouse kick, the basement wall is blown away. And beyond that, there was an underground passage.
(It's amazing how you can break through a wall with a kick…..)
Jude:……It's somethin' you often find in aristocratic mansions. They’ll dig underground and make somethin' like this.
Jude looked astonished as he lit a cigarette with a practiced motion.
Without putting the cigarette in his mouth, he held it out toward the underground passage.
Then, the cigarette smoke trailed into the passage from the back of the hallway.
Jude: …..Thankfully, there's some air. Looks like there's an exit on the other side.
Kate: Let’s go! 
As the two of us proceed through the dimly lit underground passage……
As I stared, the passageway led to the annex.
Kate: Good! We made it out!
We exit the villa and take a breath. Looking toward the mansion, I was horrified to see flames rising so high.
(If we hadn't found the underground passage, we might have died….)
Kate: Oh……I’m sorry.
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Jude: ….. I don't know what you're apologizin' for.
Kate: Even though the documents had already been found and the mission had been completed, you still came to the room to look for me, Jude.
Jude: .....That merchant was a womanizer. I had a feelin’ he'd catch ya easily. 
Kate: Perhaps that's why you hesitated to let me accompany you on your first mission?
Jude: Because it would slow us down.
Kate: …….. Plus, we had to flee the fire...... I'm sorry.
Jude: Haha, you’re sorry, you’re sorry, bowin' your head.
Jude: It's true that you were involved in a fire because of your lack of sense.
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Jude: But, I guess it was a credit to ya for findin' the underground passage?
I thought I saw Jude faintly smile and my eyes were drawn to him.
(It's not every day that I get a smile like this.)
(I feel like Jude’s acknowledged me....... I'm so happy!)
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Jude: Let’s go home, princess.
Kate: Yes! ……ssk.
Kate: ….Jude, could you please go home first?
Jude: Huh?
Kate: I was so busy that I didn't notice it before, but I think I sprained my leg.
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Jude: You're so stupidly clumsy, ya know that? Damn, you're a handful, princess.
With a troublesome expression on his face, Jude approached me and squatted on the spot.
Kate: Um….?
Jude: Get on 'fore I change my mind.
Kate: Are you sure?
Jude: The mission won't be completed without your report. It'll be a nuisance if ya don’t come home early.
Kate: Oh, thank you very much....
When I gently climbed onto his back, Jude stood up strong.
Then, he began to walk carefully, without any danger.
Jude's warmth made me so happy, I couldn't help but laugh, and Jude heard it.
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Jude: What are you laughing at? I'll drop ya.
Kate: No, please don't!
I hurriedly clung to Jude to avoid being dropped.
Jude: You’re heavy. Should I just throw ya into the river?
Kate: I won't let you go Jude, so then I'll take you with me Jude. 
Jude: After being attacked by fire, now it’s a water attack. It’s all because of you. 
Despite his grumbling and complaining, Jude carried me securely on his back so he didn’t drop me.
(It was a difficult mission, but I'm glad I did my best.)
Even though I'm being swayed back and forth between coldness and kindness, I can't take my eyes off Jude.
(I want Jude to recognize me more... so I'll keep trying from now on.)
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***Thanks to further clarification, the translation has been updated to just use the term “honey trap” when the merchant speaks to Jude, versus what I previously rendered as “bait and switch honeytrap”.
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[Master List]
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cinemastyles-backup · 9 months
Summary: an anon request - “can you do a one shot where y/n is in the band and for some reason Harry and her don't get along and they end up fucking?? Like not enemies to lovers but more or like enemies to fw because they're so good at it ??? Pleaseeeee”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, lots of arguing, oral (both), fingering, biting, hair pulling, filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"One, two, three, four." Harry screams into the mic and bobs his head to the music. I strum my base, close my eyes and tilting my head as I feel the music.
My eyes suddenly snap open when Harry starts to yell, "Stop. Stop. Fuckin' stop." I lay my fingers over the edge of my bass and sigh, "What now, Styles?"
I know he's talking about me, he's always talking about me.
He scoffs and shakes his head, "Are you even here with us right now? Because the he only thing you should be focusing on is getting the beat of the fucking song right. Jesus christ."
I roll and shut my eyes and take a deep breathe, "Harry. Chill out man. She was doing fine." Niall says setting down his guitar, "Maybe you need to ta-"
Harry cuts him off, "Maybe you just need to shut the fuck up."
"If you don't want me to pla-"
Zayn cuts me off, "No, y/n. You're the best bass player we've had, Harry's just having a bad day."
Harry shifts his weight to his left leg and puts his hands on his hips, "You know wh- fine. Take a fucking break, all of you."
He walks off the stage and throws his water bottle.
"What the fuck is his issue lately?" Louis says walking up, "Don't take it personal, y/n. Harry can be.." he trails off his words.
I sigh, "Egomaniacal? Asshole-ish? Cocky? I can stand here all day."
They laugh and I look over my shoulder, "I'll try and talk to him. If the screaming at each other stops call the coroner because I've strangled him with his mic cord."
I set my bass down gently and walk in the direction Harry went.
I look left and right and walk down the hall. I stop as I see Harry leaning against the wall. He turns his head towards me and looks away with an eye roll, "What do you want?"
"I want to know why you're all of a sudden coming at me?" I cross my arms, "We were fine and now yo-"
"Just go practice because you obviously need it." He pushes off the wall and walks towards me. I grab his arm as he goes past me, "No. I don't obviously need that, Harry. What I need, is for you to tell me what the fuck your issue is."
He laughs and tilts his head back, "Like I'd ever talk to you about what's bothering me. Go the fuck back to the stage. We have a show to get perfect."
He pulls his arm away and scoffs, "Don't ever fucking touch me again."
"Don't ever fucking yell at me again." I shoot back.
He stop waking and turns around, "Oh? So now you're the boss? Telling me what I can and can't do?" He walks up to me, "Let me tell you one thing, sweetheart." He leans in, his face an inch away from mine, "I'm the boss. You do what I say when I say it, hmm?"
I roll my eyes at him, "Mm. We'll see."
I step around him and walk back to stage. Before I enter back, I look over at him and smile, "You coming? We have a show to make perfect." I smirk and push the door open.
"Is he dead?" Louis asks with a slight laugh.
I shake my head, "Not yet." I pick my bass up and gently strum the strings. Harry walks in and everyone goes quiet.
"Let's get this fucking right." He says just loud enough for us to hear. He walks up and takes the mic off the stand and looks around at us, making sure we're ready.
"One, two, three, four."
"You guys are on in five." Liam, the crew manager says. I nod and finish applying my lipstick, "Okay."
"Don't fuck this up." Harry says leaning against the door frame to my dressing room. I look at him in the mirror, "Is that you threatening me or demanding me?"
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Sometimes I just wanna-" he clenches his jaw and tilts his head, "Nope. Not happening."
"What?" I turn around and lean against the table, "You wanna what, Styles?"
He stares at me, and in that moment, if looks could kill. I'd be dead.
He walks up to me and brings a hand up, his thumb gently pulls down my lower lip, "Sometimes I just wanna gag you with my cock so you shut the fuck up for once."
He drops his hand, "Like I said, don't fuck this up."
He leaves the room before I have anything to say, which I don't. Harry just left me absolutely speechless.
"Hey, y/n. Let's go. We're up next." Louis knocks on the door, "You okay?"
I blink and turn around quickly, wiping away the smudge of lipstick Harry's thumb left, "Yeah. Coming."
The whole show, I was on edge.
On edge because of what Harry said.
On edge because he looks so fucking hot in that tight Green Bay jersey.
On edge because he kept looking over at me any chance he got.
On edge because he was fucking with me.
We finish the song and the crowd goes wild. Screaming for Harry. Screaming for me. Screaming for all of us.
"Give it up for the amazing band behind me." Harry says while clapping, "Niall, Louis, Zayn.." there's a pause before he says my name and the boys glance towards me then look back at Harry, "And y/n who actually did very well tonight."
The crowd screams and I force a smile and wave.
I shook a glare back at Harry and he smirks behind his mic, "We're going to give you guys one last song and then we're off to Phoenix!"
Harry walks around stage as we start to play the final song of the night, "Let's go!"
We exit the stage and I immediately walk up to Harry and shove his shoulder, "What the fuck was that?"
He cocks his jaw and smirks, "I know you didn't just shove me."
I go to shove him again and Zayn grabs my arms, "Settle down." I pull my arms and he gets louder, "Settle down, easy y/n."
"Why would you fucking say that?" I yell, "I actually did well tonight? What the fuck Harry!?"
He chuckles and shakes his head. He motions for Zayn to let me go and he puts his arm around my shoulder, "Let's take a walk and talk about this."
I push his arm off of me, "What so you ca-"
"Now, now." He cuts me off, "Just come on." We walk down the hall to the door with his name on it, "In."
I roll my eyes and push the door open. I walk in and turn around, ready to start losing my absolute shit on him but he holds his hand up, "I get under your skin."
"Yeah the fuck you do." I cross my arms, "And you do it on purpose."
He walks over and pours himself a drink, "Because you make it so easy."
"By what? Giving you a reaction?" I huff, "Do you want me to ignore you? Quit the band?"
"Why would you quit the band?" He asks bringing the glass to his lips. He lowers it and shakes his head, "You're the best bass player I've had, y/n. I don't want you to quit."
His words confuse me and I know my face shows it.
"He sits down and rests one arm straight out on the back of the couch and brings a leg up over his other, "Sit."
I find myself always listening to his stupid little commands so I shake my head, "No. I'll stand." He chuckles, "Hmm. Okay. Suit yourself, sweetheart."
I roll my eyes, "What do you want, Harry." I state, "Because if you're just going to sit there and-"
"You. I want you."
"Excuse me?" I laugh, "Did you just say you- you want me?"
He nods, "Yeah. I believe that's what I said."
"You're not serious."
"But I am." He finishes his drink and stands up, "You see, y/n. I really don't like you, for reasons I'm not open to telling you just yet." He sets his glass down and walks over to me.
I stay silent and watch him as he gets closer, "We have our issues that, well, the whole band can see, right?"
I shrug, "I-"
"Shut up." He says louder. His voice goes back to normal and he walks around me, his chest presses against my back and he moves my hair off my neck.
My breathing gets faster and I bite my lip.
"There so much stress while touring, right?" His fingers drag up my shoulder and neck.
I nod.
"I want you to be my little stress reliever." He leans down and licks up my neck, "No strings attached."
I shut my eyes tight. Fighting off every urge to turn around and give into him.
He's an asshole.
He makes your days a living hell.
He gets under your skin in the most annoying ways possible.
All the thoughts run spin around in my head and I let out the breathe I've been holding.
"What do you say? Huh. We help each other out and when you piss me off.. I get to fuck my anger out and fuck that annoying little attitude out of you."
I want to say no so bad. I want to turn around and slap some sense into him, but the idea of being Harry's fuck buddy is just so overpowering.
"You can speak now, sweetheart."
"Good answer. Now get on your knees." He places his hands on my shoulder and pushes me down. I land on my knees and bite my lip, looking up at him as he walks around to stand in front of me.
He starts to undo the belt on his jeans and he gives me a smirk.
"What?" I ask as I tuck hair behind my ear.
"Do I make your nervous?" He chuckles, "No need to be nervous."
I roll my eyes, "Please. If anyone should be nervous here, it's you."
"How's that?" He asks shoving his jeans down, "I'm not nervous one bit. Excited actually."
I raise my eye brows and laugh slightly, "Why because you're about to shut me up?"
"Exactly." He pushes his boxers down and pumps his cock in his hand a few times before pushing the head of it against my lips, "Open for me."
I part my lips and he pushes his cock in, letting out a groan.
I wrap my lips around his cock and swirl my tongue. I work my way down, getting him wet enough, teasing him slightly before I give him exactly what he wants.
I sink his cock into my throat and he moans.
I shut my eyes and control my breathing through my nose before I bob my head, gagging around his cock.
"Ah." He moans out, "It's nice to hear the sound of you choking on my cock rather than you speaking."
I ignore his words and continue to fuck my throat with him, working him up until he places a hand on my head, "A-alright. We can come back to this. I wanna see that ass of yours bent over."
I pull off and wipe my chin off with my wrist. He pulls me over towards the couch and slips his shirt off. My eyes flicked up and down his toned, tattooed torso and he grips the hem of my shirt pulling it up over my head.
"You know, y/n." His eyes move up and down my bra covered chest, "You are pretty fuckin' hot."
I smirk and unbutton my jeans, "So are you."
He smirks and watches as I take my jeans off, kicking my shoes out of the way. We both stand there naked and his hands reach out to explore my body.
I close my eyes as he leans in, sucking random spots on my neck. I moan out quietly and bring my hands up to his arms.
Wow, he isn't yelling at me to not touch him.
His hand moves down and pushes between my legs. His finger slides between my folds, "You're fuckin' soaked, sweetheart."
I part my thighs and dig my nails into his skin as he circles my clit, gradually applying a harder pressure.
I whimper and tilt my head back. Harry kisses and sucks spots under my chin and jaw line.
"Harry." I moan out quietly, "Fuck me."
He chuckles against my skin, "Are you demanding?"
I bite my lip, debating on what I should say before my mouth speaks on its own, "What if I am?"
He sighs and pulls his hand away from between my legs, "Then you get more time without my cock in that desperate cock hungry pussy of yours."
He walks over and gets another drink, "I'm going to enjoy this drink. Sit down and, oh I don't know." He shrugs, "Convince me that you're deserving of my cock going into your pussy."
I chew the inside of my lip and nod, "Okay."
I sit down on the couch and smirk as I bring my legs up and spread them. He pauses and stares at my open legs. I bring my hand down and rub circles onto my clit, moaning.
I need Harry to touch me.
"Afraid you won't get me to cum?" I tease, "Am I going to have to fake it with you then do it myself later?"
He roughly sets his glass down on the table and stands up, "There you go again.. running your mouth."
I bite my lip and sink my fingers into my pussy, letting out a loud gasp, "What? Im just asking questions."
He scoffs, "You have no idea."
"Mm. I think I do." I tilt my head back and moan. A smile grows on my lips as I feel the couch sink down.
"You'll be begging me to fuck you after this." He moves my hand and replaces it with his own, his rings roughly hitting my skin as his fingers pump in and out.
I arch my back off the couch and moan, "Fuck."
He shifts back and bends down, attaching his lips to my clit. I let out a gasp and put a hand on his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair.
He moans against me and that causes me to moan. I clench my walls around his fingers as I feel myself approaching my orgasm.
My eyes roll back and I smile as he did exactly what I wanted him to do.
He pulls his fingers out and licks up my pussy. He pulls away and moves up, rubbing the head of his cock against my clit, "That didn't seem fake to me."
I smirk and my mouth opens as he shoves his cock into me without warning, "Fuck." He smirks and tilts his head as he pulls out and thrusts back in.
He grips my hips tight and fucks me. His lips part as his eyes shit and a moan escapes his lips, "Shit, y/n."
I grab his wrists and arch my back, "Harry." I whimper, "Fuck."
He leans down, pressing his lips to mine as he continues thrusting. I drag my nails up his back with one hand as I pull myself to desperately cling to him with the other.
He gently bites my bottom lip and moans.
I tilt my head back and he kisses up and down it.
For a moment I would have thought I wasn't having sex with the asshole I shoved in the hallway, but with Harry who actual gives a shit.
He moans against my neck and pushes his cock deep into me, "This pussy is mine." He whispers in a deep, raspy voice.
"Yours." I breathe out, "Yours."
He goes back to thrusting and attacking my neck. I wrap an arm around his neck and sink my nails into his shoulder as I cum around his cock.
"Fuck." He groans lowly, "You feel so fucking good."
I whimper in his ear, "You fuck so good."
He smirks and kisses my cheek and over to my lips. Our lips move in perfect sink and he pulls out and I can feel his cum shoot out into my stomach.
He continues to kiss me, his hand pulls my hips closer to his. He slowly leans back and looks at me, "Who's pussy is this?"
I roll my eyes and smirk, "Yours."
"Damn right it is." He leans up and looks around, "Um.." he gets up and grabs a towel, "Here." He tosses the towel down next to me as he cleans himself off.
"Thanks." I wipe myself off and sit up, I lean over and grab my clothes, slipping my panties and jeans back on, "So what does this mean?" I smirk and laugh.
He shakes his head and smirks, "Nothing more than band mates with benefits."
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated and don’t forget to hit follow! ♥
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mchlgayser · 1 year
𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 ft south terano
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: He is annoying. He follows you around and keep asking you out. You hate him, he is violent and harsh but despite it all, you try out a challenge.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff / ✮
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: minor languages
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I've seen somebody blogging about how they want this kind of topic with South so I just had to do it, now that I'm in a good mood (kind of). Happy reading xoxo
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Annoying grunts escape his lip upon hearing your same usual reply 'Tell me why do you keep saying no to me?' He persists and you roll your eyes at him 'Do I need to tell you the reason? I just don't like you.' You close your bag and leave him on the spot.
That guy's name is South. A random guy you met months back during your work hour - Actually, you met him the day before beating the heck out of someone. Ever since then he's been bothering you and keeps asking you out, on a date. But for one obvious reason, you declined every time.
You hate violence, in any form doesn't matter but you hate it, with all your guts and South is just violent and vicious.
You speed-walk to the bus stop upon hearing him irritatingly calls out for you. You screech on your steps hearing him holler at you.
'Stop following me.' You demand, and he chortles 'Why not? I want to date you.' You shake your head at the remark and run inside the bus once it stops.
You sigh in relief that he didn't manage to get inside, you see him yell for you to get back making you slightly laugh.
Somehow, you find him funny
The next day is just how you want it to be, no South and his annoyingly loud bike. You're serving food and beverages for the customers just perfectly but when your shift is about to end, the door chimes and he came. Of course, he cannot easily disappear.
'What do you want?' You deadpanned, one hand over your midsection, and giving him a knowing look 'Relax, gorgeous. I'm here as a customer.' He looks up from you to the menu board 'I'll have your most requested drink.' You type in his orders and give him the receipt along with the changes 'We'll serve you in a minute.' You give him one forceful smile as you watch him leave to his seat.
'South Terano!' You calls out and be glad that there are no customers occupied inside or that you'll scare them away by saying the infamous Rokuhara Tandai leader's name.
He takes the drink and gives it to you back 'And I give you that as your admirer.' He winks before he left the shop, whistling a tune.
You stare at the drink feeling flustered to your neck, you gasp putting the drink down and slapping yourself on the face multiple times 'Get yourself together, you idiot.' Once your shift ended, you left your workplace along with the drink.
A familiar bike entered your vision, South on the side of the road offering you a helmet 'Hop on, and I'll give you a ride.' You dismissed him right away 'No I'm fine.' You started to walk again but he stubbornly follow you behind closely 'Come on, don't be like that gorgeous, I'm tryna be nice here!:
You stop on your track yet again and glance at him 'I said that I am fine and please, stop being so nice. It doesn't suit you, at all.' He laughs watching you leave but still tailing behind like a puppy.
Once you reached the gate of your house, you finally turn your back on him again 'You can leave now, I think?' He smiles at you 'I'm still hoping we can go home together tomorrow, don't ya think?' You immediately said no.
'Just stop bothering me, South.' For a wink, you could see a glimpse of hurt in his expression but he shook it away 'You said my name.' You stayed quiet and he chuckles before he leaves the spot.
The last few weeks are you stressing over the tall giant about how he always insists on fetching you home but yet again, gets rejected? Today is no different, he'll follow around you with his bike until you made it safely to your house 'You know, you don't have to do all of this right? I'm fine.' You inform but he shrugs 'Who knows, one day you might change your heart and let me send you.'
You scoff and look away 'You really should stop bothering me.' The following words he said almost make your eyes fall out of their sockets 'Okay,' Did you hear that right? He agreed!
He waves at you before resounding his engine and fled away.
You stare at the spot he was at earlier before you went inside your house 'I'm home!' Silence. Of course, it's gonna be like this all the time anyway. Your parents are out for work leaving you alone in the house, to yourself.
You eat your dinner which is an instant noodle and a can of milk before you tread upstairs to your room to do work and fall asleep for school.
It's two days since you told South to leave you alone - he did. Two days and no sign of the gigantic male. No more of his annoyingly loud voice, his roaring bike, his sweet nothings when he spoke to you, or his quick remarks. A part of you is relieved that he's no longer here to bother with your work but another part of you feels empty. His loud noise used to fill your quiet surrounding but now it's gone back to square one.
A chime on the door jolted you up from your seat but it wasn't him. It was an old lady with a toddler. They ordered your cafe's most requested drink and now it makes you think of him, again.
How he bought this drink just to give it to you.
You serve them and after an hour they left, you let out a sigh of frustration and pack your stuff realizing that it's almost time to wrap up. The bell chimes one last time for the day 'I'm sorry but we're closing.'
'Oh, I'm not here to order.' The familiar voice almost makes you drop your belongings, and as you turn around you met with him. He's looking at you with his usual wide grin. 'Long time no see, gorgeous.' You almost smile at him but instead you scoff 'Yeah, as if.' He laughs at you 'I see the shop is shutting down. Going home?' You look down for a moment before nodding 'Yes, why?' You hope he would ask and he did.
'Cool, mind I send you off?' You get your bag and left the store, locking it 'I'll take that as a Yes.' He give you the helmet 'What about you?' He shrugs 'I don't need it.' He leap on his bike first with you following suit.
'Hold on tight,' You look at him, one brow forward 'What you mean-' He speed up the bike so suddenly that you almost flew from your place.
'Oh, my God!' You exclaim loudly, hands instinctively around his waistline hugging him tightly 'Slow the fuck down!' You yell and slap his chest multiple times but he laughs instead
The proximity between you two allows you to feel the vibration eliciting through his body once he laughs. You keep hugging - even tighter than before that your head about to bump against the back of his shoulder.
The ride home wasn't long and he finally stops. You dismounted from the bike took off the helmet and fix your hair 'Let me,' He messed up your hair making you hiss but he shush you before he gently put it back in its place and smiled 'There!' You glance at the mirror and smile to yourself 'Thanks,' You give him back his helmet and you stayed there not knowing what to say 'I'll go!'
He holds your hand with a smile on his face 'Come on, do you think I did it for free?' Your eyes widen making him laugh for the nth time of the day - night.
'What do you want?' Eyebrows cocking together as you wait for him to speak up 'Go on a date with me.' He casually said making you jump on your place 'Seriously?' He shrugs
You look between him and the road, contemplating. You give yourself an extended breath before you answer him 'Okay,' Well, it's not bad to try, was it?
He looks at you with his usual grin 'Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow!' He started his bike and waved off at you as you duplicate.
You rush inside your house feeling yourself hot all over. You did it. You are going on a date with South! A guy you hated - supposedly.
The next morning, you woke up early - extra early to choose your dress, not exactly a dress but a fit to wear. South did mention that this date is unlike the usual romantic date people have, he did say that he'll stroll around the city and go to his apartment. You disagree thinking of the possible worst ideas but he dismisses them. He said that he wants to show you something, something he's passionate about other than fighting. So you eventually agreed to it
You put your hair in two low buns and did some makeup to adore your face. After that, you put on the fit and lastly put on your New Balance sneaker.
It was nearly 3 when South picked you up but unlike the usual, he came with his bike but without the helmet per your request not to mess your hair up. You mount the bike behind him, adjusting it in place, and hug his waist before he started the engine and sped off.
You two ride around the city stopping by different places for food. He bought you ice cream, a soda drink, and fish-shaped taiyakis.
You two would sit by the road eating your lightt snacks before continuing with the strolling date.
It was almost five when he stopped at a house. It was big and similar to yours but maybe bigger. He turns off his bike before he hops off his bike and helps you on with it too.
You two strut inside his house to his room. It was quite big but it's dimmed. The room is painted in a dark navy blue color and it is spacious. The only thing inside is his bed, a walk-in closet if that counts, and an old piano.
He ushers you to follow him as he pulls out a wooden stool and sits on it offering you to sit beside him. His hand gently stroked the soundboards 'It's been a while!' He laughs pressing on one of the random keys before he aligns his hands on the boards.
'Hear closely.' He plays a tune, a gently melodic tune. It was vague and fast but it was calming too. His harsh but gentle pressing on the boards as he keeps playing the tune with his eyes closed and mouth gaping into a smile.
You watch him intensely but at the same paying attention to the melody. It sounds, tragic. After some point he stops playing and chortles once more 'That turns out very bad, isn't it?' You look at him still impressed by his performance 'That was - Decent. I don't know much about music nor classic instrument like this but I could tell that it was beautiful.' He grins at you giving you a pet on the head before he rejoins the piano playing yet another one.
You watch but after some time your gazes fall somewhere inside his room. His room is dark and clouded over. If depression is room, it would be like his but that one corner caught your attention. That one place where a rack is, placed right above the bed and a line of stuffed animals is neatly on it.
You almost couldn't believe it! This gigantic male over here, whom you - the civilians around here know as the brutal and vicious leader of the underground delinquent gang, Rokuhara Tandai is passionate about classical music and instruments, very skillful too but not only he also got bunch of cute stuffed animals and plushies as well?!
You laugh to yourself at the thought
Maybe he wasn't so bad himself.
You continued watching him play to the last and clap your hands once he was done. He turns over to you bowing as he laughs loudly 'I am so fucking cool!' He confessed 'Get over yourself!' You deadpanned making him snort.
You look back at him and the plushies feeling yourself smirking at the idea of exposing him 'Whatever you are thinking, I don't like it!' He honestly said before moving out of the room and you follow 'You are so cute having all the stuffed animals inside your room, who would know that you are such a baby, South!' He looks at you with wide eyes and pretends a scary stare making you, even more, worked out, and ended up laughing once more.
'Such a cutie!' You pinch his cheek, 'Says the one who had to tiptoe to reach my face!'
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lovverletters · 1 year
Yandere! Cupid (unfinished)
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Note that this is a reupload from my previous blog @hyerinrose
T/W : creepy love letter i guess? Reader have two stalkers, cliffhangers bc i didnt finished it,
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
14th of February, Valentine's day to be precise is a day that many await. The day they could finally profess their affection for another.
[Name] walked through the hall where crowds of students were chatting up a storm about their crushes and lovers or their plan to confess under the old sakura tree behind the school.
They never believed those rumours and just chalk it up as a mythos created by students. One thing for sure is that [Name] would never take the stand of confessing or being confessed to.
It's not that they were against dating or love, it's just that they never felt the need to engage in it. [Name] believed that when the time is right, they'll fall in love. As for now though, it's not any sooner.
Once they reach their designated locker, they open it up only to find a letter assigned to them sat neatly in between the belongings in their locker.
"A love letter? no it couldn't possibly be" [Name] thought out loud as they picked the envelope that was littered with pink hearts on it, it also smelled like strawberry.
'Who would send me this? as far as I know, I've never interact much with anybody' [Name] would rather kept to themself than socialize with their fellow peers and if they have to, they'll try to make it as brief as possible.
"Might as well give it a read and turn them down obviously.." They tucked the love letter into their pocket and grab the books they needed and head off to their first class.
Entering the vacant classroom they took a seat in the left sided of the room. The [H/C]-nette is always the first to arrive so they have a moment of peace before the other students join them.
Taking out the letter, they gave it a read,
Dearest [Name],
I know it's quite the surprise for you to receive such letter and it is my fault I admit. I should've sent you more so you would understand the amount of affection i held for you.
I'll cut straight to the point, [name] I have been observing you from afar and I know I could've approach you but I am to shy to do so. As day goes by the love I have for you grew so large that it felt like my heart is about to combust from just seeing you.
I promise you that I will treat you right and cherish you for the rest of our eternity.
Would you please answer me,
Do you love me too?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
"Ugh creepy..." [name] then crumpled up the disturbing letter, deciding to not meet the person as they could be a disturbed individual. Based on the letter who knows what they'll do to them if they turn them down.
"Why is the first time I received these kind of letter gotta be like this?" They sighed.
Soon enough, students began piling into the classroom and the once quiet and peaceful place now filled with loud chatters. [name]'s [e/c] observed their peers exchanging chocolates to each other and some not subtly slipping letters into their crushes desks.
'Maybe I'm not fit for love and romance..' They thought with their eyes now downcasted to the book they were reading.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Up above in Celestial Realm, a figure with soft pink hair and fluffy white wings flew carefreely in the air when they were approached by someone who resembled them.
They recognize the person to be their superior, Aurrum. The older Cupid greeted the young with a smile and handed him a letter, it's a new task for him!
"Greetings, Ai. I'm glad to see you're in a good mood as always" Aurrum said with a closed eyed smile.
"Greetings to you too Sir Aurrum! And of course I am, it's the season of love! I'm so happy to see mortals sharing the love with one another" Ai happily spoke with a bright smile on his face, his golden eye shone with happiness.
"Right, unlike your other peers you seem to love this time of the year best. The other cupids are overworked whenever Valentine's Day rolled around"
Honestly Aurrum couldn't blame them really, imagine having to pair multiple couples throughout the day with little break.
"Mm.. maybe when I'll get older I'll start being grumpy like them but for now I'm enjoying this day!"
The older cupid laughs heartily and shook his head before remembering his own task.
"Well Ai, I'm afraid I can't stay here much longer for I have to hand these other task to other cupids" Aurrum spoke to which Ai sadly frowns. The man was like a father to Ai so he would really love to spend more time with him.
"Alright.. see you again Sir Aurrum!"
They both bid their goodbyes and went off to their separate ways. Ai opens the letter that contains a checklist of couples he has to pair. However one name sat at the end of the list with no partner.
[name] [last name] [redacted]
"that's odd.. usually the name won't be crossed out until a direct rejection is made. Unless the soulmate changed?" Ai thought deeply and pulled out the guide book to see what he should do.
"So that means i have to personally interfere this pair? Ah does that means I have to descend to earth then?" While he mulled over his next action a dove landed on his shoulder. it's the messenger bird from Sir Aurrum!
"Oh hello!"
"Greetings young one, I am here to relay a message from Sir Aurrum. Ai, my boy! I have forgotten to inform you about the last pair on your task list, as you know when it comes to a broken pairing we must personally interfere to fix the situation"
"For that you would need to descend to mortal realm and interact with them to find a solution. I have included a magic feather to use for when you need to disguise yourself as a human" the dove then present to Ai the magic feather using it's beak.
"That is all, take care young one" the bird then flew away back to it's master.
"How exciting! This is my first time personally playing matchmaker. I hope I can unite this pair together" The young cupid then flew his way down to earth where his and others fate will change.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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itjazzbicch · 7 months
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
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Pairing:  Lee Chaolan x Fem Reader 
First time writing for Lee, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: Having a crush on Kazuya, his adopted brother, Lee, has always teased the reader for this little crush, but he secretly has a desire and knows that Kazuya isn't the one for the reader...
Requested by: @ambootyos (I hope you enjoy it!)
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Some swearing, foreplay, oral f!receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it!), pet names (rose, love, baby)
Word Count: 1.8k 
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"Talk about a great fight, Kaz!" There was one thing no one could deny about Kazuya: that he was a great fighter; teasing and winking at him, "If we cross paths in the tournament, take it easy on me, huh?"
Knowing Kazuya since our school days, he was interesting, to say the least, only smirking at me as he continued his way, flaring his nostrils with a:
Sometimes, he made me feel so defeated. What did I need to do to get his attention?
"Failed again, huh? You are determined. I'll give you that."
Hearing giggles behind me, I knew it was Lee, who constantly teased me about my little crush on Kazuya since he puzzled the pieces together.
"Don't look so upset, my rose," He chuckled, coming up to wrap an arm around me, teasing yet again, "It's his loss, you know?"
"What do you know, Lee?" Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms, he gained my attention for once with his whisper:
"I know that I hate seeing a lovely woman such as yourself, trying to catch a fish that keeps swimming away from you."
Thinking about how long I tried to connect with Kazuya, he told no lies, but I hated admitting that he was right, unsure of what I was feeling as his words cascaded over me with immense charisma:
"He truly doesn't know what he's missing. If I were Kaz, I would treat you like the queen you are, dear Y/N."
"If you were Kaz, huh?" I giggled, trying to tease him as our gazes met, "Sounds like I'm not the only one with a crush."
"Except I'm not afraid to be a little more direct," He had a charm that couldn't be ignored, my blood rushing at the sexiness in his tone, "If I were him, you would've been my girl a long, long time ago."
"But you're not him," Being direct myself, I was testing to see how straightforward he could be, urging him, "So, are you just leading me on, or are you going to make a move, Lee?"
"I'd never toy with your heart. When I make a move," Smirking and kissing my cheek, I heated up, trying to hide my fluster as he winked, "I go straight for it."
I was quiet, but breathing quickly and heavily, nearly casted into a spell as his eyes glimmered past his platinum hair, offering to me:
"So, what do you say? Keep chasing that boy who doesn't want you or be treated by a man?"
"You talk a big game," I couldn't stop staring at his glistening lips, so many thoughts of him invading my mind. There was no denying that Lee and I had a connection, unlike me and Kazuya, and even though he would tease me sometimes, he knew me better too.
"And I can back it up, baby," Grinning brighter, his hand was so soft against my cheek, making his big move as our lips met, and it felt like fireworks were popping off in my head.
He knew how to be tender and make me want more, chuckling at how I gasped when our lips parted briefly, adding a dart of his tongue before he picked his head up to look me in the eyes:
"So, you still want Kaz now?"
"You cocky little shit," Needing a deep breath and looking around, we were alone in the hall, so I grabbed his hand, ready to lead him to my locker room, and warned, "This is your one chance. You better make the best of it."
"Oh, I will," He smirked confidently, switching our direction and guiding me, "Just follow me, my rose."
Following him to his locker room instead, I couldn't believe how extravagant it was, but then again, it was Lee, after all. He didn't settle for anything that wasn't luxurious. Not like any of it mattered, our feet on the gas pedal once the door shut.
When he wrapped his arms around me, the pent-up emotions deep within began to rise, and the thought never crossed my mind till tonight, but gosh, I couldn't stop kissing him, swimming in those silver blue eyes until I noticed that we were in what was like a bedroom.
"You have a whole bed in here?"
"Yes. Resting is important after combat, you know that," Gently placing me back on the bed, his fingertips started toying with the fabric of my shirt, cocking his eyebrow at me for reassurance, "Now, let's focus on something a little more important?"
"If you can handle all this," I winked, stripping down to my panties with his help, burning up from his hands all over me.
"My god, are you beautiful," He whispered, kissing my neck and working his way down while unclasping my bra, squeezing my breasts while placing soft kisses all over them, licking and sucking my nipple while rubbing the other.
The bliss took over me so quickly that I couldn't hold back all the instincts to moan and squirm, naturally grinding upward and feeling how hard he was.
"See how good it is," He murmured between kisses, leading down my stomach, taking my panties and spreading my legs wide, placing deep kisses along my inner thighs, "To be treated by someone who truly thinks you're beautiful?"
Holding a deep gaze, my head started to fall back, his tongue swirling against my entrance, licking up every drop of my slick before getting more out of me with the way his tongue flicked at my clit, sucking as I whined:
"That's so good!"
"And delicious," He hummed, sending vibrations clear up to my head, rubbing up my sides and up to my breasts, kneading and tweaking my nipples, eating me up like he'd never get the chance again.
"L-Lee," My thighs started to squeeze his head, trapping him in place, and even while buried between my legs, I could tell he was smiling, hands latching to my hips as my mind started reeling, trying to pry my thighs apart for the air, till he pushed them back into place.
"I'm doing just fine," Flicking his tongue rapidly against my clit, I let my thighs suffocate him again, unraveling as he murmured, "Go ahead and cum, baby. All I need is this to make that happen."
My vision was blurring, but I saw how he taunted me with his tongue before going back to licking me up, switching between suckingly kisses before sucking my clit again. It was so hard to breathe, letting my orgasm take me away, my walls clenching around nothing, jaw hanging, and my moans cutting in and out from how mind blown I was, never feeling such a euphoric bliss as I did then:
"Fucccck, Lee!"
"You taste sooo good," Licking up my slick, he was proud to see me so out of it but eased the intense high, rubbing my sides and stomach softly, gently teasing when I finally opened my eyes to find him, "All done, already?"
"I don't think so," Gazing down to his cock fighting against his leather pants, he knew that I wanted it, starting by stripping out of his shirt:
"Anything you want, rose."
I started to feel that outworld-ish feeling, like I was in a dream as he was stripping. How did I never pay attention to how HOT he was? I was so out of it; I didn't realize how I was reaching for him to come closer.
"Touch me. I know you want to," Taking my hand and placing it on his chest, I took in every detail: the softness of his skin, how tone and defined his abs were, going further and further down, "Touch me like you touch nobody, baby."
"Shit-" His cock was so warm and hard in my hand, pumping softly to feel his length and girth, only letting go to enjoy the pleasure of the pink skin meeting between my legs, running his shaft through my folds, both of us moaning:
"Feels so good, already."
"C'mon, Lee," I pouted, wanting him inside me that instant, kissing his thumb as he placed it on my plump lower lip, his tip circling my entrance.
"I can't just ravish you like some beast," He chuckled, coming down to meet me and take in every facial expression I made as he inched his cock into me, walls clenching around his girth instantly. It made the friction so strong, his nibble on my ear sending my nerves wild, "I want to enjoy you, love."
Sharing moans as he began to thrust, I wrapped my arms around his neck, tongues dancing, biting his lip when our hips met, and his cock filled me deep, rocking together and growing the nerve to ask:
"Tell me something, Lee."
"Yes?" Pausing for a moment, I finally asked what I wanted to ask from the moment he first teased me about having a crush:
"How long have you wanted me?"
"A long time," Kissing me harder, he spread my legs a little more, a thrust that flung me upward, making my lips pop free from his and moaning nothing but his name, "But good things come to those who wait."
Since he couldn't kiss with the way I was moaning, he showered every inch of skin he could reach with kisses, raising my leg to push deeper, and I was gripping onto him hard, strong heat coiling in my stomach.
"Yeahh!" I was so full of lust and desire, the part of my mind that held all the truths broke open, praising him, "I'll never want that fool again!"
Referring to Kazuya as a fool boosted his confidence even more, forehead to forehead, as his tip brushed past my sweet spot, having my hand running through his hair and holding tight.
"You have no idea how nice that is to hear," Panting softly, the grin on his face audible, instinctively knowing to open my eyes to find him, "You know I am so much better than him."
"You are, baby!" I wasn't lying; solely focused on him and calling him baby made something take over him, kissing with our tongues till we couldn't breathe, sweat across our temples when we felt the grip I had around his cock, his back tensing at every pulse that waved through my walls, hips arching off the bed as I squelched around him.
"Babyyy-" Thrusting slower and slower, he was shaking and groaning softly, still tensing from the aftershock of my orgasm, watching as he was debating in his mind, not wanting to let the excellent feeling go just yet, "Gosh, the things you do to me, Y/N."
"I'll have to treat you to something nice after this," My chest was heaving as he stopped himself and fought off stronger temptations, head laid between my breast, smiling as I slicked his hair back, kissing his forehead.
"You sweet thing," Picking himself up and leaving me hollow, we both knew this wouldn't be the last time, him being the sweet thing as he kissed my forehead back, "I'll go run us a shower." 
2023 © itjazzbicch �� do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. 
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fangirlfrom-hell · 8 months
Absolution and Mercy (7x9-7x10) || Jay Halstead x Healstead Sister
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*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
This is the plot from season 7, episodes 9 and 10 but with Jay's younger sister involved in the story.
Did I cry a bit writing this? Yes I did.
Becca was usually the first one to be picked up after her afternoon classes were over, but this day she was left alone in the sidewalk. It was getting dark, she was cold and scared. At the distance she detected how a car was approaching her at full speed, but it wasn't Jay. It was Will, and she only realized that when he parked in front of her.
-"Sorry I'm so late. In my defense, Jay called me all of the sudden. I drived as fast as I could, then I got lost. Are you going to get in or what? It's freezing outside".
-"Where's Jay?" The girl asked when she was inside of the car.
-"He didn't say. He was in a hurry when he called me, he might be working in a case, something must have poped out unexpectedly. You know how it is".
-"Are you taking me home?"
-"No, I can't leave you there alone. We're going to my place. Jay will pick you up later, or I will take you back with him. He will give me a call, don't worry".
But that call never happened. During the course of the night, Will called his brother several times, but he never answered.
-"Do you think he is in danger?" Becca was starting to get worried.
-"No". Will lied. -"Maybe he's still working and he's not carrying his personal phone".
That argument didn't convince her at all.
-"It's late and you have school tomorrow, so this is what we're gonna do. Go take a shower, I'll find some clothes you can use to sleep on. I will take the sofa, so you can sleep comfy in my bed".
Not wanting to, Becca obeyed her brother. She couldn't hide her concern for Jay and Will was trying to ignore it, pretending nothing was going on. He was also quiet preoccupied but didn't want to show it. When his sister was out of the room, he gave it another try.
-"Hey, man. It's me again. Call me back as soon as you hear this...please. Bec's alright, don't worry. We're just...We want to make sure you're safe".
The sun began to set on the horizon without news of the missing Halstead brother. Will had barely slept during the night, he distributed his time between trying to reach Jay and checking on Becca, who also had a rough night. He was half asleep when a ray of light coming through the window woke him up.
-"Shit". He muttered looking at his cellphone. There were no signs of Jay.
He went to his room and found his sister sleeping under the blankets. He had to make a plan and act normal, she obviously knew something was wrong.
-"Bec". He softly moved her shoulder. -"Bec, wake up".
-"Is Jay back?" She asked half asleep.
-"No. I'm taking you home so you can get ready for school. Come on".
-"Do you think he is going to be there?"
-"We'll find out".
Will opened the door of Jay's appartment with his copy of the keys. He entered first, making sure everything was in order. Becca followed him when he gave her a sign to get in.
-"This is not good". She said. -"Where is he?"
-"I don't know. I'll pass by the 21st after I drop you off at school. Let's hope they have an answer to this mystery".
-"No. We'll pass by the 21st before you drop me off at school".
Trudy Platt was at her desk talking on the phone with the State's Attorney. She got confused when she saw both Halstead siblings entering the room, their presence wasn't a good singn, she felt it in her guts.
Sergeant Platt went up to the bullpen with Will and Becca behind her. All of the detectives were gathered there, except for Jay. The little girl looked all over the place and made a disappointed face when didn't spot her brother.
-"Hey, is Halstead on a UC run?" Trudy asked Voight.
-"Not that I know about".
-"State's Attorney is all over me. He's supposed to be in court right now. His brother and little sister are also looking for him". She pointed at them with her head.
-"He called me yesterday and asked me to take care of Becca. He was supposed to pick her up later, but never showed up. We went to his place this morning and wasn't there". Will intervened.
-"Hailey, you know anything?"
-"No, I called him a few times, but---".
-"I did too". Platt said.
-"No answer". Will concluded showing his phone. -"This is so out of character for him. He's overprotective, he would never forget about Becca like this. He didn't even called to make sure she was already with me, didn't ask if she was fine as he always does".
-"I ran the GPS on his truck...". Platt stoped and moved her eyes from Will and Becca before continuing.
-"Nothing I say will make her go downstairs". Will stated as giving her permission to keep on talking.
-"It's parked on a street in Englewood".
-"How long has it been there?"
-"All night. I ran the in-service calls to that block, there were two calls of suspicious persons at a house on that street".
Becca took a few steps to the front to reach her brother's arm.
-"Thanks, Trudy".
-"Check it out". Hank ordered to his detectives. -"We'll keep you updated". He said to Will.
-"Please find him". Becca begged the sergeant.
-"We won't stop until we find him". He reassured her with a smile and petting her head.
-"Let's move. I'll take you to school". The doctor said to his sister. -"You already missed a couple of classes".
-"Are you joking? I'm staying" She said staring directly at his eyes.
-"You'll be better at school than here or at The Med".
-"I myself will inform you when we find him, it's a promise". Trudy ended the conversation.
School was being worse than usual for Becca, she couldn't stop thinking about her brother. She was so deep in her toughts that she didn't even hear the daily mockery of her classmates. The clock was ticking slowly and her eyes began to fill with tears.
-"I'm here to take Becca Halstead". The school's principal interrupted the class. -"Take your backpack, sweetie. They're here to pick you up".
The tone on the woman's voice reminded her of that time Burgess and Roman took her to the bullpen because Jay was being threatened. She took her stuff and walked throught the hallway to find Trudy Platt at the office.
-"Here she is, Sergeant. You can take her now".
-"I promised you that I would inform you as soon as they found it. The team just found him".
-"Is he-".
-"I don't know anything else". Platt interrupted. -"I just know he was found". She lied, she wasn't the indicated to talk with her about his condition. -"Come on, I'll take you to The Med. Will is waiting there".
The Med was full of cops and detectives as usually happened when one of their own was wounded. For Will it was surreal that this time the victim was his brother, he still couldn't assimilate the fact. His mind was all disturbed constantly changing from the doctor to the brother role and viceversa. Apart from Jay's state of health, what worried him the most was Becca. Despite having notified a lot of bad news during his career, he had no clue how to discuss the situation with his little sister. He didn't want to, but he didn't want anyone else to be the one telling her the news. He was also uncommonly scared to enter the waiting room where the policemen were waiting for updates.
Hailey Upton was sitting leaning over with her elbows on her knees, the fear was evident on her face. Looking at her teary eyes it was obvios how much she had been crying. It wasn't strange at all, she and Halstead had been partners for a couple of years now and their relationship had grown to a good friendship, a very good friendship. Detective Rojas sat next to her and extended her a coffee, leaning a hand on her back as a reassuring gesture.
Kevin and Adam were also there, both standing up, for anxiety did not allow them to stay still. The rest of the place was packed with uniformed. Hank Voight was on his feet, concern was evident through his eyes. A lot of officers and commanders approached him offering their support.
With a heavy sigh and holding back a lot of emotions, Will encouraged himself to go inside with them. Everybody stood up at his presence. Detective Upton quickly positioned herself in front of him, followed by the rest of the team.
-"Hey, Everybody". Somehow he was managing to stay as the doctor, not the brother. -"I just talked to Dr. Marcel, he said the bullet grazed an artery. They are still trying to repair it".
-"Will?" Hank Voight intervened. -"Is he gonna be ok?"
-"He's lost a lot of blood". Words stuck in his throat and dried stoped talking. Ruzek gave him a pat on the shoulder to show emotional support, there wasn't relly anything else to do.
-"Will..." Maggie interrupted from the outside of the waiting room. Everyone turned their attention to the charge nurse and there was no need for her to explain anything. Becca was right behind her, her big hazel eyes wide open looking at all of the cops and some other familiar faces, trying to comprehend what was going on.
-"Oh, Bec...". Will approached to her sweating cold, with his heart raced in fear.
-"Wh--What's going on?" She asked, not being able to take her eyes off the cops. -"Sergeant Platt told me they found Jay, but nothing else. What happened?". Her voice was charged with despair.
The detectives' eyes were all on Becca, wide open as if waiting for a reaction from the girl.
-"Yeah. Ok. Hmm--there's no easy way to say this". His voice was very low and raspy. -"Jay was kidnapped, but his team found him and...".
-"Where is he? Can I see him?" The little girl interrupted calmly.
-"Jay was shot, Becca. He's going into surgery right now". As a doctor, he knew there wasn't other way of saying it.
-"Oh". The girl said as if it was a casual situation. -"But, I mean...he's going to be fine, right?".
-"He's...lost a lot o blood".
-"But it's Jay". Becca interrupted with a smiled, more as a symtom of a nervour breakdown, eyes starting to get teary. Maybe she didn't realize it, but she was avoiding the rest of the information. -"He has been shot before, he's like indestructible".
At that moment, Becca sensed how Maggie held her shoulders, and the weight of the world fell on the little girl. The atmosphere felt the same as when Jay told her that their mother had died, as same as when Will explained to her that they would have to disconnect their father. All of those memories and feelings were taking control over her, but this time Jay wasn't there to help her go through them.
-"Becca, he was shot in the chest, no bulletproof vest. He has lost a lot of blood...".
-"Will--". Maggie tried to stop the doctor.
-"Shut up!"
-"...but he's in surgery right now with Dr. Marcel, one of the very best in Chicago and he's..."
-"Just stop!". Becca cried.
-"Dr. Halstead!" Maggie insisted worried for how Becca was taking the news. There has to be another way of notifyig.
-"...doing his best to save our brother's life. He is in the best hands". He tried to hold her, but she refused him.
-"Is he goig to die?" Becca asked in a very low voice and bursted into an uncontrollable crying.
Will held his sister as tight as he could, so tight she was barely breathing under his arms. He tried to keep his composure, but broke down when he heard his little sister crying loud. He kissed her head, there was nothing to say, nothing to do, just be there for each other.
The intelligence team witnessed the scene and was moved by it, but most of all it made their anger grow even more. Tears rolled down Hailey's cheeks, Adam just stared at the floor with his arms crossed. Hank Voight patted Becca on the back as he passed through te sibblings to run into Burgess, who had just arrived.
-"I got an update on Angela Nelson".
-"Doctors removed the bullet. She's gonna be fine".
-"Where is she?" And with that only question, they both left the place in a hurry.
With all of the movement that was generated, Will separated from Becca and took her by the shoulders: -"Come on, let's sit". They walked embraced, everyone moving to let them pass. She knew all of the detectives who were present, each one of them tried to make her feel their suport: Atwater squeezed her shoulder, Vanessa gave her a warm smile, Adam gave her a hug and Hailey sat right next to her holding her hand.
Not wanting to leave the hospital, Intelligence detectives had to withdraw due to a case assigned by Superintendent Crawford, something Hank couldn't avoid. Detective Upton was the only one that refused to leave, and no one contradicted her.
A couple of hours passed, but it felt like an eternity for Becca. There were still no news about Jay and that made her agony grow.
-"Why is it taking so long?" She was walking from one side to another, anxiety starting to increase.
-"These procedures are very delicate, they take a lot of time. You know what? You should go home". Will suggest. -"I don't think it is a good idea for you to stay here so much time. I'll find someone who can take you. You need rest, to change clothes, you haven't even eat anything".
-"I'm not going anywhere, Will". Becca answered with a stern tone that reminded of Jay's way of talking in distress. They were so alike.
-"Dr. Halstead". Maggie interrupted. -"I'm so sorry, you are requiered in the ER".
Will stared at his little sister, not knowing what to do, he would never leave her by herself in a normal day, much less under the circumstances they were going through.
-"Come on. I can't leave you here alone. Take your backpack, you can stay in the Doctor's room or in a dormitory while I find someone who can take you...".
-"I am not going anywhere, Will". Becca repeated her own words, this time with a little bit of anger.
-"Bec, I get it, I totally do. You want to stay here for Jay, but we will be updated in the ER, I just can't leave you here alone".
-"Alone? This must be the safest place in the hospital right now". She said pointing to all of the cops around.
-"I am not going anywhere". Upton interrupted before Will could continue. -"I can take care of her".
-"Hailey, you don't have to, you are already going through a lot right now and you are on duty, so...".
-"Nobody will move me from here, Will. It's ok, for real".
-"Is that all right for you?". Will looked at Becca and noticed the tiredness and sadness in her eyes as she nodded. -"Ok, all right. Just promise me that you'll eat something, kiddo". He approached to his little sister and kissed her forehead before parting.
-"Not really hungry, but I'll try".
-"Please do it for me. I'll be back as soon as I can".
His heart dropped when he walked out of the room, she also felt a little bit helpless, alone. It was true that she knew Hailey since a few years ago, she liked her and trusted her, but she wasn't her family and that's what she needed at the moment.
-"What if I bring you a hamburger from the cafeteria?" Maggie smiled to Becca. -"Don't you dare to say 'no' to me. I know it's your favorite, I'll be right back".
Becca took a deep breath and sighed, her leg was shaking a lot even standing up. Despair and anxiety were taking over her small body, she felt the urge to hit something or somebody. Her mind started going around, she couldn't live without Jay, what would she do without her big brother? She was nothing without him. A lot of memories came to her mind, good ones and bad ones. Suddenly she was crying without even noticing it.
-"Hey!" Hailey called her from her seat and forced a smile for the girl. -"Wanna join me here?".
Becca sat next to her brother's partner, not really knowing what to do or what to say. She tried to hold her tears, but failed, so she wiped them away as soon as they got out of her eyes. Hailey placed a hand in Becca's shaking leg.
-"You don't need to do that. You can cry in front of me, I won't judge you. I mean, look at me". They both smiled. -"Here, hold my hand, squeeze it. Breath with me, it will help you ease your toughts: 4 in, hold 7 and 8 out".
-"Thank you". The little Halstead sister said when she was more calmed.
-"I know you and Jay are very close. He's so private, but he still talks a lot about you with me".
-"He does?".
-"Yes. When we started working together, before knowing he had a sister, I always tought he was talking about his daughter".
-"Imagine that". Becca made a disgust gesture and laughed a bit. -"I know you two are very fond too. He never talks about work with me, but you wouldn't be here if you didn't care for him". She didn't feel like revealing right there that Jay had talked about her before.
-"He is a good partner, it's hard to find one". The girl stared at her for a few seconds, then they stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, staring at the floor. Becca was a sensible girl, she understood there was more behind Detective Upton words and suddenly Hailey felt like family.
-"I'm really scared". She confessed while unconsciously hugging Hailey's arm.
-"Me too". The detective held her tight. -"But your brother, he is a tough guy, he's strong of mind and body. And he loves you so much, he won't stop fighting to overcome this and come back to you. I can assure you that".
A very special connection was formed between Hailey and Becca in that exact moment. In Hailey's arms, Becca found the peace she needed to rest, and fell asleep while she stroked her ginger tousled hair. Inside her chest, Hailey was feeling the urgent need to protect the little girl, as if she was her own sister. She never let her go while they waited together, if anything, she held her tighter as time passed by.
Rojas found them like that when she went back to the hospital to check on Hailey.
-"Hey". Vanessa announced her presence.
-"Hey". Upton answered back in a low voice, trying to hug her roomate, but couldn't really move with Becca asleep in her shoulder.
-"I got you some gyro from Greek Islands, I tought you might be hungry".
-"That's really sweet of you. Thanks". She took the back with her unoccupied hand.
-"And I got you some clean clothes from the appartment".
-"Thank you". She genuinely smiled.
-"Have we heard anything about Jay?" She sat down next to her friend.
-"No". Upton sadly answered, unconsciously checking on Becca, who was now half awake. -"He's gonna freak out when he wakes up, the man hates needles. I can't figure him out, he's the first one through the door, a war vet. And he'd rather take a bullet than get the flu shot".
Becca, who was now listening everything, internally laughed at that last comment. That was a good description of his brother.
-"Hailey, I know how hard this must be for you".
-"It's always hard when something like this happens".
-"It's hard because you love him". Vanessa Rojas said simply.
Becca's heart began to beat a little bit faster, this time for a good feeling instead of anxiety. Of course she was in love with her brother, everything made sense now. And she knew Jay had feelings for her too. Maybe that was why she felt so secure by her side.
-"Of course I love him. He's my partner". Hailey answered to finish the conversation.
Both detectives phones started to buzz and Becca took advantage of that to pretend that she had just woken up.
-"Ruzek got a lead on the home invasion". Rojas looked at her phone.
-"Yeah. Um, I'm gonna stay". Hailey said looking at Becca, who looked devastated even after having rested a bit.
-"Is everything all right?" The younger Halstead asked when Rojas left. Hailey nodded her head, not being able to controll her sobbing. The last conversation had moved a lot inside of her and was now a mixure of feelings.
Another hour passed by and Becca couldn't take it anymore.
-"Where's Will? He was supposed to be back soon and also keep us updated.
-"He was here a few times, but you were deep asleep. He didn't want to bother you. He had no news, though".
-"I heard my favorite Halstead didn't want to leave her brother's side". A familiar voice called, it was Trudy Platt. She approached with a bag in her hands. -"So I thought it would help to bring you some clothes, hunny. I mean, CPD sweaters and pants might not be the best, but they should be more confortable than that uniform you've been wearing all day. These are the smallest I found, I'm positive they'll fit you".
When Becca came back from the restroom, all changed and carrying the other clothes, she found Hailey and Platt standing up in front of Will. Fear ran through her entire body once more, not knowing what to expect, since the three of them looked very serius. It was Hailey who spotted the little girl petrified in terror at the entrance of the room.
-"Bec". Will called her. -"He's all right. Jay is going to be fine".
-"Are you sure?" She dropped her clothes and started to cry happy tears.
-"It will take time for him to recover and I can assure you he will be a pain in the ass, but he's going to be all right".
Becca laughed and jumped into her brother's arms, who lifted her up a bit in the air. Upton and Platt presenced the scene with teary eyes of relief and a smile from ear to ear.
-"Can I see him?"
-"He's still asleep, but of course. You can wait by his side until he wakes up. Come on, I'll take you there. My shift will end in a couple of hours and then I'll fully be with you two".
-"Oh, but wait!" She turned to Hailey, before following her brother. -"You should come with us. Will, she can come with us, right?".
-"I don't think is a good idea. I'll wait in here until he wakes up, don't worry". She rushed to say before letting Will answer.
-"No. I really think you should come". Once more, there was that tone so similar to Jay comming from Becca.
-"There's no problem, Hailey. If you want to, you can come". The doctor confirmed.
When Jay woke up, Hailey was out changing her clothes. Becca was the first person he spotted when he opened his eyes.
-"Hey". He managed to say and raised his unharmed arm trying to reach his little sister, taking her elbow. -"Why are you crying?" She took his hand and squeezed it as tight as she could.
-"Because I'm happy you're alive, dummy". Jay smiled when he heard her voice.
Both siblings had a lot of things to say, but they didn't need words to express their feelings. They stared at each others eyes and it was enough to understand what they were going through.
-"I know". Jay said feeling how emotional Becca was. -"Come here". He opened his arm within his posibilities and with a lot of caution she laid down her head to hug him back. -"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry". He kept repeating in a raspy voice.
They stayed like that for a while. Jay couldn't stop thinking about his actions and what would had happened to Becca if he had died. She was the only thing on his toughts when he received the shot. Becca relaxed when she heard her brother's heartbeat, it was the definitive evidence she needed to make sure he was really alive.
-"How are you feling?"
-"Like I was asleep for a year".
-"You needed a little rest".
-"Sorry to interrupt". Detective Upton came into the scene, embarrased to be the reason they had to separate. -"I didn't noticed you were already awake".
-"Don't worry. You are just in time". Becca smiled.
-"Hailey?" Jay started and she walked to the other side of the bed.
-"You know I hate hospitals".
-"Oh, you are just fine already, aren't you?". Becca rolled her teary eyes, but the comment made Hailey laughed a bit.
-"I do".
-"You gotta get me out of here".
-"It's not optional, no".
Hank Voight entered almost immediately and stood next to his detectives.
-"Becca, happy to see your eyes lighting again". He greeted her first with a head nodd, then talked to Jay: -"How's the shoulder?"
-"It feels like I'll be flying a little crooked for a while.
-"I went and talked to Will and he said no structural damage, so you got lucky".
-"I guess you could call it that".
There was something going around Jay's mind, but he couldn't ask with the presence of his little sister. He didn't want her to leave, but he had to ask Voight, and there wasn't going to be another chance.
-"Uh, Bec--why don't you go and..."
-"I guess I'll go find Will, yes". Becca said feeling the tension.
-"How's Angela doing?" He finally asked when they were alone.
-"She's under arrest".
From outside the room, Becca saw Hailey and Voight going out having a brief conversation, they looked concerned. When they split up, the Sergeant walked into another room and Upton rushed out of the hospital.
-"Is your shift already over?" Becca asked Will when he passed by, not even noticing her.
-"Half an hour and I'm done". He said looking at his clock. -"Look at you, all smiley again".
-"Jay woke up. They are running some tests right now. He's going to loose it if there are needles involved".
-"He just received a shot and I do believe he would still be afraid of a needle". The siblings laughed.
The three Halsteads stayed together as much as they could, but it was getting late and they were tired. Becca's eyes started to close due to mental exhaustation, she had cried all day and her mind was pushed to the limit. Now that everything was calmed coudn't avoid to fall asleep although the chair she was sitting in was the most unconfortable.
-"I think it's time to go". Will said. -"She stayed by your side all day, didn't want to move for a second. She was really, really worry".
-"Maybe I wasn't the indicated to be in charge of her". Jay sighed and spat what he had in his mind. -"Maybe we should have let aun Clair take her".
-"And just let her go to New York far away from us? Like, never see her again? What are you talking about, Jay? Where is this comming from, anyway?"
-"It's not the first time I've put her in a situation like this".
-"Stop thinking about it. It's the sedatives, you are all sensible and tired and need more rest. We are good, Jay. There is no one with whom she is better than with you, not even me".
A few days passed before Jay was discharged. Becca noticed how a lot of people visited him more than once: Kim, Adam, Kevin, Vanessa, Hank, Trudy and a bunch of other cops she didn't recognize. Her brother was a beloved soul and the love he received was extended towards her. She stayed inside of the room with all of the visits, except with Hailey. She always found an excuse to go out of the room when Detective Upton arrived.
-"All right. Finally, time to go home". Will said carrying a bag. -"Got you clean clothes and other stuff you may need".
-"Thank you".
-"Are you sure you don't need a hand?" Dr. Halstead asked before going out.
-"I'm good. I'll be using only one hand for a couple of days, so I might get used to it from now on".
-"I'll be around if you change your mind. Bec, let's go. Give the man some space".
Becca already knew all of the hospital, specially the ER, so she was left alone on the hallway while Will went back to work. She went to the vending machine to get something to eat while waiting for Jay. She got a juice for herself and was about to take a bag of gummies for her brother when a voice interrupted her.
-"Isn't a little bit early for candies?" It was Dr. Charles.
-"Oh, no. These are for my brother. He is about to be discharged, I tought about getting him his favorites".
-"That's a nice gesture and I'm happy to hear he's going out.
These past days were very hectic, weren't they?".
-"You bet".
Becca started walking slowly back to Jay's room, the psychiatrist by her side.
-"Dr. Charles?"
-"Yes, tell me".
-"Did Will send you to spy on me?"
-"What makes you think that?"
-"I know you've been following me around the hospital for the last couple of days. If I go to the restroom, you are there. If I go to the cafeteria, you are there. Whenever I'm alone, you are there...and now we're here". Becca smiled.
-"Oh. It wasn't my intention to make you feel harassed. Your brother Will wants to make sure you are fine, that's all".
-"No, it's ok. I think I understand".
-"Good. Well, now that we're here, would you mind if I ask you how are you doing? Your mind and body were under a lot of stress for a long period of time".
-"I'm fine. I mean, Jay is alive, that's all that matters".
-"Hm. You are right. Anyway, I'll be around if you feel the need to talk. Even when you go back home, you know I will be here".
-"Thanks, Dr. Charles".
That last conversation was strange for the little girl, why would she need to talk to Dr. Charles? Jay was alive, everything was fine. She couldn't stop going around it in her mind, she tought about telling Jay about it, but when she was close to his room she detected someone else inside, it was Hailey. Becca stood watching from afar how the detective was helping her brother to put on his sweater, that made her smile. She didn't know what they were talking about, but from her place it seemed they were very close from each other. Becca turned and walked away to give them some space.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share. 😌♡
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celiciaa · 10 months
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The Tale of the White Tiger and the Black Tiger.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
minors and ageless blogs dni.
To enter Obsidian is to enter the territory of the trampling beast——
I was prepared for this from the beginning, but what awaited me was a farce that was so easy to understand.
(You're trying to pull us off because of the disappearance of the eyepatch.)
Before the soldiers could surround Emma, I put my arm around her and pulled her from behind.
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I could feel her nervousness and anxiety, and I resisted the urge to chase them away right now.
Chevalier: Unfortunately, I have no intention of letting go of my fiancée.
Chevalier: Is there something wrong with us being together?
Roderich: In accordance with the military regulations, I must interrogate you separately.
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Chevalier: We have been working together since we entered your country. Interrogation is unnecessary.
Roderich: Still, it's a military regulation.
Chevalier: So it’s a big military regulation as you say that you have to comply with even if it means spoiling the guest of honors’ mood.
Chevalier: We were followed by your spies from the time we entered the country. Our innocence is clear.
Roderich: I don’t understand what you’re talking about. // There’s no such a thing.
Chevalier: Then I'd be happy to prove it to you.
(….I see.)
It seems that he has been ordered to separate me from Emma.
As far as I can tell that he's trying to take Emma somewhere,
One possibility is that the missing person may want to contact Emma.
(To be honest, I can't read all of eyepatch's intentions.)
(I know that you have no intention of negotiating with us as equals, even though you say you will make an agreement with us.)
Now I need information.
And if it's Emma, ​​maybe she can get some information that I want.
Chevalier: ——Whatever. I understand the intentions of the eyepatch from your demeanor.
I brought my face to Emma's ear and lowered my voice.
Chevalier: Apparently, his goal is to want you alone.
Chevalier: I'm sure this "audience" is not what you imagine it to be…..
Chevalier: Can you still go?
Emma: Yes, of course.
(Despite your anxiety and helplessness, you have no hesitation.)
Emma: I didn't come here to be protected.
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(You’ve always been a bold woman….)
I liked that about Emma so much that the corners of my mouth lifted involuntarily.
Emma: Mr. Roderich, let's go.
Emma slips out of my arms and steps forward.
However, when I saw her tied/trembling lips, I grabbed her hand and stopped her.
Chevalier: I think you know without me saying, you're my woman.
Chevalier: No matter who you are dealing with, there is no need to be afraid. And no need to be humble.
Chevalier: You only choose to do what you think is best.
I kissed her on the forehead, hoping to give her a little emotional support.
Even under such circumstances, Emma's expression was relaxed.
Emma: I'll keep that in mind.
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(I don't want to let you go.)
(….That man. He can’t hurt Emma physically.)
(In addition, considering that there was a strange sign from a while ago, it would be safer to let her go for now.)
(That said….I'm going to make him regret messing with my woman one day.)
This time Emma leaves the room, surrounded by soldiers.
It was good that I stayed alone in the room, but before I could catch my breath, a visitor came.
(….This has to be some sort of joke.)
There was a knock at the door of my room, but I decided to ignore it.
But the impatient guest couldn't stand it, so the door was opened without permission.
At first glance, the one who entered looks like a soldier, but unlike the court servants, he has a quiet bloodlust.
Chevalier: Is this also an Obsidianite way of welcoming?
(You've really….changed, Eyepatch.)
Gilbert: Hey, stop.
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Chevalier: What is it?
Gilbert: Don't step on the flowers. They are alive, too.
Chevalier:…Do you care about plants as well?
Gilbert: I want to take care of living things equally, whether they are plants or people.
Gilbert: Flowers and people, I love them all.
(——How can this man who didn't know anything about the filth of the world fall this far?)
Without a word, the guest threw his dagger.
I avoided them and closed the gap between us, but he seemed to have excellent physical skills and it was difficult to finish him off immediately.
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I've faced many assassins in Rhodolite, but this one in front of me is undoubtedly good.
In Obsidian, there are special soldiers who receive combat training from an early age,
I'll take a guess that he’s probably of that kind.
(I would have killed him if I had to…..)
Rather than reaching for my sword, I kicked him instead.
When I thought of Emma, I could not bring myself to kill him, even if he was an assassin.
It's too cruel to show her blood when she’ll come back to this room.
(And killing him in the first place is pointless without killing the one who’s responsible for this.)
But I'm not used to fighting without a sword,
The opponent's hidden dagger grazes my skin.
I dragged him to the floor and broke his arm in exchange for injury, but I felt dizzy.
(….I’m being poisoned.)
Still, you sensed that the odds were not in my favor,
The military-looking man leaves the room with his arm dangling.
It happened in an instant like a passing rain.
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(I knew I wasn't welcome….but, I see.)
(I suppose for some reason he was ordered to kill me.)
I immediately reached for the box containing some medical supplies that my stupid brother had given it to Emma.
As I undress and apply the medicine, I think of my old friend.
(Eyepatch and I were bound to kill each other someday.)
(The man who loved the world more than anyone else has become a beast…..)
(To think he who loved the world more than anyone else can be called human….)
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I think to myself.
(I guess the only difference between us is….having someone to love or not.)
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 14 days
I’m not the writing tips anon, but loved your tips!!! Any more detailed tips for outlining and editing? Generally I get stuck into both of this and can’t seem to know how to do it in a effective way. Have a good june and a nice day! :)
other then the few relevant ones from my previous ask, here are some that came to mind:
firstly you'll need to brainstorm a bit, come up with the story. maybe you've scribbled down some notes over a period of time that you can now sit down and gather, perhaps fill in the holes and find strings to connect it all together. or maybe it is a true brainstorm and you haven't decided on any of the puzzles corner pieces yet.
my personal routine for when I need to figure out a story is to sit down at a time when things are calm and I can properly think, often it is by a window (there's just something about looking up at the clouds that gets my wheels turning), some days I put on some music (I prefer instrumental for this, often with the vibe I'm trying to capture in with the story) and then I kinda just meditate on it and write down any ideas that might strike me.
or if I feel stuck there and the ideas just won't come, then I go do something completely different. the lightbulb often gets turned on whenever I go take a shower or do the dishes or even go for a walk through a quiet place. or even the classic of watching a movie or tv show can grant me plenty of inspiration when I'm in lack of it. prompt lists can also be a great help (one of the reasons I have a whole side blog dedicated just to keeping them organised: @prompt-heaven)
and then when my list of messy notes is long enough, I put them in order and fill out the holes to make the story flow naturally from one moment to the next. I just play it all out in my head till it feels right.
depending on how long or complicated the story is, the process or outlining it can take various amounts of time. some stories come like a bolt of lightning while others you need to dig for. but I find it to be easiest when my mind and body is in a place where there is place for such a thing, when I'm not too stressed or tired or anything, those are the moments when I get stuck, and then I just have to take a step back and declare that that won't be the activity of the day and instead focus my energy on doing something that'll make me feel better so that I'll sooner get to a point where the ideas will come flooding in.
my biggest advice for this, I wrote in the previous ask (to never edit when tired and to always edit while reading out loud)
if gramma is something you struggle with, then I highly advise getting the free version of grammarly or other similar programs.
and if a part of your story isn't sitting well when you're editing it, then you can always rewrite it. you can make it something completely different or even just try to write the same premise though only rewrite it from your memory.
and try not to be too critical of yourself. sometimes, some stories, aren't ment to be made "perfect" but simply to be completed. for it to be done is enough.
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ikamigami · 2 months
Sorry for not saying anything for the past day. I've been trying to gather my thoughts and feelings over the whole situation. I'm not even sure what to say since I'm usually the "listen quietly and give small indications that I'm listening while someone vents" type of comfort. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and make things worse for you. If simply mentioning the situation brings you back to a bad mind-space, please ignore this then and go about your day.
But I want to say that I love your analysis, the passion you have, and hope this situation didn't take away what appears to be something you enjoy doing for any other character you like to analyze. What happened was too far. Whether it was targeted to someone else or you, in the end people got hurt and you were one of them. You deeply connected to a character and worried for them, that's not something to be ashamed of. Whether you're right or wrong, that was your personal interpretation and it's not like you made a petition to make your interpretation true and harassed others. If it somehow came off that way to other people, the situation could have been handled better. Again, sorry being quiet until now. We're new mutuals and I wasn't sure if I should say anything. I'm glad others, however, had shown their support to you and helped you through all of that. Please take care of your mental health and I hope today is better than yesterday for you.
And sorry for making this anonymous. My anxiety is getting the better of me. If anything I wrote made you upset or if this itself is overstepping a boundary as a new mutual, please know that I'm sorry and to please just ignore anything I said/delete this. I don't plan to do something like this ever again.
You're absolutely fine. It's okay, dear anon 💗
I understand the hesitation. I also often hesitate when I want to say something that it makes me anxious.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Even though you're just a new mutual, you already expressed such deep concern about my well-being and I can't thank you enough for this ^^
They told me that it felt to them that my theories come across as if I think that I'm right and I'm upset when others don't agree with me.. which is true kind of.. idk anymore.. I also thought that others theories also had that feel to me.. but no one was upset so I am probably at fault.. right?
I left Discord on January.. and even before I stopped talking about it.. and I focused to talk about it only on my blog on Tumblr.. but one time I went under someone else's blog and there was an argument and I apologized and I promised that I won't do that again.. and I think that I didn't do that.. but idk.. I'm not sure..
Some people blocked me and that's fine and I blocked some people to so we wouldn't uspet each others.. but I was still upsetting everyone..
I.. I just.. Do VAs really think about me like if I was like that Miku fan..? I wish for to know for sure but I think that this is true.. Were they harassed because of me? Because of my posts? I hope not.. but idk.. I can't be sure..
It's okay..
You're so kind. Thank you so much for liking my analysises ^^ I appreciate your words and support 💗
Your words mean a lot to me, thank you 🫂
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Hello, dear, and congratulations on your blog! Hope you'll have a great time. Can I get a romantic matchup, please? Any team is okay but I'll mention my favorites if it helps: Fukurodani, Karasuno, Date Tech. Pre-timeskip.
About myself: she/her. Personality wise I'm affectionate, teasing (lovingly) and fiery. But I can also be cold, reserved, slightly intimidating, if it's needed. I'm kind to everyone but I take no shit, not afraid to react or speak up. I love to help people and be attentive with their needs. I have a big heart even if it doesn't sound like it. I'm also very curious, wanting to learn and try as many things as possible.
Three things I enjoy doing with others: playful banter - I like showing my affection like this sometimes so nothing serious or mean, deep talks - I like to know what people think and feel, moments of calmness - just hanging around comfortably with each other, even in silence.
Love language: Giving - physical touch and acts of service. Receiving - physical touch or any other.
Ideal date: Movie and a walk after. A movie will get us both feel comfortable with each other, making easier to open up later. Just enjoying calmness without the pressure of someone saying anything at first. However, after, I'd love to take a walk with my date and talk about the movie and their perspectives and gradually and naturally get into a deeper conversation.
I hope this is not too much or too confusing. Thank you for your time and don't forget to take care of yourself. Have a great day/night! 🌹
Thank you for the greeting, I do hope to have a good time here! Based on what you’ve written, I think you would do well with the Great King himself — Oikawa Tooru!
At first, he’d take your cold and reserved nature as a challenge, trying to break down your walls and worm himself into your good graces. But eventually, he would find himself enamored by your golden heart and curious mind. He likes how you’re never afraid to talk back to him and disagree with him, something he finds to be refreshing considering his usual interactions with ladies. He has what it takes to match your quick wit with his own, proving to be a good partner for banter. He seems like he would hate quiet moments, but he actually quite likes not only your deep talks but your moments of calmness as well. He finds himself simply enjoying being in your presence, no matter the lack of words, since he finally doesn’t have to pose as his overly chatty persona. He isn’t from any of your favorite teams which he would always sulk over whenever someone reminds him. You love to tease him about it, but would also affectionately remind him that he’s the one you're dating and not anyone from the teams you may favor. 
My second match for you would be Tsukishima Kei!
Now, here’s a little short on how your ideal date with Oikawa might go!
When the credits rolled, you emerged from the cool darkness feeling a little dazed. Blinking in the bright lobby lights, you turned to Oikawa Tooru. "Oikawa, that was..."
He grinned, his eyes sparkling. "A classic rom-com experience? Cheesy but heartwarming? And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tooru."
You chuckled. "Right, Tooru. Though I have to admit, I enjoyed it more than I expected."
"Me too," he admitted, his voice dropping a touch. "Maybe because I was watching it with you."
Your heart skipped a beat. Tooru suggested he walk you home as it was already late, the stars serving as witnesses to your quiet stroll. It didn’t stay quiet for long though, as you and Tooru continued to discuss the movie and eventually transitioned to the both of you sharing more and more information about yourselves to each other. It was during this walk that you realized how much you didn’t know about charming brunet. 
Reaching your stop, a pang of disappointment hit you. You didn't want the night to end. "Tooru, this was..."
He cut you off, his gaze holding yours. "Amazing? Fun? I had a great time tonight."
"Me too," you admitted, your voice barely a whisper. "Maybe we could do this again sometime?"
A smile bloomed on his face. "I'd like that very much."
He hesitated for a moment, then leaned in slightly. Before you could overthink it, his lips brushed against yours, sending a delicious shiver down your spine. It was a brief, chaste touch, but it spoke volumes.
Pulling back, Tooru's eyes twinkled. "Good night."
"Good night," you replied, your heart overflowing with a newfound warmth. As you watched them walk away, a goofy grin plastered on your face, you knew this was just the beginning of something special.
I know I chose someone who isn’t from your favorite teams, but I hope you still liked your match regardless!🌻
Want your own matchup? Check out the rules over here!💙
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thetriumphantpanda · 2 months
hi charlie! 
to say the vibes have been off lately would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? because there has been a lot of negativity, too much for a place that is supposed to be about finding an outlet for your creativity and people to share your interests.
i know it has been difficult, draining to be around here and face all the discourse cankering the fandom. 
because of all this negativity, i believe it is important to try and balance it out with some kindness. so here i am, doing a little check-up on you <3
so first, how are you, really?
everything you feel regarding what is happening is valid and you deserve to feel happy and safe around here. so please, make sure you take the time you need from posting, from sharing fics, even just from being on the platform. i want you to know it’s okay and i support whatever you decide, for whatever reason.
i also want you to know that you have your place here, as much as the rest of us. you’re loved and wanted and i can assure you the fandom is a far better place with you in it.
i hope you’re taking care of yourself outside of tumblr as well. please remember to stay hydrated and to eat something 🫶🏼
now i would like you to sit back and enjoy the perfect, quiet night in with joel <3
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do not hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, i’m here for you! sending you all my love and so many hugs 🫂
anna 💗
Ahhh Anna, this is so sweet of you - thank you for taking the time to try and combat so much of the negativity on here by spreading some love - it's so important!
I have had so many thoughts about what's been going on lately, some of which I'll share here, but I'll put under a read-more so if you're not wanting to read discourse, you don't have to!
I'm going to go and enjoy my quiet night in with Joel, because that would absolutely fix me right now and thank you for sharing that with me. He's making me a cup of tea right now and is going to bring it to me, we'll watch TV and I will continue crocheting a blanket for us to snuggle up under!
Take care of yourself Anna, and thank you for always being kind and wonderful on here!
If you've been around here a while, you'll know that I rarely, if ever, get involved and wade into the discourse that floats around often. It's not because I don't care, it's because this blog has, and always will be, my way to escape the pressure of my real life. I have enough personal drama to contend with outside of the internet, and I very rarely want to allow it to bleed into the one space I have where I can escape for some peace.
That being said, it has become harder and harder for me to ignore the absolute storm of shit that has been swirling these past weeks. My friends and mutuals having their works blatantly stolen and then receiving hate when calling this out. People I look up to and whose writing I enjoy being attacked for presenting certain kinks. The insane rise in anon hate being spouted not just here, but across other sites as well. It's all too much and it all has to stop.
The people on this site create fic because they enjoy it. They graciously and selflessly write thousands of words for your enjoyment, for free might I add, without asking for very much in return. They write often around full-time jobs, school work and through personal and health issues. They agonise over making sure their work is as good as they can make it. They don't owe you anything, we don't owe you anything. We do this because we enjoy it, but the current climate on this absolute hellsite is making the enjoyment really fucking hard to find these days.
Be kind to each other. Stop hiding behind the cloak of anonymity to spew hate and be mean. Stop stealing other people's work. If you come across a fic that has warnings or themes that aren't your cup of tea, stop reading and walk away. Take a step back and think about what will happen if writers are continuously driven off this site.
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
- Okay anyways-
- I read your thing about flirtatious s/o, and was like 😳->😏
- Idk if this goes against the rules bc it is limey so (if it is just lmk and delet)
- Can we get uhm.... Jacket, Sokol, Houston, Dallas and for absolutely no reason Dozer for this?
- So can we get a situation where Reader and him have to (for random plot reasons) hide in a tight spot??? Like a locker or something
- This is during/just after a fight so Reader's preeeetty tired
- So they just rest their head on him
- And he's trying so hard not to... not to have.... UHHHHHH-
- I hope you know where this is going???
- (He's trying not to wiener)
yeah this is chill with me ! if i ever write overly spicy stuff , then you'll most likely find it on my alt that's dedicated to the juicy stuff . also no i'm not giving the tag for said alt lmao also , this post in particular is VERY long and took me fucking forever to finish . my writing clearly started to deteriorate towards the end LMAO . consider this a valentine's day special lol i'll be making a special cut of this on my side blog once i get my requests done so stay tuned for that ig
Despite such a quiet heist, it was still one of exhaustion. Having to worry about the guards, running past civilians and praying that they don't see you, it's draining. Luckily, a fellow heister volunteered to stealth it with you, making the experience a tad bit easier.
You and Dallas were tasked with tagging a truck with a GPS tracking device whilst the other two heisters, Houston and Hoxton, stayed behind. This truck contained voting machines that you two have to hack, but none of the trucks were labeled, therefore you had to find clues on which ones had the things you needed. The two of you were tucked in a shipping container, waiting for guards to pass while looking through the boxes to see if there was anything indicating the right or wrong truck.
"D-Dallas...? Can we take a quick breather..?" You huffed, your legs cramped from crouching and your body coated in sweat from all the running and sneaking about. Despite the container being so large, the two of you could barely squeeze yourselves inside, as there were boxes packed rather tightly inside. Your legs were entangled in his, both of your torsos just mere centimeters away. You were panting heavily, the tight space making it harder to gather oxygen.
"Sure..are you alri-" He was cut off as you leaned forward, your head now resting on his shoulder as your arms wrapped around his waist. Dallas could feel his face heating up from underneath his mask, but not because of the awkward atmosphere. He stared down at your heavily breating form attempting to gulp down the words that were stuck in his throat.
You were brought out of your heated daze when you heard Dallas groaning softly, in which you pulled back ever so slightly to face him. He had one of his hands pressed against the boxes whilst the other was holding up his mask. You could feel his legs shaking ever so slightly as he tried to curb the attempts to buck his hips towards yours.
"Are you okay?" You hummed, bringing your hand up to his and moving his mask off of his face so you could make sure that he wasn't dying underneath it. However, just as you unveiled his lips, both of his hands shot up to grab your mask, ripping it off before slamming his lips against yours.
The scent of cigarette smoke and his freshly ironed suit filled your nose, the bitter sensation of nicotine and the sweet taste of him now in your mouth as his tongue pressed against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut, now resting your hands on his shoulders to pull him closer. Time seemed to slow, everything melting away as you focused on him and only him. Not even the sounds of gunshots or the bickering of the other two heisters outside pulled you out of the trance that the two of you were stuck in.
Let's hope the others don't find you two in that shipping container...
It was a quiet night. The only sounds heard being rain drops tapping softly against the window and the chatter among the attendees of the auction. As much as the gang wanted to try to place bids on the artifact being auctioned off, they knew that it would take a big chunk out of their vault, and it would most certainly not be a guarantee of even getting it. The criminals instead opted for attempting to steal the item. After all, it was one of the many things they were good at.
Ears sharp and eyes peeled, you crawled down the halls as fast as possible, making sure to keep yourself out of sight from the guards and cameras that littered the building. Houston followed behind, keeping an eye out for anyone approaching. The two of you thought you were safe, but the sound of a gun unholstering and a voice shouting at you two brought you two to a halt.
Turning around to face the guard, he glared the both of you down for a good few seconds. He proceeded to fish his radio out of his pocket, but you had whipped your gun out to shoot it to bits before he could say anything. Next thing you knew, unsilenced gunshots had been fired from the guard's gun, now alerting others. The crowd below was now startled, spooked whispers and gasps echoing from the crowd. The sounds of these sent panic into you, making you directly headshot the guard before grabbing Houston by the wrist and pulling him away.
You shoved yourself and Houston into a storage closet, shutting the door behind you as the alarms started to blare from outside. The closet was unfortunately very tight, but it was the only hiding spot available so that you could wait for the rest of the crew to arrive and save you from this mess. Your hands left the doorknob just after you locked it, letting out a huff of relief before leaning your shocked form against the wall.
"I'm sorry I-"
"No it's okay, it's okay. We didn't know he'd be there." Houston sighed, placing his hand on your shoulder before pulling you close. You took a minute to process what was going on, the sirens, the screaming, and soon the warm embrace that you found yourself in. He continued to whisper reassurings into your ear as he let you relax into him.
A few minutes in, you could hear Houston muttering your name ever so softly. Almost like he was trying to get your attention. You pulled back, looking into his now half-lidded eyes before asking: "Are you okay..?"
"Sorry I just- m- my- ngh..~" Houston pulled his hands away from your waist, bringing one up to his mask and the other down to his pants, the other now gripping onto his belt desperately. He moved his mask off to wipe away some of the sweat that was coating his forehead. Your face flushed red once your eyes trailed down to his crotch, his current behavior finally making sense to you. 
"We should- sh-should get back to the missio-" He went back to pull his mask back on, but you brought your hand up to stop his, soon pulling it away to swipe your mask off and let it clatter to the ground. "No no..." You hummed, your face now inches away from his. The red on his face became brighter as you grabbed at his pants, pulling at them ever so slightly. "Let's take care of your little friend here first~"
It was an intense battle. The constant bangs and pops of guns firing, screams of the cops that were being mercilessly shot down as well as the heisters' demands for things like coolant for the drill or to reboot the power, and most importantly, the earpiercing sound of the giant drill burning its way into the glass flooring that blocked the criminals from the stacks upon stacks of cash that they were after.
"SOKOL!" His name erupted from your throat as you fired your weapon at the horde of cops that continued to try to get to the both of you. Your body armor was sparing you of the bleeding you would've had to endure if you didn't have it, but it still hurt regardless. "We're under heavy fire here!"
"БЛИН- I KNOW!" The Russian cursed loudly, also trying to fend off the swarms of cops. Wave after wave, they just kept coming. It was like there was no break to it. You were starting to get exhausted and your armor was starting to deteriorate under its constant abuse, struggling to reload fast enough to be able to continue shooting cops down. You whipped around to face Sokol, but you could only catch the faint image of him grabbing you by the wrist and running through a doorway.
It was a blur, especially with how fast he was running, but soon you finally processed that you two were in a locker room. You could hear the heavy boots of the various cops stampeding their way down the stairs. Within a matter of seconds, you found yourself and the Russian heister now stuffed into a locker, the both of you dead quiet as you two waited for the cops to pass.
It felt like forever until you heard the footsteps of those pesky cops started to fade away, in which you finally managed to take a deep breath before finally leaning against the wall a little more. You looked up at Sokol within the dark confines of the metal locker you two had been stuffed in. It was only when you glanced to the side when you realized that he had both his hands firmly planted next to your head, effectively pinning you within the locker.
Blinking a few times, you focused your gaze back on him, realizing that his mask had been shoved out of its place, now showing a good portion of his face. You could see his platinum eyes glinting at you with an almost feral intent, his hair scattered and no longer its in slicked back state. From what you could see with the little light provided, his sweat-coated face was dusted pink, his jaw hanging slightly as be panted harshly.
"You know..." He started, his voice low as if he were growling, bringing his left hand away from your head only to rip his mask off, as well as yours. He proceeded to grip your chin and pull you close, nearly closing the gap between your lips and his. "The drill has quite a long time before it's done, no?"
You could feel the heat rushing to your face and down to your crotch because of his behavior, letting out a small whimper as he left a soft kiss on your lips. The hardness in his pants was pressed against your thigh, his hips moving ever so slightly and bringing friction between the two surfaces. Sokol leaned into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe gently before purring:
"Why don't we... pass the time... милый?"
Jacket wasn't very fond of stealth, and neither were you. Of course, Bain made the two of you go on this heist anyway. Why? Who knows, and you honestly couldn't care less. You just wanted to get the heist over and done with.
The two of you were infiltrating the GenSec arena, in which there was vault that was in need of cracking. There was a concert going on for a musician going by the name 'Alesso'. The music was bumping from the stage itself, so loud that the two of you could hear it whilst in the halls behind the concessions.
You had to find the C4 that was marked in some of the storage closets, said closets being marked with a red X. However, what the two of you didn't know was that there were going to be a few guards patrolling this area. You currently had some of your lockpicking equipment out, desperately trying to get the reinforced door open. You could feel Jacket nudging at you, knowing that there was a guard nearly.
Just before the guard could even get a proper glance of the two of you, you managed to get the storage closet open, soon getting pushed inside by Jacket as faster than a lightning bolt. He quickly kicked the door closed, hearing the lock you had just picked click as the metal door slammed shut.
"That..." You breathed, your chest rising and falling harshly as you found yourself staring into the beady eyes of Jacket's mask. "That was close...huh?"
You attempted to push yourself up, only to realize that Jacket had both of your wrists pinned to the cold concrete floor. Letting out a quick chuckle as to try and make the situation a little less awkward, you attempted to get up once more.
"J-Jacket...? I think- I think we're safe now-" It only took a few seconds before you found both your mask and Jacket's thrown to the side, the lack of his mask now revealing his reddened face and almost feral expression. His eyes stared into yours with a feverish yet lucid glow, his face starting to inch closer and closer to yours. "Jacket what are you-"
You were cut off as he rammed his chapped lips against your own, his kiss animalistic and rough in nature. It was only after he pulled away when he realized what he did, his grip weakening and his eyes widening. Jacket was about to reach for his tape recorder, but you stopped him, your voice weak but words clear as day:
"K-keep going~"
"Damn it, FALL BACK! NOW!" You could hear Captain Winters screaming the demand into the radio, causing you to nearly panic, more so that you already are. You knew the Payday gang would put up a fight, but if Captain Winters himself was telling units to fall back, then you know something was wrong. You glanced up at your fellow colleague, a Skulldozer that you were good friends with, who was just shooting down an unfortunately no longer fellow cop. You would be gloomy about the fact, but you had no time for that, as the two of you were on the fourth floor and in immediate danger.
You were just about to whisper to him about the Captain's demands, but when you felt a bullet just barely graze your armor, your attention was pulled away. You focused your gaze in front of you, now seeing one of the masked criminals with a submachine gun slowly approaching you. Your face paled upon the sight, now frantically looking for a way out. You caught a glance of what the Dozer was facing, and much to your dismay, you found that the both of you were being closed in on by two of the clown-faced criminals.
Squeezing your eyes shut and ready to accept your fate, you were pulled out of your trance of fear, as well as being pulled out of the hall the two of you were in and into a room. It was only a matter of seconds before you realized that the Skulldozer had pulled you into a room nearby, holding you closely by the waist as he looked around for a hiding spot.
Just as the door to the room was kicked open by one of the gang members, you two had just barely managed to squeeze yourselves into a closet, holding your breaths and praying that he would leave soon. Luckily, upon scanning the room, the criminal backed out of the place, giving you the opportunity to gasp for air.
"Oh thank god-" You managed to say inbetween gasps. You pulled the mask obscuring your face down, revealing your pink-tinted cheeks and slightly ajar mouth. "God- all this can really work up someone's heat, huh?"
"Hehe...yeah.." Dozer responded quietly to you, in which you found oddly concerning. It was clear how draining the situation was, but usually he'd have some sort of witty remark or joke to respond to you with, but he seemed a bit sluggish this time around.
"Hey...are you okay?" You hummed, reaching your gloved hand out to the Dozer. He seemed to back away just a little bit upon your approach, causing you to retract your hand instead. "Do you need be to get Winters to call an extraction team? I can-"
"I-it's really hot in here..." He whimpered out, his legs trembling within his heavy armor. You were about to ask if he needed any help taking his armor or anything off, but you were cut off by his voice as well as your flustered response to it: "Or maybe you're just heating up the room~?"
"I- y-you-" Your face was nearly as red as your uniform, your nervous stuttering eliciting a chuckle from the Dozer that was pressed up against you.
"Y'know..." Dozer hummed, flipping his face plate up so you could see his lustful expression through the glass of his helmet, his other hand pressed against the wall next to your head as he purred:
"Maybe we can have some fun while we're still here~"
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drconstellation · 7 months
Hello! The level of detail in your metas is awesome. I was wondering if you have come across the name of the china pattern of Aziraphale’s blue & white teacup. I collect China & am familiar with many patterns & how to find them, but I have found nothing that identifies this pattern. Any chance you know it or know who to ask to find it?
Thanks and keep up the excellent analysis work please!
Hello! Thanks for the kind words.
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I had a closer look at the pattern, but found it difficult to see in detail. At the moment I don't think it has any specific meaning itself, but rather that he has a vintage blue and white set - which, as a collector, I'm sure you know is a common but popular colour combination - and that in itself reflects his angelic nature and his love of old things.
I put my limited Antique Roadshow hat on for bit, and it doesn't look like it comes from the far East at all, as it is quite a delicate pattern, so I get the feeling it was made either in Britain or western Europe somewhere, so its probably just some foliage and or flowers. But now you've got me to look at it, you never know where this might appear! Stranger things have happened, so if anything else comes my way, I'll update this and let you know.
Edit: I've done a reblog answer on the original ops blog where they post a better image of the teacup - I believe its a clematis, and there are wings with halos around the rim.
The real significance of tea scene itself is about the sharing of a ritual, as there have always been rituals around tea. Whether it be a formal East Asian tea ceremony, where one is meditating on life and its imperfections, or more modern traditions where the pot is warmed first, how many scoops of tea leaves are counted, if the pot is turned before pouring, how long the pot is left to steep and the act of pouring itself - well, the variations are almost endless. But they are rituals for the participants, and horror if you don't abide by them! They are what bind us together socially, and give us succour in times of need. When someone is distressed, or have been crying, you never offer them coffee, its always a soothing cup of fresh tea.
Aziraphale is shocked to find Muriel at the door of the bookshop, because he recognizes them (but they don't) and immediately sees something is not right. Muriel has to wait to be invited inside the Garden, the first step of the tea ceremony. Aziraphale then makes the tea and offers it politely with cups on saucers (not poured at the table) to his past acquaintance, and we see he is clearly pained and troubled by the state he finds Muriel in, and tries to guide them gently along -
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when Crowley suddenly bursts in with his plants (he's bought his part of the Garden inside, thanks, Crowley!) and then he gleefully interrupts the quiet peace on discovering Muriel there, like a cat discovering a mouse to play with. While the ritual ends prematurely, Aziraphale has at least tried to do his best with a fellow angel that had clearly been...damaged. And to be honest, Muriel is too distracted by everything around them to appreciate what Aziraphale is trying to do. Tea gardens are not supposed to offer distractions.
Oh dear. That didn't go to well. Lets hope Aziraphale and Muriel can finish that cup of tea together another day.
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mallowstep · 1 year
i hope you’re doing okay. 💙 it’s ok if you don’t answer this, i just wanted you to know folks are still thinking about you and wanting good things for you.
thank you babe (and thank you to everyone else who sent a message to this effect; i will answer them when i can)
i'm doing pretty well right now. i've been very busy at work, working on a top secret classified project (god only knows when you'll get more details than what i've already shared ;3), and also just. recovering from depression. there is so much of my life that even months out from the worst of it, i'm still trying to pull the pieces back together.
i have been writing a little. it's been difficult, mostly because of numerous incidents regarding writing and mental health (if you've been here for a while, you probably know about them; if you're new, the tldr is "mallowstep went off the wall for a bit and he's fine but it left him feeling bad"), and now i face down the summer which is...rough, mentally.
i don't know what normal looks like for me right now. i want to write but i don't know how it will fit into my life. i'm still making space for myself, in all the chaos and reconstruction. i know writing will be a part of normal for me. i just don't know where it fits yet.
it's been a while since i've felt like myself. the hollow feeling is abating. i am finding words to describe emotion again, that are more than just there or missing. i have been thinking about the stories i have yet to work on. what i want to tell next.
it has been an incredible two years for me. when i started this blog, i had just been broken up with by my boyfriend of three years, only a month or so after my childhood cat and dog had died one day apart. i was coping with so much impossible grief: i wrote the second chapter of i'll come back to you someday soon myself after my grandmother died, and i did not write anything after that for quite a while.
my wrists are healing. they hurt a little today and i'm not sure why, but they are healing.
i'll be going back to university as a natural resources major. i want a job that lets me protect and cultivate the forests i find so much comfort in. the complex webs of their ecosystems bring me so much delight. did you know trees talk to their daughters? did you know they care for their children? protect them?
it has been an incredible two years. i met my now-partner, learned how to actually trust people, and failed out of a year of college due to collapsing mental health. i went through approximately one million assessments to get a diagnosis and understand what was happening to me. i had a doctor tell me i was being undermedicated to an astounding degree. i had to let go of my beloved plants because i couldn't keep myself alive, much less then. i found a job i love so much i am eager to go to work every morning.
i honestly don't think i would've recognized who i am now, back when i started out here. i have become someone who trusts. who has connections with people. who does not fear so much. (i have also become someone who cries as i drive home from work sometimes. i have also become someone who needs to sit on the floor and count all the pieces of art i can see. we move in spirals, not straight lines.)
all of this is to say, i have been quiet on here for quite a while because i have been recovering from two years (a lifetime) of some truly exhausting events, as well as letting myself find things i enjoy. when i got out of high school, i loved what i was doing academically. i had very little passion. it had been bled out of me.
i am incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. your support, even in my period of dormancy, has meant so much. my relationship with writing sometimes feels like i am fighting my double, trying to balance both my need to use writing to understand myself, and my tendencies to ruin myself in the process.
i still don't have any promises to make, because i really don't know what's next for me. but i am still here, and you all still mean something to me.
with all my love, mallow
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