#once uopn a time
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year ago
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ONCE UPON A TIME REWATCH: 5.17, HER HANDSOME HERO This book is about compassion and forgiveness - the things that truly make a hero.
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herhookedhero · 1 year ago
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Jared proposed at Disneyland right next to the Snow White and Peter Pan rides… I mean… 😏😏😏
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onceedit · 3 years ago
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☆ like ou reblogue se pegar ♥
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meetmeatmidnightsblog · 8 years ago
Let me cook you breakfast ( outlaw queen one shot)
Robin managed to convince Regina to let him cook her breakfast at his camp before she headed over to the charmings. He held her hand like any normal couple would do as they walked through the woods in silence as the blue Jay's welcome them into there home with a song.
They got closer her heart pounded faster, faster as nerves ran through her veins like a ping pong ball. The worry of unessary gossip circles around with 'worst situation sinarios.' since she wasn't on the best terms with Little John.
"what if they don't like me?."
"Regina, my men will love you. I'm sure of it if not I'll give them a very stern talking to later."
"They only see me as the evil queen like everyone else does."
"You've changed. Like I have."
"You don't know that."
"I can see that you're not a monster, you will to just give them a chance."
"Okay, I can do this."
Robin kissed her right on the lips to make sure that she doesn't worry too much, go overboard. He knows how afraid she must be because he's never done this before. With everything that has gone on between them since Marian return may upset a few people, pour down a lasp moment of confusion but once his men sees how happy he is with Regina, they'll accept her with open arms.
"What are you making for breakfast?."
"Roasted turkey."
"Sounds delicious."
She kept her answer short to cover up her fear of rejection, abandonment from a group of men who have known Robin there whole lives. She really wants them to like her, see that she truly changed since they last met each other in the enchanted forest during the missing year. Roland is playing pin the tail on the horsy with Will scarlet, drops the interest one second later when he spots his papa, mama Gina coming this way. He lights up like a child at Disneyland, glows with joy and jumps with excitement as his family rescues him from this terrible game.
"Papa!, Mama!, you came back. I've missed you both so much."
Regina smile softly when Roland refers to her as 'mama' instead of Gina. She picks her adorable dimpled boy up in her arms, kisses his cheek. Robin catches up with her, greets his son with a warm welcome, a bear hug once he smuggled him out of her grasp.
"Momma, you look different."
"No I don't Roland."
"yes you do."
"Alright enough you two."
"Okay daddy, I'll be good I promise."
"that's my boy."
Regina saw the same expression of guilt in Rolands face that she used to have when she was a just a child who disappointed her mother. She goes over to Robin, tells him "Don't be to hard on him."
"I wasn't."
"That's how I used to act whenever I did something wrong. All though my punishments we're much worse."
"Regina, I'm so sorry I didn't know how bad you had it. I'll do my best to work on my parenting skills when it comes to Roland."
"Be greatful you never crossed paths with my mother like I did. Roland is very lucky to have such an amazing dad, family who looks after him."
"me to. Now enough stalling and let's get to it before the guys start to wonder we're I am."
She joined Robin and his merry Men for breakfast and took a small plate of turkey so theirs enough for everyone to eat. Since she's well aware of how much they struggle in the winter time once the animals crawl into harbination. She sat next to Roland and Will scarlet, mingled about how much Robin loves her, that it was him who convinced him to follow his heart. She tried not to let the unsettling amount of guilt ruin this morning because technically he's still a married man even though Marian is still frozen, eventually she'll have to find away to save her but right now she can just be herself, be with the man she loves.
"Thank you for breakfast."
"Your more than welcome. Feel free to join us anytime."
"I'll keep that in mind. I don't mean to be rude but I have to go."
"Sure you can't stay a few more minutes."
"Sounds tempting but no I can't I have some business to attend to."
"Okay Regina, well it was good seeing you."
Roland runs over to his momma, yells "Don't go until I've gotten a goodbye hug and kiss."
"Oh alright."
She picks the boy up and hugs him tightly, kisses his forehead.
"be good for your daddy okay."
"I'll try, really I will."
"I gotta go Roland, see you later okay."
"Bye, bye momma. Oh before you go tell Henry I said hi."
"I will do that but I really must go."
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enigmaofdreams · 8 years ago
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Most ambitious piece ever, I guess. Well, for now, at least.
Available on many products at https://society6.com/stellawenny and http://www.redbubble.com/people/stellaarts or if you are in Indonesia https://tees.co.id/stores/stellaarts/
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ouat-obsessed · 8 years ago
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Roles reversed!
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darkandblueaesthetic · 8 years ago
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Hey so Id like to do more aesthetic palettes but I want some new photos, so if any of you guys want a crafting photo to become "aesthetic" (lol) please just send me some 😊 And they can be from anything, not just Dan and Phil lol.
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everything-person · 8 years ago
I loved old fat and crazy Hook. And Pinocchios reaction when Emma said they lived together in the other realm.
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pursuit0fhappin3ss · 4 years ago
It was about 1 month until I was 16 and I remember waking up in a pile of my own sweat. Coughing and wheezing so much it started to hurt to breath. I had started Wripping my clothes off searching for someway to make it easier to do something that had been so effortless just before id fallen asleep. I couldnt talk, yet, I wanted to scream. I remember vividly hearing the garage go up and then down while my dad left for work. Oh god oh god I had to find my phone. I threw blankets up in the air, but it became so exhausting with such small breathes. I still searched for my phone. I became helpless at least I remember feeling like it. I sat there in complete awh as I didn’t know what to do, I just knew I was sick l, and really sick. It took whatever I had in me to turned on my fan in hopes that maybe that would help. I began to feel more and more defeated I didnt know what to do. my eyes search and searched started to fill with tear, I tried to calm myself down by inhaling as slow as humanly possible, I happened to looked over and oh fuck there it was, my phone. I grabbed it and as fast as I could called my dad. It rang and he answered."I" inhaled & exhaled "dont" again more breathes "feel" 2 more breaths "good" inhales exhales. He was already 45 minutes away he couldnt turn around. I told him it was okay that I was okay. After we hung up I called my mom and told her she needed to come get me right now. Something was wrong I explained in complete and utter disraught and painc , I didnt know what was happening to me I was scared. Luckily she only lived a few blocks away but When she got to my dads I couldnt barley get up, so she came into the house ran to my room, helped me get dressed slowly. By this point I was so sick and had lost so much oxygen I couldnt barley open my eyes. My older brother who ended up being home had carried me to her car. The entire way to the hospital I rememeber trying to look around but being so exhausted I just couldnt bring myself to do it. How far are we? I asked with breaths of air that inbeween so distant and shallow. It hurts so bad, I didnt know what to do. Finally we made it to the hospital, I couldnt get out and walk on my own so my mom rush frantically and grabbed a wheelcahir and thrown me into. As I entered the doors It was like a falwk of geese attacking me all at once. Things were being attached to me left right and centre I answered what I was asked in one word answer but couldnt say anything more. I could hear the doctor talking to my mom, I should have been taking in so much earlier, He was getting mad at her. I felt bad, I didnt know either, It was my fault too id never be sick before how were we supposed to know what to do. When they attached the c-pap machine to me it was like sticking your head out of a moving truck and being rushed with air. I remember after that as I was falling asleep doctors uopn doctors surrounding me. I woke up a few times but slept most of that next week. They diagnosed me two years later when I had turned 18. Still to this day im in disbelief. I never thought this would happen to me I went from watching it in a commercial to this being my new reality.
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herhookedhero · 5 months ago
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It's been 7 years since I did these photo ops and they are still my favorite to this day. I really need to frame them...
Story behind them: I was in a M&G with Colin at the SF con in Aug 2017, and I told him I was coming back to SF in two weeks to see Sean. And I was going to make the sign. He laughed and said to tell Sean that he approved of this. And to tag him when it’s done. So I did.
Then while at SFCC I had Sean cross out Colin’s name and write his own, totally on a whim just thinking of it there. He misspelled his name even 😂. So when I got my photo op I posted it to twitter and Colin replied laughing, I loved it.
Then randomly Willam Shatner was giving Sean a hard time about something and said something about fans meeting Sean or cons, so I replied with my photo op and said I met Sean for the first time. Then William Shatner replied asking if Colin had seen it, which then Colin replied he had. It was amazing.
But really I just love the photo ops and them playing jokes on each other through me. It’s a great memory.
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besshirtonline · 4 years ago
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
Link Buys Product: https://besshirtonline.com/product/once-uopn-a-time-there-was-a-girl-who-really-loved-books-and-coffee-it-was-me-the-end-owl-shirt/
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
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beautshirtss · 4 years ago
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
Link Buys Product: https://beaut-shirt.com/product/once-uopn-a-time-there-was-a-girl-who-really-loved-books-and-coffee-it-was-me-the-end-owl-shirt/
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
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beautifullshirts · 4 years ago
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
Link Buys Product: https://beaut-shirt.com/product/once-uopn-a-time-there-was-a-girl-who-really-loved-books-and-coffee-it-was-me-the-end-owl-shirt/
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
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bestshirttrend · 4 years ago
Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt
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A woman whom he guessed was Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt . Sarah’s mother stood by the bed, gently pushing Sarah’s thin hair off her forehead. And another woman who he discovered later was Sarah’s aunt, sat in a chair near the bed with a They were talking quietly, and Santa could sense the warmth and closeness of the family, and their love and concern for Sarah.Taking a deep breath, and forcing a smile on his face. As he and Sarah began talking, the family crept quietly to the bedside one by one, squeezing Santa’s shoulder or his hand gratefully, whispering “thank you” as they gazed sincerely at him with Assuring him she’d been a very good girl that year. As their time together dwindled, Santa felt led in his spirit to pray for Sarah, and asked for permission from the girl’s mother. She nodded in agreement and the entire family circled around Sarah’s bed, holding hands.Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirtSanta looked intently at Sarah and asked her if she believed in angels Once Uopn A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Books And Coffee It Was Me The End Owl Shirt . He could hear the gasps and quiet sobbing of the Existing to bring a happy thought, an angel that allows you to believe in the magic of life. Since if we don’t keep the magic of life alive how can we explain so many things that take place? Read the full article
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2018-01(JAN)-Sunday 28th---agitated crims watched--linked to crim events-NEWS STUFF.
2018-01(JAN)-Sunday 28th---agitated crims watched--linked to crim events-NEWS STUFF.
The criminal aboriginals of this hellhole area have become very restless, it's almost like they are reverting to their criminal routines they etablished a few years ago and they are gearing up to get back into their criminal routines. (they already ARE in their criminal routines)
Two watcher vehicles were parked about watching them at one time, then one left as it appeared that the crowd of abo's standing ON the street were folding back into the main abo criminal housheold. But the same crowd which was made up of both criminal cojoined abo households on both sides of the street, (the other being Fatguts place), they merely split up, with some returning to one side and the rest to the other.
As all this was just about to occur a white 4WD vehicle had pulled up in the street outside the main abo criminal housheold and was crowded around by the abo's. Some got out of it, some got into it, the usual abo criminal distracting and distributing of their numbers so Police and authorities can never track them down or keep track of them.
The very criminal abo thug who had been doing a criminal act yesterday, he quickly got into the 4WD and was whisked away further into Koongamia or further afield, as if to get him out of the way lest any authorities go looking for him. Again this is a very well-worn tactic, useful in case authorities andor Police arrive at the abo main criminal housheold with a search warrant for a specific location and person.
The thug is still dressed in exactly the same clothing as he has been for the past several days, probably the exact same clothing items. And of course he was VERY eager to get into the vehicle and be whisked away. He would DEMAND to otherwise in any case whatsever.
WA CRIME---Police hunt man wanted for bizarre unprovoked attack on elderly woman
By the NEWS stating 'bizarre', they immediately put their inane spin onto the CRIME event as if it's just something flippant instead of the unprovoked assault uopn an innocent woman that it was.
Note:--I've collated the following NEWS item from 3 different NEWS sources (of the same NEWS event), because there are details that are completely missing in one or two, and very misleading by their absence in others. -- One other thing is that Redcliffe seems to be yet ANOTHER place where criminal aboriginals and criminals carry on. Not so long ago there was a Police plea to the public for help in finding a missing person from around there....another time there was a missing and wandering-on-the-streets toddler that was wanting to be found.........gee....it's another hellhole JUST LIKE THIS HELLHOLE......and in other NEWS items there was violent attacks upon innocent people in seperate attacks, all close by...........the area is linked by high-speed roads to-from so many places and so escape from and travelling to is assured to criminals. -- All about the Perth Airport region is very high in crime now, on all 'sides' of it.
BTW, "breach of bail".....means that the bastard was out evading being caught by Police because he is a criminal already and should be jailed. - Gee, doesn't that sound SO familiar about all the criminals about THIS hellhole.....
WA NEWS------ Animal cruelty: Redcliffe man charged over dog stabbing
Sunday, 28 January 2018 9:36AM
A Redcliffe man has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly stabbing a dog multiple times.
The dog was with a man who went to pick up his own dog that was temporarily staying at his neighbour’s house on Ranson Place, when a fight broke out about 2am on Saturday.
Police said the neighbour allegedly approached the man aggressively with a knife and the other dog moved in between the two. It’s alleged the man stabbed the dog several times, before two other people intervened.
The dog was taken to a nearby residence, and police were called. The man was taken into custody at the property and officers found the dog seriously injured.
The dog needed emergency treatment but is now stable. The vet confirmed the dog had received stab wound injuries to its head, left shoulder and left torso.
The 39-year-old Redcliffe man was charged with animal cruelty, being armed in a way that may cause fear and breach of bail.
He was refused bail and appeared in the Perth Magistrates Court on Saturday.
He is due to appear in the same court on Thursday, February 15.
'older' NEWS I forgot to post before below......READ THIS and see how bad things are........
WA NEWS--(JAN 1-2018)--New clinic at Royal Perth Hospital to deal with out-of-control patients | The West Australian
By out-of-contol-patients, they mean deranged, drugged-up shitheads who are extremely violent, who a lot of the time are NOT patients (yet) but merely hang around in and out of the hospital areas and VERY violentally attack hospital staff and patients (all hospital staff including doctors, nurses, anyone), and they also attack security people and Police trying to maintain order there.
BTW, the hospital is literaly where ambulances pull up at the main entrance across the road from a large public church and it's large grounds. It USED to be open doors all the time. I don't know if it still is because of all the criminals who literally camp out there and are so very criminal, not to mention so VERY VERY violent.
Go there to pray and you could end up going there to pay....with your life.
Gee, why not have a big swastika painted right on the roof of the car ala Dukes of Hazard style? - You could probably get that around this hellhole area as they respray & re-birth cars to become new avenues of crime. -- Why not a swastika painted in a pretty floral arrangement style for the ladies sensibilities......
Once again this NEWS report is flip and trivial about a vehicle that was unlicensed, had stolen license plates, and THAT'S all supposed to be 'normal' now is it? - And of course the driver is likewise.
NEWS:------- False plates and a swastika: Cops impound dodgy car on Australia Day
PHOTO:----- https://www.fairfaxstatic.com.au/content/dam/images/h/0/p/7/r/r/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.h0p7rg.png/1517028339202.jpg
Mandurah police have impounded an unregistered car sporting false plates and a poorly drawn swastika.
The Ford, with a backyard-black paint job, was pulled over near the intersection of Anstruther Road and Mandurah Terrace on Australia Day.
Although cars carrying the Nazi symbol aren't breaking any road rules, police said on social media the driver was facing prosecution after being disqualified from driving three times.
The unregistered vehicle was also impounded for carrying false number plates.
"Australia Day does not make you exempt from prosecution," Mandurah Police wrote in a post on Twitter.
Western Australian road laws mean motorists who are repeatedly caught driving without a licence can be hit with massive fines or even imprisoned.
They also face having their vehicles impounded.
Mandurah Mail
OZ NEWS--Government's proposed language test blamed for fewer migrants taking citizenship pledge, MP says - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
It's utterly stupid because even people LIVING IN AUSTRALIA ALREADY refuse to speak normal widespread language but insist on increasingly only speaking & teaching their offspring obscure aboriginal dialects and they INSIST they have the right to do so. - (and later throughout life nobody can figure out what the hell they're talking about, which they THEN blame on everyone ELSE not knowing how to speak their own particlar obscure dialects.) -- And immigrants to Australia are no longer seeing it necessary to speak English if they can get away with not doing so.
It's how little ghettos of like-minded speaking peoples get created and furthered.
But nowadays there's even shitheads who supposedly speak 'English'....but they just jabber on like fools, and they treat their jabbering as if it's 'cool' and 'trendy' anyway....throw in LOTS of Americanisms and American slang and you'll fit right in.........forget the baby mwoyhte, a dingo's goht me sandwich!.....
PITHY AUSTRALIAN NEWS---------- 'Wry smiles' and adopting uniforms: Julia Gillard says female leaders share frustrations during bathroom meetings - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Bathroom meettings" ? - WTF are they talking about. Do politicians have a communal washing block where rows of baths are filled up with water to wallow in whilst they figure out the next lot of lies to tell everyone?
Nope......'bathroom' is the American word for 'toilet'. - Americans have always been so terribly terrified of the word. And finally it's now being entrenched into Australian language instead of the word 'toilet'.
WA CRIME----$1 million damage bill after fire tears through High Wycombe deli
High Wycombe, is near the Perth Airport area, and kinda near Kalamunda, and all about where there has been rampant escalating crime for the past several YEARS.
Beforehand it was a nice quiet semi-rural area. (semi-rural designed to be that way because it contained a lot of empty ground areas so as to be buffer zone to the airport NOISE and pollution. Real estate shitheads have always been over-eager to develop it all, and so they have been. - The airport has become so much larger, so much constantly busier, and still they want to develop it all closer and closer.......well,...wait until it gets like Hong Kong and then it'll be all too late to reverse you dickheads.......
High Wycombe.....now it's like so many places, full of criminals and criminals who pass though it as well as doing crime through the areas, before heading back to their boltholes to 'lay low'.
WA CRIME (WITH PHOTO OF THE CRIMINAL IN SITU)------- 'Up to no good': Masked man seen on bottle shop roof
This is becoming a more common occurence.
BBC NEWS---(WITH THE FAKED PHOTOS)-----Vanity Fair gives Oprah and Reese Witherspoon extra limbs - BBC News
Faked USA magazine photos of female stars but they don't care at all they were blatantly faked.
So....is THIS the measure of the supposed women's human intelligence levels is it? - When their very appearance (which they covet and make money from), is so blatantly faked showing what we ALL have known for so many countless years...that it's all bullshit and so much faked, but women swallow like jonah trying to swallow the whale...whilst they also are all jumping up and about in a froth mouthed frenzy about the endless neverending public parade of evil men being found guilty of exploiting women? - Gimme a fucking break.
Publicly call out the damned magazines and all their bullshit, on EVERYTHING. don't just dismiss and pick and choose the things you can't apparently be bothered about. Is it that female actors and celebrities don't give a shit how they appear in the public womans magazines anymore, or did they get secret lotsa compensation money? - Have they all just publicly brushed it off as some inane 'womens empowerment' bullshit again? -- Crazy shit. Lies getting accepted not just by the public, but by them too, and YOU are STILL supposed to believe them and magazines on EVERYTHING ELSE THEY SAY..EVERYTHING? - FFS.....
ON A FEW OF THE NEWS SITES:----------(defused by stating it as being an 'opinion' piece)------Inconvenient fact: Native title can only exist if Australia was settled, not invaded
NEWS--NSW--(ILLEGAL DRUGS)--Nine in hospital after suspected drug overdoses at Festival Hall dance party - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
FFS, now they're advocating that people should be careful when taking illegal drugs and only trust 'good' illegal drugs rather than bad illegal drugs.....because the bad ones might kill you !?
NEWS WA:--(STATS ON ROAD TOLL RATES INCL OLD)---------------WA road fatality rate third worst in Australia per capita
NEWS--(AUSTRALIAN WOMENS VIEWS & MENS)--------Codeine medications: Pain and gain when products pulled from shelves this week - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
AUSTRALIAN NEWS:----(technology)-----Payment rings will take us from the public transport network to the beach
Information embedded wearable ring upon your finger (bank supported).
aticle excerpt below from the article written by a woman.....(I've left out the utter inane crap of the article because YOU wouldn't believe ME if I posted it. But read it all for yourself in full at the NEWS website and judge for yourself.)
: : :
I'd be a prime candidate for the new payment ring Bankwest has just launched, the first of its kind in Australia. It's embedded with the same technology as a contactless credit or debit card, so you can tap your ring to pay anywhere you can tap a card. Like a card, it doesn't need charging and it has the same level of security.
And yes, the ring is waterproof so you can wear it in the water, and individually sized so it won't fall off.
I say......(expect a HUGE increase in personal thefts then of bodily asaults as criminals tear the rings from women and men. Chopping-off of fingers anyone? -- And one thing this article (aimed at women) did NOT state is that so MANY rings come off fingers no matter how tight or firm or snug or large or skinny they are when you go to the beach and swim. I know that for a fact because I was involved in a factor of it not long before I met dear Fliss and she was amazed at what I used to do as a pastime and to aid my health).
I see these 'payment rings' as a temporary small step to another planned-for security device that I used to tell Fliss about, and which she feared coming about, and Fliss exclaimed she would physically bodily rip it out of herself if it was forced onto/into herself. - Well Fliss, it's going to happen whether YOU like it or want it or not. All this is just like I told you it would occur.
Note:----by 'rings', the article means the actual jewellery-like object you put on your finger.
I love you dearest Fliss and want to be with you. - Dear Sam has been VERY sick today. It's because of imbecile like so many times before. - I fear Sam and Max will suffer and be so very bad like poor dear Basil became and tragically died. - I love you dearest Fliss and want to be with you.
Hell neverending and pain whilst the criminals of all types prosper and multiply and become more immune from ANY law.
Envy the dead, truly.
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nurnurus · 7 years ago
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Once Uopn a Time in a Magic Forest by Tatyana Nevmerzhytska
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