#once again thanksss!!÷]<3
blkkatsuki · 2 years
Hello! We're a super big fan of Simon Blackquill, and recently found out something you may like or find interesting for him? A couple days ago we came across personal experience with the condition vitiligo, and found out that sometimes it can cause hair on the body to go white? When a patch is located under where hair grows, that is!
At first we thought "Oh! This would be cool to apply to Blackquill! Cause of his white hair patch, and how usually pale he is!"
We talked about this with friends more and one of them (they also have vitiligo, they gave us even more on the subject, it was very nice...!) made reference to the 'reverse panda' scene from SoJ.
You draw Simon so lovely, so we wanted to share with you on the chance you liked it! 😊
Oh!! I've always liked the hc that Simon has vitiligo(or poliosis) esp considering it explains the white patch of hair better than him dying it in jail or something. Also ty!!!!nice 2 know yall like how i draw him^^
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trulyyours-rune · 1 year
Hiii me again heheheg🤭
I was wondering if you could do bill with a boy best friend who’s innocent and quiet and bill flirts with him and makes dirty jokes
Bill with an innocent beat friend and bill teases him about being a virgin and stuff and bill says he’ll take his virginity and just like smut
Thanksss 😬🤭
Have a good day/night
Hiii 🤭<3 I wasn't sure if I was actually gonna write one tonight since it's 2:39 in the morning, I had quite a few problems, a.k.a this guy tryna send me inappropriate pics and his friend likes me!? Two very strange and weird guys, and I got hooked to a game. Very addicting. BUT ANYWAY- I think I'll do the first one cause if you didn't know, I suck at smut.
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Warnings: Dirty talk/jokes, flirting, short, language, mild blood, read what you're comfortable with, readers a virgin for once, Bill and reader are best friends.
Bill Kaulitz x Male Reader
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You and Bill have been best friends for years, people say you're like a triplet. You and Bill got quite comfortable with each other, now he's out saying inappropriate jokes and comments in general with no shame.
In general twins have quite some common interests and humor, so Tom and Bill say a lot of dirty jokes whenever they feel like it. Let alone being around you. You and Bill are usually stuck together while Tom goes out clubbing and 'living the dream'.
You and Bill were laying down on the white couch, reading some magazines, looking at clothes, models, etc. His legs were over top of yours, T.V playing in the background, quite some comfortable silence until Bill broke the moment. "Y'know this magazine has some revealing clothes, wonder what you look like in the-" "Bill!" You smacked him in the face with your magazine. "Ow- what!?" He complained, you just rolled your eyes. "Y/n...Y/nnnnn...Y/N!" "What." "I'm hungry." He smiled like a dork, knowing he was being annoying. "Make yourself something to eat." "Ok." Bill opened your legs, you swear your gonna hit him x10 as hard. You forced you legs closed, Bill laughing and getting up from the couch.
He stretched, he could almost touch the ceiling with those boots. You stuffed your face into the magazine, trying to hide your shamefully flustered face. Bill was in the kitchen making God knows what, you quickly got tired of your magazine and chucked it across the couch, making it land and flipped on some random page. You sat up and leaned back, full attention on the T.V.
"Gah- fuck!" You heard from the kitchen. Wondering what was going on, you sat up and made your way to the kitchen. "You good Bill?" Bill was sucking on his finger, mumbling out "Cut my self by accident." "Lemme see." You took his hand, examining the small wound on his finger, wasn't bleeding much. "Can you kiss it better?" "In your dreams." "Always dream about it." "Fucks sake Bill." You sighed, "Stay here, gonna get a band-aid." You let go of his hand and made your way to the bathroom, was just down the hall and take a left.
You opened the bathroom door, and opening a cabinet above the toilet. You examined inside of it until you finally found a band-aid. You walked out and closed the door behind you, making your way to the kitchen again to meet the damsel in distress Bill. "Do I take off my pants now?" He looked at you, you just glared back. "Noted." He looked down. You grabbed his finger and wrapped the band-aid on it. "Now can you kiss it?" "I'll cut your finger off." "Bet." "Bill no." You said sternly, he pouted.
I know this was short but now it's 3:21 in the morning and I'm tired, and when I'm tired I get paranoid I didn't do the request right, probably cause I'm half asleep. But goodnight babes and get good sleep unlike me <3
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chiffaust · 2 years
Congrats on the mile stone! <3 for the event, can I have [company] + — playful teasing with Rinne please? Thanksss
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bitchless behavior
♡ [company] to hang out with them when neither have a date for the night + playful teasing.
content ... not in an established relationship yet, rinne amagi (derogatory), him calling you bitchless once, both of you are rizzmaster69 frfr.
(n.) – sorry guys i was hgih whwn i wrot this
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It was one of those days where you could feel all motivation draining out of you as you could only but lay on the couch, scrolling through your phone mindlessly. How terrible today is; not only are you feeling drained out but it's also Valentine's day. What a waste of a wonderful day.
And to think that your Valentine's date ditched on you last minute like too that... You really are bitchless at the end of the day.
You sighed, groaning loudly before face palming yourself onto the couch once more. You really want to go out, but man...
A sudden loud sound of a door being slammed awoken you from whatever peace you had for just a split second, and then he appeared.
"Oh? What're you doing here? Don't you have a date or something?" Rinne then comes to you and leans into the back of the sofa. "You really did blew my ears off when you talked about having a Valentine's date, so aren't ya gonna start dressin' up now?"
"They blew me over."
"Kyaha, you're so bitchless that even the person who wanted you ran away from you!"
You really felt like throwing hands with him, but you didn't have the energy to. Everything's so irritating today, you sighed before once again slouching onto the couch.
He soon went quiet when he sees you flopping onto the couch, suspicion and slight concern arising within him. It wasn't everyday that you decided to ignore him, not without a fight at least. It says a lot about how well you're taking this situation in and he's quite concern.
Then, he got an idea.
He walked and sat down on the floor beside the couch you're currently moping on. There was still some space for him to rest his face on the couch, and so he did.
Your face was a mere inch to his as he had that eat shitting grin on his face, "Then, how about we spend Valentine's together?" He asks, in a whisper; almost as if he was trying to seduce you into thinking that'll be a good idea or something.
"Rinne, I think I would rather be caught dead than out on a date with you."
"C'mon~ I can treat you better than that person ever will if you if you'd just give me the chance to."
You sighed at his words before completely giving in. You turned to your side and moved your face closer to his, a smirk crawling up your lips when you see his eyes widening in shock at your actions.
"Fine, you've convinced me. How about we call this a date night?"
"Kyahaha, of course it'll be a date night! But, I'll be in charge of the movies we watch."
"Rinne, no."
"Rinne, Yes!"
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stars-and-cows · 8 months
Okayyyy, I'm here to ask about Haikyuu. I'll ask the same questions, but change them just a tad bit.
What's your favorite ship? If you don't have one, favorite duo? Maybe trio?
If you were forced to become a manager for a team, which one would it be?
Of course, the classic question. Favorite character(s)? Top 5 if you don't have just one. (They're just loveable ya know.)
Subbed or dubbed? (If you've seen the anime.)
If dubbed, what's your favorite translation/joke? If you watched subbed, tell me your favorite joke/gag in general.
Favorite Haikyuu girl?
Favorite headcanon(s)?
Bonus: What's your favorite Haikyuu fandom joke???
Really curious! :0
1. Kuroken/Kagehina but I'm a multishipper so I love most of the ships
2. Definitely Fukurodani. I would love to memorize all of Bokuto's weaknesses. I like challenges
3. Hinata is my fav<3 I indentify with a bright ball of gremlin+sunshine energy. But also Goshiki, Kita and Fukunaga cuz I like obscure characters (And yes they are all oh so lovable)
4. I watched the anime like 10 times already. 5 of them were with polish subs, 2 times with english dub and the rest was English sub. I plan on watching it with Spanish sub too cuz I'm learning Spanish
5. For dub: "TIME'S OVER LOVEBIRDS" + "He's like a horny tornado •-•"
For general it's: The bathroom song + Tendou songs
6. KANOKA<3333 I kinda hate how she's just used as a "girl has a crush on a boy" but other than that she's just very fun to watch
7. For headcanons I have a lot!! Mainly for time-skip! Not including the ones that are because of my au: Kageyama is autistic, Hinata dated a lot in Brazil, Nishinoya is bi and
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This meaning what it sounds like it means
8. Ushijima being very VERY clueless about anything other than volleyball. Even more than Hinata and Kageyama. It just fits him so much and I love the "looks scary, is soft"
Once again, thaaaankssss
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hendolish · 1 year
Hiii babes, if you still take fic requests could you please write a part 2 to that Mason X Declan story? Now that the names for the September camp squad are out and both Mase and Dec are there could you write something about them meeting again and Mase so badly regrets ending things with Declan now that he sees how Declan seems to be getting on well with Saka so much. And he starts thinking a bit delulu thinking that there's something between Saka and Dec when Saka has a gf and isn't even into Dec like that. Anyway he regrets it and goes back to Dec. At first Declan doesn't want to talk to Mase but in the end he does talk to him and they get together officially. Thanksss💗💗
[note- anon did correct themselves about mason not being at camp but i stuck with it to make it easier <3]
mason mount/declan rice | a sequel to on hold ♡
Mason’s an idiot.
He’s known this himself for a long time, of course, but he’s really a spectacular idiot in this case for pushing Dec away.
It hadn’t made things easier or lessened the pain of miles between them. Everything would make Mason think of him, of moments they’ve shared together or silly little inside jokes, his fingers itching to pick up his phone and call.
But then he’d remember what he did to Dec. What he’d said. And the crushing sensation would close in on him all over again.
That’s how he finds himself stuck at SGP, grasping brief glances of Dec whenever he can, darting his eyes away before the other can turn and catch him, feeling like he can never find the right words to say.
It doesn’t help that Dec seems to be getting along just fine with all the Arsenal lot now.
Mason watches them together as they wander onto the pitch, some of the last to leave the changing room, Dec whispering something in Bukayo’s ear that causes the both of them to burst into raucous laughter.
He stares down at his boots instead, digging the studs into the grass to make patterns before Steve’s calling them all over to start the drill. Luke had been talking to him but Mason couldn’t find the attention to listen, so he just laughs and agrees when the other looks over to him expectantly.
It probably wasn’t the right thing to do because it causes Luke to frown before asking, “You okay?”
But Mason can’t do anything but wave him off once Steve starts talking, pointing at cones and waving a set of bibs in the air.
Dec doesn’t look at him as Steve hands them out and Mason tries to tell his heart it’s not allowed to sink. Not when he’s the reason Dec is being off with him.
He chose this, now he has to live with the consequences.
They have to partner up for the drill and Mason allows himself to hope far too much by sneaking Dec another glance, but he’s already walking away with Bukayo, snickering at whatever the younger is telling him with that megawatt grin on his face that Mason loves.
Well. He loves it when Dec is directing it at him.
Luke says after a moment, tugging on his arm towards a free space, and Mason forces everything to the back of his mind and gets his head down because he has to.
Because this is England and it’s always meant so much to him and Dec. This is their time together, and Mason’ll be damned if he’s about to lose that too.
He can’t help glaring at breakfast.
Dec and Bukayo are stuck together like glue again, stealing food off of each other’s plates and laughing about it. Mason suddenly feels sick.
“You’ve got to let it go mate.”
Luke tells him once he follows his gaze. Mason had told him everything last night when bearing the weight on his own had become too much.
“Or you’ve got to actually talk to him,” Luke then supplements, shaking his head to himself as he tucks back into his beans, “Getting nowhere just starin’. You trying to read his mind or something?”
Mason wishes he could. Instead he’s busy racking his brain over whether he’s heard Bukayo talk about his girlfriend in the past couple of months. Did they break up?
“Hmm? Yeah. I mean— I know,” When Luke gives him a doubtful look Mason’s voice jumps an octave higher as he protests, “I know okay! I’m working on it. I just don’t think he wants to speak to me.”
Luke’s eyes shift sympathetically for a second as he tells him that of course he does. Mason stays quietly unsure of that.
He gets his chance later in the day.
Their rooms at SGP are practically next door to each other because they’ve always requested for them to be close and, as always, the England staff had listened and remembered.
It would be sweet of them in any other circumstance, but when he and Dec exit their rooms at almost the exact same time, locking eyes as their doors click shut behind them, Mason can’t help but curse them a little.
He says, hating how awkward it sounds because things have never been, and should never be, awkward between them.
Dec replies, but it lacks his usual gusto and Mason can already see his eyes flickering back towards his room.
“Do you—“
Mason tries to start, not even really knowing what he wants to say, but Dec cuts him off.
“Can we—,” He runs a hand through his hair then, a habit Mason knows all too well, before taking a steadying breath, “Can we not do this today?”
Mason nods because there’s nothing else for him to do, despite him being unsure as to what this is.
“Okay,” Dec says, although it sounds more like he’s talking to himself, “Good. Well… I forgot my, uh, yeah. So I’ll just…”
And with that the other quickly disappears back into his room, leaving Mason in hallway, unsure of how to feel.
Mason stays true to his word and doesn’t bother him the rest of the day. He knows he has no right to after everything he’s put the other man through.
But finds he simply can’t wait any longer when he wakes the next morning, too early to go downstairs but late enough not to bother going back to sleep, and soon finds himself stood in front of Dec’s door, hand poised to knock.
A million thoughts race through his brain in the seconds it takes Dec to answer, but they soon all slip away when he sees Dec standing there, in the t-shirt he’s seen him sleep in a million times. The t-shirt he’s tugged off him and helped him re-dress with in haste.
It’s soft to touch, Mason knows, and warm when pressed against Dec’s skin. Finally, he opens his mouth to speak.
“I’m so sorry,” He starts, and there’s really not a better opening to cover it all, “Dec, I’m— I can’t believe that I thought I could just—“
He cuts himself off there because he promised himself he wouldn’t cry. Not even if Dec had turned him away. He would’ve had every right to.
“Fuck,” He’s looking anywhere but at the other now, blinking rapidly, “I was such an idiot, I know that now. But I just… I couldn’t lose you, you know? I didn’t want to go through that, so I thought that maybe it would be better if I just— mmph.”
Dec stops him from going on with a bruising kiss.
Mason had known that he might ramble. That his explanation might not make any sense and he’d have to try a couple of times. But never did he think that Dec would get him to shut up by kissing him.
“You are a massive idiot,” Dec tells him after he pulls away, one hand still touching Mason’s cheek, “And it’s going to take a lot for you to make it up to me.“
“Whatever you want.”
He promises immediately, which launches a brightly amused grin onto Dec’s cheeks that Mason decides he never wants to see leave again.
“And can we stop being weird around each other now? I hate it.”
Dec adds, to which Mason easily agrees, and soon they’re lying on Dec’s bed together, side by side, and Mason’s reminding himself of the softness of Dec’s shirt again with a cautious hand.
“You’re still being weird.”
Dec declares then before taking Mason’s hand for him and placing it directly over his heart, feeling the steady thump of the rhythm there. When he glances back upwards, Dec’s watching him carefully.
“Yeah?” He asks, and all of a sudden Mason understands.
This thing between them is so much more than he could ever ask for and Dec… he wants it too and maybe always has. Mason feels like colourful fireworks are exploding in his chest, seeping into every crevice the past month has left behind.
He agrees breathily, as if speaking too loud may puncture the moment. Dec smiles across the bed at him before he’s pulling Mason back into his arms and slotting him against his chest like a puzzle piece.
Dec emits a loud, but content-sounding, sigh before he admits, “I bought you flowers and everything, you know. Was gonna be proper romantic.”
That makes Mason feels ten times worse, like a heavy weight has settled in his stomach, but Dec notices quickly and is soon peppering his face with kisses.
“Hey, it’s alright yeah? It worked out in the end. Everything always does with us.”
Mason can’t help but still feel bad.
“I ruined it though,” He says, taking Dec’s hand to squeeze and hold to his chest, “You were trying to be lovely and I just—“
Dec shushes him then, placing a kiss to his lips instead. It’s all in the past.
“I’ll buy you flowers again, yeah? And you can kiss me or hug me or do whatever you would’ve wanted to do back then.”
Mason looks over at him silently for a moment, taking in Dec’s soft gaze and the grounding reassurance in his words, wondering how on earth he’d gotten so lucky.
He closes the gap between them again then because he feels a sudden urge to make up for any time together they may’ve lost whilst he was busy being an idiot.
Mason tells Dec through a giddy smile, heart soaring amongst the clouds.
I love you.
He thinks then, storing it away for another day.
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Hi again!! Ik it's too soon but cedric ×reader fic where shes the shy castle librarian and cedric makes frequent unnecessary visits just to see her bcs she hardly ever goes out? And obv the royal family notices this and starts teasing tf out of cedric to the point he stops visiting her bcs hes a petty mf but she thinks she did something wrong so she visits him at his workshop one day and is all shy and boom! Confession!!!! Thanksss
Thank u sm for another ask!! It feels amazing to have people here in the year of our lord 2023 who still love Cedric.
I apologize for the ask being late, the night I was practically done with it my phone powered down and I made the mistake of not saving my drafts :')
Also your ideas are so gosh darn cute, please keep sending in asks when u can <3
I know this isn't explicitly part of the ask, but I wanted to include the library!reader's first ever introduction to Cedric bc the idea is stuck in my brain and I must write it out, lest my brain be consumed by rot.
Cedric x Shy! Librarian Reader~
"Oh, come on.... Please!" You begged, fingers barely touching the spine of the books you need. Against your better judgement, you stand on your tiptoes to give you an extra inch or so for your prize. Your fingertips made contact with the dusty leather binding of the book, and you let out a squeal of joy.
However, the dusty coating of the neglected book made it hard to maintain a decent grip. As you struggle, however, you almost don't notice the way the ladder begins to lean backwards.
With your heart catching into your throat, you rest your body weight firmly against the ladder again. You feel the ladder shake from the sudden movement, but it finally rests "securely" on the tall bookshelf.
Biting your lip out of frustration, you slump against the rickety ladder in a defeated groan.
How am I supposed to reorganize and archive these ancient tomes if I can't even reach them? You grumbled internally, your eyes gazing along the multiple shelves of books you need to work on.
"Well... I suppose I'll just have to find a longer, more stable ladder elsewhere." You sighed, beginning your descent. You get about a quarter of the way down when suddenly you hear a loud snap! as you rest your foot on the next step.
Letting out a silent scream, your grip tightens on the splintered wood before you lose your balance. Your breathing turns ragged, and your heart crashes against your ribcage in fright. You shakily take deep breaths, counting numbers in your head until you've calmed down a little.
After gaining a semblance of composure, you try to think of what to do. However, you quickly deduce that you have no other options; you have to make an effort to climb down.
Cursing to yourself, you attempt to place your foot onto the next step. You try to stretch your dangling leg towards the foothold, but your hip creaks in protest. Letting out another curse of frustration, you ignore the pain and just focus on where you're trying to reach.
In this futile effort, you once again don't notice the subtle way the ladder begins to slide from its place. You feel a shift in momentum as you feel the ladder begin to buckle underneath your body.
This time, you let out a strangled cry as you realize you're about to hit marble flooring from at least a few stories high. You close your eyes as you scream, fully prepared to accept whatever fate lies at the end of your fall.
"I've got you...!" A voice cried out from your right, and you feel a jolt as your body stops mid air. You feel an intense wave of vertigo hit you from the sudden change in momentum, but you manage to force your eyes open.
Below you, the ladder lies ruined in pieces. Your stomach churns as you realize that could've been your fate as well. You swallow hard, thanking your lucky starts someone rescued yo-
Panic rushes through your veins again as you realize you're hovering mid air. You dart your head around anxiously looking for the source of your plight. With blurred vision, you see a person in dark purple clothing standing to your right.
Making eye contact, the person speaks again.
"A-a-are you okay? Ar-Are you hurt anywhere?!" The male voice called to you, anxiety racking his voice.
"I think I'm fine...! But, can you put me down, please?" You respond, eager to feel solid ground again.
"Right, o-of course!" The man replies, and with a wave of his hand you feel a force slowly making you descend until your feet touch the ground.
Whatever force that enveloped your body moments ago leaves, and so too does your composure. Your knees wobble, and as you take a step forward you tumble to the floor in shock. You let out a small noise of surprise, and suddenly tears are already falling from your eyes.
Your rescuer scrambles to your aid, slender gloved hands reaching out for you. You keep your eyes glued to the floor, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
"Are you sure you're alright? I can take you to the royal infirmary, it's-"
"I'm fine."
You choke out, your voice coming off more harsh than you intended. You see the man shrink away from you in your peripheral vision, and you feel a pang of regret strike through your heart.
"I-I mean. Thank you, but I'm okay. I'm sorry, I was just... shaken up." Your voice wobbles as if to prove your point, and you pull your arms closer to your chest in shame. You wish you could just disappear in this very moment.
Tears rise again like the tide, but you will them not to fall. You bite your lip, your eyes tracing the marble pattern on the floor to ground yourself.
"Right, of course... My apologies." The man shuffled awkwardly in place, unsure of how to approach you. He didn't want to leave you alone until he was sure you were okay, but he wasn't sure if he was really helping by staying either.
His eyes shift nervously, landing on the heaping pile of splintered wood that once was a ladder. He turned, sighing in resignation as he muttered a spell to clean the mess and rearrange the fallen books.
You watch wordlessly as the sorcerer cleans up, and without thought you feel yourself springing to your feet. You rush to join his side, the blood rushing to your ears.
"Oh, you don't have to do that... It's my mess, after all!" You reassure the sorcerer, holding up your hand in protest.
"Oh, nonsense." The sorcerer waves you off, shaking his head. "If anything, this is the King's mess for leaving it neglected for so long." Rolling his eye, the man clicked his tongue in disapproval.
"This old library was quite the mess long before you; and without a proper librarian, it'll only get worse."
The sorcerer sighed again, dusting off another book before putting it back into its proper resting place.
You smile at the man's care for the forgotten books, your heart melting just a touch. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to properly introduce yourself, you speak.
"Well, I sure hope it won't come to that. I have more than enough work on my hands already." You chuckle to yourself, bending down to grab the last book on the floor.
"Wait- what?" The man exclaimed as you rose with the book in your hand.
You turn to meet the sorcerer's widened eyes.
"I'm the new Royal Librarian. My name's (y/n)." You smile awkwardly, hugging the book to your chest. You watch Cedric's bright brown eyes swim with surprise, but a smile quickly blooms on his face.
"I'm Cedric; royal sorcerer of Enchancia. It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)." Cedric replies, dipping his head to bow respectfully towards you.
"The pleasure is mine, Cedric." You reply graciously, responding with a curtsy.
If we hadn't met today... I don't even want to think about what could've happened to me. You think somberly, your eyes softening as you took in Cedric bowing before you.
Silently, you thank your lucky stars for your chance meeting today; and a tiny seed of hope is sowed within that you'll meet again.
Cedric rises to meet your gaze, and you flash him a genuine smile.
Cedric pauses for a moment, taken aback; slowly, he returns the gesture with a shy smile of his own. It makes his whole face soften, and you feel something stir deep within.
As your smile fades, you take a moment to get a good look at the sorceror.
The last rays of the setting sun reach through the window nearby, casting Cedric in a heavenly rim light. His silvery bangs create a halo around him, with ebony hair neatly combed back. His skin was noticeably fair, with darkened eye bags to contrast against it. You can relate to many sleepless nights yourself, so you find it quite endearing.
His eyes were the color of mahogany, and with the sun peeking from his hair they shone like pools of liquid amber. His face was made up of all sharp edges and angles, but remembering that soft and sweet smile he gave made your skin feel like electricity.
You both soon realized you were staring for a second too long, so you clumsily looked down at your feet in embarrassment.
Cedric fidgets with his robe sleeve, his eyes shifting around the room. After a minute of you both regaining your composure, Cedric speaks.
"You know, you should talk to King Roland about the uh... Incident, today." Cedric scratches his neck awkwardly.
"I-I'm sure if we catch him now, he'll have new equipment for you by this time tomorrow!" Cedric exclaimed, his brows raised in delight.
"But we must be quick about it- once supper comes around he is very hard to find." Cedric mutters to himself, tapping his chin.
He turns his attention to you expectantly, waiting for an answer. His eyes held a conviction you didn't notice until now, and your heart melted just a tad at his thoughtfulness.
You look at the now darkening sky, realizing you do indeed need to be quick.
A part of you just wanted to crawl in bed and forget that today even happened, but you also knew if you didn't get it done now then you'd procrastinate on it until the problem got exponentially worse.
With your decision made, you nod to Cedric in agreement.
"Okay, let's not waste any more time." Your eyes lock onto Cedric's and he gives you a confident nod.
"I like the way you think, my dear. Follow me, if you please." Cedric purred, turning and walking briskly to the entrance doors. Your stomach did a flip from him calling you 'dear', but you couldn't process much before Cedric was already ten paces ahead.
You hurriedly follow along, thankful for his company so you wouldn't have to confront the King alone. You realize you should probably verbalize your gratitude.
"Thank you, Cedric, for joining me to speak with his Majesty. I honestly feel pretty nervous." You say in a small voice, keeping your eyes trained ahead of you.
"Don't worry- King Roland is very adamant about his people's safety. I can't see a reason he'd do nothing about your plight." Cedric replied, his voice confident and holding a tinge of pride for his King.
You feel a little more at ease, and continue walking with your unlikely friend.
You're time in Enchancia was already shaping up to be an interesting one.
Time Skip Time!~
Let's set the stage <1 year after your initial meeting. I'll do a brief summary of the events that lead to your current day friendship.
After that fateful night, Cedric had made it a point to routinely visit you in the library to perform 'maintenance inspections' on the new ladders installed in the old library. At first, you really were convinced he was a concerned acquaintance- Cedric did witness you almost fall to your death, after all. So you thought some extra precautions weren't much to think about.
However, as the weeks went on, you started to notice Cedric lingering around more. As reading is part of his profession, once again you didn't want to jump to any conclusions- even though in your heart of hearts, you knew Cedric was mainly visiting the library to see you.
Regardless, you had no complaints.
You found out you enjoyed the company, and chatting about your favorite books with Cedric quickly became ingrained into your weekly routine.
Your chats about books slowly became more in depth exchanges, and Cedric's visits transformed into easygoing whole day hangouts; sometimes you two would talk for hours, and other times Cedric would silently assist in your work around the dilapidated library.
His presence was such a common occurrence, you would have castle staff or members of the royal family who would pop in ask if Cedric was with you.
Your eyes shift towards the clock behind you- Cedric should be here any minute. You pick up another book from the stack beside you, hurriedly scanning its contents so you can organize it properly.
You quickly realize in your hurried state this was the book Cedric first recommended to you. It was a fascinating read for sure, and it was shockingly easy to follow even though your magic knowledge was little to none at the time.
You sigh fondly, tucking the book away within arms reach. You try to reach for another book in the pile that needed organizing, but the giddiness of Cedric's arrival was making it hard for you to concentrate.
After a few fruitless attempts to push through, you quickly abandon your work in favor of rereading the book you previously tucked away.
You figure that you could get away with a quick chapter or two before Cedric arrives, so you lay back in your chair with a huff of contentment.
As the minutes tick on by, you realize you're almost on to chapter four, with Cedric nowhere in sight. You feel a seed of unease plant within you, but you give him the benefit of the doubt.
You manage to coax your concentration back to your book, but not without glancing up at the entrance hall every couple of paragraphs.
In the time it has taken you to finish chapter four, Cedric was still MIA.
This worries you. Cedric is an annoyingly punctual man who sticks to his plans very deliberately, unless an important matter comes up. Even so, he would at least stop by to let you know what was happening. Not once in knowing the sorcerer has he ever been this late before, in the already rare instances he was late at all.
You glance worriedly at the large oak doors that led to the outside, your brow creasing with your growing anxiety. Your eyes fall back onto your book, and suddenly the words on the pages all become blurry.
You blink rapidly to regain your focus, but you struggle to maintain it. You writhe uncomfortably in your seat as the worst possible outcomes start shuffling through your mind.
What if he had an accident with his potions? Was he hurt? Was someone else hurt? The questions blazed through you like wildfire, and you feel yourself start to sweat.
Something isn't right, but admitting it felt even more terrifying. You shake your head, trying to block out more doubts about Cedric's safety.
Whatever has happened today, there must be a good explanation. You nodded your head in affirmation, ignoring your gut feeling of wrongness; surely, he would show up tomorrow and you would both laugh about it- whatever "it" was that was holding him up from seeing you.
Your decision to put your faith in Cedric was now made; now the next daunting task was to find something that would adequately distract you until tomorrow.
Quick POV change to Cedric!
His hand rested on the door knob leading to your dusty sanctum, his stomach churning. Cedric sighs bitterly, the mere thought of one more person asking about (y/n) making his blood pressure rise.
That's exactly why he liked being around you in the first place; it was the few reprieves he had in this castle, no- his life, really. His job was always that of constant strain and humiliation, up until recently. He still wasn't quite used to the newfound respect and acknowledgement, so Cedric wanted nothing more than a place to hide when he was overwhelmed.
But instead of finding a mere hiding spot, he found true solace in your company. Hours felt like minutes, and he truly never felt like none of it was enough time with you.
Yet, it seems like everyone says the opposite- it's all he ever hears from anyyone who's in the same room with him. Even Sofia had started asking incessantly about you! That's when his breaking point was reached.
Cedric sighs in defeat, his head resting against the sturdy double doors to the library. The words Roland said yesterday flashed through his mind:
"C'mon Cedric, you need to tell her how you feel! At this rate everyone except her knows..." Roland laughs, clapping Cedric heartily on the back.
"Your Majesty... May I speak freely?" Cedric asks through gritted teeth, his tight smile feeling more like a grimace.
"Well of course, old friend. Although, I have an idea of what you might say." Roland chuckles, leaning onto the rail of Cedric's terrace.
Cedric huffed in frustration, trying to find out how to word "leave me the hell alone" in a less insulting way. He pinches the bridge of his nose in concentration, trying to regulate his emotions.
A beat of silence passes, then Cedric looks Roland square in the face.
"You manage this kingdom; not my... lo-love life." Cedric cringed as he forced himself to indirectly admit, out loud, his feelings for you; to King Roland, no less. His oldest friend and once greatest enemy.
Roland however, was eating up Cedric's struggle with expressing his feelings. A raised brow was Roland's only response, so Cedric continues.
"I don't need your kingly advice as much as you think I do. So, don't speak to me about (y/n). I will ignore you." Cedric finished in his most confident voice, shooting his friend daggers with his eyes.
"I see, then. Alright, from now on my lips are sealed!" Roland motions a lock and key at the corner of his mouth, and Cedric hums in approval. With the conversation now at a close, they turned back to the view from Cedric's tower.
They both stand in the sun in a moment of peace, both silently watching the sky in their own thoughts. Roland finally turns to Cedric, a peculiar look in his eye that Cedric can't nail down.
"Can I give you a word of advice- not as a king, but as a friend?" Roland asks quietly, the characteristic confidence he carried now replaced with hesitation.
Cedric stared at the ground as he weighed his answer, but eventually he nodded in agreement.
"In matters like these... Waiting for the right moment leads to you losing your chance at all."
Cedric feels his heart drop, and grips the ledge of his balcony until the metal digs through his thick leather gloves.
"I truly do believe you should go for it... I mean, you really have nothing to lose here!" Roland exclaims, a loud laugh leaving him.
Cedric turns to Roland with narrowed eyes.
"What do you mean by that?" Cedric asks defensively, crossing his robed arms around him.
Roland scoffs at the lanky sorcerer in a mix of shock and exasperation. His eyebrows shot up as he stared at Cedric, brow crinkling in disbelief.
"You're hopeless, that's what I meant." Roland shoots back, shaking his head with a weary sigh.
Cedric deflated at the comment, but had nothing to say in response because they both knew it was true.
Now, Cedric stands idly by as he battles within himself to not open your doors. His skin itches from the pent up anxious energy within him, and his mouth feels dry as ash.
"I promise, I'll be back within a week- Just enough time for this gossip to subside. Thankfully, rumors around here seem to change with the tide." Cedric murmurs to the door in front of him, wishing that he was talking to you instead.
A toxic mixture of dread and guilt swirls in his stomach, making him feel sick. He pries his hand from the door knob, slowly backing away from it.
With the last of his resolve, he sharply turns and dashes towards his tower. He already felt winded from the sudden change of pace, but feared that he would turn back if he didn't keep moving.
Finally after trudging up his staircase in exhaustion, Cedric flops on his mattress with a breathless sigh.
Running his hands through his hair in anguish, Cedric stares up at his ceiling in a daze.
"This is going to be the hellish week of my life." Cedric whispered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
Back to your POV! Promise this is the last pov switch, I hope it wasn't too much!
A week went on since the last day you've seen Cedric. The anxiety had been consuming you from the inside out, and increasingly lost sleep was starting to make you a bit paranoid.
Whenever you left your library, your ears would prick up whenever you'd think you would hear his name. You'd crane your neck to catch the gossip of servants and royals alike, trying to not look too obvious.
You had deduced that nothing bad had happened to the sorcerer, and in fact it sounded like he was doing well. But strangely enough, you couldn't find him anywhere you'd look.
With a heavy sigh, you knew that to figure out what was going on, you'd have to be alot more direct than you'd like.
Showing up to Cedric's workshop was the very last plan on your long list of ideas, but this was the only option you had left.
You have gone to Cedric's workshop a couple times, but the idea of going up to his dwelling uninvited and confronting him made you feel viscerally ill. Even so, just waiting in that decrepit library doing nothing but waiting was already wearing thin on your mental and physical health.
Nearing the library's entrance doors, you reach for the knob. Suddenly, the door creaks open from the opposite side. Your heart leaps in your throat as you let out a strangled cry of surprise.
Stumbling backwards, all your mind can go to is the hope that it was Cedric.
However, the flash bright pink and purple satin quickly demolished your hope. The youngest princess of the royal line, Sofia, was staring just as flabbergasted as you from the outside.
The princess recovers first, bowing in apology for scaring you.
"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I didn't know you were there... But it's nice to see you again!" Sophia said cheerily, flashing you a kind smile.
"Y-yes, you too, Princess." You stammer, quickly bowing in respect towards the young teen.
"How can I help you today?" You ask hesitantly, eager to get the princess out of your hair asap.
"Oh, well, I just needed a few books for my homework assignment." Sophia responds plainly, shrugging her shoulders casually.
You resist the urge to sigh in frustration, your focus going towards keeping your tone and facial muscles neutral.
"Are you sure you don't want to use the main library...? I'm afraid the books here are fragile, and many are... Outdated." You glance back at the maelstrom of neglected books behind you in emphasis, hoping the princess will take the hint.
"Oh, that's okay! That's exactly what I'm looking for, actually." Sophia responds sweetly, making her way into the library.
Her heels click softly against the marble flooring, her brightly colored dress giving the dreary place a touch of life.
Seeing her standing there suddenly gives you an idea. Before the princess can wander any further, you call out her name.
"Princess Sophia! Can you help me with what I'm looking for?" You gush quickly, your heart hammering against your rib cage.
Sophia looks at you puzzled, but agrees with a quick "mmm hm!".
"Do you know where Cedric is right now?" You ask tentatively, your body breaking out into a sweat.
"Oh! I just left Cedric's workshop. He should still be there." Sophia stated, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
"He even recommended I come see you for the books I'm looking for!" Sophia replies with a cheeky grin, her eyes bright.
"I... I see. Thank you, Princess Sophia. I'll be back shortly after I speak with him." You turn your back before you can hear her reply, bursting through the heavy doors and out into the hallway.
You stand there, processing the information just gleaned from Sophia. If Cedric wasn't hurt, wasn't busy, wasn't away from the castle on an assignment, then there was only one possible reason for his absence.
Your stomach does flips as the realization crashes down on you. Before losing your nerve, your body begins moving of its own volition towards Cedric's tower.
Ascending the staircase leading up to his door, each step brought you closer to a full blown panic attack. You stop to catch your breath, leaning your body against the cool stone wall beside you.
After collecting yourself as meagerly as you could, you stand in front of Cedric's door. With a gulp, you timidly knock on his door.
A few moments pass before you hear familiar foot falls from the other side. Filled with trepidation, you stare at your feet as you hear the door open.
You glance up at widened amber eyes, Cedric standing completely slack jawed at your presence. In any other scenario you would have found it cute, but now it just confirmed your earlier suspicion.
"Hi," you begin, awkwardly waving at Cedric. "It's been a while, yeah?"
Cedric sputters out something in response, but it's so jumbled you aren't sure exactly what was said. You look on in confusion, your heart cracking at a dangerous pace.
"(y/n)... I... I didn't expect to see you." Cedric finally responded, his entire body tense.
"Yes, I did come by unannounced. But I was worried about you- you've been gone for a week." You say bitterly, your fists clenched tightly at your sides.
Your eyes bore into Cedric's for answers, but he shies away with a shameful look written all over his face.
"I know. If you'd like to ah- come in, I can explain everything." Cedric offers, his eyes meeting yours again; this time, there was a desperate pleading look in them that simultaneously made you cave and scared the hell out of you.
With a silent nod, you enter his workshop. The place hasn't changed the last time since you visited, and you sigh in relief at the one familiar sight.
"Would you like some tea? I had-" Cedric gets cut off harshly by your words, shaking your head violently.
"No, Cedric. Just answers, please." You say curtly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Right." Cedric slumped, fidgeting with his robe sleeves. You knew that meant he was nervous, but you still kept your guard up for whatever he had to tell you.
"Have you been hearing what anyone has been... Saying lately, about us?" Cedric asks you meekly, his eyes shifty.
"What?" You ask in confusion, the question throwing you off.
"Has anyone been alluding to.. you know..." Cedric gestures his hand towards you, a shade of red overtaking his ears. You feel butterflies flutter in your gut, but you felt too nervous to confirm if you were correct as to what he was alluding to.
You both stand in suffocating silence, your own skin starting to match Cedric's reddened ears.
Cedric coughs, breaking the tension in the room.
"Well, there's been people constantly asking me about you- I mean, us, I suppose." Cedric choked out a self conscious laugh, wringing his hands together.
Everyone has been talking for weeks about if we're... courting." Cedric squeaked out, almost wincing as he said it. "Or when we will be, is more accurate I guess." He added quickly, his voice small.
"I don't understand why that's relevant for why you disappeared on me." You say flatly, your eyes catching his.
You both stare at each other for a moment; you weren't even sure there was a word to describe what you were feeling; and you knew of many. Cedric had an equally complicated look etched on his face, and he sighs while running a hand through his silver bangs.
"I... It's-" Cedric huffs again, turning away from you as you see him rub his eyes in frustration.
Seeing Cedric turn away from you so easily triggered something within you. The long week of being worried, angry, heartbroken, sleep deprived over a man who just seemed to fall off the face of the earth on a whim made you feel like you were spiraling fast into the abyss.
At this rate, your heart that was barely keeping it together now feels like it's being cruelly ripped apart from the seams. A flash of icy pinpricks makes your whole body shiver, and without thinking your voice cuts through the room.
"Is the idea of it that shameful to you? That you can't even look at me?" Your voice breaks, mirroring the brokenness of your heart within you. As the words leave your mouth, you instantly regret them; but even so, you felt like you were compelled to have an answer.
"What..? No!" Cedric whips back towards you, bridging the gap between you in an instant. You go to step away, but Cedric nimbly caught your arms and squeezed them tightly in his hands.
What once only seemed like a dream to be held like this by Cedric, now felt like a nightmare. A lump quickly forms in your throat from the contact, making you go mute. Your eyes are fixed to the floor, and you feel physically unable to look at Cedric anymore.
"(y/n), please don't ever think that to be the truth. I promise you, it couldn't be more opposite...!" Cedric pleads with you, his own voice wavering.
You shake your head in protest, your throat still closed off from speaking. Your eyes started to sting, but you bit down on the inside of your cheek to distract you from the tears forming in the back of your eyes.
Cedric begins to panic as he realizes you are about to shut down completely. He knew that whatever he said next, would determine whether or not any semblance of your relationship could be saved from his stupidity.
"I know what I did was wrong- I'll never deny that. I was stupid, and arrogant, and careless. My ego has always been my biggest flaw, and it seems I never quite learn my lesson when it comes down to it." Cedric spoke swiftly, fighting to keep his voice steady.
You swallowed hard, but still said nothing. You exhale a shaky breath, and against your frozen bodily state you will your eyes to slowly meet Cedric's.
They were slightly bloodshot now, his pupils blown out to max capacity.
"I promise you, (y/n), I have no shame about how much I love you." Cedric proclaimed breathlessly, his breathing ragged. Yet, his tone was clear and steady, and in his eyes you found nothing but truth and a blazing conviction that set you on fire.
The lump in your throat finally began to dissolve, and with a croaky voice you respond.
"Then why did you leave?" You murmured quietly, your hands bunching up in the plum color silk of Cedric's robe.
Cedric lets out a painful sigh. "I suppose in everyone else's mind, they were just trying to help me. But it began to feel like everyone was just turning my feelings for you into a joke. I couldn't leave my workshop without servants giggling under their breath, or the royals trying to ask me questions about you to add fuel to the rumors." Cedric scowled, his face pinched in anger.
You go to open your mouth to speak, but Cedric continues on.
"At first, I did try to ignore it. But it was like no matter who I turned to, they'd inevitably bring it up. It felt like I was being watched, constantly; and I didn't want me, or especially you, to be anyone's spectacle." Cedric's eyes lock with yours, silently begging for your understanding. You could feel his body trembling from underneath his robe, and his usually slouched posture seemed even more tightly bound.
You feel the remnants of your anger leave you, now replaced with empathy for the man in front of you. Your hands gently release from their grip on his sleeves, and Cedric follows your movement. You see his eyes begin to fill with panic, so you rush to take his hands into yours.
His fingers felt clammy and ice cold to the touch; regardless, you squeeze his hands tightly to share your warmth. His eyes search your face in confusion, but a flicker of hope brings the light back to his amber orbs.
"I don't know if I can forgive you just yet," you begin, shooting Cedric an almost apologetic look.
"I'm surprised that the option is still on the table..." Cedric mutters darkly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, I'd... Rather process everything first, before we would make our courtship official." You say slowly, a small smile blooming across your cheeks.
Cedric stops, his breath catching in his throat. A choked sound escapes him, a broken smile of his own pushing through the disbelief on his face.
"...Are you sure?" Cedric finally asks, his face full of worry.
"I've been sure for about a year now, yes." You reply with a smirk, giving Cedric a knowing look.
"I... I feel so undeserving of your grace. It doesn't feel like it should be this easy." Cedric confesses, his expression heavy with shame and fear as the realization settled in that you returned his feelings.
"Well... It won't be. Not any relationship is. But if this is going to work, you need to tell me when things are bothering you. Not avoid me on a whim." You say sternly, catching Cedric's chin to make him look at you fully.
"Ye-yes, of course. Consider that lesson learned." Cedric chuckled dryly, looking down at you with the softest, most loving look you've ever seen.
You now become acutely aware of how close you both are, and you quickly retract your hand from Cedric's face. Blush was already creeping up from your neck and onto your cheeks, and your whole body felt hot.
"Even so," Cedric spoke, his fingers gently cupping your blazing hot cheek, "I know I need to make this up to you. What do you need me to do?" Cedric's thumb skimmed the surface of your cheekbones, his voice soft but full of eagerness.
You stare up at Cedric dumbfounded for a moment, your brain fried from the intimate contact.
"W-Well, for starters... Never do that again." You blurt out, laughing despite yourself. Cedric pauses for a second, then joins in your laughter. You lean into him closer as you laugh, your arm snaking around his lower back.
"Noted. Definitely noted." Cedric nods, still chuckling.
"And..." You trail off, wracking your brain for more.
"I want us to talk to the King and Queen; they should know that we'll be official. It seems like that's what they've been wanting to hear." You muse, bittersweet feelings arising from your core.
"Yes- I'm sure they'd be delighted." Cedric said wryly, and you giggled in response.
"Ah, but- I think it's also important they know the impact those rumors had, as well. We should tell them what happened." You say somberly, looking to Cedric for approval.
You see hesitation in his eyes, but to your surprise he agrees.
"Yes, I'll tell them what I should've said at the start; Fuck. Off." Cedric enunciated, his eyes glowing with that mischievous look you've come to adore.
You burst out in full laughter this time, and Cedric flashes you a big smile. As you slowly regain your composure, you lay your head affectionately against Cedric's chest.
You feel lanky arms pull you in tighter, Cedric's hands resting perfectly between your shoulder blades and the small of your back.
You return the embrace with gusto, squeezing Cedric's lithe body flush against your own. You inhale his scent, a mix of soap and dried herbs coupled with the musk of old books.
Cedric dipped his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply as well. His breath is warm and light on your skin, and his face rests neatly into the grooves of your body. It was like you both were custom made to fit together perfectly, and it felt like bliss to finally be this close.
"I had only dreamed of this, you know. I never thought that this could be real." Cedric whispers, his lips grazing your neck as he speaks.
"I'm having a hard time believing it myself." You whisper into his chest, your pulse speeding.
"Maybe we should pinch each other, just to make sure?" Cedric pulls away from you, a cheesy grin on his face.
You snicker, but freeze as an even better idea pops in your head.
You try to contain your coy smile, but it was poorly masked. Cedric catches on, giving you a slightly confused grin in response.
"What if we kissed instead?" You squeezed out, almost wincing from the suggestion being said out loud.
Cedric's eyes became saucers, and his red tinted cheeks were almost crimson. The poor man almost looked like he was going to pass out in front of you.
"Ah- I was just kidding, Cedric. We don't hav-" Your sentence was then cut short off by a pair of lips connecting to yours.
You stood frozen for a second, unable to process what was happening. Cedric's hand came up to cradle your face, holding your cheek as if it was the most delicate crystal that could shatter at any moment. His lips were somehow even more gentle, barely brushing against your own.
You feel your body pull towards Cedric, your lips now fully enmeshed together. Cedric's hand trembled against you, and you brought your hand up to still his own. Your thumbs brush against his gloved knuckles, trying to provide him a sense of ease.
Cedric made a low hum in this throat, his face turning to capture more of you. His hunger in turn fed your own, until you both were left breathless. Your heart soared as the kiss lingered, your blood sending waves of fire and electricity throughout your body.
You eventually break apart, your breath uneven and heart skipping multiple beats.
You both look at each other at the same time, Cedric's half lidded lovesick gaze matching your own. A smile curls up from his now slightly bruised lips, and you give Cedric a bashful grin in return.
"Was that how a kiss was supposed to feel?" Cedric questioned in a daze, his voice low.
"Like magic?" You offered, your eyes crinkling as you smiled up at the sorcerer.
"No magic has ever made me feel like... That." Cedric scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head while smiling ear to ear.
"I'm afraid you're an entirely different force all together, my dear." Cedric purred, bringing your hand up to his lips. He gave your knuckles tender kisses, bangs falling into his eyes as he dips his head.
You swear you almost melt right on contact. Since when was Cedric so smooth??
"I'm glad you were there that day I fell from that ladder." You speak softly, your hand tingling from Cedric's kisses.
"Me too- I don't know if anyone else could've caught you in time. Then we never would have met." Cedric says with a bittersweet smile, his eyes lingering on you.
"I think I knew from that very first day we met that I'd fall in love with you." You confess, your cheeks burning like hot coals.
Cedric's entire face softens at your words, his eyes shining with love and adoration. A dopey grin grows on his face, and he starts to turn his head away from you in bashfulness.
You chuckle at his reaction, your hand covering part of your face in embarrassment as well.
You watch Cedric slowly gain back his composure, finally being able to face you again.
"Would you like to join me for dinner? I think we need to make up for some lost time." Cedric looks on at you hopefully, almost giving you puppy eyes to say yes.
"That sounds wonderful, Cedric." You purr, roping your arm together in his.
"Then it's a date!" Cedric whooped, twirling you around in excitement.
Cedric watched the joy unfold on your face, realizing his true goal in this life was to make sure that smile would always be there.
As you spun around Cedric's workshop, you feel more at home than you've ever been anywhere else.
This is it, you thought. This is where I'm meant to be.
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vioartemis · 1 year
hiiiiii my fav writer! hope ur doing well 🫶 and continue to slayyy the dayy!! I was the one who requested the Bridger!Reader and ive got two request for ya if thats alright (both Scream Tara Carpenter cuz i live laugh love jenna ortega)
the first one being angst about Riley!Reader (ik pretty basic it seems all fics are about a riley!reader) witnessing Dewey’s murder and like after that they become like really numb with no care wether they live or not. Everyone is concerned cuz they end up being pretty reckless and a literal hazard to society. I just angst sooo i dont really mind how you choose to end it im just in dire need of more heart renching angst!!
the 2nd request being about Reader and Tara being in a secret relationship where absolutely no one knows (it can be set in Scream 5 or 6 i dont have preferences) then of course the rest of Tara’s friends and sister find out and are like wtfffff. i also have no preference how it ends. maybe a bit fluffy to make up for the angst above 👆 im a sucker the secret relationship troppeee
anyways hope ur doing great, dont feel rushed to get this done or anything
thanksss luv!! ur once again the best!! 😘
Hiii <3 I'm doing okay ☺️ hope you're doing well too :))
I think I'll write the fluffy one first, considering the angst I just dropped with the Jenna fic lol, but dw the other one is coming too ;)) luv u <3
You can read it here :))
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celestie0 · 6 months
i forgot to add it in my previous ask but i do like my men a bit goofy n silly n pathetic n bullyable 😞😞😞😞😞 no wonder im so very into kickoff gojo. once again, u have done such a good job with writing him💞💞💞
zuro anon
omg hehehe we r the same <3 like idk it has to be the perfect balance of pathetic n bullyable so that he knows i could put him in his place at anytime, but also he has to be a trad man n do shit for me like check my tire pressure n fuck me good at the end of a long day 🙏🏼💀
thanksss my love im glad you’re into kickoff gojo 😭 i feel like i need to make him more pathetic 😩🤣 i appreciate the compliments smsmsmmsm love uuu 🥺💕
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i-is-a-fan-weeb · 2 years
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#but now my dad is thinking of putting the chore chart back up again and idk of we are getting the money physically this time
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when u get this u have to put 5 songs 🎵 u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
Okokok so um
3 .
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36 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Just saw Turning Red and omg
i love EVRYTHING abt this movie, from Pryia to the mommy issues. Also, Abby reminds me alot of the girl from Despicable Me. The youngest one with black hair in a ponytail, dont remwmber her name. Here
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This girl
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45 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Omg thanksss!!
Tagging: @angel-of-fallen-dreams @romqnticstylez @queen-asteria04 @couldibeanymorechaotic @just-a-smol-spoon @carolinesalvawhore @tarafications @thepaceperson @supersharkgentlemen @andromedas-star @moony-likes-hot-choc @dead-james-potter
53 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not even RAT MAN:
56 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so im playing switchcraft and i see Officer Naomi in the diner and im like "damn shes hot. And so is Bailey. And Rosie. And Janis. And Dylan. Gilmore's pretty cute to. So is Kyle ngl. And Lydia too."
And then im like "wtf why is everyone hot????"
Then i remember that im pansexual. So yea.
totally random, you can ignore. Just ramblin at this point
71 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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sainz-leclerc · 2 years
hey<3 how are u? can we maybe get a part2 of being totos daughter? haha thanksss<333 i hope u are doing good<33 sending love<33
At your front door was a nervous Arthur , two flower bouquets in one hand , a scotch bottle in the other and a bag with a toy car.
Opening the door , you almost burst out with laughter at his full hands and flushed cheeks .
''Come in love'' you say , moving out of the doorway to let him in. Entering the living room , he pressed a quick kiss to your cheeks before taking off his shoes and walking towards the kitchen after you.
Inside the kitchen , Toto and Susie were moving around , getting dinner ready while Jack was colouring on one of his f1 colouring books.
''Good evening'' Arthur said politely. Spinning around , both your parents had a smile on their face. Even Jack , who was quite shy cracked a grin.
Susie moved to embrace Arthur , the monegasque giving her one of the bouquets ''Oh Arthur , these are lovely '' she smiled , going into another room to grab a vase.
Your boyfriend turned towards you , giving you the other bouquet before moving over to Jack. ''Hey buddy , gotcha something'' At that Jack peered up.
Opening the bag Arthur gave him , his eyes widened at the Ferrari toy car. Without a word , he hugged Arthur's leg before running into his room to add it to his collection.
Now in the room were only you , Arthur , and the big bad Wolff.
Straightening up , Arthur gave Toto the scotch bottle before shaking his hand '' Sir'' he greeted politely.
Toto eyed him , trying to intimidate the young driver before breaking out in a smile and patting him on the back.
''Relax Arthur , I won't eat you alive'' he joked making all three of you relax , the air instantly clearing ''Just want to see if you're right for my daughter , that's all. Now , why don't you two help see the dinner table yeah ?''
And he was right. Besides a few fatherly questions , Toto really was on his best behaviour , constantly cracking jokes and making the monegasque feel welcomed.
At the end of the night , all of you guided him out to the door.
Susie kissed his cheeks , once again thanking him for the flowers. Jack gave him a high five and a toothy smile and finally Toto.
He shook the boys hand , an easy smile on his face '' Congrats Arthur. You have my blessing to date my daughter'' he instantly went into father mode ''However , hurt her and I'll break every single bone in your body''
With that , everyone spread around the house , leaving you and your slightly scared boyfriend. Smiling at him , you kissed his lips , instantly bringing a smile to his face.
" good night my love''
'' good night cherie''
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nathanbatemanfucker · 2 years
hello!!! me again!!!! can i get a hotch blurb (i dont remember the emoji oops absnnfndnmfmn) for either (whichever one you want, idk if you already gotten these sent in :3)
"[ DISCUSSION ]  for our muses to talk about kinks and figure out their boundaries together." or "[ WATCH ]  for muses to cuddle on a couch while watching tv and one of them begins to finger the other but stops every time they make too much noise." or "[ SIT ]  for one muse to finger the other who sits in their lap fully clothed,  keeping an arm around their waist to make them stay still."
pairing: fem!reader x aaron hotchner
prompt: [ DISCUSSION ] for our muses to talk about kinks and figure out their boundaries together." and "[ WATCH ] for muses to cuddle on a couch while watching tv and one of them begins to finger the other but stops every time they make too much noise."
content: 18+/nsfw/MINORS DNI, teasing, fingering
an: jesssss my absolute love, thanks for sending in a bunch of stuff. i tried, i hope you enjoy this blurb <333
word count: 582
join my celebration here! 🔥
“Something on your mind, sweetheart?” Aaron asks as the two of you get ready for the day, you brushing your teeth, him washing his face.
“Hmm?” You hum, break out of your anxious thoughts, and finish brushing your teeth.
“You’re distracted. Are you okay?” He moves towards you, pulling you flush to him by your hips.
“I was just thinking.”
“I gathered that. What about?” He looks down at you, and you shift nervously under the intensity of his gaze. “Its alright, you know you can talk to me about anything?”
“I know I just…you know how we were talking about things that we wanted to do together?” He nods. “Well, I was thinking that I want you to tease me, like we talked about? If you’re still okay with it?” You ask softly, burying your face into his chest. You aren’t sure why you’re so embarrassed, your face warm and pulse racing.
You hear and feel the chuckle that rumbles in his chest before he cups your face, forcing you to look at him again, “Yes, I’m still okay with trying it.”
He bends down to kiss you, stopping just before his lips brush yours as he maintains eye contact. His voice is a whisper that tickles down your spine and makes your insides clench, “I can do that for you.”
The two of you go about your day, Aaron has the day off for once and Jack is at Hershey’s park with Haley and Jessica. After spending the day organizing and cleaning the apartment, the two of you end up on the couch watching a documentary on the Smithsonian while you wait for your takeout.
You hardly pay attention at first, thinking he’s just feeling cuddly. His hand runs up and down you arm before he gropes at your breast not once but twice. You push back into him as an invitation and his hand trails down your thigh, squeezing and kneading. After a few moments, his fingers are under your waist band teasing at your clit. He toys with you, just like you asked until you reach back and squeeze his thigh. He gets the message and sinks two of his fingers into you, pulling a moan from your throat.
“I can’t hear, sweetheart,” He slows his tempo, his voice cool and calm as if he’s not fingering you on the sofa.
You glance back at him, eyes wide as he continues to fuck you with his fingers. You nod in understanding and bite your lip trying to keep yourself quiet but just a few minutes later you let out an even louder moan.
“Hush, baby, I’m listening to the documentary.”
“I’ll stop if you keep it up,” His voice is soft but still laced with admonishment.
“No, no, I’ll be quiet,” You whine and you can feel his smile as he leans forward to kiss the back of your neck.
And you try your hardest to be, locking your fingers into the arm of the soft as he continues to thrust his fingers into you over and over. Your orgasm builds steadily and your breath catches in your throat as it washes over you, hips bucking against his hand as you clench around his fingers.
“Good girl, cumming so quietly for me,” He praises as he removes his fingers from you, placing them on your lips. You suck dutifully, tasting yourself before kissing the tip of his fingers.
“Do I get to tease you now?”
“Be my guest.”
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coffee-latte-sprite · 3 years
Failing Graces
Jason Todd x gn!reader
WC: 500
Warnings: talk of failure, anxiety
Hi!! Its me again!! I have a request!! It’s fine tho if you dont want to do it ^^
I request a scenario of Jason Todd with an s/o whos emotionaly strong most of the time BUT now they cant take their mind of the term “fail” ( i chose this bc its happening to me :P hahhaah usually it comes during exams…and im having an exam lawl, wish me luck!) Even if he tries to make them focus on something else it just doesnt work. They think abt it to much until at one point they cry thinking that they would just fail. (i cry bc of this most of the time lmaoo)
Yup, thats all! Hope you have a nice day and Take Care!! Thanksss <3@caffeineaddicted-noonie
Notes: HI! I’m so gald you gave me another request! And omg, can we be friends? I understand this so MUCH! And also, good luck on your upcoming exams!!
I changed the plot a bit, but I think it still works :)
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Jason loved you for many reasons. There was something about you that made Jason weak in the knees and all giddy.
But, the number one thing he loved most about you, was your strength.
Your emotional strength to be specific.
He’s seen you endure a lot, but your emotional strength always impressed Jason.
He wished he had your strength, but he didn’t know he already did.
You are always there to share his burdens like he is ready to share yours.
That’s why Jason was in despair now.
He watches you as you break down crying, he sees the fight leave your eyes and you surrender yourself to pain.
Jason was stunned as you crumbled to the ground crying.
“I’M SUCH A FAILURE!” You scream through your tears.
That’s when Jason comes to his senses.
“Y/N!” He yells as drops to his knees and puts his arms around your frame and pulls you toward him.
“I’m such a failure!” You cry harder as you grip the back of Jason’s shirt and push yourself deeper into him.
“Y/N you are not a failure.” He says lowly. His hands start to stroke through your hair.
“But I am! I am!” You cry harder remembering your essay grade. The big, fat, red “F” in the corner made you sick.
“Just because you got one bad-”
You cut him off quickly, “No, you don’t understand! I failed! I'm going to fail again-”
Jason stopped your train of thought immediately, knowing exactly where you were going, “Y/N, listen to me!” He pulled you away from him so he could look into your eyes.
He was stressing internally, he wasn’t the greatest when it came to emotions, but he knew what failure felt like. He knows how you are feeling, he feels your pain, and has experienced it more than once.
“Y/N,” he rubs his thumb over your cheek to wipe away your tears, “listen to me.” He spoke softly.
“Your grades don’t define you, they aren’t even close to what defines you. What defines you, is your efforts, your actions, and your words.” He puts his hand with yours, he squeezes, making sure that you are in this moment with him, not going down the rabbit hole.
You sniffle as your tears slow down, welcoming Jason’s words.
“I know how you are feeling, scared, alone, angry at yourself, and feeling lost. I feel like that a lot, but,” he puts another hand on your cheek, “you helped me.”
You look up at him surprised, Jason smiles at you.
“Your words, actions, and comfort help me to understand that I’m not a failure, but that I was not ready for that next step.”
You smile to yourself, thankful for Jason’s heartfelt words.
“That’s what I’m saying Y/N, you were just not ready for that essay. You were spreading yourself so thin, that, that essay was what gave in your big plan of things. But, I promise you, that next essay, or anything else you do, you will ace.”
You hug Jason, he accepts.
“Thank you,” you sniffle again. Your forehead resting on his shoulder.
“Of course my love.”
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twstedtales · 3 years
Can i have the letter Y for malleus, idia, kalim, and leona for the 150 followers event? Thanksss 😘
Psst, psst, @chervill 😊 I promised you another Leona today soo...fufufufu <3
150 Followers Event (closed!) | Masterlist
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Yearning: How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
There wouldn't be a single moment, a single hour, a single second you were going to be forgotten. Malleus would make sure to imprint your face, your body and your everything in his mind. He remembers every part of you, and he will definitely use his magic, fearing that he might forget you so suddenly without him knowing. Although you repeatedly assure him that you're only gone for a few days and there was no need for that. 
Faeries and humans have a great difference in perceiving time so it doesn't really matter to him how long you were gone. Because it would feel like time without you would stretch forever anyway. His coping mechanism would involve revisiting the places you two loved to go, or hanging out in your dorm to wait for your arrival. 
Malleus wants you to believe that he was patiently waiting, and he does. Though when you were gone, he had decided that he wanted to give you the best place to return and he would keep on doing that...or rather, Malleus wanted to be the home you could always return to.
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Idia's coping mechanism involves a lot of burying himself in more video games (though doesn't he always do that anyway?) but his online friends would take notice that he would be a lot more distracted, and maybe would even lose the battle modes, everytime you were away because he was just that worried...or maybe overthinking at its finest.
His swirling mind would ran in the farthest recesses of the underworld. What if you just get tired of him? What if you won't come back? What if you find someone better than him, dump him wordlessly and never come back? The possibilities are endless and Idia knows that those things could be true considering that...well, he isn't the brightest person out there...or in there.
Ortho would have to repeatedly assure him that you were not gone permanently, and you have to send him lots of messages in return lest he'll drown himself in those dark thoughts and "what ifs".
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Kalim is a little special in regards to showing that he's missing you. Like Floyd though, he would be extremely loud and talkative that Jamil wanted to sock and throw him wherever you're off to go because Kalim won't ever shut up about it. He would be very vocal that he was missing you even though it's just been hours since you're gone, and that he would call you every time to make sure you're okay. 
He isn't exactly the one to sulk when you go, because Kalim believes sincerely and wholeheartedly that you will return to him in no time. And that moment you go back would be the most he looked forward to, instead of making himself worry endlessly and sulk all day.
Kalim would cheer up by telling himself that you wouldn't like it when he's sad, thus making you worry for him, and that you like him to smile brightly for you the very first time you return to him once more. But be prepared though, cause Kalim would throw a big party with a parade of camels and elephants on your return.
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Leona's way of coping up is sleepingーI know you see that one coming (part 2). Seriously, if you do manage to get away from him and do some shit Crowley forced you to or whatever, he would just sleep it over the whole time you were away, only waking up to eat and take bath, and go to sleep again, no classes and boring stuff, to the chagrin of Ruggie. 
But that was just for the first few times you were away, if your relationship is still fresh. Because as time goes by and your bond with him deepens, Leona would find it irritable and rather uncomfortable sleeping without you anymore. He would toss and turn around his bed, trying to find a good position to sleep only to find his mind wandering and counting the seconds when you'll return to him so he can sleep the shit properly again…
And he missed you, he just won't admit it even to himself. The whole Savanaclaw would be quickly repulsed by him and would stay as far as possible from him because Leona became so grumpy and irritable that he might really and literally snapped anyone in half. When you returned, expect many of his dorm mates to beg you to never leave again. Or if you do, maybe dragged Leona with you so he won't incinerate their dorm into sand or something.
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petite-madame · 3 years
hai petite-madame!! i just discovered your tumblr because i saw a video of your drawings on tiktok and now here i am, scrolling your tumblr page to see your another amazing works. i just wanna say that i do really really love your works, especially the avengers in medieval themes drawing and i feel like people from another social media should see your works too. thus i wonder, do you mind if i share those on my twitter account? and of course i'll put credit of your tumblr account on my tweet. i do really appreciate if you let me tho 😉 thanksss and have a good day!! 🤍
Hi anon ^^
Welcome to my page and thank you so much for enjoying my art. Sorry about the late reply, I had eye problems. 😶
i just wanna say that i do really really love your works, especially the avengers in medieval themes drawing
Thanks again. I'm working on 2-3 new medieval artworks but this time, I changed my style a bit. I'm trying to make them look like watercolor portraits. You don't have a black line art like in The Order of The Avengers but less details and a lot of blurred areas in the drawings. It's a bit new to me, and a lot of fun so far ❤
do you mind if i share those on my twitter account?
No, it's ok, you can repost 3-4 artworks if you want, not the whole series. I'm telling you this because some people really exaggerated and reposted the 18 artworks on Twitter, including some reposts without credit. I can understand someone wanted to share a couple of artworks they loved but when you repost 15-20 drawings at once, you don't care about the artist, you just want engagement and clout (I'm not saying this about you of course, just about some people with whom I had bad experiences in the past 🙃)
Hope you'll enjoy my new Medieval/Heroic Fantasy artworks. Have a great weekend, more productive than mine:
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That's me in front of the computer ATM, wondering if the shadow layer of my new artwork should be at a 29% or 30% opacity. Decision, decision...
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
Sooo lately I've been high on Gintama :3 and one of the things that I really like are the Ginpachi sensei segments that also feature other characters in the Highschool AU theme.
And I wanted to ask what do you think Highschool! Hijikata would be like in a relationship and like general headcanons with his s/o.
Thanksss :>
A/N: Ginpachi sensei segments are the best and they deserve at least a spinoff show. It's a huge shame they aren't adapting the light novels tbh, there is so much greatness in them! Anyways, teen Hiji in a relationship would be super cute and honestly, Hijikata is one of the characters in Gintama whom I'd genuinely like to see happy in a relationship. He deserves it.
Warning: Last paragraph is on the NSFW side of things but nothing too explicit.
Class Z Hijikata Dating Headcanons
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Hijikata has quite the reputation at school, mostly for being some sort of Ice King. Thanks to his looks, he’s managed to gather a rather large circle of girls around him, yet he turns all of them down right away. He doesn’t want to hurt them but he doesn’t want to get hurt either.
Potentially he did try going out once with one of them; it went horribly wrong because of her reacting badly to his quirks, and ever since, he’s gotten trust issues. He doesn’t view his admirers’ sentiments as genuine and thinks of the girls as shallow. If a girl is too persistent, he might go out with her just to mess things up for her to leave him alone.
Most likely you were one of the admirers he rejected. He was harsh and direct but you appreciated his honesty and so no negative feelings were created between the two of you. There is also a fairly big possibility that he didn’t even remember rejecting you but you can’t really blame him when the entire school is in love with him.
Then one day, you did something that struck his attention. Perhaps he was out of Mayo and you gave him yours, or he saw you pouring an extra generous portion of Mayo. To him, such odd little things mean a lot, as his Mayo obsession is the reason most girls end up grossed by him. To see you enjoying what he enjoys most, would definitely push him to notice you more.
At first, he watched you from afar. Every time you entered his sights, he’d always shift his attention to you. He would also be absent minded during that time, something that Sougo would be quick to catch on. Because of that, he had to more discreet, something that led to many misunderstandings between him and the boys, as well as him and you.
He’d try to strike conversations with you, especially when he thought no one was around. He’d be shy and fumble for the right words to say, but the way he looked so cute while blushing, was enough to distract you from his awkwardness.
If Sougo ever passed by, Hijikata would have a minor personality change. He'd get very aggressive and act as if the two of you talking was either an accident or the greatest misfortune of his life. Most likely he'd abruptly end your conversation, leaving you second guess as to what had gotten into him.
How would he ever confess his feelings to you? Well, for starters, Hijikata is terrible at communicating his own feelings to others, especially to the girl he likes. Plus, he was the one who rejected you first. He isn't completely shameless, so that would really eat at him.
Eventually, he had enough of secretive conversations and over the top pining and so, he'd approach you with the intention of telling you. But, once again, he'd probably end up messing up his words, talking about something completely irrelevant like school assignments or the weather. He'd get increasingly frustrated at himself and before he knew it, he went full kabedon mode on you, caging you against the wall. And what would he say? Well, of course the most ridiculous thing in the world which would be:
"Do you like Mayo?"
You had no idea what that was all about when you affirmatively answered his question. But, then you'd notice his blue eyes sparkle, the blush on his cheek going out of control as he'd turn his face the other way. He couldn't bring himself to ask you if you wanted to go out with him while looking at you and so, he'd do his best to play it off kinda late for that, Hijikata kun. In reality, he was overjoyed when you said yes. Even when he was that popular among girls, when it came to you, he'd always be as shy as a school boy. Which he technically was but ANYWAYS!
He wasn't sure what kind of date you'd like, but he'd try his best to take you on a proper and very serious date. Think fancy restaurant kind of date, in which he'd be out of place. He was very stiff and awkward, trying to keep the conversation as neutral as possible, but that was kind of endearing to you. He didn't want to mess things up this time, that's why he was trying so hard and while you appreciated the effort, you'd wish he loosen up a bit more.
Most likely he'd pour mayo all over his 5 star dinner, something that would make everyone give him the looks, wondering what a kid was doing at such a grown up and classy place. But when you followed suit, even when everyone looked down upon him, he'd feel more confident about his choice. Whether it was out of kindness or genuinely sharing the same love for condiments, it didn't matter to him; he had already fallen for you.
After that initial very awkward first date, he'd offer to walk you home. I think that overall Hijikata would be very protective over the girl he likes and so he'd made a habit out of walking her home, even if she lived faraway from his house. Plus, considering how he still was a bit paranoid about Sougo finding out, the two of you spent no time at school together. During your walks, he'd be a bit hesitant but I can see him holding your hand after a while of dating. He'd be very giddy about it but would conceal it with a semi crooked smile.
Speaking of your relationship at school, Hijikata would totally avoid you, even more so than he did before you were dating. He'd act as if you had the plague and wouldn't bring himself to even stand near you. In his mind, if Sougo spotted the two of you together, he'd instantly catch onto you and that would lead to endless teasing on his part. Hijikata doesn't care what others really have to say, but when it comes to Sougo, his relentless comments would drive anyone wild, even him.
You'd have to make do with hasty kisses between classes when no one was around. All of a sudden he turned into a very forgetful human being who kept leaving his cigarettes behind at class. Of course it was all an excuse to run into you, a well planned ruse, if you may. He'd be very jumpy but considering how the two of you had no time to yourselves, he wouldn't be able to hold back. Either he'd lower the blinds or he'd bring you behind the door so that no one could spot you and then...
Before you knew it, his hands were all over you, sighs escaping his mouth as his lips melded into yours. He was so frustrated about not being able to go public with you and although he never admitted it, he found himself missing you. To him, these small moments between classes were the highlights of his day, the only time he could wrap his arms around you and get lost into you.
But, all good things come to an end. Over time, he'd get increasingly sloppy while Sougo would get suspicious. And so, one day when he forgot to lower the blinds, Sougo was finally able to catch onto the two of you. He wouldn't say a thing until the next day, when he'd pull a kind of dick move, asking Hijikata in front of everyone something about his girlfriend. Naturally, Hijikata would be scared shitless and would try to play it off, but there was no going back. Not after Sougo spoke your name clearly.
Hijikata didn't do as much as admit it, but Sougo's words created quite the stir and the two of you became the talk of the school. Girls would start picking up on you while guys would tease you over being Hijikata's plaything. Once he noticed that, he wouldn't be able to hold back and would most likely get into a fight in front of the whole class, proclaiming that if any of them touched you again, they wouldn't live to see the end of it. And that is how the two of you went public.
Not much changes after that. However, his mind is a bit more at ease about being seen with you. He won't go heavy on public displays of affection, but he might sit next to you on school trips and get himself partnered up with you on assignments. There might be a cute note from time to time and he might even cut a flower and hand it to you while you aren't looking. Hijikata is basically a sweetheart who overstresses a lot of his gestures and so most of the time, they come off as rather awkward and aggressive rather than actually romantic. But that's also cute and he is really trying!
When it comes to vocalizing his feelings, it won't come easy to him. You literally have to pull the words out of his mouth and so the first time he told you he loved you was during an argument. It came out more like a slur as in, 'I love you now shut up!' or something along those lines. But once it's out there, you can expect him to admit his feelings more often, in the form of whispers and mumbles.
Your dates would mostly consist of going to the movies, eating at less fancy restaurants and perhaps taking strolls together. Other than that, I see Hijikata as a fan of home dates. Watching Netflix together or cooking together would be one of his favorite activities in the world. He is pretty low maintenance despite his reputation and would find comfort in the simple things in life. Plus, while watching movies with you he could always find an excuse to cuddle with you on your couch. Surprisingly enough I see him as a big cuddler although he'd deny it, if asked.
I feel like he'd make a good impression to your parents and your mom would adore him. His good looks and earnest personality would completely win her over, although your dad might have a couple of reservations, claiming he is a player. Just don't let them get to close to him, the scent of cigarettes will definitely put them off!
If you ever happen to get sick, Hijikata will pay you a visit and might even make you one of his renowned specials. This is just one of the many ways for him to show his desire to care and provide for you. He won't be overly clingy or anything, but if you keep being sick, he will definitely notice your absence.
Lastly, what would your first time with him be like? Well, awkward! Assuming the two of you have alone time, he'll always get touchy with you, something that would result to him permanently edging himself. When you finally decide to go all the way with him, he'll try to be gentle but might not be able to hold back too much. If you tell him that you haven't finished, he will try help you out, but his inexperience will show. Still, over time he will get better at it and will definitely show his excitement and appreciation if he feels good! He is pretty vocal in bed and honestly, that is a cute comparison to his otherwise straight man persona. At the end of every session, he will insist to hold you in his arms and if your parents aren't too against it, the two of you will spend many sleepovers together.
A/N: Hopefully this wasn't too similar to my other set of headcanons for him! I tried to focus on him being a pure ol' innocent cherry boy teenager, other than doing general headcanons. He is a bit of a tsundere for sure, but when he does open up, I see him as absolutely adorable!
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sunatooru · 4 years
Lemme stop drooling rq 🤤 Kuguri, Futakichi, Suga, and Akaashi with a shy and thicc gf that has an amazing wap. It’s so good, they both get the gasping, eyes rolled back, and tongue out treatment from the pleasure. Her pussy is just an unexpected drug cuz they’re addicted and if they ever have a withdrawal, they get snappy and desperate. So when she has them come over to relax from all the volleyball training, these usual calm guys just fuck her like animals
YES this is IT!! Thanksss xx
Warnings: minors do not interact, smut 18+, aged 18/timeskip , mentions 'puppy' and 'bunny' once, breeding kink an some degrading
* when you started dating he didn't mind your shyness
* Liked not having to go out of his way and that you didn't ask for too much
* He found your shyness cute and comfortable
* Loved how you looked too, head imagining how you'll look wriggling underneath him
* But when he finally sank into you, his usual unbothered expression turned into surprise
* You were so wet, so warm, walls hugging his cock like it belonged inside you
* He could tell you didn't know how much he wanted to snap against you as mewl and whine at the stretch
* He missed how you looked beneath him
* He hasn't been able to get a taste of you for days because of practice
* His hands twitching to hold onto your hips when he thinks of you
* So when you call him over to relax and cuddle he wastes no time slipping off your clothes
* Your flushed face looking at him timidly as he runs his tip over your wet slit
* "Fuck, I think about this pussy so much. Gonna have you wrap nicely around me, yeah baby?" You moan as he pushes inside, a soft 'yes' you reply with
* "My little cumslut..fuck"
* The minute he bottoms out he can't help but hold your hips down and thrust merciless, groaning and flipping his head back
* Your wails unheard as he soaks in the way he slides in and out of you effortlessly
* Your clenching has his nails digging deep into your flesh
* It's just too good
* Too good that he pulls out and decorated your slit with his cum
* The recent matches have been hard
* He's still frustration with how the last game went
* He found it hard to keep his attitude down, cursing others and insulting them all because his cock wasn't inside you today
* And now it's been 3 days since and he doesn't like the empty feeling
* When he sees you he instantly wraps his hand around your neck
* Smashes his lips against yours as he rubs his bugle against you
* Just against you, nowhere special, he likes just rubbing against you
* Groans as he watches you flop down on the bed
* Body jiggling as your eyes look up at him timidly
* "You know I need to fuck you everyday, so why did I have to use my hands yesterday?"
* Doesn't even want a reply
* "Such a slut, spreading your legs for me."
* Pushes and pulls away anything barring him from your cunt
* Smiles as he teases his tip with your wetness
* Slams forward and chuckles when you yell
* Drags you over his cock and he rolls his eyes back, gripping you tighter when you mumble at how it's too deep
* "Yeah..this is what happens when you don't give me a taste everyday, puppy."
* He needs you so bad and in every way
* After the intensity of the last game, he just wants to get his cock warmed by you
* What's worse is that he hasn't touched you for days and it shows
* He craves your pussy, how tight and wet you feel, he was being more mouthy and loud than ever
* And then you kindly offered for him to come over, very innocent in your approach
* You're both not sure what comes over him but he slams you onto your bed
* Pulls your clothes away and teases himself over your underwear
* "Did you miss my cock like I missed your cunt? Was my whore needy too?"
* Pushes it to the side and slips into your cunt, hitches your legs up so you thighs wrap around him
* His pace is hurried, balls slapping against you as he moans at the way you clamp around him
* Switches positions and has you ride him
* Hands full of your flesh as he grabs you hips
* Rolls his eyes back, biting his lip as you bounce on him
* "Fuck..bunny you're doing so well." Throws his head against the headboard as you wetness starts to leak down his cock
* Grunts as he helps you lift your hips and smashes you down against him
* Uses one hand to pulls your face to his as he shoots his cum into you
* Watches you shyly lift off his cock and locks his sight on the way his cum drips down you
* Flips you around and fucks you again
* One of the least to break out of frustration
* Yet here he is, hands twitching to touch you, feeling himself starting to grow, head imagining the way your tongue sticks out when he bottoms out against you
* He wouldn't tell you or anyone about how he's addicted to the feeling of your pussy sucking him inside
* The first time with you catching him so off guard, his was groan louder than expected
* And nationals hasn't help him from thinking about you
* The frustrations from the games, the lack of sex with you - it was building up
* He's thankful when you invite him over, respectful as he enters until your bedroom door shuts
* "Get on the bed now."
* Gets between your thighs and grinds his semi-solid cock against you
* "Akaas-"
* "Missed being inside this cunt. You're going to let me fill you, right doll?"
* He's so hasty
* Ripping your clothes off and slamming inside your wet, silky cunt
* You can't understand what's overcome your boyfriend as he squeezes your tits, swallowing your tongue in his mouth and harshly thrusts into you
* He watches the way your body jiggles, motivation to fuck you faster as he soaks the sight of you
* "My good girl" grunts when he feels you clench him harder, looks down to see you cream around his base and goes feral
* Bites and sucks your neck, angles himself deeper until you both have your eyes shut and panting
* And when you shyly run your hand down his chest, he breaks
* Sharp thrust upwards and he fills you up with his load, after shocks making his body involuntarily thrust a little
* Stays inside your sweet pussy to give you a long hard kiss
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