#on top of the physical and mental illnesses. made me crack lmao
magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
#thinking back my parents rly did put so much pressure on me lmao and had such a catastrophic mindset#i didnt get into the two top universities in this area (predictedbely bc theyre some of the best in the world and i was a exhausted#traumatized disabled immigrant kid lmao. my grades were good af and i did do some things but you need waaayy more extracurriculars and#other bullshit i just didnt 'enogh' of#)#but i got into uhhh. a series of other universities. of which i didnt go to the highest ranking one bc the vibe was absolutely#vapid. like instragram irl. i got there and dipped the fuck out#so. i went to this uni. which lmaoo when looking at the world ranking is still a damn good one. and i went to uni right after a suicide#attempt. when my anorexia and bulimia were still incredibly severe#... and my parents would tell me that there is no sense is doing uni at all and that its a waste of time#if im not in the top 5% at uni. 10% max lmao.#and theyd act too like thats such a reasonable thing to expect and that it should be easy? achievable????#and get so mad at me when id be like.... uhh that's a bit much#anyway lmao as per usual the pressure to get liberally straight As and the vibe that id be a pathetic piece of lazy shit if i didnt#on top of the physical and mental illnesses. made me crack lmao#and oh. how far i have fallen from that now#..... i rly love how for years and years on end the fact that i was clearly physically and mentally ill and even because disabled just#didnt fucking matter. st all
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Let's start off with some basics. Cool, I haven’t started off a survey with basics in a while. What's your name? Robyn, but y’all who have stuck around for a while know that already. How old are you? 21. What's your hair and eye color? Hair’s black, eye color’s dark brown/black-ish. How tall are you? I’m pretty certain I’m 5′1. What's your relationship status? In one. Alright, enough of that. Let's move on to the random shit.
What's your favorite song? Uhhh at the moment it’s Sam Smith’s cover of Donna Summer’s I Feel Love. They did their own twist to it and it sounds incredible. It would probably take a bit to get used to in 2019, but once you warm up to the sound, the cover is just brilliant. What does that song mean? What is the message behind it? It’s a disco song, the lyrics just repeat for three straight minutes and is not supposed to be any deeper than ‘I feel love.’ Is it your favorite because you relate to it, or do you just like the beat? I love the beat, the sound, and what Sam offered to the song. Have any pets? If so, what are they and what's their names? Yes, I have a cute Santa Claus-outfit-wearing dog at the moment :)) His name is Kimi. Have you ever met your idol? I have never met Kristen Stewart, AJ Lee, Hayley Williams, nor Beyoncé. And I’d most likely pass even if there was a chance to meet any of them; I’m too afraid that I’d mess up in front of them. If so, were they nice or were they kind of an ass? What's your favorite method of gaming? (PC, Xbox, Playstation, etc) I don’t play a lot myself but I do enjoy watching games on Nintendo or Playstation consoles. If you're in college, what's your major and why did you pick it? I’m in journalism. I picked it because I thought it’s what I wanted to pursue back in high school. I was good at writing and loved telling stories, the obvious path was towards journ so I don’t hate myself or regret picking such a major. But through the years I’ve learned to hate it more and more though – my interests lie within public relations and advertising now, a complete 180 from the world of journalism. How're you doing today? A little too early to be asking that, it’s 7:43 in the morning. I do feel quite nice because classes ended up being suspended today due to the incoming typhoon, but otherwise it’s just mostly meh for now. What color are your bedroom walls? They’re white. Describe your favorite shirt. Right now my favorite shirt is a halter tank top I got for ₱50 at a small tiangge booth in Feliz, hahaha. I just wish I could wear it everyday without anyone judging because I look cute in it. Use this space to tell someone off. I don’t think anyone I know deserves that at the moment. What's your view on smart watches? Cool or a waste of money? Waste of money, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting one lmao. What is one poster that you have hanging on your bedroom wall of? I still have that damn poster of Nam Joo Hyuk up near my bed lol. I haven’t seen a k-drama since 2017, but I’m just too lazy to take it down. How many times have you moved in your life? That I can remember? Two. I think we moved a couple times more when I was an infant. If you moved, do you like where you are now better than where you were? It’s definitely more peaceful, quiet, and much much cleaner in our house; but there are days where I still miss having my cousins and grandma under the same roof. What's your favorite color and why? Pastel pink. It’s pleasant to the eyes and looks good on most stuff. My wallet,  purse, main school notebook, one of my highlighters, my phone case, clipboard, backpack, and shoulder bag are all that color hahahaha Do you have a calendar? If so, what's the theme? I have one on my phone; I don’t really need a physical one. No theme because I don’t think my phone allows me to customize my calendar anyway. Have any famous person's autographs? I have AJ’s from a signed poster that I bought like 5-6 years ago from WWEShop. Was never actually sure if she actually signed it but it’s always easier to believe that. Do you draw well? That’s the worst thing I can do, or try to do at that. What type of cell phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8. Should you be doing anything else right now or are you just bored? I am actually supposed to be working on final requirements, but they’re all for my newspaper layout class and I cannot be ASSED to open Adobe InDesign and work on some dumb layout stuff right now. If you're in school/college, what's your favorite subject and why? This semester my favorite class is Kasaysayan 117, or Social History of the Philippines (‘Kasaysayan’ means history in Filipino). Social history veers away from the typical elite/heroes/war/colonization/what have you narratives that history books typically go with, and focuses instead on the developments of, say, gender, education, illnesses, and religion in the country. It basically focuses on the everyday life of the ordinary citizen, which I find more interesting and relatable than war stories. I certainly wish I can take this class more than once. Are you a cat or a dog person? Why? Dog person. They’re friendly and sweet and silly and will always stay by your side, which I love. I have never been able to connect with cats and finally at one point, trying just tired me out completely lmao HISS at me then, sis Tell me about the plot of your favorite book. Not my favorite, but definitely a memorable one – Scarlett O’Hara is in love with some dude named Leslie who’s married to his first cousin. Scarlett ends up gunning after him for a good chunk of time, even as she marries Rich Guy Rhett Butler and has a kid with him. Eventually [spoiler] kid dies and Rhett realizes Scarlett never cared for her just as Scarlett realizes she loves Rhett. Not a good ending for Scarlett. Bunch of people die. Oh and all of this takes place during the Civil War. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. I flinch at the idea of putting anything anywhere near my eye, so contacts are a no-no for me. What do you think about horror movies? It’s a hit or miss most of the time. Great genre with some even greater hits, though. If you love them (I do), what's your favorite? Misery or The Shining. Cliché picks, but I personally enjoyed both so why not. Got any cool Christmas presents picked out for family or friends yet? I dunno about ‘cool’ but I got Gabie a Hydro Flask water bottle and I’m SO excited for her to get it because she’s always been envious of mine and she’s always talking about wanting one because water tastes so crisp and fresh from those bottles. It’s kind of a bittersweet story for me though – I lost my own Hydro Flask a day after I got hers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Do you do Black Friday shopping or wait for Cyber Monday? I do neither of those things because I’m from the Philippines and we have no idea what those holidays(?) mean. Have any mental illnesses? I’m sure I do, I just have never gotten myself checked. What's your favorite word and why? I’m not really obsessed with any right now. What is the most expensive thing you own, and what is it? It’s either my laptop or my phone...I’m not sure how much they were; my parents paid for both. Although I’m guessing the phone cost more because it was the newest in the iPhone line at the time of their purchase. Did you buy that item yourself? Hahahaha, nope. Super grateful to my parents for getting it for me despite knowing I have the tendency to crack and break all the phones I own. This current one is staying strong, though! Where do you work and what is your postion? I don’t have a job yet but I’m part of two organizations in college, if that counts. I’m the vice president for external affairs in my journalism org and associate editor in our graduating batch’s yearbook club. How often do you cuss? Probably once every few hours? Definitely way less than when I was an angsty, feisty, annoying little teenager lmao. What type of car do you drive, if any? I have a Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback. Are you happy with it? If no, what's your dream car? I’m happy with it; it’s small, convenient, and easy to drive. My dream car is something just as small but a little more fancy, so I’m wishing for a Mini haha. Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Which ones? Nah I just have three main ones – Twitter, Facebook, and this Tumblr. I’ve made accounts on other apps like Snapchat and Instagram, but I stopped using the former and I never use the latter. What is your favorite genre of music? I don’t have one. Does your family have holiday traditions? If so, what are they? It’s not a unique tradition but we go to my grand-aunt’s house and we do Monito-Monita, which is essentially a Filipino Secret Santa. We fix ourselves in a circle and when you’re It, you have to dance/walk/prance around with your gift while everyone sings the monito-monita song (which I’m too lazy to expound on, lol). When the song ends, you have to hand your ‘baby’ their gift. If you're in a relationship, are you happy with it? Yes. How long have you been with your significant other? Three years, but that’ll change to four by February. Do you like psychology? (It's my college major). I love it. It’s one of my the-one-that-got-away courses, along with history. I wanted to have a glimpse of psych by taking a psychology elective once, but I got a bad prof and never got in the mood to take another elective again, so that’s a shame. What is something your state is popularly known for? We don’t have states, we just have provinces and cities. Antipolo is known for their delicacies such as kasoy, suman, and latik. Do you like to do craft projects? If so, what's the coolest thing you made? Kind of? I don’t like anything I have to sculpt or mold myself; but lately I’ve been into paint-by-number kits and I asked Gab to get me a couple of them as a Christmas gift. It’ll help with my seasonal depression, so I’m excited to be preoccupied during the holiday break. Do you watch sports or do you think they're overrated? I don’t think they’re overrated. I just don’t find most of them interesting to watch. What's one occupation you think gets paid too much and doesn't deserve to? TROLLS Do you straighten your hair? No. Ever dyed your hair a color that isn't natural? (blue, pink, etc) I haven’t dyed it at all. How's your relationship with your parents? We have a best friends-type of relationship in that we banter and not opposed to insulting each other and cursing in front of one another, but I don’t let them know me any deeper than surface-level. The angst and trauma I developed due to my mom being horrid to me when I was younger permanently kept me from ever desiring a soft, emotional, intimate bond with her. And as for my dad, well he’s worked overseas all my life and I only get to see him once or twice a year, so it’s easy to understand why I have not developed a super super SUPER close bond with him as well. Do you still live with them or do you have your own house? I live with them but I’d love to have my own place soon. What's something you are currently saving money for to buy? More Christmas gifts for loved ones. I’ve only bought gifts for my girlfriend so far. Do you smoke/vape? If so, what brand do you smoke/what device do you use? I vape, but don’t smoke. Gab gave me her vape pen which is from a brand named Smok, because she soon learned after vaping a few times that she’s asthmatic. :( I do get disposable vape pens from Vedfun which I honestly prefer more, though. Ever done drugs? Other than painkillers, no. Tell me one of your worst habits. Letting myself go hungry because I’m a little obsessed with the thought of saving money. What's a weird quirk you have that no one else you know does? I have to lock my car doors three times in a row before I feel entirely secure. If you game, what type of headset do you use? What type of computer do you own, and do you like it? I have a Macbook Air, and I love it. What's the thing that annoys you the most? Metro Manila traffic. What brand of TV do you have? All of our TVs are Samsung, I think. Are you excited for Christmas? (It's December 1st today when I made this) I can take it or leave it. Tell me about your favorite vacation you've taken. Sagada x Baguio last 2014. I was hurting a lot that time because of recent shitty events that all happened to me, but the climate, the nature, and the peace and quiet allowed me to recharge and let everything out. It helped that there was a movie that had just come out then called That Thing Called Tadhana (Fate) wherein the lead girl was going through the same stuff I did, then she took a bus trip to Sagada, stood on top of a cliff, and yelled and cried her heart out. I set out to do the same (I didn’t scream though, just cry haha) and it was a good release. I’ll never forget that trip because I had never been more in touch with myself and allowed myself to be that raw until that week.
Tell me something cool about yourself. [continued all the way from 7 AM because I just got lazy for the rest of the morning. It’s now 4:41 PM.] Anyone outside of pro wrestling will probably not find this cool but I’ve been acknowledged by all three of my all-time favorite female figures in the industry (retweeted by AJ Lee, followed by Natalya, greeted happy birthday by Stephanie McMahon). All three are memories I’ll cherish forever. Did/do you get good grades in school/college? Not so much in grade school, because I was admittedly irresponsible and my elders didn’t pay much attention to my study habits, either. I got better in high school, but I still made sure not to tire myself out because I knew the grades I’d get then literally wouldn’t matter in college. Now that I’m in college and for once the grades DO matter, I’m working 15 times as hard and getting good grades throughout. What's your ringtone on your phone? They’re all ringtones provided by Apple. What's your favorite store to shop in? For clothes, independent stores would do. They can sell a tank top for ₱50 (1 USD) that I would otherwise find in H&M for like, ₱299 (6 USD) lmao. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy and why? I’d pay off my parents’ various purchases like our house and cars so that the guilt doesn’t eat me up when I treat myself. How long have you had a Bzoink account? I don’t have a Bzoink account, but I’ve been using it to find surveys since 2008. My survey habit started veeeeery early, y’all.
Ever been to Field of Screams? If so, what's your favorite attraction? I have not. I’m not even sure I know what that is. Do you own a Polaroid camera? I don’t. Do you have hardwood floor in your room or carpet? Hardwood. It's a Saturday night, what are you typically doing? Taking surveys or catching up with work. Do you have a lot of friends or do you not have any at all? I have a lot, fortunately. College taught me to open up my circle. What's your all time favorite movie and why? Two for the Road. It just clicks with me. Audrey and Albert very both very passionate in their roles and their tandem worked amazingly to bring the story to life.
How many blankets do you sleep with at night? Just one. What's the last TV show you watched? Did you enjoy it? Queer Eye; I made Gab watch the Jones Bar-B-Q episode which is usually cited as one of the best of the series. I loved watching it the second time. Do you prefer cable TV or do you use Netflix? I use Netflix; I haven’t tuned in to cable TV for a good 4-5 years maybe. What is your dream job and why? Working somewhere in WWE. That company’s been a part of my life for...welp, my whole life. A part of me just feels as though I HAVE to end up there. Do you think you would be a good therapist? I know I’m a good listener and that I can read body language and signals quite well, but I don’t think I’d want people to dump their burdens and rants on me. What's your favorite brand of clothing? H&M. Did you like this survey? Sure!
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mysticmikalla · 6 years
dunno if this has been requested yet but RFA (withvV and Saeran) hearing Jumin sing for the first time? extra loves if there's a jumin+v duet
lmao I decided to do this as apart ll of The moment the RFA realizedthey were gay/bi for Jumin Han HC, so make sure to read that one first!
Nobody had mentioned the incident again
The RFA had quickly gone back to normal, but there were someobvious changes
Zen no longer snapped at Jumin all the time, and Jaeheecomplained less about her work hours
After all, longer work hours would equal to more opportunities tohear that again, to be in his presence 
Yoosung felt flustered whenever it was just him and Jumin in thechatroom, afraid that his newfound feelings for the businessman would resurfaceagain
Seven started to make even more jokes, imagining the beautifulraven-haired man laughing or even just cracking a smile again because of him
Jumin decided not to get a restraining order against Zen andSeven, so  everything was back to the usual again
…Until the following RFA meeting, where once again they allgathered at Jumin’s penthouse
Even Saeran was watching them over CCTV he hacked
Jumin kept a safe distance from Seven and Zen, which broke thetwo men’s hearts a little
Everything was going okay, the sound of Jumin’s laughter nothing but adistance memory to them now
And then the wine and other beverages started being served
Yoosung and Jaehee kept their drinking to a minimum, afraid ofconfessing the truth towards the CEO-in-line if they had too much
Zen, being the heavy drinker he is, took advantage of the freehigh-end alcohol he was getting to drink while Seven wasn’t a drinker at all
…But Jumin had a bit too much
The topic of singing came up and he kept insisting he was abetter singer than V
Being childhood friends, V and Jumin often sang together in church, and Jihyun knew how seriously his friend took his vocal abilities
“Don’t you remember,” His words were slightly slurred as heinsisted, “I was the only one who could reach that high note in thatsong.”
“…Which song?”
 “The one from our competition. I’m sure you remember.” 
 With that said, Jumin sat down in front of his grand piano, withthe curious and loving eyes of the RFAwatching
How he could look absolutely gorgeous from every angle and doing any activity was one of the Top Ten Mysterious Science Still Can’t Explain
Drunk Jumin cleared his throat and fingers expertly began to play
And while he played, he closed his eyes and swayed
And while he swayed? He sang
And when he sang? The world stopped
Thirteen angels got their wings, five wars gotput on hiatus and deforestation of the Amazon forest stopped for good
It was the fastest bonerof Zen’s life
Jaehee had to bite her lips and cross her legs to keep frommaking a scene
“Oh, I remember it now.” Chuckled V before clearing his throat as well and joining Jumin in perfect harmony. V’s higher tone and Jumin’s baritoneblended so well, it was almost orgasmic 
Seven whipped out his phone as fast as lightning to record it,awestruck
Yoosung forgot all the past hurts and ill feelings he hadtowards the blue-haired man in an instant
Such feelings were replaced by an even stronger ones of adoration
“For eternal paradise, indeed.” Muttered Saeran to himself as hewatched it all through CCTV
The two men swayed to the music, drunken smiles plastered ontheir faces as the words of the song rolled off their tongue
V placed a hand on Jumin’s shoulder, and the bunch didn’t know whetherto feel jealous or aroused
The RFA tried to ignored the aching longing for the two men,wild and improper scenarios looping in their minds
Zen had to physically keep his feet from carrying him over tothem and dropping to his knees
Seven bit his tongue, mere seconds away from declaring his undyinglove for the duo
Yoosung knew, right then and there, that the only thing straightabout him were his teeth
Jaehee was the only one who didn’t have to worry about a risingvolume in her pants, but was visibly shaking with hormonal urges
Saeran could no longer face Rika due to jealously that once upon a time she had the two men close
When the two stopped their singing, much to everyone’s dismay,the world was a much worse place
Wars resumed and global warming worsened with the absence ofwhat was thought to be the most beautiful harmony to ever exist
Jumin and V, despite being intoxicated, were the only ones whoseemed to be in a lucid state
They wondered why the rest of their little organization eyedthem with such…intensity
“Was that not good?” Asked the blue haired man with a tilt ofhis head
Jaehee cupped over her nose, hurriedly excusing herself to take care of the blood gushing from it
Wiping the little stream of drool from the corner of his mouth,Yoosung stammered, “I-it was great.”
Seven and Zen muttered their agreement, averting their gaze tolook at anything but the two men by the grand piano
The room was oddly silent with absence of the heavenly melodybouncing off the marble walls
“You haven’t lost your vocal skills, I see.” Jumin remarked as he stood up from the stool with elegance, despite being pretty intoxicated already
“Well,” joked his friend, “I do sing in the shower occasionally.”
The hacker made a mental note to break into V’s home just to place bugs all over his bathroom so he could hear him again
“It’s getting pretty late, I think I should head home.” V announced, Seven and Yoosung exchanging worried glances
“S-so soon?” 
“Yeah, I have quite a drive ahead of me,” he scratched the back of his head with a smile, and glancing back at Jumin, he said, “We should do this again someday, it reminds me of old times.”
Their hearts swelled up with joy as a genuine smile broke on the business man’s slips, and Zen was on the verge of tears, wishing that smile was directed at him
“We can have that arranged.” 
They watched wordlessly as the photographer exited the room, undressing him with their eyes and aching to grab his arm and whisper words of longing to him
He shut the door, leaving the three man and woman with broken hearts
Jumin cleared his throat, “That was rather pleasant. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go get ready for bed. Ah-” He said before disappearing from their loving eyes, “Zen, Luciel, please don’t come to my house anymore.”
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pyratetm-a · 7 years
18th Century Words & Phrases for the Most Noble Rper
This is in no way completely comprehensive, because if I was going to write one that was completely so, 1. it’d be a literal book, if not volumes of a series, and 2. I’d be getting paid for it, lmao.  But what I do want to do is offer some period-authentic terms and a sort of guide for people writing early modern characters situated in the Long 18th.  So here you go, Amanda’s guide to 18th Century language, centered around things that will most likely pop up in rp as far as conversation goes.  Be aware there are some nsfw stuff here!  Because sex was as much a part of life then as it is now.  Go forth.  Use it.  Make your writing more period appropriate with it and make your local pirate historian proud, guys.
Dialogue Things
Things to spice up your dialogue a little.  While early modern english is pretty similar to modern english in a lot of ways, some words and phrases have shifted in that three hundred years to mean something wholly different, and these are the ones I tried to focus most on in this section.
against:  often used in place of before.  ex. against the crowd. allow: often used in place of admit.  ex.  i'll allow it may be true. awful:  to inspire awe, as opposed to being terrible.  ex.  it was an awful sight. blow:  to bloom.  where full blown comes from.  ex.  the flowers were blown. calenture:  an illness from a tropical region.  ex.  he was down with calenture. cant:  low language, common language.  ex. cant is an example of an uneducated mind. check: hold back or restrain.  ex.  check your temper. coach-and-six:  a coach and six horses.  ex. she came along in a coach-and-six. condescending:  not negative, means showing a proper degree of courtesy.  ex.  he condescended an impeccable degree of courtesy. conversation:  any social interaction; criminal conversation means adultery.  ex.  they were seen in a bit of conversation. correspondence:  any sort of relationship; does not mean the exhange of letters.  ex.  we keep a lively correspondence. distracted:  a person who suffers from mental illness (of any type) was said to be distracted.  ex.  and the poor dear was distracted. eat:  not only to eat; but also used in past tense.  ex. i eat and then i was for my bed. else:  used either for else, or to mean otherwise.  ex.  elseways everyone t'would know where it was. fee:  a fee, but also meaning to pay for.  ex. i feed the bill. gross:  large or coarse; did not mean disgusting.  ex.  a gross load. hand:  someone's handwriting.  ex.  and it was in his hand. hardly:  sometimes barely, sometimes with difficulty.  ex.  we made it through hardly. humour:  comedy, but also mood or caprice; also found in medicine as part of the four humors theory.  ex.  she's in a bad humour. iambic:  a metric foot but also for satire.  ex.  he was keen on iambic. indifferent:  the same as now, but applied to an object instead of a person.  ex.  it was indifferent to me. letters:  physical paper letters, the alphabet, learning.  ex.  he has his letters (he is educated). license:  freedom, liberty.  ex.  i've license to do as i wish. mobile vulgus:  a mob.  ex.  here's the mobile vulgis now. occasional:  not from time to time, but on a special occasion.  ex.  it was occasional. ordinary:  a chaplain at a prison.  ex.  i confessed my sins to the ordinary. own:  acknowledge or admit to.  ex.  i'll own my words. paint:  makeup, cosmetics.  ex.  she wore her paint. precipitate:  to rush, to hasten.  ex.  we precipitate our departure. proper:  one's own.  ex.  it was proper. quit:  to leave.  ex.  let's quit this place. rail:  speak harshly.  ex.  he railed at me. repair:  to go or travel.  ex.  we repair for savannah. retire:  to leave the room, to withdraw.  ex.  he retired to his apartment. romance:  a fictional narrative.  ex.  it was a romance. sex:  not the act, but usually in use with regard to women.  ex. the fair sex. singular:  exceptional.  ex.  he's a singular man. snacks:  to divide or go into equally.  ex.  we went in snacks. suffer:  aside from the modern meaning, also allow or permit.  ex.  i'll suffer to see him. token:  a small sign or indication.  ex.  a token of her affections. traffic:  commerce, trade.  ex.  pirates traffic here. try:  test, make a trial of.  ex.  he wants to try my measure. use:  sometimes to treat.  ex.  he uses me as though i were his child. vicious:  given to vice, immoral.  ex.  he's a vicious man. vulgar:  common, but not necessarily disgusting.  ex. i found him vulgar. want:  desire, but also a lack.  ex.  a man could die for want of acknowledgement. weeds:  clothes, especially by women in mourning.  ex.  she was in her weeds. worsted:  a fabric made of woolen yarn.  ex.  he wears worsted. zounds:  a swear about as bad as damn.  ex.  zounds and buggery!
Food Things
blue tape:  gin. black jack:  a leather drinking jug. bog orange:  potato. bohea: (bo-hay) a type of tea. bonny clapper:  sour buttermilk. booze:  ...booze.  yes, it's really that old. brown cow:  a barrel of beer. bumper:  half full glass. cackling farts / cackle fruit:  eggs. chocolate:  in this context not a candy bar.  usually in bricks or powder, used as drinking chocolate.  milk chocolate did not exist, so it's fairly bitter.  often sprinkled with chili powder or paprika. cold tea:  brandy. corn:  any grain.  mais or maize is the word for corn specifically. dog's soup:  water. draught:  the usual spelling for draft (you've been reading it wrong in your head haven't you); drink. english manufacture:  ale, beer, or cider. fiddler's pay:  thanks and wine (and no money). grub:  food. grunting peck:  a hog. gut an oyster:  to eat the oyster. knock down:  very strong ale or beer. meat:  any food, not just literal meat. panam:  bread. pharaoh:  a strong malt drink. purl royal:  canary (the drink) with a dash of wormwood. ruff peck:  bacon. strip me naked:  gin. wibble:  a sad drink. wobble:  to boil.
Medical Things
crinkum:  venereal disease. french pox:  venereal disease. lying in:  a pregnant woman would be said to lie in until the birth.
People Things
abbess:  a woman who runs a brothel. baggage:  an insulting term for a woman. blue stocking:  an educated woman. christened by a baker:  freckled cucumber:  a tailor. jack of legs:  a tall person. jade:  another not at all nice term for a woman. jilt:  a sex worker or kept mistress. mechanic:  a tradesman or workman. mercer:  a cloth merchant. quean:  sex worker.  whither go ye:  a wife. wife in water colors:  a mistress.
Pirate & Sailing Things
admiral of the black / of the coast:  the big wigs in the brethren of the coast. black spot:  a real thing; a smudge on one side of the paper and the written threat on the other.  usually is a death threat. blow the man down:  kill someone. chandler:  a dealer offering ship supplies like robe, tools, etc. crimp:  procurring sailors by trickery or coercion. davy jones's locker:  a watery grave / to die at sea. dead men tell no tales:  exactly what it sounds like. deadlights:  the shutters that can clap down over a porthole or cabin window in bad weather; windows in a ship's side or deck, eyes. fire in the hole:  the warning before a cannon is fired. give no quarter:  refusal to spare the life of anyone that fights; a red flag raised on a pirate ship also signals this. holy stone / bible stone:  piece of sandstone used to scour the deck of a ship; big ones were bibles, small ones were prayer books - called so because it was used by getting on one's knees. jack:  a flag at the top of the bow - especially the one signaling ship nationality. jack tar: a sailor. line:  the equator. no prey, no pay:  no ships taken, no pay received. on the account:  to turn pirate; to go to work for one's self. pay debts with the topsail:  to run off to sea to avoid debts. real: (ree-al) a spanish denomination of money common in south america and the caribbean. red ensign:  a british naval flag. refit:  to resupply a ship.  would always be referred to this particular way. rum-gagger:  someone who tells false stories of hardships at sea. run a rig:  to play a trick. show a leg:  wake up. strike colors:  lower the flag; typically a signal of surrender. sutler:  a merchant selling all manner of goods for supplies and repairs. take a caulk:  take a nap - comes from sleeping on a caulked deck which left streaks of tar down clothing. warp:  moving a vessel (especially along a dock) by hauling a line fastened to different things like pilings, anchors, or piers. yellow jack:  used to indicate illness (typically yellow fever) aboard - often used to try and trick pirates.
Place & Stuff Things
apartment:  instead of the modern connotation of apartment, this wouldn't be a whole dwelling, but a rented room. bowsing ken:  an ale house. brake: heavily overgrown area. flats and sharps:  weapons. garret: an attic. house of civil reception:  a brothel. jakes:  a privy. kennel:  a gutter or street sewer. lanthorn:  a lantern. magazine:  a storehouse, especially for things like weapons.  had just come into vogue as meaning periodical publication. ordinary:  a roadside inn with stabling for horses. taper:  a small candle. tea voider:  a chamber pot. tube:  sometimes a smoking pipe. welkin:  the sky.
Sex Stuff
box the jesuit:  to masturbate. buttered bun:  having sex with a woman who just had sex with another man (i.e. as in a brothel). crack jenny's tea cup:  spending the night in a brothel. cundum:  a condom, usually made of sheep's skin (yes they had condoms). doxy / doxies:  a sex worker; can also refer to a kept woman. dragon on/upon st. george / riding st. george:  the woman topping. fancy lad:  a term for a male sex worker who usually services other men. fancy man:  a backdoor man (that is a man kept for the hanky panky). flogging:  pretty much the 18th c equivalent of spanking. hell cat:  considered a lewd woman; one who doesn't shy from her sexuality. screw:  to have sex (yes it's that old).
Slang Things:
admiral of the narrow seas:  a drunk who vomits in his neighbor's lap. apple dumpling shop:  a woman's boobies. been to an irish wedding:  to have a black eye. bring one's ass to anchor:  sit down. cast up one's account:  to vomit. dance the hempen jig:  to hang. dance with jack ketch:  to hang. fed with a fire shovel:  to have a big mouth. go a snail's gallop:  to move slowly. grin like a basket of chips:  grin broadly. hand like a foot:  to have bad handwriting. make faces:  to have children. milk the pidgeon:  attempt the impossible. navel-tied:  to be inseparable. piss more than he drinks:  a braggart. up the ladder to bed:  to hang.
Social Things
banns:  declaring intention to marry.  in the anglican church it had to be read three sundays before a couple was allowed to marry. cloud:  tobacco. fog: smoke. guinea:  a coin worth 21 shillings (just over a pound at the time). hombre:  a popular card game of the time. make love:  to flirt, did not meant to have sex. macaroni:  not food, but a specific type of dandy. mrs.:  applied to women of a certain age regardless of marital status. naked:  indecently dressed; a man without frock and waistcoat would be naked. oaten pipe:  a shepherd's flute made of reed. penny:  four farthings, one-twelfth of a shilling. plain-work:  basic sewing. pound:  twenty shillings. ridotto:  an entertainment with music and dancing. shift:  a woman's undergarment consisting of a thing loose dress of muslin or linen. shirt:  the linen shirt of a man, considered an undergarment. toilet:  a dressing table. transportation:  forcible exile for committing a crime, such as to the american colonies or australia.
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non-sequitura · 4 years
Welcome to another episode of blogging Psych info
The Survival Game 
-"What is the simplest way to solve the problem of scarce resources? Take what you want and kick the stuffing out of anyone who tries to stop you." = best life advice 
 -Aggression = behavior meant to harm. Most animals do to achieve goals. -Negative emotions -> aggression 
-uhhhh ooof psych textbook saying that almost all aggressive crimes done by men. Socialization + testosterone? 
-Testosterone -> make people less likely to recognize threatening facial expressions 
-Social vs. physical aggression Cooperation 
-Behavior leading to mutual benefit 
-This textbook is on crack omg "Cooperation is one of our species’ greatest achievements—right up there with language, fire, and dental floss" 
-Can be risky (just look @ game theory, prisoner's dilemma, or someone who takes advantage of others) 
-Mitigated via in-groups (can lead to prejudice) 
-Flaws of groups: indecisive, value confident delivery/status over expertise, less likely to share important information that only one member knows, tend to polarization of opinions (surprise surprise, discussion RARELY actually leads to more open-mindedness), groupthink (consensus&harmony > decision-making) 
-Deindividualization (doing bad things bc of lack of individual responsibility) and bystander effect 
-Groups can lead to less anxiety, depression, loneliness, and disease (wow - more mental health = physical health evidence) 
-Common debate 
- is altruism natural or a choice? 
-More cooperation -> chance of survival bc of reciprocal altruism 
-Humans do random acts of kindness (unique among animals afawk) -Some have even risked life for strangers Lmao this next chapter is called The Mating Game Selectivity 
-"With the exception of a few well-known celebrities, most people don’t mate randomly." WTF TEXTBOOK 
-On avg women more picky abt partners 
-"Would you go out with me?" = 50% M&F "Would you sleep with me?" = 75%M 0%F
-I'm just gonna quote this whole thing "if a man makes a 'mating error' and selects a woman who does not produce healthy offspring or who won’t do her part to raise them, he’s lost nothing but a few minutes (OMG TEXTBOOK OUT HERE ROASTING MEN) and a teaspoon of bodily fluid. But women produce a small number of eggs in their lifetimes, conception eliminates their ability to conceive for at least 9 months, and pregnancy produces physical changes that increase their nutritional requirements and put them at risk of illness and death. So if a woman makes a mating error, she has lost an egg, borne the costs of pregnancy, risked her life in childbirth, and missed at least 9 months of other reproductive opportunities." 
-Social costs of promiscuity 
-Generally, women can afford to be choosier 
-Men just as selective when stakes are high (e.g. choosing a long-term partner) Attraction 
-Situational (ppl make efforts to like people more if they have to spend time around them) 
-Proximity (exposure effect) (explains why mirror-flipped images look weird to us) 
-Primary initial attractor = appearance (height/weight, or just weight for women). Those deemed attractive -> higher salaries -universal beauty standards: symmetry, triangle(M)/hourglass (F) shape, younger (F)/older(M). Does vary a lot by culture, though. 
-Longer relationship lasts, less appearance matters 
-universal personality standards: wit, ambition, loyalty, trustworthiness, kindness 
-societal similarity attracts societal similarity (bc validation, being liked, ease of relationship) 
-Long-term relationship culture bc of length of raising kids 
-Passionate vs. companionate love (historically neither important)
-Relationships last so long as perception of benefits vs. costs remain favorable (dep. on alt. available partners & investment) 
-"would you like to sit w/ me" instead of "may I sit with you" (sounds weird, but apparently more likely to yield a 'yes') 
Controlling Others (3 main susceptibilities to social influence) Hedonistic Motive -Seeking pleasure, avoiding pain 
-Too harsh can backfire (also, rewards need to be consistent, or behavior might decrease later) 
 Approval Motive 
-Being liked (and not dying) 
-Social norms include norm of reciprocity (benefit someone who benefits you), conformity (doing what others do), obedience (doing what important people say) 
Accuracy Motive 
-Attitudes+beliefs being correct 
-Informational Influence (imitation of others' behavior), persuasion (systematic = appeals to reason, heuristic = appeals to habit/emotion), consistency (whether new info matches with old knowledge) 
-Consistency alleviates cognitive dissonance 
-"We are motivated to be consistent, but inevitably there are times when we just can’t—for example, when we tell a friend that her new hairstyle is 'daring' when it actually resembles a wet skunk after an unfortunate encounter with a snow blower." This textbook cannot stop roasting people omg.
-Larger rewards = less cognitive dissonance 
-Why the "most students don't drink heavily" campaign is more popular these days 
Understanding Others Stereotyping 
-Inferences from categories -
OK THIS IS GENUINELY FUNNY "Once we have identified a novel stimulus as a member of a category (“That’s a textbook”), we can then use our knowledge of the category to make educated guesses about the properties of the novel stimulus (“It’s probably expensive”) and act accordingly (“I think I’ll download it illegally”). What we do with textbooks we also do with people. No, not the illegal downloading part. The educated guessing part." RIP my plans to illegally download people
-Often inaccurate (L) bc of selection bias, overused (average /= all), & self-perpetuating (listing own race at top of test made some minorities perform worse on the test) 
-Perceptual confirmation (tendency to see according to expectations) 
-Largely unconscious & automatic, but can be slightly trained away. Most effective techniques involve visualization of things that defy the expectations, rather than "try to be less prejudiced." Attribution 
-Judging entire characters based on individual actions (lack of context) -Situational (due to situation), dispositional (due to personality) 
-Correspondence bias = much more likely to attribute dispositional vs. situational attributions 
-Actor-observer effect (situational for self, dispositional for others). Reversed by seeing videos from others' perspectives.
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