#on this earth i can do to be treated as well as pretty people. skinny people. Men. im below everyone because im fat and ugly
butchyena · 2 years
how the fuck do you stop being bitter. god fucking damnit.
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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The Art of Being Seen - a Nancy Landgraab story
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔒𝔫𝔢 - 𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔥
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AN / Transcript under the cut
AN: Nancy's story will consist of 3 parts: Part One- Youth | Part Two - Uni | Part Three - Wife Three pivotal moments in Nancy’s life that shaped the Nancy we know today.
As mentioned in the prologue, this story may contain mature and possibly even uncomfy themes and all posts will have their corresponding trigger warners in the post as well as the tags. Trigger Warnings are: Homophobia / Religious Trauma / Death via Car Accident/ Drugs / Alcohol / Infidelity / Sex & Nudity
Also, I have experienced CAS burnout lately, so I aged down most of the townies to teens lol. I figured this version of Cassandra Goth can be the AU version since I’ve already wrote Bella and Morti Goth into my Briar legacy, which this story is apart of that universe.
Cassie: This is Blair Hall, the senior girls’ dorm, and if you ask me, it’s the best one. We have our own private library. Down there is the rec room; we’re not allowed to have the boys over unless it’s with a chaperone.
Cassie: We’re also the closest to the church, which is great for when we have group sessions before service. You won’t have to rush and scarf down breakfast, plus you can sleep in a little!
Nancy: [sarcastically] Gee, how’d I get so lucky?
Cassie: Sister Agnes always says, It’s not luck—it’s a blessing! Vacancies are hard to come by. My old roomie withdrew; she had a really hard time fitting in with the other girls. They can be... kind of intense.
Dina: Oh, look. Another pretty blonde rich girl. Like those aren’t a dime a dozen here.
Nina: [scoffs] Here we go...
Dina: I am not joking. I better not catch her ass around Don. The last hoochie he was tonguing down was also a skinny, flat-chested, blonde bimbo.
Vanessa: You need to put his weenie in a cage instead of fighting every girl that breathes the same air as him.
Dina: Well, he wouldn’t be tempted if these floozies would stay away from my man!
Vanessa: I guess dyeing your hair blonde isn’t working for you, huh?
Dina: Oh, shut it, VV. You’re just jealous he isn’t into redheads.
Nina: Hmm, I thought he was into redheads though.
Dina: Ugh, as if!
Cassie: You can pretty much decorate your space however you want. Just nothing that’s on the prohibited list. There’s a room check every night before curfew, and-
Nancy: What do you know about that redhead on the balcony?
Cassie: Dina?
Nancy: No, she said her name was Vanessa. I ran into her this morning but she didn’t mention her last name.
Cassie: Oh, yeah! VV. Vanessa Villareal. She’s- eh, one of the mean girls. I try to stay out their way. Probably best you do the same.
Nancy: [softly to herself] Villareal. So, she’s old money, too.
Cassie: Her family built the school. Guess that’s why she feels like she can do whatever she wants- eh, don’t tell anyone I said that!
Cassie: But, erm, you’re welcome to hang out with me and my friends during rec and lunch and stuff. I know how tough it can, being the new girl and all.
Nancy: Yeah? ...thanks- Cassie, was it?
Cassie: You’ll totally like my friends. They’re the coolest people on Earth.
Cassie: Definitely better than some people. You can tell who goes here because of their faith and who was forced here because of their lack of it.
Cassie: Hey guys! This is Nancy, she’s my new roomie.
Bob: No way, they filled Angela’s spot already? Money talks. I’m Bob, or Bobby, and this cool, tall drink of water is Geoffrey. Welcome to Paradise.
Bob: [whispers] Geoffrey! Say something to the pretty girl!
Geoffrey: [voice cracks] W-we’ve um, met already.
Geoffrey: Our dad’s are friends. I just haven’t seen her since we were 10 years old. She looks so... different.
Bob: Oh, I seeee. First love? Your ears are beet red, my man.
Bob: Take a seat, newbie! Are you into D&D, perchance?
Nancy: I have no idea what that is.
Bob: Oh, ho ho! You’re in for a treat, m’lady. I’ll catch you up from the beginning of our campaign.
Vanessa: You look so bored. Want to get out of here, new girl?
Vanessa: Don’t worry, I’ll return you back to your nerds in one piece.
Cassie: [grumbles] Um, hello, we’re sitting right here?
Nancy: Go where, exactly? This place is in the middle of nowhere.
Vanessa: Guess you’ll have to come and find out.
Nancy VO: [I learned then, that I would follow her anywhere]
Dina: There she goes, taking in another stray.
Nancy VO: [All she had to do was take my hand]
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slyvieselkie · 2 months
Since the Beginning - Midoriya Izuku
Warning: body shaming, insecurity about looks, family issues, suggestive
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Having a prohero boyfriend is really a double edged sword, especially when he's the successor of the Symbol of Peace. Deku, the greatest hero, Midoriya Izuku, is a man larger than life. And to stand next to him, to be loved by him, is an honour and a stain in itself.
You're known as 'His Girlfriend'. The luckiest girl on Earth, a position that many covert for you sit on a pile of riches that he so graciously gifted you. Not only that, Izuku is the ideal man. Compassionate, brave, powerful, smart, a little goofy and nerdy, he's the man every parent wants their daughter to bring home. And that honour belongs to you.
But having Deku as your boyfriend, means that you must also meet the world's standard. A girl that's equally as friendly, sweet, beautiful, successful, an ideal woman for the best man out there. And every day you look in the mirror with the thought, 'Gosh, why does he even like me?', so does everyone else.
Every time the two of you are out in public and get photographed, there'll always be a comment about your weight, your pimples, how it's always Izuku pulling his card out, how you don't treat his fans with respect. And your boyfriend does his best to fight back in the ways he can. In the rare interviews he'll always mention the love of his life, the woman supporting him from behind, who puts up with the 24/7 limelight and harsh critics of those who know nothing. He even enlists the help of his old classmates who try their best to change society's mind. But it only makes you feel more pathetic, that Izuku does so much for you and you can't even present yourself better.
It takes a long, burning, tearful shower for you to finally resolve to change. With a bright smile, you talk to Izuku about wanting to be more healthy and start volunteering.
He cups your cheeks, "Sweetheart, if it's about-", "Izuku, please...just let me have this", and your eyes swirl with so much desperation he can only say yes.
But the green haired man makes a strict schedule for you to follow, he refuses to watch you please the world and drop dead. He asks Ochako to exercise with you, where you start on light cardio and Pilates. Bakugo reluctantly sends you a few tips on healthier eating and even spends a day at your house meal prepping. Izuku doesn't know about this because the villain-like hero would burn your house down. He even asks his old teacher, Thirteen, to help you find volunteer work.
The world's opinion of you change when photos of you helping out at homeless shelters and after villain attacks. You also change as well, he notices. You've become more social, going out more and posing for the cameras rather than hiding from it. He sees your regular posts and stories at the gym, making healthy snacks, promoting charities, going out for brunch with the U.A. Class 1 girls. Izuku couldn't be more relieved. So many nights he has had nightmares of you taking dieting too far or working until you end up in the hospital, trying to become the perfect woman and breaking yourself in the process.
But change takes a long time and no matter what you do, the world will always bring up your past. And you've learnt to live with it, to understand that what you're doing is more than enough. However, that doesn't mean those comments don't hurt. Especially when it comes from the people whose words mean the most.
Izuku has met your parents many times. For the three years you two have been together, the hero has always made an effort to know your parents and get along with them. Your family also loves him, your mother is dreaming about the day she sees you in a wedding dress to him. The atmosphere is always warm, comforting, peaceful.
Until the small comments start to sneak in.
"Oh look at how skinny and pretty you are now!"
"Now my son in law will have no problem picking you up!"
"You should've seen her in high school, she would've weighed more than you right now!"
"If only she started dieting earlier! I kept telling her to, but she never listened and now look at her!"
Dieting, exercise, skinnier, prettier, smaller.
Of course you fire back at her. It's all jokes, but Izuku can see how much those words hurt. And every time, the ride back home is silent and you deep in thoughts. And every time after you come out of the shower, he sees you observe yourself in the mirror. Your eyes scan like society once did, looking for the imperfections. Wondering how you can erase the past, so that the world only remembers the pretty and perfect version of you.
His heart breaks, because why are your efforts never enough? He walks in and makes himself known, you jump before giving a soft smile. Izuku tries to return it and quickly digs his face into the crook of your neck. His large and scarred hands quickly hoist you up while you squeak.
As he carries you to the bed, Izuku has so many thoughts going through his head. You've always been pretty, ever since the moment he met you. He's always been able to pick you up, a hero like him should have no problem picking up boulder let alone a person. And he has seen you in high school pictures where you look so cute, he wished he met you earlier. And no, you shouldn't have started dieting earlier. Knowing the situation you were in, you would've only gained an eating disorder.
Dieting, exercise, skinnier, prettier, smaller. He didn't do any of this just to hear that from the people who should've supported you. As he laid you down, Izuku takes you in with trembling eyes. You give a smile back and beckon him closer.
Izuku has always been careful with you. His rough hands ghost your body knowing the damage they could cause, his lips only leave light hickies because he never wants to see you in bruises even if they're from love, he's always wary about the weight he puts on you and your stamina compared to his. But the nights you return from your parents are gentle as a feather. Your body becomes his temple, and he'll never stop worshipping. He oozes love and forces you to soak it up, the love that they should've had for you.
It's ironic when Izuku wants to be so gentle and loving, because it sometimes leads to him become more rough. He has so much to give that he can't see that you're overstimulated. He wants you to see that he loves you unconditionally, resulting in deep hand marks and love bites. Izuku wants you to understand that he's always on your side, so he'll hold you down and do his best to leave you quivering and blank.
But regardless of how he feels about your parents, Izuku knows he can't do anything about them. Because he knows that blocking your family isn't easy as it sounds.
"They're...it's just when it comes to this, they can become...off", you whisper trying to calm Izuku down, "Other than that, they're really good."
He knows, he can see it. How you're always sticking to your mother and how she always has your favourite food and snacks at home. How you melt in your father's arms and the way he monitored Izuku when they first met. Izuku sees the photographs hanging on the walls filled with parental love, the injury stories where it sounds like they were just in as much pain as you, the fights when they became a pair of bears.
Izuku also knows that in its own fucked up sense, they say that for your own good. Because he's heard you and your mother on the phone, how hateful she sounds of the media that talked about your weight and looks. Your father used to hate him for bringing you into a world that you never suited, until he finally saw Izuku as a man who loved you.
So Izuku will respect them and be civil. Because they raised you into the person you are today, the most loveliest person that he is honoured to be with forever. Because in their own ways, they also poured love and care into the soul to form it this way.
But that doesn't mean he'll take it lying down. You're his woman, and he'll protect you the way he did when society attacked you. He'll make sure they understand that their words have weight to them, and crush those words until they disintegrate to dust.
He'll do anything to show that you've always been beautiful since the beginning.
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Hi Lovelies, meet Izuku the greenest flag ever~!
I hope you guys felt all of the emotions poured into this fic and how much Izuku loves you! I really wanted to portray the struggle of loving your parents and understanding how much they love you, but just having that one issue that always breaks the peace. For the girlies out there living with body shaming, hold your head up high because you have been beautiful since the beginning!
I'll see you another time ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )♡
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adam16bit · 1 year
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People must really hate Spider-Man. Green Goblin is one of his very first foes dating back to 1964, and he's appeared on a lot of the cartoons since. Heck, I saw him on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in the 1980s and today's toddlers see him on Spidey and His Amazing Friends, where the Green Goblin was in short supply back in 2022. People want this character, and for good reason - he's got a glider! And a wacky hat! While most incarnations of him incorporate some sort of pumpkin bomb, this one does not - but it has gorgeous packaging that serves to ask why. It's a beautiful piece of art that makes the figures look better, and the graphic design on most modern for-kids toy lines have boxed that are somewhere in the neighborhood of acceptable - I can't help but wonder if that may be nudging the appeal of new toys down a bit, but I digress. We're here to talk Kenner-branded goodness today.
Click here to check availability at Entertainment Earth. Click here to check availability at eBay.
Hasbro used the same basic buck for most of the toys, but mercifully Green Goblin got some new parts to make him better. The hands, feet, satchel, and head are all new, as is the glider accessory. The chest, arms, and legs are recycled from several figures dating back a few years. It would be nice if he was a bit different in his build than the younger Spider-Man, but hey, whatever, we got one and odds are they'd be skinny had Kenner made them in the 1980s. Due to parts reuse, the green "skin" lacks the scales or detailing from the old comic books, but at least you get the pointy ears and giant, silly hat. Of note, that hat is a separate purple plastic piece affixed in palce - it looks great and should hold up to play wear. Assuming anyone were to play with it, that is. The satchel looks nice and fits well, and the figure's curly boots slip right in to the glider - but the glider won't balance with the figure standing on it. That's a downer. You'll need to make him lean forward with his arms out to balance, or put something under the glider to keep it up.
I love the bright colors, and he stands great on his own. Green Goblin fits in old Kenner vehicles quite nicely, although the disconnect between the nicely detailed hands and boots from the rest of the body is kind of weird. It's also the kind of thing Kenner frequently would do, taking a comic/movie-style Robin action figure, altering the head to the stylized 1990s animated look, and releasing it with no additional sculpt changes. I know it's kind of a slam to have lower expectations for some Kenner-style figures, but taking shortcuts is very much the kind of thing we saw a lot back then. It's still a nice figure, and that pink bag certainly adds to the sculpted detail without having to change the torso - and the belt is merely painted-on.
I'm being greedy, but he should have had more accessories. The Green Goblin needs the glider and the bag, but the bag is there for his pumpkin bombs. Other incarnations of the figure (including cheaper ones from Hasbro) had the accessories, and it would have been a real treat to see them included here or with another figure as an accessory somehow. Alas, it was not meant to be. But at least you can appreciate the crazy painted white teeth and creepy yellow eyes.
The Marvel 375 Retro line doesn't really feel like the kind of thing Kenner did, but you could make a convincing argument that it isn't far off from what Mattel actually did do with its Secret Wars line. I'm glad Hasbro managed to squeeze in a few Spidey villains in a line of mostly good guys, and I hope they can somehow find a way to get us a few other baddies before the line goes to the big closeout bin in the sky. I assume Hasbro made an adequate number of these because the going rate as I write this is pretty close to retail price, but I don't know if I've ever actually seen Norman Osborn's green alter ego on store pegs. (I bought a case from work.) If you are old enough to see the Bronze Age of comic books as definitive, I'd recommend picking up this figure and as much of the line as you like. From where I sit, it scratches the super hero itch in ways previous lines didn't, to the point where I'm eyeballing my 6-inch Legends and considering selling most or all of them off.
--Adam Pawlus
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
"Yakko is so going to kill me," Wakko? Lol
It had been 28 years since Queen Angelina the First died.
21 years since Yakko became king and married Max.
16 years since Wakko had become an uncle.
and 15 years since Wakko had decided to travel the world and become a "representative" or diplomat of Warnerstock.
And Wakko was happy with that. He loved getting to travel and go on diplomatic missions for Yakko- it made him feel important. Plus, he was one of many so if Wakko wanted to stay home and hang out with his nieces and nephew, he could. It was pretty sweet.
Sure, he was more than a little hesitant at first, but he had grown a lot in the last 24 years in therapy with Doctor Scratchnsniff. He was a lot better at socializing, as well as knowing his own limitations. He wasn't perfect, but he was a lot better.
And happier.
Wakko was a lot happier.
He was on such a diplomatic mission in the town of Millstone- a poorer town he was supposed to report on so Yakko could send them what food and supplies they were in need of.
Well- that was the main task at hand, but he also knew there was an excellent woodworker in town and he wanted to get a little something for his nieces and nephews (even if he knew they would find it a little lame).
And so there he was, walking through the town market on a brisk but not snowy winter's day. He browsed through stall after stall of trinkets, with guards not too far behind him (he liked his space but knew guards were necessary). He looked over trinkets and other interesting things as the salespeople offered him deal after deal upon recognizing him (not a lot of people wore bright red hats like his). Wakko refused most (except a few desserts just for himself as a treat for a hard day's work), as he still hadn't found the woodworker he had come into the market in the first place to find.
Eventually, he did spot it and was about to make his way over, when he bumped into a stranger on the street.
"Oh- I'm sorry, I-" he immediately went to apologize, but the stranger had already moved quite a bit away.
Wakko shook his head a moment before continuing on to the stall. To his surprise though, when he reached his hand in his pocket, he found that all of his money was gone.
"Halt! Thief!" One of Wakko's guards shouted from far behind, and Wakko immediately turned his head to see the stranger he had bumped into weaving through the crowd of people and getting away from the guards as fast as they could in whatever way they could. Leaping over boxes, climbing onto tops of stalls, whatever needed to happen, they did it, alluding the guard's grasp. It was quite impressive, if Wakko must say so himself.
One of the guards eventually turned and saw Wakko just standing around and watching the escape unfold and ran over to him.
"S-sorry, your highness. We'll get your money th-theif in no time," The guard huffed a moment.
"Great," Wakko sighed as the guard went back to being just a bit behind him as he's supposed.
"Yep," Wakko had no doubt they would, so he went back to continuing to browse the fine handy work of the woodworker.
"They won't catch them, you know," The woodworker, a gruff-looking tiger, said.
"What do you mean by that?" Wakko asked, looking up.
"O-oh your highness, I didn't- well..." The tiger stammered. "I meant to say that they're rather... difficult to capture is all."
"Do you know where they live?" Wakko asked. The woodworker shook his head.
"Like I said- they always avoid capture. They probably live on the outskirts or deep within some alleyways or something."
Wakko pondered that a moment.
"Thank you for your information... when I get my money back, I'll be sure to return to make my purchases," Wakko nodded at him, before going back to the guard.
"I've decided I'm going to take a stroll rather than wait around in this busy market, wait for me by the carriage," He said.
"Y-your highness, wouldn't you rather I stay with you for your protection? It's clear this town isn't safe," The guard said nervously.
"Relax, I'll be okay," he smiled. "Plus, according to that tiger over there, the most dangerous criminal in this town is already being pursued, so I've nothing to worry about."
"Well, I- uh-"
"I order you to wait for me at the carriage," Wakko rolled his eyes, not really comfortable with it, but knowing it was necessary. The guard nodded, and went on his merry way, leaving Wakko alone to search for his thief.
Wakko took the tiger's advice and searched every alleyway he could find or any place a hideout could possibly be. Granted, he didn't have much in terms of street smarts about these things, but he had read some books about secret hideaways. Still- his search was mostly unfruitful, and before too long he noted that the sun was starting to set and the wind began to blow harder, meaning he didn't really have that much time before dark, and people would start to head to their homes (something he ought to have been doing too). However, he was determined to bring them back some of those special carvings no matter what, so he kept looking.
As he predicted, the wind did get stronger as he continued on his way, making him clutch his jacket closer to him. He really should be heading back to the carriage, but now it felt more like he had to see this through. He couldn't just- not bring something for everyone, that's rude.
And well... not only that, but there was something off about his pocket-thief he just couldn't put a finger on. He barely caught a glance at them but they were small- short and skinny. Wakko wanted to figure out how to help them somehow, ask for some advice on what to put on the report? Who knows. He just wanted to see them, talk to them probably.
After walking a bit more, a larger gust of wind blew through, so strongly that it shifted the debris of an alleyway nearby. It piqued his interest, so he decided to invesitage, moving the pieces of wood and boxes and crates that blocked it off, before finding a makeshift covered in dirt, rainwater, metal sheets, and all sorts of garbage, with an old tattered quilt as a possible doorway.
That had to be where they were.
"Look, I know you're awfully clever and did completely blindside me, but I think it'd be nice to have a conversation, wouldn't you?" Wakko asked, leaning against the top of the shelter, before it shifted and he quickly stepped back.
"We could go somewhere nice and warm, get you some food or something with that money..." Wakko sighed.
"Look, I want to help, okay?" He said, waiting to see if he'd get a response. When he didn't, he frowned.
He then heard a very weak, very long cough come from within.
Wakko bit his cheek.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
No response.
He debated with himself quickly before deciding to open the blanket door to see what was the matter with his pocket thief.
To his surprise, the robber was no more than a teenager, all curled up on the filthy floor shivering almost to death. Their fur was matted and curly, their clothes filthy and torn in places, though they sure had a sense of style... oh, there was his money.
However, most concerningly, their face was a bright shade of red and they looked very, very weak. He felt their forehead- burning hot.
They were most likely dying- if not now, then soon.
"How could someone go from running and leaping around to suddenly sick and dying in a matter of an hour?" Wakko thought to himself, before shaking his head and debating as to what he should do.
"Well... I can't just leave them to die. Look at them for crying out loud- they're a child."
"Well duh, but like- what do you know of childcare? What are you even supposed to do-? How would you even explain this??? 'Oh hi Yakko, here's this random dying kid I found who robbed me blind, can you make them not die?'"
"I can't leave them though..."
Wakko sighed, taking off his coat.
"Yakko is so gonna kill me," He said, wrapping the teenager in his thick jacket before scooping them up and away from their little shelter. Good god, they were a sickly little thing.
Quickly he made his way back to the carriage, and when the guards opened their mouths to question what on earth Wakko was doing, he silenced them.
"Just-.... take me home, alright?" He sighed, letting himself in to the carriage.
"O-of course your majesty," The guards took the orders well, closing the door behind Wakko as he sat down.
The thief in his arms grumbled and opened their eyes a little bit.
"If you're asking me what I'm doing, I have no idea," Wakko sighed, looking out the window as the carriage began to move back home to Warnerstock.
He never did stop by that woodcarver stall again.
Oh well, looks like he was bringing something else home, whoopie.
Yakko was so going to kill him.
Part 1
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Insecure Thicc!Reader
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Pairings: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: Some spicy bits, but not too crazy, a little crude, kinda implied fem! in some bits, but you can just skip over those points if ya want
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Dabi
Author’s Note:
Hello! This is the first time I’ve written for Dabi so I hope his turned out ok! As a thicc girl myself, I kinda poured my heart out a bit for this request. I hope you enjoy these little headcanons (I kinda went crazy oop—)!
If you’re feeling insecure, remember that you’re beautiful, no matter what other people say! I’m still on my own journey of self-love, but I hope that this can bring a bit of comfort to anyone who is anywhere on that road.
I know that it says Mirio, but I don't write for him so I contacted the requester and they swapped him out for Dabi.
I love you guys! Hope you like it!
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My mans Bakugou
He can appreciate some nice booty
I'm just going to jump straight to cuddling here because that's what I feel like doing
In public, Bakugou isn't all that affectionate
I am by no means saying he wouldn't gladly flaunt your relationship and yell about how wonderful and attractive his s/o is, but for the most part he likes to keep it between you two
But during down time, when there's nothing to do and all evening to do it, he wants you in his lap
He a stronk boi, you're sitting on his lap whether you like it or not
You are his human teddy bear, and you're going to have a hard time getting him to let you go
He wants to touch you all over and let his hands sink into your soft, plush body
Cheeks? Perfect for kissing and squeezing between his fingers
Your chest? He likes to hold you in his hands and test the weight of your boobs. They're so nice and soft and squeezable
Tummy? Bakugou's all over giving you soft, slow kisses over your skin, sucking a little into his mouth and between his teeth to nibble on
Thighs? He's touching on them constantly. If ever he's feeling possessive over you, his hands are going to fly to your legs and give them a solid squeeze to remind you you're his
Butt? Like I said, he loves it. He likes smacking it at every opportunity. Watching the resulting jiggle is the most satisfying and enticing thing to him
He likes to hold you at night, either his hands firmly clasping those lower cheeks or simply having it pressed into him. As much as he can get, he'll take
Now, if he ever catches you saying something bad about yourself, you're done for
You say it when you're home alone together? He's going to prove to you how beautiful and valuable you are through any methods he can think of
Lecture consisting mostly of him yelling about how much he loves you? Check
Tackling you in an aggressive hug and pinning you to the bed only to point out and gently kiss everything you dislike about yourself, telling you how much he loves it? Check
There's another thing I could mention he'd do, but my mom might read this, so I don't want to get into it, buuutt you can fill it in yourself 👀—
Say something bad out in public? He's going to give you a death glare and pull you aside as soon as he can to tell you to stop
If someone makes a nasty comment about you, they got a big storm comin
Let's just say that, after an extensive apology from the person, you probably won't see them again for weeks
Bakugou knows how to get to people
Katsuki doesn't care about what you look like, as long as you're happy and healthy
He values how you carry yourself and how you treat him. Something as superfluous as appearance isn’t on his mind when choosing and loving a partner
He's a good person to vent to as well. It may not seem like he’s listening sometimes, but he his. His insight is truly outstanding. There's something about him where, when he wants to, he always knows the right thing to say
13/10 loves you just the way you are and knows you're beautiful. Would not hesitate bitch to throw hands to anyone who says otherwise
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Idk if this is me just self projecting onto him or whatever, but high key I think Kirishima could have a thing for thicc people
Nothing against our skinny queens and kings! He'd love you either way
But like, I can 100% see it
So he honestly gets kinda offended when he realizes you're insecure about your body
He understands why you feel this way—he's not blind to the fact that you're a little bigger than some other people
What really gets him is why you put so much pressure on yourself to look a certain way. To him, you're the most beautiful wonderful person in his world. Why would you be so negative towards yourself?
He knows how it feels to be insecure, especially with appearance
If you want to change yourself, he's 100% supportive. Mans is literally the most perfect gym buddy and would love to be by your side on your journey of self improvement
If you're not interested in changing your appearance, whether it be simply just for now or even never, guess what? He's 100% supportive!
I've seen this everywhere, and if you're also a regular in this niche of fanfic, I'm sure you have too, but Kiri is the biggest hype man
New outfit? He's all over telling you how good you look. Flaunt it, babes!
New makeup look? Amazing! Beautiful!
Did something different with your hair? Yesyesyesyesyes
And he's completely genuine in his praise as well. It's not manly to be fake about your thoughts and beliefs, and he knows for a fact that you're beautiful, just the way you are. Confidence goes perfectly with any look!
When it comes to cuddling, he's all over you
He'll respect it if you're uncomfortable being touched in some places, but what he wants most is to be as handsy with you as possible
He just wants to run his hands over every surface of your body. Nothing suggestive about it (unless you're in the mood! 😉), he just wants to feel you
Boob pillow? That's all his. It's like there's one magnet in your chest and another in the side of his head. They're just so soft and plush and squishy?? To die for! Even if your chest is comparatively small, he's still on you. You can't stop him
When his head isn't planted on your chest, it's settled on your belly. He likes the warmth against his cheek and finds every aspect of it cute
Rolls? Adorable! Stretch marks? Beautiful! Hair? Pretty!
11/10 you're getting tummy kithes and little teasing tickles every night you spend together
He loves your thighs. Being a little grabby with them is totally his thing
Yet another place to leave kisses. Maybe even love bites too `O.O`
Great place for him to take little naps. Literally I cannot stress enough how comfortable he finds you, immersed in your scent, cheek comfortably resting on the tops of your legs, your fingers carding through his soft red hair. You are literally Heaven on Earth to him
Insecure about your arms? He loves them. They lead to you, and give him the best cuddles and hugs ever in the whole wide world. He'll kiss them all the way up and down until you admit they're not so bad
That goes for everything though. If he catches you talking bad about yourself or your body, he will tackle you and start kissing you all over until you admit how beautiful you are
He won't hesitate to carry you around or let you sit on his lap. He's a hero (or even just training to be a hero). He's super strong and manly, and besides, what else are those muscles for? Punching bad guys? Nah, he's more interested in holding his favorite person in the world (oop, that's you!)
Doesn't matter how heavy you are (I'm also talking to all yee who are 200lbs+. I see you. He's got you), he can pick you up. Carrying around his s/o is 100% mandatory and you can't say no (well, I mean, you can but like, only if you truly mean it)
Any days you feel down on yourself, he can be a little more serious
He's a great listener and will hear every word you have to say without interrupting, even though a part of him wants to interject any time you may try to call yourself ugly or unattractive
Once you've vented everything out, he'll pull you into his arms and let you settle on his lap. Then he'll give you the hype/pep talk you need
Anything you don't like about yourself, he'll go on a whole rant about how much he loves it. It's not a flaw, it's just a part of who you are. And because it's a part of you, Kirishima is going to love it, no matter how much resentment you may feel towards it
He's a big hugger, so he wants to have you as close to him as he can. It helps him feel like he's making you feel better
Heaven forbid someone tries to give you trouble for how you look
He won't react as explosively as Bakugou, but they still better be praying
Kirishima's going to give them a good long talk about treating others with respect and being manly. He's not leaving until they apologize
All in all, Kirishima will forever love you for who you are. He doesn't care about your body shape or size. As long as you're healthy and happy and being your best self, he's going to be all for you
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So this guy is not having ya insecure BS
He doesn't see any problem with the way you look
He really grows to like your body even more than he expected over the course of the relationship
He likes how much more of you he has to grab and kiss and smack (affectionately)
He's pretty open with PDA
He likes grabbing your ass where everyone can see and giving you a nice squeeze just to let you and everyone else know you're his
He's into making out with you behind the bar, just waiting for someone to walk in on you
Dabi isn't big on being soft in public, but behind closed doors, you'd find him giving softer kisses and lighter touches
Initially isn't big on cuddling but opens up to it more as he finds how soft and huggable you are
You can bet you're sitting on his lap whenever you can, whether it's alone together in your room or even during a meeting; this man has no shame (not that he should be)
When you open up to him about your insecurities, he'll be a little upset
He sees nothing wrong with you at all, so why is your body something to be upset over? If anything, he's more attracted to you like this
He has a bit of a hard time finding himself attractive due to his burns (he's so wrong tho), so in that sense, he can somewhat understand
Decides to make a bit of a pact with you to stop being so insecure about yourselves and making a big deal out of appearances
You both love each other for who you are, and that's what's important
Taglist: @a-happy-otter @basicaegyo @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @sendhelpimstupid @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4
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glitchstoxicwaste · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering if I could have a matchup?
I'm 21. I'm a 5’5” female. My star sign is Leo. I have brown wavy hair that goes down to my hips and brown eyes. I'm in the weird middle area between chubby and skinny but I'm more on the chubby side. My aesthetic is cottagecore. I'm a very down-to-earth person, who doesn't care how you look as long as you are a good person.
I've been described as a kid wrangler at the church I go to because I'm one of the few there that the kids listen to. I don't care about fancy clothes or things unless it's a gift and then I cherish it. I have ADD so my attention span isn't the best and I tend to go on tangents about things I love. I'm a very touchy-feely person and will cuddle up to someone as long as they are either a family member, a friend, or a significant other.
Animals love me and I love animals as well. I love to go on hikes to see waterfalls and caverns a lot. I also like to read, write, cook, and do embroidery. I've learned to take some of the skills I've learned from embroidery and use them to sew up any clothes that need to be fixed or patched up. I'm a pretty good cook but I'm not that great at baking. I can make pies, cookies, and muffins but that's the extent of my baking skills.
In a relationship, I'm not clingy, even though one of my ex’s tried to make me. I'm loyal to a fault and would never cheat. I do tend to come across as flirty though most of the time I don't even realize I'm flirting with someone. My love language is physical touch and acts of service.
My first matchup! Also can I just say I love your personality and style? It’s adorable in all honesty! I hope you like your slasher! Definitely an adorable couple!
I match you with:
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Thomas Hewitt!
You being a Leo and him a Cancer make you both similar! Loyalty, commitment, family, trust, and emotional safety are a huge thing for you both! The second you both become family for one another it means hurt them or feel the wrath!
Your kind nature makes him and his family trust you more, he trusts you to the point he keeps his mask off most of the time.
Luda Mae loves how your able to help fix up clothing if any got ripped, taking some stress off of her.
Hoyt will take advantage of your ability to get kids to trust you, but he can get pissy when you lead families away because you have a bigger heart than him.
Hoyt will also dry to get you to drink with him saying things like: “You’re 21 now, getting black out drunk is legal now, try it!” -I do not condone the use of alcohol for any reason-
Your height difference with Thomas causes him to be careful, will pick you up if you let him and treats you like glass, so tiny and kind, must be protected.
Your body type doesn’t matter to him, how he sees you is an amazing, kind, generous person with a big heart. But it is a bonus because there’s more to hug, he won’t feel like he’s breaking a toothpick, but is still gentle with you.
He feels guilty though, his family aren’t good people, and their food is human flesh, see he was worried you would love him for that, but he will be damned if Hoyt says something stupid and hurts you, Thomas will put an end to that ASAP.
Whenever your outside he will stare into your eyes, they glow and shimmer beautifully, and depending on the type of brown they may look like bright pools of honey in the sunlight, he’s entranced by your beauty and personality.
Adores running his fingers through your hair if you let him, when given permission he will happily play with your hair.
Luda Mae adores your long hair, she will ask constantly if she can do anything with it to put it up or make it look nice with outfits you put on.
Whenever you talk about the things you love Thomas will listen in and make mental notes of things he will get for you on special days or to just show you he loves you.
He doesn’t mind the ADD, he thinks it’s cute when you’re trying to focus on something but then another catches your eye and you look over at it and loose track of the previous thing.
Your tochy-feely nature makes him flustered, but also makes him melt. He’s not used to physical affection and he loves it a lot, any time you want a hug he is more than willing to embrace you tightly.
At night he adores cuddling you, when you hold onto him and nuzzle into him he gets this feeling of security and protectiveness, he feels so comfortable with you.
Your love for animals is something that makes his heart melt, how you can hold nuts out to a chipmunk and it climbs right into your hand, it’s too cute for him to handle.
On days he doesn’t have to do anything he will happily go on a hike with you, take you on a picnic in places he knows like the back of his hand, and with your love of cooking, both you and Luda Mae most likely made the Picnic food together so you both have something you enjoy.
Loves to sit in fields with you as you read a book and he naps with his head on your lap, the outdoors and fresh air clearing your minds.
Luda Mae will happily teach you how to bake a lot of things, family recipes passed down for generations, her way of accepting you as part of the family instantly.
Your loyalty to Thomas makes Luda Mae proud, happy for her son to have found someone like you, plus how you’re style is like theirs in a way it makes her more happy that he didn’t fall for some “no good city slicker that’ll break his heart and her own high heels while walking away.”
Thomas kinda likes that you aren’t clingy, but he doesn’t understand your flirting all too well, he’s never been flirted with and so just assumes your complimenting him a lot, which then makes him flustered, especially if you grab his hand while doing so.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x reader) Chapter 2
Warnings: Swearing?
Word count : 2.1k 
This chapter was a little longer, I really get hooked on all of the details and before long the chapter keeps getting bigger and bigger. It’s gonna be a whole story so bare with <3 
The night before starting at a new school you thought was supposed to be exciting, or you were meant to feel nervous, it was not supposed to be spent crying in Tara’s arms after explaining to her what had happened between you and the man you now believed to be your soulmate. You don’t know how long it had taken you to get to sleep in the end, all you knew is that you woke up as heartbroken as you were the night before. However, today is the first day to the rest of your fairy life, so brave face, and deal with the pain after hours.
Technically you didn’t have to go down to the courtyard to see everybody coming in, part of you was just interested, nosy, sick of being surrounded by only like 3 people for the last two months? Let’s just say you had your reasons. So there you were standing by yourself like an idiot, Tara was helping some of her friends move their things in, you noticed a girl with bright blonde hair, stunning, popular no doubt, she had the heir about her, not to mention there was already a group of Fairies crowded around her. Then you noticed another girl, flaming red hair, looking a little lost, part of you wanted to walk over to her, say hi or whatever, then you realised Sky had already clocked her too and was making his way over. Sometimes it was good to fade into the background, it just meant you could see everything happening without seeming too nosy. Like when you notice Blondie shoot daggers towards Sky and the girl he was speaking to, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Dramaaaaa. The conversation ended quickly when another guy, dressed in dark clothing with brown hair snuck up behind Sky interrupting. From the way they messed around you knew they were good friends. Maybe it was the guy River… no.. Riven, Sky had told you about. You looked away, starting to feel a little lonely as you watched friends re connect after time away. You only had one friend so far, and no doubt she had friends already here too, it was only a matter of time before you were on your own again. 
It wasn’t long before the final students had come through the gates and they began to close, you were one of the last ones outside, some stragglers lingering, when you felt someone come up behind you. You could tell instantly who it was, you wanted to be pissed off, but you couldn’t, his presence making you feel more at home than ever. He was close enough that you could feel his breath fanning the back of you neck, but far enough away so that if anyone saw you both it would just look like a private conversation. 
“You should be mingling with others, not standing here on your own.” You could tell by the tone of his voice he was frowning. It angered you. He was the one that decided what you felt for each other ‘wouldn’t work’ and now he thought he had an opinion when it came to your social life? 
“Saul, I mean, Mr Silva, you made it pretty clear yesterday that what we have.. had, wouldn’t work, so why are you concerned about what I do.” You moved away from him as you heard him sigh. You could tell he was frustrated, you didn’t care. In the two months you’d got to know Silva, you realised that he was a pretty dominant figure, he wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted, or having someone talk back to him. 
“Listen Y/N, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” He gritted out, it was paining him that he couldn’t touch you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed, turning to look at him, raising your eyebrow in a kind of ‘are you done?’ attitude. His jaw clenched. “Just stay out of the woods, there was another sighting of a burned one, it’s not safe to be out there at the moment.” With that he brushed past you, his skin brushing yours lightly enough to leave your whole body tingling, he faltered as he felt it too but carried on walking away. You headed off the the Fairy hall, looking back watching his re treating figure, you thought you had been the only two out there, but just before you rounded the corner you caught a glimpse of Headmistress Dowling, staring at the both of you from the top window of her office. 
The hallways were bustling, students squealing and hugging friends, luggage being hauled through the crowds, you had to push your way past, noticing on the way, a lot of people staring at you. You could hear people chattering, whispering, getting bits and pieces of sentences here and there like “Changeling” ‘Burned one” “multiple powers”.. You rolled your eyes, how the fuck did the news spread so quickly. You were grateful when you reached the door to your halls. You pushed the double doors open wide and took in your surroundings. Tara was there, sorting out all of her plants, she looked up and gave you a wide smile. 
“Oh Y/N there you are! I was just telling the girls all about you.” She rushed out and came to stand next to you. The noise attracted a few girls from the rooms off of the main dorm. Blondie from earlier sauntered out, you don’t know why it hadn’t clicked before that she was obviously the princess. Then followed a girl with headphones, a girl with funky looking hair, bits of blue were braided through it, and then the girl with the flaming red hair you’d seen in the courtyard. You stood awkwardly, your Doc Martens kicking the tiled floor. It was easy to see you all had different styles, you were no exception. There seemed to be a colour theme going on. 
“You don’t have to be so worried you know, we don’t bite.” The voice came from the girl with the headphones dressed in purple. “I’m Musa, i’m a mind fairy, that’s how I know what you’re feeling, also the reason you’ll see me with these almost every single minute of the day” she said while holding up the bulky headphones that were around her neck. 
The girl with the braided hair was next to introduce herself as Aisha, Water Fairy, explained why she had the blue theme going on. Next was Bloom, the girl from the courtyard with the Fire like red hair, which was suiting considering she was a Fire fairy. She was the other girl from earth. 
Lastly was Princess Stella. A light fairy, her hair funnily enough as you mentioned earlier, a bright shade of blonde, her clothes weren’t yellow, matching the whole light theme, but you did clock that the majority of her room and clothing choices were shiny. She gave you a smug smile, you knew girls like her back home, you’d been friends with a girl like her back home, she gave off a vibe of “I’m better than everyone else” but it’s probably just so she can hide her own insecurities. There was hope for her yet so you gave Stella a smile, which shocked her. You looked down at yourself, taking in your appearance, heavy Doc Martin boots, black ripped skinny jeans, plain white top and black leather jacket, okay so if they all had colour themes yours would definitely be black. 
“You’ve obviously met Tara, she didn’t shut up about you since we all got here, interesting that you’re from earth too like Bloom, two earthlings in one year, how exciting, and you killed a burned one on your arrival, isn’t that something.” You glared a little at the girl dressed in Green as it seemed she had already spilled some details to the girls in your dorm. Stella mocked surprise, oopsing at the fact that she’d brought up what Tara had obviously babbled out. 
Tara mouthed a sorry from across the room, the earth fairy was harmless and you knew that anything she had said would have been accidental or came out in excitement. “Yup well, I’m Y/N as Tara has probably already told you, born in England, Silva found me, killed a burned one at the barrier in the woods, apparently I have multiple abilities andddd i’m a changeling. Any more questions? I thought not.” 
You laughed and walked over to your room. You shared the space with Musa, just like her mezzanine, you had one directly above, sort of like a bunk bed but it was more like a bunk room. You’d mastered the art of not falling over the railing when getting up in the night to pee which you were happy about. You heard the girls below all talking about what a changeling was, how you’d killed a burned one, what a burned one was, all riveting stuff. The only thing you could think about, the only person you could think about, Silva. Musa looked at you and gave you a side smile. You were going to have to get used to someone around you knowing how you felt all the time. 
“So Y/N, are you going to the party?” Your head peaked up, a party? You didn’t know there was going to be a party but you were sooo going. You needed to let off some steam, do some flirty flirting with the boys and for once be a normal teenager. “I say party, it’s not gonna be some total rave but it’s like a welcome party.” It surprised you that Stella asked. You flopped onto your stomach on your bed. 
“Count me in, i’m gonna go for a walk first though, clear my mind and get some air before. Anyone want to join?” You watched as 4 of the 5 girls shook their heads no, it was yet again Stella who surprised you saying yes. Maybe she wasn’t going to be awful after all. 
Stella was surprisingly easy to get along with and you could already tell she liked you, maybe you’d already become friends even, you didn’t want to push your luck. You found yourself walking by the pond near where the specialists train. You hadn’t realised that that’s where your feet had led you until Stella tugged on your arm a little. “See that guy there, the one with the blonde hair, that’s Sky, we used to date.” Stella linked arms with you. You nod your head and explained how you’d met Sky when you first arrived here. You tensed as you heard his voice, you heard him before you saw him. 
“So, after your classes, you’re all mine.” It made you choke on nothing but air and your cheeks flushed. A few heads turned to look at the interruption and you ducked before Silva saw your red face. He’d seen you though, hiding beside the Princess, he tried to conceal his grin of amusement and then went back to teaching. You looked to Stella, the awkward moment hadn’t gone unnoticed by her. Before you could explain you heard shouting, you and Stella sat down on a near by bench and watched as Silva roasted the living daylights out of a first year specialist for being disrespectful. You could pick up pieces of their conversation, Stella filling in the blanks you didn’t catch. 
“The shield is to protect us from the burned ones”….
“Have you ever seen a burned one.” Silva was pointing his sword at the students face. 
“That’s the thing no one my age has, isn’t that all over now?” The first year specialist didn’t seem so confident now and you scoffed. Wrong, you’d KILLED a burned one, without even knowing what a burned one was at the time. You still don’t remember how you did it, that moment blanked out completely in your mind, the only thing you remember, Silva finding you haunched over the body.
“That’s where you’re wrong, one of the fairies here, was attacked by one on the way in, luckily, something was in her powerful enough to kill it before it could kill her, so no, it’s not all over now.” You could tell Silva was gritting his teeth, stopping from going any further, sometimes his anger slipped away from him. A few people that had obviously heard the rumours turned and looked at you, shock crossing their faces as if they were all thinking the same thing… so it was true, not a rumour after all. You’d finally had enough of the stares, you jumped up, catching the attention of Silva, Stella following behind you as you walked away and towards the woods. 
The very place Saul had told you not to go to. 
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this one’s for you, fëanorian tauriel anon, as well as @procrastinationonvacation and @whotookliterallyallthenames and everyone else who’s into this bonkers little verse. you’re amazing, your ideas are amazing, and most of these thoughts are me taking those ideas and running with them. and so, here’s my take on the verse where tauriel gets adopted into the house of fëanor:
first, about the red hair:
i’ve said this before, but i think it’s an uncommon-but-not-totally-unheard-of trait that pops up here and there in tatya-descended elven populations. the silvans of greenwood are more nelyarin than anything else, but like most avari they have roots in all three of the main great journey era eldarin ethnic groups
they just have red hair sometimes. it’s not a big deal. at least, not in middle-earth
in valinor... well, the only redheads who came to aman and decided to reproduce were nerdanel’s extended family, and we all know how that turned out
the elves of tol erëssea treat tauriel... weirdly. like, all the silvans who came over with legolas are having some trouble with culture shock, and no one’s going out of their way to be a dick, but still
doubletakes, people crossing the street to avoid her, small children staring at her suspiciously from little corners. it’s worse in alqualondë
and it’s literally just tauriel! she tries to ask people why sometimes, but they always exit the conversation as fast as they can. occasionally they run screaming
it’s frustrating. she has met some people who seem to realise she’s not a noldo, but she still gets sideeyed all the damn time
so when legolas goes to tirion to do politics (they’re woodland elves, not sea elves, wherever they settle it’ll be further inland than teleri generally set up) tauriel goes with him. she needs a break
tirion is... a bit different. she still gets doubletakes, eyes lingering on her for a few seconds, but the fear isn’t there
she gets stopped, once or twice, by people who mistake her for someone else. it’s a little annoying, sure, but it’s a lot less alienating
as interestingly weird as the city is, though, she still technically has a job to do. she accompanies legolas to this fancy court meeting they were warned in advance might devolve into a brawl
it does
after ushering legolas into a secure sniping position, tauriel finds herself fighting back to back with this huge (by her standards anyway) muscly calaquendë. it takes her a moment to actually look at him, but once she see his hair colour she’s like ‘redheads unite!’ and he’s like ‘hell yeah!’
(she’s seen a couple of elves with reddish hair in noldorin country, but he’s the first one she’s spoken to since she reached the undying lands)
fight’s pretty good. they get backup from the guy’s twin brother, who somehow managed to smuggle in a bunch of fireworks inside his wheelchair
when it’s all over, they stagger out of the meeting hall together, the good kind of exhausted. they hang out for a bit, get to chatting
tauriel’s like ‘i’m tauriel. who are you guys?’ and the pair of them just stare at her for a moment
then the one who does all the talking snortlaughs. ‘i’m amras’ he says ‘that’s amrod’
the names mean nothing to tauriel, who figured out maedhros the monstrous wasn’t real when she was 12 and slept through history class. she just waves them goodnight and goes to find her usual crew
legolas, on the other hand, had to memorise all this shit in his prince lessons. when tauriel tells him the names of the guys he saw her fighting with, he immediately spits out his wine
he gives her the skinny. she’s all ‘huh didn’t know they were real’
when amras tracks her down the next morning (he needs a convincing hair double for this anti-turgon scheme the twins have cooked up) she’s like ‘eh, why not’
(the twins are under the initial impression that she’s a cousin on their mother’s side from way out in the boonies. they’re not even wrong, it’s just that there’s a rather big number in front of that ‘cousin’)
(i was gonna put all my adopted fëanorian tauriel stuff in one post, but it’s getting late and the post editor’s glitching out, so this is just the meet cute. i’ll add more... probably the day after tomorrow?)
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spencessmile · 4 years
This Isn’t Who You Are
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary - Spencer gets involved when some not so friendly touches are made from a stranger.
Warnings - Swearing & Angst
Word Count - 1,698 words
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don’t steal my work and post it without my consent.
Feedback and Comments are welcome. Happy reading!
Requests are CLOSED!
“She bolted for the door and I never saw her again,” The whole team laughs at your story.
“This is my favorite story you’ve told so far,” JJ said. “How do you find yourself in these situations?”
“Honestly I have no idea.”
“Alright, I need more tequila! Anyone else?” Emily said, getting up.
“Yeah, sure,” You smile. “You want anything, Spence?”
“Sure,” He replies as Emily walks off.
“Hey,” You reach for Spencer’s cheek. “Try to let loose tonight, alright?”
Emily comes back in no time with shot glasses, Garcia hands them out as everyone downs them in seconds.
“Let’s get the party started!” Garcia cheered, squeezing lime into her mouth.
After another hour, six rounds of playing darts you noticed Spencer starting to get clingy. You pulled him away and sat him down.
“Spencer, you okay?” You ask, as his eyes were looking around the bar.
“Yeah, yeah, totally fine,” He mumbles. He tried to reach for a glass on the table but you immediately stopped him.
“Maybe we should get you some water, how does that sound?” You ask, but Spencer shook his head.
“I don’t want water, I want more Vodka! I totally understand why Emily likes to get drunk! This stuff is amazing!” He yells over the loud music playing.
You laugh at his response. “Babe, you’ve had enough to drink. Maybe drink some water then we can ge-”
“Can I drink more vodka after?” Spencer’s eyes were wide.
“Sure,” You lied.
You wanted Spencer to let loose and have fun tonight but in all the years you’ve been with Spencer you’ve never seen Spencer drink so much. It sort of worried you.
“Sit tight for a minute and I’ll be right back,” Spencer pulled at your arm.
“Don’t leave me all alone,” He pouted.
“The team is right here babe, I’ll be back,” You pointed to them as Emily and Derek were fighting over the dartboard.
“You have 60 seconds to come back and your time starts now,” He holds up his watch. “I’m counting.”
You made your way around people dancing and the gaming section. You got the bar and asked for a glass of water. Once you got the glass of water you started to make your way back to the table as someone got pushed into you with force, letting the glass slip from your hand and break.
“Watch the hell out!” The guy raised his voice at you.
“Maybe you should watch your surroundings,” You mutter, slightly annoyed. You start to make your way through the crowd when you feel someone grab your arm; harshly.
You turned around to see the same guy from seconds ago, you tried to pull your arm back but his grip was tight.
“What the hell did you say to me?” He said with clenched teeth.
“Let go of my arm,” You tugged at your arm but he pulled you close enough to where you could smell nothing but alcohol on him.
“Not a chance honey, you have to apologize!”
“You bumped into me not the other way around so therefore you should be apologizing to me.” You try to step back but he wouldn’t let you. “I’m not kidding, let go of me.”
“I’m pretty sure she said to let go,” You hear someone say from behind you.
“Back off, will you?” The guy pushes Spencer as he tumbles back a bit.
“Did you touch me?” You don’t know what you saw in Spencer but something flipped the switch as you saw him get angry.
“Spencer it’s okay,” You place a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not okay! He grabbed you,” Spencer yells.
“It’s not my damn fault that your clumsy ass girlfriend can’t see for shit!” This guy was trying to piss Spencer off and as far as you could see, it was working.
“Spencer please don’t, it’s not worth it,” Spencer wasn’t even looking at you. “Come on.”
“Better listen to your girl.”
“Spencer turns around, please,” You continue to say as Spencer turns around with you.
“That’s right walk away! Your skinny ass looking like a pipe cleaner wouldn’t have the guts to fight me anyway!” As you walk past the guy, he sticks out his foot causing you to stumble and fall.
As you fell, you felt your head hit something, hard.
“Did you not hear me when I said not to touch her!” You hear Spencer yell as everything is blurry to you.  Before you could even process what was happening, Spencer’s fist was in the guys’ face.
But it was too late. The guy swung back, hitting Spencer in the cheek.
“Morgan! Morgan! Hotch!” You yelled, still on the ground. You felt something seeping down the side of your forehead; blood.
Spencer and the guy continued to yell at each other, no matter how loudly you screamed, neither of them stopped. You have never seen Spencer like this and you didn’t like what you were seeing. Spencer isn’t a violent person. He’s soft and caring.
You’re trying to get up as you start to feel light-headed until you see blurry figures running towards you.
“Reid, knock it off!” You hear Morgan’s voice.
“That’s enough!” You hear Hotch.
“Y/n, are you okay?” You hear Emily’s voice. “Y/n, look at me,” You’re finding it hard to concentrate as you feel someone wrap their arms around your shoulder. “I’m right here. You’re okay.”
“Reid, that’s enough!” Hotch shouts, gripping his arm. You blink a couple of times until Morgan comes into vision as he pushes the other guy away from Spencer. “Stop it!” Spencer is heavily panting as Hotch stands in front of him, keeping him away.
You see Rossi rush over to the bar and tell the bartender something.
Spencer pushes Hotch away as he walks towards you but Emily stands in front of you.
“Go,” She points to the door. “Get some air, now.”
Spencer sighs, leaving the room.
Garcia rushes to your side. “Y/n, your bleeding.”
You sat on the back of the ambulance, letting the EMT patch your forehead. You watched Spencer as he sat on the curb with his head in his head.
What on earth was going on with him?
You thanked the EMT as you got off the ambulance, the team was all gathered by the door, just watching Spencer as well.
“Hey, you doing okay?” JJ speaks up softly, rubbing your shoulder as you nod.
You all stood there for a couple of minutes, not saying anything. Morgan starts to move towards him but you stop him.
You walk up to Spencer and sit down beside him. You both didn’t say anything but now Spencer was rubbing his knuckles. You softly grabbed his hand and ran your thumb over his knuckles as Spencer winced in pain.
Spencer looked at your wrist and grabbed it, pushing up your sleeve. “He felt marks on you,” It was like Spencer was telling himself more than you.
You looked down and noticed a small blue and purple bruise starting to form.
“You shouldn’t have hit him.”
“But he hurt you.”
“But that doesn’t mean you hurt people,” You slightly raise your voice as Spencer looks into your eyes.
“I know.”
“I don’t know who that was inside,” You whisper honestly. “I don’t know the person who was beating up that guy. You don’t do this type of stuff.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Spencer’s words seemed so sincere.
You ran your thumb over his cheek and he slightly pushed away from your touch.
“Is it bad?”
Spencer shrugs “I’ll live.” It was just then Spencer realized you had a bandage on your forehead and you could tell he instantly got tense.
He leaned in and kissed your forehead.
“Does it hurt?”
“I’ll live.”
“Babe, I’m sorry I never wanted things to get so bad. I just don’t know what came over me.”
“I know, but you did let your temper get the best of you tonight.”
“I’m aware and I’m sorry.”
“I know you were just trying to protect me. I love that you stand up for me and that you don’t let people treat me that way. But you could have really got hurt.”
“We hunt serial killers every day and you think a bar fight would have killed me?” Spencer raised his eyebrow.
“You know what I mean,” He nods. “What happened tonight? I’ve never seen you this angry, ever. You’re good at sharing your problems with me instead of going around and punching random people in the face,” Spencer laughs.
“I guess I’ve just been a little stressed with this job,” You know there was more than that to it. You nod as you encourage him to continue “and my mom.”
You rested your head against his shoulder as Spencer grabbed your hand, lacing it with his.
“Then please talk to me. I’m always here.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?” You look at him.
“For always being there,” You smile.
“So, does this mean your planning on getting into more bar fights, or was this your first and last?”
“I think I’m done.”
“Good,” You reply.
“For now,” He said as you rolled your eyes at him. “Are we okay?” Spencer asked, kissing your hand.
“Do I have to worry about you?” You ask honestly.
“No, I’m fine.”
“Then we’re good.” Spencer leans in and you lightly kiss him. “Does this mean that you’ll leave the fighting to the professional actors then?”
Spencer laughs at your question. “You really think your funny, don’t you?”
“I do but trust me when I say you’re going to hear about this for years to come,” You reply.
“I’m okay with that,” He said leaning in to kiss you again.
I think I love you a little bit more every day - Unknown
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
The Nest pt1
Marvel | Starker
Tony has been hiding from the vampires for years, but when Peter decides that he wants him they take him easily. Now he must learn to survive being a vampire’s pet. There is no escape from the nest.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings under the cut
warnings: kidnapping, noncon, thoughts/mentions of suicide, blood drinking, drugged sex, mind break, stockholm syndrome, dehumanization bdsm
The chains rattled. They shook and clanged against the bed frame. Tony grit his teeth, glaring at the eyelets that had been welded to the frame. He never imagined it would be him. Never in most sadistic nightmares did he dream of this. Ten years ago was the war. Well, the term war was laughable. They had been well organized, the bastards. What little intel the resistance had, suggested that the bloodsuckers had been hiding underground for centuries. Until they realized how easy it would be simply stop. All at once, they flooded the streets. They killed millions. Others were turned. Some were taken. Only the most beautiful, the most talented, the most admired of humans were left alive. Only the most desirable went missing. All the rest were bodies on the ground. The streets had been littered with corpses. Ten years later, Tony still came across human remains while out scavenging: bones, corpses that had been trapped indoors left to rot. The vampires had no empathy for humankind. To make matters worse, so much of humanity had begun to bow to them. They tended farms and ran factories. The vampires commanded them to make whatever goods were necessary for human life. Then they lined up to have blood drawn, payment for their lives. They were slaves, blood banks, livestock. They worked and they bled and they reproduced. People like Tony, people who weren't afraid to die, they were the ones hiding underground now. In the very same caves and caverns as the bloodsuckers who stole the Earth. So no, Tony never imagined that he would be caught. Not because he thought he was stronger than them, but because they kept only the most beautiful. Tony was an old man, graying, wrinkled around his eyes. What did a vampire want with him? Humiliation? They had grabbed him. Dragged him through one of the shining towers they had built. They cleaned him up, checked his blood for disease. Then they left him, both hands chained to this bed. He could hear voices all around. The space was open, only thin white curtains hung around him. When they brought him in, he saw that the entire floor was open in the same way, just beds surrounded by thin sheets. He heard crying, begging, moaning, screaming. And he knew what those fuckers were doing. He just didn't understand what he was doing there. After hours left alone, someone finally stepped through the curtains. The vampire was skinny, pale, with curly brown hair and too big eyes and the softest most inviting lips. If Tony didn't know better, he would think he was an angel. He came to stand at the end of the bed. As he stopped and looked at him, he became statute still. Tony's skill crawled. "What the hell do you want with me?" The vampire continued to watch him. Tony tugged again on his chains, snarling. "Just kill me already!" The vampire moved, gracefully bending to kneel at the end of the bed. He reached forward with long fingers and touched his cheek. Tony thought that was it. The thing would snap his neck and feed on his blood and it would be over. "What are you called?" it said. It's voice was sweet, on the high side, but masculine still. A parody of a young man. "You're worst nightmare, darling." Tony turned and snapped his teeth at his hand but the creature moved too fast. Then Tony gasped, pain crackling through his face. He hadn't even seen the thing move to slap him. It stared at him blankly. "What is it you believe is going to happen? Will you escape those chains? Kill me? Flee the tower?" "All three. In that order." It was still again, observing. Only it's lips moved and it was uncomfortable to watch a human face speak without emoting. "You will do none of those things. I would advise you to let such thoughts go. I have watched men go mad trying and failing and struggling. It is no use." "Because you're stronger than us?" The vampire smiled and Tony's stomach knotted. "The only thing you have that I don't is hot flesh." "Why am I here?" "Because I want you to be. Because you have value to me beyond your death. Don't go getting any silly ideas, though. If you cause trouble, I won't simply kill you. There is no escape. Not even death." "What does that mean?" "It means that I'm going to ask you to do things that you don't want to do and you will quite predictably deny me. When you do, you will be punished. Through pain, through food withheld, through whatever means I desire. But I will never kill you and you will never find yourself in a position to take your own life." Tony scoffed. "I've suffered a lot worse than you." Again the vampire smiled. "I do hope you can obey well enough that I won't have to break you. I don't like dolls as much as the others." "Feel free to try. I'm not your plaything." The vampire came crawled closer. Tony backed himself against the head of the bed. The position left him enough slack to throw a punch, but his wrist was caught in a delicate hand. He swung with the other to the same effect. Gripping tight both of his wrists, the vampire pulled him down until it knelt over him. It squeezed until Tony felt deep bruises forming, until he wondered if his bones would snap. He breathed hard through his nose, teeth grinding together. "What is your name?" it asked him, softly, sweetly, as if it weren't hurting him. "Tony," he groaned. It relaxed its grip, though it still held him tightly. It leaned down, growing closer to his face. Tony tucked his chin, afraid it was coming for his neck. Instead, it pressed its lips to his forehead. Tony felt warmth in his belly. Too long without an affectionate touch. He could vomit. Then it was gone from the bed. "You may call me master or nothing at all," it said. Then it left him alone with only the sound of human suffering through the thin curtains. It was a long time before his heart slowed enough to allow him to rest, but he was tired from running, from fighting, from fear. When he woke, it was not the softness of the bed he felt beneath him. He jumped, but a strong arm around his chest held him down. "Ah, you're awake. You slept a long time," said the vampire. "Let me go!" He struggled, but the arm against his chest might as well have been steel. "No. Might as well relax. Rest with me, Tony." He smiled, pretty and sugary sweet. Tony groaned, but he settled against his chest. No sense in exhausting himself again. "Very good." Skinny fingers stroked his arm. Its hand was too cold to be any sort of comforting. "I hate you." "I understand. Being held against your will must be unpleasant." Tony huffed. "What do you know?" "I lived in the cold and in the dark for so long. I too longed to be free. At least you will never go cold or hungry." "Thanks a lot, I appreciate that. And will that be before or after the blood letting and the rape?" A hand clamped suddenly around his throat. Tony wheezed, air becoming suddenly thin. "Show some respect or you will suffer your first punishment sooner than planned." It let him go and he coughed and choked. His chained hands felt his throat. The vampire trailed fingers over his chest. "You are mine. I don't think I have to explain to you what that means. Do I?" Nails scratched down his ribs. Tony gasped and tried to get away, but there was no where to go. It dug in until he hissed in pain. "No," Tony rasped. "No?" Again it scratched painful lines down sensitive skin. "No, master." He felt a chill and wondered if he was bleeding, but he couldn't see. He felt nauseous. His pride was wounded after such a swift loss. "Good boy," it purred. Its fingers carded through his hair. Tony ground his teeth and stared at the curtain and the shadows that moved beyond. "You'll learn to find a balance you can tolerate. Somewhere between defiant and obedient. You'll find it's the same balance between pleasure and pain." "I don't want any pleasure from you." "Not yet." "Not ever." "My Tony. I can hear you begging for me already. But I waited two hundred years to see the moonlight. I can wait to hear your pleas." Tony fought again, pulling at the chains, pushing against the vampire's arm. It tisked. "Settle." After a moment, he complied. There was no sense in exhausting himself now. "I've been patient enough, letting you settle in." The arm around his chest tightened. A hand gripped his arm and another his chin. The vampire turned his head to one side. Tony struggled, but realized now that the vampire had been giving him slack as he was now fully unable to move anything but his legs. He felt softness against his neck, then the sharp prick of fangs. He gasped and tried again to escape. The fangs burrowed under his skin, bringing pain, but it faded as the creature's toxic venom took over. It numbed his mind, left him in a comfortable haze like no drug he had ever tasted. He calmed. No part of him wanted to fight. He was floating. Yet, he could feel his life draining from his body. He felt the vampire's grip loosen, but he laid limp against its chest. A hand stroked his chest. Lips sucked at the punctures in his neck. It felt good. Like a hickey that was just a little too hard. The pressure at his neck stopped. The haze remained. "You're being so good for me, Tony. It's nice isn't it? Being my blood bag?" it laughed. "I'm gonna kill you," he mumbled. "No. You won't." It nuzzled his neck. "You'll lay in my bed like a whore, counting the hours until I return to grace you with my attention. If you ever learn to please me, I might be good to you. Treat you like a pet." Tony moaned, his head spinning. The vampire stroked his chest like a cat. "Rest now," it said. There wasn't anything else he could do. He woke to the smell of food. He was in a new place. It was a small room. Private. No more screaming and moaning and shadows all around him. There was the vampire. He leaned against the wall. A smooth, pale leg slipped free of his long, gray, robe. He watched him with rich brown eyes and a neutral expression. Tony sat up. His feet touched the cold floor. The only covering he had was the thin blanket in his lap. His hands were still bound and chained to the head of the bed. His stomach rumbled. "Hungry, pet?" "Thought I had to earn being your pet." The vampire smiled. "You do, but I thought the best way to convince you that you want it, is to show you how good it can be." "Is that why we're here?" "You seemed uncomfortable being on display. Don't misunderstand, I will take you to the nest whenever I please. For today, I have gifted you privacy." "How kind-" Tony choked, eyes wide, heart pounding. The vampire had moved so quickly he hadn't seen it. Now it had him by the throat, pressed down on his back it hovered over him, noses almost touching. "The correct response is 'thank you, master'. Or would you prefer I had you in the nest, screaming on my cock, like a worthless toy?" Its nails bit into his skin. "Thank you, master," Tony rasped. He sucked in a breathed as it relaxed its grip. "Good, pet." Its hand wandered down his bare body. Tony pulled against his chains. He squeezed his thighs together as that hand dipped down too low. "Buy me dinner first," he grit through his teeth. "You are dinner," the vampire laughed. His fingers teased the back of his thigh. His skin tingled. Its tongue swiped over his mouth. Tony shivered. "Am I so undesirable?" It was teasing him and Tony wasn't going to be baited. They both knew how his skin was growing flushed. How his cock had thickened, just enough to suggest interest. The creature was beautiful in a way that couldn't be real. Yet, here it was, violating him. "No one looks beautiful when they're attempting to rape someone." "Oh, Tony," the vampire rolled its eyes. Its nose touched his cheek and he felt its breath as he went down until his lips brushed his ear. It felt good. Really good. He wanted to cry. "I am not bound by your mortal rules." "Be-because we're less than you." Tony took a breath. "And no one calls it rape when someone fucks a goat." The vampire huffed. "You can be livestock or you can be a pet. How you view this life is up to you. Make no mistake about escaping it. You won't." It releases him, turning away to a counter at the opposite wall. "Are you hungry?" "No thank you," Tony snarled. The vampire turned and Tony's stomach rumbled at the sight of food. He held a tray of fruit and biscuits and some sort of rolled omelet. An awfully delicious looking meal to feed a pet. How much did this vampire want him to behave? How much could he earn by playing his game? Could he be granted enough privilege to escape? The vampire sat down in front of him. It rested the tray on its own lap. When it offered him a strawberry from its own fingers, Tony took into his mouth without complaint. It fed him the whole tray and Tony took each bite obediently. And when the vampire left him alone, he cried. Days passed this way, though time crawled along. The vampire fed him his meals and fed from him every few days. The pleasure of its bite grew each time. So did the pleasure of its company. Still, Tony waited for an opening. Then the vampire took him by the hand to led him back to the nest. The halls were bare white, unmarked. The vampire must have had some other way of navigating. Tony counted six halls, then a turn to the right. Turn left down the second hall. Then into an elevator on the right. They went up to the top floor with no indication of which floor they had come from. The place was built to be a maze, trapping any human who escaped a vampire's clutches. Any unmarked floor in that elevator could have been the ground level. And even then, vampires could fly when humans could not. There may not be a way out at ground level. Anxiety tightened Tony's chest. He pressed a hand over his heart. He felt it beat, strong, but too quick. He was alive. He could get out still. He could find a way. They reached the top. The doors opened. They passed another vampire leading a young woman into the elevator. It gave his master a sneer before stepping inside. The woman followed looking curiously at Tony. He looked at the vampire beside him, but nothing showed on his face. What reason would other vampires have not to like him? His small size, his more delicate figure, his taste for old men? The vampire pushed open a curtain and they stepped through. Tony tried to block out the sounds. Someone was crying today. It put him on edge. The curtain closed and he was caught around the waist. He turned his head away as the vampire pressed kisses down his jaw. His teeth scrapped his neck and his knees wobbled. He was backed into the bed. They fell back, the vampire on top of him. It pressed kisses and soft bites all over his skin. His head spun with the memory of its venom. Somehow he missed it when the vampire kissed his lips, but then he was there, holding Tony down by his wrists while he kissed him. It felt good and it had to be the vampire venom or the fact that he had no other contact in this world or just that he hadn't been touched by another being in years since running and hiding didn't leave him with many friends. With the vampire pressed between his legs and their lips moving together, Tony felt his body take interest. He twisted away with a disgusted sound. The vampire smiled. "Why resist when you desire me?" It was true. He hated himself but it was true. The vampire was, by appearances, every bit the sort of man he might have taken to bed. Gorgeous and slim. He would been just as lovely beneath him as on top. "Because you're a murderer." "Most humans aren't worth keeping. Your kind kill each other as much as any vampire does. Even now, as your world ends and vampires reign, you're still out there killing and raping and stealing from each other. And then here you are, disgusted by me doing the same." "In my defense, I find humans who do these things equally as disgusting." The vampire's thigh pressed against his cock. A shiver went through him but he made no sound. "This doesn't seem disgusted." "I can't help what my dick decides to do without my consent." The vampire still smiled. It still looked so damn satisfied. "You're everything I hoped you would be." "What are you-" Tony started, but the vampire was done talking. It bent its head and bit into his neck. Tony moaned. His head spun. His thighs squeezed the vampire's waist. Their hips ground together. Tony panted, pleasure climbing. He felt life leaving his body, cold on his skin, but each swipe of the vampire's tongue on his neck, the suction of his lips, might as well have been on his cock. The vampire encouraged his pleasure. A hand slipped between his legs to cover his cock and give him something firm to rub against. He couldn't stop himself. He came and he moaned loud and shamelessly, adding to the cacophony of human pleasure around him. "Good boy," the vampire purred. "Good pet." Pleasure curled through his system. He let his eyes fall closed. He let himself be warm and comfortable for a moment. Then fear struck him. He'd let himself fall into its trap. He'd let himself become vulnerable. With wide eyes he looked up at the little vampire. It smiled, much too happy and much too sweet. It lifted its cum soiled hand and licked it clean, tongue running over his palm and his long, skinny, fingers. Tony felt his cock twitch against his stomach. The traitorous, evil, thing. "Was that so bad, Tony?" it cooed. "I hate you." It caressed his cheek. "That's okay. I don't need your love." Its fingers tangled together with Tony's. He tried to pull his hand free and couldn't. Grinding his teeth he struggled, but the vampire simply lifted his arms and bit into his wrist. The pain felt good. It sent a rush through him before the venom even hit. Watching the vampire feed... he was beautiful. His long eyelashes brushed his cheeks and he moaned softly at the taste of his blood. He opened his eyes, watching Tony's face as he licked the blood from his skin. He sucked lightly, pulling more to the surface with lazy, indulgent, pulls. He didn't take much. Just enough to make him buzz with pleasure. Just enough that he was hard again, impossibly quick. The vampire pressed it's slender form between his legs. Tony whimpered, helpless, feeling its cock against his ass. He could only lay there, feeling heavy, waiting as it prepared to take him. It didn't hurt as badly as he expected. His venom-hazed mind even enjoyed it. He felt full and stretched and that dammed creature's cock rubbed against his prostate and sent pleasure rushing through him. "Good pet," it purred. Tony moaned helplessly. The vampire above him was beautiful and strong. He felt completely the opposite. When it kissed him, he kissed back, lost to pleasure and helpless to its desires. It fucked like it wanted to break him. Or perhaps, it didn't realize its own strength. Either way, Tony couldn't speak to complain. He laid there and he moaned and he took what he was given. He panted as the vampire pressed kisses against his neck. Everything felt too good, like biting into a cake that's too sweet. Sickly so. It grew to be too much. And he passed out before it was done.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Can I get something where Newt barges in on Hermann doing some yoga in the most scantily clad yoga gear ever...
ok this is for like 3 people and wholly inspired by the hermann tank top renaissance on side twitter this past week. 18+ under cut!!!
The good thing about living on what used to a pretty bustling base—Newt considers—is that the average athletic hopeful has their pick of at least three different gyms at any given time. And the good thing about that—Newt further considers, as he half-jogs down to the gym closest to the k-science lab—is that the rangers don’t bother with any gym besides the one directly off of their quarters, because it’s got the sparring mats and the nice equipment and all that shit. Look, Newt’s not exactly the most ripped guy in the world. Or even really very fit. When he feels the rare urge to hit the gym, he doesn’t want to be struggling over some push-ups while rangers with muscles as big as his head lift 300 pound barbells and bust open punching bags or whatever. It’s...degrading.
Lately Newt’s been hitting the gym more frequently than usual, on account of a something that passed between him and Hermann at lunch in the mess a few weeks back. Hermann had caught eye contact with one of the muscled rangers across the room, looked down at his little bowl of soup, and said—calmly—“He’s quite handsome, isn’t he?”
Anyway, that’s why Newt has to get all buff now. 
It’s disappointing to see that the gym lights are on, but maybe no one will take any notice of Newt if he sticks to a deserted, badly-lit corner or something. He’s so set on creeping inside undetected that he doesn’t even realize who it is that’s beaten him there that morning, until he hears a small, surprised “Newton?”
Newt looks up sharply. Hermann is on a yoga mat in the middle of the gym floor, his left leg stretched out far to the side, and bent halfway over to touching one socked foot. But that’s not what stops Newt dead in his tracks and sends a fiery jolt of arousal rocketing straight down to his stomach, and it’s not even the little grunting noises Hermann’s making as he goes: that’d be Hermann’s outfit. He’s forgone his usually twenty wrinkled old layers for a pair of baggy grey yoga pants and the absolute thinnest white tank top of all time, a tank top which shows off shapely, toned arms, a thin layer of sweat over each, and collarbones, and clings to a shapely set of pecs, which has ridden up just enough to show off a patch of pale stomach, with a small trail of light-colored hair leading down, and... “Newton!” Hermann repeats, shooting up in alarm. 
“Wha?” Newt says, and then he trips over a weight bench.
It’s one of their more uncomfortable trips to medical.
"Don’t tip your head back,” Hermann says.
“Thanks,” Newt says, except Hermann’s handkerchief is pinched to his nose, so it sounds a great deal more nasal. “I know, dude. Not my first rodeo.” He’s gotten his ass kicked for mouthing off in bars to jackasses more times than he cares to admit. He pulls away the handkerchief and scowls at the blooming scarlet stain, as if doing so might stop the source of it. It doesn’t; another splotch of blood lands on his hand, and he quickly shoves the handkerchief back into place. “Unbelievable. I’m gonna look so fuckin’ gnarly tomorrow.”
“Well, I suppose it’s an lucky thing you haven’t broken it,” Hermann says. “Or anything else, for that matter. How on Earth did you manage to do that, anyway?”
“I was thinking about,” Newt casts about for a suitable lie, “...kaiju. You know me. Haha.”
Newt had landed pretty flat on his face. The way Hermann had sprung into action would be admirable, really, and Newt would feel grateful enough to treat Hermann to takeout coffee for at least a week, if the act that necessitated fast action hadn’t been so completely and utterly mortifying. Hermann is still in his little yoga pants and tank top; he didn’t even remember to grab his shoes from the gym before he escorted Newt out. The knotted drawstring of the yoga pants is hanging well down his thighs. Skinny motherfucker. Since when has Hermann had pecs? “Aren’t you cold?” Newt blurts out.
“Cold?” Hermann says.
With a great deal of difficulty, Newt forces his eyes up from the swinging drawstring of Hermann’s yoga pants to his torso. His half-bare torso. With his shapely arms, and his shapely pecs, and his elegant collarbones. If Newt squints hard enough, he could probably see Hermann’s nipples through the white fabric. Especially now—the Shatterdome really is always so cold, with the A/C blasting, and Hermann is usually so sensitive to it... Oh, God, someone help Newt. “Because you’re in,” he says, and then swallows a few times, “th—that. Tank top.”
Hermann looks down at himself, like he’s forgotten what he’s wearing—like it’s inconsequential what he’s wearing—and hums. “I hadn’t really noticed—I was a bit overheated, I suppose, from my exercises.”
“Your exercises,” Newt says.
“Yes, my stretches,” Hermann says. “They do wonders for keeping my leg limber.”
Limber; Hermann is limber. Hermann, in his little yoga pants and tank top, grunting away while he stretches out, is limber. “I didn’t know,” Newt says. He’s started to feel a bit light-headed again, and hopes Hermann doesn’t notice the funny way he’s walking. He’ll be grateful when they get back to the lab and he can sit down a little, or maybe run back to his bunk and take care of his...problem.
They walk under one of the larger A/C vents; Hermann gives a little shiver. Newt forces his eyes all the way down to Hermann’s socked feet to avoid catching sight of any potential physiological responses in Hermann’s pectoral region. “Maybe you should put on a sweater,” Newt says, helpfully. He watches Hermann’s cane move up and down with each step. He’s never seen Hermann not wearing a sweater before. Not even at Shatterdome parties. Up until today, Newt would’ve thought that Hermann wore sweaters to the beach, some sort of special waterproof wool. Maybe he wears tank tops to the beach.
Hermann says something.
“Uh-huh,” Newt says. He thinks about the small beads of sweat that had been dotting Hermann’s exposed collarbones.
“Were you listening?” Hermann says.
Newt looks up. “No,” he says.
“I said we ought to go to the gym together, in the mornings,” Hermann says. He gives Newt one of his rare, blinding smiles, his funny mouth going lopsided. “It’s too bloody quiet in there. I’d appreciate even your company.”
Unlimited access to Hermann’s bare arms, his bare shoulders, his collarbones. Grunting. Stretching every which way. It sounds like a fucking nightmare, or maybe a hellish wet dream. Besides—Newt doesn’t go to the gym. Not like Hermann. Apparently. “Sounds cool,” Newt says.
Hermann looks pleased. Stupid, stupid Newt.
He jerks off furiously in the empty communal showers that night, thinking—extensively—about what it would be like if he was jerking off on Hermann’s stupid tank top instead.
They make plans to meet at the gym the next morning at six, with a trip to the mess hall for breakfast at seven after. Hermann, it turns out, has an extensive workout routine, but not quite an extensive workout wardrobe, and so—as Newt attempts a few puny sit-ups in his oldest pair of MIT sweatpants—he’s treated to another view of Hermann’s weirdly gorgeous arms straining and sweating in that stupid tank-top. He watches Hermann stretch and bend each leg and lift some of the smaller weights for ten minutes before he realizes that he hasn’t actually moved a single inch since sit-up number three. Hopefully Hermann hasn’t noticed. “You’re not tired out, are you?” Hermann says, having apparently noticed. He groans as he arches his back. He has a small birthmark on his left shoulder. “I don’t mind finishing a bit—”
“No!” Newt says. “Not tired. Just, uh—” Hermann shuts his eyes and groans again, a little louder. “Just—” Hermann’s tank top has ridden up, giving Newt a glimpse of that little dusting of hair, the elegant vee of his hips... Newt bites his lip to keep himself from saying something stupid. “I. Uh.”
Hermann, bent half-over, looks up at Newt through his pretty dark eyelashes. Newt cracks.
“Holy shit, dude,” he whines.
Hermann straightens up languidly. “Mm?”
He doesn’t even look surprised when Newt reaches out a fumbling hand towards his knee, nor when—a moment later—Newt surges forward to kiss him clumsily. Hermann’s mouth merely curves up in a smirk against his, and he fists the back of Newt’s ratty old t-shirt to draw their bodies tighter. “I’ve been wondering when you would do that,” he says, and his voice hitches up in a small gasp when Newt presses his kisses onward across his jaw. “You’re the least subtle man I know.”
“Don’t even care,” Newt mumbles. He nips some of the soft skin at Hermann’s throat and lifts his hands up to squeeze his biceps. They’re nice and sturdy under his fingers. Is this moving into new territory with Hermann way too fast? Maybe. Sort of. They’ve made out a few times at parties before, and once Newt gave him a discreet (fully-clothed) handjob in a kinda nasty alleyway outside a bar on his birthday, but nothing, like, serious. Though it’s not like this is serious. Lab partner stuff. “Holy shit, dude, I didn’t know you were so strong.”
“Strong?” Hermann snorts. He goes easily when Newt urges him onto his back against his dumb little yoga mat; his pupils are wide and dark, and a pink flush has started creeping down his neck. He drapes his arms over Newt’s shoulders. “I didn’t know you cared about those sorts of things.”
“I don’t,” Newt says. “I didn’t.” He tracks more kisses down the dips of Hermann’s collarbones, following that blush. “I guess it’s just you?”
He doesn’t wait for an invitation before rucking up Hermann’s tank top. He hasn’t got a six-pack, or anything like that, but Newt doesn’t really care, because Hermann’s pecs rock even more when they’re bare. He squeezes at one just to see Hermann make a face, and—laughing—ducks down to graze his teeth across the left one, taking care to catch at his nipple. Hermann hisses sharply and grabs at his hair. He looks a little silly with his top bunched under his armpits, but it’s kind of cute too. Newt trails his tongue across Hermann’s sternum and tries his luck at the other side, too, and is pleased when Hermann gives a full-body shudder after each. “Ah, Newton,” he moans. “I’m—sensitive—there.”
Newt kisses over the spot instead as way of apology. Then he starts to trail his kisses lower, down Hermann’s slightly concave abdomen, where the skin is luminously pale. Newt amends his earlier assumption that Hermann wears tank tops to the beach; he’s not sure if Hermann has ever even stepped foot on a beach. “Newton,” Hermann moans again. He gives Newt’s hair a little tug when Newt takes the drawstring of his yoga pants between his teeth. If he goes down on Hermann good enough, maybe Hermann will let him test out last night’s fantasy... “Mm. Be quick about it. We haven’t got all—”
The door to the gym swings open; two rangers, chatting away happily, step inside, and stop in their tracks when they catch sight of Newt and Hermann. Newt flings himself off of Hermann, but it’s too little too late. It’s pretty obvious what Newt and Hermann had been doing. “Oops!” one of the rangers says, turning their back to them. Their friend turns away, too, and laughs awkwardly. “Sorry, Dr. Geiszler, Dr. Gottlieb. We didn’t realize this was—uh. Occupied.”
Hermann yanks down his tank top. 
“No worries,” Newt squeaks. “We’re. Uh. Just about done.”
The door clicks back shut; Newt hears laughter. Hermann is covering his face. “Hand me my bloody sweater,” he says. “We’ll finish this later.”
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yourmcu · 4 years
Wish You Were Here (i)
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Avengers x Stark!reader
an Infinity War/Endgame AU where Tony Stark’s daughter (you) is one of half the population that vanishes in the snap, Tony finds out later on when he arrives back to Earth, devastated, then you come back like the others to help fight Thanos.
Word count: 2,030
A/n: (moved to the end of the fic!)
Warnings: angst, death, swearing, a lil soft!Nat in the beginning bc I love her, mentions of anxiety/anxiety
read on ao3!
Part 2
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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You wanted to help in whatever was happening, you weren’t quite sure still, but it had something to do with the infinity stones and how you guys needed to find them before some guy named Thanos does.
It took a lot of convincing for Steve, Natasha and Rhodey (they were the ones more protective over you) to let you come, especially with Tony not around to scold you since he was in space.
“I’m coming with you guys whether you like it or not - no, I know what you’re gonna say, I can handle myself. I’m sixteen! Did you know Peter’s in space right now with Dad? Outer freaking space. You’re not the only one who has a suit, Rhodey-”
The argument ended with, “if something happens and I-” you dragged your thumb across your neck, “then it’s on me. None of you are to blame. Can we go now?”
So they didn’t have any other choice. You went to Wakanda with them to get the mind stone out of Vision and intend to destroy it afterwards.
Things got a *bit* out of hand though, there was an army of creatures - they’re from space, you assumed, working for Thanos - trying to get the stone. You fought alongside Sam and Rhodey, sometimes even fighting with Bruce who was using the Hulkbuster. You also helped the Wakanda tribes when they got overpowered by the creatures.
Even Thor came back to fight and he brought a raccoon and a tree with him.
The battle was going really messy, until - “Everyone on my position. We got incoming.”
You fly to where Cap and the team are, and there he is coming out of what appears to be a cloudy, blue grayish portal, Thanos himself.
“Cap, that’s him.” Bruce says as he hides you behind the Hulkbuster to shield you. He slowly walks over to the purple titan before saying, “stay down, [Y/N], alright?”
Did all of them suddenly forget that you, if not more, are stubborn like your father?
Because when all of them attack, you fly behind Thanos when he's distracted and wrap both your metal covered arms around his neck in stupid attempts to strangle him. He effortlessly uses his gauntlet to throw you back to the ground, knocking you out.
He eventually got all the stones, snapped his fingers when Thor failed to kill him, and left.
“What did you do?!”
“Where did he go? Thor, where did he go?”
“What’s happening?” You get off the ground as Bucky turns to dust. You look around and saw the air filled with the same dust, just from different people.
What the hell did that snap do?
People are vanishing, disappearing, are they dying? Why are they dying? You’re pretty sure you're panicking. Your lips start to quiver and you feel your chest tighten, making it hard for you to breathe.
Natasha notices right away. She's the one who could help you with your anxiety attacks besides Tony. She comes to you and places her hands on your shoulders, looking you in the eye. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, you’re fine, just breathe with me,”
You watch Wanda, one of  your best friends, turn to dust too which did not help in the slightest. What’s worse is when Natasha holds your hands to calm you down,
They start turning into dust particles.
“No no no no no no,” you grow weak, holding onto her. “Nat, I’m scared - I don’t - I don’t know what to-”
“Y/N, just breathe like we practiced, okay?”
You try copying her breathing but it’s no use. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still fading away. You look at her, tears threatening to fall out of your eyes, “I’m so sorry.” She has no choice but to hug you tightly until you get dusted completely.
The Avengers just lost a kid. Not just any kid, for them you were special. You always supported the team no matter what. They couldn’t even imagine what Tony’s reaction would be.
When Natasha told Pepper of course she didn’t take it well.
You were Tony’s own flesh and blood (and some one night stand chic that we won’t mention anymore starting now), but Pepper helped raised you when Tony first took you in and treated you like her own. Sometimes you even called her ‘mom’.
She was so relieved when a spaceship came by the compound to drop Tony off - he looked weak and skinny - she didn’t know how to break the awful news to him while he was in that condition.
“I lost the kid,” he meant Peter. What he doesn’t know was that he actually lost two.
“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.”
Bruce and Natasha keep looking over one another as images of the people they lost in the snap took turns popping up as holograms. Rhodey feels tense and keeps tapping his foot - nervous of what his best friend’s gonna do once he sees-
Tony abruptly stands up from his wheelchair. “Stop. Stop there.” (“Tony, you need to sit down,”) “No.” He stumbles over to a particular hologram, the one with his daughter’s face.
Y/N Stark.
The room is awfully quiet. Despite you telling them that it isn’t going to be any of their faults if something happens to you, they still feel responsible for you.
“Was anyone going to tell me?” He speaks softly. Too soft and calm for all of them that they remain glued to where they're standing, avoiding eye contact. He clenches his fists and sends a look to  everyone in the room. “You better not be shitting me I already lost Parker and I - I can’t - I can’t lose her. I can’t.”
“Tony,” Natasha says. “We couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
It's like being stabbed with his own blade all over again. She tells him everything that happened, how you got dusted like Peter, and Tony just stares blankly at your photo, looking very pale.
Tony takes a deep breath and pushes his glasses further up his nose, holding in  tears. Good thing his glasses cover it up. He mutters ‘okay’ over and over as he takes a seat back in his wheelchair. Steve hesitates to continue the discussion but Tony encourages him to go on, even though he feels like he was literally dying inside.
His mood definitely went downhill from there - Tony's furious with himself. Furious with them, with Steve, that he takes it out on the super soldier. By the end of it he's on the floor, passed out.
“Dad, come in, it’s [Y/N]. Everything alright out there?”
“Oh y’know, typical day in the city - pair of aliens came to visit again.” Tony sounded breathless.
You paused briefly. “...what? W-well, do you need help? I can help, and Peter’s probably on his way there - he just made a lame excuse and hung up on me so, I figured he sensed something was wrong.”
“Yeah. Stay where you are and when things get worse, find Pepper and get to safety.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Nope. Deadass serious. Stay out of this one.”
Tony opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings. He's transferred to a bed with the same wires poking his arm. He dreamt of his last conversation with you - before and while he was dragged to space.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know,” you cut him off while he was arguing with Strange.
“[Y/N]? How is this still connected?”
“I made the earpiece set myself - I guess it has really long range, huh?”
“You’re a nerd.” Tony cracked a small smile.
“Hi [Y/N]!” Peter shouted from a distance.
“Peter? You’re in space too? I’m so jeal-”
The line completely went out, guess the range wasn’t that long.
“Tony?” Pepper says gently. “You shouldn’t be up - it’s only been an hour since you passed out.”
He looks at her for a moment then returns his attention to the wall, eyes bloodshot. “Have I been a good father to her? ‘Cause I feel like she deserved more. Way more.”
“Of course, she loved you! Tony, [Y/N] loved you as much as you love her,” Pepper reassures, running a hand through his hair. “I know you’re upset but you really should be getting bed rest right now.”
He sniffles and gave a small nod, “okay.”
He closes his eyes again when she left the room and sigh, mumbling “goddammit kid,” before letting the tears flow down. Tony rarely cries. Barely cries. He usually keeps those stupid emotions in but this - the fact that his little girl is gone, it's too much for him. He realized never fully showed how much you meant to him and he regrets it.
Can't help but think that it should've been me Either way, I still wish you were here.
Fast forward to five years later: Tony now lived at a lakeside cabin with Pepper and their daughter, Morgan.
Moving on was better than to be sad and depressed for the rest of his life. That’s what you wanted for him anyway, to be happy.
So that’s exactly what Tony did.
He spent time with his family, made new suits which he enjoyed to do, living his life peacefully. That doesn’t mean he forgot about you. Sure the last few years were hard, he missed you every single day, but he had to face and accept it.
Tony moved your stuff from the compound and into a vacant room in the cabin. Sometimes he’d look through your crazy inventions, your journals that were filled with ideas for future gadgets and he hung up framed photos of you and him (some with Pepper) on the walls.
He told Morgan all about you. How awesome you were, how you were energetic and enthusiastic in everything you do, and how the both of you would be best friends if you two met.
“I wanna meet her,” Morgan says, looking at pictures of you.
Tony smiles sadly and looks at the photo of you and him. It was at your school’s science fair and your invention won first place (he remembered laughing at all the science teachers’ shocked faces because of your advanced gadget, way advanced than the grade you were in). Both of you looked really happy.
If a picture is all that I have, I can picture the times that we won't get back If I picture it now it don't seem so bad Either way, I still wish you were here.
“Someday, maybe.” He replies, giving her a warm smile.
Steve, Natasha and a new guy Scott visited him one day. They basically told him bringing back everyone who died in the snap was possible, hinting time travel.
Tony was torn. He didn’t want to risk losing what he had now, but bringing everyone back... that was something. Everyone in the universe that vanished, the other Avengers, the guardians he met in space, Strange, Peter, you.
That same night he thought about you, and Peter when he stumbled upon a picture of both of them. That same night, he figured out time travel.
“Hey legacy,” he chuckles a bit, remembering how you always frowned or pouted whenever he called you that. He likes that nickname on you though. “I... uh, this is just a little video. For you. Sure you won’t see this but... I like to pretend I could still talk to you. I miss you, a lot.”
“It’s been five years, hun. Morgan, your sister... you have no idea how much she talks about you. She wants to meet you someday,” he looks at the camera. “I know I can’t tell her the real reason why you’re not here with us, not yet, but anyway, ‘couple of old pals came to visit me. They want to try to get everyone back, that includes you.”
Tony sighs, looking away. “As of now I don’t know if we’re ever gonna pull off something like this. I figured it out, just a couple minutes ago actually. Time travel. It’s dangerous, very risky...”
“But we’ll see. We’ll figure something out. I hope to see you soon, [Y/N]. I love you.”
so I’ve cut this lil idea into two parts - I’ll probs post part 2 soon right after this one - if everyone likes it of course :)
oh, and I listened to this song by Neck Deep while writing this, which is where I got the title too, you can listen here. (I also put in some lyrics from the song to the story, just because it fits well hehe)
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we-have-bangtan · 4 years
I know i wrote about Yoongi experiencing y/n’s death but what if Yoongi WAS death?
prompt from @btswritingprompts ‘s blog <3
prompt: you die and death appears before you to take you to the afterlife. You expect a dark and cruel creature, like they tell of on earth but he’s actually..... a dork. He’s a pale, skinny kid with dark hair falling into his eyes, wearing jeans and a hoodie.
She looked up at Death, he looked surprisingly different from what she had expected. There was no cloak covering his face or a large scythe in hand, no dark skin and eyes that looked like burning coals. He wasn’t old by any means, he was almost the same age as her. He was pale and skinny, dark hair falling into his droopy eyes, he looked tired and sleepy and she had the urge to ask him if he ever got to rest at all.                
   Death noticed the girl eyeing his clothes, a black slam dunk hoodie and ripped black jeans, she was clearly judging him. “It’s dress down Friday, don’t judge me” he grumbled, the girl seemed the least bit freaked out about her own death, “are you just going to judge me? no crying or anything?” he asked cautiously, she simply shook her head, no crying, she had come to terms with her death long ago.    
“come on then, I’ll guide you to the afterlife” he said, holding his had out to her. She took his hand as they started walking, she paid close attention to her surroundings, glass walls surrounded her, displaying what had happened just a few moments ago before she had lost her life, “how do you get to the afterlife?” she asked as she followed after him. “you go backwards in life till you reach the afterlife because the afterlife and the beforelife are the same” he explained as they went through what the girl had done yesterday, nothing special, just puking her guts out in the hospital, “why are you not freaking out?” Death asked starting to get a little worried, “because this is what i wanted for a long time now, they can live in peace now” she answered as they walked on.
“how long does it take to reach the afterlife?” she questioned, “how old are you?” he asked, “20″ she replied, “wow your young, it’ll take 20 days to reach the afterlife, one day for every year you have lived” he mumbled as they passed through more days of her being sick, some days in the hospital, some days at home, didn’t matter, she was sick. “are you sure you’re not gonna cry, i was hoping to get a front row seat to some crying and sobbing” he asked again, she punched him.    
“is that why you took this job? so you can see people crying and sobbing over their own dead bodies?” she asked, “precisely” Death admitted before asking her another question, “how long have you been sick?” , they had passed more than half a year and she was still sick, either in bed or on the floor. “ a little over an year” she answered as she looked at herself, struggling to eat and sleep or even breath sometimes, “you almost died here you know” he said, pointing to when she had woken up from her sleep due to a nightmare, “you were the stubbornest soul us grim reapers have worked with, after Jesus ofcourse” he informed, “you simply refused to die, you’re very popular among the grim reapers” he added as nightfall came on the path. “rest child” he instructed, stopping at a street corner so she could stay still for a moment as he finished the paperwork for her soul.
  Soul Fill Form
Name: Y/n
age: 20
Gender : F
Cause of death: Sickness
Day: Friday
Delivering soul to: reaper’s club for wannabe reapers
Name of Reaper delivering: Min Yoongi (death)
Reaper no.: 090393
They rested for a while more before starting on their journey to the next year, the last three month were the same, sickness and pain edged themselves into her life, “how did you end up a reaper?” she asked, “career counselling” he shrugged as they kept walking. He snorted when he saw her splash a glass of lemonade at someone, this was a few months before she had started to get sick, she had clearly had a happy life before she had gotten sick, plenty of friends and loving family members but she didn’t react to them.            
“bruh you're hella weird” he said out loud looking at her having a loudest fart competition with her brother, “it was a phase ok” she grumbled, “i doubt people go through phases at 19″ he laughed as they moved on stopping at where she had her first kiss, “ewww, i don’t want to see that” he protested but she still dragged him to watch her making out with a random dude, “was he good?” Death asked as they moved on, he had refused to watch the porno the random dude and her had reenacted. “pretty good” she shrugged as they moved on, they stopped in between for pocky sticks from a stall run by Seokjin who seemed to be familiar with Death because he delivered a few choice insults before handing them pocky sticks and tangerines to enjoy on their journey.      
“where do you think ghouls send their post?” he asked randomly on day 5, she shrugged, “the ghost office” he laughed, she scoffed at his bad sense of humor, “Seokjin taught you that didn’t he?” she asked, he nodded admitting that he himself didn’t enjoy those jokes much.  
 The days started to drag on from day 7, they still had 13 days to go and in those 13 days, Death behaved like a dear friend, he rambled on about what he did before he died, his interests and career before he had been killed in a car crash, he had explained all that when she had noticed the needle scars on her arms and the scars underneath her dress where she had been operated on. He had showed her the scars on his palms, faded with time but they were still there, a little bump on his gentle touch.  
       Apparently the scars would remain as a reminder of how they had died, at least one of them would change into a birthmark when they were reborn, “how many times were you reborn?” she asked him, curiosity poking at her, “never, i didn’t want to be born again and experience all that again, they give you a choice, you can choose if you’d want to be reborn or not” he explained as they walked through when she was 11 years old, “you were a cute 11 year old” he observed looking at her chubby cheeks and the ribbons in her hair. She just grinned at his observation.  
He found her endearing, her constant babbling and the way she treated him. Her heart shaped lips and pink tinted cheeks. She was lovable and he found himself getting more and more attached to her, she was no longer just another soul, she was Y/n, the soul of a perfect human. She’d be a great reaper he reckoned, she’d be able to calm and console souls who had passed with lots of matters to settle.        
      The closer they go to the afterlife the more questions Y/n had, she’d bug him again and again, asking the most bizarre ones he had ever encountered. She asked about the people who he had escorted, anyone famous?, how many reapers were there? could she become a reaper? would she see him again? would she see other reapers as well?
They reached the gates of the afterlife/beforelife soon enough and Death handed the guard her form before taking her hands in his, “be good, don’t give them a hard time, I’ll come to get you once your training is done, that is incase you decide not to be reborn, even then I’ll still see you soon, even though you’d have to wait a few years before you can see me like that” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her cheek, “stay strong Y/n” he whispered, pressing another kiss to her forehead before pulling away from her, “good bye Death” she said making him pause, “it’s Yoongi now, not Death, Yoongi” he told her, letting go of her hands, “Yoongi,” she whispered, his name sounding like a sweet melody on her tongue, “good bye, i’ll see you soon” she mumbled as the guard opened the heavy metal gates, waiting for her to pass through.
    They held on to each other till they couldn’t anymore. Death watched on as his beloved walk through the gates into the afterlife, satisfied that he would see her again soon enough.    
            Y/n followed the guard to a well lit room in which a tall man in a striking blazer was seated, “hello, welcome to the afterlife, I am Namjoon the career counselor” he introduced as the guard placed her paperwork in front of him, he went through the papers before pausing at the last sheet, he smiled at Yoongi’s messy scrawl that he called a handwriting
 “ GO EASY ON HER FOR ME <3  - Yoongi/Death“
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Marcus Alvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do an imagine with Alvarez where the reader is a very close friend of Chucky and once she brought peach pie to the club and he's there for a meeting with Bishop, and she ask him if he wants some and she's overall really kind with him and his boys that he's surprised to see someone so nice to them even if it's the first time they met?
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford ✨
Word Count: 2.5k
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Chuckie and you have been friends since four months ago, when you move from San Diego to Santo Padre. There was no reason to do it, you just feel tired of being you whole life living at your hometown, and you were looking for a change of scenery. You opened a bakery store in the center of the small city and he was your first customer. You thought he was a somewhat weird, until you met him a little more. Chuckie was kind and pretty gentle, so that made easy to turn you two from strangers into good friends. So, when he asked you to go to his birthday party, you didn't surprise. He also wanted to introduce you to his friends, even if you already met one called Happy, who was strangely kind when he tasted your pancakes. The biker with rough look told you they reminded him of what his mother used to prepare for him. At that point, you really stopped judging people by their looks.
Chuckie didn't ask you for a birthday cake, but you thought it would be a good gift cook his favourite one. Peach and cream. 
Parking at the entrance of the car scrapping, you hold the big cardboard box between your arms with a extreme care as if it was a bomb, following the rows made by scrap and the latin music sounding somewhere. You reach a crowded yard with a blue house in the middle of it and a lot of motorbikes around. You have already heard about the Mayans, but it's the first time you're there feeling somewhat small and lost.
“Yo! Man, who's that piece of art?” Angel says, among Coco and Gilly on the porch, watching you looking for Chukie.
“I don' know, let's see, hermano”. Gilly smirks at him, hitting his chest with a soft gesture.
“Can we help you, mami?” With a strong mexican accent, a skinny and tall man comes closer to you, pulling away the long strands of hair from the roots to the back of his head.
“Yeah… Ahm… Chukie?” You reply in a shy mood consuming you. “I'm (Y/N)”.
“He's insi—”.
“Hey, love!” A familiar voice interrupts him behind you.
“Happy! You're here too!” The man places an arm on your shoulders, taking the toothpick from his mouth to leave a kiss on your left cheek.
“Cake, uh?”
“Yeah. It's a present for Chukie”.
“You know her, brotha'?” Gilly asks then, a little bit curious.
“She has a bakery store here. Chuckie's friend, and also mine. Don' mess with her”. Happy's scratchy voice doing that warning makes you feel somewhat safe, even if they don't look as bad as you heard. “Come with me, love”.
Raising your chin like a farewell, for the moment, you let the man guides your steps inside the clubhouse where the music is a little low than outside. The men there are older than the other, sharing beers and laughs surrounded by a lot of girls. Girls that, by the way they have to caress and treat every one, you know what they are. But you don't even care.
“(Y/N)! You came!” Chuckie's excited voice claim for your attention, walking somewhat faster towards him when Happy lets you go, leaving the cake on the wooden bar so you can hug him tightly.
“Happy birthday!” You say before giving him a kiss, pointing after that the cake.
“Smells like peach! I accept that!” He looks like a five years old super excited, holding your hand to accompany you to a large room with a huge table in the middle of.
The men inside looks at you with curiosity, getting up from their chairs.
“That's my good friend, (Y/N)”.
“Nice to meet you, kid. I'm Tranq”. A big and tall one comes closer, narrowing your hand as you show him your best and dearly smile.
“Che Romero to serve you, but you can call me ‘Taza’”. Another man, the oldest one but with a kind smirk on his face does the same gesture.
“Bishop Losa, querida. A pleasure to meet you finally. Chukie talks a lot about you”. El Presidente hold your right hand gentle, leaving a paternal caress on the back of it.
“Yeah, they talk about you all too. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally come”. 
“We know about your bakery store, and that box you brought… smells pretty good from here, sweetheart”. Tranq says supporting his forearms on the top of a chair, making you chuckle.
“Is it yours?” An unknown man, with mexican accent and a light whistle pronouncing every ‘s’, appears at your back.
“Yes, sir”. You nod turning above your sneakers, feeling a soft jump shaking your heart when you focus your gaze on him.
“Marcus Álvarez”. He raises a hand on air, taking you some seconds to react, narrowing it when you start to feel stupid.
“(Y/N). Nice to meet you”. You just say.
“C'mon! I want to introduce you to my north Cali friends!” Chuckie sound so excited that makes you laugh, saying goodbye with a hand to the men smiling at you somewhat warm. 
You can't help but being so obliging with everything. Helping the prospect to take more beer from the warehouse, helping with the barbecue and the music. You just want to contribute at Chuckie's party because he's your friend and you want to make him feel the most special man on earth, at a day like this. You're having a lot of fun going from a side to the other, sneaking with other Mayans, mostly with Angel who looks so interested in dancing with you, in the way to help someone else. They're like a big family around California and some nearby states. And you felt like part of it since you put a foot there.
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“Hey, kid, have a rest!”
Tranq has a hand raised, making a gesture to come closer. Leaving the box of Jose Cuervo over the bar, you nod walking towards the men you met at the main room a couple hours ago. Taza makes you some space by his side at the sofa, falling down there actually feeling somewhat tired. Bishop opens a beer for you, offering it before sitting in front of the sofa.
“Are you having fun?” He asks.
“Yes! I've never been in a… party like that. I like it. Reminds me to my family”.
“All drunk and a little high?” Tranq laughs, exactly like you do.
“Yeah, more or less. I'm from San Diego, but my family are from Guadalajara”.
“So you're used to this kind of celebration, but without the bikers part”. Taza jokes a little, making you nod again.
“What about Chuckie and you? Just friends?” Seems like Bishop wanted to ask that a while ago.
“Just friends. He was my first customer. He's cool and smart. And knows a lot of things. But, just friends”. You say then, understanding that they want to endorse their friend.
“Chuckie is a good man. Somewhat weird. But he's loyal”. Tranq ads then, drinking from his beer with pursed lips.
“I assume you're single”. Bishop says leaning forwards somewhat above the table. 
You laugh a little bit nervous and ashamed, covering your mouth slightly with a hand.
“I'm just asking to protect your ass from my dogs”. He assure infecting his laughter to the others, knowing well that he's referring to the first men you met before finding Happy. But you also know there's something else hiding behind that question.
You're not stupid. You have seen sideways Marcus looking at you at four times. And even if you didn't asked him about his gazes, looks like he wants to talk with you and doesn't know how to do it without scare you. Guns, long rides, a lot of risks… Sounds like it's not easy to live with. And, because of their behavior, family is the most important thing for them. Put something like that into a danger it's not an option. But even if it's just your thoughts not being sure if he's interested, you could try. You hear him talking with other women there in a gentle way, taking care about them as only a good man, and also a good father, could do. The work he does, doesn't determine how he is. And you like it. You like him since you heard his voice, feeling that good energy around as soon as he was close to you.
The night passed by, between more beers, tequila shots and pieces of the cake you made. It's been a long time since you had some fun. Everyone is delighted with it and you're more happy than other days because of the alcohol. And because of that, you decide to take a first step, knowing that you probably are going to regret it. So getting up, and pretending you're okay, your steps follow Marcus direction to the room they called Templo. 
“Hey!” You say, sounding more excited than you should. “Did you taste the cake?”
The mexican turns at you, surprised at first because he didn't expect you. Smiling at you, he just simply nods wearing the black leather kutte after clean it with a wet rag, looking shiny than a while ago.
“Good!” You reply feeling truly stupid, not knowing what you can say to continue the talk. But he's staring at you like if he was waiting for something else. Like you leaving, for example. “Well, I just… I'm goin' home and I was asking myself if you liked it, 'cause you don' look seem very talkative”.
“It was a long day”. He says walking closer to your position. “You're not going to drive, aren't you?”
“No, ahm… Chuckie told me I could leave my car here, so I'm gonna call an Uber”. You shake your head, making a gesture with your left hand to take away its importance. 
“Where do you live, ah?”
“Second avenue, next to the post office. It's ten minutes walking, but Angel make me dance too much”.
That's the point. That's the hook ready to fish, and you don't know how the hell you have thrown it in such an amazing move. Marcus doesn't say anything about it, erasing the relaxed gesture from his face.
“It was a pleasure…” Focusing on the vest, you read one of the patches. “Padrino. I hope you enjoy the party”.
He nods in silence before seeing you turn over your steps to walk outside of the room. You say goodbye faster than you would like, promising that you will come back soon, looking for Chukie after that. He's with Happy next to the Mayans bikes sharing some drinks and old memories.
“Hey, guys!” With both hands into the pockets of the jacket, you smile at them. 
“Are you leaving, love?” The taller one asks, giving you back two kisses.
“Yeah, I'm kinda tired and I should work tomorrow”. You say before hugging Chukie tightly. “Thanks for inviting me, it was pretty fun”.
“I'll visit you tomorrow anyway!” He says blissful as always.
“Cool! Good night, guys”.
“Rest, love”.
At least you can walk straight through the hallway of the scrapping, right to the street. Rubbing your face with both hands, you feel like an idiot about the idea of Marcus having some interest, hoping he thinks you drunk too much. By the way, the fresh and cold air of the dawn helps you a little, crossing your arms before reach your car. You look at it, ready to drive it, but doesn't look like a good idea. So you finally leave it there, continuing with slow steps to the outside of the place, until the roar of an engine calls your attention. Turning aside, you find him stopping at your position.
“C'mon, I will take you home”. The mexican is giving you a black helmet, turning off the bike.
“Oh, no, no. Don't worry”. You say with pursed lips, feeling the shame running through your body, pretending you're waiting for the Uber car with your phone in a hand.
“C'mon, chamaca”. He insists moving his arm again, knowing that he'll not take ‘no’ for an answer.
Biting your lower lip, you nod holding it to sit behind him. Wrapping his waist with both arms, you try to relax yourself on your way back home, noticing that he's driving slower than normal. But you're not going to complain about it, resting your chest on his back getting somewhat comfy until he reaches your avenue. Then, the nerves return again when you have to point the building where you live at. Marcus parks there, letting you get up first.
“Thank you”. You just say pretending that everything is okay, while you return him the helmet. 
“The cake was delicious”. 
Raising your gaze from the keys you were looking for, your eyes go straight to the darkest. Now, he is who wants to talk, although he doesn't sound insecure as you did. You smile like an idiot, playing with the key chain and the nose bridge slightly wrinkled.
“I don't know if you are into the date game, bu—”.
“Yeah, tell Angel I would like it”. You're teasing him for making you wait and making you feel stupid for some minutes. And by the way his steps towards you stop dead and the look on his, you know it worked.
“I will”. He just replies back, tightening the gloves around his wrists.
“Sure, chamaca”.
You laugh somewhat funny, taking another step closer.
“You should see the look on your face”.
“I don't know what are you talking about”. He gives you his back somewhat prideful, keeping the helmet you used into a bag hanging by a side of the motorbike.
“You were looking at me”. You finally say licking your lips, after clicking your tongue slightly.
“Looked like you were part of the fam'”. He answers automatically, sitting on the bike with both hands catching the handlebar.
“Was it bad?”
“No. I actually liked seeing you taking care of my boys, when no one asked you to do it”. Even if that sounded a little passive-aggressive at the end, doesn't stop you to come closer enough to face him.
“I would really like to have a date with you, if that it… was you were to ask”.
“What if it wasn't?” Now, Marcus is playing your same game, at least, you hope it.
“Me sentiré aún más pendeja”. (I'll feel more stupid). You chuckle rubbing your nose in a nervous gesture.
The man laughs because of your words, shaking his head for a while. Then, he nods.
“I want it. Maybe I asked mi primo if he could find out what was going on between you and Chuckie”.
“Just ‘maybe’?”
“I'll pick you up tomorrow night. At seven?”
You lean towards him, leaving a soft kiss on his right cheek as a way to accept it.
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maryellencarter · 3 years
anyway so I've been rewatching sg-1 again, picking up where i left off a few years back. neither of us had a hammond voice ready to hand for that stargate fusion we've been posting, so i rewatched "message in a bottle" (figuring that since it was a bottle show it would have a good modicum of hammond, which it did), and then i was like "i forgot how much i love this show" and started going again. so i have some brief notes / thoughts.
* serpent's song: s2 ep18, the one where apophis dies (mostly). the big plotty goa'uld-y episodes usually bore me, but this one was pretty well done. the apophis actor is really good. (i cannot seem to remember his name, because it's something like peter williams and my brain autofills peter wingfield, whom he is definitely not.)
* one false step: that one with the naked androgynous humanoids in white body paint, with the infrasound stuff and the yodeling. this was one of the very early ones i saw by chance, so i don't actually have much of an opinion on it, other than that sure was an episode of sg-1 that exists.
* show and tell: the one with the reetou, the invisible insectoid race. there are a lot of episodes where some kid bonds with jack, because rda is one of those rare actors who are absolutely delighted to be handed a scene with a kid or a dog in it. these eps usually live or die by the quality of the child actor. this one was no great shakes.
* 1969: a classic episode for a reason and a motherfucking delight. launched a thousand time-travel stories. the actor who plays baby hammond, except for his eyes being brown and him being a little taller i would still swear they actually went back in time and got a young don s davis to play himself. also teal'c in disguise and just everything. except possibly daniel's german accent. i'm not sure if it was specifically regional (my own german accent is heavily austrian, my portugese accent is from sao paulo, it's a thing) or just very bad. but everything else.
* out of mind: sg-1 was commissioned for four seasons at once, so they had the luxury of doing those cliffhanger season endings without getting cancelled on them. this one is mostly a clip show. and it brings back hathor, whom nobody really missed. good cliffhanger though.
* into the fire: s3 opener. much badass, very wow. jack gets goa'ulded, hammond gets to be teal'c's gunner, everything is epic.
* seth: in which sg-1 infiltrates a cult led by stargate's version of set. lots of uncomfortable (for me) thematic stuff about You Should Reconnect With Family. didn't enjoy it.
* fair game: the one where those three goa'uld system lords come to earth for treaty talks with the asgard, and there was that one promo photo that definitely looked like a pitch for a wacky sitcom.
* legacy: fucking ma'chello. even dead, he can't stop causing trouble. this is the one where daniel is Temporarily Schizophrenic Because Of Reasons and we have the evergreen trope of the Psychiatrist You Want To Punch. :P
* learning curve: another one where jack makes friends with an alien kid. felt like it ran way too long and nobody actually asked questions to understand the situation, but the heartwarming ending did stick the landing.
* point of view: the quantum mirror one where we establish that you can't have two of the same person alive in the same parallel reality or the secondary one will start to die of extremely '90s cgi. also one of the ones that really started to push the sam/jack. (i have complicated feelings about sam/jack. some other time.)
* dead man switch: the one where an annoying alien bounty hunter captures sg-1 and tries to make them do things. notable mainly for establishing the phrase "pain in the mik'ta". (Jack: "Neck?" Teal'c: "No.")
* demons: really fucking obnoxious episode that tried to have villagers whose culture came from medieval england believe the sg-1 team were demons. like, i can understand having an axe to grind against christianity, but this was just fucking stage christianity tropes, the fat corrupt churchman with the ring and the skinny good friar in a ratty robe, and a lot of blithering about demons and not even getting the damn St Michael prayer remotely right. Also the writer seemed to think trepanning would always kill the subject, and had *Daniel* of all fucking people be the mouthpiece for that one, when Daniel should know better than anyone that trepanning has been a valid medical procedure for millennia! (Also who the hell tries to treat chicken pox with trepanning I swear to god. This was a bad episode and it should feel bad.)
* rules of engagement: didn't remember this one at all. in which apophis had set up a mock sg team boot camp for his soldiers to practice infiltrating the sgc. no strong feelings.
* forever in a day: the one where sha're dies. actually very well done, but i'm glad i checked the summary or all the out of order stuff would have confused me a lot. sets up the search for the harcesis child, or however you spell that, the captions are not reliable because they appear to believe in the word "asguard" as opposed to "asgard".
* past and present: you know, i wouldn't have said the return of linnea would interest me at all, but it was actually very well done. wrapped up nicely.
* jolinar's memories / the devil you know: a two-parter i definitely didn't remember, in which everybody is good under torture, we seem to have taken care of sokar for the moment, and apophis returns, now with a phantom of the opera mask.
* foothold: never got to see this one before. wanted to. it's good. the sgc gets taken over by aliens impersonating all their people except sam and teal'c. badassery ensues. also maybourne gets to be a halfway decent guy for a flickering second.
and that is as far as i have gotten! season three is being kind of boring. seasons four and five have many more of the episodes I'm looking forward to.
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