#on the plus side. or actually this pisses me off. the pics I took specifically for the gfm
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sergle · 2 years ago
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also yeah these are about the BEST I could do without posting pictures that blatantly go against the tos of gfm (and also tumblr) I really just wanted pictures that scream “Please help me, my tits are eating the rest of my body”
Breast reduction fund
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aceofwhump · 5 years ago
Okay I think enough time has passed that I can post this now. Here are my thoughts on Outlander 5x08
So I am both disappointed by and incredibly happy with Outlander 5x08. Mostly pretty happy. It’s a weird contradiction but I'll try to explain.
The Disappointments:
We only got like a minute of them saving Roger and that was it. PLUS it was told via silent film style. Which mean it was quick, in black and white, and SILENT. 
I’m so utterly pissed off over the fact that they included my favorite Jamie/Roger line BUT IT WAS SILENT!!! Jamie told Roger, with a hand over his heart, “You’re alive. You’re whole. All is well” BUT IT WAS SILENT! I DIDN’T GET TO HEAR JAMIE SAY IT TO HIM!!!! I’M SO MAD ABOUT THAT!!! I WANTED TO HEAR IT SAID OUT LOUD SO BADLY!! I LOVE THAT LINE!!!!
I also really wanted to see the life saving surgery Claire performs on Roger and it was all shown via silent film style and I did not like that at all. I feel like it really took me away from the moment and as a whump lover I desperately wanted to see this moment in all of its brutal glory.
We didn’t see any of the 3 months of recovery!!!!!! Absolutely none of it!!! Not one second!!! I'm SO pissed!!!
Honestly that was pretty much it. I was so severely disappointed as a whump fan that those scenes didn’t happen and that we cut straight to 3 months later. So fucking pissed we never saw Claire take care of him or how afraid Bree was to leave his side for fear he’d die. That we never saw Roger want to tell them what happened to him but be unable to because of his voice and his hands. Jamie talking to him or how his words were an anchor for him when he woke up. I’m so mad we got none of that. UGH!
Oh I with there had been more moments with him and Jemmy because the book had Jemmy has a big reason why he works on his voice and begins to heal and in this episode Jemmy was kinda nothing to him.
The Happy:
This episode was entirely focused on Roger!!!!! I was so worried it wouldn't be because his story is often set aside for other stupid things but this episode was all Roger baby!!! THE FOCUS WAS ON ROGER FOR A MAJORITY IF NOT ALL OF THE EPISODE!!!!!!!! That’s what he deserved and I am beyond thrilled about it!!! 
Roger teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE SAW OXFORD PROFESSOR ROGER WAKEFIELD AND I DIED!!! He’s an amazing teacher and I loved seeing him as a professor.
Richard Rankin portrayed Roger’s trauma and ptsd so incredibly perfect I have no words. The way that man is able to portray Roger’s fear, sadness, loneliness, and despair without saying a single word is a true testament to his acting abilities. His eyes spoke volumes
I got so emotional every time we saw Roger alone because that’s how he feels. He’s lost and scared and alone and I just wanted to hug him. I think the most poignant moment for this, for me was the dinner scene where there was an empty chair, Roger being conspicuously absent during that scene only for us to see that he's actually alone in the cabin trying to sing again and having flashbacks. It's so freaking heartbreaking!!!
Each flashback Roger had throughout the episode. I loved that not only were these moments throughout the whole episode but they were shown through Roger's eyes. I loved that the feel of the burlap bag sent him into a ptsd induced flashback, how Marsali kept pulling the Hanged Man card for his tarot reading and it gave him flashbacks, the nightmare and the flashback he had by the cliff. All so emotional and all wonderfully showed how deeply scarred Roger is by this trauma.
Roger crying. Look I love whump and emotional whump is my favorite thing in the world so every time Roger let some tears loose I loved it. When he cried hearing Brianna sing Clementine to Jemmy and then when he let one tear drop while Bree told him to fight I LOST IT OKAY I LOST IT AND I CRIED BOTH TIMES RIGHT WITH HIM
The astrolabe. I absolutely loved how it was included in the episode and how Ian used it to calm Roger after he had a nightmare. Amazing. "Wherever you thought you were, we're both still here" UGH MY HEART
Lord John Grey and Bree. I love their friendship and how at ease they are with each other and their scene was so cute and perfect. 
The scene of Marsali playing with the tarot cards with Roger was cute until it was sad. I thought it was cute that she was taking time out of her day to sit with Roger and play cards with him and just be with him. She thought about how alone he must be and decided to keep him company. And then it all went to shit when she pulled the Hanged Man card twice and Roger had a flashback and then I cried a lot. 
The paper airplane. That was a wonderful way for Bree to connect with Roger. It wasn’t demanding or aggressive. It was sweet and open and full of meaning for him. I loved it.
Claire worrying that Roger plans on killing himself and voicing those concerns to Jamie. Any time we get Claire worrying about Roger makes me happy and now we got Jamie worried too and yes! LOVE IT! 
This episode was a great discussion of how Bree and Jamie and Roger all deal/dealt with trauma differently. Jamie got lost for a while like Roger. Brianna had to fight and act normal and be normal. Roger is lost and broken. People respond to trauma differently. 
Sophie’s singing!! She sings so beautifully! It was so nice to see her singing to Jemmy but then I got sad because Roger could hear it and he started fucking sobbing because he’ll never be able to sing to his son again and I thought about the promise he made and now i’m gonna cry
The moment when Roger returns from the surveying trip and finally speaks to Bree and tells her what he’s been going through. God it was hard to watch but so so good!!
Honestly the whole trip with Ian to survey the land was perfection. 
I liked that this episode really showed how Roger’s voice is his identity, his strength, and how lost and afraid he is without it. This whole season has been trying to show how Roger fights not with his hands or with a weapon but with his words. He talks to people, he sings to them and we’ve seen the effect it has. Without his voice Roger is utterly lost. His whole identity is shaken and hes afraid. What will he do now?
Was Disappointed by At First but Came To Love by the End:
The silent film flashbacks.
I'm really very conflicted about the flashbacks. I hate it because it took away from my whump but I also thought, by the end, that it was the PERFECT way to show Roger's flashback episodes because when you have a trauma related flashback like that it really can be just specific scenes playing over and over in your mind. And for Roger this is just how it happens. Silent, jarring, and disjointed. Silent film style was kind of the perfect way to encapsulate that feeling inside of Roger for the audience. 
As I thought on it more and more I think showing it to us only as silent film only to show the whole hanging scene in all of its technicolor glory was fucking brilliant because not only were the silent film parts showing us how its seen in Rogers head but when we see it in full is the moment Roger is able to take a step forward in his recovery. He sees it all clearly for the first time and is able to accept it and begin to move forward and I think that amazing. 
So even though I still wish the saving wasn't in b&w silent film style I do love the use of it throughout the rest of the episode. They could have done the Claire surgery part in normal and throw in the silent film flashbacks between moments and the continue to use it for the rest of the episode like they did. It would have made Roger seem to be coming in and out if consciousness, seeing his hanging and then jumping into the tracheotomy and back to silent film hanging and then bam its Brianna whispering for him to open his eyes then bam hanging silent film and zap Jamie is speaking and end with a fade out and then fade into the 3 months later. That's how I'd have done it i guess. 
The changing of the first time Roger speak
I was so pissed that they didn’t have Roger say Brianna’s name after he shouted at Jemmy to not touch the hot stove but it made the moment when he does say her name after returning from the surveying trip so much sweeter. And at the time, he was still really broken and scared to speak so saying her name at the time wouldn’t have been right. I liked that even though he said something he was still broken and not ready. It was the right time for it in the books but not for this episode.
Ian coming back early
I had a feeling Ian was returning when I saw that promo pic of Claire and Jamie smiling with Jemmy and I was soooooooo worried he was going to overshadow Roger but he didn’t! Even when he arrived and killed the boar I was like oh god was that all of Roger we're gonna see now that hes back!? But that didnt happen at all!! In fact, they were great parallels to each other and helped each other heal in a way that was so much better than the book. And I loved that Roger was the first to hug Ian and he tried to thank him and speak but couldn’t and sort of ran away. It was great. the actors worked so well together
Roger's surveying trip
I was mad at first that they shoved Ian in with Roger on his what is supposed to be a personal healing journey because I was worried this would take away from how healing this job becomes for him. He uses this surveying job to find his way again and I didn’t want putting Ian with him to disrupt that. Roger’s story hasn’t been treated well so I get worried a lot that his time is gonna be taken by someone else. But this was an amazing idea and the whole trip was remarkably better than the books. I hated the whole fire and seeing Fanny Beardsley thing that went on in the books so I’m very glad it happened like this. This was way better. Ian and Roger were able to help each other and I loved that Ian was kind of looking after Roger during the trip. I wonder if Jamie or Claire asked him to do that. It must have been really hard to film those scene with only Ian being able to talk but the two of them were amazing together. I loved it.
So even though I didn’t get a lot of what I wanted to see I think I'm really happy with this episode. We got some incredible ptsd related emotional whump from Roger, everyone worrying about and trying to help him, and Richard is so amazing I think I can be okay with not seeing some of those book scenes I wanted to see. Still gonna be disappointed by it cause that's quality whump I not getting but god this episode was so damn good it's okay. I love the changes they made and the acting was phenomenal. There were some really heartbreaking moments and I love it. Really, it was a great episode. 
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pinkykitten · 6 years ago
Everything, Beautiful
The Hunger Games
Cato x plus size! female reader
Warning: bullying, curse words
Specifics: plus size reader, fluff, romance, angst, comedy, self conscious reader, race neutral reader, one-shot, pics
People: cato, katniss, peeta, your mother and father, bullies 
Words: 1,820
Requested: By @fyeahtaylorp (wont let me tag) Hi I love your writing I was wondering if I could have a plus size reader and Cato imagine? Maybe where he wins with Katniss and peeta and they meet on the victory tour in districts 12 or something like that?
Authors Note: this is my first time writing for hg and of course for this character. im a fan of alaexander ludwig especially in vikings cuz u know he daddy he a bear and he thicc. so this is when he a fetus so i hope u all enjoy and dont worry my darlings im trying to go as fast as i can with ur requests 💖💖💖
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(not my gif! do not own!)
This was the day that the victors of the 74th hunger games were visiting your district. You have heard throughout town that the victory tour has gotten some people in trouble, hurt, or worse killed. You were not as excited as everyone else was, or how everyone else seemed. You hated the Capitol and everything they did to these poor kids. 
As you walked home from being at The Hob you stumbled across a group of kids, your age, that stared at you strangely. You noticed they started to cover their mouths to try to stifle their giggles, but you heard them. You knew why they were laughing. Unfortunately, you came out not being the skinniest of the family. You had curves and a little weight on you. Some things budged out or jiggled and that was not known in a place where everyone starved. You were also starving but your body was just made this way. People would always make fun of you, suggesting that you ate all District 12 foods, or maybe that you ate the Capitol as well. It always made you feel self conscious. 
You tried to walk past the group of bullies, holding onto your items, you clutched them to your chest, trying to not take notice of their laughter at you. 
“Its okay y/n. Lets just go home.” You comforted yourself as you finally passed them. Your shoulders relaxed as you felt the uneasiness wash away. 
Finally, you arrived at your house. Feeling exhausted from that long journey, you plump down on the sofa. Your father was there, reading. As you were about to take a look at the material he was reading your mother yelled for you. 
“Coming!�� As you walk in the room your mother places a light blue dress on your bed. 
“Mom what are you doing?” Her face lights up seeing you. She places her hands on your cheeks. “Sweetheart, remember today is when the victors come to our District?”
You roll your eyes and fall on your bed, “mom seriously! This is not even the reaping, why do I have to wear this dress?”
Your mom gasps and hits your leg lightly, “young lady you will not think over my judgment. I want you looking nice today, show the Capitol that we too can have nice things.”
“Oh brother,” you groan, placing your pillow on your face. 
Your mother sits beside you and gently lifts the pillow, “Love, just please this one time, wear this dress for me.”
You thought about it for a moment, “fine!”
Your mother stood up excitedly and put the dress in your hands. “I can’t wait to see what it looks like on you!”
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“Mom, okay I got this,” you gave your mother an annoyed look as she pushed you to walk faster to the gathering. You felt so...ugly. You didn’t want to make your mother feel bad by telling her you disliked the dress. For once all that you wanted to wear was like Katniss’s. She had the perfect body and the perfect face for all those expensive dresses. 
As you walked by the town people would get a look at you and laugh. They’d chuckle under their breath. You look down to the dirt, not wanting to look into their eyes. Every one was so critical. 
You all arrived and of course, your mother being your mother wanted to stand in the front. “Mom please can we not!”
She grabbed your arm sternly, “missy you should be happy that we get to sit so close. These are our victors. Show some respect.”
You rolled your eyes, “mom, you and I both know all you just want to do is be on camera.” Your mother did not answer and stood there waiting for it to start. 
The victors came out and gave their speech that was so unbelievable. 
“I know what you really think,” you muttered to yourself. Your father shushing you with a light jab to your side. 
One was named Peeta the other well she was famous, she was the girl on fire. She was Katniss. You used to know Katniss, not very well but be acquainted. As much as that boy was sweet to her he was no Gale, she was in love with him. Then you notice the other blonde. He looks, well he looks pissed. He is really tall and very muscular. He looks as if he can break bark in half. He then catches you staring and winks at you. You shake your head and start to actually pay attention. You were just imagining things. He didn’t really wink at you...did he?
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Their little speeches ended and you got up with a satisfied grin, “finally, I can go home and take this table cloth off and read my book.” 
“It is no table cloth y/n, it is one of the new dresses at the market. I frankly like it on you,” your mother shook her hips sassily as she walked. You wish you were as confident as your mother. She was so beautiful and your dad was so handsome, sometimes you felt you were so hideous that maybe you were adopted. 
As you were walking away to your house the blonde tall victor kept staring at you. With a shrug you waved back and proceeded walking. “He’s probably looking at me wondering how did she get so fat? Or wow she looks as big as the Capitol!” Thinking to yourself as you feel more gloomy and sad. You change your clothes and do end up reading your favorite book. Well, it has to be your favorite book because your family cannot afford another. You’ve read it so many times already that you’ve memorized some of the words. 
Sitting on your bed, the quilt full of cushion, you felt at peace being in your home with no judgmental looks. You sat there for hours reading and reading until you heard your father’s call. 
“Yes dad?”
“Your mother needs bread and milk can you run to the market real quick to get it for us?”
You groaned and whined, trudging to your father. Your father copied your actions making you laugh. 
“Get out of here,” your father smiled as he shooed you away. 
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As you were heading to the market you saw those same kids you saw earlier. They glared at you and laughed. You hugged yourself and proceeded to move forward. “Its okay y/n, you’re okay.”
You picked up the freshly baked bread and the cold milk and set off to home. The bread smelled so heavenly. It was so buttery and warm with a little crunch to it. 
“Hey girl,” one of the boys asked from the group. You tried to ignore them but they all circled you. 
“Guys I have to go to my house, dinner is almost ready.”
One of the girls cackled evilly, “you don’t need to go to dinner! You already look like you ate all of it!”
You could feel tears starting to sting your eyes. “Please guys. What do you want?”
“What do we want? I want you to know that you are nothing in this world. You are so fat and ugly that me telling you this makes me feel ten times better. Knowing that I don’t look as hideous and ginormous as you makes me so thankful.”
They all started to yell insults at you. “You don’t need this fatty.” They push the milk and bread on the floor. The bread getting all dirty and the milk crashing on the floor the glass breaking and cutting your legs. “No, stop that was for my family. I don’t have any more money left!” You tried to stop them. They laughed and pushed you on the floor as well. “Too bad then, huh? No you’ll probably lose the weight.”
“Why don’t you all just shut the hel* up?” A unfamiliar voice called out. They all looked up to see, “you’re one of the victors!” The blonde man grabbed some of them and threw them to the floor away from you. “If I ever see you mess with her again I will kill you! Trust me I’ve done that plenty of times!”
You felt embarrassed and just wanted to go home. You tried to clean the bread but it fell in mud. The milk was shattered. The glass in your skin. “Ouch,” you try to stand but wince to yourself. The man bends down and sees your injuries. “C’mon we need to go take those out.”
You felt shy and tried to look away, “its okay, I got this.” You try to stand up but you slip and he catches you. “I’ll take a look at them.” He carries you to a ledge of concrete nearby. “Hold on sir, I might be too heavy,” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp not wanting him to suffer carrying your weight. The man chuckled, “you? You’re light weight to me.”  You almost laughed as he carried you, you thought you were too heavy. 
As he placed you on the edge he took a look at your legs. Only a few small shards of glass were stuck on your leg. “Here we go,” he says as he sounds like he’s concentrating. You felt so bashful. A boy, a cute one at that, was looking at your thick legs! He tended to your wounds and teasing you kissed your injury. “You feel better?” He asks as he helps you stand up. You nod and with a small voice say, “thank you.”
“The names Cato.” He sticks his hand out and you shake it lightly. He has so many callouses and he has veins popping from working out so much. You gulp, “I’m y/n. Its nice to meet you, again thank you. You didn’t really have to do any of that.”
Cato shook his head, “they were hurting a beautiful woman, I couldn’t let them get away with that.” He sees that your items are broken and walks to the market. “Here let my buy those for you.”
You persisted in stopping him but he put his hand up and shook his head, “Its okay I really want to. Here.” He hands you the milk and bread and also something extra. 
“What is this?” You cheerfully ask, now feeling more and more comfortable with him. “Its a muffin,” he held one for himself and gave one to you. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you so much for this Cato. It means a lot to me. Not many people really like me or can’t stand to be next to me so just thank you.”
“No problem, and those people are missing out. But I was actually wondering if maybe you’d like to walk with me?”
You chuckled and held onto his arm, “sure. What do you want to know about me?”
Cato gave you a boyish smile, “everything, beautiful.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @wtfisalltherandoms, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @marwantr
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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fizzingwizard · 3 years ago
hoo boy... the new sims kit...
took some caps from lilsimsie's vid, but I already knew this one wasn't for me x'D I like that kits have the potential to cater to many different aesthetics, so you can get it if you like it and leave it if you don't... I'd say that's the one plus side of kits... that being said, I haven't loved any kits yet. country kitchen and the plant one get the most use from me, but I def use objects from expansions/ game packs much more regularly, so *shrug*
but anyway, this kit was obvs from the start not my style, because it's style is sooo extra haha. It's the kind of thing that I guess I might buy if Sims hasn't had any new content in a while, and there's a sale or something... (though kits are the cheapest at five bucks and i havent ever seen them on sale :P) But it'd really have to be like... absolutely nothing else interests me...
I will say I actually do really want the wall trim, and I'm rather miffed that they came with this pack when they're basic enough that everyone would want them, not just people who like it Extra. although I assume that was the point, to trick people who don't like the pack into buying it anyway haha. Sorry but not today, EA.
And literally the only other item I like is this peacock:
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I would absolutely put that in the garden or something. It would also be great in my spellcaster's home. Very much want, but not enough to pay five bucks.
And here's an example of why I'm so miserly today... (admittedly part of it is still being sooo pissed off about Tartosa, but) just look at these couches
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Like the top two - the green and blue - I HATE them. The number one reason is because of the patterns on the pillows. It's not just that they are patterned when the couch is already patterned and it's a bit Much (again, the pack was about Much) I would def have preferred plain or simply embroidered pillows but I can live with the pattern mixing. What I canNOT live with is that specific pattern with the v-shaped stripes, because it is the same pattern as on that little robot figure. I'm having trouble finding a pic but
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pretty sure it's one of the swatches for this guy. Obvs I didn't use it here, this is a pic of another build I did, and I hate that swatch so I wouldn't use it... but anyway it's got it and it's just Ugly. Also it makes me think of the university colors lol.
so it's the pillows I hate more than anything on that couch. the pink one above is the only one I'd tolerate, but I still hate the pillows! And the last one with the white and black, hey, at least that is obviously for like a celebrity's mansion or something... but even if I wanted to use it, I don't even know how I'd go about incorporating that gold frame with the rest of the furniture. whut. yeah this pack is soo not for me.
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annashipper · 7 years ago
Belated Megapost - 09/04/18
Anna:  Sorry I’m so late in posting these, but I was away from Tumblr for a day and a half and this is what happens when I don’t empty my inbox.
Nonny Nr. 1:  "i'm fascinated by how many posts there are saying in effect, "this one did it for me, I no longer believe they have kids."--- sorry anon but where r u seeing this lol
Anna:  I thing it’s probably the fact that Ben and Weirdo seemingly left the pillows back in London to travel to Vermont for the Bunes’ wedding during Easter weekend (after leaving them back in London for a quick getaway to Finland on New Year’s Eve) and instead of rushing back, they took a detour to NYC to have dinner, go to the theatre, take a pap walk and then return back to London only because Ben had to be at the IW fan screening tonight Nonny.  Just a hunch as to why people who were on the fence are jumping over to the dark side.
Nonny Nr. 2:   Boy these two get vacations w out their kids every few months. I used to think that believing there were no kids was crazy and anytime I went that road I shook myself back, but I’m convinced these liars don’t have kids in their house. Unless as others have suggested there is something about them where they have been deemed unable to safely care for the two children themselves unsupervised there is no reason for constant vacations and time away.
Anna:  But ... but... but... sneaky pics at a restaurant, two pap walks for the price of one, and a night at the theatre for Ben.  The man has his priorities...
Nonny Nr. 3:   Maybe nonnies are right. I think the kids are real but maybe these two aren’t safe parents and can’t have them on their own. It sounds out there but they did sell one kids face to the media for an article calling Sophie pretty when they had an active stalker. Maybe they aren’t safe with children and can’t have them w out down third party present. That pic of Hal had other people in it. Maybe they can only be w them when someone is watching them
Anna:  Or maybe the man we saw next to Ben during Pilo 2.0′s Heath pap op was the baby’s father, and he was there to take him back home after the paps Ben seemed to be talking to in other pics from the set were done snapping pics.
Since you brought it up, remember when Sophie Hunter was craning her neck, smiling at the pap in NYC while her first born’s face was being photographed in HD (while presumably the whole family was terrified because of the Red Ribbon Stalker was tying ribbons around Ben’s flat) Nonny?  I do  :D
Nonny Nr. 4:   If Ben and she do ever split, and Ben wants to re marrying, I hope women keep this behaviour in mind. As far as everyone is concerned he has children and based on his behaviour he is a bad father. No one who is told to believe this parenting story of bens should ever allow him to father their children. He is not able to parent.
Anna:  At least he knows how to hold a baby safely, which is more than I can say about Sophie Hunter Nonny  ;o)
Nonny Nr. 5:   yeah, this is starting to get creepy. like legit creepy. the way these two constantly vacation w out their kids is creepy. i seriously think something is wrong w ben and sophie and that they probably are not mentally fit to be parents. i mean that. its too weird. a few dinners, fine. but the constant vacations and constant never being seen w the kids on a daily basis. something is up. i think the kids are real but i think ben can't actually have kids safely with him and sophie
Anna:  Like I told Nonny Nr. 4, at least Ben knows how to hold a baby safely.  The one time we saw Sophie Hunter hold one, she was carrying it like a sack of potatoes...
Nonny Nr. 6:   the fact that these two are vacationing away from their babies for every major holiday makes me thing someone else is raising them, and the few times that they supposedly had these kids out of frame were just visitations one at a time. i don't think the kids are in the house w ben and sophie anymore and no, suddenly seeing them w two kids won't convince me. there is some reason for the past few years they haven't been w them during major holidays and day to day
Anna:  Because both pillows are imaginary?
Nonny Nr. 7:   i believe chris was an oops on ppurpose by sh to trap ben, and then they just had hal cause ben figured he was stuck might as well make it work. they are only ever seen w one at a time. no major holidays w the family that we know of for some time ( the first one?), when they were w hal, there were people around that we joked were his real parents. he won't talk about them. what if the kids are being monitored by a third party, and these two can't be w them alone?   why else would they be on constant trips during the holidays w out them? the dinners and dates out i can undertand, but not seeing them arund town for years, add to that they seem to be free of the kids on holidays etc. im thinking the kids don't live w them full time
Anna:  What if the answer is much simpler and Sophie Hunter is not the exception to every rule of human gestation known to doctors and Harvey thought Weirdo had a grand idea at PSIFF and baiting the general public about an imaginary pregnancy would do the trick and get Ben loads of publicity?  What if when Ben lost the Golden Globe Harvey decided it was time to confirm speculation and Ben “drunkenly” sealed his fate at the after party?  What if the second pregnancy was Ben’s idea because he was desperate to convince people his totes for real, not PR stunt family was not imaginary?
Nonny Nr. 8:   This is off topic but did anyone else not get the ending of TCIT. If u got it can someone enlighten me lol
Anna:  Julie gives birth to the child that was conceived when Stephen visited her at her cottage (presumably the baby will grow up to be the boy Stephen sees in the train).  Stephen knows that Kate is still out there in the world, and will always be in their hearts.   Hope that helps Nonny  :o)
Nonny Nr. 9:   boutique productions is a meaningless title, like all her other titles. it just means people could potentially hire her for a specific production, and it appears no one is hiring her. like someone else said, no one labours on a work only to have it not seen and not make money. Nothing has been marketed or made public, no one has hired her to do anything. its just a way to explain away why she has not directed anything, no plays, no operas, nothing in a gallery, no theatre showcases
Anna:  That’s not true Nonny.  James Byng hired her to read letters to an unsuspecting audience.  But yeah, in all seriousness, the silence on the ‘new work from Opera Director extraordinaire Sophie Hunter’ front is defeaning...
Nonny Nr. 10:   theatre operator? great! which theatre? plus theatre operator could be anything. is she in charge of sched the shows that are played? 'cause that has a different title. is she the janitor?
Anna:  I’m guessing the Fail was just taking the piss Nonny.  Much like when they forget her name and call her Rachel.  Or Ophie.  Or Turner.  LINK
Nonny Nr. 11:   Got a question for anyone who might know. Did the tabloids pull those pics of BC with Hal because the were faked by 1) having a kid that was not his, or 2) did they detect tampering with the photo itself?
Anna:  It’s anyone’s guess Nonny.  All we know is that the Fail had bought the pap set and decided not to use it, going for a stock picture of him as Sherlock instead.  LINK and LINK
Nonny Nr. 12:   'What was the reason behind all the fluffing of Sophie Hunter’s CV?' My guess is that both parties agreed it was necessary. BC's side couldn't have a gf that had almost nothing to show to the public or that her work history was a bit of a disaster. Too embarrassing & the media would have started digging into her past as soon as she was introduced. So fluffing it is. Sofa's side: for the same reasons I mentioned above plus she might have demanded it to further her non existent career.
Anna:  She looked soooooo good on paper (at least until we started digging deeper) and it turned so bad so very fast with the first stomp off...   :o/
Nonny Nr. 13:   Today's question proves you are the master of understatement, Anna! Because 'fluffing' doesn't begin to describe the travesty that is Weirdo's CV. Lies, both blatant and subtle. Plagiarism and the claiming of credit she never earned ... it all goes far beyond fluffing. That doesn't even address the joke of "Wimbledon Spectator".
Anna:  I’m not as harsh when I’m well-rested Nonny   ;o)
Mess Anon:   Okay after hearing they also went to Sleep No More and the speakeasy afterwards, I might start teetering towards the fake kids camp. No one brings their kids with them overseas to have them stuck in a hotel room while they go shopping, go to plays, bars, and out to have a vegan meal. It’s one thing if you are a working trip, but another thing if you’re out doing multiple things for pleasure. The poor kids only got to go to a museum for an afternoon. SMDH!  Mess anon
Anna:  Mess Anon, I back excellent chocolate chip cookies.  Step on over to the dark side  :P
Anna:  To the Nans and Antis still sending me angry asks, I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like playing with my food today.  I’m sure you understand   :o)
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takenews-blog1 · 7 years ago
“Those Aren’t My Legs!” Stars Who Spoke Out Against Photoshop
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“Those Aren’t My Legs!” Stars Who Spoke Out Against Photoshop
Ever surprise how celebrities could be that flawless? The reality is that they aren’t. There are various celebrities who’ve spoken out towards the botched photoshop jobs carried out to their already gorgeous pictures. A few of these stars have adjusted their contracts to stop photoshopping, whereas others go straight to social media to vent (which may additionally backfire.) You gained’t consider these photoshop fake pas!
Zendayan is a 21-year-old magnificence who has by no means shied away from talking out towards injustice. Her cowl of Modeliste journal in November 2015 was no completely different. She posted the duvet picture alongside the untouched model and captioned it: “Anybody who is aware of who I’m is aware of I stand for sincere and pure self-love,” she continued. “So I took it upon myself to launch the true pic (proper facet) and I like it.” Modeliste later printed a thanks letter to Zendaya for her openness and honesty and launched her untouched variations of the shoot. They even unpublished the photoshopped pictures on-line.
The irony is an excessive amount of when this subsequent star’s music video about her voluptuous physique was altered!
Meghan Trainor loves the way in which she seems, she’s all about that bass! That’s why she was so shocked and upset by the enhancing of her 2016 hit video, “Me Too.” She says, “My waist isn’t that teeny, I had a bomb waist that evening, I don’t know why they didn’t like my waist, however I didn’t approve that video and it went out for the world, so I’m embarrassed.” Trainor continued, “The video’s nonetheless one in all my favourite movies I’ve ever carried out, I’m very pleased with it, I’m simply pissed off that they broke my ribs you realize?”
In a canopy story for GQ, 19-year-old actress Bella Thorne stripped down for the digital camera and particularly requested for her pics to not be photoshopped. Baring all of it filter-free was a fairly courageous transfer. She later posted her picture on Instagram saying, “Know that it’s utterly regular to really feel insecure. Truthfully, I want everybody talked extra about their insecurities so extra folks on the earth might know they aren’t alone.” Whereas she admits her photographs are often touched up earlier than publishing, she has blended emotions about it. Thorne continued by urging her followers to share pictures of their ‘true selves’.
Actress Kate Winslet has at all times been an advocate for wholesome, stunning, actual our bodies. So she was fairly pissed when she didn’t seem like herself for her GQ cowl in February 2003. “I even have a Polaroid that the photographer gave me on the day of the shoot”, she defined. “I can inform you they’ve decreased the dimensions of my legs by a couple of third.” She additionally mentioned that the unique model she “regarded fairly good the way in which it was taken,” and that, “I’m utterly bodily comfy with who I’m.” However GQ‘s editor on the time, Dylan Jones, struck again saying Winslet hadn’t been retouched any greater than some other cowl woman.
MMA fighter and total badass Ronda Rousey apologized to followers in February 2016 after unknowingly posted a Photoshopped picture of herself on her social media. She posted a side-by-side picture of the unique picture and an edited model the place her arms are visibly thinner. She instructed her followers, “I used to be despatched an image to share on social for Fallon that was altered with out me understanding to make my arms look smaller.” She continued, “I’m extraordinarily pleased with each inch of my physique… I can guarantee you all it’s going to by no means occur once more. I couldn’t be extra appalled and hope you all forgive me.”
Subsequent, Glamour��s Lady Of The Yr makes use of her acceptance speech to offer the journal a bit of her thoughts.
Throughout her acceptance speech for Glamour Journal’s 2013 Lady of the Yr Award, Woman Gaga took the chance to offer the journal an ultimatum. She known as out the journal for utilizing an excessive amount of photoshop and giving ladies a false sense of magnificence in her acceptance speech. She mentioned, “I felt my pores and skin regarded too excellent, I felt my hair regarded too tender,” she mentioned in her speech. “I don’t seem like this after I get up within the morning … What I need to see is the change in your covers. When the covers change, that’s when tradition adjustments.” Awkward.
Actress Kerry Washington is a pure magnificence, and was not happy by her 2016 cowl of Adweek. This was not the primary time Washington’s spoken out towards Photoshop – she additionally slammed InStyle for lightening her pores and skin on her 2015 cowl, and he or she was not about to take this once more. Washington claimed she didn’t even acknowledge herself on the 2016 cowl and that “it felt unusual to take a look at an image of [herself]” that was “so completely different” than what she noticed within the mirror. She continued, “It’s an unlucky feeling.” Whereas stating she was pleased with the accompanying story, she thought she wanted to deal with her picture.
Outspoken actress Jennifer Lawrence has by no means shied away from speaking about her weight and Hollywood’s expectations of her look. She’s been outspoken in her refusal to shed some pounds for the Starvation Video games franchise. However she made headlines in 2011 for her Flare journal cowl the place she has a noticeably thinner waist. A gif and facet by facet picture comparisons of the retouching started surfacing the web and actually upsetting her followers. Lawrence responded by saying, “I’d slightly look a little bit chubby on digital camera and seem like an individual in actual life, than to look nice onscreen and seem like a scarecrow in actual life.”
The final word cool woman, Lorde took to Twitter in 2014 to denounce photographs taken of herself at her TK live performance. She posted the originals alongside to photoshopped model and captioned it: “I discover this curious – two photographs from in the present day, one edited so my pores and skin is ideal and one actual. Bear in mind flaws are okay.” In a single picture she has seen pimples and scarring. The opposite – completely flawless pores and skin. You go woman for taking a stand and exhibiting your true self!
See what occurred when Complicated journal by chance printed the untouched cowl of Kim Kardashian…
Kim Kardashian has been recognized to spark loads of buzz however in 2009, her true physique was revealed by Complicated Journal. The publication by chance leaked an untouched model of the star onto their website. The web freaked out however Kardashian stored her cool. “So what? I’ve a little bit cellulite, what curvy woman doesn’t? How many individuals do you assume are Photoshopped? It occurs on a regular basis!” She then added, “I’m pleased with my physique and my curves, and this image popping out might be useful for everybody to see that simply because I’m on the duvet of doesn’t imply I’m excellent.”
And it’s not simply the ladies who’re photoshopped…
Skilled tennis participant Andy Roddick proves that males can fall sufferer to an overzealous picture editor as nicely! In 2007 he posted a hilarious picture of his Males’s Health cowl on his weblog captioning it: “Little did I do know I’ve 22-inch weapons and a disappearing birthmark on my proper arm,” Roddick wrote. With the duvet line “ construct massive arms” subsequent to his face, Roddick shared the story which may have been a greater match for his opponent. He mentioned, ” Possibly Rafael Nadal needs his arms again?” No less than he might have a humorousness about his physique being altered!
Comic Amy Schumer has been recognized to slam paparazzi and haters for deliberately making an attempt to make her look unhealthy in photographs. She’s additionally been recognized to talk out towards physique shamers who attempt to make her really feel embarrassed or uncomfortable by her measurement 6 body. In 2016, Schumer known as out Glamour journal for coining her “plus-sized”. And in 2015, Schumer praised Leisure Weekly for exhibiting off her actual look on her very revealing cowl. She gave them a shout-out on Twitter saying, “I need to particularly thank @EW for not airbrushing me. For actual very cool. Thanks. Proud measurement 6 yo!”
Accused of photoshopping her derriere for years, Nick Minaj struck again towards the haters and the picture editors in her February 2014 cowl of ESPN journal. Claiming to have her brow retouched to be bigger than it really is she took to the web to specific her disapproval. She Instagrammed her outrage not as soon as however twice saying, “I really like my private unretouched photographs the place my brow doesn’t mysteriously develop in size.” The second time she posted the precise cowl of the problem stating, “When retouching goes improper.” ESPN by no means responded to the claims regardless of Nicki’s efforts to get an increase out of them.
Beautiful actress Priyanka Chopra made headlines for the improper causes in her 2016 Maxim India cowl. She was named the journal’s alternative for the most well liked lady on the earth however followers discovered her cowl extra of a not, than sizzling. Followers had been outraged to search out that Chopra was lacking an armpit. Followers flooded the journal’s and Chopra’s social channels saying the armpit regarded “Photoshopped out of existence.” Priyanka was a great sport about it and later posted a photograph on Twitter, the place she struck the identical cowl shot pose, and captioned it, “Right here’s one other ‘pit-stopping’ image so as to add to the talk. #WillTheRealArmpitPleaseStandUp #nofilter #armpitdiaries”.
Fairly Little Liars star Ashley Benson was rightfully upset after seeing promotional supplies for the present’s fourth season in 2013 floor on the web. She took to her social channels posting, “Noticed this floating round… hope it’s not the poster. Our faces on this had been from 4 years in the past.. and all of us look ridiculous. Manner an excessive amount of photoshop. All of us have flaws. Nobody seems like this. It’s not engaging.” Benson was even backed up by a fellow solid member, Troian Bellisario who mentioned, “Wow @itsashbenzo I couldn’t agree extra. Very cool idea as at all times. However aren’t we engaging sufficient ladies as we’re? Why can’t we simply seem like us?”
The subsequent mannequin’s garments had been photoshopped out, and he or she was livid.
Excessive vogue mannequin Coco Rocha was shaken up by the retouching carried out to her physique on her cowl of Elle Brazil. She acknowledged, “For my latest Elle Brazil cowl shoot I wore a physique swimsuit below a sheer costume, however not too long ago found that the physique swimsuit was Photoshopped out to offer the impression that I’m exhibiting rather more pores and skin than I really was or am comfy with.” She continues, “I’ve lengthy had a coverage of no nudity or partial nudity in my photoshoots and am extraordinarily upset that my needs and contract had been ignored.” You go, Coco!
The eldest Kardashian sister, Kourtney graced the duvet of OK! after the delivery of her son Mason in 2010. Not solely did the publication declare to have an unique interview with Kortney, they photoshopped her post-pregnancy physique to look method smaller than it really was. She took to Twitter saying “They doctored and Photoshopped my physique to make it seem like I’ve already misplaced all the burden, which I’ve not,” She additionally spoke out later saying “A type of weeklies acquired it improper once more…they didn’t have an unique with me. And I gained 40 kilos whereas pregs, not 26… However thanks!”
Songstress Demi Lovato has been open about her struggles with weight and self-confidence for years. However in 2015 she shed her insecurities and debuted a filter-free story for Vainness Truthful. Baring a recent face, utterly makeup-free and no clothes, Lovato needed to be a job mannequin to followers on learn how to be your true self. She even set a regular of guidelines with the publication: “no make-up, no garments, no retouching.” She later shared her struggles with having her photographs edited earlier than, “I’ve actually carried out that earlier than the place I’m like, ‘No, put my legs again on me. These aren’t my legs,” she mentioned.
Actress and daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, Rumer Willis was visibly upset at a botched photoshop job to her face for a 2016 Vainness Truthful characteristic. The actress is positioned between her two sisters and claimed that the photographer altered her jaw. She says, “The photographer photoshopped my face to make my jaw smaller and I discover it actually offensive for anybody to attempt to change the way in which you look so drastically. I really like the way in which I look and I gained’t assist anybody who would really feel a necessity to vary the way in which I look to make me stunning. Whether or not or not they understand it, it’s a type of bullying, which I gained’t stand for.”
See what occurs once you name out the journal, solely to search out out they didn’t use photoshop. Awkward.
At all times unafraid to talk up for herself and others, Lena Dunham sparked outrage on account of a photoshop mix-up together with her Tentaciones cowl story in 2016. At first, the actress took to Instagram claiming, “This isn’t what my physique has ever regarded like or will ever seem like – the journal has carried out greater than the typical Photoshop. So in case you’re into what I do, why not be sincere along with your readers?” Tentaciones responded instantly claiming the picture had not been photoshopped, solely barely cropped. To which Dunham rapidly modified her tune saying, “Thanks for clearing up the confusion (not retouched, simply cropped!). I perceive that a complete bunch of individuals authorised this picture earlier than it acquired to you- and why wouldn’t they?’ I look nice.”
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