#on the other hand: yeah i can believe that colleen is doing this specifically because she doesn't really like cicero and wants to
catilinas · 8 months
one of my favourite running jokes in masters of rome is when publius rutilius rufus comes up with the phrase 'an iliad of woes' and then various other characters steal it from him and he gets more and more pissed off about it. especially since as far as i am aware the earliest extant use of the phrase is in cicero's letters? which means. in colleen mccullough's beautiful world cicero is just one in a fifty year long line of people stealing it. you know publius rutilius rufus' ghost is seething
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izlaria · 4 years
Someone you like (part 6)
This is the final chapter of my “Someone you like” inspired fic. It’s also available on AO3 in case you prefer that platform.
Special thanks to @rueitae for betaing this chapter and to @onlysilvy for being a darling this whole time. Your support means everything. Also, sorry, Rue, I have no self-control.
Summary: Lance falls in love with Pidge on two different occasions. They eventually figure it out.
25 and 23 years old
The end of Lance’s first year as an MFE fighter saw him standing in front of Pidge’s room, wringing his hands. Anxiety clawed at his chest, but he had made up his mind to finally confess his feelings. With the anniversary of Allura’s death fast approaching – it was only two months away –, both Keith and Hunk had advised him to either spill his guts soon or wait for the new year. Lance had taken this to heart.
His work in the Garrison didn’t put him in direct contact with Pidge, but the two of them always made up excuses to see each other after hours. They would spend evenings in his apartment, playing video games or watching movies, or they would go over to Shiro’s for a round of Monsters and Mana, enjoying how excited Curtis got over the storylines.
Most of the time, Lance felt like they were already a couple, with how much they bantered. Even Veronica assured him that they were insufferable. So, every day it got harder for Lance to control his instinct to pull Pidge to him and kiss her, to finally let her know how much Lance wanted her in his life, forever.
But he was getting ahead of himself.
Before Lance could make up his mind to knock, the door slid open to reveal Romelle. She stood there with a hand on her hip, her blonde hair pinned in a bun at the top of her head.
“You do realize there’s a sensor on the door?” There was laughter in her voice. “And a camera. I’ve been staring at your distressed face for almost five minutes.” Alarm must have flashed through his expression, because she snorted. “Don’t worry, she’s not here right now.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Romelle,” he said with little-to-no enthusiasm. The girl continued to grin at his misery, stepping aside so Lance could walk into the room. “When did you even get here?”
She moved to the bed, where several books were scattered around, and plopped back against the pile of pillows. Around the room, machinery parts and clothing pieces battled for the floorspace. It was an aspect of Pidge that never changed, the organized chaos of her room that no doubt reflected that brilliant mind of hers.
“Keith stopped by Altea to pick me up. Hunk wanted me to bring some produce from that quadrant, because Colleen’s last harvest was apparently jeopardized by a flood a junior botanist caused.” Romelle shrugged. “Katie didn’t know the specifics.”
Her use of Pidge’s given name no longer surprised Lance. People around the Garrison usually referred to the Holts by their titles, since their ranks within the organization demanded a certain level of reverence, but many of their colleagues from the war still called her Katie. Especially those who spent their time with Sam and Colleen, like Romelle.
“Have you seen Hunk and Matt yet?” Lance took a seat on the couch. It was old and gray, but comfortable enough. He and Shiro had dragged it into Pidge’s dorm after one too many nights of eating dinner on the floor.
The blonde shook her head. “Hunk and Shay are grabbing me for lunch and Matt is busy with his girlfriend.” She leaned against the headboard and, although her posture remained relaxed, the look in her eyes spoke of mischief. “Katie said I could chill –” she made quotation marks with her hands – “here while I waited, but if I’m interrupting something…”
Lance gave a spastic wave of his arms that probably did nothing to deny her suspicions. It was just his luck that Romelle was there again. She’d already witnessed his struggle when asking Allura out and now she could see right through him.
“Interrupting?” He forced a laugh. “Nah! It’s fine! Always good to see a friendly face!”
Romelle didn’t have the skill to emulate Pidge’s unimpressed look, but being best friends with Matt had certainly helped her get close to it. However, she also didn’t seem invested enough in his drama to pry, going back to digging through the books.
“I’m sure it was not 
 face you had hoped to see,” she commented nonchalantly, still looking down at the different covers. “Alas, it is what it is. Katie is in a meeting, so you might as well keep me company.”
Lance frowned at her, but chose not to follow through with the subject. “What are those books for?”
“It turns out that an education based around the teachings of a megalomaniac prince did not actually cover as much astrology as I had hoped.” Romelle looked down at her palms. There was an edge to her smile that Lance was sad to recognize as self-deprecation. “Hunk helps with what he can, but Matt and Katie are the real connoisseurs, apparently, so they gave me some material from when they were younger.” She heaved a sigh. “It’s a lot.”
“I’m really proud of you.” Lance smiled at her, a little awkward. “Allura would be, too.”
“What? Where did that come from?” Romelle made a face at him, but she was smiling as well. “I am simply trying to do my best. There is a lot I don’t know.”
“Yeah, but you’ve done your best since I met you and it’s always been enough.” Lance shrugged, shifting his gaze to the whiteboard that hung over Pidge’s bed. The equations there meant nothing to him. “Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to stop Lotor or Honerva. Besides, the Holts are very selective of the people they like. They don’t just take on hopeless cases.”
Romelle blew out a breath. Their eyes met tentatively, as they were both embarrassed by the situation. “You know, it is surprisingly easy to forget that you are a good person.”
“I’ve been told,” he deadpanned, much to the Altean’s amusement.
“Look, I do not need you to cheer me up. I appreciate it, but you can keep your compliments for Katie, who we both know would enjoy them more.” Even as she said this, it was clear that Romelle felt a little better. She picked up one of the books. “If you want to help, just quiz me on chapter ten.”
Lance got up from the couch to accept the book, grinning when he recognized the title. “Hey, I know this one!” He sat back down and flipped to the table of contents. “Yeah, I had to read this for a summer course I took when I was fourteen. That’s when I met Hunk,” he added for Romelle’s benefit.
“Hm, funny, that one is Matt’s.” She kneeled on the bed to look at the cover. “And there was one of Katie’s ribbons in it, so I believe she also read it.”
“One of her ribbons?” Lance frowned at her in curiosity. He had never seen Pidge carry ribbons around, but what would have been a ridiculous image in their teen years was now utterly charming. It was lovely to find out these small details about her.
“Yes. She used them to mark the pages when younger. There, there!” Romelle pointed to the book until Lance reached a page where a green ribbon laid across the words. She grinned. “Isn’t it adorable?”
It was.
At the same time, it reminded him of the difficulties Pidge had undergone during middle school and how she had only had Matt and her parents to rely on. Had she read her brother’s book as a way to escape the words of her colleagues? Or had she loved space so fiercely even then that her time of leisure was spent going through Matt’s training material?
“Do you think this is when their little feud over color-coding started?” Romelle broke him out of these thoughts. She had opened another one of the books and was flipping through the pages absent-mindedly. “I swear to the moons of Cobturg, if I have to listen to their arguments about this one more time, I–”
There was a beep and the door to the room opened once more, shutting Romelle up at once. Pidge took a second to look them over, before dropping her purse down at the coffee table.
“Why do you look so guilty?” She narrowed her eyes at Romelle, who let out a noise of protest, as if to say ���Who? Me?’.
Lance went to her rescue. “She was telling me about the ribbons you used to collect.” He held up the green fabric, grinning. “Who would have thought? Our Pidge Gunderson was actually a normal, little girl once.”
Her hair was short again. It looked different, though, more put-together than the hairstyle she had used during their time in space. He supposed her responsibilities in the Garrison demanded a more polished appearance, but he kind of missed the disarray.
She looked very pretty like this. In fact, the overall effect of her wide-legged slacks, light-blue blouse, the hair and the boots left him feeling a little dazed.
Pidge rolled her eyes and made a grab for the ribbon, but Lance stood up and pulled it out of reach. She almost lost her balance from his sudden movement, putting a knee up on the couch to keep in place.
“Did you really come in here just to test my patience?” she asked, still standing in front of him.
Lance clicked his tongue playfully. “Nothing makes me happier than seeing you blush in anger.” He waved the ribbon around, smirking. “You make a beautiful tomato.”
“She’s more of a strawberry, really,” Romelle pointed out from her perch on the bed. She gestured towards her face. “It’s the little dots.”
“Those are called freckles.” Pidge pushed away from the couch and towards the Altean. “You were supposed to be studying, not ganging up with Lance to bother me.”
Romelle’s face dropped into an impressively effective look of anguish. “But it’s boring to study by myself.” She grabbed Pidge’s hands, swinging their arms lightly. “You promised I could do your hair before I left!”
Pidge glanced at him over her shoulder. Whether it was because she thought Lance might help her or simply because she was mortified by the idea of doing something so girly in front of him, he couldn’t tell. Before he could intervene, however, there was another beep from the door, then a knock.
“That must be Hunk,” Pidge declared, jumping away from Romelle.
The blonde rolled her eyes, but slid out of the bed and opened a small panel on the wall, where a screen was hidden. From behind her, Lance could see Hunk and Shay talking on the video feed.
“Saved by the bell,” he heard Pidge mutter under her breath.
“Aw, come on, Pidgeon.” Lance aimed a shit-eating grin at her, knowing it was easier to taunt her into things than to simply ask. “Now I want to see you looking all primped up!”
The girl did not back down. She puffed up her chest, lips set into a line, and turned to face him fully. “You’re supposed to be on my side here!” Then, in a lower voice, “I don’t want to set miss excitable over there loose with a brush!”
“I will have you know –” Romelle waggled a finger in the air – “that everyone in our crew thinks very highly of my styling skills. Is it not true?”
She whipped around to prod at her two teammates, who had just been let into the room. Hunk looked doubtful, but Shay nodded her head solemnly.
“Her hair is widely regarded as the most luscious and well-kept of our ship,” Shay declared with all the straight-faced earnestness that could be expected from a rock-person.
“She and Hunk are the only ones who have hair!” Pidge threw her hands up in frustration.
Lance felt himself chuckle. He barely ever got to see the interactions between this group. During his time at the farm, the only occasion when he saw everyone together was on the day they celebrated the end of the war. It hurt a little to think of all the events he’d lost while in Cuba or on his travels.
“How much harm can she really do?” He approached Pidge and ran a hand through her hair, letting the ends curl around his fingers. “I’m sure you’ll look beautiful.”
Pidge eyed him carefully and, though her countenance betrayed nothing, Lance was sure he’d felt her shudder at his touch.
“My hair is too short to do more than stubby ponytails,” she continued her objections. “It would be far from beautiful.”
“I don’t know…” He gave her a wink and, this time, red flooded her cheeks. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing anyone could do to make you not beautiful.”
“I changed my mind.” The interruption froze him in place, hand still on the nape of Pidge’s neck. “Get me out of here,” Romelle said to the other two, ignoring the glare Lance sent her way. “Before I scream.”
Hunk choked out a laugh. “Elle, you haven’t seen the worst of it.”
Lance pulled his hand back quickly. He hadn’t meant to act so impulsively, not in front of their friends at least. The only excuse he could find was that their antics had filled him to the brim with affection and now it spilled out, untamed.
“Don’t you three have a lunch to get to?” Pidge pushed her glasses up, moving away from Lance and further into the room. She stopped by her bedside table and fiddled with a tablet that had been lying there.
Surprisingly, Romelle let her avoidance pass without comment. She gave Pidge a long look, before voicing her agreement. “I’m taking these two to that coffeeshop you and I go from time to time.” There was something strangely emphatic about how she was speaking. “They have a new dessert I want Hunk to try and replicate.”
Pidge tensed, still not looking up from the tablet. “You mean the one we discovered with Allura.”
Lance and Hunk shared a look of confusion and dread. From the way Romelle’s expression twisted, it didn’t seem like that kind of despondency was what she had been trying to evoke. And Shay, bless her heart, appeared to be at a loss and kept shifting her gaze between the four of them, waiting for an explanation.
“Should we go, then?” she asked, uncertain. Romelle gave a quick nod and turned her face away from them. The frown she sported appeared out-of-place in the usually bright Altean.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Pidge had sat down on her bed and her eyes zeroed in on Romelle. “We can talk more then.”
The two girls nodded at each other.
As they traded goodbyes, Hunk sidled up to Lance, giving him an all-enveloping hug. They had talked earlier that morning, but Lance’s impending confession put him out-of-sorts. It was a nice hug, another aspect of the Garrison life that he’d missed: his friend, the support he gave, his unyielding belief on the people he loved.
Hunk held him in the hug for a second. “Don’t let her get away, dude.” They separated, but his friend kept going. “Not like this.”
And then he and Shay were gone.
Romelle stopped at the door. She turned to give Lance a considering look. “You mentioned Allura earlier. Wherever she may be, she would have wanted nothing but your happiness.” Her eyes shifted to something behind him and Lance could almost feel Pidge’s uneasiness at the stare. “That goes for the both of you.”
The door closed behind her, leaving those last words to hang in the air.
“Will you tell me what that was about?” Lance crossed the room to sit by Pidge. He poked her knee until she looked up at him.
“Can I pretend that it was just Romelle being Romelle?” Her eyes were sad as she said this. He almost gave in, but his worry spoke louder than his sympathy.
“I might not know her as you do, but I doubt Romelle would say anything to hurt you.” He grimaced. “Not intentionally.”
“Intentional or not, I just think she’s meddling where she’s not wanted.” The sharpness in her voice made Lance flinch.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I am sick of people acting like they know what’s best for me.” Pidge wrapped her arms around herself. It was such an uncharacteristic gesture for her that Lance wasn’t sure what to say. “I am happy. Who is she to doubt that?”
“Your friend?” he offered, keeping his voice soft.
Pidge normally handled obstacles with a bull-headedness that most feared. She and Romelle had this in common, the fierceness that had sent them travelling through the galaxies to ensure justice was made for their families. His friend couldn’t see the hypocrisy in her claim that the Altean was being meddlesome when Pidge’s own curiosity had often led her to intrude on other people’s matters.
She was a very private person and almost completely indifferent to gossip, true, but she went above and beyond for what did spark her interest.
“Romelle being my friend gives her the right to question my judgement?” Pidge sent him a fulminating look, before turning her eyes away.
“A little.” Lance chuckled to himself, despite receiving an elbow to the side for his answer. “C’mon, don’t act as if you guys didn’t question my actions after the war!”
“Aren’t our circumstances a little different?” Her voice was dry as the Arizona desert. “It’s not like I’m burying myself in work or something. I just…” She forced out a breath. “I’m satisfied with my life. I have friends and my family is safe and I’m respected in the Garrison. What more does she want from me?”
Lance just looked at her. In many ways, Pidge was right. She was still very young, despite having lived through so much, and there would be time for adventures or romance or whatever Romelle had wanted for her.
Still, the notion caused something to ache in his chest. He wanted Romelle’s words to be about him.
Since his return, many of their colleagues had insinuated that there was something more between him and Pidge, and Lance had allowed it. He loved her sincerely, but he’d spent the past year swallowing flirtatious remarks, afraid to scare her off. The rumors about them had seemed like a good way to put the idea into Pidge’s head, even as she grew more and more upset with the comments.
“She mentioned the coffeeshop because she wanted to remind me of a conversation we had when we first went there,” Pidge confessed as the silence stretched between them. “About something I wanted all those years ago.”
“What was it?” Lance frowned at her.
“Nothing that matters. I couldn’t have it then and I can’t have it now.” She didn’t look away from him, this time, and their locked gazes sent electricity down Lance’s spine. There was a heaviness in her eyes that made them look dark, even in the well-lit room.
Lance reached for her hand, pulling her arm away from her middle and onto his lap. He played with her fingers; the ribbon lied forgotten over his thigh.
“Pidgeon, I’ve never known you to give up on what you want.” He smiled at her, feeling a wave of fondness shoot through him. Her hand twisted in his grip, as if she’d meant to close it into a fist.
“I thought I was over it,” Pidge whispered, more to herself than to him.
Lance worked his jaw, hoping he hadn’t misinterpreted the look she was giving him. He could swear her eyes had lowered to his mouth for a fraction of a second. It made his whole body feel hot, like a burning star had settled in his chest and turned the blood in his veins into pure heat.
The implication was not lost in him. Had Pidge liked him back then? Had that affection survived the years of his self-imposed isolation?
“I think –” he started, eyes unable to leave her face – “that some things are worth the wait.” And then, without breaking eye contact, Lance lifted Pidge’s hand to his mouth and kissed her pulse.
The reaction was instantaneous. Color rushed up her complexion, an uneven redness that Lance had taunted her about in their younger years and that now seemed disproportionally attractive. In this bubble of heat they created, Lance felt he could see her brilliance clearer than ever.
Pidge was beautiful, not only because of how she looked, but because of who she was.
Because he was looking so closely, Lance could tell the exact moment her bewilderment dwindled. Her eyes hardened, her mouth curved down.
“Can you not?” she snapped, shaking away his grip to stand up.
“Not what?” Lance stared at her back as fear welled up inside him.
“Not stand so close. Not touch me like that.” Pidge waved her arms around as she spoke. “Not get my hopes up when I know you don’t mean it.”
“How could you possibly think I don’t mean it?” It was his turn to sound indignant.
“Because you’re loverboy Lance! You go after these bombshell women, with their long limbs and their poise…” She struggled to finish her thought, groaning. “I don’t want to be another one of your conquests!”
“Is that what you really think of me?” He felt angry at the possibility. This was Pidge, someone who should know Lance better than the average, Voltron-show-watching acquaintance. She knew he hadn’t really gone into relationships in the past few years, still healing from Allura’s death.
“I don’t know what to think.” She stopped moving, letting her arms hang at her sides. Despite the defeat in her stance, when Pidge looked at him, there was pride in how she held her chin. “I know who I am. I am intelligent and brave and reliable. But I’m not nice,” she said the word with a hint of repulse, “or patient or charming.”
“Of course I know that!” Lance had to hold back a grimace. That hadn’t come out quite right. “But you wanna know what else you are?” He didn’t wait for a response. “You’re the girl who always called me out on my bullshit. The one who has saved my ass more times than I can count, who helped me study for my piloting exams.” He lowered his tone, calming down a little. “You’re the girl who came to meet me at the farm every month to bring all the games I had missed in the US.”
Pidge still didn’t look completely convinced, but she didn’t dodge him when Lance approached.
“The releases always came out late in Varadero,” she interjected with a frown.
He laughed at her excuse. “You came because you wanted to make sure I was okay. Then, after I was done wallowing, you were the one who flew out to meet me in Greece and Korea and Chile.” He took her hand, feeling more confident. “And every time we met up, it was like my body relaxed. Ah,” he acted out, “I’m finally here. With my best friend.”
“That’s just it, Lance. I’m your friend.” Pidge studied his expression with furrowed brows. “You may be feeling – I don’t know! Moved by how close we’ve gotten?” She shook her head. “But I was in love with you for three years before I could accept that you’d only ever have eyes for Allura.”
“We’ve talked about this, Katie.” He kept his grasp on her hand, even as Pidge tried to move away. She had grown uncomfortable with his use of her name. “I did love Allura, but she’s gone. I deserve to go after what I want, too.”
“And what you want is me?” she sounded unconvinced.
“How can you be so smart and still so dense?” Lance threw his head back in frustration. “Everyone sees it. Hunk, Shiro, even Keith!” He sighed. “Even Romelle. Today, she wasn’t making fun of you or scolding you or whatever that exceptional and traumatized brain of yours came up with.” Lance had to hold up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “Romelle was trying to encourage me.”
Pidge stood there and, although she was quiet, her eyes remained sharp. Lance feared that he’d gone too far, but he knew rationally that Pidge had already exposed all she had to say and that it was up to him to erase her doubts.
He raised his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek. Pidge’s eyes fluttered shut.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “How can you be so sure that we will be fine after this?”
Lance leaned down to press a kiss against her eyelashes, then her cheeks, then the corner of her mouth. He heard her inhale sharply and hold the breath. Feeling her reactions to him right under his palm was a kind of inebriation he’d never experienced before.
“I know,” Lance let his lips drag against her skin, “because I’ve committed myself to seeing you happy.” He put some space between them so that he could look into her eyes. The flushed vibrancy of Pidge’s complexion made an image that stupefied him. “Even if that means I turn away right now.”
Her hands snaked up his chest to rest on Lance’s neck, pulling him down. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” he couldn’t resist asking, a smile tugging at his lips. Pidge rolled her eyes but didn’t push away when Lance rested his forehead against hers.
“Don’t go.” She was the one to kiss the corner of his mouth, now. “Stay.”
They met in the middle.
Lance felt her hands curl into the collar of his shirt as they kissed, her lips pushing softly against his. The touch was unbearably tender, starting a tingle that ran up and down his back. In return, he used the hand that wasn’t on her cheek to hold Pidge against him. He drew circles on the fabric of her blouse, thankful that it was fine enough to feel the give of her skin underneath.
Pidge’s lips moved slowly on his, drawing out the sensation of that first contact. It was Lance who could no longer curb his want and he licked into her mouth, once, twice, until she was chasing his tongue with her own. Pidge sighed into the kiss, dragging a hand down over his chest.
He’d had kisses before – soft and passionate and frenzied and meaningless –, but the feel of Pidge’s body against him and the affection Lance held for her had ignited a spark inside of him that spread heat all over. It was the star, back again, now that there were no more secrets between them.
His smile broke the kiss and they parted, panting.
“So…” Lance let both of his hands rest on her waist. The smugness that grew within him must have shown in his expression, because Pidge looked immediately on guard. “When did you fall for me?” He traced a line down her back with his thumb. “I’m pretty sure I heard something about liking me for three years.”
Pidge pushed at his chest, walking him backwards. “Not telling.”
“Can’t I convince you?” He was trying to go for seductive, but the girl merely laughed.
“Don’t you have more pressing matters to focus on?” She continued to move them until Lance’s legs hit the edge of the bed. He blinked down at her.
“Think you can distract me?” He shot her a smirk. Despite the more sensual undertone it carried, challenges weren’t new between them. It comforted Lance that their dynamics had adjusted so easily to this new aspect of their relationship.
Pidge gave a final push, making him sit down on the bed. He had to brace himself against the mattress.
“I’m sure I can think of something,” she said, sarcasm thick on her voice. And then she climbed into Lance’s lap, a knee on each side of his thighs.
He felt his throat go dry and swallowed instinctively. The new position put her mouth just a little higher than his, making Lance tilt his head back to capture her lips.
“You know…” His voice came out strangled. “I always did like the way you think.”
When Pidge leaned over him, the feel of her hips lowering on his almost made him choke. A more conscious part of his brain was not surprised by her boldness, but it did nothing to calm his stammering heart.
“Just shut up, loverboy,” she muttered against his lips, even as their smiles made it difficult to really get into the kiss. Laughter bubbled up in him and Lance continued to kiss Pidge as her own giggles erupted. There was joy in her mouth and in his chest and in every point of contact between them.
“Oh, I’d forgotten about this.” Lance picked up the green piece of fabric that peaked out from behind a metal plaque.
Pidge glanced up at him, but her attention quickly shifted back to the code she’d been working on.
“Mom left a bunch of books for Romelle here. I think that’s where the ribbons are coming from.”
Lance smiled. He loved how casually they’d fallen into their relationship. As a young boy, he’d fantasized about girlfriends who fawned over him and his accomplishments, but, after so many years as an intergalactic authority, he had learned to appreciate how domestic they had become.
On moments like this, when it was just the two of them behind a closed door, each preoccupied with their own responsibilities, it was their friendship that he valued the most.
“They’re cute,” he exclaimed happily.
Pidge gave him a look of suspicion. “I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me.”
“I’m serious!” Lance squirmed on the bed until he sidled up to her. “My first love also liked ribbons. It’s one of the things I remember the most about her, the green ribbon in her hair.”
“Are you comparing me to your first girlfriend?” Pidge sounded completely done with him and Lance couldn’t really blame her. “Even I know that’s a no-no in a relationship.”
“I’m not comparing anything!” He waved his hands defensively.
Pidge knocked their shoulders together in teasing. They’d only been together for two weeks, but Lance doubted he would ever see her truly jealous, not due to his mindless chatter at least. She and Hunk had told him that Pidge had shown signs of jealousy during their time in the Castle, but Lance couldn’t recall them for the life of him.
It was endlessly frustrating.
“You’re lucky I like you.” Pidge lifted his arm and put it around her, burying into Lance’s side.
“Do you think I don’t know that?” He ran his fingers up and down her skin, feeling the goosebumps that formed at his touch. “Fate was kind when it put you in my life.”
Lance dipped down to nibble at her ear, then trailed kisses over the column of her neck. Pidge giggled in his arms, ticklish and embarrassed at her reactions.
“Down, boy.” She pressed a finger to his nose, pushing him back a bit. He pouted at her, trying to entice Pidge into another kiss. “Are you gonna be this tacky every time I say something sarcastic?”
“For as long as you keep finding it attractive,” he retorted. Lance knew he was being conceited, but he couldn’t help it. There was no ego-boost quite like the sounds his girlfriend made when she was underneath him in one of their beds, mouths and hands fervent in their paths.
In a quick movement, he’d captured the tip of her finger between his teeth, biting playfully. It sent Pidge into a bout of laughter, which had her pushing Lance’s face away as he continued to pepper kisses on her palms, her arms, anywhere he could reach.
“You’re so freaking silly, sometimes!” Pidge draped her legs across his, locking him in place. “Why are you trying to catch my attention, anyway?”
Lance leaned back against the headboard, putting his hands on her calves. She was still in her pajamas; an oversized t-shirt and blue shorts that reached mid-thigh. It was more skin than Pidge normally showed, just another sign of how comfortable she was with him.
“I’m a little bored.” He scrunched up his nose, knowing that wasn’t a reason Pidge would accept. She tried to kick him on the arm, but Lance held on. “Hey! I’m done with the flight plans and you’ve been on your laptop since I got here! I’ve been good!”
“You just tried to make out with me,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I was being good and now I want attention,” Lance corrected shamelessly.
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him, but closed her laptop and settled it next to them on the bed. She scooted a bit closer, until she was sitting on Lance’s lap with her arms around his neck.
“So quiet,” she taunted. One of her nails scraped just underneath his ear, making Lance groan. “And sensitive.”
“You’re a little devil.” He dropped his head on her shoulder.
“I finally found a way to shut you up.” Pidge’s carefree laughter rang right in his ear. Since their days as students, it never failed to bring him a sense of accomplishment. No one could distract Pidge quite like him. “I’ll use it how I see fit.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his nape.
Disgruntled, Lance straightened his posture and caught her lips more firmly, tracing the roof of her mouth with his tongue. Pidge responded with no hesitance and her hands dug into his shoulders to hold him in.
Despite the ease with which they fit, this was as far as Lance had tried to go. Kisses and small touches and gasps that left his entire body burning. Although Pidge had gone on a few dates while he was away, Lance was achingly aware that she was still somewhat inexperienced.
More than that, he knew two weeks could not erase insecurities that were born from years watching him flirt with other girls. He felt ashamed of how crass he might have been in front of Pidge, but he had been young and stupid and copying behaviors from men he’d once admired.
He was thankful for his teammates. Lance knew he was a better man for having known Shiro’s integrity and Hunk’s warmth and Keith’s honesty. Coran had shown him there was pride in being genuine. Allura had taught him about the reality of love. Most of all, he was thankful for Pidge and how she’d kept him in line.
They parted slowly, and Lance surged forward one last time to give a peck to Pidge’s lips. She smiled in amusement.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” She ran her fingers through his hair. “We don’t have to be at Shiro’s until dinner.”
Lance checked his watch. They still had a few hours, but he wanted to get something to eat before then. He’d come into Pidge’s room at noon to find she had just woken up, and his girlfriend had refused to go out before she made some progress on a program for Chip. She’d devoured a bag of chips while she worked, but that was not real food.
“We should grab a late lunch somewhere.” Lance disentangled himself from Pidge, much to her discontentment. “And then I need to get you some fruit or granola bars or something for this room.”
“If I need anything, I usually go to the cafeteria or one of the vending machines.” She shrugged, but accepted the hand Lance offered to pull her up.
“And you have the audacity to question my eating habits.” He sent her a sidelong glare.
“You might be able to cook, but it doesn’t count when the only thing you actually prepare is pasta.” Pidge continued to rifle through the clothes on the floor. Then, not finding anything she wanted, she moved to the wardrobe. “Before entering your pantry, I had only ever seen so much tomato sauce on supermarket shelves.”
Lance wanted to defend himself, but Pidge chose this moment to take the edge of her t-shirt and pull it out. It left her in only a bra and shorts, a sight that Lance couldn’t look away from. Her breasts were small but proportional to her petite frame and her skin was even fairer over her chest, ribs and stomach. The overall effect had Lance choking on air.
Pidge laughed as she pulled a dress over her head.
“That was on purpose!” Lance accused, once he’d found his voice.
“You wouldn’t take off my shirt yesterday, so I thought I would give you a taste, then leave you hanging. See how you like it.” She went to look herself over in the bathroom mirror.
“I was being a gentleman!” He puffed out his cheeks. Pidge loved to make things difficult for him, didn’t she?
“Lance, I love you.” She momentarily turned away from her reflection to look at him. “I have trusted you with my life and my heart. Do you really think I don’t trust you with my body?”
When Pidge said things like that, it always sounded completely logical, but relationships weren’t something one could rationalize their way through.
Lance went to stand behind her, resting his hands on the line where her grey dress flared out. Pidge looked very sensible and very beautiful in the high neckline, with how it left her arms exposed.
“I think I want you to believe how much I love you,” he answered, turning her around, “before we do anything you haven’t done yet.”
Her amber eyes were narrowed as she looked at him, but Lance didn’t back down. She eventually heaved a sigh and he could tell he’d won the argument.
“I can’t believe I’m dating a sap.”
“Hey, you knew who I was before!” Lance let her walk past him and back to the bed. “You signed up for this, Pidgeon!”
“Are you ready to go?” She pulled on her sneakers, glaring at him half-heartedly. At her side, Lance caught sight of the green ribbon again.
“Sure, but I think you’re missing something.” At Pidge’s look of confusion, he marched up to her and picked up the ribbon, waving it in the air.
“Really?” she deadpanned at him.
Lance chuckled, already gathering her hair with the fabric. “I just want to see how it looks.” He tied a bow on top of Pidge’s head, snickering. “That really is adorable.”
She frowned up at him and raised a hand to feel what he’d done, then groaned.
“That’s not how I used to wear it!” Pidge protested, already fumbling with the style until the fabric slipped down her short hair.
“Show me, then.” Lance propped his chin on his hand.
Pidge huffed, but laid the ribbon across her hair like a headband, tying a knot on one side and letting the excess fabric hang loose. “There!” she stated with a flourish. “Much less childish.”
“Huh.” Lance stared at her in puzzlement. “That’s… Huh.”
“Does it look that bad?” She patted at her hair. “I haven’t done this since I was thirteen.”
“No!” His answer was hurried. “It just… looks exactly how Italian girl wore it.”
Pidge blinked at him. “Italian girl?”
“My first love. I think I told you about her.” He couldn’t really shake the familiarity of the green ribbon against her reddish-brown hair. “We met in this Space Camp I went to in Miami. Ronie had a research position there and she dragged me along.”
“You’re talking about the Bouman Aeronautics Research Institute.”
Now it was just getting freaky. Pidge, too, looked at him like he’d grown a second head.
“Yeah…” Lance scratched the back of his neck. “How do you know that?”
“Because my father was a lecturer and Matt was also in the research program.” She sounded just as bewildered as he was. “You’re Spanish boy.”
The two stared at each other for a moment. Now that they were talking about it, Lance could see the similarities that he’d missed so far. It was no wonder he’d always liked Pidge’s eyes; he could still remember how they shone in the sunlight.
“Are you actually Italian girl?” He sat down, still in shock.
“I cannot believe that we’ve known each other this whole time.” Pidge threw her head back, laughing. He soon joined her. The situation was just ridiculous.
“And you didn’t want me to believe in fate.” Lance grinned at her. Pidge still wore the green ribbon in her hair and the color contrasted nicely against her features. Maybe it was because he still remembered how she had been as Italian girl, but the image made him feel unexpectedly soft.
“Oh good grief,” she exclaimed suddenly, eyes wide, “I’m the reason you believe in fate!” He burst out laughing again while Pidge swatted at his arm. “It’s not funny! It’s actually awful!”
“Well,” Lance said once he was able to control himself, “at least you can stop thinking you’re not my type. I fell for you twice!”
“You fell for a pretty girl in a dress that you met when you were a child.” Pidge snorted, standing up to grab her purse. Lance clutched her hand with gentle fingers and stopped her from turning away.
“I fell for a smart girl who helped me realize my worth. Twice.” He winked. “Though it certainly didn’t hurt that she was pretty.”
Pidge shook her head disapprovingly, but still leaned down to kiss him, lips moving in a tempting pace against his. When she pulled back, Lance tried to follow.
He felt dazed by their discovery, but not completely blind-sighted. Pidge had always intrigued him, even right at the start. It had taken time for Lance to recognize the feelings he developed for her, like it had with Italian girl, and then he was already in the middle of it, too into her to stop himself from acting stupid.
It might have been the quintessence stored in him or just wishful thinking, but he thought Allura, too, would be cheering for them.
Pidge pulled at his hand until Lance stood up. She looked a bit red, a bit breathless.
“We’ll finish this later, you Casanova.” And she sealed the promise with another kiss.
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Survey #454
“last thing i remember, i was running for the door  /  i had to find the passage back to the place i was before”
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it? I have no clue. Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)? I don't know. Public transportation isn't a big thing here at all, and even whenever I get my license, my partner needing to get somewhere while I'm needed elsewhere could be problematic. I think it would also depend on why they don't want their license. Like if they had a traumatic wreck, I couldn't blame them. How would you react if your artwork became famous? That'd be fucking amazing. Would you get your nipples pierced? I've briefly considered it. I ultimately wouldn't, though. How many people know your birthday? Without the assistance of Facebook, a few, I guess. My immediate family, Sara, uhhhh... Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in? Yes, and it worked. For the better, though. He had a bad reputation. Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial? Ha, yes, this one time with Girt. It was a vacuum infomercial. We were just really bored at my place and... okay, I have no justification for watching that whole thing lmao. What is your current MySpace song? I still remember it was "Pocketful of Sunshine" by Natasha Beddingfield lmaooo. What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich? Ham. Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with? Sara or Jason, idk. How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets? I don't care. Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins? No. What was the most disturbing thing you have ever heard your mother say? Mom and my older sister got in a fight once and Mom yelled that she was a slut. I don't know why, but... it never left me, and I GUARANTEE it never left Ashley (who is not a "slut," by the way). This was when she was a teenager, so it's been many years and I can absolutely promise you Mom regrets it, big time. I don't even have to ask. Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it? Mark and meerkats, ha ha. Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike? Chewy is the way to GO. If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them? I wouldn't care. I'm pansexual, anyway. Anyone can be attractive to either gender's clothes to me. I think assigning clothes to a specific gender is dumb, anyway. Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful? I only remember how my maternal grandmother looked, and yeah, she was a pretty lady. Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on? Mark, ha ha. I know way too much on a person I've never met. When was the last time you got all dolled up? Not since last October when I did a witchy Halloween shoot with friends. Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.) No. Do you have a criminal record? No. Last person you took a nap with? Sara, years ago. Well, unless you count my cat. He always comes running when he hears me getting comfy in bed, ha ha. Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well? Yes, and angry because I want to stop whatever it is making her cry, but I usually can't. Do you think someone likes the same person you like? I have no idea. Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever? God no. Have you ever been to craigslist.com? Yes; I've adopted and rehomed pets from there. What about eBay? Mom's bought stuff from there. Have you ever used Nair? Yes, on my legs. It's just as exhausting as shaving with how thick my hair is. Are you medicated? I think I'm on too much medication, personally. I want to try weaning off my OCD prescription, because I haven't had problems in a long time, but my psychiatrist doesn't want to? Which is odd to me because when I came to him, he was stunned by how many different meds I was on. He's concerned that the symptoms will just re-emerge, but like... I've beaten OCD before, for many years. I can do it again. I trust him with my life though, because he saved it, so I just go with what he says, honestly. Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows? No. Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex? I've worn Jason's pajama pants before because I found men's pj pants more comfortable, and besides, sometimes I spent the night when I didn't plan to and needed something more comfortable than jeans. Could you make a statement about anything political? Texas' new "heartbeat bill" is fucking bullshit and is going to get so many women killed from DIY abortions. Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates, but I do believe I met the person I loved more than I could ever possibly love somebody else again. Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon? Fuck if I know. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? Yes. Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Yes. Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? I have. How often do you go bowling? Very, very rarely. I haven't been since I was on a date at the end of 2017, I wanna say??? Or was it '18??? Last time you were in an apartment? Not since Colleen still lived in one and I was visiting her. Have you ever seen a live seahorse? Yeah, in aquariums. Would you like to have your own yacht? I mean I wouldn't say no if you offered it to me for free, but I'm not exactly interested in one. I'd probably just give it to my dad. He'd be on Cloud 9. Winnie the Pooh or Tigger? Pooh! :^) What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today? A brownie with caramel drizzle. Mom bought a box of them to split between Ash and her family and us, so I had one. :x Thankfully though she gave more to Ash, because I don't like having treats in the house for my weight's sake, but a little something sweet occasionally keeps you sane when you're trying to lose weight. Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? Ew, no. What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot? I'd really appreciate something hand-made, like a drawing or something. What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to? He likes mostly the same stuff as me, but also more indie-ish stuff than me. Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? Jason. His eyes are brown. Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? Supernatural. It's inevitable that I'll sing, ha ha. Do you eat dessert after dinner? Very, very rarely. Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day? No. When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink? I don't go out drinking, but if I was to order a drink right now, I'd go for a sangria. That sounds soooo good rn. What was the last animal that you saw? My cat. Venus is in her hide as I'm answering this, so I can't see her. What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings? I told Nicole bye when she was leaving the other day. What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for: My snake. What is your favorite messaging program? Discord, nowadays. Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week? Yikes, no. Have you ever almost drowned? No. Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook? It wasn't shocking in a bad way, just very unexpected. One of my friends has been an egg donor twice, I wanna say? What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted? I have no clue. Nothing that dangerous. Well wait, I shared the story of holding a tarantula before, and I was still kinda nervous to do so when I did. She was a total sweetie, though. Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for? I actually don't. Other than he got my attention with "lip ring girl," lmao. Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why? No, because they're all the same to me. If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it? I add a bit of sugar. What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep? *shrug* Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: Milky Way, 100%. Do you use Mozilla Firefox? No, I use Chrome. Who is your favorite person to hug? Sara. Have you ever had to have a mug shot? No. What was the last thing you carried to your room? Water. When was the last time you had a late night phone call? Damn dude, I couldn't possibly tell ya.
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yutaya · 3 years
Iron Fist Rewatch 1x05: Under Leaf Pluck Lotus
I like this shot. The way the women are shown reflected in the wall first. Also lol quintessential synchronized female power strut
Why wait until you’re IN the office to move your wedding ring?? Or to unbutton your shirt? Well, that one I can understand - let all the people who see you heading INTO the office see the shirt still buttoned up. The ring, though - unless the POINT is to be seen moving it? Imply that you’re open to cheating or something? Ugh.
This is so sketchy.
Danny’s employees be like: “Having? My voice heard? At work? Having? My opinion? Be valued? My? Contribution? Being? Acknowledged? Personally??? ??? ??? What is happening????? ??????” And then it’s the “the worthy leader’s people love and are completely loyal to them” trope (aka one of my greatest weaknesses) forever. <3
Lmao Joy you’re cold.
“Is that heroin? You bring drugs into my office?” *Laughing/sobbing*
Ward just staring blankly while Danny name drops a bunch of triad stuff like Ward is supposed to know what that is. Danny: “...It’s a criminal syndicate.” Ward: *heavy sigh*
Danny, continuing: “So I was talking to the criminals with the hatchets and asked them for intel. They sent me a box, which was clearly a message!” Ward: “You 👏 sound 👏 in 👏 sane. 👏” Danny: “No, look, the proof is that the symbol on this heroin looks like the undying dragon that made me a living weapon!”
Lol “Harold said so himself” no faster way to turn Ward off a plan, sorry Danny
Danny. How do you manage to make half your conversations sound sketchy as hell?
Joy: *brings up the Hatchet men and Red Hook right after Danny was telling Ward about it in relation to the Hand* Ward: *alarm bells ringing because HAS DANNY BEEN TELLING JOY ALL THE THINGS WE SPECIFICALLY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL JOY?* Joy: Anyway, about Dad’s cancer... Ward: Oh, ok then.
Siiiiiiigh this conversation where Ward reassures Joy that she’s a good person making the right decision when she feels bad about doing something but does it anyway - to protect their own company and personal interests - and adds on a load of “also you don’t really feel guilty because you think this is wrong, you just feel sad because you’re remembering Dad, don’t mix it up”
Colleen to Claire, Iron Fist 1x05: “Oh what was that? Come on, hit me.” Colleen to Misty, Luke Cage 2x03: *hitting directly on Misty’s stump while Misty yells at her to stop* “You came to me. I’m not easy. You don’t like that?”
Claire: “I guess I got tired of people doing things for me all the time.” Claire was a helpful nurse in Daredevil, and a friend with medical knowledge in Luke Cage - Iron Fist is where she says “I am tired of being reactionary”
LOL Danny’s cute little smile when he comes in to see Colleen doing her normal thing, training a student, just - it’s so loving and adorable even though they BARELY KNOW EACH OTHER YET
Claire just giving Colleen knowing looks ahahahaha
This scene is SO CUTE Jessica and Finn do such a great job playing all the body language and speech cadences like two teenagers with crushes on each other
DANNY ordering takeout for a talk with someone without even checking to see if they’re free first is SO PRESUMPTUOUS what if she wasn’t free (which she WASN’T) or didn’t want to talk or had already eaten/already had meal plans?
I’m literally laughing out loud hahahaha takeout hahahaha
Claire is laughing at them too. This fumbling “date?” conversation is too adorable I can’t
LMAO Claire knows EXACTLY how much she is third wheeling them right now but she doesn’t care because Damn that food looks good. Girl knows what she wants. (Also a little bit of female solidarity helping to buffer when your friend has literally said “no” to the guy - but in this particular case it’s SO OBVIOUS that Colleen likes him back that I read she’s leaning more towards the ‘it’s just to make sure but also that food looks REALLY good’ - then again, especially with all the things Claire has seen there really is no such thing as ‘too cautious’... let’s go with the way she hints is an opening and when Colleen leaps on the opportunity for Claire to stay it becomes ‘yep, I’m definitely doing this, Colleen doesn’t want to be alone with the dude: confirmed’)
Ward is looking at the problem as what it is: a set-up, and they don’t fall for traps. Joy goes “Remember that I am better at public perception than you - there are more factors here to consider than what everyone involved in this particular case knows. I’M thinking long term about potential future ramifications.”
“He’s in a completely different world, Joy.” “He lives in ours, now.”
That awkward moment when you’re already digging in and someone starts praying
The way Danny just goes shutters down mode when Claire starts probing about how harsh life in the monastery was
Colleen, brainwaving to Claire: ‘YOU BITCH DON’T LEAVE ME HERE’ Claire, brainwaving right back: ‘”Vow of chastity.” I’m good. You’re on your own, girl.’ She does do one last check in to make sure Colleen really isn’t worried though which I appreciate.
Danny. You lovable buffoon. You think Ward’s problem is that he doesn’t believe you? And that if he did believe this was happening he would of course immediately take action to shut it down? Colleen to Ward, sometime in the future: “Danny has Always had way more faith in you than you deserve.” ToT
Colleen: “Ok soooo I’m still not seeing the part where you had to come tell me this? Am I just your favorite sounding board or...?” Danny: “Well, I want you to come stakeout and possibly getting killed WITH me, of course.” Colleen: “Wait, is this a date?” Danny: “What? No! I mean. Unless you want it to be?” Colleen: “No!” Danny: “No. No, uh, definitely, uh, not a date. Heh.” Colleen: “Good.” Danny: “Good.” *both nod*
Of course the argument that gets to Colleen is how this will endanger her students.
DANNY trying to convince someone to do something and then when they hesitate dropping “by the way I’m your new landlord” on them is SKETCHY you foolish foolish boy. How do you manage to come across so sketchy all the time?!
Ward: *cheerfully throwing Danny under the bus* Joy: *warning Look* Ward: *sighhhhhh you ruin all my fun Joy*
Joy: *radiating ‘just wait til we’re alone’ vibes at Ward* “:) I will back up my brother wholeheartedly because we are a united front and I refuse to let the board see any cracks to even try and exploit :)” *’JUST YOU WAIT WARD YOUR ASS IS GRASS’*
Ahahaha “Ward has always led our company to greatness with his mad genius” when Ward knows most of those decisions were actually Harold I’m cry
Danny. That’s Colleen’s private property Danny. It’s very presumptuous to order takeout, buy her building, and start playing with her katana, Danny.
Martial art style teasing rivalry culture I love it
They’re too cute
“suck on that, Dad” Ward be like “yeah i went against everything smart that Joy and board were arguing for me to do just to make your precious company look bad DAD whatchu gonna do, huh? gonna send me more vaguely threatening text messages about how not a single moment in my life is private from you, huh, DAD? fuck you”
Danny: “it’s just nice, having someone to count on.” Colleen: “You have the Meachums.” Danny: *remains silent* IT’S SO DAMNING ahahaha Colleen has so many reasons to hate the Meachums hahahaha
Danny: “I don’t even know what I’m doing or saying until it’s taken the wrong way,” Well, I’m glad you realize that, Danny. You’ve seen how many times in the last TWO EPISODES ALONE people have recoiled slightly and gone “woah, woah, what are you doing?” Oh buddy.
Danny: “Ok, look, this stakeout is dangerous, but it’s not ILLEGAL. Technically, I own that pier, so it’s not trespassing or anything.” Radovan: “No hospitals! I’m a wanted man in several countries.”
High Ward T_T and the two different conversations Ward and Joy are having right now T_T and the way Joy doesn’t have the information to even begin to know what Ward is talking about but how she can FEEL that it’s BAD and - T___T
High Ward with his walls down cuddling Joy’s arm and saying “you stood by me” and Joy scared as hell but not hesitating on “we’re family,” as her explanation T________T
“The Hand.” - Danny knew this was The Hand going in. Claire is freaking out because SHE LEFT HELL’S KITCHEN TO GET AWAY FROM THE HAND FUCK THAT HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO HER? Colleen is freaking out for an entirely different reason. :(
“The Hand is everywhere.” Cut from Claire and Danny to a new shot of Colleen looking on in the background.
Claire: “This is not something a rich kid from the Upper West Side can just ‘handle’, ok? This is a job that requires someone with special.... skills.” Ahahahaa poor Claire how DOES this keep happening to her?
Danny, with utmost conviction: “I am the ONLY one who can defeat them.” Claire: *long, defeated sigh. How many freaking times has she heard this before and how many times will she hear it again?*
Colleen: “This is my choice.” Danny hears: “because it’s the right thing to do and I care about the people of this city especially my kids who are highly likely to be effected and also I maybe care about you too.” Colleen means: “because this is the Bad Hand that is sullying my family’s good name and I will not let that stand. I will work together with my family and we will defeat this.”
Gao: “’His hands’. Are you sure it wasn’t his fist?” Guard: “Ummmmm what’s the difference”
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
Entertainment Weekly Arrow Article
We never get any big articles of Arrow, so yeah I am posting the whole damn thing. There were some interesting little tidbits and of course discussion around Emily Bett Rickards’ exit. Is it wrong that I am low key pissed that of course Arrow gets the cover of EW after she leaves? Is it also wrong that while I’m happy Arrow is getting some attention, I’m annoyed it wasn’t an Olicity cover? Cuz that’s where I am at. (X)
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How Arrow saved the TV superhero — and why it had to end
As 'Arrow' prepares for the end, Stephen Amell and the producers reflect on its origin story and preview the 'Crisis'-bound eighth and final season. 
Stephen Amell is dreading the eighth and final season of Arrow, though you wouldn’t know it on this hot, sunny July day in Los Angeles. Wearing Green Arrow’s new suit, the CW star seems perfectly at ease as he strikes heroic pose after heroic pose on a dimly lit stage. But once he’s traded heavy verdant leather for a T-shirt, jeans, and baseball cap, his guard drops and the vulnerability starts to creep in as he contemplates Arrow’s last 10 episodes, which was set to begin production in Vancouver a week after the EW photoshoot took place and premieres Oct. 15.
“I’m very emotional and melancholy, but it’s time,” Amell — who is featured on the new cover of Entertainment Weekly — says as he takes a sip from a pint of Guinness. “I’m 38 years old, and I got this job when I was 30. I’d never had a job for more than a year. The fact that I’ve done this for the better part of a decade, and I’m not going to do it anymore, is a little frightening.”
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Developed by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg, Arrow debuted in the fall of 2012. The DC Comics series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Amell), who, after years away, returned to now–Star City with one goal: to save his home-town as the hooded bow-and-arrow vigilante who would become known as Green Arrow (it would take him four seasons to assume the moniker). What began as a solo crusade eventually grew to include former soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey), quirky computer genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), lawyer-turned-hero Laurel Lance/Black Canary (Katie Cassidy Rodgers), and the rest of Team Arrow. Together they’ve defended their city from a host of threats — dark archers, megalomaniacal magicians, and the occasional metahuman — while Lost-like flashbacks revealed what Oliver endured in the five years he was away, first shipwrecked and then honing his skills around the world to become someone else, something else.
The premiere gave The CW its most-watched series debut since 2009’s The Vampire Diaries. But before they launched Arrow, Berlanti and Guggenheim had to suffer through a failure: 2011’s Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds. The duo co-wrote the script but lost creative control of the film, which flopped. So when Warner Bros. Television president Peter Roth approached them in late 2011 about developing a Green Arrow show, they were wary. After much deliberation, Berlanti and Guggenheim agreed, on the condition that they maintain control. Says Guggenheim, “As long as we succeed or fail on our own work, and not someone else’s work then maybe this is worth a shot.”
Their take on the Emerald Archer — who made his DC Comics debut in 1941 — was noteworthy from the beginning. Taking cues from films like The Dark Knight and The Bourne Identity and series like Homeland, the writers imagined a dark, gritty, and grounded show centered on a traumatized protagonist. “As we were breaking the story, we made very specific commitments to certain tonal things, such as ‘At the end of act 1, he has his hands around his mother’s throat.’ And, ‘At the end of act 2, he kills a man in cold blood to protect his secret,’ ” says Guggenheim.
A hero committing murder? That was practically unheard of then. Having Oliver suit up in a veritable superhero costume by the pilot’s climax was radical too. Sure, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was deep into Phase One when the producers were developing Arrow, but TV was traditionally more apprehensive about comic books. Smallvillefamously had a “no tights, no flights” rule and only introduced superhero costumes in the last years of its 10-season run, and there weren’t any masked avengers running around NBC’s Heroes or ABC’s No Ordinary Family, the latter produced by Berlanti (Let’s not even mention NBC’s The Cape, which was essentially dead on arrival and never did get its six seasons and a movie). But Arrow not only fully committed to the idea of someone dressing up like Robin Hood to fight crime with a bow and arrow, it introduced a second costumed rogue, the Huntress (Jessica De Gouw), in episode 7.
“It’s just comic book to the extreme and the fans seem to really love it,” says Batwomanshowrunner Caroline Dries, a former writer on Smallville. “They still maintain it very grounded, but it’s very different with everyone in costumes. The appetite for superheroes has changed in my mind in terms of like they just want the literal superhero [now].”
Not that the team wasn’t meticulous about creating Green Arrow’s cowl. “We had to have so many conversations to get it approved, but that’s why we got [Oscar winner] Colleen Atwood [Memoirs of a Geisha] at the time to [design] the suit,” says Berlanti. “We were determined to show we could do on TV what they were doing in the movies every six months.”
“It’s really easy to make a guy with a bow and arrow look silly. We sweated every detail,” says Guggenheim, who also recalls how much effort it took to perfect Oliver’s signature growl. “I actually flew up to Vancouver. On a rooftop during reshoots on [episode 4], Stephen and I went through a variety of different versions of, basically, ‘You have failed this city,’ with different amounts of how much growl he’s putting into his performance. [We] recorded all that, [I went] back to Los Angeles, and then sat with the post guys playing around with all the different amounts of modulation.”
That process took eons compared to the unbelievably easy time the team had casting Arrow’s title role. In fact, Amell was the first person to audition for the role. “It was Stephen’s intensity. He just made you believe he was that character,” says Guggenheim, recalling Amell’s audition. “We had crafted Oliver to be this mystery box character, and Stephen somehow managed to find this balance between being totally accessible in a way you would need a TV star to be, but he’s still an enigma.” After his first reading, Amell remembers being sent outside for a short time before being brought back into the room to read for a larger group: “I called [my manager], and I go, ‘I know this is not how it’s supposed to work, but I just got that job.’”
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In the first season, the show’s chief concerns were maintaining both the “grounded and real” tone and the high quality of the stunts, and investing the audience in Oliver’s crusade. Beyond that, though, there wasn’t much of an over-arching plan, which allowed the show to naturally evolve — from introducing more DC characters, such as Deathstroke (Manu Bennett) and Roy Harper (Colton Haynes), sooner than they initially intended (the shot of Deathstroke’s mask in the pilot was meant as a harmless Easter egg), to promoting Emily Bett Rickards’ Felicity from a one-off character in the show’s third episode to a series regular in season 2 and eventually Oliver’s wife. Even the whole idea of a Team Arrow — which, over time, added Oliver’s sister Thea (Willa Holland), Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez) and Dinah Drake/Black Canary (Juliana Harkavy) — was the result of the writers allowing the best ideas to guide the story. “Greg used to say all the time, ‘You have a hit TV show until you don’t, so don’t save s—,’ ” says Amell.
Also not planned: Arrow spawning an entire shared universe. “We went on record a lot of times during the premiere of the pilot saying, ‘No superpowers, no time travel.’ But midway through season 1, Greg started to harbor a notion of doing the Flash,” says Guggenheim. “I’m a very big believer that it’s great to have a plan, but I think when it comes to creating a universe, the pitfall is that people try to run before they can walk. The key is, you build it show by show.” And so they did. First, they introduced The Flash star Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen in the two-part midseason finale of Arrow’s second season. From there, Supergirl took flight in 2015, then DC’s Legends of Tomorrow in 2016, and Batwoman is due this fall. “It’s like the hacking of the machete in the woods and then you look back and you’re like, ‘Oh, there’s a path,” says executive producer and Berlanti Productions president Sarah Schechter. But even though Arrowis the universe’s namesake, Amell doesn’t concern himself with the sibling series outside of the now-annual crossovers. “I never think about any of the other shows,” he says. “I want all of them to do great, but they’re not my responsibility. My responsibility is Arrow, and to make sure everyone from the cast to the crew are good.” His sentiments are seconded by Flash’s Gustin: “I don’t understand how he does it — his schedule that he maintains with working out, the conventions he goes to, the passion he has for it, and the love he shows towards fans. He’s always prepared. He cares more about that show being high quality than anybody else on the set.”
That said, the universe’s expansion precipitated what is widely considered to be Arrow’s best season, the fifth one. After focusing on magic in season 4, the show returned to its street-crime roots as part of “a concerted effort to play not just to our strengths but what made the shows unique,” Guggenheim says of balancing their four super-series in 2016. “Because Arrow was the longest-running Arrowverse show, we were able to do something that none of the other shows could do, which is have a villain who was basically born out of the events of season 1,” he explains of introducing Adrian Chase/Prometheus (Josh Segarra), whose criminal father was killed by Oliver. “That gave the season a resonance.”
It was midway through season 6 when Amell realized he was ready to hang up Oliver Queen’s hood. “It was just time to move on,” the actor says of pitching that Oliver leave the series at the end of season 7. “My daughter is turning six in October, and she goes to school in L.A., and my wife and I want to raise her [there].” Berlanti persuaded him to return for one final season, which the producers collectively decided would be the end. “We all felt in our gut it was the right time,” says Berlanti. Adds Schechter, “It’s such a privilege to be able to say when something’s ending as opposed to having something just ripped away.”
But there’s one integral cast member who won’t be around to see Arrow through its final season. This spring, fans were devastated to learn Rickards had filmed her final episode—bringing an end to Olicity. “They’re such opposites. I think that’s what draws everyone in a little bit,” showrunner Beth Schwartz says of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. “You don’t see the [love story of] super intelligent woman and the sort of hunky, athletic man very often. She’s obviously a gorgeous woman but what he really loves is her brain.” For his part, Amell believes the success of both Felicity and Olicity lies completely with Rickards’ performance. “She’s supremely talented and awesome and carved out a space that no one anticipated. I don’t know that show works if we don’t randomly find her,” says Amell, adding that continuing the series without Team Arrow’s heart is “not great. Arrow, as you know it, has effectively ended. It’s a different show in season 8.” And he’s not exaggerating.
The final season finds Oliver working for the all-seeing extra-terrestrial the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) and trying to save the entire multiverse from a cataclysmic event. “[We’re] taking the show on the road, really getting away from Star City. Oliver is going to be traveling the world, and we’re going to go to a lot of different places,” says Guggenheim. “Every time I see Oliver and the Monitor, it’s like, ‘Okay, we are very far from where we started.’ But again, that means the show has grown and evolved.” Adds Schwartz, “This is sort of his final test because it’s greater than Star City.” Along the way, he will head down memory lane, with actor Colin Donnell, who played Oliver’s best friend Tommy Merlyn in season 1, and Segarra’s Adrian Chase making appearances. “Episode 1 is an ode to season 1, and episode 2 is an ode to season 3,” teases Amell. “We’re playing our greatest hits.”
But season 8 is not just about building toward a satisfying series finale. “Everything relates to what’s going to happen in our crossover episode, which we’ve never done before,” says Schwartz. Spanning five hours and airing this winter, “Crisis on Infinite Earths” will be the biggest crossover yet and may see Oliver perish trying to save the multiverse from destruction, if the Monitor’s prophecy is to be believed. “Oliver [is told] he’s going to die, so each episode in the run-up to ‘Crisis’ has Oliver dealing with the various stages of grief that come with that discovery,” says Guggenheim. “So the theme really is coming to terms, acceptance.”
If there’s one person who has made his peace with Oliver’s fate, it’s Amell. “Because he’s a superhero with no superpowers, I always felt he should die — but he may also not die,” says Amell, who actually found out what the show’s final scene would be at EW’s cover shoot. “I cried as [Marc Guggenheim] was telling me. There are a lot of hurdles to get over to make that final scene.” Get this man some more Guinness!
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kcwcommentary · 5 years
VLD8x08 – “Clear Day”
8x08 – “Clear Day”
This episode is so frustrating. The carnival is a waste of time, but that’s less frustrating than Allura’s hallucination and dream. All writing is a choice. If you write a cryptic dream into a story, it has to be for a reason, it has to mean something. And I want Allura’s hallucinations and dream to mean something. I feel like I desperately try to tease out a meaning from it when I watch it. But I don’t know what it means. It’s never explained in the show, and it’s so frustrating. Ultimately, I end up so annoyed by it that I just think that the show’s creative team didn’t actually have a real meaning for the hallucinations and the dream. I think they probably just had these cryptic moments for no other reason than to just be cryptic. I don’t think they thought they had to have an explanation for what it all meant, let alone that they had a storyteller’s obligation to explain it in the story.
I’m left feeling that this episode is just more audience manipulation, and I’m not okay with that.
The episode starts with Allura talking to Tova. Hunk’s cookies caused zealots who wanted to commit genocide to now want to cooperate with Allura. That ending scene last episode leading into this cooperation really only works if you ignore everything the show has established about these Alteans. If they had only been angry and hadn’t really done anything and were captured and then they ate cookies and calmed down and changed their mind about Honerva, that would be fine. But the show specifically identified these Alteans as the ones who were piloting the Robeasts, and those Robeasts were used to drain the quintessence of several planets. Just because the Rebels seem to have been able to evacuate the population of those planets doesn’t negate the fact that these Alteans were trying to commit genocide. It really is creepy that this show just ignores that now.
Tova tells Allura that he doesn’t have much time to talk to her. This connects to how in 8x01 “Launch Date” when Luca talked to Romelle, Honerva remote killed Luca. Tova says, “Now that she has Lotor, she will use him to destroy everything—” So the show is again explicitly saying that Lotor is back. Tova states this as fact, so Honerva had to have specifically spoken to the Colony Alteans about this being the goal. Since Lotor doesn’t actually come back in this show since he’s a melted corpse, are we supposed to assume (assume, since the show never bothers to show us) that Honerva was just lying to the Alteans?
Tova convulses and falls on the floor, two creepy-mask medical personnel (seriously, who thought the visual design on medical personnel was a good look?) come in, and Allura tells them to back off. At first, I thought it was weird that she was keeping Tova from receiving medical attention. She kneels down, holds out her hand, and her hand starts glowing, and I thought she was going to use her magic healing like she did with Lance in 6x01 “Omega Shield.” Then she says, “I feel something.” Why is she only feeling it now? The entity has been in him the whole time.
She apparently magically pulls a rift creature, last seen in 3x07 “The Legend Begins,” out of Tova. I really wish this show had not brought the rift creatures back into the story since the story doesn’t really do much with it beyond this episode. The creature flails around the room. Monitoring outside is Sam and Matt’s robot? cyborg? person in a mask? girlfriend. Why is she even part of this scene? Why is Sam even in this scene really? He’s not a doctor, he’s not a diplomat, he’s not the ship’s captain, he’s not Romelle or Coran, so he doesn’t have a cultural investment in this conversation. Sam is the ship’s engineer. There is not reason for him to be here except that they wanted someone to speak technobabble. Why couldn’t that have been Coran? He knows a lot about technology and could have thus spoken technobabble, and he would have had a reason to be watching because he’s Altean, Allura’s there, and they’re trying to get the Colony Alteans to cooperate. Having Coran here would have made so much more sense than having Sam, and Coran has the added benefit of being one of the show’s main characters. So, once again, the show has shoved a main character to the side in order to give time to a side character.
Allura, Tova, and the medical personnel exit through the door, and conveniently, the rift creature does not attempt to follow them as they do so. Sam hits a button, metal in the room clumps together in the center of the room, and then cut to their having somehow gotten the creature out of the room and into a small container. Allura tells Sam that the creature was trying to communicate with her. I use this stated attempt to communicate as being the foundation for my attempts to interpret Allura’s hallucinations and dream.
Curtis and Shiro directly talk to one another! About a picking up “an abnormal signal.” So, you know, clearly, they’re in love.
It’s the guy from that planet in 4x04 “The Voltron Show!” where the weather is only clear one day out of the year. Like in that episode, this episode seems to think saying Coran’s inability to know what day it is on that planet is the result of “time dilation.” It didn’t work as a joke in “The Voltron Show!” and works even less as a joke now because the way it’s used this time doesn’t even seem to come from understanding what time dilation is. The “abnormal signal” that Curtis picked up was solely that there are a bunch of inhabitants on the planet who are currently on the surface. That is not a signal!
The alien guy rants at Shiro when Shiro suggests it’s too dangerous because of some miscellaneous threat. The Galra have completely ceased to be a thing in this show. We’re to somehow think that a universe-spanning military dictatorship culture that has lasted for 10,000 years has stopped being a problem because Honerva killed a handful of people in 8x02 “Shadows.” Honerva hasn’t been spotted in a while and is leaving no wormhole trail, according to Allura last episode. So, what’s the danger that Shiro is so worried about that he thinks a planetary cultural event should be cancelled?
The alien guy tells Shiro if he’s so worried about their safety, then they can come provide security free of charge. Shiro tells Veronica to make a shipwide announcement, “We’re going to Clear Day.” Cut to them seemingly having already arrived because Lance is asking Allura if she’s sure she doesn’t want “to go down to the carnival.” Allura says that she wants to rest after what happened to Tavo. Lance offers to stay with her, but she tells him to go, to “win [her] a prize […] something sparkly.” One cliché guy-winning-a-girl-a-prize-at-a-carnival reference, check. Even with it being totally cliché, I do actually like that Lance seems genuine about wanting to get something in order to try to lift Allura’s spirit when he arrives on the planet. The fact that he’s having to lift her spirit though, continues supporting my argument that Allura was depressed this whole season.
Once again on this show, a planet is populated only by a small number of people in a single, small location. Why is the show like this? Every alien civilization (other than the Galra) only has a planetary population the size of one town. It’s so off.
Pidge and Hunk offer to help Lance look for something for Allura. Keith overdoes it with the professionalism (which is slightly endearing) by being too focused on their providing security for the event. Shiro, who had been the one who initially was so worried about whether the people of this planet should be having this event due to miscellaneous threat, now doesn’t seem to remember he was worried earlier. Now, he tells Keith, “Relax. Go have fun.” Keith asks, “If we’re not here for protection, then what are we even doing here?” So, yeah, about two-and-a-half minutes after having said, “Are you sure hosting a celebration is safe? This sector has seen a lot of hostile activity lately,” Shiro has now been written to have a totally different motivation, telling Keith now, “Morale on the Atlas is low after what happened on Oriande. Who knows, a few hours at the carnival might just give us the boost we need to get back on track.” This show can’t be consistently written for even three minutes. This latter motivation of Shiro wanting to boost the crew’s morale makes a lot more sense than his earlier concern about a miscellaneous threat. Although, they’re only going to be here for a few hours? I thought the celebration was supposed to last an entire day.
Back on the Atlas, Allura wakes up and hallucinates Lance. He talks about the Altean flower that Colleen was growing last episode and has since given Allura. “I had assumed they had gone extinct,” she says thereby marking the flower as a symbol of the Altean people. She hears Lotor’s voice saying, “You should know better than anyone nothing ever truly goes extinct.” Lance is gone, and then Lotor is there. He says, “It’s good to see you again, Princess. You know, the ancients believed that all of life began with a single juniberry flower.” Allura summons her bayard and tries to cut through Lotor, but she only damages the wall and floor, not him.
He tells her, “You and I desire the same thing. We both seek to destroy Haggar.” Allura counters, “Haggar? Haggar is no longer. She is Honerva now.” I know the show desperately thinks it has told a story about someone who has differentiated personalities caused by quintessence poisoning, but it really hasn’t. Haggar, Honerva, it doesn’t matter what name she uses or what appearance she’s taken on, she’s still the same person. Lotor agrees with me, “Though I could rename this a highland poppy, you and I would still know what it truly is. The witch may change her name, but she will always be a witch.”
It’s really baffling in a way. It’s like this show doesn’t even know what position it wants to take about the fundamental truth about Honerva. The show very much expects the audience to consider Honerva absolved of her behavior post-quintessence poisoning, but here it has someone arguing that Haggar and Honerva are just two names for the same person, so following through with that, Honerva most absolutely shouldn’t be forgiven for her abusive and genocidal behavior.
And since this isn’t really Lotor talking but the rift entity, what are we supposed to think about Lotor here telling Allura this. What Lotor is saying is totally right, but are we supposed to interpret this as the rift entity manipulating and deceiving Allura? The show did expect us to think everything Lotor said in seasons five and six that was totally truthful and accurate were actually manipulative lies. It’s so weird. The way this show does this by having him say things that are so clearly true, but then to try to say those clear truths are deceptions, it makes it feel like the executive producers and writers of the show are trying to gaslight the audience.
I’m curious if the rift entity is projecting Lotor saying this because it actually does recognize Honerva for what she is. The last time we saw a rift creature was in 3x07 “The Legend Begins.” Honerva had one in a forcefield bottle. Because it becomes aggressive and attacks and more of its kind come through the rift, combine, and attack, I went right along with the idea that it was a malicious creature. But thinking about it now, it could have been really interesting if we eventually found out it wasn’t malicious whatsoever. The first time we ever see it, it’s been captured and imprisoned by Honerva.
Allura says that “there’s nothing [she] can do to counter [Honerva’s] abilities.” Lotor says she’s wrong. “Everything you need is here,” he says. He causes her to have a vision of the rift entity. He says, “It is an ancient form of energy that predates time itself.” So, is it energy or is it a creature? “Entities like this gave Haggar the ability to conquer worlds and control the universe for 10,000 years.” Uh, how? This is the first time since “The Legend Begins” that this show has brought the rift entities into the story. The show has not shown Haggar doing anything with them for 10,000 years, so this just feels like it’s coming out of nowhere.
Again, I just don’t think this show knows what it actually wants the facts of the story to be. It’s too interested in having unresolved ambiguity, but without resolving the questions it raises for the audience, the show ends up just seeming like it’s being manipulative. Lotor puts his mouth to Allura’s ear, clearly meant to be creepy and evoke viewer distrust, as he says, “If you can become one with the entity, the powers you gain can defeat the witch.” Allura is shown reaching out toward the entity.
There’s a bright flash and suddenly Allura is standing in a field of flowers talking to her mother. This is the first and only time (that I can remember) we ever see her talking with her mom (of course, it’s not actually her mom). Her mom says, “You’ve arrived just in time […] to save us.” Above is a fleet of Galra cruisers who start firing on the nearby Altean city. Her mother says, “Only you can protect us.” Allura then is in the armor of one of the Colonly Alteans who pilot the Robeasts. She’s in a Robeast. She slams the Robeast weapon into the ground, draws out quintessence, and uses the chest cannon to destroy the Galra. Then she realizes she’s destroyed the planet. Her mother, as she turns to dust, says, “I am so proud of you.”
This is such an interesting dream sequence. But what does it mean? Or rather, what did the writers intend it to mean? I don’t remember this ever being explained. Is her mother supposed to be the voice of the rift entity, asking Allura to save them? If the rift entities now are like the one back in “The Legend Begins,” then has Honerva imprisoned them and is using them against their will? Are they being violated by Honerva, and this one is asking Allura for help? If the rift entity is just trying to offer Allura power to trick her into letting it into her so it can do something bad to her – consume her? the show never seems clear to me about what the threat of the entity is to Allura – then the dream doesn’t narratively work for that because it ceases to be enticing because it causes her to see her kill her own mother. That’s not how you write deceitful promises of power because Allura doesn’t have reason to trust the entity now.
I just don’t understand what the message the show is trying to convey with this dream sequence. Allura dons the Robeast pilot armor and uses the Robeast. She drains the planet of quintessence, killing everyone including her mother, but she’s doing it to provide defense, destroying the Galra who are attacking. It seems like it’s justifying horrible action – draining the planet of quintessence and killing everyone – in order to do something else – stop the Galra. It can be read as a statement about doing horrible things in order to achieve a bigger goal. I know I read a long while back some suggestion that this dream sequence can work as an explanation to Allura about why Lotor should be forgiven, that his second Colony that drained quintessence from Alteans was a horrible thing done in order to achieve a bigger goal.
It’s just so weird. Her mother says Allura’s there “to save us,” but then Allura doesn’t save them, she kills them to kill the Galra. Is it supposed to be explaining the threat of what negative things would happen if Allura takes the rift entity into herself? That she would be doing it out of a motivation to protect people but that it would turn around and end up killing those she wants to protect? That isn’t what happens when Allura takes the entity into her though. And if this dream is coming from the entity itself, why would it have Lotor suggest to her that she take it, but then have Allura see a vision that’s trying to say that if she does take it then she’ll be responsible for killing everyone.
And then, Allura’s mother says, “I’m so proud of you,” after Allura has killed her. Why would her mother say that if the vision intends for Allura draining the planet to be interpreted as an ultimately negative thing?
The show, of course, doesn’t follow up with any of this, so I ultimately have no idea. I just wonder if the writers even knew what they were writing when they wrote it. The sad thing is that I can easily imagine that the writers of the show think I’m wrong for wanting this dream explained. I think that they failed as writers in not explaining it. I think it’s a mark of an amateur, and there are a lot of well-paid, acclaimed writers who are technically professional that I am still criticizing as being amateur, to write cryptic scenes into a story with no intention of providing an explanation for the audience. I’m not saying don’t write cryptic scenes, I’m not saying you can’t let a cryptic scene sit for a while, but you have to absolutely explain your cryptic scenes eventually or else you betray the trust of the audience.
Whatever happened with the dream, it had a real-word manifestation. The flower on the nearby shelf is dead. (Though the mice on the bed are still alive. How’d they survive?) It suggests Allura actually drew the quintessence out of the flower during her dream. She has used her space magic to revitalize people before, so I guess this supposed to just be her able to do the opposite? Where did this flower come from? It wasn’t in the scene when Allura and Lance were laying on her bed before he left for Clear Day. Instead of this flower, a holographic projection of her father and mother was what sat in this spot on her shelf. Is this discrepancy supposed to mean something? This show has too many inconsistencies for me to say it must mean something.
Honestly, this show’s executive producers and writers seem to be the type of people who’d put weird stuff in the story for no other reason than to be weird. I can totally see them not thinking any of this needs to make sense.
Back at Clear Day, Pidge plays Whack-a-Coran. The people of Clear Day have manufactured games with Coran’s face on it? Well then, that’s some spite for Coran’s inability to track time in “The Voltron Show!”
Shiro walks into the arm-wrestling tent. The alien guy complains about the Blue Lion not being there. The alien tells Shiro that the arm-wrestling contest isn’t “for people like you.” Shiro says, “Why’s that, because of my arm?” The alien says no. I say yes. Shiro’s arm does not have an elbow. It doesn’t have a way to create leverage, which is what is needed to arm wrestle. It’s like this show actively picked something that Shiro would not logically be able to do. It’s like the show and the creative team behind it are actively mocking people for having a problem with how illogical Shiro’s arm is.
The alien says that “arm-wrestling is for the young and strong. You’re old, like me.” I guess maybe he’s just supposed to be taunting Shiro or something. It has felt like the executive producers and writers have thought of Shiro as older than he is throughout this show’s production, and I have no idea why.
Coran participates in a yelmore calling competition. I genuinely laugh. His yelmore call is funny.
Hunk eats food, but it’s a carnival, so it makes sense.
Keith asking some people if they’ve seen anything suspicious and their mocking him about how there’s a guy going around asking people if they’ve seen anything suspicious is annoying. I’m over this episode disparaging Keith for being professional. Somehow, Keith and Hunk are spontaneously, and unknowingly in line for a ride. This is such a weird transition. I think the transition itself is supposed to be a joke, but it just feels off. So, were the people Keith was questioning in front of him in this line? They others in the line behind Keith didn’t complain about Hunk cutting in front of them by joining Keith. The moment lacks logic.
So, they get on the ride. The ride seems like it’s based on the clichéd mockery of the It’s a Small World ride at Disney theme parks. It’s not funny.
Still looking for something for Allura, Lance is at a game booth and complains, “Voltron doesn’t have a purple lion.” It’s really hard to see how the writers would have put this in and not mean it to be a reference to Lotor. Precisely what they mean by it, I don’t know. Lance asks the game attendant if he’s “got any blue lions? I used to be the Blue Lion’s Paladin and now my girlfriend is.” The attendant has a blue lion, but he’s clearly a scammer since he takes all ten of Lance’s tokens for one play of the game and swaps the rings for smaller ones. Lance still gets two of the three. The attendant offers to make Lance some kind of a deal.
Meanwhile, Pidge has won a bunch of tickets and is trying to redeem them, specifically for a prize fit for a princess. It feels like her doing this has to be connected to the same giving spirit that came from her in 8x01 “Launch Date” when she gave up her video game for Allura’s outfit. But, like too many things, this show doesn’t actually explain what the bigger meaning is. Pidge wants a sparky hardhat but needs more tickets.
Shiro competes in the arm-wrestling. Curtis watches him. It could have been used to actually have them talk to each other and set up getting them together in the end, but since they weren’t planning on having them become a couple, the writers didn’t think to actually do anything to set-up the relationship.
Pidge asks her dad for more tokens. He accuses her of wasting her previous tokens. She gives him a face and he goes to give her more, but Colleen snatches them and says she wants a family picture in exchange. It’s supposed to be funny, but I don’t find it funny at all.
Back on the Atlas, Allura is looking at the entity. Lotor is still talking to her, creepily telling her to free the entity. She says, “I can’t. I won’t.” And then her hallucination changes to Lance, who says, “It won’t do any harm. The entity will help you. It will save all of us.” Lotor aggressively says, “Take it.” Then Allura sees and hears her mother again, who says, “Only you can save us all. Release the entity. Come home to Altea.” Her mother turns into Honerva, who says, “Join us.” And then she turns into the entity.
I still don’t have a clue what this dream sequence is supposed to be telling us. All of this is the entity talking to Allura, right? I think the biggest problem with this is that the creative team, in the same way that they never really settled on an explanation for what quintessence was and how it worked, they never settled on an idea about what this entity is. We’re supposed to have a sense of foreboding. We’re supposed to consider it threatening, but for no reason other than that’s the emotion the show wants us to have. There is no foundation to what makes this threatening. We’re supposed to go, oh no, don’t trust it, something bad is going to happen now. But nothing bad actually happens because of this. It feels like all the hallucinations and the dream are setting up something specific, but I don’t think it is. I think the whole point of this is just that the creative team is messing with the audience, toying with us.
Allura releases the entity. Why she would respond to Honerva saying “Join us” by releasing the entity, I don’t know. It seemingly enters her. A mecha’s eyes and horn? light up. There’s a shot of Lotor laughing. The sound of his voice sounds like he’s having fun. It doesn’t sound like a maniacal laugh. His face looks wild though. The visual of his face and the sound of his voice do not match in tonality. He says, “Follow me!” I know this moment has been the subject of a lot of debate and discussion. I don’t really know what to add to it. I assume this is supposed to be the entity still talking to Allura? Is Lotor supposed to be the entity and the mecha he’s piloting supposed to be Allura, as a statement that Allura is now possessed and controlled by the entity? But then who’s the statement “Follow me” being addressed to if it’s not being addressed to Allura. Is the entity through this vision of Lotor making this statement as a declaration of partnership with Allura?
Again, I think I’m putting way more thought into these scenes and this dialog than anyone who worked on the show did. I think they most likely just threw some words into a script and didn’t care if any of it made sense.
There’s a shot of space and some planets and Voltron, and the whole image smears sideways and whites out. Why? What does it mean? I doubt it actually has any meaning.
Keith and Hunk are still stuck in the ride. It’s not funny. The ride breaks down again. It’s still not funny. Keith breaks out of the ride. Coran still is in the yelmore calling competition. I genuinely laugh at the calls. Coran wins. The deal the game attendant made with Lance was Lance autographing all the Blue Lion plushies. Lance was totally cool with that, and he’s got his Blue Lion plushy in return to give Allura. Pidge got the sparkly miner’s hardhat for Allura. They all converge on the arm-wrestling final.
Shiro’s final competitor is the warden from 2x10 “Escape from Beta Traz.” It’s set up to suggest a personal stake to the competition. Shiro calls the warden out on having imprisoned an innocent person. The warden then apologizes, saying, “Look, I know I did some bad things. The truth is, I thought you guys ruined my life, but really, you saved me.” I can’t help but read this as a parallel to Allura’s dream. Like with her dream, the warden talks about interpreting something initially as bad (“I thought you guys ruined my life”) but then seeing it as good (“but really, you saved me”). It has a parallel quality to Allura’s dream where she does something that seems bad (drains the planet of quintessence and kills her mother) but it happens with the language of it being a good thing (“You’ve arrived just in time […] to save us” and “I am so proud of you”).
Part of me feels like there has to be an explanation here. There has to be a meaning we can figure out. But the other part of me feels like I’m just desperately grasping for something to try to create a meaning because the show failed to actually give us one.
Shiro and the warden arm-wrestle. I think Shiro arm-wrestling is still ridiculous because of his arm lacking an elbow, but I think the animation of the arm-wrestling looks really good. Shiro wins.
The Paladins and Altas crew return to the ship.
Sam runs in to find Allura on the floor, unconscious. (Again, why is this Sam instead of Coran?)
The episode ends.
Yeah, this episode frustrates me so much. It all feels like a giant suggestion of meaning, but the show never provides that meaning. This episode just ends up feeling absolutely disrespectful of the audience, like it’s all just a giant manipulation.
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Part 11?
( i dunno.)
Colleen gently pulls the gauze off his shoulder and makes a face. "Shiro..." She says softly. "Why didn't you say anything?"
Since Sam helped design the arm he's curious, too. He's not sure what caused it. There should be no friction. Maybe a reaction to the metal? Or something got under the cap and caused irritation?
"No one ever asked..." He mumbles. He's glad Curtis has a nice place. Bigger bathroom, it doesn't feel too bad with 4 of them in there. He jumps when Colleen applies gel to his injury. "Little warning? 'Scold."
"It might itch a little, too," she warns. "It's a plant paste I found that only eats dead or diseased tissue."
Shiro momentarily wonders if it will eat through his whole body or not. He's rotten to the core.
Colleen gently explores the area, uncomfortable with the way he just stares off into the distance.
"Curtis I think you're right, there is some kind of build up." She takes some fresh gauze and wipes off the area, revealing pink shiny skin. "Does this hurt?" She asks Shiro and he shrugs. He barely feels her prodding. Maybe they'll cut more of him away.
Curtis moves closer, taking Shiro's hand in his. Rubbing it gently, "you're freezing," he complains.
When Colleen pulls out a wide gauge needle Shiro completely checks out.
"I'm going to see if there's anything to drain, or if it's something else. This might be uncomfortable. I can numb the area a little, first," she offers.
He doesn't respond.
"Takashi..." Curtis lightly strokes his hair. "C'mon back. You're not there anymore." He makes a back off motion to the two scientists and they oblige. Colleen puts the needle down.
Kissing the side of Shiro's head, he wraps both arms around him. Automarically leaning in to the comfort, Shiro takes a shuddering breath. "Curtis?"
"I'm here. I think we're doing this wrong, and I'm sorry. We really want to make sure you're okay and nothing is wrong with your shoulder. Is it okay if we check?" Of course they barely asked.
They asked him to sit and he did. But it's not like he would have felt like he had options. Shiro walks an odd line between following orders ans giving them. And when he's struggling he's either defiant or entirely too submissive. Curtis hasn't experienced too much of either, but. He's seen it in action before Shiro accepted a medical discharge.
Blinking and finding the room coming back into focus, he looks at Sam and Colleen. "Yeah. You guys can do what you need to," he says wearily. "But Colleen, yes, please use the numbing agent."
Curtis shifts to support him as much as possible. To ground him.
"Let me know when it's working," Colleen says, discarding the glove she'd just used.
Shiro presses his face into Curtis' side. He doesn't want to see any needles. Or scalpels. Or anything. He just wants people to stop treating him like a science project.
Curtis strokes his hair the entire time, focusing on anything but what Colleen is doing. He sees Sam handing her plenty of things from her kit, sees her pass things back.
Shiro wants to disappear. They should just let whatever's going wrong go wrong. He doesn't even realize how miserable he is. He likes time with Curtis. He goes out on morning jogs, he eats three meals a day, keeps his living space clean... He goes through the motions of normal. And when he's with Curtis he mostly feels normal. And when he doesn't, it's okay. Curtis loves him as is.
Continuing to thread his fingers through Shiro's hair, he starts to feel angry. Not at Shiro. But as he feels more tears soak into his shirt, he can't believe no one's asked about his arm before. Or asked how he's doing or ever talked with him about the things he went through. Because it's fairly obvious they haven't. Especially if his thousand yard stare seemed abnormal to any of them. He checks out here and there all the time.
When Keith pokes his head in, Curtis looks up at him and shakes his head. No, now is not a good time.
Keith glances at Colleen and blanches when he sees what's going on and ducks back out.
"All done," Colleen says reassuringly, smoothing a new bandage over his shoulder. "The new cream I've developed should sooth and heal all the raw skin, and close up any little holes from those needles."
Shiro nods.
Sam hunches down, "Can we talk for a few minutes?" He asks softly. Shiro nods dumbly again.
Curtis kisses the top of his head, "I'll be right back," he promises.
"Is Shiro okay?" Lance asks the second he sees Curtis.
"No," he snaps. "He hasn't been okay." He's mad at all of them. And at Zarkon and choice members of the Galra. "How did none of you notice?" Curtis has other friends. Veronica knows about some of his problems. She's asked Shiro about his. Curtis' family checks up on him frequently. Asking after his sleeping habits, and if he's okay.
"Look, Shiro isn't the kind of guy who lets you in all that easily-"
"None of you even ask anymore, do you?" Curtis cuts him off. "Do you even notice when he's not there anymore? How many of you bothered to talk to him about that year he spent enslaved? Or his time adrift inside the Black Lion? Or about Adam?"
"Who's Adam?" Lance asks, hating himself a little.
Keith sighs heavily. "Shiro's first serious boyfriend. Adam was with him for almost his entire Garrison career. They flew together. Taught classes. They were... A solid couple until the end. Adam ended it before Shiro left for Kerberos. And... He died in the initial invasion."
Matt winces. He should have asked. They knew Adam died. They'd known him and grieved. But they hadn't really checked on Shiro. But he'd seemed okay. Strong. Unflappable. They should have known better.
"He used to freeze up sometimes," Pidge whispers. "I didn't realize he was still doing that...it's less obvious when you're not in the middle of a fight. I just... I had just assumed when Allura brought his consciousness over she healed that."
"I never knew he had someone special before you..." Lance says softly. "I didn't even know he was into guys. I used to be so jealous of any attention Allura gave him..."
"I never asked him..." Matt scrubs at his face. "I still have nightmares about my time in captivity. It's not something I ever wanna talk about... But... I've got my family around me..."
"What happened to Shiro's family?" Lance asks, dreading the answer.
Keith clears his throat. "Disowned him when he came out. They were extremely traditional. They didn't even approve of him moving here. But the best flight instructors were here. I don't know if they survived or not," Keith admits.
Krolia has slowly moved closer to the door, to keep an ear out for Shiro.
"So he has no one but you guys, and none of you could be bothered to see he was hurting and needed a family?!" Curtis demands. "Ironically the one person who checks in the most is the one who isn't here. Did you guys forget Shiro's birthday was two weeks ago? Hunk at least sent a message and a promise of cake when he's Earthside again."
"Quiznak," Pidge says softly with feeling.
"Look, he's really good at pushing people away and putting up a strong front. Most people never knew he was in pain before Kerberos," Matt tries to explain.
"As his friends, it was our job to read between the lines..." Lance points out. "And we didn't. We just let ourselves rely on him and always assumed he was fine."
Keith stands up abruptly, going to catch Shiro at the bathroom door. Putting an arm around him he leads him back to the couch. Matt and Pidge move to make room.
Curtis grabs the blanket from before and goes to settle it around Shiro. His hand had been icy earlier, odds are he's cold. "You haven't eaten yet, there's plenty of food..." He offers.
"We have pizza, sushi, soup..." Keith says helplessly.
"We can always go get something else if there's something specific you want," Matt offers.
Shiro just feels worn out. He doesn't want to eat. "I'm good," he smiles. "I had some of the soup Pidge brought. It was really good."
(I only post what i write for feedback... So if you guys dont like it, I'll stop. It's cool lol. I don't wanna waste my time or spam up my feed with stuff people don't care about yknow?)
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metalotaku-da · 6 years
Ryan and Lance week 5 mermaid au
i’ll probably do more of this later on ao3. but the first part is already 12 pages.
“Everybody up! We got to move now! Up! Up! Get your gear.” James yells tearing down the narrow hallway below deck. Slamming on the doors to the rooms to wake people as he passes. A few people falling from their bunks to the floor.
 Ryan is up on his feet in no time pulling on his clothing quickly. Once his pants and shoes are on, he grabs a shirt off the wall and his camera bag from his cubby and heads into the Hall. Nadia is seconds behind him hoping on one foot at time to get her shoes on. “What the hell is going on. We just hit the hay a few hours ago.”
 “3 hours and 38 minutes ago.” Ina says calmly leaving her shared room with Nadia.
 “Ok yeah, well close enough. It's the middle of the night. What the hell is the emergency?” She huffed falling a few places behind Kinkade to give him the arm room he needs to get his shirt on. Even if he doesn't button it.
 “Don't know we just need to be prepared.” Ryan answers pulling his camera bags strap over his head to secure it before digging out his waterproof video camera just as they get to the stairs to get on deck.
 Once Ina is on deck with her own bag on and waterproof tablet in hand she takes a cursory glance at the sky and down to the horizon. “We have changed course and have increased speed since retiring for the night.” The three ignored the other crew members stumbling up behind them to head for the bridge.
 “Why? I thought we were going to follow the current with the migrating shoals till we spotted a pod?” Nadia asked as Ryan continued to lead the way now filming as he went. His camera's auto balancer working perfectly as he ascended the stairs nearly two at a time with his long legs.
 “About time you lot got here, hurry up and gather up cadets.” Iverson yelled as soon as the door opened. Already packed around the high-tech holo-gps table was captain Iverson, Sam and Coleen Holt their son Matt as well, first mate Adam west, navigator Veronica McClain, and their marine biology specialist Slav. The one who stood out the most to Ryan was their ships medic Coran also being at the meeting. That was never good. Before their trip could complete the trip to the table James comes bursting in behind.
 “Everybody is up and getting to stations sir. All hands should be on deck shortly.” James Sames with a halfhearted salute to the captain who has a soft spot for his old military protocol.
 “What is going on? Are we sinking or something?” Nadia asked annoyed at having been woken up so abruptly.
 “There is an emergency, but not our own.” Colleen said gently before Iverson could snap at her impatient.
 “We got a call from a nearby coast guard vessel.” Iverson said looking around the table. “They intercepted a poaching vessel.” He paused. “In the middle of a hunt.” The room exploded with questions.
 “Everyone quiet and wait. See if your questions are answered after he gets out the pertinent information.” Adam shouted over the group till the ceased.
 “The coast guard was unable to engage the ship in time to prevent them from harming one of their targets. The good news is they seemed to be after live specimens. The bad news is, they were targeting mers.” Iverson gave a second for that to sink in. As that was exactly the target of their ship, but for research and study in the wild. James had been brought in specifically to collect video for a documentary for added awareness and generate funding for their ongoing research to the public. “And from what the coast guard described of the pod. And their doubt of their own observations. The pod that was attacked is believed to be subject group ap27v, Voltron.”
 There was a clatter as Matt dropped his tablet. “Voltron? Poachers found and cornered our legendries?”
 There was a groan from Veronica. “they aren't Pokemon Matt.”
 “You right I could log on to pogo out here and catch something. They are rarer than Pokemon. They are like finding the lochness monster. We've only had the first-hand privilege to witness them 4 times in 4 years. And the handful of sightings by other vessels is shoddy at best. We can't even get close enough to tag any members.”
 “To a seedy bunch of poachers, they probably didn't notice or care about how odd the pod was. They saw a small easy target of variety. Good easy money.” Ryan spoke up his mouth pulled slightly in anger. “It's just about a quick buck.”
 Ina carefully placed a calming hand to Ryan's back. Knowing how much her friend hated poachers. Specifically, mer poachers.
 “Yes, and we are going to take this opportunity to tag one of the pod.” Iverson said once Ryan was done. “After we have contained and corralled them. We have permission from the government to seize and relocate members of the pod as we deem necessary, though if that does not pan out.”
 “What? Why? How?” Nadia asked in confusion. They hardly ever took in living specimens and the mers in particular we're highly protected under international treaties and the U.N.
 “The pod's alpha male was severely injured by the poachers. The pod managed to free him, when the coast guard arrived. But there was a lot of blood. They don't know what other injuries we're incurred by the pod. But the male orca breed was observed to be missing an arm from the elbow along with other lacerations. He was also not swimming well on his own the pod was keeping him at the surface and pulling him along as they swam.” Colleen gave the run down from her notes on her tablet.
 “We also want all hands-on deck not just because we are cornering injured mer to sedate for medical treatment. Possibly multiple. If it's not treatable on site, we will have to move pod back to the coast for rehabilitation. The unique make up and study of this pod has allowed is this opportunity. Even if our goal should be immediate release. If anyone mer won't survive their injuries above a 90 percent.” Iverson looked to Ina to make sure she made notes on her tablet. Which she was. As that call would most likely fall to her and Slav. “We are to collect them all, till they can be rehabbed and reintroduced.” he gave out a long sigh and then gestured to James to finish for him. Having been the one he first called when the transmission came over. And had caught the tail end and most unbelievable part of the report.
 “The other reason is…” James looked around the table at everyone with the most serious of looks he could. “They had advanced weapons.”
 “Well of course they did James. They are poachers of mer. Sure they have top of the line instruments of torture.” Nadia sassed at him.
 “Yeah seriously.” Matt answered.
 “No, the pod did.” James stated back. His tone and eyes showing the seriousness of the information and that he was not joking.
 “Like they stole from the poachers?” Coran asked with a twirl of his mustache. Though his tone was curious his face gave way to his worry.
 “A wet gun isn't going to fire.” Veronica pointed out.
 “No.” James said again rubbing his eyes in exasperation. “Their own they made. The descriptions were vague. But...” He looked around the table at the shocked and agape faces of the team. “The pod got members of it on board the ship to free their member. They were witnessed dragging him over the side and engaging the crew of the ship with primitive projectile weapons. Including firing on the coast guard ship when they tried to corral the pod to hold for us.”
 Ryan nearly dropped his camera at that information. Matt dropped his tablet a second time. “That's not possible.” Sam said in his shock. “mer have only ever been observed with basic tools, a coral club, or a sharp shell used for cutting a sharped bone spear. Maybe a shark’s tooth imbedded in a wood handle for the most complicated. You’re talking about…”
 “This odd mix matched shouldn't be natural in the wild pod is…” Matt said. “Evolving. If not experimenting and inventing. Like…”
 “Humans.” Ryan said in pure shock. This was new. This was ground breaking. This pod alone was unique and ground breaking based on no two subspecies was the Same. It was a mixed pod. and had funded this crew for many years now when they were first spotted. If they could get proof of this, show just how much more human these creatures were. They would not only stun and enlighten the scientific community but maybe even get more funding for protection for these creatures. Or communication. Ryan and Ina's own side project and theory. In attempts to learn their complex languages. “This is..”
“Ground breaking.”
“Dangerous is what it is. All you little nerds get the stars out of your eyes and buckle down.” Iverson said annoyed. “They attacked the coast guard, who was trying to help and only contain.”
 “We will be engaging in a closer and more direct nature. If the reports on the weapons is true. They could use them on us, not understanding we are trying to help.” Adam tried to sober up the group of scientists. “So, we need to proceed with caution. We are headed just ahead of their last know location on the direction they were seen headed. It’s dark, and we have a lot of unknown variables. We have 7 different species of mer to prepare to Capture, subdue, and asceses. And they are already stressed, and in the middle of their fight or flight instinct, and possibly we now have the added danger of distant weapons. We need all hands-on deck sharp and alert. This isn’t going to be easy.” Adam relayed for the group.
 “I’m not having anyone die on my watch. The rich bill payers don’t tend to like that. And it looks bad on my record.” Iverson had to get in the last word a wry smile on his face. “So get some coffee and get to your stations. We should be in the strike zone in an hour so long as they didn’t change directions. You are dismissed.”
 James grabbed his team on the way out. “Kinkade, can you set anything up for night filming with Ina? I know it’s last minute.”
 “It is, I have one camera we can…” Ryan started.
 “I’ll have the program ready for it within the hour limit.” Ina answered.
 “I’ll switch it to a mount with an auto leveler on the front of one of the go ships.” Ryan finished.
 James jerked at that. “I don’t know if i want you on a go boat. That’s, that’s a risky spot if the information is true.”
 “Uh griffin, this is like the kind of discovery that makes names. Gets you in a college textbook, maybe even a high school one.” Nadia quipped back. “If you don’t think Kinkade is going to make sure his camera is on the first ship to intercept the pod. You are delusional.”
 “She’s right.” Ryan said with a smirk.
 “I don’t like it. But if you are going to do it. I want you dressed in full gear. Your thick wet suit, the white one so we can see you if you go over.” James said with a sigh. “Ina, I want…”
 “I’ll collect live feed from all camera’s Ryan sets up, and catalog as much data as I can from the feeds before bringing the mers into the slings. That way Slav has adequate data for tranquilizers based on preliminary data to lower risk.”
 “Yeah that.” James said with a pout. “I’ll let you to get on what you need to do. “Nadia, coffees, for everyone. We meet back on deck once Ryan and Ina have all the gear they need. And we set up whatever they need help with. We are kind of useless till the mers on in the slings. Then we move fast. If… and only if we really feel they need greater medical care, will we transfer then to the tank. If that happens this trip is over, we head back immediately to the aquatic reserve facility.”
 “Alright we are close to the estimated area the mers should be in. keeps yours eyes peeled, and the sonar drones have been dropped along with two ariel drones with heat signature detection. Once they have been spotted, we will deploy the net boats to secure then and lead them back towards our main ship for tranquilizing and medical assessment. No sling leaves the water unless Slav or Ina gives the go.” Iverson said as he stood in his old military position in front of the crew on deck. “We need to look alive people and keep alert, we don’t know what to expect, this is anything but a routine bag and tag. Watch each other’s backs. The safety of this crew comes first.” Iverson then gave the floor to James.
 “The pod we are looking for is the Voltron pod. It consists of a large alpha male orca whale type mer who was the one reported with the most severe injury. He is also the largest. He’s estimated at 30ft long. He’s been named Shiro. The female alpha is an 27Ft long oarfish type. She is the second largest in the group. Named Allura. Next in size we have a female coelacanth, the largest one ever recorded, and it’s just an educated guess based on photos at 15ft. She is the slowest and cataloged as shay. Then we have on second most dangerous after the orca. A bull male elephant seal he is 12ft long, and huge. One of the largest we’ve seen. We believe him to be Over 7,000 lbs. and if he feels like it, he can get around on our ship if we aren’t careful called Hunk. Third dangerous is a crossbreed. Mako, and bull shark mer cross breed. He’s 10ft long. Male. he’s got the speed of a Mako and the most aggressive in the pod. He’s also been recorded with a large black coral knife in every sighting. So, keep an eye out. He’s going to be the hardest to predict. The shark mers are usually solitary or pair. And this one is not. And is normally protective of his pod. Attacking ships that get to close. With the recent attack and alpha male injured he’s going to be worse he’s been named Keith. The smallest female is an octopus type. So, another who will be able to get around on deck easily. She’s also pretty young based on her size. She’s 9ft long if she’s streamlined. She has reach and can be kind of aggressive too. Matt stupidly named her Pidgeot, we call her Pidge. Lastly is a young male, who appears to be a lancetfish type, or at least a crossbreed of one. We just don’t know what with, or if he is a new species. He has a frill with barbs that can extend down his back. He will be the easiest to spot Out here in the dark, he has bioluminescent spots and stripes that flash. He’s just longer than the shark, 11ft and originally named lance. He’s also sometimes seen with a spear. Our goal is to collect them quickly with the least amount of stress. It’s going to be tough. But I know we can do this. These mers are counting on us.”
 Matt took over next. “Alright I’m calling out teams for the net runners. I want you sitting pretty and waiting for the drop. Ryan will be joining one of the lead boats with his camera, so he’s just an extra body.” Matt then began calling out the four groups.
 More ships, more humans. Why couldn’t they just leave them alone. The pod had had to slow down. When their leader Shiro had lost consciousness. Pidge had done her best to stop the bleeding from his stump of an arm, tying a band of seaweed around it. But while they had been resting trying to catch their breathes and gills at the surface the next boat of humans had shown. Larger even still than the first two. Then it had broken up into many. 4 smaller, louder boats had come towards them. They had tried to flee. They couldn’t dive with Shiro like this. He’d drown. But they weren’t fast enough pulling his large mass along with them. The humans in their unnaturally quick boats had gotten ahead of them. Encircling their family with a net. It dropped to deep for them to go under even if Shiro could dive and he couldn’t. Keith was becoming more agitated if that was even possible. Slashing at the net with his knife, his claws his teeth even. It wouldn’t break though. And with each passing wave the bigger ship drew closer to them. Allura drew her long body up protectively around Shiro at the sight. Shay holding his head. Pidge i tried tugging on the top of the net to push it down so maybe we could swim over it. We were having very little luck. Then in his frustration Keith slashed one of the hard jellyfish at the top of the net with his knife. It shrank in size and that part of the net dropped lower in the water. Pidge puffed up at the sight of it excitedly. And I flashed my tail. I waved Hunk over placing his hand to my throat I made the vibrations that went with my lights and the words with my hands, so Hunk would know what we wanted. Pidge making the Same gestures a few more with her tentacles pulling at the net Too. Hunk dove down just enough to build some speed then cleared the surface enough to land on the top of the net with his body. I took my last arrow from it’s hold and flashed at Keith. The two us began to slash the jellies on either side of Hunk to get the net to lower more. Pidge darted quickly to shay and Allura to help them guide Shiro out the deepest part above Hunk. I flashed another pattern to Keith, so he knew to go help them. Then i joined Hunk in swimming down holding the net.
 “Are you seeing this?” Matt said excitedly to James as they watched the feed from the boats laying and tying off nets while their ship pulled them in.
 “Yeah I am. And as cool as it is, to see their tools and problem-solving abilities in person. They are going to get out and we are going to need a new plan to catch them.” James complained. “Can we real the nets in any faster?”
 “A little.” Nadia “But we can pull it.” She snapped her fingers. “See if Iverson or Adam can reverse direction. Put tension on the net make it narrower.”
 “On it.” Sam said with a smile calling up to the bridge.
 They watched the net jerk on the video feed just a few seconds to late, most the mers getting clear outside the net, the seal getting the net pulled out from under him like a rug falling to the outside of it. But under him was an unbroken buoy. Once his weight was removed it added to the lift of the net. Leaving only one mer the lancet trapped inside. His weight to light. Flinging out of the water and a few feet back from the net seemly stunned for a minute before he dived under. The shark disappearing from the surface along with the octopus and seal.
 “So, we got one at least. Even if his pod flees I don’t think they’ll go far, do you?” Nadia asked.
 “We don’t know how they will behave. Oar and lancet leave week and injured behind. Sharks eat them. So, we don’t know what they will do. This pod already defies all we know about mers. Anything could happen.” Ina said looking at an underwater feed of the scene.
 I swam up to the net and watched sadly as Keith once again frantically attacked it with everything he had Hunk pulling on it and pidge trying to analyze it. I have them a sad smile and at them to go. I was trapped. Shiro was injured. They needed to flee before the human’s big ship was to close. Keith shook his head and tail violently in the water eyes sad and terrified. It’s ok I signed him. Along with escape. Later. Shiro. safe. I reached my hands through the net Hunk and pidge each taking one. Hunk let out a mournful wail into the water. Pidge signing, they will come back. For me. Not leaving. Back. soon. Keith reached threw the net to grab my head and pull it forward pressing the bridge of his nose to the top of my head, so I could feel the small pulses. Back. safe. Not leaving. Not alone. I flashed my lights back. Love. family. Safe. ok. Go. go. Go. I fight. We pulled away from each other and the net. I watched my pod swim away. To safety to freedom. Then turned to face the big human ship. I had lost my arrow. Only had the bow left draped across my chest. But I still had my teeth, my claws and my barbs. I would fight. To give my pod time at least to get away.
 “Ryan did you see….” Ina asked after having witnessed the underwater scene thanks to the lights of the ship coming closer to the net and mers.
 “Yeah I did.” He said his own small feed on this tablet of all the camera’s. His words tinged with sadness.
 “But they still left him.” Nadia said sadly.
 “I… I didn’t think they were going to after that.” Colleen said a hand cupped over her mouth. The small group on deck watching as the sad lone mer began to frantically move about the shrinking space shoving at the enclosing net. Bright lights on his body flashing randomly. Suddenly shining like a light bright with its paper pulled back to just some twinkling lights. Or pulsating down his body. Intermittently when a boat would get to close he’d flare his spines and flash his teeth. His world slowly shrinking.
 “Saddle up team. We still have a job to do. I know it’s hard. Ina assessment.” James sadly got them on tract.
 “Subject named lance, untagged, estimated length 11ft long male lancet. Coloring brown, blue white. Gill breather self-pumping. Estimated weight 225-250 pounds Warm blooded. Scale density estimate 6mils back. 2-3 stomach area. Appears to have several fresh lacerations, and a piece of harpoon embedded in his back just under his dorsal ridge between his shoulders. From his movements I believe it to be embedded in the skins connective tissue. I don’t believe it’s in his spine. Due to agitation level, he needs to be tranquilized through the softer underbelly before slinged. Or he could break off spines in it with his thrashing. Or dig the harpoon in deeper putting his spine at risk.”
 “Good call.” James patted her on the back. “you’ve got the assessment Slav. Start working on some tranquilizers for him. We’ll hit him once the net is tight enough to control his movements more.”
 “on it. right away.” Slav called to him with a thumbs up. Loading the cartridges from his station near the platform.
 “Ryan can you get back to the ship? I’d like to get more shots from the platform when we bring him up. If that’s alright.” Matt asked. “his lights and the display look controlled a little bit. And maybe we can get a better identification on his subspecies.”
 “sure.” Ryan said. His boat already heading back to the main ship as the others helped guide the mer closer as the net closed in.
The slings were dropped down just before the mer was corralled above it. a mere 10ft ring. Not even enough room for it lay flat at the surface without touching the back of the ship and the net behind him. His thrashing becoming worse. They didn’t have a clear shot though for the tranquilizer. And then the creature started ramming the net. Getting a few spines stuck on the netting. Tearing a few of his fins. As the sight of the pooling blood building in the water, Ryan had had enough of the mer’s fear in his viewer. He grabbed a rope off the deck floor and tied it to this belt. Then set down his hand-held camera. Only his small go pro still clipped to the front of wet suit.
 “Kinkade what are doing?” James asked once he saw Ryan set down his camera. Then he saw the rope a second of shocked panic before he rushed his friend. “don’t do something stupid Kinkade!” however Ryan jumped into the net with the panicked thrasher mer before James could get to him. He grabbed the rope to tie off to the deck though to keep him with in reach. “Ryan! You idiot!”
 “what is he doing?!” Nadia screamed running up to James to try and help him pull Ryan back towards the ship. Ryan popped up at the surface directly in front of the mer it had turned at the splash.
 The creature charging him as Ryan held his arms to brace himself. The mer grabbed his arm unable to get any moment built to throw him. Ryan bit his lower lip hard to hold in his own yell of pain as the mer clamped down hard on his forearm. Its sharp teeth piercing threw the thick wet suit and into his flesh. Claws cutting deep into the suit to shred it. but the thick fabric giving his arm some protection. His pain almost drowning out his friends shouts of fear and worry from the ship. But Ryan could feel the mer’s full body tremble threw his arm clamped tight in the creature’s mouth. Like it was to afraid to let go. But didn’t have the energy left to tear his arm from him. Barely had the strength to flail it’s tail about. It is catching and pulling on the too close net. Ryan carefully and slowly brought his free hand up to the side of the mer’s head and neck the back of his hand brushing the area up and down. Just like he had recorded the sea lion mers in California do to their young. Fingers and nails curled away from the mer’s face and sensitive eyes. The mer flinched at the touch but opened his eyes to look up in shock at Ryan. Mouth still clamped tight. Then Ryan opened his mouth and began to chuff, moan and warble the tune he had heard and memorized from watching the recordings over and over again with Ina to catalog. To his and everyone on the ship’s amazement the mer froze at first and just watched. After a few seconds with the growing silence of the people around them, the only sound from the machines. the mer released the hold on his arm with his teeth. Ryan didn’t stop his ministrations or the sounds he was making, keeping his eyes locked with the mer.
 “what the hell is he doing?” James whispered to Nadia hoping she had a clue. She shrugged in response.
 Ina however answered. “it’s a call sound sea lion mers in California use to calm their young. Along with the hand motion. It was used by 87% of the observation group. With very small variables in the sounds. It also included the hand motion and touch.” She kept her voice low.
 “he’s not a seal type mer.” James grit out. “why would he take a risk like that? How does he know it’s even working? That it’s not just confused at the dumb human touching him and is going to snap any minute.”
 “there is a seal in their pod though.” Matt whispered back joining the group by the rope to quickly tug him back should the mer snap out of his trance. James just rolled his eyes.
 “can anyone get a shot with the tranquilizer?” they heard Adam ask as he joined them down on the deck. Iverson must have sent him down after seeing the shit show it was turning into.
 “no! god no!” Nadia growled out. “trying to get him killed. It takes a minute to work. In that time, he could rip Ryan apart.”
 The group watched as the mer brought it’s face closer to Ryan’s before clicking its teeth hard enough for the sound to echo around. Its mouth shaking and teeth rattling. The lights on it’s tail starting to pulsate is a slow soft pattern lighting the waters. Its brows started to scrunch up mouth pausing when Ryan kept up his tune. The mer jerked it’s head up sharply lowering its self in the water before grabbing Ryan’s hand that was on his neck and pressing it in the Same position to the exposed column of his neck with the back of his hand. The mer’s grip nearly bruising on his hand despite it being much slimmer and smaller than his own. The action so fast it freaked out Ryan’s friends jerking on the rope pulling the two a little closer to the ship positioning them over the submerged sling before they realized it wasn’t attacking Kinkade. The mer then repeated the light pulse pattern and the clacking of its teeth.
 “I’m sorry.” Ryan whispered careful not to move to much and startle the mer. “I don’t understand.” He kept his eyes locked with the mers. Though he could feel the vibrations threw the hand pressed to the mers throat. The mer stopped again before it looked even more frustrated. It dropped both of hands and surged forward. To grab his head. Pressing the bridge of his nose to the mer’s forehead. However, that didn’t seem to sway the crew on the ship.
 “no!” James had shouted at first pulling on the rope again at the initial surge with his team. Once he realized the mer wasn’t trying to rip Ryan’s head off, the group relaxed a bit again. “oh my god. I’m going to kill you when you are back on this deck Kinkade!”
 Ryan ignored his friends to carefully place the back of his curled hand to the mer’s face and neck again. Making the calming seal song again. The pressure on his nose growing a bit as the flashing became faster and once again a bit frantic. Claws of the creature digging in ever so slightly to his scalp before backing away.  The mer was trembling again.
 “Ryan, Ryan you need to get out of there. It’s not working anymore. It’s going to attack.” James said to his friend bracing himself on the lip of the deck to pull as soon as he needed too.
 “he won’t. some one get me a fish. Slav put the tranquilizer in the fish.” Ryan paused in his tune to instruct the others. He poured as much calm certainty into it as he could into his words. Though he was fairly certain the mer wouldn’t. it was just frustrated and scared. Slav stumbled on the deck in his bid to do as asked. The pulsating stopped the water going dark for a few seconds before it started again at something more reminiscent as a throb if Ryan had to put a word to it. the mer took one hand off his head releasing some the pressure on his nose to press the hand once again to the mer’s neck. As it tried to make clicks and sounds it wasn’t capable of producing. Ryan stayed still in the water and repeated the seal song again while they waited for the fish.
 The human was singing Hunk’s song. It knew seal. It knew at least some seal. But he couldn’t make the Same sounds. He tried, he tried so hard to get the human to understand. The human who didn’t attack him even when he had lashed out with the last of energy to bite him. The human who was telling him it’s ok. You are safe little one. He didn’t understand. The humans never talked to them. They made loud indescribable noises. Angry ugly faces at them. Some smiled and waved their arms. But none ever spoke to them in one of their languages. Till this human. This human who couldn’t understand him. As he begged for help. Begged to be freed. The other humans around them had their eyes locked to him, but they didn’t attack. Unsure if it was because they worried of harming their own or that he would attack the strange human if they did. None of it Matter. This human spoke like Hunk. Hunk who was so mournful at having to leave him behind. But Shiro and the pod needed Hunk. They’d come back for him once it was safe. Just like they had for Shiro. This human was trying to make him feel safe. Even if he was anything but. He’d hold onto the that for as long as he could. Till these humans cut him to pieces or jabbed him with their barbs that made their kind sleep. That’s all that was left to do was wait. And hold onto this what little bit of peace this human was offering him. Letting him pretend it was Hunk singing to him and consoling him.
 My eyes catch movement behind the human. We’ve drifted closer to the big human ship. The human bumping into the ridge that sits in the water. Another human was leaning over to hand the seal human a fish and make some noises at him. The seal human took the fish with the hand I had injured. I could see and smell the blood flowing from it. mingling with the water and my own. All my injuries from the previous humans starting to burn and ache the more tired I got. It felt like torture. The seal human slowly moved the fish between us to just in front of my mouth. He stopped speaking while pressing the fish to my lips.
 When the merman locked eyes with him again pulling away enough to look at the fish and sniff it before locking eyes with Ryan again. Ryan smiled at the mer sniffing the fish exaggerated the noises a bit of it. and pressed his lips around it like he was eating it before pushes it back at the mer till the mer took to understanding the gesture of him wanting the terrified thing to eat the fish. The mer closed his mouth around it and Ryan pulled back that hand once more. Giving the mer some space as it moved away a bit to hold the fish and bite of cHunks chewing and swallowing it much slower than Ryan expected. Once the mer had finished eating Ryan once again continued to caress the mer’s cheek and sing to him till he slowly drifted off in his arms. The tension of the team around him dissipating with each in the creature had sagged till, he could hear the collective sighs.
 “Jesus Christ. Raise the sling. Please somebody.” James said with a head falling back sigh. “on three we hoist this idiot back on deck.” He said to Nadia and Matt who waited for his countdown to pull Kinkade back on the deck. Once he was within reach of the rail Ryan grabbed it with his good hand to help pull himself up.
 Adam was there drag him over and start cutting away the shredded wet suit around his arm. Coran coming up behind with his medical kit ready. “do I need to tell you how much trouble you’re in now or should I wait?” Adam asked.
 “wait.” Ryan answered with a snort.
 “yes at least until I finish treating this wound. Though it’s not nearly as bad as it could’ve been. You are one lucky duck there Kinkade.” Coran said getting to work cleaning the wounds for bandaging.
 “I call dibs on strangling him first.” James said. “that was immensely stupid.
 “it worked.” Ryan answered.
 “it did. That video will help with proving our theory on communication skills and intelligence of mers.” Ina said looking at Ryan’s go pro.
 “yes, because your theories are worth dying for.” James spat back. “whatever. Get cleaned up and below deck Kinkade. You’re off this deck till Iverson or I say otherwise.” Then he stormed off.
 “give him a few hours. He’ll calm down.” Nadia said with a smile and a shrug. “you scared the shit out of him. He was worried you were going to die. And he’d have to watch.”
 “probably would’ve blamed himself too. Since it’s his operation.” Matt said.
 “yeah. I owe him an apology coffee.” Ryan answered. But he wasn’t looking at any of his friends. He was watching the mer being taken out of the ocean and moved with the crane to the holding tank. His mouth fell into a heavy frown.
 “the mer tired himself out. Even if we treated his injuries and released him now. His pod is to faraway. He’d be stranded alone, and likely wouldn’t make it unless his pod found him. It is better to contain him, treat him and allow him time to rest.” Ina informed him.
 “yeah, plus what good is it to release him to catch him again. We need to get the rest of pod for treatment too. Specially the orca.” Nadia said. “they kept one of the drones on the pod as it left.” She informed him at the look of confusion.
 “he’s not trapped.” Ryan said with a breath of relief.
 “no. he’ll be ok.” Matt said with a pat to his arm.
 “and so, will you lad. Now that you are all treated. Better listen to the deck master’s orders. Chop chop below.” Coran teased helping Ryan to his feet with Matt. Matt grabbed the camera Ryan had dropped and took it with him to walk Ryan back down to his room.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? - Lick
2. What is home to you? - Cozy, safe, a place I always miss when I'm gone
3. What was the last lie you told? - My work asked me if I wanted to pick up a shift on a specific day and I said I had plans oops
4. Does everyone deserve the truth? - I think it depends on the situation. Generally, yes, but I think that sometimes we lie to people or don't tell an entire truth because we don't want to hurt someone or make something worse or hard on someone; we protect them. So I feel like if the truth is going to hurt them worse or not do any good, keep it to yourself. You don't have to lie outrageously, plus I think these kinds of lies aren't really "bad". They're coming from a place of love sometimes and quite literally wanting to shelter someone.
5. What is the creepiest toy ever made? - Furbies!!!!
6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. - I don't know if I'd call it "unacceptable" or a "bad situation" lol but one time my manager was really getting on my nerves and I rolled my eyes at her. We had a talk later, but yeah, that's really it. I'm not too crazy with the things I do lol. The most you get from me is a bit of an attitude (but only if I'm at my wits end!)
7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn't mix them up.) - tbh I can't think of two but the first one that came to mind for me is showing someone you love them (taking care of them, spontaneously buying them something, giving them the last slice of pizza, listening to them chatter excitedly about something their passionate about, etc) because I think it's easier to subtly show little acts of love than to full on say "I love you/I'm in love with you" (especially if we fear rejection).
8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? - This week actually. I started a creating writing course and it's really motivated me to get my writing done so I completed an assignment as well as I have been vigorously stripping back my story idea and figuring out the main beats. It's the most productive writing-wise I've been in a while I think.
9. How many all nighters have you pulled? - Not too many. My all-nighters haven't been deliberate since a middle school sleepover, they generally happen now if I'm reading a book I can't put down lol
10. If humans didn't evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? - Gestures, body language or words most likely.
11. How many romantic "things" or "flings" have you had? - Zero (wah wah wah wahhhh sad trombone)
12. What is your paradise? - I have a few!! I think there's a few lol. I'll give you one. My paradise would probably be a cozy december night, christmas only a few days away, I'm writing something I'm super into while sipping a cup of hot chocolate and I'm wearing a beautiful sweater and red lipstick. Anything cozy is my paradise really. (also in this dreamy-paradise I'm making (good) money off of my own writing so I don't have to work a minimum wage job anymore)
13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) - I love the sound of rain hitting the car or going down a rain gutter. I also love the sound of birds chirping.
14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? - 1
15. What is the most important thing about electronics? What does this say about you? - I think it's good that we have something small and convenient like cellphones to get a hold of people or to call for help if we ever need it. Like I can't imagine being in the past when something serious was happening and they didn't have anyone to call for help.
16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? - I think people like the escape that celebrities bring, whether it's to live vicariously through them or to make fun of them lol. The only celebrity I really care about is Taylor Swift. I don't really know much else about any other celebrity.
17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? - Embarrass me or make me feel stupid or undervalued.
18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? - I do sometimes, but not excessively. I do more so as a kid. Pro: it makes stories better. Con: you're kinda lying lol
19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? - I tried to learn the guitar but it didn't work out lmao
20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? - I used to. I'm not totally opposed to selfies, but I find that pictures of any kind make me feel worse about myself so I just quit doing it. If my makeup is really nice that day I'll take one and it'll be fine, but generally I just don't like to.
21. List 3 things you like about yourself? - My attention to detail - My deep seated kindness - I'm strong-willed so my beliefs and values never move
22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? - Taylor Swift baby. "You are not the opinion of someone who doesn't know you or care about you" but I still have yet to let it sink in truly bc I still care oops. Also, writing advice: "Show, Don't Tell" this advice can literally save a writers life.
23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? - I think I could raise a child, but I don't think I'm ready to. a) I don't have a person to raise a kid with me, b) I think I still have a lot of growing up to do and that's very important when it comes to having a kid.
24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? - i cry, binge, feel sorry for myself, play some TS, and repeat.
25. When was the last time you felt awkward? - I feel awkward about everything. I felt super awkward at the grocery store yesterday bc there were these teenagers at the store in this huge pack and I had to try to get by them but they kept getting in my way and I felt so awks but also annoyed and angry bc I was trying to get stuff done.
26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? - Introverted
27. What constitutes a good friend? - Someone who is loyal, a good-listened, has your back, and defends you to the bone. Something that's always bothered me in friendships I've had is not feeling like my friend was on my side. For example, my sister's best friend always makes me laugh because when my sister is wronged by someone, her friend will immediately take her side and defend her to the ends of the earth. I've always hated if someone hurt me that my friend would remain friends with someone who hurt me or was mean to me. (I know as adults it can be a little different and I think it depends on the circumstance, but I just really value that loyalty of having a friend who would just go to the ends of the earth for you).
28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? - One best friend.
29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? - my managers talking to me
30. What is your dream job? - Best-selling/successful author
31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? -Hardworking but intelligent. Being hardworking I think says more to your character. Intelligence isn't the only interesting thing about you and it only takes you so far.
32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe? - I think probably that I struggle with my self worth because I preach a lot on self love and I'm definitely not a person to settle for less, but I really struggle to love myself or to feel worthy of love. Or that I'm not confident like people think, because I've always gotten that as a compliment, that I'm confident but I never ever feel confident and always feel like I'm less than.
33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? - why
34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? - Not gonna lie, the Court of Thorns and Roses universe so I could see what Velaris looks like. Or Narnia!
35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. - I had a friend in the fifth grade who was obsessed with beauty and being thin so she used to tell me I was fat all the time and when I would go to her house to "hang out" she would make me weigh myself and exercise. Probably the reason I have a low key eating disorder.
36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don't know. You can't switch back. What do you do? - I don't even know. I feel like I'd just be confused and then I'd probably have a panic attack.
37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? - Burn it because someone bad is gonna get their hands on it I just know it
38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? - I haven't really taken many classes so far except for creative writing but I wouldn't call it "the most important" but it's definitely really bene benefiting me and my writing!
39. Name the last book you read. - I read Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover and it was a waste of ten dollars
40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? - I feel like it would call for a lot of hurt feelings, but there's other ways to express emotions through gestures and words. I'm a writer so I feel like that's how I would express it to people if I was unable to do it any other way. However if I was unable to express it through words, I'd be in big trouble bc that's kind of a writer's M.O.
41. When was the last time you made the first move? - Neveerrr
42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? - h a t e. it's racket, i'm sorry. however they CAN sometimes add something different to a song and make it more fun or different or just pull out a different vibe which I think is cool. I can't listen tho if it's ONLY electronic sounds. it just wears me down until i feel like stabbing my ears with pins.
43. What was the last movie you watched? - Not gonna lie I think it was Halloweentown High a couple weeks ago.
44. Do you like and appreciate your life? - I'm trying to be present and grateful for my life because overall, I feel like there have been this little blessings along the way. I had a good childhood, I had a great dad and I have a wonderful mom, I went to school, I graduated, I've met incredible people, I have a good job that pays well. But I'm still a little unhappy because it doesn't fully look the way I want it to. I'm not totally satisfied yet. So I don't think I fully like it, but I'm trying to.
45. Do you like and appreciate yourself? - No, that's something I really have a hard time accepting.
46. When was the last time you cried? - Yesterday but only got a little teary and I think it was over a tiktok lol. I think I cried a full cry last week but I don't even remember why. It was late at night. I was probably tired.
47. What are you scared of? - Spiders, loss, failure. the fun stuff.
48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? - i can't talk about it
49. What are some of your hobbies? - Reading, writing (obviously), listening to taylor swift music, making lists, scrolling through pinterest/tumblr/instagram, watching youtube.
50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make? - I can't spell occasion or occurrence without autocorrect. Idk if that's superficial or annoying to you but it's annoying to me.
51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? - I try to be a good friend but I think there are many areas where I can improve. I think I'm a good friend because I'm deeply loyal and I love deeply. But I think I can be a better listener, less controlling (especially when it comes to things I think they should do vs what they actually do), and I'm really bad at making plans with people.
52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? - Yes
53. What have you learned the hard way? - That life is fragile and quick and it's not fair
54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? - Contentment
55. Which medium do you use for expressing your artistic emotions? (Singing, writing, etc.) - Writing
56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? - Creative
57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done? - choosing to stan taylor swift
58. What is your ideal meal? - Just give me a cheeseburger, large free and medium fruitopia from mcdonalds, i'll pretend not to have ibs, and we'll call it a day
59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? - talk about their ex or be rude to the wait staff if we're at a restaurant. those would be deal breakers for me.
60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? - I love hippos, cats, doggos, otters, hedgehogs, turtles, pigs, goats, birds, and raccoons.
61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? - paying minimum wage workers minimum wage. give me 800 bucks an hour for this bs thanks.
62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? - cheesy romance novels and buzzfeed quizzes
63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? - youtube. what would i do without tutorials and listening to the game grumps play nonsensical games.
64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? - I really like choice-based video games like Detroit: Become Human. I also really like something low key like animal crossing where I don't have to think too hard and it's more relaxing than anything else.
65. What is your opinion on beauty in today's society? - Impossible and toxic. you'll never be "right" because it's always changing.
66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? - Definitely a morning person. I'm usually up between 8 and 9. if I sleep in it's because I didn't sleep well the night before.
67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? - I think my fav disney movie is Mulan maybe? I'm not too sure on my favourite disney character, I think maybe Prince Naveen from The Princess and The Frog??
68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? - Why can't i have bothhhhh. I've equally wanted to live in a cute apartment in a big city AND on a little farmhouse on a countryside somewhere with a large feel and sunrises that make my heart all achey.
69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? - Ocean
70. What are the best things about winter? - Christmastime, cozy sweaters, the crunch of snow under your boots, the pretty lights, coming inside where its arm after shoveling in the cold, hot chocolate, the way the street looks at night with just the streetlights, little snow birds in the trees!! so much so much so much!!!
71. What scares you most about the future? - this is going to sound depressing, but all the loss that waits there. like I know there will be change because everything is always changing and nothing can last forever so the idea of everything being different one day or losing people i love really overwhelms me.
72. What makes you feel old? - GenZ on tik toks making fun of millennials. I'm a "Zillennial" I think because I was born on the cusp of both generations so I relate with both but sometimes they say or do things and I feel like a boomer.
73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? -The computer roughly three or four. My phone at least eight or nine hours.
74. What are some of your New Year's resolutions? - Practicing gratefulness and being present
75. What is your life story in 6 words? - What the hell? Well, this sucks.
76. Describe yourself in one word. - Gentle
77. What bad habits do you do? - Nail biting
78. What genre of music do you listen to? - Pop, alternative and worship
79. Most prominent childhood memory? - technically my dad dying - Family vacations to BC I think
80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don't, how would this change your life? - I feel like my mom would be less stressed with household stuff like mowing the lawn, shoveling, moving furniture, etc. I think it would have been nice to have a brother around, especially after my dad died, but it eeez what it eeeez
81. Spirit animal? - tbh idk
82. Do you believe in horoscopes? - No, but they're fun to read on tumblr
83. What is the worst advice you've ever been given? - I don't think I've ever really had bad advice yet but there's always room for some!
84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. - My mom, my sister, and my best friend megan
85. Favorite memory of your family. - Any of our family vacations
86. What do you look for in a relationship? - Companionship/Friendship, understanding, similar beliefs, loyalty
87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? - A few. I really look up to Taylor Swift for obvious reasons because she's a wonderful human and an even better business woman. I look up to my dad because of how much he loved God and was kind to everyone, and I look up to my mom because I admire her strength and how her love grows and grows.
88. What is your opinion on social media? - It's toxic but it's part of our normal life now.
89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? - A little of both. I think I can be really fatalistic when I'm not doing well, but when I'm in a healthy state I'm fairly optimistic.
90. List some things that you think are overpriced? - Makeup, Skin care, dairy queen combos, shampoo and conditioner.
91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? - Worst memory is definitely the one where my dad died.
92. What superpower would ruin the world? - Mind control
93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? - not go to college immediately. according to eighth grade me, i'm a total disappointment and i should have a full time career by now.
94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? - I watched the disney movie Soul and I loved it so much because it was about the main character realizing he was always a musician even if he never made it insanely big. it spoke to me about my writing because I want to be a successful author but I loved the perspective of "you're already a writer"
95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? - Montreal, NYC, Edinburgh are on the top of my list right now. If I spoke french I'd be moving to montreal tbh
96. How do you approach people? - I don't
97. What is your opinion on first impressions? - They're deceiving
98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? - play with barbies for one thing
99. What languages can you speak? - English (and a couple words in french lmao)
100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? - I can't even think that far into the future I'm sorry
101. What do you do on your lazy days? - I'm always having a lazy day, but lay around, don't do my makeup or hair, watch youtube, fret about the future, don't eat proper meals, listen to TS, scroll tumblr and then instagram, snapchat with my bestie.
102. What ended your last relationship? - I haven't been in one
103. Favorite food? - Cheesecake
104. What is the most terrifying dream you've ever had? - I'm not sure this is the scariest but I had dream a few years ago that I was in this dark house and there was a demon in the basement and it was pulling me in and I was trying to get away but I couldn't because it was literally sucking me in. I woke up with my heart racing lol
105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? - A couple weeks ago at one of my sister's friends bc I disagreed with something they did.
106. What was the last friendship you broke? - I ended a friendship with a friend about a year ago now because I just didn't feel connected to her anymore
107. Do you have any pet peeves? - TONS. people who don't like taylor swift, people who drag their feet while they're walking so their shoes make scuffing noises, people who put money on the counter instead of into my hand when i'm reaching for it, and people who treat me or others like they're stupid.
108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? - it's been a while but my mom
109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? - yesterday bc I couldn't figure out how to hand in my project
110. What are your favourite baby names? - I love Gracie, Ryder, River, Elowen, Leila, Sadie, Spencer, Tatum, Santiago, and Ronan. (I'm kind of into Wilder too but I don't know how I feel about it lol)
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Captain Falcon: The First Peacekeeper (Part 2) Chapter 3
Chapter 3: The Great Divide (Disclaimer!! I own nothing of Nintendo or Inuyasha! Except for my OCs.) I was walking into GSI where I was called for some kind of meeting. “I wonder what they want from me,” I said, “Its not like I did anything wrong.” I finally found the boarding room. There, I saw Little Mac, my old friend Tessa, and others. “Sit down Mr. Shay,” said Someone. I sat down. “I don’t believe we met,” he said, “My name is Joseph Dimaccio, head of the N.G.O.S, the New Government of Seattle.” “Sooooo what’s all this about?” I asked. "We're here to congratulate you Nicholas for all of your hard work," he said, "The world owes you and your friends for all of the things you've done for us... however..." "However what?" i asked. "However, some have been concerned with how your actions have resulted," said Dimaccio, "People are afraid." “That’s why I’m here,” said someone. I turned around and saw Korra. "Korra... what a surprise," I said. “I don’t know how else to say this,” she said, “We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes I’m all for it.” “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Nicholas, while many people see you as a hero, there are some who prefer the term vigilante,” said Dimaccio. "What word would you use?" i asked. "How about Dangerous," said Dimaccio, "What else would you call a group of biologically enhanced superhumans that seem unconcerned about the mess they leave behind?" He showed us footage from my beginning days as Power Man to the most recent fight at the party. “For 2 years you’ve been acting with unlimited power and no supervision," he said, "This is something the world can no longer tolerate. However there is a solution” He gave me a document that asks that I resign from doing herowork. “From now on you will have to oblige to my rules,” he said, “The Hyrule Accords is a document that will sign all bio-humans with the government, and will allow you to go to specific places only when and if the panel deems it necesarry.” “What?” I asked. “And if you defy these rules, there will be consequences,” he said. “Y-you can’t do this to us,” I said. “I can and I have,” he said, “This discussion is over. You have 72 hours to decide.” I was walking out angry about the situation. “Nicholas I….” said Korra. “I can’t believe you’re siding with them!” I said, “I thought we were friends.”  “OF course we’re friends, but sometimes things just happen,” said Korra, “And there’s nothing you can do about it, so why bother?” “Look,” I said, “I can’t just sit back pretending I don’t see something happening. If I see someone in danger, I have to save them.” “Look you have every right to be angry about this,” said Korra, “But if you can’t accept limitations, then you’re no better than the bad guys.” “Korra, if I see that someone’s about to get hurt, I can’t ignore it,” I said, “Sometimes I wish I could.” “Nick, it would do everyone a favor if you just sign the document,” she said. “Forget it,” I said, “I’m not selling my soul to them just to keep Seattle safe from anymore collateral damage.” I walked away. “Nicholas, some things are just….. beyond our control,” she said. “That’s not the way I see it,” I said. Colleen was looking for me. “There you are,” she said. “What do you want?” I asked. “Dude some soldiers were waiting for a demonstration and you never showed up,” she said. “What do you care?” I asked. “Well for starters, I had to cover your ass,” she said. “I didn’t ask you to,” I said. “No, but the commander did,” she said, “I was just doing as I was told.” “Whatever,” I said. She followed me. “Ok what’s going on dude?” she asked, “You’re not your useful cheerful self today.” “I don’t wanna talk about it,” I said. Bryan, one of Colleen’s comrades came by. “Come on dude, talk to us,” he said. I pushed him to a wall and put a fake blade near his head. “I said I don’t wanna talk about it!” I said. “And I can respect that,” said Bryan. “Nicholas?” asked Colleen. “Fine, I was just at a meeting and apparently they want to put a law against half humans,” I said. “What?” asked Colleen. “After my little mess yesterday they decided that enough is enough,” I said. “Can’t your team do something?” asked Bryan. “First off this ‘team’ you speak of doesn’t exist anymore,” I said, “And second of all…. They’re gone.” “Well look Nick, no matter what happens I’ll be by your side,” said Colleen, “Because you’re my best friend.” “Thanks,” I said. I started to walk away. “Look,” she said, “I know how you feel.” “Don’t,” I said. “When your friends left….” I pulled away. “I said ‘don’t’,” I said. “Maybe its time we moved on from the past,” said Colleen. I headed out. “I may have fast healing, but even I have wounds that take longer to heal,” I said. Later I was heading to the place where Wendy works. “Hey,” she said, “I didn’t expect to see you here.” “Well here I am,” I said. “Did Colleen forget something?” asked Wendy. “No, I just thought we could hang out,” I said. “I guess you can’t get enough of the infamous Wendy,” she said as she grinned. “Unless you only like me because you know I’m power man,” I said. She came to me. “So…. What’s the deal?” she asked, “I rarely see you hanging around other people. Antisocial much?” “Not exactly,” I said, “I had a group of really great friends. I don’t….. I don’t talk to them anymore.” “Why?” asked Wendy. “Things just got complicated and now…. They all left and I’m the only one here,” I said. “It happens,” said Wendy, “I actually know how you feel.” “You do?” I asked. “So my friend Rose and I were semi-finalist in the dance competition right?” she asked, “Rose was determined to win first place and make sure I won 2nd, she was training hard with me and them wham! I kicked her right in the face.” “Wow,” I said. “She had a broken jaw, swollen lip, and a black eye,” said Wendy, “My best friend since the sixth grade…. Never spoke to me again.” She looked down to the floor. “Ohhh, but…. Its not like you meant it,” I said. “Yeah… some stuff is just beyond our control,” she said, “Give me a sec to close up shop and we can get somethin’ to eat. Sushi.” I heard glass break. “What was that?” I asked. I was looking at a strange white haired guy. “Its here,” he said, “I know it. “Who the hell are you?” I asked. “You don’t recognize me do you?” he asked. “No why should….” I said. Something jogged in my memory. “OH my god, you’re that guy from the party,” I said. “What’s it to you?” he asked. “Why’d you dye your hair white?” I asked. “Ok are you gonna ask a bunch of questions?” he asked. He saw Wendy come out. “Found ya,” he said. Wendy started to run. The guy chased after her. “You picked the wrong day to mess with InuYasha!” he said. “Get away from her!” I shouted as I pushed him away. “alright now you’ve done it,” he said. He got out a giant sword. “Ok let’s do this,” I said as I got my beam sword out. We clashed at each other. “Your sword’s no match for my Tetsuiga,” he said. He dashed at me. “Try this one for size!” he shouted. I countered and kicked him in the face. “Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” he shouted. He did a claw attack and it scratched my face. I kept fighting him. “What the fuck is your deal?!” I said. “You’re not stopping me from taking down that half demon!” said InuYasha. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I said still blocking his attack. “Liar!” he shouted. He kicked me in the knee and slashed me and I fell to the ground. “Time to finish it,” he said. Someone lunged at InuYasha stopping his attack. It was Wendy…. But she looked different. Her skin was pale and she had some kind of mark on her face. “Keep. Away. From him,” she said. She suddenly regained control and turned normal again. “The next time your symbol comes up, don’t answer it,” said InuYasha, “Power-Man is dead.” He started to walk away. “Tell me,” I said, “If you’re a half demon, do you bleed?” He ran off. “You will,” I said. I turned around and looked for Wendy and it started raining. “Wendy?” I asked, “Where are you?” I saw a purple light. “Wendy?” I asked. She turned and saw me. “Go….. run away like all the others,” she said. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “You saw it…. Didn’t you?” she asked. “Yeah,” I said. “Then you have a right to be scared of me,” she said tears streaming down her eyes, “Now I get to go back to having no friends…” I took her hand. “Wendy, I’m not going anywhere,” I said, “I made a promise to be your friend no matter what, and I intend to keep it.” She looked at me. “Thank you,” she said as she hugged me. “Its ok,” I said, “Tell me everything.”
Wendy told me everything about how sht got her powers and why she spent the rest of her life hiding. “So you just kept running after your parents threatened to turn you in?” I asked. “Yes…. They knew what they would do to people like me… and they did it anyway,” she said with tears in her eyes. “That’s horrible,” I said, “I’d never do that to someone who’s close to me.” She noticed blood on my hand. “You’re bleeding,” she said. “Oh, its nothing,” I said. “Don’t say that,” said Wendy. Her hands glowed with energy and she touched them. The blood healed and my arm wasn’t hurting. “How did you do that?” I asked. “I have some kind of magic tricks,” she said, “They can heal other people’s wounds.” “Incredible,” I said. “You mean…. You don’t hate me for being a bio-human?” asked Wendy. “Of course not,” I said. She hugged me. “Thank you,” said Wendy. Inuyasha was getting his scars healed after a fight with me and Wendy. “I could’ve gotten him,” he said, “He’s the one causing all this chaos.” “I don’t think so Inuyasha,” said Kagome, “He seems to kind of a person to hurt others.” “But still.. he just doesn’t seem like a hero,” said Inuyasha. “Are you by any chance jealous of him?” asked Kagome. “No,” said Inuyasha, “I just wanna make sure he is who he says he is.” Ghirahim was watching. “Oh you will,” said Ghirahim, “And by then it will already be too late.” Some servants brought something into his lair. “We’ve found it,” said one of them. They opened the bag revealing Zant’s corpse. “Its time,” said Ghirahim. The next day I was asleep on my bench doing research. The phone rang. “Hello?” I asked. “Hey,” said Korra, “Its me.” “What do you want?” I asked. “Is that any way to greet a girl?” asked Korra, “Anyways you gotta check this out.” “What is it?” I asked. “The half demon,” said Korra, “We found it.” We were at the secret weapons facility where Luna was. “It looks like I finally got a picture of the half demon,” said Luna, “Now we just have to find it.” “Then what will we do?” I asked curiously. “We’ll bring it to commander Dimaccio and he will decide his or her fate,” said Kuviera. Luna got the DNA and put it in the computer. It revealed someone familiar and I gasped. “No….” I said. “You know her?” asked Asami. “I…. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said. “You saw her,” said Kuviera. “……Yes,” I said. “That’s all we need to know,” said Korra, “Now we have to find her.” “Who says we have to do that?” I asked. “The N.G.O.S,” said Korra, “We have our orders and you have ours.” “Korra, is this what Avatar Aang would’ve did?” I asked. “If it was for the good of his loved ones then yes,” said Korra, “You’re either with us, or against us. Its your choice.” That word echoed in my head. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” said Korra, “I have to get ready.” Asami looked at me staring out into the sky. “I know how much she means to you,” said Asami, “You’ll do us all a favor if you stay out of this one.” I was at a bar talking to Colleen, Finn, and Princess Bubblegum. “I can’t do this by myself,” I said, “I need your help to do this.” “So basically someone is framing Wendy for the mass murders going on,” said Finn, “And you think Wendy is innocent.” “That’s right,” I said. “Nicholas…. I’m not gonna turn against you,” she said, “I just wanna make sure we consider our options. Because people who shoot at you will more than likely shoot at us too.” “So are you in?” I asked. “Yeah,” said Colleen. “Count me in too,” said someone. It was Luna. “Something tells me we were given the wrong blood,” she said, “I wanna help you guys find out who’s the real half demon behind all this.” “The more the merrier,” I said, “Where’s Megaman?” “Recovering after an intense battle,” said Luna, “But luckily I still have my paintbrush.” She swung it around like a sword and smashed something. “Dude, put thing away!” said a man, “There’s like children here!” “Oops,” she said. “We’ll have to do it in secret though,” I said, “If we’re gonna get intel on the real half demon, we might as well make a few adjustments.” Colleen was giving us some makeovers. I got a lether jacket and a new hairdo and put on some shades. “Its funny, I almost didn’t recognize who you were,” said Colleen. “Well at least you know a familiar face under the shades and we can all work a normal light,” I said. We spent the next few days getting intel and information on the real half demon. With all the info we realized that someone was pulling the strings. I then took them to where I was hiding Wendy. “Nicholas…” she said, “Who are they?” “They’re here to help,” I said, “We’ve been getting intel on the half demon we think is responsible for what’s happening.” “I promise you I didn’t do those things,” said Wendy. “And I believe you,” I said, “But the people who think you did are after you, and I don’t think they’ll settle for taking you in alive.” Wendy was scared. “But I won’t let them lay one finger on you,” I said, “I promise.” I heard sirens. “Oh shit,” said Colleen, “Its their task force!” I grabbed my beam sword. “Get Wendy out of here,” I said. “I’m not going without you,” said Colleen. One of them busted the doors down. “Time to break out the heavy artillery,” said Colleen. She put on a backpack. “What is that?” I asked. Wings came out of it. “You think you’re the only guy Luna makes stuff for?” she asked, “Now let’s fight!” The task force came upstairs. “Arrest them!” said their leader. I jumped at them and fought them off while Finn and Princess Bubblegum took Wendy out of the building. I kept fighting the task force soldiers. “No doubt they work for N.G.O.S!” said Colleen. She flew by one of them giving them a hard punch. Wendy and the others were surrounded by soidiers. “We can’t get by them!” said Finn. “Stand back,” said Wendy. She used magic to push them all out of the way. One of them shot me in the arm. The wound healed. “Motherfucker!!!” I shouted. I kicked him in the balls. I saw Bolin and Opal fighting them off. “What’s going on here?” asked Bolin. “Apparently more than we know,” I said. “You won’t know anything by the time we’re done,” said Kuviera. “Oh shit,” said Colleen. She shot an earth attack at us and I deflected it. “Arwing!” said Wendy. I saw it and we all got inside. “Start, start you piece of junk!” I said. It started and I flew us away. “Asami, follow them!” said Kuviera. Asami appeared in some kind of exo skeleton. I remembered all my lessons in flying a plane and avoided her. “Freeze!” said Asami, “You’re under arrest!” Colleen flipped her off but tripped when I hit the brakes. “Why are we stopped?” she asked. “The lights red!” I said. “THERE ARE NO GODDAMN RED LIGHTS IN A GODDAMN SKY CHASE!” she shouted. I started flying again. “Why’s she trying to kill us?” asked Bolin, “Um… why are you trying to kill us?” “She works for the c.i.a!” said Finn, “We’ve seen too much!” “Let’s not jump to conclusions,” said Opal, “We don’t know she’s trying to kill us.” “CAR!!!!” said Finn. “SHE’S TRYING TO KILL US!!!” shouted Opal. I avoided the car. “D-d-did you just put your blinker on?!” asked Colleen. “You gotta indicate your turn,” I said, “It’s the LAW!” “That. Does it,” she said. She took the wheel and flew faster. “Wait what are you doing?!” I said. She saw the task force soldiers and started shooting at them. “Woo!” said Opal, “Now that’s a sky chase!!!” Kuviera was following us. “Oh no,” said Finn. She was summoning two rocks and tried to crush us. “Hold on guys!” said Colleen. She used the boost. “We’re not gonna make it,” said Bolin. “We’re gonna make it,” said Opal. “We’re not gonna make it!” said Bolin. “We’re gonna make it!” said Opal. “WE’RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!!!” said Bolin. “WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT!!!!!” said Opal. We made it. “We made it!” said Bolin. “Oh fuck!” I said. We crashed into a building and landed on the ground. “Is everyone ok?” I asked. “Yeah,” said Wendy, “We’re good!” Colleen got out. “They’re coming!” she said, “Hide.” Kuviera looked in the ship trying to find us. “Sir, the ship has been brought down, but there are no signs of the bodies,” she said. “Then they’re not dead,” said Dimaccio, “Continue the search.” “Understood,” she said. I looked around the area to make sure we were clear. “They’re gone,” I said, “Now let’s get moving.” “Where?” asked Luna. “The lab,” I said.
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Survey #381
“don’t try to be the one person who has stayed just to say they never left me”
Do you feel bored with your life? Always. Do you miss anyone who was mean to you in the past? I sometimes miss Colleen, but I know it's for the better that we no longer associate with each other. What’s the most weight you’ve ever gained from a medication? I don't know, but a fuck of a lot. Thanks, Abilify. Have you ever been suicidal? Yes. Do you pray? If yes, to whom? No. What do you miss about high school? Memories with Jason. What do you miss the most about college? Socializing. What was the best date you’ve ever been on? A triple date to an arcade w/ Jason and friends. What’s the last great song you discovered? The most recent one? I don't know, really. Do you feel free to post how you feel on Facebook? Yeah. Don't like what I post, delete me. Have you ever done cocaine? Yikes, no thanks. Do you think you’ll ever get married? Do you want to? I sometimes wonder if I ever will. I'm scared of just continuing to be an unemployed leech that is doing nothing significant with her life, in which case it's like, why even be with me romantically. I feel like such a dead end street. I want to get married someday. Who do you care about the most? When it comes down to it, probably my mom. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah. Would you ever get gauged ears? I want small gauges, actually. When it comes to clothing, are you the conservative type? Yes, because I hate my body and don't want others to see it. Do you enjoy eating? I wish I didn't. Have you ever ridden in a race car? No. Do you go out of your way to impress the opposite gender? No. Do you enjoy history? Not really, no. It bores me. Are you a pajama person or do you stay dressed all day? I'm just about always in my pjs. Do you value looks or personality more? Personality is way more important. Have you ever changed religions? Yeah. Born Roman Catholic, converted to Christianity when I further understood the differences, then I went to how I am now: I believe in something(s), but I don't quite know what. I wouldn't call myself a Neo-Pagan, but it's what I relate most to. Would you ever wear fake eyelashes? I would for like, my wedding. Foo fighters vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers: I'm actually not a big fan of either. Are you a fan of the SAW movies? I don't really watch them. Do you ever forget how old your siblings are? My two immediate sisters, I'm sometimes a year off. All my others, yes. :x Mountain Dew or Sprite? Mountain Dew, of course. I really don't like Sprite now, which is ironic because as a kid, it was my favorite soda. Could you ever give yourself a shot? Yeah. Have you ever worked as a cashier? That was one of my duties when I worked at a dollar store. If you are on birth control that allows you take pills and skip your period, how often do you opt to skip it? How come? My birth control doesn't allow me to skip, but rather, it regulates it. Is there a book series where you loved the first book, but for some reason the other books in the series just didn’t measure up? I can't say that, no, as most series I just kinda fell out of, like The Hunger Games. LOVED the first book, started the second, and even though I was enjoying it, I just stopped for some reason? Are there any stores/restaurants that you would like to shop/eat at, but there aren’t any located near enough to you? Haha yeah, like lots of west coast fast food places like Jack n' the Box or however it's formatted. If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I don't even want kids, so honestly, I'd be stoked if I learned I was infertile. Wouldn't need to worry about the chance of getting pregnant and facing an abortion dilemma. Is there something that you did not used to take seriously, that you either now take seriously or wish that you had in the past (e.g., a relationship that you miss, your education, etc.)? Hm. I don't know. Are there any subjects that you are interested in so much that you would read whole books or academic journals about them? Meerkats, especially. I will read EVERY scientific article about them I find. Are you physically affectionate with your friends? I'm a hugger. When you were in middle school and high school, did you witness a lot of bullying? How did the teachers react to name-calling or violence? Not really, thankfully. Are any of your friends/relatives actually impressive artists or writers? Are you willing to share an example of their work? Yeah. I have a cousin who's really good at drawing, and my sister is a wonderful cake decorator. Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Orange. Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your gf/bf? My hypothetical bf/gf, no. Would you ever donate blood? I have before, and I would again if I knew I was hydrated enough and the opportunity was right there. Would you rather drink coffee or tea? Ugh, neither. Do you get easily embarrassed? YES. How long was your longest make out? TMI alert, like all night. If the person who hurt you most said they’re sorry would you believe them? I honestly don't know. Do you have sensitive skin? Very. What color is your mum's car? White. Do you live in an apartment? No. Do you have a pet fish? Nope. Are you happy with your eye color? I wish they were a more sapphire blue. Solid soap bar or liquid body wash? Absolutely liquid body wash. What color do you want your dream car to be? Baby pink. *-* Do you have more then one favorite band? I say I do, but at the same time I know Ozzy Osbourne will ALWAYS be #1. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship? In a relationship. But it's absolutely not something I'm about to force just for the sake of being in one. Would you be really upset if Facebook ceased to exist tomorrow? Nah. Have you or would you try shark meat? No to both. Do you know anyone that's pescatarian? No. Someone I watch on YouTube is, though. Are you shy or over confident around your crushes? Super shy. Do you think the govt. has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public? Hell, I think it's very well possible, but I lean more towards for financial hoarding, they simply don't further pursue potential cures that are discovered. I mean, just THINK about all the "future cures" you've read or heard about. It's fucking outrageous. It's all to fuel the medical industry. Okay, tin hat coming off. Last time you drank a diet soda? A very long time ago, because diet soda gives me a massive headache. Was your ex born in America? Only one wasn't. Name your favorite type of music and why. Metal. I for one just like the sound, and I find it very therapeutic when I'm especially mad or sad. Even when I'm in a good mood, I just enjoy it. I also feel that a lot of metal songs tell interesting stories and/or have very poetic lyrics. Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? I haven't, but I've considered it. Can you breakdance? Definitely not. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? Yes. We were assigned this one war novel in middle school that was FUCKING AWFUL, like I was checked out the whole time. I don't remember its name or anything. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? Yes; the Warcraft movie I mentioned in a recent survey. Orcs and their fucking deep-ass voice that I couldn't understand. Do you blowdry your hair? No. Tell me about your dream last night. Omfgggggg y'all. So, there's one invert pet that I've never understood the keeping appeal of, and that's giant centipedes. Their bites are notoriously excruciating, and they are just SO goddamn fast. Well, for some godforsaken reason, I wanted one as a pet. Got one, and it immediately got loose. Guess who wanted to shit herself lmao. Centipedes are very cool, but only from a distance, ya feel? Have you ever stayed in a fancy high-class rich hotel? No. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? I don't think so. Describe the worst fight you’ve ever been in whether physical or verbal. I'm not entirely sure about my *worst*, but I know it was with Mom. We've had a few. Have you heated any food in your microwave today? Yeah, a shrimp alfredo Lean Cuisine bowl. Do you own any items of clothing with cartoon characters on them? Yes. Have you ever played Animal Crossing? No, it doesn't seem like my kinda game. Do you own anything (e.g jewelry, accessories) with your initial on it? Yes, but none of which I personally bought because I don't really like them. Do you own any cats or dogs? What are their names? I have a cat named Roman. <3 Have you added any books to your shelves lately? Which? No. Have you bought any new cosmetics or toiletries lately? Which? No. Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer? Roman will eat whatever cat food he's given, while Venus, like your average ball python, is a picky eater. Like when I first got her, she wouldn't eat for almost a year because I just couldn't find a method through which she'd accept food. Now she consistently takes frozen/thawed small rats that have actually sat in warm water (versus doing it by hand under running water), and she generally won't strike it unless it's offered to her by tongs, but not dangling by the tail. Picky, picky miss thang. What's your favourite variety of apple? I'm not very particular about flavor so long as the apple is crisp. I canNOT do soft apples. Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments about? My hair.
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yutaya · 3 years
Iron Fist Rewatch 1x04: Eight Diagram Dragon Palm
Danny, struggling to pull himself onto that light post thing with his probably now bruised chest: "I dedicate myself to the service of all beings of K'un Lun-" *falls* So is this a recitation they do in training - is he trying to use that mindset to help him climb this beam? Is he doing some sort of traditional ask-the-gods-to-bless-me-with-strength thing?
Lol somehow I had remembered it as Danny crawling up again anyway after the initial push. I forgot they actually went and collected him. Guess that makes them look more favorable to him than my own recall though...
On the coffee table directly facing Danny when he wakes up, probably meant to be a sign to him about where he is and who has so kindly rescued and tended to him after his unfortunate tumble off a building: the formal pic of Harold and children, another photo hard to make out - my first thought was the vacation photo of the 6 of them but it's very sepia, could be something else. Maybe if I look back at other photos we've seen before I could match it.
Danny: "What happened to me? Last I remember I was climbing up-" Ward: "Yeah, like goddamn Daredevil." LOL
UGH THIS WHOLE HAROLD INTRO SCENE UGH Danny mad at Ward one second and then Harold appears and it's like the breath is punched out of him. Looking at Ward and Ward just calmly looking back because he clearly knows what's going on and Danny doesn't - it's as if they're bringing him into their confidence on something. This is a form of offering Danny something he wants - to be a part of something with the only family he thought he had left, not to mention the miracle of one of his parent-figures being alive again. (Wow, what a journey. From finding out Harold is dead and then Ward and Joy both quite clearly rejecting him and denying him a place in their lives to Joy actually doing something to indicate maybe at least she still wants him around after all? To wait, Ward and Harold bringing me in on something too? It's like the dream he clung to in K'un Lun got snatched away and now seems to be trickling back, and - UGH.) "You see him too?" because Danny thought he was seeing things that night at the hospital but this- this is real? Ward's sad, small nod because he knows so much more about Harold than Danny does, and he's seeing this innocent joy (word choice intended) while knowing himself to be wary and that this is almost definitely another manipulation (but what if it's not? What if-? But Harold is still dangerous, he can't help it, there's a reason Ward wants to protect Joy from him even while knowing that Harold favors her so dearly, because there are other ways to hurt your children-)
Harold calmly walking forward while wearing a black suit and confirming "I did die," followed by Danny's "You look the same age as when I last saw you..." - Vampire AU??? (Ugh but why did it have to be Harold? Not a fan of monsters as the bad guys.... need a non-evil vamp to balance him out....)
The way Ward just keeps looking silently between the both of them, like a witness, like - UGH.
"You're home now," GOD DAMMIT and Danny's relief and gratitude and Ward's somber look down I -
Cancer lasted 3 years
Ward: "Dad, are you sure you should be saying this?" Harold: "It's ok. Danny needs to know this." Casting Ward in the opposition role
Ward sits down in the chair adjacent to the couch Danny is on. Harold crosses over from where he was standing near the left side of the couch to sit on the farther right side instead - specifically sitting in between Danny and Ward.
Harold: "I still remember my last breath. Scariest shit I've ever experienced." Ward looks up and away, taking a breath, before turning back again. Combo of eye-roll at dramatics and genuine pain at the thought because that's his dad and Ward remembers those years of pain and decay and - ?
I forgot Danny originally thought of the Hand more like a fable than a reality - and finding out they're a real, present threat combines with being told it's not K'un Lun that they're threatening, but that this whole time, they've actually been digging their claws into his home?
Ward rolling his eyes with his whole body when Harold encourages Danny to think about this as ~embracing his destiny~ hahaha
Ward: No offense, but Danny has zero idea how to do business and therefore maybe shouldn't be running a company with again, absolutely zero training??? Harold: Don't mind Ward being a petulant brat who wants to keep you from your rightful place in our family, Danny. I need you. :)
Harold to Danny: "We've needed a fighter like you back in the family." - right in front of Ward, yet another small "unlike you, who are weak" jab. In line with the whole "Joy can close the deal, you, Ward, can not do anything" lines in the previous episode.
Ward warning Danny about Harold!! But not really doing it great so it could be taken as another 'othering' where Danny could hear 'Harold's not YOUR dad' instead of Ward's intended 'Harold's not your DAD' - made much better by his clarification that Harold only cares about Harold and helping to show he meant 'not a good supportive dad you can lean blindly on' than if he had just. left it at that. I'm glad for Ward's continuing with that line and for Danny's long, considering look at nothing afterward. Gives the sense that Danny feels that something is off, even if he's not sure what.
Colleeeeeeeeeeeeen and her shame and her truly believing in honoring the code of bushido and her teaching these children to get them "the scholarship" to help them in a legitimate, meaningful, honorable way (SOB) and believing that their skills should be about the code and not be about flashiness or showing off or being able to lord their power and ability over others or money -
Code of Bushido (Includes eight virtues, and this episode title is Eight Diagram Dragon Palm. Coincidence???)
1. Rectitude or Justice (refers to PERSONAL rectitude - “one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering” “the bone that gives firmness and stature...without Rectitude neither talent nor learning can make the human frame into a samurai.”)
2. Courage (Bushido distinguishes between bravery and courage - “Courage is doing what is right”)
3. Benevolence or Mercy (“Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity, are traits of Benevolence, the highest attribute of the human soul”)
4. Politeness (Courtesy is rooted in benevolence - “Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it’s a poor virtue if it’s motivated only by a fear of offending good taste. In its highest form Politeness approaches love”)
5. Honesty and Sincerity (interestingly, rather than what *I* personally think of when I hear the words “honesty and sincerity”, the info in the Bushido code text about this virtue mostly centers around the idea of disdaining money and riches - probably what Colleen is talking about with her whole “fighting for money breaks the bushido code” thing)
6. Honor (referring to non-martial behavior)
7. Loyalty (bushido text about this seems mostly in context of loyalty to a superior, to your leader, to people you are indebted to. Applies tragically to Colleen and her personal experience with Hand culture. To me, of course, I am more interested in the idea of those leaders deserving your love and your loyalty hand-in-hand with it. Given the other virtues, this IS probably what the code meant to include, but from a modern standpoint it seems like one of those things where especially paramilitary organizations or cults like the Hand could twist the letter of it into an expectation of blindly following orders, even perhaps against your personal devotion to the other virtues)
8. Character and Self-Control (“Bushido teaches that men should behave according to an absolute moral standard, one that transcends logic. What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong. The difference between good and bad and between right and wrong are givens, not arguments subject to discussion or justification, and a man should know the difference.” I get the ideal of this, but something about the wording sits weirdly with me... maybe the implication that they can’t make a mistake?)
Ageless qualities of manliness: choosing compassion over confrontation, and benevolence over belligerence <3
“The tie might be a touch effeminate” Shut UP Ward
Danny, at a press conference: *waves at Jeri* “Hey.” Jeri: *shakes her head*
Danny: “Yes, I was in a mental hospital.” Joy, despairingly: “Oh, Danny”
Jeri smiling. Maybe she worked with Danny on how to handle the press conference and likely questions he would face? My headcanon from this anyway. Ward and Joy looking at each other, seems like in surprise at Danny’s answers and spin?
“Kindness is the eternal law”
The way Danny slips in to this conversation with Joy about the Red Hook property for his Hand investigation is very well done. Reminds me of watching the Netflix trailer and thinking that it made IF look like a show where Danny was some form of government agent going undercover as himself for an investigation.
SO CUTE how Danny goes “woah, I have a first appointment of the day? Who is it?” and then he turns around and it’s his friend Jeri! Hahaha. Danny: “J-money!!” *goes in for a hug* Jeri: “Woah, we don’t do that.”
Jeri: “Your father’s office. Even found his old desk.” Meaning she was the one working on this - Ward is the one who had to set Danny up there after his sarcastic remarks in the penthouse, but Jeri brought in the sentimentality. (Jeri, directly after basically admitting to putting a bunch of effort into a very sentimental gesture here: “Now don’t get all weepy on me.”) Jeri in IF is so soft I love it
Danny: “I pretty much had to raise the dead.” *smirks to himself at his own inside joke*
Jeri, trying to give Danny advice: “For most of these people, you are a hostile takeover.” Me: JERI, HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND THE NUANCES OF YOUR CORPORATE SPEAK.
Jeri asks if Danny wants the door open or closed. He chooses open. Open to Megan, open to all his new coworkers and employees. Danny is, at his core, for people.
LOL Did Danny just steal Ward’s chair?
Danny: *forces half the board to move so he can sit next to Joy* Me: DANNY
If these guys really wanted to persuade Danny to their point of view on the sell-at-cost thing, they should have emphasized the “funding new research” part of it instead of just repeating “this is just business” ad nauseam. Obviously Ward is actually trying to do the opposite right now and get Danny driven out, but idk what the rest of these people are thinking. Danny acknowledges that they can still make profits elsewhere, which is his side offering a dialogue to meet them. Their counter is that the WHO will be buying it from them and subsidizing it from other people. If they wanted to meet or even just appear to be meeting Danny partway, they could have suggested an initiative to work with the WHO on a program for that? Although since none of them want to actually do that and don’t really care what Danny thinks about it, I know why they didn’t.
Joy raising her eyebrow at Ward’s declaring that they’ll go to market at cost like “I see you Ward and how many times have I told you to leave the maneuvering to me you are unsubtle and unskilled”
Danny looking back at Ward significantly on his way to his discussion with Joy about the pier deal
Ward taking The Drugs before he has to answer Harold’s late night phone call
Harold: You did a great job today. Ward: *baffled expression* Harold: Now, son, this isn’t the time to point fingers, it’s the time for solutions. Ward: There it is. Harold: Also, you screwed up in the meeting and you need to make it up. Ward: *sigh*
Danny: white sneakers with the suit
Joy casually placing the monks and their traditional robes in a lower class position to them and their white collar formal business attire
Time for Joy to play the angle on Danny, curb his at-cost behavior for the future
The ringmaster choosing the second fighter for Colleen followed by that “look, you guys know all the rules” line - I like this guy. He probably remembers how the last dude Colleen fought was a rule-breaker and wants to keep all his fighters safe as possible in an already dangerous 2-on-1 fight like this.
Again with the camera slowing and the noise fading and the blood splattering camera work giving the “losing control” vibe
“The problem was, I never thought through WHY I wanted this job. I mistook my stubborn will for a sense of... destiny, or something.” (Danny, earlier: “My shifu would have called this destiny.”)
“Every moment was a struggle. Failure... led to a beating. Victory... led to another fighting style. To the next lesson.”
Joy flat out calls it abuse and Danny doesn’t deny it.
Vodka and tonic, light on the tonic.
Danny clearly still shaken by the borderline flashbacks to his life at K’un Lun.
Is this the first time the Hatchets appear? Just storming the apartment and punching Joy in the face? Danny and Joy must both be like “WHAT IS HAPPENING”
Joy tries punching one of them. Good for you, Joy.
Ah yes, Ward flat out telling one of the more shark-like reporters that the drug is a huge deal that would save millions of lives and that Rand was of course planning to really boost the price to make a “huge” profit. “That is a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars [that our one company wanted to make off of the millions of people who needed this drug to save their lives]. He’s worse than those bleeding-heart-liberal-trust-fund hipsters wandering around Williamsburg.” (Note: Williamsburg: hip neighborhood that draws the young and fashionable. Boutiques, cafes, street art, outdoor concerts and food markets. Dance clubs, bars, music halls. East Williamsburg is ranked one of the 5 most LGBTQ+ friendly neighborhoods in Brooklyn.)
“Ellison, don’t give the front page to Karen”
Ward just looks at her retreating back and rubs his hands together like “Ah yes, a job well done.” Biggest question for the viewers in this scene is probably: Did Ward tank this on purpose or is he really that far removed from the reality of the non-Elite?
Colleen: still bloody from her illegal cage fighting and hears noise outside her door. Last time she heard noise, it was attackers breaking in for what probably seemed to her like retaliation. Then it’s Danny and she has the relieved exasperation, but - oh ho, Joy Meachum?
“Wasn’t he stalking you?” “It was a misunderstanding.” “Right. I guess being a millionaire covers a multitude of sins.” (Danny: “Billionaire.” Colleen in the background: *disbelieving huff+head shake*)
TRIADS. Time for my triad rant: Every drama show ever to involve Asian-Americans - even just in one-episode specials - includes triads. I’m so sick of it. I know organized crime is a real problem that actually exists, but - why are the Asians always evil? It’s like having the mafia be a plotline every time an Italian character exists on screen. Plz diversify. Media colors perception.
Danny: literally just walks into a restaurant and says he needs to speak to the head of the crime gang. AND THEN NONE OF THEM EVEN BOTHER TRYING TO DENY IT. The Hatchets literally just open the door to their backroom where you can clearly see their illegal activity and come out to talk to Danny. What if he was working with the cops, guys?
It’s so scary how the Yangshi Gonsi react to the mention of the Hand. Well done, IF.
“Joke around the house was that Danny and I were pledged to be married.” (“In another life, this would have been romantic.”) (THIS CREEPS ME OUT THOUGH in a very personally specific triggering way as someone who spent their childhood running around with a boy that I found out later people thought was gonna “knock me up someday.” #BARF)
Colleen has a billionaire in her dojo learning how to punch on a dummy held together with duct tape because she can’t afford to fix it. (Also: Colleen's dojo is also for self-defense classes. Joy was just attacked by hatchet-wielders.)
Danny: "The hatchets won’t be a problem anymore." and then doesn’t elaborate. DANNY THAT SOUNDS SO SHADY. YOU LOOK SO SHADY RIGHT NOW.
Danny: *reaches out and touches Colleen’s hand* Colleen: *flinches back* What are you doing? DANNY. DANNY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. You seriously have no idea how you come across. Joy is watching all this like “wow....ok.”
Danny used to fight in illegal fight clubs on his way back from K’un Lun. Along with his obtaining an illegal fake ID. New headcanon: Danny is actually super connected to the criminal underground worldwide. Mob bosses everywhere have a soft spot for him. He’s somewhere on a mission with Ward/Colleen/Defenders/HfH and acting like he knows the area, someone recognizes him and he starts chatting cheerfully with them, suddenly they’re being greeted and helped out by people deep in the black market scene while Danny bear hugs someone that most people clearly fear and his companions look on with wide eyes.
Danny, a literal billionaire: Remember how I offered to pay you six months rent for helping me out? Colleen, broke as hell: My denial stands.
Danny: So how are we gonna tell Ward? (framing them - all three of them - as a team) Joy: lmao, are we thinking about the same Ward? You want to tell the most overprotective big brother in the world that men with hatchets attacked his sister? Do you remember what he did to those bullies when we were 8?
Gao: *black bags Harold, refuses to tell him where they’re taking him, doesn’t reveal that this particular instance is him landing on the ‘good’ side of the scale until the last possible second.*
Ugh, he just puts that sword back in the scabbard with all the blood still on it? Improper blade care
Oh yeah, I guess this is the audience’s first scene showing that Harold is capable of cold-blooded murder
I notice that this article may be the front page of the business section, but is NOT the front of the newspaper. Sorry, Jennifer.
[I had initially transcribed the article here, but have made it it's own post which can be found here. Notes on the article, though: Jennifer was very kind to the Meachums in it, given what Ward was actually saying. Also, which Bulletin employee fell down on grammar checking that thing?]
Danny’s Jeri-given apartment doesn’t have a number on the door, but does have some sort of cherry blossom branches etching in the plate?
The Hatchet box!!! (congrats again @Sholio LOL) Yang Hai-Qing wants Danny to get rid of the Hand too. He wasn’t gonna mess with them, explained they didn’t know about the Hand's involvement when they went after Joy, and apologized, but then the Hand came to his restaurant and killed one of his men anyway.
Ah yes, the great tattoo reveal. Also, is that a bullet’s pucker scar on Danny’s left shoulder?
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divinebird · 7 years
momentous 1/2
pairing: sheith (shiro/keith) wc: 11,323 notes: for aki, happy birthday! this au is something we talked about for a long while, which is inspired by the walking dead. specifically, season 3 episode 4 :). this universe is also a part of a zomb au i have in the works, but that comes out in the future. so, enjoy! warnings: implied sexual content, unplanned pregnancy, child birth, c-section, mentions of amputation, mild depictions of gore summary: Right now the fear outweighs any other emotion because it’s not a scare this time, it’s real. When he rests a hand across his stomach a new one starts to blossom, starting in his chest and slowly spreading everywhere else until he finds himself smiling.
He feels happy.
(trans keith + unplanned pregnancy + zomb au)
{AO3} (formatted better here)
momentous adjective | mo·men·tous | \mō-ˈmen-təs, mə-\ important, consequential • a momentous decision
Keith had only gotten the test on a whim after feeling a bit off for some time, expecting a negative result. It was easy to assume that it wouldn’t be possible since it wasn’t before all of this but as he stares at the two pink lines he realizes that it definitely is.
“Pregnant,” he repeats faintly. “I’m pregnant.”
They had a pregnancy scare a few months back, caused by a faulty test they later discovered, and the relief he felt at the time nearly overwhelmed him. It wasn’t just relief he felt, though; Keith also had a flash of disappointment because there was a part of him, deep down inside, that still craved a family of his own.
Right now the fear outweighs any other emotion because it’s not a scare this time, it’s real. When he rests a hand across his stomach a new one starts to blossom, starting in his chest and slowly spreading everywhere else until he finds himself smiling.
He feels happy.
A knock on the door startles him and he only relaxes when he remembers that he locked it. “Keith?” Shiro’s voice is laced with concern, and a softness that’s only reserved for him. “Are you all right? You’ve been in there for a while.”
“I’m fine,” he answers, somehow managing to keep his voice steady. “Got lost in thought, I’ll be out in a sec.”
There’s a pause and Keith prays that Shiro believes him because he doesn’t want to have to explain just yet what is going on with him, not yet. “Okay,” Shiro finally says and Keith slumps against the wall, thankful that he did. “You better hurry before all the rolls are gone.”
“You’ll save some for me anyways,” he replies, smiling when Shiro laughs. He clings to the sound of it even as it fades away, closing his eyes and imagining Shiro right beside him to calm his nerves.
He could go out there and ask Shiro for comfort, sit down on his lap and welcome his embrace, but he’s still wrapping his head around the new situation he’s in. While he is happy about the fact that he’s going to have a baby there’s a huge chance that Shiro might not feel the same.
Keith wraps the tests in toilet paper, placing them at the bottom of his bag before getting up to wash his hands. He splashes water on his face, staring at his reflection as he dries it with a small towel and wonders if there are any differences he can spot.
Nope, he still looks the same.
“Bring it up to him,” he tells himself, distressed eyes looking back at him. “You have to.”
He doesn’t.
☆ ☆ ☆
It’s brought up a few nights later, when Keith is still breathless and twitching while Shiro is kissing his neck. He laughs when he feels Shiro’s light scruff against his skin, pushing him away. “I thought I told you to shave.”
“You like it.”
Shiro moves so that he’s lying next to him and Keith waits until he’s on his back before shifting closer, resting his head on Shiro’s chest. Fingers run through his hair, the action soothing and causing him to slowly doze off. He doesn’t even open his eyes when Shiro sighs in the way that tells him that he’s got something on his mind, humming to show that he’ll be listening.
“What’s been going on with you?”
“Nothing,” he mumbles, pushing his head up into the touch. “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
Keith says nothing, opening his eyes and staring at the wall. “No,” he finally admits after a long moment of silence. “I’m so lost right now and I don’t know what to do.” Taking a deep breath, he continues before Shiro can speak. “I think I’ve already made the choice but is it really the right one? Could I really do it, especially with how the world is right now? They don’t deserve that, Shiro, and I don’t even know if I’ll be a good…” Keith bites the inside of his cheek to prevent more from spilling out, the hand in his hair stilling.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, can you please explain?”
He sits up, staring down at Shiro’s face. Shiro wears the look of worry he’s been carrying, only seen when Keith catches him looking. “I’m pregnant.” Keith whispers as he looks away, not wanting to see his expression change.
Arms wrap around him and he sinks into the embrace, pressing his face into Shiro’s shoulder and clinging to him. “You said you made your choice, right?” Shiro asks with no indication in his voice as to what he could be feeling.
“I want to keep it.” Keith answers in a small voice. “But it’s not a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Look at the world around us,” he says, pulling back and gesturing out the window. “Do you think our child deserves to live in a world like this? Do you think they’ll grow up happy here? Safe? Will they make it to an old age and die peacefully in their sleep or will they be torn apart by infected?” Keith covers his stomach, staring down at it and hating the way his eyes well up. “I think of all of this but you know what else I think of? Our child having your eyes…my hair…”
“So you don’t want to…”
“No, I don’t.” Keith voice drops to a whisper. “I’m scared, Takashi.”
One of Shiro’s hands covers his own, curling gently around his fingers. “I am too,” Shiro says, just as quiet, and when he looks up at him he sees a hint of a smile on his face. “Tell me, really tell me: do you want this?”
There’s no hesitation. “Yes.”
“So do I.”
Keith meets him for a kiss, other hand cupping Shiro’s cheek and smiling at the rough feel. He’s tugged into Shiro’s lap and only pulls away to catch his breath, smile turning into a smirk at Shiro’s noise when he rolls his hips. “Again?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Shiro mutters, wrapping an arm around him as he presses his lips to Keith’s chest. Keith jolts when he feels teeth against skin, playfully tugging at Shiro’s hair. “You good?”
He replies with another kiss which muffles his gasp when Shiro rocks up. “Yeah,” he murmurs, licking his lips. “Definitely.”
☆ ☆ ☆
They decide to keep it to themselves for now, unsure of what could happen in the next few weeks. Keith doesn’t mind, happy to share this feeling with Shiro and Shiro only. There has been more conversations about it, the two of them figuring out what they’ll need in the future and when Shiro should start looking.
(“No more supply runs for me,” Keith tells him one afternoon, head pillowed on Shiro’s lap while they’re relaxing on the couch. “I won’t even step outside the gates.”
“How come?” Shiro questions with a bewildered expression, which makes sense because Keith isn’t known to back down and stay behind even when he’s told to do so.
This is different
“We both know I can handle myself out there but I still don’t want to risk them.” he answers quietly, fingers brushing over his still flat stomach. “They’re not even here yet and I already want to do everything I can to keep them safe, that’s the best I can do right now.” He pauses. “Is that weird?”
Shiro’s confusion clears, face growing softer as he rests his hand over his stomach. “It doesn’t seem weird to me, Keith. That might be because I feel something similar so you won’t hear me complaining about this choice you’ve made.”
“You’d say the same thing if I decided to do this outside of pregnancy.”
“I won’t confirm or deny that.”)
It also brings a new closeness to them, Shiro constantly touching him and even keeping his palm on his stomach throughout the nights. Keith will usually cover that hand with his own, not telling Shiro that he actually finds it adorable.
Keith isn’t able to estimate how far along he really is since the size of his belly doesn’t tell him a thing. He knows that he’s supposed to get bigger as time passes but there’s barely been any change to his stomach. Is that normal? Will he ever get a bump? What if that’s a bad sign?
He doesn’t voice these worries to Shiro because he knows that the suggestion will be to go to Pidge’s mother, who was a nurse before all of this and uses her skills to make sure everyone is well bandaged and healthy in their small community. Keith isn’t quite ready to go see her, not wanting to share the news that he’s with child, but the decision is pretty much out of his hands after a while.
Morning sickness hits and it hits hard.
“You should go see Colleen about it,” Shiro says one afternoon as he holds Keith’s hair back, even reaching past him to flush the toilet himself when Keith clumsily attempts to do so. “I don’t think it’s normal for you to get sick every time you eat.”
“Shut up, Takashi.” Keith mutters, pushing himself up to stand.
He allows Shiro to help him over to the sink and turns the knob, cupping his hands beneath the running water and rinsing his mouth a couple of times before grabbing his toothbrush. They have toothpaste this month, something he’s grateful for as he brushes his teeth until the taste of vomit is gone.
He slows down when he sees the bag under his eyes in his own reflection, the way he looks a bit sickly, and sighs. Shiro is right, of course, and after he rinses his mouth again he nods. “I’ll go later today, that way you can pick me up when you’re finished with your job.”
“I’m just guarding the wall, I can ask someone else to take over for me so I can go with you.”
“You’ve already done that too many times, Lance is going to start complaining.” Keith tugs on Shiro’s arm and they slowly walk into their bedroom, heading over to the bed which became a huge comfort after spending his morning kneeling on the bathroom floor. “He’s already annoyed that I haven’t been doing my own jobs, don’t let him feel the same way over you.”
“I can handle him,” Shiro murmurs in response but does pull away to get ready. Keith watches him as he does so, eyeing his back and licking his lips when he feels a spark of heat in his gut. He doesn’t say anything about that when Shiro returns to his side.
“Should I tell her?” Keith asks quietly when Shiro leans down, placing a hand on his chest to stop him from doing anything.
Shiro only smiles at him, removing his hand and then kissing his forehead. “It’s your decision,” he says before kissing him on the lips. “You might have to anyways so we can figure out how to make you feel better.”
He gives a nod and grips Shiro’s shirt as he’s about to step back, keeping his face tilted up. “One more kiss?”
“If I give one more you’ll ask for another and then an extra, I won’t ever leave.” Shiro still kisses him, this one longer.
“What’s so wrong with that?” Keith counters but lets him go, falling back on the bed. “See you later.”
☆ ☆ ☆
He leaves two hours after Shiro does, heading over to Pidge’s house and feeling nervous as he knocks on the door.
Thankfully, her mother is the one who opens it—surprised to see him there. “Are you looking for Pidge?” she asks in a curious voice. “Or Matt? They’re not here right now; they went off to try and fix more of the lights.”
Keith shakes his head. “I’m here to see you, actually.” He bites his lip, honestly feeling nervous. “I’ve been feeling sick and I wanted to know if there’s anything you have that can make me feel better.”
She stares at him and Keith can feel himself fidget in place at the intensity of it. “Let’s go to my office, then,” she says after a few seconds, shutting the door when she steps outside with him. “I have everything I need there.”
“You have an office?”
“I didn’t want any more blood on my carpet.”
Her office turns out to be another house, all of the furniture cleared out from the living room and replaced with a shelf containing different kinds of medical equipment and three cots. He sits down on the one she points at and watches her comb through her shelf, blinking at the many items she comes back with.
“What are your symptoms?” she asks as she pulls on a pair of latex gloves. He opens his mouth when she holds one of those larger popsicle sticks, allowing her to check his throat. “It looks a bit swollen…”
“I’ve been throwing up a lot,” he answers when she pulls away. “I think I feel a bit warmer than usual? And I’ve been feeling really tired even though I sleep a ton.”
Colleen hums and picks up the thermometer next. “Do you know why you’ve been sick?” she asks while placing it beneath his tongue. When he gives a shake of his head, she raises an eyebrow. “Keith, I need to know so we can figure out if you need medicine or not.”
“Maybe I’m coming down with the flu?” Keith offers once the thermometer is out of his mouth, reading the temperature (ninety-eight degrees) and huffing when she simply gives him a look like she knows it’s not the truth. “Okay, fine. I know why.”
She crosses her arms, waiting.
Keith looks away. “I’m pregnant.”
“I thought so.”
His gaze snaps back to her, unable to keep the shock out of his voice. “How!?”
“I remember being pregnant once or twice,” she answers with a small wave of her hand, pulling her chair closer to herself and sitting across from him. “You’re keeping it, right? If you weren’t, then you probably wouldn’t even be here right now.” Her eyes hold no judgement, only the warmth they always hold whenever she speaks to him.
“Yes,” he interlocks his fingers, tapping his thumbs together. “I want to.”
Colleen smiles at him and he reads excitement on her face. “Shiro knows, right?” she asks and continues when Keith nods in response. “Good. Okay. Have you been gaining any weight?”
“I’m not sure, we don’t have a scale.” Keith frowns. “I’m supposed to have a baby bump, right? Is it normal to not have one?”
“It is,” she answers and he feels himself sag in relief. “People usually start showing later in their pregnancy if it’s their first one so you’ll get one down the line, as long as you keep eating right.” A pause. “Have you been able to keep your food down?”
“No, I throw up after every meal.” Keith frowns. “Shiro thinks it isn’t normal for me to do that, which is why I’m here today. Also because I’m tired of vomiting constantly, and I want something to help me with it.”
“There’s no medicine to help you with this,” Colleen opens up one of her cabinets. “You could try drinking a bit of tea to help soothe your stomach, but having a lot is bad for you and the baby. Bed rest is the best option, along with some of this.”
She holds out a bottle of Gatorade and when Keith drinks some, opening it at her pointed nod, he feels a bit better. While it might just be his imagination helping him along, he’s certainly not complaining over something quelling the nausea he feels all the time.
“Thank you,” Keith says quietly once he’s downed half of it.
“I’ll tell Hunk to bring back a case when he goes on another supply run.” Colleen places three more beside him, a kind smile on her face. “I won’t tell him that it’s for you, so don’t look so worried.”
“I’m not worried,” he mutters, feeling his lips twitch when she laughs. “Is there anything else I’ll need?”
“Vitamins, of course, though I don’t know when you’ll be able to get them. If I give a list to anyone who goes out there, they’ll be able to recognize the items on it, especially if it’s Pidge, Hunk, or Matt with the other.”
“Shiro can get them.”
“He won’t leave you alone, I know how it is.”
“If I tell him it’s something I need, then he’ll go out there,” Keith doesn’t doubt for a second that Shiro would head on out to find the vitamins for him and some extra so the rest of Keith’s pregnancy goes well. “Do you think I’ll be able to do it?”
“You can. I won’t lie to you and say that it’ll be easy, because it might not be. Our lack of resources will make it harder, especially when you go through labor, so we’ll have to plan ahead.”
He hadn’t even thought of that. “Oh.”
She rubs his shoulder and he actually finds it comforting. “Don’t worry about it right now, we can discuss it when you’re farther along instead.”
There’s a knock on the door and Colleen walks over to open it. The sight of Shiro looking out of breath makes Keith sit up straighter. “You didn’t have to rush for me, I would have been fine here.” Keith points out, welcoming the kiss he receives as a greeting.
“I know,” Shiro slips a hand beneath his shirt, thumb stroking over his hip. “You good?”
“I will be.”
☆ ☆ ☆
When he finally starts to show, it’s a tiny bump—unnoticeable to their friends but definitely to both of them. Shiro becomes a bit unbearable, constantly asking if he’s okay, taking up all the strenuous work, and more. It makes him wonder if Colleen told him anything after their meeting because he has no other explanation for this kind of behavior.
There’s only one thing that fills him with anger mixed with annoyance.
“Stop giving me your food!” Keith hisses, sliding the plate back to him.
“You need it more than I do,” Shiro replies as he places it back in front of him, grabbing one of the apples from the basket and taking a bite from it. “I don’t need to eat a lot to get through the day, I’ll be fine.”
“At this point you are the one who needs it, you’ve been doing this for the past few days!”
Shiro says nothing else, gazing at him as he continues to eat his apple.
Feeling vexed—a familiar emotion after however many times Shiro has pulled this with him—he crosses his arms and looks away. A tense silence falls between them, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by their friends.
Lance, of course, is the first to comment. “Jeez, what’s up with you two? Actually, I don’t want to know. All I want is for you to not argue at the dinner table, we’re trying to eat here!”
“We’re not arguing,” Shiro replies and Keith feels himself scowl. “We just had a small disagreement.”
“Disagreement my ass,” he mutters under his breath. He glares at Shiro’s plate, arms crossed and mouth twisted. There’s an uneasy air afterwards and he knows he’s getting more than a few looks from his friends but he doesn’t care, irritation building up inside him and clawing at his insides like it needs to be released.
The conversations around him go through one ear and out the other, muffled only to him as he focuses on relaxing.
He remembers when one of the women in his neighborhood got pregnant and how his mother told her time and time again to take it easy, because any stress or negative emotions was apparently bad for the baby. Maybe this counts, too.
Keith pushes himself up carefully, looking over at Shiro first and then Allura. “I’m going for a walk,” he informs them, stepping away from his chair and waving in their direction before doing exactly that.
No one follows after him, thankfully, so he keeps his pace slow. Keith doesn’t have a destination in mind and simply continues to walk until he finds a place to stop at, looking all around him as he moves along.
He ends up at the library.
It’s a small building, obviously meant to give the people who lived in this town something to do. He props one of the doors open with a brick, heading further inside. Keith pays no attention to the books, though his fingers glide along the spines as he walks through the aisles. He eventually comes across a small reading area, books in a neat stack on top of the small table with bean bags surrounding it.
Keith sits down on the red bean bag and is happy to discover that it’s really comfy.
Reaching out towards the table, he picks up the book on the very top and starts flipping through it. He stops at a random page and starts to read, only stopping when he reads the same passage about five times and sets it aside.
He considers not answering, sinking down further into the bean bag. After a few more calls of his name he sighs, turning his head towards the sound of Shiro’s voice.
“Over here.”
Shiro’s tense posture is the first thing that he notices, watching as it drains away when he turns his head towards Keith. They stare at each other for longer than necessary until Keith pats the space beside him.
While Shiro does move closer, he seems to hesitate before he’s within reach. “Can you sit on my lap instead?” Shiro asks softly and honestly fidgets in place when Keith raises an eyebrow. “I want to hold you, Keith.”
“Only if you sit on this one,” Keith counters and stands up, waiting for Shiro to sit down before carefully sitting on his lap. He shifts until he’s comfortable and ends up with his head rested on Shiro’s shoulder as fingers run through his hair.
“I’ve been bugging you, haven’t I?”
Keith shifts so that his ear is directly over Shiro’s heart, the sound of it causing him to relax even further. “Yes,” he answers truthfully, letting out a sigh and closing his eyes. “I know you mean well, Shiro, but giving up your own portion doesn’t make me feel good.”
“You need to eat more, Keith. You’re—”
“I know, I know. I’m eating for two. It just bothers me that I’m taking food from you when I can get seconds on my own.” He sits up so he can look at Shiro, unable to keep the frown off his face. “You need to eat as well, especially if you keep going out there for runs.”
Shiro simply gazes at him, the affection in his eyes never leaving. “How about this,” he begins and reaches up with a hand. It rests against his cheek and Keith leans into it with a hum, enjoying the way his thumb rubs over his cheekbone. “I give you some of mine if you can’t get more.”
He sighs. “Shiro…”
“We don’t know how our food situation will be in a couple of months and we especially don’t know how our crops will do.” Shiro gains a furrow to his brow like this is something he’s been worried about for a while, which only clears when Keith leans forward to kiss the spot. “Sacrificing some food so you and our baby have enough to eat is worth it, Keith.”
The hand on his cheek starts to slide down until it reaches the hem of his shirt. Keith nods when he sees Shiro’s questioning look and feels his lips twitch at the look of adoration Shiro gets when his hand rests against his stomach.
His shirt is pushed up even further and Shiro leans forward. Keith shivers at the feel of lips against his skin, reaching up and lightly tugging on his tuft of hair.
“Only if we run low,” he finally agrees after thinking about it for longer, pushing Shiro back against the bean bag and sitting on his lap again. “And only then, Shiro. Don’t try to sneak more onto my plate when you think I’m not looking.”
“So you did catch that.”
“No but thanks for admitting that you have.” He pauses. “We’re taking this bean bag home.”
☆ ☆ ☆
He can’t hide this secret for long.
It comes out when he’s confronted about his lack of work within their small community, Lance scowling fiercely at him with his arms crossed as he stares at him. “Well?” he asks impatiently, obviously wanting an answer. “You got an explanation for not working as much as we do?”
Keith sighs.
“Lance, just calm down,” Shiro says beside him and Keith rolls his eyes when he sees the glare turn onto Shiro next. “You don’t have to be angry about this. There is a very important reason as to why Keith isn’t allowed to do so much heavy lifting.”
“He doesn’t even go out on supply runs, Shiro!” Lance cries out while throwing his arms out. “Something that he loves to do! So please, Keith, tell me why you’re not doing your job anymore!”
Embarrassment washes over him when he sees Hunk and Allura looking down from their small watch tower, Pidge and Matt stopping in place down the sidewalk, and Coran close by but head turned in their direction.
He catches Shiro’s nod from the corner of his eye, obviously a way to tell Keith that he’ll be okay with whatever decision he makes right now. The support gives him the courage he needs to look Lance in the eye, hands clenched into fists by his side and voice unwavering when he speaks.
“I’m pregnant.”
The reaction is immediate, Lance’s eyes going wide and mouth dropping open. He said it low enough so he’s the only one who heard but, knowing Lance, everyone else will soon hear in a bit so he continues with his explanation.
“I don’t know how far along I am, but I haven’t been going on supply runs because I didn’t want to risk the baby in any way, and I’ve been limiting my work load because Shiro doesn’t want me to strain myself. I’m sorry if it seems like I’ve been lazy or whatever but it’s really just me wanting to make sure this goes well.”
It’s utterly silent for several long moments.
A hand touches his right one, gently unfurling it so their fingers can interlock. When he sneaks a peek at Shiro he catches sight of the small, proud smile on his face. They say nothing to each other, Keith looking back at Lance while a kiss is pressed to the side of his head.
Lance seems to come back to himself, mouth closing with an audible click before he starts pointing at Keith. “You’re what!?”
He points to Keith’s stomach next. “Baby!?”
Then, at Shiro. “Him!?”
“Who else?”
When it seems like Lance has more to say Keith reaches out to grab his finger, giving it a shake before letting go. “As we have established now: I am pregnant with a baby because of Shiro.” He raises his voice. “And now everyone knows and can come talk about it since they’re just waiting for the chance to do so.”
They’re surrounded in an instant.
Keith does take a step back when they all start talking at once, leaning into Shiro’s embrace when he wraps an arm around him. He knows they mean well and they’re just curious but it’s honestly starting to feel overwhelming, something that Shiro must sense.
“Alright, alright! Calm down!” Shiro barks and everyone falls silent. Keith pats his hand in silent gratitude. “Let’s do this one by one, okay? Keith can be the one to decide who will go.”
This time he gives his hand a squeeze and then steps away from him, looking at all their friends before pointing at an excitable Allura.
“Are you going to have godparents for them?” Her words express the enthusiasm well, especially when she bounces in place. “Oh, wait, nevermind about that! Do you need us to start getting baby items for you on supply runs?”
“That’d be nice, Allura.” He tells her with a smile. “You can even take Shiro with you when you go. I think he’ll be a great judge for things like cribs or strollers.” Keith knows this to be true because Shiro will make sure every inch of those sort of things will be perfectly safe for their child. “Not all at once, though. We don’t know what can happen.”
She nods, understanding his meaning.
Pidge waves her hand around and Keith almost laughs. “This isn’t school, Pidge, but go right ahead.”
“What about powdered milk?” she questions immediately. “I think that’s something we should stock up on right away—diapers and wipes as well! Those are the things you’ll need the most so we shouldn’t wait until we have to go farther and farther out for these things.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t take the stuff that’s nearby?” Matt is looking at Pidge with a contemplating expression. “So that way, in case of an emergency, it’s only a long walk or a quick drive.”
“That’s actually a good plan,” says Shiro with his own thoughtful look. “We should hide them in a safe spot at least, that way no one else messes it up if they’re passing through.”
“Are you going to want a baby shower?” Lance seems to have gotten over his shock and is now pointing at Keith (again), eyes narrowed. “You do, right? I can start planning for it.”
Keith blinks and thinks it over. “A small party,” he counters. “Nothing too extravagant, we don’t need to waste all our supplies on something like that.”
“We can have a small dinner and give you gifts?”
“That works.”
Lance beams at him, and it’s so strange to see that directed at him, before nodding towards Shiro, “I’m happy for both of you, really. Starting a family is a pretty big deal and, despite the whole undead situation, I’m glad it’s happening.” His grin gets wider. “We’ll all be one big family!”
He feels himself smile in response to that, ducking his head to hide it. “Guess you’re right about that,” he says quietly. Then, he peeks up through his bangs just so he can watch Lance’s reaction. “Does that mean you’ll be their uncle?”
There’s a pause where the question seems to slowly sink in, and then that wide smile is back. “Holy crap! I’ll be an uncle again!” Keith is surprised when he’s pulled into a hug, hearing Lance laugh in his ear as he pats his back. “Thanks!”
After he’s let go and Lance is off bouncing by Hunk’s side, he feels a tug on his arm and glances over at an uncharacteristically serious Coran. “What about the delivery?” he asks in a tone of worry. “I don’t know how we’ll get what we need for it but doing it natural is far too dangerous, you could die.” Coran looks down at his stomach. “You both could.”
That possibility hadn’t really entered his mind and now Keith feels sick at the thought, resting his hand on the area and swallowing. “We’ll talk more when I start to get bigger,” he finally says after staying silent for a bit. “Until then, please don’t bring up these worries to Shiro. I don’t want him to stress over the thought of losing us.”
Although Coran frowns, he still nods in response. “You’ll have to discuss it with him, Keith,” he warns. “Maybe not now but definitely after you form a plan. What if something were to go wrong? All he can do is stand by and watch and that’s not the place he’ll want to be.”
Keith sighs. “I know, I know.”
After another nod, Coran’s expression shifts to a much more exuberant one, clasping Keith’s hands in his own and giving them a shake. “Congratulations, Keith! I’m so happy for you!” he lets go and does a twirl to reach Shiro’s side, giving him the same treatment. “And you too, Shiro! I’m sure the two of you are awfully excited!”
Shiro laughs loudly and Keith wants to bottle up the sound to carry around with him forever so he can always listen to it, basking in the happiness he radiates as he edges closer. “We are,” Shiro says and wraps an arm around Keith when he’s close enough. “I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since I found out.”
Keith smiles to himself, closing his eyes and feeling so very content.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Honey? I’m home!”
“It’s still not going to stick,” Keith remarks dryly, but he does greet him at the door with a kiss. An arm wraps around his waist, keeping him there to draw it out until they both break apart. He peeks into the bag that Shiro is carrying, smiling more to himself than at Shiro. “You got me sunflower seeds!”
“Of course I did, you asked for them.”
Keith shuts the door when Shiro steps in further, taking the bag from him and leaving him there to take off his boots and jacket. He’s putting the canned food into the cupboards when Shiro embraces him from behind and slips a hand under his shirt, palm spread across his stomach, an action that only makes Keith fondly shake his head before continuing with his task.
“Wanna go for a walk?” Shiro mumbles against his hair once he’s done. “Just me and you.”
Turning so that he’s facing him, Keith offers a teasing smile. “Who else would I go with?” He brings him down for another kiss, placing one hand against his cheek and brushing over his stubble with his thumb. “Hmm.”
“No complaints?”
“I like it this time.” Keith leans forward and presses his forehead against Shiro’s shoulder. “In a bit? I missed you.”
“You’re actually admitting it this time? I’m shocked.”
“Nevermind, you can go for a walk by yourself.”
Shiro only laughs in response and continues to hold him. Keith says nothing more and simply enjoys his embrace, pulling away once he’s gotten his fill and nodding. “Okay, we can go now.”
The sun is starting to set when they step outside, the sky turning from light blue to orange with hints of magenta. There’s a breeze that tickles his skin and he shivers even though he’s wearing a jacket, linking his arm with Shiro’s and pressing against him like that’ll warm him up.
It actually helps.
Keith doesn’t see anyone around and figures that they’ve probably gone back to their own homes. It’s a nice night to be out, sure, but it’s also perfect enough to stay inside with the doors wide open to let the cool air freshen up the house.
Shiro brings them to a stop in front of the fountain in the center of the town and while there’s no water in it or sprouting from the top, it’s still a nice thing to gaze at as they sit down on the benches. The streetlamps around them suddenly flicker on and Keith frowns.
“Why’d they turn it on? It’ll be dark in a bit…”
“I asked them to.”
Keith looks over at him, confused. The feeling only gets stronger when he catches sight of the nervous look on his face, giving Shiro’s hand a squeeze to soothe him. Shiro smiles at him before taking a deep breath and standing up. He tugs on Keith’s hand, obviously indicating for him to follow which Keith does with a sigh.
He waits patiently.
“Keith,” Shiro starts, his voice strong in contrast to the way his body trembles just slightly. “I want to start off by saying that I love you and that you mean the world to me, I can’t imagine life without you at this point.”
“I feel the same.” Keith murmurs, taken aback by the brilliant smile he receives in response. It’s a gorgeous smile, like always, but it’s different this time—happy with a hint of more.
Shiro stares at him for longer before ducking his head, sticking his free hand into the pocket of his jacket and coming out with it curled into a fist. “I’m saying all this because I wanted to ask you something,” he laughs; the breathy, delighted one that Keith loves. “I actually had more things to say but one look at your gorgeous face made me forget all that.”
He swats his arm lightly.
“Okay, okay.”
Here, Shiro raises Keith’s hand and places his fist into it. Slowly, the fingers uncurl and then the hand is pulled away, leaving behind a small, circular shaped object. Keith doesn’t have to look down to know what it is and keeps his gaze on Shiro, who doesn’t look away either.
“Will you—”
Keith cuts him off before he can finish the question, smile spreading across his face. “Yes, Takashi.”
Now he can name the emotion when Shiro’s smile returns: elation, because it’s an emotion he’s currently feeling as well.
“We can’t really have a ceremony, I know, but I still wanted to do this. You’re the one I want to be with, for the rest of my life, and I promise to stay by your side and keep you safe,” he places a hand on Keith’s stomach. “Both of you.”
Shiro then takes it from his hand and slips it onto his ring finger, their smiles never leaving.
A perfect fit.
“I don’t have a ring to give you,” Keith finds himself saying, blinking back his tears. “So I want to tell you that I’ll do the same. I promise to never leave you no matter what and I’ll do everything I can to protect the two of you.” Releasing a small laugh, Keith places his hand on Shiro’s cheek. “You’re my husband,” he whispers with a small smile. “And I love you more than life itself.”
It’s the most he’s ever said in regards to his love for Shiro, usually keeping it to simple I love yous or even expressing it through his kisses, but he doesn’t care. He loves Shiro and this is probably the happiest day of his life.
(He now understands what people meant when they said that.)
“Husband?” Shiro repeats in a dazed tone, leaning into his touch. His eyes fall shut but Keith can still see the tears that start to spill, other hand coming up as he wipes them away. “Hearing you say that makes this a thousand times better.”
“It’s not official until you kiss me,” Keith says teasingly. “I watched a bunch of movies, I know how this goes.”
“You’re so right.”
The kiss is soft and lasts for a long while, full of all the love they both carry for each other, and when Shiro pulls back he can’t help but chase after him for more, feeling the curve of Shiro’s lips as he leans in again and again.
“We can continue this at home, Keith.”
That stops him, the look in Shiro’s eyes sending heat through his body. “Come on, then.” Keith replies, tugging on his hand in an attempt to rush him. There’s no need, though, because Shiro matches his quick pace and they return to their house in no time, tearing each other’s clothes off the moment the door closes.
☆ ☆ ☆
“You made all of this for me?” Keith asks in surprise, staring at the food on the table. It looks better than what they usually eat, presented so beautifully that it makes him smile. There are times when people’s true talents start to shine and this is one of them, Hunk standing across him with a chef apron and beaming in response. “Thank you, really! It all looks good.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Hunk says with a flush, pushing one of the smaller bowls closer to him. “I wanted to help you out and asked Colleen what foods would be good for you and started working with what we have. I know it’s not a lot but you’ll at least get the things you need for your baby.”
This one is full of greens, a hint of a glisten on them that is certainly not water. He gathers up enough on his fork and takes it into his mouth, nose scrunching up when he realizes what it is but then smiling when the sudden flavor hits.
“I used to hate spinach before,” Keith tells Hunk as he stuffs another forkful into his mouth. He waits until he’s swallowed it all to continue speaking, moving his fork around his plate. “Right now it’s really delicious, probably the best thing I ever had.” He grins up at him. “That might be because you prepared it, though.”
Hunk puffs up with pride. “I made my own dressing and added it in, plus it’s mixed with everything else so that’s probably why it tastes good.”
“So, like I said, it’s because you prepared it.”
Hunk only sighs and shakes his head but Keith catches the small smile on his face. He tucks into his food, humming happily at the taste.
Something flutters inside of him.
Keith frowns and ignores it, thinking that it might be his stomach telling him that he’s hungry, and starts to eat some more. Hunk sits across from him and also eats, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence.
It happens again.
He sets his fork down quietly and tries not to draw attention to himself, resting his hand over the spot he felt the movement. Keith doesn’t have to wait too long, feeling another twitch beneath his palm as if responding to his touch.
“Keith? Are you okay?”
He looks up at Hunk, who stares back at him with concern on his face, and blinks in response. “I think,” he starts, licking his lips. “I think I need to go see Colleen? I don’t know if something’s wrong but I want to go anyways just in case.”
Hunk nods once and stands up.
“You don’t have to come with me,” Keith protests when he starts packing up all the food. “I can go by myself!”
“I know you can, but I want to come along so you don’t feel alone.” Hunk says and smiles at him. “I’m your friend, Keith, and I want to make sure you’re okay.”
Keith is almost overwhelmed by that and has to take a moment to himself, turning away so he can blink away his tears before looking back at him with a small smile. “Then let’s go.”
☆ ☆ ☆
Keith feels a bit silly as he says this, sitting across Colleen and tapping his foot nervously. “There are these weird little flutters happening in my stomach, kind of like,” he pauses and thinks it over. “You know the feeling you get around someone you like?”
“Yeah. It feels like that.”
Colleen gains an amused look on her face. “It was very small, right? You might have felt like you could have missed it if it only happened once?”
Keith nods.
“Place your hand on the spot you felt the flutter,” she directs and smiles when he does it. “Let me know when it happens again, okay?”
“Okay,” he echoes, and right after the word leaves his mouth it’s repeated. “There it is!” Keith frowns down at his stomach and rubs the area. “It doesn’t hurt, though, which is weird.”
“I know what it is.”
He looks up.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” she says as she leans back in her chair. “You’re just feeling your baby moving. This also gives me a rough estimate as to where you are in regards to your pregnancy—twenty weeks, more or less.”
Keith feels frozen, staring at Colleen with wide eyes for several long moments. She only smiles at him as if understanding his surprise and maybe she does, she’s been through this kind of thing before so it would make sense.
Slowly peering down at his stomach again, Keith jumps when he feels another flutter beneath his palm. He releases a small laugh and ignores the way his eyes sting, smiling to himself as he rubs over the spot. “It really is them,” he murmurs to himself. “Wow.”
“Your baby is at the point where they start to hear sound and in a few more weeks they’ll even start to respond to your voice.”
“They can hear me? Will they be able to hear Shiro?”
“Yes to both.”
The laugh that escapes is a lot more watery than expected, vision blurry for some reason. “I’ll be able to feel it more distinctly as time passes, right?” Keith asks her with a small smile. “Feet kicking and hands pushing, I mean.”
“Probably,” Colleen slides a box of tissues close to him and he pulls one out when she’s looking away, still turning his face and wiping at his eyes. “Stretching and rolling too, they just love to be active in there. Hopefully you get some sleep when that starts happening.”
“Oh god,” Keith mutters. “Shiro already keeps me up and now my baby will too? No more sleep for me.”
Colleen laughs.
☆ ☆ ☆
He doesn’t get to tell Shiro yet because he’s told to go out on a week-long run with some of the Marmora members, something he complains about when he’s lying face down on the bed while Keith searches their closet for clothes.
“I wanted to stay here,” Shiro practically whines out, muffled and sad. “Wanted to spend time with you.”
“They need you out there, Shiro,” he replies, pulling out Shiro’s black jacket and tossing it onto the bed. He follows that up with a dark purple shirt, figuring he could wear the jeans he already has on. “You can’t stay back because of me, so get up and get dressed, you’re going.”
Shiro lifts his head and pouts.
Keith raises an eyebrow.
Thirty minutes later, he’s pushing Shiro through the door. He holds a hand up in Lance’s direction to tell him to wait, peering up at Shiro with a smile. “Bring me back something?”
Shiro leans down to kiss him. “I’ll surprise you.”
“Good.” Keith pulls him down for a few more, only letting go when he hears Lance’s loud cough. “Be safe.”
“I will.” One more kiss. “Love you.”
Shiro leaves after that, looking back a few times to wave back at Keith which he happily returns. Keith only goes back inside when the gates close behind him, wondering what he’ll do in his time of solitude.
With each passing day, he ends up feeling secretly glad that Shiro’s gone away. It gives their child the time to develop even more, the fluttering in his stomach seemingly growing stronger and stronger until Keith is able to actually feel the movements beneath his hand.
It’s exhilarating.
When Shiro comes back, right on time, Keith is dozing off on their bed. He’s fully awake by the time the door to their room opens, the sight of him bringing great joy. “Welcome home.”
Shiro responds by collapsing on the bed beside him.
“Long day?” Keith asks with a grin while lightly tugging on Shiro’s hair. Shiro answers with a simple groan and he laughs, gently running his fingers through it instead. “Got everything you need?”
“And more.”
“Find anything good?”
“Got some clothes for you and our little one,” Shiro answers, shifting so his head is closer to his stomach. “You won’t be fashionable but at least you’ll be warm and that’s all that matters to me.”
He feels a sort of tumbling movement this time, far different from the flutters he felt before, and feels his smile grow softer. “What else did you get?” Keith wants to keep the conversation going to see if their baby will respond to Shiro’s voice again. “Anything special?”
“More sunflower seeds.”
“And you didn’t bring them to the room with you?”
“I don’t want sunflower seeds all over the bed! Also, I wanted to spend some time with you.” Shiro moves back up and smiles down at him. “I missed you.”
Keith rolls his eyes. “You were only gone for a week,” he still leans up to kiss him quick, not surprised when he’s pushed back down so it can be deepened. He’s left out of breath when they part and flicks Shiro’s nose when he spots the smug look on his face, brushing his fingers along the scruff he sports. “I missed you too, dork, even though you have this hideous thing.”
Shiro’s smile grows wider and Keith tilts his head back when he starts kissing at his neck, releasing a content sigh as he cups Shiro’s cheeks so he can bring his face up to kiss him. That’s when he remembers his plan, pushing Shiro back and looking at him seriously.
“Before we do anything, I need to show you something.”
He grabs Shiro’s left hand and, ignoring his confused look, places it on his stomach. Nothing is said as they continue to stare at each other, Keith waiting for his reaction and Shiro with a furrow in his brows, and then it happens.
The same movement as before, both strange and wonderful to feel, and Keith watches as shock appears on Shiro’s face. His touch grows a bit firmer, pushing against his stomach lightly like that’ll cause their child to respond, and his expression shifts to wonder when they do.
“Keith!” Shiro says, sounding breathless. “That’s—!”
“Yeah,” he replies with a smile. “I know.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“A while now, mostly all flutters at first but now it’s evolved to what feels like a roll.” The baby responds again and he shifts on the bed, adoration flooding through him at the soft expression Shiro wears as he strokes over the skin reverently. “Colleen says they can hear sound at this point, which means all your chattering will be heard by them.”
Shiro meets his gaze with wide eyes. “They can hear me?”
“Yup,” He pops the p of the word. “A lot of the movements happened because I was talking out loud, and even right now because you were too.”
“Does it feel weird?”
“It does, but,” Keith licks his lips and shrugs, smile turning sheepish. “I kinda like it too? It reminds me that they’re okay in there, safe, and that they’ll remain that way even when they come out because all of us will be here.”
After sliding down to kiss Keith’s stomach, Shiro moves up so he’s hovering over him. There’s a happy tilt to his lips, one that turns into a smile when Keith leans up to kiss him. He tries to keep it slow and sweet but heat starts to build up within him, and he’s soon deepening the kiss, spreading his legs so Shiro can settle between them.
“Want me?” Shiro murmurs, kissing along his jaw. “I want you.”
“Yeah,” Keith breathes out as he tilts his head back, shivering when lips drag along his throat next. “I do, I really do.” He jolts when Shiro bites down on his skin, instinctively rolling his hips against Shiro’s. “Takashi, I need you.”
Nothing more is said as their clothes come off, Keith clutching at his bicep with one hand while the other covers his mouth and Shiro’s metal hand gripping at his hip when he pushes in. They get lost in each other, intoxicating and overwhelming, and don’t bother to leave the bed for the rest of the night.
☆ ☆ ☆
His baby bump becomes a lot more prominent as the weeks pass, his chest and feet also growing in the same time span. When he complained about the latter, Coran returned from a small supply run and handed over two pairs of slippers that made walking around the house ten times easier.
There’s nothing that can be done about his chest, though, so he’s taken to wearing Shiro’s shirts. While the heaviness and discomfort is still there, they’re at least practically hidden because of how big Shiro’s tops are.
Diapers, powder milk, and many other baby supplies start taking up space in their home. The spare bedroom has been cleared out to make room for all the baby furniture, though they do place a bassinet in their own room so the baby can sleep there until they outgrow it. All of it makes Keith feel more excited than usual, a sense of peaceful normality wrapping itself around him that helps him forget how the world really is.
Only sometimes, though.
The baby shower was nothing more than a small dinner like he asked for, prepared by Hunk, with streamers hanging up all around the building. Gifts were given after everyone finished eating and he had gotten one box of diapers and wipes from each person, along with their gift for the baby. They also wrote down the place they got it from, in case they’ll need to get more.
Sam had responded to his questioning look. “Sometimes kids will latch onto a toy or blanket and it’s always better to prepare for it by getting a couple extra when they do. It was harder before because some things were no longer in store but at least you’ll be able to get another now should you need it.”
It all feels a lot more real when the Marmora members stop by for a visit, their stares unnerving when Coran brings Keith with him to greet them.
“I can help you with the delivery,” Ulaz suddenly says after sharing a glance with Kolivan, stepping forward and looking only at Keith. “I’ll even stay here with the rest of you to make sure everything up to the day is perfectly fine, and then some after.”
“Sounds like we should talk about this in private,” Keith comments, nodding to Kolivan and Antok before turning around. “We can do that at Colleen’s office.”
The discussion is actually very short, Ulaz saying that he can go out to the nearest clinic and grab more medical equipment there and Colleen agreeing with him, tacking on that he should bring back one of the beds there.
Keith just nods along to the conversation.
“What about anesthesia?” Coran cuts in. “The delivery is going to be a lot harder without it, doable yes but still difficult—especially since it’s your first time doing this, Keith.”
“I don’t think we’ll be able to get you the kind you need,” Ulaz says apologetically. “It’s not in any local stores or clinics and the nearest hospital is nearly fifty miles out, overrun with too many infected.”
“Then I’ll make do,” Keith shrugs. “Natural births happen all the time, right? I should be good as long as I have all of you around to help.”
With nothing more to discuss, everyone simply sits around while eating the sandwiches Colleen had made. Keith has no more concerns over what will happen in the future, firmly believing that he can do the natural delivery and come out okay.
Still, there is one thing he wants to say.
“Wait,” he says as they start getting up to leave. “I have a request to make.”
Keith has thought this over several times, mostly when Shiro was asleep beside him and he was still awake because their child decided that rolling around was the best thing to do in those moments. Coran leans forward across from him and when Keith meets his gaze he can see the worry residing there.
“If something goes wrong,” Keith starts and holds up a hand when Ulaz starts to speak. “I know you’ve gotten all that we need but let me say this, please?” He waits for them to settle again before continuing, resolute in his decision. “If something goes wrong, then I want you to do all you can to get my baby out of me, which probably means you’ll have to cut me open to do so.”
“That contains a lot of risk,” Ulaz says with a frown. “If we have to resort to that then you may not survive the process.”
“I know,” he replies, hand rubbing over his stomach. Keith has thought of that too. “And I don’t care, I only care about them.”
☆ ☆ ☆
He gets to the point where every movement requires more effort than usual. Keith also feels tired all the time and so off-balance that he also ends up frustrated with how clumsy he’s gotten. Colleen forces him to rest and even tells Shiro that he’s not allowed to do anything besides short walks around the house.
Keith can’t even find a comfortable-enough position to sleep in, which leaves him feeling grumpier than usual in the mornings.
One day he’s too restless to just sit in bed for the rest of it, all alone in the house since Shiro was called out by Sam, so he decides to try his luck and walk around the house and even venturing outside for a bit. This is when Shiro returns, looking ashen.
“What’s wrong?” Keith asks and allows himself to be pulled into an embrace. “Did something happen?
“Matt got bit,” Shiro croaks out, his tense posture remaining even as they continue to hug. “It’s on the leg so I have to go back with the axe and help cut it off.”
Keith pushes him into the house. “What are you waiting for? Go!”
There’s no kiss goodbye when Shiro leaves after retrieving the axe but he doesn’t care, far too worried about their friend and hoping that they manage to get it off in time. He wants to head over there himself but what can he do besides stand in the way? So, he goes back into the house and tries to busy himself with making food.
He’s gotten hungrier now.
Right as he exits the room he ends up dropping his meal when the door is pushed open and an infected shows its face.
Keith definitely can’t move like he used to and there’s no way he can run from the infected either, so he walks backwards into the kitchen and reaches behind him for one of the knives. He presses himself against the counter so his back has some support, eyes unblinking at the doorway as he waits.
A few seconds later it stumbles in, slow at first and speeding up at the sight of Keith. His heart is pounding and he feels his child move restlessly in response. “Come on,” he murmurs with a grin. “Just a little bit closer.”
It trips on something and falls forward.
He manages to sink the knife into its shoulder rather than its head before he moves out of the way, not even bothering to look as its attempts to push itself up. Kicking at one of the decayed claws, Keith makes his way out as fast as he can and heads to the bedroom. He searches through all the drawers and keeps an ear out for the clumsy footsteps, gasping in delight when he finally finds his old pistol, and checks to see if it’s loaded.
Only two bullets left.
Keith exits the bedroom and shuts the door behind him, breathing hard and clutching at the gun with both hands. There’s a pain in his lower back that throbs in time with his racing heart but he pays it no mind—he can deal with it after, when they’re both safe.
The infected steps into view.
He aims and fires, watching it drop to the floor with immense satisfaction. One hand falls to his stomach, rubbing over it soothingly like that’ll help his baby settle down. “Sorry,” he murmurs and starts walking towards the front door, wanting to close it. “It’s okay now, you’re okay.”
Surprisingly enough, it works, and after one last roll they seem to calm down.
After shutting the door he drops down onto the couch in the living room, setting the gun aside so he can continue to rub his palm and fingers across his stomach. The soreness is still there but slowly disappearing because he’s finally resting and he soon finds himself dozing off, the fear from before finally wearing off.
The door opens, forcing him to sit up straight and grab the gun again.
A smile overtakes his face. “I’m on the couch.” he calls out. “And I’m okay, really. Nothing happened to me.”
Shiro steps into view and the look of relief on his face makes his heart ache. He holds his arms out and Shiro practically falls into them, mindful of his stomach, and he feels the way he trembles just so. Keith rubs a hand across his back and presses a kiss to his head, letting him have this moment.
“I heard the gunshot and I ran over here as fast as I could,” He hears him say. “The gate wasn’t closed properly so a few infected managed to enter but we took care of them before anyone could get hurt.”
So that’s where it came from. “How’s Matt doing?”
“He’ll be okay, maybe. He passed out when we started on his leg.” Shiro leans back, looking tired as hell but still smiling. “I think we stopped it from spreading, though, so he should survive.”
Keith leans forward so he can kiss the scar across his nose, laughing when he sees his nose scrunch up in response. “Do you have to go back?” he asks, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze when Shiro nods. “I can come with you, keep you company.”
“That would be nice.”
Shiro helps him up and normally he’d bat his hand away because he can do it himself but this time he doesn’t, knowing the other man needs this. He lets go only to go to their small closet in the hall and grab Keith’s jacket, waiting by his side as Keith pulls it on.
He’s about to answer when there’s suddenly a small pop within him, unheard but definitely felt. The trickle of liquid that comes out afterwards floods him with embarrassment, thinking that he pissed himself (which wasn’t a problem at all during his pregnancy), but when it doesn’t stop he realizes what is actually happening.
There’s concern in Shiro’s voice. “Keith? What’s wrong?”
Keith looks up at him with wide eyes. “I think my water just broke.”
☆ ☆ ☆
The contractions come moments later, at first similar to the pain he’d been feeling earlier (and that’s when he learns that they probably were the same thing) and then later become a dull ache that leave him feeling uncomfortable as he lies in the provided bed.
Both Colleen and Ulaz had said that he wasn’t fully dilated so, despite the fact that he was so ready to get the baby out of him now and be done with the contractions, he wasn’t able to push just yet.
The discomfort only increases as time passes, the need to get his child out of him growing stronger and becoming a lot more physical. He pushes himself up to sit, glaring up at Shiro who tries to push him back down. “Let me up, Takashi.” he mutters. “I have to push.”
“I don’t know if you’re ready yet,” Shiro says. “Lay back and wait for Ulaz and Colleen, they’ll let you know.”
Keith shakes his head and finally manages to stand up, turning so he can clutch at the railing on the bed. “I can’t wait anymore, it has to happen now.”
There’s silence after that, where Keith can practically feel Shiro’s worry radiating off of him, but he ignores it for now and instead focuses on taking deep breaths. He grits his teeth and ducks his head when he starts trying to push, wildly reaching out with one hand and gripping the one that Shiro offers to him.
The other one starts rubbing his back, a welcome touch while his body is going through so much strain. He’s been told that pushing is supposed to feel like a relief but it only brings forth pain and a sense of wrongness in the general area.
He gasps for breath.
Shaking his head, Keith tries again. There’s another trickle this time, oozing down his leg and feeling nothing like the liquid from before. He squeezes his eyes shut when the pain gets stronger, a scream leaving his mouth when it becomes too much.
The door bursts open right as it ends and he looks at them blearily. He recognizes them as Ulaz and Colleen but only when he’s laying down on the bed again (how did he get there?) and staring up at their faces.
“Something’s not right,” Colleen is saying, panic and worry in her words. There are hands on his legs, gently spreading them apart and sending more pain through him. Keith digs his nails into his palm and tries to breathe through it, doing his best to stay present. “I don’t think we can wait around for much longer, Keith, so I need to know if you still want to go through with your plan B.”
“Plan B?” Shiro asks, appearing at his side. “What’s plan B?”
Keith doesn’t look at him, keeping his eyes on Colleen and nodding his head. When she leaves he finally looks over at Shiro and it takes a while to focus on him, taking in his panicked expression and only offering a weak smile. “It’ll be okay,” he says in an attempt to reassure him, voice coming out soft and slow. “They’ll be fine.”
“What does that mean?” Shiro whispers and Keith reaches out to grab his hand, holding it in his own and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. “What are they going to do?”
He turns his head towards the ceiling. “Cut me open,” he answers, gaze flitting around the room to see the other two coming closer with their equipment. “Can’t push and I don’t want to lose the baby.” Keith swallows, not wanting to tell Shiro that he might not survive the process. “You don’t have to stay here, it might be hard to watch.”
“I’m not leaving your side.”
Ulaz speaks up. “Are you ready, Keith?”
Keith nods and then looks over at Shiro again, eyes welling up but no tears spilling out. “I love you, Takashi.” he says quietly, in case it might be the last time he’ll get to say it. “I love you so much.”
If Shiro replies he doesn’t hear it, drowned out by his own scream when they finally cut into him. It hurts, god does it hurt, and Keith clutches Shiro’s hand through the pain. He stops halfway through his second one with a choked gasp, tossing his head back when it increases.
“Keith?” Someone is saying, warm hands touching his clammy skin and tilting his face their way. “Don’t close your eyes, okay? You can survive this, I know you can, so keep fighting.” It’s Shiro, of course it is, and his voice is so shaky. “I’m here, baby, I’m here. I won’t leave.”
He feels something being pulled out of him, something wet splattering across his stomach and thighs, and the sound of a baby crying seconds later. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard and he feels his own tears start to spill, eyes fluttering shut as he smiles.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart.” Shiro is pleading with him but it sounds so far away. He clings to his voice, to their baby crying, as he’s being pulled into darkness. “Don’t leave me, Keith.” Shiro’s voice breaks. “I need you—we both do—so please, open your eyes!”
“Takashi,” he manages to slur out. “Tak…”
Then, nothing.
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
The Blessing Of Many Fractures - Iron Fist blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
Brace yourselves for a bit of a shock, but I actually liked this episode.
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And when I say liked, I mean really liked. There’s some stuff in The Blessing Of Many Fractures that’s legitimately good. There’s quite a bit of bad as well (this is Iron Fist after all), but nevertheless it’s a relief to be able to talk about an Iron Fist episode in positive terms for once.
Danny, Colleen and Claire decide to follow Madame Gao to China in the hopes of finding out how she knew Danny’s father and possibly finding a way to defeat the Hand once and for all. I honestly think this is a good idea on the writers’ part. Moving the action out of boring old New York and into a new location like China seems to have given the show a much needed shot in the arm. Granted we don’t see much of China, and the Hand’s warehouses do look suspiciously like New York warehouses with a few Chinese signs plastered here and there, but it’s the thought that counts. It marks the characters newfound determination in their quest to defeat the Hand, specifically Claire who has just about had enough of the Hand and wants to do something about it.
The Blessing Of Many Fractures also gives us something that we haven’t seen throughout this season. Actual character exploration. One scene that really stood out was on the plane when Danny was reliving the painful memories of the plane crash 15 years ago during a spot of turbulence while Claire tries to calm him down. Unlike the annoying flashbacks from the first couple of episodes, this actually explores and addresses Danny’s feelings about his past in a fairly effective way. And to his credit, Finn Jones actually does a pretty good job
There’s also some effort to develop Danny and Colleen’s relationship a bit as they talk about how both have lost parental figures in their childhood. I still don’t buy their romantic feelings for each other. Not even for a second. But at least there’s some effort to actually have the two bond in a believable way.
We also get some actual fighting this time around. Most of it is well done, although somewhat implausible. Why is it that ninjas never use guns in these kinds of shows? When Colleen is running toward that woman, wouldn’t it have been easier just to shoot Colleen? Wouldn’t that be a better way of defending these warehouses other than using a poxy sword. Also later on you see these business men whipping out knives and axes and stuff when they could have just gunned then all down. For some reason TV ninjas seem to value theatricality over actually getting the job done. But I shouldn’t complain really. Considering that Scott Buck seems to be allergic to the idea of any kind of martial arts in a martial arts show, I guess I should make the most of this.
And then along came Lewis Tan. The guy who was also in the running to play Iron Fist until he was rejected in favour of Finn Jones, who won the Marvel execs over with his unique acting talents. Talents like... um... er... Oh come on, there must have been something!
Yeah, watching Lewis Tan as Zhou Chen feels a bit bittersweet. On the one hand he’s really cool to watch, but on the other you are kind of distracted by thoughts of what could have been. Obviously I’m not suggesting that the many problems with Iron Fist would somehow magically be fixed by casting Lewis Tan in the role. I would never suggest such a thing and anyone who does clearly needs a reality check. However just casting an Asian person as opposed to a white person would be enough to fix some of the more glaring racial issues, plus Tan just has so much more personality and charm than Jones does. How long is Zhou Chen on screen for? Two minutes? Maybe three? In such a short space of time, I was completely hooked by his performance. The way he drunkenly staggers around before unleashing all these breathtaking martial arts moves, the way he delivers his sarcastic quips, and the way he constantly mimics and mocks Danny’s fighting style just to get a rise out of him, this is a very entertaining character to watch. I hope to God this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him.
But Zhou Chen isn’t just there to be awesome. His main purpose is to put doubts into Danny, and the audience, as to why he became the Iron Fist. The season has touched on this briefly with the whole abuse thing, but frustratingly never developed it until now. Zhou Chen suggests that Danny isn’t taking the mantle of the Iron Fist seriously, saying that he’s using it to punish rather than protect. It’s very hard to argue with this considering what we already know. Cast your minds back to why Danny took the Iron Fist trials in the first place. It was because he was goaded by those around him saying an outsider couldn’t do it. His motivation was to prove them wrong as opposed to a genuinely altruistic desire to protect and serve the people of K’un L’un. It also explains why he left. He doesn’t really care about K’un L’un. Oh sure he spouts their teachings and beliefs, but that’s only because he was effectively indoctrinated. In truth there does seem to be a hint of resentment toward those that raised him. Training him through violent means and controlling every aspect of his life. Hell, he’s even referred to as a Living Weapon, suggesting he’s a tool to be used rather than an individual in his own right. Why else would he leave if not to escape and find his own path? This also bleeds into the whole moral dilemma about whether or not he should kill people. While we’ve seen this played out before with the likes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, this puts a slightly different spin on it. He’s not just making moral choices.  He’s choosing between following his duties as the Iron Fist to the letter or making his own independent decisions.
This episode ends somewhat anti-climactically. Danny finds out the poisoned weapons the Hand use are the same ones that killed the pilots and caused the plane to crash 15 years ago.
Wait! So the bad guys are really (gasp) THE BAD GUYS?!
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Yeah, not exactly a massive shock, is it? I mean who else could it have been?
One minor nitpick, why couldn't they have ended the episode with Danny smashing the wall and leaving it ambiguous as to whether or not he killed Madame Gao? That would have been an awesome cliffhanger!
As I said, I thought all of this was really good. The best of the season so far (which isn’t surprising considering the shit that came before), but unfortunately this is all undermined by the usual Iron Fist bullshit. China is where all the exciting, interesting stuff is happening, so why the fuck does the show keep insisting on yanking us back to New York? Who gives a fuck about Joy and Ward and who owns Rand fucking Enterprises? I was glad to see the back of them quite frankly. I’ve mentioned in the past that Scott Buck seems to be almost ashamed of the fact that this is a superhero show, and this just proves my point further. Danny’s adventures in China are constantly being interrupted by Joy and Ward’s predicament and it’s really bloody irritated. I don’t care about these characters, this plot doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the Hand as far as I can see, and it’s so unbelievably boring to sit through.
Also Ward is hallucinating now. Because of course he is. At this stage you could tell me he’s an alien from the planet Zog here to steal the world’s supply of cheese to power his electric toothbrush, and I honestly wouldn’t bat an eyelid. It’s become abundantly clear that nobody knows what the fuck to do with this character anymore, and I’m past caring.
If we could just cut out all the boring corporate baggage that’s weighing everything down, then maybe there’s hope for this show after all.
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agentem · 8 years
Emily Watches Iron Fist, Episode One
Is Colleen in this one?: Yes, appears 21 minutes in.
Is Claire in this one?: No
It opens with his fucking bare feet on the sidewalk as he returns home. I thought I told this guy I didn’t want to see his fucking gross bare feet anymore. (This makes me wonder what Jason Mantzoukas feels about this series. He’s mentioned IRON FIST on HDTGM. I wonder if they would do a HDTGM of a TV show? Asking for a friend.)
I’ve already tuned out. Sorry. So Danny walks around midtown while Outkast’s “So Fresh, So Clean” plays. I miss how the music in Luke Cage meant something already. And how the show had a tone and shit.
Danny goes to Rand Corp and asks for Harold. I feel like I’ve seen this clip online.
He finds a screen and watches a video about the Rand Corporation, which Danny says is “new.” It shows us Wendall and Harold smiling and shit. Then security throws Danny out.
No shirt, no shoes, no service, dude.
So Danny beats up the security guys who are just doing their job, really. I wish they had said something or been rude in some way. I just feel bad for them. The show makes the odd choice to put the fight--our first look at the Iron Fist in action!--in slow motion. Unless your action is incredibly fast, which this isn’t, I don’t think slowing stuff down makes it cooler. The choreography is fine but I think they are actually doing it a disservice, making it look quite rehearsed.
He steals a woman’s keycard and blows past a secretary to go into Harold’s office. But ward is in there. Joy just happens to walk in. Danny is like, “it’s me!” But they don’t recognize him.
Ward gets angry because he thinks this homeless weirdo is pretending to be his dead friend and asking to see his dead father. Joy is freaked out. She says he sort of looked like Danny. Ward assures her it was not Danny.
Security comes again, and Danny holds his head like he has a headache. What he’s having is flashbacks to the plane crash and the death of his family.
All of this seems too much too fast. Ward and Joy play the above scene like it is super serious, while Finn Jones clearly thinks it’s a comedy. But there isn’t any comedy beats to it. I actually think that was probably a good choice and it would’ve played better if Ward and Joy were like, “Whoa, weirdo.” Maybe if that had happened before? They got fake Danny Rands all the time?
But Marvel probably didn’t want to establish a joke-y tone since they think the Netflix shows should be super gritty, or whatever. But you have to admit it is hard to take Danny seriously here, in his dumb dirty hippie clothes and no shoes.
The flashback then swings us again into the super dramatic! (The tones are fighting each other and it’s not even the first ten minutes.) But then switches to the elevator and the guards telling Danny they don’t give a shit about him. Danny replies that guard reminds him of “Billy” whom he guesses retired.
Awkward opening scene is awkward. Clearly the filmmakers are finding their way as they go, which OF COURSE contributed to the early negative reviews of the opening episodes. . Very different from Luke Cage and Jessica Jones whose creators had a clear point of view from the jump.
Danny then heads to a brownstone near Gramercy Park. “Danny, Mom and Dad” was drawn into the concrete in front of the building. You know whoever bought that after the Rands would’ve had it removed. Weirdly, he finds the key in its usual hiding place but the key no longer works. Did nobody notice the key in this completely obvious hiding spot when it was sold?
Danny leaps up onto a balcony with an improbably open window and just lets himself in. Poignant music plays. He looks at books along the wall and has AN EXPRESSION. But in this moment I am not sure if the room is as it was when he left (which seems improbable) or has been redecorated. I’m confused. We finally see a photograph of Joy and Ward... which means... they moved into their dead friends’ place after he died?
A dog barks and Danny approaches it warily. He does something kind of meditative and the dog becomes friendly. It would’ve been cooler if the dog were old and recognized him. But at least Danny and Luke are on the same page regarding “we don’t hurt dogs.”
Danny goes back into the library-type room and finds more pictures of their families when they were younger, Joy’s degree from Columbia, Then he goes upstairs to the roof garden where he is flashbacks to them playing as kids.
Again, I say it is WEIRD that the Meachums kept the Rand’s house after they died.
Young Danny, Ward and Joy play Monopoly on the roof. We get some heavy-handed clues that Ward is kind of a douche who follows in his father’s footsteps. The Rands arrive home and little Danny calls, “We’re up here!” Ward gets mad and stomps on Danny’s foot saying some stuff about how his mommy and daddy give him hugs and kisses. He knocks the pieces off the game board dramatically.
Danny goes downstairs and sees Joy coming home from work. So she lives here? In her dead friend’s old family home? WEIRD. It’s still weird. You can’t convince me otherwise. And if later on we get some monologue from her about how she always wanted to be part of the Rand family and not her own, then I think it’s even fucking weirder.
Like a creeper, Danny watchers her for awhile then leaves. He could’ve at least “borrowed” some shoes while he was there.
Suddenly it is nighttime, and Danny is just chillin’ in Gramercy Park. He takes some stuff out of his backpack, an old walkman-type device, a leather-bound book, something else I can’t make out. He pops in the earbuds and listens to music and reads.
Another missed comedy opportunity. If he were listening to some random pop song from the 2000s, like Britney Spears. Oh I would’ve loved that.
Anyway, another homeless(?) man approaches Danny and introduces himself as Big Al. Big Al has an iPhone and says “you can find anyone you want on the internet!” Danny asks him to look up Danny Rand. The poor actor who plays Big Al has to explain that this kid died in a plane crash. Then he asks him to look up Harold Meachum. Also dead, we’re told.
Big Al says you can get shoes at a specific shelter. THANK YOU, BIG AL, YOU ARE THE HERO OF THIS SHOW.
Danny kind of laughs at him and is like, “I guess people think we’re pretty much alike.” Fuck you, dude. Don’t laugh at Big Al. He’s the hero of the show!
Probably offended, Big Al gets up and leaves.
The next morning, Danny creepily accosts Joy outside her building. He tries to tell her dumb random facts to make her believe him and she’s like “you could’ve looked that up on the internet.” Annoyed, Danny says she lives in his house which clearly even he thinks is WEIRD. She says it is her house now. Danny dumbly says, “Yeah your dog is kinda scary,” giving away that he went through her stuff last night. She starts to get annoyed.
Danny wanders into the street, like a dummy, and is nearly hit by a taxi which he jumps over in weird special effects. Joy is like, “whut.” Danny walks away.
He does tai chi or something in Gramercy Park, communing with an eagle (bird of prey of some type?) flying over the city. When someone puts money in his cup.
IT’S COLLEEN WING. OMG. I’m so excited. It’s her! And she’s nice to crazy homeless guys! She’s putting up fliers for her self defense classes.
Danny tries to give the money back to her, but she won’t take it.
He says her name, “Colleen Wing.” Then starts speaking to her in Mandarin. She replies in Mandarin, and he starts speaking again. Then she cuts him off and says she speaks Japanese or English. That she hasn’t spoken Mandarin since she was a kid.
I’ve seen this scene criticized online, that he would just start speaking Mandarin to her. And I agree that is weird to assume she knows the language. “Wing” is also a Chinese name, so perhaps him stating “Colleen Wing” indicates he recognizes her ancestry. It doesn’t excuse the idea that she MUST know Mandarin. But it’s pointing out an inconsistency in the Marvel universe, that Colleen is trained as a Japanese samurai and ninja, yet she has a Chinese name. (Jessica Henwick, the actress who plays her is half Singaporean-Chinese and half white.) Am I giving them too much credit here to think that was the purpose of the scene? Probably.
Danny asks her for a job.
Colleen is like, “Um, you’re a homeless man I met in a park who just kind of insulted me?” She says, “I already got someone to clean up.” ZING!
I love her. Have I mentioned I love her?
She leaves and I feel sad and bereft. The show cuts to Joy at the Rand building. She’s telling Ward about her encounter with Danny that morning. Ward decides he’s an insane, homeless acrobat. Joy wonders if maybe they should talk to him and see if it’s really Danny. Ward is like “Nope.” This is a crazy person who is playing on your emotions, making you want to believe your friend is back. That is dangerous. While we’re clearly meant to see Ward as the bad guy, especially considering his youthful Monopoly tantrum, I think he’s right here. It could be a con man, who is trying to get money out of them.
Ward lays out a theory that this is corporate sabotage. They are just about to announce their expansion into China, and someone shows up claiming to own half the company. I don’t know if I believe that. But there could definitely be a con artist trying to cash in on a missing dead, rich kid. Just look at how many fake Anatasias there were, and that was before the internet.
Danny then accosts Ward in the parking lot, getting in his car. Ward tells him to stop but jumps in the passenger seat. Danny’s like, ”Sorry! I haven’t driven since my dad put me on his lap and let me drive around.” Again, this is Jones playing Danny as a kind of wide-eyed goof ball. He seems to think driving is so cool.
Ward pulls a gun out of the glove compartment and tells Danny to pull over. I’m wondering where he thinks Danny can pull over in a parking garage.
Then a kind of rage comes over Danny. He’s like “I have been met with nothing but anger and hostility since I got home!” Then he grabs the gun and points it at Ward, kind of gleefully saying, “How’s it feel? Not so good, right?” Danny is very creepy and not-likeable in this moment. And it’s strange that he was so calm only seconds before. I don’t remember Iron Fist having Wolverine-like berserker rages.
Ward, pretty heroically defiant here, says, “You will never get a penny from us.” Even though Danny is clearly crazy. Danny says he doesn’t want money he wants answers about his family.
The actor who plays Ward (I should look this up), then tells the backstory of the Rand family, how they died in a plane crash over the Himalayas. How the bodies were never found. Danny wants more but Ward says that’s it.
Danny accuses Ward of being a dick as a kid, putting him in freezers and putting a dead frog in his food, stuff like that. This clearly resonates with Ward who, nonetheless says, “None of that is true.” And demands DNA or fingerprints to prove this is Danny. Danny says he doesn’t have any of that, which is really his own fault. Couldn’t he get dental records or something? Think, man!
Danny, fully unhinged, starts driving super fast up the parking lot to the roof, saying this is what it was like to watch his mother die and know he and his father were next. (How is this situation similar at all?) He nearly drives them off the roof, while having flashbacks, only to swerve at the last minute.
Cut to Danny alone in the park listening to his Britney Spears. Big Al brings him a sandwich saying he thought Danny might be hungry. Seriously, hero! They have a chat about society and hunters and gatherers and the Buddha. Danny states definitely that his purpose in life is to protect K’un L’un which begs the question ... why are you HERE?
Happily we then cut to Colleen’s dojo. Yay HEART COLLEEN. Danny shows up at the end of a class to talk to her. She asks if he’s here for a lesson and he offers up the money she gave him. She says that will only get him a cup of coffee down the street and Danny says he never had coffee before.
In Luke Cage world, I think that means he’s a virgin. Right. RIGHT?!?
Colleen suggests he could also get a pair of flip flops because CLEARLY HE NEEDS SHOES. Yes, good thinking, Colleen. Danny is like, “Nah I’m good.”
Bro, you are not good. Your feet are gross. At least wash ‘em.
Danny says he wants to challenges Colleen’s master. Which, dude, lemme stop you there. Colleen is her own master. I am more offended by this than the Mandarin, tbh. She’s like, I’m the master and I don’t accept your challenge, GTFO.
He asks if she teaches kung fu and she’s like, nope. He again offers to teach for her. And she’s annoyed. Rightly, he’s annoying.
Before he leaves, because she is way nicer than I am and a HERO she gives him shoes (kind of martial arts shoes, with a toe?). Finally! Yes, Colleen. Thank you. I don’t want to see those dirty ass feet anymore.
As he’s putting the shoes on outside, some guy attacks him randomly. It’s the security guard from Rand that reminded him of Bill. There’s two other guys with him. Danny fights them and Colleen watches out of her window.
Because she’s a fucking hero, she descends the fire escape of her building with her sword to help him out. Danny knocks out one and throws away his gun while Colleen watches, like a badass.
Then there is a random street fair. I call bullshit on this. It looks kind of like Chinese New Year, they have the dragon on sticks. But Lunar New Year is in the Winter and earlier when Danny was in the Park, there were flowers on the trees. It’s also not nearly big enough to be NYC’s Lunar New Year celebration. Nor of there any Year of Animal? People just have glow sticks? So it’s like a vaguely Chinese rave in the streets?
Danny buys a mask (with Colleen’s money) off a street vendor. I don’t know why he would think this would make him less conspicuous? All I can tell is it would make the fight scenes easier because the stunt double doesn’t have to hide his face.
There are bubbles and birds in cages. WTF celebration is this supposed to be? I’m a white girl who has only been to two Chinese New Year parades. It wouldn’t honestly make me feel better if someone could tell me this was a real thing.
Masked!Danny, disarms another bad guy. Then another. This time he demands to know who sent him. The security guard says it was Ward, which I thought was pretty obvious. Danny is not that bright.
Colleen watches. When Danny turns to where she was standing second ago, she is not there. Colleen is mysterious and cool.
Ward is eating when he gets a call. He calls someone else and sets up a meeting about the “situation.” He then goes to a cool art deco building (where is this?) in a Hyundai (whhaaaat?). They draw this out big time. But he’s meeting with... his dead dad! (Played by David Wenham, of being Faramir in Lord of the Rings fame.)
Faramir and Ward have a weird discussion about loyalty before getting to the matter at hand. Ward insists the Danny is a lunatic. Faramir wonders if it is Danny does that mean his parents are also still alive. Good question! Faramir has other questions too and says that’s why you can’t just send someone to beat him up. Faramir says he’s going to take care of this one and tell him exactly what to do.
Then we cut to the park, where Danny finds Big Al with a needle in his arm (!!) dead. I’m annoyed about this. We had no reason to believe Big Al was an addict. You gotta foreshadow that shit. Just because he’s homeless doesn’t mean he MUST be on drugs.
Danny prays over Big Al’s corpse and notices a bird tattoo on his arm. Ominous music plays.
Cut to Rand building in daytime, Danny just waltzes into Joy’s office. The security guards who recognized him must all be out sick that day? He tells Joy her brother tried to have him killed.
They have a boring conversation. Danny tells the story of the plane crash, getting his headache face again. Oh no, it’s not headache face. That’s Finn Jones’ acting face, I guess. Joy has put something in his tea. He passes out on the floor, flashing back to K’un L’un before waking up in a mental hospital.
Danny remembers the plane crash and waking up in the snow with Outkast’s “So Fresh, So Clean” playing. Oh see I didn’t even realize that song was from 2001. If it were Britney Spears I would’ve gotten it!
End episode. This post was long. I need to do shorter ones in the future or this will take weeks.
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hejin57-blog · 7 years
Might want to rewind a bit...
High school was so inconsequential now.
In fact, it was so meaningless that even listening to Mr. Remora discuss the history of African-American music throughout the 70's couldn't keep Michael Kay's attention.
Since he was a kid, Michael had always fidgeted constantly. Lately though, this habit had become much worse.
The afro-headed teen could barely contain his foot tapping and desk shuffling all the way through eighth period. He'd been anxious all week; after all, it was just this past Friday that they had begun their Music Master training regime.
And it was a veritable miracle that Kim hadn't decided to just drop him like a hat. All of it just made Michael Kay hungrier for more.
His mind darted from thought to thought, and though Mr. Remora continued to drone on like an aardvark with a sinus infection, Michael was too busy thinking about Canned Heat again.
Canned Heat and YMCA, he mentally recounted, unaware of the few students around him now thoroughly annoyed at his fidgeting.
These were the only two songs Michael had tried so far, out of all the hundreds stored in his five- year old music player. Part of him was afraid to try any others for fear of musical suicide, while the other part was beyond eager to do so.
Michael began to go down his mental list of songs to try, when his gaze shifted in class, and he suddenly noticed someone a few desks ahead to the far right.
She was looking out the window, dressed in a white t-shirt, a loose blue checkered blazer and ripped jeans.
This girl seemed to be pondering intently, but what caught Michael's attention the most was one of her silver lighting bolt-shaped earrings, which he could just spot out of the locks of her long blonde hair.
There was something super familiar about that earring and about her, but between all of the craziness that had happened to him recently, he couldn't put his finger on exactly where he recognized her from.
Michael almost debated opening his mouth and asking her, but even he wasn't so oblivious to forget he was in the middle of class.
He stared at the clock instead. Time was clearly crawling along like a Bob Dylan song, to his displeasure.
Michael Kay just buried his head in his arms, praying for this terribly long day to end.
Then just a moment later, as if the angels themselves were answering his prayers, Michael felt a hard buzzing in his left pocket.
Michael glanced up quick. Mr. Remora had turned around, too busy jotting down a chart of famous musicians. With a quick motion, he checked his phone.
It was a text from Kim. She had specifically asked for Michael's number in the event he ever flaked on her. It was quite a surprise to think she would actually reach out to him like this though.
All the message said said was the following:
Audio Empire 
4 PM 
don't be late
Mr. Remora turned back around, wiping a slime trail from his nose without even the slightest tact. By this time though, Michael had already hidden his phone away.
His huge grin, however, was anything but hidden.
Maybe he could make it through history class after all.
For as long as Michael Kay could remember, Audio Empire had been the place for music in his Washington Heights neighborhood.
In all honesty, it was probably the place for music in the entire Tri-State area. At least, that's how Michael felt.
No one could resist their selection, not even Kim Ramone. For once, Michael was silent next to her, one orange headphone in his right ear playing his usual music. He watched as she flipped through various vinyls in the old school punk rock section, going with precise speed through the Dead Kennedys and The Clash alike.
"So even you have to be wondering by now why we're meeting here." she began, not turning away from her album search for even a second.
"Uh..." Michael replied, though a bit unsure. "...did I mess something up?"
Kim smiled to herself, but she still didn't turn to face him. "No, you're fine, actually. This is pretty serious though. I was thinking about those Zero Beat flunkies that came for me in the Dust Bowl.  There's going to be consequences for what happened that night."
Michael scratched the back of his head in confusion. They were in the farthest corner in the basement of the store. It was relatively empty on a Thursday night, and strangely they had no music playing in the speakers overhead.
"You're worried about them? We owned them. They wouldn't think twice about coming back for you after that beatdown!" Michael exclaimed, his tone now excitable.
This time Kim spun around, mostly in response to just how loud Michael had become.
"Lower your voice! You already forget what I said about having a big mouth?!?"
Michael shrugged as he looked around. The basement of Audio Empire was just as empty as when they had arrived.
"What? It's just us and records down here. You worry way too much, Kim."
Kim's patience was clearly lost at this point. She put an accusing finger on Michael's chest as she addressed him.
"And you don't worry enough. They might be a joke, but Zero Beat isn't."
Michael's eyebrows raised. He had heard the name before, but had never thought to ask about it.
"Oh yeah. Zero Beat. What is that anyway?" he asked quite nonchalantly.
Kim stared straight at him, now unaware herself just how loud she was getting.
"They're people that Music Masters don't mess with. Especially Music Masters who didn't even have the slightest idea of what they're doing. And what you don't realize is that by doing what you did in the Dust Bowl, they're going to remember you. And they're not going to stop coming after me and you until they get payback."
Michael expression dropped at the sound of her words. He gulped audibly, the carefree feeling in his stomach was whisked away in but a moment.
Kim narrowed her eyes, not mincing a word.
"Yes, payback. And that's why we're going to keep meeting on Fridays. That's why I need you to be at the top of your game, so that you can have my back when they decide to show their faces again."
The reality of the situation was dawning on Michael quickly, and he tried his best to distract himself with the music still playing in one ear. In his nervousness, he picked up a stray vinyl from the rack, twirling it between his fingers in an attempt to relax.
"So this is what I get for helping you, huh?" Michael remarked, the hopeless in his voice now very obvious. "Man, What did I do to deserve this?"
"Hey!" Kim shot back, tired of Michael's whining. "I didn't ask for your help. Don't blame me because you decided to play the hero. And let's not forget that I could have just left you in the dust awhile ago."
Michael held the album in front of him, taken a little aback as Kim's voice got louder still.
"But did I do that, Afroboy? Did I royally screw you over?"
Michael's voice was low, but audible enough. "No."
"That's what I thought. So don't give me lip. We do things my way, or we don't do them at all. Am I crystal clear?"
Michael didn't even answer. He had turned away, looking down at his music player as he allowed his mind to wander.
Kim's voice was becoming less and less audible with each passing second. Soon enough, Michael just found himself spacing out as Kim berated him.
Perhaps it was a defense mechanism carried on from his younger years of dealing with Colleen, but Michael Kay focused on the only other thing audible besides Kim; his music.
And coincidentally, that music just happened to be Canned Heat.
Everything fell into place so quickly, though not in the way Michael would have wanted.
"Uh, everything alright down here?"
Both Michael and Kim turned at the same time. Kim's mouth was still agape from all her shouting, but Michael had allowed his subconscious to take hold. In his right hand, he still held up the same record he was twirling before.
Unfortunately, it was now very much burning to a crisp, as the red-orange aura flared brightly over his right hand and Canned Heat played freely in the air.
Standing in front of the two Music Masters was none other than the same girl from Michael's history class. Only this time, she was wearing a winter jacket with keys jingling in her hand. Her name tag read "Aeris."
It was at this time that Michael Kay finally remembered her as the same cashier who rung him up that fateful day when he first emerged as a Music Master.
In a panic, Michael spoke quickly, much to Kim's chagrin.
"Uh yeah! No problem here! We were just practicing our bit for the school talent show."
Michael couldn't be any less convincing with his words. Aeris just ignored him though, her gaze now focused on the burning record in his hand.
Kim closed her fists, hot anger quickly boiling inside her. She couldn't believe Michael was this stupid.
Noticing the silence, Michael's gaze followed Aeris. His eyes widened at the sight of the now smoldering vinyl.
"Oh shit." he said quite loudly, before dropping the record and stomping on it with reckless abandon in an attempt to put out the sudden fire.
Both Kim and Aeris just stood by in relative disbelief. When Michael was finally done, he was breathing heavily, changing his tone in his best attempt to diffuse the situation.
"Wow, talk about spontaneous combustion. What are the odds?" he joked, his grin wide but doing little to hide his nerves.
Aeris finally reacted, looking down at the damage and speaking just as politely as Michael remembered.
"It's alright. Most of the records down here ain't worth much in change anyway. No harm done." she assured, turning around to head to the nearby closet to grab a broom and dustpan.
"An' I guess I left the music on down here. It's been a long day."
Kim's expression instantly changed at the sound of her words. Michael looked overhead, remembering that the music speakers had been off in the basement since they'd got here.
Kim didn't try to hide the suspicion in her voice in the slightest.
"Music?  What music? I don't hear anything."
Aeris stopped in her tracks, frozen with fright once she realized the mistake she had made. It had been bad enough that she'd been working two hours before her shift to cover for her lazy coworkers, but even still she was always good with managing her exhaustion.
Not knowing what else to say, Aeris just continued her cleaning as if nothing happened.
By now, Michael removed his earbud, and his hand had gone cold as Canned Heat no longer played in the air.
Aeris's continued silence spoke volumes for Kim. She stood over her, arms crossed and her shadow oppressive, but the blond seemed unaffected.
"So what? Now all of a sudden you got nothing to say?"
It took close to a thousand years, but Michael's eyes widened once he finally clued in to the situation.
"Wait a second. She heard my music? But that means...it means she's a Music Master too!"
Now the jig was clearly up. Not much of a surprise to Aeris though. This afro-headed guy had forgotten more than once what he was buying from her experience.
Just about finished, she swept the rest of the burnt record into the dustpan. When she stood up to face Kim, her expression was anything but scared.
"That's my business, not yours. I don't remember having to tell you my life story, thank you very much." she shot back, clearly done with being interrogated.
Kim just narrowed her eyes and held her ground. "Just stay out of our way. And forget what you saw if you know what's good for you."
Harsh lightning seemed to spark between Kim and Aeris's eyes, and it was at about this time that Michael finally had the courage to intervene. He quickly got between them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders and throwing on a grin to offset the tension.
"Okay, relax everybody. Nobody is getting in anyone's way. I mean, it's not her fault she saw me. It's my fault for being careless."
"Save the maturity act, Michael." Kim commented, clearly unconvinced.
"Don't mind her." Michael said, now addressing Aeris. "I don't know about you, but I'm super new at this Music Master stuff. Kim's been training me since last week though, so I'm starting to figure it all out."
"Just tell her everything while you're at it."
The venom in Kim's voice was obvious now, but Michael was anything if not relentless.
"Hey! You should totally join us for training tomorrow night! I mean, the more the merrier, right?"
He looked back at Kim, but she just turned away, clearly aggravated at the whole turn of events.
Aeris, on the other hand, seemed somewhat receptive. Whoever this afro-headed guy was, he didn't seem even an iota as volatile as his friend. And if she was ousted already like this, than maybe it was such a bad idea to at least try to keep it somewhat under wraps.
Aeris pondered the thought for a moment. Unfortunately, she quickly remembered the old sensation of pain in her palms. The idea of using her song effects again was not a joyous thought in the slightest.
Michael noticed the black fingerless gloves over her hands, and she rubbed her palms together with uncertainty. Despite her doubts though, this was for the best considering the situation. At least, for the time being.
"I'll come watch. But only if you promise to keep this on the down low. My brothers got enough to worry about as it is." Aeris told Michael in her most serious tone of voice.
"Hey, I'm the king of down low. You can count on me for sure." he beamed in response.
"Really? Could have fooled me." Kim grumbled under her breath.
"My name's Aeris. Nice to meet you. Well, officially at least. You're here like every month." she remarked with a laugh, the effect of Michael's smile finally eliminating the tension of the whole situation.
"Yeah, I guess I usually am. I'm Michael. We're in history together."
At this point, Kim was finished with formalities. She pushed past Michael with a grunt, turning on some music in an attempt to distract her from his boundless stupidity.
He just shrugged in response. "Oh, and that's Kim. She's a bit complicated."
Michael wasn't going to let her suddenly foul mood kill this chance though. He walked with Aeris out as she finished closing up Audio Empire. Unlike Kim, she didn't seem to mind him talking her ear off.
It took Aeris a few more minutes to lock up, but that was more than enough time for him to talk about himself, his time with Kim, his uncle Rob, and his top ten favorite disco songs. He neglected to mention their first encounter with Zero Beat however. Even he wasn't that stupid to scare her off this early.
Michael waited by the front door as she closed the register. He was practically ready to jump out of his skin from all the excitement. Now where there was but one fellow Music Master, there were two. And unlike Kim Ramone, Aeris seemed like she might not just berate him all the time for opening his mouth.
Outside, Kim waited silently as her music blared loudly in her ears. She gave Michael a particularly fierce look of death as he came out with Aeris in tow.
Kim would come around, he thought to himself.
She couldn't be angry forever after all.
Outside, looking as innocuous as a passerby, a familiar shaggy-haired blond teen watched as Michael, Kim, and Aeris parted ways in front of Audio Empire.
He could only theorize what they were doing together. He knew Michael and Kim were Music Masters for sure now.
As for the cute blond cashier that he'd seen time and time again, to see her in their company that was certainly a surprise.
Aeris was her name, if he remembered right.
He'd have to remember that tomorrow night, at Kim's usual meet up time in Central Park.
Calvin did want to make a good first impression, after all.
Fast forward to the next track...
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