#on the other hand noooo my choir
karliahs · 1 year
i joined a local lgbt+ choir and this is momentous mostly because it has involved me voluntarily going to an after-work event. like i went to work and then by choice left my house again. on the same day. like a person with energy would. unprecedented
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 77
Sex and Violence/The Family of Blood
“Sex and Violence”
Plot Description: Sam and Dean find three small-town men have beaten their wives to death. Behind the murders is a siren, who put the brothers under her spell
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: there are various reasons why I COULD
Mmmm…happy people don’t kill their wives with meat tenderizers. They just don’t. Man, you fucked up big time
Dean, on one hand, sure. Maybe you were “c-blocked” by Sam (Sam who does have a demon girlfriend already), but you barely said two words to the doctor…were you REALLY cockblocked??
Ok Dean. Keep pretending that what you don’t want is a healthy, stable, domestic relationship…
Why does the siren keep taking the name of a Disney princess???
I love that Bobby has labels on the phones for the different professions he has to pretend to be
Who would have taken the blood samples???
For a second I thought the fbi agent was the siren…like, for Dean…because what would be better than someone who appreciates the things you love? Marvels at your car, knows everything about the music you listen to, goes to the strip club with you…but NOOOO seems like they’re going the boring route with Sam and the doctor
Sam…bestie…you know there’s a siren in this town, and you’re gonna let yourself get seduced like this? Are you dumb?
YES, Dean. Call him the fuck out for his stupidity
What the ABSOLUTE FUCK, SAM??? I know part of this is just the siren shit, but…there’s always nuggets of truth in these
Thank god for Bobby Singer
“Been On My Mind…”: I mean, it was in the description, and now I feel less bad for putting it back up at 10 the other day. 10.
“The Family of Blood”
Plot Description: The sinister Family search for the Doctor, while he struggles to come to terms with his destiny. Meanwhile, the women in his life are forced to take desperate measures to save history
OKAY BUT WHO DOES THE SON IN THE FAMILY REMIND ME OF??? Omg....okay. I can calm down now. It's not that he reminds me of anyone. It's that this actor DID PLAY Viserys Targeryen. That's the other reason his face and voice is so unnerving. I feel a lot better having looked at his imdb
God. Poor Martha. Has to make up for the Doctor being "rubbish as a human" (and he is) while not getting to take the time to mourn Jenny...while ALSO ALSO NOT BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY BY ANYONE
I know I spent the entire last episode railing against this school, but...god...they're BOYS. They're just BOYS. CHILDREN. Being forced to fight against this army of...things that aren't even alive and so then can't even really die.
The lighting to indicate telepathic communication between the Family is always a weird delight. It makes very little sense, but I love it
I don't know how I feel about them continuing the period romance at this moment...
The boys choir as they shoot down the scarecrows...haunting.
Oh...I forgot how terrible it was to watch the Doctor break down about just wanting to be John Smith, a school teacher.
The boys choir as they shoot down the scarecrows...haunting.
Oh...I forgot how terrible it was to watch the Doctor break down about just wanting to be John Smith, a school teacher who loves the school's nurse, and isn't that enough??
Them being able to see their whole future together. What it could have been if the universe didn't need the Doctor. *sobbing*
"If there's one thing you should have done, you shouldn't have let me press all those buttons" --every kid on an elevator
...it IS weird that the Doctor only travels with people from the 21st century for...at least...seven seasons? I can't say anything about old Who (but would obviously be 20th century), but offering the opportunity to travel in the TARDIS to Joan...it's just kind of weird to see
Episodes Since the Doctor's Last Attempted Genocide: 6. One, I don't think it was ever said that they were like the last of their species or anything like that, and two, he doesn't technically KILL them. Just, you know, horrifically imprisons them for all of time
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ghostly-cabbage · 3 years
Party In The Graveyard (Shiptember 2021 : Drunk)
It’s a day late but heres the Danny x Wes fic I wrote for @ghostgothgeek ‘s Ship Event!! Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Language, Underage Drinking, Mild Suggestive Themes Additional Tags: Post-Reveal, Aged Up Characters, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Getting Together
Summary: So, here’s the thing; Wes never wanted to have a fucking house party, okay? This was all stupid Kyle’s stupid idea. Kyle isn’t even in highschool anymore. He graduated last year. But he invited his whole college freshmen class, and just about everyone from the senior Casper class. And it's just getting better and better. Why? Because about half an hour ago, Danny Fucking Fenton walked in.
Or a fic in which Wes sees Danny getting shitfaced and says, "Is anyone else gonna take care of him, or?" and then doesn't wait for an answer.
Words: 6,233
“I take back all my poor words. Talk is cheap, but my mind is rich When I close my eyes You grab my wrist, And pull me in to your cold dead lips”
So, here’s the thing; Wes never wanted to have a fucking house party, okay? 
This was all stupid Kyle’s stupid idea. 
Kyle isn’t even in highschool anymore. He graduated last year. But he invited his whole college freshmen class, and just about everyone from the senior Casper class. 
And it's just getting better and better. 
Because about half an hour ago, Danny Fucking Fenton walked in. 
He walked in like he owned the goddamn place and the reaction went through everyone like a Whoop—like some kind of synchronized celebration of a miracle. 
What, just ‘cause everyone knows he’s Phantom now? 
Give him a fuckin’ break. 
Currently, Wes is standing adjacent to the fridge, nursing a god-awful drink Kyle shoved into his hands before disappearing back into the throng. 
Lighten up, bro, he’d said. 
The music pounds through the house—a heart beat—a fucking jack-hammer. 
People talk and yell and spill their drinks on just about every surface that can stain. 
A cheer goes up from the dining room and he rolls his eyes. 
He slams his drink and focuses on the outdated calendar on the side of the fridge to keep from shuddering. It makes his mouth water, burns the whole way down and Jesus, seriously, what the fuck did Kyle put in this? 
He throws his cup at the overflowing trash can. 
His cheeks feel warm, but not even a buzz touches the wound up feeling in his chest. 
He passes through the dining room, stops to watch Danny and Dash shotgunning sixteen ounce Mike’s Harder cans. From the looks of the table, they've already gone a few rounds.
Danny finishes five whole seconds before Dash. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and crushes his can. 
“Slowing down already, Baxter?” he says, a smug grin plastered across his face. His shoulders are slumped and he talks just a bit too loud.
Dash finishes his and tosses it over his shoulder, which—cool. Fucking nice, what, does he think they have a fucking maid? 
“In your dreams, Fenton. We're just getting warmed up. No way I'm getting out-drank by a twig like you, half-ghost or not.” 
“Guess we’ll see.” Danny shrugs. He talks like he’s one of those people, has always been one of those people. 
Wes rolls his eyes and is just about to slip out of the room when— 
“Ohhh shit! If it isn’t the one and only Wesley Weston!” 
Fucking hell. 
He turns and levels as unimpressed of a look as he can manage at Danny. 
“Imagine that. It’s almost like I fucking live here.” 
Danny swipes up a plastic cup and then proceeds to walk through the table towards him. People act like they’re finding out all over again. 
“Oh come on, Wes. You’re not still mad are you?” He comes up to him and slouches against the archway’s frame. 
Wes scrapes his tongue along his teeth. “Mad? What could I possibly be mad about?”
Danny looks at him like a puzzle. 
When he talks his voice is quiet, hard to hear over the music. “I dunno, the fact that you knew all along but no one ever listened? They thought you were crazy and you weren’t but no one's even said sorry?” His lips quirk up at the corner and Wes can smell the artificial black cherry dancing on the top of the alcohol in his breath. 
He wrinkles his nose and it has nothing to do with the smell. 
“I was being facetious, prick.” 
Danny smiles bigger, and his eyes glitter, something doe-eyed.  
“Right. So you are still mad?” 
He pushes air through his teeth. 
“Not like it matters,” he says, looking away from Danny, drifting over the room. “Where’s your chaperones? Weird to see you anywhere alone.” 
Danny just stares at him for a few seconds before understanding sparks. 
“Ah. Sam’s got a family thing. Tuck took a closing shift.” He waves a hand and his head lolls against the wall with a thunk. He lifts the cup to his lips and takes a swig. 
Everything about him looks heavy. It’s weird for Danny.  
“Have you tried the jungle juice your brother made?” he says. “It sucks. You’ve gotta try it.” 
Wes lifts a brow and crosses his arms over his chest. 
“How many’ve you had?” 
Danny looks down into his cup, swirls its contents. It’s silent for several seconds too long. 
“I’m not really sure, honestly. Didn’t know I was supposed to keep count.” 
Wes slides a hand down his face. 
Jesus Christ. 
“Listen, maybe you should slow down—”
“Yo! Fenton! Stop flirting with Wes and fucking get over here, we’re not done.” Dash calls across the room and— 
They weren’t fucking flirting. 
What the fuck.
Wes’s face heats up far beyond the liquor in his veins. 
Danny looks up and flashes Dash a thumbs up. And then Danny is even closer—grabbing his arm. The chill of his hand goes right through to his stomach. 
“Hey,” he breathes, “come watch me outdrink Dash.”
“Why would I wanna do that?” He ignores the way his breath flutters in his lungs, the way he feels light all the way to his toes.
Danny smiles like what he’s about to say is a secret—like it’s just for him, and all of a sudden Wes wants to be as far from Danny as humanly possible.
“Isn’t watching Dash lose at something for once reason enough?” 
Wes forces himself to keep breathing and he swallows. 
“Fine,” is all he can force out and then Danny is dragging him towards the table. He ignores all the people looking at them. 
The fragmented group of A-listers cheer again and Dash slams a bottle of Fireball onto the table, making people's drinks jump and slosh. 
“Let’s kick it up a notch, shall we?” he says, grin just shy of evil. 
“Where’d you get that?” Wes asks. 
Dash cocks a brow. “Paulina found it? Duh.” 
God, Kyle really wasn’t joking about getting people fucked up. 
Wes is not going to clean up anyone’s puke this time. This shit is all on Kyle. 
“Dude, is it even cold?” Danny asks. 
“No, it wasn’t in the freezer long enough,” Paulina says. She’s drinking from a champagne flute for some fucking reason. He didn’t even know they had those. 
“Gimme that,” Danny says, swiping it from Dash. “No way in hell I’m drinking warm whiskey.” 
His eyes glow blue, and when he breathes out its a thin vapor. Frost creeps over the glass and Wes can’t help but shiver.
“Dude, fucking wicked. I’m still not over this,” Dash breathes, clapping his hands together. 
How could Wes forget that Dash is Phantom’s number one fanboy after all?
But Danny isn’t looking at Dash—he’s looking at him. 
Only it’s different this time. Because before it was always a taunt, blatantly rubbing it in Wes’ face when he used his powers and no one else noticed.
But the way Danny is looking at him now… like he’s waiting for something, thinking about something.
Danny hands back the Fireball and his eyes slip away from Wes and he feels like a fish wrenched from water. 
What the hell was that? 
“Fuck yeah, Fenton.” Dash unscrews the whiskey, flicks the cap off the mouth with a finger, sending it flying. He pours directly into their cups, the liquid glugging through the frosted neck of the bottle.
“Two shots of vodka,” someone says and everyone laughs.
“No chasers?” Danny asks, eyeing his cup. 
Dash puts down the Fireball. “What’s the matter, you scared of the burn?” 
“Not a chance,” he says, and holds out his cup to Dash. They cheers each other and then they’re throwing it back. 
It sinks in his stomach like a rock. There’s no way this ends well. 
It’s on the sixth round of Fireball that Dash starts to look green. He sets down his cup and leans on the table. He stares at the clear storage container of jungle juice and Kwan comes up beside him, pats his arm. 
“Dude, maybe you should call it.” 
“I’m fine, ‘s fine…” His words slur together. He tries to stand up straight and Kwan and Paulina both have to keep him up right. 
Danny laughs. “Not lookin’ great, Baxter,” he says, his own words falling sluggishly from his mouth. Danny goes to lift his cup to his lips again and Wes puts his hand over it. 
“Nope. You two are done.” 
“Come on, Wes. Don’t be a buzzkill. I’m good!” Danny says. “Dash is the one that lost!” He flings his hand towards Dash and knocks the Fireball over, spilling it all over the table.
The group all crows at once, a choir of “oh shit” “nice one” and “duuuude noooo”’s. A few people rush to grab their phones from harm's way.
Danny blinks at the table. “Oops,” he says. 
A smile splits his face and he starts chuckling. It builds from him, a laugh, something outside of him—beyond him. 
He laughs until he’s doubled over, holding onto Wes to keep himself stable. 
“Yeah, that’s it. You’ve had more than enough.” He grabs Danny’s cup from him before he can spill that too and drinks it himself. The cinnamon burns through his sinuses and he shudders. Ugh. 
Danny straightens and sways just a bit, stumbling into him—their faces inches apart.
“Hey, that was mine,” he says, voice twisted in a pout. “Not cool.” His breath is cold, thick with the smell of whiskey. 
Wes feels frozen, feels like he can’t breathe. 
His heart pounds in his chest and he prays Danny isn’t so close he can feel it. 
Around them the choir starts again, a chorus of suggestive “ooo”’s. He can feel their eyes on him and it makes his skin crawl. 
Fucking dammit, this is all Fenton’s fault. 
He pushes Danny away from him. Not fast or rough, just to arms length. He coughs. 
“Star, you should go to the kitchen and get them both some water,” he says. 
She gives him an annoyed look. 
“I don’t see you doing anything else,” he snaps. 
“I’m drunk too, you know,” she says, but gets up and leaves towards the kitchen. 
Paulina and Kwan coax Dash into a chair, and he puts his head down on the table, groaning. A few others are sopping up the Fireball with paper towels. 
Danny sags in his grip, goofy smile still plastered all over his face. 
“I’ve never been drunk before, this is awesome,” he says. 
Wes rolls his eyes, and maneuvers Danny into a chair. His head lolls back and he stares at the ceiling for a second before perking back up and trying to go for someone else's cup. 
“Dude, I’m serious.” Wes moves the cup out of his reach. “Quit while you’re ahead.” 
Danny groans, sinking down in his chair like he’s boneless. 
“Come on, Wes,” he says. “You think I don’t know my own limits?” 
“You just said this is your first time being drunk.” 
Danny blows a raspberry. 
Star walks back into the room and hands Wes a glass of water and then slides one across the table at Dash. 
“Here. Wanna drink? Drink this.” 
“Ugh, fine,” he says. 
He’s a few swigs into it when he stops. 
“God, it’s hot in here. Is anyone else hot?” And before anyone can answer his eyes glow that bright blue and a chill works through the air, plummets the temperature. 
“Danny—” Goosebumps rise over Wes’ skin and his breath fogs from his mouth. 
At varying levels of exasperation, the people around cry out. 
“Dude, cut that out,” he says, smacking Danny’s arm. 
“Ow, why are you hitting me?” 
“Because you’re being a pain in the ass.” 
Danny looks at him, blinks heavy eyelids. He smiles. 
“Nothing, you just… You’re cute when you’re all annoyed sometimes.” 
The ground feels like it opens up underneath him. 
His thoughts screech to a stop. It smells like burnt rubber, like cinnamon and black cherry. 
It’s just the alcohol. No fucking way Danny of all people would say that to him. 
“You really are drunk,” he says, but his voice sounds off kilter. 
Across the house the last song fades out and Usher’s Yeah comes on. People scream and cheer. 
“Holy shit, I love this song,” Danny says and stands up. He sways and catches himself on the edge of the table, starts laughing again. “Whew, that was close. The spinning is normal, right?” 
Fucking Christ, how did he end up on babysitting duty again? He rubs his temples. 
Is he really about to do this? 
“You should lay down.” He heaves a sigh. “Come on.” 
“Jeez, Wes, that's pretty forward,” Danny says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Heat flashes through him. 
“Would you just shut up,” he hisses. “And stop making it cold. Jesus.” 
Danny snorts and when he moves from the table he wobbles. Wes grabs him before he topples and slings Danny’s arm over his shoulder to keep him up. 
Danny leans into him, almost unbalances them.
“You got a problem with the cold, Wes?” he says, this time his cold breath is against the side of his neck. It sends chills down his spine. 
“I don’t have to help you, you know,” he says, voice thick. “You can get alcohol poisoning for all I care.” 
“You’re a bad liar, Wes.” 
Wes yanks Danny along beside him and out of the dining room. 
“Shut up, Danny. You’re drunk.” 
He hauls Danny past the living room and the knot of people dancing and singing. A few call out to them, ask them to come have fun. He steers them away before Danny can pull away and join them. 
“But I wanna have fun, Wes,” he whines. 
“Dude, you can’t even stand without my help right now, you really wanna try dancing?” 
“Dance with me, then.” 
Wes stops. He looks over at Danny and… 
He blinks, shakes his head.
“No, not—not right now,” he mumbles. 
“There’s a whole reason I came alone, you know,” Danny says. 
“What, so you could get fucked up and no one would stop you?” 
“Yeah! I mean… well, that’s part of it.” 
Wes guides them towards the stairs, ignoring the looks. 
“Your house is bigger than it looks from the outside,” Danny says. 
God. This is so not what he thought tonight was going to be like. 
“Where are we going?” Danny asks. 
“Somewhere you can lay down and sober up.” 
“Tha’s not vague.” 
Wes starts pulling Danny up the staircase. The second floor is dark, and he gropes around to hit the light. 
The first few steps are fine, which is to say the next steps aren’t fine. 
What he’s saying is that Danny says, “oh shit.” 
And then he’s falling—pulling Wes down with him. 
More accurately, Danny trips and pulls Wes down on top of him. 
They end up in a heap and Danny groans like someone does when they fall on the fucking stairs.
“Ow.” He reaches for the back of his head. Then he’s laughing, like it's the funniest goddamn thing in the world, what just happened. His face screws up, the face of someone who doesn’t know he’s in pain, just pretending.
“Seriously?” Wes snaps. His shin smarts—must have hit it on the stairs. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He laughs each syllable. “You good?” 
“No, I’m not—” And he looks down and he realizes how close they are. Realizes the way Danny’s hair falls into his face, the light catching the slope of his jaw. 
Danny quiets at the same time and it’s like they get stuck there. Like nothing else exists other than this staircase and this moment and the way Danny feels cool and solid like a summer night underneath him. 
“Hey,” Danny says—sounds almost breathless. “Come here often?” 
Wes rolls his eyes and just like that the moment is over. 
“Ugh.” He pushes himself up, detangles himself from Danny. 
Danny reaches for him, that stupid smile back on his face.
“Oh come on, Wes,” he says. 
“Quit messing around, dude.” 
Danny pushes himself up, runs a hand through his hair and Wes tracks the motion with his eyes against his best wishes. 
“You’re so mean. I could have a concussion and this is how you treat me?” 
Wes stands up and straightens his clothes. “You’re fine.” 
Danny gives him a look and then something sparks in his eyes. “I’m going to text Sam and Tucker and tell them how mean you are to me.” 
Psh. He says that like they don’t already hate him. 
“Would you just get up?” 
“These stairs are actually kinda comfy,” he says, head rolling back, sinking back down and closing his eyes. “I think I’ll just stay here.” 
Wes kicks his leg. 
“You can lay down in the room. Get up.” 
Danny heaves a sigh, throws an arm over his eyes. 
“Fiiinnneee.” He pulls himself up by the handrail, stops in a sitting position. “Jesus,” he says, voice just above a whisper. His breathing gets weird. It makes Wes pause. 
“You okay?” 
“...Spinning,” Danny breathes. He’s quiet for a bit, and Wes just lets him sit there. Danny holds his head in his hands for a while.  
Worry creeps into the back of his mind. Maybe Danny wasn’t kidding about the concussion thing. Maybe he should get someone— 
Then Danny is standing up and Wes steadys his other arm. 
“I got you,” he says. “Feeling okay?” 
Danny sends him a weak smile. “Yeah. Laying down does sound good though," he mumbles.  
They make it up the rest of the stairs, and Danny leans against the wall as Wes opens the door to his room. 
It’s dark and quiet inside and he flips on the light. 
He helps Danny in, and he flops face first onto his bed. He groans and rolls over. 
“I’m thinking those last few shots of Fireball were a bad idea…” 
Wes snorts and closes the door softly behind him. 
“Oh, just the last few, huh?” 
“I was havin’ fun, smartass,” Danny grumbles. 
Wes leans back against his dresser and crosses his arms. “I said you should have stopped but noooo, no one listens to Wes.” 
It gets quiet and he can feel the heaviness in the air. He clears his throat. “If you throw up in my bed, I’m kicking you out the window.” 
“I’m not going to throw up.” 
“Famous last words, Fenton.” 
“Shaddup,” Danny says, and it gets quiet. 
Wes can feel the bass from the music through the floor, the muffled sound of singing, laughing, talking. He’s used to ducking out at parties early. He’s used to laying in bed and listening to the songs through the walls until the voices slowly fade and the house is empty again. He listens to Kyle stumble up to bed and knock into the walls and yell “I’m okay” when he does.
He’s not used to having… company. 
Danny sits up like a puppet on too few strings. He makes a frustrated noise.
“It’s still hot,” he sighs. 
“It’s the alcohol, dude.” 
Danny runs his hands over his face, and then reaches back and starts pulling his hoodie off. It drags his shirt up with it and Wes can’t help but look. He looks at the multitude of scars staining Danny’s skin and the way his muscles move over his ribs and—he pulls his gaze away and studies the floor instead. 
“This is your bedroom, huh?” 
“Doesn’t look how I thought it would.” 
Wes wrinkles his nose. “How'd you think it would look?”
Danny takes his time looking around the room, hoodie pooled in his lap, before he looks at Wes and gives a boneless shrug. 
“I dunno. More,” he holds his hands up, splays his fingers, “raah!” 
“I… don’t know what that means.” 
“You know! Like… newspaper-clipping red-web on all the walls,” Danny says, smile creeping back. 
Wes squints at Danny. He pushes off his dresser. 
“That’s still all you think of me?” He picks a pillow from his bed and throws it at Danny’s face. Danny lets out a yelp. 
“Besides, I took all that shit down when the truth came out anyway,” he says, trying and failing to keep the inkling of a smile from his voice. 
Danny looks at him blankly for a second before he starts to smile again. 
“Wait, was that… Did you just make a joke?” 
Wes snorts. 
“You did! Holy shit, Wes has a sense of humor, this is bigger news than my shit. I gotta tell everyone.” 
Danny looks soft, sitting like this in the middle of his bed, eyes warm in a way Wes didn’t realize they could be. 
Something in him loosens. 
“Good luck getting people to believe you…” he says. 
“Oh, how the turn tables,” Danny says, and for a bit all they do is smile at each other. 
Danny looks away first, he glances up at the light and squints. 
“You got a light that isn’t so fuckin’ bright?” 
“I thought the light sensitivity was supposed to happen the morning after drinking.” 
“You’re full of jokes tonight.” 
Wes rolls his eyes and flips on the bedside lamp and then shuts off the overhead light. 
Danny hums and flops back down. “Better,” he says.
It’s silent for a few beats and Danny lifts his head to look at him. He smacks the comforter a few times with a flat hand. 
Wes blanches; he’s all too aware of himself, of Danny and the dim light and the closed door. 
“Dude, chill,” Danny says, like he can read his mind—wait, he can’t actually do that, right? Ghosts can’t do that? 
“Sit down or something. You just standing there watching me is creepy,” Danny says. 
Wes swallows his own heartbeat, shakes his head. “Seriously, between the two of us, I’m not the creepy one.” 
“Says the stalker.” 
“I didn’t stalk you.” 
Danny gives him a look, with raised eyebrows and everything. 
Wes sits on the side of the bed, scoots back so he’s leaned against the headboard. 
“I was… investigating.” 
Danny laughs. “Sure, dude. Whatever you say,” and his voice is like smoke—hickory and rough but winding through the air like silk.  
They fall into an amiable silence, cotton soft, but cold. Danny has an arm over his eyes again, and his breathing is so slow it’s hard to pick out from the music downstairs. 
He rakes a hand through his hair and takes out his phone. He unlocks it and scrolls mindlessly for a while. 
He can’t focus. 
Not with Danny so close like this. Not when everything is different now. His mind drifts off and he tries to keep track of every breath, wonders if he’s fallen asleep— 
“Hey, Wes.” 
He jumps. Just a little bit. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He puts his phone down. 
“...For what?”
“For making everyone think you were crazy.” 
Wes twists his hand in his comforter. Why the hell is Danny apologizing to him? After everything he’s done to him… tried to do to him. It gets stuck in his throat. 
“It’s… You don’t have to—” he wishes he’d had a few more drinks. 
“Nah. I do. Looking back, I didn’t handle you knowing very well.” 
He chews on his lip. He’s never felt so out of place. 
Danny moves his arm and looks up at him and his courage almost shrivels. 
“I’m the one who should apologize. Not you. I—” He balls his hands into fists. “What I did, trying to basically out you, that wasn’t… that wasn’t okay.” 
“You didn’t know the whole situation.” 
“Did I need to? It was still fucked up and. I’m sorry. I was so wrapped up in wanting to be right that I didn’t care what it could have done to you.” 
It feels like glass coming up from his throat. 
He’s lost sleep, engraved in the ceiling all the ways he fucked up, all the times he's glad now that no one listened to him. His eyes feel hot and there’s no way in hell he’s going to fucking get emotional in front of Danny. 
“It all worked out in the end,” Danny says. He says it easy, gentle. “You were still technically right, though, so… There’s that.” 
Wes huffs. “Yeah. I guess.” He fights through all the mess. “I don’t know how this didn’t happen sooner though. You were terrible at hiding it.” 
Danny props himself up on his elbows. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude, I'm a great liar.” 
Wes leans his head back on the headboard. “Sure, but you’re reckless as hell. How many times did you stick your arm through your locker in front of God and everyone?” 
Danny smiles wide and bright. 
“Honestly, after a while, it was just fun to see how far I could go before anyone noticed.” 
Wes can’t help but chuckle. “Pretty far, obviously.”  
“No kidding.” 
Wes runs his palms over his jeans. 
“You’re good though, right?” Wes looks anywhere but Danny. “At home and all that.” 
“Oh. Yeah. It was, uhm, a lot for my parents. But we’re getting there.” 
“Good… That’s good.” The words feel sharp and blocky, and he doesn’t know what else to say. What else can he say? 
His buzz pulls away from him, pulls him down, makes his lids heavy. 
“How do you think Dash is doing?” Danny says. 
“Pf. If he isn’t hugging a trashcan right now, I’ll be shocked.” 
Danny laughs. 
Wes leans over onto some of his pillows. 
“How are you this okay after drinking all that?” 
Danny shrugs. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m feeling it. My guess is something to do with the healing factor ghost shit.” 
“Right, makes sense.” 
He feels tired and heavy and the darkness at the corners of the room get fuzzier. 
“Paulina brought her own champagne glass,” Danny tells him. And he laughs because, who does that? 
He rolls onto his back and they stare at the ceiling.
“Are you kidding? Paulina does that, it’s Paulina,” Danny says. 
They stare at the ceiling like it’s not a ceiling, like it might become more than just ceiling. Wes imagines it disappearing completely.
Danny likes stars, doesn’t he? 
When Danny talks again it’s like he’s far away. An arms length, an atmosphere’s length… he doesn’t know. 
Danny says, “sucks that I’m missing the Super Smash Tournament.” 
Wes tries to keep his eyes from slipping shut. The bed pulls him like quicksand, the smell of sleep. “Trust me, dude, Kyle always wins anyway.” 
Danny says something, something about who he mains or doesn’t main. It becomes all the same, the sluggish rise and fall. 
At some point between light and dark Wes decides that he likes the sound of Danny’s voice. He somehow likes that the room is colder than it usually is. 
And maybe somewhere between all that he decides some other stuff too. 
Wes wakes up before Danny. The sun streams in through a gap in his curtains, pooling on the wall and floor.
He doesn’t have a headache, but his neck hurts like hell. 
Danny is lying on his side faced away from him and, fuck, thank God. He thinks about last night, about Danny in his arms and he— 
He sits up and rubs his hands over his warm cheeks. 
Water. He should get some water. 
He slips out of his room and goes downstairs to the kitchen. The house is quiet. 
He can hear the sink running and the clink of glass. When he comes around the corner he sees Kyle washing dishes. The house is only half as trashed as he thought it’d be. 
Kyle looks up at him as he walks in. 
He grunts, going to pluck a clean glass from the drying rack. 
“Nah. Slept wrong.” He fills his glass at the fridge and downs it all at once. The water helps wash the sour taste from his mouth. Ugh, he should still brush his teeth. 
He fills the glass again and heads back upstairs. He pushes back into his room and when the door creaks he sees Danny jump. 
He walks around the bed and offers the glass to a squinting Danny. 
“Awake?” he asks. 
Danny groans and pushes himself up. His hair is messy, hanging in his eyes. It's infuriating. 
He rubs the side of his face and when he takes the cup their fingers brush. 
“Thanks,” he murmurs. 
“We have pop-tarts and cereal and shit downstairs.” 
Danny gives him a thumbs up while he drinks. 
He wants to ask if he’s okay... He decides to leave it for later. 
Wes leaves his room and goes back to the kitchen. When he gets there, he pulls the pop-tarts down from the cabinet. 
“So, here’s what I’m thinking,” Kyle says, “if you wanna clean the dining room, I’ll clean the living room.” 
“Nope, no. This was your thing, dude. You threw the party.” 
“But Wes,” he whines, “Dad’s gonna be home tonight.” 
“Then you should probably get started,” he says and claps him on the shoulder on his way to the toaster.
“Dude, cold blooded. You’re just gonna watch me slave away for hours and not even help your own brother?” 
“Uh... yeah.” He slots the pop-tarts into the toaster. He turns towards Kyle and leans against the counter, grinning at him. 
Kyle gives him a look. 
“How much.” 
“No. No, I’m not gonna be bought this time.” 
“Twenty bucks.” 
“Fine, you drive a hard bargain. Forty.” 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“‘This time?’ What happened last time?” 
They jump and look at Danny as he comes down the stairs. He has his hoodie slung over a shoulder and the half empty water glass in his hand. 
“Holy shit,” Kyle says. 
“It’s not important,” he says, sending a glare at the back of Kyle’s head. 
Danny walks up to the counter and sets the glass down to pull his hoodie on. 
“No fucking way,” Kyle says, voice pitched up. “I didn’t believe it when everyone was talking about it last night, holy shit.” 
Danny tugs the hem of his hoodie down and gives Kyle a confused look that he moves over to Wes.
He returns the look, just as lost.
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about?” 
“You two hooking up last night,” Kyle says, like it’s obvious.
It feels like for a second time stops—  
Hooking up?
Hooking up?! 
His heart skips in his chest and heat rushes to his face and the tips of his ears. He feels like he’s been slapped across the face.
Danny looks like a deer in the headlights. 
The toaster pops. 
“Which, can I just say, I totally called it. I knew there had to be another reason Wes was so obsessed with yo—” 
“Kyle!” he snaps, his voice higher than he anticipated. “Kyle, oh my fucking god, shut up. We didn’t— Nothing happened last night, we just—”  
His breath feels tight in his throat and he wants to lock himself in his room forever. He can’t make himself look at Danny. 
“Who the hell told you that-that we—” 
“Uh, dude, a bunch of people saw you guys go into your room together. You know Pualina was telling me that Danny was all over yo—”
“Okay! Thank you, Kyle!” he cuts in. “Jesus fucking—” He buries his face in his hands. 
This is it, this is how he’s going to die. 
“I’m just glad for you two! I mean, like, jeez, finally!” 
“Kyle, I’ll help you clean if you shut up right now and never bring this up ever again.” 
Kyle stops, face lighting up. “Dude, deal.” 
“Cool. Now please leave.” 
Wes grabs him by the arm and starts dragging him out of the kitchen. “Leave. Go get the cleaning shit from the garage or some shit, I don’t know.” 
“Oh. Ohhhh, I see. I get you. I’ll leave you two kids alone to enjoy your breakfast together,” he says with a wink and holy fuck, he’s going to kill his fucking brother.
Kyle heads for the stairs and calls down, “Lemme know when it’s safe to come back down!” 
Wes drags his hands down his face. He lets out a slow breath and he tries to ignore his pounding heart. 
Wes goes to the nearest counter and puts his head down. The surface is cold against his burning skin. He groans like an injured animal and at this point he really wishes someone would put him out of his misery. 
“Well…” Danny says from behind him.
 He hears Danny moving and the sound of the fridge being opened. He looks up, watches as Danny takes orange juice from the fridge. When he turns around he sees his face is red too. 
“I mean… hardly the worst rumor to get spread around about us,” he says. That stupid smile makes its way onto Danny’s face. 
“I once had this dude tell everyone at school that I was a ghost. It was super weird.” 
Wes shakes his head. “Dude, shut up.” But he can’t help the grin that pulls at his lips. 
Danny laughs, a quieter thing today than it was last night. 
“I can have some, right?” he asks, lifting the OJ. 
“Yeah, it’s fine.” 
They fall into silence while Danny pours a glass and Wes goes to numbly retrieve his pop-tarts. 
“It’s probably spread through all of Casper now, huh.” 
Danny glances at him. Something dances through his expression. He hums as he takes a drink of his juice. 
“Uh. Probably further than that, now that everyone knows I'm… you know.” Danny shoots him an uneasy look.
Right. Right. 
This was just getting better and better. 
He takes a bite of his pop-tart. It crumbles in his mouth like sand. 
“Are you… okay?” Danny asks. He reaches back and rubs his neck, and dammit, now he’s just adding insult to injury. 
He looks at him, and he sees the nerves in the way he holds himself, stitched into the way the light hits him. He’s not asking just one question.
Wes swallows. 
“Yeah… Yeah, I mean, like you said. There could be way worse rumors,” he says. He looks at Danny like he’s too far away, like he enjoyed last night way more than he should have. And he sees it in Danny too, some sort of mirror. 
“I think so too,” Danny says, heavy the way he exhales it. 
They break eye contact and Wes doesn’t really know what to do, what to say. 
“Well, uh. You have cleaning to do, I guess. I should probably get home before my parents get too freaked out.” 
Wes nods. “Yeah, probably.” He wonders if Danny knows what’s in his voice. The dark from last night is clouding his mind, pulling him, begging him to just say it.   
“Yeah… I’ll, uh, see you at school?” 
But Danny doesn't move. 
He lingers like a shadow. He looks like he wants to go. He looks like he wants to stay. 
“Wes,” he says. 
Wes looks at him.  
He worries at his bottom lip and moves along the counter towards him. 
“Thanks. For last night.” 
He lets out a puff. “Well, someone had to make sure you didn’t die the rest of the way from alcohol poisoning.” 
Danny rolls his eyes. 
“I wasn’t that bad.” 
“You were pretty bad.” 
“Not even.” Danny smiles.
And they’re close again, sharing each other's space. 
“It wasn’t… awful, I guess,” he says before he can stop himself. “Even with you being a pain in the ass the entire time.” 
“Maybe we could do it again sometime,” Danny murmurs.
“What, me looking after your drunk ass the whole night?” 
Danny snorts. “No, I was thinking more like I match you drink for drink instead,” he says. 
“At least then you’d last till the Smash tournament.” 
Danny glances away. 
“I didn’t mind missing it too much, actually.” 
Wes’s breath gets stuck and his heart beats like a drum in his ribcage. 
In some ways it’s just like last night; Danny’s close enough he can feel the movement of his breath between them. 
“It’s way more fun, bothering you.” 
It’s a slow motion sort of thing, a hair raising thing. 
“Well you’re an expert at it by now.” 
Wes thinks about theme parks. Sitting at the top of the sky and just before his stomach drops—
“Always room for improvement. I could get better at it if you want me to.” 
And what if he does? What if he wants to see Danny in all the ways he can? What if he wants to know Danny for real this time?  
Maybe he wants pictures, proof that it’s real. 
Maybe it’s always been leading to this. 
Maybe it’s fucked up. 
Wes having the power to hurt him all over again. 
“Drink for drink?” he says, barely a whisper. 
“Drink for drink,” Danny says—closer, closer, breath against his lips. 
Danny gives him time to pull away. But Wes doesn’t. Something to do with what he decided last night.  
“Prove it.”
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
choir and kisses
a niki x reader school au, where there in choir together and have a project to work on. maybe they kiss? maybe
this baisically inspired my school au tbh
Niki sat in her choir class, exhausted from her previous class. The kids were just too much to be around and didn't have the mental strength to deal with them sometimes. She opened her choir folder, putting it on her stand.
“Yo niki, you good?'' Wilbur says, sitting down next to her. “I'm fine, but Wilbur, you're not in this class. I thought you were in orchestra.” she answers, looking at the tall man. “I am, I just don't have a class right now so I decided to visit you.” niki nodded. “Oh right, seniors have free hours sometimes.” he nodded at niki’s statement, opening his phone. “Texting sally?” niki asks, making Wilbur blush. “No no I'm not.” niki laughs, turning to the front of the room when the bell rings.
“Alright everyone, we will be doing a group project today! Your gonna do a presentation of a musical and then sing a duet together! Your partners are posted on google classroom.” niki opened her phone, seeing who she was partnered with. Wilbur just sighed, staring at niki. “Mind if i hang with you and your partner?” wilbur asks. Niki nodded. “Yeah its fine. Seems like I'm partnered with your sibling!” wilbur just started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” he calmed down slightly. “It's just that you have the biggest crush on them, it's gonna be so funny.” niki blushed. “I don't have a crush on them! We’re friends, I don't like them like that wilbur.” he just laughed at this. “Niki, your blushing!” niki huffed. 
“Wilbur leave Nikki alone, besides we need to do work!” niki turned to see (y/n) yelling at their brother. “I'm still pissed at you for leaving me to deal with techno and tommy.” Wilbur laughs nervously. “I'll do your chores if you don't tell dad.” “deal!” (y/n) sits in the empty seat next to nikki.
“So, what musical do you want to do for the project? Note that we do have to do a duet.” (y/n) says, setting their folder down. “Maybe we could maybe do into the woods? It takes two isn't that hard of a song to do.” niki suggests. “Yeah, we can do that!” niki and (y/n) started to work on their presentation, getting what they needed before they had to leave for class. Wilbur occasionally budded in, bored out of his mind. 
“Maybe you should have chosen a different class wilbs. Maybe bother tommy.” (y/n) says, listening to the song they were gonna do. “I dont wanna hang out with Tommy, he's always bothering me about my music.” he crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. “Oh calm down, he's just excited.” niki says, gathering information on her phone. “Niki, you don't have any siblings, shoosh.” niki just laughs. 
Things went on like this, right until the class was nearly over. “Oh, niki, you should come over tonight to finish the project. We could practice the song as well!” (y/n) says, moving their chair for the orchestra class that was next. “Yeah, that would be great! I could come over after school?” niki asks. “Yeah, we can walk home together! Gotta make sure to leave Wilbur behind though, he would constantly complain if he were to come along.`` We laugh together. The bell soon rings. “Alright, see you after class ends!” (y/n) says, picking up their stuff. “See you then!” niki puts away her stuff and leaves soon after.
Class went on, (y/n) very excited that niki would be coming over, yet also very nervous. They knew Wilbur would just say something. (y/n) turned to techno, who was in their english class. “Techno, did you read the book we were supposed to read?” technoblade turned to them. “(y/n), this is the second time you're taking this class and you didn't read the book? Again?” (y/n) just glares at him. “I don't like the book, okay! Anyway, did you read it?” techno just sighs, nodding. (y/n) smiled. “Oh thank god! Okay, help me with the essay then.” techno agrees, knowing if they didn't pass, he would get in trouble for not helping.
After a half hour, the bell rings, signalling that school has ended. (y/n) picks up their things, heading to their locker. They see niki waiting for them there. “Did you get out of class early?” (y/n) asked, unlocking the locker. “Yeah, I asked the teacher and she said it was fine!” (y/n) shoves their things into their bag. “Well that's nice of her! Anyways, we better get moving or one of my brothers would force us to ride home with them.” niki nodded, closing (y/n)’s locker for them. They walked down the stairs, heading out of one of the school's many doors.
They walked home, talking about random things as they went along. “You ever think about getting run over when your crossing the road?” niki stared at (y/n), concerned at their comment. “No? Are you okay?” (y/n) nodded. “Yeah im fine.”
After ten minutes, they reach the minecrafts home, noticing that they weren't home yet. “Oh thank god, i forgot they had to pick up tubbo as well.” (y/n) says, opening the door. They both walked inside the dark home. “Im gonna get us some food, just head up to my room!” (y/n) says, taking off their shows and heading to the kitchen. “Alright!” niki says, taking of her own shoes and heading upstairs. Niki spotted a door that had the progressive flag on it. “Oh thats new!” niki says, entering (y/n)’s room. “Wow, their rooms changed since I was last here.
(y/n)’s room was painted (f/c), and had drawings and posters all over the room. They had a desk, with their pc and art stuff atop it. Their bed was unmade, having stuffed animals all over the place. Niki spotted a whale plushie seated on their pillow. “Aww they kept it!” niki had given it to them years ago, so she found it sweet that it was still there.
(y/n) soon came up, holding a bunch of snakes and some cokes. “Sorry this is all we had, tommy wont let us buy anything else.” (y/n) says, handing niki the coke. “Oh, that's alright!” they sit down on (y/n)’s bed. (y/n) sat their snakes on their desk, so as not to spill them all over. 
“Okay, we need to actually put the presentation together. You have the notes right?” niki nodded, grabbing her phone while (y/n) sat at their pc, not too far from the pink haired girl. “Okay, so we have-” they did this for a while, niki reading the notes while (y/n) wrote them into the google slide. It soon got to the part where they had to sing their song. 
“Okay, so I'll be the baker, and you can be the other one.” (y/n) says, opening the song for them to sing. “Okay, i can do that!'' They started the song, getting ready to sing.
“(Y/N) ARE YOU WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???” (y/n) stops the song. “I swear to god I will kill tommy. NO JACKASS, WE’RE NOT DATING!!” niki tries to stifle a laugh. “ARE YOU SURE????'' Tommy responds, still downstairs. (y/n) glares at the laughing niki. “Sorry sorry.” niki says, still laughing. “IM POSITIVE, NOW SHUT UP WE’RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING!!'' Tommy responds immediately. “ARE YOU TWO HAVING SEX??” niki chokes on her own spit, while (y/n) blushes profusely. “OH THAT'S IT, COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” (y/n) says, jumping out of their chair, running downstairs to attack the child. Niki leaves as well, wanting to see (y/n) beat up a child.
She comes down the stairs to see (y/n) putting Tommy in a choke hold while techno cheered them on. Niki stands next to techno.
"Apologize! I'll take your Cds if you don't!!!" "No no not my disks!!"
Niki turns towards techno. "Does this regularly happen?" Techno nodded as a response. Niki turned back, seeing Tommy try to bite (y/n). "OH STOP IT RACOON CHILD!!" philza soon comes In and breaks them apart. "Awwe my free entertainment.'' Techno says. "Oh calm down. Tommy, please stop annoying your sibling. This is why you get choked.” Tommy pouts. “Okay phil.” philza glares at the young child. “Also, (y/n), next time, just punch him in the throat. You've learned from techno.” “HEY!'' Tommy says, offended. (y/n) laughs, “okay, will do dadza. Oh, what time is it?” techno looked at his phone. “Its close to 9 pm.” (y/n) pouts, going over to niki and clinging onto her. “Noooo, it can't be her time to leave.” niki giggles, patting (y/n)’s head. “I have to leave. I'll come over soon, okay?” (y/n) nodds, letting go. 
They go upstairs together, grabbing nikkis stuff. They go back downstairs to the front door. (y/n) and niki hug each other. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” (y/n) asked, letting go. “Yeah, we did never got to actually practice the song! I'll be over at 4 pm, like always.” (y/n) nodds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow?” niki nodded, leaning over and kissing (y/n) on the cheek, making them blush. “Yep! See ya, bye!” she says, opening the door and closing it, leaving (y/n) a mess.
“Yep…” they say to themself, smiling happily. “YES!!!! I TOLD YOU THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!! PUSSY DIDN'T EVEN KISS HER THEMSELF HAHA!!” (y/n) turned around, running towards tommy. “COME BACK HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
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jonspurpleskirt · 4 years
An Unlikely Befriending
Summary: Jon gets kidnapped. Jon gets bored. And Jon makes very unlikely friends because of it. Aka: Pen and Paper saves the day (world) and Jon finally gets to have a band. A/N: This is pure fluff, no warnings apply I think. ___
The worst thing about being kidnapped by a crazy mannequin murder clown monstrousity and sitting in a cold, room with creepy wax works, tied to a chair was not the ever present terror. True the fear of Nikola finally deeming his skin good enough and skinning him alive was quite potent, but it wasn't as bad as boredom.
Jon had never taken well to waiting. His mind needed to be occupied 24/7, needed something to latch onto, to obsess about. It's why he became a researcher in the first place. Having most of his freedom taken from him made occupying himself very hard.
At least they still let him eat and drink here and there. Nikola always visited personally, her overly cheery voice bubbling forth as she chattered away while slathering him with lotion or shoving bits of take out food in his mouth. His diet those last two weeks had been very varied and healthy and he had never drank so much water before.
He still probably looked a mess, what with no access to a shower and barely being able to sleep at all. And the constant terror. Oh yeah and the boredom.
Oh the boredom.
Jon was currently sitting in his chair as he was wont to do. Thankfully not nailed down despite all the nagging from Sarah Baldwin. The coffin was singing or moaning with a slight melody behind it, depending on who you asked. And somehow Jon found himself humming along, trying to find a good melody to go with the haunting tune. It wasn't like he had anything better to do and if he didn't start doing something creative his mind would start eating itself soon.
So he hummed, experimenting with the notes, twisting them into something that was reminiscent of circus music and airships. And then he kept humming the melody over and over, forming words in his mind to go with the tune. Once the spark was lit a fire started to burn, the story branching out and out into a twirling mass of chaos and fire.
He had gotten lost in his imagination, hadn't noticed how loud he had become, hadn't heard Nikola approach. Jon screeched when she leant down over him and grinned at him upside down, nose nearly touching his.
Nikola had the gall to laugh at him, no breath fanning over his face as she did so.
"Awww Archivist! I didn't know you had such a nice voice!"
"Yes your singing was also quite good!" She straightened herself, back cracking in several places. Striding around his chair she towered over him, tattered, bloody ringmaster uniform filling his field of vision.
"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to sing, of course! And the broken repeat is lovely."
"Anyway water time!"
With gleeful cackling she ripped the tape from his mouth, amused enough to not immediately shove the bottle between his teeth.
"There are words to it, too." Jon rushed to say, not exactly sure why. What was he offering her here? A solo performance?
"Oh?" she at least didn't tape his mouth shut again. For now.
After waiting several beats where both stared at each other and nothing else happened Jon dared to speak up again.
"I ah... well I wrote it myself? Not wrote, of course. My hands are tied at the moment-" He was rambling. Nikola had given him the freedom of speech and he was off like a shot, telling her everything about what he had been thinking about before she had interrupted his impromptu jamming session, terror completely terminating his brain to mouth filter.
Nikola, for her part, took it all in stride. She even settled on the floor in front of him, blinking every now and then to indicate that she was still present.
"It's such a shame." she finally spoke, holding the water bottle to his mouth, letting him drink of his own volution for once. "You would have made a perfect piece for the choir. Hm maybe what will be left of you will do."
"I could sing for you now." Jon offered as soon as his mouth was free again.
Nikola startled at the offer and Jon just shrugged as much as he was able to. He'd rather sing to a creepy murder doll than spend one minute longer alone and bored out of his mind. And if he could delay the Unknowing (and the violent removal of his skin) by keeping Nikola entertained than even better.
That sounded like he almost had a plan. Which was untrue. He only had a very strong desire for entertainment.
"No sneaky questions." Nikola warned.
"Promise. I can't guarantee good quality rhymes, though. I'm still workshopping."
Singing out loud what had been in his head was always an awkward affair. He had wanted to start a band with Georgie in uni. But it was exactly because of this that he had never bothered.
"That was fun!" Nikola screamed after he was finished nontheless. Clapping her hands in delight, which created a horrible cracking noise.
"I'm glad? I also DM."
She tilted her head at him. "What's that?"
Jon explained the concept of pen and paper games to her while she rubbed lotion into his skin and had her hooked immediately.
Later that day (or maybe the next day, really Jon had no concept of time anymore) Jon was for the first time allowed out of his chair, carefully rubbing circulation back into his hands. Nikola had only briefly left him alone after watering and lotioning him. They had hashed out what kind of world and system they wanted to use (a horror setting, of course) and then Nikola was off and dragging Breekon and Hope back into the room so they had enough people to play.
Either Breekon or Hope sat down behind Jon, large hands lightly clasping his arms, squeezing every once in a while to remind him that should he try and escape he would only end up in pain.
Jon shifted awkwardly in the grip, unused to gentleness even if it was supposed to be threatening.
"Alright. First, character creation. Who do you guys want to play?"
It became a daily thing. The three beings in his group quickly became addicted to his story telling and to the characters they were allowed to play. Nikola tore through characters, trying on different personalities like pieces of clothing. She had a beautiful eery singing voice, Jon was surprised to find out when she had decided to play a member of a steampunk band.
Breekon and Hope were less manic, too attached to their twins to play anyone else. They changed voices and accents every session, though. Jon deigned to ignore their shenanigans, scared to make them angry. He hadn't had this much fun in ages, he didn't want to loose that.
The two delivery men took turns holding him down while they played, Hope holding onto his arms and Breekon using him like a child would a Teddy bear.
Eventually the three lingered after their sessions had ended, the ropes that tied him to his chair less tight. Jon tried to keep the conversations casual, to not ask all the questions that burned at the tip of his tongue. He found that he didn't need to. Tongue loose from goofing around Nikola was often chatty, Breekon and Hope throwing in their two cents every once in a while.
Eventually the topic about Tims younger brother came up.
"Danny Stoker? Grimauldi skinned him? Hm..." Nikolas head nearly dislodged as she stared at the ceiling in thought. "Noooo." She giggled. "We didn't skin anyone that night, silly! We were scoping out locations for the dance! Danny's little group stumbled into us and got a little confused~"
"But Tim saw Grimauldi rip Dannys skin off of a puppet."
Nikola shrugged. "An illusion. We're good at making you people see things that aren't really there. Yet."
"So Danny is alive?"
"I believe so!~ If he didn't die in a ditch somewhere."
Jon was very careful to keep his voice as soft as possible with the next question. "Could you find him again and bring him to the Institute? To Tim and... I don't know... maybe that's a stupid idea given that he can't be sure it's really him..."
"If I track him down do I get inspiration for my character next session?"
"That's cheating." Breekon complained under his breath behind Jon.
"I... yes?"
Nikola grinned. "Wonderful! I see what I can do!"
Days went by like that, Nikola or Breekon or Hope updating him on Dannys search, which had turned out to be harder than they had thought. Well at least Jon was keeping them busy.
They were in the middle of racing a burning train into the central bank of London when a door creaked behind Jon, bathing the room in technicolour and spiral shapes.
"That is not what I thought I'd find here." A voice that wavered between confused and gleeful mused.
Jon twisted in the grip Breekon had on him. "Hello Michael."
"Hello Archivist. You've found yourself in an interesting situation." The grin Michael shot him was a knife glinting in the light before striking.
"Yes. Why are you here?"
Nikola had let him practice after Jon had explained his lack of training, much more lax with her hostage now that he fed her fascinating stories of blood and gore. So there was no trace of compulsion in his voice when he asked the question.
Michael answered truthfully anyway. "I came to kill you of course!"
"I have dips on that!" Nikola said, voice pleasant and grin feral.
"I'm sorry about that. Would you like to join the game instead?"
Michael stared at him as though he had grown mad. Impressed, curious and lightly terrified. Then it laughed that horrible, headache inducing laugh.
"There's a lot of lies and delusion." Jon coaxed, heart beating out of his chest with nerves.
"He's a good storyteller." Hope added, Nikola and Breekon nodding along.
"Hm alright. I guess I can play for a bit."
It didn't stay just for a bit. Michael stayed through the finale of the story and then demanded to start another, their little ragtag group of definitely not heroes causing more chaos than any other player group Jon had ever DMed before. And that was saying something. Hours upon hours passed, Michael disappearing and reappearing to get Jon coffee and tea to keep his voice from giving out.
In the middle of it all Michael began twitching and twisting, glitching in and out of sight before slumping to the ground with a groan, form for once near comprehensible. Another door opened and out walked Helen looking down at the Distortion in disappointment.
"Oh that didn't destroy you. Shame."
"Hello Jon! I was coming to rescue you given that Michael got a little distracted. Do you want to come to the archives with me?"
Honestly Jon should have been shocked, probably angry. He was definitely sad. And yet the most he felt was just an overwhelming sense of whelp.
Jon vaguely gestured towards Nikola, as much as Breekons hold allowed him to. "Ask her."
"We're not done yet."
"Later then?"
Nikola considered Jon for a long moment, both staring unblinking at each other. "Give us an hour."
To Jons great surprise Helen just nodded and delicately sat on the chair Jon usually frequented in his "freetime" all prim and proper except for the long sharp fingers curling at the edges like corkscrews.
"Now where were we?"
Michael groaned from the floor for once not smiling. Jon felt a twinge of sympathy for him.
"Are you alright?"
"Been better. Been worse. Let's burn this village down!"
There was no end to the tale they had been playing, not with just one session of playtime. Jon felt a bit bad about that, especially because he had left it at a cliffhanger. No one seemed to be angry at him for it, though. Michael had recovered fast and was again his usual ominous cheery, albeit lightly aggressive self. He poked and prodded at Helen like a curious cat while Nikola massaged lotion into Jons skin for the last time and handed him several expensive looking bottles, rattling down a step by step skin care routine he was to follow to the t or else she would break into his house and do it herself.
Hope patted him on the head. "See you around, Archivist."
"You're really letting me go? Just like that?" Jon still couldn't believe it.
Nikola shrugged. "I found another option. And I'd like to keep doing this after the Unknowing."
"Will that be even possible?"
The grin he got from was not at all reassuring. "I don't know~"
Well that was probably the best he would get from her. Jon gave a hesitant tiny wave and, flanked by both Michael and Helen stepped through their door.
Back at the archive no one had even questioned his disappearance. A fact that made Michael and Helen laugh, even though they both refused to leave as Tim, Melanie and Basira questioned him about his whereabouts.
Martin was the only one who took Jons forced vacation in stride. Maybe he even was a little too happy about a group of mannequins harassing him to take better care of himself.
"You're not compromised now, are you?" Basira asked when Jon had settled back into his office after a long shower.
"No? Because I still don't want the world to end?"
Somehow Jon knew that she would still keep an eye on him from now on.
When the day came to blow up the ritual site Jon hadn't slept a wink in three nights and was overcome by guilt. Despite how aweful his initial time at the circus had been and despite him knowing what horrible things Nikola and her kin did in their freetime, Jon still felt bad about probably killing her.
He tried to rationalize his feelings away, connecting his rising anxiety with the fact that Danny still hadn't been found. It was a flimsy denial.
Tim stayed by his side the whole time, resolute in his burning desire for vengeance. Jon was scared that he would loose him to this, too. Had confessed as much to Michael and Helen, who had taken to keeping at least one door manifested somewhere in the tunnels at all times. The two had started to get along well after some initial disagreement. The Spiral, split as it was between the two of them, was weaker in its influence now, leaving more of Michael Shelley and Helen Richardson to make decisions.
They weren't here now. Daisy, Basira and Tim were, setting up explosives and arguing about rescuing people that were already long dead.
And then Nikola appeared and the dance started and nothing made sense anymore.
Jon woke up six months later, Georgie calling him a monster and Basira giving him a statement to "eat" catching him up on everything he had missed. Tim had miraculously survived, having been dragged through a door by either Helen or Michael. Daisy and Basira had encountered Breekon and Hope, who had argued about what they should do with "Jons feral friends" and in the end had led them savely out of the building before it could go boom, muttering about possible inspiration points.
The only one who hadn't been saved was Jon. He tried not to feel too hurt about that.
Coming back to work was as anti climatic as it had been after the kidnapping. The only one who seemed happy to see him was Martin. He had apologized profusely for the hug and promptly stopped doing so when Jon dashed forward and back into Martins warm embrace, finally breaking down.
He had been too caught up in his crying to make a note of the little kiss Martin pressed into his hair.
They all were a little lost after averting the apocalypse, normal everyday life eluding them. Elias might have been out of the picture for the moment, but Peter Lukas had taken over and fighting against the isolation was taking its toll on everyone.
They were all huddled in the breakroom, faces grim and stewing in silence so as to not break into an arguement when they got their delivery.
Breekon and Hope stepped into the small space with their usual nonchalance dragging a scared young man between them, who had a lot of resemblance to Tim.
"Delivery for Jonathan Sims. Nikola says hi."
Tim was the first one up. "No... No no nononononono that can't be. He's dead. Jon. Jon tell me is that really him?!"
Jon looked at the scared man, who had his gaze locked on Tim, recognition slowly dawning on his face. He Looked and he Knew.
"Yes. No one was killed the night Danny disappeared. His group encountered Nikola and her troupe during a rehearsal, got confused and then lost. And was lost ever since. Nikola told me of this. She promised to find him for me, for you."
That was all Tim needed to rush forward, catching his brother in his arms and hugging him close. "Danny!"
Danny clung back just as tightly, awareness barely back. Still obviously shaken and confused.
Jon smiled at the two delivery men. "Thank you. Will he... will he be alright."
Hope shrugged. "Dunno. Nikola said to make him remember bit by bit. Been not Danny for a long time. Might need to get used to it again."
"We'll take it slow." Tim promised, silent tears streaming down his face.
"Good luck. Hey Archivist, do we get inspiration, too?"
Jon laughed, incredulous. The others in the room watched the exchange with varying degress of exasperation and outrage.
"You know what? Yes. Yes you have. And I'll give you all advantage on your rolls next session. Only that one session, though! Same for Nikola. How is she, by the way?"
Breekon made a so-so sign. "Restless. We've waited over six months to find out what happens after  that cliffhanger you gave us."
"Right." He still couldn't believe it. "Tonight 8 o'clock, my flat?"
Twin grins, the most excited he had ever seen them. "See you then, Archivist."
Tim was still gently hushing his brother, rocking back and forth on his feet to try and calm him down a little. And he still had tears streaming down his face, looking like an absolute wreck. But he still managed to join the unimpressed stares that were thrown his way by everyone but Martin, who at this point had just started to roll with the punches.
"You really befriended the clown club and made them rescue literally all of us?" Basira asked in a deadpan voice.
"I kind of feel cheap now." Daisy muttered. "As though those clowns let us win."
"Look, what can I say? Pen and Paper games are fun. I can't blame them. And Nikola did want to start a band."
"Oh my god." Melanie groaned, her head thunking onto the table. "I can't believe it."
"A band?" Basira asked, suddenly much more alert. They really had gotten quite desensitized to the whole monster thing, hadn't they? "What, you can sing?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. But really. Shouldn't we... I mean shouldn't we focus on Danny? There's a cot-"
"I know." Tim interrupted. "We all know there's a cot. I'll take him home, you keep talking about your weird band plans. Monster boss? We talk later, but... thank you."
Silence reigned long enough to follow Tim out of the Institute before Martin piped up, cheeks reddening before he had even opened his mouth. "Could we... Could we have a taste?"
"A taste? Of what? My voice?"
"Hold up, if Sims is going to sing I'll have to record it." Melanie tapped on her phone and held it into the room as one would do a microphone. "Alright go."
Jon sighed, what he didn't do to keep up the group morale.
"Aww shit." Was Basiras conclusion when he was done. "What kind of music were you thinking of playing?"
"Count me in."
Today had been weird, Jon thought, mind reeling from the whiplash of... kindness? That had happened after the delivery of one Danny Stoker. Granted the last month, no
had been weird. But this had topped it all. At least it had been a nice weird.
Jon had nearly forgotten about his appointment with a certain group of Strangers when he got back to his flat, overworked, hungry and still processing. So he should be forgiven for the scream he let out when he saw three large figures huddling on his too small couch.
"You haven't been taking care of your skin at all!"
There was no time to duck away from the cold, hard hands that fluttered all over his body. Nikola squished his cheeks like a proper grandmother, clearly unhappy about their elasticity.
"I was in a coma for six months."
"And awake for a few weeks now." A cheerful male voice said from behind him, bringing the smell of pizza with it.
"We were there he didn't take care of himself at all!" Helen added, putting down several cans of soda and what looked to be instant coffee.
"You're horrible!" Nikola wailed, manhandling him until he was squished between Breekon and Hope. "All my beautiful work! Ruined!"
"Uh... sorry?"
"You can make it up to us with weekly sessions." Michael suggested with a grin.
"Both on Saturday and Sunday!" Helen added.
"I actually planned for Sunday to be band day." Jon lied. "Basira wants to join, by the way."
They were all settled around the small coffee table now, food and drink on the floor so they had enough place to roll their dice.
"Wonderful! What did you think we'd name it?"
Jon tilted his head given the illusion of thinking it over even though he had known what to name his band since highschool.
"The Mechanisms."
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
@foxofninetales tagged me in this ask game and since I LOVE HER i will now be doing it (i mean i’d do it anyway but now it will be filled with love for FOX i am not accepting CRITICISM ON THIS POINT)
Part I
name: Brigid! I’m named after the Irish goddess of like, poetry, healing, smithcraft, and protection, or the Irish saint (they’re both pretty similar it’s just whether or not you’re talking about Celtic religion or Catholicism). She’s very cool, and I think it’s a very fitting name for who I turned out to be!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i’m an insufferable theatre kid of course I’m a Leo
height: 5'8″ babeeeyyy (172 cm). I’m not short like, at all, but all of my family members are over six foot, so I’m like. tiny in comparison. they all make fun of me all the time for it :(
time: 8:49pm! A delightful time of evening!!! 
birthday: July 31st, same day as Harry Potter lol.
nationality: american :P
fave bands/groups/solo artists: hnnnngggghhhh why would u ask me this I don’t KNOW jk i just have a lot uhhhhh all time faves would be Bastille and Mumford and Sons, but I’m SUPER into kpop right now, so my top groups are BTS, Stray Kids, and One OK Rock (who are technically jpop but I really like their stuff). I also am a Broadway BITCH (hello, theatre kid) so before this year all of my Spotify library was basically just show tunes. 
song stuck in your head: Get Away by VeriVery. I think they’re a pretty new group? idk i saw them on one of those tumblr promotional things and checked out the music video which is like??? really interesting conceptually? so I’ve just been listening to the song for a while lol. 
last movie you watched: Train to Busan! I’m gearing up to write a dmbj zombie apocalypse AU and so I was like “this is a popular zombie film! I’ll watch it for inspiration! :)” holy shit. holy shit i was so wrong. It’s one of the most viscerally affecting films I think I’ve ever seen, I was like. On the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time but in like the best possible way?? it’s a mastery of character introduction and action/horror and I cried for like the last ten minutes straight. SO affecting. I do NOT RECOMMEND IT if u are already made anxious by zombie apocalypse scenarios, blood, violence, and a Lot of Death. 
last show you binged: hmmm uh like I’m currently watching Mystic Nine but at like a normal pace, so the last show I probably binge watched was maybeeee The Uncanny Counter on Netflix? HIGHLY recommend that one, I made @cross-d-a watch it and I’m living for her liveblog reactions lmao. Idk most of my free time has been spent writing the past few months which. After months of only having the energy to watch shows is kind of really invigorating? the things u can do when u fix ur health I’ll tell you what
when you created your blog: in 2012 asldighalsdkfjladskjga i came on here to like burdge’s pjo fanart :)
the last thing you googled: "is it bad not to have an air cap on your tire” ALSDIGHALKDFJLADFJA FUCK ME (i learned that it’s not necessarily bad but it can get dirt and stuff built up in there so I went to the store after work today and replaced it)
other blogs: everything is here bc i am too lazy to create a sideblog! so sorry to everyone who does not follow me for cdrama content bc this is all I am now. 
why i chose my url: cause it’s my ao3 username and i wanted people to be able to find me more easily on tumblr! :) the long answer is because i love shakespeare and also i think that slut is a really funny word and concept for me especially because i am one of the most sexless people u will ever meet in ur life so slutspeare is like. an aggressively ace joke that only I think is funny. 
how many people are you following: 588
how many followers do you have: ah just over 200?!??!!? which is like. a lot for me. I think it was like 75 up until like last year omg 
average hours of sleep: my sleep app says I average around eight! which is very good for me! I do have to get enough sleep consistently or I will Have A Bad Time so my sleep schedule is pretty good and luckily I don’t have the Insomnia depression I have the Sleep Lots one which I am glad for bc idk what I’d do if I couldn’t Be Unconscious regularly. Die probably. 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lucky numbers?? my favorite number is 21 for no reason other than the vibes alone. 
instruments: i’ve played the piano for uhhhh.... eighteen years now? and I can play the ukulele and am surprisingly good with the recorder since I’ve had to play it in Multiple Theatre Performances. I was also an honor choir singer back in high school so I’ve done a lot of select ensemble stuff which was super fun! 
what i'm currently wearing: a Life Is Good long-sleeved t-shirt that says “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” that I got in a military surplus store like a million years ago and red Adidas athletic shorts that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks back
dream job: playwright! I just wanna be a playwright! playwriting is like drugs i literally go nuts for it
dream trip: I don’t know??? I don’t really like traveling tbh aslidhalkfdj umm I do want to see the grand canyon sometime before I die tho so maybe a road trip down there? I definitely like traveling solo so I’d probably just hang out with myself and drive and go to whatever places I want and see dumb tourist attractions and sing loudly in the car
fave food: CURRY i know i said eggs the last time it asked me this but I miss my local Indian restaurant I want to eat literal Platefuls of tikka masala at 12pm at the Indian buffet after my physics class again :(
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: hmmm i don’t know, actually! probably one where I have Powers and could do Cool Hand Motions and make Lights Appear. If I were anywhere with like. An Actual World-Dooming problem tho I would not be helpful at all. I would just die. Besides, I already live in fictional universes half the time, I’m a writer! 
Part II
last song: Basquiat by Pentagon! The music video is like. Very whumpy. So if you’re into that... the song’s also a bop
last stream: i don't watch streams very often, I just watch clips from them, cause those usually just give the best parts lol 
currently reading: mmmmmbbbaaaaahhhhh literally nothing? I’m trying to get caught up on the backlog of dmbj fic I haven’t gotten around to so Binding by @vishcount is next on that list! oh I guess I’m also reading Johnny Tremain with my kids (one of them SPOILED THE END and I forgot how it ended and now I’m big sad). 
currently watching: Mystic Niiiiinnnneeeeee! love those gay history bitches. everyone in that show is so funny. I just finished the Fuba Side Plot tho and now we’re back to Politics so i’m like >:( someone give zhang baby rishan a hug (and then i write angst about him what is wrong with me)
what is antipoetry to you: antipoetry??? what the heck is antipoetry hold on... uhhhh that’s just poetry. who came up with this term. i guess like lyrical fiction would be the technical correct definition but idk I consider anything to be poetry! like that’s the whole point! poetry is poetry is poetry as long as it’s focused on intensity and emotions it’s poetry! a haiku? poetry. the random one-lined mess of words on my phone? poetry. a literal drawing of a cardinal with the word “bird” written next to it? poetry. idk I’ve been trying to teach my kids that there are no wrong ways to write creatively; if you’re expressing yourself and making emotions, then you’re writing! also like half of my work could be considered antipoetry lmao. I love emotionally supercharging the mundane.
currently craving: i have noooo ideaaaasssss i’m literally just vibing. uh. water? ok i took care of that one my water bottle was right next to me. 
uhhhh no pressure tags for @xia-xueyi, @nope4ever, @bookjoyworm, @elletromil, and @gaiahenshin, as well as anyone else who would like to give the full-rundown on themselves! :D
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jennyish-joanne · 3 years
top 5 sondheim shows n why
Noooo don't make me justify my opinions!!!
These reasons will be mostly bad because I judge things based on vibes mostly and have bad taste
5. Sweeney Todd
Sweeney is fun. I love the gothic sound and I love a good choir. I think sweeney can be played super campy or super serious and dark and either way it will be a good time.
4. Follies
Follies is so...follies! I don't think there is a show like it.I think follies is really interesting, I like the thin line between past and present, and the themes the show explores using that. I don't "like" most of the characters but they are very intriguing. Also wowowowowowow milfs
3. Company
Company is !!!!! I do not have smart thoughts on company like my mutuals, it just makes me feel things! If I think too hard about it I'll start crying. Very witty, very sharp, very profound.
2. Into the woods
Woods woods woods woods woods.
Woods has very on the nose themes, but they are themes I find very resonant. It's hands down my favorite ensemble casts and it's score is so very sondheim-y which i love. Itw is heartfelt and witty and fun and I love it.
1. A little night music
A little night music is sondheims best score. I will not argue it's his best show. But it's his best score, this isn't my opinion this is a fact. ALNM is so deeply funny and so deeply sad at the same time. Its lyrics are clever and it's melodies are complex and absolutely enthralling. the songs are all masterclasses in storytelling and the book is fucking hilarious. Every other show on this list flips around a lot. But alnm is probably always going to be my #1
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laserdog10 · 5 years
Toss a Coin
*Team RWBY and co. had arrived in Vacuo weeks ago, got settled in and begun making plans on their next move in bringing down Salem. But first, it was time to rest and relax, for at the battle of Atlas, they had just barely pushed back Salem’s Grimm army thanks to Ruby and her Silver Eyes. Afterwards they and Ironwood made amends, cleared them of their wanted posters, and got them a ride all the way to Vacuo. Right after they landed and reunited with Team SSSN, the first thing they needed was a place to stay...and some (or a lot) of money. So who other than to take a job of ridding Sand Striders of a nearby oasis? Jaune and Sun, both of whom where halfway out in the desert, striking up conversation.*
Sun: So you literally brought back this Clover guy from the brink of death!?
Jaune: Just in time, poor guy was close to flat-lining, if it wasn’t for me giving him some of my Aura, he would’ve died then and there.
Sun: You, my dude, are a damn hero...
Jaune: Yeah, I got that a lot after he woke up. The other Ace Ops were in near hysterics when he came to. *”Elm almost broke my back she was hugging me so hard...” he thought to himself”*
Sun: I guess all’s well that ends w-get down! *ducks behind a dune*
Jaune: What? Oh crap! *ducks behind another*
*There they saw the oasis, as well as the Sand Striders that claimed it. The Grimm in question were tall, their legs long and spear-like, jabbing the water for fish to eat. Their equally as long necks surveying the area for any trespassers on their territory*
Jaune: Are those the Sand Striders? *he whispered*
Sun: Yup, freaky aren’t they?
Jaune: They look like...giraffe’s with way too much nightmare fuel put in them.
Sun: Ha! Not a bad description, man! Now...*readies his nunchucks*...ready to kick some ass?
Jaune: *activating his broadsword* Let’s do this.
*The blonde duo lept from their hiding places and charged the four beasts*
-One badass and epic fight later-
Sun: HELL YEAH! That’ll teach ‘em to mess with the finest Hunters on Remnant! Hahaha!
Jaune, out of breath but smiling: How do you manage to always stay so upbeat, man?
Sun: The rest of my team wonder the same thing, helps keep morale up, Scarlet always says I’m like Jaskier from The Witcher.
Jaune: Uhhh...who from the what???
Sun, jaw going slack and eyes bulging: You don’t know about The Witcher?!
Jaune: *nervous chuckling* Noooo?
Sun: *throws an arm around Jaune’s shoulder* Well my fellow blonde amigo, you, are in for a treat!
Jaune: Heh, alright!
*Sun clears his throat, then hops away from the knight with giddyness in his step. He faced the setting sun, kneeling*
S: When a humble bard, graced a ride along, with Geralt of Rivia, along came this song~...*stands up*
S: From when the White Wolf fought, a silver-tongued devil, his army of elves, at his hooves did they revel~...*turns to Jaune*
S: They came after me, with masterful deceit, broke down my lute and, they kicked in my teeth~...*begins slowly snapping to a beat*
S: While the devil’s horns, minced out tender meat, and so cried the Witcher, he can’t bleat~! *claps, resumes snapping*
S: Toss a coin to you Witcher, o’ Valley of Plenty, o’ Valley of Plenty, ohhh~! Toss a coin to your Witcher, o’ Valley of Plenty~!
Jaune: O_O
Sun: Well???
Jaune: That...was...AWESOME!!!
Sun: I know right!?
Jaune: I don’t how it managed to be so catchy but god bless the person who came up with it!
Sun: Jaskier.
Jaune: Right, right. Awwww now I feel bad because I just bought a loot from the nearby market in the city and left it with the gang!
Sun: It’s all good, man! Song’s so good we hardly need instruments!
Jaune: Fair enough then. Was that the whole song or what?
Sun: Nope, figured I save it on the way back.
Jaune: Well then what are we waiting for!
Sun: Nothing! Follow my lead. *gets next to the knight wrapping his arm around his shoulder again*
S: At the edge of the world, fight the mighty horde, that bashes and breaks you, and leaves you to mourn~!
J: *remembering he’s partially heard the rest of the song before* He thrust every elf, far back on the shelf, high up on the mountain, from whence it came~.
S: Now you’re gettin’ it! He wiped out your pest, got kicked in his chest, he’s a friend of humanity, so give him the rest~!
J: That’s my epic tail, a champion prevailed~.
S: Defeated the villain, now pour him some ale~!!!
*And so the boys joyfully and boastfully sung their way back to town, heads held high and voices loud enough for all of Remnant to hear*
-Back in town, outside the hotel-
Ruby: They should be back by now. You think they got hurt?
Blake: Doubt it, knowing them Sun must’ve came up with something to get it done quickly, but also decided to give them some down time before they left. Vacuo is pretty...as much as barren sand dunes can get.
Ruby: *chuckles* Yeah you’re right.
Blake, ears twitching: Wait, do you hear that???
Ruby: Hear what?
*Through the throngs of people going to and fro, Blake’s sensitive hearing managed to pick up two familiar voices far to the right of them, who appeared to be singing in tandem with each other, to a rather merry tune*
“Toss a coin to your Witcher, o’ Valley of Plenty, o’ Valley of Plenty, ohhh~! Toss a coin to your Witcher, a friend of humanity~!!!”
Blake: That way, it’s them!
Ruby: I hear it now, I know that song! *she sped off like a rocket taking her teammate with her in a flurry of red and black petals. The reaper and Faunus stopped just short of barreling over their friends, looking at them with excited faces*
Sun: I know about it! Watched the show with the guys before you came here!
Jaune: I just sang along because it was catchy and I somewhat heard of it, how do you know about it?
*Ruby and Blake almost looked offended at the statement*
Ruby/Blake: We LOVE The Witcher!!!
Ruby, proudly: Played all three games and completed them all one hundred percent!
Blake, blushing and twiddling her fingers: I’ve read all the books, they were amazing. And I’ve...reread them several times now, haha.
*Sun and Jaune looked amongst themselves, eyes wide with realization*
Sun/Jaune: We have found our people....
-Later that night in a tavern-
*The place was a harmonious choir a Hunstmen and civilians alike, singing along as the four teens sang and dance with each other to the jovial song*
RJBS: Toss a coin to your Witcher, o’ Valley of Plenty, o’ Valley of Plenty, ohhh~! Toss a coin to your Witcher, a friend of humanity~!!! Toss a coin to your Witcher, o’ Valley of Plenty, o’ Valley of Plenty, ohhh~! Toss a coin to your Witcher, a friend of humanity~!!!!!
*They reached its end, the whole tavern exploding in cries of gleeful enjoyment, some demanding for an encore, raising their glasses and mugs in their stupor*
Yang: I gotta hand it to ‘em, they sure do know how to please a crowd.
Weiss: Think they would’ve cheered louder if I sang too?
Ren: Do you know the lyrics?
Weiss: N-no...?
_SSN: Then no.
Weiss: Hey!!!
Scarlet: Well it takes a while to get the song down pat, dear.
Sage: We stumbled and mixed a few words up when we first heard it.
Neptune: I would’ve cheered you on just for trying, Snow Angel.
Weiss, ignoring her creeping blush: Thank you! At least someone recognizes true talent.
Nora: Eh, I think they still had you beat.
Weiss: *growls*
*The group all laughed, meanwhile Ruby, Jaune, Blake, and Sun were actually being handed a few Lien just for singing the song from a few patrons. Truly, the song was a thing to behold.*
(A/N: This whole post was based around a headcanon my good man @darksaiyangoku came up with a while back, gave it a little twist of mine and added some slight Lancaster, Black Sun, and Iceberg (cuz why not). Go check him out, he makes good stuff, also watch The Witcher on Netflix if you haven’t, IT’S SO FUCKING GOOD!!!)
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starry night, girl with a pearl earring (except for the "approximately how much are they worth" bit bc whom here is a Jewelry Appraiser? no one), the birth of venus, water lily pond, lady with an ermine
Starry Night: Do you enjoy watching the sky and daydreaming?
i sure will Look At the sky, i like when there’s some cool-looking clouds around like cumulus and shit, and most sunsets are fun, and then trying to spot the handful of stars / constellations is neat, anything but like a totally clear sky lmao like tf am i supposed to get out of That.......i don’t really Watch anything though, for one thing looking at the sky is like “ugh god now all the floaters in my vision are Extra noticeable jesus christ” so that gets annoying. and i don’t Look At The Sky to like tune out or anything, i’m all like, i’m gonna consciously notice these visuals.......separately though i mean, at any given time i’m probably thinking about gay shit
Girl with a Pearl Earring: Do you like to wear jewelry? What are your favorite pieces of jewelry and approximately how much are they worth?
i have like some necklaces, maybe a bracelet or two / some rings but i mostly end up fidgeting with those. once i was all “hmm would i wanna pierce my ears for Fun Accessories there” but then i was like god that’d be a hassle and cost money and i’m not nearly enthused enough for all of that......and what with me mostly wearing t-shirts lol lots of times if i’m even like, let’s get fancy w/ a necklace, it’s like well do i also wanna bother picking out some shirt w/ a neckline for that lol......there’s a fun one i got though that’s like solar plexus length so that kinda transcends what shirt you picked, like a fake crystal pendant made out of resin or smthing w/ some like iridescent coating on it, it’s a solid go-to but i can’t rly say i Go To accessorize w/ anything that often, and idk it maybe cost like $20? that’s as much as i’ve ever spent on any particular item of jewelry i think, cuz i’m just like, neat, a glittery bit of quartz? what more could you need. but really probably the peak of Me Buying Jewelry was a good 5+ yrs ago coz also it’s like, i mostly don’t wanna be Aware of wearing anything cuz then it’s just gonna feel like not worth the trouble probably. what a meandering answer lol I Like A Few Necklaces I Have Alright
The Birth of Venus: Do you like to be in the spotlight?
yeah, Literally anyways lmao. like, i don’t like it if say i’m with a group of people and that Collective Attention is focused on me for some reason, like, natch it depends how comfortable i am with the group and if everyone’s cool i’m fine w/ that figurative spotlight like, intermittently and momentarily, but otherwise it’s like, i’m not wanting to be the center of attention but also don’t ignore me thanks.....but yeah re: the Literal spotlight, like there was that time in 4th grade we put on some Julius Caesar scenes (and besides rehearsing shit did like, 3 Official Performances In Front Of An Audience) and i was totally into it, and i practiced ballet for over a decade so there’s like, a theatre-adjacent element there lmao, i was into that as well, and i was fine with being like, again, Literally Being In The Spotlight lol.....between [that 4th grade play i was real into] and [being real into being onstage in roles in ballets] and [the silver lining of having a choir director parent is i’ll hang out as a tenor and learn the part easily while the sopranos need to hear their Melody 23 times in a row and there’s like 3-5 tenors and they’re like “don’t sing so loud” and it’s like look. No] and other things it’s like, obviously a Theatre Gay situation, hilarious i didn’t put the obvious clues together until the other year........also there was the caveat that i didn’t exactly want my family to see performances i did which was fairly unavoidable lmao but that was a Discouragement, wonder if i could’ve worked around it via tech / backstage shit....but there was never any ~theatre~ stuff to get into until college and i was like “oops everyone else has nonzero experience and i’m just avoiding any extracurriculars” so, who can say. meanwhile i have dreams alllll the time of like “i have ballet rehearsal” / “i’m in some production and Haven’t been in rehearsal but it’s happening anyways, do what you can” and while most of the time my dream plot doesn’t make it to any “i am onstage performing” moments it’s like, not a Problem like “oh noooo stage fright anxiety dream” (i didn’t get stage fright or if i did, i got solidly past it by a certain point lol), it’s all fine and fun, the only issue might be like “smh i’m trying to get to some location and being thwarted by Whatever interference” / “i’m realistically out of practice here lol / having to improvise”......also fond memories of like, being backstage / at rehearsals / etc........and eventually it occured to me that like “well Everyone really enjoys / would really enjoy being on stage in some Dramatique performance and also having more of a solo role vs ensemble or w/e” isn’t really the case lmao, i have an Interest, it’s not just objective default everyone feels this way...........and imagining doing further Theatrical stuff nowadays is like “ooo that’d be Fun” so yes. Theatre Gay lmao. i enjoy the Literal spotlight
Water Lily Pond: What are your favorite flowers?
i don’t feel too strongly about flowers lol but i like lilies and lilacs....hyacinths are cool......anytime there’s honeysuckle i’m like “nice.” rooting for dandelions too
Lady with an Ermine: Do you have any pets? Would you like to have pets? If so, what would your dream pet be?
looking out for these cats out here........cats is the ideal really. we vibe
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Undertales of Friendship: Mettaton Makes A Date
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"You're absolutely sure he'd do this kind of thing? I mean..."
"Father, I'm ABSOLUTELY sure."
Mettaton was more than JUST a television star, more than JUST a delightful and charming daytime radio host. No, when he wasn't doing that, he had his own boutique, just like he had his own shop in Ponyville, and on special occasions the big man himself would come into Canterlot to give certain lovely beauties the attention they deserved. The walls were a yellow shade, with regal, splendid ivory tiles beneath and a crystal chandelier hanging above, and a fountain with Mettaton's own body spraying out water in the center of it all, ponies talking to each other as they were waited on by his employees. One of whom, the secretary, walked towards them.
"You're here for your 10:00?" The blue-haired, black-furred stallion asked. His hooves were wrapped in what appeared to be linen bandages, as if he'd endured extensive burns or wounds on them, and he had a lovely-looking necklace with a Chariot wheel upon the silver crest he wore, his dark blue eyes gazing the two over as he politely bowed.
"Why yes, Shinedown. How nice of you to get dressed up in a CAPE." Rarity admitted, clasping her hooves together and smiling warmly at the Changeling-blooded Earth pony. Shinedown was a quarter Changeling, one of his parents a half-breed, and it gave him a deep black, slick sheen to his fur.
"Oh, Mettaton makes all his secretaries wear capes." Shinedown T. Mare remarked. "Not that I mind, actually. Black and red looks good on me." He added as he swept it back. "He insists it will improve morale and make us all look resplendent. Is it working?"
"I'd say so." Rarity said with a smile. "And is that cologne I smell on you?"
"Oh, well..." Shinedown nodded again and slightly blushed. "Also another little touch. The small things all add up." The half-blood intoned before he made his way into a doorway with a glass window at the front in the shape of Mettaton's face. And a few minutes later...
"Ta daaaaaaa!"
Mettaton strode out to greet them, Rarity's father nervously taking off his straw hat as the moustachioed stallion nodded politely at the star of the Underground. And Mettaton was quite...the sight. Distinctly human with flowing black hair carefully stroked in just the right way so as to sexily cover one side of his face, a slender yet mighty body showing off sleek mechanical muscles on a black and purple and pink-armored form. A line ran down one side of his face from his eye, representing a "segment" of his head which, in a pinch, could pop off so Mettaton could pull out some lipstick and facial cream, and of course, the dazzling hot pink pupils...
Yes, Mettaton was indeed a sight to behold.
"Dear Rarity, how good to see you!" He proclaimed, sweeping forward, shaking her hoof. "I've gotten the scented bath and candles all ready for you."
"Then the massage?"
"Without a doubt. My magic fingers can make anyone swoon." Mettaton said, flexing his fingers in the air, as he stuck his tongue out slightly. "And ohhhhh myyyyy. What have we here?" He asked, looking Rarity's father over as the Earth pony visibly blushed, Mettaton shaking his hoof as well. "You must be the stallion who played Magnum, the Pony Investigator. I've seen all of your episodes, good sir, after your daughter sent them to me. A musical murder mystery show...QUITE enthralling if I do say so myself! And you have quite the pipes on you!"
"Ahh, yes. I do. And I was quite the looker in my day." Hondo remarked sheepishly, giving Mettaton a nod.
"You still ARE. And you, good sir, will FEEL like one once more when I'm done with you." Mettaton promised, Rarity giving her father a big hug, purple mane bouncing a bit before she headed into a nearby golden-rimmed doorway, waving goodbye as Shinedown led her to the bath chambers. Mettaton led Hondo into another nearby doorway, where a large barber's chair laid, complete with resplendant royal red cushions, and shelves stuffed with the most delightul scents, shaving creams and other tools of a stylish's trade. "Now please, tell me the occasion! You wouldn't have asked to come with your daughter unless it was something VERY special. I doubt a mere trim is what you want."
"Well..." Hondo sighed wistfully, Mettaton's suave voice beginning to charm him over as he glanced to the side before thinking of his wife and smiling wistfully. Ahhh...his widdle Cookie. "It's my wife and I's anniversary tomorrow. And I wanna look my best for her." He said, as his wife's image flashed before his eyes, and he found himself beginning to softly sing as he put a hoof upon his chest.
"You see sir a man infatuated with love, her ardent and eager slave!
So fetch me the pomade and pumice stone, and lend me a more seductive tone,
a sprinkling, perhaps, of nice cologne, but first sir, I think..."
He rubbed over his chin, and gave a smile.
"A shaaaaaave."
"The closest I ever gaaaave." Mettaton agreed, helping Hondo into the chair as he began to cheerily whistle.
"You're in quite the merry mood, Mettaton." Hondo admitted as Mettaton put some shaving cream upon the stallion's face in just the right places after draping a cover over the pony to keep anything from dripping down.
"Tis your delight sir, catching fire from one man to the next!"
"How good that love can still inspire a man to sing like heavenly choirs, what more than Love could man require?"
"More than love, sir?"
"What's that?"
"Ah, yes, women..."
"Pretty women..." Mettaton sighed wistfully, clapping his hands, one of them shifting into his arm before becoming a swiss-army-knife of contraptions that shifted from a can opener to a frying pan to, at last...a shaving razor as he carefully began to trim the little hairs that were threatening to become a beard on Hondo, soon moving on to a careful trim of the moustache before it was time to take care of the mane.
"Pretty women...fascinating...sipping coffee...laaaaughing! Pretty women...are a wonder...pretty women!"
"Sitting in the window or standing on the staaaair! Something in them...chiiiiills the aaaaaaair!"
"Have you ever met a special someone?" Hondo inquired.
At this, just as he was snipping at the pony's mane, Mettaton flinched a bit, the scissor-hand he now trembling slightly as a realization sadly sank in. No. No, he hadn't, except for maybe...
"There was something of a time when I thought maybe..." Mettaton began to quietly murmur. "...but that was a long time ago. She has a girlfriend now."
"Ahh. Guys don't do no more for her, huh?" Hondo admitted with a sigh. "Who is it?"
"Oh. OH!" Hondo's eyes widened in surprise at this as Mettaton got back to clipping his hair. "Her? Wow. Isn't she currently head of Asgore's Royal Guard? She must have hundreds of men who'd want to go out with her."
"Oh, they would, and when they heard the news she was taken, it was indeed devastating, I can tell you." Mettaton remarked with a wry smile, thinking back to when they'd exited the Underground and Alphys and Undyne's first public date, the two sitting happily across from each other in the sunlight on a park bench...
Undyne suddenly noticing very, VERY dejected-looking monsters mournfully gazing at her from across the way.
"Wait, you and...her?" Aaron the Mer-Horse asked, the muscular-armed man stunned by what he was seeing grasping his head in surprise, mouth agape. "But she's got no muscles!"
"Wow, this IS a shock." A stunned bunny monster remarked as he scratched his head, blinking in surprise as Lesser Dog, one of the Royal Guardsman, mournfully groaned, other monsters sighing sadly in regret as they hung their heads, dejected.
"Noooo." Lesser Dog murmured.
"Sorry, guys. I'm taken." Undyne said with a smirk.
"Well this sucks!" Aaron groaned, he and the others all nodding in agreement, their frustrations clear as day.
"Well I never thought it'd end like this...just because I got no tits!"
"I'll shave my legs!" Bunny Boy begged, lifting up a pant leg.
"I'll wear a bra!" Aaron offered.
"I'd even cut my penis off for you!" Lesser Dog proclaimed.
"Ohhh, that's so sweeeeet." Undyne admitted as she gave them a nod before shaking her head. "But no, guys. Sorry."
Alphys, of course, could not stop smiling.
"I know how she felt. I've had the "Great and Powerful Trixie" coming on to me for quite some time, ever since I came to your world." Mettaton sighed as he shook his head back and forth. "She's talented indeed but...SOOOO full of herself. I wish someone would knock her off her high horse."
He grinned. "Pun intended."
"She's been that bad, huh?"
"Standing outside my window, playing guitar, launching fireworks..." Mettaton went on as he kept a snip-snip-snipping Hondo's hair. "it was impressive until one WENT RIGHT THROUGH MY WINDOW. And there went the bedsheets. And NOT in the way I wanted!"
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Mettaton, Rarity knew someone WAS interested in him in that special way. And so as Shinedown lit up some more candles for her in the deep blue bath room, bubbles bouncing about the surface of the water, she cleared her throat.
"How long have you been trying to get his attention?"
Shinedown slightly stiffened. "Um...whatever do you mean?"
"I've BEEN to his store in Ponyville. He has a secretary there too. And they don't wear a cape. Nor do they wear cologne that just so HAPPENS to be Mettaton's favorite brand that he's always wearing for special occasions when he goes to say hi to us in Ponyville." Rarity remarked. "And if that wasn't enough, I could tell from how you talked about him...you're smitten."
"Yeah, well...it wouldn't be the first time the mecretary got the guy. Oh. Wait. It would." Shinedown sighed mournfully as he shook his head back and forth, Rarity easing herself into the bath as she frowned a little.
"You're too hard on yourself, darling. Being a male secretary isn't anything to be ashamed of. We all have to pay the bills. Just because you're one it doesn't mean Mettaton would never like you!"
"My sister Trixie said it was a stupid idea to go for Mettaton. That someone like me wouldn't be able to get him to notice me. That I should play it safe. Besides, not a lot of ponies like..." He cringed. "INKBLOODS like me." He grumbled. "I was amazed Mettaton HIRED me. Nowhere else in Canterlot would take me, I've been bounced out of job after job."
"Trixie T. Lulamooon just doesn't know what she's talking about. As usual." Rarity sighed. "Now I want you to go to him and tell him how you FEEL. Just be HONEST."
"I'll try." Shinedown said, heading out the doorway, his heart aflutter, ready to march into that door, look Mettaton in the eye and-
"Well, well! Hey there, brother." Trixie said with a little mischievous grin, sitting on the fountain's edge. "I'm here for my 10:15 appointment."
"...you used a fake name just to show up and surprise me at my workplace?" Shinedown quietly asked as Trixie sniffed the air.
"And you're using HIS cologne? You really think you can get him to like you?" Trixie inquired, waving a faint blue hoof in the air before flipping her light blue hair about, Shinedown sighing as he escorted his sister to a nearby chair for her massage. "He's a show biz personality. He would want someone with pizzazz, razzle dazzle. You're just not out there enough. You don't have the theatricality I do. You're not...FAMOUS enough for him to be attracted to you."
"I could get him to go on a date with me before YOU!" Shinedown insisted, now feeling an edge of anger creeping into his voice.
"Oh? Care to bet on it?" Trixie asked, extending a hoof. "You win, you get to have my new, fancy, improved wagon. But if I win, I get to use you in my next stage act for ANY MAGIC TRICK I WANT."
A pause, but then Shinedown took the hoof and shook.
"It's a BET." He insisted, heading off for Mettaton's personal styling room, Hondo walking past him as Mettaton followed after, taking notice of Shinedown.
"Oh! You're looking nice today." Mettaton admitted politely. "And you're smelling nice too."
"Thanks, I actually kinda wanted to talk to you about some-"
"In a minute, deary, I've got customers to cater to. Ta ta for now!" Mettaton said, leaving him behind as Shinedown sighed, Trixie's sniggering echoing not too far away as an Earth pony massaged her calf muscles. How was this going to work?
..."I'll! Be! There! For! You!"
"I wish you'd do the OPPOSITE." Mettaton muttered as he slammed the door to his boutique shut, ignoring Trixie's guitar playing as he clasped his hands over his heads and flopped into a chair, sighing. "WHY does she not go away? It's like she's obsessed with me. I mean..." He put a hand on his chest. "Who WOULDN'T be obsessed with me? But still..."
Shinedown saw his chance. He was the only employee left in the building. Approaching Mettaton, he nervously cleared his throat. "Um...Mettaton?"
Mettaton turned his head. "Yes?"
"Just be honest. Just be honest."
"Uh...you know, I really appreciate you giving me a job here and...you've always been incredibly CONSIDERATE and...what I'm trying to say is..." Shinedown began to say before he flinched, hearing Trixie had gotten out the SPARKLERS and the roman candles outside.
"Awaken, sweet pea, to the morn! And to my love! So crisp! So warm!" She proclaimed.
"Look." Shinedown said, sighing. "I made a bet with my sister Trixie that I'd go out with you first, before she did. And if I win I'm gonna blow up her wagon right in front of her and make her watch."
Mettaton was quiet for a moment. Then...
"Darling!" Trixie proclaimed, sliding through the doors of the boutique, hooves holding up sparklers as magic letters spelled out "Go Out With Me" over her head as she beamed...
Only to see Mettaton had scooped Shinedown up in his arms and the two were grinning stupidly at her. "Oh. Trixie. Your brother and I were just about to get a nice brunch together."
And POOF. The sparklers shut off, Trixie's mouth gaping as the letters above her faded to grey and fizzled out, Mettaton and Shinedown making their way past her. Well. This had been easy!
Or at least, so Shinedown thought.
..."Heh-heh-heh. Whaddya think?" Shinedown asked Rarity as he showed off HIS new wagon, gesturing at it with a hoof, Rarity sighing as she bit into her lip. "I'm going to paint it dark blue to match my eyes."
"You didn't tell him the truth, did you?" Rarity quietly said. It was not a question. It was an accusation, and Shinedown flinched as she looked into his eyes.
"It all worked out in the end, so what's the problem?" The Earth Pony asked the Unicorn as he shrugged a little, walking across the parking lot just outside of Mettaton's boutique to pat the wagon on its side.
"The problem is you weren't honest. I understand telling a little white lie to not break someone's heart. Sometimes people need to do that, despite what Applejack might think. Things like..." Rarity waved a hoof in the air. "Oh, I'm SUUURE she'll grow into that jacket! Oh, THANK you for the sweater, Aunt Gertrude, it's JUST what I wanted, you shouldn't have. You REALLY shouldn't have." She muttered, trailing off and glowering slightly.
"I get it, I get it. But it's fine. I'm okay with this." Shinedown muttered, waving a dismissive hoof in the air. "I'll find another time to tell Mettaton how I feel."
"Oh, well he's coming this way now to open up the boutique." Rarity remarked, turning her head as Mettaton strode along the sidewalk, humming and singing a little to himself as he had some headphones on, eyes closed as the sun reflecting nicely off his abs. Ohhh. Those abs.
"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man! No time to talk!"
Shinedown then did something very stupid, quickly shoving the wagon behind the boutique, then racing to the front door to wait for Mettaton as Rarity stood in shocked silence. "So! Did Trixie give you the wagon?"
"Um...n-no, actually, she...she said she wanted proof. She wanted to see us go on an actual date. Tonight, at eight. That way she'd KNOW we're doing it." Shinedown said quickly, throwing up his arms in a shrug. "Ahh, family. Whatcha gonna do?"
"I know how you feel." Mettaton sighed. "My cousin, Napstablook, could get kind of like that. Only he's more passive-aggressive than aggressive-aggressive like your sister is."
"Wait, Napst-" Shinedown blinked slightly. "Then...is your name not really "Mettaton"?" He found himself asking. "Is it a "Blook"?"
"Well, yes. It's Hapstablook, but, uh...don't tell anyone." Mettaton admitted, putting a hand on his chest. "I kind of chose this new name when I got my new form you see before you." He intoned, feeling over his chest and grinning in delight. "I was reborn, as it were. A new me! My old name's deeply personal, not just for anyone to know."
"I understand. So, um...tonight at eight? The nice new "Canterlot Cusine" place they opened up?" Shinedown offered.
"Absolutely. But come, come, we've customers to prepare for!" Mettaton insisted, opening up the doors to the boutique, Rarity slowly shaking her head back and forth as Shinedown walked inside after Mettaton, sighing in disappointment.
And so, sure enough, at the end of the day the two were sitting at a table with light blue blankets over it, romantic candles lit as Mettaton talked a mile a minute about his family and growing up as a ghost, Shinedown listening all the while as he munched on a breadstick, head bobbing in agreement.
"You would not believe how...how intensely amazing it felt, having a new body. Then again, you're part Changeling." Mettaton admitted with a nod of his head. "So perhaps you might."
"It isn't easy, being a...y'know." Shinedown sighed. "An "inkblood"." He mumbled. "A lot of ponies still don't like Changelings because of what Queen Chrysalis did not too long ago. Not even having a truce with her kinda eases up on that distrust."
"Can you yourself change color? Appearance?" Mettaton asked as Shinedown cleared his throat.
"Well, I can melt into the shadows if I concentrate. But what I'm most good at...is voices, darling." He said, giving Mettaton a grin and pulling off a perfect imitation of the humanoid robot as Mettaton gasped in surprise.
"Oh my! That's simply amazing! Why did you not tell me that you could imitate voices so perfectly?"
A slight shrug. "You never asked." The Earth pony admitted. "I mean, it's not as useful as full changing of your body, it's mostly just a party trick."
"Well, I think it's very impressive. Can you really do anyone?"
"If I've heard their voice before." Shinedown said, clearing his throat. "Like, for example, Princess Luna, who's voice is MOST regal and impressive when she so desireth!" He proclaimed, waving a hoof in the air before resting his head on his hooves and blinking his eyes, switching his voice again. "Or me, Rarity! The belle of the ball. I bring aaaall the boys to my yard with my charm and wit." Then he flexed his arms, huffing a bit. "Or ME! Iron Bull! With a body so hot, you could EAT OFF IT! HOO!"
"I could think of a few things you and I could do with a voice like that." Mettaton chuckled a bit, a waiter coming by to pour them another glass of wine. And as the night went on, their laughter echoed out through the night as they made their way down the sidewalk...
Running into Trixie, who frowned at the two.
"Oh. Look who it is." She muttered. "I was in such a good mood, JUST came back from a nice play to get my mind off things, and here you two are. Enjoying my wagon with your honey bunch?" She asked Shinedown, waving a hoof in the air as Shinedown flinched, Mettaton frowning a bit at him.
"Wait, didn't you say you wanted to see us on a real date before you gave him your wagon?"
"OH! MY! GOODNESS. You TRICKED him onto a date with you!?" Trixie laughed, hooves flying to her mouth, giggling madly as Shinedown hung his head, Trixie wiping a tear from her eye as she smirked. "That is just too good, I can't...oh, I wish I could have SEX with this moment, it's so beautiful! And I'll be taking my wagon key back. And you will be showing up in my magic act tomorrow. You better hope your cape is waterproof. Not cuz there's a chance of rain. I'm bringing a giant hose and launching you out of it over a tank of sharks."
Shinedown reached into his belt pouch, tossing the wagon key to Trixie as she caught it with a snigger and trotted off down the sidewalk, grinning in delight as Mettaton held his face in one hand, sighing as his voice got low.
"You have really...really disappointed me." He muttered, taking off across the street before Shinedown's voice called out, halting him in place on the dimly-lit marble-paved road.
"You're the only employer that didn't treat me like a THING."
Mettaton stopped, slowly turning around, blinking in surprise. "What?"
"Every other employer got me fired every time something bad went wrong just because I was a changeling. And most of the other employees hated me or distrusted me because of what I was. I would always be blamed because everyone EXPECTS changelings to be lying, manipulating emotion suckers. So I'd go from job to job, bottling everything up, just being miserable." Shinedown quietly murmured, head hung low. "And you were the first employer who didn't see a Changeling when you looked at me. You just saw ME. And this morning was the first and only time I've ever lied to you. And it was just because I wanted to go out with you. I kinda always have because of everything you've done for me. Because you see me as a person. Not just one of "them"."
Mettaton brushed some of his hair back, and now Shinedown could see both pink eyes gazing back as Mettaton shrugged a little and smiled. "You know what? It's...it's alright. Truth be told, I've done much, MUCH worse to the people I cared about. And actually, I..." A blush. "I actually kind of had a lot of fun tonight. See you tomorrow, Shinedown. Take care of yourself."
"You too..." Shinedown said softly, Mettaton striding down the sidewalk as he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled a little.
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Baby’s First Tour
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Gif Credit @vinnymauro-chenzomauro
This is part 2 of the band being dads in situations with their kids. Hope you all enjoy. 
Happy Reading Dollies
Bringing a baby on tour was not the best idea you have had but Ricky wanted you to be there and if you went the baby had to go.
"Are you sure we packed enough diapers and wipes"? Ricky asked taking the bag to the van.
"If not then I will go shopping for more because she's five months and will go through a lot of diapers like if she gets sick or if you give her soda and she pees all night long". You stared at him.
"That happened one time and I'm not doing that again". Ricky rolled his eyes.
"Are we ready"? You asked picking up your daughter placing her on your hip. Ryan had her diaper bag and a bag of extra diapers in his arms.
"Seems like it but I have a feeling we're forgetting something".
"Do you want to double check"?
"Nah that will take to long, let's go". Ricky, you and the baby all piled into the van with the rest of the band and headed to your first tour as parents.
You weren't on the road for very long when things started to happen. Uncontrollable things.
"What the hell is that smell"? Ryan asked sniffing the air.
"What's it smell like"? Chris asked as he drove the van. He hoped that it wasnt the van.
"Like someone shit and put it in a oven, cooked it and ate it then took a huge dump on the air conditioning". He pinched his nose.
"Well that's imagitive". You said but then the smell hit you.
"Oh goodness". You looked at Ricky with horror when you both noticed your daughters face turning beet red as she sat in her carseat.
"Chris Chris pull over". Ricky yelled slapping the back of the drivers seat.
"We are on the high way, where would you like for me to pull over"? Chris pointed to the road full of cars and trucks that were driving way to slow.
"I don't care just pull the fuck over". Ricky was panicking.
The van haulted to a stop on the side of the road and all the guys jumped out. You and Ricky stayed in the van preparing for the worst. Ricky laid down the diaper changing mat and you got your daughter out. When you lifted her up the smell of death hit you both like a ton of bricks. It must have hit the guys too cause they ran off in different direction.
"Ricky, she's covered".
"I'll get the wipes". Ricky opened the diaper bag pulling out a little pouch of wipes.
You carefully undressed her trying not to get the van dirty or anyone's stuff.
Holding her up Ricky started wiping her back off.
"It's so green". "What the hell did she eat"?
The question lingered and that’s when it hit you she ate prunes that day for breakfast. For the past couple days she was having trouble with pooping and you thought you would give her something to help her and make her tour fun instead of having tummy troubles the whole time. But Chris forgot to mention that you had to be on the road two days before the actual tour date started so it didn't give you time for it to pass.
"She's having what we call a fruit cleanse". You told Ricky with a laugh.
"Well that's great but I'm running out of wipes".
"There's extras in the other bag".
Ricky took out all the bags and checked over them all and the bag with the extra wipes was not there.
"We have like a major problem". Ricky came back to the side of the van.
"It can't be worse than what I have".
Your daughter had let loose once again and it was explosive but this time she had no diaper to stop it. It went all over the back seat, on some of the duffel bags and it was all over you. It was like a muddle slide.
"How much did you give her"? Ricky yelled causing your daughter to cry.
"I gave her the right amount so shut up and help clean up. Where's the wipes"?
"That's the problem, I think we left them". They were sitting in the drive way right beside your car.
"I told you to double cheek did I not"? You were yelling at him as the guys came back up.
"What the actual fuck"? Ryan pointed to the mess all over the back seat.
"She's having a little problem".
"Little"? "Nooo, it's all over my bag". Ryan dramatically cried. Chris was laughing hysterically until he saw that it was all over his jacket that was on the back of his seat.
"Ahh come on, noooo"!! "That's my favorite jacket".
"Sorry guys". "We're going to clean it up but by any chance did you bring wipes"? You asked looking at your daughter who was still hanging in the air giggling.
"You forgot the wipes"?! Chris and Ryan said together.
"Ricky forgot them".
"Ah yes lets play the blame game". Ricky through his hands up in the air.
Ricky took out diapers and started to clean the back seat. He handed Ryan a garbage bag to hold for the diapers. You thought Ryan was going to pass out on the count of how white he had gotten.
"It's almost cleaned". You said as you took diapers and cleaned your daughter up.
Putting on a new diaper and clean clothes she was good as new. Her car seat on the other hand wasn't so you put a shirt of Rickys under her to sit on.
"Never again will I ride with a baby". Chris scrunched up his nose.
"We should have let Balz and Ghost ride with them but no you said this will be easier". "Babies are not easy". Ryan huffed as he got into the car.
"Your preachin to the choir, sister". You told them as you put down clothes of yours and Rickys to sit on as the seats were wet and still poopy. They all laughed and loaded back up into the van. Your daughter was asleep and everything was some what better.
"It still stinks in here". Ryan quoted.
"I'm gonna kill him Ricky". You warned him getting annoyed.
"Ryan, this can't be worse than sleeping in a van with five guys that havent showered or changed clothes in a week. It's like old times".
"This is worse". Ryan held his nose the whole ride. The first stops you made was to a car cleaners,  a laundromat and to a store to buy tons of wipes and diapers. You weren't taking any chances incase this happened again.
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moonlightreal · 5 years
Winx club Season 8/14
In which Sky doesn’t quote Thor
14 The Wishing Star
This episode opens, where else, at a concert at Alfea!  The other students whisper and ooh and aah.  So the Winx are famous pop stars but also hold concerts here like every other week and go to school here?  They should be treated more like when the choir performs, I mean it’s cool but not a super big deal.
sigh this pop star thing.  It feels a little less weird than it did in WoW since the girls are younger so the blatant wish-fulfilment version of being a professional musician isn’t as jarring I guess.  But I still can see so many opportunities for characterization—whose idea was it to form the band?    Who decided Bloom wis lead singer rather than Musa?What happens when Musa writes a song and loves it but the others hate it?  What happens when there’s a concert but the girls are busy with schoolwork?  Why don’t the minor fairies also form bands?  Why do only Alfea students come to these concerts?  When do they practice?  Do they ever perform at other places in Magix and who sets that up?  Where did they get the transforming instruments?  Are some of the girls thinking of ‘musician’ as a future career?  How will that conflict with ruling their planets?  And adventuring?
So. Much. Wasted plot & characterization opportunity.
Girls sing.  Cute shots of the minor fairies dancing.  Knut waltzes Faragonda.  Kiko crowd-surfs on the minor fairies.  Stella kisses the screen.  
The girls go to meet their boyfriends.  Stella is adorable.  
But Sky’s missing, he’s on Eraklyon.  “His dad wants him to spend more time at court being a crown prince and all while Sky would rather be a professional hero.”  The other specialists and Bloom express sympathy for Sky.
Season 8 timeslide: Sky is no longer king… if he ever really was, that whole thing was retconned pretty much right after Secret of the Lost Kingdom when we all realized we were going to have more stories.  Also there’s no mention of Brandon being Sky’s squire as he was in season 1.
Meanwhile on Eraklyon!  Cool shot of the palace!  Nice landscaping?!
Yikes, Sky is yelling at his dad, “I’m a Specialist, my place is at Red Fountain!”
Erendor: “You need to put the good of the kingdom first, that’s what princes do.”
Sky: “I put the good of everyone first, that’s why I go on missions with the Specialists!”
So clearly the dubbing department hasn’t seen Thor: Ragnarok because they missed sliding in, “Because that’s what heroes do.” and having me fall over laughing.  Also this situation is very much caught in the timeslide; is Sky a student still learning to rule the kingdom, or a graduate ready to begin his duties?
But as Sky walks away I see someone peering from behind a pillar… a familiar blonde head… oh no, not the number one source of couples drama in all Winx-dom! D: T_T
Diaspro’s done well by the new art style, she’s got gorgeous golden eyes and a nice braid. Her face is really wide though, she looks like an Ever After High doll.  She’s hoping to take advantage of the fight so Sky “will finally be mine.”
Yeah, you tried to kill his girlfriend two seasons ago, why are you not in jail?
Diaspro plots bug me.  Strap in y’alll.
Gorgeous nighttime shot of Alfea.  In Bloom’s room the girls are saying how great their concert was.  Then Stella goes into how hard it is to spend time with their boys when they’re busy saving the magic universe. The other girls try to shut her up before Bloom gets sad, but Stella is oblivious and just rambles on.  Brandon’s planning to take her to the “magic enchanted theater” sometime soon.
Musa yells at Stella.  Stella: “What’d I do this time?”  And there’s Bloom, sad now.  But Bloom says it’s not Stella’s fault; Sky didn’t say he was going to Eraklyon.  The girls talk about boys, with a side of Grumping at Stella.
“Brandon and I always talk.”
“When Riven left we stopped talking, and that didn’t go well.”
“Sometimes Timmy doesn’t call or text but I know he’s just thinking about his projects.”
But the good news is, Valtor’s gone so everything’s going to get better!
Bloom goes outside to make a wish on a star and there’s Sky!  They talk a little about not having time, and Bloom suggests Sky wish on a star for more time.
And now to what I’m really curious about!  The Trix!  We cut to Valtor’s asteroid and I kinda want to see him showing the girls around, but instead he’s on his throne meditating or something while the Trix float in front of him.
Exposition time! Only three witches like them can get the Wishing Star aka the Comet Star apparently, which grants wishes.  It’s made of Sparks (Sparx?) The energy that gave birth to the magic universe, the stars themselves.  So… Dragonfire?  “the magic of fairies, and witches.”
Flashback to Valtor trying to grab the comet and getting knocked for a loop. Incompatible magic.
Icy does the, “And why should we help you?” and it turns out Valtor’s mark is on their hands—they belong to him.  Just now or still from season 3, I wonder.  Also once Valtor becomes the most powerful sorcerer he promises to give them immense power.
Icy, apparently forgetting every other teamup they’ve ever done, thinks this sounds like a good deal, “Am I right, sisters?”
The Wishing Star hurtles through space, quite close to Valtor’s asteroid.  Our villain team warps outside and…
...And we cut to the wishing Star, which is a person of the same species as Queen Dorana, but with a more snowy theme.  She comments, “Valtor’s palace.  Hasn’t changed much in the last thousand years.  Still creepy!”  That was kinda random and cute, and also, Valtor’s had that palace for a thousand years and space people just know where it is?
...And THEN the Trix appear and the chase is on.  Stormy’s storm powers seem to be able to cause a meteor storm in space.    Darcy summons the illusion of a black hole which actually draws things into it.  Then icy succeeds in catching the comet girl in a block of ice.  The Wishing Star is caught!  Valtor is pleased!
But then she sends out her power in a blast of colored lights and a star-shaped box.
Valtor goes, ‘Noooo!”
The colored lights fly away but the star box flies straight at Lumenia and nearly beans Twinkle.  She flees, with the star box chasing after her!  Twinkle flies to the palace for help, where Argen is admitting to his sister that he thought being king of Lumenia would be more exciting.  Heh. Then in comes Twinkle, chased by a star box!
Queen Dorana recognizes it: the star case.  (so, book version rather than movie version of Escape to Witch Mountain?)  And it’s a bad sign!  We need the Winx immediately!  Twinkle goes to fetch them.
Bloom and Sky are having a peaceful evening looking at the stars… when Diaspro texts. Sky makes a horrified face.
Bloom: “Who’s messaging you?”
Oh just my ex who always teams up with villains and tried to murder you back when…
Diaspro keeps calling and Bloom says Sky should answer it.  Then Twinkle arrives. Saved!  Bloom and Sky must say goodbye as the Winx leave on an urgent mission!
In the Owl Sky ignores a few more increasingly irate texts then calls Diaspro back. She’s got a super secret mission from Sky’s dad!  They gotta go find the “lost locket of Eraklyon, one of the most poerful items in our kingdom.  And the two of us have to find it!  Together!”
Sky is not down for this together stuff.  He tries to tell Diaspro the mission might be dangerous, but she is undeterred.  Then the other boys turn up with a new Specialist mission, that Sky has to turn down since he’s got thiss mission with diaspro.
“Diaspro?  That crazy girl who won’t give up on you?”
“Yes Brandon, that’s the one.”  
“Come on Sky, the Specialists aren’t afraid of anyone, even broody aristocratic girls from Eraklyon.”
In case you were wondering how the boys talk about Diaspro.
And honestly, I was sympathetic for Diaspro, she and Sky were engaged and then Sky started falling for Bloom and instead of working things out he did nothing and let both girls find out the truth by surprise in public and Bloom attacked Diaspro thinking she was Icy.  Diaspro was kinda more sinned against than sinning, at that point.  But the heartbreak apparently caused Diaspro to go over the edge and she started teaming up with villains, cast a love spell on Sky, and pushed a magicless Bloom into a fiery pit.  My annoyance at all things Diaspro isn’t really with her, it’s with everyone who acts like Diaspro is just an annoying ex instead of a dangerous criminal.
Things from Diaspro’s perspective would make a great fanfic.
But now we’re going to Lumenia to learn about the star case and the Winx’s second mission of the season!
The Winx arrive on their hoverboards, showing those off so kids will buy the toys, then we arrive at the palace.  They meet Argen, who recognizes them from his days as Obscurum but they don’t recognize him so he explains what happened to him.
Then, star case! It contains the essence of the wishing star.  Tecna remembers hearing about it from Miss F in a “cosmomagic lesson.”  It’s the most powerful star in the universe and it’s made out of “Sparx, a magical radiance that is the source of all fairy powers.  And witch magic!”  So, Dragonfire.  Which is why I shall keep spelling it Sparx.
So the girl in the comet was herself a star and to defend herself she “split herself into the seven prime stars.  But her essence remained inside this case.”  The Winx have to find the seven stars and put them all back, so the Wishing Star can pull herself together again.  But they need the star compass, which is in the case—but it won’t open.
Bloom has an idea: go inside the case!  Using our Enchantix powers!
The view pulls out to show our villains watching and I want them to say something about how the Winx are still using Enchantix like last time...
But no.  Valtor orders the Trix to find the compass first.
And it’s… all right.  I can complain about the pink creep—aka everybody is wearing more pink than the first time around—but that’s about it. It’s not a terrible redesign, but not brilliant.  Musa’s translated best, I think, maybe just because her color is already pink so it’s not jarring like Aisha’s or Bloom’s.
The girls miniaturize and poof into the star box, which is like a miniworld of decorative gears.  They find a ballerina figure—the star case is a music box.  They find the star compass easily, and Tecna says “achievement unlocked!” again.  But then a cold wind starts to blow and a familiar laugh echoes...
“The Trix they’re back!”
“I hope you like this place, because you’re never leaving.”
How did the Trix get miniaturized, hmm?
I have a suspicion that when a season of Winx is made, both halves are made at the same time by different sets of writers.  So things don’t completely match, like the Wishing Star being a person of the same sort as Dorana and Argen who are not stars.  Stars were lots of things, but they weren’t people until now.  I bet we’ve seen our last staryum, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Valtor uses a lot fewer portals.  I’m hoping we haven’t lost Orion because stolen design or not, I really like him.  And I prefer legit villain Valtor to the wimp who did nothing but pick on Obscurum for twelve episodes, so please keep him threatening to destroy the planet, ok?
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longingfreesia · 5 years
modern au. executor is becoming afraid. wc 1199, ao3 mirror
“Exie, are you gonna be okay?” he asks, as if that's something Executor will be able to answer. (but he doesn't know that.)
“...I'll be fine.” he says. His false certainty seems to work on Anpassen, as his grip around Executor's shoulders relaxes a bit. He stays keeping them close together, though, and Executor stays with tears welling in his eyes.
They were getting older, and Executor was getting shakier. He was finding that everything was scary, and Ishmael wouldn't always be there to protect him, and that was the scariest thing of all.
“Don't call me that nickname.” He tries to sound stern, but his voice is too small and too weak. Anpassen relents anyway.
“...Okay.” After a pause, “Do you wanna go see Wanderer?” 
Executor blinks. “...That sounds okay.” He doesn't understand why Anpassen offered to visit their shared brother, but he supposes he did always feel a bit better after talking to the two of them. He rubs at his eyes to dispel the tears. “Let's go.”
Wanderer is wearing long sleeves and gloves, which is new. Anpassen says they're cute, then asks what the occasion is. Executor observes intently as Wanderer fidgets with the hem of his sleeves in response.
“...I think I'm sick, o-or something. Ishmael said I should wear these.”
“Oh no!” Anpassen cries. “Is it contagious? Are you gonna die?!” 
Wanderer squeaks. “I-I don't think so! At least I hope not…!”
“What are you two talking about?” Executor interrupts. He could barely hear Wanderer anyway, with how he always mumbled. 
“I think Wander's cursed or something!” Anpassen chirps. Wanderer follows this with an immediate noooo and Anpassen looks genuinely confused. At the very least, though, Anpassen’s lax attitude appears to make Wanderer a bit more cheery… If he really was sick, and it was making him that upset, then they should try to cheer him up.
“Do you wanna go somewhere?” asks Anpassen.
Wanderer shakes his head. “N-No… Everywhere's too loud. And I don't have my cancellers...” 
“Okay. We can just stay right here, then.” With this, Anpassen plops himself down next to Wanderer. “Do you want to hear the song we learned in choir? I think you couldn't come, right?”
Wanderer nods. “Yes… They wanted to look at my arm, so they didn't let me go.” 
Anpassen pouts. “That doesn't seem fair.”
“No… It doesn't.” Executor pipes up. 
“I-It's really okay… I don't mind. I'm not good at singing anyway.”
“That's not true!” says Anpassen. “Here, try singing with me when I sing the new song.”
And so Anpassen clears his throat and begins to sing. He’s naturally talented, the best out of the three of them, and to top it off,  he probably has no idea. The song they had been taught was likely a hymnーa new word Executor had learned from the big bible-looking books in the store rooms. He liked choirーsinging for Ishmael made him happy, even if he wasn't as good at it as Anpassen. 
That being said, Wanderer is better at it than he gives himself credit for. He has a low, soft voice that makes the hymns he sings sound truly angelic. (truthfully, executor is a bit jealous.) He follows along with Anpassen, and they make a wonderful harmony, as always.
Executor tells them this. Anpassen giggles and rubs the back of his neck. Wanderer shrinks, looking down at his hands fidgeting in his lap. He's gotten more shy and anxious, recently. Executor knows he shouldn't be worried, but… Ah. He shouldn't think on it too much. 
At the very least, when Anpassen continues to ramble on about everything Wanderer missed in their classes, Wanderer seems happy. It was an expression he sorely missed seeing in him. (though he wasn't sure if wanderer knew that. expressing himself was very difficult, especially when it came to emotions.) He wishes he could be as sunny as Anpassen. He wants to help in the way he does, just by existing.
Ah. Everything was so confusing. Maybe he wasn't any good of a child after all, if he couldn't even help his brother.
He pulls his knees up to his chest and his arms on top of them, looking somewhat pouty. Anpassen stops chatting to look at him.
“Are you okay? You look kinda angry.”
Executor lifts his head up out of his arms. “...Angry…? ...I'm not angry.”
“Oh, okay, but you don't look happy at all.”
“...There's a lot on my mind.”
Anpassen hums thoughtfully. “You should tell Wander about our lessons. You pay way better attention than me.”
Executor nods. “Alright.” 
At some point afterwards, Anpassen leaves (swearing he'll be back soon) to get food. Executor scoots closer to Wanderer and slings his bag in front of them. He fetches his notebook and asks Wanderer to repeat what he missed, and helps him make a copy of his notes for him to keep. It's nothing, really, at least not to himーbut Wanderer keeps thanking him and he doesn't know why. 
“You don't have to keep thanking me… It's nothing. I'd do this however much you needed.”
“I…” Wanderer fidgets with his hands again. “That means a lot to me, though. I'm… I'm sorry I missed and made you do this…”
Executor (albeit awkwardly) pats his back. “It's okay. Don't worry about it.” He doesn't understand why Wanderer seems to feel so guilty. 
Wanderer stares hard at his hands. “It just… It makes me happy when you're around… So I… I'm glad… is all…”
Executor blinks.
The concept of his presence making someone else happy is… foreign, to say the least. “...I'm glad. I'll be sure to be with you more often then.”
Executor nods. “As much as I can. I promise I'll stay with you.”
Wanderer lets himself lean on Executor's shoulder, albeit stiffly. “...Okay. Thank you.”
Executor hums. Anpassen soon returns with a small box of cookies that Executor recognizes to be Wanderer's favorite. He personally doesn't like them, dark chocolate was better to him than things that were excessively sweetーbut Anpassen probably got them to cheer Wanderer up. It wasn’t about him.
As expected, he lights up when he realizes what it is. Anpassen pushes it into his hands, and he clumsily takes it.
“I-I can't have all of these by myself… You two should have some too…!” 
Executor simply shakes his head. Anpassen giggles, “Aha, really? Alright!” and plucks one out once Wanderer's opened the box.
...They look happy. That was what mattered. Everything else…
Everything else was scary, frankly. Maybe he could live in this little moment forever, and the bandages on Wanderer's arm would just be an internal bruise, or some other big word Ishmael or the nurses said. Right now, that was possible, and he'd believe in that hope.
As much as he wills them to, the thoughts don't leave him even until that night. 
Was Ishmael strong enough to protect Wanderer as well? If he was getting so badly ill, was Executor next…? Would Ishmael be able to save either of them, if that happened?
Everything is so scary. He doesn't understand. He falls asleep hoping somewhere in his chest that everything would be okay when he woke up.
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alexazbofficial · 5 years
EXCLUSIVE Interview With AleXa Of Produce 48 [Future K-Pop Star]
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A day before the Delhi show we got to sit down with AleXa at length. Having to give continuous press interviews since morning she did not one bit show anything but cheerfulness on her face. She answered all of my questions with a smile even describing the adversities she had gone through like it was no big deal.
How do i even begin to describe my impression of hers, she is super talented and yet very down to earth. To quote her “I can’t English right now.” So thank god i have the detailed interview below from when i could!
KHigh: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us about your background?
AleXa: My name is AleXa – stage name, i am originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma in the United States and i was born to a Russian-American father and a Korean mother so i am half actually. I have lived my entire life speaking English up until 21 years of my life, only English because my mom was adopted from Seoul when she was 5 so she doesn’t remember the language… couldn’t teach me therefore, there’s that. Umm I’ve basically been singing, dancing and doing stuff on stage my entire life and then Zany Bros found me in 2017… and the rest is history!
KHigh: I did some research on you and found out that you started dancing from a very young age and it shows in your performances, when you dance you own the space and have fun doing it! But how and when did singing come into picture?
AleXa: Let’s see… like you said I’ve been dancing from an young age, i mean i was in my school choir and every thing but i really only started taking singing seriously in high school. Sophomore year of high school is i suppose 10th grade in India, i was accepted into my high school’s show choir and i along with two other sophomore girls, we made it in and for 15 years there had not been sophomores admitted into the choir until my year!
KHigh: So we can say that was your first achievement at singing?
AleXa: Yes! And up until i graduated i stayed in show choir and that gave me more confidence in singing on stage and more performing etc. Then i went to college and started studying musical theater, we did vocal classes and stuff but i never received vocal lessons until i came to South Korea for my training.
KHigh: Did you get to complete your college?
AleXa: I actually dropped out before i graduated because *laughs* Korea.
KHigh: I also heard you are interested in science!
AleXa: Very much so!
KHigh: I saw your video with Grazy Grace and you mentioned about being a mortician and i thought to myself “well that’s scary!”
*we both laugh, her more at ease and me with wonderment.*
KHigh: You were so specific on that so how come?
AleXa: Being a forensic pathologist is something i wanted to do from a very young age but also mortician do autopsies on bodies.
*she continued to answer as if its the most natural choice as a kid*
AleXa: My mother from young age said i should go to medical school because doctors, nurses make a lot of money but i just never like the idea of having someone else’s LIFE in my hand. So how about NO, how about i work with dead people so if anything goes wrong i can not be sued.
*she concludes chuckling*
KHigh: Woah very clever! I could have never thought of it like this, so you weren’t scared of it ever?
AleXa: Oh noooo, once there was an exhibit that came to my hometown called ‘Bodies’, it was donated bodies of prisoners some of them were completely skinned and you could see the veins, organs – some were dissected a certain way you could actually feel it! It was incredible!
KHigh: Is the thought of pursuing college still there?
AleXa: Maybe after debut, if i wanna continue my education, if i have time… i would like to go back to university, but i think more or less after my career is at its finished point then i’d like to go back to college, one little step at a time.
KHigh: I’ve watched and cheered for you on Produce 48, but i’d also like to know your journey towards it, coming to Korea auditioning for entertainment agencies etc?
AleXa: So in 2016 was the first year that this online contest called ‘Rising Legends’ happened with Soompi and JYP, i won  the dance category and the following one with Cube i also won the dance category but that year among the top 3 winners they chose one grand winner with the most overall votes and judges’ decision to go to Korea for originally 5 days and audition for cube in person. I won the grand prize and was given the opportunity but when they called me saying i won they also mentioned  “hey we’re considering filming a TV reality show the week before would you fly out a week early and be part of this” and there was no way i was going to pass that up! So i went to Korea and that’s when i met the Zany Bros crew so i was introduced to my company that way and through that we shot my first single and music video “Strike it up” and during the editing process the Ceo of Zany bros saw and asked about me, and that’s when the idea of me being their first trainee and Zany bros starting an entertainment company was sparked!
KHigh: How did you make the choice of going ahead with ZB as you had not auditioned for any other companies other than ZB label and Cube Entertainment?
AleXa: I remember they (ZB Label) called me in December 2017 to talk about this i had my parents with me we did a Video conference, for the longest time my parents knew i loved doing creative things and they of course supported me in high school but as i had mentioned my mom wanted me to go to medical school so gaining so it took me a long time to gain their full approval for me to go all into something creative with no second choices, when this opportunity arose they were like its about time go for it, there’s nothing for you to lose at this point you can only try and get further. So there was no way i was going to pass it away!
KHigh: How long have you been training? And what is the hardest part of being a trainee?
AleXa: To be really in the trainee system, i think it began more or less in November. We started going in we had everyday training, i started attending a Korean academy to improve my language, i have private training to better my rhythm and then am also taking a K-Pop class to get the basic lines and things down for girl group choreography. So i’d say its been a little over an half year.  Hardest part is probably keeping the mindset of like, It’s okay be at  the level you’re at but you can do better. You need to know you have to do better, no matter how well you’re doing at the moment you think but you need to go above and beyond of what the standard is. That’s probably a very hard thing to keep in mind.
KHigh: You had to learn Korean language from scratch, what do you think helps you best learning the language?
AleXa: I think just constantly speaking it. I’ve learnt to use Korean more and though I’m not even close to fluent but to constantly speak gets my brain to work faster hence even if i make mistakes it’s corrected and i catch on quick. So the more you speak it, it gets more natural. I had the biggest fear of me not wanting to say anything in Korean constantly worried about speaking incorrectly, but not anymore i don’t care even if i have to corrected, good at-least i’ll learn.
KHigh: Tell us about the culture difference you might have experienced when you came to Korea for the first time? Has it settled in or you still feel it from time to time?
AleXa: The US is completely opposite of Asia, i mean India and Korea are very alike. In Korea you have different forms of speech formal-informal even in India, but not in English it’s more about the tone how you address someone. Definitely the language is the biggest culture shock like different addresses for different people etc. and I’m still getting use to it.
KHigh: During the airing of Produce 48 there was specifically one clip of you crying a lot, it quickly became the talk but we never found out what happened there exactly? You also suffered an injury too, right?
AleXa: During Produce my injury did happen but it’s all healed now, in school i did cheerleading and things and injured a lot so it may have been a pre-existing one that had not healed over the years possibly because I’ve been dancing my whole life, i don’t ever rest my knees! And yes the clip, everyone was like so sad but no one knew why haha. I did sustain a knee injury a ligament tear the doctor had suggested i take 2 months off from dancing because if worsened i would require reconstructive surgery on my knee but we had our group battle only a few days after and i was like I’m not going to give up because of my dang knee, so yeah i had to give my all!
Also the team i was in all of them were already known and they had fans in the audience, so there was this moment when we went out there i saw all these signs and not one for me, after the performance when the MC asked me “did you see your fans out there?” and as soon as the translator told me, i just snapped. I mean i didn’t expect going thinking that oh i’ll be famous but yes to see no one for me just kind of broke me at that moment.
*I then went on to assure her how much Indian fans adore her and that she won’t have to feel like this anymore. We sang Drake “Started from the bottom” and also taught her the “Apna time ayega” chant!*
KHigh: You opened the show for IN2IT and might i add did so fabulously, how did this opportunity come about? When you heard the news what was your reaction?
*She begins to answer with a big smile clearly still in awe*
AleXa: If I’m being honest sometimes i don’t even know how exactly this happened either haha… i just remember one day my staff announced it to me that i’ll be opening for IN2IT on their tour and i was like what… hello… okay
*re-enacts her shocked expression, you had to be THERE*
AleXa: We have been working with them for things ahead but this came up and since PRODUCE it’s the first. Let alone abroad! Not a IN2IT concret in Korea but Delhi, Mumbai it’s a lot of responsibility to uphold and make sure to do a good job.
KHigh: Well you did a great job! After your Mumbai stage i can say you nailed it.
AleXa: Thank you!!
KHigh: How has your experience been working with IN2IT?
AleXa: They are really hard working, nice boys. I am guilty i did not watch Boys24 all the way through but i tuned in every now and then i saw the debuting group and their Snapshot era. One of my friends from back home is actually a big IN2IT fan and would always talk to me about them! I did my research before we started practicing, they’re very fun to be around, caring like good older brothers.
KHigh: As you mentioned this was a concert in India. Upon hearing that, what was your impression of India?
AleXa: I knew that Hallyu wave had come here but to what extent, i wasn’t aware… but when i walked on stage at the Korea fest i saw the crowd, all these people it was insane. I was like wow! That’s incredible! The response was wild in the best way, its amazing to see how K-Pop has come to India.
KHigh: After the show you met some fans i remember you mentioned it was your first time experiencing something like it, can you share us more on how you felt?
AleXa: It was the most heartfelt moments I’ve had in a long time, I’ve never really had the opportunity to meet my fans in this kind of way let alone meeting after a show, I’ve never done it before. To walk into a room and see people who are happy to see me… i never felt i’d be here in my life to the level of… minor success i am having at the moment so it was like a dream come true.
KHigh: Can we talk about you going viral with your performance on ‘Bole Chudiya’, how was your experience and how long did the prep take?
AleXa: Keiko (NAMAS-K) found the song and clip for us, Bollywood is so colorful i find it thoroughly entertaining. We learned our parts individually and then we practiced together, for myself it took me about 2 days to make it look good but 2 more full days of practice to perfect it even more.
KHigh: You exude confidence, there’s a certain charm you carry be it on stage or off stage, would you say you’ve naturally always been a confident person or you feel you need to work on it from time to time?
AleXa: Oh man if you were to talk to me 2 years ago, no.
I have not been like this, I’ve struggled with self confidence for so long. Thank you for seeing on stage and thinking i have it… it’s a relief to hear. But i still struggle with confidence now… a lot and i feel that’s a very human thing. I’ve never met any one in my life who’s completely confident all the time. I feel having doubts and worries is what makes us human. Over the years on stage i would say i have gained more confidence because in school and college i didn’t fell confidence in things as their was a lot of favoritism, i felt unwanted but ever since training in Korea, I’ve garnered a lot more confidence and the mindset that i am here to perform for my people and i’ll put the best show possible when I’m on stage!
KHigh: If there was one thing you had to say to all the young girls and women out there looking up to you, what would that be?
AleXa: I think it would be ‘Your voice matters’ because as women we get silenced at times, we feel unimportant, unwanted and invalidated at times but that’s not true! As Beyonce said who runs the world? GIRLS!
I would say don’t  be afraid to be heard if someone’s not listening grab a Megaphone!
KHigh: You know about your YeeHaw Squad?
AleXa: That was literally the first thing i saw when the lights went up a big bright yellow sign that said “Can you be the Yee to my Haw?” And in my brain i was processing like oh no what have i done but also the fact that not only K-Pop has come over here but my dumb little southern colloquialisms have made it here. I felt so good, these girls are awesome. It made me feel a lot more comfortable because it’s something i say and i saw it in the middle of the crowd and felt now i can breath now. A representation of my hometown had taken off so well i felt comfortable and more welcomed! I felt being accepted for all my quirks and weirdness.
KHigh: What kind of music you want to pursue and who are the artists you look upto?
AleXa: I mean sound wise i love the music of the 70s-80s and the Wonder Girls really carried that and even right now Sunmi has an 80s synth going on, so for pop music i’d say that way but if i ever branch out into RnB i definitely want to go in the direction of Heize, her sound is something i really follow. And then, music inspirations in general … Like i mentioned the 70s-80s even up to the 50s, i love David Bowie, Queen yeah I love all these old like soft rock, glam rock bands Twisted Sister, KISS, ACDC, Rolling Stones like i love all these things so those have been really big influences on me creatively.
KHigh: Apart from singing and dancing, are you also interested in song writing, composing or production?
AleXa: Yeah Singing and dancing part aside of being an Idol I’m slowly learning how to compose with my vocal teacher back in Korea, which is awesome ’cause i wanted to pursue it for so long and my teacher is also teaching me to play Piano. I’ve been writing poetry/lyrics for the longest time, i have notebooks filled! As my label is ZB so I’ve always been interested in production and would love to get behind that!
KHigh: Wow! Apart from conquering the world is there any other hidden talent we should know about?
AleXa: Umm, i can fly *does the airplane*
I really don’t know if it’s a talent but i can eat spicy food!
KHigh: I’ll give you that!
KHigh: You put covers regularly, you’re opening shows now, the Pre-debut hype is in the air, every one wants to know how close is your debut?
AleXa: Whenever i’m asked this question i just like to say i know as much as you do, that’s the thing my staff of-course knows how its going to be possibly when its going to be, I’m hoping and praying that with more hard work it can be this year. Hoping and praying!
KHigh: Trust me your fans are ready and hoping it’s this year. I feel it’s the right time you are creating waves as you’ve been so well received and Indian fans love you dearly! Everyone is buzzing about your debut.
AleXa: I’m so grateful for the response i had because i never imagined being here but all in all my debut depends on me and how much i can achieve within the time frame, so really hoping that it’s gonna be soon with more hard work.
KHigh: I’d like to ask you some quick one word answer-questions!
If you had to sum up your journey in produce?
AleXa: Memories.
KHigh: One word for the Mumbai (Kfest & Concert) Experience?
AleXa: Impactful.
KHigh: Describe your trainee life in just a word?
AleXa: Passion.
Khigh: One word for your future self?
AleXa: Integrity.
There’s so much i want to say but i feel my brain isn’t functioning I’m so overwhelmed, to all the fans that have been supporting me since day 1 I’m so grateful for your love and support. I hope that you continue to look after me, thank you! – ALEXA
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Hogwarts AU (Craquaria) Part ll - Pisa
AN: First of all, I want y'all to know that each like and comment added a year to my lifespan, so thank you for that! Be sure to let me know if ya’ll would like me to write more! Here’s part ll with a sprinkle of smut!!
Aquaria was pulling Brianna so fast Brianna was stumbling to catch up with her.
“Aquaria!! AHH!” Brianna exclaimed
“Come on!!!” Aquaria dragged her through the Ravenclaw dungen and up to the school hallways, “If we don’t go fast, we’ll get caught”
“What are we getting caught doing?!” Cracker got no answer, just the same mischievous smile.  
They made their way out of the castle and towards Hagrid’s Hut.
“I’ve known Hagrid ever since my second year here” Aquaria slowed down and walked beside Brianna “I was….” Aquaria looked for the right words to say “Having a hard time and he helped me through it, we’re close” Aquaria squatted down when they walked past Hagrid’s windows and Brianna followed her lead. They got to the gate behind the Hut and Brianna had to squint to see what was in there.
“NO WAY” was all Brianna could say.
Standing a few feet away was a hippogriff, a majestic creature that Brianna had only read about in books. He was just as beautiful as Brianna pictured.
“Wha… why… how do you…” Brianna babbled
“I told you Hagrid and I we’re close!” The hippogriff recognised Aquaria’s voice and made its way over to her. Aquaria reached out and pet his head “His name’s Buckbeak” Buckbeak nuzzled his head into Aquaria’s hands “Some people say that Harry Potter rode him way back in the day, but I think that’s just a rumor”
Aquaria turned her head to a still shocked Brianna, “Can… Can I touch him?”
“Go ahead! Despite how intimidating he may look, he loves it.” Brianna put her hands out and Buckbeak let her pet him. “Besides, how are you going to ride him if you don’t get comfortable with him first”
Aquaria went to open the gate while waiting for what she said to sink-in to Brianna
“Here’s your training, hold on to me tight”
Brianna did like the sound of that, so she followed Aquaria into the pen. “Maybe, but you will have to go really slow, and no going over the lake!! I’m scared to fall in!”
Aquaria gave Brianna a look like she was insane, “You really think I would let you fall?”
Brianna’s heart skipped a beat. Aquaria got on Buckbeak with ease, wrapping one hand around his neck and reached out the other to Brianna. Brianna wanted to take a picture of her right then and there. She looked confident and stunning from the lower angle Brianna saw her at.The full moon was hitting her at the perfect angle. Nothing about this situation made sense, but Brianna felt herself giving in to Aquaria’s request’s.
“Hold on, what if we get into trouble?” Brianna took her hand hesitantly and Aquaria swiftly pulled her up behind her.
She turned her head around to face Brianna “Then we get into trouble” Aquaria gave her a smirk and make a noise to buckbeak indicating she was ready to fly.
After Brianna realized they were going to take off soon, she quickly flung her hands around Aquaria’s tiny waist. She would normally cherish this moment of intimacy, but she was too focused on trying not to fall off when Buckbeak started his bumpy trot towards the edge of a cliff.
“It’s a little rough at first” Aquaria yelled behind her back
Brianna was starting to regret all her life choices as she was bounced on the back of Buckbeak, when the ride suddenly got smoother. She looked down and she saw nothing but forest below. Her adrenaline was skyrocketing and her heart was beating so fast. She was sure Aquaria could feel it as Brianna squeezed her back tight.
Buckbeak flew higher towards the moonlit sky. Brianna was in such shock that all she could do was hold Aquaria and stare at the amazing view. Hogwarts was beautiful in itself, but the mountains and valleys surrounding it were just as much of a piece of art. She kept her eyes glued to the sky as she watched the different shadows hidden in the clouds.
“You’re mouth has been open for a while now” Brianna looked forward to see Aquaria looking back at her. Brianna closed it and blushed, then she looked back at the sky “It’s beautiful”
“Yeah it is” Aquaria looked at Brianna for another moment and then turned back around, steering Buckbeak down towards the lake. As they went down, Brianna felt the breeze blowing through her wavy hair and was glad she didn’t put it up like she wanted to.  
“Noooo!! AHHH” Brianna screamed as Buckbeak splashed her while flying inches above the lake. She could feel Aquaria giggling because of her hand placement and she laughed too. Aquaria turned Buckbeak around back towards Hagrid’s Hut.
The trip back was smoother. Brianna felt like a dog sticking its head out of a car window. She laid her head on Aquaria’s back as they glided towards the ground. Buckbeak seemed to have done this a hundred times because he knew where to go when Aquaria said ‘Let’s go home’.
Buckbeak was walking through the open gate when Aquaria asked “Did you like it?”
Brianna was breathing heavily “Oh my gosh, it was exhilarating!!” She still felt the adrenaline running through her body.
Aquaria shifted herself so she was sidesaddle and faced Brianna. “Really?! You did?! Because I thought you might but..”
Aquaria lost her train of thought when Brianna put her hand around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her. The kiss started off soft and sweet, but then got more intense as Aquaria got into it. They slowly backed off, both surprised at what just happened. Brianna didn’t know whether to feel happy or nervous. Aquaria slowly slipped into a smile and looked excitedly and lovingly at Brianna. She jumped off Buckbeak and grabbed Brianna’s waist to help her off the hippogriff. Brianna jumped into Aquaria’s arms and Aquaria lowered her down to the ground.
“That was my best ride ever” Aquaria admitted “And Hagrid lets me ride Buckbeak once a week!!”
“Let’s go back before someone catches us!” This time, Brianna led Aquaria towards the castle. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a dim light on in one of Hagrid’s windows and she could’ve sworn she saw the silhouette of Hagrid watching them. She looked back at Aquaria and saw her wink towards the window.
They burst through the doors giggling and saw that the party had winded down.
“Aquaria!” Vixen exclaimed drunkenly “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
“Vixen this is my new friend Brianna Cracker, Brianna, this is the Vixen, the reason I don’t have a mental breakdown daily.”
Brianna was feeling confident so she went right for the hug with Vixen.
“Hi Brianna!! You’re in Hufflepuff right?” Vixen asked
“Yes” Brianna answered motioning for her friends who were chatting in the corner of the room to come over. “My friends are too!” Monet, the only one who didn’t ignore her, made her way over to the girls.
“Aquaria, Vixen, this is the infamous Monet X-Change”
“Pleased to meet you Aquaria! Vixen and I already met earlier”
“That’s right Mo!” Vixen agreed, “This bitch can dance the house DOWN!”
Monet took that as a cue to drop it down low, prompting Vixen and Aquaria to cheer her on. Brianna smiled and shook her head realizing how drunk Monet was.
Vixen turned to Aquaria, “We need to have these girls back again, they’re the life of the party”  
Aquaria eyed Brianna “We definitely will”
After a few more songs, Vixen, Monet and Asia were finally tired out. Everyone got back in a smaller circle like before. Asia and Monet, always the center of attention, started telling stories.
“So I walk into the first day of choir tryouts and I see a cute, chubby girl with a boyish, short haircut in oversized glasses” Asia looks to Monet who starts giggling
“I was so nerdy!!” Monet marveled through giggles
“I try to say hi to her but she just looks at me in awe like I’m the first person who’s ever spoken to her before. It takes a whole year of choir to get her to even say hi back to me”
“And now i’m one of your closest friends” Monet gave Asia a huge, mocking smile
“And now I can’t get her to STOP talking to me” Asia teased Monet
“Asia you love my ass don’t pretend you don’t!!”
“You guys are in Hufflepuff choir!? Because I’m the STAR of Ravenclaw choir!” Monique got so excited she jumped up and down in her seat on the couch.
They talked about choir for a while and Brianna wished that she was sitting on Aquaria’s lap again. Since there was less people there, Brianna and Aquaria got their own seats. Brianna looked up from her bean bag chair at Aquaria on the couch. She was laughing at Monique, who, at one in the mourning, was still full of energy. Blair, on the other hand, was falling asleep with her head on Vanessa’s lap. Vanessa ran her hands down Blair’s back and through her hair. ‘Smooth Vanessa’ Brianna thought while at the same time wishing she was doing that to Aquaria. Sasha and Shea were still there, Sasha on her fifth glass of wine without looking drunk at all. It always amazed Brianna how great Sasha could hold her liquor. She seemed to fit perfectly in Shea’s lap, which made Brianna even more jealous.
Aquaria got up from the couch and yelled “I’m getting us another round!”
Asia, Monique, Sasha, and Monet all cheered as Blair groaned on Vanessa’s lap.
Aquaria held out her hand to Brianna while the others resumed their conversation “Want to help me?”
Brianna followed the long blonde hair to the kitchen and Aquaria went straight to work on making more drinks.
“Were you a bartender in another life?” Brianna implored
Aquaria chuckled “Not that I know of, we just have a lot of these parties so I got comfortable with doing the job” Aquaria got really close causing Brianna to hold her breath “Don’t get too excited, but I’m making you a special one” Brianna got disappointed when Aquaria left her to go make her drink “This is the best part of the night, you know, where the cool kids go off to have sex or other parties and we’re left to hang with the actual cool people” Brianna watched as Aquaria added a splash of pineapple juice to her Vodka cran. “Tell me if you like it”
She took a sip suspiciously, but was pleasantly surprised “That makes it better!!”
“I know right!!”
“First the flying horse now this, you’re one-upping yourself my dear” Brianna decided it was her turn to get really close to Aquaria “Sit with me?”
Aquaria looked at Brianna with lust in her eyes and did her slow smile again. She nodded and turned around to gather up everyone’s drinks.
“Oh guys! Since we’re telling stories about first meetings, I have to tell how I first met Aquaria!” The Vixen announced just as Aquaria entered the room.
“Oh god not this again” Aquaria rolled her eyes but let it happen. Her and Brianna passed out drinks to everyone.
“So I was in my first class ever, like, first year and everything, and I was so nervous along with everyone else there. It was Defence against the dark arts too!! So we all thought we were going to die. The next thing I know this scrawny little eleven-year old with a short bob leans over and says ‘Are you nervous? Don’t be nervous! It’s only defence against the dark arts!’ and I say ‘My brother says it is the hardest class he had to take’ and she said ‘Don’t worry about it!! Defence against the dark arts? More like Defence against the dark farts!!’ and at that moment the teacher came in and the room went silent. Everyone started cracking up!!” Aquaria looked embarrassed but everyone in the room laughed
“I was ELEVEN okay!!!” Aquaria argued
“Yeah, an eleven year old LEGEND! Everyone kept repeating it to her and I knew right then we were going to be best friends” Vixen smiled proudly at Aquaria
“Not after you tell that story to the whole school!” Aquaria handed out the last drink and looked at Brianna for guidance on where they were going to sit.
Brianna sat down on the bean bag and Aquaria made herself comfortable sitting sideways on Brianna’s lap so she could hug her while they were sitting. Brianna would’ve kissed her again if they were alone.  
“Oh! Oh! My Turn!” Shea said from behind Sasha “Sasha and I got our schedules mixed up, so I kept getting these textbooks in Russian so I thought ‘Was I supposed to learn Russian before I came here?’ so I go up to the professor practically crying and admitted that I didn’t get a chance to learn Russian before I got here.” Shea and Sasha looked at each other and laughed “Long story short he introduced me to the new Russian exchange student and we hit it off instantly”
“They’re so cute together” Aquaria whispered in Brianna’s ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
“They even spent the summer together when Sasha’s parent’s house burned down” Brianna whispered back. Aquaria gave Bri a sad face and then wiggled her butt down further into the bean bag to get more comfortable. Brianna could sit like this for the rest of her life.
Monique was sitting near Vixen, “You were a nervous little kid huh? That’s so unlike you”
“Yeah I shook that off quickly” Vixen responded
“I was a shy kid too” Monet admitted “Vixen, tell me the truth, how did it feel when you stood up to Professor Snape on making the mistake on your grade. Did you know the whole school would be talking about it?”
“I had no idea it would get to be so popular! It felt like I was making my mark, like I was telling all the other teachers and students we weren’t going to have a problem if you treated me right”
“Everyone except me!” Aquaria chimed in “I knew you when you were still a goody two shoes”
“That’s right!!” Vixen said
Brianna admired Vixen for her boldness. She knew very well that she would’ve been scared shitless of Snape and accepted the unfair grade. Everyone knew Snape hated to be wrong and was famously harsh on his students.
Monique raised her cocktail in the air “To our new girlfriends!” Everyone chimed their plastic cups together “Do I have permission to invite them to every party henceforth?” she asked Vixen
Vixen nodded “I’ll drink to that!!”
Brianna woke up the next morning with a chip on her shoulder. She couldn’t believe how good Aquaria and her friend groups got along. She was still not convinced that her ride on Buckbeak was not a vivid dream. She wanted Aquaria, Aquaria, and nothing but Aquaria.
Monet woke up a few minutes later and sat up in bed. She had the same clothes on that she wore last night and her makeup amazingly looked just as stunning as she did before the long night of partying.  “Okay Cracker, I want details. What happened last night? Where did y’all disappear to in the middle of the party?”
“You’ll never believe me if I told you” Cracker looked down and grabbed her Teddy bear and held him close to her.
“Try me Cracks” Monet pushed
Brianna waited a moment, then sighed and gave in “We rode a hippogriff…”
Monet looked shocked “…Cracker if you are lying to me…”
With that, they woke Asia up. “Let’s get breakfast” Asia said right as she woke up tossing in her sheets before even opening her eyes.
“I can’t with her” Monet laughed at Asia
Breakfast on a Saturday at Hogwarts was a massive deal. The entire table was filled with as many breakfast foods as you could imagine.
“Like I always say” Brianna said as they walked into the dining hall passing a kid loading his plate with pastries “I’m convinced they put a spell on everyone to keep them from gaining weight just for Saturday Brunch”
“If they do then I’m immune to it” Asia said while holding her slight belly, sticking it out for emphasis
Monet and Cracker Cracked up
“Me too girl” Monet said going as far as to pull up her shirt and push her belly out.
Brianna loved how free her friends were with their humour. They didn’t care what anyone else thought of them and that was the main thing Bri loved about them.
They sat down at their usual table and Blair appeared out of the blue. She looked exhausted but excited “Guys!! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!!”
“Spit it out pumpkin!!” Asia almost looked like she knew what Blair was going to tell them
“Vanessa and I made out last night!!!” Blair was bursting with enthusiasm even more than usual.
“FINALLY” Asia and Monet said in unison. And then looked at each other and cackled
“What do you mean ‘Finally’??”
“You guys have been flirting since you MET” Monet blurted out
“We all wanted it to happen” Cracker admitted, grinning at how happy Blair seemed to be
“She’s just so…And her face is like perfect…And her skin is so soft and she’s so loveable…” Blair carried on talking about the wonderful night they spent together.
Cracker woke up to her usual  6 o'clock alarm that Monday. She was excited to get to class to see Aquaria. She put on a mini skirt and a low cut sweater to show off her best feature. She had been planning her outfit the whole weekend and asked Asia if it was okay so many times Asia had to put headphones in to try and ignore her.
Asia rolled out of bed for her 8 o’clock class right as Brianna was about to walk out the door. “Are you sure about that top?” She teased
Brianna looked nervous for a second and then realized what Asia was doing. She gave her the middle finger and left for class.
Not a day in her life had Brianna ever been scared to go to potions class, but today she was. She had no idea if she could handle being close to Aquaria without a buttload of alcohol.
As she was getting closer to the classroom, she got more freaked out than excited. She started to second guess their whole night together. ‘I was the one who kissed her, what if she didn’t want to kiss me…’ Brianna thought. She tried hard to shake it off with each step she took. Brianna’s anxiety was showing itself at the worst time. She definitely didn’t want her irrational thinking to rub off on her relationship with Aquaria.
She walked in and immediately locked eyes with Aquaria. Aquaria gave Brianna a look as Brianna passed her to sit in her usual seat next to Shea.
“Dang girl” Shea whispered “You can’t keep your eyes off of her, can you?”
Brianna just nodded and looked out the window as all of the doubting thoughts she couldn’t stop stormed into her mind. ‘It can’t work. She could never like me that way.’ she thought ‘All we can ever have are passing moments, short kisses when we are alone if I can even get them’. Brianna didn’t know where all of these sudden doubts were coming from. She suddenly felt self-conscious about her appearance. She didn’t answer any questions from Slughorn to make sure Aquaria wouldn’t look back at her. Halfway through class they got independent work time and Brianna asked to go to the bathroom. She walked out of the classroom, her arms folded over her exposed chest as she made sure to avoid eye-contact with Aquaria.
Brianna walked down the dimly-lit Hogwarts hall, tugging her skirt down regretting her outfit choice even more. She got to the bathroom and headed right for the smudged mirror. She looked at herself for a while, she never loved her appearance and always wanted to change her body. ‘My hips are looking huge today’ she thought as she looked down, examining her thighs.
When she looked back up at the mirror she gasped and jumped around at the sight of Aquaria standing behind her.
“Aqua-” She barely got out half of her name before Aquaria grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the mirror. She gave Brianna a passionate kiss while her hands traveled all the way from her shoulders to her thighs touching every inch of her body. She lightly ran her finger tips against the side of her upper thighs, slowly making her way up Brianna’s skirt. She stopped kissing her as her fingers painstakingly made their way to her butt squeezing it and driving Brianna insane. Brianna wrapped her arms around Aquaria’s neck and pulled her close for another kiss.
As Aquaria pulled away from the kiss, she whispered in Brianna’s ear “You look so good today baby, I couldn’t help myself” Aquaria’s hands made their way from Brianna’s butt to her waist and her hands rubbed her hips,  “Meet me after class at our spot” With that, Aquaria gave Brianna one last kiss and walked out. She left Brianna leaning against the mirror, elated over what just happened. After a few seconds to catch her breath and process what was going on, Brianna spun around and squealed and giggled at herself in the mirror.
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darecruit · 6 years
New Sneak Peek: Bottoms Up, Chapter 3!
It’s been waaaaay too long since I’ve had any new content. I was fighting inner demons and focusing all my positive energy into life with my wife and daughter. I didn’t have anything left in me to write. Still not out of the woods, but starting to see the light again. Got a pretty long peek into the next chapter of Bottoms Up. Rachel just can’t seem to learn her lesson! Enjoy!
​Shelby sighed and took a long swig of her coffee. It was going to be a long week if this morning was anything to go on. It was just after six and Rachel was already arguing with her about being able to sing in the auditorium after school.
​“But why, Mom?” the teen asked for the millionth time.
​ Shelby downed the rest of her coffee in one gulp and went to refill her mug, taking the extra seconds to collect her thoughts. It was too early for this and quite frankly, she thought she had made herself perfectly clear the night before regarding this issue. Not clear enough, apparently, she thought to herself.
​Refilled mug in hand, Shelby turned once more to look at her petulant teen slumped at the kitchen island, picking absentmindedly at her avocado toast. “What did I just tell you last night, Rachel? I don’t want to argue with you about Glee all week. Stop it now.”
​“I’m not arguing,” Rachel insisted, earning a raised eyebrow from her mother. She huffed and continued on, ignoring the obvious warning in the woman’s stare. “Besides, this doesn’t even have anything to do with Glee.”
“It’s not all that far removed from what you do in Glee and too much of a temptation for you. The way you are acting right now just proves my point.”
“Ugh! You’re being ridiculous!” the girl whined.
​“Rachel,” Shelby growled, “I’ve already told you that how you act with your dads won’t fly with me. Whining and arguing does nothing except make it worse for you. As of right now, you still have the freedom to do what you want after school—except for Glee and singing in the auditorium—but you’re about five seconds from losing that privilege.”
​“But that’s not fair! You’re not giving me a good reason why I can’t!”
​“Because I said so! That’s reason enough!” Shelby said in exasperation. Rachel grumbled something under her breath that Shelby didn’t catch but could probably guess. She clenched her teeth and resisted the urge to snatch Rachel up and give her a few more good reasons on her backside. Instead, she took a steadying breath and said in a calm, if somewhat strained voice, “I’m being extremely patient with you here, kid. I should follow through with my promise and take away Glee next week as well but I’m trying to give you a chance to change your attitude. Please don’t make me regret that decision.”
​“But I’m not arguing about Glee! I just want to sing at school!” Rachel fussed with an annoyed huff.
​“And I told you no. We went over this last night as well, Rachel. You need to respect my decisions because I am your mother and I make the rules. Did you listen to anything I said?”
​“I did, but—”
​“Enough, Rachel,” Shelby cut the girl off, pulling her up from her seat. “Since you’re clearly done with your breakfast, you can unload the dishwasher.”
​“But I don’t do that until after dinner,” said the teen.
​“Well you can get a head start on it. You’ll be washing the dinner dishes by hand tonight too,” Shelby said, unfazed by the pout she was currently receiving from her child.
“But that’ll take me ages to—Yeouch!” Rachel yelped when a hard swat connected with her rear. She jumped and tried to move away from her mother, but the woman had grabbed her arm and spun her around to face her.
​“Why do you have to continue to argue with me when I’ve told you to stop? Multiple times, I might add!” Shelby asked, frustrated.
​“I don’t know,” Rachel answered honestly as she rubbed her bottom. She chanced a glance up at her mom and squirmed under the piercing glare she was met with.
​Shelby sighed and looked skyward, praying for strength. She had meant that as a rhetorical question, but she knew her daughter had answered truthfully. She knew Rachel had spent her entire sixteen years getting her way with pretty much everything and the fact that she couldn’t with Shelby threw her for a loop. Rachel was responding to this situation the way she would any other, not stopping to consider who she was dealing with. Shelby knew that and even understood it, but it didn’t make it any easier for her to not become frustrated and even angered by it.
​“Rachel, I understand this is a learned behavior years in the making, but it’s not okay with me, kiddo. I don’t expect you to never argue with me, but I do expect you to listen when I tell you to stop. I’ve given you plenty of warnings and you’ve ignored every last one of them. I don’t like being ignored, young lady,” Shelby scolded in a firm tone that only increased her child’s squirming.
​“I’m sorry,” Rachel offered quickly, hoping it would ease the angry look marring her mother’s beautiful features. It did not.
​“I have no doubt you’re going to be in a minute,” Shelby replied, hiding a smirk as Rachel gasped and tried to shield as much of her backside as possible with one hand.
​“No, wait—Mommy, please!” Rachel whimpered as she was turned away from her mom.
​“Unload the dishwasher and go get ready for school. I’m going to make a list of chores for you to do after school today and I want them done by the time I get home from practice at five, got it?” Shelby said as she released her hold on the girl.
​“Okay, got it,” Rachel nodded vehemently, surprised and relieved not to feel the stinging swats she had been expecting.
​“I love you, Rachel, but I don’t love this behavior. Fix it before I do it for you. You have until this afternoon,” Shelby said, leaving her daughter to her chore and her thoughts.
Bottoms Up * Bottoms Up * Bottoms Up
​Rachel sat in the empty choir room, staring down at the list of chores her mother had handed her before they left the house twenty minutes ago. Not for the first time, she wondered why she just had to argue with her mother. She did it last night with the spanking and then when she tried to convince her mom to let her go to Glee, and again this morning with the auditorium. She had only created more trouble for herself by doing so. And she knew she wouldn’t get her way, not with her mom. Shelby Corcoran was a hard ass and Rachel was well aware of it. And yet, she still pushed.
​The girl sighed. Her mom hadn’t gone easy on her with the chores for today and even warned her that if her behavior didn’t improve, she would come up with enough chores to keep her busy every day after school as well as all weekend long.
​If only I had kept my big mouth shut, the teen thought to herself. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess now. I could have done what I wanted and Mom would never know. But noooo, you and your dumb arguments.
​Well, going to Glee rehearsal was out and so was singing in the auditorium after school—as it was, Rachel was going to have to go straight home at the end of the day if she wanted any chance of getting it all done in the two hours she had before her mother walked through the door. Yet all was not lost.
​Mom only said no to singing in the auditorium after school. She didn’t say anything about during the day, so it wouldn’t really be breaking the rules, now would it? the little voice inside her head reasoned. It was the same voice that had assured her her mother wouldn’t find out about the drinking. Well, she had only found out about the drinking at school because of Santana and Brittany. Rachel had gotten away with her party over the weekend and there was no reason that Shelby would find out about it now.
​Rachel nodded to herself. It made sense, she thought. She would ask Mr. Schue if she could use the auditorium during lunch and then head home directly after school to make sure she got every single chore done perfectly so as to not give her mom any reason to still be upset with her this afternoon.
​“I have to sing. I just have to,” Rachel proclaimed to the empty classroom.
She didn’t anticipate having any trouble convincing Schuester to let her use the auditorium later. The man meant well but there was no denying that he was a huge pushover. Rachel always knew how to use that to her advantage and today would be no different. So instead, she focused on her list of chores and what would be the most efficient way to tackle them all. She was so busy reorganizing the list that she didn’t hear the footsteps coming her way.
​“There you are, Hobbit,” Santana sneered as she stomped over to the small brunette, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”
​Rachel looked up at the cheerleader’s voice, brows furrowing as she took in the angry look on the Latina’s face. Her eyes then scanned the other disgruntled faces of her teammates as they filed into the room behind her.
​“Because of you, I’m grounded for two weeks! Complete lockdown,” the girl grumbled.
​“Why is it my fault? I seem to recall you and Brittany vomiting all over the stage yesterday. Maybe if you two were better at holding your alcohol we—”
​Rachel prudently ended her thought and leapt up from her chair as a flash of red-hot rage glinted in Santana’s eye. She had only barely managed to get out of harm’s way before Santana’s fist was occupying the space her face had just been. Puck and Mike then intervened, pulling the angry cheerleader away as she cursed at Rachel in Spanish.
​“Alright, no need to kill her,” Puck said. “Besides, Berry’s got a point.” That comment earned him a hard stomp to his foot. “Ow! Watch the toes! You’re just pissed because you and Britt blew chunks in front of everyone yesterday. If you two could have just held off until after the song, no one would have known anything. That’s not on Rachel, that’s on you.”
​Santana growled and stomped on Puck’s foot a second time. The boy released his hold on her and hopped back a step. Santana took that opportunity to elbow him in the stomach before turning her attention to Mike. The tall dancer immediately let go of her other arm and held his own up in surrender, backing away slowly.
​“Yeah, well, Rachel’s the one who brought in the alcohol in the first place. So if it wasn’t for her, none of us would be in trouble now,” Santana argued.
“Oh, shut up, San. No one made you drink it. We got caught, let’s move on,” Quinn interjected. “Besides, you got off easy with two weeks. My mom told me I’m grounded indefinitely. Being a recovering alcoholic, she doesn’t want me following in her footsteps.”
“I’m with Quinn. I’ll be working in my dad’s shop until I’m 30. Goodbye social life,” said Kurt, Finn nodding along sadly besides him.
Tina, Mike, and Mercedes were the next to bemoan their lot, a four week long sentence for each of them. Artie confessed to being grounded for a week with no Glee and an on-going house arrest every weekend for the next two months.
“Even my mom grounded me for three weeks over this stunt, and she normally doesn’t bother. Said she didn’t want me turning into my old man,” Puck shrugged as he flopped down in the chair Rachel had previously been sitting in.
“Okay, fine,” Santana conceded with an eye roll. “Maybe I got off easier than the rest of you, but I still say this is all Rachel’s fault!”
“Sanny, I think you’re only grounded for two weeks because Mami Lopez spanked your butt with her wooden spoon too,” Brittany piped up in her usual dreamy voice.
The room broke out in laughter as all eyes turned to Santana who sputtered and turned as red as her Cheerios uniform. “Brittany!” she hissed, feeling betrayed. “Why would you say that?” The girl turned to the others and insisted nothing of the sort happened.
“But you asked me to come rub it last night because you were sore, remember?” Brittany asked innocently.
“Want me to rub it for you, Santana?” Puck asked with a smirk.
Brittany continued on as if the interruptions hadn’t happened, “And your skin was so red and hot. And then you started moaning and saying it felt so good and then I slipped my finger—”
“Brittany!” Santana groaned, rushing over to slap her hand over the blonde’s mouth. “Remember we talked about secrets that are only between us? This is one of those times, Britt-Britt,” she whispered into the other girl’s ear.
Rachel listened to the conversation happening around her and after hearing some of her teammates’ punishments, she realized Shelby had actually gone fairly easy on her. In fact, her mother was a complete pushover compared to the other parents. Yes she had been spanked and wasn’t allowed to go to Glee this week, but she was still free to do as she pleased otherwise. Her classmates couldn’t say the same. And after hearing Santana’s fate, Rachel couldn’t even be upset over the spanking she was given. Hers was no doubt a walk in the park compared to the one Santana had endured. And not that the girl would ever admit this out loud, but she was glad she wasn’t the only kid whose parent believed that sometimes a reddened rear was the best way to impart a lesson.
“Sorry, Sanny. I won’t tell them next time it happens,” Brittany apologized just as soon as the raven-haired beauty uncovered her mouth. She added a soft peck on the girl’s cheek before flouncing off to take a seat.
The corner of Santana’s mouth twitched upwards even as she rolled her eyes and followed after the blonde. She eased herself down onto the hard plastic chair and bit the inside of her cheek as she fought the urge to squirm to find a more comfortable position. Her eyes flicked up and caught Rachel staring at her.
“What are you looking at, Man-Hands?”
Rachel averted her eyes, another surge of gratitude washing over her that her mom was clearly a pushover. As much as she believed she would never be able to sit comfortably ever again after her mom finished with her last night, she was back to normal in less than three hours. It was clear that Santana hadn’t faired the same after hers.
“Brittany, what did your parents do?” Tina asked in an effort to deflect the tension growing in the room.
“They told me drinking was wrong and not to do it,” said the blonde.
“That’s it?” Finn scoffed.
“Yes, although Lord Tubbington took away my iPod for a month,” Brittany said. Everyone just nodded along as if a cat handing out a punishment made any sense.
“What about you, Rachel? What did your mom have to say?” Kurt asked.
“Oh, uh,” Rachel faltered. After the punishments they had all shared, she really didn’t want to tell them her mom had only banned her from Glee for a week. And she certainly couldn’t tell them about her spanking. They had all laughed at Santana’s, but the Latina was popular enough (not to mention scary enough) that that’s as far as it would go. If anyone were to find out that Rachel Berry was spanked…well, there would just be no coming back from that. Deciding to err on the side of extreme caution, she said, “I’m banned from Glee for a week and grounded until further notice.”
“Finally some good news!” Santana exclaimed. “A week without your annoying ass in practice!”
“When do we get a week without your annoying ass, Santana?” asked Finn. His comment was met with laughter from the rest of the Glee kids.
Before Santana could respond, Will Schuester walked into the room and everyone fell silent. “Morning, kids,” he said, not surprised when most of them scowled in greeting. “First bell is going to ring any minute now. You all better head to class.” He turned his attention to his locked door, hand in pocket searching for his key ring.
​Grumbles all around as teenagers picked up bags and shuffled toward the door. Rachel busied herself with pretending to pack her bag, waiting until the coast was clear to pounce on the unsuspecting music coach.
Will just turned the doorknob when he noticed a flash of brown behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and sighed, not surprised by Rachel’s dallying. He had a feeling he knew exactly what she was about to say.
“Hurry up, Rachel, you don’t want to be late for first period,” he said, the bell ringing in agreement.
​“I need to talk to you, Mr. Schue,” came the teen’s reply. “You can write me a note if I’m late.” She flicked her hand in the air as if waving an annoying bug from her and strode confidently over to her teacher.
​“If this is about Glee, Rachel, your mother has already let me know that you will be missing practices this week,” Will informed the tiny teen in an effort to end the conversation before it even started.
Rachel was caught off guard by that particular piece of information. Her mother was good, she thought of everything. Well, almost everything.
Shaking off her surprise, Rachel put on her best show face. “It’s not about Glee, Mr. Schue. I wanted to ask you for permission to use the auditorium during lunch today.”
“No, Rachel,” Will answered immediately.
“Great, Mr. Schue, I—Wait, what? Did you say no? Why?”
Will’s thoughts turned to Shelby’s words from the previous day. He knew if he didn’t put his foot down now, Rachel would walk all over him this week. He knew she wasn’t allowed in Glee all week. Perhaps he needed to up the ante right from the get-go. It certainly couldn’t hurt and maybe he’d save himself from a week’s worth of arguments from the petite girl.
“Because I’m pulling all privileges to the Glee club this week,” he brought the hammer down in one fell swoop. Rachel’s mouth hung open in sheer disbelief. “That means no auditorium solo practices during lunch or after school until Monday.”
“But that’s—Mr. Schuester, you can’t be serious, I—Sectionals are coming up and—“
“Enough, Rachel. This isn’t up for discussion. Now, you really need to get to class,” Will said, finally pushing his office door open and stepping inside. The door shut with a firm click and he let out a long sigh and slumped against it
Rachel was left standing there, mouth agape. That was the first time Mr. Schuester had walked away from one of their conversations; normally it was she who did the walking out.
The second bell rang and Rachel was jarred from her thoughts. She had three minutes to get to her first period before being marked late. The girl grabbed her bag and hurried from the room, an idea already forming to work around the mounting obstacles keeping her from her goal.
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