#on the flip side sm would be more happy just to hold hands
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dreamyblanket · 12 days ago
Imagine cuddling between shadow milk and pure vanilla...it would be so nice!
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hughjackmansbicep · 7 months ago
Idk if you’re taking requests now but can you please write a Logan x reader who likes flowers🥺 like someone gives her a flower and she gets very happy so he decides to buy bouquets for her to see her happy
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Warnings: Uhhhh none??? Cuss words???
Word Count: 1.08k
a/n: omg my first request!!!! been waiting for one :DD i hopes you like hope i delivered well...... im so bad at making endings i never know how the fluff to do it rahhhhh !!!!! enjoy enjoy feel free to request friends i find this sm funnnnnnn
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Unbeknownst to you, Logan took note of everything about you. He’d watch the way your eyes sparkled when you'd walk through the garden; he’d admire the way you carefully hand-selected flowers for whatever bouquet you were making that week; and even though he always seemed annoyed when you'd make whoever was driving pull over so you could pick the wildflowers on the side of the road, he secretly adored it. So when one of the students made a beeline for you, roses picked from the garden in hand, he took extra notes seeing something so simple make your entire week.
“It was just the sweetest thing!” You boasted about the flowers for the thousandth time; Logan didn't mind though; he could listen to you talk all day long. You could've been reciting War and Peace to him, and he'd still be utterly infatuated with every word that fell from your tongue. The two of you were sitting on a bench in the garden as you rambled on about those darn roses when Rouge had appeared holding a vase with the most gorgeous floral arrangement. “These were just dropped off for you.” She spoke, holding the bouquet out. “Oh my! Did they say from who?” You were grinning from ear to ear as you admired the flowers. “Nope! Card didn't say either.” You fished for the folded-over cardstock; opening it just left you with even more questions. ‘In a room full of art, I’d still stare at you’ was all that was printed on the card—no name, no initial, not even a hint of who might this be from. You looked up, giving Rouge a warm smile and thanking her before heading inside to set up your new arrangement.
You'd just finished cutting and placing your new flowers in a vase when Logan waltzed into the kitchen, “Who do you think they're from?” He asked, taking a swig from the bottle in his hand, “Not sure, but whoever they're from, they certainly know my favorite flowers.” You smiled down at the flowers, thankfully paying no real mind to Logan. His face was completely flush as he tried to mask the smile making its way to his lips with a quick swig from his beer. He just silently nodded in your direction before yelling a quick goodnight to you as he swiftly made his exit out the kitchen.
This continued on for weeks, your secret admirer sending flowers to you, sweet notes attached to all of them. You had saved every single one, keeping them locked in a small wooden box under your bed, and every week when new flowers would arrive, you'd cut a few off from your last bouquet, pressing them in books to also savor. You had interrogated every single person in the mansion about these mystery flowers, but to no avail, no one would confess. You didn't mind though; while it was frustrating to not thank your secret admirer, you appreciated the gifts nonetheless.
“I just wish whoever was doing this would say something.” You exasperated. You were sprawled across your bed staring at the ceiling as Logan sat at your desk picking at his fingernails, something he only did when he was nervous. “Maybe they're scared?” Logan offered, and you flipped to your stomach, looking over to him, "Well, they need to nut up and just tell me, I'm starting to run out of books to press these damn things!” His eyes go wide hearing you've been saving the flowers sent to you, your brows furrowing in confusion at his reaction. “What?” You ask, cocking your head to the side, “N-nothing; I think Charles is calling for me.” He practically runs out of your room after that. 
You 100% knew Logan was the one sending you all these floral bouquets; he made it so painfully obvious, but you weren't going to say anything. Honestly, you wanted to see how long he could keep his little act up. How many more arrangements were you going to get before he finally fessed up? Your answer came 2 months later, when you received a bouquet. The note attached was just coordinates and a timestamp of 7:26 p.m. Punching them into your phone, it was a botanical garden just a couple miles away, a smile creeping onto your face as your cheeks flushed red.
You stood at the beginning of the path in the garden at 7:26 on the dot, your heart a jackhammer in your chest, your breaths shakey and laced with anxiety. It had to be Logan, but what if it wasn’t... Your thoughts were racing in your head, making you feel dizzy, your stomach tying into knots as your heels clicked down the path. Each step closer, you could feel your body tense up like cement was coursing through your veins, hardening with each passing second. 
Rounding a corner to the center of the garden, you spotted an oh so familiar face holding a bouquet of your absolute favorite flowers, the goofiest smile planted on his face when he saw you coming around. “I fucking knew it.” You whispered to yourself; Logan nervously laughed, of course hearing what you said. “Surprisee…” He drew out, opening his arms up to you, wasting no time. You ran over to him, being engulfed in his oh-so-large arms that you loved. “I just saw how happy you were receiving those roses from that kid; I couldn't help it; I love seeing your smile.” He bashfully admitted, and you smiled up at him, planting a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek in response.
“I wanted to tell you so many times, but I wanted it to be special, y'know, because you're special.” His face was burning red as he spoke, “I notice everything about you, from the way flowers make your heart skip a beat to the way you rebuke the societal norms of appointment times.”
"God, I hate that everything is set in 5 or 10 minute increments.” You sighed against his chest, shaking your head. He laughed just at your dramatics, “Exactly why I had you show up at 7:26.” 
The rest of your evening was spent admiring the garden and teaching Logan about every flower you both came across, and of course he listened to everything, absorbing every minute detail he could. If your words were gold, he'd dress himself in them every day; he'd tattoo every sound that escaped from your mouth. You were as precious as rubies to him, and god, he was never letting you go.
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janitorhutcherson · 1 year ago
i'm totally NOT touch starved so IM TOTALLY NOT asking for peeta mellark and touch starved reader... totally NOT. (i love your writing sm ☺️)
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i am FINALLY giving the people what they want!! i know this isn't a whole fic/imagine but instead headcanons, BUT! it is finally peeta. i promise there will be more peeta content in the future. im working my way through the movies again and im about to reread the books, i want to be accurate about his portrayal so y'all feel like its more realistic, but here is a lil taste of what is to come! i rly hope you enjoy <3 btw!! this takes place after EVERYTHING in the books. ur basically katiness.
• Peeta is a huge softy, he's cuddly, loving, affectionate, and definitely touch starved himself. He's the type of guy to mostly have his own contact with you in some way. Sometimes he will grip onto your arm, he'll have his arm around your shoulder or your waist, or even just grip onto your shirt. When you're sitting on the couch, he opts to sit hip to hip even when the entirety of the couch is empty. When you're not cuddling in bed, you're facing opposite sides, sleeping butt-to-butt. Even with that being said, sometimes Peeta needed some space, his own bubble. You, however, did not love that.
• This is exactly why it was somewhat difficult for Peeta to understand touchstarved!reader. Regardless of how close you were, you needed more. Anytime you're walking in the district, rather it's to pick up some ingredients for the bakery or simply a leisurely walk, if he opted not to hold on to you in some way, you'd freak a little. You'd grip onto his hand, either squeezing it in yours or holding onto his larger fingers.
• Whenever dishes were being done or chores were tended to, you would wrap your arms around his waist from behind or follow him at the heel. You were desperate for his attention, his affection, his touch. Without it, you felt cold and disconnected. His touch pleased the ache that prickled against your skin from years of desperately wanting to be held.
• At night, you'd squeeze up under his arm. Your head would be tucked into his armpit, your arms wrapped around him as you tugged him close, closing your eyes and taking in his smell. When you'd fall asleep facing away from each other, Peeta wouldn't even notice you flip over to face him once he was fast asleep, curling up against him, squeezing him tightly like your life depended on it.
• In all honesty? It felt like your life did depend on it. You were a tribute alongside with Peeta, you'd both been through hell and back together. You had nightmares and he was the only one that could ground them. Part of your touch starved desperation came from the times you were alone, afraid, for yourself, for your lover. It was difficult.
• A lot of nights Peeta would ensure he'd hold you close, all too aware that he was the cure to your nightly insanity. This made you feel better, softer, warmer. On days when you were simply cuddling in bed together, you felt like you couldn't get enough. Your legs would be tangled with his, your foreheads touching, arms wrapped around one another. But nothing felt good enough. In instances like these, you would climb into his shirt, sticking your head through the hole for his own head, one that was stretched out from the many times you'd done this, one he specifically designated as his lounge shirt for this reason. Other times you would both strip your clothes off, cuddling skin to skin while Peeta would stroke your hair, pressing soft kisses to your forehead.
• All in all, Peeta is a gentle and caring lover, understanding of your needs. He'd do his best to meet them, even when it meant staying glued to your hip. He loved you, the history you two had, the stuff you'd been through, and he'd do anything to ensure your happiness and your safety. After all, you were who saved him, who kept him grounded as well, the love of his life... but, his thoughts are for another story.
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songofpolaris · 8 months ago
❥ masterlist / navigation ❥
-> pairing; james potter x reader
-> wc; 1.5k
-> warnings; death, descriptions of grief
-> a/n; I wrote this with Timeless by Taylor Swift playing in the background. It's not some immaculate piece of literature, but I'm kind of attached to it now even if I'm not as proud of it as some other works of mine. It's warm and painful at the same time, so try it and I hope you enjoy. Lots of love
Timeless | James Potter
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As you’re looking through the freshly developed pictures in the dark room, tears fill your eyes. You’re staring at James Potter, your James, just woken up, wearing crooked glasses and a very fresh bed head. His hand is grabbing towards the camera while a beaming smile peeks behind it. It was the first time you saw him with bad hair. And the guy didn’t even actually look bad, his embarrassment just motivated you to tease him because of it. In reality, he still looked amazing. He would never have believed you if you told him though. The man could not be confident if his hair wasn’t ready to be pictured and put onto a prestigious magazine cover. You grabbed your camera as fast as you could and captured the moment.
You eye the vintage camera lying next to the door on an old wooden table. The camera itself is dusty from being hidden away in the corner of your dresser all these years. You put it there because you couldn’t bear the pain of being remembered. The camera that captured some of the most wonderful memories you hold, which are now some of the most painful ones.
The next picture is of the two of you sitting on the edge of the porch from your first official house. You’re wearing old dungarees and have paint streaks on your cheek and all over your clothes. James is staring at you while clearly wetting his finger to try to get some paint off of your face. Sirius is standing behind you, making an ugly face while staring at the happy couple. You have a big smile on you and dangle a small key in front of you. You remember Lily yelling “Say “We just moved in!” for the picture!” from behind the camera and Remus commenting that there would be no way the picture would turn out good if you all actually said that. James naturally wasn’t paying attention and you laughed because of the nasty sounds Sirius was making, pretending the lovey dovey Potter scene was sickening.
These pictures all are some form of key moments in your relationship. In your loving relationship with James, as well as the beautiful friendships within this group of people. You and Lily were always the ones with a camera in their bags, ready to capture whatever you felt was worth capturing. At the time, the guys made a point of it to avoid the camera, just because there were already a million pictures of them and they did not see the need for any more. Any moment either you or Lily moved to grab your camera, at least one of them would sigh and mumble something like “This is some kind of weird obsession” or “Are you planning on selling pictures of me since I’m that stunning?” The last remark being made by James who could actually imagine this being a real scenario. They would go to the greatest lengths to avoid the subtle lenses of your camera. Once it even led to Sirius falling off of his broom during a friendly game of quidditch because he tried to dive away from you and your camera.
Now, they would understand why you both tried to capture as many wonderful moments as you could. Because you and Lily were more aware than anyone that you would not all make it out alive. Sadly enough you were proven right.
As you flip through a stack of newly developed pictures, from the finally freed camera, you see one that you do not remember being made. It is you and Lily sitting next to James and Sirius. Remus must have made this picture. You are all sitting on the same side of the table, squished together onto a corner couch for the photo, and you are pointing at your hand, which is aimed toward the camera. Lily has a tear on her cheek and is smiling brightly, while Sirius is faking a shocked look. His mouth exaggeratingly wide open with his hands in front of it and big surprised eyes. On your hand a small shimmer comes off of a candy wrapper, wrapped around your ring finger. James kisses you on the cheek. It’s the night of your proposal. With all the joy of the night, you must have forgotten that Remus actually forced you all to make this picture. Remus, of all people, who hated photographing and being photographed.
“This is a moment that actually needs capturing” He had proudly said.
No one could have told you all that this would be one of the last times that you would be together while only laughing and having the times of your lives. After this, Voldemort would start winning. He would make you, Lily and Remus afraid of walking around in Diagon Alley, thinking that anyone passing by could want you to be gone. Could judge you for being born the way you were. And you see the difference gradually in the pictures.
One of the last ones in the stack is a photo of only you and James. Lily had made the picture, you clearly remember this.
You and James are looking each other in the eyes, your hands are holding his soft cheeks. One of his hands is gripping onto your wrist, the other the back of your neck. You can see the swollen red eyes and tear stains on your clothes. Your white dress has soft droplets on it and James’ hair's a mess. He didn’t even care what it looked like in the picture. You had just gotten back from the courthouse where they hadn’t allowed you two to be married. James told you on the ride back that you will find a way, which is what Lily captured. She captured the promise that James immediately fulfilled, while you were both scared out of your minds and sobbing over the time you found yourself living in.
So, when the five of you came back to the house, the first and only house you ever bought, James read you his vows and you read yours to him. They were beautiful, honest, and true. Nothing was ever more truthful than the words you shared with each other in that moment.
And that’s when the last picture was taken. Euphemia and Fleamont had come over for the ceremony and said that this was a moment you would want to remember your whole lives.
“Even if it feels like a beautiful tragedy now, someday it will simply be beautiful to you, my love. And for that moment, you want to be able to look back at it and remember the love and life you had and started together.” Euphemia had said, and nothing she said was ever incorrect.
You and James insisted on having the picture be of all five of you. So with the two of you in the middle, Sirius and Remus next to James and you next to Lily, Fleamont made the last picture of all of you together in a room. You called it ‘the family picture'.
Soon after, the war officially started. You all fought for the Order until the bitter end, which sadly meant the end of your family. James found his place with the stars first, it was a quick and painless death, alone on a mission. Remus and Sirius walked into the end hand in hand, ready to commit to another life together. Lily and you thankfully found your way back to each other after the chaos and destruction left behind by the war, having fundamentally changed in this traumatic time only made your friendship stronger. But you both never were able to look forward. You hid cameras in wardrobes but stalled out the already printed pictures on the mantle, halls and rooms. You lived looking at all the memories pretending they were someone else’s. A life you could not remember living. A life where you would end up with just the two of you. You both talked about them like they were here, never in the past tense. You could not cope with the loss of a family that was as dear to you and Lily as this chosen one.
Now that she died and you were the last one left, you were ready. You developed the last pictures, pictures of you all in your beginning to late twenties, mourning the people you once were. Loving their smiles, their gestures, their beings. You mourned the love of your life with all the love you had left. And not just James. You visited all of their graves weekly, laying down flowers and other things they loved. On Remus’ grave, there’s a stack of books now. Lily now has the old camera and flowers, Sirius a packet of cigarettes and records he listened so frequently to that they didn’t work anymore. And James got you. You sat there every other day, talking to him and telling about whatever happened or was on your mind. Until you joined the rest of your family.
All that’s left now of this life you lived is a cardboard box filled with pictures of the life you’ve made.
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uh-i-think-its-frank · 1 month ago
love your writing sm! also your headcanon abt luke loving to be between reader's thighs had me thinking (you can write for this if you're inspired at all btw): i bet he's the type to lay his head between or on top of the reader's legs / kneel in front of them randomly to be all cute and romantic and cuddly and shit but then get turned on and "sneakily" get closer and give off hints abt eating the reader out LMAO
oh MAN I feel like ur right.
more horny posting bc i’m insatiable | MDNI
I feel like he’s a total thigh guy in general but I love the idea that that’s his tell.
Going off of my previous headcanon post, I feel like younger Luke (ANH/ESB) would take a little while to get comfortable initiating sexual encounters, so I can imagine you guys sitting on his bed. Maybe you’re both on your backs, the back of his head resting on your stomach with your thighs on either side of his body whilst you’re reading a book and he’s trying to read a mission report. But your hands are absentmindedly toying with his hair, massaging his scalp (btw, I headcanon that Luke loves having his hair played with. Maybe even tugged the smallest bit - just enough for encouragement, but I can write another headcanon post for that hehe) and he finds himself getting a bit distracted by your fingers. Maybe you’d shift your position and lift one of your knees, bringing your thigh up beside his head and the mix of your hands in his hair and your thighs surrounding him gets him squirming.
You’d ask him if he’s ok and he’d clear his throat, mumbling a shaky “y-yeah” quietly as he pulls the mission report back up to his face, pretending to not be paying attention to the way your thighs move around him.
I imagine he’d just eventually grow impatient. And his impatience is what drives him to finally make a move. Maybe he’d try to be subtle, pretending to continue reading the file before him whilst beginning to trail his fingers across the skin of your leg, feeling the hair and goosebumps raise in their wake.
You’d be clueless at first, truly believing his innocent ploy until he starts to not-so-subtly grab at your thighs, squeezing the flesh between his fingers gently, appreciating the way his hand felt on them.
He’ll know that you caught on when your fingers pause in his hair and he’ll wait for a moment to see if you’ll stop him; but when you don’t, he’ll turn his head slowly, leaving gentle pecks across the inside of your thigh.
His important documents would be forgotten about, draped across his stomach when he notices you sigh at his touch, his kisses growing teasing, his other hand reaching up to toy with the thigh on the opposite side of his head.
Eventually he’d flip over, paper falling to the floor without care as he looks up at you, happy to see a spark in your eyes that matches his, and he’d continue kissing and playing with your thighs, slowly making his way up to kiss at your clothed sex.
From then on, touching your thighs was his tell.
Even when he matures (aka, ROTJ era, onward) you know that if you’re sitting beside each other and his hand finds its way to your thigh, the seemingly innocent touch holds nothing but sinful meaning. He’d know that you knew but would sometimes tease you, swearing that he didn’t know what you were talking about if you ever chose to mention it, all while he’d be lowering himself to his knees in front of you, rubbing up your thighs so that your skirt gathered around his wrists as he lifted the garment, making eye contact with you as he did so.
Maybe after a stressful mission, he’d actually lure you in with earnest innocence, stating that he was stressed and wound up and he’d request that you play with his hair, or maybe you’d encourage him to relax by offering to, so he’ll lay his head on your lap and you’ll begin massaging his scalp. And it truly is meant to be innocent, but you don’t miss the way his hips shift after a while, or when he’d reach a hand up to squeeze your thigh. Or sometimes, he’d skip the other steps all together and go straight to laying soft kisses across your skin, groaning when you give his hair the smallest tug.
Long story short; Luke Skywalker is a whiny thigh man who worships his lover hehe
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youkaimaiden · 7 months ago
Four Party Crowd
Carnval AU by @sm-baby
where the fuck is my shrubbery (warning some suggestive things)
Word count: IDK also on Ao3
Cirtri was messing with the spider in the game waiting for Seabreeze. "jeez she late, at this point I could of continue by myself" Cirtri says still messing with the spider, which seem to not care at all. A bit of time pass by and Seabreeze finally log in...but not just her, another player appears and second one as well. "sorry about that, work was getting to be a lot, oh and I invited two people to play with us, I happen to learn about the next game by one my co-workers and I thought four people would be better then two" Seabreeze says with a smile warmly hugging her sister, on the other hand Cirtri wasn't happy about this decision.
"I mean one person would been fine but two", "trust me they won't be a problem", "b-but, what if they are me-", "I wouldn't invite people who are going to be mean, so trust me on this alright". Cirtri nod meekly on Seabreeze words as she back away gesturing her hand to the two strangers. "why don't you two introduce yourself first, she going need a bit to warm up to new people", Seabreeze say with a smile. The cat like player over her chest with there hand, "call me Mio, and I hope we can get along" Mio softly tilt her head kindly, the other stranger wrap there arm around Mio, they look more clock kind of head, "and I'm Avery, nice to meet you" Avery reached out his hand to Cirtri who just hide behind Seabreeze meekly. ".....Cirtri" The meekness in Cirtri voice makes Seabreeze chuckle a bit, "don't worry she won't act like this all the time, now give that" Seabreeze take the spider and toss it on the ground, like the lady bug the spider crawl to the next level where the players stop at. Mio read out the level name "Storyteller", "Ooh! What's so worth nothing" Seabreeze bonk Avery on the head for his reference as Mio laugh at the responds. after the small laugh sessions the party enter the Storyteller room.
"welcome one, welcome all to my play theater" Gangle says stretching her arms out greeting the players who had enter. "wow this place is amazing" Seabreeze says walking down, follow by Mio, Avery and Cirtri, as the party get to the stage Gangle come up and holding a script, "It's nice to see new actors come to my theater, and because your guess stars, I'll give each one of you a staring role of my play" Gangle says giving jazz hands at the end to emphasis her words. "She kind of cute", "oh I forgot you have a type for the theater girls" Mio says joking about Avery taste in woman. Gangle on the other hand was handing out scripts to her play with a smile, "oh and don't worry I have some other coming in soon to fill up the other roles I need so don't worry, just make sure read up the script and practices and practices" Gangle says before slithering back up to the riser and waving good bye. "creepy...still hot though~", "lets just get into the script" Cirtri peep up, pining the nonexistent bridge of her nose, she was already over stimulated.
The party started practices on the script Gangle gave them. "so says here your are suppose to do a back flip, into Pomni arms", "of course it would be her", "....I'm not going to question that but she not hear so want to try it with me", "well better then Ms. toxicity positive" Seabreeze says, she clear still didn't like Pomni, but want at least try get down doing this stunt so she was trying backflip into Avery arms. meanwhile Cirtri and Mio was talking to each other. "so on this page your suppose to look at this mirror and sing a song to it", ".....", "...well and there suppose to be scarlet flower petals", "....", "....a-are you going to say something?" Mio say, it was kind of talking to a wall for her, but Cirtri didn't really say anything just sorta look to the side being not really interested in talking to Mio. "look you can't just ignore me all day, and Seabreeze is busy" Mio look over to Seabreeze backflipping and failing to get into Avery arms, "doing.... other things in the script, if talking the problem I can do sign language" Mio says trying to come up to a middle ground to get Cirtri to at least work with her. "um....I don't want work on my part" Cirtri finally spoke, Mio tilted her head a bit but nodded. "alright, guess we work on mine first them", "....thank you" Cirtri say with a soft smile.
Time pass a bit, seem the group mange to get in what was important to remember from the script. "I don't get it what god making me have deal with that annoying thing" Seabreeze says point to Pomni who was dress up in a maiden dress, "I mean she isn't bad, maybe you two just got up in a wrong foot, who know maybe some point you would need her for something", "the day that happen is the day I die" Seabreeze says wearing a very similar clothes to Pomni. Cirtri was in the corner of the backstage, moving a table that need to be place for the first scene, "hey need any help" Ragatha says walking over. "oh no, I'm good, if anything Pomni might need help from my sister" Cirtri giggles a bit, in the distance there was soft sound of Seabreeze just snaping a bit at Pomni. "well I could take the vase so you don't have drag it on top of the table" Ragatha says picking up the vase, which makes Cirtri smile in appreciation.
The stage was set then one light turn on, shining over Gangle. "welcome all audiences who could make it, and our VIPs King and Queen, this play took some time to make but with our hard work and out special guest stars we all mange to pull this off under 4 hours, which it great. Now I would ask the audiences please be silence all silly tools that could make noise" Gangle says that making Kaufmo toss his clown horn for comedic effect. "thank you, now lets this play begin" Gangle disappear again as saying those last words. ================================================ The red curtain rises, Pomni and Cirtri are sitting on the couch, Pomni was messing with a puzzle and Cirtri was reading. Seabreeze walks in from stage left holding a letter. "Sisters we have a letter", "a letter from where?!?" Pomni says, getting from the couch running over. "calm down, it a letter from our father, we all are of age now and they had some things they want us to fulfill", "that sounds nice" Cirtri sarcastically says making Seabreeze scoff, "now now don't act like that sister who know might be interesting" Seabreeze say opening the letter. "Dear my beautiful daughters, I know today all three of your girls would be of age, there are somethings I would love to be fulfil, even if I am over seas as your father you must listen to me. For my first born, I want you continue the family heritage of black smithing, my second born, I want you to become a great weapon wielder, and finally my last born, you be marry off to the man who name I attach to other paper with this letter, I already made agreement with his Mother and this would be best for both of you. love you my daughters -Father" Seabreeze read the letter out loud. Father had a lot to ask for his daughters especially for the youngest one. "wow so I get to wield weapons!" Pomni eyes glow up thinking about it, Cirtri on the other hang wasn't happy about her part of the letter. "no way, I'm not going to do that" Cirtri scoff walking and leaving off stage right, "wait but Father had agreement you don't want father to be a liar right!?!" Seabreeze yell out and follow after Cirtri leaving on stage right as well. Lights turn off then on, new scene, Mio was fixing Jax tie on his suit. "Mother you know I can do this on my own you don't have to help", "are you sure sweetie, last time I check you were trying wear a batman suit for your wedding", "that because Batman is cool" Jax protest, Mio just roll her eyes. "just don't ruin this, I made a good deal with this girl's father, you get a lovely bride and we promote his business, it a win win scenario", "I didn't ask to be marry, I just wanted to play my lute and swoop the ladies no string attach" Jax say popping his collar, then Mio fix it, "your going get marry unless you don't want to inherit the family money" Mio scold Jax, "ok what if I was gay" Jax say, this wasn't on the script, "well then I'll get you a husband", "but what if I wanted get marry to the chair" Jax still being off script walking over to the fancy chair, Gangle back stage was getting a little upset Jax was going off script, but Mio didn't falter at Jax off scripting. "then you'll marry the chair, no son of mine going get inherit money and not be married" Mio say walking over to Jax getting on top of the chair and pulling his ear. "now stop messing around, your bride to be is on her way with her sister" Mio scolded Jax, as scolding Jax, Cirtri and Seabreeze come in from stage right, Cirtri eyes was cover by Seabreeze and Mio did the same to Jax. "afternoon Madam", "afternoon to you too", "so, why are you on the chair", "you know having a very interesting conversation with my idiot son" Mio say, this make Cirtri giggle a bit. "anyway lets not get into much detail why I'm up here now I see you have brought your sister, and my son is well dress lets the wedding ceremony begin" Mio look at Jax "and you better behave got it" Jax nod in Mio words.
================================================ The first intermission come, Gangle started yelling at Jax. "why would you go off script!", "what I'm not going be this lover boy, I got add my own thing" Jax say very chill about what he did. while the other changes to different clothes, "dose this mustache make me look like a old man", "more of a child trying to be adult if you as me" Ragatha says to Avery adjusting his mustache~. "Oh Player don't forget put this on" Pomni say passing Cirtri the ring, "thank you, but do you have call me Player you could just call me Cirtri you know", "alright updating.........done" Pomni say after having a small updating screen. "10 minute until next scene, and Jax stop hitting the gritty" Jax did not stop hitting the gritty, if any he gritty his ass onto the dark stage as Cirtri follow him. "I can't with him today" Gangle says frustrated Avery give her a pat on her back...well what would be her back. "so, how much your betting Jax going derail the whole play", "20 bucks" Seabreeze says, with Mio nodding in agreement. ================================================ Scene 3, Cirtri was sitting across the table from Jax not to happy being marry to him. "so how was your day honey", "it was fine, how about you", "it was alright managing the family business is a lot of work" Jax says, then goes silent again as eating the food. "have you pick up any hobbies", "no", "did you go outside today", "yes", "did you see your sisters", "yes", "are going say anything that isn't yes or no", "maybe" Cirtri says, Jax show visible frustration, placing his forehead in his hand. "are you going to be stubborn about this, we been marry for 4 years now", "I know", "do you even like me?", "sometimes", "those sometime must be me in the bedroom~" Cirtri look at Jax a shock he would say that. "don't act like that you know the really reason you stay because I can give you a good time~", In the back Seabreeze was asking Mio did she want her $20 physically or digitally. "w-wait we nev-", "what don't be shy, I know you like, scream my name in bed~" Cirtri face was getting red, even though they never did it, the implication made her fluster. "and the way you call me da-", "STOP! this to much" Cirtri flustery say, she cover her face with her hands. Jax gets up from his chair and walk over to Cirtri praying her hands away from her face. "aw don't hide the pretty face of yours~" Jax say leading closer seeming about give Cirtri a kiss but pulls away last minute making Cirtri even more fluster. "by the way my brother is coming over so make sure you look presentable" Jax says walking away from Cirtri and going back to the script, Cirtri could only nod after all of that.
Scene 4, Ragatha and Avery was sitting on one couch and Jax and Cirtri was on the other. "My, my brother I might say, I'm shock you mange to fine a pretty women to marry you" Avery say with a bit of mocking in his voice. "well you know mother try her best to fine me one", "well I'm sure two to have very good relationship like me and my wifey" Avery says gentle grabbing Ragatha hand. "I think it quite lovely see you with someone" Ragatha say with a smile. Cirtri lays her head in Jax lap, Jax didn't quite know how to react at but he just pat Cirtri head. "well seem you to are getting along" Avery say with a smile as Gangle softly curse backstage, seem she was piss off the off scripting that had happen the whole play. "so how about you brother how your marriage been", "popping out children left and right, think be done but no next thing you know there another one, like woman we have 68 children", "oh 68 we need one more for the funny number" Ragatha says, the audiences chuckle on that. "well damn I didn't know you were like that" Jax joke making everyone on that stage laugh. "well look at the time seem it time for us to go" Avery say getting off the couch and helping Ragatha off the couch as well, and exiting on stage left. "woman got high drive you think sweetie" Cirtri nod in agreement. light turn off. ================================================ There was a scene being play out before Cirtri had go back on stage. "Happy the audiences love this but the hours I work on this script to it be not one to one upset me" Gangle say softly crying, "hey don't be to sad about it, if anything it was a great script you wrote, just happen to be Jax wanted to mess around" Cirtri says trying to comfort Gangle, it dose help then the scene on the stage end. "oh they are done" Cirtri say nervous what she have to do, Pomni was walking and toss the fake arm to Seabreeze, that was bad decision for she just gave her a weapon...and she processed to hit Jax with it. "....hey is there a way so I don't have go out there"," what no way your singing voice is so beautiful, and you got let the crowd hear it" Gangle say not picking up Cirtri nervousness. "I mean you have my sister" Seabreeze processed to bonk the shit out of Pomni as Cirtri says that "...Never mind seem she to busy", "trust me what ever your nervous about isn't going to as bad then a crows not seeing a full show" Gangle say patting Cirtri head and softy nudging her to the stage. Despite Cirtri dismay she went on stage. ================================================
Scene 5, Cirtri was siting on her knees in front of a mirror, she softy touches the mirror glass. then music start to play. "♪Pray for me while my mind is flickering, burning. Thirteen, fourteen, rotting and eating spices as we please, see♪, ♪Watch me sleep with a dagger up my sleeve, hurting Thirty, forty, stabbing like crazy, smiling as I bleed, see♪" Cirtri gets up off the floor. "♪Lindo, lindo, love will gather in time, Lindo, lindo, on my ear, it shines, Lindo, lindo, keep it down as you hide, Lindo, we go lie and lie and lie and lie and♪" As still singing Cirtri looks out to the audience "♪L L LIFE, you and me, E E EYE, and so we. Play bad and hold on tight and lie and lie and lie and lie, K K KNIFE, you and me, E E EYE, already There’s evil deep inside, a lie and lie and lie and lie, L L LIFE E E EYE♪" As Cirtri was singing on the stage, in the back seem the human players were kind of messing around a bit. "so I didn't know your sister could sing", "yah she just doesn't do it for a crowd you know, really only for me and her", "well I think I would like hear it again after this", "I doubt you will but I can try get her sing again" Seabreeze say not really making much a promise on that one. "♪L L LIFE, you and me, E E EYE, and so we, Play bad in grey tonight and lie and lie and lie and lie, K K KNIFE, you and me, E E EYE, already, There’s evil once you find the lies won’t fill your life I’m all alone and find, This sweet is poison, right, Oh why, Someone will wait tonight, ah♪" the light fade to black after Cirtri sing that last line. then the light come back on and every one who was apart of the play where one stage taking a bow for the audiences, as they cheer for them.
As the audiences start to leave the King say a bit to congratulate Gangle on her play and to talk to the guess stars. "well that was quite a show and you four were so great" Kinger praise the party, they all smile in there own way. "Dragonfly the way you would never faulter, Firefly the spunk you bring to every scene, Grasshopper the way you help people get on stage, and you Moth your singing voice was lovely" Kinger says praising the party more, after he was done he left them with Gangle, who was holding a centipede. "this should you guys into the next room, oh and tell Jax stop going of script or I'll actually slap him" Gangle say wanting the party to relay the message, the party was starting to leave until Gangle stop Avery. "oh and thank you so much helping with stuff back stage, and here your personal reward" Gangle give Avery a kiss then allows the party to leave her room. Avery was blushing hard. "you two" Cirtri says, this make Seabreeze giggle a bit in embarrassment knowing she talking about her. "I didn't ask for it I was joking about it and seem she thought it would be nice anyway lets go to the next level" Avery says placing the centipede on the ground and the bug guided the party to the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------------
"That beep was just a hater" Pomni yell being angry on the fact Seabreeze was just hating her for no reason, "I thought you remember this stuff?", "here and there baby here and there" Pomni says patting Caine head as he hum in enjoyment then she thought about it "wait I don't think Seabreeze was mean to me during the play. wait I think that was the day she said I was tolerable", "huh, seem the story have inconstancy from your memories " Caine says rubbing the bottom of his chin, this also made Pomni ponder a bit as well, then she look back at the book. "if that true then what real and what not real" Pomni says not realizing there was a possibly the story could be wrong, "well, maybe the others could help out, if you have bits of your memories from not being sentient maybe they have that as well" Caine say cheerfully, Pomni on the other hand wasn't cheerful, "well that going be a problem" Pomni says with a stress out expression, "don't worry I can deal with Kinger and Gangle", "no not them its a...rabbit problem" Pomni says, Caine pick up what she talking about. "we don't need him or his memories we can use the others to see how real this story is" Caine say scoffing on the idea of talking to Jax, but Pomni look to the side "I would like to say that...but guess her favorite character is", "...no", "yup", "why him!?!", "do I look like I know why!" Pomni says to Caine, so if they try to avoid talking to Jax, he would be their best bet for confirming these stories being true which really suck for Jax was a problem for both of them. "..well lest go over to Ragatha first alright" Pomni says getting off of Caine lap holding her hand out to him, Caine take it and follow Pomni out of her level. In the Hall the love birds were heading over to Ragatha level
18 5 13 5 13 2 5 18 4 15 14 20 12 15 15 11
Mio - Dragonfly, Avery - Grasshopper, Seabreeze - Firefly, Cirtri- Moth
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chr0llossexygf · 3 years ago
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PAIRING: eddie munson x fem reader
SUMMARY: eddie is surprised to see a hawkins high tigers uniform in a heavy metal shop. but he’s even more surprised to see it belongs to hawkins high’s golden girl y/n l/n.
WARNING: fluff sm sm sm fluff. THIS IS CO CUTE OMG!2:!:7: creds to the original gif owners! idk their @ cuz i find most of these gifs on pinterest and they aren’t linked :((
eddie walks the streets of hawkins with his hands in his pockets. he’s wearing his hellfire shirt with his jean jacket. his skinny black ripped jeans. it’s the same thing he wore last week on tuesday. but it doesn’t really matter.
he looks at the shops, none of them seem to fit his style and taste. not that there are any to begin with in hawkins. it’s a shit hole made for stupid suburban rich families. not for people like eddie.
in the midst of his little breakdown of how shitty the town is, one shop catches his eye. he’s never seen this shop before. he walks a bit faster. his eyes widen. slayer heavy metal shop? holy shit. holy shit.
his face brightens up. there’s no way. a heavy metal shop in hawkins? what the actual fuck? he stops right infront of it. he looks at the inside from the big glass windows. holy shit it’s sick. there’s everything there. t-shirts. vinyls. posters. cassettes. jackets.
his eyes travel around the shop. his eyes widen. he stumbles.a hawkins high uniform. a cheer uniform to be exact. he stares. your hair is up in a pony tail. a dark green ribbon tying it together. your wearing white knee socks with white sneakers. he recognises you. it’s y/n. what are you doing at a heavy metal shop?
he pushes the door open. you turn around, your skirt twirling with you. a smile on your face. “ e-eddie?” you blurt out in surprise. “ oh my would you look at that! you remember me!” eddie says his eyes wandering around the shop. you smile, “ yeah of course why wouldn’t i?” you say folding a motörhead t-shirt.
“ i’m surprised you remember me y/n.” he says flipping through a bunch of dio vinyls. you laugh. eddie walks around the shop, “ you know, i am obviously not the one to judge people but uh. what are you doing here y/n?” he says shoving his hands in his pockets. you turn around crossing your hands, “ what do you mean?” you ask tilting your head to the side with a smile. eddie laughs grabbing a mötley crüe cd. “ you know your a cheerleader what would you be doing in a heavy metal shop?” he confesses turning the cd around to look at the price. you giggle, “ what your saying is i don’t fit in?” you mumble smiling.
“ no no totally not. it’s just you know you dont-“ you cut him off. “ fit in? i know. believe or not i like heavy metal.” you giggle looking through patches. eddie walks up to the cashier leaning on it, “ so let me get this straight. y/n l/n the most popular cheerleader of hawkins high works at a heavy metal shop.”
“ correct.” you mumble turning to look at eddie. “ is that a bad thing?” you ask smiling.
eddie quickly shakes his head. “ no no no totally not. it’s just- your not what i thought you’d be like.” he says grabbing a metallica patch. “ mean and scary?” you giggle walking to the cashier. eddie tilts his head to the side, “ yeah well i actually kind of thought you’d be kinda mean and scary too.” you mumble biting your lower lip. eddie chuckles, “ i certainly look the part.”
you laugh. “ so do i, i mean i look like your typical mean cheerleader.” you joke biting your nails. eddie covers his smile with his hair. “ who works at a heavy metal shop.” he adds. you smile nodding.
you look at the patch he’s holding. “ i have that one on my jacket.” you say looking up at eddie. he giggles, “ you listen to metallica?” he questions quietly. you nod giggling, “ yeah i do.”
he smiles again. he’s surprised. and shocked.
and happy? your so easy to talk to. no one from hellfire is gonna believe him if he tells them he saw y/n l/n in a heavy metal shop. but he also doesn’t wanna tell them. he wants it to be a little secret between you and him. how is it so easy for you to make him smile. how are you so easy to converse with. he feels warm. really warm right now. he feels secluded from the world. and that’s a good thing right now.
“ then i‘ll take this one.” he hands you the patch. you look at his denim vest, “ do you want me to sew it on?” you ask looking back at him. “ oh i wouldn’t wanna steal your look l/n.” he whispers furrowing his eyebrows jokingly. you roll your eyes.
he takes off his vest placing it on the counter. “ i put mine on the right side. do you want yours on the left?” you mumble opening a drawer, grabbing a sewing needle. “ i don’t really mind.” he says shoving his hands in his pockets. “ i’ll put it on the right side so we can match.” you mumble smiling.
his heart just melted a bit. heat rises in his cheeks. his ears get warm. he quickly looks down hiding his face.
“ all done!” you exclaim looking at eddie, he looks at his denim vest. “ oh that’s sick.” he chuckles. “ you like it?” you question smiling.
“ yeah of course i do.” he says admiring the patch. you feel your cheeks start to heat up. you cough looking around the shop. “ it’s uhm- it’s for free.” you choke on your words. he looks at you in confusion.
“ your cool eddie.” you mumble playing with the hem of your skirt. eddie chuckles, “ your cool too y/n.” he whispers gently grabbing his denim jacket putting it on. “ so uh are we just gonna go back to not talking to each other during school?” he says putting his hands in his pockets. you giggle. “ why?”
“ because i’m a freak l/n.” he teases biting his nails, you look at his rings. “ so am i munson.” you giggle biting your lower lip. “ you know what- here.“ eddie looks at you.
you remove the green ribbon from your hair. your hair falls down.
eddie stares at you. you look so beautiful right now. your eyes are beautiful. your hair is falling in slow motion for him. time froze. he examines your face, your eyes are sparkling. your smiling. you have the cutest most adorable smile on earth. his eyes bore into you. he can stare at you for hours and hours and not get bored. something soft snaps him out of his trance. he looks down to see you tying the green ribbon around his wrist.
“ here. if your so sure we won’t talk to each other at school. or if u forget to talk to me, just look down at your wrist. there’s your reminder munson.” you giggle tying the ribbon.
“ you deserve a reminder too then. for when your too busy with the shooting balls into laundry basket weirdos. with your little pom poms.” he reaches for his back pocket, he grabs his black hankerchief. you laugh tilting your head to the side. “ what is it?” you ask smiling. “ your wrist please?”
you extend your wrist to him, he ties his hankerchief around your wrist. you blush again. he’s holding your wrist. and holy shit your skin is soft. so so so soft. he doesn’t wanna let go. he double ties it just to be able to feel your soft skin against his. “ there we go.” he chuckles.
“ oh that’s sick!” you exclaim looking at your wrist. eddie smiles. “ yeah? you think so?” he whispers gently. you nod smiling. “ then i’ll see you at school freak.” eddie says turning around . “ i’ll see you freak.” you laugh. eddie opens the door turning around to look at you once more. you wave. he waves back. “ gosh your adorable.” he mumbles under his breath turning around to leave.
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illicitlimerence-writes · 3 years ago
see you later | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 7.4k words (i warned you) request: yes/no, by anons: "hi! I don’t know if you’re currently taking requests but would you mind writing for mick schumacher? i really enjoy your work, considering you’re one of the few that write for him and you’re really good “i haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.” is the prompt." & "hey abigail, do you write for mick and lando? would you mind using this prompt, “what am i in your life? because as of lately i feel as though i’ve been nothing to you.” from the angst list but with a happy ending?" & "heyyy i love your writing sm can i maybe request something??? maybe a fic with lando or mick based on the song see you later by jenna raine!! i want to cry omg thank u ilysm" literally so sorry this took so long. i hope you all like this<;3 prompt: letter y: you. from this christmas alphabet prompt list. fluff #21: "i haven't seen (her/him/them) smile in months". angst #44: "what am i in your life? because as of lately i feel as though i've been nothing to you" from this prompt list warnings: language, time jumps. i know this is a mess of inconsistencies, but that's how heartbreak is. it makes you take stupid choices, cling to whatever small hope you can get. i hope you like this. a/n: day twenty-five!!!! i highly encourage all of you to read this while listening to 'see you later' by jenna raine, and ''tis the damn season' by our queen taylor swift, on repeat until you finish reading this. i promise it will hurt, and make sense even more.
my masterlist / christmas alphabet masterlist
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the snow clings to her hair, slowly melting and dampening her soft strands. she shoves her hands in the pockets of her coat, huffing as she watches the lights in the main square, her breath coming out in a cloud of smoke.
she looks around at the small town she used to call home, it holds so many memories, some of the greatest, the happiest… and the ones she wishes she could forget. for some reason, though, those were the ones she seemed to think about the most.
growing up in a small town was both a blessing and a curse. she knew that if she ever needed anything, the town of eroda would always be there for her. they knew her since birth, and she felt extremely lucky to have so many people by her side. they’d been there for her when her parents passed away in a car crash, and they all helped raise her, however they could.
on the flip side, since she always carried the people from her hometown in her heart and mind, that meant he was also part of that privileged group of people. and no matter how much she wanted to erase him from her mind, she couldn’t.
everywhere she looked, there he was. a rising star in motor racing, following his father’s footsteps. her annual visits to eroda were always accompanied by whispers of his name. since the racing season ended just before the holidays, his name was always plastered on the front page of the local newspaper.
“local hero, mick schumacher, represents eroda in international formula 3 championship - wins 2018 championship.”
“you don’t want to look away, mick schumacher to move to the big leagues, joins formula one team. the schumacher name is back where it belongs.”
yeah, she remembered each headline like the back of her hand. it used to be her in charge of coming up with those flashy titles, once. of course, she was biased.
he used to be her everything. middle school sweethearts, high school sweethearts.
you couldn’t spot one without the other nearby. they were always holding hands, his arm around her shoulders protectively. the whole town was rooting for them. until he reached a crossroad, he had a choice to make.
his career slowly became his first priority. he began canceling dates, arriving late to her important events. she understood, of course she did. but it began bothering her when it started happening more often than not.
“what am i in your life? because as of lately i feel as though i’ve been nothing to you.” she turned her back on him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“nothing? you are my everything!” he chased after her, stretching his arm, touching her shoulder.
“really? because it doesn’t feel like it. you keep canceling plans, i had to wait four hours for you to show up to our anniversary dinner. do you know how stupid i felt!? with everyone throwing me those pity glances.” she stopped walking, taking a step back when she almost collided against his chest. his hands immediately wrapped around her middle, pulling her back to him. “let me go,” she removed his hands from her body.
“i don’t know what you want me to say! i need to start thinking about my future, i have a chance to leave this place!” he motioned to the buildings around them, all decorated with flashy christmas lights.
“y-you want… you want to leave?” she whispered, eyebrows furrowed as he placed his hands on his face for a second.
“that’s not what i meant, i… there’s a whole world waiting out there. i don’t want to stay here and think about what could’ve been. i want to take chances, fight for what i want. what would be my future if i stayed here? work for my dad in his workshop?”
she stared at him, a frown on her face as she felt her eyes tearing up. she didn’t speak, she knew he wasn’t finished yet.
“this is what i’ve been working for my whole life. i can’t let it all go to waste. i have a once in a lifetime opportunity. i can’t let it go.”
“and what about me?” she said, her voice coming out louder, calmer than she had hoped. no turning back now. “what about what i want? what about my plans, our plans? does that mean nothing to you, as well?” she raised her eyebrows. he didn’t say anything, just scratched his forehead in an attempt to conceal his anxiety. “where do i fit in in this plan of yours? or was i just something for you to pass the time?”
mick shook his head, eyes never leaving hers. she could see the hurt in his blue orbs.
“i don’t want…” she said after minutes of silence, in which she thought about how he had every right to put his future ahead of everything else. she knew that if she had the chance, even the smallest one, to have the opportunities that he did, she’d take them without thinking twice. she removed her beanie from her head. “i don’t want to force you into something you don’t want to do. if you want to leave, i… i can’t say i’m fine with that. but i also know that… if you stay, if you give everything up… eventually, you’ll hate me for it.”
“i could never hate you,” he said, and she noticed how he never contradicted her other statements. somehow, that only made her feel worse. “you’re the most important thing in my life,”
“that’s not true,” her lips curled up in an ironic smile. “you have a bright future ahead of you. don’t waste it.” she handed him her, no, his beanie. she flinched when their fingers made contact. it was weird, how his touch felt unfamiliar now that the realizations hit her. this was goodbye.
“(y/n)...” her name felt unfamiliar on his tongue, he always, always called her by a nickname. princess, angel, liebe.
“liebe? what does that mean?” the girl asked, frowning at the word in a foreign language. “i don’t know, it’s what my dad calls my mom after he makes her mad,” the boy shrugged his shoulders. “oh. maybe it’s ‘i’m sorry’?” she looked at him, the boy shook his head. “no, that’s another word. maybe it means-” “look! there’s gina! we can ask her,” the girl interrupted him, she pointed to the boy’s older sister, who was walking out of a coffee shop. they both stood up and ran to her. “gina, gina.” mick called for his sister, she turned and waited until both pre-teens stood in front of her, catching their breaths. “what’s up?” she asked, sipping from her paper cup. “do you know what liebe means?” the girl asked, probably butchering the pronunciation. the older girl almost choked on her drink. “what?” “liebe,” mick repeated. “where did you hear that?” she asked, eyes darting between the two friends. “from dad. he broke mom’s favorite vase and tried to calm her down by kissing her. it was pretty gross but then he started calling her that,” mick explained. gina laughed as both kids pretended to hurl. “it means love,” the older girl said. “like in ‘i love you’?” mick asked. “no, more like… when you call someone ‘my love’, in german it’s ‘mein liebe’,” she clarified. hours later, both kids had moved on from the new word they’d learned that day and were sitting on a bench by the main square, where they had a perfect view of everything going on around them. “(y/n/n)...” mick called, and the girl turned to him. “what?” “h-how would you feel if… if i…” “if you what?” she asked, turning to him. patience wasn’t exactly one of her virtues. “how would you feel if i… called you liebe?” he asked, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. “why would you call me that?” she frowned. he remained quiet, looking at the snow covering the ground. “do you-” “i think i love you,” he interrupted. watching her eyes widening in surprise. “oh,” she said, staring at him. “i should go, i’m sorry,” he shook his head, standing up. as the night rolled around, mick wasn’t his usual cheerful self, and it didn’t go unnoticed by his parents. as mick was setting up the table for dinner, his father walked in with the plates and silverware. “everything okay, champ?” mick looked up at his father, nodding his head. “you sure? i don’t think the house has been this quiet since before you two were born,” mick gave his father a small smile. the doorbell saved him from an awkward conversation. “i’ll go!” he rushed out of the dining room, and as he opened the front door, he wished he’d never left it. “wh-what are you doing here?” mick asked, looking at the girl in front of him. “why… how… why do you think you love me? how do you know it’s love?” she asked. “i don’t know… i just do.” “but… how?” feelings were confusing, especially for a twelve year old. “i-i guess… whenever something happens, good or bad, you’re the first person i want to talk to. when i wake up i- i count the minutes until i can see you.” “i do that, too,” she confessed. “oh.” “i think i love you, too.” “oh.” “is that all you have to say?” she frowned. “oh! i- no, i- that’s… good?” it sounded more like a question than a statement, which only confused her even more. “i don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulder. “mick! who is it?” his father called for him. “it’s (y/n)! hold on,” mick answered, taking a few steps forward, closing the door behind him. now, they were both standing outside, staring at each other with wide eyes and warm cheeks. “you’re blushing,” she pointed out. mick covered his cheeks with his hands. “no, i’m not,” he shook his head. “yes, you are. you’re blushing because i told you that i love you,” she blurted out, breath hitching as she realized what she’d said. “i’m okay with it,” she said after seconds of silence. “what?” he asked. “i’m okay with… you… calling me that,” she looked up at the sky. “liebe?” he said, and she felt her heart speed up at the word. she nodded, shyly. “yeah. if you want to.” “okay. we’ll be so cool. no one else at school will know what it means, only us.” “only us,”
she nodded. she looked to her right, noticing the lights on the front porch of her house blinking twice. time to come home. “i have to go,” “oh, okay.” “i’ll see you tomorrow,” she said. “okay. good night, mein liebe,” mick tried the foreign words. “that’ll take a while to get used to,” “i- i can call you something else if you want-” “no, i like it. i like you,” she confessed. she watched the lights blinking again. she turned toward mick, who was left speechless. standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against his cheek for two seconds. before jumping down the two steps leading to his porch, and running home.
“that’ll take a while to get used to,” she said the words she told him many, many years ago, when their relationship first started. it was sort of poetic, how those words came back to her now that it was ending.
“i-i don’t want things to end like this. i-”
“i’ll be fine,” she smiled, even though she felt like dying on the inside. “maybe… maybe this is not goodbye. i mean, there’s only like, what? five thousand people in this town? our paths will cross again at some point.”
“but it won’t be the same,” he said. she nodded, taking in what he’d just said.
“it won’t. perhaps we… we’re just not meant to be. not right now, at least,” she knew she was hurting herself by holding on to a small sliver of hope.
“if this isn’t goodbye, then it’s-”
“a see you later,” she finished, nodding her head. “so, i guess i… i’ll see you later.” she started walking backward. “you go, be the superstar you were born to be. i’ll be here.”
“i’ll come back for you,” he assured her. she gave him a small smile.
“i’m sure you will,” no he won’t, her thoughts betrayed her.
“i will. even if it takes me five, ten years. i will come back for you. i promise”
“okay,” she whispered, and now that she was far enough, she turned her back on him, letting the tears fall from her eyes.
love isn’t supposed to hurt this much at sixteen.
she brings herself out of her thoughts, before it gets too real. it had been hard on her. she was used to being by his side twenty-four/seven. and suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore. since that night, the colors turned a dull gray, the town that used to bring her such comfort, a sense of security that she desperately needed, suddenly felt like being trapped inside a glass box, she needed to escape.
she reaches her childhood home, even after all these years, she never had the heart, the courage, to sell it. she’d been advised by a lot of people that in order to really move on, she had to let go of everything holding her back.
but how could she get rid of something so important to her? this was her home. no matter how many new cities she visited, the new york skyscrapers, the lights in paris, the history of london, the beaches in l.a., nothing could ever compare to the warm feeling that lived in this house. if she closes her eyes, she swears she can still smell the butter cookies her mother used to bake. she can still hear her father playing catchy tunes on the piano. she can still feel mick’s arm around her shoulders as they watched a movie.
dwelling on the past can be a very dangerous thing, she reminds herself as she turns on the lights, dropping her keys in the bowl that sits on top of a small table next to the door.
she sighs as she drops her bags in her bedroom. she never moved any of her stuff to her parents’ room, it felt weird. so, now, as a twenty-four year old, she has to find a way to sleep comfortably on her old twin-sized bed.
she doesn’t bother in taking out her clothes, instead checks the entire house, making sure everything was just as she’d left it. she puts on her coat and grabs her car keys, making sure her credit card sits safely inside her phonecase. she drives to the grocery store, preparing herself for all the small talk she’s going to do as soon as she steps in. on other occasions, she’d be happy to catch up with everyone she grew up with, but as she climbs out of her car, she spots a familiar figure making its way inside.
“i’ll come back for you. even if it takes me five, ten years.” “i think i love you.” “liebe? what does that mean?” “i don’t know, it’s what my dad my mom after he makes her mad” “good night, mein liebe,”
it’s like a kaleidoscope of memories, all at once, ending as soon as they came. she grips her phone in her hand. lightly banging her head against the hood of her car.
you can do this.
she grabs an old beanie from the back of her car, putting it on in hopes to not catch that much attention. closing the door, she breathes deeply, walking toward the grocery store. she keeps her head down most of the time, skipping aisles when there’s someone there, avoiding eye contact whilst side-eyeing everyone, looking for him. so she can run away from there as fast as humanly possible.
you’re almost done. you just need the milk.
she grips the cart handle until her knuckles turn white, taking slow steps to the dairy section, she sighs in relief when she sees it’s empty. once the carton of milk is secure in her hands she rushes back to her cart, scanning her groceries in case she forgot something. she hears a laugh, one she could recognize from miles away. her eyes widen, brain short-circuits as she hears him getting closer. her feet feel like lead. she drops the milk in the cart, taking clumsy steps away from that aisle. just as she’s about to leave the aisle she sees him, out of the corner of her eye. he’s there. she moves her head, watching him typing something on his phone, her heart pounds in her chest as she sees him putting his phone away, scanning the different products.
she must’ve been staring for too long, she thinks, because his eyes shift from the freezers, to her.
two pairs of wide eyes meet each other, her throat feels dry as he looks her up and down. his mouth opens, and she panics, she knows he’s about to call her name. a name that he’s been whispering to himself ever since that night eight years ago.
god bless old mr. johnson, who calls mick’s name, making him break the staring contest between them. she takes the opportunity and bolts out of there, rushing to the only available cashier, a girl she’d gone to high school with.
“it’s just like the old days… you and mick here, together,” the girl, liv, says, and (y/n) remembers that during their school years, liv always told them how cute they were together.
“oh, i, we… we’re not-” she shakes her head, and liv’s eyes widen.
“oh, my god, i’m so sorry, i just… you were like, the perfect couple, i think everyone still mourns your breakup. and now you’re here, and he’s here… and you’re both like, here, right now,” she opens her arms, “i’m sorry,”
“it’s fine,” she says, tapping her heel against the ground, looking around her.
once liv finishes ringing all of her items, she pulls out her credit card, and liv gives her a pained smile.
“i’m sorry, we’re not accepting cards right now, do you have any other form of payment?” oh, god, this can’t be happening right now.
“n-no, i… this is all i have. i can run to the bank tomorrow morning and pay you as soon as you open?”
“i’m sorry,” liv sakes her head, “i’m not allowed to-”
“hey, it’s fine, i’ll take care of it,” like a saint, out of nowhere, mick materializes behind her.
“n-no, you don’t have to,” she says, not looking at him, choosing instead to watch liv, who looks like a kid who’s about to meet her favorite artist, her eyes darting between the two former lovers. “i’ll come back tomorrow,” she says, pushing the cart.
she feels a hand wrapping around her arm, she flinches at the contact, looking at his hand, then, slowly, drifting her eyes up. it takes everything in her not to melt under his touch.
be strong. it’s over. he’s your past.
“let me do this for you,” he says. don’t give in, don’t give in. it doesn’t work, he gives her that damn small smile, she watches the way his lips curl up slowly. and she’s done for.
“i’ll pay you back tomorrow. i swear,” she says once they're out of the store, balancing the grocery bags in her arms as she pulls out her keys.
“oh, no, don’t worry about it,” he smiles, and she looks at him sternly. “fine, sorry,” he doesn’t know why he’s apologizing, but he feels the need to.
once she places the bags in the backseat, she shuts the door. she straightens her back.
“i- i should… go now, i-”
“oh, yeah, sorry,” mick scratches the back of his head as he stands up, he’d been leaning against the driver’s side of the car. he stands, moving to the side to let her climb in. “are you free tomorrow? maybe we can-”
she cuts him off, turning on the car and putting it in reverse. mick takes a few steps back, and she wastes no time in backing up and getting away from there.
she gets no sleep that night. she tosses and turns, she walks downstairs and makes a bag of popcorn she picked from the grocery store. if this is how she reacts to just a few minutes with him… how is she supposed to survive the rest of the holiday season?
she falls asleep when the sun starts rising.
incessant knocking on her door wakes her up. she grabs a hoodie from the floor, putting it on as she rushes downstairs.
“i can’t believe you’re back!” arms wrap around her, pulling her close to the older woman’s body.
“it’s nice to see you, too, corinna,” it hurts to say her name.
“mick told us he saw you last night. why didn’t you call? i would’ve set up the guest room for you,” mick’s mom loved her like she was her own child. and it really took a toll on her when the couple broke up years ago. she wanted to be there for both of them, but it just wasn’t possible.
“thank you, but i- i have this place,” she knocks on the door frame, smiling. “how’s everyone?” she asks.
“it’s just like the old times… you’re both back home, the carnival is starting in a week… this might be the best christmas we’ve had in a long time,”
the girl nods, a tight-lipped smile on her face.
“gina is returning home tomorrow,”
“aw, i can’t wait to see her. i’ve missed her snarky remarks,” gina had always been the older sister she never had.
“i see it and i don’t believe it…” they both turn, seeing michael walking to her with open arms. “(y/n) (y/l/n)...” she sprints towards him.
“you’ve gotten old,” she says once the hug ended.
“so have you,” he replies, making her laugh. this was why he always was one of her favorite adults, he wasn’t afraid to fight back, no matter who he was talking to.
after catching up with the married couple, they leave her alone, not without giving her tight hugs, and michael and corinna pour all the love they have for her into their embrace.
the facade leaves her exhausted, she collapses onto her couch, tears streaming down her face.
i have to leave.
the four years she’s been away from this place were not enough to heal all the open wounds he’d left. she thought she’d moved past him, but she was wrong. she didn’t know how she’d survived the first years without him, whilst she still lived there.
but she’d been doing just that, surviving. waking up past midday, malnourished her body, crying herself to sleep each night. she didn’t deserve that. and she couldn’t go back to that dark place either. and if what she needed was to get away from that place, to never place a foot in the place that had once brought such comfort, she’d leave. go to the other side of the world. whatever it took.
she runs upstairs, thanking the stars that she hadn’t bothered to unpack. she grabs her bag and heads downstairs, wiping the tears away from her face. she opens the door, freezing in her spot as she sees mick standing in front of her.
“h-h-hi,” he mutters, looking at her with wide eyes, his eyes travel down to her bag. “a-are you leaving?” he asks, feeling a pain in his chest.
“yeah, i-” she clears her throat, her mouth feeling dry. “something came up, i-” she rushes past him, placing the bag on the backseat.
“i was hoping we… we could talk,” he says as she shuts the door close.
“can’t. sorry,” she keeps her eyes straight ahead, taking strong steps toward her front door, pulling out her keys to lock it. she turns around, flinching back, she finds herself trapped between the door and mick’s body.
“is it because i’m here?” he asks, her eyes fly to a random spot behind him. “i don’t-” he doesn’t finish his sentence.
“i have to go,” she says, but he places his hands flat against the door, caging her between his arms.
“i came back.” was all he said.
“good. now, please, let me leave.” she tries to move, but his hands move to hold her waist. “m-mick,” his name feels like a breath of fresh air. she doesn’t remember the last time she spoke his name, it had been too long, for sure.
“i came back. for you,” he whispers.
“it’s a little too late for that,” she says, feeling a weight in her chest.
“don’t say that. we promised that i’d come back for you,”
“i never made any promises, you did.”
“you said that it wasn’t goodbye. just a see you later.”
“i did. now this is goodbye.” she says, pushing his arms away from her. she takes two steps before she’s being lifted in the air and thrown over his shoulder. “put me down!” she yells as he starts walking. she feels his hand in her pocket, grabbing her keys and unlocking her home. he walks in, locking the door behind him to prevent her from running away, he places the keys in his pocket before he sets her down. “what the hell, mick?”
she doesn’t flinch this time, when she says her name, and they both notice it.
“i just want to talk-”
“fine. let’s talk. oh, i cannot wait to hear all about your adventures all over the world. are you having fun? aren’t you tired from the jet lag?” she ranted, a permanent frown on her forehead as she faked empathy. “aren’t you so glad you left this beat up small town and went to the greatest cities in the world?”
“what are you talking about? you left this place, too!” he interrupted her.
“i know, but i at least make it back for the holidays! unlike someone,”
“why are you being so childish?” he scoffed.
“because i can! and i want to!”
“don’t you want to talk like proper adults, sit down, discuss this in a-”
“no! this is my house and i talk however i want to! and if you don’t like then you can leave, it shouldn’t be an issue, seeing that that’s the only thing you’re good at. leaving me, your family, everything behind!” she yelled, turning her back on him.
where was this coming from?
“do you think it’s been easy for me? i don’t get to see my family for half of the year, and when i do get time off i’m too busy thinking about you to even pay attention to them!” now he was raising his voice as well.
“boo-hoo. poor mick.” she rolled her eyes. “you know what to do to fix things with your family,” she shot him a dirty look.
“are you saying i should quit racing?”
“you said it,”
“that is literally all i’ve dreamed of my entire life,” he said, not thinking twice about his words. she took a step back, visibly trying to make herself smaller. “fuck, that’s not… you’re making me say things i don’t mean,”
she shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest. they both stand there, looking at each other. the anger is now followed by sadness.
“what happened to us?” mick whispers.
“distance. timing.” she lists.
“timing… you said-”
“i know what i said. i also remember what you said,” she lifted an eyebrow.
“i did come back. i’m right here.”
“are you? are you really back? for good? or is this just something to keep your mind busy before the season begins?”
“why are you so upset about me prioritizing my career?” he runs his hand through his hair, nearly pulling at the roots in desperation.
“because you never thought about me!” she yelled. his mouth opened but no sound came out. “you chose a car over me,”
“everything i’ve ever done is for you. all my choices, every contract i’ve signed, every race i’ve won… has been for you, to secure a future for you. for us.”
“and where was i?” her voice came out broken. “why wasn’t i with you… by your side as you accomplished all of those things?” he didn’t reply. “do you know why i was so upset with you?”
“because you hate me?” he scoffed. she shook her head.
“because all those years ago, i was ready to drop everything and go with you.” she said, feeling tears in her eyes. “if you asked me to, i would’ve sold everything in my possession and join you.” she shook her head. “i was alone, i had no one. and the one person who understood me, who loved me more than anything in the world, suddenly didn’t anymore. do you know how… broken i was after you left? i would fall asleep at five in the morning, wake up in the evening and stare at the window all day. i’m not saying this to rub it in your face, make you feel bad. what i’m saying is, i can’t go back to who i was back then. i won’t survive.
so if you’re saying that you’re back, after eight years, i want you to think about what you really mean by that. are you back for a few weeks, a month at most, looking for someone to keep your bed warm… or are you ready to fulfill that promise you made that night?” she finished, wiping away a tear as she walked up the stairs, leaving him stunned. she dropped down on her bed, burying her face in her pillows. letting out a sob as she heard her front door slam shut.
the days passed, she stayed inside her house for the most part, only leaving to go to the grocery store, praying she didn’t run into mick, or to go on a walk at ungodly hours of the morning. she’d promised herself she wouldn’t go back to how she was eight years ago, so she woke up early each morning, cleaned her entire house, sans her parents’ bedroom, and finished whatever unfinished projects she could find.
she was washing the dishes she’d used to prepare breakfast, when a knock on her door caught her attention.
“michael… what are you doing here?”
“just checking in, everything alright?” he asked, she nodded. “are you sure?”
“i’m… surviving,” she shrugged a shoulder.
“you need to leave this place, when was the last time you went out, breathed in the crisp morning air?”
“this morning, actually. i’ve been going on a run at about five thirty am, every day.” she smiled, feeling proud of herself.
“good, that’s good for you. well, i don’t know if you know, but tonight is the inauguration of the christmas carnival,” she nodded, remembering what corinna had mentioned. “and you know corinna loves you, she’s been helping organize it this year, and i know it would mean a lot to her if you showed up, even for just a few minutes.” michael explained, and she huffed.
“that’s cheating. you know i can’t say no to you, or corinna,” the couple had been her bonus parents, how could she let them down? “i guess i could squeeze it in my very tight calendar,” she joked.
“great, we’ll pick you up at six, you can help us with the finishing touches,” michael skipped down the steps of her porch, walking away, leaving her speechless.
once the sun went down she got ready to go out, wrapping herself in comfortable clothes, applying light makeup to her face. when the clock hit ten before six, she felt butterflies in her stomach.
after sadness, came the acceptance. maybe she’d been right all those years ago, maybe they just weren’t meant to be. no more fighting, she decided.
a ring on her doorbell brought her out of her thoughts, she ran downstairs as the person outside pressed the button again and again, she didn’t have to think twice about who it was outside.
“will you stop? i heard you perfectly fine the first time,” she said as she opened her door, coming face to face with the one person who’d been by her side during her heartache.
“are you sure you weren’t asleep? wallowing in self pity?” the girl outside fake pouted, making her laugh. if it had been literally anyone else, she would’ve punched them, slam the door in their face, but it was gina. and gina knew better than anyone how to deal with a sad (y/n).
“bitch,” the younger girl smiled, shaking her head in disbelief.
“bitch,” gina repeated, wrapping her arms around the girl. they embraced each other, she sighed in relief, now she had someone to save her from the nosy townspeople. “i missed you so much,” gina said.
“i know, i missed you too.” she nodded, now that she was out of the euphoric state after seeing gina for the first time, she noticed mick leaning against her car, waiting for them.
“did you really? or were you too busy with that hot french guy to even send me a picture of you on your way here?” gina raised her voice a little, clearly trying to get her brother’s attention. the girl’s eyes widened, flashing to the blonde for a second. it was true, though, she’d been living in paris for the past year, and she met claude one night in a bar, they’d hooked up a couple of times during her time there, but she made it clear from the first day that it was nothing serious. her heart still belonged to someone else. someone who was currently straightening his back, moving his head to the side, avoiding her gaze.
“gina…” she whispered, “what the fuck?”
“trust me. he has to know you won’t be waiting around for him,” gina whispered back. “anyways,” she said loudly, “let’s go to the carnival, i’m sure mom and dad are wondering where we are,” gina grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the house. she locked the door behind her, shoving the keys in her pocket.
“hi,” she breathed as they approached mick, who gave her a small smile before looking away.
“hi, you two ready?” he asked.
“yeah, let’s go,” gina answered. the three of them walked toward the main square, where the carnival was taking place. “shoot, i forgot something. you too go on without me, i’ll meet you there, bye,” gina rambled, running back to her house, leaving the two of them alone, standing there in the cold.
they watched her run away, her figure getting smaller the further away she got.
“twenty bucks says she planned this,”
“i don’t want to lose twenty bucks over this,” she chuckled, humorlessly. she took a few steps forward, looking behind her shoulder to see him standing there, awkwardly. “are you coming, or what?” she placed her hands inside her pockets as she kept walking, it only took him two seconds to reach her side.
his hands itched, she was so close, with just one movement of his arm and he’d be holding her.
“listen, i…” she spoke, looking straight ahead. “i don’t want to keep arguing about… us. just for tonight, let’s… leave that behind us, even just for a few hours. this night is important for your family, and i-” her voice broke, and she stopped walking, they could see the lights and hear the excited talking from the carnival. “i want to have a nice night, i don’t want to think about tomorrow, or the future, just…” she looked up at him, seeing the same hurt look on his face.
“okay,” he said. “just one night.” she nodded, looking at his outstretched hand. “like nothing ever happened,” he offered.
“we’ll probably regret this in the morning,”
“maybe,” he shrugged, “but we’ll worry about that tomorrow. for now, let’s enjoy what the town of eroda has to offer.” she held his hand, fingers lacing together immediately, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.
if there was one day of the year where they could pass unnoticed by everyone else, it was the inauguration of the winter carnival. the whole town seemed to be under a spell, too lost in the snow, the games. as the minutes pass, as they jump from one attraction to the other, it’s like turning back time. suddenly, they’re both fifteen again, and he’s winning stuffed animals for her, she laughs and cheers for him when he raises his hands in celebration.
it feels so easy, she realizes, to fall back into their usual routine, their old ways, once they’ve both decided that this night is for them, and them only. even though they both know that the morning after will be like the breakup all over again, they push that thought to the back of their mind.
they can be hypocrites, masochists and stupid for one night. and if this is the last night, before the grand goodbye, then they’ll take full advantage of the time they have left.
she leans her head against his shoulder as they watch the fireworks show. he wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. he feels eyes on him, and as he turns to the side he sees his family looking at them, wide smiles on their faces. and he feels a lump in his throat.
“come with me,” he whispers, grabbing her hand. she looks at him, a small frown on her face.
“why? where are we going?” she chuckles as he leads her away from everyone else.
“you’ll see,” he says, looking at her from behind his shoulder, a small smile on his face.
in a town this small, it doesn’t take her too long to realize where he’s taking her. they sneak into the football field of the high school they went to years ago. they walk behind the bleachers, where they shared many kisses hidden from prying eyes. they walk in unison, headed straight to the center of the field.
they laid side by side, looking up at the stars.
“do you ever… think, wonder, about what could have been?” she asks.
“every day,” he answers.
“me too,” she whispers.
“who… wha- who is the hot french guy gina mentioned?” mick asks, gripping her hand tighter, involuntarily.
“claude. i’ve been living in paris, and he…” she shrugs, “he’s just a guy,”
“is that really all he is?” was he jealous? did he seriously think there could be someone other than him for her?”
“trust me, i’ve tried my luck with guys, none of them are you.” she breathes, slowly taking out a brick of the walls around her.
“good,” he whispered, and he couldn’t help a small from forming on his face. was he being a jerk? maybe. but it was a great relief to know that bit of information.
“idiot,” she chuckled, punching his shoulder lightly. “you’ve officially ruined me for other guys, how does that make you feel?” she lifted an eyebrow.
“fucking fantastic,” he laughs, and she does as well. suddenly, their laughter fills the empty football field.
why were they laughing? maybe it was the snow and the cold beneath them that had affected their brains. once the laughter died down, the sadness came back.
“it is fantastic… you have no idea how much it hurt just hearing your name, seeing your face on the newspaper. i couldn’t even try to fall in love with someone else without having the whole town shooting me pity glances, “poor thing, the love of her life went away, now she has to find a replacement”. fucking stupid. stupid. why did you have to leave?” there were tears in her eyes.
“i don’t know… if-if i could turn back time, go back to that moment, i would. i would ask you to come with me, you have always been my motivation, the reason i’m doing this. i-”
“do you think he could’ve worked out?” she asked, eyes shifting to the stars above.
“i do. god, we’ve wasted so much time, i just know that if you’d left with me… we’d be the happiest people in the planet,” her heart broke. “i’m sorry for all the pain i’ve caused you, for not thinking about you, for being selfish, i- i don’t even know why you’re still talking to me. i would’ve been furious, ready to-”
“i was. i was furious. but i couldn’t be the one holding you back. like i said, i just knew you’d come to hate me, eventually. it’s better this way, now we just have the memories.”
“what about a future?”
“please don’t… don’t use that word if you don’t mean it.”
“but i do. i know it’s probably so fucked up from me to say, but i’ve already got a taste of a lifestyle that i adore, and i’m so incredibly grateful that you let me have it. but now i… i’m ready. i’m ready for more.” he sat up. “the worst mistake i ever made was letting you go. and now that we’re both here, i don’t want to do it again.”
she didn’t reply, just laid with a blanket of snow beneath her.
“i don’t know if i can survive another heartbreak,”
“you won’t have to. i promise. i’ve learned my lesson the hard way, i can’t let you go again.” he sat on his knees next to her. “that is… if you want to. i- i completely understand if you… if you don’t want me,”
“i’ve wanted you since before i knew what love was.” she breathed, sitting up as well, feeling the snow in her hair. “if we… if we’re going to do this, for real this time, we have to be completely transparent with our feelings,” she let her fingers play together, eyes drifting down. “our choices, we make them together. wherever you go, i go.”
“there’s nothing that i want more than that,” he held her hands. “it’s always been you. you’re the one for me, the one i want to share everything with. i want you more than anything in the world.”
“you have me. you’ve always had me.” she grasped his face in her hand. “i was just too stubborn to admit it,”
“no, i deserved it. after the hell i put you through,” he shook his head, but the girl leaned in.
“the journey was hell… but it brought me heaven, it brought me back to you.”
“we can make this work.” he nodded, she gave him a small smile.
“everything leads me back to you. and this town,”
after eight long years, their lips met again. the sparks were there, they never left. she’d missed his touch so much, she felt her skin on fire as his hands roamed over her back, her waist, her face. she clung to him, afraid that if she let go he’d disappear forever. her back hit the white snow, a chill running down her back from the cold, but it was put out by his magical hands on her face.
“i’m sorry… for making you wait so long, i know patience wasn’t really your forte,” he whispered on her lips.
“luckily, for you, i am.”
“i haven’t seen him smile like this in months,” corinna whispered to her husband, watching the young couple sitting in front of the christmas tree.
“i know. everything is back in place, like it always should’ve been,” michael said, his arm around corinna.
the girl was laughing, sitting in mick’s lap as he whispered in her ear.
“i love you, mein liebe,” he said, catching her off guard. a smile appeared on her face.
“you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to hear that again,” she replied, burying her face against the crook of his neck.
“will it take you a while to get used to it?” he asked, chuckling lightly.
“no,” she shook her head. “this might,” she played with the ring around her finger.
“you better get used to it, it’s not leaving that finger any time soon,”
“really?” she raised an eyebrow, smiling.
it might not make sense to most people, how can a couple be engaged just five days after getting back together? but for them, it was just picking up where they’d left off. the deep love they felt for each other was still there, untouched. sure, they’d felt other feelings along the way, but love would always be the strongest. they wouldn’t hesitate anymore, they wouldn’t waste any more time they already had. they were in charge of their own destiny now.
“good, because i don’t want anyone else. only you,”
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wri0thesley · 2 years ago
Tighnari is so comforting, his presence is just full of warmth and feels like refuge and rn he's the first character I think of when I'm too depressed to function but not depressed enough to stop fantasizing about fictional characters lmao. He'd just have this sense for when you're in a funk, schedule someone else to patrol for him, and then proceed to spend the day taking care of you in the most natural way possible without even giving you a chance to protest. And if you try to insist you're fine or apologize for wasting his time he'll just (fondly) scoff at you and remind you that it's his duty and utmost priority to ensure the well being of all those under his care, and that includes you (because fr nothing is more important to him!!). You need to be held? He's pulling you closer and wrapping his fluffy tail around you and brushing your hair back to press the softest kisses to your forehead. You just want his silent company? He'll be by your side all day, the sound of him writing his reports or flipping pages ever present. You want to talk about what's bothering you? He gives you his undivided attention and depending on what you need either soothes you with words of validation and understanding, or helps you logic through your feelings with actual constructive advice. Casually listing out all your good qualities in that matter-of-fact tone, and if you get embarrassed about it he just grins and keeps going. Or if you'd prefer for him to do the talking, he distracts you with anecdotes from his life (be they embarrassing stories from his childhood, memories of his time attending the akademiya, or frustrated rants about careless adventurers told in a way that lets you laugh at his misfortune - any time he makes you smile, he for sure secretly preens about it to himself). If you need to cry he simply holds you against his chest and encourages you to let it all out, running his hand along your back and intermittently kissing the crown of your head, carefully wiping your tears away with a cloth he strategically placed nearby beforehand when you lift your face again.
He still insists you get up to eat and stay hydrated, he'll get everything for you himself. If you cling to him to keep him from leaving he sighs in fake exasperation and just lifts you up with him as he stands. He doesn't mind if you're draped over his shoulders while he's cooking for you, only shifts now and then to make sure you're not in danger of being burned or cut. (And if the feeling of you nuzzling into his neck makes him smile nobody's around to see anyway shhhh)
Through all of it he'd be patient but firm, and if you seem to be feeling somewhat better later on he insists that getting you out for some fresh air would be good for you. He won't force you if you don't want to (and if you truly aren't feeling up to it he'll simply nod and suggest more cuddling) but the flowers look so pretty this time of day and he saw a really unique pattern on one of them earlier and it's such a shame you're going to miss out--
(And yeah, while the fresh air and sunlight do help, what actually brightens your mood is probably the way he fully interlaces his fingers with yours every time he wants to show you something or pull you in a direction, and the surprised but utterly delighted expression he makes when you start pointing out plants and fauna yourself and asking him about them like usual <3)
Honestly it's worth letting him take care of you just for the satisfied look he gets once he sees you feeling better, he would do anything within his power to make sure you're happy and healthy, and he truthfully relishes in having opportunities to care for you like this :'))
Sorry for the long ask I think ur tags just like. Broke something in me lmao I just love tighnari sm he's the definition of comfort imo
anon this ask made me want to CRY. one of nahida’s voice lines talks about how he needs to learn to be gentler with people but i think that, for those he loves, he learns. and he wants to do a good job so badly! he wants to make them feel as good about themselves as they make him feel. him letting you stroke his tail for comfort . . . sobbing
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metalbuckaroo · 4 years ago
hi lovely! i have a request if you’ve not already wrote one or you’re willing to write it :) - a lil drabble about if mafia!bucky misses date night bc he’s too busy with his business and stuff (a little angsty and a lil fluffy)
thank you sm <3
SUMMARY// Bucky misses the 3rd date night in a row and assumes buying you something will make up for it
WARNINGS// cursing, lil angst, lil fluff, I think that's ab it
AU// mafia!bucky
NOTE// this was pretty fun to write, not gonna lie
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Bucky mentally cursed at himself as he got out of his car, quickly climbing the stairs of your apartment building as he looked at his watch.
Five hours late for a reservations he'd made to your favorite restaurant three weeks before.
"She's gonna fucking kill me." He grumbled to himself as he flipped through his keys for the one to your apartment door.
"Hey, baby." Bucky gave you a nervous smile when he saw you stand from the couch, dress flowing against your thighs as you stormed down the hallway.
"Come back- I'm sorry." He huffed, letting the door shut so he could follow after you. "Get out." You snapped, slamming the bathroom door.
He leaned his forehead against the wood and sighed. "I got caught up, I said I was sorry." Bucky tapped his metal knuckles against the door, hearing a soft sniffle on the other side. "This is the third time you've missed a date. In a row. I've barely seen you in the past two months. I might as well be single..."
His heart twisted at your words and he squeezed his eyes shut, the possibility of losing you due to him flaking out so much finally weighing on him. "Don't say that, darling. Please, don't say that." He pleaded, trying to turn the knob. "I'll make it up to you. New dress? Maybe some shoes to match? Anything you want, I'll buy for you."
Bucky almost fell forward when you slung the door open, swiftly catching himself with the doorframe as you looked up at him with tears streaking your face. "I don't want you to spend money on me, I wanna spend time with you."
His hands reached to hold your waist as you shoved pass him. "You look so gorgeous, sweetheart. C'mon, let's go find something to do." He offered as you pushed his hands away. "Go away." You muttered, feeling behind you for the zipper of your dress.
"No, don't undress. We're gonna go do something." He said while tapping your hands away gently. "You can go do something, I'm going to bed."
"I told you I was sorry and I would get you whatever you wanted to make up for it!" Bucky didn't mean for his tone to raise the way it did. Though, it still didn't phase you as you whipped around to glare at him.
"Buying someone things doesn't make up for everything, James! You need to understand that money doesn't solve every problem!" You retorted, Bucky's shoulders slumping and eyebrows knitting together. "I figured it'd make you happy."
You scoffed and tugged at your zipper. "I don't want money, I want you. You make me happy. Get that through your thick skull." You seethed, poking a finger into his thick chest.
"Did you just- poke me?" Bucky wasn't mad, more confused by your actions and words. "Just go home. If you can't understand that all I want, is to spend even just an hour with you- then go home." You said waving a hand at him.
"I'm offering to take you somewhere and buy you something, sweetheart!" He tried to soften his tone with the petname so it wasn't as harsh, urging his gaze not to watch the dress pool at your feet. "Exactly- buy me something! That's all it ever is! 'I'll buy you this, I'll buy you that'- I just want my fucking boyfriend!"
The tears that pooled in your eyes made everything click in Bucky's mind, knowing exactly what he had to do so that he could make it up to you.
He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine," he said pulling his dress shirt from the waistband of his slacks. "Wanna go to bed? Do it. I'll be in the living room watching TV. Might even order some take out." He walked to your dresser as he unbuttoned his shirt, getting in the very last drawer that held some of his clothes he'd left behind.
"Whatever." You mumbled, getting a shirt from your closet to wear.
You watched as Bucky pulled on a pair of sweatpants, sitting a thin, rectangular box on top of the dresser before walking out of the room.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you folded your arms across your chest and huffed out a breath. Looking at the box he'd left behind.
You rolled your eyes at it as you crossed your legs under you. Thinking it was something he'd sent someone for as a way to apologize.
Maybe you had overreacted, maybe you hadn't. It didn't seem like such a bad thing to want some time with him. He just stayed so busy all of the time.
Bucky sat in the living room for almost an hour, waiting for the food delivery and for you to finally come out of your room. He knew that you wouldn't actually go to sleep if he was sat in your living room. You'd wait for awhile for everything to cool down, then come out.
Your soft footsteps caught his attention from the TV as you padded into the room wearing one of his shirts. Eyebrows knitted together as your eyes wandered towards the TV for a moment and you moved to stand in front of him. "I'm sorry, darling." He exhaled, reaching his hands out to you.
You looked at him for a moment before sitting on his lap, his arms going around your tightly. "I shouldn't have yelled at you." You murmured, tracing one of the golden lines on his bionic left arm. "I understand, I shouldn't have yelled either. I'm not around as much as I should be. I'll turn my phone off until I leave tomorrow afternoon- Did you open the box?" He said, pressing a kiss to your temple as you shook your head. "No, I don't want an apology gift. I told you that."
Bucky chuckled lightly and hugged you a little tighter. "I bought it yesterday, didn't think I was gonna be so late. Was gonna give it to you over dinner as an early anniversary gift." He shrugged, another kiss pressed to your shoulder this time before he patted your leg for you to move over.
You watched him go down the hall and into your room, coming back out with the velvety box in hand.
"You're impossible sometimes, you know that?" You stated as he sat back down beside you. "Mhm, you love it." Bucky smirked, pecking a kiss to your lips as he opened the box. Taking the tennis bracelet out. "And cheesy."
Laughing lightly, he placed it on your wrist. Clasping it before turning the jewelry to show the 'J' pendant that was attached to it. "Extremely cheesy for you, sweetheart."
"What kind of food did you order?" You said softly, looking down at the pendant as you messed with it. Bucky sitting next to you and pulling you into his side. "The all night diner down the street. Your favorite." He exhaled, pulling your legs to hook over one of his. "Really?" You said, finally looking at him again.
Humming in response, he place a brief kiss to your lips. Cold left hand cupping the inside of your thigh. "I really do care for you, sweetheart. Would hate to lose you." You nodded pecked a kiss to the dimple of his chin, lifting your hands to hold his scratchy jaw. "No more apology gifts."
Bucky's blue eyes sparkled as he looked at you, a wide smile flashing his pearly whites. "Whatever you want, sugar."
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Taglist: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @supernaturalbaesduh @bucky-hues @suchababie @an-adult-fairy @ju5tyna20 @hallecarey1 @jxlystan @elizabeth228 @secret21121 @strwbrrybucky @busybeingtrash @harrysthiccthighss @everything-burns-down @ynsdiarys @sunnynapp @bucky-harrymybfs @sylleblossomstar @winter-soldier-101 @smokeinherperfume @andreead @amalfoyandariddle @mal-edictions @magicaleternal @doll1917 @eireduchess @commonintrest
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miyagihawk · 4 years ago
i don’t even know you anymore | eli “hawk” moskowitz x fem reader
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warnings: angst, cussing, mentions of mild violence
summary: your boyfriend eli has “flipped the switch” and he calls himself hawk now. the changes in him are breaking your heart.
a/n: another hawk one omg i should just become a cobra kai page honestly... but i love him sm. also shoutout to @sapphireplums for being the absolute sweetest!!!
word count: 1,141
Your boyfriend Eli was gone the second he stepped into the Cobra Kai dojo.
The changes were gradual. He slowly started becoming more defensive and angry, and he spent less time with you to practice karate. But you convinced yourself that he was just gaining confidence and that you should be happy for him.
He was still Eli until a few weeks later, when he became unrecognizable to you.
You thought it was bad before, but the birth of “Hawk” made you think that Eli had a secret crazy twin and that it was all just a huge prank. But it wasn’t. The tattoo and the mohawk were all too real.
This new “Hawk” was the true opposite of your boyfriend. Eli was soft spoken and sweet. He loved holding your hand while you walked around school and he loved playing with your hair during movie nights.
Hawk on the other hand is cocky and aggressive. At school he puts his arm around you as if showing you off like a shiny trophy. When you do hold his hand, you don’t say anything about the scars on his knuckles from the fights he starts. Movie nights are now a party of one, an empty spot on the couch where he used to touch your locks.
But through it all, through all the changes, you kept quiet.
The truth is, you still love him. Everyday you hope that he’ll change back and your sweet Eli will come back to you.
But as you see him throw punches... as you see his rage and the way he shows no mercy to his victims, it breaks your heart. Often cleaning up his cuts that he gets from throwing the first hit. Seeing all the new attention he gets from other girls. All of it is enough to make you lose your hope and you came to the conclusion that Eli was never returning.
You sigh as you open your front door to reveal a scene you’ve become desensitized to.
It’s Hawk, paired with a busted lip and a black eye.
He gives you a sheepish smile and you step back to let him inside.
“Hey,” he greets. You don’t say anything, you just make your way to your room and he follows closely behind.
It’s silent as you take out the first aid kit. He sits on your bed and takes off his shirt, revealing several bruises littered across his stomach . This has become such a routine that the kit was just kept on your desk.
You can feel his stare on your face as you clean up all of his cuts, but you don’t make eye contact with him. You’re tired, emotionally and physically. You finish up and put the first aid kit back.
Hawk pulls your arm back to him and you stand in between his legs. He caresses the skin of your waist right under your shirt and asks, “Can you kiss me?”
It’s tempting; you want to give in. You’ve barely spent time with him in the past few weeks and the attention still made your heart swell. But you can’t.
You look him in the eye for the first time tonight. His icy blue eyes felt like a stranger’s. You softly pull his hands away from you and get into the other side of the bed where you were sleeping before he came. Facing away from him you mutter, “Just go to sleep Hawk.”
“What’s wrong?” He asks quietly, and you can feel his eyes on you even though you’re turned around.
“Nothing’s wrong. Just go to sleep, okay?” You close your eyes and sigh.
“Something is wrong,” Hawk’s voice raises.
“Why do you think so?” You sit up, feeling anger bubbling in your stomach.
He scoffs, “Because my own girlfriend won’t even kiss me? Just tell me what’s wrong Y/N.”
You roll your eyes. “You really want to know what’s wrong Hawk? Everything’s wrong! I- I can’t do this shit anymore!”
He’s standing up now and you get out of the bed to face him.
“Y/N what are you talking about,” he furrows his eyebrows and frowns.
“I’m talking about this,” you point at his gelled up hair, “and this,” you grab his shoulder and turn him around to show him that you’re talking about his stupid tattoo. “Look at your face. I don’t kiss you because I’ll only taste blood.”
You grab his hands, and it hurts your heart to imagine the type of pain he inflicted on someone else to get them to look like that. “Look at your hands, Hawk. These used to hold me and play with my hair. Now you use them to bully some poor kids just because it makes you feel powerful. It’s all wrong.”
Hawk looks at you speechless and hurt. It’s the first time you’ve said anything about how you felt towards his new identity and your anger has built up, now exploding in his face.
If someone else was saying this to him, it would go in one ear and out the other. But coming from you, the person he loves most... It hurt like hell.
“This is me,” was all he could say.
“It’s not you. The boy I loved wouldn’t dare to hurt people like you do,” you nod your head and something changed in Hawk’s eyes that almost scared you. His heart felt stabbed when you said “loved”.
“The boy you loved was a fucking loser Y/N; he’s gone. He was insecure and he was a pussy. I’m better now, why can’t you just fucking see that!” He yells and you step back.
He has the fire in his eyes that he has when he’s fighting and that scares you.
“Eli please. I- I’ll help you okay? It’s Kreese he’s in your head. This... this is not you,” you beg.
“My name is Hawk. And I don’t need “help” Y/N. I’m more me than I’ve ever been. Kreese actually sees that. Unlike you,” Hawk says bitterly, offended that you would insult his mentor and the only person who believes in him.
“If this is you then I can’t. I can’t just keep doing this. You aren’t who I fell in love with. Like you said, Eli is gone,” you give up, turning away from the stranger your boyfriend has become.
As you sit on your bed with your back turned to Hawk, you let the tears you’ve been holding back fall down your cheeks.
You miss him. Eli.
You hear rustling and steps behind you, and you assume it was him gathering his stuff to leave.
The door was closed shut with a deafening silence and your sobs consume your body. You’ve never felt a heartache like this.
part 2!!
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missluckycharms · 4 years ago
What is grief, if not love persevering?
Anon asked: heyyy! i love your writing sm💕 can you write angst please? make it hurt☹
Summary: in which Harry is a single Dad due to losing his wife five years ago just shortly after their little love was born. Y/N has been there through it all. Harry has a rough night filled with whiskey and tears for his late wife.
A/N: this one is full of Angst and light hearted jokes to not get you too sad … sorry in advance, it’s a real tear jerker. Enjoy!!
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, talks of alcohol and drug abuse, talks of depression and very low mental health, curse words.
Five years.
It’s been five years since the passing of Myla Styles, the woman who granted Harry a wish he always wanted, the woman who loved him beyond all the galaxies and the woman who never saw any wrong in anyone, not even the worst of people, she always used to say “deep down, their heart is just aching” and Harry always admired that about her, she always looked on the positive side of life.
She held that same attitude as he held her hand in the hospital room, her fragile and pale body laying on the white bed as she peered up at him, oxygen tube in her nostrils and too many machines to count hooked up to her body, she was a shell of a woman, but she still had a heart of gold, the same hear Harry fell in love with when they were sixteen years of age. He hated seeing her this way, especially when their nearly one week old baby was resting in his other arm, fast asleep as her Mum clung to every bit of life she had left, but not once did her smile fade.
It all happened so fast, one day she was pushing life into the world and eight days later her life was being taken out of this world. There was complications with birth, the doctors and nurses finding undiagnosed ovarian cancer in her ovaries when they had to send her in for an emergency c section. Myla confessed she felt off, her body didn’t feel right, but she knew if something was seriously wrong, she wouldn’t risk the life of her baby getting treatment, she would rather her baby live over her. Doctors and nurses tried their best, trying to refer her to new hospitals to get stronger chemo if she wanted, but Myla refused, she told them to let her go, she was tired and she couldn’t stick around long enough to see if these treatments would work — she knew she was dying but Harry refused to believe it.
The day she left, was the day Harry felt like his whole world stopped, like the curtains were shut and he was left in a dark room with no way out. He promised Myla he would do his best to take care of their love, who they named Honey. He was dealing with the loss, Honey taking his mind off it a little and giving him reasons to pull himself from bed even on the days when he wanted to lay around and wallow in his own darkness — she pulled him out of those days, but two months later it all came crashing down on top of him.
He slipped into a wrong mind set, immediately knowing that Honey had to be taken away from him because he was living in fear he would hurt her, one day he woke up and he looked at her and just cried, he held her and he felt nothing, he didn’t even sympathise with her when she would cry for food, he felt nothing towards Honey and this scared him, terribly. Anne, his Mum took Honey in, letting Harry to relax and blow off some steam and get some help, his and Myla’s family all agreeing and saying he needed help and it wasn’t something to be ashamed about — he just lost his wife, they can’t lose him either.
Harry took the wrong route of clearing his mind and getting help, he found his therapy at the end of a bottle and a line of cocaine. He slipped into an endless spiral of week long benders and debts for drug money along with risking losing his home due to him quitting his high up job at his Fathers Law firm, he completely crashed and burned, he couldn’t live without her, he couldn’t stop his mind racing and the only way for it all to stop, and let him feel numb — was when he was drunk and high, passing out in every room of his home and in his garden, the neighbours finding him sometimes in their yard in a mess. They were the ones who got him help, they called up his family and they all rushed him off in an ambulance to get him sober and conscious again. Here is where he made the decision to sign himself into rehab, accepting the help the hospital offered and a few months later, he was out and clean, he stayed with his Mum until Honey turned one and that was the year Harry found his smile again, found his life and purpose again.
Looking back now, he doesn’t know how he ever made himself believe it was Honeys fault Myla was no longer here, he doesn’t know how he’s even alive because of all the drugs and alcohol he ingested every single night for three months solid, but he knows why everything turned around, it was his Angel looking down on him, guiding him and kicking him in the ass to get up and look after their little love, just like she asked him to do before she left, always look after himself and Honey.
It’s been five years since her passing, Harry is doing better than ever, he started working for his Dad’s company again and now he’s the president of the law firm, alongside his Dad who is the CEO, Harry being second in command and then being the CEO when his Dad retires from the firm. They kept their family home, even if it was just the two of them, they loved the home and it still felt like Myla was living here, her makeup still tucked away in her unused vanity in Harrys bedroom and her favourite paintings still hung up around the home. Harry even hired a nanny, she has been working for him for two years now, she’s even working alongside Harry in his office being his receptionist during the day and she’s Honeys afternoon and night nanny when she’s done in work and Honey is home from school.
Y/N is Honeys nanny, she takes care of the little lady and feeds her daily, even taking her to the playground and to the movies when Honey asked her could she go. She would do anything for Honey and Honey loved her endlessly, she loved the way she would allow her to eat sneaky chocolate bars after dinner every now and then and how she would always play dollies with her, kneeling down on the floor of the den and playing with the small girl until they were both in fits of laughter. Harry also adored Y/N, her passion for her job at the law firm along with her passion for looking after Honey is something he admires, she never once complains about being exhausted even though he can tell when she is, she didn’t have to think twice when Harry offered her the job as Honeys nanny, she knew the little one from her being in the office every now and then, and Honey was instantly drawn to her, the way she was so kind and the way she cared for Honey.
Tonight is a hard night for Harry, it’s Myla’s death anniversary and he’s been having a bad day, his mind racing and his heart breaking all over again, but this time he’s stronger, he’s able to power through until he could be alone and just let his emotions go, have a glass of whiskey and just cry a little flipping through old photo albums — he does this every year on her anniversary. Honey is tucked up in bed and he’s sat alone in the den on the sofa, the photo albums on his lap and his hand clutching a small glass of whiskey as he sips on it flipping through many photos from their wedding and from when they were teens and drunk in love in high school — so many memories can be attached to one person, and Harry knew one day they would be memories, but he didn’t know it would be so soon.
“Honey is fast asleep, left her door cracked open so she can shout if she- Harry? Are you okay?” Y/N stops suddenly, her eyes landing on her boss who was hunched over a photo album on the sofa, curtains drawn and the only light coming from a lamp beside a framed wedding photo of him and Myla on the table by the sofa.
“Yeah, thanks for putting her to sleep” Harry says weakly, not turning around which alarms Y/N, she’s seen him like this last year, she let him be as she was only new to it, but this year she’s determined to sit with him all night if he needs — he needs to have some company.
“That’s you?” She asks sitting next to him, Harry not moving or telling her to leave, he accepts her company as she looks down at the photo his eyes are laid upon — two teenagers at a party.
“Yeah, m’hair was a curly mess” he says with a low laugh, looking over the photo of a seventeen year old version of himself, smiling cheekily clutching a red solo cup and Myla wrapped under his other arm holding him around his waist, both their smiles wide and cheeky and their cheeks flushed pink from the alcohol in their bodies.
“I think it looks cute, pitty it’s not as curly now” she says with a light laugh, watching as his ring clad fingers turn the page, taking a sip from his whiskey as he goes.
“This was our prom, she made me wear a pink fucking bow tie — absolutely hated it” he laughs, the crinkles by his eyes evident as Y/N laughs along, looking down at the curly headed teenager in a black suit, white shirt and a bright pink bow tie, matching Myla’s floor length dress next to him, a shawl over her shoulders matching as the corsage around her wrist match the pink of her dress also.
“She hated that dress a year later, she was packing up for college and I was helping her when she found it, immediately burst out laughing” he says laughing loudly, remembering back at the memory he has, Y/N beside him happy at how joyful he sounds speaking of the memories.
“Oh here we go, Frat boy Harry!” Y/N says with a loud laugh, pointing down at a shirtless twenty year old Harry, backwards cap on his head and “Myla’s Bitch!” Wrote on his stomach in paint, two beer bottles in his hands and Myla on his shoulders cheering with her hands up in a red bikini, matching his swimming trunks and baseball cap.
“Some of the best years of m’life, raging parties and no more curfews, we were two hormonal teens absolutely smitten for one another” he says shaking his head with a laugh, his eyes bright as he flicks them over the photos ranging from Harry dancing, Myla being pushed into the pool by him and Harry passed out with a mustache drawn on him with Myla next to him holding the marker with a bright smile mid laughter.
The book is filled with their college days, to their graduation day from college, their photo in their first apartment, Harry on his first day of work and Myla on hers. They took photos of small things, but at the time they meant the world to them, they were milestones in their lives and they never wanted to forget them. Harry is forever grateful that Myla had an obsession with photography, otherwise he wouldn’t have these to look back on and hopefully show Honey one day what her Mum was like, even if she’s drunk and half naked in some of them at college parties.
Harry and Y/N are in fits of laughter, tears falling from their faces as Harry explains every single memory behind each photo, one photo containing a memory of Myla at her bachelorette party, Harry coming out as a stripper and giving her a lap dance as she slaps his ass and throws money all over her husband — that one will definitely not be shown to Honey. Harry is like a whole different person when he speaks about her, his laugh becomes louder and his eyes become brighter, he even ditched his whiskey after one glass to speak about his late wife, Y/N looking at him with pure amazement and proudness of how far he’s come, how he pulled himself from a hard time and carried on life for the sake of his baby girl. He’s truly inspirational in her eyes.
“It should be easier than this by now, right? Like I shouldn’t be still grieving” he says when their laughs and stories come to a stop, their eyes hooded with sleep and faces hurting from laughing.
“What is grief, if not love persevering? You were both childhood sweethearts, you’ve loved her since you can remember and you always will, she’s your whole world, of course you’ll still grieve her, you still love her, and that’s okay” Y/N blurts out, her words quick as she blabs on while Harry watches her, a smile on his face as she explains and accepts his feelings.
“Never knew you were Shakespeare” is all he says, she rolls her eyes laughing, slapping his bicep a little as he shuts the album, tucking it away in the drawer again before turning his focus back onto Y/N beside him.
“Seriously though, never tell yourself you’ve been grieving for too long, it’s okay to grieve and cry yourself to sleep some nights, I get that, I do. You lost a person who made you who you are, but don’t forget, you still have a little one that will need you to be the person who makes her who she is”
Harry thinks she’s amazing, she’s smart and she’s so empathetic towards everyone and anyone. She has a heart of gold and she will never let anyone explain hers or anyone else’s feelings for them, she always allows people to express who they are, heck, one night she brought Harry to a gym after hours, explaining how her brother is a trainer there and he gave her the keys on the condition that she does his laundry for a month, she let Harry rage out and punch the shit out of a punching bag one night because he was so upset. She cheered him on and he was smiling as he was punching towards the end, she helped him release the emotions that built up and would of lead him back down a dark path.
She’s been an Angel sent from above, he knows Myla sent her to him because of how much they’re alike, Harry knows for sure they were sisters in a past life, their kind hearts and understanding natures alike but they have their differences, Myla was very out spoken and loved to party but Y/N is reserved and would rather stay inside with a hot chocolate and her crosswords while watching TV, but that’s another thing that Harry finds fascinating about her, she’s younger than him by eight years, when he was her age he was partying.
“Thank you Y/N, I needed this tonight” he says with a smile, her own smile on her face as she nods leaning over to rub her hand over his in a comforting manner, the pair looking at one another as they soak in their presences.
“It’s getting late, I should go” she says realising it’s nearly midnight, Harry and her need to be in work tomorrow morning and Harry has to wake up to get his little lady ready for school also. He gets a bit saddened when she says this, he secretly wants to hear more of her own college years and her own prom much like he told her earlier.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow” he says with a smile, watching as she gathers up her bag and throws it over her shoulder, car keys now in her hand as she smiles at him once more before heading for the den door. She pauses and looks back at him, his eyes meeting hers as they hold contact for a few seconds before she speaks up.
“See you tomorrow, Harry”
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years ago
unbreakable [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x reader, emily prentiss x sister!reader
requested: i love your works sm, could i request a criminal minds one where the reader is emily’s little sister and jj’s girlfriend and she gets injured and she calls jj to tell them her location, but her injuries kept getting worse. jj and emily try to stay calm, but are scared and when they get to her its angsty (and COMFORT)
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*not my gif*
The black pickup truck flew through the red light, heading straight for you. Your blood froze in your veins. You wanted to swerve out of the way, but you couldn’t. You were frozen. 
The black blur grew closer and closer with ease. You couldn’t even get into a position to save yourself, you just continued to stare as the car rammed into your driver’s side. 
The amount of force causing your entire car to flip over and over and over again. Until eventually you landed in a little ditch with your car upside down. 
You don’t know how you were still conscious, but you couldn’t move. Everything in your body ached. 
It was a simple drive. A drive you’ve made countless times. You were going to surprise your sister and your girlfriend at the bureau with their favorite lunch. You know how much stress they’ve been under lately, but then all of a sudden you felt like you were dying in a ditch.
Luckily, with technology these days you were able to use your car to call your girlfriend. The ringing filled the echoing car as your eyes began to grow heavy.
“Hey love, you’re on speaker! What’s up?” JJ’s voice filled the car.
“Hey Y/N,” Emily’s voice said from next to her and you smiled to yourself softly.
You cleared your throat before speaking up, “I’m-I’m in a bit of a situation,”
There was silence on the other end of the phone and you could just imagine their faces right now. They probably looked at each other, each of their smiles dropping.
“What happened?” both of their voice said in unison.
You chuckled softly, “So uh funny story, I was going to surprise you guys today,” you got out as you felt your breathing start to become more ragged, “Bring you your favorite lunch, but as I was a driving a truck came out of nowhere and now I’m outside down in a ditch,” 
“Okay, Y/N, where are you right now?” Emily asked and you could tell her protective older sister was showing. 
You tried to remember where you were driving by, but your mind was starting to become a little fuzzy. You shrugged even though they couldn’t see you, “I’m-I’m not sure, I already got the food so I was on the way to the bureau. I can’t remember,” you admitted and you started panicking even more, “Guys, why can’t I remember?” 
Reid’s voice whispered to both JJ, who was pacing the room, and Emily who was currently bitting on her fingernails, “She’s probably suffering head trauma,” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” JJ’s voice whispered soothingly into the phone, “Close your eyes and try to think,” 
You closed your eyes, following the exercise the BAU did on countless occasions to help victims remember, but you came up empty, “I don’t know! I can’t! I can’t remember!” you exclaimed as your chest started heaving. 
“It’s gonna be okay, can you move?” JJ asked again, “Are you able to get out of the car?” 
You shook your head, “No, no I can’t move. J, what’s wrong with me?” you whimpered.
It was her turn to shake her head, “Nothing, absolutely nothing. We’re gonna have Penelope track your phone okay? And we’ll be right there to you. Hotch is gonna send an ambulance as soon as we get your location, okay?” 
“You may want to hurry,” you whispered, feeling blood drip down your face, “I don’t know if it’s ketchup from your burgers or blood that’s dripping from my head,”
You reached up to feel your head and looked back at your fingers before smelling it, “No, that’s blood,” 
“Baby girl,” Derek said in a stern voice to Penelope who was trying her best to get the location fast enough.
She looked at him with a nod, “I’m going as fast as I can,” With a few more types at the keyboard there was a ping, “I got it!” 
They all looked at the computer screen, Hotch was already on the phone with the ambulance repeating back her location. Without hesitation, JJ and Emily ran out of the room and towards the car. Everyone else following suit. 
They drove to where you were which wasn’t that far away, literally down the block. You were almost there. 
The girls parked on the side of the road and noticed that no one bothered stopping to help you. The black pickup truck, nowhere to be seen, he probably drove off as soon as he was well enough to leave. 
There was broken glass leading towards the ditch and they slid down it as safely as possible. Your driver’s side door was caved in so they went to the other side to drive and get to you.
“Hey Y/N?” Emily’s voice filled your ears and your ears perked up, despite your eyes threatening to give out on you any second now, “We’re here now, okay? I need you to stay strong, the paramedic is on their way,” 
You smiled, “I don’t know,” was all you could get out, until you calmed your breathing down, “I don’t know if I can stay awake for that long,” 
JJ’s eyes were threatening to spill the tears that were held in her eyes. Derek went over to the passenger’s side to see if he can help get you out. JJ hung out next to your driver’s side and looked at the blood trickling from your head.
“Can you stay awake for me, baby?” JJ asked and you turned your head to look at her best as possible.
You made a pouty face, “I’m really tired JJ,” you whispered, “I think I need to go to bed,” 
Emily finally started breaking down, “No, we’re gonna try something, okay?” She could see you slowly nod, “Okay, it’s Christmas Eve, you’re six years old and I’m eight. We wanted so bad to stay up and see Santa put gifts under a tree and you were following asleep, but I kept waking you up. You need to keep imagining that okay?” 
“Emily, I love you,” you told her as your eyes started drooping more. 
She shook her head, “Hey, no. Santa’s coming soon! We need to stay awake,” she told you. 
Even with Derek’s strength he couldn’t get the car door open. He slammed his hands on the car in frustration, as he looked up at Hotch, “They’re gonna be here in five minutes!” 
“Hotch! We don’t have that kind of time!” Derek screamed.
JJ reached her hand through your broken window, “I love you,” you whispered to her as she rubbed your cheekbone softly.
“You can tell me that when we get you all bandaged up, okay?” she told you and you shook your head.
“I think my head needs a little more than a band-aid,” you joked which caused her to let out a breathy laugh. 
Mission accomplished, you thought to yourself. 
You started to close your eyes and she shook head, “Hey, stay awake, okay?”
“Can you tell me a story?” you whispered, something JJ would do whenever you were having a rough day or the two of you were being lazy on the couch. 
“Will you stay awake for me if I do?” she asked and you nodded.
“I’ll try my best,” 
“It’s Christmas Eve in about twelve years or so. We have two kids who are six and eight. They’re waiting for Santa to come down the chimney so they can see him. They’re telling each other that they need to stay awake,” she begins and looks at Emily who’s breaking down, crying softly in Derek’s arms. 
Her voice starts to become more shaky, “And I’m shaking your arm in bed every so often whispering to you, ‘Love, you need to stay up so we can put the presents on the tree’. But you’re falling in and out of sleep, so I give you a sweet kiss and rip the blanket off of you. You groan in response as you cling onto me,” 
Your eyes start to close, but JJ continues talking, “You say ‘I'm so tempted to call Rossi and tell him to buy a Santa costume just so they can go to bed already.’” you let out a breathy laugh as JJ tries her best not to cry in front of you, “You always pretend to hate the idea of staying up, but you’re secretly happy because it reminds you of how you and Emily used to be when you were young,” 
“In a world where your parents were barely around and the only people you had were each other, waiting for Santa to come reminds you of her,” she finishes telling you, “You need to stay awake, okay? So we can live a life like that, please,” 
The flashing of blue and red lights, along with sirens filled the void of silence. The paramedics and firemen rushing down the ditch to come and rescue you. JJ is moved out of the way and into Emily’s arms. The two of them crying together, holding each other close. 
The firemen breaking the door away, letting the paramedics due their duties as they rushed you onto a gurney. Your eyes were still fluttering open and closed as you tried your best to hold onto the little life that was present in your body. 
Until you couldn’t anymore. 
/ / /
“Love,” JJ’s voice drew out, you fluttered your eyes open to see her staring back at you, “You fell asleep again,” 
You rolled your eyes teasingly, “I’m sorry, these kids are unbreakable. It’s 4 in the morning and I need to sleep if we’re going to be hosting tomorrow. I mean we still have to finish cleaning,” 
It was her turn to roll your eyes as she pressed a soft, yet sweet kiss to your lips. You smiled into it, the feeling of contentment overflowing you. But it’s gone all too soon as the cool Virginian winter air hit your body.
“No! Babe!” you whispered, groaning. 
JJ was sitting up in bed as you wrapped your arms around her waist, clinging onto her like a sloth onto a tree. She let out a laugh before planting a kiss to the top of your head.
“Rossi is on speed dial, I am more than willing to call him,” you mumbled, before placing a kiss to her hip causing her to laugh more.
The two of you just stayed in that position until you couldn’t hear whispers from downstairs anymore. 
You perked your head up, “Do you hear that?” 
“Exactly,” you shot out of bed as quickly, but quietly as possible. She let out a soft giggle before following suit. 
The hard wood floor cold against your bare feet. You looked from the top step to see the kids finally fast asleep on the floor. JJ opened the closet door and grabbed all of their presents, lying them neatly along the tree.
You took the cookies that they made and took small bites out of it before drinking some of the milk. You went over to JJ with a cookie in your hand, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. 
“Cookie?” you whispered and she nodded gratefully before taking a bite out of it. 
The two of you just swayed from side to side as you embraced the colorful lights of the Christmas tree filling the dark room and your two kids sleeping peacefully on the floor with one another. 
You grabbed your phone from your pocket, shooting a text to Emily who was probably fast asleep. You and JJ got close to the two kids before taking a selfie with them, sending the picture to Emily saying:
They did it again...stayed up much later this time. I’m starting to feel bad for Mom and Dad now!
You grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and laid it over the two kids, as JJ wrote note in cursive thanking them for all the cookies. You placed a kiss to each of their heads before following JJ to bed.
The two of you getting comfortable once more in bed, finally allowing yourselves to try and get some sleep, “Aren’t you glad you stayed awake?” she whispered.
You nodded, softly, thinking back to the time where you almost died, “I’m very glad I stayed awake,” you told her, the double meaning hidden along the sentence. 
But JJ knew, she always knew.
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lacheri · 4 years ago
What’s Eren like as a boyfriend?
thank you sm for requesting! (sfw, fluffy af, boyfriend!eren) 
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what Eren’s like as your boyfriend 
Eren, first and most importantly, is so stupidly in love with you 
Eren’s going to admire you like you’re a piece of art (because you are) Especially during moments you yourself wouldn’t really think were the most attractive. 
Like when you wake up next to Eren and your hairs a mess on the pillow and the morning light graces your features and you smile so lazily and goofy at him, or when your eyes crinkle and your nose scrunches when you laugh really hard
His heart beats so fast and he’s just so in awe, so honored that you’re in his life, it almost brings him to tears
Eren’s favorite sound is your laugh
He flat out enjoys any positive emotion he brings you (as most people do lol), your happiness echoing into his happiness. He knows you and your emotions like the back of his hand
Eren is so perceptive and so observant that sometimes he catches your bad moods before you even do
Absolutely will there to dry your tears, and try to make you laugh whilst doing so
“I’ll fight your sadness babe” “Let me see one more fucking tear and I swear to God I’m taking your brain out and squaring up on sight”
Eren’s just a goofy mf
Actual husband material. You don’t just simply date Eren Jaeger, you marry that man
Eren loves imagining and talking about your wedding day btw, he’ll sit there and give opinions on dresses on your Pinterest, talk about color schemes, all of that, even though he really couldn’t care either way what the day consists of
He just can’t wait for the words “Mrs. Jaeger” to leave his lips
Not necessarily the jealous type, but will give you jewelry with his initials on them, clothes with his name on the back, some material way to show you off proudly that you are his
Eren’s the best gift giver periodt. Christmas brings you to tears every year.
Will buy you concert tickets to your favorite bands/artists, and will attend them with you even if he doesn’t like them, because as long as you’re together he knows he’s going to have fun
Eren makes you playlists of songs that remind him of you, and you do the same because it seems like every love song makes you think of your favorite brunette boy
Words of affirmation and quality time are Eren’s love language
He showers you in compliments and praises, will always wants to spend time together
Eren will watch any show or movie, listen to any band, be apart of anything you enjoy because he genuinely cares about your interests
And on the flip side of that, he’s always going on about his own interests and hobbies and wants you to try them out as well
Will talk for hours with you about your opinions, he’s racking your brain to find hidden traits to fall even more in love with
Eren cuddles are the best. He holds you like a stuffed animal, arms wrapped so tightly around you, your fingers and toes tucked in, legs crossed with yours. He’s a big spoon and this is canon
Will trace patterns all over your skin, he rubs your back to help you fall asleep
King of planning spontaneous trips. He’s such an energetic person, and always wants to take those corny couple pictures at all the locations he takes you to
His entire social media presence is literally just pictures of the two of you. He keeps so many of your pictures in his wallet so he can brag about you to people that have never met you (and you better believe he does at every opportunity)
Will NOT stfu about you when you come up in a conversation. You are Eren’s favorite person on the planet and the planet knows this
You are Eren’s home, and he is yours. If you don’t believe in soulmates or past lives, he makes you change your mind. Because of the way you click, you can talk without sharing words, you just understand each other completely
Eren is a life partner, more than just a lover or friend. He would follow you to the ends of the Earth, and you him
LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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elysianslove · 4 years ago
hey! i saw you are taking request for jujutsu kaisen maybe can i request itadori with his fem! s/o cuddling and kissing? just itadori being happy to have a s/o
hi anon!!! thank you so much for requesting this i loved writing it sm omg. i really hope you enjoy!!
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━━ at the sight of your boyfriend, a lover and a friend in one, you exhale a sigh of relief, shoulders lightly slumping. when he picks you apart from the crowd, he beams, and with a sudden burst of energy, he rushes over to where you stand. with open arms, you greet him. easily, you fit in his arms, throwing your own around his neck as he generously picks you up off the ground. his grip tightens around your waist as he rocks the two of you side to side, a happy sigh leaving his lips as he sets you down.
“you’re okay,” you point out, and he nods, brushing away at a strand of your hair.
“course i am,” he replies, leaning down slightly to press a kiss to your lips. you meet him halfway, reveling in the spark that flies straight down your spine and in the way your heart sinks into your stomach. months with him and the feeling still erupts like flames in your chest as soon as he presses his lips to yours. he brings his hands up to cup your cheeks, exaggerating the kiss by making a loud smooch noise when he pulls back. “missed you, pretty girl,” he admits to you, and you hold back a giggle.
instead, you punch at his arm lightly, attempting to scowl at him. “you scared me, yuuji,” you tell him, and he offers a pout. “you’re never late.”
he sympathizes with you, offering another simple kiss to your lips. against your mouth, he replies, “i’m sorry.” and he means it, clearly, so you shift your pout into an easy smile, nodding gently.
“wanna go get something to eat?” you offer. “or are you too tired and just wanna go home?”
he sighs, deflating slightly as he wonders, “would you hate me if i asked to go for takeout?” it elicits a small laugh from you, and you shake your head, reaching over to intertwine his fingers with yours while you lead the way.
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you make it home just as the sun sets, inviting yuuji in. the both of you follow a familiar pace of routine as you travel through your home, slipping off your shoes by the front door, before each taking a turn to wash your hands and slip off any extra layers of clothing. while you offer him your shower, and he gratefully accepts, you order your usual with him, making note to the receiver on the other end of the line of yuuji’s extra specific wants.
he walks out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam following him, just as you slip on a hoodie over some shorts. although you loved adventurous and spontaneous dates with your boyfriend, his attitude and personality making everything a thousand times more exciting than it already was, you adored days like this even more. where it was just you, him, and the four walls surrounding you.
he grins at you cheekily, shirtless with a towel wrapped at around his waist. you roll your eyes at the suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows and toss him his pair of sweatpants, somehow always conveniently being misplaced in your bedroom. although it’s nothing particularly foreign to your eyes, you look away, giving him small privacy as he slips them on. when you turn back around, he’s already nearing you with the same cheeky smile on his lips.
“sorry i didn’t have any underwear to spare,” you say, but you’re not entirely apologetic.
he scoffs, retorting, “you coulda given me one of your lace ones. i know the pastel pink ones would look so good on me.”
you roll your eyes again, but there’s a hint of a smile on your lips. “hm,” you reply, “to match your hair.” he scrunches up his noise in response to you reaching up and ruffling up his hair, but he doesn’t reject or push you away. if anything, he leans into your touch.
it’s an hour later you find yourself on the couch outside, take out balanced in one hand, chopsticks in the other. you eat your food with yuuji in relative silence, a random show playing on your tv screen as you occasionally offer him some of your food, while he feeds you some of his. it’s intimate in its own way, the way he smiles softly at you while placing his chopsticks between your lips, or the way he reaches over the lick a stripe of discarded sauce near your mouth, or the way you squeal and slap at his upper arm in response, unable to mask the giggling that erupts from your chest. it’s moments like these that only work at deepening your love for yuuji.
with your bellies full and your hearts sated, you lay in bed with him, his arms curled tight around your waist, pushing your body flush against his. if you lean back slightly, you can manage to admire his features up close, a privilege you always take advantage of at any given moment.
“you’re so pretty,” you hear him say. he sounds only somewhat sleepy, a little drowsy, but the apparent tiredness in his eyes doesn’t stop him from leaning forward and pressing a single kiss against your lips. “my gorgeous girl,” he continues, and presses his lips harsher against yours, this time eliciting a gasp from you. the kiss is only messy and lazy because the two of you lack the proper energy to initiate anything stronger, but it still fills you to the brim with ecstasy, much like a drug.
quickly, you’re flipped over, and you settle on his lap. he’s balanced up slightly, leaning his back against the headboard, placing his hands upon your revealed thighs. he caresses the skin softly, kneading lightly to urge you to lean forward and kiss him again. you oblige, and capture his lips once more, your mind going fuzzy with the way his fingers seem to be endlessly ghosting on your skin, up to where the ends of your hoodie rests on your hips. his hands settle there, tightly gripping onto the hem of it. he deepens the kiss only momentarily, letting his tongue slip past your open mouth, before he pulls back, fixing you with a confused glance.
“i knew this material felt familiar,” he announces, his gaze falling onto the hoodie you wear. “this is mine!”
you humor him and hum, taking his chin in your hand and refocusing his attention back on you. he’s distracted now, though, and you know it’ll be almost impossible to get him back into the mood he’d created for the both of you. “it’s mine now,” you say.
he huffs, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest as a pout settles on his lips. god, he looks so fucking cute.
“what?” you tease. “don’t like me in it?”
“no!” he relents, eyes widening slightly. “but this is like the fifth one, baby.” he’s whining now, but you only laugh.
you shrug. “so,” you respond, a playful grin on your face as you stare down at him. “buy another one.”
“you’ll just steal that too,” he points out, and you laugh again, shuffling lower down his body and laying on top of him, resting your palms flat on his chest with your chin balanced on top of your hands.
he looks down at you slightly, taking in the image of you as you say, “tough luck, handsome.”
instead of persevering in his argument, a sly smile plays on his lips, and he sits up, taking you up with him. mouth hovering over yours, he wonders, “handsome huh?”
“yuuji wha—“ a squeal rips from your throat as you’re suddenly flipped over again, yuuji holding himself up above you with one hand placed by your head, the other on your waist — underneath your hoodie. any protest you have is swallowed by his lips on yours again. he’s not an ounce of rough, however, and only kisses you as gently as he first did. you pull back, settling your hands on his cheeks as you stare into his eyes. “my handsome boy,” you confess to him, your compliment eerily similar to his, and he beams leaning down to place his lips on yours once more.
and you realize just how content you are with spending eternity like this.
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end note; and the simp list grows rip </3. i actually loved this and i love yuuji sm and i hope everybody else enjoyed hehe. all your jjk requests (and the haikyuu requests as well) are being worked on i promise i’m not ignoring anyone!!! luv u all <333
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trinimalfoyyy · 4 years ago
can i request Draco dating the reader who’s really giggly( is that a word??? idk but the reader is very happy and laughs a lot) and he absolutely adores her laugh and smile so he spends time learning corny jokes just to hear her laugh even though he finds them ridiculous,, i love this dynamic sm cause they’d be complete opposites! no pressure btw, hope you’re having a great day!!
Complete Opposites-D.M. REQUEST
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warnings: none
requested?: yesss
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When word got out that Draco started Y/N, people went crazy. The ice cold Slytherin prince fell in love with someone who laughs at the dumbest things. They were completely different and yet the two made it work.
You could hear Y/N from a few feet away because of her dynamic laughing. It brought cheerfulness to those around her and many began to suspect thats why Draco was in live with her. The pair met in their second year but had only gotten together in their third.
Everyone loved her smile but nobody loves it more than Draco. Hearing the giggles fall from his girlfriend mouth made him relax. It made him forget the horror that visited him at night. The ones that clung deep in the back of mind. One laugh. That’s all it took—it took one little laugh for it all to go away.
So Draco wanted to hear her laughs, to see her smiles again. So he would surprise her with tickles while holding a huge smile, hearing her laughs as he tickled her sides. But after a while she began to become unfazed and Draco knew he needed another tactic.
So he started to learn jokes, just stupid muggle jokes that would have made him roll his eyes or scoff at the person who said them. But now—he was excited, he wanted to make Y/N happy and thus forget about the fact that they were muggle jokes.
He wrote them down whenever they came to mind. In a little green notebook that Y/N gifted him for his birthday. Inside were jokes that sounded funny out loud and there were jokes that needed to stay inside the book. It became a new routine, writing jokes that would flood his mind.
He even talked to some of the students at school and asked for jokes that muggle would find funny. Many were surprised at how his whole demeanor had changed. He no longer snapped at people but instead would stand up to those. He became more popular around the students as they saw how kind he was.
He would also test his jokes on the students to see if they were good enough for Y/N. Beside each joke were tallies—rating them out of five. Jokes that were three and above were put into consideration of being told to Y/N. When it became finally time to tell his jokes, Draco grew nervous.
Would she not them? Would she think they were stupid? That he was stupid? Draco began to second guess himself as he walked towards class. He knew that she would at least like some right?
Draco tapped his foot on the floor as he waited for Y/N, he finally made up his mind to tell the jokes. So while he waited at lunch, he could feel himself getting nervous and excited at the same time. He just wanted to make her laugh. He wanted to smile back as all his worries went away.
“Draco! Sorry I’m late, the professor wouldn’t stop talking.” Y/N started to smile as she told Draco how interesting her day was. If anyone looked at Draco, they would see him chin on hand as she stared at Y/N. The adoring look on his face as he watched Y/N animate herself by throwing her arms around.
They would occasionally laugh together as Y/N finished her story. Draco pushed a thin piece of hair behind Y/N’s ear as he looked at her. “Love, do you want to hear a joke..?” Y/N started to beam as she smiled even bigger. “I love jokes! Tell me one!” Draco smiled as he shakily pulled out his notebook.
Y/N sat excited as she waited for Draco to tell his joke. Draco felt all clammy as he flipped through the papers to find a good starting joke. He faces his nervousness as he told the first joke. Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”
Draco waited for Y/N to answer and grew even more nervous when she was quiet. But of nowhere he hears a snort and sees Y/N start to laugh. Draco started to laugh as he listened to Y/N giggle so hard tears were started to form. People around them started to look over as they were confused on why Y/N was laughing.
She started to beg for more jokes and Draco started to deliver more. People who were around them started to join in as they all told jokes and laughed together.
In the end, Draco knew they were completely different but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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