#on that note (* giggles and rubs hands in an evil little bastard way *)
angelizs · 2 years
[I refuse to drown - Azul Ashengrotto]
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Summary: He had hurt you. Azul had hurt you and he wasn't sure how he could ever forgive himself, the guilt gnawing at his core. Despite that, you still smile at him. 
Notes: reader and azul knew each other before chapter 3, gn!reader, angst and hurt/comfort, self deprecating thoughts, some mentions of blood, injury and death but none too graphic, not proof read
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Azul had lost everything.
Everything he had built painstakingly for years, crawling himself from the bottom of the depths, that he exhausted himself for, that he carefully planned and gained through his hard work. Gone, just like that, floating away in the wind the same way the sand of the beach is carried away by the waves.
But, the worst of all: he lost control. 
Control of himself, his actions and his mind. Azul couldn't remember what happened after seeing his contracts disintegrating, only that he felt more despair than ever before. Even when he was isolated and mocked by the other merman, he's never felt such helplessness, such anguish, such misery. 
His mind was muddy, he didn't feel like he was in his body. Why would it matter, anyway? It was all gone, gone, gone. 
He let himself drown in the feeling.
Drowning was a strange sensation. Azul, being a merman, never thought he could experience it, but Night Raven College was full of surprises. His lungs felt full, an inky substance occupying where once was air. His vision was dark, as if he had fallen into an abyss. He couldn't bring himself to care.
Azul didn't know which was worse, the hopeless feelings or the lack thereof. 
He stayed floating into nothingness for a while. He wasn't conscious, but he was. He was there, but he wasn't. He didn't have a body, but he did. If he could manage to string a coherent thought together, it might have been something like this: "Is this what death looks like?" Perhaps if he could muster enough strenght to feel something, he might have felt regret for all the things he still had left to do.
If he looked deep into himself, deeper than he was willing to, he might have found that he regretted making you sign one of his rigged contracts and dragging you into this mess. He should have known better than understimating you, he should have known that something like this would happen. After all, you were amazing enough to catch his attention. What made him think you wouldn't be amazing enough to find a way out of his deal? What made him think Jade and Floyd would be enough to disencourage you? What made him think someone like him, so dirty and insicere, could ever dampen someone like you, so determined and bright?
He didn't think about any of it. He didn't think about anything.
The first thing Azul felt when he came back to his senses was light against his eyelids. He was back at the surface. His body ached all over but his lungs no longer bled that viscous black liquid and he felt alive once more. He was still alive.
He could smell a familiar scent, one that he was used to smelling back at the Coral Sea, so used to he didn't identify it a first. He heard shouting that seemed to be miles away and right by his ear at the same time. His slugish head couldn't distinguish what was being said by whom, but he could swear he heard your name, it's mention alone being enough to jolt eletricity back into his being and keep him awake. There were hurried footsteps getting farther away and he finally recognized what the smell was. It was the metalic smell of blood.
He tried to open his eyes but the bright lights of Mostro Lounge burned them, so he kept them tightly shut. He couldn't get up, his legs hurt more than any other part of his body. What had happened? He couldn't have... could he? The last thing he could remember happening before passing out was... oh.
Oh. He did. Azul had an overblot.
His breath hitched, but he forced himself to keep breathing in the air, to keep the blot out, out of his system and out of his lungs and out of his veins and out out out of him. He bit his tounge, clenched his fists and forced his sore eyes to open.
The contracts, they were gone. His life's work. He had made a fool of himself in front of another housewarden. He had an overblot and put everyone in danger. He had put you in danger.
Jade and Floyd were by his side. They were talking to him, but he couldn't register the words. His head was underwater, the pressure weighting him down, his ears filled with water and dripping, dripping, dripping.
He could still smell the blood. Ah, it felt just like home.
Azul looked at his lower half, almost sure in some hysterical part of his brain that he would find his tentacles there. His legs laid on the floor, clean and useless. He breathed a sigh of relief. Still, he couldn't help but wish the blood was his.
He got the gist of what the twins were saying. Leona destroyed the contracts and you had managed to adquire his childhood photo. They were mocking him for the tantrum he threw, but he could tell they were worried. There wasn't much force behind the half hearted taunts and no matter how much they tried to hide, Azul knew them just like they knew him. They were aggravated at what happened as well, no matter how much they pretended they couldn't care less.
"What would you like us to do about the photo?" 
"I'm pretty sure we could just snatch it up with how shrimpy is now, but man, I'm not in the mood for it."
"...I don't care about the photo anymore. Tell me, what happened to the prefect?"
Jade looked at him with pity and Floyd's mood deteriorated. There was a bottomless pit of dread at his stomach, his throat felt dry all of sudden. His eyes burned, but no tears fell from them. When had his breathing become so erratic?
As soon as the twins broke the news to him, Azul tried to stand up and see you, not caring for how much his legs ached and hurt and screamed at him to stay down. Good, he thought with venom, so much loathing and disdain it left a sour feeling in his mouth, they better be hurting after what he'd done. He deserves worse.
Jade helped him balance himself on his legs and Floyd laughed at his clumsy footing, as if it was the first time the three of them set foot on land and were just learning how to walk. Azul felt like he had been stripped from his tentacles and siphon all over again. He had been stripped from his skin and from his mind, had been laid open and bare and vulnerable for all to see, had his chest teared apart and his lungs leaking onto the floor.
Once they arrived at the infirmary, Azul was almost jumped by your friends. The Heartslabyul duo and the young Savanaclaw seemed ready to plummet him to the ground, no care for his condition, if it weren't for Jade and Floyd tanking him by both sides like bodyguards. Azul was glad they didn't care, he was glad they worried so much about you. He would have let them hit him and taken the beating, there wasn't much of his pride left to salvage anyway.
The school nurse had just finished attending you and promptly went to work on his injuries. The Headmaster appeared at the infirmary right after Azul was discharged, no doubt already knowing what happened. He had never seem Crowley look as serious as he did when he asked for the three of them to accompany him to his office. 
Azul's body was exhausted, he clearly needed to rest. Still, he agreed without a fuss, the twins following him closely from behind. He could feel Jade's gaze burning the back of his neck, but he couldn't gather enough energy to care for whatever was going on the eelmer's mind. He felt empty, almost hollow. Frighteningly so, like he was still on that void state, disconnected from his body. Was he even awake?
The talk with the Headmaster was a long and tiring one. At the end of it, Azul accepted the new terms for him to keep running Mostro Lounge at the school, gripping tightly to the only thing he had left. He couldn't lose his beloved restaurant alongside everything else, it would be too much, more than he could handle.
It was dark by the time they were excused to go back to their dorm. Azul felt and looked like a mess, not like the businessman he took pride in being. His hair was dishevelled, there were eyebags under his eyes and his mouth was set in a firm line for a while, not managing much more emoting. 
There was a restlessness under his skin, on his muscles, deep in his bones, down onto every single cell. No matter how worn out he was, there was no way he would be able to sit back. Not until he saw you with his own eyes, saw exactly how much damage he had caused. 
He wasn't able to muster up the courage to look the twins in the face as he told them to go ahead, that he had something to do. Luckly, they decided he had suffered enough and didn't kick up much of a fuss before leaving him alone.
The walk to the infirmary felt like a fever dream, too long and too short at the same time. Azul wondered if your friends were still there at this time, if you were awake, if he was even allowed to enter. He stayed rooted in front of the entrance, trying to gather every last bit of confidence to put up his usual serene façade. 
He wouldn't let you see how affected he was by the whole ordeal. This wasn't supposed to be about him, he wanted to take a look at you. You, who had been nothing but friendly to him, who had caught his attention early on, who spent time with him at Mostro Lounge, who he admired so much, who wormed your way into his heart and refused to leave.
Azul was afraid you hated him now, but by the Sevens how much he wished you did. Why wouldn't you, after he tried to scam you out of your house and almost got you killed. All for his selfishness, for his stupid pride and greed. He was ready for you to scream at him, to hit him, say you never wanted to see him again. Even if the mere thought was enough for him to feel like throwing up, he knew it would be better if he stayed away from you and your light. That way, he wouldn't hurt you again, never again.
Steeling himself with the fakiest smile on his face, he pushed the door open, hands shaking.
The infirmary was quiet, no one in sight save for you. You were laying on one of the first beds, a peaceful expression on your face. You looked beautiful. You always did, to him. There were bandages all over where your skin was visible. Azul could feel the guilt choking him. How could he have the audacity to come talk to you after he was the one that did this?
He turned around and was about to leave when he heard you whisper. It was spoken so softly he wouldn't have heard at all if he wasn't hyperaware of you. "Stay." 
Azul stayed. He could never deny anything you asked for. Especially not when you sounded so pleading, when you looked at him like that.
There was a chair next to your bed, so umconfortable looking as it must feel. But it was the best way to stay closer to you, so he sat on it, waiting for you to drop the guillotine over his head for his sins. 
The silence was suffocating, denser than the pressure at the bottom of the ocean. He wanted you to say something, anything. His gaze was on the floor, lips pulled back, brows furrowed. If he closed his eyes, only the darkness would welcome him, swallow him whole, so he kept them stubbornly open.
"Azul." It felt like a blessing, like a drop of water after walking through the desert, like a warm embrace. Azul relished the way you said his name, the delicious entonation as your tongue rolled over every letter. He wanted to beg you to say it again and again. The only thing he does is lifting his head to look at you.
The proximity between you two was startling. He hadn't noticed how close you were, hadn't noticed you raising your hand, hadn't noticed the shine in your eye. He thought you were about to slap him, but couldn't drag his stare away from your eyes. They looked so gentle, so full of... something. He wouldn't dare try to name the emotion behind them, wouldn't dare hope.
Your hand made contact with his cheek, making him flinch lightly. There was no sting, only your warmth as you held his face. Your fingers left burning imprints where they touched, marked him from the inside out. Wide blue eyes meet your affectionate ones, so open and honest. Why were you being so gentle to him? Acting like nothing happened, like things were the same as before this whole mess occurred. 
"I'm glad." You confess softly, a secret meant only for the two of you, thumb brushing against his cheeks as he leans into your touch and lets himself melt into it while he still can. "I'm glad you're alright, Azul." 
"How can you say that when you're the one laying on a hospital bed?" His voice falls flat, trying to hide his emotions. But he's a cracked shell, his insides are spilling out into your palms, plain for you to pick apart and analyse as you please.
You smile, your joy is so sincere Azul can feel his eyes burn with unshead tears. How could he ever hurt someone like you? How could you still look at him without an once of hatred or disguist or fear?
"I was worried about you." You state as if it was the simplest thing in the world, because it is, to you. The sky is blue, the ocean is cold and you care about Azul. You say as if you aren't shattering his last bits of composure, as if you aren't breaking his heart into little jagged pieces. 
"Don't say that." He manages to choke out, as if the mere words hurt his throat, voice watery and breaking. "Please, don't say that." The 'I don't deserve it' is not said out loud, but both of you can hear it.
"How can I not? It's the truth." His tears flow freely, no longer under his control as he feels the urge to sob, to beg for forgiveness, to hide and never see you again in fear of hurting you. Only you had this effect on him, only you could break his barriers and composure so easily. 
You brush his tears away, whispering reassurances. Wasn't him supposed to be the one reassuring you? He had come to see how you were, to apologize, to let you scream at him, anything. He could take it if you hated him, he would understand, but how could your gaze still hold so much fondness in it, so much love? The guilt shatters him, pierces his heart, make his sobs louder. How cruel could your kindness be?
He had hurt you. Azul had hurt you and he wasn't sure how he could ever forgive himself, the guilt gnawing at his core. Despite that, you still smile at him. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeats, over and over. You say you forgive him, but he keeps going until his voice is hoarse. You don't, no, you can't understand it. You did nothing wrong, you're not like him, hands stained with blood and rot. He lets his guilt out before it festers and consumes him. It isn't enough to make up to you, although it does make him feel a little bit better, to let it all out like this.
You don't lie to him. You don't say it wasn't his fault or that he wasn't in the wrong, but you don't rub it in either. Azul appreciates it, the sincerity. He knows you can hold him accountable when the time is right. For now, you comfort him. You tell him how nobody else could put such effective notes together, how determinated and hardworking he is. How his past doesn't define him and how he has greater strenghts than any magic. He drinks every word up, commiting them to memory.
As his tears seem to dry out alongside his voice, you pull him closer to yourself. He submerges himself into you, your scent, your voice, your touch. He would happily let himself drown on the sensation. You just hold him, rubbing circles on his back and lending him your shoulder. 
It's like time has frozen over. Azul wishes it had. He could stay like this with you for hours if you'd let him, although he doesn't feel ready to admit it, be it to you or to himself. 
Everything is not right. You're still hurt, his contracts are still gone and Azul still feels wrong, the effects of the overblot lingering underneath his skin. His reputation took a significant blow and he'll have to change the method he's always used to work at his own establishment. 
But not all is lost, either. He can start over, the right way this time. You'll be by his side, cheering him on. There's a long road to improvement and Azul has never been one to get scared by such things. He'll put his efforts on getting back on his feet and breaking the surface of the water, as he refuses to drown. 
The late hour weights on your tired bodies, causing you to yawn, your hold on him getting laxer. With the way his body aches, he wouldn't be able to go back to Octavinelle. In fact, he doesn't feel able to move from the chair he is in. He doesn't want to leave you from his sight, to lose your touch. 
You ask him to keep you company, prompting him to lay his head on your lap, an umconfortable position, as he has to bend his torso to reach it, but he doesn't mind. Just having you nearby will be enough. One of your hands interlock your fingers with his and the other plays with his hair as you hum, not letting the silence engulf the room. He's beyond grateful for that, for how you just seem to know what he needs and is more than willing to give it to him. He's never been handled with such care before, like he's wanted, like he's precious. It makes his body feel warm and he basks on it.
He waits until you stop your ministrations, until your breathing evens out and it's just him alone with his thoughts. He keeps his eyes shut, as he knows that if he dared to glance at your sleeping face his heart would burst with affection, the feelings he's trying to rein in exploding from his chest. 
Azul only has made a promise to himself once, when he was a little kid being bullied by his peers, eager to prove them wrong, to prove he could be better than their expectations. Now, he makes a new promise, to protect you and your kindness, to never let someone, least him, hurt you again, to make up for his own shortcomings and become someone you can be proud of.
He loses consciousness for the second time that day, but this time he knows he's alive. He feels it in the way his heart beats in sync with yours, the way his breaths come out from his mouth, the way your fingers are laced with his. 
Azul is alive and swimming to the surface, as he refuses to drown.
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1K notes · View notes
bellsarefun · 4 years
𝕯𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈 (Dragon! Bakugo x Reader)
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【summary:(Y/N) (L/N) lives a surprisingly domestic life alongside her husband, the powerful hot-headed dragon Katsuki Bakugo.】
【pairing:Dragon! Katsuki Bakugo x Female! Reader】
【rating:PG-13 — All characters featured in this story have been aged up over eighteen. Also, there is gore and blood in this, so if you are upset by that this isn’t for you.】
【word count:2.6k 】
【Next Chapter: Part 2】
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(Y/N)’s hands kneaded soft, fluffy, pale dough on a stone counter top fitted in smooth grey stone, the flour falling like snow on her pale beige apron. Her mind wandered with the routine task; make the bread, let it rise, and then bake for one hour—she had done it all before.
Grabbing a nearby bread pan, she eased the freshly kneaded dough into the oak wood bowl. Her hands wiping the bits and pieces of stray batter on the fabric apron tied tightly around her waist. Once she had cleaned them in a nearby water basin, she laid a tea towel over the mouth of the bowl to rise for a few hours.
‘Finally, done. I can take a minute to relax.’ The woman thought to herself, untying the nice bow created by the laces of her apron. ‘Let’s hope he doesn’t get back early.’
Hanging the apron on a nearby hook near the entrance to the makeshift kitchen, she stretched her arms high over her head. Her neck muscles protested angrily as they were strained, but she smiled at the relief shooting across her form.
She looked around the kitchen, her (E/C) eyes scanning the beaten stone counter tops, the haphazardly hanging plants from the ceiling, and scratched wooden shelves for any sign of misplacement or grime. The rocky interior walls casted dancing shadows from the many flickering candles around the room.
Satisfied with her keen observation, she hummed to herself contently. Her feet spinning on their heels as she walked out of the kitchen, making a mental note to light the slab, stone oven afterward.
The kitchen lead into a larger room, large wooden support beams held up the ceiling in every corner. There was a large rounded bed pressed against the wall to her left, large furs and pelts were piled in a heap on the bed. On the farthest wall led a corridor where bright sunlight streamed through from the outside—a stairway could be seen in the corridor leading into a dimly lid spiral down.
(Y/N) noted a few of the candles had blown out in the room, presumably the breeze from outside had extinguished the weak flames. She sighed to herself, straightening out her white blouse and suspenders while she moved to a small table across from the bed.
A small green book embroidered with gold detailing waited for her on the scratched dark wood of the table. Her hands picking up the book she seated herself on one of the chairs, but she soon felt herself falling back onto the cold ground with a painful thud.
(Y/N) groaned, holding the side of her head carefully as the world spun around her in a warm blur. Her eyes managing to focus on the chair who had spitefully broken under her the moment she sat down.
“For fucks sake, of course.” She cursed under her breath, using her elbows to hoist herself up from her spot on the floor. Her hand searching for the book that had been flung from her hand, finding it a few feet away.
Looking at the chair, one of the legs had given out and the scratched up, claw-marked, and singed wood wasn’t able to hold weight any longer. It was a wonder how it didn’t break sooner.
“Fucker almost killed me.” (Y/N) voiced allowed to no one in particular, the stabbing pain in her head not receding and only increasing as she pushed herself to standing.
‘I really need to find other furniture that the ones he steals from his raids. A new set of chairs is something I’d pay money for.’ She thought to herself, running a through her hair and picking out pieces of dirt and splinters from her (H/C) locks.
A large roar shook the entire inside of the cave, the forceful vibration almost sending (Y/N) tumbling once again. The book nearly falling from her grasp, but this time she clenched it tightly in her fingers. The sound of scraping stone echoed wildly in (Y/N)’s ears, her face scrunching up at the unpleasant sound.
Her hand was quickly placed on the rocky wall beside her, watching the furniture, that had been fashioned to the wall with wires, to make sure nothing broke. ‘That bastard just had to come now.’
“Tiny! Where the fuck are you? I’m back if you hadn’t noticed.” The loud booming voice emanated from the corridor, the pissed of tone making (Y/N) roll her eyes. She scrambled to the doorway of the kitchen, her book forgotten on the table, and she checked to make sure the bread bowl hadn’t fallen off the counter—luckily, it hadn’t.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, you impatient bastard wait one minute!” (Y/N) called back to the voice, her eye brows narrowing as she noticed the plates and bowls that had fallen from their wooden shelves.
“Whaa? You calling me a bastard, you better watch your fucking mouth, human.” The voice responded sourly, the unmistakable growl that edged it’s way into the tone making (Y/N) chuckle lightly to herself.
She walked toward the corridor of the room, noting that most of the candles has blown out in the rumbling. The rocky hallway was rather small and led into a larger cave with a ceiling that stretched meters above her head. There were no stalactites, like they had been broken off purposely.
Sunlight streamed into the large cave from outside, giving it enough natural light to see around without any aid of candles or lanterns. In the corner of the cave sitting with his legs crossed, his hands tearing at the meat of a freshly killed deer, was Bakugo.
(Y/N) rubbed the back of her neck in defeat, seeing the blood already beginning to pool around the carcass of the poor animal.
“I’m here and already, you’ve made a mess.” She commented in disgust, walking over to the man as he turned around to face her—lips and cheeks smeared with thick red blood.
Bakugo swallowed the meat in his mouth, the hind leg of the deer had been ripped off the animal and was being held in his hands.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re a fucking clean freak.” He retorted, his mouth opening and taking a large squelching bite of the raw meat. “Only humans would worry about shit like this.”
(Y/N) hummed, rolling her eyes as she scanned him up and down—he would definitely need a bath after he was done his “meal.” The blood soaked into his pants and the beautiful white fur of his long red cloak around his shoulders. The red sticky ooze seeped over his toned, muscled body.
“If you’re eating all of it, just give me tender loins to cook please.” (Y/N) sighed defeatedly, the smell of raw bloody meat hitting her nostrils in an unrelenting attack of metal and gore. 
“You humans and your risk of worms.” He grumbled under his breath, his hand reached toward the back of the deer and shoved his hand into the back—through the pelt. (Y/N) winced at the sound of his hand pulling out the two strips of meat, his other hand shoving another mouthful of meat into his mouth. No matter how much (Y/N) has seen him rip flesh from bone, it still made her nauseous sometimes.
“You’re looking green, Tiny. Go back inside, if you’re going to vomit your insides out again.” Bakugo said, his crimson eyes scanning up and down (Y/N)’s pale face. His hand threw over the two pieces of tenderloin, the meat landing on the ground with a splat.
(Y/N) nodded her head silently, crouching down and delicately picking up the strips of deer. The blood was still warm in her palms and she groaned at the thought of getting the red stains on her nice blouse.
“If any of this gets on my shirt, I’m slipping laxative in your water.” (Y/N) threatened, hurrying toward the corridor once again and she heard the outraged exclamation of Bakugo behind her. 
“You better not, fucking tiny ass human. I will rip your precious books to smithereens.” Bakugo shouted after her with a growl, the woman rolling her eyes around her skull in response.
“Okay, dragon boy, let’s see you fucking try. I’ll bleach your cape pink.” (Y/N) jabbed back, calling over her shoulder at Bakugo who continued to munch on the meat. She could hear him grumbling curses under his breath and she giggled softly to herself.
(Y/N) hurried through the corridor, through the room, and into the kitchen. She could see a drop of blood preparing to fall onto the floor she zoomed toward a clean bucket and dropped the meat into it. Her palms leaned on the counter for support, for some reason the smell of the fresh meat made her feel sick to her stomach.
She sharpened a knife and began trimming the meat on the counter. It wasn’t long after she heard Bakugo come stomping through the corridor and she leaned out of the door to see the muddy tracks behind him.
“Clean your shoes off next time, I swear you lived in a barn.” (Y/N) called out, her lips frowned at the sight of the freshly mopped floors being covered in brown muck. Bakugo paused, turning around to look at the mud he was dragging through the room before he smirked deviously.
“I was raised in a cave.” He said, continuing to stride toward (Y/N) with an evil glint in his eye and her frown turned down into a scowl. “What’s wrong, Tiny? You’re looking a little pissed off.”
(Y/N) sighed and shook her head, looking at the blood still wet on his body.
“Don’t take another step, clean off the blood. We have bathing pools for a reason, dipshit.” (Y/N) demanded, pointing her sharpened bloody knife toward him. Bakugo faltered for a moment, a dangerous frown forming on his face.
“I’m not fucking that filthy. I washed yesterday, just like you asked, remember?” Bakugo retorted, his arms crossing over his chest. (Y/N) hummed at his rather adorable expression and continued flaying the strips of white fat from the meat.
“You’re covered in blood, Katsuki Bakugo, and that means your washing.” (Y/N) said, her eyes glanced down where she was happy to see that her work was pretty much finished.
Bakugo rolled his eyes and grumbled his way back toward the corridor, she was pretty sure she heard a imitation of her own voice. She simply giggled and packaged the meat in parchment paper to save for stew later and dropped any dirty dishes in the sink-bucket.
He returned a few minutes later, dripping wet and clothes in his arms. Bakugo wasn’t wearing a thing and (Y/N) noticed right away, her face turning a lovely shade of rose red.
“Okay! That’s- No clothes- Your other shirts are in the dresser!” (Y/N) said, looking away from the spectacle of a naked Bakugo. She heard his footsteps approach her and felt strong arms wrap tightly around her waist, pulling her snugly against him.
“I’ll get changed later.” He muttered against her skin, the warmth of his breath tickling the skin of her neck. “Nothing happened while I was gone?” (Y/N) was frozen in her spot, the feeling of the water dampening in her back, and her face flushing with a beautiful color of red.
“N-Nothing, the den’s been quiet as ever.” (Y/N) answered, her voice stuttering at the beginning but she managed to focus on the cutting board in front of her. “No one’s touched your precious gold horde.”
Bakugo hummed, his chin resting on top of her head, and he snuggled his face into her hair. His hands wandered about her waist, his toned chest pressing against the small of her back.
“I wasn’t worried about the gold.” He muttered quietly, the growl at the end of his voice made (Y/N)’s arms explode in goose bumps. “You smell different, tiny. Did you use the milk soap you bought a while ago?”
She paused for a moment.
“No? My smell changed?” (Y/N) asked, she had never really gotten used to the draconic abilities of her husband. Bakugo nipped at her earlobe absentmindedly, he’d always held this animalistic quality that he brought everywhere in their relationship.
“Your cinnamon smell is just different, alright? It smells like milk mixed with cinnamon.” Bakugo said, his eyes watched her hands move rhythmically as she finished up ridding the meat of any fatty tissue.
“I still don’t know why you humans are so picky.” Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head as let go of her waist and walked out of the kitchen in order to hopefully put some pants on.
“The fatty parts make the meat chewy.” (Y/N) said honestly, her eyes glanced over to Bakugo’s form but she refused to look for long—the blazing warmth in her cheeks forcing her too.
The conversation continued for awhile, (Y/N) was busily hurrying around the kitchen and chopping vegetables for the stew. Bakugo was making himself useful and watching her whisking around the kitchen from his spot sitting on one of the counters.
The stew shimmered on top of the stone oven, the bread was baking in the rocky blazing insides happily. The smell permeated the air and the warm smell making (Y/N) sigh contentedly.
“Shitty hair and pink bitch want to come over for dinner, they want to taste human cooking.” Bakugo started, the subjects of his yapping changed like the wind—it could go from hating Midoriya, to how great he is, or how he caught the deer earlier.
“Of course, I said no-”
“Why don’t you invite them over? They haven’t been over since fall, the winter’s been tough on them.” (Y/N) said, stirring the stew in the pot and sprinkling in a few herbs and spices into the shimmering pot. Bakugo scoffed.
“Hell no! They’re messier than me. That shitty hair is really fucking annoying.” He retorted, his posture straightened to a stiff board, and he muttered quietly under his breath. “He’s always touching you.”
“What is it with you dragons? Always so overprotective of your ‘mates.’“ (Y/N) sighed, looking toward her husband who huffed and shoved himself off of the counter. His shimmering ruby eyes glaring darkly in her direction, stalking over to her.
“Mates are a big fucking deal, tiny, I’ve told you this before.” (Y/N) nodded her head, her lack of listening made Bakugo snatched her wrist and pulled her roughly against his body.
“Dragons mate forever. You are mine, forever, you fucking idiot.” He growled, her smaller body was pressed flush against his. (Y/N)’s eyes widened at his serious tone, he usually wasn’t this sentimental and she expected a scoff from him instead.
Her heart fluttered in het chest, a large smile crossing her features
“I understand, Katsuki.” (Y/N) simply said, embracing her husband close to her and enjoyed the peaceful moments that followed. Two years ago, she didn’t expect to find herself here and married to the dragon that had quite rudely crashed through her house—hurting himself in the process.
For months, she nursed him back to health and somehow managed to love him in that time. Now, there they are, two years later and married. If (Y/N)’s younger self had a conversation with older (Y/N), she was sure that younger her would call her insane.
“I love you, dragon boy.” She said softly, her hand running through his spikey blond hair. Bakugo huffed and he laughed cockily.
“Who doesn’t love me?” A swift jab to the ribs made him cough and he nipped at her neck in retaliation. “Heh, I love you, tiny human.”
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nicklightbearer · 3 years
ah shit here we go again
vampire au... evil nicky but only in terms of Hehe Gotcha. there is tickling in this fic so just. be aware <3
“You’re only a halfling??”
The pure shock in Nick’s voice made Jack freeze. He’d slipped when grabbing at a falling book off of Nick’s desk- the thing was covered in handwritten journals and such- and managed to nick his finger as it fell.
“You’re bleeding! Real blood!”
“Of course I am! You would too-“
“Nuh uh!”
The star wheezed out a laugh, then raised his hand to his lips- before Jack realized what he was doing, he had nipped a small mark on his thumb. Holding it out for Jack to look, the magician’s eyes widened in surprise as he watched golden ichor ooze slowly from the wound, covering it immediately and hardening to a small glittering mark.
“I.. how did you…”
“I’m a fully blooded vampire. You must’ve been born this way- I died and was resurrected as a thrall. Pure undead energy.”
He giggled quietly as the mark faded before their eyes before holding out a hand to take Jack’s injured one. The magician flushed, going very still as Nick’s tongue flicked out and licked the wound.
His saliva was glittering too, but transparent. It left a slight gleam on Jack’s skin that tingled heavily before his own cut faded, leaving nothing but a small red scar.
“.. That’s incredible.”
“Awwh, you’ll make me blush. Or I would, if I had blood like yours.”
Jack huffed as Nick pinched his cheek, giggling away at the pink skin.
“No wonder you’re so easy to fluster. Little humans are so cute.”
“I’m not human-“
“But you are cute! Ububuu!”
Jack pushed at his face as he cackled, grumbling under his breath as he turned away- but he yelped as hands looped around his hips and scooped him up into a firm hug. Nick nuzzled the back of his neck, breathing in steadily and relishing his scent.
“No wonder you smell so savoury.. I never noticed.”
“Quit sniffing me! Ew!”
“But luvvyyyyy, you smell like candy and sugar and blood-“
Nick laughed loudly, tossing him onto the bed easily- Jack was once again reminded of his supernatural strength, flushing just slightly- and followed quickly to bounce on his knees and straddle Jack’s waist.
“Cmon, let’s see more of that pretty blush! Aaaa kitcha kitcha!”
“Nooho- Nick, stop- I’ll kill you-“
“No you won’t, Mr. Giggly Jack! Laugh for meeee, wa ha ha!”
He gave his best approximation of an ‘evil’ laugh, pointy nails latching onto Jack’s ribs and squeezing them mercilessly. Jack shrieked, throwing his head back in laughter as he kicked against the bed and sent some of the pillows near his feet flying.
“Jaaaaack! Ooh, such a lovely red…”
Nick ducked his head down, nuzzling at Jack’s cheeks gently and kissing then lightly. This didn’t last, of course, as he shifted down to blow a raspberry against Jack’s neck and take in a few deep breaths. Jack whined through his laughter, trying to shrug to knock him away but failing due to his wild wiggling.
“Mmmmh, my little strawberry joy… Mwah! Mmmmwah! Mmmmmmmpbbbbffft!”
Jack’s laughter began to grow weaker as his struggles lessened, and the edges of his form began to blur- with a start, he recalled his abilities, and wrestled Nick’s hands off just long enough to-
Nick whined as fog filled the room.
“Nooo, my strawberry! Don’t goooo!”
“Youuuu.. bastard…”
Jack’s voice was breathy and soft, and the fog formed wobbly blankets across the floor as he recovered. Nick simply giggled away, flopping onto his stomach and holding a pillow.
“Awwh luvvy, cmon! It’s all good fun. Not like you can suffocate.”
“You just discovered that I can bleed.”
The star paused, then a look of worry came over his face as he made to sit up.
“Oh, you’re right- are you okay? Ooh, I didn’t think..”
“You so rarely seem to…”
The magician grumbled, rematerializing at the foot of his bed with his arms crossed. Nick rolled over, lower lip wobbling as he looked Jack over with worry- the genuine nervousness in his gleaning red eyes made Jack soften internally. It was ever so hard to stay mad at poor, sweet and stupid Nicky..
When the Lightbearer made grabby hands towards him and whined, he caved, crawling forward and falling against his chest with a gentle sigh.
“Your puppy eyes are far more dangerous than your fangs…”
“I know! Mwah.”
Jack chuckled, relaxing steadily as Nick rubbed at his back and nuzzled into his hair. At least Nick was always cuddly, easily making up for his rudeness..
Though when his rubbing turned to light tracing, Jack grumbled and shifted his face to press against the star’s neck, fangs brushing threateningly against his soft skin.
“Watch it.” “Eee, c’mon. Can hardly blame me. You’re so precious- eeHEE, don’t, don’t! I’ll throw you off!” Jack nipped at his neck playfully, delighting in the jolt underneath him before settling back down as they both started to drift in their own thoughts- and before long, Nick was sleeping soundly.
Even with his ear against Nick’s chest, he noted that while there were deep breaths.. No heartbeat.
Wait, no. There was one. He waited a bit longer, nearly falling asleep- another. A gentle tha-thump, only happening every few minutes. It was accompanied by a slight twitch of the skin, something only one with eyes like his could even notice.
Perhaps he wasn’t as dead as he seemed..
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danddymaro · 4 years
Candy Kisses | Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Something full of childish, little shit. 
I think it’s A real Shame Pietro didn’t get far in the MCU, but what can you do but write fanfic, right?. 
 ( ╥ω╥ )
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word Count :   3800
 Candy Kisses
"Bothered Princess ?" Pietro taunted (f/n) while holding up the bag of gummies and tipping it over his open mouth, eager to taste the sugary snack of small, colored teddies.
"Pietro!" She cried out, vexed, brewed with annoyance.
"THOSE...ARE...MINE!" She cried out in frustration, jumping up and down in an attempt to snatch the bag from his hand, but failing to reach it every single time. Just when it touched her fingertips, he rose it higher, taunting her by doing so and of course as a result, frustrating her to no end.
" Hmm?" He continued to chew on the bears, sending her an evil grin. "Sorry... can't hear you from down there," he said shrugging, playing on her shorter stature, pushing her forehead with a sole finger, making her fall back from the tips of her toes and back to her regular size.
"You're such a jerk!" she huffed, fuming.
Even if she had wanted to get back at him, he always used his speed to overpower her. And if he wasn't running from her, he was pestering her, using his height difference as leverage.
'Asshole!' She inwardly cried, wondering if it was his life's goal to annoy her.
" Just give them back," She said flatly, her tone dropping by two degrees. "...or I'll call Steve to come get them himself," she shot back in a threatening tone, speaking right through her clenched teeth.
For just a short second her expression became dark, displaying a rather cruel smirk to go along with the intimidation tactic.
'Go Ahead...Try me!' she thought maliciously. 'I'm not all talk,' She added.
While she normally would have blown her top off by then, she decided to think first, this time around being smart, stopping before she made a repeat of the last hundred times she's failed.
Because that's where she'd always fail.
Once she let him get to her she lost,
' I've got you now,' She thought triumphantly. " He's gonna beat you up! " She exclaimed, " Cause in case you don't recall, he doesn't like bullies!" she continued smugly.
She then placed a hand to her hip and gave him a closed eye, wide smile, already tasting victory... as well as her little sweet bears.
The first avenger already knew about their usual headbutts and had convinced her to just go to him instead. As usual, he worked as a mediator between everyone else, which left Rogers to deal with never-ending stupidity and problems, knowing that no one else would do it properly.
"You might as well give them up now," she added putting out her hand in wait.
'Unless you wanna get your ass kicked! ' she thought with a little giggle.
Rolling his eyes Pietro continued to take his time chewing, gliding his tongue over the leftover sweetness clinging to his teeth before offering her a deadpanned look,
" Nah... you've got to get them yourself," he said simply, shrugging at her.
He looked unfazed by her threat and was actually even more fueled to bother her now.
" ...Getting other people to fight your battles..." he said while tisking, chiding her with a headshake of disapproval. "So sad..." he added in a low voice, snickering.
He observed the way the frustration on her face vanished, suddenly melting down to nothingness. For just a moment her face became blank, and at that, he raised an eyebrow. He curiously eyed the rather nonchalant expression, noting it to be something she'd never done before.
Because if past experiences served as reference, she should have been bickering with him, having grown so annoyed she showed off her adorable, little angry face.
' did I break her?' he thought while peering down at her, seeing her stand stiffly still, almost like a little tree being forced up right by little guidance sticks and ropes. "Prince-" Before he could utter the nickname, she roared out a wild screech and launched herself towards him with widespread arms.
' not even close,' he thought to himself, chuckling, feeling his worry wash away as she blew her top off.
The second she had launched at him, he moved aside easily, using his advanced speed to his advantage and ultimately making her look like a clumsy fool, yet again.
With a wince she rubbed her nose, forcing out fake little tears to try and soften his bastard heart, which of course, didn't work. "Whoops...princess! " he exclaimed and he didn't waste time in doubling over, laughing in high spirits at her glare. " ...Woah there! I didn't know flying was one of your specialties.... Princess, " He added with merriment.
'That nickname... ' She thought with spite. Again with that mocking nickname....
She stayed on the ground, fuming, clenching her fists at the sound of his obnoxious laughter.
He then quieted down, noticing how she remained on the floor and curiously, he bent down to her, his face melting down into a placid smile, " Oh Princess, don't be mad at me," He said softly, offering her his hand.
Her (e/c) eyes trailed up to him, watching his handsome face staring down at her with a soft smile as he offered her help, but stubbornly she smacked his offer away, tearing her eyes from him.
"I don't need your help you jerk," she said beneath her breath, picking herself off the ground, roughly brushing off her pants of any little debris sticking to them.
Him being annoying as one thing, but then when he switched off from being a complete jerk to this sweet, charming guy, and it made her feel even more conflicted.
She couldn't count the many times she's stared up at him while he had that position, holding out his hand to her, waiting for her to accept it, a soft, gentle smile being sported during all the moments.
- And just as his offer was a constant so was her refusal.
Back when she met him, he'd knocked her down, taunting her for being slow, which in retrospect was what he usually did to anyone and everyone he came across with.
She glared up at him, her (e/c) eyes shooting daggers at him as he had made his little teasing comment when he stopped before her stilled figure.
In all her frustration though, she hadn't noticed was the way he stumbled, his steps faltering as he actually caught sight of her. Because to him, she was more than just ' pretty'... she was painstakingly beautiful, enough to make his heart jump.
Her hand then reached for her pistol, but the instant she went to aim it at him, he came up to her, one hand gripping the weapon, the other falling to the small of her back.
Her breath hitched with surprise as he yanked the gun away from her, throwing it behind him, dipping her low and making her fall into his arm with a frightened, little shiver running down her spine.
Wide-eyed and struck stupid she stared on at him, caught in his arms, practically defenseless.
"You look like a princess to me," He said cheekily, watching her face glow at both his words and actions, something he was very proud of
- And then he switched sides, aiding them against Ultron along with his twin sister. And while the help was appreciated, (f/n) had trouble believing he had suddenly switched into some good guy in a matter of seconds.
All in all, she hadn't had an ounce of trust for the man, deciding to turn from his aid whenever he offered it,
" You like falling don't you Princess ?" He asked her as he watched her while she lay on the floor, smudges of dirt coating her. Annoyed she puffed the strands of (h/c) that fell over her eyes, gritting her teeth in pain.
"Or do I make your knees weak?" He added, shooting her a charming little grin while he stretched out his arm for her, his hand set before her to take.
"...Focus on the task at hand," she muttered, looking away from his offer, standing on her own and barely brushing past him, not wanting to be around him any longer, because for some odd reason her heart jumped faster when he was around.
Smiling, he gave her a light pat on her head, deciding to walk away backward, making sure she could see him push two more of the bears in between his smirking lips. With a challenging look, he stuffed the remainder of the candies in his pocket for safekeeping, giving her a small wink coupled with a halfhearted salute.
"Well this was fun," he mused out loud, noticing how her eyes followed the bag like a hawk.
'He has to have a weakness...some weak spot...' She huffed, 'He can't always get the best out of me!' she added while finding It impossible for him to always get out of her grasp.
" Bye!," he sang, planning on speeding away before (f/n) launched towards him again.
Wanda, who had been there the whole time sat on the couch, lazily eyeing her brother before she shrugged, weaving her fingers through the air.
As a result, a red mist left her dancing fingers and wrapped around his two legs, immobilizing him. Left wrapped with a misty, crimson wire, his legs failed him miserably, forcing him to fly a few feet back.
coincidentally, at that very moment (f/n) had launched towards him and stuck her hand out, gripping his shirt, resulting in her also flying back.
with a frightened scream, she joined him in the crash landing, clinging to him, small fingers jabbing into his sides, nails close to piercing into him with all the adrenalin that pumped into her.
Gripping (f/n)'s waist tightly, he did the most sensible thing that occurred to him, pulling her towards him, keeping her safe while she clung to him.
"You idiot!" She squealed feeling his hands slide down to her hips, slapping them off.
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled pushing her off of him, causing her roll off and land at his side, staring off into the same ceiling he was before he sat up, (f/n) following in suit.
Smirking slightly, Wanda continued to watch her program, unconcerned of the double glare she received.
'Serves them right for being so loud,' She said to herself, having been annoyed with their constant bickering. Her original plan was to get only her brother, but she was pleased by the result nonetheless.
Realizing the golden opportunity, (f/n) then took the advantage of the man's vulnerability, pushing Pietro down with a jut of her palm to his shoulder. fastly, her legs swung to either side of his abdomen while her two hands hovered over his neck, threatening to take hold,
"Spit them out!" She ordered. "Spit them out now a thief." She said lowly.
"It's not like your gonna eat them!" He shot back, returning the glare and participating in an intense staredown.
"Maybe I will!" She retorted back, huffing. "No you won't!" he said immediately afterward. " Don't tell me what I can and can't do!" she rebutted, not wanting to lose a single argument against the irritating man.
'Why is he so annoying!' She thought irked.
"Fine !" he shouted, "You want them so bad?" He asked her, his hand snaking through her (h/c) colored strands, landing to securely grip her head.
Shaking she stared at him doe-eyed, helplessly stuttering out his name, "P-P-Pie...Pietro?" She squeaked before his lips fell onto hers, his warm tongue slipping two, little crushed bears into her mouth.
Her brain fried as the action left her stupidly stunned.
Not long after, she went noodle limp, resistance on her side vanishing as he took advantage of the moment to deepen the kiss, mindlessly losing himself in the action.
As Wanda looked over she made a small noise of disgust, swallowing down a gag as scampering out of the room, leaving them alone. "I need to wash my eyes," she said rubbing them furiously, trying to wash away the sight of her brother's tongue inside some girl and vise-versa.
It was the last and only time she'd ever wanted to see, especially so close and personal,
"THEY SOUND LIKE SLOBBERING DOGS!" she said out loud, still hearing the echoing sounds haunting her like a vengeful spirit.
Soon after Pietro drew back, giving the unresponsive girl and wide grin. "I see I left you speechless princess," he said smugly, noticing the growing redness sprayed over the entirety of her face.
"If you li-" he didn't finish before he felt two hands grip his neck, squeezing with a rancorous, tight grip. "I swear I'll kill you this time!" She cried out just as Steve walked through the doorway.
Immediately moving into action the man rushed to both team member's sides, pulling the raging woman off by wrapping his arms around her midsection. Luckily, it didn't take much for him to tear her off, and when he did, he swung her to his side and carried her under an arm like a small lapdog, her arms still outstretched to reach the silver-haired man.
"What's going on here?" Steve asked worriedly, looking between the two for answers, receiving nothing from both of them, only glares connecting the two, none too keen on speaking.
"HE STOLE MY KISS!" She cried out, her voice cracking. Pietro stood up, coughing, glaring at her childishly, "SHE ATTACKED ME!" He exclaimed loudly, pointing an accusing finger at her.
"Kisses?" Steve asked bewildered.
'Over some stupid little candies?' he thought dropping his shoulders and sighing. 'Of course. Of course, it would be.' he said to himself, shaking his head at the two, wondering if he was actually running a team of heroes and not an all-around daycare.
'Every day...' he thought to himself. "Pietro, stop being such a child, just buy them yourself. Or just ask! " He suggested, "There's no need to go around stealing like some playground bully," Steve said rubbing his forehead with his free hand.
Planting the small woman's feet flat to the ground, he then took both her shoulders in his hands and stared deeply into her (e/c) colored eyes, leaning down to her by bending his knees slightly for good measure.
"And ( f/n)..." He started, "It's just a little chocolate candy. I'm sure you've got billions of them tucked away somewhere," he said trying to reason with her, knowing it to be true.
The woman had a lifetime supply of candies and treats hidden away at almost every corner of the building, making Tony's trash stash look mediocre. So he didn't understand why she'd get so riled up over a single drop of chocolate no bigger than a quarter.
Giving her a rather tame smile he tried to comfort her, earning nothing but a look of withheld frustration.
(f/n) pressed her lips together, feeling the heat radiating from her blazing cheeks grow hotter.
' He really doesn't get it !' she thought to herself, unable to correct him, finding it hard to actually tell him what happened, especially not when his face was just inches from hers, giving her the most oblivious look of all times,
' of all the times for him to act all innocent...' she gritted.' I hate you so much, Steve! You old fart...' She thought helplessly. It was then that Wanda popped her head inside, tightly holding onto the doorway and keeping her eyes shut close,
" Are they still sucking faces?" she asked as a safety measure, not wanting to walk into anything worth bleaching her eyes out.
As soon as the words cut through the air and settled in, it was like glass shattered around the room.
Steve quickly shot quick looks at both Pietro and ( f/n ), seeing the two avert their eyes with shame, the male kicking the ground lightly in a halfhearted manner to divert his thoughts and calm them. Meanwhile, (f/n) unconsciously ran unenthusiastic, little fingers over her lips, her eyes gradually softening up and glossing as she thought back to the sugar-infused mash-up between her and the young avenger.
"Kiss..." Steve mumbled. "you... kiss, he... ooh..." he said slapping a hand to his face.
He felt like such an idiot...
"it's not about candy," he said sighing. " Yeah" ( f/n) mumbled dumbly, still caught in thought.
'I mean...At least it wasn't so bad...' she thought to herself while she calmed, taking a moment to appreciate it for all it was worth. She then shifted from one foot to another until she finally hung her head as she accepted that maybe...just maybe she wanted another one.
Before Steve could suggest anything else, Bucky stalked in, breathing through his flared nostrils,
"tell him to stop touching me!" He told Steve, all while fuming.
Sam walked through the doorway too, a wide grin on his face that showed his two row of teeth beautifully,
"I'm not touching you!" He said placing his index just inches away from the brunette's face, taunting him. Bucky's eye twitched with annoyance, glaring at the index, seemingly ready to bite it off.
" Now...This is touching you," Sam said pressing the finger to the long-haired man's cheek, digging it through the soft flesh not secured by bone.
" Did you see that Steve!! He touched me!" Bucky cried out, shoving Sam away with both outstretched arms.
"Tell him to stop!" he demanded.
" stop doing what! I haven't touched you! That was just an example! " Sam retorted, pushing him back, beginning to bicker.
"- Oh my God..." Steve muttered under his breath, feeling lightheaded, rubbing his index and middle fingers over each side of his head to alleviate the bothersome pulsing.
" You ok Steve?" (F/n) said worriedly, seeing the color drain from his face as he grew paler, nearly turning grey.
He then took in a deep breath through his nostrils before closing his eyes, tightly pressing his lips together, calmly replying to her in a soft voice, " Go to your room (f/n) ." He ordered her.
"Excuse me?" she replied perplexed, not even sounding offended, just completely puzzled by his words. ' go to my room?' she thought to herself, raising a brow, growing more concerned for their leader. 'what am I six?' She thought with a snicker, 'I'm a grown-ass woman,' She added rebelliously.
His eyes snapped to hers in a flash, and with the same voice, but staring her dead in the eyes with a dull look, he spoke yet again,
"Go...to....your... room... (f/n), NOW." He told her again, a shiver crawling up her entire spine at his final, stern word. She stared at him completely taken back, lifting a finger to start a protest, but with the flat look he gave her, she shot it down slowly, "Um...o..ok? " She said slowly, deciding to do what he said, "I'll go..." She peeped, doing as he said.
Rather stiffly she walked to her quarters, but not before shooting the silver-haired man a vengeful glare, promising rebuttal.
'I'll get you back,' She mouthed.
Pietro stifled a giggle watching the woman retreat, stopping as he felt a tight grip tugging at his earlobe. Knowing best, Wanda pulled him away to safety, " elsewhere is better," she muttered, slipping away.
Too preoccupied in their arguments and once In a while slaps and pushes, both Sam and Bucky didn't see, nor hear the blonde approach them. He went unnoticed until he lay a hand to the back of each of their heads, forcing them forward into a forced headbutt,
"Why can't you two act like adults?" Steve said annoyed, " Everywhere I turn you're bickering and arguing!" he ranted, letting loose a string of frustration.
Tony entered the door and retaining the same enjoyment he had walked in with, he turned back around, heading a different direction.
- Because he'd be stupid to stay behind while the blonde vented... Little Addition: "I've been a jerk," The silver-haired male said softly, eyeing her with true sincerity she had trouble believing in, "So... I thought maybe I'd give back." Pietro said scratching the back of his head with embarrassment.
"I've got arranged gummies. Sweet teddies, and the little sour candies; the small worms," he told her. "You pick and choose what you want," He told her, showing her his humbled face.
"Oh...I've also got chocolates," He said while his two hands held each side of the bag, presenting it to her, open for her to take as much as she wished.
" It's basically a piece of everything I've taken." He explained, wanting to make amends. "So, if you want to be even... you can steal mine." He muttered, making her go wide-eyed.
She took a tentative step towards him, soon standing on the tips of her toes, stretching her neck out as well to get as close to his face as possible, her left brow raising with suspicion. With a zany, little half-smile she spoke, "So..." She started, squinting up at him with a wary glare.
"What's your game silver, hmmm?" She said finishing off with a dragged off the hum.
"I don't trust you," she added, "Because for all I know they could be laced with poison," she muttered, not truly believing he'd do something so malicious.
If anything he'd hand her stale gummies or ones that have fallen to the floor.
-That seemed more probable in her book.
"So you don't want them then?" he said while challenging her, his eye twitching, " cause I'll take them back," He said while pulling back the bag until she stopped him, her hands both placed over his.
"No," she said softly, "It's just... you're missing one," She said while curling her finger to beckon him, making him leer down, staring into the bag with curiosity.
"Which one?" He asked confusing, having thought he remembered them all.
As he then looked to her, she took advantage, her lips falling onto his, a sweet little kiss placed on his lips as she paid him back for the earlier press.
"Ah," He breathed, understanding, a little sweet smile playing at his lips as he watched her quickly retreat, her finger pressing the elevator door with haste. He found it adorable how she snuck away, without a doubt in his mind flustered by the kiss, choosing to hide instead.
"Oh princess, " He muttered, A dumb smile played at his lips as the doors closed, not realizing that while he let his guard down, she'd taken his entire bag, indulging herself while she escaped and hid behind the metal doors.
"Oh wow," she mused, " I think they taste better when you steal them," She muttered to herself, being quick to pop a little red gummy in her mouth, the taste bringing her back to the sugary kiss of before, making her enjoy the taste even moreso.
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particularemu · 5 years
King of Hearts | A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
Request: “I love your works! And I wanted to ask you and my top two other writers (and more if you can rally that many) @and  @Maaaaaatryoshka0325 to maybe make a scenario with a member being in a gang and they protect the reader and get hurt? Lots of aftercare! But here’s the catch: you all write it separately, I’m curious to see how people handle the scenario differently! Maybe even do other members each?! Whatever you guys can decide if you’re up for it! Fighting! 😃” 
Warnings: Mentions violence, guns, someone getting shot, gambling.
Word Count: 5813 
Other Members: Bang Chan: @thecarat-top​ 
Lee Minho: @maaaaaatryoshka0325​ 
Seo Changbin: @backhugsforhyunjin​ 
Lee Felix: @honeyfelix​ 
Kim Seungmin: @backhugsforhyunjin​ 
Yang Jeongin: @lixiescheesestick​ 
Author’s Note: I don’t know how to play poker, but I tried to learn for this fic. Idk if I got the details wrong, but if I did whoops I apologize. 
Read my bby @jisungsjheekies‘s fic: Eerie Night
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“Hey, you ready?” Hyunjin slowly opened the door, a bright smile taking over his features when he saw you in your dress. “Wow… You look amazing.” He closed the distance between you two, placing his hands on your waist as you glanced at yourself in the body-length mirror. 
It felt a bit awkward being in such a fancy gown, but you enjoyed getting all dressed up for tonight. 
Anyone off the streets would think you were going to a ball or a fancy business party. 
No… You weren’t going anywhere like that. You and Hyunjin were headed to The Black Spade — one of the biggest, baddest casinos in the upper west side of the city. The casino was run by the Young Bastards — an oddly successful group of 20-year-old somethings who’ve crossed the line with Stray Kids. 
Originally Hyunjin was the only one who was supposed to go, but an incident at The Black Spade last month put himself at risk.
See... a man who plays the game of Poker has a 40% chance of winning. A man who plays Poker and wins 100% of the time? That’ll alert every gang member watching the floor. Unfortunately, this happened to your boyfriend, so heading back to rob the owner of The Black Spade, was nearly impossible, unless he could provide a distraction. 
So here you were, a distraction indeed, dressed in a tight, sparkly dress, ready to help your boyfriend win several poker games. 
Hwang Hyunjin was quite the anomaly. The man was beautiful and charismatic, but he was also sensitive. People are quick to trust him. Little would they know that Hyunjin was the biggest high-stakes gambler the Stray Kids Gang had to offer. 
The man has won millions of dollars against casinos run by rival gangs. Not only does he play the game — he wins every single time. Hyunjin doesn’t win out of talent — no he’s gotten really good at sleight of hand throughout the years, so he has several tricks up his sleeve. 
Usually, Hyunjin can get away with playing a game and leaving the casino, but last week someone taunted him into staying for three games. To keep from losing any money, Hyunjin had to win all three. He left just before a bunch of gang members came to take him to the leader of the Young Bastards. 
The leader of Stray Kids, Bang Chan, wanted to get them back. The best and least violent way to destroy a gang? Rob them blind. The easiest way to do that would be sending Hyunjin to The Black Spade once more, but Chan couldn’t risk losing one of his best members. Besides… Hyunjin was practically family. 
Chan originally asked if you’d be interested in learning to cheat at Poker, so you could go in Hyunjin’s place, but your boyfriend wouldn’t allow you to go alone. So the three of you compromised. You’d go with Hyunjin and disguise his sleight of hand so the gang members wouldn’t be tipped off. 
It took weeks of learning crazy tricks for you to effectively cheat at a game of Poker. It took another week to get used to doing sleight of hand with Hyunjin handing you the cards down his sleeve. Eventually, the two of you were like clockwork. He’d slip a card down his sleeve and go hold your hand. You’d take the card as it slid into your hand, and tuck it in your garter. One tap meant swap the card. Two taps meant you needed to hand the hidden card back to Hyunjin. Codeword: Dinner. If shit went south, and people started to notice you cheating, you guys planned to bail with the simple phrase, “Babe, I’m getting hungry. We should go to dinner.” 
“Are you ready?” Hyunjin gently kissed your cheek. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” 
“I want to.” Your hand rested on his cheek as you guided his head to rest on yours. “I’m glad you’re going with me.” 
“There’s no way I’d let you go there by yourself.” Hyunjin kissed your forehead. “Do you have your knife?”
“Yeah.” You lifted your dress, showing off the holster strapped to your upper thigh, a knife securely strapped in. 
“Don’t be afraid to use that if someone gets close to you.” Hyunjin’s arm snaked around your waist. “Don’t question it, just point and stab.” 
You giggled at Hyunjin’s choice of words. “Alright. Let’s go.” 
Hyunjin led you outside to a fancy-looking Limousine.  He opened the door and gestured inside, allowing you to slide in. Your eyes widened at the amazing interior. The Limo was fully equipped with neon lights, velvet seats, bottles of champagne, crystal glasses, and even a television. 
“Okay, this is cool.” You beamed as Hyunjin slid next to you. 
“Well, I figured since I’m asking my girlfriend to risk her life for me, we’d travel in style.” He giggled when you lightly smacked his shoulder. 
“You’re so cheesy.” You slid closer to him and leaned your head against his chest, smiling when he slung his arm over your shoulders. “If we were here under different circumstances I’d say we should try fucking in here.” 
“Please don’t.” You could hear Felix’s voice from behind the partition. 
Lee Felix was the best getaway driver in the city. It was comforting to know you had someone so talented behind the wheel, but you couldn’t help but wonder if it’s possible to lose a tail in a limo.
“I said under different circumstances Lix.” You chuckled. “If you’re going to eavesdrop, you might as well listen.” 
“I couldn’t risk it.” Felix laughed. “We all know you guys go at it like rabbits.” 
Your face flushed as you sunk back in Hyunjin’s side, ego officially defeated at Felix’s words. “Who heard?”
“You guys are about as subtle as an air horn.” Felix giggled. “Like seriously? We all know you’re going to fuck when you ask Hyunjin to come open a jar of pickles.” 
Hyunjin’s cheeks flushed slightly as he laughed with Felix, fully enjoying how you pressed your face into his neck in embarrassment. “Come on Lix, that’s enough. You’re embarrassing her.”
“Well, we’re here, so you don’t have to deal with my shit anymore.” Felix parked the limo in front of the casino. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach, fear suddenly taking over as you stepped out into the night, flashing lights reminding you of the task at hand. Your hands darted to Hyunjin’s arm, squeezing tightly when he stepped out of the limo. 
“Hey,” Hyunjin whispered, lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he tried to comfort you. “I won’t think any less of you if you call this off now.” 
You turned to him, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. “How dangerous is this?”
Hyunjin sighed and pulled you flush against his body. “Very.” He paused, trying to find the right words. “There’s a small chance that I could get shot as soon as we walk in.” 
Your blood ran cold, hands tightening around him as panic bubbled in your chest. “Let’s go in before I can’t.” 
“Baby we don’t have to.” His hand rubbed your back, hoping to soothe you. 
“No, let’s go.” You let go of Hyunjin and walked straight into the casino, pausing when you reached the entryway. 
The Black Spade was enormous. The entire casino was filled with various slot machines, card tables, and many other games. A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling, each shard of glass glistening under the light. You weren’t expecting this to be such a big place. 
Hyunjin rushed to your side, grabbing your hand and pulling you close to him. “Don’t you dare do that again.” He sighed in relief. “You scared the hell out of me.” 
Sure enough, as soon as a man saw Hyunjin, he had his hand on his earpiece, talking to, who you assumed was, the leader of the Young Bastards. Not long after the man stopped talking, another man popped out. 
“If it isn’t the infamous Hwang Hyunjin.” He held his hand out to Hyunjin, smiling when your boyfriend shook his hand. “I heard about your three big wins last month, and I’m curious to see if it’ll happen again.” 
There was something about the man that made you nervous. He appeared nice, but you had a bad feeling that he was dangerous. 
“I doubt it.” Hyunjin chuckled. “I still can’t believe that happened! I got lucky.” 
“Luck you say?” The man smirked, an evil twinge in his eye. “I believe you mean skill. I must watch you play a poker game, Mr. Hwang.”
Hyunjin shook his head, pulling you closer to his body. “I actually came here with my girl to play the slot machines. I haven’t played Poker since last month. I’m afraid I’ll be rusty.”
The man shook his head. “That’s too bad. You must play a game with me before you leave. If you can’t find me on the floor, tell any of the workers you’re looking for Damien.”  
So Damien was his name. Damien gave you a curt nod and shook Hyunjin’s hand once more before departing. Once he was a safe distance away you squeezed Hyunjin’s hand. “I need to use the restroom. Can we please find one?”
Hyunjin nodded, a look of concern replacing his features as he led you to the ladies room. You ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. God, you needed to replace that look of pure panic or you were going to tip off the whole club. You smacked your cheek a couple times to get your shit together, before heading back out to your boyfriend. 
Hyunjin was leaning against the wall when you stepped out. “Did you do that thing you do when you’re scared shitless? You know… where you smack your face?”
Your eyes widened as you slipped your hand in his. “How the fuck did you know?” 
“I’ve always known. Your cheeks are super red dingus.” He giggled when you shoved his side. 
You and Hyunjin headed to the banker. “I need 16 million in chips please.” He paused. “Please leave out $100 in coins.” 
“Of course sir.” The banker handed Hyunjin a bag full of chips, then slid a small stack of quarters across the counter. 
“Thank you, sir.” Hyunjin nodded at the man, grabbing the chips and leading you over to the slot machines. 
“Aren’t we supposed to play poker?” You asked. 
“Yeah, but I told him I’d be playing the slot machines with you.” He kissed you on the cheek and gestured for you to sit down. “Here.” Hyunjin handed you a handful of coins. “Why don’t you play a few rounds.”   
“How do you play?” You frowned, staring at the money in your hands. 
Hyunjin couldn’t help but laugh. You were so innocent. “Baby, you just place the coin in the slot machine and pull the lever.” 
Hyunjin sat down in a chair next to you and threw a coin in the machine. He pulled the lever, only to see a bell, a seven, and cherries — a losing combination. 
“Why don’t you try?” He smiled at you as you slipped a coin into the machine and pulled the lever. 
Damn. You had two sevens and a bell. 
“Who was that?” You asked about the strange man from earlier. 
“Damien? He’s the leader of the Young Bastards.” Hyunjin chuckled. “He didn’t pick a very good name for his gang.” 
“Would he hurt us?” Your voice got small as you pulled the slot machine again. 
Hyunjin paused to look at you. “I won’t let him hurt us.” 
“Hyunjin,” You paused, frustration and fear getting the better of you. “You can’t promise shit like that.”
“Hey.” Hyunjin shoved your shoulder and giggled to try and lift your spirits. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course, but-” 
“Then trust me when I say that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe.” Hyunjin’s eyes bore into yours, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“Now pull the lever and win us some big money.” He chuckled. 
You giggled and did what Hyunjin said, sighing when you got another losing combination. 
You and Hyunjin played the slot machines, chatting about this and that for a while before you started to see a crowd form at the Poker tables. You heard someone cry out in anguish and several people in the crowd cheer. 
“Hyunjin what’s going on?” You asked, suddenly feeling nervous. 
“People gather around when there’s a high-stakes Poker game going on.” He pursed his lips. “It might be time for us to make an entrance.”
You gulped, feeling a lump in your throat as you grabbed Hyunjin’s hand. 
“Do you think you can do this?” He pulled you closer. “If you look terrified, they’re going to know something’s up. So if you can’t do this—” 
“I can do it.” You cut him off. “Let’s go.” 
You took a deep breath as Hyunjin lead you to the poker table. 
“If it isn’t Hwang Hyunjin!” Damien greeted the two of you once more. “This poor bastard just lost 10 million dollars and his wife!” Damien pointed to a middle-aged man who was sobbing on the floor. “What do you say, Hwang? Do you want to try your hand at beating me?”
Hyunjin pursed his lips. 
This was clearly going to be a game of wits. It was obvious Damien was cheating. Hyunjin could tell by the cards sprawled on the table. One deck of cards doesn’t have two Queen of Spades. He had to be careful. It wasn’t just his life on the line, but yours as well. 
“You’re on.” He smirked, handing the chips to the dealer to check for authenticity. “Come here baby.” 
Oh my god it was happening! 
You took your place beside Hyunjin, the two of you sharing a look before the game started. Hyunjin turned his head, making it look like he was kissing your forehead, but he whispered, “Say the word and we’re gone.” 
Right the code word. 
“Everyone ready?” Once the dealer got the okay from everyone, he shuffled the cards and dealt out two cards to everyone at the table. Hyunjin was positioned in the big blind position, which means he had to put down double of what Damien decided to bet. 
“How much?” The dealer asked. 
“6 million,” Damien smirked as half the table picked up and left, opting to keep their chips in their pockets. 
You couldn’t help but gasp. You weren’t used to throwing that kind of money down on anything. To see Hyunjin put forth 12 million dollars in chips made your stomach turn. 
The rest of the table put forth their bets, leaving nearly 50 million dollars in the middle of the table. Your face paled at the massive pile of chips. 
If Hyunjin lost, not only would he lose a ton of money for Stray Kids, but there was a chance you’d lose your life. 
You tilted your head, looking to see what cards Hyunjin was holding in his hands. He’s got a 9 of spades and a 5 of clovers. 
Fuck… He didn’t have what he needed for a royal flush, but he could opt for a high full house. It depends on what cards appear in the flop rounds. The game was left to the cards at this point. 
The dealer revealed two more cards face-up to start the Flop betting round. There was a Queen of Clovers, a 9 of Hearts, and a Jack of Diamonds. 
“Bet.” Hyunjin called out confidently, pushing forward more chips. 
You weren’t exactly sure what was going on, but you trusted him. After all, Hyunjin has been playing poker for a long ass time. 
The dealer turned over the fourth card, starting the post turn betting round. A man paled and rested his head on the table. Either he’s bluffing or he’s truly holding a losing hand. You couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor bastard. 
“Check,” Hyunjin called, pursing his lips, despite the fact that he had a good hand.
“Bet.” Damien smirked at his hand, pushing more chips forward. 
“Fold.” The other man folded, opting to keep what little chips he had left. 
“Raise.” Hyunjin shoved another large stack of chips into the pile. 
What the fuck was happening?
Was he bluffing? 
Damien matched Hyunjin’s bet, sliding a large stack of chips into the center. The table was surrounded by people, watching to see what would happen in this high-stakes Poker game. You couldn’t help but wonder yourself. If Damien wins, does that mean you and Hyunjin can just leave? Were you expected to stay there until he won back the money?
Fuck what was going to happen?
The dealer turned over the 5th and final card. 
This was the final betting round. 
Hyunjin dipped his hand in yours, tapping his index finger on your palm twice. You quickly turned to kiss his cheek, sliding your hand up your dress to grab the card. 
“I know you can do it, baby.” 
“All in.” Hyunjin tucked one of the cards in his sleeve as he reached up to ruffle your hair. 
You grabbed his hand off your head, handing off the 9 of clovers in his hand. You lowered your hand, effectively slipping the 5 of clovers into your garter. It was a quick exchange and you were positive no one saw what happened. 
You exhaled, relief flooding your body until you saw Damien smirk from across the table. 
Did he see?
“Call.” Damien pushed forward some chips. 
Damien and Hyunjin pushed forward their cards, showing their hands. You paled as Damien flipped over a full house. Two queens and three aces. Hyunjin lost. 
He lost everything. 
Your heart dropped in your stomach as you reached for Hyunjin’s sleeve. Maybe you two could call it now? If you called it now, maybe you guys could leave with your lives. 
You looked at Hyunjin’s face to see him smirking at Damien. “You’ve got some tricks up your sleeve Damien.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Damien shrugged. 
Hyunjin merely laughed — a dark laughter that you’ve never heard come out of his mouth. He’s usually such a high-pitched giggly man. You had to admit, this side of Hyunjin frightened you a little. 
“You play poker with one set of cards correct?” Hyunjin chuckled darkly. 
“That’s the only way to play.” Damien chuckled nervously. He blew his own cover. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m asking because I want to know why he has a Queen of Spades?” Hyunjin pointed to a man sitting across the table — his cards flipped up to show another Queen of Spades to match Damiens. 
“He must be cheating.” Damien glared at the man. “Security, take him away.” 
You gasped as a few armed men lurched forward, grabbing the man’s arms. Your fingers tightened around Hyunjin’s sleeve, alerting Hyunjin. He grabbed your hand in his and squeezed, hoping to calm you down. 
“Don’t do that.” Hyunjin chuckled as the guards paused. “He’s right next to the dealer. The dealer would have noticed if he was cheating.” 
Damien threw his head back and laughed maniacally. “I own this joint. Do you really think they’re going to do anything about me cheating?”
“Babe,” you started. It was time to go. You couldn’t stand being there any longer. “I’m getting hungry. Should we go to dinner?”
Your blood ran cold. That was your code. That was the word. You wanted to go and Hyunjin wouldn't let you. 
“We’re playing again, and this time I’m betting with 15 million.” Hyunjin smirked as the dealer handed him 15 million in chips. “If I lose, you get all of my money.” 
“If I lose?” Damien smirked. 
“You give me back what I lost during the last round, and you let us go.” Hyunjin thrust his hand forward. “Sound good?”
“You have a deal.” Damien shook Hyunjin’s hand and sat back at the table. 
The game was purely between Hyunjin and Damien. Everyone else had left. 
The dealer shuffled the cards and handed out two cards each. Hyunjin had two queens. 
So far it was looking good. You had a King stashed in your garter. All he needed was an Ace, a Jack, and a 10. 
Hyunjin and Damien put in their bets, throwing all their chips in the center. 
Wait… what? He didn’t even know what cards were there? Why is he going all-in?
You couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. You could feel it. Hyunjin was being ballsy and Damien was setting up a trap.  
The dealer flipped over two cards, revealing a 10 of Spades and a Jack of hearts. 
You could do it, you could win this. Hyunjin instantly put his hand down, tapping on your palm twice. You giggled and leaned your head against his shoulder, taking the card he stuffed down his sleeve and putting it in your garter. Then you grabbed the King of Spades and…
Oh no…
The card slipped from your hands. 
Hyunjin remained still. “Got a good hand there Damien?” 
He was trying to keep him distracted. 
You thought quick, snapping off one of your acrylic nails and throwing it to the ground. 
“Oh my god, my nail just fell off.” You sighed and bent down grabbing the card and hiding it under your shoe. “I paid big money to get these done. I can’t believe it just…” You lifted your head to see a revolver pointed at your head. 
Before you knew it, Hyunjin had swiped all the chips to the ground, sending various onlookers to the floor to pick up the millions of dollars in chips. The gunman was knocked over in the chaos, giving you an opportunity to crawl under the table to hide from the mess. 
Damien just watched the chaos with a huge smile. “Leaving so soon Hwang?” 
Hyunjin cursed and grabbed your arm harshly, the bruising grip causing you to cry out in pain. You’ve never seen him so violent before. 
You could hear Damien yell, “Tell Stray Kids to watch their backs.” as Hyunjin pulled you out of the Casino. 
Hyunjin burst through the doors and pulled you along the sidewalk. 
You frantically pushed at Hyunjin’s hand. “Hyunjin let go, you’re hurting me.” 
“Shut up.” Hyunjin turned to glare at you before pulling you along the sidewalk again. 
“Should we call Lix?”
“There’s no time,” Hyunjin growled. 
He was beyond pissed. 
Once you two got far enough away from the Casino, Hyunjin released his grip on your arm. He trudged along the sidewalk, refusing to say a word, while you trailed behind him. You looked at your feet as you walked, guilt taking over your emotions. 
You weren’t stupid. You realized how big of a mess you made. Now Stray Kids would be down 27 million dollars and Hyunjin’s cover was blown. 
“I fucked up.” Your small voice stopped Hyunjin in his tracks. 
He tried — oh he tried so hard to keep his temper in check, but your huge fuck up would reflect poorly on him. “You think?” Hyunjin looked over his shoulder, frowning at you. 
“Hyunjin I’m sorry I choked.” 
“No, you didn’t just choke.” Hyunjin scoffed. “You could have killed both of us. All you had to do was hand me the card. We’ve practiced that hundreds of times. How could you fuck that up?”
“I’m sorry.” Your eyes glassed over as you took the verbal lashing Hyunjin gave you. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix what you did in there.” He turned around and started to walk again. 
“Well whatever happened to ‘say the word baby and we’ll leave?’” You mocked. “This isn’t all my fault. I said the code word. You ignored me asshole.” 
“It’s not your fault?” Hyunjin scoffed. “This is one-hundred-percent your fault. We could have won!” His voice raised with each word. 
“Don’t you think I know that?” You sobbed. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I lost all that money.” 
“You aren’t understanding me,” Hyunjin yelled. “You could have died.” He grabbed your shoulders and shook you with each word. “You. Could. Have. Died.” 
“I know.” You collapsed to the ground and sobbed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You were so scared in that moment. Hyunjin wasn’t acting like himself. You messed up everything for Stray Kids. You had a gun to your head 10 minutes ago. 
Tears fell down your cheeks. “I never asked for any of this.” 
“Oh hush.” Hyunjin turned away from you. “You asked for this when you accepted this mission. You knew what this was, and yet you agreed.” 
“Well maybe I don’t want this life anymore!” You blurted out. Were these your true feelings? “If that means I have to leave you then so be it.” You had to get out of there. You stood up and turned around, leaving Hyunjin to sort out his emotions.
A heavy dose of reality hit Hyunjin when you started to walk away. “Wait, you don’t mean that do you?” 
You had to take a minute. Of course, you loved him. You loved him so much, but this life was already taking its toll on the two of you. “I don’t know.” You answered. 
Hyunjin paled. “Baby I—” 
A gunshot forced you to turn around. You watched a bullet fly through the air, lodging into Hyunjin’s shoulder, knocking him back. His head hit a stone pillar behind him, knocking him unconscious. You screamed and ducked behind a trash can, eyes focused on the amount of blood pouring out of your boyfriend’s head and shoulder. 
You heard a loud laugh as a GMC drove off, turning the corner quickly so no one could identify the license plate. 
Despite being terrified and weak, you had to get him out of there. Leaving him in the street could get him killed. You ran over to Hyunjin and slipped your arms underneath his armpits. You dragged the poor boy into an alleyway, sobbing as you pulled out your phone and dialed Chan’s number. 
Chan answered on the first ring. “Y/N? What happened?” 
“Hyunjin was shot.” You sobbed into the speaker, pressing onto Hyunjin’s shoulder wound with your unoccupied hand. 
You could hear Chan gasp on the other end. “Where are you?” 
“On the corner of 75th. We’re in an alley behind a Chinese restaurant.” You sniffled. 
“I’ll be there in 5. Press on the wound and make sure he stays awake.” Chan hung up before you could say anything else. 
Well, you’ve already fucked up. Hyunjin was out cold. 
Seeing your boyfriend so… dead looking made you cry even harder. What are you going to do? You loved the boy, despite his flaws and his questionable life decisions. He was sweet and caring. He didn’t deserve to die this way.
A truck screeched as it turned the corner. Felix hopped out of the driver’s seat and opened the bed of the truck. 
“I brought Seungmin. Let’s hurry up and get him in the truck.” Lix gasped when he saw Hyunjin’s freakishly pale skin. “He doesn’t look good.” 
Chan hopped out of the passenger's seat, helping Felix and Seungmin lift Hyunjin in the bed of the truck. You tried to hop in the back, hoping to help Hyunjin however you can. 
Felix put his hand on your shoulder. “You should sit up front with Chan. Seungmin and I will make sure he comes back to you.” He smiled sadly. 
You quickly hopped into the passenger seat, looking forward to heading back to headquarters. 
“What happened in there?” Chan asked as he started to drive home. 
“I fucked up.” You sighed. “I lost you guys 27 million dollars.” 
Chan’s eyes widened. “Wow.” 
You sniffled and started to cry once again. “I’m so sorry.” You sobbed. 
“Hey don’t worry about it.” Chan squeezed your shoulder. “I’m just happy to see the two of you alive.” Chan cringed. “Well, mostly alive.” 
You couldn’t help but tear up as you remembered the argument. “Hyunjin hates me.” 
“Hyunjin doesn’t hate you.” Chan chuckled a bit. “That man loves you more than he loves his dog. That says a lot.” 
“You didn’t hear the way he spoke to me.” You turned in your seat, rubbing your arms to soothe yourself. 
Chan sighed. “Hyunjin gets emotional sometimes. He doesn’t mean what he says when he’s fired up.” Chan paused a moment, thinking of what to ask. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You replied. “Hyunjin is the one who’s hurt.” 
“No.” Chan cut you off before you could say anything else. “I’m not talking about physically.” He rested his hand on your shoulder. “We’re used to seeing guns and having our lives threatened. You’re just a normal girl.” Chan sighed. “You shouldn’t have to watch your boyfriend get shot.”  
“I don’t want to be a normal girl anymore.” You mumbled. “I want to do what I can to protect him.” 
“Hyunjin can protect himself.” Chan replied. “Don’t get any ideas about becoming his savior. That mentality is what gets people killed.” Chan took a deep breath. “But if you want me to show you how to use a gun, and train you to come with us on missions, I can make it happen. You’re the one who’s going to have to tell Hyunjin that it’s what you want, otherwise I’ll have to deal with his wrath.” Chan shivered.
“Hyunjin has wrath?” You chuckled. 
“Do you have eyes?” Chan laughed. “Hyunjin only has wrath when it comes to you.” He smiled. “That boy loves you.” 
You sighed. “I feel like I fucked our relationship up.” 
“Y/N he has a ring.” 
Your heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“He has a ring,” Chan repeated himself. “If he proposes, please act surprised.” 
You felt even worse now. Your boyfriend was going to propose and here you were telling him that you didn’t want to be with him anymore. 
“We’re here.” Chan pulled into the garage and put the truck in park. You could see Felix and Seungmin hop out of the truck and quickly take Hyunjin inside. 
“Hey.” Chan stopped you before you could dart out.
“You need to think about this. Marrying him is agreeing to an unstable life. Can you live with that?” Chan questioned. 
You nodded. 
Chan pursed his lips. “Just think about it okay?” 
“I will.” You smiled and darted inside, hoping to hear good news. 
Hyunjin’s brows furrowed as he came to, wondering what happened. Where was he?
He could feel a light pressure on his shoulder. Hyunjin’s eyes fluttered open as he looked around the room, hoping to figure out what happened. 
He was in the infirmary in the house… 
Suddenly pieces of the night came back to him. 
A gun, someone pointed a gun at your head. Where were you? You weren’t shot, right? 
Hyunjin shot up in bed, alerting Seungmin and the boys. “Y/N.” He called for you. 
Seungmin popped into the room. “Hey, buddy. It’s nice to see you awake.” Seungmin grabbed one of Hyunjin’s hands, squeezing lightly. 
“Where is she? Tell me where is she?” Hyunjin teared up. You can’t be dead. You can’t be… Tears rolled down his cheeks as he repeatedly called your name, hoping you were okay. Why wasn’t anyone telling him if you were okay?
“Hyunjin?” You poked your head in the room, instantly calming the poor boy. He collapsed back in the bed, sobbing as he regained bits of his memory. You rushed over to his side, slipping into the bed and holding him close. “I’m here.” You kissed his forehead and ran your fingers through his hair to soothe him. “I’m okay.” 
“I thought you were dead.” Hyunjin sniffled. “There was a gun.” 
“You saved me.” You couldn’t help but tear up. “I thought I was never going to see you again.” 
Hyunjin chuckled and nuzzled into your embrace. “I don’t die that easy.” 
Taking care of Hyunjin while he was healing was no easy task. He was such a finicky boy, always asking for you to come cuddle him for various reasons. 
“But baby I’m cold.” 
“But baby, I want to hold you, it makes my arm feel better.” 
“I might have a nightmare without you.” 
Even though he was a pain in the ass, you loved taking care of him. It took him a month to get back to full health, and you couldn’t help but worry for him when his next mission popped up. 
You were wandering around the house wondering where he ran off to. Hyunjin had been a bit more distant lately. Not that he wasn’t constantly attached to your hip, but he wouldn’t talk about his worries. 
“Hyunjin?” You poked your head into the bar, seeing him sitting at a poker table staring at a deck of cards. “You okay?”
Hyunjin chuckled and threw the cards on the table. “I’m scared.” Your heart broke when he turned around, eyes tired as though he didn’t sleep a wink last night. “I shouldn't be, but I am.” 
“What do you mean you shouldn’t be scared? Hyunjin you got shot last time.” You wrapped your arms around him. “You have every right to be afraid.” 
Hyunjin sighed, covering your hands with his. “Have you ever heard stories from people who have near-death experiences?”
You leaned your head against his chest and squeezed tighter. “Yeah, I’ve heard a couple.” 
“Most people see their lives flash before their eyes.” He paused. “All I saw was you.” 
You released your hold on him so he could look you in the eyes. He looked frightened.
“I saw our first kiss, our first date, our first time together…” Hyunjin trailed off. “Then I saw what could have been the end of us… and it was all my fault.” 
Hyunjin dropped down to one knee. “I love you and I want you by my side forever.” He paused, taking your hand in his. “I know you might not want to live this kind of life, but, will you—” 
“Yes!” You blurted out. 
Hyunjin chuckled. “I didn’t ask yet.” 
“Okay.” You giggled and waited. 
“Will you —” 
“Yes.” You replied making him laugh. 
“Yes.” You cut him off once again. 
“Y/N please.” He laughed and pulled out a small velvet box. “Will you marry me?”
“Fuck yes.” You leaped into his arms, giggling as he lifted you up and spun you around. He slid the ring onto your left ring finger and pressed a passionate kiss to your lips. 
You held him closer, rubbing your noses together as you said “Now I don’t want you to leave on this mission. I want you to stay home with me.” 
Hyunjin giggled. “I’m not afraid anymore.” 
“Oh yeah?” You pecked him on the nose. “And why’s that?”
“I have you to come home to.” 
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tsc-updates · 4 years
19k One-Shot: Kit, Tessa & Jem
April 20 2013
The sun outside was setting. It cast a warm and soft orange glow through the kitchen’s ample window, onto the large, circle-shaped, wooden table. Kit squinted at the ray of light that hit his blue eyes. He raised his gaze to Tessa, who sat on the other end of the table. He softly shook his head. “Please don’t do this.”
“I have to, Kit.” Her face was impartial of feeling, and her voice had no actual tone behind it. “I have to.”
Kit leaned his forearms on the table. “No, you don’t. Please, Tessa, I am begging you. It doesn’t have to end this way. Don’t let it end this way.”
“I’m so sorry.” She whispered, and let the card fall on the table, face up. There it stood, in all its glory, the ultimate end. The black and white card flashed in mockery, the +4 sign laughing at Kit’s misery. He looked up at Tessa. Her head was leaning to the side, and she was softly shaking it, a small smile playing in her lips. “Uno.” She said.
Kit threw his cards on the table and dropped his forehead on it with a small thud. He groaned loudly. After a couple seconds, he lifted his head again and pointed his finger at Tessa. “You’re evil.” At that point, Tessa’s smile had widened into a pearly white one.
“What just happened?” Jem sat on one of the sides of the table, placed between Kit and Tessa. He was staring at the +4 card still glinting in the sunset’s glow. “That was the most intense and most dramatic game of cards I have ever seen.”
Tessa laughed while cleaning up the cards. “You think that was intense and dramatic? You should’ve seen Will and Matthew play Go Fish. The literal meaning of intense drama.”
“How bad could it be?” Kit asked.
Tessa pulled up the sleeve of her t-shirt. “See this scar?” There was a small white uneven scar along the inside of her arm. “Family game night.”
“Will and the kids were that competitive?” Kit leaned back in his seat.
Jem snorted. “Yeah, they’re the competitive ones.” He muttered.
“Pardon?” Tessa pursed her lips.
Jem shook his head. “Nothing, dear.”
“Uh-oh. Jem’s pulling the ‘dear’ card. You must have screwed up real bad.” Kit crossed his arms. Jem threw him a grin.
“I’m not competitive.” Tessa’s eyes had widened slightly, and her eyebrows were raised. Her tone was sure but daring.
Jem took a card from the table and inspected it. “Of course not.”
“Say it.” Jem bit down on his lip to keep from smiling. “Say I’m not competitive.”
“You’re not competitive.”
Tessa was staring at him with humour in her eyes, and yet this was still one of the worst fights Kit had seen them have. “Look me in the eyes, and tell me I’m not competitive.”
Jem looked up at her. “I cannot.”
“Why not?”
“Because that would be lying, and I could never lie to you.”
“Aw that’s sweet.” Kit interjected. Tessa threw him a glare. “…tly horrible.” Jem looked at him, barely able to contain his smile. “I’m definitely on Tessa’s side. How could you ever think that she’s competitive.” Sarcasm dripped on every word he said, perking up one of the sides of Jem’s lips.
“That’s right, I’m not competitive.” Tessa was either too worked up to notice the sarcasm or had chosen to ignore it.
“Kit, let me tell you a story.” Jem leaned forward in his seat. Kit rested his elbows on the table and held his head upon his palms. “Once upon a time, many many years ago, on a regular uneventful night, I was called to the London Institute on a medical emergency. When I arrived at the Institute, I found our friends sitting around playing a card game. On the corner of the room, was Gabriel Lightwood, a large gash on the side of his head, and bleeding profusely. Apparently, someone had hit him on the head with a massive book. I had to give him stitches. Guess the someone.”
Kit fake scratched his chin, as if deep in thought. “Could it have been someone that goes by the name of Tessa Gray?” He turned his gaze to her. She was nibbling on her thumbnail, a faint blush to her cheeks.
“It was an accident.” She said, in a low voice.
Jem smirked at that. “Really? An 800-page book accidentally flew from your hand, and travelled two meters in the diagonal to the other side of the table, hitting Gabriel, who happened to be your partner in the game, completely by accident?”
She shrugged. “We live in a world of wonders.” Jem chuckled and shook his head.
“Wait, but why did you ‘accidentally’ threw the book at him at all?”
“Apparently he caused them to lose the game.” Jem mocked.
“That card was clearly a 3. And the bastard confused it for an 8 the entirety of the game. You would have to be the stupidest person on Earth to not see it was a 3. You would have to be the dumbest, blindest-“Tessa cut herself off when she saw the looks the boys were throwing her. “Again, totally an accident.”
Jem and Kit burst out laughing. The sun was barely visible outside, and the kitchen was almost in darkness. Tessa waved her hand, and the lights turned on, flooding the kitchen in a soft white glow. After settling down, Kit gave them a questioning look. “Wait, didn’t you say you just went there to give him stitches?” Jem nodded. Kit’s face scrunched up in even more confusion. “Wouldn’t an iratze fix that? Why would you call for a Silent Brother?”
Jem and Tessa shared a look and giggled. “Will did things a little differently.”
“He used to call me for the minimal sign of hurt.” Jem shook his head with fondness. “Even if it was just a paper cut.” He smiled widely. “The Silent Brothers keep a record of every time they are called in the Silent City. They made a separate room for Will’s records only. It’s like a museum down there.”
Kit snorted. “Seriously?” Jem nodded. “Uh. The Silent Brothers are surprisingly humorous about the situation.”
“It got even worse after the kids got old enough to join in.” Tessa rolled her eyes.
“What did they do to those records?”
“Lumped them in with Will’s.” Jem shrugged. “They could tell.”
“You must have some fun stories about this.” Kit directed this at Tessa.
Her smile turned sad. “I don’t really remember a lot. I didn’t even remember this story until you brought it up.” She turned to Jem, who stretched his hand towards her and took hers, rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. “My memory of those days is like a light fog around the house. I know what’s supposed to be there, but everything is too blurry to make out.”
“Is it easier for Silent Brothers?”
Jem nodded. “Yes. We have special runes that help us remember everything in great detail. But ever since I left the Brotherhood that my memories have progressively become blurrier.”
Kit bit his lip and looked out the window. “Does it make it easier? Getting married, having kids, falling in love. Does it make eternity easier? Is any of it actually worth it?”
Tessa studied him. She noted the sharp intake of breath as he waited for an answer, noted the way his fingers fidgeted against one another, the way his gaze was focused on everything and nothing all at once. She’d seen that look before, on specific people. She could feel their presence on the pictures that hung behind her on the wall. She blinked away the tears that threatened to escape her eyes. “It’s different for everyone.”
“I’m not asking everyone. I’m asking you.”
The pearl bracelet around her wrist felt heavy and tight. She shook it off. “There is no easier or harder. There’s just time. And time is never enough. Not even eternal time. Married, single. Kids, childless. Having one true love, slutting it up around town. It doesn’t matter. Time is never enough. So why not spend it with the people you love?”
Kit breathed out slowly and worried at his bottom lip. Eventually he spoke up. “What if the people you love, don’t love you back?”
Tessa turned her gaze to the same direction he was set to. “Someone once told me ‘It’s all right to love someone who doesn’t love you back, as long as they’re worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it.’” Tessa looked at him again, a small smile on her lips. “Does he? Deserve it?”
She could feel Jem giving her a confused look. Kit looked at her quickly, his eyes widened in shock. Tessa didn’t look away, nor did she change her expression. Kit stared at her for a few seconds, before whispering. “He does.”
“Then you shouldn’t feel bad about loving him. You should never feel bad about loving someone.”
Kit gave her a small nod. He leaned back in his seat, the intensity of the moment worn off and his usual relaxed demeanour returning. “Who told you that? They sound like one of those dope motivational posters that school therapists hang on their walls.”
Tessa snorted. She racked her brain, but everything came back blank. “I can’t remember.”
“Do you remember who they said it about? Maybe it’ll jog your memory?”
She shook her head. “No, nothing.”
“Do you remember who they meant for you?”
She smiled and leaned closer to Jem. “There’s only two options there.”
Jem grinned and leaned forward to kiss her. They heard Kit groan. “Ugh, we get it. You three have an epic love story that makes all of us peasants have impossibly high standards. Blah blah blah. I want a rematch.”
Tessa broke the kiss giggling. “Sure. I would love to watch you lose again.”
Kit raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. Totes not competitive.” Tessa threw him a glare while Jem laughed.
They settled back into the fun teasing environment that reigned supreme during their last game, the memories of black haired beauties that were too far to reach lodging in the back of their minds.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Henry’s Birthday Weekend - Saturday - His Mistress
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Warning: 18+ sex/mentions of sex work/slight degradation
Note: Hi, guys! How are you all holding up during this Bill drought? I’ve been trying to keep myself busy and distracted from the fact that I can’t really go anywhere except the grocery store. Hopefully, this will serve as a distraction for you as it has for me. Reblogs are extremely appreciated in this dry spell, comments make me happy and likes are great too.
This is a direct continuation of Friday Night, if you haven’t read it.
Read more Henry x Mistress imagines here > Masterpost
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You knew he would come home livid. That was all right; you had prepared for the storm by dawning a new set underneath your casual clothes. It was an outfit of black lace and gold accents. But he wouldn’t know until he arrived.
 At a quarter past eleven, you heard his keys in the lock of the front door and turned on the couch to greet him with an oily smile. There was no use in playing dumb. You would consider it a miracle if one of his colleagues didn’t reveal you as the culprit during their romp to the nearest and classiest strip-joint. And judging by the way he pushed open the door and settled his eyes on you, the truth had surfaced.
 “Why?” he asked.
 You let the question resonate through the condo before shrugging. 
 “Why not?”
 “Because! That’s why!”
 “Oh,” you nodded. “Because. Yes. An excellent reason.”
 “I am so angry with you!” Henry belted.
 “How angry?”
 He tossed his keys onto the kitchen island and looked down at his jacket, huffing as he dusted glitter from the sleeves. “I don’t even think I can look at you right now.”
 “But you’re looking at me,” you pointed out.
 “And they took my phone!”
 “Good. So everything went according to plan.”
 “Plan? What plan? You planned on having me kidnapped and dumped into a den of strippers?”
 A giggle escaped your lips, and you touched your fingertips to your mouth, feigning a look of innocence. “Oopsy.”
 “No! No oopsy! That was completely out of line. I can’t believe you’d do that! And with Frank, nonetheless!”
 “Oh, come on, Henry. What’s so bad about getting some boobies pushed up against your face?”
 “Everything!” He shouted.
 Henry took several laps around the kitchen, fetching himself a shallow glass of water that went down like soot, then turning back toward you and remembering he did not wish to see your evil grin.
 “Babe, come on. Didn’t you have any fun? Not even a little?”
 “No. That was horrible. Degrading, even! And they wouldn’t let me leave.”
 “Degrading? What’s degrading about it?”
 Henry opened his arms wide, pointing out the window at the city below. “Someone’s daughter was rubbing her... Her everything all over my lap!”
 “What?” You pouted. “You don’t like the idea of someone’s daughter giving you a lap dance?”
 He caught the twist in your tone, softened for a breath, then shook his head and reangled his brows to look exceptionally pissed. “Strip clubs are... They’re disgusting.”
 “I thought I told them to bring you to Nikki’s? It’s classy!”
 “Oh, right, yeah... is it classy for my coworkers to pay a stripper to pour a shot down her ass-crack? I smell like pussy and Jagermeister!”
 You covered your mouth before another giggle could set Henry off on a tangent.
 “How is this so funny to you? Are you insane?” He asked.
 “I’m sorry, baby. I just thought you might want a little time with your friends for your birthday.”
 Henry shook his head, his frown turning into a cocked grin that still illustrated his objection. “No, no! No, no, no. Those guys aren’t my friends. I can barely stand them in a professional sense, so what makes you think I’d want to go to a strip club with them against my will?”
 “You’re a big boy. You could have left.”
 “No, for your information, I could not. They confiscated my phone and keys!”
 The plan had played out exactly how you imagined it would. You stood up and sauntered over to Henry, who was propping himself on the island. He pulled away from you but didn’t go far enough to evade your embrace for long.
 “Henry, do you really dislike naked girls or is this about something else?”
 “I’m not going to tell you I like naked women. That’s a trap waiting to happen.”
 “It’s not a trap,” you clutched his jaw, facing him so your eyes met. “Do you think I’d be offended if you said you are attracted to women?”
 “I don’t know,” he mumbled.
 “Yes, you do.”
 “No. I guess not.”
 “If you stood right here and said ‘babe, I think naked women are fun to look at,’ what do you think my response would be?”
 “I don’t know. You’d probably have some smart-ass thing to say.”
 Henry avoided looking at you, so you stood on the tips of your toes and kissed his cheek until his shoulders slumped and his arms relaxed. “I’d say ‘hell yeah. Naked chicks are great’.”
 “I still don’t see your point,”
 “Do you watch porn?”
 “No!” Henry exclaimed.
 “Henry,” your voice dropped an octave. “Don’t lie to me.”
 “Okay, yes. I’ve watched some.”
 “And did you enjoy it?”
 He scoffed again and rolled his eyes, a pinkness creeping over the crests of his cheeks. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
 “You liked it,” you said. “You really liked it.”
 “How do you know?”
 “Because your face is turning red as a tomato.”
 “What does watching porn have to do with tonight?”
 “I’m just trying to make a point to you, Henry. I’m not the kind of person who gets upset over things like that. Hell, I watch porn all the time.”
 “You do?” He sounded shocked.
 “Wh-why?” He asked.
 “Because it’s hot.”
 “But,” Henry shook his head again. “I don’t get it.”
 “It’s not like I’m watching it and saying, ‘oh, I’d like that guy to fuck me.’ It’s more like ‘hm, I like sex and watching other people have it arouses me.’ It’s not cheating. It’s human nature.”
 “But you’re getting off to another person.”
 “So if you were to masturbate while thinking of someone in an erotic situation, is that cheating? Even if you’re completely alone in bed?”
 “I suppose not.”
 “Do you think about me every time you masturbate?” You asked.
 “I don’t... Do that,” Henry said.
 “You’ve sent me videos of you playing with yourself.”
 “Okay, but that doesn’t count! I did that for you.”
 You pulled away from him, turned around, and he followed. “You’ve never rubbed one out on your own for the entire time we’ve been together?”
 Henry expelled air from his nose and sighed. “Why would I need to when I have you?”
 “What about when we’re not together?”
 “When we’re apart, I’m working.”
 “Henry, I know you’re trying to sound like the virtuous gentleman to me, but you’re preaching to the wrong choir.”
 “I know!” he said. “I know you’re a hundred times more progressive than my ex, but you must understand where I’m coming from. I’m just not used to all this kind of stuff being acceptable topics of conversation.”
 You took his hand, but instead of hugging him again, you pushed him into the couch, securing him to the cushion with your foot hovering an inch from his groin. 
 “What that woman did to you is a crime. I’ll never understand how somebody with access to a cock like that would do anything less than worship it every day, but you need to start getting yourself out of that constrictive little bubble of thinking. I’m not Mary. And even if we were from the same generation, I’d still never understand. Sexuality isn’t a sin, just like paying a dancer to dance is not.”
 You took a step back and unfastened the first three buttons of your blouse, exposing a hint of lace to Henry’s wandering eyes. His breath caught in his throat, silencing him as he watched.
 “Oh, you’re such a good boy. I suppose... If I were to start stripping for you right now, you wouldn’t have a good time.”
 “I would!” He defended.
 “But you just said it’s degrading. Do you think I’m degrading myself by showing you this lovely bra underneath my top?”
 He chewed his bottom lip while the flush of his face remained stagnant. “It would be degrading if there was a pack of howling men at your feet, throwing singles at you.”
 “A woman making money by using her natural gifts is anything but degrading to her. You conservatives need to start understanding that.”
 “Oh, so now we’re getting political?” Henry asked with a slight smirk.
 “No. You’re being quiet, and I’m dancing for you.”
 You opened your blouse, revealing the see-through lace and your nipples peeking around embroidered flower petals. Henry’s eyes locked onto your chest, so you scooped your breasts up with both hands, squeezing them together to show him all he was missing.
 “If you slipped a bill into my bra right now, would that be disgusting?” You asked.
 “For the record, I didn’t use any of my own money. Frank paid for it all.”
 “Oh, I know,” you dismissed. “He insisted.”
 “Fucking asshole,” Henry whispered.
 “Tell me something, Henry. Do you like me better with my skirt on, or would you prefer I slide it off and show you the rest?”
 “Well, now, you have me intrigued. So, of course, I’d say off.”
 “But isn’t it so awful of me to take my clothes off for your viewing pleasure?”
 “No, but you are evil.”
 “And you’re a nasty boy. Under that suit and that cute smile, you’re a raunchy bastard who loves getting his cock wet whenever he can. I’ve seen how easily you get hard. How all I have to do is bend over and slide this skirt off,” you acted out the narration, looking back to make sure Henry was watching. “And by the time I’m out of it, that dick will be hard.”
 “To be honest, I was the second you started undoing your blouse.”
 “See? You’re just as dirty as anyone else. Maybe even a bit more. Most guys don’t spring one until they see skin. You get hard just from the thought of me stripping for you.”
 Henry spread his feet farther apart, awaiting more criticism. You feigned leaning over to kiss him and grabbed the TV remote from the side table, leaving Henry’s lips wanting.
 “What are you doing?” He asked.
 “Since you’re such a nasty fuck who likes to go to strip clubs and watch porn, and, being that it’s your birthday weekend, I reckon you deserve a little overstimulation.”
 “Oh, yeah?” Henry watched you flick through a few channels until you found an adult network.
 His eyes lit up, and all the dreamy swagger fell away from him. When you turned around, Henry affixed to the television like a deer in headlights.
 “What’s wrong? I thought you liked porn?” You asked, resuming your slow swaying dance.
 Henry cracked a smile and shook his head, which only intrigued you more. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
 “It’s something.”
 He sighed as though reminded of a long-time joke and wiped his eyes. “It’s just... Mary still gets the cable bill in her name. So she’s going to see the charge for the porn.”
 “Good,” you said. “Let her see it. And if she gives you shit for it... Tell her how we put it on so we could copy every sex position. Since, you know, it’s your birthday, and you deserve to have that cock treated right.”
 He stared at you with a predatory sheen cutting through the amusement on his face. You had removed all your clothes, and stood before him in lace and mesh, waiting for him to lunge at you like a viper. Henry took hold of your wrist, tugging you closer until you had to climb over his lap, and smothered your mouth while you twisted his tie up in your fist.
 “Fuck me exactly how he fucks her,” you whispered, tossing a nod back at the TV.
 “Right now, he’s practically assaulting her throat. You want me to do that to you?” Henry asked.
 “Make it hurt, daddy.”
 He grabbed the meat of your arm, tugging you onto the couch so he could stand up to undo his belt. Henry looked at the screen behind him and then back at you once you arranged yourself to kneel on the couch cushions. Realizing the position made you too tall to reach his groin, you slithered onto the floor and waited. 
 The bulge in Henry’s slacks elated your eyes, and even more so when his hand dove in to produce said swollen appendage. It sprung out of its hiding spot beneath saxx underwear, coming up like a most welcomed visitor in a sea of wool and cashmere. He took a step closer, pressing you against the sofa until you had no choice but to distend your jaw.
 Henry grasped your chin with one hand while tugging his cock a few times in the other. “Let’s get this straight. I’m hard because the whole time I was made to watch those girls on stage, I wished they were you. Not because there’s a woman on TV getting her face fucked, but because, in my good Christian way of thinking, as you say, I’m picturing my cock down your throat. You’re the only one I want grinding on my dick. Ever. You got that?” Henry waggled the head against your outstretched tongue until you nodded eagerly. “Good. Now, open up wide. You know Daddy has a big one.”
 The perverse choking sounds playing over the speakers faded into nothing but background noise when Henry dipped his cock halfway into your mouth. He didn’t follow along with the film, as he was far too enraptured in stroking your face as you took him to the back of your throat. Henry was right; his manhood required substantial room to accommodate, and at a tilted angle, he slipped past your uvula and blocked your windpipe. But when he came away with his shaft frothy with saliva, his concern for your comfort faded fast.
 “Are you sure you weren’t a porn star before we met? You look so good taking a big fat cock in your mouth.”
 “I’ll be your porn star, how about that?” You murmured, lips nipping gently around the tip of his glistening cock. “You can film me doing whatever you want. And you don’t even have to pay me.”
 Henry shuddered. There was only so much he could take before the auditory overload got to him. Between the moaning in the background and the purposely sloppy noises you made sucking his dick, he felt his balls hitch and the lovely burning sensation in his gut fan out of control. He stopped and guided you back to the couch, threw you onto your stomach, grasped your garter straps and hauled your ass into the air.
 “I’ll pay you. Pay you in orgasms,” he said.
 “Just give me that cock,” you wiggled your hips. “That’s all I want.”
 The woman on television rode her partner backward, howling at the ceiling as she went. Your scene was slightly more tasteful and twice as authentic even in your lingerie and Henry with slacks around his thighs. The condo was modern and well-decorated, and you couldn’t help thinking about how a homemade porn movie might look filmed there.
 Henry slammed himself into your wetness and stayed there to enjoy the heat before pulling out and slamming in again. He kept his hands on your hips, only ever trailing away to grope your thighs as he went. A contented sigh spread over your back as he leaned over to wrap you in his arms.
 “Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again. I don’t care if it’s my birthday. I belong to you, and I have no desire to have my suit dry-cleaned because I can’t get the stripper glitter off it. So I’m going to fuck you hard enough to prove how much I want you, and only you.”
 “I know, Henry,” you whispered.
 Fingers slid through your hair, gripping the strands and tugging your head back while he pumped into you from behind. Your spine absorbed the shocks while you whimpered out loud.
 “No, I don’t think you do. I think you’re a whore, whose only purpose in life is to tease my dick and drive me up the wall. But... You know what?” He asked, standing up on his knees so he could watch his length jamming up your insides. “I love it. I love my nasty whore. I love that as soon as I pull out my cock, you turn into this cum-hungry slut for me. That’s the best gift anyone could get.”
 “Better than ten strippers grinding on your lap for free?” You teased.
 “I’d rather fuck your pussy than have a hundred naked girls dancing on me. Don’t play dumb. You know what this cunt does to me.”
 “Oh, Daddy... You say such dirty things.”
 “It’s all for you, baby.”
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rose-vanderan · 4 years
The Morning Chester Woke Up Confused
Pairing: Chester Davies/MC
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3,144
Chester Davies wakes up in his flat, confused as to why he has a hangover. Unable to remember what happened the night before he gets stricken with fear when he realized that there was someone beside him and they just shifted.
Notes: First publicly published fanfiction for Hogwarts Mystery. Seems a bit random but I enjoyed it! It is published on AO3 under the same name.
Chester blinked heavily taking in his surroundings as he turned slowly onto his side. He was in his bedroom inside the flat he got shortly after starting his job at the Ministry. Not that he didn’t love his family but it was a breath of fresh air being able to have a space away from them at times. Besides it didn’t stop them from stopping by, especially his brother.
As his grogginess clouded his mind it took him a moment to register the throbbing pain in his head. He groaned and the knowledge that he’d been drinking last night slammed into him as hard as the pounding currently in his head. He rubbed his eyes lazily and turned to lay on his back, moaning in pain as the movement caused jarring pain further into his head. He knew he needed to get up to get a potion to cure his hangover but the thought of getting out of bed was immediately put out of his mind as he froze in fear and slight confusion.
There was someone beside him and they just shifted.
Chester had no idea whether or not there were currently facing him or if they were even awake. He didn’t even want to humor a guess as to who would be unfortunate enough to have ended up in his bed to begin with. Actually now that Chester laid in his fear stricken state a thought flashed over his mind; he didn’t even remember what the hell had happened last night. The only reason he knew he was drinking was because of the unfortunately familiar headache.
Chester didn’t get drunk a lot and drinking certainly wasn’t his hobby; he just enjoyed relaxation after his stressful days at work. He is only familiar with it because of the rare few times he’s ended up comatose in his living room after trying a new liquor the shop owner insisted would be a good fit for him. Good telltale sign he was hungover was due to the distinct type of headache.
Now back to Chester’s current problem. He pieced together part of last night's activities but the person lying next to him and the fact that he actually made it his bedroom worried him. It only worried him because he may not even know who is lying next to him. Worse he may actually know who is lying next to him. He didn’t think he would handle how exhaustingly awkward that would make anything, especially if they were from work. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes, dragging his hands down his face trying to collect himself.
The brown haired woman lying next to him had turned towards him and fluttered her eyes open, before squinting at the bright morning light shining in from the window positioned across from them. She yawned before looking up at him, smiling before it dropped quickly as though she realized who she was looking at. She sat up with a start as though she’d awoken from a nightmare. She looked down before realizing she needed to pull the sheet on his bed to cover her apparent bare chest. She protectively crossed her arms over her chest and her spine was as stiff as a board. 
 Her sudden start up from the bed, caused Chester to make a noise of surprise before sitting up himself. He scooted himself back towards the headboard before taking a glance towards her. He noticed her bare back and as realization hit him that she wasn’t really wearing anything, a blush crawled up his neck. As the flush reached his cheeks, he began to study just how very very interesting his ceiling is right now.
The woman glanced back at him and quickly turned back before burying her head in her hands. She made a low small whine and proceeded to whisper You’re so stupid! and What were you thinking?!. Even though it was a whisper, he recognized the voice immediately and he wanted nothing more than for his side of the bed to swallow him whole in an endless black void. Anything was better than the realization that yes, he did know his mystery bed partner. The infamous Roisin Vanderan: Curse-Breaker of Hogwarts, fellow Ministry co-worker, fellow peer of Hogwarts, and a woman 4 years his junior.
Her whispering comments berating herself did hurt his self esteem to say the least but he has no room to talk for the comments flooding his head questioning his sanity. He glanced back from his ceiling towards her to see if she had moved. He was so lost in his head for a moment there he wouldn’t have been surprised if she left and he didn’t notice. She was still very much there and very much naked. Not that he was looking. Well he wasn’t trying to but as she stretched, heaving a heavy sign he noticed she was very much not wearing anything at all it appeared. He tore his eyes away and cleared his throat. He did not need to be focusing on that, as he certainly had a handful of problems already and he didn't want to add that type of problem to the list too.
His personal distraction method caused her attention to be caught as she slowly turned her head towards him. She gave a sheepish smile and flipped her hair out of way as the action had caused a loose strand to fall over her eye. He had to stop himself from reaching out to do that for her, and mentally cursed himself for even considering to. You already don’t remember sleeping with her and you want to move bases already?! He thought to himself and all he could do was return her smile with a smaller and weaker one.
“I, um…” She started, glancing around the room before swallowing hard and glancing back to look at his dark eyes. “This is going to come out bad, but I’m going to make an assumption that you don’t remember what happened?”
He blinked at the question a few times before letting out a short awkward laugh. “I take it you don’t either based on the way you woke up.”
She gave an awkward smile again before she said, “I actually kind of do. I just briefly uh forgot?” She let out a small laugh as she saw the brief fear that flashed over his face. She knew he didn’t remember a thing and was worried about what was happening currently.
It was all he could bring himself to say. He could at least take it as a good thing that she hasn’t run out yet. That or she wanted to give him more humiliation. He didn’t know which was worse right now but the idea that the bed could swallow him whole was sounding like a good idea again. She turned her body towards him and shifted the cover to keep her covered, something Chester really wished he would stop paying attention too. She stifled a giggle and placed her hand on his leg.
“I came over last night because you wanted me to check something out you had for your cat.” She said simply, and she bit the inside of her cheek trying to stop her laughter from spilling out as she watched the puzzled look fill his face.
“My cat? The evil bastard that’s probably wrecked my entire living room overnight?” He asked, staring at her in disbelief.
Chester knew that he always complained about his cat, always calling it all kinds of things but he loved it more than his brother sometimes. Well he would never say that but he certainly bought his cat more gifts during Yuletide. Hell his cat wasn’t even fed a simple dry kibble, the man had refused and made sure his bastard of a cat was given food that honestly seemed better than anything he ate. The idea that somehow his cat had managed to provide a situation that allowed for well, its owner to get laid, was an idea that Chester couldn’t process. Magic existing? Yes. Magical creatures of varying origins? Of course. His cat being apparently a wingman? No, not possible.
She studied him for a moment before shaking her head and letting the laugher fall out. He glared at her and crossed his arms. He didn’t find how she could possibly find any of this humorous and she laughed harder when she saw him pouting.
“You…” She began trying to stop herself from laughing. She cleared her throat before continuing, “You had a little to drink before I came over but started drinking more after you cried after your cat had a hairball.”
“It’s very unsettling!” He quickly defended and looked away from her, continuing his toddler like pout.
It was a very strange situation sitting in front of him currently. His evil bastard had managed to make him so emotionally stressed that he started drinking himself out of one embarrassment into another. He had no clue what to do and felt way too awkward to even consider how to proceed. He’s had partners before but usually it just ended in simple breakups because there was a relationship to begin with. This wasn’t something he knew how to handle.
“It’s only awkward if you let it be awkward.” Roisin said, giving his leg a reassuring squeeze. “If you don’t want anything, nothing has to happen.”
He took a big gulp and looked up at the very interesting ceiling again. He felt almost guilty for not wanting anything more. Well correction: a relationship. He had no problem doing that again. Maybe only because he’d be able to remember it this time. That sounded bad. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Bless her for being so patient.
He considered through his head the possibility of a relationship but he just never considered her that way. Considered her other ways. No, stop that isn’t right. Roisin has been a very good friend to him even if they only really became friends after she started working in the Ministry herself. She took her time after school being a professional Curse-Breaker but decided against it for government work? He wasn’t quite sure how she wanted to throw away such an exciting career for paperwork but she never expanded so he never pressed the matter. She was a great friend. Friend. Hell he looked at her more as a sister than a potential partner. Which made the current situation worse. Again.
He looked back down at her and with a sheepish smile said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for dragging you over here and um…” He gestured to the both of them, hoping it conveyed the situation.
“It’s fine.” She said sweetly and smiled brightly at him. It was very comforting that she made this so easy. “This happens sometimes when people hang around and drink. At least it means we’re comfortable with each other right?”
It briefly crossed his mind that she made it so easy as though this was common for her. He tried pushing that thought out of his head as he didn’t want to think badly of her but ever so briefly remembered the rumors that followed her. He watched something flicker across her eyes but it vanished so quickly he already almost forgot it happened. He cleared his throat and made to get out of bed. He had intended to go try and get that pain potion for his hangover and maybe take a shower. Actually probably should ask if she’d like to take one herself. He got across the room towards his bathroom door before he realized that he still very much had his pants on from yesterday.
He stopped in his tracks and looked down. Sure enough, he still had them on. He looked back up at his bathroom door and back down again at his pants. Up. Down. Up. Down. He winced at the pain that it had caused in his head doing that and mentally cursed himself. He felt like he should apologize to her. He was so out of it he passed out and couldn’t remember a thing that happened. Yet his pants were still on. One of two things ran as a solution in his head; One: It didn’t get far enough that I took off my pants which meant that nothing really happened. Or two: It wasn’t that good and I had the energy to put the pants back on.
It took until he heard her laughing behind him that he realized he didn’t actually think any of that in his head and he actually was saying that out loud. The red that flushed his face and neck made the stuttering of his apology almost innocent sounding. He chuckled nervously and quickly grabbed clothes and then he ran into his bathroom. A cold shower and a hangover potion sounded great right now, anything to get him out of the other room.
After his shower he muttered something akin to making breakfast and shuffled out of the room leaving her to take her own shower. She came out relatively quickly, definitely shorter than his self-hatred filled shower was. She had managed to do all sorts of charm work to her clothes from the previous day that it looked as though she just arrived in his flat. Her long hair was put in a high ponytail and she even managed cosmetic charms. It was apparent she definitely looked more put together than he did. He just put on the first shirt and pants he found in his closet, wanting more than anything not to think about anything, let alone his clothing choices.
He reached out and offered her some tea, which she graciously accepted with a soft smile. Chester leaned against his counter and took a long sip, his cat strutting his betrayal of a behind up to him and purring for attention, clearly grateful of the luxury of a meal he was fed and ignoring the living room he very much destroyed. He placed his cup on the counter and leaned down, scooping his cat up and snuggling against it. Roisin smiled, she was one of the few people who knew he babies his cat like a child. What Rosin didn’t know was that while she was taking a shower, Chester was busy screaming at the cat who had gotten themselves stuck to the top of the living room curtains. He had taken 3 minutes trying to detach the claws one by one while the cat yodelled its meow in protest. I KNOW!  He yelled back YOU’RE NOT EXACTLY HELPING ME HERE! And at some point yelled YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF YOU HEATHEN, I’M JUST TRYING TO BE A GOOD DAD AND HELP YOU!!! Which was followed by screaming as the curtain rod fell off the window frame.
Roisin watched Chester swaddle his furry son and giggled as he reached over and placed a tiny crocheted hat onto the cat’s head. It was comical watching the cat calmly allow it to happen, as though it was completely normal. Chester held up the cat in triumph to show Roisin what he considered to be his masterpiece. She clapped as she always did in appreciation and he grinned back, placing his cat onto the floor. He was already forgetting what he was embarrassed for earlier.
Knock Knock
They both glanced over to the front door to the flat. Chester glanced up at time and saw it was 10:30am. He knew it was Sunday, his day off so he didn’t panic at possibly being late for work. No, instead he panicked because it was Sunday! His brother always came over so they could go to the Cinema on Sunday! He quickly rushed over to the door and glanced out the peephole and saw his younger brother, impatiently waiting on the other side. Chester turned back around and pressed his back against the door looking over at his current company.
“Roger?” She mouthed towards him, questioning the identity of the person at the door.
He frantically nodded and the knocking on the door persisted even more impatiently. Chester closed his eyes and dreaded the idea of his brother being here right now, because he knew that even if he lied and said she just came over a few minutes before him, Roger wouldn’t buy it. Hell even if that was the honest truth, Roger would make the assumption anyways just to tease his brother.
Knock Knock
“OPEN THE DOOR!” Roger yelled, clearly aggravated having to wait on the other side knowing damn well his brother can hear him.
Chester quickly whipped the door open and grinned, what he hoped was casually, at his younger sibling. Roger raised an eyebrow at him and pushed past him, rolling his eyes.
“What took you so long, you’re usually well up by no-” Roger stopped himself when his eyes landed on Roisin standing in the kitchen.
She heard him coming in and looked over from her spot, petting the cat on the counter. She grinned at him and waved.
“Good to see you, Roger.” She said as she came over and gave him a quick hug. Roger spent the entire time looking over at his brother in confusion. He managed to mutter a quick hello before she let him go.
“Roisin here was just….uh leaving right?” Chester said, not at all subtlety, as he glanced from his brother to her.
“Oh yeah of course,” She said, getting her belongings she had accio-ed while Chester was busy at the door with his brother. “Thank you again, Chester, for having me over to help give advice on that project. Plus you know I adore this little one.” She gave the cat a quick pat before looking back at them.  
He nodded, trying to look like a grateful friend and not a man who clearly had no idea what she was indicating too. Chester knew his little brother well and knew that he wasn’t buying any of this for a second but he can hope. Roisin walked over and gave him a quick hug as well and walked towards the front door. She could hear harsh whispers from Roger behind her in his brother’s ear.
As she left before closing the front door behind her she called, turning to look at them both again, “Chester?”
He shushed his brother’s insistent question to answer back, “Yes?”
“Let me know if you ever need anymore help, I’m always happy to help in any way I can.” She said to him, giving a wink before closing his front door.
She walked away grinning hearing the hushed screaming coming from inside the apartment as Chester tried his best to shut his brother up on his now more insistent questioning and praise.
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heathsbitch · 4 years
Treat You Better ➳ PEAKY BLINDERS
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          Ivy's eyes opened to bright sunlight bursting through her window. She shifted in her bed, something was different. Yes, she was in Tommo's house but that wasn't it. The girl scanned the room looking for something. Finn was gone. Her heart dropped but she was glad. She was upset that he had gone but at least she didn't have to speak to him, not after what happened last night. "I think I love you, Ivy." The words rattled around the girl's brain and she couldn't get rid of them. Something caught Ivy's eye. A small piece of paper rested on her bedside table that hadn't been there last night. The girl sat up and picked up the note to read it. In a slanted scrawl it read:
'Thank you for taking care of me last night. I'm sorry if I was acting a bit weird, it was just the Tokyo. - Finn'
A lot of the words were spelt wrong but Ivy smiled at the note. The intention was there. A strange sadness washed over her when she had read the words, 'It was just the Tokyo'. The girl shook her head, trying to be rid of the unusual misery that had come over her. She cast her thoughts aside and got dressed.
Ivy made her way down the grand staircase of Tom and Grace's house and to the dining room. Upon entering the room, she noticed that everyone was down there, waiting for her. Tommo and Grace were talking. John held a cigar in one hand and Esme in the other. Arthur and Linda were talking whilst she showed him the Bible. Polly was reading a newspaper while Ada tried to talk politics with her and Michael and Finn were sat opposite each other doing nothing. When she walked into the room, most people's heads snapped towards her. "Don't worry, Ivy. You're not late at all." Michael sarcastically spat. "It's not her fault. I asked Finn to wake her up but he refused." Tom stood up for the girl. Ivy scanned the table for spare seats. The only ones free were one beside Michael and one beside Finn. She chose the lesser of the two evils and sat next to Finn. When she sat down, she noticed the boy tense up and his hands that had been resting on the table were clenched together. The boy's hair was messy and his eyes drooped but he still managed to make the girl's heart flutter. Especially after what he had said last night. "Morning." Ivy said to her friend, trying to loosen up the tense air between them. "Morning." He grumbled, his voice hoarse. The servants started to bring in breakfast and everybody prepared themselves by putting any books or newspapers away. As Ivy ate, she noticed somebody staring at her from across the table. Their gaze was intense and icy.
The girl looked straight at him and raised an eyebrow. "I guess the happy couple aren't so happy anymore." Michael mouthed. Ivy placed her fork on the table and raised her middle finger at the man. She was not in the mood for his teasing. Everybody continued to eat their breakfast as usual and Ivy blocked Michael out as much as she possibly could. When the servants had cleaned everyone's plates up, Tom stood from his chair. "There is some business that needs to be dealt with. I'm busy so John, Arthur, Finn and Ivy will take care of it. You have a meeting with the Changrettas in Charlie's yard at midday. It's to do with Lizzie so be careful with what you say."
Ivy wondered who the Changrettas were and what they had to do with Lizzie. She thought the name sounded familiar but she couldn't find out why. People began to leave the table and Arthur called John and the teens over to discuss the business. "Alright you lot, like Tommy said, you've got to be careful with what you say. These Changrettas are nasty Italian bastards and they're not happy with us. You two," The man turned to Finn and Ivy. "Keep your distance from them, especially you, Ivy."
"Why me?" The girl asked curiously. "'Cause if they see something they like, they will take it." A look of disgust passed over Ivy's face. "Wait, wait, wait. What does an Italian family have to do with Lizzie?" Ivy overcame her disgust and asked the Shelbys."She dates one of the wops. Remember?" John told the girl and patted her shoulder. "Ohh." She said, finally realising where she'd heard the name before. "Are there any more questions before we leave?" Nobody responded to Arthur's question so they all followed him out to the car so they could head back to Small Heath.
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Ivy and Finn stood at the entrance to Charlie's yard, checking the Italians that were about to meet with John and Arthur. The first man walked over to the pair. He was fairly young with dark eyes and a chiseled jaw. Finn tensed at the way he was eyeing up Ivy. The girl went to start searching the man but Finn held her back. "I'll do them." He offered. Ivy was confused at his proposition, she hadn't noticed the intense gaze the Italian man had cast upon her. "All of them?" She questioned and Finn nodded. Ivy nodded, not wanting to talk to Finn for too long. She observed the men to make sure they weren't hiding any tricks up their sleeves. There were three men in total, two younger ones and an older man.
During the search of the second man, Isaiah emerged from the other side of the bridge. He walked straight over to speak to Ivy because Finn was busy. "Sorry I'm late. I was with Bella," He told the girl. Her eyebrow perked up at the mention of the girl's name. "No, we didn't before you ask. She said I was too high but she might treat me later." Isaiah nudged Ivy's arm and smiles played on both of their lips. A cough sounded from Finn, signifying that they were ready. The trio led the Changrettas into Charlie's yard to where Arthur and John were waiting.
A small table complete with a tablecloth and pot of tea were waiting for the group, a few chairs dotted around the table. It was insulting, really, but these were the Peaky Blinders so it was to be expected. The Italian men had looks of disgust plastered across their faces at the sight of all the horse manure scattered across the floor. "You asked for a meeting out in the open, fresh air and the fine aroma of shit. 'Neutral ground' you said." Arthur announced to the men.
The trio of teenagers stood off to the side, stern looks on all of their faces. "This is hardly neutral ground." The older Changretta, Vincente, said. "Well, it's what you've got," Arthur told them as he took a seat next to John. "So, por favor, sit down."
A smirk was plastered across John's face as he tried to contain his laughter. "Where is Thomas?" Vincente asked, refusing to sit down. "He got called away." John informed the Changrettas. "He said he'd be here." The man replied instantly, his accent getting seemingly thicker as he spoke."Yeah, he is busy." Arthur added. John began to speak again, anger slowly starting to flow through him again. "And I just told you he got called away. What do you want?" He was lent back in his chair with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. The Changretta man got closer to the Shelby brothers and Ivy noticed Isaiah and Finn's hands get closer to their guns. "There has been a peace between the Peaky Blinders and the Changretta family for two years now-"
"Do you want some tea or not?" John interrupted the man. "Here, Finn, pour the Italians some English tea. Go on." The boy was reluctant at first but poured the tea into a small china cup. Ivy scoffed at John and he smirked as a response. "We don't want fucking tea!" Vincente spat, shocking everyone with his sudden outburst of anger. Arthur and John exchanged glances, they were up to something and Ivy wanted to know what. Finn slammed the tea cup back onto the table and walked back to his friends. "We want an explanation." Arthur stood up and reached for the cup of tea that Finn had poured. "Well, I'll have some tea." John spoke up again, "Explanation for what?"
"The Little Venice Restaurant on Forge Street was burnt down-" John interrupted the man again, Vincente's anger was rising in his chest like a burning flame, waiting to come bursting out of his throat. "No. No. Couldn't have been us, we was at a wedding."
"You burnt it down to stop my son being at that same wedding." The Italian spat back almost immediately. "He wasn't missed." Arthur muttered under his breath as he sipped his tea. Chuckles circled the group, everyone except for the Italian trio was laughing. "You are such big boys now. But once you borrowed clothes from us to look like men." The Changretta man told the brothers. "How's the tea, Arthur?" John asked his brother, clearly bored from Vincente's speech. The eldest Shelby threw the tea onto the floor, "It's cold." The man shrugged and John giggled under his breath again. Vincente Changretta took a deep sigh before he spoke again. "Please tell Tommy that we pay him whatever he asks us to pay. We stay out of the city and off the tracks," The man took another few steps, getting closer to the brothers. "But you tell him from me that my son will walk with any woman in this city. Any woman he chooses. Even if that woman works for the emperor, Thomas Shelby. My son is in love-"
John snorted, interrupting the man for the third time during their meeting. 'He's a little asshole' Ivy thought to herself, smirking and shaking her head at the same time. "Sorry. Do excuse me. Carry on." John rubbed his face, trying to stop himself from chuckling. There was a long pause as Vincente tried to contain his anger. "And if he wishes, he will walk with the woman he loves." John rubbed his nose and sniffed, "Okay." He agreed to the Italian's proposition. "You know," John reached for the tea pot and poured some more tea into the cup. "It would be hard for your son to walk anywhere with a bullet in each knee, wouldn't it?" He kept digging a hole, trying to anger the man even more than he had already done. He sipped his tea silently.
"Too much." Mr Changretta warned. Ivy didn't find the man even remotely intimidating and found John's insulting taunts quite hilarious. It was probably down to the fact that Vincente let John's taunts go straight to his head and he had obvious reactions to them.
"You said too much, my friend. Sabini says, 'Suck and swallow'. But no. Too much. I spit." The Italian spat on the floor when he had finished speaking. Ivy looked at her friends, they each shared the same look of confusion. "Bit of a strange analogy." The girl told her friends. The Italians started to leave the yard but one stayed behind. The creepy one with the chiseled jaw picked up one of the wooden chairs and smashed it against the ground repeatedly, shattering it into many pieces. Arthur sighed at his actions, annoyed that he broke a chair. "Fucking hell," He muttered. "Isaiah," Arthur called the teen over to him. "Put two extra men on our pubs in Nechells." Isaiah nodded, agreeing to his actions. "What are you talking about, Arthur? We're not scared of the Eyeties anymore." An annoyed and confused John questioned. "Don't tell Tommy about the chair and clean this fucking shit up." Arthur stood up as he barked his orders at the group. "We're not scared of fucking wops!" John shouted back as his brother walked away. Finn moved to start cleaning up the chair as John slumped back in his chair. "For fuck's sake." He muttered under his breath. He took a deep sigh before standing up and walking up to Ivy. "Ivy, I need your help with something." She looked up at the man, "What do you need?" The Shelby only smirked.
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John and Ivy had to stop off at the betting shop for a few minutes so John could speak to Polly. He told the girl that his aunt wanted them to apologise and move on. He said that they weren't going to listen. They didn't want to seem soft. The pair walked down the sullen streets of Birmingham, heading for the tailor shop where they would find their target, Angel Changretta. They stopped outside of the door and John turned to Ivy. "If you're not okay with this then you can stay out here."
"No, no. John, it's fine. Anything I can do to help you." The man threw his arm over the girl's shoulder. "That's my girl." He shook her around a little bit before they walked into the shop. They sneaked in and hid behind a clothes rail. Ivy heard footsteps coming from the staircase. She tapped John's shoulder, signifying that their target was there. He gestured for the girl to go in front of him so she could make the first move. "Just there, sir. There." The tailor told the Italian. Ivy stood up, the clothes rail was luckily taller than her. The suits started to move on the rack, Ivy's heart thumped against her chest. She couldn't afford to mess up. The clothes parted fully, revealing Ivy stood there.
She smiled and greeted the man, "Hey." She thrust her fist forward and it connected with the man's nose. He groaned and stumbled backwards. The other Italian that was there went for Ivy. She dodged him and pushed the man towards John. Angel Changretta had fully recovered and was trying to hit Ivy. She dodged every blow, finally going for one of her own. The girl swung her leg at the man, kicking him into the wall behind him. She held the man against the stairs and repeatedly punched him in the face, blood pouring from his nose. To make sure that he was no longer a threat, she grabbed his shoulders and bashed his head against the banister of the stairs. "Fucking hell, Vee." John said from behind her. The Italian that went for him was on the floor unconscious. "Shit. I didn't mean to... I didn't..." The girl started to freak out. "S'alright." John pulled her into a hug, careful not to get blood on her clothes and she did the same.
The girl screamed, somebody had pulled her to the ground. Her head hit the floor and she looked up to find Angel Changretta over her, his fist about to connect with her jaw. Suddenly, he was pulled back. The girl scooted back to sit against the wall, pain shooting through her skull. She saw John over the man, his hat in his hand. "Are you going to kill me?" The man whimpered. "Get fucking up," John wrestled with the man, eventually pushing him against the floor. "Stay away from Lizzie!" He shouted. John pressed his cap into the man's eyes, screams coming from him. Blood squirted out of the wound in the man's eyes. "By order of the Peaky fucking Blinders!" John finished with the man and stood up. He came over to Ivy. "Are you alright?" John helped the girl up and held her face in his hands. "Yeah." Her voice came out as barely a whisper. The man took one last look over her and led her up the stairs of the tailor shop and back to the car. "You should get some sleep." The girl agreed and closed her eyes, trying to forget the blood on her hands.
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Ivy woke to John shaking her small frame. "Tommy said he wants you in today," The girl's eyes fluttered open and she noticed that they were outside the betting shop. She went to climb out of the car but John stopped her. "Wash your hands in the kitchen before you go in." Ivy looked at her hands, blood still covered them. "Okay, thank you." John rubbed her shoulder before she got out. The girl was glad to find out that the door was unlocked. She rushed into the house and straight into the kitchen so she could wash her hands. The girl furiously washed her hands, trying to be as quick as possible. Unbeknownst to the girl, Thomas was standing at the entrance to the betting shop, watching her. She turned around and noticed the man there. She jumped and clutched her heart. "Shit, Tommo. How long have you been there for?" He walked towards the girl and grabbed her hands. "John took you to the Changrettas then?" She nodded, not wanting to say anything more to the Shelby man. He didn't ask anymore questions, which she was grateful for, and he left to go to his office. She let out a deep sigh and finished washing her hands. Ivy was glad to be back at work, though. The girl had a couple of days off because of Tommo's wedding but she was back to stay, at least for a while.
That day was also a Friday, meaning that she was going to stay with her father later that night so she had to try and rush through the majority of her work so she wasn't behind. She was also excited to work in her new office. She had been moved to a slightly nicer room. Unfortunately, it was opposite Michael's but she did her best to ignore the man. Ivy walked to her office, but on her way she heard a noise that instantly perked her ears up. A female giggle. She paused in her place, about to walk into her office. Slowly, she turned around to look at Michael's door. More giggles came from his room. 'He's with the whore. Isn't he?' Ivy asked herself. Since he was being annoying at breakfast, she thought that she would return the favour. The girl walked into her office and grabbed some papers that were already finished and stopped back outside Michael's door. She could see shadows moving around inside and different sounds were coming from the interior, rather than giggles. Ivy was familiar with the sound. It was Michael moaning.
'Perfect' She said to herself, a cynical smirk plastered across her face. Ivy knocked but she didn't wait for a reply. As she walked in, she heard desperate scrambling. The girl decided to play dumb. "I've got some papers for you, Boss." She knew that she would piss him off if she called him that. His face was flushed and clothes were scruffy. "T-thank you, Ivy. You can go now."
He tried to rush her out of the room. She walked closer to the desk and slammed her work on the desk. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Ivy asked and tilted her head, her hands placed firmly on the desk. Michael's face dropped, annoyed that Ivy had realised that somebody else was in the room. He pushed his chair backwards but not before zipping his trousers up. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Charlotte, this is Ivy. Ivy, this is Charlotte." A girl with brown hair sheepishly stood up from under the desk, her cheeks a bright shade of crimson. She recognised the girl as the crack whore from Tom's wedding. "It's so nice to meet you properly!" Ivy beamed and stuck her hand out for Charlotte to shake. Charlotte looked lost, she didn't know what to do. She glanced at her hands and they were slick with a mysterious substance. Ivy knew full well what it was. The Solomons grabbed the girl's hand and shook it firmly. Michael's face was one of anger and confusion. When the girls pulled away, there was a string of the mysterious substance. Ivy didn't look at it but she knew it was there. "Well, sir, I'll be in my office should you need me."
The girl went to leave but stopped at the door because Michael called out to her. "I'll be having words with you later." He warned. "Yes, Boss." Luckily, Charlotte had her back to Ivy. The Solomons finally looked at her hand then showed it to Michael. She winked and licked the substance off of her hand then left the room, closing the door behind her. "Prick." She muttered as she walked into her own office, cleaning the rest of her hand. Her work was interrupted fairly soon after she sat down, though. Thomas burst into the room, demanding that she come with him. They walked towards the kitchen. Ivy saw Finn coming out of it after something Arthur had said. "Finn, you can stay." Tom told him as him and Ivy walked in. The boy smirked and went back into the room.
"Tommo, this is a family meeting. I shouldn't be here." Ivy spoke up after realising the other people in the room. "Stay. This involves you." Tom told her and she stayed still, curious at what he was going to say. The girl noticed from the corner of her eye that Finn was staring at her. The smirk had fallen off of his face and he looked sad. His eyes were puffy, probably from crying. Ivy's heart dropped. Things were still awkward between them but she hated seeing her friends upset. "Sit down, John. You too, Ivy," Thomas ordered. Both of them followed his instruction. Tom took a long pause before speaking again "You two cut Angel Changretta,"
Nausea filled Ivy, if she had known that she was going against Tom's orders, she probably wouldn't have gone along with it.
"Even though Arthur told you to apologise. Polly told you to compromise. You chose not to listen to Mr Apologise or Mrs Compromise. Ivy I can understand that you were just following orders but show more initiative next time, eh?" The girl kept her eyes trained on the ground, too ashamed to make eye contact. She was already regretting what she did, regardless of whether she went against Tommo. "Now I've got an Italian walking around my backyard saying he's going to kill my brother and Alfie Solomons' daughter. So what do we do, eh? Should we apologise or do we compromise?" Ivy thought that the adult should answer since her word counts for very little. John let out a long breath but didn't respond. Silence filled the room. "Oh, it was just something John said as a joke." Arthur tried to defend the pair but kept his voice low. "Yeah but he's your brother as well, Arthur and Ivy is pretty much your sister." Thomas kept his own voice low. "Yeah," Arthur simply responded. "I know I didn't want to start a war over something John said without meaning it." Tommo grunted and spoke again. "So, should he apologise in Italian or in English?" The question confused both Ivy and John, they both looked at each other, eyebrows furrowed."Or should we ask them which fucking language they prefer? I'm not clear." Polly put her hand on Arthur's arm and took a chance to speak. "You said while this business was going on in London, you wanted peace at home."
"And the only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless. If you apologise once, you do it again and again and again. Like taking bricks out of the wall of your fucking house. Do you want to bring the house down, Arthur?" Silence filled the room yet again. Arthur let out a low grunt. "If you're soft on rebellion, it'll grow." Thomas continued. Arthur stood up from his chair. "Bloody 'soft on rebellion'." He repeated. "You did the right thing. Ivy and John. Now we go on the offensive. We take two of the Changretta pubs, and we take them tonight. That's it. Ivy, I'm taking you to your father. I don't want you anywhere near this." Ivy was shocked at Tom's words. He had just seemed so mad that they attacked Angel Changretta and then he was completely fine with it. 'He's more unpredictable than my father.' Ivy told herself.
"Oh! Right. For Christ's sake, why?" Polly shouted at her nephew. "Eh?" Thomas had walked away but stopped in his tracks. "Why?" Polly repeated. Tom marched back over to the group. "Why? Because we fucking can. Because we fucking can and if we can, we do. And if we lift our heel off their necks now, they'll just come at us! Remember these are the bastards that wanted Danny Whizz-Bang dead," The group was silent once more as they waited for Tom to speak again. "You're getting soft, brother. Soft and weak. Save the Bible for Sundays, eh? Finn, I need you to take Ivy to her father's, get to Hockley and then home. It's been a long day." The boy walked out of the door without a word, Ivy and Tommo followed behind. Tom turned around to give one final order. "You take the Wrexham, you take the Five Bells. You get them signed over to us in the morning. You make sure the coppers stay away. Don't use the fucking phones, alright? There's someone listening." The trio climbed into the car that was parked outside the betting den. Finn and Tom were in the front and Ivy was in the back. "Ivy, if you're father's mad that you're late, just tell him you were doing business with me." Tommo told her as they began their journey to Camden Town. "Okay." The girl squeaked out.
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The journey was quick and quiet. Thomas definitely felt the tension between the two teens but didn't say anything about it. When they stopped at Alfie's house, Ivy got out silently. She didn't say a word to either Tom or Finn. She wasn't in the mood to see her father but she had to go. The girl timidly raised her hand to knock on the door to her Father's house. She took a quick glance at her small wrist watch to see that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. She was almost eight hours late. The inside of the house was dark, only the silhouette of her father could be seen. "You're late." He grumbled. "I'm sorry, dad. Tommo and I were finishing up some business and-"
"Business? Business with Tommy fucking Shelby! Get in," He dragged the girl into the house by the collar of her shirt. Alfie pushed his daughter into what she assumed was the living room. There was one lonesome lamp in the corner. Shadows crept up the walls like demons searching for prey. Shards of glass lay scattered across the floor. 'What happened here? Had he been drinking?' Ivy asked herself but she was too scared to speak, too scared to move."Do you know how worried I was? You drove me out of my fucking mind! He could have got you killed, he could have..." His words trailed off as he noticed the splatters of blood that rested on his daughter's skirt. "What's this? Did he do this?"
"Dad, I-" Ivy tried to speak but her father was louder. "Fucking gypsy bastard. I told you he couldn't keep you safe. You are staying with me, yeah?. I'm not letting you go back to that Brummie scum ever again." The man got closer to the girl and spat his words in her face. His hands were back on the collar of her shirt and Ivy almost struggled to breath, the fear stealing all of the oxygen out of her lungs. "Dad, I-" She tried to speak again but her father cut her off. Instead of using his words, he used his hand. Alfie slapped Ivy, his hand came sharply across the girl's cheek. She let out a large squeal and dropped to the floor, clutching her face. "What have I fucking told you?" He pulled the girl's hair then threw her back to the ground. Ivy was too scared to look back at her father so she just stared at the floor, small whimpers lept from her mouth. "Get to bed. Go!" He shouted. She jumped onto her feet and sprinted to her room. The girl was tempted to make a break for the door but she knew that this time her father would chase after her and catch her. Ivy ran up the stairs and to her room. She slammed the door and collapsed on her bed. Sobs racked her body. The girl had never wanted to be back in Birmingham so much. She wanted the Shelbys back, wanted their protection, their warmth back. But most of all, she wanted Finn back. Cries and whines shook the girl's body, hot tears streamed down her face. In that moment she realised something.
'I love Finn.'
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Monochrome Week 2020
Day Three - Fake Dating AU
The night was alive. Colorful lights pulsing like a heartbeat. Lively disco music pumping everyone up like an adrenaline rush.
Weiss usually scoffed at parties like this. Ugh. Dance clubs. So crowded. No oxygen. But surprisingly, she found that she could finally stop holding her breath.
Henry wasn't there, forcing her to dance. Or talk about him. Or stay at his side at all times because he had no life. She could bop her shoulders to the music in content freedom. Full-out dancing had always been Ruby and Yang's forte. Which was why she stayed back at the bar to talk with Blake.
They hadn't seen each other in nearly a year, ever since Blake transferred schools, which was a shame, considering that was the year their friend circle had formed.
Weiss was the tech-savvy one of them four. She kept tabs on everyone's social media (even if they didn't want her to) and had noticed several changes on Blake's account. She was never one to post selfies. Just pictures of cute cats and her dark academia. And even if she didn't post anything in months, Weiss thought her latest picture was something worth noting.
She took a sip from her Jack Frost, swirling it around to play with the ice.
"How's Adam?"
Blake nearly choked on her drink, coughing when she put it down.
"What?" she croaked.
"When were you going to tell us about him?" Weiss tilted her head.
Blake sighed, rubbing her temple.
"We lasted like a month, Weiss; there's nothing to tell."
Weiss raised a brow. "A month, huh? What happened there? You guys looked pretty sweet in that photo together."
Blake snorted. "He posted that one. Wanted the world to know I was his whore."
"Sounds bad."
"It was bad. Still is. I broke up with him, but he's just not giving up," she grimaced, downing a gulp of purple cocktail. "Bastard."
Weiss snorted.
Pause. Then—
"Your dad still brainwashing that Marigold guy?"
Weiss groaned, throwing her head back in frustration.
"He doesn't even need my dad to tell him to do stuff anymore. He just goes ahead and thinks I'm infatuated with him or something. You know, that 'hard to get' mentality or something."
"Yeah, I know the type." Blake replied dryly.
"You think they'd leave us alone if we got into a relationship?" Weiss snickered.
Blake snorted. "Yeah, maybe."
They settled into a comfortable silence then. Weiss accepted that statement as the joke it was supposed to be. But it began to resonate in her head. The more she thought about it, the more it began to make sense in its own ridiculous way.
"What are you scheming in there?"
Weiss paused. She downed the rest of her cocktail.
".. What if we did?"
"What if we what?"
"What if we were in a relationship?" she said. "That would get them to piss off."
Blake raised her eyebrows, glancing away nervously. She bit her lip.
"I.. I don't know, Weiss.." she said. "Seems a little extreme, don't you think? A-And are we even sure it'll get them to leave us alone?"
"But it makes sense!" Weiss exclaimed. "You know they won't take our word for it, Blake. Neither of them will get the picture unless they see that we're interested in someone else."
Blake drank down the last of her Purple Rain, deep in thought. Weiss distracted herself with the lavender glitter on Blake's eyeshadow.
Blake pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Weiss raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing?"
"Texting Yang. My place or yours?"
Blake glanced at Weiss, standing up.
"So we can plan." Blake said. "We'd have to start as soon as possible, right?"
Weiss blinked up at her.
".. My place."
In all the years she knew Weiss, this was admittedly the first time Blake had ever been inside her room.
She thought it was regal-looking, to say the least. Perfectly cleaned. Icy white walls, silk curtains and sheets.. Like some ice castle.
Blake put down her bag, laying it next to the mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. She looked back at Weiss, only to see her pulling up a large frame of wood from a nearby chest.
Blake raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really need that corkboard?"
"Of course, we do!" Weiss said. "If we're going to make a game plan, we're going to have to do it properly!"
"You mean, we can't just do PDA and act like.. I dunno, Qrow and Clover?"
Weiss would've laughed at the inside joke, if not the circumstances. Instead, she shot Blake a sour pout. Which was far from the desired effect.
"Blake, if we're going to sell this to the public, you need to be serious about this," she scoffed, spreading out her arms for emphasis. "Like I said, we have to do this properly!"
"I am serious!" Blake exclaimed, crossing her arms. "If you're so experienced about stuff like this, why don't you tell me what your 'properly' means?"
Weiss blushed furiously, jabbing a finger at Blake. She opened her mouth, as if trying to say something. But nothing came out. She didn't know either.
Blake just sighed, propping herself on her arm.
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this." she mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss cried, crossing her arms defensively. "I'll have you know, I'd make a great fake girlfriend if you were actually cooperating with me!"
Weiss huffed, looking away, a pout on her lips. But her gaze found her clock. Then her expression softened. She punched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head.
"We've spent all this time arguing.. My father will be home soon, and we don't even have so much as a first move!" she groaned.
Blake looked towards the white alarm clock, wincing. 10:50.
"Alright, look," she spoke up, surprising Weiss. "Let's say our relationship started off as a secret. Several months ago. And by secret—"
"—Not even Ruby and Yang would know." Weiss finished. She nodded. "Yeah, that'll work. Then.. We're going to make us public."
Blake pursed her lips. "I.. I'll ask around about you. Pretend I'm interested. Get people talking. Would that work?"
Weiss nodded, the tiniest of smiles forming on her face. It was a little infectious, prompting a grin from Blake.
"And," Weiss added. "There's a party tomorrow night. Ruby and Yang's place. It's a little less of your scene, but if we're seen dancing together or holding hands, it'll probably do something."
Blake nodded. "Yeah."
"That should be all we have to discuss now." Weiss said. "We'll think of more at the party, alright?"
Blake nodded, standing up. She reached towards her bag, only to have Weiss get there first.
Weiss raised her eyebrows, laughing lightly, handing it back.
Blake smiled a bit, glancing to the side.
"Looks like we never needed the corkboard, after all."
Weiss glared at her. "Just shut up and leave."
This was a slightly smaller party compared to last night. There were a few dancers in the middle of the living room. But mostly, people were in pairs or three's; talking in the corners. Fairy lights. Finally, some punch that wasn't spiked.
Weiss lounged on a bean bag with her usual group, in a circle on the couches they claimed early. But instead of contributing whatever bizarre shower thought debate was going on, Weiss just sipped on her punch, her mind far away.
"Hey, Weiss?" Ruby whispered. She sat on the couch right next to Weiss, so she only had to turn her head.
"Did you and Blake talk much last night?"
Weiss already knew what prompted this question. Though it didn't stop her heart from racing.
"I guess so, yeah." she shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
"It's been a while, huh?" Ruby grinned crookedly. "Since the four of us were together in one place."
"Yeah," Weiss sighed, turning to check the door. "It was."
"So why'd you two leave early?"
Weiss flinched from the question. She took her time in answering.
"Winter got worried. She called and told me to come home. Guess Klein didn't tell her where I'd be." she shrugged. "Blake just wanted to walk me home."
Ruby's smile grew at that. "Mhm.."
Weiss raised an eyebrow at her best friend, who swirled her punch around the red cup with her evil 'I'm planning something you definitely won't like' grin.
"Yes, Weiss?"
She only giggled. She put her elbow on the armrest, with her face in her hand.
"Blake just texted us last night. Aand she was asking about you."
"Uh-huh. And?"
"And—" she raised her voice, prompting the rest of the party to join the conversation. "— it wasn't just me and Yang, Weiss. She texted all of us! Right, guys?"
There were collective sounds of agreement around the table. Weiss rolled her eyes.
Ruby groaned.
"Well," Nora interrupted. "She kinda sounded like she was interested."
Ruby stood on the couch, gesturing to Nora with extreme exaggeration.
"Isn't she with that Adam Taurus guy you told us about, Weiss?" Jaune piped up. "The one in her picture?"
"They broke up." Weiss replied simply.
"Looks like someone asked." Yang smirked.
"Blake's fair game now." Nora added, sipping her punch.
If one could drink punch slyly, Weiss was certain Nora was doing it right.
"And Henry Marigold?" Oscar added quietly. He recoiled at the disappointed expressions he got from the majority of the group. "Not that I like him.. It's just that he's been pining for Weiss even before I got here. Wouldn't he take action?"
"So you do believe Weiss and Blake are getting together?" Nora asked, jabbing a chip in his direction.
Oscar shrugged. "Yes? I'm not Ren."
Weiss sighed. Thank their lack of focus. At least, she wasn't being focused on anymore.
But then, as if on cue, Weiss caught the distant sounds of door chimes. She spun towards the door, and there she was, nervously recoiling into herself. It might've been the fairy lights, but Weiss could've sworn her cheeks were alight with pink.
She was about to get up to get her until she heard the obnoxiously loud coughing from behind her. Weiss gritted her teeth, smiling sarcastically at the group.
"And I suppose Blake just showed up because she wanted to?" Yang teased.
But as it turned out, Blake didn't wait for Weiss. She found the group herself, especially with Ruby's frantic waving.
"Blake!" she exclaimed, her voice reaching up a few more octaves. She gave Weiss a knowing sideways glance. "What brought you here~?"
Blake twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"Oh, uh.. Weiss invited me last night."
"She did, did she?" Nora raised an eyebrow, elbowing Jaune excitedly.
Weiss buried her face in her hands miserably.
"Anyway.." Blake continued awkwardly. "I hope it's no trouble if I just, uh.." she reached down and gently grabbed Weiss's wrist. ".. Borrow Weiss for a minute?"
Yang cleared her throat.
Ruby grinned encouragingly, reaching up to whisper in Blake's ear. Whatever that was, caused Blake's face to grow increasingly red. She didn't say anything else and pulled Weiss up.
"Come on, Weiss." Blake sighed amusedly, dragging her to the dance floor.
Blake gingerly put her hands on Weiss's waist, bringing an intense blush to the shorter girl's face. She could still feel the burning gazes of her schoolmates in the back, and so desperately wanted to ignore it.
A cold jolt went up her spine when Blake took her hands, bringing them up to her shoulders. Weiss raised an eyebrow at her.
Blake could only shrug, looking down.
"You were zoning out." she mumbled.
Weiss nodded, moving forward, so that their bodies were touching.
It was Blake's turn to give her a questioning look.
Weiss hesitated, but she shrugged as well, laughing a bit.
"We look like we're being forced to dance."
Blake nodded. "Fair enough."
They swayed in silence from there, perfectly content in not talking. After a few minutes or so, Weiss saw cameras flashing in the corner of her eye. They were doing this for the public, weren't they? To shove it down the boys' throats.
Without a word, Weiss leaned her head on Blake's shoulder, breathing in a musk of honey.
"Convincing, right?" she whispered.
Blake snorted, a soft smile on her face.
They left as the party lost its swing. Blake's old school would certainly have something to talk about tomorrow. Weiss Schnee, leaving her Prince Charming for an old sweetheart. If Blake's friends weren't attending said school, she'd have no reason not to despise it.
Instead of heading home right away, they decided the night was still young and went to a restaurant near Blake's house. They were both so focused on their so-called 'photoshoot' they forgot to grab a handful of chips on the way out.
Next thing they knew, they were laughing so hard, they were choking on their sandwiches.
"I can't believe you would do me dirty like this!" Blake mocked, barely containing her laughter. "Oh, god, are you sure you guys were never together?"
"News spreads fast, doesn't it?"
"Especially when Ruby and Nora are the ones spreading it." Blake chuckled.
Weiss grinned. "Anything from your side?"
Blake snorted, shaking her head. "Honestly, I'm almost scared for when he does."
"Why's that?"
Blake shrugged, smirking sarcastically. "Let's just say he'd be far more intense than whiny texts."
Weiss frowned worriedly, tilting her head. Hesitantly, she laid a hand on Blake's shoulder.
Something churned in the pit of Blake's stomach. Not in a bad way. Like light little flips. Flaps. Butterflies. But she couldn't wrap her head around it. Maybe it was something in the way Weiss could say her name like that. It soothed Blake easily. Even if just a little.
"I'm fine." Blake sighed, taking a mournful bite out of her grilled cheese. "He just texted me earlier this morning."
"He did?" Weiss murmured. "What'd he say?"
Blake took her time in answering, chewing ever so slowly. When she finally swallowed, it felt sharp.
"Just.. He called me out for avoiding him. Even though I explicitly told him we were over, he still thinks entitled to me." Blake growled. "He denied stalking me, manipulated me, and now he has the gall to say I'm overreacting? He's just unbelievable!"
Weiss felt her blood boil. This guy walked all over Blake, called her the bad guy, even after all that? She couldn't wait to meet this guy. If only to break his legs.
She carefully brought her hand to Blake's, gently stroking the back with her thumb.
Blake's eyebrows raised at the gesture. Instinctively, she stretched her fingers outwards, fitting them between Weiss's.
"I'd never do that.." Weiss mumbled.
Blake didn't know the thought process of that statement, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
Then Weiss's eyes snapped up, meeting Blake's gaze. But Blake was losing her mind. Noticing everything.
Her heart stopped. She could smell Weiss's faint vanilla and petrichor musk. The usually-invisible specks of indigo in Weiss's large, sapphire eyes were easy to spot. As well as the faded scar running down her left eye.
This was the closest they've ever been to each other. Not just in the physical aspect. This was just so much more intimate than the dance somehow. Blake felt close to Weiss and it was driving her insane.
this ended up being too long, which was why it took me ages to post. and this will also have a sequel on day five
though, this whole thing was my favorite to write ^^
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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Tell Me || Brian May x fem!Reader
summary || a casual phone conversation with brian, your fwb, takes a fun turn.
rating || explicit (18+). do not read if you are under eighteen. sexting, phone sex, some dom/sub dynamics (dom!brian), brief mention of a theoretical threesome with roger.
word count || 2.4k
author’s notes || i know i’ve been quiet for a while, but here’s the next instalment of the try series! if you’ve been following the series at all, i’m sure, after you finishing reading this fic, you’ll be able to guess what the next part will involve 👀 if you don’t follow the series, all you need to know is that reader is in a fwb arrangement with both brian and roger (separately).
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     It wasn’t the first time you and Brian had started getting hot and steamy over text. It was never intentional, not ever, but it had happened a couple of times before. A casual conversation started getting a particular edge, and both of you teased that edge more and more, testing the waters, seeing if things were really going the way they seemed to be.
    One of you always made the leap, of course. It was usually you – you liked the thrill of it. You knew Brian would respond positively, but there was always the moment of have I read this wrong? that you thrived off.
    This time, it had started off as a conversation about The Great British Bake-Off. Sure, not your proudest hour. Your roommate Lucy had been watching it in the living room when you’d ventured out of your bedroom to get something to snack on.
    u ever watched the great british bake off? you asked Brian.
    He’d responded soon after. Why do you always ask me the most bizarre questions out of the blue?
    answer me, coward.
    Yes, I’ve watched it. Why?
    just curious. lucy’s watching it. You dug a packet of slightly stale cookies from the pantry, and headed back to your room.
    Fred and John love it, so I’ve seen a few episodes, Brian sent. It’s all right, not my favourite, but it’s fun to watch with friends. Better than a lot of other cooking shows, if I’m honest.
    maybe fred and deaks should make their own cooking show, you typed, smiling to yourself.
    You got comfortable on your bed. You knew you were going to regret it later when your sheets were filled with cookie crumbs, but that was a problem for future you.
    I don’t think so, Brian said. The whole show would be John doing all the work while Freddie just sat and watched. That’s usually how their cooking adventures go.
    that could so work as a show, you protested. I’d watch it.
    You’d watch anything.
    ur such a tv snob.
    You’d said it just to get a rise out of him, and it worked a treat.
    I am not a snob. I just like to watch certain types of shows. Cooking shows and reality TV do not fall under the right categories.
    “”””the right categories”””, you typed, grinning. snob.
    Very funny. You’re absolutely hilarious.
    I sure think so.
    Oh, I’m well aware you think so.
    You scoffed. God, Brian could be a prick. You loved it. better to be funny than a snob.
    Again, extremely hilarious.
    thanks. You added a kissy-face emoji at the end of the word.
    You didn’t wait for a response before moving on. imagine a cooking show with all four of u guys in your flat. it’d be a disaster.
    That’s putting it mildly, Brian replied. Roger and Fred would probably burn the place down, between the two of them.
    could I be a guest on the show? you asked. I could wear a cute outfit with an apron n everything. a lil summer dress. I’d look cute as hell.
    You’d probably accidentally help burn the place down.
    You gaped at the phone. Bastard. rude! I’m pretty ok at cooking thanks!
    No, I didn’t mean it like that, Brian said. I meant that you’d probably be awfully distracting in your summer dress and apron.
    You paused, thinking of how to reply, feeling your fingers start to tingle just a touch. Toe the edge. I’d bring a new meaning to the word hot. both physically and literally, bc I’d be burning alive from the fire caused in the kitchen.
    Maybe I’d have to make sure the others are out of the house. You know, less people in the house means less chance of accidents happening.
    You bit your lip. just u and me in the kitchen with a camera then?
    You saw Brian typing, but the three dots vanished for a few seconds, then reappeared. Finally, his message: I suppose so.
    Now you were at a crossroads. Did you steer it back into safer waters, or take the leap?
    You knew the answer. As if you’d pass up the opportunity. u could bend me over the kitchen counter, you typed. keep the camera rolling.
    You could tell in the way Brian took a little longer to respond that he hadn’t expected your boldness so suddenly, and your heart was leaping in your chest as you waited.
    Now that’s a show I’d watch.
    A giggle bubbled out of you. yeah, me too.
    Anything in particular you’d like to see?
    You set your cookies aside. It was go time. I think I’d keep my cute outfit and apron on. think I’d want u to take me by surprise, push me over and hold me down.
    I’d like to see that, too. See you gasping and trying to break out of my grip.
    You’d have to hold me down tight, you said. I can get out pretty easily if ur not holding me down well enough.
    You know I’d hold you down tight, Brian replied. Push up that dress. Are you wearing anything underneath that dress?
    Fucking knew it.
    I’d be so wet already, you said. Your breathing had sped up, and you moved your thighs together. you fucking me like that would be the only thing I’d be able to think about the whole time we’re cooking.
    I’d be able to fuck you with two fingers right away, Brian said.
    Your breath caught.
    I’d make you come on my fingers twice, just like that, holding you down, Brian added. You know, seeing as it’s for show. Want to make it good.
    Your whole body felt warm. tell me how you’d do it, you typed.
    I’d be gentle at first, Brian said. Just playing with your clit, fucking you with my fingers. I’d feel you clenching around them. You can be really needy like that.
    You were typing one-handed now; your hand slipped under your shirt, your index finger stroking back and forth along the skin just underneath the underwire of your bra.
    I’d just keep going like that, Brian sent. At first, you’d like it, but then you’d get desperate.
    I’d want u to fuck me harder, you replied. I’d be begging for it.
    I’d make sure you’re begging, Brian said. But I’d take my time. Really drag it out of you.
    it’d take me forever to cum, you typed. Your hand smoothed down from under your shirt to inside your shorts, skimming along the band of your underwear. but it’d be worth it. my legs would shake and I’d barely be able to stand up.
    And it’s only after you come all over my hand that I’d start finger-fucking you hard, Brian said. You began touching yourself over your underwear, just lightly, sighing in anticipation. I wouldn’t let you take a break from your first orgasm, either. 
    I’d be begging u to stop, you typed. but we both know that I wouldn’t want u to. I just wouldnt know how to handle it. I’d be trying to get away from ur hand, squirming against the kitchen counter, but u wouldn’t let me go.
    And I’d keep going until you came again.
    I’d be exhausted by this point, you said. if I thought I could barely stand up before, it’s nothing in comparison to now. u don’t even have to hold me down anymore, I’m just slumped over the counter.
    Your hand slipped into your underwear, and you started touching yourself. Your whole body felt hot, and your legs instinctively spread further.
    And that’s when I’d fuck you, Brian said.
    You’d be so hard by now.
    I would be. I’d grab you by the hips to hold you up, and slide right into you.
    I’d be so loud when u fucked me, you sent. you’d fuck me so hard my hips would be bruised the next day from hitting the edge of the counter.
    You’d feel so tight and hot around me, Brian said. Fuck, the thought of you desperately trying to grab something for stability on the counter, but not being able to find anything…
     I’d be completely helpless, you typed. It was difficult to type with one hand – especially when you slipped a finger into yourself – so you were praying that autocorrect didn’t let you down. would u let me cum?
    I’d make sure you come well before I do, Brian replied. So you’d have to just deal with it when I keep fucking you, even after your body is begging me to stop.
    You moaned, and pushed in a second finger, pumping them rhythmically. Jesus Christ, Brian was filthy. I’d want nothing more than to just feel u cum in me, you typed.
    Oh, you’d feel it, Brian typed. I’d make sure of that.
    are u jerking off rn?
    Yes. Are you?
    yeah. feels so good. want you to fuck me just like that.
    Just say the word.
    You couldn’t take it anymore.
    I have to call u I’m gonna call u, you typed out as quickly as you could with one hand. You waited until he’d seen the message – very impatiently – and then called him.
    “Hi,” he said casually, but his voice was rough and desperate.
    “Fuck, you’re evil,” you growled. You let out a moaning gasp, feeling yourself clench around your fingers. “Oh, God, Bri.”
    “Tell me what you’re doing,” he said. You could hear the sound of him jerking off, and it only made you wetter.
    You moaned. “I’m touching myself.”
    “I know that already, Jesus. Tell me.”
    “I’m– I’m fucking myself with my fingers,” you said shakily.
    “How many?”
    Brian breathed out heavily. “Only two?”
    You took it as a cue, and pushed in a third, letting out a whine, your hips curling up against your hand. “Th– three.”
    Brian moaned, and you’d never been more turned on in your life. “Keep going, fuck yourself nice and deep,” he said.
    As if you were going to stop. “I wish it was you,” you said. “Want you to stretch me out.”
    Brian moaned again. “Christ, you’re gonna kill me.”
    “You’d fill me up so good,” you panted out, rubbing your clit now, and your hips jerked. “You always make me feel so full, Bri.”
    “I’d fuck you so good,” Brian said. “Tie you up, leave you spread out for me, then I’d fuck you s– so hard until you were bruised, mark you up so nice for me, make your skin all red until you were begging for it, you’d come so hard on my cock, fuck.”
    “I’d scratch up your back until you were bleeding,” you said breathlessly. You were so close to orgasming. You could feel it, just out of reach. “Cover you with bite marks. You could fuck my mouth with your fingers while you fucked me with your cock. You’d come in me so hard you’re seeing stars, and I’d just keep you inside me until you were hard again so you could fuck me again, feel your come leaking out of me.”
    “Fuck,” Brian groaned.
    “God,” you gasped. “I’m so fucking…”
    “I’m so close to coming, fuck.”
    “Same. Jesus, I want you so bad.”
    “Same.” Brian moaned, low and deep, and you just about came from the sound of it alone.
    “I’d let you fuck me all day,” you said. “Just fucking – use me. Fill me up whatever way you want. You and Rog, I’d let you both just fuck me until I passed out. One of you fucking my mouth, the other one fucking my cunt.”
    “You’d want that? Both of us?”
    You moaned. “Yes, I want it so bad.” Your whole body was tensed like a bow. “I’m gonna come, Bri, gonna come all over my fingers, fuck.”
    “Tell me,” Brian said. “What you want from me and Rog. What you’d want us to do to you.”
    “Everything,” you gasped.
    “Do you think about it a lot?”
    “Do you get yourself off thinking about it?”
    “Fuck, God. You’re so greedy, you spend all your time fucking him and fucking me, of course you’d want us both filling you up at the same time.” Brian made a sound. “Ah, I’m so close, I’m gonna fucking come.”
    “Don’t tell me you don’t want it,” you said.
    Brian moaned.
    “I bet you think about it too,” you said. Your heart was thudding in your chest like a racehorse. “I bet you get off thinking about me just being fucked without mercy by the both of you.”
    Brian gasped.
    “Tell me,” you demanded, just as Brian had demanded of you. “Tell me you want it.”
    “I want it,” Brian said quickly, so quickly you almost missed it. “I think about it all the time, I want it so bad. I think about us fucking you, I think about Roger fucking you while I watch, see you all whiny and desperate, just the thought of seeing you watching me while someone else is fucking you–” He cut himself off with a choked-off moan, and you knew he’d come.
    You were overwhelmed by what he’d said, and within a few seconds you were coming as well, pulsing around your fingers, crying out.
    You just listened to each other breathing heavily for a few seconds, wrapping your heads around what had just happened.
    “Damn, Brian,” you said with a laugh. “Didn’t know you were into voyeurism, you big ol’ perv.”
    “Shut up,” Brian said, his voice warm with amusement. “Only in theory; I’d be far too possessive in real life to ever follow through. And weren’t you the one talking about getting fucked from both ends?”
    “Might’ve been.” You wriggled your hand out of your underwear and shorts, and reached for a tissue on your bedside table.
    “That was… good,” Brian said. “We should do that more often.”
    “What, fucking once or twice a fortnight isn’t enough?”
    Brian huffed a laugh. “I meant in lieu of fucking. If our schedules don’t match up. Good to know it’s an option.”
    You hummed, wiping your hand on the tissue. “Maybe it should be a conference call.”
    “With Roger.”
    Brian snorted. “Ah, no. Not likely.”
    “What if Rog and I filmed our own little cooking show and I sent it your way, what would you think of that, hm?”
    “Wh– It–” Brian spluttered. “The things I said in the heat of the moment don’t necessarily reflect what I actually want to happen in real life.”
    You weren’t convinced. “Sure,” you said lightly. “But I mean, if–”
    “Wait, shit, sorry, I have to go,” Brian cut in. “I forgot John ordered Thai for us all, and I think it just turned up, and I’m…”
    “Covered in come?” you offered. “That’s fine. Go. I’ll talk to you later.”
    “Yeah, talk soon. Bye.”
    “Bye.” Brian hung up, and you dropped your phone to your chest.
    Well, you certainly had plenty of new fantasies to play with next time you were in the mood.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Fifty-Two
Word Count: 3.2k
Warning(s): explicit language, drug abuse, violence, sexual situations
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @blowinmeupwithherlove @xrosegoldwolfx @mylifeisjustafeverdream @redlipscrystalskies14
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"Ah!" I squeal with a small giggle laced through it, Nikki's lips pressing to my shoulder while he pulls out of me and his cum spills on the inside of my thighs that are wide open.
My leg's hooked over his hip as he lays behind me with his arm snaking around my waist, between my breasts, while his hand has a solid hold on my throat.
When he's done, he's pressing one last kiss to my cheek before rolling over on his back, reaching for something on his night table.
I shift to my back, staring up at the mirrored ceiling to see him holding something out to me.
I turn my head to look at him just as he's taking my hand and sliding my wedding ring back on, pressing a little kiss to my hand before grabbing at my jaw assertively, kissing me.
"Apology accepted." I say once he pulls away.
"Yeah, ditto." He chuckles, kissing me one last time before I'm giving out a content sigh and sitting up to go shower.
Once I get out, I dry off and wrap myself in a towel, brushing through my wet hair with my fingers as I step into our bedroom to get some lotion on and get dressed.
"Wait, wait." Nikki stops me as I squeeze lotion onto my hand and I look up at him and raise my brows, seeing him grab his camera from the drawer in the nightstand. "Okay, drop the towel and oil up nice: I'm gonna need something to keep me company while I'm in the studio for countless hours the next several weeks."
I roll my eyes and hold back a smile, throwing my towel at him and it hits him in the face.
"Woo!" He cheers, tossing the towel away and I cover my chest just as the flash goes off and I shake my head a little, ignoring him collecting the dispensed Polaroid as I start putting my moisturizer on.
When I'm finished, I'm pulling on sweat pants and hooking my bra, about to pull a tank top on.
"Hey, Viv?" Nikki asks me.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Is the Lord's prayer important?"
I furrow my brows, finding it odd that's he's asking.
"Well, it's the template Jesus gave Christians to use when praying so yes, it's very important." I reply and he nods a little.
"So...like...what is the prayer, exactly?"
I drop the tank-top in my hands, my eyes widen, and I look at him like he's lost his mind.
"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Nikki Sixx?"
"Ha, ha." He sarcastically lets out.
"No, seriously, either you're a clone, had a bad dose of drugs, or your body is officially done with and dying and God's jabbing at you to throw one last 'hail Mary' attempt at salvation before you croak."
"No, I just wanna know what I need to say when I pray to you." He replies with a smirk and I pretend to nearly trip and fall on the floor as if it's slippery.
"Woah, woah, woah, you gotta give me a warning before you say something so slick." I tell him, grinning and he pulls me onto him, laughing. "And to answer your question, it's 'Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen'." I finish, deciding he wasn't even listening, but I have a weird feeling he's taking notes. "Seriously, though, why're you asking?" I add, my fingers fiddling with the various necklaces hanging around his neck.
A devious, childish, sneaky little tug of his lips his highlighting the "up to no good" look in his hazel eyes as his pointer finger traces the crucifix around my neck before meeting my gaze.
"Just curious."
Just a dumbass.
I finish dressing before stepping out to check the mail.
When I come back, I realize there's a handwritten note pinned to the door.
It's signed by our accountant and I roll my jaw.
It was $2,500.00 last May, which means he's been going through $5,000.00 a day.
"Uh, Nikki?!" I call coming into the house with the mail and the letter, going to our bedroom where he's plucking at his bass, waving the letter.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Sixx 1 & 2,
Sixx 1 is still spending exponential amounts of money on heroin a day. I left a warning last May, and said Nikki will either be dead or the two of you will be completely broke by May this year. That still stands because the amount being spent has doubled since then. Slow down." I read it off. "Nikki, it was $2,500.00 last time so he's saying you're currently spending $5,000.00 a day on smack?!" I raise my voice. "How the hell can someone possibly do that much heroin--or any freaking drug--in one day?!"
"--That's $1.6 million a year! Did we even make that much last year!" I scream.
"We? Vivian, you've never worked a day in your fucking life. There is no 'we made', it's what I made. And because I'm the one who made the money, I can do whatever the hell I want with it so just hop off."
"Nikki, baby, we have bills, and insurance didn't cover as much on my time in the hospital and follow-ups as we had hoped so we have to spend money on necessities and not..." I trail off, calming myself down, rubbing my forehead, trying not to start crying.
"Viv, I'll handle it." He tells me after a moment of quiet between us. "Alright?"
I rub my lips together, letting out a sigh as he holds his hand out to take the stack of bills from me.
I hand them over, not saying a word more, before leaving him to continue scraping up motivation to actually write something.
He wrote "Wild Side", which completely reworks and assaults the Lord's prayer...then the bastard listed me as a co-write because, "well you told me what the prayer was to begin with so technically you helped me write it."
When the conservatives went digging around once the album was released, they dragged me through the mud when they saw my name attached to a bastardized version of something sacred to christianity and I heard every degrading, yet passive, insult any holier-than-thou Bible-biddy could throw at me.
I stopped going to church for quite a while after that because I didn't even want to face the possibility of all those people smiling in my face while thinking, "she's not the really for God."
"Valentine's Day?" I ask Doc, raising my brows. "...Really?"
"Well, they wanna get a good feel of Nikki and you're obviously a part of his life, so they figured spending Valentine's Day with you two would be pretty interesting." He explains.
"I don't want anybody getting a good feel of Nikki's anything." I reply stubbornly, crossing my arms.
"Yeah, and Viv won't let me pull out the really special techniques while someone's in the house with us." Nikki adds. "And she only lets me do them on special occasions."
"Nobody's feeling anybody else, and you two sodomites can have all the fun you want once the interview is done with. It'll take four hours, tops." Doc says, looking at Nikki. "We're gonna have to start promoting the album."
This is the selling point.
Nikki sighs, rubbing his face, groaning.
"Fine." He gives up, looking at me. "We can entertain the nosy bastard for a few hours, I guess."
"I suppose." I roll my eyes.
"Thank you." Doc let's out with relief.
"Was that it?" I ask him, glancing around his office.
"Oh, yeah." He nods.
"We drove down here just for you to tell us something you could have easily called and told us over the phone?" Nikki asks next.
"Yeah, 'cause I wanted to see how you look and sure enough you look like shit." Doc states and Nikki rolls his eyes. "Which reminds me, clean up your house and make yourself seem like you're not on drugs. K?" Doc gives us a parting word of advice as we stand up to leave.
"Yeah, yeah, got it." Nikki waves him off, leaving in front of me.
"Viv." Doc says to me and I nod reassuringly.
"I'll make sure he keeps it together for the interview."
"Thank you, you two be careful on the way home."
"We will, bye." I shut the door and follow Nikki out to his Jeep.
"I really don't feel like dealing with the press." He grumbles, looking at me now with his sunglasses on and I give him a small smile.
"Maybe it won't be that bad."
"I don't like people I don't fuck with in my house. It's my house. My space. It isn't a fucking amusement park that's open for review." He cranks the car and I put my seat belt on.
"What?" He says a little harsh.
"It will be okay." I pat his fluffy hair. "K?"
He doesn't answer, actually pouting like a spoiled little boy.
When he ignores me, about to start driving, I raise a brow, unbuckle, and my fingers slowly fumble with the button on his jeans as his pout falters and his smirk replaces it, followed by the sound of a content, groan-filled sigh, and the back of his head hitting the back of his seat when I get my mouth around his prick.
Once we get home I'm wiping the remains of slobber and cum from my lips and he's struggling to keep his legs from collapsing.
"Are you okay?" I ask him smugly when his leg shakes a little bit as he unlocks the front door.
"Watch it, Sixx." He warns as he points at me, his hand popping me on the ass when I walk in front of him to go inside, and I let out a small shriek, following it with a laugh.
My laughter abruptly stops when I see Vanity watching T.V.
She actually seems sober enough, but she looks like she just came off of a bender.
Nikki and I look at each other.
"Oh, there you are. Nikki wasn't answering the phone and I wanted to see him." She tells us, her eyes glued him, and he sighs.
"Well, I'm here. What do you want?" He asks her in a snap, taking his jacket off.
"Nikki, quit being rude." I tell him quietly.
"Showing up to people's houses uninvited is rude." He replies, glaring at her.
"Not when I gave her the code to the gate and a key." I state.
His eyes bug for a second and he's raising his brows at me.
"You what?"
"Tansy has the code and a key, Tommy, Vince and Mick have the code and a key. Izzy, Steven, Slash, Duff, Axl--"
"--That's different." He cuts me short.
"How? They're our friends and so is she." I point out.
"If I'm not welcome I can just go." She says, grabbing her coat.
"Bye." Nikki says just as I say, "no, it's okay."
He and I give each other dirty looks.
"I was actually about to start cooking dinner and invite some friends over so feel free to stay, please." I offer to her. "Nikki, I need your help in the kitchen."
He follows me and I yank on the ends of his hair once we're alone, scolding him.
"Will you stop being a jackass to her?!" I whisper-yell.
"Can you stop being so fucking nice to people? It's stupid."
"Oh, God forbid Nikki Sixx be married to someone who's not a complete bitch." I roll my eyes, grabbing a few pans from our cabinet and he let's out a heavy breath.
"She's fucking crazy, Vivian." He argues and I turn to face him.
"You say the same thing about me any time I piss you off. I really believe she's a good girl, Nikki. She just needs one, good, solid friend that isn't just friends with her to have someone to do drugs with." I explain.
"Oh, yeah, Viv, she's really good...at being a fucking slut."
I pop him in the side of the face and point my finger at him.
"You don't talk like that about Vince or Tommy or Robbin so why the hell talk like that about her?"
"Because she is one." He ignores me and I let out a breath. "Some of the dudes she's fucked are married." He adds.
"Tansy has slept with married men, is she a slut, too?" I ask him and he rolls his jaw. "What I thought."
"Viv, I really don't--"
"Okay, Nikki. Whatever you say." I interrupt him, grabbing some things from the fridge. "She's an awful person, got it. Can you please help me with this so I can clean up the house some?" I ask.
He hesitates for a second before opening the packet of chicken on the counter I pulled from the fridge.
"Thank you." I smile, kissing his cheek, before leaving him alone so I can get the house in nice shape.
To say Nikki projected shit onto Vanity would be an understatement. Her hands weren't clean, of course, but he would often externally put her down the way he internally put himself down for what the two of them were doing to me. It was moments like that, that I looked back on after finding everything out, and would want to hit myself.
He practically told me they were sleeping together without actually saying "hey, I'm screwing this woman that you think is your friend, and you're being too nice and naive to think we wouldn't do that to you."
"Tommy and Heather, Vince and Sharise, Tansy and Vanity, Duff, Slash, Steven, Izzy and Axl." I tell Mick how many people will be at dinner and I hear him let out a breath on the other end of the phone.
"I don't know, Viv." He tells me.
"Mick, c'mon, I haven't seen you very much the past year."
"I don't know..."
"--Mick, get your ass over here so we can have a good time. We're gonna see you in the studio tomorrow, anyway, so just come celebrate the commencement of the start of the new album." Nikki says after he takes the phone from me.
Mick says something and Nikki grins.
"Alright, bye." He hangs up. "He's in." He tells me.
"Thank you for snatching the phone from me, dickhead." I say, half-joking.
"Okay, I am this close," he holds his pointer finger and thumb centimeters apart from each other. "to bending you over my knee and beating your ass."
"Promise?" I reply, grinning, and he tugs me closer to him, but just before our lips meet, Vanity is walking--more so bursting--into the kitchen.
"Nikki, when are we hanging out?" She asks him, nearly bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Nikki's hands dig into my hips as if he's channeling his frustration instead of being rude.
I know what "hangout" means, and I don't need him cracked out, especially not now with guests coming over soon.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Vanity." I explain to her as politely as I can.
"Why not?" She asks me.
"Just not aright now." Nikki tells her, actually more tolerant than he was earlier.
I don't know if I'm shocked because he's not being an ass to her, or because he's  turning down the opportunity to go hit a crackpipe. 
Vanity looks at me for a split second--a very short, nearly millisecond--as if I'm the fucking Devil, before it vanishes and she smiles at us.
"Okay, I'm gonna be in the bathroom freshening up." She tells us, walking in the direction of the guest bathroom, and I let out a breath when she's gone.
"You mean you don't wanna greet our guests naked, waving a gun, and accuse them of being the FBI before opening fire?" I ask him.
He just gives me an unamused look.
"I'm gonna go change before that 'ass beating' is administered." I suggest.
"Yeah, good idea."
I change, put on some makeup, and run my fingers through my hair to comb it out before stepping into the kitchen to help Nikki finish up.
I'm met with uncooked food.
"Uh...Nikki?!" I call, glancing at the clock to see it's 8:00pm.
People will be here any minute.
I go looking for him, smelling the familiarity of cocaine.
"Oh my God." I say to myself, opening the guest bedroom to see Nikki and Vanity crouched over their pipes with a mountain of blow out.
They look at me with wild eyes.
As if on cue, the doorbell rings.
"Please be someone sober. Please be someone sober." I repeat, shutting the door as I step to the door.
I open it to reveal Duff and the guys.
"I need help." I tell them, sounding panicked. "Nikki and Vanity's cracked out."
"Um, w-we were gonna ask you for help." Duff tells me.
"What, why?"
They move over and I see Tansy, shaking a little.
"Are you--"
Before I can finish, a familiar "BANG" is sounding through the house and is joined with a loud, ear-shattering shriek of glass breaking, and we hit the ground, Duff securing me under him before a second shot is fired, breaking more glass, causing Tansy to start screaming and crying from under Axl and Steven.
I thank God when Nikki doesn't shoot again, instead the sound of him scrambling to get to his closet, and the sound of Vanity's heels scampering along with him has me sighing with relief. I hear him slam our bedroom door, and Duff runs his thumbs under my eyes to wipe at tears that I had no idea were even coming out of me.
"Holy shit." Izzy mumbles. 
"Are you okay?" Duff asks me and I nod as he helps me up.
"Tansy?" I ask her gently, she's got her hands over her ears, tears streaming down her face.
Axl carefully steps into the house as I continue to reassure Tansy.
"Uh, Viv?" Axl asks.
"I got it, Viv." Steven tells me, trying to calm Tansy down.
I follow Axl into the house, and I'm taken back by the sight of our entire ceiling in the living room shattered over our couches, the carpet, the coffee table, the T.V., it's a giant sheet of sparkling, sharp, shards of mirror.
It seems like forever just staring at the damage done to my house, and I'm unable to get words to come out of my mouth.
"Dude, is Tansy alright?" Tommy's voice sounds at the door and we snap around to see him.
I hear Heather and Sharise outside before Vince comes in behind Tommy, their brows raising at the sight of the mess.
"Hooollllyyyy..." the blonde singer drags out.
"You alright?" Axl asks me, and anger rolls through me, my teeth grinding together.
"Viv?" Tommy adds.
"Doc. Bob. Now." Is all I'm able to say.
"On it." Tommy doesn't waste a minute stepping through the glass to get to the phone in the living room while Axl tugs me back outside to avoid murdering Nikki.
That was the first straw that began the process of breaking the camel's back.
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jadewritings · 4 years
The Other Nephilim Bonus
PAIRING: Castiel x Reader
WARNINGS: Language, Awkwardness
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Heyo! Little bonus to showcase Y/N and Dean getting along more than what they did in the series :)
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Y/N had been stuck in the bunker since Dean banned her from going out or ‘people would try and kidnap you or something.’ Yeah he probably was just uncomfortable with her still and although he trusted her more than when they met, it wasn’t at a high enough level yet.
She dangled her feet off the edge of her bed while the rest of her laid back and stared at the ceiling. Man, the bunker was really boring without her brother or anyone else around.
Jack went with them on a hunt, lucky bastard, and Castiel was off doing his own angel thing.
She grunted and jumped up from her bed, her arms swinging overly enthusiastically as she marched from room to room.
She started out in the kitchen, finding nothing but old junk Dean saved for far too long and some fruit Sam liked to keep to himself.
She sighed, about to close the fridge door when she spotted Dean’s favorite, apple pie. She giggled and cut a slice, eating it as she walked through other rooms.
Her hands glided across each spine of the books on the bookshelves in the library. She munched on a bite of the pie, Dean was sure to yell at her later but eh, who cares.
Then, an idea popped into her head.
She laughed a comical evil laugh and skipped down the hall, near the bedrooms.
Her first stop was in her brothers room. Boring. Nothing was even in there besides the essentials. Bed, desk, light, etc.
Then she ran into Sam’s. It was clean, had a few nick nacks but otherwise, pretty plain. Suited the giant to say the least.
Then she knocked on Dean’s door, “Dean, I’m coming into your room to snoop through your things! Hope you don’t mind!” She yelled and even though she knew she wouldn’t receive an answer, she waited a moment. She shoveled another piece of pie into her mouth and walked in.
Guns hung on the wall, the desk had a few things on it. She opened the drawers and found yet another gun along with a few pictures of the boys when they were younger. They were cute, Dean being 6 or so and Sam just a cute wittle chubby baby.
Y/N smiled and put it back, closing the drawer like she never even opened it. She plopped on the bed, bouncing on it a little to test it out. Comfy enough. She ate another bite of the pie.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a little twinkle. She set her plate down and reached under the pillow, pulling another gun out.
“Man, this guy loves his guns huh?” She said to no one in particular.
She set the gun on the bedside table, her foot kicking something smooth under the bed.
“Oh? What’s this?” She got down and pulled a brown box from under the bed, placing it on top of it.
She opened it and what she saw made heat rise to her cheeks. Of course, Y/N was no stranger to the way humans mated but these were... this was not something she was aware of.
In the box, magazines of ladies in the bare minimum were filled to the top. The first one she pulled out was titled, Big Busty Asians. She opened it. She didn’t know if she regretted that decision or not yet.
She moved on, the heat still on her cheeks, maybe getting hotter. Dean has many Asian magazines but it was filled with other women too. She pulled out quite an interesting one and sat on the bed, flipping through it.
The ladies were all small and some were completely naked, their limbs the only thing covering their goods.
Y/N flipped the magazine sideways and the page got longer.
“Oh my... how did she even get in that position?” Y/N tried acting out the same position, failing miserably, when none other than Dean himself walked in.
Damn, she didn’t even hear him coming.
She squeaked and stood quickly, clumsily hiding the magazine behind her back. Dean stopped in his tracks at the doorway.
“What the hell are you doing in my room?” He asked before he noticed the box on the bed.
“Uh, nothing. What are you doing in your room?” She looked anywhere but him. Her cheeks were ablaze and she couldn’t deny that the pictures kind of turned her on.
Dean cleared his throat, recognizing the box.
“U-Uh, I yuh....”
Neither one knew what to do or say.
Y/N slowly shut the magazine behind her and tried to sneakily put it back but of course, Dean was right there, staring at her and her hand fumbled a bit too much, dropping the paper on the floor instead.
Dean looked down and saw the page Y/N was looking at before looking back at him.
“Ohgodohgodohgodohgod...” she tried to pick it up but Dean was right there with her and they bonked heads.
They both fell back onto their butts and Dean rubbed at his forehead. If she could be any redder, she’d earn the nickname tomato.
“Dean I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry! I got bored and I went snooping but I didn’t think I’d find your porno stash and-“
Dean held his other hand up.
“Let’s just... never speak of this again alright?” He didn’t dare look her in the eye. He was just as flustered.
She nodded vigorously and was determined to get outta there. She fast walked out of his door only to hear him shout.
Her eyes widened, Damn she forgot! And off she was to shut herself off from the rest of the world in her room.
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omilove · 6 years
Stud Ch. 4
Hey guys! Sorry again this is so late! 
Warnings: Angst (especially with poor Roger and this isn’t even the beginning), mentions of past abuse,dirty grease ball Mick, smut, 18+, oral, daddy kink, begging, yah know the whole 9.
Co-author: @livingtheoklife
Stud Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQCuxcbZqsAuz7uz4Cde4KVePDHohjgXd
For the second time, Brian got to wake up to the mess of blond hair laying against his chest and for some reason it felt so much better. Brian slowly moved out from under the blond to sneak into the bathroom. He started the shower waiting for it to warm up before stepping under the spray. He took his time cleaning himself and letting his body relax. When he finally did get out of the shower he threw his hair up in a towel, drying the dark hair and  letting it curl naturally like always. When Brian was dressed he walked out of the bathroom to an empty bedroom. He walked out into the sitting room to see Roger walking in from the kitchen. When his hazel eyes caught the blue ones everything from the previous night ran through his head, heating his face up.
“Good morning beautiful.” Brian said.
“Good morning handsome.” Roger responded before disappearing. Brian went into the kitchen, deciding to make a small breakfast. Tea and hash browns were the only good thing he knew how to make. He set the table wanting to impress his new lover. Roger strolled out looking refreshed and happy, Brian watched his eyes dart from the table back to Brian’s eyes. He walked toward him placing a kiss on Brian’s cheek.
“Thank you for cooking stud.” Brian smirked, sitting down at the table.
“Anytime you minx.”
“So, got any plans today?” Roger asked, Brian, catching his stare from across the table.
“No, just a lecture tomorrow.” Brian responded, taking a bite from the bits of hash brown.
“Mmm, good, I get you all to myself.” Roger giggled to himself, “Maybe we should try to go to the park this afternoon?” Roger suggested.
Brian perked up, “That sounds wonderful.” Brian felt Roger rubbing his leg.
After they both finished eating Brian helped Roger clean up, both getting ready to go out. That’s when Brian noticed a crumpled up paper on the floor next to the trash. He thought best to dismiss it until he noticed handwriting on it. He uncrumpled it reading the letter over.
“Roger?” Brian called out in a questioning tone.
“Yes, love?” Roger walked into the room and he watched as Rogers' eyes went wide.
“Who sent this love?” Brian said, handing the paper to Roger.
“Mick did, I don’t know why he did…” Rogers eyes darting downwards.
“This is not right darling, this is a threat. We need to report his love.” Brian placed the letter on the counter.
“No, Brian, that’s the last thing we should do, you think this is bad?” Roger grabbed the note off the counter, looking at it in disgust, “Getting the police involved will make it worse, he’s evil, but he’s even more malicious when he’s angry...trust me.”
“Roger we can’t just let this go!” Brian kept his temper back, he was worried, not angry but the two emotions were slowly mixing. Roger stepped closer to Brian, pulling up his sleeve and sticking out his arm in front of Brian. There was a faint scar, a burn scar most likely from a cigarette.
“Brian, you have to promise me to let this go, this was one of the nicest gestures of his.” Roger stepped away. Brian didn’t let him get very far, he grabbed Rogers arm pulling the man into a hug.
“I promise I won’t let him hurt you, babe. He will never lay a hand on you again.” Brian whispered into the crook of Roger’s neck.
“I love you.” The younger man whispered back.
“I love you too,” Brian stepped away, kissing the tears away, “Even though you are such an irresistible, sexy, little minx.” Brian laughed. He took the note and tossing it into the trash.
“I’m sorry about all this babe.” Roger said, his voice quiet.
“Don’t you ever apologize for something that bastard does, that man deserves to rot in jail.”
Roger pulled Brian into a kiss and Brian kissed him back but it was short lived as Roger broke the kiss to ask, “Are you ready to leave?” Brian nodded his head.
They both exited the flat, Brian made sure everything was locked up before they got into the car. As they were driving Brian wouldn’t let go of Roger’s hand. He kissed and rubbed the younger man’s hand with love and appreciation. When they arrived at the park he stepped out, walking to the other side to open the door for Roger. They took each other’s hand and began to walk down the trails. After an hour of walking, they found a large shady tree, Roger let go of Brian’s hand, sitting down and resting under the tree. Brian sat next to him enjoying the chill breeze. Autumn was setting in and the leaves were turning to their golden colors, golden like Rogers' hair. Roger’s head laid on his lap, playing with his hair. Brian looked down at his lover running his hand through his hair.
“I wish I brought my camera with me.” He chuckled softly.
“Yeah, it's a pretty gorgeous day, especially with this view.” Roger winked at him.
“I had a good view last night.” Brian mumbled under his breath, looking away from Roger and looking at the couples walking by.
“What was that babe?” Roger asked.
“Nothing love.” Brian responded, blushing. Roger sat up and leaned into Brian’s neck and he felt him place a soft kiss.
“You were so good last night.” Roger laid back down on Brian’s lap.
“I tried my best.”
“Do you know how handsome you are?” The blond played with his hair.
“Handsome I’d hope,” Brian leaned back on the tree, “You deserve someone handsome.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met Brian.” Roger blurted out.
“You are such a sap.” Brian said, he moved off the tree trunk and laid in the grass, “We can’t lay in the grass all day what other ideas do you have up your sleeve.”
“I don’t have to work tonight, so whatever you want to do love.”
“We could go to that diner again.” Brian suggested.
“Sounds good to me stud.”
“But can we stay here a bit longer.” Brian asked, not knowing why. He rolled on his side looking at Roger, who nodded at him. They both leaned in kissing one another softly but Roger pulled away in a panic. Brian’s eyes snapped open looking at Roger who was glancing behind Brian. He turned, looking for anything.
“Do we need to leave?” Brian said, worried for his lover.
“No, it was probably just a leaf.” Roger responding in denial, he moved closer to Brian.
Brian pulled him into a hug, keeping his lover close.
“What if we went on a double date with Deaky and Freddie?” Brian tried to alter the tension.
“That's a brilliant idea babe, they would love that.”
Brian grinned ear to ear, he wrapped his fingers under Roger’s chin lifting it to give him a short kiss.
“Do you think they are done with their lectures yet? We can drop by your guy’s flat.” Roger suggested.
“They should be, if not we can always wait.” Both of them sat up and stretched. Brian stood up, pulling the blond up with him. “If not you’ll clearly find ways to pass the time.” Brian winked at the shorter man.
“Oh, you know it stud.” Roger laughed.
They made their way back to the car and drove hastily to Brian’s shared flat. When they arrived Deaky and Freddie weren’t there but they would arrive soon enough. Brian looked at Roger who was leaning against the hallway wall.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Brian said asked.
“It's nothing.” Roger said walking into the flat moving toward the couch, “I see Fred and Deaky are gone...guess we have to pass the time after all.”
“They should uh... Be here soon..” Brian said. Roger stood up dragging Brian over to the couch.
“All the better.” The blond said placing a chaste kiss on Brian’s lips. Brian sat down on the couch next to Roger, kissing him back softly.
“Freddie and Deaky will be really curious about last night.” Roger said as he traced the love bites, Brian groaned at the future slew of questions.
“Already not looking forward to it.” And just like magic the front door opened and in walked in the other couple.
“Bri you’re alive!” Freddie exclaimed.
“Don’t worry Fred, I took good care of him.” Roger said laying his head Brian’s shoulder.
“Very.” Brian said under his breath.
“What was that Brian?” Deaky exclaimed.
“Shut it Deaky.” Brian said Deaky and Freddie started laughing amongst themselves, “You should’ve seen yourself, darling, you were shaking.” Freddie said, wiping a tear away after laughing so hard.
“Oh boys, leave my love alone!” Roger interrupted, “Or you won't be able on a double date with us!”
“Ooh, a double date where?” Deaky asked. Freddie taking their things to their room before walking back out.
“Just to the diner few blocks over.” Brian answered the question.
“That sounds wonderful, just give us a bit of time to freshen up.” Roger gave the two a quick nod before cuddling up against Brian. When they both walked away, he looked at Roger, “The effects of last night kicking in love?” Brian teased.
“Mmm..maybe.” Roger lazily kissed Brian’s neck.
“Don’t worry love, you can cuddle me all you want later.”
“You promise?”
“Even if I said no you would still cuddle me.” Brian laughed, he rubbed Roger’s back lovingly.
“Because you’re just so warm.” The blond purred.
Brian hummed, “And you are an irresistible minx.”
“And you’re a sexy stud.” Brian’s lips were seized by a passionate kiss from Roger. He pushed back against the kiss. It went back and forth for a minute before Brian decided to break the kiss, “You are such a naughty little tease.”
“Tell me how naughty I’ve been.” Roger squeezed his upper thigh causing Brian to let out a small yelp.
“Get a room you two.” Deaky said as he walked back into the sitting room.
“This room looks good enough.” Roger said, not loosening his grip on Brian’s thigh.
“Be careful Rog he might just cum from you touching him.” Deaky rolled his eyes while Roger started giggling, “Get up boys Freddie should be done.”
Brian was left on the couch as the rest of them finished getting ready. When they were all ready they piled into a cab in the direction to the diner. When they arrived they sat down at the table Brian closest to the window with Roger next to him, Deaky in front of him, Freddie across from him. The three of them were goofing off while Brian starred out the window. He was lost in his thoughts about him and Roger. Brian looked at Roger as a lover but could that really count if they only knew one another for four days. And what did Roger think of their relationship, even though they both admitted their love something just wasn’t settling with Brian.
“Are you okay love?” Brian noticed the hand resting on his thigh and the concerned looks from his lover and friends.
“Yeah, sorry. Was lost in my thoughts…” Brian paused looking at the three of them, “Should we order?”
“Actually I’m going to go to the bathroom really quick if the waitress gets here, Fred you know my order.” Roger stood up and walked to the bathroom leaving Brian with his friends.
“You good mate?” Deaky asked.
“Yeah, I’m all right, just thinking about -”
“Last night?” Freddie interrupted, a grin on his face as he lit a cigarette.
“Sure Fred.”
They talked about their lectures and work while waiting for Roger to return. When they heard the bathroom door open Brian glanced over, out walked a greasy mop of hair that didn’t belong to his angel. They made brief eye contact before the man ran out of the diner. Brian was on his feet in seconds when Roger walked out.
“What is it Bri?” Deaky asked in concern.
“Roger, are you ok? Did he touch you? God, did he hurt you?” Brian rambled off.
“No, he didn't…” Roger looked like he was going to be sick as he leads Brian back to table. Brian pulled him closer, glancing outside to see if Mick was still out there. Roger had hugged and curled up into Brian, he looked at the blond and up at his two friends who had worried looks on their faces.
“I’ll go order our food to go.” Freddie got up. Brian ribbed reassuring circles on Roger’s back, Deaky swapped seats to also calm Roger down.
“Was it Mick Rog?” Deaky asked, his voice quiet and hushed.
“Deaky, he was in the dressing room last night and sent me a note this morning.” Roger pulled yanked up his sleeve to show Deaky the cigarette scar but his head turned towards Brian.
“Brian, I’m so sorry…” All three of them were on the verge of crying.
“Don’t you dare apologize love. None of this is your fault.” Brian said, he pulled Roger closer to the point he was almost on his lap.
“Rog, you need to tell the police love. I know you don’t want to but.” Deaky added in. Freddie returned to the table, paper bags in hand.
“Let’s go darlings.”
Silently, they all made their way outside the diner and back to the flat. Once they were back in the safety of the shared flat Freddie placed the bags on the table in front of the couch and grabbed a blanket they all could share. Brian never let go of Roger, he kept the man at his side eventually pulling him onto his lap. He covered the two of them in the blanket, Freddie and Deaky laying next to them.
“You want to eat Rog?” Brian asked. Roger nodded his head and Freddie passed over his plate, Brian leaned over grabbing his food. They ate in silence, just enjoying the company of one another. Deaky and Fred cleaned up while Brian laid his chin on Rogers' shoulder.
“Feeling better angel?” Brian placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's temple.
“A lot,” The younger man whispered, playing with Brian’s hair, “I love you.”
“I love you so much.” Brian whispered back.
Deaky and Freddie returned climbing back on to the couch. Both shared a caring look at the other couple before cuddling back up with one another. Brian was cut away from his thoughts by Roger kissing him, his arms wrapping around Brian’s neck. Brian kissed him back placing his arms lazily around Rogers' waist. Roger broke the kiss by standing, grabbing his car keys.
“I guess I should get going.” He mumbled.
Brian grabbed his arm, pulling him back down onto the couch.
“You aren’t going anywhere love, not with that bastard stalking you.”
“Fred can give you some clothes for the night Rog but you are staying.” Deaky demanded.
Roger let out a smile which made the rest of them grin, “Ok.” He responded.
The rest of the night consisted of a small chat, cuddles, and teasing of course. When Brian glanced over at the clock he realized how late it really was.
“It’s getting late and I know a few of us have lectures in the morning.” Brian said as he stretched out his back. Deaky grabbed clothes for Roger while Brian went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. While he waited for Roger he gathered his things for the morning placing everything on his desk.
“Hey, stud.” Brian turned to see his angel in the doorway.
He hummed with joy, “Hello minx.” Brian stopped what he was doing walking over to his lover. “Come to bed love.” Brian took his arms and pulled him to the bed. They both laid on the bed, Brian covered them with the comforter and turning the lamp off. His eyes met Rogers when he rolled back over, “Beautiful.” He whispered running his fingers over Roger’s cheek.
“I know we’ve been doing this for a short while, but I feel like I could be with you forever.”
“You’ll have me for forever love.” Brian kissed the tip of his nose.
“Good.” Roger turned over and Brian took it as an opportunity to spoon the younger man. He scooted closer kissing his neck and shoulder because laying down and falling into a blissful sleep.
Brian’s body clock was what woke him up. He sat up rubbing at his eyes. Roger was still curled up at his side, his blond hair covering his face. He glanced over at the time, he still had two more hours to get ready. Brian glanced back down at the younger man, an idea growing in his head and a smirk resting on his face. Brian traced a finger from the top of his spine all the way down before rubbing his upper thigh.
“What a good way to wake up.”
“Indeed.” He let his hand travel up farther before taking his hand away. He leaned down stealing a kiss from his lover. Roger softly moaned while Brian rolled him onto his back pulling the comforter away from his body. He towered over the other man's body gently teasing his neck while his other hand brushes over his nipples. Brian chuckled, pulling away to lay his head on Rogers' chest.
“Wish I could wake up to your moans every day.” Brian chuckled.
“I wish I could wake up to you making me moan .”
“Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t go to my lectures and make you beg instead.”
“Please daddy.” Roger whispered
Brian groaned, “The things you do to me, baby.” In one swift movement, Brian pulled down Roger’s pajama pants and boxers, tossing them to the floor. Brian sat up, sitting in front of Roger’s leg. Roger was blushing a deep red his eyes locked on Brian’s. Brian slowly spread Roger’s legs kissing from his knee down to his inner thigh. He grasped Roger’s cock giving it a few short strokes. Roger’s hips bucked up into Brian’s hand causing Brian to hold his hips down.
“Roger, look at me love.” His voice deep and stern. When Roger’s gaze slowly but surely met Brian’s he smiled.
“Good boy.” He whispered, leaning down to lick the underside of Roger’s cock. Brian took the head of Roger’s erection into his mouth his tongue swirling around and sucking gently. He never lost eye contact with the younger man, looking for any hints of discomfort or disgust. Brian was hoping that what he was doing was okay for Roger.
“Brian!” The younger man moaned out. Brian groaned around his cock taking it deeper into his mouth, he could feel his own erection twitching at the sounds Roger was emitting. With one hand still keeping Roger’s hip planted on the bed the other hand rubbed his inner thigh.
“B-babe I’m so close.” Roger cried out.
Brian pulled away from the man, “No, no, no. You are gonna beg for it love. I’m not skipping my lectures for nothing.” Brian’s smirk covered his face, he rubbed Roger’s thigh softly making sure the man didn’t receive any pleasure out of the act.
“Brian, please…” Roger’s back arched off the mattress, ”Daddy please.”
“You can do better than that baby boy.”
“Brian please!”
Brian chuckled before taking Roger’s length back into his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking harshly. Roger came instantly in Brian’s mouth, Brian swallowed as much as he could without choking. When he finally let go he went to the bathroom, grabbing a wet cloth and cleaned the younger man. Brian rubbed his sides lovingly while cleaning him cooing words of praise. Roger sat up stealing a quick kiss.
“Mmm, so good to me stud.”
“Anything for you little minx.” Brian smiled.
“Hopefully I wasn’t too loud.” Roger said as he grabbed his discarded clothes.
“I think you’ll get some remarks from Deaky.” Brian grinned, standing up. His erection pushed against his boxers. He glanced down before looking back at Roger.
“Oh, I see you want me to repay you.” Roger smirked as he palmed Brian’s erection.
“I mean it would be nice.”
Roger smirked leading Brian to lay back down. He helped Roger take off his own sweatpants before laying back down. He felt Roger’s lips against his clothed erection making Brian groan at the contact. Roger took Brian’s boxers off at an unbearable pace. When they were finally off Roger wasted no time, he licked a long stripe up Brian’s erection. Brian moaned his hips stuttering upwards. As if Roger could read his mind he took the head of his erection into his mouth, his tongue licking and swirling around it. Brian gripped the man's hair and arched his back letting out breathless whines. That’s when Roger took him completely making Brian’s ankles and hands dig into the mattress.
“So c..close!” Brian choked out when that familiar heat grew inside him. Roger slowed down making Brian’s hips thrust up into his mouth. Brian moaned, throwing his head back. He continued his upward movement chasing his orgasm. Roger made a small noise and a grip on his thigh and that’s all it took for the older man to release. He came with a deep growl, arching his back as he felt himself flood Roger’s throat. Brian closed his eyes letting his body relax against the mattress. After Roger finished cleaning him the mattress dipped down at his side. He turned his head to see his lover   next to him.
“Well, that was better than a boring lecture.” He giggled.
“Much better than a lecture.” Brian let out a soft chuckle. Roger turned and wrapping his arm around Brian who copied him.
“I gotta work tonight baby,” He smirked, ”I know that's your favorite.”
“Hmm, I can’t wait. Love it when you act like a naughty boy.” Brian mumbled tiredly.
“I love it when you call me naughty.” He felt a small peck on his nose before the bed dipped and the bedroom door opened. Brian laid there for a few minutes before getting up and changing into clean clothes and following his lover out into the sitting room. Freddie was curled up on the couch and Deaky was nowhere to be seen, assuming he actually went to his lecture. He turned his gaze toward Roger who had his car keys in his hand.
“Bri can you come with me to my flat so I can get a couple things?”
“Of course Rog!” Brian grabbed his coat, putting his clogs on.
“See you in a bit, Fred.” Roger shouted over his shoulder.
They arrived at Roger’s flat around eleven, they both were relieved to know the flat was empty and untouched. Brian leaned against the closed door as Roger anxiously packed a small suitcase full of his belongings. When Brian didn’t hear rustling around anymore he stepped into Roger’s bedroom to see his lover sitting on his bed almost in tears. Brian immediately was kneeling in front of the younger man. His hand wrapped around his chin pulling his gaze away from floor wiping away any stray tears.
“Whatever you are thinking it’s not true. You are innocent my love and everything you do deserves to be praised and cherished.” Brian said, his tone was clear and sincere.
“I know, but I thought once I left him he would forget about me, I wasn’t significant to him when we were together…” Roger said tears began rolling down his face. Brian rubbed his arm in an attempt to calm the younger man down.
“You don’t need to tell me, love, it’s ok.”
“I think you should know,” Roger mumbled, “Mick always had a sort of temper, even before we got together, but it only escalated when we were. There were a couple of times I spent the night over at Innuendo just to get away from him. He was always suspicious of me too. One night he came home pretty plastered, accusing me of cheating on him even though I was working in the club without him knowing. He got pretty physical that night, that was the night I left him.” Brian wasn’t shocked, with the way Mick has acted around Roger it was pretty clear that he had problems.
“What you did was right love, he abused you. You had no reason to stay around that bastard.” Brian kissed Roger’s hand, “You deserved to be treated like a king.”
“Do you have any idea how grateful I am to have you?” Roger placed his hand on Brian’s cheek cracking a smile, “What did I do to deserve you?”
Brian grinned and started laughing, “If I remember correctly you teased me until I started worshiping the ground you walk on.”
“Go me!” Roger exclaimed kissing Brian tenderly. Brian kissed back before standing.
“Do you have everything, love?” Brian glanced at the small suitcase.
“Yes.” Roger grabbed his belongings and they exited the flat together, making their way back to the shared flat. When they arrived they could hear the bickering of the other couple from outside the door. Brian unlocked the door stepping inside to see Deaky and Freddie arguing.
“What is going on?” Brian questioned.
“Mick decided to pay a visit,” Freddie said, “He left a nice broken window in our room.”
Brian was beyond stunned, his glare turned to Roger.
“You're joking…” Roger clenched his fists with anger, his brows furrowing.
“I think it is about fucking time we reported this.” Deaky snapped.
“You guys don't have to do anything, it's my fault you guys are in this mess, I'll fix it.”
“No way in hell Roger. You are staying right where you are at.” Brian snapped.
“Freddie and I are going to the station. The both of you are staying right where you are at!” Deaky’s overpowering voice shouted. Roger huffed and stormed toward the couch. Deaky and Freddie grabbed their coats and shoes, shooting a sympathetic look at Brian before walking out the door. Brian cautiously walked to Roger, he didn’t mean to snap at Roger. The whole situation was getting out of hand and Mick deserved to sit in jail for the rest of his life.
“Rog… I’m sorry.” Roger stood up, he wrapped his arms around Brian’s waste looking up and smiling.
“I’m so scared that you are gonna slip away from me one day,” Brian said hushly, “I don’t want to lose you.” The blue eyes he stared into went wide at his words. Roger laid his head on Brian’s neck.
“Brian I'm going to be yours forever.” The younger man said placing a kiss. Brian let out a shaky sigh of relief before responding, “Good, don’t know what I’d do if you left me.” Brian kissed the younger mans temple. He turned the both of them, falling back onto the couch making sure Roger remained on his lap. Roger grabbed a blanket piled up next to them, laying it over them. The blonde rested his head on Brian’s chest his body relaxing and his breathing evening out. Brian knew he had fallen asleep so he adjusted them so Brian was laying down on his back and Roger was on his chest. The silence of the flat was luring Brian into sleep as well, he kissed the mop of blonde hair once more before submitting to the weight of his eyelids.
Brian was brought back to consciousness with a small kiss on his chin, he felt his arms wrapped around a body. Brian groaned, he squinted his eyes seeing the blonde hair that was resting on his chest. Brian’s heart fluttered when memories came back to him.
“What time is it?” Brian asked, his voice deep and groggily.    
“Four, babe.”
“What time do you have to be at Innuendo?” Brian propped himself up on him elbows, looking at the man laying on him. He ran his hand through his hair and leaned down to kiss his cheek.
“Seven, I'm doing drinks tonight.” Roger hummed.
“Good, we still have time to lay here.” Brian collapsed back onto his back. He deeply inhaled and exhaled getting comfortable back on the couch. Brian turned his head to look at the door where Deaky and Freddie’s shoes were missing.
“The other two not come back?” Brian asked, laying his head on the arm of the couch.
“I don't think so…” Brian felt Roger’s body tense up in worry.
“It’s alright love, they are probably at the station.” Brian sat up, pulling Roger into a tight hold.
“I think you need some tea and more cuddles.” Brian proclaimed. Roger nodded and hummed in approval, Brian picked up by his hips and walked into the kitchen. He placed a Roger on the counter before he started to boil the water for the tea.
“You should pick out my outfit for the club tonight,” Brian suggested, “Fred picked my outfit the first time I went.” Brian included in attempt to make some sort of conversation.
“Yes! Freddie really knows what he's doing, he was the one to suggest that I dress up like a schoolgirl.” Roger said with excitement. When Brian turned to look at Roger he was swinging his legs against the cabinets and smiling in joy. Brian couldn’t help but be in awe at the sight of the man. For once in the past two days he generally looked alive.
“Freddie has always been a slutty schoolgirl at heart.” He chuckled at the thought. The both of them enjoyed their time together, laughing at jokes, and enjoying each others company. When the tea was finished Brian carefully poured the tea into two cups. He grabbed the tea, walking over to Roger who was still on the counter. Brian stood in between Roger’s legs, handing his teacup to him. Roger’s legs wrapped around him pulling him closer as he took a sip of his tea, Brian doing the same.
“You're way too good to me, stud.” Roger cooed.
“I’d do anything and everything for you.” Brian smiled, placing a kiss on Roger’s forehead.
“I can’t wait to go out tonight.” Roger said after taking a sip of his tea.
“I can’t wait to see you in all of your beauty tonight.” Brian stated.
“Oh yeah?” Roger smile turned into a smirk at Brian’s comment.
“Mm, may just have to keep you backstage so I can show you how slutty you are.” Brian could not dirty talk for his life but he could tease the younger man verbally.
“Maybe you should.” Roger said with confidence. Brian took a step back, turning to walk to the kitchen table. He sat down and glanced at his lover with a smirk, lust burning in his eyes.
“I don’t know, I may just stay home to catch up on everything I missed from my lecture this morning.”
“No!” Roger whined.
Brian didn’t respond, instead taking a sip of his tea. He continued to look at Roger even shot him a wink. When he was finished with his tea he cleaned out the cup before placing it gently on the counter. He shot Roger one more look before passing by him and walking back into the sitting room. He folded the blanket and placed it on the chair across from the couch before sitting down on the couch. Roger walked slowly toward Brian, kneeling down in front of him.
“Please come tonight.” Roger begged, batting his eyelashes at him. Brian chuckled and ran his hand through the man’s blonde roots.
“Do you think I would leave your side love?”
“You better not.” Roger laid against his knee, giggling.
“Should we go pick my outfit out for the night?” Brian said.
“Yes!” Brian was pulled up from the couch by Roger and then dragged off to his bedroom. Brian took off disposed of his current apparel but left his boxers on. He sat down on the bed as Roger dug through his clothing to find his outfit for the night. Roger turned around, clothes in hand.
“Here you go, stud.” He said, handing the clothes to Brian.
“Thank you love.” Brian changed into his new outfit, he had to discard his boxers to he could comfortably wear the leather pants Roger had picked out. The last thing he put on was the choker, he glanced at Roger while doing so giving the blonde a small smile. When he was finished changing he stepped into the bathroom to look over the outfit.
“You’ve outdone yourself again Rog.” Brian said, turning to look at him. Roger stepped closer to him, wrapping his arms around Brian.
“Mmm, so sexy.” Roger hummed, “Since I’m only doing drinks tonight, I think I might get ready here.”
“I think that is nice idea.” Brian said, his face turning a bright pink. Roger smirked, he kissed Brian passionately before turning and walking out of the bathroom to grab his things. Brian followed him out like a lost puppy. He sat on the bed anxiously waiting for his lover to come out of the bathroom. There was always something about Rogerina’s personality that could have Brian on his knees in seconds versus Roger who he could cuddle endlessly and then have him moaning his name a second later. Brian dismissed his thoughts when the bathroom door opened, his eyes went from the floor to the sexy women standing in the doorway.
“Hey there handsome~” She purred.
“Hi beautiful.” He smiled, his face was turning more red by the second. She smirked and seductively walked to Brian, sitting on his lap.
“Let’s see if Deaky and Freddie came back and then we can get outta here.” Brian nodded his head and stood up. Like magic he heard the front door open and soft conversation could be heard.
“Rog.. Brian? You guys here?” Brian heard Freddie call out. Brian walked over to the doorway sticking his head out.
“We’re still here Fred.” Brian said.
“The station took the report, they took a full description so hopefully they find him,” Deaky said, he took Freddie’s coat off and his, “Not much we can do now.”
“They will, thank you Deaky.”
“Where is Rog?” Freddie called out from the kitchen.
Rogerina walked out beside Brian, “I’m here Freddie, dear.” Both Deaky and Fred turned to look at her.
“Hello dear! Working tonight I assume.” Freddie said.
“Yep!” Brian glanced at Rogerina at the moment she shot him a glare from over her shoulder.
“Which I think we should get going now so we aren’t late.” Brian look at the both of them innocently. He turned on his heels walking away from the two of them to grab his coat from the closet and shoes. Rogerina did the same, once situated Brian tossed her the car keys which she caught. They took off toward Innuendo the sun slowly setting and crisp breeze made it a perfect autumn night. Rogerina parked in the staff lot, Brian rushed out of his seat to make his way to other side of the car to open the door for her.
“After you my love.” He planned on treating her like the queen she is tonight.
“Such a gentlemen, like always.” She said to Brian, caressing his cheek. They walked hand and hand to the entrance of the club. Before they even made it down the steps the bouncer had the door open for them. For once Brian didn’t have the rush of anxiety as they walked into the building. He had Rogerina at his side and nobody would dare hurt the queen of Innuendo. He felt a arm wrap around his waist and Rogerina leaned in to kiss Brian’s cheek. She gracefully made her way to the bar and Brian followed close behind. Brian sat down on one of the chairs at the bar while Rogerina stepped behind the bar to relieve the person working. Brian watched as she leaned against the bar her eyes never leaving him.
“Pick your poison, stud.”
“Just water, love, please.” Brian gave her a hearty smile as he took his coat off. She turned shedding her coat, bending down to place it under the bar while grabbing a glass. Brian couldn’t take his eyes off the skirt resting around her hips and the pantyhose covering her silky legs. When she stood back up to fill the glass with water sliding it over to Brian. He took a drink watching Rogerina return to her previous position at the bar. She swayed her hips to the music, Brian kept reminding himself to blink. He has seen her in this outfit before but for some reason he just can’t take his eyes off of her.
“You look so irresistible tonight baby.” Brian heard her say. He quickly took his gaze away from her body to look up into her eyes.
“Thank you babe, you look incredibly,” Brian sharply inhaled before responding, “seductive.” She smirked and teasingly unbuttoned one of the top buttons of her shirt. Brian groaned, the rush of warmth pooling in his stomach was becoming a dangerous amount especially in the leather pants he was wearing. He took three deep breaths to calm himself down, he didn’t want to walk around the pub with a hard-on, he would die of embarrassment.  
For the remainder of time Brian kept to himself besides shooting death glares at anyone who tried to flirt with Rogerina. Brian always kept his eyes on her so when she leaned down to grab something from the shelves he got the perfect view of her arse. Brian hummed when he noticed she was wearing a pair of lacy knickers. His face went instantly red, he buried his head in his hands. He knew how the night would turn out at this rate and that thought and suspense was killing him. When he heard the clicking of heels come around the bar he knew it was Rogerina. Her hands rested on his shoulder while he kissed the top of his curly head.
“Please tell me your shift is over.” Brian whined.
“It is.” She giggled into his ear.
When they were walking out of the club Rogerina stopped to grab a orange flier on the ground. Brian was getting impatient as she took her time reading it over.
“Ooo! Babe can we go to that?” Brian was confused, he stepped over to read the paper.
‘Halloween Party, October 31st from 6-? Slutty costumes are preferred.���
“Oh, of course we can love.” Brian reassured. He watched as she folded the paper and stuck it into her shirt before dragging Brian across the parking lot to the car. She sped over the speed limit the whole trip there and when they arrived she was just as handsy as Brian went to unlock the door. Brian opened the door quietly knowing that Freddie and Deaky were still there. He waited for Rogerina to walk in and then he closed the door, tossing the keys on the end table. He wasted no time grabbing her and pulling her into his bedroom. He pushed her toward the bed as he locked his bedroom door. Brian kicked off his shoes and pounced on top of Rogerina kissing her sloppily and with force. One hand pinned her hands above her hand while the other was working on unbuttoning her shirt. Once her shirt was open Brian kissed down her chest leaving hickies in his path. She moaned at his attack, she wrapped her legs around Brian’s hip. Brian trailed over to her nipple, he gently flicked his tongue over it and rocked his hips down to meet hers. Brian’s face heated up as she let out a loud moan. Brian continued to lick and suck at her nipples but he slowly and teasingly pulled down her pantyhose and knickers, leaving the skirt on.
“Look at me love,” Brian said his hand inched up the skirt, “what do you want me to do love?” Brian rubbed up and down his thigh. His gaze inched down from the ceiling to meet Brian’s gaze.
“Touch me…” His breath hitched.
Brian slowly stroked Roger’s cock, his thumb running over the head. Roger bucked up into his hand moaning at the contact. Brian alternated between fast and slow strokes while his other hand was unzipping and unbuttoning his pants. Brian tossed his pants to the floor, stripping off his blazer and button-up. He kept the choker on knowing how Roger adores it. He yanked the younger man's hips toward him, he reached into his nightstand drawer grabbing a bottle of lube. Brian coated himself along with Roger’s entrance before tossing the bottle aside.
Brian helped Roger flip unto his stomach his skirt flipping up in the process and Brian could see everything. Brian leaned over his back kissing the back of his neck as he pushed himself into Roger. When Brian was pressed fully inside of Roger he stalled all movements letting the both adjusted to each other. Brian rubbed Roger’s back soothingly to help him relax. Roger groaned with satisfaction and that was Brian’s cue to begin to move his hips. Normally, Brian would take his time but his patience had run thin so Brian pulled back before harshly thrusting into Roger. Brian could barely contain his moans with the warmth around his cock. With Roger screaming in pleasure with every thrust Brian was too close from spilling over. Brian leaned over Roger’s back nipping at his ear.
“You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you.” Brian growled into his ear.
“Y-yes!” Roger wailed. Brian stopped his movements, he slipped his hand underneath Roger stroking his cock slowly.
“Yes what love?” Brian persisted.
“I have been n-naughty~”
“And what do you want daddy to do about that.” His hand twisted and pulled on the younger mans cock.
“Spank me…” His voice was raspy.
“Gladly baby boy.” Brian let go of Roger’s cock and quickly smacked the blonde’s ass while thrusting deep inside of him. Roger became a moaning mess again as Brian continued to fuck him. Brian moaned, he was getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.
“Brian…s-s close.” Roger stuttered.
“Cum for me baby boy.” Brian said, thrusting into Roger once more before coming. He growled his muscles going limp as he laid on his chest on Roger’s back.
“I-I love you Brian.” Roger said, still panting in the aftermath of pleasure. Brian had to wait to catch his breath before he could response.
“I love you too, baby boy.” He didn’t want to move from this position despite his legs shaking. He kissed the back of Roger’s neck, rubbing his sides lovingly.
After they both had time to come down from their high Brian rolled them both onto their sides. He spooned the younger man, resting his face in the crook of his neck.
“I don’t think I’m gonna move ever again.” Brian mumbled letting out a breathy laugh.
“You’re telling me.” They both shared a hearty laugh before silence fell over the room again.
“I’d fuck you over and over again if you’d let me,” Brian said at random, “But I uh.. don’t think I have the stamina for that.” He added.
“I would let you, but I don’t think Deaky and Freddie would appreciate it either.” Roger giggled.
“Maybe we should kick them out of the flat for the night. So many things we could do.” Brian smirked, kissing around Roger’s neck.
“I would love that babe, but it is pretty late.” Brian whined. Being with Roger brought a new sex drive but he reasoned with Roger. He slowly pulled out of Roger walking into the bathroom to grab a rag. He cleaned Roger first and then dealt with himself. He dragged the skirt down Roger’s legs tossing it in the pile before climbing back into bed. He returned to his previous position pulling Roger closer to him.
“Goodnight love.” Brian whispered, turning off the lamp.
Roger woke up to an empty bed, he was disoriented at first, not quite remembering the night before right away. He stretched and yawned before getting up. Roger shuffled out of his bedroom, hearing the shower running. Roger smiled before walking into the living room. His eyes fell on something just under the front door of his flat. Roger was taken aback for a second, he walked towards the door, crouched down and slid the object from out under the door. It was a letter, hastily written on lined paper. Roger cocked an eyebrow, even more, confused when he unfolded the paper. It read:
‘I wish you could see the potential of you and me. But it’s something you’re pretty blonde head of yours can’t seem to figure out yet. But you will be mine, we’ll be lovers again. You reject me and my advances, but trust me, we both know that I’m the only one who can truly please you. I won’t let you let me down so easily. You may dress like some slut, but we’ll be able to fix that. You gotta spend some time with me love like you used to. ~M’
Roger couldn’t believe what he just read, he read it over and over until the words were burned into his mind. He shook his head, crumbling up the note, he just couldn’t deal with this at the moment. Not with Brian here. Roger walked and tossed the note at the garbage can that was just inside the kitchen before he walked away towards his room again, unaware that the note missed the trash bin and now laid stock still in the entrance of the kitchen. Roger’s eyes fell upon Brian, which totally pulled him away from the creepy note and took his mind off of it completely.
“Good morning beautiful.” Roger blushed and smiled wide.
“Good morning handsome.” He cooed before disappearing into the bathroom. Roger strolled into the kitchen, fresh faced, his long blonde hair was brushed and fluffed, wearing his day clothes. He was pleasantly surprised seeing that Brian made breakfast and walked over to give Brian a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you for cooking stud.”
“Anytime you minx.” Roger giggled, sitting down and taking a sip of his tea.
“So, got any plans today?” Roger looked over at his new lover from across the table with his protuberant blue eyes.
“No, just a lecture tomorrow.”
“Mmm, good, I get you all to myself.” Roger snickered before taking a bite of his breakfast, ”Maybe we should try to go to the park this afternoon?”
“That sounds wonderful.” Roger rubbed Brian’s leg tenderly under the table with his foot, continuing to eat his breakfast, humming to himself all the while.
Roger helped clean up breakfast and was now standing in the living room, shrugging on a jacket and grabbing anything he or Brian would need today.
“Roger?” Roger heard Brian call from the kitchen.
“Yes, love?” Roger said, rounding the corner, his eyes fell to the letter in Brian’s hands. Roger’s eyes went wide before they snapped up to Brian’s.
“Who sent this love?” Brian handed the paper to Roger. Roger hated even touching the page, his eyebrows furrowed a bit, looking up at Brian again.
“Mick did, I don’t know why he did…” Roger breath hitched a little as he looked down at the words once more, frowning.
“This is not right darling, this is a threat. We need to report him, love.” Roger looked up at Brian in terror and scurried close to Brian.
“No, Brian, that’s the last thing we should do, you think this is bad?” Roger held up the note in disgust, ”Getting the authorities involved will make it worse, he’s evil, but he’s even more malicious when he’s angry...trust me.” Roger couldn’t look at Brian in the eyes now, he was so ashamed of himself and the baggage Brian would have to deal with if they made things official.
“Roger we can’t just let this go!” Roger moved closer to Brian now, lifting up his jacket sleeve, holding out his arm. In the crook between his forearm and upper arm, there was a small circular crater, barely noticeable, it was definitely a cigarette burn scar.
“Brian, you have to promise me to let this go, this was one of the nicest gestures of his.” Roger pulled down the sleeve, before looking away again. Brian pulled Roger into a warm embrace.
“I promise I won’t let him hurt you, babe. He will never lay a hand on you again.” Brian whispered, a tear ran down Roger's face, he was so thankful to have Brian.
“I love you.” Roger whispered back.
“I love you too,”  Brian stepped away from Roger, Roger blushing when the older man kissed his tears away.“Even though you are such an irresistible, sexy, little minx.” Roger laughed with Brian, the older man then took the note and tossed it into the trash.
“I’m sorry about all this babe.” Roger said meekly, he was still extremely embarrassed.
“Don’t you ever apologize for something that bastard does, that man deserves to rot in jail.” Roger nodded and pulled Brian into a kiss, before intertwining their fingers together.
“Are you ready to leave?” Roger asked. Brian nodded and with that, they were out of the flat and heading their way towards Hyde Park. Roger blushed when Brian wouldn't let go of his hand, either kissing it or rubbing it gently. It made him feel a million times better. They finally arrived and Brian was the one to get out first, pacing over to Roger's side and opening his door. Roger stepped out, watching Brian close the door before taking his hand. They walked, talking about random things and how much they appreciate one another until they found a large and shady tree. Roger let go of Brian's hand before taking a spot under it. Roger's gaze followed Brian as he sat down next to him, Roger laid his head into Brian's lap, reaching up to play with his curls, admiring how perfect and beautiful the man above him was. Roger hummed when Brian ran his slender fingers through his blonde hair a blush creeping in his cheeks.
“I wish I brought my camera with me.” Brian let out a short and quiet laugh. Roger, still twirling one of Brian's curls around his finger, smiling up at him.
“Yeah, it's a pretty gorgeous day, especially with this view.” Roger winked up at Brian.
“I had a good view last night.” Brian mumbled looking away from Roger.
“What was that babe?” Roger questioned, with a smirk, knowing full well what his lover has uttered.
“Nothing love.” Brian was blushing and Roger leaned up to softly kiss the older man's neck.
“You were so good last night.” Roger said against Brian's neck before pulling away, resting his head back on Brian's lap.
“I tried my best.” Roger giggled.
“Do you know how handsome you are?” Roger went back to playing with Brian's hair, fluffing it up before resting his hand on Brian's cheek.
“Handsome I’d hope,” Brian leaned against the tree, “You deserve someone handsome.” Roger's lips grew into a wide smile.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met Brian.” Roger's face was red at what he just spontaneously blurted out.
“You are such a sap.” Roger rolled his eyes before laughing quietly. Brian moved off the tree to lay next to Roger, “We can’t lay in the grass all day what other ideas do you have up your sleeve.”
“I don’t have to work tonight, so whatever you want to do love.” Roger looked up, taking in the golden colored leaves and the nice breeze flowing around them.
“We could go to that diner again.” Roger rolled over to looked at Brian.
“Sounds good to me stud.”
“But can we stay here a bit longer.” Brian turned over to look at Roger, he nodded moving over to place a kiss on Brian's lips, before closing his eyes he saw someone dart from behind a tree just a few feet away. Roger quickly pulled away, sitting up and staring at the tree.
“Do we need to leave?” Brian asked in panic but Roger shook his head, his eyes still narrowed.
“No, it was probably just a leaf.” Roger had a sneaking suspicion, but he leaned back down. Roger knew he wouldn't do anything out in the open, that would get him caught. Roger moved closer to Brian though, just in case. Brian pulled Roger into a hug, the worry melting away.
“What if we went on a double date with Deaky and Freddie?”
“That's a brilliant idea babe, they would love that.” Roger looked up at Brian, placing a small peck on the older man's lips.
“Do you think they are done with their lectures yet? We can drop by your guy’s flat.” Roger proposed, sitting up and stretching.
“They should be, if not we can always wait.”  Roger grasped Brian’s hand, getting pulled up onto his feet, ”If not you’ll clearly find ways to pass the time.” Brian smirked and Roger laughed.
“Oh, you know it stud.”
Roger led the way back to his car, opening the door for Brian before going over to his side and climbing inside. Roger started the car and started to drive down the street, they made it to Brian’s flat, Roger parked before getting out of the car. They walked up to Brian’s place, Roger leaned against the hallway wall. Roger mind fell upon that note they found that morning. Brian opened the door before looking over at Roger.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Brian asked Roger, snapped out of it.
“It's nothing.” Roger smiled before walking into Brian's shared flat, ”I see Fred and Deaky are gone...guess we have to pass the time after all.” Roger smirked, moving to the couch.
“They should uh... Be here soon..” Roger got up and pulled Brian over to the couch.
“All the better.” Roger laughed and placed a chaste kiss on Brian's lips. Roger wrapped his around Brian's neck before kissing him quickly once more.
“Freddie and Deaky will be really curious about last night.” Roger let out a laugh before tracing Brian's love bites that peppered his neck.
“Already not looking forward to it.” Brian groaned in irritation. The front door swung open and the couple walked in.
“Bri you’re alive!” Freddie shouted and Roger snickered. He laid his head on Brian's shoulder.
“Don’t worry Fred, I took good care of him.” Roger gave a sultry wink, smirking.
“Very.” Brian mumbled.
“What was that Brian?” Deaky had a shit eating grin on his face, which irritated Brian to no end.
“Shut it Deaky.” Freddie and Deaky burst into fits on laughter, Roger couldn't help but laugh as well.
“You should’ve seen yourself, darling, you were shaking.” Freddie laughed, tears in his eyes.
“Oh boys, leave my love alone!” Roger teased laughing more, ”Or you won't be able on a double date with us!”
“Ooh, a double date where?” Deaky perked up while Freddie took their things and disappeared for a moment.
“Just to the diner few blocks over.” Brian answered.
“That sounds wonderful, just give us a bit of time to freshen up.” Roger nodded and nuzzled into Brian. He was so warm and comfy, he could fall asleep right in his arms if he wanted.
“The effects of last night kicking in love?” Brian teased, making Roger giggle.
“Mmm..maybe.” Roger started to lazily kiss Brian’s neck.
“Don’t worry love, you can cuddle me all you want later.”
“You promise?” Roger’s lips grew into a smug grin.
“Even if I said no you would still cuddle me.” Brian let out a laugh before rubbing Rogers back.
“Because you’re just so warm.” Roger purred.
“And you are an irresistible minx.”
“And you’re a sexy stud.” Roger leaned up to plant and passionate kiss on Brian’s lips.
“You are such a naughty little tease.” Roger smirked before leaning in, whispering in Brian’s ear.
“Tell me how naughty I’ve been.” Roger gripped Brian’s upper thigh making Brian yelp.
“Get a room you two.” Deaky stood in the living room now. Roger still kept his hand on Brian’s thigh and looks at Deaky laughing.
“This room looks good enough.”
“Be careful Rog he might just come from you touching him.” Deaky rolled his eyes, making Roger laugh, “Get up boys Freddie should be done.” Roger let go of Brian and hoisted himself off the couch, walking over to the mirror by the front door, checking himself over, fixing his hair. After everyone was done getting ready they loaded into the cab and arrived at the little diner. They took their seats and when Roger got his hands on a straw, he couldn’t help but shoot the wrapper at Freddie from across the table, doubling over in laughter when the wrapper bounced off Freddie’s cheek and rested in Deaky’s long brown hair. Roger looked over at Brian, seeing him look distant, knowing Brian was deep in thought about something. A growing concern filled his heart. Was it about this morning? Was Brian have second thoughts about their relationship? Did Brian only say that he loved him in the heat of the moment like many others did in the past? Roger placed a hand gently on Brian’s thigh.
“Are you okay love?” Roger just needed reassurance, they had gotten so close so quickly Roger never thought about what would happen if Brian didn’t actually love him or even remotely liked him.
“Yeah, sorry. Was lost in my thoughts…”  Brian’s eyes darted around the three of them, Roger couldn’t help but frown slightly, “Should we order?” Brian asked and the group nodded.
“Actually I’m going to go to the bathroom really quick if the waitress gets here, Fred you know my order.” Roger got up from the table and made his way to the other side of the diner where the men’s room was. He entered the small bathroom and looked in the mirror, knowing that he loved Brian and noting that there could be a possibility that Brian didn't feel the same after all they shared, it made his heart ache. Roger splashed his face with water, his hand covering his face. Roger felt a hand on his shoulder, he smiled, Brian had come to comfort him. But when Roger uncovered his face and looked in the mirror, he wasn’t met with Brian's reassuring hazel's but was instead met by the dead dark blue eyes of Mick. The man’s eyes almost looked black under the bright light of the bathroom. Roger’s stomach churned, it was like seeing the devil. Roger flinched away and whipped around.
“Mick, what the fuck! You shouldn’t be here.” Roger squeaked out.
“Oh, and who's going to stop me? That pretty boy you’ve been messing around with? Do you really think he’ll care?” Mick sneered, Roger could feel his heartbeat in his head.
“Leave Brian out of this.” Roger said breathlessly, he felt pathetic and weak next to Mick. The words of the note flashed red in his mind, like a too late warning sign.
“Oh so that's his name.” Mick let out a blood chilling laugh before he added,“When will it get into your dumb little head that he’ll never love you, he could never love someone like you.”
“He loves me!” Roger blurted out like an impulse, Roger shrunk back at his feeble comeback.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that love, how long have you known him? He will never be able to love you like I have.” Roger’s eyebrows furrowed and his baby blue eyes were blazing.
“Get out!” Roger shouted, the words Mick was implanting in his mind screamed in his head, his heart beat in anxious rhythms. Roger pushed Mick out of the door, that’s all he could do. Mick sped away, but not without glancing over at the table the three others were sitting at and making dead eye contact with Brian, before exiting. Roger walked out moments later, hurrying back to his seat. Brian was on his feet, panic in his usual calm hazel eyes. Roger knew that he saw Mick walk out and it only made his heart panic even more.
“What is it Bri?” Roger heard Deaky says as he sped up to Brian.
“Roger, are you ok? Did he touch you? God, did he hurt you?”
“No, he didn't…” Roger was quiet and pale, he lead Brian to sit down. Roger closed his eyes for a second, his head was reeling. He turned to hug Brian. He could feel Freddie's and John's concerned gaze burning into him. Roger sighed a shaky gasp of breath as Brian rubbed circles on Roger back. Something about this embrace was reassuring to Roger.
“Was it Mick Rog?” Deaky said in a hushed tone, Roger looked up at Deaky and nodded.
“Deaky, he was in the dressing room last night and sent me a note this morning.” Roger’s hand went to ditch in his arm, where the scar was.  Roger looked over at Brian, tears in his eyes.
“Brian, I’m so sorry…” That was all he could muster to say, how he wanted to tell Brian what Mick said and how much he wanted it to not be true, but he couldn’t. He was too scared.
“Don’t you dare apologize love. None of this is your fault.” Brian reassured, pulling Roger almost onto his lap.
“Rog, you need to tell the police love. I know you don’t want to but.”  Roger knew Deaky was going to say that before he even opened his mouth. Roger knew that he should. Roger didn’t care about him getting hurt, Roger had gotten hurt by Mick before, he didn’t want Brian to get hurt. Roger stayed silent.
“Let’s go darlings.” Freddie was back with the food, Roger, without hesitation got up. He just wanted to be in Brian’s arms on the couch. They once again piled into a cab, Roger put his head on Brian's shoulder and wouldn't let go of the older man's hand until they got back to the three's shared flat. When they got back Brian wouldn't let Roger go, pulling Roger into him and wrapping themselves in a fluffy blanket. Freddie and Deaky laid next to them.
“You want to eat Rog?” Roger nodded his head, despite being overwhelmed, Roger was ravenous. Roger was thankful for the comfortable silence and the good food, it took his mind off of the incident. Brian rested his chin on Roger's shoulder, he couldn't help but smile.
“Feeling better angel?”
“A lot,” Roger reached a hand up to caress Brian's hair. Roger turned his head, kissing Brian's temple.
“I love you.” Roger whispered, he just wanted to let Brian know that.
“I love you so much.” Roger turned to face Brian now, kissing him, and wrapping his arms around Brian's neck. Brian placed his hand loosely around Roger's waist, he kissed Brian once more before taking his car keys out of his pocket.
“I guess I should get going.” Roger mumbled before getting up, dreading sleeping without Brian by his side. Roger felt a hand close around his wrist, pulling him back onto the couch.
“You aren’t going anywhere love, not with that bastard stalking you.”
“Fred can give you some clothes for the night Rog but you are staying.” Deaky was stern with his demand. Roger sighed.
“Ok.” Roger couldn't help but smile though. The night consisted of cheeky banter, small talk, and cuddling. Brian turned his head to look at the couch, Roger was in his arms.
“It’s getting late and I know a few of us have lectures in the morning.” Brian stretched out and Roger got up, he couldn’t wait to sleep the rest of the night away. Roger quickly changed and stood in the doorway to Brian’s room, watching him gather his things.
“Hey, stud.” Roger grinned.
“Hello, minx.” Brian walked over to him, taking Roger by the hand, “Come to bed love.”  Roger gladly let Brian lead the way. Roger curled up under the covers, his eyes glued onto Brian still. Roger scooted over for Brian, the older man covered them both up with a blanket before turning over, meeting Roger’s gaze.
“Beautiful.” Brian placed a hand on Roger’s cheek, making him blush.
“I know we’ve been doing this for a short while, but I feel like I could be with you forever.” Roger nuzzled into Brian’s touch, smiling.  
“You’ll have me for forever love.” Brian kissed the tip of Roger’s nose making him giggle. Roger reached around to rub Brian's back.
“Good.” Roger closed his eyes before turning around so his back was up against Brian. Roger’s cheeks grew hotter as Brian planted a soft kiss on his neck and shoulder. He closed his eyes before falling into a soundless sleep.
Roger woke up with a gasp feeling Brian rub his thigh. Roger’s eyes snap towards Brian who had a smirk that stretched across his whole face. Roger knew immediately what Brian was up for, which made Roger smirked back.
“What a good way to wake up.”
“Indeed.” Brian’s hand traveling up Roger’s leg made Roger’s breath hitch in his throat. Brian then bent down, kissing him. Roger pushed up into the kiss eagerly, softly moaning. He was already excited for what Brian had in store for him. Roger could barely contain his moans when Brian brush over his sensitive nipple. Roger panted, grabbing onto Brian’s t-shirt.
“Wish I could wake up to your moans every day.” Brian stopped laying his head on Roger’s chest.
“I wish I could wake up to you making me moan every day.” Roger smirked down at Brian.
“Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t go to my lectures and make you beg instead.”
“Please daddy.” Roger begged in a soft voice.
Brian let out a low groan, “The things you do to me, baby.” Brian discarded the blanket and ripped down Roger’s pajamas and boxers. He sat in front of Roger now, Roger’s face was completely red, staring into Brian’s hazel eyes. Roger could hardly keep his moans in as Brian spread his legs apart, kissing from his knee up to his thigh. Roger moaned softly has Brian began to stroke his cock causing Roger to buck up into his touch. Roger looked up at the ceiling, biting his lip to contain a groan bubbling in his throat.
“Roger, look at me love.” Brian demanded, Roger’s eyes slowly looked back into his lovers stern eyes. Roger bit his lip harder, he could feel the knot in his stomach grow tighter looked at the scene. Roger gripped the bed sheets, still not breaking his gaze.
“Good boy.” Brian bent down to lick Roger’s length, Roger’s eyes rolled back into his head before letting out a loud moan, arching his back as he grip grew tighter on the sheets. Brian took more of Roger’s erection into his mouth, swirling his tongue around Roger’s tip and starting to suck. Roger couldn’t keep back his moans any longer, he entangled his fingers into Brian’s hair. “Brian!” Roger screamed mouth opened wide. He could feel himself getting closer and closer, tugging on Brian’s hair as Brian took him in deeper. The slight rubbing made Roger’s toes curl.
“B-babe I’m so close.” Roger could barely make out his words. Brian stopped and looked at Roger sternly.
“No, no, no. You are gonna beg for it love. I’m not skipping my lectures for nothing.” Roger let out a great whine of frustration. He wanted to release so bad.
“Brian, please…” Roger arched his back in another needy whine, ”Daddy please.”
“You can do better than that baby boy.” Roger whimpered pathetically, his eyes were shut tight, concentrating on not orgasming early.
“Brian please!” Roger panted in sexual frustration, he could feel precum drip down his length, which made him squirm. Brian chuckled before sucking on Roger’s length again, Roger cummed instantly, arching his back and practically screaming in pleasure. Roger stared up at the ceiling, eyes glazed over, he was still panting heavily as Brian cleaned Roger up. Roger sat up once Brian was done, kissing him.
“Mmm, so good to me stud.”  
“Anything for you little minx.” Brian smiled, Roger bit his lips, recounting the events that happened just a few minutes ago.
“Hopefully I wasn’t too loud.” Roger gave Brian a sexy wink, before fetching his boxers and pants, getting up, and slipping them back on.
“I think you’ll get some remarks from Deaky.” Brian grinned before looking down and back at Roger. Roger looked down as well, a smirk played at his lips.
“Oh, I see you want me to repay you.” Roger gently grazed his hand on Brian’s thigh before gently palming the older man’s erection.
“I mean it would be nice.” Roger’s smirk grew wider as he laid Brian back, shimmying Brian’s sweatpants off, bending down to kiss the bulge in Brian’s underwear. Roger looked up at Brian with big innocent eyes, he could just feel how hard Brian really was. Brian let out a shaky groan, Roger kissed it one more time and very slowly started to slide Brian's underwear off. Roger tossed the boxers to the floor before teasingly licking Brian erection. Roger kept his gaze in Brian's eyes while he teased him, he loved how wild Brian got when he teased him. Roger giggled when Brian bucked upwards, moaning from how unbearable Roger's teasing was. Roger decided to give Brian what he wanted, but not in full as he took the head of Brian's cock into his mouth. He licked the tip and began to bob his head, taking him more into his mouth, but not fully. Brian grasped Roger's hair and arched his back, making Roger taking him in completely. Roger started gently rubbing Brian's legs and he continued to bob.
“So c..close!” Brian gasped and Roger took this opportunity to suck harder and slower. Brian bucked up into Roger's mouth again and let out a thundering moan. Brian continued thrusting into Roger's mouth. Roger could've easily had a second orgasm just by that act alone, his face was completely flushed and Roger let out a small noise, his lips still wrapped around Brian. Roger gripped Brian's legs in pleasure. Brian instantly came into Roger's mouth with a deep moan. Roger pulled away, swallowing his lover's cum. Roger got up to clean Brian up. After he was done, he laid next to Brian, sighing in satisfaction.
“Well, that was better than a boring lecture.” Roger giggled.
“Much better than a lecture.” Brian let out a chuckle, Roger moved closer to him, wrapping an arm around him.
“I gotta work tonight baby,” Roger smirked, ”I know that's your favorite.”
“Hmm, I can’t wait. Love it when you act like a naughty boy.” Brian mumbled.
“I love it when you call me naughty.”Roger kissed the tip of his nose before getting up from the bed and making his way out into the living room. Roger found the car keys that he had set on the table the night before.
“Bri can you come with me to my flat so I can get a couple things?” Roger felt a twinge of nervousness going out again and he knew if he were, he needed Brian.
“Of course Rog!” Roger smiled and pulled on his shoes and zipping up his jacket.
“See you in a bit Fred.” Roger called over his shoulder as he opened the door for Brian and stepped out into the hall, closing the door. They made it to Roger's building around eleven and they entered the empty flat. Something about being back at his place made Roger feel anxious. He didn't understand why, nothing ever happened there, but that didn't change that fact that he could feel his heartbeat accelerate. Roger quickly crossed the living room and round the corner to get things for work and a few changes of clothes. He packed everything he needed in a small suitcase. Roger sat on his bed for a second, he now fully let the incidents with Mick sink in.
‘How can I be so stupid?’ Roger thought to himself and he shook his head. A frown speed across his face as his eyes fell to the floor. He could feel tears of frustration well in his eyes, but he pushed them away. He didn't feel like crying. Before Roger knew it Brian was on his knees in front of Roger, comforting him.
“Whatever you are thinking it’s not true. You are innocent my love and everything you do deserves to be praised and cherished.” Roger let out a small sniffle, tears running down his cheeks again.
“I know, but I thought once I left him he would forget about me, I wasn’t significant to him when we were together…” Roger didn't know if he wanted to tell Brian the whole history of him and Mick, he knew Brian would get beyond angry the next time Mick decided to stalk them. Brian rubbed Rogers' arms.
“You don’t need to tell me, love, it’s ok.”
“I think you should know,” Roger fiddled with his hair before continuing, ”Mick always had a sort of temper, even before we got together, but it only escalated when we were. There were a couple of times I spent the night over at Innuendo just to get away from him. He was always suspicious of me too. One night he came home pretty plastered, accusing me of cheating on him even though I was working in the club without him knowing. He got pretty physical that night, that was the night I left him.” Roger couldn't look Brian in the eye, he felt shameful that he would ever let something like that happen to him. Brian didn't look surprised.
“What you did was right love, he abused you. You had no reason to stay around that bastard.” Brian placed a loving kiss on Roger's hand, You deserved to be treated like a king.” Roger cracked a smile.
“Do you have any idea how grateful I am to have you?” Roger whispered, placing a hand on Brian's cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb, ”What did I do to deserve you?” Brian grinned and started to laugh, “If I remember correctly you teased me until I started worshiping the ground you walk on.”
“Go me!” Roger laughed before placing a loving kiss on Brian's soft lips.
“Do you have everything, love?” Brian asked after they pulled away, looking at the suitcase.
“Yes.” Roger got up, leading Brian towards the front door. They exited and made their way but to Brian's flat. They could hear arguing from outside the door, Brian swung the door open to reveal Freddie and Deaky bickering.
“What is going on?” Brian was puzzled.
“Mick decided to pay a visit,” Freddie said, Roger's face instantly went pale, his baby blue eyes were wide with sudden fear.
“He left a nice broken window in our room.”
“You're joking…” Roger shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed. His features twisted anger.
“I think it is about fucking time we reported this.” Deaky snapped, he radiated with anger.
“You guys don't have to do anything, it's my fault you guys are in this mess, I'll fix it.” Roger folded his arms, he didn't know what to do. He was so conflicted because he knew if they went to the police it would get worse, but it was no affecting his lover and best mates.
“No way in hell Roger. You are staying right where you are at.” Brian demanded.
“Freddie and I are going to the station. The both of you are staying right where you are at!” Deaky yelled at both Roger and Brian. Roger huffed, sitting down on the couch. Roger just wanted to Mick to cease to exist. The pain that he was causing Roger was bad enough, he already had to suffer through the pain of him once before it was the most degrading part of his life. Roger's eyes were glued to Brian as he walked cautiously over towards him.
“Rog… I’m sorry.” Roger's expression softened completely, he wasn't mad at Brian nor at Fred and Deaky. He was just extremely frustrated with everything, it was like he could never have anything good in his life without something going horribly wrong.
“Don't be love.” Roger smiled, getting up to wrap his arms around Brian's slim waist. He lovingly looked up into Brian's eyes.
“I’m so scared that you are gonna slip away from me one day,” Brian's voice was hushed and full of concern,“I don’t want to lose you.” Roger's eyes grew wide because no one had ever said that to him before. He was lost for words for a second.
“Brian I'm going to be yours forever.” Roger nuzzled into Brian's neck before planting a kiss there. Brian sighed in relief, “Good, don’t know what I’d do if you left me.” Brian guided Roger to the couch, sitting down and pulling Roger onto his lip. Roger turned to face Brian, he reached over for a blanket that was bundled up next to them, and pulled it over both of them. Roger's eyelids instantly became heavily, the slid down, sighing.
Roger stirred before his eyes fluttered open, he found himself on top of the boy he loved. Roger smiled at how cute Brian looked while he slept. Roger kissed his forehead before laying his head back down. He could feel Brian's arms wrapped around him and he was in sheer bliss. Roger's eyes flicked over to the time, it was exactly four o'clock, Roger quickly kissed Brian chin. Brian woke up with a soft groan, Roger looked up at him through groggy eyes.
“What time is it?” Brian's voice was deep and sleepy.
“Four, babe.” Roger said playing with one of Brian's curls that tickled his nose.
“What time do you have to be at Innuendo?” Brian ran his fingers through Roger's hair before kissing his cheek. Roger hummed in comfort and smiled.
“Seven, I'm doing drinks tonight.”
“Good, we still have time to lay here.” Brian flopped back again. Roger’s head returned to his chest, his eyes still on Brian's beautiful face. Brian turned his head looking at ground towards the door, Freddie's and Deaky's things were still gone.
“The other two not come back?”
“I don't think so…” Roger could feel worry creep up through his body. If Mick wasn’t afraid to throw a brick through their window, he certainly wasn't scared to hurt them as well.
“It’s alright love, they are probably at the station.” Brian pulled Roger in tighter, making Roger smile wide,“I think you need some tea and more cuddles.” Brian stated; Roger nodded, humming in approval. Brian scooped Roger up and carried him into the kitchen, setting him down on the counter. Roger started to swing his legs like a little kid watching Brian fill the kettle up with water before setting it on the stove to boil.
“You should pick out my outfit for the club tonight,” Brian suggested making Roger perk up, “Fred picked my outfit the first time I went.”
“Yes! Freddie really knows what he's doing, he was the one to suggest that I dress up like a schoolgirl.” Roger giggled still swinging his legs. Brian turned around and smiled.
“Freddie has always been a slutty schoolgirl at heart.” Brian chuckled, Roger let out a silvery laugh. Roger felt so happy in that moment, completely forgetting about Mick. That was the power Brian had on him, it was like him and Mick's relationship was in another world all together. Roger sat there, lost in appreciation he had for the older man, who was standing there making their tea. In the kitchen, the two men joked and laughed. They told each other stories while waiting for the water to boil and their friends to return. Brian now stood in between Roger's legs handing him a warm mug. Roger took, wrapping his legs around Brian which pulled him closer to him. Roger took a long sip from his mug, the tea warmed his insides making him feel even more ecstatic.
“You're way too good to me, stud.”
“I’d do anything and everything for you.” Brian placed a kiss on Roger’s forehead, pink creeped up into his cheeks. Roger leaned in to give Brian a quick kiss, sitting back against the cabinets once again. God, he would try the conquer the world for Brian.
“I can’t wait to go out tonight.” Roger sighed before taking another drag from his cup.  
“I can’t wait to see you in all of your beauty tonight.” Roger’s lips pulled up into a wide smile, he the blush already on his cheeks growing deeper.
“Oh yeah?” Roger’s smile turned into a smirk.
“Mm, may just have to keep you backstage so I can show you how slutty you are.”
“Maybe you should.” Roger’s eyes hard a hint of lust in them as he winked. Brian pulled away, walking towards the kitchen table to set his cup down. He looked over at Roger, the same lust in his eyes, a smirk on his face.
“I don’t know, I may just stay home to catch up on everything I missed from my lecture this morning.” The blonde whined at Brian’s teasing.
“No!” Roger groaned in frustration. Roger grit his teeth watching Brian cheekily wink or look at him, teasing him even more. Roger’s eyes were glued on Brian as he cleaned out his cup and set it on the counter. Brian turned and walked out into the sitting room. Roger got up and pretty much ran across the kitchen. Brian was folding the blanket that they were under and tossed it on to the chair before sitting down on the couch. Roger slowly walked up to Brian.
“Please come tonight.” Roger begged, getting down on his knees in front of Brian. He gave the older man puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes. Brian let out a soft chuckle while running his hands through Roger’s hair.
“Do you think I would leave your side love?” Roger smiled and rested his cheek on Brian’s knee.
“You better not.” Roger giggled.
“Should we go pick my outfit out for the night?” Roger got excited again, springing up to his feet.
“Yes!” Roger grabbed Brian hand, pulling him up off the couch and dragging home toward Brian’s bedroom. Roger opened Brian’s closet, digging through his clothes to find something for the club. Roger pulled out a dressier long sleeve white shirt, a black blazer, leather pants, and Roger’s favorite thing Brian owned: his beaded choker. He turned around with the clothes, seeing Brian lounging on the bed in just his underwear. Roger smirked before handing Brian his clothes.
“Here you go, stud.”
“Thank you love.” Brian began to change, Roger looked him up and down hungerly. Brian stepped into the bathroom to look his outfit over before coming back to the bedroom.
“You’ve outdone yourself again Rog.” Roger’s eye darted down to the leather pants he had picked out, he bit the tip of his finger at how irresistible Brian looked.
“Mmm, so sexy.” Roger walked over to him, wrapping his arms around Brian’s waist,”Since I’m only doing drinks tonight, I think I might get ready here.”
“I think that is nice idea.” Roger could see Brian’s face turn pink. Smirking, Roger leaned to steal a long and passionate kiss from Brian. He turned away before picking up his suitcase and grabbing the things he needed before disappearing into the bathroom.  Roger stripped off all his clothing before putting on his “work clothes.” The knickers, the tights, the ungodly short skirt, the tight shirt, and the tie. He started doing his makeup and then his hair. She looked herself over in the mirror, checking to see if everything looked nice. Once she was satisfied, she sauntered out of the bathroom, sexually leaning against the door frame of Brian’s bedroom.
“Hey there handsome~”
“Hi beautiful.” Rogerina smiled at the sight of Brian’s red face. She loved getting him hot and bothered. Rogerina walked over to him, swaying her hips, she sat on Brian’s lap.
“Let’s see if Deaky and Freddie came back and then we can get outta here.” Brian nodded and they both stood up, suddenly the heard the door open and the hushed conversation of the other couple.
“Rog.. Brian? You guys here?” Brian stepped out into the corridor.“The station took the report, they took a full description so hopefully they find him,” Deaky was heard telling Brian, “Not much we can do now.” Rogerina stepped out into the hallway but stayed behind, she didn’t want to be in this conversation.
“They will, thank you Deaky.”
“Where is Rog?” Freddie asked and that was Rogerina’s que to walk next to Brian and turn into the kitchen.
“I’m here Freddie, dear.” Freddie and Deaky both turned to look at her.
“Hello dear! Working tonight I assume.”
“Yep!” Rogerina smirked shooting a gaze over at Brian, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder in a perfect wave.
“Which I think we should get going now so we aren’t late. Brian walked over to the door, grabbing his coat and then his shoes. Rogerina skipped down the hallway towards Brian’s room to grab her heels. She pulled them on and then strutted back over to Brian. Rogerina grabbed her coat and pulled it on. Brian tossed Rogerina her keys, she caught them and they were out the door. They made it to Innuendo and Brian quickly got out of the car and rounded to Rogerina’s side to open her door.
“After you my love.” Rogerina climbed out of her car with a smile plastered on her face.
“Such a gentlemen, like always.” She said, caressing his cheek, and walking hand in hand with Brian up to the entrance. The bouncer had the door open for them, with Brian there she felt like she was queen of the world. Rogerina wrapped an arm around her king before kissing his cheek, she then crossed the club to take her shift behind the bar. Rogerina’s gaze was pinned to only Brian when he took his seat at the bar. She put her arms on the bar and leaned onto it, playing with her tie.
“Pick your poison, stud.”
“Just water, love, please.”  Rogerina turned from him, dropping her jacket off her, discarding it under the bar before bent down grabbing a glass. She filled it with water and slid it over to Brian, going back to her position of leaning on the bar. Rogerina swayed her hips to the music, watching more and more people arrive. Her gaze went back to Brian’s, his hadn’t faltered from her. She looked down at Brian’s leather pants again, praising herself on her choice.
“You look so irresistible tonight baby.”
“Thank you babe, you look incredibly,” Brian sharply inhaled before continuing,“seductive.” Rogerina smirked, still swaying her hips. She reached up to cheekily unbutton one of the buttons of her white shirt. Rogerina giggled to herself when Brian groaned at her teasing. The rest of the night consisted of Rogerina serving drinks to already smashed attractive men and relentless teasing. She now turned to grab something, but bent down so Brian could get a full view of her arse. Rogerina walked out from behind the bar, she put her hands on Briand shoulders, kissing the top of his head.
“Please tell me your shift is over.”
“It is.” Rogerina giggled from Brian's eagerness.
On there way out there were fliers they hadn't seen when they arrived. It was a bright orange piece of paper that read:
‘Halloween Party, October 31st from 6-? Slutty costumes are preferred.’
“Ooo! Babe can we go to that?” Rogerina pointed over at it with an enthusiastic grin on her face.
“Oh, of course we can love.” Rogerina folded the flier up and stuck it down her shirt, pulling Brian to the car, she was suddenly aware of how tight her knickers were. Rogerina sped to Brian's flat, they were now stand outside the front door. Rogerina could keep her hands to herself, slyly pinching Brian's arse as he went to unlock the door. As soon as Brian opened the door he didn't let a second pass before pulling her into his bedroom, pushing her towards the bed. She laid down,kicking off her shoes, reaching into her shirt,and throwing the flier onto the nightstand. Brian pounced on top of her, planting sloppy kisses and unbuttoning her shirt. Rogerina moaned when Brian left hicks down her neck and chest. She wrapped her legs around Brian, which made her skirt ride up. Brian soft tongue glided over her nipple and grinded his hips into hers. Rogerina let out a loud moan, her face was completely red and she could already feel that heat in her stomach grow. Rogerina was a meaning mess as Brian continued to lick and suck at her nipple. Brian pulled down her stockings and knickers leaving her skirt and nothing more. Roger dropped the act and was completely overwhelmed with ecstacy. He panted, he eyes were glued to the ceiling. God he hoped the walls weren't thin in this place because Deaky and Freddie were certainly going to have a sleepless night if they were.
“Look at me love,” Roger instantly obeyed looking into Brian's eyes. Roger's breath hitched in his through and Brian slender fingers inched there way up his thigh,“what do you want me to do love?” Roger let out a sharp gasp as Brian slowly began to rub his thigh.
“Touch me…” Roger moaned from the contact of Brian's hand to his length. Roger bucked up in Brian's hand wanting more friction. Roger was moaned out Brian's name and panting at the way Brian stroked him. Roger couldn't keep gaze on Brian more who was now unzipping his leather pants, Roger could feel the knot grow tighter in his stomach and he was not ready to give in just yet. Before he knew it he was being yanked by his hips by a naked Brian. Roger looked back at his to notice that he was still wearing the choker which made him stifle back a moan. Brian reached into his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. After Brian was done lubing up the important areas, Roger positioned himself, the skirt he still had on fell back revealing himself completely to Brian. Roger couldn't hold back his moans as Brian placed a kiss on the back of his neck and slid into him. Roger buried his face into the pillow and grabbing at the sheets neck to him. Brian felt so good inside him that he already felt on the brink of an orgasm. Roger face was completely red, he felt Brian rub his shoulders which helped him calm down. Roger could feel precum drip down his cock and he let out a soft groan. Roger was a screaming mess when Brian started to hurriedly pound into him. It would be a miracle that Freddie and Deaky don't hear them now. Roger buried his face deeper into the pillow as he screamed Brian's name. He could feel the sweat roll down his back and how his hair stuck to his neck, cheeks, and forehead. Brian nipped at Roger's ear, Roger could hardly hold back a gasp of pleasure.
“You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you.” Brian growled against Roger's ear making him moan even more.
“Y-yes!” Roger stuttered, he bit his lower lip. He was so close that his eyesight blurred, the flame growing in his stomach grew stronger and hotter. Brian stopped his movements, making Roger whine. Roger then almost lost it when Brian began to stroke his sensitive cock again.
“Yes what love?”
“I have been n-naughty~” Roger panted from underneath Brian, he was so close and his mind was so fogged over that he didn't even realize he said anything.
“And what do you want daddy to do about that.” Roger had to bite his bottom lip to not let go of himself in that moment.
“Spank me…” Roger mumbled in a raspy, hitchy voice.
“Gladly baby boy.” Brian sharply smacked Roger arse as he continued to thrust into him, Roger was a moaning and whining mess again.
“Brian…s-s close.” Roger could only huff out those few words before letting out moan.
“Cum for me baby boy.” Roger came almost perfectly in sync with Brian, the older man collapsing on top of him. Roger panted, he swore he saw stars.
‘Wait until Freddie and Deaky heckle you tomorrow morning.’ Roger thought back to his high pitched screams and pleads.
“I-I love you Brian.” Roger panted underneath the older man.
“I love you too, baby boy.” Roger purred at the affectionate touches and kisses from Brian. Roger realized he was still wearing his skirt, and blushed noting that he should let Brian do that more. He didn’t want to move out from under Brian, he was too comfortable. Brian rolled Roger onto his side and wrapped his arms around him. Roger smiled when Brian nuzzled into his neck.
“I don’t think I’m gonna move ever again.” Brian let out a small breathy chuckle, causing Roger to do the same.
“You’re telling me.” Roger laughed harder, wiping a tear away.
“I’d fuck you over and over again if you’d let me,” Brian blurted,“But I uh.. don’t think I have the stamina for that.”
“I would let you, but I don’t think Deaky and Freddie would appreciate it either.” Roger giggled again.
“Maybe we should kick them out of the flat for the night. So many things we could do.” Roger felt Brian’s lips on his neck, he smirked to himself and turning over to face Brian. Roger kissed Brian’s cheek, his hand touching Brian’s bare upper thigh.
“I would love that babe, but it is pretty late.”  Brian pulled out of Roger and went to clean the younger man off and then himself. Roger felt the skirt being pulled off of him and the warmth of his love next to him again. Roger closed his eyes and blushed when Brian pulled him in close. Their warm bodies touching made Roger blush, for a second he felt Brian pull away, turning off the lamp that had illuminated the room in a yellow glow.
“Goodnight love.” Brian whispered into Roger ear.
Tag list: @mayjohnson @discodeacygotmorerhythm @rogerinasthong
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Ashton Irwin || Getting Rid of You
Summary: After a huge fight with your fiance, Ashton, you get a dreadful call from the hospital. 
Wordcount: 2028
Genre: Fluff
Author’s note: Due to problems I had to shut down my other account :( Right now I’m re-posting my old imagines.
Let me know what you think!
Masterlist - Requests
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One moment you were lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling and repeating the fight you had with Ashton a moment before in your head. It was just a stupid fight if you thought back of it. But, therefore, almost every fight you had with your boyfriend and even soon to be husband was.
  The next thing you remember, was rushing through the pale colored hallways of the hospital. Heart’s beating fast, feet are moving fast and glares are fixed on the small signs next to every room. Signs that call numbers like 219, 220, 221 and so on. But none of them seem to call the right number. The one that Michael told you through the phone. And you remember how his voice was just a soft whimper. Not caring to keep him strong anymore. You wouldn’t blame him.
As you walked around the corner, there was no need to search for a room number. Luke, Michael and Calum were waiting at the bench in front of the room which you thought Ashton would be in.
    Luke was pacing to and fro through the hallway. His face was wet from the cried tears. His eyes were puffy and his hands were folded into each other like and praying sign and against his lips.
    Calum was quietly sitting on the bench. No expression was to be found on his face. He just glared at the floor a few feet away from him. It was like he was concentrating on something that was lying there, when he really just looked into thin air.
    Michael was the first one to see you. He immediately got out of his place and took you in his arms. He hugged you tightly as you heard quiet sobs coming from one of your best friends.
    “Don’t go inside, please. You don’t have to see him.” He whispered in your shoulder. You understood that he wanted to protect you, but it was your boyfriend he was talking about. And you both knew you needed to see him. How bad it would be, you needed to.
    So you tried to push Michael off as gently as you could and walked pass him, into the room.
    Until now, you were just and emotionless corps, running around to get to Ashton. But as soon as you saw him laying in that hospital bed, his life depending on the many strings that were attached to him and beeping machines, you felt yourself crumbling down. Every form of happiness you’ve ever known was vanished and pain was taking its place. It felt like this view was a needle and your whole existence was nothing more than a balloon filled with happiness and joy and innocence. And just in a split of a second you were popped and exposed to the pain and evil the world ever knew. And all you could feel was guilt. Like this was your entire fault. You should’ve never sent him away. You should’ve never said that he could piss off and walk to hell. And yet you did and here he was.
    “Don’t cry.” It was a weak whisper and almost faded away into the loud noises of the machines. But it was just loud enough for you to hear. Only then you realized that your eyes were full of water and that a few silent tears escaped from the corner of your eye. Quickly you whipped them away with the back of your hand and walked over to the only occupied bed in the room.
    “Ash, I-“
    “Don’t, please. Just don’t.” You got cut off before you could settle yourself in the chair beside Ashton’s bed. You knew that apologizing wasn’t working, because he would just cut you off again. So you just sat there, watching the love of your life clearly fighting for his’. His always smiling mouth was gone, though he tried to smile a weak smile. No success. The bags under his eyes were only getting bigger. His hair lost its volume and the bandana around his head was replaced by a bandage covered in blood.
    You didn’t even bother to hide you tears anymore. You were tired of keeping yourself stronger than you felt. You had the damn right to cry! And Ashton noticed that. So he opened one of his hands that were lying across his body above the sheets as a gesture for you to hold it. And so you did. He had no power to give you a reassuring squeeze. He ended up rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. It shattered you heart knowing how weak he actually was.
    The room was silent for a while. Both one of you didn’t bother to say something and the rest of the boys gave you two all the time you needed. If there was enough time. You didn’t even know if he’d survive all this. The thought of you losing Ashton made you want to puke this right instant.
    “Stop it.” You turned your head towards Ashton with slight confusion written across your face.
    “Stop what?” you asked.
    “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop it. Don’t act like I’m going to die, because I won’t. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” Even though his voice was nothing more than a raspy whisper, you had no choice but to smile at his comment. Ashton Irwin, the guy who managed to make you smile in the saddest situations.
    His eyes fell on the ring he gave you when he asked you to marry him and he got himself a faint smile playing in the corners of his mouth. His thumb softly grazed over the structure of the ring. The plan was to marry when you two were both ready and old enough. He just wanted to make sure that when the time was right it would be you standing next to him.
    “We promised to get married and I’m not going to break that promise.” His eyes were still fixed on the ring and the smile was still to be found on his face as he continued.
    “We’re going to get our own little place. Better than we have now, I promise. And we’re going to have so many children. They’ll be running around the house, screaming and breaking things. You’ll get mad and tell me to control the little bastards. And when they’re finally in bed, I got you all to myself. We will be watching that stupid favorite movie of yours for the thousandth time, but I won’t mind it. Because that will be the only time I got you to myself. Those little stupid memories will be the only thing I need when we’re gray and old and sitting at our porch, screaming at the kids from the neighborhood to get off of our lawn. And then we will die together, close to each other in our sleep and no pain.” You could tell how much effort and pain it took him to say that all, but you didn’t want to ruin his story. His beautiful story about the two of you.
    Now was the first time that you both watched each other’s eyes. And not just looking to see how the other one was doing or what so ever. No, you were looking in each other’s heart, head and soul. This was the way you looked at him and he looked at you on your very first date. The moment when you realized how much you had fallen for this Australian dork with his dimples and his giggles. That moment was captured in all four eyes and you two knew it.
    Your face was completely wet from crying and Ashton’s eyes were teary as well. But both were smiling your beautiful smiles, how wrecked it might’ve looked.
    “I love you so much.” He whispered.
    “I love you too, Ash. With all my heart.” You whispered back as you softly squeezed his hand. He was still stroking the ring.
    “Don’t ever think this was any of your fault, because it wasn’t.” You were frowning your forehead for a second.
    “Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” There was an undertone in your voice that was clearly feared. But Ashton just smiled and closed his eyes.
    “Ash? Ashton, are you saying goodbye?” Your voice started to break as panic overflowed you. But there was no reaction. The heart monitor attached to your boyfriend started to beep a little slower, which only improved your anxiousness. His grip on your hand was fading away.
    “Ashton Fletcher Irwin, don’t you dare to leave me! You hear me?!” you cried. No respond.
    “What about our better place?! What about our kids?!” Heart monitor was beeping dangerously slow.
    “What about the annoying children on our lawn?”
     Your sobs became uncontrollable.
    “We were supposed to get married!”
    “You promised!”
    Nothing but the long steady beep of the heart monitor. Ashton was dead.
    Because of the sound in the room, Calum, Michael and Luke were alarmed and running inside to see what was wrong. You were too caught up in the moment to explain anything. Not that it needed an explanation. The love of your life, your boyfriend, your fiancé and soon to be husband was dead.
    You were crying, screaming his name and still holding onto his hand as you were being pulled away from him. You refused to let go.
    And everything went black.
 Suddenly you were sitting straight up in your bed. Sweat was dripping from your forehead and running down your neck and spine. Your breathing was insanely heavy. Slowly but surely your eyes started to get used to the darkness that surrounded you. After a little while you recognized the shape of your bedroom. It made you wonder if this all was just a bad dream. But as soon as you looked to your side where Ashton normally would lie, there was no one to be found. Tears started to well up in your eyes. He really was dead and gone and it was your entire fault.
    The sound of the front door opening made you focusing your ears and quieting your sobs. The door was closing and quickly followed by a line of swearwords. You recognized that voice and knew exactly how clumsy the person was and always tripped over the carpet in the hallway. One subject of your many fights.
    Your doubt was shoved to the back of your mind as you got out of bed and rushed downstairs. You were almost tripping a few times on the stairs, but you couldn’t care less as you jumped right into Ashton’s arms. You had no idea where he had been, but he was back now. Back and alive.
    He was a bit surprised by your sudden cuddle attack. Mostly because you two had a fight earlier this evening. He expected you to shout again and tell him how little he understood of you. But still he wrapped his arms around you when he noticed your sobs.
    “Baby, are you alright?” he asked, starting to get a little worried. But you just shook your head and Ashton pulled you closer to his chest.
    “I’m so so sorry for yelling at you. I don’t even know where the fight was about and I’m so sorry.” You said as you slowly started to wet his shirt with your crying.
     “Hey, hey, hey. It’s alright. Everything is alright.” He whispered soothingly. Slowly he started to rock a little to and fro. One of his hands was running through your hair as the other one held you tightly.
    “You don’t understand. You were dead. You left me because I told you to and you died.” You shook your head.
    Finally Ashton started to figure out that you had a nightmare. So he hugged you even closer and placed little soft kisses in top of your head.
    “Shhh, everything is okay. I’m right here and not leaving you. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” He whispered softly in your ear. And finally you started to calm down.
    You were not getting rid of him that easily, no.
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bonebreakjack · 5 years
Red Boy Shadow World          Chapter: Lilac
Judai hibiki is starting his first year at Duel Academy, while he knew he wasn’t the most normal person in the world, this school is whole other league of weirdness! Judai with his friends are gonna have to battle against teachers, fellow students, and even people who really shouldn’t be on school property but here they are nonetheless.
Wait they have to fight Shadow duelists, vengeful duel monsters, an the forces of evil on top of that?!?!?! Sheesh these kids wont be able to catch a break! This can also be red on fanfiction and AO3 under the same names!
Shou sighed as looked out the window, the nervousness in his belly made it hard for him to rest on the plane. He still can’t believe he was on the plane at all to be honest, so sure he flunked his exams! But Shous written exam was good, even if his dueling one was lackluster.
Seeing his brother watching him brought up embarrassing memories and made him choke near the end, but he skated through and won. It didn’t help the judging eyes of others when the results were announced and he made it.
“How did that spineless bastard get in?” “Those exams have to be rigged, his brother is the Kaiser! How else when his dueling is abysmal” “It sad to see today's youth riding the coattails of their more successful elders to succeed”
He worked hard damnit! It had nothing to do with his brother. Soon he will prove he is a duelist worthy of people remembering his name and acknowledging his skill-
He was startled out of his thoughts as his plane companion toppled over and started to sleep on his shoulder.
 Now he’s gonna have to deal with this guy drooling on him the rest of the ride.
Just Perfect.
Midori giggled as she saw her brother's untamed bed head as he picked up his uniform from the students at the desk. She was on the stage talking with the other teachers about this year's batch of new students.
"We have some very prospective students already, Miss Tenjoin and Mister Misawa show incredible promise with good grades and good dueling." Professor Kabayama piped up as he recalled the students' duels that he watched with the Chancellor.
"Can't say the same for Kaiser's little brother" Professor Satou commented as he looked disappointed. "His grades are decent, enough to pass, but his dueling was sad and lacked confidence. I expected more from one of the Triple Threats siblings, at the very least not be so lackluster. He might not make it through the year"
An awkward tense silence briefly fell over them at the obvious misslip. 
Midori felt her smile become a bit wooden as she stalked back over to the gossiping ninnies. She relished the fact most of them took steps back.
"Well, that's what we are here for isn't it Professor Satou! To help nature and guide our students to be the best they can be," Her touch on his shoulder was light even as her smile sweetened like tacky honey.
"We would be very sorry excuses for teachers if we couldn't at least do that."
Both of them stared each other down as it got more silent, students were filling into their designated lines. The other teachers shuffling away not wanting to get caught up in this. It was no secret Midori was a bit protective of the White Dorm incident Survivors, that protection also extended to their families.
"Well, then I can say you, yourself is an abysmal teacher Professor Hibiki as your little brother's grades are left much to be desired." A high pitched male voice startled the two and they turned to see Vice-Chancellor Cronos making his way up the steps looking smug and annoyed.
"His dueling is…excellent. I must admit, yet the boy must not have much between his ears for other than that. Average grades in near everything other than English and Physical education of all things!" Midori had a prominent frown on her face before turning into a sly grin
."Ah~ Then I should be grateful that I will be handing over such duties to you, Vice-Chancellor! Truly it seems I was incapable." She bowed and she felt the students confusion and her own colleagues suppressed laughter even from where she was."Clearly, I must learn from your example. I will be watching diligently and taking notes sensei."
"Okay, you two settle down, let's not get into a row in front of the students." Chancellor Samejima walked onto the stage making both Midori and Cronos take their place like scolded children. The two eyed each other with incredible distaste.
Midori scanned the lines again and saw Judai's concerned face, giving him a quick smile of reassurance before all the teacher presented themselves to the school.
"Greetings new students! I, Chancellor Samejima, congratulate you on passing your exams and gaining the fine opportunity in being Welcomed to Duel Academy." He smiled over the sea of students with a proud look on his face, already seeing their potential for future roles in the Dueling world.
"You only have one foot in the door, to make to the other end takes diligence."
Asuka straightened her back once the speech began, her stern expression covering the smile that was threatening to break through.
"Curiosity." Daichi smiled looking excited, his eyes alight with his mind working at full force, never seeming to rest.
"Ambition." Manjoume smirked crossing his arms with a cocky look on his face, his future all but assured to him.
"Motivation." Shou had a determined look on his face as he clenched his fists, a need to prove to himself and everyone else what he was made of.
"And important of all Passion-"The Chancellor was cut short by an exclamation of what he could only assume was an ordering attack. Everyone turned to see the Oriris red student Judai who looked as if he woke up from
a nap of all things.
Midori was going to kill him later,
she didn't need to turn to know Cronos' had smug expression crossing his face.
Chancellor Samejima blinked in surprise before letting out a joyful bellow. "I seem to be losing some of your attention well anyways, Let's all take a step forward to a New Beginning, a New Destiny, a New Change, and New Future. You are all dismissed to explore the island and your new dorms. Your schedules and information will be on your Academy devices."
With that, the doors opened letting the students go for their first day of the next three years of their lives.
Judai was running.
The moment he saw Midori's face he knew he was so fucked and booked it the first chance he got. He didn't mean to fall asleep! He blamed Miho and setting his alarm so early to trick him into waking up earlier!
He could see the front entrance, just a few more steps and then freedom-
A squeaky yell and his own surprised yelped, both boys hit the ground with a tangle of limbs.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry-"
"No please it was my fault-"
"Let me just move leg-"
“Ow, my arm!" "Sorry!"
They finally managed to detangle themselves and separated to prevent another scenario of this embarrassing incident. Judai turned to see a short boy with the wildest light blue hair rubbing his sore bottom. He was wearing a red uniform like his and Judai lit up like a Christmas tree at meeting a fellow dorm member.
"Oh hey, your in Osiris red like me!"
"Ah, so it seems, sorry about that I hadn't seen where I was going." The boy got up and held out his hand helping Judai up.
"I'm Judai, Hibiki Judai, Do you want to find the dorms with me?”
"Oh um sure." The boy startled back as if he wasn't used to friendly people, he looked confused to be honest and a little wary.
Then again his sister said he comes off too strong sometimes, maybe he should dial it back a little?
"Mine name is Shou, Marufuji Shou." He was a very meek boy, with hunched shoulders and always slightly bowed head. Polite too.
As in Professor Hibiki!?
" Shou looked thunderstruck which, to be honest, makes sense, Midori made it a point to reveal as little of her home life to people as possible. Even when she was dueling she was a private person, her words were as far as she was concerned 'None of their damn business!”
"Eyup! She's my big sister," Judai gave a him a peace sign, his sister while terrifying, he was incredibly proud to be her little brother. She was mature, organized, and role model for a lot of people including himself.  As well as his big brother.
Ryo looked at his computer screen, a hint of a smile on his face as he noticed the two names on the list of first years.
He was glad they got in, and while his brother may not know it(
or want to
), he is proud that he got in under his own work and effort. He remembered the breaks when he returned home to see him practicing hard and the sheer amount of books littered on the floor as he studied.
It may not be the best start but he knows his brother won't give up. Ryo can't wait to see what he will accomplish.
Focusing on the other name made Ryo smile sadder.
She was already making talks with her amazing grades and skills, it made his heart fill with pride as he recalled her duel. Truly she will be something terrifying once she settles in this environment in duel academy is the perfect arena to sharpen her abilities.
Fubuki if only you could see her now….
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