#on my hands and knees asking for a scifi character to be in a fantasy midevil steampunk world
czcreation · 4 months
I had a dream I was playing skylanders late at night and I lost my shit because I saw Dr.nefarious on the villain roster
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uhlatcha · 7 months
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STORY SUMMARY: A group of teenager boys found confort in each other and in the dreams they share, but what they don't know is that a group of girls in a boarding school not far from their city, who hide a powerful secret can change completely their lives, puting not only their dreams in danger, but also the destiny of the world.
This is a work of fiction influenced by Ateez and Dreamcatcher respective lores. I used a lot of references and canon stuff, but also made some changes so both worlds can work together.
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The dream was always the same. A younger version of Minji was sitting in a large room in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. The place was completely dark, except for the light coming in from a skylight in the ceiling.
She is sitting at the table in the center of the room, on which there is a book. The blue leather-bound volume had a curious symbol engraved on the cover, an hourglass in the center of a circle very similar to a globe.
"The universe is divided into many dimensions." It's the phrase on the first page of the book, and when she turns the page, she finds once again the drawing of an hourglass, this time, hand painted on the page covered with characters that she didn't have time to read, because her attention was attracted by the sound of footsteps echoing through the warehouse.
As she looks towards the sound of steps, she sees a silhouette emerging from the shadows, walking towards her. Her heart tightens, it's as if suddenly she can't move. As she gets closer, she realizes that the silhouette belongs to a boy. He would look very normal if it wasn't for his blue hair.
Dressed in black and carrying the curious object portrayed in the book, the blue-haired boy calmly approaches Minji, a faint smile on his lips, as if to transpose her.
She feels like she should run, that's what she wants to do, but her body simply won't move, so she continues sitting, just staring at the boy, who just reaches the light, extends his hand, nodding his head so that the girl takes the golden hourglass he carries.
Minji reaches out and takes the artifact. The boy smiles at her and nods. He doesn't say anything, but something seems to click when the girl picks up the artifact, as if the object should be with her. The boy takes a step back and a bluish light begins to emanate from the hourglass and Minji wakes up, sweating and panting, sitting up in bed in a sudden movement.
"Are you okay?" Siyeon, who was sitting on the bed on the other side of the room with a book resting on her knees and a small flashlight in her hands, asked.
Minji nodded. She didn't remember the first time she had that dream, but it had been with her for years. And the feeling she had when she woke up was always the same. That she couldn't escape, that even in the real world, when she was awake, he would find her. The blue haired-boy.
Which was ridiculous, since Minji had never seen anyone even remotely similar to the blue-haired boy in her dreams. How could someone who didn't exist pursue her? Persecution didn't seem like the most logical word to describe the situation, but that was exactly how she felt.
Siyeon was still staring at her, more curious than worried, she pointed the flashlight at her roommate, who squinted her eyes.
"Had a nightmare?" She asked.
"Kinda." Minji answered, with a confused expression.
"How can you kinda have a nightmare?" Siyeon asked and Minji just shrugged, trying to find a more comfortable position on the bed.
She signaled to her friend that she was going to go back to sleep, or at least try, and instructed her to do the same. Siyeon agreed that she should,since the light might bother Minji and their new roommate, the girl who arrived at the mansion that week, and still didn't exchange a word with any of the girls from the school.
But it still took her a while to abandon the book in her lap, she had to finish it, since it would be discussed the next day at the book club, a book that she should have already finished, but wasn't even halfway through, what made her worried that Sua would get mad at her for not finishing the reading in time.
What she didn't know was that Sua hadn't finished the book either, and was very busy at that exact moment, in another corner of the mansion, with other books and a not-so-benevolent purpose.
"Maybe she can't speak, just like Minji?" Gahyeon suggested.
"Gahyeon!" Handong scolded the girl, poking her with the elbow. "You shouldn't say things like this."
The girls were at their usual table at the mansion cafeteria, and Minji was sitting right in front of Gahyeon, drinking a cup of tea, beside her, Yoohyeon, Minji's best friend, was looking with an annoyed face at Gahyeon.
"I'm not mocking her or being mean." Gahyeon protested "Is it wrong to say the truth now?"
Handong couldn't believe the youngest. She just turned to Mnji, saying that she was sorry for her friend's behavior. Minji just brushes it away. Gahyeon wasn't trying to hurt her, they were friends, she was just a little unconsciously mean from time to time, a lot of the richest girls were sometimes, but it wasn't the case at that moment. And it wasn't like she said something wrong, MInji couldn't talk, she was mute. But assuming the new girl was mute too just cause she didn't approach anyone, was kind of wrong.
"Maybe she's just really shy, or nervous." Siyeon suggested "It's normal not to feel so comfortable around new people."
They were talking about the new girl, the one who was sharing the room with Minji and Siyeon. She arrived at the beginning of the week, and all the girls knew about her was her name: Dami.
The girl was attending all classes since she arrived, but never talked to anyone, even to the teachers, she just ignored everyone and kept walking alone through the school.
"I heard she came from a mental hospital." Gahyeon whispered.
"Okay, I had enough of you for today." Yoohyeon said, getting up.
"What? I'm just saying what I heard." Gahyeon protested.
"You shouldn't spread everything you heard from your rich mean friends." Yoohyeon scolded her.Then she turned to Minji. "I see you in class."
"Are you coming to the book club meeting later?" Siyeon asked as the girl walked away. "Sua will get mad if you don't."
"I'll be there." She answered without turning around.
Siyeon sighed, less worried.
"Where is she, by the way?" Minji asked, not obtaining an answer. The one who could give an answer was the one who just left: Yoohyeon, who was Sua's roommate.
"She's probably in the library, or in the photography club room." Handong pointed. "She's spending a lot of time there lately working on a project."
"I don't understand how she stands to stay in that dark room for so long. I find that room suffocating." Gahyeon commented.
"I have to agree with you on that." Siyeon said. She was still with the book in hand, now a lot more close to the end. She would have finished it by the evening before dinner when the book club meeting was scheduled.
The bell announcing the end of the breakfast and beginning of classes rang, interrupting the girl's conversation. The girls started to get up with their trails.
"Are we going to the corner shop tonight?" Gahyeon whispered to Minji after they left the cafeteria. "I'm running out of snacks."
"I don't think it is a good idea." Minji pointed out.
"But it has been more than two weeks since the designated break! We always go to the corner shop after the book club meetings!" Gahyeon sulked.
"I think Minji is right." Handong pointed out "We can't go out and break the curfew when there is someone else we don't know well enough sleeping in their room.What if the new girl snitches us?"
"WAIT?" Gahyeon said. making the other three girls stop in the hallway. "So you having a new roommate we don't trust means we are never going to sneak out of the academy again? UNTIL WE GRADUATE?"
"I hadn't thought about it." Minji pointed out, seeming worried about that possibility.
"We need a solution, really quick." Siyeon said, as the girls headed to their respective classes.
"So hum... Dami, how were your first days?" The counselor asked.
Dami was sitting in his fancy office, the room filled with bookshelves would be very cozy and inviting if the circumstances were different. The counselor seemed like a decent guy. Hair well cut and neat, clothes clean and ironed. He wore a placid expression as he watched, waiting for an answer that didn't come.
It didn't matter that he seemed like a nice person, she had already learned not to trust anyone. Dami didn't want to talk about how her first week had been. In fact, she didn't want to talk about anything.
And yet, everyone around her continued to direct questions at her.
What is your name? Where are you from? Why are you here? Do you want to sit with us? Almost everyone at the academy seemed so friendly, always kind and curious, willing to help her with whatever she needed. Of course there were also some people talking shit on her back. She heard some girls in the bathroom speculating about her and the circumstances that led her there. But they were a minority, as far as she knew.
She didn't expect that when she found out she was going to a boarding school. She expected spoiled rich girls, hateful teachers and a horrible place.But the academy was a pleasant place, an old house but very well maintained and cared for.
Many of the girls who lived and studied there were very rich indeed, but there were also girls like Dami, who were lucky enough to end up there after not very fortunate circumstances.And they all recognized how lucky they were to be there, being well cared for and receiving a good education.
Everything there seemed perfect, and that was what bothered Dami the most. How could a place like that exist?
Coming from where she came from, after what she'd been through, all the perfection of that place seemed elusive. The real world wasn't like that, was it?
"I know new beginnings can be difficult" the man who seemed to realize he wouldn't get an answer began "But I hope you start to feel at home here soon."
Home... Dami didn't understand the meaning of that word.
"I'm sure the girls are excited to meet you." he guaranteed. "Your roommates..."
"About that" Dami spoke for the first time, causing the man's eyes to light up.
"Can I have a room of my own?"
The glint in the counselor's eyes disappeared.
"The girls weren't nice to you?" he wanted to know.
"Quite the opposite" She had to admit it "They are very kind and polite."
The counselor smiled, proud of his choice to her roommates. But soon his smile faded in confusion.
"But if they are so nice, why do you want a room of your own?" he wanted to know.
"I still don't feel comfortable sharing a room after... You know." she didn't finished the sentence, she didn't had to, he knew what she was talking about. "I'm not sleeping well yet, and when I fall asleep... Sleepwalking starts again."
"Are you still having sleepwalking episodes?" he asked, worried, taking notes on his notepad.
"Yes." Dami lied. She hadn't had any sleepwalking episodes since arriving at the academy, at least she hadn't had any signs of it when she woke up, but she didn't want to share a room, so she needed a convincing excuse.
"It could be dangerous to the girls, I don't want to hurt anyone" she added.The counselor pondered for a moment.
"Having roommates is important for your socialization." He commented "But if sleepwalking worries you I can see if we can get you a private room. On one condition.
Of course, everything was going too well as she'd planned.
"You need to socialize in other ways... Join a club, maybe?" he suggested.
Dami didn't want to socialize, she wanted to stay as far away from everyone as possible, until she could think of a way to escape that place.
"I can try," she agreed, just to try to reel the man in.
"That's great" the counselor said, opening one of the drawers in his desk and taking out a sheet which he handed to the girl. "You can choose and fill out the form." he said, handing her the list of clubs and sports teams. He really wasn't willing to be tricked, but Dami wasn't about to give up a room of her own, so she skimmed through the list, analyzing the available options. Dancing, music, volleyball, photography... Everything seemed to require a lot of effort, until her eyes found the right words.
"Reading Club". she announced, and the man smiled, satisfied, handing her a form to fill out.
"That's great" he said "I'll ask Siyeon, your roommate, to accompany you to your first club meeting, she's one of the founders of the club, she'll be very happy to welcome you as a new member."
Dami didn't answer. She wasn't the least bit interested in the club, she just thought it would be the easiest to deal with on the list.
"Actually, I think they have a meeting tonight before dinner." the counselor announced, making her even more disappointed with her decision. "You will love it, the girls are very smart and always choose amazing books."
She wasn't really interest in all of that, bit she would have to pretend for a while if she wanted to be free. And God, how she wanted it.
Sua caressed the black leather cover of the book she was holding. It was a really old and rare exhibit. She had been taking care of the book for a while but soon it would be in someone's else hands.
It was almost time.That was all Sua could think about. She had been working on that for so long...
She was stuck in her own world when the bell announcing the beginning of classes rang. She had to go to class, so she protected the book, putting it on a velvet bag and hide it in one of the drawers of the studio table, locking it with a key.
If anyone entered the photography club room, they wouldn't find the book. Not that anyone wanted to be in that room recently, or that anyone could do something with the book.
She left the room and ran to her class. She still had a lot to do for her project, but it had to wait. Soon everything would be ready as she planned.
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tomlinotracey · 4 years
You can send this to my other characters too.
spots to kiss.   since y’all like kissing prompts—and who wouldn’t, honestly–so have a collection of places to press your lips to. many of these work perfectly fine for platonic or familiar affection while some are a bit steamier, though what counts as what is of course naturally dependent on the muses and the context. send ‘ SPOTS TO KISS + [number] ’ to kiss my muse there, or with # for dealer’s choice. context and description allowed and encouraged. feel free to use the last option  ( 57 )  to give the kiss on any fantasy or scifi body parts not listed here.
a kiss on the top of the head.
a kiss to hair.
a kiss on the forehead.
a kiss on the space between eyebrows.
a kiss on the temple.
a kiss on the cheek.
a kiss on the eyelid or the undereye.
a kiss on the nose
a kiss on the ear.
a kiss on that space where jaw connects.
a kiss on the corner of the mouth.
a kiss on the cupid’s bow.
a kiss on the lips.
a kiss on the chin.
a kiss on the jawline.
a kiss on the back of the neck.
a kiss on the underside of the jaw.
a kiss on the throat.
a kiss on the side of the neck.
a kiss on where the back of the neck turns to shoulder.
a kiss above the collarbone.
a kiss along the collarbone.
a kiss on the space between collarbones.
a kiss on the shoulder.
a kiss on the bicep.
a kiss on the forearm.
a kiss on the elbow.
a kiss on the outside of the wrist.
a kiss on the inside of the wrist.
a kiss on the back of the hand.
a kiss on the palm.
a kiss on a finger.  ( which one? )
a kiss on the side of the ribs.
a kiss on the shoulder blade.
a kiss on the space between shoulder blades.
a kiss along the curve of the spine.
a kiss on the upper back.
a kiss on the lower back.
a kiss on the sternum.
a kiss on a pec / breast.
a kiss under the breast.
a kiss on where the sternum ends.
a kiss on the stomach.
a kiss on the navel.
a kiss on the hipbone.
a kiss on the ‘v’.
a kiss on the front of the thigh.
a kiss on the back of the thigh.
a kiss on the inner thigh.
a kiss on the knee.
a kiss on the calf.
a kiss on the ankle.
a kiss on the heel.
a kiss on the foot.
a kiss on a toe.
a kiss on an nsfw body part not listed here.  ( where? )
a kiss on a sfw body part not listed here.  ( where? )
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tazzmanien · 5 years
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System Review
Okay let see, as some of you know I only started to read this novel because Mo Dao Zu Shi left an empty spot in my heart and I needed a quick fix. Well, quick it was, fixing did not happen. Why you ask? Because instead of one obsession, now I have two. So before I write my review just a little thing I really need to get off my chest, SV was not as good as MDZS, but I never expected it to be and it was still very great. That’s all the comparison I’m gonna do. If you want me to compare more let me know and I will gladly do it. It seems I love to write about those stories.
Sorry for the length of the review, I’m just that obsessed. And warning: SPOILERS AHEAD
Looking at the novel overall, it was a very fun read, with a few really sad elements and lots of weird love story aspects and colorful characters. It was very easy to read, even though it had its weak parts, I laughed so much that I would recommend it to everyone.
The good:
I can’t say much about the writing quality, as I was only able to read the translation. But the translation seemed like it’s easy to read, so I’m guessing the original is similar. The development of the story was easy to follow, even though it started off so weird, that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to understand a single thing. The story had everything I love, from scifi to fantasy to horror to love to friendship to family, like a really fun mix. Usually mixing too much doesn’t always turn out good, but this writer is really good in combining all the elements.
I looooooved the whole part with the system. I adore stories where a regular boring human gets dragged into a story (book, movie, whatever) and needs to survive without being discovered. So much potential for humor and disaster. And this is exactly what this book has delivered. I was laughing so much while reading. I will also write about this in the bad some more, but even though we never get to know what the system is, it was written in such a matter that I was easily able to accept the fact that there is this weird system, like in a game, telling our main protagonist what to do. And that says a lot. I’m usually one of those people complaining when things don’t get build up properly or explained well. So I must say, you got me here.
Overall all the parts where the novel would cross to the real world or characters go from the real world into the novel were so entertaining that I’m so hooked now and would love to read more stories with such elements.
Characters, oh those were the most fun to observe. Well the writer did not invent anything new. You have all those characters with all sorts of typical strengths and flaws and sad backstories, like in any other story. Like not a single character would contrast with all the existing characters of any other story, except for the fact that the writer switched things up so much that it felt quite new. You ask what I mean? Well look it is quite rare to see this weird combination:
The main character is this normal millennial dude getting dragged into a fictional story where he is supposed to play the villain. Our main is nothing like a villain would be, he has so much heart, but is also completely unaware of it, that is hurts observing him. Being a decent human being and the fact that he doesn’t want to end up deformed like the original villain would, he does everything necessary to get on the good side of the other main guy (who is the protagonist and good guy of the original novel). Now, being someone from our boring normal world, who never fought or did anything remotely similar to what the villain in the story did, you would think he would be a complete disaster in the body of an immortal cultivator of a Xianxia novel. But funny enough he isn’t! He is a composed, wise and strong person on the outside who seems sophisticated and educated and detached from all failure caused by feelings of any sorts. But on the inside he is just what we expect him to be, the most panicking weird dense idiot I’ve ever seen. He is soooo relatabel on the inside it hurts. But on the other hand he is also so far from what anyone of us would be in such a situation, as he seems to have everything under control on the outside even though he is such a mess on the inside. He almost never breaks character and he manages to solve all problems somehow. I would have died 100 deaths if I were him. I even suspected that the moment he got dragged into the novel, he snatched Luo Binghes halo as a new protagonist (halo: like the main protagonist simply never loses and cannot die and gets everything he wants in the end). Just think about it, how else would he have managed everything he did. Everyone even loved him by the end of the story! I could write books about this character, but I’m sure you are already annoyed so I will keep it short. I love Shen Qingqiu with all my heart and I aspire to become like him one day.
Lets get to my demon boi Luo Binghe. He is originally supposed to be the “good” guy of the story. Come on guys, have you ever read a story where a demon who kills and has a harem is a good guy? I was so confused while reading the summary of the novel that I thought, they must have misunderstood things, but no, they didn’t, he actually is this really bad demon who does really bad things and still is the most lovable thing ever to exist. He is like a Labrador when with his Shizun (his teacher and our main guy Shen Qingqiu) and a killing hell hound when with anyone else. He is strong, intelligent, most handsome and charismatic bastard, but such a lovely little smitten princess for his Shizun that it’s comical. One simply has to love him. So of course our Shizun never stood a chance in not falling for him.
And this exactly if the best thing about the story and it’s main plot to be honest. Those two idiots getting together, while one tries to “rewrite” the original story so that he gets his happy end. Who would have thought that this “I just want to survive and would do anything to do so” strong teacher, yet weird millennial and straightest straight to ever straight in straight history would fall for the bad and strong demon boy who falls to his knees and cries of love every time he sees his Shizun. I know many stories where the teacher and disciple fall for one another and very often they are opposite in character. But those two idiots are so weirdly colorful that opposite would not even beging to explain how complicated their relationship really is. Depending from which angle you look, they could seem like the complete opposites or like a mere mirror reflection of one another. Or depending on where your own heart stands, you could say they don’t fit together at all or you would think they are the all time biggest OTP. And I adore this complexity!!! It drives the story.
Some other characters of the story were also very well written and gave the story some much needed drive. And like with our mains, no character was simple or regular. The whole story about Airplance Shooting Towards The Sky is just so... I have no words really. Maybe one day in the future I will write about him, but for now just take my word for it, that some other characters were written amazingly. I truly think that the writer has a brilliant talent in creating beautiful multidimensional characters and I must say this is the best thing about reading her novels.
All the other side plots were good. Some were needed to help the overall story line and others were just a nice cherry on the top. But the main plot remained the best in the end.
Also the subplot or let’s call it the actual meaning of the whole novel is so brilliantly implemented that you would not focus on it when reading, but still fully understand it nevertheless. It is like a criticism and love letter to fandom in general. It is so self aware that one gets whiplash at times.
The bad:
I had quite some open questions at the end of the novel and even though in general most characters were created brilliantly, many characters were left out in the end and many story lines were simply never really developed much. So let’s just say Shen Yuan would have went nuts reading it ;) (Shen Yuan is the millennial getting dragged into the novel and in his original life he used to review novels and complain a lot about this particular novel)
I was so happy that there were the extras to the novel, that gave us at least a little bit of background information about some characters and a few nice moments between our main pair. I mean in the main novel the pair does get together but then out of the blue the story ends and we don’t even get a real confession or anything of that sorts. Yes yes, I know the fact that our dense Shen Qingqiu is willing to stay with Luo Binghe and says it out loud is a huge confession of its own, but you know I really would have loved to read about a kiss or something, because I’m a sucker for those. 
Still even with the extras, some plot holes remained and the one that sticks out to me the most is THE SYSTEM. What the heck is it? Where does it come from? What’s the point of it? Who controls it? Like any information about it would be really nice? Don’t get me wrong even without this information I was easily accepting its existence, but now that I’ve finished reading everything, those questions start to bother me. Well I guess my own head canon making machine will have to work now. A pity I’m not good at writing, otherwise I would overflow AO3 with them, just to fill the holes. 
I also feel like, if I had not read another Xianxia before or if I had not a general understanding of the whole fantasy part, it would have been a difficult thing to imagine the world the story took place in. All those peaks and all those “magical” happenings (cultivation stuff) would have confused the heck out of me. I’m just guessing a) the novel was written for a specific reader group who already understands the general idea of Xianxias or/and b) the skills of the writer weren’t as developed as they are now back when she wrote the book.
And even though many things were not explained or plot holes remained, still some chapters were dragging. But to be honest I don’t want to sound a though I’m complaining to much, as the overall flow was still very decent.
I love this novel, even with all its flaws. The main characters will forever have a special place in my heart. I will definitely read it again one day and I would recommend it to anyone in the blink of an eye.
On a side note, I feel a little reluctant in hoping for an adaptation of the story in China, because of the censorship. If you censor the whole love aspect of our main pair, the story would loose so much of its beauty in my opinion that it would be just okay. I know the actual main plot was not the love story, but I admit this is what I live for. But who knows, The Untamed managed to end up like a beautiful interpretation of Mo Dao Zu Shi, maybe the manhua or a donghua or a live action adaptation of SV would turn out better than I can imagine. I’ll stay open minded.
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sapphicvevo · 6 years
:O wait can you talk about your story? i'm interested :3!!!
AAHH THANK YOU FOR BEING INTERESTED!!!! sorry for the late reply i wanted to be able to format BUT YKNOW
so basically it’s a mismatch of fantasy and scifi that leans more towards sci-fi if anything. it’s not based on earth or our solar system, and its a bit of like… cyberpunk in terms of cybernetic modifications + technology with a steampunk aesthetic. so like a few technologically advanced cities that are huge scattered throughout the world, and the further out you go from these cities, the less technologically advanced they are. there’s also a bit of magic, creatures, and quests that make up the fantasy elements.
it’s set five years after a huge world war that devastated the planet. the planet’s currently rebuilding, but resources are scarce, quality of life is impaired significantly, and there’s rebuilding but it’s slow. the good guys won, but they’re considerably weak and are still in the process of freeing some of the smaller societies that are still under siege (by the imperialists).
in the background there’s a secret organization of assassins who’ve been in stasis until the war ended. they believe they’re the answer to the problems of the world, and believe that people should be controlled without knowing they are. they’ve waited in stasis during the war, refusing to help either side, and are now in the process of wiping out political leaders and sending in those they’ve placed to take over without anyone knowing.
originally they were formed to be neutral and their sole goal was to maintain peace for the planet, and started off with good intentions and the belief that humanity as a whole were good and they were merely protectors. however, as time went on, corruption and a lack of desire to change and adapt to the world around them + growing cynicism made them into the organization they are currently.
this organization would take children during the war, either in the dead of night, or were given away by parents who believed them when the organization said they would protect these children during the war. of course, the parents never saw them again. these children were trained as elite warriors and depending on how well they did as children, would rank up within the organization or be sent out to the world to spread peace throughout the masses.
there’s a few conspiracy theorists that talk about the group existing, but it’s mostly seen as spooky campfire stories by the gen population at large about children going missing in the dead of night.
so the protag is a former assassin of the group whose name is azura! she’s the only one who managed to escape from the organization. on her first assassination mission, she couldn’t kill someone, especially while they were asleep and weaponless, so she faked their deaths and ran.  
at the start she’s very on edge despite her very blasé personality. she’s crude, funny, cocky, and has a habit of running when things get too real. she found the biggest city closest to her, changed her name, and decided to hide within a crowd.
most of her skills are based in fighting, so she’s made a living as a merc for hire because… well she doesn’t have any other skills that are worthwhile to a nonviolent lifestyle and nobody would hire her. she doesn’t kill, but she’ll find people, objects, etc. for anyone after she’s gotten a reasonable background check on them.
bisexual former assassin who’s got a heart of gold who’s trying her best despite her mouth getting in the way
her main goal is to help bring peace to the world after realizing her hand in what made the world the way it is. also to make sure ajur gets justice after trying to kill her lol (a lot of vengeance vs justice ties in between her and ajur)
she also has a robo dog named fish!
my antag is named ajur and him and azura were raised in the same organization together. same teacher, and were neck and neck for the top spot, but they actually got along really well together. he actually considers her his sister, so when she left, it felt like a betrayal. 
since she failed to complete her first mission, his first mission was to kill her. he spends the whole year she’s gone searching for her, and the only reason he finds her is because she takes a job with a higher pay roll then she usually does.
farah and ajur are both traumatized survivors who are raised the same way and in the same place, but have both made choices that lead them on very different paths. i just wanted to show that you have the choice to be good or not based on your choices, not your upbringing and i wanted to highlight that
while azura is more skilled in combat, he’s more skilled in leadership and is more charismatic than she is, and has the backing of many young members of the organization who feel the same as he does
his main goal is to also bring peace to the world, first by dismantling the organization of assassins and leading them and the rest of the world into a new age of safety (through murder, manipulation, and false sense of security - is very pragmatic and believes the ends justifies the means, and if the world needs a person to be the one to kickstart with violence in order for the world to know no violence, he will take on the role)
then my side charas are farah, a runaway lesbian who azura first met when she came to the city then left because of how strong their connection was. (bisexual disaster.) nobody knows she’s a princess, and for good reason. her kingdom is still under siege by imperialists and she was the only one of her family to escape. she’s the head to azura’s heart, very logical, charismatic, and good with a sniper. 
there’s eva and bones hawthorne, my twins!!! eva is a pilot/mechanic and bones is a hacker/cyborg/dabbles in the occasional engineering. their older brother died during the war, and their family and village are still recovering from the effects of it. they learned their skills from their family, and are heavily involved with resistance groups. 
eva’s very head in the clouds, a little naive, but very protective over bones. she learned to pilot from her older brother, and how to maintain the ship too. she believes there’s good in everyone, you just have to look for it. 
bones is a little more realistic than his sister, and is also very protective over her even though they have that ‘hey ugly’ ‘what’ ‘lol’ ‘omg shut up’ relationship. he lost his his leg up to his knee from an attack on their village, and feels guilty because their family had to give up nearly everything in order to get a cybernetic replacement so he does jobs here and there that are a little more criminally inclined to help his family. 
then comes ari malloy, eva’s boyfriend! he’s the one who hired azura to retrieve a part of a map that leads to a mystical force that could restore the planet to its former glory (the fantasy quest-ish part, which i havent completely figured out yet lol). he’s a scout for the resistance, good with medicine, and average in combat. he’s also pretty much the glue of the team, and takes on a more parental role for the team.
and last but not least is ronan acosta. he’s a seer who is plagued by visions of the planet’s inevitable destruction due to humanity, and has a big hatred for it, partly due to his vision of the end and how he was treated because of his ‘curse’ as he sees it. he’s also able to talk with those from beyond to gather information, but it comes at a cost to his health where he gets migraines, passes out, or goes into seizures. he’s very closed off, angry, and not willing to help azura and co. with their quest at first, but he’s got a secret soft side where he just yearns to be a kid and have a family considering his abandoned him. (he’s also bones’ love interest)
I’M SORRY THIS IS KIND OF LONG BUT YKNOW I WARNED YA !!!!! this is my very vague outline/cast and i need to fill out names/timelines and other minor characters but this is the gist!! :~) thank u so much for asking
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