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omnipointmuses · 2 years ago
Somewhere between realms...(D-E)
In the dark abyss of that thin line between universes a thin sigil of light suddenly appeared before glowing brighter until it formed into a doorway connecting from somewhere else. As soon as the doorway was opened a black boot breached it before being followed by it's owner, a dark haired boy in a black hoodie whose black eye's widened upon seeing the expanse of nothing before him and noticed that the booted foot that stepped forward had not touched anything and continued downwards.
"A- shit!" he cursed out as he found himself falling before his feet suddenly and silently collided with nothing, but a solid nothing he could at least stand on. After giving a few experimental stomps and winkling his face at the lack of noise he turned back towards the doorway while bringing a hand up to his face. "Hey Anna? I think something went wrong..."
As soon as he called out a warning he spotted familiar head of long blonde hair followed by an emerald green turtleneck sweater as the girl wearing it leapt precariously through the doorway and was now positioned right above the boy who quickly stuck out his arms while uttering out another swear just in time to catch the falling girl who landed belly down into the boy's arms as he held her aloft awkwardly with an arm curled under her chest and another under her hip.
"Really? You had to leap through the portal?" he chided causing the girl's feline ear to flick as he was given a sly smile.
"Apologies, I thought I would have landed on your back." She answered casually as she was lowered onto her feet by the boy before looking around at the vast nothingness. "Hrm, this is... stranger."
"Yep, we're in the void."
"Well yes, and no." She corrected causing the boy to raise an eyebrow as she stood over him. "We are currently between realms, or universes outside any laws of time or continuity."
"Continuity?- wait shit, are we non-canon?" the boy asked a look of annoyance and disdain overtaking his face as he saw Anna's mouth skew to the side.
"More like... debatably canon?"
"Fuuuucking hell."
"Oh it is not that bad Drean, it just means that the things we do here will have little to no consequence." Anna explained as her fluffy tail swished around behind her excitedly while her green eyes sparked with ideas of experimentation and seeing that made the dark eyed boy's face soften before coaxing him into letting out a deep, calming sigh that trailed smoke out of his sharp-fanged maw.
"So what do we do then, just entertain them for a while?" Drean asked while pointing a finger at you while your eyes glazed over these words coaxing a small shrug out of the feline woman.
"Did you have something better in mind?"
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omnipointmuses · 10 months ago
Twilight hummed giddily as she brushed of a sizable layer of ancient dust off an equally ancient desk that belonged the Apple family, she was a bit surprised when Applejack asked her to peruse through her families old documents to see if there was anything she needed to keep track of, in return the farm lass offered to give the unicorn a free fresh pie and the first cider of the season when it comes around which really wasn't needed, but she wouldn't turn it down either.
After doing away with the dust and pulling the desk drawer open she reached in with a hand and pulled out a... folded up picture, it was almost akin to a polaroid. "Oh no... I hope it's not too damaged..." Twilight thought aloud as the idea of an important picture for the Apples permanently marred by a crease made her frown while she unfolded the picture to inspect the damage, and then unfolded the picture again... and again and again until eventually she was left with a photo large enough to completely cover a California King sized mattress. Her eyes roamed the picture with a raised eyebrow until she saw something that caught her eye. Along the bottom of the over sized photo the words "For my Bright Mac, P.S, It's actual size~" written in light cursive with light orange ink.
After taking a moment to stare deadpanned at the photo for a moment more, Twilight proceeded to fold the picture back up before stowing it back into it's place in the drawer before closing it and leaning forwards to press her flushed face against the desk cold surface.
"So... that's why she's called Pear Butter huh... ehehe, how fitting..."
Twilight wondered if she could haggle AJ into getting the first two mugs of cider when all of this is sorted.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year ago
"Mmh~ You know little Sparkle, I've always thought about crushing you though the great and gluttonous Trixie must admit, I'd never thought you'd enjoy it as much I would~" The massive unicorn huffed as she sat straddling Twilight's torso, her immense stomach covering the smaller mare's modest chest and neck while her eyes looked up at her captor with a mix of apprehension and arousal even as she reached down and gripped her horn with her pudgy fingers to force the lavender gal's face firmly against her flab, filling her ears with the sounds of guttural churning a sound that reminded Twilight how much her once self-proclaimed rival's hunger had skyrocketed sending a pang of fear up her spine coaxing her to pull away for a moment only to be pressed more firmly against the oppressive gut. "Ah ah ah little Sparkle, you must learn to appreciate Trixie's magnificent gut, or do I need to give you the same inside tour I gave your friends?~"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years ago
"Fluer de Lis? I'm afraid I haven't seen her now if you'll excuse me..." Mayor Mare lead off as she slowly, but firmly closed the door on a pair of royal guards just as a belch bellowed it's way up her throat and out of her maw, dragging a pair of expensive panties and jewelry through the aged mare's bloated gut with it causing them to land on her carpet with a soft thump while the earth pony took a deep breath to collect herself before collecting the discarded items.
"Phew~ that was much too close..." She sighed out as she made her way back to her private study casually tossing the earrings into one of her desk drawers and was about to do the same to the pair of sodden panties before a perverse idea came over her. With a shaky hand and shy smile she reached under her business skirt before pulling down her own panties, pearly white and unassuming it looked practically conservative compared to the thin dark-purple fabric she was stepping into. With a few tugs the thong stretched itself over Mayor's wide hips and wedged itself deep into the crack of her ass before she waltzed over to her full-body mirror and showed herself off before giving a soft chuckle at the sight of the expensive, almost gaudy underwear stretched to it's near limits, sinking into her cellulite dotted ass, with a bloated, gurgling gut hanging over it's waistband, she could practically see the look of horror on Fleur's face at the knowledge that not only was one of her more private clothing was not only being worn by someone else, but also being destroyed by this very act. With a satisfied sigh she gave her stomach a firm pat causing it's contents to slosh softly within before she stepped back into her business skirt enjoying the fact she was wearing her catch in more ways than one.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year ago
The First Soul
The first soul radiates a soft aura an is in the shape of a feline demi-human. As you get closer it recants it's tale.
I was Queen Xocolati's first husband, taken so she could assume the title and responsibilities without pushback from the noble class even though they sneered at my status as a now former slave. Despite my marriage being out of mere necessity I had little to complain about, though I did have fears about how my queen would see me but to my surprise she treated me as an equal and often sought my consul about how to properly run her kingdom, together we even outlawed and dismantled most of the slave trade within The Golden Desert region.
My end came when I retreated with her to our bedroom for the final time. Her touch was always softer than I was ever used to and she never crossed the limit I set, but slowly but surely I grew to find a certain comfort to be under her power, her expansive girth. Eventually I found myself pushing my way into her open maw, over her tongue that licked so tenderly as if to savor every taste of me. Eventually her mouth crested over my admittedly wide hips and by then I knew I was hers in body. Despite how vast her unsealed form was her stomach held me with a cozy embrace behind her thick wall of fat I once embraced. Even then I could faintly feel her, graciously patting her gut as if I was the best meal she's had in a long time and heard her voice assuring me that she would either let me out soon or could reform me later. I rejected both offers, I felt that this was right becoming completely one with her and after an agonizing moment she asked if I was sure, I was. So she obliged my desires, I have to admit that the idea of all safety nets were cut made my pulse pound and I selfishly gave into those impulses and pleasured myself against her walls, coaxing her into reaching down and squeezing her gut, squeezing me, milking me for everything I could offer until my form fell apart through the churning chyme, but still I didn't leave, I couldn't leave. I don't know if this was one purpose or if she was even away but when my soul fled my slurried form it could not escape the confines of her gut so instead I sank deeper and became one with it and thus she claimed me in spirit. I see the world through her eyes and await the day she seeks my consul again, and maybe I would experience her touch once more.
The shape vanishes in a plume of light and what remains is an urn atop a pillar made of sandstone along with a cube of resin that contained a pair of thongs. Below it there's a plaque that reads.
Here lies the First King of The Golden Sands Husband to Queen Xocolati Danos (Blank) Danos (First name lost to time.)
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omnipointmuses · 1 year ago
"I don't love food jackass, I respect food, I respect the people who made food for me whether I paid them or not, growing up hungry will do that to ya." Drean explained as she gripped the face of the large man who had knocked her food off her table a subdued anger barely hidden behind her stoic glare that gave away ever so slightly as she noticed that the man wasn't listening to her and instead just uselessly scratched and pried at a hand smaller than his own attempting to loosen it's vice like grip on his face coaxing the half-dragon to let out a defeated sigh and swished her lengthy black tail against the ground in annoyance. "Forget it, I can tell by that shitty expensive cologne you're wearing you don't get or don't care what I'm talking about."
For a moment she relaxes her grip, allowing the man to begin to slip free before clasped down tight once again, the nails on her middle finger and thumb sank into his skin as she flung him upwards into the ceiling of the restaurant sending him half-way through it and leaving his torso comically sticking out of the wood, twitching weakly as Drean ran her hand up through her long black hair as she let out another sigh before slowly, almost sheepishly turning towards the nearest server. "...Don't suppose you could overlook this and not ban me huh?"
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omnipointmuses · 3 years ago
“Mmh~ Hfff~ By the gods this is the third one this month,,,~” Arianna half-moaned through her teeth as she bit her lips firmly and bucked her hips forwards, thrusting her condom wrapped cock into her hands as her heavy, swaying, prey stuffed sack clenched and pulsed as it emptied it’s load into it’s latex resting place, stretching it thoroughly allowing the durable material to touch the ground as she continued to bloat it out until it was about three feet in diameter just as the flow of holy jizz began to slow as the nun sighed and remarked. “If it was more tight they’d work as a yoga ball for someone smaller...”
With another soft chuff she gingerly pulled the condom off of her twitching cock and tied it off at the opening before hefting it up carefully holding it up by it’s tied off end and supporting it by it’s underside giving her a clear view of a pair of undergarments floating along with the thick solution as she walked over to her closet door and opened it to reveal a long, narrow room lined with a shelf on each opposing wall, both holding a row of condoms stretched with prey that had been reduced to slush by the nun’s powerful nuts. Each bag varied in size slightly though some were a great deal larger and the reason could be barely seen through their contents as those condoms bore multiple sets of clothing, undergarments, or even accessories like jewelry within them. With a hum the nun walked past those other condoms and felt their warmth as she did so until she found an empty spot for her newest “follower” and setting the scholar of religion right between archeologist and the rookie paladin, it only seemed fitting after all. To anyone else it’d be hard to tell them apart beyond the collar of the condom that held their new form, but to Arianna she could easily tell each and every load apart from the simple gardener that the nun spied upon accidentally through her open window from the bandit that had a change a heart after attempting to mug the nun in the woods near her home. Each soul that lied in bliss within their new forms and bound to their latex homes were very different from each other, the only thing they really had in common with each other is that they all fell under the holy allure of the nun and attempted to worship her and spread word about her in religious fashion, something that Arianna could not allow. Even now she could feel their devotion flowing into her as she walked back towards the door before closing and locking it after she had exited and giving another soft sigh as she took a moment to recompose herself before going on her business. “Maybe one day I’ll find a partner that’s a bit resistant enough...”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years ago
“Thanks for the shirt buddy!” Sonic hummed as she pulled the plain white T-shirt with a QR code stamped on it over her head and massive bust. just barely succeeding in the process and only halfway so as the hem of the shirt managed to drape itself along near the bottom of her chest causing her to inadvertently show off a hefty bit of underboob. “What up with the QR code though?”
“Oh it’s nothing, just a bit of flair you know?” The foxboy assured causing Sonic to shrug.
“Huh, weird, well thanks buddy but I gotta jet!” Sonic announced before zooming off to her next destination while Tails looked down at his phone that had scanned the QR code causing a message to appear.
Fat Tittied Bimbo Hedgehog
Free To Eat, Free To Toy With
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
Raven cock voring villains
Yup that's what she does
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
As you entered the church early the soft sound of muffled moans and churning seemed to blare in your ears in the otherwise silent place of worship and coax your eyes into following the noise to the large and muscular nun who was scooping up some half melted candles into a bag when her gaze meets yours.
“Apologies, I had just finished in assisting in a ritual for the Devourer’s Cult, once I’ve finished cleaning up after them I will give you some privacy.” the seemingly stoic nun stated as your eyes lowered over her crotch and the subtle outline of her squirming slutchurners and after wondering for a moment how she was hiding her cock so well your eyes pick up a small bit of movement near the lioness’s chest coaxing you into looking closer and noticing the distinct bell shape of her tip nearly hidden behind her habit and clothed cleavage. At this point you noticed how long you had been staring and stuttered out a quick apology before quickly turning and awkwardly speedwalking your way towards your god’s idol, trying to ignore the large nun’s deep half-chuckle as you kneeled and began to pray all while the idea of worshipping something else needled at your mind.
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
"Oh Applejack have you seen Trixie, I need her help to run some...tests." Twilight began to ask the farm gal who looked up slightly guiltily, a crumpled hat adorned with stars in her grip in a hand that hovered over a pile of other discarded bits of clothing somewhat hidden in one of the back corners of the barn, those combined with the pudgier gut AJ's overalls did an admittedly decent job at hiding for the most part and then all the pieces clicked withing Twilight's head and soon she was giving the farm gal a stern look from behind her glasses.
"Riiiight ah, she's helpin' me out by....fertilizin' the fields." Applejack answered with a small guilty chuckle as she scratched the back of her neck while her stomach grumbled noisily as if to share her slightly guilty sentiments though that just seemed to make the unicorn's face just a bit sterner.
"Applejack, you can't keep eating people and using them as fertilizer! It's nearly impossible to find their remains and revive them and we've already lost...." Twilight began to ramble on a lit of complaints but at this point AJ began to space off slightly, half-listening to Twilight and waiting for a signal that she was done with her rambling, that's when her rumbling gut gave her an idea. With a smirk she stepped forwards closing the distance between her and the shorter unicorn and curled her strong arms around her waist and pulled her close and off the ground with a small yelp from the librarian who began to squirm in her tight but not painful grip, her arms trapped against her own body and the farmgal's softer form but Twilight knew well enough already there was still quite a bit of muscle under that new layer of flab. "A-ah Applejack what are you-Mmf!?"
Applejack opened her mouth wide sending a pang of fear up Twilight's spine that was replaced by confusion as the farmgal closed her mouth over her muzzle, over her own mouth and nose, coating them in saliva while the noises of a familiar rumble began to fill her ears. Then it happened, Applejack belched, if anyone was in the room with then they would've said it wasn't that loud but to Twilight was deafening, forceful, thick and... arousing, the acrid gas filled her nose, lungs, fogged up her glasses and carried the blueberry yogurt scent that Trixie carried upon herself naturally. By the time the flow of noxious air stopped Twilight was lightheaded and blushing, a fact that made Applejack chuckle softly after she pullses away and wiped the slobber from her lips while the unicorn slowly came back to lucidity and immediately reached down to push down her tented skirt while AJ seemed to loom over her.
"Ah...Listen Twi I gotta do some work around the farm but if you wanna meet me back here in a few hours I'd be happy to show you where I dropped Trixie off~" Applejack offered her friend who looked up and pouted before nodding softly, soundlessly until Applejack gave her perky rear a smack as she walked around her. "Great! See ya then sugarcube~"
With that Applejack headed for the barn's exit, eager to work but as she licked her lips the taste of vanilla and lavender made her eager to help her friend afterward.
"Her glasses are gonna look real cute on the top of the pile~"
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
(D) Nightmare’s Over
It was a chilly night this Nightmare Night, at least Chrysalis guessed it was a chilly night for her captor and every other person out and about, had she the energy or limbs she could’ve checked her phone but well she wasn’t much more than a torso with a melted useless horn at the moment, her arms and legs nearly entirely melted down and mixed with the muck that was slowly crawling it’s way up her abdomen not because it was rising as the lower sphincter was periodically opening and draining a bit of it into the lunar princess’s gut, no she was simply sinking. It was a strange feeling, melting alive like ice cream, there was no pain or even numbness as she could still feel her limbs as they swirled around her, drained downwards into her guts and even as they were absorbed and made into more fat and fuel the princess, she should’ve felt horrified and for a while she did but underneath that she felt a deep arousal and thrill, feelings moments ago she acted upon with a fervor while she had limbs to do so and now it tired her, well either that or fact she was becoming less and less with each passing minute.
“...My god this is boring...” She murmured out with a small huff as she straightened up her body up against the stomach walls which seemed to have gotten closer to her over the period of her digestion and looked down at the twitching guthole that would lead her to her inevitable end, that’s when a smile appeared on her face and she crouched as well as she could in her state and waited until the hole twitched open and hopped forwards and plunged herself hip deep within it, the entrance accepting her semi-solid thighs with relative ease and slowly but surely she began to sink downwards at a much faster rate than being melted alive and it certainly felt better too. A dreamy look of satisfaction spread over her lips along with a blush as the tight tube of flesh squeeze over more and more of her form while a dull, muffled groan echoed from outside coming from her captor only made this small act of revenge sweeter coaxing her into calling out one last time as the muck climbed up her neck followed by the xit, her exit. “Mmf that’s it girl~ If you’re going to eat me you better take me~ all~ at~ once!~”
“BBBWWWWWUUUUUOOORRRP~...oof, that was a big one.” Luna sighed out happily as she reached down and gave her gut a rubdown, that’s when she felt Chrysalis had moved down...lower. A smirk crossed her lips upon feeling this revelation and she continued to rub over what remained of the changeling queen’s form even now she could feel it, her guts pleasurably massaging her down into meat for her body to absorb and make into more fat, in fact her clothes felt tighter already. “Mmm~ trying to give me indigestion huh Chrysy?~ It was a brave act I must admit but alas I’ve had much fiercer meals than you~”
As Luna cooed to the writhing bulge it suddenly stiffened up and she swore she could’ve felt her meal’s face twist into that of an orgasm before it was slowly ebbed away and with a satisfied smile Luna opened her mouth and-
-let out a mighty belch causing her gut and stomach to empty out of gas and clench down on the remains of her meal absorbing it fully and causing her already hefty form to grow out and up, her chair creaked under her as she widened her snug sweater got snugger and her sweatpants more so, while this happened a dull green glow spread out around her body for a moment before congealing back together around her the moon princess’s rear as it bloated out more putting a state of enthrallment over the princess coaxing her to grope and rub every new change, new growth until...
Crack! Rip!
“Oof!” Luna groaned softly and looked around and down at the shattered remains of her reinforced chair causing her to click her tongue in annoyance as she stood up with some effort. “Well...that’s unfortunate.”
This feeling of annoyance was quickly done away with as she felt her newly gained heft jiggling on her behind replace it with a look of satisfaction that cuase her to ignore the face that her sweatpants was now sporting a noticeable tear while her panty’s waistband had snapped clean off and hung uselessly out of the new hole that was now acting like a window to Luna’s derrière.
“Mmh~ Seems like you found a proper resting place Chrysy~ Don’t worry~” Luna hummed as she turned her eyes towards her desktop her empty stomach rumbling for more food. “You...just might find some more~”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
(D) Full Moon Stream
In certain universes there’s a streaming website not too dissimilar to a certain shipping corporate owned site, albeit this one in particular was far more lax when it came to streams of a more lewd nature while being just as welcoming to the more “safe for work” crowd as well. That wasn’t the only unusual part of this site that part, was the site’s ability to act as a bridge between the multiverse. On the front page you’d see beings that don’t exist playing games that were never made, not in your universe at least. On this site a new streamer would make her debut... now.
“Hmm I think everything is working...there!” a kind slightly excited voice came through the feed as it displayed a large darkened room from what little the viewers could see it was clean for the most part except for the large and messy bed which had a noticeable indent on it. That’s when the streamer herself finally appeared, a huge dark-blue anthromorphic equine, both in height and width that had a single horn akin to a unicorn as well a pair of wings that were showed briefly as she lumbered on screen and plopped herself onto her rather wide seat that creaked under her as she wedged her massive ass between it’s armrest, her hefty gut bouncing jostling noticeably and continued to bounce softly even as it rested on her wide thighs, that’s when it became noticeable, the little bumps and bulges it almost looked pregnant before the outline of another equine like being pressed outwards for a moment, this one too curvy and mature sounding to be anything like what was thought before, that’s when she spoke.
“Hello viewers, both from my world and not, I am sure both are rather surprised that a recluse princess like me has decided to give streaming a shot but I had to do something with all of this extra time.” She hummed as her fingers tapped her rotund stomach before a bulge bumped out against them earning a soft chuckle from her. “Well I suppose I should explain this, inside my gut is the notorious Queen Chrysalis former villain that attempted to take over and turn Equestria into her own personal feeding ground, but to be fair she has been reformed more or less and has been living in the castle’s attic, but she still bears a rather rude personality and after taunting me about my weight one too many times I decided to...put her in her place.”
She paused for a moment, her eyes widening as her throat bulged with an angry face before the streamer’s mouth was forced open and the head of the supposed villain sprouted out and began to vehemently spit out a retort. “My place my ass you fat wretch you ate me once al--mmph!”
Before she could get out another curse or get further free the blue equine’s chubby hands reached up and forcibly closed the other’s hands before shoving her back down until she could close her mouth around her and swallow hard, sending her back down into the big blue gut.
“Uuurrrp~ Sorry about that, as I was saying, I put her in her place and through the month of october I slowly digested her until the very end of Nightmare Night I took her wholly and completely~ just for a bit~ She really enjoyed that last part~” She explained as she gave her belly a firm squeeze with both hands and received volley of squirms and thrashing that squeeze another lengthy belch out of the gluttonous equine. “I decided to reform her as we both are apart of the ‘former villains’ club as Pinkie likes to say.”
“Having her inside me for so long though was something I grew to love and as tempting to keep her inside me forever, I’m simply not that cruel but I simply had to feed this growing hunger that food could no longer fill by itself that’s when I decided to start streaming, I could play games and garner an audience of like minded people, people who wouldn’t mind if I used this little hole in the multiverse to reach out and...” She began as her horn began to glow blue, the glow began to spread out over the video player on the website itself just as she began to  leand forwards and open her mouth out wide and for a moment dull hot breeze seemed to blow through the monitor itself along with the subtle scent of vanilla mixed with various berries that was carried by her breath and voice. “Pluck them from their universe like the little treats they are~”
As soon as it came it vanished, the scent and her breath, as the glow faded from both her horn and the video player and she settled her hefty self back onto her chair and as she spoke again her voice once again came out of the speakers. “Of course instead of being chosen at random anyone of my viewers are free to request me to consume them or do any other sort of lewd acts to them and come out fine...if they want...until then, this has been Princess Luna~”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
(D) Changeling Eclipsed
(A drabble for the Halloween event for this blog that will last for the month of October, fair warning this drabble contains vore, pones, and threats of permavore)
In the halls of Cantorlot the bottom heavy moon princess would be strolling from the kitchen back to her room, her gut distended outwards even more so than usual and wobbling with each step and occasionally a hand, foot and horn bulged outwards from it, combined with the dull ghoulish green glow that occasionally exuded from it would tell anyone she passed that she had quite the lively meal, well that was if she had passed by anyone but this late at night even the working staff are asleep not to mention her sister, by the time she reached her room she felt an especially hard bump from the inside of her gut along with the brightest blast of light so far and then she began to hear a muffled voice.
“You..you cow!” the voice of an enraged changeling queen shouted from within the moon princess’s core coaxing her into rolling her eyes as she opened her door and wedged herself into her room. “I can’t believe you actually went and ate me!”
“I did warn you about teasing me about my weight.” Luna remarked as she settled herself onto her computer chair, even with it being specially made and reinforced for her gaining form it still creaked under her rear as she scrolled through various gaming websites. “You have no one to blame but yourself-”
Another sharp blast of magic interrupted her as it caused her belly to loudly bump against her desk and the shrill voice of Chrysalis shouted out.
“Bullshit! You’re the one who ate me!” after that outburst she seemed to quiet down at least for the moment, seemingly exhausted for her extended use of magic. “When I get out of here I’ll-”
“Who said you’re getting out?” Luna stated sharply, cutting off the changeling queen with a tone full of ice, one that resembled a self that she and everyone else in the kingdom thought long gone.
“...What...?” Chrysalis got out, even from within the snug,  sweltering depths of Luna’s stomach she could feel a cold sweat form on her neck and back as she tried to sit up as straight as she could within her slimy confines. “You....you’re joking...you have to be...your sister and I had a deal-”
“A deal I wasn’t apart of.” Luna cut her off again as she pushed herself back away from her keyboard and desk before spreading her legs and leaning back slightly to look over her massive gut, full of the changeling queen who was taller but not quite as curvy as the moon princess, especially when it came to her derrière and now with new gluttonous diet if her “guest” stayed still it’d be hard to not mistake her for a massive food baby, that’s when a devious plan formed in her mind.
“Besides....” She began as she reached forwards and curled her arms around her gut before hugging it, squeezing Chrysalis from all sides with a combination of her soft flab and surprisingly impressive strength causing the changeling to let out a soft gasp as she saw and felt the meager space she had left get smaller and smaller, and the walls grinding down upon her hard and harder. the pressure making it harder for her to breath in the humid air when the most curious things happened. She had a blush forming on her face surprising herself with the first feeling of emotional warmth as all she had felt in the recent moments were ice-cold nervousness and fear that began to rise again as Luna spoke. “...No one knows you’re here~”
With that Luna released her grip on her own gut coaxing Chrysalis to begin taking in normal, albeit shaky breaths of air as her captor began to scroll through websites again. “So that’s it...you’re gonna gurgle me into more fat for your skull-crushing ass.”
“I’ll think about it.” Luna stated mindlessly as she reached over to a half-full box of Pocky and began to chew on one of the chocolate treats.
“How long are you going to think about it?” Chrysalis snarled out annoyed at hearing Luna chew on something else and act as if she was an afterthought.
“Hmmm a month-”
“A MONTH!?” Chrysalis shouted out surprising Luna enough that it forced her to swallow. “You can’t possibly take that long to-”
“I can and will.” Luna stated cutting Chrysalis off again. “It’s a big decision Chryssy, a life should not be so casually thrown...or in your case eaten up on a whim, even yours.”
Chrysalis was silent at this...a mix of emotions causing her mind to stall and stutter as she looked for words to reply but she never got a chance as Luna continued to speak.
“I’ll tell you what, Either you can complain, thrash, and fight all you want and have your form pad out my ass for the rest of time...” Luna stated before pausing to let out a yawn as she stretched arms up high. “Or if you are a good little mare and don’t cause too much trouble while you’re in there I’ll think about letting you out once Nightmare Night is over, but either way you’re staying in there for a month whether you like it or not, deal?”
Chrysalis bit her lips upon hearing this, the tone of Luna voice told her all she needed or wanted to hear Luna was really intending to keep her in here for a month and she was powerless to stop her.
“I don’t think I caught that.” Luna stated, fully knowing that Chrysalis hadn’t said anything and was still deep in shock from the fate she had just delivered upon her.”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
“Mmf~ ah that’s...10 and a half minutes~” Luna hummed out into her microphone before scooting her chair back giving her stream a peek at her crotch that bulged out on the front of her sweatpants, it’s shape left little to the imagination as it was clear she currently beared a hefty pair of gonads that hung low between her fatty legs at her knees while another shape writhed weakly against them. With a satisfied smile she pulled her pants down low enough until her dark-blue leathery and sweaty sack was revealed along with the shape, one of her various viewers from the multiverse, winded and covered with sweat and the musk of her crotch but otherwise unharmed. With a snap of her fingers and a glow of her horn they were whisked back to their world and she scooted back forwards without pulling her pants back up before talking back to her stream. “10 and a half minutes viewers, that’s the time you have to beat, whoever can withstand being trapped against my nuts while worshipping them longer than that, they get a special weekend with your loving princess~...now, who’s next?”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years ago
“Heeeyyyy Habuko!” Someone called out to the snake faced heroine coaxing her into turning around to see no one, well no one visible at least but she could see her clothes at least.
“Yes Toru did you need something?” She asked as she turned around to face the invisible gal, revealing a noticeable pot-belly that she was resting her hand upon, something that only caught Hagakure’s eyes for a moment before she asked her question.
“Yeah have you see Tsuyu anywhere? I know she went on patrol with you a few days ago and I was wondering if she wanted to go pants shopping for that big ol’ butt of hers!” Toru stated crassly before letting out a soft giggle while the serpent heroine reached up and stroked her scaly chin before shaking her head.
“No sorry, I haven’t seen her since we finished that patrol and had some lunch.” She answered as she lightly patted her gut causing the invisible gal’s shoulder’s to visibly slump.
“Aw, all right then let me know if you see her around later~” Toru stated as she went on her way and it was a good thing too as a build up of gas within Habuko’s gut pressed it’s way up her long throat and out of her mouth, along with something else.
Thankfully she was able to catch the object before it clattered onto the ground, the shiny, white skull of the frog heroine that was slightly deformed by the acid and pressure of her stomach. 
“Still so jumpy even in this state...” She sighed out before lifting the skull up to her open mouth and inserted it into her maw and swallowing it, rendering it back into a lump in her throat and then her gut. Sure it would’ve been easier to just find a hidden area to dump the heroine’s skull and the rest of her bones but tossing up so many jagged pieces would make her throat sore for ages, besides this felt so much more fitting as Tsuyu did willingly give herself up to Habuko as a meal so she now she and every part of her belonged to the predatory heroine, from her succulent flesh of her fat ass and the bones inside her, she even liked to think she held her very soul within her twisting guts.  Just thinking of her favorite meal made her mouth water and her heart skip, she couldn’t wait until Tsuyu’s bones were melted down into mush and added to her form to add another to her form, be it hero of villain. Even though none would quite satisfy her as Tsuyu had. It certainly wouldn’t stop her from trying.”
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