#omg im kidding pffff
mercurygguk · 2 years
💌 get to know me ; tag game
thanks for the tag @rkivian <3
tagging; @kookingtae @chryblossomjjk @sxtaep @jimilter @taegularities @caelesjjk @daimyosjeon
are you named after anyone? no, not that i know of kejfjsk
when was the last time you cried? oh ummm not too long ago, can’t remember why tho
do you have kids? pffff when i tell you kids give me a twitching eye and severe anger issues- no thank yew
do you use sarcasm? yes all the time omg its like my second language lmao
what’s the first thing you notice about people? how they smell and how the atmosphere is between us
what’s your eye colour? brown-green ish
scary movies or happy endings? happy endings :’) im a hopeless romantic at heart
any special talents? i can reach my nose with my tongue 😎
what are your hobbies? writing, reading, pc/merch collecting
where were you born? Europe/Scandinavia
do you have any pets? no😭😭😭😭😭😭
what sports do you play/have played? handball, soccer, swimming, gymnastics, horse back riding
dream job? an author and/or journalist
favourite subject in school? english
how tall are you? 173 cm
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snowedinpodcast · 4 years
Hit the read more for the transcript <3
Let’s Walk: Soft Spoken with a Broken Jaw [Transcript]
“With the birds I share this lonely view, and/with the birds I share this lonely view …” 
I don’t normally read pre-written statements aloud for these, but this really encapsulates how I feel about that song in particular … and it feels important? It feels bigger than myself, so I just wanna … wanna immortalize it, I guess. It’s about the lyric, specifically, um, “soft spoken with a broken jaw, step outside but now to brawl, and …,” and what I wrote is: 
Why's this feel so achingly familiar? It's the sort of person I want to be. Yet, standing up for myself and being relentless is as much a point of pride as it is a vice for me. It's part of me I'm deeply proud of and deeply frustrated with. So like? In another life, I'd be a soft spoken—I’d be soft spoken with a broken jaw, y'know. It's a way of personhood I admire the hell out of but I can't bring myself to actually be it. It isn't for me. But I treasure it.
And I think that’s exactly it. Something someone I used to really care about told me was you can mold yourself into the person that you want to be. It’s not like this is super profound or anything, like, yeah, he’s—this person who said this to me is very smart and will go places and I believe that. But, it’s just that … I hadn’t believed it until he had said it to me; I think because I watched him do it. I watched him … shapeshift? 
I’ve always felt very me my whole life—I’m pretty sure everyone does, one, one can hope—but somehow my positive traits, the things I favor about myself, have felt more static … no! They’ve felt more dynamic than the things that I want to work on about myself. My vices feel really rooted. To give you another lyric, from a band who broke my heart … and who I don’t think about anymore, “I speak my mind whenever I feel slighted” [voice drops so low that the end of the lyric is inaudible]. I can’t sing that lyric properly ‘cause it goes too low! Um—no, I’ll try again. [Pitches the lyric higher than previous attempt] “I speak my mind whenever I feel slighted.” That was closer. [Sigh]. ‘Cause it’s true. [Laughs] that’s what I like about you! No, that wasn’t where I was trying to go with that. 
It’s true. When I get, when I … It’s not even just when I get upset, it’s when I feel like someone … isn’t listening to me. It’s when I feel like someone is putting me down, whether or not they’re actually doing that, it’s when I feel slighted that I get so angry and that I have to shout louder and stomp harder and prove to this person—who already is belittling me and therefore doesn’t think I’m worth anything—that I’m worth something. How useless is that? Getting angrier at a person who laughs and says “aw, you’re so cute and harmless when you’re angry” is not going to make them … respect you. Because they’re laughing at your anger in the first place! 
It’s the way yelling is this strategy I keep going back to to try and express to people how much something matters to me [even though] I understand what being yelled at feels like. I know it doesn’t make me feel more willing to change my mind. It’s just so deceptive. Yelling is so deceptive. In the moment I feel like I am making a power move but what I’m actually doing is pushing people away from me and I hate that. I hate that it feels like I’m doing something meaningful and I don’t realize that’s not true until I’m distanced from that occasion. Hindsight 20/20, yknow? 
I’ve been able to pick up new skills, I’ve been able to meet new people and develop new interests and find beauty—and if not beauty, find interest—in things I hadn’t considered before. But I can’t shake this yelling thing. [Sigh]. It’s like I have infinite good in me but finite bad, and I don’t know which orientation is better? I don’t know if it’s better to have finite good and in—well, I guess it’s not … but see, the thing about having finite good with infinite capability for bad is that you’ll never dip below however much good you start with. That’s a given. It’s a constant Y, right, for a changing X ... on the graph. You—it’ll always just be a line, a horizontal line, it’ll stay constant. I meant, in a, in a grid plane? What? What’re those called? Y’know? You have the Y axis going north-south and then you have the X axis going east-west? Yeah, that. 
But the thing I have, the way it is for me, I have finite bad and infinite good. At least—well, maybe that’s a little bit … maybe I’m flattering myself because I’m sure I have the capacity to pick up more bad habits. But my personal, biased self-assessment is that it’s so hard to shake the things about myself that I want to shake, they feel stuck in me, but at least I don’t feel like I’ve gotten significantly worse—significantly more unhealthy—in terms of how I relate to people and express myself. I’ve stayed at about the same level of decent, but could do better. And that sucks in its own way! ‘Cause I feel like I’m still here while everyone else is progressing in life. 
And then this taps into a whole other set of things, where … being asexual and not tapping into attraction on this level that feels like—that, that feels like—everybody else is able to get … I don’t know what I’m missing out on, so I don’t miss it, but I feel a loss somehow … and that’s tough. I feel static in that way. And don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty to be proud of too. There’s plenty of drama I don’t have to deal with and there’s a sort of quiet solemnity in my soul, I guess. Zero doesn’t have a value, per se, but it’s a placeholder that’s as important as any other digit. [Sigh]. I don’t know. I don’t know. 
I don’t think I’d be the same person if I … if I was soft spoken with a broken jaw. Because that’s the only option there is, right, I couldn’t have been soft spoken from the beginning. The broken jaw implies one used to brawl or one used to get pulled into brawls whether or not they started it. But now soft spoken, or perhaps always soft spoken, one didn’t want to be in these altercations, however they ended up there. It’s the history in that line, it’s, it’s that implication of reform—I think that’s also what gets me, what feels its way into my heart, y’know? ‘Cause maybe that line is offering me a venue through which to unstick myself? ‘Cause if he could go from breaking his jaw every other week to stepping outside but not to brawl, then maybe so can I. [Exhale].
This is sort of an offshoot to the, um, to the brawling thing, but … I’ve also given myself a lot of crap over the years for caring about romance. For trying to figure out how I feel about it, how what I am capable of feeling stacks up against the majority of everyone else's experiences. It’s so hard to tell because one person’s flirtatious action is another person’s platonic action, and also different actions can hold different weight for different people or for different relationships held by the same person, yknow? It’s all very context-based, I think, for the most part. So romance kind of means anything? And, like, what constitutes sexual contact also has a range? And that’s why communicating with your partners is so important, so everyone’s on the same page about where, where the attractions are and what things people like and what actions mean in these various contexts. [Sigh].
What I’m trying to say is, I have given in to this implication—it's not an implication—to this outright labelling of being interesting in romance as stupid and shallow, particularly if you occupy a feminine space in the world. Like, no one’s dumber than a girl who cares about kissing people. That’s what I’ve been taught to believe and that’s what I’ve internalized and that’s probably what I’ve projected outwards too—especially in middle school, hashtag “not like those other girls”—and I want to be better than that, and I think I have gotten better than that. 
So part of this ongoing journey to be better than that is to forgive myself, I guess, for caring about not just relationships but the identity aspects to these thoughts? Thinking about relationships is not inherently stupid because life is short and relating to people is one of the most beautiful things that there is out there, in the same way that pure, unadulterated solitude is equally beautiful. And, like, chipmunks are beautiful, like, there’s so many things! Ballads, piano ballads! Like, there’s so many things that are beautiful and worthwhile and relationships are one of them. Romantic, platonic, familial, what have you. So caring about that isn’t stupid, and I’ll repeat that until I believe it, and I’ll forgive myself for caring. And I will forgive my past self for trying to act like she didn't care. It’s ok, little idiot, you’re fine. 
I think this does tie into why I feel like I have to fight. I’m just so prepared to be laughed at or to be challenged … and I think part of that is, I believe stereotype—like, I believe that people are more done in by stereotypes than, maybe, they actually are? I anticipate the worst in others because that’s kind of a coping mechanism that’s kind of a safety thing; if I expect the worst then I’ll be prepared for the worst and if the worst comes to pass, then I will be emotionally and hopefully also physically prepared for it. But what turns out, what ends up happening, is people are are actually a lot kinder to me and a lot more genuinely interested in what I’m on about … so by being so willing to fight, as a coping mechanism for what might happen, I end up pushing people away and making these situation worse by bursting out and being aggressive and hostile. And that’s not fair … to me, but especially to the people I’m talking to who are not treating me the way my outburst—they haven’t earned the outburst! And then sometimes they do, but the ratio is off. I outburst way more than people deserve. And I understand why I do it … and I forgive myself for why I do it. 
I get it, I get that you are scared, ‘cause I am scared, ‘cause I feel that too. I am right here with you all of the time. But dude, you are going to be happier and healthier if you figure out how to trust people just a little bit. Just a little bit. I’m not asking you to become soft spoken with a broken jaw. I’m not asking you to get your jaw broken. I’m asking you to get your jaw maybe a little bruised, ok? I’m asking you to risk it. [Exhale]. 
Thank you for this. I love you.
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femgirlfriend-moved · 2 years
You in the queue? Ahh right. What's up mate? Alright boss? Er, yeah. let's have a look. You got any steak bakes? Excellent Ruuahhh. I would like - 2 sausage rolls please pal [weird, these blokes dont say pal irl], 3 steak bakes, bacon roll - You stopped breakfast at 11?! RAAAUGH. But I wanted a bacon roll with brown sauce to go with all my meat products! Im a big boy - don't you see that? UUueyy. Yes please. Err could you add on a couple of uhh Chicken bakes please on there please pal? Ehhh 2 more steak bakes, 3 more sausage rolls, and that'll be it pal. Oh a cappucino please mate. For the wife. Oh - vegan steak bake please mate...PFFFF hahahha! Just kidding mate - if I'm vegan, my wife is Pamela Anderson! Whaayyyy! Sorry I didn't mean it! Thanks very much pal! Do I want chocolate on my cappucino? Obviously hehey! More sugar is more happy! Thanks mate *slurp* *RHARHARYRU*
HELP for a sec i was like what the fuck is happening then i realized what u were telling me 😭😭😭 thank you scream i had no idea those were actual sentences he was saying how are u guys even understanding is beyond me this is actually so funny omg
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com, kh3 spoilers:
PFFFF been meaning to ramble about this since i first started com but like
i know sora’s self esteem issues aren’t new and that the build up of it has been there since day 1. it’s the whole reason he wanted to share a paopu with kairi, bc riku was always besting sora and sora wanted to beat riku at something for once
gonna say it now, girls/partners aren’t fucking trophies fuck off.
lol anyway, SORA’S self esteem issues!! at the beginning of CoM! omg i love this detail sm—
CoM has a whole different combat system right? So when sora sets foot into castle oblivion, he forgets all his fighting knowledge and abilities. literally.
and he has to learn the new system, the card system (card system my beloved). and i just LOVE—ABSOLUTELY LOVE—how the player’s inexperience with the new system, their unfamiliarity, translates IN GAME, to sora being out of his depth.
what does this result in? every step of the way through traverse (the first world), everyone is calling sora’s skill into question. the first org member we encounter, who gives us our first tutorial. Donald and Goofy, notably, say sora’s skills are getting rusty (i think? it was the beginning of the game ok i don’t remember the exact quote lol). Leon, doubting sora with every other sentence.
and what’s most interesting is sora’s reaction! bc it GETS TO HIM at first! we see that he’s uncomfortable, that he doesn’t fully have confidence in himself all of a sudden. He gets angry, offended,
and it all reads like it’s just grown ups teasing the kid hero, and the kid hero being all pouty and huffy about it. but kh isn’t that. sora isn’t that.
he clearly doesn’t fucking like this, doesn’t like feeling weak, but esp doesn’t like people thinking he’s weak. it’s fucking crazy! that this is just there! in fucking card game world.
is that we get to see the fucking moment sora flips his switch. he goes from being angry and defensive, to suddenly being cocky and cheeky, self assured, SO certain that so and so needs his help, etc.
like it happens right there in traverse! you KNOW that he’s fucking forcing it, bc where the fuck did his anger disappear to? sora ISNT a happy go lucky kind of guy, he FORCES himself to be.
he’s forcing his confidence, literally fucking acting, lying through his fucking teeth, and it’s INSANE. bc it’s so SO obvious seeing the cOMPLETE change in attitude. it’s a whole ass 180 !!
im obv making it sound like he’s going Hulk on screen which he’s not, it’s just after being more familiar with his mental state, that beginning part of CoM is suddenly, such an eye opener, for me personally. i just love that i got to see it.
i can see how people would think his kh3 breakdown was ooc or came out of nowhere but when you see shit like this, in a fucking gameboy game, it’s amazing. the repressed anger, the defensiveness that initially comes across as tropey, the cockiness that’s uncharacteristic in regards to himself.
(like, sora is a cheeky little shit, don’t get me wrong, but usually it’s all in good humor, during moments with his friends. when he plays up the act RIGHT after four people in a row tell him they doubt he can handle himself, it’s obviously uncharacteristic.)
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incorrect-au-master · 4 years
Who are the three kids best friends and how did they meet?
*after several drinks*
Dionysus: *21 years old* I love you man, yo- you are my best friend...
Silenus: Nah nah nah nah. YOU are my best friend...
Silenus: Wait, wha- what was your name again?...
Dionysus: Pffff... IDK dude, im so hammered...
Silenus: I love you Hammered!
(He’s also good friends with Eros, since they are roommates)
*in one of Zeus’ parties*
Hades: Alright your royal majesty. You can stay here playing with the other children, ok?
Macaria: *6 years old* Ok daddy...
Macaria: *alone* *staring at Hebe*
Hebe: *notices and haves her hand smiling*
Triton: *pops out of a ball pool* HI THERE!
Macaria: EEP! You startled me! 
Triton: Sowee :P
Hestia: Girls, everyone say hello to our new member: Melinoe, goddess of ghosts.
Melinoe: *16 years old* H-hi... um...
Iris: I love your hair! Did you die it? Doesn’t look like it, but mine is natural. Dark and white are not my fav colours but they look so good on you!
Melinoe: *awkward*... what just happened?
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nyanzaya · 5 years
@unstabletm replied to your post: HMMMM I wonder if Izaya loves himself if he...
im kinda emo omg…
oh but heres the best part:
“Izaya Orihara was not an abnormal being like Celty or an invincible warrior like Shizuo Hewiwajima. He was perfectly human. He was not even the calm and mechanical type, the sort would kill without emotion. He was a regular person through and through. It was simply that he simultaneously possessed both the greed of a normal human being and the will to violate taboos if they stood in his way. He was not some charismatic mad villain; he just lived true to his interests.
Back in high school, Shinra Kishitani told Izaya, “You know,you tend toward the evil side, but you’re not totally evil. But you don’t have a shred of goodness either. If I had to sum you up in one word, it would be--sickening. I mean that as a compliment, though.” Izaya sorted with a derision at his friend’s comment, but he knew it to be totally accurate. He forced his targets to be sick, spitting up their true natures, and he calmly observed from a distance safe from the splatter. He just observed human nature. Whether it was lofty ideals or contemptible bile that was spat up, Izaya loved and treasured all the answers equally. They were all facets of the humanity he loved so much. And today, he began a new game intended to expose the nature of people. The players were assembled. The board was open. He just had to roll the dice. “Time to give those sweet, sweet kids a Raira a little present.”
“Just the right level of danger to promote a healthy level of personal growth.”
Izaya Orihara thought to himself... It’s fine being left out of the loop. The people sleeping inside of the tent can’t kill the mosquito flying outside. All I have to do is buzz my nosy little wings as loud as I can. Over and over, without stopping, until the people inside slowly, inescapably go mad. “A proper youth needs some thrills to spice it up.” 
When we both know. That. Izaya is lying because it’s not find that he was left out of the loop. He’s literally that upset and petty that he’s going to...basically do what he said lol. Give those sweet sweet kids a present and a some good healthy personal growth.
Whaaat?? You think that’s bad?? Pffff to Izaya it’s perfectly sound and makes so much sense. It’s good for them! Let the kids finally get some personal growth lmfao
Izaya fiddled with his phone as he walked. Shizuo Heiwajima, Simon, and his own two little troublemaker sisters.  He had numerous foes in Ikeburkuo.
He considers his sisters as foes LMFAOOOO IZAYA PLEASE
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baekhvuns · 2 years
-I also want to say that I LOVE watching, reading about creepy, horror stuff and when that anklet ghost came I WAS HAUSBSJAIGZBA 🤩🤩🤩🤩 I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. I LOVE EVERYTHING DAAAARK EVIL MYSTERIOUS hahaha
-Just to add, again it wasn’t rushed jusst one thing- now Misss Baekhvunsieee why do we hate children in this house? Hahaha
I am NOT criticising don’t get me wrong, don’t hate mee 😔 hm how do I say this, It’s not that I didn’t feel the connection with their children, there was but didn’t see her having interaction with them a lot, to know their personalities better but again it’s completely understandable because it was more focused on her time travel, getting out of there and Seonghwa.
Look, I love kids okay. That’s why I’m like this hahah. Especially when I see fathers with their daughters. That’s my weakness. And if Seonghwa is the father?? Pffff
I work with kids actually, I’m a dancer but I’m also a dance teacher. I have 2 groups of girls that I teach how to dance and make choreos for them (one aged 6-8 and the other 9-12/13) and let me tell you.. it is not easy. At all. There are some reallyyyy well raised kids I congratulate their parents but there are some… I WANT TO 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 but I CAN’T. But for those nice kids, when they give me their drawings of me and them and say the nicest words that make me cry this job is worth it. So yeah, sorry I love kids 😂
And now whenever you mentioned YS in your works I immediately think of Miss Starry 😂😂
Add one more (not new) thing. I’m sad I’m sad you broke me. When they said ,,No employee on the name KHJ and then no Yunho mamaaaa I WANNA CRYYYYY
I’m so sorryy for all of this, it’s long again and I was afraid didn’t know if I should send this, please don’t hate me😔♥️
I also want to say that I LOVE watching, reading about creepy, horror stuff and when that anklet ghost came I WAS HAUSBSJAIGZBA 🤩🤩🤩🤩 I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. I LOVE EVERYTHING DAAAARK EVIL MYSTERIOUS hahaha
Just to add, again it wasn’t rushed jusst one thing- now Misss Baekhvunsieee why do we hate children in this house? Hahaha
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 i like the quiet kids BUT the others 🔫🔫 hA don’t come near me 😭😭 pls
I am NOT criticising don’t get me wrong, don’t hate mee 😔 hm how do I say this, It’s not that I didn’t feel the connection with their children, there was but didn’t see her having interaction with them a lot, to know their personalities better but again it’s completely understandable because it was more focused on her time travel, getting out of there and Seonghwa.
OH NO WORRIES!!! for the kids part i recommended reading duke and his general before reading khronus so it would make sense with the interactions and all 😭😭😭 + mafia hwa can be read too to see the interaction between the kids dbdbdb
Look, I love kids okay. That’s why I’m like this hahah. Especially when I see fathers with their daughters. That’s my weakness. And if Seonghwa is the father?? Pffff
I work with kids actually, I’m a dancer but I’m also a dance teacher. I have 2 groups of girls that I teach how to dance and make choreos for them (one aged 6-8 and the other 9-12/13) and let me tell you.. it is not easy. At all. There are some reallyyyy well raised kids I congratulate their parents but there are some… I WANT TO 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 but I CAN’T. But for those nice kids, when they give me their drawings of me and them and say the nicest words that make me cry this job is worth it. So yeah, sorry I love kids 😂
omg 😭😭😭😭 smol kids trying to learn dance 😭😭😭 OH OKAY MISS DANCE TEACHER OKAY OKAY don’t be shy teach them ateez BRQNDHWKHDWK SOME KIDS MAKE ME 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫✊🏼 SO BAD AAAAAAA,,, drawings 😭😭😭🤚🏼 i used to like lunch monitor a kindergarten class and like they’d all be in their uniforms and they’d be so tiny and then they’d open their mouths and i lose interest.
i like kids if they r hwa’s <3
And now whenever you mentioned YS in your works I immediately think of Miss Starry 😂😂
Add one more (not new) thing. I’m sad I’m sad you broke me. When they said ,,No employee on the name KHJ and then no Yunho mamaaaa I WANNA CRYYYYY
omg did u notice the mention of the witch who gave hongjoong his power and how she’s from yunho’s kingdom,,,, guess who that might be to yunho-
I’m so sorryy for all of this, it’s long again and I was afraid didn’t know if I should send this, please don’t hate me😔♥️
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bwicblog · 7 years
02-24-2018 [MAFIA: UV+KUA]
CAC RIGHT NOW opened memo on 8oard BWIC MAFIA HIDEOUT.
CURRENT gladsomeGluttony [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CGG: oh dear
CAC: hahaha.
CAC: you'll do fine, don't worry!
CAC: just kill people creatively, i guess.
CGG: :'V
CGG: im not good at thaaaat
CGG: wheres the other one??
CAC: don't worry, i've got your back.
CGG: thank you :'O
CAC: tomie is a coldblooded killer. i totally watched him rip off someone's head once.
CGG: whaaaaaaaat
CAC: he's totally going to, like, have this down pat.
CAC: for real. just like, wow.
CAC: totally feral.
CAC: scared me half witless.
CGG: seriously??
CAC: i still have daymares, it's terrible.
CAC: yes!
CAC: i was emotionally traumatised, not even going to lie to you.
CGG: or are you only saying this because you kind of like him ;O
CGG: im not even sure if thats just a rumor, pfffff
CCC made BD an OP.
CGG: so you /do/ like hi-
CCC took away BD's OP powers.
CURRENT bubblegumDiva [CBD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CBD: hiii
CGG: heyyyyy ;V
CAC: ha!
CAC: there we go.
CAC: tell me who you're killing.
CGG: i thought tomie was coming?
CGG: ..but im not sure! bd, who do you want to cull?
CAC: no, tomie can go fuck himself with something prickly.
CAC: he had his chance, and now it is gone.
CGG: oh dear.
CBD: hmmmm
CBD: i dont know
CBD: why don't you pick
CGG: i think im picking tomie so kua and him can /stop flooding the chat/
CBD: yes i agree
CAC: hahaha.
CAC: okay, give me a death method.
CAC: or, man, you know, you could totally -
CAC: nope.
CAC: can't offer tips.
CAC: zipping my lips.
CGG: what? :O
CGG: nooo, tell us!
CAC: nope!
CAC: tell me how to kill him so i can write this up.
CBD: stuff him in a canon ball
CGG: yes!! perfect
CBD: and launch him into the cold vaccumous depths of space
CGG: ..in a cannon or in a ball?
CBD: vacuumous
CGG: wooooow bd
CBD: cannon
CGG: thats so mean!
CBD: look 
CGG: ...kuaaa
CBD: he's talking about helm kink
CGG: can you make a pun on shooting for the stars about it?
CAC: oh man.
CAC: i don't know if my translator will work with that.
CGG: awwwww
CAC: but let's do it!
CBD ceased responding to memo.
CAC: spit out who we're murdering today, kids.
CGG: iiii would like to cull someone who gets along with tomie?
CGG: so hes not lonely in the other chat :V
CURRENT bubblegumDiva [CBD] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CBD: why?
CBD: omg
CGG: being alone in there sucks! >:V
CBD: he and wc seemed to get along
CBD: but uhhh
CGG: i dont thiiiink shes playing?
CBD: she's not in the game!
CGG: aw :(
CBD: and im not sure he gets along with most the others
CGG: deeefinitely not vadaya, he seemed pretty mad at him
CBD: vadaya and him seem to be 
CBD: acquaintences?
CGG: ...
CGG: he just ordered him around!
CBD: yes but they have a mutual friend
CGG: okayyy
CGG: then lets cull him!
CGG: but no drowning! thats so /mean/ >:V
CBD: he's been drowned an awful lot
CBD: and has gill slits cut, and all sorts of awful things
CGG: hoooonestly
CGG: poor vadaya!
CAC: uhh. well, i'm going to put this out here:
CAC: why don't you, say, kill off id, instead?
CAC: because i heard tomie and id get along pretty great.
CGG: why? :O
CAC: the red one, not the pink one.
CGG: ohhhh
CAC: i bet he'll really appreciate his presence in limbo!
CGG: thats hadean, kua >:V
CAC: like, way more than vadaya.
CAC: oh, shit, so it is.
CGG: were killing vadaya!
CAC: yes, hadean's friends with basically everyone.
CAC: are you sure you want to kill vadaya?
CGG: >:V
CBD: yes 
CAC: i'm just saying, you could totally kill hadean, and make tomie's entire night.
CGG: are you talking to tomie in the limbo chat?
CBD: hadean's a wild card 
CAC: absolutely not.
CBD: vadaya plays like he knows what he's doing
CAC: why would i be talking to tomie in the limbo chat?
CBD: we should definitely take out the one who knows what he's doing first
CGG: because you like him, and you dont want vadaya in there to keep you from flirting! ;O
CBD: for game things
CGG: ...and also that°!
CBD: .... lol
CGG: leeets cull him with sleeping pills
CBD: poison. okay!
CBD: just stir it intoooo
CBD: coffee. 
CGG: coooffee? 
CBD: he seems like a coffee kind of person
CGG: perfect! he seems like he needs it ;O
CGG: pfffffffffffff
CGG: who were you again?
CBD: me?
CBD: oh i'm gertie
CGG: hi gertie! im matcha ;V
CBD: i suppose i don't get a lot of introductions when i'm busy running the game
CGG: pffff
CGG: thats a pity! youre really nice
CBD: aww thanks!
CCC made BD an OP.
CBD: oops
CBD: dang it
CCC took away BD's OP powers.
CAC: okay, okay, let me write everything up.
CBD: ....
CGG: you have to type what we tell you! >:V
CAC: =:V
CAC: i am helping, dude.
CGG: i cant believe you!!
CBD: this is a blatant disregard
CAC: you, like.
CGG: youre helping yourself and no one else!
CAC: made a shitty choice, and i decided to fix it.
CAC: you will thank me in the long run.
CAC: trust me!
CGG: you cant do that°!
CAC: i am only looking out for your totally best interests here.
CAC: aww.
CAC: i thought i was in charge of the game, and making sure everyone has fun?
CGG: youre putting your fling over the game here! >:V
CAC: nooo, i am just making sure that tomie and i can still have fun, and so will you guys.
CAC: duh.
CGG: being told what to do isnt fun, i go to work for that!
CAC: do you know how much it sucks that vadaya pops out of the bushes every time we try to flirt is?
CAC: because it totally sucks.
CBD: its called get a pm
CAC: god, no, he's hooked in.
CAC: they're probably reading every pm he does.
CAC: do you think i want technichians reading my messages/
CAC: uh, no.
CAC: that'd be super gross.
CAC: i'm not an exhibitionist, here.
CBD: but he can't do that with the _memos_
CAC: absolutely not.
CAC: who wants to read you guys chatter?
CGG: i thiiiink theyre probably reading this too?
CGG: i would, if i was a helmstech!
CAC: wow, matcha.
CAC: way to be nosy.
CGG: ...
CGG: i would just be doing my job! >:V
CAC: okay, but, wow, guess i'm leaving, since bd is banning me from everything.
CAC: jerks.
CAC: =:'V
CBD: byeee
CGG: whaaaaaat
CBD: sorry!
CGG: oh noooo
CBD: but you broke the rules
CGG: :'V
CBD: you're just banned from hosting!
CBD: you can still play
CAC: no, no, that's fine.
CAC: .. i might play, i'm not sure. hmm.
CAC: we'll see!
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star1a · 7 years
you are insane omg but fine
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
Uhh probably :P
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Don’t have one~
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
im working on it
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6. What are you excited for?
already answered 7. What happened tonight?
last night? cause if so i talked to my
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
i think it’s gross and not good when anyone does it especially cause it aint already good for you
9. Is confidence cute?
hmm sometimes
10. What is the last beverage you had?
soda it was either doctor pepper or coke or a milkshake whops
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
uhhh a fair amount probably too many maybe tho
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
i dunno yet
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
probably food or a video game
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
havent kissed anyone~
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
hmm maybe??
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
already answered
18. The last time you felt broken?
when dont i pffff
19. Have you had sex today?
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i dunno man that im a really big idiot probably
21. Are you in a good mood?
right now? cause i think so
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
nope i wish, he has blue eyes
24. What do you want right this second?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
i,,,,probably wouldnt,,,,,listen i have issues,,,,
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
well id like to think that if you date someone you truly like they’ll make you laugh without having to
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
my pal nolan
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
no but doesnt mean i wont give them one anyway or a third or a fourth,,,,
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no!! i love my boy!!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
i think so??
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
ew no i love soda
34. Listening to?
right now?  Illenium - Afterlife (feat. ECHOS)
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
almost always
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
havent kissed anyone yet
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
38. Who did you last call?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
i dont dance
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
i havent!
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
too long
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
idk i dont think so
44. Do you tan in the nude?
i dont even tan bro
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
i havent kissed anyone yet!!
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
more like the other way around
47. Who was the last person to call you?
48. Do you sing in the shower?
ahhh yeah kinda sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?
not really nop
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
i wish
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
i never have?? beside like school photos
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
sometimes cause some are ok
53. Is Christmas stressful?
uhh depends cause only sometimes
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
a what now
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
never had fruit pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
a veterinarian 
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
idk kinda 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
y E S
59. Take a vitamin daily?
i should but i always forget :(
60. Wear slippers?
when it’s cold
61. Wear a bath robe?
sometimes but mainly only when it gets really cold pff
62. What do you wear to bed?
pj’s! some stretchy pants that are really soft and an old kinda oversized t shirt
63. First concert?
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
uh probably target or walmart
65. Nike or Adidas?
nike??? idk what the other one is
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
depends on the mood
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
depends also bc i like both
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
fuck idk
69. Ever take dance lessons?
i tried to take ballet when i was younger but i always moved too much so it never happened
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
together? no? maybe just living together one day though yknow
71. Can you curl your tongue?
yep!! p fun to do too
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
god no i suck so much at spelling
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
74. What is your favorite book?
hmm either a Wrinkle in time the graphic novel or like harry potter series or Throne of glass series
75. Do you study better with or without music?
depends, sometimes one,, sometimes another
76. Regularly burn incense?
i wanna say no but i also dont remember what incense is so
77. Ever been in love?
i wanna say so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
oohhh i wanna see uh imagine dragons or melanie martinez (i think i spelled that wrong heck)
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Lindsey Stirling
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
uhh cold???/ i dont really have tea or anything
81. Tea or coffee?
coffee?? as i said i dont have much tea and have apparently only ever had it like twice
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
i think i swim ok
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
yeah but not for as long
85. Are you patient?
n o
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ pls
87. Ever won a contest?
i won like 2nd or third place in a robotics competition once
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Whatever the heck people want personally i wouldnt care tbh
91. Best room for a fireplace?
living room????
92. Do you want to get married
i wouldnt mind but idk it’s a lot of money and kinda dumb and divorce is so much of a hassle i mean plus if you love someone enough you wouldnt need to get married and put hand cuffs to make sure yknow??
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82 Truths
Tagged by @withnosuchgrace who should be washing the dishes while ditching me but know I see what she up to smh... and @dragonsfire as well (I followed her a couple of days ago and omg such good quality content)!!! 
Thanks for the tag, too long but yeah Im too bored so that must do lol.
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
name: Angela
blood type: am I supposed to know that??? lol
nickname(s): Tange, Tangela, Tonks, Ann, Annie, Ange, Angel, Angelita, Angelain, Angelé, Angelik... this could go on and I wouldnt be alive to finish smh... 
r/s: engaged to my bed
zodiac sign: leo
pronouns: idek how this works and it’s weird to me but i guess it’d be she/her??? dont ask me Im still clueless
favorite tv shows: Im currently rewatching Digimon Adventure and after 18 years it’s still mah shit tbh. Besides that Im The Flash trash (even tho the last season was indeed trash) and I love Criminal Minds and basically any kind of crime solving shows... 
long or short hair: long, I cut it higher than my shoulders 7 years ago... NEVER AGAIN
height: 1,70m but every time i go to the doctor they keep taking cm away from me so... i might be 1,30m by now
do you have a crush on someone: Lee Minhyuk like a legit crush man... I dont sleep thinking about that fucker.
what do you like about yourself: hard question... nope... Ive been thinking about this for too long and nothing ycomes up... I guess I like it when I make people laugh even with my lame ass jokes, and the fact I can remember most of my dreams.
right or left handed: right
list of three favourite colors: pastel pink, light green and any shade of grey.
right now: eating: nothing I had dinner a couple of hours ago drinking: water how sad is dat i’m about to: watch digimon listening to: I Smile by Day6 kids: hell no (at least rn i dont think i want them now or in the future) get married: It’s not my dream but yeah why not? career: Im one semester away from finishing uni and I honestly have no idea about what Im doing with my life tbh
most recent: drink: water again... phone call: my friend, I wanted them gossip but she told me she wouldnt tell me till we meet up next tuesday :(((( song you listened to: Dumb Dumb by Red Velvet what a fucking jam
have you ever: dated someone twice: yes been cheated on: no kissed someone and regretted it: nah lost someone special: lots of times been depressed: Idrk I think not but maybe I have??? Once more, clueless been drunk and thrown up: ew no... I hate throwing up kissed a stranger: too picky had glasses or contacts: glasses had sex on the first date: not my shit broken someone’s heart: I dont think so????... at least not intentionally turned someone down: ???? cried when someone died: yeah fallen for a friend: the dude wasnt even my friend lol but I still fell for him lol
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yes!!!! esp on tumblr bc irl I havent tbh (unless my boss counts lol) fallen out of love: nah laughed until you cried: hell yes I have not as often as before but yeah met someone who changed you: idek how to answer this question Im just dumb found out who your true friends were: saddly yes, now I see I have really few but they are all worth it :))) found out someone was talking about you: my mom... all the time and some “friends” talking shit kissed someone on your fb list: yes
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes (but if we are talking about Lee Minhyuk, lips, eyes, cheeks and everything) hugs or kisses: both lol, but Im a hoe for backhugs so I think I’d go for hugs if I had to choose???:((( shorter or taller: I rather taller but if it’s shorter like Jinho I die bc if they smol they cute af romantic or spontaneous:  romance makes me throw up so you know the answer sensitive or loud: LOUD AF!!!!! hookup or relationship: relationship, I fall in love with the dude just by seeing him... like just imagine that... once more Im dumb troublemaker or hesitant: idk... I like none
first: best friend: on kindergarten, her name was Valentina but then she moved out of town, I havent heard from her since then :((((  surgery: none sport i joined: Judo bc I didnt have to run lmao  vacation: I think it was to Santa Marta with my aunt and cousins if Im not wrong????
do you believe in: yourself: pffff what’s that? miracles: yes!!! Im hoping for one actually love at first sight: well I tend to get obsessed at first sight does that count? heaven: yes
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: I think maybe an 80 or 90%??? There was this time when I added random people from YouNow and shit hahahahaha for the third time, I am dumb, and I have some internet friends Im really close to. do you have any pets: not anymore :((( My mom made me give my cat away :(((((((((((( do you want to change your name: nah what did you do for your last birthday: invited my friends over and we ate cake and danced to hsm bc we are cool like that what time did you wake up today: 10.30am what were you doing last night at midnight: writing a monsta x fic lol  something you can’t wait for: to meet @withnosuchgrace in person next month and hopefully @hyungnu too!!!!! last time you saw your mom: at dinner a couple of hours ago what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: boy just one?  have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes this dude from YouNow hahahahaha why am I like this what’s getting on your nerves: that I usually beg for friendship. Don’t be like me, that aint something you must beg for.
Okay this was long hahahahaha. Time to tag peopleeee!!! Imma tag @hyungnu, @akpopinhoe, @kpoplover4life  (hi, my side blog is @kookievmyoppa, so dont be scared bc im tagging u, we are the same person lol), @itsurtradegygurl, @fornarniaandforthefandom and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
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THE 24/10/16 UPDATE
Woow, another liveblog from your favorite act omega liveblogger. Are there any other livebloggers out there i need to know.  So yeah, here we are with part 8! Big Vriska number for the win. Also only two updates away from double digits! Yeah, I’m not sure I thought this through with the whole update-update format, this might take a L OT of posts to get caught up. Luckily, I have no problem with making a fuckton of posts. Anyways, I think we left off with the kids, so lets hurry up and get back to them!
(Cant post the image. Here’s the link. http://mspfanventures.com/?s=16414&p=47)
GASP, IS thIS SOME MULTIPLE CHOICE SHIT? Well considering I’m forever going to be staying chronological, I suppose I should start with the one on the next page! 
A CHARACTER SELECTION MENU appears through the power of NON-LINEAR STORYTELLING. You know the drill by now, have some free will! Or just go in this order, if you think agency is overrated
Oh, that’s helpful. Great, I’ll start with ONE then.
The fact that you are a dedicated and loyal reader is obvious and indisputable, so of course you won’t be moving on ahead without having taken a gander at all of the options presented to you.
Obviously! what kinda brainless CHUMP would move on without you explicitly stating to? NOT ME.
Anyways, starting with ONE.
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PFt, woah their eyes. 
KANAYA: (Hey) ROXY: oh heeeeey! KANAYA: (Hey To You Again Except Slightly More Quietly) ROXY: (oh sorry)
It seems they gotta be quiet for reasons. H  m m M..
ROXY: (why r we whispering) KANAYA: (I Am Not Entirely Sure)
So they just need to be miss zuipPer lips for no reason then?
KANAYA: (That Just Seems To Be What Everyone Has Lapsed Into Doing) KANAYA: (And Now Speaking In A Normal Volume Will Draw More Attention Than Desired Especially When Attempting To Have A Private Conversation) ROXY: (im lovin this private convo already but you might need to make it snappy)
so everybodys just whispering? do they all got SECRETS? Also, what’s the hurry Roxy?
ROXY: (john looks about ready to get down n dirty with some srs leadership biz)
Oh yeah.
KANAYA: (Alright Then I Will Attempt To Be Brief) KANAYA: (I Wanted To Thank You Again) KANAYA: (For The Matriorb Certainly)
Alright cool! It seems that this Kanaya does remember Roxy giving her the good ol’ matriorb. 
KANAYA: (But Additionally For Everything Else You Have Accomplished Today) KANAYA: (I Know Being The One To Strike The Final Blow Against Our Shared Enemy In The Midst Of Battle Does Not Necessarily Warrant Gratitude But I Thought It Might Be Nice For You To Hear That What You Did Was Appreciated)
What she DID, was prove herself to be a goddamn BADASS. But honestly everybody here’s a badass one way or another. 
KANAYA: (At Least By Me) KANAYA: (On Behalf Of My Species As Well As All Those Who Suffered At The Behest Of The Condesce) KANAYA: (And All Those That May Now Be Born And Live Free Of Tyranny) KANAYA: (You Did Good)
Pft, nice. “Ya did good, kid.” 
ROXY: (omg i am cri)
goddammit these lines always manage to be fucking perfect.
ROXY: (that wasnt brief @ all but twas so so bootiful) ROXY: (gdi cmere moms big loveable space gf)
OK this doesn’t need to be stated, but I fucking love roxy.
KANAYA: (Um I Would Prefer It If We Saved The Hug For Later Maybe) ROXY: (aww ok thats cool)
KANAYA: (Anyway I Have Only Just Met You But You Have Already Proven Yourself To Be Just As Extraordinary An Individual As Your...) KANAYA: (Uh) KANAYA: (Rose)
Nice Kanaya.
ROXY: (as my rose?) KANAYA: (Yes Your Rose) ROXY: (;D)
ITS CONFIRMED, Rose is Roxy’s Rose. this conversation is so cute.
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See you’re still over there TZ. Whatcha lookin at? The uh... oh youre blind. what are you doing terezi?? come on girl, celebrate!
ROXY: (okay looks like john got distracted by somethin) ROXY: (so since we got a little more time to chat it up) ROXY: (and so long as were exchangin bomb as FUCK felicitations) ROXY: (youre not so shabby yourself yknow) ROXY: (like damn i was absolutely right youre one deadly customer)
Yeah no fuckin kidding, this girl knows how to kick ass.
ROXY: (seeing u whip out that BEASTLY CHAINSAW) ROXY: (was a sight to behold)
PFt, that was nothing. You should have seen when she single handedly put three of the most dangerous characters on the meteor out of commision. 
KANAYA: (I Really Did Not Do All That Much Surprisingly) KANAYA: (Or Perhaps Unsurprisingly) KANAYA: (I Am Not Sure If I Was Erring On The Side Of Caution After All) KANAYA: (Out Of Consideration For The Gift You Gave Me) KANAYA: (Or If Perhaps I Was Simply Unpracticed)
Well yeah, she didnt do as much in this battle as the others.  But like she said, she had the matriorb to keep safe. PLUS, she wasnt godtier. So yeah Kanaya, you’re excused from doing your makeup during the final epic battle.
ROXY: (who cares??) ROXY: (we WON) ROXY: (gave that witch what was COMING TO HER) ROXY: (and thats the end of that no point gettin our knickers all in a twist over it no more)
Roxy’s got the right idea. There doesn’t gotta be any more “proving yourself.” You did the battle, and you came out on top!  JUst be done with it.
KANAYA: (Yes I Suppose Youre Right) KANAYA: (Though I Do Wonder How Things Might Have Gone If I Had Attempted To Dust Off One Of The Old Fraymotifs)
Oh shit, Kanaya’s got fraymotifs? And also, you can use fraymotifs without being godtier?
oh. wait. terezi isnt godtier is she? Yeah, you totally can use fraymotifs without godtier.
ROXY: (no kidding!) ROXY: (yeah that woulda been pretty badass) ROXY: (we could have had a sick combo) ROXY: (void and...) ROXY: (uh) KANAYA: (Space) ROXY: (right yeah space)
Well too bad you’ll never have the opportunity to USE that sick deadly combo!
I am ONE HUNDRED percent sure that will be the case
i am SO SURE
nobody has to die anymore
completely sure.
KANAYA: (It May Have Indeed Been Sick But Upon Further Reflection Perhaps Not)
No kanaya, it would be SUPER fuckin badass dont even give me that shit.
ROXY: (wait rly) ROXY: (how come?) KANAYA: (I Dont Feel Like I Ever Got The Opportunity To Truly Get In Touch With My Aspect Like You) KANAYA: (It Has Never Seemed Pertinent That I Be Able To Cast Some Sort Of Spacey Enchantment) KANAYA: (In Fact I Have Yet To Stumble Across A Scenario I Could Not Handle Through More Traditional Methods) ROXY: (u mean a deadly body slam full a sharp metal teeth twice the length of your head) KANAYA: (Yes Precisely) KANAYA: (That Tends To Cover The Bases Pretty Well)
WELL, Chainsaws do seem to cover many different issues. Mainly the ones which involve somebody needing to be cut the fuck in half. But I dont know if being “In touch” with your aspect was ever really a thing. I mean, when did John become “in touch” with his aspect? He just sorta got the powers and did shit with them. i dont really know what that has to do with it- wait a goddamn second. People always associate the wind aspect with like independence and shit, right? And.. the last thing that happened before John went godtier, was a choice. Given to him by Vriska, who for the first time decided to step back and let him decide what to do on his own. Whether or not she would have owned up to what she said about letting him decide how to fall asleep, he still made the choice and went with it on is own. So maybe that’s got something to do with it.
Or maybe I’m just an idiot.
ROXY: (well you know what thats cool) ROXY: (u do u) ROXY: (besides) ROXY: (hopefully there wont be any more reason for you to wreck shit)
GOddammit stop saying shit like that
KANAYA: (That Would Be Ideal I Suppose) KANAYA: (However It Is Always Wise To Be Prepared) KANAYA: (Just In Case) ROXY: (ofc!) ROXY: (and hey) ROXY: (just cuz we won the game doesnt mean there wont be any more opportunities to like) ROXY: (explore yourself and your aspect) ROXY: (our cool powers are too friggin handy for them to just stop bein relevant once we walk thru a magic door)
ROXY: (maybe someday youll get the chance to blitz ur chakras and get spacey w it) ROXY: (and itll be at your own pace instead of having to rush it for the sake of fixing some giant spacetastrophe) KANAYA: (That Does Sound Nice)
KANAYA: (Considering Right Now I Am Very Unsure Of How To Even Begin Blitzing Those Particular Chakras) ROXY: (i bet u can ask john) ROXY: (hes rly good at givin advice for stuff like that)
ROXY: (tho he probably doesnt even know it pffff) KANAYA: (You Are Also Very Good At Giving Advice) KANAYA: (That Was Not Necessarily A Request I Simply Thought I Should Point That Out) ROXY: (TOO BAD youre gettin some anyway ;P) ROXY: (rly tho ive hardly even begun to wrestle my voidy powers into submission) ROXY: (still got a loooooong way to go on that front) ROXY: (but thus far most of my blitzing has just been like) ROXY: (being around the thing) ROXY: (and letting myself embrace this like) ROXY: (natural synergy i got going w it) KANAYA: (When You Say) KANAYA: (The Thing) KANAYA: (Do You Mean Nothing) KANAYA: (Considering Your Aspect Presides Over Literal Nothingness)
Yes Kanaya, this is exactly what she means.
ROXY: (pffft) ROXY: (yes thats what i mean :p) KANAYA: (Okay I Was Just Attempting To Clarify) KANAYA: (How Does One Surround Themselves With The Concept Of Nonexistence) ROXY: (i dunno!) ROXY: (when u put it that way it does sound pretty mind bending) ROXY: (i guess ive just been lucky?) ROXY: (or maybe the nothing is naturally attracted to me and lucks got nothin to do w it)
WELL YEAh, what isnt naturally attracted to you? Guys i just really love roxy help
ROXY: (but yeah i got that voidy ring @ one point) ROXY: (and when john started getting to fixing the timeline he took me to a place that felt like) ROXY: (the nothingest nothing to ever unexist) KANAYA: (That Sounds Interesting) KANAYA: (What Was It Like)
Probably nothing.
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THATS a cool panel right there.
ROXY: (well it was) ROXY: (white) ROXY: (but not pure white) ROXY: (just slightly off) ROXY: (and) ROXY: (it was super vast) ROXY: (but not like regular outer space where you can actually see stuff like stars stretch on and on til you cant see it anymore) ROXY: (which at least gives u a sense of distance) ROXY: (but instead it was almost claustrophobic) ROXY: (cuz there was nothing there) ROXY: (you and all the other somethings just completely enveloped by a shrink wrap o absence)
HUmm.. thats pretty interesting to say the least. Not really sure what to think of it though! Just pretty nifty.
KANAYA: (Hmmmm) ROXY: (never really tried putting this into words) ROXY: (i think the thing about it was that the void sort of) ROXY: (changed) ROXY: (depending on how i chose to perceive it) ROXY: (cause the whole point is that its kinda like) ROXY: (idk) ROXY: (maybe a little like binary) KANAYA: (Binary?)
too bad sollux is dead he’d get a kick outta this.
did anybody make this connection. computer hacker guy who likes two’s. Binary. man. i feel like everybody did.
ROXY: (yknow binary) ROXY: (computer language) ROXY: (0011101100101001)
omfg she just winked in binary.
KANAYA: (Oh That) ROXY: (the way that works is basically) ROXY: (you have a bit) ROXY: (like a computery bit) ROXY: (and it can say either 0 or 1) ROXY: (and dependin on which it is the computer displays the info differently) ROXY: (but the void is like a completely blank bit) ROXY: (there isnt a 0 or a 1 written on the bit yet but thats all were programmed to understand yknow) ROXY: (like 0 is technically nothing but whats important is that theres something there for you to see) ROXY: (but what im gettin at is that really void is just blank space waiting to be written on) ROXY: (by somebody like yours truly) ROXY: (im the computer and youre the person reading the display)
Oh. That’s pretty cool and shit. 
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OH shes gettin all magicky here
ROXY: (and my whole voidy thing) ROXY: (is that i gotta figure out the code for whatever i wanna make exist) ROXY: (and write it on the blank bits) ROXY: (then) ROXY: (i snatch em outta the void!)
Oh AGAIN. YEAh, roxys power seems a lot cooler now.
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ROXY: (yoink!!!)
nice lipstick yo
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Kanaya is so fucking cute oml. She looks kinda dumbfounded by this lipstick.
KANAYA: (Wow) KANAYA: (That Was Really Quite Insightful Roxy) KANAYA: (I Think I Am Already Beginning To Understand Things Better) KANAYA: (But What Is This) ROXY: (p sure its lipstick!) ROXY: (and its 4 u) ROXY: (i dont rly know if pinks ur color but) ROXY: (here it is anyway!)
Oh god help me im already starting to ship it.
KANAYA: (Another Gift) KANAYA: (Why) ROXY: (daaaaw i dunno) ROXY: (i mean its actually kinda cool i was able to make this at all) ROXY: (i bet it must be bc of you somehow) ROXY: (you like lipstick right?) KANAYA: (Yes) ROXY: (i dont know if this is just me but i bet this is totes a thing w space players) ROXY: (like i get the vibe that u guys r more in touch with the objects around you) ROXY: (specially the ones thatre important to you) KANAYA: (I Suppose...)
HMm.. Interesting bit of aspect analysis. That could possibly be a thing.
ROXY: (well?) ROXY: (ru gonna take it or what) KANAYA: (I Really Cant Accept This) KANAYA: (I Was Attempting To Alleviate The Debt Of Gratitude I Have Already Been Accumulating Towards You) KANAYA: (A Measly Thank You Is Hardly Enough) KANAYA: (And Yet You Present Me With Even More To Be Thankful For)
COme on Kanaya dont be like that. Just take the thing and be hAPPY! you dont gotta prove yourself for a gift.
ROXY: (man thats not how this works) ROXY: (you dont owe me nothin) ROXY: (but heck if it makes u feel better) ROXY: (the space egg wasnt rly 4 u it was 4 all the little trollings that need to be born) ROXY: (skewering the batterwitch was definitely 4 me and earth and stuff) ROXY: (and the lipstick is to thank u for takin such good care of my mom :D)
Dont you mean your Rose?
KANAYA: (... That Does Make Me Feel Slightly Better) ROXY: (so youll take it??) KANAYA: (Okay) ROXY: (hella) KANAYA: (Thank You) KANAYA: (Again) ROXY: (dont mention it!)
She will likely mention this many times.
WEll that was the end for their interaction I suppose, so it seems like we get one page of another interaction then? I guess Dirk and Jake.
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Ohp, yep. Jeez they look awkward.
DIRK: (... So.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...) DIRK: (That was some fight, huh.)
Goddammit this is awkward. 
JAKE: (Oh yes that sure was a doozy of a brawl we all just participated in.) JAKE: (Or rather multiple brawls.) DIRK: (I think you’re probably up to speed on exactly how well mine went.) JAKE: (Um.) JAKE: (Should i be?) DIRK: (Nevermind.)
Just another beheading of good ol’ Dirk. Seems like that’s a common thing for him. 
JAKE: (Sorry... its just difficult to, uh...) DIRK: (Don’t be sorry. It doesn’t actually matter.) JAKE: (The important part is you won right?) DIRK: (Yeah...) DIRK: (How did yours go?) DIRK: (If you feel like sharing, that is.) JAKE: (Oh i won too!) DIRK: (Well. Obviously.) DIRK: (I meant... like.) DIRK: (Specifically, HOW you won.) DIRK: (I’d be down to hear some details of all the kickassery you've been dishing out.) DIRK: (That must've been pretty crazy solo.)
Come ONNNN guys, quit dancing around the topic here. Somethings bothering you and its making everything shitty.
JAKE: (Oh.) JAKE: (Well i wasnt alone for long actually.) JAKE: (In fact it was quite the clusterfuck of skeletons sprites and green goblin brutes!) JAKE: (That crabby troll fellow even showed up at one point.) JAKE: (He seemed to be having a difficult time with one of the tinier rascals but i was up to my ears in fracas and fisticuffs myself and couldnt really lend him a hand.)
Dammit Karkat. I love him, but god he’s adorably pathetic in fights.
DIRK: (It looks like he’s alright, so no harm done.) DIRK: (How many of those green dudes were there again?) JAKE: (Im fairly certain there were 14.) DIRK: (And you trounced all of them?) JAKE: (Actually k...carat dealt with one of them i think.) JAKE: (They were small but a decidedly tricky foe. It was scurrying around so fast i dont think a single one of my bullets even grazed it!)
He has ALLLL the luck Jake, ALL of it!  Honestly, can we get a Vriska/Clover battle?
DIRK: (Well, shit. Sounds tough.) DIRK: (Still, my score reads "Jake: 13, Goblins: 0".) DIRK: (Oh, and I’m pretty sure the name you’re looking for is Karkat.) JAKE: (Is that so?) DIRK: (Yup.) JAKE: (My mistake then...) DIRK: (Don’t worry about it.)
Dammit Jake, don’t be so fucking hard on yourself. I feel bad for him now. Like, he’s beating himself up over not knowing a complete strangers name.
JAKE: (Have you spoken to him at all yet?) DIRK: (Nah.) JAKE: (Would you like to?) DIRK: (I guess? Sure.) DIRK: (He and Dave seem to be in the middle of something, though. No point in interrupting.) DIRK: (Besides, I’m talking to you right now.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...)
Alright dammit, I guess we’ll see if they get over whatever’s bugging them in the next update, because that’s the last page. Seeya next time and whatnot folks.
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
Dark Skies
thenightetc Hello! Me Hello there! thenightetc If a "Zarla" knocks on the stream door, she's a friend of mine I told about the stream Me Got it. Bunny1532651036604 Hello! Me Hello there! ThebesAce Ah, there we go, didn't have username set thenightetc Spider! 😀
ThebesAce spide~ thenightetc BIG FLUFFY girl Me Poke. thenightetc omg Me A troublemaker. Bunny1532651492398 Yo thenightetc Hi! ThebesAce hallo! Bunny1532651492398 wow. i do not like this lol thenightetc Awwwww ThebesAce well then you came just as it ended. thenightetc So! what are we in for with this one? thenightetc So! what are we in for with this one? Me Something we can all agree is terrifying. Jalaperilo ill only be here for a bit. still not 100% and also, not the biggest horror fan thenightetc Ohhh boy Me It's the quality of our shared horror experience that counts, not the quantity. thenightetc Very true. Me It's a good one if you don't care for horror. Short on gore, high on aliens. Jalaperilo i like old horror. From beyond, braindead. alien horror seems cool Me Never seen either of those! Are they good? thenightetc ...Is he watching porn ThebesAce yep Jalaperilo yes! Braindead is an early Peter Jackson film and From beyond is from the same director that did reanimator (and has a few recourring characters) thenightetc *relieved that the "schoolgirl" appears to be at least 30* Me Oooh! ThebesAce oh man, I remember Braindead! That movie gets so gross Jalaperilo ikr? so fun ThebesAce especially the bits with the priest Jalaperilo but i do think if you've never see them, watch reanimator and from beyond Me I do like Reanimator. thenightetc I've never seen it 😮 Jalaperilo people injecting bright green liquid and sending them crazy? lots of practice with that huh? Me Naturally! ThebesAce oh, Knockout, I have a wiki page for purposes of future so-bad-it's-hilarious movie nights Me Do tell! ThebesAce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Syfy_original_films a complete list of Syfy Original movies thenightetc Well, that can't be good ThebesAce well, not 100% complete, but enough for entertainment Me Beautiful! thenightetc Well, that's productive Me That'll help something. thenightetc ...What. ThebesAce This is a thing that is happening thenightetc I'm unsettled Jalaperilo wasnt this a thing in ppoltergeist? the chairs being put on the table thenightetc At this point it's definitely beyond what a raccoon or something could accomplish Me At any rate, time to switch planets. Jalaperilo I WISH I COULD GO LIVE ON ANOTHER PLANET sorry, didnt means caps Me It was a sentiment worth yelling. Jalaperilo she drank can we just watch the sharks? thenightetc his terrible edifice of lies ThebesAce "I didn't lie. If I lied, I'd be the asshole here. So I didn't lie." SOUNDS LEGIT thenightetc Ha! Jalaperilo "i didnt lie" i said,you know, like a lier Me Hah! thenightetc Right? Jalaperilo this is more terrifying than anything else, an alarm going off in the middle of the night. happens to me too many times thenightetc Ohhhh dear Now go check the kitchen. ...Okay! That's fucked up Jalaperilo 'cause its the one thing you cant replace' lots of john mulaney shit happening lol ThebesAce HA Me Plot twist: John Mulaney was behind all of this. Jalaperilo ha! Jalaperilo i hate kids in horror. even if theyre not at fault, theyre al so creepy thenightetc So he's wrecking his kid's room because of a dream. Jalaperilo i hate this man thenightetc Yeah. ThebesAce I detect an arrogant asshat who makes everything about himself Jalaperilo lets see how he handles this thenightetc uh Me That's how I react whenever something leaks on my anatomy. Jalaperilo even breakdown? Me Especially Breakdown. thenightetc Poor bird. hey what the fuck! Maybe just LET the bank foreclose Jalaperilo i dont understand whats going on. like what is the bad things power? Me Childish pranks and an impassioned hatred of birds. ThebesAce birds are pretty easy to hate Jalaperilo maybe theyve seen birdemic Me Maybe let the bank take the boy, too. thenightetc What did he say? I couldn't quite hear The kid, I mean Jalaperilo he said im a creepy ass boy Me "Then I wasn't me anymore." thenightetc ...Ohhh Jalaperilo big mood thenightetc I keep expecting jumpscares Jalaperilo does no one turn the lights on? thenightetc ...HE didn't trigger the alarm when he went out ThebesAce We are officially in 'get him to an institution' territory. thenightetc So he definitely has some kind of implant or something, huh Or something laid eggs in his skin Jalaperilo or a slight allergy o his new shampoo thenightetc *facepalm* Me No, don't reward him for that! Jalaperilo fucking cliche as shit 'if a boy is mean he just likes you' fuck off and get in the sea ThebesAce right? thenightetc dude not the time Me "Let's do it while the aliens are watching." Jalaperilo sorry thebes, i keep reading your name as The besace as if it rhymes with vesace lol ThebesAce pfff well go ahead if it amuses you~ Jalaperilo that is my internal nick name for you now, thenightetc Of course they can fuck up cameras. Me In the most artistically haunting way possible, of course. thenightetc ...Kinda looks like they were going to each room in turn, too oh no Me I like how they just let her do that. Jalaperilo someone didnt wash her makeup off thenightetc Jesus Jalaperilo oh shit, it was real Me "Search" thenightetc Heh. "chosen" ThebesAce The graaays We got the Vok, but you got the grays. Jalaperilo how come most of the aliens out there are wither chill or war like, but the grays are the only creepy ass ones? ThebesAce oh, that's easy. They're trying decide between the two. thenightetc "thank god because I just lost mine" ThebesAce nothin' creepier than an unknown thenightetc oh jeez hope neither of them gets possessed during-- Me Or alternatively, both of them get possessed during and it qualifies as an orgy. thenightetc lights, get the lights ThebesAce I've read more than one story that works on that logic. Just now you'd throw in the grays thenightetc goddamn uh FUCK Me That's the only part of this movie that gets me. Jalaperilo turn on the goddamn lights!!! ThebesAce oh my god that's not how that works Jalaperilo well, im gonna go try to sleep, but its still 22 degrees C here with 76% humidity so i dunno how well ill sleep thenightetc yikes... good luck ThebesAce good luck with that friend! Me Good luck! Have a gray-free sleep! Jalaperilo i will tell you, today it rained for the first time in 55 days here asnd even then it was only 5 minutes so yeah. bad times in SE England if the grays have AC, ill let them take me ThebesAce yargh--I lived in London for a while, sounds like a nightmare thenightetc *shudder* Jalaperilo night! ThebesAce night! thenightetc "hey jackass, you got out of bed , walked out into the yard, and started leaking blood without knowing anything about it" Uh Jesus ThebesAce the straights are at it again thenightetc I THINK the orange tip means it's a fake gun But I'm not ENTIRELY sure Me There's a mood. thenightetc ...jesus really, why WOULDN'T he think they did it ...did she just start crying blood? thenightetc oh god oh no FUCK ThebesAce WELL THEN PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE Me And only three. No more, no less. thenightetc Three shall be the number of aliens,a nd the number of the aliens shall be three ThebesAce This is so weird watching this outdated science considering we just elected our first lizardman president. Me Hah! thenightetc Taking ol' Lincoln out of his chair Me Taking him on a joyride around the galaxy, snapping pictures on alien planets. Me Not very well, clearly. thenightetc he says that like he's *shudder8 thenightetc ...So... does he have any tips on "fighting", or...? ThebesAce BET THE GRAYS GOT TO HIS FRIENDS thenightetc Well, if they're lucky, they might "move on" to their friends.... "give him my eyes" Me Give him a few organs you don't need. thenightetc ...they've kind of... already shown they can get anywhere in the house Me "Don't split up." "Let's do exactly that!" thenightetc FUCK NOPE ThebesAce DON'T SPLIT THE PARTY thenightetc oh god oh god ThebesAce welllllll hell thenightetc ah. So Sammy wasn' tthe first one they contacted. Me Surprise! thenightetc and it just leaves it there!!! Me That it does! ThebesAce well then. That... went wrong for everyone involved to say the least Me Literally nothing went right. thenightetc don't like that, no sir yeah I noticed the Apple product placement there not the long list of others though Me Well, there we are! thenightetc Could we... watch something a little lighter to top it off? Little mood whiplash? Me Absolutely! Any requests? thenightetc Nothing I can think of thenightetc Ahhhh, 900 numbers targetting kids! Me This is what you get when you leave my to my own devices. thenightetc Of course, now we have pay-to-win phone games thenightetc I wonder what happened if you called the number ThebesAce Could be worse. Could be the Wow Wow Wibble Woggle Wazzie Woodle Woo Me You become the next Freddy Freaker. thenightetc Scary! "Vines that butter my croissant" *squints* Ooooo! Ooooo! ThebesAce this reminds me, I gotta snag me the new Jurassic Park game. It lets you let giant carnivores loose wherever the hell you want thenightetc Oh gosh I saw the most amazing Planet Coaster LP, but it's way too long (Over an hour, at least) Me Link? Maybe we'll watch it one of these nights! thenightetc Let me see if I can find it again... I'm sure I can, just gimme a minute thenightetc ...I come back and everything's on fire! thenightetc Alright, so, it's more like eight hours total, but anyway here's part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QstYje84DaM for your amusement thenightetc So it's uh more of a slow burn Oh wow Me I'm intrigued! thenightetc PFFFF thenightetc I looked it up and that kind of thing isn't really enforceable ThebesAce I recognized that cartoon thing. That was the Land Before Time ripoff they show when they can't get the rights for Land Before Time thenightetc HA Me It's delightfully horrifying. Me I think that's a good place to close for tonight! ThebesAce agreed, thanks for having us! thenightetc Yes And thank you! Wait Could you... hover over that third one The "top 100" thing Aha Thanks, I just wanted to see what that was Me Not a problem! Thank you all for coming, as always! thenightetc I didn't know GTA had a bulldozer thing to shove people off a board Me I didn't either until exactly this second. ThebesAce no, no, that's just to emphasize the fail it's GTA V compilation they do not have those graphics thenightetc I mean, ThebesAce whoop, got you might have been joking, my brain skipped there thenightetc I kind of want to know where they got that art though Anyway! Goodnight, and thanks again. ThebesAce good night! Thanks! Me Good night!
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boxyguy · 8 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @yanderemayorcrossing omg what an honor
Rules: copy this into a new text post, replace my answers with yours and tag 10 people
A - age 17 :0
B - biggest fear omg Im not ready for this. I guess being alone. Like never getting over what a nervous wreck I am and never finding people to be comfortable around :0
C - current time 10:05 pm
D - drink you last had Aside from water, warm milk mixed with some chocolate powder
E - every day starts with The sound of my alarm playing the invincible star theme (I get a headache whenever I hear it anywhere else now)
F - favorite song uhh I wished I listened to more songs growing up so I could give aan actual answer but eh. Just a mix of most nintendo soundtracks, for what it’s worth
G - ghosts, are they real? At this point no. Ive been over ghosts for a while, I got other things to fear rn
H - hometown somewhere somewhere Philippines
I - in love with FILBERT. I mean have you seen him? Wow what a great guy. ok but uhh family and friends. They’re actually really nice to me and they push me to be a better person
J - jealous of Everyone around me who can just talk to people just fine. No stuttering, no sudden pauses, just casual chatting. wild
K - killed someone pffff
L - last time you cried Like a couple weeks ago, but lonly like soft crying cause Im a big boy. Completely bawled my eyes out during the Assassination Classroom finale tho
M - middle name Andrew but no one has ever called me that in my life so feel free to just ignore that exists
N - number of siblings 2. Im the middle
O - one wish To be my own person and figure out how to put my thoughts into words. Expressing myself isnt one of my strong points :x
P - person you last texted Big brother
Q - questions you’re always asked Ive heard "Do you speak/understand bisaya?” throughout my whole life buddy, my whole life
R - reasons to smile nintendo, animal crossing, loved ones, that one compliment someone said to me a while back
S - song last sang Probably something from hamilton :0
T - time you woke up Like 6:20 am. 7:30 classes are the worst
U - underwear color I think dark purple rn
V - vacation destination idk. I love to see my cousins from america
W - worst habit Feeling and squeezing my skin, especially my eyelids. What’s up with that stop it youre in public
X - x-rays you’ve ever had  A ton of arm stuff when I was a kid. I liked breaking my arm apparently 
Y - your favourite food spaghetti yum yum
Z - zodiac sign Aries
I tag: @be-n7 @shayminsky @hermajestyhannah @divine-roost @crispy-sand-gator @kirbaes @hydrangeabed @mayorjaxspersonalblog @organisminparadise @spiral-phantoms @awesomekat26 @poncholy @maybe-a-turtle @nukekioh @josh-the-pikachu @glaceon-crossing @omeggs @smilearak @crayoncoloredscarves @reeseroses
and like a ton of other people I cant remember rn. So feel free to spread this around to the rest of the peeps
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