#omg hi kris hi
the-acid-pear · 1 year
One of the most beautiful things Deltarune story has is the fact that you cannot remove its tragedy, because it's thru that very same that hope and love is born. You cannot change the past but you can take what you learnt and thru it build a brighter future.
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kyanitegem · 1 year
hiiiii bestie today I offer you this: 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, and 24 about homestuck
7 what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is actually a bit of a tough one because the characters i detested were simultaneously because of the actions in the comic and then also from how the fandom babygirlified them
Gamzee did nothing wrong my ass
Tired of that fucking clown
Eridan didnt do himself any favours with killing Kanaya either tbh. Or his whole personality really. I just also remember really not liking how the fandom was all uwu he’s a precious baby who did nothing wrong ever. Like he’s an ass. Own up to the fact he was genocidal with his want to kill all landdwellers and murdered feferi and kanaya and destroyed the matriorb
8 common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Immmmm not sure i can answer that since the fandom I remember is at its hayday in 2012. Im not even sure what the more recent fandom opinions are that are incorrect :tm: and its been so long since i saw the incorrect onions from 2012 i cannot actually remember them
9 Worst part of canon
The trickster arc in about… act 6? Truthfully im not as much of a fan of the ark with Jane Roxy Dirk and Jake in general and the trickster stuff REALLY didnt do them any favours. This was also the part of the comic that had the whole feeling caucasian panel in it… oh and then there was all the stuff with Caliborn…
10 Worst part of fanon
For me personally? The tentadick headcanon. Im sorry but i feel the need to remind that the trolls are teenagers like the kids are and to me personally it just feels weird. Yes you’re headcanoning this for the species but idk something about it has always made me uncomfortable.
16 - you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
See above but also hey what was up with the whole march eridan thing??? Like ive always wondered where it came from and why so many people were obsessed
24 - topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
The Vriscourse ::::)
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samandcolbyownme · 1 month
Omg girl I just thought of this and need to write it down so I don’t forget it. Demon Sam and Colby get kicked out of the underworld for something and their only ticket back is to make a mortal fall in love with both of them but then they fall in love with that mortal too and don’t want to go back so they try to leave reader but can’t bc there is a bond or something so they either stay in the real world with reader or reader goes back to the underworld with them 🤯😘
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, Demon!Sam, Demon!Colby, mentions of death and blood, and the underworld, alcohol, kissing, flirting, threesome activities, hair pulling, biting, scratching, choking, oral (all), unprotected sex, general filth
Word Count: 5.5k | unedited
It was a normal Wednesday night. You were home, on your couch watching a movie that you’ve seen a thousand times.
You were honestly bored, and the longer you tried getting into the movie, the more you wanted to do something else.
You decide to pick up your phone and give it a shot, calling your friend in hopes they agree to go out.
“Please tell me you’re calling to do something because I am bored out of my skull.” Kris laughs and you stand up, “That’s exactly what I’m calling for. I can pick you up in twenty?”
“Perfect. I’ll go change.”
You added some light makeup to your face before changing into a dress you’ve been waiting weeks to wear. You dabbed on your perfume and slipped on your heels, ruffling your hair before walking to grab your keys.
“This place is actually kind of dead tonight.” Kris looks around, laughing before she takes a sip of her drink.
“I mean, it is a Wednesday night, but..” you point to her as you take a sip from your glass, “On the bright side, we don’t have to wait forever at the bar for our drinks.”
“That.. is very true.” She laughs as she clinks her glass with yours, “I’m going to run to the bathroom quick, can you watch..” she motions to her glass and you nod, “I might drink it, but it’ll be safe.”
She laughs as she walks away and the alone feeling you had suddenly went away as a blonde walks up to you, “Hey.”
You look over at him, slightly taken aback by how good looking he is, “Hm, hey.” You smile slightly and try to subtly pull Kris’ drink towards you.
“No need to worry, I promise I don’t have anything.” He chuckles and you feel a red tint fall on your cheeks, “No, it’s just.. sorry I didn’t-“
“It’s okay. I just wanted to see if I could buy you a drink.” He smiles and you tilt your head, “Don’t I get to know your name before you try to wine and dine me?”
He nods, the red tint now appearing on his, slightly pale cheeks, “Oh fuck, right. Yeah. Sorry.” He shakes his head, lifting his shoulders as he takes a deep breath, “Hi. I’m Sam.”
He extends his hand out and you reach out, laying your hand in his, “Hi, Sam. I’m y/n.”
“Who’s this?” Kris asks as she sits back down at the table. She looks from you to Sam and you smile, “This is Sam. Sam, this is my best friend Kris.”
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Sam shakes her hand and returns his attention back to you, “Um, if you want, we can meet up later, I have to get back to my best friend, Colby.”
“Yeah, okay. Um..” you dig into your purse and pull out a pen, “Here is..” you jot your number down on a napkin, “..my number. Just call, or text. Doesn’t matter to me.”
“Sweet. I definitely will.” Sam smiles and looks at Kris, “I’ll tell the bartender that your next drinks are on me.”
“Well, aren’t you just a gentleman.” Kris jokes as she finishes her drink, “Thank you.”
He smiles, nodding as he looks back to you, “Enjoy your night.” He gives you a wink and grabs the napkin before walking away.
You watch him sit down at a table and, who you assume, Colby moves over next to him. You smirk slightly as you watch him squeeze Sam shoulder, praising him for getting your number.
You look back at Kris as she starts talking, “Are you going to go out with him?”
You look back over to Sam, but they’re both gone, “I’m not opposed to him calling or anything.” You look back at Kris, “He was pretty cute, wasn’t he?”
She nods, “He was very good looking.”
As the night went on, you found yourself waiting by your phone. Every so often in conversation your attention would be taken by your dark phone screen, just waiting for it to light up.
“Hey.” Kris reaches over, tapping your hand, “He will call, okay?”
“What if he doesn’t?” You close your eyes, taking a deep breath, “Dear god, I just met this man and I’m already obsessed wi-“
Your phone lights up with an incoming call and your heart skips a beat.
“Answer it! What are you doing? It could be Sam!” Kris reaches for you phone but you grab it, taking a breath before you slide to answer, “Hello?”
“Hey, y/n. It’s Sam.”
You give Kris a look and internally cheer, “Hey, Sam.”
He chuckles, “Sorry. I got caught up with Colby or I would have called sooner.”
“You’re fine.”
“You still at the same place?” He asks and you glance up at Kris, “Yeah, I’m still here.”
“Perfect, mind if I join?”
Your eyes go wide and you point to the table, hoping Kris knows what you’re saying, “Not at all, please do.”
“Be there in about five.”
“Okay, see you then.” You can’t help but smile, “Bye.”
“He’s coming back?” Kris smirks, “Ooooh, he likes you.”
“Shut up.” You say as you try to hide the blush on your cheeks, “We just met, alright. Let’s not make it-“
“Ladies.” Sam says, startling you a little bit, “Sorry, I was a lot closer than I thought.”
He sits down next to you and you shake your head, “It’s okay, glad you can make it back. Everything alright with Colby?”
He nods, “Oh yeah. He just had a little too much to drink, so I put him to bed and tucked him in.” Sam laughs and looks at your empty glass, “Did you want another one?”
You purse your lips, “I probably shouldn’t… but..”
“We’re getting another.” Kris gets up and walks to the bar and you have this sense of comfort wash over you, “You and Colby live together?”
Sam tilts his head, “Yeah, you can say that.”
“Sort of like you’re at his house more than you are his? I had a friend like that in high school. I basically moved in with them during the summer months.” You smile up at him and he smiles back, “Yeah, yeah. Sorry. You’re just..”
He sighs, “You’re just so beautiful.”
“Oh. Gosh.” You look down, unable to stop smiling like an idiot, “You’re super handsome yourself.”
He smiles and lays his hand on his face, “Now I’m blushing like an idiot.” He laughs and shakes his head, “I’m actually really happy I ran into you tonight.”
You nod, “Me too, Sam.”
A few days later and you felt like you knew Sam for years.
He understood you. He remembered your coffee order within one morning of getting it with him. He picked up on everything so fast, it almost seemed too good to be true.
“So you’re from Kansas? Both you and Colby?” You ask as you lean back against your couch. Sam nods, “Born and raised. Then we started off on these small adventures.”
“Ooh, I like adventures. What did you guys do?” You tilt your head Sam sighs, giving you a smile, “Colby and I were into, I don’t know if you believe in this stuff, but um..” he pauses and takes a deep breath, “Ghost hunting? I guess you could say.”
“That sounds.. um, interesting?” You laugh slightly, “I mean, I believe in the spirit world, hands down.”
“Really?” Sam asks, almost like he’s shocked you do, “A lot of people do and then a lot of people don’t.”
“The people who don’t, are missing out.” You smirk slightly, “So what was your greatest hunt, or whatever you called it?”
“We were actually in our hometown, just a couple of kids exploring an old abandoned warehouse type thing.. we probably shouldn’t have been there, but-“ he shrugs, “We learned our lesson.”
“Did you.. get arrested, or?”
Sam shakes his head, “No, no. We didn’t get arrested, but we did have something happen that really changed Colby and I for the rest of our lives, I will say that.”
You nod, taking the hint as to not push anymore, “Oh gosh, I’m sorry.” You frown, “That always sucks. Losing interested in something you liked doing because of one thing. I mean I guess it really depends on the situation, but I hope you guys can find the strength to do it again, you know?”
Sam smiles, nodding his head, “Yeah, we definitely found.. something like that. Actually, speaking of Colby.” He chuckles nervously, “I don’t know if you’d be interested in meeting him or not.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? He’s your best friend, right?”
He nods, “Yeah, but there’s, uh.. actually a little more to it.”
You furrow your brows, “Oh? You mean like a double date, I mean Kris is already accounted for but I-“
“No, no.” Sam shakes his head as he moves closer to you, “I mean, okay.” He takes a deep breath, “I can’t really explain it, but we, as in Colby and I are-“
“A threesome?” You ask, your tone a slight octave higher, and Sam nods, “Basically, yeah. We were looking for a girl to date..” he shrugs, “Together, but I mean, please, if it’s too much you can say no.”
You chew on your lip, staring off into space as you think for a moment, “I mean..” you shrug, “I’m not saying no, I just..” you laugh slightly, “Hold on I need to wrap my head around this for a minute.”
“Please, take time to think.” Sam lays a hand on your knee, “I really do like you, y/n, and once you, I mean.. if, you decide to meet Colby, you’ll see why I was the one to approach you.”
“I caught a glimpse of him at the bar the other night..” you smirk slightly, “He’s just as hot as you are.” Your eyes widen, “Sorry, that just came out.”
Sam laughs, “No worries, we both knew as soon as we seen you that you were it for us, but again.. take time and think about it.”
“How soon does he want to meet me?” You tilt your head slightly, a smirk settling on your lips as Sam smiles, “I’ll text him right now.”
Your heart was beating faster. You were both nervous and excited for this.
“Have you ever done this before?” You ask, leg lightly bouncing up and down, “Like you and Colby dating the same girl?”
Sam shakes his head, “No, but when I pointed you out, I knew Colby felt the same way I did. Everything was literally instant with you.”
You feel your cheeks heating up at his words and you can’t help but smile, “Well thank you.” You shrug, “Sorry, I don’t really know what to say.”
Sam leans in, “It’s okay. I promise.” He presses his lips to yours and you couldn’t be more happy.
“We’ll have to just take it day by day, alright? We’ll make it work.” Sam brushes hair from your face and glances down before looking back up, “Colby’s on his way.”
You feel your heart skip a beat and you straighten up, “Okay.”
“No need to be nervous, Colby is a really sweet guy when he wants to be. Don’t let his dark demeanor get to you. He likes you, a lot.” Sam gently pinches your chin and you nod, “Okay.”
As soon as Colby knocks on the door, you stand up, “Do you want me to get it, or?”
Sam stands up, “doesn’t matter. I can if you want.”
You sit back down, “Yeah, my legs are like jello right now.” You laugh nervously and Sam chuckles, “It’s okay.”
He walks over to the door and opens it. You force yourself to stand up and walk around the couch to meet them.
“Wow, you’re gorgeous.” Colby smiles, extending his hand out, “I’m Colby.”
“Y-y/n.” You lay your hand in his, “Y/n. Sorry. I’m kind of anxious.”
“I told Sam not to lay it on too thick.” Colby teases and Sam sighs, “I tried not to. She makes me nervous, dude.”
You smirk and look down, “Did you want anything to drink or.. something? Sorry, I-“
“Hey, you don’t have anything to be nervous about.” Colby smirks, “Here, why don’t we just-“ he leans in, cupping your cheeks as he gently presses his lips to yours, “..Get it out of the way.”
You instantly feel relaxed, “That’s one way to do it.”
You lead Colby to the couch and sit down next to him, Sam on the chair diagonally from the two of you, “So do we, I don’t know, make a schedule or something?”
“I don’t think we need a schedule, it’s really all up to you on whether or not you want one or both of us around, you know?” Sam shrugs, “You’re in control.”
“I mean, I’m fine with having you both around.” You smirk, “I just, never had more than one guy during sex you know?”
You gasp, “Oh my gosh. I did it again. I totally meant to keep that in my head.”
“Don’t, I’m actually glad that we’re not the only ones thinking about that.” Colby chuckles, but then suddenly becomes serious, “Not that that is what we’re only thinking of, we want to date you, too, of course.”
“Right, like just having you be our girlfriend is totally enough. That would just be a bonus, you know?” Sam adds, and you nod, “Right, of course.”
“We can get to that stuff when you’re ready, alright? As Sam said, you’re in control of this thing, I’m just happy that you want to.” Colby smiles and extends his arms across the back of the couch, “So what do you say, we can take things slow by having a date night here?”
You nod, looking between him and Sam, “I’d like that.”
“You’re what?!”
You laugh slightly, “I know, I know. It’s insane, but it’s real, and happening.” You laugh as Kris tries to wrap her mind around everything you just told her.
“So you.. hold on. This is crazy.”
“I know. When Sam brought it up I was in the same boat you are right now.” You rest your elbow on the table and hold you chin in your palm, “But it’s been going great, actually.”
“How long has this been going on for?” Kris tilts her head and you purse your lips, “Tomorrow will be a month since Sam brought Colby into it.. but I’ve been seeing Sam for probably a little more, only by a few days, so..”
“I mean, I’m all for it, don’t get me wrong, but damn. Why didn’t you tell me right away?” Kris scoffs, “This is huge.”
“Exactly. I didn’t really want it getting out until I was for sure, sure that it wasn’t some kind of joke, you know?” You shrug, “I was nervous about it, but the day Colby came over, he planted one on me to get the awkwardness to go away and it’s been great ever since.”
“If it is some kind of joke, it’s sick. But the way Sam looks at you.” She smirks and shakes her head, “I don’t think it is.”
“They both look at me like that.” You bite down on your lip to hide your giddy smile, “I just..” you sigh, “I can’t believe that this is my relationship, like I’m pretty sure I have two boyfriends.”
Kris raises her brows and smirks, “You’re really living life.” She looks back up at you, “Did they make it official yet?”
“Like ask me to be their girlfriend?” You pause, “I mean, they didn’t really ask, I just kind of assumed that that meant I was theirs and they were mine, you know?”
She tilts her head, “I mean, I see what you’re saying, but I would get the confirmation, you know. Just so you all are on the same page.”
You nod, “Yeah, they’re coming over tonight so I can ask them then?”
“I would.”
Later on that night, you hear the knock on the door and you bite your lip, taking a deep breath before walking over and opening it, “Hi.” You smile as you move out of the way, “Come in.”
“You’re not going to bed, are you?” Sam asks as his eyes glide up and down your body. You glance down at your black robe, “oh, um. No.”
You laugh as you close the door, “I was hoping.. if you’re up for it, we could.. make things official?”
Colby’s glances over at Sam and Sam glances at Colby before they look back to you.
“Like, official as in us asking you to be our girlfriend, because I thought that was already kind of known?” Sam tilts his head and you walk over to him, “Both.”
“Both?” He raises his brows, hands moving to your waist, “Yeah, I mean..” he looks at Colby and back to you, “We can definitely do that.”
“We can get one of the things out of the way right now..” Colby walks behind you, his chest presses against your back as he moves your hair from your neck, “Will you do us the honors in being our girlfriend?”
Colby presses gently kisses along your neck and you let out a satisfied sigh, “Yes.”
Sam smiles and presses his lips to hours, mumbling in between kisses, “Good… now we can.. move on to.. the next thing.”
He bends down, sliding his hands to behind your knees to lift you up. His lips stay on yours as he walks you to your bedroom.
He lays you down, his body hovering over yours, “Just do what you want, okay? We’re here, for you.”
You nod, pulling him in for another kiss.
You feel the bed dip down next to you and reach out to feel Colby take your hand in his. Sam kisses down your neck and you look over at Colby, giving him a small smile.
He squeezes your hand and leans in to kiss you while Sam unties your robe, “Fuck you are beautiful.” He kisses down your torso and moves in between your legs, “Anything makes you uncomfortable, tell us.”
You look down at him, giving him a nod, “Okay.”
He slides his hands down your sides, looping his fingers inside the band of your panties as he pulls them down your thighs.
You tug at Colby’s shirt, focused on him taking it off. You watch as he picks up the hint, undoing each button slowly before sliding it down over his arms.
Your hand drags down his chest and you gasp, eyes rolling back as Sam’s tongue pushes into you.
“That feel good, baby?” Colby asks, brushing hair from your face, “Let him know.”
You instantly moan, back arching as his hands grip tightly on your hips. You use the heels of your feet to pull him in closer as one hand tangles into his blonde locks.
Colby works at undoing his pants, eager to get them off. He stops and bends down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth.
Your other hand lays on the back of Colby’s head, moaning out louder as his biting causes your brain to go all fuzzy, “f-fu-“ you breath out, “Fuck that feels so good.”
Colby leans back up and you open your eyes, panting as you stare up at him. Your hand slides up his thigh as your other pulls Sam’s hair, moaning out as you feel his hand move from your hip to your core.
He slides two fingers into you and you gasp out, squeezing his fingers as his lips find your clit.
Your hand continues to move up Colby’s thigh, stopping at the bulge in his undone jeans, “P-please.”
Colby nods, “Anything you want.” He stands up, discarding his pants and quickly after his boxers, leaving your lips parted as your eyes meet his cock.
“fuck..” you whisper quietly, “Fuck.” You look down at Sam, moaning out as his fingers work you to your first orgasm, “Sh-shit. Almost there.”
Colby moves back onto the bed, closer to your head this time and you look over, immediately moving your head in to take the tip of his cock into your mouth.
He lets out a low groan, brushing hair from your face so he can see you fully, “That’s it, baby.” Colby lays a hand on the back of your head, “Fuck, I know you can take in more.”
And you do, you push your head down, gagging slightly as his hips buck forward.
You moan around him, eyes squeezing shut as Sam guides you through your high.
Sam pulls away and you turn your body, angling it towards Colby so you can work him with both your hand and mouth comfortably.
Sam sits back watching, his hand palming himself through his own pants as he anticipates you moving onto him.
Colby lifts your head, nodding towards Sam, “Show Sam some love. I want to taste you.” Colby lays down, “C’mere.”
You sit up, swinging your leg over his head and he pulls you down immediately. You gasp out, hand flying to the wall in front of you to catch yourself from falling over.
Sam stands up on the bed, clothes discarded on the floor with Colby’s, “Show me what that mouth can do, sweetheart.” Sam bites his lip as he watches your hand wrap around him.
He groans as you pump a few times before leaning in to take him into your mouth. You bob your head, groaning around him as Colby’s tongue flicks repeatedly against your clit.
Sam holds your hair out of the way, using the makeshift ponytail to move your head up and down, “Fuck, sweetheart.” He moans out, “Doing so well for us.”
You look up at Sam and he groans, “You look so hot with my cock in your mouth.”
You moan at his words, eyes squeezing shut as you roll your hips, pushing yourself towards another orgasm.
“Fuck.” You gasp as you pull you head away from Sam, “Shit, shit.” You reach down, tugging on Colby’s hair, “Fuck.”
You lift your hips and Colby moves you down to straddle his lap, “Need to feel you.” He mumbles as his eyes drag over your body, “Fuck.”
You lower yourself down onto him, moaning out loudly as your nails dig into his chest, “Holy, fu-fuck.” You push your hips down, feeling him fully, stretching you from the inside, “C-Colby.”
“Whenever you’re ready, baby. You look so good sitting on my cock like this.” Colby groans, hands tightly gripping your hips.
Sam moves down to kiss you, resting on his knees beside you. His hand slides down your back, fingers pressing into your skin, “You sound so pretty, too.”
You moan against his lips as you lift up, moaning louder as you sink back down.
Colby’s hands guide you up and down, his groans growing louder the faster your pace builds, “That’s it, baby, that’s it.”
Sam kisses down your neck, groaning lowly against it as your hand finds his cock. You slowly slide your hand up and down, whining out as Colby’s cock repeatedly slams into that perfect little spot each time.
“Cum for Colby..” Sam breathes out as he leans back. He leans up, connecting his lips to yours, “So you can cum for me again.”
You moan, squeezing Colby’s cock, “I-I-“ you throw your head back, moaning out as you use Colby to bring yourself over the edge. You ride out your high before Sam pulls you up off and lays you down, his cock immediately taking the place of where Colby’s was just seconds prior.
Your eyes roll back, back arches off the bed as Sam’s thrusts pick up, and they’re not gentle.
You claw at his back, moaning loudly as you come close to feeling overstimulated.
“You feel so good.” Sam groans lowly, “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You look up at him, lips parted as another orgasm sneaks up on you. You tighten your legs around him, moaning loudly as he fucks you through it.
“I’m not gonna last much longer, baby.” Sam mumbles into your ear and you nod, “Fuck, okay.”
Sam pulls out and nods for Colby to come closer as he pulls you up to a sitting position. Colby moves behind you and pushes you onto your stomach.
He lifts your hips and you grip the sheets as he slides his cock into you once again. You let out a whine, lifting your head up to see Sam in front of you.
You open your mouth, immediately knowing what he wants.
His cock slips between your lips and you moan around him, body jolting forward with each of Colby’s thrusts.
You hold yourself up with your hands on the bed, bobbing your head as you’re eager for Sam to cum, Colby, too.
Sam’s grip on your hair tightens as he tilts his head back, hips bucking forward as you feel his cock twitch. You close your eyes, moaning around him as his cum rolls down your throat.
He pulls his hips back, falling back to sit down as he watches your face twitch with pleasure, “So fucking good baby.”
Colby’s grip tightens on your hips and his thrusts grow sloppy quickly. He pulls out and spills onto your back with a groan before leaning back.
“How was that? You doing okay?” Sam leans down, lifting your chin up slightly.
You nod, giving him a smile, “It was..amazing.” You let out a sigh, “I think this is the best mood I’ve ever been in.”
Colby wipes off your back and you lay down next to Sam. He looks over at you and you stare up at him, “I think I love you.” You turn your stare towards Colby, “I know it’s way early but-“
“Think, or know?” Colby questions and you take a second to think before you nod, “I know. I’ve never felt like this with anyone. Never had this good of a connection.”
Sam and Colby exchange glances and you look between them, “What?” Your furrow your brows, “Oh no, I did it again didn’t I?”
You cover your face and Sam pulls your hands away, “No baby.” He chuckles lightly, “We love you, too.”
Colby nods, crawling up to lay next to you, “We do.”
You wake up a few hours later to find yourself alone in your bed, and you know that that isn’t how you fell asleep.
You can hear Sam and Colby talking in the living room, but you didn’t really think anything of it until you heard your name.
Now you were curious.
You quietly get up, walking over to the door that’s slightly cracked open, and listen.
“We have to tell her, Colby.” Sam says, “We can’t just leave her without an explanation.”
“Are you forgetting that we have something to take care of? We needed a key. We got that key, and now we can finally go back.” Colby sounds agitated with Sam, “If you want to tell her, be my guest.”
Tell me what, you think to yourself, and suddenly everything goes quiet.
“She’s awake.” Colby says, “Either you tell her or I will.”
“Fuck, Colby. Don’t you love her?” Sam sighs, “You can’t tell me that over the last few weeks you didn’t develop some kind of love for this girl.”
“I do love her. And leaving her here is the be-“
Colby stops talking as soon as you walk out.
“What’s going on?” You wrap your arms around your body and tilt your head, “You’re leaving?”
They both stay silent and tears well up in your eyes, “Answer me.”
They exchange looks and Colby motions to you, “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” You shake your head, “I don’t know what’s going on, but if you guys were just playing some sort of game with me-“
Sam cuts you off, “No, no, no. Y/n. Sweetheart it’s not like that at all.”
“That’s what it seems like.” You wipe the stray tear that leaks from your eye and you take a deep breath, “I thought we had something special?”
“We do.” Sam assures, and you shrug, “Then tell me what’s happening.”
Colby motions to the couch, “Sit down.”
You walk over, sitting down like he said for you to do. You pull the big t-shirt you have on down to cover your thighs more, “Okay.”
Sam kneels down in front of you, “What I’m about to tell you, isn’t going to seem real but I assure you..” he takes a deep breath, “I’m being fully honest with you.”
You nod, staying quiet for him to continue.
“Colby and I…” Sam pauses, a little too long because Colby cuts in, “We’re not actually human.”
“Colby.” Sam sighs and quickly tries to clear it up as he sees your face puzzle with major confusion, “Okay. So there’s that. Um, Colby and I got kicked out of the underworld.”
“The u-underwo-“ you sigh, “What the hell?”
“Yeah, basically.” Colby chuckles but no one else laughs and he sighs, “Sorry, just trying to li- yeah.”
“So, you’re.. not alive? What are you then?” You stare at Sam, shock slowly creeping its way in as he speaks, “We’re demons from the underworld. We got kicked out and at the time, we were only focused on getting a mortal to fall in love with us so we can get back in.”
You stay silent, processing what he just said.
“I know.. that’s a lot.. and I wanted to tell you the second I sat down with you at the bar but I just-“ Sam shrugs, “I fell in love with you the minute I saw you.”
“So did I.” Colby nods and you look up at him, “I’m sorry it had to come down to this, we were trying to find a way to bring it up and we-“
You cut Colby off, “So that’s it? I’m the, what did you say, the key? The key to getting you back into the underworld?”
They both nod and Sam quickly speaks up, “Yes, but that was before last night and the look on your face when you said you loved us.” Sam frowns, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” You scoff, tilting your head back to keep your tears from falling, “You used me. You used me for your own selfish reasons.”
You go to stand up, but you sit back down, “Was anything real?”
“Everything was real.” Sam nods, “Everything.”
“You didn’t control me in anyway? I don’t know what you’re capable of.” You laugh, “Oh my god. This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening.”
You stand up, pacing slightly back and forth, “So what? You guys return and that’s it?” You shrug, “You forget about me, just like that?”
“You could come with us.” Colby suggests and you look at him like he’s insane, “What?”
“Colby.” Sam stands up and shakes his head, “She’s had enough for tonight.”
“She needs to know that there’s options.” Colby looks from Sam to you, “We can either stay here and accept the fact that we’re to never return to where we belong, or. We take you with us.”
“You’ll kill me?” You gasp, almost falling to your knees but Sam catches you, setting you down on the couch, “No, not unless- nevermind. We can talk about that later.”
“You have to become morally corrupted and rebels against the moral law.” Colby says as he sits next to you, “You have to rebel about the heavenly principal.”
“So what, like steal money from a church? I don’t know what you mean.” You look between them, “I don’t even know what I’m saying, why am I saying thi- fuck.”
You lay your hands over your face and lean forward, “I have f-family. I have-“
“You love us right?” Colby lays his hand on your back as you nod and he sighs, “You’ll either love us enough to let us go, or you love us enough to come with us.”
You look over at Colby and then to Sam.
Sam smiles slightly, “I love you just a little too much to leave you.”
“I want to go home, but I want you to come with me.” Colby slides his hand to yours, “The choice is yours, sweetheart.”
You shake your head, “I don’t.. I don’t know what to do. I don’t-“
“Take time. This is a big ask.” Sam nods, “I know you’ll make the right decision.”
The answer came sudden, and they both knew it, too.
“Say it, baby.” Colby urges, “We want to hear you say it.”
You struggle for a moment to find the right words, but you manage, “I’ll do it.” You nod, looking between them, “I’ll come home with you.”
SCREAMING okay okay this was for someone special, but she wanted to share it with all of you so everyone say thank you @thesarahn 🖤
Thank you so much for reading. I truly love each and every one of you. Thank you for being patient and as always, I’ll see you in the next one. 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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reineydraws · 1 year
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so there's this post that talks about how people call jason's curved knife a kris but it's not a kris 'cuz why would he have a southeast asian knife? and op's tags say if you're gonna give him an 'exotic' weapon at least make him malay or something. a later reblog adds a filipino kris as an example, and then i was like, 'omg, jason in a barong tho.' SO i tried designing a bat-barong inspired by his hood logo, for a filipino jason haha. and now here we are! 😊✨️🇵🇭
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cuverale · 1 year
twin flame - t.c.
a/n: I wasn’t going to post this but I couldn’t resist it so here it is. I’ll probably make 2 or 3 more parts of this. Enjoy!
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liked by robertdowneyjr, zendaya, florencepugh and 13,395,207 others
tchalamet 1095 days with you. thank you for making me the luckiest guy on earth. so ready for round four. let’s do it again, my twin flame.
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yourusername let’s gooo 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
tchalamet 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
yourusername loveyouloveyouloveyou
tchalamet loveyoumoreloveyoumore
zendaya 🥹🥹🥹
robertdowneyjr happy anniversary you two, kiddos.
yourusername thank you 🥺
tomholland2013 so happy for you two mate!
tchalamet thank you so much brother!
ynmybaby AWWWW 💗💗
ynandtimmy did he just call her his twin flame??? 🥹🥹🥹🥹
timotheefan15 YES HE DID SIS 🤧🤧
timochalamtt time flies 🥹🤧
timmyfan i remember the day i learned they were dating 🥲
ynfan2 i’m so happy for them 💞
tchalamet THANK YOU PAAAAAULINE!!! 💫🦄💗
ynmybaby Thank you Zendaya! ❤️❤️
ynandzendayafan Thank you sooo much queen!!
timofann thank you Zendaya!!!!
ynandtimmy Thank you queen!
tchalamet THANK YOU ZENDAYA!!!!
zendaya you’re welcome my babies!!
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liked by tchalamet, zendaya, kyliejenner and 14,395,175 others
yourusername 3 years, 1095 days. yet i still feel like we met yesterday. i can’t and probably never will get enough of you. let’s do it again, mon amour.
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tchalamet i love you so much it hurts.
yourusername good to know our feelings are mutual sir.
florencepugh crying rn 🥺💙
chanelofficial Happy Anniversary you two!
timofann Chanel celebrating their ambassadors anniversary. Wowza 🫨
zendaya seeing you two so happy makes me feel like crying i’m not even kidding
yourusername babyyyy 😭
zendaya i’m a proud mama
yourusername love ya mama
ynmybaby i love their friendship so much 🥺
zendayafann I adored them since their Disney times 😭
ynandzendayafan and look at them now. they found their soulmates and living their best life 🥹
ynsbabygirl they deserve it 🫶🏻
tomholland2013 love you guys!!!
yourusername love you too!!!
ynsbabygirl it’s supposed to be 4 years but- 😭
chalafann ugh I wish they never broke up but I’m grateful bc they’re happy now.
ynmybaby not Kylie liking the post 💀
timmytimmy i was laughing for hours
ynsbabygirl i’m so embarrassed for her
randomuser why? what did i miss? 🥲
timotea0 long story short, according to some “sources” kylie and timothee was dating since the new years. kris jenner and some pr team fueled the story by some pics but none of them actually worked. bc even though him and yn broke up at that time he was still so in love with her so he denied everything about the rumors and admitted that he was still in love with yn. then tom holland and zendaya made them get back together.
randomuser oh god, what a loser she is.
timotheefan15 ikr
kidcudi you guys are so cute
stephanebak my guy and my girl being the cutest couple
pauline.chalamet ok but when are you gonna be my sister officially????
*liked by tchalamet
ynmybaby Y/n Chalamet era soon?????
timmychalamet9 omg omg omg omg
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voguemagazine Y/n L/n and Timothée Chalamet are recently seen at a dinner in Venice with Zendaya and Tom Holland, celebrating the couple’s anniversary.
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ynmybaby my fam 🥰🥰🥰
ynsbabygirl i think they’re on a well deserved vacation together 🤧
timotheefan1 they are! 🥹
ynandtimmy the way he looks at her 🥺
zendayafan i love their friendship so much
tomhollandfann seeing them together makes me even more excited for their upcoming movies and euphoria’s new season! I miss Zendaya and Y/n together!
ynsbabygirl same here! I still can’t decide which one should i go first. Y/n and Tom’s or Dune 2???
zendayafan0 ok but i need all of them in a movie together 😩
timotheefan15 same girl same 🤧
chalafann i love how he nuzzles his head on her neck awwwww
ynandzendayafan they’re having so much fun 🥹
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liked by tchalamet, tomholland2013, yourusername and 13,495,184 others
zendaya sisters having fun. period.
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yourusername so you’re not gonna mention how you tried to sink me into the water huh??
zendaya i have no idea what you’re talking about miss
tomholland2013 should i be offended by the way you didn’t post at least one picture of us or..? You didn’t even mentioned that we took them :(
tchalamet you should get used to it bro🥲
tomhollandstan LMAOOO
ynsbabygirl aww poor boys lolll
ynmybaby POWER DUO 👑
zendayafan45 SLAYYY 💅🏻
timotea0 🥹🫶🏻
tommyfan1 you two are sooo cute
zendayafan9 love you guyss
florencepugh i missed you two 🥺
yourusername we missed you too bby 🤧
zendaya come over so we can ditch the boys and hang out together!!!
tchalamet ouch
tomholland2013 hey!
tayrussell cuties ❤️
yourusername 💋💋💋
zendaya love youuu
ynandzendayafan MOTHERS!! 🛐
ynsbabygirl i want what they have 😩
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tomholland2013’s story
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
That werid route Chara ending, all I got to said is.......Damn. Chara being in some vegetative state was sad and somewhat horrifying.
Also since someone share their dream here some of my deltarune dreams
There was moment where there was this grey ralsei. This grey ralsei was "evil", however all the character knew it and just play along until they had enough. It became a huge meme in the fandom
 I was playing a chapter where kris, susie and monster kid where in this industrial factory dark world where it had tire people. i remember they were annoying to deal with. Also one scence where kris went really fast.
Just remember it's 100% not cannon!
But yeah... I've always found Chara being a ghost to be quite horrifying. I absolutely love nara-chara, don't get me wrong. But when you think about it and pull back the curtain.... Chara is completely alone. :( And the thought makes me really sad.
Ah- sad emotions aside. Deltarune Dreams are really funny. haha. Omg wait- I just remembered I dreamt I was CT Chara a few months ago. I was extremely confused in the dream and then Asriel expected me to take care of Kris and I was like oh sh*t act normal. And I said "Hi Kris, uhhhh soul entities :)". They looked at me like I was a cringy uncle. That was one weird ass dream. Super trippy.
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ilovefukuchi · 20 days
Hey Teru I have an idea
Kris's birthday was back in July but I didn't know and he said he never really celebrates because he never had anyone to celebrate with
How bout today we celebrate during game night? I'll bring a dessert
We should invite his boyfriend to maybe...
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
One of the most painful things one can experience as a DR theory enthusiast is when you notice something and you think Oh My God This Is It like you had this huge fucking epiphany you connected the doths you just saw the face of god and so you decide to look for the thing you saw again so you can show it to others because you HAVE to and then you realize what you saw was sheer fucking coincidence, just a perfectly timed random event. Literally soul crushing.
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izpira-se-zlato · 7 months
JO Berlin, 12.03.24
Haphazard, incomplete, typed up for friends on discord and yeeting here in case anyone finds it interesting
I arrived at 16:10 and was number 18 for general access. Now I need to figure out how to remove the number before our business event 😂 . There was no one else for like a hour before or after
The queue was super chill. I got rid of a few more Hojans
we had doors at 19:00 for GA and the first opener started at 19:15, which was unexpected but nice
Sector5 were so much fun! And there was one (1) hardcore Fan in the audience 😂
JC Stewart made the same jokes as in Helsinki but I am easily amused so it was a good fit
while waiting for the gig to start, my friend checked her IG and saw that her favorite place to get film developed had posted a pic with Sadie... I forgot her last name again. Sink? Damon's bff. Damon and her left in a cab after the gig
I was Jance side 4/5 row. Pretty nice spot, I think
Katrina opener!! So did they drop SSOL for good?
Bojan came into the crowd to have a friend sing and he was so sweaty and so close
People were so respectful and didn't touch him I think?
their outfits??
I died at Bele sanje, a Jance moment I will post which. Yeah.
there was another moment later where Jan brushed his hand through Nace's hair
Kris came over so Jan and Kris played at Nace and it was hot
Jan sat down at the piano for um and I think he actually played a note or two
no PiJanO otherwise. I don't think he played it for ew either
Bojan is getting better at the ew piano part. He actually lost his lyrics tho when he saw the fan project by the official JO discord
no bluza 😭
Bojan said the actual working title is Behind Those Eyes but for Germany it would stay Schlager (it is not a Schlager)
he was very surprised by how well we knew the lyrics to šta bih ja
we won't understand the majority of the songs on the new album if we don't speak Slovene/Serbian. Everyone cheered like mad
I actually saw Jure several times??
the stage was too small for Racik backdrop
"who's from somewhere else? I guess a lot of Finnish people? No? Polish?"
there were eight people (according to Bojan) from Slovenia and he hoped they already knew them before ESC
I think Bojan checked with Jan/warned him that he would spray him during omamljeno telo
Nace kept smirking at Jan??
no encore because everyone just. Left after the band and left the stage
the boys looked so so happy on stage
Post gig edition:
we talked to Vita and omg she is lovely. Also, I need to stop talking so much. But jfc
I got a selfie with Teya 😊 did not talk too much, also bc she had to get into her Uber that was waiting
Nace and Kris came out for pictures but left before we had a chance to talk to them
Jan came out afterwards and talked to the ten or so people still left
his fucking voice oh my god
Jan's coat is fake fur and not as soft as it looks
I gave Jan a Hojan sticker
I asked Jan if he knew what date it was and he did 😂
according to Jan, Jure doesn't come out after gigs bc he goes straight to sleep
pretty sure Bojan is sick again (still?) He took a group pic with some people to not stay out in the cold for ages, and then just waved at us to "preserve his health for the tour"
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kindestofkings · 9 months
tis the damn season
robert keating x reader (she/her)
heres the requested bobby fic! reader is bobbys neighbour in dublin and they've had a situationship thats always off again on again, which ryan is v fed up with lol <3
enjoy and also happy new year ! forgot how much I love making these so please come with some more requests, I always love getting them xxx
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yourusername posted to their story!
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year FIVE of working as a waitress during silly season, people need to be KINDER
yourbestfriend not all heros wear capes yourneighbour1 god bless you ↳ its been TOUGH but neighbours christmas party next week !! ↳ yourneighbour1 UGH best part of the season alsooo did I see a certain curly haired bass player make his return to the road...? ↳ feck he's home earlier than usual 😀 ↳ yourneighbour1 time to rekindle the infamous situationship??
yourusername posted to their story!
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the return of the loudest next door neighbour known to man, yay 👍👍
yourneighbour1 😏😏 bobbyskeetz get rid of that sarcastic yay ryanmcmahon_15 yay my fav idiots have been reunited ! ↳ idiots? plural? why am I an idiot ryan?? ↳ ryanmcmahon_15 hmmhmm when will yee learn
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bobbyskeetz home.
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joshjenkinson_ lookin so mysterious and interesting xx
inhalerfan1 he is one of us
inhalerfan2 missed the intense staring since tour has ended, thanks mr skeetz !
inhalerfan3 christmas came early
yourusername smoking kills
bobbyskeetz excuse me?? I have NEVER and WOULD never yourusername big fat liar yourbestfriend y'all are the worst, every fecking christmas ryanmcmahon_15 what she said !
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liked by yourneighbour1 and others
yourusername the kids table at the neighbours christmas party is always the place to be <3
also slayed so hard with my kris kindle present he literally cried for hours 💅
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bobbyskeetz I cried cause you threw it at me
yourneighbour1 weakling bobbyskeetz ugh thanks tho.... I guess
ryanmcmahon_15 bobby and yn being adults when
yourbestfriend but then what would happen to their beloved situationship? yourusername guys you know this is MY comment section right?
joshjenkson_ hahah the perfect gift for him
yourneighbour2 ugh BEST PARTY EVAAAA
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername and it always leads to you and my hometown
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yourbestfriend ah ryanmcmahon_15 shes quoting tis the damn season by THE taylor swift, what does this mean?
ryanmcmahon_1 gasp not the sad tones..
bobbyskeetz confused we're from the same hometown...?
yourusername you uncultured swine its a lyric 😭
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
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inhalerfan1 no way what the hell !! where?
bobbyskeetzswife literally in Dingle, Kerry 😭😭 he said hes with the lads but they ran out of drink so he was forced to go to the shops 😭 😭 inhalerfan1 omg hahahah I can't believe they just played the 3Arena
inhalerfan2 no way wonder why they're in dingle, such a random Irish town...
inhalerfan3 that girl that they all follow is in Kerry aswell with grace (eli's girlfriend) bobbyskeetzswife is that yourusername? I wonder who she is, bobby is always interacting with her inhalerfan2 huh wonder has he got a girlfriend
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liked by elijahhewson and others
graciebrns wholesome few days before what I've been told, will be the best party I'll ever attend
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elijahhewson promise its not an oversell
joshjenkinson_ agreed yourusername throws a phenomenal party yourusername ah flattered lads thank you
bobbyskeetz the million hikes will be worth it
yourusername you said you loved going on hikes bobbyskeetz course I do love 😔 inhalerfan2 love ?? gathering evidence
inhalerfan1 wholesome band trip bless
yourneighbour1 woohoo almost time to partyyyy
ryanmcmahon_15 how did one row of houses produce so many party animals?
yourusername party animals okay old man bobbyskeetz just cause you can't ever keep up ryan yourneighbour1 its how we were raised 😤
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername hot people have birthdays on nye 💅
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bobbyskeetz so feckin hot
yourusername baby stapppppp that
yourbestfriend was the BEST time ever
elijahhewson class night it was, graciebrns whats the verdict?
graciebrns best. night. ever. yourusername I love you thanks for having me <33 yourusername you kidding me? thank you for coming !!
inhalerfan1 oh hello inhaler spotted ..
inhalerfan2 not bobby on the decks
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz happy birthday gorgeous, love cleaning up bottles with you on new years day x
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yourusername ahhhh the taylor reference 😭
yourusername my favourite nosey neighbour <3
ryanmcmahon_15 I have never been so invested in two idiots getting together properly
yourbestfriend so insufferable its taken like 13 years for them not to be idiots yourusername and what about you two being idiots.. bobbyskeetz whats your favourite book trope again love? yourusername FRIENDS TO LOVERS BABY, take notes ryanmcmahon_15 yourbestfriend
inhalerfan1 sad sad day for the bobby girlies 💔
bobbyskeetzswife noooooooooo
finished xx
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if you’re still looking for inspo for a new fanfiction ☺️ its kind of a ridiculous prompt and i get why you wouldn’t wanna write it. but as you can see on @fruitybashir s account a lot of people want it, me included haha
im struggling with finding a proper plot for this prompt tho. i’d just say something along the lines of bojan is trying to suck kris’ dick or the other way around, but bojan is too short for either. they both end up laughing about it and then go to their bed instead to do the deed. some time after kris and bojan are at their studio and kris discovers a stool standing somewhere. he makes a joke to bojan how this would solve their little blowjob dilemma and mocks him for his height (typical kris). this joke ends up becoming reality and they fuck in the studio (again) because they’re too horny to keep it in their pants as always.
Omg I did see @fruitybashir talking about this haha it is a hilarious idea!!
I have like 4 WIPs I should be focusing on... so naturally my mind is now latching onto this idea and thoughts are being thunked... I am very tempted 😂 like they could "demonstrate" fully dressed how the might do it and talk eachother through it and it starts as a joke but then where did their clothes go??? Fuck it I just might do something with this if people are interested and Sophie isn't going to, and if no-one has already said they will...
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
Hi Kris creator I hear you and yes. That’s my response because I saw like little to no Kris until I saw that post about Kris’s HC generator and I’m sold.
Here's a picture of Ace and Kris! (Drawn by yours truly)
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It's the little things: A Mirage Appreciation Post
**Transformers: ROTB spoilers ahead!!!**
Now it's time for me to talk about all the little things that Mirage did in ROTB that made me smile. I know, I know, I could just say "exist" and that would cut this post hella short and save me some time. But where's the fun in that? 🤪 My ROTB brainrot is bad!
There is no order, because Mirage is a rebel and I like that. I like it A LOT!
He messed with Noah by re-locking his door twice before he FINALLY let Noah enter. But then when Noah wanted to peace out because he realized that stealing Mirage may not be so easy after all, MIRAGE LOCKS HIM IN!!! He really said, "You're not going anywhere. You're mine now!" and then proceeds to kidnap Noah. Kidnapping is no laughing matter, but omg I just found that hilarious. 🤣
Mirage asked Noah multiple times to give him a little tap, and it was nice to see that in this moment Noah slowly became relaxed around Mirage and no longer felt scared of him.
*Noah falls hard on a bunch of junk after failing miserably to discreetly escape the Autobot meeting he was not invited to* Mirage: He's perfect!!! 🤣🤣 Basically, Mirage saw his new human friend try to escape and he thought nope! Let me rope him into our mission so that I can spend more time with him. He's slick af! 👀
I like how chill and reassuring Mirage is with Kris. He knew that moment with Noah and Kris is delicate, because Noah is trying to convince his little brother not to worry, even though he knows he's about to go on a very dangerous mission that he may not come back from. Kris tells Mirage to watch out for his brother and Mirage says, "You got it, little man." and reassures Kris that he's got Noah's back and promises that he will protect him. And he does! He freaking keeps that promise!!!!! 🥲🥲🥲
The sad look on Mirage's face when Noah rushes passed him to comfort Elena and make sure she's okay after she is safely rescued from a corrupted Airazor. He even tries to reach out a servo because he probably feels so bad that Elena was almost killed, and now Noah is freaking out because Elena was almost killed. The moment is brief but it was very sweet. He cares so much! 🥲🥲
I love, I mean FREAKING LOVE the scene when Mirage tries to peek into Kris' bedroom window to see what him and Noah are up to. I love this scene so much because he really could not help himself! It's adorable! He even tries standing on top of another car and of course the car is not strong enough to support his massive frame. But he tried! He really tried to be discreet and take a little peek because he is an alien robot, so it's natural for him to be curious about humans. And more importantly, curious about Noah. 🥺
That look on Mirage's face when Noah initiates a fist bump before he heads out to distract Scourge to buy Noah and Elena time to shut down the transwarp key control panel. It's just so AHHHHH! He's so happy and he just takes a few moments to look back at Noah. His smile in this scene is everything. 🥺
Mirage used his last remaining bit of strength to power his built in walkie talkie so that Noah could talk to Kris. And then he transformed into an exosuit and fused with Noah's body as a last, desperate attempt to protect him. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING!!!!
"But what about for friendship? 🙂" I'm sorry, but that line KILLS ME! 🤣 It's sooooo cheesy but it's just so funny to me! Mirage has known Noah for like 10 minutes and he is so eager to be friends with him. It's really cute.
🌟 Edit: Since I got called out QUICK for not adding it (I wanted to see how fast people would react to that line not being mentioned 🤭), here it is:
"*scoffs!* Work friends??! You've been inside me!!!"
Yeah, I'm convinced that Mirage knew exacty what he was doing when he said that and he is 100% that bot that will not hesitate to remind you of his awesomeness. He is not a "work friend" and "work friends" just sounds too formal and weird in this particular setting. He also could have just been oblivious to the sexual connotations associated with that line because he is an alien robot. But then again, somehow I doubt that. He's seen movies and has most likely been to drive-in theatres. I bet he said it to get a reaction out of Noah. Yes, that sounds more accurate. 🤣
Yeah, so basically Mirage is best bot and I think Pete Davidson absolutely nailed this role! 👏🏾 He gave it his all and he actually became Mirage. I thoroughly enjoyed Mirage throughout the entire movie and he better be in the next movie. 😤
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anxious-witch · 11 months
Okay, I think I mostly gathered my thoughts. So
My personal highlights from the second Zagreb concert (11/11/2023)
Meeting my friend's friends in the queue and us sharing snacks while freezing outside
Managing to get to almost exact middle of the stage in the third row
4 of us playing "finish the sentence" for an hour while we waited and two girls joining us and laughing so much because we kept fucking up
I know I said Jan's magnetism is fascinating, but now that I was closer, I definitely see why sm ppl recorded primarly Bojan. When he meets your gaze for a second it's like. Okay, let me just breathe for a second
Experiencing Kris on the stage too, since I could bareky see him yesterday! I know he was feeling unwell but he still had that ethereal glow to him
Getting to see irl how differently Jan and Kris handle guitars? Like, I am absolutely no expert but Kris seems much more controlled and precise and Jan just...goes to twon with his guitar 😂 love them both it's just interesting how different their styles are
I finally got to see Jure omg. His drum solo was so good and I don't think I realized how much force he puts in his movements before. He is panting because his entire body is moving constantly while he plays the drums. Insane. I love him
A friend's friend throwing a bra with Umazane Misli on it and Bojan picking it up and showing it off
Also, during Umazane Misli, Bojan sending a microphone to one girl who had a sign, another girl taking it and Bojan looking like a disapproving teacher(dw they both got to sing in the end)
Bojan hitting his titties with his hand. 10/10 no notes
Bojan and Nace interacting on several ocassions
Bojan giving Jan the rose and Jan literally holding it with his teeth while he plays
Jan doing his guitar solo. Kris looking extremly bored and like he just wants Jan to stop showing off 😂 Nace looking at Jan like he hung sun and the stars in the sky
Jan falling(on purpose or not idk) on the floor and still playing his guitar
Bojan circling around Kris and Kris moving away before he can touch him 😂😂 legit got the vibe of "we are having an argument" couple
Bojan kneeling in front of Kris at the end of the second SSOL and Kris smirking slightly while Bojan was turned to the audience
Like. Bojan hugged him first after the announcement and Maks was very clearly flustered and turned to leave the stage. And then Kris pulled him into a hug from the side and then everyone took turns hugging him
Again, I am probably forgetting things but overall, both concerts were an amazing experiences and I am just floored. I looked forward to this for so long I thought real experience couldn't compare to how I imagined it but boii, I was wrong. I am so thankful I got the change to experience them live
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oya-oya-okay · 3 months
Hello Shuu! (or Oya, if that's preferred! ♡)
Ahhhh you're too kind!! It makes me so happy to hear that you liked it ♡ I had a lot of fun drawing Shuu ♡♡♡
If it's not too much trouble, may I request my OC Luca? I actually just posted his Suitor Suit card today! (Art by my dear friend Kris @skriblee-ksk ♡)
Thank you! ♡
You can call me Shuu or Oya, whatever you want!🤭🥰💞💞💞
HE'S SO COOL, OMG!🤩😍 I like him!!!~~ And the outfits are very beautiful💖💖💖
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The requests are open!!
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henswilsons · 1 year
Hey! Can i ask you for buddie fic recs with many chapters or like one shots but very long ones? You are so great at recs 😍
oh thank u so so much!!! im so glad my frantic fic reading pays off in some way haha
ok here are some faves (most of these are 40k/50k+ !)
come love, by @colonoscopys - oh my WORD this fic !! where do i begin with this fic !!!!! basically buck is like a rich ceo and eddie is a bodyguard assigned to him and UGH its sooooo good. an absolute enemies to lovers SERVE, cannot recommend enough
stranger sunlight, still by @mmtions - i mean yall know how i feel about social media aus. buck has a secret thirst trap insta and eddie accidentally ends up kinda catfishing him, oh its SO good i devoured this in 1 sitting and its so so good
let's hear it for the boy by @hattalove - oh this fic !!!! kris has several gorgeous longer fics (tell me about despair BELOVED) but this one is my personal favourite, its so beautiful and i felt so tender and squishy after reading it. buddie adopting reluctant grouchy 20yo my BEST FRIEND !!
pretty much any fic by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels aka the queen of the multichapter buddie au. i cant even pick a favourite because i adore so so many of them but i did recently reread don't play games (come my way) which is her the hating game au and its SO good. also omg her reincarnation soulmates cowboy au too. mads im obsessed with you
stupid people by @gayhoediaz - ugh SAURRR good oml. eddie explores his newly discovered queerness by hiring a sex worker aka buck and UGH its so good if u love pining and slow burn and angst this is The Fic for u
never felt this way before (yes i swear) by @rewritetheending - dirty dancing au!!!!!!! i admittedly have never watched dirty dancing but i consumed this fic like a rabid animal, its so so good. also the idea of eddie sexy swing dancing literally lives rent free like the thought of it makes me kinda white out
hurt locker by @bvckandeddie - this is sort of like canon au adjacent if that makes any sense. basically classic eddie enlists after shannon falls pregnant but this time he and buck are already friends and buck joins with him. i cannot express how sweet this fic is, the slow burn is MAGNIFICENT and ugh. the best friends to lovers goes SO hard
keep me as your finish line by @thatbuddie - gym buddy (heh) au !!!!!! so so good, SO much fun, buck is so funny in this and its so sweet, cannot recommend even nearly enough
even when the night changes by @fallingthorns - yeah. this fic 🫶 i don't know how to describe this fic other than it's canon compliant and buck and eddie adjust to adult life together and its soooooooo soft it like makes me Ache, you know those fics?? i would get this tattooed on me if i could. so good
anyway that is so many sdafhhdsfhd and i have like 1000 more so plz let me know if u want me to make a p2 to this list because i could keep going
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