#omg guys (gender neutral) WATCH THIS
inpacho · 1 month
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I saw the tv glow
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
OMG !! idk if you've seen baby bill cipher but he's such a little cutie — you should totally do a oneshot where he's accidentally transformed into his prime years and the reader is forced to take care of him , not realizing that baby bill imprinted on them !! kinda like ducklings ^_^♡
(it can be gender neutral , female , male, whatever you're comfortable with <3)
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You didn’t know what to expect when you came home after work, especially not with Bill. He could’ve flooded your bathtub with rat sized spiders, or made your fridge grow legs just to tell you that you need to catch it, or even decide to decorate your house with portraits of morbidly disturbing subjects that get worse the longer you look at them.
However what you defiantly didn’t expect to see was a little cute yellow blob with comedically large light blue shoes sat on your couch, his singular eye staring at you.
‘Bill?’ You asked as you walked closer to the little guy, still thinking this was some prank as your eyes scan the rest of the room, expecting him to have popped out by now and dose you in fake blood or something but nothing of the sort happened.
The little yellow blob only made grabby hands at you and that was all it took for you to know that this little cutie pie was Indeed the little shit you knew as Bill, but how did he revert to being a baby? You didn’t know but your heart melted when baby bill made a disgruntled noise when you didn’t immediately pick him up and automatically gave in as you held him close to your chest.
Unaware that baby bill had imprinted on you the moment you walked into the room, knowing that you were a trustworthy person to protect and keep him safe from all harm.
‘Hello little guy.’ You cooed as you smiled down at baby bill who only looked back at you with his big eye full of wonder and awe, it made you wonder about how this little cutie became a demonic creature that thrived off of human tragedy and torture because whatever it was that did it didn’t sound too particularly pleasant.
Baby bill only babbled back at you, his tiny hand grasping your finger tightly which only melted your heart even further. ‘Well aren’t you the cutest triangle I’ve ever seen, oh yes you are.’ You praised as you sat down on the couch, tickling him slightly, which caused him to giggle and you couldn’t help but hold this little sweetheart close to your chest.
Taking care a little baby triangle wasn’t easy as you couldn’t go to work without the little guy crying and reaching for you with his tiny hands in desperation, it broke your heart that you had to call in sick for the next couple of days as you tried to figure out what baby triangles liked to eat if they even eat at all.
Soon enough you found out that he didn’t like crust on his sandwiches after the first couple of times when he didn’t touch them, and after that you would always make sure that his sandwiches were crustless as to prevent your house being trashed during his little tantrums.
He still liked silly straws and wouldn’t drink anything at all unless it was through a silly straw, this was already well known knowledge as there was countless times where Bill would casually cause chaos and be found sat on some surface, sipping a drink through a silly straw as though he was watching a movie or a sitcom.
You even bought little outfits for him during this time too! Sure they were made for human babies but you didn’t care as Bill looked absolutely adorable in the unicorn onesie that you had albums dedicated to him and the outfits you bough him.
You had to wash him in the bathroom sink because you feared that the bathtub would be a bit too big for little bill and that was about as successful as giving a dog a bath, you had to case the floating baby triangle throughout the house before finally managing to catch him and drag him to the bathroom.
Baby bill clung onto you no matter where you went, as though he was scared to be apart from you and would even sneak himself into your hoodies, jackets, wherever he could fit himself in so that when you went to the shop, he’d poke his head out to smile at you.
You wanted to be mad at him but you couldn’t when he was so cute and so you gently reminded him that he couldn’t always sneak into your pockets and not expect you to experience parental adrenaline when you couldn’t find him nearby.
He pouted and looked saddened by this but you made it up to him by cuddling him and blowing raspberries on him, making him giggle.
You wake up to him sleeping on your face most of the time since he couldn’t sleep anywhere else unless he was near you, but you feared that you’d squish him by accident so you tried letting him sleep on your pillow, only for him to be found fast asleep against your face or your neck by the morning.
It was sweet while it lasted but it was only a matter of time before he reverted back to his usual sharp angles and chaotic self, so you valued all the time you had with baby bill to heart and making sure he had nothing but unconditional love and affection from someone who cared.
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alastorsbookie10228 · 2 months
Could you do hazbin hotel (romantic) (you pick which characters! I primarily would like husk and angel) x reader that really loves PDA and just make it wholesome and fluffy
OMG GUYS MY FIRST ASK ANFIHFOHVKVEQHOV (i'm literally giggling and kicking my feet)
Hazbin Hotel men + PDA
includes: Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox, Lucifer
i made all gender neutral
(Vox is NSFW)
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Alastor is a very reserved, "no touchy" kind of guy. he usually is kinder and more polite to the people he knows (and gets along with), and when you and him started dating, he started to let down his guard. at first, he was still reserved, but he slowly adapted. when no one's around, he'll hug, kiss, and hold you like nobody's business! (literally lol)
"dear?" Alastor said as he walked over to you in your now shared room. "yes?" you respond, looking over at him. "what is it?" wordlessly, he walked the rest of the way towards you and looked down at you, his ever present smile faltering to a small grin and his eyes hooded. he leaned down and kissed your cheek, his hand placed on the other side of your face. you wrap your arms around his neck and hug him, smiling as his arms snake around your waist. "i love you" you mumble into Alastor's shoulder. "and i love you, mon cher" he responds, sealing the deal with a kiss on your lips.
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Husk is...probably not super opposed to PDA, but i feel like he isn't all about it either. he'd be more affectionate in private, or when he's drunk. especially when he's drunk.
"hey babydoll" Husk says to you as you sit on one of the bar stools. you turn to look at him, a small smile on your face as you think "uhm...what?" he smiles at you with a dazed expression as he leans forward. "gimme a kiss, hun" he says, resting his elbows on the wood of the bar and his head on top of his hands. you blush slightly and lean in, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. he watches as you pull away and looks at your lips. "another one, baby" he says and smiles as you lean back in. this goes on for hours. just take the poor baby to bed at this point.
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now...we know he's affectionate in public or private. PDA is his way of living, hun.
"hey baby" he says as he sits by you on the couch. he grabs your chin and turns your face towards him and presses a long kiss to your lips. "how was your day, toots?" he asks, laying his head on your shoulder. "it was good. and yours?" you ask and look over at him. "meh. Val had me fucking randos all day. i'm exhausted"
*30 minutes later*
you lay next to Angel in his bed, Fat Nuggets laying between you both, snoring soundly. your head was rested on Angel's chest fluff as he ran his fingers through your hair, his bottom set of arms secured around your waist. he tilts your head up and kisses your lips. "good night, baby" he says with a small smile. "i love you"
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Vox is very loving, and he'd want to love on you all hours of the day...but the stupid meetings always get in his way. so that kind of means that he can't really have you latched on to him. so he'll make do with what he has. you.
Vox sat in his chair, watching the screen in front of him. the meeting was only 10 minutes in and he'd already missed you. he missed how your mouth felt wrapped around his length. he decided to send you a text.
7 minutes later, and you were back where he wanted you. under the desk, mouth stuffed with him. you slowly bobbed your head and watched as he held back his moans, tightly gripping his desk.
once that meeting was finished, he grabbed you by the hips and picked you up, slamming you into the chair and plunging his length into you.
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okay, now we're talking. so Lucifer isn't opposed to PDA, but he isn't sure he's good at it. he often blames himself for Lillith's absence, and he fears it was because he wasn't good enough. he's just a little baby that needs reassurance that he's good enough...and that his ducks are good enough, too.
Lucifer sat in his office, painting a duck. he hadn't moved in almost 2 hours. you were starting to get concerned. you walked into the room and knocked on the door. "Lucifer?" you say softly and see his shoulders slump slightly. you walk over to him. "honey, you okay?" your worry only increased as you saw the small liquid droplets that were on the desk below his head. he looked up at you. "honey, am i good enough?" he asked, his voice soft and weak. your eyes soften as you kneel down next to him and grab his face. "of course you're good enough, Lucifer. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!" you lean forward and kiss him, softly smiling as you feel him wrap his arms around you. "i love you" he mumbles against your lips.
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mitch-the-silly · 6 months
Hewwo! Just read "Aggroo of a Bleeding Heart" and it just made me crave more of Yandere Vox! May we please get a story of him preventing the reader from escaping? She also somehow is immune to his hypnosis so he'll have to try harder >:)
OF COURSEEE!!! Omg, I just LOVE Yandere Vox. I need him expeditiously-
Anyway, here! Here's your Yandere Vox! :DDD
As mentioned in other posts, reader is gender-neutral due to no specification on gender being made.
Yandere!Vox x gn!Reader
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You banged on the doors of your glorified enclosure: a five-star suite in the V-Tower. The door wouldn’t budge so you punched it out of spite. “Show yourself, coward!” You cried, looking directly at one of Vox’s cameras. You knew he was looking at you, he always was. Frustrated upon hearing no reply, you sat down on the floor, hugging your knees. You wanted to leave, and despite none of this being your fault, you couldn’t help but feel like you earned this. You fell for his bait hook, line, and sinker. He pampered you with gifts, gave you this place to stay, and just when you decided he was getting too close for comfort, he trapped you.
You sighed, getting up, sitting down on your bed, looking at your phone. You wanted to call a friend, but you found their contact was erased from your phone. Only Vox, Val, Velvette and a few friends that Vox knew had no intentions of getting you out of your prison remained saved in your contacts. “Oh, fuck you, Vox!” You yelled, “Only ten contacts in my phone! I know you did this, you sick bastard.” Your protest was met by silence again. Oh, how that ticked you. The way he silently observed you. Yeah, he was always watching but he was never brave enough to talk back to you. But you had a brilliant idea to get him to say something.
“You know, maybe if I had someone to talk to, I wouldn’t be so upset over my contacts. Maybe I wanna leave because there’s no one here to keep me company.” You whined.
The camera before you stayed silent for a bit, but then crackled into a voice, “You’re needy, aren’t you? Can’t conform to being a pretty little doll? I left you in your room, is that not enough for you?!” Vox complained over the camera’s speaker.
“Humans need interaction. If you really wanted me, you’d try to build a bond with me!” You spat back.
“So I do have to go over there and put you in your place.” He huffed. The noise stopped as the speaker cut off. You immediately assumed he’d ignored you, but you were promptly proved wrong.
From the camera zapped out a figure of the likeness of Vox. Later materializing, revealing to, in fact, be the man himself. “You know, you’d be more enjoyable to observe if you could just be still and sexy.” He huffed jokingly. “But I have to admit I like your spite; it adds a layer to your sexyness~” He cooed, moving closer to you, caressing your chin as he activated his hypnotic eye. If he couldn’t get you to listen by asking nicely, then maybe he could get what he wanted.
You jerked your face away from him, “You won’t even put the effort into asking me out for dinner, or even asking me out at all and you already want me to be your pretty little princess in a tower.” You spat, backing up from him, and sitting on the other side of your bed.
Vox huffed, you were one of those… his power didn’t work on you. He just hated having to try harder to appease people. “Fine then. I’ll ask you to go out with me. And if you want a dinner date you have a wonderful balcony. I could just organize a candlelit dinner.” He thought out loud.
“You’re still not taking me out of this room?” You retorted in disbelief.
“Oh, I’m not stupid, babe~ You just wanna leave. I’m not letting that happen.~” He chuckled, sitting next to you, holding your waist. “But just how do I get rid of that nasty attitude of yours?~” He cooed, taking your hand and kissing it.
You rolled your eyes, “You had me once. But you fucked it up by locking me in here when some random guy talked to me.”
“You smiled at him.”
“Am I not allowed to smile anymore?!” You replied in disbelief.
“It wasn’t a regular friendly smile, I could see the way you looked at him.” Vox scoffed.
“Ok, and? We’re not in a relationship. If you want me to keep to myself then make it official. Others won’t flirt with me either.” You suggested, a bit annoyed.
“Make it official? Oh, please! Don’t make me laugh! You know I can’t go out in public and freely say I have a thing for you! You’re more like… a dirty little secret~.” He chuckled.
“And why is that?” You complained, scooting away from him.
“Because think of the scandal! And while it would bring in a lot of money… I’m not gonna ridicule myself! My image and the image of the Vees has to be pristine, you know this, sweetheart~.” He explained, kissing your cheek afterwards.
You rolled your eyes, “What now then? You’re just gonna leave me here?”
“If you want someone to talk to, I’m a camera away, sugar~.” He chuckled, zapping away and into the camera where he came from.
You tried to run to catch him, but to no avail, “You fucking idiot! That sounded stupid!” You yelled at the camera. After which you sat back down on your bed. Maybe things would get better after this conversation. It was you he wanted after all.
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Omg of course you can do something with the idea if you want! I don't mind at all and the fact you liked the idea so much makes me so happy💕
And I'm also fine with being called girl in like a gender neutral way yk like the same way people say guys to refer to everyone sometimes, so no worries with that either!
A Failure of Words- Haldir x GN!Reader
Warnings: brief implication of past trauma, GOOFY ELF CONTENT 😌🤙🏻
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“What are you going to do, then, shoot it down?”
And you had laughed at that. Was it really so funny? Complaining about a cloud and his brother suggests firing an arrow at it? Haldir scoffed. Surely your giggling was only to respond politely to their inane humor.
You had been excelling in your target practice of late, your skills with a bow increasing thanks to Haldir as much as his brothers, while Rúmil and Orophin were more to thank for your progress in Elvish. Necessity, of course, as he was the only one with any skills in Common, something you had initially bonded over. Yet somehow your simple bond with his brothers seemed...different. Had Haldir himself ever made you laugh so? Had he ever tried?
"Come, now," Orophin addressed you by name, "hit three more targets and we'll show you that old painting of our beloved Haldir!"
Grinning, you took up your weapon again, stretching some exertion from your muscles before you followed the others' motions toward the next dangling piece of chipped wood. Rolling his eyes, Haldir followed.
Rúmil struggled several times to pick up the roll he'd dropped, and upon final success at lifting it he thrashed about as if the thing was fighting back. Again you laughed, a hand falling to the table you sat at.
"My father used to do that too- it's as if you knew! I had no idea you two were so funny. I suppose Haldir is the serious one," you teased, gaze shifting to the eldest brother.
All this time he'd thought of them as the ridiculous ones more than himself an outlier. They had not been promoted, neither had bothered to learn the common tongue, both preferred an aimless life in the trees to the ambitions of the world, protection of what they held dear. Not that they couldn't fight, but... Was Haldir himself the outcast? Heart sinking, he gazed around the table, taking in how easily conversation flowed between you and his brothers. Like the breeze. Haldir was the one who had accepted you when you first came to Lothlórien as a refugee, fought for an outsider to stay despite his usual prejudices. The torture you'd had to endure at the hands of your captors made him sick to even imagine, and fortuitously Galadriel had agreed.
He was the only one who truly knew your secrets, and so he had desired to be the first to truly make you smile again; now, it seemed, his brothers had robbed him of that, forced him back into his station as "the serious one". Worst of all, perhaps not the one who would hold your heart.
Instant it was not, but the elf had found himself falling for you more and more during his time as your guide. Watching your wonder as you were led higher and higher into the sun-soaked trees, chuckling at your confusion when you pronounced and repeated new Elvish words. Seeing you bloom like a sunflower finding its roots once more. Always had he struggled with displays of affection, and perhaps that had cost him more than time. Or else this was another challenge for the captain, a new type of battle to undertake: correcting the many times his words failed him in the face of your fair spirit.
"You might be surprised," he finally spoke, interrupting his own whirlwind of thoughts again to meet your eyes, "you are aware, after all, of how much I taught them."
Rúmil and Orophin's heads both tilted, gazing at their eldest brother with new interest. Newly widening smiles. Knowing ones. An unfortunate side effect he would deal with later. For the time being, there were more pressing matters to deal with.
"Of course I am," you replied, taking a sip from your goblet of water, "Tracking, archery... And surely they would not know so much of your history were it not for you."
"And about the beasts of the land, of course." A breeze blew through his hair as he inhaled, next line at the ready. "After all, my name is Hal-deer."
Groaning, Orophin and Rúmil both simultaneously dropped their heads into their hands, shaking them with great disapproval. Lacking fluency though they may have been, they knew enough to recognize such a play on words, and it was clear they did not like it. Too bad- it wasn't for them.
You? Bursting into laughter, you clapped your hands lightly, head thrown back in amusement that had Haldir grinning widely for the first time in likely far too long.
Still shaking their heads, both younger brothers excused themselves, Orophin practically shoving Rúmil away from the table as they scrambled off to refill their drinkware.
"Never have I heard you make a joke, Haldir! Why now? And why one so-" Words failed you, too, inquiry wholly aborted by a fresh bout of laughter. Well did it convey the rest of your question, however.
Suppressing a wince, Haldir willed his smile to return. Wait, perhaps it looked forced. Was he overthinking this? His brothers would probably say yes.
His brothers. "My brothers...they make you happy in a way I seemingly never can. Perhaps I envied them." His voice emerged as little more than a whisper, eyelids fluttering half-shut as if they could conceal him from your vision.
Your brows furrowed at this. Head giving a faint tilt of confusion, you leaned forward, forced his grey eyes to meet your gaze. "I...I confess I do see your brothers differently," you told him, your own voice shy, "I always wished to think of them like my own brothers."
Heart lightening, Haldir replied, perhaps a bit too readily, "You can."
"No," you shook your head, paused, "well..."
It was your turn to drop your gaze, your posture straightening as you gave a supplying incline of the head, clearly hoping Haldir followed.
He did. Did he? Jaw dropping slightly, he reached out a tentative hand, saw that you did not flinch. Lifting up your gaze gently by your chin, Haldir spoke again.
"That you may wish as well, for though my words have failed me again and again it is the very same in my heart. It vexed me not being the one to make you smile, to win you over, when your name had been so inscribed upon my heart. But if you'll have the serious one, he shall have you."
Your answer came in the form of a kiss that had his heart soaring, one a bit too quick for Haldir's liking, but he quite literally had all the time in the world if he wished. He could wait. For once, his words had not failed him.
"Again and again, my Hal-dear," you replied with a devilish grin.
The golden-haired elf let his own face fall into his hand at that one. "I'll not be forgetting that one anytime soon, will I?"
As fate would have it, Rúmil and Orophin designated that moment to return, whooping as they set their goblets back down, clearly having spied upon him through some curtain or another as they often had in their youth.
"Not in the slightest," they answered for you, voices perfectly synchronized.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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stanpinesdykewife · 8 days
Stop this is a golden opportunity your writing is so GOOD 🤩 Could I request a Stan x Reader fic where reader is playing/hanging out with the twins and Stan is like (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) “omg family”.
So down for pure fluff or even like some smut thrown in tbh I will read whatever you write, you’re brilliant
OKAY I GOT CARRIED AWAY. i'm having so much fun writing these thank you for such a cute prompt (and for complimenting me!! giggling!)!! tweaked it a little bit bc i just had to add ford and soos in there too :) they're a FAMILY (crying pounding the floor)!!!
pure fluff here! under the cut:
family time stan/reader (gender neutral) pre/during/post-canon/unspecified fluff, 1428 words
“This movie night is off the hizz-ook!” Mabel cheers, punctuating her statement with a harsh blow of her party blower. Ford laughs at the sound, even as she blows it directly next to his ear from where she’s propped up on the couch’s armrest.
“Oh, yeah! Two trilogies down, three more to go!” Dipper says, beaming down at a long list he and Mabel have curated for tonight—movies, a lot of them, all of them either incredibly feel-good or otherwise iconic. He draws a big red X over the title of the movie you’ve just finished. The credits roll quickly across the screen, and you start the search for the remote that all of you keep losing.
“Thank you again, Soos,” Ford says, leaning over to look past Dipper and Stan on the couch next to him. Soos is reclined in the big yellow armchair near the doorway to the foyer, going crazy on some assorted flavors of potato chips. He perks up when Ford addresses him. “We appreciate you and your abuelita letting us take over the TV room.”
“Dude, are you kidding?” Soos asks joyfully, through a mouthful of sour cream and onion chips. Stan leans over you to reach into the bowl of barbeque chips teetering on Soos’ lap. “The Shack is always open to you guys!”
“It better be, considering it was ours,” Stan says, a faux air of haughtiness surrounding his words. He shoves a handful of chips into his mouth and chews them with his mouth open while he’s still leaning over, effectively spitting some crumbs into your lap. You roll your eyes, but you huff out a laugh.
“It’s not mine!” you say, playfully shoving Stan’s shoulder so he’s not eating over you. You flash Soos a grin and he returns it, the red fez on his head sitting proudly. It suits him. “Thank you, Soos. This night is legendary. Uh, did I give you the remote before our last bathroom break?”
“I got the remote,” Dipper says helpfully, and you turn to see him clicking away from the credits to find the next movie. “But we are missing something. Mabel and great uncle Ford ate all the popcorn again.”
“Not guilty,” Ford says too quickly, suddenly staring at the wall straight ahead. He grips his can of Pitt Cola tightly and starts drinking it to avoid eye contact.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mabel says at the same time, kernels of popcorn stuck between her teeth. You laugh at them both and move to stand up, pushing yourself forward with a hand on Stan’s knee. He’s gone quiet, silently chewing his chips as he watches you stand.
“Uh oh! Popcorn emergency!” you joke, accepting the empty bowl Ford hands to you from his lap. “Someone call the popcorn police!” Mabel jumps at the opportunity.
“Wee-oo, wee-oo, wee-oo!” she starts, and Dipper grabs his own party blower to make loud, honking noises between each siren effect. Soos joins in, and you laugh a little too loud before registering a quiet tapping noise from upstairs. Abuelita or Melody signaling for you guys to be quiet. Everyone shuts up. You slap a hand over your mouth, then mumble into it.
“Okay, okay, popcorn police has arrived! I’m on it,” you whisper genially. The rest of the family claps silently, cheering for you under their breath. All of them except Stan, who looks around the room, swallowing his mouthful. You flash him an extra little smile, when he looks at you, then you nod to everyone else. “Be right back.”
Hushed chatter starts up again behind you, mindfully quiet, but likely to spiral into a riot again soon enough. As you disappear into the foyer, to the kitchen, Stan sits quietly in the midst of it all.
A few minutes later, the popcorn has been popped. You open the bag carefully, and as you tip it over the empty popcorn bowl, someone shuffles in behind you. You look over your shoulder to see Stan, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh, hey,” you greet him, turning back to the task at hand. You shake the bag over the bowl, a light amount of smoke wafting from the cascade of popcorn falling out. “You guys don't care if it's a little burnt, right? I kind of like it that way, so if not, I'll just pick out the pieces myself. I've seen the kids totally turn their marshmallows to charcoal though, so hopefully—”
Stan places a hand on your hip and you turn to look at him out of instinct. Then his mouth is on yours, warm and soft, sweetened by the Pitt you've all been drinking. You drop the popcorn bag into the bowl and turn so you can kiss him properly, your hands automatically moving over his shoulders as Stan's hands go to your waist.
He gently leans you against the counter, the line of his body pressing into yours and drawing a shudder through you. Stan parts from you then, pressing his forehead to yours as you catch your breath.
“What—” He kisses you again, chaste this time, and you laugh lightly against his mouth. “What's this about? You okay?”
“Mhm,” he hums, but his eyes are closed. He’s holding something back. Stan kisses you again, just a peck, and you interlace your fingers behind his neck to rub soothing little lines into the base of his skull with your thumbs.
“Hey,” you say, softer. It takes a moment, but then Stan's eyes flutter open. Your breath hitches at his expression, full of affection and admiration and… something else. Something melancholy. You slide one hand over to cup his face, leaning your head back to get a good look at him. His gaze drifts to the side. “Hey. What's up?”
“It's, uh…” Stan's hands flex on your waist. You're familiar with the feeling. You used to think he just touches you for the sake of touching you, but over time, it started to feel more meaningful. Like he wants to know you're really there, maybe, or that you're not pulling away. He continues, “Just gettin’ used to it.” You wait for a moment. When he doesn't elaborate, you prod,
“Getting used to what?” Stan stares at the floor for a few more seconds, and you can actually see his face grow pink.
“You and the kids. Everyone. I've never—I mean, it's—” He struggles, searching for the words in the lines of the kitchen cupboards. He finds them eventually, slowly. “You're family. You're stuck with us. Y’know that, right?”
“Oh,” you say, drifting your thumb over his cheekbone as you process. Stan leans into his, his face smushed up against your palm, and the sight makes you smile, something warm crawling up your chest. “Yeah. I know. You’re stuck with me, too.”
Stan’s gaze finally lands on you again, searching your expression. You let him, admiring the brown of his eyes, the slight furrow to his brow. Then Stan looks at you straight-on, and he smiles. He huffs out a chuckle, awkward, like he’s embarrassed.
“Yeah, well. You couldn’t escape even if you wanted to,” he says. You blink at him.
“That sounds a little ominou—Hey!” You burst into laughter as Stan squats down, wraps his arm around the backs of your thighs, and picks you up over his shoulder. You start patting at his back, his shoulder blades, but Stan just bounces you to adjust your weight before turning around. Your leg almost hits one of the cupboards as you turn, but neither of you care. “Stan! Put me down!”
“No escape!” he shouts over you, his grin evident in his voice. You vaguely notice he’s grabbed the bowl of popcorn before he marches out of the kitchen. You don’t get to see anyone’s reaction when he carries you into the living room, but Stan prompts them well enough: “Pines! Pines! Pines!”
“Pines! Pines! Pines!” You hear Mabel and Dipper go for the popcorn and start munching through their chants. Soos is clapping, and Stan is emboldened enough to bounce you again, making you bark out a laugh with each dig of his shoulder into your belly. Ford is dedicated, chanting the loudest of them all until Stan pretends to drop you and Ford sputters in alarm.
You’re laughing through it, a flush on your face, your legs kicking in the air. But you can’t not join in. When your laughter’s died down enough to speak, you pump a fist in the air and chant along: “Pines! Pines! Pines!”
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l0v3tast3 · 2 years
Listen. Only do this if you feel like it❤️
But can you do a hc or short ff (Anything is cool) with a reader that tells Ghost, price, Alejandro and Rudy that they see them as a father figure and that they feel save and protected around them?
Something wholesome because I thing we all could use some 🧎‍♂️❤️
✎ this is so adorable i love this idea omg
✎ tags: alejandro and rudy use feminine spanish nicknames for you but otherwise i think i kept it gender neutral reader?, military reader, pure fluff <3, not proofread im too cool for that
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☆ simon "ghost" riley
♡ you're both in the kitchen of the compound's living area at the same time, you perched on a counter while you and simon are waiting for coffee to brew. your conversation had turned to the last mission you had all went on.
♡ your arm had been grazed by a bullet during a firefight, and as much as simon will deny it, he went kind of ballistic. the enemies were neutralized within minutes after that and through your protests of "it was my arm, dumbass, i can walk!" he still picked you up and took you to safety and stitched you up.
♡ the whole time he had lectured you about staying behind cover and checking all your surroundings and all the other things you knew how to do, but you knew he wasn't angry with you because his hands were more gentle than you thought they could be.
♡ so when you're both waiting for coffee to brew and you tell him that he made you feel safe and that he was protective of you in a good dad way, he short-circuits.
♡ you see him as a father figure? he can't really figure it out himself why you do, even when he gives you a weird look and you try to explain further. he watches you with the same weird look through his balaclava (his eyebrows do plenty of talking for him) until the coffee is done and he pours you both cups and walks off.
♡ you just shrug and go about your day, but simon thinks about it for weeks. he doesn't forget how you trust him and he makes a point of keeping an eye out for you from now on, even if he was already doing it subconsiously.
☆ john price
♡ it's you and the other four guys, price, soap, ghost, and gaz, all sitting at a table playing cards and drinking. you're all joking around and gaz brings up how price is like an old grandpa sometimes with the stories he tells, and you chime in with "yeah, he's totally like our dad!"
♡ gaz, soap, and ghost all just nod their agreement with laughs but price stops, looking at you questioningly. he asks you if you really think of him like a dad, and you smile and nod.
♡ you tell him about how he's always so on top of everything and he makes sure the team stays together and solid, and how he just has "dad energy", which he doesn't understand but he'll ask gaz about later. it makes him feel a little warm inside but he just looks away so you can't see the obvious smile threatening to push through onto his face.
♡ he thinks about it for awhile afterwards. he covers up the mushy feelings he gets with dad jokes and sarcastic comments, but he makes sure to encourage and look out for you from then on.
♡ you can be damn well sure that if this man sees you flirting with anyone, he'll march on over and just start grilling them. it chases the person away 100% of the time because come on, this is captain john price of the 141 task force, and it kind of pisses you off, but he definitely finds it hilarious.
☆ alejandro vargas
♡ alejandro and you are holed up in a safehouse for a few hours during a mission and need to kill time, so as per usual he's sitting calmly, cleaning his weapons, and you're bouncing off the walls. he loses count of how many times he tells you to just sit about 45 minutes in.
♡ "changuita, you need to sit, preserve your energy," he says, about one million and two times. you just throw him an annoyed look and a quick "i'm not a monkey!", to which he just watches you once again climb a piece of furniture out of pure boredom.
♡ you almost (definitely intentionally) fall off of the couch when you go to jump onto it next to him and he bursts out laughing, warning you not to break something. you're response to this is, "whatever dad, you're the old one here!"
♡ he's just like, did i hear that right? and quirks an eyebrow at you. you give him a look back, confused, and he asks you if you think of him as your father.
♡ "well, not like, my dad, but, like... my dad, ya' know?" is followed by, "no, chiquita, i don't know." he's chuckling though, and he just shakes his head and goes back to cleaning his gun.
(changuita = little monkey , chiquita = little one , i googled this pls lmk if it's wrong lol)
☆ rodolfo parra
♡ rudy is bent under the hood of your car, inspecting the different compartments and liquids, explaining them to you when you accidentally call him "dad". you had called him over because a light on your dashboard had lit up and didn't really know what to do about it, and he had said before that if you ever need help to call him.
♡ he figures out what's wrong pretty quick and let's you know, saying he can have it easily fixed within the hour, and you beam up at him excitedly with a "thanks, dad!" you scurry inside to get something to drink for you both without realizing, and he's left to stand in the driveway, dumbfounded.
♡ when you come back out, you ask him why he looks weird and he asks, "hermana, do you really see me as a father figure?" and you think about it for a bit before you nod with a smile. "yeah, you always help me out when i need it and, ya know, i feel safe with you!"
♡ his heart melts and he vows then and there to always make sure that never changes with you. he starts actually treating you like his child, making sure you know you can call him for help whenever, going out of his way to get you whatever you need when he goes shopping for anything, making sure you're hanging around good people, etc. etc.
♡ rudy won't admit it but he really does start seeing you as his own child, and he always does his absolute best to keep an eye out for you.
(hermana = sister , again i just googled platonic spanish nicknames)
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Manager into crafts
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Team Japan x Gender Neutral Manager (they/them)
Warnings: Like all fluff, maybe swearing???
AN: I’m back on my bs again and here to feed everyone 😅 sorry it’s so sporadic but I hope this holds everyone over for a bit!
When I say you should be nominated for sainthood Yn, I mean it!
These guys are a lot to deal with
Honestly, you have no clue how they even functioned before you came along
I mean, the coach practically begged you to be their manager
Man’s is tired 😴
Anyways, it’s safe to say that practices are eventful
Despite’s Bokuto saying he’s “matured”, he hasn’t
“How come Hinata got more sets than I did?” Bokuto asks Atsumu
You 👉🏻😃 crap he noticed-
“It’s simple, Hinata was just on today and you weren’t,” Atsumu responses, walking away
Bokuto 👇🏻
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Meanwhile, Yaku and Hakuba are arguing about something 🙄
“That’s block sucked man, stop moving your hands all over!” Yaku shouts
“I wasn’t moving my hands all over, I was setting up for a receive when I knew I couldn’t block!” Hakuba yells back
On top of that Iwaizumi is yelling at Kageyama for practicing too much
Sakusa is complaining about how everyone needs to schedule their flu shot
And Aran has just all but abandoned the gym because he’s just over it
Thankfully, when practice was over, you were able to go home and spend some time enjoying one of your favorite hobbies
Crafting ✂️ 🎨 🧶
You had tried a lot of different crafts and found that you were pretty good at them
Everything from painting to knitting, from sculpting to resin
You enjoyed the creativity that crafts provided
It could be stressful but definitely not as stressful as your day job
Nothing can ever beat that stress 🙄
Anyways, you’d managed to keep your hobby on the down low
It wasn’t that you weren’t proud, it was more like you just hadn’t found the opportunity to bring it up
I mean, it’s not like you’re busy or something 😐
It wasn’t until one fateful night when your happy little secret was finally discovered
You see, you were home, watching/listening to some show while trying to knit
It was a newer hobby you’d picked up, on top of jewelry making, crocheting, etc
A jack of all trades our sweet YN 💅
You are knee deep in ‘knit one purl two’ rhythm when the door bell rings
Now since you had very little life outside the team, you were wondering who it could possibly be
You didn’t want to lose your stitch so you stood up and made your way to the door
On the other side was none other then Hinata and Kageyama
Panicked you quickly opened the door and stared at them
🎶 when he looks at me, and I look at him and he looks at me and I LOOK AT HIMMM 🎶
Obviously, you are draped in yarn while dawning other comfy attire 💅
Arguably two of the most “chaotic” members of the team just stare at you
Literally 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
You look at them like “What? Can’t I have a life outside of being your caretaker?”
Of course Hinata probably thinks you just escaped some maniac who attempted to tie you up with yarn of all things…
“OMG YN WHERE YOU KIDNAPPED??” Hinata yells, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you rather violently
“I’m in my own house Shoyo…” you respond, brain trying to reconnect to reality
Leave it to Kageyama to help the situation
“HINATA BOKE YN ISNT KIDNAPPED, THEY ARE PRACTICING THEIR KNOT TYING SKILLS!” Kageyama screams, smacking Hinata in the back of the head
See… helping 😌
Sighing as the two dunces fight in front of you, you try to calmly correct their mistake
“I’m not kidnapped, nor am I practicing any nautical knot tying, I’m learning to knit,” you explain as the two cock an eyebrow in your direction.
Both of them look at each other and then back to you, confused 🫤
You 👉🏻😐🙄
“You know what, it’s really not important! What do you two need?” You question, wondering why you were interrupted in the first place
“Well now I can’t remember why we came here!” Hinata exclaims, “can you Kageyama?”
“Yeah not really,” Kageyama answers
You definitely deserve a pay raise Yn
“Ok well if you two could kindly go home and rest that would be much appreciated. You know how angry Hajime gets when you guys don’t get enough sleep,” you scold as the two men’s eyes widen
They quickly take off, racing each other to who knows where
As you close and lock your door, you think about how the next days practice with go
Will Hinata and Kageyama tell the other guys about your hobby?
Will Hinata and Kageyama even remember?
Honestly you figure brain cells are on your side since the two that just exited your apartment have a combined one on a good day
There’s no way they’d ever tell the guys about your knitting…
Sure… yeah… absolutely… it’s DEFINITELY fine : D
*12 hours later*
“YN I didn’t know you tied nautical knots on your days off? What a unique hobby!” Yaku says, first the next morning at practice
“I didn’t even know you fished Yn,” Hakuba adds
“Maybe YN just likes the art of knot making?” Aran suggests
You 👉🏻 🧍🙄
“I don’t tie knots guys, I knit… KNIT!” You shout as their eyes all pop open
“Knit? As in like what grandmas do?” Atsumu inputs
Please someone 👊🏻
“Atsumu shut up! Knitting is something alot of people do to relieve stress. And with a team filled with dummies like you, I’m sure YN needs all the stress relieve they can get!” Iwaizumi shouts
“Oh my god,” you whisper as the gym fills with chatter
“Why didn’t you tell us about your hobby Yn?” Ushijima asks as you just stare at him and gesture to the chaos that is currently unfolding
Ushijima just nods and quietly walks away to resume his practice
“So YN do you knit? Like scarves or port holders or something?” Suna questions as he walks with you to your office
“Well I’m just learning the art right now but I do a few other crafts in my spare time,” you say, still ignoring whatever is happening on the floor
“That’s cool, you should post some of your crafts online. I’m sure you could sell them or something? Maybe make a little extra money?”
You shrug, not really interested in extra funds and more excited to just do something you enjoy
Or should I say, the TEAM enjoys 😅
Because if you think you’re going to get away with not teaching one craft Yn, you are very mistaken
Hinata is sending you 5 minute craft videos every day
Bokuto wants to know if you can knit special pads for him for practice
Atsumu is asking for a custom “Atsumu” phone case 🙄
It literally doesn’t stop
So what do we do about this? Well there’s only one thing we CAN do 👀
That’s right, you gather all your craft supplies and haul them into the gym one Friday during practice
The guys all stare at you like you’ve walked into the wrong gym
“Uhh Yn you do know this is a volleyball gym right?” Yaku jokes as you set up your table on the side lines and nod
“Yep! But after practice it’s going to be a craft party!”
“Craft… PARTY???” The guys all shout in tones varying from excitement to pure confusion
“Yes since you all want me to make you crafts, I’m just going to show you how to do it instead!” You exclaim
“You made sure to get non-toxic glue right Yn? I don’t trust some of the idiots not to eat it,” Sakusa remarks, staring at a few members in particular
You roll you eyes and smile, “yes Sakusa, it’s all safe! And I have crafts for everyone.”
Surprisingly, the guys are rather good at crafts
Sakusa’s flexibility makes crocheting and knitting a piece of cake
Atsumu’s flamboyant nature makes him great at painting
Hinata and Kageyama have somehow turned bracelet making into a competition
Komori and Yaku are great with stencils!
And you? You are just happy to be able to share your hobby with your favorite people 🥰
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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So ya know how paimon has been kinda sus in sumeru right? Down right bashing their culture 🤨
I NEED blunt readers reaction of that
Like,, we love her and all but sometimes she just need to be put back in her place ',:/
In the case that she is not familiar with the our "ancient"/blunt language, she would be just DUMBSTRUCK !
Anywayysss just a thought.
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My genuine reaction when getting into Sumeru at first:
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Like im so happy u sent this bc this gives me an excuse to write all my rants and comebacks for every Offensive Racist Paimon Line!
also omg, i couldnt find ANY of her rough lines abt pronoucing Sumeru names or something, like no google searches showed ANYTHING- wtf- paimon trying not to get cancelled out here in??
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: Language Shenanigans
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, tiny scenario
Stars: Paimon, slight mentions of traveler (aether or lumine), Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: cussing, slight racism/culturally insults, Paimon-bashing & Trigger Warnings: slight racism/cultural insults
Bascially if you don’t know, Paimon’s had a lot of weirdly slightly out of character/insulting lines about the names of Sumeru characters/Aranara/and has insulted Sumeru food too. 💀 And she’s never said any of that about any other country that we’ve been to before, like it’s especially weird PAIMON of all people insulting FOOD.
It’s givingggg… racism. Or at least culturally offensive.
So anyway, these are all from memory or vague impressions of what she’s said, as I can’t find the exact voicelines!
“Ararana- what?! Goodness gracious, must all these names be so great in length and difficult to pronounce!”
“Your name is probably pretty shit for them to say too, Paimon, don’t worry.”
Literally can feel the jaw drops of the Aranara that was trying to introduce themselves, and Paimon herself as she sputters,
the blonde traveler has like, completely turned around to, y’know, cough (laugh their ass off)
Oh you never let that shit slide, much to the amusement (and honestly a little respect) from all of Sumeru residents
When Paimon struggles to pronounce names, you just immediately start sounding it out reallllyyy slowly, to the point of like- taking a couple of seconds for each syllable lmao
“Don’t worry Paimon, I’ll help you out since you’re brain is too little to understand words. Alllll- TTTTTTeeeeee- nnnnaaaahhhhh- rrrrrriiiiii-” (Al-Tighnari)
Tighnari was seconds away from launching a nuclear war of a comeback before you just did this again, and he just crossed his arms and smiled happily and waited on you too lmao
it drives Paimon up the wall (up in the air?) bc u refuse to be interrupted by her or stop sounding it out until she stops talking lol
(which took about 3-4 shitty comments from her, which almost ruined peoples’ first impression of you guys, before she stopped completely thank fuck)
She’d also been a little shit about the food??!!? Paimon??!!! Of all people??!?!?!?!
Which is honestly insane to you, and you genuinely thought something was wrong with her for a minute when she looked a little disgusted at the Pita Pockets
You guys had been eating with a couple of allogenes, Alhaitham, Kaveh, (who took some time off to hang out) Tighnari (who was visiting for the day), and Cyno, (who’d also made some time off to hang out with you)
Tighnari just continues to eat his food, and barely twitches an ear at Paimon’s comments, he already knows what’s coming lol
Kaveh starts to get a little red in the face, and Alhaitham and Cyno don’t change expression at all, simply watching
Right as Kaveh begins to say, “Listen here-!!!”
You just interrupt quickly, snatching Paimon’s plate from in front of her and dumping it on yours,
“Paimon if you ever make another disrespectful little comment about the food or anyone’s names or any other shit about Sumeru, I will clap you so fucking hard out the sky you’ll be crawling through Sumeru City trying to keep up with us. Shut up.”
And just drop the empty plate back in front of her, and continue to eat, best not to give her too much attention actually, in case thats all she wants
The traveler was just like 😭😭
doing that thing where you LOUDLY sip the last of your drink in the silence LMAO
Alhaitham just like, turns away to laugh into his fist, Kaveh’s still in literal shock, mouth open and everything 😭 that was the fastest comeback he’s ever heard, yknow obviously, so he’s like- still processing-
Cyno just smiles a little and his eyes are nearly sparkling as he watches you lol
It’s a unanimous thought that nearly every allogene who hears your speech, especially the Sumeru ones who’ve heard you sass Paimon already,
want to watch you just destroy someone verbally so they can hear more of how you’d say it/how clean a cut simple speech can be, just downright violating the opponents lmao
(and never wanting it turned on them)
Sorry this was short!
it was such sweet revenge on Paimon to write this, and have actual consequences rather than just 😭 having to STEWWWW in anger while she made all these comments while playing 😭😭
tbh i was worried it was giving “white savior” energy so i hope it doesn’t-
lmk if that did happen! :/
and thank u guys for being so patient with ur asks and patient with me answering them!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
May I please request (for the brothers and dateables) how they do PDA if they do it at all? Thank you in advance! If you don't wanna, just ignore this ask. ^-^ Hope you're having a great day/night!
Thank you for the ask <3
Sorry that I can't do the later datatables :(, but let's see what the stats are on public display of affection >:D
The level of PDA wil be announced by the amount of: ♡ out of 5
most of The Obey Me cast! x Gender neutral reader
Lucifer ♡♡
He never does it when Diavolo is around. If you still do it when he is around, Lucifer will try to pretend that your touch doesn't exist. When Diavolo notices it he'll brush it off, but you can tell that Lucifer enjoys it a lot. He shows his affection in public a little more with words of affirmation then PDA.
-Most common PDA type is: A kiss on the cheek or holding hands
Mammon ♡♡♡♡♡
Mammon does it whenever he can. He wants everyone to know you are his and he is yours<3. Kissing, hugging you name it.
-Most common PDA type is: Long lingering kisses and I can see him as the type to put his hands in the back pocket of your pants X.X.
He will never initiate it first, but really wants to! He is scared of people judging him. OMG imagine linking pinkies together?? AHHH. He especially wants it when he is feeling very nervous or anxious
-Most common PDA type is: Linking pinkies
Asmodeus ♡♡♡♡♡
When are his hands not on you? If you tell him that he is touching you too much, he'll dim it down of course. Your comfort comes first <3. He just has the urge to touch you so much, to the point that he unknowingly gets irritated when he has not held you enough for the day.
-Most common PDA type is: Back hugs and affectionate strokes over your leg
Satan ♡♡♡
He holds your hands so often. ALSO KISSES ON YOUR FOREHEAD?!?!?!? AHJAVVADJHVDJ sorry. It helps him relieve anger when your hand is physically there to ground him. He also sees it as a way that he can show off that you like him more than Lucifer.
-Most common PDA type is: Hand holding and forehead kisses
Beelzebub ♡♡♡♡
He is so used to being affectionate towards Belphie that he automatically does it to you too. It is so cute. He will just carry you everywhere, at first it was to "work out more on the go" but later continued it because he loves you to bits.
-Most common PDA type is: Piggybackrides, long hugs and headpats
He is a hanging plant, you are its support. Whether you like it or not. He just feels super safe and comfortable around you, so falling asleep on you is common. When he is awake he'll lean in for a neck kiss, just to tease you.
-Most common PDA type is: Thigh sleeping, shoulder naps and subtle neck kisses
Diavolo ♡♡♡♡
He wants you by his side at all times. I see him as a guy who holds you by the waist. He is just so happy to have you and wants to show how much he loves you. It is extremely distracting for the others when you are on his lap in meetings.
-Most common PDA type is: Waist holding and lap sitting
Barbatos ♡
He does not do PDA, mostly because he is 'on the job' 24/7. When he does have the time, he will opt for the two of you being alone so he can properly show you his affection and love.
-Most common PDA type is: A kiss on your hand 
Simeon ♡♡
I think that he is an act of service kinda man, but he definitely publicly shows that he loves you whenever you see each other. The soft glimmer in his eye clearly shows that he only has eyes for you. Luke has no choice but to just watch. 
-Most common PDA type is: Holding your hand and holding softly stroking your shoulder.
Solomon ♡♡
I think he shows love more with his words than his body. However when he is talking to someone, he will occasionally softly pull you towards him. He'll do it more when the demon brothers are around.
-Most common PDA type is: A hand gently pressed on your back
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roachspeaks · 1 year
QUEEN .....!!! ; Seeing that your request was open, I came here immediately, can I request Michael, Fredy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Bo, Vincent, charles lee ray and Lester. With s/o who have high sex, and are always spoiled by s/O 🥺will always do anything and obey their wishes so then s/o can have sex.
You can think I'm a pervert, you can also ignore my strange request. I really like your story everything is so perfect. Don't forget to take care of your health ❤ and drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated. Have a good day
Omg I just saw this!! I almost missed it 😭😭😭. But omg ofc. Sorry this took so long(I’m not even sure how long it took tbh) as a bonus for me almost missing your request I included some kinks and aftercare hc’s. <3
Slashers with a s/o with a high sex drive
Warnings: nsfw(obvi), descriptions of sex, some ooc(I think😅), gender neutral terms,
Michael Myers(any)
At first he doesn’t understand the appeal of sex. He spent his entire teenage years in a mental institution. Didn’t have much time to explore his own body or desires. But after much begging(and him coming to the conclusion it means a lot to you) he decides to try it. What could go wrong right? Remember how I said he didn’t get to go trough his basic teenage hormone faze? You’ve made him hyper sexual. Of course he’s gonna be selfish with it, and you will get little to no control. But he’s come to the realization he likes sex. You better bet he’s rough with it too. He’s definitely a pain/masochism kinda guy. You offer to integrate blood or knives in the mix?(even if its fake) He’s into it. Again with the roughness, choking, degrading(this man doesn’t even need words to be degrading). He’s defo the type to fuck you until you cry. Aftercare isn’t really his strong suit. If you pass out or can’t walk to the bathroom yourself he’ll clean you up(he ain’t a condom man, ain’t got no patience). Of course if you comment on it he’ll deny it.
Freddy Krueger
My personal feeling about this man are mixed. He’s definitely a torture kinda guy. Like either denying your orgasm over and over. Edging you until you can’t think. Or making you cum over and over until the same result. His sex drive is also exponentially high so your made for each other. His whole dream power has definitely been used to make you have wet dreams. Even to just manipulate you Into wanting sex. A bondage guy. I can see it. He’d enjoy the thrill of you not being able to do anything as he tortures you. Aftercare isn’t great with him either. He’ll wipe you down and let you cuddle him(because any physical contact is physical contact enough for him).
Bo Sinclair
It has been established that Bo is no amateur. He’s a sex guy. When he discovers your high sex drive he’s thrilled. Counters, bedrooms, showers, public bathrooms, nowhere is safe. He’s into just about everything you can think of but some that stick out, oral(receiving mostly), roughness in general, you being loud, PRAISE. He will never admit it, to his dying breath. But this man lives for your praise and your sounds. It lets him know that he’s making you feel good. He may act like a self centred asshole(and sometimes he is) but he’s also always looking out for your pleasure. After care with him is surprisingly adequate. He knows he can be rough. And after sex he’ll run you a hot bath and join you(if you’d prefer that of course). He’ll let you sleep on top of him and the next day he’ll make you food.
Vincent Sinclair
He’s the KING of giving oral. Loves making you feel good more than anything. Also a massive vouyer(enjoys watching you touch yourself). He has tunnels in the walls for a reason. And my man can multitask. You can be horny, whining and begging for him to ruin you, and he can use one hand to do just that while he uses the other to do his sketches.(I headcannon he’s ambidextrous). He’s definitely the type to lick his fingers after you cum for him. Like he does it so casually. Aftercare with this man is HEAVEN. He’s so touch deprived you can count on cuddles and showers of kisses(and literal showers too). A worrier. Will ask over and over if he was too rough. And he can be ROUGH. Like face red with tears of pleasure, legs numb. Especially if you decided to be bratty with him.
Lester Sinclair
Much like Vincent he is also a worrier. But the whole time. Unlike Vince he can’t multitask as simply. But k GUARANTEE the moment you mention how your feeling he has dropped everything and is ready to please you. He’s like a puppy staring at you, waiting for instruction. Once he gets an idea of what you want he’s getting straight to work. He’s defo a chest guy. Don’t matter if you have boobs or not. He will watch for any reaction that you make, any spots on your body that warrant specific sounds or bodily reactions from you when he touches them. After a while he knows your body better then you do. He can be rough if you want him to but prefers to be gentle and thorough. He’s also an aftercare-aholic. Will hold you and smother you until you have to physically push him away(but why would you need to am I right?).
Jason Voorhees
As MANY people have stated, his feelings about sex are mixed. It was something the camp leaders who let him die participated in, and that was bad. But it was also something you clearly valued and you weren’t bad. You are the love of us life. Once he gets over the idea of it being sinful, he can RAIL. Like you can’t expect me to believe a guy his size doesn’t pound hard. When he sees your reactions to him for the first time he’s concerned. But when he learns it’s because he’s making you feel good he needs to hear and feel it again. Definitely more of a vanilla guy, but he’s good at it. Aftercare is amazing. His momma always taught him to treat his partner right. He’ll even take time off from hunting down the intruders of the camp to cuddle you and hold you close. He’s not small. That can be agreed on. That’s also something he knows. So he wants you to be okay. Besides, you come first. Always.
Omg Jesus. I hope this is okay or what you wanted. I didn’t do Charles specifically because I don’t know like ANYTHING abt him. I hope this doesn’t sound rushed or anything. Thanks for reading, take care loves<3
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mono-dot-jpeg · 11 months
tank moment - mauga
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summary; title slightly irrelevant, i wanted to be funny. iykyk
genre/extra tags; headcanons/bullet fic, i talk about mauga hcs i thought of on the fly, reader is implied to be a support character, reader is also part of talon group, fluff, i only know the bare minimum about him and that's all i need baby, is this platonic or romantic idk
[gender neutral reader] [canon typical violence mentioned]
a/n; im back on my overwatch era. it never really ended but, i want to write about him, mauga, the beloved. typing this on my phone and finishing on my computer if anything seems wonky shhh dont tell me i'll relive that mistake for days
also this is a somewhat lightly reseached- aka not fully accurate/detailed work. i briefly mention samoan culture and if it offends or if it's a mistake, please tell me and i will erase those parts asap.
[support me and buy a kofi]
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i've been watching and playing with/against mauga since the trial to play him came out and god i love him
but he's kind of easy to counter (im an ana main, nade is fucking broken but that's just anti heal things) and his ult is annoying
every tank needs their heal bot to keep em up
you just happen to be mauga's heal bot KDJSJSJ
(baptiste is too probably but not really)
he's a really smug guy
no one really knows that bc he sounds so upbeat and nice
but he loves to tease you, poke at you bc he knows that you will answer to him most of the time and entertain him in conversation
you and him are probably in your world even when you're both in talon tbh
he does his own thing and you just happen to join in
(he totally baits you to join his plans and you both know it)
he's a chaotic and cunning man and you're his enabler
(sounds like me and my bestie tbh)
"a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you" type beat
he's lowkey possessive but we dont talk about that
jk we do talk abt it
he's your scary guard dog privileges
like that man is tall tall ‼️‼️
idk why but i dont really imagine him being like an openly sweet person
he keeps it private even with how loud he is
you know how he's on a yacht for his origin story and there's like a bunch of people who got destroyed by him?
yeah he would totally do that shit for u if you asked.
he would give you the best home but
"thanks for the new place and all but did you have to kill someone for it?"
"i mean come on! this place is nice! let's enjoy it!"
he's very "i'll do the dirty work, just sit back and look pretty." and then you're like, "yeah i could. but i won't."
dps support vibes for you ✨️
but also he's charging in most of the time so, there's not much time to dps support KDHDJDJJD
he's like the kool aid man bursting in through the walls /j
back to the hcs here...
he's so tall and big, he would totally let you hang off his back like nunu and wilump (from league, yeah i play league dont remind me totally gonna write for heartsteel soon tm)
also he's literally the greatest heated blanket (ahead of roadhog)
he's so stronk and wowowowow im so gay i love him
when you're surrounded by some enemies, he's charging in, slamming the ground and carrying you with ease as he keeps you safe while destroying any enemies who even tried to touch you
despite his lack of pda, he's a very actions over words.
he's so silly
chivalry isn't dead when he breaks into a jewelry store for u 😍😍
if you ever have those crazy thoughts about crime, he's totally gonna enable you and let you reign havoc on god knows what.
love language is actions and gift giving. enough said.
when he gives you a hug, he's so fucking warm omg
i said it before and i'll say it again, he's the best heated blanket, literal furnace
bad for the people who sweat easily though (ahem me lowkey)
one the off-days where it's just a day off and relaxing, he's taking care of you well !!
when you're on talon missions, since he can't run around as easily unless he gets the okay but you do keep him company until then
he likes to protect but he loves destroying people
he knows you're able to care for yourself, so he can go crazy whenever, and he loves that.
he also loves watching you get mad or angrily passionate
"yes go, la'u ma’asoama!" (my rock/stone, get it? bc his name means mountain)
he is a really good hype man. even if you're the one in the wrong.
soon (tm)
someday i'll write more.
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fallingdownhell · 11 months
(first time requestingg om)
I just thought about tighnari with a s/o like Shinobu
Basically with her personality traits um maybe even height-
OMG, Hi! Hope you like it here<3 And I hope I did your first request justice <3
Pairing: Tighnari x reader
Content: gender neutral reader; reader looks and behaves like Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer
Word count: 500 words
Have fun!
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first of all, he absolutey goes crazy about you guys difference in height
he adores that you have to look up to him whenever you talk to him
he constantly teases you about it. In a loving way of course, but it does get on your nerves from time to time
Tighnari absolutely loves to just let his chin rest on top of your head when you're working on something. He can easily look at what you're doing and either give you some advice or just observe you and let you do your thing
also wholeheartedly adores it when he can bend down and just push his nose in the juncture of your neck and shoulder, staying right there to regain some much needed energy to get him through the day. Especially likes doing this when he has to deal with annoying Academiya students again
absolutely enamoured by your knowledge of medicine and poisons. He can tell how passionate you are about those subjects. He sees himself and his fascination for the forest in you, so he tries to support you in whatever study or experiment your are conducting right now
though he does still keep a watchful eye out for you, since working with poisons can get real dangerous real fast. But he has trust in you, and you and him both know that you know your limits
still, you're his partner. Can't blame him for looking out for you
the two of you actually have a lot of inside jokes with each other
loves your sarcastic and lowkey insulting way of talking to others, especially when neither of you likes the person
you were talking to him like this in the beginning as well. But rather than be insulted by it, he found it intriguing and pretty endearing, to be honest
it's what made him interested in you in the first place
nowadays, you don't talk to him like that at all anymore, except for the occaisonal, harmless banter between you guys
he adores that you always say what you think and feel without letting it boil inside you for too long. Honesty and communication is something he values highly, and he's glad that it comes so easily and naturally for the both of you
a personal headcanon of mine is that he would be in love with your handwriting
it's so elegant and neat, so pleasant to look at and the words are so easy to read
if possible, he would want for you to write a book or something, so he can always look at your perfect handwriting whenever he wants to
it took a while for you to figure this out, since Tighnari was hiding it well, thinking that you would think of him as some sort of creep or something along those lines
overall really adores everything about you. Tighnari would be smitten with his partner, no matter what they look or act like. He just loves YOU and everything that comes with you
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 (+ 𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬)?
Omg Tumblr actually have WORD LIMIT?! I didn't know it-
I wanted to upload this post with Craig's gang reactions, but Tumblr stopped me-
So now I have to make an another post about Craig and his gang-
Nvm- I hope you guys will enjoy this!
Oh and there are probably some spelling mistakes bc I wrote this at late night and I didn't look through it- sorry :")
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff, some curse, all the way fluff, Stan's part is a little bit longer, bc I gave him plot, the reader can be gender neutral, they/them pronouns used for the reader, pet names (like baby, babe, hon, etc), the reader is in a romantic relationship with the characters and I think that's all-
All credit of the gifs goes to the og creator!
Fandom: South Park
Character(s): Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Butters Stotch, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Y/N|The Reader|You
Ship(s): The Characters x Y/N|The Reader|You
Type: Headcanons
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★ Stan Marsh ★
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• Stan played with his video games on your side
• and you got bored of watching it
• you looked at your boyfriend who concentrated very hard about what he was doing
• he looks so cute when he tries to focus on something this hard
• he seemed lost in the virtual world, so you choosed that it's time to bring him back to reality
• he got red so quickly
• his face is all red and omg he can't hold back his vomit
• You looked over the game what said “Game Over”.
"I'm sorry hon, I didn't mean to disturb you." you said as you looked back at your boyfriend who was red as a tomato.
"N-no! It's okay!" he looked up at you with a soft smile on his face. He got closer so you could rest your head on his shoulder as he holds you. "I can do this later." he put the console away. "So what should we do next, babe?"
• he will probably give it back by giving you a kiss on your cheek or on your neck
• it's not important if you do it in private or in public
• he doesn't mind it actually
• he just gets flustrated very easily
• but be prepared Cartman's "eww get a room" thing if you do it in front of the guys
★ Kyle Broflovski ★
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• he actually prefers it in private because of Cartman
• Cartman would be like "(Y/N) IS A SLUT FOR KAHL AGAIN!"
• but he definitely loves it when you do it ♡
• he just gets so fast as red as his hair
• he won't give it back bc he is afraid to do it
• he will actually ask you so he could give the kiss back
• "Oh my gosh, Kyle. Of course you can give it back!" you giggled because of how red and cute he was.
• He says thank you by giving soft kisses to your face.
★ Eric Cartman ★
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• I can imagine Eric as the typical “ "Eww what was that?" "A kiss." "Gross... Do it again." ” person
• yk that I'm an Eric kinnie, but seriously I can't imagine him like touchy or a lovely dovey person
• he doesn't get so flustrated of it, actually he doesn't show any signs of he's liking it or not
• but trust me, he does like it
• he really does, he just don't want to look like a cherry infront of you
• so he acts like he wouldn't care
• if you don't want him to be a hot head, do it in private
• please do it in private
• oh and don't prepare for return
★ Kenny McCormick ★
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• same as Eric, he won't be so flustrated about it as the others
• but he LOVES it so much
• he does it with you as well, so it's not new for you two
• he doesn't care if you two in public or not
• and he will give the kiss back with no hesition
• probably he will give much more than you did give to him
• sweet, loveful smooches all the way!
• "Alright, Ken, that's enough!" you giggled as you tried to stop him from giving to your neck an another soft kiss.
• a little blush still appeares on his face, but believe me, he's very happy about the surprise kisses!
★ Leopold "Butters" Stotch ★
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• the colors changing so fast on his face
• he really appreciates tho
• if you do it after he had a long day, it will definitely cheer him up!
• he actually says thank you after it
• "O-Oh, well..." he can't even talk because of flustration! He's speechless! "Thank you, (Y/N)!" he sends a sweet, happy smile to you that appeares on his flushed cheeks.
• he loves it everywhere and everytime, so he doesn't actually care about privacy
• it's so fun to him!
• he will definitely return it!
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drunkenkissesatdusk · 4 months
hey! so glad to see new writers on here!!
do you mind writing something for donnie darko? fluff, angst, whatever you decide :)
DOLL - donnie darko.
fluff all around guys GENDER NEUTRAL READER
━━━━━━━━ DONNIE DARKO had been a quiet guy in (name)'s eyes. They'd never particularly heard him speak, but he'd also never really heard them speak. When (name) entered his English class one tuesday afternoon, Donnie was enticed by them.
Their enigma floated through the school, and before they'd made friends, (name) had a reputation. They were oblivious to this, but that didn't mean Donnie was. He'd heard kids say that (name) had been expelled for a fight that sent a kid to the hospital at their old school.
He believed heavily it was a lie. (name), his (name) wasn't capable of that - thats why he was determined to weasle his way into their life.
It started three weeks later, nearing the middle of their school year, Donnie had manifested their partnership through a school project. It didn't take him long to realize how odd he was being, but somehting inside of him found it to be normal - in his eyes, it was okay.
If it meant he was getting closer to (name), he believed it to be okay.
The first day of the project, Donnie had invited (name) over, letting them into his private space - his bedroom. Not a lot of his friends got to see his room, but as he watched their eyes float through his room, he was okay with them in here.
By the time they'd had their second day for their project, Donnie found his obsession fading into a genuine crush. How would they react to his problems? Would they run away screaming when he told them about Frank?
(name) wasn't like that when he told them, they understood him, and they never dared to poke and prod at the fact that something was wrong with him. They treated Donnie normally, and he was genuinely head over heels for them.
They’d adjusted to this newfound friendship within days, considering how close (name) and Donnie were able to get within days. The new duo had easily passed their project, being the only two to do so. However, they found themselves hanging out more and more after school.
After some time, the time for (name) to sleepover at the Darko household came. Donnie warned them not to be alarmed when he wasn’t in the bed beside them, and they understood - nodding instantly. They’d still worry about him, but they wouldn’t necessarily be so worried they’d call the police.
One night, before he disappeared, he found himself holding (name). They’d fallen asleep like that, their head resting half on his arm and half on his pillow, hand holding his arm that wrapped around their waist.
He’d found himself awake after a while, in the middle of the golf course. Soon enough, he’d made it home, and trudged along to hide away in (name)s arms. They were still asleep by time he collapsed atop them, burying himself into the crook of their neck, arms wrapping securely around them.
“You okay, Donnie?” (name) sleepily asked, running their hand through his hair. That soothed him further, soon (name) found themself with a sleeping Donnie in their arm. They really had no problem with it, soon adjusted and fast asleep themself.
It was a common occurrence for nights to end this way. Neither really cared about the obscurities of what they considered “friendship”, so they continued to do as they did.
(name) also had a quirk where they were mostly understanding, caring, and loving when it came to fights, the two worked through each problem bit by bit, and they eventually had a smooth friendship.
On this particular night, Donnie lay across (name)s chest, breathing in their cologne/perfume. He was calm, his mind was quiet, and their hands floated through his hair, down his back, expanding across his shoulders, and ending back in his hair.
He was calm, holding her so tightly it was almost insane. This was his comfort, his home, his domains. No one could take this away from him, no one could take away his (name).
They didn’t mind it either, and they felt their heart begin to ache for him through long periods of time where they didn’t talk and hangout every millisecond of the day.
Deciding then and now, they’d get closer with Donnie, and maybe eventually fall in love. Donnie wasn’t opposed either, he was already head over heels for his best friend.
“Hey, I’m Marcus.” he was the fancy new kid, a phony accent to mask his boring interior and personality. Marcus had fallen in love with (name) upon first sight, which bothered both (name), and Donnie.
Donnie hated Marcus. He made it known all the time, but (name) pulled the same antics, melting into Donnie’s arms, chest, lap, anything, whenever Marcus was nearby.
“That guy you’re always with,” (name) was getting lunch, sliding her tray across the metal tubes that formed a sort of resting sill, “are you two dating?” he finished his question, accepting the apple from the lunch lady.
“Yeah, wasn’t it obvious?” (name) snickered, lying straight to his face. What they hated was how real their statement sounded - were they really really into Donnie?
They were. They absolutely were. Nothing could be done about it, is what every one of their friends thought before they’d finally asked each other out. They thought about their friends one night while basking in the silence that sat between the two.
They toned down the PDA, but upped it in private areas. Donnie was always a clingy guy, no matter how scary he seemed in real life. But that was their Donnie, and they loved him.
ignore how the layout is im secretly on my phone during school
also yall i fucking love clingy guys 😔
please request more i love ur guys’s ideas ugh
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Hi! It's me again :3, I don't know (and remember) if anyone has asked this before but I would like to know:
How did OG!MK feel when he found out that SW is his father in another dimension (I feel like Mei would say something like "See? I told you he was your dad" or something)
If it happens before S4, I feel like Mk would be a little jealous of his other self seeing that he doesn't have the problem of not knowing who his biological parents.
(The idea occurred to me when I remembered a tiktok that said MK used any type of editing app to get an idea of ​​what his parents would look like 🥲)
omg if you have that tiktok I'd love a link XD
Think i did do a post like that ages ago, but only with an earlier draft of TMKATI and canon. Now I have like three more verses to torment MK with >:)
When the Canon verse and the other verses collide, the quickest thing the MKs would notice is their appearances.
OG!MK: "Whoa!! These me's are monkey demons!" TMKATI!MK: "And you guys are... human???" SlowBoiled!MK: "Yeah, why wouldn't him- I mean me be?" CenturyEgg!MK: "I don't know about you guys - but my parents are monkey demons. Then again my gūtā [dad's gender neutral older sibling] is human, I think???" JTTWEgg!MK: "My parents are monkey demons! The coolest monkey demons ever I may brag." TMKATI!MK: "Oh no way! My parents are monkey demons too! i have a bunch of adopted siblings though. Does your dad work with Bóbo[dad's older brother] Pigsy too?" CenturyEgg!MK: "No cus Uncle Pigsy and Tang lives in the city. We all live on Flower Fruit Mountain - but we visit as often as possible! Uncle Sandy ferries us across all the time." :3 OG!MK: "Wow!! You two live on the mountain!? What's it like?" JTTWEgg!MK, shrugging: "It's cool." CenturyEgg!MK: "Sometimes feel pressured by my role as Heir to the Stone Throne - but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I really don't like having to visit the Celestial Realm though. The nobles are kinda mean about my dad cus he caused a bunch of havoc a long time ago." The Other MKs: "wut" OG!MK: "Uh... Please explain who your parents are?" CenturyEgg!MK, confused by their confusion: "Sun Wukong the Monkey King, and Liu'er Mihou the Sage of Wind??? I thought you guys were too???" JTTWEgg!MK: "Yeah, mine are too. I thought you guys knew??" SlowBoiled!MK: "No- well kind- it's complicated! Ok!?" TMKATI!MK: "Not me. My parents are normal monkey demons, dude." OG!MK: "Oh my gods the Monkey King *is* our dad in another universe! Mei is never gonna let me forget this!" CenturyEgg!MK: "Well techinically he's my mom too so..." The Other MKs: "lol wat?" JTTWEgg!MK: "lol same."
The different MKs collaborate to tell stories about themselves (and get a solid PSA on Stone Eggs) while their respective Meis are snapping photos with eachother.
The different monkeys watch on nervously. The different monkey kings are sitting politely as their Macaques hiss at eachother from across the room.
OG!SWK: "So uh... did you tell him yet?" Other Monkeys: "Tell him what?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "About him being made by Nuwa, or the fact that we were forced to abandon him?" The CenturyEgg and TMKATI monkeys: "What." TMKATI!SWK, laughing nervously: "What? Oh gods no. I thought you guys meant telling him who we are!" The Other Monkeys: "Wut" CenturyEgg!SWK: "Your MK doesn't know that you guys are... Us?" TMKATI!LEM: "Nah, we've sorta been off-the-grid ever since genius here [thumb-points at his SWK] got me pregnant with our MK." The Stone Egg au SWKs: "Hah!" "Uno reverse card, plums!" Stone Egg LEMs: *all three have varying looks of horror, indignance, and bashfulness* SlowBoiled!LEM: "I said I was sorry!" OG!LEM: "Wait... what do you mean by sorry?" SlowBoiled!LEM, looking uncomfortable: "Cus of our uh... fight under the Mountain, and me not returning to feed him, I sorta caused Wukong's body to create a Stone Egg... and then I sorta died before I found out so..." JTTWEgg!LEM: "Ooof. Glad I learned early then." CenturyEgg!SWK, to his SlowBoiled counterpart: "Oh bummer, you got left with Stone Egg all the way back then? I started up the process willingly after I had to seal away DBK. When was the little guy born?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "Little lady actually. Yuebei was born about six months ago. Our MK was crafted by Nuwa - then again I did raise him the first year until I became too weak to care for him..." *looks sad* TMKATI and CenturyEgg monkeys: "Oh no..." :( "Stone eggs are super dangerous to the people around them. I don't blame you." JTTWEgg!SWK: "Odd. I got an Egg from the mountain too - but mine was born shortly after I completed the Journey. And mine was our MK. Did losing Mihou make the process longer??" OG Monkeys: "What?" "How many of you have MK as your kid!?" (*Cue them having to make a Venn Diagram of Whos' MK is What to Whom*) OG!SWK: "Ok so! Mine and the guy with the super-adorbs baby got our MKs dumped on us." SlowBoiled Monkeys: *proudly showing photos of their Yuebei* OG!LEM: "The me in sweatpants had him cus of a comet /slash/ stone egg soul mishap." TMKATI!LEM: "Oh, my Wukong was still responsible there. He sealed the Harbringer's soul inside me after using a sealing spell. TMKATI!SWK: "I panicked, ok!" OG!SWK, pointing at the remaining universes: "Annnd you two literally birthed him yourselves." CenturyEgg and JttwEgg SWKs: "Yup." "Stone shell and all." OG!SWK: "...is there anything else I'm missing?" The other universes: (*scratching their chins in thought*) SlowBoiled!LEM, slyly: "So are you guys back together yet, or what?" OG Monkeys: "What!?" "As if!"
Laughter just erupts around the room as the canon shadowpeach pairing realises that they're the odd ones out as *not* being together.
Complete and utter chaos reigns when the parent and MK groups reunite, and they recognise some sort of connection...
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