#omg Lawrence moment. I HAD IT ALL FIGURED OUT.........
sevicia · 5 months
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Ever since my computer tried to eat itself a while ago I've been getting jumpscared by my own desktop cuz it's so disorganized like I just keep shoving things in there and dragging them around like they're actual physical files when I look for something instead of opening the directory or something like a normal person would.
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mssorceressupreme · 3 months
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing (also going through a maze runner hyper fixation🤭).
Would you be able to do a fic where reader was thought to have died when they originally escaped the maze but reader got out with Gally. Then Minho and reader reunite when they see Gally again (if this makes any sense).
Thank you!! 🫶🏻
hiii aw thank you love that means a lot 💓💓 omg yesss this is such a lovely prompt!! I love reunions lol especially when one s/o was thought to be dead 😝
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Into Your Arms
Pairing: Minho x Reader
Summary: the gladers thought you were dead (you were shot instead of chuck), but what happens when you’re reunited at last. Your bond with Minho proves unbreakable as you face the future together.
Warnings: mild violence, mentions of bullet scars
You sat in the dimly lit room of your shared safe house in the Last City, your fingers tracing an old scar on your stomach.
It was a constant reminder of the day you had narrowly escaped death, a brutal memento left by a bullet from Gally, who wasn’t in the best state of mind a year back.
The pain of that moment, both physical and emotional, had nearly broken you. Yet, here you were, alive and determined, haunted by thoughts of your friends from the glade. Every night, you wondered if they had survived, if they were out there somewhere, fighting the same fight. If Minho was doing alright.
The last memory you had of your boyfriend was him shedding tears as he cradled you in his arms, before you passed out from the loss of blood. That was when they presumed you were dead. Everything after that was a blur, well, until Lawrence and his crew rescued you and Gally.
A knock on the door broke your reverie. Gally stepped in, his expression serious but tinged with something else—hope. “We spotted something, or rather, some people, and we’re bringing them in soon. You might want to be there when we arrive back.” What did he mean by that?
Though Gally was the person who gave you that scar, you forgave him for it. The both of you looked past that and decided to start fresh when Lawrence brought the two of you to his army. Gally even became a brother figure to you, constantly on the lookout to keep you safe.
Moments later, they returned.
Your heart pounded as you waited for their vans to reveal the mystery guests inside.
No shucking way.
The sight that greeted you made you gasp. As soon as the doors slid open, familiar faces emerged. Your gladers. Thomas, Newt, Frypan—they were all here. Relief and joy surged through you, but a sharp pang of anxiety struck you when you didn’t see Minho.
You stood there blending in with the crowd, not knowing what to say or do.
“Hey Greenie.” Gally greeted Thomas, to which he replied by striking Gally’s jaw. Gasps were heard and our soldiers cocked their guns, aiming at Thomas.
“Woah woah woah—stop, stop!” Newt rushed to the front, preventing Thomas from striking Gally once more.
“He killed Y/N…” Thomas spat, “do you have any idea what that did to Minho!”
“I know, I remember. I was there…but I also remember that he was stung and out of his mind.” Newt defended Gally, hoping to calm Thomas down before a fight escalated.
“I’m actually right here...” You said aloud, pushing past the crowd and making your way to the front. You slowly helped Gally up and stood face-to-face with your fellow gladers.
“Y/N??” They gasped in unison. Thomas and Newt rushed to hug you, Fry followed not long after.
“It’s so good to see you again.” Thomas softly said, squeezing you, “He would be elated to know.” You immediately knew who he was referring to. But where was he?
“H-how?! How is this possible? We watched you die. Both of you.” Newt questioned, glancing from Gally to you.
“No, you left us to die.” Gally retorted, “We were lucky Lawrence found us when he did, if not Y/N wouldn’t have made it.”
“What’re you guys doing here anyway?” You inquired, “and where’s—” Before you even finished your question, Newt read your mind.
“Minho. WCKD has him here, we’re looking for a way in.”
Your heart sank, he was here the whole time and you didn’t know?! “Let’s get him then! Gally?”
Gally nodded, “I can help with that. Follow me.”
The hours that followed were a blur of planning and preparation. You donned WCKD soldier suits, your faces hidden behind masks. Each step you guys took inside the compound was a step closer to Minho, but also a step deeper into danger.
The tension was thick enough to cut through it with a knife, every sound amplified, every shadow a potential threat.
As you fought your way through the facility, the adrenaline was mixed with fear. You were fighting to save someone you thought you’d lost forever.
“We’ll wait here.” Gally and you waited outside a tall modern building, WCKD’s headquarters, squatting behind a large pillar.
“Are you sure they’re doing alright inside? Shouldn’t we go in to help them?” I demanded, “I need to know that Minho and the others are safe.”
“Trust me, they’ll find a way out of that building.” As though Gally had predicted the future, a glass window on one of the higher floors smashed, and out jumped three figures.
“That’s our cue!” Gally hastened, both of you got in position and followed the other “WCKD soldiers” as they approached the trio.
“Freeze! Put your hands in the air!” One of them commanded pointing guns at your boys, “Uh uh uh!” He continued, when Thomas reached for the gun in his leg strap.
Gally and you acted quickly, shooting them, one by one the soldiers passed out.
The trio stood there dumbfounded, and finally sighed with relief when Gally revealed his mask first.
“Gally?” Minho’s jaw dropped.
You followed, revealing yourself next.
Minho froze, eyeing you up and down. He shook his head, tears welled up in his eyes, “Y/N?….”
You nodded, wasting no time running up to him and embracing him. “Minho!” You breathed, your eyes filling with tears, body trembling with relief and emotion.
He held you tightly, his breath ragged in your ear, “You’re alive…?!?” He whispered, disbelief and relief mingling in his voice, “All this time…baby, I thought you were dead.“
You pulled back slightly, tears streaming down your face, and punched him playfully on the shoulder, “You were here all this time, and I didn’t know?”
Minho’s eyes were wide with emotion, his voice cracking. “I thought I lost you forever when you got shot in the glade…by him,” He glared at Gally but couldn’t find a reason to be angry now that you were alive, “I mourned you every day.”
Your heart broke at the raw pain in his voice. You reached up, cupping his face in your hands. “I’m here now, Minho. I’m here.”
He hugged you again, tighter this time, as if afraid you might disappear. “Gally took me under his wing,” you explained softly, feeling Minho tense at the mention of Gally.
Minho’s eyes flickered over to Gally, anger flaring briefly, “You shot her,” he said, his voice hard.
Gally raised his hands defensively, “I was stung and truly didn’t mean to—”
“Thank you.” Minho’s responsed baffled Gally, he was sincere, “Thank you for taking care of her.” Once Minho saw that you were safe and well, forgiving Gally was easier.
Minho’s anger dissipated as quickly as it had flared. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing, “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He said, looking back at you, “that’s all that matters now.”
Timeskip to Safe Haven (and Newt survives cause I want him too 😩):
After the festivities of celebrating your first day at the safe haven, Minho guided you to a quiet corner, his eyes never leaving you while the others continued socialising.
“Let me see your wound,” he said gently.
You lifted your shirt slightly, revealing an old scar. Minho’s fingers traced the mark, his eyes filled with sorrow. “I never should’ve left you at the glade,” he whispered, “I should’ve protected you then.”
“You couldn’t have known,” you replied, placing your hand over his, “none of us could have known what would happen.”
He looked up at you, his eyes wet with unshed tears, “When I thought I lost you, I didn’t know how to go on.”
“You don’t have to anymore,” you gently replied, “We’re together now. We’ll face whatever comes next, together.”
He pulled you into his arms, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. For the first time in what felt like eternity, you felt a sense of peace. The nightmares of your separation were over, and you had been given a second chance.
As the night wore on, you talked with Minho, your words a balm for your wounded souls. The two of you shared everything—what you had endured, the fears you faced, and the hope that had kept you going. Each word, each touch, strengthened the bond between you.
The sun began to disappear into the horizon of the sea tinting the sky a beautiful shade of orange, purple and pink.
That was when Minho finally spoke the words you had longed to hear. “I love you,” he said, voice raw with emotion. “I never stopped.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with joy. “I always have.”
You held each other close, the horrors of the past fading in the light of your reunion. You had found each other again, and together, you were ready to face whatever the future held.
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Rewatching CK and it’s terrible how Johnny’s character has fallen off a cliff. He was so well written in seasons 1/2, especially 1, but the cracks started showing in 3, and 4/5, especially 5 were godawful for his character and arc. I just don’t care for him anymore, and I boarderline can’t stand him. So sad. He could’ve been great, now he only exists for meme potential. Might be a hot take, but up until the finale of season 5, I thought Kreese was the best written character. But the jello ‘fake-death’ was dreadful, omg. Terry and Daniel are well written 95% of the time too, though they have their OOC moments (Daniel in parts of season 1, Terry and physically fighting Daniel and letting everyone get the better of him in the season 5 finale 🙄) Come on, writers 🙃💩
I feel that the Kreese characterisation was closest to something John, Josh or Hayden must have gone through themselves; a demanding asshole of a father figure who, like Johnny, they were (are?) in a push and pull relationship with, who taught them that CK mindset... and now they're pushing that on Johnny and poor Billy needs to act it all out.
The problem seems to be that they recognise themselves in the bullies, go "Hey, wait, we're fully realised people, too!" and are on a lifelong mission to reclaim their self worth, by denying Johnny's fundamental realisation: "You're alright, LaRusso! Good match!"
And they were right that there was a story there to tell. Because look, you're Johnny Lawrence. And you have found a terribly abusive surrogate father figure, yeah? But you're his favourite! You work hard, and do exactly as he says, and it works! You get love! You get appreciation! You cracked the code! You're the best around! You... have to throw people under the bus sometimes, but, well, sensei says it's dog eat dog world, so... but you're the best! You're the champion! And this new boy has you feeling things, well that... can only be rage. Is only allowed to be rage. "I decide when he's had enough" - because you don't want this to be over. But Bobby has been looking at you real weird since and you're even kinda sorry but he's stopping you from getting back with your girl so he deserves it. We'll fight it out. But then sensei wants him 'out of commission' and like, you worked for this, you know? You and Bobby and the gang and sensei knows best but it doesn't feel good. And you're shocked, shocked at LaRussos pain and shocked that sensei isn't. And Bobby leaves. Bobby can't leave! We're a team! We're the gang! And now you have to hurt him too, and you don't want to, don't want to...
And you lose. And years later you may remember that flicker of respect, release or justice when you hand him the trophy but then sensei does what you've always feared - unleashes his murderous anger on you. Because you lost. Because it was your fault -
Well that must mean it was really his fault. He stole your life from you.
Excuse me if that is indeed near Shakespearian.
Except it's of course not true and even you know it. But the writers present it 'as is', and Ralph succesfully rebelled. That asshole is not Daniel LaRusso. It would have been so interesting if Johnny would have slowly unraveled that in his brain because Daniel's behaviour doesn't compute with what he remembers. And because when he behaves with Robby how sensei taught him it hurts the kid. He doesn't want that. Maybe it's best to stay away. Best block, no be there, right, LaRusso?
If they'd have made that clear, and then he'd found his way back to Daniel, maybe, if only for his son? And maybe he was indeed reclaiming something with karate and the twerp could at least listen to that side, too, OK? And at the beginning of S4 Daniel's helped him reframe what happened (You're alright, LaRusso) and he's going to Robby in Juvie all the time because Daniel fucked up too (ha!), but, still, man keeps coming through, nearly helps kill sensei (dafuq's up with that anyway? Yeah it was badass, sure, but he looked kinda crazed, like Dutch, and didn't Dutch kill a guy?) well anyway, his dojo is as good as the park, and some of that touchy feely stuff is dumb but honestly? It's kinda nice not to have to take every punch! So, things looking good and then - who is that giant? With sensei? And what's up with you, LaRusso? Weren't you all balance and block? Now he looks like a pissed off chihuahua. And then, because Johnny actually listened to Daniel, he understands that this guy is his old sensei? And Daniel trusted him? And the man hurt him? That feels kind of familiar and now, when it isn't him, he explodes. He'll kill that weirdo!
...OK after his ribs heal, but next time!
You'd hardly have to change anything about the plot, you could even keep the "Daniel is too set in his ways" bit, still now, if Robby came back to Johnny it would have been earnt...
But that hinges, painfully, on the writers being willing to admit that Kreese was not misunderstood, but he abused Johnny, and that the whole Be A Man!! rhethoric, at least to some extent, is harmful.
Billy gets it. Billy constantly tries to play it. It's just that the writers saw an underdog with a good father figure and had Kill Bill sirens go off, and are still trying to reclaim that they weren't assholes because being an asshole is badass and their Kreese figure was a good guy the whole time even though their writing shows they know, from experience, that he can't have been. So they constantly make Johnny into and asshole because can't we see being an asshole is good?
Billy, Ralph, even Martin Kove: ...no it isn't.
John Josh and/or Hayden: we are the brilliant writers here!
Ralph (to Billy): I am just so sorry, dude.
P.S. I can just about forgive Daniel besting Terry because he always wins in front of a huge crowd, that's his thing; and Terry had just been through a brutal fight. Barely made it out alive. Tired as all fuck, while Daniel was a fresh as one could hope for given the circumstances.
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tommydarlings · 4 years
Jarley Quinn ↬ t.h
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A/N: Wow, one of the longest things i ever wrote! got this idea after i watched the joker and Harley Quinn birds of prey and i thought it would be nice to write it... I hope this doesn´t flop, sorry if it´s crap. anyway, enjoy! :) ily,liz <3 
pairing: Tom Holland x reader 
warnings: violent actions, mentions of nearly blowjob?, swearing
w/c: 1.8k 
Requests: OPEN
Summary: Your win an Oscar for your amazing role as Harley Quinn´s and Joker´s daughter, but you didn´t knew that Tom Holland aka your role model would be there too. 
this handwriting = actions and dialogues in the movie
masterlist || taglist || requests || blurb event
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„Guys, i think that i´m gonna pass out“ Tom said as they all took their seats in the huge hall.
„Calm down Tom, it´s okay, your gonna win this“ Harry told his brother.
Today was the day.  Today were the oscars. And Tom got nominated for the best leading role in an action / psycho / R rated movie. Cherry.
And the best thing is, when he should win the oscar, then their gonna show cherry on a huge screen in the hall. That´s sick.
Leonarde Dicaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and a lot of other amazing and unbelievable good actors are gonna see his movie then. Sounds like a dream to him.
„Thomas, son, it´s fine, we all believe in you! Your performance in Cherry was amazing and even the Russo Brothers said that it was an oscar worthy performance! Find someone to beat that!“ His mother, Nikki, said to her son with a small laugh.
Just when Tom wanted to answer, the Russo brothers came and both sat down next to Tom.
„Hello, guys!“ Anthony said.
„Hello, how are you?“ Dominic asked them.
„Were good, and excited“ Joe told Dom.
„And i´m fucking nervous“ Tom whisperd.
„Hey, hey, it´s okay to be nervous. Your gonna win this, your gonna rock your speech and in the end everyone will clap for your performance after they all saw the movie!“ Anthony told tom.
Tom could only nod before a man came on the stage and started to talk,
„Hello Ladies and Gentleman! I hope you all feel well and excited!“
The man went on with his speech and after about 15 minutes talking about some random stuff, he finally said the words that the entire hall craved for.
„And now i´m gonna announce the winner for the oscar in the category action / psycho / R rated movie…“
Tom was shaking, Nikki and dominic prayed for their son and Tom´s brothers tried to calm him down a little bit.
„Calm down“ Joe whisperd to Tom.
„I c-can´t“ he stuttered quietly.
The whole hall was so silent, it was creepy.
„Y/N Y/L/N!“ the man on the stage said into the micro.
Tom had his head hung low after his name wasn´t said.
Everyone started to clap, but when they saw who came on the stage, everyone looked very confused.
„What the-„ Tom said.
A young women, maybe about 21 – 22 years came on the stage with a beautiful suit on her body.
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 „Hold on, is this the wrong catergory?“ Tom said.
„No, it´s the action / psycho / R rated movie category“ Anthony answerd.
„How can she-„ before Tom could finish his sentence, you started to speak,
„Hello Ladies and Gentleman, omg i can´t belive this, sorry, I won´t steal your time, i just want to thank the cast of this amazing movie and my family and friends who support me since we started filming this masterpiece. Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of the night, love you“ you finished.
„And now, let´s watch the amazing movie of the oscar winner! Jarley Quinn!“ the man said with a huge grin into the mic.
„Jarley Quinn? Isn´t it Joker?“ Harry said.
„Or Harley Quinn?“ Sam said.
„Boys, let´s just watch it“ Nikki told her son´s.
They said a quick and quiet ´okay, sorry´ before the movie began.
Jarley Quinn was written in thick and big letters on the screen, then you appeared onto the huge screen.
You stood infront of a mirror and looked at your reflection in the mirror infront of you. You took each side of your mouth with your fingers and spread them into a big smile before you let me fall and started to cry, tears were running down your cheeks as you still looked into the mirror where you could saw your painted face and green dyed hair. You always painted yourself just like your father and mother did. And the hair were another thing you got from your father. It was funny and interesting.
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After this little opening, you went to two graves with the names Joker and Harley Quinn written on them.
„So that are her parents“ Tom whisperd to himself.
„Obviosly“ Harry huffed.
„I´m so sorry mamma and daddy, i´m gonna make you proud and i´m gonna make the entire world remember your name, and my name i swear“ you said.
And then, then the scenes came where everyone understood why you got the oscar in the first place. Even the Russo brothers were impressed.
„Fuck“ you whisperd to yourself as you saw that you need money for the pills you were fucking addicted to. You don´t even need all these pills, but you basically craved them with passion.
„Not again, please not fucking again“ you yelled through your apartment as you tried to find some money anywhere in the living room or kitchen. You even looked in the bathroom.
„Well, i don´t have another option, so“ you said to yourself in a slightly bitchy way.
You grapped your weapon and put it into your weapon holder that was covered up by your red suit jacked from your father.
Just a few minutes later you stood with a bag full of money, a weapon in your other Hand and huge smile on your face that is covered in the iconic Joker makeup in the middle of the bank while every single person around was on their knees and begged for their lifes.
„I won´t hurt anyone, i swear okay? I just wanted the money, but before i leave, i would like to say something, of course if i´m allowed to“ you said.
The bank women nodded quickly with her head before you said your last sentence,
„You look so good on your knees, just like i did yesterday“ you said with an amused laugh before you shot the person that was kneeling infront of you right between their eyes.
You laughed hysterically while you ran out of the bank with the bag and your beautiful weapon.
„Oh m-my g-good“ Nikki whisperd to herself with an shooked expression on her face.
„I mean, that was sick, but it was good“ Anthony said.
„That´s right“ Joe agreed.
„How has she done that with so much ease?!“ Tom whisper – screamed at himself.
After you swallowed your pills, you decieded to go into the club and have a good time, well at least you wanted to have a good time.
The second you stepped into the club, people went silent and didn´t dared to move. But you didn´t liked it.
„What? C´mon, go ahead with your talking about whatever you were talking about! I won´t stop you!“ you laughed.
You really weren´t here to stop anyone, so you just orderd a drink and looked through the club. You stopped your gaze at one specific couch in the corner of the club, a man, trying to rape a poor little young girl.
„Let´s have some fun“ you whisperd to yourself before you took a huge sip from your martini and walked to the scene.
„Can i help you?“ The man asked as he saw you standing infront of him while he held the poor girl in a tight grip on his lap.
„No, but can i help you, little girl?“
„N-no“ she stuttered.
„Okay“ you shrugged before you walked away.
Hold on, let me correct, about to walk away.
You punched him with your fist right on his nose.
„Ow! What the f-„ before he could finish his sentence, you grapped your weapon and hit his temple with it.
He fell unconscious onto the floor and you laughed again in a quiet creppy way before the girl ran into your arms.
„Woah, woah,woah, i only saved you from getting raped, not more“ you said.
„You saved my life, thank you“ the girl said.
„No, i saved your virginity“ you said before you removed yourself from her grip and went to the exit. Before you could exit the loud and sweaty club, a young but confidence looking men grapped your wrist.
„Hello beauty“ he growled.
„Hello, with what can i help you mister?“ you said with a smile on your face that was still full of the iconic makeup of your father.
„How about you help me with the little problem down there“ he said as he looked down to his own…crotch.
„Of course! Your house?“ you answerd with a little smirk.
„Mine“ he said before he dragged you into a car.
Just a few moments later, you were on your knees right infront of his naked figure while he sat comfortably on the couch.
„You gonna be daddy´s good girl?“ the man growled quietly.
You nodded with your head before you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue.
„Good“ he whisperd before he put his hand on the back of your head and directed your mouth to his dick.
But before he could get what he wanted, you pulled your dagger out from your dress pants and stabbed him in his… dick.
„Ohhhhh shit“ Tom hissed while he lightly held his crotch with his hands.
„Fuuuuuck, i know this isn´t real, but that fucking hurt“ Harry said.
„Okay, wow“ Anthony whisperd.
„OW FUCK, YOU LITTLE SLUT!“ the man yelled in pain.
You just started to laugh hysterically again and grapped your lighter, plus a tiny Matchstick from the pocket of your suit jacket.
„Hold on, wha- what the fuck a-are y-you doing, NO AHHH-!“ the man yelled before you lit the matchstick with fire and threw it on his naked body.
You still didn´t stopped laughing in this creppy and loud way as you walked out of the house with a cigarette between your red painted lips.
The next few scenes were violent, brutal, sexual and absolutely disgusting, but at the same time… definitely oscar worthy.
„Okay, that was unbelievable“ Harry said as the credits started to roll.
„You right, that was a true masterpiece“ Sam said with a tiny laugh.
„It w-was really g-good, yeah“ Tom said quietly.
After the movie ended, you got a lot of praises for your performance. Finally, The hollands and the russo brother´s found you and walked to you.
„That was amazing Miss Y/n!“ Anthony said.
„Oh please call me y/n, and thank you“
„Yeah, it was great“ Tom said quietly.
„Thank you so much- hold on, you are Nico walker from cherry right?“ you asked Tom.
„Yeah, you saw it?“ he asked.
„Of course! It was one of the best movies i ever saw!“
The two of you didn´t even noticed that Nikki, Dom, the twins, paddy and the russo brother´s already went as you went on with talking and praises.
„Would y-you maybe l-like to g-go out with me?“ Tom asked with an nervous voice.
„Of course!“ you asnwerd quickly.
„Yeah, of course, i would actually love to Tommy“
The nickname melted his heart immerdiately.
„Okay, c-cool, uhm, can i have your number?“ Tom asked.
„Yes, here“
After they exchanged numbers, Tom went to his Family and the Russo brothers.
„And? How did it went?“ Harry asked with a little smirk.
„Got her number“  tom said proudly.
„No way! That´s amazing!“ Sam said.
„She is amazing“ tom said with smile.
He can´t wait to see you again.
-`ღ´- ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ -`ღ´-
@goodgirlgonetom @majo240820 @misshale21 @itstaskeen @pure-ghost @justafangirlduh @elizabeth-brown @justafangirlduh​ @roseke​ 
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x15 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  good night babe
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
1  2  3  4   5  6  7  8  9  10   11   12  13 14
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Giulia: Oh the music is the stupid episode kind of music
Nat: awww
Zee: Baby dean
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J: I didn’t want to leave it there. And I didn't want to just kill it.
M: I’m looking for a new home
Giulia: I can be your new home bb
Nat: NO
Zee: Bamf Jack!! Two words I never thought I’d use In the same sentence
Nat: We're in Lawrence aren't we
Zee: In what year?
Scooby doo matinee 2$ . WHAT
oh look a Metallica poster. I still have that CD 
Giulia: oh look My aesthetic
Giulia: That James Dean vibe tho
What’s this stupid music.
Zee: Charming acres???
Nat: "Where Everybody's Happy" Are we in Pleasant Ville?
I don’t trust shit.
Zee: Splash
Nat: Brain-mush
Nat: Well, good morning to my breakfast
Giulia: TRUEST REACTION on supernatural EVER
Giulia: he loves that snake
C: *knocks* Hey Jack?
J: I’m good Castiel. [OMG DAAAAD stop breathing on my neck]
C: [sigh, semi-soulless teenagers]
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Giulia: What’s up with the all black
C: How's the snake?
J: I don't think he's feeling well. He won’t eat.
well...doesn’t snakes eat rarely tho? like....once a week or something?
Zee: He misses his previous owner
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C: He's been through a lot of changes in a short period of time. I guess that's something you have in common.
Nat: He's going dark
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Zee: Concerned dad
C: Jack, you killed Michael. You consumed his grace.
but also.....right now I’m that granny that mistook Cas for her 3rd husband , : “you are so pretty Charles”
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Nat: I feel different now.... YA THINK
J: You want to know how much of my soul I had to burn off to kill Michael.
Yeah fuck I wanna know ok.
Nat: How could he know?!
Giulia: can’t cas look it up
Nat: He could stick his hand in there.
Giulia: HE COULD
Nat: That sounded wrong
Giulia: IT DID.
Zee: Deep inside. There I made it worse
J: I try not to think about it.
I don’t like that hollow stare Jack, I swear to fucking god Imma slap your soul back into your body.
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so I’m listening to the ep with my headphones and BOOOOOOY DID I HEAR THAT SIGH [cranking up the volume to the max and goes back]
Nat: I could eat him alive. And the sandwich
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A wild Castiel appears.
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C: Oh. Thought you, uh, were gonna sleep until the cows dragged you home.
D: That's not the -- Never mind.
THE *claps* DOMESTICS *claps*
AWE Cass asked about Rowena. [ what was the ship name again? Rostiel?, Caswena?Witchywings?
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D: I think they're both full of crap.
Of course they are, this is Supernatural. Cue painful montage! 
*jazz hands*
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Giulia: Poor sam
Nat: Sammy :(
Giulia: They were his people
Sam and his fucking trembling lips
Nat: Aw Baby let me hug you
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[Dean eating]
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Giulia: Das me
Nat: I'm still hungry
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Zee: Damn that mouth. It’s big
Giulia: What does it do tho ? wiggling eyebrows
Zee: It eats!! Everything
S: Yeah, well... I'm leaving in ten.
C: Maybe I should go with him. And you can stay with Jack.
D: Why do you think he'll talk to me?
C: Well, because he looks up to you.
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Dean don’t you roll your eyes at your hub. It’s impolite.
D: I was not great with Sam, you know, when he was, uh...
STOP right there. Don’t give me flashbacks
D: Well, how am I supposed to figure that out?
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Cass, your Misha is slipping out, put that voice back into the cave it came out of 
C : Just talk to him. Get him to open up.
Audience : * SNORTS * yeah riiiight
C: Sleep until the cows come home.
D: There it is.
C: That's the saying.
Nat: I'm hungryyyyyyyy
Zee: We’ve established that Nat
Giulia: I’m eating nuts
Zee: I bet you are
Nat: Nut juice. Food against hunger and thirst. New Bumper sticker
Awe Cas is driving BB. [but where is the pimp mobile]
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S: I'm good, honestly
UUUUUH Cas baby, get me all tingly with your sarcasm
Also write that under the series main title as a warning really. 
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Listen Sam, baby, I can hear your voice breaking, stop with the bullshit.
C is like....you can fill so much bullshit in that moose body
S: we don't have as many Hunters as we used to.
Zee: Cas learnt how to use his badge
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Giulia: Lame
Nat: "We're FBI..."
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Look how cute my baby is...look at him *sobs*
C: Was it more "Scanners" 1, 2, or 3? 
OH WOW, IS CAS BEING DEAN RIGHT NOW?  (because I’m all for it.)
Giulia: I bet dean made him watch that.
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Nat: Charming Acres
Nat: I don't wanna live there
Giulia: I DOOOOO
Zee: It’s creepy ffs
Nat: It's all shades of fucked up. I mean, look!
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C: It's like we're stepping into a Saturday Evening Post. I look at them sometimes after you fall asleep at night. They're very soothing.
I had to google that , not gonna lie. Also....HOW FUCKING CUTE IS THAT?! 
Zee: Foxy wife
S: What was that?
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Giulia: i love that time, minus the racism and patriarchy and the war.
Nat: What is wrong with these people
Giulia: Living my dream ok
Zee: Oh shut up babe
Nat: I don't like perfect
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Giulia: Cas and his bed hair
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Zee: Something fishy, lass
Sammy likes them milkshakes tho
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Is it just my impression or Cas is running out of fucks this season?? I love it.
Zee&Nat: We take care of each other.
mmm, don’t like that
Zee: Don’t like the way that sounded
Giulia: suspicious
Mayor: They said something about an aneurysm or something?
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Zee: His head exploded
Nat: His head exploded
Zee: Gotta love Cas
Giulia&Nat: Like a ripe melon on the sun
Sam panicking.
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S: "Like a ripe melon on the sun"?
C: It was an apt metaphor.
As I said : Angel out of fucks
S: Okay, well, maybe next time try to be a little less...apt.
C: The entire town is so strangely picturesque.
Giulia: I KNOOOOOW! , Can I go there?
Nat: We wouldn't let you
Giulia: Dat dress.
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Nat: Bonding time
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Jack just gave the snake the cookie crunch , sobs so pure....for now
J: I think he’s sad
Nat: Have you tried bacon
Bacon....the solution to everything. I mean....not wrong, it’s delicious.
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Giulia:  so dorky
Sniffs Chinese food
D: Well, anyway, you and the, uh, snake...want to go for a little dri-ive?
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gets mice .
Nat: mice scare him?
ok but Dean is that squeamish sometimes . It’s hilarious.
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...because the mice scared me and I need confort. Also I’ll probably avoid Chinese food for a month so there’s that.
Nat: Ahhh... Jack really talks to that thing
Woman: Not people. Men. I only rent to young men. It's not proper -- young women living alone?
*looks at Castiel*
Woman: You know.
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...C i like....what
me: sHe fLirtS
Nat: Ya still wanna go there, @Giulia
Zee: She’ll say yes
Giulia: YEAH. Y’all can’t stop me
Zee: See? I’ll tie you down bitch just watch
Nat: Ya CAnT LiVE oN YOuR oWn
Giulia: I’ll work at the diner
Time for some SNOOPING 
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Giulia: So much hand porn for me
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C: - they're...surprisingly passionate.
Sam with a tiny ass cup ready for some gossiping: Passionate how?
Castiel without a speck of blush: She spends, uh, quite a bit of time talking about the -- the shape and the heft of his --
Zee: Such a tiny cup
Please tell me there a DICK PICK in there lol
S: It's getting late, Cass. And you're right. I-I probably need some rest.
oh noe
C: You want to stay here? 
S: Why not? Ms. Dowling's making pot roast.
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Nat: I can smell head explosion
Zee: I can smell the bleach they’ll use
Nat: And there you go
Giulia: NICE  I can live in that fantasy idc 
Nat: You won't have us
Giulia: I wouldn’t know
Zee: Impossible. We’re seeped in your bones
Giulia: You can’t miss what you don’t remember
Nat: Yo head's going to explode when you remember, Giuls
D: Why don't you grub up? We still got another couple hours.
J: I'm not really hungry.
D: Give him one of these. I bet he's never had that before.
J:  I don't think you have a firm grasp on what snakes eat.
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Zee: Uncomfortable dean
D: Yeah, I always thought they were kind of cool, though.
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Nat: Aww...adorable Dean
Giulia: I thrive out of these moments
Zee: Road trip with dad
D: Mm. Well, it's not the snake that's dangerous. It's their...bite.
J:  Is -- Is that a saying?
D: It is now.
Nat: hahah... is Dean looking with one he's going to pick?
Nat: Dad move
Giulia: Was that really a way to test jack? With CAKES
Nat: Dean move
Sam’s room is empty
Giulia: Weird Sam time
Zee: Not good
Nat: I told ya
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Giulia: Das me jamming
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Giulia: He so awkward
Giulia: HALLO!
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Giulia: No i don t eat.I'm looking for my partner.
Mrs B: Oh. The very nice, the very tall fella?
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Castiel angel of the lord? more like Castiel angel of I’VE RUN OUT OF FUCKS
Mrs.B: Hm. He said he's going for a walk. [pause ]  And a milkshake.
Giulia: Still me jamming,  ‘He’s got tan shoes with pink shoelaces’
Nat: yeah i mean, what's with her. all of a sudden a new husband?
Nat: My partner
Giulia: I’m looking  my partner
Nat: The tall man - yes the very tall man
Zee: The very tall. Man
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Nat: Mr smith is gone long live Mr smith
Giulia: I would like a martini yes
Zee: I was waiting for this
C: Hair? ---He has beautiful hair?
Giulia: HE HAS
Nat: he has beautiful hair
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Nat: what
Nat: the
Nat: fuck
Giulia: i’m loving this cas
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C: I'm so sorry, but last night, his head, um --
Giulia: he had to pause
Giulia: That laugh was creepy
Nat: How about that martini?
Mrs. Smith : No...my husband he’s good.
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Nat: OH god... no I need a drink
Giulia: ...
Giulia: EW
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Nat: That pony tail
Zee: I don’t like this
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Nat: Honey, make me one too! Dammit
Giulia: SAME I NEED 5
Zee: A round of martinis please
C: This is not your house.
Justin!Sam : 
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Justin!Sam :  You're right. This is my wife's house. I am simply living here.
Giulia: OH YOU
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C: Something terrible's happened.
you right, those hair happened
Justin!Sam: I'm feeling adventurous.
Nat: Rawr ?
Giulia: NO
Giulia: I CAN T
Zee: I can’t process
Justin!Sam : So that's a no-no on the hooch?
I think Jared had too much fun in this. I WANT ALL THE BLOOPERS PLEASE PLEASEEEEE
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Giulia: I’m laughing so much
Nat: You watch your mouth
Zee: Skedaddle
Nat: I don't wear a hat , dammit I.... uh
Zee: Bitch
Justin!Sam : Sir, using language like, uh, "H-E-double hockey sticks" --
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Nat: Wash your mouth out with soap?
Giulia: GUYS, I haven’t had this much fun on spn in a long time.
I can’t breathe
Zee: I’m dying here
Nat: Double hockey sticks?
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Nat: ZETa
Zee: What?
Nat: Giuls is willing to leave us and go live there
Zee: As I said. Not possible. The amount of the insanity that she has shared with us won’t let her
Donatello : Ah, I am just the picture of health. Except for my prostate. It's shaped like a papaya.
also...do you guys think the Winchester get their prostate checked? or do they call.....Doctor Novak? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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Nat: Dena really doesn't like snakes. Dean. Not Dena. Well, maybe Dena too. I wouldn't know
Giulia: We don’t judge
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Zee: Never
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Giulia: I LOVE HIM
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Giulia: God sister snacked on it
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Giulia: That’s a big ass cup
Nat: That's a big cup
Zee: Black hole
Giulia: ...
Giulia: This succession of texts is cursed
Nat: Not going there, Giuls
Zee: Again. I concur
Giulia: I ain’t said shit ya pervs
Zee: YET
Nat: You were thinking it. That's enough
Giulia: You two were thinking it too , get off that high horse
Zee: offended gasp
J: And when it was gone, how did you -- how'd you feel?
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Donatello: Like...the galaxy. You know, Jack, our galaxy's all bright and shiny and spinny, but in its center lies this very large black hole.
Donatello: I'm all bright and shiny, obviously. Not so much spinny  But inside? Empty.
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Donatello : Losing your soul doesn't make you bad It doesn't make you anything. It's, um... an absence of...of pity, of empathy...of humanity.
J: I know I don't feel...nothing, but I don't feel the same, either. And maybe I just don't know what nothing feels like. Mostly, I just don't want Sam and Dean and Cass to worry. I just -- I need time and space to figure things out on my own, but everywhere I go, there's someone looking over my shoulder.
Giulia: I get that boo 
J: Sam and Dean are the best men I know.
Donatello : whenever you don't want them to worry just think "WWWD" -- "What Would the Winchesters Do?"
Giulia: Pew pew pew pew pew pew. That’s what they’ll do. Sex stares. Bitchfaces. Bacon. Rocking off. Kill monsters. BOOKS. 
Zee: Kicking asses, taking names
Giulia: Kick names , take ass
Nat: there goes giuls
Zee: Oh babe!!!  Right there
Nat: I should not engage in this convo because it's going to be dirty
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Zee: He’s not like you?!
Donatello : I suppose the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a soul?
D: Donny.
Donny: What?
Nat: He seems ok
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Donny: Jack's probably the most powerful being in the universe. [Creepy music starts to play....I sweat]  I mean, really, who knows what's going on inside his head?
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Giulia: I like donatello
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D [ with the anxiety of a thousands suns ] : ...thanks
Zee: Erotic musings
Giulia: Cas saying “steamy” and “erotic” is making me tingling
Zee: Rip it from your ...
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Giulia: And this too
Nat: Of course it's him
Zee: What are you ?
Nat: Sam's so tall
Zee&Giuls: The squint
Zee: Giuls shut up
Mayor: and no matter what I did, people would turn to drink or drugs, they'd move away.
Giulia: Oh boo hoo .Let me do drug in peace.
Mayor: ...And you know what happened next?
C:  No, but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me.
[I’m all out of fucks anyway ]
C: I won't hurt you, Sam.
Justin!Sam:  Golly, I told you my name is Justin!
Giulia: GOLLY
Nat: Justin!Sam is this a thing now?
Giulia: i hope
Zee: Giuls. That’s all for you. Cas kicking ass
Giulia: I know I’m sweating. Look at this shit
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H    O    T
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C: Fight this! 
J S: Why? I'm happy in Charming Acres.
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Giulia: THAT’s US
Nat: That's us against Giuls
C: Sam, I know you want to be happy. And I know what it's like to lose your army. I know what it's like...to fail as a leader, Sam. But you can't lose yourself.
You have to keep fighting.
You can't lose yourself, because if you do, you fail us. You fail all of those that we've lost. You fail Jack. Sam, you fail Dean.
Nat: make me cry
Giulia: omg I’m crying
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Giulia: I’m cryiiing and I’m tired of seeing Cas and that fucking blade like that ok.STOP IT. [ going into MOC Dean ptsd ]
Zee: Lool
Nat: OH no no brain explosion please
Zee: I’m god
Giulia: We met god. God has a beard
Zee: God has a beard
Giulia: God is ma dad
Nat: NO
Zee: I like her now
Giulia: make his head go splat
Zee: Vegetable
Giulia: Psh lame
Nat: hey, not bad huh?
Giulia: Laaaaame
Zee: You needed the splat!
Nat: you know lame when you get there giuls
Zee: Nat. We’ve established we won’t let her
Giulia: BuT ThE dREsSeS
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Giulia: God dean
Nat: Dean stop being adorable
j: It was...illuminating
D ... the fuck, stop talking like your angel father.
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D: Heard you wore a cardigan.
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C:  Yeah, I told him about the cardigan.
S: Great. Thanks.
D: And the wife.
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Giulia: What about the ponytail
Giulia: Wait, Cas and dean talked about it on the phone [dies]
D: Well, not a lot of happy goin' on around here.
Nat: Wow, Dean feel a stab in his heart
S:  I hate this place right now. I hate it.
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S:  Everywhere I look, I see them. I see Maggie. I guess that's why, uh -- why I was so desperate to get out of here, why I kept running us ragged. But I got to stop that. I-I can't keep running. I -- This is my home.
This is our home.
Dean, I think I just need some time.
Giulia: Yeah same
Nat: Sammy babe
Zee: How couldn’t they have
Giulia: Awe this is the hurt Sammy season. Again
D:  Okay.
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Giulia: STAPH
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Giulia: WITH
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Giulia: THAT
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Giulia: LOOK
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Giulia: JARED
Zee: Sam needs a million years in therapy
Nat: You need help
Giulia: NO
Zee: Oh no
J: Sam and Dean would help you, so -- so I'll help you.
Nat:. Nah, Dean wouldn't
J: I'll help you see your friend again. 
Nat: No
Giulia: NO
J:  In Heaven.
Nat: What
Giulia: JAAACK
Nat: Jack
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Giulia: THank god cas saw it
Nat: Wtf
Zee: Yeah. That wasn’t good
Giulia: Oh shuttttt uuuup
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Dean in a suit. Alien vs predator
Nat: Creepy, me likey
Giulia: Eh
Nat: OK babes, i gotta go. Nat: See ya! it was a pleasure.
Zee: Always
Giulia: Go have some milkshake
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl  @destiel-honeypie      @mariekoukie6661      @dragontamerm       @closetspngirl    @rainflowermoon     @mattiecat       @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2    @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day  @ravenhg @evvvissticante 
37 notes · View notes
fangirlasplosian · 6 years
Hannibal rewatch 1x04 “Oeuf”
Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?
Previously on Hannibal: Hannibal is an aaaaaaaasshole!
 This is a great starting scene. Will’s monologuing on what it’s like to do what he does, Hannibal’s fascinated pressing. 
I have wondered since I must confess I haven’t seen much of Hugh Dancy outside of this show... The way he moves his mouth... There’s an awkward deliberateness to the way he shapes his words. Is that how Dancy always is? Is it something he does for Will? Is it because of having to talk with an American accent?
Also, why have I not noticed before that Hannibal seems to always have a five o’clock shadow? Am I only noticing it on the blu ray? 
Ah, a murdered, rotting family at a dinner table covered in maggots. So glad I had brunch already.
“This is my design” show total: 4. No catchphrase in mushroom episode.
Tieless Hannibal visiting Will’s doggos. Well, they’ve had human meat now. They will eat Will in his sleep. Go on Hannibal, you know you want to rifle through his underwear drawer, sniff some boxers. You creepo.
Ngh. When he pricks himself on the fishing hook. Creates just a drop of blood on his own thumb, then sticks it in his mouth... I guess I’m a bit of a creepo, too.
“Passion’s good, gets blood pumping.” As he raises his glass of red wine. Have we ever figured out how the beer has people in it? 
I want to meet Bev’s large family. Not sure if I want to meet Jimmy’s twin. Unless Jimmy’s twin is, in fact, Buddy Cole.
Hannibal wants to have his happy little cannibal family sooo bad.
“Family” and Will thinks immediately of his dogs.
Man, why can’t have my college classes been interrupted by angry Lawrence Fishburne?
Fucking Christ! The child the in the fireplace. OMG. 
Oh shit! I forgot it was Molly Shannon behind it all! She was in Pushing Daisies, too, wasn’t she?
Hannibals hair and suit are so on point in this scene with Abigail at the psych hospital.
Whenever Hannibal Lecter asks you, “Do you trust me?” Just run away.
Aw yeah, the ‘shrooms are kickin in Abigail. Whooo! 
AH THE FUCKING POTATO TRICK. Let’s see the outtakes, Mads!
Oh, damn! Alana calling Hannibal rude. How you like it, Hanni? 
For a moment there I thought Will was on the floor sleeping with the dogs. Surprise that doesn’t happen more often. Just get in that dog pile, Will!
1 note · View note
movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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August 26: Mission: Impossible III
(previous notes: Mission: Impossible II)
Another one I haven't seen since it first came out (fifteen years ago!), but I remember liking it. Other than the exciting new personnel in the cast and in the director's chair, I really can't remember any details about this.
The director is, of course, J.J. Abrams. He comes in scalding hot from his television work, most notably Lost, and is making his feature directorial debut here before eventually directing what is currently the top-grossing movie of all time in the US. There was reason at the time to expect an improvement over the spotty second entry, but what does it say that I can't remember anything at all… okay let's start it.
You know how movies often love to tease the audience by opening with a really really exciting scene that's supposed to blow your mind and make you go OH my GOD like HOW did we GET to this VERY EXCITING SITUATION and then they jerk it all away and start from the beginning, this movie begins with that. That and very "modern" shaky shaky handheld camera stuff. I don't like that handheld stuff but whatever.
After the credits it's clearly back to before-problem. Ethan is having a chill dinner party with his girlfriend who is not Thandie Newton but who is definitely being tortured by Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the opening tease.
That is subtly interrupted by a covert request to meet at a convenience store for some espionage and, perhaps less subtly, a lot of exposition. Very unnatural dialogue lets us know that Ethan is not in the field any more, he is a trainer, but one of his trainees is in trouble with PSH and will he help please. Also that was his fiancée not his mere girlfriend. That is a much more elite status. High stakes OMG.
Off to Berlin, and I'm reminded that the previous movie didn't do as much globetrotting; it was pretty much in Australia the whole time. I like location diversity.
The rescue of the played-by-Keri-Russell former protégé is not a stealthy one. They plant a bunch of blowy-uppy things around the rusty warehouse where they're torturing her and cause chaos to help them get to her and shoot their way out. There is no mask-craft so far.
After a cocky moment where Ethan demonstrates that being down to only one bullet was just fine with him, there's a cool shot where a closeup of Ethan has a nicely-framed surprise explosion behind him.
Much splody. So much splody. Maybe M:I3 is the one that should be remembered as The Splody One. There are rockets toppling wind turbines being negotiated by chasing helicopters. But the most suspenseful issue is that KR has a secret surprise blowy-uppy in her bloodstream. A race to maybe do something about it doesn't work and she dies. I remember predicting her death to my friends before the movie started, but it didn't make those friends like me any better.
Worth noting that J.J. Abrams is not wrong to apparently think we will think all the wind turbine imagery will look pretty neat.
Before dying, KR sent a postcard to Ethan, and not even in a normal way, in a "Hi is this Rollo Tamassy? I was given explicit instructions to let you know there is a delivery for you in dead Keri Russell's mailbox" kind of weird way. The postcard had a blank microdot hidden under the stamp. Feels slightly eye-rolly. Simon Pegg is now in the movie now, though, so that's cool.
Ethan had to have a serious talk with Julia about how serious his life is or something, and they get married like right there in a storage room! Then Ethan and the team go to the Vatican and do a heist there. It's an okay heist that involves seeming like bickering Italian van drivers and then changing into different costumes. No masks though. They still look like themselves. J.J. Abrams clearly told people, "why should I watch the other Mission Impossible movies when I literally made Alias".
They shoot magic sticky pebbles near cameras to make them not work, this is important to their method, but I'm not sure how this is supposed to end, aren't they kidnapping PSH or something?
0:47:57 - Welly welly well, what have we here, they have the mask machine! We actually see it 3D-print a PSH mask, now we talkin
Ooh, and we also get to see a whole thing about the voice disguise technology, Ethan has a PSH mask on and he forces the real PSH at gunpoint to say a script to teach the tech thing his voice, but it's not ready in time when he has to say stuff in disguise and there is suspense there, I like it!
They successfully completed the heist of stealing PSH from the Vatican, even though we didn't see exactly how they transported his sedated body out of there but okay
"Whoever it is I'm gonna find her and I'm gonna hurt her", we're seeing PSH be a villain on a level that one really doesn't see very much.
Ethan responds to that by doing an odd thing that I guess would be described as "dangling him from the bottom of a plane that is flying up in the air and therefore scary". He's trying to figure out what "rabbit's foot" is, which we heard about in the opening tease. We still don't know what it is. I've known for fifteen years apparently and even I don't know what it is so
The next exotic location on our tour appears to be the bridges connecting the Florida Keys, and things get splody again! Rocket bombs destroy the bridges they're on plus also some of the vehicles that are around. Right before that happened we saw the secret video message that KR had hidden in that microdot pre-her-unfortunate-death, and it was the news that the spy executive we've seen a couple of times, played by Lawrence Fishburne, is secretly a bad guy. So the rocket-equipped military force that is recklessly decimating bridges and automobiles is probably under Spy Executive's direction. Kind of rash doing all this destruction.
Oh, I remember that shot! Ethan is running away from a car that is the victim of a rocketplosion, and the force of that throws him in a way you don't see very much, it was probably hard to make it look that good. There are other cool shots in this sequence too.
Oh I like this I like this… the bad guys that are under the direction of Spy Executive have apprehended Ethan just after he found out that PSH kidnapped Julia. He has 48 hours to do a "rabbit's foot" something for PSH in order to save Julia, but he's all restrained and has a strange mask on, but what I like is that Billy Crudup, who is Spy Executive's lackey, did a trick that required Ethan to read his lips. BC knows what's up and is helping Ethan, it's exciting.
1:21:53 - Ethan has escaped and met up with his crew (hey, we have hardly even seen Simon Pegg, what is up with that), and they're doing a heist plan, and it involves drawing skyscrapers on glass and the camera angle matches the actual skyscrapers and it's pretty cool especially when he's doing geometry and actual mathematic calculations to plan some kind of corporeal transfer between two skyscrapers.
That scene is followed by a very impossible-looking shot of Ethan on top of a Shanghai skyscraper; it zooms in from way far away and then circles him and stays on him having a conversation with Ving Rhames, all one shot.
Then a very exciting sequence, the one that was planned for so academically before; Ethan does a super crazy run off the top of the building, and the bungee thing he's attached to does cool looking stuff to get him to swing to the actual building that is his destination, but it's on a sloping thing and he slides down it and there are bad guys he has to shoot. His job is challenging.
I keep forgetting to note this but I do keep observing with satisfaction that the score is all orchestral and traditional, none of the neo-slickrawk of the last two.
Things happened so fast that I didn't quite comprehend how all of his leaps and swings resulted in him obtaining the "rabbits foot", but I guess the thing that looks like a cartridge-container for a pneumatic tube conveyer that has a thing with a radioactivity symbol on it is that. What even is.
The meeting to do the exchange of Julia & "rabbit's foot" is set up and pretty quickly we're caught up to the tease from the beginning. We now are enjoyably frustrated that Ethan thinks he gave them the "rabbit's foot" but dude is asking for it and it's like wut dood I gave it? That ends with PSH seemingly shooting Julia and BC showing up and clearly being in cahoots with the bad guys after all. And it was a fake Julia in a masky-mask, the real one is still okay somewhere. Masked-and-now-dead woman is someone we saw as PSH's translator at the Vatican and the expository dialogue that helps us know this is so artificial-seeming that it reminds us that elaborating on who that really was is kind of pointless and laborious.
This long monologue by BC, mixed too quiet again, also tries to explain his point of view, but I can't quite get it. He says something about the "rabbit's foot", are we supposed to know what it is yet? He mumbled something about a "middle eastern buyer".
1:44:45 - Somehow Ethan was able to get Simon Pegg on the phone after biting his way away from BC (SHHH NO TIME TO EXPLAIN), and then he gets to the top of a suburban Shanghai house and a shot is really cool showing that and it moves and follows him in a cool way, and then the subsequent shots of him running through the streets are cool, he's on the phone with SP who is telling him exactly which little city streets to turn into.
Just as he has found Julia and is maybe going to rescue her, he gets a big headache and we remember that he has the same mini-splody in him that killed KR, and PSH shows up, pretty bad news. PSH delivers his threatening dialogue in a vividly psychopathic way.
PSH's end is dumb, especially on paper. He turns is back on Ethan, who is easily able to jump him and fight him. The fight spills out into the street and a lucky car accident seems to fatally maim PSH while leaving Ethan unharmed. Meh.
The final resolution involves trying the idea they had at the beginning that didn't work with KR, where some kind of on-purpose electrocution death preludes the micro-splody death and then you just have to be good at reviving the person. And it almost doesn't work… but then it does oh my god it does
There is a very very pleasant shot of Ethan and Julia strolling through a Chinese village with a canal bridge and it really is nice looking and I want to go there and stroll like they are strolling.
But then they're back at HQ or whatever and oh, I guess it turns out BC was the only secret bad guy and Spy Executive was good enough and they're all on good terms and Ethan and Julia go on a honeymoon the end. Oh, and the final exchange cheekily reveals that we will never know what "rabbit's foot" was. Creative? Cop-out? Who's to say? (insert why-not-both gif)
So what's to remember about that movie? Was it indeed better than MI:2? I guess a little; there are several little annoying things from both of the first two movies that are absent here, so that's refreshing… but also some of the plot contrivances don't improve on what we've seen so far. Some very very very ambitious visuals! That's the real thing I want to make sure not to forget about this. The previous one had John Woo's signature visual style, but none of it matches the accomplishments of the cool shots in this one. I might have preferred a little more playfulness with the espionage stuff, but if I recall correctly the series doesn't really return to that form.
(next: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol)
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velvetofyourheart · 7 years
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by awesome @getbuckylucky omg, thanks, Jenny! It’s the first time I’m doing this kind of thing and I’m awkward, so here we go haha
How old: 19 What are your nicknames: I’m not sure I have any, really. People call me Tanya or Tatiana, which is my full name. Where were you born and raised: It’s complicated, and I hate politics, Jesus fuck. So, I was born and raised in Ukraine, and now I live in Russia. In the same place. Crimea. Ever heard of it? I’m sure you have at some point. Don’t believe whatever people say (if they actually say anything about it), Crimea is truly Russian and people are happy about it and nobody ever forced anybody to go and vote and that’s it and I don’t wanna keep talking about politics because we live in a crazy world and I hate politics. How is life?: I don’t know. Normal, maybe? I’m not sure I’ve started living yet. Just studying. And I’m pretty sure I’ll never call my life great until I finally get out of this place to see the world and reach my goals. What is your star sign: Taurus. What is your sexual orientation: Straight. What was the last thing you bought: The dopest red lipstick and a new black sweatshirt. I’m working on my jogging schedule because it’s finally warm enough to start being more active and healthy! What colour are your eyes: Depends on the light, actually. Overall, green+grey+hints of blue, What’s your best features: I like my eyes, lips and my hair. Do you have braces: Nope. But I’ve had those a long while ago. Do you have any piercings: Just my ears. Do you have any tattoos: I don’t. But I think that I might have one in the future, it depends. Do you have any pets: A cat. The softest, the most beautiful and awesome cat. I love that lil boy. Are you left handed or right handed: Right handed. Height?: 5‘3″ If you had to learn a new language, what would it be?: I think I would learn German and maybe French. Favourite actor?: Oh man. I truly don’t have a favourite actor. My biggest dream is becoming an actress and I just freaking melt and shudder when I see talented people. And, there are so many. I love so many actors that it hurts. I could write a list now, but it’d take me an hour or so. Let me just say that I adore Sebastian Stan because I can’t shut up about this beautiful, breathtakingly talented man. Thank you. Most overrated celebrity?: Hands down, it’s Jennifer Lawrence. Yuck. Favourite TV shows?: Again, so many. I am a cinemaholic and I’m not exaggerating. I’d say that currently I am pretty faschinated by Mindhunter. I enjoy Peaky Blinders. Have watched tons of WWII themed series and I loved them all. I could write a list, but, haha, it’d take me yet another hour. Favourite movies?: Oh no way!!! No way. I am a movie junkie. Seriously. And I don’t have a single movie I’d call my favourite. There is a looong list of movies that I love by heart. And it would take me a whole day to write them all down, and I would probably still miss something important. I watch thousands of movies every year. Is the movie about WWII? I’m watching it. Does this movie have a brilliant cast? I’m watching it. Are my favourite actors there? I am watching it. Does this movie touch a cool subject? I’m watching it. Is the movie by a cool director? I’m watching it. Movies are in my bloodstream. Fictional characters you can relate to?: I can’t think of any at this moment. If I spent a little more time to figure this out, I’m sure I’d find that character in my mind. IOS or Android: Android. Dogs or cats: Both. What is your favourite sport: Football (soccer) and biathlon.I enjoy watching those when I can and want to. When was your first real holiday: Summer 2012. That’s when I had my first airplane flight and my first cool holiday in Turkey. What was the last concert you went to: I’ve never been to a real, cool concert, unfortunately. What’s your favourite colour: I don’t have a favourite color. There are some I like and some I don’t. What’s your favourite restaurants: Hmm… That must be 23 Cafe Boulangerie or New York Street Pizza in my town. My choices of places to eat. What’s your favourite magazine: I actually adore the Russian edition of The Hollywood Reporter. It’s just so amazing. Large, thick and full of amazing articles to read. Better than the original, American THR! Also, sometimes I can read Love and Sex articles in Cosmopolitan for fun/for laugh hahaha but that’s just for the record. Do you love your country?: I love Russia. Russia is great. I love being from here. But I dream to move from the country. I really want to live in the USA. I’ve dreamed about it since I was a little kid. There is no way I can make my dreams come true if I stay here. What’s your favourite season: Spring. Beautiful, amazing spring. Who was the last person you messaged: It happens to be my sweetheart @ferralit, messaged her that I am skipping uni, leaving her alone there, and sleeping in because I’m a sleep deprived, tired hoe. Like anyone?: No. How many kids do you want in the future? If so when?: I’d like two kids. Not before I’m 26-28 years old, satisfied with my personal life and career. Do you want to get married one day: Yes. Where do you want to live: I’d love to live in New York. Do you believe in God: Yes. Do you believe in miracles: Yes, please. Do you believe in love at first sight: I think I do. I hope so. I surely believe that when you meet someone special for the first time, there is this weird click in your head. You don’t even know what it is unitl you do. Do you believe in ghosts: Yes. Do you believe in aliens: I sure do. There’s no way we are alone in the whole freakin’ Universe. Do you believe in soul mates: I do. I really hope that there is someone out there for me. Do you believe in heaven or hell:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe. Maybe not really. Do you believe in kissing on the first date: Umm… Yes? I think it’s a yes. It all depends on many things. Do you believe in yourself: I do. At least, I try my best. Do you sing in the shower: Sometimes! I’m a good singer so why not haha. Where was the last place you traveled: Had a trip to Gelendzhik last summer. It’s the place I’ve been going to since I was 4, I think. Would you go skydiving: YES. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be: New York, Paris, Genoa… I just want to travel. Anywhere… Can you whistle: No. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t haha. Can you speak another language: Well, my native and first language is Russian (I can help you with that, @getbuckylucky, if you want! (;), and it’s the language I use in my daily life. So, I know English, also Ukrainian. What’s most important in your life: Happiness. Being able to make dreams come true. Love. Freedom. Loyalty. Have you ever had surgery: Yes. I’ve had about… 5, I think? They all happened when I was very little, and I do remember only two of them. They were insignificant, but important. And fucking terrifying. 3 fears that you have: Spiders, sharks and a tsunami. (I absolutely can’t explain the last two things because I have never faced them in my life, but if I have a nightmare about any of that shit, I am SHOOK hahaha). ——————- Not tagging anyone because it’s the first time I’ve done this thing and I am awkward haha. ❤
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agoddamnsupernova · 7 years
I wasn’t even planning another part, but I like this a lot, hope you do too!P1 P2
Nicole is sat in a small diner and her little sister, Danny, is settled across from her, happily munching on a large order of fries. “Can’t believe you paid to have your girlfriend’s mouse neutered,” the younger girl states, waving a limp fry in Nic’s direction. 
“Goob is getting lonely, it was the only way he’d be able to have friends,” Nicole defends, leaning her head into her hand. “And Waverly is not my girlfriend.” 
Danny snorts at this, actually flicking a bit of fry at her sister before she speaks. “You go on dates, buy each other flowers and sappy shit like that and I’m pretty sure you guys are fuckin’ regularly. What do you call that?” 
Nicole’s mouth falls open for a moment before she rights herself, shaking her head a bit. “Shut up,” she says lamely, raking a hand through her cropped red hair. 
“Make me, Haughty,” Danny snickers, knowing how much Nicole hated that nickname. 
Nicole lets out a huff as she straightens up in her seat, a slight smirk settling on her lips. “How’s Laura?” she asks, watching Danny blush furiously. 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Danny fumbles, leaning forward to take a gulp from her milk shake, wincing at the sudden headache. “Brain freeze...” 
“Serves you right, brat,” Nicole snorts, pulling out her wallet to take care of the bill. “But seriously, how is that going? The whole Laura thing?” 
Danny gets quiet at that, picking apart a fry as she stares at the table. “I mean, we’re friends and everything, but I’m kind of afraid that’s all she sees me as,” she mumbles, biting her lip a bit. 
“There’s this new girl at school, she’s in my grade and Laura seems to be enamored with her and-” she stops, letting out a soft sigh. “-it’s so stupid.” 
Nicole smiles softly, reaching a hand over to rest against the younger girl’s wrist. “Hey, the best advice I can give, is to sit her down and tell her how you feel.” 
Danny’s brow furrows a bit as she looks up at her sister, clearly trying to figure out what to say next. “I’ll tell Laura, when you tell Waverly.” 
“That’s low, Lawrence,” Nic murmurs, a slight frown on her lips as she pulls her hand away. “But...I suppose.” 
“Score one for the half sibling!” Danny all but shouts, causing Nicole to lean across the table to slap a hand across her mouth. 
Nicole shuffles her feet a bit as she waits in the lobby, hands buried deep in her jacket pockets. She’s supposed to be meeting Waverly so they can go and see if they can find some friends for Goob, but the brunette was nowhere to be found. 
“Where is she?” Nicole asks herself as she glances at her phone for the millionth time since she had showed up at a quarter til four. 
She mentally decides that she’ll give Waverly another fifteen minutes to either let her know what’s going on, hoping that Danny never finds out she waited over and hour for a girl. 
“Shit, Nic, I’m so sorry,” Waverly’s voice sounds across the lobby, only the girl is coming from outside and she’s got a bruise blooming across her cheek. “I had to deal with some shit at the bar.”
“Waves, what happened to your face?” Nicole asks, moving to cup the smaller girl’s cheek gently to inspect the mark. 
“Well I was getting ready to leave and this guy grabbed my ass and I spoke before I could think and I don’t really remember what I said, but the guy slapped me pretty hard,” Waverly rambles out, waving a hand at Nicole in an attempt to dismiss the issue. 
“Waverly, that’s not okay,” The ginger hums, her brow furrowing. “I’m gonna kill whoever did this, just point him out,” she growls, molten rage climbing up her spine. 
“It’s fine, really, the owner took car of him,” Waverly says softly, reaching up to cover Nicole’s hand, keeping it on her cheek. “Can we just go look at cute mice?” 
It takes all Nicole has to nod, to shove the anger down into the pit of her stomach and allow the girl to lead her out to her truck. She insists on driving, letting Waverly all but drape herself over the center console so they can hold hands. 
They end up choosing two female’s from the same litter, having read online that they had a better chance of getting along once they got older. One is mostly white with a grey spot in the middle of her back, while her sister was nearly all black with only two thin bands of white across her neck and chest. 
“You should name one,” Waverly says as they head back up to her apartment, anxious to keep all of the attention on their pets. 
Nicole shrugs a bit, holding up the travel cage to look at the two mice curled up in the corner, sleeping. “Think we should name them Thelma and Louise,” she jokes, jumping a bit when the elevator comes to a stop. 
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t scared to tell Waverly how she felt, the anxiety of the situation only getting worse with the news of how Waverly’s shift had went. 
“That’s actually pretty clever,” Waverly chuckles, fishing her keys out of her bag. “We should see how they act first though, don’t you think?” 
“I suppose,” Nic hums, watching Waverly as they step into the apartment. There’s a large tote sitting in the middle of the room, which would serve as neutral ground for the mice to meet. “Do you want me to stay tonight to help out?” 
Waverly smiles at that, moving to peek at a grumpy Goob who had been confined to his smaller cage the day before so they could completely clean and rearrange the large enclosure. 
“Kind of hoped you’d stay regardless,” Waverly says softly, reaching into the cage to pull Goob out. “I haven’t gotten to see you much this week and to be honest, I kinda missed you.” 
“Waverly Earp, are you getting sappy with me?” Nicole teases, helping Waverly get everything set up before they place the mice in the tote, carefully watching their reactions. 
“Maybe I am,” is all Waverly says before she’s crouching down to inspect their pets. 
They’re both pretty shocked to find that after a few little scraps, the mice seemed to be getting along, Goob even going as far as allowing the white female to crawl all over him. 
“Would you look at that,” Waverly chuckles, leaning away from the bin to stretch. 
“Yeah,” Nicole breathes, watching the way Waverly’s shirt rides up along her toned stomach. “Waves, will you be my girlfriend?” she blurts out in an attempt to get the whole thing over with. 
“I kinda thought we were already going out,” Waverly says with a grin, watching the way Nicole’s eyes linger on her body before they’re meeting her own. “I mean, we go out on dates all the time, among other things.” 
Nicole blushes a bit, shrugging her shoulders. “We never made it official and when I saw that you were hurt today, I was so mad...and I just...I really wanted-” she trails off for a moment, hoping her next words won’t come off the wrong way. “-I just want you to be mine.” 
Waverly is kneeling in front of her in an instant, fingers brushing against Nicole’s knee as she presses their foreheads together. “I’m yours.” 
Send me things?
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itsclydebitches · 8 years
Jupiter Ascending Fic: When the Bough Breaks
Summary: Just days after Balem returned to his adult self, Jupiter is thrown head-first into another adventure - one she, frankly, really doesn't have the energy for. But when has the universe ever taken her desires into account? Mysteries, promises, and desperate moves forward; bees, splices, and awkward family dinners. It's enough to make even her seasoned head spin.
...which doesn't even include the chance to play at 'Mother' once more. Only question is: will Jupiter take it?
(Sequel to Rock the Cradle)
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Words: 1,614 (so far) 
Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse, alcoholism 
Pairings: Jupiter/Caine
Where to Read it: Below the cut or on AO3 (AO3 recommended for formatting) 
When the Bough Breaks: Chapter One
Jupiter sat with her back to most of the crowd, the sun warming her neck and her hands fidgeting endlessly. One traced the condensation on her glass while the other twisted the stud in her ear.
“I spy with my little eye…” she said, turning to scan the patrons. There was certainly a lot to choose from. The day was hot, the shopping good, and everyone seemed to have had the same idea as her: get lunch at the cute little outdoor café. Jupiter saw a young couple playing footsie underneath their table, the one girl’s heels gliding over the other’s sandals. There was another woman whom she presumed was a teacher, hard at work even during the summer months, covering some poor student’s paper using Track Changes. A group of guys shared a large plate of nachos. A father absently pet his daughter’s hair as he scowled at his phone. A mother—
Jupiter whirled back around. She planted her chin in her hand and pursed her lips. Then she smiled at Caine.
“Something yellow,” she finished.
“The confection on those men’s chips,” Caine answered readily. He bit his lip slightly when she huffed.
“Your stared at them a moment longer than the other spots. Did you want some?”
Nachos… food did always make her feel better. She’d already had a chicken and pesto sandwich though. And an iced chai. And half of Caine’s blueberry scone.
Jupiter waved him off. “No, I’m good. You’re cheating though.”
“I am?” Caine blinked. “I thought the purpose of this game was to determine what you’d spotted based on eye-line matches, common facial tells, your individual preferences…” he trailed off when Jupiter’s sulking grew more pronounced.
“You’re supposed to guess,” she moaned.
“That… doesn’t seem to take much skill…”
Jupiter let out a groan and gave up, planting her head on the cool tabletop. Why she’d thought it would be a good idea to teach Caine a kid’s game, she didn’t know. It had started as a stupid distraction, but apparently her subconscious wasn’t willing to let things go just yet. So Jupiter was now perfectly content to glare at the table, thank you very much. It was one of those frosted glass ones and Jupiter took a ridiculous amount of pleasure in watching her blurred feet kick at the slate. She only stopped when her flip-flop bent—betrayal—and she stubbed her toe. Jupiter muttered a few obscenities into the crook of her arm.
A minute passed. Two. Then Jupiter felt the slightest poke on the top of her head. It turned into five fingers gently massaging her scalp and she groaned again, this time in contentment.
“I spy with my little eye… A queen who is rather worried about tonight’s festivities.”
“Festivities.” Jupiter’s head shot back up and she blinked at Caine. “I wouldn’t really call it ‘festivities.’”
“No? You decided to host the event.”
Okay. So Jupiter may or may not have been overly optimistic and grasping at straws the second she walked out of that throne room. Could anyone really blame her? Her life hadn’t exactly been plan-proof lately: abducted by aliens, finding out she was Queen of Far Too Much Shit, landing herself a hunky angel-wolf-boyfriend…
… finding out her would-be murderer had possibly, deliberately de-aged himself.
That was the crux of it all, wasn’t it? One moment Jupiter was sort of getting used to her newfound space life, the next a capitalist obsessed mama’s boy was taking up residence in her lap. She wasn’t going to lie, not to herself at least. Balem had drawn forth a whole slew of maternal instincts that, frankly, Jupiter had thought she’d missed out on genetically. Devotion to Dude Bros 1 through 6 of her misspent youth certainly hadn’t inspired a desire for kids. Hell, even Caine hadn’t managed that, not until Jupiter actually saw him shuffling around a cranky six-year-old, trying to figure out how to talk to this girlfriend-stealing creature. Maybe it was a sliver of Seraphi rising up within her… no. Maybe it was the essence of what Seraphi could have been, if she’d bothered to spend a second to get to know the child she’d given life to. Maybe it was just that Jupiter couldn’t stand to see a tiny face crying like that. Whatever it was, Balem had managed to become quite the fixture within her heart—all the sappiness implied. Jupiter loved the brat. Only problem was, that brat was gone.
Sort of. Kind of? One second she’d had what she was coming to think of as a son, the next Jupiter just had an enemy again, breathing insults down the back of her neck… except that Balem had changed deliberately. He had started all this. At least, that was the impression Kalique and Titus held. It couldn’t be a coincidence that Balem was reading Liam and Cryian’s story the day he took a Regene-X bath with a disabled genetic code. Or hell, maybe it was a coincidence. Caine and Stinger certainly weren’t convinced (“You Majesty,” soft eyes, an almost pitying stare. “Balem, the adult Balem, lost the ability to love centuries ago…”). All Jupiter knew for sure was that she’d seen evidence of her own, things that went beyond Kalique’s stupid book or the boys’ cynicism: Balem had worn her earring. He hadn’t tossed the album back in a charred heap. Jupiter knew—could see it in his eyes—that he remembered.
Certainly all the counted for something, right?
Jupiter planted her face into her hands. “Or maybe he just couldn’t be bothered to take the damn earring out,” she muttered.
Caine nodded, understanding, fingers returning to massage Jupiter’s wrist, right where her Entitled tattoo lay. He had callouses all over, the result of handling a ridiculously wide variety of weaponry, and Jupiter found the rough texture soothing. She let out a long, slow breath.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do with all this,” she said, nodding to the bags at their feet. “This was a stupid idea.”
“Stinger will appreciate the food. Even more if you cook it for him.”
“Ha. Yeah. How do you get so good at pancakes and nothing else?”
“It’s a talent.”
Jupiter continued nudging the nearest bag with the front of her flip-flop. As she did, movement caught her eye again: that mother, sitting on the table to their right, spoon feeding her infant something mushy and green. It was easy for that woman, wasn’t it? Nothing was easy for Jupiter as a potentially would-be mother… or as a daughter.
She’d been stupidly optimistic a week ago. Dealing with Balem’s transformation and his quick turn back, Jupiter had admittedly been reeling a bit. She’d thrown out the invitation to dinner with more confidence than she’d felt, especially considering there hadn’t been a dinner scheduled yet. Kalique and Titus had both agreed readily enough—no doubt they wanted to get as much dirt on their brother as possible, though the more she thought about it, the more Jupiter convinced herself that Balem wouldn’t even show. Why would he? Tens of thousands of years weren’t outweighed by a few days in her care. Besides, if Balem was anything, he was stubborn.
Sometime between Friday and Saturday those dinner plans had turned into a “reveal-you’re-a-galactic-queen-to-your-family-omg-it’s-time-Jupiter” party. She had promised her mom two days, after that fiasco of a dinner. She’d intended to call a meeting and explain things on Monday, as calmly and rationally as possible when her life was neither calm nor rational. Jupiter knew there was a hell of a lot to explain. When she’d touched back down on Earth after seeing to Balem, she’d found her family happily back at home, neither Aleksa nor Nino recalling that just hours before Jupiter had disappeared on their client’s lawn, dematerializing in a flash of blue light. Apparently the Keepers stationed on Earth had a damn good response time.
Memory wipes after the refinery… after Balem… how long could this go on? Jupiter didn’t know what the long term effects of something like that was, and frankly, she didn’t want to find out. Just tell them all ready, you dolt.
So… Monday. That had been the plan, anyway. Her mom and the others would have a few days days before Thursday’s dinner to process it all, which was a hell of a lot more than Jupiter had gotten. Imagine, coming to terms with extraterrestrial life without said life pointing a laser gun at your head, and they weren’t the once inheriting a freaking planet. (Unless they were? Who gained her inheritance when she died?? Ugh, legalities…) The only problem with this master plan was that Monday had passed her by, with Jupiter spending it hovering anxiously around her mom—opening and shutting her mouth like a caught, cowardly trout.
…Easy to imagine how well that had gone over.
Tuesday gone, Wednesday too, Thursday morning at 12:00 Jupiter had called a quick goodbye after finishing the Lawrence’s house, met Caine at the store, and proceeded to purchase all the ingredients for a dinner that was only technically still in the works.
Here and now, Jupiter sullenly kicked the bag of groceries. Again.
“You’ll break the eggs,” Caine cautioned. He didn’t sound terribly upset about that though.
“Why did we even get eggs? You don’t need eggs for a steak and baked potato dinner.”
“Stinger wants to broaden his breakfast repertoire.”
Jupiter narrowed her eyes. “Well Stinger can just—”
Bzz, Bzz.
“—call me apparently." Caine shrugged, no more knowledgeable than she was. All Jupiter could do was palm her phone and lean her elbow casually on the table.
"Hey, beekeeper. What's up?”
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useyourrwords · 6 years
Month in Review // The Month From Hell – March
This month has given me more breakdowns than I can count.
So maybe it’s not the single worst month I’ve ever lived but honestly, it’s pretty high up there!
Between a car accident, still going through the mess of changing names, pain, oh so much fucking pain, a new doctor who doesn’t know how to help me, and an altercation I wish to just forget, I’m just about ready to hide under my blankets and never leave my room.
Unfortunately, that’s not an option and so I am sitting at me desk at work writing this instead.
If you would like to buy any of the following books please consider using my Book Depository Affliate link!
         Month’s TBR
│The Dream Thieves││
│The Surface Breaks││
│The Female of the Species│││
│Sharp Objects││
│Blue Lily, Lily Blue││
│Truly Devious││
│Khutulun│tatterhood│Agnodice│Te Puea Herangi│Moremi Ajasoro│Sybil Ludington│Kurmanjan Datka│Andamana│Mary Seacole│Florence Nightingale│Gráinne “Grace O’Malley” Ni Mháille│Rejected Princesses││
│Empress Xi Ling Shi│Hatsheput│Agnodice│Trung Trӑc & Trung Nhi│Fatima Al-Fihri│Bygone Badass Broads││
│The Surface Breaks│Lousie O’Neill│││││★★★★│Read Mar 13│
This book was so unapologetically feminist, I loved it.
│The Dream Thieves│The Raven Cycle #2│Maggie Stiefvater│││││★★★★★│Read Mar 25│
I think I jumped into this book too quickly after finishing the first so it took me a while to get through it but I got there eventually.
│Truly Devious│Truly Devious #1│Maureen Johnson│││││DNF Mar 22│
I don’t think fiction audiobooks are for me! at least not ones I haven’t already read. I’m switching to Non-Fic/memoirs and I’ll try rereading a fave eventually to see how I go with that.
│I’ve Got This Round│Mamrie hart││││
After realising ficiton audiobooks weren’t for me I needed a win so I returned Truly Devious for this because i love Mamrie and there’s no way I wouldn’t love this. I was right.
│Skylarks│Karen Gregory│││││
I’ve just been super invested in this one. I don’t know if it’s because i wasn’t reading it regularly since I normally read ARCs while I’m exercising…and I’ve not been exercising like at all this month. I don’t know. I’ll give it another go next month if I have time but otherwise it’ll probably be pushed back to May.
│Rad Girls Can│Kate Schatz│││││
I switched to this ARC since it’s only 112 pages and I figured SURELY I can finish this before the month is up. Nope. So April it is!
│Khutulun│tatterhood│Agnodice│Te Puea Herangi│Moremi Ajasoro│Sybil Ludington│Kurmanjan Datka│Andamana│Mary Seacole│Florence Nightingale│Gráinne “Grace O’Malley” Ni Mháille│Rejected Princesses│Jason Porath│││││
│Empress Xi Ling Shi│Hatsheput│Agnodice│Trung Trӑc & Trung Nhi│Fatima Al-Fihri│Bygone Badass Broads│Mackenzi Lee│││││
I didn’t do much but at least I got my entries read for both of these!
Book of the Month
│The Female of the Species│Mindy McGinnis││││││★★★★★│Read Mar 31│
Once I realised just how little I read this month and made myself power through this one and omg it was soooo good and worth it. I needed this book this month.
│Average Rating: 4.5★’s│ 5│
Structured TBR Pass or Fail?
│Must Read:  3/5│ 0/1│ 0/0│ 2/2│ 3/3│ 10/10│ 5/5│
│Allowances:  1/1│ 1/1│ 0/0│ 0/0│ 0/1│
Clearly this was a terrible reading month. I got hardly any reading done. I started off relatively strong but then I stopped exercising (for reasons I’ll go into further later in this post) so that was less time spent reading. And then I spent far more time watching TV when I should have been reading because Depression. And the audiobook wasn’t really working out for me so I didn’t get that read either. FUN.
│Barbed Wire Heart│Tess Sharpe│││
I loved Far From You so when I saw this was available on Netgalley I knew I needed it! And it wasn’t even a request, just one you could immediately download and my international blogger heart is v. v. thankful.
│Vicious│Villains #1│V.E. Schwab││
│Vengeful│Villains #1│V.E. Schwab│││
If you’ve been paying attention to my hauls sections you’re probably thinking “doesn’t Grey already have both of these books and the answer to that is yes absolutely but listen.
I have the paperback copy of Vicious in the old cover art because i bought it years ago…Well my mum bought it for me years ago but same same.
Then it was announced that with the long-awaited release of Vengeful we’d get all new cover art so I knew I’d be re-buying the first no matter what.
And then the collector’s edition came out for Vicious.
So I bought that and then Book Depository listed the hardback for Vengeful as a collector’s edition and so I ordered that as a birthday present to myself.
Only I don’t actually think it is a collector’s edition because it doesn’t say so on the cover or anything but oh well.
So I finally have both books with new covers only I don’t want to read them because if I do, I’ll want to annotate them and I don’t annotate collector’s edition as a rule for myself.
So I had to buy the paperbacks. I just had to. My hands were tied. Did I really have the money to? No, but I’ve had a hard month so fuck it.
Past Grey Reads
 Book Review // Girl Made of Stars – I Am Broken
 Grey Reads // Everything’s On Fire and I Couldn’t Be Happier – Girls of Paper and Fire
 Grey Reads // Bloody Moors & Candy Castles – The Wayward Children 2 & 3
       Film & TV
Honestly I barely remember what I did actually watch.
Month’s TBW
│The Bold Type│Season 2││
│Brooklyn Nine-Nine│Season 6││
│RuPaul’s Drag Race│Season 11││
│I Am The Night│Season 1││
│The Umbrella Academy│Season 1││
│Russian Doll│Season 1││
│Sex Education│Season 1││
│The Bold Type│Season 2││2017│ Sarah Watson│ Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, Meghann Fahy│★★★★★│
This show is so fucking good, I’m not not so patiently waiting for the third season to come out next month!
│Brooklyn Nine-Nine│Season 6││2013│ Daniel J. Goor, Michael Schur│ Andre Braugher, Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz│Watching weekly episodes│★★★★★│
The episode with the murder in the apartment and the making stupid promises to the mum and Jake slowly going crazy and Rosa with a different hair style every scene??? Iconic!
│RuPaul’s Drag Race│Season 11││2009│ RuPaul│RuPaul, Michelle Visage│Watching weekly episodes│★★★★★│
Between Miss Vanjie being the narrator of the season (and maybe my fave of all time), her hoemance with Brooke Lyn Heights, Yvie’s take no shit, own your shit attitude and Plastique’s fish???? I am in love with this season.
I could do without Silky’s obnoxious everything and R. Kelly style Untucked breakdowns but whatever.
│Russian Doll│Season 1││2019│  Leslye Headland, Natasha Lyonne, Amy Poehler│ Natasha Lyonne, Charlie Barnett, Greta Lee│★★★★★│
I am in love with Russian Doll and everything about it. It’s short, it’s smart, it’s quality TV and it’s fucking funny.
│Sex Education│Season 1││2019│ Laurie Nunn│ Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Emma Mackey│★★★★★│
This show is stupid funny but it’s also super intelligent and important. This is such a good show for teens to have easy access to and I can’t wait for the new season.
│Queer Eye│Season 3││2018│ Bobby Berk, Karamo Brown, Tan France │★★★★★│
This season had me crying my eyes out and I loved every second of it.
But my favourite moment is when Jody, on the first episode, comes out for the big reveal and the guys all lose their fucking minds! Especially Karamo’s and Antoni’s reactions. They were absolutely fucking gold.
│Game of Thrones│Season 1││2011│ David Benioff, D.B. Weiss│ Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington│★★★★│
I mean, yes I am well aware of the problems Game of Thrones have and I am trash for it anyway. Is it as amazing as I initially thought?? Not at all but I’m in too deep now I can’t just not watch the final season.
So here I am re-watching the entire show with my mum to drag it out just a little longer and hopefully by the time we’re all caught up the final season, in it’s entirety, will be well and truly out.
I just have to try and avoid spoilers until then…which should actually be very easy because of something I’ll announce in my Month Ahead post.
Me after this month.
│YUNGBLUD│11 Minutes + Halsey│Loner│Falling Skies + Charlotte Lawrence│
│Dodie│Burned Out│
│Troye Sivan + Lauv│i’m so tired…│
│Noah Cyrus│Sadness│Good Cry│
│Julia Michaels│Anxiety + Selena Gomez│Happy│
│Steve Aoki│Waste It on Me + BTS│
Past Grey Watches
 Grey Watches // I Hate It So Much I Love It – A Christmas Prince
 Grey Watches // It Has To Be A Shit Show – A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding
 Grey Watches // I Wanna Bone Jude Law and Kate Winslet – The Holiday
Use Your Words Highlights
 Grey Reads // Bloody Moors & Candy Castles – The Wayward Children 2 & 3
 Top Ten Tuesday // Audible and Overdrive Are My Lords & Saviors – My Audiobook TBR
     Blogosphere Highlights
│Elise @ The Bookish Actress│Why I’m Not Honestly That Excited for Game of Thrones: Season Eight│Eighteen Things I’ve Learned In My First Eighteen Years│
│Krystin @ Here’s The Fucking Twist│True Crime Tuesday: The Moors Murders│
│Vicky @ Vicky Who Reads│Stressed About College? These Book Recs Are For You!│
│Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxxbooks│5 TIPS ON ANNOTATING YOUR BOOKS!│
│Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books│10 YA BOOKS DEALING WITH ANXIETY│
│Aurora @ Aurora Librialis│5 Book Quotes for International Women’s Day│
│Swetlana @ The Caffeinated Bookworm Life│6 Reasons To Watch On My Block│
│Qui @ The Black Lit Queen│Diversity vs. Representation|BLQ Quick Guide│
│Madeline @ Caffeine & Writing Dreams│How to Write Scenes that Balance Plot & Character // Scene and Sequel Sequences│
Past Month In Review
 Month in Review // Christmas is Over Thank Fuck – December
 January in Review // I Cried, Laughed, Ate Pasta, Celebrated My Birthday & Completed TWO Read-A-Thons/Challenges
 Month in Review // I FINALLY CHANGED MY NAME – February
Month’s Goals
 Get my mental health plan
 Book a therapy session I have to wait until April ahhhhhhhh
 Get a massage from mum —I just always forget okay
 Try and take a mental health day
 Try and take a mental health day later in the month
 Keep my shit together —HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
 Start journaling —I will get to this eventually…
 Quit soft drink 
 Start floor exercises—I keep adding this and never get around to it. —I couldn’t even go for my walks for most of the month so…
 Try and read 5 books —I can’t even say I tried. 
 Don’t waste all my time on The Sims 
 Go to Writers Week
Considering how shit this month was I count 7/12 goals reached a fucking accomplishment!
My Nightmare Month
So it started well enough. I went to Writers Week on two different days and thoroughly enjoyed myself! but then i got into a car accident on the way to my third day.
Which was stressful and anxiety inducing. It’s been a nightmare to work through all the aftermath. I didn’t know if the accident would be covered by insurance or if I would even hear from the person who hit me. And then when I did get the good news of being covered I basically had to micromanage the insurance company because they did everything slow and I couldn’t afford slow. So that was loads of phone calls which is something that causes me anxiety so YAY.
It’s mostly all sorted out. I still need to take my plates in and get a refund on my rego which I tried to do a couple days ago and got frustrated so that’s a task for another day.
     I did get to go to the Fringe Festival and see Daniel Sloss’s new comedy special which was absolutely brilliant! He talked about rape culture and really put the onus on men and how they need to work and go out of their way to think critically of themselves and society and what they can do to dismantle rape culture. I laughed and sobbed. My mum nearly pissed herself laughing and it was a great night out with to die for Sri-Lankan food hot buttered squid will blow your fucking mind! and I discovered that I like to drink Pimms.
     Throughout the month I’ve still been sorting out my name change because that is a long and drawn out process of changing my name everywhere and hitting road blocks constantly has be incredibly frustrating but I’m nearly finished!
I have also been doing all of this while in incredible pain because chronic illness.
My March mood
     Basically my feet have been very painful, I knew the solution, doctor refused me, mum took me to a doctor who knows our history and I got the solution so I can actually start walking regularly again which will help my mental health loads.
My mum also took me to replace all of my shoes which was both expensive and needed so I have the best shoes for walking and working and running around doing errands and going out!
I was ready to end the month on a positive. Sure the start had rattled me a lot, and I was big depressed because of pain for most of it but I did have a few great experiences and I’d resolved almost all the long running issues.
     And then while I was waiting for mum to finish work a couple of days ago, I sat and read in the foodcourt.
A man approached me and invaded my personal space and stared at me, knowing it would make me uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that it distracted me from the fact he was trying to steal my purse.
Thankfully I noticed at the last minute and grabbed it back because I would have been a fucking mess if I had gone to all the trouble replacing everything in my purse with my new name on it, only to have to do it all over again because someone stole my it all.
The man walked off but I would be lying if I said it didn’t terrify me. The way he stared at me was so unnerving and I don’t handle people being in my personal space…like at all. Even people I know and trust have to always ask permission first. I don’t let men I know in my personal space at all because I know what men are capable of. But to have a man I don’t know get in my face with the purpose to make me uncomfortable, especially after the month I’ve had, was enough for me to completely come undone.
I’m thankful for the cleaner for checking up on me, even though I burst into tears, and I’m thankful for the girl who approached me after as well to try and be supportive.
She had fire in her eyes and in that moment I had wished that that was what I looked like instead of the girl I was, not being able to hold back tears and trying to keep calm in the middle of an anxiety attack.
More than anything, I’m thankful for my mum for being so supportive and understanding and being exactly what I needed her to be and for calling out the men who made things worse, while trying to help, when I didn’t have the strength to.
I’ve argued with myself on whether to share this and maybe I might delete it all before it gets published, but I think it’s important for women to share their experiences with how men have preyed upon them, whether sexually or not, and how men continue to use their power to get what they want from us, regardless of the negative impact it has on us.
I just—girls, women, know that if something like this happens to you, if something worse happens to you, it’s not your fault, it’s never your fault. The way you react to it is right because it’s your experience and your emotions. I’m trying to remind myself of that. 
And men, know that if you’re not actively trying to stop this shit from happening, aren’t pulling your friends up for those gross comments they make, then you’re part of the fucking problem. I don’t want to hear that you personally would never do this. That shit isn’t enough. It’s never been enough. This all lies at your feet and fuck you for helping to hold up a society that makes us think any of it is our own fault.
And if something like this happens to a girl or woman you know then ask her what she needs, ask her the best way for you to help. Because nine times out of ten the way you react naturally is going to be the complete fucking opposite of what she needs and you might make things worse. And that’s on you, not her.
Past Month Ahead
 Month Ahead // Happy Birthday To Me + Hiatus Announcement – January
 February Ahead // I’m Finally Going To Read The Raven Cycle Series & It’s Black History Month + A Great Resource for Education!!!!!
 Month Ahead // Writers Week, Comedy & Too Much To Do – March
Thank fuck March is over.
What did you do this month? What did you read? What did you watch? What posts did you write that you’re super proud of?
  from WordPress https://ift.tt/2YJsLog via IFTTT
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Acting in Trump’s Gilead (An Actors Blog)
Advertisers and marketing professionals spend their days (and probably a lot of sleepless nights) wondering about and/creating buzz around the next big thing… but being able to identify a trend is not just their job, it’s also the job of the actor. Knowing that wider ties, and longer hems, often coincide with automakers manufacturing cars in shades of pink and turquoise is an example of identifying a trend. How do I know that? When you live long enough you start to see everything come back around. Now, to me a trend - is different than a fad. A trend will stick around for a while and then reappear in an updated form at least every twenty years or so. But a fad is something that is with us for a year or six months and then disappears just as quickly as it came - probably never to be heard from again. For example, it’s been a while since my kids mentioned Fidget Spinners. I’m sure those useless pieces of Chinese rubberized plastic will sit idle at the bottom of my kids desk drawer until i secretly toss them out. That obsession has given way to their current addiction; slime. I’m hoping slime is just a fad too - or a phase they grow out of at least, kind of like my mom’s approach to me being in to dudes. Sorry Mom, guess that was more of a trend that was here to stay.
As an actor what do you do when you’re not part of a trend? By that, I mean your “type”…your race, your age, your sexual orientation, even your religion. It might sound callous to break us all down into categories, but that’s what our brains do every single day as we file away and classify every new piece of information we encounter.
It’s no surprise that 2018 was definitely the year of the Asian actor, and it’s about time. An Asian actor hasn’t gotten an Oscar since Haing S. Ngor won in 1984 for “The Killing Fields.” You might say this all started with the popularity of Crazy Rich Asians and I would agree, but what led to that? With my 20/20 hindsight I would say that George Takei and his autobiographical play about his childhood experience being held in a post World War II Japanese internment camp shined a light on the Asian immigrant experience. It also doesn’t hurt that he has a hugely popular #Twitter feed dominated by daily anti-Trump tweets.
Another 70-ish celebrity with daily anti-Trump tweets is Cher who happens to be having the best year ever. She’s doing movies again, has an amazing new album of ABBA covers, a broadway show about her life, and is about to embark on a huge European tour. Is Trump the recipe to new found relevance - or is ageism finally dead in Hollywood?
On Sunday I kept seeing Carol Burnett in my news feed. She was definitely trending. I thought OMG did she die or something?! I was Immediately relieved to figure out that she was just being honored at The Golden Globes and not actually dead. So if Carol Burnett is in the news again what does this mean? If I were her manager what would be my game plan?? …what’s next? Maybe nothing. She’s got like a gazillion Emmys - she doesn’t have to do a single thing, but that’s not usually how successful people think. What this tells me is that there’s about to be a lot more roles for older actresses in #Hollywood. Perhaps at first for the A-listers but hopefully that trend can trickle down to the commoners like us too.
A few years ago my kids went in for a sitcom pilot audition that was starring Ms. Burnett playing a famous retired actress who was renting out part of her home to make some extra income. Then they went in for another one with a similar premise with a cast lead by Candice Bergen. Not sure if either pilot was ever made… but then the reboot of Murphy Brown happened and I assume the Bergen pilot died a quick death in the script pile at ABC Television Network. Anyway these projects are out there, which is a good sign that ageism is a dying fad. How ironic is it too that Jessica Lange has had a career resurgence doing campy horror just like her character in "Feud" (Joan Crawford) had in real life.
I asked my kids’ agent why my son always got more auditions and more bookings than my daughter. She said writers just don’t write for little girls the way they write for little boys. This is the same argument that’s been made at the very top of the food chain by Oscar winners like Jennifer Lawrence. Often we roll our eyes when someone as successful as she makes this claim but the amount of opportunities for women is just not the same as for men - and it has been even worse if you’re past a certain age.
So for the non-famous, for the everyday working actor, what can we do when a trend is not working in our favor? Make lemonade? No - Make Movies! My friend, Sarah Megan Thomas, has done just that. Instead of complaining that only 32% of all speaking roles in films belong to female characters, she wrote, produced, and acted in three of her own female driven films; "Backwards," “Equity,” and her third film “Liberté”. In each project she has immersed herself into three very different worlds focusing on the roles women play in: Sports, on Wall Street, and in WWII. Not really since “A League of Their Own” have we seen a film explore the feminine experience during war. This subject is very close to my heart since both my grandmothers worked for the war effort - one making bullets and shells in a gunpowder factory, and the other on an air force base. Both my kids had roles in her film Equity, so we saw firsthand that not only is she creating jobs for actresses but her crews are also heavily comprised of women, with all three films having female directors.
As Heidi Klum says “You’re either in or you’re out,” and as the former titans of film and TV are being dethroned by sex scandals, women are rising up to take their rightful place. We saw the peak of the #MeToomovement at last years Golden Globes. This year we saw The Hollywood Foreign Press reaffirm the strength of journalists, and vow to not let governments make them the enemy of the people. We also saw an Asian actress not only host the show, but win the award for best dramatic TV actress. So… is an awards show the barometer for what’s trending - or just the moment when enough people come together on a network TV platform to oppose Trump’s Republic of Gilead?
Speaking of critically acclaimed television series, sometimes I have a hard time telling the difference between a plot point from “The Handmaid’s Tale” and an actual Tweeted proclamation from the baby king himself. Here’s a list. Can you tell the difference?
Women should be punished for abortion. Total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States Transgender people banned from military service The Press is declared “The true enemy of the people” Separating immigrant children from their parents at the border Calling for the firing of NFL players who kneel during the National Anthem
Sounds like we’re all gonna be hanging on that wall of his!
Like it or not, Trump is an equal opportunity offender and every group that he attempts to marginalize seems to rise up and have their place in the sun. He discriminates… then whoever the oppressed group is…African Americans, Muslims, Women, Gays, Native Americans…that group is suddenly trending. We are lucky enough to live in a time when we are celebrated for our differences and the entertainment industry is finally responding. As soon as Trump offends, then I start to notice that minority group in more roles in commercials, TV, and film. Writers are now creating more diversity in their characters and in the stories they tell. So if you are an actor in one of these minority groups - you’re probably trending. This trickles all the way down to child actors too. Now I notice a lot more diversity in the acting pool at castings than I did 5 years ago when we had a president that rarely used Twitter - and if he did it was never used to offend anyone.
So now what? You’re part of a growing trend. How do you take advantage of a trend in your type? Well, first leaving your apartment is a good step. In the brief window where #GayDads were everywhere we did just that. It was about 2011 and the fight for marriage equality was in the news every day. As courts ruled and legislative branches voted in our favor state by state and eventually sea to shining sea, we made it our mission to attend every equality march, rally, and #Pride Parade in NYC and DC. We wrote letters to state senators, appeared on the local news and in the “failing” New York Times! We did print campaigns for Marriott and MetLife. Marriott even gave us our own float in the New York City Heritage of Pride Parade! I can’t begin to count the number of reality shows we were interviewed for. We actually filmed segments on two shows, one for Oprah and another for a Jerry Seinfeld comedy show on marriage, neither of which actually aired, but the point is we got “out” there (pun intended) and milked that trend for all it was worth. All you can do is create opportunities for yourself when you’re lucky enough to be part of the zeitgeist. Now if you’re gay and married, the only way to get exposure on social media is to take your shirt off and take a #BedSelfie with your husband. Aside from the occasional GymSelfie for my own motivational purposes - that is really not us, so hopefully sexy couple pics will die out soon. I can’t compete!
So if you’re not part of the “in” crowd my biggest piece of advice is to not start taking naked selfies with Ricky Martin’s baby, just BE YOURSELF!!! In college I spent a lot of time playing roles that I would never play in the real world, and I would compete with actors for those roles that I would never be sitting across from in a real casting office waiting room. When I first moved to New York, I wasted so much energy trying to be something I wasn’t. I look back at my old black and white headshots and I remember the photographer trying to make me pose like a soap opera hunk - which I wasn’t. Soaps and teen dramas were big business then. I was young but my hair was thinning, so I couldn’t be the hot teen and I was still too young to play the dad. I definitely wasn’t trending! I should’ve just shaved my head already and embraced roles like the comic book villain born out of a botched laboratory experiment. That would have been so much more fun! So as they taught us at @University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music - CCM… get out of your head and just beeeeeeeeeee……..(deep breath)
Sooner or later everything comes back around…. even you.
I’m My Kids Manager
0 notes