noshitbarnes · 6 years
I love you too, girl! 💕💕💕
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summerdutkowsky · 6 years
getbuckylucky replied to your post: me, a person with sleep paralysis before haunting...
YO, YOU GET SLEEP PARALYSIS TOO!?? also omg this makes me even more scared to watch haunting of hill house
I’VE GOTTEN IT FOR YEARS OMG HOW HAS THIS NOT COME UP but like senior year of high school was the first time and it’s happened off and on since then. it’s the fucking worst! like being awake is a pain body you’re going to make sleep difficult too? 
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sologxlaxies · 6 years
Happy Birthday!!!! 🎂🎂🎂🎂
Thank you so much!! 💕💕💕💕💕
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sweet-barnes · 6 years
pass the happy! 💛 when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications
this is so cute💛5 things that make me happy;•dance•reading•music•my dogssss• @poeticbarnes 💛💛💛
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jerrylevitch · 7 years
When you get this, please respond with ten things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously (or not) 💙
Thank you
1. Jerry Lewis/Martin and Lewis
2. Dancing/choreographing
3. My dad
4. Kayla @fuzzysebastianstan
5. Cinema/Movies
6. Three’s Company
7. dancing or hanging out with friends
8. Enchiladas/pizza/ice cream
9. animals
10. Robbie Williams/TT
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poeticblissme · 7 years
Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡
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minyunkisgf · 6 years
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godmerlin · 7 years
24, 41, 44!
thank you darlingggg
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?      I, uh, don’t eat chicken nuggets. Lol…and if I did I wouldn’t dip it in anything probably. hahaha
  Do you have any magazine subscriptions?  I get a few that deal specifically with classic film and reminisce because i’m secretly a 90 year old lollll
  Who is better…Leno or Letterman?   Oh god, I honestly don’t like either of them. Lmao   i think if i absolutely had to choose maybe leno? maybe. idk. i mean he likes cars so i guess that’s cool. i guess.                            
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summerdutkowsky · 6 years
getbuckylucky replied to your photoset: happy lesbian day of visibility from your friendly...
Such a gorgeous gaaaal~ ������������
I LOOOOOVE YOOOOOU (and i miss you and i hope life is treating you well)
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abbeyroadie · 7 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash (or whoever)? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe! (づ◕‿◕)づ
Aww thank you!  *hugs you back*
0 notes
amandaoftherosemire · 6 years
Sing For Me - Chapter Thirty-nine
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Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X OFC (Sasha)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, OFC Sasha
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4,415
Format: Series (Complete)
Warning: Language, mild angst, fluff.
Summary: Bucky and Sasha have some quiet time before they leave Wakanda.
A/N: We’re here at the last chapter. Freaking finally, right?! Well, technically it’s the penultimate chapter since there will be an epilogue, but hey! Last chapter! It’s weird to have this feeling of both relief and sadness. I’m going to miss these people, even Valentin. But not Trevor. Seriously, fuck Trevor. I never would have finished if it weren’t for everyone who read and liked or commented or reblogged. Each one kept me writing when I felt like giving up.
I want to thank everyone who read this, but a few people were especially encouraging. @hellzzzbelle made the beautiful banner up top and made me cry genuine happy tears when I saw it. @suz-123 kept up with every chapter and always reblogged with a comment. I don’t know if I’d have kept going without her. @getbuckylucky yelled at people to read this and @diinofayce yelled at me every time I did something horrible to Sasha. Honestly, I could just put my whole taglist here, I love you all so much.
Sing For Me Masterlist
Chapter Thirty-eight here
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Chapter Thirty-nine
Less than a week later Bucky sat with Sasha for all intents and purposes in his lap. He couldn't bear to have her too far away yet, still painfully aware of how close he'd come to losing her. They were on a blanket on the banks of the river he’d once looked out over as he called himself by his name and meant it. Before that day he hadn't been able to feel, only remember what it felt like to be the man he once was. Moreover, that day in this place he felt like who that man would have grown into after everything he’d seen and done. That day he’d felt like Bucky.
Bucky wanted to make the first of a thousand promises to Sasha here. This was the place where he'd found himself. Here was where he wanted to find his future. What he'd already found with her he hadn’t known he needed but now couldn’t imagine life without: love, unwavering and unconditional.
Bucky, who'd once believed himself the next thing to cursed, now saw himself as the luckiest of men, simply because he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what Sasha felt for him. For a man with a past as dark and bloody as his, the feeling of love and acceptance was like balm on a frozen soul. To never have to wonder what the woman in his arms felt for him, to never worry that she secretly feared him was everything to him.
So, he was once again looking out over that river but this time he had his cheek against Sasha’s hair and was trying to psych himself up to just fucking ask her already.
To be fair, Sasha was not helping at all. She was, instead, snickering wickedly as she teased him yet again for the reaction that had had her little sister finally laughing out loud.
“ZOE LUISA FREDRIKSEN!” The natural rasp in her voice gave her a passable imitation of the bellow he’d unleashed at the moment he’d realized that Zoe had, once again, gone behind his back and risked her own safety. The sheer umbrage in his tone had sent Sasha into gales of laughter, but it was the threat to ‘tan her hide’ in his mind that had caused Zoe to lean on his arm and howl.
“What the hell am I supposed to do!?” The annoyed offense had Sasha slumping against him and cackling. “She’s just like Steve! A reckless little shit that doesn’t listen to a word I fucking say!”
Sasha was hanging limp in Bucky's arms as she laughed, tears streaming down her face. Bucky wanted to stay offended, but the sight of her, so vibrant and alive, had him smiling against his will. With a low chuckle, he tumbled her to her back on the blanket. Leaning over her on his flesh arm, he caged her in with vibranium.
Caught in sparkling turquoise, tempted by the laughter still trembling on her lips, Bucky’s hand was impossibly gentle as he lifted it to cup Sasha’s cheek. As soon as the metal of his hand met the metal clasped around her neck, their connection snapped back into place and each reveled in the flood of emotion from the other. She hummed happily in her throat and closed those spectacular eyes to rub her cheek against his hand.
The smile fell from his face as his brain chose to destroy the moment with an image of how Sasha had looked only a few short days before, still and cold as Shuri worked frantically to restart her failing heart. He fell back, his arms snaking swiftly around her to pull a surprised Sasha with him. Only once he had her in his lap, crushed tightly against him, with his face buried in her neck did he start to calm.
Sasha combed the fingers of one hand gently through his hair while she cupped the back of his neck with the other. Her bare palm heated as she poured love and reassurance into Bucky, trying to soothe the fine tremors that rocked him. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and she didn’t expect it to be the last. Both Bucky and Zoe blamed themselves for the close call. Bucky lost it whenever he was reminded of that moment, and that most often was when he was particularly happy, as though his subconscious was out to torture him. Zoe, though, had been having nightmares, unable to shake the memory of the tearing sensation as Sasha’s mind fell away.
Sasha, on the other hand, felt transformed. She didn’t know if what she’d experienced was real or, more likely, the flailings of a dying brain. She also didn’t care. She had traded a last memory of blood and grief for love and joy; she did not regret it and would question it no further. She had awoken ready to take on the world, taking care of Zoe and Bucky was a cinch.
“It’s okay.” She murmured the words softly, almost without thought, simply hoping the sound of her voice would help. “I’m okay.”
“Your heart stopped. You almost died.” Bucky’s voice was muffled, his lips against her collarbone, but she easily understood as she’d heard the words before. The horror of that moment lived in his tone, cold and hollow as a grave.
“But I didn’t. You saved me.”
Bucky couldn’t speak, could hardly breathe as Sasha’s emotions rushed into him with more force and volume than ever before. Kat’s data had explained the mystery of the lingering connection between Bucky and Sasha. She had been inadvertently tuning his arm every time she used her power with him. Through extended exposure it had been slowly tuned to perfectly draw in and store the energy she emitted. Because his arm was connected to his brain, that energy had made itself known in Bucky’s ability to feel Sasha’s emotions even when she wasn’t trying.
When she’d let loose to escape Morozov’s weapon, the sudden flood of power had turned the vibranium chip in her neck into dust, each particle an amplifier, causing the dramatic explosion and fires that had razed the compound. She hadn’t been able to stop it because her shield hadn’t been constructed to withstand that much energy. It had taken tuned vibranium, found in the form of Bucky’s arm, to cool the flames.
Unfortunately, the sudden cooling had dulled the tuning on most of the surface pieces of the vibranium in her neck, causing them to absorb her power rather than amplifying it and deadening her talent. Since she had never stopped emitting the energy, when those pieces were removed, her talent had come back full force.
The three pieces Shuri had had to leave behind, however, were fused to her spinal cord and were tuned to amplify. Sasha had lost consciousness when her unprotected mind had been incapable of coping with the echo of her own intensified energy. Even her unconscious mind had been unable to entirely shield itself, but Bucky had been helping whenever he touched her.
“I wouldn’t have been sane enough to follow Zoe home if you hadn’t held me safe,” Sasha continued, unaware that she was overwhelming Bucky with waves of the relief, gratitude, and love she’d felt every time his song had wrapped around her. Forgetting that he had his hand on the necklace and so needed no extra power to feel her, she pushed with far more force than was needed.
Lost in the feedback loop, basking once more in the sensation she’d missed above all others while her talent had been hidden from her, she used her hand in his hair to tilt his head back to meet his mouth with her own. Her eyes fluttered open to find Bucky staring at her in both awe and agony, rapture and ruin.
“Oh, god!” As she cried out, she yanked back on the flood of energy. “Bucky, I’m so sorry. I forgot.”
Bucky sucked in air as soon as Sasha’s power was no longer squeezing his lungs with heat and light. Once the oxygen hit his brain and cleared out the blur, he let out his breath with a half-laugh that faded into warmth at the worry and remorse rolling off of her in waves. He dipped his head and kissed her gently in reassurance.
“Shurochka.” He breathed the word against her mouth, his voice as soft and affectionate as his lips. “Don’t be sorry. You’ve always packed a punch, babygirl, but damn.”
Sasha’s expression melted from concern to a kind of bashful pleasure at the admiration in his face and the adoration in his tone.
Because of his haste to pull her into his arms, Sasha had ended up draped across his lap, his arms tight around her, her breasts pressed to his chest while he buried his face in her throat to more clearly hear the pulse that beat there. Her legs were stretched awkwardly out to the side, however, so now that he had calmed, she twisted in his arms to snuggle into his chest and rest her head against his shoulder.
Bucky’s flesh hand settled on her bare thigh while his vibranium hand came up behind her back to press against the necklace once more. This was something easily done as it covered her neck entirely, the mesh fine enough to feel and move like fabric. Sasha found it vaguely ostentatious; its size made her decision to not resume wearing gloves seem wise. She only had so much patience for affectation, even her own.
Shuri had designed a wide choker-style necklace made of vibranium mesh that wrapped the throat securely, covering all three pieces of vibranium still in Sasha’s spine, but was featherlight. Once Sasha had concurred with Zoe’s vote of confidence in both the Princess and the King, Kat had turned over every byte of data she possessed on vibranium.
Shuri had almost been sidetracked, fascinated when Kat revealed that the location of the files and the encryption key were hidden in the vibranium tattooed under the phoenix on her hand. With the additional information and Kat’s experience, they had been able to create a mesh with multiple tunings. Sasha could now change the volume of her power with a brush of her thumb along the lower edge.
At Sasha’s request, they’d added a tuning that would resonate with Bucky’s arm, keeping their connection as long as he was touching it, regardless of the tuning she’d set the necklace to. Otherwise, when she turned down her ability to 'hear' the feelings of others, his ability to hear her was also muted.
Bucky hadn’t known he could love her more but when she told him what she'd requested and asked for his help in tuning the vibranium— Kat was teaching both Sasha and Zoe how to do so, and Sasha insisted on doing the tuning on this herself— he’d felt his throat close in pure gratitude. He didn't know why he was surprised his Shurochka had understood that he had needed that connection as much as he needed the even ground. He liked being an open book to her as long as she was the same.
Between Shuri and Sasha, they'd given him a gift he hadn't known he wanted, let alone needed. The arm Shuri had given him had a purpose beyond violence. It had become a tether, a lifeline to the woman he loved. He'd never again look at it and see nothing but more blood and pain.
Kat had been delighted to help thanks solely to Sasha. Almost immediately after she had awoken, Sasha had beckoned Kat forward forcefully enough to be nearly tyrannical. As soon as Kat was close enough, she'd wrapped her in a tight hug.
"Katie! Thank you!" she’d said, her voice low and her recovered power flooding the mixture of her emotions into her sister: relief, gratitude, happiness, welcome, hope. Knowing only the feeling would come through but not the reason for it, she went on with a warm smile as she held Kat’s hands, her palms hot. "I hope you’ll stick around a little while longer so we can talk. I’m so happy to have another sister."
And Kat, at a loss for words because she felt like the rambling apologies in her head -- sorry for abducting you, helping a madman torture you, kidnapping our sister, I’m a fucking monster -- were hanging in the air between them, said instead, "I go by Kat now."
She only felt like a complete asshole for a moment because Sasha was beaming a genuine smile and squeezing her hands as she spoke easily. "It suits you."
Sasha wasn’t aware that Kat had fallen apart when she and Maddie were alone, sobbing in her girlfriend’s arms. Kat hadn’t known until Sasha had given it how much she’d craved her acceptance. The idea that she might not be so bereft in the world provoked a kind of terrified joy. So many years having to repress every emotion to survive life with Morozov had left her unable to express her emotions easily. Often when she was happiest, she cried the hardest.
When the storm had passed and she’d mopped up her face, Kat had kissed Maddie softly and smiled. Her pale skin blotchy and her nose bright red, she was a sight, but the lightness of her smile was something Maddie had never seen before.
When she and Maddie had been properly introduced, Sasha had been surprised to find herself warmly embraced in gratitude, but she returned the hug in kind. She had by this point heard the story of how Kat and Maddie had come to Wakanda and though part of her wanted to facepalm at the unnecessary felonies, another part was deeply touched at how far Nat was willing to go for her. That said, she was also deeply grateful Maddie had been so understanding.
The necklace she wore now was their second prototype but, considering the genius of the young woman designing it, Sasha could see very little room for improvement. She frankly couldn’t wait for a finished option as she was more than ready to go home. She adored Wakanda, but she missed her own bed, her routine, the rest of the people in her odd extended family.
For now, at the touch of Bucky’s hand and the rush of emotion between them, she yanked her mind back from worrying about the immediate future to focus on the waves of love and lust coming from each and tangling together. When they were this completely linked, his hand cool against her neck, hers hot against his skin, she would swear she could hear their songs blend.
“Steve’s only half right, you know." Bucky spoke the first words in his head as soon as he saw her attention come back to him. "I’d be crazy about you even if you weren’t all legs, eyes and hair.”
“Doesn’t hurt that you have a weakness for all three.”
“I have a weakness for you.” At the seriousness in his tone, the smirk fell from her face. Bucky was feeling both solemn and nervy and it frightened her. “You have to understand, doll, I don’t know how to do without you anymore. I can’t imagine a future without you in it and seeing you—” His voice choked off, but Sasha knew he was once again reliving the moment when she hovered between life and death and she cuddled closer, leaning back a bit to keep her eyes on him.
Bucky shook off the memory and tilted his head to smile at her. “I have all these clichés in my head like you’re my everything or you mean the world to me, but the simple truth is I am completely in love with you. I will love you until my dying breath.”
He’d once wondered what his nickname would sound like coming from Sasha, frustrated with her irritating rendition of his last name. He could not have imagined that she would one day say his name in a tone melting with love, affection, devotion, and yet also charged with a dark eroticism. He couldn’t let it distract him.
Bucky pulled his hand from the pocket from which he’d surreptitiously retrieved a small, black velvet box. With his thumb he flipped it open and offered it to an utterly stunned Sasha. “Pretty Sasha, will you marry me?”
Sasha sat, stretched across Bucky’s lap, with her mouth agape as she stared in pure shock at the ring in his hand. She wanted to move, to speak, but she was paralyzed, unable to breathe, let alone answer Bucky’s question.
Sasha’s silence would have been nerve-wracking for anyone who’d just asked such a question, but it was heartbreaking for Bucky. He could feel the panic building inside her, not only through their link, but also in the breath backing up in her lungs and the fine tremors running through her frame.
“Nat said I was moving too fast, but I wouldn’t listen.” Bucky’s voice was unbelievably gentle, considering how much pain he was in.
Something about it seemed to loosen Sasha’s lungs, allowing her to speak the first word on her lips, though the word came out a squeak. “Yes.”
The affirmation eased the worst of the pain. No felt like it might kill him, but he could live with not yet. He dropped the box to lift his hand back to her face and traced the edge of Sasha’s jaw with his thumb. With the arm around her quaking frame he held her closer, concerned by the distress screaming through her. “Shh. It’s okay. I can wait.”
“No.” Sasha was distressed, but she was also becoming almost desperate. She could feel the hurt and disappointment but couldn’t seem to clear her spinning head enough to alleviate it.
Sasha was shaking like a leaf and Bucky was starting to worry. It made no sense to him, but he could swear she was about to lose her temper. “Shurochka,” he said cautiously, “I’m sorry if I did this wrong.”
“Dammit, Bucky! Will you slow down and let me catch up?” The words burst from her along with a rush of relief at being able to speak in more than one word sentences again.
Bucky had already opened his mouth to reassure when what she said almost got through. “What?” he asked instead, not daring to hope despite the rush of love and excitement pouring from her.
“Give a girl a chance to breathe, will ya?” She was still a little breathless, trying to pull her scattered wits back together, but the affectionate teasing in her tone was clear. “Talk about blindsided. Will you ask me again? Now that my mouth has caught up with my brain?”
When Bucky realized what she was trying to say, that he was saved, he smiled her favorite of his smiles. His face warm and sweet, his eyes seemed to light up even as the corners crinkled. When his lips curled in the sweetest smile she'd ever seen, she was pretty sure her heart skipped a beat. “Pretty Sasha, will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Her voice was just this side of breathy, both affection and lust tangling inside her. He was both unbelievably adorable and infuriatingly sexy at times. How could she resist? Why would she bother?
“Yes?!” Had Sasha not been in his lap, Bucky would have leapt to his feet, he was so elated. Even as it was, it was a close one. Sasha giggled when Bucky scooped her up in his arms, one behind her back and the other under her knees, even while still sitting, and bounced her up and down as he shouted, “Yes!”
She was still giggling when Bucky’s mouth came down on hers, but her laughter faded into a hum of happy pleasure as the kiss spun out. She could hear shouts and cheers in Xhosa, though her attention was focused entirely on the meeting of mouths, the both sweet and spicy taste exploding across her tongue even as the sound of Bucky’s joy exploded across her mind.
When they resurfaced, Bucky settled her back in his lap, his arms coming around her to hold her close. Sasha shifted to wrap her legs around him, settling back into his lap and burying her face in his hair.
“What did they say?” she asked, her voice a soft and loving caress, happiness bursting inside her like fireworks.
Bucky chuckled, both wry and affectionate. “'White Wolf’s lady said yes.' I'm sure you could tell they approve. I think we’re being spied on, Shurochka.”
“I’m shocked.” Sasha’s voice was dry as dust. “Shocked, I tell you.”
Bucky grinned and rubbed his cheek against her hair; it felt like his heart was singing. “Nat said I was going too fast.”
“For her, maybe.” She leaned back to look at his face, keeping her arms linked around his neck. “But I’m reckless and impulsive.”
He looked at her with a skeptical lifted eyebrow, though his hands were creeping up her skirt. “Why were you panicking?”
In response, Sasha lifted her eyebrows in challenge. “Because I couldn’t breathe. Blindsided is not an exaggeration.”
“Is it really so surprising?” Both his voice and his face had softened, and the fingers of his metal hand were fidgeting aimlessly with the hem of her dress.
Even if she hadn't been able to feel it, the hurt confusion was all over him. She sat back a little, gently taking his errant hand in her own and squeezing gently, resonating with the vibranium as she been practicing. Bucky loved when she did this; he said it felt like getting his brain scratched. “It is when I just adopted a twelve-year-old girl.” She shrugged and bobbed her head from side to side with a roll of her eyes.  “And maybe it’s a little fast.”
“Like I told Zoe, I guess I’m old-fashioned." His hand tightened around hers. "Where I'm from, when you find the right girl, you grab hold. And I like playing big brother.” He shrugged, vaguely embarrassed to find it true.
“Like you told Zoe.” If Bucky would meet her eyes, he might have seen the stars in them.
“I talked to her about this the day you went under. Things have changed so much for her in such a short time.” Bucky kept his eyes fixed on the river over Sasha's shoulder. He simply couldn’t look at her; his Shurochka often saw more than he expected and some things he wasn’t ready to examine for himself. “I wanted her to know she had a say in something that would change her life again.”
He may not have been looking at her, but she could see the truth of it all over him, regardless. If Sasha saw more clearly, it was only because they wore similar scars. She wasn't surprised that a man who’d had his freedom, his free will taken from him would see the traumatized little girl inside the reckless telepath. If she hadn’t already been certain in the ‘yes’ she’d already given him, this would have done it.
“I love you.” Bucky had never heard exactly this tone from Sasha. Low and throbbing, her voice seemed to hold an ocean of love. He turned his face to hers and found that laser focused expression on hers, only now he could feel her. He learned that her laser expression was accompanied by an astonishingly fierce devotion and realized he’d found the only way to touch Sasha more deeply than he already had. She may have been Zoe's sister, but she had a mother's love, and a mother's protectiveness for the girl. “I love that you’re the kind of man who’d think of it," she went on, too overwhelmed by her own emotion to feel the tenderness drowning him.
Then the laser look faded as the smile broke across her face like daybreak. Bucky could barely breathe as she dazzled both his eyes and heart. Laughter colored her voice as she went on, impatient. “Now will you please put that gorgeous thing on my fucking finger before I lose it?”
The demand, delivered almost rudely in its impatience, broke the spell and had Bucky laughing out loud as he scooped up the box he'd dropped when the answer he'd hoped for hadn't been immediately forthcoming. Trust Sasha to do nothing in the expected or traditional way.
Sasha held out her hand and cocked her head with a slightly challenging half-smile curving her mouth. The happiness, the joy, poured out of her like light; Bucky hadn't known the human heart could hold this much, but she was filling him up with it. Feeling like a mortal courting a faerie queen, he slipped the ring onto her finger, then simply grinned at her.
Sasha behaved as one often does when confronted with a brand-new engagement ring and stretched out her arm to examine how it looked against her hand. "Beautiful," she breathed, her delight lighting her face. The next thing she knew, Bucky's lips were on hers and she wasn't thinking at all anymore, the inundation of love and lust bringing her brain to a halt.
Though the kiss stretched into another, and another, passion firing Bucky's blood at the taste of her on his mouth, he couldn't forget that they apparently had an audience. Reluctant to the point of ill temper, Bucky lifted his head, heart racing and rock hard. Sasha, easily guessing the cause of his irritation, smiled slyly at Bucky as she cuddled in. "I never expected Barnes to have such a romantic streak. Who knew you were such a sap?"
"I never expected the Ice Queen to be so soft and warm, so we all learned something." Even as he shot back, Bucky looked happier than she'd ever seen him.
Sasha threw her head back and laughed out loud. She had to figure she'd been right all along; Bucky's sass was wonderfully complimentary to the sass in her. It occurred to her that there were worse things to base a marriage on. She leaned forward and began to press soft kisses to the skin under his jaw where his pulse beat. Absently, her attention on the flavor on her lips, she murmured, “Remind me to do something nice for Tony.”
“Okay." Bucky figured, as long as she kept doing what she was doing, she could have anything she asked of him. Still… "Why?”
“For taking away my mute button.”
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Epilogue here
@marvel-lucy @cheekygeek05 @lbouvet @lovely-geek @wantingtobekorra @diinofayce @ashesandfire @suz-123 @theresaskankinmyboot @ddysis @caplansteverogers @getbuckylucky @california-grown @rnr1274 @capandbuck @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @magellan-88 @mizzzpink @curiositywillbethedeathofmee @colie87 @bibliophile1773 @henrietteoaks @hellzzzbelle @same--old-shit @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @rishlo @eyesfixedonthesun22 @ingenue-q
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velvetofyourheart · 7 years
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by awesome @getbuckylucky omg, thanks, Jenny! It’s the first time I’m doing this kind of thing and I’m awkward, so here we go haha
How old: 19 What are your nicknames: I’m not sure I have any, really. People call me Tanya or Tatiana, which is my full name. Where were you born and raised: It’s complicated, and I hate politics, Jesus fuck. So, I was born and raised in Ukraine, and now I live in Russia. In the same place. Crimea. Ever heard of it? I’m sure you have at some point. Don’t believe whatever people say (if they actually say anything about it), Crimea is truly Russian and people are happy about it and nobody ever forced anybody to go and vote and that’s it and I don’t wanna keep talking about politics because we live in a crazy world and I hate politics. How is life?: I don’t know. Normal, maybe? I’m not sure I’ve started living yet. Just studying. And I’m pretty sure I’ll never call my life great until I finally get out of this place to see the world and reach my goals. What is your star sign: Taurus. What is your sexual orientation: Straight. What was the last thing you bought: The dopest red lipstick and a new black sweatshirt. I’m working on my jogging schedule because it’s finally warm enough to start being more active and healthy! What colour are your eyes: Depends on the light, actually. Overall, green+grey+hints of blue, What’s your best features: I like my eyes, lips and my hair. Do you have braces: Nope. But I’ve had those a long while ago. Do you have any piercings: Just my ears. Do you have any tattoos: I don’t. But I think that I might have one in the future, it depends. Do you have any pets: A cat. The softest, the most beautiful and awesome cat. I love that lil boy. Are you left handed or right handed: Right handed. Height?: 5‘3″ If you had to learn a new language, what would it be?: I think I would learn German and maybe French. Favourite actor?: Oh man. I truly don’t have a favourite actor. My biggest dream is becoming an actress and I just freaking melt and shudder when I see talented people. And, there are so many. I love so many actors that it hurts. I could write a list now, but it’d take me an hour or so. Let me just say that I adore Sebastian Stan because I can’t shut up about this beautiful, breathtakingly talented man. Thank you. Most overrated celebrity?: Hands down, it’s Jennifer Lawrence. Yuck. Favourite TV shows?: Again, so many. I am a cinemaholic and I’m not exaggerating. I’d say that currently I am pretty faschinated by Mindhunter. I enjoy Peaky Blinders. Have watched tons of WWII themed series and I loved them all. I could write a list, but, haha, it’d take me yet another hour. Favourite movies?: Oh no way!!! No way. I am a movie junkie. Seriously. And I don’t have a single movie I’d call my favourite. There is a looong list of movies that I love by heart. And it would take me a whole day to write them all down, and I would probably still miss something important. I watch thousands of movies every year. Is the movie about WWII? I’m watching it. Does this movie have a brilliant cast? I’m watching it. Are my favourite actors there? I am watching it. Does this movie touch a cool subject? I’m watching it. Is the movie by a cool director? I’m watching it. Movies are in my bloodstream. Fictional characters you can relate to?: I can’t think of any at this moment. If I spent a little more time to figure this out, I’m sure I’d find that character in my mind. IOS or Android: Android. Dogs or cats: Both. What is your favourite sport: Football (soccer) and biathlon.I enjoy watching those when I can and want to. When was your first real holiday: Summer 2012. That’s when I had my first airplane flight and my first cool holiday in Turkey. What was the last concert you went to: I’ve never been to a real, cool concert, unfortunately. What’s your favourite colour: I don’t have a favourite color. There are some I like and some I don’t. What’s your favourite restaurants: Hmm… That must be 23 Cafe Boulangerie or New York Street Pizza in my town. My choices of places to eat. What’s your favourite magazine: I actually adore the Russian edition of The Hollywood Reporter. It’s just so amazing. Large, thick and full of amazing articles to read. Better than the original, American THR! Also, sometimes I can read Love and Sex articles in Cosmopolitan for fun/for laugh hahaha but that’s just for the record. Do you love your country?: I love Russia. Russia is great. I love being from here. But I dream to move from the country. I really want to live in the USA. I’ve dreamed about it since I was a little kid. There is no way I can make my dreams come true if I stay here. What’s your favourite season: Spring. Beautiful, amazing spring. Who was the last person you messaged: It happens to be my sweetheart @ferralit, messaged her that I am skipping uni, leaving her alone there, and sleeping in because I’m a sleep deprived, tired hoe. Like anyone?: No. How many kids do you want in the future? If so when?: I’d like two kids. Not before I’m 26-28 years old, satisfied with my personal life and career. Do you want to get married one day: Yes. Where do you want to live: I’d love to live in New York. Do you believe in God: Yes. Do you believe in miracles: Yes, please. Do you believe in love at first sight: I think I do. I hope so. I surely believe that when you meet someone special for the first time, there is this weird click in your head. You don’t even know what it is unitl you do. Do you believe in ghosts: Yes. Do you believe in aliens: I sure do. There’s no way we are alone in the whole freakin’ Universe. Do you believe in soul mates: I do. I really hope that there is someone out there for me. Do you believe in heaven or hell:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe. Maybe not really. Do you believe in kissing on the first date: Umm… Yes? I think it’s a yes. It all depends on many things. Do you believe in yourself: I do. At least, I try my best. Do you sing in the shower: Sometimes! I’m a good singer so why not haha. Where was the last place you traveled: Had a trip to Gelendzhik last summer. It’s the place I’ve been going to since I was 4, I think. Would you go skydiving: YES. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be: New York, Paris, Genoa… I just want to travel. Anywhere… Can you whistle: No. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t haha. Can you speak another language: Well, my native and first language is Russian (I can help you with that, @getbuckylucky, if you want! (;), and it’s the language I use in my daily life. So, I know English, also Ukrainian. What’s most important in your life: Happiness. Being able to make dreams come true. Love. Freedom. Loyalty. Have you ever had surgery: Yes. I’ve had about… 5, I think? They all happened when I was very little, and I do remember only two of them. They were insignificant, but important. And fucking terrifying. 3 fears that you have: Spiders, sharks and a tsunami. (I absolutely can’t explain the last two things because I have never faced them in my life, but if I have a nightmare about any of that shit, I am SHOOK hahaha). ——————- Not tagging anyone because it’s the first time I’ve done this thing and I am awkward haha. ❤
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jerrylevitch · 7 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love. 💕
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minyunkisgf · 6 years
I remembered that you said that Cardi's album comes out on your birthday so... ✨💖🎉💕🎉❤🎉🎈🎂🍸😘 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB 😍🍸🎂🎈🎉❤🎉💕🎉💖✨
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godmerlin · 7 years
Okay, fam... FMK. Bucky Barnes, Randy, Lance Tucker.
F- ALRIGHT. I’m going with Lance....why? because PROFESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL WINNING GYMNAST. LIke let me get some of that!!! We can do all the god damn sexual gymnastics he wants to do... Like GIMME THAT GOLD BABY!!!
M-  Alright, I’m marrying Bucky. How could I not? I probably have the most in common with him which is well, kind of really sad on my end, but hey. I just could see myself with him for the long run.
K- Randy. I think he would really know how to kiss when he wasn’t overly wasted. So I mean we could just be chillin in the back of some bar making out or some shit. It’d be great. Let’s do this thing Randy. Just ya know, Don’t go Ralphing Randy on my ass.
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discobloodbath-blog · 6 years
It's the one year anniversary of @getbuckylucky following me and she hasn't blocked me yet. She's listened to me have meltdown after meltdown....about the same shit. And she's still stuck in there for some reason.
I hadn't let anyone new get super close to me in like a year between leaving an old job and getting dumped...which left me isolated af. And she just showed up and gave a fuck about some random sad bitch online.
This girl is such a BABE and so funny and so caring that it's insane. The past like 14 months have been hell but like idk if I could have even managed it without her. Happy anniversary, bby girl...Ily! #abbitomyilana #assofanangel
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