#omg 404 you tag youre so good at it
vizthedatum · 8 days
I think in parentheticals (and I write like that too)
In the garden of my mind, thoughts bloom wild and free, a tapestry of code and art, a symphony of me. (Brushstrokes of no-thoughts femboy Bengali dreams) Neurons fire in patterns, complex beyond compare, as I navigate this life with logic and flair. {My mind: a codebase of evolving truths} [Data points scatter, t-tests confuse] --Sensory overload interrupts my stream of-- /*TO-DO!!! Refactor life for optimal growth*/ |grep for joy| |in life's terminal|
A canvas of brackets, ideas intertwine, functions and objects, in chaos align. /*FIX ME!!!!!!! Catch exceptions thrown by society*/ |stdout of trauma| |stdin of healing| Confidence intervals stretch far and wide, as গোলাপ্রী blooms, with so many colors inside. {Functions intertwined? Objects undefined?} [Omg, what if logistic regression predicts my fate?] I am able to visualize the complexity within, as p-values in my field irritate me from under my skin. (Artistic visions lazily swirl with wanton scientific precision) --consciousness, a synesthesia of ideas--
{while(true) { explore(self); } // Infinite loop} In loops infinite, I explore lessons of my soul; all your null hypotheses rejected! Hah, I'm extraordinary and whole. /*I DARE YOU: Try to do five weeks of work in one morning*/ [Is it valid to try to see if ANOVA reveals the variance of me?] (A canvas of brackets, a masterpiece of neurodiversity) Opening tags of 'they', closing with 'he', in this markup of life, I'm finally free.
--tasting colors of code, hearing shapes of data-- /*NOTE TO SELF: Embrace the chaos of your own source code*/ |Pipe delimited| |thoughts flow through| {R ((THANK YOU GGPLOT2)) attempts to visualize the complexity of my being} Reality bends, a Möbius strip of thought, where logic and emotion are intricately wrought. [Observed Rose vs. Expected Rose, let's try a chi-squared goodness of societal fit test] (Palette: deep indigo, soft lavender, rose pink)
--LaTeX equations describe emotional states-- /*WARNING warning WARRRNNINGG: Potential infinite loop in intellectualization and self-reflection*/ |Filter noise| |amplify authentic signal| {Machine learning dreams, AI nightmares} As matrices model my unique faceting, while watercolors blur lines of binary thinking, (Each brushstroke - a deliberate step towards ease and self-realization) --Thoughts branch like decision trees, recursive and wild-- /*TO DO!!!! Optimize for radical self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, and growth*/ |Compile experiences| |into wisdom| {function authenticSelf() { return shadow.integrate(); }} In this experiment of existence, I hypothesize. [Will they date me if I Spearman's rank correlation my traits?] Data structures cannot possibly contain the potential of my rise. (Art and science are just two interrelated hemispheres of one brain
{function adhd_brain(input: Life): Experience[] { return input.events.flatMap(event => event.overthink().analyze().reanalyze() ).filter(thought => thought.isInteresting || thought.isChaotic); }}
--Stream of consciousness overflows its banks-- Clustering algorithms group my personality as one. Branches of thoughts, but with just one distraction, it's all gone! /*NOTE: That's okay. Cry and move on.*/ |Filter noise| |amplify authentic signal| {if (self == undefined) { define(self); }} Hypothesis: I contain multitudes, yet I'm true. [Obviously, a non-parametric me needs a non-parametric test: Wilcoxon signed-rank test of my growth] (Ink and code flow from the same creative source: me) <404: Fixed gender identity not found>
As thoughts scatter like leaves on the floor. [So if my words] [seem tangled] [and complex] [Maybe I'm just a statistical outlier] [hard to context] --Sensory input overloads system buffers--
/*END OF FILE… but the thoughts never truly end*/ /*DO NOT FORGET TO COMMIT AND PUSH TO GIT*/ {return life.embrace(chaos).find(beauty);}
Rose the artist formerly known as she her Pri
~ গোলাপ্রী
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
i was just scrolling through the ahrry styles x reader tag and I came across 404 and thought “oh this sounds good” and then I saw your username and thought “it’s not just good then, it’s blood amazing” - about to start reading, I love everything you come up with <33
HELLO???? THAT'S THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD??? I adore you so much (and I love your pfp omg????) this literally made my day 😭💞💞💞 Thank you for reading and sending this to me, I actually gasped so loud
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choisgirls · 7 years
I just read tha angsty Christmas request and I LOVE angst, but I also love good endings so... Maybe like a sequel where few weeks later, MC goes to see them and tell them she left her s/o because she realized she fell for them (for RFA + V + Saeran) ? Fluffly the time x)
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(Combined for similarity!)
404 IS A HOE FOR FLUFF SO I MADE SURE THIS REQUEST GOT DONE (626 can’t tell me no) ~Admin 404
*ZEN- When you realized you loved Zen, it hit you so hard you ran out of breath actually you probably out of breath because you were running but whatever- But you felt so guilty because you had a boyfriend??? Like how you were gonna break it to him?- Turns out your boyfriend was cheating on you anyway (but at least he was decent enough to tell you)- and you cried and you cried and you didn’t know you could stop (maybe you didn’t love the guy but you still thought the time you spent with him was precious_- but Zen was with you the entire time, he literally never left you- he stayed overnight at your place with you, comforted you when you needed it, gave your space when you needed it- They say no one can be perfect but Zen is pulling it off pretty well- But it all got better in time, it took awhile, but you were okay- and now you’re ready for zen ;;;)))- but you needed to tell him you loved him with flare- you couldn’t give Zen a normal confession, nah, you needed to be over the top- your solution???- sPONTANEOUS TRIP TO DISNEYLAND WITH EVERYONE- you rope  the rest of the RFA into this bc they’re friends so they have to duh- So of course, when the fireworks are going off the first night of your trip,  and you guys are in front of Cinderella’s castle, the RFA spells out “BE MINE?” while you’re on one with flowers- and Zen has to choke back sobs bECAUSE HOLY SHIT WHAT- SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU HAVE LIKED HIM- he picks you up, spins you around, and kisses you!- he’s not crying you’re crying lEAVE HIM ALONE- you two end up going to a hotel room because you two really need the time to talk and make out
*JAEHEE- she’s absolutely livid when she finds out about your boyfriend cheating on you- who the hell did he think he was? You’re utterly amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you- it takes Saeyoung and Saeran to hold her back otherwise she was going to go over to his place and hit that guy so hard omg- this is really the first time anyone has seen Jaehee lose her cool like this???- but you calmed her down, you told her that you figured out you didn’t really love him anyway, the cheating still hurt but you’d be okay- her heart totally didn’t do a flip when you said you didn’t love him- But she obviously gave you the space you needed, you needed to recover and honestly, she could wait for you forever anyway- she tried to help you as much as she could though- she’d bake you little cakes on tough days, make you coffee on days when you’re especially tired- on your days off you’d actually just help out at her coffee-shop because you wanted to help her - one day, when the shop is closed and you two are cleaning up, you decide to play some music to make the cleaning go faster- and omfg all the songs that came on had to be sappy songs- You absolutely lose it when “I See the Light” comes on because that’s exactly how you feel about Jaehee- You dropped the cups you were holding and Jaehee rushes over to make sure you’re okay- and you just kiss her, you don’t care if she doesn’t love you, she needs to know how you feel- and you absolutely die when you feel her kiss you back- when you pull away she has the dopiest look on her face and she’s so adorable omg- and she faints
*YOOSUNG- when he finds out your boyfriend cheated on you, he actually cries for you- you actually end up comforting him instead- You guys have a heart to heart and there’s so many tears but you confess that while it does hurt that he cheated on you, you realized you were in love with someone else- Yoosung freaks out a little bECAUSE IS IT HIM- of course he gives you your space, he wont push you to tell him who it is- so he spends his time comforting you the only way he knows how, teaching you to play LOLOL!!!- and it turns out, you’re really great at it???- you spend the weekends gaming with him!!!- and Fridays become Froyo day for you two because um, froyo is amazing- one day when you two are having froyo, you see a little bit on his cheek and you can’t help yourself- you wipe it off with your finger and then taste it- Yoosung is dying of a nosebleed wTF JUST HAPPENED- but you totally act normal, you’re dying on the inside but he can’t tell so it’s a-okay-he doesn’t sleep that night- omfg the next day though, you’re playing a level Yoosung created in Super Mario Maker (y’all know where this is going)- Suddenly the blocks start spelling out your name??- what is this sorcery- oMFG YOOSUNG JUST ASKED YOU TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND WHAT IS HAPPENING- you’re lowkey crying but you grab that boy and u mAKEOUT WITH HIM SO HARD- he’s crying too- TONS of snuggling that night omg, he won’t let go
*V- he doesn’t know what to do when he finds out? Because on one hand he’s a gentle dude but on the other hand he wants to rip that guy’s head off- but he keeps his cool somehow because he realizes he needs you- one of your friends told you that someone punched your ex boyfriend but no one knows who it was because he won’t tell- to cheer you up, he starts taking you out on his photography trips! He thinks the change in scenery probably helps you- you’re too embarrassed to tell him you just really like spending time with him- but soon this becomes a regular thing for you and sometimes he actually uses you as a model!- “I prefer you for my pictures because you have an amazing smile”- you can’t sleep that night because holy crap did he actually say that to you???- as a treat for him taking you out all the time, you decide to take him to the movie theater - you don’t tell him what movie though bECAUSE HAHA YOU HAVE A PLAN!- you take him to an “old” movie theater (AKA it’s new but it mimics the style of old movie theaters when they used to have what movies were playing over the ticket booth)- you ask him what he wants to see and he’s confused cause like??? You invited him out, how do u not know what you wanna watch wtf- “Just look V”- haha get it cause he can’t see- just kidding in this headcanon he can see- when he looks up to see what movies are playing,  he actually reads “Will you be my boyfriend? - MC”- he’s dead omg- you did not just do this- this is so sweet- he just turns to you and gives you a quick kiss- “I would be honored to be your boyfriend”- you guys end up making out through the movie cause y’all are hoes
*JUMIN-He may have told you he couldn’t be your friend anymore, but??-He’s a civil person, he will still talk to you in the group chat-But inside, it’s KILLING him that he can’t talk to you one on one-Or invite you to dinner, or ask you to come over to play with Elizabeth-He noticed your messages sounded… sad, like you were upset-So he asked if anything was wrong, he’s still a gentleman-Your boyfriend??? Cheated on you??? YOU????-He’s wonders if he’s even more pissed off about it than you are-Honestly considers hiring hitmen jumin dont do that-Throws the idea of not being your friend straight out the window-Asks you to come over, he’s read that petting cats helps deal with sadness and he’s offering up some Prime Elizabeth Petting(™)-You tried to stay collected and calm but the moment he put his hand on your shoulder, you lost it and started bawling-It had been a while since you found out, but it all just finally boiled over, and you just couldn’t stop-Obviously Jumin freaks out because??? How the hell does he comfort???? What do????- MC, do you want me to dry your tears with a 100 dollar bill?? Will that help???-He finally turn your whole body to face him, which obviously surprised the hell out of you-”MC, I’m not very good at comforting others, but I’ll always do my best when it comes to you. You deserve much better than what your ex gave you, and I can give it to you.”-Suddenly, realization hit you like a truck. ‘Holy shit Jumin likes me and I like him too and wow okay this is happening’-You were brought back to the world when he asked if you were alright, and if you had heard him-”Yeah, I um, I did. Jumin, I just want to say that I really like you and I-”-But you were cut off?? With a sudden taste of wine??? Jumin Han’s lips, everyone. Soft and amazing-”I’ll take care of you better than he ever did, I promise you, MC”
*SAEYOUNG:-He’s very good at hiding the fact that he likes you in the first place so it isn’t too hard for him to continue-Or so he thought???-He had to keep holding himself back, and it always killed him-He was always looking out for you, he was like your own little guardian angel-So unfortunately, he knew about your boyfriend cheating on you before you did and he didn’t know if he should tell you or not…-He finally worked up the courage to go to your house, in person, and Expose(™) your boyfriend but when you opened the door you were already a crying mess-Caught completely off guard, the only thing he could think to do was hug you extremely tight and hold you-The two of you stood in the doorway until you were finally able to breath, and your tears at least slowed down-Without another word, he took your hand and walked you to his car-No idea where you were going, what you were doing, or how long you’d be gone, but at this point you didn’t care-You were happy as long as you were with him-You started to realize a while back that he was your best friend, and you couldn’t get him out of your head-Why did it take you so long to realize that you were practically in love with this dorky redhead? No idea, but you knew it now and that’s all that mattered, right?-He was very good at distracting you. He’d turn on your favourite songs (he made you your own playlist) and sing at the top of his lungs, trying to make you laugh-You also laughed when he put the top of his car down and immediately swallowed a bug (and he complained for about an hour afterwards)-Finally, after nightfall, he parked in a nice, open area, where the two of you could just chill out, talk, enjoy fresh air, and (surprise not) see the stars-The two of you got to talking about the last movie you two saw together, and you couldn’t take it anymore-”I loved the part about the-” “I love you”-Jesus CHRIST he’s more red than his HAIR he practically glows in the dark-At a loss for words actually??? He just kinda holds you hand and looks away but you know that he shares your feelings based on his gesture alone-No words were said about it but once you were comfortable and ready, he took the next step and the two of you shared a kiss
*SAERAN:-Yo, fuck your boyfriend tho, he hates him anyway??-He doesn’t think anyone, even himself, is good enough for you-But when you didn’t answer his texts one day he was really concerned??-Like, MC??? Are you okay??? What’s happening??? Tell me?? WhO AM I FIGHTING??-So, Saeran being Saeran, just walks straight into your house-”HEY, WHY ARE YOU TEXTING ME BACK, WHAT’S UP”-When he saw you crying on his couch he immediately turned around and went for the door-”Saeran, where *hiccup* are you going?” “Killing your boyfriend”-You talked him down from going out and assassinating your (now ex) boyfriend-When you told him that you caught him cheating, he attempted to get up again and head for your ex-He wasn’t sure really what to do? You’re leaking from your face and he’s so fucking lost-*Insert gif with someone patting the other person with a broom*-But if you even ATTEMPT to blame yourself he slides into the room like-”LISTEN HERE BITCH, TRY THAT AGAIN, I DARE YA, I’LL FUCKIN’ FIGHT YA”-He finally just kind of shoves your head onto his shoulder and he runs his fingers through your hair-Without thinking, he kissed the top of your head, and immediately froze when he realized what he did-You look up at him to see that he’s mortified. He mutters to himself, saying how much he cannot believe he did that-He looked you in the eyes, slight glare on his face-”Yeah I mean, I guess I like you… like actually like you…. Stop looking at me like that! I’m gonna take it back if you don’t get away from me” he says, as he pushes your face away when you smile at him-The rest of the night he just kind of holds you closer than he normally would, trying to show you that he does care about you, and wants to be there for you in a better light than your ex- still wants to stab your ex though
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nbrook29 · 3 years
I'm still reading your fic and it's been a few times that I've stopped to laugh stupidly because stoooop i can't!! but here the fatal blow is Sander's answer"my future husband" serious?!!! in my head it went error 404, the way I screamed for the first time when I read that and I'm still screaming for 10 minutes now. I LOVE SANDER, I really do, omg I can't believe he actually wrote that, he's truly the biggest sap of all the universe!! that's sooo cute, damnn! omg he did this, wait I'm rereading OMGGGG m.y.f.u.t.u.r.e.h.u.s.b.a.n.d
I think I read it right, I'm dead in love with your fic I haven't finished yet ahahaha. Your boyfriend tag fic already has my whole heart
(I put the link back because it's a crime not to have read it but it's even more of a crime for me not to have finished it yet but it's so good I don't want it to end)
Thank youuuuuu 🥺 Have you managed to finish? 😄
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exhoe-imagines · 4 years
Since I am in the midst of wedding planning, would love to hear what you guys think each of the EXO boys' wedding would turn out like (assuming their partners give them total control 😂)! But also an important lesson I learned: social distancing doesn't stop people from reaching out virtually to you so me time became so much more essential these days!!
teehee we’re still so excited for your wedding 🥺🥺🥺 and we had a lot of fun discussing this crackhead shit LOL – also you’re SO right. texting is suddenly blowing up and i’m like “time to check out” JKDSJFAKWE
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minseok ✧ i feel like he’s a great middle ground. he’ll keep you sane and handle the stuff that you don’t have time for, he’ll give valid and real comments, but won’t be controlling. it’s very much a team effort. unless you want like a candy bar or something bc “darling, that’s a little out there.” and you’re like minseok, have some FUN. live your best LIFE. but it’s ok bc he’ll get you everything you want as a surprise and you’ll cry like “omg” and he’ll just PREEN bc YES he IS the greatest husband 😌
luhan ✧ im sorry you’re giving HIM control? u want him to go into CARDIAC ARREST??? if you want your wedding to take place in a shack with 6 people attending, then sure, by all means, give lu control. but if not, please for the love of GOD do not ask him. he’ll put in comments every now and then (for cake flavors definitely or like. his tie color or some shit like that) but if you ask him to pick between maroon and rhubarb he’ll ERROR 404: LUHAN IS NOT RESPONDING. and just stand there like a mannuquein 😳😳😳
yifan ✧ oh christ don’t do that to him, he can only handle so much LOL. he’ll defintiely tag along for everything bc he’s clingy and he wants to see the dress/tux/whatever you pick and you’re like “it’s a surprISE YIFAN” but he does Not Care. but he doesn’t know the difference between silk or satin so he’s basically no help KAMFKSFJKE. he does pull up with the hella gaudy shit tho and you’re like “yifan you cannot have GOLD CHAINS as part of your outfit” and he’s like “but babe,, the swag” 😎
junmyeon ✧ ok myeon is the MVP. he’s like Peak Husband Material. he’s picky but sweet – makes sure you get what you want but isn’t a groomzilla u feel? like he’ll send that sickly sweet smile to the dress/tux assistant and be like “my love asked for the WHITE piece, not the IVORY, thank you :)” and they’re like “o-of course mr. kim!!” and you’re like “omg junmymeoN PLS.” but everyone loves him bc he tips well and is geniunely kind when he isn’t standing up for you LMAO 😂 
yixing ✧ ok definitely another good balance one. he’ll let you know who he wants invited, what kinda traditional things are a Must Have, etc. but he’s SO SUPPORTIVE of what you want. like you can geniunely pick ANYTHING as long as he gets his like,, two small requirements. you could walk out in a trash bag and be like “i want this” and he’d tear up like “anything you want, baobei” and drop $4k to get a gucci plastic bag. deadass. and god he CRIES at the wedding bc you do SO well and keep his wishes in mind and WOW he loves u 😭
baekhyun ✧ ok he wouldn’t do a HORRIBLE job if you gave him all the control -- who am i kidding. your wedding would end up looking like a frat party. however, he do got POPPIN ideas. he will be zero help for the vital shit, but if you want some crazy shit, he’s the man. he’ll be like “ok babe don’t be mad -- i forgot to book the venue BUT i found a tiny dog tux for Mongryong so he can be our ring bearer what do you think!!” and for a moment you consider what it would be like to live in widowhood ☠️
jongdae ✧ the PICKIEST motherfucker. ik i mentioned that in the drabble i wrote you, but like i am SERIOUS. you will go to like twelve bakeries before he finally settles on some BASIC ASS FLAVOR like vanilla and you’re like “i might murder you.” but he makes sure you’re picky too so you get EXACTLY what you want and the day of, when everything is set you’re like Hol Up. this do be poppin. it’s everything you dreamed of and you DO be having to thank jongdae for his brattiness after all 😪
chanyeol ✧ honestly bold of us to assume he’d have any role in the planning bc he’s too busy teasing you over how seriously you take it all. to keep you from going crazy tho, he pulls a few pranks and you’re 🤏🏼 this close to calling off the wedding when he makes you think the decorations came in the wrong color or some shit. but on the acutal wedding day, he surprises you with a new song/dance and you realize he’s actually been taking care of something very important this whole time too ❤️
kyungsoo ✧ god you have chosen the BEST man to plan with. he’s so patient and attends EVERY appointment with you. he takes SUCH good care of you and makes sure you’re never stressed or piling too much on your plate. just a total gentleman. he’d book you a huge bridal/groom suite for the night before the wedding with white roses and all this cheesy shit and he would NEVER LIVE IT DOWN. and then when you think he can’t get any better he surpries you with a secret honeymoon trip and you’re like “god is real huh” 🙏🏼
zitao ✧ hahaha you think you GIVE him permission and he doesn’t just TAKE it? hahaha. that’s a GOOD one. prepare for the most extra reception and ceremony you have EVER seen. but don’t worry, you and tao will be the only ones who have any opinion on the planning. your friend will be like “what if you guys-” and tao’s like “did someone say something.” so by all means, tell him everything you want, bc he WILL get it for you. and on the special day he cries like a baby and you’re like AW bc u think he’s being all lovey-dovey but he’s just like “wow i did SO good” 😢
jongin ✧ wedding? did you mean an excuse for a huge party? do not, and i can not stress this enough, do NOT give him all the control. the second you do, he’s inviting every friend and family member to come help him bc he has NO CLUE what he’s doing. but it’s ok you keep them all in check and you’ll get what you want bc your manz is whipped. and when you and your wedding party get stressed, he just hands you $15k and is like “go on a shopping trip babey ily” and you’re like “maybe you’re not THAT bad, kim” 🤑🤑🤑
sehun ✧ he INSISTS on being included in every MINISCULE step. i mean EVERYTHING. and so you’re like “fine baby, what do you want?” and his mind goes blank. he truly has no opinion. no help whatsoever. you’re like “cream or ivory?” and he’s like “what’s that.” so he ends up flaking and you plan most of it – thankfully !! but when you walk down the aisle he SOBS and you’re like “ok fine you’re redeemed” 🥰
bro.. this was a Blast. ily and ur asks and im sorry we take 100 years to answer them MFJAKLFJEAWKGJWE - admin ruby and admin jewels
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ancientstone · 4 years
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @siriuspiggyback - Thank you!
Name: You never disclose your real name, come on guys, you don’t know when fae could be listening!
Nickname: I don’t really...have one? Though I’ve been trying to find one to refer to myself on here with, but unfortunately for me ‘ancient stone’ shortens to ‘as’, which is one typo away from disaster 
Zodiac: The one I can never pronounce or spell
Height: 5 something-or-other
Languages: English. I can also ask where the pool is in French, and say trousers in Spanish, so yeah I’m pretty much a language pro
Nationality: British
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite flower: Bluebells
Favorite scent: Watermelon, which I always forget is my favourite until someone walks by me wearing watermelon perfume and I have a moment of !!!
Favorite color: mmm I suppose my default is always blue and green? I’ve never really had one
Favorite animal: Big cats. Just. All the big cats. Small big cats? Big big cats? Stripy? Spotty? Can swim under water? Would probably kill me in my sleep given half the chance? Nice.
Favorite fictional character: I don’t think I can narrow that down to just one, but highlights include Number Five, Jaskier, Donald Duck, Hilda, Mabel Pines and Stanley Pines, King from the Owl House, Crowley in Good Omens, and Greg from Over the Garden Wall. I could very easily keep going!!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: None! Which makes people think I don’t like hot drinks, which I do, I just don’t happen to like the main hot drinks.
Average sleep: umm well the last month I’ve been going to sleep at 12/1-ish and waking a 7 so...
Dog or cat: Cats!
Blankets: As long as they’re not the type that crinkles with static, I’m all about blankets. And duvets. Gotta love a nice duvet.
Dream trip: Prehistoric monument roadtrip! Gimme the henges!
Blog established: September 2013. omg I’ve nearly been on here ten years. oh wow...
Followers: 404 and I’m so sorry to each and every one of you
Random fact about me: Once a week I demand the people of my village to bring me chocolate eggs, even when it’s not Easter. If the eggs meet my egg-spectations standards then they can live the rest of the week in peace. If not, or if they dare to bring me dark chocolate, I drag them off into the woods and we never speak of them again.
Also I like bird watching!
I’m gonna tag @soul-of-sin @julian-de-lettenhove @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid
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notnaturalanahi · 7 years
Characters/Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 404
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my contribution to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Hiatus Writing Challenge - Week 10.
Prompt: What happened doesn’t change anything. 
I wrote this in 5 minutes as you may notice. I was about to skip this week because I’ve been so consume by that one fic but guess I didn’t lol.
Tags under the cut. Wanna join my tag list?
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“What happened doesn’t change anything!”
“Whaahaat?” Dean props up to his elbow
“You heard me.” Your head rests on your hand.
“You lost!
“So?” You push up to be at his level.
“Um, you remember that part when you said, If I lose-”
“Omg you live from the past?” you interrupt and throw yourself back on the bed.
“Jeezus, babe!” Dean groans.
“You mind that tone with me, Dean Winchester!” You eye him dangerously, he rolls his eyes.
“Turn around!”
“Mhah!” you scoff. “You turn around, Mr.!” Yeah, spending time with Dean means catching his dumb comebacks as well.
“No, you lost! Now turn around and lie still!” With a hand on your waist Dean tries to turn your body to face away from him.
“Take your filthy hands off of me!” You push him away but shift positions all the same.
“Don’t make such a big deal outta this!” Dean positions himself behind you.
“Don’t make such a big de- It is a big deal!” Your hair whips back to face him.
“No it’s not! Besides is gonna be over before you notices and I bet you gonna love it.”
“Doubt it.” you counter
“Just remember, you lost.” Dean snickers.
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Let go of the past!”
“Mwahaha Never! Now turn!”
“I already did!” With a sigh you allow him to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body.
It’s quite comfortable being the little spoon for a change, although you prefer the other way around.
“So, you like it now?” Dean asks on your ear.
“I’m not saying I don’t. But I don’t think is gonna happen again soon.” Maybe it will, but you’re not telling him that.
“Then let me enjoy it for a little more, let’s sleep like this.” Dean adds.
“Okay…” you give up too easily, hoping he won’t say anything about it. “Good night then.”
“Good night.” He kisses you cheek before adjusting his position.
A couple of minutes pass by, you’re both still awake. this new sleeping position gives you a sense of freedom, you feel vulnerable but not in a bad way.
“You know,” you sigh. “I will deny this at gunpoint, but is nice having you as big spoon for a Change.” Dean says nothing so you decide to end the confession there. “I love you. Good night.”
“Love you, more.” Dean smiles kissing the back of your neck.
Everything: @nadiandreu7
Everything SFW: @deathtonormalcy56
Dean/Jensen: @anokhi07
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deadlylampshades · 7 years
11 questions tag!!
(+11 because i got tagged again and wanted to do the questions as well tbh)
under the cut because it is long rip
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own (lmaoooo sure i’ll try)
Tag 11 people
this is from @dreamingwishes the absolute angel <3333
1) what was the first k-pop song you listened to?
That is quite an interesting question and I’m not even sure??? My brother was SUPER into jpop so I listened to a lot of that when I was younger but in terms of kpop I think f(x)’s red light??
2) the first group that you stan and the latest group you are in love with?
i suppose f(x) but the first group I really fell in love with was exo and the latest group I love is definitely bap
3) what’s your go-to song to cheer you up?
tbh i don’t listen to happy songs to cheer me up i listen to sad songs and my Depressive song of choice is fucking..... Mirotic..... like the original TVXQ version..... idk man it’s like my mind was like “i’m gonna ruin a song with sadness LETS MAKE IT MIROTIC”
4) who amongst the idols/artists you wish to have as your best friend and why?
i want to be friends with cha hakyeon so much :((( i also want to have milkshakes with hyuna :((((
hakyeon and me are both water signs and i get along so well with cancers and i feel like we are very relatable we’ll complain that we’re undervalued by our peers and probably compliment each other nonstop
and hyuna is so energetic and fun i love her soo much omg it would be so fun just to hang out <3
5) do you prefer music videos or live performances?
music videos!! i love story and drama based mvs and they’re always so artful and i love concept albums
6) drama ver mv or dance ver mv?
7) given the chance, what kind of mv would you direct for your ult group?
listen I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: neon + gay. that’s my vision for the future and that’s my concept for every group ever.
8) is there a k-drama (or any drama) you’ve watched that you want your life to be?
9) sum up your dream vacation
omg i dont even know i’d really like to go to a place with a lot of museums and theater and be able to sleep late and go to the beach a lot
10) who amongst your bias will you trust your life with? e.g if you’re in a zombie apocalypse
Ken because he’s so caring and sweet and also is super buff rn so he’ll protect me from the zombies <3
11) Apart from k-pop what other genre do you listen to most?
fdfjslahfsfd there are ppl following me who dont know that for most of my life i’ve been a hardcore metalhead (and still am) (i specifically love power and prog and symphonic metal the most)
From @bap-af my actual problematic fave the moon (jongup) to my sun
1. fav 2017 comeback so far? (for both girl and boy groups if u want)
for girl groups: my emo goth rock princesses
for boy groups: this is so hard to choose but.......idk man it went RIGHT IN MY SOUL
2. who’s ur favorite soloist?
HYUNAAAA (and i mean i guess hoya now as well idk i don’t want to think about it)
3. pineapple on pizza or nah?
im rly indifferent. it’s nice. a solid 6/10. doesn’t deserve the hate.
4. who are ur biggest bias wreckers?
for bap it’s daehyun you���d swear i don’t even know a moon jongup :////
for nct it’s nakamoto yuta i dont know him but everytime i think about him snakes start manifesting in my house but also butterflies in my stomach im thinking about calling an exterminator
for monsta x it’s hyungwon i swear there was a hot minute when i was gonna make him my icon and become hyungwonwithagun the moment passed but i live in fear man i live in fear :////
5. a group that everyone loves but ur kinda :^/// about?
cough twice let me live cough im just saying gugudan is right there ladies and gentlemen
6. favorite non title track from b.a.p?
omg idk if this counts but it’s definitely jongup’s solo  but if i need to pick a group song this ho anthem
7. biggest pet peeve?
don’t fucking put your gum under the table????? were you raised in a fucking barn???? actually literally don’t litter in general?????
8. the most attractive quality someone could have?
i rly like ppl who are passionate it’s such a turn on to see someone genuinely care about something u know
9. ballad or lit song?
look i love a lit song as much as the next person but i feel like lit songs eventually get forgotten but you remember a rly good ballad for a long time u feel?
10. something u really like about urself :^)))
404 error page not found :/
i mean honestly im p funny tbh it’s like one of my 3 (three) good qualities
11. do u love me??? ;^))) wink wonk
unfortunately yes, ur my bias i keep trying to unstan but then you hmu with pics of yuta and i gotta come back :////
if u made it this far ur a trooper and ily and here’s the ppl tagged and the questions!!
@jinandtonics @chencake @trashstax @jellyhyungwon @vitaminmoongie @kilisp @cha-inyeon @eatboo @jaellyhwan @stan-the-best-stan-monsta-x aaaaand @hqseokjin
1) oh shit dude it’s the apocalypse that’s not good. you + three idols of your choosing team up and try to survive together - who’s coming with you and what’s your team name?
2) what was your favourite hair colour on y idol and what hair colour do you hope they’ll do next? :o
3) what’s your fave kpop lyric the one that you just feel in your soul
4) what’s your fave fantaken pic of a bias of your choosing?
5) on that note, what’s your fave meme of a bias of your choosing?
6) take a random person who isn’t ur bias. would that person conceivably win in a fight against g-dragon. :/
7) what’s your fave comeback on 2017 for girlgroups, boygroups and soloists?
8) do you share a zodiac sign with any of your faves?
9) give a kpop song for the following categories, the first one that comes to mind:
a bop -
a jam -
a banger -
10) what concept do you wish x band would do next?
11) do you love me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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nut4zyx · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @peachmyeons
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers
Nicknames: node , dodo abd dede
Zodiac sign: sagittauris
Height: 5′2
Orientation: heterosexual but im still discovering i guess
Nationality: Egyptian
Favorite Fruit: strawberries, mangoes , watermelons and peaches
Favorite Season: winter 
Favorite Book: i dont usually read alot but i really love “to kill a mockingbird”
Favorite Flower: tulips
Favorite Scent: the scent of the ocean ( any refreshing scent is my fave )
Favorite Animal: hmm all but i really love cats and bunnies
Favorite Color: usually dark colors such as dark red, dark purple , dark green and black
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?: tea
Average Sleep Hours: rn its 10 hours bc its summer and i have nothing to do but in school days its 6 hours
Cat or Dog: Cats
Favorite Fictional Character: i dont have a one lol i love all of them hahaha
# of Blankets: in the winter its 2 but rn its zero
Dream Trip:  EVERYWHERE i love travelling
Blog Created: in january 2017
Favorite song at the moment: ooh i guess whatever it takes by imgaine dragons like they are fucking awesome
 Number of followers: oops 404 error not found but srsly not alot like at all but i love everyone of them 💕💕
favourite bands: exo, imagine dragons , shinee, blackpink , bts and monsta x
favourite solo artists: Hozier , dean , Lu han and ed sheeran
song stuck in my head: none
last movie i watched: Breakfast club
last tv show i watched: lol i dont watch tv that often tbh
what stuff do you post: kpop esp exo and any random stuff i like hahaha
when did you blog reach its peak: uhm it didnt reach it yet i guess lmao
do you have any other blogs: no actually i dont think i’ll be able to keep up with more than one
do you get asks regularly: not really more like NEVER but lol its okay
why did you choose your url: so my name is nada and my nickname is node and i just put exo to it . Its pretty lame but all the ones i really like are taken so :/
following: 126 and i want to follow more good blogs if u know any pls hmu
hogwarts house: slytherin
pokemon team: umm i don’t play pokemon go
favourite colors: Lmao i just answered this???
lucky numbers: i dunno but i like number 2
what are you wearing right now: uhm oh dear im wearing a white shirt with a bit of purple in it and stripped shorts i look like a fool wtf but its comfy AnYwaYS
dream job: a pharmacist :3
Omg thank u so much for tagging me I tag : @ksooup , @babyminseok , @myminseok , @kaiwantsmedead , @luwuxing , @prostaotute , @biaswreckers-inc , @punkunicorn99 and anyone who wants to do it
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daandori · 8 years
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Tagged by: @daisho-u​ & @eejoon​ tysm guys ily!! ♡♡♡♡
so sorry mobile ppl :’(
1. coke or pepsi: coke!
2. disney or dreamworks: i love them both ;o;
3. coffee or tea: tea!
4. books or movies: movies, just bc you can have it on in the bg and you dont have to set aside certain time for it
5. windows or mac: windows
6. dc or marvel: marvel!
7. xbox or playstation: i only have a ds :’) i wasnt allowed video games as a kid
8. dragon age or mass effect: havent played either !
9. night owl or early riser: defs a night owl omg but if i rly have to study then ill rise early 
10. cards or chess: cards omfg chess rly frustrates me
11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla!
12. vans or converse: dont have either! id probs wear vans over converse tho
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ???
15. beach or forest: beach!!
16. dogs or cats: cats but i love dogs too :’))))
17. clear skies or rain: clear skies! i do like rain tho
18. cooking or eating out: i eat out way more often
19. spicy or mild food: mild im too white
20. halloween or christmas: both!!! but i love the atmosphere around christmas sm ;v;
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
22. if you could have a superpower what would it be: time control!
23. animation or live action: hmmmmmmm animation
24. paragon or renegade: ?
25. bath or shower: i would take a bath every single day if i could
26. team cap or team ironman: cap forever
27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy!
28. do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes if so what are they: hmmm im not sure! weirdly enough i rly liked metroman’s speech to megamind in the movie???? so ill put that lmfao (i know it from memory, jic you thought i was cool)
“you know, little buddy, there’s a yin for every yang. if there’s bad, good will rise up against it! it’s taken me a long time to find my calling; now it’s about time you found yours.”
“yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.” - hayao miyazaki  
“so what? You failed your finals. You gained some weight. So what? You’re single again. You lost your job. So what? What now? You live. You try again. That’s what.”
29. youtube or netflix: youtube! youtube videos calm me tbh
30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter!! grew up with it :’))
31. when do you feel accomplished: when i work hard on something and i get a good grade aha
32. star wars or star trek: never watched either sry guys
33. paperback books or hardcover books: paperback!
34. fantastic beasts or cursed child: havent seen either! 
35. rock or pop music: pop!!
36. rock, paper, scissors GO!: usually scissors 
37. anime or cartoons?: anime
38. handwriting or typing: typing
39. favorite film: hmm i rly like scott pilgrim! i love lots of movies tho
40. favorite place in the world? seoul!
41. cds or vinyl: cds?
42. song lyric that’s important to you? but music and singing have been my refuge, and music and singing shall be my light
43. what’s your form of self-care? sitting in my basement and watching friends over and over (and taking super longs baths)
44. what language/languages would you like to learn? i defs wanna improve my korean during my exchange!! and my russian in general, haha. id wanna learn japanese too!!
45. fave song currently? hmmmmm, idk if i have a fave, but ive been listening to vip kid, 404 not found, and  サマーホラーパーティ (all by reol) and salaisuus by rajaton a lot lately!!
46. favorite game? all pokemons, all mario games, and acnl!
my question: 47. what type of bender would you be?
im not gonna tag 46 ppl lmao thats too much even for me, but i will tag @akaaishii @asexuallyaroused @yukiyuna @hinanoyas @koushii @flawlessmangakarohan @galaxy-tooru @oikz @tsuyius @heckks @caycchi no pressure!!!
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dongsooks · 8 years
Dating Yan An
-Okay let’s do this chingudeul -So let’s say you’re friends with Yeoone and you, them and a few other people not worth naming meet up -The moment he saw you he got even more shy than usual and smiled cutely while introducing himself -and you’d smile back bc he was so cute omg -So he would steal glances at you throughout the meeting -but if you catch him he’ll smile shyly and look down -I am dying rn why am I doing this to myself ???? -and he would start smiling everytime you talk -And everyone would notice -You would probably notice -BUT HE WOULDN’T NOTICE -and then he and Changgu left and he would be like -“WHO WAS THAT MAGICAL FAIRY AND WHAT ARE THESE TINGLES IN MY TUMMY” -And that’s the story of how Yeo Changgu made Yan An fall in love for the first time -Once they arrived at the dorm Changgu would tell everyone -he probably would write it into the group chat too to make sure all the members knew -And Yan An would be like “Me?? Crush?? No what???” -But then a few days later Yeo One mentioned he is going ice skating with the same group as before -And Yan An’s eyes lit up and he asked if you’d be there too excitedly -And then he would tag along again and be all excited and giddy but the second he saw you -he went from 100 to 0 real quick -back to shy smiles and short answers -and then everyone would go onto the ice but he wasn’t that good -and you offered to help him -he would accept shyly -and then you take his hand to steady him -and that is not what he expected he just nodded bc it’s you -in his head he is like -Error 404 Yan An not found -and then suddenly a chaos started in his mind -“ARE WE MOVING TOO FAST??? ARE WE DATING NOW?? WHEN DO I PROPOSE?? WHAT ARE MY PARENTS GOING TO SAY???WHERE DO WE MARRY?????” -all this time you’d look at him from the outside just watching him malfunction -Because you then thought you made him too shy you would ask him if he’s okay with you holding his hand -And he would look at you for a few moments and then nod and smile -after the ice skating you all went for a hot chocolate and he would sit next to you and try to strike a conversation with you -but it would partially just be him slightly opening his mouth while looking at you but the words in his head didn’t connect right and he would just sip his drink instead -then on the way home he would tell Changgu every single smallest detail -And Changgu would just be like -”I-I know I was there too” -this could go on for a while just because he would need some time to get used to you and become more comfortable with you -he would end up asking for your number eventually and would text you regularly -and then he would hit you up one day and ask if you have time -and it’s like 8 pm already but whatever you agree to go out with him -and then the members tease him the entire ten minutes he is getting ready and tell him to finally confess to you -and then after you grabbed some food together you are just walking together in a comfortable silence and then he stops Walking and you stop and look at him -and he goes “Y/N I like you” -omg who saw that coming???? -You, you saw it coming -the only unexpected thing was the timing -but still you smile and pull him in for a hug and he hugs you back and doesn’t want to let go anymore -and then you say you like him too and he blushed so hard you could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks -and then he is like -“Are we dating now????” -and is looking at you excitedly -so you just smile and go “usually you take a girl on a few dates first but sure why not!!!” -and he is all shy smiles awwwwwwwww -a few months after you start dating he will probably ask if he hid his feelings for you well and you are just like -”uh well about that” -Okay skinship -Skinship WHO? -he would be so shy and unsure about everything at first -never completely sure of where to touch you -when to touch you -how to touch you -honestly in the beginning he is just learning and trying out so bear with him -but he will love cuddles because you can’t do much wrong here -and it is just him and you and laying around he would like that
 -you would lay your head on his broad, muscular shoulders 
-he would put his strong arm around you
 -he would also like giving you pecks! -random pecks especially -and he would be into making out -with you underneath -he is the secretly a wild kisser kind of type -he would also like you on his lap every now and then -but if you would move he would end up flipping you over -he gets jealous fairly easy and quick -he would then just become quite -and seem like a sad puppy -it would be easy to tell -and he would put and arm around you -or whine that you still have to go somewhere -and you just go with him -expect many kisses once you’re alone again -and things like -”You are my girlfriend why was he so friendly no one asked!” -it might lead to minor fights becaues he might get jealous of male friends that he really doesn’t need to worry about but he still does -bc you are his first relationship he doesn’t know yet -he does trust you though -a lot -soooo about the dates -he likes casual dates but -would still take you out somewhere fancy every now and then -and he likes spontaneous dates -he would call you and just be like -”Hey I’ll pick you up at nine we’re going to the cinema” -and you’ll look at the time and it’s 8.24, you’re in your PJ’s with no makeup and greasy hair -he seems like the type of guy who would compliment you non stop -like you could be sitting on the living room floor together eating pizza and he goes -”Wow you are so beautiful” -while you have your mouth stuffed to the max and you just look at him like -”Are you trolling me?” -No he really meant it -He would often tell you about China -I feel like mostly at night though -when u two are showered and cuddeled up against each other -and you would talk for hours -until one of you falls asleep -If you ever wanted a dog -just get a Yanan instead -feed him three times daily, take him out regularly -scratch his tummy -he would ask you for massages once in a while -he would whine to you actually -“Y/N my back hurts sooooo much” -“Please massage it!!” -“Can you pretty pretty please massage my back it aches so much” -but as much as he is the whiny puppy in the relationship here -if you were ever down and needed him he would become serious -or if someone would ever upset you he would go from puppy to wolf mode real quick -Overall a relationship with Yanan should be on everyones wishlist. It would be really fluffy and full of new experiences. You would know he loves you and he would need you to show him that you love him too!
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choisgirls · 7 years
Hey dear nice Works...!!!!! Please Do a RFA (V+Saeran) Celebrating Birthday of MC how will they celebrate Mc's Birthday and what will they Do to make it special??
A/N: I’d invite them all to my birthday party hell yeah it’d be greAT ~Admin 404I love them all *sobs* ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-HE LOVES BIRTHDAYS-HE’S SUCH A LITTLE KID AT HEART (and i mean in general come on now)-Goes FULL. OUT. Does not take it lightly at all-Sets up a day with your friends so you’re out of the house and busy-And he decorates the house completely!! Streamers, balloons, he even has homemade party hats for the two of you-He isn’t a master baker or anything but he attempted at making a box cake for you!!! He decorated it with so many colourful sprinkles!-Remember how he gets a discount from the pizza place? He bought like three larges and the two of you were eating it for DAYS-SO MANY BOARD GAMES STRUNG ALL AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA PLAY ALL. DAY. LONG.-He either has homemade presents for you, or he’s saved up a lot to splurge on pre-ordering that new video game you’ve been eyeing for months-The two of you watch all the movies!! Whatever movie you wanna watch, he’ll sit through. Scary ones? He might cry but he’ll DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
*JUMIN:-More of a classy approach to birthdays-He did attempt to put a party hat on Elizabeth though MC SHE’S ADORABLE LOOK, HURRY, BEFORE SHE TAKES IT OFF-SO MANY GIFTS. WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE-But he always makes sure to give you one super special one. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry he had custom made because it reminded him of you, or it’s something you’ve had your eye on for a while, you’ve got it-He’s also super extra, like y’all know how wedding cakes are super big and beautiful and usually really intricate? Yeah so is your birthday cake. EVERY YEAR. but i mean are you really complaining?? It’s cAKE-Takes you to the fanciest restaurant for dinner, and the two of you dress up for it-(Yes, MC, you’re wearing the new dress/suit he got you)-He’ll also try taking you to new and exotic places as a day trip to see all the sights and watch the gleam in your eyes as you learn the history of the place-Always has the best wine, but on your birthday he pulls out the rare ones, just for you! (Or if you don’t do wine, he finds the best of whatever you like to drink)-Not to mention you wake up with like 14 dozen rose bouquets strung around the house that morning, all holding a little note card expressing his love for you because he can be cute too, mc
*SAEYOUNG:-We all know he’d wake you up by jumping on the bed and blowing that stupid little party blower in your ear until you chase him out of the room-But chasing him is worth it because when you get to the living room there are so many loose balloons that you can’t see the floor-Same goes with the ceiling, completely covered in balloons-Saeran’s just sitting in a chair, in a party hat, looking completely uninterested, but still plays the party blower when you walk in. Saeyoung tries to hide behind him to avoid your wrath you arent a morning person, are you mc?-The two of you spend a good while just throwing the loose balloons at each other over Saeran’s head who was not impressed, might i add-HE MADE Y’ALL PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY IT WAS SO CUTE-Did you know you can get custom images printed onto your cakes? Because he made a collage of the STUPIDEST pictures he has of you and had it put on top-PLUS IT WAS AN ICE CREAM CAKE. IT WAS AMAZING.-Anything you want, he’ll get you. Just name it. You want a pet elephant? He’ll dO IT DON’T DOUBT HIM MC-He’d probably take you out for a drive, too. You could feel the fresh air and just talk about anything and everything. It’s just really relaxing and he wants you to have a stress-free time
*SAERAN:-What’s the point of celebrating another year of life in this shitty world now is NOT THE TIME MR. EDGELORD-But for you…he could manage it-He doesn’t go very hard at it though because he doesn’t see the real point-He’ll get a small gift for you- something he saw and immediately thought of you-He does get a small cake for you, but a freaking tub of ice cream- ICE CREAM IS BETTER MC DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK-Cuddles cuddles cuddles! He doesn’t hide his affection today! It’s all about you, he’ll put his insecurities away for a while-He’ll moan and groan at the stupid Disney movies you put in, but suffer through them because the fact that you sing along is the CUTEST thing he’s ever seen are you sure it isn’t his birthday-CUTIE ALERT: he cooks your favourite meal for you! He might have spent a few days trying to find the perfect way to make it, but HE MAKES IT-He’s also spent all day pushing Saeyoung out of the room because he’s not about to let him ruin your relaxing birthday by bringing in some stupid little party games hes also smacked a party blower into the back of his throat at one point and you felt TERRIBLE but you couldnt help but laugh???
*ZEN- you know his hoe ass is gonna try to go all out for you- like he knows you you prefer lowkey but???- the world needs to know his love for you- but after the RFA members managed to talk him down from performing a flash mob, he realized he should respect your wishes- so he struggles and struggles to come up with something that has a bit of flare but is still something you’d want- and then he remember you one time mentioning you’d never really been on a trampoline before???- hE KNOWS WHAT TO DO NOW- on your birthday (exactly at midnight), he sings “happy birthday” and then hands you a cupcake up with a candle on it - he had you fooled, you thought this was gonna be it for your birthday- boy buddy ur in for a treat!- when you wake up he immediately blindfolds- you’re just like *sigh* “well at least he didn’t jump out of the cake this year”- omfg when he takes off the blindfold though, you find yourself at a trampoline park??? And he invited your friends (including the RFA ofc) and family!!!- He roped Jumin into getting the place to rent out the entire area to then!- aND IT’S SO MUCH FUN???- WHO KNEW JUMPING COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN- wAIT THERE’S A ROCK CLIMBING? DODGEBALL? IS THAT A SLAM DUNK ARENA- Zen didn’t think you’d love it this much but oh my god he’s so happy because you look so happy!!!- and he finds that you and Saeyoung both love to push into the pit with all the foam cubes anD YOU TWO START TAG TEAMING- maybe this was a bad idea after all- but hearing your laugh was all he needed - after that, you all head to a dessert place and you spend the rest of your birthday talking and laughing with the people most important to you with the love of your life right by your side
*JAEHEE- you only really expected dinner at a restaurant and maybe cake because that’s just how you and jaehee are- other people might think it’s underwhelming but honestly, what’s better than snuggling up to your s/o and feeling warm and cuddley on your birthday???- but you’re surprised when you come home to a note that directs you to Seven’s house?- and when you get there, there’s another note attached to a nerf gun- “Happy Birthday, MC! The game starts as soon as you enter the house, every man for himself ~ Jaehee”- yOU’RE SO EXCITED OMG YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HAVE A NERF WAR YYAAASSS- it is all out WAR when you enter- Zen is playing a defensive strategy, he may have shitty aim but hE CAN DODGE ANYTHING WITH HIS DANCER GRACE- Jumin is already out, he lasted like three seconds he’s disappointed because he thought he’d win with his cat like reflexes- Yoosung’s out too, he lasted much longer than Jumin but Saeyoung managed to trick him into thinking they were team and then Saeyoung shOT HIM EXECUTION STYLE- V’S BLIND ASS TAKES OUT SAERAN LMAO- Saeran is lowkey bitter; he steals V’s portion of birthday cake- eventually it’s just down to you, Jaehee, and Saeyoung,,,- aND YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF- IF YOU WEREN’T GONNA WIN, YOU SURE AS HELL WEREN’T GONNA LET SAEYOUNG WIN- you run out in front of him and when he’s distracted by you, Jaehee shoots him!- you laugh so hard when you see the look on his face bc he wasn’t expecting you to sacrifice yourself- and then you give ya hot gf a kiss because hello, she’s a winner, she deserves all the kisses- after that, you all head down to Saeyoung’s entertainment room and watch your favorite movies and eat cake - everyone slowly falls asleep, and you’re cuddled up to jaehee and wondering what you did to get someone as amazing her in your life
*V- honestly he’s such a hipster, he throws a birthday for u every year and it always has a theme???- who does that smh- this year???- murder mYSTERY TRAIN THEME OMMMGG (A/N: 626 doesn’t know what she’s doing here, it’s probably all gonna be wrong)- what’s new scooby doo wE’RE COMING AFTER YOU WE’RE GONNA SOLVE THAT MYSTERYYY- V gets you a beautiful evening gown and hE MATCHES U  - he makes sure the gang is ready too, there’s no way theyre gonna ruin it for u (we’re looking at u saran wrap, das right i’m calling u out)- he takes sooo many pictures, you guys have to confiscate his camera cause hE WON’T STOP- when you guys get there, it’s sooo much more interactive than you thought it was gonna be???- you actually can’t tell who’s an actor and who isn’t?? They’re that good- aND THEN THE OLD LADY WHO’S SITTING NEAR YOU DIES WTF- you all have your own theories about who did it- V think it was her husband because hello, it’s always someone the victim knew- Jumin agrees but he’s also suspicious of the daughter- Yoosung doesn’t know what to think he’s still traumatized from seeing a dead lady even if it was fake- bUT IT’S ACTUALLY THE 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT SHE’S THE MISTRESS OF OLD LADY’S HUSBAND- Surprisingly only Zen got it right???- but he graciously gave you and V the prize since it a weekend getaway - Pretty sure V threatened him but whatever- After, you guys head back to yours and V’s place for cake and chilling - you guys end up on the floor in one weird big cuddled mess but it’s so warm (saran wrap says he hates u guys but he’s a little close to Zen so) (okay in 626’s world the RFA is a bunch of cuddlers youguyscantstopme)- u eventually get up tho and drag V to ur bedroom bc you wanna cuddle with him
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