#omfg rooster is so pretty
caspianofcamelot · 2 years
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Got some reason top gun has been on my mind all week. So enjoy my class doodles of rooster 🐔
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elizabethplaid · 9 months
daily notes - overview of oct 5, 2023
omfg, I'm so tired. Like, we got home before 4pm, and I've been resting these last few hours. It was cool but humid, and I was just a sweaty mess when I got home. Hopped in the shower, then laid on my bed in front of the fan, and caught up on my web comic reading.
This will be the text overview of everything we did. When I get other posts up with images, I will edit and link to those.
First, we stopped by the local bakery I had mentioned on Monday. They probably had less-than-half of their inventory left. I got the very last blueberry-almond "scone", a couple other cookies for me, and some bits for LL-K. (K couldn't make the trip today, because she's busy with work.)
Second, we visited Rooster Brother, a store for cooks and those who love them, as they say. Lots of fun kitchen items, though they were more pricey than I'd prefer. Fun things, but nothing that screamed "must buy!". I did browse some chopsticks, though I was torn between using them as hair sticks or as chopsticks. (One was more decorative, but the other was cute enough for either use.)
There was a whole display of mushroom-themed items, too. The opposite side of that display had other woodland creatures, including deer and owls. They had the very same glass xmas ornament that @vintage-tech once sent me, several years ago - a little fawn, curled up and sleeping.
Next, we visited Riverside Cafe in Ellsworth for lunch. Very tasty, but neither of us could finish everything. (I only had fries left, but LL-J had 1-4th of her sandwich and fries leftover.) The music playlist was very good, though slightly biased towards my high school years. I can only remember 5 of the songs
Jack Johnson - "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing"
Weezer - "Island in the Sun"
Counting Crows - "Long December"
Blues Traveler - "Runaround"
Counting Crows - "Round Here" (I think? It was another CC song, at least)
It was tough to hear the music, so I'm sure there were other songs playing, and I just didn't catch them.
We walked down the road, ducking in The Dream Catcher antique shop next. Lots of pretty visuals, though the aisles were crowded and some display cases didn't show prices well. (There was such cool jewelry!) Because it was a cold and humid day, and they left the doors open, we felt very uncomfortable in that stuffy place. Both of us were tired, so we decided to call it quits when we saw there were another 2 floors to the place.
I bought 3 small dolls and a snake-shaped pendant. They're all cheaply made items, with discoloring and no easy way to remove the clothes. One is an Irish (I assume) souveneir doll, who came with a stand - $12. Then I found a dandy, dapper Rococo man. A little more digging, and I found his lady. Both have sleep eyes and painted feet/legs. They didn't have tags, so the clerk said $10 for the pair. Fine by me!
The snake pendant was $1. It's shape to curl around a marble or gem stone, and even has prongs to help hold it in place. It was empty, found in a dish of tiny pewter figures glued to flattened marbles. So so soooo tiny!
When we left, we both felt awful and tired. We visited a kids' book-and-toy store very quickly, didn't buy anything, then browsed the store windows of some other shops. The two I liked both looked very elaborate and fun. We'll hit one of those first on our next trip, when I have more energy again.
From there, we went to LL Bean's outlet store. They had a big sale on women's pants, so I grabbed a couple pairs. One's like... lounge or athletic wear? The other seemed like casual drawstring pants. I can't describe the texture. Omg, the textures for most of the pants were so bad in that section. So 60% off, I only paid about $35 after taxes for 2 pairs, yay.
Hit up Dunkin's drive-thru on the way out of town. LL-J now knows the glory of the "frozen hot chocolate" - basically a chocolate milk slushy.
We stopped by LL-K's house once we got back in town, to drop off the cookies. She gave me 2 containers of chicken stock that she had made. A couple weeks ago, she had asked where she could find chicken feet, so I helped source some from Neighbor-J and -S's chickens. (They were the couple that ran a general store for a few years. S used to sew cloth diapers as a business, too.) ----------
I hopped in the shower once I got home. Very very tired. Laid in front of the fan for a couple hours, and now I've been typing for like 20 minutes. We left at 10:15am and got home before 4pm. If the weather wasn't so clammy, I think we would've done far better. BUT I still did very good, considering how cheerful and happy this day has been.
Will work on posting photos in multiple posts next. Some stuff at the antique store is worthy of shiftythrifting, but some is not. One item is even from the "we see this too often, so don't submit it anymore" list. My first time seeing one in the wild!
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mxverick-s · 2 years
RULES — tag 10 people you wanna get to know better
I was tagged by @garnette-gal ; thank you!
FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR — I love spring! I’m from the East Coast, so winter is long af and I’m so happy once nicer weather arrives; I love taking pics of flowers, running, and farmers markets during this time
COMFORT FOOD — any type of fruit, peanut butter, oatmeal
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING — I collect crewneck sweatshirts lol; wherever I go on a trip or if it’s to a college/university, I almost always buy a crewneck
FAVORITE DRINK — I don’t really have one 🫠
FAVORITE SONG/ARTIST — anything Harry Styles oops
Love of My Life — Harry Styles
Washing Machine Heart — Mitski
Running Up That Hill — Kate Bush
Separate Ways — Journey
One More Hour — Tame Impala
Rainfall Series by @vintagemulti ; I LOVE this series omfg, it’s so well written and I can’t wait for more parts
Three Times Hangman Almost Cried, and The One Time He Did by @wombtotombx ; this fic is so cute
legit any Top Gun fic by @a-reader-and-a-writer ; if I had to choose, it’d be any of the Bob ones, specifically
He’s So Pretty (When He Goes Down On Me) by @seasonsbloom ; I don’t typically read smut, but oof this one is *chef’s kiss*
TAGGING (no pressure!) —
@bradshawswife @topguncortez @bobbyonboard @top-gun-rooster @youlightmeupfinn @callsign-fox @mtnofgrace @phoenixsbby @hangmanshangout @withahappyrefrain
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5-7-9 · 1 month
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Izzy’s right, they need new codenames that aren’t Robin themed now 🤔
(I think them all standing in front of an “A” is a metaphorical and literal sign of what their new name could be. I have no clue tho, tots lost on me. “A-new” ? “A Child Endangerment” ???).
“Darkestdawn,” “Sidekicker,” and “BlackDomino” were pretty good and don’t need a change. “DaxAtax” is probably a play on words for Dax-attacks? I think that’s fine. “Dre-B-Robbin” is pretty pun funny for “Dre-be-robbing” but has Robin in it. “Kat-R-ina” is still Robin themed so needs a revamp. “Robina” is very… needs to go yeah. “Shug-R” is a play on words for sugar, but the R rules hers out. R-iko is just Riko but the emphasis on R is a no.
Not sure if everyone’s totally cool with their codenames just having their names actually in their codenames, but if Penny can do it (Drake was stupid tho) then i guess they can too.
Duke has “Lark” now (because of his helmet).
Sparrow took the easy name >:/ but whatever. It’s kinda ironic because it’s a songbird that can’t really hear very well tho.
BlueBird is so simple omfg.
I’m thinking Shug could be “Hummingbird” since it’s the closest easy to remember birdie with a sugar theme, or “Sweetie” or “Honey” or “Nectar” Or just straight up rewrite it to be “Sugar” again. Dax might go for a Batman themed name, and Riko too but it’s a Batgirl themed name.
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Is is bad if I think Dax’s mohawk reminds me of a rooster so i want him to be called “Rooster” ? 💀 Whatever “Bat Guano Rama” is, that’s a real wacky codename to have. “Hey Batshit, you on 9th street?” 😂 OMG BATSHIT YES!!! “BatShit” as Dax’s new codename i’m a fucking genius. That or “BatGuano”
I checked for a bird and found a Pheasant, which looks cool and has Robin colours but it sounds like peasant which is insulting…. The “-iko” sounded japanese but idk if it is, but there are words that have -iko in it. I’m honestly unsure but it could be a anime reference idk. It has to be cool. Pheasant sounds like “Feather” which could be cool? Or Kiji which is the japanese word of pheasant. Idk, bit of a thinker this one
As much as I want to stick to a bird theme, others got a non bird related codename so i think i’m good. Dre is perfect as a wolf.
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I think he should be “LoneWolf” because it’d be ironic when he has friends but is still called a loner. That or “Werewolf” but he’d be a furry the confusion over actual werewolves would happen. Also his suit doesn’t have wolf features, can be changed tho with a simple redesign 🤔 OH “WereKnight” OOOOOO
Kat-R-ina could be shorten to “Trina” or “KitKat.” We don’t get to see or hear about her, but I’m headcanoning her as one of Shug’s friends, along with Darkestdawn who actually seems to know Shug personally enough to know what she looks like.
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Just gonna assume one of those guys is “Darkestdawn,” and the other is Katrina. Shug and them 🌟
I think “Iz” should be fine but idk. Last time she just did Robin with an “-a” suffix for girl, it’s kinda… simplistic… hahah…. We could try “Z” or “Zee” or “Zeey” or “Zzy” but idk…
Btw i really like how “Iz” kinda looks like an R hahah, clever. I just realized right now 😲
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allylikethecat · 1 month
ok get ready for a this really long, really stupid explanation on why i hate angel hair pasta with every fiber in my being
first off—like you said it doesn’t hold sauce very well and it’s so thin that it just becomes mush which is gross
second off—my father LOVES angel hair but for some odd reason he cuts it up whenever he has spaghetti and it’s a really aggressive sawing motion with his knife which confuses me bc why would you cut spaghetti like just choose an already small noodle???
but here is the main reason i detest it:
let’s set the scene: its the early 2000’s and i’m staying over at my grandmas. she’s the epitome of a southern woman with her rooster themed kitchen and glass bottles of coke. the only thing is—she can’t cook to save her life. the only things she makes are casseroles. but they aren’t your usual casseroles. they are amalgamations of shit she has left over in her fridge tossed into a casserole dish that gets popped into the oven.
she makes this casserole out of you guessed it: chopped up angel hair pasta, prego sauce, hamburger meat, SHREDDED CHICKEN, RICE and green bell peppers. it then gets topped with CRUSHED UP LAYS POTATO CHIPS. now i’m like 8 and i pretty much would eat anything bc we were in fact poor but when i tell you this casserole was the worst thing ive ever consumed i can’t even explain how bad it was i ended up projectile vomiting all over the bed that night (in the scary ass raggedy anne doll themed bedroom) my father had to come pick me up bc my grandma didn’t want to deal w my sickness and ever since i can’t eat angel hair pasta because it reminds me of that casserole 😭😭
Holy shit. That is the most legit and valid to hate angel hair pasta omfg. I cannot BELIEVE that your father cuts it into little pieces?! Like WTF and also the casserole?! I'm not a casserole person to begin with (there are too many textures happening for me) but like that casserole actually sounds like hell? Texture and flavor wise?! I'm impressed you even managed to EAT it and hold off on getting sick until you went to bed, I think I would have gagged just smelling it 😳 I have a friend that makes something similar though - she cannot cook to save her life (but bless her heart she tries) and she calls it crockpot surprise. It's basically just... whatever she finds in her cabinets poured into her crockpot. She once tried to make Bolognese sauce using Southwestern style canned corn. Some people just shouldn't cook 😭 I'm so sorry that you had this experience omfg and I'm impressed that you're able to eat ANY pasta noodle after it!
I hope you had a wonderful angel hair free weekend and that you have a wonderful rest of your week!
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sugasplug · 2 years
tw: discussion of suicide
- lim is so fucking funny the way he does a complete attitude 180 when ryeon says "so i can use [jun-woong] how i want" 🤣🤣👌 top tier
- jun-woong can be such a bootlicker sometimes lmfao
- OKAY FULL NAME TIME LETSGO very grateful that he gave us the characters unprompted: Lim Ryung-gu, ryung as in "high" and gu as in "to rescue". wonder why thats considered a teaseable combo
- god they cut jun-woong down so quick. "you look like a rag doll", ryung-gu's mean little snicker, "keep looking forward (newbie bitch heavily implied)" yall are fucking ruthless lmfao
- damn ok this show is so good at getting me comfortable in the flow of bullying jun-woong and then punching me in my kidney with some nuance. the scene with his fathers shrine grabbed me by the balls even as i called him an idiot for going home in the first place and almost getting caught. "i wanted to fill your shoes better...still, this is...a pretty big company. i dont think theres one as big in korea" please sir im begging you to shut the fuck up my heart cant take it 😭😭
- TLDR; jun-woong can have a little depth. as a treat
- "you know how our family is unnecessarily frank and objective, right?" ok dialogue exposition go off. thanks 4 this peek into the psyche of why jun-woong is Like That
- damn that shit on why the dads missing from all the pictures hit ngl
- jun-woong you bystander trash its all "dont get involved" til its YOUR shoes got fucked up. but hes too charismatic and funny to stay mad about it. also every time its shown him doing this he gets involved anyway so as far as we know hes not even bystander trash. hes....wannabe bystander trash ??
- the delivery of him and jae-soo becoming friends in this moment was 1 of the funniest things i seen in a long time i dont even know how many times i played it back. theyre both so ridiculous who does this shit
- the creation of kim woong-jun ahjussi = petty bitch lim ryung-gu confirmed
- lmao they rly spooked the fuck out this man he ran like an olympic gold medalist was chasing him with a knife
- ryung-gu seems to be developing a habit of holding jun-woong back from shit and im interested to see where that goes
- "a temporal error will occur if your temporary body gets close to your real body" sorry but what does going tachycardic have to do with time glitching ?? anw i really thought mr sexy grim reaper did all that shit to prove a point but it turns out he didnt and also kind of saved jun-woong's life by getting him away from his own body?? granted he didnt have to choke-throw him but yknow
- ryung-gu's energy is very matchy in the scene about the contract. jun-woong raises his voice, he raises his back. jun-woong speaks quier and with deliberation, so does he. gonna have to see if thats a pattern during a rewatch sometime
- damn my mans jae-soo rly said nah this nosebleeds gonna have to wait til im done studying
- "like im the only one standing still" [meme oof audio]
- "dont cry" [cries] "nevermind. cry it out" [stops crying immediately] why is this guy so relatable
- duality of man: jun-woong is smart enough to snag his shoes from the entryway before hiding so hes not caught out and able to argue his way onto jae-soo's case by citing his usefuleness as someone who grew up in the neighborhood but also dumb enough to forget his face will change to anyone in the land of the living that knows him and not even skim the contract before signing it. YOU ARE WORKING FOR THE MF JADE EMPEROR READ THE FUCKIGN CONTRACT
- jun-woong really stuck his head out the window just for the reverb on that "ANDWAE...!"
- damn this kid got kicked out of school, harrassed while alone by weird strangers who lied about knowing his name without ever meeting him before, watched his mom cough up both damn lungs then try to say she was all better because of the hospital bills, and became homeless all on one day which happened to be his birthday
- say bruh i dont think ur dads comin back w that chicken. FUCK AND HE LOST HIS DAD ON HIS BIRTHDAY TOO. SHIT. FUCK
- when jae-soo woke up from one (1) PTSD nightmare and went "hm yea i need to step in front of a moving vehicle immediately" i felt that 😔😔✊
- nah im with ryeon on this one jun-woong is painfully slow on the uptake
- idk whats funnier, the fact that mr sexy grim reaper got scammed just as hard as jun-woong or the fact that jun-woong damn near dove into the other room to avoid being seen. ngl tho id be pussybaby too if some guy choked me out and tossed me ten feet while my physical body was busy being defibrillated
- ok at the risk of sounding callous idk if trying to save jae-soo's dad is the right option here?? like sure he'll be alive and jae-soo might be less fucked up, but that money was assumably what kept jae-soo fed and allowed his mother to continue treatment at the hospital. if his dad doesnt kill himself for that money theyll still be homeless and broke, and shit, maybe his mom dies instead once shes kicked out the hospital and he's just got different trauma. and you know whatever bills his dad wracks up in the hospital after his car crashes is gonna push him futher in debt, not to mention the cost of repairing the car itself, or possibly getting sued by the driver of the semi (assumung s. korean road law is similar to the usa's). fucking with time is always so riskyyy how about just get the man a support system and some therapy idk
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wweassets · 2 years
Logan Paul needs to have an initiation where his hands are tied behind his back and he's stripped down naked while everyone surrounds him and jerks off, so they can unload stripes of cum across his face and chest before he's accepted onto the Monday Raw Roster. And if he decides to open his mouth, maybe someone will fill it for him and give him what he's been craving. Who needs a gag when there's big heavy dicks right there?
He's not allowed to come either, and has to wear a cock ring while his body is placed on display before the other wrestler who watch. He's not allowed to come, not only because it's a privilege he has to earn, but also because he has to get into the correct headspace for his WrestleMania match, and will allow him to be as aggressive as necessary.
The Miz on the other hand will be busy, because Logan is unaware that his partner for Mania is the biggest locker room slut, and that he unknowingly also chose to be the locker room slut #2. Someone had to fill in Morrison's place. So while Logan is just there to be a cum dump, Miz will also be put to use, offering his empty holes, always happy to please. He knows what he has to do to stay in favor- no one keeps around a heel as annoying as Miz, someone who's crossed the entire rooster, unless they're getting something out of it
Who the fuck cares if he's a boxer? He's over in WWE now, and things are different there, and issues are settled a different way and Raw is named Raw for a reason...
Logan will be sure to find out soon 😉
As for my sub top Logan and power bottom Miz agenda, let me remind you gentlemen that Logan has been coming off very inexperienced in his Raw appearances as of late, and you can see him eagerly and at times anxiously eyeing Miz, his mentor before speaking or acting. The man needs guidance and Miz being needed isn't something you come across a lot but I'm pretty sure it must be a heady feeling for the Miz.
Having a young, attractive man wanting to learn his ways, learn his wrestling moves, his method of delivering promos? It must make Miz wonder what else he can teach Logan and what else Logan is willing to learn...
He must've noticed how Logan follows him around like a lost puppy dog. Maybe its time for the Miz to make a move. Meet Logan at his gym under the pretense of some late night training, which isn't exactly a lie. And then, sell him the pitch.
"Being a heel isn't something that is easy to accomplish. The difference in how do many people approach being a heel is wrong because they think that it's all about getting the audience to hate you; it's not. You want the audience to love hating you," the Miz instructs and Logan nods.
"And how can I do that?" Logan haltingly asks and Miz sighs.
"Don't be a try hard. When you're out there, delivering your promo, remember you're out there for you, serving your intentions, putting your plans in motion." Miz's eyes flicker over Logan's body.
"when was the last time you've done something for yourself?" He asks and Logan looks up at him, startled.
"I don't know."
"let's fix that." The Miz steps closer and hears Logan's breath hitch.
"don't worry, you're in good hands."
oh my
i hate how HOT this is pls🥴 the first part with them being the bottom whores and logan becoming #2 without knowing.. whew
and the sub top stuff too omfg
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
hi! maybe kaminari for the lee-ler thingy?
kaminari! i love him so much, my little pikachu baby aaaa he’s sweet i love him~ thank you for the request, really excited to write a little something for him!
Lee -
- So squirmy omfg watch out seriously
- He flops around like a fish out of water and if you don't get him properly pinned he will kick and hit his arms around
- That said he doesn’t like being pinned down, he prefers when he can squirm around and at least try and fight back
- His most ticklish spots are under his arms, his ribs, and his hips!
- Though he’s super ticklish pretty much everywhere lol
- If you tickle him long enough he might send off a few panic sparks which is very cute
- His laugh is so loud omfg please bring earplugs if you’re planning on wrecking him
- It’s a sort of cackle?? That's the easiest way to describe it
- He sounds kind of like a hysterical rooster 
- But in a cute way, y’know?
- He gets WAY flustered by teases, it’s really cute tbh
- He curls up and whines whenever you tease him, his face gets really red and cute too
- The bakusquad is known for their teasy nature, and since Kaminari is their most frequented tickle victim he gets a lot of teases
- So you would think he would grow an immunity to it?
- No, not at all
- He gets tickled a LOT
- Like this poor guy needs a break
- People just find his laugh funny and it’s so easy to get him going that he’s just… the best victim in all of 1-A
- The people who tickle him the most are definitely Sero, Kirishima and Mina, sometimes they all gang up on him too
- He gets poked in class, at the dorms, everywhere, this poor guy is never safe
- He doesn’t particularly mind being tickled, but he thinks there’s a time and place for it, so he does get a bit annoyed being constantly under attack
- He does get into tickle fights pretty often, but he doesn’t normally win any
- He won once against Kirishima and that is his greatest achievement
Ler -
- He’s,,, not the best ler let's just start with that
- He hardly ever gets the chance to be the one dealing the tickling so he doesn’t get much experience with it
- Let's also not forget the time he tried to tickle Bakugou
- Lots of bruises
- He’s really clumsy, he’ll go from spot to spot and dig in just a bit to hard on each one
- He also doesn’t tease, he kinda just… talks to you
- Like he won’t comment on what he’s doing in any sort of way that he’s trying to tease
- He’ll legit try and strike up a conversation with you
- “Man it’s actually really nice out today… Remember that thunderstorm the other day?” as the person he’s tickling is just wheezing
- Its honestly funny to watch and when you’re being tickled it makes the whole thing funnier
- He miiight tickle people as revenge if he manages to do that, but more often than not his revenge attempts just turn into another tickle session for him
- He got Sero by surprise one time and wrecked the hell out of him though, another thing that Kaminari is proud of
- So all in all, not the best ler but he’s trying his best
That’s all i have for now, thank you very much for the ask!
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Survey #376
“when the wind bends the branch to softly touch me  /  when the band plays your song  /  i feel strong enough to keep dreaming”
If your s/o smoked pot/did drugs would you care? Yes, but for pot that's only because it's illegal here. I also find smoking to be a turn-off, but I'd be able to look past that if it was for actual health reasons. Do people ever call you by your last name? No. Has the last person you dated/fell in love with ever seen you cry? Yes. Where are you going on your next vacation (or where do you WANT to go)? I've got none planned, nor do I know where I'd want to prioritize. Like there's South Africa, but I first need to get healthier before I could handle the heat and trudging through sand. I want to go to Yellowstone National Park to spread Teddy's ashes there (seeking permission of course), but again, I need to be in better shape before I go on a venture of photographing there, as well. I need to be healthier to do a lot of the things I want to... Do you own anything bought in another country? No. Who do you text the most? Sara. Four things you wish you had? Better health (including mental), financial stability, a job, and motivation to indulge more in my artistic hobbies. What was the last thing you cried about? Stress regarding this dog we're stuck with. What is your favorite Elvis song? Probably "You're The Devil In Disguise." Do you think you could be the next American Idol? Ha, absolutely not. Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction? Fiction, by a long shot. Does anybody send you money in the mail for your birthday? No. My grampa used to, but he's been dead a couple years. Who is one person you met and automatically didn’t like? I was not a fan of a doctor I once saw for my tremors. She was very rude and just threw the idea of me having Parkinson's or something at what, 17 years old or whatever? My psychiatrist knows her as well and knows she's a whackjob. Heard her name and was essentially like "ew" lmao. What monster would you be most afraid to have in your closet? A male one with a knife, I guess. I really hate knives. And men scare me anyway. Which Adam Sandler movie do you like the most? I don't know, he's in too many to possibly think of one right off the top of my head. Who was one of your first celebrity crushes? Jesse McCartney was my first true love, haha. Have you ever been hit on through text messages? Yes. Do you have to do any yard work? No. Have you ever mowed the lawn? No. Do you get an allowance? No. Did you ever know your great grandparents? I think I knew one? There was this woman from my childhood I knew as "GG" for "great grandma," but I have no recollection of who she was related to or even if she was directly related to me. I remember that I really really liked her, though. Do you like the taste of Tums? It's the texture I really don't like. The candy-like Tums though, y'know, not the chalky ones, I like more than someone should like medicine, haha. How about Pepto Bismol? Omfg no. Do you have a fast or slow metabolism? I have a slow metabolism, but thank Christ it's not as bad as when I was on Abilify. That stupid fucking medicine was the reason I gained so much weight that I haven't been able to lose. What’s your favorite onomatopoeia? (Crash, bang, zoom, meow) I dunno. Do you eat ramen? There's only one specific kind of ramen I've had that I like: Yakisoba's spicy chicken one. Sweet or regular pickles? Regular. I don't like sweet pickles. What kind of dreams do you have most often? Since my nightmares started, violent ones. I'm usually trying to defend myself or lashing out at someone myself. What do you do for personal growth? I try to be a deep thinker, for one. This can way too easily lead to overthinking, but I appreciate that I think it at least helps me learn from my mistakes and work towards making me a better person. I need to start challenging my anxiety more, as that would definitely be massive growth... If you could read anyone’s mind, who would be the first person you’d read? Jason's, only because all I want to know is if he thinks I was emotionally abusive after the breakup or not. But I also don't want to know. Do you have a makeup item or style trick that you feel improves your look significantly and that you feel like you couldn’t go without now that you have it? No. What’s your favourite cereal? Probably Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but I like a lot of cereals. Do you prefer red wine or white wine? I don't like wine. Way too bitter. Do you read Reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? I don't, but I've thought about lurking on a reptile husbandry one or something like that. Might learn some stuff. But at the same time, there are so many conflicting and very strong opinions amongst hobbyists to the point of awful toxicity that I'd rather not read. Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? No. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? God no. When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Probably Scrabble back when Sara visited. Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? Cash, because I don't have a debit or credit card. Do you believe sex should be mandatory in an ongoing dating relationship? Um, no? Some people don't care for it, and that's completely fine. Have you ever recorded yourself doing a cover of a song? No. Any secrets you’d never tell anyone? No matter how close they are to you? Yes. Do you like deviled eggs? NO. FUCK that yolk shit. What career are you most interested in? I still think my first career goal, a paleontologist, would be most interesting and exciting. Like just IMAGINE discovering a new dinosaur. And it's such a job of passion - you have to be so, SO careful and invest so much time in slowly recovering it from millions of years of rock and sand and time. I can only imagine the feeling of accomplishment when an excavation is complete. Have you ever seen a rooster? Yeah? What do you think about religion? Honestly, I personally wish it had never been a thing. It's brought with it so much hatred and bigotry, but I do acknowledge at the same time it's brought great comfort and hope to some people, and that's wonderful. But just all things considered, I feel it's done more harm than good. What’s your favorite sweetheart name (baby, honey, angel, dumpling) Probably "lovely." Has a little kid ever fallen asleep on your lap before? Yes, back when I babysat my neighbor's kid once. Have you ever thrown a grenade? Yikes, no. Have you ever talked face to face with someone famous before? No. Have you ever owned a rocking horse? I don't think so? If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Have you ever wished you were dead? Yes. Is it awkward when people start talking all deep around you? No, I actually like deep convos. Have you ever played the old school Pac Man arcade game? Possibly? Ever played Mario Karts on Nintendo 64? No. Have you ever been scuba diving? No. Can you surf/boogie board? No. Do you like Chinese food, Mexican food, or American food better? American. What’s your favorite thing to order from Taco Bell? Cheese quesadilla and fiesta potatos. Sometimes I get the cinnabon delight thingies, but I avoid 'em with how unhealthy they are. Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? Pretty hot. Do you like to swing? I LOVED swinging as a kid. I haven't done it in a very long time now. How about jumping on a trampoline? I loved that as a kiddo, too. I haven't done that in years. What are you favorite color eyes? Sapphire blue or like an emerald green. Do you have long arm hair? Nah, at least I don't think so. What third generation console is your favorite? PS3, Xbox 360, or Wii? I loved my PS3. I'm still so bummed mine broke. How often do you like to have sex? I'm not sexually active, but even when I was, I didn't care. Do you have a facial expression you seem to pull a lot? What is it? Not really. I think I look stoic most of the time. Do you always listen to music when you’re online? No; I usually have a let's play or something like that on that I can split my screen and watch while doing something else. If so, what are you currently listening to? I'm listening to "Love Goes On And On" by Lindsey Stirling and Amy Lee right now. Do you ever forget how to do really simple things? Like what? Yes, like how to control the laundry machine and other things like that. There's just so many options that I never, ever remember what to set it to, no matter how many times Mom shows me. That's how my memory is with most things these days, really... Were you born with naturally straight teeth? No; I needed braces. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called? Uhhh maybe Severin. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I love both, but sour wins. What about chocolate or peanut M&M’s? I also enjoy both, but the original are better. Your favourite band: Do you prefer their old or new stuff? That's like... impossible to answer, lol. I just love everything. Do you check to make sure your ear phones are going in the right ear? No. Do you secretly still listen to Ace of Base? I have no idea who that is. Have you ever broken someone else’s bone? No, thank goodness. I'd feel awful. Is it stupid to think you can write a book at thirteen? No?????????? There are incredibly talented writers out there at young ages. Hell, I remember as a kid, I wanted to be the youngest published author way before that age. Are you ever embarrassed about what you dream about? There've been some I wouldn't share. Have you ever had sex with someone as a favor? No, and I never would. Does your mom let you date? I'm 25, my dude. She let me when I felt ready, though. If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? She doesn't have one, but hypothetically, fuck no. Because that's none of my damn business, and it still wouldn't be even if we were still dating. Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not have you ever come close? I've fainted once when I was a teen and have come close many other times. Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in class, or how you used to before you took the class? Yeah; it was mandatory for I think one year in middle school. I type how I was taught in there. Do you find your best friend’s significant other/crush attractive? She doesn't have an s/o, and idk who her "real" crush is, as much as she'd love Frieza to be real, haha. What do you do with your clothes that don’t fit anymore or just don’t want? Donate them. Do you cut out coupons? My mom will keep some fast food ones she gets in the mail sometimes. Did you ever breathe in helium and talk funny afterwards? I think I did once at a birthday party, but I'm unsure. Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? I want to be a freelance photographer so, so badly. I want to specialize in nature and wildlife, but having a boudoir studio would be great to help keep me afloat, plus I adore the art of boudoir. I've shot it once for an old friend, and by god, I loved how empowered it made her feel, especially as a plus-sized woman. She adored the pictures, and I'd just love to help other clients feel like they're gorgeous in their unique body, too. Last type of candy you ate? I had a donut from Starbuck's yesterday. Did you decorate your house for Halloween? If so, how many decorations? Did you go all out, or just put up a few things? Mom and I don't really decorate anymore. :/
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ofauroradreams · 3 years
xbox showcase thoughts:
Bethesda really like November, huh?  also Starfield has a very FO4 aesthetic
Stalker 2 trailer would probably make more sense if I knew anything about the first game
another zombie-style mutant apocalypse game, how refreshing(!)  didn’t they announce that one, like, two years ago?
Japanese games are weird
oh, look, a new Battlefield game.
oh, I remember 12 Minutes being announced before!  quite a few famous voices in it.  might be quite interesting, esp for achievement hunters, if there’s multiple options for what can happen in those minutes
aw, Skyrim’s ten years old this year?  maybe I should actually finish it for the first time.
A Brotherhood civil war in Fallout 76.  Interesting.
you ever see those trailers that just make you so appreciative of humanity?  yeah.  anyway, Party Animals looks like Human Fall Flat but furry.
ah, yes, the Halo Infinite re-reveal.  I know it was supposed to come out last year and didn’t; but apparently this year, they’re 20 years old?  almost seems like it’s worth it tbh.
I’ve never played Halo but I might.  one day.  iirc I know a few of the VAs in the games, and I like them.
omigod, I don’t know what this game is but that rooster is brilliant.
I was gonna say something about how Liana is all set bc there’s a snowboarding game but Liana’s the kind of gamer where, if she wanted to snowboard, she’d just find a ski/snowboarding resort instead, so.  yeah.
okay a Grounded update.  now Liana’s all set.  and Among Us; altho I don’t actually think she has fifteen gamer friends to play it with lmao
a bunch of other games I have little opinion on.  except maybe Outer Worlds 2, since that’s something Liana might play (after the first one ofc).
now it’s all the standard driving/flying/yearly sports games.
haha, Forza trying to get into that Uncharted/Tomb Raider territory lmao with Mayan ruins
Redfall looks pretty interesting actually.  I like the characters’ powers and the guy running around documenting everything.  and the enemies look interesting.
it’s an xbox series x mini fridge.  are you fucking kidding?  I love it.
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sp00kybl0g · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @twinkie-boi-aleks !! Thank you for tagging me btw aww;v; Name: Kayla Nickname: don’t really have one, usually it’ll be like an inside joke; or just “boi” ! Zodiac Sign: Pisces Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!! Height: 5'1 I think Orientation: Heterosexual, but if you wanna get technical I might be heteroflexible or bi-curious ?? I’ve never really attempted to be with a girl or anything, and I do prefer men but idk.. I do think sexuality is a spectrum Ethnicity: White Favorite fruit: Watermelon Favorite Season: Autumn! It’s literally the perfect temperature and trees are so pretty. Aesthetic af my dudes Favorite Book Series: gonna be basic and say Harry Potter. Both the books and movies have been most of my childhood;v; and probably a lesser known series Maximum Ride is sooo good omfg Favorite Fictional Characters: here we fuckin gooo lmao. Luna Lovegood (HP); Sirius Black (HP); Moriarty (Sherlock); Sam Winchester (SPN); Tony Stark (Marvel); Bones (Star Trek); Ruby (RWBY); Penny (RWBY); Dylan (Bates Motel); Lars (SU) ((Theres a ton more im sure, but here’s just a few!)) Favorite Flowers: Blossoms! Favorite Scents: Coffee/cocoa; fruity, but not too strong bc they can make me feel sick sometimes; books; sharpies; gasoline Favorite Artist/Band: Its a mistake to ask me this question. (First of all, I like p much everything except country, and I’ll listen to smthn at least once! I love alt rock, punk, punkpop, i like some rap, I even listen to instrumental jazzy music, and I’ve recently gotten into vaporwave!) fall out boy, panic! at the disco, twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, imagine dragons, all time low, my chemical romance, blink 182, green day, sum41, beastie boys, hoodie allen, and so many more omfg Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Hot cocoa but only during the winter tbh. I wanna get into coffee and try different kinds but so far I don’t rly like it but I looove the smell rip me. And the only tea I rly drink is sweet tea but not v often. I should try different teas too! Average Sleep Hours: my sleep schedule is FUCKED rn lemme tell you that lmao. I usually try to get ready for bed at like 2am and then I end up being on tumblr for another hour or two, going through the feed and then maybe a fanfic bc I’m trash and then it depends on how long i search for a fic and how long it is etc. no matter how long I stay up I usually always wake up around 12-2pm. I’m always out of bed by 3. Yikes I know I’m sorry:/ Number of blankets slept with: Two ig. I have a sheet and then a thick comforter. I also sleep with one pillow but lately I’ve just been pushing it away and just don’t sleep on any pillow ??? I think I’m broken Dream Trip: honestly, probably hawaii, I have an internet friend who lives there and I would love to meet her. Also Austin, TX just bc RTX and the Alamo drafthouse and shit Blog Created: Like December 2011, but I didn’t really use it until later in 2012. This is both my main blog and a multi fandom blog so I’m sure you’ve all noticed how much of a cluster fuck it is lmao Number of blogs followed: 1761 Number of followers: 583 (thank you sm btw! I love all you especially the active ones who like/reblog stuff from me constantly!) What do I usually post: rooster teeth/let’s play (mostly achievement hunter and cow chop), gotham, bands, and just random funny stuff I see on my dash Do I usually get asks: Not really. Recently I did get a couple, but for the most part it’s p rare. Please don’t be afraid to send an ask or message me!! Here’s who I tag!~ @aestheticw3ntz , @getalickofmyrancidmeat , @shehadonlyofferedtwomediumeggs , @lliterallly , @youtube-feels , @donotfreeedgar , @cow-flop , @boulevard-of-brokenmemes , @turntechg0dhead , @alias-afta , @hello-pastel-dreams , @cowstopchicabutt , @superneatfreak47 , @forensicbec , @ruumate @chesternite , @expressionfixation , @http-emmx , @freckled-goddess , @nerdy-mom
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softpine · 3 years
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I’M SO EXCITED DUDE OMG first of all: chickens!!!!!! and cows!!!! and the bunnies look soooo cute ahh i wasn’t expecting rabbits at all, but i’m so glad they included them! and alpacas (i think? llamas? i don’t know the difference tbh) are adorable and i’m pleasantly surprised by all the variety! and you can put sweaters on your chickens omfg that is literally the best thing. and i really hope you can actually fight with roosters because as a chicken mom, i can confirm they love to throw down sdjksj and i’m curious to see if there’s any gameplay between these new animals and cats/dogs, because like my dog is sooo scared and threatened by my tiny rabbits and chickens, and i think it would be funny if dogs could have different reactions depending on their traits. i’m not really expecting that, but it would be cool! and i can make a county fair!!! a very lame one with no functional rides, but goddamn it i’m making my midwest county fair lmaoo the only negative thing i have to say is that the world looks pretty generic and similar to what we already have, but i’m crossing my fingers that there’s a good amount of room for building 🤞🏻
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omg that’s so sweet?? 😭💖 i think i lean way more towards the farm aspect than the cottage aspect, but it looks like there will be a nice mix of both!! i can’t wait to see more ahhh i haven’t felt this way about anything ts4-related since university!! i’m so excited 🥺
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ksjfksjd i would feel too bad asking for a whole expansion pack but i sincerely appreciate the offer!! 💖 also “brandi core” made me smile omg :’)
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Survey #183
“clothes trailing from the back door to the bedroom, and i don’t even know your name.”
Would you ever become a fan of a team you hate to please your spouse? Lol no. Can you handle scary movies? Easily. How often do you get a new purse…and for guys a new wallet? Not often at all. What is the most money that you have ever spent on getting your nails done? This doesn't apply to me, I don't get them done. Once a cheater, always a cheater? No, but I wouldn't date someone who ever did. What word describes your last relationship? Verification, I suppose? I learned I love him just platonically. Do you sneak into movie theaters? No. You can make one person fall eternally in love with you, who do you choose? I don't want to *make* anyone do that. Is there ever a happily ever after? Yeah, but sadly not for everyone. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? Not terribly, but the closet could make me nervous. Do you like guys with beards? It depends on the guy. What annoys you most of the same sex? This isn't generalizing, I think we can all agree girls have a greater tendency to be short in arguments or if we're just in a bad mood. Do you have a fake I.D.? No. Would you ever travel to Africa? I already wanna go. Would you date someone 5 years older than you? Yeah. Does it bother you when girls make duck faces? It doesn't bother me, I just think it looks dumb. Have you ever been fingered? Yeah. Have you ever been to California? Did you like it? Never gone. What do you do the most when you are online? Watch YT, RP, browse dA, surveys... Do you like to dance? If so, what is your favorite move? I do, but there's no way I could survive dance classes in my current shape. Fave move, idk. When was the last time you got a haircut? Few days before going to Sara's in October. I need another. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? YUP. I won't date you if it's any more than very rarely. Honestly, if you wanted to get laid right now, could you? No. what is your favorite font? Of the "normal" ones, Garamond. Would you make a good movie critic? Noooo. I'm not very criticizing of movies, honestly. Do you like deviled eggs? Omfg NO. I fucking abhor egg yolk in any form. What is your favorite Horror movie? Either of the Blair Witch Project movies. What career are you most interested in? Paleontologist. Have you ever seen a rooster? Welcome to the South, buckaroo. What’s your favorite sweetheart name (baby, honey, angel, dumpling) "Love" or "sweetheart." Has a little kid ever fallen asleep on your lap before? Yes. Have you ever thrown a grenade? No. Have you ever owned a rocking horse? Maybe? Who was the last person you took a picture with? Sara. What’s your favorite kind of float? (coke, root beer) Coke. Have you ever seriously mourned the death of a pet? Like extremely seriously, not really, I think? Shadow was hard, but I don't believe it was too serious. I saw him dying days before it happened. Can you surf/boogie board? No. Medals, ribbons, or trophies? (or just plain cash?) I'll take the money. If any of your friends had really bad body odor, would you tell them? No. Would you ever try anal? If you have, were you always keen to try it? NO NO NO IT GROSSES ME OUT SO MUCH. What age do you want to live until? Maybe like, at least 70. If all jobs paid the same, what would you be doing? Photography. If you heard your best friend’s significant other was cheating on them, would you tell them? Even if you couldn’t prove it? No shit, but I'd be sure to include I only heard it. What is the story behind your pet’s name? Teddy: reminded us of a teddy bear. Bentley: idk. Roman: thought it sounded regal, like cats. Venus: beautiful, her color is similar to the planet. Mitsu: I gave all my rats "m" names. Kaiju: I'd wanted an iguana named after a huge lizard creature forever. What’s something that you once liked, but now hate? Country music. If you were to get engaged, what’s your dream engagement ring? Rose gold something. If you discovered you were pregnant at this point in time, would you keep it or abort it? Why? If out of my own carelessness, I'd keep it but adopt it out. If in any other way, idk. If my life was at risk, yes, and I'd really have to consider if it'd be too traumatic for me with how I feel about pregnancy. What is the last thing you googled? I forgot. Throughout your life, what was your favorite birthday and why? Idk. If everyone was required to make a YouTube channel, what would your content be like? Um... I suppose chill let's plays, no camera? I'd want to hide my identity 'cuz I ain't even risking popularity. How far away do you live from the closest mall? 15-ish minutes? Why do you dislike/hate the person you most dislike/hate? I don't hate anyone I personally know, but I most dislike Colleen for a novel of reason. Are you disrespectful to a lot of people? Definitely not. Do you like the color pink? Pink is everything. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? Haven't in a long time. Doesn’t it annoy you when couples post things to each other’s wall on Facebook that are all mushy and gross and NO ONE CARES? No, fuck off. Let people express love of each other. You SHOULD care to some degree that a couple lives in love. What was the last song you had on repeat? "Black Wedding" by In This Moment ft. Rob Halford. Are you drifting away from your best friend? Absolutely not. Would you feel hurt if your last ex was in a relationship? No, I'd be super happy for him. Are you currently wanting any piercings? Always. Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s storming? Nooo, bring it on. What language do you want to learn how to speak? German. Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? No. Did you ever watch Lilo & Stitch as a child? I was obsessed. Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? No, flew past one to Sara's, though. Do you have light posts on your street? No. How about sidewalks? No. What is one food combination you enjoy that others might think is weird? Waffles/pancakes with peanut butter. How do you tend to feel when the year is ending? Hopeful for new beginnings, dreading the ending, etc? I don't feel anything about it. There's nothing truly special about it. What bad habit have you had the longest? What about a good habit? Picking at my nails; manners. Is there anything you do that you are ashamed of? What about proud? Download music; treat animals with the respect they deserve. What is one compliment you find particularly meaningful? What about an insult you find particularly devastating? Calling me kind; calling me weak or that I'll go nowhere. Have you ever had a lucid dream? Share it, if you wish? No. Do you find sleep paralysis to be scary or not so much? Never experienced it, but it sounds absolutely horrifying. Do you have any truly unpopular opinions? If so, share one? Sure. Hormone treatment is an awful idea. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment from the past year? Uhhhhh. I suppose making big progress stretching past my comfort zone. When was the last time you went through a major life change/event? I think me coming out last year was a pretty big event, especially as it led to an incredible relationship. How many places have you lived throughout your life, and which one was your favorite? Four, and as far as location, #3. Overall happiness in the home, #2. Without saying names, what is something you wish you could say to someone? "Look who was wrong." Do you have any typing quirks, or do you prefer to type ‘properly’? I think I use the wrong shift key for a certain letter... but idk off the top of my head. Who do you judge more harshly - others or yourself? Myself. What is the most difficult thing you have ever had to accept? Jason no longer loved me. What is something you do to help yourself feel better on a bad day? Watch some of my fave YT vids. Who or what in life has taught you the most about love? The breakup. Other than in a plane, what’s the highest elevation you’ve experienced? Have you ever had altitude sickness? Driving on a mountain, and no. If you had all the artistic ability you needed, what kinds of things would you most like to draw? MY OCS. Or just meerkats in general, but with macabre scenes. What’s a song that you’re ashamed to say you like? "Bitches" by Hollywood Undead, for one. Ever had sex in a public place? No. Do you do something about it when your stomach hurts, or just let it be? I take medicine. I handle stomachaches very poorly. Do you ever have binges that last for hours, watching YouTube videos? Um?????? Every day????????????????? Do you believe sex should be mandatory in an ongoing dating relationship? No. How do you feel about smoking weed? I've gotten more and more "whatever" about it, but I'm still not a huge fan of the idea. We already complain about cigs and cancer, why legalize something with more carcinogens? Medicinally tho, I'm for it. What foods can you absolutely not eat? Beans are a big 'ole fuck no. Kisses on the cheek or the neck? Depends on the mood. List four things about your facial appearance: I have a real obvious dimple on my left cheek. I have two prominent scars on my chin from when I fainted directly onto it. My eyes are gray/greenish blue. I've been told a lot I have long eyelashes but I don't wanna get up and go to a mirror to verify. List four things about your general appearance: I have dry skin, mY LEG HAIR IS FUCKING PITCH BLACK AND I HATE IT, the nail on my left ring finger is slightly deformed, and I have really thick hair. It’s getting pretty cold now, isn’t it? Do you have the heating on? Yes. Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? Kinda hot, normally. What are you favorite color eyes? Sapphire or light blue. Do you have long arm hair? Not really. Does your family put up Christmas lights? Yes. Favorite holiday? Halloween. Any bands you used to like and are now embarrassing to you? Not off the top of my head... but there's probs some. Have you ever taken part in a threesome? No. Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No. When was the last time you built a sandcastle? Forever ago. Do you care about gun laws? Yes. How does alcohol affect you? I become more talkative and outgoing, and I get a warm sensation in my stomach. I don't know if my face still flushes. What color is your toothpaste? Blue. Have you ever inhaled helium? Shit, have I? What is your favorite kind of pasta? Normal noodles. Do you keep up-to-date with current news and events? Noooot at all. Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? Yes, but I don't really feel he meant it. Who is the worst driver you know? How about the best driver? Jason; Mom, easily. Honestly, have you ever said a racist joke? I actually don't believe so. Are you comfortable hanging out with your friend’s boyfriends/girlfriends? I can't really relate to this, but it wouldn't bother me. Where were you when you got your first period? I'd just gotten home from school. Are you more attracted to men or women? Ohhhh that's hard. Romantically, easily women, but sexually, uh... idrk. If you had to choose a stripper name, what would it be? huh True or False: Everything happens for a reason. False. Who was the last person to really hurt you? Mom. What was the main subject of your last telephone conversation? I was locked outside of my house and needed Mom to come home to help. When drinking hard alcohol do you take shots more or make mixed drinks? I can't handle hard alcohol period. What is one song you listen to that you’re sure not many people do? Off the top of my head, I love "Abenteuerland" by Pur. Have you ever woken up next to someone after a night of drinking? No. Does your mail go to a P.O Box or to a mailbox at your house? A mailbox. Who was the last person from your high school graduating class you saw? Uhhh most likely Colleen. Do you enjoy kissing? Ye. What about making out? Yeah. Where are you most ticklish? DON'T FUCKIN TOUCH MY FEET. Have you ever been to an arena concert? No. Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? Yes. Has a friend ever really hurt you and you never told them? Maybe? Have you ever stayed on a ride at a theme park to ride it again? No. Where do you want to raise your children? I'm not having kids, but hypothetically, in nature. Are you afraid that if you do have children they will turn out like you? No. Have you ever slow danced to a song you didn’t know? No. Has someone ever dedicated a song to you? Yes. Do you like to have your hair pulled? I'm indifferent. Definitely don't do it hard. Do you work any holidays? N/A What is a quality someone might not assume you have? Apparently from being told, when I'm forced into talking, I don't seem shy??? I don't see it. When you are in a group that is overwhelmingly male, how noticeable is it to you? Does it make you feel any differently than being in a group that is mixed or predominantly female? It's noticeable to me, and I'm likely to be more anxious. Especially if I'm not with someone else. I'd feel safer with females. Do you have a makeup item or style trick that you feel improves your look significantly and that you feel like you couldn’t go without now that you have it? I feel eyeliner makes me look far better above anything else, but I like, never wear makeup period. Did you have to “unlearn” any expectations or wrong ideas, particularly about romance, that you gained as a child either from media you consumed or from people around you (e.g., fairy tale endings, or that dramatic relationships are healthy, etc.)? Happy endings, that if you tried hard enough, love always prevailed. Are there any bands or artists that you were really into at one point but that you never listen to anymore, not even to reminisce? Ummm not that I recall? What are some wedding trends that you really dislike? If you can’t think of anything, have you ever seen something at a wedding that made you cringe? Ummm idk. Is there something that happened in high school that you’re still salty about (e.g., a bully getting credit for your work)? Nah, not that I can think of. When someone hurts your feelings or offends you are you more likely to lash out at them, quietly withdraw, or something else? Withdraw, but become pretty short and/or sarcastic. Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? No. Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? No. Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from? Yes, and no. What’s your boss’s first name? Do you call him/her by that name? N/A Who was the last person you played a video game with? I played Pokemon with my niece and nephew. :') They loved it and I was a V PROUD aunt. Last game you played at an arcade? Who even knows. Last funeral you attended? Uhhhh. I don't remember. I want to say for my old babysitter, but that doesn't sound accurate... I swear I've been to one after. What was your favorite nursery rhyme as a child? Does the little piggy one count cuz I LOVED THAT SHIT with my mom. Who was your childhood hero? Steve Irwin. He's still a hero to me. What is your favorite cousin’s first name? I don't have a fave. What was the name of your first stuffed animal? Oh BOY, I couldn't tell you. It was a little bunny holding a polka-dot blanket. What was your least favorite food as a child? Idk. Where did your mother and father meet for the first time? At work. What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? I've no clue. What was your favorite place to visit as a child? THE ZOO BITCH TAKE ME AWAY Have you ever stayed in a cheap motel? No, I'm too much of a paranoid germaphobe to. What about a 5 star hotel? I highly doubt it. Have you ever gotten a massage? Not professionally. Have you ever given a massage? Yeah. Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? The latter. What is the last gift you received and from who? A snake keychain Sara made. :') What are you currently dressed in? Skull pj pants with an Umbreon tank. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to? "Not The American Average" by Asking Alexandria slaps.
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