#omega would ask Hunter or Echo and they would be like OF COURSE
here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
Crosshair would definitely use Omega to ask for things, like going to McDonald’s for dinner, getting a treat, or eating ice cream before dinner.
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maestro030403 · 6 months
Omega asking the Batch to play a game with her
"Sure, just let me finish this mission report."
"Wait, don't you have some studying to do? We can play a game after that."
"Have you finished your studies?"
"Well if you don't want to attend to your studies, perhaps you can assist me with these repairs."
"No, Echo is not helping me. He has insisted that it is his day off."
*Woken from his nap*
"It's not very safe to wake any of us up from napping. You saw what happened to Wrecker when he woke Crosshair up yesterday. And while I am not as mentally unstable, I would appreciate some rest on my day off."
"And don't you have 'studies to attend to' as Tech says? If you're looking for something to do, why don't you help Tech with repairs?"
"Hey, Hunter banned the eye roll just last week."
"Are you attempting to get out of studies?"
"I am not blaming you, I am simply asking."
"Then yes, of course I'd like to play a game. How about Simon Says."
"Simon Says go ask Wrecker because he won't remember that you have studies to do."
"Anytime, anywhere. What're we playin'?"
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
Callsign: Omega
post-s3 finale head cannons (spoilers, duh)
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Omega, she’s become one of the most famous pilots for the rebellion.
She names her x-wing “Havoc 5” for her brothers
Of course it has their ct numbers written across the back, right behind the cockpit, for they’re always watching her six. She can't see them when she's flying, and frankly doesn't look at the worn numbers there every day, but they're there always.
The belly of her x-wing is covered in tally marks. The blue ones are for each clone she’s helped free, an ohmage to a clone her brother Echo told her about, ARC-5555. The black ones are for every other being she's helped free. And the red ones, those are for the lives that have passed on and become one with the Force.
On part of her landing gear is a blue pawprint.
On her helmet she only has five things painted, a knife, a crosshair, a tooka doll, a handprint, and a pair of goggles.
On the shoulder of her flight suit, she adds another CF 99 patch, just like the one on her jacket.
She goes by callsign “Omega” for she is the last. The end. The final thing her enemies will see, the last thing the Empire will feel as it falls. She is the being that brings an end to the suffering that so many clones have faced as wards of the Empire when she shows up to liberate them. Omega.
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Bonus: The first time she returns to Pabu, Hunter immediately notices the nose art she's chosen to paint on her shuttle, the one built from the Marauder's salvage. It's a stark replica of the nose art that once adorned the original ship, back in the Clone Wars. His stomach plummets and he can't even find the words. As his daughter strolls down the ramp, she immediately bursts into laughter at the look on his face.
Her brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker stroll into the courtyard, the larger of the two asking loudly, "What's so funny, 'Meg?"
"I think that is what's so funny." The lankier one replies, gesturing to the nose of the shuttle with his left hand. He's forgone his prosthetic today. Some days he wears it, others he chooses to wear his cap with pride.
Wrecker scratches his beard and both his eyes widen, "WAIT- IS THAT?"
"So, it would seem." Crosshair says, placing a toothpick between his lips. "Breathe, Hunter." He says pointedly at his brother, who still looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-uhh. It's good to have you home, Omega." He finally stutters out.
He wraps his arms around her tightly as always, but his eyes are still glued to the hull of her shuttle. "Done some decorating, I see?"
"Yeah." She replies simply, giving Wrecker and Crosshair their own due hugs. "You like it?"
"It certainly is... something." Hunter gets out, stumbling over his words yet again.
"I found the image in some old Republic files we recovered, it reminded me of something I saw as a kid, but I don't remember where." She says, coming to stand beside Hunter again.
"Ehhh... Omega." Her father groans, running a hand through his greying hair. "Do you... Do you remember what the Marauder looked like when we first met?"
She turns to him. "No, why do you ask?"
Hunter finally peels his eyes away from the shuttle to face his daughter. "That picture you found... That was... That was the Marauder, that's where you know it from. You only saw it once. We scrubbed it off as soon as we decided to come back to Kamino for you."
"Really? I had no recollection." Omega tries to stop the grin from spreading across her face, but she can't help it, and Hunter, still perceptive as always scoffs at her.
"Why you little..." He growls at her, stifling his own laughter.
"I think she knows..." Crosshair chimes in, running his hand through his silver locks.
Wrecker's jaw drops, "Wait, you know where that's from?"
Omega shakes her head at her brothers. "Of course I know, I never forgot how awkward you all were when I asked about it. It didn't click exactly why until I found that old picture. Thought I'd bring it back for old time's sake, eh Hunter?"
Hunter's eyes widen as words escape him once again.
"Kidding," Omega teases. "I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."
Crosshair steps closer to the shuttle to examine the paint job. "Though this has been wildly entertaining, it might be best for you to scrub it, 'Mega."
Omega crosses her arms. "Why? You did it first little brother."
His eyes narrow at his sister, he's the only one she ever pulls that with and though he secretly loves it, she can't know that. "I mean it." He says sternly, pointing his toothpick at her. "Otherwise, Hunter is going to have an aneurysm every time you come home."
Omega looks to the clone beside her, just barely an inch shorter than her now. She places a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll scrub it. Echo thought the idea was hilarious. Plus, it gave me an opening to show you this."
She gently reaches into her bag and brings out a holoframe, turning it so Hunter can see. It looks just like any other quick photo taken in a Republic shipyard. Troopers are milling around in the back, by the looks of the landscape it might've been Ryloth. The focus of the photo, however, is a black Omicron-class attack shuttle and five clone commandos posed in front of it in red and black armor.
Their helmets are off, their faces young and confident, proud of their most recent mission. Though, the sniper has a rifle held in his right hand, and the one crouched in front doesn't have his goggles on. But it's clear who it is, all five of them. And on the nose of the attack shuttle behind them, is the striking portrait of the last senator of Naboo.
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zoeykallus · 6 months
Look, sweetheart, I need Crosshair back with the batch. I need him to just find out about Tech. And I need him to come not only back to the batch, but too his lover (fem reader), and while they are having a rather hot reunion, he suddenly has a breakdown, trying to cope the news that Tech is gone. Reader comforts him, of course, catching him. Crosshair NEEDS a moment like that. Pretty please...
Yet another ancient request that slipped through the cracks. I'm so so so so sorry you had to wait so long for this. But I gotta tell you, I really like the scene that's just now unfolding in my head. Here we go, finally!
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-shot - Don't Let Go Of Me
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Warnings: 18+ (?) Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Strongly Suggestive/Sexual Themes/Fluff
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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"But, where is Tech? Why isn't he chewing my ear off with his latest findings yet?" It quietens down completely in the cockpit of the Marauder. Only the soft hum of the shuttle can be heard. Every single one of you has known from the start, that this question would come sooner or later, but it still hits you like a sledgehammer. Hunter is the only one who manages to meet Crosshair's gaze. "Things went wrong during our first attempt to free you" You see Crosshair slowly frowning critically. As if to brace yourself, you slowly take a deep breath and exhale again, as if it's you hearing this news for the first time, not him. Shrugging his shoulders, the Sniper asks, "So, what does that mean?" "Tech didn't make it back. We'd all be dead without him. Plan 99," Echo says quietly. You see Crosshair swallow. A tremor runs through his hands for a moment, then he is completely motionless again. The Sniper avoids your gaze, not looking at you once. He knows how well you know him, that you can see his every emotion, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and right now it's unsettling him far too much.
Crosshair blinks, his expression stony, he doesn't move a muscle. A long, awkward moment of silence ensues, no one says a word. But then, just as you expected, Crosshair immediately switches from sadness to anger. His gaze could have cut dura steel as he sets his sights on Hunter. His voice isn't loud, but it's cutting as he speaks, "Why? Why the hell did you even try this! I sent you this message to keep you away, to hide, to keep Omega safe!" Hunter grinds his teeth, clearly preoccupied with staying calm. He has enough guilt without Crosshair putting his finger on it. "Tech could still be alive if you'd just done the right thing once," the Sniper snarls, digging his finger into Hunter's chest, "Just one fucking time" You see Hunter grit his teeth, the tension beneath his surface. Echo pushes Crosshair's outstretched arm aside and says, "Hunter was against getting you. Tech and Omega insisted we try" Crossshair gruffly pushes Echo aside and snaps, "Doesn't matter," turning to Hunter he says, "You're the squad leader, you have the final say and you should have decided differently" Hunter growls softly, "I'm painfully aware of that"
Omega, who has been watching quietly until now, says quietly but clearly, "Tech and I insisted, we would never have given in" Crosshair snorts, pushing past Wrecker towards the ramp. "Where are you going?" asks Hunter. " Out of here, I can't breathe in here," the Sniper grumbles and disappears from your sight. Wrecker sighs, "Well, that went as well as expected" You pat Hunter gently on the shoulder and say, "You did the right thing, if it wasn't for Saw none of this would have happened. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't Tech's or Omega's either" Hunter sighs wistfully and says, "Maybe" "Give Crosshair some time, he's just hearing this for the first time, he needs to digest the whole thing before he can deal with it properly," you tell him encouragingly.
Hunter growls, "He should pull himself together sooner or later, we all mourn Tech, he wasn't just his brother" After a sigh he adds, "Keep an eye on him please" You nod and say, "I'll give him some time alone, then I'll follow him"
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You wait almost two hours before following Crosshair to the beach. Omega had already wanted to follow him, but you asked her to stay away from him for now and leave you to it. The girl reluctantly agreed, only when Hunter told her to stay in the ship did she let you go alone. As if the weather were adjusting to the general mood, dark clouds gather over Pabuu. In the distance, you hear a low rumble of thunder. Shortly afterward, it starts to rain, and not just a little. You sigh and continue walking towards the beach. As expected, you find Crosshair there, on a rockier part of the beach, with his rifle, firing at makeshift targets consisting of glass bottles and various stones. You don't have to watch him for long to realize that he is anything but at the top of his game. He repeatedly misses shots that he would normally hit at any time, regardless of the weather conditions.
The wind carries his growls, his half-suppressed curses to your ear and you sigh softly. He is completely agitated, no wonder he can't concentrate. As you get closer, you see the trembling in his hands, which he repeatedly clenches into fists, shakes and tries to relax before he takes his next shot. But suddenly he stops. You know he has sensed your presence. His head slowly turns in your direction. As you stand next to him, he growls, "I was wondering what was keeping you" "I thought I'd give you a little space before I ambush you" "Hmm," he grumbles quietly, puts the Firepuncher back in the holster on his back, and sits down on one of the wet rocks nearby. As you try to sit down next to him, he stops you, shaking his head, "The rocks are wet and freezing, you're sure to catch a cold if you sit on them for any length of time" "You sit on them too" He raises his eyebrows and says, "I'm a clone, Kitten, besides, I have my armor on, I don't get sick easily"
With a sigh, you put your hands in your jacket pockets. Your clothes are already soaked, you don't think it really matters whether you sit down on the cold stone or not, but you stand still. Somehow you had imagined the reunion between you two to be different. You know that he is not the type for exuberant emotional exchanges, but still. The euphoria you felt when you realized he was back, which you actually still feel, you wish you could see some of it in him. At the moment, you're not quite sure where you both stand. You don't quite know if he wants to hear it, but you say it anyway, "I missed you" He looks up at you from his seated position, his gaze strangely scrutinizing, then his eyes wander back to the horizon over the sea in the distance. "Not as much as I missed you," he mumbles softly, so softly that his words are almost drowned out by the sound of the rain. You're so surprised you don't know what to reply, but maybe no response is necessary for now. Crosshair licks his lips, wipes rainwater from his face, and looks up at you again.
"Is there a place here where we can be alone and undisturbed?" "We are alone" Crosshair rolls his eyes and says, "No we're not, Omega is sneaking around back there, behind the rocks" You sigh, turn around and shout, "Omega, go back to the ship!" "How did you see me?" the girl shouts back in disbelief. "I didn't. Please go back to Hunter, I have everything under control here" After Omega leaves, Crosshair looks at you, a barely noticeable smirk at the corner of his mouth. "So you have everything under control here?" You shrug your shoulders. "More or less." He chuckles. "Now is there somewhere we can be undisturbed and maybe get out of the rain?" the Sniper asks.
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Crosshair takes off the Firepuncher, removes his gloves and takes off his chest plate as he looks around. "So this is where you live now?" "When we're not traveling, yes" The little cottage is nothing particularly meaningful, you don't actually spend much time here, there's hardly any decoration or features worth mentioning. But he does notice one thing. You follow his gaze as you notice that it lingers in one place for a long time. There's a target hanging at the head of your bed. "You really still have that thing?" He steps closer to the bed, his fingers gliding over the burn holes from blaster shots in the target hanging above it, over the initials you both carved into it after your first training session together. He laughs softly and says, "You were as happy as a baby when you got to use the Firepuncher" "I remember," you reply quietly.
You swallow and finally explain, still quietly, "When I realized you weren't coming back, that you were staying with the Empire, I dug out the target from my old stuff and hung it up. Most of our things were destroyed on Kamino, so I didn't have any pictures or anything of you. It was just my way of remembering you and dealing with the fact that you were gone" He sighs softly, gazing at the strange decoration above your bed for quite a while before turning to you. "I never left you" "Yes, you very much did. You knew I couldn't follow you on your path with the Empire, if only because of my political past. When you decided to stay there, you left me." He shakes his head and sighs again. "It's not that simple" You shrug your shoulders impatiently, you don't want to argue right now, not at all. "Does it matter? I don't expect an apology or an explanation. You did what you thought was right at the time, and at some point you realized it was wrong. These things happen," you say, peeling yourself out of your completely soaked jacket and throwing it on the floor.
"You just let me off the hook like that? I'd be pissed if I were you" You laugh humorlessly, "Yeah, I know you hold grudges" Crosshair comes over with a sigh and picks up your jacket from the floor. "Don't you have a hamper?" You laugh again. "Still such a neat freak? No, I don't, I don't spend too much time here" With another sigh, Crosshair lets the jacket fall to the floor again. "You're completely soaked," he notes. "It's raining," you say dryly. You're only wearing a tank top, which is also soaked, and a pair of shorts under your jacket. His fingers graze your shoulders, which immediately makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and sends a pleasant shiver down your spine. "Your skin is all chilled out, take off the rest of your wet clothes"
You laugh softly and say, "You just want to see me naked" He nods and admits, "That too, yes. But you're really chilled out." Crosshair watches you unabashedly as you take off the rest of your clothes, including your underwear, and finally stand naked in front of him. He takes a deep breath and finally says, "It's been a long time since I've seen anything so beautiful" The next moment your lips meet, they are as soft and warm as you remember them. The moment as you get closer, as his face approaches yours, is somehow a blur, as if it never happened, as if his lips had simply always been on yours. You help Crosshair out of his armor and blacks, the pieces flying carelessly to the floor on your way to bed. You roll through the sheets, hands and lips everywhere. If you're not mistaken, you can feel one of his hands shaking occasionally, but you're not really in a position to pay much attention to it at the moment. His fingers trail down your body, as do his lips, reaching for your body, pressing against you, naked and ravenous. Crosshair seems so greedy, almost desperate, as he caresses you, moaning under your every touch as if it's the first time anyone has touched him like this.
He's honest with you, direct. "It's been a long time since I've been able to relieve myself, I don't know how long I can last today" Your lips graze along his lower jaw and elicit an excited sigh. "You know that doesn't matter to me, being this intimate with you is enough for me" Crosshair rolls his eyes, but then says, "I know, but you also know that it matters to me that you get what you need. But right now... I just don't know how long this will last, and I need you now, your body, your closeness" You feel his hard cock twitch as it rests on your pubic area and open your thighs a little wider. "You're safe here, Crosshair, I love you. Come here, melt into me" The look he gives you is enough, he doesn't need to say the words back, the relief, the gratitude, the depth of affection in those otherwise serious eyes is worth a thousand words.
As he enters your body, his hard length stretching and filling your wet heat, you let out a deep, relieved sigh from your lungs. You've missed this feeling so much. It's strange, you feel much less arousal at the moment, more deep relief, a strange euphoria and affection. You smile rapturously as Crosshair climaxes, as expected, after a relatively short time and a few intense thrusts into your pussy. The sound that leaves his throat is both a moan and a whimper, it sounds relieved, surprised and in a strange way... desperate. Concerned, you gently stroke his bare back with your fingertips. He remains lying on top of you, most of his weight resting on his forearms, his head buried in the hollow between your head and shoulder. Then you feel it. A slight tremor goes through his upper body, especially through his shoulders, his breathing is heavy, irregular. A quiet sob, half smothered by your neck and the pillow. Holy shit, is all you can think right now. Crosshair has shown himself vulnerable to you before, in his, odd, often reluctant way, but this is new.
Silently, you draw gentle, soothing circles on his back while his tears wet your neck. There are no correct words now, you realize, this is something that needs to come out of him, uncommented. You don't know how much time has passed, maybe an hour or two. Crosshair is getting heavier on you. You don't want to bother him, don't want to push him away, but slowly you can barely breathe. "Cross," you say softly, a little breathlessly, "I can barely catch my breath" He straightens up with such a sudden jolt that you startle a little. "Sorry," he mumbles, hastily wipes his still tear-streaked face and starts to get dressed. His eyes are all red and swollen, you've never seen him like this before. Quietly, secretly, your heart breaks at the sight. You wish you could do something, but you know you can't force your care on him, that's not how Crosshair works. You have to offer him opportunities that he can take on his own terms and as he feels. "There's no need to apologize," you say gently. Crosshair sighs softly, "I know it's not particularly romantic to just leave after what we just did, but I need some fresh air, alone"
So he withdraws, again. Actually, you're not surprised. A relationship with Crosshair is sometimes a bit like a game of tug-of-war or patience. You stifle a sigh and continue to smile at him. "That's okay. You know where to find me whenever you need me." Crosshair sighs in relief, he didn't really expect you to make a scene. But the circumstances are a little different compared to normal, and basically he couldn't have blamed you if you'd been angry that he wanted to leave, he's aware of that. "Thank you," he says quietly, almost in a whisper, before opening the door and walking out into the rain. With a sigh, you go into the bathroom, clean yourself up and finally lie back in bed when there is a sudden knock at the door. "Who is it?" The door opens very slowly and Crosshair sticks his head in. "Cross?" you ask in surprise. "Yeah... I've changed my mind," he says a little uncertainly, entering the room and closing the door behind him again, "I don't think I want to be alone after all, I've been alone long enough, and I feel better with you."
Your eyes widen in surprise, but then you give him a warm smile. Crosshair clears his throat a little awkwardly and asks, "Would you mind if I stayed the night?" Your smile widens, and you say, "You know very well that you can stay here every night for all I care" A smirk twitches at the corner of his mouth. You reach out to him and Crosshair hurriedly takes off his gear, crawls under the covers and into your arms, wrapping his own arms around your body. With a deep sigh of relief, he leans his head against your chest and whispers so softly it's almost not even a whisper anymore, "I love you, don't let go of me" At the same volume, you whisper back, "Never" and feel him wrap his arms a little tighter around you.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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jedipoodoo · 4 months
The Other Woman (Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
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Notes: miscommunication Trope, Hunter is a Girl Dad™, single fatherhood is hot, how can you hate Omega?? Tbh this is kinda goofy lol.
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"Ah, kriff."
Hunter glanced at the glow of his comm and leaped off the couch, running around your house to grab his jacket and his shoes.
"Hunter?" you paused the holo film as he put his shoe on the wrong foot, and quickly had to change it.
"What's wrong?"
He glanced between you and the glow of the holo screen, with his hands held out as if to placate you.
"I am so sorry, I gotta go, my girl's expecting me."
You blinked once. Twice. Then there was a rushing in your ears as your entire world crumpled around you.
"Your...girl?" you asked, fists digging into the cushions of your couch. You had spent months flirting with Hunter, agonizing over whether of not he might like you back. When he asked you if you'd like a date, your heart soared to the moons and beyond. For reasons beyond you, you had invited him into your house, cooked him dinner, only to crash back down to the ground and find out he had someone else.
Hunter was completely oblivious to your sudden moral panic as he started talking about "his girl".
"She's brilliant, kinder than anyone I've ever met, and smart as a whip."
"Glad she's such a catch," You snapped, getting up and marching over to the door.
Hunter finally recognized the anger, radiating off you in waves.
"Is everything alright?"
You barked a humorless laugh.
"Is everything alright? You tell me, Mr. Dark-and-broody! Being in a relationship with multiple people at the same time may have been simple enough during the war, but not here! Not with me!"
His face fell.
"Oh right! I forgot, they didn't teach you any of that on Kamino." It was a particularly cruel barb, but you didn't care. You wanted Hunter to feel as utterly humiliated as you did right now.
"I... I don't understand..." Hunter mumbled, wringing his jacket in his hands.
"Let me spell it out for you then, Sergeant," You slammed the release on your front door and it hissed open, "Get out. Your girl may be okay with this, but I won't play second fiddle to anyone, not in this kind of relationship."
The only sound was the chittering of the sea crickets, a mournful melody that echoed the crestfallen look on Hunter's face. When he didn't move, you pointed him emphatically out the door. The moment he crossed the threshold, you shut and locked the door.
Then you collapsed into a ball and cried.
Did it amuse the force to play with your love life like this? You'd never had the courage to say yes to a date before. You were the kind of kid that got asked out only for it to turn out to be a joke.
Hunter was different. Hunter was supposed to be different. Everyone in the marketplace would talk him up all the time, from his heroics during the war, to the hard work he put in to help rebuild the island. You couldn't believe your good fortune at last when he asked you out.
Of course it was too good to be true.
You cried, curled up at the edge of the doorway until your spine began to protest. Even with all the energy drained out of you so furiously, you knew your bed would be a much more comfortable place to cry on. And there was still ice cream left in the fridge.
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You ended up sleeping in the next morning. You didn't mean to. You woke up with your alarm first, but every part of you was just so sore and you were so exhausted, you just had to close your eyes for a few minutes.
A few minutes turned into a few hours.
It was noon when you finally made it to your noodle stall in the Archium, right next to Pilate's ice cone stand.
"You're late," The older man chuckled good naturedly as you started a fresh batch of pasta, "Your gentleman friend was here early this morning, waiting for you."
You tried not to grimace at the mention of Hunter. Your eyes were still red, but a wide rimmed hat hid that fact from your neighbors.
"Is he still here?"
"No, he left about an hour ago, said something about meeting an Omega."
Ah, so that was her name. You dped the hot water into your drain, not caring that it splashed everywhere.
"Everything alright?" Pilate asked.
When you refused to elaborate, Pilate stopped pushing. It was lunch hour, so you soon had a line of customers stretching out around the Archium. You plastered on your customer service face and thanked all of them for their patronage, despite the anger that you held in your chest. It was shockingly easy to pretend you were perfectly fine when you had so many emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
For starting your day late, you were making a pretty decent profit. After the first couple of hours, business slowed down, but it would be just as busy during the dinner hour, and you had a few regulars that would pop in for an afternoon snack from time to time.
Lyanna Hazard was one such regular. She skipped up to your stall hand-in-hand with a new friend you hadn't met before.
"Hello girls! How can I help you today?" you asked.
"Four shrimp dumplings, please!" Lyanna placed her pocket money on the counter.
"Coming right up!" You ladled the dumplings from fry pit into two bowls, and set them in front of the girls. As you reached for the chopsticks so that they could eat, Lyanna's friend grabbed one with her bare hand
"It's hot!" she yelped, tossing the dumpling from one hand to the other in surprise.
Lyanna giggled, "That's why you use chopsticks, silly!"
Lyanna demonstrated, and her friend watched her, fascinated. With the dumpling balanced precariously on her chopsticks, she tentativelytook a tiny bite.
"Mmm!" she declared. She ravenously finished her dumplings while you laughed, rolling out pasta dough to make more dumplings.
"It's always a pleasure to see someone enjoy my food," You told her.
"It's amazing! My brother told me you were a good cook, but this is even better than I could've imagined!" she said.
"Oh really, who's your brother?"
She opened her mouth to answer, but the universe answered for her.
You couldn't help the glare that involuntarily tugged on your face when you heard his voice. You spotted the offender halfway across the Archium, looking around, but to your absolute horror, Lyanna's new friend began to wave him over.
"Over here, Hunter!" She called, one hand cupped around her mouth.
You saw his shoulders relax for a moment, and then tense up again. It was the same spooked, father-in-headlights look that he gave you last night when you kicked him out. You wanted to shrivel up and die.
Lyanna and Omega missed this completely, however, and kept waving at Hunter. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here, but he begrudgingly trudged across the marketplace to your stall.
"Heya kids," He said, not quite looking at you.
"Hunter, you gotta try the dumplings!" Omega said, showing him her empty bowl.
"I have," Hunter said. It was part of the meal you'd made for him the night before. You thought you saw him glance at you, but you couldn't be sure. You were determined to stay angry at him, but those gorgeous brown eyes of his were going to be the death of you.
"Well, I'll see you all around then."
You turned your back on them, going back to the filling for the dumplings. You heard Lyanna talking excitedly to Omega about a few more stalls where they could get more food, and when you heard their voices fade away you assumed that all three of them had left.
There were a few moments of blessed silence, but Hunter cleared his throat, and you jumped in surprise.
"I need to talk to you."
You glared at him.
"I have nothing to say to you." you snapped.
"Then don't say anything but just listen-"
"You're a glutton for punishment, aren't-"
"I don't have another partner!" He said quickly.
You blinked, surprised.
"Omega's my little sister. She's my girl. She's who I had to get back to that night." to prove it, he pulled up his comm, sliding it across the table towards you.
You stared at him, suspicious. But you looked at the screen anyway.
Omega: Hunter, when is your date done?
Hunter: we're finishing a movie, kid.
Omega: I can't fall asleep. And Wrecker doesn't sing the Purrgill song as good as you do :(
Hunter: I told you I'd be gone tonight. I'll come say goodnight when I get back.
Omega: :(
You sighed. Omega was very sweet, and you couldn't imagine trying to say no to her on a daily basis.
"I am... So sorry..." You couldn't look at him, sliding his comm back across the countertop.
Hunter said nothing, but placed a hand over yours, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. That should've been one of the first things I told you.
He sighed, "I guess... I'm just not used to sharing everything, especially with new people."
"You're not obligated to share everything with me, you have a right to your privacy."
"I've been a soldier my entire life, and now, I'm trying to figure out how to be anything but. I was talking with Phee and she gave me an earful about how if I'm trying to date or get close to someone, I gotta make my priorities clear."
Hunter looked over his shoulder at Omega. She and Lyanna were at Pilate's stall now, trying to see how many scoops of flavored ice they could stack in one bowl.
"Omega's a good kid, but she hasn't had much of an opportunity to be one. My brothers and I aren't exactly model parents, but we're trying our best to give her the life she deserves."
You nodded, "That's admirable of you."
If you felt humiliated last night, it was nothing compared to the embarrassment you felt now. You'd insulted Hunter when all he was trying to do was take care of his little sister, which, if you thought about it, made him even more attractive than the tattoo and the eyes already did.
"All this to say, your reaction is completely justified with the information you had, and if you're willing, I'd like to try again."
He held out a hand to you, "Let me take you out on a proper date, to make up for all this."
You felt heat rising in your cheeks, "I should be asking how I can make this up for you," You insisted.
"Nonsense, you cooked and cleaned and everything and I tried to cut it short. Let me sweep you off your feet."
You raised one eyebrow. That sounded almost nothing like what he'd usually say.
He winced, "Yeah, I realized it the moment I said it. Phee told me that's what I should do, though I have no idea how to."
You giggled, "That's okay, I'd like that, though."
Hunter's eyes went wide, and you could almost melt into the cobblestones. "That's a yes? You're saying yes?"
"Yes," You giggled some more, and stepped out of your stall to speak face to face.
"I'd love to be swept off my feet by you, so long as it means you forgive me for being a poodoo-head."
"You are not a poodoo-head." Hunter said, placing his hand on your cheek, "You're a brilliant person, and I'd like to get to know you much better than I do now."
You flushed, from his words or his touch, you weren't sure, but you didn't entirely mind it.
You coughed to clear your throat. "So, Mr. Hunter, when should I plan on you picking me up?"
Hunter glanced at your stall, and back to you, "How soon can you close up shop?"
You grinned. You might have gotten a late start, but he didn't need to know that. He could make up for it in his own way.
"For you, Hunter? Right away."
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Hello there! 👋🏽 If you don’t mind, I was wondering if I could make a request with Tech? With maybe a bookworm reader if that’s okay? I feel like it would be a cute dynamic! Thank you and have a good day! 🙏🙌
Tech x Reader
Summary- You and Tech have a moment alone on The Marauder. What better way to spend it than reading! Accompanied by Tech on his datapad, of course.
A/N- It's totally okay!!! I figured the best format for this kind of request was bullet point- but I am not very good at those. So, i compromised with this! Hope you enjoy, thanks for requesting!
Word Count- 990
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Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, and Echo had all left the ship to go look for some dinner. A job you all completed recently left you with some spending money. You figured everyone deserved a real meal for once.
It left you and Tech alone in The Marauder. You could have easily went to hang out at Cid's bar, but you couldn't stand to be around her. You hated the way she poked fun at Tech's goggles.
Only you were allowed to call him 'goggles.'
The thought only temporarily distracted you from your book. You quickly resumed reading, only to realize you had to restart the whole page. This time actually process what you're reading! You thought to yourself.
Grumbling, you squeezed your eyes shut and straightened up in your seat. You happened to take a spot in the co-pilots chair. Tech always sat in the pilots.
"Something the matter?" Tech asks, not looking up from his datapad.
It was sweet, that he noticed your small movements. "Just trying to focus, I lost my place." You finally found a comfortable position, situating your book back in your hands.
"It can help to fidget with one hand, to increase your chances of focus." He informed, per usual.
You smiled up at him, he glanced up from the pad when he felt your gaze on him. He flashed a very brief smile- more of a grin, it was all you needed though.
You listened to him rant about his findings on 'focus' for a few minutes, knowing anyone else would have shut him up by now. Him talking never bored you or made you uncomfortable, despite many others complaining.
"Thank you, Tech." You simply said, returning to your book. He seemed pleased enough and went back to tinkering on his datapad.
A newfound silence came over, you read your book in peace. The story of the thieves with powers fighting the government amused you. What amused you more was the fact you had personally been on more dangerous missions, yet the book still captured you.
It was nice to imagine yourself in their place, even when you wouldn't change what you have for the word.
You'd go on a million death defying missions if it meant you were with Tech.
While you typically could put down over 50 pages in an hour, Tech interrupted you again. Not with any other intentions than to please you.
"Yes?" You responded after he called your name.
He reached in a compartment to the left of the console. A place Tech used to store his latest experiments.
He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. It had swirls of color on the paper that wrapped it. He said nothing, just handed the rectangular item to you.
"For me?"
"That would be correct."
You tried to fight the corners of your mouth rising, but it was no use. Tech watched you violently, showing little expression.
You gently took the paper off, not wanting to make a mess of his careful work.
You slowly revealed it to be a new book, the fourth book in the series to the one you were just reading.
"Tech, I- I thought it was a limited edition! There was only a hundred made across the galaxy!" You looked in his deep brown eyes.
"Yes, it is." He confirmed.
"H-how did you get it!" You were baffled, the thought he put into your gift- and for no special occasion.
"It was not difficult. I was able to track all the shipping numbers to their respective planets, and when we had a mission on one- I located the book through its buyers." He said, nonchalantly. Like he didn't easily buy one of the most rare books you knew of.
"Why? Did I miss an anniversary?" You were slightly confused on why he gave you the gift. You hoped you weren't supposed to also have a gift prepared.
"Uh, no. You mentioned exactly 129 rotations ago that you wanted the book. I saw no problem in getting it." He remembered...
You were moved to small tears, now flowing down your cheeks.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes, Tech. Of course I am." You rose to your feet, throwing yourself on him in a big hug. He hugged you back. While he didn't completely understand your acclimation to physical affection- he didn't mind you doing as you pleased to him.
He gently patted your back, and you pulled away. "Thank you, i'm going to have to finish this book quickly now. I can't wait to read it..."
"You are welcome." He responded, you let him be and lifted yourself off of him. He grabbed his datapad and clicked away.
What you didn't know was that sometimes Tech would watch you read. In times like these, when you found yourself sitting or laying next to each other. You reading, him on his datapad.
He would study your face, taking in every expression. He would think about what you were reading- was it sad, happy, thrilling? Feelings were a trivial matter to him, but he was always thinking of ways to make you happy.
He loved it when you read, sometimes out loud to him. It was soothing to hear your voice when he worked on a project or was fixing a part on The Marauder.
The way you tapped your foot, or bounced your leg when you got to a complex part in a book. Or, when you were both laying down together and accidentally hit Tech in shock at a twist in the story. He loved every bit of it.
You turned back to your original book, now more determined than ever to finish it.
You did, however, catch Tech staring this time. You met his gaze, a wide smirk on your face. You couldn't help but giggle briefly. He gave you an odd look, but went back to his datapad. Just as you went back to your book.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Requests are about to be open, just one more to fulfill! As always, I am open to constructive criticism.
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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stellarbit · 28 days
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Word Count: 2.1k Pairing: None, platonic comfort Warnings: grieving the death of a pet, panic attacks, grief in general Summary: After the loss of your pet, you come to the Batch for distraction. a/n: Recently, I lost the center of my world and I'm devastated. This is a self indulgent attempt at comfort.
Grief threatened to crush your chest. Every breath was unnatural and hours of crying left your face raw. Hours that came from days of pain and fear - fear that the world was forever wrong.
Losing them tore you in half. Their death carved a hole in your life that consumed every thought of your future. A future you now constantly had to remember would never be the same.
In the immediate days following their passing, the world seemed an alien landscape without them. Hunger eventually drove you from the isolation of your quarters, but it was desperation for distraction that kept you from returning. That same desperation now found you at the skyport of Ord Mantel, standing silently at Tech’s feet while he worked under the ship.
No one had seen you in three days, but with your companion’s decline in health - it wasn’t a hard connection to make. Your extended absence made it so that the sight of you caught Echo off guard when he rounded the Marauder. Your sudden appearance nearly sent the spanner in his hand into orbit.
You remained silent as you stared down at Tech’s feet with a ghostlike appearance, not truly seeing. There was no life in your sunken stance - a stark contrast to your usual vibrant self. In lieu of calling out to you, Echo quietly approached.
Your lack of response was jarring. Normally, you wouldn’t have missed Echo’s presence, but your typical alertness was replaced by a hollow vacancy.
Then again, all other times you had a living shadow acting as an extension of you. It seemed that nearly a decade with this creature had made you dependent on their presence. They were woven into the very fabric of your day-to-day existence.
When he was only a few paces from you and you still hadn’t noticed him, Echo hesitated but broke the silence. 
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” His voice was low and cautious.
Against his expectations, Echo’s greeting didn’t jolt you. Instead, you gradually drifted your dead-eyed gaze to him with a flinch of a smile.
Echo’s greeting caught Tech’s attention. Finally noticing you, Tech ducked out from under his ship to find you looking back down at him. As he crouched his way out he said with pleasant surprise, “Oh, I did not notice you.”
Despite anticipating your next visit to be a solitary one, your unaccompanied presence unsettled Tech. The absence of your side kick felt was very off kilter and he'd not seen you quite this withdrawn before. 
You gestured to the Marauder, asking, “Need a hand?” Contrary to your haggard appearance, your voice was smooth as any other day.
From the bay door, Omega watched you hunch under the Marauder, settling into place as Tech and Echo left your side. As they stepped away, Tech shared a quiet look with Echo - it was worse than they had imagined.
Hunter appeared beside Omega, tracking your movements as Echo and Tech joined them. “How’s she doing?” Hunter asked as he assessed you from a distance.
“She seems to be holding up.” Echo sighed, turning to check on you again.
Tech’s hands squirmed at his sides. He wanted to scour his datapad and distract him from the discomfort of your company, but he remained present, albeit uncharacteristically quiet. “There is something off about her though.” Tech added in an unsure tone.
Omega shook her head in disagreement. “Of course she’s off.” Her eyes dropped momentarily, finding it painful to look at you for too long. “Seeing her alone is weird…” Glancing between her brothers, she shrugged a shoulder in your direction. “Imagine what it’s like for her, for years it was just the two of them. Now, she’s all alone.”
Determination worked its way through Omega the more she watched on. Watching you struggle stirred a deep desire to help. “We have to do something for her,” she announced, her voice firm with resolve.
Echo saw the cogs working in her head, saw the worried expression so similar to the ones sent his way. Having endured the void left by his core squadron, he understood the depths of loss and the scar it could leave. It was a scar he saw in your future.
“Omega,” Echo said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “There are some things we can’t help with.” Omega’s expression drooped, it hurt Echo to tell her and hurt her to hear. He struggled to find the right words to explain the rest. “This… what she’s going through… it-it’s something we can’t fully understand.”
Her expression hardened, determined once more. “But she shouldn’t have to go through it alone.”
Omega’s pure intentions warmed Echo. “You’re half right, Omega,” he responded softly. “While it’s true she shouldn’t be alone, this is something she ultimately has to face by herself.”
It was an experience solely singular to you. A pain only you could feel the full breadth of, but one your friends desperately wanted to share the burden of. 
“She should get off-world,” Omega suggested with a hopeful tone. “Be somewhere without memories.”
Hunter considered the idea for a moment. Seeing you work at half your normal pace discouraged further consideration. Gently, Hunter redirected the young girl, “That might be a tall order right now.”
Gently, Echo patted his sister’s shoulder. “Keeping her busy might be all we can do.”
Tech listened intently, his eyes never straying from you. His mind raced through a catalog of possible interventions, calculations and logic running their course. Ultimately, he concluded that there was nothing in his, or his squad’s, arsenal that could truly mend what had been broken. 
You’d lost an irreplaceable part of your life and were now alone in a way you hadn’t been in a long time - almost as long as Tech had been alive.  The magnitude of your loss was difficult for him to fully comprehend, as his attachments, though deep, were largely confined to his squad.
Tech recognized the stark contrast between how he and you approached the world. While he offered his expertise to strangers with a calculated detachment, you freely extended love and support, the kind that had been so generously bestowed upon you by your companion. 
He’d always wondered where that kindness was rooted. Now, the true source of your strength was painfully clear to him.
Without a word, Tech left his siblings to discuss their idea for helping you. He knew there was nothing he could say or do to remedy your loss, but he could at least make sure you weren’t physically alone.
Echo left to find Wrecker while Hunter and Omega headed back to Cid’s. They were all planning on sharing dinner with you. Even Cid, typically detached, showed her concern by agreeing to host the dinner, her gruff exterior softened by the situation.
So Tech watched you work, instructing you through the repairs and making a conscious effort to be more gentle than usual. You remained stoic, following his instructions with such precision that you might have been mistaken for a droid. Occasionally, Tech glanced at his datapad, instinctively seeking brief escapes from the heavy air that hung between you. While his intention was to support you, the task proved more challenging than he had expected.
Initially, the mechanical work seemed to distract you effectively. However, the relief was fleeting. As you delved deeper into the mechanics, your thoughts inevitably drifted back to your lost companion. The pain momentarily subsided was swiftly replaced by a resurgence of grief, disrupting your focus.
Your attention wavered enough that your wrench slipped and stripped the bolting you were adjusting. Panic took hold and you attempted to crank the bolt again, further stripping it.
Tech, noticing the commotion from a distance, set his datapad aside and approached to assess the situation. As he drew closer, he saw the growing panic in your actions; your hands shook so violently that the wrench couldn't find its mark.
Gently, he came up beside you, his movements deliberate and calm. Without a word, he took the tool from your quivering hands.
You hung your head low, collapsing onto your ass. Folding yourself into your hands, you murmured, “Sorry, Tech.” Your previously steady tone was now watery and broken.
“There is no need to apologize.” Tech said, lowering himself beside. He adjusted his goggles for a better look at the spot above you. “It is a minor fix.”
You didn’t - couldn’t - respond, only nodding. The mistake had thrown you right back into despair. The quaking in your hands took hold of your entire body. 
Watching you, knowing there was so little he could do, made him feel helpless. Tech diverted his eyes to the tool in hand. Feeling a profound helplessness, he gripped the tool tighter, his voice gentle as he ventured, “Is there anything I can do?”
Your response was a shake of the head, morphing into sobs that you barely managed to voice through.  “Can you bring them back?” The bite in your voice was discounted by a subsequent sob.
The idea had occurred to Tech. As a genetic replica of a man he didn’t even know, Tech could speak to the efficacy of cloning. Unfortunately, the idea was dimmed when it came to recreating the soul of your companion.
After all, it wasn’t the physical being you so loved, but their soul and their love. 
He’d seen the unique bond you shared. It was in the way they looked at you like you were their moon and stars, moved in perfect sync with you, and seemed to want nothing more than to see you smile.
They were, in every sense, irreplaceable 
Defeated, Tech could only confess, “I cannot.”
You already knew that, yet hearing it confirmed broke you again. You curled inward, your body shaking as sobs wracked through you. Suddenly, your head snapped up, a gasp slicing through the heavy air. “Oh, stars,” you choked out, the realization hitting you over and over.
Squeezing your eyes shut, tears fell down your face. In broken, sobbing words you said, “They were sick and I didn’t even realize. I waited too long”
Tech’s eyes widened slightly. “Do you blame yourself?”
A feral intensity flashed through you, and you whipped around to face Tech. “Of course I do!” you yelled;
Tech, unflinching, met your gaze steadily. “They were receiving treatment, you were—”
“They were getting worse and I didn’t catch it!” Your anger at yourself flared high. Shaking your head, a far off, horrified expression came over you as you slowly crumpled again. “I thought they were… oh stars.”
Discarding the tool, Tech slid closer to place a hand on your back. He lowered his voice, trying to anchor you back from the brink of despair. “You did what you thought was best based on what you knew.”
The hyperventilation calmed, but it left behind a vacant stare. “Then they deserved better than me,” you murmured, the guilt in your voice like a physical weight.
Tech’s response was immediate and resolute, “You cannot say that,” he countered. His voice carried a hint of urgency, not just to contradict but to correct a harmful thought. “They were cared for and you cherished them - that is what they deserved and exactly what you gave. Grief might cloud your view, but it doesn’t change the care you devoted to them.”
His grip firmed on your back and he insisted, “You cannot let your regret taint your love for them or their memory.”
You blinked at Tech, tears continuing to fall as you whispered. “Tech, there is a happiness I will never taste again.”
Tech resisted the urge to confirm that sad truth aloud, choosing instead to offer comfort through actions - a gesture he had learned from Omega. Rubbing circles on your back, he coaxed out another pained whine from you.
“I miss them so much,” you confessed, your voice breaking with each word.
“I know.” Tech hesitated for a moment, considering the breadth of your anguish. Slowly, he closed the gap between you, tucking his arm around you in a rare display of overt affection. “I believe they miss you too.”
There was no fixing this for you. There was nothing to stop your pain. He didn’t understand all of the complexities in your loss, there was no one who could, but he could remind you of a few things.
Of the flawed perspectives born in your grief. Of it not being your fault. Of the bond he’d witnessed. 
In hopes of calming your nervous system, he squeezed you a little tighter. “We may not understand every detail of what you’re feeling, but we’re here. We’ll stay with you, for as long as you need.”
taglist: @baddest-batchers @jetii @bruh-myguy-what
a/n: I love you, Seneca.
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queenariesofnarnia · 6 months
just like lula
wrecker x f!reader
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gif not mine!
wc: 660
warnings: none!
Ever since Wrecker has given Lula to Omega he has moments where he finds it impossible to be comforted. You hear him toss and turn some nights, and tonight was one of those nights. Tech just relieved you from your turn on watch duty bidding you a goodnight as you head to your bunk. Quietly walking past a sleeping Hunter and Echo you reach for Wrecker, gently placing a hand on his exposed arm.
“Wrecker are you alright?” you gently whisper to the large man. He turns around, eyes meeting yours in the dim light of the ship. You can see how tired he is mixed with sadness.
 Softly instructing him to scoot over before taking off your shoes placing them under the bunk. You sit next to him, maintaining eye contact with him. “Would you like to talk about it?” asking him as you rub his arm in a soothing way. He shakes his head, before turning to lay on his side gazing up at you.
“Could ya stay with me?” his voice soft as he asked hesitantly. You nod immediately, he gently hoists you over him. He knows you enjoy sleeping by the wall instead of the edge. “Would ya mind if we cuddle?” his question catches you off guard for a moment before you become elated.
“Yes Wreck of course we can” you smile at him crawling under the blanket with him. His arms wrap around your waist pulling you as close as he can, resting his head on top of yours. You rest your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as you enjoy his warm embrace. It lulls you to sleep along with his soft snores. Everyone wakes up before the two of you, each of them taking a moment to see how peaceful you are and snapping a few photos for the “family album” you created. Finally waking up because you have to use the bathroom your eyes meet with Hunter’s as you sit up. The smile on his face is soft yet mischievous.
“Sleep well?” He questions offering you a hand to pull you over Wrecker. You graciously accept, trying not to wake the cuddly giant.
“Great actually” your smile is small, but Hunter knows you mean it.
“Does that mean you’ll finally tell him?” he asks before you enter the fresher.
“Make me a caf and you’ll get your answer sarge” you shrug. Hunter snorts a laugh before softly nudging Wrecker to wake him. He's definitely making your caf because he wants that answer.
“She’s in the fresher” he informs Wrecker before walking away from the bunks. Once you were out the fresher, your mediocre caf was awaiting you in the hands of Hunter. You thank him trying to reach for it. “I want my answer sarad” he says puling the cup out of reach.
“I’ll tell him after my caf” you simply say before accepting the cup sitting in the co-pilot seat to have your routine morning chat with Tech. Wrecker calls for you from the bunks, so you excuse yourself. Letting Tech know you’ll come back later to continue chatting.
“Hey Wreck” your smile brighter since you’ve had your morning fix.
“I wanted to say thanks for staying with me last night. Ya didn’t have to” he says sheepishly.
“No need to thank me. I’ll gladly do it whenever you need a cuddle” you sit next to him thighs touching due to the closeness. A few moments of silence pass before he speaks again.
“You were able to calm me down. Just like Lula” he tells you this with a grin.
“I’m glad to be of service Wreck. I care about you” you take his large hand in yours giving it a squeeze. You get up placing a kiss on his cheek before going back to everyone leaving him stunned.
“She kissed me!” He yells for everyone to hear. You all laugh at his outburst, hearing Hunter mumble finally.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hi Vod'ika! I adore your writing. I've only just come across it recently, but I especially love your Crosshair & Echo stuff 🥰
If you're still taking requests, would you mind doing something along these lines? Totally okay if not, there's no obligation!
I'd love to see Crosshair with a crush or pining - but he doesn't really realise it. It takes his brothers pointing things out to him to make him aware. With a non-Jedi fem!reader pretty please (who of course reciprocates his feelings).
Bonus points for brothers and omega being good wing-siblings?
Extra bonus points for them to all be happy and healthy together living their best lives with an alive Tech?
Sending you all the love 💕
The Other Side
Summary: Crosshair doesn’t have a crush. He’s above such things. Unluckily, his brothers and kid sister don’t agree.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1035
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: I wrote this without being on coffee, after being very sick all weekend, so I hope it's not too bad. Happy reading~
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“You should ask her on a date!” Omega says cheerfully from where she’s sitting on a stone wall near where Crosshair is working on the speeder. This is normally Tech’s job, but Crosshair needed something to do with his hands, and Tech is on a date with Phee.
He sighs and pulls away to look at the petite blonde, “What are you talking about?”
Omega grins at him, “The pretty doctor. You should ask her out.”
Crosshair frowns, “No.”
“Oh, come on!” Omega hops off the wall and almost bounces over to Crosshair’s side, “You have a thing for her. We all see it.”
“You’re seeing things then,” Crosshair counters, “She’s a friend, no more and no less.”
She crosses her arms, “Well then, you won’t care that I invited her to dinner.”
“Does Hunter know that you’re harassing the Islands only Pediatric Surgeon?”
Omega opens her mouth to argue with him, only to pause when a soft laugh reaches their ears, “Well now, I can’t say that I’m feeling harassed. And I do prefer not having to cook.”
Crosshair’s gaze flickers towards the walkway in front of the house he shares with his siblings, and a small smile lifts his lips. “Lucky for you, then, that Wrecker loves cooking. And he always makes too much.”
“Too much food is never a problem,” She counters with a teasing smile as she steps around the fence and walks up to him and Omega, “I do appreciate the invite, Omega.”
For her part, Omega beams at the doctor, “I remember you mentioning that you spend most of your time alone, and thought you might appreciate it.”
“That is true,” she shrugs, “to all of it.”
Crosshair shoots her a look, “What’s wrong, Doc? No Boytoy for you to spend your time with?”
“Alas, I only have interest in one Boy and he doesn’t seem all that interested in being my toy.” She wanders to Crosshair and peers over his shoulder, “What are you working on?”
“You know speeders?” He asks with an arched brow.
“I know they’re supposed to go forward and back.” She counters with a grin.
Crosshair shakes his head and lightly taps the Doctor’s forehead, “You have that big brain and you never bothered to learn about speeders?”
“My big brain is dedicated to medicine.” She leans against his side, “So teach me.”
“Do I look like a teacher, kitten?”
“Mm. You don’t look anything like my university professors, no. They were much less good-looking.” She counters with a laugh.
Crosshair pauses and the only reason he doesn’t drop anything is from sheer stubbornness, “You’re impossible.”
“Maybe.” She shrugs again, “Come on, teach me.”
“I’m not teaching you how to take care of a speeder. This is Tech’s thing, not mine.”
A pout crosses her face and she drops her chin on his shoulder, “Please Crosshair?”
“How about I teach you how to shoot instead?”
Her pout becomes deeper, and then she grins, “Deal.”
“Oh thank kriff.”
“I heard that!”
“I’d be surprised if you didn’t, seeing as you’re using me as a chin rest.” Crosshair counters snarkily.
“You’re not a very good chin rest, you’re very bony.”
“So sorry for having a working skeletal system.”
“Apology accepted.” She pulls away and favors him with a bright smile, “I’m just going to head inside, is that alright?” She asks Crosshair, and Omega, who is watching with a growing grin on her face.
“We’re eating outside, actually.” Hunter calls from the porch, “Around back. Omega, come help me get things set up.”
“Oh, but—”
Hunter glances at Crosshair and then over to the Doctor, a small grin on his face, before he looks at Omega, “Now, Meg.”
“Oh, if you need any help—” Crosshair’s pretty Doctor starts, only to be cut off when Hunter waves her concerns away.
“You’re a guest. Crosshair, entertain her.”
“What am I, a clown?”
“You look like one.” Hunter counters, and then he dodges the filthy rag that Crosshair throws at him, “Be nice! We have company! You don’t want her thinking that you’re a violent criminal do you?”
“I hate you.”
“I’m okay with that. Come on, Meg.”
Crosshair rubs his face with a heavy sigh, “Right, so I’m supposed to entertain you until dinner starts.” He wishes the others were here…but he’s also glad that they’re not. After all, all of his brothers have been bugging him about asking her out for weeks now.
It’s beginning to become infuriating.
“I have an idea!”
“I’m not pulling out my rifle for you to learn how to use it.” Crosshair warns.
“That wasn’t what I was going to say,” She says brightly, as she moves so she’s standing in front of him.
“Alright, let’s hear it.”
She grins a bright expression that makes his heart skip a beat. And then she steps closer until she’s in his personal space. She raises on her toes and lightly brushes her lips against his, and then she takes a step back, a nervous smile on her face.
Crosshair blinks at her, twice.
She looks even more nervous, absently twisting her hair between her fingers.
He’s genuinely speechless. The sensation of her lips, soft and warm, pressing against his seems to be the only thing he can think of. And he can’t help but think that it wasn’t enough. That he wants more.
“...I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that—” She says as she averts her gaze, “It’s just…I thought that…” She trails off, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” Crosshair says, “Don’t apologize.” His hands move to cup her cheeks and he tilts her head so that she’s looking at him, “Do it again.”
She blinks, “What?”
“You heard me,”
“You don’t have to—” Crosshair cuts off her sentence with a heavy press of his lips against hers, and he presses himself against her as her arms come up to wrap around his neck.
Seems like his brothers were right about this whole thing, Crosshair thinks as he backs her up to sit on the hood of the speeder. He’s never going to tell them that, though. 
And then her tongue slides against his lips, and Crosshair can’t think of anything at all.
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starrylothcat · 8 months
Dawn of Us
Pairing: Crosshair x Gen!Reader
Summary: Crosshair feels bad about being cold to you and struggles with his ~feelings.
WC: 2100
Warnings: None. Kissing, fluff, some angst (c’mon, it’s Crosshair). Mentions of nightmares. Happy ending. TBB AU in which Crosshair is rescued and with his brothers.
A/N: This is based off of an ask from @banthasworld ! This took an incredibly embarassing amount of time, I am so sorry. It is based on the sunshine x grumpy trope, with Crosshair being…well Crosshair. Reader is always nice to him, and he struggles with that of course. Reader isn’t super described, since this is more from Crosshair’s point of view. But he sees reader as a ray of light, his sunshine, so it kind of works? ANYWAY, I hope you like!
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Crosshair furiously chewed his toothpick, watching with feigned disgust as your shoulders shook with mirth, laughing as you placed a delicate ring of flowers atop Wrecker’s head.
Omega let out a giggle, handing Echo a crown of flowers of his own.
Tech was already adorned with one, and Hunter was adjusting his flowers around his bandana.
Everyone had a smile on their face, and Crosshair couldn’t help but retreat to the back of The Marauder to clean his rifle, hoping it would distract him from the merriment happening in the cockpit.
Earlier that day, Tech guided the ship down on a grassy planet for re-supply. They had agreed to pick up a shipment for Shep to bring back to Pabu.
While you were waiting, you and Omega found a lovely patch of flowers not too far from the ship, the fields blooming with color.
You were reminded of your childhood, sitting in meadows and making flower crowns with your friends. You showed a wide-eyed Omega how to make one for herself, which in turn inspired her to make one for all of her brothers.
Crosshair had been back with his brothers for some time now, and while he had mostly gained their trust back and things were somewhat back to normal, he couldn’t help but still keep himself at arm's length.
Crosshair looked up from his rifle once more, connecting his narrow-eyed gaze with your bright eyes.
He felt his stomach flip, something that he noticed was happening more often, something that he was desperately trying to ignore.
You were there when they rescued Crosshair from the Empire’s grasp. You had been kind to him from the start, even knowing everything that he had done, at least whatever his brothers told you about him.
You were laughing now, Wrecker telling a story of a mission Crosshair didn’t remember. It must have been a mission they went on while he was gone.
Crosshair scowled, retreating even further into himself as he flung what was left of his toothpick to the ground.
He glowered at his Firepuncher, waiting to be distracted from the sound of your voice, the beautiful glimmer in your eyes, the sneaking thought of wishing he could make you laugh as joyously as Wrecker…
He snapped out of his thoughts when your shadow changed the lighting around him, realizing you were standing right in front of him.
“Here.” You smiled, holding out a flower crown to him. “This one’s for you.”
Crosshair frowned, not making a move to take it, looking back at his rifle. He couldn’t bear to make eye contact with you. His heart thudded, hoping you’d just walk away.
“Tell the kid thanks, but no thanks.” He muttered.
“Omega didn’t make this for you.” You paused for a moment.
“I did.”
Crosshair’s eyes snapped to yours. You made it for him?
You hesitantly placed the ring of flowers down next to him.
“You don’t have to be back here by yourself, you know.” Your voice was soft, a kindly cadence that Crosshair couldn’t get out of his head at night, no matter how much he tossed and turned.
Crosshair bit down on a fresh toothpick, glancing at the intricately made ring of flowers next to his thigh.
“Who says I want company?”
He knew he was being an asshole, but it was the only way to get you away from him.
Every second you were close to him, every time you glanced his way, brought him a cup of caf, or asked him how he was doing, it was making it harder and harder for him to not take your face in his hands and kiss you.
He wanted to hear your warm words in his ear, feel your lips on his, finally let his guard down for once, and bathe in your light that outshone his darkness.
He couldn’t, though. Why would you want him?
The severe and unyielding traitor who broke his family’s trust? Something he was still gaining back, and may never truly get back.
He was broken. You deserve someone better.
These were the intrusive thoughts that kept him away from you, the nagging voice in the back of his mind that he just couldn’t keep quiet, no matter how hard he tried.
“I can sit with you if you want.” You asked, still standing in front of him, a glimmer of hope in your eyes.
Ask them to sit with you, you idiot.
Crosshair huffed. “I want to be left alone.”
Why am I like this?
You bit your lip, nodding and turning away from him, respecting his space.
Crosshair’s eyes didn’t miss a thing, watching as your shoulders slumped in such a subtle way that you may have done it subconsciously.
You looked over your shoulder at him, your lips parting like you wanted to say something, but continued to walk to the front of the ship, where his brothers and Omega had started some sort of card game.
Crosshair furrowed his brows, trying to focus on cleaning his rifle again.
This was normalcy he thought he’d never have, and it was right in front of him, waiting for him.
And yet he was still choosing to be alone.
Guilt, something he had never really felt before he came back to his brothers, sat like a stone in his stomach. He felt bad for being cold to you. You didn’t deserve this.
He watched as you sat, overseeing the card game, a smile back on your face. You glanced at him quickly, before being dealt in.
✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼ ✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼ ✼ 
The Marauder was quiet, except for Wrecker’s soft snores reverberating on the durasteel walls.
Crosshair lay in his bunk, gently turning the crown of flowers in his hands, holding it above him.
It was made with extreme care, his fingers grazing against the delicate petals, observing how thoughtfully you crafted it, the vines and stems intertwining with one another without being broken.
Could that be him? Could he be entwined with something beautiful without breaking it?
Crosshair laid the flowers on his chest, slinging one arm over his eyes. He replayed earlier in the evening in his head, except this time, he invited you to sit with him.
You watch as he demonstrates how to take apart his rifle, explaining each part, and showing you how to put it back together. He imagined your face close to his, paying close attention, feeling your breath on the side of his face. Laughing at something he says, a cheery smile just because you’re near him…
A tidal wave of unfamiliar warmth engulfed him, a peculiar fuzziness spreading in his chest.
Crosshair held on to that feeling, this time not trying to push it away, letting it spread and take hold of his heart. The sensation was strange, but comforting. He fell asleep with the ghost of your lips on his, your soft hands embracing him.
✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼ ✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼ ✼ 
Crosshair awoke early the next morning, something he still did out of habit. He was a light sleeper, and ever since he decided to leave his brothers, his sleep was interrupted by nightmares from his choices, and what was done to him while he was captured.
This morning, though, he realized the usual terrors that plague his mind did not make a visit. Instead, his dreams were filled with you, with flowers, with feelings he could only describe as…peace?
Crosshair sat up, realizing he was still holding the crown of flowers from last night. His head was spinning with emotion, with the realization of how much you meant to him, how much he needed you.
Crosshair didn’t expect anything in return from you, especially after how he’s treated you. But at the very least, you deserved an apology and a thank you for the gift.
Everyone was still asleep, except for you. Your bunk was empty, made up neatly. You were an early riser too, Crosshair often catching you staring at the sunrise on Pabu down at the beach by yourself. He never joined you, assuming you wanted your space.
Crosshair knew you’d be right outside the ship, waiting for the sun to cast its glow over you.
Crosshair silently slipped out of the ship, the ramp cracked just enough for him to slip through without waking anyone else.
The sun was just beginning to rise, casting soft pink and orange glows over the dewy fields, the flowers still closed up for the night, waiting to wake with the rays of the sun.
Crosshair saw you sitting alone in a small clearing, staring toward the horizon.
Crosshair didn’t realize he was holding his breath as he approached you, his heart pounding in his chest.
He cleared his throat, not wanting to scare you.
You turned immediately, your eyes lighting up the second you realized it was him.
“Crosshair! I hope I didn’t wake you?”
Crosshair shook his head. “No, I was already awake.”
He stood awkwardly, not knowing if he should ask to sit with you or not. He wanted to give you the chance to tell him to buzz off, like he told you the night before.
“Would you like to join me?” You asked, your voice quiet, a hopeful spark in your eye.
Crosshair didn’t say anything, taking a seat next to you in the damp grass. The horizon was beginning to turn a kaleidoscope of color as the sun began peeking above the grass on the horizon.
There were a few moments of silence, and then you spoke.
“I’m sorry.” You said, your voice almost inaudible.
Crosshair’s head snapped toward you.
Why the hell were you apologizing to him? He was supposed to be apologizing to you!
“For what?” Crosshair’s brows were knit, wondering what the kriff you were trying to apologize for.
You fiddled with some of the grass under your fingers.
“I know I can be too much sometimes, when I know you just want to be left alone…” your voice trailed off.
“I’m sorry if I’ve been too pushy, especially last night. I realize I’m making you uncomfortable. I will back off.”
Crosshair’s heart sank to his feet. This is not how this was supposed to go. He felt even guiltier than before. You and your big heart, assuming it was all your fault.
Crosshair shook his head. “You’re wrong.”
You looked at him, confused.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Crosshair took a breath. “You don’t deserve how I’ve treated you. I…appreciate everything you do for me. I’m sorry I don’t return it. I have no excuse.”
Crosshair felt something on his hand. It was yours, barely touching his. Rays of sunlight were reflecting in the dew of the grass, spreading across the plains. Petals stirred, beginning to open toward the light.
“Crosshair…” You whispered his name, your fingers threading together. “I care about you, a lot.”
“I know.” Crosshair’s voice cracked, barely above a whisper. “I’m not a good man, you shouldn’t…
Here I go again, pushing them away.
Crosshair wanted to yell, to take you up in his arms, say how much he cares, how much he wants you, how much he needs you…
You must have seen the battle in his eyes, and your lips were on his cheek before he could continue.
Crosshair froze at first, his body going into overdrive of a million different emotions.
You’re kissing him? You’re touching him? Was this a dream, one that he has secretly wanted for so long?
Your lips were softer than any fantasy as they pressed softly, pulling away as quick as they were on him.
Crosshair’s body erupted in sensations he’d never experienced, goosebumps spreading throughout his body as you kissed him. As fast as it happened, you pulled away.
You quickly took your hand out of his, seeing as he wasn’t responding to your bold move.
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Quit apologizing.” Crosshair muttered before capturing your lips with his in a needy kiss, wrapping one arm around you to bring you close, cradling your head with the other.
Crosshair never, ever wanted to let go of this moment. Feeling your body relax against his, your own arms wrapping around him. He held onto you for dear life, wanting to say so much more, to keep apologizing, to warn you that his darkness may never be cured. Your lips didn’t stop moving together, expressing everything that words could not.
Finally, you both pulled away for a much needed breath, the sun’s rays now fully shining down on you.
“The flowers…” Crosshair uttered against your lips. “Thank you.”
You smiled, tucking your head against his chest as he held you. Momentarily, Crosshair forgot everything as you embraced. It was just you and him, and the hope of the new day, both of you bathed in its light.
Maybe, just maybe, it was time to let himself be cared for. Maybe, just maybe, things would be okay.
As long as he had you, he knew it would be.
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Ze Taglist:@crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501 @coraex @cw80831 @dangraccoon @mythical-illustrator @eternal-transcience @the-cantina @nahoney22 @moonlightwarriorqueen
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toska-writes · 7 months
“Where the stars can shine”
Summary: the fighting never stops, and it never will so it’s in everyone’s best interest to find the calm moments when you can.
Pairing: The Bad Batch x padawan!reader (OF COURSE THIS IS PLATONIC)
Warning: none just so much fluff!
Word count: 1261 (not proof read but what did you expect)
Notes: IM WATCHING THE NEW BAD BATCH SEASON AFTER THIS! So this is my way of manifesting everyone being alright to end the show 🥲
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The war never ended, nor would it for anyone who has endured it and its intensity.
One fight always rolled into another and nothing could be done to stop it. The only way to get through it was to find the little cracks in all the bad. The place where the sun could shine and the flowers could grow.
Or in this case, the stars could twinkle.
"This is already too high for me." Wrecker stated loudly hauling himself up the side of the Marauder.
Crosshair, who was currently under Wreck scoffed to himself before clambering up the side like it was nothing. "You never seem to have that problem when we're in the air." He quipped.
"Well I'm inside then." He whined finally being assisted by Hunter who had the small hands of Omega making sure he didn't fall.
You could only laugh at the scene, leaning back on Echo you could feel him laugh too.
"Who do you think's falling off first?" You ask with a smile that was masked by the moonlight.
"The real question is," Echo leaned forward, surprised a little bit that the top of the marauders could fit 5 fully grown clones plus omega and the Jedi padawan. "Who's going to be pushed off first."
You looked back towards him and in an instant you spoke the same word together. "Tech."
Speaking of the devil, Tech's voice rang out as you looked over to where he had an arm pointing something out beyond the horizon.
"-and if you look there you'll be able to see Endor"
Omega's eyes lit up brighter than they have been in the past few days, nothing seemed to be going right for that bad batch no matter how much they tried.
"Have you guys been there?" Omegas eyes scanned the rest of her family that sat gazing with her. The sky on this backwater planet was surprisingly clear, clearer than you thought it would be.
"Eh once or twice." Hunter shrugged it off with a smile as all that Omega could do was gawk up at her big brother.
"Thats an understatement." Crosshair added quietly from beside you. With a nudge to your shoulder he added. "That meat-head over there blew up more than half the forest and got us kicked out. For life."
"Hey!" Wrecker let go of his strong grip of the Marauder with one hand to wave it at the sniper.
Omega giggled giving you a glance as you could help but laugh at the exchange. "Have you?"
You could only smile at the found memories the question brought you. Landing with your Master on a planet you've never even heard of at that time. The trees the towered over you and the abundant shades of green that you didn't even know existed. The faint sound of your master laughing as you stared up from the base of the tall trees fathomed by the hight.
"Yeah I went once I think during the Clone Wars. It was beautiful there." You spoke, the smiles spread from Omegas face to Hunters as he watched you retell the fond memories.
"Well I also did kinda crash into a tree there but other than that the rest was beautiful." Echo hide his laugh behind you as you told the more embarrassing part of the trip.
"I think I did hear about that one." The ex arc trooper spoke out. You shoved him back slightly as your gaze returned to the stars above.
"Now if you all turn your gazes eastward you can spot the Orion constellation which should also mean the Canis Major is pretty close." Tech pointed upward now, his own eyes locked tightly on the stars.
"That one has the brightest star in the whole galaxy right?" Omega filled in, whether Tech wanted to continue himself or not he could only beam down at the girl, who clearly heard this from him before.'
You smiled also recounting when Tech probably told the group for the first time.
The bounty hunters came from nowhere that day, Omega gripped on the back of Echo's armor plate  with tears streaking down her face clearly scared.
Tech stood above you the, a data pad scanned over you as Hunter tried to apply some pressure to a wound you sustained on your side. Wrecker and Cross stood around the group, the sniper's gaze fixed on the darken horizon beyond.
Panicked breath sounded out and flown into the barren night, as much as you didn't want to scare Omega more you really could help it. You were scared yourself.
"Do you see that over there." Tech took your free arm in his hand and pointed up to the looming sky with it. "That really bright star?"
You were pulled back from your thoughts with the slightest nudge from Crosshair who spared you a glance, nobody else seemed to notice his movements
"I want to go to all of those planets one day." The words were light from Omega, a smile still evident in her voice.
"You'll definitely need to learn to fly then." You added shooting a look at Tech who finally spared a glance at someone else and was immersed in taking pictures of the different planets and constellations.
"If you can find another ship." Tech said mater-o-factly with a finger in the air.
"Aweeee Tech." Omega did the only thing she could think of, huge tooka eyes found Tech and with the pout of her bottom lip you could almost see the moment Tech cracked.
"More contemplation will be needed for that"
Though Omega wasn't disappointed for long as Crosshair whispered to her. "That's practically a yes."
Hunter laughed now shoving Crosshair back into a lying down position. He noted that his brother looked quite different without his armor, but it was a sight he could get used to.
Opening his mouth Tech was about to defend himself before a snore racked through the air. 
"Put someone else to sleep too Techy." Crosshair jabbed a finger at wrecker who still seemed to gripped the ship tightly.
You couldn't blame him though, and is wasn't just because of Tech talking, but you did insist the stars and planets were best to see in the late night. A yawn stifled through you, Echo wasn't the warmest person but the arms that wrapped around you from the clone seemed to do it.
"It's not even that late." Omega protested but her heavy eyelids seemed to contradict her own words.
"No no, we all can't fall asleep up here or it's going to be a pain getting down." Omega curled up into Hunters chest as he spoke. He slowly started to get up.
"One of us should get Wreck." Your own eyelids battled against you as you fought to sit up.
"On it." Crosshair was the last person who you thought would offer but as his leg extended you watched Wrecker rolled over the side.
His startled yell was masked by the thud of him hitting the soft grass below. 
"See it wasn't even that far." The skipper shrugged pushing himself over the edge and landing gracefully with even using the side to get down.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes at the brothers were up to their old antics.
The chill air was a good contrast to the heated days that came before, so much fighting it seemed that it would never end.
Moments like these would always be cherished, and surprisingly Tech wasn't the one to get pushed off the Marauder.
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
bad batch x artist (painter) reader?
I am SICK and have been traveling so please excuse any typos
He’s gonna think your so talented, whether you paint land scapes, abstract, flowers, people etc
And he’s absolutely going to fuel your painting
Whenever the batch are on a planet with a market, he’s gonna try and find new paints for you
Even some brushes too!
I Hc that as a cadet, Hunter would doodle in his free time, so he might get back into it whenever you paint
So, some times, whenever your painting, he’ll sit nearby and start to doodle. Just the two of you in comfortable silence as you each do your own thing
Like Hunter, he’s going to also look for paints and stuff to gift you whenever the batch are on a friendly planet
He’s gonna go for the truly expensive, nice stuff. I’m talking stuff made from diamonds or shells or something
I can see Echo sitting next to you as you paint. There’s something so relaxing about the movements the brush makes on a canvas
Keeps whatever you paint. Unless you want to sell it, in which case, he’s gonna help you do that. Make sure you aren’t underselling your work
“Echo, we need the credits” “not at that price. You worked on this for several rotations. It’s worth at least double.”
Fascinated by everything you paint and how you paint it.
He is amazed by every work of art, no matter the style or subject matter
Gonna ask you to paint him. If you do he’s keeping it forever. For years. It’ll be hung up on the Marauder.
He’ll also brag about you and your talent a lot.
“My Cyare? Most talented artist. You want to see their work? Of course I’ll show you!”
He might accidentally break a few of your paint brushes. They’re fragile to him and sometimes he forgets his own strength.
But don’t worry! He’ll find you nicer, stronger ones to use!
Working on stuff together? Working on stuff together.
He will want to work on his own projects while you paint. You guys just spend relaxed, quiet time together as you do your own things.
He honestly loves the sounds of you painting. The brush on canvas. Mixing paints. All of that.
He might try his hand at painting if you teach him. He knows he’ll never be as talented as you, but he’s a quick learner
Painting isn’t something he’ll particularly stick to though. He prefers his own projects, but he really enjoyed learning from you.
Not going to lie, he’s actually kind of interested in painting when he sees you paint for the first time.
He has the eye for detail, and the patience for it as well.
So, after a while of being together, he’ll sheepishly ask if he can paint with you too. Just to try it, of course!
Turns out you might have found him a new hobby he enjoys
Like his brothers, if he sees some quality paints or brushes, he’ll get them to gift them to you.
Sometimes he likes to play a little game and at the beginning of a new painting, he’s gonna try and guess what it is
He gets it right a lot of time, to be honest. Like I said, he has the eye for detail.
Omega (platonic obv)
Gonna want to paint
She wants to learn! And ends up really enjoying it!
I mean, her brothers s/o is a talented artist! She wants to do what you do!
And she loves it. Is super proud of her first painting. Your the first person she shows <3
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disastercyborgecho · 3 months
SOBB Week #3, Both Prompts
Prompt: "It's just a scratch,"
Prompt: "Forget I asked,"
Omega has not been living with the Bad Batch long, and is desperate to retain their approval and respect. She tries so hard to avoid acting like a child, especially when she is reminded of the things her brothers have endured.
[Hurt/Comfort, Comic then Text]
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Omega had sliced open her leg after tinkering with some parts Tech had left for her. It stung so bad that for a moment she had forgotten herself, and shouted for Echo's help as she stumbled down the hall where she knew he was.
Now she just felt sick.
She was no stranger to injury of course, after assisting Nala Se for so long, but she had never seen the extent of Echo's scars, of his cybernetics. She felt stupid. She felt like a child.
Only a baby would cry and call for help over such a silly injury. Especially when her brothers had made it through what they had without crying like children. She didn't deserve to act like this. She shut her eyes tight and hoped he had somehow missed her tripping into the bunk area of The Marauder.
Echo sighed and tugged his sleep shirt all the way over his head when he saw Omega frozen in the doorway, silhouetted by the glowing paths of stars from hyperspace. Blood was running down her leg and pooling onto the floor, and while the cuts were not anything serious, he imagined they must sting.
"Omega," He prompted again, and he knelt down to get eye level with her.
Her cheeks were burning pink and she looked away and shook her head.
"It's just a scratch," She repeated.
Echo took in her teary eyes, her clenched fists, and Hunter's shirt hanging loose off of her tiny shoulders. She was so little, but when she was cheering at a risky dive Tech pulled off or an explosion Wrecker set up, hollering with adrenaline right alongside her brothers, it was so easy to forget that she was just a child. That sometimes she needed to be a child.
None of the clones had ever really experienced that themselves, and for that single moment Echo was overwhelmed with a deep piercing desire to give Omega everything that he and his brothers would never get. His heart hurt knowing that she had already missed out on so much. That she already felt like she had to pretend in order to be loved by her brothers.
He wanted to gather her up in a hug and never let go, repeating over and over that it didn't matter how she acted. Her brothers would always be there for her. That she was allowed to be a child. That she was allowed to just be.
Echo wasn't sure she quite knew how.
"Let's get that cleaned up," he said instead. "It'll be alright,"
She gently took his hand and glanced up at him, the shadows framing her blood-shot eyes and snotty nose, and Echo could not breathe past the love he felt for his little sister. He squeezed her hand and they set off towards the cockpit where the medkit was kept.
"I'm proud of you, you know." He added.
I have feelings about this one, if y'all couldn't tell. :')
Hope you enjoyed! Thank you to @summer-of-bad-batch for putting together such a cool project, I can't wait to keep working on it!
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skellymom · 3 months
hiii can you do a story about after a long mission, Hunter and Fem reader are about to make out but Omega interrupts and just keeps asking about what they were doing
I’ve been dreaming of this thing for a long time
HI! Thanks for the ASK!!!
Sorry this one took awhile. Been working a LOT lately.
But, here it is! Hope you like!!!
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(Pinterest pic credit: Maulia)
Background: This is set after Tantiss when the remaining characters settle on Pabu. My headcannon is they take off for missions to help Rex and the Clone Rebellion. Omega stays with Auntie Phee who keeps her busy with treasure hunting and (mostly) out of danger. She gets to still be a child with fun adventures.
Word count: 1K
Warnings: Swearing, mention of male erection, implied inevitable sexual activity
“Movies over. Time for bed, Omega!” Hunter promptly popped up off the sofa, nudging her to get up. 
“Aww...I’m not tired. Can we watch a couple holoshorts? THEN I’ll go to bed.” 
“Nope, off you go.” Finally dislodging her off the edge. “Brush your teeth first.” 
“Jeez...why are you in a hurry???”  
I couldn’t help but giggle at her persistence and sass. Little smarty pants. She suspected something was up. Usually, Hunter would let her linger a bit longer after the show was over. 
Hunter and I have been seeing each other in-between missions. Him with Clone Force 99 and me with my little band of Rebel Cell “Missfits” (an unruly group of women from planets all over the galaxy). Usually, our squads worked separately and had never heard of each other until meeting on a mission planned by Rex. 
He and I hit it off right away. 
From then on, we conveniently kept running into their squad. Even when we didn’t necessarily need help. And at times when we DEFINITELY needed it. They saved our asses on quite a few missions.  
The Missfits never forgot CF99’s generosity. We saved their cute butts too. After all, we support our allies. 
Eventually I just came out and confronted Hunter. And in front of both squads. Sometimes a woman’s gotta put a man in the hot seat to see what he says. 
“Hmm...we meet AGAIN! Are YOU keeping tabs on us?” Stated it loudly while staring him down...giving my devil may care expression. 
Hunter tried to hide his amazement at my bold statement. Keeping a neutral expression. He really did. But I could see the small barely perceptible grin at the corners of his sweet mouth. 
Kriff, I like to watch him lose his composure! Letting go of the control he tries so hard to keep in check... 
Wrecker couldn’t contain himself, slapping his brother’s shoulder HARD. “He’s keeping tabs on YOU! MAHAAA!!!” 
Hunter turned three shades of red while OUR entire squad erupted in wolf whistles and cat calls. The ladies COULDN’T let THAT go without making a big deal out of it. 
Of course, Wrecker’s statement was partially true. It was no secret he, Echo and Crosshair had a thing for the ladies in our squad. 
Then things got sticky with The Empire and we had to lay low for a while. Being seen together in the same place at the same time proved too risky. Our squads parted for quite a few months. We missed our men. They missed their women. 
But I digress. Back to Movie Night... 
Little Miss Omega really had our number. She glanced from Hunter to me.  
Surely, she suspected SOMETHING, just unsure of WHAT. 
“Goodnight kiddo. We’ll plan to do something fun and stay up later another night. With or without your brother.” I reached out with my foot and playfully kicked Hunter’s leg. 
He’s giving me that hungry look he gets when I’m sassy and physical with him... 
Omega smirked “Goodnight Y/N.” 
Then off she went to brush her teefies. 
Hunter settled back on the sofa, slid up close, arm up on the back of the couch around me. He expertly turned off the lamp on the table behind us. Smooth. 
We stared deeply into each other’s eyes in the semidarkness of the holoprojector. 
“Missed you. All I thought about for months.” His smoky voice so low. So deep. So...sexy. 
“Mmm...did ya now...” 
Maker, he’s so beautiful and sweet it makes my heart ache. Gonna tear him up tonight...quietly of course...we don’t want to wake up... 
“OMEGA! Go back to bed.” Hunter, doing his best to NOT sound annoyed. Didn’t even move from his position on the sofa. Still gazing in my eyes. 
The tiny, barely perceptible shadow in the hallway turns and scurries back to bed. 
“Damn Hunter. You’ve got kid radar.” 
“Not the only thing I’ve got.” He sensually runs his hands up my arms, shoulders, neck, caresses the sides of my face... 
...we close the gap between each other. Gently touching noses, foreheads. My arms slide up his stomach, chest...finally gripping his strong shoulders...and just as our lips meet... 
“HOLY KRIFF!” I just ‘bout lept off the sofa!!! 
Omega stood 5 ft in front of us...watching... 
“Hunter...did YOU teach her to be THAT quiet???” 
“What did I TELL YOU?!” He’s trying to be patient. Trying REALLY hard. 
“I’m thirsty...” Her expression is uncertain. She’s a good kid and certainly not trying to be disobedient. 
“You know where the sink is.” He’s the kind of guy who would get the water for her.  
But he CAN’T right now. I can feel his hardness against my thigh. Hunter shoots me an uneasy expression.  
He anticipates she’ll ask to be tucked into bed next...and he CANNOT support that action right now. 
I quietly giggle. 
He slowly shakes his head at me. 
Omega bounces into the kitchen and we can hear the sink running. 
The tap turns off. 
Sounds of a tiny person drinking. 
The rest of the water gets dumped into the sink.  
Clink of the glass being set on the counter. 
She’s quickly back in front of us. 
He inhales with the anticipation of her request. 
I’m watching all of this with bated breath...ready to bust out laughing. It’s NEVER a dull moment in The Batch household. 
“Will you tuck me...?” 
“OMEGA!” She jumps out of her skin. 
Echo emerges from the darkened hallway. A serious expression on his face, and a contrast to the #1 MOM t-shirt he’s wearing with his sweatpants. 
“Leave them alone and come to bed.” His expression softens. NOBODY can stay mad at Omega. 
“But...” She’s stalling. 
“Now, young lady.” Echo raises an eyebrow and holds his hand out to her. 
Omega glances back to Hunter. 
“Go on with Echo. We’ll talk more tomorrow. I know you have questions.” 
She nods and takes Echo’s hand. Before they disappear down the hall, Echo glances over his shoulder and winks at us. 
Hunter and I wait... 
The door to Echo’s room closes. Clearly, he’s running interference for us tonight. Providing privacy. Otherwise, Omega will keep sneaking out. 
Waiting a minute more...Hunter cocks his head like a dog...listening... 
While reaching over and pressing a button on the holo-remote. Slow, sensuous Jizz music starts to play. 
Then that handsome man turns back to me with an intensity in his eyes that makes my whole-body ache.  
“Now...where were we?” 
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(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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zoeykallus · 6 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well! Idk if your asks are open but in case they're, I'll leave my request here:
So recently I started crocheting again and I'm making a nice cozy blanket for my bf. Could you maybe do the Bad Batch (separately) + Mayday, if you can and want, reaction to their s/o knitting/crocheting and then gifting them something? (Could be a blanket, a scarf, whatever you like)
I hope you can do this request, I've always loved crocheting but I've been overwhelmed by work since the pandemic and I've noticed it took a toll on me lol. Byee!!
I was totally sure I did something like this before, and browsed through the (what feels like thousands) works of mine. Just to find out it was a seamstress thing, not crocheting, lol
Now crocheting is of course a different kind of thing, but let's see... I know I'm so late with this request! Sorry!
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Crocheted With Love
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Warnings: None FLUFF
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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He is fascinated by the calmness that emanates from you when you crochet something. Hunter admires your dexterity. Sometimes he sits down with you, leans back and watches you, relaxing completely. You chat gently about trivial things, enjoying the serenity of each other's presence. You have crocheted him a scarf out of very fine, thin wool, which he practically always wears. You have to wash and mend it quite often, the garment has to withstand a lot. But he loves this scarf, he would never give it up. Even if Crosshair teases him about it. The Sniper sneers, "Are we wearing new accessories now? Where's your matching purse?" Hunter chuckles calmly, "You're just jealous"
He watches, admiring how patterns slowly form from what you do, shapes. Time flies by, he doesn't even realize how long he's been sitting there until Tech impatiently calls out to him. Startled, Echo jumps up. "I'm coming!" You grin and look after him, naturally enjoying every bit of his attention, even if he's just watching you silently, fascinated. When he discovers the pretty woolen blanket you crocheted for him in his bunk that evening, he beams all over his face. "You made this for me?" "Of course," you say with a big smile. And of course, he snuggles up in his bunk with you to break in the new blanket.
As Omega has his Lula most of the time, you have crocheted a new one for Wrecker, as true to detail as possible. You don't want him to miss his old Lula. His eyes are almost overflowing with joy. "My own Lula? Just for me?" You beam at him happily and nod. "Just for you, big guy" Wrecker laughs and looks at your gift with a heart swelling with affection. Crosshair, who is just coming into the room, asks, "What new toy have you discovered?" Wrecker happily presses the new Lula into his face. "Look what I got as a present! Look at it! Look! Look!" Wrecker rumbles amusedly, pressing the cuddly toy into the Sniper's face again and again. Crosshair rolls his eyes and tries to dodge. "You're amazed, aren't you?" rumbles Wrecker cheerfully, "Jealous?" Crosshair grumbles sarcastically, "Very"
Everything that is new and that he doesn't know or hasn't learned yet fascinates him. Tech watches you for a while and then tries it out for himself. His dexterous fingers and alert mind quickly get the hang of it. It becomes a shared hobby that you practice together in quiet hours, sometimes you talk, sometimes you just enjoy each other's presence in silence, smiling at each other from time to time. Tech is always happy to receive any gift, but especially those made with care and love. He uses every blanket, every scarf and everything else you crochet for him only too gladly and with pride. He has someone by his side who cares about him, and these little gifts show that clearly for all to see. Tech really enjoys that.
Don't be fooled by his critical look, you should know by now that he almost always looks like this. His eyes follow the movements of your fingers with interest. Maybe he'll ask you a question or two about where you learned to do this, for example. However, he doesn't like to share your attention, not even with objects, so he may try to distract you from time to time because he wants you to engage with him. Sometimes he's a bit like a child who needs your attention. But in quiet moments he will sit with you, let you lean against him and watch you calmly. You know he's not the type for blankets, cuddly toys or scarves. So you've crocheted him the CF99 emblem with his name on it using the finest wool. As he accepts the gift, he looks at you questioningly and a little surprised. " I want you to always carry something of mine with you," you say gently. A smile twitches at the corners of his mouth as he tucks it under his armor. Since that day, he always carries the emblem with him, no matter where he goes.
The moments you can enjoy in peace, you often have your legs tangled together while you crochet, covered with several of your homemade blankets, snuggled up together. Barton IV is a damn cold planet. Mayday likes to watch you and chat with you while you crochet. He is happy about every gift, scarves, gloves, hats, sweaters, because as I said before, it's damn cold on Barton IV and the Empire doesn't take very good care of its clones. His brothers also enjoy the little gifts you give them. You feel so sorry for the men who have to freeze so much at work every day. Mayday's heart is always beating faster when you crochet something new for him or his men. "You have far too soft a heart," he says gently. You smile and say, "Only because you keep it so nice and warm every day"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
Recently had a LOTR/The Hobbit marathon with the siblings so have TBB watching LOTR/The Hobbit headcanons:
Once or twice a year they'll sit down and have these marathons - usually while also eating a big Hobbit-styled meal
First started with Echo wanting to show Omega the movies and while they were watching them together, the rest of the Batch came to sit and watch too
Crosshair at first was like "Tch. Nerds, you like this shit?" and then Aragorn popped onto the screen and suddenly Crosshair was very invested (in the plot, of course)
Wrecker enjoys it for the action and thinks the Elves are cool while Hunter watches it because they all watch it and he doesn't want to be left out (he has no idea what's going on but Tech keeps him informed and updated)
Crosshair has a crush on Aragorn while Wrecker has a crush on Lady Arwen
Hunter attempted to bleach his hair ONCE because Legolas inspired him (it did not go well)
Crosshair took up archery because of Legolas and is very good at it
Tech: "Did you know in this scene, Viggo-"
Omega always quotes the "I am no man" scene before immediately attacking the nearest brother to her with a pillow
Hunter will also quote the war speeches Theoden and Aragorn give before riding out into battle and only Omega and Wrecker find it entertaining (they'll scream "DEAAATHH!!" after him)
Echo and Tech are the only ones who've read the books (Omega is in the process but it's a struggle)
Crosshair totally does not get emotional over Faramir and Boromir - oh no definitely no he doesn't cry when Faramir asks his dad if he'd rather he died over Boromir
Actually they are all emotional over Boromir's death
Also for that matter, Crosshair totally does not get super emotional over Samwise and how utterly loyal he is to Frodo - nope definitely not!
They play "take a shot every time Pippin fucks up something" while watching
Every time there's an Orc on the screen they'll point at each other and go "That's you." or "Wow, I can't believe you're in this movie too."
Y'know that scene in Helm's Deep when Aragorn comes through the door?? Yeah. Crosshair nearly fainted.
Gollum freaks Wrecker the fuck out and Crosshair revels in this fact because he can do the voice
When Omega saw the Hobbit for the first time she was so upset about Killi dying that she didn't talk to Tech and Echo for a few days because she was like, "Why would you make me watch this?? >:'( That was so sad!!"
for that matter Wrecker was also crying when Killi died and then Bilbo's reaction to Thorin's death had all of them crying/tearing up
Crosshair hates watching the Hobbit because everyone always brings up how much him and Bilbo are alike (in terms of sass)
Though that one scene in BotFA where Bilbo is showing Thorin the acorn and talking about planting it, the first time Crosshair saw that and saw how Thorin was looking at Bilbo the man fucking melted and now holds all potential partners to that standard (and to Aragorn)
Tech: "Well, now that we've finished watching the entire series, who wants to watch the extended cut?" - "THERE'S MORE!?!"
Feel free to add on!
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