disastercyborgecho · 2 hours
Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley is autistic send post
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disastercyborgecho · 12 hours
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not the same anymore, but thats fine
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disastercyborgecho · 4 days
"The name's Gambit, mon ami. Remember it."
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Remy LeBeau I would die for you (we all say in unison).
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disastercyborgecho · 6 days
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disastercyborgecho · 8 days
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Summer of Bad Batch 2024: OVERACHIEVERS
These individuals went above and beyond the 13 prompt goal and filled 26+ prompts before the event’s end 🥳
This post is to celebrate our Overachievers! Make sure to check out this master lists to see all their great fills 👀
Congratulations, Overachievers! And thank you for being a vital part of Summer of Bad Batch 2024. It would not have been the same without you 🥰
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☀️@neyswxrld (Master List)
☀️@just-here-with-my-thoughts (Master List)
☀️@gun-roswell (Master List)
☀️@fanfoolishness (Master List)
☀️@locitapurplepink (Master List)
☀️@waywardsou2 (Master List)
☀️@disastercyborgecho (Master List)
☀️@kybercrystals94 (Master List)
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disastercyborgecho · 8 days
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once again pushing my trans remy agenda
@transremylebeau this is for u specifically actually cause i think about your username all the time <3
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disastercyborgecho · 8 days
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obsessed with them actually
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disastercyborgecho · 8 days
Penguins of Madagascar but make it Clone Force 99
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I like to think this was a mission during the Clone Wars, and a reason that one of their many plans exist
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disastercyborgecho · 9 days
i just think he deserves to be pretty actually
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@waywardsou2 pspsps 'member when we yapped about this
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disastercyborgecho · 11 days
Logan trying to bond with Jubilee over breakfast
Morph told him to say this I think
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disastercyborgecho · 11 days
We Should all Burn Together
634 words
Warnings: angst! swearing!
Crosshair stood watching the flames as they died down into ash, the wreckage of the Marauder sinking into the ocean. Wrecker was in recovery. Crosshair had watched his shallow breaths for some time, eyes glazed over with a bone deep fatigue, before excusing himself. Hunter remained at his bedside. 
The night felt endless. Darkness moved around him like an organic being, stalked him. Bits of ash floated around him, settling on his armor, sliding off. Fire, reflecting in his eyes, danced orange and yellow. Crosshair shivered.
The shot. What made him think he was going to make it in the first place? By now, he'd realized his shooting hand was worthless. Omega had trusted him, and instead, he had watched, helpless as she was loaded up, taken. 
He wished that Hunter had berated him, cursed him for his error, but he hadn't. His silence was much worse. Crosshair could read between the lines of silence. He had known Hunter all his life, knew what dark thoughts must be churning behind his eyes. The shake began slowly, and Crosshair clamped his left hand down on his right. Fucking hand. 
Turning slowly from the scene, he walked. The further he got from the wreckage and the docks, the quieter it became. The darkness stretched out over the ocean, smoke and fire at his back. Waves moved in and out with no moonlight to show their existence. 
He walked until he couldn't see the light from the docks. The ocean surged gently, the sound quiet, peaceful. 
Crosshair held his shaking hand close, cursed it. He wished he could tear it off, be rid of it. 
Loneliness was his companion tonight, and he leaned into it. He thought of their ship and then of their pilot. Tech's face, behind his large goggles came to mind. Gone, like the Marauder. Crosshair closed his eyes, swallowing painfully around the lump that had formed. 
He didn't see the dark shape that appeared at his side until Hunter spoke.
"You should get some sleep, Cross," Hunter's voice was impossibly gentle. 
Crosshair made a dismissive snort. "I'm fine."
"Sure you are." Hunter took his arm, and Crosshair looked at him. The tattooed half of his face was barely visible, but his eyes shone in the dark. Tired eyes, Crosshair thought. 
"Why aren't you asleep?" 
"Can't sleep." Not until I know everyone's safe, went unsaid. Hunter, their ever vigilant leader. Crosshair sighed. 
"Wrecker...?" Crosshair asked, glancing back up the beach.
"He'll be fine. You need sleep."
Crosshair looked at the arm still linked with his, heard the care in his words, and tears came. He didn't deserve care. He didn't. With a shaking hand, he wiped his face. 
"Hunter, I have a plan. Tomorrow..." his voice shook. "Tomorrow, I'm contacting Rampart. He..he can get me into Tantiss." 
"What do you mean...alone?" Hunter's eyes were wide, his hand a vice on Crosshair's arm. 
"Like FUCK you're going alone." Hunter's voice was loud enough that Crosshair jumped, startled out of his thoughts. "We're waiting until Wreck is up and then we'll do it. TOGETHER." 
Crosshair stared at Hunter, mouth attempting to form words, failing. 
He could tell the time by the way the sky over the water had just started to lighten. They'd been up all night. He knew he wouldn't argue with Hunter, not here. He wanted Hunter to sleep. 
He allowed Hunter to lead him back the way they'd come. The fires that still burned reflected off the wet sand as they walked. Fumes and smoke from the burnt engine parts swirled around them, and they coughed, wiping their eyes. 
Together, they watched as more and more of their ship disappeared into the sea, Hunter leaning on Crosshair just as much, and they turned their backs on the wreckage as one.
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disastercyborgecho · 13 days
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some clones in casual clothes in an au where everyone lives and gets to have rights. ♡
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disastercyborgecho · 13 days
"Why'd the soldier run into the demo site before it went down?"
Soap sighed, throwing a long suffering glance to his Lieutenant. He shifted his grip on his rifle. He could pretend he didn't hear the man but... either morbid curiosity or masochism won out. He wasn't sure which. "Why?"
"To C-4 himself."
"As if you'd stop if I said 'no'." Years of practice kept a smile off his face. In all the time Soap had known Ghost, the man's sense of humor had remained steadfastly terrible.
Their unit advanced. Ghost and Soap were in the lead, spread far enough to need comms to talk, but close enough to signal one another if need be. Their men fanned out behind them.
"You hear 'bout the microwave incident on base?" Ghost's voice had taken on an ethereal quality.
Glancing over again, Soap spared a moment to admire the other man's silhouette against the muted orange glow filtering through the trees. He deftly stepped over branches and around trees. Rifle at the ready. Always ready.
Soap had missed this. Missed him. Missed them.
Soap hadn't blown up a microwave for fun in much too long. He hadn't had time, too desperate to fix things. Things were fixed. He'd need to change that when they got back. "Go on."
"Lost two kernels in a popcorn explosion."
"Tragic. Your jokes are painful, Lt."
"I'm just warming up."
Good. "That's a worrying statement."
"'Fraid of a good time, Johnny?"
"Afraid your jokes'll be the death of me."
"You could only hope so."
Trees and branches created illusory enemies as the trudged through the wood, but their trained eyes and steel nerves kept their small platoon from panicking. Sure-footed, they kept searching.
Soap offered one of his own. "What do you call an officer who spends too much time at the head?"
"A loo-tenant."
"Not bad." A pause, Soap had just begun to soak in the praise when Ghost continued. "Not good either."
"Fucker. Yours're no better."
"I'm much better."
You are. "Keep telling yourself that."
"Why's there no winning a war with zombies?"
"Ghost." Soap's warning fired off nearly unbidden. He didn't like where this joke was headed. Behind him he heard one of his men misstep, a twig snapping. Perhaps the cause of his warning had been mistaken.
"Cause it's dead even."
"No. Too topical, Ghost. Don't like that one."
Minute crackling from the shouldering world around them filled the uncomfortable silence that followed his outburst.
"Lighten up, Johnny." Easy for him to say.
"I'll try, Sir."
"Heard the Navy is the most religious military branch. 'Parently they love a good warship."
Why did they have to use comms? Why did they have to keep that thing around?
The Sergeant was a freak, but at least he was still human. Still alive.
"Hnnnnnnggggrrrrrrraaaaahh." The fucking monster that had once been their Lieutenant moaned, scratchy and split. It traveled through the smoke unnaturally, fraying the nerves of the men it led.
"Go on."
"Rrrrrah arrrrrrrrnnnnnn."
"Tragic. Your jokes are painful, Lt."
It still moved like a man, from a distance you'd never know.
But the sounds. Why did they keep it? It was one of them.
"Eyuhm. Mruuuuaaammm."
"That's a worrying statement."
Why the hell did the fucking thing moan into comms? Why did the Sergeant respond like it was talking? Why did they all have to pretend they weren't being led to their deaths by a fucking Zombie and a mutant who'd lost his mind?
"No. Too topical, Ghost. Don't like that one."
MacTavish's snap quieted the monster for a moment. Holy shit he could breath again.
"Ahhmff. Ohnneeee."
"I'll try, Sir."
The beast began to moan again, it floated back to them, broken bloodied nails against his nerves. It crackled through their comms. It was destroying him. "I can't fucking take this anymore!"
Both freaks rounded on him. He leveled his gun at the former Lieutenant.
"Corporal Evans, what the fuck?" Sergeant MacTavish snarled. Green eyes mutely glowing.
"That fucking thing keeps moaning. He's dead, he's one of them! Why are we pretending he isn't?"
The Sergeant was moving before Evans could even blink. Evans fired off a shot but it went wide, nowhere near his target, as the Sergeant laid hands on him.
Green smoke emanated from the mutant, eyes glowing fiercely as he threw Evans into a tree and held him there. Pain in his collar bone and a loud crack told him it had been broken.
The Sergeant barked something at him, but his ears were ringing too loudly and his mind was clouded. He must've hit his head against the tree.
"Heard a shot, boys. Report."
"Evans lost his damn mind and took a shot at Ghost." Soap spat. He was ready to rip the Corporal limb from limb, the traitor would deserve it.
"He hit?"
A hand landed on his shoulder. A bloodied skeleton print glove, missing the ring finger and revealing grayed flesh and blood caked under the nail.
Toxic green met milky white. Ghost's eyes still conveyed such intense emotions. He was worried about the shot and yelling giving away their position. He was feigning indifference to being targeted. He was angry about Soap losing his head.
"Ohnee. Rauhghh."  Ghost's voice echoed within Soaps mind as well. 'Johnny. Cool it.'
"Ghost's fine. Shot missed."
Soap rolled his eyes and dutifully translated for the others. "Apparently I just broke Evans's collar bone."
Price grunted before ordering. "Right. Bring him back in one piece, he'll be dealt with later."
Two of the others had stepped up. Zip-cuffs and duct tape in hand. There'd be no more outbursts from Evans, then.
"He probably got heated because you're not translating for us, Soap. I'm missin' his comedy gold." Gaz piped up.
Ghosts exposed mouth was one of the benefits to his condition, he refused to use a different mask since the incident. His slack, broken jaw didn't stop him from smiling.
"Hnnh hnnhh huaaaaaarrrrrnnnnnghuhh."
Soap closed his eyes and centered himself. Things had been so touch and go for so long. Theyd kept Ghost caged because they didn't know they could still trust him. No one could hear him. When The Director had offered to change that, in exchange for Soap participating in a few experiments, he'd jumped on it. Hearing the man in his own mind now, he could never regret it. Even if the damn respirator on his face could never be removed.
" 'Picasso used to drive a tank. Was known for art-illery.' Sure you want me to keep translating?"
"Terrible, Sir."
"Fucking hell, Simon, that was bad."
A few of the men around them laughed or chuckled. None would look either officer in the eye though.
"I was trying to save you all." Soap said before taking his position back up and letting his men handle Evans.
They resumed their advance through the shouldering wood.
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disastercyborgecho · 13 days
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So turns out that having wack ass force visions since the ripe age of 4 made Jacen into the most strange and deranged individual in the world
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disastercyborgecho · 14 days
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the brain rot continues <3
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disastercyborgecho · 15 days
a summer road trip before everything changes
i taught myself how to keyframe for this i hope you enjoy :)
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disastercyborgecho · 15 days
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