#omega lance mcclain
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corvus--rex · 2 years ago
I'm not cursing myself. I'm not. I promise. BUT. I have been working on a new chapter of a fic I haven't updated since October 2021
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salmoninzeeweed · 2 months ago
PLEASEEE do you know of any klance fics talking about the omega shield incident this is so important (and if you don't, do your followers?)
i genuinely think about the team never finding out about lance dying every day and i have to turn to the real ones to get the story out
I'll add more but it'll take a little bit to find all of them since I've read A LOT of them...
Also guys if you have any recommendations PLEASE comment them I need more of these to read, I'm so mad that it was never addressed in the show so I gotta go read these kinda klance fics every now and then
Keith decides to have a serious discussion with Lance about what happened to him!
Basically a lot of fluff, I personally love this one soso much it's so sweet, it's not only about the omega shield thing but they talk about it!
Lance being acknowledged when he died
Lotor and Allura shared alchemic knowledge
and for the finale... no Lotor turning evil
I haven't finished this one yet but I really like it!!
It's short and sweet :]
They're back on earth and stuff :D
Haven't finished this one either😭 but just like the other one it's still really good!!
Absolutely LOVEE this one, they don't confront the team but keith and lance talk about it!!
Post canon, keith is having nightmares and stuff, langst and some depressive themes but it's still good!!
The whole team talks about it a little bit, nice and sweet!!
Keith feels that something is wrong through his bond with red,,,
Lance and Keith are cooking up dinner together when Lance mentions his death during their Voltron days. Keith was not prepared lol
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pink-haired-anime-men · 2 months ago
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Lance died on an episode called "Omega Shield" while Shielding Allura from a blast, I regretfully do not hold knowledge on what an "omega shield" is but what I do know is that the omegaverse exists! And I predicted Lance dying in this episode and called him an omega 🫠 I laughed really hard when he died especially since he SHIELDED SOMEONE and that the episode was called OMEGA shield 🤦 (I'm so childish.)
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howthemoonweeps · 2 months ago
bury me in your memories (i'm not the boy i ought to be)
with ten minutes left on the clock (at least where i'm at) i finished!!! here's a langsty fanfiction set post-canon to celebrate - or mourn - the end of 2024 <3
Dying was lonely.
Years ago, when Voltron was still needed throughout the universe and Lance still knew what it meant to feel alive, he had shoved Allura out of the way of a radiation flare and taken the brunt of it himself. His heart stopped, and it did not start again until Allura reached the Red Lion and revived him using her Altean magic.
Lance doesn’t know how long it took her. He couldn’t know, his only memories of the event being the excruciating pain before and the suffocating warmth after, a body on fire as Allura leaned over him. Yet despite the unsettling gap in his recollection, Lance knows intimately the feeling of death.
It’s a feeling that keeps him up at night, shivering despite the blankets heaped over his shoulders, shadows dancing on the walls as he muffles his cries to avoid disturbing his family. More often than not, Lance finds himself jerking awake from nightmares, his mind still tormenting him with the battlefield and always, always reminding him of death’s cold, isolating embrace.
On New Year’s Eve, Lance is grateful for the excuse to stay up and delay the looming terrors, even as he can’t help but ruminate over yet another year gone by. 
The team (though they’re not much of a team anymore, are they?) had all called earlier to celebrate, despite the crazy time differences with everyone scattered throughout the far reaches of space. 
Each person reminisced on the memories they made in the past year and said what they hoped to accomplish in the year to come. Hunk had gushed over his culinary empire and all the recipes he perfected, pointing out the dishes he wanted the rest of the team to try at their next reunion. Pidge showed off their latest inventions, planning to diffuse throughout the Voltron Coalition and improve thousands of lives. Shiro proudly displayed the scarf he knitted, impossibly relaxed as he expressed his desire to take up more craft hobbies. Keith, eyes unbearably soft and face so full with open affection, just talked about his wish to aid as many people as he could with the Blade of Marmora.
And Lance?
When it came to his turn, he froze. For five embarrassing seconds, he racked his brain for something, anything memorable that set this year apart from the year before or the year coming up. Eventually, he cracked a smile, joking that he looks forward to all the corny lines he’ll bring into the new year. Everyone had groaned and moved on, unsurprised by his answer.
Now, Lance curls up in his bed, eyes burning as he scrolls through their group chat and tortures himself with his own inadequacy. The chat was meant to be a way for everyone to send updates about their lives, and while the others spammed it to their hearts’ content, it didn’t take long for Lance to drop out of the conversation and stay quiet for the most part. There were only so many pictures of juniberry flowers he could send before growing uncomfortably aware of his uneventful life.
He sighs and turns off his phone. His former teammates had all gone on to greatness, saving worlds and changing the entire universe for the better, while he was stuck in the past, a prison of his own making. His story was cut short, doomed to languish and collect dust on Earth, all so he could repeat the story of another.
And though he loves Allura too much to ever resent her, though he had given his life for her, he can’t help but feel as if he’s still giving, even though the girl he loved is gone and only ever saw him as a rebound. Yet here he is, watching over her favorite flowers with her marks on his face. 
Living as a farmer when all he had ever wanted was to fly.
He had tried for so long to convince himself that the farm life was what he wanted. After the war, a simple life should be what he, a child on the front lines, deserved. Still, as the years wore on and the days blended into each other, the simple life turned monotonous. Unbearable, even, when the night terrors refuse to leave him alone, the one companion he has left in his self-imposed solitude.
Tears spring up, so Lance shuts his eyes and buries his face into his pillow. God, he feels so ungrateful. He should be glad to have even made it out, happy to see another year when there were so many who couldn’t say the same. 
When Allura couldn’t say the same. 
Yet through it all, as Lance curls into himself and pretends that he’s not dreading the new year, loneliness climbs its way out of his throat in a sob that only just reaches the moonlight.
Dying was lonely, Lance thinks wistfully as he fades into a sleep that won’t last, but living like this wasn’t much better.
The clock strikes twelve.
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askmeanjudge · 1 year ago
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dusty-cobweb · 1 year ago
i think it would be interesting to explore lance’s death from the omega shield as not just his soul returning to his body and everything is exactly the same but kind of like a Quaritch avatar situation. he has all the memories of his past life— his family, the garrison, voltron, his personality and values, and yet he’s still different. at that point in time, he is not really lance anymore, just the memories of him placed into a his body. that doesn’t mean lance no longer has an emotional/personal attachment to these memories, but he can certainly be a lot more retrospective. he sees keith and respects him in a different light now, gets pisses off a lil bit at Allura and Shiro, and just is less inhibited in everything. yeah….
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fandomination666-blog · 1 year ago
This feels kinda like what I think Shiro would say if he heard Lance joking about dying. Like. Shiro didn't plan to die, he kinda just. Did.
Lance on the other hand... he knew what he was doing. And he would totally be the type to try to make jokes about it within hours of the team finding out.
This was originally funny in my head but now it's just sad.
Jason: no tim, it’s not the same. I make dead jokes, you make death jokes
Tim: I am failing to see how that’s any different
Jason: I didn’t want to die Tim. I didn’t make plans that would result in my own death, but you do. You plan to die.
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bluemantics · 7 months ago
all bluemantics’ ficlets! list updated as needed
some of these are longer and some are really short!
i will put an asterisk (*) by my favorites.
lance enters the red lion (spaces too grand for presences so small)*
lance & the painting*
“i hate you”
maria mcclain & her boy*
the boys hit the beach
one step away
post-omega shield
breathe in.*
on martyrdom
on trust
keith becomes the black paladin
the art of tending (postcanon)
fashion designer x model
they are stuck in a box fr
waiting for the storm (postcanon)
admiration (bp keith)
inheritance of a crown
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corvus--rex · 2 years ago
My Julance from 2021. I don't think I'll get anything finished for this year, but there's always this.
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torveiglyart · 5 months ago
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Chapter One is UP!
Everyone give a HUGE THANKS to Aralinedelia for writing this!!
Chapter two link:
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autisticlancemcclain · 2 years ago
Keith hums. “Yeah, Lance?”
Lance doesn’t answer right away. Keith can hear his breathing, quicker than everyone else’s, if only slightly. After all they’re the only ones awake. Everyone else is conked right out, curled up around the low-burning embers of their campfire. He’s quiet long enough that Keith is half-convinced that he isn’t actually awake, and only called out for Keith in his sleep.
(Keith couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face if he tried. He doesn’t try, though. The idea of Lance dreaming about him is a nice one.)
There’s a sharp intake of breath from beside him, confirming Lance is not asleep, then a beat of hesitation.
“Do you ever wonder what happens when we die?”
Keith blinks. He opens his mouth to answer, but stops himself. He looks up at the unfamiliar stars, tracing random constellations. There’s a sword, where Orion usually is during Earth summers. And a lick of flame, replacing the Big Dipper.
The brightest star in the sky shines red.
“No,” Keith says softly. “It’s — dangerous. Letting myself think about that. We’re too close, you know? I don’t want my last thought to be panicking about what’s to come. I want it to be — not that. I don’t know.”
Keith waits for Lance to offer an explanation, a reason for his curiosity, or even a subject change. When nothing comes Keith shifts, propping himself up on his elbow and glancing over at the red paladin.
“Why do you ask? Just curious?”
It’s a long time, again, until Lance answers, but this time Keith knows he’s not asleep. He’s tense, lying ramrod straight, head centred on his pillow and arms hooked over his blanket. His brown eyes — almost black in the dark night — stare straight up, but there’s something off about his expression, something fixed and plastic.
“I was surprised, is all. It was — nothing like I expected.”
It takes a moment for Keith to process what Lance said. He almost wishes he hadn’t, when it finally clicks. Never in his life has cold dread seeped through his bones so quickly.
“…What?” He can barely hear his own voice. He can’t at all, actually, the hoarse shock of it swallowed up by the crackling of the coals and cooing of nocturnal insects and wildlife.
Lance, though, must have heard him anyway, or been expecting his shock, because the plastic stiffness melts from his expression as he shoots straight up, scrambling to his feet and pacing back and forth barely paces away from the small flames. Bizarrely, Keith chokes down the urge to warn Lance about the uneven ground that he might trip on.
“I — I was never religious, you know?” One of his hands tugs at his hair, making the dark curls frizzy the more he messes with it. The other waves frantically back and forth, faster with every word. “None of us really were. But Mamá dragged us to church anyway. Every Sunday. Maybe to give us something to be bored about, I don’t know. She never really explained herself. I didn’t ask.” Lance stops abruptly, loud hands freezing, marching back to his bedroll and standing on it for a moment, looking lost. “I don’t — it’s not that I liked it. It was boring as hell. But I — I guess I believed some of it. I dunno.” Before Keith can blink he collapses on top of his blankets, like his strings have been cut. Both hands slide in his hair, now, dark strands clenched between his fingers, elbows resting on his knees. “It was just…dark, though,” he says softly. “Empty.”
Keith feels as if he’s encased in ice. His heart pounds, galloping against his chest, rushing blood through his ears so quickly he can hardly hear anything else. Part of him hopes Lance is playing some kind of cruel joke, but he knows he isn’t.
“When did you —” he doesn’t even know how to phrase it. Hell, he doesn’t know what he’s phrasing, really. “What —” He trails off again, lost. He looks at Lance blankly. Something bitter floods his mouth.
He imagines, for a moment, making this trek home without Lance. It’s not something he’s allowed himself to think about before. Even with Shiro missing, he’d stubbornly refused to even entertain the idea that Shiro was gone for good. The only time he’d let himself think about it was — was Naxzela. And even then, he was the one sure would be going.
They come to him now, unbidden, thoughts. About life — without Lance. Without his loud teasing and big smiles and quiet kindness, without his begrudging but unwavering support, his steady hands and clear voice as he says we’re all behind you, Keith, we’ve got you. I’ve got you.
A tear burns hot down his cheek, startling him back to the stillness of the night, the cool air and quiet noise. Another follows, and another, and then he’s swallowing the giant lump in his throat and holding back a sob.
“You nearly…when?” He can’t bring himself to say the word, to ask directly. To ask would make it real, concrete.
“The Omega Shield,” Lance whispers. He has yet to look up, but has stopped pulling so harshly on his hair. “A blast just —” he shudders. “Right through me an’ Red. You know when — when it’s cold out, and you walk a while without gloves? And your hands get so cold they burn?”
“Yeah,” Keith says softly. His lips taste of salt.
Lance glances at him. His eyes are big and brown and desperate, aching. Glassy, wet and ready to break. “It was like that. All over. Like every molecule was tearing itself apart, like I was unravelling. I was almost grateful when it stopped.”
“And when it stopped?” Keith chokes out.
“Nothing. Endless, nothingness. For a thousand eternities. I lived and grew and died for the rest of time, alone.” Lance heaves, like he’s about the sob or throw up or both.
The first tear finally drips down Lance’s face, tracing from the corner of his eye down his nose, pausing at the tip of it before dropping, finally, into his lap. It springs Keith into action, and before he can even think he surges forward, gathering him in his arms and pulling him into his lap, squeezing tightly and rocking them back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lance doesn’t so much as twitch, crying great hiccuping sobs into Keith’s chest.
“I’m afraid to sleep,” he chokes out. “I haven’t in days. Every time I do I’m terrified I won’t wake up.”
“I’ve got you,” Keith assures, at a total loss. He lays his hand on the back of Lance’s head, holding him tightly. He can feel Lance’s heartbeat where their chests are pressed together, stuttering and sprinting.
“I don’t want to die.”
“You’re not gonna die.”
Lance only sobs again. Keith is aghast, terrified to hold him any tighter but unsure of what else to do. Lance has never been fragile, to him. He’s more stubborn than an ox, a streak of fire lighting up his spine, dark eyes shining with fury every time his forehead’s pressed to Keith’s, screeching ‘till he’s blue in the face that he’s right and Keith’s wrong and he’s gonna show it to him, just you wait and see. He’s seen Lance angry, seen him annoyed, seen him golden with the fire of competition and glowing with the brightness of his laughter. He’s seen Lance worn and insecure. Never, not once in the years Keith has known him and fought with him and led with him, has he seen Lance fragile.
But he is, right now. Now, quivering in Keith’s arms, sobs shaking his frame, Keith feels like he’s holding him together, like if he lets go Lance will shatter to shards on the floor.
So Keith holds him. He holds him until his arms ache, and past that. He holds him until his shirt is soaked and cold in the chilly air, until his knees burn from the tiny bumps of the ground. He holds him until Lance’s sobs peter out, until the orange sun of the system they’re stopping in peeks out from the horizon, stars blinking out of sight.
Hours later, Lance shifts, pulling away slightly. Keith holds tighter, refusing to let him pull away too far.
“Don’t,” Keith says, before Lance can apologize.
That cracks a smile on Lance’s face, to his own surprise. “No?” His voice is wrecked, throat no doubt raw.
“Save your apologies for when you actually do something stupid,” Keith affirms. He hesitates a second, then reaches out, brushing the frazzled curls from Lance’s forehead and wiping the tears from his cheeks. Lance winces slightly as Keith’s thumb brushes his cheekbone.
Keith pulls away. “Sorry. Rough hands.”
But Lance’s hand darts out and grabs Keith’s. “No, it’s — I don��t mind it.” He places it back on his face, shutting his eyes, breath shuddering. His sleeve falls down his arm.
Keith narrows his eyes. Criss-crossing Lance’s arms are dozens of jagged white scars, like lightning bolts across his skin.
“I wake up with more every day,” Lance explains, noticing Keith’s expression. “I was — I died, Keith.”
Keith flinches. Lance swallows, carrying on.
“I felt my heart stop. I don’t know how long, but it was…there was a severance. Something permanent. I felt it.” He runs his hands through his hair again, but much gentler this time. A fidget instead of a panicked tugging. The roots are white, like Shiro’s. “Allura did her best, I think. But I was gone so long. And she’d never done it before.”
“Is everything…working alright?” It’s an awkward way to say it. But Keith doesn’t know how else to say am I going to lose you? Later? Are you here to stay?
Lance shrugs. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
“I don’t want to hear her tell me it’s not.”
“I don’t want to wake up one day and find out — find out, Lance.”
Lance swallows. “I know. I don’t — what do I —”
“We’ll talk to her,” Keith promises. “We’ll figure it out. I’ve got you, Lance.”
Lance’s chin trembles, but he slumps forward, exhausted. “Promise?”
“Okay.” He’s silent for a moment, face tucked in Keith’s neck. The muffled sounds of the team waking up starts to fill the air. “I’m tired, Keith.”
“I’ll watch for you. I’ll make sure you wake up.”
“Okay,” Lance whispers again. Keith feels his eyelashes flutter closed, feels his heartbeat slow, his breathing even. “I trust you.”
As Lance starts to grow heavier in his arms, Keith tightens his hold. He presses a kiss to the top of Lance’s head.
“I’ve got you.”
I won’t let you fade away.
part two
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fanficsimp7 · 9 months ago
Omega Keith In Heat (Klance)
These fics are all about Keith going into heat.
He didn’t know what he had expected when Keith had walked into breakfast smelling like the sex equivalent of eating boardwalk fries while dancing in the surf at Veradera beach. Keith’s scent reminded him of home, sweet and alluring in a way that made him want to bury his face in between those pale thighs for hours.
“Try it and I’ll gut you like a pig.” Keith snapped, before stabbing a spoon in his food goo.
Fuck, that was hot.
(By: May10baby)
When Lance was kept late for practice after getting into a (teeny, tiny) fight with one of his teammates, to go into the boy's locker room, expecting to get a well-needed shower, but was hit in the face with wafts of an omega in heat.
Keith goes into heat at the most horrible time, and Lance helps him through it.
(By: KoriMuse7124)
Lance takes a few steps into the room before it clicks.
“You’re in heat!” he accuses.
Keith goggles at him before hissing, “How can you even tell that, it’s suppressed!” sounding completely scandalized.
(By: trashwriter)
Lance prides himself in being a decent alpha. That’s why he’s made up this rule for himself: do not under any circumstance use your alpha command voice on anyone.
He knows that every alpha has a period after presenting where they have a hard time controlling their alpha voice, and sure, Lance has slipped up a few times, but mostly the commands haven’t been powerful enough to actually put an omega under his spell, so he doesn’t count those. But there have been three certain occasions where he just lost complete control of himself (or simply ignored the rule), and they have all involved Keith fucking Kogane.
The two times Lance accidentally forced Keith into heat, and one time he got hit in the face.
(By: orphan_account)
Being an omega was cool, Keith supposed, and he would never let anyone tell him otherwise. Not that he was particularly into flaunting his secondary sex, but he wasn’t that keen on keeping it as this huge ass secret either. It was just people assuming things and Keith letting them believe whatever they wanted. So Keith thinks it’s pretty fair when he says that it is not his fault that the whole school erupted into chaos when he presented that warm summer day in June in front of like every student that stayed on campus for the summer. All he wanted was for everything to go back to normal, but then right when school was set to start again and he could feel the annoying—yet slightly pleasant—buzz of preheat under his skin, Lance McClain walked back into his life, and he was about to ruin everything.
The two times Lance accidentally forced Keith into heat
'The Hunger Never Ends' but from Keith’s perspective.
(By: orphan_account)
“You’ve got to give me a shot, Hothead,” Lance called from where he was sniping opponents with Hunk covering him like the dutiful Beta he was. For as magnificent as he was in battle, Keith consistently failed at giving Lance an opening.
“You need to take it,” Keith snapped back. He switched the hand wielding his Bayard as easily as breathing and Lance lost the smallest of opportunities to how his mind caught on the skill and beauty of the movement.
“A gentleman does not take,” Lance responded with feigned indignation. “Consent is sexy, Keith.”
“Then I consent to you taking a damn shot,” Keith practically yelled into the commlink. He dodged to the side and a shot from Lance's Bayard whizzed past him, knocking the large robot he was fighting off balance and presenting an opening. Keith took it, but impatience had made him reckless and before he could dart away, the robot grabbed his leg.
Then, because the universe had no mercy, it threw him directly into Lance.
(By: Xirayn)
Keith and Lance's relationship is still pretty new, and since suppressants aren't a thing in outer space, Keith knows they'll have to deal with his oncoming heat sooner or later. What he wasn't expecting was Lance going on a mission and his heat being a dry one.
(By: Kirianna_May)
no thoughts head empty just omega Keith wondering why Lance keeps giving him blankets
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 1 year ago
Helping Love - Character Database on Lance Altea | VLD - Omegaverse AU
SeraphimFawn-fallen Character Database/ Voltron Team - Universe.
Warnings: Abuse, Neglect, Kidnapping Mentions, Dark topics, Rape and body breakage, Mentions of Drugs, Dehydration and Mentions of Lack of eating, Mpreg.
Lance Altea - Male - Omega - Mother - Paladin, Prince, Heart of Voltron. Database Info on Lance: Lance is the youngest child and only son to King Alfor of Planet Altea and the only sibling to Allura of Altea, Lance was kidnapped as a child by a Galra commander named Yjok and was taken to a not known planet called Earth, there for 10,000 years Lance went through much torture and abuse after he was taken from his family as a 5 year old child. His supposed brother named Luis had raped him when he was 14 years old making him produce two children, they are 5 months apart, one boy and one girl that Luis then lied to his wife that they were from a surrogate while Lance was just a toy to him. Being an Omega gave him the ability to create children with his own body however, Luis had taken advantage of his heat twice and later had given birth too his first two children.
Lance, because of how he was raised from 5 years old, is short for his age at a standing 5'4, while other males are higher in height varying from 5'7 to near 6'3. Because of not being allowed to eat his growth became stunted and he did not grow much even with the small amounts of food he would eat just to prevent his cheek bones to show through his skin. His is also extremely skittish, doesn't like loud noises and flinches when someone comes into contact with him, this is the effects of PTSD he obtained as a child that followed him into his teens. Gradually his bad habits went under once he was surrounded by caring people but ultimately fell back into bad habits when he was once again kidnapped by Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire and raped once more and fell back into his old habits.
Lance considers 3 females his sisters, his biological sister Allura, his mother figure sister Veronica McClain and his last sister being Rachel McClain. He has four children, his first two being because of Luis and his last being because of Lotor, his youngest daughter was from his mate who is an Alpha, despite his bad past with Alphas, he doesn't consider Keith in that list of his bad past. He has one child that is by consent while his other three weren't by consent, but he still loves all his kids equally.
His mate is Keith, and he somehow resurrected his dead sister, Veronica from being fatally stabbed and then reunited with her in space due to both of their surprises. Lance achieved his dream of being among the stars but in reality, he just returned back to the feeling he had before he was kidnapped by Yjok.
Lance has a few scars that are the results of burns, his back was burned a bit from the explosion he prevented Coran from getting hurt but was injured in the process. His right arm at the top of his bicep, was burned by a blow torch and the same to his left thigh. He also has a few breakages, but he makes sure he doesn't overwork himself to the point he causes another breaking in his bones. He also hates being babied, Veronica used to do when he was little, and she came home from one of her many jobs and ended up finding him injured everytime.
His kids rank from oldest to youngest: Sylvio is his oldest son, Nadia and Mela are the middle children and Cole is his youngest son, however there was a time difference between Cole and Mela. At 7 months old, Mela was the oldest of Cole but because of the three year time difference, Cole who is the youngest became the second middle child and Mela the youngest.
Lance is the heart of Voltron and managed to unlock something no paladin had ever even hoped to achieve, he can feel all of the lions and the lions can feel him. They have a connection like no other, it's different from pilot to lion, it's more soul focused. If he could so much as think about it, he can see through a lions eyes and call to the lions if he much as wished.
Because he was kidnapped, Allura was forced to accept the title of next ruler of Altea but she didn't want that, she was fine with being just a princess while supporting her brother to the best of her abilities however once he recovered his memories after going to Oriande, Allura and their advisor worked a full Quintant (Day) to change everything back to the way it was before Yjok had gotten his hands on him.
Lance considers team Voltron, a certain amount of rebels (Including Matt and Veronica) and a certain amount of Blades his family.
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noahideahwrites · 2 years ago
ੈ Masterlist꒱ .* ❞
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*₊ Render | Style | PSD ˚꒰:: ❝≡
— I will try to keep this updated
— Also works as a character list
— Might add characters/fandoms in the future
Boku No Hero: Bakugou Katsuki -- Alpha with Sukuna's powers Todoroki Shoto Kirishima Eijiro
Inuyasha: Inuyasha: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Sesshomaru: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Tõga: -- Scent Headcanon -- Omegas that would have obsessions -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Kõga: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Bankotsu: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried Naraku: -- Scent Headcanon -- Alpha likes to play with their hair -- How they like to be carried
How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup: -- Courting Headcanons -- Scent Headcanon -- Date Headcanon Snotlout -- Scent Headcanon Viggo -- Scent Headcanon Dagur -- Scent Headcanon
Stardew Valley: Sebastian -- Omegas that would have obsessions Sam
Voltron: Keith Kogane -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Lance McClain -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Takashi Shirogane -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Hunk -- Random Jealousy Headcanons Lotor -- Random Jealousy Headcanons
Nanbaka: Hajime Sugoroku Musashi Liang Enki Gokuu
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feyravenchatter · 2 years ago
Ok. So. I've been adding things to the Ginormous-Multichapter-Fic-of-Doom. I have settled on 10. So there will be ten randomly rotating fics in one compendium worthy of any half-decent mage. In alphabetical order by working title or whatever random bullshit I've named the folders just bc that's how I organise them (and hiding them under the cut bc I'm adding *・☆descriptions☆・*):
The long-awaited Galtean Leakira fic that I first posted about on my main so many months ago. tl;dr version - cyberpunk version of the Galra Empire takes over Marmora, Altea, and the human city-state of Garrison, no one's fully human if at all, Shiro and Keith's dad are missing, and Lance is on his own but also has a Very Important Thing that might be able to help them get rid of the Galra.
I'm Yours (yes, after the Jason Mraz song) which I posted the outline to here a little while back. Writer/barista/bartender Keith and musician Lance with not-so-supportive parents, getting together, and working through their issues
This one doesn't have anything close to a name yet, just marked as klangst al/ok (alpha Lance/omega Keith) in my wips folder. But this is the plot bunny I've talked about before. The one with the stress, and the drama, and the angst, and the Klance spawn. I'm not sure how spoilery I should be with this one, so I'll just leave it here. There will also be two prequel parts to cover a few of the things in canon that I judiciously remodeled
Let Sleeping Lions Roar is next. This oddly enough was inspired by a cover of a song from Warframe of all places (holy shit that game is so goddamn pretty). This one's a little weird as it's 10,000 years post-canon with some significant changes. Allura didn't sacrifice herself, and the castle still stands, the lions sleeping in their hangars, and the legend saying that the paladins will return when they're needed. And they're needed.
The reverse fake relationship one with alpha Keith and omega Lance. Instead of trying to pass off a fake relationship as the real thing, they have to convince a planet on the fence about joining the Coalition that their relationship is real, starting with what led up to their mating in the first place all the way back in the Garrison (it's Lance's parents, mostly his mother)
Another one without a name (sensing a pattern here), but this is part royal au, part magic, a little Victorian/Steampunk and has an assassination attempt, a secret plot to usurp the throne, a surprise reunion, and a couple dumbasses falling disgustingly in love
The Single Parent Klance au where they're both 32ish, Keith trans and has a 16 yo daughter, Lance's little girl is only 4, both are painfully single for different reasons, but a 16 yo getting a new babysitting job might just fix that last problem, even if there are a few bumps in the road
Currently, and most likely temporarily, named The Howling, next is a werewolf au. Alpha Keith and omega Lance have a brief fling during an inter-pack meeting, leaving Lance with a surprise souvenir. Meanwhile another pack is planning something, no one knows what, and Lance is trying to keep his secret from his family. Let's see how that one works out for him
Ok, so, this one is entirely self-indulgent. I was actually a barista for the siren for ~3 years, and while talking about odd and/or regular customers, I got to thinking about a loosely connected oneshot/drabble series of Tales from the Coffeeshop. I will not allow them to work for a soulless corporation, so instead, it's an independent coffeeshop/bakery owned by Coran and run a bit more cooperatively. Some of the stories will be things that actually happened to me, some will be things that are totally plausible (trust me, I've seen things)
And last, a slightly more D&D-oriented Thunderpike soulmate au. I've made Pike into a bard, partially bc I felt like it, and partially bc I think it fits a little better. Keith (sorry, his emo-ness Thunderstorm Darkness) is a dual-wielding ranger with a celestial wolf animal companion. He's been tracking Pike for a while, ever since he first noticed the intangible silver thread connecting him. But this is them, and nothing is ever allowed to go smoothly
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justaz · 2 years ago
is the vld fandom still alive?? anyways, after the whole omega shield incident, lance has scars all over his body, like literally from head to toe from the thousands of volts of electricity coursing through his body. they’re like tiger stripes kind of but thinner. you know that art piece of hp with his scar looking like actual lightning? that but all over lances body
and!! if ur a fan of the idea that when allura healed him, it changed his dna to be altean, consider that when he’s super excited or happy or embarrassed or whatever, the marks on his cheeks glow along with the scars so he’s just this blue glow stick when he’s happy
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