#omanyte line
transmascutena · 7 months
paleazoic within the body has altered my mind permenantly i need to do the "AM-MO-NITE!" out loud every time i see one now
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harlequinfrog · 4 months
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i got the sudden urge to start working on fakemon stuff again so here's some of my region's fossil pokemon :]
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otiksimr · 4 months
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Poorly drawn Omanyte line
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kichimiangra · 23 days
Also please reblog for bigger data pool thank you
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slutpoppers · 4 months
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(140) Kabuto
(141) Kabutops
Previous: Omanyte line
Next: Aerodactyl
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pokepodproject · 26 days
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PokePod Project: Writer Signup Stats
By popular demand(!), here are the writer signup stats for all generation one Pokemon available to write for in the @pokepodproject's first round. These figures are from writers who specifically selected these Pokemon on their signup form. The top 10 are shown in the above graphic. The remaining percentages are under the cut (along with a text-only version of the top 10.)
Fun Facts
Most offered starter: Squirtle Most offered Eeveelution: Flareon Most offered legendary bird: Zapdos Most offered non-legendary bird: Farfetch'd Evolution lines that appeared in the Top 10 in full: Vulpix, Ponyta, Gastly, Growlithe, Magikarp, Meowth
Full Stats
1st: Eevee (40%) 2nd: Ninetales (33%) 3rd: Mew, Flareon (32%) 4th: Vulpix, Ditto (31%) 5th: Vaporeon (29%) 6th: Porygon, Ponyta, Jolteon, Haunter, Arcanine (28%) 7th: Meowth, Lapras, Gengar, Abra (25%) 8th: Persian, Gastly (24%) 9th: Zapdos, Squirtle, Rapidash, Growlithe, Dratini (23%) 10th: Paras, Oddish, Magikarp, Horsea, Gyarados, Dragonite, Chansey (21%) 11th: Zubat, Seadra, Raichu, Mewtwo, Farfetch'd, Dragonair, Clefairy, Articuno (20%) 12th: Wartortle, Snorlax, Magnemite, Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Bellsprout (19%) 13th: Rattata, Magneton, Kadabra, Hypno, Charizard, Blastoise, Alakazam, Aerodactyl (17%) 14th: Weepinbell, Vileplume, Slowpoke, Scyther, Poliwag, Pidgeot, Parasect, Moltres, Kangaskhan, Jigglypuff, Gloom, Ekans, Drowzee, Dewgong, Butterfree, Arbok (16%) 15th: Victreebel, Venusaur, Seel, Psyduck, Pikachu, Pidgey, Nidoran (female), Dodrio, Beedrill (15%) 16th: Venonat, Staryu, Starmie, Sandshrew, Rhyhorn, Pidgeotto, Omanyte, Metapod, Kabutops, Golbat, Doduo, Clefable, Caterpie (13%) 17th: Tauros, Tangela, Slowbro, Rhydon, Omastar, Nidoran (male), Nidoqueen, Marowak, Krabby, Grimer, Goldeen, Geodude, Exeggutor, Exeggcute, Cubone, Cloyster (12%) 17th: Wigglytuff, Venomoth, Tentacool, Sandslash, Poliwhirl, Onix, Kingler, Kakuna, Golem, Golduck, Diglett (11%) 18th: Weedle, Voltorb, Tentacruel, Shellder, Seaking, Raticate, Poliwrath, Nidorina, Muk, Mr. Mime, Magmar, Jynx, Hitmonchan, Graveler, Fearow, Electabuzz (9%) 19th: Spearow, Primeape, Nidorino, Nidoking, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Weezing, Mankey, Lickitung, Koffing, Hitmonlee, Electrode (8%) 20th: Dugtrio, Pinsir (5%)
Note from your mods: Please don't be discouraged if your favorite Pokémon, or the Pokémon you've been assigned to write about, is low on the above list! These stats show which Pokémon writers specifically wanted to write a story about (not necessarily reflecting those they'd like to read/hear a fic of) and many factors went into their choices. It doesn't include those occasions where writers signed up offering "any Pokémon" (48% of them!) Every Pokemon will get their chance to shine in this project ✨
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tiredspacedragon · 5 months
@afanofmanyhats Challenge accepted. Part 1
Don't even have to think for this part
0001: Bulbasaur
0002: Ivysaur
0003: Venusaur
0004: Charmander
0005: Charmeleon
Consistently typing the numbers might end up being the hardest part of this
0006: Charizard
0007: Squirtle
0008: Wartortle
0009: Blastoise
0010: Caterpie
0011: Metapod
0012: Butterfree
0013: Weedle
0014: Kakuna
0015: Beedrill
0016: Pidgey
0017: Pidgeotto
0018: Pidgeot
0019: Rattata
That is how you spell Rattata, right?
0020: Raticate
Spearow or Ekans? Spearow.
0021: Spearow
0022: Fearow
0023: Ekans
0024: Arbok
0025: Pikachu
0026: Raichu
0027: Sandshrew
Should I? No.
0028: Sandslash
Okay where was I. Nidoran. No. Yes? Yeah cause Nidoqueen goes there and then the males and Clefairy. Yeah, okay.
0029: Nidoran F
0030: Nidorina
0031: Nidoqueen
0032: Nidoran M
0033: Nidorino
0034: Nidoking
0035: Clefairy
I hate that the power button for my computer is on my keyboard, that is such a stupid design decision, I am going to mess up and hit it typing this quickly.
0036: Clefable
0037: Vulpix
0038: Ninetales
0039: Jigglypuff
0040: Wigglytuff
0041: Zubat
0042: Golbat
0043: Oddish
0044: Gloom
0045: Vileplume
Okay I always mess the order of these next two lines up. It's Paras and Parasect, then Venonat and Venomoth, right? Yes. That's what we're going with.
0046: Paras
0047: Parasect
0048: Venonat
0049: Venomoth
0050: Diglett
0051: Dugtrio
0052: Meowth
0053: Persian
0054: Psyduck
0055: Golduck
This takes a lot longer to type than it does to say
0056: Mankey
0057: Primeape
0058: Growlithe
0059: Arcanine
Okay, here's where I start to get a little fuzzy. Wait, no, Poliwag.
0060: Poliwag
0061: Poliwhirl
0062: Poliwrath
0063: Abra
0064: Kadabra
0065: Alakazam
0066: Machop
0067: Machoke
0068: Machamp
0069: Bellsprout
0070: Weepinbell
0071: Victreebel
0072: Tentacool
0073: Tentacruel
0074: Geodude
0075: Graveler
0076: Golem
0077: Ponyta
0078: Rapidash
0079: Slowpoke
0080: Slowbro
0081: Magnemite
0082: Magneton
Farfetch'd before Doduo...
0083: Farfetch'd
0084: Doduo
0085: Dodrio
Is it Seel and Dewgong here? Yeah, 'cause Grimer, Muk, Shellder, yeah, good.
0086: Seel
0087: Dewgong
0088: Grimer
0089: Muk
0090: Shellder
0091: Cloyster
0092: Gastly
0093: Haunter
0094: Gengar
0095: Onix
0096: Drowzee
0097: Hypno
0098: Krabby
0099: Kingler
0100: Voltorb
Voltorb is indeed 100, I do know that, so we're right on target
0101: Electrode
Oh what's here though. Wait no okay so Voltorb is there, then Electrode, no of course yeah because Marowak is right behind Gengar.
0102: Exeggcute
0103: Exeggutor
0104: Cubone
0105: Marowak
0106: Hitmonlee
Yes, Hitmonlee is first...
0107: Hitminchan
0108: Lickitung
0109: Koffing
0110: Weezing
0111: Rhyhorn
0112: Rhydon
Chansey in the middle...
0113: Chansey
0114: Tangela
0115: Kangaskhan
0116: Horsea
0117: Seadra
Oh so many two-stage Water lines, which is next. Oh do those numbers work? Starmie 121? Yes they do.
0118: Goldeen
0119: Seaking
0120: Staryu
0121: Starmie
Blanking. Oh are we into the one-offs? Yes, so Mr. Mime.
0122: Mr. Mime
0123: Scyther
0124: Jynx
0125: Electabuzz
0126: Magmar
0127: Pinsir
Wait, actually, should I? Should I do alternate forms too? Megas and regionals and such? No, you know what, no. Stopped and thought about it, and no, that's not the challenge, and I'd have to backtrack at this point anyway, so I'd have already failed, so no, gotta stay focused.
0128: Tauros
0129: Magikarp
0130: Gyarados
0131: Lapras
0132: Ditto
0133: Eevee
0134: Vaporeon
0135: Jolteon
0136: Flareon
I swear, if something like the order of the Eeveelutions gets me...
0137: Porygon
0138: Omanyte
0139: Omastar
0140: Kabuto
0141: Kabutops
0142: Aerodactyl
0143: Snorlax
0144: Articuno
0145: Zapdos
0146: Moltres
0147: Dratini
0148: Dragonair
0149: Dragonite
0150: Mewtwo
0151: Mew
1 down, 8 to go.
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Pokemon and Hunter x Hunter as decided by my friend @doodle-storm after only seeing Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family Arcs... Part 2!!! As always friend, add onto this post if there's any reasoning I've missed!
Netero: Medicham (I think the rationale here was that despite looking a little goofy, it's actually quite strong. I think this guy is very appropriate for Netero, for reasons I can't tell my friend yet.)
Hanzo: Greninja (It's a ninja pokemon. However, my friend laments the fact that Greninja is not bald enough, nor does it have "bedazzled eyebrows". She has therefore made an entire team for Hanzo that is purely comprised of bald and bedazzled eyebrow pokemon. She took this very seriously I'll have you know.)
Pokkle: Decidueye (An archer! She hopes Pokkle gets to finish his pokedex.)
Satotz: Omanyte (I honestly can't remember the initial reasoning but they both have mustaches and no visible mouth so that's cool.)
Menchi: Dachsbun (Bread dog. As befitting a Gourmet Hunter.)
Buhara: Snorlax (Probably needs little elaboration.)
Lippo: Rotom (Because of all the cameras in the prison and the fact that he operated from behind screens using electronics.)
Beans: Politoed (She can picture politoed in an identical suit.)
Tonpa: Trubbish (...she does not like Tonpa very much.)
Ponzu: Beedrill (Bee pokemon. She has bees in her hat.)
Bendot: Machoke (He's a fighter pokemon. Also he was going to choke Tonpa so there's that too.)
Sedokan: Litwick (It's a candle. It's also got one eye hidden.)
Majitani: Wishiwashi (We spent a long time trying to find a pokemon that sort of gives that impression of guy trying to look way more intimidating than he is... She decided on Wishiwashi because its school form is powerful but it also reverts back to weaker solo form when wounded.)
Leroute: Salazzle (I did not know there were pokemon people thirsted for and I don't think I needed to know that. Anyways, Salazzle is kind of an exotic creature and she was involved in exotic animal trafficking so. Checks out.)
Johness the Dissector: none. (She tried to think of one but really couldn't. We both kind of agreed that he probably wouldn't have any on account of... probably killing them.)
Geretta: Aromatisse (I don't know lol. I think this was just vibes.)
Agon: Galarian Farfetch'd (He appeared to have been a fencer so I think this was the closest thing. Plus eyebrows.)
Bodoro: Gallade (She was trying to think of an honourable type of pokemon. I don't think she was entirely sold on Gallade, especially since she gave Kurapika one later on, but we moved on.)
Bourbon: Seviper (Viper for the snake charmer.)
Nicholas: Abra (Abra just kind of sleeps, and though Nicholas tried to predict the Hunter Exam, he wasn't prepared for it, so I think that was the rationale here.)
Siper: Inteleon (A sniper pokemon for the sniper. I questioned why she was giving this minor character a pokemon when I'm pretty sure she didn't even have a speaking line, to which she replied, and I quote, "Yeah, but I want her to step on me.")
Sommy: Aipom (Mischievous monkey for the monkey trainer.)
Todo: Hariyama (Sumo pokemon for the sumo guy.)
Amori Brothers: Falinks (Yes, all three of them have the same pokemon. They work together for team attacks and so do the brothers. Do not separate.)
Zeno: Roaring Moon (I brought up Zeno's association with dragons. She liked the vibe of this one for him.)
Silva: Kommo-o (I think she wanted to keep the dragon theming. ...she also refers to Silva as "evil He-Man". Just thought you should know.)
Kikyo: Hatterene (She picked this one because of its elegant look... and the fact that it attacks anyone who is too loud or hostile within its home range.)
Illumi: Ferrothorn (It's absolutely perfect omg. She said it attacks using spikes and thorns, and it also "has the eyes". She also cheerfully informed me it's weak to fire. She does not like Illumi very much.)
Milluki: Forretress (Also has the eyes, and stays in a shell. It shoots things I think. She was trying to pick one that calls to mind Milluki's bombs.)
Kalluto: Kartana (I mentioned Kalluto's association with paper, so she picked this one.)
Gotoh: Meowth (For the coin association. Also she thought it'd be kind of funny if all the butlers had cat or cat-like pokemon.)
Canary: Espeon (Because it evolves based on friendship... augh... also vibes.)
Zebro: Cinccino (Zebro's kind of the janitor, and Cinccino likes to clean, if I'm remembering correctly? Also it's kind of disarmingly cute and harmless looking, which fits Zebro's "taking the key from the hapless guard" shtick.)
Seaquant: Watchog (Vibes, I'm pretty sure. hjdfkbvdshjvh)
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pokemonranch · 11 months
How do you usually clean rock and ground ‘mons? I tend to use a scrubbing brush with some dry soap on it, just to get rid of some of the dirty-dirt but keep the healthy-dirt, but Ive met some people who just spray their ‘mons with a hose (or water gun, horrifically) and call it a day. Is that.. a safe thing to do?
Not all of the Ground and Rock type 'mons are fine with being hosed; mostly because most of them depend on the dirt around their body to be compact and dry as protection; but some of them just dislike it in general. The ones that are either part-water (Omanyte, Gastrodon, and Mudkip line to name a few) or that are a Ground type because of genes and not because of their physiology (Nidoking/queen for example!) can enjoy it, and water it's actually enriching or a needed element in their environment!
For the actually-has-rocks Rock/Ground types, I usually use different hardness of scrubbing brushes and even wire brushes for the ones that are part Steel. I've even heard of people that actually vacuum them to get rid of the dirt, so, lotta options here!
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professor-elm · 9 months
ROUND 4: Which is the Best Biter?
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pikkington · 2 months
Somehow managed to glitch out VC Pokemon Crystal without intending to.
Box 8 in my PC has a string of Pokemon whose names don't line up with their species (ex. Ariados is named Butterfree, the Butterfree below it is named Dewgong, etc.), but it only affects, like, five of them. I can move them out of the box with no issue, but attempting to move a glitched one anywhere in the line of glitched names causes the game to crash, then reload and show a screen saying the game pak is meant to be played with the Gameboy Color.
Also, I have misplaced my Omanyte.
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pokefossilclub · 1 year
You're a fossil mon specialist? Wonderful! What are your opinions on the omanyte line? Don't you think that they're just the greatest? Do you watch your omanyte sleep? I did. He was adorable. I kept a close eye on Him the first few months because I didn't want Him to die again. Oh, but that's a bummer of a story. Back to omanyte. Do you have many omanyte in your lab? What do you feed them? Do they get along with each other? I'd have ten omanyte if I could. The more, the better, right? But I don't want my lord to get jealous. Or eaten. I think they used to cannibalize each other in the wild. I wish they didn't do that, but who am I to deny their nature.
Well- all fossil pokemon have to die at least once, or we wouldn't have the fossils! Which is a bit of a bummer, but hey, at least it happened millions of years ago! Mostly? I get the feeling you're implying your Omanyte might have met with an accident a little more recently than that. In which case- did you get it revived again? I've heard of people trying that, but it's always run into the problem that clones aren't exact copies, and you're not actually getting the same Pokemon back again. I've had more than one person get very upset with me about that little factoid!
The Omanyte line in general is definitely one of my favourites though! We've got a couple of them at the Sanctuary as permanent members, and like all fossils they're fairly regular passers-through as people realise their care isn't just a matter of treating them exactly like a modern-day Water type. Our two permanent residents are a bonded pair, so they live together, but you're right that they can get territorial with each other! Omastar are the ones you find doing most of the cannibalizing though; as the bigger, stronger evolved form, and a rather indiscriminate ambush predator, they'll grab pretty much anything that comes within tentacle range (and that includes you, if you don't socialise them well enough that they recognise you). I wouldn't recommend introducing a whole bunch of new Omanyte to yours if it's used to having its pool to itself! Especially all at once. But if you get a small group of babies who were all hatched together (being related doesn't matter, just familiarity), and you watch carefully to make sure you're on top of any bullying or territory disagreements, they could certainly live together in a seperate pool.
I love the way they use their tentacles to cling onto you if they're fond of you, it's so cute! Has yours got a nickname? Our two here are Dotty and Dribbles. Dribbles sure does live up to her name!
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askhighpriestred · 10 months
Are all omanytes holy or just lord helix?
As much as I love all omanyte and omastar, only my lord holds divine spirit. This was not always the case, however. There was a time when my lord's spirit was shattered across all omanyte and omastar as a punishment from the Third Being. Through millennia, HE worked to gather HIS spirit into fewer and fewer individuals, concentrating it until HE inhabited only one mon at a time. Since then, only one omanyte or omastar has been truly "holy" at a time - though the omanyte line was still respected by the Helixians.
Of course, something I should clear up is the fact that there are two entities I address as "my lord" and know by the name "Helix". The first is my omanyte companion, Helix. He was cloned from a fossil I found on Mt. Moon during my journey under the influence of the Twitch. Three years after, when He was murdered on Mt. Silver by that fucking piece of shit lizard, HE contacted me - an entity also calling HIMSELF "Helix". HE explained to me that HE was the god whose spirit Helix unknowingly carried. I began to refer to HIM as "HELIX", all capitals, not that you can really tell in speech - not that I ever speak HIS name unless it is necessary. Either way, HE helped me resurrect Helix, HIS spirit being the key to this process, and I began worshipping HIM. To this day, though, only I know about HIM. The kinds of things HE teaches me and has me do are not something the public would like.
Hope that clears things up.
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
Speaking of murder king how are plum and rei handling the little bastard along with their reactions to meeting him for the first time
Well he’s a little ladies man, so he cosied up to plum fast and solidified that he’s an angel and could do no wrong ever. She bought that hook line and sinker, like a fool. Peach keeps telling her he’s a menace, but she’s come home to her asleep on the sofa with him in her arms and can’t fathom what an omanyte could possibly do that’s earn the name. Stories sound sus, plum doesn’t buy it.
Rei is peach’s little echo, another haphazard agent of chaos that resonates with MK. The two get on well, though Rei refuses to babysit him, he is pretty hard to handle long term.
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bear-boi-5 · 9 months
Decided to be a lil silly
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I decided to Ocify my Pokemon Infinite Fusion team, this is the first half
Mummy (Murma) is Azumarill and Lopunny, Mr Oma is Mr Mime and Omanyte (planning to evolve into Omastar) and Gengi is Mr Mime and Gengar
Most fusion Pokemon work together, letting both hosts control their new body but you can get a parasite in rare cases making the parasite having the most control
Gengar is the one more in control of the body, often forcing Mr Mime to stay quiet and letting him take control very rarely. You can clearly tell who's currently controlling the body
Mr Oma hides his face with the mask, he is too afraid of what others may think of his face since most pokemon that fuse with an Omanyte or an Omastar end up looking like an Eldridge horror
Murma is the leader of their team, she keeps everyone in line (hence her nicknames being Mummy/mum/mother), she pretty often makes Gengar let Mr Mime have control sometimes, plus, Murma prefers Mr Mime, he's a lot kinder and calmer
This is what they loo like
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slutpoppers · 4 months
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(137) Porygon
Previous: Eevee og line
Next: Omanyte line
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