#olympia soiree yosuga
the-himawari-otome · 1 month
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[Olympia Soirée: Catharsis] 🌌 Tonight, With you— - Yosuga
<Original post here>
・゚・:,。★ translation under the cut ★,。・:・゚
Good evening. Did I surprise you?
I thought it might be nice to sneak you a visit once in a while. I slipped out of Yomi since the sun's gone down.
Won't you let me inside?
Is what I'd like to say. However...
The moon is beautiful tonight, so why don't we go across to Tennyo Island?
I've grown quite fond of that place. It's a spot where we can be alone without anyone disturbing us.
That's right... I don't want anyone else to step foot on that land.
Won't you take me there? Thank you. Let's take the boat out then.
Let's stay there for a long time... just kidding. I still have some bookkeeping to do, and you have work too, so let's stay until tomorrow morning.
But tonight... let me spoil you all night.
Allow me to dye your beautiful, pearl-hued hair in my colour.
Let me make sure... that you're mine and mine alone.
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melonajoyy · 1 year
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florist! Olympia x sweet shop owner! Yosuga 🌼 (who occasionally sends tokisada on sweets runs)
First time drawing olympia soiree characters (otome in general) so I hope it turned out okay!
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cat-meg · 1 year
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wildflower-otome · 11 months
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lafiaso · 4 months
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"My fair lady, might I tell you your love fortune?"
quick sketch of my fave LI in Olympia Soiree, too bad his route sucks very spicy tho  🥵 🥵
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firis-chan · 2 years
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Olympia Soirée | bad ending
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rourey · 11 months
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Been playing through this game and of course had to do some art!! And yesterday was apparently his birthday! ✨
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louhilainen · 9 months
Olympia Soirée LIs as Dads - Riku, Tokisada and Yosuga, Part 1/2
I don't know why, but I've wanted to write my headcanons about Olympia Soiree's LIs as dads for a long time. Maybe because the game is resolved heavily upon Byakuya finding her husband and continuing the White color, yet the routes finishes before we get to the family stuff.
Contains lots of pregnancy and family fluff, and some light spoilers.
Byakuya’s pregnancies are a pretty stressful time for him, as he is a bit of a worry-fart, and he freaks out if there’s even a slight sign of something unusual going on. Riku takes his role as a father very seriously from the very beginning and wants to make sure they raise their children right. He tries his best to discipline them, but in the end, their children have him wrapped around their little fingers. xD When their children look at him with doe eyes and say “...Please?” his heart melts and he easily gives in to whatever demands they have xD. Riku’s aware of how much expectations are placed on his children as they are White, but he makes sure that they won’t be burned with them like he was. He always assures their children that he and their mother will love them no matter what path they choose to take. Upon Byakuya’s request, Riku also teaches them to use batsu.
(Let’s go with the preposition that Tokisada and Byakuya have children after they are married, so Tokisada is like 21-22 when he becomes a dad…)
When Tokisada hears Byakuya is expecting their firstborn, he jumps up and down from joy! But when news sinks in, he grows worried if he’s going to be a good enough dad. Fortunately, Byakuya is there to soothe his fear and assure him he’s going to be an amazing dad. In the end, Tokisada becomes a doting dad! He shares his childhood memories of living in the Second World. He also teaches them the language from the Second World (I’m sorry I don’t remember which one it was) and about his faith (he doesn’t try to convert them however). His children would share his sweet tooth so they would occasionally sneak into trips to ice cream vendors, much to Byakuya’s annoyance (Okay, Byakuya gives in to temptation as well). Tokisada makes sure to provide their children with a safe and happy childhood, where they won’t be used in political schemes like he was. 
During Byakuya’s pregnancies, Yosuga pampers her even more than usual. He prepares specific baths for her to relax and of course, special snacks. He would be a bit overprotective of her and he insists at least on having Chiguya with her when she does her errands. Yosuga is eternally thankful that she has given him a family to protect and to love and his love for his soulmate grows even deeper. Even though their children will be White, Yosuga makes sure they know the culture of the Purple as well and teaches them remedies used by the Purple. His children are smug about their dad being fearsome “Jigoku-dayuu”, and they use that to scare off other people xD When their children grow up and search for their husbands, many would be afraid to approach them due to Yosuga’s reputation xD 
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selky · 1 year
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Yosuga x Olympia Pixel art illustration
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0the-duchess0 · 1 year
I just finished playing Olympia Soiree and.... I'm obsessed?
Like, I was planning to start another game right after it but I just can't let it go. It was so good and so sad and so wholesome and so romantic and aaaah
I'm only three games into this genre and each time they take me in their grasp and I just take days to recover. If that's a taste of what's to come, my heart is in grave danger lol.
For those wondering, my fave LI character order is as follows:
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pinkishbelly · 2 years
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squeaklings · 7 months
Olympia Soiree complete!
I finished Olympia Soiree and man, there were parts that had me ripping my hair out in frustration but overall? Very much enjoyed it. Beautiful visuals, music, art, the VA were fantastic. Some of the writing, uh, less so, but the weaving of mythology got my heart pattering.
But how did the boys stack up??
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Let's break it down! Spodlers under the cut.
Starting from least to best:
I really wanted to like Kuroba because look at him. Hot, great voice, he's a doctor... Like Impey he was too flirty and came on too strong at the start, but the thing that really soured me on him as an LI was when he told Nagusa he could have Olympia. I get there was ~drama~ but an LI just tossing MC away is an instant turn-off. He's a great character and a wonderful friend and wingman in the other routes, but as an LI he fell flat.
He has supplanted Toma as king of my Hot Mess tier. There was way too much to unpack with this guy. He started off super amazing, but the Tennyo Island scenario really flipped the script. I don't hate when an LI points a weapon at MC (Orlok my beloved <3) but it was the messy writing and the SA that firmly put him in this tier. His charisma keeps him there and not into friend tier, really, and the fact purple is my favorite color. Like Kuroba, he's an excellent character and wingman on other routes, he just wasn't able to shine on his own.
The flip I did on this boy! I went in hating him and just wanting his route to be over, and by the end he was precious puppy I love him, which seems to be the general consensus. His redemption was so wonderfully done, though, and his personal character growth was probably the best out of the entire cast. Very good man, sweet and loving, I very much like him.
I thought I would be meh about him honestly. Like Olympia I didn't have the best first impression. He definitely warmed on me though, but he did enough stuff in his route to make me side-eye that he can't be above yes please tier. Depending on my mood he might fall below Riku, but those CGs were hnnngh and definitely are supporting his position.
This beautiful man. His route was my favorite, but he places second in my list. Like San-chan he wrecked my heart, and his entire inhuman-ness was a huge selling point. I am a sucker for these ageless deity types with all their tragedy and differing morals. He's a wonderful, beautiful man and the lore and mythology he brought to the table only sweetened the deal.
SS, he's come the closet to Perfect Prince tier, along with Ryuki, in just the sheer bursting love I felt for him. His route had probably the weakest ending, and even I can admit it wasn't the best overall, but as an LI? He reigns supreme. His love scene was the best. Everything about him as a character is great. I love how soft and sweet he is, how vulnerable and honest he was with Olympia, and his growth was second to Riku only. He just makes me happy.
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cat-meg · 1 year
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koladelight · 2 years
My Personal Otome Game Route Rankings
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This is mainly for my own entertainment to see if I notice any patterns with my favourite LIs.
Code: Realize
1. Count Saint-Germain
2. Arsene Lupin
3. Abraham Van Helsing
4. Victor Frankenstein
5. Impey Barbicane
It was extremely difficult to put numbers 2-4 in any sort of order and I could have easily favoured a different order. Saint-Germain was my absolute favourite from the minute he opened his eyes on his route and Impey's personality annoyed me greatly so these two found their places quickly. Lupin, Van Helsing and Fran all had a few things I didn't like but I enjoyed their routes from different points of views. This ranking is based on all three games.
Collar x Malice
1. Takeru Sasazuka
2. Aiji Yanagi
3. Kei Okazaki
4. Kageyuki Shiraishi
5. Mineo Enomoto
Again, Sasazuka was number one the minute I heard his voice and Enomoto annoyed me for the same reasons as Impey. Numbers 2-4 were very close competition and again, I could have put them in a different order. I loved Yanagi for the mature love and natural development, Okazaki for his yandere personality and Shiraishi for the plot. This ranking is based on the first game, Unlimited is on my list to play.
1. Yang
2. Henri Lambert
3. Dante Falzone
4. Nicola Francesca
5. Gilbert Redford
6. Orlok
I'm starting to notice a pattern of liking angst and trashy men. This ranking is based on both the first game and episodio 1926. Originally I didn't like Nicola much, but his 1926 is route was brilliant so he jumped up quite a bit. Orlok is a sweetie, but I guess I prefer my LIs a bit more mature. Yang and Henri were the crazy ones and I loved that, absolutely amazing characters. Yang's episodio 1926 route was brilliant. Also an honorary mention of Gilbert's, Oliver's and Orlok's potato conversation. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
Cupid Parasite
1. Jupiter / Peter Flage
2. Raul Aconite
3. Ryuki F. Keisaiin
4. Shelby Snail
5. Allan Melville
6. Gill Lovecraft
This ranking is based on the first game (I believe there is a fandisc which hasn't been localised?). This game threw me for a loop because I ended up liking the guys I least expected to. When I started the game, I was interested in Allan and Shelby the most and hated Ryuki and Raul. But all went completely differently than I thought it would. Gill also made my list of most annoying LIs, I couldn't stand him.
Cafe Enchante
1. Kaoru Rindo
2. Misyr Rex
3. Ignis Carbunculus
4. Il Fado de Rie
5. Canus Espada
This was a difficult situation because I loved Misyr but hated the ending so much. I'm currently working on fixing it with a fanfic haha. Kaoru was a favourite with his mature personality and looks (might be because I turn 30 this year). Ignis had gore with a sweet ending and I loved it. I enjoyed Il's route but he was a bit too much of a cry baby for me. Canus had a lovely personality, but I couldn't quite warm up to him having no head.
Olympia Soiree
1. Yosuga
2. Riku
3. Akaza
4. Kuroba
5. Tokisada
6. Himuka
Seems like the crazy one is my favourite again. I love Yosuga and his route so much that I have played it at least five times. The dark themes of his route really appealed to me. I liked Riku for his character development and Akaza for the plot and his upstanding nature. Kuroba was interesting because of the social issues. I wasn't overly keen on Tokisada because of his cutesy demeanor, although it did get better towards the end of his route. Himuka just wasn't for me at all. He didn't really annoy me, but I couldn't form any connection.
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wildflower-otome · 2 years
[Translation] Olympia Soiree - 50 Questions for Kuroba
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Source: Olympia Soiree Official Visual Fanbook Nuit Blanche
50 Questions for Kuroba
1. What are your hobbies and special skills?
Before it was creating specimen books, but these days it’s mainly origami. They seem to make Byakuya and the children of Yomi happy, so I think it’s a good skill if I do say so myself.
2.What are your strong points and weak points?
I’m aware that the part of me that always distrusts everything is not good.
As for my strong point…..I think that I’m unexpectedly good at persevering? If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to continue the kind of research I do.
3. What is a common habit of yours?
Fiddling with my necktie.
4. What is something you do everyday?
Tease Byakuya? Haha, she’ll be mad at me. Although I do think it’d be nice if I was able to see her everyday.
5. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
That’s something even I don’t know.
6. What is the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
The first thing I do when I get up is drink a cup of tea to wake up. Before I sleep I spray some sleep medicine.
7. What is your secret (within the boundaries of what you can share)?
I’m the son of the previous leader of the Yellow.
8. Is there someone who you think of as a rival?
It was Akaza previously, but these days I’d also include Lord Douma. Although I’m well aware surpassing him will be difficult.
9. Please tell us about an unforgettable event during your childhood.
Yosuga and I got to talking about how we wanted to see the sea, so we put blue dye into Yomi’s waterway and got beat up by Granny.
10. How strong is your alcohol tolerance? (Do you drink alcohol?)
I like drinking, but when I get drunk I fall asleep.
11. What is something you are really into right now?
Researching new types of origami.
12. What is something about your body that you have confidence in?
……My pecs?
13. How would you describe yourself in one word?
14. How do you spend your days off?
On dates of course.
15. What is something expensive you’ve bought recently?
A microscope.
16. What is something that worries you recently?
The problem of the successor to the leader of the Yellow.
17. What is a job that you’d like to try doing outside of your current one?
Bouncer at Shikinjou.
18. Who is someone you respect?
As expected, Lord Jigen, Lord Douma and Lady Shura really are amazing. Tsukuyomi is also someone I respect…..well, maybe not quite, but I’m grateful to him. And in the end, Lord Sakyo as well. A lot of things happened with him, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s the mentor who guided me.
19. What is something you don’t like?
20. If you could bring just one thing to Tennyo Island, what would it be?
A knife.
21. Please teach us a technique you use to move your lover’s heart.
Rather than any sweet words of mine, it’d have to be origami, right?
22. What are things you like about her?
Her indecent side.
23. What is your favourite food among the dishes she makes?
I’m happy no matter what she makes.
24. What is your favourite part of her body?
Her tongue. Although I like her hips as well.
25. Do you hold hands while you’re on dates?
I probably put my arm around her shoulders or waist more often.
26. If you were to change places with Daifuku for one day, how would you spend your time?
Have her put me on the top of her head maybe? I’d like to try doing things that I definitely wouldn’t be able to do in my real body.
27. You see her sleeping right in front of you. What would you do?
That’s something that happens a lot, but I always have trouble making up my mind. I want to play a trick on her, but I also feel as if I want to keep gazing at her cute sleeping face forever. I end up doing something mischievous at a ratio of about 7:3 though.
28. When your work or study isn’t going well and you’re feeling down, how would you like her to comfort you?
I want her to comfort me, but I don’t want to complain, that’s the kind of being men are.
29. What position do you prefer to sleep in, when you are with her?
I have a feeling I often hold onto her from behind.
30. When you want to kiss her, what do you do first?
I kiss her whenever I think that I want to.
31. Would you prefer to be devoted to her? Or for her to be devoted to you?
More than that, I want to spoil her.
32. If you suddenly missed her in the middle of the night, what would you do?
I’d distract myself by looking at things through my microscope.
33. She has caught a cold. How would you look after her?
I’d try all the treatment methods that I know. Although, perhaps those of the White aren’t affected by illness…..? Or maybe the reason illnesses don’t touch her is because it’s “her”?
34. If you see her while you are at work, what would you do?
If I have the time, I’d love to try helping out with her deliveries.
35. When you and your lover have a fight, what do you do to make up with her?
I bring something sweet over to her and apologise.
36. What would you do if snow started to fall during one of your dates?
Truth be told, it’s something I’ve never really seen much of. Although if it did fall, I think she and I would end up having fun with it.
37. When you are with her, what kind of moments do you feel the happiest?
The times when we go for a walk on the beach and have rambling conversations
38. What is a habit of hers that you like?
When she undoes my necktie.
39. What were you like as a child?
Along with Yosuga, I was spoken highly of as one of the worst brats in Yomi.
40. How many children would you like? Please tell us if you would like a boy or a girl, and how many.
Only as many as she wishes to have. Of course, when thinking of our position in society, I would like to increase the population of the ‘White’, but I do think she would make a great mother. Hmm, perhaps I’ll do some research on safe childbirth methods.
41. When your children are born, what kind of things would you like to teach them? And what kind of children would you like to raise them to be?
Being healthy is the most important thing! After that, I’d like to allow them to do what they want to do.
42. If she were to tell you that ‘I will grant you one wish’, what would you ask for?
I wonder if I could ask her to wash my hair.
43. If you were a ‘White’, including yourself, who would you choose as a partner? And conversely, who would you refuse?
I know Akaza and Yosuga too well to want to marry them. It seemed like Himuka wanted to know more about intercourse, so perhaps it might be fun to teach him.
44. What would you like to do in the world beyond the ocean?
I’d like to collect medical apparatus and medicine.
45. ‘The waves bring what one seeks.’ What is something that you would like to wash ashore?
As to be expected for someone in my line of work, I’d be happy if medical related items, things that might help with my research, would wash up.
46. Is there something you would like to say to Tsukuyomi?
Thank you for your help back then.
47. Is there something you would like to say to her father?
At that time, I was truly stricken with terror.
48. What is a challenge you would like to undertake from here on?
…..Perhaps studying to become a leader?
Although, only if the likes of me is allowed to give that answer.
49. Please tell us about a commitment you would like to make once you become a leader in the future.
I want to back Yomi no matter what, but having a higher colour rank doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness. I would like this world to become one where there is no need to carry such pain all alone, maybe I’m naive for thinking that.
50. Please tell us your message of love for her.
I’ll continue to love you from now on.
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firis-chan · 2 years
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