leahnardo-da-veggie · 3 months
300 Follower Celebration Lorepost — Ceredell!!
Welcome back to another episode of Worldbuilding™! So happy to have new followers, and I can't wait to bore y'all with more world building!
Without further ado, let's begin!
Ceredell is one of the most complex regions in Triworld, with a vast history and more gore than the average slasher movie. Once upon a time, it was a flowering, forested region much like many others, whose name was lost to time. But one day, Terras, an artificer, discovered a way to generate magic. He thought to make his home flourish, and in the manner of mad scientists everywhere, endeavoured to do so by turning himself into a god.
He was successful. So successful, in fact, that he managed to wreck the whole of Ceredell, send it careening into a cursed land, and turn himself into the Void, in the process. (Read about that mess here) From that sunny, cheerful moment onwards, most bodies of water in the region that would come to be called were poisoned, things came out of the sea-turned-Void, and people died by the thousands. It grew so bad that in the northern provinces, living beings had all but died out.
That changed when a group of adventurers, led by fifth Prince Remington I of the southern kingdom Olip-Olep, decided to venture into and reclaim the cursed lands. There, they discovered that, while horrible things had sprouted across the lowlands, and fishing in the sea produced masses of rotting corpses, the mountains held something that made it all worthwhile: Soulstones.
Soulstones were an (up until then) incredibly rare gem that could store magical capacity. Much like diamonds formed under pressure, the concentration of magic was such that regular stone had been turned to soulstone, both sucking the worst of the curse out of the mountains and providing a foundation for an expanded Kingdom. So Remington I plopped himself in the long-abandoned castle of a king whose name has been forgotten (and named it something that has also long been forgotten), gleefully imported people over from Losaras and Olip-Olep, and set about to creating his new Kingdom.
Now, unbeknownst to him at the time, the tunnels he declared ‘mines’ were already inhabited, by spirits. They were a people made from the cursed dead, imbued with immortality, translucency, and more murder in their hearts than any mortal had previously seen. In their language, they had named the land Ceredell, or Mountain-home. King Remington I took that name from them, much like he took their homes and means of living. The spirits were, quite naturally, furious at the mortals' intrusion, forming the basis of a rivalry that would culminate in the Lich-Queen's coronation.
Though they fought valiantly, the humans overwhelmed their numbers, and the spirits were forced to flee to other lands. But that is a story for another day. 
King after King ruled the region, with a few Queens scattered in for good measure, the people of Ceredell came to find ways of surviving in the unforgiving lands of Ceredell, and life went on. They turned the river corpseflesh into stew, carved runes to float their cities far above the carnivorous monsters, and turned their undead homeland into a sanctuary. 
Then it all went wrong. The Void, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-traces of Terras gone, got its hands on three youths. Two sisters and a young man, each having strayed too close to Void. The two girls were found by guard-hunters, lost and precocious beyond belief. The elder sister, in particular, had the far-sight of an Oracle, and so the captain of the party brought her back to the castle. They took the little sister along for the ride, not suspecting it would be their downfall.
The girls were named Ramaeria, after wisdom, and Iraela, after the corpse-tree forest they were found in. Both names turned out to be accurate. 
Ramaeria grew up to be an Oracle of the highest calibre, gifted the world on a platter by the King. Her one flaw was her softness, her love for the cruel crown prince and her still crueller sister. She had seen their ends, seen how easy it would be to drown her blood and save the Kingdom, but could not. No, she watched her only family grow up from afar, too poisoned by fear to reach out and too struck with love to kill her.
Iraela grew up bitter and hateful, friend only to death and the books that lined the old library. Her very blood boiled with death, and the ability to reverse it. She looked out of her castle tower and saw her Queendom in the monsters that prowled the wilderness and the leafless trees. So, when she finally came into her powers, she struck without a second thought, to claim the throne she considered her right.
I could tell you the rest of the story of Iraela and the Lich-Queen she would become, but that would be spoiling you, would it not? Go read it here instead.
Now, an observant reader would notice the mention of a third figure: the man. Who was he? Why was he? What gift-curse did he receive from the Void? I have an answer for each of those.
The man was Maizen, Shatterer of Worlds, gifted a berserk fury and bloodlust that rivalled the Lich-Queen's. When she drank soup and dreamed of her heritage, he paved the way for her, scything through the southern cities of Ceredell, ripping society apart with wanton glee. One cannot truly say if Iraela could have taken over Ceredell without his help, if the forces of undeath would have been sufficient without the whirlwind of murder. One thing is for sure, however: He took a massive bite out of the armed forces of Ceredell.
Between the three fated ones and their choices (or lack thereof), Ceredell fell within two decades. All that remained were the Deadlands, home of ghouls, revenants, and the berserker bloodline, ruled over by an eternally vengeful Lich-Queen.
I suppose you could call it a bad ending. The spirits would disagree, however. The mortals who had taken their home from them, had gotten their just desserts at last. The ghouls would disagree too. They had finally found a home and a generous Queen. The berserkers, some Void-touched, some wanderers from lands that could not accept their curse, were grateful for a land that adored their blood-thirst.
For many, the Void was a saviour. Terras had achieved his goal, in a roundabout way. He had brought magic to the realm, and made it thrive. The locals weren't who he might have anticipated, and the route it took to get there sure did have a lot of genocide, but the outcome was as he wished for.
So, I suppose it might well serve a warning to you all— Be careful for what you wish for, for you might just get it.
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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dolamight · 3 years
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Stopped by @iconstudiosatl and saw my #olepal the Legendary @ianfburke He helped navigate careers of some of your favorite artists… #googlehim 😇😍😎🏆🥇#Atlanta #dreamweaver #HeCamMakeYouFamous 🎬🎼 #AtlantaInvasion WeInTheseStreetz #DecaturGA @KingzmenBrand #Working🥇🏆 #CropKingz 👑 #1 Wrap In Tha Game #Organic #Hemp #Vegan #SelfSealing #whatYouSmokingWith 💨 Follow The Whole Team Cuz #WeLit 🔥🔥@introducingtarag 🗝🔌 @521supreme 🎼@atownmike 🥇🎤 @lilzanesworld 📺💫 #KingzmenBrand 👑👑@jcropkingzking @dolamight_solid @kingcrave @_keamfoe @j.craigindafield @5olid438 @kingmorrison26 @kingklown2k @leen_pacino @uglyfeet1975 🤑 @arianacropkingz 👸🏽@junkies_atl 🎙 #Smokeshop #cropkingzhemp #rollup #cannabis #cannabiscapitol #cannabidiol #cannabisinfluencer #cheechandchong #taracropkingzqueen #introducingtarag #taragpresents #kingzmen #dontcrash💥👂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUJqxopGIZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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intransferible · 4 years
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Nueva colaboración con @olep_fragua esta vez con un retrato de Quico Engels. Pidan su copia!! #olep #illustration #portrait #engels #historicalcharacter (en Primaria URSS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGW0X4jPIz/?igshid=1g1eg1psd2yt5
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cholatoaloha · 4 years
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UNTIL NEXT YEAR 🌈LEI MAKING CREW @honolulu_Parks 🙌🏽Love This photo of us all from 2019, The best of the best imo (👉🏼missing Reginald who does not have insta) they are 💙Mary @maryjones808 💗Ayesha @haku_lei_haleiwa 🤍Alison in Grey @graceflowershawaii and The grand prize winner himself Unko Melvin @melvinlabra and then me 💛Leilani . . . #oneloveonelei #leimaker #honolulu #lei #leidaycelebration2019 #williamchar #wili #kui #leipoepoe #muumuuchic #leilove #leisbyleilani #leipaple #hawaiianstyle #sharingthealohaspiritoneleiatatime #olepe #untilnextyear #heleinonakauakau #leidayglobalcelebration #naleimakamae (at Kapiolani Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oJkcnj5fD/?igshid=ox7qzevthn78
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chefbjdennis · 7 years
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And when I get home dis on my must cook for myself asap list. I be craving oysters especially now dat the weather cool. Well when I get home its gonna be cool lol. #olepic. #naturalaphrodisiac even doe I don't need em fa dat. Gotta give it up to #neworleans the only other city in the states I wud wanna live in....Dis #nola style #charbroiledoysters wit spicy garlic butta but I made these in #savannahga. Just reminiscing in #trinidad #geecheeeats #nolaeats #nolaeater #eaternola #eatingnola #noladining #nolacuisine #eatdat (at Arima)
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Lucha de pueblos indígenas
La escala de las dificultades que millones de indígenas enfrentan alrededor del mundo es impactante. Ellos han sido desplazados, desalojados y a veces hasta asesinados mientras intentaban proteger sus derechos y sus culturas. Hoy, en el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas, es vital que nos enfoquemos en su lucha, en el progreso positivo realizado, y considerar que su lucha es nuestra lucha por un planeta más sostenible y equitativo.
Existen alrededor de 370 millones de indígenas de 15.000 grupos distintos viviendo en más de 70 países alrededor del mundo. Mientras que una de cada 20 personas en el mundo es indígena, ellos representan alrededor de una de cada siete de las personas viviendo en extrema pobreza en el mundo. Y la escala de la desigualdad es enorme entre las poblaciones indígenas y no-indígenas de cada país. Las condiciones de vida no adecuadas y la falta de acceso a la vivienda, educación, servicios de salud y otros servicios básicos son claras manifestaciones de la pobreza y exclusión de las personas y comunidades indígenas.
Ellos continúan enfrentando amenazas de desalojo y de desplazamiento de sus tierras ancestrales. El problema reside en la falta de reconocimiento legal de sus derechos y recursos. Generalmente no tienen los títulos formales de la tierra o son invisibles para los registros de tierras oficiales del gobierno, lo cual los hace susceptibles a violaciones de su derecho a la tierra.
Debido a que su tierra es su medio de supervivencia, los indígenas son guardianes vitales de nuestro medio ambiente. Perder su tierra significa perder sus hogares, recursos y medios de vida, lo cual los puede llevar aún más hacia la pobreza extrema. También puede significar que pierdan su vida. Ellos están enormemente sobre-representados entre los activistas de la tierra y el medio ambiente asesinados en los últimos años por defender su tierra, bosques y ríos de que se les quiten las tierras y recursos para el desarrollo o para proyectos de ‘conservación’.
La pobreza y el despojo de la tierra están llevando a los indígenas a mudarse a zonas urbanas, adonde generalmente sufren de condiciones de vida aún peores, marginalidad y dificultades para mantener su cultura y valores indígenas.
Pero a pesar de esto, se está logrando algo de progreso alrededor del mundo, lo cual demuestra la fortaleza y resiliencia de los pueblos indígenas para hacer valer sus derechos y lograr el cambio.
La comunidad indígena Mapuche Curruhuinca en Argentina abogó exitosamente por una ley que fue sancionada por el gobierno nacional en 2011, devolviendo la propiedad de una tierra ancestral de 400 hectáreas que había estado ocupada por las fuerzas armadas argentinas durante más de un siglo. La comunidad ha comenzado a construir casas y a establecer un modelo de vida intercultural para los Mapuches y otras familias de bajos recursos.
Los Wampis – indígenas en la Amazonía peruana – se convirtieron en la primera comunidad indígena en Perú en establecer un gobierno territorial autónomo conocido como la Nación Wampis. Mientras que son aún ciudadanos del Perú, los Wampis son ahora una comunidad auto-gobernada que protege el bienestar de su gente y su territorio ancestral de la explotación. Su victoria ha inspirado a otros grupos indígenas en Perú y América Latina a buscar la auto-gobernanza de sus tierras.
Un enfoque liderado por la comunidad con base de derechos a empoderado a las comunidades indígenas en la región de Sierra Norte de Puebla en México para construir sus propios hogares, respetando sus necesidades y cultura.
El gobierno de Alberta en Canadá está lanzando un Programa de Capital de Vivienda Indígena de $120 millones para comprar hogares asequibles directamente diseñados y de propiedad de personas indígenas en la provincia.
En octubre de 2017 fue lanzado un servicio internacional para brindar subvenciones y aumentar en escala el reconocimiento de los derechos colectivos a la tierra y bosques de los indígenas.
Los ciudadanos involucrados y las comunidades locales se han vuelto más conscientes de los desafíos que enfrentan las poblaciones indígenas y están trabajando con ellos de manera colaborativa. La Fundación Tarayana en Bután está apoyando al grupo étnico Olep – una comunidad nómade de cazadores recolectores que vive en una zona remota del país – para liderar su propio desarrollo a través de mejoras de vivienda y desarrollo de capacidades. Y EPIC Homes está involucrando a voluntarios y a empresas para participar en la construcción de vivienda adecuada para familias indígenas Orang Asli en Malasia.
Mientras que celebramos este progreso, ¿no deberían estar sucediendo más cosas como éstas? ¿Conoces algunos otros ejemplos inspiradores? Nos gustaría conocer en particular casos de comunidades indígenas y lo que están realizando para defender sus hogares, sus tierras, sus medios de vida y su cultura.
Si estamos realmente preocupados por lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y proteger los preciados ecosistemas del mundo, debemos trabajar con las personas y comunidades indígenas para  resolver estos desafíos. Y eso comienza con proteger y reconocer sus derechos a su tierra, cultura y recursos. El asegurar los derechos a la tierra de los indígenas es clave para resolver la pobreza, los conflictos y el cambio climático. Si protegemos sus derechos, no sólo ellos se benefician (como deberían), sino que también protegemos nuestro planeta.
Moring, J. (2018). La lucha de los pueblos indígenas por la tierra es una lucha de todos. World Habitat. Recuperado de: https://world-habitat.org/es/noticias/nuestro-blog/la-lucha-de-los-pueblos-indigenas-por-la-tierra-es-una-lucha-de-todos/
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winglessarcher · 5 years
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Hey guys! So, um, I wanna try something a little new? I wanna to a shipping tag thing. For r/olep/lay mu/s/ings. (Had to cut that in half so it doesn’t end up in the tags.) So if anybody wants, like, a special relationship tag - whether our muses are lovers, friends, siblings, or enemies - feel free to comment on this post or dm me and I could create a tag for you guys to check out on my blog that remind me of our muses!
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barbatantefreubelt · 3 years
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Hint voor Sint Tip voor boekenwurmen, deze vrolijke boekenleggers.. Zo weet je altijd waar je gebleven bent in je favoriete boek.. In diverse kleuren verkrijgbaar. Per stuk 1.50 Eventueel ook verkrijgbaar met tekst, dan zijn ze 2 euro per stuk. Indien gewenst gaat rijmpjespiet aan de slag voor een leuk gedichtje er bij.. Delen = Lief #barbatantefreubelt #handmadewithlove #Sint #kadootjes #boekenlegger #feest #sintenpiet (bij Vlissingen, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWr-ui-oLEp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yuyategoshifansusa · 6 years
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TOP Yuya Tegoshi 0 I think people really appreciate who has influenced me on the dance side. Actually, the staff is a choreographer. Unknown Johnny's' surely I'm surely a demon choreographer because I do not think it is an idol. If I can not remember it yells at me (laugh). But I am very pleased with its unrelenting feeling. But I am a boy who is brought up so severely that I like people who have influenced myself in the human part of the basics. When the result comes out in a short time, as soon as I'm busy, I'm a teacher type, because I made my consciousness burd. It is a sweet world. For example, I do not have a big attitude towards staff, so I think that severity is necessary. If I see that person, I will never do this Episode of evil? It will be a couple of months ago to be NEWS. However, I wish I could become such a person, I think that I will dance the center in my senior's back is LArc ~ en ~ Ciel's HYDE, "Tegoshi, I think that it is tasty to dance at the center, from same-sex It's popular and it's a staff around, "he said. So, even my juni worshiped himself, "I do not know about anyone who is good for this person, but I want to make it Olep. A person who can get angry with being called in the hallway taking an attitude. I am the one who seems like that. When asked "What do you want to be in the future", "I want to be a star, it seems like I am a gyuu guy, I do not have a damper". After debutting for a while (laugh). Somehow when going to the sea (with a gal man's tone) "After you hand it" Is it the only guy you are standing in my house, is not Yoshikuni? You say "I'm a star" You can come by far. I am very happy. I do not remember that. Recent status of "talking" As a myself being a football boy I think it's a great honor to be able to play casters of cups as a person who has influenced myself in the world part. Everyone's variety. Moreover, because the people who have won in the world whether Japan has many friends. Jeal is pretty fast to be able to cheer as head crankshaft as a caster. It is said that it does not produce things that are not in the script. I feel like one of my dreams will come true. However, laughter is not born. During that time I was watching Bonn and I felt like I was fighting together. Since there is no script, I will not be hampered, so my feelings are too much and it's crying while on air, but it's fun when I have fruit. Also, I have to make sure not to do it (laugh). Private neighborhood The experience here is the MC of the concert, the snow situation? Recently, I am on a superchari. Originally, I like watching scenic colors on ad-lib in the scene car live program on the spot and watching people, and there are things that I can not afford to do, so as soon as I find a shop that's interesting in that part I think I'm alive when I entered. Also, I can have variety of people. It's been a nice season. First is Cha In the world "Because this is an idol because this is an idol, I think that when I buy Ribi I do not know the market, I think that I am not the best, so I'd say" Please tell me "I said to the staff," NG nothing whatever you do, please do not recommend something more than 1 million yen! " Treatment as an idol (laugh). "I do not want to do such a good thing, now I do not need one to do various things now!" I refused immediately. (Laugh). Baid, m
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omegangrins · 4 years
“Barbara and Walter Edwards visited a grassy spot on the southeast corner of Apple and Main streets early Monday morning where homemade signs and plastic flowers marked where their son, Drew Edwards, died a year ago after an altercation with police in which a Taser gun was deployed and he became unresponsive.  
“This is a hard day. Being there brought it all alive again. We’ll never get over it,” Barbara said mid-morning as she and Walter joined about a dozen people holding a peaceful demonstration at Platt and Main streets in front of the Maquoketa Police Department to show that they feel justice has not been served in their son’s death.
“It’s hard to believe he’s gone. We just want justice,” said Walter, who was surrounded by family, friends and other community members who held signs and waved in appreciation to people who drove by and honked or called words of support to them.
Edwards was 22 when he died on June 15, 2019. The Iowa State Medical Examiner’s office ruled the cause of death as cardiac arrest and determined that Edwards had multiple illegal drugs in his system at the time. In September, Muscatine County Attorney Alan Ostergren and the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation found no evidence of criminal conduct by the Maquoketa Police Department and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office in Edward’s death. Ostergren reviewed the case at Jackson County Attorney Sara Davenport’s request.
Not satisfied with those findings, the family has filed a wrongful death suit against the City of Maquoketa, Jackson County, Maquoketa Police Officer Mike Owen, Maquoketa Assistant Police Chief Brendan Zeimet and Jackson County Chief Deputy Steve Schroeder.  
The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that the officers used excessive force and that the Taser was deployed despite police knowing Edwards had a heart condition and that he had previously had an adverse reaction to being tased. The civil case is expected to go to trial early next year, said Dave O’Brien, the Cedar Rapids attorney representing the Edwards family.
A report released last fall by Dr. Kelly Kruse, assistant Iowa state medical examiner, said that cardiac arrest during restraint caused Edwards’ death, and toxicology results showed multiple illegal drugs in Edwards’ system.
Dr. Bradley Randall with Dakota Forensic Consulting, who is an expert witness for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit said the way Edwards was restrained likely caused his death. Randall said that the way in which Edwards was being restrained face-down on the ground by officers for about 12 minutes caused asphyxiation.
While he noted that methamphetamine intoxication and multiple Taser shocks were contributing factors “… it is my opinion that had Mr. Edwards not been restrained as he was he would not have died when and where he did. It is my further opinion that had the law enforcement officers terminated the restraint, with Mr. Edwards being placed either supine or on his side, at any point prior to his becoming unresponsive, he most likely would have lived.”
The city, county and other defendants have declined to comment on the case citing the pending lawsuit.  
Edwards’ sister and niece, Brenda Hayward and Janie Fitzpatrick, were at the demonstration and said the family did not receive any acknowledgment from law enforcement after Edwards died.
“We were hoping to get some kind of condolences, some kind of apology,” Fitzpatrick said.
Lost Nation resident Erik Olep began appearing on the sidewalk of several busy intersections last week, holding an American flag and signs with such slogans as “Justice for Drew.” He said he was working at a rental house on Apple Street the day Edwards died and heard the sirens. He later read about the case in the Sentinel-Press and watched video from Owen’s body camera that was released by O’Brien. He said the recent national events surrounding the death of George Floyd spurred him to action.
“Protesting is another way of standing up and drawing light to an issue. And we’ve got an issue here,” said Olep, who plans to continue his peaceful protest into the future. While he just met the Edwards family a few days ago, he said he is impacted by their grief.  
Edwards’ younger brothers Kole Manning and Mitchell Hankemeier were also at the demonstration and spoke of their sense of loss.
“I think about him every day,” Hankemeier said.
Manning recalled that Edwards let him drive a car for the first time.
“He just kept telling me to slow down,” he said, with a smile. “I wish I could just bring him back.”
Family members acknowledge Edwards struggled with addiction. But they also remembered a young man who loved to fish, who liked to help others and who spent hours in the garage working on cars.
“He could fix anything,” Walter said.
Barbara and Walter said they are saddened that this happened in their hometown and that they believe good policing is important to a community.
“This is our town, too. We live here and we care about everybody here,” Barbara said. “We just want justice for Drew.”
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yuregimdenizlerde · 5 years
Marpessa’nın Hikayesi.
Tanrıların tanrısı Zeus’un kızı Artemis, kardeşi Apollon’u doğururken yardım ettiği annesinin çektiği acıyı görünce evlenmekten iğrenip, babası Zeus’a evlenmeyi asla düşünmediğini, her zaman lekesiz ve bakir kalarak iffetli bir yaşam sürdürmek istediğini belirtmişti. Zeus da, kızının bu isteğine razı olmuştu. Artık Artemis “İffet Tanrıçası” olarak anılmaya başlanmıştı. Tanrıça Artemis o kadar güzeldi ki, tanrılar arasında onu kıskanmayan yoktu. En büyük tanrılar bile hep onu seyreder dururlardı.
Ok ve yayla avlanmayı çok seven Artemis, koşmasına engel olmasın diye çok kısa bir elbise giyerdi. Muntazam ve diri vücudunu, dik göğüslerini, koşarken açılan sütun gibi uzun bacaklarını diğer tanrılar seyretmekten zevk alırlardı. Böylesine şahane bir vücuda kimse sahip değildi. Kendisine aşık olan hiç bir tanrıya, tüm ısrarlara rağmen bekaretini teslim etmemiş, böylelikle babasına verdiği sözü de tutmuştu. Gündüzleri ormanda, geceleri ise denizlerde avlanarak karşı duygularını bastırmaya çalışan Artemis bazen doğa harikası dediği bir Akdeniz bölgesine gelmekte, orada hayallere dalmaktaydı. İşte gene böyle bir geceydi. O çok sevdiği kıyılarda gezerken, gözlerine bir yeraltı mağarası ilişti. Tereddüt etmeden mağaranın içine girdi. Mağaranın içinde bir de göl olduğunu görünce şahane vücudunu serin sulara bıraktı. Birden sesler duydu. Gölden çıkıp, seslerin geldiği tarafa doğru kendini kayalara siper ede ede yürüdü. ileride bir kızla bir erkek delicesine sevişiyorlardı. Kız neredeyse kendisi kadar güzeldi ama erkeği biraz daha yakınlaşıp görünce donakaldı. Bu ne yakışıklılık, bu ne fiziki güzellilikti öyle? Esmer ve adaleli bedeni tanrıları dahi kıskandırabilecek olağanüstü dirilikte ve güzellikteydi. İçinde o an bir şeylerin kıpırdadığını hissetti. Aşk bu olsa gerekti! Birden babası Zeus’a verdiği söz aklına geldi. Kendisini toparlamaya çalıştı. O “İffet Tanrıçası”ydı. Her şeyi unutmalı, geri dönmeliydi ama yine de bazı hislerini bastıramadı, aniden geri döndü ve genç erkeğin seviştiği kızı taş haline getirdi.
Şaşkına dönen delikanlı ağladı, sızladı ve dışarı çıktı. Tanrı Zeus’a, kendisi gibi fakir bir balıkçıdan ne istediğini haykırdı. Zavallı İdas kulunun ne günahı vardı ki sevgilisi Bianna’yı elinden almıştı? Ama o sıralar Tanrı Zeus güzel kızlarla Olemp dağında zevke dalmıştı ve İdas”ın haykırışları duyamayacak bir sarhoşluğun içindeydi. İdas’ın elinden hiç bir şey gelmiyordu. Zavallı balıkçı sevgilisi Bianna için günlerce yemedi, içmedi onun taş yığını haline gelen anısı başında nehirler kadar gözyaşı döktü. Bakmak zorunda olduğu kimseler olmasa oracıkta kendisini öldürebilirdi. Kendisini toparlamaya çalıştı. Kendisini denize verdi. Günlerden bir gün balığa çıkan İdas’ın ağına bir şey takıldı. Oldukça ağır bir balık olmalıydı. Zorlukla yukarı çekerken birden ağında ona belki de tüm dertlerini unutturacak kadar güzel bir deniz kızı gördü. Üstelik ona gülümsüyordu. Alt tarafı gümüş pullarla kaplıydı. Deniz kızı konuşmaya başlayarak, adının Marpessa olduğunu söyledi. Yolunu kaybettiğini, yanında biraz dinlenip, dinlenemeyeceğini sordu. Bu olağanüstü güzellik karşısında dili tutulan ve baka kalan İdas, deniz kızını yukarı çekmeyi ancak akıl edebildi. Deniz kızı artık sandalındaydı. Bir süre birbirlerine hayranlıkla baktılar. Yıldırım aşk buydu. İkisini de tam yürekten vurmuştu… Bu dünyanın en güzel kıyılarında en büyük aşklardan birini yaşamaya başladılar. Aslında deniz kızı İffet TanrıçasıArtemis’ten başkası değildi. Tanrı olarak iffetini o güne kadar koruyan Artemis bu fakir ama yakışıklı genç insanoğluna bekaretini teslim etmişti. Bu büyük aşk yıllar boyu sürüp gitti. Hatta onların bu büyük aşklarını duyan insanlar, bu doğa harikası kıyılara gelip, yerleşmeye bile başlamışlardı. Ve kısa zaman içerisinde burada bir şehir kuruldu. İki aşık delice sevişmeye devam ederlerken, bu büyük aşkı duyan “Deniz Tanrısı” Posseidon onları merak etti ve Olemp dağlarından uzanıverdi. Deniz kızının yeğeni Artemis olduğunu fark etti. Artemis amcasının tehditlerine, babası Zeus tarafından uğrayacağı gazabın korkusundan, boyun eğmek zorunda kalmasına rağmen bir tek izin kopartabildi. Senede artık yalnızca bir defa onu görebilecekti. Her ikisi içinde çok zor bir durumdu bu. Gerçi İdas durumu pek anlayamamıştı ama onu tamamen kaybetme korkusu yanında buna da razı olmuştu. Artık günlerini eski sevgilisi Bianna’nın mağara içinde taş kesilmiş siluetinin yanında geçirmeye başlamıştı. Tanrı önce Bianna’sını elinden almış, daha sonra da Marpessa’sını ona çok görmüştü. Bianna’nın taş kesilmiş gövdesine sarıldı, ağlamaya başladı. Onu her gün hasretinden izleyen Artemis bu sahneyi görünce çılgına döndü. Onu kimseyle paylaşmaya, bir taşla bile olsun tahammülü yoktu. Hemen Olep dağına koştu. İdas’ın olmadığı bir an, yüzlerce iri taşla mağaranın girişini kapattı. İdas mağaraya döndüğünde girişin taşlarla tamamen kapandığını gördü. Çöküp ağlamaya başladı. Gökyüzüne isyan edercesine haykırdı. “Ey yerin, göğün ve bütün insanların, canlıların tanrısı! Tanrıların tanrısı Zeus. Benim bedenimi de taş haline getir.” O kadar çok ağladı ve haykırdı ki sesi çıkmaz oldu. Kutsal taşların üstünde, hüznünün ve acısının derinliklerine dalan İdas kendini kaybetti. Nasıl olduysa, kulunun bu içten feryadını ve dileğini duyan tanrıların tanrısı Zeus, İdas’ı taş taline getirdi. Böylelikle İdas’ın taşlaşmış bedeni de kutsal taşlar arasındaki yerini aldı. Olanları, elinden hiç bir şey gelmeden seyreden Artemis, her gün ağladı. Yası hiç bitmedi. Tanrıça olmasaydı belki de anlamı kalmayan hayatına son verebilirdi. O günden sonra, her yıl aynı günde bu kıyılara gelen Marpessa, kendini balıkçıların ağlarına yakalatıp, o aşk mağarasına götürdü. Aşk mağarasını eski haline getirdi. İdas’ın taşını da mağaranın en güzel ve anlamlı yeri olan Bianna’nın yanına koydu… O gizemli ve kutsal mağara bugün, ismini Olemp dağlarından atılan kutsal taşlardan alan Taşucu’nda bulunmakta. Yolunuz bir gün Taşucu’ndan geçerse mutlak o mağarayı ziyaret edin. Eminim o taşlardan, o serin sulardan ilahi güç alacaksınız ve Olemp dağlarından sizleri gıpta ile seyredecek Artemis’ten…
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Don't worry, i'm still working on things i was asked for. Not that you might care 
It's just i'm stressed because of exams, and (semi-)participating in an event in steven universe community in amino was promising to be relaxing. Not like i was going to r//olep/lay anyway? :3 
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izatrini · 7 years
'Over 500 security firms without regulations'* - Trinidad & Tobago Express
'Over 500 security firms without regulations'* Trinidad & Tobago Express As many as 500 security firms are operating in Trinidad and Tobago without proper regulation and standards. This was revealed yesterday by Office of Law Enforcement Policy (OLEP) representative Curtis Belrond during a National Security Symposium at the ... http://dlvr.it/PmsVLC
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phuentshophotos · 5 years
The hollow mountain as view from Migtana in Athang Gewog
The door of the mountain or locally called as the door of the Jowo Durshing is a hole in the mountain which is visible from Rukha and Migtana. The Durshing La, which can be translated to as the pass of firs has been named by the geological survey of India as Black Mountains. The mountain range stands to a height of around 4600m from sea level at its highest peak. The mountain is considered as the abode of the local deity which is worshipped by the people residing around the mountain. Some of the ethnic groups of people residing around this mountain ranges are the Monpas in Trongsa District, Oleps of Rukha in Wangdue Phodrang and the Oleps of Retey in Sarpang District.
Closeup photo of the Door of the mountain. Photo taken from JSWNP Facebook page
Closeup photo of the Door of the mountain. Photo taken from JSWNP Facebook page
Some of the important ancient bon traditions still lives in the settlements surrounding this mountain range. One of them being the Lha Bon festival which is known to be celebrated by the inhabitants of Chendebji, Taktse, Tangsibji, and in Phobjikha. A very interesting thing about the inhabitants of these villages is that they speak the same dialect. Perhaps, they may have a common ancestry. Some very interesting sites which are considered as sacred to the community residing in Phobjikha are encountered if we trek through the ancient trail which was mostly used by semi-nomadic yak and sheep herders.
Paddy fields at Retey in Jigmecholing Gewog of Sarpang District
The Oleps in Retey and Rukha are separated by a huge mountain range which joins the main Durshing La range from the southern foothills but given their similarities in the dialect they speak, they may have departed from a common ancestry. The mountain has become a part of the then Black Mountains National Park in 1995 and now known as Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Since the mountain falls inside the core zone of the national park, entry into the area is restricted. On top of that females are also restricted to visit the mountain beyond a stream before ascending to the main mountain range. The mountain range also have few lakes with some stories associated with them.
The Door of the Deity Jowo Durshing The door of the mountain or locally called as the door of the Jowo Durshing is a hole in the mountain which is visible from Rukha and Migtana.
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Download Dead Man down revenge
Download Dead Man down revenge
movie story, short liner
Directors: Nelis Arden olep
Stars: Colin Farrell, Nominee Reps, Trance Howard
Movie summary : Victor (Choline Farrell) About a year ago, his wife and daughter were killed by a gang of gangs and they infiltrated Victor to take revenge on the gang and tried to destroy the gang and kill Alfonso (Trance Howard) the gang boss …….
Other actors are Isabelle Hooper and…
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