mcfuckeree · 8 years
“you are so cheesy.”
“Everyone deserves somethin on Valentine’s, even you."  
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anathesniper · 8 years
@oldsoldiersdiehard: Continued from here X
Jack grimaced, slowly sitting up. “Thanks, that would have been a nasty one. You okay?”
“I’m fine, Jack.” 
She stares at him, mentally checking him any wounds that would eventually hinder them.
“Are you? No bullet wounds? No cuts, scrapes, nothing I need to worry about?” she questions, squatting down to his level. 
“That could of far worse, what where you thinking?”
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Send me a HELLO and i'll answer... 
If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[] Again, again.
[X] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[] Slap/Push you away.
[] Be confused
If you asked me out I’d say:
[] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[X] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[X] Sure.
[X] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[] No.
[X] Yes, but only if you want to.
Should you reblog this?:
[] Yes. I want to send you one.
[] Yes.
[] No.
[X] Sure??
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@oldsoldiersdiehard liked for a Carnival Starter!
“Aight so like, gonna be real with you, Iack. I’ve seen you dance and I can’t let that go on. So!” Lúcio moved the furniture around in his home to make room for a makeshift dance floor. “Don’t worry, I’mma do this for everybody, but you were the first one to wake up so you get the first lesson!”
Lúcio turned on the music, “Aren’t you lucky!”
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muertocaminando · 8 years
oldsoldiersdiehard replied to your post: “Given how Extra™ Gabe can be he will go out on V-Day. Instead of...”:
Okay but now Jack wants chocolate covered strawberries fed to him by a Gabe who's only wearing a cheesy apron
This is probably what Jack woke up to on vday lol
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deathsuite-blog · 8 years
oldsoldiersdiehard replied to your post oldsoldiersdiehard replied to your post // So…...
Google “grooming” and pedophilia. That’s why it matters to people that Jesse is 17 and completely under Gabriel’s power at the beginning. That Jesse would feel an attachment to a much older man who literally held his life in his hands is a very important aspect of their relationship that can’t be ignored. Unless it’s played that Gabriel and Jesse had next to nothing to do with each other during Blackwatch, there is a power differential that makes it creepy.
Nevermind that knowing someone as a child when you’re very much an adult makes it very hard to ever find them sexually attractive (or SHOULD)
More read mores, I don’t want to take up dash space.
Googled pedophilia: “A pedophile is a person who has a sustained sexual orientation toward children, generally aged 13 or younger” (Quoted is sexologist Ray Blanchard, PhD, adjunct psychiatry professor at the University of Toronto. Source)
Googled grooming: “Grooming is when someone builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or trafficking” (Source)
Yup, these are indeed things that would distinguish a very bad relationship. It’s also things I didn’t once say in my post I approved of. Let’s take a look at what I did write:
“I don’t ship 17 year old McCree with him”. Here, the him I’m writing about is obviously Reyes. I mention this several times in the post, but I suppose it bears repeating once more.
“I do think that as time passed and McCree grew, both in age and as a person, he began actually acting like an adult instead of a kid. And that’s when shipping can begin happening.” So, about the grooming. What I’m saying here is very clearly that when McCree was 17, Reyes had no interest in him, romantically or sexually. I also state that two times in my post (“I doubt Reyes would have any interest in anything at all” & “I don’t think Reyes would have any sort of interest in McCree until after this”). It is only after McCree has grown up and matured that Reyes will see him with different eyes and feelings can begin developing. Since grooming is defined by someone bonding with a child with the intention of sexual exploitation, and Reyes has no interest in McCree in that aspect before McCree is no longer a child, we can conclude that this is not grooming. 
This is Reyes supporting someone who needed it, then letting McCree grow into his own man, then finding out that he might be slowly developing feelings for the man McCree has become.
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heartofamxn · 8 years
"There's still time, come back to us"
talonwatch sentence starters | hero -- agent
“You came here in vain, Jack. I’m not coming back. Overwatch has nothing to offer me.” Genji’s voice was low and dark. “I’m giving you the chance to leave before you are discovered by the others. Go.”
0 notes
arielthelionhearted · 7 years
repost don’t reblog!
tagged by: @allflash-nobang​
tagging: @theninthxian​, @rakshaasa​, @pxperhearts​, @xotlacueponi​, @oldsoldiersdiehard​, @adellaenchanted​, @asundrop​
Things my Character has done
broken a bone | gotten stitches | had a near death experience | killed someone | tried and failed to kill someone | invented something | been hung over | kissed someone | slow-danced | been in a long-term relationship | had sex | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | had a threesome | experimented with their sexuality | had a kid | gotten married | self-harmed | traveled to another country | been in a play | received an inheritance | been in a car wreck | lost a loved one | been dumped | dumped someone | smoked | gotten high | been slipped something in their food / drink | won a contest | won an election | joined a sports team | gone skydiving | gone hunting | been in a band | had a job | been fired | been in a wedding party | owned a pet | seen a ghost  | skipped class / work  | learned an instrument | gotten a noticeable scar  | sued someone | been robbed | been mugged  | been kidnapped | been sexually assaulted | been brainwashed / hypnotized  | gone more than one day without eating | had a recurring nightmare | been bullied| bullied someone | seen someone die | attempted suicide | been tied / chained up | shot someone | stabbed someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | had been a stalker | been betrayed | was a traitor | been in a fight | been arrested | been to a funeral | had surgery | broken someone’s trust | gotten a piercing | gotten a tattoo | used a fake name | been tortured | tortured others | been abused | been blackmailed | had an attempt on their life | gotten away with a crime | gone on a road trip | been in love
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I’ve moved
Find me at @oldsoldiersdiehard
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gelatinousfeline · 8 years
tagged by: @tiniestsithlord
rules:  copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 20 b - biggest fear: being abandoned by everyone i love?? c - current time: 11:48pm d - drink you last had: orange fanta e - every day starts with: regret lmao hitting the snooze button several times, then getting something to drink like milk or water f - favorite song: it... changes way to often, but here’s my current favorite: Sparks Fly by Hey Violet g - ghosts, are they real: hell yeah  h - hometown: Kalispel i - in love with: Kofi and Willow ;0 <3 j - jealous of: people who Have It Together k - killed someone: no, but i’ve wanted to lol l - last time you cried: uhh like. two hours ago m - middle name: Lorane n - number of siblings: 2 o - one wish: to always have the exact amount of money that i need in my pocket at any given time p - person you last called/texted: my mum q - question(s) you’re always asked: "Are your eyelashes real?” r - reasons to smile: cats s - song last sang: How Far I’ll Go from Moana t - time you woke up: 9:35am (i had to leave the house at 9:45am lmaooo) u - underwear color: pastel pink v - vacation destination: where my partners live,,,, ;A; w - worst habit: procrastinating eVERYTHING x - x-rays you’ve had: dental stuff, ribcage y - your favorite food: sushiiiiiii and macarons z - zodiac sign: leo
Tagging: @pulseriifle @fanged-mccree @idowhatimust @oldsoldiersdiehard @fallenshimadaheir @wisdom-harmony-discord @embrace-tranquility @littlesparrow76 iii can’t think of anyone else but hey if you wanna do this consider yourself tagged!
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blxckwxtchcxmmxnder · 8 years
Gabriel banged his against the wall of the room he and Jack shared, groaning. "You know, Jack, if I had the chance to redo my life, I would definitely not do this," he mumbled. "I'm begging for the sweet release of death."
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The warehouse was old, almost derelict, and clearly hadn’t been used for its intended purpose in years. And yet, there were certain items present that didn’t belong in a gutted cannery, and the concrete floor was remarkably clean. There was a faint scent of incense in the air - crisp, earthy, like autumn leaves. No movement or breath could be heard. And yet, from up in the shadowed rafters came a soft, low, gravelly voice and the glowing slivers of white eyes. “Why are you here?”
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@oldsoldiersdiehard liked for a starter
He found Jack sitting on the couch watching TV. They were both alone so this would be as good as time as any to ask him. “Sup, Jack.” He jumped over the back of the couch and flopped right next time him.
Lúcio brought his knees up to his chest and leaned back into the couch. “Can I like, ask you a question? Ya know...like about nano-tech and stuff?”
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deathsuite-blog · 8 years
oldsoldiersdiehard replied to your post // So… Just thought I’d put it out there that in...
They’re both Americans, so what consent is in other countries doesn’t really matter, and being 15+ years older than someone who is that young IS a huge deal, anyone over 30 who would date a 17 year old does not have good motives.
Just gonna put this under a readmore so it won’t clog up anyone’s dash. Honestly, this is just my own interpretation of the ship and such.
Now. I’ll start off with my own post. The statement that in my country the age of consent is 15, was meant as a general thing. It was basically meant as a “oh dear, people think 19 is too low, while here it’s 15, how amusing”. Maybe I could have phrased that better, maybe not.
Then I use McReyes as an example because hey, I happen to personally like that ship. However, I don’t see it happening right away. Both because of personal preference, I like me my slow burn ships. But also because when Reyes pulled McCree off the streets, McCree was likely a snooty lil’ brat with a too big ego. So I don’t ship 17 year old McCree with him, I doubt Reyes would have any interest in anything at all. I do think that as time passed and McCree grew, both in age and as a person, he began actually acting like an adult instead of a kid. And that’s when shipping can begin happening.
Now, this is of course my own interpretation of the ship as I see it and like it, but as I said: I don’t think Reyes would have any sort of interest in McCree until after this point. It’s only when McCree has grown up, both literally and figuratively, when he has aged. Plus, I personally think that mentally, McCree is hella mature, so the argument that “different ages wants different things” won’t really apply to him.
Sure, he’s still younger than Reyes, but so what? I honestly don’t see anything wrong with age gaps. And why does it matter that he is 15+ years older than young McCree? That seems to be what people point out -  “someone who is that young” - it’s this fact people keep returning to. Would it be different if McCree was 50 and Reyes was 65? It’s still the same age gap, is it only gross at some parts of life, but not others?
This is getting long, and honestly, I could go on, but I won’t. I’ll just look at the last part: “anyone over 30 who would date a 17 year old does not have good motives”. Well, I should certainly hope that the motive behind shipping is love, since y’know, that’s what shipping is about? Unless you ship it as an unhealthy relationship of course, but nowhere have I stated that I do so. Again: safe, sane, consensual. As long as both parts are in love and happy, how is it bad in any way?
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@oldsoldiersdiehard oh heck yes 
he probs drugged
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Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[X] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[X] Platonic Date
[X] Romantic Date
[X] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[X] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [X] Small and familiar  • [ ] Fast Food
[X] Nature • [ ] Beach • [X] Park • [X] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[X] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[X] Staying at home • [X] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [X] Reading
[X] ___ (other options)- Aquarium
The date might hopefully end with…
[X] …holding hands
[X] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[X] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[X] Yes. - [if you want]
[ ] No.
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