#old man taking care of his deer friend.
gamblins · 6 months
continued from here ~ @damnedrainbows
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upon leading alastor away from this meeting that he only knew of he made sure the deer demon went to sleep afterwards. the experience alone was very tiring. which in ways the feline wanted to make sure that his companion was well rested despite the protest. husk had a soft side to often shown to others.
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husk started nodding off to sleep before being thrown across the room. a puff escaped him as he gasp for air on impact. the pain rushed down back " fucking hell " he murmered pushing a hand over face trying to get himself back into reality. once finally taking a moment he rushed over to the overlord " AL! AL its just a dream , your fine ! " husk shouted grabbing hold down arms. " your going to reopen your fucking wounds calm the hell down ! "
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selineram3421 · 6 months
Courting Pursuit
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ gender neutral (gn) reader, mule deer reader, assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, Spanish translated, stalking-Vox, cussing, implied/suggestive, italics=thoughts, ha..watch out for the end ⚠
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You continued to act affectionate towards him.
Even the others noticed and most of them would often ask you to do their work if it was related to him.
Niffty doesn't care and does her work as usual.
The thing is, you don't mind one bit and take up the work.
"Hola Alastor.", you'd greet him every time.
Today you were helping someone else, Husk to be exact, putting away some bottles in storage.
And then he heard that obnoxious voice of the sad excuse of an entertainment performer through his radio next to the television shop, Vox.
"Top of the hour! Today I have a special little treat for you, though the image is sadly glitched out, you can still see what is going on in the photo.", he says. "It's the Radio Demon, receiving an affectionate peck on the forehead from another deer!"
What a creeper. Alastor rolled his eyes and waited for the perfect moment to jump in and make the flat headed piece of tech look like a complete fool.
"From the looks of things, Alastor has a fuck buddy.", the TV demon grinned. "Wouldn't be surprised if he was taking it from behind.", he laughed and continued to rant on about innuendos like an idiot.
Turning a few knobs and flipping some switches, the Radio Demon was live.
"Salutations!", he greeted his listeners. "What an interesting start to the day! An overly cocky man acting like a news anchor when he doesn't have all the facts!", his smile widens. "For a demon asking his viewers to trust him, it's quite bold that he so blatantly lies to their faces."
"That's bullshit! I only provide the best-"
"Vox is so insecure and craving for attention from a powerful Overlord like myself, it's obvious that he's jealous.", Alastor laughed.
"Am fucking not you old timey prick-!"
"Why would he make such an announcement if not for that? Its clear to me that he wants someone to focus on him all the time.", he chuckles. "No wonder he always something new on his screens. But they lack so much that he has to resort to childish news broadcasts to seem important."
"As for the demon in the photo, that is a hotel guest and they do not understand English that much. There was a misunderstanding in translation and well..I'm not allowed to kill hotel guests.", then his voice switches. "This does not mean that I will let such an action pass, I will do something mμc# ₩θrs€ than death."
"You lying piece of shit! Tell me them the truth!"
"I should announce that the Hazbin Hotel has its doors open for all sinners who want a shot at redemption! Try to climb your way out of this fiery inferno, some might try to drag you back down, or you'll have trouble all on your own trying to redeem yourself! Anything is possible!", he put in his two bits for advertising the hotel. "And with that my wonderful listeners, I shall bid you all adieu~"
He switched on some jazz, not wanting to hear anymore of Vox's whining.
Something still irked him however..
Perhaps I should pay Rosie another visit. He thought. This time without them knowing.
As soon as he walked through the door of the emporium, his friend waved him over and pointed to her office, letting him know that she'd be there soon.
Once entering the office, he sighed and sat on the couch, already tired of what else would happen later in the day. He didn't want any other unnecessary conversations.
Rosie entered the office not too long after, setting her hat aside as she closed the door.
"You won't believe the gossip I've stumbled across today. Betty, the one with the pooch, not the one with the scar. She-", the woman started but then took notice of his mood. "What's wrong? You look worn out already."
"I don't know what to do with them. Vox, that piece of shit tech, has already made comments but I already put him in his place.", he sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"I heard.", Rosie let out a short laugh.
"The deer is still doing things, not as bold as the first time but I don't want them near me. It's-", he growled and made a choking motion with his hands.
"If it's bothering you that much, you know you can tell them to stop.", she says.
He looks up at her with a wide eyed stare.
She dead pans.
"Alastor. You know you can tell them to stop. Right?"
"The thought hadn't crossed my mind.", he simply says.
"Oh for crying out loud-!", she tosses a pillow at him. "You are unbelievable! Go and speak your mind! You've never had a problem with it before!"
She was right. Why had he been so bothered about something like this?
He should have spoken up about it from the start.
It was late when he returned to the hotel. The lobby was empty and he could only assume that everyone had long been asleep. Walking to the dining room, he spots the kitchen light on.
Angel is probably making an abomination of a hangover cure- He thought and opened the door, only to find the mule deer leaning against the counter half asleep.
You perk up when noticing him.
"Bienvenido. Hice la cena y te guardé un plato.", you wave and smile. (Welcome back. I made dinner and saved you a plate.)
"What are you doing up at this hour? Granted, it is Hell and there are barely any rules around here, sleep is still important.", he says as you pick up a plate covered with tin foil.
Taking off the foil, you give him a plate of food.
Your fingers brush against his, making him flinch back and drop the plate, causing it to shatter on the floor with a loud crash.
Instead of focusing on the mess, you looked at him with worry.
"¿Estás bien? No estás herido, ¿verdad-?", you reach out to him but he smacks your hand away. (Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you-?)
"Don't touch me.", he hisses out. "I am not comfortable with your advances, so I advise you to stop NOW before I tear you apart and make you into tomorrow's dinner."
With that you took a step back.
"No quería incomodarte. Me detendré. Perdóname por no tener en cuenta tus sentimientos.", you muttered and looked away. (I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I will stop. Forgive me for not taking your feelings into account.)
Alastor didn't bother trying to translate your response in his head, just walking around you and to the door.
"Lo siento.." (I'm sorry..)
He heard you whisper as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving you alone.
With a sigh, you kneeled down and began to clean the mess.
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Sad times means cookies.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @sleep-7372 @wat4r @lustylita @xdolls-crownx @lonelysimp18 @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @dap11 @al1fers-haven @futureittomainn @random-3455 @+?
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
Hi Good morning...
Could you do Yandere Alastor? If not Could Alastor be possessive?
Imagine Charlie going to heaven to talk to the angels (just like in that episode) but in addition to taking his girlfriend, he also took Alastor along with them... Now imagine Alastor being reunited with his beloved wife (who became an angel after her death and with that they both separated) what would happen? Now imagine having other angels flirting with Alastor's wife or trying to protect her since he is the radio demon...
Oooh… okay. This is interesting. Though, I can imagine Alastor may end up dragging us down to Hell with him since he’d be that possessive. He wouldn’t stay in Heaven, he’d be getting us banished from Heaven so he can be with us! That’s how I view it and this is my first Yandere Alastor and Yandere Hazbin Hotel as well!
Alastor- Yin and Yang, Light and Dark
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Alastor is a merciless, intimidating man of extreme power as Hell’s all-around-feared Radio Demon. A figure who had nothing to his own name that others did. Just himself, a blade and so many sins under his belt. Nobody would ever suspected he would ever fall in love, that he could fall in love, that it was possible for such a corrupted mind…
But here is both Charlie and Vaggie, and the entirety of Hell being completely disapproved. The young sapphic couple decided to bring their redemption project’s primary investor, Alastor up to Heaven with them as backup support, incase anything happens. The three demons are greeted with the mighty Seraphim, Sera’s assistant. A beautiful warm-hearted female angel that greets them with a warm smile and a familiar accent
Alastor just stopped in place when he met your eyes, he stopped smirking and snarking through this situation. Stopped even smiling as he couldn’t stop looking at this angel… she reminds him of the wife he had lost. Nobody knew he was married… he almost forgot he was. Alastor approaches this sweet-hearted angel and asks politely to hold her hand. Of course, this angel… or also known as you, is a bit hesitant but does so anyway. Eventually being able to flip your hand to reveal the shiny wedding ring that has remained there for so long, it may as well be stuck in place
Since when did Alastor have a wedding ring?! That’s what Vaggie asks herself when Alastor seems to just manifest a shiny golden marriage band onto his hand in just a flick of his wrist, both of you carefully slide off those rings to check the insides, where writing of each other’s names remain. Revealing to one another that you’ve both been reunited since 1933… since Alastor’s death, many years prior your own
You’re found your husband… after almost seventy years
It was hard to not cry before your guests but pulling back in all your emotions and your questions for your estranged now demon husband, Alastor. You have to lead the Princess, her partner and her close friend over to where Sera and Emily await to greet them. Whilst Emily ends up excitedly distracting Charlie and Vaggie, you’re unable to stop thinking about being able to find your husband. You know that ring anywhere and looking at the Radio Demon more, you can see the dark-skinned Creole man behind the new appearance
You smoothly weave past the other two higher-rank inhabitants of this grand bright cool cloudy realm to take Alastor’s hands, prying one off his staff-like microphone-cane and eventually running fingers through his hair, doing so just makes his tall fluffy deer-like ears pin back. It’s just like when you were both humans and how’d you run your fingers through his fluffy dark brown hair to ease him after a long day of work
“Alastor… why did you lie to me? You said we’d go to Heaven together”
He did promise. Back in 1926, when you two got married. A illegal marriage but you didn’t care at all. Married at only 26 years old, both of you. He promised you’d both die together and fly up to Heaven together, be happy, safe and comfortable together in Heaven but when you died after he did, you never found Alastor
You were devastated, looking everywhere, desperate and heartbroken at being alone, and ending up being comforted by Lady Sera. Who revealed to you Alastor never arrived in Heaven… which was just proof to that that he didn’t go to Heaven but he went to Hell
You wanted to know so badly, for almost seventy years. Why he went to Hell… what did he do? You never saw Alastor commit any wrong. He was a good person, yes, wealthy and influential as a very popular Radio Host but a good man
Alastor, in reality, simply hid his true self, his psychotic ‘disorder’ from you. He had actually fallen in love with a sweet soft angel, a sympathetic harmless woman and was terrified he’d lose you, a genuinely good person, to the fact he was a serial killer… hence why you never saw nor knew how bad he actually was
How he killed every single man who came onto you, how he killed every single woman who dared to give you any side eyes. He was obsessed, possessive, protective, murder-driven
Alastor covered every single footstep and every trace of his bad doings and even when he was reported as the serial killer on the radio upon the Police taking him down… you still didn’t know because you avoided the radio, out of heartbreak pain of your husband being taken away from you and utter disbelief of what anybody said about Alastor back in Louisiana, New Orleans during your old-timey era
Being reunited with you… this beautiful moment has drowned Alastor with not only all those incredible memories of the past as a human he shared with you, but all his unhealthy, what it’s called yandere mannerisms. In an instant, he is determined to get you back at all causes and he is willing to drag you down to Hell with him
He can’t be redeemed, even if seeing you again is a huge motivation to try fix himself and pass by his sins of wrath, he’ll just make you fall through the clouds and land right into his arms after passing through the pentagram above. This is perfect… absolutely perfect and a mere second devised plan is already becoming the Overlord’s obsession
Alastor lifts up the hand combing through his hair away and kisses the top of your hand, making both yours and his heart flutter. Everything you do for one another is reminders of the past and reminders of your secret marriage. His pretty crimson red eyes look down at you before he speaks, his voice dropping the radio effect echo so his organic transatlantic accent coos out, full of love and joy
Mainly because he’s going to make you become a Fallen Angel and come live in Hell with him. You won’t be alone again and he won’t be alone again either
“I know, darling… I was never a good person and I didn’t deserve you. But I am here to change. If you give me some weeks, maybe some months. Give us that time. We’ll be together again. Just like before”
A/N: To say. What would Alastor do if he saw Angels trying to flirt with you or keep you away from him as he visits Heaven with Chaggie is that he’d be planning immense murder and destruction but he couldn’t do anything about it. Politely dragging you away from the angels to talk to you more. He wants to kill but he can’t whilst within Heaven
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delcakoo · 1 year
i wish i was a baller ₊✩˚⊹ c.yj
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ty @yenqa bae for the idea <3
SUMMARY ! being his longtime crush, when yeonjun and his pesky friends’ catch you walking past the court, he’s quick to try an impress you with one (un)lucky shot on hoop in exchange for your number.
PAIRING ! yeonjun x f!reader
WC ! 1.3k
GENRE ! cavity inducing fluff
a/n: c’mon now u have to listen to i wish after readin that title c:
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“shit, look who it is yeonjun!”
the male in question was much too busy shouldering soobin to the ground, dribbling past his now groaning friend before slam-dunking his favorite orange ball through the hoop to listen to lame, old, beomgyu.
“let’s go!” yeonjun punches the air, running by his teammates to offer them high fives that they halfheartedly return. “another point for the yeonjunniez!”
“horrible fuckin’ team name,” taehyun murmurs, while kai only nods in tired agreement.
before yeonjun could force the group into another scrimmage, a strong hand grips his shoulder, redirecting him to face a barely visible figure that’s only steps away from reaching the basketball court’s end. beomgyu squeezes tighter, shaking him back and forth slightly. “don’t ignore me! you recognise who that is, right man?” squinting his eyes, yeonjun gasps as he takes in the familiar sight of your signature hairstyle and white headphones.
oh, he knew it was you alright. even if it was pitch black out — only street lamps illuminating the shady pathways — and you were clearly wearing all dark shades to blend in more, he knew.
“‘course, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn’t know my girl when i see her?”
soobin, who’s still brushing off pebbles after his dramatic fall, rolls his eyes at the straight fibs coming out of his friend’s lips. “she barely knows you exist.”
“not for long.” before anyone could stop him or make him think at the very least, yeonjun has himself pressed against the chained wall of the court, fingers noisily locking through the metal in an attempt to grasp your attention. “y/n, is that you?”
when you swiftly turn at the sound of your name, looking adorably like a deer caught in headlights, yeonjun is reminded of just how head over heels he is.
“yeonjun..?” he’s never been so thankful to mr. sim assigning partners for projects, or else you still wouldn’t know your future boyfriend’s name! you look past him to take in the other boys who send you awkward waves, and yeonjun glares in annoyance at each and every one of them. what shitty wingmen.
“uh, yeah.. so, what’re you doing out here alone?”
with one more glance around the empty park, yeonjun nearly squeals as you begin walking closer, shoving your phone into your hoodie pocket smoothly. “j-just clearing my head i guess. what about you guys?” your stuttering gives him hope that perhaps you’re just as nervous as he is right now — leading a small smirk to etch across the boy’s lips.
“practising extra late since tryouts open soon,” he replies, gesturing to his friend group in the background. “they all kinda suck though.”
“thanks!” beomgyu spits back, but yeonjun could care less about his sarcastic comeback when it resulted in you letting out a soft chuckle. that was him by the way — he made you laugh!
in an attempt to give yeonjun more one on one time with you, the others had attempted to go back to playing (while still eavesdropping of course), but it was clear that their friend needed a little shove in the right direction.
taehyun moves closer, adjusting his black muscle top while offering you a mischievous grin. “say, y/n. if yeonjun here gets a three pointer, would you consider giving him your number?”
besides kai’s howling laughter in the distance, the court is frozen in tension, more specifically yeonjun — who’s jaw has practically dropped to his ass. this was not part of the plan, taehyun! attempting to bandage the wound, the raven haired boy smacks his friend, hoping the expression on your poor, confused face would falter at least a bit.
his ears burn bright red, and he can only pray the hood of his grey coat is deep enough to hide it. “i uh- sorry about that, you don’t— you don’t have to do anything—“
too busy manifesting some way to travel back in time and tape taehyun’s mouth shut, yeonjun fails to notice the amused smile creeping its way to your lips. “no, it’s okay. you can try if you want.”
soobin and beomgyu share a horrified glance, just how is this working?
yeonjun blinks, holding a bewildered yet determined look in his pupils. “i— you mean like, to shoot?” he blabbers in disbelief.
you shrug. “why not?” and before he knows it, the ball is forced into his grip by a snickering soobin, who attempts to relieve his friend’s shoulders that are tenser than he’s ever seen them with a swift massage.
little did he know that you found it almost as endearing as the way yeonjun’s teeth nibble onto his bottom lip as he gets into position, crouching with precision before jumping, releasing the basketball with a flick of his wrists.
the orange ball flies for a bit before landing right on the hoop’s ring, bouncing across it loudly, spinning around for a bit before—
“shit..” beomgyu murmurs in horror, watching how the ball flops pathetically off the side of the ring along with the other five pairs of eyes.
yeonjun refuses to believe this.
sinking down to his knees, nails frustratingly glide through his bangs while a pained groan leaves his lips. “i didn’t miss a single fucking shot earlier,” he winces, “but of course when it actually matters i fuck up.”
god, he was so cute — it was all you could think to yourself as you paced closer, squatting next to the boy’s destressed form all while lightly patting his shoulder. when yeonjun lifts his head, his eyes widen at the closeness of your face being mere centimetres from his. for a second, he thinks he might just pass out on the spot, up until you pull out a pen from your pocket, grinning cutely as usual.
when you open up your palm, it takes him a minute to realize you were asking for his hand.
ever so carefully, yeonjun places his hand in your grasp, breath stuttering at the feeling of his crush’s fingers wrapping comfortingly around his wrist. “what- what are you..” he gulps when you bend a bit closer to begin scribbling something right across the softness of his pale skin, glancing up at his friend’s with a face of utter disbelief who only give him an equally gobsmacked look in return.
suddenly, you’re releasing him and standing back to full height, pen being shoved casually into the embrace of your black hoodie as if you hadn’t just narrowly avoided giving the poor boy a heart attack moments prior. “yeonjun, i was gonna give it to you either way,” you snort.
wait, what? did he just go through the five stages of grief for nothing?
all he can do is watch with eyes gaped as you slowly march back towards the entrance, only snapping out of it when beomgyu pulls his arm up to investigate the nine numbers inked across his hand. “bro.. you did it.” he states it as if yeonjun had just solved world hunger, shaking his friend frantically.
“i.. i did it?” he repeats dumbly.
it seems as though he can’t get a break; now soobin’s the one pushing him towards the entrance. “go on, dipshit!” he exclaims, “it’s pitch black out there, walk her home!”
this has yeonjun’s expression changing from dumbstruck to full on panic, nearly tripping on his own shoelaces as he sprints out to catch up to your now-far-away form, grey hood falling off and finally revealing his bright red ears in the process.
there was no doubt that he looked insane — lighting or not. “she has him wrapped around her finger, huh?” kai can’t help but cackle once more.
soobin takes a shot, easily making a dunk with the help of his height before sighing in agreement. “oh, absolutely.”
if you enjoyed, reblogs and feedback’s always appreciated <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @kynrki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @luvhyun3 @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois @wtfhyuck @hoonvrs @gyuuberryy @bucketofhiros @xtra-cheese @vmprshlvr
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rnakamura22 · 9 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Random Characters
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
Malleus Dragonia
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? That’s unacceptable!
You’re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now you’re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen! He’s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleus’s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleus’s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! You’re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He won’t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot he’s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldn’t help it. A large part of him couldn’t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peel’s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, he’s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows he’s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ain’t admitting that, that’s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
“Prefect…I want to give you something. Please have a bite. It’s a special apple I picked. It’s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!”
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
“Whoah!? That was close… but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White won’t hold a candle to you…. Let’s graduate together Ok? And we can be together forever…”
He’s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, it’s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. He’s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
“This is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now you’re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!”
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobey…say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silver’s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you won’t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. He’s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you won’t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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Somebody that I used to know.
Request made by @white-00-7
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!reader Summary: Old friends turned into lovers under very distressing situations. Warning: Blood, Adam, violence.
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After the Axe-man terrified the streets of New Orleans, there was the butcher of the bayou. A cannibalistic maniac, known to left no “crumbs” of their victims, so to speak. You knew that by being hunting season, he may be on the woods alongside you, what you didn’t counted on was the creep following you, rifle in hand.
A rustle was heard in between the bushes, you aimed at the bush with confidence, thinking it was probably a deer or a duck at least, the creep making haste to do the same, to your head. “Come out, come out” you whispered to yourself, seeing brown hair and antlers, there you shoot.
But the thud was lighter than a deer’s.
Moving the bush you saw a smiling man, “Holy shit!, no, sir, I’m so sorry, don’t die, help please!” you cried out, but as you turned around the lights were off as well. The sound of the trigger on the creep’s rifle was the last thing you heard.
The free fall was the least of it, but speaking of thousands of meters high, one does not think about the fall but rather the impact. However, it wasn't so hard for you, for the poor bastard under you, it was.
"Get off me!" he managed to throw you off his back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to land on you” he dusted himself off as he regained his composure, clearing his voice when he noticed you were a woman.
“No, I apologize dear, here, let me help” He offered his clawed hand to yours, only by then both realized they didn’t looked like humans no more, “Interesting” he muttered, pulling gently on your arm.
He was looking at his new self when he heard a sudden laugh, “What’s so funny?” he questioned, then you pointed at yours and his little tail, “They’re so fluffy” he wasn’t so enchanted by the cutesy fact.
He was a deer, a white back at that. You on the other hand were a red one. A stag and a doe, how fitting both lifestyles of pride, more than anything.
“Why are you down here, dear?” you thought about it for a second, pride and rebellion was your first thought, then your taxidermy hobbies, “All I can think off is that poor man I killed as of a few minutes now, I mistook him for a…deer” he took a second to think about it, the click that made him stand up was a riffle trigger, your weapon.
He laughed, "You killed me," he continued his laughter, he took your arm to start walking towards the city, "I must say, my dear, that of all the evils in this world, you are the only thing I didn't think would send me to hell" It still made him laugh, "And it's even funnier that they killed you almost at the same time you killed me, life is a great irony" he smiled, one of the sweetest smiles he gifted you.
Now, don’t get him wrong, he was mad out of his mind, also slightly scared, not that he would admit that. Though the warmth of your arm linked with his brought him an anchor like feeling.
 After a few years of living together, Alastor disappeared without warning. "I will become stronger, soon the citizens of hell will know of my power” He used to take his place at your side and daydream about greatness and have everyone's respect, more fear than respect though.
“I will be able to protect you" that sentence lived rent free in your head, his voice a mere echo in your memories, after seven years you almost didn’t remembered his face anymore.
Alastor took care of the most bloodthirsty so that you didn't have to, without him there, you had to take measures into your own hands. The Pride Ring came to know you as one of the best snipers, the Overlord Ghost Shot, your elemental power to control the air could make your bullets fly up to lightspeed, also take away the oxygen off your enemies lungs.
You build up a company off the souls you began to own, you provided the fabrics that boosted businesses like Velvette’s or Rosie’s, known for the good quality and resistance. You didn’t worried yourself with planned obsolescence, there’s always a new design and a new trendy style that makes people keep buying.
And giving the amount of violence, clothes get ruin almost every day, Never in all the years you have been in hell have you been short of money, you managed to get a suite apartment in your own district, near the Morningstar district.
Eighty-four years of having Alastor by your side, and he just disappeared like he didn't care. Not a note, telegram, letter, anything in 7 years.
Until one afternoon when you received an invitation to an emergency meeting, it seems that Adam the first man brought forward the extermination half the time, having six months of preparation. Not one year you’ve lost a soul, but you weren’t going to start now.
“Asano, I need you to begin the preparations of the bunker, the winged rats will come down on us sooner than anticipated” you had souls knocking on your door, practically begging to make deals with you, giving that in exchange of their souls you provided safety, free housing, and a quality of life no other overlord did.
Although at the beginning some sinners wanted to abuse your good will, since you are a deer demon they tend to look down on you. They didn't find it funny anymore when they started to suffocate. Word on the street is that the air gets thicker when you’re in the room.
“I have the technical revision of my company Milla, if your plan is to arm yourself to fend off the attack don’t count on me, I have bigger priorities” Carmilla was one of your dearests friends, you made her gears laced with angelic steal fibers, and in return she updated your riffle, also gave you bullets made of angelic steal.
“I’m not saying we should, all we need is brainstorm a plan to lose as few souls as possible” she heard you made a pensative hum as she watched the overlords take their seats on the table, “You don’t wish to hide like we do, though you’ve lost more souls than I have over the years, so, do whatever you think is best, I’ll help if you want to listen for once” you hung up before Carmilla made herself aware of Alastor’s return.
 You didn’t owned a television, so Vox’s lovers spat never reached your way, and on the streets of your district no one really cared of other overlords, knowing they were under your wing.
"Y/n dear, how about you stop by the tower? They opened a new cafe on the corner, I bought cream cake and the tea that you like, it’s been a while since I saw you" said the letter that you received along with a new cell phone, Vox was more like a stone among the demons that courted you, and even though you sent his electronic junk broken back to his office, he didn't stop insisting.
“I’m so glad you came, how are your preparations for the extermination?” you brought the tea cup up to your lips, “It has been rather sudden; however I have managed to mobilize things on time, how about you?" he cut up a piece of cake, just as big as he knew you liked, “Oh we are fine, we aren’t the target anyway” your ears perked up in interest, his grin grew bigger on his face as he noticed.
“The princess is trying to redeem sinners, have you heard?” you nodded, “The Radio Demon is helping, but as useless as he is-” you began laughing, “The Radio Demon? What kind of pompous prick is named like that?” then sipped on the tea, “You know, Alastor” but as soon as he uttered that name, you choked on your tea and stormed out of his office.
And thank goodness, the air was too thick to breathe, Vox was having issues with it until you left.
“Mimzy, we know you’re in there you lousy bitch!” you heard the loan shark yell towards the  ‘Hazbin Hotel’, trying to knock the door down with a pry bar. “Gentleman, you’re in my way” you spoke, seeing a green glow wrapped the building.
“Not to mess with the Radio Demon!” taking another puff of your cigarette you watched the ten stories tall face of a man you used to know. A smile you didn’t recognized, stitched on the sides, holding his smile up. As soon as he finished eating the sharks he stopped on his tracks, merely centimeters away from your body.
“Y/n?” his distorted voice spoke in utter disbelief, “Good day Alastor, it’s been many moons, don’t you think?” He was frozen, the cute little deer girl he left all those years ago was nowhere to be seen. Replaced by a woman, wearing a dark black attire and tired eyes.
"Y/n, long time no see" he had to shift his voice a little, Charlie and the rest were right behind him inside the hotel. His chirp tone making it seem like he didn't disappeared at all, was a direct stab to your heart.
"You look..." you didn't know anymore, "Different" eyeing him from top to bottom with a disgust grimace in your face hurt him beyond his understanding, "Yes well, I told you I would get stronger" his eyes were different, they were empty.
"I see that, have a good day" you turned around in your heels ready to walk away from the place, "Y/n wait, that's it?" He was hurt? Why did he felt the audacity to pretend to be the victim when you were left behind.
"What else you want me to say?" Since he left, you stopped being joyful, the killing and the merciless torture you went through did that, and it was all his fault.
"A warmer welcome would be nice" you took out your rifle then shoot his shoulder with a dull bullet, "Warmer than that?" It didn't bleed but it hurt, so much it made Alastor take a few steps back.
"Alastor!" The princess cried out for him, "What do you think you're doing?!" Her little horns and red eyes made you snicker a little, "Is this what you've been doing all these years? Help this little girl with her hotel?" Alastor stood up, making seem as it didn't hurt at all, "Now, now Charlie, all is fine, no damage done" she tried to worry about him but it was no use, "Who is Alastor to you?" She asked you, distorted voice and hair flaring.
Alastor had his eyes on you specially when you locked on his dials flashing on and off, "Someone I used to know” the pain was real that time, Alastor didn’t even try to hide it, “Y/n please, let me explain” a small laugh escaped your lips, the first smile he saw from you in a while.
“Not a note, letter, smoke signal, nothing in seven years” he tried to make up an excuse, but you didn’t let him speak, “I had to find out from Vox, and as distasteful as he is, at least is a true friend to be in touch at least three times a week” the fact he told you sent a holy bullet up on his pride, “I can’t explain” he went again.
“I-don’t-FUCKING-care” you accentuated every word, “Woah, what is going on here?” the one and the only Lucifer Morningstar came next to his daughter, wondering wat was taking her so long after she ran out.
“They know each other” Charlie waved her hand in between the two. “Lover’s spat?” he inquired mockingly, which you replied with a straightforward and cold “No” making the devil choke on some saliva, “Makes sense though, with a face like that” when Lucifer turned his eyes from Alastor to you he saw the end of your rifle, “First one is a dull, will hurt, the second a holy one, apologize” internally Lucifer applauded your bravery, so with a smile that reached his ears he uttered “I’m sorry Alastor, I didn’t meant to bring out the obvious”.
He made you smile, “Good enough” you put the rifle strap over your shoulder again, “I’m not going to apologize for that, by the way” he didn’t expected you to.
Alastor watched the scene with jealousy, as in less than two seconds of interaction you received Lucifer in a better way than him, you even smiled at him better than him. If he had a reason to be angry that was one. When you turned your head he noticed a burn on your neck, then he went down and saw the scars on your hands, maybe how many more marks you had on your body, experiences  that took away the innocent friend he used to have.
"You're thin, you don't eat enough or what? What happened to your teeth?" you started making questions that made Alastor sweat, “What is this Radio Demon shit? Who do you think you are, huh?" “Somone that will take you down if you keep at it” “Baby, we’re not at the same level, you are the lowest of the overlords”
“She’s right” “I haven’t lost a single soul in all these years, I can steal air from your lungs by just wanting it” he started feeling at loss of breath, his lungs compressed forcefully searching for oxygen, “I offered you my life, my time, my love” you straightened his bow tie, ignoring Charlie’s pleas for you to stop hurting him, “And you just kissed me, and early in the morning after, you took off, seven years without a single signal you were alive”.
“And now I find out that you’ve been here for five months already, not even once you tried to reach me” your hands palmed his chest slowly, your warmth poring through his clothes, “I have my territory delimited by a black line, if you cross it, I won’t be so nice as I am now” you hovered your lips over his, returning the air down his throat.
Lucifer whistled an impressed tune, “Y/n please, I can explain” he heard Alastor breathing rapidly, getting off Charlie’s support to try to get you, his knees stopping on their tracks due to the lack of strength left, “Y/n right? He looks like he wants to make things right, please give him a chance” she plead, it getting to your head very quickly, damn that puppy face.  
“Y/n please, tea and tea” he dared to say, bringing Lucifer’s attention, “What’s that?” he looked your way for an explanation, “It’s where we drink tea and talk” you thought about it for a second then looked at his eyes once more, “Someday, not today, you seem preoccupied” with that you took your leave, feeling your heart heavy and lonesome as you did.
It wasn’t until Extermination day, that from your balcony you saw the horde of angels drop on the hotel, immediately seeing the flow of Alastor’s dark magic being shattered by Adam. Almost out of instinct you ensembled your long distance sniper rifle, setting it on the edge of the rail, waiting for a perfect angle to make the winged rat fall.
 Suddenly Alastor few against the edge of the building, that’s when you shot, the bullet piercing the base of both of Adam’s wings, making him wince and drop against the ceiling in pain.
“Radio ain’t dead until I say so, asshole” you allowed wind to take your message, prepping another bullet in the chamber, aiming directly at his head, “Freaky face has a girlfriend?” he joked to pass a little of the pain, “Y/n?” Alastor whispered to himself, feeling the air shift around him, his body reappearing beside you after a swirl of air teleported him.
“When I get my hands on you-“ you didn’t let Adam finish, shooting the joint of his shoulder, leaving useless his dominant arm. “Y/n” that’s all Alastor could utter, seeing you so beautifully concentrated in your aim, “You think I’ll spoil it for Lucifer if I shoot him dead?” you gave Adam a warning shot on the leg, the next one being a holy one.
“Good riddance either way, mon coeur” he had carefully stood up, supporting his weight with a hand on the railing and another around your waist, “Oh never mind, six wings is beating the shit out of him now” you said a tad disappointed since your game ended, feeling Alastor hiss at his wound.
“Don’t touch it, let’s go, I’ll help” you sat him on your bed, helping him discard his clothes. “I’m sorry for leaving like that” he sounded so sad and weak, he was deeply angry at himself for how blind he was, for taking you for granted and abandoning you without explanations.
“It doesn’t matter anymore” you made haste to patch up the wound as best as you could, but there was so much blood blocking your way, “Y/n, please forgive me” he pleads as you try your best to stitch the would close, “Why do you care so much whether if I forgive you or not?” he cupped your face, a tenderness unknown for you, uncommon of him.
He wasn’t used to be gentle, not desiring to rip your flesh apart was new to him. Instead there was this fire that warmed him up from the tip of his ears to the tip of his hooves, “Because…I love you” that word felt right, as his hands  brought your hips closer to him, his thighs on each side of your knees, “The moment to say that, was seven years ago” you allowed your powers to wrapped his bandages in a perfect way, “I can make it up to you” he could think of a thousand ways to bring you back to him, unsure if in the way you were now, any of those would work, but he had the rest of eternity to find out.
“And who assures me that you won't disappear again? I felt so alone without you” his hands pulled down your hips, seating you on his leg, “Me, I promise you I’m not leaving you again, I can’t” you laughed, hands on his bare shoulders, feeling the thin layer of fur.
“Is it because now I’m powerful?” he didn’t expected you to think different of him, he couldn’t blame you, “No, because I cannot breathe without you, I missed you very much, mon amour” seven years of you in his mind, haunting him, missing the warm spot in his bed, refusing to sleep at all if it wasn’t with you.
“Please my love, my moon, my sun, my everything, let me rectify my wrongs” a chill it enveloped your entire body, “Or let your gun finish what you started” he reminded you of your set of words of earlier, his smile relaxed and lovely, “If you ever dare to abandon me again, I’ll prove that you in fact can die twice” your hissing at the last word made him sigh happily, then he moved to place a kiss on your cheek, inhaling your scent.
“You’re hurt” you whispered when his kiss traveled down to your neck, “I know, but I can bare it” you plead that he took a small time to rest, but he kept tightening his arm on your waist, then the other on the back of your neck.
When he licked the underside of your neck up to your chin, he suddenly winced, proving your point, “How about we try something else?” you saw him grin, he only did that when he had something on his head, “William found the bath a while ago” you saw the slippery friend crawl up the wall, a proud smile on his face.
“You sent him to draw a bath?” he chuckled, “I remembered it was something you fancied, the morning after us…” he remembered, you told him you wanted to wash his hair in the morning, but he left before even giving you an answer, “You know that means I’ll have to touch you?” his ears pinned down on his head so he could nuzzle against your neck, “Ever since that day, I’ve craved no one’s touch, just yours”.
His grin grew when he felt a certain movement against his forearm, “Damn thing” you cursed, “You’re not the only one” he was wagging his life off, he guided your hand to his lower back so you could feel him, “Sappy old man” you kissed his lips, “You’re not that younger than me” he continued the loving gesture, “The water will get cold” you heard the shadow groan thinking his efforts will go to waste.
“Let’s get to it then” you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, Alastor nearly passed out when you were massaging his scalp with the lovely scented shampoo, you told him you were never going to stop bragging about it. Then when it was your turn to get pampered, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing your shoulders, the back of your neck, arms, every piece of skin he could.
His hands just as yours were free to roam around, both delighting in the ministrations, to the point only moans of satisfaction were echoing in the bathroom.
“Just so you know, if you have a significant other, he’s dead, you’re mine now” you giggled at his possessive nature, now both dry but still naked on the bed, “Good thing I ended that relationship months ago” you sassed him, earning a small bite on your clavicle, “As soon as I’m better, I’m claiming you” his eyes shifted to have dials, “Sure thing, you have a lot of pain to make up for, ya’ know?” he knew that.
There were parts of your body that were burnt, others covered by patches made of steel, then there were the cuts, the scars, the lashes, everything he acknowledged it was his fault, “This, are they dead?” you shook your head, “Then my broadcast will have new voices” his voice took a low tone and the growl made you feel butterflies, “Thank you” you whispered, lowering just enough so you could have your head under his chin, legs intertwined, arms holding each other as close as possible.
“This is going to sound weird, but I’m glad I killed you” he let out a breathy laugh, “Me too”.
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cultofdixon · 8 months
Please don’t take my sunshine away
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Saviors War ended. Doesn’t mean vendettas don’t exist. The archer just wished those who hated him would fuck with him and not someone as important as you • ANGST/SFW • TW: Major injuries / Blood loss / Concussion / Discomfort
Requested by: Anon
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“You are one impatient man when it comes to your other half”
Daryl brought his attention toward the front door where Maggie stood with a tired expression on her face with an equally tired infant in her arms.
“Sorry if me leavin’ woke you both”
“No no. Hershel was the one to wake me but that’s what you sign up for with babies” Maggie smiles at her son who finally relaxed in her embrace. “Now why are you up? Y/N is going to be here in the morning”
“That. That’s exactly why”
“Again, impatient” She laughs bringing herself to sit on the steps as Daryl pushes himself off the pillar to sit beside his friend. “She’ll get here when she’ll get here”
Nothing could go wrong.
It was starting to become unbearable. The waiting for his partner even if he was occupied for most of the day.
Daryl decided to take his bike out of the community for his break, thinking Y/N’s car must have run out of gas on the way over so he would bring one over. But before he even left, Siddiq stepped through the gates with Enid who’s shadowing him to become a medic. They were coming from Oceanside after doing check ups and the route from that community and Alexandra merge at a point when heading toward the Hilltop. So he could’ve seen anything on his way over.
“No, we didn’t see a car on the way over”
“There were a lot of walkers in a single spot that we took care of and it was just a dead deer.”
“So you really shouldn’t worry about Y/N” Siddiq instantly went to where Daryl was thinking as Enid nodded nervously.
“Yeah well she hasn’t turned up. I gotta head out there and see what’s happenin’.” Daryl got on his bike about to start it when Siddiq laid a hand on his shoulder giving him a worried look.
“I’ll get Maggie’s radio. Just in case”
Daryl nodded, gripping onto his radio subconsciously.
This isn’t right?
Eugene told me this car had its maintenance done. Why is it being like this?
Fuck—-FUCK, where are the breaks?!
Who messed with the brea——
Y/N flinched awake after the initial crash as she slowly lifted her head off the steering wheel feeling the throbbing stiff pain in her chest. Her ribs were broken. The pain wasn’t only there. Her whole body ached and given the shaking from the shock, so much more happened. The blood loss was getting to her, how long has she been out? She went to reach for her pack in the passengers only to notice the glass shards embedded in her right arm. Staring at what caused pain on one side of her resulted in a realization that she couldn’t feel her other arm. Before she could even try and touch it, her lungs constricted causing her to cough into her hand noticing the blood and that’s when the tears started.
She’s going to die out here.
Then it clicked to her. Where she crashed and how far she was from the Hilltop, it shouldn’t go unnoticed if Y/N pressed down on the horn. She tested it at first to make sure that the horn was still connected but then she remembered it’s not the old world. Walkers littered the earth and just from testing it could’ve triggered one over.
But the smallest test caught the archer’s attention as he drove near the sound and took out walkers nearby.
The honk was only once, and then suddenly consistent.
Daryl followed and killed the walkers near the sound as it came clear what happened…or at least why she didn’t show up…
Fuck fuck fuck Daryl quickly ran to the driver’s door after dropping his bike. He forced the door open seeing the damage for himself as he struggled to keep his composure.
She felt him gently bring herself against the seat to check her pulse and thankfully it was there for him.
The sound of the radio buzz caught Enid’s attention from their inventory re-check as she quickly grabs it.
“Hello? Daryl?” She says watching Siddiq turn around to face her and eye the radio.
“It’s bad. It’s really fucking bad”
“We’ll see you soon” Enid stopped pressing their radio tossing it onto the counter and quickly cleaning up what they were doing.
“Once you put that box away, go inform Maggie and Jesus. Maybe someone can shorten the walk over here and drive Y/N the rest of the way back. Then come back and help me set up for anything” Siddiq states watching Enid not even wait another moment and sprint out of the infirmary.
They managed to connect to somebody who was on their way to the Sanctuary. The quick detour to pick up the two was the only easy part. The driving with a pretty much broken person in the vehicle was one of the first few difficult things to handle.
“Maybe drive fucking smoother?!” Daryl snaps at the driver who was already trying his best not to hit any bumps along the way but it is a dirt road to Hilltop compared to the others.
The gates opened the second they heard the car pulling up. Jesus accompanied Siddiq and Enid with helping Y/N get to the medical trailer but Jesus was mainly there to block Daryl the second the two medics got their patient.
“You seriously gonna keep me from her?!”
“Do you even see yourself? She’s going to feel worse seeing all of her blood on your person”
“How the fuck would you know that?! She’s not even awa—-“ Both Daryl and Jesus turned toward the shout coming from the medical trailer as the archer didn’t hesitate to shove the skilled fighter out of his way.
When he entered, Y/N was awake and trying to get Siddiq’s assessing hands away from touching her injuries. Her hands shook when trying to shove him away as he couldn’t stop paying attention to her left arm that was barely moving. He directed Enid to pin her as he gently—as best as he could, grab her shoulder watching her retract her entire body resulting in another shout of pain to escape her. Daryl noticed they cut her shirt to access the injured better and saw the deep blue and purple bruising from her ribs breaking. He was frozen in place, everyone expected him to try and intervene but how could he? He doesn’t know how to handle these things.
Siddiq noticed his presence after a while and glared at the man along with it directed to Jesus. “Get him out of here!” He barked as Jesus quickly grabbed Daryl.
“Come on. Let them work” He struggled to pull Daryl away as he instantly broke out of his grasp stepping over to the situation.
“Jesus I told you—-“
“If I grabbed him now, who knows what you’ll need to fix next” Jesus snaps back only to turn his attention to the doorway when Maggie called out for him needing his assistance.
Daryl gently rest his hand on Y/N’s head causing her to turn her attention onto him. Tears spilled from her bruised blooded face as she couldn’t think of anything to say but she instantly relaxed the best she could given her body ached when Daryl started to shush her in a calming manner. When her body finally relaxed, Siddiq gave Enid a nod for the okay to start working on her while he got an IV in her arm.
“You’re doing great, sunshine…you’re doing great” Daryl whispers brushing away the hair in her face. He glances up noticing Siddiq’s hesitation in popping her shoulder back in place, but once they agreed through the silence. Daryl stood up holding her carefully but also pinning her.
“It will only last a few seconds. I’ll be quick”
“It’s gonna be alright” Daryl reassures Y/N as she watches Siddiq get to work with fixing the dislocation.
After popping her shoulder back into place, she passed out. It scared the few working on her but Siddiq reassured that it was from the shock subsiding and the blood loss of course. Which led Daryl to reveal he’s a universal donor to Siddiq when Enid went to give Maggie an update.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay with this?”
“No, but she needs it” Daryl sat down in the offered seat as Siddiq went ahead with preparing his arm.
“I won’t tell anyone else. I know why you’re doing it now but again—“
“Yeah I get it, Siddiq. Just…yeah hurry up” The archer looked away when he put the needle in, not because he’s squeamish but because this brought weird memories.
After doing the blood transfusion, Daryl stepped out for a moment applying pressure to his arm giving them time to stitch the deep gashes and finish with cleaning and bandaging. He noticed the truck that Rick normally drives being by the Barrington house and when he brought himself into the vicinity there was more than just Rick in the building.
“Daryl, just…the man we needed right now” Rick clears his throat avoiding his eyes as Maggie and Michonne’s worried expressions caught the archer’s attention.
“What happened?”
“We investigated further on what happened to your partner” Jesus started the conversation but no one wanted to say it.
Which easily drove Daryl nuts.
“Spit it out”
“Someone cut the brake wires to the vehicle Y/N was driving” Michonne stated watching him tense. “then when we asked around Alexandria—more specifically the recent Saviors we took in. One of them threatened Y/N before she left”
“And the Saviors aren’t all too bright. They didn’t want her to crash the car” Rick finishes handing Daryl the list of Saviors they are shipping out of Alexandria.
“They did that…expecting me to fucking drive the car and crash?”
“Knowing you, you would’ve been able to crash…safely. Regardless. We are moving those Saviors back to the Sanctuary and—-“
“That’s all you’re ever gonna do. My fucking partner, my WIFE, almost died because some fucking Saviors are still out for me. Or hell they wanted her dead so I would finish the fucking job that y’all didn’t do that night on the hill” Daryl scoffs stepping away from the conversation as Maggie cut through the group letting them take care of the situation for themselves.
“Mags I’m sorry for bringin’ it up again. But I can’t listen to—-“
“You’re right” Maggie grabbed his shoulder making him stop and turn to her. “You didn’t say it but you’re right that their decision for handling this situation is wrong. They should’ve exiled them or worse. But can we at least focus on right now? Y/N is alive. Doing alright. And I’m recommending you both to live here until she’s well enough or hell. Permanently.”
“Y/N wouldn’t agree to the permanently thing. She spent too much time rebuilding our house…it’s just gonna take a while”
“I know and you both can spend that while, here. Or the Kingdom with Carol and Ezekiel. Literally anywhere until she’s ready to go back.”
Daryl didn’t have anymore words on the matter while his anxiety had a chokehold on him. Unexpectedly, the tears spilled as his thoughts raced and while Maggie had too many thoughts herself on the matter…she pushed them aside and brought her arms around her friend keeping him close as he latched onto her.
“She could’ve died…and left me all alone”
“You know she’s a fighter…you’re going to be stuck with her forever” Maggie laughs softly holding him for as long as he wanted.
Soon Daryl found himself seated beside Y/N’s gurney staring at every bandage, every bruise, her swollen face, and her arm strapped to her chest. He next focused on the rise and fall of her chest, afraid of the possible stop. But that never came and she was going to be okay…
“Hey…” Daryl smiles warmly gently kissing Y/N’s forehead as she had been asleep for three days since the accident. He stuck by her side the entire time for the moment she opened her eyes.
“Hi…” Y/N gave him a tired smile even with the bit of pain coursing through her, thank god the drugs helped with it. “You’re dumb”
“For?” He scoffs feeling her hand touch the bruise he got from the IV. “Yeah well, I ain’t losing yea so”
“Mm. Would’ve been out longer if you didn’t.” Y/N kept her hold on him for him to get the hint to sit on the edge of the bed letting her non-strapped arm rest in his lap feeling his hand rub up and down her arm gently. “Gonna take a lot to keep me out”
“Good” Daryl leaned over kissing her lips before pulling away to get one good look at her. “I love you…so much”
“Mm getting sappy, Dixon” She teases patting his leg as he took her hand into his squeezing it and bringing it up to his lips. “I love you, and I’m here. I’m alive. So stop worrying for right now…”
“Yes. For now” Daryl mumbles to himself as Y/N gave him a certain look that lead him to lifting her up enough for him to slip in beside her bringing her into his embrace.
She’s okay
She’s alive
And they are going to pay.
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
Or: The Vampire Prince has run away from home. Coincidentally, a hot guy has passed out on Roier's doorstep.
For Day One of @ender-princee's QSMP AU Week! Idk how many of these I'm going to do, but I wanted to get at least this one done!
Since the death of his son, Roier has spent his days peacefully laying in the pond behind his house and watching the clouds. Sometimes he makes up stories for them, sometimes he fills his mouth with water and waits for his lungs to collapse, sometimes he imagines Jaiden on the shoreline sketching the clouds out with Bobby by her side.
It's pretty chill.
He's alone these days. Kinda? Technically, Jaiden lives with him, but he hasn't seen her since the Federation took Bobby away. He thinks that she has an apartment in the city now. Good for her, honestly. If the city makes her happy, then she should be there.
It's very quiet.
Roier's house is in the middle of the woods miles away from the nearest city. He's close to the border between the Human and Vampire Kingdoms, but he doesn't really get many visitors. And that's fine! Really! He doesn't need visitors, he has his pond, and he has his son's grave to talk to when he's lonely.
Every morning at the crack of dawn, Roier goes to the pond. He gets used to the water's temperature first, and then he flops into it face-first and sucks in enough water to make him choke. And then, once he's sputtering for air, he turns onto his back and coughs the water up and falls asleep. By mid-afternoon, he's inside and completely naked and drying his clothes out and trying not to remember what he shouldn't be. And then, in the evening, he's back in the pond just in case some polite water spirit wants to drown him, and then it's inside for bed.
This morning, though, is weird, because there's something blocking Roier's front door from the outside. After a bit of pushing and grumbling, Roier eventually manages to get the door open just to see... a man. A really attractive man: scars, facial hair, the works. A really attractive man just completely passed out and entirely unconscious on Roier's doorstep.
Roier looks at the man. He's pale- too pale to be human. And, adding in the slight point to his ears, that means that this guy? Vampire, 100-percent. So that's cool.
The sun is about to rise, so Roier decides to do his one good deed of the year, and he drags the vampire into his house. It's entirely too easy to do, the man's so light, but who's Roier to judge someone's eating habits when he's barely been making himself one meal a day since Bobby's death? Could be a similar circumstance, who knows?
Once the vampire is settled on a pile of old blankets near the stove, Roier stands up, cracks his neck, and heads outside to go wallow in the pond.
If there's one thing that Roier is besides a bad father and a brilliant chef, it's punctual.
It takes two days for the vampire to wake up, and Roier spends those two days in the pond floating and in the forest hunting. He thinks that vampires prefer fresh blood, but he also thinks that this guy won't care what kind of blood he gets after how long he's been passed out.
And he's right! The second the vampire is awake, he's beelining for the jug of deer blood on the table.
Roier, shirtless and drying his clothes by the fireplace after that morning's soak, hardly reacts to the poor guy guzzling down the blood like it's the first thing he's had to eat in days (mostly because it is the first thing he's had to eat in days.) He isn't naked if only for the vampire's comfort, even if it is a little uncomfortable sitting in wet clothes.
Once the vampire is full, he collapses onto a chair at the table with a groan. He leans back, throws his head back, covers his face with his hands, and groans again.
Me, too, Roier thinks.
(He and this vampire could probably be very good friends.)
"What the fuck?" the vampire moans.
Roier shrugs in response, not expecting to be noticed. Does the vampire even know he's there? Probably, vampires can hear heartbeats and stuff.
Eventually, the vampire looks at Roier through his fingers.
"Dude," is the first thing he says to Roier.
And then:
"Why are you shirtless?"
Now, Roier can't exactly say that he's trying to visit his (dead) son, so he just says, "Fell into the pond, man, what does it matter?"
And then, because he's a bit of an asshole, he teases, "What, are you shy?"
"No! I'm just confused!" the vampire quickly responds. "Like, okay. I fainted outside of your door, I guess? And then I wake up, and you're shirtless. It's just a lot, you know?"
Roier nods. "So you are shy. That's fine, I get it."
The vampire's hands fall from his face, and he looks at Roier with slight confusion, slight annoyance, all handsome.
"Where am I?" he asks.
"My house. We're, uhhh... two days' walk from the border? The nearest city is Quesadilla, that's four days' walk."
"Oh," the vampire quietly says.
He looks around the house curiously.
"And you're human?" he asks.
Roier grins. "Yep! Unless my dads have been keeping something from me, anyway."
The vampire lets out a quiet laugh. And then he winces and presses a hand to his ribs.
Roier politely turns back to the fireplace. None of his business...
"I hate to ask you this, but... can I stay here for a little while longer?" the vampire asks. He sounds pained- out of breath, very tense. "I... may have broken my ribs earlier. When I was. Mm, fuck! Out there."
It's very quiet in the woods now that Roier's son is dead and his co-parent is gone. Roier hates the quiet, but he can't really imagine anything else anymore. He doesn't want his guest asking questions when he sees Roier going outside at dawn.
But, like. He feels bad, okay? He remembers being all alone and hurt in the woods after what Spreen did to him, he knows the pain, he knows how fucking annoying it is to be running through a dark forest with a busted rib and a bleeding hole in his chest and back.
So he nods and says, "Sure, man. Stay however long you want. Just don't eat me, eh? I have people who'll miss me."
(He thinks.)
The vampire audibly rolls his eyes. "Vampires don't eat humans, but I guess I won't eat you. You don't look very tasty, anyway."
Hurt, Roier spins around to shout at him in protest with an, "Ayyy!!!", and thus begins what he's sure will be only the first of many arguments.
The vampire's name is Cellbit, and he doesn't ask questions. He sleeps for most of the day and spends his nights in the back garden tending to some wildflowers he's decided to cultivate or inside reading.
On his second day awake, he'd told Roier where he had hidden his bag before passing out, and he'd sent Roier to get it. Roier still doesn't know all of what's inside, but he does know that it's one of those special bags that are bigger on the inside, and that Cellbit has a couple of extra sets of clothes and a lot of books in it. He also has a couple of 'blood supplement pills' that are supposed to make him less hungry, but he says those are for emergencies because "they taste like shit".
Cellbit doesn't say anything about his personal life, and he doesn't explain why he ended up hiding his bag and passing out in the middle of the woods so close to the Vampire Kingdom's border with what has turned out to be several broken ribs and a broken fang and a sprained ankle and a black eye, but that's fine. Roier doesn't need to know, just like how Cellbit doesn't need to know all of Roier's baggage.
For Cellbit's sake, Roier doesn't strip naked in the afternoons when he's drying his clothes. Nah, he changes clothes and lets his wet ones dry outside in the sun. And then he lays outside and dries in the sun, and it's almost as relaxing as laying in the pond is.
It's still quiet, but there's a nice buzz in the background all day that almost reminds Roier of when times were better and his son wasn't dead.
Just after sunset, Cellbit comes outside to water his flowers.
He lets out a pained breath as he kneels down next to them with his makeshift watering can: an old bowl with a hole cut in it, and an even older cup with holes punched to it stuck onto the side of the bowl.
Roier floats.
"You know," he says, "I can go into the city and get you some actual seeds if you're planning on sticking around."
"I thought you said the city was four days away?"
"Yeah, but it's not like I have anything else to do."
(It would give him an excuse to see Jaiden again.)
"Well. I don't need seeds. I like wildflowers for a reason. They get to just... be. No human intervention." A pause. "Or, well, vampire intervention."
Mmm, that sounds like a metaphor for something.
Cellbit waters his flowers. They're pink little things: ruffly like a skirt with white stripes and big, broad leaves. They're pretty, definitely something Tilín would have liked.
Roier's head bumps against the rocky wall of the pond. He grumbles and uses his hand to push himself back towards the pond's center where it's deepest.
"It's nice out here," Cellbit says. "Maybe I'll build a house here. We can be neighbors!"
Roier smiles at the thought. He moved out here with Jaiden and Bobby to get away from the city and all the bastards in it, but he wouldn't mind some company. He likes Cellbit, he thinks. Definitely neighbor-worthy.
...Though the house will be just that little bit quieter.
Maybe he and Cellbit can have their meals together. Or something.
Cellbit grunts as he stands, and then he hobbles over to the pond and sits down. He pulls his socks and shoes off and puts them next to him, he rolls his pants up to his knees, and then he sticks his feet in the water.
Roier gasps, "What, for free?"
He cackles as Cellbit kicks a wave of annoyed water at him. Some water gets in his mouth, but that's fine. Nothing he isn't used to.
Roier goes hunting twice a week so Cellbit has blood to eat. Drink? Feed from? Whatever.
He used to hunt more before he moved into the woods with his family. He and Spreen and Missa and Quackity and Mariana would all go out together to the outskirts of the city and see who could bag the biggest deer or the most rabbits, and it was awesome! Spreen always won, but that was just how it was.
Spreen always won.
Every time Roier carves the heart out of a deer and drains its blood, he pretends that it's Spreen's body beneath him. Spreen's final breaths- panicked and pained and pathetic. Spreen's heart- ugly. Spreen's hand holding his and Spreen's voice begging him to stop and Spreen's voice apologizing but not meaning it, never fucking meaning it, because he went too far and he didn't fucking care and-
And then Roier fills a jug with blood and brings it back to the house. Cellbit only needs to feed once a week, supposedly, but Roier likes having extra blood in the house just in case.
Cellbit seems to appreciate the thought, at least. He always brightens when Roier walks into the house with a fresh jug of blood, and he always tries helping Roier go hunting even though he can barely walk on his fucked-up ankle.
He's sweet. Roier almost doesn't want him to go, but he's going to, eventually.
They always do.
Roier needs to go into the city to stock up on medicines for the winter, and he tells Cellbit this and asks if Cellbit needs him to stock up on extra blood before he goes.
"I can just go with you," Cellbit replies. He rolls his ankle around in a small circle. "I'm feeling much better, and I want to get some actual gardening stuff."
'And I'll be lonely without you', Roier knows Cellbit's heart is saying, because his own is saying it, too.
...So maybe they're a little codependent already. But it's been almost two full months of them living together, and they're both two very attractive men, and they're both more than a little lonely.
Roier shrugs and agrees, and that's that.
Four days later, they're in Quesadilla, and Roier is at the pharmacy loading a basket full of everything he thinks he might need for the winter. He gets sick easily, and he gets sick often, and he does not want to die alone in a cabin in the woods during his first winter by himself. That would be embarrassing.
Cellbit is at the garden supplies shop down the road, so Roier is by himself as he waits in line to pay. And, because he's a nosy bitch, he listens as the women waiting in line in front of him gossip.
"It's been two months," one says, "he's definitely dead."
The other rolls her eyes. "Vampires can't die, idiot. He's probably just stuck in a dungeon somewhere."
"No, but he should be dead after what he's done," the first woman sniffs. "I hope the Federation dealt with him properly."
Roier stifles a wince at the mention of the Federation; ugh, he hates those guys!
"I don't know," the second woman sighs, "he is a prince. Are they even allowed to arrest princes?"
"See, this is why I'm glad the Human Kingdom has a council and a king. The Federation can arrest anybody breaking the law, and it'll be fine!"
"Well, at least he wasn't the heir to the throne. The Vampire Princess seems like a much more decent person."
"I mean, if our standards for 'decent' are if they're literally evil, then, sure, she's decent. Better than, uh... what did he do again?"
The second woman looks to the first in confusion. "I thought you knew?"
"I thought you did!"
Ignoring their arguing, Roier sneaks around them to cut in line and pay. Whoever they're talking about, Roier likes him. Anybody Cucurucho hates is a friend of Roier's!
Jaiden fills him in via a letter that arrives shortly after Roier and Cellbit return to the house. Roier reads it, and he tries not to look at Cellbit as he does so.
'So here's what I've heard,' the letter says. 'The Federation was interested in opening a branch in the Vampire Kingdom's capital city, and the king and queen were kind of into it. Their kids aren't, though. Princess Bagi wants to establish a more settled list of regulations- which Cucurucho is not into, by the way- and Prince Cellbit has been flat-out just arguing with Cucurucho and the other employees up there.
'But here's the thing, Prince Cellbit hasn't actually been seen in months! Cucurucho says that he's being 'dealt with' by his parents, but everybody knows that he's probably actually dead. It sucks for him, but I don't think he should've argued in the first place. I mean, the Federation does good work. If he hates it so much as to kill workers like everybody thinks he's been doing, then maybe he should be dealt with. Not by being killed, obviously, but maybe prison isn't too crazy. Hopefully that's where he ended up.
'Thanks for visiting, by the way. I missed you. I'll try and visit you before the first snow falls. I want to see Bobby one last time before the Solstice.'
Roier tosses the letter into the fire as soon as he's finished reading it.
By the time the first snow falls, Cellbit is fine. His ankle is better, his ribs are better, his eye is better. His fang is absolutely fucked, but he doesn't really need it if Roier is filling jars for him.
The pond, unfortunately, is frozen over. Roier sits by it the way he used to with Bobby back when they'd lace up their skates and get ready to go out onto the ice.
After a couple of minutes of dusk, Cellbit comes out to join him with a small smile. Their arms press into each other, and Roier fights the urge to rest his head on Cellbit's shoulder.
"This is my first winter away from home," Cellbit tells him.
"This is my first winter by myself," Roier tells him.
Cellbit looks mildly offended.
Roier smiles at him and gently nudges his side.
"By myself with you, gatinho," he teases. "How could I forget you?"
Cellbit looks positively regal in the snow. The way it settles in his hair looks like lace, his eyes are already as blue as ice. All he needs is a silvery crown, and he could be the Winter King from all the stories Roier heard when he was a kid.
He rolls his eyes and nudges Roier back.
Roier nudges him again.
Cellbit nudges him again, slightly harder.
Roier nudges him with his hands, pushing him over and into the snow.
Moments later, he's being tackled into the snow by a very chilly vampire. He's absolutely freezing, but his face is still very warm as Cellbit pins him down and looks into his eyes with a smile as wide as his handsome face.
Slowly, Cellbit leans his head down. At the same time, Roier props himself up on his elbows, raising his head to meet him. He moves on instinct, heart pounding, eyes fluttering shut.
Chapped lips brush against his, and Roier feels warm aaaalll over.
On the day of the Solstice, Roier visits Bobby's grave with a book. Every year, he and Jaiden and Bobby would snuggle together in Bobby's bed and read A Solstice Song to him; he never got into the Solstice spirit, but he loved the ghosts.
Roier clears the snow off of the bench by Bobby's tombstone. He sits, opens the book, and reads.
Hours later when he's finished, he's crawling into bed shivering and crying. He doesn't look at Cellbit, he doesn't do anything except shed his coat and hat and gloves and shoes and drop the book to the floor and get into bed.
A few very hesitant moments later, Cellbit joins him. He stay sitting up, though one of his hands finds its way into Roier's hair.
"'Fred was dead to begin with'," Cellbit reads, "'There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk,the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Elena signed it. And Elena’s name was good upon ’Change, for anything she chose to put her hand to.'"
Roier turns to hide his face in Cellbit's side, and he cries.
Spring comes, and Roier drains the pond to clean it.
It's as he's knee-deep in mud and dead leaves as the sun sets, and that's when Cellbit comes outside with a guilty look on his face.
"I haven't been totally honest with you," he says.
Roier sighs and sticks his shovel down into the much and leans against it.
"Is this about the Vampire Prince stuff?" he asks. "Because I don't care about any of that. You're my gatinho, and that's all that matters."
Cellbit's entire body freezes. He seems to think for a long, long moment before his shoulders start loosening.
"Oh," he says. He's smart, but he's also stupid. He didn't even give Roier a fake name, gods.
Roier takes pity on him and blows him a kiss that Cellbit gladly catches and pulls to his unbeating heart.
"I don't care what you did," Roier gently says. "I don't care what people say you did. I don't care if you're the prince or some homeless guy I took pity on, you're my Cellbit. As long as you don't hurt me, I don't care."
Cellbit's eyes widen immediately in panic. "What? No, never! I'd never hurt you! I'd hurt for you, but never you. Never."
Roier smiles at him. "See? Problem solved. Now, get a shovel, we need this cleaned and refilled before mid-spring."
Cellbit wrinkles his nose at the mess, but he goes to get his gardening shovel from the shed that he and Roier built.
"Why?" he asks. "What's in mid-spring?"
Roier swallows and looks up at the still-setting sun.
"Bobby's birthday," he answers.
He waves to the setting sun. Goodnight, sweet prince.
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lilithdeparis · 4 months
A little help.
I swear to you guys
I've been having meaningless thoughts lately
l have to write it down, even tho l requsted it to someone.
If you don't like anything from here or don't feel comfortable reading about it, please don't read.
Forewarning: It will definitely be smut, the reader is a single mom, breastfeeding, etc.
Summry: The reader is a single mother who is having trouble breastfeeding her baby, but Simon wants to make it easy for her and helps her with it.
After six years in the army, you suddenly had to take a break, and that break was probably because you were pregnant out of nowhere.
Well of course you knew exactly who the father of the child was, but after talking with him about the pregnancy, you once again realized that sleeping with him that night was the biggest mistake of your life.
It was not easy for you to leave the army, probably because you had many friends there, and not only that, but you also loved your job very much.
You already talked about the problem with your Captain, you wanted to tell others the reason why you had to leave, but somehow you were embarrassed ? It's as if you imagined yourself as that stupid girl you always said you won't be,
"How can I have fun with a man for one night and get pregnant."
You used to say always and the love of a idle man really dragged your life to end, as if, as they say, God was laughing at you.
You left Task Force 141 and left all your friends behind, and the most painful thing was to see those disappointed eyes through the skull masked merciless Lieutenant, who once valued you so much, but now thought you betrayed him.
The pregnancy was the most difficult for you, you had no one by your side, no one at all, went to the doctor alone, took care of yourself alone, you didn't have a man who would run to the end of the world for you in the middle of the night to find strawberries in the middle of winter.
But you were a strong woman, you survived the worst, and you knew that the day you found out the gender of your baby, you would go through anything for your little girl.
And that's what happened, you walked to the hospital alone because you spilled too much water and left the hospital in a five days with a small, healthy and beautiful girl in your arms.
When you hold little Vivienne in your arms first, you felt as if all the problems around you were gone, after that day everything seemed to be going better and better, you had enough money because of your old job, you had a house, and now you had a beautiful daughter.
You continued living with your daughter, waking up with her in the morning, feeding her, taking care of her, enjoying her and you didn't want anything else until one New Year's day, you heard a knock on the door of your house.
Your six-month-old girl, who was still wrapped in cute deer pajamas, you immediately took her in your arms because when you left her at such a time, she cried, that's why you immediately went to the door with your girl in your hands.
As you open the door, met those familiar cold eyes and skull mask.
The man fastly turned his blue eyes to you and then looked at the little girl, he looked a little surprised. "Did you start working as a nanny ?"
"What ?! Of course not, this is my daughter."
It was the only thing that came out of your mouth in protest and that surprised Simon even more.
"And when did you have time to have a baby ?"
Simon asked directly and didn't even think before you closed the door, he put his foot between the door and opened it strongly, he was strong then and still is.
"Listen, I don't have time for you, I have to feed Vivi."
You said and the man didn't even listen, he entered the house with his muddy boots and closed the door behind him.
In ten minutes, both of you were in the living room, you were still holding Vivienne, Simon sitting on the couch, was looking at you still, he didn't seem to know what to do, should he be angry with you ? Should he be happy or should he just reached for your waist and kissed you hard because of longing ?
"Tell me why you hid from me ? you know that I would understand you, for you I would be the Simon that I was not with anyone else."
The man looked at you and said, then looked at the little girl, and as if there was sadness somewhere in his words, which was the most unusual for a lieutenant you knew.
As if you didn't need much to open up, just a little push which Simon happend to do, you immediately sat next to Simon with the baby in your arms and told him everything that happened to you, everything what you went through without him.
"I didn't want to leave you, but I had no choice, I was ashamed to tell you about my pregnancy."
Those were your last words, and after that tears started to fall from your eyes, you couldn't hold them back.
The man laughed suddenly, his big scarred hands immediately went to your face and the man wiped the tears from your eyes.
"Damn, what a fool you are."
He said and gently grabbed your chin, then lifted your head up and you couldn't see through his mask but you were sure he was smiling.
Before it could turn into something more romantic, Vivienne suddenly burst into tears and that because she was hungry.
You immediately started to calm her down, while Simon's big hands now went towards your angel's small hands.
"It's amazing how small and innocent ."
The man muttered to himself, you hear it too, perhaps life was amazing, the hands of an man with lots of human blood on it and the hands of a little angel who has never felt anything other than her mother's breast.
"Listen, can l hold her in my hands ?" Simon seemed to have the courage and asked and you didn't even need a few minutes to think because Simon was the only guy you trusted with your little girl.
The man took the little child in his hands, the hands with which he mercilessly suffocated and chocked men, so gently, he was so careful that even you were surprised and smiled.
In a few seconds, Vivienne started to look at Simon's mask and even touched it with her little hands, In one part, I think she even wanted to drool over the mask, which made the man laugh.
"Soo is this your little troublemaker ?"
Simon said and looked at the little girl who was smiling, maybe if there was someone else in her place, she would have broken her hand for holding on to his mask, but Vivienne, like you, already had the right.
"I think I better feed her or she might really drool over your mask."
You smiled and said, looking back at Simon, who nodded and gently hand the baby to you.
You watched him for the next minute, hoping he would figure out what to do, but then, when he didn't understand anything, you tell him.
"I have to breastfeed her Simon, could you... ?"
Simon looked at you and then when he understood, he shook his head, realized that it wouldn't be entirely comfortable for you to be watched by him, so he turned away.
When you fed Vivienne, the girl's stomach was so full that she fell asleep in seconds and you immediately put her to bed.
Although you had problems because you always had more milk left, full breast.
When you put the little one to bed, you tiredly went out to the living room where Simon was still sitting on the couch waiting for you and sat next to him.
"Vivi will probably be asleep for a long time."
You sighed and continued talking, but you didn't realize that Simon was busy with something else, he was probably already dying to see your big tits naked, In his hands or his cock right between them.
"Simon, are you listening?"
You spoke and the man immediately looked down at your chest, seeing the leaked milk coming from your breasts on your T-shirt.
"Listen, I think you have a problem with your chest right there."
Simon said it as sarcastic as he used to be with you most of the time, while you immediately looked down at your chest.
"Damn it's leaking, I need a drainer."
You spoke and before you got up, the man immediately put his hand on your waist, gently pushed you back on your sit.
"Listen, I can help you."
The man said in all seriousness and you raised an eyebrow, immediately asking. "And How ?"
The man immediately put his arm around your waist and placed you on his laps, so that he was now looking directly at your breast.
"Shhh, don't ask questions, I know you want my help."
The man spoke and then lifted his mask just up his nose, slowly moved his hand under your T-shirt to your stomach, and soon your T-shirt was nowhere to be seen, so that now you were in a white bra only.
"Damn it, how I missed them."
The man spoke and placed his lips on your stomach and kissed it gently, then slowly moved up.
"Hmmm Simon a bit fast."
Upon hearing your complaint, the man immediately take off your bra and almost started drooling when he saw your breasts so full and round because of milk.
"What a good girl you are, damn it."
The man cupped both of your breasts with his big hands and then bent his head so that he kissed one and then the other.
Before you could say anything, the man pressed his lips to your breast at full speed and then sucked hard with his tongue around nipple, squeezing it with all his might, more milk started to leak.
The man this time took both your breasts firmly in his hands and squeezed one harder to make the milk come out, when he pulled his head out, he looked at you, who had both hands covering your mouth.
"Honey, this is the best milk I've ever tasted."
You can ask me anything you want guys, l will try to write it, because l have no brain to think about it much, thank you for reading it ☆
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alloftheimagines · 2 years
joel miller | survive
masterlist | taglist | ko-fi
words: 4.7k
warnings: 18+! not for minors! please please please read the warnings and skip this one if you're uncomfortable with the subject matter.
episode eight reimagining with the same hard-hitting themes: blood, violence, cannibalism, sexual assault, killing, abduction, vomit. reader takes the place of ellie. angst. hurt/comfort. no happy ending as requested because i wasn't sure that could exist in these circumstances, but there is now a part two where joel takes care of reader and the fic ends on a lighter note.
prompt: Hi! Would love to request something for Joel Miller 🥰 Angst but with a happy ending, after seeing episode 8 I thought maybe reader is with Joel and Ellie, but this time Ellie stays back to keep an eye on Joel so reader gets kidnapped and is the one Joel basically comes back from the dead to save? hahshxdjfbf I just imagine them reuniting and UGH 🥹❤️ Feel free to ignore this if inspiration doesn’t strike!
tags: @sweetbabygirlsworld
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You’re terrified of losing Joel. So terrified that instead of watching him shiver and sweat on an old, bloodied mattress as his infection spreads, you opt to go out and hunt. It isn’t solely selfish. You need food, and Ellie needs to rest. At least this way you’re doing something productive rather than waiting for a miracle. 
Still, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything but the knot in your stomach, the one that keeps asking “what if?” What if Joel doesn’t make it? How will you survive past that grief for long enough to keep Ellie safe? How will you go back to Jackson and tell Tommy that his brother is gone?
You’re lost in those thoughts when you hear the crunching of snow, and you try to shake them away, readying Joel’s shotgun as you search for the source. 
A deer. It’s so beautiful that for a second, you forget that it’s supposed to be your next meal. You’d forgotten beauty still existed in a world so broken, forgotten that nature can still be kind. 
But humans can’t. Not if you want to survive; not if you want Joel to survive. 
You take a deep breath. Adjust your posture. Shoot. 
The bullet doesn’t hit where you want it to; where you know you should have been aiming if only you weren’t so distracted. The deer darts away. Whispering a curse, you follow the trail of blood —
And find more than you bargained for. Two men wait with the dying deer at their feet. They look… clean. Comfortable. Not people struggling to find food or clothing. You raise your gun again immediately, and theirs point back at you. 
“Put your guns down,” you order, trying to sound braver than you feel. You did alright before Joel came into your life, but it’s been a while since you’ve been alone and it’s hard to summon the strength that used to come so easy. 
“You first,” the darker-haired man says, narrowing his gaze. 
The fairer man glances warily before slowly lowering his. Good. At least one of them is smart. 
“Not going to happen. On the ground. Kick it away.” You shift on your feet, gripping your gun tightly and readying your finger on the trigger. You don’t enjoy killing people, but you will if you have to. If it means getting back to Joel and Ellie. 
“James,” the unarmed man says, calm authority firm in his voice. The one in charge, then. “Do as she says.” He holds up his hands in surrender as his friend, James, finally puts his gun away. “We mean no trouble. We’d just like to talk.”
“So talk,” you bite out, making no move to lower your own gun. 
“Alright.” His breath is visible in the cool air, nose pink and runny. “My name is David. This is James. We’re from a town just south of here.”
“Good for you. Maybe you should go back now.”
An amused smirk twitches at his mouth. “Thing is, we have a lot of mouths to feed down there, and this deer… it would keep us going for a week. Maybe two.”
“Shame it isn’t yours,” you say.
A short sigh escapes him. “Right. It is a shame. But if I could offer you warm shelter and good food, a welcoming community, why couldn’t we share?” 
You raise your eyebrows. “I’m not interested in negotiating.”
“With all due respect, ma’am… as far as I can tell, you’re all alone in these woods. There’s no reason why you have to be.”
It’s clear the other man, James, isn’t in on David’s kind offer. His mouth is pursed in a thin line, jaw grinding as though he’s holding back from saying something. Welcoming community, my ass. 
Still, an idea strikes. You need something else more than you need the deer, and if this town has supplies… “You have medicine in this town of yours?”
David hesitates before dipping his head. “We do.”
Hope swells in you for the first time since Joel was injured. 
“If you put the gun down, we’d be much more open to discussing what it is you need,” he continues. “Please?”
Gulping, you slowly lower your gun — but you keep it in your hand just in case, stomach still filled with unease. Not every settlement will be like Jackson, and there’s something… off about these two. 
“If you get me that medicine, you can have the deer.”
“We can do you one better. We have a nurse down in the village who can help you with your injury. If you just come with us��”
“No,” you say. “You’ll bring the medicine here, to me.”
Another strange smile. “You’ll be much more likely to survive the winter if you let us help you.”
Impatient, you raise your gun again. “Bring it or stop wasting my damn time.”
David lifts his hands again. “Okay. Alright. James, go and fetch what the lady needs.” 
“David—” James begins to protest, but is quickly cut off. 
“Go on now.” 
Reluctantly, he does, and then it’s just the two of you. 
“I know a place you can get warm,” he offers. “It’s just through the trees. An old greenhouse. No need to wait out here in the cold.”
It makes your gut twist, how he seems to be determined to get you moving, to take you out of these woods. And there’s a glint in his eye, something untrustworthy there — even his right-hand man seemed to see it. Nobody follows orders like that with pure reasons. He’s… scared, or at least threatened. 
“I’m fine just here.”
“Okay. What’s your name?”
“I’m the one holding a gun, which means I’ll be the one asking questions. How many people are there in this town of yours?”
“Forty. Like I said, there’s room for one more. Perhaps it was God’s will, us meeting today.”
Oh, good, you think. He’s a God botherer. You didn’t particularly subscribe to religion before the world turned to shit, and you sure as hell have better things to do than pray now. 
“Unless you’re not alone.” His voice seems to lower as though he knows something, and you stiffen instinctively. “Is the injury yours?”
“It’s none of your business.”
He no longer seems to be staring down the barrel of your gun, but right into you. “Because a few of our men had some trouble a few days ago. A man, a woman, and a young girl. Man was thought to be badly injured, you see. If he lived… well, I’d imagine that kinda wound would be susceptible to a nasty infection.”
He knows. He always knew. The raiders you crossed paths with, the ones who hurt Joel… 
You no longer feel like the one holding the gun. You feel like the deer bleeding on the snow between you. Prey. Still, you set your chin. “I don’t know what you mean. I travel alone.”
“See, I believe you, but the thing is… my friend, James… he’s not so certain. I’d imagine that once he comes back with that medicine, he’ll be rounding up a few men to go hunting for these people. If what you’re saying is true, I wouldn’t want you to be caught in the middle of that. That’s why it’s much safer you just come with me now, see?” 
Your upper lip curls into a warning snarl, finger twitching on the gun’s trigger. But if you kill him, you won’t get Joel’s medicine. You’ll lose him. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” 
“Hmm.” He debates this. “There’s a third option.”
“Not interested.”
“I think you are,” he pushes. “I think you’re one of them, and I think you’re trying to help your man. Very noble, but strange. You don’t seem a good match. You’re so… young, so calm, and from what I hear, he’s dangerous. Ruthless, even. A cold-blooded killer. Maybe if you come into town with me now, we can arrange for that medicine to be delivered without my brigade charging in and doing some damage. There’s a place for you. Your daughter, too. You don’t need to be tied to him anymore.”
You want to scoff, or else laugh in his face. Does he believe you’re that simple, that stupid? Does he believe you’re a fucking damsel in need of saving?
Anger simmers in you at the thought. “I think it’s about time you shut up.” You point the barrel at his head now, right between his brows.
He doesn’t balk, doesn’t tremble, doesn’t so much as blink, and you’re beginning to understand. He’s the type of man who uses religion to veil whatever monster lies beneath. He isn’t some small-town do-gooder, though he might believe it. 
You dread to think what he might be capable of. 
“I think it’s about time you drop your weapon.” The voice doesn’t belong to David. It comes from behind along with the feeling of cold metal against the back of your skull. You risk a glance over your shoulder to see the man from before, James. You should have heard him creep up, should have seen, but you were so focused on the one in front of you.
Your heart thunders as you realise you might not get out of it this time. 
“We only want you to come with us,” David says, eyes round with feigned innocence. “That’s all. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“The gun to my head says otherwise. What would God say about this?” you retort, dripping venom because it’s all you have left. 
A strange sadness crosses David’s face. “It didn’t have to be this way.”
Before you can pull the trigger, something heavy slams into your skull, and then darkness swallows you whole. 
You wake in a cage, the taste of blood on your tongue and your wrists bound by rope. David is on the other side of the bars in what looks to be a kitchen, utensils hanging on the wall. Great butchers’ knives and cleavers wink at you in the watery daylight. You go cold with fear, crawling to the furthest corner of the cage. 
“Let me go,” you say. “Let me go!” 
“I’m sorry. It’s for your own good,” he says. “You were corrupted, but I can help you see the light again.”
“Why are you doing this?” You’re choking on a sob, thoughts of Joel and Ellie running through your mind. What if they found them? Joel is in and out of consciousness and Ellie can’t fight on her own. 
David curls his fingers around the bars. “It’s God’s will. I was meant to meet you today. This is where you’re supposed to be.”
“In a fucking cage?” you spit, voice echoing around the kitchen. You pull at the rope until your skin splits, crying out when you realise this is it. There’s no way out. You’re trapped, and you have no idea what this man truly wants with you. 
“This is merely a precaution,” he says. “I was wrong about you before. You are dangerous too. You have a dark heart, just like me. If you would just surrender, you could be part of this community.”
You squeeze your eyes closed, clamping down on a plea. You doubt it will do any good. Still, tears roll down your cheeks. “Fuck you,” you whisper. 
“You don’t understand yet. You will.” David takes a step back, and somehow the prospect of him leaving you here causes your stomach to turn to water. 
“Don’t do this,” you say. But he walks away with a glint in his eye that promises he will be back, and you’re left alone. 
Dizziness rattles through you as you pull yourself onto your feet, testing the sturdiness of the bars in hopes you’ll find a weak spot. But it’s padlocked closed and the screws are in tightly —
Something catches your eye, pale and fleshy on the kitchen tiles. 
An ear. 
In the kitchen. 
You vomit without warning as it all comes together. You wonder if the community even knows that their leader feeds them people. Wonder who was last in this cage and how long it took for them to become a meal. 
You scramble against the ropes again and pray — not to whatever fucked up God David worships, but someone — that you find a way out. 
“Joel!” Ellie shakes him frantically and finally he comes to. Sweat glistens on his forehead, his face drawn and pale, but he finally ate something earlier and she’s been keeping him hydrated as he drifts in and out of sleep.
Now, he frowns and hums in question.
“Y/N isn’t back. She didn’t come back, and now people are here.”
The sound of shuffling outside is only growing louder, and she keeps her voice to a whisper as fear grips her. It’s not like you to go more than two hours without checking in, even if you haven’t caught anything for dinner yet. That four hours have passed means something is wrong, and Ellie doesn’t know what to do, how to find you. She needs Joel. She needs you. 
“What?” Joel struggles to sit up, the mattress groaning under his weight as he clutches his injured stomach. But he’s alert, awake, and that’s better than he’s been in days. 
“She isn’t back,” Ellie says again, voice trembling now. “Someone’s here, Joel. They know about us.” 
Understanding clears through the fog in his eyes slowly, and he looks up as he hears the floorboards creak above. “Shit,” he curses, dragging himself slowly to his knees. Ellie watches, pulling out her own gun. “Hide somewhere. Let me deal with it.”
He’s in no fit state to deal with anything, but when Ellie protests, he shushes her and orders her to do as he says, so she does. And as he readies himself for a fight he can’t win, panic rushes through him. You’re not back. Somebody is here. 
He’s failed again, or at least is about to, and this time it’s you he’s afraid to lose. 
He summons that anger when the silhouette slowly stalks down the stairs. Summons it a lot more when he’s throwing an arm around the idiot’s neck to squeeze the life out of him. 
Joel has forgotten his injury. He’s forgotten anything but you; the thought of you alone, in danger, afraid. His fingers curl into fists at his side, and when the attacker finally rouses, he orders Ellie to leave the room. He doesn’t want her to see what comes next; who he becomes when he’s trying to protect the people he loves. 
Nausea twists through him, but it mingles with anticipation. Some sick excitement. He’s good at being violent. Better at being vengeful. 
“Where is she?” he asks, voice just steady enough to be assertive. 
The attacker mumbles something, and Joel’s patience quickly dwindles. 
“Who are you?” he asks, louder now. 
The attacker shakes his head. Doesn’t want to play. 
Joel brandishes his knife. 
The attacker’s eyes widen in fear as he presses the point into his finger, ignoring the throbbing in his stomach. “You want to do this the hard way?”
“I'm not telling you anything.”
Joel tilts his head and clenches his jaw. Then in one swift motion, he’s gripping the arms of the chair the attacker is tied to, quivering with anger as he towers over him. “Last chance.”
The attacker purses his lips, and Joel steps back, watching him sink in relief — relishing in that false sense of security. Then he throws the first punch, the impact of fist to jaw singing through his bones. He shakes out his hand, punches again. Blood splatters, but he goes again twice more just for good measure, growing weaker with every blow. He stops when he realises that, knowing he needs to conserve his energy to get to you. 
“Where the fuck is she?” he bellows.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about!” 
He plunges the knife into the attackers knee, the sound of bone crunching and flesh squelching as blood dribbles down his jeans and the attacker cries out. That’s when he begins to beg. That’s when Joel knows he’ll tell him anything. 
“Alright!” he’s whimpering. “Alright, please!” 
“Tell me where she is or I swear to god, I’ll pop you’re fucking kneecap off.” Joel drives the blade deeper, thirsty now. Desperate. He can’t do this without you. He needs you safe. If he finds out you’re hurt…
“With David!” he blubbers. “She’s with David in town!” 
“What tooooown?” (oh, you thought I wouldn’t?)
“Silver Lake!” 
“Who the fuck is David and what does he want with her?” 
“He…” the man chokes on his own sobs again, and Joel tugs on the knife, earning a piercing scream. “I don’t know what he wants, okay? He’s the leader! He… he took to her, I don’t know!” 
A chill crawls down Joel’s spine and his vision blurs as he pauses. His blood-drenched fingers tremble, and he doesn’t know how to make them stop. “What do you mean, he took to her?” 
The man spits out blood. “He likes her. Wants her to join him. I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I told you everything.” 
Joel wants to tear him apart then and there, but he pulls out his map, yanking the knife from the man’s knee to put the hilt in his mouth. The attacker howls, tears streaking down his cheeks. Joel wants to tell him he’ll do a lot fucking worse if he finds you harmed. He wants to say a lot of things, but cotton fills his mouth and he needs to find you. He needs to stop wasting time. “Point it out to me.”
“It’s not a real town. It’s just a fucking community. I don’t know.”
Joel grips the man’s collar, and his voice falls deathly low. “Point it out to me or I’ll make sure your other knee matches.”
It’s enough motivation for the attacker to pinpoint a spot. His blood stains the map, highlighting a small valley between the forest and mountains. 
Joel puts the map in his back pocket and slits the man’s throat before he can beg for his life. He’s not feeling merciful today. 
David comes back for you an hour later. “Have you reconsidered?” 
You only glare at him, your wrists bloody and your eyes gritty from so many shed tears. To your surprise, he unlocks the cage. Despite your better instinct, you stay seated, stay calm. You won’t get out of this if you try to run now. He has the upper hand, and you’ll let him have it, hoping his arrogance, his underestimation of you, will be his downfall. 
“You must be hungry,” he says. “Come. Let me show you what I can offer.”
Shakily, you rise from the ground. “Will you at least untie me?”
“I’ll think about it.”
He leads you out of your kitchen. When he’s not looking, you lean your back to the table and snatch an abandoned knife, slipping it up your sleeve. 
The front of the building is laid out like an old, cheap restaurant and bar, candles burning and booths lining the windows. 
“I’m glad you’ve calmed down,” he says. “Now we’ll get a chance to know each other properly.”
Slowly, you begin to saw at the rope with the knife as he leads you to a booth. Two plates are set at the table, a candle lit in the middle, and you think about the ear on the floor. Wonder if the meat in the stew is not animal, not your deer. You want to throw up again, but you swallow down the bile in favour of relief: the rope has snapped. You keep your hands behind your back as you shuffle in your seat, trying to avoid looking at the meal. The smell of it makes your stomach turn. 
“What do you want from me?” you ask finally. 
David places a napkin on his lap. “I’m showing you hospitality. Hospitality you haven’t earned, might I add. Where is your gratitude?”
“Where the fuck is my medicine?”
Without warning, he stands and slaps you, and you can’t control your anger as the sting prickles along your cheekbone. You throw your plate at him, the food splattering his face and staining his shirt, and then you run. 
A mistake. He hauls you back quickly, and the two of you topple to the floor as he slams your wrist down, forcing the knife away. He pins your hands and then straddles you, and you know what comes next. You know, and you shouldn’t, and this isn’t happening. 
“You need to be taught some manners,” he croons, taking your chin in his hands. “A girl like you… you need to learn how to submit. Especially when we’re married. But don’t worry.” He leans down as you squirm, whispering into your ear, “We have time for that.”
“No!” You shout, slapping him away and doing your best to wriggle away. But he’s heavy on top of you, and he’s reaching for his belt, and there’s no way out. No hope. Nothing. “Get the fuck off me, you sick bastard!” 
He slaps you again, lash twice as hard this time, and you taste blood. 
You refuse to let it end like this. You refuse to let him destroy you. You let your body go slack as he unbuckles his belt, reaching out a hand and scrambling for the knife again. It’s under a chair not far from you — you just have to wriggle a little further. 
“It’s sad that you can’t accept that this is how it’s supposed to be. This is God’s will. You and me… we’re the same, underneath. We have the same violent heart,” David is muttering, and there, your fingertips brush the hilt. Determination renewed, you extend yourself again and this time the knife falls into your hand. 
You don’t have time to think; he’s unbuttoning his jeans, and like hell are you going to spend another moment beneath him. You drive the knife straight into his neck, and his eyes bulge as he gurgles on his own blood. As he goes limp, you push him off you — and stab again, again, again, spitting every bit of revenge into your movements as his blood covers his skin and your clothes. 
“You twisted fucker!” you’re yelling, tears rolling down your face as the shock draws in, the disgust. He’d been so close to taking you. So close to making you a victim after so long spent fighting to be a survivor. “Go to fucking hell!” 
You only stop when the fear numbs and you realise he’s no longer moving. Blood soaks both his shirt and yours, and you push yourself off him. His dead, milky eyes stare at you. When you catch a candle guttering in your periphery, you grab it. Crouch with it in your hand. Light him on fire. The flames spread along his clothes, and that’s how you leave him. 
Ashes. Bloodied, dead ashes. 
Joel and Ellie have fought their way through a blizzard. He’s surprised he’s still upright, but he saw bodies hanging in the stable and he can’t collapse now. Not for Ellie, and not for you. This community is built on something worse than infected or fascism, and when he found your jacket, your backpack, in that same room as the corpses… 
He can’t see anything but red and white. 
Ellie stops behind him suddenly. “Did you hear that?”
“What?” He catches his breath, looking around. There’s a long building close by, but he hasn’t seen any movement yet. 
A scream rents through the air, and he knows it’s you. His heart picks up, stomach plummeting as he runs around to find the entrance. And there you are, collapsing out of the doorway. 
He says your name as he catches your wrist, and you instantly cower away, screaming. “Please, no! Please, don’t!” 
He’s never heard you beg for anything before, and his world tilts on its axis. What the fuck have they done to you?
“Baby, it’s me!” He draws you close, cupping your jaw with his palms. Your eyes are haunted, face pale, and there’s blood. So much blood. You’re still fighting him, pushing on his chest, and he stumbles back. “It’s me. Look at me. It’s me, darlin’. It’s Joel!”
Your breaths are ragged as realisation finally dawns across your features. “Joel,” you whisper. 
“It’s me,” he says again, eyes filling with tears.
Your gaze moves to Ellie, and only then do you crumple. He catches you just before you fall to your knees, straining against his injury. “Oh, baby. Oh, baby girl,” he murmurs into your hair. “I’m here now. I’m here now. You’re okay.”
Sobs wrack through you and he wraps his arms around you, holding on so tight he worries he might hurt you. But you clutch his shoulders just as hard, fingernails digging through his coat. You shake beneath him, and his own tears drip onto his cheeks. He pulls away quickly to look you up and down. Blood streaks through your hair.
“Where are you hurt, baby? Tell me where it hurts.”
You shake your head. “I… I don’t know. I don’t know, Joel. I don’t…”
It’s like you’re not even here with him, and he wants to break. But he has to stay upright for you. He has to be strong for you. He shrugs his coat off quickly and puts it around you, catching sight of your reddened wrists as you adjust the collar. Those bastards tied you up. Hatred drowns him, and he looks at the building you emerged from only to find orange flames flickering in the window. It must have been you, he knows, and he can at least feel proud of you for that, but still, the thought of what they might have done...
“Alright. Come on. Let’s get out of here.” He pulls you to his chest, offering his other hand out for Elllie. She takes it, looking shaky as she carries both her bag and yours. 
“They were… They were eating people, Joel,” you say, voice thick and unrecognisable. “I just wanted to get medicine, and they took me. They took me. They were eating people and he was going to… He wanted…” 
“I know,” he murmurs, holding you tighter. “I know.”
You stop without warning. “They said they had medicine. You… We have to go back.”
“No, no, hey.” He laces his fingers through yours. “We ain’t going back there for anything.”
“The infection—” you protest.
“Look at me. I’m here. I’m okay. I just needed to rest is all. We don’t need any medicine now. We just need to get you somewhere safe.” His heart pangs. The fact you’ve been through hell and are still willing to go back to help him… sometimes he wishes you weren’t so damn selfless. He should have been the one protecting you today. It’s his fault you’re here. His fault you’re hurt. 
You scrape your hair back and then, looking at your shaky fingers, seem to finally see all the blood. “His blood is in my hair.”
He can at least be relieved it isn’t your own, but the look on your face… he’s never seen so many scars written in one expression. 
“I need to get it out. I need…”
“We’re gonna. We’re gonna help you clean up soon, okay?” He tucks your hair away, lost, because he doesn’t know how to do anything else. Doesn’t know how to make it all go away. “I’m so sorry, baby.” His voice cracks.
Your chest heaves with a stifled sob as you rub your hands and look out towards the lake. “Oh, god.”
Joel closes his eyes, wrought with regret. At his side, Ellie turns her gaze to the floor. It’s his worst fear come true. The reason he’d tried to get Tommy on board with taking Ellie the rest of the way. 
He’d failed again. Was always failing. 
All he can do is hold you close as you fall apart.
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bunnylove1 · 8 months
.*•Alastor HC!•*.
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~.•Alastor x reader HC!
~.•warnings! Smut and fluff!, praise from alastor to reader, visible hickeys!, throw up! Sickness,
~.• My first like head cannon post You darlings enjoy it! (Not a lot of smut HC but still my HC on are good old al)
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•Alastor isn’t the physical touch in public kinda guy but he definitely does kiss the top of your hand and like to link arms together while your out in cannibal town
•I like the idea of his ears being sensitive since he’s a deer! You definitely already knew this from how long you guys have been together for so you know the right spots, Alastor definitely only lets you do this and will go all yk radio demon to whoever try’s to touch them that isn’t you
•he likes your company definitely more of a quality time guys
•going in with quality time, he loves when you sit in his broadcasting room doing your own quiet thing while he’s on the air, he enjoys your presence
•He will spoil you rotten with tiny little perfumes and necklaces and will always get you roses
•he definitely loves when you wear red to match his outfit
•I don’t see him as a jealousy type of guy but if someone’s to close for his liking he’ll “politely” tell them to say there goodbyes and leave
•he’s a night owl it’s just a fact so while you are dead asleep he’s reading his book and gently running his hands threw you hair
•okay man doesn’t have that big of a sex drive but when he’s in the mood he’s in the mood, he likes to nibble and leave purple hickeys on you collarbone and neck he likes to make sure everyone knows your his and his only
•he doesn’t like it when you drink he’ll grab whatever beverage your drink is and pour it out and just simply walk away
•he likes to give forehead kisses and maybe a small peck on the corner of your mouth just a tiny quick on and then go off to whatever he was doing
•if you doing your own thing quitley in the lobby of the hotel he’ll pop out of nowhere and just whisper a tiny boo~ and then turn around to talk to Charlie or whoever is there acting like he didn’t just scare you.
•he’s not a big fan of movies like he don’t like tv at all so slow dancing to jazz/old timey songs on his radio is his favourite thing to do with you
•dates with Alastor are nothing special just simple romantic a nice walk to dinner and maybe a nice stroll after dinner
•he’s not the best with cheering you up but I feel like he would try his best maybe by simple “your okay little fawn” or “tell me what’s wrong my dear”
•even though he’s not the best at cheering you up he knows how to take care of you when your sick, if your throwing up he’ll softly rub his thumb on your back going up and down with his hand as he does and with his free one getting your hair out of your face, hell make you soup and make sure you stay in bed till your better
•Alastor likes to tease your weakness like if you’re terrible at being on time he’ll say “don’t be late my dear we all know your bad at telling the time” he only does this because 1) he thinks it’s funny how you scramble to do the thing better and 2) he wants you to get better at what you bad at!
•if you haven’t seen this man with his hair up your missing out!, if your bored he’ll allow you to do his hair like in ponytails pigtails anything he doesn’t care cause your his darling!
•he loves seeing you and Rosie getting along!
•but he didn’t know that you and Rosie would end up being friends dragging him along to late night shopping sprees and tiny dinner tea parties and gossip nights
•he admirers when you dance he finds it funny and cute to see you dance and stumble a little on your feet while you do so
•when he’s tried you know he’s tired he’ll snuggle up into bed and wisp you down with him knowing he only sleeps well when your near
•hates coffee and milk for some reason I think he would hate the bitterness of coffee no matter how much sugar you put in there and wouldn’t like the taste of milk because it has no “flavour” to him and he’d rather “just eat the cow”
•definitely a tea and biscuits guys
•hates the colour pink just because people mention he’s wearing pink all the time even though it’s clearly red
•he HATES when you interact with the vees he’ll spin you around and take you straight back to the hotel and won’t tell you why but you’ll know
•he’s not great at communication but you guys figure out a way to understand y’all’s needs,wants and matters
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.*•Thank you darlings for reading this if you want more just send me some requests and I’ll will do them!<3
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mooncalf87 · 8 months
Sweet/silly/sad Alastor hcs because I'm going insane and am afraid of him after the last ep
He generally does care for everyone inside the hotel even if he doesn't really show it
The Great Depression during life actually took a pretty big toll on his mental state, and that has stayed with him throughout his death
He loves to hum old romance songs
He and husk are old romantics (even though Alastor is aroace) and so they both know how to slow dance and once when they got drunk they just randomly started dancing
Hes very bad with emotions, his sadness usually just turns into anger, which he ends up taking out on himself, and occasionally on Husk
He is the #1 huskerdust shipper (he came up with that ship name himself)
Alastor doesn't like Lucifer, but he is very glad to see that he does truly care for his daughter
He does infact own Niftys soul just the same as he does Husks, but he's never mean or rough on Nifty like he is to Husk (husk doesn't honestly blame him, Nifty is a sweetie)
He has resentment for Mimzy after the danger she brought to the hotel
While he was recovering from nearly being killed by Adam, he was worried about his friends being without him
When he found out Sir Pentious was killed, he was actually pretty upset
He has incredibly heightened hearing due to being a deer, and it is overwhelming at times
He gets headaches/migranes a lot due to his cause of death (being shot clean through the skull)
When Vaggie explains to him what Aromantic and Asexual is, he is very glad to finally have a label for himself
His motto is "you don't have to fuck to be fab" (iykyk)
He loves sleeping infront of a fireplace
He actually gets distracted by bright lights (like a deer in the headlights)
He can't sleep with something playing on the radio, whether its someone talking, jazz, or just straight static, it has to be on for him to sleep
Is an INCREDIBLY light sleeper, seriously, a whisper across the hotel could wake this man up
He has a special red arm chair in the living room area, no one has the guts to sit there. It might as well have "ALASTORS CHAIR" written across it in blood
Keekee likes to sleep in his lap and he doesn't have the heart to move her
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wutheringcaterpillar · 3 months
An Assassination of The Heart
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Pairing: High School!Jackson Rippner x Reader
Summary: Jackson had always had a rough life after being taken into foster care, having no positive outlook on life until you walked into his life. Only an unforeseen circumstance changes him forever.
Warnings: Established relationship, mentions of blood and murder, heartbreak, mentions of drug abuse, cigarette smoking, very brief mention of smut
I wanted to have a take on Jackson’s life before he became whom we know him to be on Red Eye. I hope you all enjoy this concept as much as I do.
August, Autumn of 1989
Waking up to the sunlight peering peacefully through the blinds, Jackson brushed the beads of sweat from his forehead, glancing toward the alarm clock ringing before pressing down on the button.
“Jackson are you up yet?!” He rolled his eyes from the screeching sound of his foster mother Evie.
“Yeah!” He hated his life. His biological mother had abandoned him on the sheriff department’s door, step father dead before he was even born from overdosing on heroin.
Now here he was in the small town of Harpeland, Georgia, in a house with seven other “siblings”, cramped in a small square room with nothing but a twin size bed and a rickety old dresser. The only plus side was the small window that looked out toward the creek where deer often resided for food and rest.
He had no friends, often staying to himself and failing in school but his needs were often pushed to the side, his achievements ignored, causing him to believe there was no point in trying anymore.
Pulling out his converse from underneath the shitty excuse of a bed, he grabbed his backpack, throwing on his beanie and began walking down the dirty old trail to school.
There was hardly ever anyone around since he liked to get a head start not wanting to deal with his foster siblings annoying him. He rarely ever got peace and quiet, often finding solace in old novels and looking forward to the time he had study hall but his schedule was quite different this year. With failing so many classes he had to double up, which he didn’t really care about. He was a smart individual, always acing his tests but never turning in homework or showing up and participating in side projects.
Walking up to the school, other students shouted their jokes at him for his last name being Rippner. He never payed attention to them, their words never bothering him.
As the bell tolled, he walked into the classroom late.
“Mr Rippner, the rules haven’t changed, you’re expected to be in your seat at 7:15 am.” He ignored her protests silently, and took an empty seat near the back wall, getting ready to put his head down until he noticed the principal walk in with a girl he didn’t recognize.
The teacher huffed at the interruption as the man whispered something in her ear and she nodded in response.
“Class we have a new student, this is Y/N L/N. She’s coming here from Ohio, give her a warm welcome and-“ Jackson faded her voice out, breath hitching in his throat when he layed eyes on you.
His crystal blue eyes transfixed on your immense beauty, he couldn’t help but think you were kind of cute with your backpack hanging off one shoulder carelessly, arms wrapped around your torso nervously.
Butterflies fluttered in his stomach when you approached him, pointing to the desk in front of him.
“Is this seat taken?” 
“Ugh-no, no. All yours.” He smiled brightly, your cheeks blushing a rosy shade of pink from the strange boy’s smile as you thanked him and sat down.
Jackson couldn’t stop himself from staring at the back of your head in disbelief, his hormones running wild. He had never felt like this before and was convinced there wasn’t a girl out there for him but now, maybe that wasn’t the case.
“Shit..” Your pencils fell down onto the floor, the students around you giggling and chuckling at the incident while Jackson was quick to bend down and help you retrieve the yellow wooden utensils.
“Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to-“
“I know, but I wanted to.” The class carried on but his mind couldn’t escape the intrusive thoughts, thinking what it would feel like to have his fingers interlaced between yours, stargazing with you, knowing your hobbies, exchanging books. 
Time passed slowly, watching the clock tick by with each excruciating passing second. 
When the bell finally rang you gathered your book, stretching and standing from your seat but when you were in the midst of walking out to your next class a hand brushed against your arm gently, that swoonful voice.
“Hey! Um, let me walk you to your next class?” You nodded kindly, biting down on your plump bottom lip trying to simmer the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. He was cute, ridiculously cute and the only person who’s reached out and been kind to you, who would you have been to deny the boy a simple walk to class?
Jackson shared many classes with you, and always offering to carry some of the heavier textbooks out of the kindness of his heart.
The last period of the day seemed to be the only one you hadn’t shared and it completely dragged on considering it was algebra, the worst subject to ever exist.
When the bell rang at the end of the day, you packed up your belongings and headed to your locker only when you opened it a note fell out. The writing was particularly neat, and the grammar and punctuation nearly perfected.
Scanning the words, you read the mysterious letter.
“Meet me at the at the dock down the hill by the creek. You seem like a smart girl, I know you’ve done your research as you said. I’d love to have the chance to get to know you better. I want to know your interests, hobbies, everything. I look forward to seeing that beautiful smile tonight.”
Your cheeks heated a rosey blush painting your skin as your stomach fluttered with butterflies. Maybe this school wasn’t so bad after all.
Arriving home, Evie noticed a spark in Jackson. He didn’t walk through the door brooding or tired, he didn’t throw his backpack onto the sofa like he normally does. More importantly he actually sat down in the chair at the kitchen table while she continued to rinse off vegetables for dinner, the soft sound of the antenna radio playing in the background while his siblings were outside playing in the summer heat.
Jackson tapped his foot nervously, hid mind still revolving around you and he wanted to hold it in, but for some reason he couldn’t.
“I met a girl at school today.” Evie’s eyebrows perked up in interest while tossing the roast in the oven snd the vegetables in a pot on the stove before removing her apron and taking a seat across from her son.
“Oh yeah? What’s her name? Given it’s a small town I assume she’s new, am I right?” Jackson nodded adoringly.
“Her name’s Y/N, and she is breathtaking. I’ve never seen a girl as pretty as her before. I um-“ Jackson itched at the back of his neck nervously.
“I asked her out tonight by slipping her a letter in her locker. I think she likes me to, I hope at least.” His mother settled her hand atop of his motherly, expressing how overjoyed she was for him. 
“That’s great honey! Remember what I always say, you’ll know when you know. You did the right thing by trusting your gut, the smart kid you are.” She ruffled his hair and excused herself to check in on her other children outside by the sandbox and tire swing. 
Mentioning that dinner was almost done, she sent everyone to go wash their hands and mentioned that Jackson had first dibs on the shower tonight, winking his way happily. For the first time in a long time Jackson sat at the dinner table, tossing jokes back and forth with his siblings enjoying the meal Evie had prepared.
Washing up and showering Jackson slipped on a jacket and jeans, tying his converse while heading out in the starry night sky toward the dock.
Evie couldn’t stop the acute smile painting her face as she watched her son chase out the door after a girl. He was always a difficult book to read and if it just so happened there was a girl that was able to decipher the writing inside his mind she wasn’t going to complain.
Opening the window, she shouted out through the screen.
“Don’t forget curfew is at 10!” Jackson waved at her, and turned down his path.
Upon arriving to the wooden dock, crawdads sang melodically throughout the atmosphere, crickets singing harmoniously in rhythm with the critters. This always held a special place to him, where he would go to clear his thoughts and just get away from the noise and clutter of his house. He had never brought anyone here, it was his only little peaceful sanctuary.
Sitting down, he placed his backpack beside him and checked his watch, it was only five pm but his heart pattered in anxiousness to see you and if you’d show.
He passed the time by pulling out his notebook, creating a portrait from memory of this morning when you walked into the class room. Reminiscing the way your hair flowed effortlessly over your shoulder, the blue jeans and black sweater draped over your body. He had always been a talented artist but like the dock, they were his creations that he didn’t wish to share with the world.
As he was etching out your figure, he thought he heard a tumbling in the grass, his head whipping around in curiosity only to be met with nothing and carrying on with his drawing.
That was when your hands curled in on his sides, spooking him but his frightened frown and girlish scream ended abruptly, a sincere grin forming when he saw it was you.
“Didn’t think I’d show did you?” You challenged him, taking a seat beside him and flinging off your flip flops into the grass, dipping your feet into the chilly water.
Jackson was quick to close his notebook, embarrassed and not wanting to you to see his drawing in fear of creeping you out.
“So, you said you wanted to get to know me. Ask away, also I brought snacks.” You shook a baggy filled with chocolate covered pretzels, sprinkled with your love.
Jackson took one willingly out of the baggie, slipping his shoes off and dipping his feet in next to yours. The sudden skin to skin contact causing bursts of electricity to pulsate through your body.
Looking down shyly, Jackson did the same but hadn’t moved his ankle away.
“Alright. So what’s your story? Any siblings, what do you like to do for fun? Any stories I should know about?” He chuckled slightly, his blue eyes shining subtly in the moonlight as he explained the complicated living situation he had been involved in his whole life. He normally would have felt uncomfortable talking about the reality of what his biological parents were like but you didn't seem very judgemental, if anything listening with open ears and an open mind. Although you felt sorry for him with the nearly non existent memories he had of his parents, there was a pang of jealousy when you'd learn he had siblings, and just that his mother was genuinely concerned about him. You would have killed for that.
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to have siblings. It gets quite lonely at times and I find myself falling asleep reading a book on the floor of my room. My parents constantly fight, hardly pay any attention to me. I could be dead, floating down the river right now and I still don’t think they’d notice.” Maybe Jackson hadn’t realized how good he had it compared to others. His face softened at the sad story, lapping his bottom lip in thought of what he could say to turn that inquisitive frown upside down.
"Well, for what its' worth you're more than welcome to come steal one of mine, though I must inform you if you are used to privacy, you will learn real fast it's nearly non existent with siblings." And there it was, that delicate, alluring laugh that left him hypnotized by your beauty.
Time passed slowly, but the conversation never staggered. You talked about the past, present, and the future. Fears, school. The basics, but he didn't want to mention about his interest in art, not yet, at least until the portrait was done. He didn't want to scare you off too early.
A week passed like the speed of sound, every night you ended back down at the dock.
Jackson had spent his nights after leaving you perfecting the portrait he was drawing of you sitting in a meadow, a small stray cat sitting beside you while birds and deer perforated the background at sunset.
When he would rest his head to sleep he found it difficult due to his mind running wild with the vision of you and him together forever. The way your eyes shined in the sunlight, how you smiled widely every time you saw him, and the way your voice sometimes staggered when you were nervous, he had never heard a laugh that sounded so heavenly and perfect, everything about you was perfect to him. He was falling fast, and it didn't scare him.
The following day he had to run to the post office for Evie whom was sending a package to his grandmother for her 80th birthday. In the process of walking back home, as he passed stores, he stepped backwards when a bracelet caught his eye.
It was a simple white band with different types of flowers decorating the width and he couldn't stop himself from going inside and purchasing the personal gift for you, knowing that you'd love it.
When he arrived home, he rushed to his mother, wanting to show her what he had bought for you in excitement and anticipation of her approval.
"Jackson, it's beautiful! She'll love it!" He smiled brightly, not being able to contain the clear blush heating his cheeks. Evie took him into the dining room to find a gift bag and some tissue paper, her heart warming that her son was finally opening up to her more and more every day now that you had entered his life. She just hoped that it would last for the sake of her son.
At the normal time, he had met you down at the dock, gift bag in hand. You had loved surprises and dropped your bag in the grass as he passed you the bag.
"Jackson what is this?" He shrugged, smirking confidently.
"I saw something I thought you'd like, so I bought it." Pursing your lips, you untied the bag, tossing the tissue paper out onto the ground to reveal the simplistic accessory. Your stomach fluttered with butterflies much like the first day you met him. No one had ever bought you anything just because, but maybe that was because your parents were too busy trying to buy out each other on business deals to care too.
"Jackson, you didn't have to do this for me..." Your voice was low, tone settling in disbelief. He reached for the bracelet pushing it onto your wrist gently.
"Don't say I never gave you anything." Wrapping your arms around, you rested your head on his shoulder, hands caressing his back while you listened to his pulse thumping rapidly.
When you pulled away, you pecked him on the cheek before taking your usual spots next to each other on the wooden surface.
“You smoke?” You shook your head shyly, never having really tried. 
“Do you want to? You don’t have to. It helps calm my nerves.” Motioning with your head, he pulled the tobacco tube from the containment of a hidden compartment in his backpack.
He handed you the lighter, giving you the honors of alighting the unlit tip.
You watched the butt glow orange, the smoke diminishing into the summer air as he puffed from the tube, his plump wraps securely around the white object.
Passing you the cigarette, you took it nervously, Jackson showing you the best way to hold it between your fingers.
“Now when you put it between your lips, you’re going to breathe in gently. You’ll feel the smoke clouding your lungs. You’ll then release and expel the remnants, got it?” Nodding nervously, Jackson watched intently as you inhaled.
You didn’t get very far, the discomfort in your chest causing you to cough and choke on the smoke, passing Jackson the cigarette back causing his insatiable laugh to reveal itself for the first time. He began patting your back, hand rubbing soothing circles into the delicate skin.
“Okay, okay. Fair is fair. What do you think about roller blading? It was all I really did where I’m from. Never really had friends and found a thrill feeling the wind blowing through my hair. It’s actually quite fun and I researched some trails in the area and checked them out before starting school. Wanna give it a go?” Jackson shook his head checking his watch realizing he was already late back home. 
“I can’t, my mom will have my ass if I’m not on my way back. I’m not going to make you walk home alone though, where do you live?” You giggled slightly in astonishment that his parents cared enough to give him a curfew, something you weren’t used to.
Nodding forth, he picked up his belongings following after you. 
To his own surprise, you didn't live far, quite the opposite. Your family had just moved into a new home next door deep in the woods. He hadn't even known they were doing construction but the more you know. Now he knows how you found the dock so easily.
The following afternoon, he had met you down the road near the roller rentals business that had just opened. Jackson was slightly unsettled that the bearded, partially overweight man running it he didn't recognize. It was a small town, everyone knew everyone but he shook off the uneasy feeling when your arms wrapped around him from behind. After all people moved all the time.
"Boo! Did I scare you?" He chuckled awkwardly, not wanting to admit that you did in fact startle him.
Having never done this, he followed your lead.
"Two pairs please!" After telling him your sizes, the man disposed his cigarette in a plastic container sitting on the edge of the stall.
The man's hand brushed over yours to exchange the cash but you didn't think much of it as things like this happen all the time, surely it was an accident. This went unnoticed by Jackson as he was looking out at how empty the park was for a sunny saturday afternoon. The only thing that caught his sight was a bird taking a bath near a bush. He knew your love for animals and grabbed your attention. Handing him the blades you gasped in awe at the adorable scene, before bending over in front of the stall to put your own on.
"You ready?" The guy behind you grunted as if he were waiting a tip but you didn't bring your wallet and Jackson had no more cash on him. Honestly he thought it was quite rude of him to do so. Nodding forth, you skated side by side down the empty streets, wind blowing freely through your hair as the sun shined down in it's ball of heat, warming your skin. Jackson had fallen quite a few times, his cheeks turning red embarrassment but you thought it was quite cute. With each incident he seemed to be more determined to not mess up, wanting to impress you that he was a quick learner and able to skate even while smoking a cigarette.
For once in his life he felt care free with you by his side, once he finally got into a steady stride. You screamed and laughed together like you were in complete control of the world, not a worry in your heads. He didn't think he'd enjoy this as much as he did.
Stopping to get ice cream, you shared a cone like lovers do, giving him the cherry while you showed him the skill of how you could tie the stem into a knot within seconds. He believed you to be quite impressive, and just an easy, kindhearted person. Who couldn't love you?
After making a few stops at a book store, and some antique outlets, Jackson skated home with you, kissing you goodnight on the cheek, skating home with a smile that never left his face but he felt like someone was watching not only him but both of you. When he'd look back no one would be there, maybe he was just being paranoid.
The following night the crickets chirped throughout the breezy atmosphere, water rippling calmly in the pond as you layed on the wooden dock star gazing.
“I promise, I’ll always be around.” Jackson smiled softly, crystal eyes shining under the moonlight. Involuntarily, your hands inched toward one another, intertwining your fingers together and latching in a display of affection. You giggled from the touch, staring at the size difference of his hand on yours. After a few moments of star gazing, Jackson caught your stare in him, biting down on your bottom lip playfully. He watched you quizzically but with an endearing smile on his face.
“What?” Before he had time to think you leaned in, not being able to resist the urge to kiss him any longer. In an alluring motion, your lips captured his, causing Jackson’s breath to hitch in his throat and his eyebrows raising in surprise.
Your lips were chaste, soft, the taste of the strawberry lip gloss insatiable. His hand grazed over the softness of your cheek, heart thumping rapidly in his chest while he deepened the kiss, his lips slowly curling into a smile as he dipped his tongue playfully onto yours.
The night sky settled as you slowly grazed your hand up the nape of his warm neck.
Falling back into the dampened grass, the atmosphere seemed to come to a still. Adrenaline and hormones rushing through your veins in a wave of disparity and lust as your lips curled in unison, hands skimming one anothers' bodies slowly scratching at each other’s clothes.
“Are you sure? I-I don’t want you to feel pressured, and-“ You shushed his concerns by pulling him back  down, hips grinding upward to feel his hardened mound, giving him all the reassurance he needed to pollen your untouched rose.
The night had passed slowly, the sun starting to peer up as you awoke in his arms, checking the time on your watch.
“Shit. Wake up we’re going to be late!” Jackson groaned from his deep slumber, goosebumps on his skin from the chilly evening, wiping off an ant from his arm in the process.
Shoveling around, he began to panic when he saw the sun knowing full well his mother would have a field day with him once he returned home.
“Fuck, I-I don’t mean to run off but my mom will kill me. It’s better if I just go home and let her know I’m alright then to even bother going to school. Will you be okay walking alone?” Giving him a reassuring smile, your hand caressed his soft cheek, calming him down merely instantly.
“I’ll be alright. I wish I had parents that cared as much as yours. Go home I’ll catch up with you later, I’m sure your mom will understand. You worry too much y’know?” He chuckled kindheartedly, his hand inching toward yours and thanking you for being understanding and just having a calming demeanor. Leaning in you placed a kiss to his lips, reminiscing back to the memory of last night, falling asleep in his arms after making passionate love. He was the boy you had been waiting for all along.
As he left you shouted after him. 
“Oh and Jackson, I don’t regret last night, I um- I’m really happy it happened.” He smiled sweetly, rushing back to give you a passionate kiss before agreeing he hadn’t regretted it either and he would see you soon.
Evie paced the kitchen, hands trembling as she bit her nails nervously waiting for the clock to strike 8 am so she could call the school. The police were of no help, informing her that a missing persons report could not be created until it was at least 48 hours past when she had last seen or heard from him.
Marcie, Jackson’s older sister consoled their mother, reminding her of the fact Jackson was a teenager, surely he was alright and just forgot to call.
“Bye, love you.” Your voice was like soothing music to his ears and for a moment, he didn’t think you realized what you said. Those two words, seven letters, making his heart patter quickly, stomach fluttering with butterflies while he smiled to himself watching you walk off through the meadow back home, not giving him a chance to say it back but one thing he was sure of was that he was falling fast at the speed of love, knowing in his gut from that moment forward he would do anything to protect you.
When Jackson arrived home, his mother slammed the door closed behind him in fury and anger.
"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick about you, for all I know you could've been dead in a ditch, you know the rules!" Jackson began to apologize right away, explaining that he had fallen asleep at a friend's house but she knew better than that. In his flustered state, he attempted to speak further but Evie wasn't having any of it.
"You are grounded for a week. I expect you home right after school." When Jackson tried to argue, she cut him off.
"It's not up for discussion son. Now go to your room." Scoffing, he threw his hands up in defeat, walking in a fast pace toward his room slamming the door shut in irritation. What was he to do not having alone time with you, especially after last night.
He needed to be near you, to talk with you. It was only your touch, your voice that could calm him down, keep him sane from this fucking house. He wrote a letter, asking his mother if she could at least walk it over to your house and give to your parents. He didn't want you to think that last night was a mistake or that you weren't good enough.
After much debate, Evie gave in knowing how much you had helped Jackson come out of his shell and settle his disruptive emotions. She had explained to your parents it was for only a week but they acted as if they didn't even know you were dating Jackson. When she peered in through the door way, papers were scattered across the table, expensive decor hanging on the walls. She hadn't known that they were that financially set.
When the moonlight bore and the ruckus settled in the house, Jackson quietly inched his door open, seeing that all the lights were off and not a person in sight.
Walking back to his room and closing the door, he snuck out through the window, walking over to your house and seeing a singular light on. Maybe that was your room, maybe you found it hard to sleep as well. Glancing down at the driveway, he picked up a few pebbles before going to throw them at your window, praying he had the right one.
The sound reeled you away from the book you were indulged in, your heart pounding in your chest when you raised the window to see Jackson standing outside in the midsommer night.
"Jackson, what're you doing?"
"I had to see you, can you come down?" Nodding, and telling him to wait a moment. You wrapped a robe around you, tumbling down the stairs and rushing outside, jumping up into his arms while he caught you effortlessly. He was everything you wanted, everything you needed. You nuzzled your head into the warmth of his neck, breathing in the freshly shower scent of his sea breeze body wash while he held you, basking in the moment of solitude with one another, nothing but the sounds of the awakened night animals cooing softly in the background.
"Your bracelet, you still have it on." He smiled in adoration, his voice like a velvet day dream.
"And I'm never taking it off for a single second." He didn't have long, knowing Evie would often wake up through out the night.
"I have one more surprise for you that I'm always done with. I've been working on it since the day we met but I want to wait until I'm off from being grounded and then I'm going to make sweet love to my baby girl." You giggle, pressing your lips to his before bidding him goodnight. He waited to ensure you were back in your house before heading back over to his.
The following morning Jackson arrived at school, he walked to class worried that he hadn't seen you at all but tried to convince himself that perhaps you had fallen ill. It wasn't too far fetched that there was a bug going around school. He sat anxiously, finishing up the final touches of his portrait for you, hoping it would help time pass. Around 12:00 pm, there was a phone call made to the school and Jackson was pulled from class. Only it wasn't his mother who made the call, bu they must have received some kind of verification for him to be pulled. Furrowing his brows, he gathered his books, walking back home.
The school hadn't told him much but the teacher and other supervisors watched him with sorrowful eyes, looks of pity. Jackson was confused as to what was going on but he just lived down the road so he'd have an answer soon.
When he approached his house, Evie was on the porch sitting on the swing with a reddened face, tears streaming effortlessly down her cheeks while she blew her nose. This was unlike his mother, she normally didn't cry, and why were there police cars in the driveway? His first thought was something happened to one of his siblings.
“What’s going on?” Evie cried with a whole heart for her foster son, she had never seen him so happy, the light at the end of the tunnel seeming visible until now. This would surely wreck any and all progress Jackson has made. She wasn't prepared to tell him but what choice did she have?
“Honey maybe you should sit." He nodded awkwardly, gulping back an anxious lump before taking a seat next to her. She didn't really know where to begin or how to rip the band-aid off. How could she explain a situation she didn't truly understand herself?
She stood from her seat sighing and glancing out the window knowing that if she didn't speak now, he was going to find out for himself. She owed him the explanation. Softening her tone, she turned to her son with apologetic eyes with a look of motherly endearment and sorrow.
“It's Y/N. They found her body in a river this morning behind the tracks, Jackson honey I’m so sorry.” In that moment time seemed to stop. Jackson was frozen in his seat, lips partially agape. When Evie took a hesitant step forward to attempt to console her son with open arms, Jackson merely shoved her away the tears springing freely as he ran out the door.
Sprinting all the way to your house, he saw the police cars in the driveway, your pup whimpering with sadness next to your father’s leg. When the ambulance carried out your body on a stretcher, covered with a white sheet the reality crept in harshly, all too sudden.
“Jackson!” His mother yelled after him trying to get him to come back inside but her voice was merely a whisper, his eyes fixated on the bloody sheet covering his first and only love’s body. 
He stumbled and ran to the ambulance, tears springing freely. Ripping the sheet off of your head freely, he was met with the cold, hard reality of the situation. Your skin was pale, lifeless, blood stains on your cheeks and in your beautiful hair. It had looked like your face had been beaten in with a weapon. He wasn't sure if he wanted to vomit, to keep crying, or kill someone.
The ambulance workers pulled him away against his will, recovering your body and closing the ambulance doors. Jackson fell to his knees, your mothers touch on his shoulder startling him.
"I-I just saw her last night. I-I didn't even get to say goodbye...I never got to say it back."
He searched every trail you walked, every pond, every dock, every diner but there was nothing. Not a single clue. Strangers passed by him hastily, rushing to get their morning coffee, none of them appearing familiar. 
He was desperate, he was tumultuously sad and depressed, but the anger outweighed any other emotion.
After a long day of searching and investigating, he returned home to his bed, ignoring his mother and siblings wanting nothing more than to just be left alone. No one understood his pain, no one could understand the profound connection he shared with you. Most importantly no one would ever be able to surmount the palpable, tentative, fragile love you held for one another.
Toward the end of the long, dreary, tiresome day Jackson found himself walking toward the dock where you shared probably one of the most intimate forms of love, the moment that you made love with one another.
Sitting down on the ground, the rain continued to pour down relentlessly, lightning shocking the sky and rendering the animals into a safe space for the night. His feet swished in the water, staring down at the ripple effect when he noticed the bracelet he had bought for you laying in a mud puddle in the dampened grass.
He didn’t hesitate for a second, reaching for the only thing he had left of you. He examined the beaded accessory in his hands, squeezing it, causing him to cry more. How did this get here?
“What am I supposed to do!” He screamed at the sky, feeling completely hopeless, knowing someone had done this to you and he hadn't had a clue. If it was here, that meant someone had eyes on you, but who?
Looking through the photo album, he skimmed as his tears painted the pages until he realized there was a common, terrifying theme that neither of you had caught in the photos.
The man from the rollerblading rentals was somehow in every photo lurking in the background menacingly. How had he not noticed? Perhaps he was too blinded by living a happy life with his first love to notice anyone but him and you together.
Shutting the album he ran to the phone book pulling the hefty book from a side table drawer near the landline in the living room. 
Flipping to the back where local advertisers were listed in hopes of figuring out the man’s name. With his thumb he traced down each page, ready to give up until he reached the last one.
Derek Lauer was his name, listed along with a business and personal number. Finally one step forward into finding out who this man was that took his innocent little birdie away.
The following morning Jackson had set an alarm, wanting to be at the clerks office as soon as they opened hoping to find an address.
When he retrieved what he wanted after some convincing to the older woman sat at the desk who clearly hated her job and life. The odd thing was the address was nearly three hours away.
Formulating a plan, he waited until Evie and his siblings were asleep, taking the car keys and heading out to the road. His knuckles were turning white from how tight his hands were wrapped around the wheel. Jaw clenched, in anger and fury, his heart rate increasing with each passing moment.
When he pulled up to the driveway, the house contained a sold sign, the date being just yesterday. This didn't make any sense. He knew he wrote it down right, glancing down at the paper again, he was about to look back up when a man's voice echoed through the night.
"Jackson, right?" He whipped his head around, recognizing the man to indeed be the one from the roller blading rental. It took everything in him to think rationally and not pounce at the man and rip his toxic, sick, twisted brain out.
“I know it was you. You sick fuck, what did you do to her.”
“Oh you don’t want to know, a pretty young thing like that. I think your imagination will suffice.” Jackson’s blood boiled inside, heart pounding with anger. He was ready to jump at the man, wanting to strangle him and torture him slowly for what he did to you but the cops around the corner staring at the scene made him stop. He wouldn't be any use to you locked up in prison for killing a murderer he couldn't prove to be guilty.
With technology not being too advanced at the time, Jackson had no actual proof, DNA identification was just beginning and it wasn't rare for the wrong person to be convicted. It's not like he could go to the police station and just say this guy confessed when he had no idea where he was going. How did he know his name?
"You should really watch over your girlfriend more, never know what kind of demented people roam the streets, do ya?"
What was his motive for taking you to the dock? How long after Jackson left you did he break into your home and abduct you? There were still missing pieces Jackson had to fill in but he would get his revenge one way or another, even if he had to do it himself. The law, the police, the courts they were always corrupt, never fully doing their job. No, the only way Jackson was going to get his revenge was to leave home, and start a life of his own. Surely an 18 year old was better at researching the some old sick fuck. People always doubted Jackson's thinking and learning skills, well he was about to prove them all wrong with his first target.
The man got in his car with his final box, making the rookie mistake of having a clear plate on his car. Jackson wanted him to think he wasn't going to follow him and stayed stood there in the rain until the cop cars left. He'd figure out a way to dump Evie's car somewhere once he finds a new, safer ride.
He clutched the portrait and bracelet he kept in his jeans, taking off in a fit or rage but remaining calm to keep his thinking clear, and tactical.
From that day forward Jackson vowed to obtain his revenge by taking these rich, scumbag assholes off the streets for good. They never had to pay any time, always sweeping things under the rug, cops covering for them. No, no that just wouldn’t do. If they thought for even a second they had the upper hand they were sadly mistaken. Jackson would forever be a frigid, moral-less man after losing his one true love, unable to love another woman ever again.
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
The Hunter and The Hunted
Alastor x GN!Reader
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TW:Talks of murder, cannibalism, deranged behavior, throwing up and vivid details of death, summoning rituals. TALK OF SEWERSLIDE AT THE END, IM SERIOUS IF THATS TRIGGERING DO NOT READ THIS AT ALL.
A ritual gone wrong and now you have a visitor.
The first time you saw him, scared the absolute shit out of you. His head had swiveled around 180 degrees with a loud snap of what you assumed to be bones breaking in the process. You flinched and tried to take a step back but the iron grasp your friends had on you told you to stay put. Then you watched the deer demon’s smile widening, his head snapped towards you. The red eyes staring right through you and into your soul, his grin widening showing you rows of yellowed sharp teeth that could rip skin to bone from seconds, a hum from an old radio was heard before it cut out with a loud ring that made you flinch as your ears started to ring.
In a flash, you let go of your friends hands and covered your now ringing ears, tears pricking your eyes as you stared up at this..demon- no MONSTROSITY. Your breath caught in your throat as he stared down at you, the smile on his lips ever growing as he took one long stride towards the edge of the salt circle, his clawed hands seemingly digging into an invisible wall. You ignored your friends yelling at you as you kicked your feet trying to lift yourself up, unknowingly breaking the circle as you got up and ran out of the abandoned house deep in the woods to your car that had been sitting quietly in the dark.
The second time you saw him was when you were driving home from work and decided to take the backroads instead of the highways. You didn’t want to deal with the bright lights especially at night, you preferred the silence. As you turned down the dark road, your car’s radio started to change channels constantly. Sometimes it just turned to loud radio static that hurt your head. Glancing up back on the road for a moment, your heart stopped as you slammed your foot on the break and coughed horribly as your chest hit the steering wheel. In front of your car was the tall deer like man from three nights ago, his smile still plastered on his face as you felt your stomach drop. Everything about him was so uncanny as he stared at you causing you to subconsciously make sure the windows and doors were locked as he just stared and didn’t necessarily move from his spot.
You snapped out of your panic like dazed, threw your car into reverse and floored it to get as far away as you could. There was another road you could take but as you stopped to put it back into drive, the man or demon..whatever he was started to move quickly. Each stride putting less and less distance between you, you teared up and turned down the side road speeding through the empty roads, not caring if your car got scratched at this point. You looked through the rearview mirror his red suit jacket the only indication he was still behind you as dust and dirt kicked up from your driving. You sobbed out of happiness as you pulled into your house, you only grabbed your keys and phone before booking it into your home. Locking all the doors and windows you could, before barricading yourself in your room. You didn’t sleep that night.
He knew exactly where you lived now.
It had only been a month of no sleep when you saw him again sitting in your living room that morning, the fear you felt was only a numbing sensation now as you went back to the routine of making a whole pot of black coffee and placing a steaming mug of it on the coffee table in front of the arm chair where he had resided. Your phone had been dead for days now, the landline phone had been cut, no doubt his own doing. Cups and dishes stacked high in the sink as your own table sat upright against the sliding glass door to your backyard. You stared at the figment of a man in the corner of the kitchen, back turned towards you as a soft plop..plop was heard. 
A dark red liquid puddled around his feet and it stained your once white kitchen walls a red. Your eyes scanned around the room, ignoring the soft tink as claws met the ceramic mug. Your eyes stopped at the lady sitting at your dinner table, head laying down on the table as blood leaked from her empty eye sockets as her body slowly slumped down, falling onto the floor and leaking more of the red sticky liquid as the body started to crawl towards you. Finally you made eye contact with the thing that sat across from you. Opening your mouth to say something to him but nothing came out as if he had already answered the question that was on the tip of your tongue but yet his mouth didn’t move and his teeth were still on full display as the corners of his smile pulled upwards. You closed your mouth and sat down on the couch, sobbing your heart out as you ignored the thing staring at you and how the cold hand of the body finally grasped at your ankle trying to tug you from your spot on the couch. 
You were so tired. So, very very tired.
The last straw was inviting your friends over, the same friends that got you in this fucking predicament. You had cleaned up the best you could ignoring the ever growing pool of blood from the man standing in the corner of the kitchen. You even charged your phone and ignored every notification that popped up as you calmly texted the group chat. Your eyes unblinking as you read each response that popped up.
You were so tired and hungry but the thought of everything being all over soon enough pushed you to go a little further. You ignored your phone the rest of the day. You didn’t need much use of it anymore. That demon sat in the armchair and tilted its head with an eerie CRACK as it watched you pace and clean up something that wasn’t there but then his head snapped towards the front door as three loud knocks made you stop slowly turning your head towards the door. The guests have arrived in time. 
Pushing yourself up and throwing the soapy rag to the side ignoring how it only hit the wall with a loud thunk as you made your way to the door, taking a deep breath you blinked the sleep away as you plastered a fake smile to your face and opened the door with a greeting to your friends. Once more ignoring the red suited demon who watched everything, the radio static filled your head once more as the sound numbed your mind and senses. It was almost over..just a few more hours.
Your hands smeared blood onto your face as you sent a glare towards the red suited demon who stood closer to you now, watching as you struggled to feast on the flesh and organs of your friends. Body jolting with every handful you shoved into your mouth and chewed on like it was your last meal, you leaned forward and gagged loudly as tried to calm your breathing. You jerked your head away as memories flooded your mind, from birthdays to getting together with your friends.
You snarled and turned to glare at him, yell at him but the only thing that came up was a loud gag before you doubled over and threw up all the contents of your stomach. The man in the corner now having leaned back until his head touched the ground, his mouth cut into a forever grin as claw marks were slashed across his neck. Once again his eyes were gouged and the man started to groan loudly as it “watched” you catch your breath before digging back into the bodies now littering your home. The headless woman who sat at the dinner table now standing in the doorway holding her own decapitated head in her hands.
You don’t remember moving into your living room but the red suited demon was back in his chair, head turned towards you as he watched you grab the shotgun from above the fireplace mantle and load it. The last thing you ever did see was his ruby red gaze and the grin plastered onto his face.
Then it all went black.
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chiquitafresa · 7 months
electricity love/ first confession
Valentine day is coming near and Vox is deciding whether to confess or not 
Alastor on the other hand try’s to find out who’s Vox confessing too 
for radiostatic week 2024! this is talking place before TV’s was a big thing so like 1950’sih
“Oh Vox! Valentine’s Day is coming near~ any ideas who you’re asking?” Alastor watched as Vox finally finished up his Game show for the night 
As much as he hates TV, Alastor have a soft spot for the idiotic TV demon, maybe more then a soft spot… 
Nevertheless, all that matters to Alastor is making sure Vox doesn’t have anyone in mind for Valentine’s Day, which he doubts
“I do actual” Vox grin as walked over towards Alastor, grabbing his coat of the hanger
nevermind then
“What” Alastor normal voice peers though the static for a second before going back to ‘normal’ again 
“What? Thought I didn’t have anyone in mind?~” Vox joked, putting on his jacket he glanced over at Alastor with a questioning look
“W-well, since this person caught your eyes, mind telling me who it is” Alastor immediately try to regain what little composure he have left
Leaning on the stuff, Alastor try to look unaffected by the news “After all we are business partners” Alastor chuckles as Vox face turns purple 
“Am only giving you a hint, he’s a deer demon and likes radio shows” Vox look away trying to hide what little dignity he have left 
Alastor pause for a second, he almost thought it was him for a second but that idea was absurd, no way Vox wants someone who’s always stuck in the past
“Hmm, is this..someone I know?” Alastor asked carefully, even if it was him, which it not, he wanted to know who’s this man is! Maybe have a little visit
“Maybe, he’s quite popular” Vox shrugs, either Alastor really doesn’t know it him or he’s just playing games with Vox, maybe both?  
“Oh? What’s this young man’s name?” Alastor stand up straight, tilting his head to the left trying to get a glimpse of Vox face 
Vox on the other hand is having a gay panic attack, he look back at Alastor for a moment
“His name..starts with an ‘A’…” Vox said in a low voice, before Alastor can say anything Vox was already out the door 
“Hmmm, A deer demon that likes radio and have the latter A” Alastor hum an bit before making his way out the studio building 
“I wonder who this lucky fellow is” Alastor said before making his way home, his stuff appeared again as it play a familiar tune 
“God this is so stupid” Vox said quietly to himself, he was currently stand in front of Alastor house, holding a rose bouquet in one of his hands 
He was hesitating to knock on the door, it was Valentine’s Day and Vox was planing to confess 
But the way Alastor reacted yesterday give him second thoughts, it was obvious that he was going to confess to Alastor and if the deer demon somehow didn’t get the hint, which Vox highly doubt. 
Who else is a deer demon, who likes radio, and have the latter ‘A’ in the start of their name.
No one! 
So guessing from how Alastor reacted yesterday, he doubts Alastor feels the same way, after all the man likes old timey stuff while Vox on the other hand loves future technology 
Hell he even have a TV head to show it, it better to save himself the embarrassment 
Before Vox can turn around, Alastor open the door, he look surprised before softening his smile 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here Vox! What bring you here old friend?” Alastor step outside and close the door behind him, he look down to see the flowers in Vox’s hands 
“Um, I, Here!” Vox look away as he shoves the bouquet into Alastor chest his screen fully purple 
“Oh?… OH!” It take a few seconds for Alastor to fully understand what Vox meant, His whole face is now red as he takes the roses from Vox hands 
A fond smile on his face as he looks down at the roses, careful not to touch the actual rose 
Vox look back when he felt the flowers move out of his hands, his face was still purple as he stares at Alastor wide eye 
“S-so that means?” 
“I like you too, Vox” 
Vox stay still for a moment his screen looks close to crashing before he take a deep breath 
Alastor just giggled before turning around and opening the door, carefully holding the rose in one hand
“Now let spend some time together, right dear?” Alastor said happily, Vox simply nodded as he step inside.
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radioisntdead · 6 months
(To maybe save our hearts from the angst, how about a cuter idea? could be any gender really and be seen as platonic or not just very vague fluffy fun)
A reader who is similar age to Susan and is the opposite type of old person, a gentle Grandparent who has old person candies at all times. Most importantly however is the only one who can calm Susan's feral chihuahua energy, only when they need to of course.
They play cribbage on weekends, and definitely both chat about the youngins- maybe playfully feud on which is better Knit or Crochet
Good evening my dear! This is a little shorter then I wanted but I did write it in a hair salon, where at the time of posting I'm still in.
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Bitter and sweet
Cannibalism, Reader is GN but gives off old lady grandma vibes, this is written in little drabbles mainly because I wrote them in an hair salon
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Susan had a neighbor, she lived to the left of her house, while Susan's house was more stale and strict appearing her neighbor's was more soft colors, with gnomes outside and a lovely garden filled with all types of hell's flora,
You'd think the two would be at odds but they got along well, going out for tea each day, on weekends they'd go to bingo or play a game of cribbage, although they did get into tiffs about what was better between crochet and knitting, like how crochet is easier for some to pick up with the sole hook, or how knitting uses less yarn then crochet, They were dear friends, and this is some tidbits with them.
You and Susan had opposing aesthetics but that didn't stop the two of you from matching outfits in some way or another, she wore her usual pinkish dress? You were two feet away from her in more brighter attire.
"Kids these days are getting more and more foolish each day, fucking crying in the middle of the streets!"
Susan said, sat on a bench looking across the street at some poor cannibal gal sobbing as her dearest assumingly ended things
When you didn't respond she looked over at you only to see that you were gone,
"Where the hell- [Name]!"
You had dashed over to the gal, swatting at her former lover with your handfan, scolding him for breaking things off in the middle of the streets inside of somewhere private or inside a restaurant as the girl sobbed into your arms,
"Shh, it's alright you deserve better, someone with manners!"
You said patting her back, glaring at the unmannered former lover while Susan groaned from her seat, you just had to butt into other people's business didn't you!
Like she didn't do the same at times.
"You uncultured, red-40 looking, bad dental hygiene, modern technology radio man!"
Susan raised her cane to the Radio Deer man, you had just entered Rosie's Emporium for a snack,
"Susan! No! That is terribly rude!"
You shouted dashing over quickly before Susan could do anything, pushing down her cane, while apologizing,
"My apologies! I'll escort her out, here buy yourself something tasty"
You said taking the radio demons hand and placing some money and a few pieces of candy into it before linking an arm with Susan and taking her outside while scolding her as she grumbled, leaving the Radio demon lowkey stunned and missing his mother.
You were how he imagined she would've been if she lived to be elderly.
"For fuck's sake! Why are you in my house?"
Susan shouted as she walked into her kitchen only to see you adorned in an old lady apron chopping away at some vegetables while some type of meat simmered on the stove,
"Making us lunch obviously! I have news about that lovely gal we met on the street a few months ago! She's going steady with my nephew, the one with the good job not the one that's married, and I must tell you what her scandalous ex lover had to say-"
You rambled on, mixing up slang from different decades Susan could care less about the gal who was sobbing on the streets but you seemed to hellbent on telling her about the 'tea' as you called it.
"Susie, let's listen to what the princess has to say before booing her off the stage, this is why she called you an old bitch''
You said linking an arm with Susan before shouting over at Charlie as Rosie pulled her aside,
"My apologies!"
You chased down Charlie at a later date to give her some candies for her troubles with Susan,
You paid visits to the hotel after that, bringing treats for the residents.
"Knitting is superior, it uses less yarn then your hook, knitting takes far more skill and that little crochet thing seems easier.''
Susan said knitting a scarf as you sat across from her, crocheting a net.
"Susie, you are my dearest friend and I love you, But I can and will surplex you into a wall if you say that again."
Hearing that while you wore the sweetest smile would strike fear into the average sinner.
"Are we thinking barbecue? Grilled? Perhaps baked? Oo I recently picked up some new seasonings we could try!"
You shouted over to Susan as you threw a net at an exorcist pulling them down and stabbing them with an angelic weapon before discarding them to the side to harvest their wings later,
"I don't give a donkeys ass as long as they taste good!"
"I'm dying again."
"Don't be dramatic!''
She smacked you gently on the head with her cane as you broke out in laughter, angel wing in your hand and gold around your mouth.
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Good evening folks! I am actively dangling Susan around like a keychain, I should invest in a Susan keychain, are Susan keychains a thing???
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