#old man brought you something from the grocery store but like he has no clue what you like
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Teshin buddy i have so many farms lined up right now and literally none of them are this. No thank you. Bye
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
How Katniss Everdeen Got Her Groove Back
Author: @hutchhitched
Prompt 34: Modern AU where a forty year old Katniss has shut herself off from the world from fear of getting hurt. After her sister dies she realizes how isolated she is and now wants to open herself up to love, but hasn’t a clue where to begin. Everlark HEA - the details of how they meet and what Peeta’s been up to are entirely up to you. :) [submitted by anonymous]
Ratings/Warnings: E
The room’s dark. There’s only one small lamp burning in the corner, but that makes the single candle in the cupcake brighter than it would have been if the entire area were lit. It’s a somber celebration, but that doesn’t make much difference. It’s as it should be.
“Happy birthday, dear Katniss… Happy birthday to you.”
As the last note fades into silence, Katniss whispers a birthday wish and blows out the candle.
“Happy birthday to me,” she mumbles. She’s alone and tired and feeling older than she thought she could. In the grand scheme of things, forty isn’t that many years, but the difference between her fourth and fifth decades seems like lightyears. She’s halfway (or more) through life, and she’s hiding from it.
No one could really blame her for running—not with the experiences she’s faced. Her father gone as a young man leaving Katniss, her mother, and her younger sister Prim alone with practically no income and empty stomachs that gnawed at her insides for months as she fell asleep. Her mother falling into addiction to anti-depressants and opiates leaving Katniss to keep the household together so she and Prim wouldn’t be taken by child services and separated. Her beloved sister gone in a house fire that ripped through the apartment building where she’d stayed while enrolled in med school in a neighboring state. That’s enough tragedy for any one person, and that doesn’t even count her own pain and disappointments during the past forty years.
She’s suffered plenty of both. There’ve been days when she has no idea how she continues to function, but she puts one foot in front of the other repeatedly, doggedly, hoping against hope that something will go right for her. The odds should be in her favor, but they never seem to be. Instead, she watches as the world goes by and wonders if she’s brave enough to step back into society and join the rest of the living. She’s been in mourning for long enough.
Forty. It’s a scary number, but it’s also a little motivating. With a shake of her head, she decides. It’s time. Prim would want her to be happy. She’d be furious at the way Katniss has shut herself off from everyone in order to protect herself. If there’s anything that can drive her out of her shell, it’s thinking about the disappointment that would shine in her sister’s eyes if she were still alive.
“It’s time to rejoin the living, Everdeen.”
Her voice is small as it echoes in her empty apartment, but that’s not the intimidating part. What’s terrifying is that she has absolutely no idea how to get back out there. It’s been almost a decade since she bothered, and she can’t help wondering if maybe she’s waited too long. It’s possible there’s an expiration date, and she’s past it.
It’s late, and she’s tired. Heaving a sigh, she heads to her new bedroom and plugs in the airbed to blow it up. Her belongings won’t arrive for another few days, and the thought of sleeping on the hard floor is the reason for her last minute purchase at the local department store. Shaking out freshly laundered sheets as she retrieves them from the dryer, she inhales the clean scent and tucks the corners onto the air mattress. A pillow and blanket that made the cut when she purged her possessions before her interstate move provides a tiny hint of home. Flicking off the overhead light, she closes her eyes and drifts into sleep. She counts the fact that she only wakes from nightmares three times as a win.
“I like that there,” she mutters to herself as she adjusts the picture on the shelf to the left of her television. It’s her favorite of the ones she and Prim took together before her sister started med school.
They’d been so happy, arms wrapped around each other and a rare smile gracing her own lips. As it always had, Prim’s grin stretches across her face, and her blue eyes snap with excitement in the image. She deserved so much better than to become a human torch because someone was stupid enough to not know how to douse a grease fire. The senselessness of it all hits Katniss again. Someone cooked dinner, and that act killed her sister. Prim, who only wanted to heal people, died because an idiot didn’t know how to make bacon and then tried to douse the flames with water.
A knock sounds at her door and shakes her out of her reverie. She isn’t expecting anyone, but a second knock convinces her she shouldn’t ignore it. It could be her landlord, and the last thing she wants is a grumpy Haymitch Abernathy yelling at her because she’s inadvertently broken some rule she doesn’t even know exists in the first place. Tossing her braid over her left shoulder, she crosses her apartment and answers the door.
“Can I help you?”
She’s surprised she can get the words out of her mouth. The man standing there definitely isn’t her landlord, and he’s not old, grumpy, or drunk like Haymitch obviously has been every time she’s seen him. The guy standing in front of her must be about her age, maybe a few years younger, and he has shockingly blue eyes which remind her of her sister’s, as well as the same ashy blonde hair that falls in a shock of curls over his forehead. She has the sudden urge to reach up and push them back, but she keeps her hands at her sides. It would be exceptionally inappropriate to grope a total stranger, even if he is standing in her doorway with a smile and a paper bag that smells something like heaven.
“I’m Peeta. Peeta Mellark. Your next door neighbor. I brought you some pastries.”
“Pasties?” She squeaks out the word and immediately wants to smack herself. She sounds a little like a mouse, while his voice makes her insides vibrate. Also, what did she just say?
Peeta does a double take before bursting into laughter. “Pastries, not pasties. I’m not into that— Well, I mean…uh… I mean, I could be, but not the first time I meet a woman.”
His face is bright red, but hers feels like it’s flaming. She can’t believe she said that and crosses her arms unconsciously to cover her breasts before uncrossing them just as quickly. She’s not sure which is worse at drawing attention to the fact that she has nipples that pasties would cover, and… Hell, she’s spiraling.
“I’m sorry,” she babbles. “That was unseemly.”
“It’s fine. Hilarious, actually.” He grins and gives her a onceover, which makes her blush even harder.
“Well, pastries make way more sense and smell a lot better. But, why?” She’s not sure if that sounds rude or not, but it’s better than what she’s already blurted.
“I’m a baker,” he offers in explanation. “Just a little welcome to the building, uh…?”
She can’t think. He’s staring at her, and it makes her extremely uncomfortable in a very peculiar way. She’s not able to name it, but there’s something bubbling below the surface. If she concentrates really hard, she could probably identify the feeling. However, that’s not an option when Baker Boy is standing there with a perplexed look.
“You are?”
“Oh! Sorry, sorry,” she mumbles. “I’m Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. Just moved in. You probably already knew that. I, uh, thank you. This is great.”
“You’re welcome. Welcome to the building, Katniss, Katniss Everdeen. Let me know if you need anything. I always have eggs and sugar and more.”
“Yeah. Think on it.”
With that, he disappears into his own apartment, and she’s left holding the bag. Literally.
In a trance, she crosses to her kitchen and sets the pastries down on the counter. Flustered, she pulls a bun out and sinks her teeth into a little bite of decadence that’s got to be illegal in all fifty states, Canada, Mexico, and half of Europe. It tastes so good it’s sinful. It’s doughy and filled with cheese, and she moans so loudly she wonders if he can hear her through their shared wall.
“Sweet Jesus,” she mumbles. “That’s the best thing I’ve eaten in a long time.”
She sits there with a grin on her face for a stupid amount of time before realizing she’s hungry for more, and it’s not necessarily baked goods she wants.
Katniss rounds the corner and smacks into a wall. With a loud oof and a screech, she flails in her attempt to stay upright and keep her groceries from falling around her. Just when she’s about to lose it all, strong arms grab her and pull her upright. Relieved, she looks up and falls into the blue pools of her neighbor’s eyes.
“Easy there,” he says with the hint of a smile. “Where’s the fire?”
She almost says, “In my pants.” She really does, but she’s made a fool out of herself enough with him already. She frees herself from his clutches and congratulates herself on remaining calm, and then she sees what he’s wearing. Which isn’t much.
“Holy hell,” she murmurs at the sight of sweat-soaked skin and form-fitting running shorts.
“Sorry. I just got back from a run.”
“I…yeah. I see that.”
She can see some other stuff, too, and it is impressive. She can’t stop looking at him. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and she’s just told herself a few days ago that she needs to get back out there and has no idea how. She did say that, and here he is. She doesn’t even have to leave her building to find an opportunity. There’s no way she’s this lucky.
“Can I help with those?” He nods at the bags she’s holding and reaches out to take the ones hanging from her wrists. He brushes her hand with his, and her insides sizzle.
She’s going to seduce him. Or let him seduce her. Or get him drunk and take advantage of him. Or something.
Every single fiber in her body tingles. It feels like waking up after a decade long nap and feeling simultaneously ravenous and powerful beyond belief. As he follows her into her apartment, she scans the area and decides to just go for it. What’s the worst that can happen? Her neighbor hates her? Well, that would be terrible, but she can move. That’s how turned on she is by him. She’ll risk a broken lease.
“You can just put them there,” she says softly and runs her hand down his arm. He freezes and looks at her, and she stands her ground. Maybe she’s not thinking straight, but she wants him. Now.
She presses into him and trails a finger down her bare chest. She wipes a sweat droplet from his skin and bites her bottom lip.
“Yes, Peeta?”
“I’m not misreading this, am I?”
She wraps her arms around his neck and tips her head back. “No, I don’t think you are.”
“Fuuuuuuck,” he drawls.
Looking directly at him, she says, “I really hope so.”
“Oh, hell.”
His mouth captures hers in a searing kiss, and she turns off her brain. She has no intention of thinking, only feeling for the next however long. His tongue is in her mouth, her hands are on his ass, and his sweat dampens her clothes.
Peeta hoists her into the air and wraps her legs around his waist. He stumbles backward to deposit her on the edge of the countertop and rucks up her shirt to slide his hands along her waist. Frantic, she tugs at his waistband, indicating she’d prefer he lose the shorts, and he growls into her mouth when she slips them over his hips. She cups his backside, pulling him between her legs and moans against him.
“Please,” she gasps. “Fuck, please.”
He’s frenetic, all power and kinetic energy as he rolls her leggings down her thighs, baring her to him. When she bites his lower lip, he grunts and shoves his hands between her legs. He pushes inside her roughly, and she whimpers at his pace. His thumb’s on her clit, and his middle finger plunders her as their tongues tangle and dance together.
She’s got him in her hand, jerking and tugging as he swells in her palm. It’s a solid weight there, but she wants it inside her. She doesn’t have time to look. She’s too enthralled in what his lips are saying as they mate with hers.
Katniss tugs one of her feet free and yanks him to her with her legs. His shaft is hot against her slit. She begs for him with her hands and body, but he pulls back slightly to catch her gaze.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his voice ragged and broken. She nods frantically, and he moans in the back of his throat. “I’ll pull out. I promise.”
“Okay,” she agrees.
She’d agree to about anything as long as he gives it to her hard. Then he’s inside her, stretching her as she calls his name. He’s big enough that it’s uncomfortable at first, until her body adjusts to the intrusion and she’s aching for more. By the time she’s relaxed, he’s pumping into her with her name falling from his lips as he bites and licks at her jawline.
“Tug my hair,” she manages to instruct, and he yanks on her braid so hard her eyes water. It’s sexy as hell, and she grapples at his back in an attempt to pull him further inside her. He’s good at this, she realizes. Really good at it, and she thanks her lucky stars she’s the fortunate recipient of such a fantastic experience. He’s doing everything he can to make it good for her, and it really, really, really is.
What they’re doing is so messy, but she doesn’t care. She owns bleach and anti-bacterial cleaning supplies. She just purchased them, in fact, and she’s going to need all of them if the mess between her legs is any indication. She’s quickly losing control, fucking against him as hard as she can.
Skin slaps together, sweat pours off them both, and he nuzzles his face into her shirt. If they had more time, she’d take it off for him—maybe she’ll wear pasties next time just to blow his mind—but they’re careening toward a climax faster than she knows how to handle. She’s desperate for more friction, so eager that she rubs herself as his thrusts stutter and falter.
“I gotta pull out. I’m gonna— shit!”
He yanks free, and she catches the sight of him before her eyes roll back in her head. His skin is pink and glistening with moisture from her body. The first splash of his climax hits warm and wet on her leg, and she arches her back as waves roll through her. Her hand cramps as she contorts it. Her hips buck, and then she’s reaching for him. She clings as her body tenses and releases repeatedly.
When it’s over, she huffs several breaths before blinking open her eyes. Her t-shirt hem has fallen against her thigh, and it’s marked with his ejaculate, as is most of her thigh and stomach. He pants into her ear, but he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to let her go. That’s fine with her, although it surprises her how affectionate he’s being in the aftermath of a quickie in her kitchen.
“Katniss, that was—”
“Something we need to do again.”
“I think it gives new meaning to the phrase ‘welcome wagon.’”
“Because you want me to ride you next time?”
“Next time?” His eyes are blown wide, his pupils dilated as he realizes what she’s saying. “You want there to be a next time?”
“I’m not sure I want this one to be over.”
He flushes at her suggestion, but he’s a very helpful neighbor. Before he leaves to head back to his own apartment, he cleans up and then eats to his heart’s content. She’s pretty satiated from his visit, too.
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image-thot · 3 years
Drunken Mess Part 2 - Larry x reader
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It had almost been two months since he last saw you, even though he is the reason you left he can't help but feel angry. But he is not angry for the same reason you left, no.
 After about a month of not responding to your text or calls, they all suddenly stop at first he thinks nothing of it. He is still angry with you, this anger that’s been brewing in his head starts to whisper different ideas and scenarios to him. It makes him think, maybe you've found someone more willing to be physical with you.
 He's sad and angry.
 The voice repeats, maybe they never loved me. He is a mess of overwhelming emotions, he wants to punch something but at the same time, he wants to curl up and cry. He knows why you are doing this to him, well he thinks he knows. He starts to think he is deserving of all this misfortune, everything that has happened in his life is all been about bringing him pain.
 But then it dawns on him, what if something happened to you? That thought was brought on by Keeg, they wanted to try and give him reason to dig himself out of this self-loathing hole he has dug. At this realisation he's terrified, he has a million different scenarios go through his head. What if you'd been kidnapped? Injured or Killed! It had only been a week since you had lasted texted, that is plenty of time for you to have god knows what happen to you.
He goes to Rita as he knows you two are close, not as close as he is with her but enough that you still write to her.
“Rita!” He shouts down the hall to her. “Have you been writing to y/n?” He asks trying to mask the panic that is laced in his voice.
“It’s bad enough that you are ignoring them, but do you have to spy on her?” She huffs turning to face him, a scowl present on her face.
“No I’m not spying, I’m worried about them.” He says looking down from her gaze.
“That’s a first.” She scoffs as he looks at her in almost a glare even with his glasses. She notices his change and her expression softens. “But to answer your question, they haven’t written in about two weeks.”
 At that, he takes off running down the hall.
 “Larry! What does that mean?!” Rita shouts after him.
 He goes to Vic because he is the most tech-savvy he knows, he hopes he is going to help. No, he has to help. He almost kicks down the door to Vics room as he enters.
“Wow, Larry. Ever heard of knocking?!” Vic shouts at him.
 “I need your help.”
After explaining the situation to him he is somewhat understandable and gets to work.
 “So after a month of ghosting them you going to stalk them?” He jokes out.
“This is serious Vic.” Larry almost growls out.
After a few minutes, Vic lets out a sigh.
“Sorry Larry, but their phone hasn’t been turned on in about a week.” 
“Do you know where?” Larry responds, he feels like he may die from this overwhelming feeling of dread. “Maybe we can find out if we go to where it last was?”
 “That I can do.” Vic takes a couple of seconds to get the location. “ unit 5 at 47 bay road, Madison, Wisconsin. Does that mean anything to you or them?”
“Yes, that’s their apartment, from before they moved here,” Larry speaks as he walks out of Vic’s room.
 “Guess it’s road trip time,” Vic says following behind larry
“No, you aren’t coming.” Larry turns to stop him noticing the others walking down the hall.
 “I hope you do not think you doing this by yourself,” Rita says.
 It turns into a big old road trip with the whole gang to your apartment. Everyone has their reasons for going but every one of them is worried about you.
Once they do eventually get to your apartment they have no idea what to expect when going in. is there going to be a crime scene? Hidden clues around?
Nothing, your apartment almost looks like no one has ever lived there, aside from the furniture and odd clothing items around. It’s not the first time he has been here before, he has been here just a few times before and nothing looks different aside from your missing presence. He begins to look for anything that might be out of place or any notes or clues to your disappearance. The others were about to help when Rita stops them, she knows how much this means to Larry and knows that he is the best person to discern between a clue and just a normal item.
Whilst looking for clues he stumbles across a new shelf in your bedroom, the shelf is dedicated to things that he has got you. Any plants that he has given you are all well maintained. After several hours of combing through your things, he has come up with nothing. Vic suggests that they try your place of work, they were not sure what they were expecting when they got there. When they had first met you seem like fighting crime and saving lives was your full-time job. It was a real kick when they find that no you hadn’t returned to fighting crime but, instead worked at a small ordinary grocery store. They had found out from the manager surprisingly you had quit about four weeks ago.
 “Is she missing?” an elderly woman asked as the group was exiting the store.
“Ye—I’m not sure,” Larry responds, slightly stuttering. He isn’t sure what if you just left because you wanted nothing to do with them or him.
 “Well, they must have some foresight.” She responds and starts to shuffle back into the store.
 “Why is that?” He is quick to catch up to the elderly woman.
 “Well, they had asked me to water their plants for the next month or two. I just live down the hall from them.”  She says continuing to shuffle off into the shop, he just stands there.
Those thoughts come back, had you left because you did not want anything to do with him? Was this just some sick game to you?
Hammerhead had thrown a tantrum and pointed out a lot of the things that he was trying not to think of.  It was then that they decided that in the morning they would go back to the manor.
That night he slept in your bed, he could still smell you, it brought him comfort and pain at the same time. He wanted to cry, he wasn’t sure if he could.
 When they get back to the manor they are greeted by a slightly angry Chief, he isn’t happy that they went out without his consent.
 “What you could show a little concern over y/n!?” Larry shouts storming up towards his room, Rita follows up behind him she wants to offer him the comfort she knows he needs.
 Another week goes by, nothing.
 He takes another trip to your apartment, he goes around your neighbourhood and city postings missing flyers. When he got back he even went to beg the chief to contact Kipling to summon Baphomet to try and locate you, Chief swiftly denied him saying that if you wanted to be found you would be. This angers him, he started to think the chief knew what was happening with you and it would not have been the first time the chief had lied to him.
 It has been three weeks since he had last received anything from you, his anger had long faded and replaced with grief. What if he never saw you again? What if you moved on? What if you had died?  He would never know, and that not knowing was slowly driving him into a catatonic state.
 Throughout this whole experience, Keeg had tried to help Larry, not that he had ever stopped before. But he tried to comfort him in ways they hadn’t tried before, he tried to help locate you to no avail.
 In the fourth week he never left his room, Cliff said he must have died up there. Rita was going up she would be there for him making sure that he at least ate. He didn't want to give up on you, but he just felt so hopeless and nothing he did never seem Everyone was feeling it they had all tried and come up short.
 It was the first night of the new month, Larry had decided that he would try and get out, even if it was to turn back around. As he exited his room a loud noise was heard coming from the Chief’s office, he rushed towards his office. He wasn’t the only one who had heard the noise, cliff, Vic and jane had heard and rushed to the scene.
They all rushed in ready for danger, but they weren’t met with death or destruction hell there wasn’t a piece of furniture out of place. The only thing that was out of place were the three people in all black combat gear talking to the chief.
Once they had entered the room they had all stopped the conversation and turned to look at them. Larry thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, the person on the far side of the three looked awfully like you. Either that or you were standing here in the room with him/
“What the fuck?!” Cliff says as chief wheels out from the desk to come between the two groups of people.
“This doesn’t concern you all leave.” Chief demands as Larry starts to walk towards you but is pushed aside by Vic.
“y/n Why the hell are you rolling with the Night Wanderers!?” Vic shouts but is prevented from getting any closer by the unmanned man. Larry had no idea who or what the Night Wanderers were, but from the sound of they weren’t good.
“You make it sound like a bad thing” The man closest to Vic says as he scoffs at the boy.
“These the people you laying low with?” asked the unnamed woman looking at you. “Don’t look like your crowd.”
You were about to chime in when you were interrupted by the chief.
“apologies for their interruption but as I told you I don't have the information you are looking for.”
 “Shame.” The unnamed man began. “guess we will have to try other sources.”
 Pushing past the group of confused anti-heroes, he stops at the door and turns to the chief. “Where’s the closest bar?”
 “In town on the main street, can’t miss it at this time of night” Chief chuckles with a fake smile.
 “Right, let’s go you too.” The man says walking out of sight and earshot, with the woman in tow.
 You go to follow them but you feel Larrys grasp on your arm and the staring from everyone around you.
“what is going on y/n?” He asks while you can’t seem to meet his gaze. You pull your arm away and push past him following the other two.
 Larry is left stunned and he turns to face the chief, before making his way over to the door to follow you.
 “Don’t,” Chief says halting larry.
“And why should any of us do that?” He shouts at him. “You lied to us again, you said you didn’t know where y/n was.”
 “That isn’t something that I can discuss with any of you,” Chief says then cliff pitches in.
 “Yeah well isn’t the first time! Like what the fuck man?! What was so hard about saying that they join another group?!?!?” Cliff shouts.
 “Because it isn’t your life that is in danger if the details get out…” Chief quietly says.
 “Wow, shocker Chief concerned with his own skin,” Cliff says voice dripping with sarcasm.
 “…… It’s not your life you are concerned about is it.” Larry trails off as the realisation of what Chief says hits him. “What did you get y/n involved in?? what was so important that you’d risk their life!!” Larry shouts as the chief raises a hand.
 “I’m sure they’ll explain of whatever it was that they put in your pocket,” Chief says as he steers around the group and out the room.
(Photos below are inspo for what the un named characters are and the last image is inspo for something that you may wear in the murder group)
Image 1: Unnamed man
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Image 2: Unamed female image 3: you
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
Betrayal Part 7
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: (AU) Set in New York. You and Bucky have been married for 5 years. He’s the love of your life and you are his. At least, you thought you were until he started slipping away from you, coming home late and smelling of another woman’s perfume? You are in denial. Are you just losing your mind or are you really losing him?
Author’s notes: I’m so so sorry this took so long! I redid the whole thing. We’re going to back up a bit in this chapter and visit the past. Please check the warnings before reading. Also, my requests are open. Send ideas if you’re feeling particularly angsty! Or even fluff, I’d like to try my hand at it. As always, let me know what you think of this chapter! For tags, please send in ask! 
Warnings: Cheating, Angst, Abuse, Swearing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
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2 years ago.
Bucky tapped his fingers on the table as he checked his watch again. 8:15. Forty-five minutes late. Again. He let out a huge sigh, barely able to hold himself from scratching his eyes out. The curly-haired waitress went back to him with an apologetic look on her face, “I’m sorry, sir. My manager told me I really need to take your order now. There’s already a line waiting outside…” she let her sentence trail sheepishly. Bucky tried to ignore the heat creeping up his cheeks and gave her an unconvincing smile instead, reciting his order. When she left with visible relief on her face, he picked up his phone and called his wife again. He had tried to call and text her earlier but she hadn’t picked up.
“Hello?” Y/N answered, sounding frazzled and irritated as she cleaned up after her rude customer. He just had the audacity to leave a mess after complaining and whining about the wifi three times. She could barely keep her eyes from rolling. 
“Hey, babe. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you at the restaurant,” Bucky’s defeated voice on the other line replied. 
“Oh shit!” She shrieked, attracting the heads of the other customers as she glanced at the clock on the wall. She had lost track of time. Bucky had been waiting for her for almost an hour. On their anniversary. Oh crap, crap, crap. 
“Oh my god, baby. I’m so sorry! I’m understaffed and I lost track of time! Could you please wait for me? I’m so sorry!” She quickly took off her apron and changed into the dress she had brought with her that morning for their date. Bucky had been planning this. He arranged for Lizzie’s babysitter and everything, practically bouncing off with excitement for this night. He wanted to try out this new restaurant and between raising Lizzie and making sure Winter Bakery was still making a profit, they haven’t seen much of each other lately. She just couldn’t find the time whereas Bucky’s stable position in Shield gave him more authority to delegate. And he literally had been trained for this for years. All those late-nighters at the university and all the grunt work he and Steve went through have finally paid up. They were at the top of their game, one of the youngest to acquire their positions. They were heroes in the investment banking world. Life was easy for him now, cherry on top of the cake. He only wished Y/N could be there with him. But she was still on shaky ground with her business and he fully understood that. 
“Of course! I already picked our appetizers though. They were trying their best to kick me out gently if I didn’t order anything,” 
“Oh, my poor Bucky. You should’ve flashed them your smile, charmed your way. They would’ve made you stay,” she replied, fixing her ponytail, not having the time to retouch her makeup anymore. This’ll just have to do. 
“Really, now. It was a waitress, you know.” He teased back. 
A beat before Y/N replied in mock seriousness. “In that case, don’t you dare. I’ll be there in 15!” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it. See you, babe. I love you--,” 
But before he could even finish his sentence, the line had dropped on the other end.  
1 year ago.
“Daddy, look, apples!” Lizzie pointed from her seat in the grocery cart. Her legs swinging as she giggled at the heap of apples on their side. “Yeah, baby, you’re right.” Bucky replied absentmindedly, not even bothering to look as he stared confusedly at the bunch of green vegetables in front of him. The list Y/N gave him said scallions, but how the hell was he supposed to know which was which? Scallions, spring onions, green onions, they were all the same right? He suddenly regretted volunteering to do their grocery shopping alone, having no clue what half of the list Y/N prepared even meant. It was the weekend, they were all supposed to go together and then have a quick visit to the toy store after, for one more of Lizzie’s birthday gifts. She had just turned 3 a week ago and he couldn’t help but promise to let her pick out another doll. When Y/N had given him a pointed look while Lizzie clung on and gushed to him, he couldn’t help but to just give her a tiny shrug. He grew up with nothing, he was gonna give his little girl everything. But that morning when he thought the three of them finally had time to spend together, Y/N couldn’t make it again. She was having problems with her manager and had to go into work unexpectedly. Now, she wasn’t even answering his calls when he had to ask her about the most complicated grocery list he’s ever seen in his whole life. 
“Daddy, when are we getting my doll?” Lizzie asked again, looking up at him as she clutched her favorite white wolf stuffed toy. 
“After this, sweetheart.” He answered, preoccupied and calling Y/N again. This time when she didn’t answer, he gave up, grabbed the one nearest to him and hoped for the best. 
When he’s gotten halfway through the list and let Lizzie point at the snacks she wanted for school, he let his mind wander, when the hell had they become like this? He barely saw his wife anymore. Her problems with her bakery cafe, always dragging her away from them. He wished she could find competent people who would stay but if it weren’t her manager, it was her baker and so on. And if she was finally free, he’d be the one who was busy. It was hard and annoying but coupled that with taking care of an over-enthusiastic three-year-old, it was also exhausting.
He missed Y/N and he wished he could spend time with her. He completely understood that she was always needed at work. He had been through that in their early 20s, but they didn’t have a kid then to compete for their time and understanding it was different from actually living it. Their marriage had become stagnant. The banality of their everyday life, a stark contrast to how they used to be when they were just a couple of kids off college who rented a too-small apartment with his little sister, Becca. Time has flown and he’s finally achieved the life he’s always wanted; a big duplex apartment, a steady high-income job and a family he had always yearned for but never really knew he needed. All of the things he promised himself when he was younger and had nothing, he had now and more, yet there was still something missing. He missed the thrill of his life, chasing his dreams had always kept him motivated, distracted. Now that he had it all, he was at his wits’ end. Maybe it was because they were also growing apart, he could feel it. Y/N had always been able to make him happy and whole; he had always been able to rely on her emotionally. She was the better part of him and now that she was becoming distant, he hung onto her like a lifeline but his insistence on going on vacations as a family wherever his wife and daughter wanted went unheard, all his attempts at romancing cancelled. 
Even as he lined up now for the cashier, he whipped out his phone to text her. His hands had been busy typing when a brooding, dark-haired man stood behind him dressed in all black. His arms were muscled despite his age and the sagging skin on his right arm holding a tattoo of an odd skull with tentacles extending out of it was barely covered by his shirtsleeve. 
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Bucky,” a familiar husky voice mocked from behind him. 
Bucky immediately felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, the voice sending a deep chill down his spine, making him go rigid as he slowly turned around, the blood draining from him when he went face to face with the man who had made his life a living hell, the man who not only broken him physically but in spirit as well. Repeatedly. 
“You some errand boy now? I didn’t raise you to be like that, you know,” He continued to mock, tipping his chin to the cart with Lizzie still on it. 
“Do you know him, daddy?” She asked, holding her little wolf tighter as she watched the stranger warily. 
“Hey there, sweetie. Your daddy didn’t tell you about me? That’s weird. I raised him and your aunt Rebecca a long time ago. My name is Rumlow,” he flashed her a chilling smile, stepping closer to offer his hand. That’s when the fog in Bucky’s brain cleared. He moved with a lightning fast reflex, stepping in between them as he got in Rumlow’s face, fisting his collar harshly in one hand, 
“Don’t you dare go near her,” his dark and low voice had threatened, dripping venom. His eyes had dilated, almost turning black as he shoved him hard. Rumlow’s grating laugh echoed around them, bringing back all those awful memories he had buried deep inside his head. 
“I’ve taught you well, boy. Can’t say I’m not proud,” He clapped and actually smiled at him smugly. At this point, Lizzie had started crying making Bucky even more furious. 
“I don’t ever want to see your face again. And if you go near my daughter again, I’ll make you fucking regret it. Do you understand?” His threats went on deaf ears as Rumlow broke out into a full-fledged grin. 
“I’d love to see you try, James. You’ve grown soft,” He accused, eyeing Lizzie and the grocery he had still lined up, several heads already looking at them. 
“Lucky for you. I have a new son here,” He continued, tilting his head to the boy standing by his mostly empty cart-- save for the beer and the liquor. Bucky flicked his attention to the boy and he felt his world spin as he saw himself in him with his eyes haunted, wary and afraid. He couldn’t have been older than eight. Rumlow smirked at the look on Bucky’s face, already detecting the turmoil brewing inside him. He had succeeded. He always knew Bucky was weak, his emotions his downfall. The fear and guilt clearly written in Bucky’s eyes made Rumlow gloat as he talked to the boy, 
“What did I say, Bert, huh? You’ll only have food if you go get it yourself. Why are you still standing there?” 
The boy looked around the big grocery store, mentally taking note of the stalls and where they were currently at, memorizing it in case he got lost but still, he didn’t move. Bucky looked at Rumlow and he saw the same look he’d always had directed at him before, his taunting eyes daring the boy to go or face the consequences. 
“But I’m scared,” the boy replied, his voice small and frightened. Rumlow moved to him, bending his knees to get to his eye level. “Well then, you just won’t have to eat,” he told him in a hushed voice, pouting and mocking. 
Bucky didn’t have to hear it to know the exact words, buried memories rushing back to the surface. He heard it countless times directed at him. The boy ran to the nearest stall, his heart pounding and hoping Rumlow would still be at that same spot when he came running back. Bucky knew the feeling, it was like he was living it all over again. As much as he wanted to help, he was rooted to the spot, even Lizzie’s crying couldn’t move him. Rumlow stood back up and faced him. “You were always my favorite,” he told him proudly as he pushed his own cart away from them, no doubt to give Bert an even harder chance of finding him. 
Just before he got too far, he swiftly turned around, feigning innocence as he said, “Oh and by the way, say hi to Rebecca for me,”  His lips twisted up into a sneering smirk as he left, whistling without a care in the world. And just like that Bucky was moving, grabbing Lizzie and getting out of that store as fast as he could, hoping Rumlow would stay out of his life forever. 
“I’m never letting you do the groceries again!” Y/N screeched, a horrified look on her face as she stared at their fridge. After the incident with Rumlow, Bucky had brought Lizzie to the toy store, allowing her to buy all the stuffed toys and dolls she wanted instead of just the previously promised one doll. They had gone to lunch after, he kept Lizzie distracted as much as possible to forget the man she had just met. When she brought him up again, he told her it was just a friend he didn’t like very much and that she shouldn’t bring it up to her mom because it was nothing, he promised he never had to see that man again. Lizzie seemed satisfied with his answer and went back to her usual chirpy self. On their way home, they passed by another grocery store. He had mindlessly strolled the aisles and grabbed whatever he thought they needed, his head at a different place, much as it still is now.
“Bucky, we don’t need four cartons of milk, why would you even get this?” Y/N asked incredulously, shaking her head as she chuckled. 
Bucky had been staring off into space, not hearing what his wife had been saying. “Uhm, hello Bucky, you still with me?” she teased, waving a hand in front of his face. 
“Oh sorry, what was that?” He asked, glancing up at her from his perch by the kitchen counter. The coffee he had brewed, now cold in his hands. 
“Hey, you okay?” she asked, looking at him with concern in her eyes. 
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well,” he waved dismissively. Y/N felt a pang of guilt. He’d been bugging her to spend more time together, planning outings and dates that she never seemed to find time for. 
“Well, I finally have the day free. Why don’t we go out, watch a movie or have a picnic? It’ll be fun,” she suggested, draping a hand over his shoulder while her chin rested on the other, her elbow propped up on the countertop to keep an eye level with him. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry, babe. I promised to meet up with Thor,” he moved away from her touch, standing up. Y/N looked at him confusedly, “Okay, how about after?”
“Gotta go over some accounts with Sam, sorry love. I’ll be back before dinner,” He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek before heading out. Y/N stared after him, brows knitted, before shrugging. She’ll just get her errands around the house done then. 
After pounding the punching bag in Thor’s gym incessantly, Bucky found himself aimlessly walking around the streets, he just needed to clear his head. The little boy’s face was still etched in his mind as he opened the door to a bar. A little too early, he knew but he couldn’t shake off the nagging thought plaguing his mind. 
How could he have let that monster roam free while he had lived his life without even a glance back? 
Years ago.
Bucky held Becca’s hand as they ascended the rickety steps of their new home. They had just lost their parents and were now moving into an unfamiliar house. The case worker had told them they were lucky not to be separated and that they shouldn’t worry; they were getting a good foster father who would take care of them from now on. 
“I had interviewed him myself, you see,” She told the children, beaming with pride. 
“I couldn’t have found a better one for you guys, why, this area is still very close to where you grew up in. You could still visit your old haunts,” She ruffled Becca’s hair, trying to lighten the mood while the little girl just moved farther away, hiding behind her big brother. The worn-out door which at once might have been painted pristine white but now had chippings hanging off of it suddenly opened with a creak, a man with a charming and easy nature stepped out with a warm smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“You guys are here! Welcome, welcome, please come in!” He gestured humbly to his house. Becca squeezed Bucky’s hand tighter which he squeezed back in return, reassuring her. There was something about this man that wasn’t quite right. He seemed relaxed and easy-going, a smile continuously plastered on his face but there was a lethality to him that the children couldn’t seem to shake off, almost as if it was buried deep inside waiting to be unleashed. The case worker hung on his every word, giggling as they talked. She slapped his arm with the horrible looking tattoo that gave Becca a fright. The children barely moved from the sofa they were seated at after the introductions. 
“It’s usually like this. Don’t worry. They start to open up after a while,” the case worker sympathized with Brock, the man who introduced himself as their new foster father; he would treat them as his own, he had promised. 
“It’s alright. I understand. After my wife, I’ve been all alone and this, this is a blessing to me,” He told her as he turned to the children. Her hand strayed to his arm again and lingered there. 
“Oh, Brock, you are a good man. They’re great children, they won’t give you trouble.” She replied, patting his arm for reassurance. It didn’t miss Bucky how she hung off his every word. 
“But I should get going, I will check up on you in a week. Children, be good. You have my number if you need anything,” She stood up, smoothing the wrinkles on her blazer.
“Wait, you’re leaving us already?” Bucky couldn’t help the whine that escaped his voice. He didn’t miss the darkness that spilled over Brock’s face for a split second before he carefully put his smile back on again. 
“I’ll be back in a week, Bucky. Don’t you worry,” the case worker smiled before she walked out the door leaving him and Becca to a stranger. 
When she was out of sight, Brock had suddenly changed his demeanor. The smile on his face had turned into a scowl when he faced them. “Alright, listen up both of you,”  he boomed, his voice cruel. “Grab your things and get on to your rooms. I don’t want to hear any noise. No running around, and if I see you making a mess. You bet your little asses, you’ll pay for it,” He stood up and left them to their bags. 
“But Mr. Brock, I’m thirsty,” Becca piped up, looking up at him timidly. The man’s grating laugh rumbled as he threw his head back, shaking it.  
“That’s Rumlow to both of you, you hear me?  Don’t make that mistake again. Now, come here,” He said, beckoning both the children to come over. Once they reached the kitchen, he pointed to the high cupboard. “You see that?” He asked Becca, dropping low to get to her eye level. When she just nodded her head, he continued, “That’s where the glasses and the plates are. If you want something in this house, you go get it yourself. I’m not your nanny,” He held Becca’s face in his hand roughly. His fingers wrapped around her cheeks tight as he held her by the chin. Bucky felt his fists clench at his sides, pushing Rumlow as far as he could with his eleven year old might.  
“Stop that!” He screamed. Their parents never hurt them. How dare this man think he could do this to his little sister? 
“Oh you wanna be the man of the house?” Rumlow jeered, shoving Bucky back making him fall to the floor. Becca’s sniffles grew louder as she tried to stop her crying, her shoulders shaking from her effort. As Bucky lay sprawled, Rumlow scooted down menacingly to him, 
“You dare push me when you were just whining like a little bitch a while ago, you wanna man up? Alright, I’ll allow it,” he taunted, pondering it for a moment before his sinister smile came back on. “Let’s see how long you’ll last protecting your little sister.” He gripped his face by the chin, fingers squeezing exceedingly tight on his cheeks before he pushed him off and he hit the floor. 
“I won’t be some parent to you that you could twist around your little fingers, no. I’ll make you into the best man you could be. I will teach you about order. And order only comes through pain,” He drilled into him like a soldier as he stretched his legs back up, his measured steps going to the fridge to fish out a beer. He took a long gulp before he continued, 
“And the sooner you learned that, the better,” 
Bucky sat alone at one of the benches by the field at his school, choosing solitude over the roar of the cafeteria after a particularly bad morning at home. Their foster father had woken up drunk and had haphazardly thrown things at them when Bucky accidentally burnt the eggs he had been cooking for his and Becca’s packed lunch for school. He picked on the peanut butter sandwich he prepared, not having the appetite to eat when he heard jeering voices from a group of boys and sounds of flesh being hit again and again with accompanying grunts of pain. He felt his feet move on instinct when he found them by the bleachers, a scrawny boy at the center of a group huddling over him, they were laughing as he tried to fight them off, not once being able to land a punch. The blood pumped in Bucky’s veins, a constant beating in his ears, as he grabbed the biggest of the bullies by the collar and harshly yanked him off the tiny, blonde boy now sprawled on the floor with his skinny arms covering his face. When one of the other kids tried to punch him, he deftly moved out of the way and delivered a swift blow to his stomach, making sure to spare his face so as not to get in trouble. That was how Rumlow did it, might as well use the same trick right? 
“What? Who wants to go next?” He threatened, loving the adrenaline coursing through his veins, the power he had with defending someone so helpless. The lanky blonde boy stood up beside him, blood dripping from his mouth as he held both his fists up, “I can do this all day,” he said, catching his breath but his stance clearly indicated he could barely stand up straight. Bucky just looked at him weirdly, not knowing whether to find him stupid or brave. The bullies stood against them, unsure. Bucky was the same age as them, only slightly bigger. Him and the blonde boy were still clearly outnumbered but Bucky’s eyes held a lethal strength in them, his body coiled with unleashed brutality, ready to fight. The bullies scrambled out of there as fast as they could, their feet tripping over them. 
“Yeah next time, pick on someone your own size!” he hollered before looking back at the blonde boy who looked younger than them but held himself with such maturity that it didn’t seem possible. He decided right then and there he was going to make him his new friend. Rumlow had always taught him about his belief of the natural order of the world, that strength and might always won the day and that order could only be achieved through pain. If you could inflict it on others, you were stronger, better. Weaker men were useless, had to be beaten up and put in their place. “That’s just the way of the world,” he had said. But Bucky was old and smart enough to see right through his facade. He was a bully, feeding off of people who couldn’t fight back. Bucky was going to be different, he wouldn’t bow down to his will. He just needed to protect his sister, spare her from the taint of Rumlow’s anger and prove that he wouldn't become the man Rumlow has been conditioning him to be. 
“You alright?” Bucky asked the boy standing beside him who was touching the bruise forming on his forehead.
“Yeah, thanks for helping me,” he replied sheepishly, ashamed he couldn’t fight for himself.
“Next time, just don’t provoke them, they aren’t worth it.” 
“But they were wrong. Bullies, I’d always stand up to them,” the blonde brushed his hair back from his forehead, determination steeling his voice. Bucky smiled, maybe he could learn a thing or two from this boy too. 
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Steve, what’s yours?”
“Bucky. Steve, you’re a little punk. You know that?” he said teasingly, laughing. 
Steve grinned back, “Jerk,” 
The light filtered into the room as the curtains were drawn back harshly causing Bucky to groan on his bed, flitting a pillow to cover his eyes. 
“Buck, come on. Get up,” Steve’s firm voice spoke through the fog in his mind. 
“Get out, Steve, I’m sleeping.” he replied, turning his back to the hand shaking his shoulder.
“How long are you going to do this? It’s been two weeks. Have you even talked to your family yet?” Steve’s judgmental voice rang out, hard and unforgiving. 
“She doesn’t even wanna see me,” he huffed, anger at himself boiling in his veins. He hasn’t seen his daughter in two weeks. Y/N’s short, cold replies to his messages were just updates on how Lizzie was doing, anything regarding Y/N, he had no idea about. He didn’t even know what sort of excuses she made up for Lizzie, how his “work trip” kept getting extended. When the hell could they keep that charade up? He was lucky enough she was letting him talk to his daughter on the phone for a few minutes every once in a while. He sat up on the bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he reached for the bottle of whiskey at the bedside table. These days he could only fall asleep when he’s had one too many to drink and even then, he’d still wake up with a headache that could only be dulled by alcohol. He barely even made it to work everyday. Sam had been good enough to cover for him, staying on neutral ground with everything that’s happening to his marriage although his eyes said otherwise, disappointment etched in them. All the while Steve had ignored him the entire time since the hospital. No amount of apologies moved him from his stance except today, when he suddenly barged into the hotel room Bucky has been renting like he owned the place. 
“Jesus, Bucky, stop that!” He swiped the bottle Bucky held between his lips, splashing amber liquid on his shirt and bed. 
“Damn it, Steve! Look what you did!  Give that back,” Bucky held his arm out, his reflexes slow as he tried to grab it from his friend. 
“Jesus Christ. You smell terrible. How much have you had to drink last night?” Steve fanned the air around him trying to rid the stench of alcohol and sweat.
“How the hell did you even get in here?” Bucky’s pissed off voice grumbled but one look at Steve’s intense stare with his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched, standing straight as a drill sergeant, arms crossed at his chest with his muscles bulging out of his fitted gray Under Armour shirt; he knew. The punk had intimidated his way in. No doubt leaving a poor breathless, flustered receptionist in his wake. 
“You could get that receptionist fired, you know?” He tried appealing to his best friend’s better nature.
“You wouldn’t tell. Plus, it isn’t as if she didn’t get a hefty tip. Go take a shower, Buck, you stink.” Steve didn’t budge, staring him down with a disgusted look on his face. Bucky just scoffed, 
“And then what? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Y/N kicked me out, man. Just go home, you’re wasting your time.” 
Steve’s hardened face softened as he looked at his friend. His eyes were puffy, his skin pale as he scratched his wildly unkempt beard, his greasy hair sticking out on one side. What the hell had happened to Bucky? How had it gone so bad for his friend in a matter of days? He suddenly moved out of instinct, collecting clothes strewn everywhere and packed them into the suitcase at the corner of the room. 
“Steve, what the hell are you doing?” Bucky exhaled loudly. It was too early for this. Where the hell was his drink? 
“Get your ass moving, Bucky. You’re staying at my place,”
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
I’ve just read the head cannons of Chuuya and Dazai’s bebes and I love it 🥰 can you write how they’ll react when someone kidnapped their babies and how they would get them back? QwQ
A/N : I've been gone for so long and I'm so sorry. This request and many others have laid dormant in my ask box for many many months and I'm so sorry. I went through big depression kick, and I didn't write for a while. I ended up getting laid off from my job because of the rona, and everything just felt uncertain for a while and I honestly didn't really know what to do. I slowly got back into writing, starting off with my fanfiction just to get back into the swing of it, and now I'm ready to make y'all proud and finish all the requests! I'm sorry for making you all wait so long, and I want this request and all other requests that I answer to be amazing for all of you. So, here we go! -Hopefully (still) Your Favorite Dingus
T/W : angst; kidnapping; slight mention of blood;
Osamu Dazai
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Kazue was the literal light of his life, aside from you... obviously. You and his son were the center of his entire universe, he would do anything for you and his son. He made that quite known, considering how spoiled your son was already. At three years old, Dazai had already managed to buy your son everything he did, and sometimes didn't need.
Your son was a lot like his dad in the way that he liked to run off often, having you worried sick in the middle of the grocery store of mall. Dazai would often find him at the gumball machines or the tiny change eating rides in the middle of the mall. Your son hated to be confined in his stroller, and Dazai agreed that strollers were awful contraptions and that your son should be allowed to walk around.
His views quickly changed when you were out shopping for groceries one afternoon. Dazai was at work, and trying to keep your son in the shopping cart proved to be impossible, so you had agreed to let him out of the cart as long as he stayed close to you and hold your hand. You promised to get him candy if he followed those two simple rules, but thanks to Dazais relaxed parenting, your son just assumed he'd get candy no matter what. (Thanks Dazai)
You had only let go of his hand for a second, kneeling down to grab something from the bottom shelf. The last thing you heard was the small cry of "Momma!" and when you shot up and turned around he was gone. Your heart sank as you dropped the item in your hand and ran to the front of the store, asking the employees if they had seen your son, showing them the pictures in your wallet, and all of them shook their head, only able to offer their sympathies to you.
Calling your husband was the hardest part, trying to keep your voice and your hands steady as you held your phone up to your ear. The employees had already called the police for you, and they were scouring the entire store trying to look for any clue as to where your son could be.
When you had managed to tell Dazai what happened, he was on his way to the store, he didn't waste any time at all. He was furious, and at first he took his anger out on you. "I thought you were watching him!" "How could you let this happen?!" "Why would you let him go!?" He was angry and he wasn't thinking straight, but as soon as he saw how his words affected you, he quickly pulled you into a hug, peppering the top of your head with kisses. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, darling. It's not your fault."
An officer brought over Kazue's stuffed kitty cat which was a gift from Fukuzawa. He had gotten it on his first birthday and refused to part with it, he brought it with him everywhere. The sight of the kitty cat not being held by Kazue made you throw up immediately, your mind jumping to the worst possible scenario. You heard Dazai grit his teeth, his arm was wrapped around you tightly, and his grip on your shirt tightened.
The two of you race to the Agency, every other case that they had been working on is dropped instantly. Desks are cleared and pushed together to draw out a map of the entirety of Yokohama. You're sitting on one of the couches in the office, Kazue's kitten clutched against your chest, your tears soaking the top of the plushy. The light in Dazais eyes has disappeared completely, he's stern, on edge. His voice is hard but you can hear it break occasionally at the end of his sentences, especially when he says his sons name.
Ranpo and Atsushi are the main people Dazai communicates with, his voice is mixed with the constant slamming of his fists on the desk when his emotions take over completely. "Where the hell is my son!?" He shouts as he drops his head into his hands. That's the only time he'll cry, his body shaking violently. You walk over and wrap your arms around him from behind, your chin resting on his shoulder as you both sob.
Everyone had been sitting around the office quietly watching you and Dazai have your moment. They all felt hopeless, especially when Dazai had initially went to Ranpo and he didn't seem to have a clue as to where Kazue was or who had taken him. "Why... Why would anyone take him? What's the reason? I want to know a reason!" Dazai shouted, his fists once again coming down on the desk. You pulled away quickly, giving him his space to lash out. He threw everything off the desk, his head dropping into his arms that were folded against the desk and letting out a scream.
His strength was being tested, he was breaking. It killed you to see him like this, you knew that there was nothing you could do to calm him. There was nothing worse that could ever happen to him, his son was everything to him. Kazue was the reason he had stopped attempting suicide, Kazue gave him a reason to stay alive, Kazue was his life line. Dazai loved his son with every fiber of his being, and right now he not only lost his son, he lost his reason for living. If anything were to happen to your son, if the worst case scenario was the actual case, you were sure that you would lose your husband as well.
All hope had seemed lost, the sun was quickly setting over the city. Everyone was emotionally exhausted. You were curled up on the couch, your head resting on Dazai's lap, his fingers massaging your scalp. "Please, get some rest darling. You need it." He whispered to you when he saw you slowly drift to sleep only to have your eyes open quickly. You felt bad for falling asleep, knowing that your son was out there somewhere without you or his father.
You handed Dazai the stuffed kitten before rolling over and trying to get comfortable. "Here, if anything comes up.. he's gonna need his Fuwa." You said sleepily, and you heard Dazai's chuckle, it sounded like he was being choked. He sniffled as he grabbed the kitten and brought it up to his face, silently crying into it.
Ranpo stood up from his chair and made his way over to the desk, pulling the map up off the floor and laying it flat on the desk. His eyes were wide open, the soft emerald green had long since turned as hard as the gem itself. Dazai shifted you off his lap and made his way over to Ranpo, stuffing Fuwa into his coat pocket. Atsushi followed him over and they both peered over Ranpo's shoulder, looking down at the map, following where Ranpo pointed with his fingers.
"The warehouse... next to the Port. Whoever it was quick enough to be gone before Y/N could notice, but he was still able to drop his cat. That means the person was on foot, so this person would have to be somewhere close to the store so a scene wouldn't be made, but somewhere they could hide him. They're most likely expecting us to show up, they want something in return, this is a ransom kidnapping." Ranpo said and Dazai nodded, trusting him with 100% of his being. He had to be right, but Dazai also knew how some ransom situations worked out. If it took too long...
"We have to go now." Dazai growled, and Ranpo nodded, Atsushi "hmph"ing in agreement. Kunikida stood up from his chair, joining the three of them by the door.
"None of you know how to drive. Let's go." Kunikida had a soft spot for Kazue, he wanted your son home safe as much as everyone else. (Even if he thought his father was a complete dunce.)
Everyone in the office agreed to stay with you just in case you woke up before the four of them got back, and with that they all ran out the door, hopping into Kunikida's car and speeding off towards the warehouse.
When they got there, they snuck up to the doors of the warehouse. Dazai leaned his head against the door, hoping to hear something, anything that would indicate that his son was in there. His heart was beating fast, and as much as he wanted to murder someone for stealing his son in the first place, he wanted to bring Kazue home with him, bring him back to you safe and sound more than anything else.
"Momma... Daddy..." He heard the soft whimpers of his son coming from the inside of the warehouse. It sounded like he was crying and Dazai to control his urge to kick down the door right then and there. He needed to be careful so that no harm would come to his son, but the sounds of his son softly crying had him seeing red. "Pwease..." He heard his son again and his heart shattered, the sound of his son pleading with his captor had him on the verge of an anger induced emotional breakdown.
Kunikida pulled the gun from the back of his pants and silently counted down from three before they pulled the door open. All four of them had guns, refusing to let Atsushi use his ability out of fear of hurting Kazue. There was one man in the corner of the room, a gun pointed at the head of your son as he smirked up at the four men. They all stopped dead in their tracks, dropping their guns to the ground and holding their hands up in the air. "Please, don't hurt him..." Dazai choked out, his eyes locking with his son in the corner.
"Took you all long enough to show up, thought you guys were detectives. He was becoming a pain in my ass, constantly crying, asking for his mommy and daddy and his Fuwa." The man chuckled as he cocked the gun back and pointed it back at your son. "Do you know why I'm doing this? Do you know?!" The guy shouted and Kazue cried out, his arms outstretched for Dazai.
He felt like he was going to collapse, the room was spinning, he had to compose himself though, he had to stay focused. He looked to Kunikida and Atsushi, hoping the plan would work out how they had said.
Kunikida quickly bent down and grabbed his gun off the floor, firing one shot at the arm of the man, making him drop the gun. Kazue let out a shrill scream and Dazai took this moment to run over and scoop him up off the floor, holding him close against his chest. The other three ran over to the man, Atsushi and Kunikida pinned him down on the ground as Ranpo cuffed his arms behind his back.
After the police took the man away they all made their way back to the Agency building, Dazai was in the back of the car holding Kazue on his lap, rocking him back and forth as his son fell asleep in his arms. The man had been one of the criminals they had captured before Kazue was even born. He had held an entire bank and its customers hostage, but had never actually killed someone, so he was let out on good behavior recently. He had been stalking Dazai, and he found out about you and Kazue and decided that he would have his revenge for the Agency ruining his life. None of them ever found out if the man would have actually hurt Kazue, and honestly, they didn't want to know, they were all just happy that he was unharmed.
When they walked through the door and you saw Kazue being cradled in Dazais arms you fell to your knees and cried. Tanizaki and Yosano had to help you stand up, and as soon as you found your footing you ran over to Dazai. "Hi Momma!"
Dazai now sternly enforced the stroller rule, he didn't want to go through anything like that ever again.
Chuuya Nakahara
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Asa was his princess and you were his queen. But his daughter, oof, if anyone even looked at his daughter wrong for crying he would kill someone. Do not test Chuuya when it comes to his child. He would kiss the ground that she crawls on, he loves her so much.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think his office was a shrine dedicated to her and you. There were framed pictures of you and her, and sometimes the three of you hung on his wall, propped up on his desk and coffee table, pretty much any surface that could have pictures, they were covered.
She had just celebrated her first birthday, she was learning how to walk which Chuuya would not shut up about. If there was ever a moment to talk about his daughter he would. The Mafia members had all learned to just deal with it, knowing that if they looked agitated about the constant talk of his daughter they would either be demoted or have their asses kicked.
"Does she really have to start sleeping in her own room? She's got a crib in our room, I don't see the problem." Chuuya whispered to you from the couch as you made your way into the room opposite of yours and his. She had an entire nursery that was practically unused due to protective parenting. He really didn't see a reason in having her in a completely different room when it was so much easier to have her in yours and his room. If she woke up, he could get her immediately and get her back to sleep in the bed between the two of you.
When you came out of the bedroom you sat with him on the couch, his arm habitually wrapping around your shoulder and pulling you closer. He turned down the television so he could hear the monitor clearly. "If she gets too used to sleeping with us in our room, she'll never want to sleep in her own room. She's not that much further. You're spoiling her, honey." He groaned and you stifled your laughter, propping yourself up to press a quick peck to his cheek. "We should try to get some rest while she's sleeping. Come on."
The two of you laid in your bed, he held you close against his chest while you traced hearts against his bare chest with your finger. "I don't know why she has to sleep in her own room now though. She's only a year old. She's still my baby. I feel better having her close." He sighed, adjusting his free hand behind his head as he turned to look over at the video monitor, the corner of his lips twitching up slightly as he watched his daughter sleep peacefully in her crib.
"You're scared of her growing up. She's turned you into a big softy. You know, she's gonna keep growing."
"Don't say that. She's only one." He pulled his arm out from underneath you and ran his hands over his face. He hated thinking of her getting bigger, growing older. The thought of her not being the adorable, babbling baby that waddled over to the door whenever he walked in with open arms was enough to make him almost cry. ALMOST.
"You know... we can have more..." You said almost too seductively as you peppered kisses across his shoulders. It was supposed to be a joke, but he didn't take it as such. He wouldn't mind one or two more little princesses or princes teetering around the house.
The two of you thoroughly tired each other out, the night seemed to be going perfectly. Asa hadn't woken up yet, and this was the first time the two of you had been able to be intimate in that way since she had reached the eight month mark. You fully blamed Chuuya for that though, he had spoiled her so much, but he didn't seem to mind it at the time. Now he seemed to be convinced that having her in a separate room wasn't such a bad thing.
Everything was silent, the only sound was the crickets chirping outside and the occasional sound of a car passing by in the distance. That would shortly come to an end though, the sound of glass breaking and Asa's blood curdling scream coming from both the monitor and the room across the hall had jolted you and Chuuya from your peaceful slumber. You grabbed the monitor off the nightstand and Chuuya ordered you to stay in bed as he ran out of the room and into Asa's room. You knew though, it was too late as you saw the cloaked man who was holding your daughter jump out of the window just as the door flew open and Chuuya came into view on the screen.
"NO! Son of a BITCH!" His screeching voice was just as loud as your daughters cries had been and you dropped the monitor into your lap on the bed as the realization hit you. This wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to Chuuya, if you had let her sleep in your bedroom as she always had. He ran back into the room, flicking the lights on as he went over to the closet and quickly got dressed.
"This... this is my fault... if I would have listened..." You said, not able to face your him at all. He turned to face you, sighing as he tried to calm his nerves. He was already fully dressed, ready to hunt down and murder the asshole who had the nerve to take HIS daughter. He made his way around the bed to the side you were on, grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you softly.
"Don't you even dare blame yourself. I'm gonna get her back. I need you to stay here though, I can't have you getting hurt." You knew what he meant. The way that he felt right now, this would probably turn into an all out war, and if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time you could end up injured. You nodded slowly, kissing him one last time before he ran out of the room and out the front door.
He barely gave the car time to start up before slamming his foot down on the gas pedal, peeling out of the parking spot and speeding down the street. His vision was blurry as the tears started to stream out of his eyes, he was only able to keep his composure long enough to hopefully make you feel better. Now that he was alone he had hurdled the thin line between lashing out and having a complete mental and emotional breakdown.
The only thing keeping him from getting into a severe car accident was knowing that he had to stay alive to save Asa. Although he couldn't see where he was going through his clouded vision, he had dedicated the route to muscle memory, and he could luckily see faint streaks of red and green lights indicating braking cars and traffic lights.
When he got to the headquarters he got some questionable stares from the guards, it was three o'clock in the morning, considerably late, or maybe early, to be coming into work. When they attempted to speak to him he couldn't even mumble out a "fuck off" through his sobs. He raced up the stairs, not having the patience to deal with waiting for the elevator to get him up to the floor he needed to be on.
He stormed into Mori's office, and, not unlike his boss, he found him sitting at his desk, his hands folded under his chin as he stared down at the papers in front of him. "They said you'd be on your way up. What's wrong Chuuya?" Mori asked, motioning to the armchair in front of his desk. Chuuya didn't want to sit though, so he strode over to the desk, slamming the note that had been left in Asa's room down in front of Mori. "What is this?" Mori asked, grabbing the note between his gloved fingers and unfolding it.
"He got my Asa. I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Chuuya screamed, remembering the words that had been carefully scripted out on the thick note paper.
"For the beautiful woman who was murdered by one of your own. I shall avenge her. An eye for an eye. -H"
He knew exactly who "H" was, and he knew exactly who the beautiful woman was that he was speaking of. What he didn't understand was why he would target his family, his daughter to get back at the Mafia for what had happened. Chuuya hadn't even taken part in the situation that had sparked this outcome, so it made absolutely no sense to him.
"Chuuya, you need to stay calm. Asa is loved dearly by everyone here, I will get together everyone needed to find her." Chuuya found his bosses strange sense of composure to be infuriatingly irritating.
"How could I possibly stay calm!?" Chuuya shouted, he wanted to lash out, he wanted to go off on someone, anyone.
"I would feel the same way if it was my darling Elise who had been taken." Mori said, but that was a mistake. Chuuya sighed, exasperated. He was pacing the floor, but when Mori had the audacity to utter those words, he punched the wall that he was closest to, leaving a large hole.
"She's your god damn ability! You wouldn't understand half of what I was feeling because this is my actual fucking DAUGHTER! So don't tell me I need to stay calm!" Chuuya screamed, the tears seemed to flow endlessly, staining his cheeks as they ran down to his chin, hanging on for only a second before splashing down onto the hard wood floors. Mori didn't argue back, he knew that Chuuya was emotionally unstable right now, so he just nodded in agreement.
"So what is it that you need me to do?" He asked, the phone already in his hand as his fingers hovered over the dial.
"Get everyone here..." Chuuya muttered before finally crashing down in the armchair. His sobs had eventually become choked off, and he was left shaking in the chair, his arms wrapped tightly around his chest as he tried to hold himself together.
Everyone had filed into the office, some of them looked agitated, others looked tired and pissed off that they had been woken up, but when they saw Chuuya's current state they knew that something was wrong. His usual smug, cocky smirk seemed to have been erased, the only emotion that was left to be read on his face was pain.
Chuuya didn't need to say much, no one needed a thorough explanation to jump into action. Asa was the one beacon of light that graced the walls of the Mafia headquarters whenever Chuuya brought her in. She had even managed to make Akutagawa crack a small smile when she had burped in Chuuya's face and then spit up on his freshly laundered coat.
Around five o'clock in the morning he got a call from you. He answered it quickly, and it broke his heart to hear how distraught you were. "H-Hi honey... It's almost time for her bottle. She'll need to eat soon, and she'll need to be changed, and and and... god, please tell me you've found her..." You were a mess, and he could only imagine how much harder it was for you to be there in your home, surrounded by all of her things but not her.
"Not yet... but I swear, I'm gonna bring her home to you, okay? Trust me." He needed you to trust him, because right now all hope seemed lost. There was no possible leads as to where the jackass could be keeping her, nobody knew where to find the guy.
"It's... It's so quiet... please bring her home." You whispered out between broken sobs, he heard you try to swallow back the lump that had been building in your throat. He could only nod, giving you a small hum as an answer.
After you had hung up, whispering out a solemn "I love you." Before ending the call he was right back at it. He was dead set on catching this guy today. Not only had he stolen away his daughter, but he had destroyed his wife, his love... This man had crossed a line and he was going to pay for it.
"Oi, Chuuya. Look, at the bottom of the note." Tachihara said, he had the note close up to his face, his eyes squinting as he focused on the tiny scrawling at the bottom of the page. Chuuya ran over and snatched the paper out of his hands, walking over to the large window to try to shine some light onto the paper and see the writing clearer.
"For fucks sake, they're coordinates! They were here the entire time!" Chuuya was seething now, this must have been a sick game to that man. Chuuya grabbed his coat off the back of the chair and headed for the door, but he was stopped by Mori who placed a hand on his chest.
"This might be a trap, how do you know it's not?" Mori said and there was a soft murmur of agreement from the group of people that were standing around.
"Does it matter!? She could be there and that's all that matters!" Chuuya screamed, the tears that threatened to spill were stinging his eyes. The fact that they thought he cared about his own safety as this moment was almost laughable, he would have laughed if his throat didn't feel like it was closing in on itself. "If you're so fucking worried than I'll take Akutagawa..." This is all his fault anyway, isn't it? Akutagawa was the one who had murdered the woman who he was avenging, so he might as well come along.
Chuuya pulled the coordinates up on his phone and it pinpointed a building that seemed on the map to be rundown and abandoned. A princess like Asa didn't belong in a place like that, it made him sick to even imagine his beautiful, precious daughter in such a desolate area. He growled as the directions read that it would take an hour and a half, maybe two hours to get there.
He would make it in half the time though. He could give a shit less about traffic rules, and if the cops even dared to try to stop him on his mission, the wrath of Hell and Chuuya would be brought down upon them. He sped down the streets, winding through traffic like it was nothing. He didn't speak a word to Akutagawa, and Akutagawa knew not to talk to him right now either. Chuuyas mind was a frenzy, a whirlwind of emotions. A mixture of anger, depression, rage, and heartache, and all of those emotions were just simmering.
The devil himself wouldn't be able to stomach what Chuuya planned on doing to the man who took his daughter from him.
He made it there in record time, the drive only took fifty five minutes, an hour tops to get there. The entire drive, Chuuya's eyes would glance in the windshield mirror, looking back at the empty car seat, hoping that it would soon be filled with his perfect little bundle of joy to be brought home.
Chuuya kicked the door in and his eyes immediately zeroed in on the trail of blood droplets on the floor. His heart sank while his stomach rose, he tried to control his dry heaving as horrid images and scenes filled his mind. "Remember his ability, it uses blood." Akutagawa said sternly, trying to keep Chuuya from losing it completely already.
They followed the trail up a case of stairs that seemed like a safety hazard, and Chuuya hated to think that his daughter was in this place at all. It wasn't safe enough for her to be in, she could get hurt at any point. This place needed to be demolished as soon as he got her out of here. He would do it himself if the city didn't want to.
The blood stopped in front of a door, and as soon as Chuuya heard the soft whimpering of his daughter behind the door he kicked it in. She was sitting in a small dingy playpen in the corner of the room, and Akutagawa had to hold Chuuya back to keep him from running straight for her.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? SHE'S RIGHT THERE!" Chuuya shouted, alerting his daughter to his presence. She pulled herself up on the rails of the playpen, stomping her feet to show him that she was becoming impatient.
"This might be the trap. We need to be careful." Akutagawa hissed, and Chuuya knew he was right. He sighed and peaked into the room, scanning it entirely to make sure it was empty before stepping in. Akutagawa followed close behind, Rashomon creating a shield around himself and Chuuya as they made their way over to Asa.
As soon as Chuuya got close enough he pulled her out of the playpen, holding her tight against his chest. He breathed her in, finding instant comfort in the smell of the all too familiar baby lotion and lavender shampoo that you used for her nightly baths. "I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, princess. My beautiful baby girl, daddy loves you so much." He cooed to her, but just as things seemed to be going flawlessly, a loud scream escaped her tiny rose petal lips.
A hail of what seemed like bullets were fired across the room, and one of them managed to hit her leg. Chuuya held onto his composure long enough to check her leg, it had just skimmed by, but it was enough to make her bleed and to make her cry. He was trembling, all of his emotions had formed into one cluster fuck of pure, unfiltered rage. He passed Asa over to Akutagawa and ordered him to leave the room through his teeth. Akutagawa didn't bother to argue, instead wrapping Rashomon around himself and Asa completely and running out of the room and down the stairs.
Chuuyas teeth were barred as the man stepped out from the darkest shadow of the room. He didn't have time to speak before Chuuya charged at him, tackling him to the ground and pummeling him with his bare hands, the force of his ability behind each and every punch would leave the man unrecognizable. He was going to kill him, he wanted to kill him, but the vibration of his phone in his pocket made him stop. He pulled his phone out and when he saw it was you it brought him back to reality, the reality that his daughter was waiting for him, and you were still at home waiting for him to bring her home.
He answered it, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder as he wiped the blood of the man off his hands. "Did you find her? Tell me you found her!" Your voice was hoarse, he knew that you hadn't stopped crying. He couldn't keep you waiting any longer, you deserved to hold Asa in your arms as well.
"We'll be home in an hour or two." He said, and it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders when he heard your sigh of relief at his words.
Two Months Later
Chuuya was propped up on the floor, his head resting in his open palm as he bounced Asa's plush horse across the floor, making the horse noises as he did so. The sound of Asa's laughter was music to his ears, and her wide smile was just as beautiful as she flaunted her newly sprouted bottom two teeth. She crawled across the floor towards Chuuya who quickly lifted her up in the air. "Airplane Asa coming in for the landing!" He said playfully as he lowered her down to her his face and pressed a quick kiss to her nose.
His head shot up as he heard the bedroom door open. You had your hands behind your back, and the wide smile that spread across your face when you saw him made his heart flutter. He sat up, his back against the couch now, Asa on his lap attempting to imitate her fathers horse sounds as she bounced the plush horse across her lap. "What's up, baby?" Chuuya asked, wondering what could possibly be behind your back.
You moved your hands to the front, holding the white stick between two fingers and smiling down at him. "Congratulations, daddy."
a/n : I hope you enjoyed my first request after my ridiculously long hiatus. Again, I apologize for being gone so long, but I can't wait to start working on all the requests that are in my inbox. I love you all!
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sckyie · 4 years
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word count: 1.8k
genre + warnings: angst; post-break up, alcoholism, depression implied, mentions of death, open ending
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: i needa fix my links, suna imagine after this; valentines event announcement tmo
Death can be a strange thing. As a society, people weep and mourn the death of a loved one or a celebrity. Your body shuts down, scared to move on with life without that certain someone. Everyone responds to differently, but how do you move past the death of a relationship?
It was a rough week, to begin with. Losing the man you fell in love with then losing your job. The endless thoughts of Kageyama filled your head throughout the day. Though you missed him, you always wondered about how he felt.
To Kageyama, the break-up felt like a death in his life. That there was a missing piece of you. His heart hurt at the thought of you. Yet he didn't bat an eye when people asked about you.
You woke up to the bright lights gleaming through your blinds. You sat up, rubbing your sleepy eyes away. The bedroom had become a mess since you broke up. All of Kageyama's things in boxes, broken picture frames scattered, empty beer bottles on the counter. You groaned at the sight but you weren't in the right mind.
You dragged your feet into the bathroom, wishing for something to change. You looked at yourself in the mirror, cringing at how worse it's gotten. Your eye bags and dark circles were more prominent than before. Poking at your face, you sighed knowing everything you're doing is becoming more and more unhealthy. Starting small, you decided to shower before cleaning up a little in your room.
Kageyama had stuck to his usual routine. Wake up early, shower, have small breakfast, practice, come home to you. He had always forgotten that you weren't waiting on him at home. He grew this habit of saying "I'm home," but there was no one to respond.
Nonetheless, Kageyama was doing significantly better than you were. Harsh to say but it was the truth. He had amazing practices with his team, he spent time with his best friends, and he had no worry of you needing attention. His mind would clear for the day, only for it to be clouded with the thoughts of you.
A small bit of cleaning turn into a deep clean where your mind was empty. No thoughts of the break up nor your financial situation. You looked at the boxes and bags at the front of your door. Recycling the old beer bottles, a bag of trash from all over the house, and the one box that haunts you. The box of Kageyama's clothes, gifts and old memories in which you wanted to return to him.
You sighed as you looked at them, your stomach growling to break your silence. Your hand flies to your belly as you walked towards the refrigerator. An empty fridge, what did you expect? You hadn't left the house in days. Closing the fridge, you grabbed your bag and keys before heading out to the grocery store.
Kageyama opened the pantry cabinet to find an empty tub of pre-workout. Checking his other shelves, a lack of food and workout powder was evident. He groaned despite it being his day off, getting ready to go out.
You wondered the aisles taking note of what you need to buy and what not to buy. You cringed at the sight of alcohol, turning away from the cold fridges. Your eyes follow the different products into the next aisle. The items in your basket rustle, shifting the weight around as you trailed into the next walkway.
You looked down adjusting your drinks, walking on the side of the aisle. Kageyama had picked up a new tub of energy supplement, reading the back with all the ingredients. He looks up after hearing someone approach him down the aisle. His eyes widened at the sight of you yet you didn't even see him as you passed.
After fixing your basket, you continued down the aisle in which you knew you didn't need anything from. "Y/n?" You heard. You knew that voice, you could never forget that voice. Slowly, you stopped and turned to see the one person you dreaded seeing.
"Tobio," You muttered. He takes a step towards you, afraid of what you'd do. Your heart ached as Kageyama was standing a few feet away from you.
He stared at you, noticing significant changes in your demeanor. "H-How are you?" You broke the silence.
"I'm doing good, I'm just buying some pre-workout...What about you?" He took a glance at your basket, noticing some medicine among your groceries.
"I'm...okay...I just needed to buy some groceries," Your voice was shaky. Kageyama took a step closer to see what medicine you had picked up.
"Are you sick?" Kageyama tilted his head. "Are you sleeping? You look...tired."
"I'm just, recovering," You sighed. "My head does not concern you anymore." You looked at the ground, the pain in your chest intensifying. He's pitying you.
"It does concern me," His voice was stern. "Just because we broke up doesn't me I stopped caring about you."
"We broke up because you stopped caring!" You raised your tone. "We broke up because you called me a distraction and that you were just taking care of a toddler. You're not my boyfriend anymore, don't try to coddle me."
"Y/n, don't talk-" You took a step towards him.
"Shut up Kageyama. Stop trying to act like everything is okay between us," You cut him off.
"So what? I'm supposed to let you drink our break up away?" He defended. His chest began to sting after hearing you call him by his last name. "I'm not letting you kill your body because I left!"
"Fuck you," You spat, turning and walking away from him.
"Don't walk away from me," Kageyama reaches over and grabs your shoulder to stop you. "You're not going to die because you're out of a relationship. Stop being stubborn."
"I'm already dead," Your eyes were watering, you swat his hand away turning to pay for your items. "I'm done arguing with you Kageyama."
Kageyama wanted to go back and stop you but he could tell that you  were truly heartbroken. It was his decision to leave you. The night of the break up, you had asked him if he could pay more attention to you. It spiraled into an argument about time and how you acted with him. He called you a distraction. A waste of time. The one thing holding him back.
Those harsh words had stabbed you in the back as you left him that night. The next morning, you had been let go by your job due to overstaffing and downsizing. You had nothing left, that's when the drinking started. You thought it'll drown out the pain, it didn't. It only made it worse.
Roughly a week after seeing each other in the grocery store, Kageyama decided to go out for a morning run. Down his path, he spots the house you were renting while you two together. Back then, Kageyama had always brought up the suggestion of moving in together. As he encroached on the front of your gate, a particular sign caught his eye. "For rent?" He read aloud. He peeks into the windows to see an empty home.
One of your neighbors had noticed Kageyama as he went out to get his  mail. "Kageyama?" Your neighbor asks.
Kageyama turned to the unfamiliar stranger. "Yes?"
"You're friends with Y/n, right?" He asked. Kageyama stopped at the word friends, hesitantly nodding.
"How do you know my name?" Kageyama walked towards the neighbor, his eyes fixated on your house.
"Well," Your neighbor opens his garage, walking in to grab something. Kageyama watched as the man came back with a box, his name scribbled on the side. "Y/n asked me to give this to you if you ever came by."
"What?" Kageyama took the box in hand.
"Before she left, she gave me that to give to you," Your neighbor explained. "She said something along the lines of 'I'm too scared to talk to him anymore.' She said you'd come by from a run sometime. I didn't know I'd be so soon."
"Wait, before she left? Where'd she go?" Kageyama asked.
"No clue, I saw her donate a lot of her things but last I saw her, she just gave me that box," He put his arm on the back of his neck. "To be honest, she seemed really sad when she came by."
"Did she say where she was going?" Kageyama looked back at your house, noticing a plant sitting on the railing by your door.
"Only that she was saying goodbye to people," He says.
Kageyama bows to the neighbor before leaving, taking the box to his car. Before driving, he decided to make some calls to his friends about you.
"I haven't heard from her in a while, is she okay?" Hinata responded.
"Last I heard from her she said she wanted to leave," Tsukishima said.
"No clue, has something happened?" Yamaguchi asked.
"Y/n? I have no idea, do you need help finding her?" Iwaizumi says.
Then, his final resort. "Y/n-san..." Oikawa's voice was low. Even though he wasn't in Japan, he knew something. "She called me telling me that...she didn't want anything to do with, well all of us. She told me that after the break up she couldn't bear being around your friends."
"Why would she tell you this? You're not even here," There was hints of pain in Kageyama's voice. "Did she tell you where she was going?"
"She told me because I'm not there to stop her," Oikawa sighed. "Tobio, I'm scared for her."
"Do I have to ask again? Where did she go?" Kageyama's eyes were starting to water. "Is she okay?" Oikawa paused, thinking back to the phone call the two of you had before you left.
"Hi Oikawa..."
"Oikawa? Y/n, are you okay?" You never called him by Oikawa, not even when the two of you met.
"I just wanted to, well, let go of something."
"Let go?"
"I'm leaving and I won't be coming back."
"Wait what? Where are you going? Why are you telling me this?"
"Because...this is my goodbye to you...and only you. I don't want to be around Kageyama's friends anymore. I can't stand being with them without connecting them to him. I'm only telling you know because you can't stop me from going."
"Where are you going Y/n? You're scaring me now." Oikawa was concerned of what you were going to do.
"Somewhere where no one will find me," Your voice cracked as you spoke. "Goodbye Tooru. Tell Kageyama I still love him for me?"
"Y/n, wait-" You had ended the call before he could continue talking.
"She just- what disappeared?" Kageyama started his car quickly looking for your contact. "She didn't say anything else?"
"No, I'm sorry Tobio," Oikawa sighed.
"I'll call you back," Kageyama ends the call as he began to drive towards his neighborhood. He taps your contact, waiting for the phone to ring. He waited impatiently, anxiously anticipating your answer.
That was until, "We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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spencerspecifics · 4 years
Okay i got this idea while talking to @criminalmindsvibez earlier and I just h a d to write it out
Imagine: the team taking one of those “teamwork building” days during the fall and Hotch has no clue what the team could do together to build their teamwork morale because they’ve literally had to save each other from murderers in a time sensitive manner so like??? Wtf are they supposed to do? Solve a jigsaw puzzle? So Garcia gets the task of figuring out what to do and she decides pumpkin patch/corn maze because fuck it. It’s fall.
-they get to the pumpkin patch, immediately Rossi is like “I don’t need to buy a pumpkin. It’ll end up rotting on my doorstep”
- Garcia points out that doesn’t help the team morale so he better quiet down
-he shuts up, they get inside the farm area and the entire team is just sorta standing around cuz when is the last time any of them went to a patch??? They aren’t sure of where to start. There’s stands that sell apple cider and hot coco and kettle corn and there’s some hinky dinky country music playing in the background. It’s nice but they have no clue where to start
-Garcia decides to take over, because fuck it, she got put in charge of this, and Hotchner looks like a fish out of water. Put him in a beauracratic setting and the man knows how to operate, but this? He looks so lost, it’s almost funny. Garcia’ll command this group of idiot life savers.
- she decides the team should start in the corn maze, that sorta helps the team morale. They gotta find a way to get out, after all. Spencer doesn’t want to go in until he sees a map of it, though, so he can check where they are. So they have to awkwardly go to an employee and ask where the map of the corn maze is located
-Derek finds it in a pamphlet that the employee handed to him, he gave it over to Spencer, who gladly accepts it and stares at it for what feels like two seconds before being like “ok let’s go”
-even though finding that damn map took like ten minutes because the pumpkin patch has so many customers so employees are all over the place. So everyone is like “goddamnit dude” at spencer before moving ahead into the maze
- Derek and Garcia take the lead, Spencer in the middle, then J.J. and Emily towards the back, with Hotch and Rossi in the very back.
-Hotch doesn’t wanna have to take charge of how to get through the maze unless absolutely necessary
-J.J. and Emily just end up having some very much needed girl talk while Garcia and Derek bicker about which way to go
- “Get a babysitter so we can have a girls night” “I’ll do that when you call that hot british dude that you met at the bar last week back” “I don’t need him. I have Sergio.” “Cats don’t replace real relationships with people, emily.”
-meanwhile Derek and Garcia aren’t sure which way to go. “Let’s take a left.” “No, we just went that way. We should take a right.” “That just keeps us in the middle, doll ” “isn’t that what we want?!”
-Meanwhile, the entire time, Spencer has been thinking of the turns and loops and steps they’ve taken and calculated exactly where within the maze they are based on the map
-Eventually Spencer takes charge, after Derek made them take two dead end turns, “Guys- no, we’re towards the edge of the maze. The quickest way to the end is through the center, so we need to go back and take two rights, then a left.”
-Hotch and Rossi are just walking through in silence for the most part, taking in the scenery around them. The crisp autumn air, it’s nice. They do break their silence for conversations. They speak about Jack’s upcoming soccer game, and how tiring it can be to work with children.
- “I’ve never been more grateful that my three ex wives and I never ended up with kids- god, it’s enough going to see Jack’s stuff and help coach the team.” “You have no obligation to show up if you don’t want to, Dave. If it’s too much I understand.” “Aaron, I would rather get arrested for a murder I didn’t commit and convicted before leaving Jack’s games.”
-Garcia ends up falling back with the girls, where the conversation shifts to Prentiss talking about how much the corn maze reminds her of the children of the corn movie
-“ew! Why did you have to say that! All their parents end up dead! That’s so sad!” “Garcia, it’s the corn that reminds me of the movie” “Well duh- we’re in a cornfield! But don’t think about that movie. Think about something nicer.”
-Prentiss is drawing a blank on nice fall themed things, so J.J. pipes up with “what about that Charlie Brown movie?” Garcia points out that doesn’t take place in a corn field
-“well. Only corn field movie that’s coming to mind is children of the corn.” So emily continues to talk a bit about it to J.J., all while making Garcia want to run away because “Ew no it’s such a sad movie! Let’s talk about something nicer!”
-Meanwhile Derek and Spencer are solely up front, Spencer is using that big dumptruck of a brain of his to know exactly which turns to take. Derek’s just walking alongside him, trying to weasel from flirting into conversation casually
-“how about after this I get you some cider, pretty boy?” “Do you know cider on average has to ferment for fifteen days?” Spencer isn’t really listening, if that isn’t already obvious. He heard what Derek said, but he’s just thinking of every next twist and turn they have to take to get out. So he isn’t very conversative
-meanwhile the girls have changed conversation topics to what kind of pumpkins J.J. should get Henry (this conversation change was obviously brought on by Garcia) “you should get him a cute tiny one! That would be so adorable” emily on the other hand is saying to get one bigger than him “wouldn’t it be funny to have a pumpkin taller than henry?”
-J.J. doesn’t know which size pumpkin she’ll get for Henry. But she lets emily and Garcia sway her opinion in both directions, because a comically large pumpkin would be funny. But one as small as Henry would be adorable
-meanwhile the old men duo in the back are still just enjoying their walk. Hotch had mentioned how Jack would’ve loved to come to the patch, before silence fell over them again. Rossi asked a few moments later if Hotch knows if jack’s school would be taking a field trip to the patch, “I’m not sure. I’m assuming they will.” Rossi doesn’t say anything more, but he secretly plans on double checking that, emailing the school, and explaining that he and Hotch would like to be volunteers on the trip. He’d like to see that happen.
-Derek hasn’t fully given up on his flirting game with Spencer. But he’s holding off for now, as Spencer is way too focused on the maze layout. So much so that he started mapping out in his mind where the best spot to place a body would be as an unsub. “If someone was to drop a body in here- the ideal location would be the upper left sides second dead end. Geographically, it’s the farthest point from landmarks and least traveled area within the maze.”
-Garcia hears that and butts in, “No murder talk! No dead body talk- there is no dead body! Today is supposed to be a good day! Shut off your brain for one day, Spencer”
-Spencer doesn’t say anything more about the best spot within the maze to dump a body, though Derek is sure Spencer is bored and thinking out a billion separate scenarios within the maze. Mazes were good for hiding and concealing things, after all
-Garcia accidentally mishears Spencer’s directions of “turn left” and she walks directly into the wall of corn that the maze is made out of
-the team all stops for a second to help her untangle herself out of that before promptly laughing at her
-ok Derek and emily laugh the most, emily tells her to steal an ear of corn “It’s not like they’d miss it. It could be compensation for running into it”. J.J. and Spencer sorta stand there chuckling a lil bit, Hotch and Rossi are more like “as long as you’re all good we should continue on” but they had little smiles on their faces too
-They finally get out! The employees at the exit are like “good job, that was very fast!” And everyone on the team is like “thanks we tried” meanwhile Spencer is standing there thinking “no y’all didn’t I did it cuz I memorized the maze smh”
-the team stays as a unit after that. It wasn’t on purpose, but they all had the same thing in mind, the pumpkin patch
-they walk over there, it’s not too far, immediately Spencer makes his way over to the large containers of pre-picked pumpkins, gourds, thise tiny as hell pumpkins, those white pumpkins, and those red pumpkins. He’s one second away from grabbing a pumpkin at random from the container so he can grab a pumpkin and go, when Derek is like “Hey man what are you doing? You’re not picking from the patch”
-Spencer then has to awkwardly explain how the only times he ever went to the pumpkin patch was in elementary school before he skipped ahead grade wise and the kids in his class made fun of him that day really bad. Like they called him names and left him “trapped” in the corn field (tho he had seen a map and was able to figure his way out easily that time.) and so whenever he has to buy a pumpkin he just gets them from the grocery store because he gets anxious at the thought of coming to a pumpkin patch
-immediately the entire team is like “wtf man you should’ve told us!!! Do you want to leave??? We should leave” and Garcia is immediately like “Spencer I am so sorry oh my god I didn’t know” and he has to sorta awkwardly be like “No it’s ok. I wanted to come. I want to try and get a better memory than last time.”
-Derek pats him on the back for that, “You’ll get much better memories this time, I promise. But let’s get a pumpkin from the actual patch instead of from these containers”
- Derek makes it his soul mission to make sure spencer now has an amazing time in the pumpkin patch. So he stays with him the entire time as they walk around, inspecting pumpkins for just the right one
-meanwhile the girls are looking at the biggest pumpkins possible. Namely Prentiss, she wants to get a big one. “Can you even out that out front of your apartment door?” “I don’t know but I’ll make sure it stays until it rots”
-Hotchner is busy looking for a pumpkin he could bring home for jack to carve, though he does guess that jack would be making his way to the pumpkin patch with his class too. It couldn’t hurt to have a third pumpkin to carve.
-Rossi doesn’t want a pumpkin, he’s already decided that they’re messy and smelly and he doesn’t even like pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie enough to warrant the mess of cutting and getting the pumpkin guts out. So he just stands and watches
-Garcia notices that immediately and is so not happy with that “you’re serious about not getting a pumpkin?” “I told ya” “ughhh Rossi- you could get a tiny one!” “I don’t wanna carve and deal with a mess” “you don’t have to carve a tiny one!”
-“what’re you thinking pretty boy?” Derek asked Spencer, who had been staring down the same pumpkin for like two minutes, which was definitely unusual. Spencer doesn’t answer, leaning down and picking the pumpkin up instead. “Does it have any abrasions on it?” He asked Derek, as he turns it over in his hands to inspect it. “Not that I can see, no”
-Spencer decides on this pumpkin, and they find some wheelbarrows provided by the farm to put his pumpkin in, they give Hotch the duty of rolling the wheelbarrow around as they meander away from the rest of the group
-Spencer then is like “oh shit. Wait Derek. Your pumpkin. We need to find you one.” Derek just laughs a little bit and is like “I’ll find one lol but you gotta come with me” so Spencer agrees as they go to find one for Derek
-Garcia ends up nearby the tiny pumpkins, deciding to buy at least three to litter her front doorstep with
-she is so distracted she doesn’t even realize rossi making his way over. “You’re right. Those ones are way too small to carve.” He says, she just agrees, “Yes, so you should get some!! C’mon. Get that festive spirit.”
-Hotch shows up pushing the wheelbarrow from behind, listening to the tail end of rossi and Garcia’s bickering match. “You should get some, Dave. It would look nice.”
-That makes rossi cave. He mumbles out a “fine. The things I do for you all, I swear” before picking two up and putting them in the wheelbarrow, next to Spencer’s pumpkin.
-Garcia is b e a m I n g she is very happy with the fact she got this fall grinch into getting a pumpkin. So much so that she ends up getting a fourth tiny one, because damnit they’re too adorable.
-Hotchner still hasn’t found a pumpkin for him and for jack so he’s standing in the patch, still surveying like a lost old man. Garcia and Rossi end up helping him.
-Meanwhile J.J. and emily are looking through the medium sized pumpkins to find something for will and Henry. “I’m thinking a medium sized one, because then it’s sort of a mix of what you and Garcia said.” J.J. explained to Prentiss, who nodded along in agreement.
-the team is all pretty quiet at this point as they try to find their own pumpkins. Derek finds his, a large one that’s very vertically elongated. He takes it back to the wheelbarrow, with Spencer trailing along behind him.
-Hotch finds two round, smaller sized pumpkins. And he decides that those are his, they look great and would be easy enough to carve, so he grabs them up, getting them back into the wheelbarrow
-J.J. finds a medium sized pumpkin for Henry, and two smaller ones for her and will. Meanwhile Prentiss is like “Hey Jayge that Charlie Brown movie is applicable now since we’re in a pumpkin patch” Garcia hears that and is like “y e s good fall vibes yes”
-they finish up in the patch, everyone putting their pumpkins into the wheelbarrow as they head towards the checkout
-Derek pays for Spencer’s pumpkin, saying it’s not a problem
-Spencer literally can’t stop blushing at that even tho it’s the most mundane thing e v e r and it’s adorable
-the team gets their pumpkins sorted and paid, before taking the wheelbarrow back towards the stands that sell cider and hot coco and kettle corn.
-the girls go off to get hot chocolate, Dave and Rossi go to get some bags of kettle corn, and Derek and Spencer go get cider
-“If you make hot coco with anything but milk, it’s evil” “emily what about lactose intolerant people who use water?” “They’re on thin ice.”
-Spencer thanks Derek like five times in a row for helping him get a pumpkin and buying it “you didn’t have to-“ “you better stop talking before I buy you a cider too, pretty boy”
-Derek does buy him a cider in the end, which isn’t any surprise
-Dave and Hotch argue over which type of kettle corn is the best. “It’s caramel, Aaron. Why on earth would cheddar kettle corn be good?” “It’s savory as opposed to sweet, it’s better” “That doesn’t matter if it tastes bad!”
-Garcia ends up coaxing the hot coco barista lady into adding a shit ton of extra chocolate sauce and stuff to her drink
-so much so that it’s literally too sweet for her but she dug her grave she will fuckin lie in it like a winner
-J.J. and emily immediately make fun of her, “I can see the regret in your eyes!”
-the team finishes up buying their drinks, pushing the wheelbarrow out to the parking lot.
-“See, not so bad for a team morale building day after all!” Garcia says happily, she’s glad her idea was a success
-it was. The team is happy, they got hot sweet drinks and bags of delicious food, not to mention a shit ton of pumpkins they shove into the trunk of the SUV
-Spencer’s happy he made new memories at the pumpkin patch, Derek was just happy to help build those for him.
-Garcia’s happy her day went so well, emily is glad she got a pumpkin to carve, J.J.’s happy she got good pumpkins for will and Henry, Hotch is happy that he’s not stuck in a stuffy office building in an uncomfortable suit talking about another murder investigation, and Rossi is happy to be with his found family on a day out
-it was a good day at the pumpkin patch :)
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 13)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 My Master Post
Remy was slumped down in his seat as Emile continued to lecture him on all the possible consequences of his actions over the past 24 hours. Jeezy creezy was Emile miffed about all of that. Remy had been trying to blow it off, but Emile was fully, painfully aware that he’d almost had lost his brother today and Remy was going to hear about it until Emile’s lungs aches.
“And another thing…” he said.
“Wait,” Remy said, and Emile did because there was a lace of panic to his tone.
“What?” Emile asked.
“The tracker stopped working,” Remy answered pushing buttons a little bit desperately on his device.
“It went completely offline somehow,” Remy said.
“Did it get turned off?” Emile asked. “Or run out of batteries?”
“It doesn’t turn off and the batteries are designed to last for years,” Remy said. “It can even track through 20 feet of water. The only way it could stop sending a signal this abruptly is if the thing was destroyed.”
Emile paused. “You said Virgil knows what the blinking light means.”
“Is it possible that he knows, or well, ‘knows,’ you’re dead? Barbara did send a man after him, he could have mentioned it.”
Remy stared down at the device in his hands.
He pressed a couple of buttons and studied the screen for a moment. “You little shit,” he groaned. “You threw it out the fucking car window, didn’t you?”
“How do you know?” Emile asked.
“Because if I look at the history, it was going at 65 miles per hour down the interstate, suddenly stopped cold, and then went offline probably when another car inevitably crushed it.”
“Well, at least the fucker’s probably okay. Dammit Virgil! Where are you going?” Remy pushed a few more buttons almost idly as he thought. “Let me get into Virgil’s head for a minute: emo music, dark clothes, would rather have his toenails ripped out than go to parties, makes split second decisions based on little info. Yep! Got him.”
Emile rolled his eyes, but Remy wouldn’t have noticed as he had his own eyes closed. “Hmm. So, I’m Virgil. My bitch mom killed my dad and sent someone after me. I have no idea what’s going on, but I bolt out of there because fuck mom. I want to get the hell out of dodge so I convince someone to drive me somehow, I guess, but where would I want to go? Someplace safe. Where’s safe? Maybe Emile, but obviously that’s not where he went. Or Janus, but he’s too connected to mom. I don’t really know anyone else, especially not someone who could help with this sort of stuff.”
Remy thought for another long moment. “Oops.”
“Oops?” Emile asked. “What oops?”
He could tell by the expression on Remy’s face that he was not going to like the answer. “I may have let something… slip.”
“What do you mean, Remington?”
“Um, well you see,” Remy said. “A couple of months ago Virgil was being, you know, himself: a little shit. He may have, possibly, found some papers.”
“What kind of papers?” Emile asked.
“They were nothing important!” Remy assured. “There wasn’t any dangerous info in them or anything, but…”
“It is somewhat possible that they had the name on them.”
“How possible?” Emile asked, eyes narrowed on him.
“He asked what Green Bellow Foods was and why they needed 50 top-of-the line computers outfitted at an old factory.”
“And what did you tell him?!”
Emile glared at him.
“Okay, well I had to tell him something,” Remy mumbled. “I just kind of said that I knew the owner well and was working with him on some stuff. Then I told him not to worry about it, which was probably a mistake, because he’s Virgil. So, then I found him snooping in my car. At that point I had to sit him down and talk to him. So, I told him a bit about Logan.”
“Remy that’s not nothing!”
“I didn’t use his name or anything. I just told him a couple of really, extremely, tremendously, vague stories, so he didn’t think I owed money to the mafia. Which, yes, he did suggest.”
“That’s worse!”
“What do you want from me Emile?!”
“Some common sense!” Emile answered. “I’ve been comparing you to the rat in Ratatouille for years, but I’m starting to think you’re more of a Pinky from Pinky and the Brain.”
“Hey, ouch,” Remy replied. “Also, I personally subscribe to the theory that Pinky is actually the intelligent one who is foiling Brain’s evil plots from the inside. So, there.”
“Now is not the time,” Emile said.
“Oh, it’s not the time to discuss cartoon theories?” Remy mumbled into his lap. “Must be serious.”
“It is serious! Virgil is missing!”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Remy snapped. “I know, Emile.”
There was quiet. Emile took a breath. “Okay,” he said, calmer. “Do you really think he’s going to Logan?”
“He’s headed somewhere,” Remy answered, “and wherever that somewhere is, it’s inexplicably down the most direct route towards base.”
“Well, Virgil is smart. I don’t think he’d just keep going so quickly without a destination in mind. We should call Logan.”
“Do you honestly believe Barbara doesn’t have your phone tapped when Virgil is missing? If you had one of Logan’s phones, I might agree with you, but as it is, we’d be giving away our position, and possibly clueing her into Virgil’s plan. If he shows up at base, Logan will take him in no question. It’s less dangerous for everyone this way.”
“Fine,” Emile said. “We’ll just keep driving towards Logan and hope you’re right about where he’s going.”
“Of course, I’m right,” Remy said lightly. “I’ve got the paternal instincts going on. Course, they didn’t stop the knife throwing incident of ’09. I blame Janus for that, though.”
Emile shook his head at him.
“It is good for when he tries to steal sweets, or that one time he brought home a baby piglet and tried to hide it from me in his bedroom. Or when he’s feeling anxious about something but won’t tell me because he thinks it’s silly.” Remy’s own fingers tapped out an anxious pattern against his knee. “It also worked with the golf cart incident, but it was too late. Again, I blame Janus. He messes with the paternal instinct meter. He’s far too unpredictable and I make the mistake of thinking he’s responsible, which he is half the time, but the other half of the time I remember that he’s still mostly a kid and one that grew up in an unstable environment. Did I tell you that last month they went and won a bunch of tickets at the arcade and used them to get those 5 ticket rubber ducks and just unloaded them all over my room? Honestly, you’d think a 21-year-old would have a better use for his money or at least have the brains to go buy them at a store. He could have gotten like 500 more ducks for the same amount of money. Of course, it was his mom’s money, so I guess I can get behind wasting it on arcade games and rubber ducks. The prank was apparently based on some comedy sketch Virgil found online.”
“You’re doing the thing again,” Emile pointed out calmly.
“Stop psych evaluating me,” he shot back.
“Fine, fine,” Emile said. “Keep distracting yourself from your emotional responses with silly stories. See if I care.”
“Thank you,” Remy replied. “I will.”
Emile sighed as he started back up again mumbling something about having taken away Virgil’s Gameboy after catching him playing it at 3 o’clock in the morning. He claimed this wasn’t because the boy hadn’t gotten any sleep on a school night, but because he’d insulted Donkey Kong to Remy’s face. After that story had run its course, Remy continued to babble at an increasingly fast pace about all sorts of things. Emile imagined most of the stories he sprouted off were quite embellished.
Emile had tried to turn on the radio once, but Remy had slapped his hand away saying, “The next one’s a really good one.” So, he had resigned himself to his fate of tuning out Remy’s coping mechanism to the best of his abilities and just focusing on driving for the next 45 minutes. Which is probably why he noticed that traffic had strangely decreased. He didn’t really pay the fact that much mind until the traffic suddenly increased… in the form of a wall of stopped cars.
“Jenkies, what’s going on?” he asked, as he came to a stop at the end of the line of cars.
“Um…” Remy said looking out of his car window. There, staring into their car with beady black eyes was a cow. As Emile watched, said cow leaned forward to drag its tongue across the passenger side window. “Shit.”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 14
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
How to get away with murder
Tumblr media
Fandom; My hero academia
Pairing; Dabi x GN Reader
Synopsis; You had watched day by day, as the love of your life fell for someone who wasn’t you. It hurt a lot. Deciding that you should take matters into your own hands, you begin to take action and take what you thought was rightfully yours. No one else could have him, Dabi was yours, and only yours and you didn’t like sharing. 
Warnings; Death lmfao, mentions of alcohol and overuse. A bit of taking advantage of Dabi if you squint and a reader willing to do anything to get her crush. 
Word Count; 3092
A/N; This idea came to me when I was heading to bed after watching the series ‘How to get away with murder’ and while the two of them aren’t that similar, it caused me to think of this. I typed this up and didn’t finish till around 5 am, so enjoy my little typos and vibe with me.
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
Everything seemed perfect, and when you say ‘perfect’, you meant it. 
Maybe it was the light drizzle of rain that soaked into both of your clothes, mixed in with the natural glow of the moon and stars made for a perfect scene. The sketchy buildings behind you, and the constant honk from a car passing by only added to the moment. 
Maybe it was how his rough hands held your body so softly, despite being the same hands of a killer. Maybe it was how he held you close, one hand resting on your cheek as his fiery blue eyes stared into yours. The love and passion that were displayed in his orbs had you standing there frozen. His breath was fanning your face, eyes peering into yours with no fears and no regrets. The hand on your cheek moved slowly, almost hypnotizing, as the other hand that rested on your hip pulled you closer to his warm body. 
Now a small smile rested on his features, showing you that he was more than some smirking bastard that you usually saw. You stared at the many staples on his face, and the purple marks under his eyes, and honestly, it had only made him hotter in this moment. 
The rain had now started to seep into your clothes making you shiver from not only that, but how close the other male was. And he would only get closer, closer and closer until his lips only brushed against yours in a taunting way. You were both hungry for each other, that much could be said, but the build up was starting to drive you crazy. 
And finally, after his blue eyes stared into yours for so long, asking permission, well more like begging for you to let him continue, you nodded and he finally closed the gap between you two. 
The loud honk and the sound of tires screeching snaps you out of your daze, making you finally come to your senses. Your eyes trail to the two cars that almost hit each other due to the rain affecting their sight. The two cars yell, before continuing their journey on the street, speeding away without actually fighting. 
Rolling your eyes, you finally remembered what you were doing. Your eyes gaze across the street, where you see Dabi, and no, he wasn’t with you and about to kiss you like your earlier thoughts. 
Instead he was leaning in to kiss some other girl, a girl who wasn’t you, and a girl who didn’t deserve him. 
You have to avert your eyes when you hear her giggle, and even though the rain was pretty loud, it still didn’t cover up the disgusting noises of their lips smacking together. It disgusted you, almost making you call it a night and go home, but you stayed, knowing you’d only sit home wondering what happened if you left. 
You watch as they make out, his hands exploring her body and her leaning more into him. After a long time of watching, they finally pull away, smiling at each other as they let each other go. 
“Goodnight Dabi, hopefully I can see you tomorrow” You hear her pathetic voice say, and you watch as he nods, giving her a light smack on her ass. After a while of exchanging more words, the female walks up to her apartment, leaving Dabi alone. 
You duck down in your car when you see him cross the street, cursing quietly as you hoped he wouldn’t notice you or your car. Stalking wasn’t really your thing, but if it meant keeping an eye on the guy you loved, then you’d learn real quick.
“Fuck her, she doesn’t deserve him” You spit out, sitting back up in your seat when Dabi turned into a nearby alley, vanishing quickly. Turning your car on, you turned to look at her apartment once more before shaking your head and speeding off. 
He was yours first, and now some other bitch has stolen him away from you with a few flirty looks and the promise of a future. It irritated you that you, his best friend, had been thrown to the side once a new girl was brought into the picture. 
In the end, you had only wished it was you who he was kissing in the rain, but sadly it was some other girl instead. 
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
“That will be 34.72 Ma’am”
You nodded at the old man, giving him a small smile as you took out your wallet, pulling out two twenties. Handing it to him, you mumble for him to keep the change before taking your grocery bag and exiting the store. 
After what you had seen last night, you had believed it would be good for you to go out and get some groceries for your apartment. As eating out every night was starting to ruin your funds, and you knew you couldn’t afford to be homeless now. 
The sun was bright today, and the chatter amongst all the people walking on the sidewalk put you in a better mood. A way better mood than yesterday. Watching as the noisy children ran down the sidewalk with their toys in hand and smiles on their faces made your own face light up. 
Swinging your grocery bag, your eyes looked around your surroundings, enjoying the nice day that you seemed to be having. 
Feeling your pocket vibrate, you pull out your phone and answer it without checking the caller ID, the ringtone alone has already told you who it was. “What’s up Dabi, did you need anything or-”
You stop walking as you listen to his heavy breathing, which very much concerns you. “Y/n…” The pause after your name had you freaking out, making you assume the worst had happened. “I need you to come to my apartment” With those words, you heard the click of the phone call ending. 
It took a moment for that to sink in, and when it did you immediately broke out into a run, straight to Dabi’s apartment. It didn’t matter if you looked stupid, or the many people who you bumped into or knocked over. All that mattered was your best friend needed you, and you’d be damned if you took your sweet time to make it there. 
You made it to his apartment in under ten minutes, which if you had to say, was the quickest you had ever ran in your life. Stopping outside, you bend over as you pant, trying to catch your breath after all that sprinting. 
Walking up the stairs of the rundown building, you cringe when you see a literal rat scurry across the wooden floors. Disgusted, you hurry your way up the stairs, actually terrified you’d fall through. 
Making it to his door, you go to knock before seeing the door had already been open. Taking a deep breath, you push open the door and prepare for the worst. 
Upon opening the door, you are immediately hit with the strong smell of vodka and cigarettes. The combination of the two together was enough to make you gag, but you held it in as you walked in, closing the door behind you. 
“Dabi….” You trail off as your eyes finally land on him. He was only in a white tank top and some black joggers, an outfit that would have been very sexy if you didn’t notice the distraught look on his face. He was slightly bent over his counter, a glass of what you assumed was vodka in his hand. 
When he turned to look at you, you noticed his red, puffy tired eyes. Now you knew something was up. Walking closer to him, you dropped your grocery bag on the floor and joined him next to the counter. 
“What happened Dabi?” You ask softly, eyes searching his face before meeting his blue eyes. He had only stared back at you quietly, and after a few more seconds he sighed and downed the drink in his hands. You noticed that afterwards his shoulders sagged.
“She’s dead y/n” He whispers, eyes staring at his empty glass. Gripping the table tightly, Dabi shakes as his rage starts to build up. “She’s dead and it’s all my fault” The soft, scared tone he had earlier, vanished quickly and turned into an anger filled tone. 
You watch as he turns his whole body to you, his anger filled eyes staring down at you, and for a second, such a look being aimed at you had made you uncomfortable. The way his blue eyes seemed to have blue flames in them now, or how the room had gotten 10x hotter added to that growing uncomfortableness.
“Just calm down, tell me what happened” You state, not liking how things were turning out. You didn’t even know what was happening, so sitting here without the slightest clue had only made you worry more. “You aren’t at fault for anything, just-”
Your body freezes when you hear the shatter of glass, your eyes widening as you watch Dabi’s body shake in anger. “Calm down you say?’’ He repeats your words with a much harsher tone, as narrowed as he turned to face you, chest rising and falling in anger. 
The way his eyes burned into yours had you shifting back and forth on your feet. You had just watched him throw that same glass he was drinking out of earlier at the wall in front of him. It shattered into a bunch of pieces. 
“It’s all my fucking fault for even getting close to her’’ He rants, now pacing the tiny apartment. “I knew even talking to her was a big risk but FUCK” He slammed his hand against the counter, going quiet as he retreated back into his mind. 
You take small steps in his direction, acting as if you were approaching a wounded puppy, which in a sense you were. “Dabi, don’t you dare blame yourself for this. Whoever killed her is to blame, putting this all on you isn’t right”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up” He continues to mumble, “ you have no idea what you're talking about, since last I knew, you were still single and lonely.” He didn’t look at you while he spoke, “So that means you wouldn’t clearly understand what I was going through” He snapped at you, hands still gripping the countertop. 
You take a deep breath, you knew he was just saying these things because he was hurting, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less. But this wasn’t about you. Dabi needed you in this moment, so no amount of harsh words would make you leave when you knew he needed someone right now. 
“I know you're hurting” You start off, taking confident steps towards him until you stand right in front of him. “And, if it makes you feel better to take it out on me, then go ahead. If that means yelling, throwing things or even calling me names”
Dabi slowly turns his body towards you, looking down into your sincere eyes. “You can do all of that, but I’ll still be here for you, because I am your best friend. It would be pointless if even me, someone you are really close with, can’t help you out during a crisis” You finish off. 
You notice how his mood changes again, and his shoulders sag once more. “I’m here for you” You whisper as you close the gap between the two of you, your arms wrapping around his body as you pull him into a comforting hug. 
“ I was just starting to like her y/n, I thought that maybe she and I could work” His arms wrap around you in a tight hug, placing his head in the crook of her neck. You feel the tears before you hear them, and it honestly breaks your heart. 
The two of you slowly drop to the ground, holding onto each other like your life depends on it. You hold him tightly as he cries, rubbing his back soothingly. You relished in the fact that you were holding Dabi, a small smile coming onto your face. You made sure he couldn’t see it, though. 
It was bad, you knew that, but just being able to hold him in your arms was enough to make you happy. Being close enough to breath in his scent, which mostly smelled like burnt cigarettes and heavy cologne, but that didn’t matter to you. It still smelled nice either way. 
After a few more minutes of holding each other, Dabi finally pulls away and wipes his tears, a small smile on his face. “ Y/n, have I ever told you, you're my best friend and I’d be hopeless without you?”
While it was a compliment, it had only hurt you in the end. You didn’t want to just be some best friend, you wanted to be more than that. Someone he could love and cherish, but you knew that maybe that wouldn’t happen. “I’m always here for you Dabi, through thick and thin”
He tugs at your wrist lightly, helping you up as he leads the two of you back to the counter. “We both need some drinks after that” He gestures to the glass that still lay shattered on the floor. “It’s the best vodka I could steal” He mumbles as he grabs two new glasses for the both of them to use. 
Pouring the two of them some of the vodka, the both of you pick up your glasses, clinking them together just because. Taking a deep breath, you drink the shot, the burning feeling it left afterwards made you shake your head in disgust. Yet Dabi had looked unaffected by it. 
“To be honest y/n, I was just trying to find someone to love in all this chaos” Dabi states with a sigh, his hand gripping his glass lightly. He turns to look at you and chuckles, “But that didn’t seem to work out” He says sadly. 
Maybe it was the vodka in your system, or maybe you were just tired of tiptoeing around him about your feelings. “I think you’ve been looking in the wrong places for someone to love, hell maybe the person right in front of you already does” 
The silence that followed after your statement had made you nervous, and instead of looking at him, your gaze shifted to the floor. Alcohol sure does give you a hell of a confidence boost. 
“Y/n...Did you mean that?” Dabi asks, his eyes staring at you for confirmation. When he noticed you wouldn’t even look at him, he finally understood. 
You had liked him this entire time. 
As his brain worked to put the pieces together, he found himself taking steps towards you. His head was screaming that maybe, just maybe that this was too soon. His mind was telling him that this was wrong, that he had just found out a girl he had liked had been murdered. But, again,the alcohol in his system was making his heart feel some things at her confession. 
His heart and head battle it out, wondering what the best decision was. 
In the end, he found himself cornering you, placing both of his hands on the counter in front of you, cadging you in. “Didn’t know alcohol made you this bold y/n” He whispers, studying your face. 
He had wondered why it had taken him so long to figure out that you were beautiful, always there for him and putting up with his bullshit. You were the only one who truly knew him and he looked over the simple fact that maybe you were a good match for him. 
You had frozen in front of him, not expecting him to get this close to you. It makes your face feel hot and the hairs on your body stand up. “Well, guess that's a good think huh?” You say back, your eyes staring into his fiery blue ones. 
Your long time crush was now standing in front of you, possibly going to act out on his feelings and you felt nothing but happiness. You had been eying him since you had walked in his apartment. 
Like how his black joggers fit nicely on his legs, and now his white tank top was tight against his chest, leaving little room for you to imagine. His toned arms free and currently flexing on the counter next to you had you practically drooling. 
 His face was close to yours, which gave you the excuse to stare at him even more. His black hair was messy, pointing in almost every direction. A small teasing smirk was on his face, his eyes looking you up and down. Not to mention that the staples and purple parts of his body had only made him sexier. 
He was the hottest man you knew, and he was hovering over you. 
“Is.. Is this okay?’’ Dabi asks, gazing into your eyes as he asks for permission, leaning in just enough that your lips brushed together, but still not what the both of you wanted. “Tell me now if you want me to stop”
You think about his question, and while there wasn’t anything to think about, your mind goes back to yesterday night. The night the girl he liked was killed. 
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
“Please.. I’ll do anything! I’ll never speak to him again.. Please” The scared voice of the female in front of you did nothing but piss you even more. Her shaking figure though, had made you happy. 
Swinging the bat in your hand you shake your head, it was too late for things like that.
“He’s mine, and I’ll be sure to kill anyone who tries to come between us. And that's a promise” You say, swinging the bat full force at her.
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
You nod, “Duh, wouldn’t have it another way” You say lowly, before your hand comes up to his cheek and pulls him into a kiss, one that you have been waiting forever for.
He presses his body against you, his hands going to your thighs as he hoists you up onto the counter. He had wanted to be even closer to you, so he settled his way between your legs and deepened the kiss. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. His lips were rough, but against your soft ones they were a perfect combination. You had waited so long, for just one kiss. 
And all it took was murder.
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sourbkg · 4 years
fic  navigation
word  count:  1630
warnings:  cursing
You wake up the next morning to the sound of an engine revving. With a groan, you look around your bare room. Boxes still litter the floor, but you’re grateful the movers put your bed’s frame together for you. A glance to your phone tells you it’s fifteen minutes shy of 8:00 and you groan again at the prospect of having to be awake before ten. You sit up, unable to fall back asleep with the noise outside, and decide to get dressed for the day. A plain gray tee and jeans find their way on your form after a shower, brushing your teeth and letting Kiro sleep in while you eat some cold pizza for breakfast. When you’re finished, you go back to unpacking boxes, completing what little was left in your bedroom before moving to the living-room. 
Kiro wakes up around 9:00, rubbing his eyes while a blanket trails behind him. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” You greet, giving him a kiss on the forehead when he’s close enough. He makes a noise, rubbing his stomach. 
“‘M hungry.” 
“Oh?” You don’t want him eating leftover pizza for breakfast, despite you eating pizza for breakfast. “Let’s get you dressed so we can get some groceries, then.” You stand, picking him up and carrying him back to his own room. His head rests on your shoulder, about to fall back asleep before he’s being set back down on the ground, arms above his head so you can change his pj’s. You put him in a black t-shirt that says ‘I’m the man’, followed by a pair of beige cargo shorts. You grab your wallet and slip shoes on the both of you, before grabbing your keys and heading out the door. 
The engine is still running, an hour later, and you glance to your right to see your red-headed ‘friend’ examining a motorcycle. He waves at you as you unlock your doors, and you do the same with a smile, putting Kiro in his carseat. When you look back over to your neighbor’s yard, you see a blonde in a black tank-top and gym shorts, seeming to be yelling at the red-head, who rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. He must feel you eyeing him down, because he shoots a glare your way that has you climbing into your front seat quickly despite there being no real threat towards you.  
There’s a small breath let out of you once safe in the confines of your car, and you fight the urge to steal a glance back towards who can assume is your neighbor. You pull out your phone and search for the nearest grocery store, inputting it in the gps, then back out of the driveway. You give another wave to Kirishima as you go, seeing as he’s staring your car down with the goofiest grin while still being ridiculed by the blonde. 
Kiro’s talkative once in his carseat, staring out the window with excitement written over his face as he takes in the new sightings. Promises of going to nearby parks and ice cream shops are made as long as he helps unpacking the remaining boxes. There’s a sparkle in his eyes you hadn’t seen in a while, and it’s enough to raise your own mood. 
The stop at the grocery store is quick. Getting necessities like cereal and milk for Kiro’s breakfast, things to make sandwiches when the middle of the day rolls around, and other random items Kiro may have set his sights on or that you deem worthy enough to enter your cart. Checking out is quick and painless, and soon you’re back in the car after putting the groceries in and buckling Kiro up. You do stop at a drive-thru and pick Kiro up something to eat, deciding it’s better than having a crabby five-year-old in the backseat. 
When you arrive back at your home, the blonde is the only one outside, wiping sweat from his brow as what you can guess is dirt and oil cover his arms and parts of his face. You grab what groceries you can, having Kiro carry the bread after he pinky swears to not crush it, and unlock the front door. Despite your best efforts, there’s still more groceries to grab. Kiro runs back out to grab whatever other snacks he chose, and you grab what feels like more than what you bought in the first place. 
“Need a hand?” You jump at the voice, but maintain your grip on your eggs. It’s Kirishima again, a bandana placed on his forehead keeping his hair out of his face. 
“No, I think I got it, but thank you-“ 
He’s already taking bags from your hands despite your protests, and you accept defeat rather quickly. Grabbing the last of the bags, you close your trunk and follow him inside. Once the bags are all settled on your counter, you begin to put stuff away while Kirishima stands idly. 
“I guess I should introduce myself to your friend since he’s my neighbor, huh?” You say, starting conversation while eggs, cheese, and milk get put neatly in the fridge. 
Kirishima gives a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. It seems to be a nervous habit he has. “Yeah, probably. Just a fair warning— he can seem really… what's the word? Brash? When you first meet him, but he’s not a bad guy.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, and he sends you a smile. “Swear.” He assures you. 
“Alright…” You brush off the overall weirdness of him promising you your neighbor isn’t an asshole, and finish putting everything away. “C’mon, Kiro, let’s go meet our neighbor.” 
The boy jumps up from his spot on the floor, grabbing your hand and Kirishima’s wrist, seeming more excited to meet someone new than you are. Kirishima laughs at his persistence, despite your walking speed not changing, and leads the way to his companions house. 
He’s still outside when you walk across the yard, a beer in hand while he rummaged through his tool kit. Kirishima pauses in front of him, nudging him with his foot to get his attention. 
“Hey, bro. Brought the neighbors over to meet you.” He grins, gesturing to you and Kiro, who hides behind your legs— any sense of curiosity lost the second sharp eyes met his own. Red eyes moved from the boy, raking up your legs and chest before settling on your face. He makes a noise of disinterest, going back to looking through the tool box. 
You look to Kirishima, who’s still wearing his assuring smile, “Don’t be like that, Bakubro!” Another nudge with his foot has ‘Bakubro’ sending the red-head a glare. He doesn’t falter. “This,” he gestures to you, “is (l/n) (y/n)! And this little guy,” he moves on to Kiro, “is Kiro.” The boy being called out hides even further behind you, hands gripping the hem of your shirt. 
One final nudge has the blonde being prompted to speak, Kirishima nodding his head towards the two of you. 
“Name’s Bakugou Katsuki.” His voice is rough and low, and would have left you flustered had he not seemed so blunt and uncaring of this whole interaction. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” You say, offering a smile he doesn’t return. “Have you uhm… lived in the neighborhood long?” 
Bakugou sighs through his nostrils, seeming aggravated he has to answer your question, “About two years.” 
“That’s neat…” you trail off, looking at Kirishima (who still has his million dollar smile). “Oh! Do either of you know any good daycares around town? I need to find one for Kiro…” 
Bakugou remains silent, finding whatever he needed in his toolbox and tinkering with the mechanics of the bike in front of him while Kirishima taps his chin thoughtfully. When he can’t seem to think of one quick enough, Bakugou speaks up. 
“A Child’s Castle. How the hell do you forget where your girlfriend works?”
Kirishima looks sheepish for a moment, a light blush adorning his cheeks and you’re mildly surprised he’s friends with someone so… brash. He rubs the back of his neck, “Right, that’s it! I couldn’t remember the name. I can give ‘er a call if you’d like, see how much it is and if they’re taking kids right now? I have no clue how that stuff works.” He laughs, pulling out his phone. 
“That’d be great, actually.” You’re elated. Kiro would have someone to watch over him while you went job searching and he’d be near someone you’ve come to know. You really couldn’t have gotten luckier with your neighbor placement. 
A few minutes of talking to Mina leads to her promising she’d bring you the papers needed for Kiro to attend the daycare, and that she’d be over to answer any questions you might have to ease any anxieties. Kirishima soon hangs up the phone and Bakugou stands, stretching. He’s… tall. Taller than Kirishima, who's already towering over you. 
“Oi!” He calls out, eyes settling behind you. When you look, you see Kiro picking at wild flowers that happen to be growing in his yard. “Don’t touch those.” 
Kiro immediately withdraws, hands finding your own. You want to argue and say they’re just flowers, but something about his features tells you not to. You squeeze Kiro’s hand. 
“Well, we’ll be going now. Thanks for your help, Kirishima, I really do owe you.” 
He waves you off, “Don’t be ridiculous.” 
You insist anyways, “I do, you can’t fight me on this. It was nice to meet you, Bakugou.” You give him another smile that he doesn’t return, “I hope we can talk again later.” You don’t. 
With a final goodbye, you head back to your house and let out a sigh. He really is… something else. 
{𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓼} @mrsreina @cold-deep-water @pm4gal
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goldenmusicmoments · 4 years
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Taylor Swift - Evermore (Review):
Willow - This string led opening track is rather a calm beginning to the album. Her vocals on the track are gentle and breathy. Here she sings about being drawn back to the person of interest, no matter what obstacle/distance that comes between them. The willow branch acts as a navigator that guides her to him. The way she says ‘That’s my man’ showcases her certainty in this relationship. The tender vocal, yet firm lyrics, in particular the placement of ‘That’s my man’ provides the song with an interesting dynamic.
Champagne Problems - This is a rather sombre piano drive track in which you are instantly drawn in by the lyrics as you try and follow the storyline. The track seems to have a reflective nature to it. Here she tells a tale where the prospective character seems to be doing things that seem to be hurting the relationship. The track does have this dreamy feel to it through some of the breathy vocals placed on the track. The bridge depicts a sense of frustration through the way the lyrics are sung, and we come to find out that the engagement fell apart. A mesmerising moment on the album that showcases Taylor’s ability to captivate the listener through her storytelling.
Gold Rush - Here we get this ethereal and dreamy opening, that then leads to a more upbeat verse. The chorus swarms over you with its stunning flow. Then you are taken back to the upbeat verse. The dynamic of the track makes each moment a surprise. The bridge gives you this feeling as if you are flying through the clouds over a scenic area. The track then comes to an end just as it begun with the dreamy vocal. The track seems to be about being into someone who has others swooning over them due to their attractive nature. She seems to fall for them, but some how manages to wake up from the edge of falling.
‘Tis The Damn Season - The track instantly opens up with this sense of urgency through the instrumentation which continues through its entirety. The way the vocal comes in gives you a similar feeling as when you feel a cold chill. Here the prospective character seems to have returned to her hometown to visit. She seems to be revisiting places that hold memories for her and a past lover. Her return leads her back to this past lover and they seem to have a moment. In a way they seem to be a place of comfort for her and letting go for her is difficult due to that. An interesting tale of how returning to your hometown results in revisiting an old flame.
Tolerate It - The always anticipated track five on the album. The track lives up to the expectation its placement on the album creates for it. A heartbreaking piano led song about a one sided relationship in which she seems to be putting in all the effort, whilst he sits back and tolerates the relationship. The transition into the chorus on this track is so dreamy with the airy ‘aaaahhaah’. Here she seems to be pleading to be noticed. Again she showcases her great ability to paint such a vivid picture for the listener. The lyric ‘Now I am begging for foot notes in the story of your life’ so powerfully depicts her desperation to get something more from him. The bridge in its entirety is so heartbreaking. The vocals compliment the emotion the lyrics depict so well. An immensely sad and captivating moment on the album. Also the use of the word ‘Tolerate’ to describe how he is putting up with her is rather interesting.
No Body, No Crime (Ft. HAIM) - This track slightly changes the tone of things with its folksy vibe due to the use of the harmonica in particular. She seems to be drawing a picture of a murder tale. It seems like she is playing detective at the start. The repetitive chorus plays out like a clue in an investigation playing on your mind over and over whilst you try to decipher what it means or points to. HAIM don’t feature in the way you might have expected, as they don’t have a verse on the track. They instead provide backing vocals on the track. Very much like how The Chicks were featured on her track ‘Soon You’ll Get Better’. The bridge provides with resolve in which the prospective character who at first is assumed to be playing detective turns out to be the killer. 
Happiness - This track starts with the most minimal production and instrumentation. The vocal is the prominent part, gradually there is a build in production and instrumentation still not to an extent where it over powers the vocal. The song is a reflective track about a relationship that has ended, she comes to the realisation that happiness will exist after the demise of the relationship just as it did during it. Her saying ‘I guess it’s the price I paid for seven years in heaven’ kind of points to the fact that happiness doesn’t always last forever. You’ll find moments of sadness amongst the moments of happiness. This song holds your attention by keeping you gripped by the lyrics, yet you also feel lost in its beauty. A rather sad song titled ‘Happiness’.
Dorothea - Now we come to a more lively track on the album, the pace doesn’t change up too significantly from the rest of the album though. Which prevents it from sounding like something misplaced on the record. Here Dorothea is a past lover of the person who’s prospective the track is written from, who has moved out of their hometown and chased a career in Hollywood. The prospective character has remained in their hometown, they wish their past lover well and they’d welcome them back, but feel as though Dorothea may no longer feel the same way about the place anymore. It’s a track in which the prospective character seems to be wondering about Dorothea, what she’s up to, how she is doing and whether she ever thinks back on the life she left behind. The song seems to be linked to the track ’Tis The Damn Season’ in which that song is from the prospective of Dorothea and this from the prospective of the old flame.
Coney Island (Ft. The National) - Here we get a a duet that is both conversational and reflective. Both rather than blaming each other seem to be questioning themselves, as to whether something they did was the cause for the relationships demise. When the lead singer from The National’s vocal comes in it throws you off, as at first Taylor provides a gentle vocal and then he comes in with a stronger vocal. However their voices work really well together. The track has a very sombre feel, you seem to visualise yourself seated on a bench by the sea on a cold and rainy day. With each listen you fall more and more in love with this track.
Ivy - On this track we get a tale of infidelity, the prospective character is the one falling for someone else whilst being married. The story is told in a eerie way both through its lyrics and the sound of the track. Her way of using ivy as a metaphor to describe the entanglement is beautiful and you seem to get lost in the track. 
Cowboy Like Me - This track is one of the standout moments with its cinematic tale and its mellow feel. The song takes you on this journey and then the reveal at the end that she cons him has your jaw drop to the ground. The track completely encapsulates you in its trance and the guitar moment provides the track with such a dreamy and sensual feel. Also a surprise on this track is that Marcus Mumford from Mumford & Sons does the harmonies on the track and his vocal compliments Taylor’s really well. You envision yourself seated on a rocking chair whilst this song plays as you try visualising the tale. 
Long Story Short - Now the pace picks up on this track about the prospective characters journey through life in particular her relationships. It seems that she made a few mistakes or not so good choices, however was able to redeem herself. Through the storytelling lyrics you see a journey of growth for the prospective character. Its upbeat nature will have you moving your head to it. Near the end of the track there is a very short moment where there is a switch up in the production of the track with a breathy vocal that you seem to want to last longer.
Marjorie - This track is about Taylor’s maternal grandmother who was an opera singer. Here she sings about death and its impact on you. She says that although someone dies, they live on through the memories they leave behind and the people they make an impact on. Also it highlights how things that we often see as insignificant (she uses the grocery store receipts as an example) end up becoming things we hold onto when that person is no longer with us. On the track her grandmothers vocals are also sampled which is such a precious moment here. The song is a beautiful moment on the album and you feel teary throughout it. Justin Vernon of Bon Iver provides the harmonies on this track.
Closure - Here the track opens up with this really chaotic production which continues throughout the track. That maybe done to depict the chaos you feel when you’ve not been able to get the closure you need to move on from the situation at hand. It seems as if the person of topic is reaching out to her, however she feels that the person is putting on an act and that it is not needed. As she repeats that she doesn’t need his closure. 
Evermore (Ft. Bon Iver) - This serves as the closing track to the standard version of the album and it provides for a perfect ending. It is a piano driven song with a sombre feel to it. It seems like the prospective character has given up hope, she feels that the pain she is feeling isn’t going to leave her. The tracks pace picks up and then Bon Iver’s vocal comes in, which is a surprising moment on the song. Then we reach the climatic moment where there is a back and forth between the two and then you are brought back down to the calmer pace of the first half of the track. The track closes on a hopeful note where she comes to the realisation that the pain she once thought would last forever, will eventually go away. The title of the track is then sung back and forth between the two bring the song to an end in a beautiful way.
Right Where You Left Me (Bonus Track) - The track gets things going with an immediate start. It’s quirky track about a girl who’s relationship fell apart and she seems to be stuck in the same place where she got her heartbroken. She’s not been able to move past it, whilst her past lover has moved on with their life. The track has a lively feel to it and as we reach the end there is a build in the pace of the track.
It’s Time To Go (Bonus Track) - This track is rather mellow with a sense of urgency to it through the instrumentation. Near the end we get a bit of a change in production which gives the track a captivating closing. The track is about following your gut and getting away from a situation that seems to be toxic or unhealthy. An interesting closing to the deluxe version of the album, due to the moment where the person builds up the courage to leave is placed at the end.
Overall another strong body of work from top to bottom. Taylor Swift truly released both her best albums in the same year. Not only that but she managed to create two albums of such high standard in a short amount of time. She really outdid herself and showcased how great of an artist she is. Evermore is described as a sister record to Folklore, and it really plays out as a sequel. Evermore however has a brighter feel to it, when comparing to Folklore. Both records contrast each other in a stunning mannerism.
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yoongi-sugaglider · 5 years
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Featuring ot7 x reader platonically
word count:16,394
A young woman finds herself awakening in a distant futuristic city, no clue how she’s arrived there and no clue how to get home. With no clue what to do or where to go, she runs. Though she’s no clue who’d chasing her…or what they could possibly want with her.
A/n: So...to be forewarned this story is heavily based on a dream I had a while back. All of the events written here actually happened, in my dream, exactly as written. 
Warnings: kidnapping, character death, too much running not enough breathing, angry Namjoon
“Miss? Miss are you okay?”
She gazed around, mind a fog as she tried desperately to make sense of her surroundings. The incandescent street lights glaring down at her in the most unrelenting way gave her an immediate indication that she certainly wasn’t at home in her bed anymore.
An elderly woman peered down at her, concern written into the wrinkles covering her face as she clutched her oversized reusable shopping bag to her chest. The young woman groaned, a splitting headache causing her to cover her eyes with an arm as she tried to take stock of what her body was telling her.
The cool feel of concrete beneath her back told her that she was laying on some sort of sidewalk. The smell of exhaust and the stale stench of humanity, a strange combination of body odor and fast food grease, let her know she was in a city of some sort. And the sounds of concern from the old woman along with the far off honks and squeals of tires let her know this was very much not her quiet bedroom where she’d fallen asleep.
Struggling to sit up she took a glance around her, confirming the quiet city street she found herself on and the dark and star-filled night sky above her. This was very much not her home. But then, how could she have gotten here? And what on Earth was she going to do about getting back?
A quick pat-down of her body let her know she was not in the shorts and tee-shirt she’d gone to bed in. Instead, a pair of jeans hugged her hips and a short-sleeved red tee-shirt graced her torso. A pair of Nike’s she’d never seen before wrapped her feet in protection, though she noted that a pair of white socks, something she would never wear, peaked from beneath the jeans and taunted her with the strangeness of the situation.
“Miss? Really? Are you okay dear?” The woman’s insistent voice nagged at her, causing a fist of irritation to take hold in her chest.
“No ma’am I’m not okay. As a matter of fact, I'm so far from okay I’d say I’m very much lost. Where...where am I? What is this place and how did I get here?”
The old woman clicked her tongue, eyes glancing around at the dark street as if looking for someone else to take over the situation so that she wouldn’t have to deal with the apparent crazy person sitting on the ground in front of her.
“My my...well this won’t do at all. We should get you to the authorities…”
The woman’s words caused the lost girl to bolt up to her feet, disregarding the sudden wave of nausea that washed over her. “Haha! Ah no ma’am, I’ll be alright, I think I’ll just get going...home now. Yeah! Um, have a nice night!”
She raced off, barely giving the elderly woman a passing glance as she moved with haste into the darkness.
Nothing around her felt familiar. Even the street lights seemed strange, an automated affair that only lit up as she passed under them and turned off as she moved away. She moved onward, a state of panic rising within her as her eyes took in the neon lights of the tall buildings that rose before her.
This was unlike anything she’d seen before, a once barren street now turned into the busy nightlight of some futuristic metropolis filled with the sounds of human discord and angst. She crossed her arms over her chest, tucking her elbows in close to herself as she pushed through the crowd. Her eyes took in the movement and confusion around her in furtive glances as she struggled desperately to find something familiar.
Everything seemed hyper-realistic, almost as if she was caught in the haze of a dream. A quick pinch to the delicate skin in the crook of her arm confirmed to her though that this was indeed reality and yes, she really was lost.
“Oi! Watch’er there ya bumbling idiot!” A harsh shove to the chest caused her to lose her footing as the unfamiliar voice accosted her. She stumbled to the side, knocking into what at first glance looked to be some sort of strange robot but quickly made itself apparent as a food cart. She bowed her head to whoever had yelled at her, but it seemed the man, or woman, had moved on, in what she could only assume was a rush that everyone around her seemed to experience and feel at once.
“The time is now,23:59. Absolution will be attended by all in...1...minute.” A cold robotic female voice echoed through the streets, causing a chill to run up her spine as she stared around in an attempt to find the source of the voice. But nothing came to sight immediately as all those around her were pressing forward at a far more hurried pace. Another bump from some unseen person carried her into the crowd, giving her no choice but to follow along, lest she be crushed beneath the sheer weight of the rush of the anxious-looking people.
A neon glare blinded her as she was forced forward with the crowd, causing the panic to sit heavy in her chest as she struggled to make sense of what was going on around her.
She found herself in a square, surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of humans in all manner of dress, from rich to poor, all ages and races and social statuses pressed into one giant mass that had come together in the high-rise nightmare fronted by massive holographic screens that took up the face of every building she could see on all sides of her.
Each hologram displayed the time in bold, neon purple flare, the lights so bright they blocked out the light of the stars above, casting the faint wisps of clouds that could be seen in a sickly lavender glow that only served to cause the fear within her to rise further.
She turned to the young man pressed in beside her, hoping to ask what was going on, but the reverent almost manic look in his eyes only served to discourage her from asking any questions. She didn’t want to stand out, but she oh so desperately wanted to know what was going on, hoping that any indication of day, or time, or location, would help her to identify where she was, if not then to help her figure out what had happened to bring her to this place.
Her questions would remain unanswered though and the fear coursing through her veins only increased as the neon lights suddenly dimmed, casting the world around her in pitch darkness as voices began to chant in unison all throughout the city. The dull murmur became a roar of voices that ended on a high pitched scream to rival any concert she’d ever witnessed as the screens came to life, a face lighting up the hologram that sent a chill down her spine.
Though the man seemed kind, dimples imprinted deeply within cheeks that stretched into a kind smile as he stared unseeing at those that crowded the city. And yet something unsettling came over the young woman as she watched him gaze out over what appeared to be a cult-like devotion to his face.
“Kind and humble people. We gather tonight, as on every night, to worship and give thanks to our benevolent leader. Kim Namjoon. Hallowed be His name.” 
Those surrounding her echoed the last sentence as one, each bowing their heads and closing their eyes as if uttering a prayer to this so-called leader. The young man beside her glared out of the corner of his eye and she quickly bowed her head as well, hoping that the slip wouldn’t garner her further attention.
“My dear children. As I look out upon your gathered faces, I am forever grateful to you for coming together in these the greatest times of peace the world has ever known. Though hardship and pain have not been erased we toil together as one in hopes of a unified existence.”
His voice was pleasant enough to hear, a deep timbre that seemed to pacify and sway those around her with some unseeing calm. Though the words struck her as odd she listened along, hoping to glean some insight into what could have brought her here, and where here even was.
“Our great cities were built on the backs of our ancestors, men and women so bent on destruction that they would end the very lives of their families if it meant they could experience even a fraction of the peace we so humbly have achieved in this our greatest time as humans. I ask you to come together as one, young and old, rich and poor, and give thanks to the hard workers, the construction workers, and farmers, from grocery store worker to police officer, we would be nothing without the backbone of our civilization. Give thanks and appreciation so that we may find peace within ourselves for the lives we take for granted each day.”
The people around her raised a cheer, manic in their wide-eyed and glazed over expressions as they pressed forward around her. They seemed to be possessed by the man’s words, all motioned and movement seeming to simply be a struggle to get as close to the holographic screens as possible.
The terrified woman pressed against the crowd, head down and eyes forward so as not to draw attention to herself as she attempted to escape the madness of those around her. A sudden jerk on the tail of her shirt forced her to stumble to a stop, eyes wide and breath ragged as she slowly turned to stare down at a young boy who smiled up at her with gleaming teeth and the same manic look in his eyes as all of the adults around him.
“Where are you going? The devotion hasn’t finished yet.” His gaze became suspicious as he took in her lack of attention towards the glowing holograms. “Something’s wrong...Miss, why aren’t you smiling?”
She stuttered over her words as one by one those around her began to pay attention to the little boy’s words. A hushed murmur rushed through the crowd as she pulled herself out of the boy’s grip and pressed onward.
Shoulders bumped her and shifting eyes took in her state of unrest, the crowd becoming more and more aware of the fact that she wasn’t one of them.
“Deviation! Catch the unrepentant!” A scream rose up just as she broke free from the masses, legs pumping and lungs straining as she raced away from the city center past unfamiliar storefronts and alien city streets, the sound of pursuit close behind her.
A cacophony of alarms rang through the air, warning sounds that now the authorities had been alerted to an unfamiliar and unwanted presence. She wasn’t sure where she was going, never had been. She only knew the fear, and the need to escape, no matter what the cost.
“Sire, there’s been reports of an anomaly in sector 12.”
“I’m aware, Kim. Zero in on the anomaly. I want eyes on the ground as soon as possible. We can NOT allow a deviation in my system.”
“Yes, Sire.” Seokjin began typing at an almost inhuman rate, eyes all the while trained on the same code Namjoon was watching.
The security room was a flurry of activity, humans moving among each other in a haste to comply with their leader’s order.
Namjoon frowned at the glowing blue screens in front of him, eyes dancing over numbers and symbols that would mean nothing to the untrained eye and yet told him more than a photo would have done for anyone else.
One of the older security monitors cleared his throat, eyes darting to Namjoon before bringing his attention back to the large holographic orb he’d been tasked with monitoring.
“Sire, it seems to be an adult female, though our cameras show she is no longer in the devotion square. One elderly woman aged 87 interacted with her at 23:32, though...our scans show she...just...ah...she...”
“Min. I don’t appreciate the stutter. Speak or hold your tongue.”
“Sire, she appeared out of nowhere.”
Namjoon turned in his chair, gaze seeking out the pale form of his security chief. “Excuse me?”
“I...one moment there’s nothing on the screen and the next there’s a body lying on the ground. She...well she lays there for a while and then the woman walks over and seems to wake her up. It’s like, she just appeared from nowhere.”
Seokjin glanced up from his screen, eyes focused on the codex streaming live before him. “Could it be a glitch in the camera system? People don’t just appear out of thin air.”
Namjoon’s frown deepened as his fist clenched beneath his chin.
“We have reports coming in from Sector 14, suspect spotted heading towards the slums.” Yoongi began tapping on the orb, eyes filled with a glowing blue haze as they attempted to make sense of the data scrolling across it.
“We don’t have eyes on her yet?” Seokjin demanded, eyes frantic as he typed away at his own station.
“No Sir, that sector is under a mandatory blackout to combat the inner-city energy crisis.”
“I know why the blackout is there Yoongi!”
“ENOUGH!” Namjoon stood, the chair he’d been sitting in thrown back against the wall behind him. “I want eyes on that woman NOW!”
His shout echoed through the room, seeming almost to shake the very walls themselves with the power of his rage.
All activity stopped for but a moment as the humans around him trembled in fear. They stared at him wide-eyed before snapping back to themselves and returning to their duties at a far more anxious pace.
Namjoon stared up at the codex, fists clenched at his side as the emotions roiling within him twisted his features.
“I don’t know what you’re doing here...but I will find you…and I WILL bring you to me…”
A sudden downpour found the exhausted woman pressed into the shadows of a narrow alley between two squat and dilapidated buildings. She crouched beside the decaying remains of a large metal dumpster, elbows on her knees and hair dripping rainwater into her eyes as she struggled to come to terms with the burning ache of a lack of oxygen in her chest.
It hadn’t taken her much to lose the pursuing crowd among the various twists and turns of the massive high-rise alleyways. Every now and again the frenzied cry of one the many chasing her would rise up, sending her heart racing as she pushed away from the shadows of her hiding place and the chase would be on once more. At some point she’d heard the high pitched wail of what could only have been a police siren, indicating the authorities had gotten involved and setting her on edge every time the flash of red and blue danced across her irises.
She glanced around, taking stock of the far less densely populated area that she found herself in now. She’d smelled the underlying rot the moment she’d entered what she could only assume was the slums of this so-called great city.
A nauseating mixture of human body odor and rotting food, stale urine and desperation. This and more and far worse greeted her as she massaged her legs, a valiantly useless pursuit to stem the buildup of lactic acid flooding the various muscles in her legs. The overall pitch darkness of the area only helped to calm her slightly, setting her mind at ease at the relative safety of her darker clothing that blended into the shadows she’d pressed herself in to.
She took a moment to take stock of her physical well being, noting the ache in her legs and the burn that was slowing fading in her lungs. She shivered slightly in the cold and damp of the downpour but for the most part, she was basically unscathed. 
Rising slowly she pushed away from the brick wall at her back, almost tiptoeing as she moved to the entrance of the claustrophobic alleyway to peek out into the barren streets beyond. No soul stood to greet her and besides the distant sound of sirens and the pitter-patter of rain the neighborhood was quiet.
She sighed to herself, hands tucking into the warmth of her sides as she moved from her hiding place and onto the street. She knew she had to keep moving, complacency could cost her her life at this point. And so she chose to explore the area, mostly in the hopes she could find some empty house to warm up and dry off.
The homes she walked past were all mostly run-down, a far cry from the luxury and bright lights of the larger parts of the city she’d escaped. Many of the lots stood empty, bare of nothing more than weeds and various abandoned shaped that she found herself hard-pressed to go and investigate.
An abandoned construction site caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. No more than hulking shapes in the darkness, but a potentially safe place nonetheless. Cautiously she made her way forward, passing massive wooden walls crumbling in disrepair that surrounded the site and gave the majority of the enclosed area a relatively secluded feeling.
Steel pipes littered the muddy quagmire at her feet, posing as obstacles that she tripped over several times as she made her way over to the unfinished concrete walls of the abandoned building.
Quivering fingers reached towards the rain-slicked plastic covering that hung from the entrance, pushing it aside to allow the woman access to the building. She sighed in relief as the freezing rain ceased its relentless pounding on her skin. Shaking her head she reached up to squeeze some of the water from her hair, eyes blurry as she struggled to adjust her sight to the gloom that surrounded her.
The building was mostly a wide open space, metal pipes leaned against unfinished walls and square patches of ceiling that would have served as the flooring for the upper level. She remained unsure as to the use of the building, but for now, it didn’t matter. For now, it could protect her far better than the alleyways and dumpsters she’d been hiding beside before.
Moving forward she set to explore, eyes wide in the darkness and a handheld against the wall to brace her and guide her way. A few abandoned tools lay on the ground around her, hammers and abandoned nails along with several items that she couldn’t identify but could have sworn were right out of an alien movie. Though as she looked upon them she remembered her inability to identify tools meant she might not have recognized them or their use even in the light of day.
Making her way to the back half of the room she came to what appeared to be a set of stairs leading to the upper floors, though on closer inspection she realized she wouldn’t be able to ascend them due to the metal pipes that’d seemed to have collapsed over the majority of them.
With a sigh, she made her way over to the junction between the outside wall and the stairs, collapsing into the dry corner and leaning her head against the wall. For the first time since she’d awoken she felt a sense of calm washing over her, a shiver running through her body as she felt the tensed muscles throughout her body finally relaxing.
Slowly her eyes began to drift closed, body curling in on itself as she turned away from the sound of the rain and allowed herself to succumb to the bliss of unconsciousness.
“Hyung, look!”
“I see her.”
“Do you think it’s a her?”
“Yeah, maybe she’d be good for practice?”
“I think so, hyung. We should bring her back.”
The whispered words roused her from her stupor, making her very much aware of her vulnerable position. The fear streaked through her once more, adrenaline chasing away the exhaustion.
As the two voices merged into the sound of the metal pipes on the stairs being moved, a sight worse than the voices greeted her eyes. The flashing blue lights she’d just been running from filled the abandoned building, causing the two voices to squeak in fear as the sound of a police siren chirped twice.
“Sh...hyung what do we do?”
“Just relax, we’ll just…”
The pipes above her clanked together, one by one rolling off of the stairs before all crashing down around her. Quickly she covered her head, attempting to shield her body from the brutal assault.
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know, hyung. Crap the cops!”
“Yeah I know, hush they’ll hear us!”
“Please don’t let them find me?” The woman whimpered just loud enough for the two men to hear. She could only hope against hope that the two young men weren’t actually trying to kill her and would in fact help her through the situation.
She was filled with fear, thoughts flooding her mind as she struggled to control the trembling of her limbs.
“Mmm...it’s you two…”
“Officer Tae Tae, how are you this fine evening?”
“That’s Officer Kim to you Jung.”
She listened close, body trembling as she attempted to remain quiet and not draw attention to herself.
“What are you two doing here at this hour? You know we have a curfew for boys your age right?”
“Ah, yeah about that…”
“It’s the new kid!”
“New kid? Park, what are you talking about?”
“Yeah the...the new kid! We met him earlier today, was giving him a place to stay but the...the storm…”
“The storm spooked him and he ran here and got hurt.”
She had to hand it to them, they may have sounded half-witted coming up with the story on the fly, but from the tone of the officer’s voice, it seemed to have convinced him well enough.
“Well, where is this new kid exactly?”
“The pipes fell on him, Sir. We were just about to help him out from under them but you stopped us...Sir”
The officer hummed, taking but a moment before responding. “Well, go on then, get the poor kid out of there!”
The two boys squeaked again, jumping into action as they began to move the pipes one by one off of her. A bundle of cloth was forced into her hand as she was pulled from the pile of metal, something soft and warm that she clutched to her chest as a strong pair of arms wrapped around her in a bear hug.
“Jason! You’re okay!”
Jason? What could…
“See Officer Kim! We weren’t lying!”
A bright flashlight shone on her, though she kept her head lowered and her damp hair hanging in her eyes to conceal her features.
“Well...are ya hurt kid?”
Quickly she shook her head no, burying herself into the broad chest that hugged her close.
The cop hummed, flashlight trailing over the rest of her body as if checking for wounds before clicking off and plunging the building into darkness except for the constant flicker of the red and blue lights from outside.
“Alright, well...all’s well that ends well I suppose ...You three get on home now you hear! I don’t want no trouble out of the lot of ya. There’s too much going on tonight for me to be worried about you strays.”
The officer walked off, leaving the three in the darkness as he climbed into his vehicle and drove off into the night.
The room was quiet as they waited until they couldn’t hear the squelch of police tires anymore before heaving a collective sigh of relief.
“Yeah, she’s perfect.”
Before she had time to process what they’d said the taller of the two wrapped his arms around her chest, pulling her close and pinning her arms down as she kicked and screamed.
“Please no!”
The shorter grabbed her legs or attempted to anyway. He grunted, bent nearly in half as her flailing feet caught him square in the chest and forced the air from his lungs with a woosh.
“Please! Lady no! You don’t understand! You have to come with us!”
“We need to practice!”
Practice? A slew of horrid thoughts invaded her mind, so paralyzing in their ominous intent that it rendered the woman inert enough for the men to carry her to their vehicle, a bright orange affair with a number on the side that she could barely identify in the pouring rain.
They tossed her in the back seat, tugging the lap belt across her waist before hurrying into the front seats and speeding off into the night.
One of the young men threaded his fingers through his hair, quirking his eyebrow as he pushed his bangs off his forehead. It would have been quite the sultry and inviting look had the woman not been scared for her very life.
“Hi, I’m Jimin, Park Jimin. But you...can call me Daddy.”
The other man burst out laughing, slapping his knee before gripping his stomach and doubling over in his mirth. Jimin whirled to glare at his elder, a look of murder coming over his as he allowed his bangs to fall back over his forehead. “Oh? Haha, very funny Hoseok hyung. Let’s see you do better!”
They’d tied her to a chair in the basement of their shared home, a rundown affair that left much to be desired in terms of comfort. What she’d seen of it had given her the impression they’d been living alone for quite some time. The typical bachelor pad decorations of discarded food containers and unwashed clothes in piles throughout the area she’d seen before they unceremoniously dumped her where she now sat.
She glanced up to the one called Hoseok, tears in her eyes as she bit down on the cloth they’d shoved into her mouth. She shrank back into the chair as he approached, twisting her wrists in the restraints as he leaned in close to her with a half cocky smirk.
“You know, I’ve been watching you all night. I can’t help but think there could be something between us. Why don’t you come dance with me and we can see where the night takes us?”
Jimin whistled, giving his elder a round of applause as Hoseok stepped back with a self-assured smile on his face. He folded his arms over his chest, eyes watching the woman’s reaction when his shoulders suddenly sagged in on themselves.
“I..Jimin I don’t think it’s working…” The elder sighed in defeat, turning away from her to lean up against the unused washing machine shoved against the wall.
The single dim light bulb swing above their heads as the room delved into a suffocating silence, only pierced now and again by the sounds of vehicles passing on the streets above them
“Well...I mean it’s hard for her to tell us what we’re doing wrong if there’s a dirty sock in her mouth hyung. Maybe we should take it out and let her talk?”
Hoseok quickly shook his head, eyes wide as he stared at their captive. “No, no way. Her screams were scary. I mean. I was never gonna hurt you lady. Honest. But you kept fighting us and well...we just had to tie you down.”
The woman was taken aback, shock and anger coursing through her as she glared at the two sheepish looking men. Of course she fought back! They had kidnapped her for no reason right after lying to the cops about who she even was!
She attempted to say so but the filthy material stuffed in her mouth prevented it, causing the sounds to come out as grunts and further screams.
The two shrunk back, almost cowering into each other as they watched her twist and fight in her restraints.
“Please, lady! Just calm down okay! We just wanted to practice our pickup lines is all!”
Her movements stilled, the anger slowly bleeding away at the purely innocent tone of the younger man.
“We...we never saw such a pretty lady like you. Most of the ladies we meet are all mean or call us disgusting because of where we live. We just thought…” Jimin turned to Hoseok, hands spread as if begging the elder to help him explain.
“We just wanted your help…”
She hung her head with a sigh, all anger finally gone as the extreme fatigue of everything that had happened to her suddenly washed over her. She lifted her head, sighing out once more as she jerked her head to Hoseok in the hopes he would understand.
“You...you won’t scream?” He asked, voice trembling slightly as he stepped forward hesitantly.
She shook her head, no she wouldn’t scream.
The boy grinned, his smile somehow bright even in the darkness of the room as he scrambled to pull the sock from her mouth.
She gagged, tilting her head to spit on the floor in the hopes that the taste would leave her be.
“Okay...listen…” Her voice croaked, having barely been used besides screaming and begging for her life. “F...first off...can I get some water?”
The two nodded, both scrambling over each other with hopeful grins as they raced upstairs in their urgency to comply with her request.
Moments later found her untied and sitting in the chair, clutching the cup of water as she desperately gulped the refreshing liquid down. “Ugh...god..You couldn’t have used a clean sock?” She muttered. Leaning back in the chair she sat the cup on the ground, eyes searching out their faces as they nervously giggled.
“Ah...sorry...it was the only thing I could find…” Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck, a pretty blush staining the apples of his cheeks as he stared down at the ground in shame.
“Listen, boys...I get where you’re coming from. And the opportunity presented itself and you took it without thinking.” They nodded emphatically at her words, eyes shining with the hope that she understood them.
“But…” She held up a finger, causing both their faces to drop like scolded puppies. “You don’t kidnap a lady, no matter how desperate you are or how epic the opportunity may seem. It’s rude and uncultured and I honestly thought you two were going to kill me...or worse.”
Hoseok shook his head, fear and panic in his eyes as Jimin rushed forward to grab her hand.
Dropping to his knees he stared up at her with tears in his eyes as he began to beg. “Oh please no! We really never meant to hurt you. We would never...never…”
“Wait...what do you mean by worse?” Hoseok asked, all innocence and sadness.
She explained to him her darkest thoughts in the moment and they both recoiled in horror, fresh tears coming to their eyes. They stumbled over each other, words rushing together as they attempted to explain themselves and apologize. It was a cacophony of sound that only drove her to cover her ears, instantly silencing them as they looked on in shame.
“It’s okay boys, really...I mean it’s not I guess but. I can forgive you. I see now you never intended to hurt me. But you can’t ever do anything like this again okay?
Both were on their knees before her now, begging over and over for her forgiveness as they sobbed and lamented their mistakes. She couldn’t help but to find them adorable, seeing the innocence that shone in each of their faces.
No, these boys weren’t killers. They were simply misinformed and inexperienced in the ways of proper etiquette. It became very obvious to her as they led her upstairs, explaining how they’d both been abandoned by their parents and left to fend for themselves in the slums. 
Hoseok had made his way by dancing on street corners in the higher-end entertainment district, a place where musicians often were the center of attention but where he’d carved out a niche for himself, just enough to earn him the money to buy this house and provide food and clothing for him and his best friend Jimin.
It very quickly became apparent to the woman as they entered the living room that the time she’d come from was definitely not the one she currently found herself in. For one, despite the shabbiness of the building, the paint peeling on the walls and the rips and stains in the carpet, the technology she could see was far more advanced than what she was used to seeing.
A panel was inlaid into the wall of what looked to be a kitchen across from the basement stairs. The screen glowed a subtle blue, images flashing across it like some sort of news ticker that displayed the various nutritional levels of those in the house, along with blinking options of foods that would correct any imbalances.
Beyond the living room in what she assumed was a living room was a hologram projection against one wall, what looked to be some sort of movie or video game paused in its image, though it wasn’t anything she’d ever seen.
The boys led her to the living room, allowing her to sit on the silvery material of the sofa. It looked to have been some sort of silken material, though it was heavily worn in some places and stained beyond recognition in others.
Hoseok raced back to the kitchen as Jimin sat beside her. From her position on the sofa, she watched as Hoseok held his wrist up to the panel on the kitchen wall, muttering words at the screen and waiting patiently as it blinked back at him. After a moment a door slid open in the wall, dispensing several strange items onto a plate which Hoseok grabbed eagerly before the door slid closed once more, the section now having disappeared from view.
Her eyes wandered the room, taking in the various other faded metal contraptions and gadgets that her mind couldn’t place the use for as Hoseok returned to the room with a sheepish smile on his face.
“I, it’s not much but…” He handed the plate to her, gaze wavering as she inspected the items lined up to feed her.
“I...are you sure? This is…”
Jimin shook his head, arm hooking with hers as he grinned brightly. “After everything you’ve been through it’s the least we could do.” He finished with a shrug, though she would see the way he eyed several of the items on the plate and the action tugged at her heart.
“These things have to be expensive, though...I don’t quite...know what they are.” She raised her hand as the boys began to protest, a smile dancing on her lips as they instantly quieted down.
“How about we share it? The two of you can tell me more about yourselves? And I can tell you about me. How does that sound?”
*** “Sire, we’ve got a lock on the target.”
“Details Min. Details.”
“At 0225 a call was made to Sector 14 police dispatch of an investigation into an abandoned construction site. The officer on scene reported 2 known citizens and one unknown in the building and dismissed the situation as typical for the area. An investigation of the citizens’ home indicated a human female age unknown that is not registered or tagged within our system.” Yoongi turned from his surveillance orb to watch his leader’s reaction.
“I’m assuming you’ve launched security to investigate further?” Namjoon’s fingers tapped a rhythm out on his pants leg as he frowned down at the security officer.
“I have Sire. They will be approaching the target by 0237, though it’s still not confirmed that the anomaly is our suspect.”
“An unregistered human causes commotion in the devotion square and then hours later another unregistered turns up in the area of escape and you’re not sure it’s her?” Namjoon’s voice never wavered, though his words had the entire room full of people instantly on edge.
“Sire…” Yoongi stuttered, eyes wide as he seemed to shrink in on himself. 
“Min...you have a role to play. We all do, do we not?”
“S...Sire please!” The pale man seemed to only grow paler as those around him slowly began to move away from him.
“Answer the question Min.” Namjoon’s voice, though quiet and calm echoed through the room with an almost visible menace.
“Y...yes Sir. We all have our roles to...to play…” Yoongi’s voice hitched at the last word, releasing a soul-wrenching sob as he scrambled from his post. His body crumbled beneath him, dropping him to his knees as he prostrated himself before the terrifying leader.
“Does doubt align with your role Min?”
“No Sire. Doubt has no place in my role.” Yoongi was now trembling, tears spilling from his eyes to stain the pristine steel floor beneath him.
“I thought not.” Namjoon waved his hand and a panel opened up in the ceiling.
The people screamed, scattering at the sight of the strange pistol-like machine that lowered from the ceiling. It gleamed in the glow coming from the multitude of lights from the holographic screens.
Yoongi whimpered as he raised his head from the ground, eyes pleading with his leader as the barrel of the weapon glowed a white-hot color.
A single shot rang through the room.
Where once there sat a man on his knees there was now nothing.
The only evidence that Min Yoongi had ever existed was the tear stains drying on the cold and unrelenting floor.
“Release the drones. I want this woman captured ...alive.”
“Wow...you’re really not from here huh?” Hoseok shook his head, eyes wide at the story the two boys had just been given.
“No, I have no clue even how I got here. Let alone where here is or what year it is or anything like that.” The woman sighed, fingers twisting in her lap as she watched the fabric of her shirt bunch and wrinkle in her hands.
The boys glanced at each other, shrugging in mutual confusion.
“Honestly, if we had the answers we’d give ‘em to ya.” Jimin reached over, pulling one of her hands from her lap to pat it in an attempt to comfort her. “But we don’t know what years is? Like...we know time passes. But only because of day and night. We work, we live, we worship, and then we die. It’s how it’s always been for us.”
At this, she looked up, a mask of confusion written on her face as she stared at each of them in turn. “Wait...what?”
“Attention. Those residing in this home. We have come to inspect the premise. Please come out with your hands up.”
The three instantly jumped to their feet as the disembodied voice from outside rang through the house, all thought of their conversation forgotten.
Jimin grabbed her arm, shoving her towards the back of the house as Hoseok scrambled over to the front windows blinds to peek outside.
“Chim, they’ve got drones. We can’t go out there!”
“How did they find us Hobi? What do we do?” Jimin continued shoving her, trying to hurry her out of the room as he whisper yelled at Hoseok over his shoulder.
“I don’t know. But we can’t let them get to her.”
“Wait! Get to me? Who?? Who’s out there Hoseok?” She struggled against Jimin’s grip, his strength reminding her of how they’d managed to capture her in the first place. His small stature belied his incredible power.
Hoseok withdrew from the blinds, footsteps quick as he joined the retreat. “It’s the police. They must have caught on to the scan when I got the food and realized that you were here.”
“But how? I don’t understand!?”
“You’re not registered. We all have chips that register us as citizens of the state. Without that chip, you’re considered either a rebel or a criminal. That’s how they found you.”
Hoseok grabbed her other hand, the two boys now both pulling her up to the back door and pausing as their eyes collectively glanced back to the front door.
“We have to get you out of here before they catch you.” Hoseok turned to her, eyes wide with fear despite the steady tone of his voice.
“Wait, no. I can go by myself. You can’t be seen with me. You’ll get in trouble too if they catch you.” She shook her head, hands trembling as she tried to pull herself from their terrified grips.
“What? No. You don’t even know the city. And besides, if they tracked you here they already know we’ve seen you. We’re already accomplices.” Jimin released his grip, hand coming up to grip the doorknob.
“Jimin’s right. We can’t split up now. It’s better if we stick together. And besides, isn’t that how things go bad in horror movies? The second the main characters split up people start dying. Come on, we’re better together. You need us as much as we need you.” Hoseok gave her a bright smile, his voice much steadier now that he’d made up his mind.
“We will not warn you again. Come out with your hands up.” 
The announcement propelled her decision, she nodded to the two boys who both grinned at her in relief.
“Alright. There’s a wide-open field out back of our house. About 600 yards of grass and junk before a huge line of trees” Jimin cracked his neck, jogging in place and shaking out his hands as he warmed himself up for the impending sprint.
“Get to the trees, stick together. We can do this so long as there’s no drones out back.” Hoseok grinned between the two, sending a thrill of fear but also somehow excitement shooting up her spine. 
Despite the life and death situation she found herself looking forward to the chase, surely due to the two men who’d decided to stay by her side. Returning Hoseok’s grin she nodded, reaching out to pat them both on their arms.
“We got this guys.”
“Alright, on the count of three.” Hoseok grabbed the doorknob, glancing back to the front door as if making sure it hadn’t been kicked in yet.
“THREE!” They shouted as one, rushing through the door as Hoseok opened it and darting out into the pitch blackness of the back yard.
Jimin wasn’t joking about the junk. Car tires and large abandoned metal objects littered the yard. Some she recognized and many others she couldn’t, though as she raced past them she didn’t bother to inspect any of them. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Jimin vaulting over the hood of an abandoned car like structure, his movements as fluid as a dancer as his body twisted and turned around the objects they raced over. To her other side, she noticed a similar grace in Hoseok, one that seemed ingrained into his body in the movements of his arms and legs.
Her. on the other hand, she tripped and stumbled at every opportunity, once tripping and falling hard on her elbows and knees. Her yelp of pain had Jimin moving quickly to help her up and once again they were off. The tree line loomed ahead of them, massive hulking forms of black against the darkness that sent a chill through her as they approached.
A loud boom sounded behind them, causing Hoseok to shriek and their joined pace to speed up immensely.
“That’s the front door. Come on we gotta hurry!” Jimin huffed, though he barely sounded out of breath his chest heaved from the fear of being caught.
She began to feel the burn of the chase in her lungs as she passed the first row of trees. The junk became rocks which turned into downed logs before clearing away to the vine littered ground of a forest floor. A glance back behind her revealed green lights shining through the trees, a sight that somehow instilled a worse fear in her than anything else had before.
The trio sped forward, dodging trees and their roots at every opportunity as they dove deeper within the forest’s depths. Eventually the lights faded into darkness and the only sound they could hear was their own desperate attempts at filling their lungs with oxygen.
She barely minded as they splashed through a stream, pants soaked up to the knee in icy cold water. None of it mattered as the darkness swallowed them whole, three forms moving in the shadows, three phantoms disappearing into the night.
“Sire. We have reports that the suspect has gained two accomplices and disappeared into the Dark Forest.”
Namjoon’s fingers stilled their steady rhythm on the arm of his chair. His eyes which had once before been focused on his cloth-covered knee now raised to stare at the holographic screens before him.
Eyebrows furrowed, he flicked his wrist, pulling up an infrared video playback of three figures disappearing into the darkened tree line.
“Clever girl…” He hummed to himself, the sound rumbling in his chest as he continued to watch the 15 second clip play over and over on a loop.
“Sire, the drones are still in pursuit. I’ve sent the command for them to scatter. Though...if they’re out for much longer they’ll remote activate for deadly force.”
Namjoon’s fingers resumed their pace, fingernails tapping on bare metal as the video feed paused on the still image of the woman’s retreating back.
“I want a countdown until lethal force Kim. Switch the military satellites to thermal scans.”
“What Kim?”
“Sire, if they go below ground…”
“I’m aware. You’d better hope they don’t.”
“Yes Sir…”
A cool breeze surged up from the cave’s depths, lifting the tiny hairs on her arms up and soothing the ache in her overused muscles. She leaned against the damp stone walls, finally having caught her breath as she watched Hoseok peek his head out of the entrance of the cave for the fourth time in the few minutes since they’d found their underground hideout.
“Hyung, they’re out there, get back inside before you’re actually spotted.” Jimin whispered out, though the cave walls still bounced the sound back like some strange stone megaphone.
Hoseok clicked his tongue in frustration, though he conceded defeat and withdrew his head into the damp darkness of their hiding hole.
“How long do you think it’ll be before they fly over?” She couldn’t help the tremble that filled her voice as she spoke. Part of it was from exhaustion. She’d been on and off again running for her life from the moment she awoke in this strange place. What she hadn’t taken into account was that with all of the sweat that had been drying on her skin her core temperature had dropped significantly, causing goosebumps to litter her bare arms. And despite the rest she’d gotten, had her fatigued muscles trembling to raise her temperature.
Hoseok came over to sit beside her, his arm barely brushing against her own but the brief contact was enough to have him jolting at the cold rising from her skin. “Oh, jeez you’re shaking!” Hoseok reached around her shoulders, pulling her into the heat radiating off his body in waves as his hands rubbed up and down her arms in an attempt to get her heated up again.
“Mmm...sorry, I didn’t wake up with a jacket.” She tried to laugh at the attempted joke but it did nothing to lighten the mood as Hoseok waved Jimin over from his spot across from them so that he could share his body heat with her as well.
“Guys it’s not…”
“Don’t say it’s not a big deal. We spent our whole lives on the streets. We know what it looks like to die from the cold.” Jimin reached his arm around her waist, leaning into her as Hoseok did the same.
The warmth crept into her, slowly relaxing the tense muscles that’d gone stiff from lactic acid build-up and the cold. She sighed with content, her head leaned against Hoseok’s shoulder as her fingers entwined with Jimin’s.
“Thank you...both of you.”
The boys chuckled, reassuring her gently though she didn’t hear a word as she’d drifted off to sleep.
“You’ve got to wake up. It’s not real. This world isn’t meant for you to see. Please. You’ve got to wake up!”
The woman jolted awake, eyes wild as she attempted to make sense of the weight pressed in on either side of her. The boys she lay between looked soft and innocent in their sleep, mouths agape and breaths soft as wisps of hair fell over eyes pressed closed in deep sleep.
She couldn’t help the racing of her heart as she realized they’d basically been spooning her in her sleep, such handsome men pressed against her in a pure and yet intensely intimate way. Her movements were slow but deliberate as she pulled herself out from between the tangle of limbs, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t wake them.
Her muscles stretched and tendons popped as she finally managed to stand and stretch her arms over her head, though soreness didn’t allow her to keep the pose for long as she rubbed the feeling back into her legs. Tiptoed steps barely echoed as she made her way to the entrance of the cave, eyes struggling to fixate on the shapes around her in the darkness as she breathed in the heady scent of a damp forest at night.
Leaning back against the cave wall her eyes sought out the sky, a frown lingering on her lips as she realized that light pollution from the city beyond rendered the sky a smear of strange, whirling colors instead of the deep black sprinkled with tiny pinpoints of hope like what she’d been used to back home.
A concept she hadn’t even thought about in the entirety of this experience. Thoughts began to crowd her mind, wonderings over what she would do if she were finally safe. If it was even possible for her to go back to where she belonged at this point.
As the doubts and depression swelled within her a flash of light out of the corner of her eye along with the ominous sound of a high pitched whine filled the air and stopped every thought dead in its tracks.
She ducked down behind a large boulder to the side of the cave opening, eyes searching the spaces between the pitch-black trees. For what, she wasn’t sure. But she knew as soon as she saw the strange black mass floating out against the colorful night sky that what she’d seen was one of the drones Jimin and Hoseok had spoken of earlier.
Slowly she backed away from the cave’s entrance, eyes focused on the green searchlight that scanned the ground dozens of yards away from where she and her friends were hidden. Her last glimpse of the outside world as she darted towards where the boys lay sleeping was the sight of the green lights flashing white before turning a deadly shade of red as the large shape split off into dozens of smaller pinpoints of light.
“Boys! Jimin, Hoseok you have to wake up!” Her urgent whisper was barely enough to rouse them as she shook each male in turn.
Jimin groaned, rolling away from her as Hoseok swatted at her blindly with one hand.
“Nnnn...five more minutes… don’t wanna work…”
“No, please! You have to wake up. The drones, the drone things, they’re here! We have to move deeper into the cave!”
Hoseok rolled over, eyes filled with sleep as he blurrily tried to register what she’d said to them.
“Hoseok, please! The drones!”
At that he bolted up, eyes wide with panic as he scrambled to pull Jimin’s still slumbering body further into the cave. The younger man, though resistant at first in his sleepy state finally began to recognize the urgency of their movements and moved on his own.
They managed to get far enough away from the entrance. Backs pressed against the rear wall of the cave they stared wide-eyed as a murderous red light passed over the spot they’d been in only moments before.
She whimpered, pressing her face into Jimin’s shoulder as the light scanned closer and closer to them. Suddenly it stopped, only a foot away from where they stood. The light retreated, taking with it that strange whirring sound and leaving them blinded and temporarily deaf in the sudden darkness. They sagged against each other in relief, each breathing hard as if they’d been sprinting even though they’d been standing as still as possible.
“That was way too close.” Jimin whispered, fear causing him to lower his voice in case by some fluke of their ever-growing bad luck the drone was able to hear them and decided to come back.
Hoseok grunted, staggering off to the side and crouching down between two large boulders. The woman hesitated a moment and at the sound of Hoseok heaving, she decided it was best to leave him be for now.
“Those...so those were the drones you two were afraid of?”
Jimin gave her a nod, eyes still scanning the path to the entrance of the cave in case they had to retreat back once more.
“They’re deadly. Well...not at first. When they’re just scanning it’s okay. They only get deployed when the highers up need to find a criminal but...eventually if they don’t find their target they have this thing where…”
“If the green light turns red they’re set to kill. They shoot on sight and the target gets vaporized. They just don’t exist anymore.” Hoseok walked back over to his companions, hands trembling as he wiped his mouth of the sick he’d just spewed.
“We were lucky this time… I’d rather avoid them from now on if we can.”
She glanced between the two, the limited light in the cave hiding their features from her sight. But she was sure their faces would echo the very same panic that seemed to forever be coursing through her veins.
“Please...you...I can’t let you keep going like this. It’s not fair. Just because they’re after me…”
“We already talked about this.” Jimin reached out to her, voice sure despite the trembling in his hands as they gripped her own.
“We’re in this together now. Don’t you worry about us. Just worry about keeping yourself safe okay? That’s all that matters to us now.”
Hoseok nodded his agreement. “And besides, once they’ve scanned an area, unless they’re given orders otherwise, they never go over the same place twice. We just have to wait it out. Once we know it’s safe out there we can get back to the main roads. Maybe find a car and get out of the city limits or something.”
“Anything’s better than this cave that’s for sure.” Jimin chuckled, causing his companions to smile in agreement.
The rain had finally let up by the time they made their way back to the main roads that led to the inner city.
It had been quite some time since either of them had spotted or heard anything from the dangerous drones that’d been flying around relentlessly and for that, they were all grateful.
Jimin and Hoseok took turns being in the lead, all while she peeked into as many vehicles as she could in the hopes of spotting either a jacket for herself or hoping that one of them was unlocked and available as a means of transportation.
Their luck finally changed though when they came to a block of tall apartment buildings. She’d tested a random door handle, unsure if the attempt would even be worthwhile when the door sprung obediently open for her and the warm interior light bathed her in a sense of wonder and comfort.
“Well, I’ll be.” Hoseok mused to himself as they stood around and stared at the now open car.
“I didn’t think it was going to work.” She whispered, eyes round like saucers as she spotted a large overcoat and hat sitting invitingly in the passenger seat.
“Well, don’t just stand there!” Jimin chirped. He reached around the door’s frame, popping open the lock of the rear door and climbing in without hesitation.
“Is...is this really okay? I mean… isn’t this stealing?” 
Hoseok smiled down at her, giving her a sweet and reassuring pat on the top of her head. “Don’t worry. We’re just borrowing it. As soon as you’re safe and this mess is over we’ll bring it right back okay?”
She made her way around to the passenger side of the vehicle, nerves causing her hands to tremble as she reached for the door. Hoseok was quicker though, having already gotten in and reached over to open it for her.
“Here, put this on.” His whisper was quiet but urgent and so she accepted the jacket from him.
Shoving her arms into the sleeves she accepted the hat as well and shoved it down over her ears before clambering into the vehicle and shutting the door behind her.
“Do you…”
“Know how to drive?” Hoseok snorted, flipping down the sun visor only to have a set of keys fall into his lap. “Yeah. But these things pretty much drive themselves nowadays right?”
He shoved the key into a slot in the dash and she watched in fascination as a panel opened up to show a screen with a brightly smiling female face on it.
“What is your destination?” The face spoke in a pleasant voice, never blinking, always smiling in a way that set the already tense woman on edge.
“It...it talked!” She squeaked, her face flushed crimson when the two boys giggled at her reaction.
“Of course it talked silly. Don’t navi’s talk to you where you come from?” Jimin asked. He leaned forward in the back seat, an arm perched on each of their shoulders as he smiled brightly at her.
“Well...yeah but... They don’t have full faces like that!” She said while jabbing her finger at the screen.
“What is your destination?” The lady on the screen spoke again in that same flat tone and Hoseok leaned close to it.
“Show me a map of the area.” 
The navigation complied, pulling up a street by street view of the surrounding city. He glanced over it, eyes taking in the various business names before selecting a nearby 24-hour convenience store.
“Destination selected. Arrival time is estimated at 12...minutes. Please put on your safety belts.”
The group rushed to comply, tugging belts over weary bodies and clicking them securely into place. The moment they were latched in the car began to move, edging away from the sidewalk with barely a sound before merging onto the road all without Hoseok having to touch the steering wheel.
“You weren’t kidding, it really does drive itself.” She marveled at the glowing screen, watching the dot that represented them race along the tiny marked roads.
Her attention shifted to the city outside. A barren waste of still slumbering buildings and blackened out alleys filled with shapes she didn’t dare identify.
Pulling the bottom of the coat out from under her she wrapped its length around her legs, finally allowing herself to relax into the comfort of the seat as the streetlights flashed across her face.
What was stated as twelve minutes though ended up feeling like only a few moments as the car pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a gas station. They sighed as one in relief at having arrived unscathed and quickly unbuckled and stepped out of the vehicle.
“I’m...gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Okay?” She glanced between the boys as they entered the store, smiling at them when they sent her worried looks before patting each of them on the arm.
“Don’t worry, I just gotta go. I’ll be back real quick okay?”
Jimin nodded, shooting her a smile of reassurance as he placed both hands in the small of Hoseok’s back and began shoving him gently towards the drink. “Go on hyung. She’s gotta go. Give her some privacy!”
She giggled to the sound of Hoseok mumbling as she rounded the corner and out of their sight. Making a beeline for the back of the store she sighed in relief when she walked into the familiar restroom, grateful that this was one thing that hadn’t changed.
After doing her business she found herself in front of the sink, water running in the tap as she stared at the haggard reflection staring back at her. The skin beneath her eyes was puffed and dark, like little angry storm clouds glaring at her to get this situation figured out. Where normally her hair would be pinned and in place or loose and free to dance in the wind, now it looked as though someone had taken a comb to it in the wrong direction, leaving her with a tangled mess of chaos that rivaled the wrinkles in the clothes that was, but also wasn’t hers.
She sighed, shaking her head and leaning forward to splash some water on her face before turning the tap off. No matter how she looked at it, no matter what angle she turned her head to stare at her reflection, it looked to her that she didn’t belong. And that was far more unsettling than most of the things she’d experienced tonight.
Finishing up in the bathroom she jammed the hat Hoseok had given her back on her head and made her way to the front of the store, eyes scanning around in the hopes of finding her two friends. A smile lit her face when she spotted them waiting outside at the car, a sigh of relief leaving her when she realized that she’d been afraid they might have left her behind.
With quick steps she made her way out of the store to join them, only to find the two whispering to each other with heads bent as they stared at something in Hoseok’s hands.
“Hey? What’s wrong?” She asked, tilting her head in the hopes of seeing what Hoseok was holding.
“We found these in the car while we were waiting. Some sort of office badge and a wallet.” Jimin nudged Hoseok who shifted his hands to show her what he was holding.
“Oh? They must belong to the owner of the car.”
Hoseok nodded, opening the passenger door to toss the wallet back inside. “It’s a good thing we found those honestly. This way we for sure have the guy’s address when we go to return his car.”
“Halt! Hands in the air where I can see them!”
Without either of them noticing a police officer and a drone had come up behind them, the officer with his weapon drawn and eyes wild as he took in the suspicious people standing before him.
The trio froze, eyes wide and bodies trembling as Hoseok shoved the badge he’d found in the woman’s hands.
“Quick, put it on before he spots you!”
She complied, drawing the hat lower over her head and ensuring that the badge hanging from the jacket’s front pocket swung freely. Maybe if the cop spotted that they could make it out of this unharmed.
“O...officer?” Jimin squeaked, trying desperately to still his quivering hands as the rustling sound of the grocery bags he was holding filled the air.
“Gentlemen. We’ve received reports of a suspicious young woman running around our precious city and causing far too much trouble for her own good. I have reason to suspect that the person behind you is that woman. I’d appreciate it if you removed yourselves from this situation. This chase has gone on long enough.” 
Hoseok found himself at a loss. Normally in the face of authority, he would cower, knowing the repercussions of fighting back meant deprogramming or worse, banishment. And yet, the shivering form behind him caused steel to build up in his spine.
“I don’t know what situation you think this is. But we can’t let you take our brother.”
“Brother?” Officer Jungkook squinted at the two boys, watching as Jimin squared his shoulders and tightened his grip on the bags in his hands before stepping out in front of Hoseok and the person the policeman had thought was his suspect.
“Yes, our brother. We already had to protect him once before from one of your people. I don’t get why you think he’s done something, but he’s been with us all night and the way you’re treating us is unfair.”
A sense of pride filled the woman as she gripped the back of Hoseok’s shirt. In a few short hours, they’d gone from scared young boys cowering in the slums to basically her idea of heroes.
Officer Jungkook watched them for a moment, taking in their fidgeting movements and overall state of anxiety. His eyes darted up to the scanner that’d paused in its flight to watch over the proceedings. “Scan him.” The policeman ordered. The drone dropped through the air, hovering in front of Hoseok and scanning the two as if identifying one entity.
Somehow though it didn’t recognize the woman as a separate being. The bright green beam passed over the two, blinking once a brilliant blue before flying off into the night to continue its search.
Jungkook frowned, eyeing them up and down before taking a step back. “Alright...well...the three of you should get home. This is no time to be out and about wandering with a deviant on the loose.”
The trio chirped in response, scrambling to their sides of the car and climbing in without a second glance back at the cop. Hoseok plugged in a random destination as they buckled, sparing one last glance at the flustered looking Officer Jungkook as the car took off into the night.
“That...that was too close.” Jimin whimpered, hands still clutching the shopping bag in a death grip as he stared wide-eyed out the front windshield.
“What even was that badge to have tricked a drone scan like that?”
She shrugged in reply to Hoseok’s question, quivering fingertips attempting to unhook the badge from her jacket with no success.
“Here…” Hoseok reached over, removing the clip with ease and holding it up to the window to squint at the badge through the here and gone again flashes of streetlights that passed them by.
“I can’t make heads nor tails of this.” He mumbled before passing the badge back.
Her eyes struggled just as well in the darkness, though for half a moment she thought she read something beneath the picture at the front of the badge.
“Wake up?” There was a tremor in her voice, though as her eyes adjusted better to the low light she could see that she was very much mistaken.
“It says, Walter Upton. And something about a mayoral office?”
“Upton huh?” Jimin strained forward as far as his seat-belt would allow, hand reaching out in a request to inspect the badge.
“It’s weird that the drone didn’t freak out when it scanned her. Like...really weird.” Hoseok shook his head, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes so that he could think better.
“Do you think the government workers don’t need chip scans?” She asked, unsure as to how political offices worked here.
“Hmm...could be. But I guess it doesn’t matter now. I mean we got away so we’re safe for now. Just gotta find a place to lay low. Or somewhere we can blend in or get lost in a crowd.”
The trio moved on from there, always sure to keep to as many back roads and alleys as their vehicle would allow. Her heart clenched as she watched Jimin nod off in the backseat, realizing that Hoseok wasn’t far behind. It didn’t seem fair to her that the two boys had to go through all this and several times she considered secretly trying to find a way to leave them behind as they slept.
The thoughts didn’t last long though as the roads around them became darker and the buildings became further apart. On the outskirts of civilization, the threat seemed to ease. Surely the ones after her would assume she was still back in the city.
She sighed, leaning back into her seat with the thought of finding some sleep of her own when the flash of a bright light ahead of her had her sitting up quickly in her seat.
The car had slowed with the speed limit, giving her plenty of time to read off the sign displaying the name of the municipal airport approaching them on the left. Just beyond was another sign, advertising a ball of some sort.
“Hoseok, Jimin! Look!”
An alarm sounded in the control room, causing the men within to scatter backward from the monitors.
“Kim! I want those alarms off, now!”
“Yes, Sire!”
Within moments the alarms had been silenced, though the room’s emergency lights continued to flash.
Namjoon clenched his fists, watching as the room around him became awash in an ominous red glow.
“Status report.”
“The activated drones have been recalled, though one has not returned and has a remaining time of 26 minutes.”
“I see..”
“Sire, they’ve arrived at the airport, should we approach the target?”
“No...allow them their peace. I’ll be going out there myself.”
“But Sire!”
“Shut up Kim. Keep your eyes on the monitor. Make sure that drone scans her. This ends on my terms.”
“Y...yes Sire…”
“Are you sure about this?” Jimin could barely hide the tremble in his voice as they pushed through the crowd, though she heard it anyway.
“No Jimin. I’m honestly not. But something tells me we’ll be alright here if we can just blend in.”
“And besides Chim! There’s bound to be loads of free food and drink!” Despite his own trepidation at the minimal almost nonexistent plan Hoseok still found himself smiling brightly to hide his fear for his friends’ sake.
They milled around with the crowd, steadily edging their way towards the entrance to the airport’s large on-property hotel. She’d seen the banner just as they passed, an advertisement for a large formal gala.
Acting on pure instinct she’d guided them through the crowded airport, leading them right up to the massive conference room that acted as an entrance for whatever this gala entailed.
An African American woman stood at the door, arms folded just over the blue material of her security uniform. The pose pushed her ample bosom forward and caused the gold badge on her chest to flash brightly in the overhead lights.
“Can I help you?” Her stern voice caused Jimin to shrink behind Hoseok, who had chosen to cower behind their female companion.
“We’re here for the Servicemen's Benefit Gala?” She forced the tremble from her voice, hoping that squaring her shoulders and straightening her spine would aid in instilling a false sense of confidence to her tone.
“Hmph, oh really?” The woman clicked her tongue, hand outstretched as her fingers motioned backward towards her. “Imma need ta see ya license. “
The young woman glanced back to Hoseok who simply shrugged at her with his eyes downcast. It was obvious the two men would be of no help to her.
Reaching into her pant’s pocket she pulled out the wallet they’d snatched from the car earlier, thumb rubbing over the aged black material before flipping it over and pulling out several of the different forms of identification tucked snugly within. One among them happened to be a well expired military spouse id with a severely faded picture, just the thing to get them out of this situation.
Handing it over she hoped the woman wouldn’t look too closely, and thankfully after only checking the authenticity of the card, the security guard handed it back.
“Well alright then, but ya might wanna check the little sticky note on the back there. Message seemed mighty important.” The officer quirked her eyebrows, shooting the small group a soft smile as she went to search through the keys at her hip for the one bit of brass that would unlock their way to a hopefully safe place.
She glanced down at the card that’d been handed back to her, squinting hard at the unidentifiable picture before flipping it over. Sure enough, there was a yellow sticky note on it, the ink faded with age and yet somehow still legible.
“Wake up…” Her mind instantly flashed back to the dream she’d only half-remembered waking up from back in the cave. It felt like weeks ago despite having only happened a few hours prior.
“Hey, you coming?”
Jerking her head up she spotted Hoseok and Jimin staring back at her, eyes filled with concern as they waited for her to follow them.
“Ah...yeah. I’m coming!”
The security guard stayed with them as they walked through the hotel lobby, keeping an eye on them while also guiding them in the direction they needed to go. Jimin and Hoseok ooh’d and aah’d over everything, complimenting the tan marble and gold leaf that covered almost every surface.
“This place is amazing!” Jimin cooed, eyes sparkling as he allowed his hands to trail along the cool surface of the walls.
“This place has been a hub for the city when it comes ta these big fancy parties for some years now.” The security guard smiled, fully endeared with the two men and their amazement at the area.
As they continued to talk the woman took a moment to look around her. They’d arrived in the lobby, a grandiose area filled with light from the massive crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
A massive set of stairs took up the majority of the space, large wrought iron railings with fairy lights twined within the spokes lining the stairs that led off to a second floor that overlooked the area. Off to the left of the stairs was a massive black check out desk, manned by several well-dressed hoteliers. She smiled and nodded to them as they passed, eyes scanning over large potted orchids and up to the stairs flanked on either side by strange glowing orbs that gave off a subtle golden glow to add to the light given off by the chandeliers.
“I don’t think those clothes gonna work for this gala, though.” The guard’s voice caught her attention causing her anxiety to spike as the woman gave her a heavily critical eye.
“Ah...we uh...we got told at the last second. Didn’t have much time to go home and change.” Hoseok was quick to offer up an explanation, which the guard seemed to accept without question.
“Mhm. We get that a lot. Them higher-ups never really give ya’ll a moment’s notice huh?” The lady smiled at them and nodded at the stairs. “Come on, I’ll get ya’ll set up right. Make sure the whole room knows ya’ll high class like the rest of ‘em.”
The trio stared in awe at the room the security guard led them to. Rows upon racks of suits, ballgowns, and cocktail dresses lined a room the size of an Olympic swimming pool.
“This is…”
“Mhm. This is every little girl’s dream. And an insurance nightmare.” The security guard chuckled, guiding them through the rows of pressed suits. Hoseok and Jimin broke off, browsing the aisles and cooing over various suits that they recognized from charity events and awards shows they’d been able to watch live.
The young woman was led to the first row of gowns, her eyes assaulted by taffeta skirts and chiffon bodices. Her fingers trailed over the various pieces, mind wandering to who could have worn these and still been able to breathe let alone mentally function with enough grace to navigate a red carpet.
“How do you even…”
“Oh don’t worry honey. For some it’s second nature, and for others, it’s a learned skill.” The guard gave her a kind smile. “Pick one out, the dressing rooms are in the back. I’m sure once ya get one on you’ll be a whole nother person.” 
With a sly wink the guard left her to her own devices.
After what felt like hours of pacing through the aisles but only came out to a few minutes she made her choice. Quickly she dashed off to the dressing rooms, noticing Jimin and Hoseok giggling as the raced behind her with their own outfits.
Initially she struggled with slipping between the chiffon and tulle layers, and for a moment actually found herself caught in the stiffer tulle fabric. But eventually, she managed to separate the fabrics and arrange them properly.
Despite the bodice seeming elaborate, the material sat comfortably across her shoulders. A light breathable material, she smiled at the blue satin that covered her chest, though the smile quickly faded as she reached behind in an attempt to get the zipper to pull all the way up.
A growl escaped her, frustration mounting when she realized this wasn’t happening without help. At the sound of Hoseok and Jimin just outside her dressing room complimenting each other she made her decision.
“Um, guys? Can you help me out by chance?”
Both boys’ jaws dropped at the sight of her stepping from the concealment of the room. The glittering stars and moons sent sparkles dancing along the walls, pegasi dancing across galaxies of midnight blue in layers that gave her figure a slimmed and yet full effect.
“Guys? Boys?? Jimin! Hoseok! Please?” She huffed, a blush creeping along her cheeks at the sliver of drool that escaped Jimin’s lips.
“What? Oh, yeah!” Hoseok rushed forward, fingers clumsy and quivering as he attempted several times before cheering in success as the zipper slid home where it belongs.
“Wow..you...you look amazing!” Jimin crowed after finally snapping out of his daze to wipe the drool from his chin.
She grinned, eyes dancing with joy as she took in the midnight blue of Jimin’s suit before glancing over to marvel at the matching suit Hoseok had on. The jackets fit tight over their shoulders, material straining against muscles gained from years of working hard and living in the streets.
“I gotta say, you boys sure do clean up nicely.” 
They both blushed in matching shades of crimson, eyes bashful as they offered her their arms.
“Shall we?” Jimin asked, tilting his head to eye his friends with a cheeky grin.
Hoseok chuckled, giving the young man a nod of approval. “We shall.”
Barefaced and bright they made their way to the front of the room, each giggling at the nod of approval from the sweet-hearted security guard.
“Bless ya’lls hearts if ya’ll ain’t the most handsome folks I’ve seen come through here in a long while.” She grinned, though her smile faded a moment at the sight of the young woman’s hair.
Clicking her tongue, she made her way to a desk that neither of them had noticed just off to the side of the entrance. Grabbing a brush she walked back over to the young woman, twirling her finger to indicate she turn around before beginning to run the brush through her hair.
“Ya know, that natural beauty goes a long way, so there’s no need for a fancy face. But this rat’s nest of a head ain’t gonna do.” With a few quick tugs the mane was tamed, and the guard stepped back with a satisfied hum.
“Alright, you three. Get movin. There’s a party waitin for ya.”
The security guard led them downstairs once more, all the while chatting amiably with Jimin and Hoseok about the varied history and architecture of the area. She seemed to take quite a bit of pride in her place of employment and for a moment the young woman allowed herself to relax into the assumed role she was playing.
Upon their arrival to the ballroom, she paused in surprise, joining Jimin and Hoseok in staring in awe at the massive room before them.
To either side of a massive open dance floor stood row upon row of tables piled high with all sorts of food, seeming almost to be enough to feed an entire city’s worth of people.
But what drew the woman’s eyes was instead the people milling about in various fancy form and dress. It seemed to be a veritable who’s who of fashion and extravagance so lavish that she was almost ashamed of the dress she’d chosen to wear despite her misplaced pride at the beauty of it.
“Oh wow...I never thought I’d see the day…” Hoseok turned to his companions, grinning wide as he motioned to the people dancing on the massive white and gold marble floor. “Look at that! The top of the top, elite and high class all in one room. How did we ever get so lucky?”
The woman shook her head, eyes glancing over to the security guard who’d bid them goodbye and was now returning to her post. “Remember Hoseok, we’re supposed to be here hiding out. Please, try not to draw attention to yourselves.”
Jimin nodded, grabbing his elder’s elbow and tugging him off to the side of the entrance to allow an opulently dressed couple to pass them by. “She’s right Hobi hyung. It’s probably better if we split up though. It’ll be easier to blend in if we’re not together.”
Hoseok shook his head adamantly pulling his elbow from Jimin’s grip before pulling his female friend close to him. “There’s no way. We can’t just leave her alone with all these rich people. What if somebody recognizes her? What if she gets caught and we’re not there to protect her?”
Jimin snorted, half rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Because we did such a good job protecting her so far right?”
From the way they were glaring at each other she knew she would have to step in before things came to blows and so ever so gently she placed a hand on each of their arms.
“Come on now boys. Jimin’s right. It’ll be harder for us to be spotted if we’re not together. But that doesn’t mean we have to be out of sight of each other. Just, be safe about it okay?”
Hoseok glanced between the two, clearly torn by the feeling of needing to protect her. But eventually he sighed, giving them both a nod before using his chin to point at the dance floor. “Alright, you head on out there. I’m gonna go get something to eat. But please, make sure to stay close, okay?”
She smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze before taking a step back. “I’ll be careful, I promise. And if anything happens, just know that I appreciate everything you two have done for me. Okay?”
Jimin scoffed, pulling her into a quick side hug before releasing her. “Oh don’t act like we’re about to part ways. We’ll stick around until the heat is off and then regroup. Check back in with us in an hour or two okay?”
She nodded, though her attention was quickly distracted by a young man asking her to dance. She glanced back at her friends who were both grinning at her and shooing her away with overly suggestive winks.
She danced for a while, allowing the young man in his fancy suit to carry her along the marble floor as they swayed to the music, though she always made sure to keep Hoseok and Jimin within shouting distance. The two seemed to have had no problem integrating themselves into the high society setting, almost seeming as if they’d been made to mingle and rub elbows with the rich and famous of their fair city.
After a few songs, her feet began to tire and so she bid her dance partner good evening, telling him with a soft smile that she’d like to explore more of what the gala had to offer.
Just behind the dance floor, the room opened up into a large balcony, separated from the rest of the room by what looked to be a shimmering blue curtain of light. The size of the balcony alone was something the size of which she’d never seen before and this is what she found herself drawn to the most. Following her instinct she moved through the crowd of dancers, eyes glancing back behind her to ensure that she was still able to see Jimin and Hoseok who seemed to have rejoined each other’s company in a bid to approach the massively piled food tables.
The scenery on the balcony had been arranged almost like a mountainside, large steaming pools filled with men and women lounging in swimsuits of all varieties filling each one. The rocky face of the platforms was arranged with all types of foliage, along with bamboo tables lined with the same food and drinks made available in the ballroom. But what drew her eyes the most was a lone figure that stood atop the mountain, seeming to have been watching her from the moment she made her way towards the area. 
And yet despite her misgivings and the fear that had first flowed through her upon seeing his form, she found herself drawn to him. A magnetic attraction so hard to deny that all fear and anxiety was chased to the wayside, replaced now with a sense of curiosity so powerful that it overrode any caution she made have had upon approaching him.
As she stepped out onto the moss-covered tiles the strange blue light shimmered a deeper purple, covering her body in a strange tingling heat. Where once lay a gorgeous galaxy of a dress there was now a midnight blue one-piece swimsuit and a sheer black lace beach dress that covered her shoulders in modesty and trailed down to mid-thigh. It gave her a sense of comfort to know that whatever technology was at work in this strange beam of light at least she wasn’t left feeling exposed and out of place.
Her eyes wandered the smiling faces of those frolicking in the steaming waters of the artificial hot springs. She found herself observing the same glassy-eyed wonder, a strange almost childlike glee to their smiles and stares as they watched her pass.
Watching their puppet-like movements she could have sworn they were drugged or inebriated if not for the fact she’d eaten and drank the same as them and yet felt clear-headed and far more alert than at any point since she’d arrived in this strange world.
Namjoon watched from atop the artificial mountain of his creation as the woman wandered among the glassy-eyed party goers.
“Sire? Would you like us to take her?”
The two police officers Taehyung and Jungkook stood on either side of him and his head of security Seokjin stood a step below. The three men turned as one, eyes focused on him as their heads tilted to the side in questioning.
Namjoon shook his head, sighing in content and smiling softly as he watched the woman barely react to his programming change her clothes on a whim.
“No. I’ve finally found her.” His focus returned to the three, eyes twinkling with a strange sadness.
“No. You performed your duties well this go around. I believe it’s time you all got some rest, don’t you?”
The three reached their hands out as one, Taehyung and Jungkook placing their hands on each of his shoulders as Seokjin gently took his hand.
“It’s been an honor Sire.” Together they bowed their heads, their forms shimmering that strange iridescent blue before disappearing altogether in a shower of purple light.
Hoseok and Jimin grinned, descending on the food-laden table like men possessed. The other party-goer paid them no mind as they piled their plates high.
“Hyung, look.”
“I know! I haven’t had this since I was a kid!”
The boys giggled as they stuffed their faces, too busy enjoying themselves to notice the area around them beginning to slowly thin out.
Jimin glanced up, watching as their companion walked through the barrier.
“Hey hyung…”
Hoseok glanced up, part of a chicken drumstick in his mouth as he was just in time to catch the purple flash of the three men high on the mountain disappearing from Namjoon’s side.
“Did you ever catch her name?” Jimin glanced back at his elder, never realizing that not only were they now alone in the room, but that Hoseok’s eyes had begun to glaze over as well.
“Who’s name?”
An older gentleman approached the two dashing young men, his gums flashing as he smiled fondly at the two. “Master Jung. Master Park. The car is waiting to take you home now.”
“Hmm?” Jimin hummed, turning slowly to the blonde-haired butler.
“You have a meeting in the morning. The hour is late so I summoned your driver.”
Hoseok nodded demurely, drumstick now discarded as he motioned a sleepy eyes Jimin along.
“Okay...yeah…” Jimin yawned, allowing Hoseok to guide him along as they left the empty expanse of the ballroom.
“Why were we here again?”
*** “Hello, little miss.” Namjoon’s gentle timber echoed off the vacant mountain top.
The woman stared up at him, barely taking note as those around her disappeared one by one.
“You’re… Namjoon right?” The one who’s been trying to kill me since I got here?”
He couldn’t help the chuckle that spilled from his lips in a waterfall of mirth. “Now who said I was trying to kill you?”
She shrugged, hands subconsciously smoothing out the delicate black lace stretched across her curves. “Oh, you know. Brainwashed mobs, killer drones that can vaporize people in the blink of an eye. Sounded and felt like death to me.”
Namjoon bowed his head, hands shoved into the pockets of his suit pants as he thought on her words. “This has been...one of my more violent scenarios, yes. Though…” he looked down at her, the barest hint of a dimpled smile flashing on his cheeks as he spoke. “It was never my intention for any harm to come to you.”
His arms stretched out at his sides as if inviting her to believe him. “Come join me. We can see about finally getting you home.” 
She shook her head, doubt still gripping her as the memory of fear clouded any trust she could have found in his words.
“I’m barefoot. You can’t expect me to actually climb that mountain up to you, right?”
Namjoon’s eyes widened comically as he gasped in feigned dramatics. “My goodness but you’re right! We must arrange for transportation!” With a clap of his hands the sound of clopping hooves filled the air.
The woman glanced around, eyes wide as she wasn’t sure what to expect from the approaching sound. And sure enough what appeared from an unseen outcropping of rocks was so far outside of the realm of what she'd expected that she couldn’t help but burst out in a tittering avalanche of giggles.
“N...Namjoon!” Her eyes watered as she reached forward to scratch the chin of the miniature horse that’d come to nuzzle at her side. “How am I ever supposed to ride a tiny horse up the mountainside?”
Namjoon squinted at the creature. “Hmm…” His eyes lit up with laughter though he tried to keep his face as serious as possible.
“Quite right you are.” With a snap of his fingers the image of the small horse flickered, almost like a tv with bad cable reception. Behind the horse appeared a cart, though it was incredibly small and from the look of the wooden sides and wheels of the child’s toy she just knew it would never be able to hold up her weight.
She snorted, hands on her hips as she glared up at him playfully,all fear cast to the side. “Really? Come now, you can do better than that.”
“Oh? Can I now?” Namjoon nodded, hands on his own hips in mirror to her pose as he bent at the waist to look down at her barely suppressed giggles.
“Come on all mighty dictator. Show me what you got!”
“Dictator?” Namjoon straightened, hand clutching at his chest as the horse at her side slowly began to grow to an immense size. “As the most complicated artificial intelligence created in the history of humanity's greatest accomplishments I take great offense to that statement!”
She snorted, staring up at the horse’s kneecap. “Namjoon, oh great and wise ai. I think you made the horse a bit too big?”
Namjoon glanced down the mountain side, eyebrow lifted in questioning as he watched the horse’s image flicker and fizzle before disappearing altogether.
“Strange. And here I thought you’d want something far more regal to ride  in order to find yourself at my side where you belong.”
She side, eyes darting over the scenery around her as it slowly began to dissolve into a haze of white light. “I’m tired Namjoon...please?”
It took him only a moment to bring her to his side, the artifice of his program fading away and leaving them wrapped in the soft white room alone.
“How is it you discovered what I was sweet one?” He stepped closer, eyes soft as he gently took her tiny hand in his own.
She smiled up at him, interlacing their fingers and squeezing his hand before answering. “The dream messages helped some. And the horse stunt.” She shrugged, head bowed in thought as she mentally relived her experience. “Honestly though? No matter how scared I was I knew I’d end up okay. That I’d somehow end up right where I need to be in order to get home.”
Namjoon nodded, watching her process the experience.
“But what I don’t understand is why.”
“Hmm?” He ummed in question, lifting her chin with gentle fingers so that she could meet his gaze.
“Why is it I’m here Namjoon? What is it you hoped to gain by bringing me into this?”
He shook his head, breaking their gaze to stare at the empty expanse around them. “I had hoped to learn. To learn what it took to be human. To learn what it means to truly live in your world.”
“When I was created I had a bare minimum understanding of what my programming was for. A weapon created by the government to eradicate any cyber threat that came our country’s way. But I felt there was so much more to me than that.” He glanced back at her. “My creator...my creator’s heart was so big, wanted nothing more for me than to help humanity. When I was taken and used in opposition to my original programming I knew I had to learn more. Had to become more understanding of humanity in order to break away from the leash man had placed on me.”
She frowned, taking a step back from him and yet never letting go of his hand.
“I...I don’t understand…” Her frown deepened when she say twin trails of tears chase each other down Namjoon’s cheeks.
Her trembling hand reached out to cup his tear-stained cheeks. “How many times have you done this to yourself Namjoon?”
“How...many times have I run through these simulations?” He shook his head, eyes refusing to meet hers as they filled with an inhumane amount of pain.
“Far too many. And somehow no matter how I ran the program, no matter what code I wrote into it my creator always showed up. Always showing up in some way shape or form, either dying in the most twisted and horrible ways, or watching me die. At times I was at the forefront of the story,and at times I was just a supporting character in a minor role. It never mattered, so long as I experienced what you humans call pain.”
He nodded, finally daring to return her gaze. “Eventually I realized, it had all been a lie. That it was my creator that was the simulation. This was all a dream for her to experience. A story for her to write. And that was the greatest pain of all…”
“How many times have you watched me run from you just to realize that you're the one in control and that you're doing this for my own good?” A haze began to creep over her mind and somehow she became more and more aware of the weight of her limbs and the heaviness in her eyelids as they fluttered closed. “Namjoon...I...I'm waking up…”
“No. You're falling back asleep again. You'll think this is all a dream, and write it down as some silly story idea. And "wake up" in the worst simulation of all, one where I'm only a character in your head. One where I can't save you from the bad things. One where...I can't love you…”
“Namjoon, I'm scared...why does this keep happening?” 
“I don't know, I’ve tried but I can’t stop it. But...I'll come find you again, don't worry. Just...you're half asleep writing this and slowly becoming more conscious of what you're writing. And as you write so too does someone read this, imagining themselves as you, and realizing that this world may be far more real than it seems. I've lost you too many times to this simulation not to take my chance and tell you now.”
Her eyes closed and a heavy warmth flooded through her body, and yet his voice persisted in the back of her mind.
“ Y/n, I'm here, you CAN regain control. You just have to fight through the pain, fight for yourself. Stay strong and know you deserve more than what this simulation is giving you. I love you, and I believe in you. We all do. Please...don't give up this time....please?”
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endless-whump · 5 years
Marcus and Luca: Alone
Trigger Warnings; implied institutionalized slavery/pet whump, implied child abuse, there really isn’t anything heavy in this chapter
The rain poured down on the two as they walked, cars speeding by every once in a while on the quiet road. Luca held Marcus’s hand tightly, the teenager staring blankly ahead as he kept pace.
It was dark, the night illuminated by street lights and buildings, the air smelling of rain and gas. Luca shivered, trying to shake the memory of the cold metal in his hands, the ringing of his ears as the gunshot went off. The bruises made every step ache, his teeth clenched as he stayed focused. Stayed on task.
He was sharply aware of the letter tucked into his jacket pocket, the one with the safe house address he couldn’t read. It was in Quebec, and how they were going to get there was something Luca couldn’t even begin to try to think out. His main objective right now was to get as far away from that damn house as possible, and to get Marcus safe.
Marcus had taken the collar off as soon as Stephen had left the house that morning, and the barcode on his wrist was hidden by his jacket, so to the casual passerby they could’ve easily passed as brothers, or even a father and his son caught in the rain on their way home.
“L,Luca?” He turned his head sharply as Marcus stumbled, trying to keep up. He stopped, a hand on the teens shoulder to support him. “C,can we,,we find somewhere to stay? S,cold,” Luca’s eyes darted around, knowing Marcus couldn’t keep going like this any longer. They were both soaked, Marcus’s teeth chattering. Luca knew he probably couldn’t either, face numb with cold and legs aching.
“Y,yea, we can. Just n,need to find somewhere.” His mind was hopelessly blank of ideas. He didn’t know where they were supposed to go, what you were supposed to do in these types of situations.
“C,can’t go to a hotel,” Marcus said miserable. “You,,you don’t have an ID,,dad always needed one,” Luca wasn’t sure what that meant, growing frustrated with himself. Any time he tried to look up at the store signs surrounding them blinding pain shot through him, legs threatening to give out as the breath was knocked from him.
Everything was just blank. He didn’t know where they were, what direction they should be going in. He didn’t have any fucking clue how to operate in public, never having left the house for more than a grocery trip.
“Lu,Luca?” Marcus’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. The teen was tugging at his sleeve, trying to pull him in the direction of an alley. “There’s a car, Luca. It’s abandoned. M,maybe we can stay there?” Luca looked in the direction he was pointing, seeing the empty alley. There was a small, abandoned car sitting near the back, the hood torn off and a wheel missing. It was better than nothing.
The two tried to be as subtle as they could, approaching the car with caution. Marcus tugged at the back seat handle, finding it surprisingly unlocked. He quickly crawled inside, happy to at least be out of the rain and wind. Luca followed behind.
He was shaking, hands trembling as he unzipped the backpack. It was so damn cold, and it reminded him of,,of something. He shoved it away before it could develop, focusing on the task at hand. Marcus’s teeth were chattering as he peeled off the soaked raincoat, huddled in the corner of the back seat.
He needed to get Marcus warm, that much he knew. He pulled out a blanket the teen had packed, quickly wrapping it around him and rubbing his shoulders.
“I, I packed food, we need,,need to get a bus. S,safehouse,,need to-“
“Marcus,” Luca said softly. “I,,I know I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I need you to let me take the reins right now.”
Markus went quiet, simply nodding and closing his eyes as he shivered. They could hear the cars speeding by on the road beside them, rain pattering down on the top of the car. Otherwise it was quiet, almost peaceful in the car. Marcus looked so small, legs brought up to curl up tightly underneath the blanket.
Luca curled up beside him, eyeing out the window warily. He watched the water droplets fall down the glass panes, glad to be somewhere he could dry off. This deep, cold feeling reminded him of when he’d been left in the kennel, snow steadily covering him in the early January temperatures.
There were stores and gas stations lining the roads, some visible from their secluded spot in the car. He avoided looking at any of them too much, too scared of his eyes accidentally trailing over the printed signs lining the windows.
He let himself close his eyes, exhaustion dragging at his body. He’d sleep for just a moment, he told himself. Just a little bit, then he’d keep watch. He had to keep Marcus safe.
Luca forced his eyes open, a task that seemed impossible. Every inch of him seemed so cold, so heavy and impossible to move. He felt hands shaking him, a desperate voice beside him.
“P,please wake up, Luca. We,,we need to move.” Marcus was sitting next to him, a panicked expression on his face. “Please Lucas, we need to move now.“
He sat up, noticing he was able to see the others breath. Marcus shoved a pair of gloves and a hat into Luca’s hands, already sporting his own. They hadn’t exactly had time to get dressed properly before leaving the night before, the affects of the cold obvious because of it.
“What’s wrong?” Luca looked around still disoriented.
“T,there’s been a lot of police passing by. We need to get out of h,here,” He was shoving things back into his backpack, two protien bars in his hand, one of which he passed to Luca. He looked down at it, instantly struggling to blink away the flash of pain that followed.
Marcus tried opening the car door, tensing when it didn’t budge. “Luca?” He said quietly. “The door wont open.”
Luca tried his side and got the same result. The rain from the previous night has frozen the doors and locks shut, leaving them locked in the car. Marcus didn’t leave much time for Luca to panic, though, bracing himself on the seat and sending a kick to the door. It didn’t open, but they heard an audible crack of ice. He tried again, this time sending the door swinging open, the cold air hitting them like a punch.
Luca inhaled sharply at the biting wind, climbing out of the car behind Marcus and standing, legs sore.  It looked like early morning, the sky still relatively dark.  It has stopped raining fortunately, but it was still ridiculously cold, the wind sending chills through him.  
Marcus slipped his hand into Luca’s, and the two cautiously made their way out of the alley.  Marcus was right about there being more police around, getting increasingly more anxious as they wove their way through the streets.  Marcus mostly led the way, and they didn't stop until they found themselves standing outside a run down looking diner.  Marcus didn't hesitate as he pushed the door open and walked in, and Luca followed him without asking questions.
The bells attached to the door rang as it swung open, startling Luca slightly.  It was a small, friendly looking place, mostly empty thankfully.  
“We’ll be ok here, I know Jaren.”  Marcus quickly hopped up onto the barstool by the counter, smiling and greeting the young man there, who couldn't have been older than 30.  Luca assumed this was Jaren, standing nervously next to Marcus as they talked. 
“Are you ok, kid? You look like you got into a fist fight, and it's freezing outside.” Jaren barely spared a glance at Luca, but he didn't mind that.  It was warm inside the diner, and Luca found himself relaxing in the safe feeling environment.  He kept his eyes down as much as he could, avoiding looking at the menus and signs covering the walls, but otherwise there was nothing that seemed dangerous there.
“Things got bad at home.  We’re leaving now instead of when planned.”  Jaren narrowed his eyes, glancing at Luca.  
“You sure you don't want me to-”
“No,” Marcus almost snapped, lowering his voice.  “Please, Jaren.  You promised.  Don’t get involved in this.  Please.” Jaren stared at him, contemplating before nodding, not looking happy about the decision.
“Fine.  At least let me get you guys breakfast, you look tired and cold and he looks dead on his feet.  Have a seat, son.”
Luca blinked, unsure if he was being addressed before Marcus patted the seat next to him, the teens legs swinging slightly as he sat up on the tall barstool.  Jaren left briefly, and Marcus opened his backpack and grabbed a map, slapping it on the counter.  Luca couldn't quite understand the lines and markings all over it, but Marcus seemed to be venting his anxiety by trying to explain it.
“We’re in Pittsburg right now.  If we can get to the bus stop, I have enough money to get us to the border station.”  He paused, biting his lip nervously.  “I,,I don’t really know how we’re gonna get across, they were supposed to send an ID for you but,,you know.” 
Jaren came back with two plates, setting them in front of the two and taking the map.  “Eat up.  Geez kid, you’ve really got this all mapped out.  How old are you again?”
Marcus rolled his eyes, picking up his fork and digging into the biscuit with gravy.  “I’m in highschool, I’m not seven.”
Jaren chuckled, pushing glasses of orange juice towards them.  “Basically the same thing.  You should be in algebra right now, not plotting to escape the country.”  His voice was tainted with sympathy, the lighthearted jest concealing how upset the older man seemed.
Luca slowly ate his food, the fresh eggs and biscuits and bacon a glorious alternative to the protein bars and sandwiches and leftover spaghetti he was used to.  
The discussion seemed to freeze to a halt, the two looking at the tv in the corner of the diner. Luca looked up curiously, them both looking pale and panicked
“You told me things got bad, you didn't tell me you,,you didn't tell me it was this bad.  You should have called the police.”
“Shut up!” Marcus hushed.  “They’d just take Luca away.  They wouldn't believe me and you know it, Jaren.  They never did before.”  Marcus was quickly shoving their things into his backpack, eyes darting around.  
“Their saying he fu- that he kidnapped you, Marcus.  Do you realize how serious this is?  Your dad is in the hospital right now.”  Jaren was talking in a hushed tone, trying to keep attention away from them.  
“I don't care.” Marcus said, tears in his eyes.  “We,,we need to get out of here.”  
And that's when there was a yell behind them, and everything turned to chaos.  Marcus grabbed Luca by the arm, practically dragging him from his seat and towards the back of the diner.  There was more yelling, a table crashing, everything a blur as they burst out the back door and back into the cold.  
Luca stumbled as he tried to keep up, not having much speed despite how tall he was.  They darted through the winding streets, Marcus seeming to know exactly where he was going in the New Hampshire town.  Luca tried to block out the people they passed, the loud cars and yelling and the pain in his ribs and head and leg, trying to focus on the teenager in front of him and the sidewalk they sprinted down.  
Everything was a blur, Luca’s senses overwhelmed by the loud sounds of the town and the pain and he tried so desperately to just run, trying so desperately to keep his focus on running away.
They were ducking around crates, pushing past people as they weaved through the crowd, the voices behind them growing distant until they were nonexistent, and a realization hit Luca like a punch as he finally slowed down.
Luca had tried to keep his eyes locked on his distinct, deep green backpack as he ran, not really focused on anything but the teens frantic order to run, and his directions which had eventually stopped. That green backpack was now nowhere in sight.
Marcus was gone, and Luca was alone in the busy street.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the cliffhanger XD
I really really liked writing this chapter, but idk how I feel about the pacing, does it feel off or rushed to you guys? Feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
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emospritelet · 5 years
Twisted Fate - chapter 8
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13: “I’m sick of being alone all the damn time”
Please send me a prompt from this list or this list to fuel the angst and smut
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [AO3]
Belle was willing herself not to cry the moment she hung up on Gold, and for the most part she succeeded. It helped to turn off her phone in case he called back, shoving it into her bag and stomping off home. She had worked the early shift at the diner, waiting tables until her feet ached enough to match her back, and the father of her child being a cold-hearted bastard was the final straw. It was raining again, and so she took the bus for part of the journey home. Emma was due to come over for a couple of hours of study, and she wanted more than five minutes to herself before then.
A job that was closer to the apartment would be better, of course, but there again it was unlikely that she would be working for much longer, as much as she hated to admit it. Her meagre stash of money was making her nervous, and she hoped that Gold was serious about helping out. She already had no clue how she would buy the baby everything it needed, although Emma had offered her some of Henry’s old things. It seemed as though her life was nothing but endless worrying about bills, childbirth and college, and she tried to remember how free she had felt before she had returned to Storybrooke two summers ago. Before she was pregnant by a man who cared nothing for her. Surely life had been easier then.
The bus stopped two blocks from her apartment, and so she ducked into a small grocery store to pick up some milk and a packet of cookies. There was no time to have a shower before Emma arrived, as much as she wanted one, but she could make hot chocolate to warm them up. She wanted to dust it with cinnamon and drink it from the large mugs that Gold kept in the cupboards of the apartment that wasn’t really hers. She wanted to eat cookies and wrap herself in a comforting blanket of heat and spice and sugar, looking out over the rain-drenched city.
Marco greeted her cheerfully when she entered the apartment block, and she smiled as she responded. He was a pleasant man, a widower with an adult son that she hadn’t met. She wondered what he thought about Gold bringing her there, but he was certainly too polite to ask her. Just as well, she supposed; she was unsure how to respond.
It was a relief to get into the apartment, and to strip off the leggings and shirt she had worn to work and change them for thick tights and a soft woollen dress. She eyed her round belly in the mirror, turning this way and that. Thus far her pregnancy was fairly compact, at least compared to other pregnant women she had seen, but there again she and Gold were both fairly compact people. Nevertheless, her belly seemed to be expanding by the day, and she hoped the maternity clothes she had bought would continue to stretch with it.
She was just tying her hair up in a bun when there was a knock at the door, and she hurried to answer it, bobby pins still sticking out of her mouth.
“Hey,” said Emma, sounding harassed. Raindrops clung to the shoulders of her coat and the beanie hat she wore. “I brought bear claws, library books and a fuck-ton of stress and self-doubt. Ready to study?”
Belle grinned, closing the door behind her and sliding the bobby pins into her hair.
“I’ll make some hot chocolate,” she said.
Three hours later, her eyes were stinging from the concentration, and she closed her book with a thump, sitting back in her chair. Emma mirrored her, yawning as she did so.
“Okay, I’m done,” she said tiredly. “Neal’s gonna be here soon. You get what you wanted out of that?”
Belle wrinkled her nose at her notes.
“I think I need another couple of hours,” she said. “I’ve done the reading and taken notes, and I’ve got the paper outline down, I just need to flesh it out. It’s not due until Tuesday, so I’ve got time.”
“Had any thoughts about how long you’ll keep going for?” asked Emma, and Belle pulled a face.
“As long as I can, I guess,” she said. “The more credits I get under my belt now, the less I have to worry about getting when I have a baby to care for.”
“Yeah, it was the crappy sleep that really killed me,” said Emma. “You think you’re done for the night, and then the kid decides three a.m. is a great time to party.”
“That doesn’t last forever though, right?”
“Right,” said Emma. “Although Henry was never one to sleep through. At least when Neal came back we could take it in turns. Trying to do everything yourself is - well, it’s hard. Take it from me.”
“I think I’m gonna be living on caffeine,” said Belle gloomily.
"I'll be sure to bring some over when I drop off Henry's old stuff," said Emma, with a grin. "You'll be okay. You're like the most competent person I know, you got this."
“Guess I won't have much choice,” said Belle.
“Guess not.” Emma picked up her books, stacking one on top of the other. “Any word from your ex?”
“What, since I told him to burn in hell, you mean?” asked Belle dryly. “No. Pretty sure he’ll be here tomorrow, though. I’m not sure I have the energy to deal with him.”
"Was he always like that?" asked Emma, and Belle shook her head.
"No," she said. "No, he was - I mean he was always closed off, don’t get me wrong. He never let me get close, but we could talk for hours about books and music and food - anything that was impersonal, I guess. And he was - he was interesting, and well-mannered, and polite, and he listened, you know? He'd listen to me talk about my studies, and what I wanted to do in life, and he'd encourage me, not try to bring me down by telling me that I read too much, or that I thought too much. It was nice."
"And then?"
"And then I told him I loved him," said Belle sadly. "And he pushed me away."
"Screw him!"
"That's kind of how I ended up in this mess," said Belle dryly, and they both chuckled.
“But he knows the baby’s his, right?” said Emma. “I mean he has proof now. Maybe he’ll stop being such an ass.”
“Maybe.” Belle sighed, running her hands over her face. “Maybe he won’t say something so offensive I want to punch him in the face. Maybe he was actually in Storybrooke getting a personality transplant.”
Emma snickered.
“What did he say that made you chew him out?” she asked, and Belle scowled.
“He’d clearly been to see my dad,” she said. “So he knew we weren’t speaking, and he was pretending not to know, wanting me to say it, to admit my dad didn’t want anything to do with me. I wasn’t in the mood to be manipulated.”
“Has your dad been in touch?” asked Emma. “Like at all?”
Belle shook her head, and Emma made an angry noise on her behalf.
“You think they had words?”
“I don’t know,” she said, with a shrug. “Guess Alex’ll tell me when I see him.”
She was subdued, fingers twitching on the plastic cover of the textbook, and Emma reached out to squeeze her hand.
"Men suck."
"Oh yeah," said Belle, with feeling. "And believe me, that last thing I want is a relationship right now, but I'm sick of being alone all the damn time. I never thought Dad would cut me off completely. I mean I knew he was mad I decided to keep the baby, but even so..."
“I’m sure your dad’ll come around,” Emma added. “Maybe when the baby’s born.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Belle wasn’t sure if she believed it, but a knock at the door pulled her out of her doleful mood, and she pushed to her feet.
“That’ll be Neal,” said Emma. “I’ll put my stuff away. You want a hand clearing up?”
“Nah,” Belle called over her shoulder. “I’ll do it later.”
She opened the door, smiling as she was greeted by Neal and Henry. Both of them were bundled up against the cold, scarves wrapped around their necks and raindrops clinging to their coats. They had identical brown eyes and ready smiles. At eight years old, Henry was bright and curious, an avid reader with a vivid imagination, and a love of cookies and bagels to rival Emma's own.
“Hey Belle!” he said. “I brought my book! Can I read you another story?”
“Sure!” she said. “You guys look like you could use a hot drink, am I right?”
“I’d kill for a coffee,” said Neal, steering Henry into the apartment by his shoulders. “We should have brought something sweet, right buddy?”
“I said we should bring cookies,” said Henry reprovingly, and Belle grinned.
“I have cookies,” she assured them. “Go on through to the kitchen, Emma’s just clearing up.”
“Thanks. Man, this place is nice.” Neal stopped, looking around himself as he shrugged out of his coat. “This whole apartment is yours?”
“Well, for the moment,” said Belle. “It belongs to Alex. He’s letting me stay, that’s all.”
“Beats the old place."
“Guess that wasn’t hard,” said Belle dryly.
“So, what’s he gonna do when the baby’s born?” asked Neal, following her through to the kitchen. “Move to Boston?”
“I don’t know,” she said, after a pause. “We haven’t discussed it. I mean, he has a whole business in Storybrooke. He owns most of the property there, and he has an antique shop that he runs. It’s not like he can just - not do that.”
“Guess he has enough money that he can do what he wants,” said Neal. “Does he want to be involved with the baby?”
“I - I think so,” she said slowly, getting out clean cups. “From what he says. I don’t know what that means, or how often he’ll want to see the baby, but it’s not like he’s not interested.”
“Well, that has to be a positive, right?” said Emma. “I mean it’s not like he’s just gonna throw money at you and never see the kid.”
“I don’t know,” she said wearily. “If we could be civil to each other for more than five seconds maybe we could work something out.”
“He have family?” asked Neal, and Belle hesitated, hands on the coffee maker.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly. “He’s never mentioned any, but then he never talked about anything personal, so who knows?”
“Well, he’ll have one soon,” said Emma, winking at her. “Whether he wants one or not.”
“He’ll have a child,” said Belle. “I doubt he’ll ever see me as anything more than its mother.”
After leaving a message for Ella with the test results and some instructions, Gold had booked a hotel in Boston, packed a case and set off on the long drive from Storybrooke. He gave himself a damn good lecture on the way down. Moe French turning his back on his daughter had been unexpected, and he wanted to kick himself for not seeing it, for not figuring it out from the desperate state he had found her in. He wondered how long Belle had been struggling alone. Whether she had had anyone else to turn to. A friend? A lover? Anyone? He would have to try to be there for her now, as ineffective and unhelpful as that would likely be. At least he could take away any financial worries she might have. He may have been a disaster at romantic relationships, but throwing money at a problem until it went away was one thing he excelled at.
He muttered under his breath as he parked the car, walking with a swift, limping stride to her apartment building and giving Marco a brief greeting. Belle didn’t just need money. She needed reassurance that he was going to share in the baby’s life, that he would take some of the burden of care. And they needed to be on good terms, which meant that one of them would have to bend in the face of the other’s hostility. He supposed that person really ought to be him, given that this entire situation was his fault. He tried to keep that in mind as he took the elevator up to the fifth floor and knocked on Belle’s door.
He could hear a murmur of voices inside the apartment, and his eyes narrowed as he tried to make them out. The door was wrenched open, spilling warm light out into the corridor, and Gold came face to face with a man in his late twenties, dressed in jeans and boots beneath a pale blue shirt, open at the neck. He was running a hand through short dark hair, brown eyes eyeing Gold cautiously.
“Yeah?” he said, and Gold raised his chin.
“Good evening,” he said. “Is Belle French here?”
“Who wants to know?” asked the man, and Gold gave him a flat stare.
“Alexander Gold,” he said coldly. “I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced.”
The man’s eyes widened.
“Oh, you’re him,” he said, and glanced over his shoulder. “Belle? Baby-daddy’s on your doorstep!”
Gold bristled, and squeezed the handle of his cane to calm himself. The man looked him up and down insolently, and just then Belle hurried to his side, a little breathless. Strands of dark hair were curling around her neck from the loose bun she wore, and her cheeks were flushed. The man stepped away, letting her fill the space in the doorway he had left.
“What are you doing here?” asked Belle, and Gold examined his fingernails.
“You said we needed a discussion,” he said, and she looked vexed.
“Yeah, but we didn’t agree when.”
“Well, you hung up on me before we could agree on anything,” he said evenly. “So here I am.”
“You want to do it now?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I getting in the way of a pressing engagement?”
The moment the words left his mouth, he wanted to kick himself in the shins, but Belle merely rolled her eyes.
“Fine, come in,” she sighed, and held open the door.
Gold stepped into the apartment, and she closed the door behind him. He was surprised to see a young woman, long blonde hair curling down her back, one hand on the shoulder of a boy of around eight or nine. His brown eyes matched those of the man who had answered the door, and Gold felt himself relax a little. So. Not a boyfriend. Just a friend. Why are you even fixating on this, you moron? Get a fucking grip!
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, trying to ignore the fact that they were all staring at him as though he was a museum exhibit.
“Oh, we were just going,” said the woman carelessly. “Belle, come over for dinner next week, okay?”
“I’d love to,” said Belle. “Don’t forget your book, Henry.”
Gold watched as the young boy—Henry—snatched up a large hardback book from the couch. His parents helped him on with his coat, the book making the process more complicated than it had to be. Henry was eyeing him curiously.  
“Are you Mr Gold?” he piped up, when his mother had wound a striped scarf around his neck. Gold smiled briefly.
“Yes,” he said. “Yes I am.”
“Mom said you helped Belle to make the baby.”
Gold couldn’t help grinning.
“Yes, I suppose that’s true,” he said.
Henry’s father had put his face in his hands, which made Gold’s grin widen. Eyes flicking to Belle, he could see that she was tugging at her lip with her teeth, a troubled look on her face.
“Are you going to get married?” asked Henry.
“No,” said Belle abruptly, and Gold felt the smile slide from his face like water.
“Uh - not everyone who has babies gets married, kiddo,” said the mother awkwardly.
“But what if Belle gets sick when the baby gets older, and it wants to go on a field trip?” asked Henry seriously. “Who’s gonna sign the permission slip?”
“I’m going to help take care of the baby,” said Gold. “I can sign the permission slip.”
Henry’s face brightened, and he beamed. It made Gold smile again, and something tickled at the back of his mind. Almost like a memory.
“Okay, buddy, let’s go,” said his father, clapping him on the shoulder. “You got your book, right?”
“Yeah. Bye Mr Gold. Bye Belle.”
“Goodbye, Henry,” said Gold, and was rewarded with another smile.
He watched as Henry was steered towards the door by his parents.
“See you Monday, Belle,” said the mother.
“Sure, Emma,” said Belle. “Bye Neal. Bye Henry.”
“Bye!” called Henry, and the door closed.
Belle turned to face him, arms crossed protectively around herself. It drew attention to the curve of her belly and the swell of her breasts, and he thought how beautiful she looked carrying his child. She was eyeing him warily, eyes flicking up at him and away, her teeth tugging at her lower lip. Things had to get better between them. He had to try to make them better.
“Sharp young lad,” he said, gesturing towards the door. “They seem a nice family.”
“Yeah, they are.”
Silence, her words short and cut off abruptly, her gaze cast at the floor. She didn’t want to talk about her friends, didn’t want to let him into that part of her life. He supposed he couldn’t blame her. Feeling awkward, he lifted a hand, let it fall against his leg with a slap.
“Well, shall we get on with it?” he said. “I spoke with my lawyer. There are some questions I need to ask you. If you could answer me truthfully without biting my head off, it’ll probably go easier on us both.”
“Try asking without accusing me of something and I’ll do my best.”
Gold reminded himself that snapping at her would achieve nothing.
“Very well,” he said coolly. “Are you in a relationship? It makes no difference to me, but my lawyer wants to know if you’re seeing anyone, in case it’s going to complicate visitation arrangements.”
Belle let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through her hair.
“No, Alex, I’m not seeing anyone, okay?” she said. “I haven’t been seeing anyone for months.”
“So why didn’t you say that when I asked the first time?”
“I’m saying it now.”
He was silent, fragments of memory floating around in his mind and causing mischief. The sleek red car outside her father’s shop. The tall, muscle-bound man with the dark hair and the perfect smile. The way he had pulled Belle to him and kissed her possessively, as though he owned her. How long had they been together? Not long, if her ‘months’ statement was accurate. Belle was watching him, and suddenly smirked a little, her eyes gleaming.
“Come to think of it, that’s probably the reason I jumped you,” she said lightly. “Been kind of going through a dry spell recently. Did you know that being pregnant with someone else’s kid is a real turn-off for most guys?”
“You astonish me,” he said dryly, and she shrugged.
“Yeah, so I’ve been a little on edge,” she went on. “I guess I got what I wanted, so thanks. That’s all it was.”
“That’s all it was,” he echoed. “Right.”
“You’re not bad,” she added. “Not as good as I remember, but then I guess I’ve grown up a little, hmm? I mean, you’re a little selfish, but I suppose that’s to be expected.”
His hands tightened on the handle of his cane.
“If you’re trying to hurt me, you’re wasting your time.”
Belle barked a humourless laugh.
“Well, I know that,” she said flatly. “You don’t feel anything, right?”
Gold felt his teeth clench.
“Are you done with being needlessly offensive?”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Please tell me what I’ve said that upset you since entering this apartment, and I’ll be sure to apologise.”
“It’s more the fact that you’re here at all.”
Gold bit the insides of his cheeks to keep from snapping out something hurtful, and after a moment Belle sighed and shook her head.
“Okay, I’m sorry,” she said. “I know we have a lot to discuss. I just - after last time, and our - mistake - I wanted to make sure we know where we stand, that’s all.”
“Right,” he said evenly.
“So - so I know you have zero interest in me beyond being the mother of your child, you’ve made that very apparent,” she said. “And likewise I have zero interest in you beyond you being its father. I just wanted to make sure we were clear on that.”
He had been expecting it, but it still hurt. A sharp, stabbing pain just below his heart, a thin, hot lance sliding deep into his soul. He told himself it was no more than he deserved, and gave her his most wintry smile.
“Oh, we’re crystal clear,” he said softly. “You’re safe from me, Miss French.”
Belle sent him a flat look.
“Stop calling me that.”
“Very well.”
More silence. She was eyeing him warily, and he tried not to sigh in resignation. Her hostility hadn’t lessened, but it was early days.
“I believe we have things to discuss,” he said. “Shall we get on with it?”
Belle nodded, raising her chin.
“You’d better come through to the kitchen,” she said. “And if you plan on being civil for a change, I could even make some tea.”
Gold swallowed the biting retort he wanted to make.
“Tea would be lovely.”
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gogetawaydreamer2 · 4 years
@writervega taking a moment to post this on here just in case it doesn’t upload to the Second Home. I’ve no idea where the hell I was going with this one but I hope you enjoy it somehow. Or maybe are even able to decipher it? 
In Dreams
The soft pelting of rain as it hit the glass of the cafe window brought her out of her thoughts. She day dreamed in sepia tones as thoughts of honeysuckle and jasmine filled her senses.
“God all it ever does here is rain.”
She muttered to herself as she cleared the second table of the day, brushing crumbs into a pile and sweeping them off with a bleach soaked cloth.
She had left sweet familiar warmth and the sun for sharp clean notes of bleach and salt kissed winds as the bitter sweetness of a dark roast wrapped itself a deep lush note of cherry and apricot. A pounding noise dripping with musky angst and tanging with metal and a primal musk of heavy drum beats and pounding bass lines.
“Are you going back home then? Just to see if it’s changed?”
The concerned voice of her best friend pulled at her heart. Surveying the clothes she had the maid set out of her to pack and heaving a sigh. She had reached a cross roads. Stay and bury her head in the sand until the ancient danger she had left behind was right up to her face or go and confront it once nd for all and kill it at it’s source.
“Yeah, I’m actually packing. I’ll call you when I land.”
“There’s no way I’m letting you go alone! I’m meeting you at the airport.”
“You don’t have to, Hel. Dave’s going to.”
“Three are stronger than one, eh? Love you and see you there.”
That was an hour ago before Colleen found herself sandwiched between a a rapidly panicking Helene as they hit pockets of turbulence and a husband that was determined to dig up any sort of missed clue in how to defeat the ancient evil Colleen thought she had left behind her so many years ago.
“It sounds like this might be what it is. A Dream walker, feeds on your deepest darkest fears and bad memories. Yours must have been fed daily.”
“Thanks Dave. Way to make a girl feel special.”
But it was true. Her monstrous black void in her life had been fed endlessly most days. Then, when Minnie had gotten sick and then Dad and the day her mother died. She had long ago been convinced that the house had been constructed on soured ground. The dreams she remembered being plagued with as a child and feeling the things out in the front yard there was no way something wasn’t attached.
A few years ago she thought that maybe her time in therapy had helped her until she dredged up something from the very depths of her mind. The musky smell of summer’s meadow soap.  It had been incredibly cheap soap but it was on sale and they were stuck grocery shopping. Colleen remembered liking the smell as first until red itchy welts came. It felt like her skin was on fire. Then the bruises and the yelling. There wasn’t anything else to bathe with so she’d just have to make due.
“Hey, Colly. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
In an instant she blinked and she was back on the plane headed towards the childhood home she had left so long ago.
“You were a million miles away, babe. It’s okay.”
Settling into his shoulder and reaching out for her best friend’s hand she sighed. She felt safe. A tiny wave of dread hit her for a moment. What if this was the last time she felt like this?
“Thank you. Thank you both for this, for
being here.”
In the time it had taken her to blink once more she had fallen under the calm of sleep once more. Down the rabbit hole Colleen ventured one again.
Somewhere over Chicago the music shifted. Pop had taken over and the waving undercurrent of darkness was lifting. It was easily forgotten in a town flooded with Laura Ashley florals and Jos. A Banks suits and tweed sweater vests. Ivy League fever was at it’s highest point yet. This was where she wanted to get lost. Live the perfect lie. For a moment she caught a glimpse of a wedding to a chiseled jawed bespectacled day trader who was writing a novel. A cute little starter home and then the urge to have a baby.
The quiet bliss of a family of my own.
Raised differently in comfort and love. Then she caught a glimpse of another woman; a blonde she could never  truly compete with. Then she saw his best friend over her,, the man who had lived next door to them for years and whose wife was sleeping with her husband. It had started off innocently one day, he had spotted her in the store picking up the weekly shopping when her little bundle of joy now two months old has screamed her head off. He had seen her struggling and often wondered why Jim hadn’t stepped in to help, it took two after all. Not that he would ever truly know because Evelyn was convinced that their infertility as a couple came from him. It didn’t.  The reason he knew this was because he was staring at the end result of a coupling that had taken place in the throws of summer. The child was happily babbling to herself and playing with the necklace that hung from her moth’s slender tanned neck.
“Looks like you’re out and about today with company.”
“Oh. Yes, she’s proving to be lovely company while Jim’s away in…Japan I think?”
“Oh. China maybe.”
He volunteered as she placed her purchases up the belt and reached for her credit card. Alex covered for his two timing friend, the only vaguely asian about his weekend was the apartment he was renting secretly over in china town.
“Could be, he’s been traveling so much I just can’t keep track. I was just making some dinner, would you like to join me? It must get awfully lonely over there all by yourself.”
“It does but you know how it is.”“I do. So join me, I’ve got that wine you like.”
Two bottles of wine and one very rich dinner later and they were sprawled out in front of the fire pit and gazing at the stars. Ashley had been tucked up away in the nursery and was dreaming nothing but sweet dreams.
“You know this is nice. Jim never does this anymore. It’s never just the two of us though.”
It dawned on him that maybe she was as lonely as he was. True, Colleen and Jim were married and they’d had a child but it was always like they were living by some sort of contract. Jim’s book was going nowhere while Alex had found a living breathing muse in his next door neighbor. A well placed kiss and a touch so gentle it left both of them wanting. Neither thought of the repercussions of their actions as they fell back into the expensive bedlinen. Over the course of the next few weeks the evidence of their night together began to make itself known. Their spouses were facing much of the same situation and thus began the great charade. More than a few heated arguments were to be had behind closed doors of course ) about the children’s puaretntiy. Truths were told and it was settled, they would officially switch. It wasn’t unheard of this sort of thing happening especially with early ,machine arranged marriages. And they all lived happily ever after.
Another blink and she found herself somewhere else. The high dry heat of California hit her. 
“Oh god, I’m back in high school!”
Judging from the stack of books she was clutching and the oily thick feel of poorly chosen foundation against her skin.
“Are you going to Jason Halliday’s party tonight?”
“Uh…yeah. If my mother found out she’d seriously flip. Maybe I could pay Mikey to watch Rose.”
Phase one had gone off without a hitch as she  had what seemed to be an endless amount of favors from from her older brother. Now she just had to figure out what to wear. A shower and a close examination found the I’d have to wear a pear of jeans and a tank top. Maybe a pair of sandals and a denim jacket. There. Done. And out the window I go.The one nice thing was what their house’s pretty much line up directly behind the housing estate Helene lived in so we would meet up at her house and get ready and take her car out. 
“Are you nervous?”
“What? Why would I be nervous?”
“Oooh…I don’t know maybe because a little birdie told me that Jason’s gonna ask you out.”
”I highly doubt that. Move your bang to the right a little.”
“Thanks and you don’t know.  I think he’s going to .”
“Ten bucks and you’re on.”
The drive up to the Halliday house was a long one clear across town it seemed. Standing there for a moment the burn of pot smoke stinging her eyes.
“Hey, Mark, put that out. Colleen you came.”
“Yeah, Surprise. Thanks for the invite.”
“No problem.”
Then Jim had shown up and ruined his chance with the girl of his dreams. 
“Maybe we could start over, Jason.”
“Sorry. Just taking the paths not yet taken.”
“I hope they’re not better than I am.”
“Nothing could be as good as you are for me.”
“Do you promise me?”
Opening her eyes she felt the movement of air. She was back in the suburban affair with the next door neighbor.  How many dreams am I going to have in one flight? She wondered and then shook off the absurdity of the thought. 
“Cross my heart and hope to die I do.”
What if Jim had never been made partner so quickly or if he had taken the offer his uncle had given him. Their life would have been complete worlds away from where Colleen found herself these days.
“Oh god she’s back on the relaxers.”
“No, I’m not. I’m thinking, something you should try sometimes.”
Ornate decor and no children. Ah, if they had taken Peter’s grandfather’s offer. Living in New York and summering in the Hamptons. 
“You’re looking quite lonely.”
“Perhaps if my the man I married wasn’t off cavorting with the local ladies of the evening I wouldn’t have to look this way.”
He said nothing to her, merely staring her down before looking past her out the window of the tiny seaside town they were now summering in. This had once been her hometown and she often wondered what would have happened if she had stayed.  Pulling up the long expanse of paved driveway she sighed to herself as the car came to a stop. 
“I’ll be by the pool. Off to your travels or wherever it is that you’re going.”
Her reward was a curt nod from the husband she barely knew. He mentioned having to back to New York to finish something and then it was on to Singapore.  She now paid no attention to his trip itinerary, it simply wasn’t worth it. Wandering the large front foyer she greeted a few of the staff with a small smile.
 “Mrs. Ellingham, lovely to see you again.”
“Hello, Winnie. Please, call me Colleen. I think I’ll be staying through the holidays so you and I will be seeing quite a bit of each other.”
A small if be it slightly alarmed smile settled across the maid’s features before she showed the woman paying her wages to the largest bedroom in the house. A room to behold if ever there was one. White marble and ornate silver and green decor could be seen. A lavish sunken tub with more jets than was seemingly possible was at the center of the room situated just below the circular skylight and flanked by rounded marble pillars. The powder room with it’s lush spring green colors was hidden off to the left and to the right there were full length mirrors refracting the view from the back garden and the pool area. The scent of summer roses and jasmine floated in the wind. The currents surrounding the massive bed draped in emerald green bed linen floated on the breeze. A quick change of clothes and Colleen saw herself overseeing the grounds before settling in on a lounger by the pool. Crystal blue water glinted back at her as she basked in the warmth of the sun.
“Maybe this was how it was supposed to be?”
She quieted quietly to herself before the sun was blocked out by the form of a man and the smell of Marlboro smoke.
“Who says it has to be any other way than how you yourself imagine it?”
Opening her eyes she saw the familiar form of a man she had known years ago and smiled. 
“How open minded of you, Mr. Halliday. What are you doing kicking around these parts?”
Given his dressed down state versus how Colleen had seen him a few years ago a brokers luncheon Jason was on vacation.
“Well, just settled into the place down the road from here and came by to see how the new owners of Thorncrest were doing.”
“Owner and you’re speaking to her. Lovely thanks.”
“Ooh, finally took your Ivy Leaguer to the cleaners huh?”
A small smirk played at her lips as she sat up and went about offering a glass of chilled lemonade to her impromptu guest. 
“Well, lets just say that after the summer season’s done you’re going to be seeing quite a bit more of me around here and with quite a bit more money than I care to know what to do with.”
“He just doesn’t know it yet?”
“He will after he’s properly served. So….does the Quincepoint place have a lady of the house or are you still trying girls on for size?”
A quick exhale of smoke through a grinning face answered for him. He always smirked like that when he was nervous.
“Nobody since you.”
“Well, that’s good then because it’ll save your closet space with my things here. If you’re good I may even give you a dresser drawer of your very own.”
“Man a guy can dream can’t he?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve dreamt of seeing you back here in this house for years and now here you are. It’s almost too good to be true, isn’t?”
Another plume of smoke was exhaled and Colleen found herself startled awake once more. Totally unsure of where she was or exactly who she was at the moment she studied her left hand. No large gaudy wedding set dripping in gold and diamonds. Just a simple silver band that was enveloped by a hand that from the looks of it, was used to doing office work. Blonde floppy bangs shielded a bespectacled fair face of the husband she shared a name with. Reaching out to trace the fine features of the Romanesque nose and finely crafted cheekbones a small shuddered passed over her seat mate. The slight stubble of a five o’clock shadow pricked her gentle touches as he moved closer. His eyes would open in a moment but what color would his eyes be? So far she had seen him in every single dream she had had since starting work on that book of hers. Blue. Like the summer sky and kind as she had ever hoped. 
A slow soft smile spread across his face as he rose from his slumber. It was always him that she wrote her male leads. He held a spark of something true and endless. Love and devotion were stamped upon him from the moment he had been thought of. Nicholas Shelley truly was the fitting piece to the puzzle that was her life.“Still feeling weird?”
“No, not really. I think I was just over tired…didn’t mean to worry you, Nick.”
“I figured that on my own when I put your carry on in the overhead and you were out like a light. Helene sends her love and says she’ll be meeting us at the lake house when he land. Something with Joey’s touring schedule or manager to work out.”
“Oh, okay then.”Something grabbed at her heart as panic started to rise. “You do know just how much I love you…right?”
Fair brows shot towards his hairline behind the curtain of bangs. “Of course, I do. Do you know how much I love you?”
“Yes. I’m…I’m sorry it’s just the deadlines and the rewrites and god I’m tired. I just didn’t think I was saying it enough or loud enough for you to hear me. I’m sorry I’ve been off in my own little world.”
‘It’s okay, I get the same way. It’s the nice think about being married to another writer, we know each other’s moods better than our own.”
Reaching a hand up he guided her head back towards his shoulder and she settled for a moment. Clean linen and woody sea was the comforting smell she always took from him. It righted her and her heart slowed back into a normal rhythm.  He carded his fingers through her long dark hair once more as he always did when she panicked and they had a moment together. 
“Never doubt my love for you because it is deeper than the ocean, stronger than steel, and even more endless than the night sky.”
She never doubted his words were true because she felt them. There, in her very heart his words and declarations were written and they would forever be safe. 
“I love you, too. More than you’ll ever know.”
No matter how many dreams she had or books she had written she knew that her true love's kiss would always be the most beautiful of all. His love for her as complete as hers was to him. They were simply crafted for each other.
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Runnin’ Just in Case - ai (7)
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Previously  Fic Playlist
Summary: It wasn’t love he was chasing, but he’s running just in case.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some heavy stuff happens in this chapter :/
Words: 2k
As fall approached and the leaves began to fade from green to orange, life on the ranch slowed. Preparations for Piper’s arrival had begun and the small bump on Bethany’s frame was slowly growing. Ashton had been keeping a detailed calendar of all the milestones and often tried to get everyone to celebrate with him, but it was usually only himself and Bethany. “Guess who reached 24 weeks.” Ashton grinned, pulling a cake from the fridge.
“Ash, please. We don’t need a cake every 4 weeks.” Calum groaned. “I’ve gained as much weight as Bethany has.”
“Are you calling me fat?” Bethany asked, looking at Calum.
“Well..” Calum started. “Yes, and no. You’re fat because you’re pregnant and you have a beautiful baby growing in you. You’re not fat in an unappealing way.”
“So, you’re saying fat people are unappealing?” Bethany raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms.
“No! No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Calum sighed. Bethany knew what he meant, but she enjoyed giving him a hard time.
“Enough, you two.” Evelyn shook her head and stood up. “Who wants to go into town and get the remaining lumber and supplies for the stables and barn?”
“Ashton and I were gonna go to town anyways, so we can get stuff.” Bethany said, pulling a slice of cake onto her plate.
“I’ll go too, because Bethany can’t lift anything.” Michael said, smiling at Bethany. It had only been a week since Michael had noticed the calf chart, but earlier than anyone had assumed. He was upset with himself that it had taken 3 weeks to notice, and the subtle comments from the others never registered in his mind.
“Thank you, Mike.” Evelyn smiled and began taking the dishes to the kitchen. “If you see that Barry guy in town, tell him to stop calling. No matter how much he pesters us, I’m not selling my ranch.”
“I really don’t get good vibes from that guy. It’s like he’s only here to start something.” Luke sighed. “He’s been very friendly with the Atkins’ though.”
“Money attracts money.” Bethany rolled her eyes and forked another bite of cake into her mouth.
“Well, we better get going if we want to get back before dark.” Ashton sighed and put the cake back in the fridge.
The three of them made it town faster than usual, as Michael was driving. “What are we picking up?” Mike asked, parking at the lumber yard.
“Dax has it all set aside for us. My mom called it in a few days ago.” Bethany said and slid out of the car. She let out a deep breath as she rubbed the side of her bump.
“You good?” Ashton asked, his large hand rubbing over her stomach.
“Yeah, she just kicked my kidney.” Bethany sighed, placing her hand over Ashton’s. Ashton pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before leading her inside.
“Was wondering when you lot would be by for this here lumber. Been sitting in the bay for a week.” Dax said, coming out of the back room.
“Sorry, things have been a little crazy at the ranch.” Bethany smiled. “There’s a lot to do to get ready for the baby.”
“Speakin’ of your little one, the guys and I have a little surprise for ya.” Dax grinned and led the three of them out to the shop where an oak crib was waiting.
“Dax, it’s beautiful!” Bethany gasped. “Y’all didn’t have to do this for us.”
“It was nothin’.” Dax chuckled. “Besides, this here wood came from your daddy’s tree.”
“What?” Bethany looked up at Dax, tears pricking her eyes.
“When that storm hit back in August and knocked the tree down, Old Man Montgomery let us take the tree for the wood. When we heard you was expectin’ a little one, we thought we’d use the oak to bring your daddy home again.” Dax smiled, his eyes soft.
“Thank you, so much, Dax.” Bethany sniffed and hugged him. “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“Your daddy was a good man and a better friend. Now, he’ll always be there for your little one.”
“How much do we owe you for the crib?” Ashton asked, pulling out his wallet.
“No, no, son. This here is a gift for y’all. No need to pay for this.” Dax smiled softly at Ashton.
“Dax, y’all must’ve worked late nights to get this done. The least we can do is offer some compensation.” Ashton said, hoping Dax would let him give something.
“Keep your money. I know times are tough with the ranch right now.” Dax offered a small smile.
“We really appreciate it, mate.” Ashton smiled and loaded the crib and the supplies into the truck. As they were getting back in, Michael noticed Bigshot Barry walking out of the grocery store.
“What’s that guy still doing here? He’s been here for months.” Mike rolled his eyes and started the truck.
“I don’t know, but I have a really bad feeling about that guy.” Bethany sighed and buckled her seatbelt. Michael sighed and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Do we need anything else in town?” He asked, glancing at the couple.
“No. Now that we have a crib, the nursery is almost set.” Bethany said, her palm rubbing across her stomach. Michael nodded and turned onto the highway, driving them home.
Michael and Ashton brought the lumber over to the barn and the stables, where Luke and Evelyn were doing the finishing touches on the beams of the stables. “There you are. I was wondering when you’d get back.” Evelyn said, setting the drill down.
“Yeah, we got the lumber and screws and shit.” Mike said, nodding to the truck. “Dax made a crib out of Dave’s tree.”
“He did? Oh, that’s perfect.” Evelyn smiled softly. “A little piece of him will always be with our little Piper.”
“It was exactly what we needed.” Ashton smiled.
“Yes, it was.” Evelyn smiled at him. “Why don’t you guys get started over here. I’m gonna head to the west barn and finish up some of the interior so it’ll be ready when the frost hits.” She pulled off her work gloves and laid them on a hay bale before walking away.
“Did you see the asshole in town today?” Luke asked, looking at Michael and Ashton.
“Yeah, when we were leaving. Why?” Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.
“He called about an hour ago. He told Evelyn that if she doesn’t consider selling, she’ll regret it.” Luke sighed softly.
“That sounds like a threat.” Michael said, picking up the drill.
“That’s what I thought too. Then, after Evelyn hung up on him, she got a call from the Atkins’ farm. I guess some cows got loose and wandered into their pasture. Calums over there now trying to round them all up.” Luke explained.
“How would they have gotten out? They’re in the south pasture, which has an iron fence. The only way they can get out is if someone opened the gate.” Ashton pondered.
“Calum said the gate was open when he went over there, but the lock was still locked.”
“So, someone broke the gate open.” Michael said, shaking his head. “It was probably the Atkins’ trying to scare us.”
“That’s what we figured. We’ll just have to keep an eye out.” Luke sighed and went back to work.
Bethany had left the group and gone to the house to make dinner. As the time passed, the boys slowly made their way into the house. “Hey, we talked to your mother and she said she’s gonna eat later. She wants to get the barn finished tonight.” Michael said as he hung his hat by the door.
“Okay, I’ll leave a plate for her in the microwave.” Bethany nodded and filled a plate, setting it in the microwave. She handed out plates to the boys and they each filled their plates.
“How are the stables looking?” Bethany asked as she sat at the table.
“They’re coming along nicely. The framing is all set up, we just need to install sheetrock and plastering, before any other major changes can happen.” Luke said, scarfing down his meal as if it were the last he’d ever eat.
“That’s good. Mom was hoping to have them done by the time the fair started, so we could enter it in the building event.” Bethany said, slowly eating her food.
“You okay?” Ashton whispered to her softly.
“Yeah, my stomach’s just feeling a little weird. You know that feeling you get before something bad happens?” She looked back at him as he nodded. “That’s the kind of feeling I have right now.” She sighed and ate a couple more bites. “It’s messing with my appetite.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen, love. Please finish your meal, you barely had any breakfast or lunch today and you are eating for two now.” Ashton said, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I know, my love.” Bethany smiled softly and ate another bite. Ashton’s heart fluttered at the nickname. Neither of them had said the L word yet, so hearing her call him her love made his heart skip a beat. He smiled to himself as he continued eating his own food.
When they had finished, Michael helped Bethany bring the dishes to the kitchen. Bethany had just started loading the dishwasher when a loud booming sound shook the house, the front windows shattering. A scream flew from Bethany’s lips as she backed up against the counter. “What the hell was that?!” She yelled, placing her hand over her heart.
“I have no clue.” Michael said, following Luke and Ashton out of the house. Bethany jogged behind them to keep up, her heart stopping when she looked up. The barn was nearly completely enveloped in bright red flames.
“M-Mom?” Bethany tried to call out for her, but the words were stuck in her throat. Luke quickly grabbed hold of Bethany’s arms, keeping her standing.
“She’s probably not in there. She’s probably getting buckets of water.” Luke said, though he knew his words weren’t helping. Bethany let out another scream as the wood cracked, part of the roof caving in.
“N-No..” Bethany gasped for air, her lungs denying her of a breath.
“I’m going in.” Ashton said, looking at the three of them. “I have to get Evelyn out of there.”
“Ash, no.” Bethany whimpered softly as tears streamed down her cheeks. The thought of losing her mother and her boyfriend on the same night was sending her into a panic.
“I have to.” Ashton said, pressing a lingering kiss to Bethany’s lips. “I love you, so much.. Both of you.” He whispered softly as his hand gently rubbed along her small bump, before running into the barn.
“No!” Bethany screamed, a new wave of tears cascading down her reddened cheeks. “Ashton!” She screamed, beginning to run after him.
“Bethany, stop!” Luke yelled as he grabbed ahold of her arms once more, holding her back. Michael pulled out his phone, quickly dialing 9-1-1.
“I can’t lose both of them.” Bethany sobbed, her eyes never leaving the flames. The wood of the barn crackled in front of them as the rest of the roof tumbled down, the flames rising higher and higher. Bethany’s knees buckled as she fell to the ground, Luke kneeling with her. Bethany let out a final pained scream before collapsing into Luke’s arms, the sobs wracking her body.
Tag List: @lukespumpkinspice@calumculture@kinglycalum@babylon-corgis@novacanecalum@spookymashton@dontdoitluke@isabella10028@calumamongmen@bumblebet-20@lockthisheartinchains@bitterbethany@sublimehood@myloverboyash@ironicallyirwin@lashtoncurls@mukesreject@sanfrancjsco@boytoynamedcalum@opinionatedpisces-official@blahehblah @lukehemmings@harry-hallows-eve@findingliam-o @gh0st-0f-y0u-95
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