happy-depressed7bean · 12 hours
Wish I could travel the world and visit every little bookshop in every city and try a cup of coffee in every city and visit every art museum and eat local fruit and swim in every body of water all over the world
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Become a marine biologist. Take meaningful steps to disrupt oppressive capitalist systems. Look at a picture of a baleen whale. Listen to music you enjoy. Create a spotify playlist that is so unhinged that it breaks the algorithm. Disregard the need to have everything nice and shiny and aesthetically pleasing; growth is chaotic and messy, allow it to be so. Read about crabs. Be compassionate to your body even though it’s hard some days. Develop pharyngeal jaws and use them to devour those who restrict the rights of marginalized people. Try not to compare yourself to other people. Abandon gender roles and instead construct a belief system based around baleen whales because they’re just the best. Maybe have a little read before bed.
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happy-depressed7bean · 8 months
the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that
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happy-depressed7bean · 11 months
You deserve to feel safe. To feel taken care of. It's ok to depend on people, be attached to people, need people. It doesn't mean you're not strong. It's human. Attachment isn't always bad. It's not a weakness.
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"low support needs disabled people are often not believed to have a disability at all and therefore struggle to get accommodations."
"high support needs disabled people's accommodations are often seen as 'too much' and therefore are not met."
"neurodivergent people's needs are often dismissed because nothing is physically wrong with them."
"physically disabled people people often cannot physically access buildings and people refuse to do anything about it."
"invisibly disabled people are seen as lazy by society."
"visibly disabled people are ostracized from society."
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it’s not canon but it should be!!!
During pride month, Garcia puts a little tray of pride pins in the bullpen with a sign that has 'take one!' written on it in rainbow gel pen.
She doesn't think about it much, just hopes that a few people will spot it and feel seen and loved.
She notices JJs first.
She's in the elevator and sees JJ jogging slightly to make it before the doors shut, Garcia keeps them open and the blonde grins at her in lieu of thanks. Its attached to her canvas tote, just below where the strap joins the body of the bag; a bisexual pin. Garcia knows its one of the ones she put out because of the layer of see-through glitter on it.
She doesn't mention it, but she puts a mini bi flag in JJs pen pot first chance she gets.
The next one she notices is Emilys.
It's about a week after she puts the pins out and shes going to Emily's office to ask about a case. She spots it, hooked carefully through the mesh wire of one of the pen pots on the unit chiefs desk. A glittery lesbian pride pin.
Again, she doesn't mention it, but she makes Emily a bracelet with the colours of the lesbian flag and leaves it in her desk. Garcia has seen it around the brunettes wrist every day since.
The next is Spencer, and Gacria actually sees him pick it out.
She's a little later than usual, and as she walks up to the bullpen, she sees Spencer loitering just beyond the doorway, right where the tray of pins is. She slows to a stop a few meters away and tries to be quiet as she waits for him to pick, not wanting to intrude if he didn't want anyone to know. She needn't have bothered as she sees him attach one of the bisexual pins to his cardigan pocket with a smile.
She watches with a warm, happy feeling as JJ and Spencer notice each others pins, the two friends clearly overjoyed in finding someone else who understands, completely and wooly.
Spencer gets an entire pack of bi and rainbow heart-shaped stickers.
Garcia starts to see the rainbow ones around the building, even noting one on the elevator ceiling, which she finds incredibly funny.
The bisexual ones are all stuck somewhere on JJ or Spencers desks.
Garcia starts to wear a pansexual pin on her clothing, rather than leaving it sitting on her desk, attaching it to whatever outfit she puts on in the morning.
No-one comments on it, but a after a few days of wearing it, a pansexual flag appears in her pen pot.
Another couple of days and she finds a shakily-made pansexual bracelet on her desk. She puts it on immediately, of course.
The next day she finds a few sheets of the same stickers she gave Spencer, but with the pansexual flag rather than the bisexual one.
It makes her feel seen in a way she's not used to.
Her team love her, and she loves them.
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black lesbians honestly deserve so much more. they are constantly an afterthought in the lgbtq community despite having so much history in building it. it really hurts seeing other lgbtq members brush off black lesbians struggles to them “overreacting” or being “too emotional” over being constantly erased from their own community. listen to black lesbians. if a black lesbian tells you that you are making your lgbtq space unsafe or uncomfortable for them then you listen and make changes. it shouldn’t be controversial to say that black lesbians deserve to feel safe and accepted in the lgbtq community.
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want <3
Intimacy is kissing her nose then her cheeks then her lips >>>>>>
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I want to be invited even if I might not be able to make it.
I want to be invited and be given the option of saying yes or no.
I want to be invited with the presumption that I will try my very best and very hardest to go.
What is worse than being disabled is the feeling of being abandoned and unwanted for being disabled.
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i'm both dumber and smarter than you think so don't underestimate me because i'm actually smart about a lot of stuff but also don't be surprised if i'm dumb about some other stuff hope that helps
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The best sex is the clumsy and touchy kind - bumping noses, missing eachothers lips in the heat of the moment, not even attempting to take eachothers clothes all the way off, hair falling into your face and getting in the way of things
Its just so erotic and intense, both parties so desperate to just feel eachother that they dont care if its coordinated or would look good on camera 💕💕 I love
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current hyperfixation is emily prentiss
Ok, so Emily Prentiss trait that low key bugs me in the show and in fics is that she can't cook to save her life.
Emily is NOT afraid of the kitchen and if she invites you round for dinner you will eat some of the most delicious food you've had in your life.
And I'm not saying she's a foodie and loves cooking. I'm saying she's rich and grew up in Europe and the middle east - very foodie places!
She buys the best and freshest ingredients so it takes minimal prep to create something delicious.
She goes to her local delicatessen and buys incredible olives and cheeses and fresh artisan bread.
She knows a dozen simple dishes that always wow her guests but have fewer than 5 ingredients.
She can't be bothered with baking but she knows how to use an oven.
She rarely volunteers to host the team cause Rossi loves to host and she can't be bothered with the clean up, but every so often she gets bullied into it and it looks something like this:
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the cottagecore lesbian/sapphic aesthetic needs to be more raunchy. its so sanitised and so.... glossed with the smell of "purity culture" that i just cant stand it.
i need to see more cottagecore lesbian/sapphic posts about having sex with your girl in a field of wildflowers thats so good that you scream so loud the birds burst away from nearby trees......
fingering her in the shade of an oaktree and feeling her cling to your flannel to keep from falling as her knees weaken around you.......
riding her strap slowly on the porch of your cottage as the sun sets and its light catches in her lusty lidded gaze.......
eating her out on the pier reaching out over the lake behind your home......
waking up naked in bed together and pressed so close your bushes brush together as the morning dewy sunlight spills in through your linen curtains.......
her sunwarmed hands slide up your hairy legs til they lift the bottom of your sundress as you walk through your garden and vegetable patch together....
lesbians, sapphics, i am begging you.... do not be shy about expressing your sexual desire for women !!!! theres no shame in it !!!! there is beauty and pride in it !!!
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it can be really tough when you are progressing through a difficult lesson in your life and you might already know that you need to accept a certain hard pill logically but there's a little child inside that screams "this is so unfair! everything is unfair!! i hate this i hate this i don't want to go through all this please just make this stop!" that makes it unbearable to move through. it is exhausting my love, and i hope you give grace and warmth to all the parts of you which is fighting for your survival through this difficulty. every emotion, feeling and frustration is here to make you a better person—maybe that's the last thing you want to hear right now when the weight of everything seems unbearable. seek out comfort—both from your support system and within yourself. rock the little upset child to sleep slowly, everything will be alright. the sun is so bright on the other side my love. i hope you choose to keep going ♡
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For the longest time I told myself that I should or should not feel, think or be a certain way, because all you heard was that it is wrong to be clingy, dependent and overly emotional. In case you have been feeling the same way I just wanted to remind you: The truth is that it is absolutely okay to need closeness and reassurance in any kind of relationship. Erase the thought from your mind that you are weak for depending on someone; for needing emotional support. You are so strong for being vulnerable and letting other people take care of you. Stop listening to the voices that tell you to be someone you are not. It is your right to have your emotional needs met, my love - surpressing those needs will not make anything better. You just need to find out what you need exactly and communicate it. Being raw, emotional and honest gift and so is your soul, darling.
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A woman’s body is just made to be worshipped I’m sorry I don’t make the rules
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emily prentiss might be my new hyperfixation
JJ: This dinner is too hot, I can't eat it
Emily: You're hot, I still eat you
Hotch: ONE dinner. I just want ONE dinner-
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