#old laptop
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pam3pr · 5 months ago
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unrealityliminal · 6 months ago
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kvetch19 · 2 months ago
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liamarthouse · 4 months ago
I drew Karrie with her alt short hairstyle again cuz she makes me happy and has lowkey become a comfort character of mine
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homicidenight · 5 months ago
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67i203 · 2 years ago
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murkendy · 8 months ago
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nixcraft · 2 years ago
By adding an SSD and maximizing the RAM, along with using a free operating system such as Linux or FreeBSD, your laptop can easily be extended another five years of life.
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meltylovee · 6 months ago
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Ending my day with a project for my Chinese classes…very exhausted and tired |( ̄3 ̄)|
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conkreetmonkey · 1 year ago
All the other students in this university have sleek, shiny and oh-so-tiny modern laptops. Their babyfresh keyboards click away quiet as dormice, and their featherlight bodies fold neatly into a size comparable to a child's stickerbook.
My laptop, which I've had since the age of 15, is not like that. She's big, she's bulky, and she struggles to run Wallpaper Engine. She probably has a virus or two, her thick plastic covering is scuffed and cracked, her rubber bits are held in by birthday wishes and spit.
If these other laptops are peppy young thoroughbreds, mine is a grizzled old shire horse with a greying snout and knee problems.
I could ditch this PC for a new one, maybe a cute little macbook. I could take this old girl to the glue factory. She's loyal, but she's slow and hard of hearing. Maybe I deserve an upgrade.
Psyche! I'm never giving up my old girl. She's been with me since I was a wee little pubescent teen, and I love her. I'm riding this old horse until it's her natural time to go, and I'm doing everything I can to maintain her health and extend her lifespan. I love you, shaggy old shire horse.
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powerbook180c · 7 months ago
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Happy Y2K everyone!
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pam3pr · 4 months ago
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raspberryconverse · 1 year ago
So last month the director of marketing decided to try a new thing for the monthly marketing meeting: a fireside chat with someone on the team. I asked my boss if he wanted to do it and he said, "Don't you dare volunteer me!" I mentioned that I wouldn't mind doing it and he said I should. I'm the only one who volunteered, so I'm next.
The first guy (who was kinda voluntold) had a fireplace background on Teams. I do happen to have a fireplace, however, we had it closed off because it was "a danger to society" as my spouse likes to say. I even have the opening covered in plastic (like you do with the windows in the winter) because there's still a cleaning hatch that air gets in and you can hear it rattle when it's really windy. So I had an idea.
At first I was going to put the TV in front of the fireplace and have one of those fireplace YouTube videos playing. Spouse said absolutely not. Then I tried using my personal laptop, but the screen is too small and the only way you could see it was if I had it on a TV tray table right behind me. You could see the tray table, so I wasn't really digging that either because I had to position my pillows just so.
I do have a 23" monitor, but it's so old it doesn't have an HDMI input. I do have a VGA to HDMI adapter, but my spouse is currently using it because their monitor is so poorly designed (the HDMI input is blocked by the mounting plate on their monitor arms- which I bought at cost because my company is an office supply distributor). I don't have a VGA input on either my work or personal laptops, so I wasn't sure what I was going to do except hope my spouse didn't have to do work during the meeting or secretly use the TV like I planned.
Then I remembered my old laptop has a VGA input because it's older than the monitor. I got my new computer in 2018, so I literally haven't booted it up in 6 years. I did have the hard drive files transferred to my new computer when its hard drive died (for the 3rd time 🤬). I tried to boot it up, but for some reason the touch pad was working, but not clicking and the keyboard wasn't working at all. I borrowed my spouse's keyboard (they don't always use it for work) and tried to login.
Well, I got this weird "user profile cannot be loaded" error. I found a fix to it online and after about 20 minutes of the disk error being fixed, it booted up. The track pad was clicking, but the keyboard still wasn't working. Then I remember one of the deciding factors to me getting a new laptop was that only a few of the keys worked and I had already replaced the keyboard twice (the battery also didn't hold a charge, so it had to be plugged in at all times).
Here is the end result:
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I originally had it on an Ikea cardboard storage box, but I didn't like how that looked and again, had to reposition pillows just so to block it. I happened to have this 10x10 plexi cube from when I worked at Bath and Body Works (it has a crack, so it was just going to get thrown away), so it works pretty well. And I kinda like that you can see it's a monitor in front of the fireplace.
I'm kinda hoping the director of marketing asks about it because boy, do I have a story about getting this to work. If anything, it'll be funny when it's my turn to talk.
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spolarium-place · 2 years ago
Today I found my mother's old Acer laptop (Aspire R11 R3-131T-C70V if exactly). It hasn't been used for a long time and I decided to experiment with it a little.
I decided to install Windows Vista on it and give myself a challenge: spend the whole day on a laptop with Vista and less than 50 GB free disk memory (mom simply forgot to look at the disk capacity in the specifications when she ordered the laptop). Unfortunately, the archive with ISO-file took too long to install cuz shitty home wifi, so I left the challenge until tomorrow.
In addition, I will feel myself in times when Vista was relevant. I was born exactly in 2007 and was too young, and it was only XP on home family pc.
I think it will be interesting xperience
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(wonder how this wallpaper was created)
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chaoticfluffypupper · 2 years ago
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retechie · 3 days ago
Where to Buy a Certified Refurbished Laptop Like MacBook Pro Online
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Searching for a top-notch refurbished MacBook Pro? Finding the finest locations to get a certified refurbished laptop is made easier with the aid of our advice, which guarantees a dependable and reasonably priced devices. Learn what to look for, how to pick the best seller, and why Retechie is the greatest place to get refurbished laptops in India.
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