#old fanfiction rewritten
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skeefee-sky · 18 days ago
so!! here's the rewrite of that one story i was talking about c: the, 'genderbent but not genderbent' story... or... i still don't actually know what to call it x'D shall we go with Sister Tracy?? i dunno >w<
anyway! i definitely do have more ideas for this AU now, so, expect more from me c: cause after doing this rewrite, my brain got flooded with ideas xD so, yeah haha. keep your eyes peeled xD 👀
💚💛 TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB ~~~ TB 💛💚
The villa was oddly quiet for an afternoon. Eldest and youngest brothers were still away on their own solo rescues, middle brother monitoring from space, other members of the family off in their own corners of the buildings. The slowly, setting sun threw colours across the peaceful lounge, of brilliant pinks, yellows and oranges. The second-eldest Tracy drank in this time of day, in the rare moment she wasn’t caught up in a rescue, pulling out her sketchbook to document the colours.
Today was different.
Vivienne sat on the high edge of the pool, her sketchbook resting untouched on her knees as she stared up at the sky. She was distracted, her mind solely on the rescue that had happened earlier that morning. She’d never felt so disappointed in herself before, but something today… Something had really stuck with her, and she hadn’t been able to shake it all day. They’d rescued the construction crew; she should have been satisfied. But something her younger brother had said…
“Don’t you dare.”
Tranquillity interrupted, and she’d spoken the words the moment she sensed movement behind her. Gordon froze in his slightly hunched over position, hands raised in the air. The blonde made a teasing grumble as he dropped and plonked beside her.
“You’re getting good. I was only fifteen steps away this time!”
“Yes. Because I’d really be that unsuspecting when you’re about to push me into the pool…” Vivienne smirked, adjusting her position.
“It was the perfect opportunity!” Gordon chuckled, brushing a hand through his hair before he lent back on both hands. “I’m not here to push ya though, Vin; promise. Just wanted to, check in… you know.”
Being one of the only girls in a family of all boys had its perks, sometimes - she did really appreciate when her brothers checked in, even if at times it did get bothersome. It often reminded her of the true bond she had with them. Shifting again, Vivienne pulled her knees up to her chest, nursing her sketchbook.
“Yeah… Guess I, was a little funny after the mission today…” she admitted. Gordon slightly raised an eyebrow; ‘a little’?
“It totally was because of what I said, huh…?”
Vivienne swallowed. Technically, she hadn’t been the only one worried - Scott and John had voiced their concerns too. But of course Gordon's focus would be her word.
“I thought, you were actually going to go through with it…” the second-eldest murmured, muffling her words onto her knees as she closed brown eyes. “I’d, be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about what could have happened.”
It had been a tight spot, and Gordon had gotten stuck. But his big sister had been there to pull him and the construction crew out, and the aquanaut had only come away with a few scrapes down his right arm. Vivienne knew it could have been much worse…
“You know me, Vinnie… Always making you and Scotty worry,” the blonde laughed softly, playing with the threading on one of his bangles. “No matter how old we are…”
Brown eyes quietly darted over to watch him, taking in the features of her little brother. No matter how old they were…
She still remembered the days a much younger brother would come to her, asking for stories about the sea and mermaids, or trying to join in on her piano practicing. She didn’t like to remember the days that included tears, concerned voices, or much needed hugs where little hands would curl into her clothing and not let go for a while… A weight suddenly against her shoulder returned her to the moment, and she glanced at her younger brother as he comfortably rested his head against her.
“I didn’t mean to, Vin…”
“I know, squid…” Vivienne hummed, uncurling a little so she could place the sketchbook beside her and then tucked an arm around him. “… I’m your sister. I’m made to worry.”
Gordon's weight shifted as he let out a sigh and leant into her. She was, and, that meant Scott didn’t have to worry as much… They shared their worry levels. That probably came with being the eldest. Of any of them, the aquanaut always considered himself the closest to their sister, and secretly enjoyed her comfort more than their eldest brother's. Brown and amber eyes followed the sun as it finally disappeared beyond the horizon, and Gordon eventually lifted his head at the soft rumbling in the distance.
“Sorry you didn’t get to draw your sunset before Scott came home, heh…” he apologised.
“Plenty more opportunities,” Vivienne mused, giving him the gentlest nudge as she sat up and crossed her legs, tucking the sketchbook back into her lap. Thunderbird One’s engines grew louder. “… Thanks, Gords. I needed that.”
The aquanaut hopped up, beaming a grin at her as he held out a hand to help her to her feet. The amusement in his eyes faded a little before he spoke again.
“You always told me it’s okay to be worried in the moment, especially when things happen out of your control. You remember that too, big sis,” he pleaded; the two of them taking steps back toward the villa as their brother’s Thunderbird approached. Vivienne almost missed Gordon continue over the roar of the ship’s engines once they were safely inside.
“Promise I won’t be losing an arm anytime soon!”
She only laughed and rolled her eyes before looking away to watch the silver rocket descend under the pool before them. She needn’t worry, but she did it anyway. She was never going to be like her brothers in certain aspects, but if they needed a rock; someone to listen, someone to comfort, she was going to be there.
No matter how old they were.
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
Genuinely curious as to if you asked permission to use Rachel’s characters and she said yes or if you just decided Lore Olympus is popular enough to make a fan comic of and are hoping you don’t receive a cease and desist? Can anyone create a remake comic of original content and just change what you don’t like about it and it’s considered legal if you say the characters belong to the original creator? There is plenty of disappointing media out there that could be remade. I understand you cannot use their characters for profit so is just posting it ok?
Yes, anyone can, because it's called fanfiction lmao Obviously in my case the term "fan" is being used loosely here as at this point it's more like "foe"fiction LMAO but the same principles apply. Unless I try to claim LO is my own creation or make a profit off Rekindled, I should be in the clear. If legal action was taken against me then it would set a precedent against all forms of fanfiction, rewrite, redraw, etc. content around LO which are all essentially doing the same thing Rekindled is doing. I think people tend to view Rekindled as somewhat of an "exception" that's vulnerable to legal action because it's an actual weekly comic put into practice in the same playing field as LO (though they're on massively different bases obviously LOL), but there's not much more separating it from the LO redraw accounts or even the genuine fan accounts that have learned how to draw in Rachel's style (and use it to make their own LO self-inserts and whatnot). I had the time and resources and experience to do what I do through Rekindled, but every redraw, rewrite, fanfiction, etc. account are making the exact same statement I am, whether intentionally or not - "I do/don't like the canon, but/so here's what I think it would be like if it went like this".
There is definitely plenty of media out there that could be remade, and a lot of them are by the fanfiction writers out there who are filling that niche within their respective fandoms. LO is the one I want to do because it's the one that interests me and compels me the most to rewrite.
Not to mention, it's already a bold statement in and of itself to say that I'm "using Rachel's characters", a statement that likely wouldn't hold up in court LMAO Her "characters" are literally just stylized self-insert versions of public domain figures. She did not write The Hymn to Demeter. She did not create Hades, or Persephone, or Hecate, or any of the other characters she writes about. She does not own an entire religion or its deities. The only thing that she really "owns" is the licensing rights to the name "Lore Olympus", and while the style of LO is very unique and identifiable, you can't trademark/copyright a style because that uproots the entire foundation of what art is (ironically no one has had an original idea SINCE the Greeks, we all just learn and adapt our styles based on other artists that we get inspired by and learn from).
Shit, there are series completely unrelated to LO that get harassed or otherwise warned that they could cross into "legal territory" with LO just because they're Greek myth comics. Punderworld, Theia Mania, H x P Ficlets, all of these are comics that also tackle the H x P myth, and while they aren't attempting to do the same thing as Rekindled (as they exist on their own terms) it's really disappointing when I see people talk about these comics purely through the scope of Lore Olympus as if LO invented Greek myth. If WT/Rachel tried to pull rank over the story's "characters", they'd be picking a fight with every other Greek myth comic, book, movie, etc. and they oughta know that's not a fight they're gonna win lol
So everything beyond LO's branding is, in and of itself, fanfiction. Rekindled is just another level deeper by being fanfiction of a fanfiction. As long as I'm not profiting off Lore Olympus' namesake or distributing my work with the misconception that I created LO, it's legally fine. Morally, I'm sure it doesn't exactly make me a saint to do it, it definitely took a lot of hubris for me to say "yeah I don't like how you wrote your story enough that I felt the need to rewrite it completely" and I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking doing so is icky. There are certain lines I won't cross - I don't use the general LO hashtags because my content is very critical and my work isn't really for the fans, I don't encourage anyone to "show Rachel" what I do here because none of what I do here is obligated to be seen by her (and I know it wouldn't be in her best interest to see it anyways, she's literally said that she doesn't like criticism so why tf would I wanna show her a comic that exists to criticize her work lol), and I'm not planning on posting it to Webtoons because that's Rachel's territory. I don't want to overstep both in the legal sense and in the moral one. I think it's more than enough for me to just post my stuff here for the people who are seeking it, and not profit off it or directly affiliate it with LO/Rachel beyond crediting.
All that said, in a moral and legal sense, what I'm doing is literally the basis of fanfiction, and I wouldn't be going to such lengths and spending this much time every week putting out episodes every week if I never cared about LO and how it made us all feel, even if some of us don't love it as much as we used to.
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cchickki · 6 months ago
is over 13k words too much for one chapter? 😅
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ichiwashername-o · 2 months ago
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Coming soon to a Tumblr near you-
Dangerous Secrets, a modern retelling of the classic Wizard of Oz with a Wicked twist. Join Dorothy as she travels across Oz to seek out the Wizard for his help to get back home! Along her way, she meets a colorful cast of characters, each with their own dark secrets that Dorothy must unravel. And so too does the dark hidden underbelly begin to emerge from behind the bright shining curtain that is the face of Oz.
And now, finally, an update on my fanfiction and plans for how I intend to post the stories!
To bring everyone up to speed, I am re-releasing some long-forgotten Wicked fanfics of mine, and also uploading a rewritten version. This story features a slightly aged-up Dorothy (17 yrs old) from a more modern day, giving her far more nuance and agency, and a bit of resistance to all the shenanigans she's getting thrown into.
To not spoil the fun for all of those who are new to my work, I decided to post both old and new chapters simultaneously, so you can then pick and choose which version you want to read first (or even read at all XD)
That does mean that updates will have a sizeable gap between them. How long? It's impossible to say. A lot of this hinges on a multitude of factors, such as the demand of my day job and if the writing gods smile upon me or send a plague of writer's block upon my house. I also intend to add illustrations, which will add to the time between updates, but I promise it will be worth the wait.
As such, I am hoping to build up a bit of a buffer before I begin posting. That way I can do my best to minimize time between posts.
The first chapter will be released THIS THURSDAY, the 16th.
I hope you all are excited as I am! And I will see you all then!
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thedropsofblood · 2 months ago
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A list of old fics from before the reconstruction of the blog, I did not have any experience with writing fanfiction back then so my apologies if you cringed at any of these (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
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"Poor little rabbit" [Fox char x Rabbit m!reader]
"Sea of lust" [Tentacle monster x m!reader]
"A mole was found" [Mafiosos x m!reader]
"Taming a wild rabbit" [Mafiosos x m!reader]
^Warning: Written without any planning
"You are my liberty" [Smitten general x m!reader]
^Warning: Very poorly written
"Never suck dick unless the money's in his hands" [Future sugar daddy x m!reader]
A/N: These might be rewritten in the future if I deemed them not good enough :3
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calderacitylovers · 2 years ago
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part I
·        I AM STILL HERE by owedbetter Published: 2017-10-09 | 77K words | 7 Chapters
After the Last Agni Kai K heals Z with the help of bloodbending. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SUMMIT by AJLenoire
Chronicles post-war years, as Gaang and other characters gather for annual summits to keep peace and build relationships between the Four Nations. Katara yearns for a bigger purpose than the Avatar’s companion and slowly grows into a shrewd diplomat. Very sweet slow burn ZK story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        CLOTHE ME IN SEASONS, DRESS ME IN SNOW by sadladybug Published: 2015-01-05 | 62K words | 7 Chapters
Follows old Zuko as he reflects on his life and what would have been if he kept Katara closer. Absolutely beautiful, but also a devastatingly heart-breaking story about loss and pain.
 ·        SILENT DECLARATIONS by Megara Pike (Megara_Pike) Published: 2021-01-20 | 2,6K words
A short story based on animation by Hayley Wong. Z finds K asleep in her study and carries her to bed. Very sweet, gentle story.
 ·        COVERED IN YOU by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-02 | 55K words | 14 Chapters
Eight years after the war Z convinces K to take on a role of a Southern Water Tribe ambassador in the Caldera city. Both are completely clueless about each other’s feelings. Features political talks, big gestures, and a ball. Very cute, sweet slow-burn story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        TEN STRIDES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-03 | 29K Words | 12 Chapters
A collection of short stories filling in the gaps between some of the events of ATLAS3 and up to the Last Agni Kai. Features accidental cuddling, embracing in the rain, sharing a bed for warmth, post-Ember Island Theater discussions, being discovered, waiting to be kissed, Suki & Katara being good friends, battle plans, Zuko & Sokka getting drunk, slow burn & angst. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SWAY OF THE SUN by TheBlackBriarSparrow Published: Published: 2019-10-14 | 102K Words | 27 Chapters
Two years post-war Gaang reunites in Caldera city for a secret party in honor of the overworked Fire Lord’s birthday. Rebels attack the palace setting a thrilling consequence of events in motion. Adventures, investigations, and fights ensue. Z & K work together and enlist old friends to help find missing people. Beautiful slow-burn story with an exciting plot.
·        A WARM EMBRACE by ewinkie Published: 2020-10-06 | 19K Words | 7 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite from Southern Riders to the Last Agni Kai. Katara and Zuko have to hide in a cave following their encounter with Yon Rha. Comforting turns to cuddling, which turns to waking up on Appa's tail in each other's arms. Katara is shocked at how comfortable she is. Zuko is shocked that Katara doesn't hate him for it. Features sharing a bed, being discovered, slowburn, and lots of teenage silliness.
 ·        FOLLOWING BLUE by Boogum Published: 2018-11-07 | 39K Words | 10 Chapters
ATLA S2 rewrite. After Katara falls from Appa’s saddle during a pursuit, the Blue Spirit becomes her reluctant companion and helps her reunite with her friends. Ba Sing Se scenes are completely rewritten, and Z ends up joining the Gaang much earlier. Thrilling beginning, sweet middle, average ending.
 ·        ANOTHER WORD FOR ALCHEMY by FanPanda13 Published: 2014-08-19 | 108K words | 24 Chapters
Five years post-war Aang summons old friends for a summit and invites them on a trip to investigate mysterious locations where he experiences loss of bending. Features Gaang setting Z & K up, travelling on Appa like in the olden days, lots of sparring, royal courting, magnificent navy ships & war ballons. Thrilling story with fun banter between old friends. Slowburn, mature content.
 ·        CONSUME ME WITH FIRE, FLOOD ME WITH DESIRE by Dacamia Published: 2020-08-14 | 86K words | 24 Chapters
Steamy ATLAS2 and ATLA S3 rewrite. Z & K accidentally meetup on their way to Ba Sing Se and decide to travel together. Features aged-up characters, lots of intimate scenes, staying in a beautiful cave, helping villagers, betrayal in Ba Sing Se, reunion, forgiveness, etc. Explicit mature content.
 ·        ROOTS AND WINGS by zukoscomet Published: 2020-08-14 | 250K words | 25 Chapters
A series of short stories of Z & K as they grow closer, confess their love for one another and start a family.
 ·        THOSE WHO FAVOR FIRE by hiwasseelane Published: 2021-05-02 |29K Words | 13 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite. Sweet, teen-appopriate.
Here’s a link to Part II of my personal favs.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
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coffee-in-rain · 12 days ago
someone was searching for my old season 3 fic in the Hannibal Fanfiction subreddit and i thought: why the hell not repost it. so, here y'all go!
the ache against the wind (original version circa 2023)
Will witnesses the unexpected aftermath that unfolds following the removal of Hannibal's toilet.
here is the new and rewritten version on AO3
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 2 months ago
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Hello! I’m Myfanwi, 27 years old and adoptive parent of two chinchillas, Thor and Mjöllnir. I have ADHD and I'm currently struggling to have my autism diagnosis.
I’m a French writer (she/they, I don’t care), so my English might be weird sometimes, but I’ll do my best. I’m currently looking for a job in France, and failing it a lot.
I started this blog on February 3rd 2021, and we're still here and active. I'm taking Undertale (canon and AU) headcanon requests from people and answering them with my characters.
The askbox is always open so don't hesitate to participate!
I also write Undertale French fanfiction here and here.
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1 - You can ask whatever you want, except heavy sexual things. If I'm not comfortable with an ask, I will say it. You can send as many asks as you want. The askbox is always open, I don't close it.
2 - I’m ok with angst and touchy subjects. I’m also very very LGBT+ friendly (I’m aroace and enby btw).
3 - I don’t do match-ups except during some rare events. I don't do RP interactions (= answering people asking things to the characters directly), only headcanons (= writing things ABOUT the characters).
4 - Please, select a maximum of 12 characters per ask. The character list is right under this section. By default, if not mentioned, I’ll go with the main skeletons: Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Horrortale, Swapfell & Fellswap Gold Sans & Papyrus.
5 - You can ask for interactions between several of my characters too, even if they are from different alternative universes. For convenience, they are magically all living in the same world. You can have more info right here [The link is coming soon, I'm reworking on it].
6 - I'm fine with personal questions and asks about my fanfictions too!
7 - Fanarts and fanfiction are welcome. Don't hesitate to tag me so I can reblog your art!
8 - If you find a spelling mistake, don't hesitate to point it out. I prefer these comments on recent posts, as I have more than 2000 posts on my blog and can't physically review them all.
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Click on a name to get more info about the character!
If there's no link attached to a character's name, please refer to this old post for a small description. The character sheets are currently being rewritten, but it takes time.
Undertale : Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Frisk (Adult), Chara (Adult), Mettaton, Gaster, Grillby, Muffet, Burgerpants, Asriel, Flowey, Gerson.
Underfell: Sans (Red), Papyrus (Edge), Undyne (Storm), Alphys (Amy), Grillby (Ash)
Underswap: Sans (Blue), Papyrus (Honey), Undyne (Abigail), Alphys (Savage)
Horrortale: Sans (Oak), Papyrus (Willow), Toriel (Old Lady), Grillby (Ember)
Horrorswap: Sans (Nugget), Papyrus (Pumpkin)
Horrorfell: Sans (Copper), Papyrus (Chief)
Horrorswapfell: Sans (Bear), Papyrus (Tiger)
Swapfell: Sans (Nox), Papyrus (Rus)
Fellswap Gold: Sans (Wine), Papyrus (Coffee)
Outertale: Sans (Moon), Papyrus (Sun)
Dancetale: Sans (Rambo), Papyrus (Salsa)
Dancefell: Sans (Rumba), Papyrus (Tango)
Farmtale: Sans (Sam), Papyrus (Ben)
Mafiatale: Sans (Demon), Papyrus (Creeper)
Mafiafell: Sans (Fang), Papyrus (Torpedo)
Other skeletons: Ink, Error, Disbelief!Papyrus (Delta), Dustale!Sans (Dune) - Killer!Sans (Killer)
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Characters birthdays
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38
Completed - The Doppelganger [Underfell & Horrortale] | Out of the closet [Undertale] | 7 a.m. in the neighborhood [Undertale]
In progress - Horrortale: Rotten Apple [Horrortale] | What is best for humankind [Undertale prequel] | No weakness [Underfell] | Remember the good days [Undertale] | A heart in a cage [Undertale]
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slytherinzz · 22 days ago
Watch the world burn - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
✨ New Ominis Gaunt Fanfiction Incoming! ✨
I've been thinking about writing something new featuring Ominis Gaunt, and I’m finally taking the plunge! This story has been brewing in my mind for a while, and I think it's going to be something really intriguing. Expect tension, drama, and a slow-burn dynamic with plenty of Hogwarts magic.
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Violence, death, and NSFW content.
The first chapter is now up! I’d love to hear your thoughts—let me know what you think in the comments. 💬📖
I will be posting on Wattpad.
I’m fucked. Royally and utterly fucked.
That’s the only thought running through my head right now, a mantra pounding against my skull.
Ever since I defeated Ranrok, Rookwood, Harlow, and the Ashwinders in my sixth year, my life has been a slow descent into hell. The Hero of Hogwarts—what a title! A joke, really. Because heroes don’t get a choice in what comes next.
The Ministry took notice. Of course, they did. A seventeen-year-old with ancient magic coursing through her veins, capable of feats that defied explanation? I was a marvel. A commodity. 
A weapon.
At first, I was thrilled. Who wouldn’t be? I was young, powerful, and had done the impossible. A Halfblood girl, raised to believe I was nothing, had risen above every expectation. I had rewritten my own story. And for a while, I basked in it.
But the Ministry? They saw something else entirely.
At first, there were polite meetings. They wanted to ‘understand’ my abilities, study them, document them. But after my eighteenth birthday, the tone shifted. I wasn’t an anomaly anymore—I was an asset.
The assignments started small. I accompanied Aurors on missions, assisted in raids, took down stragglers from the remnants of the Ashwinders. It was fine. Hard, bloody, exhausting—but fine.
Until the day they sent me alone.
A dark wizard, one too strong for the Aurors to handle, had surfaced. Instead of sending their best and brightest, they sent me.
I returned battered, broken, and bloodied.
They patched me up and sent me on another mission.
And another.
And another.
Until I stopped being a person in their eyes and became something else entirely. A failsafe. A secret weapon. The answer to every problem they couldn’t be bothered to solve themselves.
The worst part? I couldn’t walk away.
Because the Ministry knew my secret. Knew what happened the night my magic first manifested.
I was fifteen, still under the illusion that I was just an ordinary girl. Magic had never graced my fingertips, and my father—coming from a long line of wizards—believed me to be a Squib. I had believed it too. Until the night everything changed.
It had been an argument. A stupid one. My mother had forbidden me from going into the city with Archie, the son of our next-door neighbor—the boy I adored. She ranted about reputations, about propriety, about the way a young lady should behave. I had been so angry.
And then she said it.
"You’re nothing but an ignorant child, Olivia."
She pointed the knife in her hand at me, gesturing sharply as she spoke. And then—
The next thing I knew, she was on the floor, the blade buried in her throat.
I hadn’t touched it. Hadn’t moved. But it didn’t matter.
My father found me in the corner, rocking, my hands over my ears. He never spoke to me again. Not even when Professor Fig arrived at our door, offering me a future at Hogwarts. My father packed my things without a word and shut the door behind me. Never to be seen again.
So, no. I couldn’t defy the Ministry. They had the power to send me to Azkaban with a flick of a quill. And I had no doubt they would if I ever refused them.
Which brings me to now.
I sat in the dimly lit office, across from a gruff-looking Ministry official. His expression was unreadable as he leaned forward, fingers steepled.
“Olivia, welcome.” His voice was sandpaper against stone. “Today, we have something different for you. You’ll be working with Lidia.”
He gestured to the woman standing beside him. She was striking, with auburn hair pulled into a severe bun and sharp, intelligent eyes.
“Lidia is a Seer, from a long line of successful Seers before her. You are going to assist her with a prophecy.”
A prophecy.
My stomach twisted, but I nodded, following Lidia down the corridor to her private office. She shut the door behind us, offering a tight smile.
“Olivia,” she began, voice smooth and practiced. “It’s an honor to finally meet you. Everything you’ve done has led to this moment.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. That was what everyone said before asking me to do something I’d hate.
She perched on the edge of her desk, folding her hands neatly. “Three years ago, I had a vision. One we’ve been waiting for the right person to fulfill.”
I crossed my arms. “Let me guess. It’s me.”
A small, knowing smile. “Yes.”
I sighed. “Alright. Let’s hear it.”
“In a few decades, a powerful Dark wizard will rise. His sole purpose will be to purge the wizarding world of anyone who isn’t a pureblood. He will unleash a war unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The consequences will be catastrophic.”
I frowned. “And what exactly does that have to do with me?”
Lidia’s eyes darkened. “Your job is to prevent it. To eliminate the one person who will set these events into motion.”
My pulse stuttered.
“One life,” she said, as if it were nothing. “For the lives of many.”
I clenched my fists, exhaling slowly. It was a fair bargain, wasn’t it? A single death to prevent a war? It was logical. It was simple.
Until she said his name.
“Ominis Gaunt.”
The world dropped out from under me.
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cozm07-nebula · 1 month ago
Twisted Wonderland fanfiction
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
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Grace is a hardworking 16 year old girl that works as many jobs as she can to help pay for her Aunt's critical medical condition.
One night she heard a horse drawn carriage from her apartment window and it takes her to an unfamiliar world called Night Raven College
and learns that she will take on the most important job that she could never be prepared for.
Follow Grace as she tries to find a way back home while living her new life in this mad school with unpredictable people.
This is a fan fiction made by me and is still being written and edited. It does follow the story plot like in the game, however it also goes into grace's lore, past life, and a little bit of extra world building.
You can find it on A03 and Wattpad
🚨 Be warned that although wattpad is a lot farther when it comes to writing and chapters, it is still needs to be rewritten as I have changed a few things. Three years ago it WAS going to be a various fic but I changed it to just one now. To put it simply, wattpad is basically my rough draft, as that's where I do most of my writing, and A03 is the "fixed" version (please know fixed doesn't mean perfect)
And please don't be too harsh on my writing, I just want to have fun fleshing out my precious girl (and Akito)
Thank you and I hope those invested will like it ♡
1st Rankings it's gotten so far (Wattpad):
#1 on various 7/4/2023
#1 on magical girl 3/6/2024
#1 on possible death 7/30/2024
#1 on twstxoc 8/7/2024
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ambrossart · 1 year ago
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Post Prom - "Pillow Talk"
summary: spending the night at eddie’s house sounded like a good idea… until you actually had to sleep.
pairing: eddie munson x dwm!reader word count: 4,968 warnings: new relationship, very slightly NSFW, mostly just a lot of teasing, some suggestive dialogue, reader has a slight hand fetish, eddie is happy to indulge her, they get a little carried away, but no sex, because they don't have condoms
series masterpost | series playlist | fanfiction masterlist
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When Eddie came inside and returned to his bedroom, he was instantly struck speechless.
He had fantasized about this exact moment countless times, in dreams so vivid they made reality feel like an unending, unbearable nightmare, but that did little to prepare him for the rush of emotions he felt when he saw you standing across the room in his Megadeth shirt.
A very good choice, Eddie thought, gratified, but honestly, between Slayer and Megadeth, there was no wrong answer. You could have chosen either shirt, and it would have fit just as perfectly as the other… almost like they were meant for you, like when Eddie found those shirts hiding inside a cardboard box in Reefer Rick’s garage last summer, when he tried to haggle for a good price and Rick said he could just take ‘em, when Eddie drove home, grinning, feeling like he’d just won the lottery, part of him always knew you’d be wearing one of those shirts someday. 
And this sweet, serendipitous feeling caught Eddie a little off guard… but not as much as he thought it would. Frankly, he expected to be dumbstruck by the sight of you. He expected to step back, shake his head, and think, Holy shit, this is really happening, isn’t it? But when he walked through that door, all he felt was this wonderful sense of wholeness.
After years and years of waiting, you two were finally exactly where you were supposed to be.
Eddie leaned against the doorframe and observed you for a minute, unwilling to disturb you, afraid that if he spoke or moved in the slightest, this perfect moment would ripple away like a mirage. You were standing with your back to him, preoccupied with all the clutter on his desk. You weren’t snooping, though; no, you were just learning more about him, browsing through all of his junk like they were tiny sculptures in a fine art exhibit, handling each object so carefully, like you were scared you might break it. 
Watching you do this, Eddie couldn’t help but smile.
That’s when you glanced over your shoulder and caught him staring at you with gentle, adoring eyes. Your face flushed and your heart started beating a little faster. It was embarrassing to be standing in front of Eddie while wearing his clothes. 
Even more embarrassing was how long it took you to put them on.
You spent the first three minutes glaring at them from across the room, thinking (and you hated yourself for thinking this), 
What if they don’t fit? 
It was such a silly thought. You even laughed when it popped into your head. You weren’t that ugly, miserable twelve-year-old girl anymore, yet here you were, slipping back into those same bad habits: obsessing over whether or not certain clothes would fit you, changing with your back to the mirror because you were too disgusted to look at yourself.
It took you two whole minutes to convince yourself to turn around, and when you finally did, you were overwhelmed by this sudden surge of… joy? relief? Those didn’t seem like strong enough words to describe it, but whatever that emotion was, it made you tear up as soon as you saw your reflection in the mirror. Then you spent another five minutes just looking at yourself with the goofiest, giddiest smile, mesmerized by how perfectly Eddie’s clothes fit you, how naturally they fit you. You felt stupid for even doubting it.
Of course, to be standing in front of Eddie now, to have him staring at you so deeply… well, that made you feel self-conscious in a completely different way. 
You had to break his gaze and turn away for a second to regain your composure. As you did, you noticed a plastic skull sitting on top of Eddie’s desk, half covered by an old denim jacket, and your eyes widened with recognition. You picked it up and spun around to face him.
“You know, sir,” you said while smugly showing off your latest find, “there’s a production of Hamlet that’s been missing this for about three months now.”
“Yeah…” Eddie replied guiltily, holding in a laugh. “But it’s not technically stealing. Mr. Carlson and I have an agreement, you see. He agrees to let me raid his prop room for my campaigns, and I agree to not crash his dress rehearsals.” He punctuated this with a self-amused grin, like he was so terribly clever.
Rolling your eyes, you said, “Just admit you wanna be in theater, already.”
He returned your teasing smile with one of his own. “Mmm, pretty sure I just like bothering the girl in theater.”
Your face fell and warm blood flooded your cheeks. As the color deepened, you shyly tucked your chin into your chest and looked away. To Eddie, this was a sweet and irresistibly feminine gesture, its charm highlighted by your stubborn denial of its existence. You raised your chin proudly, as if nothing had happened, and placed the skull back on the desk.
While your back was to him, Eddie said, “Hey, how come you never try out for anything?”
The question made you pause, but only for a second. “Because I prefer to stay in the background and mock everyone.”
“Oh…” he said, “so it has nothing to do with your fear of public speaking?”
“Nope,” you said, and turned around. Eddie was looking at you with a skeptical frown, his dark eyes probing but patient. Frustratingly patient. He already knew the truth, but he wasn’t going to force you to admit it when you clearly weren’t ready. “I suppose I should be more like you, huh? Turn a simple English reading into a dramatic stage performance?”
“Well, no one else was committed. I had to do something.”
“Yeah, but did you really have to walk on top of the desks?”
“Uhh, yes,” Eddie said, and you both laughed. “Besides, whose desk did I always end up on?”
The answer caught you both by surprise:
“Mine,” you whispered, and then you both went quiet for a minute, reflecting on all those little moments that now seemed much more meaningful than they initially appeared.
“You know what’s weird?” Eddie said. “I don’t even think I knew what I was doing at the time. In fact, I know I didn’t. Believe me, it’s not like I was trying to seek you out or anything. I wanted nothing to do with you, but my body just sorta moved on its own… like muscle memory or something. I’d look down and there you were, staring back at me.” He flashed a bittersweet smile that made your heart ache. “Then, of course, you’d shove me really hard, and I’d fall off the desk and almost break my neck.”
You smirked. “Well, your foot was on my notebook.”
“Mmm, I think you just wanted to touch me.”
“No, I think I wanted you off my desk,” you said, but there was no denying a small part of you had enjoyed it. Back then, you relished even the briefest touch. They were so rare, practically nonexistent. “I wasn’t really aware of it either, to be honest. I mean, I think there might’ve been a couple times where I thought maybe… but, I dunno, I guess I just didn’t wanna get my hopes up.”
Eddie frowned. “Yeah, well… I guess we were both pretty oblivious.”
“You especially,” you said, simpering at him, “you know, considering I made it annoyingly obvious that I was obsessed with you back in middle school. Seriously, how did you not figure it out? Everyone knew except you… well, you and Gareth, but that kid lives on another planet. He never knows what’s going on.”
Eddie chuckled bashfully. “Y’know, when I think back on it now, it was really obvious, but I swear I had no idea at the time. I definitely should’ve known, though. I mean, you sat outside the school every day, waiting for a chance to talk to me.”
“And some days I had to wait a really long time. In the rain and the snow. I was freezing my ass off.”
That brought a small smile to Eddie’s face. “Well, you don’t have to wait anymore.”
“Yeah,” you replied softly, and let that sink in for a moment.
You didn’t have to wait anymore. After six long years, your suffering was finally over. Thank goodness.
“Are you ready for bed now?” Eddie asked.
“Yes,” you answered, shivering a little.
While he closed the door and walked to the other side of the room, you climbed onto the bed and started crawling toward the middle. As soon as your palms touched down and your right knee sank into the mattress, you froze, looked up at the pillows, and thought with a sudden flush of excitement, Oh my god, we’re gonna be sharing the same bed. How the hell am I supposed to sleep tonight?
Nervously, you dragged your limbs a little further, rolled over to a sitting position, and scooted your hips back a bit more. When you looked up, Eddie was rubbing his face and staring at the bed with a gravely conflicted expression.
“What?” you said.
“Nothing,” he answered. “I’m just not sure how to go about this.”
“What do you mean?” you said. “Just do what you always do.”
“… yeah, I don’t think I should…”
“Why?” you asked, grimacing. “Do you sleep nude or something?”
“No, it’s just…” He scratched under his chin pensively. “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
Eddie gave you a pleading look, like you were supposed to read his mind and instantly know what great conundrum was plaguing him. Unfortunately, you weren’t that far into your relationship yet, so you were lost in the dark.
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted. “Just sleep how you normally do.”
“Okay…” Eddie said with a cautionary tone. Then he crossed his arms in front of him and grabbed the bottom of his shirt with both hands.
Your entire upper body flinched with surprise. Eddie was taking off his shirt right in front of you. Were you supposed to act all coy and innocent? Avert your eyes? Blush and cover your face? Look up awkwardly at the ceiling and whistle “Yankee Doodle” until the coast was clear? You’d never seen Eddie shirtless before. Naturally, you were a little curious. But was that okay? Was it ladylike to look? To actually want to look? Mrs. Cunningham would have said, Absolutely not, young lady. Now you go sit in the corner and pray those sinful thoughts away, but screw that! You weren’t a kid. This wasn’t sex ed (which Mrs. Cunningham did not let her daughter attend because it went against her religious values, and then she banished you from the house for like three days because she thought you were “unclean” and you would tell Chrissy everything… even though you already had, literally as soon as you got out of class). Why should you feel embarrassed? If you wanted to watch Eddie take off his shirt, you were going to without feeling any shame.
So you did watch, respectfully.
You watched him bunch up the fabric until his entire abdomen was exposed. Admittedly, you blushed a tiny bit when you noticed the faint line of hair that trailed down his belly button and disappeared under the waistband of his jeans. You weren’t searching for it; it was just there. But you kept your cool. You stayed calm. Even while your stomach fluttered and flopped, even while Eddie’s muscles flexed gorgeously as he rolled the shirt over his shoulders and pulled it over his neck, his head, while he dragged it off his arms and let it fall to the floor, you stayed perfectly calm. Yeah, up until that point, you had been doing very well.
But then, god dammit, you saw the tattoos on his chest and devolved into a horny monster of a girl.
God, I wish we had condoms right now.
“Yeah, me too,” Eddie said, cracking a smirk.
That’s when it hit you:
“Oh my god!” You gasped and clapped your hands over your mouth. “Did I just say that out loud?”
“Yeah, you did,” Eddie replied, unblushing, now standing before you with a full-on grin. “And thank you, by the way. Glad to know I’m not the only one struggling here.”
Yeah, you were struggling, all right. Struggling to hide your embarrassment. Succumbing to it, you drew in both your legs, grabbed a fistful of Eddie’s blanket, and buried your blushing face against it.
“I’m so sorry,” you mumbled, “I didn’t mean to say that.”
“What are you apologizing for?” Eddie asked, bemused. “If I saw you topless, I’m pretty sure my jaw would be on the floor right now.”
You seriously doubted that. “Eh, they’re not that impressive,” you said, and Eddie’s brow wrinkled with utter bewilderment.
“Uhh, I humbly disagree… and to avoid sounding like a total creep, I’m gonna leave it at that.”
That made your face flare up again. Emboldened by his words, you poked your head out and said with a kittenish look, “So you’ve been checking me out, huh?”
“Oh, constantly,” Eddie replied with a playful, unabashed smile, setting your warm cheeks ablaze. 
This time, however, you didn’t hide your face or look away. You wanted to, but Eddie’s deep brown eyes held you captive. Like two beautiful black holes, they sucked you right in and you got lost in them, hypnotized, while he slowly undid his belt, unzipped his jeans, pushed them down, and kicked them away. A flicker of desire twitched through him. Your eyes fell and your breath hitched in your throat.
With a long, tortured sigh, Eddie said, “We really didn’t think this through, did we?”
“Nope,” you said, shaking your head, and Eddie’s face scrunched up with indecision.
“Do you want me to just take you home?” he asked. “I don’t want you to feel weird and not be able to sleep.”
“I’ll be able to sleep,” you said. “Yeah, I’m one of those people who can sleep anywhere, so you don’t have to worry about me.”
That was actually a lie, but…
“Look, I really don’t want you to take me home,” you said, wincing as you heard the fragility in your voice. God, you felt so pathetic. You hugged your knees to your chest and laid your forehead on top of them. “I swear I’m not gonna be one of those annoying, clingy girlfriends or anything. It’s just… I’ve had to go years without you, Eddie, and right now the thought of leaving you just cripples me. I don’t… yeah, I don’t really how to explain it.”
Reluctantly, you lifted your head and saw Eddie staring at you with a soft, empathetic smile.
“You don’t have to explain,” he said. “I get it.”
He flipped the wall switch and the bedroom fell into darkness, the covered windows glowing with a soft, silver light. Your heart was pounding with anticipation as you watched Eddie cross the room and climb into bed. He came toward you slowly, wrapped his hands around your ankles, and tugged on them gently, dragging your feet across the mattress, extending your bent legs one by one.
“You can be clingy if you want,” he said. “I don’t mind.”
Eddie moved closer, planted his palms on either side of your hips, and hovered over you. Speechless, you raised your eyes to meet his. As soon as you did, he leaned down, tilted his head, and captured your lips in a slow, sensual kiss that made your thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind. You closed your eyes and surrendered to him. Pleasure prickled up your spine. Goosebumps broke feverishly across your skin. Timidly, you lifted your hand to his bare chest and began tracing your fingers over his tattoos. Eddie shuddered at your touch, pulled away, and let out a low groan.
“What’s wrong?” you asked breathlessly. “Are my hands cold?”
“No,” Eddie answered, “I just, uhh…” He laughed under his breath. “I dunno how I’m gonna be able to sleep tonight.”
“Me either,” you confessed quietly. “This was a really bad idea.”
“Oh, it was a terrible idea.” He placed another kiss on your lips and drew back with a smile. “Now move over, crazy, you’re in my spot.”
You scooted over and Eddie settled into the space beside you, sitting upright in bed with the blanket draped loosely around his naked waist. He looked so beautiful like that, ethereal almost, his silhouette softly illuminated by moonlight. Meanwhile, you sat with the blanket pulled all the way up to your chin. Underneath it, your body felt hot and tense and your heart was hammering wantonly in your chest. It was almost four o’clock in the morning, yet you were wide awake. How could you be expected to sleep with Eddie lying half-naked next to you?
Yeah, this is gonna be a huge problem, you thought, nervous and a little excited.  
(Because wasn’t this a wonderful problem to have?) 
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and released it in a noiseless sigh. Then, just to be safe, you moved a bit closer to the edge of the mattress. 
That didn’t help much, either.
Funny, you thought anxiously, somehow the bed seemed much smaller now than it did before. Not uncomfortably smaller, just noticeably smaller. Eddie was inches away from you, close enough to feel his heat mingling with yours, close enough to feel the vibrations of every little move he made, close enough to drive you absolutely fucking crazy. His last kiss still lingered on your lips, sweet and intoxicating. You wanted to be closer to him. You wanted to feel his lips on yours again. Feel his soft, smooth skin underneath your fingertips. Feel his strong hands on your hips, gripping you, guiding you. Feel deep brown eyes piercing into yours while you…
Oh boy, you thought, shuddering, I’m having a lot of thoughts tonight, each more dangerous than the last.
Eddie, unaware of your inner turmoil, switched on the lamp and started taking off his rings one by one: pinching the band between his fingers, gliding it over each of his knuckles, first one, then the other, pulling it off his fingertip and dropping it onto the nightstand beside him. One. Two. Three. Each ring clattered as it landed on the table. The soft rattling sound made you groan. 
Dammit, Eddie…
Did he have to take them off so slowly? So teasingly? If you didn’t know better, you would have thought he was doing this on purpose. Couldn’t he sense the torment he was causing? You were teetering on the edge right now, both metaphorically and literally. You couldn’t move any further away from him. It was physically impossible… unless, of course, you wanted to end up on the floor. If he didn’t yank off that last ring quickly, you were gonna—
“What?” Eddie said, staring at you. “You okay?”
His deep voice jolted you from your libidinous thoughts. You looked up at him, blinking, your cheeks tinged with embarrassment. “Huh…? Yeah, I’m okay.” 
“You sure?” Eddie asked. He sounded concerned but also, vaguely, amused. The final ring—a fanged skull—still clung loosely to his left ring finger. Eddie had started to remove it, but stopped when he caught you looking at him. Now you could practically hear it taunting you as Eddie said, “You seem a little… agitated right now.” 
Agitated, huh?  
Sure, Eddie, let’s go with agitated. 
“I’m just tired,” you said. Then, in an obvious and pathetic act of bad theater, you covered your mouth with your hand and pretended to yawn.
Eddie’s face wrinkled with teasing suspicion. “Well, you should go to sleep,” he said, and started gently tugging on his ring again. This time you were certain he was doing it on purpose. Helplessly, you followed it anyway. Your mouth hung open as you watched the fanged skull move slowly up his finger, past his first knuckle, past his second knuckle… then slide all the way back down. A frustrated huff blew through your lips. As soon as it did, Eddie’s expression brightened with surprised fascination.  
“Wait,” he said, smirking, “do you have a hand fetish or something?”
His accusation startled you. “What?” you said. “I don’t have a hand fetish.” That sounded creepy and perverted, albeit true. “It’s just your hands… and those rings.” Those damn rings. “You’ve been playing with them all night, Eddie. Do you even realize you’ve been doing that?”
“Yeah,” he answered bashfully, “it’s kind of a nervous habit of mine.” 
“It’s fucking torture is what it is.” 
Your eyes widened. Eddie’s widened, too. Then they drifted back to the skull ring on his hand and settled there for a moment, as if enchanted by some marvelous discovery. Eddie had just found himself some buried treasure and you led him straight to it. You had drawn up a map, marked the X, handed it over, and said, Here ya go, Eddie. Here’s some lovely ammunition to use against me for the rest of our relationship. Did you really expect him not to pull the trigger? 
“Interesting…” Eddie said to himself, his voice dropping into that pondering yet provocative tone that meant nothing but trouble for you.      
“Oh, don’t do that…” 
“Don’t say ‘interesting.’ It���s not interesting, it’s just…” Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing. Another loud huff escaped you. You turned away from Eddie, lay down, and threw the blanket over your shoulders. 
“It is interesting, though,” Eddie went on, chuckling to himself. “In fact, it’s very interesting.” 
There was a soft click behind you and suddenly the room collapsed into darkness again. Eddie had turned off the lamp and was now coming over to you. You knew because you could feel the bed shifting underneath his weight, closer, closer, and the closer he got, the deeper the mattress sank behind you. Eddie’s gravity was pulling you backward, drawing you into him. You gasped as you felt your back press up against his bare chest, and gasped again when you felt his right arm slip under the covers and settle snuggly around your waist. Instantly, your face flushed and your heart skipped a beat, but you didn’t try to pull away from him… as if you even could. You lay quiet, captive, waiting.       
Eddie lay behind you with his elbow resting on your pillow, leaning against it as he said, “I’m learning a lot of new things about you tonight. I’m learning some things about myself, too.” 
A curious smile dragged up the side of your face. “Really? Like what?”
“Like… for instance…” He leaned down and whispered throatily against your ear, “I really like the sound of you begging.” 
All the blood rushed to your face. You buried it into the pillow and said, “Okay, now you’re just being mean…”    
Eddie laughed at that. The sound rumbled deep in his chest and sent butterflies fluttering through your stomach. 
“I’m not, I’m not,” he said. “Listen, just hear me out, okay? I have a point, I promise. Now, this is kinda embarrassing to admit, but… honestly, I always kinda thought you would dominate me.” 
“What?” you blurted out, beside yourself with shock. “You thought I would dominate you?”
“Well, kinda, yeah.” Eddie smiled in abashment. “Shit, how could I not? I mean… I mean… Look, it’s like this, okay: for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always had this really strong, intimidating presence. Naturally, I assumed that would carry over into the bedroom.” 
His words made you blush furiously, but they also filled you with a strange sense of confidence. Encouraged by them, you sat up on your elbow, looked over your shoulder, and raised your eyebrows playfully. “So, what, Munson? You want me to climb on top of you, pin you down, and have my way with you?”  
Eddie’s brown eyes bulged in the darkness, bigger than you had ever seen. “Do you wanna do that?” 
You stared at him for a second, speechless. “Honestly…? I don’t know.” 
It was hard to imagine yourself doing something like that. 
And yet… 
Your confidence fizzled again. Frowning, you sank down and laid your head back on the pillow.
Eddie smiled down at you, impressed by your unexpected boldness, short-lived as it was. “Well, that’s what I thought you’d be like, anyway.” He nuzzled his face into the side of your neck, his warm breath tickling you as he spoke. “But… not gonna lie… seeing you reduced to a quivering, whimpering mess, well… yeah, I kinda like that, too. I like it a lot, actually.”
He swept your hair out of the way and began planting light kisses along your skin. The feeling of his lips made you sigh. 
“We should stop talking about this.” 
“You’re right, we should,” Eddie said, but his kisses only got hotter and hungrier. Meanwhile, his right hand had slid down from your waist and started caressing your inner thigh, nails dragging, fingers curling, uncurling, occasionally stopping to tease the bottom hem of his boxers. “… except now you’ve got me a little curious.” 
“Oh yeah?” Your voice was high-pitched and breathy, delirious with pleasure. “About what?”
“About this little hand fetish of yours…” But honestly, you were hardly listening to him. You were more focused on the warmth of his hand and the deliciously rough texture of his skin. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply. As you did, you felt Eddie’s lips graze the outer edge of your ear. His voice sent a delightful tingle down your spine. “So, tell me, in all these little fantasies of yours… what exactly am I doing with my hands?” 
His question coaxed a moan out of you. You placed your hand on top of his, intending to push it away, but as soon as you felt his hard knuckles underneath your fingers, you became possessed by savage, carnal desire. Your hand started moving on its own, rubbing across Eddie’s skin, scratching it lightly, sliding down and trapping itself in the soft webbing of his fingers. Pleasure rippled through you. All at once, images exploded through your mind like flashes of a camera. Turning around and smashing your lips against Eddie’s. Grabbing his face. Pulling his hair. Pushing him down on the bed and straddling his hips. Dragging your nails down his bare chest. 
That knocked some sense back into you. “Eddie,” you said weakly, “may I remind you of the situation we’re in?”
Eddie chuckled against you, unbothered. “Yeah, see, I’ve thought about that and…” He pressed a kiss to your ear, drew back, and whispered, “We don’t need condoms for this.”  
You bit down hard on your lip, holding in a moan as temptation tore through you. “Yeah, but do you really trust yourself to stop?”
Silence for a minute. 
Eddie knocked his head against yours and grunted in defeat. “No,” he said. “No, I don’t.”
You frowned, equally disappointed. “Yeah, I don’t either, so…” 
His hand went limp, fell, and died on your thigh. 
“Aw shit,” Eddie hissed through his teeth. Guilt-stricken, he pulled away from you, rolled onto his back, and ran his hands over his face. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I swear, I normally have way more self-control than this. It’s just… shit, it’s just you, y’know? You’re here, you’re in my bed, and you look really good in my Megadeth shirt. Plus I’ve got like, y’know, four years of pent-up sexual frustration that’s just dying to burst outta me, so…”  
You turned over, sat up on your elbow, and smiled at him. “Yeah, I know the feeling.” 
Staring at each other, you both shared a deep, content sigh. 
“C’mere,” Eddie said, beckoning you with his hand. You moved closer and laid your head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you tighter against him, placing a soft, sweet kiss on your forehead. 
You lay quiet for a few minutes, feeling his chest rise and fall, listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat.
“What are you thinking about right now?” you asked dozily. 
“Honestly…?” Eddie asked, his voice a low mumble. “I’m wondering how long it’ll take me to drive to the gas station and back.” 
Laughter bubbled up from your throat. You buried your face against his chest and snickered.
“Well, shit,” you said afterward, “I’d probably go with you… and then we’d end up having sex in the parking lot.” 
Eddie’s face broke into a grin. “Really?” he said humorously. “Well, in that case…” 
He moved like he was trying to sit up. Giggling, you put your hand on his chest and pushed him back down.
“Easy there, buddy.” 
“I’m just kidding,” he said, smiling. “I’d never dream of taking your virginity in a parking lot… well, I would dream of it, have dreamt of it, but I’d never actually do it.”
You laughed quietly and laid your head on his chest again. Humming softly, Eddie started tracing his thumb across your back slowly, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. With each stroke, your eyes got heavier and heavier, until…  
“Hey,” Eddie began suddenly, with dull, drowsy panic in his voice, “you’re not going anywhere, right? You’re gonna still be here when I wake up?”
You sat up and looked at him, confused. 
“Sorry, I know this sounds really weird, but…” He frowned deeply, struggling to make sense of his tired, jumbled thoughts. “It’s just, I finally got you back in my life, y’know? If you left now, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it.”
Your heart dropped at those words. You picked it back up, leaned down, and gently pressed your lips to his. 
“I’ll be here,” you said. “I promise.”  
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bookdragon-shenanigans · 6 months ago
I just read the fourth wing bonus chapter and MAN. I knew I wasn't Xaden's biggest fan before but MAN. I honestly don't even know how they ruined a character with so much potential is beyond my understanding???? Xaden is straight up unlikable in the chapter. So many issues in the chapter.
[Caution: Listen, I love Xaden, truly. But he really makes me want to beat him up I'm sorry]
Opinions so far: (Warning: This is not Xaden-friendly I might be a major bitch for 80% 😭)
The chapter felt kind of unnecessary?? Like even if it was a cash grab (which I agree but that's not the point rn) did we really need a bonus chapter that's just the same chapter but just rewritten with some occasional Xaden comments? We could've gotten a new interaction but noooo
With the amount of obsessing talking Xaden does about Dain, you'd think Dain was the one he has a crush on. No because stop this you're literally doing the same thing you accuse everyone of doing to you. "Everyone judges the marked kids just because of what our parents did 🥺🥺👉👈" ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW??? Why are you being such a pissy bitch over the fact that he thinks you're bad for her when you literally agree???. [Coherent me update: In hindsight Xaden going out of his way to annoy Dain for entertainment is hilarious not gonna lie. Still think he was being a bitch tho]
The Imogen was missing plotline. Seriously? "Imogen was sick"?? They could just be like oh no she wiped everyone's memories so they don't remember because there is zero canon connection in her being sick. Also the fandom was spot on 💅. To be fair, I can excuse this one.
Xaden's "strategy". Why are we acting like battle strategy is a multiple choice question with one answer??? Where is the common sense?? Where is the individuality??? Where is the originality???
FINALLY Emery's last name
Okay I actually like passively possessive simp Xaden because let's be fr he's not noticing anyone other than Violet. He's really acting like the stupid hormonal emo 23 year old he his and I love him for that.
Xaden not understanding sibling dynamics is top tier I love this. Like this man is standing there so confused like 🧍‍♂️.
Highkey confused at the Lewellen part because I'm pretty sure they were fostered by Lindell?? Either this is shitty writing or a case of an unreliable narrator. Who knows. Not me.
"Violet would get over her sister's death eventually" CALM TF DOWN SIR. This is a civilized conversation. Okay but like someone needs to tell these people that murder doesn't solve everything. It's not even the best form of revenge 😭😭😭
I need more backstory on the Cygnis flier drama. Why only that province??? How come other provinces are safe??
"Wasn't my choice," I shrug. Lying is easy, except when it comes to Violet. I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Excuse me what
Okay, I know this is OS buildup but why were the wards down???
Okay I just realized now that Dain only name drops Rhiannon, Ridoc and Sawyer when he mentions the first years and man how did I not notice that before-
Lots of suspicious stuff. Lots.
The bottom line is that I've read too much fanfiction and set my standards too high 😭😭
Anyways stan Liam my sweet summer child 🛐🛐
Update: I just came back from my exam and took a look at what I wrote here and help why was 5am me so salty 😭😭
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mushroom-words · 20 days ago
Dancing Through the Fire || Jily
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: James Potter x Lily Evans Words: 872 Notes: This was written years ago. I've rewritten it, but it's still pretty awful, in my opinion. It definitely has the 12 year old writes her first fanfiction vibes. Warnings: None. Just James being an absolute menace. Summary: James is an absolute menace in the kitchen.
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LILY COULDN’T REMEMBER any other time she was as livid as she was right now. Her eyes darted back and forth between her fiancé, who stared back at her with wide eyes, and their now blackened kitchen. James shifted uncomfortably on his feet and averted his gaze to outside the window. His hands toyed with the pink apron tied around his neck and waist. He didn’t know exactly what had gone wrong, but clearly something had.
        “James,” Lily said, her voice surprisingly level and calm in spite of her burning anger. “What happened here?”
        “Nothing,” James said quickly. “Why? Is something wrong?”
        He winced. He didn’t know why his natural instinct had been to lie to her. But it had slipped from his tongue before he could think better of it.
        Her eyes narrowed. “James, our kitchen is burnt.”
        “No, no. It’s just… charred, is all, sweetheart. Not burned.”
        Lily took a deep breath in through her nose and closed her eyes. She silently willed everything to be normal again. She did not come home to her fiancé wearing her apron with the wooden spoon blackened in his hand, and she certainly did not come home to her kitchen looking like it had been ravaged in a fire. No, not at all. She came home and everything was completely normal. It was like any other day.
        She reopened her eyes. James still stood in the middle of her very burned kitchen.
        “You have exactly one minute to tell me what happened to my kitchen,” she said. James sighed and scratched his head with the wooden spoon. Her glare blazed with murderous intent, and he paused before setting the spoon down.
        He chuckled nervously. “Well, it’s quite funny, actually.”
        “Amuse me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re down to forty seconds.”
        “Come on, Lils, that’s not fair,” he whined.
        “Thirty-five seconds. I suggest you start talking, Potter.”
        James let loose a breath. He was definitely going to be sleeping on the couch tonight—if he was allowed to stay there at all, that was. He might end up having to crash with Sirius and Remus. Again.
        “Well, I thought I would try cooking. You know, like Muggles do it,” he started. Lily nodded and encouraged him to continue. “And then, well… I don’t know. One thing led to another and then… this happened.”
        “Fifteen seconds.”
        “Oh, come on! What do you want me to say?”
        “Ten seconds.”
        “There was no way that was five seconds!”
        “It is now. Five seconds left.”
        “I’m so sorry!”
        Lily sighed heavily. She brought her hands up to massage her temples against the oncoming headache. “For the love of Merlin, James,” she groaned. “What were you even trying to make?”
        She looked around the burned remains of her kitchen. There was nothing identifiable to hint at whatever it was he’d been attempting to cook. James laughed again, rubbing the back of his neck with the palm of his hand.
        He stepped to the side to hide the evidence from her view. “It was nothing, really,” he tried again.
        “James,” she warned.
        “Does it really—” He snapped his mouth shut as her lip curled up in a sneer. He hadn’t seen her this mad at him since their fifth year when he’d accidentally knocked her into the Black Lake. “Spaghetti,” he admitted quietly.
        She stared at him. “You burned our kitchen down over spaghetti,” she parroted.
        “Uh…” He licked his lips. “It would appear so. Yes.”
        “I burned the water.” His cheeks tinted pink.
        “You burned the water.” Lily peered around him to see an unopened package of thin noodles sitting on the counter. She dragged her unamused gaze back to his. “How did you even manage to pass Potions when you can’t even boil a pot of water?”
        “Moony took excruciatingly detailed notes.”
        Lily rolled her eyes. She sighed again as she let her gaze flick around the kitchen. The anger was slowly bleeding out of her system. Sometimes it amazed her how utterly useless wizards could be without their magic. It gave her a new appreciation for growing up in a Muggle family.
        James cracked a small smile when he noticed she seemed to be calming down some. “Just think on the bright side, darling.”
        “And what would that be, Jamie?” She raised an eyebrow.
        He grinned. “This is going to be one hell of a story to tell our kids one day.”
        “Do you really want our children to know their father is too incompetent to cook a simple meal?”
        “I’m sure they’d figure it out on their own eventually.”
        Lily shook her head, but she didn’t fight the light chuckle that bubbled past her lips. Leave it to James Potter to find the light in any given situation. As she gazed upon her kitchen, she sighed. It was a sad sight. But she knew it could probably be easily fixed with a spell. She’d just have to determine which one would work best.
        “Merlin help me,” she scoffed. “You are impossible, James Potter.”
        He grinned and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She grumbled playfully and swatted him away.
        “You love me,” he sang teasingly.
        “Most days.”
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voidandabyssal · 1 year ago
~Introductory post, rules and masterpost below!~
~Requests are open!~
My Ao3!
the rules:
scenario hc has a max of four boys (or girls, whoever your requesting)
I'll always make the reader gender neutral unless otherwise specified.
Nsfw askes are allowed
No Frans askes or anything of the sort
I can do platonic, romantic, familial asks, whatever you want!
Current au’s:
(I write for all au’s feel free to send any asks in about whichever au you want these are just the ones I’m most familiar with)
Undertale (Papyrus and Sans)
Underfell (edge and red)
UnderSwap (stretch and blue)
Horrortale (crooks and axe
SwapFell red (Mutt and Black)
SwapFell Gold (Coffee and Wine)
Lusttale (Passion and Dior)
HorrorFell (Pyre and Hound)
HorrorSwap (Ell and Mull)
Dreamtale twins
Error and ink
I'll add more au's when I get more familiar with them. You can still send asks to me about other au's just note that I may be a little inconsistent with the characterizations or I may just not know a lot about them.
Masterlist: (needs to be updated, you can use the tag ‘voidimagines’ to see my most recent posts)
Snow stained blood (a HorrorFell Fanfiction, Sans x reader, Papyrus x reader) chapter 1: Snowdin Cabin, Chapter 2: ??? (To be rewritten!)
Ut and us bros x suicidal reader
my own personal little take on lusttale
ut and swap bros playing minecraft! part 2 to that post with all the other au boys!
Platonic Fell bros with reader!
SF bros meeting reader for the first time
Dream, Mutt, Axe Stretch with a very anxious and helpful reader!
tale and swap bros with a chubby insecure reader!
Undertale,underfell,underswap,and swapfell x Black! Dragon! Reader
sans and papyrus smut hc
ut and us boys reacting to reader having a old and sick dog
HF boys reacting to touch from a stranger and from their partner
SwapFell red boys with a platonic reader
Sans and papyrus reacting to their crush singing them a love song
ut and us bros with a neko reader
ut and us bros with a suicidal reader
Stardew valley au! Sans X reader
introducing the HorrorFell Boys!
meet cute with the fell Boys
How would Red, Axe, Blue and Dior react to reader in the same situation as in Below the Ice?
Papyrus Crush HC
Sans Crush HC
Undyne meet cute!
OG crew’s reaction to celebrating their first Gyftmas on the surface?
Tale and Fell boys reaction to you turning into an amalgram
Swap and SF (Red) boys reaction to you turning into an amalgram
Who is the least helpful if you turned into an amalgram?
which Asgores and Toriels are able to move on or not?
The og cast from Undertale’s reaction to Frisk being a normal kid
Would any of the confirmed couples of Alphys&Undyne or Tori&Asgore be open to a poly relationship?
How Adverse to humans is the Horror crew?
Below the Ice thoughts (below the ice is my fanfiction!)
more below the ice thoughts
Jokester Skelly boys’ reaction to making their crush laugh
tale, fell, swap and horror boys reaction to having a fallen angel s/o
Who is Doctor (HT Alphys)
Axe x black wendigo reader
Romantic date with Mutt (SF red Papyrus)
Swap and Fell boys love languages
Og undertale crew ends up having to play a horror game
Which toriels and asgores would be most likely to get back together? (or shouldn't at all)
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ichiwashername-o · 3 months ago
In 2008 I wrote several Wicked fanfictions that I then deleted, but have since recovered. I want to re-upload them. As you can imagine, they have not aged well, so I'm tempted to rewrite them.
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caesarflickermans · 8 months ago
oh we’re talking about the heavensbees? i’m sat. please tell me about the heavensbees
We know that Heavensbee is a family of old money. Their background and ties into specific industries are an expansion of my ideas surrounding Plutarch, whose detailed knowledge of the old world seems like an extraordinary trait even by Capitol standards. I assume that most Capitol residents have limited access to historic knowledge, which in turn often has been rewritten in a pro-Panem lens.
Plutarch's book-canon knowledge and belief in democracy—somewhat akin to eternal recurrence in assumptions about circular developments of nations—stands out to me not only as an individual trait, but as a family connection.
To me, the Heavensbees have a monopoly on education and propaganda.
The Heavensbee Hall in the Academy and the movies visualising this aspect into the Trajan Heavensbee statue might speak of relative power held, but their placement in educational spots sparks my curiosity.
While some have rightfully given significance to Trajan's namesake and assumed a founding father role, I have read Trajan's tagline ("Father of Panem") with a stronger parental, educational relationship. To me, Trajan might have been the father of Panem due to having carried educational reforms to reshape child and teenage education in the totalitarian state, placing himself as the benevolent, loving father ready to teach his children (Panem's citizens) a skewed view of the world.
This focus would explain the reason as to why the Academy, Capitol's elite school, has such ties to the Heavensbees.
These developments taking place around the founding of Panem would have granted the Heavensbees influence within elite society, assuring that each generation holds a continued sway in any and all political decisions.
Following the Dark Days, I headcanon that the Heavensbees masterfully inserted themselves into the newly evolving Games industry as Head Gamemakers and personnel surrounding the Games. While these roles are technical in nature, they nonetheless carry a form of state propaganda—What angles to show? What tributes to focus on? How to frame the victor?—which suited the Heavensbees just fine.
I read the Heavensbee family akin to various political families of our time; their influence is ever present—comparable to the Kennedy and Bush families as political office-holders, Murdochs as media moguls, or Succession's fictional Roy family (play theme music!) . Each generation has at least one Heavensbee working somewhere, and their grip on power is not based on a single individual, albeit successful ones are always highlighted. Snow's dislike of Hilarius had made me assume he was not as successful. I do not read him as Plutarch's father. Instead, I see him as an uncle that, while he made it to Head Gamemaker, was not there due to talent or success, but due to his family's connections.
Hilarius is significant as a connection to Plutarch, as I outline in my fanfiction that an uncle—and that uncle's mysterious disappearance—inspired much of Plutarch's rebellion. In addition, this implies that one Heavensbee failing—in this case Hilarius—does not hurt the overall family all too much. Another Heavensbee succeeding, such as Plutarch—and I purposefully mirror them here—has a tremendous impact on Panem's society
In contrast to the rest of the Capitol and the Districts, the Heavensbees have access to the information they sought to restrict. This is the reason as to why Plutarch has enough knowledge of democracy to implement that system following Panem's second rebellion. I've envisioned physical objects—books, art, tokens—that the Heavensbee family has continued to own both as a symbol of exclusive knowledge and hypocrisy within elite society.
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