#olav bjaaland
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irenydraws · 1 month ago
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standing out here on the ross ice shelf shouting THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE IN ROALD'S POLAR PARTY BESIDES ROALD AND I THINK THEY WERE NEAT and then i assigned them daemons. as you do.
also bonus fred. in this au he and roald did that thing where you put yourself through unimaginable pain so your daemon can go further away from you because of course they did
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asofterpole · 8 days ago
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Is that what you're wearing?
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polarexplorerspoll · 1 year ago
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araiz-zaria · 2 months ago
Amundsen and the Gang™ when they finally reached (and verified) the South Pole 😏😌✨
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Events 12.14 (before 1950)
557 – Constantinople is severely damaged by an earthquake, which cracks the dome of Hagia Sophia. 835 – Sweet Dew Incident: Emperor Wenzong of the Tang dynasty conspires to kill the powerful eunuchs of the Tang court, but the plot is foiled. 1287 – St. Lucia's flood: The Zuiderzee sea wall in the Netherlands collapses, killing over 50,000 people. 1542 – Princess Mary Stuart becomes Queen of Scots at the age of one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland. 1751 – The Theresian Military Academy is founded in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. 1780 – Founding Father Alexander Hamilton marries Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany, New York. 1782 – The Montgolfier brothers first test fly an unmanned hot air balloon in France; it floats nearly 2.5 km (1.6 mi). 1812 – The French invasion of Russia comes to an end as the remnants of the Grande Armée are expelled from Russia. 1814 – War of 1812: The Royal Navy seizes control of Lake Borgne, Louisiana. 1819 – Alabama becomes the 22nd U.S. state. 1836 – The Toledo War unofficially ends as the "Frostbitten Convention" votes to accept Congress' terms for admitting Michigan as a U.S. state. 1863 – American Civil War: The Confederate victory under General James Longstreet at the Battle of Bean's Station in East Tennessee ends the Knoxville Campaign, but achieves very little as Longstreet returns to Virginia next spring. 1896 – The Glasgow Underground Railway is opened by the Glasgow District Subway Company. 1900 – Quantum mechanics: Max Planck presents a theoretical derivation of his black-body radiation law (quantum theory) at the Physic Society in Berlin. 1902 – The Commercial Pacific Cable Company lays the first Pacific telegraph cable, from San Francisco to Honolulu. 1903 – The Wright brothers make their first attempt to fly with the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 1907 – The Thomas W. Lawson, the largest ever ship without a heat engine, runs aground and founders near the Hellweather's Reef within the Isles of Scilly in a gale. The pilot and 15 seamen die. 1909 – New South Wales Premier Charles Wade signs the Seat of Government Surrender Act 1909, formally completing the transfer of State land to the Commonwealth to create the Australian Capital Territory. 1911 – Roald Amundsen's team, comprising himself, Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, and Oscar Wisting, becomes the first to reach the South Pole. 1913 – Haruna, the fourth and last Kongō-class ship, launches, eventually becoming one of the Japanese workhorses during World War I and World War II. 1914 – Lisandro de la Torre and others found the Democratic Progressive Party (Partido Demócrata Progresista, PDP) at the Hotel Savoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1918 – Friedrich Karl von Hessen, a German prince elected by the Parliament of Finland to become King Väinö I, renounces the Finnish throne. 1918 – Portuguese President Sidónio Pais is assassinated. 1918 – The 1918 United Kingdom general election occurs, the first where women were permitted to vote. In Ireland the Irish republican political party Sinn Féin wins a landslide victory with nearly 47% of the popular vote. 1918 – Giacomo Puccini's comic opera Gianni Schicchi premieres at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. 1939 – Winter War: The Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations for invading Finland. 1940 – Plutonium (specifically Pu-238) is first isolated at Berkeley, California. 1942 – An Aeroflot Tupolev ANT-20 crashes near Tashkent, killing all 36 people on board. 1948 – Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann are granted a patent for their cathode-ray tube amusement device, the earliest known interactive electronic game.
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intomore · 2 years ago
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Oscar Wisting, Olav Bjaaland, Sverre Hassel and Amundsen at the South Pole, 14 December 1911. 
Photographer: Helmer Hanssen (1870-1956)
Photo: National Library of Norway
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allez-argeiphontes · 3 years ago
I am a simple creature with dumb seratonin-based needs. Reading about Framheim* makes me so happy… like the details of Amundsen’s men overhauling their equipment and digging snow tunnels, the cleverly designed breaks in routine and the fact they built a fucking sauna. The fact that Olav Bjaaland randomly decided to build a violin until he realise that building a violin is quite difficult. Humans are so strange and awesome.
*overwinter base used by Amundsen during his South Pole expedition of 1910-11
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rukkilill · 8 years ago
Friday 15 Dec. 90° We reached the South Pole at 2.30 today, tired and hungry, thank God we have enough food for the return journey. So now we have attained the goal of our desires, and the great thing is that we are here as the first men, no English flag is flying, but a three-coloured Norwegian. [...] Here it's as flat as the lake at Morgedal and the skiing is good.
Olav Bjaaland, after reaching the South Pole in the company of Roald Amundsen
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nkn1 · 3 years ago
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110 évvel ezelőtt ezen a napon lépett először ember a Déli-sarkra. Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) norvég sarkkutató, felfedező és négy társa (Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel és Oscar Wisting) 1911 december 14-én csaknem egy hónapos erőltetett menettel, szinte esemény nélkül, könnyedén elérte a Déli-sarkot. Amundsen a sarkkutatás egyik legnagyobb alakja, pályája és teljesítménye egészen rendkívüli, egyedi és felülmúlhatatlan. Nemcsak a Déli-sarkot érte el szerencsésen, ő volt az aki 1903-ban Gjoa nevű hajóján sikeresen keresztülhajózott a legendás Északnyugati átjárón amit - főleg a britek -évszázadok óta kerestek. Amundsen nem tudott maradéktalanul örülni a sikerének, mert őt világéletében az Északi-sark tartotta bűvöletében. „Ehelyett ott találtam magam a Déli-Sarkon” – mondta később. Az Északi-sarkra  készülődés közben érte a hír hogy ezalatt Peary elérte az északi sarkot (1909 április 6). Ekkor döntött úgy hogy hogy a Déli-sarkra indul, ezt a tervét pedig titoban tartotta. Amundsen tudta hogy Scott csapata úton van az Antarktiszra, mégis elindult hódító útjára ami sikerült is neki, egy hónappal Scott előtt elérte a sarkot. Többek szerint ez a csalódottság is szerepet játszhatott Scott és négy társának halálában akik szintén elérték a sarkot 1912. január 17-én  de onnan sohasem tértek vissza. Amundsent élesen bírálták versengéséért, Scott pedig a lovagiasság, a hősiesség megtestesítője lett. Nem adta fel az Északi-sarkot. 1926-ban léghajón elrepült a sark fölött, amit légi úton valószínűleg ők tettek meg először. Végzete is itt érte. 1928-ban Umberto Nobile segítségére sietett akinek a léghajója lezuhant a sark felé menet. Amundsent senki nem látta többé. Személye a téma tudósai szerint megosztó volt de tettei felülmúlhatatlanok. A Déli-sarkon azóta sok dolog történt, Amundsenék sátra a Polheim már nem áll de Scott kunyhója ma is ott van minden felszerelésével  csaknem érintetlenül és portalanul.
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kwebtv · 6 years ago
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The Last Place on Earth  -   CIT / ITV   --  February 18, 1985 - March 27, 1985
Drama (7 episodes)
Running Time  60 - 90 minutes
Martin Shaw - Captain R. F. Scott
Sverre Anker Ousdal - Roald Amundsen
Max von Sydow - Fridtjof Nansen
Brian Dennehy - Frederick Cook
Alexander Knox - Sir Clements Markham
Stephen Moore - Dr. "Uncle Bill" Wilson
Ståle Bjørnhaug - Olav Bjaaland
Michael Maloney - Lieutenant "Teddy" Evans
Richard Morant - Captain "Titus" Oates
Sylvester McCoy - Lieutenant "Birdie" Bowers
Robin Soans - Dr. "Atch" Atkinson
Jan Hårstad - Helmer Hanssen
Erik Hivju - Sverre Hassel
Jon Eikemo - Adolf Lindstrøm
Ivar Nørve - Oscar Wisting
Pat Roach - Edgar Evans
Susan Wooldridge - Kathleen Scott, nee Bruce
Bill Nighy - Cecil Meares
Hans Ola Sørlie - Jørgen Stubberud
Tom Georgeson - Chief Stoker "Bill" Lashly
Hugh Grant - Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Daragh O'Malley - Tom Crean
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jaimeariansencespedes · 4 years ago
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Roald Amundsen, nació en Borge, Noruega; el 16 de julio de 1872 y falleció en el mar de Barents; el 18 de junio de 1928, fue un explorador noruego de las regiones polares. Dirigió la expedición a la Antártida que por primera vez alcanzó el Polo Sur. También fue el primero en surcar el Paso del Noroeste, que unía el Atlántico con el Pacífico, y formó parte de la primera expedición aérea que sobrevoló el Polo Norte.
Contaba con una excelente formación marinera y una especial habilidad en las técnicas de supervivencia, aprendidas en parte de su experiencia en deportes invernales, en la vida de los esquimales y en las expediciones que le precedieron. En sus diferentes expediciones contó con un renombrado equipo en los campos de la navegación, del esquí, de la ingeniería aeronáutica y de la aviación. Amundsen desapareció el 18 de junio de 1928 mientras volaba en avión en el transcurso de una operación de rescate en el Ártico.
Tras su expedición al paso del noroeste, Amundsen planeó una expedición al polo norte, para lo que haría uso del Fram, el buque propiedad del gobierno noruego pero ideado y diseñado para la exploración polar por Fridtjof Nansen quien lo había utilizado en sus exploraciones árticas. Tras tener noticias de que Robert Peary se había adelantado en ser el primer hombre en el polo norte, Amundsen cambió sus planes, y decidió lanzarse a explorar el polo sur.
Amundsen no hizo público su cambio de planes de manera inmediata, ante la posibilidad de que Nansen se negase a prestar el Fram para el viaje antártico. Al enterarse Nansen, apoyó la expedición. Cuando llegó a la isla de Madeira, Amundsen envió por telegrama la noticia de su expedición a Robert Falcon Scott, otro explorador que pretendía alcanzar el polo sur y que sería su rival en esa carrera.
El 14 de enero de 1911 llegó el Fram a la plataforma de hielo de Ross, en el mar del mismo nombre. Allí ancló el navío en la Bahía de las Ballenas y Amundsen levantó su campamento, al que llamó Framheim. Scott, por su parte, se había establecido en MacMurdo Sound, 96 km más lejos del polo que Amundsen. Mientras los planes de Scott eran seguir la ruta de Ernest Shackleton por el glaciar Beardmore hasta la meseta Antártica, Amundsen pretendía crear su propia ruta, y decidió subir los montes Transantárticos hasta llegar a la meseta Antártica.
En febrero, marzo y abril de 1911, los expedicionarios colocaron puestos de avituallamiento en los paralelos 80°, 81° y 82° Sur en línea directa hacia el polo, una práctica que les permitiría probar las condiciones del lugar, así como el funcionamiento de los equipos. Durante el invierno, los expedicionarios se dedicaron a la mejora del equipo, en particular de los trineos. Olav Bjaaland logró disminuir significativamente el peso de los trineos. El 4 de febrero de 1911, una parte del equipo de Scott realizó una visita amistosa en barco al Framheim. [email protected]
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zerucke · 6 years ago
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Following two months of persistent traveling, the five Norwegian explorers Roald Amundsen, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, Oscar Wisting and Olav Bjaaland arrived at their destination, ahead of their British peers. Picture: Oscar Wisting with his sled dogs at the South Pole, December 14, 1911.
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polarexplorerspoll · 1 year ago
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Unfortunately, Frank Worsley, Kristian Prestrud, John Franklin, Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Charles Francis Hall, Harry McNish, John Hartnell, Olav Bjaaland, James Clark Ross, John Torrington, Richard Byrd, Leopold McClintock, Alexander Macklin, William Edward Parry, Salomon August Andrée, and John Ross have all succumbed to scurvy, and died painfully. The rest of the party survives, but for how much longer?
Here are the matchups for the third round:
Ernest Shackleton vs. Hjalmar Johansen
Tom Crean vs. Fridtjof Nansen
Ada Blackjack vs. Lawrence Oates
Mrs. Chippy vs. Roald Amundsen
Francis Crozier vs. Frank Wild
James Fitzjames vs. Frederick Cook
Charles Tong Sing vs. Edward Wilson
Robert Falcon Scott vs. Adolf Lindstrøm
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araiz-zaria · 5 months ago
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Amundsen og Wisting på Sydpolen
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year ago
Events 12.14 (before 1920)
557 – Constantinople is severely damaged by an earthquake, which cracks the dome of Hagia Sophia. 835 – Sweet Dew Incident: Emperor Wenzong of the Tang dynasty conspires to kill the powerful eunuchs of the Tang court, but the plot is foiled. 1287 – St. Lucia's flood: The Zuiderzee sea wall in the Netherlands collapses, killing over 50,000 people. 1542 – Princess Mary Stuart becomes Queen of Scots at the age of one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland. 1751 – The Theresian Military Academy is founded in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. 1780 – Founding Father Alexander Hamilton marries Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany, New York. 1782 – The Montgolfier brothers first test fly an unmanned hot air balloon in France; it floats nearly 2.5 km (1.6 mi). 1812 – The French invasion of Russia comes to an end as the remnants of the Grande Armée are expelled from Russia. 1814 – War of 1812: The Royal Navy seizes control of Lake Borgne, Louisiana. 1819 – Alabama becomes the 22nd U.S. state. 1836 – The Toledo War unofficially ends as the "Frostbitten Convention" votes to accept Congress' terms for admitting Michigan as a U.S. state. 1863 – American Civil War: The Confederate victory under General James Longstreet at the Battle of Bean's Station in East Tennessee ends the Knoxville Campaign, but achieves very little as Longstreet returns to Virginia next spring. 1896 – The Glasgow Underground Railway is opened by the Glasgow District Subway Company. 1900 – Quantum mechanics: Max Planck presents a theoretical derivation of his black-body radiation law (quantum theory) at the Physic Society in Berlin. 1902 – The Commercial Pacific Cable Company lays the first Pacific telegraph cable, from San Francisco to Honolulu. 1903 – The Wright brothers make their first attempt to fly with the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 1907 – The Thomas W. Lawson, the largest ever ship without a heat engine, runs aground and founders near the Hellweather's Reef within the Isles of Scilly in a gale. The pilot and 15 seamen die. 1909 – New South Wales Premier Charles Wade signs the Seat of Government Surrender Act 1909, formally completing the transfer of State land to the Commonwealth to create the Australian Capital Territory. 1911 – Roald Amundsen's team, comprising himself, Olav Bjaaland, Helmer Hanssen, Sverre Hassel, and Oscar Wisting, becomes the first to reach the South Pole. 1913 – Haruna, the fourth and last Kongō-class ship, launches, eventually becoming one of the Japanese workhorses during World War I and World War II. 1914 – Lisandro de la Torre and others found the Democratic Progressive Party (Partido Demócrata Progresista, PDP) at the Hotel Savoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1918 – Friedrich Karl von Hessen, a German prince elected by the Parliament of Finland to become King Väinö I, renounces the Finnish throne. 1918 – Portuguese President Sidónio Pais is assassinated. 1918 – The 1918 United Kingdom general election occurs, the first where women were permitted to vote. In Ireland the Irish republican political party Sinn Féin wins a landslide victory with nearly 47% of the popular vote. 1918 – Giacomo Puccini's comic opera Gianni Schicchi premiered at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.
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sumikoco06-blog · 4 years ago
No one considered calling the game
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