#oku tag
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dailyjosuke · 14 days ago
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day 12 - cupid
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beastblogging · 8 months ago
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context for this one: we were making in character opinion charts for eachother so thats what the near-unreadable text is for. also time-wise this around the beginning of s3 for both leagues, so things have changed since then! posting more for the doodles i did than anything
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soullessjack · 2 years ago
I hate gay people so much it’s unreal
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shoceted · 2 years ago
one (1) episode into minato shouji coin laundry s2 and i'm already going to throw hands w/ shuu again. just like old times truly <3 but also there is a part of me that wants him to have his oh moment and realize that the way he's treating asuka is hurting him and at the very least i know that shuu does care and idk i just. want asuka to be happy. the same way i want every formerly nic addicted queer kid who acts haughty to cover up their loneliness to be happy
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waspcup · 1 year ago
tagged for a get to know you game by @occultwhiskers :3
last song: according to last.fm it is warm bed by gospel! the album it’s from (the loser) bangs btw
favorite color: umm.teal probably
last movie/show: hannibal! still have i think 3 episodes to watch b4 finishing but i have not had much time o7
next on my watchlist: the rest of hannibal. and then saltburn. probably won’t get into another show for awhile lmao
last game: subnautica #predictable. hoping to start outer wilds soon tho ?
last book: last book i finished was last night in montreal by emily st. john mandel, last book i read (still currently reading) is the lottery and other short stories by shirley jackson
sweet/savory/spicy: depends on my mood tbh! but i think i generally go for savory
last thing i searched: looked up this house has people in it (the short film/thing)
current obsessions: i’m not really super into anything rn tbh other than probably hannibal
fic i am currently reading: tbh i rarely read fic except for when i’m at the height of an interest so none rn . but i will probably look 4 some hannibal fics once i finish
tagging: tagging whoever wants to do this mwah
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yuripoll · 2 years ago
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(IW300MYIALSISRAFPG author is Paderapollo BTW. It won't fit in the poll option.)
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save-the-data · 8 months ago
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Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku | S01E04
Japanese Drama - 2024, 20 episodes
Episodes | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
Native Title: #君とゆきて咲く~新選組青春録~
A: "Shinsengumi" (新選組) by Tezuka Osamu (手塚治虫)
Genres: #Bromance #Friendship #Action #Historical
Tags: #Samurai Male Lead #Adapted from a Manga #NON-BL #Shinsengumi: With You I Bloom
Cast: #Maeda Kentaro #Oku Tomoya #Kan Hideyoshi #Takano Akira #Fujioka Maito #Sakamoto Shogo #Shoji Kohei #Miura Ryosuke
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illarian-rambling · 11 months ago
As requested by an overwhelming 87% majority...
My Pronunciation Guide!
Izjik Meautammera (Ih-žik Mew-tam-era) (ž = s in pleasure)
Sepo Kaiacynthus (Seh-po Kai-uh-sin-θus) (θ = th in thing)
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris (Tweh-naree Uhn-dehta-sib/Dev-ah-ris)
Djek Kagura (Jek Kah-gə-rə) (ə = uh)
Astra DuClaire (Ah-strə Dew-klair)
Mashal Darezsho (Ma-shawl Dar-eh-žho)
Ivander Montane (Eve-ander Mon-tain)
Elsind Cavernsight (Ehl-sind Cavern-sight)
Avymere Spearsong (Av-ə-mear Spear-song)
Daedryn Whitenight (Day-drin White-night)
Loqang (Low-kahng)
Ceyrel Gavorn (Say-rəl Gav-orn)
Tyche Loros (Tai-kee Lo-ros)
Oyanna Devaris (Oh-yah-na Dev-ah-ris)
Azhur Devaris (Ah-zur Dev-ah-ris)
Anarac (Anna-rack)
Illaros (Ill-ə-ros)
Janaz (Jah-nahz)
Iarl (Ee-arl)
Araun (Uh-rawn)
Nabafyr (Naba-fear)
Skolan (Skow-lahn)
Sulu'Oku (Sue-lew-oku)
Salis (Salee)
Nace (Naes)
N'Diki (N-Deekee)
Ulahdris (Yu-lah-dris)
Seluthena (Seh-lew-θena)
Hope this helps! I'm a little dyslexic, so I know pronunciation guides have saved my ass many a time. Please let me know if there's a word or name I didn't include that you'd like to know how to say :)
(And here's the tag list/cool kids club: @amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks
@bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast
@goldxdarkness @the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff @frostedlemonwriter @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
@thebejeweledwatercat @leahnardo-da-veggie)
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jupiterjunebug · 7 months ago
Alright everyone. Casino Gauntlet entrant guess time, all my guesses are real and not jokes:
Takeshita return
Bandido return
Mark Davis return (scuttles offscreen with fletcher like a beetle and they dont return until Callis dies in a mystery accident)
Ishii, due to AEW mixed tag rules he only had to fight Stoke and so barely broke a sweat in his and Willow's match
Pac (in this scenario, Pac interferes in every other match on the card as revenge for not getting a singles match)
Hobbs return
One or Both Grizzled Young Vets
One of the guys the dirtsheets say is going to WWE, just so everyone shuts up
Jaime Hayter return (HUGE pop)
Ospreay again, it turns out he wins literally every casino gauntlet forever. Being tired from this match causes him to lose his match with MJF.
The Butcher
Both of the MCMG on each others shoulders to count as one entrant (the dirtsheets insist this does not count as the WWE rumors being quashed, since they signed as one singles wrestler rather than a tag team)
A New Japan talent (preferably Jeff Cobb who is angry nobody took up his offer for a singles match for the TV title) appears, wins, and then wins the AEW title, furthering my fantasy booking of every heavyweight title in the AEW-CMLL-NJPW-ROH-STARDOM partnership ending up in the wrong promotion at some point in the next 1-2 years.
Place your bets in the comments below, like and subscribe etc etc
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yoshihashismattebum · 2 months ago
2024 in Wrestling - Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @sycamoretrees ! This is a great idea! To paraphrase someone (Mark Twain maybe?): sorry for the long post; I didn't have time to write a shorter one.
So, without further ado...
MVP/Wrestler of the Year
Honourable Mentions:
It would be remiss of me not to mention Konosuke Takeshita. The man has been on a tear across three different promotions this year, including having one of the best G1 runs by a newcomer in recent memory imo. If only his booking had been more interesting in AEW...
Bryan Danielson also casually produced banger after banger and tons of great stories in his final year as a full-time wrestler. Just one of the best to ever do it.
And of course El Desperado was out there living his dream, getting his arse out on live TV and having the horniest match I've ever seen.
Zack Sabre Jr.
It had to be him, didn't it. First Brit and only the second non-Japanese wrestler to win the G1. First foreigner to win a Wrestle Kingdom main event. Champion of the world and of my heart 🧡 And every step of the way he's risen to the occasion, never disappointing in a main event position and stepping effortlessly into the role of champion. Long may he reign!
More after the cut!
Match of the Year
Look I can't possibly be expected to pick just one match, especially when I barely remember what I watched last week, let alone at the start of the year. So here are 6 matches that I enjoyed a lot, in no particular order.
ZSJ vs Gabe Kidd - NJPW G1 Climax 34
Everything I love about British wrestling and Japanese wrestling rolled together into one match. Two tough bastards beating the shit out of each other, with some flashes of technical brilliance.
ZSJ vs Bryan Danielson II - NJPW New Beginning in Osaka
I love a wide variety of types of wrestling, but if someone asked me which was my favourite, I would probably just show them this match. Intense, technical and violent, with a beautiful flow to it. Just magic.
Hiromu Takahashi & Jun Kasai vs Minoru Suzuki & Takayuki Ueki - Hardcore (Lego Deathmatch) - Despe Invitational
I am a strong believer that comedy wrestling is just as capable of greatness as 'serious' wrestling. This is a prime example. Everyone played their roles to perfection. Hiromu busted himself open on a railing before the match even started. Minoru Suzuki underestimated Lego. I don't think I stopped laughing the entire way through.
Chris Brookes vs El Desperado - DDT Wrestle Peter Pan
Extraordinary. Pro wrestling as art. Pro wrestling as a love story (or perhaps a 'lust story'). Would honestly have been *less* horny if they'd just stripped off and started having full-blown sex in the middle of the ring. It's rare to see violence and blood conveying affection/sexual attraction rather than hatred in wrestling, but wow did they ever here.
Hangman Page vs Swerve Strickland - steel cage match - AEW All Out
An interesting comparison to Chris vs Despe! Similarly bloody, similarly horny, but here the message is very much of obsessive hatred, however much they also clearly want to fuck each other. The ending also made me feel profoundly uncomfortable in a very effective way.
Will Ospreay vs Michael Oku - Rev Pro High Stakes
The best match I've ever seen live. It's testament to how good it was that I was prepared to miss the last train home rather than miss the end of it (thankfully they wrapped it up just in time!) A beautiful blend of drama, emotion and plenty of cool movez. Plus one of the best, loudest crowds I've ever been a part of.
Favourite Feud
I struggled with this one a bit, because 2024 was the year I stopped watching AEW regularly, and NJPW a) doesn't do feuds in quite the same way and b) was a bit light on big rivalries this year, imo. Still, there's one feud that immediately stands out...
Hangman vs Swerve
When they went back to this rivalry again so soon after their initial 2023 feud, I was a little concerned, because I thought there was no way it could be topped (pun only slightly intended). ...and then Hangman burned down Swerve's childhood home... A perfect blend of classic American wrestling melodrama, strong bloody violence, and psychosexual insanity. I thought it was really clever how they swapped the face/heel roles round while still making the characters feel authentic (please take notes MJF and Adam Cole).
Favourite Tag Team/Faction
Struggled with this one as well. My only regular promotion now is NJPW, which isn't exactly a bastion of great tag wrestling... I'm also generally just not a huge tag team guy.
Hon Mens:
Bullet Club War Dogs have been enjoyably camp and pleasingly violent, but the focus on Jake Lee joining really soured things for me, as I find the man incredibly tedious.
LIJ have also had a banner year as well I think, with the Naito/Hiromu stuff and Tsuji's rise. But Bushi is still there, so I can't in all good conscience pick them (joke) (mostly)
Ichiban Sweet Boys (Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita)
I just love this pairing. Eagles is one of those wrestlers that I've always liked but never loved, but he seems to be having so much fun with Fujita, and it's just infectious. And Fujita is one of the most exciting junior prospects in NJPW in a while I think. Looking forward to their title reign a lot!
Favourite Show
Mention, Honourable:
Rev Pro High Stakes in February is probably one of the best live shows I've ever been to. Great atmosphere and a stacked card, with pretty much every match being enjoyable (and the Anthony Ogogo match providing a perfect opportunity for a piss break)
Despe Invitational
In a year when AEW seemed to lose a lot of what made it fun for me, it was such a pleasant breath of fresh air to watch a show where 'fun' was the guiding principle. Literally every match on the card was fun in a different way: from the insanity of the Lego match, to the ribald joy of the main event, to the token 'sensible' wrestling match in the cooldown slot that a comedy match would normally be in. I have never laughed so much at a show I don't think. Despe is a genius.
Breakout (ish) Star
Honny Mens:
Will Ospreay. Hear me out on this one, okay. I know Ospreay has been a global star for years now, but 2024 was the year he finally found success on a massive stage. Not everything he's done this year has been totally For Me, but there's no denying that he's knocked it out of the park in AEW. I'm so happy for him!
2024 was the year I started watching DDT regularly, and discovered the joy of seeing Takeshi Masada in increasingly LGBT situations. With only 2 years of wrestling experience, he's already so impressive, not just in terms of his wrestling, but also his charisma and character. One to watch!
Yuya Uemura
It may seem strange to pick someone who spent half of the year injured, but if the metric for "breakout" is 'opinion of them at the end of the year vs opinion of them at the start', then Uemura is the clear winner for me. After a lackluster performance at Wrestle Kingdom and in the months following, I was almost ready to write him off as having come back from excursion too soon. But then he had an absolutely incredible G1 run where he blew me away with how mature and intelligent his wrestling was. It's such a shame he got injured, because I honestly think he'd be in the mix for NJPW MVP now if not. Very excited to see what he does when he's back!
Horniest Moment
Oh man. So many contenders. A good year for horny wrestling!
Hangman and Swerve's promo where Hangman said "I want you on your knees"
Yota Tsuji vs Yuya Uemura - hair vs hair match - NJPW New Beginning in Sapporo.
Seemingly only @sycamoretrees and I watched this one, because I've never heard anyone else talking about it. But wow is it horny. If you're a fan of men being pulled up by their hair to crotch-level... absolutely do yourself a favour and watch this one.
Whatever toxic throuple Mariah, Toni & Mina had going on in AEW
ELP vs. Takeshita - G1 Climax
Chris Brookes vs El Desperado
It had to be. The horniest match ever wrestled. 6 stars. 10/10. No notes.
Most Anticipated in 2025
More DDT!
One of the best parts of wrestling in 2024 was getting to watch more DDT (thanks @sycamoretrees !)  It's quickly become my favourite promotion. I intend to watch even more in 2025!
Takeshita in NJPW
I was so excited when NJPW announced that Takeshita had signed a contract with them. Cannot wait to see what his NEVER reign looks like. So many exciting match-ups!
The Rise of Gabe Kidd (hopefully)
Gabe has been so exciting to watch in 2024. And his big match with Kenny at Dynasty (which I still haven't seen yet!) is going to get even more eyes on him. I'm hoping that 2025 is the year he really starts to get a proper push. Would be great to see him challenge for (and win??) a major belt at some point!
ZSJ: Forever Champ
Was so pleased that Zack retained his title at Wrestle Kingdom! Really excited to see what's next for his heavyweight title reign, now it's clear he's going to be more than a transitional champion.
Okay. Phew. That's it. Now to tag some other people.
@thewaythroughthewoods @livelaughlariat @unpairedbracket – no pressure, but I'd love to read your picks!
Anyone else who wants to be tagged, consider yourself tagged! Go on! Treat yourself!
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elitehanitje · 1 month ago
Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2024 awards: (FULL LIST OF WINNERS)
• Wrestler of the Year: Cody Rhodes
• Most Outstanding: Will Ospreay
• Tag Team of the Year: Young Bucks
• Best on Interviews: Drew McIntyre
• Promotion of the Year: WWE
• Best Weekly TV Show: AEW Dynamite
• Match of the Year: Bryan Danielson vs Will Ospreay - AEW Dynasty
• United States/Canada MVP: Cody Rhodes
• Koichi Yoshizawa Award/Japanese MVP: Zack Sabre Jr.
• Mexico MVP: Místico
• Europe MVP: Michael Oku
• Hodge Award/Non-Heavyweight MVP: Darby Allin
• Women's Wrestling MVP: Sareee
• Best Box Office Draw: Cody Rhodes
• Feud of the Year: CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre
• Most Improved: Kyle Fletcher
• Most Charismatic: The Rock
• Bryan Danielson Award/Best Technical Wrestler: Zack Sabre Jr.
• Bruiser Brody Memorial Award/Best Brawler: Hangman Page
• Best Flying Wrestler: Will Ospreay
• Most Overrated: Nia Jax
• Most Underrated: Konosuke Takeshita
• Rookie of the Year: Je’Von Evans
• Best Non-Wrestler: Paul Heyman
• Best Television Announcer: Nigel McGuinness
• Worst Television Announcer: Booker T
• Best Major Wrestling Show: AEW Revolution
• Worst Major Wrestling Show: AAA TripleMania: Monterrey
• Worst Television Show: AEW Rampage
• Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic: WWE/TKO continued relationship with Saudi Arabia
• Best Wrestling Maneuver: Will Ospreay's Hidden Blade
• Worst Worked Match of the Year: Jimmy Uso vs Jey Uso - WrestleMania 40
• Worst Feud of the Year: MJF vs Adam Cole
• Worst Promotion of the Year: NWA
• Best Booker: Paul Levesque
• Promoter of the Year: Nick Khan
• Best Gimmick: Toni Storm
• Worst Gimmick: The Learning Tree
• Best Pro Wrestling Book: The Man: Not Just Your Average Girl by Becky Lynch
• Best Pro Wrestling Documentary: Mr. McMahon
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puroresu-musings · 1 year ago
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RevPro HIGH STAKES 2024 Review (Feb 18th, Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, London, UK)
AEW International Championship Scramble - Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Flash Morgan Webster vs. Sha Samuels vs. Spike Trivet vs. Richard Holliday vs. Cameron Khai vs. Shigehiro Irie ***
RevPro Undisputed British Women's Championship - Dani Luna (c) Safire Reed ***
Young Blood vs. Trew & Lacey ***1/4
Luke Jacobs vs. JJ Gale ****1/4+
Mustafa Ali vs. Robbie X ***1/2
Shingo Takagi vs. Trent Seven ***1/2
Ricky Knight Jr. vs. Anthony Ogogo **1/4
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Connor Mills ****1/2
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship - Michael Oku (c) vs. Will Ospreay *****
Photos - BritWresPics
This was an excellent show from the premier BritWres promotion, that featured great action up and down the card, a whole load of good, nothing bad, and the best match of the year so far.
Things kicked off with a fun, but unspectacular Scramble match, that had the surprise inclusions of Shigehiro Irie and AEW's Global champ, Orange Cassidy, who got a huge pop and put his belt on the line here. Which left the finish in no doubt really. This only went 8 minutes, and was essentially just a collection of high spots, and many of the guys didn't do much. I'm a fan of Big Shig, but honestly, he might as well not have been here as his contributions came to one spot. Same with Cassidy to be fair, he was AWOL most of this thing, selling a lowblow from Holliday, but it was still fun stuff. Orange pinned Holliday with the Orange Punch to retain. The RevPro Women's Title was on the line next. This was another good match, but I wasn't a massive fan of the finish, which brought it down slightly for me. Despite seemingly having the match won, Reed inexplicably went to use Dani's title belt, but payed for it as she ate an Elevated German into the ring and a Luna Landing for the champion to retain in 9:44. Alex Windsor Jumped Luna after the match and beat her down and dragged her around with a chain, which one would presume is leading to a dog collar match.
The NJPW Dojo graduates Yuto Nakashima and Oskar Leube took on heel duo Mark Trew and Kieron Lacey in a really good little traditional tag bout next. The heels worked over stocky babyface Yuto, before he made the hot tag to his Germanic Skyscraper of a tag partner, who ran wild and they bumped around like crazy for him. After taking Lacey out with a verion of Total Elimination, Leube caught a Trew crossbody attempt, and deadlifted him onto his shoulders, allowing Nakashima to come off the second rope with a jumping knee, and Oskar hit a massive multiple rotation F-5 for the win at 9:25. They announced a UK Fantasticamania show for May 19th before the next match, which was an excellent slugfest between Luke Jacobs and JJ Gale. This was grand hard-hitting violence, with both guys hitting forearms, kicks and suplexes. After Jacobs caught Gale's leg from a roundkick attempt, he captured his arm too and hit a sickening headbutt. JJ scored a nearfall with a flash small package, then got another super close nearfall with his Gale Force spinning Oscutter as the crowd went crazy. Gale missed a 450, before eating a serious of stiff Lariats from Jacobs, which lead to Luke scoring the win at 17:02 with a Steiner Screwdriver. Great stuff here, and I hope we see more from both guys at the top of the card in 2024. Jacobs vowed to win the Revolution Rumble in the post match.
Mustafa Ali took on Robbie X in a very good flippity spot fest next. This was all-action, with a non-stop stream of flying and springboard moves. The finish came when both guys fought in the top, Ali hit a Sunsetbomb off the top, then a match winning 450 Splash to win at the 13:08 mark. Ali looked super happy to be here, and put on a good showing, so I'm under no doubt that he'll do great in New Japan and the Indys, after years of being in wrestling purgatory. Shingo took on Trent Seven next in a match that was made less than 24 hours before they came through the curtain. Originally Takagi was to take on Gabe Kidd (which I would have been all in on as that sounds awesome), but Kidd suffered an undisclosed injurey in the insane Cage Match he was in in Osaka. If I were a betting man though, I'd say it was likely a concussion from that insanely stiff Henare slap he took near the end, not to mention the crazy chairshots. This was ultimately a very decent match, but at 21:58, it was way too long, and it was another of those matches where too much stuff was kicked out of. There was no need to work this like it was a Tokyo Dome main event; Shingo kicked out of a Pump Handle Emerald Flowsion, Trent kicked out of a sitout Burning Hammer, Takagi kicked out of a middle rope Emerald Flowsion, then a short piledriver, Shingo then escaped a Seven Star Lariat and hit a Last of The Dragon... but after a delayed cover Trent kicked out(!). Seven kicked at one from a Sliding Bomber, but ate a few more Pumping Bombers to finally allow Shingo to win. This would likely have been great if it was around 14 minutes, but it outstayed it's welcome a little and they just kicked out of way too much for no reason.
Next up, Anthony Ogogo defeated RKJ in what was by far the weakest match of the night. This was perfectly fine, nothing was bad, the crowd were respectably hot, and RKJ tried his damndest to have a good match, but this ultimately didn't click. Former Olympic Boxer Ogogo scored the win at 13:30 with two great looking punches. Which were the best looking things he'd done all match. What followed was an excellent technical wrestling match, as Zack Sabre Jr. took on Connor Mills, which was my second favourite of the night. This featured exemplary mat work, as both guys exchanged submission holds, with Mills aggressively working over the left leg, and Zack focussing on the left arm. After both failed to tap the other out, frustrations flared and this broke down into a nasty strike battle, with some seriously stiff slaps back and forth. In the end, after Mills kicked out of a Zack Driver, Sabre Jr. turned up the pace and put the younger wrestler away after a series of PK's at the 21:25 mark. Great, great stuff.
Then the Main Event, which was Will Ospreay's RevPro swan song before going fulltime with AEW, and was one of the best matches you'll ever see. I loved their match at High Stakes 2022, but this one was considerably better than that classic, with off the charts drama, heat, storytelling and big fight feel. This was outstanding. The stipulations were that there were no referee stoppages allowed, but if Amira threw in the towel (like she did in their last match), then Oku would lose the title, and Ospreay threw the bloody towel from the forst match at her to use. The crowd were white hot from the off, and neber cooled down once during this epic battle. There was way too much to reasonably recap here, but everything was great. Oku worked over Will's knee in preperation of the Half Crab, but came up bloody from going into the ringpost. Ospreay worked him over, taunting Amira to throw the towel, but she responded by spitting on him, which Ospreay responded by kicking her into the guardrail to loud boos. Oku went crazy with a fiery comeback that included hitting the old El Generico Tornado DDT through the ropes to the floor, which Ospreay juiced from, then locked on the most dramatic Figure Four since Muto/Takada, but Ospreay made the ropes. Will hot the Oscutter for a nearfall, and Oku hit a reverse rana which spiked Ospreay, but as he celebrated, Ospreay popped up and hit a Hidden Blade to the back of the head for the double down. Oku then turned a Storm Breaker attempt into a package tombstone, but missed a Frog Splash. He landed on his feet though and hit Ospreay with his own Hidden Blade. In a callback to their 2022 match, Oku started hitting numerous Hidden Blades, but pulled Ospreay up at two every pin attempt. He tried another but The Ariel Assassin countered with the real deal Hidden Blade. Ospreay hit the flip out of a clothesline into a powerbomb spot, then transitioned into a Styles Clash for a near fall. Amira is dragged into the ring and she pushes Oku out of the way of a Hidden Blade, taking the move herself, leading to Ospreay pushing her unconscious body out of the ring. Oku rolls through another Hidden Blade into the Half Crab, but as he leans back into the bridge, Ospreay pulls him out of it, flips him over and hits a devastating Tiger Driver 91, another Hidden Blade and finally the Storm Breaker, but Oku kicks out at 2.9999, which blows the roof off the National Sports Centre. Oku then turns a Tombstone attempt into a Sega Mega Driver, in tribute to Mad Kurt, finally hits the Frog Splash to the back, goes back up and hits a second to the front, but Ospreay kicks out at the last minute. As he does, Oku grabbed his leg and turned it into the Half Crab as the fans went crazy. Ospreay fought to the ropes, but a revived Amira flipped him off, Oku pulled him to the centre, bridges back, and Ospreay finally tapped at the 47:12 mark, giving Oku the biggest win of his career. This was all brilliant.
In the post match, Ospreay handed Oku the title, symbolically passing the torch, Oku offered the handshake, which was expected, and Ospreay cut an emotional promo to say goodbye to a scene he's invested so much into. He thanked New Japan and RevPro, as well as the fans, for all they've done for him, and he promised his best stuff was still to come. He then said teary fairwells, before nemsis Zack Sabre Jr. appeared at the curtain to give him a hug and a kiss. All in all, this was an excellent show that's well worth checking.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years ago
The Truth About Marx's Magic
Tagging @luminouslion because Melissa is the resident Marx lover.
Memory Magic or Communication Magic? That is the question.
Now because Marx is a character that's pretty far into the background most of the time, he doesn't get many chances to appearance use his magic. Let's review what we know of Marx's Magic.
Marx can read/project the memories of others as well as force them to speak truthfully.
Marx's memory reading is infallible. (Do take the statement with a grain of salt since we've only seen this spell used to its fullest twice[-ish]. And the spell was only used on people who had their memories protected/sealed and not altered in some way.)
One of Marx's spell can erase the most recent memories of an individual (although the spell never successfully landed on the intended target [Yami] so we never actually saw it used).
Marx's magic can be used to project his visual image and his voice to others (primarily Julius!) in order to perform long distance communication without the use of a magic tool.
The image and sound projection isn't limited to one-on-one either. In episode 151 of the anime, it's called out that it's thanks to Marx's magic specifically that allows the whole kingdom to view the captains' battle. (Note: this is an anime original event and will be coming up later.)
So Marx's magic deals both with memories and communicating with others. It's been referred to as Memory and Communication (to most people's recollection from what I've gathered). But which is it exactly?
The answer?
NEITHER! It's neither Memory nor Communication Magic.
Let me explain.
The first place to look for information about Marx's magic attribute was the original manga. Luckily for me, I have both the original Japanese volumes as well as the English translations of the manga (up to volume 35 in JPN and up to 32 in ENG as of the writing of this post).
However... Looking through both the Japanese and English, I found out that while explanations and references to the powers of Marx's magic were made, there was never any instance of Marx calling out a spell name and with it his magic attribute (as is customary when a spell is written in the manga).
But then I remembered an ace I had.
Volume 16.5: Marque-page de Grimoire. It's essentially a databook for the series up to volume 16 (thus being 16.5). And in this volume we get profiles and information about various characters in Black Clover, which includes their place of origin, their likes, their ability parameters, and of course their magic attribute. And what is Marx's attribute listed as in his profile?
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記憶交信。(pronounced ki-oku kou-shin)
Okay, I know most people on my blog don't understand Japanese so this means nothing to you.
記憶交信 isn't a singular word unto itself but two words put together. 記憶 means "memory, recollection, remembrance." 交信 means "telecommunication, correspondence." So essentially it's "memory correspondence" magic. And that tracks with what Marx's magic is capable of: it effects and interacts with memories as well as allows for long distance correspondence.
Or perhaps a better way to put it is that Marx's magic allows memories to be communicated. Memories are communicated when he uses the spell that reads them. So when Marx projects image and sound, it's as though he's sharing his immediate, in-the-making memories. If that makes sense...
I can further back this up with content from the anime. Specifically the movie. Remember how Conrad stole Marx's magic? Well look at what Conrad says about it.
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But that's in Japanese. So what's the actual English translation?
In the English subtitles, Marx's magic is referred to as Memory Exchange Magic.
See again the movie.
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Or we can look to episode 38 of the anime.
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As for why it's called "Memory Exchange" and not "Memory Correspondence" or "Memory Communication" Magic, it's simply a matter of some translation liberties. "Exchange" is a synonym for "conversation." You have an exchange when you talk with someone. And when you have a conversation, you communicate your thoughts with that other person. Thus the use of "exchange" rather than "correspondence/communication" in Marx's magic attribute to convey what it does.
But if it was always Memory Exchange Magic, why do people recall Marx's magic being just "Memory" or "Communication" Magic?
Is it a case of the subtitles saying "Memory Exchange" but the dub saying only "Memory"? No actually. If you listen to the dub of episode 38 and the movie, they will say "Memory Exchange" directly. (I'd share the sound clip myself but I have zero idea how to isolate a snippet of video and all that so anyone reading this will have to go see for themselves that I'm not making this up.) I think the "just Memory" recollection of the fandom is a result of the human mind making things easy on itself. Why remember two words when you could remember one and still get the same idea essentially? Thus, the fandom remembers only "Memory Magic" rather than "Memory Exchange Magic."
As for "Communication Magic"... Remember episode 151? Well within that episode, Julius refers to Marx's magic as 通信 (tsuu-shin) magic. Which is translated as "Communication Magic."
What created this discrepancy in the anime though?
The timing of releases.
Where was Marx's magic first named? In the 16.5 volume. Which was released on May 2 of 2018.
The next thing to be released was episode 38 of the anime. And when did it originally air? June 26 of 2018.
Episode 151 didn't air until November 10, 2020.
Now I don't know how far in advance Studio Piero was making episode 38 to the original air date. And since I'm not doing an in-depth research paper on this topic, I only took a cursory glance online to see that a general estimate is 2 months minimum. Could’ve been a longer period, can’t say for certain.
So... It's possible that Tabata was in the process of putting together the information for volume 16.5 while Studio Piero was in the midst of working on episode 38 and when it came to scripting the episode, they wanted to use proper names for Marx’s Magic rather than silently skipping over it like the manga. While Tabata isn't normally involved in the anime's production, the production team might've consulted him on the matter since they had nothing to go off of in the manga. And that's when Tabata could've shared the intended name for Marx's magic.
Then, later on, when episode 151 was being made, the content was an anime original. Tabata wasn't directly involved and the production team might not have consulted with Tabata during that time. Leading to the name of Marx's magic attribute being called the wrong thing.
And earlier this year, we got the Black Clover movie. And the movie does correctly call Marx's magic Memory Exchange. See, unlike the TV anime where Tabata wasn't really involved, he was the chief supervisor of the film. So while not directly in charge of the script, he likely would've been able to review it and make sure that Marx's magic was referred to by the right name.
With that, the post is over. I've officially explained the truth about Marx Francois' magic!
Sorry to make this so long and rambly. I just had a bit of fun solving this kinda sorta fandom mystery. But now we all know the truth.
Marx has Memory Exchange Magic~!
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sevdambeyzamaait · 1 year ago
Bir sene, bir ömür
Evde oku.
Es tut mir Leid, dass ich nocheinmal schreibe. Aber heute ist ein besonderer Tag, den kann ich nicht ignorieren. Heute genau jetzt ungefähr um diese Uhrzeit, vor genau einem Jahr, hatte unsere Reise angefangen. Bir sene ne çabuk geçti Beyzow... Wow. Ich erinnere mich noch wie gestern daran, wie aufgeregt ich war dir zu schreiben. Sana yazmadan önce iki kere istihare yapmıştım. Ve aşırı çok duada yapmıştım. Ich hatte ein unglaublich gutes Gefühl dir zu schreiben. Anlatmıştım zaten, eigentlich wollte ich nicht so früh schreiben, aber irgendwie hat mir irgendwas gesagt, dass ich es tun soll. Ich hatte noch nie so ein Gefühl im Leben erlebt gehabt. Yazdıktan sonra hatte ich bis du geantwortet hast ganze Zeit dua gemacht. Hatta hatırlıyorum, dua yaparken sen yazmıştın ama sana biraz geç cevap verdim çünkü daha duamı bitirmemiştim. Ich erinnere mich noch an jedes Detail. Oturma odasında halin üstünde duamı yapıyordum. Ve sen yazdıktan sonra tüm gün (veya tüm hafta) durchgehend dua etmeye devam ettim. Ich habe wirklich durchgehend gebetet gehabt. Ich habe so oft nicht direkt geantwortet, sondern mit etwas Verzögerung, weil ich noch am beten war. Und es hatte auch zwischen uns direkt Klick gemacht. Sanki tüm hayat boyunca bir eksiklikle yaşadık ve bu eksikliği biz doldurduk. Ve sanki ruhlarımız tanışıyordu bile. Sadece bir hafta sonra sana en büyük derdimi anlattım. Bazı detaylar verdim, aslında hiç bir zaman başkasına söylemek istemedim. Hiç kimseyede anlatmadım. Sadece bir hafta sürdü sana herkesten daha fazla güvenmemi. Hani 17.04 aşk ilanımı yaptım ya, ich war schon vieeeeel früher verliebt. An diesem Tag wo du mit mir zusammen über meinen dert getrauert hast, habe ich gemerkt, dass du die richtige bist und dass ich durch und durch verliebt bin in dich. Ich hatte dir auch vorher meine Ziele im Leben erzählt, onlarida aslında kolay kolay anlatmam başka birisine. Çok büyük hedefler ve o yüzden çokta saçma geliyor herkese aslında. Ama sen? Sen bana destek verdin, bana inandın. Du hast mich da voll ernst genommen. Das hat mir so unglaublich viel bedeutet. Das war auch der Moment, wo ich gemerkt habe, dass du die richtige in meinem Leben bist. Allah razı olsun. Ach, ich erinnere mich wie ich wirklich durchgehend und überall am Handy war. Kumanyada bile hep telefonuma bakmaya çalıştım. Millet beni telefon hastası sandı galiba. Hepde abdestli gezmistim (kumanya hariç) senden güzel mesajlar gelsin diye, kötü birşey olmasın diye. Şuan bile hep güzel bir mesaj gelsin diye abdestli geziyorum. Und ich hatte dabei kein einzigen intimen Gedanken. Wirklich kein. Ich wollte einfach nur diese Liebe spüren und dir diese Liebe zurück geben. Ich wollte nur dein Lächeln sehen. Ich erinnere mich an jedes lächeln von dir, dass ich von dir gesehen habe. Çok fazla görmedim maalesef, ama gördüklerim hayallerimden daha güzeldi. Und egal wohin ich hinschaue, alles erinnert mich an dich Beyzam. Ich habe immer gedacht dir zu schreiben war die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens. Şimdi ise, bilemiyorum, belkide tam tersi...
Es tut mir Leid, dass ich dir wieder solche Gefühle zeige und dich vielleicht damit traurig mache. Ich musste aber an diesem Tag so etwas schreiben. Sana hayırlı Ramazan dilerim. Ramazan ayı boyunca senin mutluluğun için hep dua edeceğim. Sende et lütfen. Ibadetlerin aksatma. Kur'an'ı sık sık oku. Mealinde oku. Nafile namazları kıl. Sabırlı olmaya çalış. Kendini en iyi şekilde göstermeye çalış. Açıkçası bu Ramazan biraz üzüleceğim, çünkü akşamları hep hatirliyacagim wie wir bis in die Nacht, bis 3 Uhr morgens immer geredet hatten. Das war die schönste Zeit meines Lebens. Ich werde diesmal wirklich wirklich wirklich nicht schreiben, so sehr es mir auch weh tut. Vielleicht hast du ja Recht, vielleicht muss ich wirklich loslassen... Wie gesagt, ich musste einfach nur diesen Tag etwas machen. Ich vermisse und brauche dich wirklich sehr, ich habe soviele Probleme gerade bitte mach dua für mich. Danke für alles. Inşâallah mutlu olacaksın. Allah sana iyilik versin... Hep gül. Sen güllerin sultanısın (ben nezamandan beri böyle cringe şeyler söylemeye başladım). Ach beeeeeeeeee, o gülüşün ya o güzel gülüşünü aşırı özledim. Du weißt gar nicht. Ich übertreibe wirklich nicht wenn ich sage, dass es das schönste ist was ich je in meinem Leben gesehen habe. Güneş gibi parlıyorsun. Affffff. Çok özledim. Ve çok ama çok seviyorum seni. Aşırı seviyorum. Uzaktan olsa, seni yinede seveceğim.
P.S. Rabiayla ne olduğunu tam bilmiyorum tabiikide ama o seni çok seven bir arkadaştı, ben ona şahidim. Zamanında bana yazmıştı, weil die sich Sorgen über uns beide gemacht hatte wegen Kontaktabbruch. Sie hat sich wirklich um dich gekümmert bzw. Du warst für sie wirklich viel Wert. Inşâallah aranız yine düzelir. Ramazan ayı, barış ayı. Bence barışın :)
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brigdh · 1 year ago
9 People You’d Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged (AGES ago, I am SO sorry!) by @saiditallbefore and @badgerette! <3
Favorite color: oh man, I can never choose. And it depends on the context, you know? My favorite color to wear is not necessarily my favorite color in other formats. Anyway. Green, maybe? I do like a green!
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Another terrible choice! I need all three! Not simultaneously, but I definitely have cravings for them all, depending on the day. In this specific moment right now, I'll say sweet.
Relationship status: Married to @lettersfromtitan <3 <3 <3
Last song: 'One More Chance' Goddy Oku. I am listening to an OFMD S2 playlist, unsurprisingly.
Last movie: Killers of the Flower Moon, which was very good but not quite as good as the trailer made it look. But honestly, it would have been pretty miraculous if it had reached those heights.
Last thing I googled: new york city bleeker "black triangle". I was trying to figure out if a notorious slum neighborhood in a historical novel I read was a real place or made up by the author. Seems to have been made up, but I only skimmed through one page of Google results, so I might have missed something.
Currently watching: I'm still only halfway through Deadloch, because I'm watching it with my wife and we never seem to have free time at the same time lately. Also just started S2 of The Gilded Age (trashy soap opera with gorgeous costumes) and S...7, I think? God how does this show have so many seasons, of Big Mouth (stupid sex jokes and animation, which I am weak to).
Currently reading: The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling. Pseudo-Victorian gothic, which is pretty good, but not nearly as good as the author's previous book, The Luminous Dead. But that one was AMAZING and it's not surprising that the new one can't quite measure up.
Current obsession: OFMD, of course! For all my critique of S2 (and I do have a lot of critiques. obviously), it's still the only thing I want to read fic about.
Tagging: @jessica-drewz, @louciferish, @sweveris, @why-worry-do-it-later, @sixappleseeds, @dracothelizard, @napneeders, @likethehotsauce, and @thewalrus-said! (Only if you want to, of course.)
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save-the-data · 9 months ago
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Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku | S01E02
Japanese Drama - 2024, 20 episodes
Episodes | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
Native Title: #君とゆきて咲く~新選組青春録~
A: "Shinsengumi" (新選組) by Tezuka Osamu (手塚治虫)
Genres: #Bromance #Friendship #Action #Historical
Tags: #Samurai Male Lead #Adapted from a Manga #NON-BL #Shinsengumi: With You I Bloom
Cast: #Maeda Kentaro #Oku Tomoya #Kan Hideyoshi #Takano Akira #Fujioka Maito #Sakamoto Shogo #Shoji Kohei #Miura Ryosuke
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