#oksy last one
sashannarcy · 2 years
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kethabali · 3 months
figured out the recipe for the perfect smoothie consistency and taste so now i'm gonna eat smoothies everyday
#i have a blender immersion blender AND an air fryer now#so i shall never go hungry or eat only processed again#tentative#we'll see if it works this time#i've tried to make my kitchen as accessible as possible so i'm not afraid of using it#weird bc i love cooking but still not used to this apartments kitchen i guess#but its improved a lot since move in#vacuum helps with food crumbs immediately#i need a chair for the kitchen tho#i'll put my current desk chair in once i build the computer chair i bought#so i can sit if i wanna cook stews or stir fries#while i wait for it#i also got parchment liners for air fryer so its easier to clean and so i will be motivated to use it more#immersion blender to mash vegetables together when i dont feel like eating them whole so i can just make soup/broth to cook beans or meat i#its all about texture and how easy cleanup is#and having these tools make clean up quicker bc less dishes and tools make different textures#chunky smooth crispy ...#best of the best...#oksy bye#🧃#now if only my work schedule would stop getting in my waey and making me spend money grrrr#i only work 3 days a week but somehow i still haven't managed to prep meals in the other 4 days i have off in the last 3 weeks of working#but i am excited after having a numerous good attempts in the kitchen last few days#so maybe tmrw i can come home early do some kitchen stuff#i wanted to go to the park but i feel i should do this first#usually i would say just go to the park bc fuck chores but this chore will make me feel better and improve quality of life#meal prep spend less money less consumerism better mental health#and clean kitchen means more food at home more nutritious and also tastier bc i can adjust flavors and balance it#i'll still go to the park just not the big one
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romanestuffsposts · 5 months
Oksy so it's a very random start rn but last week I was with a friend and she gave me a speacial cookie but didnt told me what in it was so i ate it and started to feel fuzzy and later I was vomiting and had a head ache and stuff and than she told me that it was a space cookie with weed in it. I was so scared when I start to notice that I dont feel good but she just made fun of me. Now i cut the contact and need comfort (when I noticed that I was not feeling good I was walking home and when I was home I was still so scared and crying that I cried in my dads arms crying myself to sleep)
Daddy stucky x little reader where she was in the same Situation and they found her crying, scared and throwing up with much comfort ❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
First of all I’m so so sorry that it happened to you. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, if you want to take a space cookie then it has to come from you and no one else ! It’s just respect. It made me so mad when I read what you send me, not mad at you but mad at your friend (who is really not a good friend btw). I can totally understand how you felt afterward and how betrayed you must have felt.
I once took a space cookie at a party at my cousin’s house and I saw everyone laughing and running everywhere while I was on my chair, completely lost. I moved my eyes from left to right and I had the feeling that the world was spinning. It wasn’t really fun because I didn’t enjoy my night because of that (two hours after I ate it I was in bed imao). But it was my choice, I was with people I trust and I wanted to take it. That’s the difference. I felt sick too (probably because it’s was the fist time I ate weed- I already smoke it but not eating it) but it was my decision.
Those kind of experience can’t come from anyone else but you. That’s just how it is and nothing else is acceptable.
I hope you recover from that horrible experience sweetie, you’re so strong and I’m so happy for you that you had your dad to comfort you. Be careful my love <3
I hope you like how I wrote this fic, lots of love babe ❤️
warnings : mention of drugs, taking drugs against your will, feeling dizzy and sick, comfort, reassurance, trust issues, pet names, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn’t chose your friends correctly
You always had a hard time making friends. Not because you’re a bad person or because you’re mean to everyone that look at you but because you’re discreet, you’re shy and you’re scared to go to people.
But once you make a friend, you’re ready to do everything for that person. You’re that kind of friend, the one who gave the half of your meal if your friend doesn’t have anything to eat. Your the kind of friend that will sleep on the floor so the other sleep in your bed. You’re the kind of friend that pardon everyone because for you, everyone can have a second chance. Mistakes happen
You wouldn’t call it a mistake this time tho.
You were enjoying a sleepover at your friend’s house, everything went good, you were having fun and you even made new friends that were also invited. One of them came with a plate of cookies and you can’t lie and say you hadn’t thought of them all evening.
Apparently they knew each others for years and at first that scared you but once you met them your nerves actually relax a bit. They’re used to do things together and lived plenty life experience together while you did it alone but that’s fine, you’re here now, you’re with them so everything is good.
Around 11pm, the one that came with the cookies open the box and give one to everyone. Everyone seemed excited and you didn’t question it because you were too, not for the same reasons tho.
You ate that cookie so fast that your stomach isn’t really happen. You went to grab another one when your friend stop you ‘’wait just a few minutes before taking another, trust me’’ she winks
Trust me
You shrug it off and went back to playing, you were enjoying the night when all of a sudden, everyone start to be a little bit weird, too weird to your liking.
The more you try to understand why one of the guy is laughing hard just because he has a fly on his drink, or why your friend has a hard time opening her red eyes that you start to feel weird too.
You stand up thinking you needed water but soon realised that mistake. Once your butt leave the seat, it feels like the world start spinning around you. You look around you, scared and lost, everyone were enjoying their time while you just wanted to crawl in bed and recover.
You tried to go to your friend but when she wasn’t ghosting you she was just telling you that it was fine that you didn’t needed to worry about anything and just enjoying the feeling.
You didn’t felt listen or understood at all and that alone make you feel even more sick. With all the strength you can get, you pick up your bag and leave the house.
You live a few blocks away from your friend- ex friend, so you decide to walk home, not really knowing what to do else. You don’t know if your Daddies are home or if they took advantage of the fact that you were away to do something together.
While walking home you start crying, you felt betrayed, you may not be the most thoughtful girl but you’re definitely not stupid, you know there was something in the cookie, you just didn’t realised it on time.
You’re relieved to see your door’s house and has a warm feeling in your chest once you close it behind you. As the click of the door closing is heard, your back fall onto it and you slide down the door, until your touching the ground.
You soon hear footsteps coming toward where you are ‘’baby ?’’ Your Papa walk toward you and kneels down ‘’what are you doing here ?’’
‘’is everything okay, baby girl ?’’ Your Daddy asks as well. You shake your head, tears sliding down your face.
Your Papa rests his hand against your cheek ‘’take deep breath, love. You’re at home, with us, nothing can harm you here’’
You take shaky breathes and squeeze your hands ‘’baby tell us what’s wrong’’
‘’I- I didn wanted to. I just wanted cookie, I promise I didn k-know’’ you cry harder.
‘’Hey hey shhh, it’s okay little one, keep taking deep breathes we won’t get mad at you’’ your Daddy reassures you.
‘’I feel bad’’ you cry and wipe your eye with the back of your hand
‘’How do you feel bad ?’’ Your Papa asks, taking your hand away from your eye. He hates when you do that because you’re always too harsh with yourself and he doesn’t want you to get hurt ‘’explain to us’’
You sob ‘’I don know i-‘’ you breath out ‘’everything is spinning and- and i tired’’ you whine.
Your Daddies look at each other, it doesn’t take them a long time to connect about what had happened. You talked about cookies and then feeling bad and finally everything is spinning. They immediately understood.
Your Daddy stand up and lifts you up in his arms, you immediately roll yourself around him. He waits until your Papa finishes removing your shoes and sockets before going to the couch. He sits down and rests you on his laps ‘’it’s okay my love, you went through something you shouldn’t have to without your consent but you’ll be fine’’
‘’nothing will happen to you, you’ll feel bad for a few more hours but that’s all’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’papa will be back soon with a glass of water, it’ll make you feel better’’
‘’Close your eyes babydoll, the world will not spinning as much as it does when your eyes are open’’ he quietly says, his fingers sliding down your hair to calm you down
‘’Here princess’’ your Papa sits on the couch and help you drinking the water. The fresh liquid that slide down your throat help at making you feel more relax and calm, just like your Daddy said it would.
He takes your feet on his laps and gently rubs them while speaking softly to you. Your eyes are still close but your other senses are multiplying, the touches of your Daddies help at calming your nerve and the reassurance behind the truth your Daddy said earlier about you closing your eyes and the water thing is really good at relaxing you.
‘’How about you sleep with us tonight ?’’
They know you’re not in a big danger but it reassure them too if you were with them for the night.
You nod your head and before you can put your finger in your mouth, your Daddy slides your paci in it.
‘’We won’t let her hang out with these people, right ?’’ Your Daddy asks as his eyes wonder around your sleepy face.
‘’As if she would want to hang out with them again’’ your Papa scoffs as his hands still rubs your cold feet
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
it makes me so uncomfortable that everyone's so quick to forgive hoon just because he's the male lead. he called y/n an "ugly slut" and a bitch for YEARS and he still hasn't faced any consequences because of it (and i mean real consequences, not just having y/n hate him back lol). this isn't on you at all zadie, i know the story's only getting started. but everyone commenting for them to get together have clearly never been bullied or slutshamed before.
and this just goes into how everyone is quick to shame y/n for her decisions and hold a grudge against her actions in the story. but sunghoon doesn't call her a slut for a couple of chapters and all is forgiven?
i absolutely understand where you're coming from and honestly i wasnt gonna respond at first but honestly don't worry, there will be another fallout soon and the only one doing the grovelling will be sunghoon; not only for what's about to happen but everything he's done in the past! it's all about time!!🫣 i was playing along not to spoil but i promised you guys i'd make him eat his words to the last bit! plus, and not to defend him, y/n's definitely never been nice to him either. what he said wasn't oksy and super misogynistic yet i gotta mention that y/n indeed never held back when it came to him!
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charlieslowartsies · 1 year
Oksy I'm just imagining Hurricane after Last Shift and Lies Within being very confused. Because suddenly Mike Schmidt has this teenager hanging around and nobody is certain of their relationship? Then suddenly he has a kid and this blonde woman hanging around him. The kid is his adopted son, they know that, but nobody can get a solid answer of who Blondie is (Steph asked Blondie if she was Mike's girlfriend and the woman laughed for a solid five minutes). And is it just them or is Mr. Schmidt way more tense with adults? He's still very polite, yes, but he looks at you like you're some hidden threat? Heaven help Karens.
Just some thoughts based on some questions you answered.
haha Mike's definitely a shut in type as the years go on, yeah. He likes helping people but he's super tense about Adults for sure and he doesn't really go out. The restaurant still gets food delivered at a lesser amount, he can do stuff electronically. He does make grocery runs but very infrequently. He's mostly known as that weird but typically chill guy who lives on the hill in an old haunted pizzeria, who managed to turn the sinking joint around a little bit and coast for some more time on its success. No one knows what to do about Max, who is meaner and more distant than Mike even though he's more present in Hurricane and can be spotted walking around. The pizza plex is not in Hurricane tho, so things do change haha but I won't go into that bc spoilers/still hammering the details out~
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Ahhhh oksy okay so he asks miss medda for a loan of 1.50 so he can buy this suoer cool miniture moving carousel they'd seen in the window.
AWWWWW THATS SO CUTE, tell me it plays music and it helps everyone sleep, even the older ones even though they don't like to say it helps
Race just going over there to crank it a few times and blows out the last candle and all the boys just going to sleep in peace
ALSO Race tries to pay Medda back but she declines, even if she was handed the money
She told him to buy himself something
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radiandromeda · 2 years
3. Anti-hero — What’s an insecurity of yours that you have overcome? Althea
8. Vigilante Shit — Forgiveness or Revenge? Velmen
[A grunt of surprise, and some scuffling noises.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 YEAH!!! Isnt it nixe ≈:)
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ≈:(
ALTHEA: ‹|3 What
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Oh
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I guesd not.......
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ..Yeah.....
[A pause.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 whOh right
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Um
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ..... Can u go whiel I think aboutit im havjng a hard tome coming up with anythinv
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Forgivneness or revenge??? Man yoirs is way cooler
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ??? Whydo I have to give more thsn one nkw?????
ALTHEA: ‹|3 You’re
ALTHEA: ‹|3 .................
ALTHEA: ‹|3 So annoying
ALTHEA: ‹|3 How The Fuc kdid you say that ojt loud
[A small, barely-audible impact of some kind, followed by a much more discernible cackle.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Uughghh I guess ivee worked on.
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ...Beign more acceoting of my feeliings.......???
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Didnt everyone
[The sound of someone sucking in air through their teeth.]
[A beat.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 .....Thatbincludes you ?
[A short scoff-laugh.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Glass hives rigjt
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Ok you go nkw
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Its not a ufcking essay wuestion????? Shutup
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I think U just dont wanna do Your questioj ≈>:p
ALTHEA: ‹|3 A—
ALTHEA: ‹|3 —well
ALTHEA: ‹|3 That is very niceof u.
ALTHEA: ‹|3 But I stikl think ur also avoiding your wuestjon so im going to wait until u answer it to answer mine any morw
[A beat.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 You only havr one weak plint ??
ALTHEA: ‹|3 And it’s compromises???
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ..No
[Startled laughter. A second, more subdued voice joins in after a moment; then pulls itself back together just as quickly.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Eheheh oksy you go
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Forgiveness
ALTHEA: ‹|3 or
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Reveeeeeenge
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Whehre was this energy!!whwn u were so sure I had thingds to be proud of and then u leftme to come uo with my answer myself!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 /I/ think
ALTHEA: ‹|3 That u dotn want to say ur answer is forgiveness becausw u thibk thats nit the Cool answer
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Uh huh sure
ALTHEA: ‹|3 .....What’s somethitn you wouldnt forgive ne for??
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Not what I askef ≈:p
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
oksy alright im not saying Joel consciously even realized it but theres no way hes accidentally leave that anywhere else. Just out in his house? No chance thatd happen by accident Sarah might see it. Leave it accidentally at Tommys? No way he'd live in humiliation for the rest of his life.
Yet. He just puts it down in your house and it doesnt click at all to pick it up at anypoint. Like he doesn't realize at all that his subconcious for whatever reason, didnt go on emergency alert at just forgetting it at your place. Thinking of how you assume Joel just took it for Asha, wheras it sounds much more like something Asha asked of him since taking random racy photos doesn't week like a casual Joel thing.
Also like how the panic doesn't just come from realizing who has feelings for who. But from an anxious insecurity and loneliness wondering just how much more of Joel does Asha get then you think he'd ever give to you. That sudden overhelming feeling coming from someone else knowing him in a way you might never get.
One last love, that nothing about Joels reaction was classic tv dad. Just a terribly worried father who is just out of his depth and wanted your help. Not shying away or anytning about Sarah getting her period, he just worries he might not be able to comfort her over it as well as someone who also gets it could. Someone like you. Picking up his upset daughter whose asking to talk to you specifically and Joel realizes he wants it to be only you. He could do it himself, but he wants you to do this with him.
anon ngl when I first read this it was super late and for a good while I thought you didn't like the chapter dfbbgfbgf I understood at the very end that you actually liked it 🥺❤️
Thinking of how you assume Joel just took it for Asha, wheras it sounds much more like something Asha asked of him since taking random racy photos doesn't week like a casual Joel thing.
oh yeah asha definitely asked for it fgbgfb I do want to write a small drabble about what went on there and how joel took the photo, so the idea is that they're both giving each other pictures. And in my head the only reason joel forgot is because he was so panicked about sarah but honestly he might as well done it subconsciously, it's totally up for debate!
One last love, that nothing about Joels reaction was classic tv dad.
I could never write him as a classic tv dad or being afraid of periods because that's a huge turn off for me dvfdbvfg obvi he's not perfect and makes mistakes but he's not gonna be grossed out over a period
Also like how the panic doesn't just come from realizing who has feelings for who. But from an anxious insecurity and loneliness
I'm glad you liked that part! I was really proud when writing it fgbfgb I have hella experience in loneliness so that might've seeped in here a bit
but over all thank you so much for reading nonnie! so happy you're enjoying the story ❤️❤️❤️
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li4r · 4 years
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we need cad bane and irno cock warming. idk what the premise is yet but this thought has been in my brain for too long and it needs to be released
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99 Problems: Entry #80 (Cad Bane x F!Reader)
Summary: You are Irno Favara. You're not a jealous woman. But when the guy you're sleeping with is flirting right in front of you... you get a little agitated.
Pairing: Cad Bane x F!Reader
Rating: 🌶 Explicit 🌶
Word Count: ~3.8k
Warnings: Prostitution/sex work, cockwarming, oral sex (male receiving), semi-public sex, PiV sex
<;&lt;< | masterpost | >>>
DRIVE R//: User > Irno > Desktop > Vacay Pics (send to Ludo) > Zeltron > Pola > Hot Guys > Dossiers > Cad.hpd
#80: he had a girl in every port at one point, it seems like. doesn't surprise me but at the same time i'm surprised.
You are Irno Favara. You are in a foul mood.
Because, despite the fact that he’s got his arm around your waist and a firm grip on your thigh, Cad Bane is flirting with the woman across from you.
You understand why. Miss Oksana is probably the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. Luscious, bouncy red hair. Flawless skin the color of dark amber. And a rack that even you can’t help but steal glances at. She’s wearing a high neckline, but that only seems to make them look bigger.
What are those, anyways? Double Dorns? Shit, she might be a Forn. Are they real? There’s no way. She’s not even plump, so her band size is probably pretty small...
...you kinda want to squish them. Not even in a sexual way, they just look... squishable.
Cad’s rumbling chuckle brings you back planetside. "Don't try to cheat me, li'l lady," he says. "You know I hate hagglin'."
Miss Oksana smiles. It's a warm smile that makes you want to get to know her better. For a brothel madam, she seems... Really nice. Motherly. "I have to look out for my girls," she says simply.
"Dey look awful well taken care of," he says. "Dey get bigger since I last saw 'em?"
You can really only blink. Cad Bane is not a stupid man and that's probably the dumbest thing you've ever heard him say.
Miss Oksana lets out a smoky laugh. "Perhaps," she says. "But I meant my working girls. If it gets out that I've been selling customer information, my reputation is on the line."
The information, of course, is on this Cynga Paol you've been chasing for months now. You're happy to be one step closer to him, but...
That would mean Cad’s end of the transaction is up. He'd have no reason to stay. And that thought makes you feel empty. Sad. You hate feeling like that.
"I'd make sure nothin' happened to ya, Oksy. Or yer girls. Promise," he says.
She laughs again. This one seems... Bitter. "You're terrible at keeping promises, Cad. Especially verbal ones."
"S'easier when I can remember what's bein' said." He grins crookedly. "Ya really had a way of suckin' de sense right outta me."
"It's not hard." She winds a stand of red hair around her finger. "You just put your lips together and blow."
Through the fabric of his shirt, you feel Cad's chest heat up. Something hard pokes your ass and it's not his blaster.
Indignation bubbles in your stomach. "I'm right here," you hiss.
"So you are," Oksana says.
Bane gives you a withering look. "What's yer point?"
You hop off his lap. "I'd like to speak to him privately," you say to Miss Oksana without taking your eyes off of him.
She raises a brow, but as she does, the door opens. The biggest Togruta you've ever seen sticks his head in, his brow knit in concern.
"Miss Oksana," he rumbles. A basso profundo, as they say in the opera. "Ploriss is making trouble again. Will speak only to you."
Miss Oksana slumps and rubs the bridge of her nose, muttering something under her breath in what you think might be Ryl. "Excuse me for a minute. This won't take long."
She leaves with the Togruta.
As soon as the door closes, you return your attention to Cad. "You didn't tell me you knew her," you hiss.
He shrugs. "Wasn't relevant," he says, examining his knuckles.
"The hell it wasn't!" You cross your arms and jut your hip to the side. "If I'd known you wanted to sleep with her, I'd have stayed on the ship."
He doesn't even look at you. "Nothin' stoppin' ya from walkin' back."
Now that just makes your blood boil. "So you do want to sleep with her!"
"I'm a man with eyes an' a workin' cock," he snorts. The corner of his lips quirk up, and you see his tongue swipe across his teeth, the way he does when he's hungry. "As you well know."
He lifts one leg up onto the desk, showing off the tent near his groin. He rests his palm on it, adjusting his equipment with his spindly fingers.
You won't lie -- it's hot. And aggravating.
You know why. You like this man more than you care to admit and the thought of him thinking of another woman while he gropes himself makes your blood boil.
You'll show him.
Reaching under your dress, you yank your panties off -- no easy task, considering they're under your garter belt. You only stumble twice while getting them over the heels of your pumps.
Cad's brows shoot up as he watches you stuff them in your purse. "What are you--"
You drop to your knees. Before he realizes what's happening, you've pried open his fly and yanked his cock out. Half-hard, it twitches at your touch.
His lips curl into a smirk. "Kinky today, ain't ya?" He lets out a slight hiss as you pull him into your mouth. "Ain't complainin'."
You've sucked a lot of dick in your time -- probably too much dick -- but this dick is by far your favorite. The way he purrs as the head slips from its sheath, how his ridges inflate beneath your tongue, how heavy his balls are as you gently squeeze them.
"Dat's right, ya li'l minx," he rasps. "Keep suckin'. Finish me off before she gets back..."
You give him the performance of a lifetime. For about thirty seconds. Just enough to get him lubed up and enough to make your pussy wet.
With a sharp pop, you pull away and sit back on your haunches. Reaching into your purse, you pull out your compact. It's not a question of if you ruined your lipstick, but of how much...
Cad stares at you, eyes narrowed. "Get back down dere."
Huh. That lipstick actually stayed on far better than you expected. Guess this brand is a keeper.
"Ya deaf, girl?" Cad growls. He tries to push your head back down, but you resist.
Instead, you stand, turn on your heel and place yourself onto his cock. You hiss as it enters, pleasantly stretching your insides. A key into its lock.
He lets out a strangled gasp and grips your hips. He starts to push you off, but then the door opens and it turns to scrambling to position your dress to cover your joining.
Miss Oksana slides back behind her desk. "Sorry about the interruption," she says. "Some lunk of a Twi'lek getting rough with the girls. Where were we?"
Cad opens his mouth, but you give your pelvic muscles a tight clench. His teeth click as his jaw snaps shut, and he swallows a groan.
"We were discussing the price of the information," you say. "Three million is a bit steep, but I can do one million."
Miss Oksana blinks at you. For a brief moment, her gaze flickers to Cad, but it quickly returns to you. "Not enough. Gotta cover my bases."
You hear Cad take a raspy breath. He presses his lips to the back of your neck. "I'm gunna kill ya," he breathes.
You suddenly realize that you have no idea how empty that threat is.
Negotiations go well. You manage to haggle her down to a reasonable amount. One and three quarters of a million is a bit steep, but you can swing it.
Cad doesn't seem too happy to see you spending what would have been his money, but whenever he tries to protest, you give his cock a squeeze and he shuts right up.
Miss Oksana sticks her hand out to shake and you lean forward without thinking. Your pussy pops off his cock with a wet shlick that you hope isn't as loud as it felt.
If she heard it, she doesn't react to it -- just gives your hand a firm shake. She has gorgeous nails, long and brightly painted with little rhinestones set in them.
"I have a bit of business to take care of, so I won't be able to show you out," she says as she stays. "Just fill out the cheque and leave it on the desk."
"Will do," you say. "It was nice to meet you."
She looks a little surprised at that. "Pleasure to meet you too. And to see you again, Cad."
He swallows thickly before speaking. "S'all mine, li'l lady," he says absently.
With a parting smile, she leaves the room.
You hop off of his lap and reach for your purse. "That went well," you say. You fish around for your chequepad.
You get no response, and you glance at him. His eyes are hidden behind the brim of his hat, but his mouth is open and the tips of his fangs are just visible. The head of his cock glistens with precum and your own juices, and he's hard enough that his hips shift with every throb.
It's quite the sight.
Your mouth waters. You really want to blow him again. But first thing's first. You scribble down the agreed upon amount and place the little cheque card on the desk.
"Tuck yourself back in," you say. "Soon as we get back to the ships, you can ride me."
He lets out a... Noise. Somewhere between a growl and a hiss. Wet and hot. Before you realize what's happening, he snatches your waist and lifts you up. He claps his hand over your mouth so you can't squeal.
He deposits you roughly back onto his cock. He doesn't say a word, just wraps his arms around your waist and thrusts up into you.
It's rough. It's crude. You didn't realize you needed it until you felt your insides stretch and burn from his length. A little whimper escapes you and that only makes him thrust harder.
"Fuckin' shameless," he chokes into your ear. "Y'oughta be downstairs wit' de rest o' de workin' girls...!"
You've entertained that idea more than a few times in your life. You've been trading your body for favors since the neighbor boy first asked you to lift up your skirt in exchange for candy when you were...
...huh. You wonder if you should see a shrink.
Your psychological musings are interrupted by a sharp pain in your collarbone. You squeak as Cad sinks his fangs into you, his tongue lapping at the little punctures.
Ah, it hurts so damn good. Goes right down your spine to make your clit throb. You really are a little masochist, aren't you?
You reach down to toy with yourself as he thrusts and sucks. Spread your lips with your index and ring finger, twiddle and swirl with the middle.
This was a fantastic idea, you decide.
He releases your collarbone to bury his face in your neck. His voice is muffled by the skin and so hoarse you can barely understand it.
"Tastes so sweet," you think he says. "'S'like fuckin' candy."
Based on his heavy breathing and his slowing strokes, you think he's close. Your chest grows hot and your pussy aches as it begins to tighten.
Time to bring it home.
You go to clap your hand over your mouth to muffle your moan, but Cad beats you there. He stuffs his blunt-tipped fingers in your mouth, pressing down on your tongue.
You do the only thing you can think to do. You bite.
The delicate skin of one of his fingertips pops like a ripe berry, spraying your tongue with the taste of freshly-minted credits. 
It's his turn to cry out -- though it's more like a breathy, choked growl than anything. He tightens his grip on you and pushes down.
He erupts inside of you, spraying your insides with thin, watery seed.
It feels wonderful.
It's just enough to tip you over the edge. It's not your most powerful orgasm, but it feels good. Your pussy twitches as you suck his fingertips.
Finally, he slumps. Pulls his fingers from your mouth and buries his face in your hair as he wraps his arms around you, breathing heavily.
You relax into his embrace. Despite the circumstances, it still feels wonderful.
You realize that he's holding his bleeding finger away from your dress, and you can't help but smile. Awfully thoughtful of him.
"Yer de worst," he mumbles into your hair.
"Like attracts like." You take his injured hand and examine it. The cut on his middle finger isn't as deep as you thought it would be, but it's bleeding a lot. "Hand me my purse."
He does so. You pull your panties out and remove one of the little bacta bandages you carry in case of emergencies. You peel the paper off and wrap it around his finger.
He finally seems to come back planetside. He examines the bandage. You think he might be annoyed with it -- it's a pretty vivid pink, after all -- but he says nothing. Just eases you off his cock and into a standing position.
You squeeze your legs tight as you reach for your panties, but he snatches them up before you can.
"Cad!" you hiss.
He remains silent as he plucks his hat off his head. Staring into your eyes, he tucks them into the crown.
You stare at him. "Are you kidding me?"
He still says nothing. Just places his hat back on his head as he stands up. He only breaks eye contact to zip his fly back up, but he grabs your wrist when you try to snatch his stupid hat.
He gives it a warning squeeze. I could snap it if I wanted to.
You try to break his grip. So do it.
His grip tightens, and for the briefest of moments, you realize you've pushed your luck. You flinch hard, waiting to hear the snap...
...but it doesn't come. Instead, Cad Bane gives you a toothy, blood-tinged grin. He releases your wrist and, quickly, swipes his unwounded fingers over the bite mark on your collarbone. You flinch again, this time in actual pain.
Cad takes a moment to examine the beads of red blood, smearing it around his fingertips with his thumb. Then he licks it off his fingertips one at a time, as if they were the last drops of a delicious sauce.
It's hot in a weird way. You can't explain it. But it also pisses you off.
You go to shove your fingers up your pussy, give him a taste of his own medicine, but he's turned around and opened the door before you can even get your dress out of the way.
Generally speaking, there are worse places to be walking through with spunk dripping down your legs. It's a bordello -- this carpet has seen worse things. And it's crowded enough in here that there's no way anyone could pick you out of the crowd as the culprit.
You jump out of your skin when a hand jerks you into a side room.
"I'm so sorry," you sputter. "It's not my fault--"
You realize you're in a powder room... a really nice one, decorated in dark browns and golds. It's got a pretty porcelain sink with a big mirror.
And in that mirror, you see Miss Oksana. She doesn't look mad. Just... Disappointed.
You barely know this woman and you still cringe under her stern gaze. "I'm so sorry," you murmur.
"I'm sure you are." She opens a closet door and pulls out a fresh towel. "Clean yourself up," she says, shoving it at you.
Relief overrides your shame and you get to mopping up Cad's mess. "Thank you," you say.
"Don't mention it." She pulls something else out of the closet. You recognize the red medical symbol on the case. "It's a tough galaxy. We women have to look out for each other."
Shame bubbles in your belly. "I really do appreciate it."
She fiddles around in the case. "Then can I give you some advice?"
You stare at her. The lines on her face suggest she's a worldly, intelligent woman. "Sure?"
"One: piss as soon as you get home. UTIs are terrible," she says. She pulls out a bottle and a cotton ball and squints at the label. "Two: don't try to cockwarm in an office. It's not subtle. Save it for a crowd."
You flinch. "Sorry."
She ignores you, still squinting at the label. She gives the bottle a hard shake. "Three: hitch your bantha somewhere else."
You pause in your cleaning to frown at her. "Huh?"
"I'm gonna tell you a story, hon." She tips the contents of the bottle onto the cotton ball, soaking the white fluff with a bluish gel. "Once upon a time, there was a young woman all starry-eyed over a bad boy bounty hunter who was good in bed. She thought there was something more to him than violence and credits. She was wrong."
You blink. This is one of those 'and that little girl was me' stories. You can feel it. "If you're trying to tell me something, just say it."
Miss Oksana actually smiles at that. "Didn't mean to patronize," she says. She blows on the cotton ball. "My point is that Cad Bane is rotten to the core."
You snort. "I'm very aware of that," you say. You resume your cleaning. "He stole my panties."
She laughs. It's a low, smoky sound. "Did that to me more times than I can count."
Once the complaint train is running, it doesn't stop. "And he bit me! And he didn't do it now but he's spanked me before. One time he fucked me and turned me in for the bounty--"
She raises a brow at you. "You were a wanted woman?"
"Still am," you say. You give a sheepish smile. "I like other people's jewelry."
She blinks. "And you like this guy?"
"Look, I know it's dumb," you say. You really do know it's dumb. You've tried and failed to justify it to yourself way too many times. "But I respect a man who can kick my ass."
She shakes her head. Her hair practically shimmers in the light. "Most men can kick your ass, dear. You're fifty kilos soaking wet."
Bad phrasing. You sputter a bit. "Well-- I mean--" You swallow. What did you mean? "Look, I just like him, okay? He's rough and gritty but--"
The rest of the sentence is but I like that.
But she cuts you off as she eyes the gauze. "You can't change him. So don't try."
You frown. "Why would I want to change him?"
Her gaze snaps from the cotton ball to you. Dark, onyx-colored eyes bore into you. She doesn't blink for a good few seconds.
But finally, the corner of her mouth quirks up. Gently, she presses the cotton ball to the puncture on your neck. You expect it to be cold, but it only stings a little from the disinfectant.
"His feet are ticklish," she says, dabbing the cotton ball. "And if you ever need to disable him for a second but don't want to actually hurt him, stick your thumb between the ribs just under his pecs. You'll hit a fluid sack."
Interesting. You commit those facts to memory. "Anything else?"
"He doesn't look it, but he really likes good food." She withdraws the cotton ball and places it in a wastebasket. Rummaging through the case again, she pulls out a bandage. "And he makes cute noises when you play with his ass during sex."
You're well aware of both of those things, but you appreciate the input.
You finish mopping yourself up as she peels the bandage from its paper. Gently, she places it on your collarbone.
"Thank you," you say earnestly.
"Like I said: women have to stick together." She smooths it out and gives it a light tap. "Now shoo. Don't want to keep him waiting."
You nod. Placing the towel into a hamper, you wash your hands and go to exit the room, only to pause. "...can I ask a question?" Oksana nods, and you continue. You cup your hands over your breasts. "Are those... Real?"
She raises a shapely brow at you. "You looking to get work done?"
The thought of going under the laser makes you shudder. "No, I'm just curious."
She stares at you a moment, then smiles. "All natural Greks," she says.
All you can really do is blink. Holy shit.
Oksana watches as you stagger off.
Bane is leaning against the wall, watching one of the dancing girls, but he immediately snaps to attention when you pass. He says something, but you don't respond. He actually looks concerned as you stroll right past him, and he chases after you.
She's not sure if she likes you. It's entirely personal. You're a little brat with more money than sense. And practically nothing in the tits department.
But you seem... Genuine. You know what you're getting into. Don't seem to have any illusions about who Cad Bane is.
She was young and stupid when she tried to tie him down -- somehow convinced that she could make an honest man of him and he'd take her away from the bordellos and the backrooms. That he'd protect her and take care of her.
He wouldn't. He didn't. He looked out for himself, as he always did.
But you clearly don't want that. You want someone to have your back while you're cavorting across rooftops and picking pockets. You want someone to feed your vices and to feed his in turn.
You don't want a good man. And for that reason, you might just have a chance.
"She's kinda cute." For such a massive Togruta, Bori moves like a whisper. She didn't even hear him. "Surprised you didn't try to recruit her."
Oksana shrugs. "Zelties are more trouble than they're worth."
Something crashes from upstairs, followed by a shriek. Without a word, Bori is vaulting in the direction of the sound.
She sighs to herself as she watches him. Taking a deep breath, she steels herself for confrontation and follows.
She wishes you all the luck in the galaxy. You're going to need it.
DRIVE R//: User > Irno > Desktop > Vacay Pics (send to Ludo) > Zeltron > Pola > Hot Guys > Dossiers > Cad2.hpd
#80: tickle feet. jab fluid sacks. get him food drunk. thank you very much, miss oksana.
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rivangel · 3 years
it sent me into a levi induced paralysis all of today + i was avoiding social media like the plague so i needed a sec ejhrfir
HOLY SHIT. levi. levi le vi hange levi. let me just
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he looks so so sad... or sorry, even, in the last one :(( i imagine he feels so guilty for not taking out zeke and getting injured in the process. UGh😭 GOD BU OKSY LOOK
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whoever drew and animated the forest scene needs their dick sucked or their pussy ate fr. im simply reeling. GOD HES SO PRETTY AND I LOVE HIM AND HANGE 😭
ok enough of me being hornie. the fact levi heard them talking also means they heard them settle on the fact that it was 'their turn'. thats all im gonna say but it re-contextualizes some things for me.
tumblr doesnt like it when there are more than 10 images in a post so imma post the sweet lovely stunning screencaps i saved from hange+levi talking with magath and pieck seperately. but. i rly have no complaints at all. Hiroshi Kamiya did a fucking incredible job voice acting for levi.
idc a man like levi admitting that he cant dodge a bullet but also appealed to the 'enemy' in "this sad state" spoke volumes to me. levi hange precious and mappa fed us well
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ok actual commentary. when i read the manga for the first time and got to connie's subplot with feeding falco?? i thought isayama really retconned his character ngl - granted i never liked connie as much as everyone else😭 sorry.
then again, connie rly lost his whole entire family - but how would connie's mother have even used the jaw titan to fight back? if he was resigned to the fact that eren was destroying the world other than Eldia, i suppose it'd make sense + connie was very blinded by grief with sasha, and having to see his mother in this state for years. jean made his own mistake by joining up with a jeagerists, resigning to the fact that he couldnt fight back.
i used to think connie was immature and dumb here, but i understand his actions (especially seeing how he doesnt know falco beyond the fact that hes a marleyan + was with gabi, who killed sasha).
that image of connie smiling when he told falco to brush his mother's teeth tho?? cursed. Cursed.
armin's inferiority complex :(((( that he cant size up to erwin :(( poor baby. armin was so brave too - he was genuinely willing to sacrifice his life (and his titan) to save connie's mother so it wouldnt be falco.
tho: even tho falco being just a kid caught up in a bunch of shit has a part in it, i think armin genuinely believed he would be more useful by dying considering all the chaos. fuck
i feel rly bad for mikasa too - imagine loving this person who saved ur life and spent the vast majority of ur life growing up beside... only to hear that he hates you?? and is set on destroying the world?? and that he wanted to throw the gift u have held close to ur heart (literally) for years?? ALL IN ONE DAY?? AND UR OTHER COMRADE IS APPARENTLY JOINING UP WITH THE JAEGERISTS? AND U DONT KNOW WHERE UR LEADERS (levi and hange) ARE IN ALL THIS??
plus manga spoilers in a flashback, but i wont get into that here.
jeez😭 in other news i cant help but rly rly dislike the girl who idolized mikasa sm. i know she saved her in season 1... she rly wanted to follow in her footsteps, but there's such a thing as idolizing someone too much. it's like she was left with no other goal in life but to be mikasa - she wasnt even her own person anymore. it's tragic.
i laughed so hard when onyakopon called the jaygerists 'xenophobic shits' LMAO - even when jean held a gun to his head. and then, when JEAN STOOD UP FOR ONYAKOPON! i forgot a few things from the manga evidently - that part fucking shook me.
also: jean pushing floch out of the way of the Cart - obviously, it was all a part of the escape plan. but floch couldnt know that right after the fact - which makes how 😐😒 he was right after especially shitty. for all he knew jean sacrificed his life - fucking asshole.
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this mention of marco made me scream😭ok i couldnt control myself - not even for ship reasons as much as what marco must represent to jean. i fucking love jean's character, the fact that he's grown so so much since being a hotheaded pompous asshole who wanted in with the MP... the fact that he still thinks abt marco just fucking destroys me. i love him.
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i couldnt help myself. this part was so funny, but i unironically felt super sad for hitch when annie up and left to join up with the others. idk i took that personally :( im glad annie is becoming more redeemed in this part of the season though - she killed a shit ton of scouts, but just like almost everyone else in aot, her morals are so grey that i love her anyway.
the terror on reiner's face when he saw the 104th😭these people who he felt guilt abt for years and stewed in so much regret mustve been a horrible wake up call lol. but gabi and falco are there!!
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when ch126 came out (the one where that panel is from) it was shit on a lot, especially on reddit but i cant remember why✋ so stupid. i love this panel - it's one of those iconic ones - and it rly represents how everyone, enemies and friends, are coming together and resolving to stop the Rumbling, as little power as they may hold.
ive hit my picture limit on this post. HOWEVER - i fucking loved this episode. the pacing was immaculate, and the intro+outro hit so hard, as always. it was a great choice to adapt both 125 and 126 in this episode.
THE TO BE CONTINUED !! i cant wait - ch127 sticks in my mind for a lot of reasons but i wont get into it for spoiler reasons. AHHH IM JUST PSYCHED!
anyway 9.5/10 (.5 for how juicy mappa made levi eeek).
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just-lexy · 2 years
Mayblade 2022 - Day 11 Tattoo
I had a word file named Tattoo in my drive for years. I just quickly translated it into English (so sorry if it is not refined) because it would never see the light of day otherwise. And because I have been useless for this Mayblade lol
Characters: Kai Hiwatari, Yuriy Ivanov, Oksi (an OC of mine, a tattoo artist)
Notes: No ships, no context, it's from an old fic so it won't probably make any sense, Kai might be a bit out of character (a lot), hints at past drug use.
Kai pushed open the front door hearing the familiar sound of the doorbell announcing the arrival of a new customer. 
The pungent smell of incense reached his nostrils and the hip-hop music resonating into the room filled his chest with warmth and nostalgia. The last time Kai had crossed that threshold was almost a year earlier, yet everything seemed to have remained unperturbed. The burgundy walls were covered with paintings containing photographs of tattoos and piercings, previous works, sketches, and drawings from which customers could take inspiration. 
The door closed behind him and Kai didn’t have to wait long for the reaction of the boy who sat behind the counter and looked up from the magazine he was leafing through carelessly. 
The welcoming sentence froze on his lips as soon as he recognized Kai. 
Oksi was clearly trying to guess the reason for that visit, which could not have been a courtesy one, given how they had parted in their last conversation.
He shifted his gaze towards the shop window from where he could see Yuriy intent on lighting a cigarette and at the same time peeking not too covertly at what was going on inside the shop. 
“Do you have a minute?” Kai raised his voice trying to sound firm. “I need to talk to you.”
“I have an appointment in ten”, Oksi replied with his characteristic calm and placid tone. It wasn’t a dismissal, after all, he was a born peacemaker, although his misleading appearance. From the back of his hands to the sleeves of his shirt he was completely covered in tattoos, which clearly continued under his clothes until they reappeared on his neck. Both earlobes bore dilators. 
Kai finally reached the counter but kept his gaze down as he tried to force himself to remember why he was there and why he needed to talk to Oksi, how much he owed him. 
“I wanted to apologize,” he began looking up at the man he had considered one of his greatest friends, before disappointing him irreparably. “And tell you that I am negative... I just wanted to let you know.”
Kai absentmindedly drummed his fingers on the edge of the counter but seeing no reaction from the tattoo artist he started turning away. 
“You know what you did wasn't right, do you?” Oksi declared suddenly, forcing Kai to turn around. “I'm glad you're ok, but you put my clients, my colleagues, and myself at risk.”
“I know, I'm sorry, I needed to apologize to you anyway”. 
Kai stared at him for a few more moments and then decided it was his cue to turn and walk back towards the door. He wondered what he had expected to happen, he felt disappointed to have been treated so coldly despite his good intentions, but then again he had made a mistake and could not count on people to unconditionally forgive him. Again. 
“Are you clean?” Oksi's voice rose slightly, showing he was discomforted as well at ending the conversation like that. 
They both felt the urgency to confront each other and not let that be their last interaction, the last shadow of the friendship that had united them in the past and that, perhaps, could be revived somehow. Was all really lost?
“Yes”, he answered simply.
“I heard what happened to…” The name remained in midair and for a second it seemed as if they were both holding their breaths. As if even that name now belonged to another world. “I'm sorry. Don't…” 
Other words of comfort, anger, sadness, sorrow, and longing remained in that unspoken parallel dimension. He could have said anything and it wouldn't have helped much anyway, everything could have been right and wrong at the same time. 
Kai waited for the other to fill his silence with what he thought was appropriate. Nothing really was, so nothing came out.
“Thank you”, Kai found himself saying. 
They remained in that limbo between a farewell and a reconciliation, waiting for something to make the gears turn again, to put them back in place. 
“How's your phoenix?” 
Here they were. 
The tension in their facial muscles eased with the knowledge that they had found what would have brought them back to familiar territory. The shadow of a smile crossed them both and the serenity glimpsed again in their eyes. 
“How you left her” Kai replied relieved, his hand automatically reaching for his abdomen where, under his clothes, the ink of a tail was engraved on his skin. A tail that was connected to an unfinished body and unfinished wings. 
“Should we finish her?” Oksi asked him in a complicit tone, serving on a silver platter a request for peace, a sort of pact between them. They would have started to see each other again and complete the project that had been going on for two years. 
Kai’s relief didn’t last long. He was still the one in error, he was the one who needed to do the right thing. 
“Oksi, I have no money for…” 
“You will pay me when you can,” he replied without letting him finish. “It hunts me knowing I haven't finished that damn phoenix yet.”
Kai sensed his way of easing the burden he felt on his shoulders, relieving him of the fact that, once again, he would have to work for free. He mentally noted to himself that he would absolutely repay Oksi as soon as he had the chance and forgave himself as he had to seize that opportunity, that hand extended to his rescue. 
“I can write to you when I have a free slot”.
“You have to text Yuriy, though,” Kai said, pointing at the redhead who had just finished his cigarette outside and was now waiting with his hands in his pockets. He had stopped to glance their way by now.
“No problem,” Oksi replied without commenting further, while Kai headed for the door and asked Yuriy to come in. The doorbell ringed again and Yuriy exchanged numbers with Oksi, his gaze wondering silently what the hell was going on. 
“We have to finish that phoenix,” Oksi stated, his grin widening while he exchanged a complicit look with Kai.
And Yuriy understood what turn this little reunion had taken and how Kai’s gaze was no longer dull and passive. It was the one he would have expected in reaction to the test's negativity, a sign that inside that slimmed and tried body still lurked the Kai he had grown up with, who would rise again despite all adversities.
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I was born for this by Alice Oseman spoilers:
honestly the last hour and a half of I was born for this was kinda wild???
I thought Lister was trying to kill himself or something, it was so sad! He was kind of just alcoholic Leo Valdez (I don't like Leo but I like Lister) but he was my favourite. They were all my favourite.
As someone who's been in bandom, and been like, obsessed: fan accounts (plural), fanfiction, merch etc, I found the whole jowan thing so funny, bc mcr stans are like that with frerard and the fanfic is so, so so bad.
I really thought angel was just gonna, like, become a therapist and, like tour with them??? Idk, bc they all need therapy and for some reason she's literally adopted them all
Rowan was fully screaming at her for what???? Bestie went "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???" like she didn't just adopt his gf and best friend and wouldn't adopt him if he gave her the chance.
Jimmy my beloved>>>>>>>
ngl, Juliet's name not being Juliet was the biggest plot twist
Mack was a twat but honestly? Good taste in music. We would vibe but in the worst way.
I'm not one for overly religious characters or like religious imagery but idk it was good
Jimmy my beloved>>>>>>>>
I can totally see angel being a band manager. I see it.
Fuck Juliet's parents. Alice knows how to write bad parents *cough* Jane spring *cough cough*
Oksy I think I'm done :)
Petition to make Angel the official therapist of the ark as well as Bliss and Juliet
If you told me iwbft wasn't wild at all, I would be concerned lol. Is it me or is the ending of the book kinda ominous?? Like what the actual heck happens after Lister's discharged and stuff etc etc. ?? I fucking know right, Rowan went ballistic that moment it was soo hilarious to read- But Bliss and Angel's friendship is>>>>>>> Okay but even the fucking Ark fandom does this but why the hell is Jimmy so innocent oh my- Protect Jimmy at all costs His grandpa is just a fucking icon Don't forget Juliet's Nana-
Best guardians>>>>>>> Juliet's parents can go to hell with Mrs. Last for all I fucking care I'm sorry I'm still not over those 2 books- ;-;
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julemmaes · 4 years
Oksy so don’t feel like you have to do this but nesta and the kids go out grocery shopping and they bump into THOMAS FUCKING MANDARY and Nesta gets super overwhelmed but she’s got the kids and shit so she pretends she’s fine
But later cass comes home and the kids tell him what happens.
(and maybe they have a talk on important stuff about being with someone who loves you and if someone hurts you they don’t love you and it’s beautiful Idk)
Loving And Caring
Nessian modern au set in the The Seven Of Us universe (masterlist)
acotar next gen fan fiction
A/N: This is the reason I’m gonna fail my English exam, so please enjoy:)
The children’s ages: Ezra is 11, Cal is 6, Nora is 3 and Celia is 2. Andra is kinda not born yet.
Word count: 8,185
"I want it!"
"I don't-"
"No, I want this!"
"I said I wanted it first."
"You did not!"
Nesta Archeron had been called many things in her life. Daughter first. Then sister and friend, woman. She had been appreciated by all the professors she had had the honor of meeting during her studies, who had called her the best in her classes. She had finally found someone who had sincerely called her love and then wife, and she would not give up that last acquired, very important title of mom for anything in the world, but-
Right then she just wanted to strap her kids to the cart and run.
Walking down the cereal aisle, she ran a hand over her swollen, ready-to-burst belly, realizing that she would have to trip and fall on her bump if she wanted to end the problem for good. The baby girl, for whom they still hadn't chosen a name, would be born in a few weeks, and if she didn't get rid of her, too, she would never find peace.
She giggled - or at least she thought she did - at those morbid, disturbing thoughts for which many people would surely have her locked up in a mental hospital, if they found out how often she admitted to wanting to abandon her children.
It had been such a tiring day. She had been home from work for a couple of months now, this fifth pregnancy was breaking her down physically and mentally. She was at the end, in her eighth month, but she would much rather have the last baby out and inside the cart with her sisters by now.
Celia and Nora were babbling something in their imperfect language, and Nesta's heart clenched for her little men at the thought that they would be outnumbered in a few weeks. She and Cassian had experienced that feeling only three years before, and yet she still hadn't forgotten the terror she had felt at the idea of her children turning against them.
They had created a small army.
Casting a quick glance at Ezra who was sneaking something into the cart, she huffed. If the others noticed that he had put a package of junk food in the basket, that would be the end of it.
Moments later, in fact, Cal was looking at the colored bag in the still empty cart with suspicious eyes, and Nesta wasn't going to wait for the fight over who could buy the most junk food that day to begin.
"Ezra, put the snacks back," she said rubbing her hands over her eyes.
Celia mumbled something as she sat inside the cart, and Nora, silently settled next to her, nodded, as if she understood what the other was talking about. It shouldn't have shocked her, but Nesta never ceased to be amazed by that way of communicating that only the two of them understood.
Ezra's icy eyes turned sad when he looked at her and he pouted, "But mom I need them for snacks for school."
Cal looked at him with a furrowed brow, "No you don't. I need them." then he turned to Nesta, "But I don't like these, can I have those?" he asked with a bright smile pointing across the aisle with a wave of his arm.
She leaned forward, sighing and not answering him. Nora looked up at her and reached out her hands toward her mom, letting her know she wanted to be held, but Nesta was aching.
Cal and Ezra hadn't stopped bickering for half a second, and Celia had cried all day because she wanted her dada. Nora had stayed in Nesta's arms the entire walk to the grocery store, and one way or another she knew she would have to carry her all the way back home as well, despite the unbearable back pain. It was less than two kilometers, but with a pregnancy running out and only one hand to restrain any possible child who threatened to throw themselves under the cars whizzing by, it became more mental work than physical.
When Nesta smiled lovingly at her, trying to make her understand that she couldn't hold her right then, Cal burst into tears.
Her daughters' little heads snapped up at their brother, and Nesta cursed herself for deciding to do something as stupid as taking her four young children to the grocery store on an evening when they were all visibly on edge and stressed.
"Dear, what happened?" she asked without even an ounce of concern in her voice. She knew full well that it was just a tantrum. She got confirmation of that when Ezra replied in a whiny tone that they couldn't both buy snacks, or they wouldn't know how to carry them home. At that point Cal's cry became a proper scream and Nesta had to close her eyes to avoid the judgmental stares of the people passing by.
She brought her hands to her temples, massaging her forehead in circular motions, and when she thought she could handle it without throwing up on each of her children, she leaned against the cart, circling around Ezra and crouching with no small amount of difficulty in front of Cal. One hand on her back and the other still clinging to the cart, she grunted as she put one knee on the ground. She felt Nora's little hand rest on hers as she began to speak, "Listen kiddo, we're all very tired and now your brother is going to put his snacks down too," she explained, giving Ezra an inquisitive look over her shoulder. The eldest son rolled his eyes, but he had Celia hand him the package and snortingly put it back. Cal sobbed, sniffling, and Nesta laid a hand on his shoulder, massaging his arm. "How about we read a book together tonight before bed?"
The boy's face scrunched up in a grimace of sadness, "But I want snacks." he sobbed louder. Nesta bit her lip, knowing full well that the fat tears on his cheeks weren't really for the snacks and that she couldn't give in and let them all buy something or she'd end up with two bags full of junk food to carry.
Cal hadn't slept that afternoon, as had everyone else, because of Celia's endless crying, and she hadn't wanted to take her afternoon nap until it was too late and Nora and Cal had gotten out of bed to go play in their rooms. At that point Nesta had been forced to let Celia go, but she knew that had meant agreeing to spend an evening with frustrated and not-rested children.
She was about to respond when a couple of older ladies walked by them, casting an annoyed look at Cal. Nesta would have liked to respond with an ugly hand gesture, but she couldn't do it in front of her children.
In that moment of distraction she hadn't realized that Celia had also started calling her and now, casting a quick glance at her daughter, she felt a very bad feeling sink into her stomach at the sight of the little girl's tear-filled eyes.
She looked at Ezra, taking a deep breath, and noticed that even the oldest of her children seemed bothered by the course of action Nesta had taken. She felt tremendous guilt at seeing that the only one of her children who didn't seem disappointed or angry with her was Nora.
It all got worse when one of the two ladies who had just passed her said loud enough so she could hear her, "I don't understand why some people don't stop with their first child. It's obvious she can't even handle one, listen to her screaming."
Nesta felt the emotion grow in her throat.
"When someone isn't born to be a parent, it shows immediately. She's one of those awful mothers who doesn't know how to take care of her children." the other added.
Nesta caught her breath, fixing her gaze in Cal's. Celia was crying by now, spluttering to be picked up as she tried to keep her balance inside the cart.
She wasn't going to answer. She wasn't going to answer.
"Let's go home." she whispered suddenly, laying a hand on the small of her back and pulling herself up with a tremendous effort, a twinge of pain went through her legs and back, "Cal, dear, we'll buy the snacks another time, for now we'll just take the bread and milk, tomorrow come back with daddy and take whatever you want, okay?" she spoke quickly, in a high, steady voice so that all four of them could hear her. She just hoped they didn't hear how desperately she was trying not to burst into tears over what the ladies had just said.
Cal nodded, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt and immediately stopping crying. Ezra looked thoughtful, but he too had stopped pouting. The only one who still looked upset was Celia, who followed her by walking inside the cart, moving where she stood.
Seeing the little girl's red face and dripping nose, arms outstretched toward her, Nesta heard only the words "awful mother" repeated in her mind.
With a knot in her throat and a cry that she was sure would break free as soon as she stepped into the house, Nesta pushed forward, bumping the cart with her belly as she picked up Celia and placed her on her side. The little girl immediately stopped crying, resting her head on her mother's shoulder and cupping her tiny hand over her shirt.
Now, beyond the emotional wound that had just been inflicted on her, Nesta could feel the pain in her back growing with every step she took. She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to stop a sob that threatened to break that composed attitude she had.
Everything hurt so bad.
Cal was running in front of them all, stomping his feet on the ground and making the little lights on his shoes glow. Ezra was walking beside her, one hand on the edge of the cart as he mouthed off to Nora, but he had to stop when Nesta froze in the middle of the aisle, taking an abrupt breath. She brought a hand to her belly, feeling the baby move and kick, only adding to the pain.
"Ezra, love," she breathed, stepping aside and holding Celia against her side, then asked between her teeth as the baby continued her assault inside her, "could you push the cart?"
He nodded, his face lighting up as if she had asked him to take control of a ship.
Celia began to squirm on her side and Nesta had the urge to drop her, not voluntarily, but it all hurt so much that her body was begging her to sit up, to take all that unnecessary weight off her arms.
At the idea that she would have to walk home she felt her eyes grow heavy with tears.
She put Celia back in the cart, breathing a sigh of relief as some of the pain eased in her lower back. Nora was now standing and smiling at Ezra, who was struggling to see where he was going past his sister.
Nesta looked up just as Cal hopped out of the aisle and fell to the ground, crashing into someone's cart. Or rather, as someone ran over him with their cart and slamming him to the ground.
She didn't even think about it as she started walking as fast as her body would allow towards her son, leaving the other three behind. By the time she reached him, Cal was standing there laughing in amusement and was running his hands over his pants to get the dust off his palms. Once she made sure he wasn't hurt, she was ready to yell at whoever had dropped her son, ready to take out all her frustration and doubts on the stranger, when she heard a voice that sent chills down her spine.
"Nesta Archeron?"
She moved her head so fast she was surprised she hadn't snapped her neck, but her brain didn't have time to process the pain the jolt had caused her, because there standing before her was Tomas Mandray.
She couldn't believe it.
Any thought of yelling at the stranger vanished like an echo in her mind.
How was it possible that he was there?
"Is it really you?" he asked her with wide eyes and an incredulous smile on his face. He circled the cart, shifting his gaze to Cal, and Nesta felt the overwhelming instinct to grab her son and hide him behind her. When Tomas reached out a hand toward him, ruffling his hair, she felt vomit rise in her throat. They had to get out of that place immediately. "I can't believe it." he voiced her thoughts, "Is this yours?" he asked looking into her eyes again.
This... he was talking about Cal.
She couldn't find the words and continued to stare at the man in front of her with wide eyes - scared eyes, if you knew Nesta, if you knew where to look. And Tomas knew it. Tomas had always known it.
She heard Ezra reach them, and then something slammed into her side. She didn't need to lower her head to catch a glimpse of Nora's little pigtails of black hair or hear Celia's amused giggle.
Tomas snorted a laugh out of his nose, crossing his arms over his chest, "Are they all yours?" then moved his gaze to her belly to bring it back up to her breasts and Nesta wanted to say something to him, to insult him, to hit him, to take him away from her children, but she felt her heart pounding in her throat and the air couldn't reach her lungs.
That tone-
That tone wasn't of someone who was happy to hear that you'd made a new life for yourself after they'd managed to destroy you completely. It wasn't the tone of an old friend who you hadn't seen in years and who you're about to agree to hang out with and tell them about everything that happened in your lives.
No, it was the tone he had used every day, every hour, when he needed to belittle her, when he needed to make her feel insignificant, worthless.
Nesta turned her head so slowly toward her son, blinking, that she must have seemed like another person entirely. No longer the proud, strong woman she'd shown everyone for years on that side. Ezra had one eyebrow arched, as if wondering what was going on, and was clasping hands with a jumping Celia.
She didn't have the energy to turn around, to look at the man who had pushed her to the bottom of the barrel and destroyed her, but she managed to throw out a weak, "Kids we have to go, we're not taking anything." then turning to Cal, she took his arm, pulling him towards his siblings, "Let's go."
She felt Tomas' eyes creeping over her like slimy hands. She could still remember the last time he'd touched her, when she'd gone over the edge, offering herself to him to avoid yet another fight or worse.
For that, when his true hand tightened around her wrist, pulling her slightly to let her stay there, she flinched.
She spun around, bringing her free hand to her belly for protection. When the little girl inside her kicked again, making her groan through her teeth in pain, Tomas smiled in a way that made Nesta hope she was anywhere but there.
"Is she kicking?"
And then it all happened quickly. She couldn't move, couldn't pull away, as the grip on her wrist tightened and Tomas pulled her closer to him and placed his other hand on her stomach, next to hers. A soundless sob escaped her control and her breath labored as she felt his fingers move over her shirt.
She was going to throw up.
She gave a tug so hard that the twinge of pain started at her wrist and reached her elbow, but she was free. She smacked the hand on her, taking several steps back and bringing Cal with her. She had started pushing the front of the cart, trying to position it in the direction they had come from.
She met Ezra's gaze for a moment, before her son's eyes slipped behind her, on Tomas' figure.
"Ezra." she called to him in a firm voice. Four pairs of eyes snapped in his direction. That was the tone of a tired mother issuing orders to her children at the end of the day, "Eyes on me."
She didn't want anything of Tomas's to come into contact with her children. She didn't want him to contaminate them the way he had contaminated her.
She lifted Cal off the ground and the child quietly let her pick him up without too much of a fuss. She didn't feel the strain at all as she pulled him high enough to put him in the cart with the girls. Looking at her oldest, she hoped she could secure him like she was doing with the other three, but he was too big to fit in the cart himself.
Before she could tell him to follow her without saying a word, Tomas spoke again.
"What a beautiful name, Ezra," she felt the venom bind each letter.
Ezra was about to turn around, probably to thank him, as she and Cassian had taught him, but Nesta squeezed his shoulder, "Keep looking ahead and walking, I don't want you talking to him."
"Always so fucking obnoxious," Tomas spat at that point.
Nesta froze in her tracks. She could feel him following them as he tortured her. Ezra froze beside her, tugging at her sleeve to get her attention.
Always so obnoxious. You're useless, worthless. I'm the only person who will ever be able to put up with your bullshit. You'll never find anyone else.
She felt the panic rise, the agitation for one of her children to realize how uncomfortable she was at that moment. She closed and opened her hands on the cart's handlebars, hoping to relieve some of that tension.
"I'm amazed to see you with so many children," he continued, creeping up beside her and stopping in front of her cart, blocking her way with his. She looked up at him, feeling the air scratch at her throat. He had aged, she could see it in the features around his eyes, his mouth - he had aged and yet still had the same look. "I didn't think you'd ever date again after I left you."
I left you. She wanted to tell him. I had the courage to leave.
She didn't answer him, straightening her back.
Tomas smirked, lowering his gaze to her daughters and his smile widened even more.
"Don't look at them," she snapped, still maintaining her composure.
The man looked up at her one more time, "They'll be just as pretty as their mother when they grow up." then looked at Cal and Ezra, sliding a finger over the edge of his cart. "Who's the father?"
"Dada." muttered Celia, flapping her little hands.
Nesta wanted to recoil at the sound. She didn't want Tomas to hear her talk, didn't want him to watch them. She didn't want them breathing his same air.
"It's none of your business and now move over," she whispered to him. All she could think about was the fact that she had to get her children out of there as soon as possible. Therefore, when he didn't move an inch, she added. "Please."
Tomas laughed. He laughed, leaning his head back and clutching his hand around the mesh of her cart. "Nessie Nessie," he clicked his tongue on his palate, a remnant of laughter in the tone of his voice that made the woman's gut tangle, "I haven't seen you in so long. I want to know everything."
"Please." she repeated, as her eyes filled with tears. His own widened slightly, surprised to see such a reaction in her. She didn't care if he saw her weak, she didn't care if she had to get down on her knees. He was keeping them trapped, and Nesta knew he wouldn't let them leave until he squeezed even the last drop of sanity out of her.
If Ezra still realized what was going on, she didn't know, and it scared her even more. Cal was looking at her and looked worried, probably having never seen her so shaken in her life.
She was about to beg him a third time. Beg him to free her from whatever that game was that they were stuck in at that moment, but someone said her name. Ezra looked behind them and Nesta saw the shadow of a smile on his face, prompting her to turn around in turn. A choked sound escaped her throat as she bit her upper lip to keep from bursting into tears, and a wave of gratitude washed over her.
"Miss Archeron," the man smiled at her. Drakon Cretea had been Nesta and Cassian's neighbor for years now. He and his wife Myriam had babysat their children so many times that they were their go-to people. In fact, Celia and Nora had snapped to their feet at the sound of the voice of the acquired grandfather they loved so much.
Nesta didn't waste a moment turning the cart so that it faced Drakon. The children, Ezra included, began to cheer happily at having met a familiar face, and Nesta allowed herself to look over her shoulder.
With such relief that she thought she might collapse to the ground, she saw that Tomas was already pulling away, and as he turned the corner, pulling into another aisle, she took a deep breath through her nose, closing her eyes.
She had made it.
Cassian was exhausted.
He had spent the entire day grading exams for first-year students with his aide, and it was as if he could see the letters behind his eyelids every time he blinked. It was much more feasible to work in the university library, where he didn't risk being interrupted by a child every five minutes, but he only tried to do it once or twice a month during exam sessions, knowing full well how exhausting it was for Nesta to keep up with all the children together until late in the evening, especially now that Andra was about to arrive.
"Andra." he murmured into the silence of his car. Nesta kept telling him that they weren't sure that would be the name of their fifth child, but Cassian didn't care. He just needed to name his wife's belly when talking to his daughter.
He breathed a sigh of relief as he turned off the car in the driveway and stepped out, stretching his arms up just enough to make his back crack.
Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he huffed. It was too late for his girls to still be awake, but maybe he'd be able to say goodnight to Cal and Ezra.
He had warned Nesta that he was going to be late, and she had simply replied that she would leave dinner ready in the kitchen for when he returned.
Opening the front door, he immediately saw two little dark heads popping up from above the couch. Cal was already running at him when he closed the door behind him and jumped on him as soon as he had put his stuff down, "Dad!"
"Kiddo!" said Cassian throwing him into the air.
Cal laughed waving his arms, "Sssh," he scolded him still laughing, "the girls are sleeping."
"Oops," dad made a guilty face, stopping their game and putting Cal down.
Ezra was too focused on watching TV and wasn't paying the slightest attention to Cassian, but he walked over to the couch anyway, lowering himself just enough so he could leave a kiss on his hair, "Hi love." he murmured to him.
The little boy's head snapped toward him and with a crooked smile on his face and his pajama collar in his mouth, he said, "Hi dad."
Cassian scoffed amused, ripping his pajamas from between his teeth, "How many times have I told you not to eat your clothes?"
"Sorry," Ezra said, not sounding sorry at all.
Cal had gone back to lying next to his brother and they both seemed too caught up in the cartoon to pay any attention to it, so he went into the kitchen, loosening the tie around his neck and praying that Nesta had cooked something good - though the opposite was quite unlikely considering the woman's innate cooking skills.
He moaned with delight when he realized it was the meatballs she always made when she didn't feel like cooking and, taking the plate, he headed back to the living room. He plopped down in between his sons, taking the pajamas out of Ezra's mouth again and offering them both a meatball.
"So, what have you guys been up to today?" asked Cassian with a full mouth, slipping off his shoes and placing his feet on the coffee table.
First Cal and then Ezra told him in full detail about what they had done at school and then about the fact that none of them had slept that afternoon. Cassian was surprised to find out that Cal could still stand up without getting any rest.
When they got to the point where Nesta had taken them out walking and they had made it all the way to the supermarket, he had stopped them.
"Guys come on," he looked at them with incredulous eyes, "I told you to keep her home."
It was true. Lately Nesta had been pushing her limits when the doctors had told her to exert herself and stress as little as possible. With childbirth imminent too, it was risky for her to walk around without any other adults.
Ezra had the decency to look guilty, "I know, but-"
"We also met a weird dude," Cal interrupted him.
Cassian looked at him taking on a confused expression, "Weird?"
"Yeah, he knew mom," Ezra nodded, looking at the TV and talking thoughtlessly. He was bowing his head slowly and Cassian unconsciously extended a hand towards him, shutting his mouth before he could start chewing on the fabric once again. He looked at him at that point, continuing the story, "Mom was all weird, though."
"Weird." repeated Cassian.
"Yeah, weird." repeated Cal in turn, then chuckled, "He even hit me with the cart."
He and Ezra laughed together, remembering how Cal had fallen on his bum, but Cassian's thoughts were elsewhere. Clearly the fact that someone had rolled his son with a cart must not have been traumatic or painful, or Nesta would have called him and Cal wouldn't have been there laughing, but the fact that they had described her with an adjective like "weird" had him on high alert.
"Do you happen to know the man's name?" asked Cassian, pulling himself up and setting his plate down on the coffee table, keeping his gaze on his hands.
Ezra shook his head, "No, also because mom didn't talk to him much and then Drakon showed up."
"Oh, yeah," Cal repeated excitedly, his eyes glowing, "then Drakon showed up."
Cassian was on his feet before his youngest son had finished speaking. He started up the stairs to go upstairs, where he hoped he would find Nesta awake, but warned the two little men that he would go change and be back down to them in a jiffy.
With a strained expression and a bad feeling working its way through him, he walked down the hall, opening the door to his daughters' room slightly. Both Celia and Nora were already fast asleep, and Cassian felt a smile break out on his lips... his little gems. He couldn't believe yet another one would be arriving soon.
He closed the door, making sure not to make any noise, and then headed to his room, praying that Nesta was okay and that his children had misunderstood everything.
He heard her before he even entered. He could picture her pacing back and forth through their room, muttering about what was bothering her at the moment.
He took a deep breath, ready to fight whatever demons there would be to fight that night together, and tightening his hand around the doorknob, he lowered it, pushing himself into the room.
Nesta stopped short, both hands wrapped under her belly to help support that extra weight she was always complaining about.
The second Cassian's eyes found hers, her expression completely transformed and a desperate sob broke the silence that had formed between them.
"Nesta." he said as if someone had just sucked the air from his lungs. Reaching for her with two quick strides and wrapping her in his arms, Cassian heard all kinds of emotion in his wife's crying.
When he stroked her back, Nesta let go a wail of pain and he immediately pulled away, still keeping his hands around her elbows as much as her cold hands tightened around his forearms.
"God, Nesta what happened?"
She only cried harder, loosening her grip on him when she was sure he wouldn't pull away. She managed to say between sobs, "Everything hurts."
Cassian felt as if the floor has cracked open beneath them. "Is it the baby?"
Nesta's eyes went wide, probably only realizing at that moment what state he'd found her in, "No, she's fine." then, seeing his increasingly worried expression, she added, "I promise the baby's fine."
Cassian sagged at little, reducing his lips to a thin line, gently pushed her towards the bed to get her to sit up, but Nesta shook her head, taking short, overly fast breaths, "I can't."
Cassian paused, taking her hands and trying to restrain himself from asking her who they had met that afternoon that had managed to trigger such a reaction in her. There was no way she could have been in that state just from being tired.
"I can't." repeated Nesta sobbing and looking into his eyes. "Everything hurts, Cassian."
He sighed, closing his eyes. Seeing her in this state was nothing new unfortunately. With four pregnancies behind them and everything they'd been through in the years prior to their marriage, it wasn't unusual for either of them to be in such a condition.
He opened his eyes, trying to keep a firm tone, "How come you can't sit down?"
"If I sit the pain gets worse." she said between choked breaths.
Cassian furrowed his brow, wanting to yell at her about how stupid it had been of her to go walking that afternoon, but he restrained himself. "Have you tried lying down?" he proposed.
Nesta shook her head again, "Any position hurts my back or my legs," she explained.
"Tell you what," he began hesitantly, taking both of her hands, "why don't you put on those super pants that support your belly - or I'll help you put them on, it's no problem," he added quickly when he saw the pain in her features, "and then I'll give you a leg massage while you're standing?" he said smiling at her coyly. Nesta sniffed, nodding slowly. "And when sitting doesn't hurt anymore or is bearable you get on your knees on the bed or lean against the keyboard and I massage your back too, are you up for that?"
She squeezed his hands to let him know she was okay with everything, so Cassian smiled at her, returning the squeeze and starting to pull away from her to go get the leggings, but Nesta's eyes went wide and a few tears rolled down her cheeks, "Where are you going?"
Cassian grimaced worriedly.
Why hadn't she called him if she was feeling this bad?
He moved back as close as he could without crushing Andra between them, "I was just going to get my pajamas, Nes, and your pants." he placed a hand on her face, stroking away the remnants of her crying. Then he sighed, pushing her forehead into his and keeping his eyes open as he whispered, "I love you."
She repeated it quietly, almost a sigh.
He undressed quickly, slipping into his pajamas with equal haste as Nesta stood motionless in the center of the room, waiting for him to return to her.
"Listen," Cassian began, kneeling in front of her as he helped her out of the pajama pants she was wearing, "the boys told me you met someone today." he forced himself to look at her, when the grip on his shoulder suddenly tightened. Cassian studied the reaction he'd elicited from her and bit the inside of his cheek, seeing how Nesta had frozen and put her foot down. He took a deep breath, giving her knee a little tap to let her know she needed to get it back up, "They didn't tell me who it was and I don't think they know, but I got some ideas and I want-" he swallowed loudly, thinking seriously about what might have happened if his doubts were real, "If it's Tomas, I want to know if you're okay." he said in a lower voice, looking at her from under his lashes. Nesta didn't answer.
He had managed to get both of her feet into her pants and was pulling them up gently, trying not to hurt her. He had to pull up the skirt of the robe she used during all her pregnancies when none of her pajamas fit anymore, uncovering her belly and left a gentle kiss on her skin, smiling at his daughter, "Hello my little sunshine."
He felt Nesta shiver and thinking it was from the cold he hurried to cover her belly with her pants and then pull her nightgown down.
He looked at her more seriously than ever as he settled on the floor in front of her so he could massage her into a comfortable position. He was about to speak, to ask her again how she was doing, but she beat him to it.
"What did you do today?" she asked in a weak voice.
Cassian closed his mouth, bouncing his legs, pondering whether to insist that she spoke or let her distract him with that question. He decided for the latter, even though his wife already knew very well what he had done that day, "This morning there was an exam of Ancient History for the first years." he began to speak while pressing his thumbs on her left thigh. Nesta was leaning her hands on his shoulders. "I have to be honest, I've never seen exams as crappy and ignorant as this session's," he continued while keeping his gaze fixed on her face. "It's like people stopped studying all of a sudden and thought they could pass my exams by learning the bare minimum."
He shifted on her other thigh and Nesta snapped forward, groaning softly as Cassian touched a particularly numb muscle.
"Sorry." he smiled at her, "Then at lunch I stayed in the faculty with Gwyn and Luc, and by the way, they asked me if you'd be okay with organizing a lunch this weekend, with everyone?"
Nesta rolled her eyes, "I can't even walk, let alone plan a lunch with everyone," she pointed out to him in an irritated tone.
Cassian chuckled, "I'll let Gwyn know you told her to fuck off nicely."
"Yes, thank you," she replied to him. But then she bit her lip, thoughtfully, "But if they want to do something at her or Elain's that's fine. I can also cook, but not here, please, I don't feel like tidying up afterwards." she looked into his eyes with a pleading look.
"It's okay, it's not a problem," he shifted to her calves, "Although, if the only problem has to be the fact that you don't feel like tidying up, you know I wouldn't let you."
Nesta grunted, "I don't want you to do all the work yourself."
Cassian let out a puff of air through his nostrils, "You can't be the only one working hard in this house Nes, let me have some of the glory too." he joked.
"But I'm not the only one." she said in an overly serious tone, "You're always at work and I know you're working overtime, filling in for your colleagues, don't think I haven't noticed," she scolded him. Cassian lowered his head, feeling his cheeks turn red. "And I'm here at home and I can't work and I've been like this for months now and even before that with Celia-" she sighed, bringing a hand to her face, "I just wish I could help you bring something extra home."
Cassian stopped massaging her leg, surprised at what he was hearing. He moved away from her, enough so that he could stand up without bumping into her stomach and then looked at her, shaking his head, "What on earth are you talking about?" he asked, "Nesta you're raising our children. You're doing a much more tiring and exhausting job than mine ever will be." he pulled himself upright, "True, it's just as rewarding and enjoyable to be able to stay home and watch our children grow up, but you're the biggest help I could ever get right now. We don't need money right now."
"No buts." he said arching his eyebrows and pushing her towards the bed, "Do you think you can sit?" she nodded pensively and let him help her up onto the mattress. "Nesta what you're doing is admirable and I'm sure not everyone could handle it as well as you can."
Nesta stopped in the middle of the bed, turning to look at him with a shocked expression.
Cassian was just as shocked. That she didn't realize how much she was actually helping him was beyond comprehension.
"I can only get by because you're there," she murmured, looking away, "I'd never make it on my own."
"And no one expects you to make it, Nes." he said stunned. He really couldn't understand where all the doubt was coming from, "You don't have to make it on your own and you're not doing it on your own."
He had her settled so that her back was to him and she was turned to the wall. He placed his hands over her back and began to make concise circles on the bottom, applying pressure where he knew the pain was most concentrated. Nesta's head fell forward in relief.
"You really don't think you're helping me in any way?"
"No, I-" she froze mid-sentence, "It's not that."
"Then what is it?" he asked, using his knuckles to massage her shoulder muscles.
Nesta groaned softly, "It's just that I wish I could go back to work and read all the books I want and I wish I could feel tired and be able to let my kids cry without anyone telling me what to do and how to do it. I wish I could move without the terror of going into labor at any moment and-" she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I wish I wasn't so hormonal right now."
He could tell that her thoughts were all over the place.
There had been other such crises during Celia's pregnancy. The fear that they wouldn't measure up as parents to so many children. They were in constant thought that they were not giving them enough, that they were teaching them the wrong lessons. Cassian had received some nasty comments himself about how they were raising their children, and he knew right away that someone must have said something to Nesta that day.
They had always had stronger, more heartfelt reactions on her, and now that she was pregnant it was all much more altered.
"What happened today?" he asked her under his breath after a few moments of silence.
"No one slept, I didn't have a moment's peace and then we left and walked to the mall. I had to carry Nora all the way there and-" her voice broke on the last sentence and Cassian stopped his ministrations on her. He laid both hands on her back, getting as close as he could, letting his hands slide down her hips and then over her belly, until his chest made contact with her back and Nesta pushed back against him.
She dropped her head onto Cassian's shoulder.
"And?" he murmured, spurring her on.
"Everything hurt so much, Cass," she replied in a watery voice, "It was like I was being stabbed in the back and I couldn't put Nora down because she'd start crying."
A sharp twinge of pain shot through his chest. He began to gently massage her belly and shortly after he felt her small hands settle on his, pushing harder, "No one would try to say you're a bad mother just because you don't pick up your daughter when you're hurting."
She didn't answer.
"Celia?" he asked.
"Ezra and Cal held her hand the whole way, she walked so much," she said with a half smile on her face. "When we walked in they immediately started acting up and then they started crying and I couldn't take it anymore and these ladies said I was an awful mother and it's true, Cassian." she jerked in his arms as she said those last words. He only held her tighter, taking a deep breath. "Who is the mother who can't calm her own children when they cry? Her own children." she shook her head, running a hand under her eyes.
He couldn't see her face, but he knew she had started crying again.
"Nesta listen to me." he whispered to her, kissing her shoulder and then the tip of her ear. "You are the most loving and caring mother I know. Your children are perfectly healthy and you've never let them lack for anything. You've never raised your voice to them. You've never threatened them or grounded them-"
"I'm not a monster," she muttered.
"And more importantly," he said smiling and holding her tighter, "your children are happy."
"But Cal today-"
"Cal is downstairs watching TV with his brother and he's been telling me about his day and he's the happiest kid ever," he interrupted her, "Just because he threw a tantrum and cried a little doesn't mean you're not a good mother."
She sighed and nodded, though she didn't look convinced.
Cassian continued to stroke the spots on her belly where he knew her skin pulled the most, her hand still on his playing with the wedding ring on his finger when Nesta said, "I saw Tomas today."
Cassian froze behind her, holding his breath. He'd known it, but hearing the fear in her voice now as she said the name of the man Cassian hated most in the world didn't stop him from wincing.
"He bumped Cal with the cart and knocked him over and I didn't realize it was him until he called me," Nesta continued.
When Cassian spoke, his voice came out much harsher and tighter than he intended, "Did he-" he cleared his throat, "Did he say anything?"
"No, he-" Nesta brought both hands to her stomach, shifting his. She moved uncomfortably in his arms and Cassian loosened his grip on his wife, realizing she wanted to move. He grabbed her by the hips, trying to pull her up so she could turn toward him, and when she was finally sitting up with her back against the headboard of the bed, she sighed. "I saw him, Cass, and I froze." she said under her breath, looking into his eyes. "He touched Cal's hair and it was like he was touching me, again, and I completely froze and then the baby kicked and he touched my-" she took a ragged breath as her eyes filled with tears. When she spoke again, her voice was so weak that Cassian had to appeal to every ounce of his reasoning not to get up and go find Tomas to kill him.
He took her hands, remaining silent as a revolting feeling took over his body. The idea of Nesta being touched by that filthy man made his guts turn. The idea of his children-
A choked sob brought him back into the room, "And I wanted him to go and stop looking at Ezra and Celia and Nora and I could only move when Ezra called me, but he followed us and blocked our way. He asked me about you, wanted to know who you were, and it was like going back in time and I couldn't- I couldn't, Cass-" Nesta brought a hand to her chest, her eyes and mouth wide as panic appeared in her gaze and air struggled to reach her lungs.
Cassian squeezed her hands, speaking softly, "Nesta, it's okay." a sob from her, "You're all home." he murmured starting to massage her palm, "You're home with me."
Her breathing became even more erratic and she shook her head, closing her eyes.
Cassian closed his eyes as well, "I'm sorry you had to see him again and I'm sorry you couldn't move, but it's understandable, sweetheart." he was trying to keep his tone of voice relatively low, to calm her down, but it was proving difficult for him as he viewed Tomas watching his daughters. "He shouldn't have touched your belly. He shouldn't have just touched you at all. And he shouldn't have gotten close to Cal or Andra." he seethed. "And if I could I would go to him and rip his hands off." he let slip as he imagined the terror Nesta must have felt at that moment.
Nesta sobbed and the sound broke Cassian's heart, "I'm sorry," she said, "I'm sorry."
A pang of pain tightened in his chest as his face turned into a mask of controlled anger, "Don't ever apologize to me, please," he whispered, "Not for this stuff."
"But I couldn't do anything, even after all this time-" a hiccup broke the sentence, "He still has all this power over me. It's not fair."
It's not fair.
Cassian nodded, biting the inside of his cheek, "You're right, it's not fair." he squeezed her hands lightly, telling her to look at his face. She quickly did so. "You're not with him anymore. You're free. You don't owe him anything, just like you never owed him anything." Nesta took a shaky breath, stopping sobbing. "You have a family, you're a wonderful mother and wife. And you deserve all of this."
Nesta's eyes went wide, realizing where this was going.
Cassian took a deep breath, "You're not worthless, you're not hopeless or useless." he closed his eyes as Nesta mimicked him, breathing deeply in turn. "You are a strong, independent woman, it doesn't matter how much he said otherwise. It didn't matter before and it doesn't matter now. It's just meaningless words.
"I know you, Nesta, and you are the light of my life. The light of every person in this house. The only thing that keeps us going." he whispered in a weak voice, as Nesta leaned forward toward him and cried silently.
Cassian moved closer to her on the mattress so that she could rest her forehead against his chest, his shoulder, wherever she wanted, for support.
He had repeated those words to her so many times over the years. He didn't think he'd ever have to do it again, certainly not after so long that they both knew Tomas had moved to another continent entirely.
"I know you and you're nothing like he describes," he encircled her shoulders with arms when Nesta let go of a particularly loud sob. "You are the exact opposite of what he says." he kissed one temple, stroking the hair on her back.
She shivered in his arms, "I know." she whispered against his shirt.
Cassian managed to force a smile onto his lips, even though she couldn't see it, he knew she would hear it when he spoke, "I'm proud of you."
"Because I can only imagine how hard it was for you to see him again, and although I would have appreciated a different approach to everything that happened this afternoon, you handled it perfectly and our kids are fine." he passed his hands over her shoulders and pushed her away from him so he could look at her face. "And it's okay that you broke down now, it's normal. I'm glad you told me about it. Thank you." he spoke against her lips.
She smiled, breathing a laugh through her tears, "I love you."
"I love you." repeated Cassian, sighing. He cupped her cheek, brushing a thumb under her eye, before kissing her. No rush or force, just pure, raw emotion as their lips caressed in a desperate kiss.
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venranae · 3 years
Venvon I had a really nice dream and I’d like to share❤️ oksy so picture this an everlasting ice cream place, it goes through like different dimensions and the biggest ice cream cone you can get is the size of those giant slush cups👁❤️👁 one dimension has an angry ghost of a samurai throwing stones at the ice creams door because the ice cream place broke the part of the curse that kept him Young and now his a immortal old man. The ice cream people at each topping station ask you a question each time you go up and your answer ditermjns your toppings lady goes ‘what family member would you choose? You can only choose one’ whatever one gets me the white chocolate covered cookie topping honestly :’) e n d Scene I woke up before I got to taste my ever lasting ice cream 🥲
Honestly this feels like a whole movie how was all of this connected to ice cream that's an entire script 😭 so sorry you didn't get to eat your ice cream tho
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
yandere isabelle vs yandere nook,, pleabs
Okay okay oksy, i know you said vs but.
Yandere Isa and Tom TEAM!!!!!
🍃 These two are an absolute dream team, be it in business prospects and running town or in attempting to woo their beloved mayor. While Isabelle might be more peppy and excitable than Tom, they both have much in common - one of those things being their love for you! It'd only make sense that they'd put their great friendship and partnership to use when finally taking you for themselves!
💛 While Tom is a great strategist and planner, Isabelle is great at executing whatever he comes up with! Though, don't get it wrong! Tom wants nothing more than to collaborate with his friend, and do some of the leg work himself. If there's anything they've both learned over the years, it's that teamwork makes the dream work!
🍃 Although, admittedly, strategy and planning often turns into long conversations that consists solely of them gushing over you, leading into daydreams of their life together with you, after every obstacle is out of their way. Oh, how they hated to see you go unappreciated, to see unworthy villagers dismissing your hard work, getting in your way. None of them deserved you… Except for Tom and Isabelle, of course. Just think about it - they were the closest to you, the ones who knew and could relate to your trials and tribulations. The mayor's beloved assistant and right-hand woman, and the loyal real estate agent who sent villagers to keep the town thriving. They deserved you like no one else did. They were the closest to you. They loved you.
💛 It starts with slowly, but surely moving out the villagers within the town. Friends, enemies, acquaintances - it didn't matter, they all had to go. Of course, Isabelle had this done without your doing, but… Well, what you don't know won't hurt you, right? It eventually speeds up, a constant stream of villagers moving in and then ordered out or evicted, and the cycle repeats itself. It was how they'd isolate you, socially speaking, at least. The villagers' stay never lasted long enough for you to bond and befriend them, leaving you to rely on and depend on your dear friends, Tom and Isabelle.
🍃 Eventually, the stress and loneliness of your position and failing town would be too heavy a burden to bear, and Tom and Isabelle will be there to pick up the pieces. How pressure you'd look, all vulnerable and desperate for comfort, desperate for someone to take care of everything.
💛 Your dearest assistant will offer you to take a vacation from the demanding job of mayor and run things herself for a while. She'll insist! And, in the meantime, you can stay with Tom! He made the perfect guest room, all for you! And Isa will promise to visit!... Yes, that's how they'll do it. That's how they'll make you see that they love you, that you all belong together... 
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