#okidoki byyye peeepz
lostteddy · 7 years
hi im happy about something so i will talk about it in this blog ehehe!
this mentions a skin problem i have so beware it might trigger you, if you will read this.
in the last few months, maybe about since june ive had this problem on my right hand (im right handed so it kinda turned into a big deal for me).
because i work on a kitchen, to cover my uni expenses and other, i was in constant contact with harmful substances for the skin, but the one i thought was ok ended up being the worst and that was the dish soap..
i spent almost 3 consecutive months on contact with dirty water and dish soap (i did the dishes, but noe i cook eheheh) and my hand started showing an irritation.
at first i thought it would be fine after i correctly hydrated it but i was wrong! another year and i worked for 3 more months doing dishes and working on the same conditions and my skin got worse.
ive never been to the doctor because of this, i simply went to various pharmacies as a dermatologist is pretty expensive in my country and they recommend various products but nothing worked.
isearched on the ‘webz’ and it looked something like hand dermatitis.
this last year i started cooking (my boss took me in but as an assistant i believe) and i was able to avoid the harmful stuff but my skin was the worst it had ever been!
i had red skin on my pinkie, anelar and middle finger. i started getting small blisters that would itch and hurt and it would even hurt just by folding my fingers and if i managed to bend my fingers the skin would break and make little fissures that were too uncomfortable!
it made me feel kind of disgusting. i would work with gloves on and bought products that had little to no effect on the blists, flackiness and itchiness. it was even worst because whenever i went out i would try so hard to not show my hand and i would feel disgusted if i accidentally touched people. the thought of them seeing my skin condition made me feel sick!
it also said it could be worsened if i was under stress and i was. ive recently been dumped by someone i trusted and loved, without an explanation, and i was pretty anxious about this semesters papers and to finish it off i also broke my tooth last night and it cuts against my cheek (im going to the dentist friday FINALLY)
but yesterday my mom bought this popular hand cream… its a known brand actually, nivea. i wasnt really found of that cream because it is too thick and has this strong smell to it. but she insisted to use it and i did.
today i woke up with some itchiness and flackiness on my fingers but the skin was just looking so much more normal! i can fold my fingers and it doesnt hurt or feels like my skin is breaking and i felt so well about that!
i dont know if this is a precipitated celebration but im just so happy this is looking better and finally after 6 months my hand is strating to look like my actual hand!!
actually last year was one of the happiest and also one that i was disappointed the most but i feel good and happy that it worked out and this little recovery from my hand condition just made me so happy that i had to talk!
thank you if you actually read all of this and also thank you for following this blog (if you do) as i turned back to tumblr after a year long break..
please dont hesitate to message me here or on my ig @ tiredm8!
lub you 😄😚
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