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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Be Honest: Is the Thought of Back to School (or not) Making you Lose Your Mind? 😳😬🤪
Here in Alberta, our school 🏫year starts in just 19 days - on September 1st. 
Will your kids be attending? 
Are they excited? Are you? 
Check out my thoughts about the whole distance learning debate: /2013 
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Making GREAT Childhood Memories!!⁣
How are we going to get that done this summer with the COVID quarantine and pandemic?⁣
COVID OR NOT - It's' Time to start making some great memories for my kids.⁣
Here's what I am planning:⁣
I would love to hear what you are planning with your kids comment with your suggestions. ⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Remember when we were young, how we couldn't wait to be grown up?⁣
Wow, Were we Stupid or What?!⁣⁣
I'm kidding (sorta). ⁣
Life isn't always easy, but there are ALWAYS things to be grateful for.⁣
I am so grateful for my kids and my family.⁣
I am so grateful for the experience and special memories I have from my childhood⁣
I am so grateful for a new chance each morning.⁣
What are YOU grateful for during this pandemic?⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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I've wanted to try the Collagen powder from @perfectketo for several months. But a few weeks ago, they had a pretty decent sale so I went ahead and ordered some. ⁣
I was pretty excited to try it this morning in my coffee (the label said to mix it with your favorite beverage), it was actually pretty good.
It mixed up creamy smooth and was a nice flavor. I do taste the Stevia in it, but it's not overpowering like some Stevia products I've tasted. ⁣I ordered vanilla and caramel. Today I tried vanilla
This Collagen powder has 4 simple in ingredients, and I really like that.⁣
Why do I feel like I need Collagen? My body seems to be getting older and achier (is that even a word?). I've heard about some decent benefits from using it as a supplement to help my muscles and joints. ⁣
Do you use anything for your muscle and joint health?⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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What are you Waiting for?⁣⁣⁣⁣
No Really....⁣
I heard this song this morning (one of my favorites), and I thought about it.⁣⁣⁣⁣
✅Yes we are in a global pandemic
✅Yes we are in quarantine
✅Yes we are living in a highly uncertain time
BUT ... 
⁣⁣Because we don't know how long or what it will look like when we are able to get back INTO the world, it just makes sense not to wait.  ⁣⁣
❓Who can we serve now, today?⁣
⁣❓What can we do now to strengthen our health, families, businesses?⁣⁣
❓Where can we go today to have a change of scenery and get outside?⁣⁣
❓When have we ever had such a glorious time of self reflection and change?
⁣⁣❓Why would we wait any longer to keep going further?⁣⁣⁣⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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I'm not sure if you've been following along with me....
⁣I've been a serious keto backslider.  I've let my emotions, stress and overwhelm for the last 8 months (long before COVID) get the best of me.
⁣➡️You can read about it in my latest blog post: ⁣⬅️⁣
Because I am at home with 6 kids and do NOT have time to think about cooking, I am being as basic as I can.
⁣On recommendation from a few friends, I've ordered these mini chaffle/waffle irons.  I am so excited to try them.  Apparently you can use these and make really quick, easy and delicious chaffle that can be used for a sandwich or a bun.  ⁣This friend also gave me a bunch of recipes to try and as I do, I will share them with you.⁣⁣
You can grab one by clicking on my link:   ➡️ ⬅️
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Earlier in the week, I told you I had been doing something for 100 days.  ⁣💯On January 11th, I quit a 38 year old habit.⁣😲😲🚭I QUIT SMOKING⁣🚭❓✅Why did I finally decide to quit now, and how am I managing amidst all this COVID Chaos?⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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COVID QUARANTINE DAY 24 This is TOTALLY the TRUTH about my kids....They make me lose my sh*t dailyAND They are also the reason that I"m holding it together.Love my kids to the Moon and Back!!
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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⁣⁣😎DAY 15 OF OUR ISOLATION 😎⁣⁣Happy Monday!!  It's been two weeks since we've been at home without school or daycare and staying 95% in voluntarily isolated from the rest of the world.  ⁣⁣
We watch the news updates that we, here in Canada, are in the very beginning of this COVID-19 Global Pandemic and things will get much worse before they can even start to get better.  We have been told that the safest place for us is at home.  We've been told in order to get ahead of this virus, we need to flatten the curve and slow the spread.  To do this we need to stay home, practice social distancing, and wash your hands often.⁣
Many people are running in fear of the unknown and it is super easy to get a fear mentality.⁣
⁣⁣We are hearing so much about our "new normal".  I"m home with 6 kids, trying to find out what that "new normal" will look like. ⁣⁣I am constantly trying to look for and find things to be grateful for:
⁣✅The weather is getting better each day and the kids can go outside.
⁣✅The schools are starting to put out homework for my older kids.⁣
✅My older two children have been an amazing help in keeping the littles busy and content.
⁣✅The younger kids enjoy our little home school classroom where they learning  about their Blackfoot words, letters, numbers and coloring.⁣
✅Home schedules and routines, because they help the littles know what to expect.  They also help me plan the best use of time.
⁣⁣I can be grateful 🙏🙏one second and then ready to lose my shit 💩💩the next second.  All though I don't want that to be my normal, I feel like sometimes it's going to be⁣ How are you doing - figuring out what this NEW NORMAL will be for your family?❓❓
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Trying to keep my 6 kids (5 of them boys) busy while we are all locked up in this house is challenging to say the least.⁣ We have been in isolation now for 9 days.  In addition to a house full of boys, many of my kiddos have some special challenges.⁣⁣
One thing I pride myself on, is having a very structured home (my kids work best in that environment).  Our Alberta government closed down all the schools and daycares as of March 16th for an indefinite amount of time.  They say it could be right up to September before the kids are allowed back to class.   ⁣⁣
I admit, the first few days were a complete free for all.  The structure went out the window, PJ's were the norm, snacking (and not healthy), kids running wild , screaming and playing rough and tumble little boy style.  
I very quickly realized I would NEVER be able to survive several months of this lock down if I didn't get some structure happening quickly.⁣⁣I am NOT and will never claim to be a "THAT MOM", you know the one that is Pinterest perfect with a perfectly clean house and perfectly dressed well behaved kids.   
Nope that's not even close to who I am so keep scrolling if that is who you're looking for LOL⁣  
⁣So in my house I have 4 boys that are between the ages of 3 and 5 (MY LITTLES), and I have an eleven your old son and a twelve year old daughter (MY BIGS). In addition to that I do have to keep up to date with my businesses and find time for me.⁣  
⁣One of the activities that my littles have really been enjoying the last few days are these Magnetic building blocks.  The kids have really been engaging their creative side building with these as well as using some good motor skills to build them and learning about shapes.  
⁣⁣I got my boys this set from Amazon. ca.  You can also get them on .com of course😉⁣⁣Keeping the kids busy and involved while letting them learn.  
I saw a meme about what our children will remember about this crazy time.  Let's hope they remember family time, family love, being together, sharing and caring
What are you doing at home this week?⁣⁣
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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Live Less out of HABIT and More out of INTENT
Do you run on autopilot, or do you live each day with intent?
Since turning 50 last week, I have really being focusing on this.  I have been trying to stay laser focused on the key things that are extremely important to me at the moment, and not get sidetracked with a bunch of distraction.  I have also be "re-working" some of my habits so that I am living intentionally and not so much on autopilot.
#intent #intention #autopilot #habits #habit
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athomewithheather · 5 years ago
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What doesn't get scheduled doesn't get DONE!
This quote is so completely true for me. Over the summer felt like I was only planning the essentials and the rest of the time got filled up with "non-essential emergencies" things that just came up on the fly. I HATE that feeling
Now that fall is here and school is back in, I am back into my planner and starting to feel much more relaxed knowing that I have a schedule and things that I am working on and working towards.
#shorttermthinking #longtermgoals #plantheday #makeaschedule
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athomewithheather · 6 years ago
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Today is a special day for me.It is the day 4 years ago when I decided it was time to change my life and get healthier for both me and for my family and the people that love me (and were worried about me).It was 4 years ago today that changed my life forever.I am working on a blog post that should be out tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for that.This is my transformation over the last 4 years!!
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athomewithheather · 6 years ago
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Project Positivity
You never know what someone else is dealing with
Share your positive energy with someone every single day!!
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athomewithheather · 6 years ago
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My July @KetoKrate arrived rather late this month but it's full of some great things for me to try.  
This time has a great mixture of salty and sweet.  I'm really into the protein/meal replacement bars and love to eat them with an FBOMB Nutter Butter packet drizzled over top for added flavor and added healthy fat.
One thing that caught my eye is the Dill Pickle flavor freeze pop.  I love dill pickle potato chips (bad, bad, bad)  and dill pickle Spitz (good healthy fats) so I am very interested in trying this.
This krate has some Kale chips in it.  I'm not all that into Kale, but I will try them and let you know what I think.
From the Keto Krate page:  🤸‍♀️Here's a breakdown: the retail value of the products is $38.93. If you ordered the products individually, you would've paid $57.47 in shipping. We also included $25.60 in coupon codes! Say "hello" 🙋 to deliciousness + savings
I love getting all these healthy snacks once a month.  Especially because I am normally busy and forget to feed myself good healthy foods.  If you're a busy mom like me, check it out here:
I get the FBombs here: and if you use my discount code of AHWHDISCOUNT you will get an additional 10% off on your purchases.  
My favorite flavor on the Nut Butter packets is definitely the Salted Chocolate Macadamia
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athomewithheather · 6 years ago
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People who FAIL focus on what they will go through⁣... People who SUCCEED focus on what it will FEEL like at the END!!⁣ ✅What are you focusing on today?💜💕💜
Failure is NOT an option!!
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athomewithheather · 6 years ago
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It's week 3 of summer vacation for the kiddos - How are all you mama's doing so far?
I know as much as the kids LOVE summer they get bored easily even when you have holidays and activities planned
I had all this going on for my kids too.....
Summer activities have been cancelled for the moment.
Check out these Boredom Busters I've got them working on: 
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