merlucide · 6 months
I need their reaction of you being pregnant (Like fr, not a prank) and adding Loki and Noa’s reaction 😻
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notes: okie dokie, I put my back into this so I hope it’s okay 😭
Characters: !!Aged up!! Rin, Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Otoya, Loki, Noa
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when you said the words “I’m pregnant” he couldn’t breathe. The weight of the moment settled around him. The silence stretched out before he finally managed to look up, his eyes wide with a mix of emotions. "Are you serious?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper. The uncertainty in his tone made it unclear whether he was overwhelmed with joy or cloaked in disappointment. You could only nod, your heart pounds heavily as you wait for what he’ll say next. 
He closed the distance between them in a few quick strides. He passionately kissed you, his lips smashed against yours as your eyes fluttered shut.
Pulling back just enough to see your face, Rin cradled your cheeks in his hands, his touch tender. Your foreheads leaning against each other, a small, awestruck smile playing on his lips. "We...we're going to be parents," he murmured, the reality of the words sinking in, filling him with a profound happiness. “We are going to be parents.” He confirmed looking into your eyes. You smiled brightly at him “Yes, Rin, we are”. He held you so tightly in his arms whispering over and over again “We’re going to be parents.” <3
He had just returned from practice, rummaging through the fridge for something to snack on. "Hey babe, how about takeout tonight?" he called out, glancing over for your response. However, he froze, completely unprepared for the sight of you holding a pregnancy test. His eyes flicked from the test back to your face, you bit your lip to attempt to suppress your smile. "No way," he gasped, his hands dropping from the fridge door as he rushed over to stand just inches away from you.
He stared at the pregnancy test, his mouth open in shock. "No way, no way, no way!" His whisper escalated into a joyful laugh. Grasping your hands, he shook his head, speechless with happiness. "A baby?" he finally managed to ask.
"A baby," you confirmed, smiling brightly.
His laughter filled the room as he lifted you into a twirl, holding you close. As you both laughed together, he hugged you tightly, planting kisses on your shoulder. "I love you so much, Y/N. Thank you, thank you, thank you," he repeated, his voice full of emotion. <3
You had been anxiously waiting for just the right moment to share your big news with Meguru. The topic of starting a family had come up between you two before, but the reality of it happening so soon had you kinda freaking out. Lost in your thoughts, you were startled when Meguru burst through the bedroom door holding your pregnancy test, his face lit up with an enormous grin.
He leapt towards you in his excitement, and the two of you tumbled onto the bed, laughing amidst the chaos. "Oh my god, Y/N! Are you seriously pregnant?!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of shock and sheer delight.
You whispered a ‘yes’, overwhelmed by his reaction and the joy in his eyes. Meguru's laughter filled the room, his happiness infectious. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. "This is amazing, Y/N! I can't believe we're going to have a baby!" He kissed all over you face again and again and again. “I’m gonna be a daddy!” He exclaimed gripping onto you “And you’re gonna be a mommy!” You smiled at him so relieved at his reaction. “Oh my god I have to tell mom!!” He looked around the room. “Y/N I love you, I love you so so much.” <3
Reo was lounging on the couch, watching an old biography on TV when you approached, holding a bag. "I have something for you" you said, catching his attention. 
He flashed a playful grin. "Aw, baby, you don't need to spoil me, that's my job" he chuckled.
"I know, but I think you'll really like this" you replied, sitting next to him and handing him the bag. Curious, Reo reached inside and pulled out a yellow onesie. He turned it over in his hands, puzzled at first as he tried to understand the significance of the gift. Suddenly, realization dawned on him, and his mouth dropped open.
"No way...”
With an enormous smile, you threw your arms up. "I'm pregnant!"
The shock on Reo's face quickly transformed into unmistakable joy. He leaped up from the couch, sweeping you into his arms with such enthusiasm that both of you nearly fell over. Laughing, he steadied himself and then hugged you tightly, spinning you around the room.
"I can't believe it- we-we're going to be parents!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. He set you down gently but kept you close, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "Thank you Y/N. You continue to make me the happiest man in the world”he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then one to your lips. <3
You had been avoiding bringing up that you were pregnant, unsure of how he’d react. Eita had just comeback from his run, his face still flushed from it, as he took a swig of water you approached him.
As he wiped his brow with the back of his hand, you blurted out, "I'm pregnant." 
The water he was drinking went down the wrong pipe, and Eita violently choked, sputtering as he set the bottle down. He looked up at you, eyes wide, as he coughed. "Are you kidding?" he  asked, once he regained his composure.
You shook your head, a nervous laugh escaping your lips. "No, I'm not kidding. It's for real"
For a moment, Eita just stared, the gears visibly turning in his head as he processed the news. Then a blank expression spread across his face. "Pffft, Wow….. like- wow… like for real?” You nodded slowly “…shit okay- damn, shit wow- that's—wow, we're gonna have a tiny human?!" he rambled, his voice a mixture of excitement and disbelief.
He stumbled over to where you were standing, still a bit awkward from his run and now this huge news. With a shaky laugh, he wrapped you in a sweaty but sincere hug. "This is awesome, shit- I mean, I am totally not ready, —oh wow, this is actually happened. Shit uh, I’m so happy" he finished his word vomit, he began laughing, which kinda shocked you. You began laughing with him, voices mingling together, as he kissed the top of your head. “Okay well damn, I guess we’re doing this. This will be interesting”<3
You softly exhaled as you approached Juliann, who was absorbed in paperwork at the dinner table after recently signing with a new soccer league. “Juliann…? Do you have a quick sec?” you asked, your gaze shifting between him and the stack of papers.
“Of course, mon amour, what is it?” he responded, setting his pen down and giving you his full attention.
You sat down across from him and gently took his hands, releasing a shaky breath. “I’m pregnant” you told him, the words almost a whisper.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mouth falling open slightly. “Are you serious?” he asked, his voice unsteady.
“Yes,” you confirmed, a smile beginning to form on your lips.
“No prank? For real?” he pressed, still grappling with the sudden news.
“Yes, for real,” you confirmed, the smile now fully blooming.
He shook his head in disbelief and blinked a few times, then suddenly stood, pulling you into his arms. He lifted you off the ground in a tight hug. “Oh my god, mon amour, oh my god” he exclaimed, setting you down only to cup your face and kiss you passionately.
“We are having a child,” he said with a shaky laugh, his eyes gleaming with happiness. “You will be such an incredible mother, chérie, I know it.” <3
You've been feeling terrible for the past few days, struggling with vomiting, overwhelming fatigue, and severe headaches. Finally, you decided to see a doctor to find out what was wrong. Although you insisted it wasn't necessary, Noel wanted to accompany you to the hospital. He ended up waiting in the car while you went inside for your appointment. The doctors examined you, asked you a series of questions, and conducted some tests. It was the blood test that revealed the reason for your illness. You were pregnant.
When you returned to the car, where Noel was waiting, you slid into the seat, your hands nervously clasped together. "What did they say?" Noel asked, his orange eyes searching your face. "I, I—um," you began, taking a deep breath, "I'm pregnant." His eyes widened, and his expression turned blank as he processed the news, his mouth hanging open slightly. After a moment, he blinked and spoke softly, "...a child?"
You turned to look at him, trying to guess what he’s thinking. "Wow," he exhaled. "We're having a baby?" he asked for confirmation. "Yeah," you replied quietly, biting your lip. "That's amazing, Y/N," he said, taking your hands in his. "Are you happy?" he asked cautiously. "Yeah, I am," you replied with a smile. "Me too, mon chérie, me too," he responded, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I can’t wait to see what this chapter holds for us." <3
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bro I freaking hate Otoya’s and Noa’s 🙁 Otoya is so ooc bro sorry u had to read that -AND ALSO, I was fighting demons to make Noa say “mein leibling” but the poll voted against it 😔
made April 28th 2024
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 2 months
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Hey guys! Sorry about this but some minor changes had to be made to the V-mix lineup! HERE'S the final version.
Hopefully this time around everything will be oky doky loky! (The old one will be deleted soon)
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astrosxnthesis · 1 month
WIP word game
rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Tagged by @devilbearingtrouble! I'm a bit late but I didn't have much in the way of wips until now. (This was tough, especially the U 🥲) Here's a bit of a new poolverine fic I'm working on + my secret lokius big bang.
Word: SUN
“Shut up,” Logan says slowly, “just until this mission is over. And if you feel like shutting up after that, please, be my fucking guest.” Wade salutes with two fingers. “Okie dokie.” Logan sighs, shakes his head, and glances at the device. The anomaly hasn’t moved. “How the fuck did you get through Special Forces,” he mutters to himself. “Handjobs, mostly.”
Unfortunately, Don chooses now to realize that it’s the first time he’s been touched in anything even resembling intimacy in six months. None of his post-divorce dates ever went physical. This is merely a therapy massage, yet here Don is—wishing he were in another life where Loki's hands would coast to his waist and hold him like a goddamn sandwich.
Not the least bit interested in the magic death trap over the hill, Wade tilts his head. Logan’s not sure how he makes the mask so expressive. (He asked once. Wade said CGI. He gave up.) “But I haven’t even gotten into the clusterfuck of Pony Prom,” he says.
Tags for @bloodlilllies @augusteofarles @wyverningx if you're so inclined!
Your word is... PARK ;)
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accessimojis · 1 year
Okie dokie! Names anon here! I just want a few for the frequent fronters to make communicating about them easier 😊 . Feel free to ignore the colors if you only want to make a specific color of words or if adding color would be commission only
1. Isaac (mint)
2. Loki (emerald green (a lighter shade so it doesn't get lost in the grey of discord))
3. Luka (lime green)
4. Cisco (lavender)
5. Adam (blood red)
6. Peter (silvery-blue)
7. Crowley (denim blue)
8. Brainy (green-blue)
9. Steve (hot-rod red)
10. Klaus (pink)
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I hope these are the right shades!
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stormyelliotwritez · 10 months
okie dokie so here's the fandom list and the characters i'll write for. i will update this at times so yeah, here we go.
supernatural (dean winchester, sam winchester (not soulless or lucifer sam though), castiel, lucifer, balthazar, bobby (platonic only for jack and charlie))
911 and 911 lone star (tk strand, carlos reyes, evan buckley, eddie diaz, paul strickland, christopher diaz (platonic only), chimney, hen, owen strand)
stranger things (eddie munson, steve harrington, the kids (only platonic), robin buckley (platonic only), nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, argyle, hopper, joyce)
house md (gregory house, james wilson, lisa cuddy and i can write foreman, chase and cameron but i can't promise it will be good. also im only on like season 5 so yeah.)
doctor who (any new who doctors and companions and friends tho coz im writing male reader bill, jenny and vastra will be platonic only coz otherwise that just feels weird also probably platonic for yaz and 13. also any masters because i love them and am obsessed with them)
hannibal (just hannibal and will coz im only on like the first season so it'll be based on vibes mostly)
star wars (like anyone basically just not palpatine and the creepy bad guys like the blue one or moff gideon. i am obsessed with clones and bounty hunters so yeah!)
batfam and dc (anyone basically coz ive got a pretty good grasp of most of their characters. if anyone requests the joker, i will probs mean like lego batman or the animated tv shows joker so the one who isn't an ass and is a bit gay. if they're lesbians, it will be platonic though.)
marvel (anyone like please just give me ideas of marvel stuff to write. i will need like a really good idea to be convinced to write for tony because he pisses me off sometimes. also team red and loki tv show are like my favs so i will write actual masterpieces for those)
criminal minds (the bau gang and also clyde easter like please just request him for giggles otherwise i'll just write stuff for him unprompted)
the mentalist, castle and bones (just the main crews)
good omens (aziraphale and crowley (platonic only) also like any of the other characters besides metatron because i wanna murder him in his sleep (: so yep)
marauders (the marauders obvs, the Valkyries and the Slytherins)
sherlock bbc (sherlock, john, molly, jim, greg, mycroft)
star trek (the one with chris pine) (bones, kirk, spock, scotty) (i can do the old tv show, i just haven't watched much)
the addams family (im talking like the live action movies and the animated because i watched one episode of wednesday and it sucked ngl so yeah. ill write for the whole family so yeppity yep)
shameless (the gallaghers tho not lip and debbie when they're in their problematic arcs mostly because im not up to there and also kev and v but only platonic for them and mickey ofc)
kingsman (eggsy, harry, merlin, agent whiskey)
ghosts bbc (any of the ghosts and also allison and mike)
gravity falls (anyone basically except for gideon and his dad)
hades the video game (anyone tho i don't think anyone would request this)
the x-files (mulder, scully, skinner, the lone gunmen)
spiderverse (hobie, miles, gwen, noir, pav, peter b parker, miles universe peter, miguel (only if you wanna get into a fight with him))
person of interest (reese, finch, fosco, carter, root)
Law and order: SVU (the whole crew tho im only on s4)
Dead boy detective agency (anyone but niko and jenny will only be platonic coz lesbians)
i think thats it so yeah! :)
please send in requests tho ive got no idea if anyone will see this but yeah!
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Quick, River, let's play Two Truths and a Lie!
oki doki loki
my favorite kotlc character is keefe, my hair is naturally blonde, and i have a higher spice tolerance than most of my friends.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
okie dokie lokie! I finally decided on a theme!! this is the one I used ✭ and I decided I'd go back to using this sunpie icon from this icon set! because as soon as it gets just slightly colder I go into autumn/winter mode and that a) for some reason makes me think of sunpie & b) this is the icon/colour scheme I had around winter last year i think, and I kind of missed it ( ˊᵕˋ 。)
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this is what it looks like on mobile:
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anyways I'm really happy with this! ✮ the only issue I noticed with the desktop theme is that the pinned post is kind of messed up below 'read more' but that's okay, I can always come up with a solution to that some other time + I'm sure most people use mobile/view blogs on dashboard nowadays anyway and I'm not gonna go bother someone about a glitch (that let's be honest, I probably caused) in a theme they made in 2015, I was only 10 in 2015 lol!!
hope u like it! 🍬
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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rex-butterfly · 7 months
Oki doki loki witam serdecznie🦋
Dzisiaj dzień uważam za dosyć udany niestety musiałem zjeść w maku ale naszczescie w limicie pozostałem.
Do tego 11 tysięcy kroków i godzinny trening pilatesu💪💪💪
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Z mniej przyjemnych rzeczy, osoba która kocham i jestem w związku powiedziała, iż moim minusem jest to, że jestem niski😻 plus jestem jak wszyscy inni jej ex
Nie dość że gruby to dodatkowo niski no po prostu cudownie😋🫶🫶🫶
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daisybell17 · 8 months
masterlist 3 🦊
Loki fics & hc’s Masterlist
Incorrect Quotes Masterlist
The third masterlist compilation of all my daily blogs!! so ofc, stories of school, life, everything and sometimes marvel! As of 26/2/24 it’s the 196th day!
day 196: oki dokie day 197: tay tay!
day 198: cake compet! day 199: relaxing day
day 200: friends n pancakes
day 201: chill hot day day 202: chill movie day
day 203: day trip w friends :) day 204: chill work day woo
day 205: work, fun, tired, food day 206: groceries and talks
day 207: chill day + gochujang pasta day 208: plushies
day 209: hard talks day 210:
day 211: day 212:
day 213: day 214:
day 215: day 216:
day 217: day 218:
day 219: day 220:
day 221: day 222:
day 223: day 224:
day 225: day 226:
day 227: day 228:
day 229: day 230:
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doki doki loki coki
oki doki!
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askthemane6 · 8 months
Applejack, why are you such a background pony?
Applejack: Now who in tarnation asked this?! I ain't no background pony! What even is a background pony?
Pinkie Pie: Oh oh! I know~ A background pony is--
Applejack: Nevermind Pinkie, its alright. I don't wanna know... Especially not after hearing your explanation on what a "Human" is.
Pinkie Pie: Okie dokie lokie! Suit yourself!!
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mordenheim · 1 year
Flash Fic: Oki Doki, Loki
Just a fun little flash fic for my dear friend, fuzzumz! Please check out their twitch stream at: https://www.twitch.tv/oki_dokiloki ================================================ Loki, Princess of Chaos, was bored. This, in and of itself is not usually a dangerous thing, but the split black and white axolotl, bored in one of the testing labs of Trivial Matters, Inc. could be quite dangerous indeed. She sighed, glancing over one, slick, shiny shoulder as her friend, Victor was leaned over his work, soldering something. A weird, dark monocle covered the red-maned zebra's single eye as little whisps of smoke drifted up from his hands. Doing her best to behave, she kept her hands behind her back as she walked around the room. Her big red and blue eyes studied everything before gazing up towards the tall ceiling, spinning around a bit. She giggled as she lost her balance, stumbling into a table with a crash. Victor barely looked up from his work, knowing the little 'lotl to be practically invincible. “Hey, you okay? Try not to break anything.” “Yeah, whatever, hun...” She rolled her eyes and picked herself up off of the floor, only to find what looked to be a bike pump dangling from the hose. The hose which seemed to have somehow attached itself to her tummy. She blinked, picking up the thing in her hands. Tugging at the hose a few times, it seemed to be stuck on fairly well. Shrugging her shoulders, she gave it an experimental pump. She giggled as she felt a slight tickle as air seemed to flow into her belly, but she blinked as that tingle spread through her whole body. “What the heck was that?” She gave it another few pumps and realized that with each pump she was getting an inch or so taller. Her soft, slick skin made a few quiet stretching noises as she grew slowly. Holding the odd device in her hands, she tilted her head and had a thought. “Hey, uh.. doc?” Again, Victor never even looked up from his work, just giving an inquisitive grunt. “This weird little pump thingy, wouldn't it work better if it were an air compressor?” “Well, yeah, but I haven't really gotten that far yet...” “Okay, gotcha.” Grinning to herself, the called on her chaotic powers and snapped her fingers. Victor blinked, freezing as he heard the steady hum of an air compressor, followed by a loud, rubbery stretching noise. He yelled out as he turned, just in time to get pinned against his work table by a huge, soft, black and white belly as it rapidly grow over him. “LOKI!!!” She just giggled, wriggling around as her rapidly growing body swelled to fill the room. One of her arms pushed out into the hallway, the soft, slightly slimy flesh swelling over a young crocodile and pinning him to the floor. Outside of the building, rubbery stretching noises began to fill the air as the walls of the skyscraper bulged ominously. Black and white flesh began to bulge through breaking windows before the whole building burst apart, flinging hundreds of furries high into the air. They slowly rained down to land with audible plopping noises on the expanding tummy of the ever-growing axolotl who wrapped her arms around herself, hugging them close. “Don't worry, I can fix this.”
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chthonicgodling · 1 year
okie dokie well as threatened over here, behold beneath the cut a quick - ok no. COMICALLY LARGE AND LONG summary of some choice events of Elysium!Loki’s past that had taken place not only long before his formal entrance into Elysium, but also long before [coughing fit] the events of uhhh 2012 - AND EVEN, ALSO, long before the events of [LONGER COUGHING FIT] 2011, if yyyaaaa knowwwww—
[tw I guess for. well a multitude of things but child death is a big one.,, also uh, regular murder, and. such.]** actually that’s all in part TWO?? yeah this ended up having to be TWO PARTS UHHHHHH—-
basically uwuwuwu the summary rundown of this entire post is that the ~*famous*~ stories of Norse mythy have very much taken place for Elysium!Loki, just like. all long beforehand!!
first! some additional background. we know that in the Elysium’verse when Loki ended up down there fresh off his attempted world domination the agreement for him to be allowed to stay was if he was able to be rehabilitated and like. get fuckin therapy. no supervillains allowed;
we’ve done a similar sequence of events in Elysium a couple times, been calling it Dream Theater or Memory Theater where by recruiting the assistance of dream gods and sleep gods (Epi, Hypnos) and eventually some therapy gods (accessory background character Epione, literal therapist of Elysium, tho she wasn’t around in the beginning Loki era), the memories of events past can be “entered” and viewed like a movie, relived by an audience. okay yes the Loki show did a smaller scale version of this which is truly hilarious but we did it first in 2012 ahahh. Dream Theater is initiated if the owner of said memories finds it too difficult to talk about any of it and finds it easier to just Show™ (like Maci, flashbacking with Tory about Thanatos like 3 years ago)….. or if the owner, again fresh off a streak of villainy, petulantly refuses to open his goddamn mouth about a single thing to try to fix himself and thus sends everyone forcibly spelunking (you know who. LOKI. AHHH).
this is maybe not the best of therapy methods. tbh. but it….. kinda worked I fuckin guess lmAO???? we love our dubious morality here in the palace!! Well anyway so collectively indeed, a decade ago Tory, Epi, Pasi to keep the peace, and actually the Elysium!version of Thor too, did gather round to learn some interesting and horrifying things about Loki’s past prior to where he was then in that moment, via prying Loki’s memories open and just watching it all unfold! I’ve certainly discussed many of those events over the years but here is a cute compilation because my brain is in Loki mode lately and yknow what maybe some of you don’t know all this! BEHOLD-
firstly yyeahah that ye old actual M/CU fanon thing of “:(( aww Thor’s friends hated Loki and always left him out and bullied him since childhood so of course he would snap” with no real textual evidence of that in the— okay whatever but that IS actually canon in Elysium lmao oops. per my Brand ™ this fits our trend of All Olympians Are Evil, samesies re the Aesir and Odin/Frigga being actual assholes on purpose - so that’s first things first
(Worth mentioning I guess Thor was oblivious to all of that and particularly how Loki FELT about all of it, as well as some events that will follow, until all these dream sessions)
next - Sleipnir! all of Loki’s kids very much exist in the Elysium!verse - although Sleipnir is one of just two remaining who have NOT been freed in some capacity into Elysium by the modern day ;(( the story is basically mythologically accurate and idk, Loki as a late teen?? Just vanished off the face of the planet and then returned nine months later with a little spider foal. which Odin promptly was like…. Ok sick, free horse. confiscated! Cool dad very traumatizing!! Sleipnir remains to this DAY imprisoned in odin’s stable, he IS fully sentient just. horse shaped. scream.
Loki’s choice rebellion to follow was flouncing off to hook up with random Jotunn giantess Angrboda whomst I have actually drawn one time somewhere in here - she was kindave a dick <3 but when Loki ended up pregnant he continued to secretly see her for his own ulterior motives (COLLECTING CHILDREN) - the three that Angrboda sired were, in order; Hela, Fenris (Fen) and Jörmundgandr (Jör),,
Loki by that time had picked up the habit of just fuckin fully disappearing every time he ended up knocked up, traumatized by the loss of Sleipnir and hiding pregnancies/ the babies from his family who would prob whisk them away as well. yyyou might or should know the trio’s deal from Norse mythos?? Hela, a regular little girl EXCEPT half of her body was deceased and decomposing away; Fen, giant wolf - Jör, giant sea serpent. they at least started small…ish ;0; after Jör was born Angrboda was like holy shit can you stop with these fuckin KIDS what IS THIS and peaced out officially. Loki was fully hiding from the palace and kept and raised them “out of the eyes of” Odin and co.,, Thor did eventually discover them and kept them secret too tho he was uh. alarmed and slightly grossed out but ok bet whatever Loki wanted to do he was supportive iggg
To keep up appearances once Thor knew about the kids Loki would pop back up in Asgard again here and there just solely so no one else went out to look for him. also now since Thor could babysit. lmao. around this time he met SIGYNNNN-
yes >:)) Sigyn DOES exist in Elysium!! she has never made a real appearance in the Elysium’verse other than in these flashbacks at the time. Sigyn was also a sorceress and befriended Loki when he caught her defending him to people being bitchy in the palace; he eventually snuck her out to his secret house and introduced her to the three kiddos whomst loved her <33 Hela was like seven or eight ish?? obv soon after Loki and Sigyn began hooking up and became a couple
aaand then around then Odin (who, knows everything, and of course had known about the three since. Day one.) Sent a notice of first warning to his son that the three Monsters were a direct threat to Asgard and needed to be peacefully surrendered for imprisonment or else be seized by force. bc that’s what great grandparents do 🙃 furious obv Loki went straight to Odin to plead his case and refuse to his face to give them up but that conversation went 💞badly💞
a second letter of warning was sent instead - Loki devoted all of his energy to convincing Odin that they were not a threat, recruiting Thor to try and argue in his favor too. this also did not workkkk. a third letter - sent, shredded - as Loki began to plot a way to fully hide himself and the three forever IT WASSS TOO LATE and an ambush was orchestrated on their house~ the literal only thing that stopped Loki from slaughtering the guards sent to imprison them away was the looming threat of violence to the kids and to keep them physically safe Loki surrendered, though Sigyn still had to hold him back. Hela was like 15 years oooldddd
So again, this is now Norse mythos, the fates of Loki’s children, literal children at that time - Hela was cast into isolation in Niflheim to become Queen of the Dead. she’s still there actually!! she’s the other one of Loki’s kids who have not moved into Elysium :(( Jör was thrown into Midgard where he resided in the oceans as an ouroboros circling the world; Fen was imprisoned in special chains in (god I don’t remember where and I don’t feel like looking it up) the faraway island of Lyngvi. anyway. all scattered away. and taken--
for thefirst time literally ever i have RUN OUT OF SPACE IN A TUMBLR POST???? I MAXED MY CHARACTER LIMIT OUT?!!!!! this will be continued in a. Part two wtf!!
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ok i really need two make one of these so
☆ hi!! my name is witness! im an autistic chronically ill nonbinary adult that goes by they/them pronouns! also i heccing love self shipping and self inserting intwo media :3
☆ my current special interests are the project moon games!
☆ honestly i dont have the energy to keep a dni enforced. just don't be a jerk to me or others and we'll be oki doki poki loki!
☆ original posts will be tagged with #axcycat meows, and vents/negative stuff will be tagged with #axcycat screm
☆ all my posts, save fur vent posts, are free to rb!
☆ yewr f/os love yew!! have a nyaice day!! <3
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splungecoyote · 1 year
TMI Tuesday: Favorite catchphrase, or do you have one that you use?
“Okie Dokie Artchokey!”
I’m a cashier and I say this a lot to customers. (I thought it was a Pinkie Pie thing but she actually says “okie dokie loki” so I dunno where I picked it up from XD )
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But I’m not brave enough to say that to strangers. ;)
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Ok I need you to try something. Go on Britbox, and once you're there let me know and I'll give you the log in information to my account. And you can watch.
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