#okay yes anyways. with this; gnight
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lavenoon · 2 years ago
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Let's have some direct consequences, why don't we, @naffeclipse?
*self insert is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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kowaindar0u · 6 months ago
I will try and get to more replies this weekenddddd I'm like replying to them in my mind, with my imagination, but writing ? apparently i don't know her much lately lol
i literally like...thought out Yuichi's reply in the newest yusone thread, like daydreaming (or...5am pre-sleep-dreaming) abt them I guess , and then I open my eyes and I'm like ...oh...typing it ..? too hard... LOL
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msm-tsotmw · 2 years ago
So we’re back in the ocean… again. Mauna’s been telling stories about the Dawn of Fire to Toorie and Mondo to keep them from boredom, and I’m just reading my book. I’m just writing here, but the storie’s she’s telling are… interesting, to say the least.
So Are You Saying Some Monsters Lived On CLOUDS ?!
Mhm ! It is true !
hoooooly shit
And some others lived in SPACE .
Oh , Wow !
… What Is Space ?
It is basically where all the stars are , all the way beyond the Monster World .
Is There Anything Else There ?
I … do not know .
anyways uh
is it true that the continent castle was literally bigger than any other castle to ever exist
Yep ! It could hold multiple Monsters that were associated with FIVE ELEMENTS .
Oooh ! I’ve Never Heard Of A Monster With FIVE Elements Before !
ikr thats fucking INSANE
Do They Live Anywhere Here ?
As far as I know , they are on the higher plane of existence .
Oooh ! :O
so like gold island
Yes , like Gold Island .
So how do you even get there?
… Honestly , not even I know .
Well, my cousin Charlie somehow got there. For “college” reasons, apparently.
(yes this is referencing the one [1] Furcorn I have on Gold Island)
Hmm … strange .
Anyways , Do You Remember Anything Else About The Dawn ?
… Mauna ? Hello ? Monster World To Mauna !
…Why are her eyes glowing like that?
(Mauna stares off into the distance, completely expressionless. Her eyes are glowing, for some reason.)
what the actual shit
… You Okay ?
The Monsters of the stars speak .
What the fuck do you mean??
We are forever trapped in a century’s slumber . We cannot return to our former glory without aid .
Be it adventitious travelers or the ones chosen by the stars , someone must aid us .
The Monster World is imperiled . We must awaken .
Huh ?! Imperiled ?!?
What’s with the cryptic shit?!
what the FUCK
… Ow . My head hurts .
Oh , Do You Need Water ?
Oh Wait . Fire Elemental . Riiiiiiiiiiight .
what the fuck just happened
… I … I do not know . This is … I have not had one of these since … well , I do not remember .
Well, ignoring whatever the fuck that was, you should probably get some fuckin’ rest. Nobody who says shot like THAT gets a good amount of sleep.
says the one who hasnt slept in days
Shut the fuck up.
Has Anything Like This Happened On Light Or Tribal ?
Not as far as I can remember .
… Yeah , You Should Get Some Rest .
Alright . Good night , everyone !
Good Night !
(As Mauna puts herself to sleep, lulled by the waves, Toorie, Mondo and Sprigg huddle together to talk.)
“Monsters Of The Stars” ??
…I think she meant the Celestials.
wait wait wait wait WAIT
didnt she say they couldnt awaken without aid
…And as far as I know, we’re the only ones heading toward Celestial Island.
…Wait, what the FUCK?!
What ?
The Celestials need OUR HELP?!?
I— well, I— oh my Galvana.
Eh .. Eh Heh … Wow ! Us , Helping The Celestials …
When The … When The Monster World Is Apparently In Danger … Ah Hah ! W-wow !
but whats it in danger of
…I don’t know.
whos putting it in danger
…Guess that’s for us to figure out.
(The trio stares at each other for a few minutes, with only the sound of the waves in the background.)
… Maybe We Should Go To Sleep Now .
night guys
Good Night , Mondo ! Tomorrow Might Be Another Busy Day , So We Better Recharge !
Good Night , Sprigg !
…Yeah. Good night.
(As Toorie and Mondo go to sleep, Sprigg just sits there.)
The Monster World…? In danger……?
I guess I should just… go to sleep. Now.
ik this looks like it’s starting to turn into a cliche “Chosen One™” story but I fucking swear it’s not-
the Celestials are just in some uhhhh danger rn and they need whoever the fuck is coming to Celestial Island to help them lol
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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harrylovesmitski · 5 years ago
pre-bedtime thoughts so bare with me but snl opening monologue harry is i think??? the only harry that would have a free pass to do just about anything
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hijirikaww · 2 years ago
We almost got that trio with feather in the hand...but that was eiji rather than kira wasn't it 🥲 we need a shuffle unit with that trio right now!!!
Haha yes you're right, nobody beats hwa in terms of cuteness 💖✨ I guess it's more his stage presence? He really has that elegant (demon) prince vibe....but then off stage he's so sweet 😭 omg and san is my bias wrecker!! So we have the same biases but reversed 😭 that's so interesting!
Yessss I 100% know what you mean!!! Camus is the king of ✨drama✨ it works perfectly 👌 his over the top elegant but dramatic vibes is what I love about him most 😆 aaah I'm so happy to be talking about Camus with someone else who loves him 😭💖
Yeah, San & Masa are different in like every way possible 😂 but that's interesting! It means your tastes are varied! ✨ San is a great role model though, he's amazingly talented, but he's so down to earth and so so lovely 🥺 he's the sweetest!!!! 💖
I was thinking of rewatching the series too! It's so fun 😆✨ hope you can watch it soon!!!!
Take care and have a wonderful day~ 💖✨✨
Awwh thank you!!! I'll try my best to make the most of my day!! 💫
Ya know, I was thinking of EXACTLY that stage with Moose, Masa and Eiji (I so loved that stage, it was BEAUTIFUL!) and thought... wouldn't it be a really cool combo of Camus and Masa's princely, flowing water and ice vibes to meet Kira's seemingly darker ones? Like Kiras stage with his trio with the dark vibes and the lilies (Ren was amazing in that though, left me gobsmacked) would make such a cool combo with them? Like maybe a trio of different kinds of princes trying to win your heart?? Like a triangle love thing (forgot the term HA) it is like.. quadrangle sksjdjjsksksj yep 👌🏻 Also swords and like a knight vibe would fit perfect. Moose canonically riding horseback and sword fighting, if he like teaches the other two - I bet they would get along crazily well!??!?!!!! Somehow I totally see these three having tea with the three of them like, away from the kids for a few hours wahahaha. Moose would totally feel like Masa and Kira are the only other sane mannered people around akskdj poor dude (though his standards are sky high lol).
I 100000% understand you biasing Hwa cuz like... wow. And San wrecking hell yeah hahaha. If you like Hwas stage presence ya gotta appreciate the sheer power Sannie exudes on stage, teehee~ (though srsly the demon line in its entirety is INSANE and then the other members are SO passionate and like- I've never seen such sheer POWER on stage man. Mind blowing.)
Ps omg I just had a thought - hear me out.. ya know that video where TEEZ is jumping to take pics in hats hanging from above??? Anyway Hwa in a wig. Cuz like, if anybody could embody Camooses dramatic 💫FLAIR💫 all while looking drop dead gorgeous in a wig it would me Hwa. Just saying~
Bonus since my brain seems to be up to stuff atm: mamamoose? Masa and Camoose... Mammamoo vibes aksjsj okay gnight
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yuugami-tan · 3 years ago
must release all my thoughts on the dlc cases............
MAJOR aa5 + aa6 dlc spoilers BEWARE
ok i finished turnabout reclaimed days ago but i haven't been able to get this off my mind like WHY DID MARLON HAVE THE COOLEST BREAKDOWN EVER. LITERALLY THE COOLEST
also that was just in all a really fun and nice case??? all the characters were cool and brought something neat to the table. i'm in love with sasha and dr. crab (WHO WAS A GREAT RED HERRING BTW. I WAS REALLY CONVINCED IT WAS HIM). shoutout to rifle the penguin. AND IT HAD A REALLY REFRESHING RESOLUTION....................it made me happy. ALSO thinking of that one comic of simon begging miles to let him take the case. hmmm it does give me whiplash thinking of this case vs the big reveal in the main game though lol.................especially given That guy's there. who? heheheh.........FIGURE IT OUT
can't really say the same abt turnabout time traveler ALTHOUGH I REALLY LIKED THAT ONE TOO. i'm a sucker for LOVE.....i can see why so many ppl are eh about it though. i think there were too few new characters introduced.......not to say the whole reunion of trilogy characters was bad or anything, i just wish characters like athena and trucy weren't pushed off as comic relief yknow..............we already haven't gotten enough of either of them. GIVE ATHENA HER SPOTLIGHT RARARARHAGRHAGRHGHR she got turnabout storyteller and that was IT.............and even then that was more of a lol funny case. but i digress
as for the new characters that were introduced hmmm.....................i DID like them however i was really annoyed by ellen and sorin just because how long it took for them to finish their animations lol. THEY'RE SO CUTE THOUGH.......queen and king of being Like That. anyway i thought it was pretty cool to learn about sorin's whole thing. seeing him panic was kinda relieving to me honestly? not to say i LIKED it but heh. might i say he just like me. he just like me fr
AS FOR PIERCE.......i think he was okay. definitely very hot and very sad. it was nice to have a character who was so evil coded from the start. HOWEVER........i think in this case, in wouldn't have hurt to make sorin a little more evil-seeming. JUST A LITTLE. cuz even with the reveal about who was driving the car and his disability i just could not be convinced it was anyone other than pierce who did it. i do like pierce though!!! i love a character who makes another character doubt everything they've come to know (see: remember). heh. ON A DIFFERENT NOTE I LOVED HIS BREAKDOWN. very very reminiscent of a trilogy villain breakdown. replaying it in my mind like yes......YES..............pain and suffering for YOU my beautiful tragic man.
anyways that's my little brain dump for the day. week????? idk. i still need to talk abt all my thoughts on aai2. i was thinking of listing off every single character and giving my opinion on them.....yeah i think i'll do that. SOON I WILL.....but for now i must sleep. cries OK GNIGHT THANKS FOR READING
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xnchxntmxnt · 4 years ago
1 | name : amie 2 | pronouns : s/her 3 | preferred gender : doesn't really matter 4 | self-description :
— it's ya clown sho <3 anyway, i'm an ambivert but more inclined towards the introvert side. my MBTI is INFJ and i'm a Gemini. i'd describe myself as someone who's very observant? yea, i guess. i'm awkward and you know it. My favorite color is blue, specifically sapphire, but i love all pastel colors. My fav show is Chicago Medical and all the psychological and crime thrillers out there are my favorite ( silent patient is my #1 though ) I love painting, playing piano and basketball!
— what i look in a partner you ask, uh, someone who can tolerate my silence. there are times when i go quiet for a whole day, i'll barely speak, no interaction nothing. i want someone who'd not exactly 'deal with it' but 'understand it.' also, i want someone who i can talk to without any hesitation. i have a hard time opening up so i don't do it but when i do, i spill almost everything. i might cry, might have anxiety attack, i might even shout. i know it's not very healthy but i want someone who can help me with those. plus someone who i can read with please <3 cheating and not having any respect for personal space would be the major deal breaker for me
5 | gen. aesthetic : my fashion sense starts from sweats and ends in sweats. i'm a big fan of those oversized hoodies and shirts, like something really comfy. however, i do have a collection of formal wears like blazers and dress.
6 | color/s to describe myself : red, actually. if not read then blue. it switchers but red 90% of the times.
7 | fav song/s : literally everything by Chase Atlantic and The Neighborhood. However, my absolute favorites are some of the famous classical pieces like Experience by Ludovico Einaudi and Chopin's Ballade No. 1 Op 23.
8 | fav genre of music : classical music ( Beethoven, Einaudi and Chopin own my heart )
Lol this is very lengthy I'm sorry, btw congrats again!
I looked into MBTI, I looked into zodiacs, I went off of what you said
Here he is, the man, Seijoh’s do-it-all guy
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO ur new boyfriend
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There is not enough content for him, anyway
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How You Met
Bear with me here
Think about this
You love painting? Art club.
Idk if youre actually in any art club but shhh
Anyway, it was probably some sort of community thing full of tons of different age artists (bc you’d have basketball or something after school and he had volleyball)
So like once a week on thursday afternoons everyone gets together and does all sorts of artsy stuff
Everyone listens to lo fi music (or you can bring headphones) and chit chat and just paint for a couple hours
Its in the back section of a library (bc the library near me does stuff like this its awesome) so if you want you can go read a book while you wait for things to dry
One day the person that ran it suggested you talked to the new guy
He was about your age, it was his first day, they didn't know what all he was good at, and tbh they thought you two would look cute together
Just the vibes yk
So you set up your canvas and stuff next to him and introduced yourself
And you guys just vibe to the playlist
He’s REALLY good
Compliments you a lot too
Which is fun because he’s cute so it makes you a little flustered
You find out you guys go to the same school and he’s on the VB team
And says he has a (practice) game that weekend and asks you to come if you can
Which you do
And they win! So its fun!
Matsukawa basically asks you out for him though
He’s heard all about you already
“You don't get it issei! She’s so pretty!! God, she touched my hand and I thought I was gonna die!!!!!” “the enthusiasm is new for you” “shut up asshole” (conversation from the night before)
So he walks up to you after the game and is like “Hey so,,, we’re going out to get some lunch, you wanna come?”
Makki thinks HES flirting with you and is pissed off about it
Until you all sit down for lunch and oh, the only open spot for him is next to you (since when is matsukawa willing to sit between iwaizumi and oikawa??)
He asked you out after art club that week (Mattsun threatened not to give him any more monster for the rest of the month if he didn't get the guts to do it)
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General Headcanons
You date hanamaki, you're also dating matsukawa
There’s no separating them (good thing ur MBTIs work together too, especially for strong friendships)
This was literally my first thought
Good luck with both these trolls
More on that later
Of course he’s going to be worried if you go radio silent for a while, but he'll understand
There are some days he’s not gonna wanna talk either
He’s really supportive on your bad days of course
Expect a random text in the middle of the evening from him
“Hiya sweetheart, just wanted to remind you that you’re beautiful, I love you, and I hope your day is going well.”
When he’s having a bad day, the same thing is all he needs from you to keep moving
He’s a really honest person. If you want to talk to him, be prepared not to get any sugar coating. If you tell him to shut up because you don’t want advice, he will. But if you expect advice from him, expect brutally honest advice. Subtlety is not his strong suit, so when it comes to advice, he’s going to tell it like it is. He's just trying to help, yknow?
However, he’s pretty good with people, so will know how to comfort you when something is bothering you. Tea and cuddles? Gotcha. Dancing at 11pm because neither of you want to sleep yet? On it. You want him to hold you? Perfect.
He’s not like...the most touchy person? There are some things he’s really indifferent on, and other things he’s stubborn as hell with. Whatever you wanna do, though
His weakness though
⚠️this part is slightly little bit suggestive⚠️
He will randomly walk up to you and pull you against him, give you a really deep kiss, smirk and walk away like nothing happened
Like hands in hair probably almost making out and then just
Walk away
Because that’s how he kisses and it’s breathtaking every time
It’s either little temple kisses or forehead or cheek pecks or something
Or that
And probably leaves you flustered and it’s funny (to him) (and to me if I was there with you) (bc that would be funny)
Hmm I’m thinking
I’m thinking hair dye dates
He needs help doing his hair from time to time Y’know (he doesn’t he just likes spending time with you) and he wants to make it pink again
So he teaches you how to do his hair and even offers to dye yours one day
Either just a strand or the ends or everything, up to you
Imagine having twinning hair dye with makki isn’t that cute
I think it’s cute
I said ur platonically dating mattsun right
Yes you are now
He absolutely adores you and loves how much makki loves you
Probably would have asked you out if makki didn’t but he was really pushing for makki to because he was just all over you in the beginning
He wasn’t overly attached to you romantically so being friends? Perfect. Sounds great
You two get along wonderfully though like you act like siblings once you warm up to each other
Again, very brutally honest person, but a little more awkward so doesn’t know what he’s saying might come off as he’s acting like a dick
He doesn’t try to though and he does really care about you
Flat out told makki if he breaks up with you and breaks your heart he’s gonna kick his ass (makki doesn’t know he had the same (less aggressive) conversation with you)
Tbh all of the VBC at seijoh loves you
Oikawa loves talking to you he thinks you’re great for makki
Gets you in on he and makki and mattsun’s antics
Iwa thinks you’re good too he just doesn’t know you as well
I think that kunimi would like you (he was almost a runner up--)
Kindaichi too
The first years just think you’re cool even if they won’t say it out loud
Seijoh VBC loves you
You got mattsun’s approval
And hanamaki loves you with literally everything in his life
You’re pretty set with your strawberry baby huh
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Date Night!
I was waiting for some matchup to come along that gave me sleepover vibes
In a perfect world where you could do sleepovers with your bf because most parents would,,,not let that happen
He shows up at like 7:00 after practice, pizza in hand because he picked up dinner
You two eat, chat about your day, he probably scarfs down half the pie bc it’s after practice ofc he’s hungry
So when you guys are done eating you head up to your room
And make pillow fort
It’s mandatory
Different design every time, but there’s a pillow fort nonetheless
And then when there’s just enough room for the both of you to climb in
You get a blanket and a couple pillows and one of your phones or laptops or whatever and watch a movie and cuddle
When the movie is over you guys break out the face masks
You ever wonder why he has such great skin? It’s thanks to you (or if you don’t have masks, he picks them up on the way home from practice)
But anyway you guys talk shit about people for a while and sit with the masks on (it’s usually him talking about how Oikawa is a bitch as much as he loves him) (or about whatever he and Mattsun were talking about lately)
You both get chances to vent while the masks sit on your face and you just vibe with music (usually that you pick) (he listens to like,,,meme songs and like CORPSE yk)
After masks you guys make/get some snacks and munch on those during another movie but this time you’re in comfy jammies and more relaxed Y’know
Less paying attention to the movie you’ve seen a million times and just vibing in each other’s presence and it’s just really sweet
Fall asleep on his chest
Let him fall asleep on yours
Either way, you’ve got him whipped for you he loves you
Not that he doesn’t already but that’s his favorite thing ever so please just let him do that
Always makes sure to tell you he loves you before you sleep too
If you fall asleep first he takes embarrassing pictures of you with your hair being a mess & you best bet he sends them to mattsun because “she’s so cute omfg” “dude” “dude what” “you’re so fuckin stupid” “?” “Whatever—good luck being whipped just tell me when you need to get a ring, k” “you’re such a jackass” “yeah yeah Gnight”
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Okay so I’m not doing a big long paragraph for all this BUT from what I understand, Gemini/Aquarius are really compatible, and ENTP and INFJ are known as “perfect matches” sO (I had a really hard time deciding between Atsumu and Makki because they're both ENTP)
Psst Gemini + Leo is compatible and so is INTP + INFJ,,,, so, again, asking you to marry me sho 💍💍
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Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major, BWV 846
Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio (meme song)
Sky Full Of Stars by The Piano Guys
Someone To You by The Piano Guys
Shut Up And Dance - Simply Three
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Runners Up
Miya Atsumu, Tsukishima Kei
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the-black-birb · 5 years ago
𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢'𝐬 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑!)
This fic features Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Futakuchi, and a reader character. There are no explicit romanitc pairings.
Warnings: swearing and poorly attempted humor
Summary: shenanigans
A/N: this is part of a collaborative fic with ellie (@babiekeiji ) for qee's bday!! Happy birthday cutie ilysm
QeeDay Masterlist
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Saturday, 2:04 PM
tetsubro and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: how are you and bokuto so good at ice skating
futacoochieslayer: i came here to woo yn but i think you’ve wooed me instead
tetsubro: it’s the bromance
tetsubro: but yn is skating w akaashi rn
testubro: we can make this duo into a trio 
tetsubro: come over ;)
futacoochieslayer: ooh say less
Saturday, 2:28 PM
applepi and captain_daddy are online!
captain_daddy: cmere
applepi: why.
captain_daddy: ur tired
applepi: im exhausted
applepi: what r u gonna do about it?
captain_daddy: i give rly good back massages
applepi: …
applepi: move over so i can sit
Saturday, 2:56 PM
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
waiyenn: thank you <3
futacoochieslayer: ew why are you thanking me
futacoochieslayer: bring yn back
waiyenn: ik you were wary about letting them come along
waiyenn: but u did anyways
waiyenn: so thank you :)
futacoochieslayer: whatever
futacoochieslayer: they’re not too bad anyways
waiyenn: so 
waieynn: you staring at bokuto’s ass?
futacoochieslayer: i am staring at bokuto’s ass.
Saturday, 4:20 PM
tetsubro is online!
tetsubro: blaze it
akaashi is online!
akaashi: Did you just drop your phone on the ice just to text that?
Saturday, 4:28 PM
applepi, futacoochieslayer, and waiyenn are online!
applepi: so are there any good phone stores around here
waiyenn: ??
applepi: kuro cracked his phone
applepi: we want to see if we can find a replacement before we go back to tokyo
applepi: so his dad doesnt find out
waiyenn: oh uh
waiyenn: im not sure i can check google
futacoochieslayer: my dad works for an electronics company
futacoochieslayer: ill drive u guys over once we’re done
waiyenn: aww who knew you could be a decent human being
futacoochieslayer: everyone but you
applepi: i disagree w that statement
futacoochieslayer: walk to the store.
Saturday, 5:04 PM
captain_daddy and waiyenn are online!
captain_daddy: hey yn
captain_daddy: this is kuroo from bo’s phone
captain_daddy: im sorry skating got cut short bc of me
waiyenn: its all good tetsu
waiyenn: u went down for a good cause
captain_daddy: ( ̄▽ ̄)V
waiyenn: but why are you texting me
waiyenn: arent u sitting behind me rn
captain_daddy: bokuto is crushing my windpipe w his beautiful muscular back
captain_daddy: if im going to go, this is the way i want to die
waiyenn: rip
Saturday, 5:47 PM
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: hey
waiyenn: y are we texting
waiyenn: youre sitting next to me
futacoochieslayer: well i wanna text
waiyenn: we’re the only ones here everyone else is in the phone store
futacoochieslayer: so what?
waiyenn: “whatever happened to having a conversation”
futacoochieslayer: nvm i dont want to talk
Saturday, 5:52 PM
waiyenn and futacoochieslayer are online!
futacoochieslayer: happy birthday
futacoochieslayer: ✧bitch ✧
waiyenn: aww thx
waiyenn: ✧bastard✧
 Saturday, 8:03 PM
captain_daddy changed [PARTAYYYYY] to [SLUMBER PARTAYYYYY]
captain_daddy changed @futacoochieslayer to @futaba
everyone is online!
futaba: why
captain_daddy: its ur initiation
captain_daddy: did i use that word right
akaashi: Yes. 
waiyenn: so bo can change other ppl’s names but not his own
waiyenn: kinda sus (¬з¬)
tetsubro: are you sure it’s okay that we’re staying over yn?
waiyenn: yeah!!
waiyenn: its nice to have company
waiyenn: and now we can celebrate my bday allllll night long o(*>ω<*)o
applepi: and its kinda late to head all the way back to tokyo
waiyenn: mmhmm
waiyenn: you have to stay
akaashi: Thank you, yn
Sunday, 2:16 AM
everyone is online!
tetsubro: gnight gays
applepi: night
captain_daddy: sweet dreams uwu
akaashi: Good night.
waiyenn: futakuchi you have to say it
waiyenn: ur part of the gang now
futaba: we’re literally dogpiled on top of each other
tetubro: cmon bro
akaashi: I think you should.
futaba: sigh
futaba: goodnight
futaba: to everyone but yn since its not her bday anymore ( ^ڡ^)
Sunday, 2:54 AM
waiyenn is online!
waiyenn: thank you guys for today
waiyenn: seriously
waiyenn: i love you guys sososo much you mean the world to me
applepi is online!
applepi: go to sleep yn
applepi: we love you too
waiyenn: <3
waiyenn: night babes
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chiauve · 6 years ago
Aquarius 12
Chris was early every day that week, and every day Wesker cleaned up in the RPD locker room.
Meanwhile Alpha team took great glee in mocking him for this sudden bout of brown nosery, save Jill who noticed Chris’ somber mood.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“You’re here every morning early and your sudden dedication seems to be actually making Wesker...well not happy per se but less annoyed than usual, but every day you look more and more bummed.”
“I’m just tired. Early birding and all.”
“No, you get weird and annoying when you’re tired. You get quiet when you’re upset about something. What’s wrong?”
Chris tapped at the spacebar on his keyboard; there was something satisfying about that little clunk noise. “After we followed Wesker I got kinda worried, so I came in early to make sure he was fine.”
She rolled her eyes at his weird devotion to Wesker but let him continue.
“He showed up early to get cleaned up in the locker room. I figured you were right and he slept out on the beach, but he does it every day.”
“Every day? Here? Why doesn’t he get ready at home? He’s so...immaculate and careful but he shows up looking like he just rolled out f bed. He comes to work early and leaves late, and as far as I can tell always heads back to that cove.”
“Wow, did you follow him again?”
“Only a little ways.”
“What are you getting at, Chris?”
He hesitated. The idea was stupid, and yet he couldn’t discount it. “I think Wesker’s living out of his car.”
Sighing, Jill slid her chair over and sat down. “I highly doubt that. He gets paid more than we do and there are some cheap areas around here. I mean unless he’s way more social than we thought and he’s got a hoard of little Weskers all over the place he’s paying for.”
           Chris snort at that, ignored the rising bout of jealousy, and instead chuckled. “Maybe. But he’s got a bad address, never answers his phone, does his morning routine here... I’m just aware of some of the signs.”
“Even if you’re right, what can we do about it? It’s not our business.”
“I think it is. We’re a team, we look out for each other.”
“We do,” she said, her eyes softening, “but unless he actually says something there’s nothing we can do about it. You have a hunch, but Wesker just might prefer being here. Ever think that he actually likes this job and that’s why he’s always around?”
“Look, if you’re really worried about it, talk to him.”
That made Chris laugh. “Oh yeah, that’d go over well. He doesn’t talk about himself, never spends time with us outside of work...”
Jill tapped at her lip. “Maybe he doesn’t think he can? I mean, he’s our superior, maybe he ascribes to the ‘never mingle’ school of thought. Have any of us made him think otherwise?”
Chris stared at his now blank screen he’d been hitting the space bar so much. “You’re right. We should invite him when we get together. Get him to open up.”
When the end of Alpha shift finally arrived Chris checked back in his weaponry, signed off on both the patrol boat and its completed post-patrol maintenance and refill, and headed up to the office to type out a few sentences summarizing the day’s events. He’d get the proper report on the drunk teenagers harassing some seals (who in turn ended up harassed) tomorrow.
Barry had already left, along with Joseph. Brad was doing a quick check of the communications equipment but was clearly rushing, eager to leave. Chris printed out his brief daily report but before he could grab it Jill snatched it from the printer and handed them to Wesker as she headed towards the door.
“Chris, wanna grab a drink before we head home?” she asked.
“Sure thing, let me finish up here and I’ll meet you outside the locker room.”
She nodded and left. Her favorite part of the day was discarding her STARS uniform and the necessary mentality with it for a civilian attire and outlook, a small ritual to be performed correctly and so Chris knew he had plenty of time to close up and head down, especially because he tended to just wear his uniform to and from work. He turned off his computer and double-checked that any important documents were locked up for the night before sliding on his jacket.
“Brad, at least buy the console dinner before you get that intimate,” he said as a farewell as he headed for the door. Brad told him to shove it but turned a bright red anyway.
“Gnight, Captain,” Chris added, glancing back at Wesker who only nodded, eyes locked on his paperwork.
Hesitating, Chris couldn’t help but study his captain. Wesker, even sitting, seemed stiff and tightly wound somehow, despite the relaxed way he held his pen or shuffled papers. He was here early and left late every day, then apparently went and spent his time alone. Possibly in a truck. What did the man do for fun, aside from swimming? Was Chris wrong and Wesker had a family somewhere? A home?
He kept himself apart from his team and Chris didn’t like that at all.
“Hey, Wesker?”
Wesker glanced up. “Yes?”
“You’re welcome to join us. The bar’s right next door...”
“I know where it is, and thank you but no. I have to finish this up before I head home.”
Chris shuffled in place. “Well...do you really have to? It’ll still be here in the morning.”
Arching an eyebrow, Wesker regarded Chris a long, uncomfortable moment. “It will, but I’d rather make it go away now so I have a fresh start tomorrow. Maybe another time.”
Brad shut down the communications and beamed at Cris. “I’ll join you for that drink.”
You weren’t invited, it took a lot of Chris’ effort not to snap. But Brad was a teammate too and Chris’ supposed his offer came off as open; why would he ask Wesker specifically, right?
“Cool, I’ll meet you down there,” Chris said, forcing a grin.
Brad grabbed his jacket and left, a smile on his face and Chris felt a pang of regret for his anger. He had a bond with the others but not Brad and he wondered how much the pilot wanted to be more involved with them all outside of work. The man was certainly...skittish...okay no he could be flat out spineless in the face of his superiors or any other major hazard which tended to rankle Chris.
He turned back to Wesker, who was still staring at him with a very unreadable expression. His eyes were pale blue, but somehow as deep as the ocean and Chris felt like he was drowning...
“Well, I guess I better get down there before Brad surprises Jill.”
“I don’t think he’s capable.”
Chris chuckled. “Goodnight, Captain. Don’t work too hard.”
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greennightspider · 6 years ago
Admit it.
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Summary: Eric and his Dauntless acquaintance have a mutually beneficial sleeping arrangement. But what happens when one of them trips up on the status quo?
Previous Chapters: Hold Me, One Look was all it Took
Eric x Rae-Lynn (Rae for short)
Turns out, Eric’s tactic was to basically starve Rae-Lynn out. Ever since that night he hadn’t been back since. They would train together, eat together, work together, and Eric acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. Which of course pissed off Rae even more.
Rae hated that nights without Eric lying beside her gave her no rest. She found it frustrating that Eric had this… hold on her. Like she needed him to function. She would toss and turn tangled in the sheets, instinctively reaching behind her to find nothing but an empty space and unfulfilled longing. Rae missed the comfort of warm arms around her sides, the sound of another person breathing in the emptiness of her apartment. Hell, she even missed his snoring.
And Rae knew it was affecting him too. Oh no doubt. She saw the bags under his eyes grow darker with every passing day. Rae tried to cover her own with a bit of make-up, not wanting to give Eric the satisfaction of actually seeing his plan take a toll on her.
But in Eric’s mind, he knew she would be the one to break sooner or later, because damn him if he was nothing but disciplined.
Another long day in Dauntless, and Eric had just finished washing the sweat off his hardened body after a particularly grueling training session. The warm water felt good running down his skin, although it was no replacement for the warmth of Rae’s body next to his. Shaking the thoughts from his head he wrapped himself in a towel and headed to his locker. Eric reasoned that if he couldn’t sleep, might as well do something useful, hoping the exhaustion would also help his body and his mind find some rest in his bed. His...bed. Not hers.
This past week had been harder than he thought. His sleep schedule wasn’t great before the arrangement, but without his human hot water bottle snuggling into him at night, sleep came harder to him than it had ever done in the past.
But there was no freakin way he was going to cave in first.
Erica slammed his locker door shut, but when he did he found Rae behind it. One hand on the neighboring locker and other on the belt of her dark grey cargo pants, with her eyes locked to the floor.
“Okay so maybe you did see something.”
“Oh did I.” Eric drawled sarcastically, flipping one of his towels over his shoulder. Rae raised an eyebrow, chalking up the extra flare to the lack of sleep. “And what was that?”
“Look dude, you can’t expect to snuggle up to a girl shirtless every single night without her getting… ideas. I mean look at you!” Rae gestured at him wildly exasperated, to which Eric raised an eyebrow, chalking up her flare to her lack of sleep.
“What about me?”
Rae then slitted her baggy eyes at Eric, trying to pierce through his questioning gaze to discern if he was actually that oblivious or just wanted to embarrass her more. “Oh shut up you know damn well you’ve got a body I could grate cheese on, and most chicks here drool over whenever you’re in the ring, or just EXISTING.”
“Oh do they now?” Eric smirked as you rolled your eyes. Watching Rae fidget uncomfortably running her fingers through her tousled black hair and then around the back of her neck was definitely a win for him. It meant you were on the ropes.
“Yeah and well look a girl’s got needs and you ain’t hideous so….yknw… cant blame it if I get heated once in a while its just biology!” Rae whined with her shoulders slumped, eyes to the ceiling. Oh Eric loved when he got what he wanted.
She grimaced and tried to avoid his face while she scratched her head. “So we cool?”
“Ask me nicely. I wanna hear you say it.” Eric cut through Rae’s smoke and mirror tactics with a knife. After almost a week and a half of beating around the bush he wanted to hear her get to the point.
“…so can you come over or what?” Rae tiredly asked, defeated and slumped.
“Hmmm…” Eric kissed his teeth as he looked at his beaten opponent up and down. “I’ll have go to with or what.”
And with that Eric brushed past Rae who’s mouth was left wide open, Eric more than pleased with his victory.
“Stupid smartass.” Rae mumbled, slamming the door to her apartment shut, back home late again from another midnight training session. “Thinks he can make me admit shit then walk away like an asshole,” she cursed while throwing her keys at the wall before slamming her bedroom door open.
“Who the fuck he think he is?!” She threw her bag at the wall in a fit of rage, watching it slide down the wall. “Stupid toned ass.”
“Can you keep it the fuck down?”
Rae froze as she turned and finally noticed the figure in her bed, lying on his stomach with a sheet covering his lower half and one pillow half on his face.
“Tryna sleep here.”
Rae stood there like a stunned deer for a minute, watching his bare back rise and fall before shaking herself back into reality. “Thought you said or what.”
“Just get your ass into bed before I drag it in here.”
Without a word Rae took her jacket and socks off, too tired to argue or to play games right now. All she was thinking was that hopefully she could finally get a good night’s sleep with him around.
Rae shifted under the sheet and tried to pull up the blankets and get under his arm, trying to get comfortable, before she felt a hand twitch around her back, feeling her sports bra.
“Nuh-uh, you don’t wear it this time. Take it off.” He pulled the fabric and snapped it back.
Rae gulped. All the other times she slept with Eric she’d always worn a bra, Eric knew this damn well. And he knew she was looking at him with utter contempt but he didn’t care. “You just called me mean names. I feel hurt. It’s the least you could do.”
Rae-Lynn took in an annoyed breath knowing her swearing didn’t mean shit to him. But she did as she was told, sitting up, and taking her bra off. Rae threw it heatedly against the wall, Eric not missing the smack of the battered fabric.
“It’ll just be uncomfortable anyways, I’m just tryna help you.”
Rae rolled your eyes in the darkness as she put her singlet back on and settled back under the sheets. “Sure you are.”
Eric lifted his arm up and turned so he was snuggled against Rae’s back. “See isn’t that better.” He sleepily grumbled, taking Rae’s silence as a reluctant yes.
“You know I would teach you a lesson…” He all but growled, moving his hands dangerously up her torso, making Rae’s breath hitch in surprise when his hands pushed up under her breasts.
“But I’m just too fucking tired. Gnight.”
And before Rae could protest or even react the Dauntless leader was already snoring lightly in her ear. And normally, Rae would have made a fuss, possibly slapped him, or lay awake wondering if that shit was a joke or something else. 
But after a week and a half of almost no sleep, she just didn’t have the energy to even process it. And so, rather than making a fuss Rae decided to leave the sleeping giant be. For now, she was just going to enjoy the fact she had her muscly bedwarmer back.
Taglist: @therealcalicali @themusingofagothicsoul @draconicuchiha @destroyther00f @queentearra @selina122 @chocolatemetalprincess@tomarisela @mbaku-babygirl @laketaj24 @myboyfriendgiriboy @every-jai 
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cries-and-sings · 3 years ago
Pienso en ti
so recap of last week...
I missed him like crazy. I missed his quirky butt. But I did not miss his nasty habits. I messaged him to see if he wanted to have dinner, but he was busy. I keep thinking that I can fix him. Whatever that means. That things can be different. That he will clean, shower without me having to tell him. That he will do his laundry. That he will help me clean. Ahhhh. Part of it is that Im baby hungry. A big part of it is also worried that he will not find someone. I felt guilty. 
I keep telling myself that he found a girl he liked. a girl he introduced to his family. I know that it was to mask the pain but still. Here I am from time to time feeling guilty. 
 I haven’t been as interested in dating as of lately, post John lol. I don’t think he liked me, I think he was lonely and horny. It’s okay though because I definitely did not like him but I was most definitely horny too. He was good looking, but goddamn, he made me cringe too much to actually like him. I had a hard time relaxing intimately with him. Cuddling was so awful. It reminded me of me being akward as fuck with Anton back in 2009. 11 years ago damn. I didn’t like him touching me. I guess I just don’t like that in general. And that’s what I missed about JC too. He was so warm and we cuddled perfectly. 
Online dating is too shallow though. Guilty of that myself, I know. But how do I get to know a person just by texting. lol.
Looking back at it he did like me, I think it’s just my insecurities lying to me. 
I’m good though. I’ve been counting my blessings as of lately. It’s not that I was ungrateful or only looked at the negative, I just did not feel good, ah yes that’s the difference. It’s easier to know and feel what you have going for you when you’re not fucking depressed. The bad things, or life in general, feel heavier. I think I’m coming out of it though. 
Work has been better I think. anyways enough for tonight. 
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odxrilove · 3 years ago
My iconic emoji 😩☝️ is this “ 🦊 ” i would like to take it thank you very much😏👌
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THAT DOES SOUND FUN, IM GLAD YOU HAD FUN :D AND THAT'S GREAT SO VV HAPPY FOR YOU, YES ACE THOSE CLASSES ‼️‼️‼️OOO YES TELL ME WHEN THEY ARRIVE, I WANNA KNOW WHO'S PCS YOU GET >:)) and i wanna buy noeasy, thrilling (tbz) and fever part 3 (ateez) AND dimension dillema for christmas too :(( but i'll have to see if i save up enough.
OOO👀 i'll read some of your writings when i wake up tomorrow 😏👌 OK IMMA ACTUALLY GO TI SLEPE NOW GNIGHT AND ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR EVENING KAJDKSJDHJ💞💞💞💞 sobs in it's already 2am when i send this Ksnkakj😭💀
anyways moving on- YES DO PLEASE !!! I WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINION !!! SLEEP WELL BABY AND HAVE A GOOD DAY TMW (sleep now or ill bonk you in the head 🔨)
0 notes
blole-hack · 3 years ago
my thoughts on my straight male friend's yaoi recommendation
i love how my straight male friend is the one who's recommending yaoi to me and not the other way around AHAHAHAHAHAHA
he was talking to my female friend about it so i asked whaddup, then he told me the title
then when i checked i was like "okay this is actually interesting because *spoiler spoiler*"
they dont talk about plot the entire time of course but like literally their goals, the plot, it's so tied to them personally therefore also tied to their relationship so it's COMPLETELY RELEVANT i mean duh the plot is like that, that's the point of a yaoi,,, i think. as you can see i'm not used to this genre
ahem anyway it's good i love it it's great. friend has great taste. i told him it was heal he was like "i feel like it's so healthy" and im like DUDE IT SO IS. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IM LOOKING FOR
i wont say what it is yet though because i didnt finish it yet (or at least, i havent finished what's up so far, since it's ongoing)
but yeah HIGHLY RECOMMEND even if whoever's reading cant even know what im recommending hAHAHAHAHAHAA okay bye gnight
0 notes
zeoia · 7 years ago
I don’t know if she was handling it poorly or we were handling it poorly, but needless to say, it didn’t go well. 
She was paranoid, I was sleep deprived and then later very distraught because of my own personal health issues. 
Long chatlog under readmore. Again, I don’t know how to interact with someone with borderline personality disorder. I’m not going to pretend to know how it works. I could have been saying all the wrong things. It doesn’t work the same as my depression/anxiety. So I very well could have been the awful person in this scenario. I don’t know. I just know she needed help. 
After everything, I ended up with this in my FB
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HER-Yesterday at 11:02 PM
I don't know hwat I've done
I don't know
I don't know
I need to know
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm a terrible person
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Did you always talk about negative things
HER-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
She said she didn't mind
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Not true
HER-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
that she could handle me
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
Even if people don't mind they can still be tired out by it
HER-Yesterday at 11:03 PM
I don't know what I did
She was going to visit
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
I don't see you as a bad person
HER-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
I've been saving coins
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
Calm down
HER-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
You are jumping to conclusions
HER-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
I will talk to her just calm down
HER-Yesterday at 11:04 PM
What if she removed you too
I didn't meant to upset her
I didn't know I had
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:07 PM
She's not online right now so I can't do much until she shows up. If she does for me. Like you said she might have unfriended me too
HER-Yesterday at 11:07 PM
But why#
She was going to visit
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:08 PM
I don't know
Last I talked to her was in May
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
I don't understand
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
I don't talk to her often enough to know, alright?
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
I  don't  understand
People keep telling me they won't hate me
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
Worrying is not going to help
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
but they do!
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
Stop it
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
You are jumping to conclusions again
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
No I'm not!
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
Yes you are
HER-Yesterday at 11:09 PM
She just stoped my call
I know she did
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:10 PM
HER-Yesterday at 11:10 PM
I tried to phone
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:10 PM
Did you try to call her on here
HER-Yesterday at 11:10 PM
I called her phone
2 rings
hang up
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:10 PM
Did you think about the fact that maybe it's kinda late to be taking phonecalls
HER-Yesterday at 11:11 PM
Is that too late?
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:11 PM
For me yeah
After 8 I don't want my phone ringing
Look, she could be busy
HER-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
She hates me
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
Gimme her phone number and I'll call her in the morning
Stop worrying
HER-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
I don't know if she'd want her number given out
I don't know
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
Stop saying negative stuff like that
HER-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
It's true
I know it is
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
HER-Yesterday at 11:12 PM
I've seen it so many times
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:13 PM
If you keep having that mindset
HER-Yesterday at 11:13 PM
I form a connection with someone
They hate me
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:13 PM
If you keep saying those things
You will make them come true
You will push people away
Because of your paranoia it will come off as you not trusting your friends
And nobody wants to be friends with someone if they aren't trusted
Trust in me and [blank] alright?
If she hated you I don't think she would have given you her phone number
HER-Yesterday at 11:15 PM
She gave it before the hate
The hate is recent
I truested [blank]
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:15 PM
Look it's almost midnight here and I'm tired
HER-Yesterday at 11:15 PM
Please don't hate me too
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:16 PM
Give me a log of your last conversation and I'll analyze it and see if there's any reason to doubt [blank]
I want you to stop acting like it's already over
Like I said, if you keep doing stuff like that
Keep saying stuff like that
You will make it come true yourself because you end up deeming yourself unworthy of friends
But you are loved
HER-Yesterday at 11:17 PM
no.. no no.. I don't like doing that
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:17 PM
So stop saying bad things
Stop making it worse
HER-Yesterday at 11:18 PM
It is over tho... I've seen this before
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:18 PM
Try to keep convincing yourself otherwise
I can't keep talking to a brick wall like this. You're unmoving
You really do not want to feel better apparently
HER-Yesterday at 11:19 PM
With Naomi.. with others.. I've tusted they might come back..
I've seen it too often
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:19 PM
Sometimes people grow apart
It's not uncommon
It sucks but it's not the end of the world
HER-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
But we was fine a week ago... I just got worried about the idea of her bringing Bella...
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
I had a friend for nine years
And had to break off the friendship
HER-Yesterday at 11:20 PM
Because she's an illigal breed and I also don't trust her destructivness
Zeoia-Yesterday at 11:21 PM
My brother and his best friend stopped being friends last year. Childhood friends.
They grew apart
It happens
It hurts but it happens
Again I don't know what happened w you and [blank] so I can't say either way
Just give me time
Please be patient
It is almost midnight and I am very tired
June 12, 2018
HER-Today at 12:16 AM
... Another friend was back to add friend too... but I was on the phone to her when I noticed so it was confirmed she didn't hate me... and it must've done it its self..
Zeoia-Today at 12:16 AM
So it's a discord error
HER-Today at 12:16 AM
I don't know
Zeoia-Today at 12:17 AM
I told you that you were jumping to conclusions
HER-Today at 12:17 AM
I don't know
Zeoia-Today at 12:17 AM
Technology does weird shit all the time
Eating messages, removing friends, altering settings
It's not uncommon
HER-Today at 12:20 AM
"Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient."
Goes back to panic
Zeoia-Today at 12:23 AM
If it accidentally removed friends for you then it would also have removed you from her list
Anyway I'm sleepy
HER-Today at 12:56 AM
I don't know if me and the other person were ever friends or just server buddies now
HER-Today at 5:05 AM
You still show as a mutual friend on her thing... it is clear now she hates me and this is targeted at me.. The worst thing is dreaming about it.. waking up and it's still real.
Zeoia-Today at 5:05 AM
Stop it stop it stop it.
Your negative thinking, your constant pessimist views on everything, they're exhausting, even for the people who still love and care about you.
I got a response from her and she told me herself that she doesn't hate you
But your behavior is extremely upsetting
It's exhausting
HER-Today at 5:08 AM
I don't know what I said
Zeoia-Today at 5:08 AM
I don't know either
HER-Today at 5:08 AM
I didn't know she was getting upset
Zeoia-Today at 5:08 AM
Give me a moment I am on mobile
HER-Today at 5:09 AM
She told me if there was problems she'd tell me first
Zeoia-Today at 5:10 AM
I don't hate her. I am managing okay. I unfriended her for my sanity. I've told her in the past what my problem was and she hasn't done anything to stop. I cut her from my life so I wouldn't keep getting upset. I can't demand her to change. I can't expect her to change. I've told her my problem and hoped she would improve. That never happened. What I can do is remove myself from the situation.
If you want you can reassure her that I'm managing okay, I don't hate her, and I already told her my issue. I am removing myself from the situation so I don't keep getting upset. She should accept that and stop dragging others into her messes.
Directly from [blank] herself.
HER-Today at 5:10 AM
I don't understand
Zeoia-Today at 5:11 AM
look I just woke up to go to the bathroom but I decided to check on you before going back to sleep
Excuse me for being blunt but I'm not sure beating around the bush is going to help.
You need a lot of mental help from a counselor. Your behavior makes people very upset. You are always talking about bad things and are always upset about something.
HER-Today at 5:14 AM
I can't think what promote
Zeoia-Today at 5:14 AM
I don't hate you. I don't think anyone hates you
I am telling you right now
Stop thinking. Stop typing. LISTEN.
HER-Today at 5:15 AM
She told me she was able to handle it better
Zeoia-Today at 5:15 AM
She thought she was
Stop typing
Do not make any more thoughts with your brain on the subject
[blank] is a strong person. She has been through a lot of shit. But even when people are strong, there are some things that weigh them down and they will wear a smile anyway, even if they are hurting
I'm in a similar situation with someone where I have to limit contact for my fucking sanity
I don't hate them. There wasn't just one instance of a problem
Just overall we don't mix well
Until you get help, you are probably going to end up pushing people away again
I don't want to upset you. I don't want you to think that I hate you
But I have to be honest
You keep saying stuff like "it's going to happen, I know it" and inviting yourself to just fucking fulfill that prophecy
HER-Today at 5:21 AM
She proved it
Zeoia-Today at 5:21 AM
Get. Some. Help.
See a counselor
HER-Today at 5:21 AM
Zeoia-Today at 5:21 AM
Your friends are not counselors
HER-Today at 5:22 AM
They see me all fine.
Zeoia-Today at 5:22 AM
What kinda fucking bullshit counselors are you seeing that don't see that there's a problem
HER-Today at 5:23 AM
They don't see me on the floor screaming because I've got emotional intensity disorder
Zeoia-Today at 5:23 AM
I DEMAND you to go looking into more counselors
I DEMAND you to show them our chat log from today
Like, save this chat log. Fucking save all of it
I want you to get better because at this rate you are going to believe yourself into a permanent state of"the whole world is against me"
HER-Today at 5:26 AM
I want to talk to [blank]... We was going to do adventures... she told me we'd do adventures... does she think I was being emotionally manipulative.. that was her big issue before..
I'm already there
Zeoia-Today at 5:29 AM
Yeah, you are emotionally manipulative. I'm sorry for being honest but you are literally right here right now, in my direct messages, demanding to know what you did to make [blank] upset. You are extremely clingy from what I can tell, and it is probably because you have abandonment issues.
This behavior probably upsets [blank] a lot more than you think because she just got out of a very toxic relationship with someone. Y'know. The one where she had to move because she was abused
HER-Today at 5:30 AM
I know
But I can't even think when I was doing it
Zeoia-Today at 5:31 AM
I'm aware
That is your problem.
You don't realize when you are upsetting people
You don't know how manipulative you can get. You are tugging at me currently, because [blank] is no longer there for you
I didn't just go through a terrible divorce with a manipulative lying prick so I can handle your manipulative behavior a bit better
But you have to fucking get some help
Do not just give up
Look at it like a video game. Do you get further in a video game just by being all like "oh, the characters told me I can't go this way even though it's the only way to the next area"
You need to get better and the only way you can get better is to demand that someone fucking help you
Who is currently in your life right now? IRL I mean.
HER-Today at 5:35 AM
No. I do give up. I can't do this. I can't do this screaming.. I didn't try to manipulate her into anything. I always told her things were ultimately her choice. Yes I got upset with the dog idea but it was still ultimately up to her. I just might've liked her to stay elsewhere...
Zeoia-Today at 5:36 AM
You are too upset all the time
HER-Today at 5:36 AM
It comes with the fucking disorder.
Zeoia-Today at 5:36 AM
I know that
And you need to get more help for it
Don't tell me they won't help
Because I know there's someone out there who can and will help
HER-Today at 5:37 AM
The government has cut their resources so much
Zeoia-Today at 5:38 AM
Okay? I live in shit hole America where we have to pay out the ass just to get a fucking checkup
Use your fucking resources.
HER-Today at 5:38 AM
I'm fucking trying
Zeoia-Today at 5:39 AM
You are on the internet right now
Google shit. Look for local support groups.
Look for meetups..group counseling. Something
I can't do this for you
I'm also mentally ill
My mother is mentally ill
My mom went through abuse and is also manipulative and doesn't always see what she does wrong
HER-Today at 5:41 AM
calls 999
Zeoia-Today at 5:41 AM
But she still has her shit together to the point where she can try to get some fucking help
What city do you live in
I'll Google shit for you but don't depend on me to do everything for you
HER-Today at 5:42 AM
Crawley west sussex
Zeoia-Today at 5:42 AM
Because if I end up having to babysit you, you will in fact end up pushing me away
HER-Today at 5:43 AM
I'm getting a bloody ambulance
Zeoia-Today at 5:45 AM
What is your disorder
I'm going to make our conversation publicly available and ask around for help because I really don't want you suffering like this
HER-Today at 5:46 AM
Zeoia-Today at 5:46 AM
Borderline personality disorder?
HER-Today at 5:47 AM
Zeoia-Today at 6:00 AM
I will try to find someone who is also living with borderline personality disorder
But is taking steps to get better
Because it's clear to me that you are not
And I don't know how to handle someone who has the disorder
I made a post but I will try again later. We aren't going to see instant results
This shit takes time
But you yourself need to try to get hel
You have to want to get better
Again, I don't know how to deal with the disorder so I'm probably not the best person to be telling you what to do
But there are plenty of other people out there with the disorder you can talk to and get help from
But I'm not one of those people
I must sleep. I have been getting headaches due to lack of sleep. Good night.
HER-Today at 6:10 AM
I'm in an ambulance being taken to see an emergency psych
It was the only way I could think to get help now
The thing is they take so long to see you I'll be slightly calmer when they talk to me. Then decide I'm ok..
I'm scared of things being public.. they'll think I'm stupid
HER-Today at 9:25 AM
Been given the mental health line number (again) and a thing to calm me down and sent home. No follow up.. but they think my GP should review my medication.(edited)
https://sussexrecoverycollege.org.uk/ Also this..
Zeoia-Today at 12:02 PM
I can't today. Please don't keep messaging me about your problems today. I need help. I'm suffering and hurting and I won't be able to see an affordable doctor for three fucking months. I'm sorry but I just don't have the mental stability to deal with both of our problems. Not right now.
Zeoia-Today at 2:03 PM
I’m not going to be responsible for anyone else’s emotions, actions and behaviors. It’s impossible. I have pointed out the problem previously to her. I will not keep myself in a situation that constantly hurts both of us. I can’t change her but I can change the situation.
I don’t like the statement about being her favorite person. It’s a type of manipulative wording used in the guilt game. I don’t play that game. HER is the only one who can fix this and it is her choice to make and act on. I suggest you don’t try to talk me into ‘fixing things’ because if it’s worded like the above statement I am going to get annoyed.
[blank] told me this. And I told you the same thing. You need to help you.
Anyway do not respond to this. I really don't want to talk about your problems right now because I'm in a super shitty health situation and the last thing I need is something stressing me out to the point of hospitalization.
https://www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org/s4s/WhereILive/Council?pageId=988 Hi - this is a link to information re Mental Health Services in West Sussex, hope it helps. Your friend can call the Samaritans on 116 123. Hope it all works out.
Zeoia-Today at 6:27 PM
"One of doggos turned out to be a professionally trained service dog. Eddie wasn’t a perfect match but he helped me so much. I had to put him down on the 31st of May. I’m trying to train my other doggo (a pittie) to do some of the similar tasks. I mentioned bringing Bella with me when I go to the UK (pitties are banned there). She freaked out and tried to manipulate me into not keeping my doggo with me. I had put down my service doggo the other day and I was hurting so badly. I told her to drop it, that’s my problem. She complained to others who called her out for being selfish. I do my DnD with friends on Friday nights. She tried to call me and tried to get me to drop DnD to calm her down from a meltdown about being called out for being selfish. After that she still didn’t drop it and called Bella an illegal dog. I was so hurt and disappointed. I got livid. I avoided her for over a week because I knew I would lash out and be mean to hurt her. She kept trying to contact me with increasingly manipulative statements until I finally blocked her before I hurt someone. I had talked to her before about my issues with manipulation. I tried to wait and calm down. I am done with that kinda treatment. Now you know what made me so mad."
From [blank] herself.
She tried to explain. And I tried to tell you. But it's like it goes through one ear and out the other. You need serious help from mental health specialists. You can't keep on attaching to people the way you do because it hurts them.
HER-Today at 6:28 PM
I had paranoia about the dog.
Zeoia-Today at 6:29 PM
Drop the thing about the dog.
Stop focusing on the dog.
HER-Today at 6:29 PM
I was struggling myself
Zeoia-Today at 6:29 PM
That is not the only issue.
[blank] has been through too much shit to be able to handle someone with borderline personality disorder.
She literally just got out of a manipulative and abusive relationship and you are here, saying manipulative things. She tried to be patient with you. But she didn't have to. She tried to because she cared. And she still cares.
But your dependence on her was not healthy for either of you. And if you try to depend on me, I guarantee you I will drop you like a hot pan.
I am not here to be manipulated. I am not here to be used. I am not here to be a counselor. I'm trying to offer advice, but I can't help you seek assistance. Especially when I'm trying to figure out how to deal with becoming physically disabled. So stop it. Just. Stop complaining. Stop trying manipulate other people to deal with your problems. Stop depending on others to do shit for you. Keep going to therapy. Going to groups. Looking up resources. It's your life. You have control over what you do. not me.
HER-Today at 6:33 PM
I was nervous about having a dog!
Zeoia-Today at 6:33 PM
It's not about the dog.
HER-Today at 6:33 PM
It clearly fuckiing started it
Zeoia-Today at 6:33 PM
Let me tell you something.
You say sad and upsetting things a lot.
It is very very tiring.
HER-Today at 6:35 PM
Zeoia-Today at 6:35 PM
no you aren't.
because you aren't in touch with her anymore.
HER-Today at 6:35 PM
She is making shit up!!
Zeoia-Today at 6:35 PM
nor are you in touch with me. get some help.
HER-Today at 6:35 PM
Zeoia-Today at 6:35 PM
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shoezuki · 7 years ago
“Okay, Sero.” Breath in, out, in, out. Their phone was held in their hand, grip tight. The time, 2:45am, glowered down at them. Their blankets were pulled tight up to their head, covering their ears and hair, just their face exposed to the night air. One arm was pinned under their own body, already tingling.
“C’mon, Sero,” their chest felt tight. Their eyes were pinned to the already written text.  “Don’t chicken out again. Just fucking do it.”
They clicked send before they could even think about it, screeching the instant they realized they sent the fucking text, and throwing their phone across the room.
It hit the far was with a thump, light tracing around the room as it felt into the heap of dirty laundry Sero couldn’t be bothered to find the time to wash.
They stared at the light, counting down in silence.
Sero’s heart was thumping.
They could think of two responses, both extreme.
One, where all his loving, supportive friends embrace him with open arms, tears in their eyes sparkling like stars, and weeping about how much they love and support them as they are. (Yes, Even Bakugou. Extreme, right?)
Or , they’re instantly shunned. Cut off from the group in the blink of an eye. They’re abandoned.
No matter how many times Sero tells themself it’s ridiculous, (after all, most of their friends aren’t straight) the idea always comes to mind. It chews and bites at them.
It’s obvious which they’d prefer.
But, Sero’s never had the guts to even bring up gender stuff before. They only know one person they can even talk to about that. So what if--
Sero vaults out of bed, stumbling across the floor and smashing their knee into the floor at the notification. They grab it and sit down on the ground, unlocking their phone, opening right into the group chat.
Ducktape [2:48am]: hey yall jus saying that im not actually a boy i want to be nonbinary okay love yall gnight everyone
Alien Queen [2:50am]: aaaawww love u too boo <3 have a good slep
Okay that’s… neither of the things Sero thought of.
They frown at their screen, sliding back until they feel their back hit the edge of their bed. “okay…” they hums, teeth digging into the inside of their cheek. “ashido that’s… okay.”  The anxiety that had been coiling in their gut all day, bitter and sickening, had made room for something more empty.
The group chat starting going off in spurts. Sero read every text.
Sparky [2:53am] yall seriously goin to bed NOW??? when the nights still young?? Weak i tell you !!! WEAK
Shadow_Blade [2:54am] youre one to talk
Alien Queen [2:54am] haha toko got ur ass kaminari
Sparky [2:54am] D:
RedRiot [2:55am] guuuyyysss stop being so LOUD sero is sleeping. Cool it with the group chat
Alien Queen [2:55am] oh hhey kiri i been meanin to ask hows ur workout routine? Ive noticed a change
RedRiot [2:57am] oh my god okay really??? Omg im glad ! I actually swapped it up a bit u see im tryin to focus more on my legs n have doubled my daily squat and lunge count. Not to mention bumped up my time for doin some plank based exercises. That killed me the first few days haha but i used to always focus more on my arms shoulders n back so i figured swapping some of it up a bit would be good for me and i guess it has been!!! :D
Bakugou Katsuki [2:57am]: holy fuck shut your fucking mouth we don’t need some god fucking bullshit essay about your muscles at 3 in the morning you ass
jEARrou left the group chat
“they didn’t mention me coming out once.” Sero scrolled up, down, and back up again. “Did they even read my text?”
But they were saying goodnight… they frowned. Did they only read part of it? Did they ignore that part? Why would they do that? Would they rather ignore this part of me than accept me?
But that couldn’t be right. For all they knew, they were overreacting. Maybe the idea of someone being nonbinary was so casual to them, that’s why they didn’t address it. Maybe it’s nowhere near being a big deal, like Sero thought it was. Maybe Sero had no reason to spend hours and hours hiding in their room, rewriting a simple text over and over again.
At least… they’re not rejecting me, right? Sero frowned even deeper: no response is… better than a bad response, I guess.
No matter how many times they thought it over, that thought didn’t feel right.
They were just getting back in bed, pulling the covers back up and curling into themselves, when their phone went off.
Sero looked at his screen, raising his eyebrows at the text sent directly to him in private.
TWINKle [3:04am]: aaaaaaaa !!! My friend~~~ you came out!!!!
TWINKle [3:04am]: you DID it!!!!!
TWINKle [3:05am]: ohohh my dearest is all grown up,,, oh how proud i am…
“Aoyama,” Sero offered a dreary smile, sniffling and shaking their head at their friend. They dragged the heel of their hand over their damp eyes, snorting a laugh before responding. 
Ducktape [3:07am]: yep haha. Finally worked up the nerve
TWINKle [3:07am]: nice to finally get it off ur chest, no?
Ducktape [3:08am]: yeah but like. No one responded to me. Or the Coming Out part anyways
TWINKle [3:09am]: ahahah dont fret about it. Give it time to set.
TWINKle [3:12am]: or im sure everyone is just tired.. 
Sero was certain they nearly chewed a hole through his cheek.
They stared at his text, (but it is so important to me. Should i not want at least a response?) deleted it before it could send, typing out a quick ‘goodnight’ instead and trying to let the disappointment sink through their body.
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bokunoheroimagines · 8 years ago
i loved those deaf!reader requests, and got inspired to send one of my own since i really relate with them,, um any headcanons for kuroiro with a deaf reader, or a scenario? either is fine!! thank you!! i just love this boy sm
((heeey i’m glad you liked them!! i was worried about writing those accurately and non-offensively, so i’m glad it looks like i’ve succeeded for the most part. Anyway, I wanted to do this one in a chatroom of sorts to make the communication a little easier, so the reader’s deafness is more of just a thing about them as opposed to their whole personality. Also, Kuroiro’s a beautiful idiot. Enjoy!))
{[Kuroiro]: Can u read lips anyway?[Name]: can you?   not all deaf people can read lips kuroiro it’s just helpful   and anyway I can’t always see your mouth so[Kuroiro]: What do u mean u can’t see my mouth      I have a perfectly normal mouth thank u}He didn’t like to admit it, but Kuroiro looked forward to this part of the day as his favorite time. You were less reserved in print, quicker to talk to him. It made sense, of course, since you couldn’t hear him when he spoke to you, but he wasn’t completely used to the type of communication you had to use in day to day life. In writing, you were more outgoing, more snarky. Snarky enough to make some sort of crack about his mouth, anyway.{[Name]: you’re hard to see sometimes! it’s just true![Kuroiro]: It’s tru but that was cold[Name]: i mean honenuki would probably be worse but   you’re hard to read sometimes too[Kuroiro]: Ok ok fine ur right     Ur turn[Name]: uhhhhhhh okay   what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done to get a good picture?}Kuroiro thought for a moment. His little photography hobby had gotten him into some fair trouble before, but there were a few stories you might like that he could tell.{[Kuroiro]: Ok so down the street from me there’s this dog      If he barks really loud he can create like portals and shit right[Name]: YEAH I KNOW THAT DOG HE LIVES NEXT DOOR TO ME AND HE’S AN IDIOT   HE PORTALED INTO MY HOUSE TO STEAL A HAMBURGER BUT MISSED AND GOT   STUCK ON THE ROOF   is he really that loud it never bothered me[Kuroiro]: U can’t hear anyway but yeah he’s super fucking loud}Oh, so you lived nearby. Kuroiro felt his cheeks turn blue at the thought of walking you home, holding your hand on the way there, kissing you goodbye at your doorstep… He was getting off track.{[Kuroiro]: So I wanted a picture of this dog like going through one of his portals right? Because it      looks cool af[Name]: yeah obviously so what did you do[Kuroiro]: So… I may have… tried to strap a camera to the dog…[Name]: NO[Kuroiro]: And it /might/ not have been my camera     Long story short ur neighbor’s dog hates me and I broke my sister’s camera.       .   but I got a rlly good pic out of it}He could practically hear you laughing on the other side of the screen. You knew that dog and while you may have been unfamiliar with how goddamn loud it was, he was sure you knew how destructive it could be.{[Name]: i didn’t know you had a sister! what’s she like[Kuroiro]: She’s in college. Loud, friendly, expressive. U know[Name]: wow she doesn’t even sound related to you[Kuroiro]: ur so mean 2 me[Name]: i’d love to meet her sometime}Kuroiro froze. You wanted to meet his family? Was he dreaming? You actually liked him enough as a person to foresee a future in which you would possibly meet his family.He jumped back to the keys quickly to keep you from worrying.{[Kuroiro]: Haha u won’t be able to see her mouth v well either[Name]: you could translate for me if you want[Kuroiro]: ur right. My entire family’s kind of loud and rambunctious[Name]: so… you could say you’re…   the black sheep?[Kuroiro]: U know what. U’ll get along just fine.[Name]: so i can meet them then!!![Kuroiro]: Yes FINE u can meet my sisters     I have 5 of them[Name]: jesus christ babe that’s a lot of sisters[Kuroiro]: …     Did u just call me babe}If he wasn’t blushing before, he definitely was now. Did he ask you out at some point and then forgot about it? Because it was starting to feel like it.{[Name]: ya what about it    anyway it’s like midnight get some sleep pretty boy i’m going to bed[Kuroiro]: gnight [Name] don’t let the dog keep u up[Name]: i can’t hear the fucking dog Kuroiro[Kuroiro]: that’s right.[Name]: lol goodnight Kuroiro   love you  wait fuck[Name] has logged off.}
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