#okay so when they kiss. okay what then. thats it. boo
splattacks · 5 months
i dont get people complaining about the slowburn on the green yuri manga but then again it might be an ace thing
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fairykazu · 5 months
is he a dog or a cat? with childe masterlist ++ cw: this is f!reader but can be read as gn, crushing && requited feelings.
the way he trailed behind you like a lost puppy during lunch; it almost made you feel pity for him. key word, almost. whatever he tried to pull during english today wasn't cool but you didn't mind it. but the way, he's acting behind you, he instantly regretted it.
but if you think about it, childe’s like a dog, fiercely loyal to the bone and willing to do anything to prove himself. he’s kind of stupid, not in a bad way of course. it’s just sometimes he acts without thinking, swinging his fists instead of using words as a weapon. other times he’s more akin to an orange cat with the way he acts, it’s like he turns off his brain whenever he hangs out with you. 
you remember when you two were playing a game of hide and seek, in your defense, he started it! he bet he could’ve found you within a minute. could he? yes, but that’s beside the point, he attacked your honor! you juked him by running to a fork, throwing a rock at a dead end and running in the opposite direction. when he reached the forked alleyway, he heard the rock in the other side, running at the speed of light. then he knocked his head against the dead end. but did you win? 
yes, that’s the most important part (an obvious lie).
…childe was fine after he hit his head of course, after you rushed towards him, helping him up. he sat on the cement floors as you circle around him with questions, checking if he was bleeding. “ajax, are you okay?” 
he was smiling like a cheeky dog, basking in the attention you gave him. if food wasn't something he'd consume, affection would definitely be his go-to. “of course, i am when you’re with me.” 
he chuckled as you rolled your eyes, punching him playfully in the arms, "okay, from that reaction, you seem to be in good shape to me."
he let out a gasp. he fixed up his attitude, immediately switching his personality from being cheeky to being solemn, tearful even. "oh, name! my forehead hurts so bad."
you tilted your head, well, it's better to play along with his antics than to ignore them. otherwise, he'd keep it up. "oh no." you dryly replied, "do you need a kiss for your boo-boo?"
childe looked up in your direction, breaking his character a bit. he was stuttering out, his freckled cheeks flustered, "really?" he cleared his throat. "i mean, ahem, i believe thats the best way for me to heal."
it was clear that childe wouldn't believe that you would go with the kiss. but as always, he knew if he riled you up enough, bruise your ego to prove him wrong, it could happen.
maybe... well, he hopes. "...yepp!"
“if you say so, ajax.” 
he was flustered to the point his neck reddened, he didnt think it would be this easy. you leaned in close and he squeezed his eyes. but it wasn’t even a kiss, just a brief press against his skin but still he stumbled around his words, “thank you… that would surely, i mean, i know that confidently that would certainly– i mean, i know that would make me heal.” 
he’s trying to play it off as cool but internally, he knew he fumbled so bad. who says that? 
“uh-huh, c’mere, let me take you to the nurse.” 
“oh okay!” 
huh… well, he’s kind of a mix of those animals. but how do you describe that? would he be that one show, dog-cat or cat-dog?  youve seen him in a different light before but he rarely shows you what that side looks like. only once you’ve seen him as the fearful delinquent and never again.
“childe, why are you following me? don’t you have other friends?” you asked, turning your heel to stop abruptly, facing him. thankfully the road you took to go home doesn't have any crowds. otherwise, this situation could be taken in the worst way possible. childe rested his head on your shoulder, you could feel the ambience to dampen as you met his ocean eyes. 
he looked back at you, “well, name, your bodyguard is here to protect you.” 
you rolled your eyes, “really, thats your excuse.” 
his gaze only stayed on you, “mhm, and as your bodyguard, you need to be safer around these parts.” 
“so you’re a cowboy now.” 
“no? well, i just want to say something.” 
okay, maybe a cat? 
“go on.” 
“you know in english where i acted… weird..” oh yeah, you remember now. if you recall, he was acting off. more flirty than normal, did you hate it? not exactly… but does he really need to know that? not right now. 
“there was this group of guys who were talking about you like you were an object as if you were just the girl of the week. so that’s why i was acting like we were dating. and don’t worry, i did use my words…” 
“that’s cute of you but you also fought them didn’t you?” 
“you called me cute?” 
“that’s what you focused on???” 
“that’s besides the point, you think im cuteeee.” 
“sure whatever you want.” 
he’s a dog that’s for sure. 
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months
Okay but hear me out Hotch's love language is acts of service. That man is a caregiver and maybe I'm projecting because I'm currently taking care of my own stitches but like if you were hurt in the field and got cut by a knife or something he would absolutely go out of his way to clean your wound and rebandage you as needed. Or like if you burnt your hand grabbing a hot pan or something while you guys were making dinner 🥲 he's just so soft
Yes. Absolutely. This is literally him.
Aaron’s always gonna blame himself, no matter if it really is his fault or not; so taking care of you in any way, shape, or form is always gonna be an opportunity Aaron will take.
Even if you aren’t dating Aaron still wants to help patch you up because thats just the kinda guy he is :))
im giggling thinking about being in a relationship woth Hotch and him sitting you down to rewrap a bandage, put vaseline or aquaphor on your stitches, or even putting ointment on a burn.
Boyfriend!Hotch fawning over tou after you burn yourself making dinner for you, him, and Jack!!!!!!! He would undoubtedly drop everything and run over after hearing you hiss in pain and cuss quietly (he admires how you try not to cuss in fromt of Jack). “Oh, honey,” he’d coo and pull you over to the sink. I NEED HIM TO CALL ME ‘HONEY’, YOUR HONOR.
Can you imagine him kissing the bandage too after you cracked a joke about him kissing Jack’s boo-boos?? 😥😥 i actually need him.
imagine you just got cut by an unsub:
It wasn’t Hotch’s fault, no matter how much you tried to reassure him as the medics stitched up the admittedly deep cut on your thigh.
The unsub, you tried to reason with him, was just a hunter with very good aim and a warped mind. But Hotch wouldn’t have it. He literally wrapped your arm over his shoulder so he could walk you out to the medics, paced on the ground outside the ambulance, and refused to let you drive to the plane and hotel without him.
So that’s where you are now: opening your door for Hotch and Jack to enter your house.
“Hi, y/n!” Jack greeted, throwing himself out to hug y/n’s legs. You patted his back and ran a hand through his hair.
“Hey kiddo,” you greeted, trying to hide the wince on your face before Aaron saw.
But he did. “I, uh, told Jack you got hurt and he… decided he would throw a fit until he came to make sure you weren’t sad.”
That made you smile; yeah, Hotch, blamd it on Jack. “You’re the sweetest, Jackie-boy. No way any one could be sad around you,” you practically sang, picking the boy up. “Come in, Hotch. I see that first-aid kit you have.”
Hotch pretended not to see the way you favored your uninjured leg over the other when you set Jack on the couch, already knowing what movie he wanted to watch.
“Hey,” you said finally, “Jack’s watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” You took a seat at the table.
“He was excited about coming to see you,” Aaron admits. “He told me that you’re his favorite because you ‘like Captain America, always have candy, and make sure he’s never sad’, according to him.”
You laugh a little, but your heart is swollen up in your chest like a balloon. You’re Jack’s favorite? “So… tell me why you’re really here, Hotch.”
You pause, seeing Hotch’s eye contact falter. “What?”
“You can call me Aaron. We aren’t at the office, so I don’t see a problem in you calling me Aaron. And my son is on your couch, so…” He trails off, a smile pulling at his lips.
You think you can feel little a butterfly volcano erupt in your stomach. You’re hot boss is smiling at you. Inside your house. “So,” you start again, voice quieter this time, “why are you here, Aaron?” You want to scream. Hotch’s name on your tongue felt foreign but you really wanted to get used to calling him by his first name.
“I wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself after getting,” he paused, thinking of the blood staining your pants when he first saw you, “cut up by the unsub.”
“If you want me to take my pants off, you just have to ask,” you scoffed, tugging down your sweatpants to reveal a bloodied bandage wrapped in gauze. Your shirt was oversized, falling to just above the end of the gauze. “I changed the wrap a couple hours ago, but I got bored and moved some stuff around and it probably started bleeding,” you explained, watching Aaron pull set your leg on the chair he was sitting in to rewrap your injury.
“Y-This is okay?” He asked, large hands hovering directly over your skin.
After nodding, you swallowed as you watched Aaron carefully unwrapped the thin gauze and inspected the dark red patterns staining the bandage.
He doesn’t say a word as he rips the bandage off, not saying a word when he feels your hand fly to his shoulder for support- something that makes him flush a little.
“Aaron, I can do it mysel-“
“Let me take care of you,” he interrupts, looking up at you with those puppy dog eyes that he does so well and you know you’d listen to him if he told you to rip your heart out of your chest and give it to him just because he’s got you wrapped around his pinkie.
Despite the movie in the background, you both fall into silence; afraid to break the silence.
He had to admit, Aaron hadn’t felt so giddy in a while. Even here, on his knees in your home, Aaron found himself once again questioning if he wanted to make a move. He felt you squeeze his shoulder a little as he dabbed some cold ointment on the stitches but he wanted to feel your hands on him. Rewrapping the bandage would be the awkward part: having to get his hands very close to your sex.
“Do you want to do it?” Aaron asked.
“I think you should. I might mess it up or something,” you shrug, clearly lying. But Aaron wanted you to lie.
So carefully, gingerly, Aaron wrapped the guaze over the bandage, hands gliding over your thigh to make sure the thin material would stay.
“Done,” he announced. “Does it feel okay? Not too tight? Too loose?” He asked.
He looked up at you. “y/n?”
“I think… my thigh’s a little sore. You uh, might need to kiss my boo-boo to make sure I feel better.”
A sly smile grew on Aaron’s face while he watched your face turn red and you avoiding eye contact.
So Aaron leaned over and pressed his lips to the sterile gauze, kissing the material covering your skin.
The butterfly volcano had successfully self destructed, making every body part possible buzz at the sight of Aaron leaning over you.
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
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You scrolled through Tik Tok mindlessly on FaceTime with your best friend Saylem in silence, until she broke it.
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 “Nahh what this bitch said she got eczema” she laughed, trying her best to catch her breathe. “Send” you replied smiling, feeling the vibration of your phone in your hand while pressing the message in your inbox. “Get out, how am I making you cry you literally have a hickey on your neck!” The boy with blue sweat pants said, “What do you mean like it’s literally my eczema..” you paused the Tik Tok now screaming and laughing. “NOOO BRO BECAUSE SHE THINK SHE SLICK OH EM GEE THATS A GOOD ONE.” tears now leaking out of your eyes, “wait bitch” you sighed “Imma *gasp* do that to mine and see how he react” The idea made your eyes brighten, “Bitch you smiling like the Grinch right now stop” Saylem said laughing.
 “ Girl I can’t wait, but anyways toodles I have a prank to set up.” “Mwah later boo” she replied hanging up, it was currently 4:56 and your boyfriend came home from work in less than an hour, so you ran to get your vlog camera that sat cutely in it’s red case and began recording. The curls of your lace front bounced while you ran to the kitchen, your orange victoria secret fluffy sweater and shorts set hugged your body, protecting you from the air conditioner. It was hotter than the devil’s ass crack outside, so you knew your boyfriend Eren would be hot and irritated until he took his shower. You pressed record and backed up, “alrighty.. 3..2..1.. HI LAB RATS, welcome back or to my laboratory you already know Y/n the Scientist in this bitch okay so” you interrupted yourself while giggling, covering your hand over your mouth and cackling a bit harder.
 “Ahhhh my bad y’all okay so boom today ima do a prank on my lil boo thang and it’s gonna be this hickey prank, so me and my homegirl Saylem was on the phone and I was telling her.. and then she was tellin me.. hold on lemme remember the conversation.” You paused running to get your phone. “Alright imma show you the tik tok,” laughter escaped at the idea of your boyfriend’s attitude, but you needed to move fast since time did everything but slow down. “Okay im going to be using the Fenty Beauty eyeshadow for a darker effect and then im going to throw on some of this Morphy blush and then put some powder and setting spray because i need this shit to last for real.” You ran to your desk, rummaging through your makeup bag. 
Finally you finished and checked yourself out in your hand mirror, then..the front door unlocked. Eyes widening, you cursed yourself for not setting up the camera, but you had an idea “okay guys” you whispered quickly, Eren called your name, and you heard the confusion in his voice since you weren’t there like usual to greet him. “fuck fuck, imma put yall in my dresser drawer and imma flick the collar of my sweater up, and hide it until he get out the shower, while he in there im gonna set yall up in the kitchen mkay bye.” Basically throwing the camera in the drawer, you did as you said you would and greeted your man at the front door. “Hey baby love!” you chirped as he kissed your cheeks, then forehead, then lips, “whats goin on gorgeous” he smiled, you missed him, and prank aside you did feel a little bad for the headache you were about to bring on his pretty little head. 
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His bun was messy, chains hanging low on his white tee, he had on some simple black shorts, and his  white nike socks rested above his black cats. “Boy you smell like outside..awww my poor baby sweating go wash up” you said kissing his lips, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He placed his pouch on the kitchen counter and nodded, making his way to the bathroom and grabbing a towel on the way there, you listened for the bathroom door and when it closed, you grabbed the camera, ran to the kitchen and set it up in between your red blender, red candle, and red toaster. “Camouflage” you whispered. Maybe the matching appliances wasn’t such a bad idea. After about 20 minutes, Eren came out with a towel over his shoulder, in some grey sweatpants. 
“Boy where are your drawls..” you asked looking up from your phone, you nearly forgot you were on camera. His white teeth showed as he smirked, walking closer to you, lifting your chin up to kiss him. “FUCK THE PRANK IS IN EFFECT” your thoughts were so loud, you felt as if he could hear them, and his sudden halt made your heart drop to your ankles. “Y/n L/n I know that this isn’t a hickey. You are on your period, and your head isn’t big enough to suck on your own neck when your fingering yourself.” “NIGGA?” you sucked your teeth at his remark “man move around, and I dont even touch my private areas..” you said getting fake mad. “Girl you think I can’t hear you in the shower.. and fuck you mad for stop playin wit me I know this shit is make u-“ he said trying to wipe the makeup off with his hand. 
His eyebrows furrowed and looked at you, “babe stop it’s hurting I rubbed my neck too hard in the shower with that exfoliating rag i be using with my African black soap, but my skin smooth and you love that shit” you said in an attempt to butter him up. “Girl bye there’s no way that’s from a fuckin rag” he said now getting serious, “the fuck u been doing all day?” he asked, damn your act could have won you a grammy, but pause.. The fuck is his issue for real? “Wait nigga u think im cheating on you?” you asked getting up, moving his hand away from your neck “Yo I never not one time said that you was, but nah for real what you was doing all day that made you get so defensive?” This joke was no longer a lil jokey joke.. he really thought you would cheat on him for real? I mean in his defense that’s the point of the prank but unless he was pranking you on your own prank, there shouldn’t even be a “if” or “but” leaving his mouth.
 “I was waiting on your ass to get home thats what I was doing” you said rolling your eyes, walking closer to the camera to catch his reaction. “ Eren is a smart boy, so he had you fucked up when he was trailing your ass, actually thinking you did sum. “Nah bro don’t play dumb wit me now the fuck was you doin? The mark is fresh , do I play with you like that Y/n?”  you turned to face him and you decided to play along, just for the camera… “So what if I was doing something, whatcha gonna do about it huh?” you asked crossing your arms over your chest. You gave him some of his least favorite sass, the same bratty attitude he always tried to control but to be honest, no amount of sex would let your mouth stop running, so he was always careful when it came to handling you. “Watch where you throwing that damn attitude. I am not a wide receiver so trust and believe I will throw it right back to your ass. 
When you’re speaking to me, lower your tone.” his hands slid into his pockets. His ass is so sassy like this not-so-nigga wanna be a girl so fucking bad. However, the bulge in his sweats caught your attention..”He don’t got a roll of quarters in his pocket, so I don’t know what the fuck is lookin at me through his pants,” you said to yourself. This was when the realization that the video was boutta turn into a movie..ya know..the ones you get viruses from! “Okay Eren Yeager my deepest apologies,” you said smiling, rubbing your hands together like a teacher during a parent conference. Pointing your hand towards the red camera, his head followed,” My baby boo boo bear sweet cheeks vanilla muffin thick dick baby boy it is indeed a prank” you grabbed the camera quickly and ran for your life. 
Eren didn’t lie about being a wide receiver but damn his ass ran fast, your final words to your audience was “HELP!” as you locked yourself into the bathroom, turning the camera off. “Baby I just wanna talk! Open the fuck up.” Eren knocked on the door, then slid his fingers under the bottom trying to get you, “Nah Gang baby not in here” you put on your manly voice trying not to laugh. The door knob stopped jiggling, but you heard a key enter the door knob and you had no choice but to hide in the cupboards under the sink. “Y/nnnnn where are you…” he asked, “Are you..here?” he said opening the shower curtain to reveal nothing, “I know your little gremlin ass can’t fit in the toilet, your forehead make the toilet seat stand up. His ass so fucking annoying.
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 “Alright n/n you win..”, but then the doors to the cupboard flew open, and your ass so happened to be dragged out. The camera remained in the bathroom but you two were actually boutta make a film of your own, “you finna handle my ass aren’t you bae” you sighed in defeat, “Mhm” he replied before you could even finish, “You tryna make fake ones Imma give you some that you won’t be able to hide”……
If you didn’t already, click on the fuckin red words neow.
OKAY GUYSSSSSS I hope you guys liked this one!!! This was a request from @katsaresokool and like I fell in love with the concept!! Also I won’t be uploading as much cuz classes start next week, but I’m lurkin and watching. Always. ~ 𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ!
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tashasbabe · 8 months
♱ off. — n.n
creds to @s-hyia & @florietas for the dividers!!
𑁤 w/l : substance usage, vomiting, fluff, angst??, profanity!! i think thats all <3
this is not proofread + i didn't use caps on purpose and never will!!
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nicky is a woman who, usually, stays true to her promises. 
“i promise i’ll never use again, baby. please, i can get better, just trust me.”
what a lie. 2 years, down the fucking drain. early this morning nicky stumbled into her bunk, the one that you two shared. it was wayyy too obvious she was using again, and you wanted to break down right there, but you couldn’t. you had to be there for her. 
her lips and fingertips were blue, she looked pale, like she just got done vomiting. she couldnt walk straight, her pupils were dialated, it was so fucking obvious. 
“nicky, baby, c’mere.” you murmured softly, trying your best not to wake the other inmates up. 
“baaaaaabee, hii.. mmhph..” she stumbled over to your lap, in which you caught her when she tripped. “i puked, but i’m okay, i’m okay!!” she whisper-yelled, and you brushed the hair out of her face. you could’ve started crying right there, she was cold, so fucking cold. “that’s good, sweetheart. just.. l’me take a look at you. you tired, baby?” you quietly murmured, holding her in your lap as you checked her out, holding one of her hands in yours. 
“dunno, mamas.. i don’t really feel anything. hmph.” she yawned, at least she wasn't fully out of it. you kissed the top of her head, “okay, babe. okay..” you sighed, rocking her gently on your lap.
“are you sure you're okay, nicks?” you asked softly, a few minutes later, stroking the hair away from her face. “yeah, for the 5th time, i’m okayy.” she murmured, she had slightly calmed down, still bouncy but she didn’t move from your lap. you made the big decision, deciding to tell her. she obviously didn’t know she used. “nicky, baby, you’re cold.” you said, catching her attention. “what’d you mean, mamas?..” she asked softly, grasping your hand in her own.
“did you find heroin? please, dont lie to me.”
“yeah, but i gave it to boo.. i promise.” she whined quietly, she didn’t want you mad at her. “no, you didn’t, you used again.” you murmured softly, pulling her closer to you, her eyes were unfocused, wandering away from your stare. “look at me, baby, just try.” you gently cupped her chin, making her look up at you. 
“did i relapse..? i really did?” she asked softly, she looked like she was about to cry. it had probably been about an hour or two since she relapsed, and she was slowly making her way into withdrawal. “yes, baby, yeah.. it's gonna be okay, though. you did good finding your way back to the bunk.” you smiled softly, your eyes swelling up with tears. she almost instantly started sobbing, which alerted guard bell, 
“keep it down, inmate!” guard bell yelled, standing next to the doors.
“baby, shhh.. it's okay, itttss okaayy..” you murmured softly, trying to soothe her sobs, patting her back gently and bouncing her in your lap. “it's not okay, i’m not okay. mamas, i didn't mean to. are you mad at me?..” she sobbed quietly, hiding her face in your shoulder. none of the other inmates really minded her sobs or cries, they knew she was going through something. “noo, baby, i’m not mad.” you cooed softly, petting her hair. she stopped crying for a moment, then started again. she was sweating, alot. she was withdrawing. “b-babe.. fuck, trashcan!” she sobbed, which caused the guard to yell again, you immediately grabbed the trash can next to your bed though, holding it up to her. she slouched down, vomiting into the trash can. “good girl, let it all out, it's okay..” you soothed, patting her back gently, helping her through it. “all done?” you asked softly after she stopped puking, helping her lift her head, and wiping her mouth with your sleeve. “hmph, yeah, i’m.. done.” she murmured, she was slightly out of it, but still fazed. “mamas.” she grunted softly, and i placed a hand on her stomach, it was rock hard, tense. i rubbed her stomach slowly and gently, making sure i didn't cause her any pain. “that better, sweetheart?” you asked gently, continuing to rub soft circles on her stomach, and she sighed. “yes, baby, thank you.” she murmured softly, slowly adjusting back to her normal self, slooooooowly. 
“good girl.” you murmured softly, helping her lay down slowly, making sure you didn't hurt her. “i appreciate it, mamas.” she murmured quietly, it was painfully obvious she was tired, because she fell asleep almost instantly. “night, babygirl.” you murmured softly as you cuddled up to her, she would be okay, she truly would.
𝜗𝜚 a/n : as a girl that used & relapsed throughout her teenage years, this was particularly hard to write, i sobbed almost the whole way through. when i wrote this, i didnt think about how it would attract attention to using & overdosing. so, i must say that i'm NOT trying to influence drug usage. <3 please, stay away from substances, you truly don't know how bad it can hurt you. i also wanna say that this was longer than i wanted it to be smhh.. buuuttt i hope u enjoy reading it!
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dreamersville · 1 year
heyyy boo🥹🩷 can you do like some hcs or drabbles on how the hashiras would come home to you sleeping at night after a long misson🙏🏾🙏🏾 like maybe they try to like slip in the bed and reader wakes up??...or not- whatever come to your beautiful mind really😩.
preferably with tengen, sanemi, and mitsuri 🤭
thank youuuu❤️❤️
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an? im soooo soo sorry about mitsuri missing, the blanks i was drawing when i seen her name is really insane and thats why it took so long for this to come out ..but she still not in the post..ANYWAYS i hope this was to your liking my love💜 and again i am very sorry for the wait, request are open
pairings? tengen black reader, sanemi x black reader
tw? cursing, mention of a fall lmk if there is anything else
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Tengen — walks in the kitchen/dining area where you were laying at a desk, head in your hands, in what looks like an uncomfortable position. Ink spots on your hands and now face. From the scattered paper on the desk and the numerous ink spots around the desk, he can conclude that you were writing him a letter, again. He walks up to you snorting as you shift to lay your head right next to some ink, quickly stepping in set on stopping your head from touching the ink spot. You nuzzle your face into his hand more chasing the warmth from it. He uses his other hand to brush your braids back from your head, taking a quick glance around the table to see where your bonnet is. Gathering the braids in his hand he maneuvers you better so he could wrap them in the bonnet. Wrapping your braids so that he could place your bonnet on your head, giving your forehead a kiss when he is finished. Makio is probably standing in the doorway watching the scene with soft eyes, a blanket thrown over her shoulder with the intention to place it around your shoulders. She comes over and gives you and tengen a kiss on the cheek, places the blanket over your body as you turn around to curve into tengens body. You always take it the hardest when tengens goes out on these long missions so your wives take it upon themselves to pay more attention to you to make sure that you are okay. Tengen knows this also so you're the first one he seeks out when coming home from a mission. It's in moments like these where he feels lucky to have all of you. You stir in your sleep mumbling about “why tf your gumbo taste like that?” girl- Tengen smiled to himself as he readjust his hold on you as he picks you talking to your yall room so that he could lay you down with the rest of his wives. You shuffle under the covers, scooting closer to Suma looking to replace the warmth you just lost. Tengen maneuvers everyone so that he is in the middle with two on his left and two on his right, extending his arms out so that he could embrace his wives all at once, relaxing once he's sure that you all are all here and accounted for. Releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding in, he hums as he is lulled into a gentle sleep.
Sanemi — comes in from a long mission with a jittering feeling under his skin. Although he's been on longer missions than this one this was the first time he was coming back to you. Discarding his shoes and most of his clothes at the door, he intends to go take a shower knowing how much you dislike “the smell of outside” whatever tf that is, but he wouldn't wanna be on your bad side when he just got back, so he is going to grumble his stinky ass through that good shower, coming out more relaxed than expected. Slightly rushing now that he finally finna be able to get you back in his arms. In his rush he trips over a shirt that you must have taken off before you got in the bed, in a haste to catch himself, he does some of move so that most of the impact from the fall is more so towards left side trying to be as quiet as possible. rolling onto his stomach, he sees your toes mere inches away from his face. You were just going to use the bathroom, you didn't expect to see sanmei there on the floor. Still in your half sleep state you step around sanemi and county on your way to the bathroom. It is only when you're washing your hands and feel the water on your feet that you realize somebody `had used the shower recently but who? It was only you here .. you slowly open the door and see your husband still on the floor, now the dots are starting to connect.. You chuckled to yourself then went and helped him up eager to get him bed now that you realized he was finally back. As you are making an attempt to try and help sanemi, he jumps up and stares at you, until you run into his arms knocking him a few feet back as he has to stumble to fall on his ass again. Sanemi it's time to for you to go back to sleep, but you wouldn't relinquish him from your hold on him so he turn the bathroom light off, leaving the mess of water to dry up and makes his way to your bedroom, maneuvering into the bed in a way that doesn't disturb you since you decided that you were going to go back to sleep now that you had your man in your arms, adjusting you and himself so that you were being big spooned by him. You were laying on right arm while his left was slowly stroking up and down your leg, allowing himself to hold you before he drifts off the dream land
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once again hoped you enjoyed my lovee <33. request are open
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ncityavenue · 2 years
You smack their ass ft DREAM + Sungtaro
"Hahaha! Dude, I mean babe! Dude why would you do that?!"
Thinks it's so funny that he tells everyone about it
Is genuinely tickled by it
But when yall are alone, no more smiley tickled mark– HE'S COMING FOR DAT ASS take that as you please
"Do you wanna die?" Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.
He literally runs after you until he catches you and will smack you ass back but ten times harder
Is your booty okay?😧 (take that as you please)
It will be war.
You didn't know cute little renjun had that in him but all you know is that your ass is sore and you'll never slap his butt unannounced again.
Looks at you like (.◜◡◝)
Because he knows if he retaliates that you will be crying fr fr, FYI he doesn't know his strength
Instead he just asks you with his deep voice, "why now?"
Thinks it's cute honestly but he'll slap your ass back just for a lesson
Straight up moans and tells you to do it again
Becomes even more clingy with you afterwards
He hugs you tightly and is like "AIIIIGOOOO"
He starts slapping your butt as well but lightly
Idk y but he's genuinely happy that you did that?😭😭
*Wingles eyebrows in jaemin*
You think he forgets that you did that but like 20 minutes later when the room is silent he slaps your ass so hard that it echoed
Btw yall are in the dance room so it echoes loud and all the members look at you dying from pain and pleasure
He looks at you like your crazy and says "what happened?"
Just know Jaemin is sneaky with his ass slaps.
Screams. Straight up screams.
"What are you talking about?!" Even though you said nothing?
Bites you. Yes bites you. Where? Anywhere that is the closest to him.
He doesn't slap your ass back he just sits there as if he just didn't just bite you.
You don't do it again because you're scared what he'll do next
Feels betrayed and looks at you as if you committed a crime.
You were laughing at first but now you feel really bad
You hug him and apologize to him but then you feel a giant hand swiftly come down on your butt.
You're really surprised because jisung doesn't even like saying the word boobs he says chest instead but this man just slapped your ass so now you're conflicted.
Then you realize since he's always around boys that he need to defend himself to all the time this is nothing more than defense and not him ruining his innocence.
Would actually move on as if nothing happened
"Why'd you do that?" *in giggles*
You actually never do that again because he's so "uwu" that you refrain from doing it💀
How did you even reach his ass? He's too tall.
He doesn't feel it though, because since he's so tall it felt like a breeze passing by
"Was that you?" *speaking from the clouds*
He looks back at you and says "what are you trying to slap? There's nothing there" (lowkey roasted him a bit but we still love sungchan okay)
You start backing up bc you think he's gonna smack your ass back but he doesn't, all he does is kiss your forehead...
You feel like you just got the whoopin' of your life.
"Love youuu" *goes back to dancing with taro as taro giggles*
I really do not know what this is, all ik is that I'm tryna post.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Thanks for much for tagging me @jrooc @energievie @darlingian @spookygingerr @transmurderbug @mickeym4ndy @iansw0rld <3!!!
Name: Gigi
Age: 24
First Pet? two lovely brindle boxers named chase and lucy that my parents had when i was born. fun fact! they were talking about kids as vague future plans when they got the dogs and my dad mentioned lucy as a nice girls name and my mom haaaated it so when they got the dogs she was like :) shes such a lucy :) to take the name off the table for kids in the future hahah before you ask yes they are divorced now
First Word? no idea! probably the normal stuff, I was a quiet baby but i started talking very early and would not shut the fuck up certified yapper since birth
First Celebrity Crush? Benny from the sandlot movie, iykyk
First IRL Crush? a boy named elliot w very nice curly hair
First kiss? one of my childhood friends emma
First Car? an incredibly shitty grey boxy volvo named nico from the 90's i got for very cheap on craigslist and ran into the ground rip
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? i lived in a dorm for most of college, my freshman year roommate was not fun to live with but luckily first year of architecture school is beyond brutal and i slept (or didnt) in the studio most nights
First time on a plane? when i was an itty bitty baby and my family moved halfway across the ocean
First cellphone? one of those ones that slid to the side to reveal a keyboard. high key miss it
First concert? natalie merchant as a literal fucking newborn what were they thinking
First Foreign country you visited? canada technically. I visited Vancouver as a teenager and was like i want to live here! turns out i did not want to live in vancouver it was just the first city i visited and i love cities. outside of north america the first country I visited was india
First sport you ever played? soccer, since the biggest sport in the world is used to teach american children teamwork *basks in the sound of non-american boos*
First career aspiration? i wanted to be a writer! but coming to the realization that I lack the dedication and interest to actually get good enough to turn it into a career and thats okay was a huge personal development for me
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think "wow" i think there have been a lot of things over the years, but the biggest thing was probably my thesis project, just the scale and volume of work you can produce in a year of nonstop really concentrated and theoretical work is impressive no matter who you are
tagging @mybrainismelted @blue-disco-lights @krysmiss @doshiart @samantitheos @mickeysgaymom @metalheadmickey @mmmichyyy
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
While working at a gas station you get a visit by a particular 'ghost'
Gas Station (Peter Maximoff)
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I walk into the gas station that i work at its boring theres nothing to do but just sit there all shift but i need the money so i guess imma have to endure it
I walk behind the counter setting my bag down in a cubby and walk over to some boxes filled with chips and candy and all that i pick one up carefully before i hear the bell ring i turn towards the door "welcome" i say and look confused when i realize no ones there i guess im losing it i walk over to an isle about to set the box down when something almost makes me fall it was quick almost like wind but theres no wind in here that thats strong
"Hello?" I say maybe its a ghost i mean i believe in ghost but why the hell is there one here? "Hey show urself asshole" i say loudly trying to seem more intimidating "uh okay" i hear a voice say the ghost just talked to me i whip around quickly to be met by not a ghost but a really attractive guy "uh hi im sorry i think im hallucinating" i say giving a awkward smile
I admire his features his silver jacket his handsome face his black shirt and pants and a pair of goggles on his head and his silver hair theres no way thats real
He smiles a bit his dimples showing making my knees a little weak "nope just me messin with you" he says and i look at him confused "what do you mean" i ask the boy "well im just really fast" he says before i know it a flash goes in front of me and the boxes are empty all the food in their place
"What- how did you-" i say before it clicks hes a mutant "mutant" i say and he nods standing there proudly "god you asshole" i say hitting him kinda hard "i thought i was gonna go to a mental ward" i say and he laughs before he pulls out a twinkie from the shelf and starts to eat it "why exactly are you eating that without paying?" I ask "well i just unloaded all those boxes and usually its another person whos in here when im stealing from this place so i think i deserve a twinkie" he says before he takes a bite
I shrug my shoulders "as long as you actually are nice and help around here and there ill let you eat as many twinkies as you would like" i say and his face lights up "alright" he says and i nod sticking my hand out which he takes shaking it his warm hand engulfing mine
I pull my hand back nervously "uhm do whatever you want i need to do some other work around here" i say beginning to walk away "well can i help? I dont wanna be stuck at home and i dont really have anyone to talk too" he says and i turn around smiling slightly before i nod and he excitedly rushes after me and we get some more boxes and he helps put them away and he even helped me wipe down the counters and sweep and mop
I turn to the silver headed boy "thanks for all the help" i say "yeah no problem, the names peter" he says and i nod "y/n" i say and he nods as well "pretty name" he says and a blush fills my face "thanks" i say "well its the end of my shift" i say and he nods understandingly "same time tomorrow?" He asks and i nod smiling "bye peter" i say and he nods before he watches me get into my car and drive away and he speeds away to his house
Its been a cycle now that peters been at my job for maybe 2 weeks now and its finally time for my shift and for some reason im actually excited ive never been excited for this job who am i kidding its because of peter god hes so cute his hair his smile his jokes i just want him all to myself i just wanna cover him with kisses
I drive to the gas station and walk in setting my stuff in the cubby again and i hear the bell ring i quickly look up and see no one i smile before i go to the isles slowly walking through them before i feel something run past me and i turn around quickly but no ones there i keep walking when i feel someone playfully push me i laugh and look around more and eventually peter appears behind me
"Boo!" He says grabbing me which makes me scream and push him before we burst out laughing i go up to him and push him harder "asshole" i say smiling he pushes me back playfully and i push him back before we both are trying to push each other both of our weight on each other if one of us was to let go and walk away the other person would fall forward
I start playfully flinging my hands at him like a 'cat fight' and he does the same both of our hands just hitting each other like kids making me laugh more before i accidentally hit his face i gasp and he stands there shocked for a moment i laugh a bit "peter im so sorry" i say a smile still on my face and i lead him over to behind the counter and sit him down still smiling
I turn his head looking to see if theres a accidental mark "awe poor baby" i say teasingly and he rolls his eyes smiling still i lean down and place a kiss on his head before another on his cheek and before i know it i have his head in my hands his hands gently holding onto my wrists as i kiss his face over and over
I kiss his nose his head his cheeks as well i pull away still holding his head "you okay now?" I say a smile starting to appear back onto my face and he nods softly smiling a bit as well our smiles start to disappear before we both lean in and our lips connect him holding my wrists still my hands holding his head as we kiss each other lovingly turning our heads as well this has to be a dream
We finally pull away and i smile slightly at him a blush on my face making him smile as well "well" i say "yeah" he says "at least gou're a good kisser tho" i say and he smiles more "thanks you are too, does that mean i can kiss you again?" He asks and i nod frantically before we kiss again his plump lips my now new addiction
God hes so adorable...
Heres another onnneee yeah please request and chat with me and follow i hope you enjoy my posts more *mwah mwah mwah* bye i love you my love
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xia0mi-c0m · 1 year
If I Show You My Fangs, Will You tell me That They're Cool?
(Was posted on wattpad, I'm the creator of the oneshot)
Pairings: Angry Munci X Reader
Type: Fluff, Slightly Angsty?? (Kinda, He Just Wants Love.)Reader's Gender: Gender Netural What Reader Is Called (Like Y/N, [NAME], Etc.): Y/N
Also, BOO! Can Be Cringy But I Don't Know. He's Only Thing He Could Really Say Is: "No", "Yes", and tiny words like that, but full sentences? No, He's Mostly Nonverbal Though.Summary: Your Getting Chased By Munci, But Plot Twist: He's Just A Silly Goofy Dude Who Just Wants Someone To Love Him. (YUMMY PROJECTING)
CUDDLING!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Third Person POV. (I been getting tired and less motivated by second and first person writing)
Y/N Was Running Across The Hotel Hallways And Jumping Off The Only Escape And Going in The Elevator Going On Different Levels, Despite knowing Munci is much more faster. Y/N Ran To A Door, opened it before closing the door as quick as they could, they backed away from the door breathing heavily, but that slight relief was then broken down as Munci Went Right Threw The Door, you were just ready to die at this point, accepting your fate, but it didn't happen.The black creature walked in front of them, he looked... Concerned?I don't know but it looked like it.They Looked up at him, confused, they stood up, and just stared."Why aren't you killing me?" He just stood there, tilting his head in confusion, he was scared if he did something that made them think he would hurt them.The creature only wanted one thing, Love.They poked him.The Creature was confused on why they did that.Was he... frightening??..He didn't want to hurt anyone, he backed away, scared if they would hurt him. They were both scared of each other."So you don't really talk, huh?" Y/N said as they step a little closer"No." He saidThey nodded "Frightening?" He said tilting his head "Huh? Like if your Frightening to me?" They AskedHe nodded"Kinda" they saidHe looked down at the ground, sad that he seems Frightening and scary.Love. Thats ALL he wanted.They looked at the ground, feeling guilty about saying he was Frightening, he seemed like a good cool dude, well, creature, but that's besides the point, he was probably really kind but it was him being kinda scary looking that canceled it all out that freaked them out."I'm sorry.." They said as They stepped more closer to him and hesitantly hugging him.He didn't know what to do with their embrace so he just, hugged them back the best he could, they felt warm and their hug was so comfortable and welcoming. The hug was shortly broke when Y/N took their arms off him, he let go too, "You Okay?" Y/N askedHe nodded."Good, Um, Sorry again" they said as they got on the bed that was close to themHe nodded, seemingly to accept the apology.They still looked guilty, Munci could see that clearly, he felt bad for making them seem like that.He got in the bed with them, Y/N Was confused of what he was doing, Munci Hugged Them, putting his arms around their waist like what they did in the first hug earlier, putting his head on their chest, they just froze for a second, but they put their arms around his neck."Sorry.." he mumbled "It's okay" Y/N saidHis hair looked fluffy, so they put their hands in his hair, it was soft.Munci didn't expect them to do that, but it felt nice to feel this, he actually felt loved.He felt loved?.. by a stranger?...He didn't want to believe it.It felt unreal.He was exhausted, from their heartbeat, their hands in his hair, and the comfort, he drifted off to sleep.Y/N's eyes began to feel sleepy too, before they drifted off, they kissed Munci's head, then fell into a peaceful sleep.
my user on quotev is: Love4Gerard
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napoleons-ww · 2 years
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You and your friends do this drinking gathering every friday night because college is stressful. Here you are being the happy ball of sunshine shows your love for Wonwoo everyday telling him you love him so much and would die for him jokingly knowing that everyone knew you have the biggest crush with him. Everyone laughs along with you and teases both of you that night.
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Months later, Seungkwan , Vernon and Chan saw you after your classes finished. "Y/N, come here!" Seungkwan called you. You followed them in the corner of the locker with Vernon and Chan. "What is it?, Boo?" you asked him "I have something to tell you" Vernon gently grabbed you closer till nobody can hear what Seungkwan has to say "What is it? Did you win the lottery?" you joked "No, it's that...Chan saw Wonwoo talking to another girl this morning... " he looked at Chan "I think she's his girlfriend that nobody knew about" Chan finishes the conversation
Vernon stepped in and looked at Chan "But how sure are you that they're together?" "Well.... I stayed a little longer because I don't want to assume anything then I saw them kissed." Chan looked at you and Vernon worriedly. You stared at Chan then looked at the window next to Seungkwan. "Was he smiling wholeheartedly?" You asked Chan still looking at the window. "Yeah..."
You didn't notice that you were already crying when Seungkwan wiped your tears "I'm sorry, Y/N…." Chan apologized and held your shoulder "Are you okay?" Vernon asked worriedly patting your head "Of course! " you held your shaky voice from crying loudly "I mean hey, as long as he is happy and truly in love then thats what really matters, i hope she takes good care of him or else I'll break her neck" you wiped your tears while laughing.
The four of you stayed a little longer in the corner of the locker for an hour til you're feeling alright.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Okay, I've done a little research and replayed 34 episode a few times. Here's what I have discovered:
1) in my play Suresh didn't look at MC when he chose to marry Meera. Probably cuz I've never flirted with him (still! Eddie said same thing about Suresh plan to win MC back)
2) If you pie Suresh he admits he deserved it.
3) if you marry Lulu Suresh has no reaction... But!
4) But if you snog Lulu - he tells something like "maybe you two should couple up" with sad face.
Soo... I'm still pissed FB f*cked up a perfect moment for Suresh's redemption. Still! I can imagine he has something to say after Finn's big speech - it would be second good moment for him to STOP playing the game and confess his true feelings to MC.
But I won't be hoping too much for this.
We'll see I guess... If MC won't be the ONE who'll rise Suresh's heartbeat most - I'll be fuming!
Overall his attitude doesn't make any sense! He must be an asshollest person to torture MC like this with kissing woman he cheated on MC with! Didn't he tried to excuse himself with "I didn't want to hurt you more by telling about my fling with Gabi"??
IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Unless he's a biggest player. Or unless he has some kind of bipolar disorder...
so I actually misspoke its not after Meera proposals, it's after Gabi propose to Suresh he looks over at you.
he does deserve it
GASP!!!! I basically want to get the most reactions from him that I can...so I love this one. With Finn he didnt react at all.
so I dont think he'll do it in the challenge stage after Finn, thats not really his style. I feel like he's going to need to pull her for a one on one after Finn's speech BUT I also can see him standing on the sidelines and not going for MC after Finn's speech. remember what he did with Arlo...BUT this is when heart rate challenge will come in handy, because he can lie all he wants but his heart rate can't. So maybe this is when they FINALLY get a chance to talk about everything.
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buckys-little-belle · 3 years
Hewwo! So I had an idea and basically little!reader is very clumsy like bruises, tiny scrapes, etc and just very not aware of their surroundings. It’a not like they do it on purpose or anything but yeah I was thinking how would Daddy Bucky react and take care of them? Hope you like the idea! I love your writing!
I’ll break it, you fix it
Bucky x fem!Clumsy!little!reader
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Decided to do headcanons for this, i hope thats okay! Its not as long as i would like but i really wanted to answer you as soon as possible! I’m such a clumsy person and totally related to this ask, i hope i did it justice. I love you so much and thank you for being my first fic/blurb “request”! <3
Warnings : mentions of injurys, scrapes, bruises, bandaids, peroxide (as a wound cleaner), lots of soft Bucky! Use of nicknames (doll, baby), reader refers to Bucky as “daddy” in this fic
“Um it’s nofing daddy” you mumbled
“Um it’s nofing daddy” you mumbled
“Um it’s nofing daddy” you mumbled
“Doll, please answer my question” his voice was slightly more stern this time around, he didn’t want to send you to the corner for ignoring his question, he wanted to know what happened, hoping that you would comply with his wishes.
“Dropped your phone …. On my foot” your voice now quieter than before.
Bucky took a second to think, quickly realizing his phone had a heavy protective case on it, the thing seemed to resemble a brick more than it did a phone.
He always let you play on his phone in the morning if you woke up before him, it always seemed to keep you occupied. Obviously this time you must have moved to the couch to play games, dropping his phone on your foot as you walked to the living room.
“Why didn’t t you tell me?” He questioned, walking the two of you to the kitchen and grabbing a small ice pack out of the freezer.
“Didn’t want you to be mad at me!” Doubt swirled uncontrollably in your head, you were worried that maybe he would get mad at you for leaving the room before he woke up, or for being so clumsy, he always hated when you got hurt, maybe he would hate you this time.
“Baby I would never get mad” bucky sat you down on a dining room chair and placed the cloth wrapped ice pack on your foot. Rubbing circles on your knee with his thumb.
“ I promise”
After the first incident Bucky had bandaids in every room of the house and stocked the freezer with ice packs of all different sizes just incase something happed.
You thought it was silly, but of course you proved yourself wrong time and time again. Falling, tripping, and dropping things left and right, often needing Bucky’s s healing hands afterwards.
“Daddy?” You spoke softly as you stood in the doorway of the living room.
“Yes baby?” Bucky put down the book he was reading, readjusting himself so he could sit up strait in his seat.
“I need a boo band”
Bucky chuckled at the nickname you gave the bandaids, Bucky tried to tell you that it was bandaid but you insisted that you were in fact right. “What happened?”
“I slipped and fell one the rug” bucky could see you were fighting back tears, your face contorted in a permanent frown.
Bucky motioned you to walk closer to him, his eyes scanning for any injury’s. That’s when he saw the scrap at your knee and your long skirt torn. Rug burn was painful and he could see that you were trying to seem as strong as possible.
“Okay baby, sit down on the chair and ill grab a bandaid okay?” Bucky pointed to the large chair that sat near the living room window, you nodded and began to walk towards it, au kilt sitting in it and wiggling around to get comfy.
Bucky walked back into the room, your special band under her left arm and a small first aid kid in the other. “This might hurt so I brought your bear to keep you safe”
“Tank you” Bucky thought you might slip further into little space, knowing injury’s always stressed you out beyond repair.
You grasped onto your bear, holding it close to your body and giving his head a quick kiss. “You ready doll?” Bucky asked, you nodded back, ready for it to all be over. Bucky pulled your skirt up a tab bit so he could get a clear view of your knee.
“This is gonna sting okay?” Bucky said as he pressed a cotton an pad with peroxide to it to your knee, you winced a little, a few tears making their decent down your cheeks.
Bucky dabbed the pad a few times before getting out a few bandaids, all different ffrent colours, but all your favourite my little pony’s. “All cleaned up!” Bucky spoke as he placed the used cotton pad in the living room garbage can, picking you up afterwards and carrying you towards the couch.
The two of you cuddled, you stayed wrapped in his arms as he rocked you back and forth, skipping his thumbs against your cheeks to wipe away the left over tears.
Bucky was glad you had gotten the hang of telling him when you were hurt, proud of his baby for asking for help, knowing you were always scared yet did it anyways. After today he would definitely add a few stickers to your chart.
He kissed your cheek, turning on the tv and setting you on the couch before he went to make supper, hoping you would stay still and safe for as long as possible while you were out of his site. Of course 5 minutes later he heard a thud and ran back in, you just couldn’t sit still, a blessing and curse.
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tojigasm · 3 years
A scenario with Toji. Him and baby Megumi tackle you with hugs and kisses.
Bye this is so cute,, this came out a lot deeper than I expected LMFAO 💀💀
Cw: mostly fluff, tiny bit of dissociation, Megumi calls the reader "mommy" but reader can be read as not his biological mother (whichever you chose :)), fem reader, kisses + hugs & tickles from Toji and baby Megumi
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It's only when youre in the living room, scrolling through your phone as you wait for the signature 'ding!' of your egg timer to go off - signifiing the casserole you've thrown in the oven was finished, when you realize the house is quiet. too quiet.
Toji and Megumi had gone out to the backyard some time ago to look at the lady bugs and water your garden – having seen them only a few minutes earlier playing in the decorative white wood wheelbarrow filled with daisies, lilies, and pillowy pink peonies.
You smiled at the thought, moving from your seat on the couch to finish washing dishes for supper – tonight you had made Megumi's favorite, served with mandatory vegetables of course.
Running the sponge over the China plates, you caught yourself staring outside the window that sat in front of the sink, vases of green plants and flowers decorated the small counter across from the faucet, creating a healthy glow over the tiled sink.
The quiet of the house served a comfort for soft moment, the trickling water from the faucet and soapy fluff of the suds against your skin brought your mind into haze and you suddenly felt yourself watching old memories of your time with Toji and Megumi – as if the moments in time were locked in a safe, only to be revealed to the mind in it's own vulnerable moments.
The sweet apple scent of the soap and the sugary honey jar that had been left over from lunch earlier sent a feeling of warmth in chills up your arms, a settled —
"Boo!" Megumi's voice rung out from behind you and suddenly you were being tickled from all angles by both your husband and your son.
"H-hey ss-stop it–Haha!" You squealed, scrunching your cheek to your shoulder in an attempt to hide away from your husband's hands.
"Okay, okay, thats enough 'gumi," Toji pulled his sons hands away from your sides, you could hear the smile in both boy's voices.
"Did we scare you, mommy?" Megumi giggled to which you sighed, bringing a hand from the sink to pull at his cheek teasingly, "yes, you scared me very much."
Megumi screeched at the touch of your soapy hand, patting your hand away before running out of the kitchen and back to the play room.
Toji laughed at his son from beside you, resting back against the granite counter, arms crossed over one another.
You turned your head to him in annoyance, rolling your eyes when he smirked at you.
"What?" He scoffed, you only sighed again, returning to scrubbing the sponge against the porcelain.
"Sorry I scared you, baby," he pressed himself into your back, " but it was funny," craning his neck to nip at the soft of your jaw generously.
"Stop it, Toji!" You squealed, pushing him away from you, "I have to finish dinner!" Your voice fell through a giggle when he smiled at you.
God you loved his smile, especially the smiles he gave when he was really, truly happy – his dimples would push up against his cut cheeks and his plus lips would peel back in the warmest most loving smile you'd ever seen.
"What're you lookin' at?" he brought a hand up to flick your forehead, "Thought you had to finish dinner."
"I do," you smiled, "Just love you is all."
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https-sen · 3 years
5 Things
Pairing(s): Bennett, Zhongli, Xiao x gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff to Angst (if you dont read the last detail of every character its pure fluff!!)
Warning(s): Divorce (Zhongli's) reader disappears (Xiao) reader dies (Bennett's) and leading the reader on (Diluc) and ,ofc, not proofread 🤓
A/N: this was supposed to be pure fluff but my angst powers kicked in n i couldnt control them 😰 but n e ways i procrastinated.. a lot. but thats besides the point! give me requests please im incredibly bored 😭😭
Obey Me Version: Here!
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(my beloved)
♡ He smiles so wide whenever he sees you, he just cant contain it!! Youre so lovely, so beautiful and so kind to everyone regardless of who they are.
♡ Whenever he has a slip-up you'd always be there to patch him up and give his boo-boo's kisses D: He feels bad because it takes time away from whatever you were doing but you would always say its okay.
♡ He will (yes he will!!!) tell EVERYONE about how cool you look fighting or how cool you are in general because he's so proud of his lover!!
♡ Bad days gets to most of us, you were just weeping out your sorrows after losing a fight. Bennett heard about this and he'll try his Benny-bestest to cheer you up <3
Why did you lie? You said you'd be back in a flash and unharmed. Why is your body so cold? Why are you laying so still? Why is your weapon broken? Why are you covered in blood and bruises? Why arent you breathing..?
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♡ Whenever he looks at you, from the day you both were married, he cant help feeling in so much love. Your kindness, your beauty.. he feels like he's on cloud 9 and he feels as if he'll fall in love again.
♡ Your voice is so soothing it makes his head at ease.. it makes him feel so safe, so calm. Whenever he's sad, stressed ect, you'll find your way to him somehow and give him words of affirmation.. he cant help but feel oh, so lucky.
♡ Waking up to see you reading a book while his hand is still in yours ever since he fell asleep last night. When you notice he's awake, your hand moves to his cheek and soflty rubbing it. Youre always so gentle with him.
♡ Strolls with you can never be so dull whether youre out scavenging for flowers or picking berries, you'll always say something that'll make him smile, blush, laugh or all three! He gets so flustered if you tease him to the point he cant make eye-contact.
Darling? Did I do or say something wrong? Why are you leaving? What about me? Dont you love me? Oh.. That's right.. I always talked about her around you and how close our relationship was and you got tired of it..
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♡ He's so worried that you'll get hurt because youre a human. A precious human. A kind human. His favourite human. His human. The only human he loves. So of course he'll make sure youre safe because he doesnt want to lose you.
♡ What's that yummy smell...? It's your cooking! Whenever tough days come around you'll always know how to prepare the best warm home-cooked meals that'll light up his mood. Even if it is a little, he's grateful that you're around.
♡ Despite you being a lanky human, you're incredibly stunning at fighting. You're so swift and your direct attacks are amazingly powerful, it mesmerizes him. He loves sparring with you but he knows not to go too far. If he does, he'll take care of you as if you broke your bones.
♡ Whenever he has nightmares about his past, your arms and warmth will always find it's way to him. The comfort you give him makes him feel so loved.. so safe. Your calm voice reassuring him everything is okay.. he knows he'll never find anyone like you.
My love are you okay? Well, I hope you are. It's me, your Xiao. I miss you, I really do. But.. where are you? Did I do something to upset you? I feel.. empty. I dont like this feeling. So please, come back? I promise I love you, so dont disappear.. please.
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(Remember everyone!! Leading people on will hurt them more that turning them down will! Take it from me and I learned it the hard way and it hurts really, really bad.)
♡ He knew he doesnt feel the same but.. you? He can't seem to say no to you for some reason. He doesnt want to hurt you nor lose you.
♡ Although his feelings for you "aren't real" for some reason he likes it. Your affection, hand holding, cuddling, headpats, back scritches, and countless "I love you" 's.. maybe he does have feelings...
♡ You're a gentle yet strong figure in his eyes. You just make happy accidents and once you've accepted them, you just move on. He aspires to be like you, to move on from the past.
♡ You always seem to lighten up moods around you, including his. A smile just appears on his face whenever he sees you. He's happy to notice his feelings and he's ready to change his feelings to show they're true.
What? You really believe the rumors? Well.. it is true- wait!! I promise I do love you! My feelings changed and they're staying that way. Huh? What happens.. if I they do change? I-I dont know.. I guess, I lied....
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vanishingcherry · 2 years
lets just stay here?
james x reader
words: 0.7k
warning: none that I can tell, please comment if you see any. 
summary: james is worried about the final quidditch game against hufflepuff. you help him calm down.
a/n: its really short and the ending kinda sucks sorry!
You walked to the great hall for breakfast, meeting up with Lily and Marlene half way there. There was a buzz of excitement that could be heard, everyone overjoyed that classes were cancelled, courtesy of the final quidditch game of the season.
As you sat down, you looked around, realising that James wasn’t sitting on your table. You got up, trying to see if he was walking around the great hall, but to no avail. 
You sat back down, turning to Lily and asking if she had seen him. 
“No, not since last night. Why? Did he not meet up with you in the common room?”
“No, we said that we would meet in the great hall.”, you replied, still moving your head around to see if you could spot him. 
Just then, Remus ran up to you, bending down to whisper in your ear. 
“Come to our dorm. James isn’t-”
You got up immediately after hearing James’ name. You followed Remus to the Gryffindor common room, walking up the stairs to James’ dorm. 
Opening the door in a hurry, you scan the room, finding him still in bed curled under the blankets. Sirius was holding a pillow in his hand, threatening to hit James with it if he didn’t wake up. Noticing you had entered the room, he put the pillow down and left the room, realising that you would want to be alone with James.
You walked towards his bed when you heard the door click, and bent down so you would be at eye level. Slowly pulling the blanket off, you gave him a small smile when his face emerged. 
“Hey love”, you whispered, running your hands through his hair.
At the sound of your voice, he opened his eyes and spread his arms, inviting you onto the bed with him. Normally you would have gotten right in, but you knew that if you gave in, he would never get up.
“Sorry love, you know you have to get up now”
“I’m tired, don’t want to”, he replied, his voice groggy.
“You have to eat breakfast, can’t have you playing quidditch on an empty stomach.” You pulled down the blanket even more and grabbed his hands, trying to get him up. 
“Can’t we just skip the game? You can stay here, with me.”, he said, once again making grabby hands towards you. 
At this point you had realised what was happening. He was scared, and didn’t want to go to the game. 
“James, we can’t skip the game, you’re playing in it. I promise you’ll be amazing, you’ve one every single game so far!”
“But what if I’m not? Everyones going to hate me ‘cause I made us lose.”
“Love I promise no ones going to hate you. Even if you play the absolute worst I promise that me and Sirius and Remus and Peter are going to cheer for you constantly. You’ll hear us over everyone else’s ‘boos.”
“Thats not making me feel better.”, he grumbled. All the same, he got up from bed and walked to the bathroom. 10 minutes later he was changed and ready to go play quidditch. Walking up to you still sitting on his bed, he sat next to you and gave you a small kiss on the lips. 
“I love you. Thank you. But you need to work on your pep talks.”
You laugh a bit, “Ok, but are you feeling better now?”
“Yeah, I guess it was just one of those days, I think I was just too tired. 
“Okay, let’s hurry down for breakfast now. You should eat something before the game, and I doubt theres much time left before it starts.”
The two of you walk down to breakfast together, sitting and eating at your table in peace for 5 minutes before he has to go get ready to play. Right before he leaves, you whisper to him, “All of us love you, you will play amazing, so go win that for us.”
He offers you a small smile before getting up and following the other quidditch players out the hall. 
Later that day, everyone heads down to Hogsmeade to celebrate Gryfinndor winning the cup, congratulating James for hours and hours. 
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