#okay now i'm going to bed
dnphobe · 6 months
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walterdecourceys · 11 months
mutual 1: back in the basement lolllllllll hopefully the voices don't get to me this time
mutual 2: i <3 divorced catboys
mutual 3: guys i don't think this girlfriend is going to work out Maybe i should call my ex
mutual 4: i need her to beat me up so fucking bad
mutual 1: omw to kill my clone 🤪
mutual 5: god i wish i was a robot. what is autism btw?
mutual 6: I don't think I have a reason to live anymore
mutual 7: i need to beat her up so fucking bad
mutual 1: has mutual 2 taken his pills 🤔?
mutual 8: PLEASE stop sending me anons about my divorce and my drinking problem
mutual 9: Addressing The Claims That I Am A Government Agent
mutual 10: oh you sweet summer children you all need to get on INSTAGRAM and TIKTOK that's where the real action's at have you seen the supernatural finale
mutual 11: still underwater if anyone was wondering
mutual 12: @mutual9 Do you want to die with me
mutual 13: I was never an accessory to murder stop suggesting that I was
mutual 14: still trapped in the basement but it's okay i got this cool guy with me
mutual 2: i hate my job
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
niki nihachu i love you <3 <3
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Another word game: Shattered (Yes I'm choosing words that would most likely lead to downer plots on purpose, it's just a mood)
Cobwebs brushed at Twilight's hair and caught on his sword as he and Four made their way through the dungeon, the light from their lanterns casting unnerving shadows along the walls.
Four suddenly gasped and stumbled backwards, enough that Twilight had to stop him from falling over, and as he caught the smithy and looked to see what had startled him, his own breath caught in his throat.
A shattered mirror stood across the room, glass still trapped in its warped frame, and as Twilight stared at it, a flash of orange hair caught his eye.
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altocat · 1 year
Sephiroth's first sugar crash. Who helps him and who makes it worse?
Surprisingly, Genesis is out here being the ultimate wingman, but mostly because Sephiroth is face-planted in the lobby and is gathering quite the crowd. So embarrassing! What would Angeal say? Gen is borderline convinced Seph is, in fact, dead, but let's not think about that.
He drags his heavy lifeless corpse all the way down the hall before dumping him in the shower and seeing if that rouses him. After ten minutes of little to no movement, even in response to a host of rather crude and challenging remarks, Genesis really DOES begin to panic. OH SHIT his precious hero muse possible boyfriend rival is effectively DEAD AS A DOORNAIL. What's he going to do? How can he possibly go on without him?! This is all his fault--He wasn't WATCHING Sephiroth! He was too busy bragging about his eyeliner to the guy at the front desk! Sephiroth can't be trusted on his own--the man's practically an alien! Genesis was supposed to be responsible! He's to blame! He's a horrible friend, by the goddess. He's--oh hey he's still breathing after all.
Genesis blows an air horn in Sephiroth's face and calls it a day.
Zack, meanwhile, sneaks in with donuts. Check it out, he swiped them from the lounge! It's Sprinkle-Day!
And thus, the cycle continues.
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bapydemonprincess · 11 months
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I mean, who would want to..
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obsessivefangirl · 1 year
Hey guys so for how Sans remembers and Papyrus doesn't for the they originated from deltarune theory. Here's some dms between me and @maybefandomstuff who had the whole idea and it really explains the plotholes away.
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(This next part is me)
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futurama fans, you know what to do
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
I love this blog. Thank you for making my day <3 Getting a few laughs in very hard times like these helps
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Sometimes we just need a sensible chuckle or jump scare clown to move us on to the next mood, I hope you keep finding reasons to smile here and elsewhere in the world. 💕
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amistytown · 2 years
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Not Obey Me, but I tried sketching Kaeya the other day. I gave up on his clothes. 
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pierswife · 1 year
Women want me, I don't know what fears me but there's something out there that does
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lordfriendpatine · 1 year
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ahxiang · 2 years
actually one last thing before i go to bed bc i just can't shut up, but it's salty so it's going in the tags
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rejoiceandcomplain · 1 year
I love how u can always tell what's on my mind, u never have to guess bc rest assured, I will rb multiple gifsets and make an unhinged text post or 2 about it
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azikarue · 1 year
MayBlade thoughts a week in:
I decided to like my own posts this time and idk why it makes me happy but it does.
I did not expect a Saint Shields oneshot to get 20 notes, even on Day 1. I'm blown away.
Never say never to writing about a character - that character will hijack a prompt.
I still expect to fall behind at some point, but I'm proud to have made it through a week's worth of prompts posting on time. ♥
The next few days should bring some Daichi, Ming-Ming, Max, Rick, and Mariah. As long as I don't scrap something in editing. Then we'll be in trouble lol
Also coming up: a couple of prompts I didn't think through as thoroughly. Fingers crossed that they develop into something fun!
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klywrites · 2 years
the point of Juan being bland is that he’s the “safe” choice
which... was a point that stood out more in RS, so I don’t know if it’s going to work for trool
juan was always bland... he had a different name in RS but his function was the same. mira likes the attention he gives. he is kind and caring towards her. but he’s the comphet choice. he is stability and security and normalcy. and that’s why it’s so hard for mira because she wants those things but she just can’t seem to fall in love with him. because she’s in love with somebody else hhahahah
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