#okay me neither im just crazy 💀💀
thatoneweirdo14 · 9 months
sabigiyuu modern solo artists au but its all akitoya songs.
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cutecherrygirl · 1 year
4# you try to walk out durning a fight
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Bang chan
A huge amount of no's left Chan's lips, as his medium legs (im sorry 💀)tried to catch up with yours, his eyebrows furrowing and his mind trying to register the quick actions. You rolled your eyes by his constant way of trying to make you stay but you didnt want to listen. Ripping the door open to your house you were met by a shower of rain but in the angry state you didnt care and neither were aware of not wearing shoes. "Stop being so goddamn stubborn!" He exclaimed angrily and stopped you from walking any further out on the porch. Scooping you easily in his arms without caring about your protest, he looked down at you with his hair all mattered and eyes serious. "You can't just leave Y/N. I won't allow that. Im sorry, okay? Stupid as I was, I am." He pressed his warm lips against your forehead, nlt caring about the rain on your angry state for the matter.
Lee know
"Y/N, stop!" He exclaimed while hurrying down the stairs, trying to avoid the sweather being thrown towards his face the second you take it off of your body, "leave me alone, Minho." You exclaimed over your shoulder as you walked through the kitchen and towards the entrance of the house. "You are Honesty so great at running my moods its crazy!" "It wasn't my attention okay!" He yelled back as you walked toward the front door but before you could open it he slide himself in between. "Move, Minho." you said through gritten teeth and stared at him with wide eyes. "No." He said simply and lowered his tone before he placed his hands on your cheeks and smashed his lips against yours. It was a mix of rage, anger and sadness overwhelming you at once but by the feeling of your lips everything was gone in one second.
"Where are you going?" He asked with wide eyes as you stormed up from your chair and headed towards the exit of the kitchen. "Does it matter to you?" You yelled without looking over your shoulder. "What?" He exclaimed like you were ridiculous and let go of the spoon in his hands and literally threw it on top of the counter. "So you're just gonna walk out like that?" "Yes, in matter of fact I am." You yelled and your lips parted slightly in anger when he hurried to stand in front of you and blocked your way. "Changbin, don't do this now." You warned and pointed a finger at him. "I am so not in mood for this." "Well, im not in mood for you leaving right in the middle of everything." He breathed before he pressed you against the car slightly and peppered your face with kisses.
"honestly, you are so unbelievable." The second he sees the tears pricking in your eyes he knows he has gone too far. Turning around on ur heel to head towards the door he doesn't hesitate to grab your hand and prevent you from going anywhere, guilt washing over his face. "Hyunjin let me go." You whined almost in an whimper, looking at him with serious eyes but he shook his head disagreeing and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "You're not leaving. Not now, okay?" "But I want to." You whimpered against his chest, but didn't give a shot on trying to wiggle yourself out of his arms because if you were so madly angry at him it couldn't compare how madly in love you are with him. "I dont want you to leave, okay? Im sorry for being a dick and I promise that ill do better okay? Just don't leave. Not now."
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daphnebowen · 1 year
season four notes episode 1
omg… season four came out over a week ago now??? and I’m still crying.
some things I would like to talk about, episode one edition:
“Troy and Gabriella have been silent in the group chat” literally my friends 💀
oh two months earlier phew
STOP WHY DID RICKYS DAD HAVE TO MAKE IT AWKWARD- “I’m dating her. She’s my girlfriend.”
the way Richard said “yeah, I always buckle up, look both ways- oHh 😮 yOu MeAn-“ yes Richard you are in high school now please be for real
the hug when Ricky climbed in thru the window and Gina ran over to him- AHHHH 😍
okay, but “maybe this time” is actually one of my favorite songs from the whole freaking series. Their chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS!! and when the flashbacks happened? 🫢 had me DEAD.
how Gina is all “bye Ricky 🤭🥰” blushing and giggling she can’t believe rina is real NEITHER CAN I GIRL NEITHER CAN I!!
Okay but the secret relationship thing is giving me trauma already~ this is not gonna go well
i hate Gina’s mom already
mack annoys the crap out of me
dani slayed that song
JEALOUS RICKY IS BREAKING MY HEART I JUST WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY but at the same time he needs to calm down
”high school musicale??”
when they’re “secretly” holding hands PLEASE
when Ashlyn and Maddox are giving each other relationship advice omg like how RICKY AND GINA DID THE SAME?!?!?! Come ONNNN madlyn ENDGAME
Ricky and Gina looking at each other just confirms what we’ve been knowing since season one
Emmy really wants to spill the tea about her mom huh 😂
okay but Ashlyn being on her phone during the pep rally is soooo high school and soooo annoying I would snatch that phone and throw it away (not really, but wtv)
mark and spark?????? I have a million questions. Like why is there 617 freaking episodes???? about a dog. and his owner. What??
“Woke” is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY I got second hand embarrassment from that 💀 Matt sato is giving
when everyone but Ricky gives Dani a standing ovation 😶
ashlyn is allergic to shrubs?? And she just came back from summer camp?? In the woods? Help?
the fact that they call Monique “mo” is absolutely adorable SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY FIGHT ME
rickys face when Ashlyn is talking about the “single” Gina who has had a crush on Mack since childhood has me dead on the floor 💀 ASHLYN WHY YOU GOTTA DO THAT TO MY MAN RICKY
i really want Ricky and Gina to be Troy and Gabriella it’s gotta happen right?? I mean the promos and trailer had that picture from opening night all over it…
miss Jenn is the freaking best! Although I have a feeling this movie business is gonna get in the way of her high school musical three dreams… Quinn is already moving into her office and throwing out her plants like help??
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Hello! I stumbled on you account and I just wanna say i love your blog !! & happy wedding week ! Congratulations love ❤️
I saw that you do ships and I was hoping I can get one of Supernatural fandom? if that’s okay with you ofc !! preferably male. Im 21, I have brown curly hair, I’m 5’3 , i have brown eyes I’m a plus size girly . I love to read and annotate my books during my free time. Im a cancer & Im lowkey a hopeless romantic, I’m kinda awkward and hella clumsy, ngl sometimes I’ll be slow like it takes me a min to process a joke 💀but my style is like soft grunge and my personality is infp. But yeah thank you!! ❤️
I ship you with ...
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... Sam Winchester!
You give off such a sweet energy, I think you'd be a good match for Sam! Dean would be annoyed in no time when all you two talk about are books but he'd be happy that his brother finally found someone like you. Sam would definitely be hopelessly romantic with you, bringing you gifts, such as flowers (you're not always sure if they're bought or stolen from a random persons garden) or a book he saw and thought you'd like. He'd also make sure to bring you on dates and maybe he can't afford expensive restaurants but he always makes sure to bring you to something that isn't a diner on the side of the road. One time, he organizes you a picknick in a beautiful field and you fall in love with him even more when you see the care and thought he had put into it.
Fun fact: you drive Dean crazy when you sometimes don't understand his jokes right away. He thinks it's because you don't think they're funny and it's always a bit hard on his ego. Neither you or Sam tell him the truth though because you find it hilarious.
I hope you're happy with this 🥰 And thank you so much for sending in the ask!
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boybasher · 1 year
Devil’s Playground 💀 (my anti religion poem reading)
my poem:
I don’t believe I’m god
But I still pray to him
Cause god I’m tired of blaming myself
In a phase of, “what’s the point”
I’m only holy on Sundays?
Under a million dollar roof
Where god can hear me most
Stab yourself but god forbid l touch myself
He’s only watching, 24/7
Tripping over stones
Searching for god in stone tablets
It’s as if my minds been wiped clean
Remember who you are
But that page has been erased
Live this chapter, they call it earth life
Til it’s too late and can’t rob the bank
That moneys not his and neither yours
No one’s in charge down here
He who owns this playground
Comes from the heavens too
Devil in disguise
God these guys, are my only ticket to ecstasy
Thigh high socks and American dreams
I’m only pretty on my knees
Anything for a dollar
Wait for the boys to holler
Anything for my American dollar
Cross the road whenever you want
Everybody’s high around here
Take me out of my misery
Make it quiet
But make it hurt
I don’t wanna come back to this place
Heaven on earth, the biggest lie ever told
Ball of dirt
With pretty skies
That turn off at midnight
Smile on accident
Give me that free feeling
That’s god promised
I’m god promised
But I didn’t make my mothers mistake
Choosing the wrong dudes, is a hobby of mine
Don’t give me normal
Pick them Wild like my dad
Promise me you won’t stay and I’ll fall
Head over heels
Promised we would meet down here, that’s what we’re told
Soul mates and soul plays
Soul ties and karmic dates
I don’t know if I believe that anymore
That we choose how our day goes
A head so dense, now I get why my dad was a drunk
I wish I could be too
But I don’t really like the taste
What starts at home, spills outward
Trapped in my own sorrow, I’m just like you
Human like you
That’s my only flaw
I’m built to breathe
Built to live
Decay by the day
I only wanna be alive when the sun’s down
Kicked out of society
2 feet on the ground
But I only see what’s outside of me
Remind myself of the holy
Til something ugly shocks me
God, I’m human
Nobody’s daddy
Don’t wanna harm no body
Just want a somebody
Not just another body
I don’t touch mine
Why waste your time, I can’t be your dream
I’m only pretty when I’m not thinking
Dare ask me to speak
I wear my ugly
Can’t hide me
Trust me I tried
But it oozes out like black jelly
Overgrown roots and dirt under my nails
No amount of nail polish can make this in between boy pretty
Trust me I’ve been trying
But nobody gets me
Am I too ugly
Am I just a nobody
Am I okay with that?
Not knowing the answers
But knowing myself
Know my worth, with no dollars in my pocket
Borrowing mommy’s money
Im sorry, im so me
Out of hope
Abundant with time
Don’t rush me
It only makes me angry
Don’t wanna hurry
I’ll double tie my own shoes
Bite my tongue
Kissing someone only leads to shots and pills
Picking the wrong boys
I blame me for wanting to feel pretty
I’m not needy
Just a little bit crazy
All the fun girls are
Not ready for a hubby
I’m not shiny and thin
Dark Brunette to your Blonde Baby
I can only fake my beauty
Like tan in a bottle
Perfect shiny skin in a liquid
I’m American and for that I’m so sorry!
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
OH I THOUGHT YOU WERE WAY SMALLER LIKE 160CM OR SOMETHING SHSGHSGS and i also love tall (and short) (and neither tall or short just average???) women but idk i dont like it on myself👲
my all albums cost over 400€ and last and this month i payed 137€ for new albums💀 bitch im crazy today i was in a bigger city and i bought there another enhyoen album like dark blood the white and red one and now i just bought the last version that i need to have all👲 i also bought the weverse version cuz i didnt pull heeseung and jake today (you cna say over 80€ today for albums🔌🔌) and im collecting official photocards in my photocard albums just so i can flex to my children who i pulled when i was their age (they will so totally listen to kpop, lana del rey, taylor swift etc. i can see it) so i eill probably sell one day some albums for idk what price but probably like 15-20€ with some inclusions or something (i literally see people selling albums for 5-10€ like how😟😟) (some photocards cost that much💀💀💀)
okay so im too scared so i probably wont do it💀 like i saw a cute guy today (train) and there wasnt anything to sit down (it was so a lot people) but only the place next to the guy right so i asked him if i can sit next to him snd he said yes and i wanted to ask for his number but i shit my pants and now i regret it a lot but st least i know it which city he lives💪👲
i didnt choose anything in germany and in poland i can live with my fsmily, in france (toulouse) i can find a job (my french teacher studied there and she also worked in a cafe and she was like the employee of the month or something a lot of times and she still has contact with the people there and she lived in their “hotel” for like 1/4 of the price (like 500€ a month) (she was earning over 1000€ a month) and she will get me all this) my french teacher was so supportive after she found out that i want to study there and we literally have such long conversations all the time and also talk about if i got accepted or not👲 i can still apply to somewhere in germany tho idk imma just go wherever i get accepted to and then find a job and my parents will probably support me too (like with money) (omg im having a stroke reading all this because my english got so bad in such a short time💀)
BECAUSE PEOPLE MIGHT THINK THST IM WEIRD OR PICK ME OR SOMETHING “omg i’m so delulu😭😭🥺🥺🥺 i love them so much but they will never rven look at me🥺😭” this type of shit
DO I FEEL LIKE I'M SMAL??? 😭😭😭 yk when i was young i got tall so fast and so i was the taller out of everyone..........and then i got into high school and i stopped growing up so everyone became taller than me </3 i took it personally </3
400??? DAMN YOU HAVE A LOT 😧 i think i got one treasure album, two blackpink, and one straykids and that's it 🙏🏼 what's your favorite album out of the ones you have?
hMMMMM ABT THE SONG YOU SHOULD SING IT'S HARD TO CHOOSE IF I DON'T KNOW YOUR VOICE YET............ but since i sung over me you should sing say my name 🤭🤭🤭
oh you'd go to toulouse if you come to france??? i heard the city is super pretty and it's not too far away from where i am!! that's so cool that your french teacher was so supportive of you like <3 that's so cute. plus if you go there you'd be able to have the assurance of her help. it's better to come to a city like toulouse if you come to france cuz it's not as expensive as paris.
tell me when you get your answers for college!! hope you can go somewhere it won't be too hard for you
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bisluthq · 2 years
apparently speak now tv is trending and so are other tv theories and im so tired i wish blondie delays it for months and just enjoy other things swifties sre beyond crazt at thus point
Ikr.. I saw a swiftie on Twitter say that the drought is the worst... Like didn't she drop 4 whole albums in 2 years 1 on which was full as pandemic like wtf.. Like which other singer did that..
Also the way they say she has to drop as if she owes them something. I don't know man..the speed at which they consume her content makes me crazy
Ya like it’s not really a drought if it’s been less than 6 months and in that time she released a song (okay they didn’t like the song but that’s neither here nor there) and announced the release of another song. There are five albums from the last three years. That’s MORE than enough.
And if it’s not enough like I’m respectfully asking you what you like about Taylor Swift. Because personally I like the music right and there’s a lot of music for me to like. I also like her as a celeb so her little friendships and pets and relationship are all cute to me. I like it when she goes to stuff like I’m amped for this NYU thing because I’m excited for her speech. What else does one even need like 🤷🏻‍♀️💀 and if you’re over the music that quickly I’d wager you might not actually like it that much.
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