#okay maybe if i get a lil snack and then buckle down
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quietlyblooms · 8 months ago
me wanting to write vs. the urge to sleep vs. the urge to read mha vs. my short attention span vs. decision paralysis vs.
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mlink64 · 5 months ago
Some HYBE/BigHit Brainrot
Just some En- x TXT brainrot because I NEED to get it out of my system.
This isn't edited or really 'planned' in any way, literally just abusing my keyboard tbh...
Warnings: None I think? A lil suggestive but imma keep it sfw 🙃
Okay so hear me out...Yeonjun x Sunoo.
Context: this spawned from me just sitting and updating my idol mbti types and whup, look at that, Yeonjun and Sunoo are both ENFP: the Campaigner-type (I think these are the most recent results but Dr.Google can be wrong at times sooooo...).
Now, an old article/qualitative study from 2018 (cut me some slack, finding articles about these more suggestive studies is hard af but I'll put the link in the comments) found that, of all the mbti-types, ENFP are most willing to experiment with the same gender.
Now, I have no clue what their preferences are - nor am I speculating - but in my brain rn 2020 Sunoo is a baby queer who's still confused about his sexual orientation. He just went through I-Land and is all of a sudden living and working with all these men and boy's head is-a-spinning and it got my head-a-spinning too
Idk how they interact with each other or if they do at all but buckle up.
Picture this, it's 2020/21 ish - Yeonjun is 21/22 years old and already cementing his 'it boy' status with TXT, even though they only just debuted in 2019
Then we have sweet sunshine Sunoo - he's 17 or 18 and has just debuted with ENHYPEN
Bby is still getting used to the whole 'being an idol' thing and is of course looking up to his hyungs for guidance and support
Now, Sunoo is well aware of how attractive his hyungs are - especially his TXT hyungs who are not only hot af but also ridiculously sweet and talented
Especially that minx Yeonjun
Sunoo already kind of thought Yeonjun was hot cute...
But then, here comes Jun's AOTM
And oml Sunoo low-key loses his shit (like most of us watching that AOTM, tbh)
Cuz Yeonjun is just DRIPPING with bad boy-next-door, emo, older (than him), rocker, musician vibes
Like, seriously, that video just screams first love/crush who's super talented and passionate and goes on to be famous (which was the goal, I'd imagine)
TXT and EN- have always been rather close and friendly, all being similar in age and going through the highs and lows of training and debuting and just being idols in general
But Yeonjun is a flirt
He just can't help it, it's there and it ain't going away
I think Jun would maybe try to tone it down around the younger EN- members just because of age gaps (which aren't that big, but I digress)
But Sunoo
Sweet, bubbly, lil pup Sunoo...
Sunoo has the cute, pretty boy thing down
And Yeonjun loves pretty things
So maybe he flirts with Sunoo regardless of xyz
And since he has a big fat crush on Yeonjun, naturally, Sunoo gets all red and flustered and Yeonjun thinks it's adorable
He loves turning up his charms on the younger boy, he just can't help himself
Plus, it activates his corruption kink but that's for another day
But Yeonjun and Sunoo have the same mbti-type...so Sunoo is more than capable of giving his hyung a taste of his own flirty medicine
It just takes him some time to get there - grow the repor and the overall relationship with his TXT hyungs as a whole
But when he does finally feel comfortable and bold enough to flirt back Yeonjun is screwed
It's the classic trope of the flirty one malfunctioning when the shy one finally flirts back
So this relationship just kind of grows and escalates and poof, now they're the two friends who have crazy hot chemistry and lots of sexual flirty tension
So that's the very open-ended conclusion to my 2am tangent...like...where does it go from there? Does it go anywhere at all? How do their bandmates react and inevitably tease them for it? Etc. etc. etc.
Stay cute and positive and don't let the lingering full moon vibes f/ck you up too much. Drink water. Have a snack. Take a nap. Just do you and keep shining bb 🫶🫰💞
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years ago
Light Cardigan - Gojo
notes - HI!!! OMG I FINISHED IT! This was written because of this poll that I held the other day! Look out because I will be doing these much more often!!! I love writing for this stinky lil guy tbh and I'm really proud of how this turned out! I'm taking a creative writing class rn in college and I'm trying to apply some of the stuff I learn to fanfic LMFAO not my teacher's intent, but I love doing it lol. Well, enough rant! Hope you all enjoy and as always, stay super hydrated <3
word count - 766
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You felt Gojo toss and turn next to you in the middle of the night. You weren't annoyed by it, but definitely felt a little bad for him.
"Can't sleep?" You asked, turning to Gojo.
Gojo jumped when he heard your voice, and giggled that he got scared by you. "Not really." His voice was hoarse and tired. "Sorry I'm keeping you awake, huh?"
"You're not," you reassured him, rubbing his bare arm that was both cold and warm at the same time, oddly enough. "I can't really sleep either."
"It's just been such a long week, you know?" He whispered, turning towards you, his blue eyes glowing in the dark. "We've both been working our asses off and I guess we're still in work mode."
"I guess."
"I'll shut up," he chuckled, pulling the blanket over his shoulders. "Have a good rest, okay?"
"Wait, Satoru," you cupped his cheek and pulled his face towards yours. "Let's go on a late night walk or something. A drive maybe. I really can't sleep."
You could barely see it, but Gojo smiled at you. "I'll go get the keys," he said hopping out of the bed and putting on a pair of slippers, only bothering to put a soft cardigan over his bare torso.
You got out of bed as well yawning and not caring to check how late or early it was. You grabbed one of Gojo's hoodies from the closet and slipped it on, loving how both comfortable and large it was on you. You followed the hoodie with just a comfortable pair of crocs and walked downstairs hearing the car start up outside.
Gojo walked back in rubbing his hands together and you noticed that he put a pair of round sunglasses on. He smirked at you and kissed you on the forehead.
"Satoru," you said, looking at his bare chest under his thin cardigan. "Go put a shirt on."
Gojo jokingly rolled his eyes at you and ran upstairs to follow your instructions. "Get in the car!" He shouted from up the stairs. "I'll be right down!"
You walked outside and the cold air slapped you in the face. The sky was so dark blue that it was almost black. It felt like ice was forming in your lungs, but despite that, you took a deep breath in only to let it out, a huge cloud of your breath shooting out in front of you that you could only see because of the headlights from the car.
You crawled in the car, it's engine rumbling, and heard some soft music playing from the radio. Gojo even started up the heater to keep you warm and you sighed at the nice cozy air dusting your rosy cheeks.
"Hey, babe!" Gojo hopped in the car and smiled at you. "Nice out, huh?"
You laughed at his comment and buckled up.
"Where do you want to go?" Gojo's seatbelt made a click and he put the car into reverse.
"I just wanna drive." Your voice came out almost like a whisper and you smiled seeing the streetlamps that were casting an orange glow onto the sidewalk next to your house.
"Driving and late night snacks it is."
You hummed in response, the smile never leaving your face.
The drive lasted a while, streetlamps and light night walkers passing by quickly. When you jumped on the highway, every window in the car was rolled down and music was pouring out of every speaker. You sang loudly to your favorite songs with Gojo and laughed, not even caring that the cold air was making you shiver a bit.
The drive calmed down and your ears were cold as Gojo rolled up the window. Florescent lights of late night buildings were shining in your eyes while you waited at lights that turned the inside of your car an eerie red.
You stepped out of the car in a parking lot and were tucked underneath Gojo's arm as he led you into a convenient store that held all of the junkfood you were hoping for.
You ended up with a small pile in your arms and a large one in Gojo's. Then you two just sat in silence, watching passerbys in their cars. The food was great as late night food usually is.
"Thanks babe." Gojo said, his eyes stayed looking out of the window.
"For what?" You asked, your mouth full of food.
"For this. I had fun."
You smiled and pressed a kiss onto Gojo's cheek. "I had fun too. We'll spend the whole weekend sleeping, promise."
jjk masterlist | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years ago
Horror Villains And: Period Sex
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oh that is the perfect gif I totally forgot all about it but oh boy. thanks billy for your service to this blog.
Warnings: Obviously, menstruation, blood, and smut. I’m dealing with a particularly uncomfortable period (for me at least) and just want some e m p a t h y about it.
Who LOVES it:
Freddy Krueger: ABSO-MOTHER FUCKING-LUTELY. It’s a struggle to keep his hands off you (on a normal day) during your period. He can smell it.
Kieran Wilcox: yes please mommy, he’s waiting.
Luda Mae Hewitt: This is her secret kink.
Michael Myers: B l o o d  p l a y? Any kind of bloodplay, Michael is into it. If you weren’t already bleeding, he would probably make you bleed, with his (Actual) knife.
Mickey Altieri: Bring it. Jesus christ, Mickey thinks its so hot. Getting his cock or his fingers coated in your slick and your blood (Seeing the string consistency between his fingers), seeing you in a total mess from your period and being fucked to oblivion? Oh yes.
Midnight Man: He just likes it. I dunno. I don’t have a logical reason, extension or explanation of my vibes here but I am getting them from him.
Patrick Bateman: Oh my god it is his favourite kind of sex. Yes yes yes. Please please please. He marks your cycle in his calendar, with special notes about flow and mood. Soon enough he’s figured out your whole period every week and knows exactly when the iron is hot enough to strike. Any w h e r e, any t i m e .
Both Pennywise’: Ooooh, watch their eyes glow and their hair get more luscious when you tell them. Their teeth get sharper and the whites of their eyes get whiter- they’re horny as fuck now. Be a good sport and give them a lil taste, won’t you? A smell at least? That, or have them trailing you like lost puppies for the rest of the week, and curling up to/around you as tightly as possible when you’re sleeping.
The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase: Where else could he possibly go on this post, honestly.
The Man (Hush): Yep.  He’s favourite time of month.
Who is like ‘a b s o l u t e l y  n o t’:
Jerry Dandridge: Do I really need to comment? I mean, he can control himself being around you on your period, but you cannot let that blood smell hit the open air. Your controlled, classy vampire bf will disappear in an instant and will be replaced with… well, Evil.
Yeah no thanks:
Debbie Loomis: She’s not vehemently against it, but still… nah? Thanks for the offer tho. And it won’t happen when she’s on her period either, c e r t a I n l y not. Don’t even touch her when she’s on her period, jesus christ.
Jennifer Check: Yeah she just got a new manicure. Over her dead body will you stain her new French tips with your coochie blood. And if she puts her mouth down there, it might excited t o o much if you get what I mean and you will become a real snack.  
Is indifferent towards it:
Bo Sinclair: You’re sure into him durin’ this time o’ month, aren’t you? Eh… whatever. Hop on. He’s happy to help his partner, especially if its in such a gratifying way! I mean he won’t buy you any fucking pads but he will do this and there’s Bo as a boyfriend for you.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: I mean sure? Blood doesn’t scare him and it is, in fact, a turn on for him of course so sure. Plus, you’re less likely to get pregnant at this time, which is great! Doesn’t see what the big deal is, here. (Although, weirdly, I see past Chucky from Curse to be very much in the next category)
Inkubus: It’s not even a big d e a l, man, its cool. He likes all kinds of sex. Go wild.
Jason Voorhees: Jason is basically ace in the way he conducts himself on a general basis but if it tuned out that he was interested in sex and/or was willing to do it with you, then some blood leaking out of your private parts because of some natural causes is not going to change his mind. Is this not normal??
Jedidiah Sawyer: ???Alright??? He wears a mask made of skin, your natural bodily functions are not going to scare him away. Besides, the knowledge that it could lessen menstrual pain for you is a nice bonus. He’s gotta take care of his family.
Roman Bridger: It’s really not a big deal to him. We’ll just put down a darker sheet, or some plastic. You both need this sometimes (Him for emotional support when he’s stressed, and you of course cuz you’re on your damn period) and a bit of blood is certainly not a deal breaker. Besides, he finds the easy thrusting to be nice and comfortable. Preferred sometimes, actually. Just some nice, lazy, relieving sex with your director boyfriend.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: A little bit a’ blood aint gonna turn me off, sugar. Don’t you worry bout that.
The Djinn: See Inkubus. Except, our dear Wishmaster is so much more of a tease about this.
Is enthusiastic when they learn that orgasms lessen period pain:
Bubba Sawyer: He doesn’t care about exposure to blood, obviously, and he doesn’t see it as gross at all but he was still concerned about whether that was safe during your… monthly thing… but once he found out that it could help you with cramps he got on board immediately! ^^
Lester Sinclair: Oh boy, well okay then, let’s give this a go then!!
Mayor Buckman: He knows the drill; Boone gets terrible cramps. Don’t worry, he’s got you.
Pamela Voorhees: Oh of course she’ll help you out when you’re hurting ^^
Stuart Lloyd: Well… don’t get him wrong, for sure there is the part where it helps you in a seriously uncomfortable time… but then there is also the fact that he is a lil bit of a secret freak and menstrual care is a good excuse for him. (So he also belongs in the first category ^^)
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Blood doesn’t bother him, and if it’ll give you a hand with yer monthly problem then you just need to ask him. You’ll be on the bench in the saloon with your thighs spread without a second thought, like asking for a glass of water. (Except of course Caleb’s a lot more hands on about the whole thing of course (; ) He’s happy to help.
The Huntress / Anna: Oh!! Really?? It’ll help? Okay, then, sunflower. Remove your pants. Let’s go !!
Vincent Sinclair: He’s just very supportive and helpful through all areas of your period. He doesn’t understand, but he can still be sympathetic and help the way you say would be good ^^
Is curious and will try:
Billy Loomis: Is really curious and excited to try it. I mean, he likes blood? He likes sex? And this is both those things?? Fun lubricant, yay.
Chop Top Sawyer: And when I say that he’ll try and I REALLY MEAN IT, MAN. Like, go big or go home. He’s going to eat you out at this time and he’ll end up really enjoying it. Buckle up babes, you’ve awoken something buried pretty damn s h a l l o w l y inside him.
Granny Boone: Similar to Chop Top except with him, you had to tell him you were on your period and all so it would be different and all, while with Boone she was the one sniffing it out and *cough* hunting you approaching you about trying it.
Jill Roberts: For the same reasons as Billy. Plus, she wants to be able to say ‘well I did it for you- you have to do it for me.’
Leslie Vernon: I mean, he’ll give anything a shot once. What’s the harm?
Piper Shaw: Same as Jill.
Stu Macher: Super enthusiastic to try!! XDD Just, like, dyed lube- right?
Is c a u t i o u s:
Carrie White: … periods have always been difficult for her… But she’s willing to give it a try as long as you’re willing to return the favour! ^^
Thomas Hewitt: Tell him, if whatever he does hurts you. He is very serious about this. He wants you to feel better, but he doesn’t really know this works and does not want you hurting in his vein attempt at making you feel better. So, please. Tell him how you’re feeling. He’ll get really good at making your cramps and discomfort go away.
They may take some convincing:
Drayton Sawyer: I mean, he’s of course not afraid of some blood but… uh… Well, I mean, he doesn’t really have a big, or even moderate sex drive in the first place so any sex of any kind takes some warming up to. Maybe if the stars aline and you catch him on a good day. Otherwise, he tells you to just suck it up.
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luciferloser · 4 years ago
Brothers reacting to a parent MC
as always the reader is GN
When you first arrived in the Devildom with a small child resting on your hip, Lucifer was one of, if not, the most composed out of the brothers. Paying no mind to the toddler that was burying their face into your neck, he began his speech about you being selected for Diavolo’s programme and your upcoming year in the Devildom.
When you moved into the House of Lamentation, you discovered that everything the miniature version of you needed had already been provided. “If anything is missing, please, do not hesitate to ask for it. While your child may not technically be a student here, they are still going to be provided for during your stay here.” Lucifer declared, standing tall in the doorway.
“Ah, no I think everything I need is here, thank you Lucifer...” you trailed off as you noticed your child had made their way over to said demon, and was using his leg as a climbing frame.
Glancing down at the toddler, he looked to you as went to pick them up, silently asking for your permission. When he received the nod of approval, he picked up your child and rested them against his hip. “Let’s hope you’re a lot less problematic than the last child in this house was.” he mused, already spotting the similarities between you and your child.
Glancing at the strange men in front of you, your baby nuzzled their head even further into your neck than they already were. Leaping up from his seat, Mammon shouted “Oi! I thought we already had a human student, so why’s there two over there?��� 
After Diavolo introduced himself and all the other formalities were out of the way, Mammon soon realised the baby in your arms was nowhere near old enough to be a student at RAD and was a mini version of you that had to be even more protected than you were.
“So, what can the lil one do, anyways?” Mammon asked, as he sat down on the edge of your bed, eyeing the baby in the cot warily.
“Honestly? Not much because they’re only a few months old, although they’re getting pretty good at rolling onto their back!” you chuckled, looking fondly at your child. 
“Huh, doesn’t sound that impressive to me. When Satan was a few days old, he was already shattering windows with his scream. But either way, can we make money from it?” taking one look at your alarmed face, he scrambled to add “Aha I’m just kidding! The Great Mammon wouldn’t dream of putting the little tyke in danger!” 
There was certainly never going to be a dull moment with Mammon around...
It wasn’t until you had moved into the House of Lamentation that Levi even realised you had a child. During your induction, he was too busy playing a newly released game on his DDD to even notice the small human clutching at your clothes. When you first received the text from the otaku; telling you to come to his room, you asked if it was okay for you to bring your child along while you got used to your new home. 
Now, when you said child, Leviathan assumed you had a pet or something, because that’s what normies call their pets, right? So imagine the poor boy’s surprise when you had a two-foot-tall lookalike standing beside you. 
“OMG this is just like that anime I watched ‘My new housemate has a tiny doppelganger and they’re both from a different realm!’” He exclaimed in delight, tugging the both of you into his room. “But anyways, that’s not what’s important right now, I called you here for a specific reason, so come in before people start to think I like being associated with not just one, but TWO normies!”
Maybe this otaku has a soft spot for normies after all. 
Taking in the sight of you with a child clinging onto you like a koala, Satan on the outside didn’t show much of a reaction. However, internally, he was rather excited. All of his brothers had a hand in raising him, but he didn’t have anybody to return the favour for. He has also read a few parenting books so he’d like to think he’ll be able to provide some assistance. 
“Oh sweetie please stop crying, there’s nothing to worry about. Nothing’s going to get you in the night, not while I’m here.” You were currently in the process of trying to put your child to bed in your new home, however, your child had other ideas. 
Hearing a knock at the door, you winced when you saw Satan stood their with ruffled hair, in his nightwear. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from the Avatar of Wrath, the string of apologies died in your throat when Satan breezed past you to kneel beside your child, where they had flopped in their bed in their tantrum. 
“Hey kiddo, having trouble sleeping?” He muttered to you child, smiling gently when they nodded, rubbing their eyes. “Well, how about a bedtime story, unless of course you’re too old for them?” chuckling lightly at their sudden change in demeanor, Satan sat down on the floor by their head. “Well then, buckle up because this one used to knock me out like a light when I was a kid.” With that, the blonde began his story about a powerful angel and his 5 brothers’ fall from the Celestial realm. Your child wasn’t the only one who thought the bed time story was immensely interesting. 
After the light faded away and the demons took in the sight before them, Asmo was the first to react. Squealing in delight at the small child resting in your arms, the Avatar of Lust was awestruck. “Oh my Diavolo they’re almost as cute as me!” 
Clutching your child imperceptibly closer to you at the strange man’s outburst, you questioned where you were and who each of the men in front of you were. After recovering from the initial shock of the situation you now found yourself in, you were still quite hesitant to hand your child over to the man who introduced himself as Asmodeus. 
It took nearly a month before you trusted the Lust demon enough to let your toddler spend time alone with him unsupervised. However, after your child came back from their first shopping trip together, you couldn’t deny that your baby had never looked so happy before. Smiling down at your beaming child, you cooed “Okay, what did Asmodeus treat you to?” 
At that question, your toddler and Asmo wasted no time in tugging you into his room to show you all the amazing outfits the pair had bought. You had no doubts that your child was going to be the best dressed child the Devildom had ever seen.
Because his dinner had been cut short for this council meeting, Beelzebub had food on his mind even more so than usual. As a result, he couldn’t help it when he blurted out “ooh snack time” when he spotted the baby in your arms that was swaddled up in their favourite blanket. Gasping at the tall demon in fright, you quickly hid your baby against your chest. No matter how big he was, he certainly wasn’t going to make a snack out of your child.
Unsurprisingly, Beelzebub wasn’t your first choice when it came to a babysitter for a while. However, after your bedroom wall was destroyed and you and your baby had to stay with Beelzebub while it was being repaired, you realised just how family-oriented the redheaded demon truly is. 
Your baby was now at the age where their lungs have the capability of waking the dead, or in your case, a rather large demon. Before you could even finish wiping the sleep from your eyes, Beel was already up and beside the cot where your baby lay. Fearing the worst, your parental instincts went into overdrive. Yet, just as you were about to leap to your child’s rescue, you paused at the sound of Beel’s soft murmuring.
“Hey there, you really are tiny aren’t you? But for someone so small you sure can produce a lot of noise huh? As much as your screams don’t bother me, I’m sure the person who spent all day looking after you would like some rest now, okay? Tell you what, if we both go back to sleep now, we might wake up early enough to have a pre-breakfast snack! How’s that sound?” 
It was at that moment, you realised that if a demon that large can pacify your child with his words alone, he must have a pretty big heart.
Belphegor didn’t meet your child when the rest of his brothers did. Because of that, he tried to avoid you and the toddler that was never too far behind you. That wasn’t the only reason Belpie kept his distance from you, he felt guilty for what he did to you. Even though you had already told him you had forgiven him, he was afraid the same thing would happen to your child not that he would ever do so deliberately.
The first time he was left alone with the miniature version of you, he was taking a nap in the lounge. He opened his eyes to see two large doe eyes looking straight at him. Jumping slightly, he sat up and mumbled “where’s MC?” 
“Gone shopping with Uncle Luci.” the toddler stated, raising their arms at him “Can I nap with you? Your brother’s told me you like to nap.” 
“Uncle Luci, huh. I thought kids hated nap time?” Belpegor quizzed, tilting his head slightly.
“I dunno. I’m tired and you always are.” your child shrugged stepping closer to the tired demon. 
“I mean, you’re not wrong, kid. Come on then, let’s take a nap.” Belphie smiled pulling the tiny human on top of him and tugging the blanket over the top of them both.
You came home about an hour later, to find the two curled up on the sofa together. Who says sleep doesn’t help people to bond?
will post a second part soon for the undateables because my mind is already simping over Barbatos with a child 🥴🖤
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wallyaxiom · 4 years ago
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hey besties it’s me coming to do the waltmeme thing. I couldn’t just pick one character to call my favorite. it also felt unfair to do that as well when there’s so many amazing characters here. so grab a snack, put on your favorite tangled song in my honor and buckle up as i go through the list of my fave characters here at walt each person plays. present gen only. sorry to my next gen faves. maybe one day i’ll write a list for you. or not. i’ll keep you on your toes. 
𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕒 𝕛𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕣
cassandra is a character i love so much. tangled is a movie that means everything to me. kiara is the person who understands my tangled feels. the way you play cassandra...like how you said i have a grasp on reagan, you have such a perfect grasp on who cassandra is as a character. her voice is so clear. you understand who the character is and have transformed her into something more than what was given in the bio i wrote and also in the show that’s used for inspo. she’s a spectacular character and i love her so much. it’s an honor to be one half of elssandra but also cassunzel. she’s such an amazing character. you should be so proud of what you’ve brought to life, kiara.
𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕞𝕔𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟
listen i told you every day how much i love monty. i literally scream it to you in your living room sometimes. i’ve seen every iteration of monty but i think this one is my favorite. i didn’t even know lightning’s real name was montgomery that was all you. so much of yourself is in monty. it reminds me of myself with wally and i think that’s the biggest reason why i love monty is because he’s bits and pieces of you and i love you very much. as much as i love cocky era lightning i love dad lightning even more. i wish i had a dad like him i’m not gonna lie but we’re not gonna unpack that on the man lmfao. i’m glad i’m more enveloped in his story now because he’s such a good character dude. like such a good written and played character. he’s second in my heart to sulley but is inching closer to number one by the day. 
𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕔𝕠 𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕚
fran !!! my bestie !!! my fave !!! i would die for them !!! like bee, i love talking to you about fran and all the tomfoolery they get into. you’ve played them for so long and each time you transform them into something better than the last. they age like a fine wine. in the past almost two years i’ve been able to be part of their story more & i’m so happy for that opportunity. you’ve put so much love, care and devotion into fran. you’ve added so much to their story. like they’re so fleshed out, how does your beautiful brain come up with all this backstory ??? lemme know i need some of those brain cells. they’re amazing. you’re amazing. i want fran to buy me and island and make me pasta but i’ll just them do that for caspian the favorite child. 
𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕨
hands down i had to put orion my future father in law. i’ve had the honor of watching you develop orion into something incredible over these past six years. ( holy cow !!! six ??? insane. ily ). he was a big bad, misunderstood boy and you’ve humanized orion. you’ve brought life into him and created such a beautifully crafted character. he has a heart now. perhaps a tiny one but it’s there. the backstory you’ve created for him and the future he has - all stunning and wonderful. i love this man. he deserves so much after the shit he’s been through. i’ve had the privilege of being in his orbit for a bit when i played logan. I still get to watch him and enjoy the light chaos he brings. i’m ready for the new era of casino owner orion and what trouble he’ll bring now. 
𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕘𝕘𝕪 𝕣𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤
the boy !!! the legend !!! i love shaggy so much. first of all, the future you planned for him. how dare you ?? do you like to see me cry ?? is that it ??? i’m glad he hit his happy arc now because WOW. pain. shaggy is just a nice guy, man. he’s so nice to everyone he meets. i want to be friends with shaggy and scoob. i love mystery inc. i can’t imagine anyone else playing shaggy but you. to me, you are him. he’s the heart of the group. it’s not mystery inc without him. therefore, you’re the heart also. it’s not the same without you. 
𝕤𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕖
i could easily write an essay about how i love all your characters and how you play them all so well but i had to give this spot to sadie. the teagues are my og loves. every time i see sadie the part of my brain where logan resides lights up. she’s such a good character. she’s a little devil and it’s exactly what we need. we need someone to stir up the pot and throw eggs at kids. sadie is a product of her environment. she’s so tough and had to be so young. no one her age should have to grow up so fast the way she did. i would like to wrap sadie in a blanket give her some coco with bat marshmallows and tell her to take a break. hug her. maybe give her some therapy to. i love her. you’ve brought her to life in such an amazing way. i hope her brothers join her soon so we can have that sibling goodness. 
𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕒 𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕒
i was tempted to put ian here because ian lightfoot is joel and we already know how much i love al and wendy but i decided to show the og love so i put nala. from the get go you knew who nala was going to be and where you wanted to go with her. you always bring so much to your characters. you develop them in ways that amazes me each time. go bestie go you’re so talented. i love how devoted she. how fierce she is but also the vulnerability you bring to her. she was thrown into a world at a young age fighting a war she wasn’t meant to and THAT’S a lot on someone. and we see that. i love the way you play her and i’m so happy you decided to take her up. sorry you have to deal with simba tho. pour one out. 
𝕘𝕖𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕩𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙
everyone and their grandmother knows the oliver and co cast means everything to me. i’m so glad that you decided to join them ! you’re a wonderful addition. i love miss george. she’s fabulous in every sense of the word. sharpay evans is shaking in her lil boots. i just love divas. i love them. i am one. she’s perfect. and we know that’s not easy for her. i know your beautiful mind works wonders so i know there’s a lot of growing that georgette will be going through in the future and i’m excited for it. prayer circle for a jenny and oliver. 
𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕩
when you auditioned for thackery you already had an idea of where you wanted to take him and how you wanted to add to his character while staying true to the bio. that is the kind of stuff i like to see. this man has seen some shit and also has been through some shit. i do hope one day his soul can be at ease. he needs a long cat nap. you care a lot for thackery and it’s lovely to see. he may be a hamilton hoe but we have to respect the drip & love him for it anyways. 
𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕣
timmy boy deserves a hug. a hug and a nice space movie to take the edge off. you always put so much of your heart and yourself into your characters. you care so much for them and that’s evident in buzz. he’s goofy, he’s cool and he’s just so wonderful. i’m excited to see where buzz will go from here and how he’ll develop over time. i’m hoping some happiness. maybe some resolution with woodrow just to spice things up. that metal arm is still cool too. 
𝕕𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕟𝕖 𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕖
hey bestie !!! wow !!! daphne ??? gives me so much pain. I am so glad to be going on this angst journey of mystery inc and fred/daph with you. your love for her and the gang makes my heart so happy. i will happily spend hours talking about them and sending tiktoks to each other that remind us of them. you went beyond the assignment. you were just born to play daphne. you write her so well and understand her past the bio, past the inspirations of the live actions and mystery inc. you get her. you see her. she’s in good hands. i’m ready for all the pain she’s about to cause me. 
𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖
i love penelope. i really do. i am penelope’s number one stan. it was discussed before but it’s so easy to play miss piggy as unlikeable since she is such a brash character but you bring so much light and love to penny. it’s hard not to be in love with her and want her to succeed in everything she does. she’s the miss piggy we all grew up with but she’s also special because you’ve added your own personal touches to her. she’s an amazing character. i would punch anyone who’s wronged penelope. i’m excited for the layers to start peeling back and we see more of penny - especially her badass ways. i just love the way you play her and i love penelope hainline okay. i lovoe divas as stated above what can i say. 
𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕣𝕒 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕥
ANNIE !!!! WOW AURORA ??? genuinely she is the love of my life. I love her so, so much. she’s so sweet and wonderful and deserve to be tucked in ??? read a bed time story ??? and not be cursed ??? why’d i do that. she deserves the world and so do you. in the short amount of time you’ve had her you’ve added so much depth to her story. which is not always easy the first few months you have a character but you’ve put in a lot of love into aurora already. you understood the assignment and & went beyond.  i’m so excited to see where she goes on her journey and what will happen when he hopefully get a maleficent one day. also is it an aurora shoutout without me saying philip loves her ??? bc he does. 
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tracle0 · 5 years ago
hello hey hi and a splendid saturday to you, I come bearing a question for the wip4 gang and that question is: what is each of their most significant memories? additionally, are there any memories they would jump at the chance to get rid of? ok bye please have an excellent day \o/ (and before you yell at me I'm going to sleep now I swear)
I’m glad that when you even LOOK at me you think ‘oh sleep time’ I am Pavlov and you are my dog and this metaphor is stupid I will answer your question now
I’m gonna... assume this is uhh pre-story question because I know for a fact that at least three characters would change their answer to at least one question if it was post-story. My house, my rules. 
Keaton’s most significant memory is p r o b a b l y the time when he was in year 12 (17), and he was called to the head of sixth form office. He’d been at this school since year 7 (11), and had realised he was trans in year 8 (12/13), and had then been fighting for the right to use his bathroom ever since. This had previously resulted in punishment. In year 10 (15), he made progress, being allowed to use the disabled bathroom, but he wanted the men's bathroom dammit. 
Anyway, called to head of sixth form, assumed it was related to that issue. Pessimistic about the whole ordeal. 
Turned out there was another student in like year 9 who had come out as trans as well, and the school had gone ‘UHHHHHHHHH LET’S DO BETTER THIS TIME’ so Keaton, being the only other trans student in this rural Norfolk school, was assigned as her... mentor??? I guess? 
He was half like ‘fuck y’all’ and half like ‘I will not let this young woman go through the same shit you all put me through, I will guard her like a HAWK’. He was still not allowed to use his bathroom, but he makes her fight a little easier; she’s allowed to use her bathroom in year 10, after he left. They still meet up every now and then for coffee. 
Memory to be rid of: First day on a Professional Set, he walked backwards whilst taking a tea order and fell into a bin. Terrible first impression. He still got jobs afterwards, but sometimes people will be like ‘oh yeah I’ve heard of you you’re the bin guy’ and he wants to punch them. 
This is getting long already I’m gonna put the rest under a cut
I know you’re here for Mika so I’ll go to them, most significant memory: probably his first pride? He didn’t intend to go to pride, but he was in the city on the day of pride and just walked past all these rainbows and flags and people being so open and proud and themselves. He was maybe fifteen, and had been having those fun Gender Feels that you try and hide at age fifteen, because you’re only fifteen and most people tell you you’re not old enough to know anything about yourself, yknow? 
Someone gave him a flyer at one point, and when he got back to his Ultra Christian Household, he hid it and would read through it some nights. When he had it memorised, he started to explore more about queerness online. He’s the guy who can tell you all about LGBT history due to this research. This was only done in the city on the library computers, where his trail couldn’t be tracked. It gave him some sort of start for labels, some sort of safe space, some sort of New Approach to everything he’d been feeling. 
Memory to be rid of: last day in Ultra Christian School. He was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school and it wasn’t awful until he was about fourteen, at which point he started to grow his hair. They told him to cut it constantly. He was punished for it. He kept the hair. 
It got bad but it wasn’t until he was about seventeen that it really buckled; first real notable psychotic episode. He told people, they were convinced it was some sort of possession, convinced he’d sinned, convinced of all these horrible things about him and drove him out until he could ‘act normally’ again. He did not go back. 
In all honesty, the second he turned 18, he took his savings from various dead grandparents and a part-time job, bought a second-hand (maybe third-hand) camper-van and left home. 
He goes back for Christmas only. 
Mooooving on, Lynne! Who I do not talk about enough; she’s also part of the documentary squad, and actually the reason the whole squad exists. Producer and director, she’s very cool okcoolthanks
Most significant memory: That one time she was thirteen and her parents had officially declared their divorce. She was living with her dad and it was really, really weird and she was not enjoying it. Divorce is a big deal to some families, and this family was one of them, and she was really unsure about her entire future. 
Cue Mika, young and mostly obedient, kicking down the door (not literally) and kidnapping her (again, not literally) to come pick blackberries with him (very literally). They stayed out until the sun went down in early Autumn. She forgot about the divorce for a small amount of time. They ended the day eating fish and chips straight from the paper whilst sitting in a tree and talking about nothing important at all. 
They made jam out of the blackberries the next day. It was gross. Both of them refused to admit it was gross. 
Memory to be rid of: She went camping one time with friends from school. Lynne is Muslim and so did not go to Catholic school with Mika, they just lived near each other, and so school friends went ‘hey we’re going camping you should come’ she did come. 
It was a mess. They were fifteen and determined to drink, and English peer pressure to drink is weird, so she did take some drink but didn’t drink it. Someone threw up on her tent and blamed it on her. No-one bought any food or water, the only thing she was able to drink was lemonade bought for mixing and that had ants in it within two hours. 
She woke up first and left them all there, then walked home because she was meant to be lift-sharing. It took an hour and a half. She preferred that to being in the car. 
That group wasn’t her only group of friends, but it was her main group, so things were awkward for a while. 
Moving on from Documentary Squad, Percival! Percy Percival who I wish I could call Percy because it’s so much easier to write. 
Significant memory: winning an art contest when he was like. Eleven. Really living the high-life, ol’ Percival. It was a city-wide contest, with various age categories. He was part of the 11-18 clump, which put him at a disadvantage, but he still won. As a reward, his art was replicated on a mural in one of the shopping malls in town, and he got some fancy vouchers for a fancy art shop in the city. 
Winning the art contest made him go ‘oh wait I’m actually good at this thing I really like doing I should learn how to do that more’ and you could barely pry him away from his sketchbook from that point on. 
Those vouchers were stored away until he was 14 and doing art GCSE, at which point he bought a nice sketchbook and oil paints. He’s now very good at oil painting. I hate him for being good at oil painting. Oil painting SUCKS. 
Memory to be rid of: I’m torn between three and they’re all similar so I’ll go for all of them. 
#1 - losing an eye to Abby’s experiments. You read the lil short story I think (I know I checked just now) - she’s a very kind and loving sister who sometimes moves his body parts around. One time, he lost an eye and went blind for a few weeks. He had nightmares about it for months. It was very painful.
#2 - losing a finger. To Abby’s experiments. It was the middle finger on his left hand and it didn’t go back into place quickly enough - now it’s always numb and discoloured. Good news is he’s right-handed and not a musician so no worries about losing dexterity on that hand. 
#3 - losing two ribs. To Abby’s experiments.  There’s a very clear trend here. She wanted to try moving things she couldn’t see around. She moved two ribs away. She decided it was more dangerous to put them back. Now they just have two of Percival’s ribs lying around. 
On that note, final person, this is very long. Abby! She’s fun. Most significant memory;
okay the word ‘significant’ has caught me off-guard several times cause like wow how do you figure out significant memories for people. I don’t have just one, yknow? But I think I know one for her. 
She’s the eldest out of her and Percival and, for a while, people wanted her to set an example for him, which she tried to do, but she wasn’t good at what people wanted her to be good at. She’s good with people. She’s good at very specific parts of biology. She’s good at psychology. She’s not good at school and tests. 
So, when Percival started to beat the standards she set for him, her parents almost... egged competition on. Played favourites, compared the two siblings. Nobody really noticed what she could do, they only cared about what she struggled with. And the parents were rarely around to help out with what she was struggled with. So she struggled on and tried to keep her head high.
Cue a family wedding, she was snooping around the snack table at the reception and overheard her parents talking about her. And how they were almost disappointed in her. How they were annoyed that she couldn’t be more like Percival, honestly, what did they do wrong? 
She got bitter. She pretends she doesn’t care but she’s bitter, and with no parents around to lash out at, she lashes out at Percival, who isn’t even aware. Good times. Not good times. Significant times. 
Memory to be rid of: Honestly? Probably hearing her parents talking about her at the family wedding. It stings. 
A n y w a y this was extremely long I like going into detail with short stories, if you read this far then thank you I appreciate it I will give you a feather from my feather collection. Probably a swan feather. I have a lot of swan feathers. 
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nastybuckybarnes · 6 years ago
Importance  -  Five
Bucky Barnes X WOC!Teacher!Reader AU
Pairing: Bucky X WOC!Teacher!Reader
Summary: A student’s father catches your eye and his daughter steals your heart. However falling for him might be the most dangerous decision of your life, for his job leaves virtually no room for anyone who could possibly be a liability.
Chapter Summary: An incident with Violet and three men lead you to James’ mysterious place of work, where you’ll figure out just what you’re getting yourself into. 
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Fluff, lil bit of creepy stuff, language,
Word Count: 2K
A/N: I will be without my laptop for a week so I’m trying to get stuff up and posted. Oops.idk bro
“The Christmas concert is next week! Oh, I’m so excited! I can hardly wait!” Violet exclaims as you comb her hair.
“Yeah, I’m excited too.” Are you mainly just excited to have dinner with her and her father after? Maybe.
Since that day, you and he have shared more than a few steamy make-out sessions, one ending with his hand up your shirt and your hand down his pants.
Is it wrong? Probably.
Will you stop? Probably not.
“Are you ready to go to the bakery?” You ask, smiling as she nods excitedly.
You help her into her shoes, then walk out the door with her, making sure to lock it behind you.
Your walk is nice. Kind of quiet for a little while but Violet easily fixes that.
When you’re about a block away from the bakery, you get the strange sense of being followed.
“Violet, we’re gonna take a little detour, okay?” You ask, squeezing her hand reassuringly. You take a few left turns, glancing over your shoulder a tad more than necessary, but you’re glad you do.
Three men are following you and Violet, each wearing leather jackets with a strange symbol on the left arm.
You dig your hand through your purse until you find your phone and carefully punch in the emergency number Bucky gave you.
“This is Agent Barnes speaking.” You furrow your brows but decide to save the questions for later.
“It’s (Y/n). Three men are following Violet and I. We were on our way to the bakery and I don’t know how long they’ve been following us for. I don’t want to walk back to my house and walking to your house will take too long. I-I don’t know what to do.” You make sure to keep your voice low, not wanting to scare Violet.
“Alright, stay calm and don’t run. Walk, don’t run. If you can, make your way back to the bakery and stay there. If you can’t then find a populated area with plenty of exits. Keep note of your surroundings and if you see any of their faces memorize what you can. I’m sending an agent to pick the two of you up. He’ll pick the two of you up and bring you out of the city then back in the where I am. His name is Sam Wilson. Have him show you three forms of ID. He’s a medium height man with dark skin and buzzed hair. He’s got brown eyes and a gap between his front teeth. If anyone else claims to be him, call the police then call me.” You take a few deep breaths then nod, mostly to yourself.
“Alright. When should I expect Sam?” You can hear him talking to someone as you bring Violet towards the bakery.
“Five minutes tops. Buy violet a few treats, I’ll pay you back for them, and get yourself some stuff too. The food here isn’t the best and I’m not sure how long it’ll be ‘till you two get home.” You take a few deep breaths as the bakery comes into view. “Okay, we’re almost there. I’ll call you if anything happens.”
“Alright. See you soon.” You hang up the phone and push the door open, ushering Violet in before you. When the door closes you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding then walk up to the counter with Violet in tow.
“Hi, how may I help you?” The cheerful woman asks, smiling at the two of you.
“Could we please get three of your double fudge brownies, two croissants, a bottle of apple juice, one of those ham sandwiches, and a large caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso?” She rings it all up and nods. “Sounds perfect. That’ll be nineteen dollars flat.” You hand her three tens, insisting that she keep the change.
She starts packaging your order and hands it all over with a smile.
You and Violet thank the woman then sit down at one of the cute little tables by the windows.
“We’re not gonna be walking home, Okay Violet? We’re gonna go visit your daddy, instead.” She smiles excitedly while sipping her apple juice.
A dark-skinned man pushes the door open and looks to you and Violet, smiling a gap-toothed smile at you.
“I’m Sam Wilson.” You nod then remember what Bucky told you.
“Can I see three forms of ID please?” He nods and shows you his drivers licence, and two different federal ID’s with badges on them.
“Alright. Come on, Violet. It’s time to go.” She takes your hand and walks with you and Sam to the sleek black car waiting outside.
You strap her in the back, biting your bottom lip nervously as you notice the lack of a car seat.
“Please be careful. Sh-she doesn’t have her car seat,” you whisper while sliding into the front seat beside Sam. He nods, buckling up. his seatbelt while you do the same.
He pulls goes to drive when you grab his arm.
“Those three right there, those are the guys,” you whisper while motioning with your chin to the men coming around the corner, their heads turned to the windows of the bakery, no doubt looking for you and Violet.
“Got them on the dash cam. Let’s get out of here now,” He murmurs, eyes hardening as he drives away.
The ride is long and quiet, you internally freaking out while sipping your coffee while Violet drinks her apple juice in the back.
“It’s okay. They’re not following and we’re almost there.” You look over at Sam, smiling a pained smile at him then turning back to the front and taking a few deep breaths.
When he parks in front of a large modern building and gets out of the car you climb out as well, helping Violet out and following Sam into the building.
He scans his ID at the door and types in a long passkey, winking at you as the door opens.
You follow him inside and into the elevator.
“Barnes’ office is on the tenth floor. Well, the whole floor is basically his,” Sam informs, watching you closely as you fidget.
The doors open and you walk out with Violet, relief flooding you as you see Bucky.
“Hey, are you guys okay?” He asks, hurrying over to the two of you. Violet hugs him tightly and smiles. “Hi, daddy! I missed you.” He smiles and picks her up, walking over to you and taking your hand.
“Are you alright, (Y/n)?” You nod, although your shaking hands tell a different story.
“Hey, Violet, why don’t you go over to the couch and colour. I’ve got some colouring books and crayons under the table. I need to talk to Miss (Y/l/n) for a minute.” He glances over your shoulder and Sam steps forwards. “Could you watch Violet for a few minutes.” He nods and heads over to the five-year-old, smiling as she hands him a colouring book.
Bucky takes your hand and pulls you down a hallway and through a door.
Inside the room, is a large bed and a dresser.
He sits you on the bed and you take a few deep breaths.
“W-why were they following us? What do they want?” He crouches down in front of you and takes your hands in his, holding your gaze.
“I’m not sure who they are or what they wanted, but I’ll check out the dash cam footage and see what we come up with. Until then, I don’t want you going anywhere alone.” Tears well up in your eyes and you sniffle, pulling one of your trembling hands away from him to wipe your cheeks.
“I don’t know why I’m freaking out. I just… I felt so helpless. There was no way for me to protect Violet and if something happened to her…” you trail off and try to take deep breaths, failing epically.
“Hey, hey! You’re okay. Violet’s okay and you’re both safe here. I promise.” He pulls you into a tight embrace and kisses the top of your head.
“You did the right thing. You called me and I told you what to do and everything worked out. Everyone is safe.” You sniffle and nod, looking up at him.
“I… I was scared. I didn’t… but now I’m with you and everything’s okay,” you breathe the words and look up into his eyes, smiling slightly as he cups your cheeks.
“And that’s how it’ll stay when you’re with me.”  With that, he leans up and kisses your lips gently.
It’s an innocent and comforting kiss, nothing too frantic or desperate, and it makes you relax.
When he pulls away, you smile.
“Alright. Now you have free reign of this floor. I’ve got a few things to do for work still and then we’ll figure out what’s going on, okay? Feel free to sleep here or on the couch if you get tired, and I’ve got a fridge full of snacks and a few kinds of cereal somewhere in that tiny kitchen.”
He leads you out of the bedroom and to the main open space. “My office is just through that door over there if you need anything. The tv is hooked up to Netflix and I should have a few movies here too if you or Violet want to watch anything.” You nod and smile at Violet as she comes running to the two of you.
“Miss (Y/l/n) can we watch some TV?” She asks desperately, the most adorable smile on her face.
“Of course. Let’s go.”
“Goodnight honey. If you need anything, Me and Miss (Y/l/n) will be in the bedroom. Okay?” Violet nods and cuddles up under the blankets, a smile on her face as Mickey Mouse plays on the TV.
Bucky closes the bedroom door and sighs, looking at you almost sheepishly.
“I uh... I guess I have some explaining to do, huh?” He asks while scratching the nape of his neck.
“Well, considering the fact that you picked up the phone and called yourself Detective and I had men following me and your daughter, yeah.” He sits on the foot of the bed beside you and nods, avoiding your eyes. 
“I uh... I’m Agent James Barnes with the FBI. We’ve been working a case for months, trying to crack down on a large scale crime organization. But we haven’t exactly been successful. We think they’re onto us and that makes it dangerous for anyone involved in our lives. You and Violet included.” 
You ponder this for a moment, keeping your eyes on your hands.
“So... they know who I am?” He sighs heavily and nods. “It’s... very very likely that they have an idea of your connection to me. And I understand if you want to leave. I haven’t had many partners because of my job, and I know Violet’s really attached to you but I’m sure I can figure something out.”
You take his hand and smile, “I’m not gonna just leave you because of this. I care about you and I care about Violet. So... I’m ready to take proper precautions to keep Violet and myself safe.” He looks up at you in shock. “Y-you mean that?” You giggle and nod. 
“Of course I mean that. You and Violet are the two most important people in my life. I’m not gonna run away with my tail between my legs because somebody is upset.” He grabs your cheeks and kisses you fiercely, obviously relieved by your reaction.
When he pulls away there are tears glistening in his eyes. “Thank you.” You kiss his lips gingerly then climb up the bed, laying down under the covers. 
“I can... sleep on the floor if you’d like.” You shake your head and pat the spot next to you, inviting him to join you.
“If you’re sure.” You nod and close your eyes for a moment. “I’m more than sure. Goodnight, James.” He kisses your cheek while climbing under the covers with you. “Goodnight, (Y/n).”
@smolbeanbucky @wildefire @inumorph @impalatobakerstreet @nanna022 @mummy-woves-you @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001 @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs @swoonhui @destiel-artemis @frozenhuntress67 @unlikelygalaxygiver @agentlokidottir @viarogers @dumblani @mypassionsarenysins @mapreza1 @courtmr @paradisiacalsparks
@look-to-the-stars-and-wish @maladaptive-ninja-returns @april-14-blog @momc95 @shakzer00 @inkedaztec @cal-ifornication @heartislubbingdubbing @my-suga-kookies @imaginewhoever @soryuwifeyxx
@chuuulip @nerd-without-a-cause @natashasnight @dragonrosegardens @saharzek @fandom-princess-forevermore 
@beansparker @slender--spirit @teenage-fever10 @marbleowl @valynsia @sillydecoy @ficdupshorty @buckysthot @kaaeila @jetaimeamore @juniebpetty
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forever-rogue · 6 years ago
From Prompt List Imagines 42 and 50 with Ben. Pleeease
42. “You make a sound and its game over.” & 50. “Shut up.”
It gets a lil rough - enjoy 😉
You hated Ben Hardy.
At least that’s what you told everyone, including your large mutual circle of friends. And what you tried to convince yourself of. But the fact that you often yourself whimpering his name in the middle of night as you touched yourself suggested otherwise.
All right. You didn’t hate Ben Hardy. You wanted him. Badly. But you’d rather be dead than ever admit that to yourself.
It was an unspoken rule the two of you had: you didn’t like him and he didn’t like you. There was something about his pretty boy swagger, his facade of innocence and sweetness that rubbed you the wrong way.
Okay, so maybe he wasn’t a jerk. But it was easier to say he was and therefore have a claim that you hated him. But, let’s be real: all you wanted was Ben between your legs, his mouth, his cock - everything.
You found yourself rummaging through Joe’s extensive liquor cabinet when you felt a pair of eyes boring into your back. You paused for a moment, contemplating between turning around or pretending you hadn’t heard him come in.
“Really, love? You’re just going to straight up ignore me?” his voice was silky smooth as ever, tinged with amusement. You remained frozen as you heard him walk over to you. He got dangerously close, so close you could feel the heat radiating off of his body and onto yours, “you at least usually force out a hello.”
“I’m not obligated to do anything,” you huffed, turning on your heel to find yourself face to face with him. There was a dangerous smirk etched on his handsome features and fired up the slight tingling between your legs. You bit your lip and tried to avoid looking in his eyes, “and last time I checked, you were the one who intruded on me.”
“Why do you hate me?” he asked gently, a soft expression, uncommon for how he normally looked at you, on his face.
“Shut up,” you rolled our eyes and put up your defenses. This was no time to go soft and give into his ways. You’d managed to avoid it for years, but boy, he was making it hard, “we just don’t like each other. Plain and simple.”
“I don’t hate you,” he whispered quietly, leaning in close so there was only a few inches between your bodies. You could feel his warm breath fanning across your face - sweet mint laced with the tiniest hint of alcohol. He studied you, awaiting a response but noticed your hesitation, “you’re beautiful, you know. And your personality isn’t all that shit when you’re not hating on me.”
“I-I don’t,” you stammered out as his lifted a gentle hand to your face and ghosted his fingers along the contours. He had figured out how to weaken you, to tear your walls down and it was working. You subconsciously squeezed your legs together, trying fight the wetness that was pooling in your panties, “hate you.”
“Oh?” he asked quietly, and you nodded and swallowed the large lump in your throat. He brushed his thumb over your lip, his other hand going to your waist. His fingers danced under the hem of your shirt, grazing slightly over the soft flesh, “do you want me like I want you?”
“Yes,” your breath hitched in your throat at the feel of his large, warm hands on your skin. This fucker had broken you down in a matter of minutes, doing so with effortless bravado.
“When you touch yourself do you pretend it’s me fucking you?” his eyes were dark with lust, pupils completely blown, almost none of the soft green visible. His lips were a few millimeters from yours and your whole body was buzzing with anticipation, “because I do. I think about those pretty lips wrapped my cock. How good my cock would feel inside that pussy. I’d love to find out…”
That was all it took before you closed the gap and crashing your lips onto his, feverishly kissing him. His hands gripped your waist tightly as you carded your hands around his neck and through his hair. A few moans escape your lips as he took control and started to along your jawline, working his way down your neck, biting and sucking at the delicate skin.
This was clearly not his first go around, and he somehow already knew all your sweet spots, the ones that made your knees buckle and moans fly off your lips. He smirked against your skin, one hand playing with the waistband of your leggings. You knew it was wrong, purely due to the fact that you were in the middle of Joe’s kitchen, where anyone could walk in at any moment. But you didn’t care, you were so caught up in how badly you wanted Ben, nothin else was on your mind.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he teased gently, putting a finger to your lips. You pouted at him, desperate for him to carry on, “be a good girl and stay quiet. You make a sound and it’s game over. Can you do that? Can you be a good girl?”
“Mhmm,” you murmured around his finger before opening your lips and sucking it, just to tease him. He was already incredibly hard and you could feel his erection pressed up against you.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” he groaned before kissing you again. You did your best to remain silent as he pulled down your leggings and panties, pushing them to your knees. You ran a finger through your wet folds, a smug smile on his face, “so wet. All for me?”
You were about to speak but you saw him raise his eyebrows in warning so you just nodded. You weren’t about to lose out on this.
“Good girl,” he whispered, letting the words linger, “take out my cock.”
You undid his jeans hastily and pulled his weeping cock out of his boxers. You marvelled at the sight - it was better than you could have imagined. And hard, so hard, all for you.
You pumped him a few times before getting ready to sink down on your knees to suck him off but he held you up and shook his head, “need to be inside you. Now.”
There was sense of begging and urgency in his voice that turned you on even more. Such a powerful man, brought to this point all because of you.
You guided him to your entrance, running the tip over your wet folds before lining him up. Ben took control and pushed himself into you, not stopping until he was completely buried inside you, a loud groan escaping his throat. He rested his head on your shoulder, amazed by how good it felt to be inside you. It was like you were made for him, and he wasn’t going to be able to last long. He had been dreaming of this moment for a long time now.
“Fuck,” he whispered as he pushed you against the counter and stated to thrust into you. It was slow at first, obviously he was trying to control and pace himself.
It quickly turned much needier and more sloppy as he thrust into you erratically. Low moans and whimpers fell past his lips as carried on, one hand moving to your clit, circling it just right. You squeezed your eyes shut at the pure feeling of bliss. His hand other hand travelled to your throat, squeezing it lightly as he roughly kissed your lips. He was so needy, but it was perfect. Even better than anything you could have dreamed of.
“That’s right baby girl,” he all but growled in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He grunted slightly, nipping at your ear, “you feel so good around my cock, so tight.”
You pleaded with him silently to let you cum, and he seemed to understand as he increased his ministrations, the only sound in the room were he his moans an the slap of skin on skin.
“Cum for me,” he all but commanded as he felt your walls start to contract him. You threw back your head in ecstasy as you felt your release set in, vision getting hazy as he fucked you into oblivion. You felt his cock twitch, and that was all you needed to set you off, “that’s right baby girl, let go. Cum around my cock.”
Your mouth hung open in a silent moan of pleasure as you reached your high and he spilled inside of you, his hot cum coating your walls.
“Fuckkk,” he groaned as you rode our high, remaining inside you, “God, that was worth the wait. I guess you can be a good girl and listen without mouthing off.”
“Jesus Christ, Ben,” you finally said as he pulled out of you, “that was good, but you don’t have to be such a dick about it.”
“Ahh, I see you haven’t learned yet, he roughly grabbed your face, his lips near yours, "maybe I need to teach you some more. Show you how to be a good girl. You’d like that, huh?”
“Hmm,” you hummed as you nodded, imagining all of the things he’d do to you. And if his prior actions were any indication, you wanted to know what he could do.
“You’re coming with me,” he growled, zipping up his pants and pulling your leggings back on, admiring how his seed leaked out of you, “now.”
The swinging door to the kitchen sounded off and a smug looking Joe poked his head in, “next time you have sex in my kitchen either invite me or give me warning so I can grab a snack ahead of time.”
You and Ben exchanged glances before bursting out in laughter. Of course it was Joe that had caught you. It could have been worse though.
He grabbed your hand and hastily pulled you along with him - you had a lot to do and the night was young after all.
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little-owly · 7 years ago
okay but like think about this: daddy ma//rk and lil ja//ck are out at the store, and ja//ck drank way too much so of course he has to go potty, but he swore that morning that he was a big boy and didn't need a diaper!! So he's not protected and he's nervous to tell ma//rk because he thinks he'll be mad. But ma//rk notices his baby's frantic dancing and smiles knowingly before directing him to the bathroom!! poor baby almost doesn't even make it!! 💖
AWWWW CONGRATS U GET A SMOL FIC!! THIS WAS SUCH A CUTE IDEA!!///Mark buttoned the last button on Jack's coat. The younger of the two pouting as he did -- hiding behind his scarf. "Don' wike big coat. Too itchy.""Jackie," Mark warned, "it's just until we can get you a new coat this weekend. You don't want a runny nose or sore throat from the cold, do you?"A short pause and blue eyes met Mark, "...nooo.""Then it's settled. C'mon, Daddy's wearing his coat too -- we can match!"Jack giggled as Mark zipped up his dark red coat. A few shades off from his own, the sudden cold weather was a shock to him and Mark. Their windows frozen with a paper thin layer of ice, the signal of autumns short stay and winter's long welcome. And of course they forgot to buy heaters.And of course the cold weather helped Jack slip into his headspace. Be it the playful promise of snow or the excitement of the holidays to come -- Jack's more innocent side peeked out to play. Well, not as little as he normally was. Begging Mark to let him wear big boy undies instead of (in his own words) "baby diapees or little boy pull ups!" With a small tantrum and a promise tell Mark when he'd need to go potty, Jack was dressed in his blue and black briefs. And so here they were. Bundled up and ready to go. With a gentle tug of his hand and a quick kiss to his cheek, Mark hurried them out of Jack's apartment. Ready to walk down to the local shops for their (much needed) heaters.--"Hi birdie! Hi twee! Hi cwoud!"Mark chuckled as he guided Jack down the sidewalk. The chilly wind making the hair on his neck stand up. The faint fog covering up his glasses made him really wonder why the cold weather had seemed to change over night. Hell, just last week when he was in sunny L.A. it was a sweltering 102. But, as long as Jack was happy with the change -- then so was he. "Hi birdie...wait, I saided hi to you before!" Jack whined, "giv' other birdies chances!"Mark couldn't help but giggle at the other man. Yeah, he was definitely happy.--"Hmm, appliances for winter," Mark read over the shop's front sign, "let's check in here. Promises it has everything.""Ewery twing?" Jack perked up, "wike...helicopters?" "Well, not exactly. But maybe a toy helicopter.""wha' 'bout...a pet tiger!""Jackie," Mark laughed, "why would they sell a pet tiger? And if they did, why would we buy it? Poor Chica would be scared to death.""...pet baby tiger?"Mark ruffled Jack's green bangs. Noticing how red his cheeks and nose were -- reminding him of the way Jack would blush when asking for help with his bottle or with building a tower. "Let's hurry and get what we need. I know someone who might want some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows."Mark didn't even need to turn around to know his baby boy was smiling at the promise. The two walked up and down the various isles. Mark stopping to check out whatever heaters they had on sale, what would work the best for their two bedroom apartment, and of course if it's safe to use around pets (he'd honestly cry if Chica were to burn her nose again like last winter). Mark paying little mind to Jack, other than holding his hand.Which might have been a good idea in Jack's favor. The poor little biting his lip and standing up straight. Fear creeping in his mind as he realized one thing with dread: he need to pee.Not just any regular pee. He needed to have his morning pee.Thanks to his tantrum, poor Jack hadn't had a chance to use the bathroom before leaving his safe apartment with Mark. Not feeling it until they were already in the shop. Nonetheless, all the way in the back. "Looking for anything?" Mark looked up from his search to see a young worker. Smiling softly as they waited for a response, "ah, no thank you. Just looking for a heater for the apartment.""Oh! Those have been selling fast today. Crazy cold comin' in outta nowhere," the worker laughs, "it was autumn a day ago and now we're in winter."Mark nodded, getting lost in conversation with the worker. Letting go of Jack's hand as he did. Giving Jack the chance to fold his arms and cross his legs. Whining low as the heavy feeling in his abdomen pained him. Wiggling about like, well, like a potty dance. Foot tapping as he tried to look around for somewhere to focus. The fish tanks! No...that just made him think of pouring water. The soda machine! Nope...that made him think of how weak his bladder is when drinking soda. The video game shelf! Perfect! ...save for the loud drinking fountain next to it. "M-Mark?" Mark continued on, "I'm only here until New Years Day, but I've always wanted to check out London at Christmas time.""Mark...?""Oh, its crowded but worth it if you're brave enough!"Jack sniffled, leaking into his black jeans. No. He promised to be a big boy. He promised he wouldn't upset Daddy. He promised!"Mark?"Thankfully, he turned around, "Jack?""N-need to go." he whispered quietly into his ear. Leaving the worker concerned."Oh! Oh, I'm...really sorry to cut this short -- erm..." Mark tried to set down the two boxed heaters he had, the worker taking them from him gently as the two rushed off to the front. Just a few feet away from relief. Just a few feet away from dry pants. Just a few feet...Jack practically slammed the stall door open as Mark ran in from behind. Jack whining as he jumped foot to foot, hand stuffed in between his legs. Sniffling as he tried to unzip his jeans with his free hand. "D-Daddy! Hewp! Gon' have an accident!""Jackie, let Daddy do it. Move your hand -- good boy," he sighed as Jack did as he was told. He knew better than to let Jack wear underwear when little. He knew better than to leave him unprotected. And yet, here he is, paying the price for it and trying to help his scared baby boy calm down -- the only thing he /didn't/ want to happenMark pulled Jack out of his jeans and aimed for him. Finally letting go, Jack practically melted into Mark's hold. Panting as he cried. Relief flooding his body as he went and went and went. With buckled knees and a deep sigh, Jack nodded. Mark tucking him back in and zipping him up before flushing. His poor baby boy's cheeks and face a teary red mess. Silence passed between them as they washed and dried their hands. The store's cheery pop music playing just outside the restroom door. "Jack?"No answer."Jackie?"The other perked up. Still in headspace. "I'm...sowwy, shoulda listen to Daddy when...when said to wear diapee o-or pull up," He rushed over to hug him. "I didn't wan' make you mad or maked you ha-hate me! Shoulda listened!""Oh, Jackie, baby boy, Daddy knows you didn't mean it. And Daddy's not mad at all," he hugged back. Hand running through his hair, "it was a close call. We can't help it if we wait too long to go potty. Daddy's so proud of you for trying your best to be a big boy, okay? And Daddy could never ever hate you, big or little."Jack nuzzled into the soft material of Mark's coat. "I love you, Jackie. You tried, and that's all Daddy ever asked of you.""...I wuv you too...""Now, let's clean up your face and get home. I know these places can be a bit scary for you."With a nod, Jack allowed Mark to clean him up. --They were both thankful the kind worker helped them check out. Even being sweet enough to give them a discount on their purchase. The walk home was surprisingly busy. Different people passed by them on the street. None of them paying any mind as the two held hands. "...they didn't have a pet baby tiger. So they don't have everything." Mark spoke up. Cracking a giggle from Jack. "They haded fishes.""The snack or the animal?""The animal!" Jack giggled, "you's silly!""You're sillier, baby boy."Jack blushed, holding onto the plastic bag tighter. Their return home was the same as always. Chica jumping and nuzzling up against the two as soon as they walked in the door. Mark making Jack stand still as he carefully undressed him out of his coat and scarf. Even making time to diaper his baby boy up -- just so there's no close calls! And now here they were. The sky outside their window a light purple hue. The branch outside their window gently hitting the glass as the chilly wind continued to blow. Jack sitting in his footie tiger pajamas in Mark's lap as they sipped on hot chocolate. Enjoying the warmth of their apartment. "Daddy?""Yes, Jackie?""Wuv you.""And I love you. Even more than hot chocolate."Jack gasped, "that a wot! I wuv you more than..." he leaned up to whisper in his ear, "more than Sammy -- but don't twell!""I won't! Promise with all my heart."And there they stayed. Enjoying the warmth inside as the world outside grew colder and colder. Because nothing's better than staying warm with those you love the most. (...and maybe a cup of tasty hot chocolate!)
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lazyfox411 · 8 years ago
Almost Home
so this was a struggle and a half because my dumb ass didn’t save the first time and then my wifi conked out :/ anyway, here it is!! for @voltabon (tagging your Voltron blog hope that’s ok if not just let me know and i’ll remove it) thank you SO MUCH for the request!!!12 B+D with Klance fluff from that lil drabble ask meme thing:) idk if I liked how it turned out but I hope you enjoy!!!
The whir of the plane’s engine had long since faded to background noise, but it still managed to hammer its way into Keith’s ears and rattle around his skull. He stifled a groan, not wanting to wake the stranger in the seat to his right.
Lance, on his other side, looked up from the book he was reading. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Keith told his boyfriend quickly. Lance buried his nose back in the book and Keith rested his fingers on his temples. His head was pounding.
He had no idea how long they’d been on the plane, or how much time was left, all he knew was that he wanted to go home. It had been a fun vacation, but Keith was drained and all he wanted to do was lay down in his own bed with some Advil for his head and maybe a hot water bottle for his stomach. He hadn’t been feeling well since this morning, but he hadn’t dared to tell Lance. If Lance knew, he’d probably have made the both of them stay in a hotel room for another night, insisting Keith shouldn’t be flying if he wasn’t feeling 100%. Keith didn’t mind Lance doting over him, but he was more than eager to go home.
A soft ding made him look up, and then the flight attendants appeared, telling everyone to fasten their seatbelts. Keith fumbled with his until Lance reached over and helped him buckle up. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lance asked, deep blue eyes swimming with concern. “You look a little pale.”
“Yes, Lance, I’m-” Before he could say fine, a sudden jolt of the plane cut him off. The aircraft continued to rumble through the sky, jerking its passengers around in their seats. Turbulence, Keith thought, gritting his teeth. It was probably only minor, but to Keith’s aching head and stomach it felt like being jostled along a roller coaster ride. When it was finally over, he couldn’t stop the pitiful whine that escaped his lips. 
“Keith,” Lance said, gently cupping his palm around Keith’s cheek, “be honest. What’s wrong?”
Keith sighed, nuzzling into Lance’s touch. He might as well tell the truth, there was nothing Lance could do now that they were headed home. “I guess I’m not feeling too great,” he admitted.
“Aw, baby,” Lance cooed. “What’s bothering you?”
“M’head hurts. And my stomach,” Keith mumbled. He shut his eyes and slumped against Lance’s shoulder.
Lance brushed Keith’s hair back to press a kiss to his forehead. “Did you eat breakfast this morning? You might just be hungry.”
Keith shook his head, and Lance began rummaging through his bag in search of a snack. He produced a granola bar and a bottle of water, promptly handing both to a very miserable and reluctant Keith. He only managed a few sips and small bites; moving his jaw only hurt his head more. Though, admittedly, having some food in him did make him feel a little better.
Lance shifted to better support Keith’s weight, and once they were both more comfortable he smoothed his hands along Keith’s arms to try and help him relax. Keith shivered. He hadn’t realized how cold the plane was in comparison to Lance’s warmth. Before he could protest, Lance was wiggling out of his jacket and wrapping it around Keith, pulling the hood over his head to shield his eyes from the bright lights up above. Keith decided he didn’t even want to protest. He snuggled into Lance, welcoming his embrace, the warm breath on his neck and hands rubbing his back.
“I’ll look out for you,” Lance murmured, “just get some rest. We’re almost home.”
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years ago
Part 1: Chapter 1
Year: May 10th 2006
 (So everything happens fast because each chapter is leading up to present day) The story starts with Omari, Ace and Jade, they are not the only main characters throughout the story I will introduce the rest in total it should be 6 POVS this was really hard to write cause I have so many 1st chapter drafts. Idk if I wanted to do a book about the past or both)
  Omari: age 21
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“(Georgia), We on the grind in (Georgia), All the time it isn’t nothing on my mind but (Georgia) We ain’t playing with ya (Georgia)” Georgia by Ludacris played in my car as we rode through the west side. It was just me, my mama, and my brother. My daddy died when I was 7, my mom was still pregnant with my brother Ace. We live in the worst projects on our side of town Wood Ridge. Niggas always get killed and robbed over here. I pulled up at the Citgo, my brother Ace hopped out. “Yo wassup O” A nigga I knew named Shy. “Wazzam Shy” I said dapping him up. “You still looking for work?” He asked. I nodded. “Something like that, what’s up?” I asked. He pointed over to a man in a Hummer H2, with the windows down. Money in The Bank” By Lil Scrappy in his car. “Yo I heard about him, niggas scared of him” I said to him. He waved me over to follow him to the car. “What’s up D, this is O. He looking for a job” He told him. The light skin dude with tats on his neck looked over at me. He looked me over one good time before turning down his music. “You need money huh?” He asked. I looked around my surroundings. “Yeah, uh we bout to get evicted and shit, and My mama struggling right now” I told him. He nodded. “You got a phone?” He asked. I nodded pulling out my Nokia. He slid up my screen to get to the key pad. He then passed me my phone back. “Holla at me around 6pm and Ima make something shake for you” He told me before rolling up his window. I looked at the phone. I see the name Demetri in my phone. I was walking back to my car when I see Ace sitting on the hood of my car talking to some bitch. “Yeah, you fine as hell shawty, let you up sometime” He said. She blushed. “Aight, Ima give you my number but if you going to call, call at 9 pm that’s when my minutes is free” She said. He nodded and let her put her number in his Metro Phone. I slapped the back of his head. “Nigga get the fuck in my car and stop fucking with these hoes” I told him laughing at how mad he got. Ace had a bad temper. Mama say he get it from Our father. We pulled up and the apartments. Bitches was already fighting outside in the parking lot. “Beat her ass Kita” Her friend yelled. Ace squinted his eyes and his eyes got big, he hopped out the car and ran over to the girls fighting. It was his friend Jade. “Aye nah yall chill” He said pushing the girls off. He grabbed Jade. “Nah uh Ace that bitch deserve to get her ass beat for fucking my nigga” She yelled. Jade spit blood on her air forces. “Bitch I told you your man and I aint fuck, he tried to get in my pants and I said no” She stressed. I shook my head and walked into the house. My mama Traci was on the couch watching Maury. I kissed her on the cheek. “Hey mama” I said to her. She nodded. “Where’s Ace?” She asked. “He outside with Jade” I told her. She sucked her teeth in. “Her auntie been running her mouth about that girl, saying she be fucking the whole apartments” My mama told me. “Anyways, I got a job. I mean I think I got one” I told her. She smiled and looked over at me. “That’s good baby, what is it?” She asked. I shrugged. “I got to call and see” I said. She nodded. Ace busted in the house with Jade. “Aye, boy what is wrong with you coming in here like that!” Mama yelled. He grabbed Jade hand and brought her into the bathroom. My mama shook her head. I stood by the bathroom door. Ace was cleaning off Jade. She had blood coming out her nose and a cut near her eye brow, and her eye was swollen. “You need to learn how to fight and stop letting these hoes jump on you shawty, better start clocking them hoes with a motherfucking bottle or something” I told Jade. “I told her to start carrying a knife, so she can gut them hoes” Ace said. I shook my head. Nigga was ruthless for no reason. I walked into my room and went to my stereo. I went through my CD’s I burned. I put the cd in the player and pressed play. “Créme de la créme homie, Top Shelf ya know. I like my beat down low down low down low down low, I like my top led back led back led back” T.I - “Top Back” blasted through my speakers. I grabbed my car magazine, took a pen and begin circling the cars I planned on getting when I get some big money. My Nokia started ringing. I looked at my caller id, it was my little shawty Jalissa. “What up Girl?” I asked. I heard her giggle on the phone. “O, you busy later?” She asked. I sat up on my bed. “Nah, why what’s up you trying to kick it?” I asked. She hesitated. “Something like that, T.I movie ATL just came out and I want to know if you trying to see it with me, maybe at Starlight on Moreland it starts at 10:15pm?” She asked. I smiled, I knew what she was getting at. “Sure, Ima pull up around 9, maybe we can get some snacks and some shit” I told her. I could hear her smile through the phone. “Aight bet” I looked at the time. It was 5:57. I started dialing Demetri’s number. “Yo who is this?” He answered. “This O from the gas station, I asked you about a job” I said. “Aight Ima call you back”. He hung up. I then got a call from another phone number. “Hello?” I asked. “What’s up O, rule # 1 the feds always watching so never call me about business or call anyone on your actual phone, Ima give you a phone when I see you, meet me tomorrow @ 12pm Ima send you my address” He said then hung up.
 Ace: age 15
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 “Why you let the hoes talk shit about you?” I asked her. She was sitting at my desk at my computer. She was adding music to her Myspace. “They say
He do a little this
He do a little that
He always in trouble (and I heard)
He ain’t nothin’ but a pimp
He’s done a lot of chicks
He’s always in the club (and they say)”
“So, what?” by Field Mob played from her page. She shrugged. “Nobody going to believe me anyways”. I looked over at her. “So, you don’t be fucking these niggas?” I asked. She turned and looked at me. “No, why would you even ask me that, them bitches be lying. Niggas always trying to get in my pants. Even grown ass men” She said looking at me like she regretted what she said. “Forget I said that” She said. “Why do you even care?”. I shrugged. “I mean, I don’t if you did but like you kind like my little sister so I want to know”. I said. She rolled her eyes. “Sister?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah like I got to protect you, and shit” I said. She sucked her teeth in. “I don’t need your protection Ace, I can protect myself” She said. She got up and put on her shoes. “Well you the one always knocking on my window at damn random times of the night needing a place to sleep, like you ain’t got your own” I said to her. She pushed me out the way. I balled my fist up. I had a bad temper, and she knew it but when it came to her, I never showed her that side. “What you going to hit me?” She said she was holding back watery eyes. “Go ahead, I’m used to it” She said. I looked at her wondering who was hitting on her. Was she talking about fighting? “Thanks for having me over Ms. Traci” I heard her say before the door shut to the front door. I debated on going after her, but I didn’t. I looked through my contacts. I remember the girl from at the gas station. “Hey baby girl what’s up?” I asked. “Who is this?” She asked. “You forgot about me that fast baby, its Ace” I said. I heard her smile. “Ohhh yeah, Ace. You want to kick it right now? My mama ain’t home” She said. I got up slowly. “Oh, for real?” I asked. “Yeah, Ima send you my address. I live at the apartments right across from the gas station” She said. “Okay Ima slide through” I hung up the phone. “Hey mama I’ll be back Ima go to my friend Raheem house” I told her. She nodded. I went outside and started walking to the gas station it wasn’t too far from my house like a 30min walk. “Ace where you headed?” My homie Calvin said pulling up beside me. “To this bitch house” I told him. He nodded. “Get in folk, I take you” He said. I nodded. I looked at his outfit he had on all purple. “Where you headed looking like a got damn grape Fanta?” I asked. He laughed. “Man, this my colors” he said. “What you down or something?” I asked. He nodded “Yeah I’m down with Westside 5” He told me. I nodded. “Oh, for real, uh congrats I guess” I said laughing. He laughed. “Man, you goofy as fuck, but fuck with us though we always need new people” He told pulling into the apartments. I dapped him up as he stopped. “Thanks, Patna” He nodded. I walked up to shawty complex. Before I could even knock, she opened the door. She had nothing but a T-shirt on. “Took you long enough nigga” She said grabbing my shirt.
 I pulled up my pants and buckled my belt. “So, my mama going to be gone, around this time every Friday” She said. I smiled and nodded. “What school you go to I ain’t never seen you around” I said. She smiled. “I go to Jefferson Highschool, what about you?” She asked. I started laughing. “How old you is?” I asked. She was putting on her bra. “17, how old are you?” She asked. I smiled big as fuck. “I’m 15” I told her. She shook her head. “Boy you look 18, dang you must be in what 8th grade?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeahh you can be my cuddy buddy, you ain’t old enough to be my man” She said. I sucked my teeth in. “I aint gon hold you I just wanted to fuck, but Ima fuck with you” I grabbed my phone and dipped. It was about 8:12 when I checked my phone. Shit I got to walk by the crackheads and the dope boys just to get home. “Aye yo little nigga you down?” Some nigga asked me as I walked by. “Down for what?” I asked. “I seen you riding with Cal, he one of us” They said. I noticed they had on purple. “Man, I ain’t trying to bang” I told them. “You see all the nice shit we got man we can get you some money for real nigga” I noticed the cars they were next to and shit. I nodded. “Okay what I got to do?” I asked. “This”. Next thing I know these niggas start beating my ass.
 Jade: age 14
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 I was sitting on the stairway near our apartment writing music in my journal like I normally did listening to Ashanti and Lloyd “Southside” on my CD Player. “Jade get yo dumb ass in here” My aunt Felicia said. I sighed and walked inside. I closed the door and went into my room. “It’s almost the end of the school year. You got what 2 weeks left before summer vacation. It’s about time you get a damn job and start paying rent around here, you got to earn your keep. Ain’t bout to live up in here rent free” She said in the door way. I scoffed at her. “I’m 14, I can’t legally get a job until I’m 16 that’s not fair” I stressed. She put her finger in my face. “I started working for my foster mother at age 12, she used to sell me for $50, and I would get 10%. So, if I can do it so can you, and what the fuck happened to yo got damn face” She said. I looked at her. “I got into a fight with this girl” She shook her head. “What you do now fuck her man, you just like your mama” She said. I sighed. “No and Why didn’t you just let foster care take me!” I yelled. She grabbed my arm. “I did you a favor, Me and your mama bounced from foster care to foster care. She begged me to never let them take you, so I took you in after her stupid crack head ass ran off. That’s least I could do for her after she fucked my man and had you” She said. I started tearing up, I tried to snatch my arm away from her. She pushed me on to the bed. “Like I said you have 2 weeks or Ima let your ass go” She said. She slammed my door. I hated my life; my life didn’t used to be like this. I had two parents a mother and a father. My dad used to be there all the time and then one day he just wasn’t. My mama couldn’t take the pain of him leaving so she got hooked on drugs when I was 5. She been clean off and on when my dad was around but when he left it got worse. My aunt to eventually take me in before foster care put me in the system because My mama had left me in the house one day when her and her boyfriend James was cooking crack on the stove. My house caught on fire while I was sleep. I ain’t seen my mama since that day. I decided to write in my journal again, that was my haven, writing and listening to music. “My Life” By Mary J. Blige played on my stereo as I cried. My Aunt Felicia busted into my room. “Get yo ass up and come eat and stop blasting music in my house” She said. I wiped my tears and went to go sit down at the table. It was Kraft mac n cheese and hot dogs cut up in it. My Aunts boyfriend Rodney sat down with two bags of McDonalds and they started eating. My aunt either cooked me this or beanie weenies, Ramon noodles with hot dogs or sometimes just some bread and butter. I kept my head down while I ate my food. “Jade clean this shit up while I’m gone. I want all that food gone by the time I get home or Ima beat your ass” She said. I nodded. She went over to Rodney, practically sucking his face off before she left. He got up and locked the door. He pulled out an apple pie out his bag. “Got you something sweet, sweetness” He told me. He slid it to me. Rodney was always nice to me but I knew something about him wasn’t right. “Thanks” I said. He sat in the chair next to me. “You know you are very pretty” He told me. I nodded. I got up quickly, as he grabbed my arm back over to him. “I ain’t going to hurt you”. He said. “Sit on my lap” He said. “No!” I yelled as he tried to get me to sit on his lap. I got my arm lose and ran to my room. I closed my door and locked it. I grabbed some clothes put it in my school bag and slid my window open. Rodney burst into my room. I quickly jumped onto the ac unit under my window. I ran to the other side of the complex, I seen Niggas was playing dice in the stair way as I walked to Ace complex. “What’s good lil mama you tryna sell some ass?” I heard. I shook my head. I got to Ace building and walked to the side of it. I tapped on his window. I ain’t see no movement. I tapped again. “So, you back?” I heard a voice behind me. It was Ace. It was dark, so I couldn’t see his face very good. He came over to his window and did something to it and it slid open and climbed inside slowly. He was wincing like he was in pain. I followed him soon after. “If I ain’t home and you need a place to lay your head just lift up the screen and slide. O taught me that trick” He turned on his light and I see his face. He eye was swollen, and his lip was bug as hell. He was limping around. I walked over to him. “Ace you okay?” I asked. He nodded. “I’m part of Westside 5 now” He said smiling with his teeth bleeding. He held up a shirt and a bandana. I shook my head at him. “You stupid, you got jumped in?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah but they make hella money” I kept shaking my head. “You stupid as hell Ace” I told him. He sucked his teeth in. “Why you over here anyways?” He asked. I shrugged. “Cause I hate it at my aunts house” I told him. “She be hitting you?” He asked. I shrugged. “Sometimes, she said I got to get a job soon” I said. “I think she want me to sell my ass” I told him. He was in his boxers looking at me. “She got me fucked up, I ain’t bout to let you do that. I got you man. I’m get you some money” He said. He threw me a shirt and some boxers. “Well maybe I can get jumped in” I said. He limped over to me grabbing me. “Don’t say shit like that” He said. We looked at each other for a minute. “I’m just playing sorry” I went into the bathroom in the hall way to change. When I came back in the room. Ace was icing his face. I shut the door and went to lay down on the bed. “As long as I’m here I got you J” He said. I nodded. I put my headphones on and listened to my cd I had burned. “Nobody going to love me better, I must stick with you forever, nobody going to take me higher, I must stick with you. You know how to appreciate me, I must stick with you my baby. Nobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick with you” I was feeling the lyrics of the Pussycat dolls. I started writing in my journal.
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