#okay just gonna post this now and then instantly go edit it haha
falling slowly, eyes that know me
“How’s the sky?”
And Kojiro sighed, because of course Kaoru noticed. Of course Kaoru could see through all his forced bravado and flirting. Joe was supposed to be easy. But he wasn’t tonight.
"It’s—” he began, a lie already dancing across his tongue, but he couldn’t lie, not to Kaoru. He tried, once, but when he couldn’t keep it up anymore, he ran away to Italy. “Dark,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. The sunset vanished before him, covered by colorless trees and a desolate fog.
“How dark?”
Kojiro felt like a child again—like the scared little boy wandering through the cold alone. And he was swinging on the broken swing, his feet dragging through the mulch. “Foggy,” he admitted, flinching as he tried to grab the fraying rope, tried to hold onto something, and it fizzled into nothingness. It wasn’t connected to anything anyways, just an endless rope hovering in the sky.
[or: kojiro is sad and kaoru is his lighthouse]
🌤5,051 words | matchablossom🌤
written for @chasvchalilah & @aromanticmara - happy matchablossom friday🌸 🍵 
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lowkeycasanova · 2 years
Down bad
*This played out better in my head*
It started with him sending you the picture of the frog holding a cheez-it in your instagram dms.
He was trying to get your attention. Didn't work, but he expected that. Over the next weeks that would come, he would message you more. You didn't see those either.
vinniehacker: won't budge huh? fine
He had even taken a screenshot of the messages he sent and posted them on his story because he thought it was funny.
After that, he said in a stream, "I would let Y/N Y/L/N have my children." That comment alone resulted in fans making edits of the two of you.
Next, Jett caught him staking your tik tok profile. He noticed it when he realized the same song was playing on repeat and Vinnie had a grin that he was trying so hard so to show.
Then, Jett and Eamon had got on twitter to try to get your attention on Vinnie's behalf to help him out. They were really just joking but they'd be lying if they said they hadn't hope that you'd see the mentions.
Finally, the most recent thing occurred on tik tok. He was doing the trend to this sound. The video starts with a selfie that he took with the text on top saying, "I wonder if pretty eyes would suit me."
Then it goes to a montage of photos of you, with the text then changing to, "I hope they do."
You got so many notifications throughout the day, so you normally didn't keep up with them unless they were from friends and family. Until today. You were laying in bed, about to get up to get ready for work when you opened tik tok. People were relentless in tagging you in some video, so you clicked on it to see what the hype was all about.
It was Vinnie's video that he posted. Your eyes widened to see that he used your pictures to do this trend. After the video was on repeat four times, a soft smile appeared on your face as you clicked "duet".
It was simple, really. You looked into the camera, interested to see what was going to happen, then your eyes widened at the sight of your own pictures. Trying to recreate your expression that you just had in real life a few moments before.
All you put for the caption was his username and posted it.
Within a half hour, it already garnered so much attention. Some of the comments were:
The duo we never knew we needed
I can't handle this
no way y/n saw this
Since when do they know each other?
someone check on vinnie, make sure he's okay
Later that day was when he saw it. He put a hand over his mouth as he gasped. You duetting his video proved that you were aware that he existed and that was enough for him, honestly. It's funny how the tik tok algorithm works. He couldn't get over the fact that when you smiled in the video, it was because of him.
He was such a fan boy.
But it didn't stop there. The high he felt increased as he saw a notification from you in his messages.
yourtiktok: hey! how are you? I just wanted to say that I thought your video was so sweet and I appreciate it.
He couldn't move.
He clicked on the username to make sure that it was in fact you and not a bot. It was real alright.
Vinnie was actually getting ready to stream when all of this was happening but now that was just gonna have to wait. He even tried to seem nonchalant in his message back.
vhackerr: oh hey, im doing well. And im glad that you liked it haha
yourtiktok: I've actually have known about you for a while now. you seem pretty dope
vhackerr: i bet i've known who you are for longer but it aint a competition
yourtiktok: i see
He proceeded to send you a meme in response but once he sent it, he instantly regretted it because maybe you wouldn't understand his humor and think he was weird.
And when you didn't respond fast like you had been doing, he felt like he messed up.
vhackerr: nvm i retract that
vhackerr: if u see dis
yourtiktok: why? it was funny
He let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding.
vhackerr: ig i enjoy embarrassing myself
yourtiktok: you and me both
yourtiktok: oh and hey, you in LA rn?
vhackerr: ye
yourtiktok: same here, maybe we can hang out before I leave for chicago in a week and a half
vhackerr: im down, but i be in the house most of the time. but did i go outside today? yes
yourtiktok: i love a good homebody tbh
vhackerr: well then, lemme check my schedule and i'll lyk
yourtiktok: deal
Vinnie knew that people would get a kick out of knowing that you and him were talking. He was about to take a screenshot of the convo but decided against it because he respected your privacy too much to just throw away these personal dms to social media.
He'd been waiting for something like this ever since he became a fan of yours. And he wasn't about to risk letting it crumble for nobody.
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sunflowerim · 4 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 26
Weekend 2
Harry arrived right on time. Louis opened the door to a warm smile and a basket of chocolate.
"Ok, when I said don't bring pizza, I certainly didn't mean, 'bring loads of chocolates'", Louis laughed, letting Harry in.
"What can I say, I'm such a gentleman," Harry replied with an all knowing smile.
Harry had barely stepped into the apartment when Clifford ran to him. Harry was a bit startled, but soon crouched down and started scratching Cliff behind his ears.
"Someone's not asleep today. How are you Cliffy. You gonna watch a movie with us?", Harry babbled on in a childlike voice as Louis shut the door behind them and moved over to the couch, eyes never leaving Harry.
"Do you know what movie we're watching today?" Louis asked.
"The Incredible Hulk. I've done my research thank you."
"Good," Louis smiled getting the remote. Everything else was already set up.
Harry got up and walked to the couch, Clifford on his heel and as soon as he sat down, Clifford settled himself on Harry's feet.
"So what brought this sudden change of demeanor?" Harry asked, patting Cliff's head.
"Maybe he's expecting more treats."
"Shit. I mean sorry. I didn't get anything for him. I mean I wanted to, but I didn't know if he had any preference or restrictions."
"Chill Harry, I have his food stocked up for a whole month. You needn't get him anything. I was just teasing."
"Oh. Okay."
"You didn't answer my question."
"What was it again?"
"Oh that. Well, I saw the stash of chocolates on your fridge the other day, so I got you some more. It was good to know that you have a sweet tooth. But seriously, so many chocolates Louis! One would think you're a five year old."
"Hey, those were not mine."
"Cliff surely doesn't eat those. Do you Cliff?" Harry said, looking down at Clifford during the last bit and scratching his ears, to which he gave a joyful bark. "See, he says no."
"Don't turn my son against me", Louis replied, faux-offended. "No really, those aren't mine. My niece and nephew go to the school around the corner, and they drop by randomly to spend time with their beloved uncle and I spoil them with chocolates."
"How sweet. But am I supposed to believe that you never grab chocolates for yourself?"
"I'm only human Harry. Ofcourse I do."
"Thought as much."
"You wanna see their pictures?"
Louis scrolled in his gallery and pulled out a picture of him holding the hands of two kids on his either side. The shot was taken on a football pitch, Louis wearing a white jersey and the two kids wearing red ones.
"That's Lux and Theo. They accompanied me as mascots that year."
"You play football?"
"What does it look like?"
"No, I mean not just casual games, proper matches! Wow. You're that passionate about it?"
"Yeah, you could say that," Louis smiled at the picture.
"Your niece and nephew are so cute."
"I know right. And you must know they're equally mischievous. Little pranksters."
"Wonder who taught them", Harry teased.
"Cool uncle Louis might have had something to do with it, but you didn't hear it from me."
"Never. My lips are sealed."
"That reminds me." Harry fished out his phone and paused. "Do you mind if I get a picture if you?"
"Yeah, but why?"
"I'll save it as your contact image."
"Oh sure."
Louis smiled softly and Harry's heart skipped a beat. He kept staring at Louis through the phone and it wasn't until Louis cleared his throat, that Harry realised what he was supposed to do.
"Just a minute. And--- we're done. Looking good!"
Louis smiled bashfully as he saw Harry open his contact to save the picture. That's when he saw the name.
Lou :)
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Louis melted into a puddle at his contact name on Harry's phone and instantly felt bad about saving Harry's name as simply Harry Styles. Looks too professional. He made a mental note to change it later.
"My turn." Louis focussed his camera on Harry, as the boy smiled widely, dimples popping up. Louis smiled too and took the picture. He looked at it for a second before shoving his phone back in his pocket. "Movie?"
"Yeah," Harry replied, easing back in the couch.
"Yeah. No wait- shit I forgot." With that Louis jumped from the couch and sprinted towards the kitchen. Harry sat confused for a while before Louis re-emerged with a tray containing a huge bowl and two plates and cutlery.
"I hope you like pasta."
"Yeah. Oh. Wow. You cooked for me?"
"Haha no Harold. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I can't cook. I had my helper make it."
"Disappointed?" Louis laughed.
"No no, I was just momentarily surprised."
Louis smiled as he set the tray down on the coffee table and and hit play on the remote.
Once again, Louis watched Harry's reaction with great amusement, but this time, he noticed something else too. He noticed Harry's jaw drop every time, the lead actor got shirtless and how terrified he looked everytime he changed to the huge Hulk.
"Don't get too attached Harry. He's only starring in this movie. A different actor plays Hulk in the rest of the movies."
And Harry looked so sad at that, Louis melted.
"Aww, poor Haz."
Harry's lips quirked upwards at the pet name and from the corner of his eyes he could see Louis tense beside him.
"Um, sorry. I didn't mean to--"
"No, nono it's okay. You can call me Haz. I like it."
"Okay." Louis continued after a pause, "remember when I told you not to call me Lou?"
"Yeah, shit sorry, I know last week it slipped off my tongue once or twice."
"Yeah, no I mean, you can call me Lou too."
"Okay," Harry smiled and returned to the screen.
The time passed by pleasantly between movie, pasta, timid glances towards each other and Clifford switching between Harry and Louis' laps.
After the movie ended, Harry turned towards Louis and held his hand out. "Give me your phone."
"What? Why?"
"Just open your Instagram explore page and give. Don't worry I'll not snoop around."
Louis did as told and Harry typed out a username and and clicked on it.
"Here's my private account." Harry said, handing Louis back the phone. "You can follow me here if you want. I can actually post freely on here."
Louis looked st the screen hs94.
Louis didn't want to check it in front of Harry. So he just smiled and nodded. "I will."
Harry smiled back.
"Guess, I should leave now."
Louis ignored the sad voice in his head that had reappeared again.
"Until next week Louis Tomlinson," Harry called walking out the door.
"Until next week Harry."
And as Harry left, Louis took out his phone and edited Harry's contact.
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joshuas · 4 years
christmas spirit
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♫ pairing: park jinyoung x reader
♫ genre: slice-of-life, crack,  fluff
♫ word count: 2.9k
♫ warnings: Nil of note!
♫ summary: After a disastrous Secret Santa event two years ago, Park Jinyoung and you had carried an intense rivalry throughout the years. Will the christmas spirit be enough to mend your fractured relationship?
♫ a/n: I’m excited to finally post my first Christmas drabble of the month, with none other than Park Jinyoung as my muse. A little forewarning - a lot of these oneshots have at least some crack concept behind it (at my friends’ requests). Enjoy!
“You’re such a Scrooge, Y/N. Purposely working on Christmas? What have you gotten against “unnecessary gathering of extended family to awkwardly talk about what’s happened in your life, and being constantly hounded to get married by family members that you barely know, and exchange presents with people that have probably gotten you the same thing every year”? You barely show any Christmas spirit.” Your friend, Mina, scoffed, watching you get ready for work. “Okay, first of all, that was a direct quote so everything is wrong with what you just said, since it was literally my argument as to why family Christmas gatherings with extended family is dumb, and yes I do! Look at my scarf! It’s red.” You defended. “Christmas colours are red and green.” She rolled her eyes. “What kind of Christmas spirit are you talking about then?” You raised your eyebrows, placing your hands on your hips. “Oh you know. That hallmark Christmas movie magic - random acts of kindness to strangers, carolling, making dinner for someone who doesn’t have anyone to celebrate the holidays with.” She said dreamily. “Yeah, no. That sounds like a lot of effort and requires talking to randoms.” You said disgustedly. “Well then, I dare you to be kind to the first person that enters your workplace, if you’re so deadset against helping out ‘randoms’.” She smirked. “...fine. But joke’s on you. I doubt anyone will be working on Christmas.” You waved your hand dismissively, grabbing your car keys. “We’ll see.” She smiled mischievously.
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Work was extremely quiet, as expected. No one had come in, all opting to spend time with their families over actually getting stuff done. With deadlines in place straight after Christmas, you felt it was your duty, as assistant manager, to support your fellow colleagues in actually being able to meet that deadline. Another, more motivating aspect for you, was wiping the smirk off the other assistant manager, Park Jinyoung’s smug face. You hummed, typing away, “That sentence makes no sense.” A voice taunted over your shoulder. You turned, coming face to face with... speak of the devil... Park. Jinyoung. Even saying his name made your nose crinkle in disgust. Being probably one of the most irritating, hopelessly obnoxious perfectionists this world has ever seen, he was constantly getting on your nerves. You opened your mouth, then shut it instantly, remembering what Mina had dared you to do. Biting back a snarky remark, you fixed your face into a placated, polite smile, “Oh. Jinyoung. Are you the only one in today?” Please don’t be. Please don’t be. Tell me at least one person walked through the doors before you. He scoffed, “What? No comeback? I think you’re going soft on me, Y/N. And of course no one’s coming in today. No one’s as much as a workaholic as you.” You raised your eyebrows, “Speak for yourself. I’ve never seen you come in on a holiday. Don’t you usually hang out with your girlfriend or something?” Something flashed in his eyes, before returning to a blank, guarded expression, “I- You know how much I love to one-up you, Y/N. I’m not here for you. I’m here to beat you.” He sat down in his cubicle beside yours, turning on his desktop. “So... how did you know I was here?” You raised your eyebrows questioningly. “Mina told me.” He said without glancing from his computer screen. “I don’t understand how she’s friends with someone like you.” You muttered, typing away at your report. “What?” Jinyoung screwed his face up in annoyance. “I said—“ be nice, Y/N, “I said would you like a coffee? I was going to make some for myself. Tell me how you want yours made.” You internally groaned as he actually considered what you were saying. “I’ve literally never seen you use the coffee machine. Who’s to say that you won’t poison me?” He said dubiously. “I’ve used a coffee machine before. It shouldn’t be too different.” You said defensively. “...Alright, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say yes — just black coffee for me.” He leaned back against his chair. You reluctantly got up, forcing a nod and a small smile as you entered the break room.
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Turns out the machine was a lot more different than the simple maker you had at home. Wasting half an hour on trying to figure out how to turn on the machine itself, you were seconds away from tossing it in the bin as Jinyoung sauntered up to you, reaching from behind you to flick the power switch on. Swallowing back an irritated remark, you gritted your teeth, painfully expressing your gratitude, “Thanks.” “Now, a thank you? What has the world come to? Are you okay?” He placed his hand against your forehead, “Are you sure you should have come into work today?” You delicately plucked his hand away, “As much as I appreciate your concern for my well-being, I’m perfectly fine and should probably be getting back to work.” “But what about the coffee?” He said, puzzled. “You’re obviously more qualified than me to work the coffee machine, so you can make your own!” You flashed him a grin, patting him on the back as you exited the room.
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A steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of you, “I figured you probably still wanted a coffee. You like mochas, right?” You looked at him in surprise, slightly touched by the kind gesture, “Oh! Um. Thank you.” You sipped at the coffee, the warm liquid heating your insides. “It’s okay... wow that was weird to say to you... no comment on how bad it was? Whether I poisoned you?” He looked at you quizzically. “Well— it’s not too bad.” You swallowed your pride back down, allowing him just this one compliment.
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The two of you had this rivalry as soon as you entered the firm. Being the ones pitted against each other since being interviewed for a position, as you went up the ranks, Jinyoung was always there. You were almost certain that your work colleagues had helped maintain this rivalry, purely for entertainment purposes. At first, the two of you were pretty civil... until your first annual Secret Santa event, where you both had each other.
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[2 years ago] ‘...and now I’ve just been rambling. Basically, what I’m trying to ask is... will you go out with me? Who am I kidding, you probably won’t even read this...’ You crossed out the last sentence, adding the finishing touches to your note in Jinyoung’s present. You wrapped it carefully before heading to work, nerves eating away at you as you went over 100 different ways that Jinyoung would react to your confession. Get a grip, Y/N.
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“Who do you have for Secret Santa, Jinyoung?” A gaggle of girls (who had an office pool going for who he had) surrounded the guy, hounding him for an answer on who it may be, and what he bought. “You know, asking him who he has basically defeats the purpose of Secret Santa.” You raised your eyebrows at them as they approached you and your colleagues in the courtyard. Jinyoung flashed you a grateful smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners, as the group of girls dissipated in annoyance. Your stomach fluttered. He was kinda adorable when he smiled. As the gift giving pursued, it soon came your turn. Smoothing down your clothes, you picked up your carefully parcelled gift, placing it carefully in Jinyoung’s arms. Slightly in shock of this revelation, he opened his present, eyes lightening up in excitement as he saw your gift. “Y/N! This— wow. How did you get this?” He gazed at you in wonderment. “Well, a couple of weeks ago you were a little bit upset about missing out on grabbing tickets for a certain author’s book signing. To be honest, it was purely coincidental... I actually really love that series too, and managed to grab tickets. So, I decided to buy you a signed copy of the latest edition.” You explained, blood rushing to your cheeks as everyone gathered around to see his present. He stood up, giving you a quick hug, “Thank you. This is probably the best Christmas gift I’ve gotten.” He whispered in your ear before returning to his seat. “So... Jinyoung, who did you have?” One of your coworkers questioned, looking curiously at the circular shaped present beside him. “Well... I actually had Y/N.” He placed the gift in your hands, his tone slightly laced with nervousness. Curious, you unwrapped the gift to reveal... a stress ball? Not gonna lie, that’s a pretty disappointing gift, considering what you gave him. Your coworkers teased and taunted, “Ooh Jinyoung, are you trying to say something to Y/N?” “What? That they’re a stress head? We all know that. Heck, they should know that.” “Haha... yeah. That’s exactly what I was going for.” Jinyoung said resignedly, trying to scope out your reaction and grab your attention. Dragging your gaze to his, you squeezed the ball, ignoring the unusual hardness within it (great, not only was it a cheap present, it was also faulty?), forcing a small but bitter smile, “Thanks, Jinyoung.” Of course he wasn’t any different to the rest of your toxic colleagues. You ignored the bitterness blossoming in your heart, tears burning in your eyes, as you excused yourself from the courtyard. Mentally cursing yourself as you thought back to what you had written at the end of the book, you prayed he’d never read it. After all, something like that could never happen now. Any feelings you had for Park Jinyoung had been replaced with resentment.
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You weren’t one to get too upset over materialistic things like that, but after analysing every other gift he had gotten your fellow coworkers, regardless of the occasion, you felt as though he had been to stingy, perhaps because he disliked you. Perhaps, it also showed how fickle you feelings were for him, but you didn’t care too much about that. And so, the slightly unhealthy rivalry began.
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After working solidly for a couple of hours, your stomach grumbled. Jinyoung glanced at you,
“Hungry already?”
Really? He was judging you over your bodily functions? “Of course not.” You turned back to your computer, ignoring further pleas from your stomach. “Y/N. I wasn’t saying that to judge you. I’m hungry too. How about we both head out to the courtyard to take a breather?” He rolled his eyes, and grabbed his lunch, heading for the door, glancing at you expectantly.
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The two of you sat in silence on the bench, quietly munching at your food. “Do you remember when we used to do Secret Santa out here?” He asked, glancing at you. “Mhm...” You clenched your jaw. “Your gift still triumphs as the best Christmas I’ve ever gotten. I’ve re-read that book more than any one I own.” He smiled softly, recalling the memory. You almost choked on your sandwich, “You read the book?” “Well... that’s generally what you do when you get a book.” “The whole book?” You pleaded silently for him to answer in the negative. “From cover to cover.” He nodded. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Sensing the silence, he spoke tentatively, “I read your note, as well.” You covered your face with your hands, refusing to interact with him. “...and—“ “And nothing! What you read was just— just an illusion!” You blurted out, about to bolt. “Wait, Y/N. That day. That day was so confusing.” He grabbed your hand lightly, imploring you to sit down again. “Confusing how? As far as I’m concerned, you got me a stress ball for Christmas because I was too much of a stress-head.” Your tone defensive as you crossed your arms. “Wait— so you never found it?” His eyes widened in realisation. “Found what?” You said, annoyed at his cryptic tone. “Do you still have the stress ball?” He asked, impatient. “Yeah, I think it’s in one my desk drawers.” You said uneasily. “Wait here, I’ll grab it.” “But I don’t want you to go through my... okay never mind...” A couple of minutes later, he came back, stress ball... and a knife. You glanced concerningly between the two objects as he cut a square of the stress ball off, taking out a small box. “You seriously couldn’t feel this within it?” He asked incredulously. “Well to be honest, I was more upset at the fact that you got me a stress ball when you got other people better gifts... like how you got Mina the tea set she was vying to get for a while... Also, how? How did you even think of putting a box in there? That’s— I don’t even know. The fact that you think someone would think of getting a knife to cut open a present someone has gifted them astounds me. To me, it just felt like a faulty gift.” You retorted defensively. “Obviously my creativity and quirkiness was lost on you, seeing how you thought I was cheap-skating your present. And, I got you a stress ball because you’re almost always clenching your hands! Yes, you stress, probably a lot more than half the people in this workplace, but I didn’t get you that to make fun of you. Clenching your fists a lot can cause stiffness in your fingers which could lead to rheumatoid arthritis [I’m no medical student but I did some research. Please don’t @ me if I’m wrong!] in the future. I don’t think you want to be paying off medical bills worth ten times the amount of that tea set for physical therapy. Besides, the actual gift is within this box.” He sighed exasperatedly, handing you the box. You opened the lid, revealing the most exquisite looking earrings, the gemstones glimmering under the sunlight. Written underneath the lid was a note, Y/N, I don’t really know where to start with this... but I really like you. Your work ethic constantly astounds me, the way you’re able to complete any task you set your mind to is a quality I wish I had. Not to mention your selflessness and kindness - the way you look out for our team and always go above and beyond what is expected is one of your most admirable qualities. So I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but I’d love to take you out for a date sometime. In fact, meet me at Glow Café at 9am tomorrow morning. I look forward to seeing you there. Whether you see me as a friend or share the same sentiments as me, I’d love your company. — Jinyoung P.S. I hope you like the earrings! I heard that they were your favourite colour :) You looked up at Jinyoung in shock, your heart warmed at the sincerity and kindness of his gift. “I—“ He broke you off, “It looks like we both had the same thing to confess back then. Perhaps if things had turned out differently, we’d be in a different situation to what we’re in now. But hey, we can’t fix the past, but we can change the future. And as much as I adore our banter, I’ve missed talking to you normally without sarcasm.” He held out his hand in a truce. You raised your eyebrows, impressed at his sudden maturity, “Look at you. I guess you’re actually starting to act like an assistant manager for our team. Is the Christmas spirit getting to you or something?” You shook his hand dubiously. “Ha ha. If we’re being completely honest, your sudden kindness did help bring things into perspective for me.” He pointed out. “Really? Wow, the Christmas spirit did get to you.” You laughed. “To be honest, I haven’t really been feeling the Christmas spirit since Yuna broke up with me.” He laughed bitterly. “She broke up with you? Why?” You asked incredulously. “She thinks I’m too much of a a workaholic.” “Welcome to my world...” you sighed. A silence fell over the two of you, as you contemplated in your head. “...So, you’re not spending Christmas with anyone?” He shook his head, looking dejectedly at the ground. Oh whatever. Do it, Y/N. Embrace the Christmas spirit. “Do you want to spend it with me?” You asked tentatively, “as friends. Obviously.” You added quickly. “Are you sure?” He asked, eyes wide. “Dead serious. I’m trying the no sarcasm thing, as you can see.” He laughed, “Okay. I’ll come. As a friend... Do I need to make anything beforehand? Do you need help with cooking? Do you know how to cook? I mean seeing how well you did with the coffee machine, I’m kind of concerned.” He questioned. “Slow down, Gordon Ramsey. Of course I know how to cook. I’m an adult, for God’s sake. And no, you don’t need to bring anything but yourself.” You smiled, standing up. “You speak so much about the Christmas spirit. But this. This is peak hallmark Christmas movie cliche.” He noted, lightly elbowing you. “I guess it is.” You shrugged your shoulders as the two of you went back to work, laughing and chatting away, as friends that had not seen each other in a while. Perhaps it was the Christmas spirit that had brought the two of you closer together. After all, the two of you spent many more Christmas’s together... not just as friends.
✿ masterlist!
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yehetting · 4 years
Loco & Jay Park - Reaction
kanekilover23 requested: “Hello, can I request a reaction pf Loco and Jay Park when the reader is a youtuber and does the breakup prank on them. Thank you.”
omg haha sorry its so late, here ya go love!
He would love having a s/o as a youtuber! Always making fun videos, going to new places recommended by your subscribers. The whole experience was something he never knew he would love so much. That’s until prank season trends came around, he didn’t know that was a thing so it kind of made it easier to get him so good and easily. unfortunately the main trend was fake breaking up with their s/o. You set up different cameras around the living room, to try and get different angles. You had a script ready and everything. Once he came home you pretended to be annoyed already and acted like you where editing another video. He came up and tried to rub your shoulders to help you relax but you shrugged him off telling him to leave you alone. He backed off and went to the room and put his stuff away. When he came back you had added fake tears and pretended like you where crying over “losing all your work”, he ran over to see what was wrong and you said what happened. He tried to hold you but you pushed him off, which made him a little upset. “its okay you can record it again or think of another topic.” he tried to reason. “I cant just ‘record it again’ it was one of my biggest projects I've been working on it for weeks!” You shot back trying not to really cry seeing his face. “Well, I'm sorry, I know how that feels, what can i do to help?” he asked genuinely trying to help. “Nothing, i cant do anything this is something I've been so passionate about and now its gone and all you said was i can record it over or think of a new topic, you knew how much this meant to me and your literally telling me right now that it can just be rerecorded? I cant believe this.” You tried to be as convincing as possible but it was starting to get hard seeing how upset he was actually getting. “I didn't mean it like that, I was just trying to make you fell better..” he said standing up this time and looking down at you. “Are you serious? You are aren't you. I cant do this.” you said standing and starting to walk to the door. “Do what? Where are you going?” he asked realizing you where walking to the front door. “I'm leaving, ill be back in a few days to get my things, you just told me you where trying to make me feel better by putting down all my hard work. I cant be with someone like that I'm sorry.” you put on your shoes and started to open the door when you heard a sniffle. You instantly regretted all of it and just stood there. You turned to see him crying staring at his feet. You felt like shit right then. You had no idea how to tell him it was prank, this was a bad idea. “I'm so sorry....” you whispered real tears coming out. “For what?” he asked so lost at this point. “This was supposed to be a break up prank but I let it get out of hand I'm so so fucking sorry...” You broke and started to cry harder. “What? are you serious?” he asked leaning back and looking at you hard. You just nodded. You pointed at the cameras around the living room. He looked at them all/ in shock. You explained the whole idea and how it got too far when you started to see him cry and how you feel like such an ass. “I really don't expect you to forgive me for this, I'm just really sorry. You said deleting all the footage off the cameras. “no yeah I'm really pissed off right now, ill get over it just please let me be for a little bit, ill come to you when I'm fine.” you nodded and he went into the home gym. He came out sweaty and red from being in there. “hey, so I thought about it and I'm okay with it now, it was a good prank but I wish this wasn't the trend right now. I forgive you.” he said and you smiled. “but to seal the deal you have to give me a hug right now.” he said smiling and holding his arms out for you. You made a gagging face because he was all sweaty but you manned up and gave him a hug. It felt nice despite the sweat. He kissed your cheek. “i love you but don't do that to me every again please. I hated the thought of you leaving me.” he said pain still in his voice. “I wont I promise.” you said kissing him. 
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He didn't care for the whole youtuber thing like loco did, He did however support anything you did and wanted to help anytime you asked. Needed a kick ass intro and outro song, he was on it and sold you the rights, for kisses, so whenever someone uses it they get copyright claimed. you liked being on the other side of that for a change. He helped with editing sometimes when you're too tired. Having him help you when you needed had its downsides though. He would opt out of the Boyfriend tags trends, because they would “tarnish his bad boy rep” *throws up dumb gang signs* You would laugh it off but that meant you had to do something else and endure the drop in views. You wanted to get back at him for some of it an guess what it was? Break Up prank trend time! Same as loco you set up cams all over his office when he went out to get you some snacks for the movie date you had planned. One was by his computer, his couch behind him and one was placed carefully in-between two of his sound systems. You sat in the living room trying to look pissed off. You seemed pretty convincing because once he stepped into the room he asked what was wrong. You lied and said you saw his emails while cleaning up and saw that he was expected to work tonight. He said that he didn't see it but that he could most likely get out of it. You threw your hands up and followed him to his office where he went to look at the fake email you got his manager to send for you. “I swear its like every time we’re supposed to have alone time you have to work.” you said behind him. He turned and looked at you. “Yeah but, i usually get out of it for us.” he replied still looking at you. “can you this time? you just got off tour! You cant possibly have work already?” you asked pretending to get more annoyed. “I shouldn't ill email him back.” he sat down and started typing away. You riped out your phone and texted his manager about what to do before he hit send on the email. You two sat in silence for a few minutes he tried to reach for your hand a couple times too but you brushed him off. The computer dinged signaling he had a new email. He read it and set his head fell and he sighed. You knew what it said because you basically wrote it. “Seriously?! You're joking right? You just got home!” you got louder. He turned his head to you looking sorry. “I cant help what they do, I'm sorry.” he said trying to reach for you. “I don't care, you just got home this isn't fair to you or me....I don't think I can do this... you work all the time, it feels like i hardly see you.” you said quieter not trying to sound as mean as it did, because you know damn well has always there for you. “I... no I can try to get out of it, Please.. I know its not fair, Its my body their messing with and our relationship.” he got up to move closer but you backed away.��“I'm gonna go, ill be at my friends, ill get my stuff in a few days. If I knew this about your company I wouldn't even have said yes to that first date.” Your eyes closed because holy shit you shouldn't have said that. His arm dropped to his side. You backed out of the room and down the hall a little bit. Gaining the courage to go back in. He looked up at you when you came back in. “I.... this was supposed to be a harmless prank but i think I went too far... I'm so sorry jay...” you whispered and let your head hang. You felt warmth and looked up to see him holing you like you would disappear. “what the hell is wrong with you? Please don't ever do something like that again!” he got loud this time pulling away from you. You nodded tears forming. “I promise, Ill delete the footage too.” you said nodding at the cameras. He looked shook, he looked and saw them all. “This was recorded?” he asked. You nodded. “for you channel?” you nodded again. “Please post it! Dude that'll go viral!” Your eyes widened. “What?!” you asked. “I'm serious! If you do you might get scouted for an actress with that amazing acting you did.” he laughed waving at all the cameras. You uploaded it a week later and sure enough it went viral! You got an offer from his company as a commercial actress. 
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girl’s day out with lucy boynton headcanon
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requested by: @sophietsbastard
a/n: thank you so so much for requesting, love! hope you like it because i had too much fun writing this <3 also, i made the reader as ben’s girlfriend :)
p.s: the first parts of the headcanon is only me being extra lol
warning/s: sum swearing
word count: 900+
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i can imagine lucy as your bestfriend would be really fun!
you two met when your boyfriend ben asked you to come with him during the shooting of bohemian rhapsody, and she was just so sweet that you had to be friends with her
when you did, you two instantly became the best of friends
on a friday morning it was around 9 am, and you wake up without ben by your side
you sit up and you get surprised when you see your boyfriend, he looks like he’s going out
“mornin’ love. i’ll be goin’ out, i have shooting today. i bought breakfast for you, it’s on the table.”
you’d smile at him, and he walks closer to kiss your lips.
“thanks baby. stay safe, i love you.”
he smiles and grabs his jacket
“and i love you.”
so after he went out, you grab your phone and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast
but then your phone buzzed, your bestfriend lucy had texted you
lucy🤪💓: hey love! are you free today?
you: yup!! ben has shooting today and i’m bored
lucy🤪💓: haha same rami isn’t here he has shooting too :’(
lucy🤪💓: i’ll be there in 15 ;)
you: omg but i just woke up lmaooo i have to take a shower 😂
lucy🤪💓: haha okay 😂 after that let’s go out to the mall pleaseee?
you: how could i say no? 😔
lucy🤪💓: I LOVE YOU
after eating the breakfast ben had bought you, you went to your bathroom to take a shower
while showering, you hear lucy’s voice outside the bathroom
“girl, you take too long to take a shower.”
“well i’m sorry i’m hygienic”
you put a towel around your body and get out of the bathroom to see lucy smiling, ready to hug you
“don’t hug me yet! i’m still wet and my towel might fall down because you hug too tight!”
she lets out a laugh and rolls her eyes playfully
“then i’ll hug you later!”
oh, and she’d pick the outfits you’ll wear
she has a really good fashion sense
you’re so damn lucky to have her as your bestfriend
after you dressed up, she insisted on doing your makeup
while she’s doing your makeup you’d make faces to distract her and making her laugh
“(y/n) stop!”
now that you’re completely dressed up and had your makeup done, she hugs you so tight you could hardly breathe
but it’s worth it, i mean it’s lucy hugging you sooo
“let’s go!”
you’d be on the passenger’s seat in her car while she drives
and the songs blasting out from the radio of her car are queen songs
as you and lucy arrive at the mall, you two would go shop for some clothes first (victoria secret-)
some fans would ask if they could take pictures with you and lucy, and you two would happily agree
after shopping for some clothes, you’d go to a fancy restaurant and eat lunch
you two would also talk about things
especially about rami and ben!!!
“i swear (y/n) if benjamin hurts you then i’m sorry but i might have to kill him.”
“same goes for you lucy, if rami hurts you i swear to god.”
and even laughing out loud in the restaurant, people giving you looks
but you two don’t give two shits about it
“honestly lucy, i’m quite jealous of joe. he gets to bring cardy b anytime he wants!”
“cardy b? oh, cardboard ben?”
“yeah :(”
after eating, you and lucy head back to her car
“where are we going next?”
“hm, just gonna drive around town for an hour then i’ll drop you off at your flat because your boyfriend might kill me for not telling him you’re with me.”
“oh, he’ll know soon.”
while she was driving, you record yourself and lucy using your phone (which you’re going to post in instagram jsksjsks)
“so right now i’m with lucy... and she’s my new girlfriend now.”
lucy would join the fun and intertwine her fingers to yours, showing it to the camera
“yup. so ben, how are you feeling hm?”
you two laugh out loud
“rami look at uUuUUuus- wait rami doesn’t even use his instagram! i can’t show you off, lucy!”
“oh trust me, he will! i’m sure ben will send it to him.”
after that, you immediately posted it on instagram with the caption, “big news for you all.”
and some time later joe commented, which made you and lucy laugh so much tears were coming out from your eyes
@joe_mazzello: I-I can’t believe this. @benhardy will finally be mine!
— @yourusername: @joe_mazzello i’m afraid so, Joseph. you can throw away Cardy B now
— @joe_mazzello: @yourusername no.
and finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for
@benhardy: I can’t believe this (Y/N) how dare you
— @yourusername: @benhardy i’m sorry HAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU
— @benhardy: @yourusername love you too, I guess 🙄😂
— @joe_mazzello: @yourusername @benhardy NO FAIR.
honestly you look forward in spending more time with her in the future
it’s just so fun being with lucy and you forget all the negative thoughts
but then again, you’re so damn lucky to have her as a bestfriend in your life <3
and yes, a love triangle started between you, ben and lucy, along with joe, gwilym, rami and cardboard ben. 😂 (ofc it’s just a joke hssksjsk)
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saiharas-world-blog · 5 years
Okay, so I have to post something.
Uh, uhm.
(By Mod Kiibo!)
Gonta Gokuhara
- "hey gonta can i put these on you?"
- this is sweet boy
- so when you walk up to him with alot of tiny ribbons
- and ask if you can place them on his hair
- he'd instantly go with it
- "gonta don't understand why s/o wants to put ribbons in gonta's hair"
- "its okay you dont need to"
- you guys just enjoy some silence for a while, you're probably humming too
- "gonta feels like a christmas tree"
- uh
- okay he didn't have to put it that way
- but by the time you're done he's super happy
- they look so cute! Gonta likes it!
- 50% because you took the liberty to make the ribbons look like butterflies but okay
- overall happy Gonta though💕💕
- by the end of the day your hair could practically be a mess like his
- plus some (fav. color) ribbons strung onto your hair
- he's pretty gentle, im not gonna lie
- but there are just those times
- you may or may not have yelled at him
- yeah maybe next time you should teach him how to do it properly
- "wait what"
- he doesn't understand, he'll be reluctant
- "come on, it'll be fun!"
- "but aren't ribbons for girls??"
- he'll probably google boys with ribbons on their hair while you're talking
- soon enough he agrees
- okay so once you start caressing his hair you're just like
- what kind of f_cking conditioner do you use?
- like, holy hell his hair feels like the things you'd see on a L'Oréal commercial.
- he's confused with your reactions because
- what are you talking about?? its just his hair??
- when he tells you it's synthetic you're like OH
- you keep quiet after that, just enjoying the way his hair feels so ugjkhwNKfhlKlwhIHoGj
- he doesn't ask to put ribbons on your hair when you're done, since he's calculated a 78.6% chance of failure
- he actually loves the way it looks though, little electric blue ribbon delicately strung onto his hair.
- oh, then you show him a surprise
- basically you turn off the lights and the ribbons glow
Kaito Momota
- okay you wanna know what you did?
- yeah?
- okay, so you didn't tell him that you were going to put ribbons in his hair
- instead, you went something along the lines of;
- "hey kaito can i put stars in your hair?"
- he's hesitant because where the hell are you going to get stars to put in his hair
- also because it probably isn't masculine
- but i mean
- they're stARS HOW COULD HE NOT--
- so he says yes
- okay his hair is weird and you'd probably have a hard time working with this
- but the end result is worth it
- you practically made his hair a canvas and your ribbons the paint
- you stuck to your word though
- in his hair, laid a freaking galaxy
- kaito's hair color was perfect
- purple, yellow, and white glittery ribbons adorned the man
- and they were shaped into stars
- you have no idea how much this boy's love for you has grown
- "hey maybe i can add some to your goatee too"
- that was a joke
- obviously
- but when he went "Go ahead!"
- you just hAD TO
- so now he's walking around with stars on his hair and one glittery purple star on his goatee
Kokichi Ouma
- let me show you something
- its just ouma with ribbons
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- i edited that, i know
- he looks like a girl but don't mind that
- ngl, you probably did this while he was asleep
- so he'd wake up in the morning like he usually does
- then he looks into the mirror and--
- immediately runs to you
- you'd be making coffee or something
- then you'd look at him and burst out laughing
- "y'know, that look suits you"
- pouty boy
- "as the ultimate supreme leader i demand you rid of these immediately!!"
- nah, man
- he tried removing the ribbons
- he failed miserably
- you may or may not have made a bet that he can't survive 24 hours normally with those on
- you may or may not have said you wouldn't remove it if you won
- he may or may not have said he'll style your hair and you'll have to go with it for 24 hours if he won
- at the end of the day he just walks into your room
- with that huge smirk on his face
- and oh sh_t he won the bet
- you just slowly remove the ribbons as it dawns upon you that your supreme overlord boyfriend is going to mess up your hair
- haha good luck
Korekiyo Shinguji
- why bother put ribbons in his hair
- if you can make his hair into a ribbon
- initially, you were just running your fingers through his hair
- the thought of how his hairstyle is so feminine sparked into a conversation
- eventually leading you to suggest styling his hair
- "no"
- "but--"
- "no"
- don't worry though
- he'll reluctantly agree
- that is after you promise not to cut or color his hair
- he tells you stories while you do your thing
- you know tsuyu asui from bnha?
- imagine kork with that hairstyle
- +lucky clover shaped ribbons
- "you're a walking good luck charm now!"
- "no wonder you're here with me"
- SMOOTH 100
- he styles your hair to (somehow) match his
- he doesn't know how to do the clover ribbon thing
- so he just turns them into extensions of sorts
- you and kork should do this more often!
Rantaro Amami
- "okay"
- avocado boi is just so chill and open
- like you don't even have to ask
- slight hassle because his hair is short
- you ended up adding clips too
- so he basically has this one medium sized ribbon on the right side of his head
- and a sh_ton baby ribbons just scattered everywhere
- you just start joking around
- "oh no! Ribbons seem to have invaded your scalp!"
- he goes with it
- "oh no! Am i going to die??"
- "if you can get to the cure, then you won't have to suffer anymore"
- "and the cure is?"
- "hidden after hours of cuddles"
- im sure you can tell where this is going
- so you guys cuddle
- you remove the ribbons from his hair
- and the day goes on like usual
- then tomorrow comes
- and avocado boi sees you with a bunch of ribbons in your hair
- its too early for this
- before he can even speak you look at him and exclaim
- "the wHAT??"
- a few minutes later and you're just laughing
- "okay so maybe i wasn't infected. do you like my new hairstyle?"
- "sure, it suits you"
- avocado boi is amused
- yay to s/o!
Ryoma Hoshi
- i
- i just
- im not sure how this'll work
- his hair is super short???
- that doesn't stop you from trying though!
- he goes with it
- he plans on covering them with his hat anyway if ever you insist he keeps them on
- you did a thing
- where uh
- you weaved the ribbons and stuck them to a bunch of clips
- those in which you placed onto his hair
- like amami, ryoma has this "surperior ribbon" on one side of his head
- when you're finished he probably looks like a 2 year old kid with an extra (personality wise) woman for a mom
- ngl he doesn't like how it looks
- of course he won't tell you that
- he won't try to decorate your hair, mostly because he can't reach but--
- he'll ask nicely if he can remove the ribbons
- as nicely as he can at least--
- its a whole different story when you compliment him though
- "maybe i'll keep them on a little longer"
- nice work s/o!
Shuichi Saihara
- "o-oh?"
- he'll give you a minute to wait before he says yes
- atua knows why he took a minute but alright
- in your mind its just;
- "i'm going to make sweetchi look sweeter after this"
- you decided to get some goth ribbons beforehand!
- like those little clips with those tiny glittery skulls
- okay maybe you went with pastel goth
- moving on,
- his hair is so smooth
- it feels like he uses Patene or Treseme even!
- "even hairstylists are impressed"
- "what"
- "nothing, i just thought of mimicking a shampoo commercial"
- you had some fun combing his hair
- so much fun that he had to remind you that you were supposed to put ribbons
- oops, haha
- you start squealing halfway through
- "are you okay?"
- "yes im just imagining how cute you'd look after this"
- you were practically going to die once you finished
- one look at him and you knew
- Mission: Success
- and he just has this rosy blush and the way his eyelashes flutter--
- rip in peace s/o
- (rest in peace in peace???)
- he decorates your hair as a thanks
- he did amAZINGLY
- oh yeah he also used the pastel goth ribbons
- so now you two match!
- happy sweetchi and happy s/o!
Side note: I'd love to see sprite edits/fanart of these!
-Mod Kiibo
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imchick · 4 years
November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤
Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don’t really like being the center of attention and all. You might say it’s the same since everyone will still be looking at us the entire time. But, with the other half, the reception — people are more relaxed. Everyone will be dancing, talking to each other, singing and eating their hearts out! So, less judging and critical eyes on us. 😀
Our Reception was held at Aquila Crystal Palace. It’s about 30 – 40 minutes from our Ceremony. We had time to relax and just talk to each other in the car on the way there. Mind you, we were still with our bride & groom assistants.
To give you a preview – here’s what it looked like. ❤
BUT BUT BUT! Before we get to that, let’s go back to the start. Shall we? While we were taking our post-nup pictorial, we prepared welcome snacks and drinks for our guests!
Our supplier for this Gabrielle’s Appetizer. We prepared 200 mini sandwiches (cucumber & kani, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg & bacon), 150 mini burgers (chicken and beef), 200 crostinis (gorgonzola bacon, goat cheese & fig ham, prosciutto & brie, smoked salmon) and 2 gallons of cucumber lemonade
I’m so happy to be hearing good feedback from our guests! Their favorites? the mini burgers! But before they can eat, they will pass by our Signages!
I’m proud to say that I designed all the layouts, with the help of my husband, of course. ❤ We decided to maintain the theme of our invitation – White Marble is such a classic and classy design. Aside from the welcome signage, I wanted to add a little extra! – An Infographic of our love story. ❤
While others are eating or taking a photo in our photobooth, we also prepared some games before everything starts!
I personally created a Word Search Game with Startbucks GC for their prizes! I devised a personalized puzzle with words that have roles or connected to our relationship. For instance – Management Trainee (we were both Management Trainees in a bank. This is how we met) 😀 Everything is so much more special when it is personalized. Do you agree?
Before they officially enter the reception area, I also insisted that I wanted a signage for their Seating Arrangement:
I’m definitely proud of this! I’m a huge, huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S! I insisted to insert the friends theme in our seating arrangement! The heading is The One Where We got Married (just like how all their titles are worded). ❤ I also named our tables with all the memorable lines / quirks of the series such as Pivot, Big Fat Goalie, How you Doin and etc.
I also asked our host to ask our guests whether they know what theme our seating arrangement is. I prepared a FRIENDS themed prize also, which I bought online (a Friends Door Keychain).
The One thing that will welcome our guests upon entering the place is our Animated Monogram.
At first, I wanted a White Background with Gold font for our names. But our coordinator pointed out that I may not be seen if the background is also white. 😛 So, we decided to switch to Dark Green, still in line with our theme. ❤
Okay! So when we arrived at the scene, it’s time for our make-up retouch and time to fill our stomach with the incredible feast we chose for our guest. ❤ It was really delicious. While we were having our early dinner, there’s another game inside the reception: TRIVIA GAME where we gave out bags of chocolates for every correct answer. Some of the questions were: First movie together, Who said I love you first, Term of Enderament, Favorite Series Marathon food. (Some of the answers to the questions were posted in our Infographic) 😀 Clever. Huh?
Initally, we wanted the Fireworks at the end of the program. But we were also hesitant to schedule it after since it was Sunday and our guests might leave early.
Proven! Guests really do enjoy the fireworks! It also elevates your event! ❤ After the fireworks, guests were asked to return to their seats for the Grand Entrance. 😛
Our Bridal Squad were introduced in the tune of Dura by Daddy Yankee. while our Groom Squad danced to Boneless by Steve Aoki. 
As you can see, our male squad is definitely more coordinated with Matt Stefanina dance moves. Hence, they won the challenge of who’s better. 😛
Followed by the entrance of our esteemed entourage, our Prenup / Save the Date Video was shown to all of our guests.
And our Grand Entrance in the tune of Good Life by One Republic, inspired by our Wedding Hashtag of #itsJANNAbeaJUDElife transalated as It’s gonna be a good life.
TIP: Please please be witty enough to think of your own wedding hashtags! One, it’s simply fun. Two, it will encourage your guests to use your hashtag. Three, you’ll have an easier time in collating pictures and videos related to your event if it’s clear that YOU are the only ones using it instead of #JudeandJannaforever or #JudeandJanna2019. Maximize the power of hashtag!
For our Grand Entrance, we decided to use our Indoor Fireworks (which is not shown in the photo) plus this heart shaped confetti free of charge from our Coordinator. ❤
Followed quickly by our entrance, we gave a bit of our opening remarks to our family, friends and loved ones who celebrated with us.
Our first ever dance as a married couple is in the tune of Say you won’t let go by James Arthur. 🙂  This is also the song I was singing to when he proposed. ❤ This song is really special. ❤ Again, there were Indoor Fireworks and confetti as well.
Wedding Traditions followed such as Cake Cutting and Wine Toasting!
Our 3 tier carrot cake is designed with pure white with gold highlights with huge floral appliques. It’s so good! I’m actually sad that we forgot that it was in our ref.
The wine that we toasted is free from our package with Aquila Crystal Palace. If I remember it correctly, it was not hard because I finished it instantly. ❤
My sister, one  of the Matrons of Honor started the speech followed by my Brother in law and finally, my Best friend ended the speeches by inviting everyone to offer a toast for our marriage. ❤
After the long speeches, it’s time for the most awaited time of our guests! Dinner time. ❤ The cousins of my groom, Seth and Yohan led the prayer.
While the guests were eating or in line to get their food, some of the music that we chose to be played are the following: The way you look tonight, Collide, The last time, if I ain’t got you, Everything, Perfect and Close to you among others.
Well, you know how this goes already. . .  . . before they can even line up to the buffet, they all have to take a picture with us. ❤ Here are some of them.
While eating, another batch of Speeches coming from our Principal Sponsors.
Principal Sponsor speeches! We had to choose one from each of our side. My God mother, sister of my father gave a speech while it was a Family friend from the Groom’s side. After the speeches, a couple of games again — which is the second best game! Minute to Win It – Wedding edition. ❤
So we filmed a one time, one shot games of: Segregate it, Pingpong Ball, Shoot the Ball etc. Each table have to guess who won whether it’s the Bride and the Groom! Everyone turned out to be competitive at this part. ❤
After an interactive game, it’s the Parent Dances!
We decided to dance simultaneously to the tune of You are so Beautiful by Joe Cocker. 😀 I was scaring my dad and reminding him of their speech! 😛 while I think my mother in law is having the best time dancing with his son. ❤
After a bit serious of dances, it’s fuckin time for another game! Another game? We can never miss out on Single’s Game! To get the suspicion out of their minds, our host called them like they are about to receive a prize.
Men are lined up in front – a music is played and whoever dances the right move first gets to seat down! The following music were played – Watch me whip, Soulja Boy, Teach me How to Dougie, Gangnam, Level Up, Stayin Alive, Thriller and Can’t Touch this.
Then whoever doesn’t dance, will remain in front and the ladies will start searching for the safety pin. The lady who doesn’t find a single pin, loses. ❤
The losers  of both games, or rather the last man and woman standing wins a Starbucks GC which they can use to go on their ‘date’ – a little matchmaker doesn’t lose its touch on weddings!
It’s my husband’s colleague and one of my closes high school friend! ❤ And after this fun game, our host now calls on both of our parent’s for the wise words.
It’s the Welcome to the Family speech! It’s such a cliche but really overwhelming. It warms your heart, right? I felt really happy to hear it goes both ways. ❤ I have no better way of saying this but it felt really good.
Before the night is over, we prepared some awards to be given to our guests.
Cool Tito Award (right picture) and Fab Tita Award where we award the Best Dressed one – we gave them Wine and a Tefal Pan. ❤ We also awarded Dressed to Kill (Upper Right) for the Best Dressed Millenial and we gave them a 6-pack beers and a Make Up Kit.  Lastly, we gave out a Grand Prize (Lower Right) for the best picture and handed them a powerbank.
Then we played our On Site Photo and our Save the Date Video. ❤
Look at our faces!! ❤ Our Photo Team is led by TJ of Timoteo Photo and our SDE was created by Mac by Stories by Supermac! Extremely in awe, hearts bursting with joy and overwhelmed with gratitude and love. ❤
Before our night ends, we said our Thank yous and invited them for a night full of dancing and drinking!
Look at our ceiling treatment filled with an all white embellishments and gold highlights and black draping to make our ceiling pop out! ❤
The night ends as mentioned, with drinking and dancing! ❤ ❤ ❤
Our last picture before our guests go back to Manila! First up, my colleagues!
My brother and his girlfriend before they fled out of the scene. 😛 Haha. Next? Our Wedding Buddies, one week apart and now, we’re all married. ❤
I always come in threes, Don’t I? And Of course, My Bestfriends since High School.
It always put a smile on my face when I see my friends from different groups come together like this. 🙂
And before this day ends, I need a picture with my husband. ❤
I love you so much, husband! ❤ ❤ It’s been five months and it’s still the Best Day of My Life. ❤ 
EVERYDAY: Our Wedding (Reception) November 24, 2019, the most magical day of my life. ❤ Okay! Hard part is over! 😛 I don't really like being the center of attention and all.
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nochuuuenthusiast · 6 years
hello~ so i felt a tiny writer’s block this past week so i didn’t feel like posting or editing anything so sorry about that :( but this weekend i went on a camping trip and it really inspired me to write this scenario so i hope you enjoy! i’ll try to edit and post a reaction this week... but we’ll see how i feel... haha ok have a nice day!
*requests open!
plot: family camping trip to the beach
genre: fluff
word count: 1944
Tumblr media
This can’t be real.
You stared outside of the car window to see the waves crashing onto the shore. This time, when you turned your head to the left, you saw your husband with his eyes concentrating straight ahead on the road and his hands firmly grasping the wheel. And finally, you looked up at the rear mirror to see your daughter, Jiyeon, sleeping soundly in her carseat.
I feel complete.
You and Jungkook had wanted to go on a family camping trip for a long time now… especially since your energy levels have significantly declined after your daughter’s arrival 5 months ago. Your sleep schedules had totally gone haywire since you both had to wake up every hour or so to tend to your crying daughter. Once you thought you were finally able to lay down and get some rest, you were up again to check up on her. The first week that Jiyeon came home, Jungkook’s eyes were bloodshot red and he was going to the kitchen to make espressos every 30 minutes to keep him awake from his lack of sleep. Despite his exhaustion, he absolutely loved Jiyeon and would do anything for her safety and comfortability-- even if it meant sacrificing all of his sleep. Jiyeon was a living angel and she looked just like Jungkook… it was fascinating. Her round doe eyes would turn into little crescent moons and her tiny nose would crinkle every time she smiled… just like him. You loved her… but you were tired… and you needed a break.
You turned your head towards Jungkook again… you were thankful that he was there for you… you were thankful that he was there for Jiyeon… you loved him so much… you couldn’t even express it in words.
“Is there something on my face?” he asked as he chuckled… he must have noticed that you were staring at him.
“Aha no, it’s not that.”
“Then what?”
“I just love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he said concisely when a smile plastered across his face, as he continued to drive to your destination.
“(y/n)~ wake up~ we’re here,” Jungkook softly cooed into your ear. 
You rubbed your eyes as you lifted yourself from the reclined passenger seat. You looked out the car window and noticed that you had finally arrived at your destination. You fell asleep while listening to your playlist of Jungkook’s cover songs and after sleeping for 2 hours, you were ready to start your vacation. Jungkook’s eyes were slightly droopy since he’d been driving for quite some time without any rest and yet he still walked out of the car and opened the trunk to unload your belongings. He stood in the campground to figure out how he was going to set up your tent and the table for your food. 
What would I do without him?
You yawned and got out of the car to help him unload. Jiyeon was still sleeping so you didn’t want to carry her out of the car until you were done setting up the tent just in case you woke her up and she started crying. You smiled to yourself as you saw your little daughter holding onto a stuffed bear that was bigger than both of her hands combined... so cute. 
You walked over to Jungkook from behind to rest your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his waist. He looked over his shoulder to look at your sudden presence. 
“Are you still tired? You slept so well in the car,” he whispered. 
“Haha yeah... that was a nice nap... I can’t believe Jiyeon slept the entire time... what a good baby.”
“She takes after you... I used to cry a lot when I was younger,” Jungkook giggled.
You smiled and lifted your head from his shoulder to start unload your things. 
“Come on... let’s set the tent up before Jiyeon wakes up and shows us your side of her genes...” 
He laughed at your joke and walked over to the trunk of the car to help you lift the heavier things.
After another hour of trying to figure out how to set up your tent, you and Jungkook were finally ready to rest a little. Jungkook had set up a tent before when he and the rest of BTS went to Malta for their Bon Voyage vacation, but it had been a while since he’d done it so it took a little longer than you expected. You were also not very well versed in setting up tents since you always depended on others to do it for you, but now that it was just the two of you, you felt the obligation to help Jungkook-- even if it meant standing on the side and giving him moral support while he read the manual for the 100th time. But once he recalled his memory of setting up tents, he figured out the schematics and got to work. After he set up Jiyeon’s sleeping area, he walked to the car to transfer her from the car to the tent.
You were still really impressed that Jiyeon had not waken up since you started your trip so it wasn’t a surprise that she started crying during Jungkook’s failed attempt to carry her to the tent. Once Jungkook removed her seat belt and held her in his strong arms, she began to cry in her father’s arms and Jungkook instantly started rocking her-- he became immune to her cries after the endless nights of hearing her cry and comforting her for the past 5 months. 
After becoming a father, Jungkook matured significantly and compared to the first few weeks of caring for Jiyeon, he didn’t panic when she started crying. He cooed to her and rocked her back and forth until her cries died down; he carried her to the tent and handed her to you so that you could feed her... she was probably hungry from the long trip that she slept through. 
Jungkook sat down next to you in the middle of the tent, and waited as you breastfed her. He loved the motherly side of you... it was so calming to watch. He was still caught up in the fact that you were the mother of his child... the fantasy that he had wanted the most and the fantasy that he would dream about every night, actually became a reality... and he was grateful. 
After feeding Jiyeon, you laid her on her little makeshift bed and wrapped her in fuzzy blankets to keep her from getting cold.  You shook her rattle above her head so that she would be entertained and looked towards Jungkook.
“I’ll unload the food and set up the table so that we can eat dinner soon... don’t even think about helping me... I got this,” he smirked as he stood up to leave the tent. 
“Are you sure? I could help...” 
“No, it’s okay... you have to be with our little angel. I’ll come to you when I’m done.”
You nodded your head and laid down next to Jiyeon and continued to play with her. Jungkook smiled and left the tent to finish unloading.
Night time fell pretty quickly and Jungkook had already set up a campfire next to your tent. You had Jiyeon wrapped around your front side since you placed her in a sling that you brought from home. Jungkook was grilling some meat from the campfire while you sat down to give Jiyeon her dinner. 
By the time Jungkook was done cooking dinner, Jiyeon was done eating and was starting to drift back into sleep. Jungkook placed all the meat on a plate and walked over to you to hand you your dinner. He placed a soft kiss on your neck and you turned your head to return the favor by giving him a peck on his cheek. His dimples were visible as he smiled from the unexpected kiss. 
“Ahhh I’m so hungry~” you said as you grabbed your plate and started to eat. 
Jungkook noticed your smile as you enjoyed the food that you had prepared. “Tell me I’m the best husband in the world and that you wouldn’t be able to live without me...” he smirked. 
“Why?” you said jokingly, knowing you’d get a reaction out of him... of course he was the best husband in the world... you would never trade your life with him for anything... 
“Aish... you’re so mean,” he said as he pouted in disappointment.
“Ahaha... oppa, you know I’m just kidding right? Of course you’re the best.” 
“If you really mean it, give me another kiss.” 
You stood up from your seat and bent in front of his lips to give him a kiss, but you decided to tease him instead and whispered “no” into his ear. 
“Wowww~ I see how it is...” he pouted and turned his back towards you.
You know he was just teasing you but you grabbed his shoulder and leaned in to give him a kiss on his cheek from behind. 
“Still not enough...” 
You sighed and walked around his figure so that you were facing him and gave him a kiss on the lips. 
“There. Is that enough, Jeon Jungkook-ssi?” you smiled as you walked back to your seat. 
“Yes, that was good enough...” 
“I love you oppa~” 
“I love you too (y/n). And Jiyeon too.” 
After finishing dinner and cleaning up, you and Jungkook headed back inside the cozy tent along with your daughter. Jiyeon was now fast asleep and you removed her from your baby sling and gently placed her in her bed. You changed into your pajamas and brushed your hair, getting ready to go to sleep. 
Jungkook cocked his head, noticing that your clothes didn’t seem warm. 
“(y/n), you’re gonna get sick... here... wear this,” he said as he gave you his long sleeved pajama shirt instead.
“No... then what are you gonna wear? It’s okay... I’m not even that cold.”
“Hey... seriously...” he said sternly. He really didn’t want you to get sick.
“I have another shirt... it’s okay... just wear this okay?” 
You nodded and changed into his shirt. You were rearranging your belongings in the corner of the tent when Jungkook lifted his shirt, revealing his abs... even though he was a father, he was still very fit... it made you salivate. 
Jungkook noticed you staring at his abdomen and smirked. He took his time changing into his shirt, knowing that you were enjoying the view. 
After changing, you were both ready to go to sleep. He laid next to you and snuggled into the crook of your neck... 
This is my euphoria. 
The roof of your tent was transparent enough for you to be able to see the stars above and you took a deep breath in and out... you were mesmerized by the stars.... you felt so small in this vast universe. 
You turned your head to see Jungkook looking at the stars as well... you wanted to live in this moment forever. 
“(y/n)... remember that time we went to the park to see the stars and I told you that you’re always going to be the only star that shines in my life... it’s still true... it always will be true... so I hope that every time you stare at the stars like this, you’re reminded of how much I love you... even if I might not be there... just know... that I’m with you through these stars... and I love you... forever and ever.” 
You had no words except: “I love you too Jungkook... forever and ever.” 
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
It’s now or never, let’s goooo~~!!  (aka. semi-serious, encouraging-ish intro post of sorts) ☆ [Repost 160417]
Hmm, alrighty *pretends to crack knuckles* let’s go lil fingers that are currently really cold, do your stuff! Just do it hurgh! ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
I’ve always wanted to make a blog, to just have a space of my own where I could just write out my feelings and post things of my own creation, but my gloomy little avoidant mind kept deciding it wasn’t such a good idea and prevented it from actually materialising. A blog like this is so common but in my mind it was such a big deal, something that could potentially end up going wrong somehow and cause me more anguish. Seeing other people being able to write freely made me feel sorrowful and envious of the courage they have. Ultimately I felt more and more pathetic and ashamed of myself for being so afraid of something so ordinary. This is just one example that shows the extent my avoidance and recently acknowledged paranoia (which I’m gonna totally kick the butt of!! ☆)
I decided a long while back that I no longer wanted to see things in a negative light, so now I try my best to see the good side of things and take inspiration from others instead of instantly feeling demoralised or inferior and it has proven to be much more motivational and uplifting ♡ There has literally been years and years of me desiring to do things with no actual action and I don’t want to put any of it off anymore. There just isn’t any reason to, and this goes for a lot of the things in my life too!
I created this account over a year ago and I spent a long time trying to encourage myself and give myself the time I needed to psych up to use it. It takes so much mental effort just to get myself moving, and only one small negative criticism or experience to have me falling back to square one again. My motivation levels always fluctuated because of my reoccurring fears and lack of confidence.  When I finally thought I was mentally prepared enough, it all plummeted into the depths of darkness due to the onslaught of old and new physical health problems. But I am stronger than I think and these things won’t hold me back anymore! I won’t be beat so easily, I can keep fighting hoohah!! ᕙ (;`⊥ ^★)┐
This isn’t my first attempt at a blog or tumblr account, in fact it’s my third one, the previous ones poofed when real life got too difficult and I lost the motivation try keep up with the fandoms which I sat awkwardly reblogging a few things from. Being in a fandom was nice to experience, but at the same time uncomfortable and anxiety inducing as I never felt like I could truly fit in. I didn’t want to impose the misery of my real life on anyone nor force myself even more to pretend to be okay when I wasn’t, so I chose to just disappear. This being the case on some other similar occasions also and is such an avoidant thing to do, but at the time it gave me some relief and I hoped to re-appear someday when I got better but it just... it didn’t happen and I eventually had to give up on that idea. I also kept thinking they would probably resent me and that it would be awkward because our common interest was lost because I fell behind. I worry that I was just being selfish and taking an easy but inconsiderate way out and feel very regretful but I guess it has also presented me with opportunities to try refocus myself and learn from my mistakes.
I've become very aware of the impact of my avoidant habits and paranoid behaviour even more in the recent years and naturally, as they are neither healthy nor beneficial, I wish to do away with them as much as possible. I’ve always had an inkling my irrational fears and thoughts were not just those of social anxiety and when I stumbled upon the existence of AVPD I had a total epiphany, much like many other people I’ve read about. Seeing how I wasn’t alone in how I felt is relieving but knowing they are also suffering so much is too painful of a realisation. I want to help them but I feel I can’t because I have trouble even helping myself and everything just hurts so much.
Someday... someday soon I will break out of my bubble of sorrow and I’ll scatter sunshine and sparkles over all these rain clouds and make rainbows appear instead, I believe in myself, I believe I can do it! ✧*。ヾ(。・∀・。)ノ゙✧*。
That was pretty cheesy and random, my bad lol but so is this~ I came across the word ‘sanguine’ recently and it really stuck in my mind. It means ‘optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation’ (or can mean ‘blood red’ also lolol). That’s the kind of person I want to be or the mindset I want to have (not red coloured and ideally without the bad situations too but I guess it doesn’t quite fulfil its meaning then and well beggars can’t be choosers anyways haha~).
Anyways, I’m at the point in time where I see I need to change now or be forever regretful and continue to feel like a burden to myself and others around me. I want to break out of this unhealthy cycle and move forward with confidence. I feel like I’ve lost part of who I really am, after all these years of being unsure, pretending and restricting myself to conform to the idea that I had to be a certain way to be liked and to the demons in my mind telling me I’m worthless, undeserving and weird, because... I’m not! (ノ≧ڡ≦) ☆ ...well maybe I am kinda... pretty darn weird, but it’s okay to be different!
I just want to be myself and I want to be happy. I want my loved ones to not be worried, to see me move out of my slump, to have someone they can finally be proud of and someone who can help them when needed, because although they may have contributed towards my avoidant personality, I love them and I want to see them happy and stress free too.
Time is precious and although I feel I have wasted a lot of it with all of my inaction, frustration and failures, there is still time to make things right. I want to look to the future and enjoy life, because (as much as the phrase irked me initially, it’s been super useful and true) YOLO!! ☆ I mean maybe there is another life but who knows what I’ll be then. I don’t think I could accomplish much as a cucumber or a snail. (Ooh my! That gives me an idea for something artsy fartsy! :D)
Making small progress is much better than none at all, so I’m going to try hard to keep moving up, keep being positive, proactive and productive! (Look at all them p's alliteration whoooo~!! Someone give me a gold star lol, it feels like I’ve written an essay and it was actually a little less stressful than a real one too hurr :B)
I feel somewhat proud of myself that I’ve already made progress even though I may not have been recording it here. Seeing the benefits it’s had on my general health and mood is a nice feeling and my motivation levels are continuing to increase from knowing that I can really make a change. It’s the fear from irrational thoughts that prevent you from going ahead, but once you stop to take the time to rationalise them, you’ll feel much more assured and motivated. Never forget that every bit of progress no matter how small or insignificant it may seem deserves a pat on the back! Reinforce the good feelings and behaviour, not the bad! Even if it seems terrible now, there’s always tomorrow and there’s the great big future ahead to be looking forward to! C:
Avpd is so awkward, geez... I wouldn’t even wish AVPD on even my worst enemy (well AVPD is one of my worst enemies so it wouldn’t work anyways unless it’s that thing where two negatives cancel each other out and become a positive lol).
It’s so strange, sometimes when I write I can’t tell if I am writing like myself or someone else..? I think maybe because I don’t write often, I forget that I can write something other than jokey informal things (which is closer to how I talk). Talking and writing is different though, so I guess it makes sense yoooo~! I can’t spend too long being serious, it brings on those unwanted dreary and negative feels, I don’t want to feel melancholy anymore ._.
Before I started writing this post I wrote the about page for my blog and actually struggled with it quite a bit. One of my main goals is to just have the courage to just put myself out there and not feel ashamed, I really hope to get over this asap as it bothers me so much. It’s no exciting piece of literature of course but I’m happy I was able to do it and be satisfied with it. It was a load of incomprehensible waffling at first and I got sidetracked from writing the simple things I initially wanted to, but I edited the unnecessary parts away. It was nice to finally write a slice of my feelings down and something truthful about myself and at first it felt like a waste getting rid of some of it, but I think I’ll probably save those words for future creative inspo so that worked out okay too. I kept catching myself stepping into the negative thought zone, but I’m glad I noticed and removed it in the end because it was unneeded. That’ll teach mr.snarkypants negative mind not to mess with me! (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \)
I have lots of other things I want to write and say but I’ll save them for another time as this is getting much lengthier than I wanted it to be, but better out than in I guess, no one likes trapped thoughts or mind constipation amirite..? *crickets chirp*. By writing this, I managed to encourage myself a little more and even give myself some inspiration and creative direction, woot! I just need to keep it up! I won’t let myself be afraid to write about my fears anymore, I’ll rationalise all that is irrational and I’ll pour my true feelings into this blog, with a dash of silliness and rainbows ♡
Everything is easy in theory when just spoken or written, but I know it’ll be difficult to actually put in practice. There is still doubt and negativity lingering in my mind of course, but for now motivation for change is at the forefront. I feel as though maybe I’ve come across as naively optimistic here, but even if I don’t get the exact result I want, at least I tried and that in itself is a great improvement. I just don’t want to give up so easily this time, I don’t want to fall into the spiral of hopelessness I’ve entered many times before and I don’t want anyone else to either. Negativity will have no power over me anymore! (*`皿´*ノ)ノ ⌒ ●~*
I spent way to long writing, re-reading and editing this, worrying about spelling/grammar when normally I don’t even grammar, I love engrish~! lol (selective perfectionism, if that’s a thing? If so, stop hassling me!). I also wonder if it’s disjointed and incoherent or if I come across as a bad or foolish person... I need to stop worrying so much over silly insignificant things too, like even where to put the read more cut was an overly arduous task and I still feel iffy about it, but just saw tumblr automatically cuts them to stop clutter lol. All in all I just hope my writing makes some sense, my brain was beginning to get cobwebs, so it was good to get the cogs moving again since I hadn’t sat down and written for so long heh. My attempts at being humorous, fancy and poetic need work though for sure haha~
If I don’t post this now, I’ll keep hesitating and back out, like I’ve always been doing, okay okay imma do it! *presses button with eyes closed and accidentally deletes it all* (huh damn my post didn’t showing up in the tags, must be cause I haven’t used this account properly yet... how anti-climatic, oh welp it’s not like I actually wanted someone to read this or anything, b-baka! orz)
To anyone that happens to come across this and actually read it and found it a little interesting or relatable, thank you and hopefully it’ll give a little insight into the type of blog this is and the oddity person that resides here~! If you didn’t read any of it and just think I’m a strange-ass alien, it’s okay too lol! But thanks for taking your time to look anyways~ ^^
I hope everyone can find the confidence and resolve to be themselves (if needed) and be happy! Keep going, you got this, you can do it! *hugs and sprinkles of optimism* *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊ ♡
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