#okay im really running away now farewell
faunandfloraas · 19 days
Got a taste of my own medicine
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reagi-df · 7 months
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Febuwhump Day 13: You weren’t supposed to get hurt
Old sketch design for my forgive me au but I’m gonna use it anyway
Donnie stares down at the screen as he types away, he's surrounded by the quietness of the lab. He's exhausted but he needs to finish what he started. It's been a rare few quiet days from having to go against any major Kraang players and he's taking this time to really get things sorted for when the time comes and he wakes up properly.
His fingers slow down on his keypad, eyes automatically looking up to his monitor showing the vital signs. Everything is stable for the moment and Donnie is grateful for that.
“Knock knock”  jolting, Donnie shoots his head around and sees Raph standing there. Even though his body doesn't have any eyes, he knows from how his head is tilted he assesses Donnie. 
And he doesn't like it.
“Raphael, what can I do for you at this hour”  he's glad his mask hides the bags under his eyes.
“Raph could ask you the same thing” the sounds of Raphs metal feet hitting his floor as he walks closer, Donnie lets his ninpō ripple under his skin as he subtly swipes away the taps connected to the chamber.
Raph cant see.
“Why are you still up?”
“Have a lot of things to do. Projects to finish. I need to make sure our defences are up and running frantically, even if the Kraang are being strangely quiet it won't last forever and I need to make sure we're ready” Donnies hands are flying about his keypad as he speaks.
A heavy hand rests on top of his own, stilling him. Donnie looks down at the metal digits, observes the grooves and scratches that litter his brother's metal casing. A sharp prain runs through him at the thought of not seeing his oldest brother's flesh hand again but he knows it's too late now. Even if he tried it wouldn't work.
And he doesn't want to go through that again. 
“You need to let me buffer out your hand again” he says absently.
Dragging his tiered eye up to these dimmed lit eyes of his brothers he hears Raph sigh. “Don, please go to sleep. I know its been hard  on you but I don't want you to burn yourself out again. I can't go through watching you die right in front of my eyes. Not again.”
Looking away Donnie swallows. “That wasn't my intention.”
“I know” Raph’s hand leaves Donnie’s and he secretly mourns the loss. “But you mean a lot to us Don, we don't want you to keep hurting.”
He stubbornly refuses to look up, “I’m fine, Raph.”
“Please donnie, Le-” 
“Dont!” Donnie grits out, cutting off whatever Raph was going to say.
Silence hangs in the air, tension heavy.
Closing his eyes and breathes deeply through his nose, “I'm sorry” he exhales.
Raphs gently places his hand back on Donnies broad shoulder and he leans into the touch. “I know I nag a lot, but I just don't want you to hurt”
Patting Raphs hand “I know big brother” looking up he turns to face Raph, metal hand falling from his shoulder. “Look I promise i'll go to sleep, I just need another 10 minutes”
They both stand there staring at each other, it feels like an eternity before Raph sighs again and steps back. “Okay, I know a losing  battle when I see one. Im making the rounds and when I come back and you're not asleep i'm dragging your ass to bed”
Snorting, Donnie bobs his head. “Sure” a small smile forms on his face.
Head shaking fondly, Raph walks to the door but pauses before he leaves. “I meant what I said Don” turning his head around he continues “you mean a lot to us, your family and we do anything for the family.
“Yeah” his voice catches in his throat.
They’ll do anything for their family.
Nodding Raph bids him farewell, “g’night don”
“Night” he whispers.
He stands there for a few seconds before he shuts all of his projects down, he pauses with his hand hovering in the air, he feels his ninpo running through his body, he brings up the tabs containing the chamber again and walks away as he transfers them to his gauntlet.
With a quick few strides to one side of the room, Donnie presses his palm to a hidden compartment, there's a hiss as the doors open. He's glad he never told anyone about this hidden room. It's become very useful for stuff he doesn't want others to see.
The doors close firmly behind him with the lights flickering on, with a flick of his fingers the tabs are transferred to the machine connected to the chamber. “I'll be quick, then you can go back to sleep. Donnie passes his time by making sure everything is working correctly, it usually takes about 10 minutes or so, but he's dragging his feet. He talks about anything that comes to mind, about the time Mikey ended up sleepwalking into a wall, or that time he ended up floating to the ceiling and unable to get down,. 
“He’s exhausted, Mikes been doing too much lately”. Donnie muses.
Donnie goes on, speaking about the time when April and he had found a stash of booze, that was strangely still in date, and got drunk. “April was cursing me out, she should've known that my metabolism is superior than hers.” he absently rubs his head from where she smacked him when he did tell her. 
His feet bring him closer to the chamber, “Jr is becoming a terror, coming more and more like his mother everyday” Donnie checks the systems and the vitals. “He's learning so fast, it was enjoyable watching him talk cheekily back to April” he pauses and looks down.
“You'd like him,” he whispers. 
A dull scratches his attention, turning his head Donnie sees a green hand with an IV cannula strapped to the back, tubing floating around his body. The hand drags down and his claws leave sharp grooves into the glass.
Walking up, Donnie places his own pawl onto the thick glass. Leo stares back at him with dull unseeing eyes, a mask firmly placed onto his mouth while his body is submerged in water.
“I'm sorry,” Donnie whispers as he watches those unseeing eyes flutter and shut.
“Please forgive me” he murmurs to the dead.
Dropping this here for @febuwhump I was hoping id find something
Im hoping to get close to the juicy bits in Forgive Me, id love it if you'd vote for these boys in the @tmntaucompetition it'll be fun show what ive got planned 😈, as well as going up against other peoples
Again excuse my dyslexic unbetaed
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requested by @onedirectionlovers2014
Request: It was the reader leaves for a couple of months for school and before they left, Phil died but Dan told them he would be okay so they leave to go and Dan starts losing his mind to the point Harry or someone calls for them to come back and when they do, Dan has an emotional breakdown because 🤕 didn't know if the reader was coming back or not
tags: @illiana-mystery, @eclecticwildflowers
warnings: character death, mental breakdown, swearing
“I’ll be ok.” I looked at Dan, squeezing his shoulder and playing with the hair at the base of his neck. “I promise. I’m going to be alright.” Shaking my head, I wrapped my arms around him.
“Dan…” I whispered as he hugged me tightly. “It’s not your fault. Besides he left you everything.” Dan nodded against my shoulder.
“Yeah. It is a perk.” He whispered back. I rubbed his back as he took a deep breath. “Still. I miss that bum.” I kissed his cheek.
“I know.” I breathed out. Dan buried his head in my neck and breathed out deeply.
“how long will you be gone?” He asked, his breath tickling my neck.
“a couple months.” I responded. “But we can call everyday if you want. Honestly, I’d probably call you while I work just so I can hear your voice and help me focus.”
“I’d like that.” Dan admitted. “I’d like that a lot.” Dan pulled back and i cupped his cheeks. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I smiled at him before kissing him. “I have to go now Dan.” I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and wiped away a stray tear. “I’m only a phone call away. Anytime. Day or night.” Dan nodded and kissed me again.
“go. Or I’ll never let you go.” He chuckled. I nodded, biting my lip to keep my own tears at bay. “Now don’t do that. I won’t let you go if you do that.” Dan wiped away a stray tear and chuckled without humor.
“ok. I’ll…I’ll call you when I get settled in.” I broke away after giving him a kiss. I smiled softly at him before leaving. Dan had raised his hand in farewell and I wiped away my tears as I hurried to get to a cab. After the cab, I took a bus up to my campus. Most of my stuff was already up at the dorm thanks to mac and quon le. I set about unpacking and made sure that the picture of Dan and I was on the nightstand with another on my desk. I called Dan that night and every night after. After two months, Dan stopped answering my calls for a week. I panicked and kept trying to call him but he wouldn’t answer. His answering machine had to be running out of tape by now. “Dan…I don’t know what’s wrong or where you are but please call me back. I need to hear your voice. Please. I love you. Call me back.” I sighed as I hung up and rubbed my forehead. “Please call me back Dan. I need you.” it was two days later I got a call from Harry.
“Harry? Everything ok?” I asked as I picked up the phone. I cooked the cord around my finger, my knee bouncing as I sat at the desk. My eyes flickered to the picture there and I bit my lip to keep the tears at bay.
“Not really. Have you been able to get in contact with Dan?” He asked. I could tell from his voice something was seriously wrong.
“no. Not for a little over a week.” I said. “Harry, what’s wrong? What’s happened to Dan?” Harry sighed and I could hear the door close on the other end.
“it’s this Phil foundation stuff. He hasn’t slept in days. And he’s losing his mind over it.” Harry said. “He saw a doctor who says it’s psychological. Dan ran the foundations symposium. Gave the keynote speech and even gave away most of the money. As in nearly bankrupt the foundation. After admitting that he stole money from it.” I gasped and covered my mouth, worry coursing through my veins. “I think he got some sleep but he still isn’t much better. I think you need to come back down here. If anyone can help him, it’s you.”
“I’m…im on my way.” I breathed out. “Harry, is…is he in trouble? Legally?” I wiped away a few tears that had spilled over.
“No. We…we were able to take care of it.” Harry admitted. “Dan just needs you right now. Please hurry.”
“I will Harry.” I said before hanging up. I got the first bus back into the city and got a cab to the courthouse. “Harry.” I breathed out as I rushed into his chambers. Harry looked up from his paperwork and got up to hug me.
“you made it.” He breathed out. I nodded as I pulled back. “Dans in his office.” I nodded and quickly made my way back through the halls to dans office. I knocked on the door and gently opened it. “Dan?” I called softly. I peeked around the corner and dans head popped up off his desk.
“(Y/N)?” He asked. His voice sounded frail and higher than usual. “Nah. Can’t be. They’re off at school. They aren’t coming back.” I walked fully into the office and closed the door behind me, leaning against it as I took him in. His hair was all over the place, his suit was wrinkled and done up wrong, there were pictures of Phil everywhere and dan looked like he was sleeping in his office again.
“dan.” I whispered as I walked over to his desk. “I’m really here. I came back.” Dan shook his head, not looking at me.
“just another hallucination.” He whispered. “Even my office isn’t safe. I thought the apartment was bad.” I knelt down next to him, putting my hand on his cheek to turn his head towards me.
“dan…” I murmured as I rubbed my thumb over his cheekbone. His eyes were vacant as I shifted on my knees. “Dan I’m really here. Please. What’s wrong?” Dan let his eyes roam over my face. “Harry called me. Please.” I cupped his other cheek and leaned up to kiss him. I ran my fingers through his hair the way I knew he liked and smiled softly at him as he tilted his head to meet my hand.
“(Y/N).” He breathed out, his eyes finally flashing with recognition. “You’re here.” I nodded as he surged forward to hug me. “You’re real.” Pausing he pulled back a second. “You are real right?”
“Yes dan. I’m real.” Dan pulled me back against him and sobbed into my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears pricked my eyes. I tightened my hold on him and buried my head into his shoulder. “God damn I’ve missed you dan. So much. Harry told me what happened. Im so sorry I left you alone. I should never have left.” My voice cracked and dan shook his head pulling back.
“no. I can’t hold you back. You know that. We agreed on that.” Dan wiped away my tears as I reached out to touch his cheek. He shook his head. “I’m ok. It was just too much at once. I’m feeling better now.” I laughed without humor.
“Dan you didn’t know I was real.” I reached down and fixed his tie. “This is too much for you right now. I…I think you should hand over the Phil foundation to someone else.” Dan opened his mouth but I shook my head. “Dan I’m serious. You are hallucinating. How many times have you seen me here when I wasn’t? Or Phil? Harry said you weren’t sleeping for a while. It’s time Dan.” He nodded as I cupped his cheeks again. “Phil knew this would teach you something. Help you grow. And it did. But he wouldn’t want you to run yourself into the ground. Or worse kill yourself over this.”
“I know.” He whispered. “I know. Phil had a brother. He’s been around the last few days.”
“then that sounds like the perfect person to hand it over to.” I told him. I stood up as Dan nodded. “Let’s go home Dan. I think it’s time you got some actual sleep.”
“I think you’re right.” He chuckled. “Are…are you staying?” He looked up at me with wide eyes, making my heart wrench. Dan looked like a little boy staring at me. I nodded.
“as long as I can.” I promised, kissing him softly. “We’ll go up to the school together and work something out. How does that sound?” Dan nodded again before hugging me around the waist, his head on my stomach.
“I love you.” He whispered. I tangled my fingers in his hair and breathed out a shaky breath.
“I love you too.” I gently pulled him up. “Now let’s go home.”
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djcaracalhisshiss · 2 years
renmin au drabble
wherein baby jaem went with his parents to a pizza place because he got an award from school. Jaem's parents were busy choosing what to order and jaem was too excited he kept on tugging his mum's shirt
'Can I get a cheese pizza and some milkshake please?'
'okay baby' his mum continued to give her order to the girl in the cashier
jaemin walked away from his parents and decided to look for a spare seat and while he was scanning the place his eyes caught a very cute kid sitting with his grandparents.
he slowly approached the table and immediately said hi to the boy
'my name is jaemin how about you?' he offered his hand and even showed the dino toy he was holding
the other boy hid behind his grammy
'renjun say hi to your new friend he seems nice don't be shy'
renjun was peeking and timidly looked at jaemin who was still smiling at him
'im renjun'
jaem quickly seated beside renjun and his grandparents 'let's play with my toy'
jaem's parents were puzzled as to why there was no trace of him behind them but they're not surprised that their outgoing son is already playing
'jaemin baby? come already we have our order'
jaemin's mum tried to apologize to renjun's grandparents
'it's okay your son is very cute and i'm glad he approached our grandson'
'jaem you should say bye to your friend now. we have to go already'
jaemin just pouted and bid his farewell
'bye renjun i wish we could play together again. i'll share my dino toys to you'
'okay i had fun playing with you. thank you jaemin'
renjun waved as jaemin and his parents exited the pizza place
fast forward to a teenage Jaemin on his way to his freshman orientation
he's running towards the school auditorium due to being late when he bumped into another student
'I'm so sorry'
the other student immediately said 'its okay'
jaemin wasn't able to look at the other student when he heard him saying
'are you on your way to orientation?'
'yeah i'm sorry again tho'
'it's really fine. we can go together'
the other student offered his hand and introduced himself smiling
'Im renjun btw what a nice way to meet you'
this suddenly came to my mind while i was scrolling through my fb stories let me know what are your thoughts hehe i might start posting drabbles here
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usermaha · 2 years
CB Thoughts
This album is if Eternally was an entire album.
The actual shock to my system that was Devil By The Window??? the jaw was on the floor the whole runtime i kid you not
i dont know the lyrics?? Its All English from the sound of it?? All i can hear is Soobin and Soobin sounds angelic
This album is very tied to the narrative or theme. Which makes me really happy bc i was kinda expecting to get robbed out of the storytelling teased by the promo stuff.
I was jumping up and down in glee when i heard the intro to Sugar Rush Ride DARLING IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU SINCE DECEMBER
You know every txt cb has a part in the melody/production thats so good its almost pure coke and they build the entire song around it and its kinda repetitive but you dont complain bc its so good you cant get enough of it?
WAIT the vibes of CYSM’s thing (you know what i mean) and SRR’s intro are quite comparable
Up until the prechorus she is tons of fun and there are so many good vocal moments i dont know who’s who yet bc its happening too fast
But the chorus is a little short of a disaster to me the puncture of the energy to the empty chorus??? you mean to tell me i dislike a txt chorus what is happening??? Its gonna take me a while before i get around this song, even if i actually do. Which as a moa is a real shame.
Im really really excited to see the whole choreography
Okay all of this is very sexy. The narrative is “being tempted by the devil into a psychedelic bliss that is actually a hoax/dangerous but its irresistible”. I suppose that angle was always present in the concept but i didnt expect it to be played this upfront.
Sigh i should have known when YJ was shirtless. Everyone said Angry Soobin from GBGB was a shock SLUTTY SOOBIN??? Did i even type that phrase?? Txt is constantly challenging their concept and image and this is the more jarring one yet. They would’ve done an edgy concept that was a given but i legit never couldve imagined them this way.
i shall not speak any more of this, and i am respectfully looking away.
Yeonjun’s “What did you do to me, sugar” 😵 i still havent figured out my favorite line but this might be it
Happy Fools has a Balance Game energy. And i do not like Balance Game so. ://
and the feature really took me out otteokhe
Tinnitus is kinda fun kinda groovy… and also very sexy
Farewell Neverland gave me Lonely Boy. And Lonely Boy is one of my favorite songs from txt so this one will definitely be a at the top of this album
This pretty neatly fits my theory that they are visiting Magic Island (Neverland in this context) for a final time for closure.
Throughout txt’s discography there is this headstrong argument supporting escapism, that’s what the concept of Magic Island is about. “Run away with me.” And at this point the illusion of escapism finally crashes. We must go back home.
Honestly heartbreaking you can hear the bittersweetness in their voices
But i was expecting the Cat to eat them or something none of the action in the middle :(
When i heard Minisode 2 for the first time my gripe was that its not doing much in terms of interesting or unique. But here its’ inverted; this album experiments and pushes the envelope, and im happy for that, but for me it doesnt stick the landing
but again the album might grow on me as i slowly get around each song. It has happened before with txt songs. But this is how it stands right now.
Member-specific points:
Soobin era. From Devil By The Window ive called it. His falsettos are in full form here and i love to see it
It feels like Yeonjun’s existence as an idol was destined for a moment like this. He unhinges his jaw and never retracts it back. HIS VOCALS TAKE ME OUT every cb day dont sleep on YJ’s vocals please this has been a PSA
Beomgyu’s vocals in Farewell Neverland he is such. an emotional singer he sings with so much heartbreak in his voice
Fuck Taehyun honestly he sounds better and better every cb and for what. For me to bias him harder??? Fuck him.
Huening Kai plays the sexy so right its almost wrong he is such a fantastic idol and performer he is a chameleon he carries any and every concept with such ease he has it all truly
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godheadjones · 2 years
riverdale infodump pls? 👉👈
okay. this is gonna be wild knife
we start off with the murder of jason blossom. whodunit? no one knows. jughead, our narrator, writes from his booth in the only diner in town, pops. shit happens. veronica comes to town and hits on archie a few time before they move from closest fucking to being in a relationship. archie struggles with his feels for betty and they immediately disappear as soon as veronica closest fucks him. this is one episode. more shit happens this season, like the revelation of the blossom/cooper family incest, cheryl calling archies dad a dilf as a not-yet-lesbian, betty and jughead start dating, jughead hates his birthday, sticky maples and clifford blossom hangs himself just after his daughter tries to kill herself. cliffored is revealed as being the killer cause jason said "no! im not taking over your maple syrup buisness which is actually a cover for heroin business" blah blah. shit happens in this town then archies dad gets shot in pops and even more shit happens. archie, without his drivers license but with an undiagnosed hero complex rushes his father to the hospital. everyone comes and is worried and theirs heart to heart and cheryl burns down her house. why not. new killer: the black hood. and he wants to purge riverdale of sinners. now theres a new drug dealer, the sugarman, who sells jingle jangle to the kids of southside high, where jughead attends school now with his foster family. another big bad rolls into town and his name is hiram lodge. hiram is hiram forever, we chant as veronica kisses his cheek in the dark. more shit happens, then, they think they finally caught the black hood! its a random janitor! haha, the students think, we can return with our life. nope. the janitor really was just a random janitor. at their musical production of carrie, played by cheryl, whos finally realized she gay and is dating southside serpent toni topaz. midge turns up dead in their show and the town is haunted. they hold each other, fuck each other, and interrogate half brother imposters whove come to town. jughead is caught up in drama with southside serpent member penny peabody. he cut off her tatoo cause he joined a gang, hes badass, he has to prove this blah. penny takes over another gang, the ghoulies, and jughead approaches them and is like "just kill me" so they do. or so they think? jugheads alive! jughead besting death 1/? gifset when? anyway hes alive. then betty catches the black hood and its none other than her father! hal how could you. he says bettys speeech at the 75 years jubilee (in season one) inspired him to go shoot shoot shoot. mystery solved! yippee! assembly time then uh oh. hiram lodge has nailed archie for the murder of some guy while archie was at a fuck cabin with bughead (betty and jughead) and veronica. hes going to jail. archies 3 friends try to save him along with his mother, who is a lawyer. good for her! they spend all summer trying to save archie from prison but its all for nought cause archie confesses under threat from hiram. farewell archie andrews. new school year but its weird since archie isnt there. hes teaching other prisoners about the epic highs and lows of high school football. as he does this, the school gets addicted to g&g, which is just d&d on jingle jangle. its all part of a larger scheme of the farm, a secret cult harvesting organs for a dying girl pretending she’s in high school. meanwhile with archie, hes in a wrestling ring for the prison and hes very good at it. he espaces with the help of monica posh, undercover vee lodge. when he does he runs away to hide from hiram with jughead because they are gay. not really both are in straight relationships. archie has kissed men tho. hes on thin ice. hes in canada has some trippin visions of killing himself and its all fun and games until he comes back. turns out the gargoyle king, the second g in g&g is penelope blossom, cheryls homophobic mother along with the help of fake jason blossom (imposter half brother) and the black hood!! gasp!
I can’t believe I’m even saying this. part two will be out soon
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wizkiddx · 3 years
3 hearts broken
I did an angst thing again oops also not proof read double oops
summary: an argument between you and tom, except it takes him hurting someone else for you to loose it
warnings: alot of swearing (im British sorry not sorry) idk anything else except commitment issues?
It was an argument you and your boyfriend regularly had. In fact, it was the only argument the two of you ever had. And especially recently, one that Tom seemed to want to have every day. It didn’t matter where you were on set; in the rental home; out for dinner. Or like now… in the airport lounge.
You were sitting across from each other in a semi-private booth. Tom in his joggers and a burgundy hoodie, you in your black leggings and an oversized tee that actually belonged to your boyfriend. The rest of the place was almost deserted, given the late-night time of the flight. It was probably why Tom felt so comfortable bringing up this touchy subject in a public place.
You were both way past overtired too, owing to the end of a gruelling shoot. All you wanted was to get back to London and get into your own bed. Without an unnecessary fight with Tom.
Unfortunately for you, when you had naively said those exact words, Tom’s overtired brain skipped straight to it being a personal attack.
“I don’t see why you can’t commit to moving in Y/n! We practically live together for filming anyway so-“
“I love you Tom, more than I could ever express. I just… I can’t do this yet. I need… more-“
“More time, I know.” He grumbled, already standing and slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder - as the flight’s gate was announced by the intercom. Had he not already turned his back and started heading along the hallway, you would’ve tried to protest and calm him down. But thanks to his urgency to get away from you… all you could do was sigh. Slumping back against the seat before hauling yourself up and grabbing the bags - that he had helped you with on the way in.
No doubt this would be a long flight.
That it was. Tom had been maturely giving you the silent treatment at the gate, as you were boarding, and finding you seats. You were both in first class, so you had adjacent little pods with a little partition in the middle. It’s standard position was to be lowered however, before you’d even been able to settle into your window seat, Tom had already switched to button to have it slowly slide up.
Real fucking mature.
Thinking he just needed some time to cool off, you rolled your eyes but let him be. Even though you were such a frequent flier, you were terrible at getting any sleep on them. Tom knew this, knew how much you disliked the idea of being hurtling through the air in a tin can. Usually, he’d be holding your hand, entertaining you by watching a movie and providing a shit commentary over the top. Sometimes, when you were both as exhausted as right now, he’d even slide into your chair, having you perch on top of him so you could fall asleep listening to his heartbeat in his chest. Now though? He refused to acknowledge your existence.
Tom never had such issues flying, he was like a switch that could just choose to fall asleep at any and every point. Which is perhaps why it shocked you to see him still wide awake, staring angrily at the corner of his pod when you went to the loo, hours later. Thinking it was time for a peace offering, on the return to your seat you made eye contact and began to smile softly at him. However, that plan lasted for all of two seconds, since as soon as he realised you had seen him staring, Tom instantly shut his eyes - playing asleep.
He really was being particularly stubborn tonight.
By the time the plane landed, he’d still refused to say anything - and it was starting to really piss you off too. You’d tried to be mature, tried to offer the metaphorical olive branch and he had quite literally thrown it back in your face. So by the time you were being escorted off the plane (first because you were first class), you hung back from your boyfriend, wanting to have your own space.
Which was exactly why you didn’t want to give up your own apartment yet!
The two of you walked across the bridge into the terminal with a good 8 metres between each other. Tom didn’t bother to turn round and check on you, taking purposeful steps as though he wanted to get away.
Thankfully the terminal was quiet, probably due to the ungodly hour in the morning you’d landed at. The halls echoed only with your and Toms footsteps, the echo exaggerating just how far away you felt from him at this point. Still, Tom hadn’t acknowledged your existence, or anyone elses for that matter - the pair of you almost got to baggage reclaim before seeing any other humans.
And that is where it all went wrong.
It was typical, an otherwise empty airport except for you, Tom and a family with 2 girls. 2 teenage girls. 2 teen girls whose eyes widened to almost comical levels at the sight of your boyfriend. You’d seen them from a mile away, but from Tom’s reaction to them - he clearly hadn’t.
In fact, you were such a distance away you couldn’t exactly hear the exchange. But what you saw, had your heart in your mouth.
The girls ran over from the seats their whole family were sitting in, squealing at Tom with that overcited little jump you’d seen so often. Instead of Tom turning to them and entertaining them with small talk and a photo or two - he did the opposite. If anything, he quickened his cadence, looked as though he waved the girls off without muttering two words.
And maybe there was a reason. Maybe they had shouted something really rude at him - but fuck, the chances were slim. One looked ten, and one looked a couple of years older - as you approached, you saw the dejected and shocked faces melt into ones of intense disappointment. The eldest turned and hugged the younger, whose chest appeared to be shaking in a way that meant only one thing. Tom had made her cry.
Just as both the mother and father stood up to rush to the girls, you matched their hurried steps - getting their first.
“Hi, excuse me… “
You felt really awkward but knew you had to do something for these poor girls. And quite possibly for Toms career too. “Are you guys okay?” It took a second or two, but the girls clearly both recognised you too (thank god), throwing nervous looks at each other.
“Are yo-you Y/n?” The younger one asked, bright eyes glazed in tears which broke your heart to see.
“Yeh-yeh I am, what are your names?” You knelt, smiling warmly at the girls, who seemed to chirp up a bit.
“I’m Tima” The eldest spoke first before nudging the other to speak. You waited patiently till the little girl had wiped her eyes before replying.
“I’m Azara.”
“Wow, you’ve both got very beautiful names. Where are you both headin-“
“Can I ask you a question!?” Litte Azara burst out, interrupting you, but in the cutest and sweetest way. You just laughed and said of course, as she twiddled with her thumbs nervously.
“How big is the biggest T-rex?” Her little eyes were so curious and you had to suppress a giggle, seeing how serious it was.
Of course, the T-Rexs in Jurassic world (one of your movies) were all CGI. But Azara didn’t have to know that.
“Oh, they are bigger thanthan the tallest trees you’ve ever seen!”
You carried on your little chat with the girls for five or so minutes, laughing with them and exchanging soft nods with their parents too - who seemed appreciative of your time. Eventually, though, it was the dad who pulled time on the exchange, signalling that the girls had taken up enough of your time. As you stood up, Tima spoke up - after being relatively withdrawn from the conversation.
“You’re friends with Tom Holland right?” You nodded, subconsciously biting your lip to see what she would say. “Can you tell him sorry for bothering him, it’s just Azara was excited, we only wanted to say hi.”
Yeh, there was absolutely no way these incredibly sweet girls did anything to Tom. He was just being a knob.
“Hey, it’s not your fault at all. We’ve just had a really, really long flight, and he’s in a bit of a mood at me - I’m so sorry that he let it out on you.”
That explanation seemed to satisfy Tima with a nod, and with some final hugs you bid the girls both farewell. By this point, the rest of your plane had caught up along the corridors, so it was busier, and you had to fight against the small crowd to get through the airport as quickly as possible. Because you were seething with rage for Tom and could not wait to tell him exactly what those poor girls thought of him.
Unsurprisingly Tom had chosen not to wait for you in the airport at all, instead already hiding inside the blacked-out windows of the 4x4 waiting at the collection point. You marched up to that car angry to the point you thought the whole airport would notice. Yanking the door so hard you were surprised you did no damage to it, you threw your bags in - momentarily ignoring the sight of Tom huddled into a corner, staring at his phone with AirPods in.
But once you slammed the door shut and the driver started the car, you let yourself go.
“Who the fuck do you think you are!”
“Y/n can we just leave it for- “
“You made 2 girls cry!!! You were so self-absorbed in your temper tantrum that you made 2 teenage girls cry. You proud of yourself?”
This time he did look at you, eyes wide and confused - clearly not understanding. So you continued - laying it out for him.
“Those two girls you waved off because you were so busy running away from me? Well the youngest one cried and then the eldest didn’t speak and when she did it was only to ask me to apologise to you. You’re a fucking dickhead!”
“I didn’t mean-“
“Oh god, that makes it all better. You didn’t mean to make them cry on purpose, so it’s fine! God if you’d only said I’d-“
“Fuck off Y/n you’re not being fair, cut the sarcasm.”
“I’m not being fair?!? Because I’m the bad person in this situation, right? I just saved you from a very, very bad headline tomorrow morning because you were too busy giving me the silent treatment.”
“Yeah, well, your the one who doesn’t seem to give a damn about me!”
You scoffed hard at his words, air trapped in your throat that now felt completely stuck. How could he say that? How could he even think that?
As much as you hated showing it, you felt your eyes well up with tears. Because who the fuck did he think he was.
“Now that, that is so unfair. You know exactly my history and why I don’t want to move in yet AND you know just how much I fucking love you. So don’t you dare.”
“You're not convincing anyone.” He spoke quieter, but the venom behind his tone was still there. As the first tear escaped over your bottom lashes, you knocked on the partition to the driver and asked him, in no uncertain terms, to pull over.
“Congrats Tom. That’s three women you’ve broken the hearts of in 20 minutes. Must be some sort of a record.”
And with that you slammed the door shut, abandoned on the side of the road somewhere within Heathrow.
?a part 2? idk where id go from here aha
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala
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bakuvantea · 3 years
slime tensei imgns!
- synopsis: sneaking in the hot springs to bathe with the best boys
- includes: rimuru, benimaru, and souei
- special appearances from: shuna, shion, gobta, hakurou (for the shts and giggles lmao)
- warnings: slight nsfw implications in beni’s part
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r i m u r u
oh to be the lover of a man loved by many, it can truly be a bother at times
example being your current situation
rimuru was in his human form, trapped between shuna and shion who were giving him remarks and praises about how well he gave his speech to the delegates from yuurazania
now, how will you take your man for yourself
using thought communication, you said to him, “i invited you over here for us to have a moment to ourselves, do explain why shuna and shion are also here with us, hmm? oh great rimuru-sama.”
you saw him flinch, slowly looking over to you who was sitting down a good 5 meters away from where he was
he smiled, making you scoff and roll your eyes
also using thought communication he replied, “(name) i’m sorry! i didn’t think anyone saw me come in here, but alas they followed me to the bath and before i had a chance to explain it was already too late! im sorry (name)! i really am!”
you then looked over to the two kijins, an idea suddenly appearing out of thin air, you smirked and said out loud, “oh dear, it seems rimuru is hungry from bathing for far too long. shuna, shion, would you two be a dear and grab some food for him? you have my utmost thanks.”
you then listed all sorts of rare and hard to cook cuisines to keep them occupied for a good five hours or so
the two kijins smiled and replied, “of course (name)-sama!”
they then glared at each other, immediately running out of the bath to fetch some food and be the first one to give them to rimuru
you smiled victoriously, “finally!”
rimuru swam closer to you and hugged your side, sighing he said, “you’re so warm.”
wrapping your arms around him, you kissed the top of his head and said, “love, we’re in a hot springs, what do you expect?”
dismissing your sarcastic reply, he kissed your lips, parting just enough for his lips to still touch yours, he said; “your hugs will always be the best.”
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b e n i m a r u
benimaru sighed in content as he dipped further into the hot springs designated for gentlemen
it was a pretty rough day, some overconfident human visitors thought it would be wise to try and pick a fight with him
he scoffed, it seems that their survival instincts needed some tweaking, seeing that they failed to see the murder seething from his eyes
after that encounter he had to train the kurenai elite troops in order to prepare for upcoming battles and to strengthen the defense and offense of the jura tempest federation
it truly was such a tiring day
benimaru opened his eyes, he was now standing in the bath, looking to every direction trying to determine the location of the noise when he suddenly felt a heavy weight from behind him, his body plunged forward into the hot springs and he heard laughter as he gasped for air
finally escaping from the deathly grip, he turned around and saw you giggling, saying “sorry” and “oh jura, you look like a hot mess”
he groaned, “(name) what are you doing here in the men’s bath?” yet even as he tries to look annoyed, one cannot deny how his eyes softened when he saw you
“i was looking for you, then i bumped into rimuru-san, he told me he saw you walking here and so i followed suit,” you replied as you scooted closer to him, beginning to play with his dampened locks
“dearest, someone could come in here any second now, we are sure to be teased by the others if they saw our current predicament!”
flicking his forehead and receiving an ‘oi!’ from him, you then replied saying, “oh don’t worry your pretty ‘lil head love, i asked rimuru-sama if we can have the baths to ourselves for the evening and he agreed, he even told us to have fun.”
benimaru shook his head, pulling you closer to him he said, “well then, if rimuru-sama said so, then who am i to disobey?”
trailing kisses down your neck to your chest he thought to himself, ‘its going to be a long evening’
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s o u e i
you were already in the women's bath when you heard rimuru and souei's voice from the other side
he wasn't one to indulge himself, always claiming that he'll be on the look-out for enemies and anything out of the ordinary in the jura tempest territory
you assumed that rimuru may have scolded him and ordered the kijin to go take a break in the hot bath. hearing rimuru bid farewell, you then started to speak, "souei! are you alone over there?"
"(name), i didn't know you were there. to answer your question, yes i am alone. rimuru-sama left since he has urgent business to attend to."
you smiled
"i'll go over there!"
"this is the men's bath (name). it is not appropriate for a young woman to be seen bathing with a man like myself."
"oh you and your uptight self! relax for a bit okay? if anybody sees us, then they'd know better than to interrupt, and when have i ever followed tradition?"
"hmm, i guess so"
you stood up and used shadow motion to go to the men's bath
appearing near a bamboo tree, you smiled at him and walked over to where he was sitting, dipping yourself in the water you sighed in content
just as he was about to embrace your figure, he heard a shriek and a chuckle
"i-i'm sorry! (name)-san and souei-san!" the both of you saw gobta kneeling down holding the towel covering his body tightly as he continuously bowed and asked for forgiveness
beside him was hakurou, smirking at souei as if saying, "ayeee, my man getting that-"
"oho ho! me and my student will leave now, it seems that we have disturbed you two," dragging gobta by his ear (he was still saying a barrage of apologies) the master and student then left you two to your own devices
souei sighed, this wasn't really how he envisioned a 'relaxing evening' to transpire to
but with you now wrapped in his embrace, he doesn't think its half bad
yep, it really wasn't, he thought when you started nuzzling his naked chest
hope ya’ll liked it!!
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
drunk in love
pairing - yeosang x fem reader
genre - fluff, angst (?)
tw - lots of alcohol consumption, swearing
wc - 10k
side ships - seongjoong, yungi
a/n -- was meant to be angst but turned into fluff... im trying my best to get better at writing angst aaaah. but please enjoy this for now <3 thanks for letting me tag you @iminchaosnow !!
------------------------------------------- you had known kang yeosang for nearly two years now. two, dreadfully slow and exhausting years.it was your final year of high school when he transferred to your school, he was a close family friend of wooyoung's. his parents had spoken highly of the school, insisting that yeosang transfers in order to excel for his last year of schooling. as far as you were concerned, he had decent grades, but he preferred to spend his time hanging around the skatepark after dark, when everyone else had left.
and in all the two years you'd known him, you had never once had a full conversation with him, despite being in your group of friends. his side of the 'conversation' usually consisted of monotonous 'yeahs' and 'mhms'. wooyoung constantly assured you it was because he's shy and that he'd eventually open up. but you weren't convinced. you tried so hard for him to like you, but your efforts were fruitless. it was infuriating, feeling like you were constantly doing something wrong whenever you were around him.
you currently found yourself in the backseat of yeosang's car, wedged between a drunken yunho and mingi while a chaotic wooyoung was singing along to his chosen playlist. (though, it sounded more like wailing.)
you and the eight boys had all decided to take a gap year, spend every last cent you earned on adventure and alcohol to make lifelong memories, before your careers became a blockade in your friendship. but the year was coming to an end soon, it was already mid november. on the bright side, that meant your favourite holidays were just weeks away.
yeosang was always the designated driver. that was something you had noticed about him over the last few years. to be honest, you weren't sure just how he coped with a screeching wooyoung, because you sure as hell weren't dealing very well with yunho and mingi who were playing a very intense game of rock paper scissors to decide who would be crashing on the couch in your apartment.
"i win!" mingi cheered, waving his hands excitedly. "you're on the couch, man."
yunho frowned, "damn."
you laughed, "it's okay, yunho. you can share the bed with me if you'd like."
"hey! that's not fair y/n! you said i could this time." wooyoung whined from the front seat.
"sorry, woo. you know i keep my promises, but you're going back to your apartment. remember?" you tried to reason.
wooyoung looked as though someone had switched a lightbulb on behind his eyes, "oh yeah! i forgot."
the four of you burst into laughter, mainly caused by the alcohol and partially because of wooyoung's realisation. and still, yeosang didn't crack a smile, hands just gripping the steering wheel tighter as his knuckles turned white.
soon, you arrived outside your apartment block, quickly stepping out the car after yunho. wooyoung wound his window down and you poked your head in, attempting to hug him goodbye.
"bye woo!" you said, giggling at your faltered farewell.
"good night y/n, thanks for the drinks!" he shouted, exclaiming a bit too loudly next to your ear.
"thanks for the lift as always, yeosang!" you yelled, pulling away from wooyoung's tight hug.
he nodded, "no problem." before putting the window up and driving away.
you pouted, turning around to face the two boys. "i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong." you buried your face into your hands, "why doesn't he like me?" you groaned.
"y/n." mingi began, "its nearly 1am, its way too late for this 'why does yeosang hate me?' crap." he shook your shoulders, literally trying to shake some sense into you.
"yeah, mingi's right. we've had this discussion a thousand times." yunho said grasping your wrist and pulling you up the stairs, stumbling along the way. (because lets be real, stairs are difficult enough as it is, let alone when drunk.) "now, let us into your apartment so we can eat your food and crash on your couch!" he joked, nudging mingi in a playful manner.
you reached into your pocket and fumbled around with they key for a moment before unlocking the door. the boys practically pushed you inside and made a beeline for the fridge.
"help yourselves! i'm going to shower." you called, dragging yourself to your bedroom.
once you'd finished showering you went back to the living room to check on yunho and mingi. not so much to your surprise, they had fallen asleep on your couch already, cuddled up into each other. it was cute, even picture worthy to show their sober selves. you reached for your phone which typically lived in your pocket, though you began to panic when it wasn't there. hurrying around the apartment, you searched every possible nook and cranny for your phone, but it was nowhere to be found. you collapsed onto your bed, snuggling into the soft sheets, too tired to worry about your phone anymore and content with the assumption that you'd left it in yeosang's car.
shortly, your heavy eyes fell shut and you began to sleep away the tequila.
the next morning you awoke to mingi and yunho's deep, hungover voices, discussing their plans for the next week.
you reluctantly pulled yourself out of bed and dawdled down the hallway.
"ah! there's our favourite karaoke partner!" yunho greeted, jokingly.
you laughed, "shh, don't let wooyoung hear you say that."
"she's right, man. he'd be so offended." mingi said, stretching out his sore limbs. "how are you feeling today, y/n?" he asked.
"not the worst hangover i've had. what about you guys? you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, until you feel better." you replied, knowing them well enough to know that they'd need at least a few painkillers and a good meal before they went home.
yunho chuckled, "i feel like crap, but nothing a sandwich and glass of water can't solve."
"i second that." mingi said, raising a hand.
"okay, well in that case, i'll go to the store and get something for breakfast. sound good?" you reasoned, running a hand through your hair. you loved these boys, and making them breakfast was just a nice way of showing you cared. drunk or not, they knew how to make you smile and laugh, which they loved to see.
"sounds amazing!" yunho said, breaking into a sincere smile.
you quickly changed out of your pyjamas and slipped some shoes on.
"i might be a bit longer, i need to stop by yeosang's. i think i left my phone in his car." you explained, picking your keys up from the kitchen counter. "see you guys soon! feel free to take a shower if you want." you said, waving goodbye and heading out the door.
"okay, bye y/n!" the boys called from behind you.
the first stop was yeosang's apartment, he only lived about ten minutes away with wooyoung and san, in the same building as jongho. both yunho and mingi lived on the other side of town, which is why they so often crashed at your place after parties. seonghwa and hongjoong were fortunate enough to live in a house, just outside town, they had actually been the hosts of last night's party.
it didn't take long to get there. you pushed open the lobby door and made your way over to the elevator, disappointed to see that it was out of order for maintenance. instead, you took the stairs and began spiralling upwards. less than a minute later you looked up, only to bump into the man you came looking for.
"oh, yeosang! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." you quickly apologised, worried about creating another reason for him to dislike you.
"it's fine." he shrugged.
you both began to talk again at the same time, "ah, sorry, you go."
"i was just gonna say, you left your phone in my car. actually, i was about to bring it back." he pulled your phone from the pocket of his jacket, handing it to you. as he did, your fingers brushed against his. he spun around suddenly and began to walk away, "i'll see you around."
he had left before you even had a chance to thank him. slightly confused and frustrated, you turned back around and traipsed down the stairs.
you gathered what you needed for a hearty breakfast at the local convenience store before heading home and spending the rest of the day in the enjoyable company of yunho and mingi.
yeosang had entered back into his apartment and sat down on the couch.
"back already?" wooyoung asked, rummaging through the fridge.
"she was coming to get her phone and i ran into her on the staircase."
wooyoung sighed, "when are you gonna stop hating her?"
"i don't hate her." yeosang said, not looking up from his phone.
"then why do you act like you do?"
yeosang pretended to not hear that question and continued to scroll through his phone. see, he'd rather not dwell on things that he couldn't understand.
to fill up your weekdays during your gap year, you had picked up a job at a hotel in town as a receptionist. to your dismay, your boss had asked you to work night shift all week, which is how you found yourself here on thursday night, sitting alert and waiting for the slight chance that someone might check in at this time of night. it was a pretty fancy hotel, and the job payed well enough, so really, you had nothing to complain about.
the nights seemed to drag on for an eternity. to keep yourself busy, you often wasted time counting the cars that drove past, or tried to count the number of crystals that hung from the chandelier. so far, only a few people had checked in during your shift, having come from overseas and recently arriving at the airport. honestly, whenever someone walked through the front door, lugging a suitcase behind them, you got excited as it gave you something to do.
the clock was creeping up to 4am and you let out a quiet yawn, feeling drowsy as your body clock hadn't yet adjusted to the change of sleeping patterns on such short notice. taking a sip of water, you shook your head, trying to stay awake. your head suddenly jolted up at the sound of the front door opening.
a man stumbled forward, and you'd seen enough zombie movies to become instantly paranoid. you quickly pushed the thought out of your head, feeling ridiculous for even considering it. but as the man got closer, you could smell the cheap, potent alcohol lingering on his body.
he leant against the desk, peering down at you. "i need a room for the night."  he grumbled. "my stupid wife kicked me out." he said under his breath.
you forced a friendly smile, despite feeling uneasy, "of course! i just need you to fill in this form with some simple details." you said, sliding across a clipboard and a pen.
he huffed, picking up the pen and scribbling onto the sheet of paper before pushing it back to you. "can i go now?"
"just a moment, sir." you replied, eyes skimming over the form as you copied the information into the computer in front of you.
the man was growing impatient, stepping from foot to foot with his arms crossed.
"uh, sir, you missed a part of the form. could you please provide your phone number here." you pointed to the empty space on the sheet.
"for fucks sake." he muttered, "i don't have my phone on me and i don't know my phone number." he said, annoyedly tapping on the desk.
"i'm really sorry, sir, but—"
"can't you just find me a fucking room?" he snapped, hands balled into fists and slamming against the desk, making you jump in fright.
before you had time to try and reason with him, he continued to shout.
"you're as stupid as my wife! i'll just find a different fucking hotel." he yelled, swiping the clipboard and pen off the desk. "useless bitch." he mumbled as he kicked over a chair on his way out.
you chewed your bottom lip, trying to fight back the tears. with shaky hands, you picked up your phone and dialled the first place that came to mind. after a few rings, the phone answered.
"woo?" you croaked, trying hard to not cry.
"he's asleep. this is yeosang." he replied, evidently having just woken up by the sound of his voice.
"oh." you began, instantly feeling guilty for waking him up, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb you."
"did you need something?" he asked.
"i just, i was..." you let out a sob, wiping at a tear falling from your eye.
this didn't go unnoticed by yeosang, "are you crying? what are you doing awake right now anyway?"
"i'm at work." you managed to choke out.
"at 4am?"
"i'm on night shift."
"why are you crying then?" he asked, feeling something slightly tug at his heart, but choosing to ignore it.
you began to ramble, "a man came in and he was really drunk and complaining about his wife and then he yelled at me because i asked him to give his phone number and—"
"i'm on my way." yeosang cut you off.
"i'll be there in ten." with that, he hung up the phone.
exactly ten minutes later, you were sat in the passenger seat of yeosang's car. he was dressed in sweats, clearly having come straight from bed. you'd left a note on the desk, explaining to your coworker why you wouldn't be there when she arrived to take over your shift. a silence filled the car, and you felt the need to talk, but chose not to, worried about giving yeosang another reason to hate you.
once you arrived outside your apartment building, you were surprised that yeosang got out the car too and trailed closely behind you up the stairs to your apartment. when you reached the door you spun around to face him.
"thank you for bringing me home." you said, voice quiet and still rather shaken up.
"it's no problem. good night, y/n." he replied, sensing that you were still upset. he suddenly felt this overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around you tightly and not let go until you stopped crying. he wanted to protect you from every drunk idiot on the planet. he wanted to make you feel safe.
but instead, he watched as you closed the door behind you and locked it from inside.
you arrived at work the next morning, instantly feeling more comfortable with cleaners, employees and people coming and going. immediately, you headed for your boss's office.
"good morning, sir. i just wanted to come and apologise for leaving my shift early last night. i can assure you it won't happen again." you said, feeling nervous as to what your boss might say.
he shook his head, "i should be the one apologising, a man came in this morning and spoke very sternly about the safety problems here. i realise now how stupid it was of me to make you work night shift, alone, at such a young age. we've hired security guards and have also made sure that two people will be on desk at all times. i'm sorry that you had to deal with that."
you were at a loss for words, you didn't think that there would be such drastic changes just from the once incident. "thank you so much." you replied.
"for now, take the rest of the day off. you'll only be working day shifts for next week and can return to doing night shifts whenever you feel ready to do so." your boss said, motioning for the door.
the rest of the day you spent in deep sleep, catching up on some much overdue rest.
weeks passed and you found that work was much more enjoyable. you still hadn't returned to working night shifts, but at least now you had someone to run the front desk with you and keep you company.
this weekend, you were going to visit hongjoong and seonghwa. hongjoong was sick and so you decided to go help out since seonghwa couldn't always be there to look after him.
you knocked on their front door and was surprised to be greeted by san.
"good afternoon! come in." he gave you a hug before ushering you inside.
"what are you doing here?" you said, following him down the hall.
in the living room, you saw all eight of the boys gathered around a couch-ridden hongjoong.
"jongho was already here when me, yeosang and woo arrived." san explained.
"yeah, and then mingi and yunho turned up." wooyoung continued.
"y/n! i have never been more glad to see you! you gotta save me from them." hongjoong laughed, arms open, signalling for a hug.
you went over and embraced him in a hug, "good thing i brought an excessive amount of cookies." you said, placing the box of cookies on the coffee table next to the couch. the table was covered in empty mugs and bowls, you could tell seonghwa had been busy and hadn't had the chance to clean up. you opened up the box and handed him a cookie before offering them around to the rest of the boys.
"you're the best cook ever." mingi said, taking a big bite.
"i made you spaghetti last night!" yunho countered, feeling offended that his roommate didn't think he was the better cook. mingi just laughed and took another bite.
"jongho get off the counter, please." seonghwa said, coming through the front door. "don't be so comfortable, you were throwing up in my toilet like a month ago." he joked.
yeosang glanced your way, his eyebrows furrowed like he was contemplating something.
"lets head off and give these two some space." yunho said, dragging mingi behind him.
wooyoung stood up, "yeah, lets get going."
yeosang pulled his keys from his pocket, "okay, bye guys." he said, heading down the hallway.
"can we get some food on the way home?" you heard san call as they left.
"bye hongjoong! i hope you're feeling better soon." jongho said, "bye seonghwa, i promise i won't throw up in your toilet any time soon." he joked, leaving through the front door.
"seonghwa, how are you? don't forget to take some time for yourself as well." you frowned.
"i'm tired, but i'll be okay. i just gotta clean up and—"
"why don't you go rest a while? i can keep hongjoong company for a few hours." you reasoned, wanting to help as much as possible. there was nothing you hated more than seeing you friends in distress and upset.
he looked between hongjoong and yourself, "i couldn't."
hongjoong let out an audible huff, "hwa! will you just let her help please, she clearly wants to."
you grinned, "exactly, now go read or sleep or watch some tv or something." you said, gently pushing him towards their shared bedroom.
you spent the afternoon tidying up and talking with hongjoong. you managed to do all the dishes and put them away before scouring their kitchen, deciding on what you could use for dinner. you found everything you needed for a decent meal and began cooking it up. hongjoong had dozed off mid conversation, surrounded in a pile of tissues, you chose to let him sleep so he would recover quicker.
about an hour later, you placed two steamy hot meals onto their dining table next to two full glasses of water. you quietly knocked on their bedroom door, finding seonghwa asleep amongst the covers.
you gently shook him awake, "hwa, i made dinner for you guys. you can wake joong up, i'll head off now." you said with a smile.
leaving the two of them to enjoy their dinner, you headed home and cooked yourself something to eat. it was nice having some time to yourself, but saturday nights were becoming more and more empty as winter grew closer. december was only days away and the year would soon come to an end. you reached for the phone, suddenly desperately missing your friends despite only seeing them hours ago.
"hey woo, are you free next weekend?" you asked.
he paused a moment, "i think so, why?"
"you wanna go out with the others? it's been a while since we have all caught up for drinks."
"count me in!" wooyoung cheered.
you called everyone else up and they all agreed, even hongjoong promised to come if he was feeling better.
you found yourself surrounded by wooyoung, san, yunho and mingi as the music blared. it was a less popular club on the far side of town but it was a comfortable place for you all. you often came here for drinks and the staff members knew you, quite well, a little too well. san grabbed your hand and spun you around a few times with the music.
you laughed, leaning against him, "maybe spinning around isn't the best idea right after two shots of vodka."
"what?" san yelled into your ear, struggling to hear you over the music.
you laughed louder, pulling him closer to you, "i said, spinning is not a good idea after drinking vodka!"
"oh!" he joined you in laughing before trying to twirl you around once more.
hongjoong and seonghwa sat at the bar, holding hands and being intimate as always. yeosang was sat next to jongho at a booth, quietly talking with him, but from the corner of your eye, you saw jongho stand up and walk away. your eyes watched him worriedly and you couldn't help but run after him. you followed him as best you could, stumbling every now and then. he'd gone to the bathroom so you patiently waited outside until he came back, looking slightly pale.
you practically leapt at him, doing a quick scan to make sure he was okay, "jongho? are you alright?"
he smiled at your overwhelming concern, "yeah, i just drank too much as usual. i'll be alright, you can go back to dancing."
"let me just get you some water first. i'll be right back okay?" you patted his shoulder. "don't go anywhere i'll be back in a second."
you made your way back to where jongho had been sitting with yeosang. as you approached, yeosang eyed you up and down, taking in your drunken state, though, it wasn't the first time he'd seen you this way. you nearly tripped as you reached the table, struggling to walk in heels.
"i need a glass of water, do you have a glass of water? jongho needs a glass of water." you mumbled to yourself, reaching for the jug in the center of the table.
"are you okay?" yeosang asked, quickly pushing your hand away from the jug.
"i'm okay, but jongho needs water. can i take this cup? he's waiting for me, i told him not to go anywhere, i need to get back to jongho—" you tried to pick up a glass but yeosang pressed your hand back down once more.
"i'll take it to him, you stay here." he said, filling the cup full with water and heading towards the bathrooms.
your brain suddenly felt fuzzy and your eyes became blurry, it was like the alcohol hit your system all at once. your head spun round and round and you leaned forward, resting your hands on your head. you'd never felt this sick from drinking, maybe you'd had too much too quickly, maybe it was the spinning. there was no way to tell, all you knew was that you felt like you were about to fall from the top of a very high roller coaster.
your eyes felt increasingly heavy, you allowed them to slip shut, head falling to the table with a not so gentle thud.
"y/n?" someone shook you, "y/n wake up!" it was wooyoung.
"shit, is she okay? should we call an ambulance?" jongho said, reaching for his phone.
"is she breathing? has anyone checked?" seonghwa gently lifted your shoulders and sat you upright, relieved to see the rise and fall of your chest. "we should call a taxi and get her home."
"are you crazy? she's unconscious, she won't be able to get up the stairs to her apartment! what if the driver is dodgy? she's already had to deal with shitty men while working night shift, imagine if something happened while she's drunk!" yeosang blurted out. the boys were shocked over his sudden concern for you. yeosang had never once shown any interest or care for you in the presence of them.
"well, what should we do then?" mingi asked, worriedly running a hand through his hair.
"i'll take her, you've all been drinking." yeosang concluded. "she'll be fine, don't worry. enjoy the rest of your night, okay? i've dealt with woo passing out before remember?"
"that's true." san said, throwing a light hearted glare in wooyoung's direction, who showed a rather sheepish expression.
the boys went back to their drinks, taking it a little slower now and yeosang carried you to his car. it wasn't easy, but he managed to sit you upright in the back seat of his car with his rear view mirror aimed directly at you so he could make sure you were okay.
he was able to lift you up the stairs and get your house key from the pocket of your jacket, which would've looked questionable to anyone else, but he had the best intentions. he sat you down in a dining chair, watching as your head lolled forward and your body slumped. he quickly filled a glass of water and came back to you.
"y/n." he whispered, resting a hand on your shoulder. "y/n." he said again, louder this time.
the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but you weren't waking up and that was becoming concerning. he shook your shoulder, as gently as he possible could in a moment like this, and to his relief, your eyes hesitantly opened.
your head felt like a bowling ball and you groaned quietly. "yeosang?"
"here." he said holding the cup to your lips, allowing you to take a small sip.
"how did we get here?" you mumbled, head rolling to the side.
he caught your head and carefully pushed you back upright, "i drove you, this is your apartment."
"oh." you said, eyes drooping shut again. "oh." you repeated.
"y/n, i really need you to stay awake right now." he said, bringing the cup to your mouth again. "lets talk."
"we never talk!" you exclaimed. "this is the longest conversation we've ever had!"
"i know." he said, pulling up a chair to sit directly in front of you. yeosang felt that slight tug at his heart again tonight, the way you sounded so excited just to talk with him.
"no, no, no." you whined, "this is so bad!"
"what is it?"
you pouted before nervously biting your lip, "i'm really sorry."
"for what?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair.
"for ruining your night and making you stay here with me! now you just have another reason to hate me." you sighed, letting your head fall into your hands.
"i could never hate you." he said, voice barely above a whisper.
but you had fallen back asleep, so yeosang sat you upright once more and monitored you closely all night. with every minute that passed, he wished more and more that it was easier for him to show his emotions, to you especially. he wondered if maybe he wasn't so closed off that things would be different between the two of you. but it was hard for him, to let people in, he was afraid. afraid of people judging the real him, afraid of what might happen if he lets himself become vulnerable, afraid of facing his feelings about you.
you awoke hours later with a raging headache and extreme nausea. you headed straight for the bathroom and hunched over the toilet, feeling the sickest you'd ever felt. yeosang waited patiently outside the bathroom door with a glass of water and painkillers.
when you came out, he held his hand out, "take this."
you looked down at his hand and then up at him, slightly confused, "what are you doing here?"
"you passed out last night, and i drove you home because everyone else had been drinking." he said, passing the glass of water.
"oh my god." you ran a hand through your hair, "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to be any trouble! you must of been here all night, i promise it won't happen again, that was so stupid of me—"
"it's fine, don't worry about it." he said, shrugging, "i'll get going now, but make sure you take it easy and drink enough water." his eyes carefully scanned your body one last time, making sure you were really okay. he headed for the door and you followed.
"i'm really sorry." you frowned, feeling as though no amount of apologies would make it up to him.
he let out a slight chuckle, "it's okay, seriously y/n." he said before leaving. you heard the all too familiar jingle of his keys as the door closed behind him.
he'd stayed with you all night, eyes watching over you closely. ready at your side whenever you stirred in your sleep. he'd been there in the morning prepared with water and painkillers. this was never how it was, usually this was your job, taking care of the boys. it was your way of showing you cared, helping out wherever possible.
this wasn't like yeosang. at all.
as soon as yeosang got home he was greeted by a very concerned san and wooyoung.
"is she okay?"
"are you tired?"
"did she wake up?"
he was bombarded by questions.
"she's okay, she fell asleep after a while and i made her take some painkillers when she woke up." yeosang said, collapsing onto the couch.
"so you really don't hate her then." wooyoung thought aloud.
"he can't, he spent the whole night looking after her!" san said, hitting wooyoung like it was obvious.
"owww," wooyoung rubbed his arm, "even she thinks you don't like her!"
"i know, she said last night. but she probably won't remember saying that." yeosang said, feeling increasingly drowsy from his lack of sleep.
"maybe you guys should like, talk things out?" san suggested, taking a seat next to him.
"maybe." yeosang said, drifting off into sleep.
you had spent the day curled up in bed, wondering how you could make it up to yeosang, and there was nothing more you wanted than to get to know him better, but what would he want? you called up san on that thought.
"hey sannie," you said, "i need your help, actually, is woo there as well?"
"oh my god she's alive!" you heard wooyoung call from beside san.
"what do you need help with?" san asked.
you paused a moment, "is yeosang there?"
"well yes, but he's asleep."
you groaned, "i feel so bad that he stayed up all night looking after me. i really wanna make it up to him but i don't know how. plus, it's not like he's that fond of me. maybe i should just thank him by staying out of his space."
"i don't think he'd like that." wooyoung interjected. "i still think he just needs time before opening up to you."
"i think its just me." you sighed, worriedly chewing on your bottom lip.
"hey! don't be like that! there's no reason to not like you." san scolded you for down talking yourself as he always does.
"agreed." wooyoung said, chiming in.
"i'm sure i'll work something out. thanks guys! enjoy the rest of your day!" you said.
"good luck!"
"bye y/n!"
you had been staring at your phone for at least an hour, typing and retyping the message to yeosang. wooyoung gave you his number so that you could contact him when you'd finally worked out how to make it up to him. in the end, you decided that you would let him decide.
you drew in a sharp breath and squeezed your eyes tightly shut as you pressed send.
you: hey yeosang, i still feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you !!
yeosang: did wooyoung give you my number? T~T
you: yes he did.. i hope thats okay !
yeosang: of course yeosang: how about you make it up to me over a cup of coffee? >.<
you: that sounds great !! you: when are you free ?
yeosang: does tomorrow morning work for you ? i can pick you up ^_^
you: of course ! i'll see you tomorrow :)
yeosang sat in his room, facepalming. why was it so easy to be more open over text?
you on the other hand, felt your heart swell in a bizarre way. maybe it was the way you hadn't expected him to use such cute little emoticons. maybe it was the way that you'd be able to have a full conversation with him. whatever it was, excitement had taken over you.
a knock pounded at your door and you rushed to open it.
"ready to go?" he asked, leaning against the door frame coolly.
"yes, lets go!" you said, sounding a little too excited.
the two of you made your way down the stairs and into yeosang's car. you found yourself smiling as you looked out the window.
your excitement hadn't gone unnoticed, "you seem awfully excited."
"i really wanted to make it up to you," you beamed. "it must've been boring to watch over me all night."
"i didn't mind so much." he said, shrugging.
you frowned, "you shouldn't of done it."
"and leave you passed out in the club?" he quirked an eyebrow up at you.
"exactly." he said, parking the car outside a small cafe nearby his apartment. "come on, lets go inside."
you followed him in and took a seat across from him at a table close to the window. you both ordered coffees and resumed conversation.
"so, where were we?" you smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
"talking about how you wanted me to leave you passed out in the club." he said. you were almost convinced you saw a teasing smile pulling at his lips.
"right. i'm so sorry about that."
this time he actually chuckled, and you were taken aback. it was like the wall yeosang had surrounding himself was crumbling before your eyes.
"you need to apologise less." he laughed, bringing his coffee cup to his mouth for a sip. "half of the time we talk its just you saying sorry to me."
"i'm so—"
"hey!" the two of you broke into laughter.
his laugh was loud but warm and you couldn't help but notice the way his nose scrunched up cutely, the way his eyes looked full of stars and the way he brushed his hair out of his eyes after, revealing his beautiful birthmark. from that point on, you wanted to be the one to make him laugh every day.
he felt that familiar tug at his heart, the one he'd been feeling every moment he spent alone with you. the one he felt when he first met you. the one he couldn't make any sense of. it was as though his heart was a violin and you were the one playing it. (which would explain the tugging feeling.) but you were playing the sweetest song and he never wanted it to end.
the two of you laughed the morning away, gradually making up for what you'd missed over two years in a matter of two hours.
you'd discovered that even after getting him to open up more, he wasn't one for words. you found yourself talking his ear off while he listened intently, occasionally sharing his opinions and stories. in all his honesty, he didn't mind listening to you talk. he could've sat there all day, drinking countless cups of coffee, watching the way you bit your bottom lip whenever you paused to think or the way your eyes filled with sparkles when you talked about something that made you happy.
you insisted on paying for the infinite cups of coffee, as it was your way of making it up to him. he reluctantly agreed, but promised that he would pay if there ever was a next time, which he secretly hoped there would be. he'd finally had the chance to let his walls down. (it was actually more like you'd climbed the walls and torn them down with your bare hands.) but he was thankful for it.
he drove you back to your apartment, even after you persisted on walking home, seeing as it wasn't that far. he refused, insisting that he drive you. he even followed you up the stairs to the door of your apartment.
you turned around to face him, "you know, you're not so bad when you actually wanna talk to me."
"you know, you're not so bad when you're not drunk." he countered, his lips breaking into a playful grin.
you glared jokingly, "hey! don't make me apologise again."
"okay, okay. i won't." he said, raising his hands in defence.
you smiled, resting against the door, "alright, well, i've really enjoyed hanging out with you today. maybe we should catch up more often."
"maybe we should." he said, bearing a coy smile, "bye, y/n. i'll see you around."
it was only about a week later he showed up at your work, at the end of your shift. you were pleasantly surprised to see him, and at first thought he was just someone coming to book a room.
"hello, are you looking for a r— yeosang?"
"when do you get off work?" he asked, glancing over to the clock.
"five minutes."
"i'll be waiting in the car, okay?" he said, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
on his way out, you saw as he ran into your boss, the two of them beginning conversation.
"it's good to see you've made those security changes." yeosang said as he nodded, extending his arm for a friendly handshake. "i'm very thankful."
your boss shook his hand, "and i'm thankful that you suggested them."
just over five minutes later you got into the passenger seat of yeosang's car.
"it was you who told my boss about the safety problems." you said, in near disbelief.
"hello, to you too." he joked sarcastically. "well, i would hate to think that the situation could happen again, so i just suggested some possible improvements. thats all." he shrugged like it was nothing.
"suddenly, i feel the need to make it up to you again." you smiled shyly.
"you can do that by accompanying me to the skate park." he said, motioning to his skateboard on the back seat.
"ah, so thats why you came."
"well yeah, i wanted to bring you to the skate park."
your heart swelled once again, feeling joyed that he wanted to share one of his favourite places with you. (despite him never telling you directly, you knew he loved the skate park as he spent majority of his high school time there when he wasn't studying.)
when you arrived, the sun was beginning to slip behind the horizon, causing the sky to glow a rosy pink. there were still a few kids, probably high schoolers, hanging around the park. you took a seat at a bench and waited for yeosang to come over, who was getting his skateboard out the car. you felt oddly out of place since you were still in your neat work uniform and didn't know the first thing about skateboarding.
yeosang rolled over with a grin plastered onto his face, you'd never seen him so happy, and it made you happy to see him this way. it was strange how all it took was a few cups of coffee for him to become a completely different person around you.
he didn't need to ask you to watch as your eyes were already glued to him as he dropped into the bowl, showing countless tricks and flips.
the truth was in fact that yeosang was grateful for you 'making it up to him'. he'd never been able to comprehend his feelings for you, if they were even feelings at all. he hated the confusion and decided it was easier to ignore it, and to an extent, ignore you, to make it go away. it had been working for the most part, until every time the two of you were alone together, he couldn't ignore the slight tug at his heart, that was becoming more of a pull over the last few weeks.
"you're amazing!" you cheered as he sat down next to you, out of breath.
"thanks." he smiled shyly, running a hand through his hair and out of his face. he leaned back, looking up at the sky. "do you sometimes wish you could see the stars from within the city? hongjoong and seonghwa are so lucky they can see them from their house."
you pondered a moment, thinking about the last time you actually saw stars in the sky. "i see stars in your eyes sometimes." you said, absent minded.
he felt warmth burning in his cheeks, "you do?"
"do what?" you turned to him, "did i say that out loud?" you gasped, covering your face in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that it was just a thought and—"
"what did i say about apologising?" he laughed. "it's getting cold, right? you ready to head home?" he asked.
you smiled, "if you are."
he drove you home and said goodbye, feeling happy about spending time alone with you once again. he couldn't stop thinking about what you said and you couldn't stop feeling like a fool for saying it.
the weather got colder and colder and soon it began to snow as the days of december passed. you had spent the day helping jongho move some new furniture into his apartment. it was a difficult job, but easier with the two of you, even san and wooyoung came to help. you couldn't resist wondering where yeosang was and why he didn't come, seeing as they lived in the same building. maybe he was busy, you thought.
"hey, where's yeosang?" you asked, lifting a box and placing it on the kitchen counter.
"at home, i think he's been feeling sick or something, he hardly comes out of his room lately." wooyoung shrugged, assuming it was all good.
"if he's sick i'll bring him over some food and painkillers, maybe keep him some company." you explained, not wanting yeosang to be unwell.
"i think he'd rather be left alone, to be honest." san said, giving wooyoung a side glance that you couldn't miss.
you pulled out your phone and sent yeosang a quick message.
you: are you feeling okay? san and woo said you were sick :((
he didn't respond right away and you just figured he was asleep. but as you finished helping out at jongho's house a few hours later, he still hadn't responded. when you were sitting down to eat dinner at home, he still hadn't respond. just before you were going to turn the lights out and go to bed, he still hadn't responded.
something was up. this wasn't like yeosang, not anymore. not since the two of you had been spending so much time together. maybe it was like the boys said, and he was truly very sick, but in that case, why wouldn't they let you help?
days passed and you went to work as usual, repeating the same few lines, asking people if they want a room, asking them to fill in a form, then directing them to the right room. days passed and you still hadn't heard back from yeosang, you wondered if he was still sick. days passed and you began to think maybe you should go over there to see if he's okay.
but if there was one thing you'd learnt about yeosang recently, it was that he was the quieter type, and probably wouldn't appreciate you going over there to keep him company and would rather be alone. so that evening when you got off work, you didn't go visit him like you so desperately wanted to, instead, you went straight home.
you cooked and ate dinner for yourself, before picking up your phone, only to see still no messages from yeosang.
you: hey woo you: is yeosang feeling better ?
wooyoung: yeah he is
you: well then can i come visit tomorrow ?
wooyoung: i think he's busy wooyoung: sorry
you: its okay woo you: its not your fault !!
you switched your phone off and headed for the shower, trying to wash away the stress and worry for yeosang that had built up over the last few weeks. you had really grown to like him and there was still so much about him you wanted to learn, like when he learned to skateboard or how he got the small scar on the back of his hand, that you'd noticed when ever he brushes his hair out of his eyes.
two years he'd spent, not interested in holding conversation with you and two years you'd spent, wondering what you'd did so wrong. but lately, you felt like you were doing something right around him, getting him to smile and laugh, share his own stories.
you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he still didn't like you, and had just been trying for wooyoung's sake.
or maybe he was genuinely starting to like you, but you went and fucked it up by weirding him out and telling him about his starry eyes.
or maybe he'd just had enough of you already. decided that a few weeks was enough time spent trying to change things between the two of you.
as you finished showering and changed into comfortable clothes, you glanced at the clock which read 10:56pm. you switched on the television to watch some youtube before going to bed. as you felt yourself dozing off, a faint knock sounded at your door, so quiet you almost missed it.
when you opened the door, you were shocked to see yeosang standing there, leaning against the door frame for support. he looked up at you, his normally starry eyes were dulled with tears.
you rushed forward to him, smelling the alcohol as you got closer, "yeosang are you okay? what are you doing here? i thought you were sick. are you drunk? you never drink, come inside." you gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind you. when you turned to face him, he was staring at you, tears about to spill over the brim of his eyes.
"i hate you." he breathed out, voice barely louder than a whisper. he didn't seem angry though, he looked fragile, like a glass vase balancing on the edge of a table.
you felt the urge to cry, finally hearing those three words that confirmed your biggest concern, yeosang disliking you. "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i never meant to—"
"i hate you." he said, louder this time before running a hand through his hair hastily. he let out a frustrated groan, dragging his hands down his face. "i hate the tugging feeling in my heart whenever we're alone. i hate the way you put yourself before others. i hate the way you ramble on when you're nervous. i hate the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh. i hate the way i don't drink around you because i feel the need to protect you and make sure you're safe. i hate the way i tried to ignore you for two years because i was scared and confused about my own feelings. i hate how it only took one cup of coffee with you for my walls to come crashing down!" he paced from side to side, waving his hands around crazily.
yeosang looked scared and lost, like he'd never felt this way about anyone before, and that was the truth. he didn't know how to comprehend these feelings and it terrified him.
you watched as he spiralled, seeming as though it would never stop. you weren't sure what to do, so you just listened to that swelling feeling in your heart once again, the one that had led you to develop feelings for yeosang, and you pulled him close into your arms. he clung onto you tightly, scared to let go, like if he did then he'd lose you forever. you ran your fingers through his hair briefly, trying your best to comfort him.
"i'm sorry." you repeatedly whispered to him. you'd never meant to upset him or confuse him.
yeosang let out a quiet sob into your chest, "i hate the way i've fallen in love with you." he croaked out.
he didn't hate you. never did. never will. your heart swelled completely in your chest, feeling as though it would burst through. but it couldn't be true. he's totally drunk out of his mind.
"you're not in your right mind, yeosang, you need to get home. you're drunk and talking nonsense." you embraced him tightly one more time, and you could've sworn you felt the beat of his heart through the hug. "come on," you urged, steering him towards the door, "wooyoung and san are probably worried and waiting up for you."
with much effort, you led him down the stairs of your apartment block and walked him home. the street lamps led you in the freezing city night air. you held his wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs to his own apartment. he didn't speak a single word the whole time, instead, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. it hurt you so much to see him this broken, but you knew he wasn't saying the truth under control of the alcohol in his veins.
you knocked at his apartment door, hoping that one of the boys were still awake. luckily, they both were and quickly they flung the door open.
"y/n? yeosang?" san questioned, his eyes wide open with disbelief.
"we've been so worried about you!" wooyoung said, pulling yeosang away from you. "hang on, are you drunk?"
san had noticed his tired, tear stained eyes, "you look like you've been crying! are you okay?"
you let out a quiet sigh, knowing you didn't need to be here anymore. you gave a small wave goodbye and headed home, utterly exhausted.
and though you were so drained, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. those words yeosang said to you kept running through your mind busily.
did he mean any of it?
yeosang felt bad. he felt terrible. like he wanted to vanish into thin air and float away with the breeze. though he couldn't, no, he desperately wanted to apologise to you. but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with words or expressing his feelings, and you wished he knew that was something you loved about him.
wooyoung and san tried to ask him what happened the night he drunkenly confessed to you, but he couldn't have them know that he'd been harbouring feelings for you for all this time, they'd never let him live it down. he could imagine the continuous teasing they'd give him, nudging him whenever you were together or giving him side glances after talking to you.
yeosang gave it lots of thought. he mulled it over in his head repeatedly. it was only after hours spent hidden away in his room that he decided to go back to where it all started, a text. a text that said how much he wanted to make it up to you for having to deal with him drunk, just like the one you'd sent initially.
yeosang: hey y/n, i feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you! T^T
your heart leapt a mile seeing his name appear on your phone. you grinned upon reading his message, realising it was scarily similar to the message you had first sent him.
you: hmmm you: that sounds familiar
yeosang: >.< yeosang: seriously though, how does dinner at my place tomorrow night sound? i'll cook
you: you can cook?
yeosang: there's a lot you don't know about me x_x
you: okay, i'll be there !!
yeosang wasn't lying when he said he can cook. as you traipsed up the stairs of his apartment block you could smell something delicious laced in the air.
the usual swelling in your heart had instead fell to the pit of your stomach, you were feeling slightly nervous as to what would happen when you entered yeosang's apartment. you inhaled deeply before knocking at the door of his apartment.
"hey y/n, come in." yeosang greeted, holding an arm out, signalling for you to come inside.
"you must've been working hard cooking! it smells delicious." you said, feeling a sense of comfort just from the smell of food.
"yeah, lucky i sent wooyoung and san over to jongho's place, otherwise i doubt there would be any pasta to serve." he joked. "you can take a seat, i've just gotta serve up."
you sat down in front of a neatly laid table, it had somewhat surprised you how much effort yeosang had put into this dinner tonight. he placed a steamy hot plate of pasta in front of you and one where he would sit.
"so." he began.
"so." you copied, teasingly.
"i guess, i really just wanted to say i'm sorry for how i behaved the other night when i was drunk. you shouldn't of had to deal with that." he frowned, poking at his dinner.
you furrowed your brows, "it's seriously fine yeosang." you took a bite of pasta, "i was just surprised to see you drunk, since you never drink."
he chuckled, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, "actually, i do. i just never drink when you're there."
"really? why?" you questioned, eating another mouthful of pasta.
"because..." he paused. "no, it sounds dumb out loud."
"it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself." you smiled warmly, "but that does remind me to ask... do you remember anything you said to me while you were drunk?" you leant forward, genuinely curious.
he sighed, "i remember.. enough."
"you don't really hate me, right?" you asked, playing with the food on your plate.
"of course not! that's why i invited you here tonight. to show you that i don't, and to make it up to you." he had to refrain from reaching across to hold your hand, just to show how much he cared that little bit more.
you nodded, "well, thats good. i was kinda worried that we'd gone back to square one."
comfort settled within you. it was relieving to know you weren't hated by the one person whose love you wanted most. a tiny thought crept into your mind, maybe, just maybe, now would be the right time to tell him about your blossoming feelings for him. or would that confuse him more? now you were the one feeling conflicted.
"are you finished eating?" he asked, reaching for your empty plate.
"yes, thank you! it was delicious. you're a good cook, y'know."
"ah, thanks y/n." he turned away to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks.
"would you like me to do the dishes? since you cooked." you offered, standing up. but he quickly opposed.
"don't be ridiculous." he shooed you back to your seat. "can i get you a coffee? water? wine?"
"a coffee sounds good, i think you and i have had too many drunken situations lately." you laughed.
yeosang pulled out two mugs and put the kettle on. he felt your eyes carefully watching him. once again, he hated the feeling that was pulling at his heart. the way you could say nothing, yet he felt everything.
"can i tell you something?" you asked, voice now quieter and more hesitant.
"sure, what is it?" he said, placing a warm cup of coffee in front of you.
you took a sip, humming in delight. it was exactly the way you liked it. when the two of you went out for coffee, he had unintentionally remembered just the way you like it.
"well," you began cautiously, in case you brought this situation into flames again. "i just... i always wondered why you didn't like me. if i was doing something wrong, if i said something once that really upset you. and then after we started spending time together, i finally felt like i was doing the right thing." you groaned, frustrated with yourself for not getting to the point quicker. "what i'm trying to say is that i have feelings for you. it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i wouldn't expect you to, i just thought you should know—"
yeosang basically choked on his coffee, eyes widening in shock. "it's okay, y/n! in case you hadn't noticed, i'm crazy about you."
you had continued to ramble nervously before hearing what he said.
"wait. you are?"
"basically ever since you said that thing about stars in my eyes, yes."
you cringed, remembering how you had said that so absent minded. "yeah, sorry about that."
"it's okay, it was cute. and what did i say about apologising?"
you shook your head and smiled, "i know."
ever since the two of you confessed to each other, you had been almost inseparable, except of course when you had work. but he dropped you home most nights, even though you insisted it was okay and that you could walk. he came over every weekend just to spend time with you, even if the two of you just sat and talked, enjoying each other's company. you'd been dating for a few weeks now, but kept it undercover, not wanting to suffer the incessant questioning that would come if you told your friends.
it didn't go unnoticed either, wooyoung and san were constantly nagging yeosang about why the two of you spent so much time together, and each time he just shrugged it off.
christmas was just around the corner, so you were spending the evening at seonghwa's and hongjoong's house, who of course, were throwing an unnecessarily large house party to celebrate.
you were sat between a very drunk yunho and mingi, who were trying to talk to an also very drunk jongho. you eyed your boyfriend from across the room, as if asking for a way out and he just laughed at the situation you were stuck in.
after at least ten minutes more of having your ear talked off, yeosang came to pull you away to the dance floor.
"care to dance?" he asked, extending his hand to you.
you immediately jumped up, latching onto his hand, "i would love to!"
he chuckled, pulling you close to his side and leading you to the makeshift dance floor that seonghwa and hongjoong created.
the two of you laughed at the boys' reaction. they were completely shocked to see the two of you so close together and yeosang being friendly.
he twirled you around a few times with the music, before settling his arms around your waist. he brought you near to him as you placed your arms behind his neck. you swayed back and forth, engulfed in your own little bubble of comfort in each other's arms, completely out of time with the loud thumping music that blared around you.
you felt content, and yeosang no longer felt confused. he found his home in your arms and his happiness.
you reached up to place your lips on his, capturing the moment surrounding you. yeosang melted into the kiss, discovering that your lips were soft and sweet against his, just as he had imagined, which caused his knees to feel weak and his heart to skip more than just one beat. he never wanted to let you go, he wanted to compensate for every second that he didn't spend with you since the two of you met.
he leaned forward and whispered softly, just so you could hear above all the music and singing, "lets stay like this forever."
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drwcn · 4 years
follow up to [post] exploring the crack au if lwj was a girl 
〒▽〒 ps im not trying to erase canon lwj representation, not at all, wangxian is mm in all my other fics, this is just stupid fun
in a ceteris paribus situation aka all other things staying equal: 
1) Lan Wangji 100% still has a resting bitch face, which probably would get her a couple of “Lan-er-guniang 美若天仙 (beautiful as an immortal/goddess) but would benefit from smiling more” comments but nobody is that desperate to die yet so, she’s spared. But damn... imagine the sheer number of thirsty boys who’d try to secure a marriage with LWJ. None of them is good enough for Wangji as far as Lan Xichen is concerned. Okay - maybe in Lan Xichen’s opinion, Nie Mingjue is good enough, but he couldn’t be less interested. I see her as I see Huaisang, Xichen please. 
2) Everything interaction between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in Wei Wuxian’s first life is now 500% more scandalous. 
Exhibit A) Their first meeting at the gates; Jiang Cheng immediately felt his spidey senses tingling.  —“You’d sooner have immortals flying out of your ass than get with someone like her. The second jade of Gusu? The pearl in old man Lan’s eyes? C’mon.”  —“Shut up, A-Cheng.” —“Uh-huh.”  —“Also, she’s not that pretty. Her brother Zewu-jun is much better. There’s a reason he’s ranked first.” WWX is still a disaster bi.  — “LMAO, you? Zewu-jun? Please.” 
Exhibit B) Just because LWJ is a girl does not mean WWX grew more brain cells. 
WWX, straight up to Lan Qiren’s face, “Lan-meimei and I - we’re zhiji.” (he means it like we’re kindred spirits, peas of a pod, etc)  LWJ: *does not deny* Lan Xichen: ⚆_⚆ Lan Qiren: ಠ╭╮ಠ
Exhibit C) Lan Wangji getting drunk the first time. Wei Wuxian knew he crossed a line the minute he invited Lan-er-guniang for a drink. Really, WWX, even for you, this is inappropriate. When Lan Wangji fell face first onto the table, Wei Wuxian knew, he fucked up. “Hey....hey...Lan....Lan...-er-guniang,” He poked her. “Don’t...don’t sleep here! You can’t sleep here! If your Uncle finds out or if Jiang-shushu finds out...they’ll skin me alive and then...and then they’ll make me marry you! I don’t want to marry you; you don’t talk and I’m too young!” 
WWX, being a dipshit, “Hey Lan Zhan, call me Wei-gege.”  LWJ, drunk as fuck, “Wei..gege.”  WWX *((( heart )))* ??? 
Exhibit D) The Cold Pond. Okay, so I don’t think Zewu-jun would sabotage his sister’s virtue by sending a stupid teenage boy her way while she’s bathing, but doesn’t mean Su She is above all that. Wei “I didn’t see anything I swear!” Wuxian. Lan “I will gouge out your eyes.” Wangji. Somehow they still end up in the cave. Maybe WWX got in the water after LWJ got out and got sucked into the vortex and LWJ heard the commotion, turned around, saw WWX had disappeared. “Wei Ying?!” A panicked LWJ jumps back into the pond, “Stop fooling around, come out!” 
Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing 👀👀 when LWJ and WWX fall out of the cave together. Also the fact that Lan-er-guniang and Wei-gongzi went missing, together, for two days. Who knows what could’ve happened. I mean anything really. I mean... that’s gotta stir the pot a little were it not for the Yin Iron stealing everyone’s attention away from this bit of juicy scandal. 
Oh the whole story... so much to work with, so little time. 
3) Because Lan Wangji is a girl, now suddenly there’s a high ranking member of the Lan Clan who can host the girls at Cloud Recesses. I mean, Mianmian, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Lan Wangji - SISTERLY FRIENDSHIP. Other than Mianmian, none of the girls are really talkers which suits Lan Wangji perfectly. Even Mianmian’s chatter is endearing.
4) Lan Wangji is absolutely still a powerhouse during the Sunshot Campaign. The inherent aesthetics of fem!lwj telling the Wen goons to “kneel” - no one will deprive me of this.  Also she will still cut off your arm if you cross her - Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao ya better watch out still. 
I am TORN between two options: Lan Wangji tol and kickass or Lan Wangji smol and kickass. On one hand, the aesthetics of willowy elf-like LWJ, on the other hand, 5′2′’ of whoop ass who can and will throw an unconscious wwx over her shoulder firewoman-style and toll him to safety.  
And amongst other things: 
A) Lan Wangji still becomes Chief Cultivator, because excuse me who else is left to clean up this mess? Jiang “Short-fuse” Wanyin? Nie “I won’t do what I’m not intended to do” Huaisang? Jin “13 year-old” Ling? Or Sect Leader Yao?  Technically, being a woman means that she was never Lan Xichen’s heir, but at the end of it, it’s not like Gusu Lan is left with a lot of choices.  Just the poetic justice of Gusu Lan pleading for Lan Wangji to come back when she fully intends to 隐居山野 (retreat into the mountains) with the resurrected WWX.
Lan Wangji being Chief Cultivator would echo Lan Yi’s tenure and rectify the fact that Gusu Lan’s only female head of family “failed”. Lan Yi had to face a mountain of prejudice because she was woman; someone has to say “up yours” to that. A woman as not only the sect master of Gusu Lan but the Chief Cultivator? Love that for Gusu Lans. (⌐■_■) ☞ ☞
B) Because of ~ sexism ~ I wonder if Lan Wangji would get titled “Hanguang” at all even after the Sunshot Campaign. Even Lan Yi, the SL Lan of her time didn’t have a title. Chances are LWJ won’t either. (Note: Violet Spider is not a title, it’s a moniker). So — say after the way Lan Wangji is still just “Lan-er-guniang”, and she does not obtain the title “Han Guang” until after she leaves Cloud Recesses and become rogue. (srsly how did they come up with these titles in canon, did gusu lan just look at 21 year old lwj and be like yah he’s lord light bearer *cue trevor noah stand up joke* why do you call yourself “great” britain? isn’t that a bit presumptuous? shouldn’t you go around doing good things and then let other people come to the conclusion: oh britain look how great you are? same logic with lwj.) 
Lan Wangji, a Jade of Gusu or a nameless rogue, still goes where trouble is, helping those who need it. After laying low for a year or two to heal, Lan Wangji began night hunting. Donned neck to ankle in white silk and tulle, and a weimao (wide brimmed veil hat) obscuring her face, she became known to the people as Hanguang Sanren, the lightbearing wanderer. Gusu’s highest power probably has some idea who she is - or at least they can guess - but the vast majority of people don’t. 
C) Lan Sizhui raised by rogue Lan Wangji as his mum would be different. Still cultured, respectful, but definitely with an air of keeping others at arm’s length. 
For instance, grown-up Sizhui running interference and saving a cohort of gentry disciples on joint hunts.
Jingyi: 这人谁呀?Who is this guy? Zizhen: 多谢兄台搭救之恩,小可看您眼生,敢问兄台尊姓大名,何门何派,改日当登门拜访. Many thanks for saving us. I don’t believe we’ve met, pray tell what is your name and sect, so we may visit at a later time to thank you for tonight. Sizhui: 在下无门无姓 ,单名思追 。举手之劳不足挂齿 ,怎敢劳烦各位名门子弟答谢。My name is Sizhui, belonging to no family and to no sect. As for tonight - I only did what anyone would; it bears no mentioning and requires no thanks. Jin Ling: 你这人,看你工力不凡,想和你交个朋友,可你怎么遮遮掩掩的。Hey you, we see you’re a talented cultivator and want to make your acquaintance. Why are you so dodge-y? Zizhen:金陵 — Jing Ling - Sizhui: 若是有缘,还会相见。告辞。If it’s fated, we will meet again. Farewell.  
Later:  Jingyi: 思。追。 思追谁?Si. Zhui. To recollect and long for whom?  Sizhui: 母亲的一位故人. Someone from Mother’s past.  Jingyi: 你父亲?...Your father?  Sizhui: 我不���。I don’t know. 
I thought about how cute it would be if sizhui and jin ling knew each other but guys...Jiang Cheng literally thinks he killed Sizhui’s biological father. Like he literally thinks he orphaned Sizhui before Sizhui is even born. And Lan Wangji would never accept anything from Jiang Wanyin, not that it would stop Jiang Wanyin from trying. 
A package of books here, a new robe for Sizhui there. Lan Wangji doesn’t know how Jiang Cheng keeps finding her. She and Sizhui are nomadic.  
D) The inevitable conversation after wwx is revived. 
You know what would be funnier than Jiang Cheng thinking Sizhui is a wangxian baby is if Lan Qiren thinks Sizhui is a wangxian baby. 
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paperpocalypse · 4 years
family outing.
50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”: 29. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 1,436 words
Warning: Mild swearing
[A/N: Mild S2 spoilers!]
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“So,” Vanya’s brow furrows, “Five met you after the apocalypse?”
“Yep.” Leaning against her car, you cross your arms and sigh dreamily. “Hate at first sight. He almost shot me in the head.”
“… With a gun?”
You grin. “Well, he couldn’t’ve shot me with a Twinkie.”
Vanya looks ahead at where Five is talking to some middle-aged guy, his expression friendly and polite. What a businessman. Her eyes narrow in shocked disbelief. “This is crazy,” she murmurs. “My family is crazy.”
Your grin widens as she shakes her head. Something about her mannerisms helps you realize why Five is so fond of her, though he’s never said it outright. She’s definitely your favorite of the bunch. Sans murderous intent.
“Some types of crazy can be good,” you reply, nudging her arm. “But your family’s got all of them and it’s gonna get real messy. Time to spice up your little farm life, Vanya.”
She chuckles a little awkwardly and shrugs. “I just hope I’ll have time to talk to them. Again, I mean. Maybe I’ll remember something when we’re all together.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Noticing Five bidding farewell to the man, you push yourself off the bumper and wave at him. “Any luck, Five?”
He points down the street behind you as he walks back over. “Plano Street Rooming House for Solitary Men,” he answers. “It’s just a few blocks from here.”
“How do you know he’s there?” Vanya asks.
“I really doubt Luther would live anywhere else.”
You snort, raising your hands in surrender when Five returns it with a semi-faux withering look. With a sigh, he shakes his head and opens the rear passenger door, gesturing for you to get in.
As Vanya starts the car and turns into the street, you look through the rearview mirror at Five as he tells her where to go. Despite being stuck in a thirteen-year-old body, he still has that resting glower of his that makes him look perpetually stressed. 
(Of course, it’s not just a matter of looking stressed – he is definitely stressed. Wound up tighter than a spring. You’ll probably need to force him to sit down and relax for at least a half-hour tonight before he explodes.)
His hair is a little disheveled, so you reach over to brush it out of his eyes. It doesn’t really work, but just going through the familiar motion grounds you somehow. “You know,” you muse as Five glances back at you, “Luther’s probably living there, but I doubt he’ll be in right now. He’s probably with Ruby somewhere.”
“Even if he is, we can ask around. I assume that at least one person there knows his business.”
He absently lifts a hand to smooth his hair back, and you smile. “Good point.”
“Hello, do you know Luther Hargreeves by any chance?”
After some door-to-door work, someone from Luther’s hall finally answers your knock. He’s a burly man, though not nearly as big as Luther, and obviously drunk off his rocker. Definitely solitary. He squints at the three of you through red, puffy eyes.
“Luther? Yeahhh, I know ‘im. Huge bloke. Real hairy.”
“That’s the one,” Five confirms. “You see, we’re his brother and sister. He hasn’t visited home lately and we’re pretty worried, so we’re just wondering if you know where he is.”
Burly picks at his teeth. “Brother n’ sister, eh? Well,” he rumbles, “I dunno where he is, but I know some of the boys are gonna watch ‘im fight tonight.”
“Where’s the fight?” Vanya asks.
The man regards her with suspicion. “Well, it ain’t a place for a little lady like you.” He swirls his beer around in its bottle, then jabs a finger at all of you. “Don’t want you three squealing to the cops, either.”
“We won’t,” you assure him, smiling sweetly. “We just want to check on Luther.”
With a little more cajoling, you finally obtain the time and place for Luther’s fight before the man waves you away with a grunt, slamming his door shut. You give your companions a self-satisfied grin before descending the staircase back down to street level. Worked like a charm. (You suspect your youthful looks probably helped a lot, though.)
“How’d you do that?” Vanya wonders as the three of you step out onto the sidewalk.
“Simple,” you respond. “I have a knack for sweeping tough guys off their feet.”
You wink secretly at Five. He rolls his eyes, the minutest of smiles at the corner of his mouth, before ushering you and Vanya back to the Chevy.
Your little trio spends the next few hours driving and poking around, looking for Luther or Klaus or Allison. The optimist in you hopes you’ll run across at least one of them. But Dallas is a big place, and darkness begins to fall around 5:30 without a single sighting.
“Dammit.” Five clicks his tongue as you exit a paint shop alone.
“At least we know where Luther will be,” you point out, shoving your hands in your pockets. “How about we get something to eat before we head to the fight?”
Vanya unlocks the car. “There’s a place I know close by,” she says, lips quirking up. “They have sandwiches and donuts there.”
You pat her back. “Sounds great, Vanya. Five? You’ve got to eat something, too.”
Your favorite number crosses his arms as you and Vanya stare at him expectantly. “We’ll get something quick,” he eventually says.
The trip only takes a few minutes. The three of you get sandwiches and a donut each and unwrap them on the bench outside the bakery.
“Sissy and Harlan and I get something from here whenever we go into town,” Vanya says, finishing the last of her sandwich and picking her donut up. “It’s pretty good.”
“So good,” you agree. Lands alive, sitting out here like this makes you nostalgic. Ignoring the upcoming doomsday and the ‘60′s aesthetic, it feels like you’re back in 1927 again, staying out past curfew with your peers. You smile to yourself and look down at your half-finished maple bar. Best to enjoy it while it lasts.
A finger quickly sweeps your brow, tucking a lock of hair out of your face. You blink and glance over at Five, but he’s looking across the street and starting on his own pastry. (Apple fritter. Perhaps you’ll ask him one day why he always gets those.)
Heart feeling even softer than before, you lean silently against his side. He doesn’t move.
After a moment, Five speaks up. “When we were kids, I brought you to this donut shop near the academy a couple times.”
“You did?” Vanya asks.
“Yeah. Griddy’s.” Oh, the one near the academy. The one that had gotten destroyed along with everything else in 2019. He gestures at the last bit of donut – plain, glazed – in her hands. “You usually got that kind.”
She raises her eyebrows, looking into her napkin. “Oh, wow. I guess it must’ve been a subconscious choice or something, then.”
“You know, I’m glad we found you, Vanya,” you offer warmly. “I didn’t … really have time to get to know you the last time we met.”
A smile spreads across her face. “Same here. For both things, I mean. Not that I’d know much about our first meeting.” She pauses, examining you for a second, then blurts, “Can I ask you something?”
She awkwardly motions between you and her brother. “Are you and Five …?”
“Partners,” you finish, “in every sense of the word. From what I know, at least.” With a grin, you turn to Five. “Is that more or less right?”
He rolls his eyes fondly. “Unfortunately,” he mutters as you move to smooth his hair back again. He sure had lovely hair when he was a kid – not that you didn’t appreciate his looks back in your Commission days. This de-aging thing really knocks you for a loop sometimes.
Vanya nods, still looking vaguely confused. “Okay. I don’t want to make things weird, I just – well, you two are kind of … young –”
“Believe me, we’re much older than we look,” you quip, standing up. “But that’s a tale for another time. We gotta go.”
Disposing of your trash, you join the others into the Chevy and start your next journey to Luther Hargreeves. Radio turned off, the leather seat squeaks as you lean back and listen to Vanya and Five murmuring in the front.
To see the siblings together again makes you glow inside, a bit of calm before the inevitable storm. You drink it in as much as you can.
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Slice of Folklore: An Asian Historical Folklore AU
 by Tamadango
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Oh god....Okay so this is an AU based on Chinese Folklore.
Reigen is a Daoshi Priest. This is a real sect of Taoism. But within the context of folklore, these Daoshi are more like Mages. They travel from village to village, doing exorcisms, performing rituals, removing curses, treating illnesses, presiding over ceremonies like funerals and also reanimating the dead so they can be walked to where they need to be buried.
Ekubo is a Jiangshi. More on this later.
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That idiot villager…. said this route was a safe and easy hike
This is taking way longer than I expected. The other route would have been much faster
As he’s walking through a cave, the path underneath his feet collapses and he falls into a lower level of the cave.
(In chinese folklore, humans live on the surface and monsters/the dead/ spirits reside underground. Caves are sort of a limbo area inhabited by monsters, that average people avoid. 
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The path collapses underneath his feet, and he falls. -Screaming- Holy shit! 
He falls and grunts in pain before looking up.
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Directly in front of him, is a Jiangshi.
(Jiangshi are monsters from chinese folklore. They are corpses reanimated by blood spells. Lower level Jiangshi are just straight up zombies. Higher level ones are spirits sealed into dead bodies so they have some kind of will/consciousness like Ekubo here. They are reanimated by Daoshi priests and are obligated to serve them.
By default, Jiangshi are servant monsters, they ALWAYS have a master. Since they are dead/decaying bodies, they feed on the lifeforce of living people, ie blood. They can be powered up with blood, sealed with blood seals, sustained/controlled with blood. etc.  
It’s sort of the mix between a zombie_ (undead, with poisonous bite)_, a vampire (needs blood), and a summoned demon (serves a master.) in western fiction.)
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Reigen reaches around for his bag as the Jiangshi hops towards him. “Dammit all my tools are in my bag.” 
(Tools specifically associated with being a Daoshi priest, like exorcism stuff, ritual daggers…spell tags…etc)
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The creature is lunges at him, snapping. -teeth snapping sounds-
Reigen: ....? What an odd blood seal. Is it possible that this Jiangshi is acting under the control of this spell?
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I have to remove it somehow! 
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bottom panel -murmuring-
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Ekubo: Hnnnnnngg
I’m finally free… Thanks to you
(So technically, he serves Reigen now. Jiangshi are servant monsters by their nature.)
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Reigen: Ahhh the J…..J…. Jiangshi…. It talks! (Low level Jiangshi can’t talk... only the spirit sealed ones can.)
Ekubo: What kind of terrible outfit is this?
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Ekubo: Huh? Don’t put me in the same category as those low class monsters.
Ekubo leans over: ....hmmmm
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Sniff Sniff
You’re a Daoshi Priest from the Salt group aren��t you?
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Ekubo: and you’re a virgin….good! good!
Reigen: What business is that of yours?
Ekubo: Haha…What’s your name?
Reigen: Reigen.... Reigen arataka 
(Daoshi Priesthood requires celibacy, virginity, veganism, no alcohol and vow of poverty, along with a lot of other things like prayer, literacy in religious languages, etc.) 
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My name is Ekubo. I am an high level creature of darkness!
(In Chinese folklore, Humans reside on the surface and monsters, demons, spirits, reside underground, and are collectively referred as such.)
You’re going to help me find the asshole who kept me sealed for the past couple hundred years so I can take my revenge. 
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Reigen: No, I’ll pass. I need to get to the next town, see ya (he says this very fast while walking away)
Ekubo: What?! Hey Wait! There’s lots of gold and treasure in the crypt below. I was guarding it. It’s yours if you help me out.
Reigen’s ears twitch.
(Daoshi Priests are required to take a vow of poverty so he’s not supposed to be interested in riches or accumulating wealth.
Jiangshi are servant monsters by their nature, and must have a master at all times. Which is why Ekubo tries to convince Reigen to go with him. Because If Reigen just left, he would have no choice but to follow.)
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They’re looking at a sarcophagus covered in spell seals in the chamber below.
Reigen: Is that the owner of the crypt buried here? Doesn’t look wealthy to me.
Ekubo: Im sure all the good stuff is in the coffin
(In ancient china, as in most ancient cultures, it’s typical to dress the corpse lavishly and fill the coffin with jewelry, money and valuables, so the dead person can be wealthy in the afterlife)
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Reigen: Hey, All these coffins in the back here are empty… that’s really strange
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Ekubo: No… those aren’t normal coffins… these… they’re sacrifices! 
Reigen! It’s dangerous, Get Back!
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Reigen: Wait… why are you running?!? Weren’t you looking for this guy so you can take revenge?
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Ekubo: Hey I thought he sealed me here to guard the crypt, I didn’t realize I was intended as a snack for later.
Reigen: What?!? Does that mean those coffins are empty because it already ate them? So there’s no actual treasure?
Ekubo: Is THAT what you’re worried about right now? Can you stop being a greedy bastard for a bit so we can get out of here? 
(Again, as a priest, he would have taken a vow of poverty and isn’t supposed to be interested in riches.)
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Ekubo: Reigen what are you doing? You cant beat him! That monster is powered up from eating countless other creatures of darkness.
Reigen: Yeah that’s exactly why he needs to be stopped
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Reigen: Ridding the world of monsters and exorcising evil is my calling!
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Reigen: And you, since you haven’t been eaten yet, help me out
Ekubo: Tch! I want to, but this body is way too weak to go up against a monster like that.
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Get down! 
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Ekubo: You don’t look it, but you’re actually pretty powerful. Shame it’s not enough to defeat him. Impressive nonetheless.
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Reigen: We don’t have time for small talk! Think of something useful! Get us out of this mess!
Ekubo: Alright alright, calm down. You can leave it to me. 
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Ekubo: huh! very nice flavor.
The blood from the tongue of a virgin plus my (some kind of power class that is ancient but also protective) 
(I really tried to translate this part but I don’t get the exact words he’s saying. The gist is that he gets a powerup by combining their powers. That’s it.) 
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Ekubo: I should be able to break through the protective barrier that he’s using to shield himself. 
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**Ekubo: Bring it! I’ll show you my true strength. **
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Reigen: Can’t move… Cant feel my body at all….Looks like the poison is taking effect…. Makes sense… the bite of a Jiangshi
(Jiangshi feed on lifeforce/blood, so their bites can drain a person of their lifeforce temporarily.)
Can’t feel my tongue at all. It’s completely numb
Dont lose you bastard
I’m so tired…… 
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Reigen: Ekubo?
Ekubo: Farewell...
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-tongue hurts - Thinks: so it wasn’t a dream 
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**He starts sobbing. **
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**Ekubo: You alright? **
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Reigen: It’s a talking fart!
Ekubo: Hey! It’s me! Ekubo!
Why are you crying? You miss me? 
(More advanced Jiangshi are spirits sealed into dead bodies so they can be freed if their bodies are destroyed )
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Reigen: Idiot! I’m trying to get the taste of corpse out of my mouth! You’ve been dead for hundreds of years!
Ekubo: Why are you so angry? Was that your first kiss?
Reigen: Shut up! Don’t you have some underground crypt to return to? What are you loitering out here for?
Ekubo: Just doing my guard duty.
Reigen: Why are you following me?
Ekubo: Why can’t I follow you? I just saved your ass, you could be a little more grateful you know.
(So earlier, Reigen removes the seal that was controlling Ekubo, and he then serves Reigen by default. After his body is destroyed, he’s free to move on. The implication here is that he’s chosen not to, and has decided to follow Reigen around instead.)
By Tamadango
UGHHHH. I was not going to translate this. But @gemmawritessometimes prodded me into it. There was so much goddamn folklore shit to explain. 
Also this comic has a lot of terms you ONLY see in folklore and rarely anywhere else. Goddammit. 
Yeah, anyway, enjoy this comic.
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germvity · 3 years
rises the moon
leon s kennedy x reader // 3 // hell's comfort
"come sit down, jill. we'll explain." leon gestures to the cot as you rest your head on his bicep. "sure." jill shrugs, following the two of you in, and settling down on the other end of the makeshift bed. when leon sits with his back against the wall, you curl up into his side, still uncertain of jill's company as the blonde speaks to her about what he's gathered so far.
genre: angst with comfort, fluff <3
tags: leon being a sweetie/protective, he wants to help, jill still may be ooc im sorry :(, big bully david >:(, there will be bullying in this chap, the entity (tm), leon literally being a big puppy, cuddles!, biggie slow burn. the entity literally just vibing. handcuffs 🥵, fighting
warnings: bullying + violence, fighting, crying, angst
jill had left to think already, leaving the two of you alone. both she and leon wanted to help you, but you don't know how they could when it was you (and leon) against the world here. "c'mon, you must be hungry." leon smiles, offering you his hand when he gets up. "not really.." you mumble, avoiding his soft gaze. "really? you haven't eaten since... well i'm not sure but you haven't eaten yet! let's keep your strength up." leon says, taking your smaller hand in his and leading you in the direction of the campsite. "wait! i don't wanna go there..!" you cry, jerking backwards to your shack, pulling leon with you. "okay, okay." leon grabs your arms to give them soothing rubs as he hushes you incase anyone hears your panic. "you wait in the shack, and i'll go get us some food, yeah?" the officer smiles but you refuse to let him go so easily. "can't we wait a little longer..?" you pout and leon sighs. "no, i'm making it my duty to take care of you, and that includes making sure you eat." he says, letting go of you to take your hands. "i'll keep you safe. i promise." you can't help but give in, following leon towards the campsite reluctantly.
you tense at the sight of the others, but they didn't see you or leon, too busy wrapped up in conversations. "come on whilst they're unaware." leon whispers, leading you to the fake kitchen area the entity had set up. a pot of oatmeal bubbled, and you grimaced at the sight and smell of it. "hmm.. there has to be something around here..." leon hums to himself, letting go of you to search around. "leon.." you whine at the sound of footsteps, grabbing his arm to hide behind him. "what?" he whispers back, turning to the door where claudette stood.
leon's stomach sank as she stared at you. she opened her mouth to say something but leon cut her off. "please, don't tell the others. we're just getting some food and we'll leave." he raises his hand as if claudette was a feral animal, trying to show that neither of you were a threat. claudette hesitates, glancing over her shoulder at the campsite before looking back at the two of you. "david!" she called, and leon cursed under his breath. "i'm sorry..." she whispers before leaving. "what?!" the brit yells, his eyes darkening at the sight of you and leon. "well, well.. look who's in our camp." he spits, crossing his arms. your breathing picks up and you grasp leon's sleeve tightly. "david." leon straightens up his posture, pulling you fully behind him. "what ya got there, rookie?" david taunts, jumping to try and get to you but leon moves with him, hiding you affectively. "leave them alone, king." leon demands, voice harsh.
the fighter laughs loudly, and your stability crumbles at the sight of the whole camp staring at you. "leon.." you whisper, voice wavering. "where've you two been anyway? off fucking somewhere i presume." david sneers, trying to take another lunge at leon, but the officer is quicker, still trying to keep you away from your harasser. "leon..!" you whimper again but it falls on deaf ears as leon argues with david. "you're wrong actually. unlike you i actually care for the people around me. that's why i'm a much better person than you." leon shoots back, and david snaps, swinging for the blonde.
leon ducks, pushing you out the way as he tackles david. the fight escalates as the camp gathers round, some cheering on leon whilst the majority egged on david. "leon!" you yelp, shrinking back with cowardice despite your burning desire to help him. you gasp as arms tighten around your waist, pulling you away from the fight. "leon!" you wail again, catching the blonde's attention as he punches david. "y/n!" leon yells, going to scramble after you but is stopped by david grabbing his ankle and pulling him back for more.
twisting around, leon's boot found david face as he kicks the other man away, turning back around to scramble to get you, but you were already gone. "shit." leon hisses, not seeing how jill was running off in your direction. david's nose poured with blood as he groans, getting up to swing at leon. catching his wrist, the blonde quickly detains the fighter, handcuffing him before stumbling off into the tree line to try and find you.
you whimper as jake sets you down on a fallen tree, letting him ruffle your hair. "you alright?" he asks softly, and you shake your head no. "uhh..." jake glances back at the campsite through the trees. "hold it, asshole!" a female voice snaps, and jill emerges through the brush. "jill!" you yelp, getting up to latch onto your new friend. "cool, i was just leaving." jake shrugs, trudging back to the camp. "are you alright." jill asks as she glares at jake. "leon... where's leon?" you whimper as jill sits you back down. "don't worry about him, are you alright?" jill asks, cupping your face with her hands, wiping away any tears with her thumbs. "y/n! jill! thank god." leon gasps as he hurries to you. "are you alright?" leon asks desperately as he searches you for wounds. "they seem fine, just a bit shaken." jill answers for you. you cling to leon tightly, crying against his neck as he scoops you into his arms. "it's alright. i'm okay. i'm sorry that went down, i should of had you wait in your shack." leon sighs, holding you tight. "i'm gonna go check on everyone, try and keep the peace." jill stands, ruffling leon's hair before leaving. "thanks." leon calls after her and the woman only salutes over her shoulder as she walks away.
"leon.." you whisper, voice hoarse. "i'm here." the blonde assures you, pulling away to wipe your tears. "i'm sorry he did this to you.." you frown, cupping leon's bruised face as shakes his head. "don't apologise for that asshole." leon says sternly. "it wouldn't of happened if i wasn't there! i'm sorry." you whimper, pressing your forehead against leon's for comfort as he sighs. "none of this is your fault. i'm gonna fix all of this, alright?" leon whispers, pulling your head away from him as he looks at you. you look unsure, but nod. you trust him fully and he knows it. he also knows that you both have the same idea, and leon can't help but sneak a glance at your lips as you grow a little closer to him. "leon..?" you mumble, and he smiles, pulling you a closer and closer.
"my sincerest apologies for interrupting, but i have some news." a shadowy voice interrupts and the two of you jump, leon pulling you into his chest protectively. "who's there?" he demands, searching for the voice. "i'm here." the entity purrs, deep voice rumbling in your ears. "no one is in trouble. it was quite amusing to watch your performance but mr. kennedy..." the god trails off as leon looks up at the dark sky. "i'm sorry to say that your handcuffs are being confiscated until i know you wont do this again." it says, dangling leon's cuffs above his head with a sharp claw. "i won't. i was forced to." leon reminds the entity that he started nothing, and you can practically hear the entity thinking. "i suppose so, but it is still unacceptable." the entity says, voice ever so calm. "what, and bullying your teammates isn't?!" leon snaps, standing to try and snatch his handcuffs back. "mr. kennedy..." the voice warns as it raises his handcuffs higher. "you're a monster. an absolute joke. when i figure out how to kill you, i swear-"
"mr. kennedy." the entity silences him with a firm snap and leon falls into silence. you glance at him nervously as more claws descend, grasping leon out of your hold and hauling him up like he weighed nothing.. "might i remind you that nothing can kill me. i am a god. i am your god. your pathetic little threat won't go unnoticed but for now i'm feeling generous as you are new, and most newcomers feel the same way." the entity's voice sends chills down your spine as you stare at leon anxiously. "i will grant you your handcuffs after fifteen successful trials. then you shall receive them. until then, i shall bid you farewell." the entity suddenly drops the blonde who lands on his back with a pained grunt.
"asshole.." leon hisses as the entity takes it's leave. "leon! are you alright." you rush to pamper the blonde as he sits up. "i'm fine, don't worry." leon flushes red, getting up and offering you his hand. "come on, lets get some rest, hm?" he smiles, and you take his hand to follow him into the woods.
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
I really liked your percy (weasley) fic!! can you do some headcanons with a male reader post battle of hogwarts?
a/n: hallo there anon and im happy to hear you liked my percy weasley fic! i really had fun writing it
and post battle you say...? :)
well, you didnt specify having [name] surviving now... didnt you?
just joking
... unless...?
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let me first start with percy and [name] STILL hadn't been wed yet
[name] did say that he wants to marry percy when all the "drama" is over
so, before and in the Hogwarts battle, [name] and percy were still fiancee
the weasleys were rather very happy by the news, although they are a bit sad that they can not tell percy face to face with the whole disagreement of percy and his family
both sides are happy to have [name] at least update them what the other is currently doing
molly cries every time she hears percy overworking himself and is thankful for [name] by being with her baby boy's side
arthur was also happy and saddened since he cant tell percy how proud he was on the engagement since percy wouldnt answer any of his letters
the weasley children were also having mix feelings
of course they were happy with percy, their sibling, engaged to [name] (who they were close too aswell) but also a bit bittered because, again, they are currently having a fight with percy taking the side of the ministry of magic's side than dumbledore's
but again, they are happy for him. [name] is a good lad and they will always support their relationship
fred and george jokes that [name] is too good for percy tbh and ginny just giggling because she always knew that someday [name] was going to propose to her brother
charlie and bill were also so happy for their little brother despite the feud they have and ron was having mix emotions aswell but was ultimately happy for his brother
either way, the weasleys were happy for percy
anyways, with that out of the way, i literally have two possibility in the post battle of Hogwarts and i feel like you wont like one of those possibility which is kinda sad because i really liked that one and if i do make a part two, thats the side im leaning on
but ANYWAYS— happy ending!!!!
after the battle of hogwarts, after defeating the dark lord, with so many tragedy and deaths, percy was so fucking happy to see [name] by the end of the battle
percy already witnessed his brother, fred almost die
and YES fred is alive, fuck you i want happiness for these fuckers okay? canon is a bitch and im going to make her MY bitch. that terf author can go and suck my d
anyways, percy would literally lose it if he had lost [name] in the battle
percy already fears a lot whenever he is away from [name] from the guy being an auror
so, seeing [name], a bit bloodied and bruised with blood, soot and sweat sticking on his [skin color] skin, percy wasted no time to fucking run and jump on his fiancee
percy let out choke sobs when he hugged [name]
[name] was alive and percy was so happy
[name] was also crying a bit as he held percy tightly in his arms
his wand forgotten on the ground as his only focus was percy who was shaking and sobbing in his arms
[name] wasted no time whispering how happy he was to see percy
that [name] even admitted that he was petrified when he asked people where percy was and didnt gotten an answer where the ginger was, and he assumed the worse
but seeing percy, feeling the male on his arms shaking and crying, [name] was so relieved
percy was alive
he was alive
they both were fucking alive
percy admits his own fears of [name] dying aswell
and [name] just let out a pitiful chuckle as he broken the hug and immediately grabbed percy's face softly, his thumb wiping percy's tears as he sent percy a shaky grin
"you bloody git, i would never!" [name] says, his tone shaky as tears fell down his eyes. "i promised i would marry you after this, didnt i?"
oh merlin, the two were sobbing mess after that
the two were beyond terrified in the war
they never expected this and when they participated, they were expecting the worst
but here they are now, alive and together
skip after the clean up and the ceremony of the wizards and witches who had fallen in the battle, percy and [name] planned their wedding
percy and his family are obviously in good terms again which was great
fred recovered from his wounds and back along with george on teasing the fuck outta percy
ginny gushing on how the wedding would go along with molly
ron talking to [name] along with charlie, bill and arthur about it aswell and just welcoming [name] to the weasley family
it was just great
when the wedding day had arrived, it was only a small ceremony
but it was still perfect in both [name] and percy's eyes
when the vows were exchange and the rings on their ring fingers, percy felt the whole world just stops for a moment when [name] wasted no time to seal their fate together with a kiss
it was just so much passion and percy cried a little when reality had came crushing down
he was married to the man that he loved
the man who had been with him in hogwarts until this day
his friend, his love, his [name]
percy was so happy
it was just a blur after that
after the wedding ceremony and the small party to celebrate their marriage
percy had to say his farewell's to his family
it was saddening to see his mum crying about him leaving but percy was also so happy to hear her words
"im so proud of you, son. now go and be happy with [name]!"
arthur was also congratulating him aswell as sobbing
his son was all grown up now
charlie and bill patting percy's back and telling their little brother was a man now
fred and george teasing percy on [name]'s plan on the honeymoon (which had percy looking like his own hair after the twins teasing comments)
ron and ginny just gushing on his marriage
percy would miss his family, but looking at [name] who had a grin on his lips, percy was happy
he was part of the [last name] family now and god, percy was happy to be married to the love of his life
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bubmyg · 3 years
there was no particular reason i wrote all this down other than reading the translations to my universe made me cry last week because i’m just Like this. this is a mini compilation of yoongi lyrics that i hold gently in my palm and close to my heart in a he’s my artist for life kind of way. these aren’t all my favorite yoongi lyrics, i certainly have more but not ones that fit this general vibe. 
this is like extremely disorganized, i kind of just wrote it like a journal (and i’ll probably copy it to my bullet journal at some point actually). interpretations are my own, music is cool in that we can all read and hear the same thing and get different things out of it (which is why yoongi has often said he doesn’t attach specific meaning to things, giving it up to the listener instead)
so yeah. here’s me being fond of yoongi in 4k for no reason other than. idk. i wanted to. all translations are from doyoubangtan and doolsetbangtan. 
song request - lee sora ft suga
“I’ll be with you, for your birth and your end; That you’d remember that I’m with you, wherever you are; I’ll be a comfort for your life at any time, and so; please, that you’d lean on me and take a rest, every once in awhile.”
to me, this perfectly encapsulates what creating music is for yoongi in a two-fold kind of way. not only does he want his music to be a source of comfort for those who listen to it (just as the art of music is for himself), he’s also consistent in his assurance that taking a rest is okay. not being okay is okay. simply existing for the time being is okay. it’s a gentle empathy that comes from the experienced heart of someone who’s not going to tell you that it is okay, but will tell you that it won’t always be like this. friendly little moon trying to get you to smile with him on sleepless nights.
so far away - agust d ft suran
dream, will eventually be in full bloom at the end of hardships
this was on my undergrad graduation cap. it’s one of my favorite lyrics of all time. if so far away is my heart song, this is my heart lyric. this is a common motif in yoongi’s lyrics; dormancy is only temporary, you will bloom at the end of the cold winter.
dream, hope it to be there with you at your creation and at the end of your life
creation to end is another common motif n his lyrics. in this specific context, i imagine it to most closely be analogous to holding dreams close to you your entire life. dreams are dreams no matter how they manifest, even if they’re simply something you long for until your “end”.
Hope it to be there with you at your creation and at the end of your life; It will be generous to you wherever you stand; It will eventually be in full bloom at the end of hardships; The beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will the future be
the entirety of this song reads like a story and this last refrain reads like the conclusion (kind of). the slight wording change from the previous choruses means a lot in that regard, more definite and firm. you will be okay. maybe not now, maybe not next week. but you will be.
suga’s interlude - halsey ft suga
Though the dawn before sunrise is darkest; don’t forget the stars you longed for only rise in the darkness
just a really pretty but heart wrenching lyric in the context of the entire song. he’s also used this metaphor several times. i love me a good string of consistency with minor adaptations to fit the vibe. this song also made me cry the first time i read the translations lmao.
my universe - coldplay ft bts
Because the trial we face now is just for a moment anyway; All you have to do is to just keep shining bright like now; And we will follow you, embroidering this long night
this could mean so many things depending on how you wanted to contextualize it. of course the song is about love, so you could view it in that way. we’re in the midst of a global pandemic where we can’t see each other. or maybe it’s simply existence. continue to exist and one day your bright light will be followed even in the darkest of nights.
also the og title of telepathy being 잠시 (for a moment) is so...min yoongi you are so cool
people - agust d
Did someone say humans are the animals of wisdom?; The way I see it, humans are the animals of regret
Your ordinaries are my extraordinaries; Your extraordinaries are my ordinaries; Your ordinaries are my extraordinaries; Your extraordinaries are my ordinaries
super simple to understand which i think makes it more poignant. especially if you contextualize it with everything he’s said or written regarding the plight of fame and how he himself grapples with it as min yoongi.
28 - agust d ft niihwa
just this whole song. if song request encapsulates yoongi’s musical ethos, this captures a lot of his general musings.
paradise - bts
Just living like this, surviving like this, that’s my small dream; Dreaming dreams, grasping dreams, breathing breaths, it’s often too much
a more blunt take on the simply existing is a good enough dream. yoongi’s 2018 new years message was one of the things that made me go “yes. Him™” so paradise is very <3 for me
interlude: shadow - bts
Flying high scares me; I mean, nobody had told me; how lonely it is here –;how my leap could be my fall
another thing he uses frequently, even as recently as an interview regarding permission to dance. the contemplation of how a fall is far scarier than landing because getting back up is uncertain.
Yeah, I’m you and you’re me, do you finally get that now?; Yeah, you’re me and I’m you, do you finally get that now?
the entirety of this song is haunting particularly paired with the sampling and the music video as a visual but this part is just...the whole idea of competing internal voices throughout the narrative of the song or if you’d rather truly treat the lyrics like a piece of literature, you have quite the unreliable narrator, one that’s trying to grapple with his own sense of self.
140503 at dawn - agust d
Pretending that I’m not lonely, pretending that I’m not suffering; needlessly pretending that I’m okay, and pretending hard that I’m strong; I built a wall in front of me, “Don’t come inside”; I’m an island in this wide ocean, “Don’t abandon me”
the entirety of agust d just makes me ache but i mainly pulled this part because he uses the island metaphor consistently. here, it’s used like i said before; achingly.
this song also gets overlooked a lot in the larger context of agust d but anyway
eight - IU ft suga
Island, yeah this is an island; a small island that we made for each other; Yeah, mm, forever young, the word ‘forever’ is a sandcastle; A farewell is just like an emergency text warning of a disaster; A morning met together with yearning; As each of us pass this eternity, we’re sure to meet again on this island
can i be honest and say i forgot this song came out at the beginning of the pandemic. anyway, if you haven’t heard the various times that jieun has spoke about this song and it’s conveyance, i encourage you to. the music video also gives a beautiful visual.
i wrote a small analysis of this when it came out so i’ll just put it here 
burn it - agust d ft max
I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage
of course this can absolutely be taken at a literal meaning especially considering he said a similar iteration of this to someone on kkul fm BUT i also like looking at it in context of the entire song because maybe this is him trying to convince himself too, especially considering the wording of the last chorus doesn’t change it so it implies in order to get past the fire u need to let it burn first? burn it = giving up on some aspect of pain?
i see why max didn’t shut up for eight months about making this song i wouldn’t either hello
outro: tear - bts
im including this one firstly because i love the song but secondly to say i knew the second u all were surprised by yoongi saying he wrote this as essentially a break up song for bts and they all cried while listening to it that y’all don’t actually read or interact w their lyrics fjdklafjsd
just bc it’s a rap song doesn’t mean it’s a diss or a flex. weirdos.
intro: never mind - bts
I hope you forget about all your mistakes and such; Never mind; It’s not easy, but engrave this in your heart; If you think you’re going to crash, accelerate more, you idiot; Never mind, never mind; Whatever thorny path it may be, go run; Never mind, never mind; There are a lot of things that you can’t control
the entire composition of nevermind is similar to first love and shadow to me where you can just hear the emotion in his voice while performing it
this is also another general idea that he mentions a few different times through different songs which as we’ve seen i am <3 for
intro: the most beautiful moment in life - bts
once again i don’t have a specific lyric to pull i just love this song so much and i feel like it isn’t talked about enough because first of all the use of the basketball throughout the instrumental, the incorporation of the origin of his stage name into an entire song regarding his general existence as a performer and coming into the beginnings of sizeable fame, and just his general way of essentially writing one giant ode to something he loves and analogizing it to something else he loves to talk through internal struggles.
aka im once again saying min yoongi you’re so cool
first love - bts
same line of awe from above this whole song is just a story, a poem, a journal entry, a beautiful confession, i don’t know. this is yoongi’s best bts solo u can argue with a wall about it also if you were able to see this live i hope u have a terrible week (im joking)
every fancam i’ve ever seen of this makes me cry. so. do with that what you will in regards to how i feel about this song.
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khuzena · 3 years
Continuation of xiao ff
Tw. Double suicide, depression, angst, fluff at end
'dear xiao,
Im so sorry that im always clinging onto you like a tail. Im sorry that I always bother you and annoy you. I've always pestered you to tell me where you're going sometimes because Im always worried about your safety. It hurts me that you just randomly open up to my door wounded with alot of scars. Im so sorry for the stupid things I've done to you and I love you so much so im going to do it.
Remember the cliff at qingyun peak? It's where we first met. Where you first saw me crying because I got lost and was running away from those fatui guys. Going there feels nostalgic andncalming but knowing that I've basically ruined us, i don't deserve you. I hope you find someone else to be with you and can always make you happy without you being annoyed anymore. Even if it takes another 2000 years, i wish you the best xiao. I love you. If you still want to chase after me go to the place where our memories were first kept.
I'll only be waiting for you there for an hour. So if you're late, im sorry but. Im already dead.
I don't want to become a burden for you again xiao im so sorry i fucking messed up.
I really love you. Like really, so if you're handling the burdens all alone of your karmic debt and everything, allow me to remove myself from your own burdens.
Im so sorry i love you i missed you
Love, Y/n'
No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening no. no. I never wanted things to end like this.
Without caring for a thought, my body moved on its own to the cliff at qingyun peak.
I have 15 minutes left...
Your pov.
5 minutes left.
I don't expect him to come here. He must've saw the letter a little late i guess. Oh well. The view of qingyun peak is so pretty. It might be even prettier view if i can see it all from falling to the ground.
I take off my shoes and remove the bracelet xiao gave me.
2 minutes left
I hear a rumble behind me.
What was that???!?
When i glance over at the smoke from the rumble I see xiao with his cheeks stained from his tears.
"I.. please don't do it..." xiao says with a weak voice that sounded like his throat was worn out after crying too much.
I stare at the ground once again like how I did back then when he called me annoying and clingy.
I can't face him again. It hurts so much.
As i keep staring at the ground, I hear foot steps coming my way. Xiao. Why..
"Why are you still chasing for me?!?"
Tears are flowing from my eyes again. It hurts so much more than the fight before.
"I'm still chasing after you because I really fucking love you and the fight that happened weeks ago is.. Painful. I don't want to die knowing I never told you Im sorry and I never said my apology.."
Xiao's crying too. Why... Im making him cry because of me. I don't wsnt to hurt him anymore
I can't do anything anymore. I've lost everything. My legs feel weak. These weak legs of mine fall down as I break down right in front of him... Im so sorry xiao...
"Xiao... Im still going to do it you know."
"Why must you do it? You didn't lose everything, im still here for you."
"BUT... BUT.. I made you cry. I made you worry. I annoyed you so much. Why do you want me to stay?"
"Because you're everything I have."
I cry even more and I can't do this anymore. I want to wake up from this dream. I want to wake up in your arms while you comfort me and tell me it was just a bad dream. I want to...
"But I've suffered to much and You've suffered too... Don't you want to end it all with me? I want to die with you. I don't want to see you crying at my funeral someday. Let's just jump together..."
"You know... If that's the case then"
Xiao puts a ring from both our fingers and
"there. If we die here and now then in the after life we can find each other with these rings. Consider this as a proposal."
I cry even more but we hug each other as we get closer to the cliff.
"Y/n... Will you marry me? Even in our next life?"
"Yes I... I do"
My tears from fear and sadness wash away as I cry in happiness. I really can be with you forever my love.
We jump together in the cliff as we could see the whole view from qingyun peak.
Everything looks beautiful from this view.
We're falling together but my brain keeps showing me my memories with xiao.
"I really love you y/n"
"I love you more"
Ah. We're almost close to the ground.
"Im so happy I can die with you Xiao!"
"Y/n... Promise me this. Even if we die here we'll always love and look for each other okay? Let's enjoy our marriage at the other side"
We're getting closer.
And closer.
we hit the ground.
Im in his arms as we bleed to our death.
"y/n... Let me tell you something before we go rest.."
Xiao is in pain and so am i but it's ok. We'll be together forever this time.
"hmm... What is it, honey?"
"Im so happy i met you and..."
My eyes are closing and my vision is getting blurry.
I don't even feel the pain from that fall anymore, all i can feel is Xiao's warmth slowly fade away.
"y/n.. I love you to the moon and back"
' * **** *** ** *** **** *** ****'
"goodnight xiao, let's meet again and eat tofu, ok?"
"goodnight, my love.. I'll see you soon"
the end.
Shit writing this fanfic hurts my throat it's so sad my lawdy. But hey i know xiao is ooc but at least they're happy now?
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