#okay i feel like i went a little nutty with this one so sorry if it's bad LOL
foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
🧣no context ships: only if you have time because i already got a perfect one but ren's new one really inspired me to ask lol
obviously I am a huge literature lover and can talk about the writings of people forever and ever if someone allowed me to. I went on to major in lit studies and over the years have built up quite the library for myself in my tiny ass bedroom (yes I am very proud of it it is my baby) but have always yearned for someone to share it with? someone who genuinely would want to hear my rambles, maybe get a better understanding of me as a person, wanting to share reading together? so yes I would love to know what marvel man (au of your choosing) would want to make me his sweet girl 🥰
Literally anything for you you know this babes also Rennifer is going to KILL me becauseeee
I ship you with Steve Rogers!!
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Steve lost both his parents at a young age, and if it weren't for his best friend Bucky, he would spend his days completely alone. He'd basically convinced himself that a part of him would always feel lonely, like there would always be something missing in his life after everything he's lost.
That was before he found a companionship more beautiful and fulfilling than he could have ever imagined.
That was before he found you.
Steve took one look into your eyes, and his heart felt more full than it had in his entire life. It almost scared him, how instantly important you were to him, but he somehow knew even then that he could trust you with his life and you would care for it better than anyone else.
Now, the two of you live in your cozy home, and there's nothing better than snuggling up together in the library he built for you to fill with your most cherished tomes, him massaging your shoulders as you read to him.
And don't you dare ever get flustered or embarrassed when you start rambling about how powerful the prose and imagery is in a book. He could listen to his sweet girl go on and on for hours about the things that make her happy.
Because when you're happy, he's happy.
Winter Wonderland Sleepover!
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Close shave: 10 Oct. Suptober
Dean yawned and leaned against the island to observe. Cas's hair had curled a little in the steam from the pan and Dean's fingers itched to pet it. "What's porridge?" he asked instead.
"There are several versions in various cultures," Cas said, "but we asked Eileen and she said oats."
"So it's oatmeal?"
deancas ust
Metal ringing woke Dean from the dead sleep of a glorious afternoon nap. He staggered into the bunker kitchen ready to fight, an impulse short circuited by the way his sock feet slipped on the tile once he'd descended the stairs.
"Sorry," Jack said. "I dropped a lid."
"To what? Sounded like the whole pan rack exploded in here." Dean's attempt at sternness was undercut by his voice crackling like a tween's as he regained his balance. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Just helping Cas make porridge." Jack went back to rooting through the pantry. "Dried fruit would be good, I think."
Cas was tending something in a small pan on the stove. "This is almost done. If we want to stir the fruit in now, I think it will reconstitute in the milk."
Dean yawned and leaned against the island to observe. Cas's hair had curled a little in the steam from the pan and Dean's fingers itched to pet it. "What's porridge?" he asked instead.
"There are several versions in various cultures," Cas said, "but we asked Eileen and she said oats."
"So it's oatmeal?"
"We're stealing some of Sam's," Jack said, sprinkling a handful of cherries into the pan. "Hopefully he won't mind."
"Nah," Dean said. 
He watched for another minute, rubbing sleep from his eye. Side by side, Cas and Jack were so much like a biological parent and child – same mannerisms, similar features – it was slightly spooky. Not that biology was necessary to make a family, Dean knew. Just that… It sometimes struck him funny. Made his chest ache. 
"You wanna try some?" Jack asked him while Cas scraped sludge into two bowls.
"He can have my portion," Cas said, a smile at the corner of his mouth as he made eye contact with Dean.
Dean's stomach growled. It had been all of two hours since he'd had a meal. 
At the kitchen table, staring down into the bowl, he felt less hungry, more despondent. He'd never been an oatmeal aficionado. Growing up, he and Sam sometimes ate the instant stuff with the consistency of glue. Cold cereal was easier to contend with in a motel room; untoasted Pop Tarts were more manageable in a car; and on the road, an old fashioned Pig 'n a Poke was the undisputed champion, even if it killed a guy repeatedly.
He bought himself some time by asking, "Why'd you get a hankering for porridge anyway?"
"Oh," Jack said, "we watched Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave. There was a cyberdog and a bunch of lost sheep and a malfunctioning porridge robot."
Literally none of that sentence made any sense to Dean except the part where a movie (a movie?) had been watched without him.
"You were napping," Cas reminded him, having – apparently – accurately read whatever confusion was in Dean's face.
"This is good," Jack said to Cas, sounding surprised. "I like the chewiness."
Dean was so depressed about having to try the porridge he could feel his body attempting to go to sleep again to protect his digestive tract. No. Dammit. He was an adult who wanted to experience new things. He blinked open his eyes widely, wielded his spoon with fierce determination, and took a big bite of gloop.
The first second was horrifying, but the mouthful immediately improved thereafter. The oats were chewy, though not in an off-putting way, and the flavor was lightly nutty and salty and brown sugar sweet, with a little pop of sour from one of the cherries. 
"Not bad," he had to admit. "Not bad at all."
"I can follow directions," Cas said, with more humor than defensiveness. 
"First time for everything." Dean grinned quickly between bites and went back to devouring the porridge like a starving dog.
"Do you know how to make oatmeal cookies?" Cas asked him.
"Ooh, yeah, do you?" Jack chimed in.
"Not really," Dean said, "but we can look up a recipe later."
"I'm shadowing Jody tomorrow," Jack reminded him.
"Well," Dean said, "we can wait until you're back." He'd forgotten he and Cas would be alone in the bunker for a day or two, assuming Sam and Eileen stayed out on a hunt for a while longer. He kept his eyes on his emptied bowl. "Or, y'know, me and Cas could make a small batch, just like a trial run."
He chanced looking up at Cas and let himself get lost in that intense blue for a second. 
"Sounds like a plan," Cas said softly.
"Great." Jack was already putting his empty bowl in the sink. "Do you want me to help do the dishes?"
"We can wash them up," Dean said, already thinking about standing next to Cas with their hands knocking against each other in soapy water. 
Cas looked like he was thinking the same thing.
Fuck it, Dean thought, and slid his hand beneath Cas's, right there at the table. Cas gripped him tight, as usual.
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tumb1rprincess · 2 months
So you guys remember how I had said I heard snippets of episode 101 and it made me excited to reach that episode? Yeah, I had heard snippets of this one and I was like "Oh, this one's going to be tough to get through." And it was. A lot of the Buried statements were terrifying, but this one was the worst. This is literally my worst nightmare: being trapped underground, no way out, no light, you can't breathe, you can't see, you can't move, you're just trapped in absolute darkness, alone. I blame the stories of what happened in Nutty Putty Cave and Sand Cave for making stuff like this so terrifying to me, 'cause claustrophobia has never been a problem for me, but caves make me nervous now.
"I know what I'm doing." No you don't Jon, you stupid idiot. Dear God, this man.
"I'm scared, when does the fear go away?" No, no, stop, you are not making me cry this early in the episode.
This whole opening bit sounds like a suicide note, I can't stand this.
Jon said he heard someone begging to save him. Was that some random victim of the Buried? Or was it Daisy's old partner that went in the coffin a long time ago?
"I can barely breathe." HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL JON!?
"I'm stuck." I can't remember the last time two words made my stomach drop like this.
When Jon finally finds Daisy and they're calling to each other and I'm just like
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God, Daisy just sounds so tired and defeated. It made me cry.
"Are you okay?" "No." "Sorry." and "Is this like your other plans?" made me laugh a little.
God, Jon and Daisy's voices when they think that they're stuck in the Buried forever, but at least they're not alone, my heart just broke.
Daisy when she was talking about how the Buried just has you in a constant state of fear because it does ease up on the crushing sometimes, but it just makes you terrified of when it will happen again, and you know it's not going to let you die, it's going to keep you trapped there forever, and she laments about never seeing the sky or Basira again, God, I started crying again.
They're out, they're out, they made it, and God, Daisy's little "Hi," and Basira's "Oh my God," my emotions are everywhere.
The voice acting and sound work on this one made me terrified and sad all at once, probably the most emotional an episode has made me so far. You feel like you're in the coffin, you feel like you're in that cramped space and it only gets smaller and smaller, you feel like you can't catch your breath. When Jon and Daisy are being crushed and can barely breathe and every sentence and every word takes so much effort for them to say, you feel that with them.
Daisy and Jon's relationship is such a unique one, and it's changed so much. She was so ready to kill him, more than once, and he was so terrified of her. Then they were uneasy allies. Now he's risking everything to save her and she wants so badly to be better and not the mindless hunter she used to be. And for a moment, they were ready to be stuck in the Buried forever, but at least they had each other. It just means a lot to me.
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screampied · 13 days
hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! that’s okay, don’t worry, hope you had a wonderful rest 😌
yes, we do match a lot. i really like talking with you because i feel so energetic to just yap and yap and yap. some things happened last night and this morning regarding a mutual i have-used to have and now i’m not in the mood to keep interacting with people. except, obviously, you. i don’t know, some people in here are so…weird. it got me really sad, i almost decided to deactivate, but said fuck them, i’m not in here for people i’m here to post my silly little thoughts about not so little silly men.
sorry for they small personal rant!
ON GOD, my pc is an old fella, and i mainly used the guy for playing the sims. his name is harold, by the way. he did very well on the first month, but boy was getting feed too much CC so he told me to fuck myself and stopped working, what a cunt. i had a beautiful sapphic couple, and one of them got pregnant on accident and i got sad because it’s so boring to have babies and they are so ugly?
nowadays i only watch one streamer and he is from my country, which on any other circumstance i would tell you, but i’m afraid i’m the only person from my country that writes in here for jjk. at least that i know of.
THATS THE REASON I HAVENT YET DOWNLOADED IT 😭 i use my tablet for designing and studying so it would fuck me up real good, and it’s samsung so it glitches so much it pisses me off so bad.
i think you will find out. you see, i really like sending anons to people, but you are the first one i’m consistently sending to the point of having a name (which, btw, i melted with my name on your anons, it’s so cute!!). going back on track, whenever i send i try to make sure it doesn’t look like it’s the real me, but with you i do. as i said, i like talking with you, i feel comfortable, so i just let me be me.
jason is smelly af, just like brahms, you know? but toji jason would smell of that mainly sweat, woods, pines, any type of shit that would probably make me not run away that fast. i don’t have that much of a survival instinct, and if the killer is a almost two meters male i am going nowhere.
wait, ☝️ nutty 🥺 cute.
I THINK YOU SHOULD DO IT, i love crack fics, i love your fics and loser or virgin satoru (both) is so kcjdkdndkekd got me biting my toes off. pls do, like seriously, i think it would be so cool and fresh. also, the name was perfection. satoru really fixes perfectly in the bimbo box, with the b of bitch. one time i described him as if michael scott and mean girls mom had a white haired baby, and i don’t think i’ll ever come across this type of enlightenment again.
OH, QUEEN IS EVERYTHING. i remember how me, being a younger little shit, would hate everything my older sibling liked, and queen got attacked by me. in my defense, whenever they like some band/musician, they listened to it everyday. first it was fun, then panic at the disco, then queen and now elton john. but soon as they skipped to the next fixation, i became obsessed with their oldest one. also, this boy in high school thought he was the shit because he saw the movie and knew the songs, so i was in the chapel (christian school) with him and finished the lyrics to bohemian rhapsody and he goes “omg, you know queen?” BOY I WAS BORN AND MY PARENTS WERE BLASTING IT ON THE ROOM NEXT DOOR, TF. EVERYONE KNOWS QUEEN.
born to die is my ride or die, my favorite from it is this is what makes us girls because it reminds me of my teenage years, but my favorite of them all is young and beautiful, i am obsessed with the great gatsby and my brain chemicals have never survived the scene about daisy and gatsby past.
sabrina seriously is feeding my writing ideas with this new album. bed chem with gojo, juno with nanami, oh…fucking hell. we really are the same person, i love it !!!
i am petrified of tsunamis. they are impossible to happen in my country, but i still have nightmares regarding them and waking up all frightened. once i had one where people went up to the mountains and still it wasn’t enough.
oh… hm, well, i want to say something but i can’t yet. brasil is beautiful, i get it. my dream place to go is anywhere that i can see northern lights. fuck, like, i don’t know how to explain but just the thought of having the chance to stare into the sky and seeing those lights that look like magic makes me want to cry. another country would be chile, in the desert you can see the milky way 🥺 i’m a big astronomy nerd, so that’s just enough to make me happy. you will never catch me saying this on main, but i would enjoy going to the usa so i could eat their high in calories and unnecessary food. there is something about it that grosses me out but also makes me go hmmm.
question for today is what was your first work posted here and what’s your favorite season?
nutty anon.
that’s valid 🤒. interacting w ppl can get overwhelming sometimes so i understand. im glad u didn’t deactivate ‘n ur still here tho <3 but THATSSS THE SPIRIT. noooo ur fine rant as much as you want this is a safe spaceeee xx
ARGGHHH in the meantime you can always watch playthroughs of lads online !!! like you can watch certain scenes n stuff bc im sure ppl recorded that stuff.
of course you’re on my anon list i just had to make u an official squirtling 🤭🤭. IMSO GLAD I MAKE U FEEL COMFY.
stotppppf ur making me have brain rot about jason!toji now, jus imagine the breeding kink, manhandling, he def gets off at rubbing the end of his machete against our cooch.
THANKYOUU 🤒🤒. omg maybe i’ll do it, i love writing silly shit every once in a while bc why not 💔💔💔. that is such a unique compasrasion to satoru i love it
LOVEEEEE QUEEN. i gen wish i was bored in the 80s or even the 70s. the style always has me gagged like ???? i love how a lot of old vintage styles are coming back also. so real 😭. i grew up around a low of heavy metal / rock & indie. ooh i haven’t listened to patd in a min, elton johnnn ugh i still haven’t seen rocketman. SPEAKING OF did u see bohrap? apparently ppl have mixed opinions on it / rami’s portrayal of freddie but i rly liked it 🧎‍♀️
so true i wanna see the northern lights badly. i also wanna visit scotland for some reason? chileeeee that seems like that would be so fun to visit also !!!!! ur an astronomy nerd that’s so cute 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. PAHAHA same i wanna visit the us too, i’ve never been outside my country but a lot of my moots are from the us and it seems cool. the first state id had to visit would have to be nevada so i can go to las vegas bc hahahah.
my first work i posted was my fantasize, the fwb satoru fic with the silly cliffhanger hehe. its crraaazy how much time its been since nov. ‘23 i still feel so new 🤧. MY FAVVV SEASON is either winter or fall !!!!
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peachpanlong · 3 years
‘Horny Blond Twink Fucks Himself on Strap-on After Being Teased For Hours’
Naoya Zenin x reader, 18+
cw // arranged marriage (mentioned once), submissive! Naoya, pegging, exhibitionism, degrading kink, use of sex toys while driving, use of sex toys in public, untouched orgasm, public sex, overstimulation, edging, oral (m. receiving), brat taming
word count: 2.4k
this is part of the jujutsu hub collab! Thank you @suna-reversed for letting me participate ♥️
(Do not repost my work unless you have permission to do so, reblogs are fine)
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Going shopping with naoya would usually be considered a task close to impossible. The constant nagging and snarky comments made you want to strangle him on multiple occasions, yet you somehow held yourself back to avoid unnecessary drama with the higher ups. After 5 unbearable months of living with him due to an arranged marriage you had found various methods of shutting that pretty mouth of his. Your favourite method including the help of your trusty friend, a vibrating cock ring.
He knew that if he opened his mouth to remark on your choice of clothing a shaky moan would follow. There is nothing more he hated than being looked down on, the fear of people glancing in his direction with a disgusted look convincing him to just stay quiet.
“I have been invited to a social event with the Zenins. I will take you shopping for a dress today so you can look half decent.” Ignoring the spiteful remark you responded.
“Okay, on the condition you wear the cock ring.” An audible scoff followed. He turned his heels to walk towards the kitchen. Filling up the portafilter with coffee grinds he let out a soft ‘fine’, refusing to let his eyes meet yours. You held back a laugh by biting down on your cheeks.
“I’m starting to think you enjoy this…” you breathed out. “I’m only doing this because I know you’ll be a complete bitch to me if I don’t.” Humming in agreement you inhaled the nutty aroma coming from the coffee machine. While frothing the milk with one hand he used the other to place two mugs down onto the drip tray.
“Get a dress that hugs your figure and flaunts your tits. I want to show you off to the bastards I have to call relatives.” He places down a mug of coffee with a marshmallow next to it, just the way you like it.
You sunk the marshmallow into the coffee while continuing small talk with him.
“You’re an asshole.” He whined, groaning at the feeling of the vibrations on his cock. You let out a small chuckle knowing he’s all bark and no bite. You played around with the settings of the cock ring before settling for a low vibration that would be sure to give him some sort of attention but not enough attention to chase his sweet release.
“I will get you back for this shitty stunt, whore.” He snarled yet his words only fueled you to torture him more. With a hum leaving your lips you pulled his boxers and hakama pants up, hearing a groan come from him in response.
“You’re lucky the pants cover your erection.”
The car ride felt like hours, if not days, to the blonde man. Shaky moans fled through gritted teeth while his nails dug into the steering wheel. Your eyes were glued to his face. The way his nose scrunched when the vibrations increased was for some reason incredibly entertaining to you. When the car came to a halt in the store’s parking lot you groaned. You were having fun messing with him.
“Does this ‘flaunt my tits’, Naoya?” You said in a mocking tone while twirling in an emerald green mermaid dress that had a deep v-neck travelling down to your abdomen. All he gave you was a curt nod and a groan when his eyes focused down to your chest. You changed back into your clothes and gave the dress to naoya.
“Pay for this, I want to look around still.” He rolled his eyes and turned his body towards the cashier. The way his legs trembled from the cock ring was incredibly entertaining for you. Rather than paying attention to the dress hung up on the clothes rack your gaze landed on the way his hips twitched to find some form of friction. Your hands snuck into your pockets where the remote was being held. Without warning him, your fingers turned the dial to the maximum setting only to swiftly spin it back to the lowest setting. If he hadn’t been holding onto the cash register counter he would have fallen from the shock. A very loud moan escaped his lips as he shot an unpleasant glare in your direction.
“Sir, are you okay?” Concern was laced in the cashier’s voice. Naoya responded with a quick ‘yeah’ while giving some pathetic excuse for his accidental noises. After he had paid for the dress he grabbed at your arm. You let out a pained gasp “Ow! what the fuck, Naoya!”
His clutch on your shoulder only became harder after hearing your aggravation. The second his car door closed was the second a desperate moan left his lips.
“You’re such a bitch for doing that to me. Do you not understand your place, woman?” His shaky breathes made it difficult for you to focus on what he was saying. He looked so much better when he was malleable and timid.
He avoided any conversation with you the entire trip home, occasionally letting out a pained groan from the still vibrating cock ring. Your husband was obviously pissed off at you yet you found it difficult to care; especially when his face looked so fucked-out.
The way he angrily stormed into the house was a sight to see. If it hadn’t been for the painful grip on your arm you would’ve laughed. “I hope you’re ready to be punished. Because I’m not holding back.” His words sounded as if they were growled, a weak attempt to intimidate you. Your hands shifted down to your pockets.
“Don’t you dare-!” His words were cut short by not-so-subtle whimpers and moans. Your fingers turned the dial randomly and without a rhythm, driving him mad. Various curses left his mouth like venom.
“I’m starting to think you talk big just to get your brains fucked out. Tell me, my little slut, is that true?” If he wasn’t already busy palming himself through his pants he probably would have replied with a snarky comeback. You clicked your tongue in annoyance, “Get your pathetic hands off your cock. Do you have any manners?” He gritted his teeth and halted his movements.
“Good puppy. Maybe if you’re good I’ll let you cum.” The smile on your face was far from sincere and he knew that. It was ridiculing- degrading even. The only thing keeping him grounded was his back pressed roughly against the wall. His nose scrunched as the sound of your footsteps came closer. You reached your hand out to touch his cheek. He was such a waste of a pretty face, a shame really.
Naoya’s footsteps followed behind yours as you both walked towards the bedroom. Pushing him down across the end of the bed, you spread his legs to get between them. With your face centimetres from his cock you began to unzip his pants showing you the outline of his erection against his boxers. Your fingers looped against the elastic, letting it tug backwards. A wince left his lips as you let the band snap back against his skin. Finally indulging in his desires you pulled down the material, letting his cock out. A soft ‘please’ left his mouth when you began stroking him.
A sardonic smirk plastered your face. “Be patient, you whore.” You earned a weak excuse for a glare in response. You soon realised that it wasn’t just the cock ring that was vibrating.
“Naoya, your phone.” Letting out a disappointed sigh, you bagan to take the toy off his cock. He mimicked your expression when he saw the contact name.
“Naoya Zenin speaking, what are you calling me for?” An irritated grimace followed his words. Awkwardly, you stayed between his legs not really knowing what to do. You looked between his thighs to notice his dick was still painfully hard despite needing to take a job call.
“Do you get off to the thought of being caught acting like a slut?” A look of fret and arousal shot through his eyes when he heard your words. Your hand started to stroke the bottom of his shaft while you pressed your tongue against the slit on the head. His jaw was clamped shut as his Adam’s Apple involuntarily trembled.
“Sorry, slight migraine. Could you repeat what you said?” He uttered trying to excuse his moans. “That’s fine, sir. I was explaining how…” The man on the phone once again went into detail on his previous statement yet what he told was the farthest thing on Naoya’s mind. Your tongue traced the vein along the underside of his cock before ever-so-slowly letting it sink into your mouth. When the head hit the back of your throat you gave a harsh suck before rising your head again. You knew he hates a slow pace so that’s exactly what you gave him.
“Thank you for your time, sir. It’s greatly appreciated.” Naoya hummed in response and let out a quick ‘yeah’ before hanging up the call. “You whore! Do you know what you’ve done?” You gave a hum that only sent more vibrations to his dick. His hands tangled themselves into your hair. Eventually you began to notice the way his twitches became more frequent and the way his breath hitched. An anguished groan fell from his lips when you lifted your head from his cock, denying him of his release. “What the fuck? Make me cum.” You let out a sadistic giggle. “Nuh-uh. I wanna play, bunny.” You could almost see the steam coming from his ears and to be quite frank, you found it hilarious. Standing onto your feet you walked yourself over to your wardrobe.
“What do you think of trying this one out?” You presented a rather large dildo. “Will that even fit?” His nervous eyes scanned the 8 inches of silicone. “You always manage to make it fit, slut.” You strutted back towards the middle of his thighs while lathering the dildo in lube.
“Hands and knees.” Without hesitation he flipped himself over onto his stomach and raised his ass in the air.
“You’re such a whore.” Your tone sounded like sweet candy in contrast to your words. After you had strapped the harness to yourself you attached the dildo onto it. Aligning yourself against his ass you slowly sunk the strap-on into him. Placing one hand on his hips and the other hand on the mattress beside his head, you leaned onto his back. Starting a very slow pace you began to suck love bites against his shoulder blades. His lips were trembling against the mattress, occasionally letting out soft whimpers whenever you moved a bit too harshly. Using your strong grip on his hips you dragged your hips back until only the tip of the dildo was in his ass. A pleasured scream flooded from his mouth when your hips slammed against his.
“Dumb bitch can’t keep his mouth shut? Do I have to fucking gag you?” Tear stained cheeks struggled to shake left to right, begging you to let him stay in this position. “Fine.” You quickened your place, digging your nails into his skin in the process. You moved your other hand from the mattress to the back of his neck, securing him to the bed as you continued your fast and hard thrusts. His breath hiked as he felt his release creeping up on him. “Please… Touch my cock.” Your chortle was sadistic yet it somehow made his cock twitch. “Oh, but puppy… I wanna see you come undone without being touched.” A choked sob left his lips. His hips began to move against yours as he tried to fuck himself against the strap-on. You let out a disgusted sigh. “Needy whore.” And with that he felt himself going over the edge. You rode him through his orgasm while leaving his cock untouched.
It was almost cute how pathetic he acted for you. Cum saturating the mattress with his head still pushed against the pillow. It took a few seconds for him to snap back into reality and when he did a growl escaped his lips.
“You can get rid of it now.” His face was turned, eyes glaring back at yours. You slowly pulled your hips back, admiring the crescent indents marking his hips. His asshole tightened around the bigger tip of the dildo and when you noticed you couldn’t help but unexpectedly thrust back in. A startled moan left his mouth and when he realised his loud noise, he bit down harshly against his lower lip.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Dildo fully inside him you responded with “having fun.”
Your hands reached to the edge of the bed frame, grabbing onto the vibrating cock ring. You tossed his body over so his back was against the mattress. Your fingers traced against the prominent vein on his overstimulated cock. The cock ring slid back onto his dick, making him once again vulnerable for you. The rhythm of your thrusts was relentless, only giving him time to let out soft whimpers covered by his palm. His face looked dazed with his eyes half lidded in ecstasy and his cheeks decorated with an obvious blush.
At that moment Naoya’s thighs began to quiver. “Gonna cum again? Greedy slut.” His hips bucked up against the strap-on, meeting your forceful thrusts. With a broken moan of your name he came on the mattress.
“You did well, my husband.” Slowly, you pulled out the dildo from his used ass. He winced slightly at the feeling of the tip stretching his rim. Turning onto his back, he moved his eyes to look at your figure. In his eyes you were a goddess who, for some odd reason, decided to put up with his bullshit. His eyes lowered to stare at your ass as you left the room. When you came back he noticed that you had detached the strap-on and had a towel in your hand to clean him up with.
No woman but you could make his heart flutter this much.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
I vote leo meeting the harvard team! 💕
So this fic has been a bit of a mare to write, but we are here!
You can read the first part of this here
Rating: T
CW: Alcohol, academic superiority complex and coming out.
Logan, Finn, Leo, Percy, Will and the general Sweater Weather universe belongs to @lumosinlove. The other team members were made up by me for this fic.
“Okay, tell me their names again,” Leo said, tugging at the rolled neck of his sweater as he shut the car door.
“Nutty,” Finn laughed. “There’s not going to be a pop quiz. We’ll introduce you when we meet people.”
Leo scowled, letting Logan thread their fingers together. It was weird being able to do this in public still and Leo couldn’t help but glance around. “I just don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Logan squeezed his hand reassuringly, meeting Leo’s gaze with a soft smile.
“Nobody expects you to know anything. And everybody’s great.” Logan wrinkled his nose like he’d just smelt something bad. “Except Wesley, he’s an ass, but I’ll point him out.”
Like many of the others in Harvard square, the building was all exposed brick and white accents, blending in seamlessly with those around it. Inside was different, more modern. Leo didn’t get to see much of the first floor, the one dedicated to the restaurant Finn, Logan and the rest of the team had dined at previous evening, before he was ushered up a grand staircase, but he’d seen the photographs. The cherry blossom ceilings and walls of glass provided the perfect backdrop for the instagram feeds of the hoards of celebrities and influencers that flocked there. Hence his surprise when, after checking their invitations again, an employee pushed open a set of double doors to reveal a room that more resembled a 1920’s speakeasy than anything 21st century. A loud cheer went up as they crossed the threshold.
“Is this a team thing?” Leo mouthed at Logan.
He got his answer from Percy Marshall. Leo had met him a few times before when they’d played the Rangers. “You’re the last to arrive,” Percy chuckled. “I’d say I was surprised, but that would be a lie.” He slapped a hand playfully against Finn’s bicep. Is this outfit change number 52, Finn? Don’t worry, you didn’t disappoint. You look wonderful.”
“Fuck you, Marshy,” Finn laughed. “Tremz was on a call to his sisters actually.”
“Oh, I do apologise,” Percy clasped his hand to his chest. “We wouldn’t dare break up a Tremblay soiree.”
“You’re an ass,” Logan scoffed, plucking at Finn’s slacks. “I was only talking to them because Finn was taking so long. Did you know there are several shades of mustard and only one of them goes with this shirt?”
“Oh look, they argue like an old married couple too,” William Morgan, another of those Leo knew, and Percy’s teammate on the Rangers, teased. “Marshy, these hands are looking too empty. Get these men a drink.”
“Aye, aye, capt’n.” Leo set to follow as Percy led the way to the bar, stumbling slightly as he found Will’s firm grasp on his shoulder stopping his movement. Logan turned as his fingers slipped from his hand.
“Go ahead, Tremzy. I’m going to introduce Leo to some of the team. We want all the gossip without you two around to censor him.”
Logan frowned. “I’m not sure -”
“Relax, Logan. This isn’t a hazing. We’ll be right over there,” Will pointed towards a group perched on stools around two of the tables in the centre of the room, a mix of the old team and what Leo assumed were their partners. “Knut’s a big boy. He can object for himself if he really doesn’t want to come.”
“I’m sure I can hold my own,” Leo cocked his head slightly and smiled. “You better not leave Harzy with Percy for too long. They’ll be three shots down by now.”
The next few hours passed in a whirlwind of introductions. Leo had lost count of the number of hands he'd shaken and the new names he'd learned. It reminded him of those first few days in Gryffindor, being shuffled around from place to place and everybody telling him he'd get used to it.
The quiet of the bathroom was a welcome reprieve to the chaos. “Sweetheart,” Leo laughed, listening to Finn sing to himself in the stall. “Are you okay? You’ve been in there a while.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” A concerningly loud crash preceded the door being pushed open. “I’m here.”
“You’re drunk,” Leo chuckled.
Finn pulled his hands from under the stream of water, shaking droplets everywhere as he squeezed the tips of his thumb and forefinger together. “Maybe just the tiniest bit.”
Leo shook his head fondly. “Let’s go and find Lo.” Glancing back to check Finn was following him proved to be a mistake. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he apologised, rubbing at his forehead and stepping back from the wall of muscle he’d just crashed into. Of course, the tall man with his hair pulled back into a loose ponytail was the one person Leo hadn’t yet met.
“Leo, this is James. Call him Hunter,” Finn grinned with his hand resting in the small of Leo’s back. "Hunter, this is -"
"Leo Knut. I know. Everybody knows," Hunter said and Leo noted the familiar notes of his own accent in the words. He faltered with his hand thrust halfway in Leo's direction, letting it fall back by his side. "Oh fuck, sorry man. Did you want to introduce him as your boyfriend? Go ahead."
"It's cool, no worries." Finn shrugged, the rounds of his cheeks tinged with the slightest of blushes. "Aww, what the heck!" He squared his shoulders, standing a little taller, the corners of his mouth splitting with pride. "Hunter, this is Leo, my boyfriend."
Hunter extended his hand again for Leo to shake. “Nice to meet you. Please excuse me, I have to use the bathroom now, but we’ll talk later.”
"Boys." The call had come from behind them and Logan groaned low in his chest as they turned to acknowledge it.
"Wes! You made it," Finn smiled, the corners of his mouth tight. "We weren't sure you'd be able to. With all those big meetings you have to attend and such. Is your wife, Renee, wasn’t it, here? I'd love to meet her."
Something flickered in Wes' smug expression. "They stayed in California. Nate has a very busy schedule. Harvard is very important to me, as you know, so I came alone."
“Isn’t Nate three?” Logan blinked.
“You have to give them a good start if you want them to get them to get into a good college these days, I’m sure you understand. Where was it you went, Leo?"
Leo pursed his lips, letting the same calm wash over him that he channelled for interviews. “I didn’t go. I got drafted straight out of high school.”
“Oh, well, that’s a shame,” Wes said. “College isn’t for everybody though, is it?”
Logan bristled beside him, and Leo placed a placating hand on his shoulder. “Indeed,” he blinked. “I didn’t need my intelligence validated by a degree then, and I still don’t now. And I was hardly about to turn down an offer from The Gryffindor Lions now, was I?”
Wes grumbled something that sounded vaguely like an agreement before turning on his heel and walking off in a manner that Leo could only describe as petulant.
“You’re so hot,” Finn took Leo’s face between his hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’m going to get a drink. Do you want another?”
“Please,” Leo nodded. Logan raised his still mostly full glass as a rejection of the offer.
“You should have let me punch him,” Logan huffed. “He would have deserved it.”
"And get blood on your shirt? Let’s leave that on the ice, shall we?” Leo tugged at the lapels of Logan’s jacket.
"So," Logan started as they claimed one of the low tables in the corner, a little tucked away from the rest of the room. "What do you think?"
"It's always nice seeing where you two started," Leo hummed, threading his fingers through the thin curls on the nape of Logan's neck. "I just don't know how you used to do this everyday. Live amongst all this energy. The guys all seem great, but it's a lot even now and I'm assuming you've all mellowed somewhat with age."
"I am not old," Logan scoffed. "Mais non, I agree. Wasn't always like this though. There's more than one graduating class here and we've been apart a long time. A lot of excitement."
"Sorry, sorry, I got caught up with Biscuit. He has triplets now, isn't that crazy?" Finn said, pressing a glass into Logan’s hand and setting Leo’s in front of him before flopping onto the couch opposite. "One Margarita for the fine sir."
"Thanks, Harzy," Leo laughed lightly.
"I can't believe him and Vanessa are still together," Logan hummed, taking a long sip of his drink. He leaned back, crossing his left leg over his right thigh and snaked his arm across the dark leather, brushing his fingers against Leo's shoulder. "I only introduced them because she was flirting with you at that party, the one just after we got back from winter break my junior year, and I wanted to distract her."
"Oh, so that's why you got all moody," Finn said. "She wasn't flirting, she needed help with an essay, idiot."
"The fact you remember Logan's mood on a night seven years ago says more about you than him," Leo snorted.
"First of all, Tremzy being grumpy? That's just a good guess. Second, some of us were still stupid at 20, Knutty." Finn sighed wistfully. "Hey, at least it doesn't feel like I'm being stabbed in the chest these days when I think about it. Progress, right?"
Logan tipped his glass in Finn's direction, nodding his head briefly. "I'll cheers to that."
"To -" Leo started, letting the toast die off as another of Finn and Logan's old team mates approached. He hoped the disappointment he felt wasn't written across his face; whilst he hadn't really expected to be left alone for too long, he had hoped for the brief respite to have lasted longer.
"Hey." The newcomer had his hand shoved into his pockets and his shoulders stooped, almost as if he was trying to hide himself. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Ken!" Finn patted the empty seat next to him. "Of course not. Come, sit."
Leo extended his arm, offering his hand. "Nice to meet you. Ken was it? I'm Leo."
"Ken's what the team always called me. Don't really hear it much these days." Leo thought he saw something sad in the smile sent his way. "My real name is Obi."
"That's because you went off the radar," Logan gave a pointed look.
"About that -" Obi swiped Finn's drink, ignoring his disgruntled protest. He drained what was left of it, pulling at an non-existent loose thread on his sweater. "I wanted to say thank you, you know. For having the guts to come out. I know Black and Lupin were first, but that was forced wasn’t it. You made a choice. I know that must have been hard. It was one hell of a ballsy move."
Leo looked between Finn and Logan, expecting them to answer, but neither of them spoke. "We didn't have much of a choice, not if we didn't want to be watching our back every second of every day."
"It was still brave," Obi muttered. "I couldn't have done it."
"Ken, what are you saying?" Logan never did have much patience for others taking their time to get to the point, even though he was a fan of the scenic route himself.
"They gave you a whole Harvard degree and you need to ask that question?" Obi huffed a laugh. "I'm gay. I met Marco, my now husband at the end of senior year, and freaked out. I didn't know how to make these two worlds work, so I didn't. I moved to DC with him, and started a new life. I'm an accountant, he works in marketing. We have four rats, and a Vizsla called Poppy. It's all very domestic. I love it, but I was a coward.”
"You're not a coward. You don't owe that information to anybody, Ken. Not the others, not the media, not the NHL and not us. Not now, not then, not ever.” Finn took a breath, holding up his finger to signal he wasn’t finished. “Besides, it's not as if Lo and I planned this. We went into this with every intention of stuffing this deep, deep into the depths of denial, never for anybody to find out. Including ourselves. And then Nutty came along.”
Obi smiled at Leo, turning his attention back to Finn. "When did you become Gay Yoda?"
"I spend way too much time in our psych's office. Just spreading the wisdom. Heather would be proud."
"Do the others know?" Logan asked.
"Not yet, I think I'd like them to though."
Logan shifted, leaning forward in his seat. "There's no rush, Ken. We've got your back, whatever you decide."
"So, do you have photos?" Leo cocked his head. "We got to show off. Now it's your turn. Even if it's only for us."
"Of Marco?"
"I'm sure he's wonderful, but I was actually talking about Poppy. And the rats," Leo teased.
There were moments when Leo wondered whether they had made the right decision. When he was playing in front of hostile crowds, or fending off stupid media questions, or blocking bigots on twitter. And then there were moments when he knew the decision they had made was 100% perfect. Right now, that was one of those moments.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 5*
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Heyyy ladies and gents, I might go out later but I'm gonna post a FEW chapters tonight, see if I can get them edited fast enough. I want to try and do a "day" a chapter, if you know what I mean.
Also- Really?! No one said anything about the Raul reference?! Was it too cheesy? Also there was a Charmed reference in there if you missed it.
Part 6
Part 4
Tag List:
You couldn't wait to get to work the next day. You rushed through the lobby and bounded into Rafael's office. He was standing there talking to Liv. Oh god. They both turned and stared at your dramatic entrance.
"Uh….Y/N, are you ok?" Rafael asked you with a bit of concern in his tone.
"Oh yeah no I'm fine Rafa," you nervously smiled, and to your horror his face became even more confused.
"I'm sorry, did you just call me Rafa?" He raised an eyebrow, glancing at Liv, who had a triumphant smile on her face. He didn't remember. It was over.
"I knew it…" she whispered with a smirk.
"Knew what?" Rafael turned to her
"....I knew she'd try to get friendly with you, she's had a crush on you forever," Olivia quickly came up with a diabolical plan on the spot. Your face fell, you felt yourself turning pale as he turned back to you.
“Is that true, Y/N?” He asked you point blank.
"I...I…" you stammered, unable to think of how to get out of this situation. Then you saw his thermos.
"I'll get your morning coffee, boss," you went and grabbed the thermos off his desk, then hurried out the door, slamming it behind you. You tried desperately not to cry as you headed down to the break room.
"Liv that was a little harsh," Rafael gave her a look, nothing the evil smile she had.
"What? She was being insubordinate! Calling you Rafa like that…"
"Right because only you can call me that," He smirked.
"Well I'm the only one who does," she pointed out. "And we're so close, she must have thought of she stated calling you that maybe you'd fall for her.”
"...you're nutty you know that?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“But you love me anyway,”. She gave him a tongued smiled.
"I do," he chuckled, gripping her hands .
In the break room you tried to calm yourself down before going back up to Rafael’s office. You focused on what Chloe has said last night. He was already in love with you. You just had to draw it out
That was going to be exceptionally difficult now that Olivia knew you had done something. She's never gonna leave you alone with him. No she has to. I mean what is she gonna do, stay in his office all day? You'd just wait until she left. You filled his coffee and returned to his office this time knocking before you went in.
“Come in,” You heard him call through the door. You went in to see Liv had left. You looked up at the sky and mouthed a “THANK YOU.”.
"Here you are Mr. Barba." You handed him the coffee nervously.
"....Y'know I kind of liked it when you called me Rafa, Y/N." He gave you a smile. But not the normal office smile you were so used to...it was a smile you had only seen yesterday. Maybe….
"Oh. Um, yeah sure ok ...Rafa," you smiled back.
"I'm sorry I haven't said it before. I guess I shouldn't be so…"
"Snobbish," you chuckled remembering yesterday. Then suddenly remembered HE didn't remember yesterday. You looked at his once again stunned face, and you once again slapped your hands over your mouth.
"Oh god I am so--” You started to apologize, but to your relief he slowly started chucking that soon turned into a full laugh.
"Yeah, something like that." He shook his head while still laughing. He looked at you, catching your glance. He stopped laughing and just stared at you for a long moment.
I need you to remember today….
"...Do I have something on my face?" You started to rub your face embarrassed.
"No, I just…." He narrowed his eyes, inspecting your face as if he was trying to recall something. "I think I...I had a dream about you last night,"
You blushed, your heart fluttered. This was it, it was happening. It was really happening
"A good dream, I hope," you joked, trying to keep calm.
"The best," he smiled dreamily. Your face lit up, was it REALLY happening? Right now?
"Rafa, I--" You started to go for it.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I said it like that," he shook his head with a laugh. "I'm sure it was nice though,"
Nope. Not now.
"Right, I'm sure," you smiled, trying to hide the fact that you were dying inside.
"Are you okay?" He was actually paying enough attention to you to realize you were faking it
"What...yeah no I'm fine," you lied. "I just um, I didn't sleep well last night,"
"Oh. Well, feel free to make yourself something from my machine," he offered. He had never offered that before, his machine was too precious and too expensive to waste on anyone else.
"...Seriously? But that thing is your baby," You asked him astonished.
"...Something tells me I've been too focused on my 'things' lately," He chuckled.
"Oh well thank you sir,"
"Rafa carino, por favor," he said nonchalantly, then immediately stopped and looked at his desk in shock that those words fell out of his mouth so easily. You started at him equally shocked. Maybe this would be easier than you thought. You decided to run with it, maybe prodding more memories
"What's that mean?" You quickly asked. He stared at you for a second, still trying to figure out why he had called you that.
"It um--," he cleared his throat nervously. "Nothing," he lied. "It's just a word like amigo or kid"
Your face scrunched. Why would he lie? This is it. This is why you didn't know before. He's been trying to hide it!!!!!
"No it doesn't," You challenged him. What were you doing?! Was it totally smart to provoke him like this? What if he fired you?
"I'm sorry?” He asked, stunned.
“It means honey or sweetie, it's a term of endearment," You spit back the explanation he gave you yesterday.
“How do you know that…?” He was beyond suspicious.
How indeed. You raced your brain trying to think of a plausible reason.
“My best friend is Latina. She calls me that all the time,” You lied. Well, kind of lied. Chloe was Latina and spoke spanish, but she had never called you carino.
“….Then why did you ask me what it meant?” He kept suspicions.
“I wanted to see if you'd admit it,” You smirked at him. He was shocked. You had never been so informal with him, so bold, so snarky.
“….What has gotten into you, Miss y/l/n?” He suddenly asked you in a very “boss” like voice. Shit. He was pulling rank on you. You pushed too far.
"I…" Your smirk fell, your voice fell soft.
"That must have been some shit sleep you got. I suggest you go get caffeinated, compose yourself and come back more professional," He spat.
“...Y-yes sir.” You bolted out of the office.
As soon as you were gone, Rafael began to pace in his office. Why had he called you that? And so casually and easily? He was usually so careful about showing you any kind of favoritism or affection, it was highly unprofessional. And besides, you were too young for him. He couldn't be like a kid with a crush.
After you came back you both kept quiet and professional. Exchanging only pleasantries and things, Both lost in your own insecurities and feelings. Finally at the end of the day you went into his office quietly .
“Well if you didn't need anything else sir, I'm going to take off.,” You said meekly.
“Y/N wait,” he got up and walked up to you. "I'm sorry about this morning, I misspoke and I shouldn't have taken it out on you,”
“Oh.” You weren't thrilled that he stuck to his denial of feelings, but at least he was chill again
“Oh it's fine,” you talked nervously.” I should have never been so flippant,”
“No no, actually it was quite refreshing,” he smiled. “You're usually so quiet and timid, I like this side of you,” He stroked your hair, then instantly realized what he was doing and stepped back. What was happening?!
“Ahem so I’ll see you--” He started to say goodbye, but he noticed a penguin charm you had dangling off your phone in your hand.
“Penguins,” He whispered.
“I’m sorry?” Your heart fluttered again.
“I love penguins,” He just said softly, almost as if in a trance.
“I know,” You went for it again.
“What? How do you know that?” The moment fleeted again, his memory long gone.
“Oh um,” You bit your lip. “I mean, who doesn’t love penguins? They’re adorable,”
“Indeed,” He nodded with a smile. “Always so dapper in their--
“Tuxedos,” You finished his thought. He stared at you in shock for the fiftieth time that day, but once again it flushed into a beautiful smile.
“Right,” He nodded again, still smiling.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rafa," You smiled, a genuine flirty smile. At this rate you'd be right back where you were yesterday in no time.
Rafael just stood staring at the door after you left. What were you doing to him?
As he walked out of his office, Olivia met him at the door, holding a cup of coffee.
"An apology latte," she smiled apologetically.
"I should get mad at you more often," he chuckled, taking and sipping the latte. He made a face.
"What?" Olivia's face turned to panic.
"Nothing, just kind of a weird aftertaste," he shrugged.
"Oh maybe they decaff’d you," she laughed nervously.
“Maybe…” He stared at the cup suspiciously.
“How about dinner? On me?” She offered, hoping to distract him.
“Sure….” He shook off his suspicion and smiled at her.
They walked arm in arm, Rafael was oblivious to the evil smile crawling across Olivia's lips.
You went home floating on cloud nine. When you walked in the door Chloe was folding her laundry. When she saw you she smiled hugely at the door.
“So.. how did it go?” She grabbed your hand and pulled you to your couch.
“It was amazing. He didn't remember yesterday, but I think he has some idea of what happened. And I think it's drawing his feelings out!!” You clapped your hands together wildly.
“Girl that's awesome!” She giggled. “Well tomorrow you'll just have to look amazing. See if you can draw more out,” She grinned.
You went to bed feeling more hopeful than you had in a long time.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
pel!ivan and fedyor went through a lot of ups and some downs from the end of pel and 2021 but they also celebrated 10 years together 🥳 i hope fedyor shoved cake into ivan’s face and also you know, im sure they were mushy like the saps they are
Ivan was supposed to be out of here ten minutes ago – actually, at this point, more like twenty – but the clients are still fucking talking, and if they keep it up much longer, he’s going to add it to the bill for “initial consultation.” Drew has a man-bun and unbearably hip black glasses, and works as a developer for some start-up app that he’s tried to convince Ivan to download at least twelve times. (What does the app actually do? Don’t know don’t care.) Mia is thin, blonde, waifish, smells like essential oils, and has been flitting around with her smartphone the entire time, getting in Ivan’s way as she snaps perfectly filtered pictures of the “developmental process” and posts them nonstop on Instagram. They both have a lot of opinions on how they want the energy of the space to feel, and a preapproved list of ethically sourced suppliers. They have paid some ludicrous price for this converted loft in Prospect Heights and chose the location for its proximity to the best farmer’s markets and hippie coffeehouses. Did Ivan die? Is this hell?
Somewhat ostentatiously, he looks at his watch. “Okay,” he announces. “I think that wraps up. You have work number, so – ”
“Oh, just one more thing!” Drew has recently read one (1) book on home design and thinks he’s an expert, so Ivan is forced to suffer his idiotic opinions about the kind of tile they want to use on the kitchen backsplash. Somehow, he manages not to roll his eyes directly out of his head, for which he should be commended. Ivan has discovered that the secret of successfully dealing with people, especially clients, is to smile and nod at everything they say, while mercilessly mocking them in your head. Amazing, the things you learn as a small-business owner in Brooklyn in the year of our lord 2021. Especially when it comes to renovating overpriced tiny gentrified apartments for insufferable techno-douchebags and their vapid influencer girlfriends. And people think Ivan might want to live like this more often? No fucking thank you.
Finally (it’s another ten minutes after that, this is definitely going on the bill), they more or less wrap up, except for the fact that Mia then wants a picture with the three of them. “It’s just so important to us that we’re supporting the immigrant community,” she explains earnestly. “After all, being open, tolerant, learning from our neighbors, people who are different from us, that’s what life is all about. We just love that you’re foreign. The energy feels so right, you know?”
Ivan wonders whether to inform her that he has lived in this country for eight years and been a full citizen (passport and voting rights and everything) for three, then decides that this would venture into sharing-personal-information territory and he is having none of it. His English has improved to the point where he can handle almost all business transactions by himself, but feigning incomprehension can sometimes get him out of them when they turn really stupid. Unfortunately, that isn’t an option here, and so he diligently leans into the frame, smiling half an inch, while Mia snaps a picture of “us and our adorable Russian contractor!!” Ivan informs her of the correct flag emoji to add to the filter, decides that he’s going to add an extra fifty bucks just for that, and finally, finally, makes his escape.
It’s rush hour, and the Q is crammed as Ivan heads into midtown. So much for social distancing and not getting too close to anyone, which is the only thing from the pandemic that he wouldn’t mind keeping. Only about half the crowd is wearing masks, including him, and so he gets off at Times Square, dodges the latest lunatic standing on a soapbox and shouting about how it is all a hoax, and walks several blocks uptown, just to get some space. He finally reaches the restaurant, where he has to flash his vaccination card to get inside (Ivan, who remains Russian to the marrow of his bones, is a little irked that he couldn’t get Sputnik here and had to settle for Pfizer) and climbs up to the open-air rooftop terrace. It is only when he spots his husband, waiting at a table that overlooks the glittering evening lights of the city, when Ivan pulls off his mask and allows himself to properly smile. “Sorry I’m late,” he says. “They are the worst.”
“I figured it was something like that.” Fedyor musters a smile in return, though his eyes look permanently tired these days and Ivan would bet that he’s been scrolling through more depressing emails on his phone. Technically Fedyor is on a two-month sabbatical from work, but he can’t stop himself, and Ivan has had to pry it from his fingers on a number of occasions. “But you’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Ivan nods stoutly, they are furnished with the drinks and appetizers list, and when the waiter asks if there’s any special occasion tonight, tell him that they are celebrating their ten-year anniversary, albeit somewhat late. This was supposed to happen last spring, but obviously, nobody in New York was going out to a restaurant in the early months of 2020, and Ivan himself had barely gotten home from the hospital and still could be knocked over in a strong breeze. They’re celebrating a lot of things tonight, in other words, even if it’s now been eleven years, not ten, since the day Ivan marched into a Red Square coffee shop and engaged in – well, Fedyor has made sure to inform him that the first date didn’t go nearly as well as Ivan always thought it did. But it worked, didn’t it? Here they are, wedding bands on their fingers, a couple of successful American urban professionals who have built a nice life for themselves and are, if anything, even more madly in love than they were when this whole nutty adventure together first began. So really, if you ask Ivan Sakharov Kaminsky, it went just fine after all.
The waiter congratulates them, gives them two drinks for the price of one, and they both relax and start to talk, fully at ease in the way they only are in each other’s company. Ivan does his Mia impression in an extremely convincing falsetto (after all, [NAME REDACTED] has practice at this) and Fedyor almost dies laughing. They hold hands on the table – no need to hold them under the table – and gaze into each other’s eyes all they want, order dinner and dessert, and take a long time about it. They raise several toasts to this, to them, to ten years, may there be many more. Ivan pays the bill, his treat, and they walk slowly back to Times Square, hand-in-hand, Fedyor’s head nestled on Ivan’s shoulder. It’s New York. Nobody cares.
They ride the Q home, in all its smelly, secondhand glory, taking an hour to bang out to Brighton Beach and descending the elevated stairs into the familiar down-at-heel comfort of their Russian-American neighborhood, neon Cyrillic signs glowing in windows and somebody shouting about how if Sergei ever shows his face here again, she is going to cut his dick off. Ivan and Fedyor look at each other and snort, resisting the urge to shout up and ask what exactly Sergei did, and walk a few more minutes to their building. They climb up three flights of stairs to their apartment, unlock the door and the deadbolt, and step inside.
The instant they are home, Rasputin shoots out of nowhere, yowling as if he has been neglected for months, and curls himself around Ivan’s ankles (he is still liable to give Fedyor evil looks when he feels that this interloper has been stealing his human too often). Ivan sighs, trudges to the kitchen, points out to Rasputin that his food bowl is still half full, gets a wounded look in return, and adds an extra scoopful. Once the cat is happily snarfing down, Fedyor pulls Ivan by the hand, into the dim living room with its blowing curtains. “Come here, my love,” he says. “Hold me.”
Ivan does as ordered, because it’s his favorite thing in the world: cuddling Fedyor close, nothing but the two of them in all of time and space, swaying slowly in the blue hour with fingers and arms and hearts entwined. Ivan kisses Fedyor’s temple, and Fedyor nestles even closer, melted into his embrace. “I love you, Vanya,” he mumbles against Ivan’s collarbone. “I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, Fedya.” Ivan leans down and kisses him properly, sweet and slow and lingering, as they continue to waltz in stately time to a music that nobody except the two of them can hear. “I’m still not always sure why you married me, but I am very glad you did.”
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whataboutmyfries · 3 years
Russian Roulette
Okay, okay. I am fully aware that it has been an absolute AGE since the last chapter but Life(tm) got in the way of this one and I'm so sorry it's getting to you so late.
Additionally, I hope you guys are aware that minimal editing has happened here.
@lumosinlove thank you so much for letting us mess around with your characters!!
Chapter 5
Logan slammed another cup of coffee to the table, running a hand through his already dishevelled hair. “Shit,” he breathed. “This is….this is probably enough for us to completely wreck their operation”
Finn leaned further back in his chair, blinking at the stacks of paper spilling onto the desk; about as much surprise as he’d show in front of Leo. “It is.”
Leo looked utterly unfazed as he sipped from his cup, closing his eyes at the feeling of the hot caffeine sliding down his throat. He rubbed at his eye, fixing the other one on Finn, then on Logan. “Will you do it then?”
Logan and Finn exchanged a glance. “I think you already know the answer to that.”
Leo studied the two of them before dipping his head in a nod of thanks. His voice was hoarse when he spoke again. “Thank you. For all of this.”
Finn waved him off, taking a long sip from his coffee. “Mm, I was wondering if you’d ever come around and show us that brilliant magic of yours.”
Logan laughed. “Forget magic. How would you feel about a game of cards?”
Leo’s eyes glittered “oh darlin’, I’m going to beat your asses.”
And damn if Leo didn’t deliver on his promises. An hour later, the three of them were sat around the table, staring intently at the cards spread over the wood. Finn tossed his knife, the blade making complicated swirls around his fingers as he caught it.
“You’re gonna have to do better than that to win nutty.” He chuckled; not even turning his head as he threw the knife at the dartboard.
Leo didn’t have to look up from his cards to know it’d hit the bullseye.
“Remind me again, which one of us is the magician here?” Leo drawled, eyes twinkling with mischief as he threw down his card.
Logan and Finn groaned, slapping down their cards in exasperation. Leo had won. Again.
“How does he do it?” Logan groused, pouting at the table, pulling one of Finn’s knives free of the wood.
Leo laughed, reaching behind Logan’s ear. And with a complicated twirl of his fingers, he unfurled a fan of cards
Piercing blue eyes looked over the top of the cards and Leo winked at the both of them.
Three am found them sprawled around the room fast asleep. Mugs and cups and pots of coffee on every imaginable surface, papers spilling onto the floor. Leo blinked his eyes open to warm sunlight, shoving his face off the desk. Disoriented, he blinked his eyes frantically, trying to make sense of his surroundings. His eyes landed on a halo of red, and the memories of the previous night came back to him; only to immediately be ignored in favour of the beautiful boy in front of him. Finn’s head leaned back against the couch, exposing the column of his throat, the freckles there mapping constellations onto the creamy skin. Leo wondered if maybe Finn would ever let him trail shapes into those stars; if he tried hard enough, Leo was sure he could trace a wonky version of his namesake onto the alabaster skin. Unable to help himself, his eyes trailed upwards, crimson eyelashes fluttering against high cheekbones like trapped birds searching for a freedom he wasn’t sure he could offer.
He ripped his eyes away, his traitorous heart beating furiously against his ribs. It proved an even bigger mistake to look away because his eyes found smooth tan skin instead. Logan was almost devastating in his beauty when he slept, Chocolate-y hair shimmering in the early light. Sunshine dripping like honey from aristocratic cheekbones and hazel curls. Leo’s thoughts went into overdrive, his brain offering him vague snippets of poetry and literature in a futile attempt to describe the beauty of gods. The sunlight threw shadows across their faces, casting them in stark relief, and Leo’s heart all but crawled out of him to repent.
His heart was beating so loud it honestly surprised him that the two of them hadn’t awoken. This was a mistake. He never should’ve come here, let alone stay the night. Cursing his idiocy, he got up on cat-soft feet and gathered his things, chiding himself for letting down his guard so easy. He saw himself out, sparing one last look for the ethereal beings asleep on the couch. And as Leo let the door fall shut; he failed to realise that he’d been so caught up in cursing his mistakes; he hadn’t noticed hazel eyes trailing him on his way out.
Logan— on the other hand— woke to Finn’s feet sliding out of his lap. He knew he was home. He was safe. The syrupy darkness of sleep pulled him back under. Finn woke him again with a hand to his shoulder, the distinctive smell of coffee taking over his senses. Still drowsy, he grinned, a hum rumbling through him. Finn laughed, ruffling his hair.
“I don’t remember adopting a cat, but I can’t say I dislike it.”
Logan shoved at his knee with a socked foot, grumbling incoherently, though the smile on his face rather took away from it.
“Shhhhh it’s too early for your stupid face.”
“So no coffee for you then? More for me I guess”
“Touch my coffee and I’ll punch you”
“Oh shut up, you like my face too much to punch me.”
Logan blinked one eye open. “Who said I was punching you in the face?”
Finn laughed, nudging Logan’s cup closer to him. “Touche.”
Logan took the mug, nursing the warmth of the ceramic between his palms. “You know, that may be the only french thing that sounds halfway decent in that accent of yours.”
Finn flipped him off over the rim of his mug, drinking deeply. “Drink your sugar crash and leave me alone.”
Logan raised an eyebrow “Is that what we’re calling it now?”
“It is the sole cause of diabetes in this world and I am willing to die on this hill.”
Logan huffed, shoving papers out from under him so he could shift his feet up onto the couch. The events of the previous night still weighed on him. Lizard had given them….everything. Every detail, every nook and cranny of the snake house was documented. He’d left no stone unturned.
And he’d lost everything, anyway.
“Harz, he’s given us everything we were looking for.”
Finn nodded, “He did, didn’t he?” He gave Logan a look. “What do you want to do about it?”
Logan shrugged a shoulder, staring absently out the window. “We said we’d help.”
“You know you don’t have to follow through, you don’t want to do it, we don’t do it.”
Logan met his gaze, Finn’s sharp edges smoothed into something softer by the early sun. “I want to. It just…..” He trailed off with a vague gesture.
Finn hummed. “I think I know what you mean. But, Lo, we don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do, okay? The second you want to drop it and leave, we leave, yeah?”
Logan swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat. His chest full to the brim with a feeling he’d come to describe simply as ‘Finn’. It was ephemeral and fleeting but felt like warmth; it felt like coming home. It was the feeling of waking up to find a blanket thrown over you, the feeling of a mug of steaming cocoa pressed into your hands on a bad day, the feeling of sunshine after tumultuous storms. It was the feeling of Finn, joyful and constant and forever ready with a bright smile or dry wit.
Logan smiled at his friend, shoving at Finn’s knee with his foot. “Awww, look at that. You might care about me after all.”
Finn shot him a look, the only warning he gave Logan before tackling him to the couch. Logan let out a somewhat aborted choke-squeal as he fought to get Finn off of him, wrestling his tickling fingers away from him. Logan cackled when Finn yelped overbalancing and falling onto the carpet—followed shortly by Logan, who had been too busy laughing to notice that Finn had grabbed him in a desperate attempt to stop his fall. They both lay on the floor, gasping for breath between peals of laughter, shoving at each other playfully.
Finn let his head drop to a side, catching Logan’s gaze. “You know…..It’s not like we have much to do today….”
Logan grinned “Ice cream and movies all day?”
“You know it.”
To put it quite simply, Leo’s brain refused to leave him alone. His smile was more facade than anything else, his beloved cards feeling clumsy and distracting in his hands. His train of thought had derailed almost an hour ago, his body running completely on autopilot as we walked the streets of Gryffindor.
They’d said yes. They’d said yes, and now Leo was going to be working with them. For a considerable amount of time. He couldn’t afford to throw something like this away on some fickle feeling, much less fickle feelings for a mob boss of all people. There was too much at stake.
Leo revealed the card in his hand with a flourish, the gasps of the people around him little more than background noise as he slipped through the crowd, surreptitiously pocketing a couple of fifties he certainly didn’t have before. He strolled unnoticed through the city, checking his watch as he went. He was early. good. He slowed his pace, watching passers-by go about their lives as he marvelled at the busy streets. It never stopped amazing him; the fervour that filled the city. Every street and bend so rife with potential, the possibility of wonderful things just itching to happen.
Like anyone else, Leo was wont to miss his home, the sprawling fields and endless forest of the countryside, but there was nothing quite like Gryffindor, with its skyscrapers shoved next to beggarly hovels and the hum of activity and excitement haunting every corner.
As his thoughts wandered through the city, his feet carried him to a familiar street lined with cafes and charming little stores. He ducked into one of them— a quaint bookshop, the well-worn sign hanging at the door proclaiming its availability to its patrons. The tiny bell above the door announced his arrival, the chime sounding through the magical place.
Leo had always thought that walking into Moony’s was like stepping through a portal to another world. Most bookstores were organised, neat. Books lined from A-Z subject to subject. Not Moony’s. Moony’s was a labyrinth. An explosion of literature and colour and homely comfort in every direction. Books covered every imaginable surface in the store, the shelves full to bursting. Haphazard piles of literature graced the floor, leaning against potted plants and comfy little armchairs scattered across the place. The books were stacked layers deep, some piles reaching as far as the ceiling, teetering precariously alongside narrow walkways. Leo loved it. The smell of tea and well-loved paper wrapped around him like a blanket as he walked to the checkout. An indignant meow drew his attention to the plush armchair, the stacks of books leaning against its arms fashioning it into something of a floral throne.
“Cheshire! How are you, you stinky little muffin?” Leo cooed, scooping up the ball of fur that had taken up residence on the chair. The cat in question purred happily, head butting Leo’s hand demanding head scratches. The blond laughed, indulging the cat and dropping a kiss onto his fuzzy little nose as he walked to the front of the store. A head full of tawny curls shuffled around under the till, clearly looking for something underneath.
“Found that treasure you’re looking for, Loops?”
Remus jumped, standing up with a smile, nearly knocking his head on the counter in the process.
“Missed me enough to come in early today?”
Leo snorted. “You wish. No, I just finished up quicker today.”
Remus raised a brow. “Sure you did. What’s bothering you Nutty? Tell me things.”
Leo’s chest warmed with affection. He sighed deeply; the singular breath seeming to take some pressure off his bones.
“You remember what went down with Pascal a while ago?”
Remus nodded.
“And that I went to the Lions for help like he said?”
Another nod.
Leo took a deep breath. “Well, they said yes.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Hey so i saw the blackened s/o request by another anon and could i request the same thing but with the SDR2 cast?? also, may i be Polkka Anon?
Yeah! I’ll do some of the cast and put these in short story format!
“NO!! Y-You..You all voted wrong!!” The traditional dancer could only wail, tears pouring down her cheeks as she glared at her classmates. “Y-You’re..You’re all w-wrong and STUPID!! [Y/n] would never kill anyone-!!”
“Ah but I’m afraid they are correct~” Monokuma interjected. “My voting system ain’t bugged, shortcake. [Y/n] is the true Blackened! Cryin’ ain’t gonna change a thing about that.”
“He’s right, Hiyoko..I’m..I’m sorry.” You sighed, looking away from your girlfriend in shame. Clearly you were expecting her to hate you now that your motivations for killing were brought to light.
So you just waited for the insults that’ll surely follow...
But instead, you felt yourself being hugged tightly, and you looked to see her sobbing against your chest. “Wh-Wha..?” You held her tight in return. “You don’t..hate me?”
“Shut up! What you did was..t-to protect me, right? Then it’s not fair!! I would’ve died if you hadn’t saved me!!”
Knowing she forgave you brought you some comfort, though it was only a matter of time before you had to let go and got dragged away to your execution. 
But the pain you felt during it was nothing compared to the pain of hearing her wails as the rest of your classmates held her back.
“....it’s [y/n], isn’t it?”
You knew you were backed into a corner as that question left your girlfriend’s lips. And you reluctantly sighed, nodding. “Heh..how did you guess?”
“You were the only one who didn't grab a fire canister, so you asked for mine..which ended up containing the poison. I didn't think much of it since you're a better thrower, but..you saved me from becoming the Blackened."
“Nagito intended to kill us all and let you survive.” You pointed out, rubbing your arms. “It seems his luck fell short since he hoped the traitor would kill him. But you already revealed yourself to be them, didn't you?"
“Yes, though..the only thing that matters to Monokuma is who actually murdered him, right?”
“Correct!” Monokuma declared proudly. “I have something prepared for our dear “Miss Traitor”. But keep discussing the real killer!"
"Hajime." You turned to the distraught brunette. "I leave it to you. Tell everyone what exactly happened."
"A-Alright. Here's how it all went down...."
Once Hajime summarized the entire case surrounding Nagito's death and his intent to create an unsolvable murder, Chiaki regrettably voted for you alongside the rest of the survivors.
And her heart sank upon seeing your pixelated face appear on the screen before her.
“No..you’re..you’re joking, right?! You gotta be joking, right?!” Ibuki clutched her horns with wide eyes as she stared at you in disbelief. “You’re saying Mikan was going nutty and tried to kill me when I had the despair disease..and you attacked her??”
“I had no choice! She was about to kill you with that rope! She had you completely helpless and...” You sighed shakily, clenching your fists as you tried to calm yourself. “Ibuki..she was gonna slit my throat. I was scared, for myself....for her...for you, most of all. I know your mind’s hazy but you have to believe me.”
The musician’s eyes were brimmed with tears, though she was quick to wipe them away as she approached you. You were tense for a moment, but she swept you into a tight hug. “Ibuki will always believe her bandmate...I-I promise I’ll dedicate my next song to you.”
Chuckling softly at her humor in this grim situation, you hugged her back. “Thank you, Ibuki. You’ve..made me smile everyday since we got stuck here. Keep making others smile with your music, okay?”
“’kay. That’s..a-a promise.” She sniffled.
“To target a dark overlord such as myself is one thing..but..I-I can’t believe my own beloved committed this heinous crime!” Gundham clutched his chest, feeling grief-striken as he gazed at you with distraught. “[Y/n]..why? There’s a multitude of ways we could’ve gone about dealing with my assailant!”
“I’m sorry, Gundham..I panicked and acted without thinking things through. Y-You..don’t have to forgive me.” You looked away from him and towards Monokuma. “Let’s start with the p-”
“Wait..don’t say such feeble things!!”
Hearing rushed footsteps, you glanced back to see Gundham approach you, holding all of his hamsters in his palms. “You cannot depart from this world...without saying goodbye to my Dark Devas, could you? Y-You can’t..” You could tell he was getting choked up, his grandiose exterior crumbling.
With a tiny smile, you looked at the creatures, hearing their small squeaks of sadness as you stroked their fur. “I’m sorry, sweet Dark Devas..I did what I had to in order to protect your owner..my beloved overlord of ice. Keep taking care of him, will you?” 
Then you glanced up at Gundham, seeing his eyes welling up with tears as you cupped his cheek.
You’ve grown accustomed to the iciness of his skin, so you kissed his other cheek softly. “This isn’t the end, my darling. We’ll meet again soon. I promise.”
“Ahah....ahahahahaha!!! I’ve finally become a stepping stone..not in the way I had expected, but it seems I’ve become [y/n]’s stepping stone for hope! Who would’ve thought that the only person who saw worth in scum like me would kill for the sake of-?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!!” Fuyuhiko snapped angrily, silencing Nagito as he scowled at him. “[Y/n]’s about to fucking DIE and you’re laughing?! You’re sick! They gave you their love and what do you do?!! Fucking manipulate them into-!!”
“Actually no..”
“He..didn’t manipulate me.” You closed your eyes so you didn’t have to look at the stares of bewilderment surrounding you. “I didn’t even know someone was planning to kill him till I overheard it in that moment. Maybe he knew, too, but...the decisions I made in the murder plot were my own. So please don’t blame him for any of this, and have a little more compassion towards him. That’s my only wish.”
There was only silence in the trial room, save for the footsteps which made you look up to see Nagito standing there before you. No longer did you see the darkened swirls in his eyes, but instead their familiar pale-green color as he took your hands into his own.
“I truly was lucky to have someone like you by my side...now I understand what Mikan meant. Your actions were not entirely out of hope, but they were more out of love, no?”
You could only nod, smiling. "I’m sorry..I don’t want to leave you alone with-”
“I’ll be fine. I promise. I'm..eternally grateful for your sacrifice.” Tears brimmed his eyes despite his own forced smile as he kissed you briefly. “Thank you for letting me be your stepping stone.”
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futurebicon · 4 years
Tree Branch
Injury, blood
“Baby, please be careful.” Remus called up to Sirius, who was scaling a tall rock with scattered holes.
The holes to climb were all naturally made, formed perfectly for climbing. The walls about 50 feet tall.
“I’m being careful, Re. I’ll be fine” Sirius tried to reassure him with little success.
Remus watched nervously as he made his way to the top. Letting out a breathe he didn’t realize he was holding when he was finally on flat ground.
“See, love. Perfectly fine.” He smiled down at his boyfriend.
“Don’t get cocky Cap. You still have to get down” Dumo reminded him. The older player was practically having heart attacks as he watch all the boys try to climb the tall rocks without cracking their head open.
“You act like that’s hard” Sirius called down.
“Jump” Finn shouted.
Remus hit his arm.
The team was all gathering to watch him. He was the only one who was able to make it the whole way up.
Sirius smirked and walked to the edge, sitting down and turning around, lowering himself to a foot grip.
A few moments later they realized that the grips at the top where feet apart.
“Can you climb back up and go down another way?” Adam suggested.
“Can’t reach anymore.”
He reached his foot out far to try and reach a cubby. His other foot not secure enough.
It slipped, the force and surprise cause his fingers to let go.
“Sirius!” Remus scream mixed with the shouts of the team.
Sirius landed on a piece of rock that jutted out, he stumbled and gripped tightly to a large crevice.
“I’m good” he smiled down at them.
Remus’s physically hurt, his heart stopping when he fell. “Fuck I can’t watch” he shook his head, laying on the ground and staring at the sky.
Sirius climbed the rest of the way without a problem, the grips closer.
He jumped the last 5 feet to the ground.
“I hate you. Don’t fucking scare me like that” Remus stood up and wrapped him in a hug.
“Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to” Sirius hugged him tightly. Even though he didn’t show it, the fall had really shaken him up.
“Now that that near death experience is out of the way let’s go.” Leo called out, already walking down the path and disappearing behind the rock.
A few seconds later they heard a shout.
“Baby” Finn called out, all of them running to see what had happened.
Leo was sitting on the ground, cradling the right side of his head.
“Are you okay? What happened love?” Finn ran to his side.
“Hit my head” he muttered.
Sirius looked over and was met with a downed tree branch inches from his face. “Jesus fuck” he cursed in surprise.
If was hard to notice, if you aren’t paying attention you walk right into it. Three branches jutted out, varying in size.
“Did it get your eye?” Dumo asked him. The youngest players hand was cupped over his right eye.
“No my head” Leo’s words were slurred.
Remus stepped forward and crouched down in front of him. He reached up and moved Leo’s hand away from his face.
Everyone inhaled sharply at the sight.
There was a decent sized gash on his temple, blood dripping out of it.
“Baby” Finn breathed. Logan pressed his lips to his boyfriends uninjured temple.
“Any of you have anything I can use to wipe the blood or wrap it with” Remus turned to the concerned team.
Everyone dug through their pockets to find something but came up with nothing.
“Can he walk back?” Logan asked him fearfully.
“I don’t feel comfortable with that right now. It looks deep and he’s bleeding steadily. I don’t want him to get lightheaded or pass out. Plus the fact that he could have a concussion. If it was a shorter distance I would probably be okay with but it’s a 5 mile hike back. Once it stops bleeding so bad or when we get something to wrap it with I’ll see if he can.” Remus told him, inspecting the cut as well as he could. “How are you feeling?” He asked Leo.
“Hurts really bad. I’m tired.” His words slurred.
“Are you lightheaded or dizzy?”
“A little” he rested the middle of his forehead on the edge of Finns shoulder.
“Okay, alright. Umm-“ he tried to figure out what to do before turning towards the team. “Does anyone want to walk 10 miles to find something that I could wrap it with?”
Everyone volunteered.
“Wait, would a shirt work?” Sirius asked him.
“Yeah that would work. I don’t think a whole shirt though.” He nodded before think about it more. It would be too tight around his head if it wasn’t long enough.
“Here” Sirius ripped his shirt, revealing his abdomen.
Remus definitely did not find that extremely attractive.
“Thanks” he somehow kept his expression the same, not wavering at all.
He turned back to the injured person.
“Leo, can you lift your head so I can see the cut better?” He asked softly.
“Dizzy” Leo answered.
“I know you are but I need you to lift your head.”
He lifted his head slowly.
Remus wiped the bleeding cut with the edge of his boyfriends white t-shirt as carefully as he could. Leo let out a high pitched whine and threw his head back, not wanting Remus to do it again. He would off hit it against the rock behind him if Logan hadn’t had his hand on the back of his head, massaging his hair to try and comfort him any he could.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know it hurts Nutty, I know but you can’t move, okay?”
Finn and Logan kissed his head and cheek, whispering comfort in his ear. Both of them holding his head now.
He whined when Remus touched it but didn’t move.
Remus wiped away the blood, more quickly flowed out.
“It’s pretty deep.” Remus confirmed what they were all thinking. He took the fabric and wrapped it around the cut, tying the bloodied ends around the back. The front quickly turned crimson.
“Damn it.” Remus muttered.
“Re” Sirius ripped more of his shirt, now revealing his six pack.
Remus took the fabric and folded it into a thin rectangle, wrapping it over the wet bandage.
“I’ll have a small first aid kit in the car and a medic one at the campsite. I’ll see what I can do then.” Remus backed away. “Do you think you’ll be able to stand?”
“Yeah, I’m not that dizzy anymore. Just a little light headed.” He told them, his words clearer.
“That’s good. Just tell me if it gets worse and we’ll stop”
Leo nodded in agreement and, with help from his boys, stood up slowly. He staggered slightly, quickly insisting that he was fine.
They started the walk back to the cars. Everyone split up, still in view of everyone else but taking different rocky paths that all linked together.
Sirius and Remus stayed with the Cubs, walking slightly behind them but still close enough incase Leo needed Remus.
Remus looked over at Sirius, raking his eyes over his body shamelessly.
“See something you like babe?” Sirius smirked, seeing the look in his eyes.
“Definitely” Remus smirked back before his face turned serious. “Please, for the love of god, consider wearing crop tops.”
“You know, the looks actually kind of growing on me.”
Remus watched the Cubs disappear around a corner, he looked around quickly before pressing Sirius against a rock forcefully, his hand behind his head.
“Now that I think about, I think I will buy some crop tops” Sirius pulled their lips apart after a few seconds before continuing their quick makeout session.
They made it to the entrance 2 hours later, only having to stop a few times to let Leo rest.
“I think I’m just going to check it at camp.” Remus told him when they got to the car, noticing the teens pale face. “I don’t think there’s going to be much I can do.”
“Okay. I’m feeling a lot better. I’m not that dizzy anymore, just tired.” Leo told him.
The Cubs had rode with Sirius and Remus anyway so after Leo got pats on the back from the team they all piled in.
“Why are you smirking or is it something that I don’t want to know?” Sirius asked the younger boys, looking in the mirror.
“Remus likes you in a crop top.” Leo smirked even more.
The two blushed.
“Why would you think that?” Remus asked, trying not to react.
“Cause Sirius has a hickey he didn’t have this morning. And you two disappeared for a little.” Finn told them their observation.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t” Remus said.
“The team medic was having sex the other the captain while I bled out.” Leo shook his head.
“We did not have sex” Sirius exclaimed. “We only made out a little bit.”
“Whatever you say” Logan ticked his tongue.
“I’m lot lying” Sirius insisted.
P.S. everything written happened when my family and a bunch of family friends went to see a bunch of rocks while camping.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Fallout of the century 🌑💔
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Part 5 
Read part   1   |   2   |   3  |   4   | Here.
Warnings: None this is like pure fluffy goodness. 
Word count: 2.8k
This is the end. I hope you enjoyed this, i know i did.
I stood smoothing out the front of the dress in the full length mirror. Nikki was behind me adjusting the strings on the corset. “Is it too tight darling?” she asked me. 
“It's perfect,” I told her, a smile on my face that had not faded at all since I woke up that morning.
 “You look so pretty mummy,” Rosie exclaimed running towards me in her little gold dress. 
“Thank you baby. Can I fix this?” I asked her, gesturing to the back of her dresses that she had sloppily tried to tie up. She nodded and turned around for me to fix it. 
“Grandma, doesn't mummy look pretty?” she asked Nikki. 
“She looks gorgeous, she does,” Nikki said, kissing her on the top of her head, and giving me a smile. 
“We're ready,” my coworker and close friend Lindsey told me. I looked myself over in the mirror once more before heading to the garden. 
We had chosen to have a small ceremony, just our families and our closest friends, which somehow still ended up being sixty plus people. The Hollands had gone out of there way decorating the outside of their house, transforming the garden into a fairy tale like scene, it looked straight out of a movie. 
I watched as the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle. I looked up to see Tuwaine waiting for me, his arm ready to take mine as he led me down the aisle to the man I was about to marry. 
“Thank you for doing this,” I whispered. 
“Are you kidding? I am honored,” and with that we began to walk to the slightly crowded garden. 
As soon as I stepped out of the door, my eyes met his. He stood tall, his hair freshly cut, but still curly on top of his head. The sun was shining just right, making his hair shine an even more vibrant hue of red than usual. He looked stunning in the black suite that he wore with the pop of a gold tie. He smiled at me, a smile I had seen so many times before, but it felt as though I was seeing it for the first time ever. The closer I got the more his features came into focus, his warm brown eyes held a shimmer of gold and his freckles that were scattered on his face seemed to make him look even more handsome. I glanced at his birthmark on the corner of his mouth that I had fallen in love with. I stopped about four feet away from him, My heart nearly stopping as I saw him, having to catch his breath as he looked me over. 
He stepped forward grabbing my hand as I joined him on the little step the boys had built for today. 
With my hand in his we stood side by side as Sam stood in front of us ready to officiate the special day. 
“Hi,” Sam spoke, grabbing his little leather notebook from his pocket. “I'm a little nervous, so bare with me,” He mumbled. He glanced up to me and I gave him a comforting smile. 
“Are you ready for this? Mrs.Holland?” Harry whispered in my ear while his twin scrambled to start the ceremony.
“As ready as I was the first time Mr.Holland,” I whispered back Squeezing his hand tightly.
“OK, We have gathered her today, well i mean i think  we all know why we're here, am i right?” he asked lightheartedly.
There was a wave of laughs from behind where Harry and I stood and I could instantly see Sam relax. 
“So when my brother and y/n asked me to do this, I was excited, until I started looking into it. Way too much effort, but regardless I did all that I had to, to make sure at the end of the day these to actually get married,” he winked at me, knowing something all the others didn't, before continuing. “Harry and Y/N are the kind of people who just clicked upon meeting, everything between them happened nearly effortlessly, and though there was a time when we were not sure we'd see this day, i think i speak for everyone when i say, i'm glad it's finally here,” Sam looked over to Tom who reached into his pocket, grabbing a folded up paper and handed it to Harry. “I'm going to let them share their vows, and then we will get to it,” Sam stepped back as Harry turned to face me. He unfolded the paper in his hand and looked up to my face, giving me one last smile. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, I’m standing here today, in front of you not knowing what tomorrow holds, not knowing where we will end up in the years to come, but knowing whatever and wherever it is, i want to be by your side.” he took a deep breath as he crumpled the page and shoved it into his pocket, flashing me his boyish smile. “I've always known this day would come, nothing we ever went through made me think otherwise. In the end it would always be us, I'm just glad it was sooner than later, I'll love you everyday for the rest of my life, the good and bad days. And I can't wait forever with you,” He grabbed my hands, lifting one to his mouth and kissing it. I turned to look at Harrison who was standing directly behind me. He handed me the note cards and I turned back to Harry.
“Harry Robert Holland, where to begin? I feel Like I've loved you all my life. I've known we were made for each other since that day in the pub when you bought me a drink. I've always admired you, the love you give, the care you offer, the way you are with Rosie. I'm not entirely sure how I became so lucky to have you in my life, but here we are. Today, tomorrow, forever.”  I turned back to Harrison giving him back the cards and then nodding at Sam, who quickly stepped back up. 
“Alright, are you guys ready for this?” He asked us. We both nodded. “OK, Harry, are you ready to spend the rest of your days with Y/N?” 
“I am,” Harry responded.
“And are you ready to spend the rest of your days putting up with my brother?” Harry swatted at Sam who jumped back laughing.
“Every day of my life,” I said, squeezing Harry's other hand. 
“OK, then by the power vested in me, by a sketchy website I found on the internet, I now pronounce you married. You can kiss now.” And neither of us needed to be told twice. Harry pulled me into his arms, pushing our lips together in a deep passionate kiss. There were cheers from behind us that the intensity of the kiss drowned out. It was like no one was there, nothing mastered, except for us, and this moment. 
We sat at the table, enjoying watching everyone have a good time when Harrison stood up and started to clink his spoon to his glass. 
“I'd like everyone's attention,” He started smiling at Harry and I “As the Man of Honor, I have prepared a rather lengthy and emotional speech. So, sit down and get the tissues ready,” there was a rumbling of laughter from everyone as he pulled out some note cards. “So, about ten years ago. A girl met a boy in a pub, and slowly they fell in love. The kind of love that changes you, and teaches you. The kind of love that is hard, and dirty, and not always beautiful. These two kids met at the young age of 18, never experiencing life before, and decided then and there, to experience it together. And it was a journey. These two, they absolutely destroyed each other,” Harrison glanced at us, to see us both shocked at his speech. “But it was a necessary destruction. There were mistakes made, secrets kept, and lives that had not been lived. They spent a total of two and half years apart before finding their way back to each other. Y/N traveled for a year, tending to the less fortunate, and living out a lifelong dream. While Harry became a dad to little Rosie Holland, and became one of the best men i have ever met. These two went through the fallout of the century, just to become even stronger in the end. I am blessed to be a part of their story. To have been there from the beginning, and seeing it through to, not the end, but the newest chapter. I love you both, and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness, Y/N (peanut) Holland, and Harry Holland, congratulations.” The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Harrison raised his glass before downing his glass of champagne. There was barely any time before Tom stood up, clinking his knife to his glass.
 “I did not prepare a long emotional speech, but I do have a few things to say,” He patted Harry on the shoulder before pulling out a page, with a speech obviously written on it, causing me to erupt in a fit of laughter. “Okay, okay. Settle down everyone. I met y/n about a month before Harry. Sorry buddy,” He winked at his brother, who just groaned and shook his head. “And I knew there was something about her, and looking back, I realized how much she reminded me of my younger brother here. So it was no surprise when I started seeing her more, on my brother's arm out at the pubs. Which soon became family dinners, and game nights, and soon she became a part of our group, even went as far to steal my best friend Harrison from me, Not cool nutty, not cool. But things seemed to go so easily, and then after they broke up, it felt like a piece of our group chipped away, neither of them made any of us choose sides, but with such an ugly break up it became a little ugly. So when I tell you how relieved I was when these two got back together, I'm not exaggerating. I'm so glad to call you my sister, and I'm so glad for my brother to call you his wife. You two were made for each other, and I love you both.” The crowd started to cheer again at the close of Tom's speech, and it was time for Harry and I to speak.
Harry stood up and lifted his arms for everyone to be quiet. “I want to thank you all for coming today, um it is true, that this day has been a long time coming and the journey here was a long one. But it was worth every sleepless night, every fight, every little thing it took to get here, it was all worth it. I've known since the day I met this girl, I wanted to be her husband, and despite everything, that never changed. We were kids when we met, and we quickly became young and dumb in love, not realizing what forever meant, and now sitting here today, i wouldn't change a thing, because at the end of the day, i still got to marry her, no matter what stupid things i may have done, or not done. I love you so much, Peanut, and I'll never stop loving you, as long as I live.” I stood up, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss, in front of all our friends and families. 
I let go of him and gave him a smile before turning to everyone in front of us, “I, um, we have a confession to make,” I looked to Harry who nodded, looking at me in awe. “We did not get married today, this was all a show that we put on, for us and for you,” There was a wave of gasps and ‘whats?’ from everyone. “I know, I know. I do have a very good explanation though,” I took a deep breath before continuing, “So as many of you know, or all of you, Harry has a little girl, Little Rosie. She's the sweetest little peanut I've ever laid my eyes on, and I've known her since the day she was born, and for the past three years, I have stepped up and into the role of her mom, since the biological one walked away and sighed her away. I have been there for every little thing since then, making sure she knew that she had me forever. I have kissed every boo boo, mended every broken heart over the silly things her five year old self gets upset over, and I have become so much more than just her dad's girlfriend. She knows that I didn't give birth to her, and she knows that she does have a mom out there somewhere, we have never hid that from her, and about seven months ago she had asked if I would be her mom. Which was an emotional thing for me, I was wrecked, like a blubbering, sobbing, snotty mess. So Harry and I started to talk about me potentially adopting her, and there were a few hoops we had to jump through before being able to do it. One of which was to be married. So about five and a half months ago we went to the court house and got married, and then started the adoption process. Which is also what influenced us to buy the house. So we have been married for almost six months.” I looked around at all the shocked faces, some seemed to be more accepting of the news than others. I had known that this was probably going to be the reaction to this news, so I wasn't surprised. 
“You look nervous,” Harry said as we stood in the hallway of the courthouse. 
“What if they don’t think I'm good enough to be her mom?” I blurted out, causing Harry to smile at me.
“Lovie, i don't care what the court says, you are Rosie’s mom, More so than Olivia ever was. You stepped up after Olivia left, before we had even considered getting back together, you taught me how to do her hair, and how to make her favorite foods, you babysat her countless times while I was at work late or had to run errands, with no expectation. Just because you loved her enough to be there, for her, for us.” he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my nose as the courtroom door opened. 
“Case of Rosie Holland,” The man said. You stood straight up adjusting your skirt looking at Harry.
“Lets go get your name on that birth certificate, yeah?” He whispered as he led me into the room.
“We're sorry for misleading any of you,” Harry said, squeezing my side. “But we still wanted the ceremony, despite us already being married, and we wanted all of you here for the announcement,” He stopped and looked at me, raising his brows waiting for me to speak. 
“As of three weeks ago, I am Officially Rosie Holland's mom,” I grabbed the amended birth certificate that had my name in the space where it said mother and handed it to Tom to hand to his mother. 
“Well i think we could cheers to that,” Harrison announced “Let's get the bride and new mom a glass of champagne,” 
“That's actually not the end of the announcement,” Harry spoke up. Causing everyone to grow quiet again. Harry reached over, placing one hand on your belly before continuing. “We thought Rosie could use a sibling.” There was an almost in sync gasp from everyone around us before the cheering began again. “Little Stanley Holland will be here in about six months,” I watched Tom as Harry said that, his eyes grew wide before glossing over.
“Really?” He choked out.
“Really, really,” I told him.
The night went on, everyone partied and enjoyed the food, ushering the two of you off at the end of the night to your honeymoon. we arrived home grabbing your pre-packed bags and heading for the airport to board your flight. The flight itself was fine, and by the time we landed in Hawaii I had been asleep most of the flight.
“Lovie, we're here,” Harry whispered, bringing me out of my sleep, it seemed with life growing inside my belly all i ever wanted to do was eat and sleep. 
“I'm hungry,” I groaned as I got up from the seat. He led me from the plane and into the airport.
“What do you want to eat?” He asked me.
I stared at him for a minute before answering “A peanut butter sandwich,” 
“Of course you do,” He laughed rubbing my barely swollen belly.
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achliegh · 4 years
Hello, I’m back with part three of this little series. It has been quite nice to tell this story and is good therapy for me. Again I mean no disrespect with this fic these are things that have happened to me and how I deal with them. Read at your own risk, this is a triggering fic. Tell me is you want a part 4
CW/TW: CW/TW: Past Abusive relationship, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, past age difference relationship (Illegal)
Part1 Part2
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Besides Luka, I made him up, don’t care for him tho
Leo wasn’t walking home, he was stomping. How dare that jerk call him pecan he hasn’t used that name in years, he asked his boys to never call him that. He wants to scream, he wants to shout. He wants to break down and cry, he wants to break down and laugh. He is feeling everything at once and yet nothing at all. The usual ten minute drive to the apartment has turned into a 15 minute stomp back home. He throws his bag on the ground and goes to the kitchen. He is going to distract himself in the best way he knows how. Baking.
By the time Logan and Finn came home the house was filled with a wonderful smell. They both floated into the kitchen following the smell and stopped dead in their tracks. Leo's hands were covered in bandaids, there was flour everywhere, a first aid kit on the table and dishes all over. His eyes were red from crying and his hands shook as he was cutting butter to fold into some homemade pasty crust. They shared a look and both silently agreed Finn would keep an eye on Leo while Logan went to call Sirius.
“Hey Nutty, what Cha making?” Finn sat on a stool across the island from Leo as he took his frustration out on the dough he was making. Leo looked up at Finn through his messed up hair that he has been tugging on every once in a while. “It smells great in here”
He just blinks at him and then his eyes widen as he drops his dough. “Fuck, I forgot about about my cookies!” The younger boy turns around and pulls some odd shaped sugar cookies out of the oven, hes shaking bad enough that the baking sheet is moving in the pan as he sets it down on the counter. “I don’t even like sugar cookies- what- why did I made these?” He looks at Finn as if the older boy has the answer to everything and his eyes start to fill with tears. “What am I even doing? Half of this can’t even be ate because theyre have my fucking blood in them and my literally tears. Finn, I don’t want to feel like this anymore.” He wraps his arms around himself as a few silent tear streak down his face.
Finn’s heart just shatters as he watches Leo fall apart right before his eyes. He walks over and cautiously reaches out for the light of his life. A silent invitation for touch. The younger boy practically falls into his arms and presses his nose into Finn's neck. Leo isn’t sobbing, he has done enough of that the past few weeks. A few rogue tears did fall onto his shoulder but he didn’t care. Finn moved Leo to sit down on one of the bar stools as Finn figures out how to turn off the oven.
Leo was resting his head in his hands when he felt a hand on his back, he wasn’t sure how much time had passed. He might have dozed off for a few minutes as the adrenaline from his argument earlier seeped out of his veins. He looked up to look into a pool of emeralds and his heart skipped a beat. Sometimes he forgot how lucky he was to have two beautiful boys who loved him. He felt guilty for how he has been acting the past few weeks but the boys have been so good to him and so good at understanding his boundaries at different times. He learned it and gave his boy a smooch. He smiled when Logan kissed back and pulled away putting their foreheads together
“Mon Coeur, Sirius is here I think you two should talk.” He looks into his eyes and pushes his hair off his forehead and kisses the young boy's forehead. He pulled away and went to stand by Finn. “We will be in the other room if you need us okay? Peanut?”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay” he sends a soft smile their way as they both plant a kiss on each of his cheeks and head to the bedroom as Sirius walks in and sits next to Leo on a bar stool and looks into the kitchen.
“You really did a number on this kitchen, eh Nutty” He smiles at the young boy and is struck by just how rough he looks. The wild hair, the dark sleep bruises under his eyes, the bandaged up fingers, pale face. He looked so young and so vulnerable. Sirius understood, and he wanted to help. “Leo, can… can you tell me what's going on? Everyone has been worrying about you ever since Luka showed up.” He noticed the way Leo looked alarmed and tensed when he said Luka. “You know, I haven’t really talked to many people on the team about my past and my family. My parents would physically… abuse me, and they would say horrible things to me. Some of the habits they forced on me I have actually kept over the years, Heather says i should keep them because it will remind me of what I’ve come from.” He looked up to see Leo staring at him and he took his hand in support. “Do you go to Heather?”
“Yeah, I-I do go to her. Not as much as I should but I don’t know how much I can handle.” He looks as though he is thinking of the right words to say. “Sirius, you don’t have to tell me anything, I said basically everything that happened in the locker room… He would treat me like I was a disposable fleshlight” He tightens his grip on Sirius’ hand and balls his other fist tight enough to crack his knuckles. “ Sorry, some people don’t like when I do that.” He looks at Sirius and swallows.
“I understand, Leo this isn’t something you should have to deal with. If what I heard in the locker room was true then we need to talk to Arthur and the Lions Organization to get him fired because you, looking and acting like this. It has to be so stressful and if I had to work around my father or god forbid my Maman I couldn’t handle it. You're incredibly strong and I actually admire you for that.``
“Cap I have done nothing but cause issues for the last month!”
“You have a reason for acting out though Leo, and we can help you. Please, Let the team help you.” His eyes were pleading as Leo looked into them. He nodded and Sirius pulled him into a tight embrace. “Go tell your boys we are going to talk to Arthur.” He smiled as Leo wandered over to the bedroom, he could hear talking and a few smacks off kisses.
Leo emerged from the room with a shy smile on his face and red cheeks. Sirius shook his head but smiled as he patted the Goalies shoulder and walked them out the door to his range rover.
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Okay so I know this is a SDV Incorrect quote blog but I really wanted to show off my SDV headcanon’s so you may ignore this post if you wish (I’ll go back to the normal posts after this, I have like 13 quotes queue’d up right now) 
Headcanon’s under the cut:
1.Alex’s real first name is Alexander he just prefers to go by Alex
2.Alex is a trans male so he was born female but transitioned to male at age 13
3.The bachelors ages are (listed youngest to oldest):
 Alex: 19 
Sebastian: 19 (one month older then Alex)
Sam: 20
Harvey: 25-30
Elliott: 36
Shane: 38
4.Despite Sam being older then him Alex is taller (if you put them side by side Sam looks taller but that’s only cause of his hair if you flattened it you could see Alex was taller)
5.Sebastian is secretly a vampire (He does look like one anyway)
6. Haley and Alex kind of have a Hazel and Xander from Bunk’d relationship where they’re kinda friends but one of them *cough cough* Haley *cough* has a huge crush on the other to where it’s at yandere point- Haley is not QUITE as crazy about Alex that Hazel is about Xander and unlike Hazel Haley can hide the craziness she does have around people but when it’s just her and Alex she’s all crazy and clingy- 
Like, she’ll call him pet names like “My jock prince” or “Alex-zandy-” or “My knight in shining armor” Etc. etc- or hug him and never let go until someone LITERALLY prys her off- Talk about nutty nutty nut-so-
7. My headcanon voices for the bachelors are: (Well some of them, if a name is in strike through that means I don’t have one for that one- yet)
Alex: Shining Armor from MLP
Sam: Rottmnt Leo/2020 Sonic the Hedgehog/Dewy from Ducktails (this one might change)
Harvey: Fozzie Bear (Harvey: WaKa WaKa (I’m sorry))
Elliott: Gunther from Shake It Up
8.Shane is basically the god of chickens he’s such a good caretaker of chickens that he could summon an army of chickens to peck the eyes out of everyone in town with one “Babock” CHICKEN ARMY!!
If you decided to read this post and you liked my headcanons then this is it for now more might be added later as I play the game and scroll through the SDV tags on Tumblr more 
EDIT 1: More headcanons!:
9: Elliott is an amazing actor but a horrid horror-movie actor (It’s just his screams are unrealistic he will literally just say “Aaaah” otherwise it’s the same as the rest of his acting) (This scream-glitch is an easy fix if you yell “Ghost” more on that in 10)
10: Elliott is TERRIFIED of ghosts even those cute and/or clearly fake ghosts (Why else do you think Spirits Eve/Halloween has Skeletons every year and not ghosts? No one wants to scare anyone Too bad.) Actually Alex dared Elliott to watch the Disney Junior show Vampirina which went fine until Demi came on screen- Elliott literally wet himself and screamed for 3 whole hours- (Poor Alex who had to listen to that the whole time-)
11: Elliott treats his pocket crab as his ACTUAL son, not as his pet but as his actual biological son (it’s actually really cute)
12: The portraits in this video for a portraits mod is how the characters actually look to me (Excluding Elliott Sam and Sebastian they still live in my brain with their cannon looks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmBW8BzSZpU&list=WL&index=1&t=5s
13: Krobus is Sebastian’s father (yeah you THINK it would not make sense along with Hc numb.5 but if you think about it if his father is a monster and his mother is human he’s gonna be born as a human-looking monster! Which is a Vampire!)
EDIT 2: Damnit. I was scrolling through this and I realized I missed a Hc and it slipped through the original post and the EDIT 1!
14: Alex has Dyslexia (this bugger Hc belonged in the original post but it slipped through both edits)
15: Both Abigail and Sebastian used to have hair to match their parents (Abby’s was brown (Like said in game) and Sebastian’s was Ginger) but due to their “Unusual” parents (Abigail: Wizard Sebastian: Krobus) their hair changed color when they got older and their mothers just pretended they died their hair so both the towns people and Abigail and Sebastian themselves would not freak out 
16: Sebastian has snake bite piercing's but he only wears them when he’s alone (he got them in the first place cause 1: Sam dared him and 2: he decided it would be a fun way to rebel against dead to Sebastian Demetrius, he didn’t have to keep them but he ended up liking the look) 
17: Sebastian owns a giant frog plush, it’s twice the size of him, is really soft and is incredibly fat (it’s to the point it’s just a circle that has stubby legs) he loves it more then anything Excluding Alex but he does not want anyone finding out he loves it let alone owns it so he stuffs it under his bed when people are in and/or near his room
18: Sebastian’s first word was literally “Froggy”
Robin: Can you say “mama”?
Baby!Sebastian: ...Froggy!
Robin: Out of all words your first word is “Froggy”? Really?
19: The shortest to tallest Bachelors are:
Sam (If you take his hair and go *Squishes flat*)
Sam (If you count the added height from his Mullet)
Elliott (Tall stinky sea dude)
20: Sam got Sebastian to scream “Bubbles” for 5 hours straight 
Details on that:
Sam: It’s impossible to say “Bubbles” threateningly
Five munities later:
Robin: Uhhhh Sam? Why is my son on the roof screaming “BUBBLES”?
21: Sebastian owns a biker jacket but he only wears it when riding his motorcycle cause the jacket makes him look way more goth then emo and he prefers the emo look over goth look despite he acts more like a goth
22: One Feast of The Winter Star Sebastian got everyone an empty box and when they opened it Seb said: “It’s a void of nothingness. Just like life.” He did not get in trouble or nothing cause your allowed to give what you want but he did not do that again
23: Sebastian requires glasses to read, he can see perfectly but when it comes to reading on a computer or on paper he needs glasses
24: Sam does a perfect Darth Vader voice and Darth Vader breathing noises
25: Sebastian has vampire powers (cause he is a vampire (Hc 5)), he knows about them and is chill about it but he does not use them unless necessary cause he just does not feel the need to use them otherwise (His powers include, immortality (he also can’t be killed cause on my take on Vampires the stuff that “Traditionally” harms/kills them is just a mith and actually does nothing to them), super strength, increased speed, fast self-healing, telekinesis (I know this is not “Traditionally” a vampire power but Seb does have it) and the ability to change into a bat)
26: Both Sebastian and Elliott are actually pretty jacked (Not Alex level jacked but still) you just can’t see it unless they’re shirt-less (but in Seb’s case at least loose the hoodie)
27: Harvey’s doctor’s mallet weapon is just as heavy and as big as himself so he rarely goes into combat cause he has trouble welding his own weapon- 
Harvey: Time to explore the mines! *grabs his giant doctors mallet*
Harvey: Nope going down. *falls backward with a thud*
28: Elliott carries at least one very sharp pencil with him at all times so if he sees a very annoying person or a slime that escaped the mines he’ll grab it and go *StAb*
29: Everyone else makes Hermit jokes around Elliott which he finds funny and annoying at the same time (They used to do the jokes about Sebastian as well but they stopped cause when they did Seb strangled them Darth Vader style) Ex of the hermit jokes:
*singing* Someone’s on the beach with a hermit! There’s a hermit on the beach I know I know! Someone’s on the beach with a hermiiiit! And the hermit’s name is Elliott!
30: If you think Elliott’s cannon SDV schedule is anti-social you should see how anti-social he gets when writing a book-
EDIT 4: Surprise, there’s more
31: Elliott is a mermaid merman (he’s a human by day half human half fish by night but he’ll change forms sooner if you dump water on him- found that out by Haley throwing water on him in hopes he’ll melt-)
32: When in ‘fish’ form Elliott’s tail is incredibly strong (if you get hit by it you’ll go flying 900 feet in the air in 5 seconds at full strength)
33:Elliott only lets Harvey call him “Elly” if anyone else does so expect Elliott to dump water on himself then hit you with his fish tail)
34:Vincent will sing The Little Mermaid song “Under the sea” around Elliott and Sebastian (Sebastian cause think about it and Elliott cause he’s an IRL Mermaid)
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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Okay, you may have heard me rambling on about this project...alot. Poor @tsarinatorment @janetm74 @scribbles97 and @onereyofstarlight have suffered extensively so far because it has been them I have been harrassing the most.
The reason why it is such a big deal to me at the moment, is because I’m trying something new. You may have noticed I have a bit of a scatterbrained muse that likes to jump from one shiny to another at a breakneck pace - I am soooo sorry for the trail of unfinished fics over the last few months ::groans at the mess on my archives:: I had sworn to not upload unfinished stuff, but there are some fun moments in those wips, aaargh.
But anyway, finishing the Kermadec fic was a big thing for me. VERY BIG. The previous year I had managed to, with so much support from you guys, finish Gentle Rain, which, while not everyone’s cup of tea because it is a ship fic, had a major impact on my writing and proved to me that I could finish a longer project.
When I started the Kermadec fic, I realised it was going to be quite a long one, but not as long as it actually was. The muse did what it liked with those whales and, well, sorry Virg. That fic had some planned structure. I had a solid skeleton of initially four days (which became five). I knew they were going to camp on Macauley, I knew they were going to encounter the whales, and Mel was planned from the start. Sam popped up halfway and all the Raoul scenes did whatever the hell they wanted, but I knew I had to get the boys home for Christmas (I just didn’t specify which Christmas, oops). But the key was I had a structure to hang the boys on and contain the muse just a little so it didn’t suddenly slap a space rescue in there or something stupid like it is prone to do.
Leading up to, and while I was writing/procrastinating the Kermadec fic, (like a good chunk of last year), I started a new writing regime (stolen from Terry Pratchett, apparently) where I only require myself to write 400 words a day. This number is achievable and I started writing every day, something fairly consistent. Considering how erratic I can be, this was a great achievement. I ended up creating the Anna Kent series, Dirt, Flannel, Reactions, When the World Goes Boom (I will finish this!), The Dentist, The Joker and the Hero (I’ll finish this one too!) and Who do you save, John?. All of these are decent sized fics, but all of them were started on a whim and slapped together in odd moments. The muse did whatever the hell it wanted and I often ended up in places unexpected. While they were a lot of fun and I am really happy in some cases, I feel that the plots sometimes suffered for lack of planning. There were definite instances of me writing myself into a corner and then having to bend the fabric of space and time to get myself out of it. There was some planning...I have scribbled notes, but most of it was on the fly and a thread tying exercise at the end.
So, I want to improve that plotting and planning. However, as with everything to do with my stupid brain, there is a problem. If I plan too much, the writing gets boring and I lose interest - this has happened in the past. So I need to find a balance.
But I’m learning. Year one was Gentle Rain, year two was We’ll Be Home For Christmas. This year it is Callisto.
Callisto is a planned novel length fic. Screw it, I’m calling it a novel :P Look I have a storyboard to prove it.
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And, yes, I made sure it was blurry enough to not offer spoilers.
I literally spent all day Wednesday nutting out the science behind this story and world building and in the evening spent another few hours ironing out the plot. Many thanks to those who helped so much, you know who you are and I appreciate it ever so much ::hugs you lots::
So I have a plot skeleton on which to hang our boys (poor buggers, they’re all in this one).  The word count it already over 16,500 words and I have no idea how high it is going to get.
One of the things I really enjoyed with the Kermadec fic was exploring the Kermadecs, a place I have never been and will likely never go. It was fascinating and the process was like actually being there.
This time around I want to take the boys out of their familiar surroundings, I want challenges, I want mystery, I want to learn and I want to see if I can do this.
So, long story short, this is a big thing for me and while sometimes it may seem I’m not writing much, it’s because unlike previous exercises, I’m not posting immediately. I’m leaving a gap between writing and posting, leaving room for alterations. The first half of Kermadec was written this way and it was pure luxury to be able to go back and add foreshadowing when I needed to. This is better practise for me and will hopefully result in a better fic.
All in all, I’m hoping to control my crazy brain in order to make a quality end product. But it will be challenging. There will be whining and down moments. Screaming matches with myself and times where I will need a prod or a poke. This is me facing me, always a scary thing. I am my own nemesis.
So, I would like to thank all of you who have been so supportive so far and put up with my whining and oddities. There will be other fics along the way, no doubt. The challenge is to stop them from getting out of control and taking my attention from Callisto. It will be a juggle. I know myself too well to think I won’t wander off on another fic (the whole reason both The Hero and When the World Goes Boom aren’t finished is literally because of the Kermadec fic - I slammed them shut and made myself focus on the big fic - unfortunately, picking them up again is hard and in turn screwed with just about every other fic I attempted towards the end of last year, which is why I cracked earlier this year and desperately needed to dump the load of WIPs in order to get writing again - I sometimes get lost in my own brain).
So, this essay, wow, oops.
Next Tuesday, I will be posting the new Prologue (the original prologue was only 700-odd words long and proved to be not enough so I went back and expanded it to the full length I had originally planned - it is now nearly 5000 words long and pretty much a story by itself). Once that is posted, I can start uploading the fic to the archives so peeps there can see I am actually writing.
I’m currently hip deep in Chapter Three, where that storyboard starts.
Wish me luck :D
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Is it too late to request cliche 15 for Light Fingers?
A/N: You managed to get this in just in time. 😊 I wasn’t sure if this is actually the one you meant, since it’s an...odd choice for a married pair, but I think it came out stupid cute so thank you. Word Count: 1319 Content Warnings: alcohol references, self-deprecation/self-worth issues
The gentle rattling of the doorknob made him tense, reaching for a knife on the coffee table beside him, until the sound of giggling rang from the other side of the barrier. He sighed, pulling his hand back as Y/N finally managed to get her key into the lock and come bursting through.
“Diego!” she cheered, much too loud in the stillness of the early morning. “Hi baby!” 
Her footsteps lurched like a toddler, quick but unsteady as she crossed the room and launched herself at him. He grunted, winded, as she dropped on top of him where he lay on the couch. 
“I assume you’ve got things from here, Hargreeves?” Patch laughed, leaning against the entryway. 
“Yeah, we’re good,” he groaned, slowly recovering the breath Y/N had stolen and slightly distracted by the kisses she started planting on his neck. “How much did she even drink?”
“I tried to stop her after the seventh shot, but she was really on a roll. Hit ten before the bartender cut her off. Plus a couple of cocktails earlier.”
“Great,” he sighed. “Thanks for getting her home Eudora.”
“Of course, Diego. Have a good night.” Patch offered him a smile before turning to go, closing the door behind her.
“Alright sweetheart,” he said, turning his head to look down at his drunk and very snuggly wife. “Time to get you to bed.”
She whined, burying her face further into him and refusing to move. He chuckled despite himself. 
“We’re not staying here all night. I don’t want to face the demon in the morning.”
“What demon?” her mumble betrayed how sleepy she was now that she had stopped moving, and he knew he only had a few minutes to convince her to move or he’d have to carry her to bed, somehow. 
“You.” He gently nudged her shoulder. “Come on, up.”
“‘M notta demon.” He could almost hear the scowl in her voice past the slur.
“You are when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up with a crick in your neck. Please get up so we can go to bed sweetheart?”
She was silent for a moment and he feared she had fallen asleep. 
“Fine,” she finally groaned, rolling limply off of him and landing in a seated position on the ground where she pouted. 
With hands wrapped around her middle he lifted her to her feet and supported her, guided her, to the bedroom. Sitting her on the end of the bed, he fixed her with his sternest face.
“Wait here, I’m going to get you a glass of water and I want you to drink it before we sleep, okay?” he said, and satisfied by her nod, went to do so.
When he returned he found her flopped blackward, staring up at the ceiling.
“...never thought I’d be in love, ya know. Not like this, not with someone like him. He’s so good, isn’t he?” She paused as if waiting for a response. “I mean of course he is. He’s one of...no it’s not about how he was raised either is it? He’s just that way on the inside. Sweet and funny and clever and witty and kind and wonderful. And he’s so pretty. Really, beautiful. Especially when he smiles. I’m so glad I get to make him smile all the time. I hope he is too…”
He stood, stunned and staring, unsure whether to interrupt or just listen. Her drunken soliloquy was obviously about him, and it wasn’t like they hadn’t complimented each other before, or talked about loving each other, they said the words or something meaning them at least three times a day. But still, it almost felt like intruding.
“I love his smile. I love his heart. The metaphorical one and his actual one. I love listening to it when I can’t sleep at night. And I love his hair, especially when he waits a little too long to trim it so it gets all floppy and cute. I love his smile. I said that one already. I love his laugh. I love the little crinkles around his eyes. I love his eyes. And his butt. He has a really nice butt. Not as nice as Dora’s but still in class A.”
He stopped resisting the smile that threatened to split his face in half as he listened to her ramble, and was just about to clear his throat and interrupt with a teasing remark when she suddenly started to cry. Immediately, he was by her side, depositing the glass of water on the bedside table and crawling across the mattress to wrap his arms around her. 
“I don’t deserve him,” she sobbed. “I love him so much that it hurts. And he’s so good. But I’m not, I’m kinda terrible. He should have someone good, like him. It’s not fair.”
“Shh, no,” he soothed, stroking her hair as she rolled to bury her face against his chest. “No, that’s not true. You’re perfect, and I love you, just as you are. There could never be anyone else. This was...we were meant to be, Y/N.”
The next morning dawned bright and warm, and despite the faint throb in your head, you were glad of it. A dreary day would have only lent strength to your regrets from the previous night. As you stretched, you realized that some time after you had cried yourself to sleep, Diego had changed you out of your dress and into a comfortable albeit ragged pair of flannel pants and one of his shirts. And more importantly, you realized that you were alone in the bed, and the air carried the faint nutty scent of coffee. 
Rubbing your eyes blearily, you shambled out into the kitchen just in time to spot Diego pouring two fresh mugs of the beverage.
“Morning,” he said with a soft smirk. “How are you feeling?”
“Not too bad, all things considered.” You hesitated, biting your lip. “Sorry, I was kind of a mess.”
He circled the counter, pressing one of the mugs into your hands and kissing the top of your head affectionately. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby. Do you feel like eating?”
“Are you actually going to cook the eggs first?” you hid your smirk behind your mug as he groaned. 
“You’re never going to let that go are you?” he rolled his eyes. “It’s good protein for a workout.”
“Nope,” you popped the p dramatically. “Because it’s also disgusting. But it’s good to have flaws, even if they are little ones.”
He stiffened, face dropping just slightly before he tried to hide it behind a laugh and started pulling omelette ingredients out of the fridge.
“Diego…” you sighed.
“You were pretty drunk, Y/N,” he ventured, swiftly whisking the eggs and not meeting your eyes. “How much do you remember?”
“I wasn’t…drunk enough to forget. I know what I said. And...I meant it.” You stared at a familiar pattern of scratches in the worn countertop, feeling tears stinging at your eyes.
Warm hands were on your shoulders first, trailing up your neck to cup your face and pull it up to meet his eyes. You marveled not for the first or last time at how quickly and quietly he could move and at the fathomless depths of his eyes, how such a depth could be so warm. 
“Do you remember what I said?” he asked softly, barely above a whisper but still enough for you to hear the crack in his voice.
You hesitated, mind flickering back over the night. We were meant to be. The sentence bounced and echoed through you, making your heart flutter, stubbornly filling you with the sort of fuzzy bliss you used to think was only in fairytales. You swallowed and nodded.
“I meant what I said too, okay,” he pressed, resting his forehead against yours. “Every single damn word.”
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