#okay goodnight its midnight and I still have to wake up at like 6:30
trans-xianxian · 2 months
car successfully jumpstarted shoutout to my dad's friend christine
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Words: 5,724 Sam x Reader Warnings: none! Summary: What exactly are Y/N and Dean now going to do with what they know... Decisions must be made. A/N: Don't yell at me for another cliffhanger. :D This is part of a series! Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 first!
Your name: submit What is this?
“Oh, God…” Sam’s voice, murmured but still clear, drifted into the kitchen from the hallway and a second later he appeared in the doorway. “Oh—” he said, apparently not expecting you to be sitting at the kitchen island as you were, with a cup of tea.
You studied him for a moment. “Your hand wake you up?”
“Uhh…” he glanced down at his cast, which he had somewhat cradled in his other hand. “Yeah, a bit.”
Your eyebrows contracted in the middle, forming little worry lines as you looked at him. “Did you take a dose of your prescription meds?”
“I have prescrip—oh. Right. I do remember that now,” he said, scratching absently at his head. “Any idea where I left them?” he said with a small laugh and a somewhat sheepish smile.
“I gave them to you when we got back, so my best guess is somewhere in your room,” you said.
“Mmm. Probably.” Sam raised his arms and stretched his tall frame. You couldn’t help the uptick of one corner of your mouth. It was late. He had slept for about 6 hours since you both got home. He needed that.
“Yeah, actually. I guess I was pretty exhausted.”
“You were,” you agreed. “Physical trauma on top of not sleeping will catch up with you.”
Sam sat down on the stool across from you and you could feel him studying your face. You gulped at the strained feeling in your throat, but it did nothing to diminish it.
“Have you, um… heard from my sister by chance?” you asked hesitantly. You grabbed your cell phone and pushed the side button to illuminate the screen. No new messages. Still. She had told you that she would “be back in 30 minutes” about 5 hours ago. If you weren’t already so pissed off you’d be sick with worry by now. But seeing as you knew what she actually had been doing all day, you had a feeling she was perfectly fine and had simply decided to stay out longer. Or… stay in longer. And who cares about notifying the people probably waiting on her at home, right? It was like your brain couldn’t decide if it should be signaling to make you nauseous or flush with anger. You were continuously oscillating between the two.
“Oh.” Sam felt that same familiar sinking feeling he always got in his chest when reality encroached on him suddenly as he was just enjoying being with you. “No, I don’t think so. I should probably double check my phone though. And look for those meds. My hand is… actually pretty sore.” You knew if Sam was saying it was sore, it was probably pretty fucking painful.
“You should. Definitely time for the pain meds,” you said.
He got up and started to head toward the doorway, but stopped and glanced back at you. “You’ll still be here when I get back? You’re not about to run off to bed, are you?”
Fuck me. You felt sick to your stomach suddenly. He was so sweet. How in the hell could your sister do this to him of all people? “Nope. Not running off anywhere,” you said.
“Good. Okay…”
As soon as Sam left, you sent another text to your sister. ”Where are you??? You said you would be back HOURS ago, and you still haven’t come home to check on your boyfriend and his fucked up hand???” You were past caring about how she would feel about your tone. You and Dean had come up with some semblance of a plan to deal with what you had discovered but you had no idea how it was going to shake out in execution.
You only knew two things: first, that you couldn’t participate in such an awful lie of omission to Sam and second, that she needed to be told exactly how shitty she was being. You were going to confront her, in a way, but what would happen after that you didn’t know…
Sam was back a moment later with his little prescription bottle, filling a glass with water from the tap. “Nothing from your sister. It’s kind of late... She must be out having fun still, huh?” he said. His tone was carefree, but you noticed a little tension around his eyes when he said it. Your stomach twisted again. God, this was a mess…
Sam took his pills and fixed his eyes on you for a long moment, leaning back against the counter in front of the sink. You were staring into your teacup and he got the sense that there was something weighing on you. “I wanted to thank you,” Sam said. Your eyes flitted back up to his now. “For today.”
You swallowed hard again at the strained feeling in your throat. “Oh, don’t thank me for that. It was nothing,” you said, managing a small smile. “Besides, I should be the one thanking you still. I’m the whole reason your hand is busted in the first place…”
“No. You’re not. That asshole is.” He sipped from his glass, holding it in his left hand since his cast prevented him from using his dominant one. “I, uhh… I hope I wasn’t too much trouble,” he said.
You didn’t have to force a smile this time. “You weren’t. Do you not remember it?” you asked him, wondering if he knew how he had held your hand or if he remembered telling you that you were beautiful… All those little moments were crystal clear in your mind. You couldn’t stop thinking about them.
He ran a hand through his hair, which immediately fell back into place. “It’s a little foggy but… I think it’s all there,” he said with an awkward laugh. He thought he felt his cheeks growing a little red as he remembered some of the things he had done (Had he really held your hand for almost two hours?) and some of the things he had said (He had a vague recollection of telling you just how beautiful he thought you were… and teetering on the edge of almost telling you something more.)
You nodded. “The nurse commented that you were an excellent patient.”
Sam laughed. “Well, I think most people are probably fairly agreeable with the intravenous morphine,” he said. He sat down again on the stool across from you, spinning his water glass in his hand a little anxiously, his cast resting heavily on the granite countertop. “You know, it’s funny… that nurse—she thought we were a couple,” he said, immediately clearing his throat a bit nervously.
You stared down into your tea. “Yeah,” you laughed. “She may have said something to me about it.”
“She, uhh… she told me if I was smart that I would hold onto you for good,” Sam said. He wasn’t smiling this time. His expression was perfectly sincere, and his eyes were flitting between yours.
You heart started to race in your chest. “Oh… That’s—” A nice thought? Better than nice… “That’s a sweet compliment,” you finally managed.
“Yeah,” Sam said, still holding your eyes. “I just thought you should know that.”
Something in his tone and the way he was looking at you, you felt like he was telling you some truth he couldn’t say. In an instant the sick feeling and the ache in your chest were replaced with a fluttering. There was no worthy response for that which you could come up with. And then a moment later the fluttering diminished and the sick feeling returned. You couldn’t help but pass a hand over your face. Fuck.
“Are you alright?” Sam was instantly worried.
“Yeah. Yeah,” you said. “I think I’m just tired.”
Sam wasn’t buying it. “…you sure?”
“Uh huh,” you said. You swallowed the last couple sips of your tea and got up. You were having that feeling again… like you were lying to him, and you couldn’t stand it. It was impossible for you to imagine anyone doing what your sister was doing to him. “I—I think I’m just going to get ready for bed.”
Sam’s eyes followed your progress toward the door. “You’re sure you’re okay? You look a little pale all of a sudden.” There was that familiar worry line by his eyebrow, and the way his mouth was cocked to one side created that deep dimple in his cheek you found almost irresistible.
“I’m alright. I hope you can get some more rest tonight. You need it so that hand will heal up quickly,” you said, giving him the best smile you could muster. You almost stepped into the hallway right there, but Sam watched in curiosity as you froze at the threshold and turned back around to look at him. Another beat and you crossed the kitchen and grabbed him into a tight hug, surprising him and yourself. Sam’s un-casted hand pressed flat on your back.
He loved the feeling of the edge of your shoulder blades and how small your frame felt under his hand. “Goodnight,” he muttered.
You felt your cheeks warm at the feeling of his strong arm around you, his strong chest and stomach under his shirt. “Goodnight, Sam.” You practically ran from the kitchen after that, worried that the whole ugly truth really was about to burst out of you.
Despite your words and explanations to Sam, you weren’t planning on going to sleep. You had unfinished business with your sister, and you would wait for her to come home until the sun came up if you had to. As the time ticked by, you fumed more and more. The idea that she was maybe off fucking some guy, obviously not giving a shit about her boyfriend who had a bone in his hand shoved back into place that very day was unfathomable to you. Had she even texted him? Had she said anything to him at all? A phone call? Any explanation of her whereabouts? Finally, at almost midnight your heard footsteps coming up the hallway and passing your room, heading toward the kitchen and front of the bunker.
You grabbed the paper cup from the café, which was still sitting on your desk, though now emptied of its long-cold contents, and followed the sound of her footsteps into the kitchen.
Your sister looked over her shoulder as you came in. ”Hey.” She was filling up a glass with ice water and gave you a sheepish smile. You did not return it.
“Where have you been? Did you get my messages? You said you’d be back like 8 hours ago.” Your tone was icy and you watched something grow in her eyes. You read it as guilt.
“I know… I know. I’m sorry! Sarah talked me into going out and my phone battery died! I’m sorry! I know you were probably worried sick. And how is Sam? I hope he isn’t waiting up, too.”
“Sarah talked you into going out,” you repeated.
She took a deep drink from her glass. “Yeah.”
“Really?” you asked again, your tone growing skeptical.
She sensed something, some danger in your voice maybe, because her expression completely changed. “…what’s wrong?”
You placed the paper cup from The Ivy Café on the kitchen island and you watched as her eyes flickered down to it, landing on the distinctive logo, and then back up to your face. Despite its light and airy material, it felt like you had just set a lead weight out on the counter. You thought you saw her swallow hard.
“I don’t—What?” There was the slightest waver in her voice now.
“You tell me.”
She avoided your eyes and took another deep drink from her water glass. She shrugged and shook her head a little. “I don’t know what you’re—”
“Bullshit,” you interrupted.
She met your eyes now and the two of your stared at each other for a long moment, the tension growing heavy and thick in the air, like humidity in the tropics. Your heart was pounding. It was like she was waiting for you to explicitly accuse her, to banish any thought she had left of hope that this was some weird coincidence that she was misreading, mistaken. And you were just waiting for her to speak.
“Y/N, I—”
“Don’t you dare lie to me. Don’t you dare. You’ve done enough lying just today to last a lifetime.”
She didn’t say anything. She set her water glass down with a sharp clack and leaned back against the counter. Her posture was guarded, her arms crossed over her chest.
“How could you?” you accused, and it came out in a raspy whisper from the tightness in your throat that you couldn’t seem to loosen. You felt angry tears welling in your eyes. “How could you do this?”
She cleared her throat. “Honestly, what are you—” her voice was a little sharp now, but you couldn’t have cared less.
“Why didn’t you just break it off? Hmm? How long exactly have you been cheating on him? This is just—I feel like I don’t even know you. Where is my sister?”
A muscle in her jaw tensed as she clenched her teeth. “I’m right here.”
You shook your head, anger giving way to another wave of emotions; betrayal, sadness, disbelief. “No. You’re not.”
You watched her jaw tense again, and her chin lifted stubbornly. “This is between me and Sam. It isn’t any of your business. You don’t even know what’s going on with us.” She was trying to sound forceful but you could hear hesitancy in her voice. It was forced. It was weak. It fell flat.
“I don’t need to know any more than what I already know. What you’re doing… it’s—I don’t even know what to call it. And if you don’t resolve this, one way or another, Dean and I will. I’m giving you a chance right now to do the right thing and in some small, miniscule way make up for what you’ve done.” And with that you walked out, leaving her staring at that empty paper cup, the simple symbol. You knew. Dean knew.
_ _ _ _ _ _
It had been three days since you had confronted your sister in the kitchen after her late night out, and still you were held in strenuous anticipation of the coming disaster. There was no sign that she had told Sam anything, though she certainly seemed to be avoiding everyone. Your disgust and anger was mounting. You sat with Dean in his room, breaking down and cleaning guns, organizing hunting gear, just for something to do.
You sighed heavily all of a sudden and Dean looked up to watch you set down the coil of rope you had just untangled and straightened before you fell back on his bed where you were sitting, your knees at the edge and feet dangling off. You stared up at the ceiling and listened to the metallic click of Dean shutting the slide on the pistol in his hands.
“What do we do?” you spoke into the still air. You laid there flat on your back for a long moment, your hands resting on your stomach, just staring up at the shadows on the ceiling.
Dean was sitting at his desk, but you heard the scrape of the wooden legs as he got up. In a moment he was standing over you, looking down at you with a shadow darkening his face. “We give her one more night, tonight, to do the right thing. If she doesn’t… I’ll take care of it.”
You leaned up on one elbow. “What does that mean?” you asked, apprehensive.
“I’m not gonna murder her,” Dean said with wry smile.
You sighed and flopped back down. “I’ve already thought about it,” you muttered.
Just then, Sam appeared in the doorway and was a little surprised to see you laying back on Dean’s bed. “Hey—sorry. I, umm… sorry. Am I interrupting… something?” He cleared his throat awkwardly.
You and Dean just peered at him with curiosity, clearly not getting what was going on in Sam’s brain… which was surprise and jealousy to see you laying on his brother’s bed, apparently at ease… even though he knew how stupid that was. What was the point of his envy? Wasn’t he the one with a significant other? Dean shrugged, the corners of his mouth pulled down. “Not at all. What’s up?”
“I was actually looking for Y/N,” Sam said. “Umm… could we talk for a sec?”
“Sure, of course,” you said, hopping up. You gave Dean an annoyed look in response to the way he raised his eyebrows at you as he caught your eyes. You followed Sam out into the hall and back toward his and your bedrooms, keeping pace with his long strides by taking at least two steps for each one of his. You were suddenly nervous and crammed your hands into your pockets.
Sam stopped just outside his bedroom and leaned on the doorframe, fidgeting a bit, also clearly a bit nervous.
Your brow drew down low over your eyes. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?” you asked.
“I just—I wanted to say I’m sorry,” Sam said.
You shook your head, confused. “Sorry?”
“Uhh… yeah.” He bounced one knee nervously. “I know I mentioned I have some vague, fuzzy recollection of the doctor’s office the other day and—” he chanced a glance at your expression but found it unreadable beyond some confusion and perhaps a touch of concern. “—well, I just feel like things have been a little… weird since then, like… I don’t know… Maybe you were avoiding me or something?” He cleared his throat awkwardly and looked down at his feet. “I just—I’m sorry if I said or did anything that was out of line or… made you uncomfortable or—” He let out a nervous laugh. “I don’t know. I just—I’m sorry.”
You fell a swell of something in your chest as you looked at him, an achy feeling rising up, ready to burst like a bubble. He was apologizing to you. You knew if you spoke your voice would be weak or would crack and break, matching how brittle you felt at that moment. The only thing you could do was meet his eyes for a moment and then throw your arms around his neck, stretched up on your tiptoes. Like always, he didn’t hesitate to wrap you up, and you didn’t know that an immense wave of relief was washing over him at that moment. He had sensed that something had changed since that day, and he had worried obsessively that he had done something wrong… something that had pushed you away… but he knew that hug was you telling him everything was fine.
After breaking apart, and stumbling back, feeling a little off-balance, with a steadying breath, you managed to reassure him. “Sam,” you said gently, “you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. Nothing. Don’t think on that for a second more. Okay?”
Sam felt like his heart was soaring and he nodded, his hazel eyes still connected with yours.
“I’m sorry if it seems like I’ve been a little more distant the last couple days,” you said. You wanted to give more of an explanation than that but you couldn’t, not without giving away too much or lying to him.
He shifted his weight a little anxiously, subconsciously cradling his casted arm in the other. “Are you okay?”
“I’m completely fine. Don’t worry about me. Okay?”
He nodded, feeling more encouraged. “Okay,” he said, giving you a small smile.
You pulled out your phone and checked the time. It was nearing dusk. Your sister still wasn’t home. Again. You glanced up at Sam. “Do you want to go for a walk? I could use some fresh air,” you said.
His face brightened. “Actually, that sounds just like what I need.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you outside?” Sam nodded, and you went away to grab your shoes, poking your head in Dean’s bedroom. He was laying on his bed, headphones on. He lifted when when he noticed you peeking in.
“What’s up?” he asked. The gravel in his voice was thick. You realized you had been so focused on how Sam was and how you were feeling that you hadn’t stopped to consider exactly what turmoil Dean was going through.
“Hey. Sam and I were gonna go for a walk. You wanna come with? Get some fresh air?”
He gave you a half-smile. “Accompany you and Sammy on a romantic, sunset walk? I think I’ll pass,” he laughed gruffly.
You gave him a scolding look. “Just a regular walk, Dean…”
“Really, I’m good. But thanks,” he said, giving you a warm smile.
You were about to leave but hesitated. “How are you doing with all this? I really should have asked you before… I think I’ve just been so focused on Sam and being angry.”
He shrugged. “Obviously, I’m pretty pissed off, too. And I want to see it dealt with. But I’m also not in love with one of them, so I’d wager better and less conflicted than you are,” he said pointedly.
You felt the apples of your cheeks grow warmer and averted your eyes to the floor. “I didn’t say that I’m—” Dean’s knowing look stopped you from arguing over his wording. “Well, if you ever need to talk—” Dean gave you another warm smile. “I know where you live.”
You smiled back at him. “See you in a bit.”
Sam was waiting outside in front of the bunker, leaning on the metal railing. He turned and gave you a smile when he heard the metal door open and shut behind him. “Hey,” you said. He was giving you a smile that was threatening to make you melt. You anxiously tucked a strand of hair back behind your ear.
“Ready?” he asked, straightening up. You nodded and fell into stride next to him, enjoying the sound of the gravel beneath your feet.
“How is your hand feeling?” you asked.
He looked down at his cast. “It twinges every now and then but nothing unmanageable. Almost done with those good painkillers though,” he laughed. “Too bad, too. Because I think they’ve been helping me sleep.”
“Well, I hope it is still manageable with just some Advil or something,” you said.
“Me too. It’s weird being out of commission. It’s been a while since any of us was out of hunting shape. Thank God,” he added. “But you don’t realize how much you need your dominant hand until you can’t use it,” he said.
“Oh, I know,” you agreed. “Remember when I broke my collarbone? I had to sleep sitting up. That sucked.” You shook your head, remembering all the inconveniences. Sam laughed and when you glanced up his eyes were already on your face. “What?”
He shook his head. “Just remembering you when that happened. The rant you went on about how hard it is to wash your hair one-handed,” he said. “I’ve since discovered the same thing. I got shampoo in my eye this morning.”
You laughed, feeling unburdened and carefree for the first time in days. “Ouch. That sounds awful.”
“It was. And not only did the cast create the situation, but it also made it way harder to remedy! I thought I was going to go blind,” he joked. You smiled up at him.
“Maybe next time you should just let me wash your hair for you in the kitchen sink,” you suggested, laughing lightly.
Sam thought about it for a moment, his heart fluttering in his chest a little as he remembered the feeling of you gently sliding your fingers into his hair at the doctor’s office. It gave him goosebumps all over again. He almost wondered if he had dreamed that. “My own personal spa? I’m in. Do I have to pay extra for a scalp massage or is that included?” You laughed again. “For my hero? It’s the least I could do,” you said.
Now it was Sam’s turn to laugh. “Ah, come on. I’m no hero.” He looked up toward some birds wheeling in the sky. As he watched them drop into a particularly old, and spectacularly craggy oak tree he felt your hand on his arm suddenly and his eyes snapped down to see yours, vibrant even in the diminishing light of the setting sun, staring up at him. He stopped abruptly, involuntarily.
“You and Dean are both so stupid about that,” you said seriously. “You are completely, totally, and inarguably a hero. And not just for that night at the bar. And not for some huge, crucial action like—stopping the apocalypse. It’s just—who you are, the choices you make, big and small. Every day.”
Sam was almost overwhelmed at your words and if he had been a braver man, and… less ”taken”, he would have kissed you right then. Not for saying he was a hero, but for the forcefulness which showed that you truly believed it with every fiber of your being. You saw worth in him when he couldn’t see it in himself, consistently and unabashedly. Your hand slipped from his arm and you tore your eyes away, perhaps feeling something akin to what he was—that if you kept looking up at him and he kept looking down at you like that, there wouldn’t be any reason big enough to stop you from colliding.
You walked together in companionable silence for a while. Sam was thinking that your sister had been gone a lot more than usual lately, and he even considered asking you about it, but he was unwilling to burst that bubble of happiness you were sharing together right now, so he put it out of his mind. The colors faded from the warm oranges and reds of the setting sun to the cool purples and inky blues of a sun that had set, and finally the two of you turned back toward the bunker, again talking and laughing comfortably the whole way.
Dean was in the library on his laptop when you and Sam returned, the echoing of the heavy metal door slamming announcing that you were home. You came and scruffed a hand in his hair just to annoy him and laughed as he swatted at you.
“Whatcha doin’?” you asked, falling comfortably onto the long couch nearby, looking over your shoulder at Dean and Sam, who had just sat down at the table too and was pulling off his boots with one hand.
“Just trolling for cases,” he said. “I figured even down Sam we could still go kick some ass. I mean, he’s not that crucial anyway,” he said, casting a snarky look at his little brother.
“Fuck you,” Sam said through a laugh.
“Need some help there, Cinderella?” Dean asked him. Sam was struggling to pull off his left boot.
“Cinderella?” Sam repeated.
Dean shrugged. “I don’t know. Shoe-related. I’ll admit, not my best work.” You and Sam both laughed. Sam climbed to his feet again. “Your sister is home,” Dean said, making sure it was loud enough for both you and Sam, who was heading toward the bedrooms, to hear.
You nodded. “Oh. Good. Where is she?”
“I think she headed to her and Sam’s room,” he said pointedly. Maybe this was it.
“I’ll be back,” Sam said over his shoulder to you and Dean. His good mood had immediately vanished. He was wondering how much longer he could keep this up. Something was going to have to give. He was fully aware that with how much his girlfriend had been gone lately that he should have been missing her, and probably also should have been wondering what she was up to. But instead he only felt relieved that he didn’t have to put on some act he felt was deceitful. The bottom line was he was dating someone while he was in love with an entirely different person…
The door to their bedroom was closed and when Sam cracked it open he saw it was dark inside. Your sister was seemingly already in bed, asleep, and even that was a relief to Sam… he crept in and set down his shoes before heading back out toward the library, ready for a stiff drink.
“Hey, pour me one of those,” Dean said as Sam was at the bar cart.
“Me too!” you yelled from the couch.
“Guys… you know I literally only have one hand. I can’t carry and deliver three drinks,” Sam laughed. You vaulted the back of the couch and were beside him in an instant.
“Gimme that,” you said, reaching for the whiskey bottle in his hand.
“I can still pour it!” Sam argued, holding the bottle in his left hand over his glass. You gave him a skeptical look.
“Fine. Don’t spill. If you spill a drop, you owe Dean $50. House rules. Right, Dean?”
“Damn straight,” he yelled from in front of his computer, not even looking over his shoulder.
Sam gave you a skeptical look and opened the bottle awkwardly with his casted hand, eliciting a giggle from you.
“What is so funny??” he demanded. You immediately pressed your lips together in a thin line to conceal your smile.
He raised his eyebrows at you. You couldn’t hold the smile in any longer. “It’s just… I just realized that because of the way they casted your pinky and ring finger on that hand too, it looks like you are always trying to be a fancy British person drinking tea,” you said. You grinned at him. “Pinky up!”
Dean turned around and grinned at his brother. “She is totally right. You’ve always been a fancy boy,” he drawled, turning back to his computer.
Sam rolled his eyes, but there was a faint smile on his lips. “First, of all, I’ll say it again, fuck you, Dean. And second,” he looked at you, “You’re a goofball,” he said.
“Well, duh,” you said, grabbing the bottle from him and pouring some whiskey into a tumbler glass for yourself and one for Dean. You set Dean’s down beside him at the table and pulled out a chair across from him. Sam settled in on the couch by the fire, stretching his long legs out and propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Find anything good?” you asked Dean.
“Maybe a coven in Oklahoma, but I’m not really sure yet.”
You sipped at your drink and nodded. “Mmm. We could handle it.”
Sam turned and looked at you from over the back of the couch. “You can’t just automatically say ‘we could handle it,’” he said. “You don’t even know anything about it!”
“Sam, I don’t know if you have forgotten, but… I’m frickin’ awesome,” Dean said. “And last time I checked, so is Y/N. So. I think it IS safe to say we could handle it.”
Sam sighed but you could tell he was a little amused. “You still need to thoroughly check it out. You’re still down an entire hunter!”
“Well… maybe more like half a hunter,” Dean teased him, throwing back the rest of his whiskey in one go. He closed his laptop and got to his feet. “If you two will excuse me, I have a special screening of Beverly Hills Cop to attend happening,” he checked the time on his phone, “right now.” He smirked at the two of you. “Don’t stay up too late.”
You laughed and gave him a nod. “Goodnight, Dean.” His footsteps faded down the hall. You left the table behind and settled in the armchair across from Sam, swirling the whiskey in your glass absentmindedly.
Sam had already finished his drink and was watching the crystal fracture the light from the fire into colorful prisms. “I just realized that I’m probably not supposed to drink alcohol with that prescription,” he said suddenly.
You glanced up at him. “Oh. Right. Probably not. Hard on your liver. Don’t have anymore.”
He nodded. “Well. It’ll just make me a bit drowsier if anything.”
“What was my sister up to?” you asked him suddenly, unable to stop yourself.
“She was asleep already when I went in,” Sam said. His eyes studied your face as you stared into the flickering flames in the grate but your expression was impassive.
“Mmm,” you said. “Early bedtime.”
“Yeah…” Sam agreed. There seemed to be a lot of unspoken things suddenly hanging in the air. Not too long after, you excused yourself to get ready for bed and when you returned to say goodnight to Sam he was already asleep on the couch. You grabbed the nearby blanket and covered him up before making your way to Dean’s room. He paused his movie when he saw you in the doorway.
“Sam’s asleep in the library,” you said. “And my sister is asleep already too.”
You thought you saw a muscle in Dean’s jaw tense as he clenched his teeth. He nodded. “Okay.”
You anxiously chewed your bottom lip.
“Hey,” he said, drawing your eyes back to him. “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
The sick feeling in your stomach returned. Tomorrow.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud)
Word Count: 3,895 Words
Summary: Kaminari unknowingly creates the ultimate hell of both Class 1-A and Class 1-B a week after they move into the dorms.
Warnings: Cursing, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, Homophobia, Sexism, Caps, Food Mention, Period/Menstruation Mention, Mineta Minoru Exists (sadly), let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: AU where the League Of Villains are just hero course students. btw Yukimura is Dabi (he goes by his mother's surname (mostly because it's his last hurrah at making Endeavor absolutely livid at him and partially so he and Shoto don't get confused whe someone calls for 'Todoroki')
Usernames:  We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
BNHA Group Chat-Chapter 1
12:34 AM
Kaminari has added Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, and 45 others to 1-A and 1-B
Ashido: ooooh
Ashido has changed the chat name to We Are Number One™
Kaminari: oh my god why didn't I think of that!?
Ashido: because honey you're too precious to meme like that but its okay because you're cute
Kaminari: YAY I'M CUTE
Bakugo: I'll let you off with waking me up once.
Bakugo: ONCE!
Bakugo: As long as you come up here and go to sleep, Kaminari.
Kaminari: In your room?
Bakugo: Door's open, get up here.
Bakugo is offline
Kaminari is offline
3:45 AM
Todoroki has changed their name to WHERE?
WHERE? has changed Midoriya's name to SmolMight
WHERE? has changed Iida's name to Emergency Exit
WHERE? has changed Uraraka's name to 9.8
WHERE? has changed Asui's name to Galvan
WHERE? has changed Yukimura's name to chaoticgaydisaster
WHERE? has changed Tokoyami's name to EdgarAllanCrows
WHERE? has changed Shimura's name to idontfeelsogood
WHERE? has changed Kurono's name to stopwatch
WHERE? has changed Bakugo's name to WHAT?
WHERE? has changed Kaminari's name to Pichu
WHERE? has changed Kirishima's name to baby shark
WHERE? has changed Ashido's name to princessbubblegumknockoff
WHERE? has changed Sero's name to Spider-Man
WHERE? has changed Shouji's name to Cthulhu
WHERE? has changed Yaoyorozu's name to TheGreatCreator
WHERE?: that's that I know and I'm sticking to it class 1-b do your own
WHERE?: ah yes my last sleep deprived act for the night
WHERE? is offline
3:48 AM
chaoticgaydisaster: I very much approve.
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Sako's name to lostmymarbles
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Iguchi's name to eye gucci
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Toga's name to mystique
chaoticgaysisaster has changed Shinōkanri's name to stardust
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Bubaigawara's name to shadowclonejutsu
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Hikiishi's name to queenofmagnetism
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Chisaki's name to donthugmeimscared
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Kuroiro's name to itsmeyaboy
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Monoma's name to HopeSummers
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Shiozaki's name to wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs
chaoticgaydisaster: goodnight
chaoticgaydisaster is offline
6:30 AM
SmolMight has changed Hagakure's name to cena
SmolMight has changed Aoyama's name to immafiringmahlaser
SmolMight has changed Jirou's name to Jack Skellington
SmolMight has changed Sato's name to GuyFieriIsGod
SmolMight has changed Ojiro's name to tailfloof
SmolMight has changed Koda's name to youredoingamazingsweetie
SmolMight has changed Tetsutetsu's name to Iron Man
SmolMight: thank me later
8:30 AM
HopeSummers: why is nobody changing more 1bs names?
HopeSummers has changed Kendo's name to Akimichi
HopeSummers has changed Kamakiri's name to scyther
HopeSummers has changed Tsunotori's name to mylittlepony
HopeSummers has changed Rin's name to snek
HopeSummers has changed Honenuki's name to Eren Jaeger
HopeSummers has changed Shoda's name to cryptid
HopeSummers has changed Shishida's name to furry
HopeSummers has changed Komori's name to shroomgurl
HopeSummers has changed Awase's name to illrememberyouallintherapy
HopeSummers has changed Kaibara's name to IDOWHATIWANT
HopeSummers has changed Yanagi's name to iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE
HopeSummers has changed Tsubaraba's name to airbender
HopeSummers has changed Kodai's name to deadinside
HopeSummers has changed Fukidashi's name to glorifiedtextbubble
HopeSummers has changed Bondo's name to Slimer
HopeSummmer: All done. Everyone has a name.
Eren Jaeger: um...what is an Eren Jaeger?
HopeSummers: fuck
HopeSummers has changed Eren Jaeger's name to spookyscaryskeletons
spookyscaryskeletons: Oh I know that one!
HopeSummers: Also I'm making you you watch Attack On Titan. You've gotta Hon.
spookyscaryskeletons: This chat is actually very useful come to think of it.
spookyscaryskeletons: Does anyone have any ideas of what to have for breakfast?
HopeSummers: Honey, you know you can't chew. What are you planning?
spookyscaryskeletons: That's okay! I want to make sure everyone is healthy!
HopeSummers: I know. Uhhhh, pretty sure I've never heard of anyone in our class having any allergies to it so just go with congee.
spookyscaryskeletons: Thank you.
IDOWHATIWANT: Honenuki? More pure than Midoriya?? more likely than you think.
Cthuhlu: I saw a cat on the fourth floor.
Cthulhu: I opened my door and she just walked in like she lives here.
WHAT?: Fuck. Hotaru got out last night when Kaminari came in.
Cthulhu: So I just send her back?
WHAT?: Yeah, she'll be fine. She does that.
SmolMight: Oh my god you brought Hotaru.
WHAT?: So? And Todoroki brought Asahi. And Koda brought Usagi.
itsmeyaboy: I'm so lost.
chaoticgaydisaster: Their pets.
itsmeyaboy: We're allowed to do that!?
chaoticgaydisaster: No, Asahi, Usagi, and Hotaru are service animals.
mylittlepony: why do they have service animals
chaoticgaydisaster: kinda a rhetorical question ya know
chaoticgaydisaster: also not my place outing it
WHERE?: I'm blind in my left eye. Asahi is my service dog
WHAT?: Fucking deaf and clinically depressed
youredoingamazingsweetie: Usagi is my emotional support animal for my anxiety.
itsmeyaboy: Are you kidding? Other people here have disorders?
itsmeyaboy: I thought I was the only one.
chaoticgaydisaster: I'm mostly mute, can't talk too much or my jaw hurts and I have anxiety
itmeyaboy: Hey, I have selective mustism.
chaoticgaydisaster: We need to hang out.
lostmymarbles: Happy you're making friends, dear.
mystique: Purest Couple Ever™
Mineta: gross gay people
Mineta: gay people should die
49 members are idle
9:00 AM
WHAT?: I really fucking hate him
baby shark: everyone does
9:00 AM
WHERE?: I'm uncomfortable.
SmolMight: I wanna yeet him into the sun
9:00 AM
Emos Anonymous
myscientificinfatuation:  I really hate that purple fucker.
stabtheveil: WHAT DID I DO!?
immmobileinwhite: Nah man, the grape fucker in 1-A.
blackcloackedbrides: shit, I didn't add you, Hito
stabtheveil: add me to what?
twentyoneplotpoints: to a big group chat between 1a and 1b
nappingwithsirens: he made it last night while someone us were actually trying to sleep
greentwentyfourhours: i was busy not caring about that chat
stabtheveil: oh. its okay if you don't add me, i'm not exactly part of the hero course
falldownboy: that's not it Hito
anxietyintheclub: I'm adding him to the big chat you monsters
stabtheveil: wait, wtf is even happening in that chat?
plummetingininverse: hell actual literal hell hito
immobileinwhite: No, it's just Mineta being a fucking asshole again and the others are all relatively okay.
anxietyintheclub: I'm still gonna add our good purple boy to the chat. He deserves love too.
9:10 AM
We Are Number One™
chaoticgaydisaster has added Shinsou
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Shinsou's name to exhausted
exhausted: coolio
chaoticgaydisaster: feel free to read the backlog
exhausted: in front of my salad? hell na
idontfeelsogood: Shinsou why? why must you meme this early in the day?
exhausted: <- read my name bc its accurate
donthugmeimscared: Shinsou, are you really eating salad this early dude?
exhausted: its not salad
exhausted: leftover miso
Emergency Exit: Shinsou, you really should eat more than just miso
exhausted: fuck you i do what i want let me be sleep deprived
Emergency Exit: Shinsou...
Mineta: new kid has balls
Mineta: get it? balls?
Mineta: that's a guy right?
50 members are now idle
9:20 AM
Emos Anonymous
falldownboy: why don't we all just visit the 1b dorms? i'll get floor 2
immobileinwhite: Good idea, I'll round up floor four.
nappingwithsirens: me and @plummetingininverse already have Jin in my room
twentyoneplotpoints: me and @anxietyintheclub can get floor 5
blackcloackedbrides: dibs on getting floor three
myscientificinfatuation: Sato says he's bringing a shitton of muffins if we do
anxietyintheclub: I private messaged Atsu, he says 1bs okay with us coming over.
plummetingininverse: everyone, to your floors! onward to 1b's dorms!
10:45 AM
Emos Anonymous
anxietyintheclub has added Kuroiro, Yanagi, Monoma, Kodai to Emos Anonymous
anxietyintheclub has changed Kuroiro's name to thousandfootcane
anxietyintheclub has changed Yanagi's name to recentyearsday
anxietyintheclub has changed Monoma's name to entiretimelow
anxietyintheclub has changed Kodai's name to marianaspit
thousandfootcane: dafaq is this
plummetingininverse: Emos Anonymous where you can be an emo without judgement or allusion to the outside world of our emoness.
plummetingininverse: i'm still so tired guys i think i'm getting sleep deprived
twentyoneplotpoints: we could make a blanket fortress in the 1b commons
anxietyintheclub: on it, asking Atsu
12:34 PM
We Are Number One™
shadowclonejutsu: guys look how cute this is [several pics of Yukimura, Shimura, Shinsou, Jirou, Kodai, Bakugo, Monoma, Midoriya, Todoroki, Yanagi, Tokoyami, Chisaki, Shihai, and Kaminari asleep in a blanket fortress in the 1b commons while Sako sits guard outside also asleep]
mystique: oh my gods so cute
eye gucci: how are they allowed to do this?
Emergency Exit: Well, it's very likely that Sako asked Vlad King if they could and got permission.
snek: is there a reason it's just them?
baby shark: because they have an emo chat and they almost all have insomnia (i think)
snek: ah, cool thanks Kirishima
12:45 PM
private chat between Aizawa and Iida
Aizawa: oi, class president. What does everyone need from the store? Gather a list and anyone who wants to go by 1:30
Iida: Yessir
Iida: You know, we have a group chat. I could just add you to it to ask everyone.
Aizawa: Ugh fine.
12:48 PM
We Are Number One™
Emergendy Exit has added Aizawa to  We Are Number One™
Emergency Exit: Mr. Aizawa would like to know what class 1a wants from the store.
Aizawa: and who wants to go
Aizawa: we'll be leaving at 1:30
baby shark: Bakubro probably needs more wet cat food and umaibo
9.8: Todo needs more dog food, this morning he said he's almost out.
cena: I'm sorry, I can't help myself
cena has changed Aizawa's name to Dadzawa
Dadzawa: thanks i hate it
princessbubblegumknockoff: OH MY GOD HE MEMED
Dadzawa: anyway what does everyone want form the store?
Cthulhu: Kami's awake now he says he wants chips
Dadzawa: why is he just getting up so late?
baby shark: he's not. scroll up a bit.
Dadzawa: ah, also wake them up, they shouldn't be sleeping this late in the day.
Galvan: Are you really one to talk?
tailfloof: ...would you like some of Todoroki's ice for that burn?
Dadzawa: if it wakes him up, yes
Cthulhu: I'd wake them up if I knew which ones slept last night.
immafiringmahlaser: Midoriya slept for four hours. Tokoyami slept for six.
9.8: Jirou did NOT sleep if the music from her room at three am is anything to go by
baby shark: Bakugou didn't either he was on tiktok he can't lie I heard him laughing at 4am when I had to go to the bathroom
GuyFieriIsGod: Yukimura and Todoroki did sleep but not very soundly.
youredoinggreatsweetie: ...Kaminari only got a couple hours rest after he went to join Bakugo.
shadowclonejutsu: Shimura and Chisaki DID NOT SLEEP under any circumstances
Cthulhu: So I wake up none of them?
Dadzawa: no, wake up my son and send him back to the Gen Studies dorms
Dadzawa: also wake the twins
Cthulhu: ...Your son?
Dadzawa: Shinsou. wake up Shinsou.
Cthulhu: Oh.
exhausted: whats up dad?
Dadzawa: I'm doing our food shopping too. what do you want kid?
exhausted: coffee, energy drinks, my medications are finally ready at the pharmacy, more miso paste, fish sauce, kimchi, noodles, vegetables (you know the ones i usually get), and gochujang
exhausted: hah see iida i do eat things besides miso
Emergency Exit: Not by much, those are things you ADD to your miso or have WITH it.
exhausted: fuck you let me have my samefoods
Emergency Exit: I suppose it's reasonable then.
Emergency Exit: Also you forgot your red chili flakes and ungodly amounts of every type of tofu.
exhausted: THANK YOU IIDA I WOULDN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU ^^^^^ Dad add those to our list too
Emergency Exit: You're very welcome and very right.
Dadzawa: excuse me I take very good care of my son
exhausted: well it really doesn't help that all four of us have different samefoods right now, dad.
Dadzawa: okay you got me there
princessbubblegumknockoff: HE MEMED AGAIN
Akimichi: what are y'all talking about with samefoods? What are those?
t-rex costume: WHAT ARE THOSE
mystique: no, hush sweetie
Dadzawa: wait is that Tokage from 1b?
t-rex costume: yup
Dadzawa: why is you name t-rex costume?
HopeSummers: Because, the first day living in the dorms she walked around in a t-rex costume and scared the shit out of everyone in the 1b dorms, Vlad King, and some of the upperclassmen too.
Dadzawa: oh
Akimichi: guys what are samefoods?
Dadzawa: oh yeah. if you're autistic (or adhd) sometimes you'll eat the same food over and over and never get sick of it and it can last for YEARS
exhausted: you've had that juice pouch samefood since high school
Dadzawa: yeah, having you fucked up my eating schedule, kid
cena: context pls
Dadzawa: I'm ftm and got pregnant with Hitoshi very young and this little shit made me crave juice pouches for all nine months and it's been fifteen years and it's still a samefood.
idontfeelsogood: oof, that sucks. I've had takoyaki and yakitori as mine for three years and i'm finally getting sick of them.
Pichu: Mr. Aizawa can you pick up tea, pocky, instant noodles, and daikon?
Ddzawa: you're coming with me like Hitoshi, Kaminari, you need to pick up your medication too.
Pichu: I'll get ready.
tailfloof: dude, it's still only 1, you've got 30 minutes
Pichu: I need to look cUTE OJIRO
Dadzawa: you will look cute anyway, you're a puffball. but go ahead and primp if you want to Kaminari.
SmolMight: does this mean I have to go for my medications too?
Dadzawa: no, your mom said she's bringing yours tomorrow
donthugmemscared: do i go for my anxiety meds?
Dadzawa: yes and get a list from floor 6
Dadzawa: also Yukimura and Todoroki are going too so you two compile a list from the 5th floor
Dadzawa: pick a person from each floor to send with a list other than those who have been already been Chosen™.
lostmymarbles: sweetie, pick me up juice and Honenuki some more yogurt. I'm out and he's getting low.
chaoticgaydisaster: got it babe
princessbubblegumknockoff: they're so cute
EdgarAllanCrows: Apparently I've been elected for floor two's groceries, I have lists from each this floor's inhabitants.
EdgarAllanCrows: Aoyama, what if they don't have edible glitter?
immafiringmahlaser: sprinkles shall suffice. they are for ice cream after all
WHAT?: even his ice cream needs to be sparkly
SmolMight: coming from the man who went to pride with glitter in his hands so he could make glitter bombs with his explosions and make the little kids in attendance happy
WHAT?: fuck you
SmolMight: no thanks
Cthulhu: Wow.
WHERE?: would you like some of my ice for the burn, Bakugo?
Iron Man: i can hear his explosions in the 1a dorms from the 1b dorms
HopeSummers: We all can. I'm on the top floor and I can hear them.
Dadawa: don't destroy school property. inside the dorms at least. now, who else is going?
baby shark: I'm going for floor 4
donthugmeimscared: Me, Hito, Toko, Todo, Yuki, Kami, and Kiri are going sir.
Dadzawa: good. also, Shimura you're going too. Chisaki's been off his medication for two days and your outgoingness will keep him from getting frightened and forgetting something.
Dadzawa: Iida's in charge when we leave btw.
TheGreatCreator: Wait, I need pads but I can't get out of bed again because it hurts to move.
Dadzawa: omw with midol, hot rice packs, and chocolate.
TheGreatCreator: Thank you, Aizawa Sensei.
Dadzawa: the things I do for my students.
TheGreatCreator: thank you again, Sensei
Dadzawa: no problem at all.
1:20 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: so does anyone have any last minute requests?
exhausted: ...spam?
Dadzawa: already on our list, Hito
exhausted: oh yeah, Eri eats it too.
Pichu: btw me and Kiri are picking up everyone ice cream, compile a list real quick.
Dadzawa: limit of one per person with exception of people with samefoods or cravings
TheGreatCreator: Chocolate sounds nice
WHAT?: yo @baby shark get me french vanilla and pop rocks i want it
Cthulhu: squid ink so it's black like Tokoyami's soul
EdgarAllanCrows: This is why I love you, you know?
Cthulhu: I know, babe.
SmolMight: anything banana preferably chunky monkey if the store has it
immafiringmylaser: nutella, sil vous plait.
shadowclonejutsu: cookies and cream
Spider-Man: Sato say he wants cookie dough. I want blueberry. Tsu says raspberry.
princessbubblegumknockoff: bubblegum for me and Uraraka says she wants mint choco chip
Emergency Exit: Kouda, bless his pure soul, has asked for peanut butter. Ojiro asked for vanilla and Jirou and Hagakure want caramel and coffee. I'd like rocky road.
WHERE?: do you want ours as well, Kami, since we all have our own lists to obtain and you and Kiri are the ones who want to get everyone ice cream?
Pichu: yes.
WHERE?: butter pecan
chaoticgaydisaster: blue moon
exhausted: cotton candy
EdgarAllanCrows: Charcoal so it's black like my soul
shadowclonejutsu: wow you're emo and need to chill
EdgarAllanCrows: I'm as chill as I'm ever going to be.
shadowclonejutsu: that's frightening
Pichu: I'm getting almond honey ice cream
baby shark: i'm getting green tea
donthugmeimscared: anything dairy free is fine as long as it's no trouble please
idontfeelsogood: get him dairy free cinnamon bun from ben&jerry he loves it. also get him several he finishes them quickly. I want cherry and dark chocolate so I can mix them.
donthugmeimscared: thank you, Tenko. I didn't think you knew that...
idontfeelsogood: meek bastard, you're my friend of course I'd know your favorite ice creams
stopwatch: Chocolate malt please. Also dear we love you, please do speak up on your preferences.
donthugmeimscared: thank you, Tenko and Hari 0///0
WHERE?: he's actually blushing and it's adorable
chaoticgaydisaster: [short video of Chisaki struggling to hide his blushing face behind his phone while he whines at Tenko and Hari to stop embarassing him]
chaoticgaydisaster: you're welcome, Tenko and Hari. enjoy that vid of your boy toy you gay disasters.
idontfeelsogood: coming from our resident chotic gay disaster
chaoticgaydisaster: hey, I own up to it. pisses off my dad more too so might as well
Spider-Man: dude, are you okay?
chaoticgaydisaster: yes, i'm fine
Spider-Man: you were just typing a three word sentence for two minutes are you sure?
WHERE?: oops would you look at the time we've gotta go to the store.
chaoticgaydisaster and WHERE? are now offline
Cthulhu: So Midoriya, any explanations? You are the one who's closest to the twins.
SmolMight: would you look at the time. I need to go for a run around the school. be back later!
SmolMight is now offline
1:40 PM
We Are Number One™
Pichu: hey, 1b what ice creams do you like?
lostmymarbles: Rose.
itsmeyaboy: lavender and Juzo likes strawberry
Akimichi: mississippi mud for me, Yui likes peach, Ibara likes butter brickle, Tetsu likes grape, and Reiko likes maple nut.
stardust: sakura for me, coconut for Ichi, praline pecan for Tami, and cherry for Himi.
illrememberyouallintherapy: fudge. cinnamon for Sen and salted caramel for Kosei.
HopeSummers: ube. Tokage likes anything apple, Shishida has said he likes pumpkin, and Shoda likes orange.
glorifiedtextbubble: Espresso.
Slimer: pistachio
scyther: Lemon
shroomgurl: watermelon
mylittlepony: black walnut
snek: peppermint
Pichu: thanks!
2:30 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: groceries, 1a children.
WHAT?: Gimme a few minutes, Hotaru fell asleep on me and I'll be damned if I break the rule of cat
exhausted: cat? owo
Dadzawa: child, no. leave his cat alone.
WHAT?: Actually now it's cats.
Dadzawa: why
WHAT?: Well, me, soy sauce, and racoon eyes were out for a walk around the campus and we found a kitten so we took her back with us.
princessbubblegumknockoff: [pic of Bakugo aying on the couch longways with a lavender persian cat asleep on top of him. Hotaru, Bakugo's calico maine coon cat, lays curled under his bent knees, eyes staring the camera like it offended her ancestors]
exhausted: what is the name of the fluff child?
Spider-Man: doesn't have one
WHAT?: honestly, I'm not sure I can keep a second cat.
exhausted: dad, cat. Cat. CAT!
Dadzawa: I did say you could get a cat once you got into high school. deal.
exhausted: is my baby a boy or girl?
princessbubblegumknockoff: a girl.
exhausted: Ayane. her name shall be Ayane. it means colorful sound. perfect for a granddaughter of the voice hero: available screech.
Dadzawa: pfft Available fucking Screech. i'm writing that on the board before his class on Monday. That's your best one yet.
exhausted: I've never been happier to be your purple double.
Dadzawa: those snarky comments remind me that you literally copy-pasted my personality save for a couple of those habits Zashi and Oboro taught you.
exhausted: meh one got me to walk and the other one taugght me how to scream “fuck you” at creepy strangers at two years old so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dadzawa: true true.
exhausted: um...nobody's been responding but us, dad.
Emergency Exit: You two's family moments are adorable nobody wanted to interrupt.
Akimichi: agreed.
exhausted: understandable.
Dadzawa: carrying on, all y'all come down here and get y'all's groceries before y'all're eating mush cream.
exhuasted: coming dad, currently petting your new grandchild.
Dadzawa: ...
Dadzawa: bring the child as well, I wish to see my grandchild.
chaoticgaydisaster: @lostmymarbles babe, come get yall’s juice
lostmymarbles: Which type did you get?
chaoticgaydisaster: a lot of flavors. ( ° ^ ° )
lostmymarbles: Aw, Love, did you panic?
WHERE?: He did. He had full panic attack in the juice section.
Dadzawa: why was I not alerted to this?
WHERE?: I got this, that's why.
lostmymarbles: Sweetheart, are you alright?
idontfeelsogood: he's fine. btw he got you apple, orange, grape, raspberry, lemonade, cranberry, and peach. We stopped him before he could load the whole cart with juice.
lostmymarbles: Aw, babe you remembered that I liked the peach juice.
chaoticgaydisaster: it's only fair. you made that big date night dinner last night.
idontfeelsogood: thank me, Sako, you whipped gay hoe [pic of Yukimura blushing darkly from under a weighted blanket on the couch while Chisaki cuddles up against him.]
itsmeyaboy: i'm lost. what did Sako make for Yukimura? dude can't chew food.
stopwatch: Atsuhiro made Touya his famous ultimate mac n cheese with chocolate pudding and half baked brownies for desert. They watched their favorite three arcs of Fairy Tail, which are the Battle Of Fairy Tail, Tenroue Island and the Grand magic Games Arcs, btw. And then proceeded to read the Percy Jackson books until midnight.
stopwatch: I'm also 90% sure Yukimura proposed because of all of this.
lostmymarbles: I'm the one who proposed actually.
cena: *ambient excited screaming*
WHAT?: Okay, Sako. *cracks knuckles* We’re just gonna talk.
WHERE?: no, leave it. I told him he could.
WHAT?: what?
WHERE?: he asked me if he could so I said yeah and so yeah, he did it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE: I hear screaming above me.
mystique: that's just Eri. she's excited. Touya and Atsu been dating for two years eleven months and twenty four days and they've acted like the most Pure Couple Ever for the whole duration.
queenofmagnetism: You kept track.
mystique: of course. Their anniversary is the fourth of August.
eye gucci: this is beautiful.
mystique: fuck she's gonna destroy her room
mystique is now idle
Dadzawa: as your teacher I'm obligated to say you're both far too young to be engaged, but given I literally had a kid two years younger than y'all, I'm just gonna say damn you remind me of me, Oboro, and Yamada when we first started dating please keep up the good work.
lostmymarbles: Is it the personality reflections or the complimentary autism-adhd box set you and your husbands have too.
Dadzawa: both.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, let’s go. today was overall pretty good. alarm went off at 6:30 since I didn’t have court or clinic. got to the office around 8:30, so pretty good timing (it seems to be about two hours after waking up). I didn’t have much to do because most of my work for the day needed to be started with phone calls and I didn’t want to call people too early, so I was just chilling for a bit until I realized my friend who was supposed to be running clinic for the day had to go up to court for a few cases, so I offered to cover clinic for him since I had nothing better to do. I ended up screening in two cases, which seemed to work out pretty well. our volunteers have been somewhat sparse lately, with a lot of new people coming in, which is good, but can be frustrating when you’re trying to get work done and they don’t know what they’re doing, lol. but overall it was pretty good. made some phone calls and then went back to prepping stuff for tomorrow. If all goes according to plan I should have two clients filing criminal charges against their abusers for violating the OP and I am probably too excited about this, but I am REALLY excited about this, lol. the rest of the day was pretty chill, did some training in the afternoon and then helped with some other random stuff. headed out around 5, changed into my soccer clothes in the bathroom, which I had to wear out with my dress boots because I didn’t want to put my cleats on yet, lol. I ended up sitting next to my supervisor and coworker on the train completely accidentally, we didn’t even realize for a few seconds lol. got from the train to the bus without incident, and the timing of the bus worked out perfectly so hopefully that will continue to be a thing. met up with my team and got my shin guards and cleats on, did some stretching and kicked the ball around a little as we figured out who wanted to play what position. we were playing the team that we had scrimmaged on the night that was supposed to be our first game but the other team hadn’t shown, and they had just played their game but some stuck around to scrimmage. I ended up going up for the coin flip as the “captain” (which really doesn’t matter at all, but whatever). we had a new kid who had been traveling the past two weeks so this was his first game. He’s English and dayuuuum is he good at soccer lol. The game ended up going really well, our new English guy actually scored us a hattrick all on his own, so I think it ended up being like 4-0 with one additional goal from another player. I like, really enjoyed playing tonight, like a lot, more than normal. I’m not sure exactly what it was (though it probably had something to do with the fact that we were winning) but like, everything just felt so right, and it was exhilarating. The field has the perfect view of the sun setting over the skyline on one side and on the other you can see all the planes descending to the airport with their lights on and it’s just like, such a cool sight that evokes some sort of happy feeling in me, lol. and I think it was something about breathing the cold air into my lungs and pushing myself to run as fast as I could, even when I knew my lungs would be aching from it in a minute, feeling the chilly air on my arms but not being bothered by it because I’m still working up a sweat running around. playing in the dark under the lights, and having those perfect moments where you manage to just what was needed and your teammates are yelling praise from across the field. just running hard, forcing the cold air into my lungs and refusing to back down, not being afraid to use my body to block the other team if it means getting between them and the ball, even if my head starts getting a little dizzy towards the end. I just loved it all so much, and it just evoked such a strong feeling in me of youth and happy memories of playing soccer all my life and it being such a source of joy for me before everything went wrong and I had to stop playing competitively. It just felt really invigorating and I had such a high from it all. there was one really good play where I was able to just sneak in at the last second and just stopped the ball in its tracks completely and totally ruined the play for the other team and it was fucking epic, everyone on my team was so happy about it all and I got a lot of positive feedback about it from just about everyone, so that made me feel good and not so much like I’m totally out of my league here, even if I can openly acknowledge that just about everybody there is better than me. unfortunately my exciting night got brought down a bit towards the end of the game, maybe 5 minutes before the game ended, I was turned towards the ball and this guy from the other team just like, grabbed me with his hands on my hips and I was like ??? what the fuck ???? I like reflexively pushed him off instantly and was like “don’t fucking touch me!!” said with great indignation. and like, it just shook me up so much because I’ve been playing soccer with guys pretty much my whole life and this has NEVER happened before. like sure, guys using their bodies to lean into you trying to get to the ball and shit like that is all natural, but for him just to look put his hands on me was really fucking disturbing. there is a girl on their team I had been chatting a bit with during our first week, she has a very cute dog named Nala who she brings to the games and I had been petting her a bit while I was off the field, so after the game ended I approached her and told her what had happened, just so like someone on their team would know about it and could at least watch him in the future. she was also really disturbed to hear it and said she’d definitely do what she could to watch him in the future at least, so I felt better about it that I at least told someone on their team. I was determined the bus plan was going to work tonight, and I made it onto the first bus perfectly, but then fucked up the second one and ended up still having to uber the rest of the way home. oh well. when I got home I changed out of my sweaty clothes and got comfortable on the couch. When I turned on the tv Black Lightning was on and instantly sucked me in, it was about half an hour into the episode so I’ll have to go back and watch the beginning of it, I just couldn’t turn it off once it was on my screen, lol. then I watched the new episode of 9-1-1 which was very good, and I still need to catch up on The Resident. after I watched the news for a few minutes before showering and starting to get ready for bed, and now I’m here. My eyes are rapidly closing and it’s almost midnight meaning I have to wake up in 6 hours so I’m gonna end this here. Goodnight friends. Hope your Monday didn’t suck.
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crystal-ingle · 6 years
Scottys Gonna Kill Me Pt.2- Heath Hussar Imagine
Request:hello lovely!! i absolutely loved the imagine you wrote me!! and i was curious if you would be into writing a part two? maybe one where scotty finds out and he gets really mad at first but eventually calms down and becomes cool with it? ps yOUR WRITING IS LITERALLY A1
Word Count:1231
Warnings: Nothing but a few swear words (:
Note: Thank you guys for all of your support! Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN
6 Amazing months of my life have passed. Dating Heath has been challenging and the only person to realize and catch on is of course the only person you would expect, Zane. At first we received a shocked response then he became so into the idea. We were about 2 months into our relationship whenever Zane questioned us because i started coming over a lot more often to hang out with Heath. We realised how careless we were being and needed to dial it down a bit. Scotty still has no clue and i'm pretty sure he’d still kill me to this day.
Not seeing Heath was a rarity since we’ve dating he's usually around the house or we’re hanging out, but he was in Florida visiting family and i couldn't travel with him to visit because someone would surely catch on and Zane also went out to visit but is taking Scotty for a surprise for Heath. I feel bad for not telling scotty but i'd like to keep my boyfriend living. I look up after scrolling through tumblr looking at the Heath tag and Kristen looks at me weirdly.
“So Y/N when are you gonna admit to Heath and you dating.”
I look up shocked. “What are you talking about Kris?”
“Honey im not stupid.” she laughs. “I see the way you guys look at eachother and the stubble winking Heath thinks he’s doing isn't going unnoticed. Also you’re both always taking pictures together not to mention the background and lockscreens. AND you’re looking at his tag on tumblr and saving a lot of his pictures.” she looks up and laughs at my expression. “Also i'm pretty sure everyone but Scotty has caught on. Don't worry though i wont tell him.” she smiles.
“Thank god someone finally confronted me besides Zane. Don't get me wrong i feel bad for not telling Scotty but i know he’d be so angry and i honestly love Heath more than anything. He’s made me feel like a princess and im literally head over heels for that stupid man.” I sigh and hug the couch pillow.
“I honestly see the same emotions out of him towards you. Scott may be mad but he can't be mad for long you’re like his sister.”she stretches and grabs the TV remote.
“Yea. Thanks for not telling him Kris.”
“Of course. Now lets order pizza and watch tv.” I laugh and agree.
Around midnight Kris passed out so i put away the leftovers and headed to bed. Before i could get settled in properly i received just the phone call i've been waiting for.
“Hey babydoll how’re you?”
“I’m amazing now that you’ve called. I miss you. Did you tell everyone i said hi?” i smiled
“Of course i did everyone says hi and that they can't wait to officially meet you.”
“Trust me i can't wait either. So i have something to tell you.” i looked up nervously.
“Well what is it?” he laughs.
Oh how i love his laugh. I smile “Apparently Kris and the whole crew know except scotty.” i laugh as Heaths bedroom door opens.
“What don't i know Y/N?”
Heath turns around and then looks back at me.
“Hi scotty. So uh how was your flight.” i say adding a nervous laugh at the end.
Heath gets up and waves at Zane and then looks Scott in the eyes and proceeds to kill our cover. “Me and Y/N have been dating for 6 months going on 7. And before you say anything just know anything you say isn't going to change my opinion because i love her more than you'll ever know. She's someone i want to spend the rest of my life with.” He looks over at me and then back to scotty.
Scotty looks over at me completely pissed. “So when were you going to decide to tell me? Never? I specifically told you “dont date him he’s not got his priorities straight” and you go and do it anyways. I should've know-.” i interrupt him.
“Okay before you go and become an asshole why don't you think of this. Heath has changed he doesnt party, he cares for me, he makes me feel wanted and amazing more than anyone's ever done for me. I don't want to hear this nonsense scotty so talk to me when you can accept that i'm completely and totally in love with Heath Hussar.”
Heaths smiles brightens but scotty's is completely gone. He doesn't respond and just walks out.
“I'm gonna go to bed Heath. I love you. Bye Zane.”
“Goodnight babe i love you too.” with that i hang up and lay in bed wondering what's going to happen.
I wake up the next morning with a text from Heath.
“Hi baby i know you’re asleep but i wanted to leave you a message. I wanted to let you know everything i told scotty was true and more. You’re my princess and my everything i don't know what i’d do without you. Don't worry about scotty too much i'm sure he’ll get over it. But anyways goodnight darling and sleep amazing i love you more than you know.” i smile so big and reply.
“Good Morning my handsome boyfriend. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You have no idea how happy i am with you and that i went against his wishes and pursued our relationship. He’ll have to get over it because i'm not leaving you. You’re the only one i want to spend the rest of my life with. Have an amazing trip message me when you can.”
Heath Hussar is definitely my prince charming and scotty will have to get over it.
The boys arrive home today and Heath mentioned scotty lightning up around him.
Upon arriving home scotty looked at me and walked passed without saying a word which kinda hurt not gonna lie. I brush it off my shoulder and grab my keys to go see my baby.
It was around 10:30 whenever i got home and was walking into the door with heath in tow because he was spending the night. Everyone was in the living room but scotty, they weren't surprised to see us together because we posted instagram and twitter photos finally exposing ourselves.
Me and Heath were laying in bed watching netflix whenever a knock on my door happened.
“Come in.” A guilty looking scotty walked in.
“Listen im sorry. Kristen knocked some sense in me and im incredibly sorry. I had no place telling you who to date i only did it because i care about you and i hate seeing you get hurt.” scotty looked up. “ And i'm sorry Heath i should’ve seen you could settle down for the right girl.”
Heath laughs “Its fine i can see where you were coming from i was a horrible person at the time but she's proven people can change.” he kisses my cheek.
I laugh. “Honestly it's fine scotty i wouldn't expect a different reaction from you.” i get up and hug him.
“All i have to say is, Heath dont hurt her.”
“I wouldn't think about it i happen to love her too much.”
And so thats how my best friend found out i was dating one of his best friends.
So i guess Scotty isn't going to kill me.
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ilvsyzj · 4 years
Chapter Ten: Settling In and First Day of Class.
12/1/2020, Tuesday, Week 1, Day 0- Continue:
      After Sebastian left. We went to our respected floors and rooms. Sky and my room was the largest one in the house. Because our room look over the lake in the forest. Sky and I put away our belongings. I noticed there was a little black board hanging above our desks. I took it down and wrote some rules for the both of us. Just 5 simple rules. Captain and Co-Captain Rules: 1) No PDA during the day, 2) No eating in the room, 3) Exercise 3 times a week, 4) Keep the room clean, and 5) Work hard. When Sky saw the rules he didn’t say anything but smile. Then I heard a small meow. 
Jazzy: You brought your cat? -surprise-
Sky: Mhm. I brought Toothless with me. Because I can’t leave the little guy at home alone. My family won’t take care of it while I’m here. -taking Toothless out of his cage-
Jazzy: -excited scream- How cute! :) 
Sky: -smiling-
Jazzy: How old is he? -excited-
Sky: 8 weeks. :)
Jazzy: Hi little one. :) What its name?
Sky: His name is Toothless. :)
Jazzy: Hi Toothless. :)
Toothless: -soft meow- 
Sky: -smiling- 
Jazzy: Can I hold him?
Sky: Mhm. -handing Toothless to Jazzy-
      When I hold Toothless in my arms. Toothless start purring loudly. A few minutes later Toothless fell asleep in my arms. That’s when Sky told me the truth. 
Sky: I actually read your blog and saw that you always want a black cat named Toothless. So, I decided to go to the Puppy and Kitten Adoption Center, and I adopted the little guy. Toothless is my gift to you. It’s an early birthday gift. -blushing- 
Jazzy: Thank you. I love it. :) Now, I’m going to have a hard time getting you a birthday gift. Let alone a Christmas gift. 
Sky: You’re my Christmas gift. -blushing-
Jazzy: -blushing- Are we allow to have pets in here?
Sky: Uh...I haven’t thought about that. Let me look in the handbook. 
     A few minutes later Sky found the answer. It turns out we are allow to have pets at HQ. Just as long as we keep our pets inside the house, and not let our pets roam around the grounds. Because there are dangerous wild animals running around grounds, that can attack, kill, and eat our pets. So Sky and I decided to keep Toothless in our room. Since he’s still so little we don’t want anything to happen to him. I put Toothless in his bed and he continue to sleep. Sky put some food and water in Toothless’ bowls. We left our room and went to the Common Room to eat dinner. Eating is the only time we got to know each other. I found out that everyone is so nice and respectful to each other. I didn’t sense any jealously from either of them. The pack does work. I felt like everyone aren’t each other’s soul mate. They act more like siblings. I feel that our team and the Healers are one big happy family. 
Rich: Do you guys have a cat in the house?
Sky: Jazzy and I do. Are you allergic?
Rich: No, I’m not allergic to cats or dogs. I love animals. I also brought a pet to the house. A small puppy. My parents gave to me as a going away present. My puppy is going to be in my room most of the time. I’m just letting everyone know incase you hear barking or loud shouting coming from my room. 
Sky: Good to know. Toothless is going to be in our room most of the time. Since he’s so little and I’m afraid that he might run out of the front door. 
Everyone: Mhm. 
Jazzy: Alright. Let’s clean up and go to bed early. We all have an early start. 
Everyone: Mhm. 
   So we all cleaned up. Did the dishes. And said goodnight to one another. Sky and I returned our rooms. Sky took a shower and I looked through my calendar for tomorrow. It turns out all of R.M.C. has classes together for Basic Training. We start at 9 am. I set my alarm for 7 am. After Sky came out of the bathroom I let him know about tomorrow. He agreed. We both got a text from the other members of R.M.C. and they have the same thought as I did. Which is good. Then it was my turn to take a shower. 20 minutes later I came out of the bathroom. That’s when I noticed that our room has one King size bed. I felt a little nervous. Sky could sense it and said that he will sleep on the sofa and I can have the bed. I shook my head and told him that we can share the bed. I don’t want him tossing and turning all night. I want him to be comfortable. So, we climb into bed. Said goodnight and Sky turned off the lights. 
-End of Day 0-
12/2/2020, Wednesday, Week 1, Day 1:
      The next morning at 7 am my alarm went off. I turned it off. As I start to wake up from my slumber. I noticed that Sky was hugging me. I smiled. I loved that he was hugging me, because I felt safe in his arms. Sky was awake when I rolled to face him. 
Sky: -smiling- Morning Princess. 
Jazzy: -smiling- Morning sweet Prince. 
Sky: -leaning in and kissed me on the cheek- Acceptable?
Jazzy: -nodding- Mhm. -kissing him on the cheek- 
    I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. 5 minutes later I came out and got dress. Sky went to the bathroom to get ready. I fed Toothless breakfast and I got my stuff ready for the day. When Sky came out of the bathroom, he too pack up his back pack. We said goodbye to Toothless and went to the Common Room. Everyone member of R.M.C. was already there. Eating breakfast. Mike was the one who made breakfast for everyone. It turns out that Mike woke up at 5 am to prep everything. I also found out that Mike will make breakfast for us and the Healers, Phil will make lunch for us and the Healers, and Simon will make dinner for us and the Healers. It turns out that Mike, Phil, and Simon loves to cook. What I was most surprise was that there was already a chore list, hung in the kitchen door way. I saw that Sky is responsible for taking out the trash every day, I was responsible for doing the dishes on Tuesdays. I hate doing the dishes, but I saw that there was a dish washer in the kitchen. I sigh a relief. The chore list was long, but all of us have a job to do for the next 6 weeks. I smiled. 
Sky: We are very responsible. Our parents taught us well from a young age that we have to clean after ourselves. By doing chores was taught to us at very young age. We don’t like it. But we have to do it because it’s part of life. 
Jazzy: You guys sure are full of surprises. :)
Mike: There’s more. :)
Jazzy: Surprises? 
Mike: Mhm. :)
Rich: For example, who ever doesn’t do their chores have to eat 1 sour VC mixed in a handful of Bean Boozled flavor jelly beans. :)
Jazzy: Yuck. 
Everyone: -laughing- 
     Today is Wednesday so it is Charlie’s turn to do the dishes. Without complaining Charlie collected all the dishes, rinsed the dishes, and put all the dishes into the dish washer. Then we went into the elevator. Our classes take place in the basement. A few minutes later we got out of the elevator. There was a sign that said, “R.M.C. Classes to the left. Healers Classes to the right” The girls wave goodbye to the R.M.C. members as we went our separate ways. When the R.M.C. members walked into class. I almost had a heart attack. My father was inside the room. I can’t believe that my father is going to teach us Basic Training. We took our seats as class began. 
Mr. Tam: Good morning. :)
R.M.C. Members: Morning. Counselor Tam. 
Mr. Tam: Today, I’m going hand out your class schedules, journals, and iPads. Use these iPads only for your courses. Nothing us. Because in the past the Elders had found inappropriate things on these iPads. The Elders had to block a lot of sites. Also, the punishment for any misuse of these iPads is spending a whole month assisting the King. 
R.M.C. Members: Understood. 
Mr. Tam: Good. 
    Mr. Tam handed out the class schedules, journals, and iPads. When I saw my class schedule I wasn’t surprise. Every day for the next 6 weeks class begins at 9 am and ends at 4 pm. This is what our class schedule looks like, Monday, 9 am - 12 pm, History. 12 pm - 1 pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4 pm, Work Study. Tuesday, 9 am 12 pm, Spell Casting part 1. 12 pm - 1 pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4 pm, Spell Casting part II. Wednesday, 9 am - 12 pm, Basic Physical Training. 12 pm - 1pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4 pm, Work Study. Thursday, 9 am - 12 pm, Potion. 12 pm - 1 pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4pm, Work Study. Friday, 9 am - 12 pm, Review. 12 pm - 1 pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4 pm, Work Study. Saturday, 9 am - 12 pm, Clean Up part 1. 12 pm - 1 pm, Lunch. 1 pm - 4 pm, Clean Up part 2. Sunday is rest day. It’s going to be a very packed 6 weeks. 
Mr. Tam: Okay, lets go through your schedules. On Monday, you will have me as a professor until lunch time. Lunch and Work Study you’re all on your own. Each day you’ll have a different professors. The only time all 16 of you will have classes together is on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. As you all can see on Tuesdays there are two different lessons. One for the Elements and one for the Non-Elements. So use your time wisely. Any questions about your schedules?
R.M.C. Members: No Sir!
Mr. Tam: Okay. Moving on to journals. Open up your journals and you will see your assignments for each subjects. Sebastian will come and collect your journals on Fridays, at midnight. Be sure to finish all your assignments by Friday at midnight. No exception. For any unfinished assignments you will get a 0 on the assignment. Your History assignments are worth 10 points, Spell Casting assignments are worth 15 points, Non-Spell Casting assignments are worth 10 points, Work Study assignments are worth 5 points, Potions assignments are worth 20 points, Review assignments are worth 25 points, and Basic Physical Training are worth 30 points. For a total of 115 points for all assignments. There are mid-terms on week 3 which is worth 50 points and a final on week 6 which worth another 50 points. For your final grade you have to get a total of 215 points. At any point during these next 6 weeks any of you are below 215 points, for example, you only did 1 week of assignments and you have 100 points. Then you just put your journal in a drawl and totally forget about it for the next 5 weeks, and you get 2 points on both your mid-terms and finals. Your total points of 104. You will not move on to next training stage. You will repeat the Basic Training stage. If you don’t want to repeat your Basic Training and decide to leave R.M.C. then that’s fine with the Counsel and the King. We will not keep those who don’t want to do the work. Any questions about your journals?
R.M.C. Members: No Sir!
Mr. Tam: Okay. Moving on to iPads. Basically all your textbooks, review questions, assignment questions, practice quizzes, exams, mid-terms, and final questions are in the iPads. Don’t even try to go on the inappropriate sites because they are all blocked. Oh, one more thing about your assignments this is for all your classes, please write down the questions in black ink and your answers in blue ink. You’re to turn in your iPads every Saturday along with your journals. When you get your iPads and journals back on Sunday night, you’ll get a text alert on your phones with your grades. On your iPads there would be comments from your professors and Sebastian, that you all must read and sign. Each time you sign these Comment Pages you’ll get an extra 5 points. Don’t cheat the system. We will know if you did your assignments or not. Cheating the system will automatically get thrown out of any training stage you’re in. Once you get thrown out of a training stage you can’t get back into Royal Court. Not even if you beg the King. Once you’re out, you’re out for good. There’s no next time or second chances. Because there’s no second chances in real life when you’re in a war. Understand?
R.M.C. Members: Yes Sir! 
Mr. Tam: Good. Now, -looking at his watch- we still have plenty of time left. We will go into our first history lesson. Tap on your History app and flip to page 5.
    My father started our lesson. Chapter 1 of Mythical Kingdom was about how the King ancestors fought countless wars to get the freedom we have today. All these wars in the past were super bloody. A lot of mythical creatures and humans has died from these wars. I finally understand that my parents lived through dark times. In Mythical Kingdom there are 30 clans. Each of these 30 clans gets smaller each year because of these wars. Only recently that these 30 clans are getting back to normal. The bloody wars almost destroy the humans. There are humans living in Mythical Kingdom. We rarely see the humans because all the humans are homeless people. There are only 100 humans left and they are all humans. This problem hasn’t been taken care of. Because the past Kings never bother with this problem. The past Kings think that all humans are useless. The humans are only helpful are in wars and still they end up dead in less then 20 minutes. King You still didn’t do anything about the human population. King You said that the humans are beyond help. Why bothered. 
Mr. Tam: -looking at his watch- Okay we have 10 minutes left. Your assignment is to write one to two pages answering an question. You’ll find your question and further instructions on the Assignment app. Any questions?
R.M.C. Members: No Sir!
Mr. Tam: Okay. Class dismissed. 
    We packed up and left for lunch. Phil ran into the kitchen to start making lunch. 20 minutes later lunch was serve. While we were eating lunch we were talking about our morning. I on the other hand felt kind of sick after my history lesson. So I didn’t eat very much. But Phil made lunch on the blander and softer side of things. Because I almost puke during class. My father can describe things in gruel details. I thank Phil for the bland and soft lunch. Phil and some of R.M.C. members were feeling a little sick after our history lesson. So I wasn’t alone. After lunch Charlie collected the dishes, unload the dish washer, put the clean the dishes back on to the shelves, and load the dish washer. The Healers went back to the basement to continue their day lesson. While the R.M.C. members went to our Work Study. Which turns out to be in the Common Room. Basically, Work Study was a group study. It is the time for us to do our homework and study. 
    We all started our assignment. No one said a word. Well, Rich started to complain. He doesn’t like doing homework. Rich complained for a good 30 minutes until Mike and Phil told Rich, that if he completes homework early he doesn’t have do them on Fridays. Rich sigh and quit his complaining and did his work. The assignment was very easy to do. The question was If you can solve the human problem how would you do it and why. From the notes that I took and reading Chapter 1. I finished my assignment in 2 hours. I wrote 4 and half pages. I began doing End of Chapter 1 questions, even though it’s next Monday homework. But I like to get some of these homework done ahead of time. By 4 pm all of us were done with our first assignment. I on the hand finished 4 Mondays worth of assignments. Sky did the same thing. Simon went to kitchen to cook dinner. The Healers classes end at 4 pm as well. So while Simon was cooking dinner we went to our rooms to shower and take a break. 
     Sky and I make sure Toothless was okay. Which of course he was perfectly fine. I fed Toothless dinner while Sky took a shower. Through out the entire day, Sky was very good. Not once did he flirt with me. He was very focused on his work. I was also very proud of myself for doing the same thing. After Sky was done with his shower, it was my turn. Sky played with Toothless while he waited for me. 20 minutes later I came out dressed and refreshed. We went down to the Common Room to eat dinner. 2 hours later Charlie cleared up the table and Sky took out the trash. After everything was put away and cleared up we to sit in the Common Room. That’s when the biggest bombshell was dropped on to our laps. It turns out that Jeff and Brandy mated. 
Everyone: What?! -shocked-
Jeff: Yea. Brandy and I been together for a very long time. 
Brandy: Mhm. 
Jazzy: -confused-
Jeff: I imprinted on Brandy when she was born in 2005. She was 5 years old. 
Jazzy: Oh. 
Jeff: When I was 18 I bit Brandy. She was only 13. We couldn’t get married because her parents thought we were too young. Even though I bit her and she is my soul mate. We decided to wait until this year to hold a ceremony. We sign our marriage license last year. But I wanted all my boys to be there, and Brandy wants all her girls to be there. Plus, Brandy thought it would be cute that her bridemaids to have their other half to be her girls partners on our wedding day. But Sky was the only one single in our group. So we waited until he found his other half, then we will have our wedding. :)
Jazzy: -blushing- 
Sky: You two don’t have to wait for me. -blushing- 
Brandy and Jeff: We want to. :)
   We said our congratulations. The wedding was set on May 2, 2021. After that big news we decided to get a early rest. We all went to our rooms, Rich took his puppy out for one last time before turning in for the night. Sky and I checked on Toothless who was asleep when we returned to our room. We brushed our teeth and changed into our pjs. We got into bed and turn off the lights. We weren’t sleeping yet, but in the dark I decided to reward him. Since Sky was already hugging me, I rolled over to face him, nuzzle his neck gently, and that actually aroused him. He knew what I was about to do. He allowed me to do it. I start slowly kissing neck and I moved to his cheek. When I was on top of him I kissed him gently on the lips. Which aroused him even more. I knew he wanted more than just a gentle kiss. 
Jazzy: I’ll give you more of a gentle kiss in the future. Let’s see you can last 6 week without flirting with me during the day. This kiss that I just gave you tonight was a reward.  :)
Sky: -made a pouty face- I want more. 
Jazzy: You’ll just have to wait and be patient. :)
Sky: -sigh softly-
Jazzy: I know its hard. But to those who wait will get the reward in the end. :)
Sky: You promise?
Jazzy: I promise. I would make it worth your while. :) 
Sky: Okay. :)
     I rolled off Sky. We said good night to each other. Sky rubbed my side softly until we both fell asleep. 
-End of Chapter Ten- 
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nxrcissamxlfoy · 7 years
lots of tag stuff
been tagged in a lot of stuff lately so here’s a big ol post of them
tagged by @hexmionegranger​ @aurorarsinistra​ and @dearpadfoot​
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better
name: adrenne nicknames: my work friends call me ‘ay bitch’ and my family calls me nikki zodiac sign: capricorn height: 5′2″ orientation: bi nationality: american  favorite fruit: watermelon! or cantaloupe  favorite season: faaaaaall favorite book: harry potter obvi but also house of leaves and all of chuck palahniuk’s stuff  favorite flower: daisies :) favorite scent: amber, and coffee. but not together i don’t think? favorite color: orangeeee favorite animal: octopus! coffee | tea | hot cocoa: coffee coffee coffee goodnight everybody drive safely! average sleep hours: like 5-7?? idrk cat or dog person: both! favorite fictional character: oh boy, ginny? draco? all of them? omg number of blankets you sleep with: a sheet and a comforter  dream trip: all of europe? and indonesia  blog created: fidk like a few years ago but it was mostly random stuff and i didn’t make it hp til like two years ago number of followers: 8k+ random fact: i just had a tooth removed yesterday like ow
tagged by @restlessleep​
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST… 1.Drink: coffee 2.Phone call: my boyfriend 3.Text message: again the boyfriend 4.Song you listened to: sublime april 29th 1992 ( @beauxbaton​ lmao) 5.Time you cried: i cry all the time omg
HAVE YOU EVER… 6.Dated someone twice: yes 7.Been cheated on: yes 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: i mean not really  10.Been depressed: yeah 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: ahahaha yeah
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: orange, purple, yellow
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: yes 16.Fallen out of love: no 17.Laughed until you cried: yes! 18.Found out someone was talking about you: probably? 19.Met someone who changed you: no 20.Found out who your true friends are: i knew? like 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: well my bf is on my facebook so??
GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 23.Do you have any pets: i have a cat, oliver, and a dog at my moms, maggie.  24.Do you want to change your name: i used to when growing up, but i mean, no not any more. 25.What did you do for your last birthday: had my gallbladder removed lmao 26.What time did you wake up: like 4am whyyyy 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28.Name something you cannot wait for: omg the history of magic book pls hurry 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: um... a few weeks ago? 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i’m just ready to be financially secure and have kids  31.What are you listening to right now: a youtube vlog 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: this fucking stitch in my mouth 34.Most visited website: tumblr 35.Elementary: ??? what about it like 36. High School: ten years ago stop 37.College/university: english degree bitches 38.Hair color: dirty blonde 39.Long or short hair: long 40.Do you have a crush on someone: my bf lmao 41.What do you like about yourself: my trash ways 42.Piercings: none 43.Blood type: I DONT KNOW idk idk how idk but idk 44.Nickname: ^^^^^ 45.Relationship status: 6 years and counting  46.Zodiac sign: capricorn 47.Pronouns: She/her 48.Favorite tv show: friends, got, walking dead, the strain, twin peaks, so many lmao 49.Tattoos: one, or three depending on how you view it like 50.Right or left hand: left
FIRST… 51.Surgery: wisdom teeth 52.Piercing: i have had my ears pierced but they’re not now 54.Sport: played: basketball 55.Vacation: indiana, most of my childhood summers 57.Eating: first eating??? what 58.Drinking: someone didn’t think this out well 59.I’m about to: get food somehow  60.Listening to: same vlog dude you just asked this 61.Waiting for: the time to take my next pain pill 62.Want: some chick fil a 63.Get married: first get married lolol yeah eventually 64.Career: sahm honestly 
WHICH IS BETTER… (in a significant other?) 65.Hugs or kisses: hugs 66.Lips or eyes: eyes 67.Shorter or taller: taller 68.Older or younger: older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: arms and BACK OMG 71.Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72.Hook up or relationship: relationship 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker?
HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: yes 75.Drank hard liquor?: yes 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: yes 77.Turned someone down?: yes 78.Sex on first date?: yes 79.Broken someone’s heart?: yes 80.Had your heart broken?: yes 81.Been arrested?: no 82.Cried when someone died?: yes 83.Fallen for a friend?: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: sometimes 85.Miracles?: no 86.Love at first sight?: not really 87.Santa Claus?: SANTA IS THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS OKAY 88.Kiss on the first date?: yeah 89.Angels?: no
OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: dont do this to me laura and chiara 91.Eye color: blue 92.Favorite movie: lord so many
tagged by @amaliabones​ and @naarna​
What was your favorite HP character when you first read the books/watched the movies? at first it was hermione
Has it changed since? If so, who is it now? yeah, ginny and draco and ron my son
How do you feel about pinapple on pizza? like, its good and if it’s there i’ll eat it but i’m not ordering it
What’s your favorite type of plant? basil
What was the pairing of the first HP fanfic that you read? ahhh i don’t really remember
Describe your ideal dinner. um, it honestly just depends on my mood.
For watching movies at home, do you prefer light rain or heavy thunderstorms? light rain, bc we have a tin roof and thunderstorms means we have to turn our tv up all the way and still maybe still not hear it.
Favourite childhood game? guess who
Do you like boats? they’re okay?
Do you wear a watch? If so, in which wrist? i wear my fitbit, on my right
If you could be at Hogwarts during the events of one (only one!) of the books, which book would you choose? probably gof? like up until the end everything was fun for everyone not a champion haha 
What’s your second Hogwarts House? slytherin probs
What’s your Patronus, and do you think it fits you? a nebulung cat, WHICH IS MY SISTER’S CAT 
What’s your favourite season, and why? fall, the weather, the colors, halloween, thanksgiving just all of it.
Which song do you now find cringe-worthy but loved as a child/teenager? a lot lmao
What’s the last proper book you’ve read, and did you like it? in full, house of leaves (for the third time) 
What’s the weirdest fact you know about the place you live in? uhhh idk we at one point had the longest man made beach?
If you could be an animal, what would it be, and why? probably a cat
What’s your favourite word in the English language, and why? i dont really know :(
Which class(es) at Hogwarts would you love to take? herbology, care of magical creatures
 How long have you been a HP fan? years
Why do you think you belong in your Hogwarts House? Which traits do you most identify with?  loyalty and fairness for sure
okay okay so tagging people. all of the @quidditchleaguenet get it on it folks <3
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the-ass-assin · 7 years
I was tagged by @cynosurecosplay thanks so much, lovely!!
1. Drink: Lemonade
2. Phone Call: Uh… customer service, I think? I don’t make a lot of phone calls.
3. Text Message: to my brother about his baseball game
4. Song you listened to: I think it was R U Mine
5. Time you cried: Like… yesterday.
6. Dated someone twice: I haven’t even dated someone once
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone either
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: Like… they died? Or they just left? I guess it’s a yes for either one.
10. Been depressed: Yeah…
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never been drunk. I’ve never even drank.
12-14. Yellow, pink, and purple (kinda like a sunset)
15. Made new friends: I don’t really know tbh. I’ve met new people, but Idk if they would consider me a friend.
16: Fallen out of love: You have to fall in love in order to fall out of love, so no
17: Laughed until you cried: hell yeah.
18: Found out someone was talking about you: not in the past year, but I have before.
19. Met someone who changed you: I think everyone I meet changes me a bit.
20. Found out who your friends are: Idk
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I’ve never kissed anyone and I don’t have Facebook.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: please see question 21
23. Do you have any pets: I have two kitty cats and a precious pupper.
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, not anymore.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: My mom set up a trip to new York city with some other family members and a friend :’) I don’t usually get to do anything for my birthday, and they didn’t tell me until the day we left, so it was so surprising and great.
26. What time did you wake up: too fucking early.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing dishonored
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my next day off
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like… a couple hours ago when we said goodnight
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I was taller. I’m kidding, I wish I was better at talking to people. Or maybe I would wanna be smarter. I wish a lot of things tbh
31. What are you listening to right now: Futurama in the background while I scroll through tumblr
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my uncle’s name is Tom
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my face is hella itchy so that’s annoying
34. Most visited website: probably tumblr
35. Mole/s: on my stomach
36. Mark/s: I have some on the back of my leg because I got poison ivy as a kid and scratched the hell out of it, and a scar on my arm from excessive scratching
37. Childhood dream: I had a lot of childhood dreams. I wanted to look for cryptids and aliens and ghosts. I wanted to be an astronaut or an astronomer. I had a really long time period where I decided I was gonna be the person who discovered what happened to Amelia Earhart. That was the big one, I think.
38. Hair color: Blonde
39. Long or short hair: short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: … yeah
41. What do you like about yourself: I like that I’m willing to learn new things
42. ????????
43. Blood type: Is this something people actually know about themselves???
44. Nickname: online it’s sniffles. Offline, Its Bergle, bergmister, hambergler, bergleroonie, and occasionally Switzy.
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Capricorn
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: Stranger Things, and quite a few cartoons.
49. Tattoos: none just yet. Gotta wait until I’m 18.
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: Nope
52. Hair dyed in different colors: Yeah… I had red tips, blue tips, full purple, grey-ish purple, light brown and dark brown. I’m gonna dye it again once I can pick a color.
53. Sport: I played little league as a kid, and I played soccer for about a day and a half.
54: …………………
55: Vacation: I went to Mexico on a school trip and I fucking LOVED IT
56: Pair of trainers: Like… sneakers? That’s what trainers are, right?
57. Eating: I had nachos for dinner
58: Drinking: still lemonade
59: I’m about to: probably sleep soon
60. …
61. Waiting for: Season 2 of stranger things
62. Want: 3ds (need more money first)
63. Get married: maybe someday? I don’t think it’s necessary, but I could, if it would make my partner happy, or if they asked.
64. Career: Well, right now I’m working at a local store. In the future I hope to be an animator.
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs, and I’m still sort of hesitant on that.
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: There’s good things about both, dude.
68. Older or younger: I think it depends
69. ……….
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: As much as I wanna say “I don’t care, as long as they’re nice” I’ve always been attracted to nice arms
71. Sensitive or loud: You can be both. In fact, both is good, I think.
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: depends on the trouble
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yeah, too often for someone who can’t see shit without them
77. Turned someone down: yeah
78. Sex on the first date: no ew
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so….
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: not yet (my friends and parents seem to agree that I’m most likely to get arrested. I wish I could say “I don’t know why” but that’s not true. I know why.)
82. Cried when someone died: hell yeah. Damn, it was years ago, and I still cry like a baby.
83. Fallen for friend: Like, in love? No, I’ve never been in love. But if you mean having a crush on them… maybe? Depends on if friend means “someone you knew through the internet and had talked to a couple times”.
84. Yourself: sometimes….
85. Miracles: Yeah, I guess.
86. Love at first sight: no. You can be interested at first sight, but you can’t fall in love just by looking at someone.
87. Santa Claus: fuck yeah dude
88. Kiss on the first date: if both people are cool with it, then sure. If one or more isn’t, then no.
90. Current best friend name: I don’t… know….
91. Eye color: blue
92. Favorite Movie: the Princess Bride or Scream
Yay!!!!! Okay, I tag @booperdooperladdies and @waterbird-loves-pasteis (Idk if you’re still using the other blog, lovely. Sorry!)
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