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mojowitchcraft · 1 year ago
Season 3 Bat Eddie Fic 🍦 for the @steddiebang Featuring art by @nomunun & @sourw0lfs
Chapters every Tuesday, read here on Ao3
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Eddie’s taken to selling at Starcourt by the dumpsters near the loading dock. It gives him an excuse to lurk around the mall throughout the week without needing to act like he’s there to buy something every time he goes into Scoops… which is every time he’s at the mall, because he’s a sad pathetic excuse for a man, with a hopeless, moronic, crush on Steve Harrington. His resolution to get over his feelings and keep his distance lasted approximately three days after Steve’s party before Eddie caved and stopped by Starcourt to see his favorite man in uniform again. Eddie had steeled himself for the worst, prepared himself just in case Tommy and Carol’s comments had caused Steve to see him differently, for him to keep his distance.  Of course, Steve had surprised him once again, greeted him with a large smile, and given him an extra scoop on his sundae free of charge. Hence the aforementioned crush reaching record-shattering peaks of patheticness. It can just be a summer indulgence, like the ice cream, he’d reasoned with himself.  Eventually, he comes to the decision that since Steve is bound to leave Hawkins one day—and if God is just, Eddie will too—so he may as well enjoy the eye candy while he’s young and spry and it’s readily available.  Besides, he’s a growing boy, he can’t help himself. Maybe he’s going through a second puberty, or maybe he was hit by some sort of stray love spell. He certainly can’t be held responsible for his actions, that’s for damn sure. 
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godmadeaterribleerror · 8 days ago
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And You Were Brighter Than The Light Pt. 1
Main Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Pt. 2
Read on A03!
Tags: Bucky Barnes/Female Reader, fluff, angst, no use of y/n, mental health issues, canon-divergent au
Summary/Warnings: There are a lot of Avenger's at the compound. And you never leave your room. It's a good thing you did, though. Just once. Otherwise you never would've met Bucky
Author's Note: I love sad men more than I love myself. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7.6k
Bucky saw an angel.
He was almost certain he saw a real, moving, glowing angel. Hovering over him as the world shifted and blended around him, and She became sharp and clear and the only thing he’d ever need to see again. 
Beautiful. She was beautiful.
He had really missed looking at beautiful things. 
And She had to be an angel. There was no other explanation beside Bucky was watching an angel, perfect and ethereal above him, because everything had been a lot of pain and stained red vision, but She’d placed a soft hand on his brow and he’d been so warm. It had been like summer, the world in a full bloom of color and the air in his lungs impossibly clear. As if She’d injected him with a drug, and his heart was no longer lead but gold, and his every organ and muscle were soothed to relaxed.
Only an angel could make him relax. Go all loose and floppy like a damn rag doll, wipe his every instinct of fight and scrape like an animal when he knew he was vulnerable. 
Bucky was vulnerable here. On his back, with the angel over him and his whole body exposed to the world. But there was no fight in him. No urge to flee or guard anything, though there had been no order to be at ease, no paralytic injected into his blood stream. 
The angel started to hum, and his body relaxed even further. He was sleepy. Not tired or exhausted, with itching eyes and the world blurred in odd shapes as he fought his brain to stay awake, but sleepy. 
Like he was safe. 
And everything would be okay, if he just let the darkness wrap over him as the angel continue to hum.
The last thing Bucky saw before he gave in was Her. The angel. Still beautiful in ways he didn’t have words for, still touching him, still watching him like he was being studied. Like there was a test or trial he needed to pass, but She didn’t expect him to fail in the slightest. No fear on Her features, no caution or tension. Only curiosity and care because She was an angel, so She could look right into him and find all She desired without ever needing to ask. 
The only thing that reminded him that he hadn’t seen an angel was the fact that if death was coming—it didn’t feel like it was, not as the angel kept Her hand on his skin and sleep closed faster in—Bucky would not be headed to whatever paradise had sent Her to his side.
He’d rot away under the ground, and—as the peaceful, purple and blue and green darkness moved over his vision and the angel faded into only a song—pray that Hell truly was a place of fire, because he’d spent long enough in the cold.
Bucky was not dead.
A lot of things hurt, but he wasn’t dead.
It was unfortunate.
Now he’d have to write on of Starks dumb fucking mission reports. 
His eyes stayed closed as he grabbed his every, slightly dulled sense and pulled them back into his body, sharpening them by brute force and keeping his breathing steady and measured. Nobody needed to know he was awake yet. And as long as he remained asleep, he’d have an advantage.
There was a steady beep on a machine, and a little clamp latched onto one of his fingers. A human one. The metals ones were relaxed in thin but soft sheets, and the mattress under Bucky’s bed was stiff and filled with odd bumps. 
He was in the infirmary. He’d gotten shot with a dart on a mission, and the dart had been filled with a poison strong enough to knock him down, and he was in the infirmary. His heartbeat was normal, the air was about two degrees below the normal temperature, and his IV-
There was no IV. There was an aching pain and a heavy weight over his every nerve, but there was no IV. 
They’d need an IV to combat the poison. Bucky wasn’t dead—he didn’t even feel like he was dying—but there was no IV. It didn’t track. There were many, many things about this world he didn’t understand, but medical things were often straight forward and simple. You get shot, you needed stitches. Your arm gets ripped off, you need a new arm. You got brainwashed, you need a psychiatrist. 
You get your veins pumped with a white-hot poison that brings you to your knees and makes the world spin, you need an IV. 
He kept himself together. He wasn’t dying, so there was no need to burst up and demand answers, but someone had meddled with his body and now he’d need to be careful. He’d been certain Steve had been the one who grabbed him after his knees gave out, but Bucky knew far better than to trust his own memory, so now all he had to do was ensure that he kept the upper hand. He’d figure out what these people—whoever had him, whoever had tried to warp something in him that he still couldn’t identify—had done to him when he got back to the compound, and he’d make sure the world was safe from whatever new weapon he’d become, but he had to keep the upper hand-
“I know you’re awake, Sargent Barnes.” 
Bucky heard the skip in his heart through the monitor. 
He didn’t move. He didn’t dare. He couldn’t identify that voice—it was a lovely voice, musical and almost heavenly, honey without being too sweet, a little bit of a rasp or drawl or rough edge around the words—so he’d been right. Someone he didn’t know had touched him, and now he had to think fast-
“I know you’re playing dead, as well.” The woman—Bucky was pretty sure it was a woman—said, and she sounded a little bored. Or annoyed. Her tone was really hard to read. “Steve told me he’d be back in a few hours, so you can keep pretending you can’t hear me until then.”
He wasn’t in a strange bunker or lab, because Steve wouldn’t have just left him somewhere unsafe—Steve didn’t even like letting Bucky use a damn can opener in case it somehow triggered him—so it was alright.
Bucky opened his eyes slowly, and god, why was is so fucking bright-
“FRIDAY, can you please lower the lights?”
“Of course, doctor.” It wasn’t bright anymore. Bucky’s brain felt a little fuzzy. “I have also alerted Captain Rogers that Sargent Barnes is awake. He is running a little behind from the city, and would like to know if Mr. Wilson would be welcome to observe in his place.”
Bucky’s jaw grit, because he was getting on better with Wilson, but he didn’t need the asshole watching him like he was a dog who would bite someone or piss on the floor if left unattended-
“I think I’ve got it, Friday. Thank you.”
Bucky frowned, glaring at the ceiling as his eyes continued to open at a horribly slow rate. When he managed to find his voice, it was hoarse.
“Are you a mind-reader?”
She gave a soft laugh. “No.
“You my doctor?”
“Nurse?” “No.”
Bucky felt his hand twitch slightly. “Guard?”
He turned his head, ready to raise his brow and figure out who the hell Steve had left him with, and the world stuttered. Rewound just a pace before rushing forward, as the beeping of the machine sped up, and Bucky gaped at Her. 
It was the angel. She was real. 
Bucky hadn’t dreamt of or hallucinated Her, she was right here and somehow more beautiful when his mind wasn’t melting into his skull and his blood wasn’t trying to rip out of his body. 
He’d seen an angel. 
“Know any words besides no?” He whispered—god, he sounded weird, and weak, and a little pathetic—and She smiled at him. 
It was the prettiest smile he’s ever. He’d start wars for that smile. He’d end wars for it. He’d reverse the orbit of the earth and rewrite everything that was determined, just to see that fucking smile on the face of a woman he didn’t even know. 
“You know,” She tilted Her head slightly, and Bucky felt himself mimic the movement. Like already, he was bending for whatever will She had. “I think I might.”
Stark’s compound was too big. There were too many rooms, and things, and people. So many damn people, that Bucky had somehow been living in the same house as this woman for almost a year and he’d never even seen Her.
She’d told him that She was—technically—an Avenger, but She didn’t like to fight or participate in things, so she spent most of her time in her private lab, and kept good company outside of the other Avengers. She said they were better than the people, softer too, and Bucky didn’t know what the hell that meant but he liked how She’d said it, so he’d nodded and asked Her name.
It was a perfect name. Bucky hadn’t known there could be perfect names, but this was one of them. He’d repeated it to memorize it—it felt impossibly critical that Bucky memorize Her name—and it had tasted good on his tongue, and felt right to pass through his lips. A little like oxygen. 
She’d explained her powers as well, but with very big words Bucky didn’t think were real. He’d said at much, and She’d simplified with a bright look in Her eyes that reminded Bucky of the moon. Shining and soft and easy to look at and wonder if he could touch it, if he just reached out to try.
He’d had to ask Steve, very casually a few days later so as not to be suspicious, what Biology manipulation could do.
The casual approach had not worked.
“Oh, right.” Steve had said Her name with raised brows. “You finally met her. Not getting her powers?”
“Guess not,” Bucky had muttered “You going to explain them?“
Steve had just shrugged. “Wish I could. Only ones who seem to really understand them are her, Stark, and Vision. Even Banner gets confused. Far as I’ve got, she’s got some sort of harmony with things. I mostly see her when we get a really bad injury on a mission, there’s not enough time for the usual fixes, and she works a miracle.”
Bucky had frowned. “Like the poison.”
Steve had nodded, and Bucky hadn’t pushed further. He didn’t need to give away how he hadn’t stopped thinking about Her—Her smile or voice or face or how She’d sat with Her legs had been crossed like some sort of princess, but She’d looked like far more than just royalty under the harsh fluorescent lights—and he spent a lot of time wondering how he’d somehow missed her, when they’d been under the same roof for months.
She’d told him She was never out much. But this didn’t seem to be true, because suddenly Bucky was seeing Her everywhere.
First it was in the kitchen. Sitting across the counter in the morning, giving Bucky a small, world-ending smiles over breakfast. She never bothered with small talk, only giving him a soft Hi and wave when she walked into the room, and a nod and bye when she walked away. Her presence was always more than enough, though, because suddenly eating didn’t feel like a chore he allegedly had to complete to keep living. 
It was period of time he got to see Her. See how She moved through the world, see how She’d take her eggs and what drink she’d have and which mug was Her’s, because then he’d place his right next to it like a fucking creep. 
But he liked it. He liked how their handles would bump against each other, and how when Bucky would leave his mug in the cabinet first—leaving the kitchen before She did—he’d still find them in their right place. 
Besides each other.
He liked how She’d chase the last three soggy cheerios around the milk with an adorable, focused frown. He liked how She’d run her hand through her hair like it soothed her, and it would always make his fingers flex to mimic that movement as well. She seemed to tilt Her head whenever she was thinking, and She sat with her legs crossed, and sometimes—when She’d wear headphones—she’d tap her nails in perfect rhythm with the song.
Bucky really liked how She held her spoon. It was an odd thing to like, but that didn’t stop Bucky from being entranced every time She moved. She’d spin and flip it in Her fingers, and set it down very carefully when she was done.
And Bucky liked it. He liked Her.
He liked Her so much he couldn’t stop looking at Her. She looked like an angel in every light, but the breaking colors of the sunrise made Her look like art. Bucky wished he could paint, or sculpt, or do something besides grip his fork like a weapon—it was—and stare at Her-
“You have hot sauce on your face.”
Bucky blinked at Her. She hadn’t looked up at him. If they weren’t alone, he wouldn’t be sure she was speaking to him.
“Hot sauce.” She repeated, raising a finger to point at Her cheek. “Here.”
She was right. Bucky mirrored Her movement, and his fingers came away red and sticky.
There was a moment where his heart fractured and stumbled against his will. He knew it wasn’t blood. He knew he hadn’t hurt anyone. But his body was quicker and played dirtier than his mind, and it went into overdrive. 
Blood. Horrible and tainted on his hands, and it was choking him but he’s breathing just fine, and his skin is burning and wrong on his body but there’s nowhere else for it to go-
A foot bumped against his under the table, a soft song filled his ears, and the world became light and easy. 
Bucky breathed, and Her foot stayed pressed against his. 
She’d never once looked up from Her cereal, and when he walked into the kitchen the next day, there were napkins on the counter.
After that, She was at the stupid, mandatory team-bonding meetings. Steve and Stark’s well-meaning—at least in Steve’s case—late night movies, games, or required two hours sitting in the common room and not fighting with each other.
He’d never seen Her at one before. They were mandatory, and not in a flexible, do your best to come kind of way. Bucky knew that, because he’d tried to skip them, and Steve had dragged him by almost the nape of his neck. 
But She’d missed all of them. And suddenly She was sitting silently in the corner, and Bucky knew it wasn’t just he who noticed. Bruce offered Her a drink with wide eyes, Sam cleared his throat in the middle of a conversation, and nodded to where She was sat with a questioning expression that no one had been able to offer an answer to, and Stark had been staring at Her all night. 
But it wasn’t the way Bucky stared—where he was trapped staring at all the stars condensed before him, and he never wanted to look away—but like a bomb, set to go off any second. 
“Dr. Dolittle’s out of her cave,” Stark muttered to Steve at the bar, and Bucky didn’t think he was supposed to be listening, but he didn’t really care. “You call her?”
Steve shook his head. “She told me she’d be here. And it’s not exactly a bad thing, Tony. We’ve been trying to get her to come to one of these for almost two years-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m just-“ Tony glanced over to where She was sitting on the floor playing solitaire with a deck of beaten cards, a weary expression on his face. “Heads up would’ve been nice. Good. For all of us, not just me and my paranoia.”
“She’s not going to do anything-“
“But she could.” Stark shrugged, giving Steve a pointed look Bucky didn’t understand. “Half a thought and all of us are dead, Cap.”
Steve sighed, but didn’t push back, and Bucky frowned. She was an angel. She wouldn’t kill anyone. Bucky didn’t really know Her, but Steve said she didn’t like doing missions, and she didn’t really seem like the killing type.
But Tony spoke of Her like she was dangerous. Unpredictable.
It was just another thing to be added to the list of things Bucky didn’t understand. 
And She was there the next week. And the next. Over and over until people weren’t acting like She was a shocking presence, but rather a phantom. Visible, but not real. She always played solitaire. She always sat in the same corner, and she never participated in the actual team building.
Bucky realized She only ever really spoke to four people. Steve and Tony when they spoke to Her, Wanda when she’d drop at Her side and they look anywhere but each other as they had a quiet conversation, and Natasha when she brought Her food. 
Bucky wanted to talk to Her. More than just quick words exchanged in the kitchen. A real, normal conversation to learn how She said different words, and what She thought of things, and if when She smiled with full light in his direction it would be as powerful as he thought. 
“I can play solitaire.”
She looked up at him with a completely neutral expression, and tilted Her head to the side. “Congratulations.” 
Bucky stared at Her, and she just stared right back. It was unsettling, and his heart was going to pound of his chest, and it had taken twenty minutes to walk over here but he was ready to damn it and flee like a coward-
“Can you play war?”
“I-“ Bucky swallowed, and he probably looked like an idiot, but She was looking at him so nothing else really mattered. “War?”
She nodded. “The card game.”
He shook his head, and She shrugged.
“You’ll learn.”
He did. It was boring and simple and repetitive, and he liked it, too. He liked that he didn’t have to think, and that he could never be doing anything wrong, and that She was talking to him the whole time. She asked him questions, and he answered, then She’d hum and offer him Her own answer like a reward.
“Do you have a favorite animal?”
He nodded, flipping his top card over and watching Her carefully. There wasn’t a wrong thing to say here, it was a personal preference.
Bucky was almost certain he’d be able to create an incorrect answer, without even trying.
“I like cats.”
She hummed. “Me too. I know a few, if you want to meet them.”
It had been an odd way to phrase that, but She seemed odd. And She kept talking, so Bucky hadn’t pushed it.
“Are you drinking?”
He shook his head. “Doesn’t work on me.”
“Super Soldier?”
He nodded, and She hummed. 
“I don’t drink unless Natasha makes it.” She told him, folding Her cards back into a neat little stack, shuffling them without ever breaking Her gaze. “All the other ones are dogshit at it.”
Bucky had to swallow his snort. “I’d believe that.”
“Do you watch movies?”
“Not really, no.”
She tilted Her head at him. “Have you tried to?”
Bucky raised his brows. “Tried to watch movies?”
She nodded, and he shrugged.
“They all seem to be the same these days. Not that interested.”
She made a face at that. “They weren’t all that different in the 40s, Bucky. I’d argue they were worse.”
She’d said his name. She’d said Bucky, and he’d never loved his name more than when it was spoken by Her.
And he’d agree to anything She told him, so he nodded. 
“You, uh-“ He paused, watching Her carefully. “You got any recommendations?”
She had hundreds. She had more opinions on what Bucky and Steve had missed than Sam did, but She was cute and bright-eyed as She said them, and Sam was just annoying.
Bucky wouldn’t remember everything She told him.
But that gave him an excuse to talk to Her later.
She looked around the common area, scanning over the crowd of slowly dwindling avengers. “Do you guys really do these every week?”
“We’re supposed to.” Bucky shrugged. “If we don’t, Tony revokes our FRIDAY privileges.”
She frowned. “That’s dumb.”
Buck couldn’t stop this snort, and it didn’t hurt when it broke out of his chest. “You’re telling me.” He muttered. “How come you haven’t been dragged into one before?”
He didn’t expect the full answer. He didn’t get the full answer. But She did run a hand through her hair as she flipped another card, and he got an answer, which was more than enough.
“Because I didn’t want to.” She said. “And Tony’s scared of me. Most of them are.”
“They’re scared of me, too. I still end up here.”
She shook Her head. “You’re unstable, but not dangerous. It’s different.”
Bucky stared at Her, unable to hide the expression of pure, numbing and dizzying shock on his face. “I’m unstable, huh?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “But it’s not loud. It’s colorful. And don’t worry. All of you are unstable. Except him.” She pointed to Vision, standing silent behind Wanda with a small smile on his face. “I don’t know about him.”
She was really pretty. And She’d just called him unstable, but She’d also called him colorful, so Bucky wasn’t really all that offended.
And he still liked Her.
He couldn’t find a part of Her he didn’t like. He needed to, but he couldn’t.
There had to be one part. Just one thing about Her that could be a flaw, that Bucky could cling to and force Her to seem more human.
Because from the start, the sight of Her made his heart skip a beat before falling into a strange time, and his brain would feel less like a burden, and his whole body would turn warm. It was strange, and dangerous, and distracting. It grabbed his attention and demanded his devotion without Her ever speaking a word, and since Bucky started talking to Her, he failed to find something to kill that odd reaction. It could prove deadly. 
It felt deadly. It felt like a sickness that he didn’t want to be cured of. And every time he’d go to another mandatory meeting She’d be in the same corner, and they’d play war and talk, and Bucky knew so much about Her and he liked all of it. 
“What would you add to the compound?” Bucky had started to ask the questions. He still always answered first. “I want a computer.”
She gave him a strange look. “You don’t… Have a computer?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t know where to find one-“
“You buy one.” She said, a small frown on Her face. “Just like a phone.”
“I didn’t buy my phone.” Bucky shrugged. “And I don’t like it. Only use it cause Stark makes me.”
She raised her brows. “So why do you want a computer?”
“I’m trying to catch up with the times.” He drawled. “Sam says everything’s on computers. Answer my question.”
“What would you add to the compound?”
“We need more water.” Her answer was almost immediate, and She was still looking at him. “You know a computer isn’t an addition, right, Bucky? A hedge maze would be an addition.”
Bucky frowned. “Why would we need a hedge maze.”
“We wouldn’t. But don’t waste your wish on something I can bully Tony into buying you-“
“You’d bully Stark for me?” Bucky stared at Her—She might be better than an angel—and She shrugged.
“I’d bully Tony for a pack of stale gum.”
He snorted. “Well then, don’t let me stop you. Bully away, doll.”
The word slipped out, and even in the low light of the common room, Bucky could see Her flush. 
It was beautiful. It made Her look more like at least something heavenly, but more tangible as well. Like he could reach out and hold Her cheek, and it could, maybe, be warm. 
“I will,” She mumbled, Her fingers stuttering for the first time as she flipped a card, and Bucky liked Her more.
This was cancerous. It only spread, and he lost a little sleep because he couldn’t stop picturing her, and he kept turning around to look for Her in places he knew she wouldn’t be, and all his dreams were plagued by Her smile.
Because She’d smiled. At Bucky.
He’d been training in the compound gym, and She’d been there, and the world had done its little skip as Bucky just watched Her.
She wasn’t alone. She and Natasha had been sparring on a mat—almost dancing around each other with unwavering focus—and She moved with an unsurprising grace that drew Bucky in like a moth to a flame.
He’d heard Sam say Her name from somewhere behind him. “She’s out early.”
“Nat said she asked to move their training,” Steve had said, and when Bucky glanced over his shoulder, Steve had been watching Her and Natasha with a curious expression. “Didn’t mention why.”
Bucky had frowned, and forced his voice to remain casual. “When did she train before?”
“Midnight.” Steve had shrugged, then Sam had said something about not wanting Bucky and Steve to forget he wasn’t a super soldier and could be crushed under weights, and the conversation had moved on.
But She and Natasha had stopped for only a minute. And She looked over from the mat, spotted Bucky, and smiled.
Just for him. Just from the sight of him. Just as blinding and critical as he’d thought it would be.
Then She’d mouthed Hi.
He’d mouthed Hi in return, and She’d smiled again. 
Are you training with them? She’d pointed to Sam and Steve, Bucky had nodded, and She’d shaken her head. Don’t. Steve is going to fart soon, and it’s going to smell.
Bucky had blinked at Her. How do you know that?
She’d shrugged, and ignored the question. Can you tell Sam to stop using Redwing around the Compound, please.
Why don’t you tell him. He’d pointed at Her, and She’d given him a flat look.
I don’t want to. And you’re friends with him.
I am not.
You are.
Bucky rolled his eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips. He’s not supposed to be using it at all, doll. Tony yelled at him already. Are you sure?
She’d nodded, and Bucky could’ve sworn She was flushing. Positive.
He raised his brows. How?
The birds told me. 
Natasha had said Her name, their silent conversation of gestures and exaggerated movements ended, and Bucky had been left staring at Her.
She was odd. Incredibly odd, in a way that only seemed to feed into Her beauty. He couldn’t stop staring, and he knew that was a general problem, but it was amplified with Her. Sam had to hit him on the shoulder to get his attention, and would only stop wiggling his brows and making kissing noises when Bucky told him to stop using Redwing around the compound, and he froze. 
“How’d you know I’m-“
“A bird told me.” Bucky had repeated Her reason. From Her it had sounded mysterious and elusive and ethereal.
From him it just sounded insane. 
But it worked, and Sam called off Redwing with a grumbled threat at Bucky not to snitch to Stark.
Ten minutes later, Steve farted so loud it shook the earth, and they had to clear the training room due to the toxin-like smell.
As they walked out the door, She gave him another smile, and mouthed, told you.
You did. He mouthed back, and prayed no one was looking. He was grinning like an idiot. Are you hungry?
Bucky’s heart shifted back to lead and dropped to his stomach, but there was a shimmer in Her eyes, and she wasn’t done.
But I’ll go with you.
He blinked, but nodded. She would go with him. He’d go with Her. He’d go almost anywhere with Her.
And there wasn’t a single thing about Her Bucky didn’t like. 
“You don’t have to do this for me,” Bucky said Her name, trying and failing not to stare at where Her hand was wrapped around his wrist. The metal wrist. She was touching the metal wrists and wasn’t recoiling, even though there was no heartbeat to feel under her fingers. “I said I was curious, not about to die if I didn’t see-“
“I’ll die if you don’t see.” She shot him a small, soft smile over Her shoulder again, and there he went. 
She’d die. Bucky couldn’t allow that. 
He was a goner. 
“Alright,” he muttered, although nothing changed. It hadn’t been as if he’d been fighting Her all that hard before. “You gonna tell me what to expect?”
“No. It will ruin the surprise.”
Bucky opened his mouth to protest, but She wasn’t done. 
“And I know you hate surprises. You’ll like this one.”
He paused, and nodded. He trusted Her. More than he trusted himself.
“If you’re wrong, we’re skipping the next meeting together and you’re taking the heat for it.”
“Deal.” He could hear the smile in Her voice. He’d taught himself to identify the sound under a million feet of water and over the loudest ringing in his ears. “You know we can do that anyways, right?”
Bucky shrugged. “I’m not trying to force you fight with Steve, doll-“
“Why?” She shot him an amused look over his shoulder, and it struck him like lightning. “I’d win.”
She’d fallen back a pace, until Bucky wasn’t being dragged behind Her, and—if he grew a new pair of balls and damned all the possible consequences—he could tug Her to rest under his arm.
“I’m not doubting that.” He said, hoping his voice was a little steadier than his heart. “I’m tryin’ to save my friends’ honor. You’d destroy him, and then you’d need to do the paperwork for it. There’s a lot of paperwork involved in this shit. You’d hate it.”
“I know.” She ran a hand through Her hair, giving him a small smile. “But it would be worth it. If I don’t have to go to all of them, you shouldn’t either.”
Bucky grinned. 
He’d been doing that a lot lately.
She stopped outside a large, metal door, and this was it.
This was Her room.
“Are you-“
“Don’t ask me if I’m sure, Bucky.” She gave him another smile, and he folded once more. “I don’t do things I don’t want to.”
He frowned at that—suddenly, many, many doors of what She wanted to do were open, and he both wanted to explore all of them and stay comfortably in the dark where that statement could mean what he wanted it to mean—but She was moving, and he had to follow Her.
He’d asked what was in Her lab. She’d said everything.
He’d shaken his head and said everything couldn’t be in Her lab, because that didn’t make any sense. 
She’d said She’d show him and prove it.
And now they were here. 
She paused with Her hand over the scanner. “You’re not allergic to anything, right?”
She pressed Her hand down, the door opened, and Bucky’s jaw dropped.
It was everything. Open grass and trees and so many animals he was almost certain he had to be seeing things. Maybe he’d hit his head, and this was a dream. Maybe this whole thing had been a dream, and he really had died that first time he saw Her. There was no other explanation for how Her palm was still resting on his chest, or how there were an impossible amount of real animals looking at him with possibly more judgment than people did.
He said Her name as the door closed behind them, unable to look away from where a moose was staring at him. “What the hell is this.”
“My lab.” She said, and when he shot Her a glare, she was smiling.
It melted most of the barbed wire that had formed over his skin. He was still really fucking confused.
“Why is your lab a zoo-“
“It’s not a zoo. And they don’t like that word, don’t use it.” She nodded to the animals, who were all still staring at Bucky. “Tell them who you are.”
He blinked at Her. “Will they, uh, they going to understand me-“
“No. But I’ll translate.” She shrugged. “They’ll trust you more if you do the introduction yourself.”
Bucky nodded slowly, and he wasn’t sure how the hell his life had led him here. Telling a room full of horses and dogs and birds—a lot of things were starting to make sense very quickly—that his name was James Buchanan Barnes, and he was a super solider, and he was Her friend. 
She repeated his words in English, and when he frowned at Her, she gave him a small smile.
“They understand when I say it.”
“Oh.” This had to be a dream. “What.”
She tilted Her head at him. “You know how my powers work, right?”
“No?” Her eyes widened. “Why don’t you-“
“You never told me, doll.” He gave Her a pointed look, and realized they were walking further into the strange room. The animals weren’t really looking at them anymore. This was still insane. “I had guesses, but none of them were this.”
He gestured to the room, and She sighed.
“That’s… yeah, that fair.” She ran a hand through Her hair, nodding to a bobcat as they passed it. “Do you want to know?”
“I think I need to.”
She smiled again, and nothing could be that bad. Bucky was still making Her smile.
“I’m in perfect harmony with all living things. So I can sense anything within anyone’s body like it’s- kind of like it’s sixth sense? And I can speak to animals, obviously, and I can manipulate bodies to a limited extent-“
Bucky frowned. “Like healing things?”
She nodded. “Yeah, but it takes a lot more focus and energy. And it kind of hurts. I get a tension headache. I usually hum to focus properly, otherwise I get dizzy.”
He felt his jaw tick. She’d healed him. When he’d first met Her, she’d healed him.
He didn’t know how to reckon with that. He’d caused Her pain. Just to save something already damned like Bucky was, She’d hurt herself-
“Was I right?”
He stared at Her. “What?”
“The surprise. Was I right?” She was watching him carefully, something delicate behind Her eyes Bucky might rather die than break. “Did you like it?”
He gave Her a soft grin, and she was already standing taller before he even answered. “Yeah. Fine. You were right.”
She looked back to the path ahead of them—there was a path, a real dirt path, and they were somehow still walking, and science really could do weird fucking things—and hummed. “I know.” He chuckled, falling into perfect pace beside Her, and Her voice was softer when she broke the easy silence.
“They like you.”
“Them.” She said, nodding to a passing fox, and made a loose gesture to the madness around them. “They like you. They don’t like anyone but me.” She paused, tilting Her head the air. “Except the ants. The ants like Scott.”
“Why do you think they like me-“
“Because they told me.” She shrugged. “Do you want to meet the cats?”
All Bucky could do was nod, and follow Her deeper into the lab. She was explaining a lot of things about how Stark had designed the lab specially for Her, and made artificial sunlight for the animals, and they could all come and go as they pleased but most of them—Her included—preferred to stay. 
“And you’re a doctor, right?”
She let out a soft laugh. “Yeah. Of Zoology. For obvious reasons. But they do most of the work in here. I just transcribe it.”
“Oh.” Bucky frowned, Stark’s voice tugging at the back of his skull. “Can you kill people?
She didn’t flinch at the question. Or sound offended. And She was showing him all of this when nobody else had gotten to see it, so Bucky pushed a little further.
“Just like I can heal things, I can hurt them.” Her voice was incredibly causal. The fake sunlight made Her hair fill with colors Bucky had never seen before. 
He’d never seen Her in full sunlight before.
It made Her skin glow and Her hair look like a halo and Her eyes somehow brighter. It made Her look more like an angel.
He never wanted to leave this place.
“I could stop a heart or shut down a brain, if I wanted.” She was still talking. Her voice was like a hymn. “But I don’t.”
“That’s why Stark is so afraid of you?”
She nodded. “That, and I have an army.” 
Bucky raised his brows. “The animals?”
“Yep.” She gave him another smile. “You have them too, now. They really like you.”
He chuckled. “You know, you’ve said that already-“
“I’ll say it again, Buck.” She waved him off. “You need to hear it.”
She slept in Her lab. She had a little, undisturbed hut in the back, and it had a kitchen. Bucky tried not to think about that too much. How She’d never need to leave, if she didn’t want to, yet She had.
And She was spending more and more time there again.
But Bucky was too.
He’d never found something not to like about Her. It was a little too late to turn back now. He liked it here, because he liked—more than liked, loved, but that was a terrifying word that felt like too much and not enough all at once—Her. Being near Her. Watching Her be somewhere She liked, where she was comfortable, and where they were both wanted.
She hadn’t lied. The animals did like Bucky. Sometimes they’d greet him, when he was in Her lab. He was friends with all the cats, and a few of the varying canines, and a lot of the birds. After they moved breakfast from the kitchen into Her little sanctuary, he’d started to bring them things from the kitchen, and they liked him all the more. She’d told him She tended to like animals more than people, and he understood that. They seemed nice, and he’d seen them all care for each other and Her—he liked that there were living things that seemed to care for Her as much as Bucky did— and sometimes an animal would walk up, She’d start talking to them, and Bucky would just watch Her until he was invited into the conversation.
“Josie wants to know if you’ve ever had fish.” 
Josie was a wolf. The small one, who had a large scar through her ear. Bucky was still trying to learn all their names, but he was getting better at it. 
“I have.” He told Josie, looking her right in the eyes. According to Her, it was better if he addressed them directly, even if She still had to translate. “A lot of it.”
She repeated the words, Josie made a noise, and She turned back to Bucky.
“Did you like it?”
He shrugged. “It was fine.”
She smiled at him. “Just fine?”
“I’ve had better.”
“Like what?”
Bucky paused, watching Her carefully. “I like stir fry.”
She nodded, and the conversation moved on.
Three days later, dinner was stir fry.
Sometimes, if Bucky was having a shit night, he’d knock on Her door and it would open for him. She’d asked FRIDAY to let him him whenever he asked.
He was almost certain even Stark didn’t have that privilege.
Tonight was worse than normal. Tonight had been suffocating. Not like air was stolen from him, but like there was too much. Like his lungs were being stuffed and he couldn’t find a way to dig the oxygen from his lungs, because he’d demanded more than he deserved, and a bill always came due. The other shoe would always drop. Everything had been good lately—and it was because of Her, but he didn’t know how to say that yet—but that just meant the crash would be worse, and the fall would knock his heart right out of his chest. 
It wasn’t really in his chest anymore, though. It was in Her hands, and she didn’t even know. 
And when he found Her tonight, something felt different. She didn’t ask questions, when he stopped at the edge of Her bed with hair stuck to his brow, shifting on his feet as he waited for permission.
She just stared at him, and something frightening and hot rushed through Bucky’s body when he realized he’d forgotten a shirt. He’d woken up in a cold sweat with an image of a metal hand around Her throat, imprinted on his vision, and his own screams echoing in his head as his body pressed on no matter how hard he fought to stop, stop hurting Her, Bucky loved Her so why wouldn’t he stop hurting Her-
And he’d rushed to Her room.
And he hadn’t put on a shirt.
She could see all of him. It was too much. All his scars on full display, and She could see where his skin became cold metal, and She loved living things so how could She love him-
But She didn’t ask questions.
She just scooted to the side, gave him an expectant look, and followed his movements with shining eyes as he moved to sit on Her mattress.
When he dropped at Her side, he felt like he should say something. They’d done this before, but there had never been this easy, warm hum in the air, and he’d always had a shirt on.
Then She twisted in the sheets to cross Her legs under her body, and started to scan over him. Over his skin and metal and scars and hunched position on Her bed, Her expression unreadable in the artificial moonlight.
Bucky had been judged before, in a court, where they decided if he was worth anything more than a cell deep underground or adrift on the ocean.
This felt more important.
“Can I touch you?” Her voice was soft, and suddenly there wasn’t enough oxygen. 
He nodded, and She reached out with careful fingers, slowing tracing over every scar on his chest with that same unreadable expression. It was an effort not to shiver under Her touch, not to lean forward and try to take more when he was owed nothing. 
But there was something strangely calming about it. There was nothing hateful in Her eyes, and she wasn’t recoiling, and everything felt blurred and soft around the edges, and his head was lighter on his head than it had been in eighty years, and She was humming-
Bucky grabbed Her hand, narrowing his eyes. 
“You don’t have to do that.” He muttered, squeezing Her hand in his. “I’m not worth hurting yourself-“
“Don’t be an idiot.” She tilted Her head at him, slowly prying Her hand from his grip. “Of course you are.”
Bucky stared at Her, She started to hum again, and this time he didn’t try to fight it. 
He’d been sure She looked most like an angel in the sunlight.
He’d been wrong. 
In the moonlight She looked like heaven. Every shadow seemed to be designed to cast over Her features just right, and the glow on Her skin was softer, but seemed to be coming from inside of Her, and Her hair was floating slightly around Her head as an artificial summer breeze picked up.
But nothing about Her was artificial. She was the realest thing Bucky had ever known. 
And he was almost certain he loved Her. Really, fully loved Her, the way they wrote songs and stories and waged wars for. That he’d loved Her all along, and he just didn’t know how to be positive of it. Maybe he just liked Her, and She was so beautiful he was confusing it for love. 
But he was certain he wanted to be real with Her.
That he wanted to be half as beautiful as She was, to see if he could learn how to find a proper name for the sickness She’d planted in him, and how he gladly rot away from it if it meant She’d be at his side.
“Could you,” he cleared his throat, waiting for Her to look back to him before he continued. “You’d be able to heal them?”
He didn’t have to elaborate on what he was referring to. And Her gaze darted back to his chest for only a second, Her fingers resuming their path—like She was trying to map him, memorize him the same way he’d memorized Her—as She looked back to Bucky.
“I could.” Her voice was soft, and Her smile was softer. “But I won’t.”
He swallowed, his voice almost a croak. “Why?”
“Because I like them.”
Bucky felt real. She was still touching him, and She looked like an angel but She was watching him like he was holy, so he felt human.
And, for once in his life, he was sure.
End Note: Have any of you seen the Avenger's episode of Phineas and Ferb?? That's what we're channeling with Her lab.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year ago
Matchmaking Harringtons 2
Diane wanted to ask more about Steve's interaction with the cashier, but she remembered being a youngin. The more questions she asked, the more Steve would close up. She didn't know what her husband had said to get things started, but clearly they needed a different angle.
She said as much that evening as she and Jonas got ready for bed. He protested, as she knew he would, but it was her turn now.
So right away the next day, she returned to the mall, hoping Steve's intended would be there. And to her luck, he was.
"Hello, hi", she waved as she approached the counter.
"Hi. Did you need help finding anything?"
"Oh no, not really", Diane said. "You see...", she looked to his name tag. "Eddie, I don't know if you remember but yesterday my husband and I were here with our son, Steve?"
Eddie's cheeks got red and his mouth turned to a straight line. Diane would take that as a good sign.
"We really want Steve to find someone special", Diane said in a low voice, leaning in a bit. "Now I don't know what my husband told you, but I'm here to give you a bit of advice."
"Advice....on getting a date...with your son?", Eddie said slowly as if speaking to an alien.
"Yes. Now here's our number. Call today, we'll make sure he answers. And ask him out."
"Your son? On a date?"
"You've got to be assertive, really make use of this...", Diane gestured to his whole being, "alternative look you've got going. Steve's never dated anyone like you so I'm sure he'll get a thrill having a taste of rebellion."
Eddie smirked as he took the paper with the number written on it. "Getting permission to be rebellious kind of takes the fun out of it. Uh, where should I take him?"
"Some place where he'll get a real rush of danger", Diane suggested.
"A dive bar?"
"He's not of drinking age yet and I am still his mother. I've got to act the part." Diane had definitely drunk underage, but her parents didn't know about it. She was pretty certain Steve had partaken while hanging with his friends. But as long as she didn't see it, she could play dumb. "Where do you and your friends normally hang around?"
"Dive bars", Eddie answered.
Diane pursed her lips as she thought of the best course of action. "I've got it. You're going to say you're taking him out to dinner. But when you pick him up, you'll actually be taking him out to a movie."
Eddie was silent as he did the mental math. Tell the parents one thing, but do another, thus the rush of rebellion. Dinner was public and respectable. But two young folks could fool around in a dark theater. It was honestly something he might try to do.
"Okay, I asked your hubbie yesterday if this is entrapment and I just need to ask again."
"Our Steve is a good boy. He...just has trouble holding onto someone. We don't know if it's him or the girls. We just want him to find someone special."
"...How special? Like, should I be making room on my hand?", he asked, wiggling his ring covered fingers.
"Not that special. Just enough to get him on the right track."
Eddie looked down to the number, then this strange woman again. He braced his hands against the counter and took in a deep breath. "Alright. I'm a gambling man. My break's at noon. I'll call him then."
"Wonderful. And whatever you do, don't tell him that we came to you."
"I don't even know how to begin that conversation", Eddie admitted.
Diane was staring at the phone like she was the one waiting for a date to call. Jonas and Steve were watching a game on the tv and she was practically guarding the phone, using dirty dishes as an excuse. When it started to ring, she bit her lip to keep from smiling too much.
"Steve, sweetie, can you get that? My hands are wet."
"Got it", Steve said, picking up the phone on the third ring. "Hello, Harrington residence."
Diane was pretty much just pretending to do the dishes at this point, eavesdropping on Steve's side of the conversation the best she could without looking obvious. She fought the urge to jump for joy when she heard Steve confirm that he would be seeing the caller this Friday at 7.
"Alright. See you then", Steve said, the cord twirled around his finger. "Bye."
He hung up the phone, a dreamy smile on his face and Diane knew that look for sure but she reigned in her own expression. She was about to ask but Jonas beat her to it.
"Who was on the phone?", he called out.
"Oh, um, it was...", Steve was clearly debating how much to tell them, if anything. He took a breath as he decided to trust them. "It was that guy from the music place. He wants to grab a bite this weekend."
"Grab a bite, huh?", Jonas sat up a bit in his chair.
"Yes. Just a little something, we'll probably go to Benny's or whatever", Steve crossed his arms like he always did when he was trying to downplay something.
He then quickly excused himself to go up to his room and Diane dried her hands off for real. She went over to Jonas and nudged him, then nodded to the stairs.
"What woman? I'm not psychic."
"Go and listen. I bet you anything he's calling a friend right now to tell about the date."
"Are we really dropping eaves on our son now?"
"Go and listen!", she whispered urgently.
Taking his sweet time, Jonas got up and crept up the stairs. Steve's door was closed of course, but when he put an ear to the door, he could hear him walking about the room and talking to someone on the line in his room.
When he figured he'd heard enough, he came back downstairs to report to his wife.
"He's talking to that one girl he never dated, Robin?"
"About Eddie?"
Jonas nodded. Apparently the other day, Steve thought he didn't make the best impression on him when buying the music. He thought he came off as boring compared to Eddie. So he was surprised to get his call.
Diane couldn't help but be a little smug. Now the ball was rolling.
Saturday night was here and at 7 o'clock sharp, the Harringtons heard a loud engine enter their driveway. Steve came downstairs but instead of going to the door, went to the bathroom and did a final check in the mirror as the bell rang.
Jonas opened the door and got a load of date night Eddie. The ripped jeans were still there. But now instead of the uniform shirt and name tag, he was wearing a t-shirt that Jonas was just guessing had album art on it and a ratty denim vest.
"Evening Mr. Harrington. Is Steve ready yet?"
"I am", Steve said, appearing behind his dad.
"You two have fun at the diner. Have him back by 11", Diane said as she saw them off.
Jonas was oddly quiet the whole time. Diane just waited him out, knowing he'd announce any opinions he had once they were alone. In fact the moment he closed the door, he turned to her.
"How sure are we about Eddie?"
"Oh here we go. Were we so sure about Chloe? Or Mary Lee?"
"I just thought he might clean up a little more for a date, that's all."
"The important thing is that Steve likes him."
They spent their evening, drinking some wine and watching a movie. But they made sure to be up in their room before it got too late. They wanted the boys to have just a smidge of privacy when they returned.
All the lights were off when they heard that roaring engine come back at 11:15.
"They're late", Jonas said. "That's a good sign."
Diane smiled. They were both listening hard for any sort of sound that might tell them how the night went. They heard the front door open. It was about two minutes before it actually closed. Another good sign. Steve tiptoed up the stairs but in the quiet of the night and them holding their breath, he was easily heard.
The door to his room closed and Diane gripped Jonas' arm tight. "Do you think it went well?"
"Are you gonna go knock on his door and ask? Or should we tap his phone line this time?" Jonas chuckled at his wife's pout. "We'll hear about it in due time. Good night, Di."
"Good night."
They both settled in, officially this time. If things kept going well like this, they'd be inviting Eddie over to dinner soon.
Part 4
Don't worry, we're gonna get some actual steddie focus soon. And Jonas still needs to warm up to Eddie all the way.
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem
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pupwashing · 4 months ago
daddy’s little sweetheart!
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ft. dante sparda x fem!reader
tags: 18+ content, DDDNE, daddy daughter incest, dubcon, thighfucking, slight scent kink, spit, slight pussy inspection, unfulfilled reader
a/n: day 1 of reposting my drabbles.. feedback, comments, rbs are all appreciated :3 I think I need to do more dante drabbles but I’ll see how this one does
divider by @/cafekitsune!!
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thinking about.. dad dante. he’s always been weird, but he’s always been present. you’re a daddy’s girl, and it was all his fault. he’d be damned if there was anything his baby girl wanted that he didn’t buy. he’d been wrapped around your finger ever since you could talk. you guys are extremely close..
..so it’s a not strange when he comes into your room late one night, but it’s not for one of his usual interrogations about your personal life. no, he’s come to persuade you to do something you hadn’t even thought of before.
“c’mon, baby.. aren’t you curious? daddy can do a lot more than the guys your age can. daddy’s experienced. girls your age like silver foxes, don’t they?” he cooed, large hands gripping your thighs. he parted them, grateful for your preferred sleepwear of just a shirt and panties. that made things way easier for him to get you naked.
dante dipped his head between your thighs, getting close to your clothed cunt. he took a deep inhale, breathing in the scent of your most intimate bits. he could do this forever if he wasn’t eager to get on with his plan. a good father wouldn’t be doing this to his daughter, but dante’s never claimed to be a good father. only a present one.
dante’s fingers hooked under your panties, sliding the fabric down your legs and flinging it across the room. it was now time for main course.. the entire reason why he came into your room in the first place;
your pussy.
it’s the prettiest pussy he’s ever seen, especially when he spreads the lips with his fingers and spits on it, watches as his saliva drips down from your cunt to your asshole, a smirk on his lips. at this point you were whimpering, dumb moans tumbling out of your mouth as you watched your dad play with your pussy.
he prodded at it with his thick fingers, but never slipped one in. he spread the lips, then held them together, giving your clit a featherlight kiss when it poked out. he wasn’t here to eat you out, though. not tonight. he was here for his own pleasure.
he made quick work of getting his pants unzipped and boxers pulled down, allowing his thick cock to stand proudly.
he could tell by your widened eyes that you were getting the wrong idea. “don’t panic, sweetheart. i’m not putting it in tonight.” his smooth words reassured you, causing you to relax again.
dante adjusted himself between your thighs, holding onto the plush flesh as he began to rut his cock between your thighs. this felt like a strange dream you’d have once in a while when you had eaten something spicy before bed, but this was real. your dad was fucking your thighs, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead as your skin provided lovely friction for his length. you felt even better than his pocket pussy. maybe he’d have to retire the toy in favor of having you around for his needs.
he fucked your thighs until he came thick white ropes on your tummy, using his thumb to smear it with a sly grin. he knew you were soaking wet and needy by now, but he was far too tired (read: lazy) to do anything about your current state.
“i know you’re needy, but daddy’s tired, okay? you understand don’t you? that’s right. you understand because you’re my sweet girl. my good girl.” his excuse was shitty and barely thought out, but he praised you enough for you to go along with it. he’s glad you accepted his half-baked excuse because right now, the game is on, and the couch is calling his name.
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syluscore · 1 year ago
Every Version of You (4)
A reverse harem with three variants of Leon Kennedy and feminine reader.
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~ Masterlist ~ Previous Part ~ Message me if you'd like to take over this story and continue it, I will not be continuing it, my apologies~
(i struggled a lot with this part and putting it off because it's filler. it's the event that needed to happen to get from point a to point b. but i've done it so now updates should come quicker!)
SONGS: I Can't Handle Change - Roar and I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
CONTENT WARNINGS FOR PART FOUR: dejecting from one's self, anxiety, crying, some comfort, thoughts of giving up, arguing, let me know if there's something else that needs to be tagged
TAGLIST: @growingupnrealizing , @weneewinnie , @delulusimps , @yoonbabe-d , @missjoenowhere , @cassiecasluciluce , @greywardensaywhat , @kennedyswhore , @british-mint-bunny , @all-mights-babygirl , @weasleytwinscumslut , @pinkrose1422 , @ir3nic-sluvv , @blue4pple , @izuoyarmin , @cosmcqt
You stand, frozen in place, right in front of the giant tube that’s supposed to contain Leon. Every noise in the room sounds far away. You’re not even sure you’re really standing here right now with how unreal you feel. How disconnected you feel from yourself.
Numb. You feel numb.
Is any of this real? How can it be real? You know it’s stupid to question yourself like this. You always laughed off people who would ask dumb questions like, “Is this a dream?” Of course it’s not a dream! But now you’re questioning if this is a fucking dream. You don’t know, maybe you never knew.
You can tell the men are trying to talk to you, but you can’t seem to force yourself out of your own head. Can’t make yourself care enough to socialize with any of them. You wanna stay inside your mind’s fuzziness. It wraps you like a blanket and it’s the only solace you can seem to find.
You’ve been able to push your feelings down–to just push yourself through the motions, but it seems to be hitting you all at once now. And you’re not sure why, but you’re dreading facing Leon. And there’s no specific reason for your anxiety, maybe it’s just everything coming to the surface in the face of a conversation you don’t know how to have.
Maybe you’re dreading his reaction. 
“Hey!” you hear someone yell to get your attention as they nudge your shoulder, which finally snaps you out of your almost hypnotic state. 
Your head snaps in their direction, “Hmm? What?”
Your eyes meet older Leon’s. “Are you ready?” It’s a stupid fucking question. You and him both know it, but for some reason, you still find yourself having a hard time responding. You open your mouth several times to reply, but no sound manages to make it past your lips.
“Are you okay?” he lowers his voice to nearly a whisper.
You’re not sure why that does something to your brain–why you’re biting your lip as tears slip down your cheeks again. Why did the dam break right now? Before you can even force the tears back down, force yourself to keep it together, he’s wrapping his arms around you.
You’re limp in his grasp. Wide eyed and arms hanging at your sides. You’re stiff in his arms, unable to properly react. His chin is resting on top of your head as he presses your cheek into his chest.
You wish he’d just stop. Pull himself away from you. Read your body language and take the hint. But he doesn’t. He only clings to you tighter.
And you don’t know why, fuck, you don’t know why anything anymore, but you soften in his arms. You allow yourself to accept his embrace. And for some reason, it makes you feel somewhat calmer. As if you can finally breathe in his arms.
“It’s gonna be okay, yeah? Just breathe. You’re fine, everything is fine. I’ve got you.”
And you believe him completely. You pull your head away from his chest and look back into his eyes. 
You close your eyes, taking in a deep breath, holding it, then opening your eyes as you release it.
“That’s it. Feeling better?” He tucks your hair behind your ear and you can’t speak. You force yourself to nod. Just nodding feels like it takes all of your energy. 
You’re exhausted, utterly and undoubtedly exhausted. You could pass out while standing up if you allowed yourself to. But you know you can’t. You know you must swallow down all of the negative feelings because there’s much more pressing matters at hand. You are not what’s important right now. 
“I’m okay,” you assure Leon softly. “Let’s do this.”
“You’re sure?” He cocks an eyebrow in obvious disbelief. 
You nod your head weakly. “Like ripping a band-aid off, right?” He rubs your shoulders, but doesn’t attempt to move on. “I’m sure, Leon, please.”
He finally releases you, but not before offering up his hand. It confuses you at first, but you eventually relent and intertwine your fingers with his. You’ll take any link to ground you that you can. You’re still not fully convinced that you won’t just fade into nothingness, maybe you’d even welcome it and allow it to consume you. 
It’d be so easy to let yourself go as well, but you’re not hanging on for yourself. You’re hanging on for Leon and maybe that’s enough for you. Well, it has to be enough for you, it’s all you have to cling to.
“Okay, here we go,” Luis mumbles as he pulls the lever and the blinding light is back and somehow stronger this time. 
Before you can even reach up to cover your own eyes, someone else’s hand is covering them. Your free hand shoots up to cover the hand over your eyes. It’s obvious who it is, so you run your hand up his arm and cover his eyes with your hand. It’s not the most comfortable position, but you’re fucking greatful for it.
The light is gone and you both drop your hands, looking ahead as Leon’s drenched body is pulled from the liquid by Chris. Chris pulls Leon’s body down the ladder with the help of Luis and they lay him on the ground.
“Leon? Leon, can you hear me?” Chris speaks as Leon’s eyes flutter open and closed as he slowly wakes up. 
Leon’s eyes finally stay open and he stares up at Chris with a blank expression on his face. He slowly blinks as confusion creeps up his face.
He suddenly sits up and pushes himself to his feet, stumbling backwards away from Chris and Luis. His wet clothes cling to his body, throwing off his balance as he braces himself against the wall. 
“Leon. Calm down,” Luis tries to level with him.
He shakes his head, “Who the fuck are you?”
“Just here to help-”
“Help with what, asshole?”
Older Leon speaks up, “Well, if you’d let him explain and stop interrupting-”
“And who the fuck are you?” Leon spits out as his eyes dart to older Leon’s. He looks down at your laced fingers and then his eyes meet yours. “What’s going on?”
You pull your hand from older Leon’s and take a few steps toward Leon, “I’m not entirely sure, but everything’s okay, okay?”
“Don’t,” he puts his hand out in front of him causing you to halt your movements. “Just… stay over there.” 
You feel your face fall at the tone of his voice, talking as if he’s disgusted by you. It causes you to step backwards, your back colliding with older Leon’s chest. 
“It’s okay,” he quietly speaks into your ear, “He’s just confused right now.” You nod your head in response, because what else can you do?
Leon continues arguing with Chris and Luis, but you tone it out. You turn and look up at older Leon’s face. He brings his hand down to cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently beneath your eye. Your eyelids instinctively close in the comfort of his gesture.
“And what the fuck is going on over there?” Leon’s raised voice brings your attention back to him. “Who the fuck is that?”
Your eyes dart between the two of them, not sure if you should tell Leon the truth. Older Leon meets your gaze and nods his head once, encouraging you to speak.
You take a deep breath before speaking, “He’s you, Leon. From the future.” 
The room is quiet as you and Leon stare at each other. His face is skeptical as he looks between you and the older man.
“You’re joking?” He huffs out and you shake your head at him. Another moment of silence passes. “What do you mean by that?”
“He’s here to save me, Leon.”
He scowls. “Why are you fucking with me right now? What’s wrong with you?”
Older Leon steps in front of you. “Don’t speak to her like that.”
“Fuck you dude-”
“Can you shut the fuck up?”
“I’m not taking this-”
“Shut the fuck up!” Older Leon yells and the room falls into a silence once again. It’s awkward. It’s fucking uncomfortable. You could cut the tension with a knife. Just any sort of cheesy phrase that could be used to describe this shit, insert that here. 
Everything feels so unnatural. How could a conversation ever flow under these conditions? In these circumstances? How are you supposed to act, supposed to talk?
“Do you want her to die?” Older Leon gestures toward you. Leon scoffs and rolls his eyes, but doesn’t answer. “Well. Do you?”
“Obviously not.”
“She will. And there won’t be anything we can do to stop it if you don’t get it together.”
“You gonna kill her?”
“No, but-”
“But nothing! You’re talking out your ass right now. I’m not doing this shit.”
“Really?” Older Leon asks in a monotone voice that has chills running down your spine. Leon nods in response, causing older Leon to suddenly snap.
He closes the gap between the two of them, grabbing Leon by his collar and pushing him towards the giant vat of liquid again.
Chris follows after them. “Leon, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to show him.”
“We don’t even know if that’ll work.”
“Don’t care.”
“Just think for a minute.”
“No.” The men fight the entire way to the top of the vat of liquid, but older Leon manages to get the younger man up there.
“Fuck,” Luis calls out as he runs to the control panel slamming down some buttons. “Okay. Okay! Be careful Leon-” He isn’t able to finish his warning before older Leon is pulling both of the men into the liquid.
“Oh my god!” You gasp out as you watch the Leon’s floating in the water, electrical currents surrounding them, looking like they’re shooting straight into them. Older Leon grips Leon by his shoulders, both their heads falling back weightlessly as they go still in the liquid. 
Water swirls all around them and you can do nothing but watch. It’s like they’re the calm in the storm, so still as a whirlpool rages on around them. 
As quickly as they entered their comatose states, they’re snapping out of it. Breaking through the top of the liquid and gasping for air. 
Older Leon pulls himself up on the platform first, offering Leon a hand that he ignores as he pulls himself out of the liquid as well. They sit on the platform in complete silence, both staring off into space.
A ringing cuts through the silence and Luis picks up a small phone sitting on the control panel. 
“Leon,” both men's attention dart to Luis, but he gestures the phone towards the younger of the two. “It’s yours.”
Leon hurries down the ladder and grabs the phone, answering quickly. “Hello?... Now?... Can it wait?...Alright, fine… Yeah, I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the phone and turns to face you. “I have to go. Urgent request by the president.”
“Be safe?” Your voice is barely above a whisper. He nods his head, scanning the room before heading for the door.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Rookie, who’s been standing off to the side, staying out of the way this whole time. But he quickly shakes his head and continues, slamming the door shut behind him.
You look over at Rookie and he shrugs at you. “I didn’t think seeing me would help.”
You didn’t think of it that way. Of course Leon would instantly recognize his younger self, it’s what he used to look at in the mirror every day.
“Is he gonna be okay?” You ask no one in particular. Your eyes scan the room, waiting for someone, anyone, to answer you. 
“He’ll get there,” Chris finally speaks up. “But we got work to do. We knew he’d be pulled away for that mission, so we knew he wouldn’t be around.” Chris’ hand meets your shoulder and he squeezes in an attempt to comfort you. “Get some rest. Tomorrow, we start Operation Save Your Life? Or whatever you’d like to call it.”
Chris heads out the same door Leon did and your gaze falls to the floor. You doubt you’ll be able to sleep after everything that just happened, but you’d be lying if sleep wasn’t calling out to you.
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p0rk-guts · 6 months ago
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YAAAAALL IT'S ANGEL DUST!!!!! bro I'm so exited to tell u about him hehehehe he might be my fav redesign of the bunch idk
Comparison & rant!⬇️ + A bug/spider cw. I put reference images in there!
Ok guys can I be honest with you. I think. Pilot and pre-pilot Angel were peak 😔 I'M SORRY I'M BREAKING MY SILENCE
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Like whaaat... WHAAAT.... I'm sorry he served here he had the BEST design idc idc you can't change my mind. These were NOT bad designs. I've got a slight preference to his oldest design but even then the pilot design was great to me.
THIS however...
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I'm sorry but Angel will always be the most egregious case of character assassination in this show, design and character wise. He sucks now and I used to love him.
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Okay enough crying let's get serious.
So yeah show Angel sucks. Removing his chunky gloves removed a lot of the fun shape in his silhouette so now he's just a gangly twink. Very little visual interest. Also hate hate hate how his new mismatched gloves are pulled over his long sleeve coat. So dumb. Hate it.
Also explain to me how he's gradually gotten less tits but has simultaneously become more femboy-ified..... So many people immediately mistake him for a girl.......
They also mistake him for. Literally anything but a spider. Once again Viv can't code or theme characters for shit. I also don't like how his face changed... I can't describe it but It's so much less appealing and charming. Something in the eyes and his little cheek bump. Idk. Really hate show Angel props to the animators for making him watchable with his bold animation ts was real nice
Okay onto my Angel! He's now a goldenrod crab spider now! Thank you @/cryptablog for this idea!! (Not tagging them bc they hate the hellaverse with a burning passion lol 💀) They can be white with pinkish markings like our og Angel but most of them are tinted yellow or completely yellow!
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I decided to make him most similar to that mid ground mix of yellow and white with pink-er markings. 1 because I kept lust pink and I feel like that'd be a prominent sin of his (+ purple is in here a lot bc I feel like he'd also be pride aligned! Purple is now the pride color :3) and 2 because the yellow tone in his fur is kinda meant to connect him to Husk in a way... Cuz that's kinda his main color... Idk maybe I'm onto nothing with that one BUT his primary color is purple and Husk's primary color is yellow(ish)! Complimentary boyfriend's!!! Are you seeing my vision!!!!! (Also on a lesser note his colors look more similar to my fav version of Angel aka his design from the pre-pilot ref sheet I showed)
Another idea you can thank Cryptamen for is him being partially translucent in places just like real goldenrods!!!! The idea behind that was because he was in the mafia in life and he had to be really stealthy at times so now in certain environments he's harder to see... Maybe he can even turn fully invisible for a bit... There's also possible character reasons to consider tying in there as well... Ough very cool idea 10/10
Gave him 4 legs and 4 arms + the big abdomen to really make him scream spider bc yes spider boys can be hot and no Viv was not willing to CAPITALIZE on that 😒 Also lengthened his fangs... Also moved his eyes to his forehead to make them more prominent and hopefullyyyy seem more like eyes. Idk. And now he's got pointy little pedipalps as well!!!
Gave him his boobs back bc he deserves them and just generally gave his body more shape (though the second set of legs definitely helps lol). Slightly de-twinked... But not by much...
Once again looked up some common hairstyles at the time and people loooved their hairspray and curls, or swoops, or waves— they were gettin funky with it. Hard to emulate that on his nonhuman skull so I took some artistic liberties applying ideas from common styles onto him.
Didn't do much research at awl for his clothes... I mean... He's not wearing much to begin with... I kept the long gloves bc I thought they had potential to look cute and I have him rolled cuffs on short sleeves. Wanted to keep the style simple but otherwise I would've drawn button clasps keeping them in place. No notes on the thigh high heels so I kept them. Everything else is just kindaaaa whateverrrr EXCEPT THE NECKLACE. Though it was hella funny and fitting
And that's awl folks.... Do u like him do u fuck with him.... Let me knowwww....... Okay byeeee ✌🏾🧍🏾‍♀️
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katyawriteswhump · 1 year ago
Pin-up boy (steddie microfic)
For @steddiemicrofic March prompt, ‘pin.’ Thank you <3
WC: 388. Rating: T. CW: None. Tags: Steve and Eddie return to High School (because I say so!) post S4 healing, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers.
In the library, Eddie found Steve slumped at a table, face pillowed in his arms. Robin sat beside Steve, rubbing his back.
“He okay?” asked Eddie.
“Bad headache,” mumbled Steve. “M’not deaf, Munson. Yet.”
“Came on sudden.” Robin’s obvious worry mirrored Eddie’s. They’d persuaded Steve to re-take senior year, and these ‘study meets’ rocked Eddie’s days. Though Robin tried, no ‘studying’ happened; they’d be idiots till the librarian booted them. It was really an excuse to check each other was okay, post-Upside Down everything. Plus, Eddie dug hanging with Robin�� Aaaand with his secret crush.
“Got your meds?” asked Eddie.
“In my locker.” Steve threw his keys at Eddie.
“You trust me with your car-key too?”
“Like you need those to boost my wheels.” Steve blinked blearily. “The pink pills, ’kay?”
Steve’s locker contained a ton of meds. Some—for PTSD, anxiety—Eddie took also. The ‘pink pills,’ however, were hardcore painkillers that Eddie had been able to ditch. He’d snatched them up, when a grainy pic—pinned discreetly at the back—caught his eye.
IT’S ME! Ax-wielding at a Corroded Coffin gig. 
The love-hearts pencilled in the margins set Eddie’s world on fire.
When Eddie returned, Steve wouldn’t raise his burning face. He couldn’t handle Eddie knowing, even after the painkillers kicked in. The old Steve Harrington would’ve powered through, but… Ouch! Not today.
Eddie cornered him near the lockers. Steve glared.
“Feeling better?” asked Eddie.
Steve shrugged.
Eddie slung an arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Wanna show you something.”
Steve tensed, nearly bolted, but… Christ, it was better said: “Yeeeah, my locker. I got all brain-foggy and forgot that pic was there. It’s a dumb joke—”
“Sure hope it’s not.” Eddie flung his locker open. A shirtless picture of Steve by the pool was pinned, very visibly, to the door. My Little Pony stickers formed a love-heart around it.
“For once, skulls and crossbones didn’t nail it,” said Eddie. “I owe Lady Applejack a billion dollars for those babies.”
“Is this some twisted joke?”
“My Little Ponies aside, I’m deadly serious, Stevie.”
Steve fixated on Eddie’s gorgeous eyes. Jesus, this was real! The guy who’d shared his healing, who got who he was now, felt the same.
“Screw it, me too.” They couldn’t be alone quick enough. Steve let Eddie pin him to the wall, and they made out forever.
All my Steddie fic can also be found here on AO3 :)
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violet-1atte · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day Eleven: Petplay - Seungmin/Jeongin
Tags: Smut, degradation, mild name calling, dom!Seungmin, sub!Jeongin, bottom!Seungmin, top!Jeongin, anal, puppy play, use of petnames "pup" and "puppy"
AO3 Link
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Seungmin knew Jeongin like the back of his hand. And he knew that for all of his stoic, tsundere ways, sometimes, he really just wanted to be taken care of. To not think. And maybe Seungmin had an unconventional way of helping him with that, but it worked for them.
“Hands and knees, pup. I wanna see wag your tail like a good mutt,” Seungmin ordered, pressing his foot into the back of Jeongin’s knee. Jeongin whined as he sank to the floor, his head bowing between his shoulders. The dog ear headband slid down his head a little bit, somehow making him look even more like a whiny puppy. The fluffy tail plug in his ass shifted as he adjusted his position and another pitiful whine made its way up his throat. 
“Attaboy.” Seungmin reached down and slapped Jeongin’s butt, making him yelp. “Come on now. Didn’t I say I wanted to see you wag your tail?” 
Embarrassment burned Jeongin inside and out, but that only made the heat in his belly grow hotter. He squeezed his eyes shut as he arched his back a little bit more and began wiggling his hips. The plug in his ass slid deeper and brushed right against his prostate, causing him to whimper. 
“Poor puppy,” Seungmin cooed, walking around so that he was standing in front of Jeongin. He squatted down and scratched behind Jeongin’s ears. “Already too dumb to use your words?” 
Jeongin opened his mouth but all that came out was a whimper. He was already so deep into his puppy headspace that real words didn’t feel right. He wasn’t at the point of actually barking yet, but he was getting there. 
“Silly mutt,” Seungmin teased, giving Jeongin’s fluffy black hair a pat. “Barely spent any time with you so far and you’re already behaving exactly like a dog. What a good pup.” 
Jeongin’s face brightened and he shook his hips automatically, tail wagging behind him. Yes, all he wanted was to be a good puppy for Seungmin. He could do that. He really couldn’t think of much else to do, honestly. His brain was all play and do whatever Seungmin said. He was a well-trained pup after all. 
Seungmin scratched the back of Jeongin’s neck. “Alright puppy, stay there while I get undressed. Then you’re gonna fuck me good, okay?” Seungmin asked rhetorically. It was more of a command than a question. 
Jeongin nodded vigorously, trying to keep still while Seungmin straightened up and began undressing himself. He made sure that Jeongin could see him clearly as he slowly dragged the hem of his shirt up and over his head then neatly folded it to the side. Jeongin’s pupils were blown as they roamed over Seungmin’s bare torso. He was panting a little, characteristically like a dog. A little drool ran down his chin as Seungmin went to pop the button on his jeans and he chuckled. “Messy pup,” he mused. The sight of Jeongin’s cheeks going cherry-red was delicious. 
After what seemed like ages for Jeongin–his knees were aching, his arms were tired, and his cock was hard –Seungmin finished undressing and made his way to sit on the bed. “Come up here, pup,” he said, patting his thigh. Jeongin moved to him as quickly as he could while still on all fours and climbed into Seungmin’s lap. 
Seungmin moved to press a kiss to his cheek and instead of getting a kiss back, Jeongin immediately began to lick all over his face. This was slightly unexpected but not an uncommon reaction, especially when Jeongin was deep in his puppy space. “Okay, okay, I got it!” Seungmin groaned. “Enough, boy.” Jeongin didn’t listen though, continuing to lick his cheek and his neck. Seungmin sighed and grabbed his chin, holding it firmly. Jeongin almost immediately went limp in his hold. “Down, dog. Aren’t you supposed to be doing something?” 
Realization dawned on Jeongin’s face and he nodded, moving off Seungmin so he could lay against the bed. Seungmin set a pillow under his hips and spread his legs. As Jeongin crawled between them, the tail plug in his ass swishing behind him. He panted a little, tongue out exactly like a dog as he looked at Seungmin’s body spread out on the bed. “Come on, pup. Get me ready to take your cock,” he said sweetly, reaching up to scratch Jeongin’s head. 
Jeongin wiggled his hips excitedly and placed his hands on Seungmin’s inner thighs to spread them further apart. Seungmin’s hole was already loose from earlier, when he had opened himself up. Jeongin was never coordinated enough in this state to properly finger him, so if he wasn’t in the mood for a little pain, he usually opened himself up beforehand. Jeongin did, however, know how to use his tongue.
He dipped his head down between his thighs and ran his tongue over Seungmin’s hole. Seungmin shuddered and Jeongin let out a pleased little hum at the reaction. He ran his tongue over his perineum and lapped at his balls, spit dripping off them and running down his chin. “Fuck, Jeongin,” Seungmin groaned, his thighs tensing around Jeongin. “Such a good pup.” 
That heightened Jeongin’s enthusiasm and his licks became more sloppy and wet. He gave a small nip to one of Seungmin’s asscheeks and he hissed, his thighs squeezing together a little. “Careful with those teeth, puppy,” he instructed and Jeongin nodded with an affirmative little chirp in his throat. 
Instead of biting him again, he flatted his tongue over his hole and dragged the wet muscles upwards to his balls. Seungmin moaned and Jeongin wagged his fake tail, his own stomach twisting with arousal. He lowered his head again, this time pushing the tip of his tongue inside his hole. Seungmin twitched and clenched around him and Jeongin thrusted his tongue deeper. More drool dribbled down his chin and onto the bed as he sucked at his rim greedily. Seungmin’s muscles quivered with each thrust of Jeongin’s tongue, with every desperate, needy sound Jeongin made as he tasted him. Jeongin could eat Seungmin out for hours, even when his tongue was sore and Seungmin was dripping wet. Tasting him, being so close to him, feeling Seungmin twitch and shake with each flick of his tongue made his head fuzzy, made him want to be an even better pup for him. 
Eventually though, Seungmin decided he’d had enough and sat up a bit, reaching behind Jeongin to grab his hair. The ears on his head slid out of place slightly and Jeongin whimpered as he lifted his head. “That’s a good pup, you’re making me feel so good,” he reassured him, petting his head. “But I want you to fuck me with that big cock of yours. Can you do that? Or are you too much of a dumb doggy?” 
Jeongin nodded his head quickly and sat up on his haunches. As he moved, the plug in his hole shifted and pushed deeper inside him and he moaned, his eyes nearly rolling back. Seungmin chuckled. “Come on, don’t get distracted,” he said. Jeongin whimpered and licked his lips which were already shiny with spit from when he ate Seungmin out. 
Seungmin got onto his knees and leaned forward so that his face was above Jeongin’s cock and then he opened his mouth and let a drop of salvia fall down the shaft. Jeongin shivered and then Seungmin wrapped his hand around his cock to spread the saliva around. 
“Hhhnn,” Jeongin keened, eyes watering from the stimulation and Seungmin’s lips turned up in a smirk. 
“What a sensitive puppy,” he hummed, flicking his thumb over the tip. Jeongin’s mouth fell open and he moaned, his tongue lolling out again. “Good boy,” Seungmin drawled. “Let’s put your big cock to good use.” 
He laid back again and lifted his thighs up so Jeongin had better access to his hole. Jeongin practically panted as he lined himself up with Seungmin’s entrance. There was no warning before he shoved himself in, all the way to the hilt. Seungmin gasped and arched his neck. The stretch burned but that only made it feel better to Seungmin. “Sh-shit, Jeo–pup, that’s it. Fill me up so well.” Jeongin grunted in response, the noise sounding almost like a bark. Seungmin took a deep breath and pulled his thighs closer to his chest. “L-let’s go, be a good boy and fuck me.” 
Jeongin, always the obedient pup, did as he was told. He put his hands on the back of Seungmin’s thighs, right under his knees, and pulled out for a brief second, only to slam back inside him in less than a second. The burn grew but the pain mixed with sparks of pleasure with how well he was filled up. He groaned and Jeongin growled in response, pushing his thighs back until he was almost bent in half. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of his thighs, sure to leave bruises behind when they were done. 
When Jeongin was in this headspace, he loved to claim. No matter how much control Seungmin may have over him, he’d make sure he was marked up in some way. And he hadn’t gotten to do that yet. So as he thrusted his cock into Seungmin, he began sucking and biting at his thighs, leaving marks of purple in red behind. 
As much as Jeongin liked marking Seungmin, Seungmin loved it when he marked him. The sting of his teeth intensified the pleasure boiling in his stomach, and knowing that later he’d get to look between his thighs and see the swelling red marks from Jeongin’s teeth made a thrill go up his spine. The feeling of Jeongin’s teeth on his skin plus the drag of his big cock along his walls made ecstasy buzz through Seungmin’s body. He was already close, having been hard since the moment he and Jeongin had started playing. 
The sight of Jeongin fucking him like this never failed to make Seungmin melt. The ears on his head bouncing with each thrust, the knowledge that his fluffy tail plug was making him feel so much more. Just that alone nearly made his eyes roll back. 
Jeongin’s thrusts were sloppy and passion-filled. But even without any rhythm, each snap of his hips made Seungmin moan with abandon. He could barely form words to praise or command Jeongin, his vocabulary reduced to, “Fuck, yes, right there pup,” and “So good, so good, fuck me so well.” 
The air of the room was hot and Seungmin’s skin was burning. Beads of sweat ran down Jeongin’s face and his hair stuck to his forehead from the exertion of how hard he was fucking Seungmin. The angle of his hips had his tip hitting Seungmin’s prostate more often than not, and his stomach was filling with that familiar, white-hot pleasure that told him he was going to come soon. Shit, getting fucked by Jeongin, his pup, his good boy, felt so good . 
Jeongin bit his thigh again, hard , and Seungmin nearly screamed. He clutched the sheets on the bed to brace himself and choked on a moan. “Fuck, I’m close, Innie, good pup, fuck, fuck–” he muttered. Jeongin growled again against his skin and adjusted Seungmin’s position so his legs were tossed over his shoulder. He picked up his pace, ramming into him like he would never get a chance to fuck him again. 
Seungmin could barely get a breath in, felt like his chest was going to ignite, his insides were going to burn up–Jeongin was so pretty and cute and messy above him and fucking him so hard he could see stars in the corners of his vision. “Hah ahh, shit–” And then his back arched and he came, cock emptying in spurts all over his stomach and chest. He rarely came untouched, but Jeongin had done it this time. Jeongin didn’t stop fucking him even as Seungmin’s dick twitched again and he gasped in oversensitivity. Not until he was coming too, filling Seungmin up with enough cum to make him leak all over the bed. 
Jeongin’s chest heaved as he gave one final roll of his hips. He carefully eased Seungmin’s legs off his shoulders so he could rest them against the bed and then slipped out of him. He let out a sad whine at the sight of his cum dripping out of Seungmin’s hole but Seungmin shushed him. “‘S’okay, pup, you still claimed me well,” he reassured him. He eased himself up, wincing at the slight soreness of his ass. He opened his arms for Jeongin. “C’mere.” 
Jeongin smiled and surged forward, wrapping his arms around him. He buried his face against his neck and began to lick the warm skin there. And Seungmin let him. “Good, you did so well . So well Jeongin,” Seungmin said, using his name to bring him back into a more normal headspace. “My Jeongin.” 
Jeongin hummed and leaned back a bit to look at him. There was a little more clarity in his eyes. “Stay–” he started, his face scrunching as he attempted to find words again. “Stay like this? A while?” 
Seungmin smiled, fondness warming his chest. “Sure, pup. Wanna take a bath and we can play with your favorite toys?” 
Jeongin nodded enthusiastically and some of the haze over his eyes was already back. Seungmin’s smile widened and he wrapped his arms around him. “Alright, you deserve it. My sweet little pup.” 
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irritable-bowel-showdown · 2 years ago
Welcome one and all to the Irritable Bowel Showdown (or IBS)
Does your favorite character spend too much time sobbing on the toilet? Do they go through the entire roll, or conversely, not nearly enough of it?? Are they the unfortunate and frequent victim of an Ominous Rumbly Tummy Ache??? Do they just give off those vibes????
Then this is the tournament for you!!! We’re here to find who has the most bathroom trouble energy!!! (Submission link and rules below)
Rules and regulations:
Submit as many characters as you’d like, but please do not submit the same character multiple times (convincing others to submit them is encouraged though)
You can absolutely submit characters just off of vibes!!! However, having actual canon gastrointestinal issues is an easy ticket into the tournament.
EDIT: okay so the “instant admission” clause was a little bold of me, especially because “GI issues” is sort of vague, but I will still try my best to give characters with canon bowel issues priority!!!
Fictional characters only (I could be convinced to accept a real person if it’s funny, but don’t bet on it)
I will not be accepting Harry Potter characters. Otherwise, I don’t have any other rules on fandoms as of right now, and I plan to be pretty loose (hehe) with submissions.
However, I reserve the right to include or exclude characters as I see fit.
I’m unsure how many characters will participate or how seeding will happen, but I will figure it out once submissions close.
In case it is not clear, there will be dumb bathroom humor involved. Nothing super gross or graphic though, please.
Finally, please be kind, both to myself and to your fellow participants :)
Submission link:
(EDIT: I know the “yes” option for canon GI issues in the form says “instant admission”, but depending on submission volume and justifications I may not actually be able to promise that. Sorry!! I’ll still try my best though, thank you for your understanding!)
Submissions will be open until June 29, 4pm UTC (subject to change)
Poll tag: #irritable bowel showdown
Asks tag: #ibs qna
Propaganda tag: #plopaganda
Other tournament reblog tag: #other polls
Liveblogging reading propaganda: #submission liveblog
Stuff not related to the tournament: #not a poll
…and more to be added if necessary. Feel free to blacklist/whitelist as needed!
That’s it! See you all in the ring!! Or the stall!!! Whatever!!!!
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filthyfluffyfantasies · 1 year ago
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✧ ˚  ·    . DL;DR - this fic is not meant for anyone under the age of 18 as it contains the following: unprotected p in v, teasing, oral sex, use of petnames for reader/you, breeding k!nk related dirty talk, semi public foreplay, marking, oral sex. writer does not give permission for her works to be reposted, with or without permission. ✧ ˚  ·    .
prompt thirteen - creampie / breeding kink
character | fandom - rockstar!eddie munson | stranger things
reader | original character - female reader, groupie turned girlfriend & non -or vague, description.
words - roughly 4.4k
tagging -< taglist here >
✧ ˚  ·    . you and Eddie have reconnected after the one night stand that brought you together years before. bonding with his daughter has made him realize just how much he wants to be a father and he can't think of anybody else he wants to have his kids.. ✧ ˚  ·    .
Hawkins, Indiana, December 1996
You smile softly to yourself as you pause in the door to Rosie’s bedroom to find Eddie seated on the floor, Rosie seated between his legs as Eddie tries -and fails, at French-braiding her hair, the landline phone cradled between his neck and shoulder.
❝ I’m doing that, Emerson. It’s not workin. Hold on..❞ he turns his attention back to Rosie’s braid and swears to himself as he shakes his head. It’s crooked again and he was trying so hard to get it just right for her. He laughs as he starts to talk to Gareth again, ❝I was trying to braid Rosie’s hair for her. Can’t get it right. Poor kid has my hair, man. It’s too fuckin thick t’ do anything with.❞ Eddie’s statement is enough to make you giggle softly as you step into the room. 
Eddie’s face lights up and he ends the call with Gareth, pulling himself off the floor to make his way over to you. Rosie is squeezing your legs, talking non-stop about how she spent the whole day with daddy and he taught her how to play some game called Dungeons and Dragons.
Eddie chuckles, scooping up the 5 year old as he gives her a peck on her freckled nose. ❝ Your ma was a nerd, sweetheart, she doesn’t know what that is.❞ -and he’s teasing, you know it. You pout a little and give his chest a light smack. Then you smirk. ❝ Since you think I’m so nerdy, Munson..❞ you dig around in the pocket of your leather jacket -his leather jacket, and find the tickets you stopped by the theater in town to pick up, ❝ Then I guess that means you don’t wanna go see Scream with me and the baby bat..❞
❝ Daaaaddy, you hafta say yes. I’ve been waitin a thousand years t’ see it. Please?❞ your daughter is looking up at Eddie, giving him those big begging eyes. Eddie pretends to think it over, both of you know damn well he’d never turn down a horror movie or your daughter’s begging.
❝ Are we sure she should see this, sweetheart?❞ Eddie’s just being a shit now, you laugh softly and Eddie rubs his chin as he continues, ❝ I mean.. This is Wes Craven. It’s gonna be a blood bath.❞
You laugh. ❝ Yeah but it’s also not real. Our daughter’s smart, she knows that.❞ you step up into Eddie a little more, your hand finding purchase in the front of his old Hellfire t-shirt. He’s distracted, staring down at your hand. You clear your throat, ❝ I bumped into Nancy earlier… Apparently, Will is taking both of Rosie’s best friends to see it.. With Mike.❞
Rosie’s really begging now.
Eddie pouts and pretends to be upset. ❝ I thought we talked about this, sweetheart. You were gonna marry daddy, remember? Now you wanna go see a movie with those dumb boys?❞ but Rosie is insisting. She pretends to gag when Eddie mentions the fact that she may or may not have just a little crush on little Johnny Byers or Argie, his best friend.
❝ Eww, daddy! I really meant it, they’re my friends. And if I don’t see it now, Argie’s a blab. He’s just gonna spoil th’ endin.. Pretty please? With cherries an’ chocolate?❞
Eddie snickers. ❝ Yeah, that tracks for him. Okay, alright.. What are we waiting on, huh? Let’s go see Scream.❞
As Rosie runs off to find her favorite jeans and change, you melt against Eddie and wrap your arms around his neck, your lips crashing against his in a long and deep kiss. His hands wander,settling on your ass.
❝ Dungeons and Dragons, babe?❞ you pout at him just a little when the kiss breaks a few seconds later. You’re honestly not upset, you’re just teasing him a little. Watching them together always makes you happy but lately.. Lately, watching him with Rosie has your biological clock ticking all over again. And earlier, when you were talking to one of the girls at work, she mentioned the fact that she thought she might be pregnant. And naturally, that got you daydreaming about another little mini Eddie running around. It made you stop and think too.
Everyone is always asking when you and Eddie will have more -and you do want another kid but honestly, you’ve been afraid to bring up the subject because things are still so new. The two of you only just reconnected. And there were definitely more than a few hiccups, - considering that you had no way to tell him about Rosie until last year, when your paths crossed again for the first time since 1988- and you’re just trying to enjoy everything the way it is.
Besides, you think to yourself as you hug against Eddie and breathe in the scent of his cologne and the faintest hint of those cheap cigarettes he still smokes, what if Eddie doesn’t want another? Am I really willing to mess up everything between the two of you? I’m in love with him and I just found him, I just got him back..
Eddie pulls away to look down at you and snickers at the dazed look on your face as he gets you looking up at him. ❝ What’s got you so spaced out, huh?❞ 
He doesn’t say it but.. He hopes that maybe it’s the same thing he’s spent a lot of time thinking about lately. At first, he thought it was regret, longing to see what he missed out on when you were carrying Rosie. But then, while you were snuggled up in the bed reading The Shining to her, as he stood in the doorway watching the two of you, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
He wants more kids. He wants you to be their mom. He wants a big family and he doesn’t want Rosie to be an only child like he grew up. He wants her to have the actual younger siblings that he formed Hellfire specifically to find for himself back in high school.
The problem is, he’s afraid that bringing it up now, that’s going to be too soon. And he’s driving himself crazy over it because the harder he tries not to bring it up, the more he almost does.
He almost blurted it out this morning over breakfast. Twice.
You’re the one laughing now, cupping his stubble lined jaw to get him looking down at you. You’re biting your lip as you stare up at him. Every cell in your body is dying to say something, to bring up the subject and see how he takes it but you’re also a little scared. 
❝ N-nothing.. I wasn’t the only one spaced out, Munson.❞ you mumble, swallowing hard as you melt into him just a little more. ❝ Where were you at just now, hm?❞ you’re turning the whole thing around on him because you know if you don’t, you will blurt it out.
He chuckles, a ringed hand caressing your face before kissing your forehead. ❝ You’re spacing me out, woman.. If we’re gonna go see this movie..❞ he drops his voice to a husky whisper, ❝ you might want t’ go get ready.. Before I change my mind and take you to bed..❞
You whimper quietly as he drags his tongue around the shell of your ear. Reluctantly, you pry yourself off of him and make your way down into the bedroom you’re both sharing to change.
Eddie takes several shaky breaths and leans against the wall. ❝ Emerson doesn’t know what he’s talkin about. It’s not like I can just blurt out the fact that I wanna knock her up, that I think she’s even more sexy when she’s pregnant and I wanna have more kids, there’s a time and place t’ say that shit..❞
Laughter from the doorway of Rosie’s bedroom has Eddie wanting to disappear into the floor. Rosie’s looking up at him, big doe eyes shining in mischief. She pushes the door closed behind her quietly.
Eddie tries to act as if she probably didn’t just hear every single word he said. ❝ You uh.. We all ready now, baby bat?❞
Rosie nods. After a little digging, she finds the pair of Vans she’s currently always wearing, red and black. She holds them out to Eddie. Eddie goes down on one knee, slipping the shoes onto her feet, pretending that they’re a glass slipper, making a fuss when the shoe fits her foot perfectly. She throws her arms around his neck and he breathes in the sweet and clean smell of his little girl. Every time he thinks he can’t possibly love her more, he’s proven wrong.
Even when she’s being every bit as hard-headed as he is.
The hug breaks and Rosie giggles. ❝ I wished for a little brother on my birthday candle… Remember when you were askin me what I wished for?❞ Rosie goes quiet. She’s fiddling with the sleeve edges on her favorite black longsleeve. It’s a Corroded Coffin shirt from the last music festival Eddie tagged you and Rosie along to before Corroded Coffin finally declared they were done, they were retiring to go out on a high note.
Eddie lightly grips his little girl’s jaw. ❝ You did, huh?❞ he asks. Rosie nods quietly. Drops her gaze and shuffles her feet against the bedroom floor. ❝ It’s just.. I’m glad you’re my daddy and I love mama but.. I don’t have anybody t’ play with when Argie and Johnny are being stupid.❞
Eddie nods. Fluffing at his daughter’s hair as he chuckles. ❝ Well, it was a birthday wish. Those do have a lotta power, baby bat.❞ 
Rosie smiles and throws her arms around him again, you step into the room just in time to watch the little moment. To have overheard the little conversation between father and daughter. Eddie’s reaction was so vague that you’re not sure whether it’s a good idea to tell him Rosie isn’t the only one who wants Rosie to have a baby brother or sister.. You study the two for a few seconds and laugh. ❝ Okay, you two conspiring against me already?❞ you joke and Eddie smirks. ❝ Maybe we were, babe.❞
❝ I’m gonna go play with my Legos in th’ living  room. Can I watch MTV?❞ Rosie asks. Both of you nod and Rosie goes into the living room to play. This leaves you both alone together in some thick tension.
At first, neither of you seems willing to shatter it. But Eddie can’t take it a second longer and this results in him, exploding in a passionate rant as he paces the bedroom until you think he’ll pace a hole right through the floor.
You choke on air when you hear him say that while he thinks you’re sexy, he thinks you’d be even sexier if he knocked you up but then he throws up his hands and swears in frustration because he didn’t mean for that to be the first thing he blurted out in regards to having another kid, wanting a small army of kids with you. You’re stunned. Jaw dropped, eyes wide as you watch him have his little rant and stay quiet because you’re still frantically trying to process.
❝ And I just… I never thought me, I.. Eddie Munson, would be sayin this shit. T’ anybody. Ever. But damn it,❞ Eddie trails off, going quiet as he takes a few deep breaths, ❝ I can’t even look at you lately without imagining you pregnant. All our kids rushing around the house, chaos every morning.. I want this and if you don’t..❞ but you cut off his words by climbing into his lap as you cup his face with both hands and kiss him until you feel his mind starting to quiet down, his hands roaming all over your body. When he squeezes your ass and rocks you right over the way he’s strained almost painfully against the faded jeans he’s wearing, you whine against the shell of his ear, ❝ You’re not playing very fair right now, Eddie..❞ and he just chuckles. You lean into his ear, melting against him as you mutter softly, ❝ I want all of that too.. You were saying you want to fuck a baby into me later, I didn’t hear you wrong.. Right?❞
He growls quietly. Groaning as you bare down against the way his cock is hard enough to push against the zipper of his jeans. He nips at your neck roughly and his hands settle on your ass, squeezing. He’s guiding you back and forth over his lap and you whine, nipping at  the way the tip of his spider tattoo just barely peeks out over the neckline of his t-shirt. ❝ That feel like a misunderstandin’, sweetheart?❞ he asks quietly as he stares up at you. You bite your lip and whine, the friction you were getting has slowed down drastically and you want it back. You’re desperate to get it back.
❝ How soon?❞ he asks a few seconds later. Your hand fists the front of his shirt and you pull him against you, your mouth just barely grazing against his as you laugh softly. ❝ Tonight. I.. I wanna start trying tonight.❞
❝Fuck.❞ he groans out as you rock yourself against the way he’s strained at his jeans all over again. His breath catches in his throat and he grabs your ass roughly just to slow you down because if he doesn’t, he’s going to make a mess of himself right here, right now. He leans into you and nips at your neck after he’s nosed some hair out of his way. ❝ It’s a date, sweetheart. Think you’ll be able t’ keep your hands off me ‘til then?❞ and the gleam in his eye tells you that this is a challenge.
That you’re in for it, Eddie is going to do everything in his power to make you cave…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
It’s just getting to the part where Billy’s about to reveal the truth to Sidney when you feel the cool metal of Eddie’s rings against the inside of your thigh. You can feel your entire body as it heats up. You shoot him a little pout and some side-eye, but he smirks. Slips his hand off your thigh to grab himself some popcorn after he mumbles ❝The bucket is in your lap, woman.. You expect me to control myself?❞ and pouts right back.
Rosie is sitting in the row right in front of you both with her friends, their eyes glued to the screen, a hand paused midway to her mouth to take a bite of popcorn she hasn’t taken in over three minutes. 
Eddie’s hand creeps higher, a finger dragging ever-so-slowly right up your center. He chuckles when you squirm and shift around just a little in your seat. As his finger drags over you again, your legs clamp together, holding his hand between your thighs. 
Your ears feel like they’re on fire. Eddie bites his lip when the two of you lock eyes, two long fingers pushing the soaked fabric to the side as they make contact with your bare cunt. You shiver before you can stop yourself. Shoot Eddie a dirty look and nod to an usher that’s just wandered in, flashlight in hand.
Eddie leans into you, breath warm against the shell of your ear as he whispers quietly, ❝Fuck.❞ breathing heavily as he raises the fingers he just had buried in your dripping cunt to his lips, licking them clean as he holds your gaze. You bite back a whine and he leans back into you, whispering quietly, ❝I can’t fuckin wait to fill up your pretty little pussy when we get back home, babe..❞ as he grabs your wrist and guides your hand to his lap, letting you palm at the way he’s strained through his jeans. You bite back another whine, helpless.
❝Eddie.❞ you whine, helpless. Soaked through in seconds. He chuckles. Your hand ghosts over the bulge strained against black jeans and he bites his bottom lip. Both of you glance at the seat in front of you to make sure Rosie is okay. She’s arguing with Argie in a hushed tone about who the killer is, throwing her hand in his face when he insists a second time that it has to be Randy. She thinks it’s Billy, Sidney Prescott’s boyfriend.
After you’ve made sure Rosie isn’t too scared, Eddie turns his attention back to teasing you. Bucking himself up into you as you continue to clumsily palm at the bulge in his jeans. His head falls back against the seat and he bites back the urge to groan as you drag a finger over the zipper of his jeans slowly. He leans into you to whisper ❝Fuck, sweetheart.. All this teasin me is only gonna get you in real trouble.❞ against the shell of your ear. You lean into him to mumble back quietly, ❝Oh? Maybe I like the  sound of that, Eddie. Maybe that’s what I want.❞
The movie is coming to an end. Rosie’s triumphant outburst from the seat in front of you when the killers reveal themselves -and Johnny Byers arguing with Argie about her being right all along, is accompanied by snickering from Will, Mike and Jane. As the lights begin to come on, you pout a little to yourself but you pull your hand away from Eddie’s lap. You don’t even mind that you both missed huge parts of the movie, your heart is racing  as the two of you file out of your row and wait by the door leading out of the theater room for Rosie and her friends to come out so the two of you can take Rosie home.
❝Can’t wait to get you home, sweetheart.❞ Eddie laughs quietly as he scoops up Rosie when she starts to yawn and then slips his other arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side closer. You look up at him and bite your lip suggestively, squeaking just a little when Eddie’s hand wanders down, giving your ass a little squeeze.
As Rosie drifts off to sleep in the backseat of your car, Eddie takes a hand off the steering wheel and skims it right up the inside of your thighs, growling before he can stop himself when he feels just how much slicker your thighs have gotten. You slip your hand into his lap and he bucks against it as you palm at the way he’s hard enough to break through his jeans and only getting harder. You’re five minutes away from home but it might as well be five thousand years and it feels like the drive is only getting longer.
Eddie’s fingers brush past the soaked barrier of your panties and bury inside of you and you give the inside of his thigh a squeeze as you just barely gasp. ❝Almost time, sweetheart..❞ he chuckles quietly as he turns down the street you live on..
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
You’ve both just finished tucking Rosie into bed. Eddie turns on Rosie’s Scooby Doo nightlight and tucks her favorite stuffed animal into bed with her. As the two of you step out into the hallway, your back meets the closed door with a soft thud as Eddie’s restraint vanishes in a split second. His hands are all over you, finally settling on your ass as he lifts you up. You wrap your legs around him and he rocks himself into you, making you whine.
❝Ready for bed, sweetheart?❞ he asks the question in a breathy whisper as he nips his way down your neck. You whimper and rub yourself against him, needy. His mouth finds yours as he carries you down the hallway, navigating forgotten toys, a box or two from his old apartment in California and other obstacles that crowd the hallway with ease. He kicks the bedroom door open carefully and steps inside with you. Clothing that litters the top of the dresser is swept off and he sits you down in the space he’s just made, eyes gleaming as the kiss breaks, a strand of saliva between your mouths keeping you connected. You’re rocking against him and moaning out his name, shaky hands tugging the old Hellfire t-shirt up over his head as he strips off your crop top and slips his finger beneath the back of your bra, unhooking the clasps with ease and speed. 
The clothing settles in a pile on the floor and he leans into you, pushing you up against the wall behind the dresser, his mouth moving down your body. He pauses at your belly button to stare up at you, tugging down your panties. You reach out and work the jeans and boxers he’s wearing down and he steps out of them, kicking them to the side. That cute little denim mini skirt you’ve been wearing is pushed up to your hips as Eddie gets caught up in the moment and decides that he can’t wait another second, he has to taste you now. He sinks down in front of you, your legs settling over his shoulder as his mouth moves up the soft dough of your thighs, licking clean the mess he’s made. Your hands tug at his hair and grip the edge of the dresser as he pushes your legs apart a little better and buries his tongue and three fingers inside your drippy cunt. Groaning as the taste of you fills his mouth. ❝C’mon, princess.. Pull harder.❞ he moans out against your sex, fingers pumping into you as his tongue swirls. You rock yourself towards his mouth and he chuckles. ❝Thatta girl.. Gettin’ nice and wet for me..❞
You can feel your orgasm building, prepared to wreck you and you tug his hair a little harder. Eddie pauses and you pout. He stares up at the way you’re about to come completely apart for him and bites his lip, ❝You’re gonna be so fuckin cute all knocked up, princess.❞ he mutters quietly and you whine, begging for him. ❝Eddie,❞ you plead, ❝I-I.. I need you now.❞
❝Not until you give me what y’ know I want, princess.❞ Eddie’s permission to get off needs no further explanation and your orgasm rips through you, soaking his tongue and fingers as he growls quietly, the taste of you filling his mouth. He raises up again, his mouth conquering your mouth as he ruts into you while scooping you off the dresser to toss you gently onto the bed. He follows suit, your bodies tangled.
Touching. Biting. Kissing. He’s marked you up, hickies and bite marks litter your skin from neck to cunt, there are even a few sore bruises lining up the inside of your thighs. 
He lines his cock up with your throbbing cunt, dragging the head down your center. When you shiver because it feels so good, he chuckles against your ear. ❝I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, sweetheart. You gonna be a good girl and take it f’ me?❞ his voice is sex, gravel and velvet all in one as he asks the question. It’s so different than the sweet things he usually says that you’re whimpering, begging him to do it, to take you already. 
He thrusts into you slow. It’s an agonizing pace and you can feel every single inch, every vein that runs through his thick cock as he pushes into you. His hips beat against yours hard enough to bruise and he’s got you caged in beneath his body, his mouth all over you. You meet every one of his thrusts eagerly and when he comes to a stop, you whine about it.
❝You feel so fuckin good, sweetheart. Your pussy clenches around me so fuckin tight.❞ Eddie growls out, ❝Can’t wait t’ fill you up.❞ as he fucks into you slower. At one point, he has to reach out an arm and push the headboard against the wall so it’ll stop banging at it. But the way you squeeze him feels so good and you’re so wet that a minute or two later, he’s fucking at you faster and he’s used his grip on your hip for leverage, angling your hips upward just a little, bottoming out. You’re seeing stars as another orgasm builds, stopped at the brink every single time Eddie feels you tense and dig your nails in his back. 
❝Fuck, princess. –ah shit, I can’t..❞ he groans out against your neck, ❝I’m gonna cum, shit. You feel too good, sweetheart.❞ and you whine, begging for it. It’s so hot that Eddie’s thrusts speed up, fucking into you faster and deeper, hips stammering as his orgasm shatters through and biting at your neck as this prompts you to pull him even deeper inside by wrapping your legs around his waist. His forehead finds your own as his thrusts slow down and he presses soft little kisses against your mouth and cheeks. ❝I love you.❞ is said in unison, the two of you laughing softly in the dark about it because if there’s one thing you’re both good at it’s doing everything perfectly right BUT.. completely backwards.
Eddie’s still fucking into you, slow and steady. ❝Don’t wanna stop, princess. Your pussy feels sooo fucking good wrapped around my cock.❞
When he’s finally finished fucking the seed that leaked out back into you, he rolls the two of you so that you’re on top. You’re both yawning now, sleepy kisses are landing against each other’s skin as he removes one of his hands from your ass to cup your cheek, dragging his thumb across. ❝Wanna go t’ sleep just like this.❞
❝Me too, baby. I love the way you feel inside me.❞ you drawl, sleep making you stumble over words, making your voice all dreamy as the two of you drift off…
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dykeomania · 2 years ago
black and brown women have been an integral part of this community, from the jump. when my shit blew up a year ago, all of my mutuals [who i felt close to**, my fault] were black and brown women who felt comfortable enough in their queerness to make something, albeit very fucking dumb and raunchy and lighthearted, and put it out here on this site because the tag was safe and it was okay to do so.
so to learn that we've backpedaled 114 steps where: fics just blatantly aren't very inclusive, policing the feelings of black and brown women on the topics of such is apparently okay (at a time where, now, the tag is fairly poc-writer dominated, to my knowledge), and to see that people have been receiving death threats and slurs in their inbox is honestly so beyond, that i am like, legitimately mortified.
i'm fucking embarrassed and disappointed in like, everyone. i'm disgusted by the complacency [and the complicit behavior, mind you], i'm annoyed by the bigotry, and i really wish that things were not like this. this is so far from real life shit, but there are a lot of principle errors. a lot needs to change. fix it.
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summerwritesfics · 7 months ago
🗺️I Swear When I Grow Up I Won’t Just Buy You A Rose
Pairing: Raiden/Kuai Liang Length: 1772 Words Rating: Teen Warnings: Modern AU, Flower Shop AU, Florist!Kuai Liang, First Meetings, Meet-Cute, Gift Giving, Fluff AU-Gust 2024 Day 17: Flower Shop
AU-Gust 2024 Masterlist
Notes: Okay gonna be real with you, I have no idea about the pricing of flowers especially the pricing of flowers in dollars, and my attempted research on the topic kept coming up with wedding prices. So, I have no idea if what I wrote here is a reasonable price or flowers, or if it’s too little. If someone would like to correct me, feel free, but I swear I tried 😭 Title is from The Gambler by Fun.
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“I never know what to buy people for their Birthdays,” Kung Lao complained, placing his arms behind his head as they walked down the street.
Raiden chuckled and said “it’s not that hard, is it? You always manage to get me stuff I like.”
“That’s different, I’ve known you forever. I could give you a somewhat interesting looking rock and you’d be over the moon with it.” Well, he supposed Kung Lao had a point there. For him it was always the thought that counted in terms of gifts. “But we’ve only known Kitana and Mileena for a couple of months. What the heck do I get?”
“You could go halves with me on some flowers,” Raiden offered, thinking it was the easiest option. Lao was right, they hadn’t known the sisters that long, but he had talked with them enough to realise they both like flowers.
“No offence, but I don’t want to be that basic.”
“Are you calling me basic?” Raiden gasped in mock offence.
“I mean I’m not calling you complex,” Lao replied with a cheeky smirk. Raiden rolled his eyes.
“Well, have fun figuring out what non-basic gift you’re going to buy them,” Raiden claimed as they came to the flower shop he’d had in mind. Lin Kuei Florals was a relatively new shop, a small family run business from what he could tell. He was all about supporting small businesses rather than corporate conglomerates. “I’m gonna go buy my flowers now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m gonna go see if I can find something in that clothes shop over there.” Lao pointed in the direction he was going.
Raiden just shook his head as he went to enter the flower shop. As he stepped in he was immediately met with the floral smell, making him glad he didn’t have any allergies. It was a small shop, but absolutely packed to the brim with plants of all kinds. It wasn’t just bouquets either, there were some plants in pots, including succulents and cacti. There were some cute hanging baskets, and even a rack of seeds.
“Welcome to Lin Kuei Florals, how may I help you?” A voice called to him from the counter, and when Raiden looked up, he actually felt himself go a little hot.
The man behind the counter was a bit shorter than Raiden, wearing his long hair up in a bun. He had a scar over the one side of his face, and two flowers, one yellow, one blue, tucked into his ear. Usually, Raiden wasn’t one to be distracted by someone’s looks, but something about this man made him feel dizzy.
“Are you alright sir?” The man asked, sounding genuinely concerned. Raiden’s eyes flicked to a little name tag on the man’s apron that read “Kuai Liang”.
“Ah. Yes. Sorry,” he said in a hurried tone as Kuai Liang came from behind the counter to approach him.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” Kuai Liang asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Uh. Flowers.” Raiden wanted to just slap his face with his hand because of course he wanted flowers, that’s why he was in a flower shop. Kuai Liang probably thought he was stupid or something.
“Well, you’re definitely in the right place for that,” Kuai Liang giggled, and it just made him even cuter to Raiden. “Any particular flowers you’re looking for?”
“Pretty ones?” Oh. Good. If Kuai Liang didn’t already think he was a moron he definitely did now. “I’m so sorry. I’m not normally this dumb, I just have no idea what I’m actually looking for.”
Smooth. Maybe Raiden had saved himself there.
“I’m guessing you’re buying them as a gift for someone?” Kuai Liang enquired, reaching for a notepad in his pocket and a tiny pencil.
“Yeah, I’ve got these two friends, they’re twins so their birthday is coming up.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I know they both really like flowers so I thought a bouquet might do it.”
“Any ideas what kind of flowers they like?” Kuai Liang scribbled something down on his notepad.
“That’s the thing, I think it’s like… All flowers.” He tried to think of something that might help Kuai Liang out. “Ah, one sister really likes the colour blue, while the other loves pink.”
“Were you hoping for separate bouquets for them?” He continued to ask, writing more things down.
“Yes I think that’d be for the best.” He was sure, being twins, they got people treating them like they were the same person all the time. And even in the few short months he’d known them, he’d definitely come to appreciate that for all their similarities, they were still quite different people deep down. “So maybe one with mostly blue flowers and the other mostly pink?”
“Alright, give me a minute.”
And like that, Kuai Liang was darting around the shop, picking up various items. Raiden watched in silence as he grabbed ribbons, pruners, and paper. Then he started going between flowers. He grabbed some deep blue ones, paired with some lighter blue and some that were bordering purple. A couple of smaller white flowers too. He put them on the table together, before returning to look around again. This time he was gathering flowers of various pinks, some deep magenta and some more dusky baby pink. He also grabbed a couple of yellow flowers.
“What do you think? Before I commit to putting them together?” Kuai Liang asked, taking a step back to really observe them. Raiden wandered to join his side, looking over. He really didn’t know much about flowers, or which ones look good together, but even he could admire these flowers all complimented each other.
“They look amazing,” Raiden whispered. His personal favourite of the flowers was actually the smaller white ones, there was something delicate and sweet about them. “How long have you been doing this?”
“Ah, well, I’ve done some casual courses for flower arranging.” Kuai began to wrap the blue bouquet up, in a light pink paper Raiden now noticed. “But I’ve loved plants since I was a child, and my Mother brought me a pack of wildflower seeds to grow.”
“So, is this your shop?” He asked, because from what he knew this was a family owned business.
“Technically it’s my elder brother’s I suppose, but he did buy it for me, so.” Kuai shrugged, wrapping a sparkly blue ribbon around the bouquet and tying it in a bow. “My younger brother helps me out sometimes, but he isn’t quite as interested in plants as I am.”
“Huh.” His brother must be pretty loaded to just casually buy him a shop. Still he didn’t voice that, instead saying “you definitely seem to know what you’re doing.” He frowned, remembering something he’d read about once. “Is that stuff about flowers having meanings true or is that just a myth?”
Kuai Liang laughed as he moved onto the pink bouquet, wrapping that one in a light blue paper.
“There are some agreed upon meanings, but they’re not nearly as important as fiction would make you believe,” he said while smiling ear to ear. “That said if you ever need a bouquet to be extremely passive aggressive towards someone I can definitely help you with that.”
Raiden spluttered and covered his mouth with his hand. As he stood trying not to laugh, Kuai Liang finished up the second bouquet, scooping them both up and handing them to Raiden. They were beautiful and he was certain Kitana and Mileena would love them.
“Thank you so much,” he replied, following Kuai Liang over to the counter. “You’re amazing.” He realised what came out of his mouth and his face dropped, Kuai Liang was looking at him with an amused smile on his face. “They- they’re amazing. I mean. Sorry. Sorry.”
What is wrong with me today?
“Well, that comes to $60 all together,” Kuai Liang stated without missing a beat. Raiden reached into his pocket, passing Kuai the money he required. He opened the cash register, placing the money in and waiting for a receipt to print. Once it had, Raiden noticed he picked up a pen from the desk and wrote something on it. He didn’t think too much of it, probably just had to tick some boxes or something. He took the receipt as Kuai Liang passed it to him and said “thank you and I hope your friends like them.”
“I’m sure they will.” He gave a little bow of respect. “Thank you again.”
He might have rushed a little too quickly to the door so as not to make even more of a fool of himself. He gave a massive sigh as he went back out into the fresh air. From across the street, he saw Kung Lao.
“Hey- wow.” Kung Lao stood mouth agape at him. “Okay, going to be honest, those are way nicer than I was expecting.” He put his hand under his chin, and smirked. “How much did those cost you?”
“$60,” Raiden explained and Kung Lao blinked.
“Wait? Seriously? Only 60? When I looked it up online it was all saying in the 100’s?” Kung Lao questioned and Raiden snorted.
“You probably got results for wedding bouquets, they always put up the price for weddings,” he laughed, but it seemed Kung Lao wasn’t having it.
“Let me see the receipt.” Lao held out his hand to demand it. Raiden rolled his eyes and placed it into his hand.
Lao looked at it, eyes scanning before he reached the bottom and his eyebrow raised.
“Uh. Raiden? Have you actually looked at this?”
Raiden was confused, taking the receipt back and scanning it himself. Down at the bottom, in handwriting, was a series of numbers, sighed “call me ;) KL xx”.
“Oh.” He chuckled nervously, and there was the heat again, only now he could feel it down his neck and chest as well. His eyes were wide as he looked at Kung Lao. “Oh.”
“Seems like you managed to pick up more than flowers, huh?” Kung Lao gave him a very pronounced overdramatic wink and Raiden groaned.
“Shut up,” he muttered as he began to walk off, but he carefully put the receipt in his pocket so he didn’t lose it.
“I get to be your best man right?” Lao continued and Raiden groaned.
“Shut uppppp,” he whined, trying to drown out Lao’s teasing. Despite that though, he did find himself smiling. Maybe his awkwardness had come off as charming or otherwise endearing. It didn’t matter, all he knew was he was definitely giving that phone number a call later.
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keplerspacecraftofficial · 4 months ago
ok so penelope scott dropped her new video for Gross which is while not my top fave still an excellent song. great music video to drop on halloween. at 3:20, instead of the lyrics being the caption in that moment ("or I'm just a bitch/ but you'll never know") it is the following coordinates:
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which brings us here:
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czechia! and. Okay. the weird thing is, that while the google street view gives us this unassuming ass building,
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that's because it's the tourist center for Kostnice v Seldeci-- Seldec Ossuary.
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gorgeous. ms. scott, what the fuck.
this is all on top of the fact that when you turn on subtitles, the only time the youtube subtitles turn on is to say "Penelope:" "Honey:" starting at different sections. and variations on "(Penelope v Honey)" "(Penelope ^ Honey)" etc. "Honey Morello," according to Scott's Genius page, is a prior pen name.
also, i tried to start analyzing the inconsistencies between the lyrics sung, the lyrics put in the in-video captions, and the youtube subtitles and bitch they are Three Different Things. i'm falling down the rabbit hole. this post is long enough so it's going under the readmore for my nerds.
beyond that, someone pointed out the fact the text color changes over the course of the video? which i'm not studying right now. if you do that, do either put it on this post or tag me :O
It was so easy with you
So salty and gross
Made me feel clean by comparison
It was a tongue in my mouth
And a fire in my house
It made me look so innocent
I'm never gonna feel good again
I've played this game all the way to the end
Look at this stupid little song for you
You're pretty good at this game, too
I wish I didn't miss you
Or that I liked you at all
I wish I had the guts to fuck my own life up
I wish I had your set of balls
But I'm a chemical compound
I'm just the ring you take off
I'm just the next little girl you fake it with
Before you go make it work with the one that you love
I drink my dumb little drinks
(*glass breaking*)
(small note: there is a glass breaking sfx as penelope does, in fact, drop a glass. just watch the video)
Act like you care what I think
Or like I really wanna get to know you
Give everybody a chance
Put on my makeup and dance
Say things like, "I'll do anything for you."
Don't I look good in this dress?
In this well manicured mess
I look phenomenal, but only to you, oh
It's even worse than you think
I'm watching everything
And I'll die before I'll tell you the truth
I'm never gonna feel good again
I've played this game through the end
One more stupid little song for you
You're better than you thought at this, too
I wish I'd never met you
Or that I wanted you still
I wish I had the guts to fuck my own life up
I wish you'd just come over and kill me
But I'm a chemical compound
I'm just the ring you take off
I'm just the next little girl you fake it with
Before you go make it work with the one that you love
And I don't even resent that
Do you get that I don't even object
I don't mind what you meant
But then how dare you express
Whatever brand of respect this is
When I made sure that we both know I'm a mess
I hate it most when they're kind
When they have meaningful lives
And I'm the awful one standing next to them
It was an earnest suggestion, a real connection
Every part of me poses a threat to them
And if you're mean then they'll laugh
Like they don't understand
If you got it, you would fucking go home, well
~(Penelope v Honey):
Say that you want me still
(Penelope v Honey):
Say I'm just mentally ill
(again: above does not actually show up in the in-video captions. replaced by the coordinates)
Or I'm just a bitch, but, you'll never know
I'm never gonna feel good again
I've played this game through the end
I'll pull the plug or I'll wait it out
But I don't need you around
(Penelope ^ Honey) v (Penelope v Honey):
I wish I'd never met you
I wish I wasn't a waste
(another weirdness here. the lyric sung is "waste" as it has always been. in the captions, it is, "I WISH I WASN'T A FACE." but slowing it down frame by frame prior, one gets:
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(i am hoping the above characters are a load of spambabble and not a cipher because i have spent too much time as is on this.)
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The lyric flickers in, in full, for a single frame, and then it continues. hrm.
I wish I had the guts to fuck my own life up
Or the heart to set myself straight
But I'm a chemical compound
You're just the gun in my mouth
If you stopped romanticizing who I am at parties,
∃x (Penelopex ^ Honeyx)
∃x (Penelopex ^ ~Honeyx)
you'd find your way out
∃x (Honeyx ^ ~Penelopex)
∃x ~(Honeyx ∨ Penelopex)
I wish I weren't a liar
I wish that I could be kind
(more of the spambabble crunch on line above. already weird enough with the rapid switching logical inconsisentcy narrators. don't have the time or patience to put all the images in again, but the same thing happens. the lines in the video captions are "MIRROR IMAGE ONCE OR TWICE./MEET YOUR DOUBLE MEET YOUR PRIME" nothing happens inside the video itself at that exact moment in terms of mirroring? hypothesis that someone should check if the frame is ever flipped.)
I wish that I could trust you
this line never actually comes up in the in-video captions, even on a freeze frame. "HAUNTING HUNTING HIVE MACHINE"
That things would turn out fine
gets to "that things would turn out" before turning into "GRASS IS GREENER GRASS IS GREEN". All following lines do something similar, getting only up to a point before changing.
But I'm a chemical compound
I'm just a flash in your pan
And if you don't wanna play just say so
And you'll never ever see me again
something tells me we're playing with doubles.
will come back to this post in the morning. happy halloween!
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mail-me-a-snail · 1 year ago
oc interview: ✨✨vance✨✨
thank you to @swearingcactus AND @glitchinginthegarden AND!! @v-eats-bugs for tagging me !! finally got to sit down and answer this :3
let's hit it !
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🧡 Name?
"Just call me V."
his first chosen name was penn, but he started going by vance after his medical transition. he doesn't give it out freely bc that was the name arasaka knew him by; he doesn't mention his surname, either, bc it's a pretty prominent one with much of its members still working for the megacorp in question.
🧡 Nickname?
"...Well, last I checked, 's still V."
apart from "mano" from jackie, vance doesn't have much in terms of nicknames. his old netrunning handle was N3tH0und (net hound); it's a retired username that's been largely scrubbed from the net, but sometimes he signs his major hacks with it just to fuck with people. it's a ghost's name, and it's fun to haunt the net only when he knows for certain that it can't be traced back to him.
🧡 Gender?
"Guy! Never been asked that outright before."
🧡 Star sign?
"'s not my scene--can't say I know much about it--but Misty's got me down as a Cancer, whatever that means. Says that's probably why I'm, er, so 'intuitive', as she called it. You ask me, that's just the merc work--bein' able to read a room, that is."
i first drew vance on july 7, 2023, so i consider that his birthday. like vance, i have no idea how being a cancer applies to him, but google says cancers are loyal, domestically inclined, and committed to their loved ones, so that sounds about right!
🧡 Height?
"Six flat. Johnny's pretty sure I'm taller than 'im...but he's slouchin' all the time, so don't think he's got a say in it."
🧡 Orientation?
"Usually go for other guys. But I guess the definition of that is pretty loose these days, 'specially in NC, huh. The hell does it matter to me if you've got certain...parts. If you're a guy, you're a guy, and if you're down, I'm down, y'know?"
vance is a gay man with a preference for masculine-identifying individuals. like he said, if you identify as a "guy" in any form, then that's good enough for him. he's not one to talk about having "appropriate" parts, and he thinks it's dumb that they're gendered in the first place. he's not usually looking for anything serious and he's more than okay with just being an input and having one as well.
🧡 Nationality/ethnicity?
"Nay's Indian. Tay's Filipino. Ya ask anyone, I look more like my mom."
nanay and tatay are the filipino words for mother and father, respectively. vance has a very limited grasp of either language but he at least knows that much from his dad's mother tongue.
🧡 Favorite fruit?
"Oh, man, 's been a while--this one time when I was growin' up, think I was ten or eleven, 'Saka sent Dad a basket of 'ganic fruit. For his 50 years o' service, I think it was. Anyway, had my first apple then. What I wouldn't fuckin' give for one right now."
he likes fuji apples the best :3
🧡 Favorite season?
"Gotta be winter. I got to go a lot of places back in '65--Europe, mostly--an' most of them were snowy. Loved seein' my breath fog up. You don't get that here. You get hot rains and the pavement steamin'--guess it's pretty, in its way, with all the city's neon shinin' through the rain.
"But it ain't a real winter without snow."
🧡 Favorite flower?
"If ya hike it out to the Badlands in the summer, you'll find these little white flowers blooming on the cacti; Net says they're called Saguaro blooms. I like their...tenacity, I 'spose."
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"But if I had to give ya a traditional answer...blue hydrangeas. Maya--she used to grow 'em in her apartment, still don't know how she did it--she gave me some blooms for my birthday back in '70. A welcome home kinda thing. Don't got her green thumb, so they died a week later...but they were real pretty. Somethin' to look forward to comin' home to."
🧡 Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
"Coffee--can't say it works for me, though."
he likes all three and refuses to drink his coffee black. he will put so much milk and creamer in that cup that it might as well be a dessert. johnny is disgusted (affectionate).
🧡 Average hours of sleep?
"...Hours, plural?"
vance is a champ at power naps and between the relic and an insomnia left over from his arasaka days, he doesn't get to bed much. if you do somehow get him into bed by morning, however, be prepared to not see him until near-evening the next day.
🧡 Dog or cat person?
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note: those 10,000 photos are just the ones he has on his phone; do not look at the cloud where his kiroshi photos are stored.
🧡 Dream trip?
"...Was actually, erm, thinkin' of--well, when we get all this shit sorted out--I was thinkin'...might bring Johnny somewhere colder. Somewhere with snow. Said he hasn't seen snow before, so, I-unno, thought he might like it out there."
please take this time to imagine johnny in his android body nuzzled up to vance in the snow, red-faced and, for the first time in a long time, in awe. they're going to have hot chocolate later in some cabin vance rented out for the season--but right now, they're watching their shared breath cloud together in the air, simpatico even in this.
🧡 Favorite fictional character?
"Oh, oh--there's this real old holovid I used to loop when I was fifteen. 's fucked how they got most of it right. Anyhow, Rick Deckard. I used to think he was so damn cool."
deckard, with his big-collared jacket and general gruffness, was definitely one of vance's transition goals. that, and he watched br2049 right after--with how deckard was treating K, vance started projecting Really Fucking Heavily on K. like wow! you're a total killing machine with a father who just might love you. that's crazay man. could not be me
🧡 Number of blankets you sleep with?
"Run pretty warm as it is already, so just the one. Like the...texture of it, as it were. The weight o' it."
get this man a weighted blanket please god. i think it would fix him. alternatively, just lay on top of him and he'll be happy.
🧡 Random fact?
"I used to klep a lotta shit when I was a kid. Wires, chips, motherboards--mostly tech, really, from the vendin' machines and bus stops 'round the city. Sold 'em for a pretty eddie down in Heywood; got no buyers in the Hill, not when we could all afford the tech those Heywood kids were tryin' to kitbash together in the first place. Don't really know why I did it.
"To strike out, maybe? Maybe I liked the challenge. There's somethin' about makin' a machine give its own parts to you; get a vending machine to dispense its motherboard, a bus stop sign its LED, and ya feel like ya can make anythin' bend to your will."
thank you again for the tags!! this was a lot of fun to do :3
tagging @netripper , @knuckle-cluster, @matapang-coffee, and
@nakitengoku AND whoever else would like to do this! no pressure to do so ofc!!
if u ever dont want to be tagged in these kinds of posts, just lmk!
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tarmac-rat · 4 months ago
Hi there. My name is Seta LeCarpetron Flow, known shitposter for the hit 2020 video game Cyberpunk 2077 and generally-unwilling Tumblr funnyguy. If you've stumbled upon this post, congratulations! That means you've seen my shitpost about advertising in the night sky and decided to check out my blog, which eventually led you here. Here's a list of commonly asked questions I see about my shitpost that I thought I'd compile here for your enjoyment.
"Why did you do this?" -- this was a shitpost that escaped containment very quickly and with absolutely no warning.
"Never played the game, can you explain the joke to me?"-- In Night City, the game's setting, holographic advertisements are placed on the top of skyscrapers and scroll upwards for the citizens to look at. The response down below from "@/johnnysilverhandofficial" is a reference to the fact that in the game's canon, main character Johnny Silverhand commits an act of terrorism by blowing up the largest skyscraper in the city. It's a whole thing. The account tweeting, "@/NightCityWire", is the name of the YouTube show where devs of the game would give updates on its progress back when it was still being developed. 'Twitter for Holo' on the bottom is a reference to the fact that in the game, the characters use Holos to communication rather than cellphones.
"Why did you think this would be funny?"-- *'I don't know' noise*, I thought this was gonna hit like, 200 notes at most. The Cyberpunk fandom isn't that big.
"Is it based on something?"-- It's based on this exchange on Twitter that happened a couple of years ago, with a few copy edits. I usually credit inspirations and templates in my posts but again, did not think this post was going to blow up as much as it did.
"What even is the purpose of this blog?"-- CYPK2077 shitposting, generally. Occasionally writing, VP, whinging about lore, and complaining that I can't take photos on PC. The works.
"Are you a roleplay blog?"-- I have no fucking idea why people think this is a roleplay blog. This hardly qualifies as a roleplay shitpost. I don't roleplay. Stop telling people that I'm a roleplay blog in the tags, it's really goddamn annoying.
"Alright, so what's you're biggest issue, then?"-- My biggest issue is that people keep taking this post at face value without understanding the context. That's fine, I get it, the changes I made are not very noticeable and I probably edited it a bit too much, but I need to ensure people that this is a JOKE. It is not REAL. I cannot stress enough that this is a shitpost that got wildly out of hand and it's a little depressing that the state of the world is so whack that people look at this, go "yeah, that's real" and reblog it.
"Why are you making THIS post?"-- Because I've had to read thousands of tags on this post day in and day out lamenting the fall of society and our world's headlong rush towards capitalistic annihilation, and frankly, it kinda wears on me after a while. If I can get at least some person to look at this post and be like "Oh, okay, I get it now" before they reblog it at face value, then I'll consider this worth it in my eyes.
"You know this is kind of passive-aggressive, right?"-- yes, yes it is. But when you've had 27,000 people reblog the stupid shitpost you made in 20 minutes because you were bored at work and seen 95% of them take it out of context and/or make dumb assumptions about you based on it, you'd probably be a little Pass-Agro too.
Thank you for reading my FAQ on this blog's most popular shitpost. Never thought the day would come where I'd need to make this, but here we are.
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cherriesncinnamon · 2 years ago
heyy, can you do part 2 of secrets?
secret pt 2 / ethan landry x reader
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link to secret part 1
synopsis: bleeding out on your bedroom floor, you're shocked to see your killer boyfriend's change of heart. he's going to let you live on one condition; you keep his identity a secret. even if you refuse to promise that, he has another use for you in mind.
warnings/tags: mentions of stabbing, blood, emotional manipulation.
word count: 400.
a/n: thank you for your request! i wrote the first part in like 30 mins, so i didn't think anyone would actually find it good😭 here's part 2 for anyone who wanted it <3
"this'll be our little secret. okay?"
"you're not going to kill me?" you ask with genuine question, congested with tears, blood trickling down your side, draining you physically and mentally. ethan chuckles breathily, periodically looking away, then back down at your fatigued eyes as he kneels beside your frail frame.
"no, no, no, you sweet dumb thing. you really think i'd do that? to you?" he replies, manipulation dripping from his tongue, coating his speech. you squint in judgement, seeing right past his thin veil of lies. he had his knife buried in you just a minute ago, intentions clear and powerful, and now, he's pretending he would never hurt a single hair on your head.
you attempt to wrap your head around ethan's sudden change in operation. the only two options he had were to kill you, and he had already crossed that off, meaning blackmail it was, or so you thought.
"how do you know i'm not going to turn you in?" you say weakly, gathering up enough strength to rise to your legs, knees barely holding your weight. ethan stands to meet your height, his shallow breathing blowing gently on your forehead. his lips smile, enough to show his teeth that sharpen at his canines. he shushes you before you can get in another word, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, now completely ignorant to the painful wound you inflicted on him.
ethan's sight darts in fast triangles, from your eyes, to your lips, and again. he's infatuated by you, all the while eager to watch you bleed out, with the pure thought of it palpating his heart. ethan is a piquerist, he always has been. and you've been the object of his desires, the one he fantasises about sinking his blade into. although, he would never dream about murdering you, he sees potential in you, so much potential.
"it felt good, didn't it?" ethan leans in to whisper, bottom lip grazing your ear. goosebumps immediately raise on the surface of your skin, confusion rushing in not soon after. you grimace, lost on what mind game he is starting to pull.
"stabbing me with that pathetic pair of scissors? i saw the look on your face. you liked it." he elaborates, picking his buck 120 up from the floor. your hard stare softens, and you suddenly realise his new plan. partnership. he takes your blood soaked hand, and places the knife in your palm, squeezing your fingers around its handle.
"you wanna know what a real knife feels like?"
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