#okay but real talk can this song be their theme song lmao??????????????
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yelenasdiary · 2 years ago
Heyyy♥️ I wanted to request Melina x fem!reader with prompt 48 from your prompt list?
48. kids falling asleep in the car on the way home and their parents don’t want to wake them up
Maybe they have like a family fun day and all the fluff. I know that this is probably not Melina coded but I want to be married to Rachel/Melina so this is all I have 🥲
Another Block?
Pairing: Melina Vostokoff x Fem! Reader
Summary: After a family day out, the girls, Yelena and Natasha are fast asleep in the back and just for a moment, everything seems perfectly normal.
Tiny Angst | Fluff | No Warnings | 0.9K |
AC: My first Melina request!!! I took a little spin on this; I hope that’s okay! Reader is Yelena and Natasha’s “parents”. No hate to Alexei, I love him lmao. I hope you enjoy this x 
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A family outing with your little family wasn't at all a part of the mission you and Melina were directed to do but it did fall under the category of making the "pretend family" as Dreykov could call it, look real. You and Melina decided to take the girls to the Cedar Point Amusement Park for the day. Of course, at first, Natasha, the eldest wasn't too interested in the idea but Yelena couldn't hide her excitement. She requested her song, American Pie about five times before Melina had to convince her to listen to the radio for a little while. 
Once arriving at the theme park, you instantly saw the hidden excitement in Natasha's eyes as she looked up at one of the rollercoasters. A soft smile tugged at your lips before you felt Yelena excitedly pull at your jacket, "Come on Ma!" she smiled widely, showing you exactly how many of her adult teeth were beginning to come through. 
"Natasha are you ready?" you asked, looking at the young teen while Melina grabbed the backpacks out of the car. 
"Yeah, let's go" Natasha slightly rolled her eyes to prove to you and Melina that just going on a family outing wasn't going to change what she already knew. 
Given Yelena was only 6 years old, everything was new and exciting to her. Her jaw dropped at each new ride her eyes locked onto, at least for her this was a real and her little mind never gave it a second thought unlike Natasha who struggled to allow herself to enjoy days like these. 
"Yelena, no running off please!" Melina reminded the young girl who ran ahead, stopping at Melina's words. "But mom! I don't want to miss the good rides!" She turned on her heels, causing both you and Melina to chuckle. "You don't love, the park doesn't close until night" you smiled softly. Melina took a hold of Yelena's small hand and walked ahead, giving you a chance to talk to Natasha. 
"You know, today isn't about making this look real" you spoke as you walked alongside the teen with blue hair. "You say that but everything we do is too make us look like we're a real family and one day, I'll have to go back. What happens to Yelena when the time comes?" Natasha snapped as she looked up at you. 
Mission or not, it broke your heart to hear those words come from her mouth. Three years doesn't seem like a long time but within the time of being together as a four, your heart grew to love the girls as if they were your own, you see them as your own and nothing would ever change that, you just wish Natasha would see that.
"Things will be different, I promise" you replied, lying to her and you hated yourself for it. 
"How?" Natasha asked with the tiniest hint of hope in her voice. 
"Because, neither Melina or I will let anything happen you girls and I know you're having a hard time trying to see that, but I love you, Natasha. You're my daughter and no mission will change that" 
"But you can't promise that when I go back, that things will be okay" 
"I can and I am. Melina is a lot closer to Dreykov than I am, if you think she'll let him hurt you or Yelena in anyway, you don't know Melina well enough" you replied, seeing your words put the teen at ease. She smiled, "I love you too" Her words came to you in an almost whisper, but they warmed your heart. 
After hours of going on ride after ride, snack after snack and of course some shopping, it was time to head home. Yelena was coming off a sugar high and both you and Melina could tell how tired the girls were. After your talk with Nat, she let her guard down a little and allowed herself to enjoy the day as a normal 11-year-old. 
"Thank you for taking us" Nat smiled at both you and Melina as you all gathered at the car. 
"You're very welcome girls" Melina smiled, helping Yelena into her seat. You smiled back at Natasha, for the first time in a while she looked genuinely happy. 
The car ride home was rather quiet, everybody was too tired and achy to want much of a conversation but of course, Yelena asked if Mac n Cheese was on the menu for tonight's dinner. "I'm sure we can cook some up when we're home" you replied, looking at the 6-year-old through the review mirror. 
The radio played softly as Melina drove you all home, your hand resting gently in her free hand, her thumb stroking your knuckles with love as you watched passing vehicles through the window. "They both had a lot of fun today" Melina whispered when she saw both girls in the backseat asleep. "Natasha seemed to really enjoy herself as well" she added. 
"I'm really proud of her today and letting herself enjoy the day" you replied, looking over at Melina as she pulled up in the drive away. "Do we have to move them?" you asked in a whisper, looking over your shoulder. 
"Let's just do another block and see if they wake up, if not, we'll park in the garage and wake them when dinner is ready" Melina suggested, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. Moments like these made you both forget the meaning of everything, the red room, the mission, the widow program and most importantly, Dreykov. It was just you, your wife and the two young and beautiful girls you shared with her and as Melina took her time, driving another block with her free hand intertwined with yours, you forever wished things would never change.
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slytherinshua · 1 month ago
Hi! How are you?? Have you been well? Up to anything nice?
Since you've been gatekeeping that boogie man solo clip, what other parts of the concert have you been gatekeeping? 😭
Everytime I watch Yechan perform that solo (or every other solo tbh), I always think "I NEED TO BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS!!" and then realise that I probably won't be able to anytime soon 😭😭. It would be SO much easier if I had sheet music to read, but I can never find any (I guess actually practicing would also help ahaha). I think I need to start a petition to get Mystic to release sheet music, how amazing would that be??
It makes me so happy that more people are starting to listen to Lucy! I love the amount of times "I ascended" is getting used because that is definitely my experience of listening to their songs ahaha
(loving all your new themes btw, they've been very pretty!)
HI VIOLET!! honestly just the usual except I’ve been talking more seriously with my mom about replacing our piano WHICH IM NOT HAPPY ABT AT ALL but it’s also so necessary at this point. I’m preparing for my exam in April rn and the pedal like ?? squeaks?? whenever I press it like omg I can’t deal w this much longer. and I alr know abt the cracked soundboard in the piano so it’s just problems adding onto the other. we really need a new piano so we’re gonna look out for used ones and hopefully we can find one I rly like (cause I’m so attached to my piano :( I don’t want to let her go)
WELL I recorded like 98% of the concert or so, SO I HAVE A LOT A LOT of clips that I haven’t shared. but I am very happy to share them :)) the concert timeline was: soundcheck, intro+rolling rolling, intro+knowhow, member introduction (basically sangyeop’s sexy English time), one by one, straight line, talking time (including sangyeop overjoyed at how many water bottles he had to douse walwals in later on), flowering, haze (im going through the vids to get this timeline right for you AND THE VOLUME AT WHICH I SCREAMED WHEN HAZE STARTED I cant even blame past zanna cause it’s still my fav song), talking (ft wonsang saying he’s a bit shy and me melting in real time), snooze, jogging, talking (ft sangyeop and gwangil joking abt all the things they’re going to do when they leave the stage), yechan and wonsang duo merry go round of life, sangyeop and gwangil coming back w popcorn (and sangyeop giving some to walwals lmao), sangyeop on the drums (which was so funny and cute he joked around w gwangil a bit before gwangil began his solo stage), gwangil solo stage he performed nan chun by so soseon, and then his own solo song would you dance with me?
I interrupt this rundown of the concert to share this clip which was way too cute when I rewatched it. sangyeop doing the drum part w his mouth instead of the actual sticks and Wonsang being SO CUTE in the spinning chair and his little giggle and KDJDKAD VI I AM NOT OKAY
anyway moving on after that they did the only exception by paramore, counting stars by one republic (this stage in particular I was SO TIRED my body was giving up on me so I went to sit, the vid is not the best but the vocals were incredible so still would love to share it’s one of my fav stages from the concert actually I could cry listening to their vocals back lmao), talking, hero, unbelievable, talking, intro+I got u, intro+hot!, talking, boogie man, talking (ft wonsang hearts w me!!), you’re right, talking, intro+flare, ending, talking+phototime+touching wonsangs bass+getting yechan’s bow etc etc, end of show
so yeah I’d be happy to share any clips that you’re interested in seeing!!! just need to know what you’d like hehe. also if you have discord it might be easier for me to send the videos there than post on tumblr cause tumblr sometimes takes forever to upload them 😭😭 if you do my username is zanna.exe and you can add me!!
I KNOW OMG I SO SO GET YOU with any song that has piano in Lucy’s discography *cough colorless* I AM ITCHING TO LEARN TO PLAY IT LIKE I WOULD GENUINELY COMBUST IF I DIDNT LEARN IT THAT SECOND but there’s never any sheet music and I hate it. if mystic did sell them then I would buy it SO FASTT like genuinely 😭😭😭 I need it so bad
I know!!! This past few weeks has been lucy heaven on my blog I’ve had like 3 moots all ask for recs and get into them which is just so lovely to see. Especially for lucy being my ults and also the most nugu ult of them all, but ALSO being the group that has the music I relate to and love the most. they’re the group I’m most connected to musically and emotionally. Whenever I need to cry I watch Lucy stages, whenever I need to cheer up i watch lucy stages, whenever I need to laugh I watch lucy moments, like they are just everything I need and everything I love so I adore seeing new ppl find joy in them the same way I do
thank you so much!!! I’ve been super indecisive on themes and just been wanting to change them up a lot LMAO as if I’m not already a serial theme changer. I really want a wonsang theme or just a lucy theme in general sometime soon as well cause I miss my boogie man theme badly. maybe something floral and pretty for march/april spring we’ll see!!
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cloudycleric · 1 year ago
heyy dude i’m watching ur podcast video rn and i saw some of ur posts about it can you please go more into detail about ur thoughts on this charming man and byler cus i feel like i’ve been screaming into the void about the smiths LMAO. i didn’t really get it w this charming man but i wanna see what you think 🙏
okay so im guessing youre asking for an explanation on this charming man & dont worry i have also been screaming the smiths into the void lately. okay so my thing with this charming man is like, it doesnt fit entirely into the perspective of either will or mike but there are certain parts that i think are just so fucking byler. i think mainly the admiration that the speaker has for the charming man is what really sells it for me; it is very very clear in the song that the speaker has a real deep & passionate admiration for him (& maybe even a crush but i dont think morrissey is ready for that talk yet & also, as a jewish person, he can go to hell.)
we got the first verse & ough DOGGIE this one is real byler coded. "puncture bicycle on the hill side desolate" could be a lot of things but the specific bicycle imagery sticks out to me a lot for obvious reasons i'm sure, originally thinking i was going to talk about how the lyric could parallel the swing set meeting since mike too in a way was left stranded looking for help during that moment before he went up to will,
BUT, i think it fits in even better when you consider will's absence from hawkins. "punctured bicycle on the hill side desolate" could also be imagery of will's bike, because god knows where it is now, & mike is seeing it just in complete misery.
the next line "will nature make a man of me yet?" okay when i tell you i have an interpretation for this one i MEAN IT. nature, in this line pretty obviously, refers to forces beyond one's control, & i once again think this is coming from mike's perspective (thought it could be easily applied to will's). okay hold onto your horses because this one is the wildest in the west
"will nature make a man of me yet?" – mike wheeler's internalized homophobia makes him unable to view himself as a real "man." by the forces of nature taking will away from him, perhaps he views this as a way of the universe trying to make him "man up" or whatever. i know that one makes me giggle so much. it hits harder if you think about it in terms of mike's obliviousness because ough thats so good, but it also can apply to will in the same way now that he's been separated from mike. but im sorry from mikes perspective it hits so much harder
OKAY now we're moving to will's territory. the next line i want to talk about is "why pamper life's complexity when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?" a big theme in this charming man is how the charming man is of a very higher class than the speaker, which can definitely be said about will & mike. so, this could be explaining will talking about how mike's situation is different than his, i have a deeper better explanation,
i think this line could refer to "why think about all the fucking shitty things ever when mike is so great." it's super implied in the show that mike & will always turn to each other when theyre going through a rough period, or that mike is always protective of will/wants to make sure that he's okay, so i think this may be will talking about why he should deal with the outside world, in terms of trauma or homophobia or whatever, when he can just chill out with mike & not have to worry about all that
okay, so. i don't want to talk about the "i would go out tonight" line because i don't really think it applies here & that's okay. but what i WILL go over next is the "this man said, 'it's gruesome, that someone so handsome should care,' " line because all i can think of when i see this scene is in s4 when mike & will are burying the body in the desert & will cant help himself but stare at mike. it's probably really "gruesome" (fucking AUGHHHH terrible) that someone as handsome as mike should care about him & his problems when he thinks that the probability of them getting together really sucks. even though his personality is great too, mike is a very good looking guy i will say myself & i have also thought this since i was a youngin. so the way that he is just so beautiful to will & also to anyone with eyes makes it even worse to be pining over him because god, he's just so fucking pretty?
"jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place" once again talking about the difference in class between the speaker & the charming man. though i wouldn't go as far to describe will as a pantry boy. but guess what? will never knew his place until after he found mike.
okay finally the last two lines of the chorus but i analyze them out of order;
the "he knows so much about these things" is like OUGH that is VAN SCENE BEHAVIOR. i could 100000% see mike going "will knows so much about these problems i have & exactly how to fix them" or whatever, & in a metaphorical way you could make the argument that will is trying to communicate something along the lines of "return the ring" but trying to get a 1:1 match for that line is a bit tricky & a lot of a stretch since will is trying to convince mike to go for it, BUT what im trying to get at is that the line could parallel how will is giving love advice to mike in the same way that the charming man does to the speaker, & the speaker is as entranced with the charming man as mike is with will
I HOPE THIS ANSWERS YOUR QUESTION! i should really organize this into a manifesto or something
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redswaberkez · 1 year ago
I want your corkscrew hcs!!! just rly anything. It can be fun stuff like his favorite soda or fave movies. Maybe some stuff specific to living in Russia that I'd have no idea was a thing otherwise if u got anything like that! I feel like all my hcs for him will be so lacking because I know so little about living there, but living in Sweden has rly upped my love for learning all the lil mundane differences in daily life from country to country
Okay small and specific shtop hcs leggoo
OUFFF my time has come i guess....finally expirience living in *there* would be useful lmao FIRST of all i wanna mention this one russian song in goin postal playlist
i think its a tribute in shtopors honor. bc like why else rws would put this ru song in there???
im not really good at explaining my feelings so im gonna throw a bunch of memes that has STRONG SHTOP VIBES. Memes are the ultimate association language right? im not apologising for klukva (stereotype memes) bc?? original dude is lit basic american trash so errything he knows abt russia is a bunch of stereotypes. makes sense ig
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ok now here goes ru memes💥💥💥💥💥
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(2nd pic: your pigs grunt violates the laws of the Ural (including shutting the rotten mug up, p.18) and i told my bois about it. I hope, your identity will be established. When crossing the border of Ekaterinburg you will kicked the fuck out with bicycle chains. This is Ural, not Moscow) (3rd pic: [i] hate the rednecks)
Ok NOW ONE SPECIFIC THING. once i mentioned that hes an airbone and here, when the national airbone day comes, its a common joke that the ones who served in it will jump into a fontains like PARATROOPERS WOOHOOOO. yea.
Tbh its really hard to tell where is the diff between your culture (i.e ur everyday life) and others when theres nothing to compare with. BUT. ill try
His concept of personal boundaries is really strange and fucked up compare to others bc here [russia] we r suspicious as hell (imo.) but also like a big family. but the cracked one. Or kinda sorta like that. BUT at the same time he is ready to help everyone who need it and he will not ask any questions. Also he would let live his friends in his small flat if they needed to. It would be really tricky tho. Also shtop is really REALLY LOUD. in every sense of the word
Shtopor knows how to survive in harsh conditions. How to make not-that-bad-edible food out of canned food. Just google navy-styled macaroni! (or Makarony po-flotski) yeass NAVY styled aaand hes the "army one". Out of all dudes at least shtop knows how to COOK. blini, macaroni, syrniki, okroshka, - all of it actually cheap, easy and real tasty. LOOK AT OKROSHKA I MEANNNN. cold soup of raw vegetables. ok.
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Shtopor one of those dudes who is a coldfucker. He is actually low-temperatures-proof. (small preface) shtop is an eastern orthodox. AND ANOTHER ONE russkaya zabava. When the baptism of jesus comes we have a tradition to cut out the ICE HOLE in the river AND JUMP INTO IT 👍 or another similar thing when ur hot after the banya you fall into a snowdrift. (banya is like sauna or steam bath. u rarely go to the banya alone.) ((public banyas divides to male and female, commonly yall naked in there, now imagine shtops in public banya and his bi neuron activation haahahah)) (personay i dont really like public banyas cuz its PUBLIC)
Another notable mention i think shtop is actually dgaf what to whatch on tv but he likes to talk with it. That sofa commentators type of ppl u know em. After a really looong day he would mix vodka and beer, sat down in front of tv and gave his VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTS ON LITERALLY EVERY THEME IN THE WORLD in until he fell asleep.
Russian curse words is veeery various, it can contain a lot of definition for one word, but be different on vibes and occasions to use it. U can say an entire sentence without a single cultural word in it. And therefore shtop complains about the lack of swear words in english and often swears in Russian. "--da blyaaaaat' kak zhe zae- -- OH gimme this gun. you started speaking russian which means things are bad." ill brb later with more things but now im kinda tired rn so here u go.
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astroariska · 1 year ago
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Have you ever heard a song called "Body" by Megan Thee Stallion?
Beside it's very explicit content. But i want to show you how this song, depict the most simple and arguably, the most accurate takes on 3rd house in astrology.
Now, let's take a little look into the lyrics of this "body" song.
Real hot girl shit
Ah (And if the beat live, you know Lil Ju made it)
Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-o dy-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (mwah) [2×]
Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, lil' waist (yeah, yeah, yeah) [2x]
Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-o dy-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody (mwah)
The first thing we need to acknowledged about 3rd house is the signify of the BODY. Yes, our human body is represented by 3rd house more than 1st house. Why? Because 1st house shit is more about THE FACE and the appearances. And i need to make it clear for you. Appearances DOES NOT EQUAL WITH YOUR PHYSICAL BODY. Someone can have a bad appearances beside have a very favourable body types. Someone could have a very pleasurabls appearances even if their body types is not favourable.
This is might be easier but. Seriously, when it comes to body. 1st house is what you guys momma and dad just gave you. 3rd house, is what you take care of them momma and dad gave. lmao 😭
(fun fact, 3rd house is also about house of identification as in learning process. Notice the lyrics before the drop of this song tell you how to identify the person who made the song ["And if the beat live, you know Lil Ju made it"])
Okay, let's go next!!
Look at how I bodied that, ate it up and gave it back (ugh)
Yeah, you look good, but they still wanna know where Megan at (where Megan at?)
Saucy like a barbecue but you won't get your baby back
See me in that dress and he feel like he almost tasted that (ah, ah, ah)
Not only body as in type and shape. The theme of body in 3rd house also represent how you are connect and acknowledge the condition of your body ("Look at how I bodied that, ate it up and gave it back (ugh)"). It's about how you notice the signals that your body is given to you. How it give you starvation? how it give you hunger and fullness? how it gives you satisfaction? how the metabolism and the pulse is going? How it sends a signal to your environment and neighbourhood?
Yeah, you look good, but they still wanna know where Megan at (where Megan at?)
3rd house in astrology is also signify your connection with your neighbourhood or environment or local community. ("Where Megan at?") i also notice that strong 3rd make someone's presence felt at your local community. It does not equal with power, but at least the person will always being the talk or the town. That's really make sense that 3rd house is also house of competition and comparation ("Yeah, you look good, but they still wanna know where Megan at") it's not like how Mars and Aries treat competition because their burning passion and the urge to survive to be the best. 3rd house competition come from comparing the differences toward one from another. Mars and Aries competition is more spiritual and warrior-like of your soul path. But 3rd house competition is more physical and mental as a social dynamics.
See me in that dress and he feel like he almost tasted that (ah, ah, ah)
3rd house also rules our five sensory. (also 11th house (wish) from 5th house (sex) and 3rd house from 3rd house is 5th house (sex). So, do you get it?)
You know I'm the hottest, you ain't ever gotta heat me up
I'm present when I'm absent, speakin' when I'm not there
All them bitches scary cats, I call 'em Carole Baskins, ah
3rd house is also tell you the power of reading the air of the room ("You know I'm the hottest, you ain't ever gotta heat me up") without any word while also being the house of communication ("I'm present when I'm absent, speakin' when I'm not there"). I have seen how the presence of people with the strong 3rd house always immaculately crazy. They always around in the neighbourhood that their absence become the topic of the town! They always being the one who doesn't realize that how they pull the attention (kind of the attention that Leo actually wants, anyway) because they are SO PRESENT. But takes note that this is not because the charisma (like 1, 8 or 10th house) but because of the familiarity and habitual. Also, notice the next lyrics made us comeback to the topic of 3rd house as the house of competition and differences ("All them bitches scary cats, I call 'em Carole Baskins, ah")
I'm a hot ebony, they gon' click it if it's me (if it's me) All my bitches been gettin' these niggas through the quarantine (yeah) Bitch, I'm very well, on my shit as you could tell Any ho got beef from years ago is beefing by herself, ah, ah
3rd house is the house of our current local environment or how someone is relate to their environment ("All my bitches been gettin' these niggas through the quarantine (yeah)") funnily enough, quarantine is something that deeply related to isolation (12th house). 3rd house derivatively a 4th house when we look at 12th house. So the root of isolation (12th house) is a local quarantine that keeping the local community (also 3rd house) is connected (again, 3rd house).
If we took a trip on the real creep tip (yeah) Bitch, rule number one is don't repeat that shit (don't repeat that shit) Rule number two, if they all came with you They better know exactly what the fuck they came to do (yeah, yeah, yeah, whoa, whoa)
3rd house also rules the trip. But it's not a vacational trip or the business trip/commuting. It's your daily trip from home to grocery store, the church, the gym or the lovely bakery trip. People tend to believe that local trip enhance your ability to identify an environment. And as local community, the trip sometimes reveal something creep as it the first step of you knowing the outer world outside your body ("If we took a trip on the real creep tip (yeah)")
("Bitch, rule number one is don't repeat that shit (don't repeat that shit) Rule number two, if they all came with you They better know exactly what the fuck they came to do")
One thing that maybe people had no notice about 3rd house is the ability to compete reveals the kind of self-regulating strategy to win. This is due to the derivative of 9th house as a house of universal truth and universal rule. So, if you think that there is a strong rule of life that you need to do that other people had no idea about (and you obey it as it a ritual for you) that's probably your 3rd house talking. For example, if you believing that drink cold coffee in the morning will make you feel more energetic, that's your 3rd house speaking. Or somehow, there are some people who thinks that if they want to win, they need to put certain crystal in their pocket to make sure the spirits and the goddess would help them, that's also the 3rd house.
To understand what kind of 'personal rule' that you think related to 3rd house. Maybe Dua Lipa's Song "New Rules" will help you.
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And now, the last one.
The category is body, look at the way it's sittin' (yeah) That ratio so out of control That waist, that ass, them titties (that waist, that ass, them titties) If I wasn't me and I would've see myself, I would have bought me a drink (hey) Took me home, did me long, ate it with the panties on (ugh, ugh, ugh) I could build a house with all the brick I got (yeah) Bitches spend a lifetime tryna get this hot (tryna get this hot) And if her head too big, I could make that pop I'm not the one to play with like a touch-me-not, ah
Again, 3rd house is about the body (The category is body, look at the way it's sittin") and how about how we treated our given body ("If I wasn't me and I would've see myself, I would have bought me a drink (hey)") but what the most interesting things about 3rd house is the relation of rituals and the goddess.
Do you know that moon's joy is in 3rd house? Because moon ruled over one's body hormone and moon is a GODDESS. I could say this in derivative; when 9th house is house of the GOD and the house of KINGS, 3rd house is the house of GODDESS and the LOCALS. And when it comes to goddess, people always have rituals that praises the goddess that so different from the festival to praise the gods. If you still confused with the rituals; i would say simply as the things that you do to energize you to do your daily life. Nowadays, as we didn't praise any goddess anymore, we keep the rituals alive with something called SELF-CARE. ("If I wasn't me and I would've see myself, I would have bought me a drink. Took me home, did me long, ate it with the panties on") [And yes, who said the masturbating is not a form of self care?]
So, what does the 3rd house rules? As the conclusion of this long (and somehow stupid) article. I would sum up everything that i think being represented by 3rd house :
Body and how you treated the body
Identification (as in learning process)
Locals and Local Community
Competition as in differences (and somehow, it has something to do with classsism)
Rituals that energizes you (differ it from 6th house of routine. Because routine DRAINS YOU).
How your body and brain works and how it connects to your environment.
Commuting Process and Local Trip
To make you more understand 3rdh house. I would provide you 3rd house - 9th house axis comparation.
BODY vs SOUL (as in higher calling)
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i-logophile · 4 months ago
So I made that playlist for Game of Shards (and just generally, the turtles), and I've decided to explain the TGP-specific songs in excessive detail bc y'all don't understand the depths of my hyper-fixations.
For the most part, the playlist is in chronological order; however, some of the songs are grouped by general vibes (e.g., songs for Leo's various timeouts in the darkness are all grouped together as opposed to being chronological with the story), and whenever it switches perspective, it may go back to previous chapters (e.g., the first 40-ish songs follow Leo through Ch. 1-7, and then it jumps back to Ch 2 for his brothers' POVs). Instrumentals/OSTs are scattered throughout as interludes between scenes and/or perspectives.
Tbh I don't even mind if people actually read this; I just wanted to write this down lmao
If y'all have any suggestions or song recs, feel free to put them out there! (I reserve the right not to add them to the playlist tho—no hard feelings 🙃) I will probably continue adding to this list because I keep finding more and more songs lol
TGP spoiler alert (duh...). Also TW for mental health issues in some songs.
1. "Everybody Loves Me" - Okay, but this song is just like LEO all the way. 2. "give a little." - Leo, stop that angsty middle-child nonsense (saxophone slaps tho). 3. "Expectations" - I ain't got much to say about this one tbh. I feel like it fits the vibe though. 4. "Doomsday" - Leo's getting frustrated with all this leader/hero business. He wants to go back to the simpler times when all he had to do was look pretty and smooth talk. 5. "Not OK" - Leo's tired of being told what to do. the lyrics "Sorry can you please repeat the question? / I'm broke, and I never pay attention" really give that Leo+Raph scene in Leo's room in the movie. 6. "ight bet" - Leo gets cocky and impulsive. 7. "One Wrong Turn" - It's not so much the lyrics as the theme of the song. In other words, Leo, you done fxcked up. "Something funny that I've learned / Is just how quickly fate can turn / How one simple mistake can take you out (out, out, out) / Something funny that I've found / Is just how quickly worlds burn down / Make one wrong turn and you can't turn around ('round, 'round, 'round) / One wrong turn can burn things to the ground." 8. "The Tornado" - LISTEN TO THESE LYRICS. They fit the movie perfectly, especially "Every fiber in me screamed out, but I couldn't make a sound / The whirling of a vortex, a violent carousel / It sounded like a freight train was draggin' me to hell / And this was my prayer / "Save me from this terrible nightmare!" / That was when I saw my family with my eyes shut real tight / Would they know how much I loved them if this was how I died? / No, I vowed I'd not be murdered by a monster in the sky that night." 9. "Otherside" - Leo's existential crisis following the Invasion Pt. 1 10. "When I Die" - Leo's existential crisis following the Invasion Pt. 2.
TGP Ch. 1: Leo Reminiscing
11. "Hold It Down" - More existential crisis, but now with that ever-familiar side of guilt and regret. 12. "Humpty Dumpty" - Something's wrong (*cough* PTSD *cough* chronic injuries *cough*). Leo's trying to push through it. 13. "Home" - The lyrics "When I fall, will you show me who I'm meant to be? / Because I'm getting tired of who I've become", "I'm not a hero or a child, I'm just something in between", and "Days passed as I would start to scream / I'd hear the words around my head like they were circling / You'll never be who they all want you to become / Oh will I make them proud enough / Or am I even worth the love / Don't let my self-doubt take my pride away, yeah / Because my spirit felt the cuts / And my ego lost its luster just as fast as I could say" hits my soul. Poor Leo. 14. "Growing Sideways" - Leo's brothers all seem to be healing, why isn't he? 15. "Superkid" - Leo's a ninja, a hero, yet something is still wrong—he realizes it's him. He surveys the damage to the city and thinks of the struggles his family has faced. He blames himself. ("So, hide your face / Smile at the people even if it's fake / 'Cause they can't know your kryptonite / Fly around the city, make 'em think you're fine / But you can't save them.") 16. "Tread On Me" - Leo's trying to take responsibility, but he's drained. "Lotta miles, lotta folds, I'm still tryin' to just get back up / Don't you tread on me / I could hardly sleep / So I don't / And I can hardly speak / So I won't." "I'm tryna live in the moment like you told me / I'm tryna control it without givin' it up / I'm a soldier and I'm on my feet for now." 17. "Porcelain" - It's the glass theme, guys. 18. "One Winged Airplane" - Self-deprecation with just a touch of despair. ("Even though I keep on fallin', I just pick myself back up / I just keep puttin' my all in, even though it's not enough / I've lost so much already, so what? I'm not afraid to show up.") (I'm biased toward the ADHD songs ngl.) 19. "Corner of the World" - Depression(TM): Leo Style. ("It was tough when he was younger, but he finally got it down / Convincing everybody he's a comic, he's a clown / 'Cause he hides it so well that it can't possibly be found / He's constantly let down, but he says that he heals / He laughs and jokes about it, but it isn't real / He just mirrors the emotions that he wish he could feel / But if no one ever noticed, it's a victory still.")
Ch. 1: Leo's Run
20. "Run Away to Mars" - The song's a vibe, and it fits the scene, what can I say? 21. "Run" - Leo was getting stir-crazy in the lair. Luckily, he can go for a nice run while he waits for the pizzas. ("Something isn't right, I can't hear the inner me / But my shell is doing well, so nobody intervenes / Convos feel like interviews, I get through by any means / Mirror on my face, I'm just displaying what you give to me / Every day I fantasize of burning it all / Go somewhere where I would never be a burden at all / Take every penny that I ever earned and give it away / Disconnect the telephone and disappear in a day.") 22. "run little hero" - "Run, run, run, run from your friends, from your family / Like they're the next calamity / Cut them out like profanity, – into insanity / Running from your commitments / You're running up on the price / You better run little hero / 'Cause you're running out of time." Also, the last lyric of this song killed me. 23. "Run Boy Run" - Just a run, a nice, chill, definitely-not-gonna-have-consequences run.
Ch. 1: Leo and the EPF Van (plus ~panic attacks~)
24. "Paranoia" - Leo notices a black van. Again. And again. 25. "Overwhelmed" - Pretty self-explanatory if you know the song—though this is a different cover than the OG, so a bunch of the lyrics are different. (Personally, I like this version better.)
Ch. 1: Leo v. Mark and Clark
26. "OH WELL" - Everything's gone to shit. 😃 27. "life is good" - Leo cannot, in fact, dodge tranquilizers. "Face down, but I can feel my body moving / Is this real or am I in an illusion / Get up get up I’m only human / Pupils dilated like I’m bout to lose it / so crazy so I turn off the news / Living in a lie and we can’t see the truth / Every one fighting tell me which side are you" 28. "Redecorate" - "I don't want to go like this / At least let me clean my room. / I don't want to leave like this / 'Cause the last thing I want to do is / Make my people make decisions / Wondering what to do." 29. "alive (it's a lie) - demo" - As Leo succumbs to the tranqs, he can't help but think of his brothers, all seemingly on the road to full recovery. Meanwhile, he's stuck. Some ninja he is.
1. Interlude
30. "Sinister Intentions" - Get it? Bc the EPF has sinister intentions? Somebody stop me
Ch. 3: Leo Wakes up and Meets Bishop
31. "Lucky Charms" - Leo wakes up in his cell and thinks lots of lovely self-loathing thoughts. ("Wish I could say, wish I could say / That this won't last forever / But every day, but every day / It never seems to get better / I hate myself but I don't want to / I'd ask for help but I'm too strong to / I got some feelings I've been fighting / Always hiding the truth.") 32. "Now That We're Alone" - Bishop and Leo vibes all the way.
Ch. 3-7: The Darkness (AKA Leo's timeouts) & Bishop's Interrogations
33. "Black Water" - Just listen, you'll get it. 34. "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" - Leo goin' crazy, y'all 😜 35. "Timebomb" - Leo's thoughts toward B-Man during literally every interrogation. 36. "Panic Room" - All bets are off when the lights turn off. 37. "Talking To Myself - demo" - He misses his family, your honor. 38. "Pretty Little Smile" - Leo's trying his best to hold it together. 39. "Ship in a Bottle" - Leo spiraling about Bishop and the EPF and his brothers and... 40. "SAD (Clap Your Hands)" - Thinking specifically of Leo doing the Cup Song here.
2. Interlude
41. "Solas" - Felt like this one was properly somber, but still a good transition into the frantic energy of Leo's brothers in Ch. 2.
Ch. 2-6: Donnie, Raph, & Mikey Want Their Brother Back
42. "Enough" - Donnie is angry at everything. He just wants Leo back. 43. "Me Myself & I" - Donnie regrets fighting with his family. 44. "Happy Song (Low Key)" - Mikey's gonna keep smiling if it kills him. 45. "Brightside" - Mikey tries to hold the family together while dealing with his own issues regarding Leo's capture. 46. "I'm Doing Fine" - Raph struggles under the leader's mantle.
3. Interlude
47. "Glacial Basin" - An appropriately unnerving prelude to Bishop's plan(s).
Ch. 8: Bishop Tries To Manipulate Leo
48. "Twisted" - Leo is (high on pain and painkillers but also) so confused. Come on, Bishop, you're hurting his concussed, drugged-up turtle brain.
Ch. 9: Bioagent-X
49. "Control" - Leo gets angry at Bishop, escapes, and finds his brothers, but he doesn't know what's going on with himself. (I know this song's kinda overused in a lot of fandoms, but I couldn't not include it. I mean, it makes sense here, doesn't it??)
Ch. 10: Turtles v. EPF
50. "Clouds" - Bioagent-X takes its toll. The EPF attacks. 51. "CHOKE" - The plan falls apart. Leo is taken once again. Angst, spice, and nothing is nice.
4. Interlude
52. "Fade (Interlude)" - It's a sad moment, dammit.
Ch. 11-12: They Are All Struggling
53. "everything is falling apart again" - I felt like this song fits Raph very well, especially here. One of his themes in TGP was that he felt like things were falling apart, and since the first half of this chapter is from his perspective following the disaster that was Ch. 10, this was the perfect place for this song. 54. "Gravedigger" - Leo is throwing reason and caution to the wind. If he's his own gravedigger, why not dig his grave as deep as possible and make it even more difficult for the EPF? 55. "Dark Room" - Back home again to his cell and the darkness and Bishop's manipulations. "Way down we go / To the dark room / Where your pain's the only one to greet you / Down we go / To the mind that / Will deceive you. / Only out to get you." 56. "Numb" - Leo struggles with despair. 57. "Headlights" - Leo's had enough. "Is it only me or do you / Ever feel like you've had enough? / Screaming at the top of your lungs / These days it's so dark and I can't get my head right / Mind is spinning out of control / Running, but there's nowhere to go / These days it's so dark that I can't see with headlights."
5. Interlude (and Ch. 12)
58. "Rain, in Your Black Eyes" - I know it's long, but this is my favorite instrumental piece. It's solemn but gradually hopeful. This song follows Leo regaining his Ninpō in Ch. 12.
Ch. 12: A Small Spark, A Blue Flame
59. "Power" - Leo uses his Ninpō and faces down the EPF with his escape in sight.
Ch. 13: Mind Meld
60. "Brother" - They've found him (granted, in the Mind Meld). (And, yes, I know the song's overused yada yada, but it fits.) 61. "can you hear me?" - Leo's gotten this far, but he can't get out alone. 62. "No Chances" - "We want you home in one piece now / We come for you, no chances"
6. Interlude
63. "The Last Survivors" - Cinematic and dramatic.
Ch. 14: Leo Holds On
64. "Come Home" - Leo's trying to come home. 65. "Bones" - Leo plays a desperate, painful game of hide-and-seek while his Ninpō fades in and out of his control. 66. "Bleeding Out" - This song makes me specifically think of when the EPF overtakes Leo after Bishops turns off the lights. 67. "My Tears Are Becoming A Sea" - Leo sees his brothers' light in the impenetrable darkness.
Ch. 14: Hamatos to the Rescue
68. "Flares" - Leo's family is here for him. 69. "Edge of Rain" - Hamatos v. EPF (Take 2)
Ch. 15: They Got Him Back
70. "Call Your Mom" - Yes, I know the song's about Noah Kahan's girlfriend, BUT "Stayed on the line with you the entire night / 'Til you let it out and let it in / Don't let this darkness fool you / All lights turned off can be turned on", "Waiting room, no place to stand / His greatest fears and wringing hands and the loudest silence / If you could see yourself like this", and "Don't wanna drive another mile wonderin' if you're breathin' / So, won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?" IT FITS DAMMIT.
Ch. 16: Bishop's Boutta Get It, Guys
71. "Start a War" - Okay, but why does this song describe Game of Shards (not just TGP) so well? I think specifically of the lines: "Bang, shots fired. / Pain is what you desire. / The pen is mightier than the sword." ;)
7. Interlude
72. "Nuvole Bianche" - The send-off. For now.
Once again, feel free to suggest other songs. You may have noticed that some chapters/scenes didn't have any songs, so if you think you know a song that would fit somewhere, lmk! (I'm particularly salty that I haven't found songs for any scenes with the Krang Sister :P)
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dipplinduo · 1 year ago
I'm so sorry this isn't pokemon related at all but I gotta know which t swift albums are your faves lmao 👀 (I'm forever stuck in the folklore/evermore days 🤎)
Okay. I am pretty rigid on keeping the blog pokemon-related, but you, dear anon, have asked me about something that I love more than anything else.
So I'm gonna just go wild with this and give you more than you asked for because frankly I am one of the biggest swifities on this Earth and honestly squeal any time I get the opportunity to talk about Taylor's music because of how much of a massive impact it has had on me. I get nervous with each drop but, without fail? Each and every album, in order, tends to follow themes in my life and somehow encapsulates a lot of what I'm going through in some way. I love each of these albums in their own way, and it's a bit hard to give them rankings. Less favorites are still very much favorites though!
1 - reputation
Holy trinity: I Did Something Bad; Don't Blame Me; New Year's Day Honorable mentions: literally every other song
This album was a torniquet for me, and even when I'm not fully relating to it emotionally as much it may just be permanently cemented in my heart and soul as the top dog because of how monumental it was to me. It dropped at a time in my life when I was reallllyyy going through it, and a lot of the overarching narrative of "I will survive this tooth and nail for better days, even if my dignity is lost" resonated hard. I think the presentation and marketing of this album was utterly genius (reclaiming the narratives, sound production/lyrical risks and imagery that were executed JUST right, the MERCH REFERENCES, the "bombastic, external persona" that transitions to "this is the real me behind closed doors; I found and cherish what's truly important and that's all that really matters", etc.) was just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. IDSM AMA 2018 performance is also the best live performance ever, forever obsessed. Overall, this album is the one I turn to whenever life is hard and I want to fan the flames of resilience.
2 - evermore
Holy trinity: coney island; tolerate It; 'tis the damn
Honorable mentions: champagne problems; gold rush; long story short; Willow
God, I love evermore. Didn't even realize how much I did until the past year or so. I have a lot of deep cuts on this album, and like folklore, it was just SO awesome to have albums where the general public could see more of Taylor's quill pen songwriting on full display (although glitter gel pen songs are EQUALLY cool). I love the maturity behind this album and it actually taught me how to fall in love with the colder seasons and weather. Coney Island specifically lowers my blood pressure like no other song has ever done and I can't even tell you fully why; it's so surreal and serene to listen to on planes. And tolerate it? CHRIST. When I revisited it as I went through some of it in real time, OOOF. DIFFERENT LEVEL OF RESPECT. It is def in my top 5 songs. 3 - folklore
Holy trinity: caridgan; the 1; hoax
Honorable mentions: my tears richochet; mad woman; the lakes; peace; invisible string; august
CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN. Rep is my favorite album, but cardigan is my favorite song ohmygooood. Never have I ever felt something epitomize my life experiences and personhood - it quite literally feels like an encapsulation of my soul. I feel very spoiled that it got to be a single and mv - just absolutely stunning. Personally, I connect this song to a return to lost childhood innocence. And I am proud to say I own one of the original original cardigans and the only way you can separate it from me is by prying it from my cold, dead hands. BUT YES, FOLKLORE IS ELITE. The storytelling on this album is next level and the surprise drop of such intricate thought during the height of the pandemic was very needed. Hoax is an oddly specific lullaby for me because it was a specific comfort to me at one night. The 1 is just ooOOOOF also.
4 - Lover
Holy trinity: All Of The Girls You Loved Before; Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Cornelia Street
Honorable Mentions: False God; Cruel Summer; I Think He Knows; Daylight
I honestly don't give this album enough credit because I resonate a lot with its visuals and messages. It is def a bit more slapped together than others, but I do like the symbolism in that. Lover is about all forms of love (romantic, familial, platonic, self-based) and I often times get told by irl peeps that this alongside the folkmore albums are the kinds of energies I tend to emit lol. Daylight in particular has one of the most fire TS quotes at her adlib at the end with the whole "You are what you love" thing, and GOD. Any time I think of it or hear it I re-evaluate a lot to make sure I can live by it. Fun fact: revisiting the song is how I ended 2023, and it was the trigger that made me decide to write fanfiction & start this blog, because it's important to follow all sorts of things that make you happy! <3
5 - 1989 (TV)
Holy trinity: New Romantics; Say Don't Go; I Know Places
Honorable Mentions: Bad Blood (both versions; fight me); YOU ARE IN LOVE UGH; Is It Over Now?; Style; Clean
This album is pop perfection and I think every Swiftie can agree on that universally even if you're not a big fan of 1989. But ooohhh my gosh, this album set me free when it came out. There are so many positive messages about expressing yourself, leaning into the messes of life, and also, just letting yourself loosen up a bit. I was in a bit of an angsty emo phase when the og came out (lol) and Taylor's bubbliness challenged me in a great way and helped me get a bit of my sunshine back. It was my second most anticipated TV re-release, and the vault tracks DID not disappoint. Now that I'm more in the range of what Taylor was reflecting on at the time, too? OOF. DO I FEEL MORE CONNECTED THAN BEFORE.
6 - Fearless (TV)
Holy trinity: Mr. Perfectly Fine; The Way I Loved You; Forever & Always (Piano Version) Honorable Mentions: Change; You're Not Sorry; White Horse; Fifteen; The Best Day; You Belong With Me
Gosh. Fearless. FEARLESS. This album just stands out to me as such an homage to my childhood in a lot of different ways - but more so of the braver side of me in it. I absolutely love the imagery and dramatics of this album and feel like its just a bucket of sunshine and golden stars and warmth. It takes me back to simpler days, and I love love love how Mr. Perfectly Fine leans straight into some of the bangers I really loved on the og. This is more of a sunshiny fire album to me.
7- Midnights
Holy trinity: You're Losing Me; Dear Reader; Bejeweled (new! lmao)
Honorable Mentions: You're On Your Own, Kid; Would've Could've Should've; Lavender Haze; Anti-Hero; Midnight Rain; Mastermind; Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Ray)
This album is very dreary in a lot of ways, and jeez, I needed it when it first came out. Happy to say I went from more of a "Dear Reader" vibe to a "Bejeweled" vibe from release to now. I love the concept behind it so much and it's interesting to be able to relate to the "coming out of the dread" side thats sprinkled in here and there. It speaks to the more "stormy" parts of me that I tend to hide from others, and I really relate to TS's portrayal of it given her own general outward disposition.
8 - Red (TV)
Holy trinity: All Too Well 10 Minute Version; I Knew You Were Trouble; Begin Again
Honorable Mentions: Better Man; Girl At Home (fight me); Nothing New; Sad Beautiful Tragic; Treacherous
Okaayyy, THIS is the fall album. And we're getting to the point where these beautiful albums LOOK like they're ranked low, but the favoritism is still very much high regardless. God, ATWTMV took ATW and added a whole MAGNITUTE of maturity and retrospect that really speaks to a personal experience that I've had. I am beyond grateful that we finally got it and younger me would be screaming in disbelief!! LOL. But yeah, this album is what I turn to for heartbreak at times (more so of messy, fast and quick kind of feelings), and Begin Again is very relegable as a spiritual palette cleanser. The red scarf is one of my other favorite merch items I own.
9 - Speak Now (TV)
Holy trinity: Castles Crumbling; Mean; Haunted
Honorable mentions: Foolish One; Back to December; Enchanted; Better Than Revenge (lol og lowkey); Ours (MH ruined this one for me temporarily); I Can See You
This album is another childhood reminder type of album because of how whimsical and fairytale-esque it is, but I'll admit that Fearless (TV) is a little closer to my heart. Castles Crumbling though???? OH. MY. GOD. That had my jaw to the ground and is def in the top 10. What a tragedy to add to SPEAK NOW of all albums, and what nightmarish foresight Taylor must've had to compose it way back when. Haunted also speaks to my soul but more in a familial kind of way, and Mean? Mean is the spiteful little child in me LOL.
10 - Taylor Swift
Holy Trinity: Should've Said No; Tied Together With a Smile; Cold As You
Honorable Mentions: The Outside; A Place in This World; Picture To Burn
I'm ngl! This album I'm probably much more disconnected with compared to others despite me being a big Swiftie. Most of this is because I wasn't fully a fan when this came out, and country music isn't really my kind of jam. I'm very curious about how the TV is going to be handled and I think it's going to grow on me a bit more. Nonetheless, the holy trinity is elite and Should've Said No/Bad Blood mashup during the rep tour changed me as a person. One day I shall yee the haw here.
This was a lot of fun to share (and I know you didn't fully ask for this but HERE YA GO LOL), TS is my kryptonite and my everything and I hope you enjoyed. :) <3
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andromebaa · 1 year ago
Just the Two of Us Horror Inspiration MegaPost
It's nearly Halloween so I'm going to spend an embarrassing amount of time explaining every single horror reference and inspiration in Just the Two of Us that I can recall. I'll try to include links where I can for more context.
Story in General
The biggest inspirations for Just the Two of Us were Silent Hill, Black Mirror and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I've always adored psychological horror and sci-fi horror and I think it reflects in this fic. Chapter 1
One of my favourite Silent Hill games is Silent Hill 4. The game is focused on a man who cannot leave his apartment. The concept of a house that cannot be escaped from is really fascinating to me and I think it played a big inspiration for the house in JtToU. I pretty much consider one of the game's songs, Tender Sugar, the unofficial theme of the fic. Time dilation in fiction is super interesting to me. I don't think it was necessarily a huge inspiration, but The Jaunt is a beautifully creepy short story that probably rolled around in my mind while I was writing this part. Chapter 3 Okay this isn't scary or intentional, but I legitimately cannot read the hydrazine cup scene anymore without thinking about that one scene from The Princess Bride. I can't believe I did not see that sooner and now I can't stop thinking about Kokichi screaming about how Greek philosophers are all morons. Chapter 4
Again, not intentionally a reference, but that scene in The Thing is Kokichi stuck in the chair lmao. Chapter 6
When the fake Shuichi talks to Kaito over the wall, one of his lines was taken directly from Waiting for You, another Silent Hill 4 song. Chapter 7 The short burst of static that Kaito hears from the phone at the end of this chapter was directly inspired by the radio from Silent Hill 2. It spurts out creepy, distorted static when an enemy is nearby. Chapter 8 Okay the good stuff now. This chapter, especially the first half of the house (a distorted version of Kokichi and/or Oma's apartment), was directly inspired by the movie Skinamarink. That movie follows a young child trapped in a house with no windows or doors and a weird, malevolent force lurking over them. I really wanted the whole vibe of that section to reflect this. There was also definitely heavy inspiration from Silent Hill, particularly Lakeview Hotel in Silent Hill 2. The design of Shadow Child was inspired by the Larval Stalkers in Silent Hill 1. Chapter 10 Mani-Kun is a love letter to every single creepy mannequin in every horror game ever. Love you, you absolute freaks <3 Chapter 11 Miu's copy being stuck in P.A.L was definitely inspired by a bunch of different things, especially SOMA and this fantastic animated short To Be. Love some of that existential am I real or just a copy sort of thing. Chapter 12 The horror movie that Kaito mentions during the game of Two Truths and a Lie is Event Horizon. I honestly don't know how he could have sat through it, let alone enjoyed it. He probably had nightmares for weeks afterward. Chapter 13 Miu standing in the corner like a creepy fuck was inspired by the ending of the Blair Witch Project. Her whole transformation was greatly inspired by AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, particularly the whole ghost without a machine idea. Chapter 14 This whole chapter was basically created as if it was a level in Silent Hill and Kaito was the protagonist lmao, especially when he explores the hospital. It even has a boss battle! I feel like the loop and the leech spouting terrifying stuff was definitely inspired by P.T in particular though. The dirty bathroom and the fact they are chained up in it is a very very obvious Saw reference lmao not even trying to hide that. Miu mentions she could turn one of them into a soft, jelly thing - that's taken word from word from the ending of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Chapter 16
This chapter, particularly when Kokichi is still trapped in the debug room, was definitely inspired by Omori. Just the concept of a character in denial over a very bad thing which makes them blank out any awfulness in an act of self-preservation. The whole talking to another version of yourself was also inspired by the Stephen King story Gerald's Game. I love the idea of an isolated character having to converse with themself in order to stay sane or rationalise things. The creepy Judas Cradle chair from the hospital flashback was definitely Saw-inspired. Also it was an actual torture device that has been used in the past so that's fun. Chapter 19
Momota's personality and traits were heavily inspired by Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. The scene where he ties up Kokichi and the whole conversation he has with Miu in the snowy cabin are probably the best examples of this lmao.
Also a guy chasing after his partner and kids with an ax in a bloodthirsty rampage in the snow? Guess we need to tick off yet another Stephen King reference lmao. I swear that one was unintentional though. Oh yeah, their kids are named after Satoshi Kon (creator of psychological horror masterpieces like Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent) and Koji Suzuki (author of The Ring and Dark Water).
Chapter 20
Kokichi's transformation into a leech was heavily inspired by I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Again, another reference to the soft, jelly line as well. Momota's rant about how much he hates Kaito was kind of inspired by AM's rant .
That's about it! At least, what I can recall ahaha. But yeah I love horror with all my heart and soul <3
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flyfish1999 · 11 months ago
For the character thing P3PHeroine?
thanks elle-p !!!!!!!!!! good luck with my character too ^_^)/ !! i feel like i totally don't talk about her (or tbh anyone outside of ryoji ...) as much as i should .. ! im gonna work to change that \o/ ! starting here :]c putting this one under a cut because it actually got suuuper long ^_^;; whoops !
favourite thing about them: she exists !!!!!!!!!!!! and she's so cool . she's like, devastatingly cool . both in her concept and just .. herself .... move over chad narukami losers !!!!!!!!!! especially in her exclusive links, her kindness and kick-ass-ness and depth comes out in full force and i love her so much for it. i know i'm a ryominahead, but i miss her everyday !!!!!!!!
least favourite thing about them: not her fault AT ALL . but aside from how underrepresented she is, i am still a firm believer that she should've received her own ryoji ... it's so sad, because i absolutely adore how they open up to each other, but i've talked to others before about how ryoji in her story as seemingly HER mirror just feels wrong, like he's transplanted from another place (which he literally is .. he's created in minato's image). i would've loved to see how her ryoji could've been more specifically shaped and changed by her quirks + her approach to her trauma
favourite line: "but, when i first saw him... he didn't feel at all like a stranger to me." "i can't explain it well, but it was almost like nostalgia.... or some kind of closeness." "i'm him, and he's me...?" it's criminal that q2 left it at this.
brOTP: junpei and hamuko is especially special to me ... more so than minato and junpei really . they bounce off of each other so well, + the extended/enhanced arc where junpei is kind of misogynistic to her alongside the leader jealousy and how that develops is so cool T_T
OTP: HAMUAIGIS 4EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aigis im so sorry yr girlfriend is still in the vault . can you imagine femc the answer . would destroy my soul .
nOTP: her + junpei . .. maybe im a little hater but the GAME doesnt even let you do it lmao ...! it means a lot to me that they're best friends . other than that, i'd say she fits cutely with nearly everyone else just like minato does !
random headcanon: okay lets be real . am i stupid ? where does her mp3 player attach ? it just kind of hangs out in midair while minato obviously hangs it on a lanyard . i like to think she's a bit more crafty with it !!! clipping it onto the zipper of her uniform or her scarf or keeping it on a wristband etc ^_^
unpopular opinion: gwa ........... i should just own this i think, even if people disagree !! in my opinion ... femc is supplementary content. and that means you should not be playing her route as your first experience in persona 3. just like how i believe you shouldn't read the manga or watch the movies before playing the game. you need to play the male route first. the way she presents the game's themes through her character and modified story is designed to be in direct opposition and contract with minato's route, and enhances both routes to that effect and can totally change your experience when viewing your previous playthrough of the male route and your current route as her through the lens she teaches the player. in a sad sort of way, i am kind of happy reload hasn't enforced this idea that femc is just one of two ways to experience p3 . this isn't a character select .. she's more like a perfect ng+ to me .
song i associate them with: back to the lighthearted stuff ! cop car by mitski ^_^ easiest answer so far !
favourite picture of them: either this [below], the cover of persona compilation II, or either of the persona music live/tour 2009 and 2010 artworks ! i'm a shin apologist though, so take that with a grain of salt ;] i really love how she's shown in opposition with narukami here, how he's looking straight at her but she's not meeting his eye . i would really love to see these two together more !
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DBD rewatch notes!!
episode TWO!
Also my autocorrect is fucked but I'm not gonna proofread this thing ✌️
alright im making sure to watch the recap this time, apparently a character narrates it.
well that was underwhelming. maybe the real narration is added in a later episode.
Also I just realized about how 'this living girl can help with the living' and 'Becky is alive' like no wonder Edwin panicked he thought he wouldn't get to help out ghosts anymore.
so they just happened to walk by the docks, huh?
even Charles thinks Eddie boy fucked up.
Even now, Edwin wants to handle diplomacy. Just like with Shelby.
it would be kinda funny if the guy these cats killed was the sane guy Esther tested her machine on. random guy constantly exposed to The Horrors.
"using magic on my cats is a risk car crash on your part" that line is so iconic
so I guess the cats like him being king bc he's protective, or at least willing to start shit on their behalf.
what does too many cat scratches do to a ghost?
is that location inside the warehouse? I assume it is abandoned bc of how many cats have been showed to live in there. are the lights kept on by magic?
OF COURSE the cat king has his mattress on the floor LMAO mold who?
"If you must know" omg CK's private questions are probably so protecting and random before Edwin's autistic ass catches on to the flirting
He is trying so hard to stay on track
The way they show us Edwin's reaction before showing us that CK grabbed his *wrist* I thought this scene was going in a different direction on my first watch 👁👄👁
a caging spell is like. so obviously a bad guy thing to do. like, making someone feel like they can't leave or manipulating their life until they can't leave is classic abuser shit, and CK here pulls it on their FIRST meeting. not to mention the spell can only be undone by the caster, so if Edwin ever wants to leave the town (bc being there actively puts him in danger) he is forced to see the Cat King.
The whole point for CK of putting that spell on Edwin, was to show him how fucked up his spell on that catboy was. So he KNOWS that using magic on someone is wrong.
Edwin is trying so hard to get this guy tp be reasonable
"I can see that has offended your old fashioned sensibilities. I an a fair and consensual Cat King." THIS IS COERCION. THIS IS FUCKING COERCION.
I get that he backs off or whatever, but why on Earth did he think any of that was okay to begin with!? Also no "fair" king has to point out how fair they are. It's almost as if you've given this guy enough rain to believe otherwise :o
Why exactly was there a time warp??
I love when Edwin talks with his hands.
Not Edwin accusing Charles of being careless because he isn't at risk of going to hell :0 (also Charles yes we do it is happy brevete you're the best)
I'm not going anywhere without you :3
So ig Charles figure CK must have had something else to say bc how on Earth does one *trick* Edwin? like he tells Emma, driving a hard bargain is his THING.
Jokes on Edwin bc act cagey about something ONE TIME and all of a sudden it's the only thing your friends ask about!
Hercules referenced!
She looks so small in that room alone
that would probably be funny if I knew what John Hughes was.
Hop on the ferry AND THEN WHAT
say what? they're so in tune.
*tosses mail on bed* *misses*
these guys really love using symmetry in shots
you can actually hear Litty and Kingham giggling here! and a little bit of their weirdass theme song.
How exactly can Mick tell that the magic can't be undone??
Tragic Mick is so lonely. nobody cares about his story.
freebie enchanted jar, I guess. Good on Charles for recognizing how cool it is but like. why did he give them that besides plot
Will the kids ever find out that Mick was the one who sold that stuff to Esther?
no thoughts only explode
Yay Edwin cares if she's alright!
is there like a running joke with them about western medicine? bc the line 'stop being so nice' just sounds random to me idk
he's so excited! aww
The way he looks at the wall when Charles points out the bracelet XD
just because you don't like books does not mean you have to be so haphazard! the place is a mess and you probably ripped some pages!
pink is blue and your left isn't mine. makes perfect sense.
Those poor little shits had no clue they would end up inside a girl who hates being looked at XD
I like how Niko is shy at first it's a cool character decision.
why does Crystal already say "yes" to "history of fainting" if she doesn't get know that Niko has had these episodes before??
Also the hysteria detail is nice. a few episodes later Edwin corrected himself before saying it, and I think either Niko or Crystal must have spoken to him after he called Niko hysteric *twice*
why do they keep thinking Death will randomly show up in their office??
the "you'll rip your arm off" is a comic reference. a child servant named Persephone was stuck in a mirror portal when she died and Charles was afraid Edwin would injure her if he tried to pull her out.
I think Charles might have started to suspect what CK wanted in this scene, but until Edwin comes out he probably either feels unsure about it or thinks it is too delicate to ask straight up. Not that he's necessarily "delicate" with what he does ask.
oh their little joke and smiles are so cute!
well if it isn't the book Charles TRIED to get earlier!
Edwin with the literal interpretation
Also I can't see MUCH of the writing but the "secretions" are described as "viscous" so there is no way they made that connection without seeing the vomit first. that does not mean weird light.
Crystal is so funny here. "I noticed you have no friends sp you must feel lonely about your sickness. similarly, I don't know my parents." she is lucky that worked. it is still a sweet scene tho.
She's so sixteen. she needs her parents. :((((
Did Niko say she lived in Japan? Did Crystal read that on the envelopes? Why didn't she get visions when she touched the letters? they're definitely emotional enough.
Crystal has changed into more subdued clothing, and the ends of her hair are a little messy. honestly her hair progression is so interesting to me because of the way it changes with her character, but I think I should rather that be it's own post. lmk if y'all want that, but I will probs get around to it anyways.
So this is where the conflicting narratives confuse me. Do they exit the host body when they get strong, or when they are starving?
Niko is so excited to listen to herrr
What exactly does Niko mean by "are you insane?" like she sounds so excited.
Crystal is so sensitive to Niko's feelings. She tries to be helpful but also not freak her out.
The 4th wall break HELP (+more symmetry and a face closeup)
Also the flashback starts out from her eyes.
Now that I read about it, he school uniform really does look like Litty's dress. plus you can hear the sprites giggling again!
At least Edwin has enough sense to let Crystal keep doing her thing!
I guess Jenny thought Crystal brought Niko downstairs. Great, another way Jenny thinks she is weird and irresponsible.
Who was that shorter person in the hall of the Lost and Found?? Emma or something? probably not.
bigass clipboards
Most of Charles' chest is obscured in the photo.
honestly the constant use of artistic symmetry in these shots A] makes a cohesive vibe and B] makes it look manufactured, it reminds me of the ASOUE netflix show in that way.
wtf does "a misplaced dead child causes more trouble than a live one" even mean?? what kind of proviene are live children causing in the realm of Death??
I like the Night Nurse character because her duty is to take care of those kids but she also seems to think of them all as troublemakers or obstacles for whatever reason. ooh, more symmetry!
What is that glowing table all about?
I guess they came up with a compromise about Niko.
Googled it, bobtail means a person you don't like or find unpleasant.
wait I added in the time period. He's being sexist.
an unlicked cub is someone who is "rude" and I'm pretty sure it is classist.
"let's not worry about dads, yeah?"
Edwin always says exactly what he is thinking. I think he probably throws in period slang if he doesn't want to hurt Charles' feelings.
I wonder why Charles has multiple things he knows Edwin's dad would say. I bet Edwin uses his dad to insult people (clients?) all the time and Charles looks it up and goes "wait a sec that describes me too" or smthng.
wdym "maybe that's why I like her so much?" WDYM
"We're figuring this out" WHERE HAVE I HEARD THOSE WORDS BEFORE (staircase)
"I simply hate that I am the reason we are stuck in this town." "I should have known. Welcome to not being perfect"
Walks fast bf and walks backwards so he can talk and look him in the face bf. they're so complimentary.
They always end up in that one same pose, huh? Facing straight at eachother in profile. It's so organic, and I think that CK has actually tried to force a similar shot, which is interesting. that's in a later episode though.
Charles the emotionally attuned king
"you're like a dog with a bone" *steps on bone*
it isn't as if you what, Edwin? as if you haven't said it all already? as if you know any more than Charles about it?
So they use the dead host body to reproduce through spore pods that biomimic dandelion seeds? I feel like that needs more elaboration. Like that needs to be explained to me.
aww poor Niko :((
You know shit's serious when they break out the "Asunder"
The circle thing. First of all, what is that? Secondly, I feel like these two are framed in a circle another time, but I don't remember when.
badass transition and the shrine is really cool. the dandelion texture is pretty realistic imo.
It does not look chiseled away but go off
So what type of sacrifices? do they need you to ""pay"" then attention? are the dead bodies the sacrifices? are the hosts the sacrifices?
Are there enough abandoned pantheons of these just scattered about that the supernatural scientific community had the consensus that they are a common parasite??
I like how the fake dandelions look slightly different than real ones.
Did their worshippers make a vessel to trap them? Or is that just where they lived before they started starving and inhabiting people?
I think this is practican effects + camera work?? it's very good!
I guess she figured out time was running out.
Is that charming in a condescending way or does he just think that she's easy to work with?
"cut the weird shit out I'll like, evict you" she had no clue how to talk to kids, or to stand up to someone who will listen.
'that got dark' that is the same reaction to when Crystal brought up David
did they ever end up telling Niko that David the Ex is a demon?
What are the rules about what objects are invisible or not?
wait did they explain to Crystal that the thingies are starving???
this scene is so frickin creeeepyyyy
They make a point about keeping their hats on. They seem to love those hats. weird.
and the sprites also care about eachother to some extent.
did her hair change immediately and they only noticed just now, orr??
This time when meeting new friends, Niko doesn't act shy anymore. She already feels comfortable around Crystal since they talked.
Crystal had a Look when Niko said the agency name was good, but idk if it was entirely mean.
They better elaborate on those godly powers next szn!
HEY the letters hit the bed this time!
WHO got the word out, tho?
So they have to tell those ghosts to go home so the girls can sleep?
so the FEAR is her power
Green fire
why is she doing this with the rings on. there's no way anything she's doing is sanitary.
tbh with the growling, I totally thought he'd be evil the first time 'round.
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dadswithipads · 2 years ago
As I do with most pieces of media I'm interested in, at the moment I will be reacting. Now I've already seen the movie and the TV show but it's been a couple years since I fully watched the movie scene for scene so.
Ew. Sry straighties. She just like 9 y/o me fr. Ethans voice crack. "High school brotherhood" i feel nostalgic for the beginning of High School. Even though mine was sh!t cause of a certain thing that happened in 2020. Okay Ethan says tomorrow but it's like raining outside and it's supposed to be August I'm presuming if school starts that next day? I don't remember his sister's name but frfr.
If they're starting out high school they're just now reaching teenager. Why is she going out alone. She gonna get k!dna££ed. One of my biggest fears. OMG RED HERRING. wtf was that dialogue. Nvm a cringy teen on 2010s internet would say that. Bro just d!ed. Him gagging lmao. Ew the socks. Wtf.
Oh yes, Twilight. Those girls walking in the hallway watching the movie on their phone remind me of when me and my friend in 8th grade just watch Netflix while we were running the mile. The actress is from Degrassi and plays Manny Santos💜 . Awwwwwwww the old phones. Theme song be kicking. Two nuggets and some fries???? And egg. Nice. The high school looks like a camp Lodge. Ah yes. Benny and his projection to be straight. Overly so. Hey yo it's Canadian Corbin Bleu. What kind of student is just wearing sunglasses and a suit indoors.
What is the logo for the coffee on the cup look like a ball s@ck??? Aww they sweet tho. Ethan being caught up and wanting to you know have a reputation and Benny just being goofy and fun. Its just such a entertaining and sweet dynamic. Feels very queer too. As it is. RORY!!!!!!
Why do they both dislike him? He's such a cutie. Benny shut up. KDKDIEJS9SKWOSIS THAT LINE. K but they're obviously lesbians. That Dynamic just from appearance at the beginning is reminding me of Jennifer's Body. Frfrrfrr. Benny lmao. Aw Rory. Rory saying "Think she'll tuck you in tonight?" LMAO. WLW AND MLM. this is such a nerd convo omg. Bro the closet. Spicy today. Blue looks so good with light blonde hair. Slay Rory.
Yeah no drama club is that emo! The pipeline is there but it's not at the same time. Me and corbin bleu frfr. Awww Rory. Nvm corbin bleu. Frfr. Slayy the mom is always right. Emo music slayy moment Ethan. I don't mean to be the basic white girl but that's all I can say right now is slay. It is a curse. What the frick Benny. That kid is me growinf up fr. Kiss kiss kisss kissss. Erica being taller than Sarah.
Corbin clue. I am too online I'm just expecting the vine thud sound effect to play anytime something happenes.😭😭. Cassie! THATS HER ACTRESS' NAME. He is cute. But erica still a lesbian for that one. Amen Sarah smack that man. Yo that a euphemism?
No way this is outside of his house. LMAO. thud. I know the show likes to show that he has feelings for her or whatever but I really think it's just a weird Crush thing and I feel like they would be way better suited with a brother-sistered anyway for real. Sarah and Ethan would work way better for that. Benny just a goof like Rory but they banish him. Wtf.😭. Justice for Rory. Benny bro stop. Green phone case. GREEN PHONE CASE. 😃. "Im next door" Benny is the girl next door. I don't like the song but antihero by Taylor Swift is stuck in my head right now so I'm going to listen to that and I'll be right back.
Back now. Aw. Benny and Ethan are so close. Like he saw Ethan was upset and immediately dropped everything. Ugh. Slay power gay. Benny YOU the one weirding her out. "She smells funny". Hello if you were me writing this I'd have the grandma like break all her bones doing dance to Revolution when they come back. 😭. Cuz I'm queer it's okay I'm allowed to say this but this boy is raised by his grandma you think he's not gay. He is.
Poor kid. Slay this teen slang. What i like in a show/franchise. I like when it's not talking down to the audience but at the same time it's not like explicit explicit cuz that kind of explicitness gets really annoying for me I like when there's just you know casual stuff you know like stuff that exists in the real world stuff that people talk about not overdramatic look drugs look sex in teen media. Cause her calling him a p£rv is like something that exists but is simple enough to imply understanding about the world.
A publicity stunt only that revolves around you two. LMAO. Benny my son. Me looking for my cats. Aw. They can't run any faster lmao. "Skinny guy coming through". Me fr.
*In Ron Howard voice* "Hey that's the name of the show". Benny being on email mainly is so. Refreshing idk. Its fun to think about. Sarah in her Draculaura era. Corbin Clue could AT LEAST try harder to be interested come on now.
I should just realized the Edward knockoff is also Peter from Degrassi not just Manny's actress. Love Canada. Wtf. Benny lmao. Sorry but that line felt like the opening to a gay pron.
Grandma wake up. Slay bethan hand contact. The bed that easy to move?. "Ryan Seacrest"??????????? Ethan gay fr🌈🌈🌈🌈.
He says notice sign with the restricted area authorized employees only. Lmao?? Aww Ethan smiling after Benny being a goof. That photo id of Rory is so... sophisticated?
RORY MY SON! Aww. Mathletes event lmao? He looks so good in blue. Rory is such a good part of this franchise. Benny sounds like this guy at my school that is like such a gross kid. But its okay cause its Benny and it's different. This is my son. Awwww the eye contact between them here.
Freshmen can't drive lmao. The car looked like it was getting pushed. Sarah save your gf slay. Lmao her "I 💗 boys that sparkle" shirt. Alcohol reference. Gross Benny. Gay reference. Ethana gay panic lmao. Benny too. Awwwwww them dancing. Aww Rory "A wicked hickey" bro no💀. I'm so Gen Z I once again thought there was going to be a thud sound effect after that. Jessie sounds like a nerd. He is so nasally.
Erica lmao. The music too. He he referred to them as girls. That is a queer thing to do. They are queer. Thud. Jessie sounds like a NERD Holy sh!t. Rory my son. Slay Ethan plot. The FX skhahahhahaha. These nerds. Benny. Said. "Wick'" as in Wicked. 😃. Ok.
Bruh the mom just inplied😃... Ok. "Rap music" my son listens to emo music and rap what a bisexual. RORY! love him in blue. No asthma. Lmao. "The big V". "What-what?" 😭😭😭😭 this man. CHURCH. AKDKKDHSHS. That Canadian came in during his "about". I sound like Lucille I'm squealing. Not even laughing just. "AH HAHAH". "Zing" my guy😭.
Dam bro didnt even get a line. Thats so raven. Wiki mention ayy. The looks like such emos. Just in the graveyard in all black with sunglasses lmao. Gross. "Out" was also said slipping that Canadian accent. Drugs lmao. Pretty vague. WOAH WHAT. I hate to Compulsive heterosexuality. Brought his vision right now is just him being a visual learner come on now.
Awww super rory. Gay implied. Ooh Sarah done fell in love. Gross. Rory listens to metal. Amen. Lmao. Aww bethan. Awww thats sweet. 8 year old girls rule the world lmao. Lmao the grandma. Irish dancing lmao. LMAO THE BURN. Bro. Cmon now. Awww she miss her GF.
Why the book just leave? Jessie is gay. He dating corbin cleu. "What a cool show" LMAO. That is illegal Ethan. Ewwwwww what the frick Benny. Smh. It's okay he just want to kiss the female to see if he liked it or not. He still in love with Ethan tho. RORY! Dam she grabbing her a$$. Lmao the cgi. The slow mo omg. Aww bethan moment. Aww. Bro is Ethan crying. Jessie is gay. BENNY! Him yelling "Courage" to go save Ethan. Aww.
Slay Sarah saved by females. Lol Rory and Erica matching. Gay and gay.
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ciitrinitas · 2 years ago
G I Z M O (for the ask meme i'm not just randomly yelling that)
i mean, i wouldn't judge you if you did just want to randomly yell your cat's name at me in all caps. i'd welcome it. i love gizmo. i want to go to bizmo school.
but! for this meme!
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it.
this is really tricky because i can think of a few candidates...which honestly tracks given how prone i am to having like a dozen active otps at a time because no one can stop me. i think i was really into miroku/sango from inuyasha, and then for awhile, axel/roxas from kingdom hearts made my brain buzz. the latter was my first slash ship i can recall having, and hysterically, i only like it now as very one sided from axel's end. i don't think i'd be as warm to miroku/sango these days, as well, lmao.
sakura/syaoran from tsubasa was also very big in my middle-schooler heart! that being my entry point for clamp is still a choice i made! i wrote a not-very-good inuyasha fic that ripped off tsubasa's plot.
main ff couples from the ps1 and ps2 era are also possible contenders! squall/rinoa, zidane/garnet, and tidus/yuna are all very cute still.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why.
not for ones i already liked, but it has soured me on fandoms i didn't have much interest in already. if i can be more specific to fandoms around ships, then weird anti behavior knocked me out of komahina for awhile (just...weird discourse about whether it would be ableist to have komaeda like bdsm or something??? it was dumb enough that i cartwheeled away), and i fell out of love with tododeku because so many of its shippers ragged on bakudeku which i had grown to like. (99% of my interest in bnha these days is bkdk lmao.)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged).
HOD/YESOD MAKES SENSE, I SWEAR. YOU JUST NEED TO OPEN YOUR HEART. SHE CAN MAKE HIM WORSE. SHE CAN GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS WITH THE BEST OF THEM. okay, not really...since like...hod, but she can make him worse, i swear to you. i normally don't end up shipping anything too cracky since it can take initial interaction and themes and whatever to get me invested in a ship, but god...sometimes i talk myself into bullshit... someone please give me energy and motivation to write so i can convince the world that hod/yesod is real... i will vibrate out of my skin if either of them mentions each other... i don't care about the context. just hod saying his name or him saying her name...amore...
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you).
thancred/urianger is Okay because it removes thancred from being around women and infecting them with bad writing. urianger is taking one for the team. i know this isn't really nice i'm sorry i thought of it and then the salt just came pouring out yes im still fucking livid about ryne's writing
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of.
setting my library to shuffle aaaand...after glow by foals. a bamchel song tbh. <3 i mean, everything is a bamchel song if i try hard enough, but this is an easy bamchel song.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months ago
SHSHSH THANK YOU no im taking that /srs give me back my chronically online time PLEASE but omg tiktok binge it’s been awhile im excited to see some fire edits!!
FRRRRR no because that chapter had all the nagi antis sitting down him caring for chigiri was the highlight of the chapter and yes LMAOO Isagi shoves him to the ground after he finds out about the injury I believe so that makes it sm worse HAHAH
LMAO REUNICLUS SCAMMING AS A SIDE HUSTLE so real imagine there’s a little makeshift tacky mystical booth just set up on the side of the street where reuniclus just sits in waiting for people to pass by to gaslight
I can just imagine all the villainous edits of Karasu that are about to come to life after this weeks ep we’ll fr be watching them like “Lmao no my friends THAT is what we call a silly little closeted loser”
Wait 6-8 miles daily is kinda insane that sounds like it would be really time consuming too LOL the respectful tag has me laughing imagine someone catching you giving a presentation through zoom while on their horse with the respect and etiquette aside that would be funny like “is she pulling out PowerPoint on my horse”
Barou edits always hit I’ll never forget that first one you showed me that fr had some really strong conversion magic in it
Ok yk I was about to pull out the “Mira clown moment caught in 4K” before I watched but then I watched and realized I’m also part of the circus that edit was a little too good
LMAOOO The Isagi fisheye camera scene always has me reeling like bro wtf is that it’s giving that one boba eyed hamster
STOP I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS A REFERENCE TO THE AIRHORN SOUND FX EITHER???? Ok now that makes more sense I thought he was just ad libbing some random noises
HAHA the tabieita one is so funny im crying its fr them the visuals also have me giggling
AHAHAHAHABAHA TOO TARGETED its giving Aiku and niko getting yelled at Barou for the stain
These were so good i needed this tiktok brainrot session fr LMAO
Also wait about your recent post with the censoring I instantly jumped to itoshi because it’s usually slander but then I realized in this context it’s probably not considering you’re talking about your theme so KARASU???
- Karasu anon
AHAHAH OKAYYY i didn’t want to be a hater in case you were enjoying your offline grass touching time 😭 can’t enter my bad influence era…just hit 1k it would be tragic if i got cancelled already 😰
HELP OKAY THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT ngl isagi is so funny because he actually has 0 chill i feel like people never get his characterization quite right he’s either way too sweet or too much of an asshole but he def is a good mix of being nice while also whipping out the sass at the slightest provocation 🙂‍↕️ nagi and chigiri bffs is so cute fr…yk if you think abt it this just makes the oaeu more canon because chigiri helps reo in wingmanning nagi when aiku ends up one-sidedly beefing with him LMAOAOA
I’M SO HYPEEEE I NEED VILLAINOUS KARASU EDITS idk why my fyp has only been yuki and otoya edits (i mean no complaints because i love those two as well) I NEED KARASU 😫 i need the barou editors specifically to get on it idk what it is with them but they put crack into all of their work i need karasu getting THAT treatment 🤤 meanwhile i’ll be giggling because yes he’s gorgeous amazing problematic king but he’s also the og mature healthy sassy pining love interest of all time 🥹
HAHA yeah it def was time consuming i was only able to do it because there was literally nothing else to do all day 😭 but yeah LMAOAO can you imagine someone just taking an exam while riding your horse atp i’d just be befuddled like what even…
BROOO BAROU EDITS ARE ALWAYS FIRE IDK HOW THEY DO IT they always pick the perfect songs scenes transitions intros EVERYTHING we may also be biased as barou lovers but still
DKSHXJSJZ I WILL ALWAYS DRAG YOU DOWN WITH ME DW 😜 you see the vision though…like wdym rin looking kinda fine rn…IMPOSSIBLE!! HAHA the isagi fisheye took me by surprise too i was like oh hello when it popped up ngl
LITERALLYYY i thought he was just making weird cute sound effects?? i was like okay…who are we trying to impress her buddy…but mimicking the air horn is so in character and funny it has me crying 😭 i love him sm that man has never taken anything seriously a day in his life
THE TABIEITA WAS SO GOOD BUT PLSSS i just know oaeu aiku and niko hop on ALL of the tik tok trends…imagine aiku teaching niko tik tok dances and niko introducing aiku to new brain rot terms as they release 😫 my goat duo fr
YAYYY brain rot sessions always go hard i’m happy i could’ve provided!! and AHH episode two super soon i’m hype!! can’t wait to see my favs back on screen
WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE BUT TABITO KARASU 🤩⁉️ i’m so attached to having a nagi theme though like he’s my baby…my shining star…my number one…my brand…but KARASU ugh i love him sm too it’s so hard 😭 decisions decisions
also unrelated but this request is taking sooo long the word count is kinda insane though 😰 HOPEFULLY tmrw will be the day it finally drops!!
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silent-sentinels · 7 months ago
Plural Asking 100 Questions: Part 6!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
51. Are there any "System Stereotypes" you fit into? we're not sure what "system stereotypes" already exist? and otherwise we are a pretty not typical system i think lmao... we are INCREDIBLY FORGETFUL but that's not even a system thing that's just an adhd thing lmao...
52. Who of you would be considered the "evil alter"? (in a lighthearted, joking manner) oh lmao if we're going by outsider perception, probably Hackles. oooh scary angry facet~! honestly, the guy's just frustrated hkjhg you could probably also consider faucet and harlowe (<- she talks like a super villain sometimes. like "When will you finally give up your little games and return to reality? The clock is ticking. You know what must be done. I'll be waiting." type shit like. ma'am, respectfully, that's ominous as fuck hkjgh) but they just have their convictions set on specific beliefs. truly we all mean well and want what's best for ceres, even if we have different ideas of what that means.
53. What is your favorite inside-joke with a Member? god, the only one i can think of is the juliet-ryan infinite name loop that was just a solid week of them calling for each other after finding names that brought them euphoria. ALSO ELOQUENCE HAS THIS WHOLE RANT ABOUT THESAURUS DOT COM LOCKED AND LOADED IN THE DRAFTS HKJGH we reference "I DESPISE THE COCOMELON SHIT YOU HAVE BECOME" very frequently hkjhg
54. What is your favorite Plural meme? OH WAIT WE DIDN'T FUCKIN SHARE THESE HOLDO N HAKJSHSKJ
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OKAY we made this EARLY in syscovery, Faucet didn't want us to share these at all with anyone, but [ ] is fine with it on here :] hkjhg so the first one is me (ryan), juliet and scotts, we're chilling we're the good time squad lmaooo :3!! and then the Autism Creature squad is archer, elle and expertise, who are The Infodump Crew hkjgh and the last one is hackles, distance and jaded. honestly jaded should be switched out with faucet, jaded is wayyy more tired than this even if he is a grump hkjhg just guys who are Not Having A Good Time hkjhg sorry gang :']
55. Is there any character that you headcanon as plural? harry!! we all know this already lmao. everyone knows this we don't have to explain this. if you're reading this you know already kjhg
56. Is there any show or movie that you believe is a good plural representation, despite that not being its intention? we are guys who do not watch many shows or movies hkjgh
Wander from Wander Over Yon.der has this whole episode called The Wanders where he gets split up into several different facets of himself and sylvia has to find every facet and bring them back to the body so he can be whole again? but like! throughout the show even before this, you can see several of the facets fronting ("The Boy Wander" being one of them, his superhero one, and another one who seems to be an OCD holder, many others) just generally we think he has plural coding hjkgh
57. Is there any song that you believe describes your plural experience? we've recently been vibing with "It's Only Magic", which is a 24 second long song that's used as an ending credits theme for OK.KO. it's about how animation is just 24 frames per second, but its also just like "isn't it cool once you find out we're just 24 connected pieces? anyway, thanks for being here, bye!" hfjkgh its silly but we like it and we haven't found a more fitting one yet, so!!
58. What about an artwork that describes your plural experience? oh this drawing of harry is a big fave of ours, how the lines of dialogue are written with little phrases out of context, the lines from harry's head and how the skills are behind him helping him! we think any skill halo imagery describes us well, but this one is one that sticks with us hkjhg
59. Which Member of your System do you believe to be the prettiest of them all? MOM!! MOM!! CHRYSANTHEMUM!! OUR MOM IS SO GORGEOUS SHES A GODDESS (FOR REAL)!! MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN EVER!!! EVERYONE LOOK AT HER!!!
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our mom!! of roses and springtime, of nature and the bloom, our lady of the garden fountain, the ever-beloved chrysanthemum!!
60. Do you collectively have a lucky number? honestly probably 24 or 25 lmao
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mochinon-yah · 8 months ago
(S P O I L E R !!!)
I'm playing the game while eating a cup noodles hehehe
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The main theme song here is ven's work, righhtt??? IT SOUNDS SO CALMING AND GOOD ASSRHDJDJ but like kinda ominous, it's like the calm before the storm (btw ven, can u share the song and like make it loop for 1 hour straight-)
Okay, so now, with my 18% laptop and my somewhat sleep deprived self and also my cup noodles, we are gonna play this game smoothly (hopefully) 🤩
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Okay, noted, April 20 2024, 'i' go missing.
"Can you find yourself?"
Aight bet-
AND YEAHHH "what happens in penacony city, stays in penacony city" ☝️
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Daym, myself, ur so sad 🥲
Penacong isn't really the place where dreams come true but whatever floats your boat ig
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Mochiiii :D
WHAT THE??????
U SCARED ME FOR A SEC, I WAS LIKE "WDYM PLS DON'T LIE???? 😭😭😭" so this is revenge huh- /jjjjj
Wait, i have an 'ex'????
ALSO BRYNN I'M SORRY 😭😭😭😭 I'LL MAKE IT UP I SWEAR- oh what's that? A dimitri fanart, you say? Ohhh, okay okay, i'll draw one for you-
Yes, i will make one specially for you TRUST ME ON THIS ONE, but i need to finish ven's request first hehe- SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE VEN, I GOT BUSY 😭😭
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OH SHOOT MY LAPTOP BATTERY IS LOW- imma get the charger first okay-
Okay i got it, anyway, moving onwards to the storyyy
Awhhh, my name is quite unforgettable??? Thanks for saying that kakavasha 😽
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Yeah ur so right bestie, i am sleep deprived, i am playing this game at 1 am-
Uhhh wdym he's red
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HAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY OKAY "i'm always hot" sure let me get a lighter and burn you-
Ehhh??? There's a notif 'kakavasha liked that' that's so cutee bdbdhdjsjwkw
Oh wow finally, ratio *claps* now let me at him, i'm gonna diss him-
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Okay nvm- oh wait- HAHAHAHAH YEA, MC GO DISS HIM MORE 🔥🔥🔥
Omg.... ratio calm down bae, kakavasha isn't even attacking you 😭😭 oh wait, we don't know he's a gambler????
Ayo? No slander to my jelena >:o
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Hahahah, sure, we can whisper to each other until they stop dissing jelena-
Okay this is cute, i won't diss ratio ☝️
OH HAHAHHAHAHAHA BRYNN OH STOP IT YOU (context: mochi said "But it's as much as I love to tease Brynn about taking my whiskey neat, and my coffee black and my bed at three- but whatever.")
NO WAIT NOOOOO I CAN'T PUT ANYMORE IMAGES........ oh this hurts </3
Okay, i'll put the context on text now ig hufftttt
OH I'M GONNA DM SOME CAESAR CIPHERS TO KAKAVASHA LMAOOO (is the prank i pulled on you traumatized you-) he said "please don't" i'm sorry bae, do i traumatize people by giving em ciphers??? 😭😭
Okay wow, yes, i can see that, no need to bold it, put it on red color, and the main of the screen- (context: Senator Sunday) /jjjjjjj
Yes, we're all sunday haters (i don't rlly hate him tho but honestly as mc, yes i would hate him!!!)🔥🔥🔥
Did gallagher just barked-
Um, pls no sunday angst- 😭😭😭
NOT THE NOTIF SAYING "ARE YOU SURE?" AFTER I PICKED THE TALK TO SUNDAY OPTION- WHAT IS THIS ALHAITHAM DEJA VU I'M FEELING RN- Okay, sorry guys, i'm just trying to make things be more peaceful by talking to sunday alone, is it that hard for you to understand 😭😭
Eh? I need to leave the cafe?? :(((
Oh gosh, sunday.... let me pat pat u here 😭😭😭 why are u such a sad puppy here
Oh gosh, it's tempting to say yes oh no uhhhh but since this is my first run (basically choosing what i like) imma say no >:D
Oh.... sunday, oh..... this made me feel bad :((( oh i'm sorry uhhmmm uhhh 🥹 sorry?
Anyway, homeless route is on the go- probably- actually no, it's missing route now
UH IDK???? I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID IN THOSE TIME- oh.... there's no news about me going missing? Well, aside from that little news on tv after robin's but yea-
Well, robin, i don't think that sad puppy birb would hurt me too, but we don't know yk
Lmao not me being scared of my own name showing up when brynn is talking-
EH??? WHAT TRADE- Speckled??? Brynn???? What happened, besties 😭
OKAY THIS HAS BEEN A WILD RIDE, I LOVE ITTT!!!!! If i could take a pic for every scene and comment on em, then i would- trust me hehe!! Sorry if this got a bit too long and sorry if i ever comment something weird, but uh yeah! I enjoy the game so much, brynn! <3
A special muach muach for you <333
🍵 𝒲𝐻𝒪𝒟ℛ𝒜𝒩𝒦𝐼𝒯? ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚: A Yandere!H:SR x Reader Otome Game
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✧ romanceable characters (© hoyoverse): Professor Veritas Ratio, "Your friend" Kakavasha, and "Gallagher" [for now]
✧ content warning: yandere themes, mentions of racial/species discrimination (your character is SEA/Filipino-coded), (y/n) uses they/them, the story takes place in a modern hybrid alternate universe where each planet (Belobog, Penacony, etc) is considered a country.
PLAY THE DEMO HERE (available for download on PC & Mac AND online play for any devices, though download is preferable to avoid pixellated graphics & misaligned textboxes)
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You (name changeable) are a hardworking and full-pledged human cafe owner in Penacony City. Your Dreamjolt Cafe has been a go-to for residents and tourists alike. But your loved ones' lives took a sharp turn for the worst when you decided to take a much-needed vacation back to your homeland, Perlas. While your family eagerly awaited your arrival, you disappeared en route. Where did you go? How did this happen? Who did this? Was it...
☕ the prickly yet fascinating Prof. Veritas Ratio, your self-proclaimed avian-hybrid regular,
☕Kakavasha, your longest fellow human friend who always seems to have a secret or two;
☕ or Gallagher, your hound-hybrid roommate whose past is as peculiar as his loyalty?
☕ or are there two more you're forgetting?
... so...
𝒲𝐻𝒪 𝒹𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝒾𝓉?
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Please support this game by reblogging the post & sending asks/comments! I put a lot of time and effort writing, drawing, and learning for to code for this. Thank you so much, my beloved yandere!H:SR community and of course, @dreamjolt-hostelry, for being supportive friends!!! - @beloved-brynn
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✧ Characters, Background Art and UI Credits
Hoyoverse assets sourced from the-astral-express-archive. I just tweaked em a bit!
Canva freestock images... Haha...
✧ Intro video, sprites & CG art Credits
Me!!! Hi <3 I hope you enjoyed them! I can't believe yall made me learn adobe after effects a bit for this-
✧ Music Credits
The main menu theme (the first song upon booting the game) is made by @naraven!
The rest of the royalty free music soundtrack (such as the music used for the video above) is sourced from Vodovoz Music Productions!!! Please show the creator some love!!! I was actually vibing so hard while listening to them lmao
✧ (Fan)Story
lol hi again!!! man. i feel like Argenti.
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If you wish to support my work and want to see more of this in the future, please buy me a coffee! So I can at least prove to my parents that my work is at least worth one dollar ;;;;
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fr3akinthecorner · 1 year ago
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chilling with a bitch she the shit and she know it ur gonna get in trouble!! u just told that to the other cute guy hey ok well im smoking too much no smoke more meth! ok i will is that what you meant? no cigs cigarettes do u like this part of the song? no u weirdo i hate that playlist too all these boys know everything about u now and they're partying at their houses hey that last guy was complex right? it's ang the last airbender hey ang but i don't like u go away! yes she likes u but we're having a conversation don't worry too much about chanhee he will come back did u see our manga where he made fun of me and sent me to he'll? no! well he's so fucking mean but it's funny now why do u think incest is weird? bc it's illegal and the dna part oh ok you're really intelligent your font chats are about to change i can tell! no way?! how do i do it ah... your father will show you i want the thing where it looks like a comic book yea that's the part thats about to happen! do u have samsung? i do now ok cool i want the 5 well go get it! ur not gonna be poor trust me manifestation is real thank u friend um no!! i am your boyfriend and u better fucking talk to me more how?! how come u can't sing anymore? tejano opium omg you're tejano? yes and japanese omg ok so im gonna fuck myself right now u need to go and talk to other guys omg?! what babe?? why is that okay? bc we love u! and ur beautiful don't forget that it's about to sell for how much $64 fonts chat is being sold to cigarettes lucky strike purchase from carlos montoya omg lol no! buy from me :) tumblr.com ok sexy girl lol! i am a girl hahaha ok so this one is $44 and it will be sold to the girl right now she just has to unplug her phone and it's unplugged! so press 766 perfect! it'll start to get a little more loose but u just need to go to the font chats station and the lake will give u new colors oh yea i forgot! ok so the next chan family font chat is hard because u might be able to buy a new theme will u try it? later is ok alright so how do i buy? purchase a jam jam theme she did the correct process to make her own with jamjam ok so she is gonna be so happy with this one! it's about the daughter of love sold! keeho has purchased the font chat for his daughter and she will smoke meth with it too so not to worry cute asian boy it comes with drugs and now we give the merlin code 888 for the armor to work as well lmao! she wears merlin armor? yes she does from the south korean lake! it's going to work in the one she was born in so it will come with her diary from high school available for keeho how do i get it? u cant it's kèeho ok dude let her read ir! alvin said no ok so alvin is one of her butlers so this will be respected keeho she can access it way into the future not today solid ok so buy the font chats from disney, tumblr or samsung ok so we're jn still? yes you can be she told me i died today chapter one and that is her diary! it will tell her when to write it down automatically on tumblr and keeho said no interruptions ok so what about the other book website? can't I just do it their? yes that would be better if she can finish we might sign her ok leave bitch Mac Dre
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