cornishpixiez · 1 year
lazy skate co, part 2
here's part 1
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part 3 ;)
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blasterpiece-daily · 2 months
Song: Necromancin Dancin (Words 3/313)
This is it!
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cultfic · 6 months
he'd come looking for his sister, well known for drowning her sorrows and grief in the solace of hard liquor but perhaps he'd missed her and she'd decided to add silence and isolation to her list of requirements. perhaps the lack of real involvement on his part is due to his father being the one requesting he heads out into the cold winter night and brings her back, but after a quick glance around, lee decides to make for the closest barstool, nods in paige's direction, lets out a heavy sigh and places his hat by his side. something of a local celebrity among the patrons, he returns the offered greetings and flashes a tired smile at the waitress, placing the usual order for beer. ❝  you got any siblings, paige?  ❞
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sc. @wtrss
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ya know, I said it offhandedly in the tags of the last post but I'm wondering what a Chica themed cookbook would include now. Pizza is the obvious one, same with cake and cupcakes. She has some canon stuff with something about chowder, Chica chug, Chica bites, uhhhh the uhhh skinny taco from Help Wanted 2, lemon Chicabars, the blendee, and whatever else she normally has I dunno. Her Fizzy Faz flavour is pink lemonade so there's that too...
She's then got the whole mazercise thing, so fruit smoothies and just general stuff with fruit is probably gonna work. Obviously she's a chicken, so there's that too.
Honestly, I can see her having a cake section where she tells the recipes to her friend's favourite cakes. So the obvious would be carrot cake for Bonnie then I dunno a lemon lime cheesecake for Monty or something?
I think the thing about a Chica cookbook is that it's just so easy to visualise and work with that it would be kind of hard to get it wrong, and yet, this isn't a real thing that exists for some reason??
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cherrysnax · 9 days
good mornie :3c
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gaunt-and-hungry · 11 months
OC Introduction: Erebus (Wilbur) Flamel
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Erebus -- Ancient Greek: Ἔρεβος, '"darkness, gloom"' - also known as Erebos - The Personification of Darkness. Son of Chaos. derives from the Proto-Indo-European *h₁regʷ-os- ("darkness"), and is cognate with the Sanskrit rájas ("dark (lower) air, dust"), the Armenian erek ("evening"), the Gothic riqis, and the Old Norse røkkr ("dark, dust") Wilbur - Name of Birth - Wilbur derived from the mediaeval nickname 'wildbor', which means 'wild boar'. The wild boar was considered one of the most difficult creatures to hunt, indicating that the bearer was particularly tough or strong. Wilbur is also a name in Old German, meaning 'resolute' or 'brilliant'. Captain Blackwater - So Called, As They Say: For His Love Of Coffee Captain of: The Revenge Three Anchor Three Mast Frigate Thirty and One Half Metres
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Born in Iceland. Mysterious Background. Tragic and woeful. Knows the icy northern waters and the indigenous folks of Greenland. A pirate.
Spent six years as a prisoner aboard an English Vessel as a wanted criminal.
He/Him/They/Them , Pansexual / Queer / --- Terrified of gentle hands. ---
A young Sea Captain with a distaste for the English and the damage they have wrought across their colonialism. His life is held in the balance of how useful he is to the British Admiralty. Once his usefulness is up it's the hangman's noose for him... less he finds a way to weasel out. Willing to go to any lengths to free his crew from the collateral of his crimes.
People Of Interest: Captain Francis Crozier ~ Captain James Fitzjames ~ Petty Officer Thomas Jopson ~ Heinrich Cornelius Reiss (Open to OC on OC interactions in your own terrorverses)
Hungry. Guilty. Haunted. Gaunt. "Could I be someone for someone else? Am I even worthy of such a thing, Captain?"
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Weakness: Compassion. Lead by a compass.
You cannot spell Compassion without Compass. Strengths: Navigates the oceans solely by intuition and the stars. If he has an image of someone he can find them through intuition alone like a bloodhound.
The stars told me where you were. Their secrets reflect in the sea.
"Sacrifice is what we do for the people we love." - If the word of the law doesn't get you And the guilt you ignore's gonna set you Free, free, free If the cross on the door doesn't scare you And the beast of the moor's gonna spare you Boy, come home to me - (Phildel - Holes in your Coffin)
"Your lives have a future so long as mine ends. I can save you, yet. I just have to get these men home." - Waking up in the fog, the dust and the pain And of the sunny days, no traces remain How could you be the one if you sail away Without you I can't stand the sound of the rain - (Ghost Lights - Woodkid)
"I have no home to go to, Captain. No one to go home to. It is either I bring you back to England alive or I am promised the ropes of my ship and a nice tree." - Watching the figures, all the saints, but mostly sinners Come and go and some are desperate, but the others have The sense that they do belong And I do not belong - (notre dam - Paris Paloma)
"Soft hands terrify me... I never knew soft hands. Many have made sure I would have plenty of reminders of that." - Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall And they will run you down, down 'til you go Yeah, 'til you can't crawl no more - (Way Down We Go - KALEO)
"Love may blossom in the darkest and coldest of places. So long as love blooms there will be warmth in the cold." - Holding you close feels like a cut-throat Losing blood, the weakness of falling in love - (Afraid of the Dark - Phildel)
"I don't sleep so well anymore. Too many cold bodies in my mind in my bed. Often, I dream of drowning." And I was never afraid of the dark No, I was never afraid until you Oh, the weapon you make of my heart (Afraid of the Dark - Phildel)
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I've never not known what hungry means. I have never not known pain. I have known such strife and suffering in the world. The Revenge? She's my ship. And on my ship there is no loud voices of anger. There are no empty bellies. Only joy. On my ship there are no lashes that split skin. There is no cold hearts. People are free to be who they are. To love as they are. Isn't that the world we all wish to live in? That is what she means to these people... my crew. It is their place to be safe. To have a home.
-"But not for you."- The Revenge is my crew's home. I cannot see a future for myself. To settle down? I'm tired of being wanted for the wrong reasons. I'm exhausted of running. I am tired. I am so, very, very tired. But I have no where to go. Not with all I have done. But if I can pave a road for my crew... They are good people. If I can do that, well... Then all I have wrought upon myself will have been worth that. -"You're atoning?"
I'm washing the blood out of my hair and off my hands. I'm trying. I'm trying. God, am I trying. If I can do just this one expedition... If I can. Whatever becomes of me after this? That is up to the Admiralty... My fate lays in their hands.
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Very big special thank you for the inspiration from @gayarsonistslullaby who did it first. I had so much fun with this and it was incredibly cathartic for me.
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beyuji · 2 years
starter for @bejinyoung !!    ( am i more than you bargained for yet? )
her eyes are on the dancefloor, watching, observing. one hand holds her chin in her hand as the other spins her straw around in her drink. looking, but not really seeing; stuck in her head-- thinking about her monthly eval results, thinking about the texts from her parents still unopened in her inbox. it’s upsetting, she’s come out to not think about any of those things-- and she is, out and about, but her mind can’t stop wandering. between the coaches not being impressed and her father sending ominous don’t disappoint, make good choices, you know better, messages. 
shaking her head at the bartender’s request to fill up her drink, she pulls out her phone and scrolls through it idly. she probably looks a silly vision-- bored and miserable at the bar top. yuji’s already turned away two people looking to talk-- doesn’t know what they wanted or if they wanted anything at all, but she had made it a point to ignore them after a quick smile and a turn of her head. kinda defeats the purpose though-- this was supposed to be a spontaneous decision to keep her distracted, though all she’s really done is self sabotage. 
chaekyung sends her a message attachment, and yuji clicks it mindlessly. the picture of the kitten she’s been housing since yuji and jinyoung dropped her off stares back at her-- sleeping in such a cute position yuji coos out loud. types back a mess of characters and emojis before an idea hits her. teeth worrying at her lower lip, she scrolls through her messages, thumb hesitating over jinyoung’s contact. wonders if she should. wonders if he’d even answer back-- it’s been weeks, months. time’s gotten away from her. 
wouldn’t hurt to try. it’s all about spontaneity isn’t it? stepping out of her comfort zone-- even if this is a somewhat normal thing people her age do. yubin used to do it back in her college days; why couldn’t yuji? 
normal. her fingers hesitate over the message icon, frowning to herself. normal. this is normal, right? swallows past the lump in her throat, tugs her drink closer and finishes it off quickly. like it’ll give her the courage, ease her nerves. and goes to type.
 💌  → jinyoung♏😼 ↳ (attachment)  ↳ long awaited update, yw 
stares at the screen, as if burning a hole into the screen with her gaze would get her a response faster. exhaling through her nose, she shuts her eyes and counts to three, before moving to type again. 
💌  → jinyoung♏😼 ↳ you busy?
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
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//YO HO HO, AND A BOTTLE OF RUM! Time for yarrharr!
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
should i go see the spiderverse movie again with my friend who i talk to almost daily but havent seen face to face since covid 🤔
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sassenach082 · 2 years
I'm going with : Home 😍
"You're my home," Pete rasped, tucking his nose into Tom's neck and breathing him in as Tom's arms squeezed tight around him.
fanfiction work in progress asking game: prompt me with a word and if my upcoming chapters have it, I'll post the sentence (or part of the scene)!
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starter for @tenacquity! || thanks for requesting a new starter, my darling!(*^3^)/~♡
Seated on a stool at Wanmin Restaurant in the port city of Liyue Harbor, anyone who thought they knew Mondstadt's Cavalry Captain would surely think that Kaeya was far from home.
Ha! As if that weren't the case every day of his fake life.
Don't make me laugh.
As he waited for his order up, Kaeya sat facing the street, legs crossed and elbows propped on the counter at his back, watching the crowds that still bustled despite the sun beginning to dip beneath the horizon. Vibrant shades of fuchsia and gold painted the sky above the harbor in fire; meeting the water in a portrait of red clashing against blue. Beautiful, and yet the sight made him long for a strong drink. Too bad he'd chosen to dine at a restaurant that didn't serve any kind of alcohol.
Kaeya let out a dramatic sigh. Tilting sideways, he propped his cheek on a loosely curled fist—and took renewed notice of the man seated beside him.
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"I don't suppose you know anywhere to get something stronger to drink than tea in this city?" he posed to the stranger. "I prefer wine, if I'm able to pick my poison, but anything would do."
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ripjulie-gone · 1 year
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( continued from here )
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she'd  never  admit  it,  but  apollo  would  always  have  a  place  to  stay  with  her  (  she  had  a  soft  spot  for  him  ). a  place  to  be  safe. or  as  safe  as  any  of  them  could  be,  which  depending  on  the  day  was  not  at  all. and  this  was  a  prime  example  of  that. worry  laced  her  features  and  maybe  that  was  why  the  words  came  tumbling  out  the  way  they  did. if  she  didn't  care,  well.. apollo  would  know.     wounds  never  lasted  long  on  them  at  all,  and so she  didn't  bother  getting  out  the  first  aid  kit. julie  simply  grabbed  a  washcloth  and  some  soap  and  ran  it  under  the  water  in  the  kitchen  before  crossing  her  small  apartment  to  the  bathroom. one  of  her  hands  rose  carefully  and  she  gripped  his  arm  and  turned  him  away  from  his  reflection  so  she  could  clean  up  his  face. ❝ you're  right,  i  could  have. and  if  i  had  meant  that,  i  would  have. ❞  the  wounds  were  already  almost  healed  and  that  didn't  surprise  her  one  bit.      what  did  surprise  her  was  the  words  he  spoke.
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  ❝ doesn't  surprise  me,  really. i  was  waiting  for  something  like  this  to  happen. it  was  too  fuckin'  calm  anyway,  i  guess. who  was  it  this  time?  but,  it  means  you're  staying  here  for  at  least  the  night. streets  are  crawling  with  cops  and  at  least  you'll  be  safe. ❞  did  she  worry?  of  course  she  did.      once  she  had  the  blood  cleaned  from  his  skin,  she  dropped  the  rag  into  the  sink  and  moved  to  the  window  to  look  out  and  down  to  the  street. ❝ i'll  go  out  in  the  morning  and  see  what  i  can  find  out. i  can  get  around  easier  than  you  can. i  don't  look  the  part. ❞  which  was  a  blessing  and  a  curse,  of  course. but  it  came  in  handy  at  times  like  this. ❝ but  for  now,  just  hunker  down. rest  up,  you  look  like  shit. ❞  grin  crossed  her  features  as  she  teased  lightly. ( + @favoritesoldier )
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apaise · 2 years
after a difficult week at the sato-lockes ( due to the prison warden that is cleo ), rowan gives herself a deserved day off at the corner store. usually when it comes to picking up stuff for the apartment, she’d hit up the super mart for some easy reaping of their snacks and cosmetics, but today she’s in the mood for something simpler. maybe she’d get a few packs of spicy chongqing instant noodles and spend the evening in for once. a day at the apartment could be a dismal affair, but -- a garnish of alcohol and spicy food is usually pretty effective.
loading her basket up with the basics, rowan can’t help but feel that bit of nostalgia washing over her as she continues down the aisle. as much as she tells herself that she leaves the store untouched out of convenience, the truth is that on the off-chance she was ever caught and banned . . . it’d hurt not to be able to return here. it seems like only yesterday she and vivian were filling up a basket together after a successful little stunt, ready to celebrate their haul over cheap wine and pizza.
that’s why it feels so shocking when she turns and actually sees vivian standing by the produce section. rowan’s been haunted by the memories before, but they’d never conjure viv with a basket of fresh vegetables. for a split second, rowan wonders if it’s just some doppelgänger. but then she turns and rowan catches those plush lips and almost aristocratic curve of her neck and she knows. it’s vivian. 
they haven’t spoken in ages -- mostly because rowan’s pride wouldn’t allow her to so easily forgive someone she felt abandoned her. but her vanity isn’t so strong she could just look away when seeing her right there in front of her; six steps and she’d be close enough to touch. she swathes her heart in whatever ratty silk’s allowed her to finish a job no matter what, approaching her long lost soulmate with a teasing smile. 
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❝ you know in all our time apart, i never imagined you’d pick up cooking, viv, ❞ she starts, omitting any tragic hellos. vivian could never know the impact her absence had on her; rowan could never suffer that. she ignore the way her heart clenches when vivian turns around, nodding to her basket instead. ❝ a head of cabbage was never on our grocery list. ❞ though that was certainly using the term liberally; they had never been one to make those little domestic catalogues. ❝ but then i guess you were always good with your hands, ❞ her lips tilt, reminiscing all too well of their days and nights together. ( @heartsechoed​ )
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vivian-ambrose · 1 month
Who: Vivian x Izak ( @izakvoros )
When: Approx 12:30AM
Where: Streets of Kiln
Working in a hospital ER wasn’t for the faint of heart, but for Vivian it was her safe space. Despite everything going on around her the last few weeks being back, she knew she could rely on the hustle and bustle of the ER to keep her brain distracted. However, on her night off, she was left to her own devices which is how she found herself jogging through the streets of Kiln.
As she changed her pace to a human-like sprint, anything to quiet the repetitive thoughts, her supernatural hearing picked up on what sounded like someone in distress. Slowing down, she tucked my her earbuds in their case, listening for where the sound was coming from. Vivian eventually found herself in an alleyway a few blocks from Liber as she could see what looked to be either some sort of assault… or a feeding. It didn't take a doctor to see that the person wouldn't last much longer if the being didn't stop. Their back was towards her so she wasn't able to get a good look at their face, but that didn't matter to Viv, adrenaline dulling her senses. Never one to mind her own business if it meant saving a life, Viv approached with talons and fangs at the ready. “Let them go!”
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kindestofkings · 2 months
challengers 🎾 🌟 🍓
charles leclerc x (tennis player!) reader
authors note: 2024 has seen me get obsessed with tennis, so I thought I'd combine my two sporting fixations! enjoyyyyy tell me what you think <33
p.s: all the dates are so all over the place I apologise in advance x
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername back training in my favourite place (barcelona) and focused on the next slam 🎾
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ynfan1 wooo I can't wait to see you play at the french open !!
carlitosalcarazz lets gooooo 💪 🇪🇸
yourusername time to slay no?
ynfan2 ayee my fav tennis besties training together
ynfan3 besties? surely they're dating ynfan1 nooooo they've been friends since they were kids and constantly say platonic with a capital P ♥︎ by author
f1fan1 hello lando in the likes 👀
ynfan4 he wishes f1fan2 she's half english so maybe they know each other?
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liked by carlitosalcarazz and others
charles_leclerc this was a fun day 🎾 congrats to @carlitosalcarazz @atptour
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charlesfan1 okay fits 🔥🔥
f1fan everyone is a carlos fan
ynfan1 he was sitting beside my fav tennis player! worlds colliding
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queenynupdates yn is at carlos' match in monte carlo today !!
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ynfan1 omg she's soooo beautiful
carlosfan1 wag era fr
ynfan3 they're FRIENDS ffs ynfan1 she's a top ten tennis player in the world be for real
ynfan3 thinking about our shy queen as she sits beside charles leclerc
ynfan1 wait as in the f1 charles ??? ynfan3 yup the very one!
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liked by ynfan1 and others
f1fanupdates charles was seen sitting beside yn ln today at the tennis! she's a tennis player herself by wasnt playing this tournament due to injury
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ynfan1 damn the notoriously shy tennis player was yapping with lightning mcqueen 😔
charlesfan1 guys I hate to say it but I kinda ship it...
charlesfan2 was thinking the same they would be such a pretty couple
ynfan2 sitting kinda closeeeee  🤭
carlosfan1 noooo she's cheering for carlos (the love of her life) !!
ynfan1 BE FOR REAL
pierregasley 👀👀
charlesfan1 BAHHAHA you are sooo messy pierre I love it charles_leclerc gasly im warning you
yourusername just followed charles_leclerc!
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
yourusername my beef with the french open / clay courts unfortunately continues.
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ynfan1 we're still so proud of you !!
ynfan2 no shame in losing a final, you'll come back stronger 💪
pierregasly if you have beef with the french open you have beef with me
yourusername im okay with that frenchie. pierregasly so rude
f1fan1 charles in the likes and pierre in the comments hmmmm whats going on here?
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liked by francisca.cgomes and others
pierregasly channeling our inner @yourusername and @carlitosalcarazz today before this weekend's gp !
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yourusername paddle is a fake sport please do not associate me with it !!
charles_leclerc I thought you said I was good at it 😔 yourusername you looked too happy to hear the truth, I'm sorry charlie 🥺 charles_leclerc make it up to me this weekend ? f1fan1 what in the ?? ynfan1 what on earth is going on in the house of commons
carlitosalcarazz we must meet on a real court ! a spain v france doubles
yourusername france? oh carlito you've set him off.. charles_leclerc IM MONEGASQUE carlitosalcarazz oops 😬 charles_leclerc I just invited you to the monaco grand prix as well ...
ynfan1 im living for the f1 x tennis players crossover
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
f1academy we had tennis superstar @yourusername join us in the paddock this morning for our first spanish f1 academy! Here's what she said when our reporter caught up with her:
"This is my first Grand Prix weekend!! I'm so excited to be here supporting a dear friend of mine in the F1 race. I wouldn't miss the F1 Academy race for anything—it's vital to cheer on these amazing women and show that their hard work and talent are truly valued."
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ynfan1 she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside <33
ynfan2 love to see girls supporting girls
charlesfan1 is the dear friend in f1 charles ??
charlesfan2 has to be ! theres so many rumours going around of them dating
yourusername I had SO much fun ! might not come back tomorrow, who needs to see 20 boys driving around in circles after today 🤣
♥︎ by author
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
yourusername we're off to the races ! I'm really not used to being the spectator, how does everyone do this?? Im so nervous!!
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charles_leclerc now you know how I feel !
francisca.cgomes bonita wow
yourusername oh stop not you too! I haven't stopped blushing since I arrived at the paddock
ynfan1 so so so so so gorgeous
charlesfan1 the note. yall im sick
charlesfan2 charles being a softie is too much to handle charlesfan3 especially on such a big weekend for him !
landonorris what happened to our friendship bracelet 🥺
charles_leclerc she wants you to lose yourusername GASP that is NOT true landinho don't listen to him! just the orange doesn't match my dress ... landonorris well time to start buying papaya dresses ! charles_leclerc no no she wears red if anything, only if you want to though mon amour yourusername such a softie sharl
ynfan1 i'm begging you please PLEASE hard launch each other we all know you're in love
Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
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f1wags pictures of charles' (suspected) girlfriend across the spanish gp weekend!
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f1fan1 I didn't realise she was there all three days ! thats unusual for celeb guests no?
charlesfan1 not if shes going out with charles
charlesfan2 all three days?? bit of an overkill! the rest of the wags only attendant sunday MAYBE saturday aswell
ynfan1 omfg y'all are unhinged. Imma hold your hand when I tell you this but charles is not gonna fuck you ynfan2 say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️🗣️
ynfan1 also put some respect on my icons name thats THE yn yln, tennis extraordinaire !!!!
ynfan3 shes so beautiful my gosh
yncarlosfan1 cute she brought her bestie to meet her boyfriendddd
charlesfan1 for a minute I thought you meant carlos sainz not carlos alcaraz yncarlosfan1 lol nooooooo
queenynupdates hope charles comes and supports her at a match soon..
wta and atp
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liked by yourusername and others
wta and atp taking a break from their training for wimbledon yn yln and carlos alcaraz are a late entry into this weekends charity doubles round-robin ! these besties have been playing together since birth 🎾 💪
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ynfan1 omg yayyyyyyy a joint slay
carlosfan1 love to see it !!
ynfan2 I hate to make it about HIM but yet another match he did come to support her
charlesfan1 if you're talking about charles we dont even know if they're dating ynfan2 she's been to like 3 grand prixs this year even though shes at the top of her game ?? thats a thing you only do for love
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liked by francisca.cgomes and others
yourusername red for monaco <33
congrats to team ferrari for their incredible wins this weekend !!
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iamrebeccad the most beautiful this weekend
yourusername stop that or I will cry yourusername YOU ARE THE BEAUTIFUL ONE
ynfan1 this is not a drill she posted charles !!!!
susiewolff thank you so much again for all your support for f1 academy ❤️
yourusername absolutely no thanks needed! we always love attending the races xx charlesfan2 we as in... charles perchance?
aurelianobels16 thank you so much!!
charlesfan1 she my favourite wag for sure
yourusername really! you're so sweet !! my favourite is lando :)) landonorris Im going to regret asking but whos wag am I ? yourusername danny ric ofc! danielricciardo how could you even forget?? landonorris so sorry pookie
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vogue we caught up with @yourusername this month as part of her feature as the face of this month's vogue! This young tennis prodigy, with spanish and english heritage, is preparing to compete at wimbledon. she's on the brink of making history as the youngest grand slam winner ever!
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yourusername dammmm okay vogue making me look way cooler than I am xxx
yourusername it was truly terrifying being infront of the cameras for so long but this is such a pinch me moment, thank you vogue !!!
ynfan1 so endearing how camera shy she is, literally the best tennis player at the moment
charlesfan1 ugh cant escape her
ynfan2 @charles_leclerc hey buddy get out of the likes and publicly support your iconic girlfriend !!!
carlitosalcarazz ¡Vamos! 🎾💪
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liked by ynmyqueen and others
celebspotters it seems like half the f1 grid is in attendance for the wimbledon ladies final !
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yncarlosfan1 carlos looks soooo stressed watching this match
ynfan1 I mean thats his bestie out there !
ynfan1 YAYYYYY Charles finally you came
charlesfan wow he really brought the whole fam
landofan1 lando and his hat has me WEAKKKK
centre court, wimbledon
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
yourusername just like that a grand slam winner 🎾 🌟 🍓
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ynfan1 what a gameeee
ynfan2 your reaction had me crying in my living room
charlesfan1 no same!!! when she climbed up to charles and carlos it was game over yncarlosfan1 her climbing up the stands was so rafa in 2008 coded !
scuderiaferrari forza yn !!!
rogerfederer congrats! all that hard work payed off 💪
charlesfan2 tag yourself, Im charles sobbing with tears of joy in the stands
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charles_leclerc so proud of you, as always ❤️
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yourusername would be nowhere without your support this year charlie <33
carlossainz congrats yn !!!
landonorris killed it queen
yourusername thanks pookie xxx
pascale.leclerc.355 félicitations belle !!
yourusername merci thank you for dinner tonight <33 ynfan2 awhhhh not the fam dinner, so cute
ynfan1 awhhh hardlaunch for the grand slam
charlesfan1 charles in his wag era fr
ahhhh what do we thinkk???
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