#okami hone
creatively-storm · 5 months
For the wip game, how about: character and story ideas?
Sure! Thanks for the ask @scribbly-bear ! So, these are just mainly little unintelligible spurts, and the context is jumbled, sorry kdfjssjhbf I'll try to explain more than what the spurt says. -Mika MHA OC angst w/ her mom to an audio I saved ("I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Please don't cry" child her, when her mother is still alive.) -(Note to myself) Draw Izuku as Beetlejuice. Just do it, don't question yourself. And it better be colored! (What was I doing? I dunno??) -Warrior cat ocs. One is a warrior and falls in love with a kitty pet, and sneaks out to meet them as usual, but they're attacked by dogs and one of them dies. . . :/ (This is to an overarching story lol) -Paige's mom had her go to piano lessons when she was younger. -Okami's dad died saving people from a villain attack. (He's a police officer. Okami looks up to him a lot, and he's the reason she wants to be a hero) -Okami AU where she's accidentally adopted by the League Of Villains (Purely just so I can cause chaos and make them annoyed lol. Oh, and she doesn't have her quirk yet, so they have to deal with her biting everything and they dunno why lol)
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itsmarjudgelove · 2 years
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Age, physical appearance, and abilities are the key distinctions between geisha (geiko) and maiko.
Maiko typically looks younger than 20 and has poor conversational abilities. She also wears a more vibrant kimono with a red collar. Maiko, which is Japanese for "dancing child," refers to aspiring geisha. For a period of five years, Maiko must reside with their mother (okami-san) in the geisha lodging house (okiya). Maiko is not permitted to possess a cell phone, carry cash, or date.
What is a Maiko?
Maiko are the trainee geisha who are still honing their cultural and performance abilities. Maiko's attire draws extra attention in order to hide her inexperience and lack of understanding. Geisha attire is typically more sophisticated and understated. Maiko is forced to live with her "mother" and is solely dependent on the meager stipend she is given by the geisha house. In contrast, geisha are more self-sufficient and have their own home in the geisha communities. The pictures below show how you can tell a geisha from a maiko without any effort.
What does a geiko (geisha) do?
Professional performers of ancient Japanese arts and crafts such shamisen playing, dancing, and tea ceremony, geisha are members of recognized geisha groups. In the Kyoto dialect, geisha are referred to as geiko. "Geisha (geigi or geiko) is a traditional Japanese female entertainer, whose skills encompass many arts like dancing, singing, and playing music," according to Broma-Smenda (2014). In contrast to courtesans (yujô), geishas were exclusively trained in traditional Japanese arts and served as men's dinner companions.
The definitions of Maiko and Geisha
Gei-sha is a term for an artist, and mai-ko is a term for a dancer. Performing arts are what the word gei in gei-sha and gei-ko refers to. In this context, sha and ko essentially imply the same thing: a person. Japanese for "dancing" is mai, and -ko here denotes a young person.
Communication abilities
Maiko would generally say less and nod or smile more during a conversation because she is still in training. Geiko, on the other hand, is a master at starting and keeping up a conversation in any setting. Geisha would be aware of the kinds of talks that help their clients feel peaceful, at ease, or joyful.
cultural knowledge
Maiko would often go to the dance school and perfect her shamisen playing while there. Geiko is a skilled dancer, shamisen player, and tea ceremony expert. Geisha dance to various themes and music practically every month as the seasons and festivals change, which is why the training takes so long. Each geisha neighborhood in Kyoto has its own unique musical instrument and tea ceremonial traditions. Therefore, it is untrue that all geisha were proficient musicians.
The geiko is over the age of 20, whereas Maiko is between the ages of 15 and 20. In the past, young girls were sold to okiya at the age of 7, but because this is now prohibited in Japan, many girls join the okiya after completing junior high school, which is the minimum level of education required by law. Despite the fact that the maiko stage might occasionally span 7-8 years, the usual maiko training lasts 3 to 5 years. Therefore, maiko who are older than 20 years old do exist in Kyoto. Readers should be aware that maiko are unique to Kyoto; the maiko-stage does not exist in the other geisha districts.
The attire worn by maiko today still shows signs of the young females who formerly were. For instance, maiko typically wear a sash with a large depiction of the okiya's emblem. Due to the fact that these young girls used to become lost and that people could identify the crest to return them to their homes, the mark is very large.
Geiko typically have mature, refined appearances that are straightforward, attractive, and polished. Maiko expresses her youth and innocence in her vivid, vibrant clothing.
Face covered in white powder
Contrary to popular opinion, neither geiko nor maiko always wear white makeup, but when they do, there are variations. Maiko has a small gap between her hairline and her white-powdered skin, whereas Geiko would have a fully white face. Geiko and Maiko wore white makeup so that they could be seen clearly in the dark as there was no electricity in the past.
While Maiko, particularly Junior Maiko, only tints the lower lip crimson, Geiko colors both of her lips red. Maiko's lip makeup varies between the senior and junior versions.
eyelids that are flaming
Maiko have a recognizable red eye makeup, however geiko's redness is less prominent. The red eye makeup is frequently associated with the kabuki tradition, which frequently uses white, crimson, and black colors to stand out to viewers who may be seated far away.
rosy blush
Unlike the geiko, the maiko have pink blush on their cheeks. Maiko is supposed to always appear innocent and childlike.
Maiko has no wig on. They are need to style their own hair, which takes time and money. Maiko frequently spend the night sleeping on a piece of wood (takamakura) to preserve their hairdo. Geiko wears wigs because aging makes hair a little oily, which is hard to maintain, and style typically causes damage to hair over time.
Hair styles
The hairdo is one of the greatest distinctions between a maiko and geiko. Maiko have the wareshinobu hairdo, which is shown in the drawings, while the geiko have the shimada haircut. The hairdos of senior and junior Maiko differ. Maiko wear monthly-changing, brightly colored hair accessories with floral themes. The only hair accessory Geiko wears is a straightforward comb.
Maiko sports bira, which are silver, dangling metal hairpins. Geiko typically wears no hairpins or just uses very basic ones.
Maiko dress in a vibrant, typically flower-decorated kimono with long sleeves, as seen in the pictures, while geiko dress in a straightforward kimono with short sleeves. Maiko and geiko wear separate inner garments, as was already mentioned. Typically, the chest of the maiko is suppressed to highlight her youth and purity. Maiko and Geiko both dress in pricey, custom-made silk kimonos, which are never found in shops.
The color of the collars worn by maiko and geiko is one of their primary distinctions. Geiko wears a white collar, while Maiko wears a red collar. Because of this, when a maiko transitions to a career as a geiko, they refer to it as "turning the collar."
Sash (Obi)
A 5–7 meter long silk sash is worn by Maiko. Geiko dons a straightforward, short sash. In the winter, Maiko's outfit—with the long sash, the intricate undergarments, and the jacket—can weigh up to 15 kilograms.
Maiko wears okobo, which are tall sandals, while geiko wears zori, which are little sandals. Maiko typically wears sandals with a bell that jingles while she walks. Despite the fact that the sounds of these tiny bells may make them appear infantile, the locals refer to this sound as the sound of Kyoto streets.
How can you turn into a geisha?
The first stage in becoming a geisha is to apply to and be accepted into an okiya, where one can receive maiko training before becoming a geisha. However, it is still possible, just not typical, for foreigners to be accepted for training. Geisha are traditionally women of Japanese descent.
How do Geishas sleep?
To keep their haircut, Maiko was frequently taught to use a takamura as a pillow when they slept. Despite the fact that geiko or geisha would occasionally do the same, some choose to wear wigs because the haircut frequently wears down natural hair over time.
How can a Geisha be hired?
There are numerous opportunities to interact with geishas in Kyoto, particularly at the Kyoto Maikoya Tea Ceremony, where guests can watch geikos or maikos perform. Other opportunities include online meetings and in-person private sessions.
Why do geisha wear white makeup and have black teeth?
Geiko and Maiko wore white makeup so that they could be seen clearly in the dark as there was no electricity in the past. The black teeth, or "Ohaguro," are a custom used to indicate that a person has reached adulthood and provide a beautiful contrast to the white cosmetics. Although it is no longer done, certain geishas in Kyoto used to color their teeth.
In Japan, are geishas revered?
Geishas are highly regarded as entertainers and artists in Japan; becoming one is a lengthy and challenging process, particularly in Kyoto where the traditions are rigidly upheld
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] World of Demons (ATV)
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Okami 3???
I occasionally browse Apple Arcade to see what's been added; this time what leaped out was a title heralded as Platinum's first mobile game. Platinum of course is known for their character action games and as the successor studio to Clover, creators of Okami for Capcom. This has a very similar setting inspired by Japanese folklore and mythology, and almost identical graphic style inspired by traditional Japanese arts. After enjoying Okami and Okamiden so much, I wanted to see if this recaptured their magic at all.
It's important to reiterate at this point that this is very much a mobile game. The control scheme is simplified compared to other games from the studio to remain accessible on touchscreens, a priority for many Apple Arcade games that must be platform-agnostic. (I did play it on an Apple TV with a controller, which helped it feel better... although there's no helping the dodgy camera.) The level design is more or less simple corridors between battle arenas, with some interaction along the way: it felt like a very stripped-back Okami without the overworld.
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The overall game structure too follows trends of the platform. The game encourages replaying levels with ratings and random drops, and grinding is required at times to progress or at least make your numbers go up enough. A bonus level requires a premium currency to enter, a likely vestige of a free-to-play microtransaction-driven business model which many Apple Arcade games retain even after being retrofitted for the paid service. It never fails to give these games an uncanny feeling of being neither fish nor fowl.
Anyway. The game feels good to play, those well-honed Platinum mechanics in a more accessible framework. There's one main attack button, although different weapons have tweaked attack strings and unique special moves. The dodge button gets a lot of play with well-timed activation giving you a counter. You unlock new characters for a total of four, and they each play quite differently (I favoured a combo of the fast, range-focused shrine maiden Sayo and the cursed Buddhist monk Dohzen who is slow and strong).
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But the main gimmick of the game is the recruitable yōkai. These spirits and creatures of legend are the main enemies of the game and a constant stream of new ones keeps the battling fresh. When defeated they drop orbs which let you summon them for a one-time attack or effect. You also unlock permanent versions which can be enhanced, and each level lets you pick two per character to bring with you. (I usually made sure to pick at least one that would draw enemy aggro.) This is a fun way of customising your playstyle and experimenting with combinations, although with the length of the levels it's better to keep experimentation to the short sidequests lest you be punished for a poor choice.
The yōkai also have some use outside of battle, as there's a limited version of Okami's environmental puzzles. Some objects can be interacted with for a few items or an extra battle, but only if you have the right type of yōkai equipped. Since choices are restricted, and you might not get the right drop or know to save it, it's easy to be stuck without the right tools for these and feel left out; and replaying levels can feel a chore. It feels like a half-baked system, often punishing you for poor luck rather than rewarding you for smart play.
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The story is pretty standard demon-and-samurai stuff, with a series of amusingly improbable revelations about character relationships as you go on. It's decent enough with a bit of flair, much like the character designs. It must be noted that after four chapters building to a climax, there's a cheap undercut seemingly setting up an Okami-style next phase (complete with a "to be continued" screen as with all the other chapters), only for the game to just not have any more content. I guess they released the game unfinished, expecting to add more story in later updates, as with Castlevania Grimoire of Souls, or Shantae and the Seven Sirens? But with over a year since the last update, who knows when or if it will indeed be continued.
Either way, what's here is a neat package. In fact I'm glad it didn't drag on too long as Okami did at times. The heavily cel-shaded art style invoking traditional ink painting is a great look, and the game systems are solid save for the yōkai interactions. It's not quite an Okami 3 but there's enough DNA here for it to be maybe an Okami 2.5, and for that reason it was a cool novelty for me.
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gavin-zephyr · 1 year
Finally mustered up the courage to post this. First chapter of a long-form story I’ve been working on for a while. I’m not sure where else to publish this, so I figured I’d just dump it here for anyone looking for something to read.
The name of the book is “Many Mornings”, and it’s a modern fantasy about a school of kids who all learn a lot about themselves. It’s a story about identity, and discovering what it really means to be yourself. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1: Ladies and Gentlemen
Do you believe everything you read?
Ahem! Today... I’ll tell you the story of the school known as “Okami”. Okami was a ground for those who honed the various arts of humanity. A school to train the future leaders, defenders, and preservers of the world. Youths from all across the world were enrolled. After the students accepted enrollment the true nature of the school was revealed. Okami was indeed a school to hone talent, but also a school to train young fighters. Police reports of cult-like activity and unidentified, black creatures suddenly were being filed, almost overnight. Okami seemed to have some solution to these problems in mind. This… is the tale of that very school, and the life it sought to protect. It is a tale of kings.
Through the underground pathway, he walked. Climbing up the stairs, and out of the train station, he was accosted by a myriad of senses. The loud and busy city exuded so many sights and sounds. Sounds that even pierced through the blaring trumpets coming from his headphones. Shivering hands clenched in his pockets, he took in a deep breath through his nose. What an ever-nostalgic smell, the city air was. For a moment, nothing in the world seemed to matter; just simple ecstasy. That was, of course, until a meek breeze blew a tuft of rose-red hair into his face, tickling the bridge of the boy’s nose.
Brushing away his red threads, and pushing up his glasses, he produced a small object from his pocket: a cell phone. The boy flipped it open, shot a glance down, and returned it to his coat. Carefully, he began scanning the skyline, until he was interrupted by the exact thing he was searching for: a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his torso.
Startled, he turned completely around at the source of the hug. “There you are,” he said in a voice about a half-octave higher than one might expect. It was a girl, about a head taller than he was. She had light-brown hair that came slightly lower than her shoulders. She wore a pink cardigan, and a heavenly smile. The boy with glasses, red hair, and a high-pitched voice returned her hug, his chin perched atop her breast.
“I can’t believe it’s you, Arisato,” the girl started to well up. “It’s been so long.”
The embrace got tighter and tighter by each passing second. Though it was difficult for his lungs to create the words, the boy called ‘Arisato’ managed to reply. “I’ve missed you too, Hikaru. I’m sorry it’s been so long since you’ve seen me.” Eyes shifting over and down, a somber look wiped across his face. It was then that Arisato noticed himself tearing up as well.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Hikaru affirmed, looking him dead in the eye. “All that’s important to me is that I get to see my best friend again.” A sincere smile began to form between her blushed cheeks.
Arisato closed his eyes and mirrored her smile. “You’re right. And now that we’ll be going to school together again, you’ll be seeing a lot of me.”
Struck by urgency, Hikaru grasped her friend’s frigid hand, and sprinted back, the way she’d gotten to the station. “The dorm is only about a ten-minute walk from here,” she shouted back at her struggling friend, “but it’s almost curfew, and I’ve kind of made a habit of staying out late. I don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“She only moved into the dorm a week ago, and she already has a reputation like that?” Arisato thought to himself. “I guess she hasn’t changed much.”
“Sorry about this,” she called back. “I’ll give you a tour of the city tomorrow. I promise.”
Arisato certainly would have liked to have been able to take in the sights a little more, but it could wait. It was late, it was cold, he was tired, and he knew that this was the first day of the rest of his life. In only two days, he and his best friend were going to be students at Okami Academy. It was nothing short of an honor to be accepted into a school like that. It was something straight out of a story that Arisato would read.
Though, thoughts of doubt raced through his head. “Am I really worthy? Isn’t this a little dangerous?”
He clenched his friend’s hand and was instantly soothed by her smile. He was reassured, if not a little jealous of her. “She’s the most fearless girl I know. She’s not scared of anything. She’s so perfect.”
As soon as he’d forgotten about running, once his legs began moving to their own beat, Hikaru skidded to a halt right outside of a large building. Hedges, concealed by a metal fence, circled the perimeter of the building. Incandescent, yellow lights illuminated the spotless, slate-gray, stairs. At the top of the stairs resided a large double door, and on the red bricks next to these doors lived a bronze plaque with two words: “Aoisumire Dormitory.”
“Here it is.” Hikaru motioned toward the building. “Your new home.”
Arisato felt a well of nervousness form in his stomach. Choosing to ignore it, he joined his friend up the stairs before them. Stepping through the threshold, he was accosted by the lighted room.
Surveying the first room, it appeared to be a lounge. A green and red carpet lined the floor, and immediately to the right sat several chairs and a couch circling a long coffee table, with a television nearby. On the left, a receptionist’s desk was set up, being manned by a young, caucasian lady. She was either of American or European descent; Arisato could never tell the difference.
“Ms. Yuri,” the receptionist began, brandishing a look of annoyance, “you’re late, again.” Hikaru nervously smiled.
“Yeah, I know,” she chuckled. “But I had to pick him up from the station. He would’ve gotten lost without me.”
“What a liar. They gave me a map of the city.” Arisato thought.
“I suppose I can let this one slide, but don’t let me catch you late again, Ms. Yuri.” The receptionist turned toward Arisato. “You must be new to the dorms. May I have your name?”
“Um, Arisato.” He spoke up.
“Let’s see. Sousuke Arisato, correct?”
Arisato nodded to the woman.
“Well,” the receptionist began, “lucky for us, we have a room with exactly one empty bed.” She handed him a silver key with the number 128 engraved into it. “On the next floor up, there should be a room with that same number on your key. All of the boys’ rooms are on that floor, with the girls’ rooms on the floor above. It goes without saying, but the boys are not allowed in the girls’ dorm rooms, and vice-versa. We have your suitcase in the luggage room, which is the first door on the left on the next floor. Apart from all that, all I really have to say is to please try to get along with your roommates.”
“Thank you.” Arisato bowed, only mostly sure that all the information he had been given hadn’t just gone out the other ear.
“Oh, I nearly forgot,” the lady added. “Your first day of school is Monday, so tomorrow is your last day to pick up your uniform. And the same goes for you, Ms. Yuri.”
Hikaru smiled, sheepishly.
“I’ll make sure not to forget.” Arisato assured the woman at the counter, before bowing even lower than before. “Thank you again, ma’am.”
“Of course, Mr. Arisato. Have a good night, both of you.”
The two of them bid her goodbye and headed up the stairwell. Arisato wished his friend a good night before she ascended to the next floor. Following the directions he was told, he opened the door to the luggage room, and was greeted with a brand-new suitcase: the same suitcase he’d packed only a day-or-two ago before having it shipped away.
Clutching the suitcase’s handle, Arisato walked to the room marked 128. At the end of the hall, he found this exact door. Inserting the key, he opened the door to be greeted by three other boys.
Two of the boys sat next to each other on the bottom of one of the two bunk beds in the room. The boy on the left of the bunk was the first to speak up, almost instantly.
“Hi there!” He exclaimed. The boy had lightly-tanned skin, and ruffled, dark-brown hair. He was short enough that his legs dangled over the floor, and he had the widest pair of eyes that Arisato had ever seen.
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you.” Arisato replied.
“My name is Sun. Looks like you’re our last roommate.” This boy’s optimism was incredibly off-putting. Almost scary.
The boy on the right couldn’t have looked any different. He was tall, and very pale. His hair was groomed and a black color, darker than midnight. The most noticeable thing about him though was a long, yellow scarf wrapped around his neck. He almost looked like a character from a comic.
“And I’m Ray. It’s a pleasure,” stated the taller boy.
“My name is S-Sousuke Arisato. But most people just call me by my surname.”
Sun began speaking again. “Ray and I already decided on this bunk, so it looks like you’ll be sharing a bed with Gordon.” Arisato looked over to the other bed in the room. On the bottom bunk lay a boy with long, brown hair playing a handheld video game.
“Since we’re introducing ourselves,” he began, “I would be the Gordon in question.” Finally. Someone who looked remotely normal. However, Arisato quickly realized that with his thick-rimmed glasses and rose-red hair, he didn’t look exactly normal either.
Arisato set his suitcase on the carpeted floor before ascending the ladder to survey his new bed. He sat down on the mattress and was completely dumbfounded by how it felt. It was the most comfortable thing he’d sat on in years. And the sheets smelled just as beautiful as the mattress felt.
“This has to be a dream, right? Nothing in this world could possibly be this perfect.”
Arisato’s ecstasy was short-lived though. He was interrupted by a voice. “Is everything OK up there?” It was Ray’s voice.
Without realizing it, Arisato had somehow managed to entangle himself in his bedsheets in an act of bliss. And everyone had witnessed.
“Um, yeah. I’m sorry. I just-I wasn’t expecting it to be this comfy.” Arisato said, his face as red as his hair. “God, what a first impression.” he thought.
“Hey,” Ray chuckled, “quit blushing. No one’s upset. You must be tired. It is late after all. It’s probably close to bedtime” He spoke in such a silky manner. It was almost intimidating, but not quite malicious. Somewhere in-between.
Arisato began to lie down when he realized that he’d never changed out of his clothes. He rappelled down the ladder on his bed, before grabbing his suitcase, and starting towards the bathroom. Turning on the lights, and closing the bathroom door, he looked at himself in the mirror before disrobing.
He unbuttoned his shirt before glancing at the mirror again. He saw himself, standing alone, shirtless. His chest was not bare though; around his torso was a series of bindings. Bindings that concealed the body of a woman: Arisato’s true body.
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lordrandreaming · 1 year
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I realised I never posted him oops 😂
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First drawing is done by me, second was drawn (first!) by @geto-suguru-my-babygirl !! :D
Oc dork post incoming (probably gonna be a part 2 too for my other son 😘) Long post~ imma talk about complicated family things and some murder, its ancient japan and all prospects I talk about are the things I like thinking about :D
Content Warning: Murder, Suicide, Parent-Child manipulation plans, mpreg, infinticide.. Lovely things that you should avoid if you like the looks of NONE of these words.
To begin, this is Washirou Nobutoshi! Son of Naite Iru 'Okami' Nobutoshi, the man responsible for cursing the whole Nobutoshi bloodline. More on that later!
Washirou was born way long ago, sometime before the Hei-an period really kicked off! His father Naite is a proud nobleman essentially, but in truth he's just a rich as hell samurai. Naite started the whole samurai thing within the Nobutoshi. (Any Nobutoshi has an inborn skill that anything they see, they copy with no idea how they do it, and it's all thanks to Naite!) But he acheived his power through melding with a curse, that was created by his own hatred. Naite will receive his own post later :3
But, Naite took this curse and used it to gain respect, fear, and money all at once. Not to mention a little bloodspill from time to time was refreshing.. But this changed after Washirou was born. Washirou was born with a head of black hair, but as he aged it turned to the streaky white overpowering black it is currently.
All Nobutoshi have three things in common, one being their inborn skill, the second being their prowess with a blade, and last, their height. Typically, Nobutoshi are over 7' tall, both men and women! Gigantism runs in the family.
And so, Naite is over 8' tall, due to his technique that lets him gobble souls. Washirou is 7'6, but only after puberty does he hit such a growth spurt. Nobutoshi slightly shrank over the years, but the youngest adult Nobutoshi currently, Wakase, is 7'2.
Back to Washirou! Shirou here is different from what an actual Nobutoshi acts like. Generally, Nobutoshi are aloof, and maintain a strict schedule with a straight face. Washirou always has something to smile about, and is not what Naite had in mind for his son..
Washirou grew up not knowing anyone else but Naite. Naite was his father, and that's all he had. Washirou grew up loved, and disciplined. He is mannered.. But lazy. One could say he's the 'hippie' of the family. He's laid back, but at the same time loves a good fight. He's charismatic, and loves to brag about how cool he is..
But don't expect him to go running somewhere and being the hero. He's not some knight in shining armor- he's the next Clan head of the Nobutoshi. And he has a thing with running away from responsibility, and conflict..
Nobutoshi are Sorceror's/Curse User's, and are an opposing Clan to all known Jujutsu families. Naite planned on using Washirou as a way to wage war and become the dominant Sorceror family in Jujutsu society, of course.. He doesn't tell Washirou. But Shirou figures it out quickly.
Naite's aim was to have Washirou as honed in skill as himself, for his son should outshine his father. So Washirou became dedicated to the blade, and upon upshowing Naite, earned what should have been the Family Blade.
Forged from meteorite, the sword, Veiled Moon, was incredibly heavy. Naite had to wield it with both hands to effectively use it, but Washirou, can hold it with one hand and swing it as if feather light.
A testament to his natural strength, but as well, he too fell victim to the curse Naite wanted upon the family. Devouring the soul of a Celestial- people who were said to possess immense positive cursed energy, with the ability to see into the future through dreams and visions. Devouring the soul of a Celestial granted Naite his copy-cat nature, and thus had his son do the same.
Naite devoured many Celestials- but Washirou only consumed one. Washirou felt the curse of the Nobutoshi writhe within his very soul- but it never took hold of him fully. He persevered, and lived how he wanted to.
Washirou's hair started turning after training with Naite as a 11 year old. From then on, it only grew whiter as he lived on another year.
Washirou, the rebel non-conformist he is, falls in love with a sorceror. Not just any Sorceror- but Kenjaku himself. A common Sorceror of no real significance, just an unfortunate born man with barely a smidge of meaning to his life. All he had, was knowledge..
But meeting Washirou changed his outlook, that the sky wasn't always dark and stormy. He had a certain beauty about him, that appriciation of life, which drew Kenjaku in. The two first met, Kenjaku was only so old, being 13. He wasn't a right and proper Sorceror yet, he was simply a student beneath his master, running meaningless task errands..
He tripped and fell carrying a whole bunch of delicate scrolls. While others stared on at him, Washirou, being 16 himself, stepped in a helped pick up the scrolls. They became friend's shortly after, and became inseparable.
Washirou never once questioned the mark on Kenjaku's neck, though he was defiantly curious. He waited until Kenjaku wanted to talk about something, anything, and diligently listened to every word he had to say. All Kenjaku knew and more, Washirou wanted to hear over and over again..
It's a slow bloom of the romances, wrong feelings that have never made either Kenjaku or Washirou feel so right.
It's a secret- the two of them. One wouldn't think they were so close, but even still, they always were around eachother. You could see the fondness they had for each other, but masked it by saying they we're brother's in arms.
Secret meet-ups at the lone cherry tree over yonder, far from the village, just so they can sit and enjoy each others presence in the quiet. Kenjaku would unravel around Washirou, the one person who he could say he trusted with his life.
This didn't change- even when Naite figured them out. Washirou skipped training religiously after he beat Naite in a fight fair and square, earning his sword. But.. He's different. Each time he comes back, he seems more and more distant. Yet still, Washirou loves his after.
This however, does change. Naite hates Kenjaku, its a seething, possessive fury. Naite has only Washirou, his own lover dead and gone so soon after Washirou turned a year old. How dare this common street rat, a opposing Sorceror try to take his son! Naite despises Kenjaku, because Kenjaku changed Washirou.
Washirou only changed for the betterment of himself, and everytime conflict tried to arise between Naite and Kenjaku, he would diffuse the situation. Naite harbored no hatred twords his son- but he defiantly was annoyed.
Washirou aimed to try and break the Nobutoshi curse by finding a way he can rebirth the Celestial he devoured the soul of, and with that reborn Celestial, protect Jujutsu Society. But.. How was he going to do this?
Well, it was an accident. Kenjaku and Washirou's relationship was intimate at impoper times, but what happens when its the most opportune time? Just by sheer luck and timing, Kenjaku ended up conceiving a child. One, who was Washirou's answer to the Nobutoshi Curse.
Of course, this news was not taken very happily by Kenjaku, who knew Naite would try to kill him, or the child.. For sure, he would be successful with one of those things. He went to Tengen first to discuss his woes, and she offered him a shoulder to cry on. She couldn't protect him, however. For she is but a young sorceror herself.
Washirou wanted to remain optimistic, but he too, knew the outcome wouldn't be what they wanted. But of course- both he and Kenjaku came to the conclusion that this child, may be a Celestial. They hate to force a child into such a position- but it's the only way now.
Naite, knowing what Washirou has done, arranges a marriage, forcing Washirou to keep up the Nobutoshi family apperance, by conceiving a child with his new wife. (She was more like a friend to him, in the end. She was just happy to have a baby-)
But as Kenjaku's due date neared, tension only grew. Naite's energy began to distort and warp into mass negative cursed energy as he learned he was able to possess other's-
So what does he do? One night, while Kenjaku and Washirou were alone together, Naite possessed his own son, and taking advantage of Kenjaku's weakness and Washirou's strength, attacked him. Using Veiled Moon, Naite stabbed through Kenjaku.
Washirou, who regained some control of himself, drops Kenjaku. He is mortified- He just committed the highest sin anyone can in these times- killing one's own child, and attempting to take the life of one's lover.
And so- to redeem his actions, Washirou uses Veiled Moon and plunges it into himself. Naite, not expecting the results of his actions, in turn, tells Kenjaku that he will hunt him to the ends of japan, wherever he goes, Naite will find him again, one day.. Before Naite entirely leaves Washirou.
Kenjaku is left with a dying Washirou. His final parting words are 'I love you, never forget that...'
This is the day Kenjaku lost everything dear to him.
And so, he continued the rest of his life, unfortunate as it may be, carrying the loss of the perfect life he should have had.
Meanwhile, Washirou's second child, a son, goes on to live, becoming the running legs for the Nobutoshi line.
Thousands of years later, Kenjaku and Washirou reunite, but in different bodies. Washirou possessing his greatest grandson, Wakase Nobutoshi, and Kenjaku possessing Geto Suguru. Two fated lover's, just as they were.. Everything Washirou and Kenjaku were supposed to have, was all Waka and Geto had.
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supernovaae · 2 years
Japanese Mythological Figures to Use for Dislyte Ocs:
Yebisu, Kagutsuchi, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Raijin, Fujin, Jizo, Jurojin, Daikokuten, Hotei, Kichijoten, Ninigi, Fukurokuju, Hachiman, Myojin, Hoderi, Inari, Kannon, Jizo, Ebisu/Yebisu, Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Inari,
Other: Princess Kaguya, Momataro, Guhin/Tengu, Kitsune, Amabie, Aka Manto, Bakeneko, Enko/Kappa, Gozu and Mezu, Hakuja no Myojin, Hashihime, Hibagon, Hone-onna, Ho-o/Fenghuang, Jorogumo, Kirin, Kitsune, Tanuki, Kiyohime, Kotobuki, Genbu, Kuzuryu, Kuchisake-onna, Nekomata, Ningyo, Nue, Ogama, Okami, Oni, Seiryu, Shinigami, Suzaku, Teke Teke, Tennin, Yuki-Onna, Ninigi-no-Mikoto,
Note: Keep in mind that this list may not be accurate and/or may be missing some mythological figures because I put down what I knew and did the bare minimum of google searching.
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okamirayne · 2 years
Hello Okami, I’m a very bad writer and I would like to know how did you get so good at writing? Did you study hard to write so good? A
I also would like to know was there someone that Ibiki did like at all in the story of BTB? Lol I got really immersed in his character.
Hey there, @koiwater789 !
Thanks for your message. 🙏🏼💜
Aw, luv. Please don’t call yourself a very bad writer. 😢 Are you just starting out on the writing journey? If so, that's the last thing your poor little writer's heart needs to believe. If you've been writing for a time and feel that you're not quite where you want to be yet, then you're finding your way on your writer's journey and that looks different for every writer -- there's no comparison, especially when it comes to storytelling.
[…] how did you get so good at writing?
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Ha, my nervous humour aside, 😅😅 I am very touched to learn my writing resonates with you. Other readers have felt it to be far too purple prosey for their liking -- my point being, it's a very subjective thing. Some of my professors were super supportive and encouraging of my writing and some didn’t vibe with my style at all! Most commercial agents would’ve thrown it on the slush pile. It just goes to show it’s so personal. So please be gentle with yourself when moving from wherever you feel you presently are to wherever you want to be as a writer. You got this 💪🏼
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Yes, I did study writing and literature, and I've read a heck of a lot. Which always helps. But my best writing came when I wasn't studying the craft and I was actively practicing it. Writing the BtB series was the most intense and effective way I developed my writing…and I think that series showcases my growth as a writer. Ha. I cringe sometimes when I think over the first instalment! And I am STILL learning how to hone this craft. That never stops. It's an organic thing and it always needs pruning. But too much intellection with the craft steals the magic and joy from the process, which is what I feel the readers connect with.
So my answer to your question is; I wrote, a hell of a lot, to grow my voice and really find my way. BtB was insanely long.
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Sure, knowing the fundamentals of grammar and all that technical crap is great, but when it comes to the actual storytelling, that's intuitive and it will grow in you the more you write. Ideally for fun. Hence fanfic writing. I found it to be the perfect forum for exploring my voice and I'd massively encourage you to do that if it sits well with you.
I also would like to know was there someone that Ibiki did like at all in the story of BTB? Lol I got really immersed in his character.
Aw! That’s so awesome to hear you got so immersed with Ibiki! He was such a cool character to write.
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So very different being in his skin and headspace. As for there being someone that he liked...I'm assuming you mean romantically or sexually? Well...romance is a stretch for Ibiki given his disposition and detachment. He was attracted to Anko and had/has an ongoing ‘no-strings’ ‘thing' with her, though it’d be a massive leap to say it included any romantic undercurrent.
Hope this answers your questions, Luv! Thanks so much again! 💗 I wish you every joy and success on your writing journey 💪🏼😊!!
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feliciadraws · 2 years
Kiss The Pain Away
Okami - Waka/Mei
Fluff and Angst with a side order of spice. Mei likes to kiss Waka's scars and that's not just hot but also feelsy which is just my kind of flavour. Also Waka can be more vulnerable and open about his feelings and guilt with her, and she just wants to make him feel better and ease his pain.
Inspired by fellow writing enthusiast @mrslittletall, who kindly gave me some tips on improving my own writing and inspired me to write this as a little exercise, thank you so much!
If happiness were ever distilled, personified into a human form, then it would be her.
As delicately beautiful as a blossom flower in the spring sun, whose beauty both inner and outer could only be matched by her almost masterful talents with a brush that seemed to surpass her own young age, for Waka, a man whose soul had been crushed, mangled, and torn asunder by an unending torrent of pain, grief, guilt and torment that left scars that lay deeper and darker than any on his skin, the scars of a past filled with horrors beyond the comprehension of man, the murky storm of agony that beset his soul disguised by a flamboyant, colourful mask of a seemingly carefree smile...it was with her, his beautiful and sweet human lover, Mei, that he felt the first true glimmers of happiness in what must have been centuries.
Her glowing kindness and compassion, her bittersweet desire to heal the pain of the man she loved, the sweet, earnest love in her soul that complimented her radiantly beautiful face, just her very presence around him set his heart aglow, as if the first glimmers of sunshine in a twisting, blistering snowstorm began to peak through the unending greyness and frigid winds, signalling the beginning of spring.
They had grown close, close enough for Waka to trust her with some of his darkest, most horrific secrets, but perhaps she was blinded by her love and adoration, or just naive, but Mei rebuked Waka's blame and self-deprecation...she knew in her own heart that he was a good man and the very nature of demons, despite what little she knew of the horrific, twisted creatures of darkness that had been chasing Waka since he had been stranded in the land of mortals, she knew creatures like that loved to use those with kind hearts.
But even so, it had grown habitual for Waka to place such blame on himself, but that guilt, melded together with his resolve, his drive to make things right, that had become the blazing fire, the driving force behind his endeavours to help Nippon's people, to repent of his bloody sins, to prevent more innocent blood being spilled, spilled on his already stained hands.
It was thanks to Mei that his heart knew happiness, knew love...after so many years of shutting others out for fear that they too would succumb to a bloody fate, like so many others before...his parents, his species, the celestials...Amaterasu...Rao, Himiko...and now Mei, little defenseless Mei, so delicate in her form, built to create rather than fight...he was so driven to protect her, from man and demon alike, driven to protect the one beautiful thing he had left in his life, to hold on to her.
Mei knew this as well, and she felt safe with him, like a small, delicate bird encased in an impenetrable fortress; with Waka, she knew nothing could touch her, and she had borne witness to phenomenal his prowess with a blade, honed over centuries of training and fighting...he was a lover, a keeper, a bodyguard, and everything else rolled into one...but she could sense the pain swirling inside of him, like blackened storm clouds thundering beneath his flamboyant, playful exterior, and it was at night, when his subconscious mind was freed from the bonds of his waking life, when the demons that still haunt his soul are left unguarded, free to come out to play.
Even with her own lack of otherworldly abilities as a result of her earthly human nature, if there was one thing that could be said about Mei, is that she had a remarkable knack for sensing emotions that would normally be hidden from the world's eyes, and the closer she grew to him, the more attuned to his inner pain she grew, almost to the point where she could pick up with an almost telepathic intuition if he, in his uneasy, broken sleep, were about to fall prey to one of his frighteningly bloody nightmares that plagued his night after night after night. In the state of slumber that often followed their impassioned nighttime frolics, the brief periods in which the tormented screams of a thousand tortured souls that rang in Waka's head were truly silenced...it was in his sleep that the nightmares came to the forefront.
Mei laid next to him, not quite asleep but lacking the complete awareness of waking consciousness, her sleepy eyes flitting and blinking open, and she could sense it...like the storm clouds of torment gathering in the skies above, she could sense it. She begun to stir as she felt Waka's jittery movements ; he too was asleep, but she all to well, she knew in her senses that he was trapped in yet another nightmare. His limbs twitched with agitation, his sleeping face beset with a look of torment, he looked as if he were about to weep. He mumbled pleas upon pleas in the foreign tongue he speaks with, begging for the nightmare to cease, begging to be released from the replaying of the horrific events that he had endured centuries before, yet lingered fresh in his mind as if they happened yesterday...
Mei came to her senses, his anguish rousing her from her sleepy state, and attempted to wake him up, gently nudging him in an attempt to release him from the nightmare. "Waka...Waka...Waka, wake up..." she urged as she nudged his chest, Waka continuing to fidget as the anguish on his face grew, his pained mutterings growing louder and clearer, as did Mei's own pleas. "Waka...Waka, please wake up! Waka...WAKA...!"
With that last call of his name, his eyes shot open, and his body wrenched upwards as he was pulled from his sleep, letting out a horrendous scream as he abruptly awoke, his face looking though as if the very blood had been drained from him, his eyes wide like a deer in the sight of a hunter's arrow, his chest and shoulders heaving with heavy, weighted breaths.
"Waka...Waka...are you okay," Mei asked with empathetic concern as she tentatively cupped his fair cheek, Waka turning his gaze to her, his expression softening to a look of tenderness, the frightened image that beset his handsome face mere seconds before giving way to a sweet smile, and with a heavy sigh, he merely apologised for waking her. "Oh, did I wake you, mon amour? If I did then I do apologise..."
"Hey...it's...it's alright," Mei kindly replied, illuminating the lamp that sat beside the bed, the warm, gentle light bathing the room, "you were having another nightmare." "Oh, was I," Waka replied, almost with a smile on his face, brushing off his own pain. "Well, once again, I apologise if I awoke you, mon amour, so just...go back to sleep, okay," he added, placing a tender kiss on Mei's cheek, again dismissing his own pain, covering it with the mask of a smile.
"Look, Waka...whatever happened all those years ago...the deaths of your people, the demons...I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that...I'm sorry that you've been hurt so much..." Mei continued, her heart only wishing to ease the pain that lingered in his, shuffling behind him and placing her chin on his shoulder, embracing him from behind, her own face beset with sorrow for him. "Oh Mei...mon amour...what on earth are YOU apologising for? These things happened before you were ever born, before you were even a glimmer in your mother's eyes...the blood is on my hands, and I may never be able to wash it off..." Waka mused as he pondered her words, her empathy, her compassion.
"It's not that, it's...I just want to ease the pain...I only want to make you feel better..." Mei added, her palm resting on Waka's chest as she nuzzled her cheek into the defined curve of his neck, on the verge of tears as her heart grew heavy with the sorrow that poured its way into her at the thought of him being burdened with such pain, and yet he merely smiled...he smiled with the very same smile he wore during the daylight, the smile that masked a soul that had been ripped and torn by the claws of his inner demons but yet remained unbroken, steadfast in his resolve.
"Oh non, non, don't cry, mon amour...I don't wish to burden you with my own problems. You just close those pretty little eyes of yours and go back to sleep," Waka added as he turned to face Mei, tenderly stroking her cheek, his long fingers flirtatiously tucking a tendril of raven black hair behind her ear, the pain in his aquamarine blue eyes dissipating as his gaze lingered, sweetly looking into Mei's own inky dark eyes.
Her eyes...they were so big and dark, like wells of ink, and yet they reflected the light with a lustre that rivalled even polished onyx, at times he could almost see his own soul looking back at him. Those eyes could see, truly SEE, the man beneath the flamboyant mask he wore when facing the outside world, and yet she still loved and cared so deeply for him, even with the horrific mistakes of his past, and no matter how many times she had reassured him that everything, the extinction of the Moon Tribe, the Ark of Yamato...that none of that was his own fault, that the demons truly at the heart of it were using his kind heart, the earnest endeavour to save his friends, the family he had found in the wake of the tragedy that struck the Lunar realm, and he wished he could believe her, but the guilt had torn away at is soul to the point where he couldn't bring himself to.
But in that moment, as the two became locked in each other's sight, one looking into the eyes, into the very soul of the other, that the pain, the trauma, it truly began to fade, the nightmare he had been awoken from fading into what felt like a distant memory, just by looking at her, her face, her eyes...Waka looked at her, and every time he was captivated by her beauty, a beauty that he didn't think could be borne from this earth...her almost angelically delicate face, the wide, moon-like inkwells of her eyes, the lengthy locks and tendrils of her raven black hair draping over her soft, petite, shoulders...she was almost reminiscent of a porcelain doll in her beauty, yet she was a living, breathing, feeling being with a beating heart and a quiet, beautiful soul, so delicate and sweet, a reminder that such untainted beauty could still be found in a world ravaged by demons.
Likewise, Mei found herself equally entranced by the otherworldly beauty before her, a beauty that the eyes of an artist could see in a way that few others could. Each and everyone of Waka's features was so exquisitely unique and striking, and yet so beautiful and elegant, she so desired to capture his beauty on paper, and had painted his face numerous times, but even so, she was at a loss as to how her mortal hands could capture his celestial beauty on a canvas when here he was before her, bare chested and bathed in the warm glow of the lamp light...his aquamarine blue eyes glimmering like gemstones in the light, lustrous locks of golden hair draped over his muscled shoulders like streams and waterfalls of liquid gold, the gentle glow of the lamp casting shadows and highlighting the elegant features and structure of his face, the definition of his deliciously toned, lithe, sinewed muscles highlighted in light and dark contrast...this man truly was a living breathing work of art. How could such beauty truly be done justice by a mere mortal artist?
And there it was again, the knife of the thoughts of pain and trauma piercing Mei's heart...she wondered why, why anything would wish to hurt something so lovely? But from what she had come to learn, and from what Waka had told her, it was clear that the jealous blades of black-hearted men and the vile demons that stalked this earth detested anything beautiful, and it was clear to see as she looked upon the many battle scars that criss-crossed Waka's pale, smooth skin. She saw the scars, a collection of slashes, sword cuts, stab wounds of various sizes and lengths, and was stung with sorrow at the thought of the pain, the countless battles he endured over the years, facing down man and demon alike. She knew she couldn't undo his past, or make the pain go away in it's entirety, but she could ease it, and it seemed as though she was the first person in the entire two centuries Waka had been stuck down on this earth to make him feel something he thought he had forgotten...happiness.
Without a word on their lips, but the love burning alive in their hearts drawing them together, Mei gently inched closer to him and placed a kiss on one of the scars on his firm chest, as if to kiss away whatever pain may have been lingering in those scars. Waka's lips creased into a smile, almost releasing a giggle as if the touch of her kiss tickled. Mei let out a cheeky giggle as she caught notice of his little smirk, and met his gaze, this time a glimmer of tenderness tinged with a sweet mischief in her eyes. She continued, placing another kiss on another scar next to it, and then moving to a scar that ran over his shoulder and almost reached his chest, her lips perfectly fitting around the defined ridge of his sharp collarbones as she kissed the scar. Waka smiled, letting out a heavy breath as she continued to kiss his scars, Mei's own body quivering as the sorrow of sympathy gave way to a distinctly sweet yet nevertheless empathetic desire, her breath warm and heavy against his skin.
She moved to his left arm, this time tracing the curve of his bicep and kissing the large trio of claw marks that had ripped their way across his arm, recalling the story of how those came about as a result of an attack from a rampant monkey demon, perhaps stronger than a mere imp, but he was lucky to have retained the use of that arm, only those three scars remaining in place of the horrific wound that the claws of a demon would have undoubtedly left.
Her lips moved up his arm, gently kissing the toned muscle, each little touch ushering a small giggle as if he was feeling a tickle from each one. Waka's smile grew bigger and brighter as she continued to tickle him with these sweet little kisses, Mei's own heart almost feeling the joy that had begun to fill him as the agony of the nightmare from which he had awoken mere minutes ago faded as if it had been covered in a serene white mist, not to be seen until the next time his trauma-riddled subconscious would be allowed to rear it's ugly head.
Waka's hand gently brushed past Mei's cheek as their faces met, eyes locked in each other's gazes, and where there was once a cloud of sorrow that muddied the almost oceanic glimmer in his blue eyes, there was now a sparkle of joy, the joy that Mei's playful kisses had bought him. Mei's smile, so sweet and loving, so tender with sympathy, only grew as they continued gazing into each other's eyes...
"Such beauty...among many things..." Waka gently whispered, his hand still lingering on her cheek, adding with a cheeky snicker, "it seems as though you have a talent that few in this world have, mon amour." "And what would that be," Mei asked in reply, wondering what he could be wishing to say. His smile, the come-hither glimmer in his eyes...she felt as if she didn't wish to spoil such a moment as this with questions, but before she could even think another word, Waka leant in and placed a passionate, deep kiss on her lips, her heart suddenly leaping with amorous delight.
As he broke away from that heated kiss, Waka, the smile on his face small and gentle yet radiating pure joy, his lips so close to hers that they caught the feel of his warm breath as he spoke, finally decided to elaborate - "why, mon amour...you can kiss the pain away."
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
I was reading your latest post. Does Ienaga not use gendered pronouns to refer to herself? Or are they ambiguous and you decided to use male pronouns?
I stared at this ask blinking like an idiot for a while because, as far as I’m involved, I gender Ienaga as female and it was a while I didn’t write about her so I couldn’t understand what where you talking about and I feared I messed up pronouns again (in my mother tongue we tend to skip them... as a result my use of them in English is... messy to say the least and I have to go through the text twice to make sure I have put them in and put them correctly) until it clicked in.
The convicts list post.
Sorry, I didn’t think at it because the old part is copypasted by the first list I made.
That one... is  a bit of a special case.
Anyway sorry for the digression and let’s deal with your ask.
One of the most terrible problems of dealing with Japanese text is that Japanese is gendered in ways that are different from English (or my own mother tongue)... and manga/anime not necessarily use the most common speech (you can find in manga/anime a large amount of character using ‘ore’, which is actually not so common if you go in Japan).
Back to the problem at hand...
If someone has further information I welcome them wholeheartedly. What follows is what I’ve been able to find and what I’ve asked other people with better Japanese knowledge to check for me (but I couldn’t really demand an in deep analysis of the story from them so something could have gone missing) but this was also some time ago so more material could have come up. Or something could have gone missing or understood wrong. Whatever. If you’ve new INFO just please share.
So now, let’s start.
From what I could find Ienaga uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし/私 “I”).
‘Watashi’ can be used by females (Asirpa, the first client Ienaga had, Umeko, Inkarmat, Sofia (when her Russian dialogues are translated in Japanese)), but also by males (Hijikata, Makanakkuru, Nagakura, Tsurumi [who alternates it with ‘ore’], Sugimoto’s dad).
Long story short... it tells us nothing as it can be used by both sexes as it’s a first person pronoun that merely remarks a certain formality and politeness, which is kind of mandatory in female speech but can also be used in male speech (hence the many males who use it).
I don’t really like to say Noda had Ienaga use ‘watashi’ to make Ienaga’s gender ambiguous.
Ienaga, from the little I could notice and from what I’ve been told, uses usually formal speech (Ienaga also tends to use ‘anata’ to say “you”, or name + ‘-san’ which again, is formal), which just fits with Ienaga, who’s a doctor (and who, to become one should have come from a family well off that could pay all the studies required to get a degree), therefore likely formal speech was the norm to Ienaga.
Are there other things we can use to know if Ienaga defines as male or female?
Well, when working as the ‘Sapporo Murder Hotel’ Ienaga says to her customers ‘Okami no Ienaga... tomōshimasu’ (女将の家永... と申します “My name is... Ienaga, the proprietress”).
‘Okami’ is gendered, it’s a female noun but in that setting Ienaga is disguising as a the hotel’s owners’ son’s widow, so it doesn’t tell us much.
I couldn’t find Ienaga using another gendered noun that we could use to gather if Ienaga identifies as female or as male.
Again this isn’t necessarily a deliberate attempt at keeping things ambiguous, the same would apply for many other characters, we just don’t realize it because we’re confident we know which is their gender because they all present themselves in a way that conforms with the expectations we’ve for them completely or, at least, enough we’re confident they are what’s written on the tin.
On an interesting note multiple characters, when not saying just ‘Ienaga’/‘Ienaga-san’, have referred to her as ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) which is a gendered male noun also in situations where they didn’t need to be rude, with no one correcting them, which seems to imply they weren’t told to address to Ienaga using female nouns.
This might mean Ienaga didn’t ask to be addressed as female.
There’s to say that although Ienaga is always listed as “Ienaga Kano” or, at best “Ienaga Kano (Chikanobu)”, Noda, in a Q&A, said that ‘Kano’ is Ienaga’s ‘gimei’ (偽名 “alias/false name”) and that her ‘honmyō’ (本名 “true name”) is ‘Chikanobu’.
Long story short it’s entirely possible Ienaga continued to present herself as Chikanobu, a male, wearing a female disguise, ‘Kano’, while among the Hijikata group.
This seems to be confirmed by the fanbook which says:
‘Ikken suru to zetsuyo no bijo daga, Hijikata ya Nagakura ni yowai chikai dansei de aru.’
‘At first glance, (Ienaga) is a beautiful woman, but (in truth) is a man who is close in age to Hijikata and Nagakura.’
I might have of course missed something, there’s plenty of Japanese text in the fanbook but that’s what I could find.
Men who dressed as females but didn’t identify as such had existed and still exist, so it’s possible this is what Noda was aiming to get when he created Ienaga.
When talking with Ushiyama Ienaga says ‘Ushiyama... you’ve spent your life honing your body, so I’m sure you can understand... when I was young I was so strong and so beautiful. I was even willing to steal from others just to cling to that old, perfect me. What about you, Ushiyama? How long has it been since you were perfect?’
This seems to imply Ienaga’s goals were to have back youth, beauty and strength so as to be perfect again.
The body parts she eat come from both males and females so it doesn’t seem there’s a special tie to a specific gender, but they’re chosen for their purposes, like eating Ogata’s eyes because they can see well, or Asirpa’s eyes because they’re beautiful.
So, if anything, Noda defined Ienaga as a male.
Of course an argument could be made that Noda is talking only of the sex and not of the gender, which might lead people to decide ‘he’ isn’t the right pronoun to use and to go for ‘she’ or ‘they’ when talking about Ienaga.
It’s really up to everyone.
As far as my current interpretation goes I say that I believe Ienaga lived as Chikanobu, a male, and identified as such, up until there was the big convict escape. Then ‘Kano’ was created, at first as a disguise... but ultimately ‘Kano’ slowly became Ienaga’s true identity.
Ienaga’s goals are told twice, once in the Ienaga’s arc and those are just going back to being ‘strong and beautiful and perfect’ but the other time is during the ‘Inkarmat’s escape’ arc. Ienaga actually strived after her mother, she wanted to become her, perfection for her was ‘getting pregnant and able to give birth’, not just getting ‘strong and young’.
Inkarmat will become perfect because she’ll give birth, not because she’s young.
There’s no mention Ienaga used to dress as a woman before becoming a convict (we’re told Heita occasionally behaved like a woman while in prison but nothing about Ienaga acting as such), yet the ‘Kano’ disguise isn’t discharged when she’s captured by Tsurumi.
I think that’s because by then Kano wasn’t anymore a disguise, it was her and Chikanobu was no more. Maybe, if Ienaga had managed to help Inkarmat to give birth to her baby, this could have helped her further. Part of her denial of identifying as a female was probably due to society expectations but part was also self imposed.
The image of a woman as someone who gives birth was something that was even stronger back then than it is now. Ienaga knew she could never give birth and in her mind this took shape as her never being able to become a woman.
Of course though, this is just my interpretation of how things went for Ienaga, of how for her the story of GK was just a travel toward accepting who she really was and the fact she realized she was Kano happened late in her life didn’t make it less true.
The fanbook doesn’t cover the whole of GK, it more or less stop at chap 224, with Boutarou’s apparition. Characters like Tomoharu or Tanigaki’s daughter aren’t included, so Noda’s description of Ienaga could have been very well not updated to chap 229.
On the other side I can very well be wrong and Ienaga be meant to be just a man who likes to dress as a female... and others might even see Ienaga as someone who’s agender or just be more confortable with genderless pronouns.
Currently there’s enough ground for each of those possibilities... unless someone found info I’m missing.
I’ve no idea where the Japanese fandom stands in this situation and how they view Ienaga... but for them the problem might be simple because they don’t have to use gendered pronouns, so they can comfortably and respectfully discuss of Ienaga without having to discuss about which pronoun they should use.
Still, if someone has info on how they view Ienaga I would be glad if they were to share it. As they deal solely with the original text they surely have a better grasp on it than what I can ever hope to get.
Back to the convict post... that one was poorly worded, yes. Back in the far past that was meant to be a note just for myself saying something along the line of ‘Ienaga Chikanobu’s crime was...’ and so on for all the others and since even back then I believed as long as she had been Chikanobu Ienaga gendered herself as male the sentence was gendered as such. Then the notes were modified and rearranged so as to fit it in the convict post but my not English speaking brain didn’t realize with the changes I made that sentence would become confusing due to the pronoun which now seemed to refer to Ienaga Kano.
Sorry about that and thank you for the head up.
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Mondays 10:30am MST
Romantic, school, comedy
Seton Academy, a school where animals of all species gather to live and learn together. A sacred garden of learning, where students hone their primal instincts and the laws are of the jungle. Where species pit against species in a daily struggle for survival... Now enter the animal-hating human Jin Mazama, and the lonely wolf Ranka Okami. When man meets wolf in an encounter for the ages, this food chain is about to be shook. “Species shmecies! If we’ve shared face-licks, you’re a friend to me! Welcome to the pack!”
First Impressions
I think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel with the formula for the high school romantic comedy genre.  And by formula, I really mean it, these shows are so lazy they don’t even bother changing anything about the plot.  Isn’t this literally just Rosario + Vampire but with animals instead of monsters?  Boy meets girl, they hate each other, girl inexplicably likes boy for some miniscule reason, girl stalks boy, girl saves boy from some threat, boy begrudgingly joins whatever club girl is trying to get him to join.  Sprinkle in some WACKY misunderstandings with a third wheel and you’ve got your stock standard first episode of every high school romcom anime.  Can I just be real with you guys for a second though?  Please fucking stop with this trope in anime where the guy is an asshole to the girl but she falls for him anyway.  Another thing, if you’re going to make a show about kemonomimis, don’t make the males of the species look like actual animals standing on two feet.  You gotta commit to it all the way one way or the other, cowards.
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ravenousblade · 5 years
[ throat ]
Aiden had indulged too much, slipping into the murky, suffocating depths of her darkest desires left buried in her soul. Venom flooding her mouth, throat, sinking into her veins–claiming her mind with a vicious grip. 
The urge to kill. Insatiable itch underneath her flesh that made her want to scratch, claw until she tore through skin and muscle. It was not a good time to encounter another person, someone who could bleed on her blade and satisfy the abyssal lust within the depraved soul of her. Her years of tolerance, meant nothing in the face of what her mind called out as a victim. Despite her effort to keep her murdering to hostile opponents, Aiden was the one falling victim to her own darkness. 
But he was no helpless mortal like the others countless centuries ago who fell on her blade with pleas and cries on their stained lips and despair in their fading eyes. Aiden lunged forward, Ethis in her hands, with inhuman agility and force.
He reacted without honed reflexes, dodging her initial attack and without hesitation readying his own blade. 
The fight began, a clash with unrelenting strength on each side. Okami moved with blinking sped, his each counter and strike landing with brutal intent. Aiden expected nothing less, unflinching as he painted the ground with her blood. Her desperate soul was indiscriminate that even her own blood being spilled thrilled it. 
Predictability was not something to be relied on in a battle with him. The edge of his blade torn into her wrist, forcing her to drop Ethis, the black katana hitting the ground. Aiden hit the ground with painful force as he kicked her feet from out under her. Descending down upon her, a reverse of roles, it felt as if he was the demon his gauntlet covered hand gripping her neck, digging into her skin with a threatening promise. 
“Are you done?” His deep voice was firm, menacingly serious as he glared down at her. 
Aiden huffed, taking a deep breath, her silence was met with the tightening of his hold–close to catching off her air. The natural instinct in her was to fight. Snarl. Growl. Defy. But she had been the one who attacked him, fueled by her demonic blood. 
“Yes” It was a brief struggle but she smothered her twisted desire back into the depths of her mind. Forgotten at the moment. Aiden relaxed, her eyes returned to their moonlight hue and no sign of decayed flesh on her body, her dark soul was calmed for now. 
His hand had not yet moved, Aiden reached up grasp his wrist, offering up a truthful and sincere apology. “I am sorry for attacking you, I was weak and overwhelmed by my own bloodlust.“ 
He released her slowly, moving, putting distance between them. Unfortunately given different circumstances, his hand around her throat would’ve been welcomed, desired tethered to sinful delights and desires. 
Aiden couldn’t even promise or swear something like this would never happen again. She was a demon entwined and cradled in darkness, to entertain her company was to entertain danger.
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creatively-storm · 5 months
MHA OC Okami transformation?
Ofc! Thank you for the ask @masterfuldoodler ! Okami Hone; Okami meaning wolf in Japanese and Hone meaning bone in Japanese. (Pronounced Oh-kaw-me Hoe-nay because I had to look it up lol) So, Okami is my My Hero Academia OC that I've been obsessing over lately, and her quirk is kinda like a werewolves. She's kinda like a hybrid normally (Neko I guess, but wolf?) Since her father was one of the straight up mutant quirks and basically an anthro wolf. So she has wolf ears, tail, claws, and wolf features always. But, her mother has a transformation quirk, and she can transform into essentially any living thing (No plants or inanimate objects) and Okami can transform into a wolf. Not super-powered or anything, she's just literally a wolf when she transforms. She can't talk in that form, though she can tell what's going on around her and understand what others say. If she switches between forms a lot however, she can get exhausted pretty easily.
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Oh - oh - oh… Now we’re playing in the Pro League! This is my first, humble, decent artwork made with a computer drawing tool. The 2-hit combo I’m on right now consists of the amazing Wacom Intuos Art tablet & pen kit (easy to install, easier to configure, actually smooth like a pen on paper - FOR REAL!) and the small yet powerful and extremely complete program known as Krita, version 3.1.3. .
I tried to portray an old canine friend: here’s Amaterasu from Okami, with the Divine Retribution reflector on her back and her trusty sidekick Issun jumping around.
…Now that I think of it, I see that I made her look like a doberman rather than a wolf. Oops… Sorry, Ammy. My Celestial Brush techniques got pretty rusty - not that I can even call ‘em “techniques”, honestly.
In a few words, it’s gonna be a long time of study and trials before I can express Krita’s full potential, honing my skills and waiting to get something good out of it.
In the meanwhile, I’ll simply try to have fun! Hope to post more (better!) stuff in the next days.
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yuurivoice · 8 years
honey-okami replied to your audio post “~Rin Matsuoka Demo Reel~ I totally meant to include some NSFW noises...”
THIS IS SO GOOD. I can almost hear Rin's sharp teeth. But I think his 'everyday' voice usually sounds deeper than here ? Idk it's maybe just me but the acting's really good and.. The way you say the words somehow completely fits the character. Keep it up!
phairora replied to your audio post
“~Rin Matsuoka Demo Reel~ I totally meant to include some NSFW noises...”
I think this sounds similar the japanese voice actor but what really is important is the acting - full marks on that. It sure is different from Yuuri's/Yoosung's higher voices. Still I think it would be awesome to hear more!
I’ll admit, I was only sampling angry/emotional Rin scenes to get a lock in on his voice (original Japanese only because...lol...) so I do need to revisit and hone the casual speaking voice. I struggle getting my voice to go lower or higher, sometimes. I’m glad that the acting was enough to make up for any faults. I appreciate the comments. 
Someone asked if I’d ever do RinSou stuff, and absolutely. That’s my #2 ship behind Reigisa so absolutely I’ll do that sometime. 
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swagustus-caesar · 8 years
17, 18, 19
What game do you never tell people you play?
I can’t think of any games which I actively avoid admitting to having played. The only games that fit the bill here are ones so obscure most of the conversations I have about them are short, if they even take place.
Okami and Kirby Triple Deluxe are the only games I can immediately think of, but there are certainly more.
A game you wish your friends knew about?
Rune Factory 4. It’s a fun game with lots of things to plant/cook/gather, skills to hone, and cool people to befriend, but you do have to pray to RNG for events.
EDIT: fun fact, if you hover your mouse over my icon, you can see one of my photoshop adventures involving Rune Factory.
Which game do you think deserves a revival?
Of all the game series I have emotional attachments to, Rune Factory, with its uncertain future, is the closest to being dead, and thus in need of revival.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
New Cast Members Have a Whale of a Time on Seton Academy: Join the Pack! TV Anime
  Two more cetacean cast members have been revealed for Seton Academy: Join the Pack!, a currently broadcasting TV anime based on the animal school comedy manga by Bungo Yamashita about a boy who hates animals forming a pack with a lonely wolf girl at an academy where the only rule is survival of the fittest. The new cast members include:
    Miho Okasaki as Kana Shiraumi, a female beluga whale person.
    And as Riku Kinugawa as Ruka Bando, a female bottlenose dolphin person.
    Crunchyroll describes the story of Seton Academy: Join the Pack! as follows:
  Seton Academy, a school where animals of all species gather to live and learn together. A sacred garden of learning, where students hone their primal instincts and the laws are of the jungle. Where species pit against species in a daily struggle for survival... Now enter the animal-hating human Jin Mazama, and the lonely wolf Ranka Okami. When man meets wolf in an encounter for the ages, this food chain is about to be shook. “Species shmecies! If we’ve shared face-licks, you’re a friend to me! Welcome to the pack!”
    The original Seton Academy: Join the Pack! manga is serialized on the Cycomics website. The Seton Academy: Join the Pack! TV anime is directed by Hiroshi Ikehata and features animation production by Studio Gokumi. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan, and it is also available via streaming on Crunchyroll as part of the Winter 2020 simulcast lineup.
Official Seton Academy: Join the Pack! TV anime home page and Twitter feed (@anime_seton)
  Copyright notice: © Bungo Yamashita・Cygames/Anime "Seton Academy: Join the Pack!" Production Committee
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
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